HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150921UWI to Staff 134-137,139-141,143-148.pdfMcDevitt & Miller rrPLawvem i,:lil .q[i- ? I Fl,,l !; og (208) 343-2s00 *$X:il"1ffi::5r?fi* , ,ir-i','i:: ,,i, ,,c F:McDe'itt (208) 33G6912 (Farr) Boiee,Idaho 83702 DeanJ. floe) Millet Celeste Ii Millet Septembet 27,2075 Via l{aad Delivety JeanJewell, Seceary I&ho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,Idaho 83720 Re: UWI-W-15-01 Deat Ms.Jewell: Eoclosed fot filing, please find an original and three (3) copies of United $Vater Idaho's Third Response to the Commission Staffs Seventh Production Request Nos. 134, 135,736,737,139,740, 147, 743, 144, 145, 746, 747 and 148. Kindly returfl a file stamped copy to me. Very Ttuly Yours, McDevitt & MilletLLP UAw- DeanJ. Millet DJM/M Cq United Watet Idaho, Inc. ORICINAL Dean J. Miller (lSB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 25U-83701 Boise, lD 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax 208.336.6912 ioe@mcdevitt-m iller. com ::i :',':-l t';1 l:[9 r.,:-ill".-,, , ': i- -l, ' :"'';"-' Attomey for United Water ldaho, lnc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION lN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION I Case No. UWI-W-15-01 OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES I UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S AND CT{ARGES FOR WATER SERVICE I THIRD RESPONSE TO SEVENTH IN THE STATE OF IDAHO PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE commtssroN STAFF United Water ldaho lnc., ("United Wate/') by and through its undersigned aftorneys, hereby submits its Third Response to the Commission Staffs Seventh Production Request Nos. 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 14O,141,143,144,145,146,147 and 148. DATED this Lr,day of September,2015. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S THIRD RESPONSE TO SEVENTH PRODUGTION REQUEST OF THE coirrrsstoN STAFF - l UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Deah 3. Miller (lSB No. 1968) Attomey for United Water ldaho, lnc. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on tn" 3\tt"y of September 2015,1 caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Hand Delivered # ldaho Public Utilities iommission U.S. Mail 'j 472 West Washington Street Fax .-i P.O. Box 83720 Fed. Express ,-i Boise, lD 83720-0074 Email d iiewell@puc. state. id. us Hand Delivered Donald L. Howe!!, ll U.S. Mail Daphne Huang Fax Deputy Attorney General Fed. Express ldaho Public Utilities Commission Email P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 don. howell@puc. idaho.qov daphne. huanq@puc. idaho.qov Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 bmpurdv@hotmail.com rql (-a (J LI Hand Delivered ,r U.S. Mail d Fax L-i Fed. Express !iEmail X BY,;;|\+?S\,Y*$qrl\I ( [-p roo isLMcDevrr & Mruen LLP ' v UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S THIRD RESPONSE TO SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.2 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W.15.01 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PrepareriSponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 134: In reference to the Company's response to PR #47,the "United Water ldaho Cross Connection Control Program" (July 2013), page 15, is the updated data from customer cross connection testing added to the customer account record? If not, is the customer testing data made available to the Customer Service representatives for the purpose of responding to customer inquiries and complaints? lf not, please make it available. RESPONSE NO. 134: Following submittal of a backflow test report, the Company updates data associated with the customer device record. This record system is currently separate from the customer billing account record. This data is in the process of being made available via a GIS interface tool to the Customer Service Representatives for response to customer inquiries and complaints. The Company expects this project to be completed by the end of the 2015 calendar year. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-15.01 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 135: ln reference to the Company's response to PR #49, please explain how the Company is notified when an existing residential customer installs a cross connection assembly or device. ls the notification process the same regardless of whether or not the customer is located within a municipality? RESPONSE NO. 135: There are two main discovery routes for Company notification when an existing residential customer installs a cross connection assembly or device. 1) Plumbers, backflow companies, and most irrigation contractors will submit an initial backflow test report certifiTing new cross connection assemblies upon installation. The same holds true when these contractors replace pre-existing assemblies due to device failure. The majority of cross connection assemblies in the Company data record followed this path of notification. 2) The second route is direct observation by Company staff during field investigations. lt is clear from these efforts that many homeowners have chosen to install cross connection assemblies using non-standard means (homeowner self-perfo rmance, u n I icensed irrigation wo rk). Notification processes are the same regardless of customer location inside or outside a municipality. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W.I5.O1 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 136: ln reference to the Company's response to PR #49, does the Certificate of Occupancy require the Company to inspect and sign off on cross connections? RESPONSE NO. 136: Certificates of Occupancy are administered by local plumbing inspectors in accordance with building code requirements. Final approval on larger service settings includes observation of initial testing on cross connection assemblies by a state licensed backflow assembly tester. The Company does not sign-off on either the initial assembly test or certificates of occupancy. ln instances where a cross connection assembly may be in question, local plumbing inspectors routinely contact the Company for inclusion on final commercial system inspections and assembly test. This provides the Company with the opportunity to alert the plumbing inspectors of any concerns to public health or system safety to be addressed prior to certificate approval. ln any instance where a threat to public health is found to be related to the water service connection, the Company will isolate and lock-off service to that property (regardless of a certificate of occupancy approval). The service will remain isolated until the cross connection hazard is mitigated. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W.I5.O1 SEVENTH PRODUGTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 137: ln reference to the Application, Exhibit 2A, Sheets 13-14, paragraph 14, the Company proposes "lnstalled assemblies shall appear on the ldaho State Department of Environmental Quality's list of approved backflow prevention assemblies and be inspected by the Company prior to initiating service." Please clarify if the Company is seeking authority to inspect the assembly prior to installation, or to inspect the assemblies following installation for new connections. RESPONSE NO. 137: The Company is seeking authority to inspect the assemblies following installation for new connections. Proper installation and function of a backflow assembly cannot be observed prior to installation. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. GASE UWI-W-15-01 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 139: ln reference to the Company's response to PR #51, please explain how the Company is notified when an existing customer, of any type, has an existing cross connection assembly or device tested. How does the Company confirm that the person performing the testing has adequate certification and/or expertise? RESPONSE NO. 139: The Company receives notification when an existing customer, of any type, has an existing cross connection assembly tested via a standard backflow testing report (or that reports electronic equivalent). Reports are received from plumbers, backflow testing companies, and certified irrigation contractors within 15 days of testing as required by the Company cross connection control program. The Company confirms that the person performing the testing has adequate certification and/or expertise by validating their state licensure as a certified Backflow Assembly Tester against the ldaho Bureau of Occupational Licensing (IBOL) certification database. lflwhen the Company discovers, via annual tester certification audits, instances of unlicensed testers, they are then reported to IBOL and IDEQ. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. GASE UWI.W-I5-01 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/SponsoringWitness: MarshallThompson REQUEST NO. 140: ln reference to the Company's response to PR #51, please provide examples of notices sent to customers regarding backflow assembly testing, including "Notice to Test Your lrrigation/Fire Backflow Assembly." RESPONSE NO. 140: Please see the included file (#140 - Testing Notice.pdf) as an example of the customer notice sent for required backflow testing. This file shows an individual premise assembly test notice to ldaho Military Division. A large extract of more than four-thousand notices covering multiple residential meter books has been prepared and can be made available for review at the Company offices. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W-15.01 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 141: In reference to the Company's responses to PRs #52, #56, and #57 please provide supporting data base(s), split into customer categories (i.e., commercial, industrial, residential) for the following summary information: . the total number of customers with known cross connection devices for 2012, 2013, and2014; . the total number of cross connection devices tested during 2012,2013, and 2014; . the total number and percentage of customers for pressure zones that have been surveyed, inspected, or assessed, grouped by pressure zone; and the specific time line and estimated completion date for when all pressure zones will be surveyed, along with the frequency of surveys going forward for each of the pressure zones. RESPONSE NO. 141: o The total number of known cross connection devices in 2012, 2013, and 2014. Year Device Gount 2012 21,756 2013 23,789 2014 24,390 . The total number of cross connection devices tested during 2012,2013, and 2014. Year Test Gount 2012 10,748 2013 11,606 2014 11,250 Page 1 of2 The total number of