HomeMy WebLinkAboutUWI122MN.docx 1 BOISE, IDAHO, MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1996, 9:30 A. M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Good morning, ladies 5 and gentlemen. This is the time and place set for 6 hearing in Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case 7 No. UWI-W-95-2, in the matter of the application of 8 United Water Idaho, Inc. for approval of an agreement to 9 exchange service areas and to amend and revise 10 certificate of convenience and necessity No. 143. 11 The first thing we'll do this morning is 12 take the appearances of the parties. Would you like to 13 start, Mr. Bergquist? 14 MR. BERGQUIST: Yes. Kenneth G. Bergquist, 15 attorney for the applicant. 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 17 Mr. Kline. 18 MR. KLINE: Thank you. Barton L. Kline of 19 the Evans, Keene law firm appearing on behalf of the 20 Coventry Association, the Gary Lane Meadows Homeowners 21 Association and the Pierce Park Meadows Homeowners 22 Association. 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Can we call you the 24 Homeowners Associations? 25 MR. KLINE: That would be great. 1 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: And Mr. Woodbury. 2 MR. WOODBURY: Scott Woodbury, Deputy 3 Attorney General, for Commission Staff. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: All right, and you, 5 sir, in the back. 6 MR. STRICKLING: Doug Strickling, Boise 7 City Attorney's Office, representing the intervenor Boise 8 City and the City of Boise. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Are you making an 10 appearance here, Mr. Strickling, or are you just here to 11 see if we're going to grant your motion? 12 MR. STRICKLING: I'm here to see if you're 13 going to grant the motion and I'll be sitting through 14 watching. 15 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Well, if we don't 16 grant your motion, you could ask questions, so it's your 17 choice. 18 MR. STRICKLING: We would renew our motion 19 to withdraw. 20 MR. BERGQUIST: The applicant has to no 21 objection to the motion. 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: The Commission will 23 grant your motion, Mr. Strickling, to withdraw as a party 24 in the case, so I won't be calling on you to ask 25 questions. 2 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 MR. STRICKLING: Thank you. 2 COMMISSIONER SMITH: All right, I guess 3 the -- are there any preliminary matters that need to be 4 taken up before we go to the applicant's case? 5 COMMISSIONER NELSON: I have one, 6 Madam Chair. 7 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Yes, 8 President Nelson. 9 COMMISSIONER NELSON: Thank you. Before 10 the proceeding gets underway, why, I want to disclose to 11 the party and any members of the public present that I 12 reside in the area served by Garden City that's the 13 subject of this case. I've been advised by the Attorney 14 General that this situation does not represent a conflict 15 of interest pursuant to the Ethics in Government Act and 16 I have determined that I am able to render an impartial 17 decision in this matter. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I guess this would be 19 the time if any of the parties object to 20 Commissioner Nelson's statement to so state for the 21 record. 22 MR. BERGQUIST: The applicant has no 23 objection. 24 MR. KLINE: No objection. 25 MR. WOODBURY: Staff has no objection. 3 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay, with that, then, 2 Mr. Bergquist, we'll go to the applicant's case. 3 MR. BERGQUIST: I do have one, I think, 4 preliminary matter. The rebuttal testimony that was 5 filed on behalf of Mr. Healy, Mr. Booe and Mr. Brown 6 erroneously in the lower right-hand corner showed it as 7 the direct testimony rather than rebuttal testimony. It 8 was an oversight which we didn't catch, of course, until 9 after it was filed. 10 We call Mr. Booe. 11 12 WAYNE L. BOOE, 13 produced as a witness at the instance of United Water 14 Idaho, Inc., having been first duly sworn, was examined 15 and testified as follows: 16 17 DIRECT EXAMINATION 18 19 BY MR. BERGQUIST: 20 Q Would you state your name, please, sir? 21 A My name is Wayne Booe. I'm president of 22 United Water Idaho and my current address is 8248 West 23 Victory in Boise. 24 Q And have you prepared and prefiled 25 testimony concerning this matter, Mr. Booe? 4 CSB REPORTING BOOE (Di) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 A Yes, I have. 2 MR. BERGQUIST: With that, does the 3 Commission desire to have the testimony spread on the 4 record? 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Are you asking for the 6 direct? 7 MR. BERGQUIST: Yes. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: If there's no 9 objection, we would spread the direct testimony upon the 10 record as if read. 11 MR. BERGQUIST: Thank you. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Bergquist, would 13 it be your desire to save the rebuttal and do that 14 later? 15 MR. BERGQUIST: I believe so, 16 Commissioner Smith. 17 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. 18 (The following prefiled testimony of 19 Mr. Wayne Booe is spread upon the record.) 20 21 22 23 24 25 5 CSB REPORTING BOOE (Di) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q Please state your name and business 2 address. 3 A Wayne L. Booe. My business address is 8248 4 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho 83709. 5 Q By whom and in what capacity are you 6 employed? 7 A I am employed by United Water Idaho Inc. as 8 President and General Manager. 9 Q How long have you been employed by the 10 Company? 11 A Since September, 1973. During April, 1995 12 our company name changed from Boise Water Corporation to 13 United Water Idaho. 14 Q Would you please state your educational and 15 business background? 16 A I was graduated from Joplin Junior College, 17 Joplin, Missouri in 1961, and subsequently attended 18 Missouri Southern State College where I majored in 19 Business. I have also completed special courses in 20 financial management, National Association of Regulatory 21 Utility Commissioners seminars and workshops relative to 22 the Regulation of Water Utilities, and other trade 23 related seminars. 24 On July 1, 1959 while attending college, I was 25 hired as a laborer with Joplin Waterworks Company, 6 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 Joplin, Missouri. Between July 1959 to November 15, 1969 2 I remained with Joplin Waterworks Company and continued 3 my education. Throughout this period, I worked in 4 various positions which included Laborer, Meter Reader, 5 Meter Repairman, Meter Shop Foreman, Customer Serviceman, 6 Equipment Maintenance Man, Water Treatment Operator, High 7 Service Pump Operator, Laboratory Technician, and 8 Superintendent of Production. I served as President of 9 the Local Union for a one-year period. 10 11 / 12 13 / 14 15 / 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 On November 15, 1969 I accepted a position as 2 instructor at Water and Wastewater Technical School, 3 located at Crowder Junior College, Neosho, Missouri. I 4 was primarily engaged in the training of water plant 5 operators. I was also responsible for several short 6 courses designed to acquaint professional engineers, 7 foreign country designees, and others to the water and 8 wastewater treatment field. I also worked with personnel 9 from Department of Interior - U.S. Parks. I earned Class 10 "A" waterworks operator's certificates from two states. 11 On September 1, 1971 I accepted a position with 12 General Waterworks Corporation as local manager of 13 Russellville Water Company, Russellville, Arkansas. At 14 that time, the system served about 4,500 customers. 15 On July 1, 1972 I was promoted to the position of 16 Manager of Capital City Water Company, Jefferson City, 17 Missouri. At that time, the system served about 8,000 18 customers. 19 On October 1, 1973 I was promoted to the position 20 of Vice President and Manager of Boise Water Corporation 21 in Boise, Idaho. At that time the system served about 22 26,000 customers; today there over 56,000 customers. 23 During 1983 I also assumed administrative 24 responsibility for 2 water systems in the State of 25 Washington. The companies were sold during 1986, and I 8 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 was promoted to President of Boise Water Corporation, a 2 position I enthusiastically accepted and hold today. 3 On January 1, 1990 I was promoted to the position 4 of Western Region Vice 5 6 / 7 8 / 9 10 / 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 President and I had the administrative responsibility for 2 Boise Water Corporation as well as companies located in 3 New Mexico, Arkansas, Missouri and Illinois. 4 Q What is the purpose of your testimony 5 today? 6 A The purpose is twofold. First I would like 7 to describe the development of our water company and 8 service as we enjoy it today. Second, I would like to 9 discuss the proposed acquisition of some of Garden City's 10 water facilities and what prompted the company to 11 consider the acquisition. 12 Q Will you briefly explain the history of 13 United Water? 14 A Our water utility has provided domestic 15 water source in Boise and adjacent areas in Ada County 16 since 1890. In 1945 it became a subsidiary of General 17 Waterworks Corporation. During 1994, General Waterworks 18 parent GWC Corp. was acquired by United Water Resources 19 Inc. Boise Water Corporation became a subsidiary of 20 United Water Resources Inc. In March, 1995 the Company's 21 name was changed from Boise Water Corporation to United 22 Water Idaho Inc. 23 Q Would you please describe the operations of 24 United Water Idaho? 25 A United Water Idaho provides water service 10 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 and fire protection to approximately 56,000 residential, 2 commercial, industrial, private fire protection and 3 public authority customers within the City of Boise and 4 the immediate surrounding area. Currently, our source of 5 supply is 59 deep wells, 1 water treatment plant and 1 6 Ranney collector well system. Our sources are 7 strategically located throughout our 100 square mile 8 service area. The combined pumping capacity of all of 9 our sources is approximately 78 million gallons per 10 11 / 12 13 / 14 15 / 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 day. The distribution system consists of approximately 2 700 miles of water mainline varying in size from 2 inches 3 to 30 inches in diameter. The system is also provided 4 with about 28 million gallons of storage capacity 5 contained in 26 ground level reservoirs. Because of our 6 system design, we have back-up capabilities which would 7 allow us to continue providing service in the event of 8 one or more source failures. 9 Q Why is United Water pursuing an acquisition 10 of Garden City's water facilities as outlined in the 11 company's application? 12 A Primarily the areas of acquisition and 13 divestment, as outlined in the company's application, 14 have been the source of community problems and confusion 15 between Garden City and Boise City over the past several 16 years. In my opinion, the confusion is directly 17 attributed to the growth being experienced by both 18 cities. By allowing United Water to make the acquisition 19 of specified Garden City facilities, and by allowing 20 United Water to divest itself of specified water 21 facilities which are situated within Garden City, a 22 service dispute which has lasted 20 years can be brought 23 to an acceptable resolution. I feel the acquisition and 24 divestment of these facilities will enhance harmony 25 between the cities of Boise and Garden City and reinforce 12 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 the prevailing and positive spirit of Mayors Coles and 2 Ellis. 3 Q Will you give a short history of the area 4 which has been the subject of dispute for the past 20 5 years? 6 A The company first committed to serve the 7 area known as `Millstream Subdivision' during the latter 8 1970's. Shortly thereafter, Garden City began a policy 9 of extending its 10 11 / 12 13 / 14 15 / 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 municipal water system into the area(s) west of Glenwood 2 Boulevard, north of State Street and south of Hill Road 3 with the expectation it would annex, or at least provide 4 water service to, areas between Pierce Park Lane and 5 Highway 55, and into the areas west of Glenwood 6 Boulevard. An anticipated annexation was the area 7 encompassing Millstream Subdivision. The areas north of 8 State Street and south of Hill Road were proposed by 9 Garden City to be included within its area of impact, and 10 was distinguished as such within their comprehensive 11 planning. The mayor of Garden City, at the time, was Ray 12 Eld. Throughout several meetings between Mayor Eld and 13 me, I was constantly asked to abandon our service within 14 the Millstream area, and to relinquish control to Garden 15 City. At the time, Richard Eardley was mayor of the city 16 of Boise, and Boise made it known they would like to 17 maintain the areas of impact and in accordance with 18 Boise's comprehensive plan. The ensuing years of city 19 boundary and impact disputes resulted in uncertainty over 20 who could or should be providing water service into these 21 zones. As I recall the matter ended up in court, and I 22 believe the resolution was a mutual agreement to allow 23 the residents to decide whether they should live in 24 Garden City or Boise. During the 1980's, While Mayor 25 Dirk Kempthorne was serving Boise and Mayor Jay Davis was 14 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 serving Garden City, an election was held through which 2 the residents of the area between Pierce Park and Highway 3 55 voted to be included in the Boise City area of impact. 4 Even so, Garden City continued the expansion of its water 5 system into the area after the Boise City area of impact 6 had been determined. Although the unincorporated areas 7 within the proposed service territory were within the 8 City of Boise 9 10 / 11 12 / 13 14 / 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 15 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 area of impact, the cities agreed to discuss 2 renegotiating service to the areas. During 1991, several 3 developers came to the company and asked us to extend our 4 certificated service boundaries into the area to provide 5 service to their respective subdivisions. The company 6 filed an application with the Commission, in Case 7 BOI-W-91-2 and the City of Boise, through its elected 8 officials, supported the application. Garden City 9 intervened in the case. The Commission issued Order 10 No. 24109 on January 24, 1992 which authorized expansion 11 of the company's boundaries of service. This is what 12 prompted the Pierce Park water mainline extension. In 13 addition, on page 3 of Order No. 24109, the Commission 14 stated the following: "The water system operated by 15 Garden City outside its municipal boundaries is not 16 subject to Commission regulation. Customers may not 17 appeal to this Commission for assistance with quality of 18 service problems or complaints about rates, nor may these 19 customers vote in the municipal elections of Garden City. 20 The Garden City Council determines the rates and terms of 21 service, yet these customers do not have any ability to 22 influence the policies of the Council through the 23 electoral process." 24 Q What has transpired in this matter since 25 that time? 16 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 A Under the leadership of Mayors Coles and 2 Ellis, the cities of Boise and Garden City have agreed to 3 effect a logical relocation of their respective area of 4 city impact boundaries. A Memorandum of Understanding 5 between the two cities was executed by Mayor Coles and 6 Mayor Ellis in December, 1994. Exhibit 1 is a copy of 7 the Memorandum of Understanding in which Garden City 8 agreed to the following: 9 Garden City shall cooperate with Boise Water 10 Corporation (United Water) to 11 12 / 13 14 / 15 16 / 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 provide service on a temporary basis to developing 2 areas between Pierce Park and Gary Lane within 3 Boise City limits to eliminate further duplication 4 of infrastructure in anticipation of transferring 5 the Garden City Water System, located north of 6 State Street, to Boise Water Corporation (United 7 Water) in exchange for the Boise Water Corporation 8 (United Water) Water System located in the Garden 9 City Millstream Subdivision and other 10 considerations as determined by appraisal of the 11 two water systems. Garden City agrees to provide 12 interim water service, on a contractual basis, to 13 the area north of State Street. Garden City will 14 continue to work with the Boise Water Corporation 15 (United Water) to expedite the appraisals and 16 transfers. The target date for submission of the 17 transfer plan to the Idaho Public Utilities 18 Commission is March 1, 1995. 19 Q Were you, or any employee of United Water a 20 party to the discussions which led to the previously 21 mentioned Memorandum of Understanding? 