HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150820UWI to Staff 79,80,82,83,90,91,93-99,103-108,110,112.pdfi ;: t^' i:'' : ?flf $AtiE ?0 Pr"f t:57 McDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyerc 420 West Bannock Stteet P.O. Box 25tu83701 Boise,Idaho 83702 August 20,2A75 Chas. F. McDevitt DeanJ. $oe) Millet Celeste IL Millet Via llandDelirery JeanJewe[ Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,Idaho 83720 Re: U$VI-W-15-01 Deat Ms.Jewell: Enclosed fot filing, please find an odginal and three (3) copies of United Wats Idaho, Inc.'s Second Response to the Commission Staffs Foutth Ptoduction Request Nos. 79,80,82, 83,90, 97,93,94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 99, 103, 104, 1 05, 706, 107, 1 08, 1 1 0, and 712. Kiadly rehlrn a file stamped copy to me. Vety Tnrly Youm, McDevitt & Mller LLP UAujl- DeanJ. Miller DJM/hh Cc United Water Idaho, Inc. ri l"(20$}.#+jffi ,Ori l ;j $ i,,_i i,(208) 3366912 (Fa:r) ORIGINAL Dean J. Miller (lSB No. 1968) MoDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2564,-83701 Boise, lD 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax 208.336.6912 ioe@mcdevitt-m iller. com Attomey for United Water ldaho, lnc. 'f:i- l: ' ?r];i f,.UI] 20 Pit t: 59 ll:, ,.. .':-il: l-:-:..-, , " ,.:,1.'Ill-!t,._,i,i. .r..;\'..;r BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION I Gase No. UW.W-1541 OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES I UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE I SECOND RESPONSE TO IN THE STATE OF IDAHO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE GOMIUISSION STAFF United Water ldaho lnc., ("United Wate/') by and through its undersigned attorneys, hereby submits its Second Response to the Commission Staffs Fourth Production Request Nos.79,80,82,83,90,91,93,94,95,96,97,98,99, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110,and112. DATED this ZD .day of August, 2015. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S SECOND RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE COMMlsSloN STAFF.l I Miller-(tSB No. 1968) Attomey for United Water ldaho, CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on tne <Say of Augus 1,2015, I caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Hand Delivered ldaho Public Utilities Commission U.S. Mail 472 West Washington Street Fax & Vn tJ tl P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 ijewell@puc.state. id. us Donald L. Howell, ll Daphne Huang Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 don. howell@ p uc. ida ho. qov daphne. huanq@puc. idaho.qov Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 bmpurdv@hotmail.com Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email rid Lt !ip UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S SECOND RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMiIIISSION STAFF - 2 UNITED WATER IDAHO INL. CASE UWI-W-I5-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 79: Please provide a corporate organization chart beginning with Suez Company down. Please include only those corporations that are in North America. RESPONSE NO. 79: Please see attached organization chart. 1r) oN o(r) oc ='a ooEo-f a(E oIt IIJ = -TF E,oz Fz IJJ =IJJzzotrI z IJJ NEIfa UNITED WATER IDAHO INL. cAsE uwt-w-l5-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 80: Please provide access in Boise to all Board of Directors and Board Committee minutes for United Water and its affiliates for 2014 and 2015. Please also provide access to all reports and materials discussed during the board and committee meetings. RESPONSE NO. 80: Please see the Board of Directors meeting minutes for United Watenruorks and United Water Resources in 2014. Those two companies were merged and therefore all current minutes are United Waterworks. TJNITED WATERWORKS INC. Unanimous Consent of Directors in Lieu of Meeting The undersigned, being all of the Directors of United Waterworks Inc., a Delaware corporation, hereby give their written consent to and adopt the following resolutions for and on behalf of the Company, such actions shall be the action of the Directors as fully as if a formal meeting had been held on the 2d day ofJune 2014: DIVIDEND PAYMENT RESOLVED, that a dividend upon the Common Stock of the Company be and it hereby is declared thereon in the amount of $4,000,000 to be payable on or about June 30, 2A14, to stockholders of record at the close ofbusiness on June 30, 2014; and it hereby is FURTHER RESOLVED that the appropriate officers of the Company be, and each is hereby, authorized and empowered to take such action as may be necessary or desirable in order to consummate the issuance of the foregoing dividend on the Common Stock of the Company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the undersigned has executed this Unanimous Consent ofDirectors as ofthe day and year set forth above. David Stanton UNITED WATERWORKS INC. Unanimous Consent of Directors in Lieu of Meeting The undersigned, being all of the Directors of United Waterworks lnc., a Delaware corporation, hereby give their written consent to and adopt the following resolutions for and on behalf of the Company, such actions shall be the action of the Directors as fully as if a formal meeting had been heldon the 2d day of September 2014: DIVIDEND PAYMENT REsolvED'rHtli:''i::f-:ril};"1"Tr;il.'H*ii?iffitnh"ffi i'J payable on or about September 30, 2014, to stockholders of record at the close of business on September30,2014; and it hereby is FURTHERT":f kH$:"r;"H.To#r.;ffi T#,T:"[:'Txff '""T;J* H,Iltffi :ilffi'.:;..,'#[:t:ffi J;ff*'ffi:L'ffi'#fl '" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the undersigrred has executed this Unanimous Consent ofDirectors as ofthe day and year set forth above. UNITED WATERWORKS INC. Unanimous Consent of Directors in Lieu of Meeting The undersigned, being all of the Directors of United Waterworks Inc., a Delaware corporation, hereby give their written consent to and adopt the following resolutions for and on behalf of the Company, such actions shall be the action of the Directors as fully as if a formal meeting had been held on the 2l" day of April2014; WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Board of Directors held June 23,2006, at which time a quorum was present and voting throughout, the short-term borrowing limit of the Company was set at $60 million, and WHEREAS, the Company has completed an examination of its short term borrowing needs and has concluded that an increase of its short term borrowing limit from $60 Million to $100 Million is appropriate; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Company is hereby authorized to enter into arrangements with banks and/or other financial institutions under which the Company may borrow, from time to time, on a short-term basis, up to an aggregate of $100,000,000 at any time outstanding, each such borowing to mature not more than twelve months after the date of such borrowing; and be it further RESOLVED, that such arrangement may take the form of one or more revolving credit facilities, "364-dat'' facilities or other credit arrangements, on such terms as the President, Treasurer or other officers of the Company may approve, the execution and delivery on behalf of the company or agreements or instruments embodying such arrangements constituting conclusive evidence of such approval; and be it further RESOLVED, that the President, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer or other officers of the Company be and each of them hereby is authorized to execute and deliver as evidence of any such borrowings the note or notes of the Company (each of said officers being authorized in his discretion to select and designate names of any other signatory or signatories to effectuate any such borrowing). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the undersigned has executed this Unanimous Consent of Directors as of the day and year set forth above. Robert J. UNITED WATERWORKS INC. Written Consent to Action United Waterworks Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Comp&try"), the sole shareholder of United Water New Rochelle Inc., a New York corporation ("Subsidiary l") and the sole shareholder of United Water Westchester Inc. a New York corporation ("Subsidiary 2") hereby consents that the following shall be the action of the sole shareholder as fully as if a formal meeting had been held the 6th day of January 2014: WHEREAS, it is advisable and in the best interest of the Subsidiary 1, to merge with Subsidiary 2, in order to consolidate two related entities which will better serve the general public; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Subsidiary I and Subsidiary 2 have approved and adopted the form, terms and provisions of the Plan of Merger attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Merger Agreement"); *d WIIEREAS, the surviving entity shall be United Water New Rochelle Inc.; and WHEREAS, the surviving entity shall immediately upon the filing of the Certificate of Merger amend and change its name to United Water Westchester Inc.; and WHEREAS, the transaction contemplated herein requires approval by the Public Service Commission of the State of New York ("PSC"); NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Merger Agreement be and it hereby is, approved by the undersigned sole shareholder of Subsidiary I and Subsidiary 2 and such Merger Agreement shall become effective upon an Order by the PSC approving the transaction contemplated herein and the filing of a Certificate of Merger together with the Merger Agreement with the Department of State of the State of New York; RESOLVED, that the name of the Subsidiary shall be changed upon the filing of the Certificate of Merger to United Water Westchester Inc.; and be it further RESOLVED, that the officers of the Company be, and each of them hereby is, authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver the Merger Agreement, with such modifications as shall be approved by the individual executing the same, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by his or her execution and delivery thereof; RESOLVED, that the officers of the Company be, and each of them hereby is, authorized, empowered and directed in thc name and on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver such other agreements, instruments, certificates and other documents as are contemplated by the Merger Agreement, in each case in such form and substance (consistent with the Merger Agreement and these resolutions) as shall be approved by the individual executing the same, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by his or her execution and delivery thereof; RESOLVED, that the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement be, and it hereby is, authorized and approved; RESOLVED, that the officers of each Subsidiary 1 and Subsidiary 2, be, and each of them hereby is, authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver any and all other agreements, instruments, certificates and other documents, to pay such fees and taxes, to give such notices, to make such filings, to obtain such governmental and third-party consents, and to take such actions in the name and on behalf of each Subsidiary 1 and Subsidiary 2, as such officers may deem necessary or advisable to effectuate the purposes and intentions of the foregoing resolutions; and RBSOLVED, that the authority and power given under the foregoing resolutions shall be deemed retroactive and any and all acts authorized there under performed prior to the passage of the foregoing resolutions be, and they hereby are, ratified and approved. RESOLVED, that if management of the Company concludes that it is not in the interest of the Company to pursue this transaction as described herein and authorized in the foregoing resolutions, or if the PSC fails to approve this transaction as described herein and authorizedin the foregoing resolutions, it is understood that management will so inform the Board of Directors. IN WTINESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have exeouted this Written Consent, effective as of January 6,2014. T]MTED WATERWORtrG INC. LTNITED WATER NEW ROCHELLE INC. UNITED WATER WESTCHESTER INC. PLAN OF MERGER PLAN OF MERGER adopted on January 6, 2014 by United Water New Rochelle Inc., a waterworks corporation of the State of New York, and by its Board of Directors on said date, and adopted on January 6, 2014 by United Water Westchester Inc., a waterworks corporation of the State of New York, and by its Board of Directors on said date. l. The participating corporations, United Water New Rochelle Inc. and United Water Westchester [nc., shall punuant to the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of the State of New York, be merged with and into a single corporation, to wit, United Water New Rochelle Inc., which shall be the Surviving Corporation upon the effective date of the merger and which is sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "Surviving Corporation", and which shall amend and change its name pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of the State of New York upon the filing of the Certificate of Merger to United Water Westchester Inc. The separate existence of United Water Westchester Inc., which is sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "Terminating Corporation," shall cease upon said effective date in accordance with the provisions of the said Business Corporation Law. The name under which the Terminating Corporation was formed is Portchester Water Works on March 22,1883. A Certificate of Amendment changing its name to Port Chester Water Works, Inc. was filed with the Departrnent of State on April 3, 1933. A Certificate of Amendment changing its name to New York-American Water Company, lnc. was filed with the Departnent of State on December 6, 1983. A Certificate of Amendment changing its name to Aquarion Water Company of New York, Inc. was filed on May l, 2002. A Certificate of Amendment changing its name to United Water Westchester Inc. was filed on }l{.ay 2,2007. 2. The number of outstanding shares of the Terminating Corporation is 16,850 shares, all of which are of one class and are common shares, and all of which are entitled to vote. 3. The number of outstanding shares of the Surviving Corporation is 50,000 shares, all of which are of one class and are common shares, and all of which are entitled to vote. 4. The certificate of incorporation of the Surviving Corporation as of the effective date of the merger shall be the certificate of incorporation of said Surrdving Corporation and shall continue in full force and effect except that Article 1 thereof relating to the name ofthe corporation is hereby amended and changed so as to read as follows: The name of the Corporation shall be United Water Westchester Inc. and said Certificate of lncorporation as herein amended and changed shall continue in full force and effect until further amended and changed in the manner and as permitted by the provisions of the Business Corporation Law ofthe State ofNew York. 5. The by-laws of the Surviving Corporation upon the effective date of the merger shall be the by-laws of said Surviving Corporation and shall continue in full force and effect until changed, altered or amended as therein provided and in the manner prescribed by the provisions ofthe Business Corporation Law of the State ofNew York. 6. The directors and officers in oflice of the Surviving Corporation upon the eflective date of the merger shall be the members of the first Board of Directors and the first officers of the Surviving Corporation, all of whom shall hold their directorships and offices until the election and qualification of their respective successors or until their tenure is otherwise terminated in accordance with the byJaws of the Surviving Corporation. 7. Each of the issued and outstanding shares of the Terminating Corporation will be marked cancelled and the balance sheets of each the Terminating Corporation and the Surviving Corporation shall be consolidated. The assets of the Terminating Corporationshall be combined with the assets of the Surviving Corporation The issued shares of the Surviving Corporation shall not be converted in any manner, but each said share which is issued as of the effective date of the merger shall continue to represent one issued share of the Surviving Corporation. All other financial accounts of the Terminating Corporation shall be combined into the financial accounts ofthe Surviving Colporation. 8. The Plan of Merger herein made and adopted shall be submitted to the shareholders of the Terminating Corporation and of the Surviving Corporation for their adoption or rejection in the manner prescribed by the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of the State of New York. 9. In the event that the Plan of Merger shall have been adopted by the shareholders entitled to vote of the Terminating Corporation and of the Surviving Corporation in the manner prescribed by the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of the State of New York, the Terminating Corporation and the Surviving Corporation hereby stipulate that they will cause to be executed and filed and/or recorded any document or documents prescribed by the laws of the State ofNew York, and that they will cause to be performed all necessary acts therein and elsewhere to effectuate the merger subject, however, to any provision or provisions contained hereinafter for abandoning the Plan of Merger before or after the adoption thereof by the shareholders entitled to vote of the Terminating Corporation and of the Surviving Corporation. 10. The Board of Directors and the proper offrcers of the Terminating Corporation and of the Surviving Corporation, respectively, are hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to do any and all acts and things, and to make, execute, deliver, file, and./or record any and all instruments, papers, and documents which shall be or become necessary, proper, or convenient to carry out or put into effect any of the provisions of this Plan of Merger or of the merger herein provided for. I l. The Effective Date of the Merger shall be the date of the filing of t}rc Certificate of Merger with Departne,nt of State for the State of New York. 12. Notwithstanding the adoption of the Plan of Merger by the Shareholders entitled to vote of the Terminating Corporation and of the Surviving Corporation, the Plan of Merger may be abandoned at any time prior to the filing of the Certificate of Merger with the Departnent of State for the State of New York in the event that (i) management of the Terminating Corporation and of the Surviving Corporation concludes that it is not in the interest of the Terminating Corporation and of the Surviving Corporation to pursue this hansaction as described herein or (ii) the Public Service Commission of the State of New York does not grant approval to complete the hansaction contemplatedherein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed and acknowledged this Plan of Merger as of the date first written above. I,NITED WATER I\TEW ROCHELLE INC. By: Name: David Stanton Title: President UNITED WATER WESTCHESTER INC. By: Name: Michael Pointing Title: Vice President T]MTED WATERWORKS INC. Unanimous Consent of Directors in Lieu of Meeting The undersigned, being all of the Directors of United Waterworks Inc., a Delaware corporation, hereby give their written consent to and adopt the following resolutions for and on behalf of the Company, such actions shall be the action of the Directors as fully as if a formal meeting had been held on the I't day of December 2014: DIVIDEND PAYMENT RESOLVED, that a dividend upon the Common Stock of the Company be and it hereby is declared thereon in the amount of $4,000,000 to be payable on or about December 31,2014, to stockholders of record at the close ofbusiness on December 3l,2Ol4; and it hereby is FURTHER RESOLVED that the appropriate officers of the Company be, and each is hereby, authorized and empowered to take such action as may be necessary or desirable in order to consummate the issuance of the foregoing dividend on the Common Stock of the Company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the undersigned has executed this Unanimous Consent of Directors as of the day and year set forth above. David Stanton Minutes of United Water Resources Inc. Board of Directors Meeting May 7,2014 A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of United Water Resources Inc. ("UWR" or the "Company") was held at the headquarters of UWI on May 7,2014 at 9:00 am. The following Directors were present in person, by telephone or video conference: Mr. Barr, Mr. Boursier, Mr. Camus, Mr. Coscia, Ms. Debon, Mr. Guirkenger, Mr. Harding, Mr. Mallet, Mr. Rozman and Mr. Simunovich, this being a majority of the members of the Board of Directors and a quorum. Mr. Codey was excused. Also attending were the following members of the United Water executive management team: Mr. Cairo, Mr. Dartienne, Mr. Gerber, Mr. lacullo, Ms. Leslie, Mr. Stanton and Ms. Waugh. Mr. Coscia acted as Chairman of the meeting and Mr. Gerber acted as Secretary. The first order of business was approval of the minutes of the UWR Board of Directors meeting held on December 17,2013. After discussion, and upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board approved the minutes from the December 17, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting. The next order of business was a report from Mr. Barr on the Audit Committee meeting held on December 17,2013. Mr. Barr reported that the Committee reviewed and discussed nine internal audit reports covering business units within the Regulated and Environmental Service segments. He discussed the substance of several of those reports, including one for Pontiac, Ml conceming poor cash handling controls, and one in New York involving theft of time. With regard to an internal audit at Portage, M[, Mr. Barr reported that the Committee discussed certain refinements to improve contract acquisition due diligence. The Committee also received reports from Company management on the status of the INCOME testing and the 2014 Internal Control Plan. Mr. Barr reported that the Committee agreed that the SOX 302 requirements could be eliminated. Lastly, Mr. Barr reported that Weiser-Mazars had issued all required financial statements for the Company on time and without material adjustments. The next order of business was consideration of Mr. Camus' CEO Report, a copy of which was included in the Board materials. First, Mr. Camus updated the Board on EH&S. He reported that the EH&S metrics through the l't quarter were lagging behind targets, primarily due to the severe winter that affected most of the Company projects. He discussed the action plan in place to reverse the trend. Mr. Camus then asked Mr. Gerber to update the Board on the status of settlement discussions with the Department of Justice and Environmental Protection Agency over alleged civil violations of the Clean Water Act during the time that a Company subsidiary operated the Gary Sanitary District wastewater treatmcnt facilities in Gary, lndiana. Mr. Gerber reported that a settlement in principle had been achieved and that approval was likely in the coming months. Next, Mr. Camus provided an update on New York regulatory matters, including the Haverstraw Water Supply Project and the United Water New York Rate Case. A discussion followed regarding the timing and risks associated with both matters. Next, Mr. Camus and Mr. Dartienne reported on efforts to sell the existing corporate headquarters and to lease commercial space to house the new corporate headquarters. They reported that the Company was awarded a grant of $5.5 million over l0 years from the State to keep the Company headquarters in New Jersey. Mr. Camus then discussed recent organization changes and the "we are united" program. The next order of business was consideration of Mr. Dartienne's CFO report, a copy of which was included in the Board materials. Mr. Dartienne presented the 2013 year- end financial results and he responded to questions from the Board. He then discussed the financial results through March 2014. Next, he discussed year to date status of working capital and capital expenditures. The next order of business was an update of Post-Retirement Benefits at United Water. First, Mr. Dartienne reviewed the status of the various pension, 401(k) and post-retirement healthcare plans. Next, he reviewed the Pension and VEBA cost assumptions. With regard to those assumptions that are at Company discretion, Mr. Dartienne reported that our actuary, Towers Watson, has recommended modest changes to salary scale, and return on plan assets to bring them more in line with market and industry performance. In addition, Mr. Dartienne reported that the Company will adopt an updated mortality table. Next, Mr. Dartienne reported that Towers Watson concluded that there does not appear to be a need to de-risk the Plans. Towers Watson also rccommended moving the current fixed income allocation to a long term government/credit mandate consistent with historical investment policy. Lastly, Mr. Dartienne discussed funding status of the plans as of December 31 ,2013 . The next order of business was consideration of Mr. Stanton's President's Report for the Regulated Segment, a copy of which was included in the Board materials. Mr. Stanton discussed EH&S results and overall financial performance within the segment and responded to questions from the Board. Next, Mr. Stanton reported on customer service operations. He noted that collections are ahead of Plan year to date. Mr. Stanton then addressed growth activities within the regulated segment and responded to questions from the Board. He discussed client expectations for the Allendale NJ contract and the effort underway to meet those expectations. The next order of business was a discussion of the Executive Vice President's Report, a copy of which was included in the Board materials. Mr. lacullo reported on EH&S performance tfuough the I't quarter. Next, Mr. Iacullo presented the Capital Expenditure ("CAPEX") Program report. Mr. Iacutlo reported that year to date spending through March, 2014 was $29.2 million as compared to the budget forecast of $34 million. He explained the reasons for the variances. Mr. Iacullo then updated the Board on the status of major projects in excess of $5 million. The next item for consideration was a request to approve the increase in the Bloomsburg Water Treatment Plant project cost from $23.4 million to $43.06 million. Mr. Iacullo explained that in December 2013, UWPA was informed by the Pennsylvania DEP that, as part of the water allocation permit renewal, there would be restrictions on the use of Fishing Creek such that a supplemental supply may be needed in the future. He explained that the project will be constructed in two phases. Phase I will consist of the water plant replacement plus redesigning for clarification equipment at cost of $3 t.04 million. Phase 2 would include the Susquehanna intake, pumping station and pipeline and would be completed at a later date if and when determined necessary al an estimated cost of 512.02 million. While the Board recognized that total project costs might reach $43 million, it directed management to seek Board approval of the Phase 2 costs, once they become certain. After discussion, and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Phase 1 of the lrondale Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project (the "Project") in Bloomsburg, PA is approved in the amount of $31.04 million; Phase 2 of the Project is approved in concept with the condition that management will obtain Board approval of the final Phase 2 cost, once known; and be it furthcr RESOLVED, that the resolution relating to the Project that was approved at the December 17, 2013 Board Meeting is hereby rescinded and of no further forcc or effect, except that all actions taken by management in pursuit of the Project prior to the date of the instant resolution are hereby ratified and affirmed in all respects. The next order of business was consideration of Ms. Waugh's Human Resources Report, a copy of which was included in the Board materials. Ms. Waugh updated the Board on labor relations matters. She reported that contracts in Boise, Idaho and Holyoke, Massachusetts will be negotiated during the second quarter. Ms. Waugh then discussed change management and the effort underway to obtain efficiencies and better productivity. Next, she discussed the resolution of several unfair labor practice claims filed against UW Delaware. Ms. Waugh reported that the overall merit increase spend was2.7o/o, which was below the approved2.S%. Lastly, she updated the Board concerning recruitment and diversity& inclusion activities. There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman adourned the meeting at 12:00 pm. Minutes of United Water Resources Inc. Board of Directors Meeting July 29,2014 A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of United Water Resources [nc. ("LIWR") or the "Company'') was held at the headquarters of Suez Environnement in Paris, France on Jrily29,2014 at 9:00 am. The following Directors were present in person, by telephone or video conference: Mr. Barr, Mr. Boursier, Mr. Camus, Mr. Codey, Mr. Coscia, Ms. Debon, Mr. Guirkenger, Mr. Harding, Mr. Mallet, Mr. Rozman and Mr. Simunovich, this being a majority of the members of the Board of Directors and a quorum. Also attending were the following members of the United Water executive management team via videoconference from the Company's corporate office in Harrington Park, New Jersey, USA: Mr. Cairo, Mr. Dartienne, Mr. Gerber, Mr. Iacullo, Ms. Leslie, Mr. Stanton and Ms. Waugh. Mr. Coscia acted as Chairman of the meeting and Mr. Gerber acted as Secretary. The first order of business was approval of the minutes of the UWR Board of Directors meeting held on May 7,2014. After discussion, and upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board approved the minutes from the May 7,2014 Board of Directors Meeting. The next order of business was consideration of Mr. Camus' CEO Report, a copy of which was included in the Board materials. First, Mr. Camus updated the Board on Environmental Health & Safety (*EH&S"). He reported that the EH&S metrics through the 2nd quarter were lagging behind targets, with most of the variance being driven by an increase in injuries at United Water New Jersey. Mr. Camus discussed the following signifrcant events since the last Board meeting: o Overall financial results are on target, but challenges