customers that have been surveyed, inspected, or assessed, grouped by pressure zone was previously detailed in PR #52. . With adjustments made for annual meter replacements incorporating automated alerts for flow reversal and the count of known backflow assemblies, the company estimates that it will take 8+ years to survey all pressure zones. The frequency of surveys going fonrvard for each of the pressure zones will be dictated by the record of compliance and assessed hazard. Availability of automated alerts for flow reversal on individual meters has the potential to tailor future survey efforts toward greater specificity, thereby reducing the need and frequency for zonal assessment. Page 2 of 2 UNITED WATER IDAHO ING. CASE UWI-W-15.01 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 143: ln reference to the Company's response to PR #54, does the Company turn off service when a customer has terminated service and there is no pending turn-on request? Does the presence of a backflow prevention device affect the Company's decision to turn off services for vacant properties? RESPONSE NO. 143: The Company does turn off service when a customer has terminated service and there is no pending turn-on request. The Field Service Person attending to this task has discretion to delay the turn-off if they suspect the property or home is still occupied. This can occur when a departing landowner incorrectly requests a turn-off when a service transfer should have been requested. ln such instances, the Field Service Person will contact the occupant if possible, or leave a door tag instructing them to call the office and have the service put in their name. lf the customer does not respond within 48 hours, a Field Service Person will return to the property and shut the service off. The presences of a backflow assembly does not affect the Company's decision to turn off services to vacant properties unless an improper backflow assembly is discovered, or the property is determined to have an unprotected cross connection with a non- potable water source that could pose a risk to public health. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-15.01 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 144: ln reference to the Company's response to PR #55, please provide the average time between initial notification by the Company of non-compliance, and final customer compliance with the Company's Cross Connection Control Program for systems with year-round use for the following: testing of backflow assemblies and devices; a lack of backflow protection; and an improper backflow protection assembly or device. RESPONSE NO. 144: Year-round premise isolation for backflow protection is associated with a subset of customer profiles; commercial, public authority, and fire services over two-inches and larger in diameter (>2in). The Company provides annual notification on the status and need for continued testing for all registered backflow assemblies in its database. To date, no efforts beyond notification have been necessary to ensure compliance with this group's regular testing requirements. Therefore, the average time between initial notification by the Company of non-compliance, and final customer compliance has not been measured. The Company has no record of a year-round assembly owner lacking protection, or showing evidence of improper assembly installation. lt is the opinion of the Company that this group's record of compliance is a byproduct of greater attention to plumbing and fire code requirements for customers of this type. a a UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-I5-01 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 145: ln reference to the Company's response to PR #55, please provide the average time between initial notification by the Company of non-compliance and final customer compliance with the Company's Cross Connection Control Program for systems with seasonal use for the following: testing of backflow assemblies and devices; a lack of backflow protection; and an improper backflow protection assembly or device. RESPONSE NO. 145: Seasonal need for backflow protection is primarily associated with customer profiles for residential or irrigation service. The same customer profiles are found to be the least compliant with standards for backflow protection. Residential and irrigation service connections are a primary focus for cross connection field surveys. The Company provides annual notification on the status and need for continued testing for all registered backflow assemblies in its database. To date, no efforts beyond annual notification have been taken to ensure compliance with regular testing requirements. The average time between the initial notice of testing non-compliance and customer compliance has not been measured. Field survey results previously summarized in PR #52 are the only reliable reference for a lack of backflow protection or improper installation. The referenced detailfile 'CrossConn_by_Pzone.xlsx' from PR# 52 is representative of the timeline from notification to compliance. The file shows surveys conducted in the time period from April 2014 to May 2015 had an average time of 28 days from the date of initial notification of non-compliance to the Company's first follow up contact. The average time from initial notification to final resolution