22 A Not really. I had a brief discussion with 23 Mayor Ted Ellis at the latter part of 1994 and he 24 informed me it appeared as though both cities would reach 25 an agreement with respect to city boundaries. Mayor 18 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 Ellis, in his usual positive demeanor, said this would 2 allow both cities to effectively plan their lines of city 3 boundaries. Shortly thereafter, Mayor Coles called me 4 and said he and Mayor Ellis had been discussing a 5 prospective agreement. He asked me not to meet with 6 Garden City, pertaining to water service, until after an 7 agreement between the cities had been reached. Later, 8 Mayor Coles called me and said an agreement had been 9 reached, and the company could proceed to have 10 discussions with 11 12 / 13 14 / 15 16 / 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 Garden City with respect to water service north of State 2 Street. 3 Q What was the company's reaction? 4 A We immediately met with Mayor Ellis and 5 Garden City Public Works Director, Randy Dearden, to 6 establish a series of negotiating sessions in accordance 7 with the Memorandum of Understanding. This action 8 considered an exchange of the Millstream facilities for 9 the Garden City facilities located north of State Street, 10 between Pierce Park Lane and Gary Lane. 11 Q Do you believe the company should be 12 allowed to service the proposed Garden City area and 13 relinquish service to the Millstream area? 14 A Yes. I believe Mayors Coles and Ellis 15 should be applauded for their continuing efforts to bring 16 peace in this matter. The redefined and newly 17 established boundaries of service for the City of Boise, 18 United Water and Garden City will eliminate confusion and 19 allow orderly development patterns for Boise and Garden 20 City to emerge. The North State Area is with the Boise 21 City limits and within United Water's certificated 22 service area. 23 Q Do you believe the exchange agreement 24 reached between Garden City and United Water is fair, and 25 if so, would you please explain your reasoning. 20 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 A Yes. According to the Memorandum of 2 Understanding between Garden City and Boise, it was 3 agreed Garden City would transfer their assets in the 4 affected area as determined by appraisals of the two 5 water systems, and other considerations. Garden City 6 consulting engineers started with a price of about $2 7 million and the Millstream system in exchange for the 8 Garden City facilities. After several meetings a 9 sales/purchase price of $593,000 10 11 / 12 13 / 14 15 / 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 and the Company owned facilities within the Millstream 2 area, was agreed to by both parties subject to the 3 approval of Idaho Public Utilities Commission. According 4 to a financial analysis of Jerry Healy, the Company's 5 Coordinator of Planning and Rates, the operating revenues 6 will be sufficient to support this level of investment, 7 and United Water's existing customers will not be 8 adversely impacted by this agreement. 9 Q Was an agreement reached with Garden City? 10 A Yes. A Service Area Exchange Agreement was 11 entered into on July 20, 1995. Exhibit 2 is a copy of 12 the Agreement. 13 Q Have you or any employee of United Water 14 inspected the Garden City facilities, in an effort to 15 determine their condition? 16 A Yes. I have visited the area and inspected 17 the facilities on more than one occasion with Witnesses 18 Healy and Brown. Witness Brown has included in his 19 testimony his professional opinion of the condition of 20 the facilities. 21 Q Have any of the present Garden City 22 customers who would be affected by this exchange 23 contacted you to discuss the proposal? 24 A No. I believe fewer than five have 25 discussed the proposal with Jerry Healy. 22 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 Q Do you know if Garden City scheduled any 2 public hearings with respect to the proposed exchange of 3 facilities? 4 A Yes. According to what I have been told, 5 Garden City held one or more public meetings with respect 6 to the exchange. 7 Q Did United Water notify its customers 8 residing within the Millstream Subdivision and 9 10 / 11 12 / 13 14 / 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 23 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 surrounding area of the proposed exchange, and of the 2 company's filing of its application with the Commission? 3 A Yes. During August, 1995, the company 4 included a message on the regular bills of the customers 5 who would be affected by the exchange. The message read: 6 On July 20th, 1995 United Water Idaho and the city 7 of Garden City entered into a service area 8 exchange agreement. United Water Idaho, Inc. 9 filed an application with the Idaho Public 10 Utilities Commission on July 28th, 1995 requesting 11 approval of the agreement. If the application is 12 approved by the IPUC, your water service will be 13 provided by the city of Garden City in the near 14 future. Further details regarding the exchange of 15 service areas will be provided to you during the 16 course of the proceedings. 17 Q Do you feel there are other compelling 18 reasons for granting the company's application? 19 A Yes. One operator of a water system within 20 the designated area will allow the operator of the system 21 to maintain some level of control with respect to the 22 number of deep wells which may be drilled within the area 23 in the future. This will provide some assurance for the 24 protection of the aquifer. 25 Q With respect to water rates, what concerns 24 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 do you believe the existing Garden City customers in the 2 North State Area might have? 3 A The summertime water rates in effect at 4 United Water are different than those experienced in 5 Garden City at present. There is no question the 6 company's summertime rates are higher. In my opinion, 7 higher summertime rates for all water users within the 8 9 / 10 11 / 12 13 / 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 valley should be implemented to encourage conservation of 2 our resource and to discourage waste. 3 Q Does Garden City currently have a 4 formalized conservation program in place. 5 A To the best of my knowledge, no. 6 Q Would United Water extend its conservation 7 programs, now in effect, to include this newly expanded 8 area? 9 A Yes. These programs include leak checks, 10 water audit programs, water efficient landscaping 11 programs as well as others. Jerry Healy will discuss 12 each of the programs in greater detail. 13 Q Do you have any other comments or 14 statements you wish to add at this time? 15 A Yes. We at United Water are pledged to 16 provide the best possible water service to our customers 17 at the most economical rates. Included in our pledge is 18 the assurance we will respond to our customers; we will 19 continue to routinely monitor our sources of supplies and 20 maintain our facilities; we will continue to participate 21 in well-head protection programs; we will continue to 22 test our water supply in our state certified laboratory 23 and/or in the laboratories administered by the State of 24 Idaho; and we will continue in our efforts to meet the 25 mandated requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, as 26 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 administered by the Sate of Idaho and the U.S. 2 Environmental Protection Agency. 3 Q Does this conclude your testimony? 4 A Yes it does. 5 6 / 7 8 / 9 10 / 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 Booe, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 (The following proceedings were had in 2 open hearing.) 3 MR. BERGQUIST: He's available for 4 cross-examination. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay, and did we 6 identify Exhibits 1 and 2? 7 With that, do we have questions, 8 Mr. Kline? 9 MR. KLINE: I do have a few questions, 10 Madam Chairman. 11 12 CROSS-EXAMINATION 13 14 BY MR. KLINE: 15 Q Mr. Booe, if the Commission ultimately 16 determines that it's in the public interest for this 17 exchange of customers to take place and service territory 18 to take place, the people that I represent, the 19 Neighborhood Associations, have two concerns: Number 20 one, the increase in rates that would result as part of 21 the exchange; and, secondly, concerns about the ability 22 of their water quality to be improved over time, and so 23 I'd like to ask you a couple of questions about those two 24 subjects. 25 A All right, sir. 28 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q First of all, I'd like to talk to you a 2 little bit about the latter issue, the water quality and 3 water pressure. In reading Mr. Brown's testimony, it 4 appears that one of the things that people are kind of 5 hoping will occur as far as improving the water pressure 6 is that Garden City will make some improvements to their 7 system during 1996 that will improve the pressure on the 8 system; is that your understanding? 9 A Yes. 10 Q At this point in time does Boise Water have 11 any kind of a contract or any kind of way to enforce the 12 upgrade of that system for pressure purposes by Garden 13 City? 14 A The only thing, Mr. Kline, that I can refer 15 to would be the contractual arrangement, whereas United 16 Water could get out of the contract in the event that 17 they did not make the improvements or in the event that 18 the water quality fell beneath what we expected or 19 anticipated. I might add, however, according to 20 Mr. Brown's testimony, the pressure will be improved once 21 we make the interconnections to the reservoir which is 22 located up on the end of Gary Lane or up in Seaman's 23 Gulch, if you will, and we certainly have every intent of 24 going forward to improve water quality in that particular 25 area, because that, after all, is to me one of the 29 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 hallmarks of our company. We essentially believe in good 2 service and good quality or at least to the level that 3 we're capable of delivering. 4 The Garden City, and I hope my answer isn't 5 too long for you, Mr. Kline, but Garden City, I might 6 refer to that as the North State Area, when I say Garden 7 City, I mean North State, Garden City has not had any 8 type of annual flushing program at all. The North State 9 Area is 14 years old. One of the first things that we 10 would do immediately once this is approved by this 11 Commission is I would direct our crews to go out and 12 launch a flushing program in that area. I think that by 13 and large would help clear up some of the water quality 14 problems. 15 In addition to that, as I've said in my 16 testimony and this may be in my rebuttal testimony, in 17 addition, I have said that I pledge to Mr. Patterson and 18 to the Associations that we will launch an immediate 19 evaluation of that system which would include, number 20 one, engineering, microbiology and biologists, 21 hydrogeologists and so forth to allow us to see how we 22 might improve service there. Mr. Patterson in his 23 testimony has continually referred to poor water quality 24 and I would certainly anticipate that would change and it 25 would start changing immediately with the flushing of 30 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 that system. I trust I've answered your question. 2 Q Well, I still have a couple more questions, 3 though, along those lines. 4 A Okay. 5 Q If the efforts by Garden City in 1996 were 6 either not undertaken or weren't successful in improving 7 the pressure up in the North State Area, is it United 8 Water's intention in either 1996 or 1997 to make the 9 interconnections that you discussed in your answer? 10 A Yes, sir. In fact, in the agreement that 11 we have with Garden City, one reason that we have left a 12 window in there of two years is to give us time to 13 evaluate the entire area and to see what really needs to 14 be done, but, yes, the interconnection could be made 15 immediately which would improve the pressure. 16 Q Could be made or will be made? 17 A I would pledge to Mr. Patterson we will 18 make those connections. 19 Q In 1997? 20 A In 1996. 21 Q All right. I'd also like to ask you a 22 little bit about the water quality improvements. Have 23 you thought about what time frames you would use to 24 implement those water quality improvements? 25 A I wish I could tell you we would do it 31 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 immediately, but, you know, when you're dealing with 2 water quality, it's a little bit different than a system 3 arrangement or design and improving pressure. Based upon 4 what I've been told and what I've read, there is a severe 5 iron problem in the North State Area. I don't know if 6 the iron problem is a result of what's coming from the 7 wells that are being used there, because the wells that 8 are furnishing it, it appears as though it's a little bit 9 high, the source water appears like the iron is a little 10 bit high. There could be some iron bacteria in the 11 system which we're not aware and, of course, we would 12 have to treat that. 13 We may want to look in terms of using 14 phosphate to treat the water supply there. All of these 15 things will require some time for us to evaluate. I hope 16 that our record speaks for itself. We had a real severe 17 problem quite similar in the Maple Hills area and it took 18 us more than two years to resolve that problem, but, 19 thankfully, we finally got it resolved and it was 20 necessary for us to deepen the wells there to a better 21 water quality, and so I'm kind of dancing around your 22 question, but to resolve water quality problems will 23 probably take just a little bit longer and a little 24 further analysis. 25 Q Mr. Booe, the Associations have proposed, 32 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 I'm sure you know from our testimony, that there be a 2 phase-in of the rates to bridge the gap between the 3 existing Garden City rates and the higher United Water 4 rates, and one of the aspects of that phase-in was the 5 concept of tying the phase-in to an improvement in the 6 water pressure and the water quality, in other words, to 7 give the Company an economic incentive to move as 8 expeditiously as possible to make those improvements. Is 9 there anything unreasonable about that concept, Mr. Booe? 10 A I don't know if I would characterize it as 11 unreasonable for the Associations to make such a request; 12 however, if we talked in terms of phased-in rates, then 13 it does not appear as though the rates, revenues that 14 would be received would support the investment in that 15 system. I will hasten to add that one thing that the 16 North State residents are going to notice is that they 17 will have a voice in this entire thing of regulatory 18 matters with respect to utilities, because once they 19 become our customers, their voice will be through the 20 Public Utilities Commission and the Public Utilities 21 Commission, Mr. Kline, will certainly keep their eye on 22 us. If we say we are going to make improvements, the 23 Public Utilities Commission will watch us and they can 24 compel us to do that. They have done that in the past on 25 occasion. 33 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q I understand, Mr. Booe, and I think both 2 you and I would agree, though, that having a complaint 3 proceeding before the IPUC is not a particularly 4 satisfactory way to resolve those kinds of service 5 problems and that's why I'm wondering why it might not 6 make some sense to have a phase-in program that is tied 7 to actual performance by the utility of improvements in 8 water quality and at the same time would allow some 9 decrease in the, I guess, shock is the way I would 10 describe it of going from the lower rates to the higher 11 rates, is that something that United Water simply rejects 12 out of hand? 13 A I think it really should be at the rates of 14 United Water because they are going to receive 15 essentially the same services as our other customers do, 16 Mr. Kline, and so personally, I would reject the 17 phased-in rates. We would certainly discuss that, 18 however; that is, if the Commission elected to go that 19 way, we would certainly discuss it among ourselves. 20 MR. KLINE: Thank you. That's all the 21 questions I have of this witness. 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, Mr. Kline. 23 Mr. Woodbury. 24 MR. WOODBURY: Thank you, Madam Chair. 25 34 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MR. WOODBURY: 4 Q Mr. Booe, how are you this morning? I have 5 a number of questions. You state in your direct 6 testimony on page 5 as far as the reasons the Company is 7 attempting to acquire the North State Area is that in the 8 past, United Water and Garden City have been apparently 9 enmeshed in disputes regarding service. Could you 10 indicate how United Water operations have been affected 11 by failing to specifically conform to the city and area 12 of impact boundaries? 13 A Yes, sir. I'm trying to find the 14 particular area that you're referring to. 15 Q Starting at page 5, line 6, and then going 16 on down. 17 A Line 6? 18 Q Yeah. You talk about it being the source 19 of community problems and confusion. 20 A Yes. 21 Q Is it more with respect to -- I mean, does 22 it provide any operational problems to the Company in the 23 way growth is being met in the area? 24 A No, I don't think so, sir. I think 25 essentially, as I've said here, I think this certainly 35 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 has been a source of irritation to both communities for 2 the past 20 years and I think it is going to allow both 3 communities to work in harmony. 