remain in the areas of operational improvement plans for both segments, the NY regulatory Environnement and the delay in the closing of the Nassau County, NY contract. o The promotion of Laurent Carrot to Vice President and General Manager of UWNJ, the promotion of Rodolphe Bouichou to Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Regulated Segment, the addition of Rob Dowling as I t Chief Operating Officer of UWES and the addition of Matthew Mahoney as Vice President of External Affairs. The next order of business was a prescntation by Mr. Iacullo, Mr. Stanton and Ms. Leslie regarding EH&S performance as of June 30, 2014. Mr., Iacullo discussed performance on a consolidated basis, noting that the Company was above the targets for severity and frequency. He discussed what will be required to meet year-end targets. Next, Mr. Stanton discussed health and safety performance within the regulated segment, noting that all metrics are above target but results at UWNJ are skewing the performance for the entire segment. He discussed the action plan in place at UWNJ to improve H&S performance. With regard to environmental compliance, Mr. Stanton reported that there has been a significant reduction in the number and severity of violations. Next, Ms. Leslie discussed health and safety performance within UWES, noting that the segment is on track with frequency and severity metrics and above the recordable metric. She rcported environmental compliance performance is on track to meet 2014 targets. The 2014 EH&S Improvement Plan was discussed and Messrs. Iacullo and Stanton and Ms. Leslie responded to questions from the Board. The next order of business was consideration of Mr. Dartienne's CFO report, a copy of which was included in the Board materials. Mr. Dartienne presented the 2Ol4 financial results through June and he responded to questions from the Board. Next, he discussed year to date metrics for cash flow, working capital and capital expenditures. The next order of business was consideration of a request for approval to proceed with the Finance Reengineering and PeopleSoft Upgrade project at a cost of $9,360,000. Mr. Dartienne stated that the purpose of the project is to revise and improve all financial system proccsses, upgrade from PeopleSoft 8.9 to 9.2, upgrade the Asset Management System by implementing PowerPlan and implement planning and reporting tools to improve budgeting, forecasting and reporting capabilities. Mr. Dartienne described the vendor selection process that resulted in the award of the Project to PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Next, he discussed the proposed timeline for the Project and the Project team. After discussion and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the Finance Reengineering and PeopleSoft Upgrade Project is approved at a cost of $9,360,000. The next order of business was an update of the status of several regulatory proceedings in New York. Mr. Dartienne discussed the results of the United Water New York rate case decision that was issued on June 28th. He reportecl that the Company accepted a two year rate plan that will result in revenue increases of $10.2 Million in Year I and $1.5 Million in Year 2. He discussed several studies that UWNY was directed to perform with respect to non-revenue water, conservation, M&S fees and customer outreach. Next, Mr. Dartienne reported that an Agreement was reached with PSC Staff on a three year settlement of the New Rochelle and Westchester rate cases. He reviewed the key terms of the proposed settlement and he stated that a Commission ruling on the settlement is expected by December. Mr. Stanton and Mr. Gerber then discussed the Haverstraw Project and provided updates on the Surcharge and Need proceedings. They reported that rulings on both cases are expected in November. The next order of business was a report by Ms. Waugh regarding a one-time offering of a lump sum payment to participants in the United Water Resources and United Water Environmental Services pension plan who eased employment by June 30, 2Ol4 and who have a vested benefit in the pension plan. Ms. Waugh reviewed the savings associated with participation rates of 40Yo and 60% in such offering and she responded to questions from the Board. She reported that Towers Watson was engaged to assist with the administration of the program. Payments are scheduled to be made in December of 2014. There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:40 pm. T]NITED WATER RESOURCES INC. Consent in Lieu of a Meeting The undersigred, being all of the Directors of United Water Resources lnc., a Delaware corporation, hereby give their written consent and direct that the following shall be the action of the Directors as fully as if a formal meeting had been held as of the 30th day of June 2015: RESOLVED, that the persons named below be, and hereby are, elected to the offices set forth opposite their respective names, to serve until next annual organization meeting or until their successor shall be duly elected and qualified, or until the earlier of the death, resignation, or removal, or otherwise as provided in the By-Laws. Mathieu Le Bourhis IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the undersigned has executed this Unanimous Consent of the Board of Directors as of the date set forth below. David Stanton//4ff* Mathieu LeBoffhis Senior Vice President - Finance T]NITED WATERWORKS INC. Unanimous Consent of Directors in Lieu of Meeting The undersigred, being all of the Directors of United Waterworks Inc., a Delaware corporation, (the "Companl') hereby gtve their written consent to and adopt'the following resolutions for and on behalf of the Company; such actions shall be the action of the Directors as fully as if a formal meeting had been held on the l$ day of June,2015 WIIEREAS, the Company is a party to a certain loan agreement dated as of Septemberl ,2001 by and among the Company as Borrower, United Water Idaho Inc. ("tfw Idaho") and the Idaho Water Resources Board to issue $26,775,000 Water Development Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2001 (the "Idaho 2001 Bonds"); and WHEREAS, the Company intends issue a call to redeem the Idatro 2001 Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Company is a party to a certain loan agreement dated as of March 1, 2002 by and among the Company as Borrower, United Water New Rochelle Inc. (now known as United Water Westchester lnc., "(fW Westchester") and the New York Environmental Facilities Corporation to issue $12,000,000 Water Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2002 (the "NY 2002 Bonds"); and WIIEREAS, the Company intends issue a call to redeem the NY 2002 Bonds; and WIIEREAS, the Company is a party to a certain loan agreement dated as of March 1, 2002 by and among the Company as Borrower, United Water Delaware Inc. ("UW Delaware") and the Delaware Economic Development Authority to issue S17,000,000 Water Development Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2002 (the "DE2002 Bonds"); and WHEREAS, the Company intends issue a call to redeem the DE 2002 Bonds, (collectively with the Idaho Bonds and the NY 2002 Bonds, hereinafter referred to as the "Bonds"); and WIIEREAS, the redemption of the Bonds does not require regulatory approval; and WHF.REAS, at the time of the Redonption, the Company intends to enter into a Note Purchase Agreement for the sale of certain bonds, in a private sale to institutional investors, pursuant to an exemption from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as arnended, upon terms and conditions to be determined by the officers of the Company and approved by the Board of Directors; NOW THERJEFORE be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officff or the Treasurer of the Company or any designee of either of such officers to issue a call to redeem all of the issued and outstanding Bonds (as defined above) (the "Redanption"); and be it further RESOLVED, that the officers of the Company or any designee thereof, are hereby authorized to execute in the name of and on behalf of the Company, and to deliver any and all documorts, agreements or other instruments, agreernents or certificates of any kind or nature whatsoever, and to take from time-to-time any other actions which such officer or ofEcers shall in their discretion determine to be necessary or appropriate to effect the transactions contanplated by any such document or instrument, whether upon the terms and conditions set forth in such documents or instruments or upon such other terms and conditions as such officer or officers shall in their discretion determine to be appropriate, and the execution and delivery of any document or instrument by such officer or officErs shall constitute conclusive evidence that the terms and conditions contained in said documents or instruments have been determined to be appropriate by such officer or officers on behalf of the Company pursuant to this resolution; and be it firrther RESOLVED, that the Company or a designee thereof, shall act as Transfer Agent for the redemption of the Bonds and shall take all necessary action with respect thereto; and be it fudher RESOLVED, that any and all actions heretofore taken by any officer or officers of the Company to execute and deliver any of the docume,nts authorized by the foregoing resolutions, or to take any of the actions authorized by the foregoing resolutions are hereby a14novod, ratified and confirrred in all respects; and be it further RESOLYED, that any and all other actions heretofore taken by any officer of the Compaay to execute and deliver any agree,nent authorized by the foregoing resolutions, or to take any of the actions authorized by the foregoing resolutions are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed in all respects; and be it firther RESOLVED, that if management of the Company concludes that it is not in the interest of the Company to pursue this transaction as described herein and authorized in the foregoing resolutions, then manage,ment will so inform the Board of Directors. IN WINESS WHEREOF, each of the undersigned has executed this Unanimous Conse,lrt of Directors as of the day and year set forth above. Robert J. Mathieu kBourhis I]NITED WATERWORKS INC. Unanimous Consent of Directors in Lieu of Meeting The undersigned, being all of the Directors of United Waterworks Inc., a Delaware corporation, hereby give their written consent to and adopt the following resolutions for and on behalf of the Company, such actions shall be the action of the Directors as fully as if a formal meeting had been held on the 15th day of April2015; WHEREAS, upon written consent of the Board of Directors dated April 21, 2014, the short-term borrowing limit of the Company was set at $100 million, and WHEREAS, the Company has completed an examination of its short term borrowing needs and has concluded that due to the pending merger of the Company with its parent company whereby the Company will be the surviving entity, thereby assuming the debt obligations of its former parent company, a temporary increase of its short term borrowing limit from $100,000,000 to $300,000,000 is appropriate; and WHEREAS, the $300,000,000 short term borrowing limit would remain in effect from the date set forth above until December 31, 2015, and effective January 1,2016 the short term borrowing limit would be automatically be reduced to $210,000,000, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that until December 31, 2015, the Company is hereby authorized to enter into arrangements with banks and/or other financial institutions under which the Company may borow, from time to time, on a short-term basis, up to an aggregate of $300,000,000 at any time outstanding, each such borrowing to mature not more than twelve months after the date of such borrowing; and be it further RESOLVED, that effective January 1,2016, the Company is hereby authorized to enter into arrangements with banks and/or other financial institutions under which the Company may borrow, from time to time, on a short-term basis, up to an aggregate of $210,000,000 at any time outstanding, each such borrowing to mature not more than twelve months after the date of such borrowing; and be it further RESOLVED, that such a:rangement may take the form of one or more revolving credit facilities, *36+day' facilities or other credit arrangements, on such terms as the President, Treasurer or other officers of the Company may approve, the execution and delivery on behalf of the company or agreements or instruments embodying such arrangements constituting conclusive evidence of such approval; and be it further RESOLVED, that the President, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer or other officers of the Company be and each of them hereby is authorized to execute and deliver as evidence of any such borrowings the note or notes of the Company (each of said officers being authorized in his discretion to select and designate names of any other signatory or signatories to effectuate any such bonowing). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the undersigned has executed this Unanimous Consent of Directors as of the day and year set forth above. Philippe Dartienne R.ESOLVED, that the President, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer or other officers of the Company be and each ofthem hereby is authorized to execute and deliver as evidence of any such borrowings the note or notes of the Company (each of said officers being authorized in his discretion to select and designate names of any other sigratory or signatories to effectuate any such borrowing). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the undersigned has executed this Unanimous Consent of Directors as of the day and year set forth above. David Stanton UNITED WATERWORKS INC. Shareholder's Written Consent to Action in Lieu of Meeting United Water Resources Inc., a New Jersey corporation, the sole shareholder of United Waterworks lnc., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, hereby consents to: H*r'lmlgTroN on pIRECToRS The election of the following three (3) Directors of the Corporation to serve until the next annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors have been duly elected and qualified, or until the earlier of their death, resignation, or removal, or otherwise as provided in the By-Laws: Robert J. lacullo David Stanton Mathieu Le Bourhis IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be signed by an authorized officer and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed as of the 15th dayof April2OL5. UMTED WATER RESOURCES INC. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW!-W-15-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 82: Please provide a list of all policy, operations accounting and cost allocation manuals affecting United Water ldaho, lnc. including a description of each manual and documented set of procedures that includes the date the materials were last updated. RESPONSE NO. 82:. Please see the attached file #82 Policy & Procedure Manuals.xlsx, that is largely responsive to this request. The Company utilizes various manuals that describe and document Company policies and/or departmental procedures. All of these manuals and procedural documents are updated as relevant information changes. Access to listed information will be available for review at the Company offices. The Company performs a large number of functions and processes in providing service and there are copious pages of formal or less formal procedural documentation that are impossible to entirely assemble. During the Staff's on-site audit, it is possible that additional procedural manuals will be produced based on a specific line of inquiry. United Water ldaho General Rate Case UWI-W-I5-01 Response to IPUC Staff Fourth Production Request, No 82 Title of or Procedural Manual Bali Hai/Maole Hills Greensand Dlant ooerations manuals (2)2005 ClorTec - Severn Trenl Sodium Hypochlorite generator operation and maintenance manual (30)2009 Corporate Policy Manual Details company policies relating to accounting, communications, ethics, information technology, general operations, and procurement. (The following sections have been superseded by subsequent manuals: Human Resources and Safety.) 2014 ldaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems Details ldaho DEQ rules governing public drinking water systems Online: updated at regular intervals by ldaho DEO IPUC Utility Customer Relations Rules Details IPUC rules goveming customer relations. 1 993 (with periodic I Operations and Maintenance Manual for Marden WTP 1 999 Pump lnformation Manuals Documents booster and well equipment currently installed, with horsepower and capacities, used in conjunction with system equipment files. 2011 United Water Accounting Policy Manual Details basic accounting, finance & cash control polices and procedures to ensure the mainteance of accurate records of financial activilies, ensure compliance with USGAAP. 2t312011 (with periodic amendments) United Water Capital Expenditure Policy & Procedrrre Manrral Details policies and procedural steps governing planning, review, authorization. monitorino. and control of caoital exDenditure oroiects 2012 United Water Financial Operations & Management Booklet Details policies and basic procedures goveming financial processes of United Water.2009 united water Hearrh and saretv Man,ar 3;ia;l; :fl;r:;;:e;X;?;:?r'i[i::[f :;:T]:r;s ror osHA comeriance Jun-2oos United water Human Resources Manual Details company policies relating to employment, conduct, time off, compensation practices, and general safety.Jan-201 1 United Water ldaho Special Specifications & Standard Details DEO construction specifications for water system facilities inDrawings ldaho.Sep-2006 Process Well System Program Manual Contains control strategies, CLC's, and system pressure, level and flow settinqs for well and distribution svstem ooeration.2011 UNITED WATER IDAHO INL. cAsE uwr-w-l5-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gary Prettyman REQUEST NO. 83: Please provide the current calculations for each of the allocations from the Service Company. For example, Administrative, Purchasing, lnsurance and General Services are allocated based on one third in proportion to the number of employees, one third in proportion to the number of customers served, and one third in proportion to operation and maintenance expenses for the preceding calendar year. Please provide the inputs for the calculation and show where each input comes from, whether from regulated, unregulated, corporate, etc. for the current allocation factor, and for the factor that is utilized in the test year. RESPONSE NO. 83: Please see Request No. 83 Attachment which reflects the current allocation factors which were updated in July 2015. o)o)oqox2'f-:o o, (oEo-l Ial,Loo(5 lJ-o -9{,a Il{) oNoLo (-)(Elr Eo oo -9 U)oa =a06 =?_o UNITED WATER IDAHO INL. cAsE uwr-w-15-0{ FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMi/IISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 90: Please provide a detailed schedule of any land or propefi dispositions tor 2012,2013, 2014 and 2015 to date. The list should include, date of sale or disposition, description of the items sold, the amount of the sales, the accounts involved and their respective amounts. RESPONSE NO. 90: The Gompany sold the Lizaso well lot, 11474 W. Alejandro St., in May 2013. The book value of the land was $5,296, the property sold for $25,000. Afier deducting pre-closing and closing costs of $4,662.89, for a gain on sale (before taxes) of the property was $15,041 .1 1 . There were no additional land dispositions executed by the Company tor 2012 through July 2015. Please see aftached file: #90 Land Sales.xlsx Sale of Lizaso Well Land in Boise, ldaho Part of Lot 16, Block 3, Lizaso Subdivision Book 42 of Plats, Pages 3449-3450, Ada County ldaho May 2013 Amount Sales Price Less: (Closing Costsl County taxes Genera! taxes 2013 O&M charges Closing fee - Title company Owners Title lnsurance Recording fees Subtotal Closing Costs Cash received at closing Less: Cost of land Consulting & misc fees Legal- McDevitt & Miller Subtota! (Pre-Closing) Expenses Gain on sale $ zs,ooo.oo S zss.+t 455.40 L8.72 220.00 290.00 21.00 S t,z6o.sg S 5,296.00 1,986.00 1,416.30 s 8,698.30 Account L2LAO Account 7L2OO UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW!-W-15-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 91: Please provide a list of land or property sales planned, under consideration, or proposed for 2015 or 2016. RESPONSE NO. 91: The Company has no land or property sales planned, under consideration or proposed for remainder of 2015 or 2016. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW-W-15-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 93: Please provide a schedule of all adjusting and closing entries for December 31,2014 and through July 30, 2015 general ledger. The schedule is to include the date of the entry, accounts posted, amount of the entry, type of entry, business unit posted and a related explanation for each entry. RESPONSE NO.93: Please see attached file #g3 2014 through July 2015 Journal Entries.xlsx. Due to its size it will be provided on a separate disk. UNITED WATER IDAHO INL. cAsE uwt-w-l5-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 94: Please provide the detailed annual capital budgets for 2012,2013, 2014 and 2015 to date. Please include within your response the comparison to actual capital expenditures for items within those budgets. RESPONSE NO. 94: United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 94 Attachment Page 1 of 13 C11A501 REDRILL FOXTAIL WELL Carryover s zo.ro s ree.ss C11C001 GOWEN CONTROL VALVE Carryover s 37.30 s 1s9.88 C11C107 WELL PUMP REPLACEMENTS Carryover S ro.ss C11C506 GOOD STREET BOOSTER Carryover s 150.40 s 249.8s C7LD7O4 OVERLAND(VISTA-COLUMBUS)Carryover 5 g.zz C12AOO1 WATER RIGHTS s 232.70 s 408.47 c12A002 8-!NCH SCREENS @ AMITY WELL s 44.36 C12AOO4 BERGESON WELL ASR S ao.rr c128001 |NSTALLS" FLUSH LINE @ CWTP s 7.38 C12BOO2 SECONDARYSPILLCONTAINMENT S rr.oz C12B5O1 CHLORINERESIDUALANALYZER S 8.so S t.ql C72B5O2 REPL MARDEN HVAC CONTROL EQUIP s 124.s5 C128503 REPL CWTP MEMBRANES (includes C12M102 CWTP MEMBRANE REPL STUDY)S es.rz C128500 ReplaceTreatmentEquipment s ss.ao s ro.go C12B6O1 CWTP HYPOCHLORITE TANK S z.ro CL2B6O2 REPL CHEMICAL PUMPS Se.zs C12B5O3 REPL MWTP UPS BAfiERIES & FANS $ q,ta C12B6O4 PURCHASE MWTP RW GRINDER PUMP S s.oz C12B6O5 REPLACE 3 L1OV MF MODULES 5 a.as C12B6O6 ALLDOS HYPO PUMPS s 17.s3 CL2B7O0 ReplaceChlorinationEquipment s go.ro s s.ss at2B7O7 REPL HYPO Cr100 @ MWTP S rs.zo CI2B7O2 REPLCHLORINATIONEQUIPMENT 5 tg.zt C12COO1 OPTO PROCESSOR UPGRADES s rs.ao 5 26.26 C12C100 PumpEquip-SourcesofSupply s 29s.60 s 2.67 C12C1O1 WELL PUMP REPLACEMENTS S rsz.or C72C7O2 REPL WELL PUMP STARTERS S rs.es C12C1O3 TEN MILE WELL MOTOR BEARINGS s 4.18 C12C1O5 CWTP RIVER PUMP BEARING S rz.as C12C1O6 REPL OREGON TRAIL PUMP S rrs.es C12C200 Repl Booster Pump Equipment s as.go s (a.sz) CTZC2OT CARTWRIGHT BYPASS VALVE S rr.ss CT2C2O2 REPLCARTWRIGHTVFD S s.ag C72C2O3 HIDDEN HOLLOW #2 STARTER S s.ra C72C2O4 CARTWRIGHT#1 60 HP VFD 5 s.qt CT2C2O6 SOMERSET 1OO HP STARTER 5 z.st CI2C2O7 REPL BOISE AVE BSTR VFD S s.o+ CT2C2O8 INSTALL VFD @ GOWEN BOOSTER S z.gq C12C3O1 AUXILIARY POWER-HIDDEN VLY #1 S 122.s0 5 ee.sa C12C5O2 REPLACE CONTROL EQUIPMENT s 2s.10 s 2s.2s c12C503 36TH ST BOOSTER REPLACEMENT (36th St.)$ rsz.so S zoe.qr Ct2C5O4 SCADA RTU REPLACEMENT s 8.s0 s 9.79 C12C5O5 SECURITY FENCE S s.zs C12D002 New Short Mains & Valves s 28.50 5 26.04 :12DOO3 N MOUNTAIN TO SCENIC COVE PH 1 s rre.ro $ zqs.at 312D100 New Mains s s0.70 s s.89 :120101 BOGUSBASIN(RANCH-CARTWRIGHT)S 24L.22 :12D300 Developer Extensions S r,szs.ao S 1,s99.31 C12D300 Developer Extensions A&C s (1.32s.30) s (1.s83.83) =L2O5O2 Repl Short Mains & Valves s 143.70 s 14s.30 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 94 Attachment Page 2 of 13 C12D600 Replacement Mains s 236.60 s O.Zs c12D601 UNTVERSTTYDR(BRADY-THEATER)s 211.s0 s Z:S.Z1 C12D6O2 FIVE MILE RD. & CONWAY ST.S or.oe C12D6O3 BRIDGETOWER DRIVE s 16.97 C12D6O4 680lFEDERALWAY S ss.ss c12D60s 27TH STREET (N. OF H|LL RD.)S rr.sg C12D6O6 COLFAX AVE & BRIDGETOWER DR S rss.se C12D6O7 12-IN MAIN REPL-LAKHARBOR LN 5 zt.qt C12D6O8 REPL 12-INCH IAKE FOREST 5 zz.st .T20625 BITTERBRUSHPRV s 202.90 s AA.Z8 C12D650 Small GIP Main Repl Project S 1,288.60 S 1,049.14 :12D550 Small GIP Main Repl Project A&C S (2e.s8) a12D7OO Agency Related Replacement Mains s 300.90 s szo.rs a12D70O Agency Related Replacement Mains A&C s (13.34) :12E001 Circulation System at Tanks s s6.80 s 3.s4 C12E5O1 BOGUS BASIN RESERVOIR 5 t,742.O0 S ogr.Se C12F001 New Domestic Svcs S zr+.so S 4s8.56 C12F001 New Domestic Svcs A&C 5 (214.s0) S (452.e3) C12F003 New Fire Services s so.ro s 274.st C12F003 New Fire Services A&C s (s.80) s (34.1s) C12F005 New lsolated Services S rge.zo S sos.s1 C12F005 New lsolated Services A&C s (77.s3) C12F501 Repl Domestic Svcs S srs.ao S asa.se C12F505 Repl lsolated Services s ars.go s 6s0.6s C12G001 New Customer Meters s 4t.70 s 83.83 C12G501 Repl Customer Meters s sro.ao 5 280.72 C12JOO1 DATA RADIO CIRCUIT s 21.00 s 0.93 CL2JOO2 GENERATOR TEN MILE REPEATER 5 so.so S ze.so C12JOO3 NORTH SCADA WAN s 2s.90 s 18.41 C12J004 lnformationTVMonitors-New 5 ra.so C12J005 AllenBradley-RSLogixLicenses S s.so C12J5O1 SCADA OFFSITE REPL S rs.oo 5 tz.ts C12J5O2 LAN WIRING s 28.30 C12J5O3 DB SERVER REPLACEMENT s zs.ro 5 17.0s C12J5O4 ORTHOPHOTO PROJECT S rr.zs C12J5O5 MAP COPIER REPLACEMENT S rg.so :12J950 Corp: CIS IMPLEMENTATION & SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS $ oetzt :12K101 Security/SafetyUpgrades S qs.go :12K102 PRODUCTION PLANT GENERAL 5 rg.0o S e.sg :12K103 UPGRADE MWTP EXT. LIGHTING 5 2L.07 C12K1O4 UPGRD CWTP SECURITY LIGHTING S tt.ot 312K105 ARC FLASH EQUIPMENT $ 4.44 C12K1O6 T&D DIGITAL TRUCK SCALE & RAMP S rz.ro C12K3O2 HYDRAULIC MODEL s 339.40 s 192.10 C12K3O3 SANDY HILL AS MITIGATION STUDY 5 4.00 C12K3O5 FISK WELL VOC REMOVAL STUDY s 184.00 C12K5O1 SECURIryEQUIPMENTREPLACEMENT S e.so S s.eg C12K5O3 T&D GATE MOTOR AND PUMP s 1.s0 s 2.96 C12K5O4 T&D FIELD METER TESTER s s.1s C12K5O5 REPL METER READER HANDHELDS s 43.78 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-0'l Request No. 94 Attachment Page 3 of 13 12K506 REPLT&DEQUIPMENT S s.es L2K5O7 REPLACE GPS UNITS S aE.oe 2K7Ot Comm/Admin-Repl Conf Rm Chairs s az.so s za.ra L2K7O2 REPL GIS HVAC ROOF TOP UNIT 5 a.zt 12M103 QUAIL RIDGE BOOSTER DESIGN s 1.61 12M201 PRELIMINARY s sg.so 5 lLL.77l Unplanned Carryover(s)S Q2I Overhead s (7e.83) Developer Refunds of Advances s zzo.oo s 216.64 otals s 7,990.40 s 8,904.s3 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 94 Attachment Page 4 of 13 C..ACCIMAGE Monthly lmage Accrual S scz.co C12A001 WATER RIGHTS Carryover S aa.eo c12A005 c128002 FRONTIER WELL ASR Carryover SECONDARY SPILL CONTAINM ENT Carryover C12D609 LANDFILL VAULT MODIFICATION Carryover S z.e+ 312E501 BOGUS BASIN RESERVOIR Carryover s rso.oo s rga.rr C12J001 DATA RADIO CIRCUIT (SCADA Data Radios)Carryover s az.qo s 4s.71 :12K303 SANDY HILL AS MITIGATION STUDY Carryover 5 32.24 :13AOO1 WATER RIGHTS s 209.40 s 26s.43 :13AOO2 WELL HEAD IMPROVEMENTS s 14.48 313AOO3 MAC WELL SAND CONTROL SLEEVE S sg.ss 313BOO1 MWTP HYPO PUMP & CLAR LADDERS 5 sz.te :138501 CHLORINE ANALYZERS s 8.30 s 13.ss c138502 FACTLTW COOLTNG & C128502 s r0.zo s +.ss C138503 C128503: Repl Membranes @ Columbia WTP s 1,248.60 5 7,272.35 C13B5O4 MARDEN WTP SEWER CONNECTION s 23.33 C13B5O5 REPLACE MARDEN FILTER MEDIA S ra.es C138600 Repl Treatment Equipment S ss.eo C13B6O3 REPL MARDEN FILTER HMI S s.oo C13B6O4 REPL FWW PUMP SEAL PLATE-MWTP 5 z.at C138700 ReplChlorinationEquipment S gr.zo C13B7O1 CHEMICAL PUMPS FOR WELLS S a.as C13B7O2 REPLCHLORINATIONEQUIPMENT 5 zs.gz C138703 Repl MWTP SodiumHypo Generator $ olz C13COO1 OPTO PROCESSOR UPGRADES $ sg.+o s r+.or C13COO2 TECHNOLOGY WAY BOOSTER STA S zog.oo C13COO2 TECHNOLOGY WAY BOOSTER STA A&C s (162.s0) C13COO3 UPGRADE CWTP FIN WATER PUMPS 5 qt.qt C13COO4 BOULDER BOOSTER METERS S rz.sg C13C100 Pump Equip-Source of Supply S fiz.qo C13C1O1 TEN MILE PUMP S ae.sz C13C1O3 NEW MOTOR AND VFD INSTALLATION S ss.ss C13C1O4 REPL CLINTON BOWL S zs.st C13C1O5 VICTORY WELL PUMP REPLACEMENT S zolt C13C200 Repl Booster Pump Equip S as.ao C13C2O1 BRUMBACK BSTR. #1 IMPELLER S +.lz C!3C202 USTICKFILLVALVE S e.rr 13C203 BRUMBACK BSTR #2 IMPELLER 5 q.tz :13C204 REPLACE QUAIL#I MOTOR S g.zs :13C205 REPLACE CIRCUIT BREAKERS S s.zs :13C206 SWIFT l CONTACTOR REPLACEMENT S z.tq :73C2O7 BOULDER FIRE PUMP REPLACEMENT S rs.sz 473C225 Xeriscapelmprovements s s0.00 s 61.93 :13C301 AUXILIARY POWER ADDITIONS s rsz.ao s 130.70 313C501 TAGGART ROOF REPLACEMENT s so.oo $ a.aa 313C502 Repl Control Equipment s 24.90 s 23.78 C13C5O3 UPGRADEBOULDERBSTRSTATION s rag.ro s sz.ss :13C504 SCADAEQUIPMENTREPLACEMENT s e.oo 5 s.ss C13C6O1 PURCHASE CWTP TURBIDITY METER S +.so :13D002 New Short Mains & Valves Blanket s 26.50 s rZS.rZ United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-I5-0,| Request No. 94 Attachment Page 5 of '13 C13DOO3 N MOUNTAIN TO SCENIC PHASE 2 s 456.20 5 SO+.+S C13D100 New Main Co Funded S so.oo 5 28.44 C13D300 DeveloperExtensionCurrYr s 1,890.60 s t,gzt.gt C13D300 Developer Extension Curr Yr A&C s (1,8s0.60) s (2,382.13) C13D502 Repl Short Mains & Valves Blanket s r0z.go s rsz.ag C13D5O3 REPL COLUMBIA PRV RISER & LID 5 E.sz C13D500 ReplacementMains s aoo.so s s.zs c13D601 16TH ST (N. OF HrLL ROAD)S e.ao c13D501 16TH ST (N, OF HILL ROAD) A&C S (8.40) C13D5O2 16-INCH VALVE REPL EISENMAN RD S rz.oe C13D6O3 LAKE FOREST DRIVE S 23.89 313D504 UNIVERSITYDR(BRADY-CHRISWAY}S sz.ss :13D605 OVERLAND ROAD MAIN BREAK 5 tz.tg 3D606 CATALINA RD (E. OF ROOSEVELT)S aa.sr :13D625 TOULKAWAY PRV & C12D625 S roo.ro S aa.sz 313D650 Small GIP Main Repl Project s 1,203.50 5 7,277.29 :13D700 Agency Related Repl Mains s 333.50 5 ZS0.AZ C13D7O1 3OTH STREET EXTENSION A&C s (10.48) 13E001 Circ Syst at Hidden Hollow Tank _ S S0.OO 13E002 Redundant Storage Lvl Cntl S g.eS :13F001 New Domestic Svcs Blanket s ses.eo s Eas.zo C13F001 New Domestic Svcs A&C Blanket s (333.60) 5 @23.37l,13F003 New Fire Services Blanket s z0s.go 5 z0z.gg 13F003 New Fire Services A&C Blanket s (s3.40) s (23.s2) 13F005 New lsolated Services Blanket s aza.ro s s43.13 C13F005 New lsolated Services A&C Blanket s (117.s7) :13F501 Repl Domestic Svcs Blanket s 481.40 s AgO.Sr :13F505 Repl lsolated Services Blanket 5 722.90 S 82s.49 C13G001 New Customer Meters Blanket S 112.80 S zgs.gz C13G501 Repl Customer Meters Blanket s 870.90 s 9s0.06 :13JOO1 AV CART. MULTIPURPOSE ROOM s r.so s o.ss :13JOO2 LAN WIRING.SCADA & LIBRARY 5 g.oa :13JOO4 FIBER OPTIC TO VICTORY OFFICE S 10.s2 :13J501 REPL RADIO CHANNEL EQUIP SCADA s 49.80 s 0r.