was 96 days. a a a UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W.15.O1 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 146: ln reference to the Company's responses to PRs #56 and #57, are the frequency of planned surveys correlated with any identified risks, Company- identified priorities, or deployment of any AMI equipment? RESPONSE NO. 146: Residential and irrigation service connections are the primary focus of Company cross connection field surveys. Particular focus is placed on the subset of residential customers with access to non- potable irrigation water. This service grouping has been the entry point for system contamination in two past events, each of which resulting in localized public illness around the point of entry. Company survey results have shown that the same groups of customers are often unaware of this risk, and non-compliant with backflow protection and testing standards. Wide-spread access to non-potable irrigation water from regional canal systems and private wells in all areas of the system increases the likelihood of identifying a hazardous cross connection in any part of the Company service territory. Cross connection surveys are not specifically planned in conjunction with planned deployment of any AMI equipment. However, AMI equipped meters may be installed as a verification tool on customer service lines where reconnection to a previously isolated backflow hazard is likely. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W.I5.O1 SEVENTH PRODUGTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 147: ln reference to the Company's response to PR #51, please provide copies of the Company's annual and long-term Cross Connection Control Program work plans. RESPONSE NO. 147: The Company does not have a documented long-term cross connection work plan for field surveys. lt is the Company's intention to assess all water service connections for cross connection hazard and mitigate associated risks to public health. lf work continues at the present rate, in parallel with meter replacement efforts incorporating AMI and automated alerts for flow reversal, the Company estimates that it will take 8+ years to complete this long-term work plan. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W.15.O1 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 148: In the Cross Connection Program document, page 18, it states: "Customers can avoid termination by providing United Water with evidence of annual testing, or by demonstrating to United Water ldaho's Cross Connection Control Specialist(s) that permanent physical separation exists between potable water service and related cross connection hazards." ln United Water ldaho's tariff, Sheet No. 14, it states: "16. When the premises served by the Company is also served in any manner from another supply of water, public or private, the customer must install the appropriate backflow prevention device or maintain a physical separation between the two systems at all times. The type of device or separation and the installation of the device or separation shall be determined by the Company in accordance with its Cross Connection Control Program as approved by the State Health Department." Please provide examples of and specifications for a "permanent physical separation." What is the rationale for this requirement? RESPONSE NO. 148: Please see the included PDF file "PR148 - Cross Conn Examples.pdf in response to this request. Permanent physical separation implies that the pathway for a potential cross connection has been physically removed to lasting effect. This could be as simple as the removal of a bridged hose fitting between an outside faucet and an irrigation box, or the excavation of underground piping between an irrigation system and Company water main or service line. In new construction, mitigation of any potential cross connection risk occurs during the design review and inspection process. The section referenced above refers to hazards Page 1 of2 that are discovered after the fact, as during field surveys on older infrastructure where plumbing and mechanical alterations have been done without code approval. lf it is determined by Company staff that a cross connection hazard exists, the customer has one of two options. lf possible, they can instal! an appropriate form of backflow protection between the public water system and the hazard. The alternative is to eliminate the inter-connection entirely. ln some instances, permanent physical separation is the least cost option for the customer, and requires no ongoing assembly testing or maintenance. Page 2 of 2 Request No. 148 Attachment Page 1 of5 .United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-0'l oPEl-(I,N(I, I (U hoCao CL tnEo P()oCCoU ItntnoliU E (1,a'= ot-o- E FJ-q-uoE oo -E#$ o- ,rrlC.=+r kEEx=o- Lu o- Unlted Water ldaho ' Case UWI-W-15-01 ryj*i,'r -*i L.ur d &k,'* &':;,,,F il",{jr' Request No. 148 Attachment Page 2 of 5 United Water ldaho Case [JWI-W-15-01 Request No. 148 Altachment Page 3 of 5 Request No. 148 Attachment Page 4 of 5 United Water tdaho' Case UW-W-'15-01 Co *)(ot-((,o-oa ]E.9t/1 .Ca- PCoc(o E o(]- tlo o o- E rt,xLU oosf,t-l{t E,a- United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 148 Attachment Page 5 of 5 -'ir.r.3 {",i.{i' ;'tl,,'r."'?'.si i,,f! '-'.'."" ,li ,.. t'l ,i}:l!:,1,,."{,i:: -i ,:?':i '+!s