4 Q Is a franchise required by Garden City to 5 serve within their city limits or area of impact? 6 A To the best of my knowledge, no. 7 Q When Millstream, the Millstream area, was 8 developed and Boise Water started providing service to 9 them, was that area within Garden City or its area of 10 impact? 11 A It was within the -- if there was an area 12 of impact at that time, it was within the area of 13 impact. It was annexed after Boise Water, then Boise 14 Water, started serving the area that it came into the 15 city limits. 16 Q If it was within the area of impact, do you 17 know why Boise Water attempted to provide service there? 18 A In Millstream? 19 Q Yes. 20 A Because we were asked to do so and at that 21 time it was not part of Garden City. 22 Q Okay; so you were concerned only with the 23 city limits, not really the area of impact in determining 24 whether to serve? 25 A Yes. In fact, there had never been any 36 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 objection from Garden City relative to serving any of 2 those areas that was within the perimeter of their 3 boundaries. 4 Q Starting on about line 21, page 5, you 5 speak about Garden City began a policy of extending into 6 the North State Area. When did that extension of service 7 start to take place? 8 A Well, it was shortly after Millstream was 9 annexed into the city in the 1970's, the latter part of 10 the 1970's, I would say. In fact, at one time I was told 11 by officials from Garden City they had every thought of 12 annexing land as far as Horseshoe Bend into the City of 13 Garden City and so it was about that time when all of 14 this started when they began their annexation proposals. 15 I think it was the latter part of the 1970's. 16 Q You state that the mayor of Garden City, on 17 page 6, line 8, constantly requested Boise Water to 18 abandon service to the Millstream area -- 19 A Yes, sir. 20 Q -- or relinquish control of that. Now, is 21 there sort of a -- how were these requests communicated 22 to Boise Water? 23 A The mayor and the city engineer would call 24 me and ask for a meeting, and this is prior to moving in 25 the city hall they're in now, and I would go visit with 37 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 them, sometimes as late as 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 o'clock in 2 the evening and essentially, they would say you should 3 not be serving in Garden City. From their perspective, 4 it was illegal, and they said what we want you to do is 5 abandon your service and just relinquish all control to 6 us. 7 Q There was no request to purchase this 8 system? 9 A No, absolutely not. In fact, I said if you 10 really are serious about this, perhaps we could strike a 11 deal where we would sell that portion of the system to 12 you and they said absolutely not. We feel as though you 13 should just abandon the system. 14 Q Did that ever develop into any litigation? 15 A No, sir. 16 Q The city never -- 17 A The Millstream did not develop into 18 litigation, no, sir. 19 Q And the city never initiated any 20 condemnation proceedings? 21 A No, sir. 22 Q Does the Company still believe that it has 23 a right to serve Millstream? 24 A You mean if this deal, this proposal, was 25 approved -- 38 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q Yeah. 2 A -- that we would have the right to serve 3 Millstream, no, sir, we would relinquish the right. 4 Q No, not if the deal is approved, but, I 5 mean, assuming there was no exchange agreement. 6 A Yes, we have a right to serve there. 7 Q Okay. On page 7 of your direct testimony, 8 you relate a matter before this Commission in the Boise 9 Water 91-2 case regarding boundaries of service in that 10 Pierce Park area. 11 A Yes. 12 Q Could you explain why the Company felt 13 compelled to file a certificate application with respect 14 to service there? 15 A In Pierce Park? Primarily, we were asked 16 by several developers to amend our certificated area to 17 serve in that particular area and I don't know if there 18 was any disagreement between the developers and/or the 19 City of Garden City or not, but that was primarily why we 20 were asked to serve there. 21 Q Was that area located within Garden City 22 limits? 23 A Not at that time, I don't believe so, and I 24 will stand corrected on that answer, because there was an 25 election held either shortly before or shortly after, 39 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 whereas the people decided they wanted to be served by 2 the City of Boise. 3 Q If a proposed area of service is contested 4 by a municipal water provider, do you feel that it's 5 necessary to get some sort of ruling from either the 6 Commission or court as to your right to serve? 7 A Yes, I think it's always wise to go to the 8 Commission and ask for a ruling. 9 Q Do you make any distinction whether it's a 10 municipal water provider and, say, another regulated 11 utility? 12 A Do I make any distinction? I'm not really 13 sure I understand. If you're saying if there was a 14 municipal water system serving an area that we were 15 adjoining or adjacent to -- 16 Q Let's say the Eagle area where you're 17 running into the service -- 18 A Yes. 19 Q -- territory of Eagle Water. 20 A Yes. 21 Q Do you feel that it's wise, I guess, or 22 prudent -- 23 A Absolutely. 24 Q Do you make any distinction between service 25 to contiguous areas or non-contiguous areas as to whether 40 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 an application for a certificate is -- 2 A Yes, we do, and the one that comes to mind, 3 of course, is the area in and around Capitol Water. 4 There are several places where we are adjacent to Capitol 5 Water and the distinction we make is when someone asks 6 for us to serve them and if Capitol Water has facilities 7 in close proximity thereto, then many times we would ask 8 the Commission to give us some direction or we would meet 9 with the owner of the affected utility to discuss it or 10 we would meet with the developer and the owner, so we 11 certainly consider that. 12 Q You speak, starting on page 7, around 13 line 16, of the Memorandum of Understanding which was 14 entered into between Garden City and Boise City, and 15 you're familiar with the memorandum? 16 A I'm fairly familiar with it, yes, sir. 17 Q It speaks, and I think it's your Exhibit 1, 18 page 2, paragraph 1, it speaks of service boundaries in 19 the Five Mile area. Does United Water provide water 20 service in that area? 21 A In the Five Mile area? We do not provide 22 any service north of Chinden. We serve Five Mile on the 23 south side of Chinden around Hewlett Packard, but nothing 24 on the north side. 25 Q And so when the Memorandum of Understanding 41 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 speaks to possible adjustment of area of impact and city 2 boundaries in that area, are there any implications to 3 United Water? 4 A No, sir. 5 Q So there will not be another readjustment 6 of your service area as a result of that? 7 A No, sir. 8 Q In the memorandum on page 7, 9 paragraph 11.a., it speaks to a city impact area 10 agreement with Ada County. Do you know whether that 11 agreement was, has been entered into between Garden City 12 and Ada County? 13 A I do not, no, sir. 14 Q Is it your understanding that the 15 Memorandum of Understanding by its terms prohibits 16 competition in the service area outside of area of impact 17 and city boundaries? 18 A Yes, sir. 19 Q And so that's something that's accomplished 20 by the Memorandum of Understanding as well as, I guess, 21 repeated within the exchange agreement? 22 A Yes, sir. 23 Q On page 9 of your direct testimony in 24 speaking of the negotiated price for this proposed 25 exchange, you state that Garden City consulting engineers 42 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 started with a price of about 2 million. Who were the 2 consulting engineers retained by Garden City? 3 A I can supply that information. I'm sorry, 4 I can't recall the name, although that was in the 5 conversation. I'm sure Mr. Healy has that in his papers 6 there. 7 Q That will be a better question maybe for 8 Mr. Healy? 9 A Yes. 10 Q You indicate that -- anyway they started 11 with this price of about $2 million. Do you know whether 12 that had any basis? 13 A I'm sure everything has a basis when you 14 talk about engineering, but they brought in some 15 information and demonstrated why they felt it was worth 16 $2 million and, of course, we rejected that. 17 Q Are you familiar with a document that 18 apparently Garden City prepared called a Preliminary 19 Estimate of Value? 20 A Yes, I think so. 21 Q And that had replacement costs and cost 22 basis and depreciated value? 23 A Yes, sir. 24 Q And did any of those figures even approach 25 $2 million? 43 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 A No, but that came much later. 2 Q Okay. Is the agreement itself, the 3 exchange agreement, contingent upon authorized recovery 4 of the purchase price? 5 A Yes. 6 Q On page 10 of your direct testimony, 7 starting about line 3, you speak of the financial 8 analysis and you state that operating revenues will be 9 sufficient to support this level of investment. When you 10 speak of level of investment, what are you referring to? 11 A I'm referring -- 12 Q Just the exchange purchase price of 13 $593,250? 14 A I'm referring to that purchase price, yes. 15 Q That figure only? 16 A Yes, and that was based upon information 17 which was provided to me by witness Healy. 18 Q By who? 19 A Witness Healy. 20 Q Okay, and that revenue is dependent in 21 great part on the number of customers? 22 A I would say it is, yes. 23 Q And is the Company still of the belief that 24 there are 912 customers in the North State Area? 25 A No, sir. In fact, it was represented to us 44 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 there was 912 customers as we went through the 2 negotiating process. Then later, through information 3 they supplied to us, we discovered they could only 4 account for, I think it was, 771 customers or somewhere 5 in that neighborhood. It may have been slightly more or 6 less and so we are looking into that particular matter; 7 however, we have told Garden City the purchase price 8 rises and falls upon the number of customers and if the 9 customers are less, then the purchase price is going to 10 be less. 11 Q Well, assuming that the number of meters is 12 equivalent to the number of customers and that there are 13 771 customers, what then will be the purchase price? 14 A I do not have a number, sir; however, I 15 think we would probably do it on a -- we would probably 16 come up with a formula based upon an investment per 17 customer or at a proportionate level of some kind. 18 Q Would Mr. Healy be prepared to provide that 19 figure? 20 A I think Mr. Healy could be prepared to do 21 that, yes. 22 Q The level of investment, then, does not 23 include costs of interconnection, does it? 24 A The costs of interconnection, that's not 25 included in here, I don't believe. 45 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q Or the supply well? 2 A Yes, and I believe Mr. Brown has that in 3 his testimony, again, it sounds as though I'm passing 4 everything along, but in his testimony, I believe there 5 were four points of possible connection that would have 6 to be made. 7 Q When you state that United Water existing 8 customers will not be adversely impacted by this 9 agreement, is there an understanding of the Company that 10 these additional costs for interconnection, supply well, 11 technical study, community outreach are costs that the 12 existing customers will not be asked to bear? 13 A Under the -- what we know about the system 14 today the customers would not be adversely impacted. If 15 it was necessary for us to drill a well, it costs about 16 $300,000 and, of course, that would be funded primarily 17 by connection fees which would be paid by new customers, 18 but as we know it today, no, they would not be adversely 19 impacted. In fact, I believe Mr. Lobb has said so in his 20 own testimony. 21 Q If some sort of separate accounting or 22 essentially would the Company be accounting in such a 23 manner that we would be able to determine what particular 24 costs are attributed to the North State Area acquisition? 25 A I believe our accounting system is capable 46 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 of doing that. In fact, I believe it does it today. 2 Q Would it be better to ask one of your other 3 witnesses as to the water quality and water pressure 4 results? 5 A I believe Mr. Brown has addressed that in 6 his direct testimony. 7 Q Okay, and so when you make the statement 8 regarding the existing customers will not be adversely 9 impacted -- 10 A Yes. 11 Q -- then you're relying on your other 12 witnesses? 13 A Yes. 14 Q Okay. The service area exchange agreement 15 was executed on July 20th. Were the Company's Millstream 16 Area customers provided prior notice that the Company was 17 considering divesting itself of them? 18 A Not prior to the official notice that we 19 sent each of our customers. 20 Q Has the Company conducted any public 21 meetings in either the North State Area or the Millstream 22 Area? 23 A Not in the north -- no, sir, we have not. 24 The city, as I have understood it, noticed a meeting at 25 city hall with respect to the North State Area, but we 47 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 have not had any open meeting with our customers. 2 Q Can you explain or do you believe that the 3 interests of the North State Area customers and the 4 Millstream Area customers were a consideration of Garden 5 City and United Water in this exchange agreement? 6 A Well, it was certainly a consideration of 7 ours. I don't know about Garden City. I'm sure it was, 8 though. 9 Q And yet, the Company didn't inquire as to 10 whether or not the customers wanted to be exchanged? 11 A No, we did not. 12 Q On page 10 of your direct testimony, you 13 talk about determining the condition of the Garden City 14 facilities. Could you indicate how the Company appraised 15 and inspected the Garden City facilities? 16 A I personally drove to the area and took 17 random, if you will random, sampling of different lots, 18 looked at the meter boxes. I looked at the meter sets 19 themselves. 20 Q Was there an independent appraisal 21 performed? 22 A No, there was not. 23 Q Did Garden City provide full access to all 24 of its books and records? 25 A Well, yes, they did; however, their books 48 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 and records as we know them aren't kept in the same 2 manner and so there was not the level of accounting that 3 we would normally expect to find in a regulated utility. 4 Q And could you then describe the books and 5 records that were received? 6 A Primarily, the books and records that I 7 reviewed was related to customer service, to customer 8 billing and so forth, tariffs and so forth. Their 9 engineering furnished some information which I believe is 10 part of the exhibit you referred to earlier related to 11 the facilities which they had. I'm not sure if it's on 12 that particular exhibit or not, but as Mr. Brown has 13 said, we determined there was about 54,000 feet of main 14 line, about 95 percent of that is six inches in diameter 15 or larger, so those are the kind of records that was made 16 available to us. 17 Q And has Garden City provided you all the 18 information that you've requested? 19 A They have either provided it to us or told 20 us it wasn't available. 21 Q Okay, did you make related inquiries with 22 respect to the system with Water Resources and Central 23 District Health? 24 A I believe we did. I'm sure Mr. Brown could 25 probably answer that question much better than I, but, 49 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 yes, I believe we did. 2 Q On page 10 of your testimony, starting at 3 about line 17, you're asked a question, "Do you know if 4 Garden City scheduled any public hearings with respect to 5 the proposed exchange of facilities?" And you said, 6 "Yes. According to what I have been told...", told by 7 whom? 8 A I was told that by the mayor of Garden City 9 and I was also furnished a notice which was sent out to 10 the public in that particular area. 11 Q When you say one or more public meetings, 12 how many meetings were held? 13 A To the best of my knowledge, there was one. 14 Q And when did that meeting take place, do 15 you know? After the date of the exchange agreement? 16 A Yes, it did, and I might add while we're 17 talking about that, in that particular notice that went 18 out, they also referred to the number of customers which 19 we have since discovered may be in error. 20 Q Did United Water attend that meeting? 21 A No, sir, we did not. 22 Q And do you know whether any of the 23 customers attended the meeting? 24 A I do not. 25 Q And do you know what representations, if 50 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 any, were made at the meeting? 2 A I do not. 3 Q Page 11, line 12, you speak of other 4 compelling reasons for granting the application, and you 5 state that it will provide the Company with a greater 6 level of control with respect to the number of deep wells 7 which may be drilled and this will provide some assurance 8 for protection of the aquifer. Is the drilling of a well 9 a procedure requiring a license or permit? 10 A Yes, it does. In fact, the Department of 11 Water Resources is in charge or in control of those 12 particular water permits. 