+r 313J502 REPLGISPLOTTER 5 2s.oo S rz.aa :13J503 COMPUTER REFRESH s 134.20 s 11s.s6 C13J5O4 VICTORY-MARDENWANEQUIPMENT s re.go s g.oo :13J505 Rpl Pickle UPS and MWTP dialer s 4.19 :13K101 SAFETY/SECURITYUPGRADES s s8.40 s sg.so C13K102 NEW PRODUCTION GENERAL PLANT-Backflow Preventer Test Kits s s.so s 6.so C13K1O3 T&D SPILL CONTAINMENT PALLETS s 4.46 C13K1O4 SLIDE-IN TRUCK TOPPER S rs.o+ C13K1O5 NEW WATER QUALIW OFFICE 5 27.75 C13K1O5 HD VIDEO CAMERA S +.os C13K1O7 T&D LOCATOR & LIGHTING S s.az C13K3O2 UWID MASTER PLAN s soo.oo $ 13s.53 C13K3O3 NEW ADMIN FILE CABINET S o.ss C13K5O1 REPL. SECURIW EQUIPMENT s s.qo s s.+z C13K5O3 T&DTAPPING GUN s ss.so s so.ee C13K5O4 REPL ELECTRICTRASH PUMP s 1.0s United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 94 Attachment Page 6 of 13 C13K5O5 T&D REPL EQUUIPMENT 24.20 C13K701 Repl Victory Office Toilets S z.ss c13M100 Surveys s 99.60 s (11.3s C13M1O1 BRDWY BRIDGE RVR X-ING DESIGN S rz.oe C13M102 C13A003: INVESTIGATESANDSOLUTION-MAC C13M2O1 SMALLPRELIMINARYPROJECTS S so.ss C13J950 Corporate 376.06 Miscellaneous Unplanned Ca 5 zt.zs OVERHEAD Overhead S zso.rg REFUNDS Refunds of Advances (A&C)s zao.oo s aas.o6 Totals s 9,153.40 s 10,139.90 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 94 Attachment Page 7 of 13 4l C..ACCIMAGE Monthly lmage Accrual S (312.66) ..ACCIMAGE Monthly lmage Accrual - A&C s (20.e2) 728002 SECONDARY SPILL CONTAINMENT Carryover S zq.ez 128503 REPL CWTP MEMBRANES S so.es C12J001 DATA RADIO CIRCUIT Carryover S s.o6 C!38702 REPLCHLORINATION EQUlPMENTCarryover S og.az 138703 Repl MWTP SodiumHypo Generator Carryover S rgr.go 13C003 UPGRADE CWTP FIN WATER PUMPS Carryover s 1.4.07 C13C004 BOULDER BOOSTER METERS Carryover 5 zo.st C13C104 REPL CLINTON BOWL Carryover S o.gz CL3C2O7 BOULDER FIRE PUMP REPLACEMENT Carryover S s.ss C13C503 UPGRADE BOULDER BSTR STATION Carryover s gs.zo s 103.84 C13D003 N MOUNTAIN TO SCENIC PHASE 2 Carryover S 2.76 C13D606 CATALINA RD (E. OF ROOSEVELT)Carryover S s.82 C13D625 TOULKA WAY PRV Carryover $ zt.gq C13D701 30TH STREET EXTENSION Carryover S s.os C13D705 BoiseAvenue(Holcomb-Eckert)Carryover s 36.s0 C138002 Redundant Storage Lvl Cntl Carryover s 13.6s C13K101 Security/SafetyUpsrades S e.gg C13K105 NEW WATER QUALITY OFFICE Carryover s 4.3s 313K302 UWID FACILITY PLAN Carryover S 1eo.4o S 27a.s4 C13K505 T&D REPL EQUIPMENT Carryover s 1.95 14AOO1 WATER RIGHTS S zoo.go S s+s.sa 14A002 Dry Creek Water Right (funds used for C1,4D125 &126) S 200.90 C14A003 Purch & Redrill Or Trail Well S ss7.so 14A004 New Packer Assembly - Amity Well $ 16.6s 14A501 REPL CLINTON WELL FILTER PACK S 42.6s C14A502 RedrillAmityWell s 336.99 C14A503 Driveways at Wells S 1o.ss C14B5O1 REPL/UPGRD WTP EQUIPMENT s ez.oo 5 at.gz C14B5O2 REPLACE MWTP UPS S 27.90 $ 27.78 C148503 Fisk VOC Treatment S 00g.so 5 Ltqt.83 C148600 ReplTreatmentEquip S ss.zo C14B6O1 REPL TREATMENT EQUIP-MWTP s 23.31 C14B6O2 REPL MAPLE HILL BACKWASH METER S, 1.77 C14B6O3 REPL BREAKERS @ MAPLE HILLS S 1.47 C14B6O4 MWTP FILTER WASH WTR SUMP PUMP S z.s+ 148605 Replace Chemical Pumps 5 zo.st 148606 Replace Chemical Feed Lines - CWTP S +.u 148607 ReplaceColorimeterAnalyzers S 2.s6 148608 Replace Marden Flomax Pump Seal S g.sz 148609 Chlorine Residual Analyzer S o.zo C14B610 CWTP NaOCL Tank S t.qz C74B7O2 Repl Chlorination Equip (includes move up of 5112.6) S 184.10 5 226.78 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 94 Attachment Page 8 of 13 C14C100 Pump Equip - Sources of Supply s 173.00 C14C1O1 ISLAND WOODS 1 PUMP 2 REPL S ss.sr C14C1O2 PIONEERBEARINGREPLACEMENT S 6.06 C14C103 Hillcrest Well Pump S +o.es CJ4C1;O4 VFD Replacements S zz.st C14C1O6 MARDEN P74O PUMP S e.zo C74C1O7 Pioneer Replacement Parts 5 qs.qt C14C108 Maple Hill IGBT Replacement S g.ss C14C109 Automated PRV Control-4 Sites S ro.or C14C200 Repl Booster Pump Equip S 122.70 C74C2OI REPLACE GOOD ST BOOSTERVFD s 7.e6 C1.4C202 IMPELLERS & BEARINGS @ H'VIEW 5 t.sq C74C204 Cartwright Booster Station Meter s L4.00 C14C205 ReplVFD Cooling Fan CWTP No. 3 S 1.84 C14C206 Quail Booster Fire Pump S o.sr C74C2O7 Repl. Hidden Hollow #3 VFD 5 ulz C14C208 Repl. 50 hp VFD - Hillsboro Booster s 8.39 C74C209 Replace Pumping Equipment S 2.s8 CL4C27O Roger Heights Breaker S e.os C1.4C225 Xeriscape lmprovements S so.2o S 47.88 C14C301 Aux Power Additions (includes C14C3O2, C303, C304) S gfA.OO S SOZ.+O C14C501 Reconstruct Pumping Facilities (includes C14C502) S 50.20 5 22.10 C14C503 BoosterStationUpgrades S 738.60 C14C504 Repl SCADA Radios 5 tq.zo S zg.se C14C505 Facility Cooling s ss.so s zt.gz C14C506 Repl Control Equipment S 24.e0 $ Gs.31 C14C507 Replace Control Equipment (2)s 5.s2 C14C510 Repl Control Equipment 3 5 t.tz C14C511 Hulls Gulch Booster Fac Cooling s 20.16 C14D001 New Fire Hydrants s s69.10 C14D002 New Short Mains & Valves Blanket s rer.ro s rrr.zs C14D100 New Mains S so.zo C14D101 Woodcross Dr. to Bard Ave.S sz.sz C14D125 Frontier Flush Line S sg.oo C74D726 FoxtailFlushLine S +o.gE C14D201 Shellie Lane (E. of Maple Grove)S ss.rr C14D300 Developer Ext Current Yr S 2,s10.70 S +,zso.ss C14D300 Developer Ext Current Yr A&C s (2,s10.70) s (s,148.19) C14D501 ReplFireHydrants S s.6o C14D502 Repl Short Mains & Valves Blanket s 206.40 s 181.44 C14D600 Replacement Mains S gor.so C14D601 Tinker Street Lowering 5 0.27 C14D602 Repl 16 Main - Lower Danmor S zzg.oo S ztt.sq C14D603 Coston (Hayes-Franklin)s 24.0s United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 94 Attachment Page I of 13 C14D604 Main Street Water Main Break S to.zg C14D605 Mountain View (Lane Rim)5 ttlt C14D606 Parkcenter Water Main Break 5 e+.ss C1,4D607 Allumbaugh s 17.07 C14D608 4th & Washington Main Break S rs.ee C14D609 E. Grandforest Main Break 5 zt.os C14D625 Upgrade PRV Stations (includes C14D626)S roo.ao C14D650 SmallGlP Main Replacement S r,zzs.so S sgo.sz C14D700 Agency Related Repl Mains S sgo.eo C14D700 Agency Related Repl Mains A&C s (64.s0) c74D7O7 USTTCK RD (CLOVERDALE-5 MrLE)S +sa.sz c1,4D702 FTVEMTLE(FRANKLtN-FA|RVtEW)S eoz.tz C14D7O3 VA Mountain Cove Realignment S g.so C74D7O4 OrchardSt(Targee-Spaulding)S rar.r+ CL+D7OS MountainView(Cole-Ustick)S r+o.so 1-4D71,1, Broadway River Crossing S 781.10 14F001 New Domestic Svcs Blanket S 669.s0 S 3s1.34 14F001 New Domestic Svcs A&C Blanket s (56e.s0) s (374.18) 14F003 New Fire Services Blanket S gg+.so S 428.s2 14F003 New Fire Services A&C Blanket s (67.00) s (123.e0) 14F005 New lsolated Services Blanket $ 468.70 s egg.oz 14F005 New lsolated Services A&C Blanket s (132.8s) 14F501 Repl Domestic Svcs Blanket S ssz.go S ss+.sz 14F505 Repl lsolated Services Blanket s azs.zo 5 aqz.tt 14G001 New Customer Meters Blanket s z+s.so 5 279.L4 14G501 Repl Customer Meters Blanket S 1,142.60 S t,aso.zg 741702 eOPS with Well Optimization Tool & Firewall S go.oo 1,4J1O4 Mobile Ops Platform-lT Device S e.+s C14J1.06 3 MS Project Licenses 5 2.27 14J501 File Server Replacement S 2s.oo $ M.ez L45O2 Printer Replacement S rr.ro S o.oa C14J503 Archival System Repl s ES.1O s rS.Sr C14J504 l-Historian Server Repl S 1s.r.o S re.so C14J505 ReplSo Route WAN Radios s 33.s0 s sg.ss C14J506 Victory UPS Battery S z.zs C14J507 Replace SCADA Radios s 44.09 C14J508 Marden Audio-Visual Repl S o.gs C14K001 Security/Safety Upgrades S er.+o C14K002 GIS Large Screen Display S g.rz C14K002 TV Monitors (5)S zo.ro C14K003 CWTP Fall Protection & CIP Tank Ladders S +s.rz C14K004 MWTP Pipe Labeling S sz.+s C14K005 Lighting @ Victory & CWTP S zo;t C14K007 Eyewash & Emergency Showers S gs.+o United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-0'l Request No. 94 Attachment Page10of13 14K009 Ten Mile & Pleasant 14K010 EHS Projects S or.sq 14K101 CUSTOMERSERVICEWORKSTATIONS 5 42.29 14K702 New Gantrv Crane s s.s8 14K103 New T&D Equipment s s.03 14K110 AdditionalGPSUnit s 14.31 14K111 GPS Unit & Temperature Probes S 11.s3 14K301 Franchise Area Expansion s 41.18 14K501 Valve Maintenance E S eo.zo 14K502 Security Equipment Repl s 8.so s 1.8s 14K503 TrailerDeckingReplacement s 7.e8 14K504 ReolT&DEouipment s 31.23 14K70! VICTORY OFFICE RESTROOM HEATER S o.gg 14M100 Preliminary s es.so s (82.23) 14M101 MMTP OPS.EqUIPMENT REVIEW 5 22.47 t4M1O2 HWY 21-WARM SPRNG X-ING Prelim 5 42.6t 14M103 F]SK VOC TREATMENT DESIGN 5 r.44 14M104 MWTP Facility & PLC Replacement Plan s 23.04 4M201 SMALLPRELIMINARYPROJECTS-ID S as.gg Cost to Remove S roo.ro S zgs.ss Miscellaneous Unplanned S sg.so OPEX tO CAPEX/SALES - USE TAX s 132.00 OVERHEAD Overhead Projects s 67.88 REFUNDS Refunds of Advances (A&C s 23o.oo s 477.06 Tank Painting s 208.00 Totals S 12,391.20 5 L2,Lat.?o United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-'15-01 Request No. 94 Attachment Page 11 of '13 C13K302 Master Facility Plan Update $ 80.00 $ 41.41 14A502 Amity Well Re-Drill $ 249.80 $ 323.73 C148503 Fisk VOC Treatment $ 1,100.60 $ 1,0s8.36 3148702 ReplChorinationEquip $ 59.03 C14D6O2 Lower Danmor Discharge $ 125.44 14J507 ReplSCADARadios $ 24.82 C14K505 Repl Marden Chairs & Carpet $ 13.58 C15A001 Water Rights $ 249.50 $ 104.01 C15B101 Beacon Well Blending $ 99.80 $ - C158102 MWTPDisinfectionMonitorinq $ 20.60 $ 3158103 lnstall Fixed Ladders at Marden $ 22.80 S C15B104 CWTP Blower Vents $ 4.e0 $ C158502 CWTPSkidResidualUpgrades $ +.so$ - C158503 MWTP & CWTP Valves & Actuators $ 134.00 $ 98.38 C158504 Marden WTP Valve Actuators $ c1 58505 Swift GAC Media Replacement C158601 ReplaceTreatmentEquipment $ go.zo $ 41.79 C15C001 MWTP Raw Water Pump Control $ 5.70$ - C15C002 NoiseScreen-FloatingFeather $ 7.30$ - C15C100 Pump Equip-Sources of Supply $ 175.80 C15C101 MWTP Collector 3 Pump $ 29.44 C15C102 JR FLAT PUMP REPLACEMENT $ 14.76 C15C1O3 TAGGERT #2 WELL PUMP $ 9.31 C15C104 HP WELL EMON REPLACEMENT $ 2.78 C15C1O5 MWTP P13O & P14O REPL $ 13.s8 C15C1O6 CWTP RAW WATER #1 SEAL REPLACE $ 6.03 C15C1O7 MWTP VFD-COLL 3 & RAW $- C15C1O8 PIONEER WELL PUMP $ 31.93 C15C1O9 CASSIAWELLPUMP $ 4.30 C15C11O FLOATING FEATHER BEARINGS $ c1sc111 Pioneer Surge Tank C15C200 Repl Booster Pump Equipment $ 85.10 C15C201 UPGRD CIaVALVES @ FED & BARB $ 13.98 C15C2O2 REPL QUAIL #3 MOTOR BEARINGS $ 12.00 C15C2O3 REPL TOLUKA#7&#2IMPELLERS $ 12.68 C15C225 Xeriscape lmprovements $ 51.00 $ 0.35 C15C501 Reconstruct Pumping Facilities (includes Hummel) $ St.OO $ 21.21 C15C502 Repl Pmp Stn Gate & Ck Valves $ +r.gz $ 25.86 315C503 Repl Bluffs Booster Station $-15C504 lmprove Access to Quail Bstr $ 15C515 Replace Control Equipment $ 25.70 $ 14.91 315C525 FacilityCooling $ 38.00 $ 6.2e C15D002 New Short Mains & Valves $ 141.80 $ 64.53 15D101 BSWUAlnterconn.,Aquis.&Rebuild $ 1,304.20 $ 207.42 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 94 Attachment Page '12 of '1 3 C15D102 South Cole 16-inch Main $ 1,000.00 $ - C15D103 WrmSprgs:HighlandVal-Teresa $- C15D104 VirginiaandCanalConnection $ 17.20 C15D105 Fairview Fisk C15D300 Developer Extensions, A&C $ (4,265.40) $ (2,935.05) C15D300 DeveloperExtensions $ 4,265.40 $ 3.094.18 C15D502 ReplShort Mains & Valves $ 209.80 $ 132.28 C15D600 ReplacementMains $ 306.20 $ 45.36 C15D601 22nd & lrene C15D625 Upgrade PRV Stations $ 102.10 $ C15D625 Upgrade PRV Stations, A&C $-$ 15D626 PRV Rebuild Kits $ rg.zo $ 12.85 15D627 McMillan PRV Driveway $ 015D628 Skylark PRV $ C'|5D628 SkylarkPRVA&C $ 15D650 SmallGlP Main ReplProject $ 781.60 $ 1.05 C15D651 CLAREMONT DR (S. OF CRESTLINE)$ 1.64 315D652 LEMHr(COLUMBUS-TENDOY)s 92.77 c1sD653 24TH STREET (IRENE-LEMP)$ 15D700 Agency Replacement Mains $ 340.20 $ (0.30) C15D701 Broadway River Crossing $ 793.90 $ 0.20 315D701 Broadway River Crossing A&C $ C15D702 Garrison Connection A & C $ 15D702 Garrison Connection $ ss.z+ C15D703 Boise Airport Taxiway A & C $- 315D703 Boise Airport Taxiway $ 1.19 C15D7O4 F AVE BRIDGE PIPE REPLACEMENT $ 15D705 AUTO DRIVE REPLACEMENT $ C15D7O5 AUTO DRIVE REPLACEMENT A&C $ C15F001 New Domestic Services $ 1.80 15F003 New Fire Services, A&C $ (18.35) C15F003 New Fire Services $ 191 .70 $ 149.49 Cl5F005 New lsolated Services, A&C $ (67.42) C15F005 New lsolated Services $ 476.30 $ 267.73 C15F501 ReplacementServices $ 370.30 $ ZO.ZS C15F505 Repl lsolated Services $ 816.60 $ 466.19 C15G001 New Customer Meters $ 249.50 $ 84.27 C15G005 AMI Network $ 56.70 $ 226.75 C15G501 ReplacementCustomerMeters $ 1,383.60 $ 742.28 C15G502 Large Meter Replacement $ 201.50 $ 80.20 C15J001 E-MonA/FD kwh & kW Submetering $ s+.oo $ - C15J002 VictorvRdOfficesPCworkstations $ - $ 15.40 C15J003 Columbia WTP Memboard $-$ C15J004 lnfomaster lmplementation $ United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 94 Attachment Page 13 of '13 C15J005 Victory 48 Port LAN Switch $ C15J006 Handheld Radio Freq. Analyzers $ C15J501 SCADA System Replacement $ 127.80 $ 15J502 Opto Processor Upgrades $ ss.zo $15J503 HMI Replacements $ 39.66 $ 15J504 ReplWilderness RanchAntennas $ c15J505 SCADA Radio Replacement 15J506 ReplaceVictoryFirewallRouter $15J950 System Enhancements (lT)$ 5.19 C15K001 Securitv/SafetyUpqrades $ 28.40 $ C15K002 Marden Emergency Shower $ +.sa C15K003 Two New Hose Monsters $ 3.46 C15K004 MWTP lntake Davit Mounts $- C15K005 lnst New Pump Stn Floor Drains $ 25.40 $ C15K006 Arc Flash Program $ 15.20 $ C15K007 lnstallStandardSignage $ 15.90 $ C15K008 Ops Mgr Office Reorg $ 2.3s C15K009 TechSupervisorWorkstation $ 1.10 C15K010 ClaremontOverflowChannel $ o.to C15K011 EH&S Managers Office Equipment $ t.st C15K101 CWTP Vault Hatch Replace A & C $ (3.60) C15K101 CWTP Vault Hatch Replace $ 3.60 C15K501 SecurityEquipmentReplacement $ a.zo $ 2.64 C15K502 Replace 12v Ditch Pump $ 1.31 C15K503 T&D Tools C15M1OO PRELIMINARY $ 90.70 $ (27.96) C15M101 SCADA Cell Modem Comm Pilot $ 10.40 $ C15M102 MWTP Filter PLC Desisn $ 191.00 $ 136.44 C15M103 Derceto Pilot Proiect $ 85.10 $ 56.92 315M201 SmallPreliminaryProjects $ 96.78 REFUNDS RefundsofAdvances $ 462.10 $ 221.15 Unplanned Unplanned Carryovers $ 98.87 W-Overheads Overhead Projects $ 24.11 X-lmage Acc Monthly lmage Accrual $ s.sg COST OF REMOVAL $200.00 Production Tools eOPS $ $WlFl Network Totals $ 12,652.48 $ 5,533.75 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. GASE UW!-W-15-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 95: Please provide the Procurement Review Form(s) or similar document(s) for the 2015 annual contract(s) for the installation of water mains and services. RESPONSE NO. 95: See the attached Procurement Review Form for the 2015 annual contract. for Main & Services'lns 00060 United Water ldaho !nc. agreement will cover annual services for T&D services and other associated work. Services typically include mainline projects, service installations, and hydrant installations. This contract will be in effect for 3 years with options for contractors submitted proposals. UWID performed the evaluation on a weighted basis using 55% as the cost component and 45o/o for personnel, equipment, and safety program elements. Although Knife River was about 8% higher on average for the most used cost items, they scored much higher than both Owyhee (the incumbent contractor) and Hi-Grade on the other selection Knife River has significantly more resources (both equipment and personnel) at their disposal to meet all of UWID's requirements. River also has a much more robust safety program than the other 2 contractors, and they have a full time safety coordinator. UWID that Knife River is the best value. Based upon the above criteria, Knife River was identified as the apparent successful bidder. n an effort to improve the unit rates, UWID further discussed pricing with Knife River, and UWID was able to achieve significantly Annual Contract / Task Order Value Total Contract / Task Order Value Certificate of lnsurance (COl) attached See email dated 3/20/15 copy contract to (see additional guldelines on pg.,rur. o4l13 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W.15.O1 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Kevin Doherty/Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 96: Please provide the underlying supporting documentation and calculations for all entries of actual data and forecasts contained in Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 11. RESPONSE NO. 96: The actual data entered into exhibit 3 is a direct input and not a calculation. The documentation that the data was taken from is in the attached excel file under the "Construction Expenditure Report" tab. The updated forecasts are a direct input and not a calculation either. The document that the data was taken from is also in the aftached excel file under the "060 - Forecast" tab. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W.I5.O1 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 97: Please provide a list of all capital projects suspended, abandoned or discontinued during 2011 through 2015 to date. Please include within your response a description and the total cost of each project and when it was suspended, abandoned or discontinued. Please also identify how the costs of those projects have been recorded and excluded from the Company's case. RESPONSE NO. 97: The following is a list of the projects that have been suspended, abandoned or discontinued from 2011 to 2015. The list only includes those projects that have not been or will be completed before the end of 2015. C15D103 Warm Sprinqs: Hiqhland Val-Teresa This project was to have been completed in November of 2015. lt has not been started and will not be completed until March of 2016. The original additions forecasted in Exhibit 3 have been re-forecasted to reflect the change in the completion time. There are no other projects that have been suspended, abandoned, or discontinued that have not eventually been completed and put into service, during the 2011 to 2015 time frame. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W.15.O1 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 98: Please provide an electronic copy, in Excel format, with formulas intact, of the contractors advance and refund spreadsheet, or its current version, maintained by the Company that is reconciled to the general ledger accounts 25200; or the currently used accounts, for 2012 through 2015, as available. RESPONSE NO. 98: Please see attached file #98 Advance Refunds.xlsx UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. GASE UWr-W-1s-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 99: Please provide a description of the method by which materials and supplies are recorded and or allocated to the accounting records in 2012, 2013,2014 and 2015 to date. Please also provide a list of and proposed changes for 2015 and 2016. RESPONSE NO. 99: Materials and supplies are recorded and or allocated to the accounting records by several means. An annual count of inventories allows the Company to determine the current value of the inventory, providing for upward or downward adjustments to capital/expense accounts as necessary. Directlv Gharqed: Materials/Supplies are coded directly to a single capital project or several capital projects, or to an expense account or several expense accounts directly off the corresponding purchase order/invoice. Each department or area of the Company has supervisory employees who have the responsibilig to properly code items. The finance & management groups have the opportunity to ensure accuracy of the coding as they process invoices for payment. Review of budget versus actual results also acts as a check on coding accuracy. Non-Exempt Inventorv (Account 1 5400): The Company maintains an inventory of main line pipe, valves, tapping sleeves, fittings, clamps and other materials that are charged directly to the inventory account from purchase orders/invoices. As these inventory items are utilized for capital projects or operations/maintenance expense projects, they are coded by authorized employees to the proper capital project or expense account through the automated inventory system. Exempt lnventorv (Account 15410): This inventory account includes service line brass fittings, service setting re-locators, 2" diameter and smaller service line pipe, meter boxes and similar items. lt is inefficient to inventory these items and account for them individually due to their smaller size and lower cost per unit. When the purchase order/invoice is coded, an authorized employee uses historically gained experience as a guide to code the items directly to capital or expense, or a combination Page 1 of2 of both. lf the materials are used for a different project, they are charged by an authorized employee to the specific account code on a monthly accounting entry. Other lnventorv (Account 15420): The other inventory "block & post" account includes valve boxes, pipe & lids, concrete block and post, bolt couplings, and joint restraint followers for valves and fittings, as well as "nuts and bolts" type items. lt is inefficient to inventory these items and account for them individually due to their smaller size, lower cost per unit and variety of use. The purchase order/invoice is coded to inventory, then an authorized employee charges on a monthly accounting entry, items to capital/expense account codes based on use. Chemicals (Account 1 5430): Chemicals such as Caustic Soda/Sodium Hydroxide, Citric Acid, Magnafloc Polymer, PAX XL 19, Phosphate and Bulk Salt are inventoried from purchase orders/invoices and then expensed monthly to operations, maintenance or occasionally capital, based on use. A monthly inventory count is used to determine inventory value and to make a necessary adjustment to expense accounts. Purchase Cards: ln an effort to reduce paperwork company-wide and increase efficiency in the accounting area, the Company issues purchase cards to many field employees for ease of purchases of routine items. The cards have monetary as well as category limitations (i.e. daily dollar limits, certain vendor type exclusions such as eating establishments, travel and entertainment, etc). The Company receives monthly statements on each cardholder. The employee's supervisor is responsible for approving the statement against actual employee receipts. Each card has default coding that can be overridden by the supervisor. Vehicle Alocation: The Company has an accounting process by which virtually all transportation related expenses (lease costs, fuel, outside repairs & supplies, Company Mechanic payroll and overhead, insurance, etc.) are allocated to proper expense accounts and capital projects, MJ projects etc. The Company mechanic uses a designated purchase card for transportation related materials. Page 2 of 2 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW!-W-15-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshal Thompson REQUEST NO. 103: Please provide the cost-benefit analysis for the Company's AMI program. RESPONSE NO. 103: Please see the included cost-benefit analysis for the Company's AMI program (#103 AMI System Comparison.xlsx). Based on this review, the Sensus FlexNet option was selected as the approach for AMI program development. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Sensus Flex Net Request No. 1 03 Attachment Pagel ol2 Collection System Collector Count Repeaters Collection System Meter Radio System Meter Radios (Single Channel) Meter Radios (2 Channel) Meter Pit Lids Field Programmers Radio System Notes AMIHosting Annual Hosting Fee per Meter Radio System Notes Flex Net con con be used for odditionol sensor PSl, Telemetry, and control of street pole power Units Unit Cost Total cost 67,640.00 Flex Net can con be used for odditional sensor PSl, Telemetry, ond control of street pole power 250,000.00 s s S s 67 Tota! Cost Total Cost 3,437,350.00 1,553,000.00 1,173,000.00 8,000.00 6,281,350.00 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Itron 100w Request No. 1 03 Attachment Page 2 ol 2 Tota! Cost 154,000.00 880,000.00 Collection System Meter Radio System Unit Cost Total Cost Meter Radios (Single Chrnn"l) S 5,565,000.00 Meter Pit Lids Field Programmers Radio System Notes does not offer o duol chonnel rodio. AMIHosting Meter Radios (Single Channel) Radio System Units Unit Cost Total Cost 378.250.00 378,250.00 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW!-W-15-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 104: Please provide a monthly comparison of actual expenses by account to budgeted amounts for each month during 2014 and 2015. RESPONSE NO. 104: Please see attached file #104 Actuals vs Budgel2014 through 2015.xlsx UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. GASE UWI-W-I5-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 105: Please provide the underlying support and calculations for Adjustment No. 24, Equity Gross Up Amortization including the Equity Gross Up amount and the calculation of the amortization rate. RESPONSE NO. 105: The AFUDC Equity Gross Up 35 year annual amortization rate of 2.8571% is simply calculated as 1/35. The AFUDC Equity Gross Up balance was projected using the actual Test Year Dec.2014 balance of account 18623 at $1,41 1,783 plus 2015 Budgeted AFUDC Equity GU activity of $68,122 through November 2015, for a total of $1,479,905. Please see attached file #105 AFUDC Equity GU Calculation.xlsx EF9bEFoo(,ED:=6<o-rf)o c;z 0q Eot +E=:f d-dz 2 *ZE€bdo-- (, (! oB*=t9 Porlr(aio. BPlel.! orl .q-lN orl Nl!i .,,l Io*l*l EIol 6lNIEIol €l lll o\oEl (D r..-3l E8trl\lNal r E:rEtlBel != trl trIOI cu 'tr1(,l6lolol ooEo CLx UJo(, E+E5 .E .EN 6rEi .N-a E8EE XEo 6= .1:e E :sg.9E zagE"", Ef EOEE E;5eE E.tsgE oa> o =r, lEP k E o 2lEoo Eg E(5or 6B€g [s c fiHZg ero EEEgEE#Ei;' €2 E E EIfl[fcl$E Eg$ElFglEig Nattro(oO.tEol =zl .85E*a*:iEEtrGfo UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W.I5.O1 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 106: Please identify how Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) is eliminated from water rights' projects as ordered in Case No. UWI-04-4, Order No. 29838 (page 12). lf not eliminated, please identify AFUDC by project. RESPONSE NO. 106: The Company policy for Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) states AFUDC is computed on eligible capital expenditures, defined as construction projects with net expenditures in excess of $50,000 with a construction period exceeding thirty days. There are certain exclusions, such as direct purchases and projects for which an advance or contribution has been received. Also as ordered in Case No. UWI-04-4, Order No. 29838, water rights projects do not qualify for AFUDC accrual. As part of the capital project creation process, a determination is made whether the project will be eligible for AFUDC according to company policy and based on prior approval of the Regulatory Commission. lf the project is eligible, the appropriate system settings are made which allow for the calculation and accrual of AFUDC charges. Likewise, when the project is deemed ineligible, the settings in the system prevent AFUDC charges from being applied. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE uw!-w-15-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 107: Please provide the "ln Service" reports for July 2011 to present. RESPONSE NO. 107: See the attached exhibit containing the in service reports for July 2011 to July 2015. 6 troE EoocL oE =oo- oo9rEEgo.bo.= epoo ,Eto =oo .9o o €.socEDO5o9E-yo*6ga E @oo(o N o(f)\i oooF- ooNj co loNo € lo (o (o o(oF. o(r- LEOoul= tr o EDf o:lo @ o = o EDf o o)l o o) o t) ofct,:, 6 E') = E') 6 E') o o) = osl NN aO o o.'c(, altoo C'o'dr o(, o od o a5 :lt o =l!co,E6 =oogootr cID 0) =2EofF(LLI 6 o)(.)soox. Eo ECL EIUc.9oE o!o o,oGoou. E.oo :> !fa 6)og (Lx.9Ecv o =tooCD -(l)oo:) U>d) N+c.9o :=EE =U) .g6o U) otro E 6)d]I?- 9.o) cl c6 .9)E.o = o E 6fo 06 E(, 6LL oE(1)o(, o.oE .E(, = od =o osu)5oo cI -c c(! osodl coC @ o =o.E l Eoo U) '5(oocoEr! = , Iri r!:iil'Li ____.i_ e oo'g o- io@d) o ro(!) tr) o oi.-dl O N (t)o o (t) ooo o F- (ao o oN(?)o o (r)o@o o +o(l)o o F.ro@o o o(0o o o Y o oL J+,(E 3ao o(oo o(oo o@ o@ o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o .gU' =\tb(oEO5-(o0EO<cN(Lo c,z @o,fro)tr ti C'oo CL oo (! ooE o s EO.,Eo -tLtoE;E5 f;.9-.fEEooo*tt6ox ^LolloE:E.g PE'=lEi,-=oPEbE EE E.E<fL 8E 9'E,EbE9EtI,0 'ELoEE--EHtllo!,tro.9eo6t; EEEt, EEOEEL695o< =oFO- -85EPb* *= €Hlo o =o E Eoo E oE =oo. ooo= Eeo,bo: €Po Eco =oo .9o o 9socoro5oSEi3ga E ao oo(, N lo lo cooo oC'- LE9o.tl = ->-->f--> f 5-.> =-.>f- oN N N tro EI (,ooo oo'g o- co dzoo6olUo.E (,Ios(0o ooN Ec 6fpo0)E,(,E o.Eo EQ' E.9rlrJ o oo TL o-LI =(no(, CLq) E, coEoo(,oou Eo E.g(t UJotr c EEuccC Ec o = o Eoo(! ood .E(! tr .9(!q = oso-Ec(! 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() o Eooooo,tr ocG(L =- =EEGtro E.oEf F- o5 .c @ o E(so oa C)E q)E C'Y =o iri i! ;i\i :!tr :1.: l.', o (,oo o- t+o@o o $ooo o roooo o ({'ooo O COoNo o oo o o o(o(oo () (f)olo- o 6ro@o o (olo@o o oL *,(E =o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo .9a =!tB(oEOf,cr$o) =o<6N(Lo ciz gro,t o Eg oEl e e1 E sl iol iol 9! HI EE etl :E'=l E'5 -El Esvll E::l lla:l p.+ =l EXCI E.Eol 95 =r E;-=o9Ebg>EEa =.=8E e'E, E3 EE,CLoEPx6H E€to.qrgoot; E!e;9sf6. Fr ,P5 EPb* t=E3C(!l (_) t o E Eoo E (,t =oo- ooo= EEo.bo.! *po s o =ooIo o 9sotrE"OSo96-!, o*Ega o N l.()o)ro 06 co ra, 6 N o+!rt' co o@o o(r->vLE9oul= E ()oooo o)-oooo o ooo c) ooo o3ooo (l)-oooo o.oooo o.c)ooo ol)ooo ol)ooo o)l)ooo oN f.- o tro EL IJo(,o (,(,'0 o- co (! co)Eoo E 9.() Eo, E 6ot; EL ILI 6o E Eo oEootrotL N:}} '=a go E rUoGooE. .oE'6uE6!l) Eoa o EID E!) oa! ='6 GLr $ ciz 6o 6oIUo.E (u- @s 6o N c;zoao=o-qooca o)EF c.oo o q)Eo c0 .!P!o--d c) Eo'5oIUz -loogo.o)E. trc) E.s cr TU :,oo@ N oo,u (E IL E0)cooooUF , Iii r!:ii .f ____.:_ o (,o6' o- o,lJ)att?o o c)oodI o @o o o F-oNO C) oroo o Fo('Jo (_) o oo o c.,Noo (-) aooroa C) olr)Y o lr)oroY o oL *,(Etroo=o o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo :*6@EOf,*(l(l):E: O<6N(Lo ciz aoro)tr an E B o El itl:tool :,/)l!ol Er/\t E ovl -clEI B[(UI E€ Bl ng.-l ? -z-l Egol eE2l f:Ll --olloEI E::L:l Ectsl orEsl E;.=o9EbEeE E.= $Ee'i E3 EEoEE:EH E€co.9eoct; E; b_ecLo95 €3F'r P5 EPb* i= €Hlo United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 36th Street Pressure Solution ln-Service Request - by Activity Request No. 107 Attachment Page 5 of 64 2" GATE VALVE (24TH-26TH)PH1 5" GATE VALVE PHASE 2 8" PVC (26TH STREET)PH1 8" GATE VALVE (24TH-26TH)PH1 12" Dt RELOC ATE (24TH-26TH)PH 1 12'' GATE VALVE PHASE 2 12" GATE VALVE (24TH-26TH)PH1 24' DI PHASE 2 24" VALVE INSTALLATION PHASE 2 Project lD: Project lD: Project lD: Project lD: Project lD: Project lD: Project lD: Project lD: Project lD: c10D101_060 c10D101_050 c10D101_060 c10D101_060 c10D101_060 c10D101_060 c10D101_050 c10D101_060 c10D101 060 Activity-id Activity-id Activity-id Activity-id Activity-id Activity-id Activity-id Activity-id Activity-id 33140002W 33140005WA 33140008PV 33140008W 33140012Dr 33140012WA 33140012W8 33140024D1A 33140024WA tt (, E Eooc (,tr =oo- ooREEEo.a9E .He o o =oooo o 9sotrEDOI! oSET3EaE N oos- oU @ lr)1r) i\t o!t{- oU aoo@c! -.o o(oN st o*o oaJ- LEO6.q= tr o)tlooo ottooo o.c)ooo oN aoNo co CL oooo (,oa o- c.ooo)Io,c g o)E.Es(J J-oEcJ o)(,Eo o() o 3 .gIc(! I EooEpo E (o(0 Cr,CD )it:::it I iitl! il-11 I oo6' o- o(')o o hoc.)o o s (.,o o oL J+.