HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150826UWI to Staff 111.pdf(208) 343-7s00 (208) 33G6912 (Fax) McDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers 420 West Bannock Stteet P.O. Box 25*.-8370t ' ;i' l' Boise,Idaho 83702 August 26,2075 D:J 1.._reI it l'r'uJ ,i,ehas,,F. McDevitt DeanJ. (foe) Miller Celeste tr( Miller Via Eland Delivery JeanJewelt Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,Idaho 83720 Re UWI-W-15-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed got filing, please fiod an odginal and three (3) copies of United lVater ldaho, Inc.'s Fifit Response to the Commission Saffs Fourth Production Request No. 111. Kindly retum a file stamped copy to me. Very Truly Youts, McDevitt & Miller LLP NAto,/L^ DeanJ. Millet DJM/nn Cc United Iflater Idaho, Inc. Dean J. Miller (lSB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2564.-83701 Boise, ID 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax 208.336.6912 ioe@mcdevitt-m i I ler. com Attomey for United Water ldaho, lnc. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORIW TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO itiii frlll ?i t'il l: 36 i '.tl - t :',-l! i,-.1.. .^'-,r ., :: It I i -.- t. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. UW!-W-1S{I UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S FIFTH RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE coiiMtsstoN STAFF United Water ldaho lnc., ("United Wate/') by and through its undersigned attorneys, hereby submits its Fifth Response to the Commission Staffs Fourth Production Request No. 111. DATED tnis llaay of August, 2015. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S FIFTH RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE cotrtiilssroN STAFF - r By: DeEd J.Ivliller (lSB No. 1968) Attomey for United Water ldaho, lnc. CERTIFIGATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 5f,ftay of August, 2015,1 caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Uewell@puc.state. id. us Donald L. Howell, ll Daphne Huang Deputy Attomey General ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 don. howell@puc. idaho.qov daphne. huano@puc. idaho.qov Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 bmpurdy@hotmail.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mai! Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email .(_ e\ l tJ AC UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S FIFTH RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THEcoilttsstoN STAFF - 2 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE uwl-w-15-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson/Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 111: Please provide a schedule showing all employee classifications, number of employees in each classification, the dollar amount of salaries for each year 2011,2012,2013, and 2014 for each classification. Please break out the salary by basic wages, overtime, bonus wages, and other expenses (such as on-call pay etc.). RESPONSE NO. 111: Please see Request No. 111 Attachment. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 UTI'EO WATER IDAHO Requ6t tlq, 11I Attachmenl Request No. 111 Attachment Page 1 of4 *I 00 0 cIl 1 1 a a I dti 0Ia 69,5,18 32,182 52,979 76,361lof,42. 82.7n 67,877 217.794 202,330 54,908 1e6,086 400,800 111,224 41.S6S 57,697 174,570 46,81S 58.826 63,068 113,221 4,528 52,m2 144373 68,006 92,906 s1,fr4 520,0'm 209,452 40,958 69,178 00,418 71,257 59,064 86,829 38,531 46,084 6.460 s7.252 80,479 84,983 519,263 186,759 70,495r7,:00 r.,i* !8,7i28 t20,0t1 !4,871,t,oEt 235,t05 236,5t9 60,t rE 20t,tGt 125,f8 l2,t t08 ,zi, 80,1r0 20c,?t4 il9,a?6 64'tl9il;to 121,25t't:, 5!,309 lgt,8ilt 7'[,359 l0't,651 103,52tcta,2* 2&,311 12,54? 12,258 ?2,2t0 ru'irg3 6X006 tc,000 3E,905 ,tE,t92 O'160@,ru 91,!