13 Q And so the type of oversight and 14 supervision is then performed by Water Resources? 15 A Yes; however, and I can't give you the 16 exact number, but I can tell you in the metropolitan area 17 of Boise and Ada County in the last year there were 18 several hundreds of permits filed for and based upon 19 conversations I've had with the Department of Water 20 Resources, they could not get around to look at half of 21 the requests that were made of them. 22 Q Well, with respect to the North State Area, 23 does the Company anticipate that if this exchange 24 agreement is not approved that there will be more deep 25 wells drilled? 51 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 A Yes, I think there could be. 2 Q And who would they be drilled by? 3 A They could be drilled by irrigators, it 4 could be by Garden City itself. It could be, I suppose, 5 by any number. It could even be by an association that 6 would drill a well. 7 Q And do you anticipate that these wells by 8 irrigators will not be drilled or requested if United 9 Water purchases -- 10 A Not necessarily, but I think that what it 11 does allow since we will be the watchdog of that 12 particular area, it allows us to either petition as an 13 opposing, in opposition to any wells being drilled if 14 it's necessary. It will be part of our ground water 15 model study that's under way and we certainly will be 16 looking at that very carefully. 17 Q The Company presently has, I guess, a 18 policy of providing -- well, I guess you have two hook-up 19 fees, one for a dual system and one for non-dual. 20 A That's correct. 21 Q Do you anticipate that there will be any 22 dual irrigation systems put in in the North State Area? 23 A Well, again, I think that would be a 24 function of those who are developing. If you're asking 25 about the existing, there could be, but I seriously doubt 52 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 that it would happen because of the cost. On new 2 development, yes, it could very well be because the 3 developer would look at that as part of the cost of -- 4 Q And are there any areas within the North 5 State Area that are susceptible to new development? 6 A Yes, I think there is some land available 7 for development in that area. 8 Q Does the Company have any estimates as to 9 future customers within the North State Area, additional 10 in-fill? 11 A No, sir. 12 Q Doesn't one of your other witnesses speak 13 of the opportunity for in-fill in the North State Area? 14 A Well, as I said, I think there's some land 15 in there that could be in-filled, several acres. I don't 16 know how many hundred acres, but, yes, there could be 17 in-filling and I believe Mr. Healy probably said so in 18 his testimony. 19 Q Will all of the -- referring to your 20 testimony on page 12, line 5, regarding United Water's 21 conservation programs -- 22 A Yes. 23 Q -- will all of those programs be provided 24 to North State Area customers? 25 A Yes, sir. 53 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q And with respect to the United Water 2 assurances, you state that the Company will continue to 3 routinely monitor its sources of supplies. If the source 4 of supply for the North State Area customers will 5 continue to be the Garden City wells, how does the 6 Company anticipate monitoring that source of supply? 7 A Well, as we -- 8 Q At the well site? 9 A Yes, we would at the well site, we'll go to 10 customers' homes, we do that throughout the city now, and 11 that's part of the evaluation and analyses which I have 12 been speaking. 13 Q And if you anticipate that there is a 14 problem with the source of supply, has Garden City 15 committed to correct that problem at its own cost? 16 A They have said they would correct that 17 problem in 1996. That's what we have been told, yes. 18 Q But is that -- I understand from your 19 testimony that that's what you were told and I mean, is 20 there a written contractual commitment to do that? 21 A The only thing that we have is in the 22 contract document itself if they do not, then we have the 23 right to withdraw. 24 Q Where in the document are you referring 25 to? 54 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 A If you'll bear with me a minute, let me 2 find that exhibit. 3 Q It's your Exhibit 2? 4 A Yes. Sir? 5 Q Yes. 6 A May I take just a moment and ask our 7 attorney? 8 Q Certainly. 9 A He can provide me with a copy of that. I 10 apologize. 11 Q Do you have a copy of Exhibit 2? 12 A I thought I did, yes. 13 MR. BERGQUIST: Don't you have a copy of 14 it? 15 THE WITNESS: May I? 16 MR. BERGQUIST: Sure. 17 (Mr. Bergquist approached the 18 witness.) 19 THE WITNESS: I believe I was probably 20 referring to the agreement where we are purchasing water 21 from Garden City to serve an area there. 22 Q BY MR. WOODBURY: Page 3, paragraph 4, is 23 that what you're referring to there, the water supply? 24 A Yes. I found the area. In Production 25 Request No. 8, Production Request No. 8, the Commission 55 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 asks for a copy of a water purchase agreement listed 2 under the exchange agreement, paragraph 13 of the 3 existing agreements. 4 Q But it's my understanding that the 5 existing, the water purchase agreement is unrelated to 6 the exchange agreement. I mean, that's what your 7 paragraph 13 states. 8 A But that's what I was referring to. 9 Perhaps I misspoke. I was referring to that. I got the 10 two agreements confused in my mind. 11 Q Well -- 12 MR. BERGQUIST: What was your specific 13 question, Counsel? I've lost track of it somewhere. 14 MR. WOODBURY: Oh, Mr. Booe was referring 15 to a commitment on the part of the city with respect to, 16 I guess, remedying water quality problems under the 17 exchange agreement and I was asking him to direct my 18 attention to that particular provision within the 19 exchange agreement which provided that commitment and I 20 guess I don't see it still. 21 THE WITNESS: And I misspoke in that 22 particular instance. I apologize. 23 Q BY MR. WOODBURY: When you stated earlier 24 that Garden City does not have an annual flushing 25 program, did you mean that they do not engage in any 56 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 flushing? 2 A Based upon what we have been told, no, they 3 do not. The only time they would flush is if they had a 4 main line failure and it necessitated repair, then there 5 would be a certain amount of flushing take place at that 6 time, but, no, they do not. 7 Q Is it your -- well, to the extent that you 8 have this paragraph 13 indicating that the water purchase 9 agreement is unrelated to the service area exchange 10 agreement and that the duties of Garden City are 11 different under each, does United Water consider the 12 rights provided it under the prior existing water 13 purchase agreement to be paramount or superior to the 14 rights under the exchange agreement? 15 A I think that, yes, I think it would be 16 paramount. 17 Q Paramount or superior? 18 A Yes, or superior. 19 Q So then the rights under the exchange 20 agreement are less than the rights the Company has under 21 the -- 22 A No, I can't say that, Counselor, that they 23 would be less. In fact, my understanding is that we 24 would purchase water from Garden City to keep us from 25 drilling a well. That was the original agreement. Then 57 CSB REPORTING BOOE (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 the next agreement was we could not begin to meet the 2 demand of the existing system without purchasing water 3 from Garden City for a two-year period. That would give 4 us time to do our evaluation and analyses and decide 5 whether we needed to add wells or continue purchasing 6 from them. 7 MR. WOODBURY: Okay, I guess I'll see you 8 again when you're on the stand with respect to your 9 rebuttal testimony. I have no further questions. 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay, do we have 11 questions from the Commissioners? 12 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: No. 13 COMMISSIONER NELSON: My questions were 14 asked, thank you. Oh, excuse me. 15 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Commissioner Nelson. 16 17 EXAMINATION 18 19 BY COMMISSIONER NELSON: 20 Q Mr. Booe, I read in here about exchanging 21 meters out and I wonder if you could explain to me why 22 that's necessary. 23 A We would take the meters that we have in 24 Millstream and move them over into the North State Area. 25 They would take the meters that they have in the North 58 CSB REPORTING BOOE (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 State Area and move them over to the Millstream Area and 2 it's primarily because we measure in hundreds of cubic 3 feet while Garden City measures in 1,000 gallons, so the 4 meters would really not be compatible. 5 It would be necessary for us to purchase a 6 few additional meters, which is included in the 7 production request that we furnished to the Commission, 8 and it would cost us about $10,000 which would be shared 9 between us, the Company and Garden City, the installation 10 costs. I think overall the primary cost would be about 11 33 or $34,000 to take care of that. 12 Q Do those go in and out through the existing 13 hole? 14 A Yes. The setter itself and the meter box 15 is compatible. 16 COMMISSIONER NELSON: Okay, thank you. 17 Those were all my questions. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay, Mr. Booe, I just 19 have a couple. 20 21 EXAMINATION 22 23 BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: 24 Q First, with regard to the meeting that you 25 said you saw a notice that Garden City put out to its 59 CSB REPORTING BOOE (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 customers about the exchange? 2 A Yes. 3 Q I was curious if you knew when the meeting 4 occurred. 5 A I do not. All I can tell you is what's 6 contained in the notice. 7 MR. WOODBURY: I believe that notice is a 8 Staff exhibit. 9 Q BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. I was also 10 curious about the decision apparently on the part of 11 United Water not to attend the meeting. I mean, was it 12 actually a conscious decision not to attend the meeting 13 or did you just not know about the meeting until it was 14 too late? 15 A We had several discussions among ourselves 16 and I volunteered to attend the meeting personally, and 17 at one time the mayor and the director of public works 18 suggested that myself and Mr. Healy and perhaps others 19 should attend the meeting to describe our system and 20 then, all of a sudden, the meeting occurred and it was 21 after the meeting when I discovered that it had taken 22 place, so that's essentially the answer. 23 MR. WOODBURY: Madam Chair? 24 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Woodbury. 25 MR. WOODBURY: I misspoke. There is a 60 CSB REPORTING BOOE (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 public notice, a Garden City public notice, but it's just 2 of the exchange. It was not a notice of the hearing, so 3 I'm not certain when that took place. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Right, thank you. 5 Q BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: I guess my other 6 question is I understand the desire of the City of Boise 7 and the City of Garden City to have their political 8 boundaries resolved so that there's not ongoing disputes 9 between them about their areas of authority and extension 10 of services they provide, so I understand the benefit to 11 the two cities of such an agreement. What I'm trying to 12 understand is the benefit to United Water of such an 13 agreement and I'm wondering if you could help me with 14 that. 15 A I will try. I think over the long run it's 16 going to help United Water's system because ultimately 17 there will be a day when the south side of the system 18 will be looped with the north side of the system. That's 19 not going to happen in the immediate future, but that's 20 going to happen, and in addition to that, I think it 21 removes any doubt or confusion with respect to who is 22 going to serve that area. 23 Many times in the past when developers 24 would ask us to serve, then we would be confronted with 25 Garden City deciding they would put main lines in the 61 CSB REPORTING BOOE (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 same area, and, of course, they're regulated by city 2 council, but still, yet, that happened many times and 3 there was a lot of confusion out in the northwest section 4 of the metropolitan area of the City of Boise and so 5 that's probably the two biggest reasons that I could cite 6 for extending. 7 In addition to that, at some point we can 8 probably rely upon other sources to back up that 9 particular system or that system could back up the system 10 that we know today, so I suppose those are all 11 philosophical suggestions, but I think they're very real, 12 too, and I think that that's the greatest thing that 13 could happen for United Water. 14 Frankly, I would like to see a unified 15 system. That's my own opinion. I think a unified system 16 is going to serve the needs of this community as we go 17 forward from this day much better than a fragmented 18 system. I see that in other utilities, so, frankly, you 19 know, that has been one of my objectives and missions, to 20 see us unified in this community and not fragmented. 21 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Do you have redirect, 22 Mr. Bergquist? 23 MR. BERGQUIST: Yes, I have a few 24 questions. 25 62 CSB REPORTING BOOE (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MR. BERGQUIST: 4 Q Mr. Booe, do you have Exhibit 1 in front of 5 you there which is the Memorandum of Understanding? 6 A I hope I do. 7 Q I notice that that is a copy, a signed 8 copy, but it doesn't have the date entered on the first 9 paragraph of page 1. Do you recall, to your knowledge, 10 when this was executed? 11 A Shortly after the first of the year, 1995, 12 but I do not recall the exact date, no. 13 Q I think there was some reference to 14 sometime in December of 1994. 15 A Yeah, 1994 the mayor of Garden City and 16 Boise got together and hammered out this particular 17 proposal or Memorandum of Understanding and I do recall 18 it was prior to Christmas when Mayor Ellis called me and 19 told me what they were doing. Mayor Coles called me and 20 told me what was happening and Mayor Coles asked me not 21 to meet with Garden City until after they had a 22 Memorandum of Understanding in place. I do recall that 23 being in December, and it was shortly thereafter when 24 Mayor Coles and Mayor Ellis called me and said there had 25 been an agreement reached, so I noticed that that date 63 CSB REPORTING BOOE (Di) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 was missing on mine as well. 2 Q Now, on your direct testimony on page 9 -- 3 A Yes. 4 Q -- on line 8, the question reads, "Do you 5 believe the Company should be allowed to service the 6 proposed Garden City area and relinquish service to the 7 Millstream Area?" What do you mean by the proposed 8 Garden City area? 9 A I'm talking about the area which we 10 commonly refer to in this proceeding as the North State 11 Area. 12 Q You spoke about former Mayor Eld having 13 several conversations with you concerning relinquishment 14 of the system in the Millstream Area. Was that before or 15 after Garden City extended its city boundaries to include 16 the Millstream Area? 17 A The discussions occurred after they had 18 extended their boundaries. 19 Q And do you recall whether or not the 20 Company, Boise Water, had to apply to the Commission to 21 extend its certificated area to serve the Millstream 22 Area? 23 A Not in that particular instance, no. 24 Q You were already authorized to serve? 25 A I believe we were, yes. That was part of 64 CSB REPORTING BOOE (Di) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 our certificated area. 2 Q Do you recall the Case BOI-W-91-2 3 concerning the dispute in the North State Area which 4 occurred about three years ago? 5 A You're talking about the Pierce Park? 6 Q Yes. 7 A Yes. Mr. Hepler testified in that 8 particular proceeding, but, yes, I do recall. 9 Q And quite a few of the problems involving 10 the area of impact of Garden City and the City of Boise 11 as well as city limits were discussed in that case, were 12 they not? 13 A Yes. There had been a great deal of 14 confusion at that time. 15 MR. BERGQUIST: I believe that's all I 16 have. Thank you. 17 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We thank you for your 18 help, Mr. Booe. 19 (The witness left the stand.) 20 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We're going to take 21 about a ten-minute break right now and be back at about a 22 quarter till. 23 (Recess.) 24 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We'll go back on the 25 record. Mr. Bergquist. 65 CSB REPORTING BOOE (Di) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 MR. BERGQUIST: Call Mr. Brown. 2 3 DANIEL M. BROWN, 4 produced as a witness at the instance of United Water 5 Idaho, Inc., having been first duly sworn, was examined 6 and testified as follows: 7 8 DIRECT EXAMINATION 9 10 BY MR. BERGQUIST: 11 Q Could you please state your name? 12 A Daniel Brown. 13 Q And by whom are you employed, Mr. Brown? 14 A United Water Idaho. 15 Q In what capacity? 16 A As the Company engineer. 17 Q Have you prepared and prefiled direct 18 testimony in this matter? 19 A Yes, I have. 20 Q Do you have any changes or corrections in 21 any of your testimony? 