(E =@ o(oo o(oo o(oo .g at, =\fd@EOfo(E0EO<(!No-o ciz o) Ito)E. g(,o'0 CL oEl ool EolgflEol E8t ;ol Er EI Erol bE 3l E36l e'E@l esll -gE >l .EtEI E:Cl Erol orE>I EEog,.=o96bE>EE- E= 8E s'E, E3EItto =CLoEE:EH Eltotco.9eoGt; Esclt B.e4695o< =or* orro€Pa* 6e =sEJESc(!f (-) o tro E Eot) tr oE =oo- 6oo:IEo.Eo: *po E Eo.oooo 6(,oo ILo .9^=>OEltoa6oolr IE o (-) o- c{ ror+(o(\,I 06 o ro(o (\t o (L @ rr) t- C) o- (\ -tloo,o (-) (L $t o|r,o6t o (L C{ loc., € @o(r, o (L coolrt0, drlo r) t,r rJ)F.* o TL 6o!f(C, c6 Ibor, ED.Eo(oo6(l)a @ olo od 6 6 ta)lo oo-IEq3 o.ct E(n oz ooE(r, oz (,l) E(r, oz oEE(n oz o.o Eo oz o,oEo oz o.ctEo oz o.clE(l, oz (,!Ed) oz oo o) oz oo Eo oz ol) Eq) oz o.cI Eo) oz o)l) Ed) oz 6).ct E6) oz o-o Eo) oz o.cI E0)oz o).o Eo)oz o CL a,6oo oo6. o- o-LIo ED.Eooo ='66tL CL E =(L o) 6ooCo d) EoE @N =@z o troE0, o CL E o)6-Goog @x o =o(L e(E =xJ o.s E CLa troE.g =ETIIJ o Eooo(, .gCL(,tr 6)osCLov (E =!,csI -gO)(! 1Il rr,t*dooq)(! ouJo.E (EIo.(! Go o,9odl Q)oc.o E Et- c.9o :=E'll)o (E _er!(!o tr(, Eo)oGootr .E(o =€ tI o,(, 3o ooI(t) oooEtr 06 f.E0,I Es(! oo(n U)o!iT€ troI =tro EocnE' LrJ Ectr3F =fx(,cE 6=CLGo o =oo @ E0)o at)t6sovE(EF troEo,osCL(,tr .o!,(tt 6)(,'6 old6oo =Eo 6 U)oco.Eo -goF o E(,cootr .E.9tr.c(,tl,Foo(!-cc L oc Gc( ==GI Ccsccc o t,oo 6- !toro c0 o O)o6lo o rJ)Nalo (.) o(r,o O Noroo o sto(oo () o)o(qo o (\tN(ao o @(,(9o o No(0o o o)r,() @o o (l)(oo (-) slot-o o ooIJJ o oro- o 6c{ c (0o Y o toL)Y O oL)+,(U 3o o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o(0o o(oo o@o .9 CI' =tlb(oEOfsr0 6)l=o<GNaLo ciz oE crC)tr fft EI ;ol EoIsflE EI Eol E6l E* EI ;Bol 8oOI EE 3l Ee6l E'gol eerl oEcl -oo =l EtCl EcOl orE =r E;.=o9E6g BE =.E$ESE EEEE€o =lLogE:EH E€seo6tp Eg EEEt6Eio<EOr+ -85Gu) -{o5:ioo) =6CGfo IEo E Eoo E od =or 6oOERbEEa.Eo: €po o =oooo o 9sotrEDOSoqE-!, o*age a, o-toC')i-.6 @bo@ @oot oar_ LEq3 E oll Eoooo o,tt Eoo0,o ol) Eoooo olt Eoooo o.ct E{)oo)o oll E0,ooo oo Eo,(,oo o).o E(nooo (1,ll Eo()oo o IL (,10oo (,oor (LLIo E') .E6oo ='o 6L! troIL ED.=ooooLr IUo- o-LIo olL N*tt,(uo 6o) U) 0) 0) cG'o oU E Eo =o3 IJJ o)d] 6v =-c(-) Eo 6 U) t TLo!,(E oo-f o)trofoI o (l, = co) =oo @ Eoo U)v(!-coIc6F o Eo)trq)oc(Eo.E EooFo6(E-co (L @CL (Eo (o ==oI (nosoot e (,oEo. !torodl o O)o@dt o (ooslo o 1Oo(oo o aoN@o () lo(oo () oo IJJ o (oo Y O rtoloY o oL +,G o U'=o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o =r6@EOf,oGOEO<rgNILo ciz o, Eo,t fi g o EI Ed,l:ol fl,liol Ec()l Eo EI EE(ol E5 sl Egal eEol e99l *i;l Egel .!E =l oECl .Dt ^I E= =l E;:o9EbEeE =E$E9E Eg EEoEEvEH E€.9eO5 -oE Eg L6OEEL69so< =ot-+ PEE*b* := €Hf,o 6 o E Eoot oe. =oo- ooPEEPo.6o.! *po o =oooo o 9sOEEDOSo9E E.3EaE co roGIo co lo@CO @oo) o0 t b{ ot)-IEfis b6 c(E- e6 =c(E- e(E =c(!- aG' c(!- FG co- b65Eo- >6 =c(!- b6fE(!- b6 =c(!- b6 c(!- b6 E(!- b6 c(E1 e6 c(!- b6 E(E- b6 =c(!- bG E(o- coe (,ooo a,a,'0 o- 6ct E (L oo I E €oo !1)o(! ao)u oo =CO+ =o, q)oootroosCLq)tr ol* (l) ED -(E Eoo =oN6I 6t:lt o(B LrJoo ov.9I N*to oo o)c Efoo 6 ItE 6o(, o E6 o o o)CL6o .E ==(!ToosCLo)t oo 6 06o.E6 =ota =oz o() E 06o.sG =fosaoo(5ooN. ooo'E o)a .9oo) Eoo oq)o'= oa o).=l! o(,o.E oaEo(!oI =(,z .9 Q)Eoo 6)o6orl)d oo)o.E (,a o -goo o)osa0)d o) 6) = =d)z 4 oo =oQscot e (,(,'d o- sloF(I] o 6o O (J @ oo o o,sloo (-) t()c/,o o voF*o o rrtoloY O NoooN O Notr)oN o oot!(\ O C'oot!sl o rJ)ootrNo olr)tLN (-) oolr)tLN o oooN o clag( c idL +.Gtr .9 @:f @ o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o =tb(oEOf,o,(q0Eo<(oN(Lo c;z o E0)tr I(,o'g ct ooet=El sHl exlE(1)l :u)l!ol Er()l Eool Egcl ii .e(5l E58l #gZl E'gol g9 el f:Ll :o EI E:!l E.gEI CD.c SI EE.=o9'EbEeE =.E$E s'E, EEEtIlo =CLoo E--iH !, llot,to.9eoot; E?,EE T;9po<EOFO .35 €Pa* := €fr:)o IEoE Eoo EL oE- oG 68= EEo,bo: €po tro.oo.9o o 9sOEooSo9E-9 !t*aga E o(,- LE(DoItl -tr a(g e,lt(,t! e(, ellotr bo El)otr b.g PltotL e(E Poot! a(E E.oolr o IL (,ooo C'oo'c 6).>G E cootro =o(, o tr(, E0,o(!o(,tro. Efo. (t, B oE'o.EEtr.EI 6'=ot 6, =oo(E CLod oE .9)t o,(, = (LL!o oocJ o -=lr ao l! 6s oo.:(E ttr(,o.g(u =Eo o =oz o ooo4 ooo o t-o o o (0ol.)- o oo (\I o oodl6t o Nooo(\l o idL J+J(Etroofoo(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo a(oo o(oo =tb(oEO5o6Fgo<E)5[ ciz oofEod $ g- o Et fEIEol :3l E*ol Eo EI BT(Ul E5gl Egal e8ol eE@l tisl gE +l E: =l ttrel oE SI EE9EbE BE =.E$E96 EE EE:g EE E€EOa.o O5t; E;t6P5o<EOts* -85sli b*g= EJ6ro=oc(qfo otoF Eoo C (,E =oo- ooo!:OLEEebo-= spGo E o =oo -9o o 9sotrE"OIl oEE-!, o ='6'ga (, co o@o N oo) (f) i.l o@N oo o loro(Y)- io@ oC'- LEOoo?= E c6 so 6 !oo = !o 6 !o 6 =o 6 EcG !I6 o EL oooo (,oo G oo26 BaY =Lr LLI oosoo,u q) oodl o EoEoo(9 t oz Co'd :>E-ofooo 6ouJ @ .9oI o€ od) @ ciz E .9q E-o U)oo(! otrJo (o-o.g Go t- dz Co,6 :>Ell oo0)6oUJ oEo.g(oo =o) =--E a)o oooo @ (LL!O @ o, .gEo tr @ GoE a o) oao E o- oB o)o(!o0)t I oa,I4 (oo@d] O @oroo O @ (f)o o roN(v)o o N(ooo o Noo o{o oocosl o No o6t o oL. +,(E f @ o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo .go =.+6@EO5-ortso)<E)53 ciz oo) =ro)tr Ia,o Eo oslot-l =ol iol?(I)l otltol eanl Eol zOI EEEl rScl E'(u| 3.E8l ;P.-I D ,->l -.)sl $iit ;::l Eg<l E;el E.=OI PE>l '==' 60.=o96bE>EEo =.EdL 8E9'6 sEE9EEEO =cLoEP'-6Htt .oottEOE' oo6o--oE EEEt, e;95o< =oFO- P5€Pb* := €Hlo 11, Eo E Eoo E 0,t =oo- ooo?OL9Eo.bo,! epoo E Eo =oo9(, o 9sotrltoIlo9EI'3sa6 N ooN o(r- LEfi3c Eo.ECL o.Eo. NoN(t) t Eo EL C'ooo o(,'dr c(u Eo,osootr CLE TL o)3 ooc 6q) d] oo o =-l! =o)F x -!IclEoo E.=E(!o loco d]oO)(.)+ o) EDE d) 6(!J e oo'gr o oat o coo oN C) (0o(t,oN o NoF.oN o oLJ+.(E ?o .n=o o(oo o@o o@o o@o =t6@EO5ar6F!o)<oEf ciz oq)fUo)E. oo(,'g CL oo EI ExlEol :(/)liol Ert\t E oVI -CLEI H.i(5l E58l #g'-l ? -a-l Egol eE@l tr!l gE:I E:!l E.gCl o=al E.=;I E;:o9EbE BE =.=8Eg'E, EEEt.clo5eoEE.:EH l, ,l!OEEOE'oO6 .oE-g8 Et, E;95o< =orP e5So b* :*oo) =ac(!lo oc(, E Eootr od =oa- 6oo: EEo.eo.= €po E tro =oo .9o o 9sotrgroIloSEE3ge E @ hst @oF-o soN od -o o@@ f.t ooo o(r- LEooul= E G o (g G = a! = o co CL oooo (,oo G ItrGF o)E.Eetooo I(LLIo oCL E =(L 6.o Eo)EooosCLou CL E (L oEc o 3tr(LI =ooo=o =(L Jo Eao Ea!F; @oi(f) q)o o s =coo 05g =o) iI Etr Joof 06 dt -!PoEo oo e (,o'g o- o@dtN (-) c\|o@dlat o s(f@d]N C) { c.,ooN () olo@oN O (t)oF.osl o oL *,(E f.o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo .go =r6@EOf, c.r(!-!o<El5f c;z oofoo)E ti(,og EL oo E ltot o E cO.jtro -cLIE3.eE€E E,,#.5-.1EEooo*lIap.+ .96 E:E.g PEE3oI,!oe6EE BE =.EdLrr- oxg9'6 EEEIllo =clo9!:f,H tllot,EOED .O O63; EEEt, b:ELOEirn< =oFT P5 €Pb* :*EgtrC'lo ooOE EEo.Eo.= *po E o =oo .9o =oo(,og fLo o o CD.Eoolt E o () (L ao o 06o (L N rJ) o) o o- N oo 06 uiLoI 6b6t o o- @ oo) 6t () o- ao rJ)F.(o 6 oN o0o (L @o@N o(r- EEOOu?= E oE- (, - oE- o - q)E a otr a o - ocfa co CL (,ooo (,o6' o- (LI C Q)E G Q)oo Fooo.-oo(!ooE, oo!, EEr<Lf ooo0)oo (LoFo-o co E0,o .ECLoE lFt o oU) Eo (! o)oot OUov (! o-o (uE =-o.E o =06 j -g(, ct) jo oeoC) o lt E 6O G,o U) EoJ o o E EO (!o U) 6tro o 6oFE o)1Io06F e (,o'0r oFdIN (_) oooN o jolooN o N (f,oN o lr)(oosl (_) Nlo(ooal o c.)ao(ooN (-) toK,YN o oL. +,G f@ o@o o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo .g.D =t6(oEO5*(!-!o<ED Efl ciz oq)5a,od oEt .aol Iol rLol EElsol EAl -oOl ool =EI :tgl E,gil :e =l B;El :';El E:E>l E$5l E;El oxsl EtE.s ctt E E;.:o96bEeE =tr$E e'E, Eg EEoEE:iH Ef;.9ectoo-.aE E?,EI, T*95o<EOr-* -cE EPb* i= €Hfo 6 oE Eoot oE, =oc ooOEHbEqo.bo.! s&6o co =oo.9o o €.sOEooSotEr '6rga E @ roo(\l @or)F. od Jo6lN 6o1.)lo @ looF. @ 6ot@ co b@@ od (o oo, oar_IE 6sc f-f-.> =-a a f a ifT co CL tooo IJo'd G o E:I @ 6oCLCLoEo C'-cF =(u =(uxoLL .E Eot oN E Ep60)toc.E -9-co CL E (L o,3 =6Fcoo,oo o.(l,u (') c;zc.oo :>El)oo oo ED =oa -l! E:o .9. Eoo o Eo EE(! CL o) G ga .9cl (") c;zc.9o E.o oo .9oEo t oo EoI EDc.E -iU) o oooot oo. Ef(L d oo =o)(!oooaF e (,o'g o- io(ooo o olr) () olr) c06l o (oo C)6t o o(')oot o Fo(ooNo o (?,o6t o 6 oo6t C) rolo(ooNo c.)o6YN O idL J+,(Etr .gU'=ao o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o@o =!t6@EOfi,o(!F!0)<cnEf c;z @q) Uod ooo'g EL oo EI Etr.l: sl Eol EiOl Eo EI B:(trI EE8l f;3'-l F.Z-l Egol eEal tiEI EE =l E:+:l E.=Cl cDssl E;.tsog,E EgB3 ="EHEe'0 EgEE.cto =cl.,EE:EHt, l!ottro.99O6 -oE EEEE belLoeio<EOF* e5 EPa* t=oo=o53 It tro E Eoo EL oE =o4 8o: Eso.bO,L €Eo oEoooo o 9sOEEDOSo .Et*Esa o 6oo) oU 6t ol')ro- co oo) o o*b @ roF. ou_ LEQovl=c o =CDf of CDf o3E'):, ofc,)f 6 9) 65 EDf o =E') ol CD = 63of @ =o) = o TL t)ooo Io'g G otr =q)g a!Eo.!2o =o=oTtrot,pIoor! CIot EDtr G(,dt CLE (L o E tLLIC) 0, G o@(t CL d)z ED =t(g() olr E ED =Eoo (nosCLQ't oE6 U) (\l+ 3 -9oI oE' =lI cq) E.gouJ o coooosCLog. Z cD =t(Eo -coc.Eu ,Eo6 co6 E"oco otr'5Eoo =(f) N oo-c(, U)eo Eo) E -(l)uJ oc=E = (E B Eo!,oTL oo(o o (,o'd o. rooroot-oo roo o6l o oNoN o sl NoN o Cr)o6tO(\t o storoo(\,t o o oN o c.)o(\l o (DN(9oN o E(oo6t o oL J{r,G =@ o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o(0o o@o o@o .go =tl6@EO5ooFEo<osf ciz o ETot otEI Eol rLdE(l)l o Hf;aledt Eel EEI EEol f,S.g E;1-l tsEB*gll -!cl EgI OO2l E:-cl soFl g;gt E:rl t EOI e'EllJl '='=@l 96l dEEEI >E-tt =E$s e-e Eg EEoEP.vE3 E€tro.9ec!63: EgbECL685o<EOtsg .85€9b*:iEgcc,lo ttt troE Eo(., tr ov. =oo- ooo: HEobo,: .Hp o E o =oooo o 9=oEEDOSo9E{sEaE GO loF-t co o @ oo -o N o oc\,1tfst 06 @or, FN 1., N od O +6l bcoo @ roO)(o oo(o\t @oi.- o ro oN IoN € @o(o 06 sl io C',r, CO o(r- LEc6q= E o.oEo CL0)o o!Eo, o.o)o o.oEa) CLIDo o!Eq, CLoo o,l) E(, CL0)o o-oEo)o.q)o o)l) Eoooo o.o Eoqoo o.o EIDoo<t) q)-oEo CLoa o6 Eo,cto)a o)! Eo)o.o)a ot Eo)o.oa Eoe (,ooo (,o'dr o -gEo TL o J c.) CLo)g. * cizoc,g q) Eq).c(L co6 :=tlofooE) -6 o)oo EoU) c.) ctzc.9o E.o U) ooEq)v6J oo, =v (go- o).9oo \t c;z o,6 .2Eltf(/) oEDg Eoo =oN(EI c.oo =.ct aEl:d)3 o o =oooE (I) (n eo oo o 6 CD j(l,G o = c!) Eoo6Eo)t .s(! =.E!cGtr co) Eoooo(, E. o)aoU) d)o cGE 6oco)oE.9o Ee(L <t)t Io tr ILzoO JL u.lEz =o$ ==oo e (,o'd o. ho@oN o (f)o(f)oNo to(f,oGI () 6o(ao6t o o)o(oos,t () oN(.)o(\l o NNcooc,t o r)o@o6t o jro@oN o oF-oat o (",oroaN o slo YN o oF.Y6l o oL *,G fE o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(0o o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o(oo .9o =rlb(oEOf r.-orEd)<o5f c;z ao =ooe. I El $OI CLol EEled)l Eal i,Ol ool fql f(U| 5.,ol Eb.ol r&d E;El :=;+t E=J E3zl ooJ-t o* =l llol-f oxSl Egll E oOl EcuJl eE@l E'=>l sqLUI 'E iEI EE BB =.E$E9E E3EEso3ELoEE.:EHtllottro -9r goG .oE EEEE L6tfEio<EOrs E5 EPb* := €frlo o Eo E Eoo tr o&,- oo ao=gEebo! Epct tro.oooo o 9sOEEDO5oqE TEga o (\l rr)(,rJ) sl 6o)N €oo(t) (q Ybo(o o lf)N$ oo@ @ oO)o !,ct! @oC!lo o io@ obstlo o(r- LEq3 E ollooo ottooo o,ltooo o)llooo ollooo o.ctooo ooooo o5ooo o.ctooo oltooo (,ltooo oltooo ollooo Eo CL (, aooo (,oEr .E Eo Jo J(ooo.Eo6)G oo. Efo-oCL Ioop co E.s =EuJco (Etr oEo(,olgo.(,t c)E6o (LIoo oe6)E Efo ciz -g(E co)t,pI ,!-o =o(L xf (\l o@.! (L oo,E IJJ eo(! = o c;zdfoo.E GIo-g C,o (v) cizri =U)(,d, oo,o.o(L oEoo =oo.(! =2oor()I o)(!(l)tt !,6 d) o '6 d).E f dt =- o 2 oEt-N troxo c0€dlt.o ioo!,til Eo E.g duJ .tost!ot o (,oo o. lt)o(od]N () @o(0d]N o (\tot-d)N o (ooc',1o c',1 o o(f,oN o 6lo(r,oC.,l o @o(r)oN o O) (7)oN o o,(v)(toN o o(0o(\t o r.)o(ooN o @|l)@oo,l o aoo Y(\l o i{)+.(E fo o(0o o(o(,o(oo o(oo o<,o o(oo or0o o(oo o@o o@o o(f,6 o(oo o(oo .g.n =!ib@EOf,o6-Eo<E"5f c,z oEUotr Itp CL oEl ool Eo.l gflEol b8t Eol EeI EoEl s*EI B5ol E5 3l E96l eEal eEll Oscl -oo >l .Et =l B3#l Et!Cl EcOl grEEl E:!:zt E; 9EEEEE =s$Es'F EEEIllo5CLoEl'-EEEll!'EEOEl -OO5 .oE EEtlt T*95 e6tss -85 EPb* := EHfo o o E Eoo E =otr =oo- oo(r=OL9Po.bo,: *eo Eo =ooIo otsOEC"O5o9E 'i 'g-osa6 @o(o aoo o) 06 c\t oot @ o€t- @o(") ooc.)!t No(o o0 @oo)@- N roo @ o$F- N bo) o0 floNr.- o5 o 6F-o)_ oo- LTOaq?i s q)c Eo) oz o! Eo oz q)o Eo) oz oo Eo oz o-c)Eo oz ot) E6) oz (,l) Eo oz o.cI Eo oz @! E!) oz o! Eo oz o).o Eo oz o.o Eo oz o)l) E(n oz o).o Eo) oz 0)l) Ed) oz o.cI Eo oz o Eo oz Eo IL oooo .Jo'6 o .c!E Et! o)\t$6l o)fEo =t! o Jo o)o6oo)t oLL o-Io@ :tt o'c =Eoo co) Eo)osooE. o @oom oE(o(o oo6 IL (n o(_) .9 ooao .soc o =2 (., .9.oco o (f o 6)E (!J CD.Eo-oooEc(!J-Ytr .9o :>Ell a (r, 6ra o.C o6 = o) =oq)o!, co 06x6 Eo oEC'J o-o 6=q)v6J oq)tc'6 6t (!o.o cd li(! E(,o oIot! o, =oo E6 Eo)co co aE o,N co Eooso.(1)tro=J2o o oa ED .F .91J xul (LI =orc,s o,ol E:,o 5 U) =Etr(E U) E o6 o Eo)E.oo o) =T .9,t! =cfooF oouo I @ ooas ot e a,o'0 o- (t)o o 6o@d!N O soNost o ooroo6l O ooooNo F- c,)o(\t O F.al(t,oN o ro(,)(aoN o @o@oN o F.o@oc{ o F.o@oN o coo(ooN o olr)-N o (oo Ycl C) (oo(f,YN o 6o(oYN (.) Nol'.-Yat o idL +,(Etr .g CN3ao o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo =!i6@EO (EFtso<o-o5o- c;z oo)ro)E. !t(,o'g a oEl tnol EolEflEol bu\eol 5ol ErI EoEl r*EI EE(l)I oEc)l E !r, =l 5'56l EEU)I EErl o*el lt6 >I .EEEI E:!l E.=(JI EDE>I EEl,D9'.:oe6bE EE =.EIse'F E3Etao5aoEE--iHtllOEtroE'-o o39t; EsEE LOtf95o<EOr* P5 EPb* == oo=o53 o troE Eoo EL oE =o4 go: EEo.bo.! *pcl E Eo-oo.9o o 9sOEoo8o9Erig -95aE (J (L @o@6 o0- LE(Dottl =E oll Eoooo Lolt Eoo G)o olt Eo)oq)o 0,-oE!,()oo oll Eoooo o-oE0,ooo ooF 0,ooo o).o Eo,ooo o.ct E(l,ooo o-oEoooo olt E(,o(,o o)l) Eo)(,oo L(,lt E(Dooo olt Eo,ooo o.o E0,ooo olt E6'ooo olt E0,ooo Eo CL (,ooo a,o6Eo. uo 0,3co6oo @dl co E.g EuJE gooo I Eo)E (E =CLoE oL (LIo(0 + E.s) Eoo oLL o @oodlo (, .t2odt CLotr o6ooco c,o =oo a)ol,t (,oc + -96 coEp-J.c) =oo- E- .(5'x = lo dzoCD.E Eoo =Q)N(!- =o o .9!,(t u.o6o o (EoCLodg =cot- o E0, o(, z B o ooEEoz oog' ILoo-cCLoEEo coEo(,g CLq, E. .q)o.oo CL(U = CL EGt c6 -g(!oov(., eF 6=g)oooaF co Eoo(g -eotr o E.gfc,tu foo,o oIoc!,tr(uI oE'(gq)tr o,o = CLot co E.gouJoo6F oo)t o=gfo(Looo(! CLod e (,oar Yoo (\ o No|r)toNo !to6to6l o FoGIC)No oo6lo(\I o o(t,o6l o ot(t,o(\l o oo-N o Noo-N () c,)oo-N o $or.)a6l o rooro-N o @o Y6l o olr)Y(\t o rooroYsl o @ord,YN o F.or{)Y6t o oL J{r.(Etr .gofoo(oo o@o o(0o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo E3EOf;o6srEo<EDEI c;z o, =EToE. 6(,oo EL oo IEooE Lo EO€ EO -o.=oE;E€EO' E':E EEo6'o*ll i,ox ^LolJoE:E.5 EDE'=:E6.=o9EEE>Eaa -E<LrioEgo'= E9E€Etllo5aogE.:;Htlto!,troo.oO6tp EEEE LOBfiP56<EOFG -85-e u5!Fb* :=oo=oC(!fo o tro E Eoo E 3ou =oo- oo(r=Rbitro.bo.= spl!o s o =ooIo o 9sOEE"O5o9E ':.S-0ga (, @ 1O |r) oo N ()@(f) 00 @66 @ oO)@ @ roO)6 co oF-t co ocl 60 ootN o roo,o o ro o) 06 N oh 6t CO(\t @ oo € N ot-$ o(r-IE{sc COoNro (o oN 1O (r) oNo (f) oN o (f) oN h COoNr) (f) oNr) (r) oN lo (.) oC{() (q oN ro (.) oN lo (f) oN ro r) oN ro co oNr) (f) oN 6 (') oN ro (f, oN() o CL oooo ooo G U)z tL odou.ltr tJJFF d)o(Ll(LL b Jo- UJE. uloz tJJtL F -trfo uJa c{ ozozul u.luooz =trl(Lo zoa oola uJcooo zoo odlf U) UJooEzoF uJJ [rJ ozzIU) od]fo IUo6t tJJ(I] F N ozzIU) od)la IUo6d tJJdl tr zo U) 6ofoY tJJ tJJdo ulJFFoo +zII o cof U> oU) uJzzf-o zIo odlfooz =adF \f oz trJ otrooz =tf(L U) Fo [rJtotr LrJY5Ioz-i N JL LUt tr0- EU)ftcou UJFttr) (,z6ootro JJ =zoFtuJoo = Fz uJ =tUoI(L IJJg. v. u..t (Loo(L = oztr-oJ FtfO I.JJa (L bo trJo trorLl ooJ tJJIoz-tu.lo tLlE EIJJFul =JLtUv o (,o'd o- (.,o(0d]N () looooN o @ oo6to hNooCI o o(t,(')oC{ O N(oc.,oN o (f)(9(.)oN o (ot'(ooc.l () F-*(.,oN o oi(r,oN o o\t(fJoN @c)@o6to 6N(ooC! o ooF-o6l o 1OorJ)?(\t o tto Y$t O 6olr)YN O oL +.lE =tr o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o(l)o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(!}o .gU' =t6(oEO H i'ltso<EDEf c;z ofUot ooo'g IL oost=Ll€el f,Ul ecllEol :f,ltol E+(JI EE-,ol E E'cl ts.e(5l E5ol EP.91 s:=-l eEol eE@l trEl s;N E:+jl E.EEl ErEi\t E= =l E;.=o9Ebg>EEa =E4'.i8g e'E, EEEE.Eto3aoEEvHHt, llol,troE'-oO6 'oEEtEE LOt6P50,< =orF €5 EPb* := €fr)o Itrotr Eoo E otr =or ooo:iEroo.L €eo co-oo .9(, o 9sotroo5os6 8.3ga o o(r- LEeo.Q- tr a6?lto1r b6e-ootl oell(l,IL coc otttoo (,oa o. to 0) ={, trItr o, @ood] !o Eo(,coo o .E.9tr o .g3 e (,oa o- looo (\t o rr)o(\loN o oo (o o oL JP(Etro at,=E o<,o o(oo o@o =!f6@EOtorEN!o< ct)5f dz oo =Eot g ooe 6o Et fiill .sg,IE ol :tDl !3l EE EI Eg(uI EE 8l E3tl eEol eeql tEel gE =l E: =l ttE-l orEsl E;.=o9E6Ee3EE $E 9-e EgEIltofCLoEExEH EIIotEOEO(l 6t; EEEI' e;P5o< =ort P5Sro.!J-b*:iPEc(!lo d,co E oo E,od =or 66o'!: EEo.E SE*po co =o6oo o 9sOEBO5o9E E3EaE oar_>9LEq3c .cg6 .co (il co EL L(,tttoo (,oor tro (,o Eo =f(0 !,c(EJ o -gcto- Eq) E .tr(!coo'a at)ooUF e ooEo, o)o@oN o (oo Y(o o oL)*,(Etr .9af @ o(oo o(oo =tb@EOto6srEO<cD Ef, dz oo3(,ot ,n(, E o El ig'IE ol :l,l!ol Er/\t E o El 8:(ul E5gl E,i-l eEol eEal trEI gE =l E: =l rrEel oE SI EE9EEE iE9E EE EEoEErEH EE-9e(l6tp Eg E€85o< =oFo. PEE9r* := €Hlo o Eo E Eoo L otr =oo. oo!rE EEo.B €eo =o =oooo otsotrE"OIlo9E-!, o =6'ga (, oo- LEOo.t? =tr o"o o o o a. eo IL (,ooo .JIDo o- ozo@od .Eo(!too t,od] CL E =(L _-9 coF -!uoo- E +vo(gl) Ef (D !,(oot =o 2 (, Eo (0 (sotrcoEcq) .9[! o.otro -=o @ CL E (LEo6Fo oo)tu o"ot o ooo o- oaouJN o o o(') o oN(-) c.) o o(oo(.) o No@oc,) o $orJ)Yr, o oL *.IEtr .9U', @ o@o o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o(oo =!t6(oEOt*ENEd)<o)5[ ciz o Uq) &. I(,o'g EL oost=El s6l .rtl:ol q ttl iol Erol Eool EEcl 6.e(El b58l #gZl E'gol eE2l fi:I .EE =l E: =l r,.ECl EE ^l E= =l E;.=o9EbE>E!a E.E $s SE, EEEflro,ELoEE:EEtl ltOEcoED .Olo6t; EEEt, bECLO95o<EOi-s E5 SPb* := efrlo =tb(oiE OitoiH c.{ :t= or:< EDi58 ciz 6,Idoidi 4 .9q A o U'8El #6t EMI; sl :*l Esvt -aEI BfiGJ T5 8l Eril irIol 8e9l *rLI :6 EI E*#l E.sEl l,&sl E;.!oqrEbghB =a HggE EEEEoof(roo3!vEHtr5OEcd,.9.EO63t E8ctt E*85an< =oFO. E5€9b*:i €filo 6c(, E Eoo E od =()G ooo9i EEoEo-! iEo a Eo =o6o6 o 9sotroo!lo9AgFga o oo@ !Pt)oo hboN N oN GP ios .6 vooo oo-.E 4€g s = 6 = 6 = (, = 6 = G = 6 = o = (6 = c,9 o. ooa,o ooE o- cIt, E .E6tooEo.abrsEcooo(n oc EoEat =o- 5o 8saod E.9o::Do5thoc $o og6J oz C.9 :=!oto!o oop d! $ oco 6o e|l)oEI J ^g() .do E5{L oo ! o" b = ooE -=ic€ F o- bU(l) oEo fIL Jo efo: -5 frllJ oEo gaoo.€oo6Fo,6F *I.J ?l ) tIIr\\ \ e oo'E' o, oooNo oo6toN (.) oh oNo Noo6No oomonl o ood!m o o@oo o oo Eo o ot.6 o (4o|.,!am Q or. (! =o oG6 oI oloo ooo o(oo o(oo o@o oo(,(foo oI .9o o tro EEoo aoE,. or ao= EEa.Eo,! €Eo o =oooo o EsOECDOSoqE TEEaE d o (L Nl *gE5 oF (\l ro$(o $-lo @(\t Etr(U io ro (t @ooCD Yboc7, oa o lotro o(r- LE3s otr:- oc- (,c =- ocf? ocJa otr- oc =- tro EL a,ooo (,og o- oftL oatro6.YoIEaJoco o (E iEv.o 6l -g(,o-tr.:ft oooodlvo6.o E?dl oo =+t (E:a 6)o(, CL0)t -g E6 = Eoc(E F .9E(E E.oo(Eo(,t E(g Eo (/)+oE(!trb at) ! F. -}!,t =d,(! U):(!(L 0)o .tu(L o C'oor tN(.)oN o NoNo(.) o (t,o$to(D o !iost()(a o (oota)o(!) () 6tlo@o(, o ot-o(Y' o idt J+,(Etr .gofE o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo E3EOfi<o6stgo<ED5f <iz (,ro)t 6(,og EL oEl e,8l EflEol E8I ;()I EiI EOEl c*EI H;ol E5.ol 5PZl P:=OI EEql €: -l ll 6 -l p*x -eu =l E:tsl EeOl orE =r E;:o9EbEe3 =EHE9E EEEE.Cto=lLogPxiH EllOEEO6Oojg -oE EEEE T;P5o<EOFT .P5E*b* := €frfo IA o E Eootr ot =or ooo=PbEEo.bo.L €eo o =oooo o 9sOEEDOSoSE.!, 0, ='dga 6 i.r aoo@o. @ b t- aooN(.)€ Jlr)@t N ooF* 06 6 o(t) @ co oco$ @o@(f, ao looN oU flo6lN -N |f)@ o(r- IE,?€ E a .> =-f-5-.>-a ->f-fa .>f- o o. oooo ooo'r o) c,z do @o) (5 TU 6.E oEo-g(Eo o cizrio @c)Bafo(, o(!o o-g Eo =Eo GF .oE(!tooGE.ov. rr) ctzd U) 3(, ltot, d] 6 =o.Eto EEdl o =oo .E f E6 Eo(! IJJa EoJ oo o F. -o.E o odo E =(L fo Eo !,tr Io 6 U) I (!(L 0)c.!l0- q, o(L Lo o)o6oot qo ot o=CL Eoo o).cE(!og t! E.E !, =q)z e IJ(,'g o- @Noosl o (o(fJ(')o6l C) F.olr) C)(., o o)oc)o(.) o \to@oc.) o lr)@oc.) (_) !tro@o(f) o NoF.o(fJ O No(,-c') O (t)on-(') (J c.)oo:z(f) o idL -,Gtr .9U'D @ o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o@o =tb(oEOts ;N!o<E)5d <iz oofoo)v. tl,oo'0 IL o .rJl 9ol sott,ol cEI:c)l ealEol E;()I EE EI {$8l sE'=l - -26I EEql tE -l ov =t :o, E:fll !rtrt-l aEarl E= =t E;.=o96bE .aB =.EIE e'E, EEEItro5cLoEE:EHl, llot,EO6q,O6tp Eatt beCLOEio< = (,,rF .85 SPb* := €frt(J ooo: EEo.bo.!ipo E tro =oo .9o oo a)(, o CLo o (,E'o ool! TE o o-oI o(oro 06 O (L @bF. Jo N oN O (L @ o@ oa O (L N oolo (-) (L €o ot(f) o (L @ oN o (L @ ro@(Y)N o (L @ o(oco o o_ @oo)F. (,(r_ EEfi:tr o o) = o =o ofo ofof ofof o =o q o) = o o) = o5o)f o =ED = ofED = o =ED = ofo)f o =CD o o) a c co EI Iooo oo6' o- q) Eo ICL E E(5 o)- oE o-L! =o)s(L Goa CLE tL ==Lroosood o Ef(L 0,o =,2 ir 0-I() c)E(Eoo.l qcosGoc oTL € oo =o)z EoEoo .Eo.o)E oE.e- =ET[rJ o oa No66 (L .9 ooao i 2 ctzc.9@ Ell U) o)o)EE !,o .E(!(L (o c;zc.o Eo:,U)oo,s Eooi o)N6I x6o co .co E(!otrEc6 o o .co, =Fcl a Ioo c6m o 6 .l EoJ o()o 3o ENoIdt c',N Eoou.o oP L == oo a Eo =oU o oU) o)tr.E =zI coEo'= cr TUz BEoE (5 too o)oooFIo Fc o =6 e oo'g o- Noo (., () to(o d](t) o o(foo(.) () oo o(f) o tohoo O (.)oooo O o(f)oc) o €) (.)oo O ()o(ooc., o (o6(ooc) O @a(ooo o o6(oor) o oo-(r) o 6loo-(o o rtolo-(f) o sc Y(. c oL +,(E f@ o@o o@o @o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(l|o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(l)o o(0o .gU' =ttb@EOtoHN!o<oEf ciz ofootr I(,o'grl aol EOI 6ol Eg,lg sl sol :OI :El E*d :8.8l $i'tl E5bl f;,99l EiI-l oo-t E: =l ovtsI EEbl E:>l E.g. E"E E;-=o9EbE BB =.E$E eE, EgErlto,ELoE9.-iHElloltEO.9eojg.t; EaEt, LOtf9sf3FT OFcO EPb* :=E3E6lo o o E Eoo E ou,- oo ooo: EEo.b9E €eo Eao6-.2oto69E o(,og CLo 9sotrtoa! oolr a! (, o L 6bc)co oa N -toror\ o (L :?oO)o o (L @ loo,N o IL Joo, o0 60 or- a.t oo)N o (L 6t o CD cd IloF-6l o.9 -c LEfistr ott Eo ctoa (,ltEo CIoa G'ltE(, CLoa o.o E(, CLo,a o4 Eo CLoa o-oEoo.oo oll Eo CLo,o oll Eo CLo,o olt E(, CLoo (,tl Eoo(, at) 0).Et E(n CLoat) Eo cLt,ooo oo'g o. o ooo EcooEc(! U) 0, ts(,(! = coootrtroo o =oU)(LI E(,E(o o0,!, EEDCLf oooooI(L oF(Lo 0o!a!o @ =o tfoo -gCL(t,t c.9o :>El) =ooo)c -!P(E.Eo o)tr ==CLo ta) ozcoa Ell =o Etoco oo o.oEo)CLo o-oco 6CL(so ro ciz E.9o :=!,II oo eo EDc E5o.a pJ oU o .9.t tr(L .gl) E Eo(l,o .ECLot g.oo oa ooltocY oCLCLoFvoeFtr opa e c)oEG (r'oo (o o torodI(o o ooo(., o rooC.lo(") o 6o(oo(9 o o (oo(.' o sl (oo(r) o o) (f)o(o o c)olooc., O C"lo(oo(r, o to Y(f, o u JtJ(Etr .g 3t,=o o(oo o(0o o@o o@o o@o o(l'6 o(o6 o@o o@o o(oo o@o =rt6@EO HXits6)<q)5f ciz oo =E(l,tr ti(,oE .L o an ooo o E trO.Jtro -lLIP8.sE5-c E'fiE EEoo OE.obI .v,:o E:E.gt,s.E:E;:o9EbEB3 =.E,-i oEP 8'E EEEttlo5CL60P.:itEllOEE6tE-olll 6tp zaEE LOo-cELO95o< =oFC E5E9b*:i €Hlo o Eo E Eoo E ot =or ooo2 EEo.bo.: *po =oot!=:ooOG9:tr oooaLELo 9sOEE"Oa!oolr (E =o O (L co i*F.F- o tL @ i.tN o L N + @ o o- @ -@ o)F o (L @ oNro o (L ao 6r(-N () (L @ i-@F. (,(r- LEOoul= E o.c)ooo 0)-oooo o)-oooo o-oooo o.oooo (l)oooo o"oooo ol)ooo Q'-oooo o CL (,ooo (, ID'a o- .9.o =o oCL E o 6.9Eo!() o Eo)osootr oo6coo '=o o .o!(! E. (uo Eo&.tq)o!oo)t c;zoosou.lo 6-qsoo (o c;z -olooo o .ocl ao c;z -oooc.9)o€o t E co- 6=o,6o 0oo(o 6) =o :E6IL 3Nr.()oo) oto(.) Ec(! o q)z o o(, or oF-@(., o @oc{C)(., o @oroo(7) o oo(t)o(t) O r.- (.)oc.) o @ (oo(") o NNoo(o o F-Nr,oo o o(o(0o(Y) C) idL =+,Gtr .g.n3oo(oo o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o@o =$b@EOE^ HHg6J<oEfl ciz o =ro)tr g E El ool Ipl Eol :8l f6l E, EI EOcl rBfl If:I ;ESl EgEl 3r>l q; EI E:6l E,g>I PE E;.=oe6bE>EEa E.= $Eg'E, E3 EEogE-vhH E€tro.99o6t; E{b.8Clo95 €5t-* P5 EPaii=EJoo-_o53 o Eo E Eoo ot =or ooOE EEo.bo.E spoct tro.oo.9o o 9sotroro.9o9E 'ig_G,ga E oar_ LCfisE o.otro oz (,l) Eo, oz o IL t,ooo (,oo o. oo (, oood) o =foo oEo Et, (l,3o(L x e (,o6Lr to(\toc., o ooo(o o oL J+,(E ? =o o@o o@o .9U' =rib@EOt-H(9!0)<Et Ef, c;z oo =ETot ,ti(,oEa oo .! 6o o trO.,Eo.EL-oE;E5-c lDfi.=-.1EEoo OE.o6o .v,:o E:Eg PE'E:86.!og,EbE 3.E-tr*EEg 9E,E!E9EElto5a.ogE:FHE.CIotEOo.oO6te EEEI' LOtfi85 e6FT E5E*b* :=oo, =@58 gt tro E Eooc 6'G =or 8= EEo'Eo.: *po Eo =oo .9o o(,oECLotsotrE"Oa! ooE t!Io o .L @t-oct) o L @ o@o € 6 @O) c6 $t (\I lo () (L ao trr)@ o (L @oo,@ or,, -LEfi:E o.Ct Ed) oz o,6 'ao$E o,lt E6) oz oo Eo*s oll Eo oz olt Eo, oz o,lt Eo oz oll Eo, oz Eo .LE(,6oo ootr (otl Eoa :>Ett3oco c(Eo Q' lU .EvtrG lL Etr6 lt, o ddoE o e(,N EE ll,E o o (LLIo q,co .CtEo =6'oc,oog. co 6 :=Elt (h o (Uo @c.oJ !o c,ztr.9o E-o3 Ch 0)CD.E oE(, .E(L c.9o Ettfo Etr(!Ec:loo ooEo =oao o(s 3]oz o (,oo o- $o(qoN o \toF.o(\l o oroc0(v) (-) (Dorodl(o o to(Y)o(", o (o (oo(v, o altoo(a o 1()o Yc) o oL J+,(E =o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o@o .g 3T' =tb(oEOtoE(o!o<E"Ef c,z oo crotr ti(,o'g a oot Goot o EO.,EO.CL =oE;t5gE EEEEo-EO2*.96E:E.g CDE E;-=o9EbeE3-ExbEg 9-eE!E9ETlto 'CL6E9xitEEottEO-9eO6t: EEEE EEtLo85tt<EOt-t EE EPb*:ioo =658 o Eo E Eoo og. =oo- !,o oCLEI(E o otr oo'a o- ooo: EEo.b9E *&o E o =oto -9o o)o Eo)o0)o .>coo oo'0 eo Lo ot)ooolr 6 o o (L N oF-6 o IL 6()6 lrJI N ob o o_ c{ oo@ o6 o orf(o i\ o() o o- C.l @ F.$€ @ rotr) o (L @ 6@t o I @ ooo oo->vLCO^q; E o.o EIDooo (!).o Eooo)o z oo Eooc oE Eooo)o !D "oEo)ooo o)-oEo)ooo on Ed)ooo ()a Eo(.)oo ru! Eoooo o! Eoooo (,.o Ec)ooo o-oEoooo o.o Eo)oo)o o-oE(n o)o o-oEoooo o!Eoooo o.oE()o0)o o) Eoo6)o c .9 CL (,ooo oo'd o- o:+toooctL c)oouJo it) 6E t-lc(f .91'otr G (Eo otaEfo C{,Eq)osoo)troE(!o Ell, =(IF3o EoEo)o(go0)toE =o- o =eoo oc() Eo ooE c)CL(tro@.E IDx Eo) Eo)(,GooE. ood ooo(5F ooof! cGF o)looo(II.go.oE E(uod. co;tsttro o o =o cdc =o so I(9oE Efoo ID([ ouJooptcooI o).Eo -eo o o)I (5 TL cooo!c$c't(!o E(o(o o oU) EC) E.sfo[! occ(!!o .o!6E, o)osCLoE, o6 i5 TL b 06o(L f o) ftr] IDJ.9(L ooso.oE, ( c E(cccT\ CI oc E.9J od ooooJooaF cl1 E: au c EcCsccGccF e oo'g o- NooN o ooaN o $oF.oN () No =c! o no ooo oNNoo o oo()o o o,onoo o o oo o No oo (.) o() G)oo o o(o(oo(.) o olJ)@o(.) o N@(ooCO o o6ao o oolr)?o o @o Yo o No Yo C) cocYo o oL !P(E lo o(oo o(oo o(oo oaoo o(oo o(I,o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo .9a :ra@EOfoHa)=o<E)Ef ctz grot I(,o1.t '0 6l *oolool tlEIEol oU)lgol =ol eEI EEl eE EI EfiZl rE(l)l EE)ql E:!'l gH =l E; =l extl E9l9l E:ECorE'E! o9l.=o96bEhE =a<'= Hge'4, €EEE.oo =o.oEEso;!llOEtro6(l,O5o--oE E?,Et, 'g; 9s.Q<!(JrF P5 EPa*i= EJoo-_as3 oco E Eoo tr =(,tr =oo. enF *gEo a6E EEoE(J= ro E(U -(U =co? a(5 fcoa -(5 fc(U- aofCo- -o Co- a(E cG- a(, cC'-) eofco-) eolEG- -G:Jco? a(Elc(E-) a(U:fE(U- ao co-, - ro c(U- a(! =c(U- -(o =c(!- -c, =c(U- e(U fco- z(E =co- -(U =c(U- t(s =co- -(E c(U- -o =cG? e(5 c(s- ao =c(I,- - (E C(E- eGfc(U- -G =CG- aGfco- o 9sOEqroSo9E.Yor '6rsa a) o-.J= -i'E 5$= co CL oooo ooo o- : o.) =(I, xotL .E Eot o -zo 6 Cooco =oo oo)E(U oo. =.CoN LL Ot N:$h ahoE Eool .Eu,(It LL C)t ooooc0 o)oLaoooo c tzc ELL O)s$N c.9of o o-co trl .9 o3t u, o)o oE(E (U =06 Cat (UY =o oo (.) Etrioo-oo(I, oo (l) LEcoJ-o =ot o =oC) -oooE, o .c..gt Lq) (I, = :o =-c=E odoEoooa _c(Jc @ to o B Lo co LL Co E.o ot.rl E co(J C) I CoELo (Do(soot o. E)tL oEc (, =tr(LF =oo(5Eo)o- co E.g:louJco (EE -9-c() oo(U CLot ooE(ELoof ooooooLo-oF TLo (,)c oo)c0 o. E L o) tLF =O o Ef(L EFcoooooo -go.ot oooodtYoooocoa co E.9 =o I.JJ E coooolsoc)t Co Eoo(I,EoE. Lo) U'ootrl at(o (f) oocoLL .E lC)oa q) U'o!(L o oo .9cooao C =2 .C,o =tooI.Eocot Co(!dt U'footr! @ ctz t,o (E oU u, oIo -goo oo BvL(U(L o .9.om oco EE(Uo. o o:loac.ocf Co (I,q) o(,t:oC(E ov (ELoE(EE o .9.oco o O oo)L U) oEcNJ e oo'0 o- olO o ooO o rf,ooo o (oooo o (ootr)o o (.)o o <f)N(oo o @rO(oo o o)rO(oo o (oolf)-) O oo N o Noo N O lJ.oo N o Norr) c0N () so(o G]No Nof.-tr]N O oooN C) roo oN o (oo oN o lf)oNoN o NorOoN o €,otr,oN () lr)orO()N o (')oooN o o oN o @o(f)oN o o)o(f)oN o o cf)oN O N cf)oN o f.- (r)oN o fo o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o@o o(Oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o(Oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(Oo o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo =!tb@EOfi+6(.)!!u<o5[ c;z o, Eq)d Io'! a, oEt 3ot solr,ol Ig,ttol eu)lsol E -lo-jol EblaCLEI 69elaE- =l o.9.UI E5OI -tr E,ol 6.='<l - .|6l E$ql E;cl gv,;l €g7l E; =l E.cbI PE>l E;<fl .E b+l P6OI bENI >E>l Ie6l r'5 =l d9cl o'ist ;rE9EE.oo=o.oEP'-EHEllo!,troErooGo-.oEEtEt, gJ [;95.9<E(JF+ P5E*b* := €Hfo *(o o(, c.)ot(!(L tro E.Eoo Fo oz oEcfoE aG)c(Ea a(! co-) a(UaEo- - (E fcoa t(U =cG-, -(UfEo-a a(o =cG- a(U =Eo- -(E =C(U.a a(U =cC'? - (U =oa a(U =co- ao =co? ao =coa a(E fc(I,a - (U =E(I,- u(I,fcG- ao coa a(!:lEo- a(U =Eo-) a(U =co- a(E =EG- -(E =C(I,- a(Ulc(Ua a(!fc(I,- -(U fc(U- ao =co-.: a(U) o- -(sfco- - G' =co- - (E =co- a(Efc(U- t(Uac(!- a(U fc(U- a(U =C(E? aofc(\,- -(E)Eo- z(! co-) a(!aEo- t(U fc(U-, N ozcooooc =o U) -(5co E -quJ oc=! = oflr oaEooYo(g-I 6co c.9o E_o =U)o-ooE O) c;zoo(! aD LLJo Lo-o -goo (,c'a (U()oEcoJ-Yt E.9tt :=o-o =oooptco (U o IU c;z Coo :>1'-o =(n opoo-o .EF N ctzc.9 .9. o-ofU) opoo-oEtr c.9 .u, E-o=@ E(U =ool<o .oo = o.EoEoo =oEc, =2oolo$ rr) ozoo -o ooo =0)No J- c.9U' €-o =otzo Eoo oc0 cizc.9.o o-o U) o@oEcf(Eco c.9o E-o U)EC, E(E F !t c;zc.9o E-ofo 0) oo o:c =ao.a c.9.a o-of,U)co E(, o)EGJ s ozc.9o :>E-ofo =.9 (l)oo co o(t, a Eo=oo o) (uo F*E(U c0 o ,6 Lo.E f o Ea (U =coo 06 <,tg =o) iI jo L(l) =oooT' dI od o x(E 6o o EoLLoY(EJ -coc IN ooso.ot Co'po(-) Eo ==(! Ec(UJ tr(L (r, =-oLo a =Io o j o)c(U @ J(U ooLoo o5-oE =ooI(Uo a E Eo)J oa-oEf6(J I$o o E CN Gco c) o(, odo(s o) -g(\,-c.9 ooE6-Ioc zo og(l) oooot oxIcooEoo-o-o cooEuJ G'o.o 06o(U E(Uo U' EoLL G) =ooIc(U Eoc(l) tr] o)C{ ocq) Eo)oso.ot .Eo : c(U lL trtoo,(f,:tt oo1J (D -co(l,J EE,l<o of odEt _c)oPo -9O c,.=ooIo =co -q1'p '6 zoootr .Ett(U c0ofqod) Lo Goo.otg =coF ogoco)o z =o oU) -ctsoz co (r)oc! () (,N(')oN o s(\l(r)oc{ () tr,c\looN () @c!(ooN O F-c{(r)oN (J o(o(ooN o N(f)(f)oN O (r)(.)(r)oNo 1r,(f) (f)oN C) O)oooN o o$(ooN o (osoN o r.-$(ooN o @s(r)oN o O)$(r)oN o oro(f)oN o Nlo(f)oN o (f)ro(f)oN o o@oN (-) No@oN C) (oo(ooc{ o @o(ooc{ o O)o(ooNo loN(ooN o ro@oN () Nro(ooN o (r,tr)(ooN o litto@oN () ro|r)(ooN O (otr)(ooN () t*1r)(ooN o o1r)@oN o oF-oN C) Not-oN () (f)or.,.oc{ o rooF-oN o oro[!No NooaN o cr)ooac! o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o@o -P5 EPa* :=oo)=o53 !t@ o(o(r) (l,o(E(L oE oo F.o c;z oo) a,0)t ao =E(I'-) Eof,Eo- t(I,fco- aofc(U- a(Efco-) ao =co- .(U)c(U- zofcro- zo =E(E- t(s)E(5-, eo co- aoJco- E(E =c(Ua eo =co- -o =c(U- eofco- a(E =co- aG c(u-) a(U:fco-) a(5 =E(E-) eo =E(E- Lo c(E- ao =c(tr- E(U =C(o- eo co- -(U)co- -(E =E(E- :(U =c(U- zofc(E- eo co- e(U =Co- t(Elco- t(E)C(E- o (L @_to(o c{ 06 b <-r_r>g6- S ?.t-_ |kio_r@o(f)s o (L N _tro@o(o 06 @_lo(o(o O (L N _tof.-s od @ rr)sro t(,fco- uo =E(I,- eo:lco- Z^(!)co- a(E:lCo-) z(E fcG- co) Eooooo,t. ozoa coo Eo Eooooot .eooooo Eoco(, c(5Eco o)Eo L o)c -cc,: =xt.rJ(Lt- E =oE Eoo. = oc Eo =.E ooa o-F =ooE Eoo) o EGt od o(5oovofF E=.9ooo5F EDo =.9 JoE I E =oco oo =a =oc(ua co Eq)() .Eoot coE.9 =o LIJ .E =ooa oIo.CE'E(gI o!Got o 0) oo(Eoot co Eo'=ouJo06Foo -goot o=c:)a(L(, (l)o(!oot o ooa6Lco C)t,troa o =() v, ooEGJg -g() od ct Ef(L oo.