(,2 67,l0r t7G,05a 2l5,3ilt 2,225 10,367 996 t2.ts3 3.152 1,6s9 4,823 473 1.398 5,284 1 3,582 2,473 32,174 661 5,503 5,679 967 /l{]G,|,,100 6,3s3 9,514 12,2U 4.376 1,U2 2,00s 3.078 5,792 6,230 2.496 1 1,360 454 2,108 I o 0 0 0 I 5 t t Ill Asst Alst/Training Coord ,ssuTraining C@rdinrtorCwd Teh Sy$ Analyst Teh Sys Sup€MBor Conn Canbd Spsciatrst btc Affal6 M9.Englwlng D€Elgn T@h Tralnlng Coordlnator irg' Op{rtions Suporsor United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1 11 Attachment Page 2 ot 4 71,748 29,944 68,701 54,594 77,136 114,541 E5.'158 6e,298 222,736 21't,19d 5s,944 200.906 383,043 1 16,189 13,212 59,m2 179,586 49,874 60.809 65,032 115,29S 54,581 189,067 54,617 94,528 93.627 53E,2s6 ,173 12,371 70,625 60,172 73,479 62,245 88,889 39,448 1 1,0s9 10,472 59,051 82,s?1 66,924 s0t.335 1s2.2S8 1,'140 2,490 I 1,209 2,435 15,015 3,1 15 4,471 4,660 1,207 4.030 13,1 99 1E,371 1,477 2,946 36,766 1,721 5,787 6,006 2,402 ,,061 3,891 6,684 10,904 14.102 't 1,163 4.5362,4A 3.462 6,352 'r 1,803 2,757 I 1, t45 1.330 1,634 3.464 12,116 3.390 I 1.526 4.342 7a.103,,7 6r,70'l 57,0o,l 89.5e4' lar,0z7 t00,r7t 72,r11 2/A,5Al 2ill,G55 8t,ole20t,lt5 ilzi|,GoO I 34,580 .+iro c2,l/lN 2i8,35t 51,595 66,t90 71,038,".r 55.GatNt,kz 8E,l lI I 0t,03:t t07,t'10 50iI,6:l! 2,l,l llr94l,l3l 7,4,091 ?1,54 85,2Ur et,ool 100,01,4 1It,ttt 12,693 104t2 645i5 0a,o?t03t,l 8t2,502 It3,642 Aa6t AsauTElnlnq Coord AssYTEining CoordhatqCffid Tsh 5!6 Sup€rylsor Syttom Tshnhian Conn Cmtrol Soeclalist I f Educaiion Cdd A Trainhg C@rdlnator Oparatlos Superylsor , P96oo United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'|5-01 UNITED WATER IDAHO Rau6l No.l11 Atleimsnt Request No. 1 11 Atachment Page 3 of 4 42,83 24,146 56.265 80,337 116,064 88,475 70,685 226,896 130.837 56,984 205,472 404,2t9 77,2@ 50,738 41,412 60,921 r84,€09 50,662 62,706 a7,024 117,379 42,283 75,306 79,03i1 55.8r9't91,467 73,967 95,942 550,7M 207,991 44,164 72,290 69,899 74,704 63,986 91,141 30,591 23,565 4,372 66,815 549,239 M,5,96 4,51C4,"1, u,1a6 rqoa til,3a7t3t,rol 10t,95,l 74,51ez,g, 7 t9t,tG6 n3,'450 215,t56 422,161 77,250 ?5,0i(!,l5,6tt il,211 zl7,901 54313 00,412 ,3,9(x, i?s,102 i 65,70' t3J3gtl,ailt 56.71t 2t3,766 112;t8ttl,005 604,397 a?,671 40,G20fo,ua 77,311 E5,173 07228 105,8a6 al,5{,1 21,711 !c,m9 72,u)9 7Stt,Ilf 1U,W 2,983 t3,010 1,604 13,476 3,834 3,462 3,219 E96 2,S4 11,295 24,305 1,276 3,290 43,292 1,451 6,906 6,876,|,E29 3,425 6,033 12,414 800 2,E22 13,973 15,963 E,387 3,!86 2,456 3,956 7,414 10,469 3,242't4,507 1,133 As6t A$UTralnln0 Coo.d Alst/TEinino Coordimtor Lcn Sys Analysl T€ch Sls Sup*isq S!6tem T€chnlclan Cmn Cfitrcl Sgecialist ,| & Educauon Coord frahlng Coqdinator C$tomlr Seryic€ Mq[ ODe.allons SuDWisor United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 UIBEDWATERIOAHO R6qucst No lll Attachmenl Request No. 1 1 1 Attachment Page 4 of4 41.304 43,6r0 57,893 6t.405 119,061 u,179 72,295 22€,114 't22.939 58.356 208,97E 448,062 rt5,57E 62,32S 1E9,E65 52,054 64,517 68.800 119,222 71,37? 7E,636 E5,476 56,666 1A8,248 100,827 9E,264 607,305 2t0,333 45.6'll 74,O4 71,6N 76,225 6s,078 194,511 36,996 17,077 38,443 86,410 70,635 524,415 1r3,860 't.197 I,N2 2,*7 13,@3 1,021 15,500 3,18 3,667 2,775 1,751 3,105 1 0,588 't,334 3,644 75,667 1,488 7,590 6,963 t.845 5,510 13,U1 14,259 834 3,032 16,159 18,146 9,756 3.293 2,733 4,252 6,729 10,627 3,698 34,392 1,067 2,19'l r5,34s 4,'t37 9,'t03 1,707 12,8:2 1r,al 0.t,t30 0G,022 137,351 41,717 1A113 25q86e 'r00'200 t2,3E2 221,530 '46t,651 &,r11 85,t73 285,532 5t,54'l72,ltf75,ru1tl,taz 7G,987 Eir,171 9o,735 57.971Zm,.c,l t16,gltll6,ill0 080,468 2t,,9e {t,37'ail,aB 7t,3,astir52 69,t84 23,;2,5m 4i,758 77,111 17,145 t0,t,755 71,172 73t,t0! 122,C:21 t,000 934 1,967 2,038 2,857 l,7m 4S1 1,955 6.34E Arst tusuTralning CoordAsulrdnhg Cerdnator C@rd feh Sys AnaryEt T€ch SF Sup6ruiw Conn Cont6l Sp.clallst Custmer S€rv Supv Engine€ring Dsslgn T€ch P.oloct Engheer & TBlning C@dioalo.