22 A Not to the direct testimony, but in my 23 rebuttal testimony, I do have a correction on page -- 24 Q Well, we can get into that later. 25 A Oh, okay. 66 CSB REPORTING BROWN (Di) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q You don't have any on your direct 2 testimony? 3 A Not on direct, no. 4 Q And you are sponsoring certain exhibits, 5 are you not, Mr. Brown? 6 A I'm trying to remember now. 7 MR. WOODBURY: Exhibit 3. 8 Q BY MR. BERGQUIST: I think you had 9 Exhibit 3 which was a map. 10 A Yes. 11 Q If I were to ask you the questions set 12 forth in your prefiled testimony, would your answers be 13 the same? 14 A Yes. 15 MR. BERGQUIST: I would move that 16 Mr. Brown's direct testimony and his exhibit be spread on 17 the record. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: If there's no 19 objection, we'll spread the prefiled direct testimony of 20 Mr. Brown upon the record as if read and identify 21 Exhibit No. 3. 22 (The following prefiled testimony of 23 Mr. Daniel Brown is spread upon the record.) 24 25 67 CSB REPORTING BROWN (Di) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q Please state your name and the nature of 2 your employment with United Water Idaho, Inc. 3 A Daniel Brown. My business address is 8248 4 W. Victory Road, Boise, Idaho 83709. I am the Company 5 Engineer, in charge of engineering for United Water 6 Idaho. 7 Q Please briefly describe your educational 8 and professional background. 9 A I received a bachelor of science degree in 10 Civil Engineering from the University of Idaho in 1976. 11 I was hired by Davenport Engineers January 1, 1977 and 12 worked primarily on water related projects for the cities 13 of Middleton and Fruitland, Idaho. On February 20, 1978 14 I was hired by Boise Water Corporation (subsequently 15 United Water Idaho). I worked as a staff engineer until 16 1983 when I became Company Engineer. I received my 17 professional engineer registration in July of 1981. 18 Q With respect to the pending application of 19 United Water to exchange service areas with the city of 20 Garden City, have you reviewed the facilities included in 21 the proposed exchange? 22 A Yes. Our engineering review was primarily 23 related to the condition of the facilities in the North 24 State area, existing water quality and operating pressure 25 information. 68 Brown, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 Q Please describe the distribution system 2 included in the exchange. 3 4 / 5 6 / 7 8 / 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 69 Brown, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 A As of January 1995, the distribution system 2 was made up of the following water main footages: 3 12" 6,510 feet 4 10" 5,411 feet 5 8" 28,600 feet 6 6" 11,252 feet 7 4" 2,628 feet 8 Total 54,401 feet 9 The system is relatively new, with the oldest main being 10 installed 14 years ago, and is constructed of modern 11 materials, primarily ductile iron pipe and a minor amount 12 of PVC pipe. As a result, we anticipate maintenance 13 costs for this system will be minimal. Exhibit 3 is a 14 map of the North State Area. 15 Q Does the Company intend to purchase water 16 from Garden City to serve the North State Area? 17 A Yes. 18 Q How will the North State Area be served? 19 A The customers in the North State Area will 20 continue to be served from the same distribution system 21 and Garden City sources of supply as they are now. It is 22 anticipated that this area will ultimately be 23 interconnected with the United Water distribution system. 24 25 70 Brown, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 Q Does the Company intend to purchase water 2 from Garden City to serve the North State Area? 3 A Yes. The water will be purchased from 4 Garden City based upon the customer's meter readings. 5 Q How will United Water control water quality 6 and pressure for this area? 7 A We will closely monitor water quality 8 issues and take the necessary steps to deal with problems 9 as they are identified. Regarding pressure, during the 10 summer of 1995, we monitored the North State pressure in 11 the vicinity of State Street and Gary Lane. We observed 12 daily pressure variations ranging from lows of 35 pounds 13 per square inch (psi) to highs of 80 psi. This is a 14 concern for both quality of service and for fire 15 protection. 16 Q What has the company proposed to deal with 17 this pressure problem? 18 A At this point in our analysis, it appears 19 there are three potential resolutions to this problem: 20 1) Garden City has stated plans to make improvements in 21 its system during 1996 which should relieve this 22 condition. 23 2) Intertie the North State system with United Water's 24 distribution system and pump the water needed to serve 25 the North State area from Garden City through the booster pump(s) at our Gary Lane well/booster station. 71 Brown, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 3) Intertie the North State system with United Water's 2 distribution system and pump the water needed to serve 3 the North State area from Garden City through new booster 4 pumps located on the water mains currently serving the 5 area. 6 In the latter two cases the North State area would be 7 tied into the new United Water Hidden Hollow reservoir 8 located on Seaman's Gulch road. This gravity feed 9 storage reservoir would stabilize the pressures, improve 10 fire protection and provide a backup supply in the case 11 of a power outage. Also, pumping the water provides us 12 the ability to maintain desired rates of flow as Garden 13 City's pressure fluctuates. 14 Q How will the Millstream service area be 15 cut-off from the United Water distribution system? 16 A A valve on the North Mitchell line will be 17 closed down and locked off. 18 Q How will the meters be exchanged? 19 A A contractor will be hired to pull the 20 meters from the Millstream and North State Areas. The 21 North State meters will be installed in Millstream with 22 the excess meters going back to Garden City. The 23 Millstream meters and the necessary number of new meters, 24 will be installed in the North State Area. 25 Q What is the contractor cost associated with 72 Brown, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 the meter exchange? 2 A We anticipate a cost of approximately 3 $10,000. 4 Q Will this cost be shared between United 5 Water and Garden City? 6 7 / 8 9 / 10 11 / 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 73 Brown, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 A Yes. 2 Q What is the benefit of United Water's plan 3 to purchase water from Garden City to serve the North 4 State area? 5 A The most significant factor is that United 6 Water will not have to develop additional source of 7 supply capacity to serve this area. These 912 customers 8 are estimated to consume approximately one million 9 gallons per day during the summertime. The cost for 10 drilling a new well to provide this supply capacity would 11 cost approximately $300,000. As a result, the ability to 12 purchase this water from Garden City is a benefit to the 13 United Water rate payers. 14 Q Are there any redundancies of which you are 15 aware between the United Water distribution system and 16 the North State distribution system. 17 A There are a couple of isolated areas where 18 Garden City and United Water mains run parallel to each 19 other (ie, approximately 1,450 feet in Bluebird and 4,000 20 feet in Gary Lane). Where two utilities develop 21 contiguous to each other, this situation is not unusual. 22 For example, this has occurred between United Water and 23 Capital Water Company and South County Water Company. 24 However, the potential for the continued development of 25 redundant plant between Garden City and United Water in 74 Brown, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 the future is eliminated by the agreement which clarifies 2 the two utilities' service area boundaries. 3 4 / 5 6 / 7 8 / 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 75 Brown, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 Q Does a single water purveyor in a given 2 service area enhance the operation and development of 3 groundwater wells? 4 A Yes. As stated by Wayne Booe, protection 5 of the aquifer is better assured by a single operator. 6 Adequate spacing and design of wells are under this 7 operator's full control and, as a result, conflict with 8 other well owners and potential litigation are minimized. 9 Q Does this conclude your testimony? 10 A Yes. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 76 Brown, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 (The following proceedings were had in 2 open hearing.) 3 MR. BERGQUIST: He's available for 4 cross-examination. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 6 Mr. Woodbury, do you have questions? 7 MR. WOODBURY: Yes, thank you. 8 9 CROSS-EXAMINATION 10 11 BY MR. WOODBURY: 12 Q Mr. Brown, you conducted the engineering 13 review of the exchange facilities? 14 A Yes. 15 Q Is there a standard or a generally accepted 16 procedure for a review of facilities? 17 A Well, I think -- well, not specifically, 18 no. 19 Q Does United Water have a generally accepted 20 procedure for conducting such a review? 21 A I would say it's generally yes, but it is 22 dependent, it certainly is dependent, on a case-by-case 23 basis. 24 Q Do you have a checklist that you go down? 25 A Not specifically, no. 77 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q Have you received any specific training 2 regarding review and assessment of facilities? 3 A I have almost 18 years of operating or 4 engineering at Boise Water, United Water, which gives me 5 some idea of how to evaluate the systems. 6 Q And in reviewing or in assessing the 7 facilities in the North State Area, can you indicate what 8 procedures you followed? 9 A Primarily, we analyzed the water mains, 10 that was the biggest concern, where we are potentially 11 going to acquire a system that would necessitate an 12 ongoing maintenance problem as far as leaks and those 13 kinds of issues, and we found that the system was quite 14 new, relatively new, and felt that that would not be a 15 problem. Since we were not acquiring any sources, 16 directly acquiring any sources, of supply, that was not 17 an issue. 18 Q Did you request and were you provided with 19 the service records for the facilities in the North State 20 Area? 21 A I believe we were. Specifically, I don't 22 have that information. 23 Q You indicate that your review is also 24 related to the existing water quality and what is the 25 nature of your review in that area? 78 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 A What we did is we acquired from Garden City 2 all of the most recent water quality analyses that were 3 done on all of their wells. 4 Q Garden City, is that an integrated system, 5 all of its wells connected? 6 A I think for the most part they are. 7 They've drilled and equipped a new well on the northwest 8 portion of their system that they've been working to 9 intertie, but I don't know at this time if it's tied in 10 or not. As far as I know, the rest of it is. 11 Q So with respect to the source wells, you 12 can't really look to any particular well or wells as 13 being the source for the North State Area? 14 A Not specifically, no. 15 Q When you performed all of your water 16 quality testing, was that done at the well source or was 17 that done within the distribution system? 18 A The data we received was taken at the 19 wells. The compilation of data that we have was at the 20 wells and that was performed by a certified lab. It was 21 not performed by us. 22 Q You did not perform that? 23 A It was data that -- 24 Q The data was prepared and furnished to you 25 by Garden City? 79 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 A We got copies of the lab reports from 2 Garden City. 3 Q And did you conduct any independent study? 4 A No. 5 Q I mean, as far as independent, any Company 6 study? 7 A No. 8 Q With respect to your review on operating 9 pressure information, again, can you indicate the nature 10 of that review? 11 A We in 1995 completed the agreement for 12 purchasing water from Garden City. We were quoted and we 13 tested some pressures ourselves as far as what the 14 operating pressure would be. We found that their 15 pressure was lower than our pressure in that area and in 16 order for us to purchase water, we would have to install 17 a booster station to do that. 18 Q And how many sites did you use for testing 19 in the North State Area? 20 A What we did is actually test the area where 21 we were going to be pumping from. That was our primary 22 concern. 23 Q What is that location? 24 A Near the intersection of State Street and 25 Gary Lane. We did find during the operation, however, of 80 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 the booster station that at times the Garden City 2 pressure dropped off sufficiently that we had to shut off 3 the pump because their pressure was inadequate to draw 4 water further, so that certainly does imply that there 5 were likely problems elsewhere in their system. 6 Q Does not or does? 7 A It would imply that they would have low 8 pressure problems elsewhere in the system. 9 Q And I believe you indicate on page 4 that 10 the daily pressure variations were from 35 to 80 psi, and 11 what is an acceptable range of pressure? 12 A Generally, I would say that -- 13 Q What is the average system pressure within 14 United Water's system? 15 A I would say between 50 -- in an area maybe 16 of approximately 50 pounds to 70 pounds. 17 Q So 35 pounds per square inch is 18 unacceptably low? 19 A Well, that is the minimum allowed pressure 20 by the health department. 21 Q Okay. With respect to the distribution 22 system, page 2 of your testimony, you state: "The system 23 is relatively new, with the oldest main being installed 24 14 years ago, and is constructed of modern materials, 25 primarily ductile iron pipe and a minor amount of PVC 81 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 pipe." How did you obtain that information and reach 2 your conclusions? 3 A From Garden City. 4 Q You reviewed city records, then? 5 A They provided us with data. I believe that 6 actually was compiled by their consulting engineer, Doby 7 Engineering. 8 Q Are you aware that -- do the construction 9 standards, requirements conform with United Water's 10 practice and standards? 11 A Generally, I would say that they would. 12 Q In what areas don't they? 13 A I mean, I would assume they do. I don't 14 have any specific data to say that they wouldn't. 15 Q You state that you anticipate minimal 16 maintenance costs. What is the Company's estimate of 17 maintenance -- 18 A Well -- 19 Q -- on an annual basis? 20 A The purpose for my comment in that regard 21 was, the United Water system certainly being over 100 22 years old, we have main materials that are subject to 23 maintenance problems at a much higher degree than the 24 more modern PVC and ductile iron mains. For instance, 25 some years ago, we did an analysis in our system finding 82 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 that a large percentage of our maintenance, very large 2 percentage of our maintenance, costs were due to the 3 mains that were installed between the turn of the century 4 and the 1940s, and the maintenance costs associated with 5 the later-installed materials, specifically any of the 6 ductile iron and PVC, were minimal, so what I would 7 anticipate at Garden City would parallel what we 8 experience in the United Water system. 9 Q And so what would be the maintenance costs 10 associated with this area on an annual basis? 11 A I couldn't estimate that. I would say I 12 would be very surprised if they had any leaks. 13 Q Could you explain what your investigation 14 consisted of with respect to the source of supply? 15 A Primarily, it was associated with the water 16 quality that we discussed a moment ago. 17 Q You state that purchased water will be 18 based upon meter readings. Will there be any unmetered 19 use of water? 20 A Not that we're aware of. 21 Q Who has access to the fire hydrants in the 22 area? 23 A I suppose, conceivably, anybody has access 24 to the fire hydrants, but, for the most part, within our 25 system a user of a fire hydrant acquires a fire hydrant 83 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 metering permit from us. We relay that information to 2 the fire departments to know that someone is using it and 3 so it is not just a free use, generally. Other users may 4 be the highway district that would use it for street 5 cleaning purposes. 6 Q On page 4, line 5, you indicate that with 7 respect to the control of water quality and pressure, you 8 will clearly monitor the water quality issues and take 9 necessary steps to deal with the problems as they are 10 identified. Is it the intention of the Company to 11 install SCADA equipment for the purpose of monitoring in 12 the North State Area? 13 A Yes. In fact, we discussed the booster 14 station that was installed in 1995 and it has the SCADA 15 equipment there at this time. 16 Q And this permits the Company to engage in a 17 24-hour monitoring of system pressure and volume? 18 A That's correct. 19 Q And have you estimated what the cost of 20 installing that equipment would be in the North State 21 Area? 22 A We already have it there. 23 Q It's already there? 24 A At this booster station. 