-LF == co oocCoo Lc, =oaLF =cop (U = (L F- = d,l (tt o-- (I, o)a o. E)L ==LLoo -qoot I(l) 3 o oo Ef,(L 6.9 Eo-co Co (E U) Lo) U'ooco G =o -9oc-coq)F o. EfLg =Co)t- co Eo(,) -qooto E (L o =too -gEo E :tl Lo U'oo@ tao(Uo EfLtrl q)2C' =LL YoE.J'f -ooo. E NItt Lo 1Aooc0lzoc'-oEl(Il oo =+ o =oo(JNctot o otao0)gt ) .gooo -go.ot- co) Eoolso.on oo(!co(_) '=a Co EooooE ootEC,oo(EF Loo =Eoc(ELF (f) Looo EC)oo(U o.otr -gloo ==EocoFoEGt o)o(Eootr oo =Eo ==EU'c(I, F .9E(!too.go.!)t U'.oEotroo Eot $ LfoLL o)o(UEot L0)o = E-o =FLF =() o)aho-cc =L Noo(U.c(L o) oo .9Eoooo c =2 Eoot .Co'- E(Eo EE olc(EJ o =o .c(E Efo = (f) ozc.9o :>E-ofo E.o = N cizc.oo Eofaog)ptr cla $ C,zc.oU' :>E-o=o oo Eo.YoJ N C,zc.9tt E-o=atzLoLLo CoJ- (f)orO-)N (J rOorO-)N () No YN o (oo YN () so YN () (oo YNo No(f)YN c) <f)o(oYc{ o otr)YN o l.r)olr)\aN o @olf)YN () f.-orr)YN o (f,oo (f, o oocl(f) o sotr)dl(.) O $o@ql(r) o oF-EI(f) C) 6tooo(f) (J oo(f) O tr)o C)(f) C) oNocf) o NoNo(f, (J (r)oNo(o O $oN(J (f) O r.r)oNo(o o @oNo(o o orOo(f) (J u.olr)o(f, o (ootr)ocf) o r.-otr)o(f) o @orr)o(f) o o(o C)(f) o cf)ooo(o () o o(f) o No o(f) o (oo(.)o(r) o oNd)o(f) o @NCOo(o o rr)so(f) o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@c) o@o o(Oo o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(Oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo .P5Sroll-b* :=o, 6)=oc6f,o t@ o F-(Y,oc,(o(L cq, E-co !q F.o c,z oo a,od. - G co-) -o Lo- Eof (I,? e(E) (E-) e(E Jco-, z(U =cG- e(U E(Ea e6 c(U-) -o)c(E- aoftr(u- -(U:lE(U- e(U:,CC'- aofa,(U- ao:f Lo? ao =o- zof o- ao)E(E-) e(E JE(Ea e(I,)E(E- a(Ufco- i(Uftro? zo (5? z(E) (E-) uo) (E-) ao)co-? aG Jc(E- -(E E(E-, -(Efc(E- -(U =c(5- -(U =c(E- eo tr(E- C) (L oIloo(o o (L @Ib$(o .o3c(It? z(Ef (5- a(E cG-) .o3cG- tofc(!-, :G)Eo- E(Eot =o 2 J;oE(o Et L(E Eco .9,ut oosooto.=(E !oEa o o o(, olro.YoJ s(E =o !o*!,(s dI L.o Eo o cf .Y(E Etrt =Eoot !,c(, o o =o) oooot o Lri Eto.gooo tIL o =ov =oF E(U Eo(5 LUIo. Eo)J ooLotIr E(It Eo-caIp L(E lJ-b U)Et- O) I!t-N o Ea .YC)oEE(5 co =J-o Lo o6o E fLioco 0) o -g .eo o)vLC'(L otr(EL) =.il Eo)J (,0)Looot =o oo) -9 =o(L Ecoo =(s (u (-) 6NoI EcG'E o,N g .oo E'L(E o E.J ocY o Eo oc.,€ ooLo tsoz co EoEc$E'= (Eo E' (f)(o Et =J-Iooo .Y (E(L (,oL.g(L cGF Eo-coEp l_ (U 3It o .e(J Eoot- oooo fo = IEoo I E-o =od o (-)aIuE =z5 L o) -9(L U)(, oo -goq)t oo) ot Lo =o Eo(J co E.e =o TJJz tscoE (E =I eoi5 c .gIL EoEq)oc.e(-, =Eo (L =oz u, -gGIL co E.s(l,coC) 'd U)o€F oo.o.oF .YoJLFI Topo Eo) EGo oo!, o- o:E o: =oa ooooJo06F ocEG C)sII .= EE =oz co E.9 otue =ooU) o() -gootr foo .=oo(Ut-o€F ct EJ(L !o(E F (-) o -9IIJ (l)o -go.(Dt E(.) E.9)o TIJo(.) -gootoo6F og oFooEro ao (-, o() .goot o Ic.9)6o E' oao (U .goo s o@o(Y) o (\to(oo(", () (t,o(oo(r) o to@o(o o loo(oo(o o (oo(oo(') C) loN(oo(o () lo@o(f) o N1()(oo(f) o (ero(oo(r) o tlo@o(r) () tolo(oo(f) o (oro(oo(f) o t-lo(oo(f) o o1l)@o(o o o,ro(oo(o o o(o(ooo o N(o(oo(o o Not-o(o o oolUc.) o oo-)cf) o Noo-c.) O Noto-(o o cf,olo?(f, O toto?(f) o No Y(o o (oo Y(o o *o Y(o o (oo Y(o o Fo Y(o o (t()(oY(o O oroY(o () COo1l)Yc/) o $oro:zc.) o loo1()Vc.) o ot-Ycf, o No =cr) o idL-)+, G'tr .9ao@oo(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo .P5E9b* :=pgtr(Eto 6coE Eo(, E =oE =oG u,oo? EEo.bo.!ipo o =oooo o 9sotrEDOSos6fiEga o o (L :?la)!t oo f() C" o (L 6t ooo, oU @ oo)(r)- (., () (L @ ioN(9 o o- o loo(0- c.,l o L @o@a\ oar_TE fi€tr aoe.ootr bG Pl)o TL a6f IIo TL bo PltoLr e(E e.ootr a(! e4'ot! e(t E.Eto)lr a(E e.ctotr e(, eltrl)tL co e (,ooo C'oo o- o) =oo() ='o(!tr .(EEo o =trcoPct =oo(EctoE, e0) 6) ooooc0 (I, ==odl troo :>t,ll =@+(Il(L (EEtr .EF c,z .9o Ell at)E(,ct!u 0, Eoo(E = l,)o .9G)- q) =fom $I c,zcoo :>EltlU'E (s go EDc.E CL <t> co oztr.9o .=t,-ofooCDs Eoo =ENo- d)o oaoo o o oo oll TL e (,oar (\lorom(q o roorJ)d)(q o rfooo(., (-) ro (Doc., o ctF'oc) o (osl(9oc) o (.,(,,o(9 o O)t(.,o(., o joo-(t o oL J+,(Etr .9afoo(0o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(0o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o =ttd(oEOf;oE c',ts6)<E"5f ciz oIcr(, E. or-t 9ol .Egl _xEl;ol Eal !tol 66l tEI EEl Eol 9d.ol :g>l ts El €til Eg:l eE -l OoEI E; :l EiFl EEol oENI .EEul Ei(El .=9 =l rE8I EEtr-t =.EEgI'F EE EE6EE:iH gE O6tg E;i;9so<EOrF .85 EPa* := €Hlo o Eo E Eoo o&, =oo- ooo2 EEo.b9E*eo Eo =(,o .9(, o(! Eo(!o 6 g 6 o 9soEE"OEo9E-90 ='aga E O IL o ro(o o .E o-=<s tr Eo 6 oar_ LE0roul=c o (E = Ec(! ,co IE = Eo(, Eo G co a! = o CI (,ooo (,o o- oc)E(E g)of og L!ou N+oo?,G o)CLl =@g LLotr oJ CD .Ev G(LaoJ oEFN os.9,u q) o B CL0)t CL E (L o.=l! oIfodl oEo Eo eCL .E !l)o.(,oo ox co Go ooooc0 o =oooEG o,of (1)E6 E,CLl ooo o GU) o.c.9t o)6 B o(Ll (L! =oosootr oc Eo- 6o =(1,z I (,o'd o- roooo o @ooO o (.)ooN o oo (fJ () t\oN(.) (f) o 6N$lO(t, o (f)o()o(o o o Y(, o oo rt o (\ohd]t o No Yt o oL J+,(E f @ o@o o(0o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o(0o o@o o@o o@o o@o .9 3n =tb@EO HFJtso<cD53 ciz aofUot El fioI 'dol itr,lEol g -EI EC)I E El L -lO(!l E 8l Erd 5E ,frI *cEl €9:l ;A =l eEEl Qrst E;:I E: ^l Eecrrl 95-cl E'tel gP(Ul '0i>l b.gBE =.E$s s'E, EE EEoEE:EH E€EOaoO6t; E=i;95o<EOr-+ c5 EP;*i=E)oro =o53 o Eo E Eo(J E oE =or ooo.!: EEo.bo.= epEo .E tro =o6.9o CL o o 'E CL Eo.CL o.o.o o o o o o o 9soEEDOSoq6 T3g;. E o L @()o@ C) (L t oo(r) o0o (L @ r)$lo (, >9LE90?=s .E o.CL CL CL CL o. tro CL .Jooo (,oaLo- o.c.9E. q, 6 = oN Ec c)E I (-) .g!,o =o =tLc C)E 6 o)o.go.(l)tr Eo c0co =oo(,(E o.ot oo E 06o '6 =oEo =o,z 6o) (q €o '6 =o!U)ooso(,t p J oo o) .9,u trL ft,o E -=oooo.ECLoE, !oe =oE(!o ==o) (nooot Eitrs =(E oo c,ooEoxIU o) E v) .cor, C)voIJJo Eo EI o o odt (l)EEool '- (, o)a c6 o(ta o() o =6 a o 6 =3o)z Io(!(L o =tL oB o .E6oog CLo,d I I -gCLG G) o)vIEo co 0)og CLQ)e CL Ef(L CL Ea Q) (E 3Eo6 =o =t! (LI = I o) B o o=Eo(L .=ooEoEEtr g.oaood] o o=E otL E.E o !o Et! =Cl U)(Lo (t) c,o)- Eoeo @too oeoo e a,o Eo- oo (D o orod)(.) (-) loolo co(?) o +o o(., o Nooo(t, o N(,roo(o o (.)oroo(r) o (oo@or, C) ot-o(f) o rooF-oF) o o V(r) o lr)o Y(t) (_) oro t o (f)o(o c0tt o +o(o d)!t o roo o$ o CAoNot o o Y\t o oFYt o oL +,IE =o o(0o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o(0o o(0o o@o o@o o(oo o(0o o(oo o(0o .g .1, E*6(oEOfioE+U6<EDEI ciz o Eot *,El .sol POI ELol Eg,lE sl sol eol :lo9l :LIol E,ol E9 3I EEol B5Al EE,il E:!:l Eg=l eE Et f:sl E*sfl E.grl ErE ^l c:ET Ei'El .= 9 o"l BE-h: =.E$Ee'O E3 EEl,gE-v;H E€"9eul tgtp E{t;9po<E()FT .e5 EPa* := €Hf (.) E!opE =E<oooo- ooo= EE o.= *Eo €8itfns 9c3EFi: (, = (o = c, = Cco =ooo6 o = 6 6 (tr o = G = (!IE = 6 = (! = ooo'a CLo _0^=>oEorot! ool! G =(, o (L N bo@ 06 6o(o@ o (! c{ ol'o od @ ooF. o I c! o o .6 @ o o () o- @oo o (r 6 6o@ o (L o oN o (L @ ooN 06 IooN o (L N oooo od -@ oo$ @ oo oo- LCOA{?i o = o t!6 6 = o (!G o o o G 6 G o 6 o o tr .9 CLEoooo ooo o- oN.>oc oc.E -9Eo .(EEo () =i!c(,P(! =oosood =I o =l!coE6 =oooooE co E.gfotJJcoFoc.E -9ro(,ooootr o E =a]- oo =EoE.ociI .LIooEgoof =o(D Eo .Eo o)o -gooE E.o .9. Eoaotoc6taoo o6- ozc.9 :>Eo)a) P6c otr N ozc.o .9. E lo E6E ot (o cizc.9o :>!o ooos oo ocir pJ C).od tlL GEE =oooo-goou. oo €oEGo =o o oot Eg. oc o6o oxouJAEolloI o o.9oao oEEoof .E =ooat,€ o (Eo o. Efo-o E U) o (u =E 63 o=I(L! = o Ef(L 6o EoEooo -goot (!Ioao = o)oLL 6o EoEooosootr ol! ooood) !)IaEoo(, oo -good ,o !,E.E .9I oooc.E 6ocoEcGo -goo.E o o)ooo(Il -_ Eo(L .E Eo oco I -qlolC)d.ooto=o ogoEo(, B-9o-c()!pI o o Eooo .E ooo !Eo(L (LIo 6o E =(o @N ==o EoJ oI U) E $ Eoot o l coEooooot oc.E o- c.o (Ea:o =oo Eo at) o) Eo lo o)(!oI Eoo ood o,o oboo e ooEo- o6dto (_) 6onoo o oo(odlo o NoNdloo ooooo o so C)o o oooooo oo oo o o$ooo o (o\tmoo o ooooo o @o@oo o ooF-oo o o Yo o toodlr+ o oo(odl$o (oo@dl\t o oc{o\i o NoNo$ o ooNo$o Nooot o Noo(,to Nooo$o 66@o\t o oNo\t (.) Noo-rt () o Y$o oF-Yt o oL (E ftr o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o@ o@o o@o o(oo .9o =*b@EO-c_H+tso<EDEf ciz og cfIDd Et *ol .tLol 9'(I)I CItlEol E8l #Ol eEl Etsl E 8l Es .EI Iitl er -l Eo,=l fi.E->l ;'AFl !O =t eE Et t;:I E:ol r,.ENl 9g el E;<t .LoLt 6r.ibEBB =tr $E9F ES EEfcLoop-i EH E€ooEE !; E= Egri R; =9 r-5d g6t-* 6 o EEo() g 6E- o6- 8o= EEo.6o-= *E6 tro.oltg(, o 9sotrooSoEE-!, o*aga E o o- @o@(\l o I @oo(D o L (\a @(\lot€ @ roi-o-(o o (L ?o@ UJ(LoI N ao C-,1 oUo (L N o(o orr_.Eq3 E o 3- o)c a (,cf- oc- oc- o f- oc3- oc3- 0,C- q, :,- oc:]a oc a @c- 0, =a q)c =- (,c- oE)a oc =- oE3- (uE 1 (,a- (,c:Ja o,c- tro EL t,U'oo (, -c.o' G c(,oocl I E EoU) o-L! =oo6oot ozc.9o :=E.o =aIEoEIU tr.oq :>!,tto ooJ J TEo ozc.9o :>!t.cIf(n h3ll-co =0)3 =E *,E Eooo ovoo(L =oz 0-LI Jco E.s ctlU tr(, E6d,Foo -gELod c(, Eo)o6oot No.EJL :tf6!too =E'E.go EoEo() .Eo.ot .Dc (,q) .E ooc.9(L troEoolsCL()t o =oo:r 6.:(!.Lo,tro. E =(L ottN(LcoE (o ot! 0)oood) 6)d, o!,ooooo(E CLot (o c;z o-LIoc(,1r ED.EooooIL o)osclot. E')ou(,oa!=o troox .9, =E(!o ooooo.fi, =o ui cJ .q oo CLooJEoe o..4oco o ooar (.)ot\d)(o o No(.,o(7, o @(.,(',o(') o o!t(Y'o(f, o !too !t o o(odt* o e (.)to $lo ()to F'o o\t o (oo O!t o o(\l()* o roo(\lort o (Y)oc)o* o oNoi o o c.,o!t o oL +,Gtr .9 U'Jo o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o(0o o@o o@o =rb@EOtoE*!o<E" Ef, dz o !urotr EI Eg,l: ol E(,tgol o6l tpl E1-tol EgI EEil Ee El €ffl *E!EE-cl ec#l oscl !ool p* =l E* -l E.EOl ErsNI 'EEsl EBfl grE -I EE iEe6 EE EEogE:Et E€.9e6o .aE Egi*E=*6r* -85EPb* := €frfo U' tro E Eootr ot =(-,6- o6o= EEo.6o.! €Eo o6 Eo{=a .> =--.>f-fa afa >f-f-->:f-.> =-.>fa a >f-f-.>f-afa f-.> =-f-.>3a -.>- 6(,opao 9sOEE"O.Boolr .! o o (L at ooro oa o o@ o L @oo,t.. o (L N l,()N@ oU @ oo)o o (L GI ooF- d @o(.,@ o (L co oo)o (_) (L @ roo)(\l o & @ o\io o (L € |oi o0 jr)(r, o (L o ro(o(o o (L (\t lr) GO oo @ roo00 o IL cl oo,6l €ooF j loO) oa)_.Efi€C Eo CL (,ooo oo'd o- o E .E(! troo 'aoF(oEco(,oth CD.Eooo =oc,TL =I o t!c(, P(! =o,o6o(l)& oE.s3ETuJ o (Ec oto (l)o.eCLo)d ooood) G =oeocEooF oE =(L c,6 =ztr (LL!o o)E'o EDCLf CLE (L .c =coF oEo (g (,osoTL cd oo = =(,z CL E (L (l) =boo o,olgCLotr troEooso.o)to E (L o':TL os o co oE.9=EE' o =o TL..qx = =0) E0)o .ECLoE, co, Eo Eut o (_)o a tuo EocGF -o(L o,o .EEL Q)g. <izc.oo Elt oooEE !,o .s.Eo_ dzoo(! oIIJo.E 6Io .E (Eo E.oo €o ooooo .9J E.oo :=E'-ofooEDC -0)6t() EDc E o.a 1r) c;z E.oo Eltao.: oco (,o o.9EoCLeo- q)co6CLa!o (o cizc.oo E.E) o o)g)s EooEoN(EI Eo6 :>E-o =o +6.L Gcc(! tr 1Ot+ oa :=El) (/) q) EDs oo o).g(L r.)+ oo :=!,.Et,@o .9o)€o E ro+c.9o :>ttofo o) oooE =o.o o (,oo o- Nood]st o Noloo(a o oo(od]c.) o Not-d)(?) o Nooo(o o (f,ooo(o o o o(o o c)o o(, o r{)o o() () FoNoc.) o o(o C)c., o 31r)()(o o g)olt)(-)r) o o(Y)o(.) o oo(.)o(.) o to(f,o(o o @o(t)o(a o o (.)o(r, o (\l (oo(o () (o (f,o(v) o ao (f)o(f, o @(,o(.) o @ (Y)o(Y) o O) (f)o(') () =o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(oo e(oo o(oo o@o o(oo E\td@EOf;oErEo<cD5f ciz 0o EoE. EI Eg,lz ol E(/)lsol ool €El sCl E sl ;asl €stl E E,CI fi.E =I EE#l O-cl oool e1 =l Exst EEol 9€!l E; -l -:o5I BE iEe'a EE EEoEE.:EH E€.9eoa! .oE EEqE T*9po<EOF+ E5 EPa* T=pg E(gfo =!tb@EO Es!o<EDsfl ciz og crot a -i =-.>f-.>f-a a ,-.> =-.>f-fa .>f-f-a o (L N lJ,ao(v) d @ ra,t(\t ro!t o o- N ooo,€ 6bo)(o(, o (L :?o + o L cOo(oc., CD o o- @ot-N o L N I1r,@oC' oU @o(f, (7) o o- 6 loaoO)o. (\l lo(D o (L (\t o(t,(0 06 @ot(o $o(Y, o & o rJ)o(06,t o .L N oC\(.) 06 @ ot-@ o (L sl o)F.!t od ro rt*ao o IL GO oO)ax) o (L @ root-(q o (L 6 o@t- o L 6 oN o (L ao o@(r, o o- co lo@('' C-,1 o (L o 1r,@t o L o o@(o o o- COo*(o o (L @oo)t- o (L o-t1Or-6l cU Nbo) o IL €o lo@1.. o L GO ooo a .>3- Ntltroa :>Ett olt,ID!, cc U) t* oc6tr o tro(,(E = Ei dl o=CL(uoooo(r, c.96 Ell5U)(,EoNCLoo 3d) .E(o lJ-iNrooo) *c.9o :=Ell =o oo EoI(sJ ro*ttro6 .=E.ctf <t> oo Eov(oJ @+E.oo :>El) =oo Io EDc.E CLo ^l{*E.oo :=!t.clfoE(, oo EDc EfCLo c.9o :=1C'-o3<t) @E"co(/) oCLeo E c.9o E3fU)o(, GoL,uooptco o- c.9o El) =oEcoEEfo() N+ tr.9o :=!,.c)o*oLr _oaco- o cizc.9@ :>Elt3U) G)os !,oo =EN(oI luo =o o o o c,tr o trooa! = tr(L (!3(!:f oF E.E E6(! lrJ CLEoJ ahtt\ U) 6) -ct\6t U)voocE(,6 aooE':o o) .E(L oc E .!EE3 U)oo ;o oo -9(! o- 06 o =(, oo o)N(g-o5 oN glto d od)() ocY U)Eoc.) 06 U)ts(,z ooo!, $E 6o U) Pr)(o eC'Iou.l .ctEooo- a; o.9odt q .o!,(!t o oo (nosCLou g(!6 (LLI 06 U)Lfo foov.o(L oo6ood. I()(E(L o, =IL oBEoEooo6oo)t o c.,oc) o N(",o(., o stN(Y)o(q () tNc.,o(r, o F6lc.,o(o o @(\t(v)o(.) o CDN(oo(t, o o(oc.,oc)o (t)(9o(e o +(',oor) o 1()(r)r)o(', o Nt(ooc.) O lot(',oa.) o g){(',o(") o i-ro(.,o(o o ro(\,t(ooc) o ro(ooc., o (qlo(oo(, o lJ)ro(ooc., o @ro(oo(Y' o Nlo@o(a o o|r,(oo(o () g,ro(ooc/, o o@(oo(t, o (\l(o @oc.) o lr)ol-o(.) o oro-(?, o aooro-(o o orJ){ o o@o o(oo o(0o o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oc) o(o(f o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o(rIo o(oo o@o P5.E'6l?eb* :=9y,c(,lo =t6@EO!.^HV!o<cD5f dz (,fETo,tr fa .> =f = >f---a .> a -f (-) (L N os,tt 06 @ _r.() @NN o (L @ lo(oF- o L co(,oo) 06 jot o (L N loloo o0 fo () (L @ooN a .>3-a a .> ? .>3? o(Lfco)E(! =oo -gCLo,u 3- .Eo.(! €)oo!6o co 0,o(oootr Ec, Eo)ogo(, G.o E (L l+qEoo =Ecgo co Eo()o CLoi EDc'E C'o(I] oo =ooE.9(L o =oE(1,osCLo)t o3 oos = oc(l) EosCL() d.otl o.=C'ootr o- E (Lont-(L o!s o1r oEooooosCL!l)d =o Ecs .9I €)ot,)c G,oo 06 0, o)o. E (.)+(LIo a)o. E =(L o) =ooooTL 0)(, .Eo.c)d CD(l)troED(! =o troo =-9oIco)Ep- co) Eo) eo. .E oooo Etro(L (LLIC) E" =ooo E'o (0I co) E.g cruJ o o(J(,ogoog. st:sl cq, E.g E tJJ EEoo d)osCLot +oo(oc,o- E) oo o =o N+ o,6(6E(L !, oo o, =o o+c.9o :>E-ofooEDo !,oo;6N(g- oo El) <t) EE CDc E oo Eo E6 oo U) o 6 (t) troEo)o(, o.otr oc (L c.9ogIo. rotr(LI =06 (L!(-) (LF =o odFoo @oc =.9Jot).ECLo,E. g,c'6coIL -g(E E(! Gq) (L oag =coF ocG (-) bE6(9 3oz =tr)a(Lo CLxuJ(! E o.9s(.) Etr o(Eo,I Eoe otroo oaoo aloroE]+ o (,o(o cor{. o o (Jt o No o$ o (r'o o* o *o oto (0o o* (_) oNoto 6toNOr{, o roost(-)to 6lo(f)ort o 6lolooso r,()oro()!t o @oaoort o t-oroo$o $o(oort o |r)o(r,o$o (l} C-,1(oo{o @(ooo3o {lr) @o$ o Noroa* o (')ooYt o (oooY$o o)ooYto No Y*o o Yto o(t)Yt o oF.Yt o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o(r'o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o(oo o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o o@o @o P5 EPa* :*oo,=o53 E5 (EE .9,o =rb(oEOt<o6{ =o<o5[ c,z 6o CTo G. EEE*E*g= EJoo36tr6fo oco E Eoo ! oE =oo- Io Io Io Jo Io :o Jo .Yo .go !o Io Jo Jo Io oo!rEEgo.bo.= spoo o r!2of o G Eo$c o(,o6' CLo .0^=>oE-EDOa!oo a! o o (L o o@ 6i o .L @ rJ)ro@ o TL o $t0- C) (L JoNN o (L @o@.6 tuL N oclGl O (L C! oN O (L @o@N- o L @ roo,@ d Jo(t,o o (L ob@(o- o5 Iro(.)@ N ro* o I @o(r'o- od Jo (f, oC'-IEfi€E o =o @fo ofo o o o CDf o ED = o:E') o E') o cD o o, o CD oo ofg,f o TL L(,ooo C'o6' o- (a+c.oo :>E.ofU)to coo := l) =at)oN(E!, FEo)d) @(l, =!o(E =v(,,(Edt =.ECL(g =c,(Js.Lo)E oo =Eo 6o ooood) EED =t(o() CI E (L o':t! c)oood] 6fo E')c =Eo!,trq,aq)1JsEoo =o CD!,uJ c.oo Eg ococ,!ooE"g .svcE TLo oo) .E- U)cooo() Joo d] .Eo o 6 =q)o U) '6 = EsodIJooE =a o (') o, =0,os 6)co aE o)N ,} oE(t(', .6 o)o Eoocd): o (') ED €foCLoooo (EF iU) E G.Eeo E')tr o,-ooJo.s(L (LI = e (,oac @o(oo(a o Nr,)(?)o(r) o alo@d)t o sos,t(-)$o (oostoti O 6 (",o$ (J osla.)ot O c.)o(0ort o to@o+ o (')ro @o{ o @lo@ot o F.lo@oi o toi-o$ O tooYrt (-) o) (5E .9) U)D6 o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o(oo o(oo o(oo o@o o(oo o(oo o@o o@o o@o =\ib(oEOtrE*Eo<EDEf ciz g tot ei(,og CL oo l!ooE o t cO+Jtro.ELt98oE5€3E.- o'6ooo*ll brg.xox E:E.E PE'E>ti,.=oqrEBEhE =.sffbEg -96 -EE;EI50 =lLogP.-EHIr l!o!,EO.srgO63g EEEE .B; 95o< =oF4 PE E9b* i=egE(glo aNr o .J^ I {-'t a; Go o th o (so C' .g n) 'u @o Fo 'a ooo .Evo3to Eo =6EEEoo.oo 6c oo'5. s 6! E0)oo@oj.oQ 0): c.9 fi =o .E GE oa c6 .oc OJ .; o oG Joo6oc o o ooEc$?o3bO->cooo5>-(E0rE -5 6 Oroo oo6'.= 6a6= €B.aoq*ooEx-oOY6>06E.: oE o!DsEoo OL;6ta oo6g 6g<o6rxoiIBor EOOG :EEO€e6GEECE E=qZ 5s. oOitr t@7ox66< BO =xFTL =\tb(oEOtox+!o<o5f ciz ofttq)tr .q oat F. €, oo *z o Eo (n oo Lo 6'0i c) ahoo-PE os #EP s: 5E* 'I g t re+ h 9 = -d *5= 6'i E = ir;E; ! E S 8 EE6fO @ E o ot oo arE LO-=3oQO6O =6 r,EE6uEooto 'o oo-58 *E o€- 6ZEroi:oEE.Yo:a o c N a ry od @ io@N-N (J € N o(oN .do tL a O0 o & a oq N o N ooo€o ac?o o o-a bN\ oo @ o\ oo- L<OO? 2. cs Ec cc o oooo o Eo oa o Eaooo o.c EoooU) o! Eooaa o! Eac{<, o Eoo@ c Ecao oo EIoo(r) o Eooot) oop o. ciz. o'6:tE =o ooa 3oo o o I.9.g Et <t)oq -g a, oEoa oc '3otil(!FEoo E fo ! ot oL a, -9o o =()q6 ot o ooql oo4g Ir]L (I o osoot N oz .9 .= (, o cooo'c u,J o ozc.e tp .g co oo dz .o.c.ao- U'pspooc c a<i) dz o .E.:E!au) o o sL! co E E IUoo Gco '6 =o ">G e oo E'g ooo Iooo o6os NoN(,v @ No No o o tN o NNoo oa oo()o O o o O dl o@o ooo o@o @o o@o o@o o@o ooo o@o a@o o o =tl6(oEOEoEr!o)<s,rfo4 c;z oo ttot G ;.9zooc o 'o 0 U)oa .Eso -B Eo EC''6oEo c0)C' o 6c o0).F Y c)c Gc Eoooo6* ooc ; .9o Eo .-c(,)6Gqf(!oECoo.ozc) .Eos o o oosos Eo, oo (E:oC To,Bb-gc>cOG o:>-(o0t.E o oo oo97 6na=L>.eE =@ =Eoo -o=oH}o6irE-< PEo9,5Eo9E9t6-* oo6E6E)afr<oBrxotrBoL EOoo io€eaqEIO-EGO -o 9oOgooEQ d=oo;o iBa< oovxFT t oNo o oo o Gz o ooo ooo l:l d ,tlir+ T$..t..tol ol -l -l61 6lol ol to6otoao.EE o ...Q,6 oE E =FE+ .E ? *g= * E:5.ti 4 t E : E5E i 6 5 3 I qt o oo c5lgario L=9o66soE6 >;E6UJEo6l6'() o*zo3tE o 9aoclro9oEE ETo= o b F. cE uJ _. boN o BE t€ o ooo o o o o!ooo oooo o a Iaoo 0ooA 6oaoEI oE;otrcoes =oooog. 9€Goa o o(/, o6aot EEoc -9 '.9 .ag o = oEo o od o ooco o .12I o oo o. €o(odl o oao o oooo o oo-v o :,t!o@o a@6 o@o o@6 $doN (n Hd =rb(oEO HtsEd)<o,5[ <iz oo a,ot IoOJOB -40oo6'-- ACDo: eEEo 9oI:5 EgO6 OEs5PEee!go(,EO €EltolLc oo6g5E3'n<ot-xotrEoLet =to@6E€Eo€efiooE6g!uE=99 ;-36eEO fo =6*{LEooEX to6t c') toCLo -c5 trge I E* EaE + ,t =g -;r € E9$ o IC 6 ,t -lO.= .,) iii b P s 5:. ?HEEE oo a!oo oEnod. olt Eo oz o(oo sf oat (n Hd E3EO+-Hlog0)<q, Ef, C;z !u ET(,t o J o E'|a .Et)o =ooI ,Eo -ooo E)o o.Ic.Tto: Eo Eo '6o-go(, oo-o c, oE 6()ooo-o.c (UE, Eo(, oooj -oo c,-c iriJL.od6EFLtrE'€6;o o,(! ,t!,c(E oo EooI.EoE o o(! =oo(UoE E0, oo.CL(! Eco EA;*E.9(U oE o=eE s.EE N'-o. Ct a 1'OrI 9cl -aEooo= At eg9OE!> EgEtE! EgO6IE EE EE EEEO6oILE='troo6g E-98ir<o EExotrBos EO s5 ES!osE EE E=E=99riE5EO EE*tLE E.t toN G' lto ooo oE,loG oo Eo oz o(oct o IEo oCLo.85 tr Sro O!r lllE=.9g* o;f € .Eoo -- L =o g, .t53 .9 7 *B E 9 i.8.;E; eE,i€sE iN(''N o (L 6 G(,$(l' o (L o ENr.) Io-6 @ Gt-!t(\t o L o t) L lo{gG ^r5iiN 3 L o s oN oz { osl oz t o joz !f ostjoz * oNjoz * osljoz <izo(r, 60lrJ EoocroL tr.s .!2 E..t U' !op -g6oo ooq o-oN6E 0) Eoo .9.eo oEo EE(!o v c,EEEC'J ooEo o =oo o Eo o c) Ea (Edl at)ILfioo (,)$g)ot() $+oot o o)$(')oio lo(r,oto €6@6to looro-t o c o@o o@o o@o o@o cI oN NH N =sfb@EOtoErr)go<c,-65o CJz og(tot IoOJoo saoo6'=!{ Eg€T5g oa,Er-oETO6 o.E fgoP5.8e8 €E'o6CLEf=oo6P6F8fi<oE;xoir8oL tod6 E€4edooP FHluAaoo TEfiE ?,5 B{LEoo'=aFL I oNcl F oo a!6'o Lottot o,oE(, oz o@<> Eoo.6)E(,o -9o od .Ior€.97cHg:5.6'ilE:S-*frE38 -P5Sn12Fb* :*oo =6c(Elo toN N H .E-o o.E o?c o inoEoo(l .s*o? Eo od)!EooGEEcrl,d).rl.o (Eg6sro'o o. rl,E (EE ,bEIoIo E3EO Ee!o<EsI:oz ao)c,o)d. io6JEbsEoo9Eg',ilUo.= e'E5pc*obEJ-oto6tO5t.s Eg s$ Ef,AtrilEoo6.et9Bfi<oui6ErlOti 8.oE EaJ E€tso€.Efio}E;gE:ollc3,9qiBfid E(5 flo *{LE66.=* Fl! toNR N a o oo 6o a!ooLiuE,oe. tl oo o.o E(, oz {joE EoE to ELotr tl,ooo od 'EoE.9;>obgU) '6 =.d E5E9b* := €$fo oel c(, Egoo o*#5lr=goo660E6 cs Es t c N D c U c! s Co o cG I)6 cN c(c6 4 c( ( c c cN co t co- s EG e C6-ed e {g fixoo90co'{) ';Ar,:.ia;oi63 t&.E 6.eio: c-'B o9oi EE -oEI:i]tr.,:l,r::':<i:: l o oo €() 0- oN (J L o@ (J a o o O:':,u-t LC ll il-e' o tN qG Co 6 C c 0 co *o , llLl :o .:a =o.oit:cl u,,o ,i O- 0 4a o Ei, Eqoo q IEEo t-.3oo gooIt oEfl- 6o E0c)ooooov e 6 o m c9 E( I o-Io@ 1ts.s:E6 : .eo .9!odo a oN 6c 0c .9E coE.9lotiloc,c .9Eo{ saod coooox E.loo0) o- osooE oEooof o o o-oFo-o o o0fo o3 oI ccooF (Dcosooosoo co a o ooo oIlomo q 3 No NE0- .q ooc'6 -o 2 E ,soI ! o6 o ci c '.6 EplU)cJ e0 o cizco ::pof,ao6 ooco.E Io co -su oiUoo6 ut c Dc =Eo coE,g)otllcF oEou fo E oc:) o-F =o -eoov o E:& tso Eocoo oEou g N:6c c 4o E ce { scoc o c ot-6ot .E -9 coE gaod Fd)q I ! .9 o o o Eto d.0oo Eol co Go o ooo Eo roo o 6 E@ E.9or ouou c0(, o oo- f 3oz .9 ooLo ,EoE!o- eco od ocooo =6r oEfo-U.E c] 6T @a acao€ EI 6r0(!F,o .:cl o.,oo L o0o o m No@dN oN(J o (.) oo d o 6 Notsf0(, oNc0o ooal cloo o c)to () o o oo Noo @ o oto N olrlo o c( I 6 o@d! o Noa o ooo@ o() oo (-) oNo o NL} oo(J o (J oD()oo oono o()o o o o o (J O o O o (J O o o O EI o@o coc o o o o c@a ooo @o ccc coc o@a o@o a o oo o@o o@o o@o I@o o@o o@o o@o oao o o@o coc o@o o@I ]o3 oo o@o o@ o@o c€ =rfb(oEOtr;'f)go<o)5fl dz I6 11)v. !,oOJOoa3: o46',= 6bo.= €gto obEv-oEIOp E.EEE P,ie9ts9OU OLbi5o6!ot ooc}c 6'S'3fi<o6txoiis oL !QooE€5S ;;!o9E3 TpCaoo sE 6B:6 =6 @<Luoo';xFT 6 eND oo Goo oo)o& co = I66 toCL0,to6oo06gos(,) -.- O 'iiaglo;oE5!-..u)';'^e=9)-i;s,iE P5 EPb*6+ =sE) €H C)( coE Eo(., ETLOL>So o o.E,6 q c(cn o ts c cN c cN cd o cG cj E cs c a cfi(j cs c t=EEUEoo,90':0F6. o -.d=6.3,t=: ,Q::.':-:.ad!:r:g'h oc.oo'iI r!'r 8 E.G;A EAois:|:.= O o- @ io@ o c o !, o5 lu(LoT k)oa o o- N o ed o o@a o il N a N.d 3o@ N o (L li.,N o a ob@ ( c6 o *6 ro G co co c( a ca 0 cN h o 4 c a q c6 o c co c6cGcoCN coEq5g Lu6 coo -goot qc 0oo =Gu. o oo6cl:f ,:C Icg€ I .gu 3oz Eod o o Eoo o J E j I .()coL oc:c .:L oxor c9 oo)n o ooJ o oc&co.E Eo!U)ooptr o c oo 6 c'6 =oco() a- 6oocog .Ec o3!6 E o @ o L3c ou o oo IJ'cNN o Eo s4 o ,9 :) .9oo{ .q c oo-o oc0G t EU) Eo s&a&o Eoo ci: 6NB oocoo o ,@o 0- oUlo .9E c Eo .goo 0eoa -9iI Eo 9o E cq Eoooo0E. oeoac.Eo .9E .9! dz SE oaoo aou eEos U)&) aoi3 q 3sd o Ott)o l!o oo.gs0-coooEosoou 6o.9oco oog oJ U) ocso 3coo]oz coEofEuloodF 3oZ o6 ro l E0oEoF 06 c oo-o c0 Eo =orlo aaco Eo o E o.E ooo g EF ao Eotro u.dFosood :: o:: ti u'r Oo'& o 0 o9 oo6 oo No @N @ o o oo @o@6 3o i'_) oo@o o @o o o0@o Ctsc C oN6 o No o @o a $ o o o o o @o6q o No () o6- O Noov o No \l (-) oo !a :z (-) oaY o !z on!4 o o o o ()(_)o o o o (J u () =.o o@o o@ oo o@o o@o o@ o@o o@o @o o@o o@o o5 ooo o@ a@o o@ o@ @o @ o@o @o oao o@ ooo ooo gc o@o oao o@ f0f o@o o@o =$6(oEO€oEr)iio<o5f c;z o =ETot o OJOoa3ooLE gs,D.= €'Ecoc-ooE:-6bc6>O6 b.EEEP'icu!9ou OLri5oos.goo5g E .El 3fi<oE;xoir 3'or !9osIt'=atoo"EfropE 6gtsEf,ooIl-ahoio =o*sL!oo';xFT 6oNn oo 6 Eo oood E oE o@o to CLou o)o ood#-.t.iocrE:5.6'i 2 r e'.ifrg#E OF-OEPb* ==EJ93E(!]O (, .c'oo,- (, ?Efo '66ci,e+c"7l!6? Ep I'0) 6 6op Eooa 6 6E I8t)0aItoc GIE bEI c,I6 f(0T: -9o Ee.€ooEg 6o!co{,oE6Isoz. o aE5ooGoE Eo oCo,6!e!ter,ooc';cOE s3EE iuOJE6g0o652EegEL>€EEi EtE! E*O6Es €E 8E EE€irlg $€ EIt9gil<o EEliBoL EE ESdo EEEEt5to IIrsi EO B{L!so':xl-tL LoCLotroo -9o06#oE.9 7 .r.. E E I s:.a'6EEe.*E*EA EEEE €ego<cD E8 c;z 6g ETot l, o6l 6 6a o(t o o6oG {J .e66u5 b* 5*E-oo =6tao=o o .>oE 6 .E 8.E o6* o .'o eoeoA EoF Eo.t!o!E6 dEo coo!o EE6 TJo 0'oot Ec .aE 8oIoiooo-Eo GtEoc'; oE Ed 6Ec6I.E 6) .€ a,s o B,G Bo6 ruE Eo eeoG tC6 Eoit'5o 9g6CEO-E n8.r EBO9OEnedasssi€eEEEY ETOdEE EEe8n.e EEt6!6 3E6gEA8fi<6 RTxoE8.ose!DOOEge EEd6 EEEc EEie TEe0 +gLE EXFtr oo.otrooo6c!#oi.97oEEis:. EHEEf E3EOtr.-E'r, =o)<ED53 ciz ag a,oft. ro oNo F I GeoLoE!tt erl:ooE { N ,) EE ETb* := €Hlo c Foa .a Ioo I ft5oo ra r6n@ o o. & o6 o GhI6odd ,?bo f ts IdcDoI tdI fl dz q EB 5Ilad PItE x!o E o6 u)6sF I EE E s Ed B EE Eo!J € E o @(o!t o @oo!t C' oh 6I (.) otrt o oYtt o aI o6o o8 oo Io oI foEco(, 6g!eIo!:E9otoE6 = o = ( G =::C =5fi* ccF8 u8 t:E (J A d N @ & I 6 o o L N € N d 6 o L o o or N oa o _@ U4oI d CJ t s tIn c6 o 6 o ( '. 4..:arl+ ErO u. o E'L" c ! E =c tc ozco ,q Eo o oE o c Eo.9 o _ql5a t.9& = c E.srUIFB EEIf& Eo to6 oEi.9rcF3ao o o o c Eo-ou E oo -9o o E oU6 oo E oeo so .9o !c.Eo o{ e o ooo = c Ec Eft C o o.EEoo =u o oo l2 o o: r .g c o.goE o oUe eoEts c.! I n.(c =c ac o = ooq 6 ocL q toE d ts z E u 0( !t d a oc@ .Eo =od3 oc E -9 6 o c @ g =goEo .9o !E o c.9 Eo oo ,s( o ati Id( E( t a co.!J oNE6oa q o'6 c o o E E fqI(! 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EiE5.9oOE iA Eo iBr< E,IFE =\fb(oEO €etso<o5f:oz oo3cfo)t a odo o qo 6 Eo oootr o E = o@o toCL0,u(,oIoo0E O-.97*r 8::,"0, c = r ,.(,r'= t = o!E€,iE E5Srlll-b* ;=z)p3c(!fo 6o N u otr.so o .Eo t:occ(o E o .E (E .E-oo.E o6 o -o6o EDeCL .Eg o;EIol.EtEId,lEI6l6l6lotEIEIold)lol0,l>tclEIoltil.ololololrl =l6lEI;tEIolotol6lGI-t6El oElE .EI -j al.g 6l(!cto .E EDoEof (ga E'E(E o.9eoo .so o o E oot6lolEIEIol>totolol6lEIcl(!lEIgl ol>tolo ..1e .elE TEI goOJ EBE;o=3eg9o!L>to €EEEEr Egjoo!!t EEon!goobEtElloCLE oo6gTEE'n<o EExo EO EOOGEAEU€edo EE:t E= .BE r3.Ei =c,EgXG6<LEo6=::t =tb@EOEoErog0)<rD5f, ctz oo =c,ot rD G'N F! 6o a!., (!, oBod o 6. G'aoo E EE E $i s;fo9Eor #c6 - c,..8 7 * L O - 4rotr:Lr.. EHEEf I h n ! { no o o too@6 fG = cz E g E Lr ! N oz E.9.9 E:oo o: , it' osot o I , 8 !I o G E.>o .E G .E'o .9ao .Eo -o oooa .E*o? 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EEE9Eii<i!FE ? o t EoqoEooo6€+oi3ZcE:9 r.oca-:.14ZE?2!;i35 .P5 -9roll-b*6+ ==E3colo iI :,:..1:.|,; :..:* u ruiLl l$ *:*i blo $i EIE Ble ;lc FIE € iti E EID E E1E e gll q el; E SIE Erlr E616 'FIE F i g €( a9eE D,s6E 6b 'Eac E!6qRF ! SP EoaisE :5EoE3 iE SFE ! I E*.ts9o :TB I -e ffi,E't *l .F {l N b b {. Etg{ t;.;::.i !3 2 I F EEo?o E o Eo e -ov: l I , '6 €e o o a E- o F 6 '6 E o F9 ,6tt z q Ej z o g6 g 2I x dz E E ? E .? I a I E I gt E 6t Eo €a E ..4) Elj,&: aa\ t,il i II o o : a 5 I o O 8I o o 3 Itt^l=lot:l( l I o o o O a o E o o E Eo o E I 5 ._c I E E t. l= I I I I 8 q ={'b@EOEoH(ogo<o)Ef c;z ofoot I E: -a sa :E 9o Ei o.9tt9E9PtP EEt6 rt 6?Ea3'! E;ii 3. E!tnIE;g EE aa ;-o E9fq BI toCIotroooo!d=o5.9 Ice 3 9 Il.octs,.6'^a--oia€,EE (9 o G or-O€Pb* := €Hlo c E E .E.o .E i e eo .E* _3 EP ! !E 6Ec a t 6g =E E€ o .9a ?s b 8 5 eqo Ei P nE\* dE E'Bai't; !9 EEAr 6t E=9EfE!o 3EtE E!t93'n E; EE. EooE!ir EEg: 1f!qrdE9EgF* E! Tol!.4.E:dg,tE EoooEooIodg-corg;>,bP.D'A =o -85E*b* :=0ro=o58 q =\i6(oEOfi*6(o!o<o)5f, <iz o) =oo)E. E ! E I € R a! q I E I L egt a Ic tI ,rltl "ll El )l-. HT.ltol ol ol ol I e3 ia o6 ErcEgi t-EE.9E .E Eo 6E6-93fi<9 trs .p3; !=5iEp :r:i '.9 ii E: e0 qoE5ocoG,oooo06t O-.9;>5oroa {olED'Z='oi€.EE e5 EPb* E=9gc6lo UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW!-W-15-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 108: For the projects that cost over $200,000, in the "Monthly ln- Service and Close Reports" (Refer to Production Request Above) from July 2011 through 2015 to date please provide the following information: a) Brief Justification b) Location c) Addition Amount d) Retirement Amount e) RemovalAmount 0 Salvage Cost RESPONSE NO. 108: See the attached exhibit. l2 o -i #,9,E2@o I EI0 !tltt o I !l I I; I q r 616-e !P.E tsldEs Er$ 6Fii! I IisEi6 I tl zr9ts <o 3 <iz n a* e1 ]O o oz zod e oF 3 F F IF oh df G F dF IF zo d oF fu df o EUz otod oz zo! F E Foo F F TF -Fzooz 6 oF l 6z = dl e z Fzlo ItsGoz IFoFF F-F oz F F IF tsUzzoI =z 3z Its IUz oF o ooz oIUz oF o o2 E Fz IFt I tJ oE IIF o zo oi) :4o .9 o C' o o] dl_: ,l E o -g.G Eo o] '6 o .; = olNlct ol .91 .sl a El E: Eol a Eo cr d F co ooo ., 'i 3o o .9 '6" E 3 ,9 ,E o .9 o ; .9! E: U c o ! E E oE g€o.9 E]o .9s : ,o ! o .9 'd o EEig.eq -Ic q- 66Su;5:}B -9--l :;6-Elt 6.9 u --o b 9c!? :!, CrG d6p ^Er3 Eo9 -EBA:qo bttr !! oEE:[€;9-9i E;E9 9a;IR .9e ii 'z U;bN IFlz6 Fz-l ti FzoIy) o o IF Iuz @ oF o Noz U IUz o F o uz 3 c Ll IUz oF o oz Lf IUz I Ii-loir Im t9l2t6lf IUlzl-.lilf, t>l> lo l- t=loIUIIJFlolrtz l> IUt< :zioItr61O rF Jo rIILJ to II 9-F ozoFs zoz F o ot = cz 2oF ad F zd F IEB oF F oz I IFrt =F Fozz o ) IIF uiItt o tsf,o EzlF IFIt ts Eo =zo oF U oto =F o IIF ozzo6 o6l F F I - s ooF eEoz Ul> U F o6 o -9o l.Pr ZLooUF Llt 9$ Ha--:F- H6ou 6Q oozzootrFs3 FFzz oz d F oto =zo =of FzoUz3o @io F-(, ed Fzdt-E3 ot oUo oF U t 6 =U IrF Us F ozJI I IFoF t- trl6lzl<lot> IF i>iololor>lolrloiFIUi> l6 loiF{u Io iolz1<!Ui>ld io]F io t*tolziotrt< r< l Uz F =o =F IF o F = 6-Fo U oz o oo-Fio Eoo z l z o o l = z F o d o - zoF F l -F F F zoF lI c .gE5i'a:o;stcit 5i 3a =6EE .sH 8E>bAE E8 fiac9 oa 5.4 dsEOpE5E gri<o t;g6{}-905i igF-c o-oEcto ici6:iEE9o3E c! =o U'E .9E Ee9_Po!oo co p.E oo E3.9u>.E6t ;d c.iE9iEE} o5 oooc;o(, t -9! 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E).eol{ E19 dlo elEdiEEio o o .9 e E -go -dl ! o!l o1 .-l ool E1 -E- 9lc iL3iP^z ,9! -od3! ogi€ c T:E .ET gBsBEgioF 6EUEE6o!E<: a'3E;o5O E.E o< J€38 E; E;Ef9tq ;.9 Trg EEE?ocgi I d uciliooo> TpH'Egts !c!:b3.g?ox 6€ &'i . E gE;;iPSEE;! 61<le)9l rl rlFlIIFI =lbi Z'o'uiz, d:<l trl =, -<i oi Zt<lzl z<i olz6l alol o :i >l 6> ootrsH:6E oi^z< z= -oOUEP ^IXUaZ.;IN Z= dZ OIFFUO 3H UFz4!* 6Sd3o><FozdluOJU 6+d=Edoo zo z4 zbcZFT<o>z oF oz r'Uz- o F o -'z oF o ozo F5 Fz IF I o IIF E-Uz oF o3 r.' zo Fz 6-Uz oF o o z o Fz oIUz ob YS-9UOzc -d@FLZOrrEUUr< 6p<=x>Ouzi 6Fj> Eiz2u6<aa-9z=zr-6 <r9! ;oUO o,6a did =oo3 gF 9di I* EBoi 6 =o I 4 oIUz o F @ oo zo F =6IUzi o F o z |9zU5 d U oIUz oF o6 oz oI oF o Ll IU2 oF o ozoF5 Fz EIa >l2lrl Fl FI o1 ri:izllloldl1l z1<lzl;lLI9t<l <I()l z z G F =Iazi oz Iz? o F o ozo 3 Fz IF IFU o IIF .9 ,; E .; ,E E 3 c =o .9 F '6 E ;U ,b LZOOE-uni 3Pod2u<4 acoA<2 Ioza,b3 ozF-uii ts< ip e6 E+;6 O6F<UI -6 rO z-;UIqF d!! d2uI>rAAo8 li >I;9 =z 3oEgG E q E .2 coEtooog o .9o@ F oo !o@ E cI ) co o;oG !o2cf 'g o !c :q 7coF coU t;o oE c Un co o cooo lctot-.IUt- IP l_oln lo loIUt< l@ lo lo lElol! ln loIE rU1> 19 i-6 C l:lo I16 lN l-o lo l-e IG lE o t = .9 o ! o .9 ! .; E;j 'o' o F <;E s o !d c Eo !d '6 o .g '6 E ;U c'i o o .9 ! 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'- ld Fls 9iE 6!N<l: EE dt2 Uzb- 3 FZOU=gI>ES zd\!-tootFui6e2d.QIE6;1?aguFn9oO 11 =22>-n<Uut<cicio6o urru!rooi>t?F=O.-u>dSxrE<;;=9;<t=!!hoP{ia Ea*ezhc<6922i-2*-o=<ouEqhSHi6=av EUeXXzzAtrl =i=:=do29',^Enx[?5Ll)rzsR599i.1 0,tqNJoE:E6EE!20uuh*!EEH =<u!!9+4*.EA .; od !1 l l v3 n 6q N oi dt o'F q dl, @-l6l !! -l I dl d I dlo..i I I I*l ol ol\ I I I ol rlqi ollol Fl61os' @-<l +tl-l*l 6ilr S: ri I I di d t! loio ,E l! i5 1; Eo aU 1lLl-i '!l:'rl< g5!l; I;U -i E EI ei z1o,6tzt QI Fl FIriF]o I I <lIa1 9iz olFIzl<lFZll,ol>izi o@ ts' F6i +.1 I oiloidii oi oi 6roio +lo<1 F]Fdi qto 3.si ,: ,i :F ,l ilo ao'E o 6 @o 99- i FE=sz6nuiOons8.iE H:2H=!ui:E?