25 Q Okay, and that is where -- there's no 84 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 additional equipment that would be put in? 2 A No. 3 Q Could you explain the testing procedures 4 that will be followed once the North State Area is 5 acquired if approved? 6 A We would to gain familiarity with the water 7 quality issues, I haven't thought of a protocol yet of 8 exactly how we would approach this, but we would select a 9 number of sample sites and periodically, maybe monthly 10 for the first period of operation, take samples and see 11 what is happening as far as the delivery of water there. 12 We may work, attempt to work, more closely with Garden 13 City and how they operate and treat their water to -- 14 maybe there's some things we could do there as well. 15 Q What access does United Water, will United 16 Water, have to the source wells? Is there an agreement? 17 A There isn't a written agreement. I know 18 that all of my conversations with the public works 19 director have been very positive, very open as far as how 20 they operate, and they're struggling with the same water 21 quality issues that we are and the attitude has been that 22 if we can offer them some solutions that we have learned 23 or maybe we can brainstorm up something new that neither 24 of us have tried yet, you know, they're very cooperative. 25 Q Will you please explain what you know about 85 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 the source wells and from whom you obtained that 2 information? 3 A Mainly the knowledge we have of the source 4 wells -- well, we do have the well drilling reports, so 5 we know how they were drilled and that information on 6 file. We got that from either Water Resources or Garden 7 City and the water quality data we got from Garden City. 8 Q Okay, did you make any specific requests of 9 your own to either Water Resources or Central District 10 Health with respect to those wells? 11 A No. 12 Q Is it my understanding that the water 13 pressure problems you feel will be remedied immediately 14 with intertie and connection to the booster stations? 15 A I believe that those pressure problems 16 would be remedied by that, yes. 17 Q And it is my understanding that you will go 18 forward with the intertie immediately and not attempt to 19 wait to see whether Garden City remedies the pressure 20 problems in whatever, '96, '97 or whatever year? 21 A Yes. 22 Q I do understand you to have said that the 23 pressure variance that you detected in your independent 24 testing is indicative of a system facility problem. 25 A I'm not sure where -- what was the cause of 86 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 that, if that was operations or what. That was actually 2 picked up by the SCADA system, the continuous monitoring 3 equipment that we had in the area. 4 Q Does Garden City have reservoir backup 5 capability? 6 A No, it does not. 7 Q And it is the intention of the Company upon 8 acquisition if approved to connect the North State Area 9 customers to the, to a reservoir? 10 A Yes, our existing distribution system in 11 the area is tied to the reservoir, so when we 12 interconnect the North State distribution system to ours, 13 it would be intertied with the reservoir. 14 Q Was it you that had the -- when did you 15 learn of the stated plans of Garden City to improve its 16 system in '96 with respect to water pressure? Was this a 17 conversation that you had with the city? 18 A During the ongoing discussions last summer, 19 or last year I should say, with Garden City, they 20 discussed some operational problems that they were 21 having, pressure problems, because their system had grown 22 to the extent that the northwest pressure was growing, 23 was getting too high, so they wanted to split the system 24 in half which would enable them to increase the pressure 25 on the southerly portion of the system, so that's -- and 87 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 they implied at the time that they wanted to go forward 2 with that. 3 Q You indicated that the low pressure of 35 4 is still an acceptable pressure under requirements, state 5 requirements? 6 A It is the minimum allowed pressure by the 7 Idaho Division of Environmental Quality. My concern 8 would be that that is near the source or that's near 9 State Street and considering the customers nearer to Hill 10 Road, I would think that their pressure would have 11 degraded below 35. 12 Q So unless the pressure were lower than 13 state requirements, Garden City would be under no 14 requirement to improve that pressure? 15 A I don't know who else would impose that. 16 Q Okay, you don't believe that Garden City 17 has committed itself to improve their pressure with any 18 agreement that it's entered into with United Water? 19 A Specifically, I can't speak to that, but I 20 would note that Garden City was not aware of those low 21 pressures until we called it to their attention. 22 Q Referring to your testimony on page 4 and 23 the top of page 5 with respect to interties, you speak of 24 intertie through an existing booster pump at Gary Lane, 25 well and booster station. Is it the Company's proposal 88 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 to do this intertie as opposed to the subsequent intertie 2 you speak of, a new booster pump intertying the North 3 State system with UWI's distribution system and pumping 4 the water needed to serve the North State Area customers 5 through a new booster pump? Do you intend to use an 6 existing pump or install a new pump? 7 A We would use the existing station and 8 upgrade it to a higher capacity. 9 Q And is it -- pursuant to Production Request 10 No. 15, the estimated costs of interconnection were 11 stated to be approximately $47,500. Is this an accurate 12 figure for what the Company is proposing? 13 A Yes, for the interties. 14 Q For the interties, yes. Would there be any 15 additional costs in tying into the Hidden Hollow 16 reservoir? 17 A Only the booster station upgrade. 18 Q That's included within the 47,000, then? 19 A No. 20 Q No? 21 A No. 22 Q When you say no, I think I'm a little 23 confused, then. You said that the costs of the booster 24 station upgrade and the intertie was 47,5, no additional 25 costs will be included for the reservoir and yet -- 89 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 A No, you said -- what I understood your 2 question to be was, does the 47,500 constitute what is 3 required for the interties and I said yes. That does not 4 include the booster pump upgrade which would be probably 5 in the range of 10-$15,000. 6 Q Okay, thank you. With respect to the 7 Millstream Area customers and changes in service to them, 8 they will -- do they presently have reservoir backup 9 capability through United Water? 10 A Millstream? 11 Q Millstream. 12 A Yes. 13 Q And so when the Company turns the valve, 14 they'll no longer have that backup capability? 15 A That would be one of the trade-offs, I 16 would say. 17 Q Will the Millstream Area be tied into the 18 Garden City system? 19 A It's my understanding, yes. 20 Q And the Millstream Area presently has two 21 wells; is that correct? 22 A One. 23 Q One well? 24 A The Millstream is intertied with the 25 balance of the United Water distribution system, so 90 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 that's where its backup supply comes from. 2 Q And so do you anticipate that connecting to 3 the Garden City system will affect the water quality of 4 the Millstream Area customers? 5 A There will be a change in water quality. 6 It will be different wells serving the area, certainly; 7 however, there is a well in the Millstream Area, so 8 probably most of those customers will continue to receive 9 their -- they're the first customers next to the well, so 10 I would presume they would receive most of their water, 11 continue to receive most of their water, from that well. 12 Q But they will be tied in, it's your 13 understanding, to the rest of the Garden City system? 14 A That's right. 15 Q So is it possible that their water quality 16 could deteriorate? 17 A It could deteriorate, it could improve. I 18 don't know exactly which wells would be serving. I would 19 say -- 20 Q Do you believe right now that the water 21 quality that you're providing to the Millstream Area is a 22 greater water quality than the Garden City system water? 23 A I don't know that I could answer that 24 specifically. 25 Q Will the water pressure of the Millstream 91 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Area customers be affected? 2 A I would presume it will be affected. To 3 what degree, I don't know. 4 Q So that to the extent the water, there are 5 some system problems within the Garden City exchange, 6 then these customers can perhaps expect greater variance 7 in the water pressure than they presently experience with 8 United Water? 9 A I think that that's probably reasonable to 10 say; however, they're on the lower end of the Garden City 11 distribution system, so I would gather their pressure is 12 going to be adequate. 13 Q Does Garden City have any SCADA monitoring 14 system for its water distribution? 15 A I don't know for sure. 16 Q You don't know? 17 A No. 18 Q So the Millstream Area customers could be 19 very well without any monitoring of a SCADA nature, then? 20 A Well, could be. 21 Q And for this trade-off they'll have just a 22 lower price for their water? 23 A That's the effect, I would guess. I don't 24 know of any other. 25 Q Do you believe that -- I mean, these are 92 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 your customers right now, the Millstream Area customers, 2 do you feel that they're getting a fair shake in this 3 exchange? Would you like to live in Millstream? 4 A I don't think they're being treated 5 unfairly. I haven't really thought about that. 6 Q You state on page 6 of your testimony that 7 the cost of a new well would be approximately $300,000. 8 Is this a cost that the Company is looking at? Isn't the 9 Company only deferring that cost to its ratepayers for 10 two to ten years, this $300,000 well? 11 A Perhaps. As Wayne, as Mr. Booe previously 12 commented, we are looking at the source of supply issues 13 with regard to the northwest part of our distribution 14 system. 15 Q Do you anticipate that there will looping 16 from your south part to your north part? 17 A That is certainly one of the possibilities 18 in dealing with this. We've been faced with the 19 difficulty of getting water wells on the north side of 20 the river for some time and looping with the system to 21 the south has been one of the considerations for some 22 time as a possibility. It certainly makes sense to have 23 the well if you can get the water quality and the 24 capacity that you need in the area of service, however. 25 Q Should the cost of a supply well be 93 CSB REPORTING BROWN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 factored into the cost of acquisition? 2 A That's beyond my scope. 3 Q Whose scope would that be, Mr. Healy's? 4 A I would say that it is beyond mine and I 5 would presume Mr. Healy will be able to speak to that. 6 MR. WOODBURY: Okay. Madam Chair, I have 7 no further questions at this time. Thank you. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 9 Mr. Kline. 10 MR. KLINE: No, my questions were covered. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Commissioners? 12 COMMISSIONER NELSON: I have one or two 13 questions. Thank you. 14 15 EXAMINATION 16 17 BY COMMISSIONER NELSON: 18 Q Mr. Brown, you were asked a lot of 19 questions about water quality today. I was wondering in 20 your testing how much difference is there between the 21 quality of the water that Garden City is providing and 22 what you're providing. 23 A That would be difficult to answer. 24 Q Why do the testing if there's no analysis? 25 A I don't understand. 94 CSB REPORTING BROWN (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q I mean, when you looked at the results, 2 what did you compare it to? 3 A Oh, we compared the results to the, like, 4 water quality standards, EPA standards, to know if their 5 quality of water was -- in regard to classifying their 6 water quality, we compared it against those standards. 7 Q How did you classify it? 8 A Well, we found that there were a few wells 9 that certainly did have higher than the aesthetic 10 recommended levels for iron and manganese, iron 11 specifically. 12 Q Well, most of the letters that we've 13 received from residents in that area talk about hard 14 water, so how hard is it? 15 A I'd have to -- I don't recall right off the 16 top of my head. I'd have to look. 17 Q That seems like that's a pretty big issue 18 for residents in that area. How hard is your water? 19 A I'm on a private well. I don't know for 20 sure. Oh, United Water? 21 Q Your Company, excuse me. 22 A It ranges. 23 Q You're on a private well? 24 A But it ranges. It's generally classified 25 as moderately hard. 95 CSB REPORTING BROWN (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q Moderately hard. How would you classify 2 Garden City's? 3 A I'd have to look up that information. 4 Q Do you have that information with you? 5 A I believe we have that. 6 Q Maybe when you come back for rebuttal, why, 7 you could answer that. 8 A Sure. 9 Q When you were testing the water pressure 10 and it was between 35 and 80 pounds, how long a period 11 did you test it? 12 A That was the result of two weeks of data 13 collection off of the SCADA system where it collects the 14 data on a 24-hour basis and we did it, specifically I 15 gathered that data off of two weeks, one week in July and 16 one week in August of '95. 17 Q Were they consistent between July and 18 August? 19 A Relatively consistent, yes. 20 COMMISSIONER NELSON: Okay, thank you. 21 Those were my questions. 22 23 24 25 96 CSB REPORTING BROWN (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 EXAMINATION 2 3 BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: 4 Q Well, Mr. Brown, I just have a couple of 5 what I hope are easy questions and perhaps I should have 6 asked Mr. Booe since this is his exhibit, do you have a 7 copy of his Exhibit No. 2 with the map? 8 A I believe I do. 9 Q It's page 8 of Exhibit 2 that shows what 10 we're referring to as the North State Area. 11 A No, I don't have it. 12 Q But my question is, generally, the North 13 State Area is bounded on the east by Pierce Park Lane -- 14 A Yes. 15 Q -- and on the west by Gary Lane. 16 A Yes. 17 Q Who serves east of Pierce Park Lane? 18 A We do. 19 Q Does your service on the east come clear up 20 to Pierce Park? 21 A In a couple of spots it does, yes. 22 Q And west of Gary Lane, who serves west of 23 Gary Lane? 24 A We do. 25 Q Okay, and your service west of Gary Lane 97 CSB REPORTING BROWN (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 comes clear up to Gary Lane? 2 A Yes. There are a few subdivisions, mostly 3 north, Northerly Landover and a couple of others that I 4 don't recall. 5 Q So this is a little piece of area that 6 Garden City has been serving that is essentially within 7 two areas you already serve or between two areas? 8 A That's correct. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay, thank you. That 10 was my question. 11 Do you have redirect, Mr. Bergquist? 12 MR. BERGQUIST: I don't believe I have any 13 questions. Thank you. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, Mr. Brown. 15 THE WITNESS: Thanks. 16 (The witness left the stand.) 17 MR. BERGQUIST: I call Mr. Healy. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 98 CSB REPORTING BROWN (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 JEREMIAH J. HEALY, 2 produced as a witness at the instance of United Water 3 Idaho, Inc., having been first duly sworn, was examined 4 and testified as follows: 5 6 DIRECT EXAMINATION 7 8 BY MR. BERGQUIST: 9 Q Would you please state your name and 10 business address? 11 A My name is Jeremiah Healy and my business 12 address is 8248 West Victory Road. 13 Q And have you prepared and filed some, 14 prefiled some, direct testimony in this matter? 15 A Yes, I have. 16 Q Are there any corrections or additions or 17 changes in that testimony? 18 A No, there are not. 19 Q And you also are sponsoring some exhibits, 20 are you not? 21 A Exhibit No. 4, yes. 22 Q If I were to ask you the questions set 23 forth in your prefiled testimony, would your answers be 24 the same? 25 A Yes, they would. 99 CSB REPORTING HEALY (Di) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 MR. BERGQUIST: We would request that 2 Mr. Healy's testimony be spread on the record. 3 COMMISSIONER SMITH: If there's no 4 objection, it is so ordered. 5 (The following prefiled testimony of 6 Mr. Jeremiah Healy is spread upon the record.) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 100 CSB REPORTING HEALY (Di) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q Please state your name and business 2 address. 3 A Jeremiah J. Healy. My business address is 4 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho 83709. 5 Q By whom and in what capacity are you 6 employed? 7 A I am employed by United Water Idaho Inc. 8 My title is Coordinator of Planning and Rates. 9 Q How long have you been employed by United 10 Water Idaho? 11 A I have been employed by United Water, or a 12 subsidiary of its parent corporation, since February, 13 1980. 14 Q What have your responsibilities been during 15 this period of time? 16 A From February of 1980 until April of 1982, 17 I was employed as a Staff Accountant. My duties included 18 general accounting, Federal and State tax return 19 preparation and preparation of Public Utility Commission 20 Annual Reports. In May, 1982 I became an Internal 21 Auditor and was responsible for conducting financial 22 audits, assisting the external auditors in their duties 23 and performing various special audits. In 1983, I was 24 promoted to Senior Internal Auditor. In September, 1985 25 I became Accounting Supervisor for Boise Water 101 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 Corporation, United Water's Predecessor. In this 2 capacity, I was responsible for all accounting and 3 planning functions. In January, 1990 I was promoted to 4 the position of Financial Coordinator for the Western 5 Region of Boise Water's parent company. 6 7 / 8 9 / 10 11 / 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 102 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 My scope of responsibility included accounting and 2 operational and strategic planning for five water and/or 3 wastewater utilities located in Arkansas, Idaho, 4 Illinois, Missouri and New Mexico. In September, 1993 I 5 became Director of Rates and was responsible for 6 analyzing the performance of utilities and participating 7 in strategic decisions regarding the need for rate 8 relief. I directed the preparation and presentation of 9 rate cases before regulatory agencies. In November, 1994 10 I took up my present position at United Water as 11 Coordinator of Planning and Rates. My duties now include 12 responsibility for oversight and administration of the 13 accounting, planning and strategic planning, customer 14 service and the Company's water conservation program 15 efforts. 16 Q What is your educational background? 17 A I graduated Magna Cum Laude from the 18 University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 19 with a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in 20 accounting in May, 1977. 21 Q Have you appeared and presented expert 22 testimony before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission? 23 A Yes. I have testified in rate proceedings 24 before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, as well as 25 having submitted written testimony before several other 103 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 state utilities commissions. 2 Q What is the nature of your testimony in 3 this proceeding? 4 5 / 6 7 / 8 9 / 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 104 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 A I will address several issues with regard 2 to United Water's agreement with the City of Garden City 3 to sell/exchange portions of our respective water 4 systems. The issues I will address are enumerated as 5 follows: 6 1) Recent circumstances leading to the 7 consummation of the agreement. 8 2) Proposed regulatory treatment of purchase 9 price. 10 3) Rate impact on North State customers. 11 4) Customer service and water conservation 12 related issues. 13 5) Purchased water agreement. 14 Q What are the recent circumstances that led 15 to the signing of the agreement between United Water and 16 Garden City? 17 A Mr. Booe, in his testimony, provides 18 historical perspective on issues between the City of 19 Boise City and the City of Garden City with regard to 20 their respective areas of impact, and services provided 21 in those areas. The MOU executed in 1994, between Boise 22 City and Garden City attempted to clarify several issues 23 between the two municipalities, including paragraphs 1 24 and 2 regarding respective impact areas and encouraging 25 Garden City to cooperate with the former Boise Water 105 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 Corporation, (now United Water) in accomplishing the 2 transfer of water system facilities between the two 3 entities to align with the new impact areas and city 4 boundaries. Garden City officials contacted United Water 5 shortly after the 6 7 / 8 9 / 10 11 / 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 106 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 execution of the MOU to commence negotiations. Formal 2 negotiations on the transfer of water facility assets 3 began in November, 1994 between United Water and Garden 4 City. After several negotiating sessions, the "Service 5 Area Exchange Agreement" was executed between the parties 6 in July, 1995. This agreement led to the filing of 7 United Water's current application requesting the IPUC to 8 approve the contract, approve the revision of United 9 Water's certificated area consistent with the agreement, 10 authorize United Water to charge the North State 11 Customers under existing rate schedules and allow rate 12 base treatment of United Water's investment in the Garden 13 City system. 14 Q How was the consideration for the 15 transaction established? 16 A As I mentioned previously, several 17 negotiating sessions were held during which the parties 18 attempted to agree on a net price for the system 19 exchange. United Water was not privy to Garden City's 20 negotiating strategy or goals. From United Water's point 21 of view, several factors were taken into account in 22 establishing the net value of the assets. Among the 23 factors considered were the following: 24 * United Water had 382 "Millstream" 25 customers. The "North State" area 107 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 contained 912 Garden City customers. Thus, 2 United Water stands to increase it's 3 customer base by 530 customers. 4 * The North State area is within United 5 Water's certificated area and provides 6 service on both sides. 7 8 / 9 10 / 11 12 / 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 108 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 * The benefit to United Water of 2 incorporating the contiguous "North State" 3 area into our system. 4 * The "in-fill" potential in the North State 5 area at minimal additional investment. 6 * Existing United Water transmission and 7 distribution investment per customer was 8 utilized as a benchmark. 9 * The respective ages of the two systems and 10 its impact on operations and maintenance 11 expense. The "Millstream" area is of late 12 1970's vintage. The "North State" area is 13 early 1980's to recent vintage. 14 * The desire of United Water to accommodate 15 the intent of the MOU executed between 16 Garden City and Boise City. 17 * The opportunity, through the MOU and 18 Service Area Exchange Agreement, to settle 19 impact and service area issues that will 20 allow more orderly and efficient growth of 21 municipal and utility systems. 22 All of the above considerations played a part in 23 establishing, through arms-length discussion, a 24 consideration both parties found acceptable. 25 Q What is the basis for including United Water's investment in the rate base of the Company? 109 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 A The consideration agreed upon in an 2 arms-length transaction between the two parties 3 respectively for the sale/exchange of the water facility 4 assets represents the cost of these assets first devoted 5 to utility service. United Water is entitled to earn a 6 fair rate of return on assets used and useful in the 7 provision of utility service. 8 Q Does the fact that developers contributed a 9 portion of these water facility assets to Garden City 10 have a bearing upon United Water's proposed rate base 11 treatment? 12 A No. Garden City had assets of value that 13 they owned and wished to sell. The method by which 14 Garden City came to own those assets has no bearing on 15 the treatment to be afforded the assets when they become 16 the property of a regulated utility. 17 Q Are any of the assets to be purchased by 18 United Water duplicative or unnecessarily redundant to 19 existing facilities? 20 A A small portion of the assets to be 21 acquired from Garden City could be considered duplicative 22 or unnecessarily redundant of existing facilities. Most 23 of these facilities were installed as the result of the 24 competitive and uncertain atmosphere existing in this 25 area prior to the recent understandings that have been 110 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 reached between the municipalities and the definitive 2 determination of respective areas of impact. In the 3 future, duplicative facilities should be rare. 4 Q What do you estimate to be the annual rate 5 impact on a typical "North State" customer? 6 7 / 8 9 / 10 11 / 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 111 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 A Based on the average usage of United Water 2 residential customers, (156 CCF for the 12 months ended 3 10/15/95), the rate differential for a 3/4" meter 4 customer will be approximately $68.59 annually or a 34% 5 increase as calculated on Exhibit 4. 6 Q Is the 34% increase justified? 7 A It is difficult to compare water rate 8 differences between two diverse entities. Garden City is 9 a municipal corporation and, therefore, is not obligated 10 to pay Federal or State income taxes. Also, their rates 11 may or may not reflect their cost of service. United 12 Water is a regulated public utility and part of an 13 investor owned entity and, therefore, is subject to 14 Federal and State income taxation. Also, United Water's 15 rates are based on the cost of providing service. I 16 believe, not withstanding the proceeding, there are 17 several justifications for the 34% increase. With all 18 due respect to the Garden City's Public Works Department, 19 I believe United Water will provide a higher quality of 20 service to the North State area customers due to our 21 expertise and the fact that we are exclusively a water 22 purveyor. United Water has operations and maintenance 23 programs, water quality testing and monitoring programs, 24 customer service programs, as well as other areas of 25 expertise, that are well respected in this area and the 112 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 Northwest. United Water's conservation oriented rate 2 structure will also help North State customers adjust and 3 economize their usage to reflect the arid climate 4 existent in the 5 6 / 7 8 / 9 10 / 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 113 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 Treasure Valley. Toward this conservative end, the 2 Company's overall water conservation plan, and in 3 particular the residential water audit program and public 4 education programs, will be a benefit. In addition, the 5 fact that United Water is a regulated utility may provide 6 North State customers with an increased ability to 7 comment and have input on their quality of service, 8 either by direct input to the Company or by their ability 9 to participate in actions before the IPUC. 10 Q In your opinion, will the acquisition of 11 the North State area have an adverse impact on existing 12 United Water customers? 13 A No. I believe the integration of the North 14 State area into the United Water system will not 15 adversely impact any current customers. 16 Q Please comment on United Water's contracts 17 to purchase water from Garden City under the Service Area 18 Exchange Agreement, as well as under any other contracts. 19 A To allow for smooth integration of the 20 North State area into the United Water System, it was 21 decided that United Water should secure the right to 22 purchase source water from Garden City for a limited 23 time. This will allow Engineering and Operations staff 24 to consider options for future supply and what 25 integration alternative is best suited. Garden City has 114 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 a reliable supply of water available that they were 2 willing to sell, allowing United Water to defer new 3 source investment. United Water had previously 4 (February, 1995) reached agreement with Garden 5 6 / 7 8 / 9 10 / 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 115 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 City to allow the Company to purchase water from the City 2 at a Gary Lane/Glenwood site. This allows the Company to 3 adequately serve customers in that area. The partnership 4 with Garden City has allowed the Company additional 5 flexibility in meeting customer demand. 6 Q Does this conclude your testimony? 7 A Yes. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 116 Healy, Di United Water Idaho Inc. 1 (The following proceedings were had in 2 open hearing.) 3 MR. BERGQUIST: He's available for 4 cross-examination. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: And we'll identify 6 Exhibit No. 4. 7 Mr. Kline, do you have questions for 8 Mr. Healy? 9 MR. KLINE: I don't have any questions on 10 his direct testimony. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 12 Mr. Woodbury. 13 MR. WOODBURY: Thank you, Madam Chair. 14 15 CROSS-EXAMINATION 16 17 BY MR. WOODBURY: 18 Q Mr. Healy, referring to your testimony on 19 page 5, you speak of negotiating sessions with Garden 20 City which led up to this service area exchange 21 agreement. Did you participate in those negotiating 22 sessions? 23 A I did. 24 Q And did anyone else from United Water 25 participate? 117 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 A Mr. Booe and I were the principal 2 negotiators for United Water. Mr. Brown was present at 3 several sessions, but Mr. Booe and I were the principal 4 negotiators. 5 Q And at the time you initiated those 6 negotiating sessions, had you already concluded your 7 analysis of the system that you were seeking to acquire? 8 A We did not initiate the negotiations. The 9 negotiations were initiated by the City of Garden City. 10 They contacted us upon the signing of their MOU, the City 11 of Boise City, and asked us if we would be interested in 12 pursuing negotiations. Those negotiations went on for a 13 period of about seven months. They commenced late in 14 1994 and went through July of '95 when our agreement was 15 signed and there was discussion throughout that period 16 and information gathering throughout that period of time. 17 Q And so your analysis was completed prior to 18 arriving at a price for the system? 19 A The principal analysis was complete. There 20 have been facts come to light after the signing of the 21 agreement that may have a bearing on the agreement. 22 Q What facts are you referring to? 23 A The principal fact would be the agreement 24 was made with the understanding that Garden City had 912 25 customers in the North State Area. In the discovery 118 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 process of this application, when I contacted Garden City 2 to provide the breakout on meter size, their billing 3 people indicated that there may only be 771 customers. 4 Q And will that affect the revenue that's 5 generated? 6 A That would affect not only the revenue 7 generated but the purchase price United Water is willing 8 to pay. We have been in touch, I've been in touch 9 personally, with Mr. Dearden, the director of public 10 works, and we understand that a final customer count will 11 be substantiated and arrived at prior to carrying out the 12 agreement. 13 Q And if the customer count is 771, can you 14 estimate what the purchase price will be? 15 A What my understanding is with Mr. Dearden 16 is we will make appropriate adjustments. From my point 17 of view, those adjustments, I think, would be on the 18 general basis of a pro rata reduction in the investment. 19 Q And so that would reduce the $593,250 to 20 what? 21 A I haven't carried out that calculation. 22 Off the top of my head -- I mean, since this was a 23 negotiated agreement, we have further contact with Garden 24 City. If they can't substantiate the customers, we would 25 reopen the agreement and I would say the highest figure, 119 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 perhaps, that United Water would be willing to pay would 2 be a prorated number, but I haven't done the calculations 3 on that number. 4 Q Are you familiar with the -- in speaking of 5 the rates and charges to the North State Area customers, 6 are you familiar with the consumption patterns of those 7 customers? 8 A Garden City provided us with billing 9 records for customers in the North State Area and I'm 10 generally familiar with their consumption patterns, yes. 11 Q And is their consumption pattern similar to 12 United Water? 13 A I think on the whole they are. As Mr. Booe 14 mentioned, we had occasion to drive through that area, in 15 many occasions to inspect the nature of the area, the 16 prospects for further development in that area and our 17 general observations were that their customers were 18 similar in many respects to what we would consider an 19 average United Water customer. 20 Q But they do not pay a summertime 21 conservation rate; is that correct? 22 A To the best of my knowledge, their 23 commodity rate is constant throughout the year. 24 Q And so the Company does anticipate that 25 instituting your summer rate will send a conservation 120 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 price signal and reduce consumption? 2 A I would anticipate it would send a price 3 signal. I would say whether that reduces consumption or 4 not is -- I couldn't tell you at this time. 5 Q Did United Water when it instituted its 6 summertime rate see any change in consumption patterns in 7 its own customers? 