-4d22:.ivi@O;fii-outrz =uh4<A?o9+9E@F'ad,Lug^d= -p*=E<3$g=r=a+6hEoz9,=ZdzP*eu6*trdH>!vuHrdaGz6151,-,'6EH=93:EuaiEE EgEA4E E;i3Efr *3fiEE E===Ei g;E=eil E=$:fi6 IusE=3+=z=sz l9 Elol6l= 12 - .: i z o 'E o !o .gol2)z o E oE !o o IE li,o = Eo aU3z o = Eo,u -go ts oo) ou) F q N Nuio or:F a oq 6tso uioF oo q o cq u Fo Ir o o)oFo E oo o \ N .9 oE0oioz liao 3z E coE .goo o E ! .go =ol e Eo I 3 oE oEo fU oJ o6jo lo l! i8l.lo i{ Io og !ai o q d E{ :rgP<o <;z 9 E g,A;* := lo UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. GASE UW-W-15-01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 110: Please provide an explanation and accompanying list of projects for the increase in office furniture and equipment from $10.7 million (2011 Annual Report) to $12.3 million (2014 Annual Report). RESPONSE NO. 110: Please see attached file #110 Office Furniture & Equipment 2011to 2014.xlsx The attached file summarizes the capital project asset additions (largely lnformation Technology related) from the Dec. 2011 balance, to the Dec. 2014 balance of the Office furniture & equipment plant account. It also includes associated asset retirements and reclassifications of existing assets within the same account for additional detail, or into / out of the 340 - Office furniture and equipment plant account. Description Utility Plant Account 34O Office Furniture, Fixtures, Computers at Dec. 31, 2011 Balance Plant Additions & Adiustments United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Plant Account Assett lD CEA 34055 9s86 C01K008_06034050 9625 C02C108_06034055 9s93 C04J001_06034050 9485 C0sK107_060340s0 9602 C08Js02_06034050 9604 C09J001_060 3405H 9609 C09J504_0603405H 8246 C10C504_0603405H 8247 C10C504 060 3405H 3405S 3405S 3405H 3405H 3405H 3405H 3405S 3405S 3405S 34055 3405S 340sH 3405H ORTHO PHOTO FLIGHT HMI INSTALLLATIONS WaterGEMS for GIS Security Software U pgradeE Digital Projector Audio/Video system HMI Display Victory SCADA Upgrade Marden SCADA Upgrade CWTP SCADA Upgrade Victory SCADA Software Upgra JOO1 - ASSET MGMT CIS AND SO Well Route Handhelds J001-5CADA Security JOO5. NETWORK SYSTEMS UPGRA .1006. DATA CENTER UPGRADES JOO3. MANAGED DESKTOP JOO4. SYSTEMS & EXCHANGE JOOT - SECURITY AND COMPLIAN J2O1 - PS LICENSE UW WEBSITE UPGRADE Marden Security Camera HVAC CONTROT EQUIPMENT SCADA offsite Computer Server SQL Server Database Orthophoto Wide-format sca nner/copier J005-Network Systems Upgrade J006-Data Center Upgrades JO02-Telecom & Call Center I J003-Managed Desktop Joo4-System & Exchange J007-Security and Compliance J012-PS lncremental License J014-lmaging System J905-CC&B Enhancement J201. INTELEX J017-Tax Provision System Acer Tablet PC Security Camera Itron FC3O0 Handhelds Itron MC Lite Upgrade TRIMBLE GOEXH 6000 HANDHELD GIS TORNADO ANTENNA TERRASYNC SOFTWARE CONF CHAIRS & CS CABINETS REPL CUSTOMER SERVICE CARPET GIS MONITOR WORKSTATION Marden HMI AV Cart Plotter Laserjet Print Computer Refresh - Victory Computer Refresh - Marden 2011 Value (S1,ooo's) S 4s,638S r+,s+g S L4,778S ro,s+gS s,094,997 2014 Value (S1,ooo's) Request No. 110 Attachment Page 'l of 3 change in value (S1,ooo's1 Additions /(Retirementsl Balance S 10,734,682 42,178 Reclass 76,L25 Reclass 27,664 Reclass 13,461 Reclass 963 Reclass 16,843 Reclass 3,230 Reclass 423 L49 155 168 130,082 7,887 4,709 13,615 6,935 7L,L61 89s 3,810 29 L2,745 693 136,841 1,198 10,949 6,900 7L,247 20,roo 27,4tL 93,787 2L,t37 34,384 50,670 31,020 2,O3L 76,924 296,588 53,423 6,266 683 6,028 45,477 960 28,42L 6,O79 8,745 L7,372 9,49s L,275 7,537 328 10,398 7,307 709,526 2,s62 8248 8483 8986 9088 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9t44 9030 9680 3405H 9663 3405H 9334 34055 9335 34055 9692 3405A 9741 3405H 9256 3405H 9257 34055 9258 34055 9259 34055 9260 34055 9261 34055 9288 34055 9665 3405A 9742 3405A 9780 3405A 3405H 34050 3405A 3405A 3405H 3405H 3405S 34050 34050 34050 3405S 34050 3405A 3405A 340sA 340sA c10c504_060 c10c504_060 c10J959_060 c11J506_060 c1lJ950_060 c1lJ950_060 c11J950_060 c11J950_060 c11J950_060 c11J950_060 c11J950_060 c11J9s0_060 c11K501_060 c128502_060 c12J501_060 c12J503_060 c12J503_060 c12J504_060 c12J505_060 c12J950_060 c121950_060 c12J950_060 c12J950_060 c12J950_060 c12J950_060 c12J950_060 c12J950_060 c12J950_060 c12J9s0_060 c12J950_060 c12K102_060 c12K501_060 c12K505_060 c12K505_060 c12K507_060 c12K507_060 c12K507_060 c12K701_060 c12K701_060 c12K701_060 c138603_060 c13J001_060 c13J502_060 c13J502_060 c13Js03_060 c13J503 060 42,L78 t6,t25 27,664 73,46L 963 16,843 3,230 46,062 L4,698 14,933 L6,7LL 5,22s,O79 7,887 23,607 32,O45 24,668 22,sO6 34,236 10,502 4,134 72,L45 5,900 L36,847 1,198 to,949 6,900 tl,247 20,700 27,411 93,787 2L,137 34,384 50,670 3L,O20 2,O3L 76,924 296,588 s3,423 6,266 683 6,O28 45,477 960 28,427 6,O79 8,745 t7,372 9,495 L,275 7,537 328 10,398 1,307 109,526 2,562 s s s S S S s s 19,498 18,430 L7,733 L7,345 33,342 6,693 4,105 5,208 10024 9666 9695 9745 9746 9698 9699 9700 9338 9339 9676 10299 9963 9916 99L7 9918 9919 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Plant Account Assett lD CEA 3405A 9920 C13J503_060 3405A 10021 C13J503_060 3405A 10090 C13J950_060 3405A 10091 C13J950_060 3405A 10092 C13J950_060 3405A 10093 C13J950_060 3405A 10094 C13J950_060 3405A 10095 C13J950_060 340sA 10096 C13J950_060 340sA 10188 C13J950_060 34050 10098 C13K105_060 340s0 10145 C13K106_060 34050 992t C13K303_060 3405H 10695 C14Js01_060 3405H 10360 C14J502_060 3405H 10361 C14J502_060 3405H 10362 C14J502_060 3405H 10363 C14J502_060 3405H 10364 C14J502_060 3405H 10696 C14J503_060 3405H 10595 C14J504_060 3405H 10697 C14J506_060 340s0 10365 C14K101_060 34050 10366 C14K101_06034050 9381 C97K003_060 34050 9382 C97K003_06034050 9396 C99K005_06034050 9397 C99K005_060 34050 9403 C99K005 060 Plant Retirements & Adiustments 3405H 7L5 C97J006_060 3405H 2L67 C99J104_060340s0 275L C99K107_060340s0 3024 C00K010_060 3405H 3047 C01J501_0603405H 3730 C02K102_060 3405A 4013 C02C108_060 3405H 4180 C02J503_060 3405A 5011 C04J005_060 34055 5318 C04J001_060 3405H 5528 C05J004_060 3405H 5643 C05J005_06034050 5655 C05K107_0603405A 5655 C05K107_0503405H 6494 C07K501_060 3405H 6575 C07J003_060 3405H 6576 C07J501_060 3405H 6630 C06J002_060 3405H 6686 C07J5O2_060 3405H 6887 C07J504_060 34055 70t8 C07K109_060 3405H 7063 C08K106_060340s0 7259 C08K101_060 3405H 7327 C08J502_060 3405H 7388 C08J501_060 34055 7389 C08J501_060 3405H 7392 C08J502 060 Request No. 1 10 Attachment Page 2 of 3 change in value (S1,ooo's) Additions / (Retirements)Description Computer Refresh - CWTP Adobe Premier Pro CS6 Video J005-Network Systems Upgrade J006-Data Center Upgrades J002-Telecom & Call Center I J003-Managed Desktop Joo4-System & Exchange J007-Security and Complia nce J905-Custumer Ser Re-enginee J906-eProcurement I mplementa WORK STATIONS & CHAIRS HD Video camera 4 drawer admin file cabinet File Server Customer Serv-Billing Printe Cashier Printer Prod-T&D Map Printers Production Scanner-Printer Envelope Feeders Archival system equipment iHistorian Server Victory UPS battery CSR WORK STATIONS CS BILLING W STATIONS & CHAI Marden Lab lmprovements Victory Rd Storage Cabinets DESK,TABLE,SHELVES,SU PPORTS CHAIR, DESK CABINET FOR OFFICE SYSTEM RTU Test Sets SOFTWARE,SUPPORT.CSUIDSU Lighting,parking,storage exp FURN ITURE,TABTE,CHAIRS tAN CONNECTIVITY EQUIP COLORPRINTER-T&D HMI INSTALLLATIONS CISCO ROUTER Database & Reporting Softwar WaterGEMS for GIS PUBLIC AFFAIRS MGR LAPTOP Purchase T&D lnspector Lapto Security Camera SystemEl Security Software UpgradeE Purchase ltron handhelds E Laptop ComputerE Laptop Computel0 Laptop Pc & SoftwareB Replace Large-Format Copier Engineering/GlS Plotter0 GPS COMPUTER SOFTWARE Dell laptop test set Model 6 refrigerator Laptop P@ DATABASE SERVERB DATABASE SOFIWAREE Digital Projector S 3,09s s 9,s4s s 13,s17 S 28,7s0S 16,603S zss 5 L7,92sS o,orzS 30,426 Sers 1,932S 2,81s 5 zt,tqss 13,461 s 43,s86 S 1,137 $ 1,204 S 2,s40S rs,reg S 1s,443 5 L,t44 S r,ogo5 azzS 2,619s 13,s69S z,r:r S geg 634 963 26,096 17,630 12,39t L9,498 8,26L 30,736 257,820 13,360 18,260 4,254 931 L4,6L5 3,616 872 499 341 749 16,153 78,722 7,236 7L,432 30,8s8 4,554 Reclass 1,459 Reclass 6,063 Reclass 1,810 Reclass 2,460 Reclass s 1,97s,460 (3,09s) (9,s4s) (13,s17) (11,606) (2,7OOl (788) 1t7,9251 (6,017) (30,426) (81) (1,932) (2,81s) (1,700) (13,451) (43,s86) (1,137) (1,204) (1,200) (1s,169) (1s,443) (r,r44l (1,0e6) |t622l. (2,619) (13,s69) (7,131) (e63) 2011 Value ($1,000's) 2014 Value (S1,ooo's) s 634 5 e63 s 26,096 S 17,630S 12,391 s 19,498 S a,zorS go,zse S 2s1,820 S rs,gsos 18,2605 4,2s4S ssr S 14,61sS s,ore5ens 4sss 341 5 749 S 16,1s3 5 L8,t225 t,zza $ L7,432 S go,ssg S +,ssqS r,+sg S o,ooaS r,ero5 z,qao s S S 77,L44 s 13,903 s S s s S sS :o,o+s S s s 5 1,340 s S s s S s s s s s s s s S s s s S s s s s s S s s S S S S S s s S S s S S s s s S s s 5 s s s s S S S S 5 s S S S s S S s S United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Plant Account Assett tD CEA Description 3405H 7561 C09J501_O60 Laptop PC0 3405H 7562 C09J502_060 Computer Refresh - Victorw 34050 7683 C09K302_060 2GTSWORKSTATTONSE 3405H 77Og C09J001_060 Audio/Video systemEl 34050 77L4 C09K702_050 NEW DTSHWASHER 3405H 8266 C10J502_060 Printer$I 34055 8267 C101505_060 Orthophoto Digital Mapo34050 8356 C09K702_060 NEW REFRTGTRATOR 3405H Asfi C10J507_060 Historian Server 3405H 8655 C118506_060 CWTP UPS ReplacemenE 3405H 8738 C11J001_060 HP Slate hand-held computers Request No. 110 Attachment Page 3 of 3 2011 Value ($r,(x)0's) s 29,661S sr,roa s 10,1s6s 16,8435 cct S s,roas 11,433S szsS ro,o+zS rs,zeaS s,zro s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 2014 Value ($1,(x)0's) 9,906 L7,288 547 change in value ($1,000's) Additions / (Retirements) (29,661) (81,108) (2s0) (16,843) t4471 (6,108) (11,433) (s28) (10,042) (1,s00) (4,663) Balance (383,076) s L2,327,06sUtility Plant Account 340 Office Furniture, Fixtures, Computers at Dec. 31, 2014 Balance UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW.W.I5.01 FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 112: Please provide a job description for each of the employee classifications. RESPONSE NO. 112: Please see the included job descriptions for each of the employee classifi cations. . #112 Commercial Department.pdf . #112 Engineering Department.pdf o #112 Commercial Department.pdf . #112 Finance Manager.pdf . #112 Production Department.pdf . #112 Administrative Coordinator.pdf United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1 1 2 Attachment Page'1 of 69 ,"i united water POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION: T&D Manaser REVISION DATE: September 2008 INCUMBENT: Dennis Fickes HR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Transmission & Distribution COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: UnitedWaterldaho FLSA: Exempt REPORTS TO: General Manaser SALARY GRADE:l8 Summary: . Plans, directs and oversees the overall operations, maintenance, and constnrction of the water transmission and distribution system to ensure its operational efficiency and dependability. Ensures that Company, govemmental, and regulatory requirements and standards are consistently met. Requires the exercise of a considerable knowledge of water distribution system operations policies, procedures, and laws. Manages Idaho fleet of vehicles. Ditn%rysions: Subordinates: Direct - 8; krdirect -19 Budger $1.5M Facilities under responsibility: 1,165 miles of water main; 84,000 service connections; 1,500 fire hydrants; 7,000 meters 2-inch and larger; 140 air relief and service line pressure regulating valves. Fleet management: 70 pieces of rolling stock; 55 company vehicles E du c at in n / E o uiv al e n t :o High School diploma. Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Construction Management or related field is desirable. Idaho Class 4 Distribution Systern Operator's License is necessary and./or ability to acquire within 12 months Work ExJt erie n c e N e eded :, 5-7 years experience in water utility transmission and distribution operations, preferably Class 4 level.. Minimum 5 years related experience in a supervisory capacity. Sp e cial Skills /Abilitie s N e e de d :. Strcng knowledge of hydraulic principlesr Strong expertise with operations, maintenance and optimization of water distribution systems. Strong expertise with air relief and pressrue regulating valveso Proficient management and supervisory, interpersonal, and problem-solving abilitiesr Must possess strong communication skills, both written and oral.. Mttst possess and maintain a valid driver's license.. Strcng knowledge of OSHA and Company safety rules, policies, and procedures. Proficient with MS Office Suite, especially Word and Excelo Must respond to emergency situations United Water Idaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 2 of 69 Nature & Scooe-Pincipal Areas of Responsibilities:, Manages the operation and maintenance of the transmission and distribution departmentsr Manages the T&D system construction activitiesc Ensures customer satisfaction and established levels ofservice* Establishes departmental operating budgets and prepares reforecasts and variance analysis ( * Ensures resources and/or support services are properly planned for and deployed,r Ensures effective work communication among personnel and departments* Prepares and provides management and compliance analysis and reports as required " Develops and continuously improves Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's). Ensures departmental compliance with OSHA and Company safety rules, policies, and procedures. Assures departmental and system compliance with all county and state road regulations ' Coordinates with Engineering to ensure proper implementation of capital projects in the department* Managing relationships wittr outside contractors and local city and county street and fire departments for both new business and maintenance. Manages LIWID fleet consisting of 70 pieces of rolling stock.. Prepares budgets, reforecasts, and variance analysis in response to company needs., Ensures appropriate training and cross-training of assigned departmental personnel ' Monitoring system non-revenue water statistics and maintaining a leak detection program to keep water loss within acceptable levels. Investigating liability and insurance claims involving the department or its employees and preparing related claims reports. Participates in vendor selection and vendor management in such matters as fleet supply and paying contractors.. Complete periodic and annual performance reviews of direct reports and assist with indirect report reviews,. Coaches and develops staffto achieve ftill potential F s s er.ttipl F unctio n s : . Physical: Walking, including uneven terrain; climbing hills and stairs; moderate lifting up to 25lbs; sit and stand for extend periods of time viewing computer screens and utilizing keyboard and mouse. r Sensory: Must be able to see clearly, hear warning devices and alarms. Must be able to speak to give direction and converse with others. r Mental: Must be able to read complex reports and operational drawings. Write detailed repo(s and prepare and deliver presentations. Must be able to reason and analyze complex operational challenges and resolve same. Must be able to leam new technological advances in water industry and train personnel This position description is intended for the purpose of evaluation and salary positioning and is not a contract setting forth the full scope of employment. The employer retains the riglrt to deviate from the description at its discretion, without notice, United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 1 1 2 Attachment Page 3 of 69 ,"{' united water 5\-/ez.POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION: T &D Operations Supery!...or REVISION DATE: September 2008 INCUMBENT: John Stone HR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Transmission & Distribution COMPENSATION APPROYAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: Exemnt REPORTS TO: Dennis Fickes SALARY GRADE:16 Summary: Supervises the transmission and distribution system operations, related construction, maintenance work and safety plogram. Dimensions: Subordinates: Direct reports l9 # of customers: 84,000 Budget: $800k Facilities under rcsponsibility: Water distribution system consisting of 1 ,165 miles of main, 84,000 services, 1,500 fire hydrants; 7,000 meters 2-inch and larger; 140 air relief and service line pressure regulating valves. .J du c stio n / E q uiv al ent :. High School degree or equivalentr Minimum of a state Class [V Water Operator Distribution License or the ability to obtain in I year. City of Boise Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control Responsible Person license or the ability to obtain in I year. City of Boise Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Designer license or the ability to obtain in I year Work Exoerience Needed:e 3-5 years experience in waterworks distribution operations, maintenance and construction standards. l-3 years in a lead or supervisory position in a water distribution system environment. Sp e cial Skills/Abilitie s N eeiled:r Valid state driver's licenseo Good communication skills, both oral and writteno Proficiency with MS Office Suite, especially Word and Excel. Strong knowledge of OSHA regulations pertaining to field distribution safetyo Strong understanding ofroad construction plans, including cuts and fills, sewer and storm drain profiles and grades. Strong knowledge of traffic and sediment control plan developmento Good working knowledge of hydraulic principles. Strong expertise with operations, maintenance and optimization of water distribution systems. Ability to respond to emergency situationso Must possess and maintain a valid driver's license. Nature & Scooe-Princioal Areas of Resoonsibilities:o Supervises departmental personnel with regard to: repairing, replacing, and installing main lines, services, fire hydrants, valves, meters and associated appurtenances; raising, lowering or relocating facilities as required. United Water ldaho Case LJW-W-15{1 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 4 of 69 . Ensures compliance with OSIIA and company safety policies, programs, training and maintaining associated recordso hovides oversight to T&D department programs, teaches and trains, schedules and supervises personnel in programs such as: : leak detection, valve exercising, meter replacement, hydrant maintena[ce, large meter testing, air relief valve and flushing . Makei field investigations for county road permits; prepares and submits road cut permits and sedirnent and erosion control plans. Prepares and submits traftic safety plans.r Maintains inventory contrql for T&D department.o Must be available to respond to emergency situationso Acts in the capacity of the department manager as needed. Essential Functions: o Physical: Walking, including uneven ierrain; climbing hills and stair$ moderate Iifting up to 25lbs; sit and stand for extend periods of time viewing computer screens and utilizing keyboard and mouse. o Sensory: Must be able to see clearly, hear waming devices and alarms. Must be able to speak to give direction and converse with others. r Mental: Must be able to read complex reports and operational drawings. Write detailed reports and prepare and deliver prcsentations. Must be able to reason and analyze complex operational challenges and resolve same. Must be able to leam new technological advances in water industry and train personnel This position desodption is intended for tlre purpose of evaluation and salary positioning and is not a contmct setting forth the fulI scope of employmenL Ttre employer retains the right to deviate from the description at is discretion, without notice. Request No. 112 Attachment Page 5 of69 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 H€s6boEtr tr>o?6E3EEkgodEi068ffEEBaEfiqnE.EEh,a6u'5SHhbo.Fcgsf€sE'ta ,;$ f H ?E sE i E Eg E; E F Has eE i € HH6 .9;6 6 s E€o .y.!2 ; E gEE E* E I Tt= 66 "i E BF9 aEf E e €.gE EE[i I, E .9E EgEEfiaIgBi A8;Ea ttuHai'l u$E5BflrE#Egi;- E; EflBi -gEIEE EEI EEEiiigliTiiEii ao oA .E ca)otraotr ko o F.l ALioEoio Fr oo-o EIaD -T F Io c/ n, tro DE t-ld o ts 6t- G sLr55€ ooSN.;3 rlFssds iio C'ooJ koooo,I siiEA S€ISllr.\\a)\).$Nrt \a)hr D Request No, 112 Attachment Page 7 of 69 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 EEtrEOdE3€oOEEEI-oEtrsg9c,ox.:€;i EB€P.EEEEEEi-.nqtt)- tr^bB,B.EETEE€EE3EHEEHEgtsov.oP.E E €E E.-t' d { F"E EH H €g EA E..t H EE E E{ 3"B. E [a g frH EE3 F EE ?^ZE EEX etg EEttf *€€ i€i EEi*a E'E EEr[EEEErEgtE gEE,g SEE€E EE Eu i€:. fgx€g ce$s :*;g E:BEE q{ .9 A q)-oE otr o o Fl o 6ooJ olEI5tEI Ea ooEoEo E. o-o od o u >oo ii F .S ,s L.s{ Sq $.s.B tas.3Irtha3h-n €* S.li s\L\)\r JSh\t\ \a).h) t )\J Request No. 1 12 Attachment Page 9 of 69 United Water ldaho Case U\M-W-l5-01 d€,F€,EEEEEEd.e8dooSEE_+g'E* E$ EEFFAs'EE'eEHHEqEs€EHFtseE:dEP'E'E;58E,iE6ddtrO.9.8tro@'E rH $ E HE E:EBsEgBE E.$EgggEgf EgE{EE;EEEi EI€E HgEsgi E aEEEa €'aE i;f gEIFlggiI$lEgt Ho oAtr tro-lftr oc oEo .1 irio EoEoE co-o'd 6c G'c tso G F {i E tro,E .o tso A€ Ho q.E 4a6LH 6aoAa oIJIIoUgo t)octroUq oo adEt- S sf .x{ Squ ooF .S .E s.3 s^E $s S '{ts\La)L..Bh\r-. \Sq).hr.BE.LD Request No. 1 1 2 Attachment Page 11 of69 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 I t1..1 \l t,;ul .\ oqFo-dI oo P c, €iooPOE,Ca,€tr d odtra)&tr'a o.itcoi,-oE+aooE}o^>o..,E9ol:oo GIOtrmo-tsc,add.d HX 'tdAdG,6-M#.E .Eu6>h0o.=Ge.tr o0OE 5Eo'=8I od EHU:'j .d.H g"x'.: 'dYe '5 .rJ Ii E H EiJrp . ovEdeE ,,E E, #E E€ f,EEH -E E'g F.4 ?EEf.fH: E;:1 .EE EE EEE a*li: Y.e H.E.Etg E aE"E'E =ii 6.g.o.ddE'E ici F>>3S q A.U) CE o c o o Ho oAE tros E otr o o Fl ao'ddooJ I o Etr dItro.a O#trd40.9.e EEf; H.E9 Hb9 E(J.ts 41oE E(rOO'-Ho'Ego IE.E }IOHJ.9T:g E trEE .* E EE g €Eoo E g<.E 9 E B H E aE< P0 'E 3.X "ie g e1 ii .HE,E*EJi -M-o E1 > EE€HEEEdd ii o -rJ 6;EE BEEEg-; E E E.E igg s E E E#zSeEBI#O O 9 ^ ^{:, r.€ at : : g fl "E g Fggi B,#EsE€Ss aaaaaaa **-,, 1d i"oEoEolI. tro-o EI otr ) -) {}d F 5 HI.qB lt-g,l *i EL.o-SB\ gEH ir 5'\felr! oatr o'l EEiE etlf iD w H E,"l EdH, $ E.LE E€IE< A<J 'ro r 9E \ .A:A6g. = ctG Ldi fr C t F F -oE a{co EIc6 ti S s L .E{ Sq ooSs.x.hi ra8.3\TF $sd* o C!6Ioo idI.E t'FrA SaB \r\q)taJlh\lt \q).hr B.L L' Request No. 112 Attachment Page 13 of69 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 t aad82F:tee39rso o90o.aaqo*ooc,;d.9..oaotts.a.Eo6S-0oF.trE =o0=tra'=o.q ON:'F 6EE6E9'Cotl.=E.:oH EE E3.sE{ P; € -EE =E :" E4g-.HEEEE#T ='1 qb;H6E}'T:.EUe?Sg .:9 E f;g EK & E: {b [;iE E so ,-; E E;-6 ,^ .= o N ,6 ! o-h .e'E '6 e, ! EE8- '(! E =' 9 9 t bb;6 E q: E n - a. q.-E :, EeE ; i EEE€ E eEE tr € EE-E E E;€ = ; tg.E' h .- Hq9 E E cItrf; E Ee; .c € iIS*,.E x-*E-- EcE[rEE+ --EEE"g E3€EBEgEE 5+#EE Ee€"aEHE$€ qErgEE E,.:E:E=EE gEPEiE EdE€E;Ei E EgEEE€f, ;rfE;rEE e3s >-'E;l:iT! EE E;i-dt iegraEe* EtEgtgggggeagc;g;gg$6o. ar o RdO li o . . . . . d. o o . o . . . Y tro oo. tr op E o.E O o -] oo EoE tro-o o L(: IE ! o q6 tr F o t)oA ) o F E .s L .E{ DqUssr\i u) a*bo=\-Edi o GooJ o.oo S.SEN\Lq)\) JSh\h\ \q) \) Request No. 112 Attacfiment Page 15 of69 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 tro dE,o E EoId -9!go6 E.EoEBH-oI EIo'a 6oroE ts HA d'dtroa.6A9g EEGl 6Eg€,x e.;$ HEE ETE 5'€E €.8EOE E.E].l EEE '5 Sgs; $i'l.i .E .. 8^ ? E $antT E XEH{i i 8*E E E EEES o Ib^ S E EEI $fgft S 'sis\Ls JSl\E. \sq),.tr.E{sl\) United Water ldaho Case UVVI-W-I5-0'l Request No. 112 Attachment Page 17 of69 , ,t'Unik.d-I[nlE -5\-/ez.POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION: Production Mana REVISION DATE; September 2008 INCUMBENT: Willis (Bill) Carr HR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Production COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: Exempt REPORTS TO: General Manaser SALARY GRADE:l9 Summam: Plans, directs and oversees the overall operations of the production and treatment system, which includes the maintenance of sources of supply, treatment plants and pumping stations, storage tanks, electrical and mechanical equipment and instrumentation to ensure the provision of high-quality water at a reasonable cost. Ensures adequate supply of water to the distribution system. Ensures that Company, governmental, and regulatory requirements and standards are consistently mel Dirl(R#ions: Subordinates: Direct - l0; Indirect - l0 # of customers: 84,000 Budget: Operating budget $2.3M System: Facitities under responsibility: Marden Treatment Plant - 20 MGD; Columbia Treatment Plant - 6MGD; 85 wells; two green sand filtration facilities; one GAC filtration facility; 45 booster stations; 37 storage reservoirs System Production Capacity: I 00MGD . High school diploma or equivalent required. Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Chemistry, Management or Technology, or equivalent is preferred.. Idaho Class 4 Water Treatment Plant Operator's License is necessary and/or ability to acquire within 1 year Work Exoerience N eeded:. 7-10 years experience in a water utility with both well and surface production and treatment facilities, preferably Class 4 level.. Minimum 5 years related experience in a supervisory capacity. Sp e cial Skills/Abilitie s N eeded:. Strong understanding of hydraulic principles. Strong operational knowledge of wells, pumps, motors, and related equipment ' Strong operational knowledge of well and surface water treatment systems and methods. Good understanding of chemistry for sampling and treatment procedures. Good knowledge and understanding of water operations control systems; i.e. SCADA. Strong knowledge of federal and state water quality regulations. Thorough understanding of overall water systems operation. Strong interpersonal skills United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 . Strong communication skills, both written and oral.. Proficient with MS Office Suite, especially Word and Excel. Must possess and maintain a valid driver's license.. Strong knowledge of OSHA and Company safety rules, policies, and procedures. Ability to be available and respond to emergency situations Request No. 112 Attachment Page 18 of69 Nature & Scooe-Prtncioal Areas of Resoonsibilities:. Manages the operations and maintenance, of the well and surface treatment facilities pumping and treatment processes and systems, and the water system booster and water storage facilities.. Manages the operation and maintenance of SCADA and related equipment. Manages the operations to ensure regulatory compliance and customer satisfaction while operating within established budgets.. Establishes departmental operating budget and prepares reforecasts and variance analysis. Ensures resources and/or support services are properly planned for and deployed. Ensnres effective work communication among personnel and departments. Prepares and provides nanagement and compliance analysis and reports as required. Develops and continuously improves Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's). Ensures departmental compliance with OSHA and Company safety rules, policies, and procedures. coordinates with Engineering to ensure proper implementation of capital projects in the department. Managing relationships with outside contractors performing departmental work. Ensules appropriate training and cross-training of assigned departmental personnel: encourages knowledge transfer. Seryes as Company Safety Coordinator; chairs safety committee. Provides guidance to other departments rcgarding safety l.raining. Works with corporate safety employees regarding safety initiatives. Participates in Suez audits.. Complete periodic and arutual performance reviews of direct reports and assist with indirect report reviews.. Coaches and develops staffto achieve full potential Essential Functions:o Physical: Walking, including Llneven terrain; climbing hills and stairs; moderate lifting up to 25lbs; sit and stand for extend periods of time viewing computer screens and utilizing keyboard and mouse.. Sensory: Must be able to see clearly, hear waming devices and alarms. Must be able to speak to give direction and converse with others.o Mental: Must be able to read complex reports and operational drawings. Write detailed reports and prepare and deliver presentations. Must be able to reason and analyze complex operational challenges and resolve same. Must be able to learn new technological advances in water industry and train personnel This position description is intended for the purpose of evaluation and salary positioning and is not a contract setting forth the full scope of employment. The employer retains the right to deviate from the description at its discretion, without notice, United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 19 of69 ,'l'unitgdwotgr -svez.PO.SITISN pESggrPrrON POSITION: ProductionOperationsSupervisor REYISION DATE: Seotember 2008 INCUMBENT: Robert Lawrence IIR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Production COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: Exemot REPORTS TO: ProductionM SALARY GRADE:16 Summam: Supervises groundwater operations, maintenance and construction activities. Assists with operation and maintenance of all treatment facilities, wells, boosters and laboratory facilities. Coordinate operations activities with other departments to ensure well field productivity. Dimensions: Subordinates: 9directreports (l Chief Operator,2 Operator l, and6Operatorpositions) # of customers: 84,000 Operating budget: $870,000 Facilities under responsibility: 85 wells; two green sand filtration facilities; one GAC filtration facility; 45 booster stations; 37 storage reservoirs. E ducatio n /E q uiv ale nt :o Associates Degree in related technical field; or combination of high school diploma and well treatment courses or related technical field preferred. Work Exoerience Needed.:o 5-7 years progressively more responsible experience with groundwater and water system operations/maintenance,o 3-5 years supervisory experience in water system operations or related field So e cial Skill s/Abiliti e s N e eded :o Idaho Water Treatment IV Certification, or ability to obtain within one year.r hoficient computer skills, specifically MS Office Suite, and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition programs.o Good communication skills, both oral and writtenr Good interpersonal and organizational skillso Ability to respond in emergency situations. Strong knowledge of public health and safety regulations, i.e. Safe Drinking Water Act regulationsr Must possess and maintain a valid drivers license, Nature & Scope-Princioal Areas of Resnonsibilities:. Responsible for operation, maintenance, construction, and water quality activities of 70 MGD wellfield and integrated control system in accordance with regulatory requirements and Company policies and procedures.o Prepare and submit Capital Expenditure Authorizations for assigned projects; monitors projects to completion.o Review and approve time cards, overtime reports and emergency callout incidents. Supervises activities of staff and coordinates those activities with other departments, regulators and vendors.o Ensures departmental compliance with OSHA and Company safety rules, policies, procedures and regulations. Develop departmental planVbudgets for areas of responsibility, perform operations within budget, and provides input into budget variance analysis. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I$'01 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 20 of 69 a a Coordinate system operations, maintenarrce, and construction activities between regulators, suppliers, vendors, and employees. Maintain operating records, and prepare and submit operating reports Coordinate operations activities with other departments to ensure well field productivity on booster, reservoir, well and pressure regulating station projects. Water quality sampling and analysis aud maintenance and welt field productivity.o Acts in the capacity of department manager as needed.o Coaches and develops staffto achieve full potential.o Complete periodic and annual performance reviews of direct reports Essential Functions:o Physical: Ability to drive a vehicle, climb stairs and ladders, enter confined spaces and sit for extended periods viewing computer screens and utilizing leyboard and mouse. Ability to lift up to 35 lbs.o Sensory: Ability to see all colors, hear alarms, speak to subordinates and others, Mental: Must be able to perform basic algebraic and geometric equations. Ability to read and understand complex reports and plans, write, analyze, treason and communicate effectively. Ability to leam new technology and train others. Other: Ability to envision and implement complex water system operation"s scenarios This position description is inteided for the purpose ofevaluation and salary positioning and is not a conEact setting forth the firll scope of employment. The employer retains the right to deviate from the dascription at its discretion, without notice. Request No. 1 12 Attachment Page 21 of69 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 bbgE.E€H.EEEEETEEg sE t € Es frH r E ig Ea f;; EE HH € E EE HE I E Ets ,b€ E # eE EoH I E :fiE E 4,8* iEE E E gE €$E r E ti +;E tr ; Eri *;€ E E fr$u Ei; 2 4 E-EB' .Eui 'E = d'{ =eS E€n E E FEqA EgE E E , HEFE f;.EE E E ! fE EEE#I€gBEflE EE HfH € € EE gi HB r€H aE * E E E:E HE H€I, $€,8 EIp gEEe F*i'HE E B E? 5e9E EEEgE I gEE Hd ep -EaE EE E ,$ EI aq€ eE EEEE,EE f gf cE* E$E gg gIqqgFi ci'lE,iFE EiE. o oor dc)-oEto oE T 6:<, (l 6'6 o q o aqoo,l o.o oo o C) H 0!H otr C^o Y il !r dkoo"o 6) U ai t- S g \St 5 bO B Po ItE Ss €\Lq)trsl- \q)\rsb Request No. 1 12 Attachment Page 23 of 69 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 iiEG 5. .=.gsE.q;EI'rEEEge?d9Ss.EPeEUBoe6EEEoo.4E-trooo o0 'Aektrid;l €5.8oO,>'EobE=:Eo.nZ6-A -o00d.tsEotuoEoEO€o.LqJ 6- 6gE , Qi:s'EA - -EEE H EEg d ' b '6H . S 3E*H 6 i,j c,2-o t, o d iitr s h eHEf f" E doEE g q s EF05 - -6 tro f,; x 3 -o3E 8EE' H E S.x-*': . EE.$ E * iEEH E E$E q E H*5'6 E ;r.E 'i n 6.9dq x _:o. d o 9Ed o i.:: ia' p ; {2 tr8E EEES: tdI i:B.E SEEEE 3,*E h:au o.o-Eil E;Ed 5-EIT EE.E$E;; a;BsrE EEg$ {fifE EEHES *EE* g3E* ifBgg E$EE. ffi *E-itlae;eErg aeiHF EEJedts 9iuf;n Eob= Ec, ireB[f, iI eg*c #Eq EE ggE-ggE eg;. T.: E€E iEEIEEiigifiiiiEfI o oo o.o E o ko o J o q,ooJ c( I c oo oEo tJr tro o Eo o- o-otr o qoA o d ogo ii F s () ta\ b bo $o Bs S a\l.q)tr .Bh\r\ \q) e \) Request No. 1 12 Attachment Page 25 of 69 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-0'l : oo .,'EoqgE.-€do.,b'gEIEEE3.EE6ri e3 =ooo.= o ! adEqEArE.c,e€EEEEEI'Ec,o2L()3E3E=trqoP'3EE3fE*t=8.€E :H T BE EE. f; E-oEO.=>,p-t'k-€=gE-3o(shEEESHfo-f,8$trtrxqcE3.g EE.. E EE=hHaEi.{ E E .E E fr-E€ E 5 8 E :EEA E $ E E EEEY E : ; E a.i EF IEE E E *€it : E d : E &.x!E H JCE E E EE€q r EF"t E E E Bp€6 E EE: 6 'E dtr E ii=rE : € F+;t 9HE€HB i f tE.85-' E H'EHEx o r 3E'.;? -8 E'EEsH : ei '*E6s r .,p6iE_ H Sg. E#fi: E :EE:36 E ;f x6tsEE E €EsrB B .EE Ee igegggggtg,gEg$; gggl,galiIgiIliElg o o tr o,.o E,O.E o o .l 'E LC 1:(, € o G,oo,-l ooEoEoh o !ok aq)a troD a o 6oao o F |\) 0o.=F B3losfrt S{s\Lq)Li \S)r\E. \a).hr t D Request No. 1 12 Attachment Page 27 of 69 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 EEHdq< il i g -E.H E '5 eE.Ei s € etscx 9 2 BEEE E H Ea xa ! .E *TI9 8 : EE}E E$ E E. 15 O t .=6Eg Htr E AEfi5 E€ :E EEH}. H: F E:EEE EE .E EEPHE Sv E -1 s;EE 3E E BEE>E 60 E EEgHE fi;' : AEiu5 :E E'= isESE fE i EE !EfsE rB E 3, nEIjEE FA -o oE EE-E3.E ;-' tr iP tEgEE flE H iE *E;tH EF g E a5 :EEg; 'E-1. E o. io E fFEE :A B E E'E g9a'a Eq * U E;; EEZ> E E !E:E ;I ;E S ErE :Eisg gEi+a H#EEliHE TE E; E. EEE ;fgE3 *EEleEt :rEEE +t a*, EilEE iE-E E€: E$ ESE'E ;$ET;EEE ttE;g [ExE'E3$€EiEiE$EEE EEEE :;H*+ tEECe igi5EE iEEE g€*Ei Ef,HEH $EEE}E iEEE IE EEEEFEE gE EFEiII; E & E5 &. . . . . . . . . & r . . . . o A o-o o on J oo oto B. o3 o Lq( B E o o E oi jjpoA dUo-l doa.o ii F cJ SLa. 5 0o B 90 Bq SN \L\).lrr $sIt\E. \) ta }rJ Request No. 1 1 2 Attacfiment Page 29 of69 United Water ldaho CasettM-l/v.lffil tro'a6ttto Eoood tEA6sE .EIOQo'EtEtr_oHH OA3ee.Eho.: o.E€oarHE Eli€ H.ga .E g fl E,lE} id HYoogEE Efr E Er n{ EEE EB EEE EE EE E {E€FE Eg3i I b4 BBfl a$3 E ;8.. 3q E E?$ ;gE $E f,H EEE {sg$ EEtS'EEE .EBi$::: ilE United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1 12 Attachment Page 30 of 69 Request No. '112 Attachment Page 31 of69 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 H $E.+.E€ebH€BHEBfigEH d S eHE T E $EE, H S EEgs E EEEE+€ + sE $Er iE ,t" [;Eg€ag Eg sfcE€E EEEg.rB$EggdgE EE € ;eH,egEEEgiE€ HE aEsrE EEESEE 3 aiEEgEEBiEfgE3 Eg *E?€gi **EtiE E Ef,EE.EEEEEIgSEEE gtaqf,igiESEEBSEAE co.E oA .E doI oH HoEo .l ooEoEot\ do.otr on c5G'( FG e tr c Eo EEoot<a Eo a otHoo ii F S u \iSL.q l\) bo s Fo B Fa Ho dos H o EH ijo.oo S*iHN\Lq).hr Hrtha. \q).hr e.L L) Request No. 112 Attadrment Page 33 of 69 United Water ldaho Case l,rw-\|Glm1 r8N;oN od co.EdE'o6 Hooo(to l)'6tro6clg o E h.o 6oE6 &o€!+io 6A d'dHoo-od 8EEEq,o in ?!, €!!s;3E BBETb'E Ocl<.4tto E'd5igE ong.E tt F3..o^<a s-s l{rts gs{aiSari; E'll Ja itEg * ges Et rt 6..:: a-9B >E9HH H e-B E8 E T$ E Uniled Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1 12 Aftachment Page 35 of 69 POSITION: Manager of Finance INCUMEENT: NCW POSItidri DEPARTMENT: FINANCC LOCATION: Boise, fdaho REPORTS DIRECTLY TO: Manager - Financial Plannlng, Reporting and Analysis- Idaho Division DATE: March Lr 2OL3 ANALYST3 APPROVAL: Manaoer Aooroval: Summary: This positlon leads and manages the financial responsibilities for the Divislon by directing the preparation, consolidatlon and presentation of flnanclal plannlng processes (Budget, reforecasts, medium term plan, monthly variance analysis) at the Division level. This position reports to and supports the Manager - Flnancial Planning, Reportlng and Analysis-Idaho Division in strategic decision making through the monitoring of business financial performance lndicators, risks & opportunities as well as through participation in rate filings and CAPEX allocations. This position is a key contributor to deflnlng and implementing change management initiatives. E d ucatio n / Eo u iva le nt t Bachelor degree in accountlng or flnance required MBA preferred Work Exoerience Needed: 8 years of progresslve experience in Flnance/Accounting Prior utility industry experience desired Signlflcant achlevements in analyzing complex financial issues Strong experience of working in process oriented functions Dimen€lons: Financial Statements for a division with Revenues < $100 million Human Resources www.unitedwater.com c0100 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 d;t^;\- Request No. 112 Attachment Page 36 of69 S pecia I Ski I ls / A b i I ities N eed ed : . Strong analytical and problem-solving skills that translates to operatlonal effectivenessr Strong interpersonal skills with ability to interact with all level of management. Exceptional leadership abilities, including the ability to influence actions in other departments. High sense of urgency and ability to work under strict deadline pressures. Ability to identify creative solutions to time sensitive problems by balancing achievement of objectives with practical considerations. Profici€nt With Microsoft Offlce Suite. Peoplesoft knowledge highly desirable.. Integriw, reliability and autonomy Nature & Scope-Principal Areas of Resoonslbillties: . Lead Financial planning processes (Budget, reforecasts, medium term plan)o Prepare and organize each process with the different BUs and departments involvedo Discuss and challenge operational and financial assumptions in liaison with the Manager - Financial Planning, Reporting and Analysis-Idaho Divisiono Consolidate information and ensure timely upload and sharing with the segment o Support the Manager - Financial Planning, Reporting and Analysis-Idaho Division ansd General Manager in presenting results to the Segment President and Segment CFO . Analyze and synthetize monthly variance analysis of financial and operational oerformancet+o monitor operational obJectives and metrlcs that drive the financial performance of the divisiono communicate financial results, goals and objectives within their division . Support the Manager - Financial Planning, Reporting and Analysis-Idaho Division and General Manager in the decision making process o by providing ad-hoc analysis, studles and by anticipatlng possible development of rlsks and opPortunitieso by providing long term strategic thinking, including rate filing options and IAPEX programs o by analyzing new business proJects, determlning whether there is a growth opportunity or a major capital expenditure and whether or not the spend is viable and cost efficient Act as a leader withln the Divisiono by ensuring that the information generated by other departments in the division is accurate, including but not limited to Revenue and.Accgunts Receivab (Customer Service), Operational KPI's (Operation), CAPEX (Engineering), Headcount (HR), etc.o by being the gatekeeper to_mpke,sule that-company policies are enforced and controlJare in place coprs / o&3r"' ? o by being a change agent in making policy recommendations and by rolling out new business practices, organization and tools deployed by the companyo by coordinating the preparation of the reporting to the regulatory commission Human Resources www.u nit€dwater.com c0100 United Water ldaho Cese Uwl-\Mlm'l Request No. 1 12 Attachment Page 37 of69 Act as prime liaison between the Division and the Segment as well as Corporate with -regard to providing to or controlllng lnformatlon from the following departments:, o Rates Department, especlally when there ls a rate fillngo Accounting, Tax, Treasury, with regard to the productlon of flnancial statementso ProcurementrIo Internal Audlt and External Audit Human Resources www.unltedwater.com c0100 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 Request No. 1 1 2 Attachment Page 38 of69 , ,'r{' united water -s\-432.POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION: Senior Proiect En REYISION DATES: September 2008 INCLJMBENT: Daniel Brown HR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Engineering COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: Exemnt REPORTS T0: Director of Ensineerine SALARY GRADE:l9 Summam: Assists the Director of Engineering in plans, designs, research, budgeting and supervision of large water system additions and modifications. Manages complex projects, writes proposals and identifies needed resources. Key technical advisor on matters such as new research, novel approaches, system capability, compliance and other operating concems, Dimensjgps: Budget Capex$9M No direct reports. E du c ati o n / E q uiv al e nt :o Bachelor's degree in Civil or Environmental Engineeringr Advanced degree prefened o Professional Engineer's License required 'Work Sxneris!&e N eeded:o Ten or more years ofexperience related to water/wastewater design, construction and operationr 3-5 years knowledge of hydraulic modeling, treatment processes and related regulation So e e ial Skill s /Abilitie s N e e ded :. Strong leadership, communication, negotiation, and analytical skills. Design of water/waste water projects and related treatment methods/techniques/codes. Strong MS Office and hydraulic modeling computer skillso Proven understanding of state and federal regulations goveming public water supplyr Good comrnunication skills, both oral and written. Must possess and maintain a valid driver's license Nature & Scope-Princioal Areas of Responsibilities:r Conducting analyses and leads efforts on projection studies to assure capacity for adequate service.o Prepares and monitors Capital Expenditure Authorizations for medium and large complex projects. Serves as Project Manager to prepare plans, specifications, cost estimates and oversee construction for Company projects.o Serves as Technical Advisor to operating personnel conceming matters operations, regulations, capacity, and compliance.o Manages relationships with key internal and external customers, negotiates deliverables and meets expectations.o Serve as a Technical Advisor to customers explaining technical information, project progress, and new initiatives.. Prepare and deliver testimony betbre regulators and represent the Company on regulatory matters.. Manages IIWID capex plan; prepares, monitors, and reforecasts short and long term capital plans. United Water ldaho Case [JW-W-15-01 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 39 of69 Essential Functions: o Physical: Ability to sit for extended periods viewing computer scrcens and utilizing keyboard and mouse. Ability to walk on uneven terrain and navigare construction jobsites for purposes of photos, measurements etc. Must be able to climb, bend stoop and stand for extended periods of time.Ir Mental Ability to read, write, analyze, reason. Ability !o read and understand complex maps and Engineering drawings. Must be able o learn and understand new technology as pertains to the water industry. Ability to train and Eansfer knowledge to peers. o Sensory: Ability !o see, hear and speak Ability to deliver prresentations to intemal and extemal customers. This position description is inteded for tlre purpose of evaluation and salary positioning aod is not a conhact setting forth the full scope of employmenl The errployer retains the right to deviate from tlre description at its discretion, without noticc. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 40 of 69 RosJrroN DESCRIP,IToJ REViSioN"^ POSITION: Pro DATE: November,2010 INCUMBENT; Jonathan Reichard HR APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho REPORT.Q TO: Director ol.fngin$::!gg- _ Summary: Assists the Director of Engineering in plans, designs, hydraulic modeling, budgeting and supervision of water system additions and modifications. Coordinates engineering technical persorurel on matters such as GIS functions, test results, system capability, compliance and other operating concerns. Qir+gn;.iqns:r Direct Reports - GIS Supewisor E d ucatio n/E q uiv a le nt :r Bachelor's degree in Civil or Environmental Engineeringo Advanced degree preferredo Professional Engineer's License required Work Exnerience Needed:r Five or more years of experience related to water/wastewater design, construction and operationo Proven knowledge of hydraulic modeling, treatment processes and related regulationr Understanding of utiliry economics preferred S p e c ia I S kills/A b ilit ies Ne eded :. Strong leadership, communication, negotiation, and analytical skillsr Design of water/waste water projects and related treatment methods/techniqueVcodes. Strong, MS Office and hydraulic modeling computer skillso Proven understanding of the Safe Drinking Water Act provisions Nat ur e & S c ctfi e^l'ti t! gip a I Arc as gf Re $,1, p !$ i h i I iti e s :r Conducting analyses and assisting with projection studies to assure capacity for adequate service. ' Monitor/prepare Capital Expenditure Authorizations for moderate size projects (< $200k). Prepare plans, specifications, cost estimates and oversee oonstruction for Company modetate size projects. r Provide counsel to operating personnel conceming matters of DEQ regulation, capacity, and compliance.r Responsible for the system hydraulic model including calibration, GIS updates, and system enhancements.. Serve as a corltact for customers explaining technical infonnation, project progress, and new irritiatives. Essentiul Funclions: . Ability to sit for extended periods viewing computer screens and utilizing keyboard and mouse.. Ability to walk and navigate construction jobsites for purposes of photos, measuren'lents etc.. Ability to read, write, analyze, reason and communicate. This position description is intended for the purpose ofevaluation and salary positioning and is not a contract setting forth the full scope of employment The employer retains the right to deviate from the description at its discretion, without notice. DEPARTMENT: Engineering COMPENSATION APPROVAL: SALARY GRADE: United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1 12 Attachment Page 41 of69 ,t {' UnitedJUatef5\/ez,POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION: Hvdro-geologist REVISION DATE: Seotember 2008 INCUMBENT: RogerDittus IIR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Engineering COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: Exempt REPORTS TO: Director of Ensineerins SALARY GRADE:17 Summarv: Provides oversight of groundwater activities including drilling, construction of new and abandonment of old wells. Conducts the hydraulic testing and maintenance recommendations for Company wells and aquifers to determine/maximize sustainable yield. Dimensions: No direct reports. System consists of 85 groundwater wells. E du catio n / E o uiv alent : r Bachelor's degree in Hydrogeology, Geology, or Geophysicsr Registration as a Profes.sional Geologist prefened Work Experience Needed:o 2-3 years designing and supervising new well construction. 2-3 years conducting hydraulic testing, data interpretation, and hydrogeologic characterization S p e cial Skill slAbiliti e s N e e ded :. Strong understanding of down-hole camera and geophysical logger operationr Proficiency with MS Office Suite, especially Excel and Word r Good organization skills. Must possess and maintain a valid driver's license Nature & Scope-Princioal Areas of Resoonsibilities:r Conducts hydro geological, geophysical, and hydraulic investigations of aquifer system and sustainable yield. Analyses data and provides input as to viability of well for new production.o Provides technical specifications for, as well as makes recommendations to, and inspects construction and abandonment of test and supply wells.o Prepares design documents for supply well locations where Aquifer Storage and Recovery is successful. Work with geochemists to determine optimal chemical strategies for well maintenance.o Organize, develop and document new and existing water rights including all permit processes required by IDWR and perfects water rights in accordance with state regulations.. o Monitors production capacity on all wells and determines health of wells. Makes recommendations on well maintenance and cleaning. Ess,qntial Functions: r Physical.' Ability to sit for extended periods viewing computer screens and utilizing keyboard and mouse. Ability to walk and navigate construction jobsites for purposes of contractor clarification, measuremenls etc.r Mental: Ability to read, write, analyze, reason and communicate. Ability to learn and teach new technology.r Sensory: Ability to see, speak clearly, hear and smell. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1 12 Altacfiment Page 42 of69 This position description is intended for the purpose of evaluatiou and salary positioning and is not a contract seuing forth tre firll scope of anployrnent. The employer retains the right to deviate from tre desoiption at its disctetion, without notice. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1't 2 Attachment Page 43 of 69 , ){' llnited Walgt -S\-//ee,PosrrroN DE$"gRIPJION POSITION: Construction Coordinator REVISION DATE: September 2008 INCUMBENT: John Lee HR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Engineering COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: Exemot REPORTS TO: Director of Ensineerine SALARY GRADE:16 . Sammam;. Coordinate new business activities with Engineering, Accounting and T&D departments, and outside developers. Performs other activities related to system growth. Administers service availability policy in accordance with IPUC rules and regulations. Dimensions: No Direct Reports E du c ati o n / E o uiv al e nt :. Associates degree in Business, or a related technical area.. Project managementcourses a plus. Work Exoerience Needed:c 5-7 years experience in water utility distribution system operations.o l-3 years experience interacting with the public, preferably with developers, contractors, and/or public agencies. S o e cial Skill s lAbilitie s N e ed ed :r Proficient with MS Office Suite, especially Excel and Wordr Good organization skills.o Knowledge of public water utility regulations.o Good interpersonal and communication (written and oral) skills.o Must possess and maintain a valid driver's license Nature & Scone-Prineioal Areas of Responsibilities:o Coordinates new business activities between all departments, as well as outside contractors and developers.. Receives and processes individual and developer requests for additional connections to the water system. Determines service availability in accordance with IPUC rules and regulations.r Determine offsite/onsite main layout and calculations for developer projects.o Determine when main extension and/or service area expansion is required to serve new development.o Make recommendations relating to main oversizings.o Prepare developer agreements, service agreements, and other necessary documents for developers and others extending or connecting to water system.o Prepare work orders for service extensions or connections.r Develop statistical information for developer-funded construction projects.e Make recommendations to Approved Contractor list and perform annual review of existing Approved Contractors.o Redline water plans submitted by various agencies to meet Company requirements.. Coordinates activities of the Engineering Design Technician. Make recommendations regarding Approved Contractor list and perform their annual reviews. Unfted Water ldaho Case LJW-W-1541 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 44 of 69 Essentia4 (u,nfiiofse . Physicat Ability to sit for extended perids viewing computer scrcerur and utilizing keyboard and mouse Ability !o walk on uneven tenain and navigate oonstruction jobsites for purposes of inspections, photos, rneasurements. etc. Ability to climb, ben4 stoop and stand for extended periods of time.r lvlental: Ability to read, write. analyze, Ieason and communisate Ability to read and understand complex Engineering drawings and maps. Ability to learn, understand and teach new technology as it pertains to the water industry.o Sensory: Ability to speak effectively with customers, public agencies, and employees of the Company. This position description is intended for the purpose ofevaluation arrl salary positioning and is nota contract s*ting forth tbe full scope of e.ruployment The ernployer retains the right to deviate ftom tlrc description at its discretion, without notice. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 112 Attachmenl Page 45 of 69 , ir'United Water 5\-/ez,POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION: Senior Engineering Design Technician REVISION DATE: September 200E INCUMBENT: Doug Schaefer HR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Engineering COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho F'LSA: Exemot REPORTS TO: Director of Ensineerins SALARY GRADE:IS Summam! Assist engineering in the design, configuration and construction of complex Company facilities and developer projects. Coordinate acquisition of easements, permits, and construction record drawings. Provide fire flow information to various agencies and businesses as requested. Dimensions: No Direct Reports E d ucatio n / E q uiv al e nt :o High school diploma or general education degree (GED) plus technical training/degree in computer aided design - drafting and related business software.. Associates degree in related field prefened. Work Exo erience N eeded:o 5-7 years experience in project design, estimation, construction coordination and inspection.. 5-'7 years experience in layout using conventional and computer aided drafting techniques S p e cial Skill s/Abiliti e s N e ed ed :o Intermediate understanding of MS Office Suite, especially Excel and Wordo Excellent organization skillsr Must possess and maintain a valid driver's licenser Good communications skills, both oral and written. Nature & Scooe-Princioal Areas of Resoonsibilities:. Serves as Project Manager and nteets with architects, engineers, and government officials and makes recommendations on project plans.. Design facilities and site layouts using conventional and computer aided drafting techniques.r Visit construction sites and inspect work to ensure construction is following specifications of plan design.o Represents UWID and presenls project plans at homeowners and neighborhood associations meetings to assure community input into the project approval process.o Determine and recommend main sizing required on company projectsr Review Public Works and Highway District projects; reviews and makes determinations as to whether or not projects require United Water facility upgrade, relocation or replacement.e Creates capital expendittrre authorizations, budget estimates, cost forecasts, contract documents and line adjustments.. Coordinate acquisition of easements and agency permits. . Analyses and coordinate data on fire hydrant t'low measurements and administer records including filing, tracking, reporting etc.. Responds to telephone and/or walk-in customers requests for explanation of water line locations and requests for new service. United Water ldaho Case [JW-W1$01 Request No. '112 Attachment Page 46 of 69 Essential Functions: Physicak Ability to sit for extended periods viewing computer scrcens and utilizing keyboard and mouse Ability to walk on uneven tenain and navigate construction jobsites for purposes of photos, measurements etc. Ability to climb,( bend, stoop and stand for extended periods of time. Mental: Ability to rea4 write, analyze, reiason and communicate Ability to read and undersand complex Engineering drawings and maps. Ability to learn, understand and teach new technology as it pertains to the water industry. Sensory: Ability to speak effectively with customers, public agencies, and employees of the Company This position description is inrcnded for ttte purpose of evaluation and salary positioning and is not a contract setting forth the full scope of employrnent The employer retains ttrc right to deviate from the description at its discaetiorL without notice. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 47 of 69 ,k'UnltedWatgl 5\-/ez.POSITION DESCRIPIION POSITION: Eneineerins Desiex Technician REVISION DATE: September 2008 INCIIMBENT: Robert Jensen IIR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Engineering COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water ldaho FLSA: Non Exemot REPORTS TO: Director of Ensineerins SALARY GRADE: 14 Summam: Assist engineering in the design and configuation of Company facilities and developer projects. Coordinate acquisition of easements, permits, and construction record drawings. Dimensions: No Direct Reports E du cation lE o uivale nt :r High school diploma or general education degree (GED)o Technical training/degree in computer aided design - drafting and related business software.. Work Expeience Needed:r 1-3 years experience in project design, estimation, construction coordiuation and inspection.. 1-3 years experience in layout using conventional and computer aided drafting techniques. Sp e cial Skills/Abilitie s N e edeil:r Proficient knowledge of Microsoft Office, especially Excel and MS Wordo Excellent organization skillso Must possess and maintain a valid driver's Iicenser Good communications skills, both oral and written. Nature & Scooe-Princioal Areas of Resoonsibilities:r Liaison with architects, engineers, and govemment officials: reviews and makes recommendations on project plans.. Designs moderate size facilities and site layouts using conventional and computer aided drafting techniques.r Visit construction sites and inspect work to ensure construction is tbllowing specifications of plan design and company requirements.r Create capital expenditure authorizations, budget estimates, cost forecasts, and line adjustments.r Creates developer contract documents ensuring compliance with company policies and state regulations.r Coordinate acquisition of easements and agency permits,o Coordinate analysis and data on fire hydrant flow measurements and administer records including filing, tracking, reporting etc.. Responds to telephone and walk-in customer requests for explanation of water line locations and requests for new service.. Create capital expenditure authorizations, project budgets and contract documents, E s s e nti a! F qn c:, rt,R n q :, o Physical: Ability to sit for extended period.s viewing computer screens and utilizing keyboard and mouse Ability to walk on uneven tenain ard navigate construction jobsites for purposes of photos, measurements etc. Ability to climb, bend, stoop and stand for extended periods of time. United Water ldaho Case uVVl-W-1il)1 Request No. 112 Attacfiment' Page,lS of 69 o Mental: Ability !o read, write, analyze, re,ason and communicate Ability to read and undersand complex Engineering drawings and map,s. Ability to learn, understand and teach new technology as it pertains to the water industry. o Sensory: Abilrty to speakeffectively withcustomert, public agencies, andemployees of the Company This poeition descriptiou is itrtsoabd for tb purpose of evaluatiol and salary positioning and ie not a ooffact s€fiing fofih tbc ful scope of eryloymenl, fb cuploycr retains the dgbt b devhE tom the &scriptfoin at is discrction, wifuitr notice. United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 49 of 69 POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION:Automated REVISION * DAI-E ; l{gys*!Er,2qlo- HR APPROVAL: INCUMBENT: Robert Barrett DEPARTMENT: Engineering COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: Exem REPORTS TO: Director of SALARY GRADE: Summarv: Supervises the planning, budgeting, installation, and maintenance of automated and computerized infonnation processing, LANIWAN, telephone PBX, SCADA, security/fire, and GIS systems. Dimensions: Direct subordinates: Automated Systems Analyst lndirect subordinatesl Four Control Systems Technicians in Production Department. E d uc at io rdE q uiv a le n t : o Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer lnformation Systems, or Electrical Engineering Ll/ork Exp e r ie nc e Ne eded :r Seven years experience SCADA, telephony, electronics, computer applications, LAN/WAN, Visual Basic programming, S n e cial S k il ls/A b ilities N e g dpd : r Proficient in MS Office application, Visual Basic and C programming languagesr Relational database knowledge and certificationr Conhol and instruments knowledge and ceftificationr Financial and managerial accounting experienceo A logical approach to problem solvingr Excellent planning, negotiating, interpersonal and supelisory skills and ability to contribute to a team ef'fort r Excellent presentatiott, oral and written communication skills. Nature & Scope-Princinal Areas of Responsibilitiesl. Preparing implementation, budget, and labor requirements forSCADA, telephony, security, relational databases and LAN/WAN systerns.. Providing systems analysis, applications programming,development, and debugging of databases.. Providing and justifoing capital and operating budget information for inclusion in budgeting activities.. Preparing contract documents and supervising outside contractors for SCADA, telephony, security and portions of capital projects involving interaction with existing systems,. Overseeing of installation and maintenance of SCADA, telephony, electronics, computer applications, LAN/WAN projects.r Reviewing capital construction projects to ensure compatibility with existing automated systems. Essential Functions:r Physicall Must be able to lift fifty pounds. . Ability to sit for long periods of time viewing computer screens and utilizing a keyboard and mouse.o Mental: Must be able to analyze cornplex problems. This position description is intended for the purpose ofevaluation and salary positioning and is not a contract setting forth the full scope of employment. The employer retains the right to deviate ftom ttre description at its discretion, without notice. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'|5-01 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 50 of69 ,"t unitsdt|Ialer-s\-/ez POSITIONDESCRIPTION POSITION: AutomatedTechnologySystems REVISION DATE: September 2008 INCIJMBENT: Kelly Garden HR APPROVAL: .I. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Engineering COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: Exempt REPORTS TO: Automated Systems Specialist SALARY GRADE:16 Summary: Supports the planning, installation, operation, and maintenance of computers and peripherals, LAN/WAN equipment, automated and computerized information processing, management and control systems. DilnenptW.p,i No direct reports. Supports a computer network of - 55 PC's and related peripherals. E d.u c ati o n / E o uiv al e nt :. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, or equivalent and Work Exoerience Needed:o One to three years experience with computer applications, LAN VAN, Visual Basic programming.. Experience in SCADA, GIS, relational DBMS, and various platforms/programming languages and techniques is desirable. Sp e cial Skill slAbilitie s N e e ded :r Proficiency with MS Office suite and Visual Basic programming languageo Relational database knowledgeo Good oral, written communication and presentation skillso Planning and negotiating skills Nature & Scope-Pincioal Areas of Resoonsibilities:. Maintains PCiSCADA/GIS system computers and LANAilAN operation and maintenanceo Develops user applications to support operation needs utilizing Visual Basic, relational databases and MS Office applications. Extrapolates and provides data information in appropriate formats for stakeholder use. Liaising extensively with external or internal clients and provides information and guidance on systems use. Analyzing clients'existing systems and requirements, and identifying options for potential solutions and assessing them for both technical and business suitabilityo Creates logical and innovative solutions to complex problems. Working closely with stakeholders and a variety of end users to ensure technical compatibility and satisfactiono Planning and working flexibly to a deadlineo Creates and revises user manuals, and SOPs, provides training on applications and hardware for users EssenfulFunctions: Physical: Must be able to lift 25lbs. Ability to sit for long periods of time viewing computer screens and utilizing a keyboard and mouse. Ability to bend, kneel and stoop for extended periods of time. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1 12 Attachment Page 51 of69 Mental: Mugt be able to analyze complex problems and develop solutions . Ability to r€a( wdte, anolyze, and rcason. Ability o learn quickly and contribute to a team effort. Ability to work independently. Sensory: Ability !o see, speak, hear and communicate. this position description is intendd for the purpose of evaluation and salary positioning and iE not I contract aening fortr the fult scope of cryloyrnerrr The erryloyer reuiDs the dght to deviare from the description at its discrction, wittrout noticc. United Water ldaho Case UVVI-W-15-01 Request No. 1 1 2 Attachment Page 52 of69 POSITION DESCRIPTION ic Information :ms S INCUMBENT: Shane Lim DEPARTMENT: Ensineeri LOCATION: United Water ldaho REPORTS TO: Proiect Ensineer SALARY GRADE: Summarv: GIS Supervisor is responsible for the daily supervision, work direction and leadership of all GIS activities. This includes maintaining personnel technical expertise required for GIS applications, assets and data--including water distribution modeling and management. Dime"nsions:. One direct report - GIS Specialistr GIS covers - 160 square mile area including 85 water wells, two surface watel'treatment plants,35 booster stations, 36 water storage reservoirs, 84,000 service connections, 1,235 miles ofpipe, 6,000 fire hydrants, 20,000 system valves, and more than 100 PRV sites.r Responsible for approximately $120,000 ofannual operations budget (includes payroll). E d uc at io n/E q uiv a le n t :o Bachelor's degree in GIS, Computer Information Systems, or GIS related field and/or equivalent experience.r Certified GIS Professional (GISP), as established by GIS Certification Institute, preferred, ll/o r k Exo e rie nc e N e ede d :o 5 to 7 years experience in ESRI AToGIS with 5 or more years in geodatabase models (utitity experience preferred). Experience in project management, geometric networks and WaterGEMS preferredo l-3 years supervisory experience prefered. G IS Special S kills/Abilities Needed:r Advanced user of Microsoft Office and AToGIS suite--including AToSDE & ModelBuilder--and geodatabasesc Advanced knowledge of geo-processing, including ATcGIS software extensions and links to SCADA, CIS, etc,o Strong working knowledge of principles of hydraulic analysis and modeling (WaterGEMS prefened)e Intennediate knowledge of application development and Visual Basic, Python and ArcObjects programminge Perfonnance management and business process analysis, including translating user requirenrents into solutionsr Strong written & oral communication, organizational, interpersonal, analytical and problem solving skillso Effective teaching and training skills GIS Nqture & Scopc-Priudnol Areas of llesnonslhililies:r Devulop/rnnintrin Unitsd Water ldaho CilS. $s{nblislr antl irnplement GIS standard operating procedures.. Supervise, manage and evaluate all direct report GIS personnel.. Responsible for overseeing ATcSDE and geodatabase installation and management, including data model design.r Review and approve all GIS related invoices for management and consultant services. ' Provide daily oversight ofall GIS activities related to facility updates, as-builts, and database quality control,. Responsible for technical leadership, assistance, training, and support--including local/oorporate groups.r Coordinate GIS activities to communicate, plan and deliver service to multiple departments and outside agenciesr Develop input andjustifications for operating and capital budgets.r Manage projects and adhere to budgets as well as set daily priorities and work schedules.. Lead and provide direction for all continuous improvement and efficiency efforts as related to GIS. Essential Functions:. Physical: Abiliry to sit for extended periods viewing computer screens and utilizing keyboard and mouse. Must be ablo to distinguish all colors.o Sensory: Ability to walk and navigate facilities in the field for purposes of photos, measurements etc,r Mental: Ability to read complex reports and engineering drawings, write, communicate verbally, analyze and reason. REVISION DATE: November. 2010 HR APPROVAL: COMPENSATION APPROVAL: United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 53 of 69 P*Q $_rIl[ g f p ri s qurPJI qN .'ffi,r"ffiq"t'tEH$3s' POSITION: GIS Spccirlisl INCUMBENT: Kevin Smith REVISION "P_AIEi Nsye- U"_Ltgl _0 HR APPROVAL: DEPARTMENT: Engineering COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: REPORTS TO: GIS Supe1y1s,o,1 SALARY GRADE: Summarv: GIS Specialist is responsible for the collection, storage, analysis, manipulation and presentation of complex geographical information utilizing ArcGIS, ArcVierv, and other ERSI GIS applications Dimensions: No direct reports E d uc atio n /E q u iv a I e n t :r Associate's degree in GIS or related field or equivalent experience ll/ork Experience Needed:r Three to five years experience with GISr Three to five years water utility nrapping S-peciql # k i I ls/A bilities Nee ded :c Intermediate knowledge of ESRI applications and Visual Basic programming languager Relation database knowledgeo Computing (networked systems) knowledgeo MS Office applicationo Working knowledge of hydraulic modeling. Strong written and oral communication skillso Self-rnotivation and pro-active attitude. Ability to translate requirements into working solutions. Ability to work well under pressure. Nr!.t! re,*r$t'otts-l'riil cipa I A rias of Rtspottsihil ities :r [.)cvr.rlrrpirrg alplicotir.rns to presenl CIS clata ancl toolso Providing infornration in appropriate formats for stakeholder use ' Using tools to join together different GIS datasets and create new information or investigate patterns o Desk-based data capture (digitizing) to conveft paper maps to GIS datasetsr Creating and maintaining the structures necessary for GIS data storage;. Developing the tools for loading/hansferring GIS data between different systemsr Creating programs to conveft GIS information from one format to another (maps, exhibits, spreadsheets, etc.) Essential Functions:o Physical: Ability to sit for long periods of time viewing computer screens and utilizing a keyboard and mouse. r Sensory: Abilify to distinguish differcnt colors and translate paper maps into electronic formato Mental: Ability to analyze complex problems This position description is intended for the purpose ofevaluatiotl and salary positioning and is not a conhact setting forth the full scope of employment. The employer retains the right to deviate from the description at its discretion, without notice, United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 54 of69 . ',{' united water POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION: Water Quality Specialist REVISION DATE: September 2008 INCUMBENT: Camille Cegnar HR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Engineering COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: Exemot REPORTS TO: Director of Enqineerinq SALARY GRADE:16 Summary: Perform all groundwater quality monitoring, record results, prepare repofts and submissions. Ensures samples are collected, appropriate analyses conducted, and information recorded in compliance with local, state and federal regulations. Receive, investigate and respond to all water quality complaints. Dimensions: No Direct Reports. # of customers = 84,000 Facilities: 2 surface water plants, 85 groundwater wells E du c atio nl E o uiv alent :r Bachelor degree or equivalent in Engineering, Chemistry, or Biology. Work Expeience Needed:o 3-5 years working knowledge of water and/or wastewater treatment methods, chemistry and quantitative analysis. So e cial Skill slAbifirte s N e e d e d :o Proficient in MS Office Suite, especially Excel and Word. Good organization skills.. Ability to speak effectively with customers, public agencies, and employees of the Company.. Strong knowledge ofstate and federal water quality regulations and associated policies. o Must possess and maintain a valid driver's license Nature & Scope-Principal Areas of Resoonsibilities:. Assist in the development and monitoring of the annual operating budget for analytical and treatment needs of the sources of supply.o Develop and participate in studies and projects to improve treatment methods and product quality, both at the sources of supply and within the distribution system, o Collecting or assuring collection of appropriate samples as required by state and federal rcgulatory requirements. Ensures results are maintain in databaseo Monitor water treatment procedures at wells to ensure use of proper methods.r Ensure all bacteriological and chemical analysis is performed as required by regulatory standards, and prepare and maintain all required records, repofts and submissions. Accomplish and verify all test data reported to regulatory agencies. Ensure water quality compliance in accordance with EPA Safe Drinking Water Act regulations, as well as local, state and federal health departments. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-1$'01 Request No: 112 Attacfiment Page 55 of 69 o Receive, investigate and respond to customer complaints suggestitrg adverse water qualily. Make recommendations as to coff€ctive actions.o Maintain testing chemical inventory equipment and purchase necessary supplies. Preparc compliance data and explanation for CCR. Esseafral Fundions: o Physical: Ability to sit for extended periods viewing computer screens and utilizing keyboard and mouse.o Ability to walk on uneven tenain, climb, bend, stoop and kneel and navigate construction jobsites for purposes of sampling, measurements etc.o Mental: Ability to read, write, analyze, rs&son and communicate. Ability to learn and understand new rules and regulations regarding water compliance, as well as leach others the rules.r Sensory: Ability to hear, see, speak and smell. This position description is intended for the purpose of evaluation and sulary positioning and is not a contract seniug fonh the firll scope of employrnent. The employer retains the right to deviate from the des$iption at its discretion, without trotice. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Requ6st No. 112 Attachment Page 56 of 69 , k pnite_dWater -5\-/e.2,POSITTON D,ESCRIPTION POSITION: Engineering Assistant REVISION DATE: September 2008 INCUMBENT: Nancy Orcutt HR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Engineering COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: Non-exempt REPORTS TO: Director of Engineerins SALARY GRADE:l2 Summam: Provides administrative assistance and support to Engineering, Production and T&D departments. Dimensions: No Direct Reports E du c at i o n/ E o uiv al e nt :. High school degree or equivalente Business school prefened Work Expeience Needed:. 3-5 years experience in an administrative support role in an office environmentr Knowledge of utility operations prefened. Special Skill s/Ab ilitie s N e e ded: r Proficiency with of MS Office Suite, especially Word and Excel. Proficiency with lypical office machines and eqr.ripment. Strong organization skills,o Good communication skills, both oral and written. Narure & Scope-Principal Areas of Responsibilities:. Provide administrative, record keeping and filing functions to Engineering, Production and T&D departments, including answering multi-line phone system.o Prepare various Engineering and Production weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly reports to internal and external entities.o Open and distribute mail to all departmentsr Order and maintain supplies monthly for Engineering, Production and T&D departments.. UFdate and maintain weekly Action Logs for Engineering and Production.o Make travel arrangements, coordinate meetings and provide refreshments/lunches as requested When providing administrative support to Engineering, the following tasks are performed:r Maintain capital and operating budget databasese Coordinate Capital Expenditure Authorization submissions, logging, filing, etc. Track status of process to ensure necessary approvals are met., Prepare developer agreements, service agreements, and other necessary documents for developers.. Prepare work orders for service extensions or connections.. Submit and track new stamped water plans for approval to various agencies for all new developer and company projects United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'|5-01 Request No. 112 Attachment Page 57 of69 e hovide account coding to invoices and cash receipts for processing.. Pnepare daily firc flow requests and serviceability letters to various agencies,. Cr€ate and maintain CEA files and monitor insurance requirements for all Approved Contractors. When providing administrative support !o Production, the following tasks are performed: r Order chemicals and maintain chemical inventory. hepare monthly and year to date usage and cost rcports. Eq s efitii p!-Et#mti%s ;. . Physical: Ability to sit for extended periods viewing computer scrcens and utilizing keyboard and mouse.. Mental Ability to read, write, analyze, and rcason. Ability to speak effectively with cr$tomerc, public agencies, and employees of the Company.. Sensory: Ability to see, speak and hear This positiou description is int€oded for the ptrpose of evaluation ad salary positioning and is not a contract s*ting forth ttre full scope of employment. The employerretains the right to deviate from the description at its discretioq without notice. , ',t'Unitgd Watgr -s\./ez.POSrrroN pp$_qNETrqN POSITION: CustomerServiceRepreseutative REVISION DATE: September 2008 INCUMBENT: Various (13)HR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Commercial COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: Non-Exempt REPORTS TO: Customer Seruice Supervisor or Commercial Manaeer SALARY GRADE:ll Summam: Performs primary customer contact. Maintains all billing and collections records. Prepares service orders, maintains customer accounts in the CIS system, conducts collection activity on active and inactive accounts, and provides all cashier functions. Dimensions: Subordinates: noneBudger none # of customers: 84,000 billed bi-monthly E du c stio n / E q uiv al e n t :. High School Diploma or equivalent Work Exoerience Needed:t l-2 year previous call center customer service experience preferred S o e cial Skill sl Abilitie s N e eded :r Excellent telephone skillsr Good interpersonal skillso Working knowledge of computers, Microsoft Office Word and Excel Nature & Scooe-Pincipal Aress of Resnonsibilities:o Answer all incoming calls within standards set for key performance indicators. Respond to all customer inquiries and complaintsr Prepare service orderso Process meter reading data for daily billingo Ensure all service orders are complete and entered into the CISo Assist with routing new development for meter reading and entry into CISr Maintain active collections process adhering to business proces$es and IPUC ruleso Perform reception and cashiering functions. Process all customer payments, prepare daily deposits, maintain cash reportsr Maintain bad debt and outside collection records o Prepare adjustments as necessary Essentiql Eunctionsi o Physical: Sit for long periods of time viewing computer screens and utilizing a keyboard and mouser Sensory: Must be able to see, hear, speak clearly, and converse in Englishr Mental: Must be able to read, write, and compute simple math problems 69 1o gg e6e6 lueuqcegv Z!! 'oN lsanbeg ,0-9!-MlMn aseS oqepl JaleM pauun This position descripion is inteodcd for the purpose of evaluuion aod sdary positioning and is not a couFact seniry forth Ere fult scope of employment. The employer rcains the righ o dcviate from tre desoiption at is discretion" without ootice. 691o 69 e6e6 tuauqoBuv zt I'oN lsenbeu l0{l{vl1rv\n esBC oqepl JaIBM pauun ,',(' Unt_tedWajer -S\,/eZ.POSITION DESCRIPIION POSITION: Field Customer Service Strpervisor REVISION DATE: Seotember 2008 INCUMBENT: Marty Barker HR APPROVAL: J. Malaret DEPARTMENT: Commercial COMPENSATION APPROVAL: LOCATION: United Water Idaho FLSA: Exempt REPORTS TO: Commercial Manaser SALARY GRADE:IS Summam: Supervises field customer service and meter reading operations, personnel, and materials inventory. Establishes and ensures compliance with the meter reading schedule. Ensures that customer field service requests and orders are accomplished in accordance with company standards, policies and timelines. Tracks, records, and reports on all field service and meter reading work and activities. Dimen,ligns: Subordinates: l0 direct reports (5 meter readers, 5 field service persons) Budget: $470,000 # of customers: 84,000 (bi-monthly meter reading) E d. u c ati o n / E o u iv ale nt :. High school degree or equivalent. Bachelors degree in business preferred Work Exo erience N eeded:. 3-5 years ofutility field service experience, preferably a water utility.. l-2 years supervisory experience strongly prefened S p e cial SkillslAbilitie s N e ed ed :. Proficiency with Microsoft Office, specifically Word and Excel.. Solid communications skills, both verbal and writing. Must possess a valid state driver's license. Solid understanding of water distribution systems; particularly services and meters. Basic understanding ofcross-connection and backflow prevention Nature & Scope-Princinal Areas of Resoonsibilities:. Supervises, plans, schedules and directs all meter reading and field customer service operations and maintenance performed by department employees and/or outside contractors.. Establishes and ensures compliance with the meter reading schedule.. Ensures that customer field service requests and orders are accomplished in accordance with company standards, policies and timelines.. Tracks, records, and reports on all field service and meter reading work and activities.. Processes all meter reading uploads and downloads between the meter reading system and the customer information and billing system. 69 1o 99 e0e6 lueuqcB1v Zll 'oN lsanbag t0-9t-M-Mn asBc oqepl ralPM polun o a a a a a Ensures compliance with all regulatory and company safety policies, procedures and regulations. Assists in preparing and monitoring operating, maintenance and capital plans of areas assigned. Ensures appropriate work communication among personnel and departments Ensures training and cross training of personnel Provides leadership and motivation for personnel Coordinates with office customer service representatives to ensure efficient meter read routing for new accounts, and for provision ofefficient customer service. Coordinates with T&D statI to maintain meter systems and settings, and assigned vehicles. Assists in evaluating, selecting, implementing, and operating meters and meter reading systems. Assists in hiring new meter readers and field service persons, and performs periodic and annual employee personnel evaluations and discussions. Performs other roles or duties as assigned by the Commercial Manager or General Manager Essmtial Functions:. Physical: Ability to sit for extended periods of time viewing computer screens and utilizing keyboard and mouse. Ability to drive to job sites, walk on flat and uneven terrain, climb, bend and stoop. Ability to lift 25 lbs.. Sensory: Ability to read, speak to converse and give direction.. Mental: Ability to analyze and understand complex reports; leam and teach new technology related to the Commercial Dept. Ability to present information to customers and regulatory agencies. This position description is intended for the purpose of evaluation and salary positioning and is not a conhact setting forth the fulI scope of employment. The employer retains the right to deviate from the description at its discretion, without notice. 691o ;9 e6e4 luaurqceuv zl ['oN lsenbau t0-9t-M-Mn esEc oqepl raleM pallun THoo EI HoqtsE-6';Ctr.So-S HEfl.nEE TE oo00=tg:_9i EEE{t9E €E;es# E*E *,,u, EEg € {Er E€B sf; eE'g eFt E;E B EgaglsgEtgg gg-gBE-EB-iEggg iEg$EFEEFF,iEiiIiFg Ho oAtr tro,o Eao.Eko o 5 iioEoEo lr. Eo-otr t)c ( LG Fto+ E E'E o tr Eoo $\r\te)ELqr s+ $$.sbBe: 9o rs ,EN Ho 6(.,oFl +:ouo EoE(,o& 0o D F loFgl',V\1 An aseC orlEpl JeleM peuun691o 79 e6e6 lueururBllv z! ! 'oN lsanbeu S'tls\Lq).hr -rsst \\).lss\) Frirt RG a\ar -t\ai S\ G\ \rNtr-S.S Request No. 1 1 2 Attachment Page 64 of 69 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-0'l Etr ods 0a(\ trri(\ N V)G G -l !t o o ID aoH;.oo|Eodo Uo,E, rop o rr otr.o o 6o 5 ! otr *gg ErIEEESE* BESgEEE E g5[ I$r€iHi€ gE$$EgE $3Fe AEf ilt gEEigEr $H'rs +'t i il:E.*+! iB"E- a E ? liii ql'B IEE E I i FAEIE! E3.a' F 5 1 15549; ;EE iF IiEE1EA3.S B H BEIHET ;.3g r t E*fifal Ie'!i i{ 3 IdSERB.E pqil , F $SE*EE *9cE,E E -c"HH.e{ flqi 6 EEfg€ -aH a ;gsE aHH F EEflE HEe I aTd". Ha; * H;iF 8-8 s iignig gA E EHef FE -e ";9EE 6 i+lrHEii,'!dq s ;'Bs'E €r E F *$ BE=5'5'a: ts3*po4HEd5JOOE}VNOHYg, i 3 fl1{$ { B[-5H.aoo'o64)RoI.!6'EE*f,Ed8.^E'g6-o(E€DlJa6ooDtgt*<rSPE5s:r$$oo'+ 3il do o cBo o N Fi oeo+ oo a 3 u ! oI 1u United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1 1 2 Attachment Page 65 of69 Request No. 112 Attachment' PageEE of69 E r3' H e3.rli ETJEIEH€*5'-E E;Eis rgrr bd tr:g rrE'.HlF PfiA E "=:G: agF#E>;"UE>E..o tr'E6 P.n:<E6E.sHHoar'aEA6B,BgEtio-PdHC!:qFn ttEL !OoEHEBedFiro g d.DttDaori)a 6Eoo otr o' 4 oIt HoBooE'Dit E-sooo5dorDELg United Water ldaho Case l,rw-\,v.1$01 United Watdr ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1 l2 Attachment Page 67 of 69 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1 1 2 Aftachment. Page 68 of69 POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITIONT Administrative Coordinator REVISION DATE: Aoril2013 INCUMBENT:HR AI}PROVAL: DEPA,ITTMENT: Administration COMPENSATION AI'PI1OVAL: L0CATION: United Water ldaho FLSA: Exempt REPORTS T0: Vice Presidcnt & Ceneral Manaser SALARYGRADE: Grade 14 Sananarv: Provides a variety of adnrinistrative and coordination functions in support ofthe day-to{ay aetivities of the VP/GM and other high level departmental positions. Serves as liaison betwcen United Water ldaho's executive management and UW colpot"te dcpartlnents, and outside business and conrnrunity groups as required. Functions as humru resources liaison with local ernployees and Hunran Resouces f)epartment. Budgets for and coordinates einployee training and travel activities and nraintains appropriate records. Provides indirect oversight lbr the Engineering StaffAssistant. Coordinates event planning and assists v-ith volunteer efforts for United Water ldaho. Dhnensions: Subordinates: Provides indirect oversight for Engineering Staff Assistant Direct administrative support tbr 5 individuals (VP/GM, Asst. lvlgr., I)irEctor of l'inance, Public Affairs Mgr., and Production Mgr.) HR liaison and haining coordinator lor 95 employees Budgeh -$100,000 # olcuslomers: 85.700 Ed uca lio tt/E q aivalent :. High School Diploma. Associates' degree or additional bushress school, and administrative support classes/training is desirable. Training and/or courservork in Fluman Ilesources a plus lYo rk Er o eti e nce Neede d : r A mininrurn ol5 years adnrinistrative/brciness and/or related experience required Soecial S kil ls/A b ili ti es Need e d :. Excellent PC skills - MS Office Suite & PeopleSoft. Excellent written aod oral cotnmunications skills. Strong orgauizational and adn:iuistrative skills. Understanding of FLSA, recnriting and employment practices and larvs, and con:pauy I{R policies and procedures a plus. Good interpersonal skills, abiliry to interact with employees of all levels. Flexibilig, ability to shift priorities, manage tinre well, meet deadlines, and to perfomr under pressure Nature & Scooe-Priucioal Areas of Resoonsibilities:. Provide administrative support for VP/GM, Directors, and other high level departmental positions as needed.. Provides iudirect oversight lbr the tngineering StalfAssistant.. Act as liaison tbr and with the llunran Resources Department. United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 112 Aftachment Page 69 of 69 o Assist in ernployee recruitment, interview, lrire zrncl on-board processes, including all associated record keeping. o Maintain local company personnel files. o Prepare and subnrit for approval all personnel requisition and hire/ohange fbr:rns including payroll change requests, handle atl pre-employment matters, maintain surrent flddress lists and seniority lists, and prepare personnel employnrent atteildance reports as requested. o Preparc workers compensation and liability insurance claims being presented and process general releases, o Track short-tenn / long*term disability trctivities for all cmployees.o Assist in prepadng materials for union rneetings and atteud as requestedo As requested, deliver company training and inl'ormalion uptlates such as Open Enrollment o Assist in administerjng tuition and education assistanee al a local company levelr Set up and nraintain master filing systenr for the business, inclutlirrg corllracts, legal and union t'ilcs.. Compile and submit monthly training data, KPI statistics, and otlrer reports as needed.. Develop and administer business unit ttaining and travel budgets.. Coordinate delivery ofall safety and genc'ral training. lrack a1l training hours con4rany-rvidc.. As requested, rnonthly safety talks, and the like.,. Assist in special projects for the VP/GM and othcr rnanagement per.sonnel as necessary.. Manage and coordinate email and calendars ol'the VP/GM urd other department leads as required. Process timesheets ancl expense reports for VP/CM. Coordinates and keeps minutes of BU staff meetings as assigned.. Prepares colrespondence for VI'IGM nnd other deparlmcnt leads. provides confidential administrative support for all supen'isory personnel, and composes and distributes o*"n correspondence as appropriale.. Reviews, prioritizes, and screens all incoming courmunications- callers, and visitors for the YP/GM arrd other administrative and clepartrnent leads.. Perfonn sclreduling and coordinate nreetings, prepare travel authorization requests and coordinate tmvel arrargements lbr the business.. Serve as liaison between UW ldatro's management team rmd corporate departments, and outside busiuess and community groups as reqr.rired.. Assists in anrj/or perfbrnt special projects for the VPICM and other nranagernent as recessary.. Monitors all activities to insure CODISiINCOME conrpliance for all reporting aod administrative operations for the business.. Coordinates event plauning and assists rvith volunteer efforts lirr the brtsiness. Esceutial functions:r Physicalsit stand,andrvalkforextendedpedodsofltirne;moderateliftingupto15pounds. Abilityto vierv conrputer screens and utilizing kcyboard and mouse for extended periods oftirne. r Sensory: Must be able to see, hear, speak clearly and converse.. Mental: Must be able to read, witc. analyze, rcason and conrmunicate. lvlust be able to problenr solve, teach, leanr, prepare and delivcr presentations.. Other: Must be able to work under stressful situations. Must be able to utilize sound judgment in decision making. Must be able to rnaintain confidentiality. 'l'his position description is intended for the prrrpose of evaluation and salary 1:ositio[ing and is not a conhact setting fonlr the full scope of employment. The employer retahr thc right to deviale from the description at its discretion, wi$out notice.