8 A It's very difficult to tell. Our 9 conservation rates, our summer rate, I believe, was 10 established in 1994, perhaps 1993. There are many 11 factors that impact the consumption of water, weather 12 being in my opinion the primary determinant, so, for 13 example, this past year we noticed that in general our 14 customer consumption was lower than what we would 15 consider an average year, but it's difficult for us to 16 measure the exact nature of why the lower consumption 17 occurs. It could be conservation rates, it could be 18 merely a demand situation. 19 Q You speak on page 5, starting at line 15, 20 relevant factors in establishing the net value of the 21 assets, the first of those being the number of 22 customers. Is it the -- which is the important figure, I 23 guess, just the net increase in the number of customers 24 for the purpose of the Company in determining whether the 25 revenue for the purchase that customers will pay their 121 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 own way? 2 A I mean, there are several ways to look at 3 this. In the negotiating sessions, I mean, our knowledge 4 was that we would increase our customer base by 530 5 customers. If you're looking at it from a financial 6 point of view, it would depend in my opinion on what 7 investment you were looking at. If you were looking at 8 our investment in the North State Area as a gross number, 9 in other words, the negotiated price reflected the fact 10 that we were both purchasing part of their system and 11 surrendering part of our system, so you can look at the 12 financial performance in several lights, but, generally, 13 if you're just looking at North State as an isolated 14 system, I would propose that you look at our gross 15 investment in that area compared to the total revenue 16 derived from all customers in the North State Area. 17 Q So the 771 customer figure would be the 18 number that this Commission should consider as opposed to 19 the 389 net customers realized? 20 A Right now it's not clear. The 912 in my 21 opinion is what Garden City represented they have in that 22 area. 23 Q When did the Company first learn that that 24 figure might not be correct and, I guess, then explain to 25 me why you didn't take steps between then and now to 122 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 determine what the exact number of customers is? 2 A We're waiting for Garden City to comply 3 with our -- the first knowledge we had that there could 4 be a problem with the customer counts was between the 5 negotiating period and the discovery period when we asked 6 Garden City to provide information with regard to those 7 customer counts. On several occasions they were asked to 8 provide that and for whatever reason they weren't able to 9 provide it, but why we haven't taken steps is I've been 10 in contact with Mr. Dearden in Garden City and they are 11 still in the process of coming up with an exact number, 12 at which time we will most likely -- it's possible we'll 13 even count them door to door because the voracity of 14 their records is subject to some dispute at this point. 15 Q But the Company responded to the Production 16 Request No. 6 of the Staff in September 20th of 1995 and 17 it indicated there that the total number of meters was 18 771, and so between then and now you still haven't been 19 able to verify that number? 20 A I have not attempted to verify it. I've 21 asked Mr. Dearden to provide a number that is reliable 22 and we've let Garden City know that in our opinion the 23 contract was premised on 912 customers and if there are 24 more or less customers, the price would be adjusted 25 accordingly. 123 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Q Is there an understanding between United 2 Water and Boise City as to how the fire hydrants, who 3 should own those? 4 A To my knowledge, there is not an 5 understanding at this time. Our practice in United 6 Water, we do not own the fire hydrants on our system is 7 my understanding, but I'm not aware of discussions 8 between us and the city prior to approval of this 9 agreement as to how the hydrants will be handled. 10 Q Do you know how many hydrants there are in 11 the North State Area? 12 A I do not. 13 Q Could I refer you to -- do you have a copy 14 of the production requests and the answers? 15 A I think I do, yes. 16 Q In Production Request No. 2, this was the 17 preliminary estimate of value prepared by, I'm assuming, 18 Garden City. 19 MR. BERGQUIST: No. 2? 20 MR. WOODBURY: No. 2. It was the 21 attachment to your answer. 22 THE WITNESS: I do have that, yes. 23 Q BY MR. WOODBURY: Is that figure -- this 24 was data that the Company relied upon because it was 25 provided by Garden City? 124 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 A I wouldn't say we relied upon it, other 2 than from a statistical nature. 3 Q From a statistical nature? 4 A Yes. 5 Q One of the subdivisions is hydrants? 6 A Correct. 7 Q And is that $1,500 figure, was that a 8 construction cost figure, I guess, per hydrant? 9 A My recollection of this exhibit is that is 10 a, I believe that that is the replacement cost. 11 Q Replacement cost, and does the -- does 12 United Water have a similar replacement cost for 13 hydrants? 14 A I'm sure we have a replacement cost. I 15 don't know what it is. 16 Q Is the following -- the total figure there, 17 44, at the end of that column, bottom of the column, is 18 that the total number of hydrants in the North State 19 Area, is that what that represents? 20 A I think that's what they're purporting to 21 represent, yes. 22 Q And the Company has not verified that? 23 A At this time we haven't. 24 Q Is it your intention to, I guess, verify 25 that all of the plant is in place before this deal is 125 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 consummated or just the number of customers? 2 A I think we have a pretty good idea that 3 every customer receiving service there's plant in place. 4 Garden City is having difficulty providing information on 5 a number of issues, not only customer counts but with 6 regard to their investment in their system. Garden City 7 is under an obligation by the contract to provide us with 8 all available documents relating to their system. 9 Q And so you're not aware of any agreement 10 between United Water to give those hydrants to Boise 11 City? 12 A I guess my opinion would be that would be 13 my expectation, but I'm not aware of any discussions 14 between United Water and the City of Boise with regard to 15 the fire hydrants. That's not to say one hasn't 16 occurred. 17 Q Are you paying for the value of those 18 hydrants as part of the purchase price? 19 A Generally. We bought their transmission 20 and distribution system in that area. 21 Q Do you anticipate that the hydrants will be 22 sold to Boise City or just gifted to Boise City? 23 A I couldn't say. 24 Q Would Mr. Booe be a better person to ask 25 that question of? 126 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 A Perhaps he would be, yes. 2 Q You speak of the in-fill potential in the 3 North State Area at minimal additional investment. It's 4 my understanding talking to Booe, though, that the number 5 of potential additional customers has not been 6 estimated. 7 A Actually, it has been generally estimated 8 in my opinion. Wayne and I and Mr. Dearden toured the 9 North State Area, generally the area between Pierce Park 10 and Gary Lane, on a couple of occasions, one occasion 11 specifically to assess the in-fill potential. Garden 12 City had represented a number to us on what we could 13 expect the potential additional connections in that area 14 and we -- 15 Q What was the number provided to you by 16 Garden City? 17 A To the best of my recollection, Mr. Dearden 18 indicated that there could be as many as 250 customers 19 that were fronted and ready to serve in that area. 20 Q Was this already platted and approved 21 subdivisions? 22 A That was our initial understanding. That 23 was the question we asked, for either platted and 24 approved or existing subdivisions with empty lots. As we 25 toured the area, we generally found that we weren't 127 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 comfortable with the number 250. 2 Q So did you ask the city for further 3 documentation or verification of that number? 4 A We came to an agreement with Mr. Dearden 5 that in our opinion the number was probably closer to 6 140. 7 Q And so will this -- did you come to that 8 agreement before or after you arrived at the exchange 9 agreement price? 10 A During that process. 11 Q And so did the in-fill potential affect the 12 price that United Water was willing to pay? 13 A Yeah, I believe I mentioned that in my 14 testimony. We gave some weight to the in-fill potential, 15 yes. 16 Q I think -- okay, and was this a dollar 17 figure that you calculated this was worth or is it just 18 no figure attributed to it? 19 A That's a difficult question. You know, 20 United Water being a regulated utility tends to look at 21 investment in one way, the City of Garden City looks at 22 it in another way. It was a factor considered. I can't 23 say that there was a specific dollar amount placed on the 24 in-fill potential. We were aware of the potential. 25 Q When you ask for Commission authorization 128 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 to include the investment in rate base, are you asking 2 that it be included immediately and rates be adjusted or 3 are you saying after the Company's next general rate 4 case? 5 A We are asking that, if possible, we get 6 some assurance that that investment would be included in 7 rate base at our next general rate proceeding, not 8 immediately. 9 Q And you state on page 7 that the 10 contribution of the facilities, I guess the question as 11 to the contribution of facilities, by the developers to 12 Garden City should have no bearing on this Commission's 13 determination as to appropriate rate base treatment of 14 the acquisition amount? 15 A That's my opinion, yes. 16 Q And do you know whether there's any basis 17 in utility accounting practice or Commission policy for 18 such a position? 19 A I think there are accepted accounting 20 procedures that generally apply to transactions of this 21 nature. On occasion, there is reason found to depart 22 from those procedures. 23 Q And what are the factors that give rise to 24 those departures from the procedures? What has to be 25 shown? 129 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 A I believe that there are factors with 2 regard to whether the customers will receive any benefit, 3 perhaps whether there's impact on existing customers. I 4 would think the factors would vary given the situation. 5 We believe there are many factors in this case that 6 justify including our investment in rate base. 7 Q But all of the factors that you think are 8 relevant have been cited by the Company witnesses, you're 9 not keeping any of those to yourself, are you? 10 A In my rebuttal, I believe I enumerate the 11 reasons. I think there are substantial reasons. 12 Q In speaking of duplicative or unnecessarily 13 redundant facilities, you indicate in a production 14 response to Staff that there were two areas, one east of 15 Gary Lane along Bluebird Street, a 16-inch UWI 16 distribution main parallels an 8-inch Garden City line 17 and it's the Company's intent to connect that over to the 18 16-inch line; is that correct? 19 A I don't know if that is our intent. 20 Q You don't. You don't know whether that's 21 one -- is that one of the redundant systems that you -- 22 this is Production Request No. 22. Do you have that? 23 A I think I do, yes. I do have it. 24 Q When you speak of east of Gary Lane along 25 Bluebird Street, how long do these lines parallel each 130 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 other? Is this a matter of feet or blocks? 2 A To the best of my recollection, it's a 3 matter of several blocks, but I could stand corrected on 4 that. 5 Q Okay, and did the Company take into 6 consideration the redundant facilities in determining its 7 value to the acquired property? 8 A I think generally in complying or entering 9 into negotiations with Garden City we were aware where 10 two providers are providing service in the same area or 11 close to the same area there is potential for maybe 12 duplicative facilities or at least facilities that are 13 unnecessarily in place and would not be sized in the same 14 manner if one utility was serving that area, so we were 15 aware that our competition, so to speak, with Garden City 16 has in some cases caused either United Water or the 17 municipality to put in facilities that may not strictly 18 be necessary. 19 Q Did you attempt to assess or to attribute a 20 value to the redundant facilities? 21 A We did not attempt to attribute a value. 22 We specifically wrote in our agreement with them, though, 23 the benefit of, one of the benefits of, this agreement 24 being that this type of duplicative asset would be 25 minimized in the future if we could agree on areas to be 131 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 served by each utility. 2 Q Did Garden City provide original cost data 3 on the North State Area? 4 A In the -- original cost data, actually, 5 they did not provide. 6 Q They provided cost of replacement data? 7 A Correct. In the response to an 8 interrogatory we looked at earlier, they did supply us 9 with some replacement cost data. 10 Q And your engineering staff, I guess, 11 reviewed that data to determine its reasonableness? 12 A Our engineers were aware of that data. As 13 Mr. Booe indicated in his testimony, Garden City in our 14 initial negotiating sessions came in and asked us to pay 15 $2 million for their facilities. We considered that 16 request to be unreasonable. They came back, and my 17 recollection is that their response to our position on 18 that was they came back, with this document that was 19 incorporated into the interrogatory and we gave that some 20 more credibility than the $2 million figure; however, we 21 continued to negotiate. I don't recall that that 22 particular document was particularly germane to our 23 negotiations. 24 Q In determining the annual rate impact on a 25 typical North State Area customer, you indicate on page 7 132 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 that, I guess, you anticipated the increase on an annual 2 basis to be about 34 percent and you state that this was 3 based on average United Water customer usage of 156 CCF 4 per year, and yet, do you recall whether this type of 5 usage compares favorably with the figures provided by 6 Garden City as far as annual usage? 7 A In driving through the area and observing 8 the area -- 9 Q I don't understand how -- 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Woodbury. 11 MR. WOODBURY: Madam Chair. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: It's very unsettling 13 to have the witness continually interrupted in his 14 responses. 15 MR. WOODBURY: Oh, I apologize for that. 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: And I'm still 17 struggling to find your reference on page 7, so if you 18 could help me with that. 19 MR. WOODBURY: It was starting line 19. 20 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay, I've got you. 21 All right, thank you. Sorry for the interruption. 22 MR. WOODBURY: Well, I'm sorry for how the 23 record is going to look. 24 Q BY MR. WOODBURY: My question is in 25 determining customer usage, don't you look at the 133 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 Company's billing data as opposed to a drive through the 2 area? 3 A I think both methods have been used. We 4 have billing data from Garden City on that area. 5 Frankly, much of their billing data I found to have some 6 errors and I wasn't comfortable with. A drive-through, 7 though, we're quite familiar when we look at landscaping 8 and yard sizes, what that might translate into in terms 9 of water usage. 10 Q I think I touched on this with perhaps one 11 of your other witnesses, you state that United Water will 12 provide a higher quality of service to the North State 13 Area customers and in making that statement, aren't you 14 also stating that the Millstream Area customers will 15 receive a lower quality of service? 16 A I don't believe I'm making that statement. 17 There are many factors, I believe, to be weighed here. 18 One is service. I think we can unequivocally say that we 19 feel that the North State customers will see a general 20 increase in the quality of their service. The Millstream 21 customers, I have not been contacted by any Millstream 22 customers. As Mr. Brown indicated, they will -- it might 23 be that they will receive the same water they are 24 receiving now. We're not privy to Garden City's plans in 25 that regard, but there is no doubt that Garden City will 134 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho 1 be -- those Millstream customers will be provided service 2 by the municipality in which they reside, so they will 3 have an avenue to comment on that service, like they do 4 now. 5 MR. WOODBURY: Madam Chair, I still have 6 some questions for Mr. Healy and I think that will take 7 us beyond noon and I would ask that we could adjourn now 8 for lunch because I have a need to go to the end of the 9 hall and use the facilities there. 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: It is a good time to 11 break for lunch and why don't we take up again at 1:15. 12 MR. WOODBURY: Thank you. 13 (Noon recess.) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 135 CSB REPORTING HEALY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 United Water Idaho