HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150717UWI to Clarified Staff 7.pdf(208) 343-7s00 (208) 336-6912 (Far.) McDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyets 420 West Bannock Stteet P.O. Box 256/=83701 Boise,Idaho 83702 Chas. F. McDevitt DeanJ. (oe) Miller Celeste IL Millet July 17,2015 Via lfaad Delivety JeanJewelt Seuetary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,Idaho 83720 Re: UWI-W-15-01 Deat Ms.Jewell: Enclosed fot filing, please find an original and tl'tee (3) copies of United lVatet Idahe's Response to Clatified Request No. 7 ftom First Production Requests of the Commission Staff. Kindly retum a fiIe stamped copy to me. Very Truly Youts, McDevitt & MillerLLP Mt*t- DJM/hh Cc: United rVater Idaho, Inc. ORIGINAL Dean J. Miller (lSB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2564,-83701 Boise, lD 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax 208.336.6912 ioe@mcdevitt-miller. com frl{ I0: -15 Attomey for United Water ldaho lnc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION lN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION I Case No. UW-W-15-01 OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS MTES I UNITED WATER IDAHO'S AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE I RESPONSE TO CLARIFIED IN THE STATE OF IDAHO REQUEST NO. 7 FROM FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COM]I'IISSION STAFF United Water ldaho lnc., ("United Wate/') by and through its undersigned attorneys, hereby submits its Response to Clarified Request No. 7 from First Production Request of the Commission Staff, DATED tfris -fi O ay ofJuly, 2015 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. By: UNITED WATER IDAHO'S RESPONSE TO CLARIFIED REQUEST NO. 7 FROiI FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMi'ISSION STAFF.I Aftomey for United Water ldaho lnc. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on tne l/tay of July, 2015,1 caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Hand Delivered ldaho Public Utilities Commission U.S. Mail 472 West Washington Street Fax Ul* LI tl t( (l X P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 i iewell@ puc. state. id. us Donald L. Howell, ll Daphne Huang Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 don. howell@puc. idaho.qov daphne. huano@puc. idaho.qov Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 bmpurdy@hotmail.com Fed. Express Emai! Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mai! Fax Fed. Express Email lTJ (J +( UNITED T'UATER IDAHO'S RESPONSE TO CLARIFIED REQUEST NO.7 FROM FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COIIIi'ESDN STAFF.2 UNITED WATER IDAHO INU. CASE UWI-W.15-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary CL4EIFTEDSEQUEFT NO. 7: Please provide documentation supporting the accrual entries for pension expense for the years ending Dec. 31 ,2011 through 2014, as well as actual cash expenditures for the same time period. Please include an explanation of the cash payments identifying the minimum ERISA payments, any additional payment and justification for the additional payments. RESP,,,9NSE No.7t Attached please find a listing of all cash payments made by the Company from the 2010 plan year through lhe 2014 plan year. Also aftached are the supporting documents for each of the cash payments including initial payments for the 2015 plan year. All of these payments were made pursuant to the cunent ERISA rules. There were no additional payments made. in ssftl€ment pG. Donn En8llah requart th.t tll PcYmenE be for tfie 20to Pl.n Y€.r Phn Y6r ConElbutlon! Drle 2010 Pry.e olv€,slf i.d lnre!lnent Advbor olErrlrl.d lnv.4m€nt Advl$. Dlv.rslfled lnEstm.nt Advltor Divorilfied lnvestmeni Advlror DlrcEitlcd lnwstment Advlsor Total Rorded ToUl Prynert Non Eart Unlt Ba.! Linlt Plan YEtI rtl,6t5 s 188.6A5 2(110 $ 246,217 I 246,2A7 2010s 246,2t, 6 246,2A7 2o1O$ 2t6,Z8t I 246,287 2oto 23, 2o1o 15, 2010 r$ 19, 2011 19;2011 Unlt!dWater ldrho c.rs uwl-w-l$0t Pcn,ioD C.sft Contrlbutlons, TcrtYrr Crrh Contrlbullontfowdlw.lion ' Actu.iY Acount26340 - Per$on Acsrued Comment Drlerrrl toAcciltrt 185.09, Oltared i a6r,lr, 2o1l Plan Yelr Defenal ff]-.--GiE_rll*tmutrrd Der.rral I 957,952 2013 Phn Yerr Deferral Jl--Jiii,-Ciil e"cum urrted Dr t! ra I Spllt Not lndi..t.d Sdil Not lndic.ted A(atu!d lnta,ait ey Pl.o Vear- lrom lnaerilon 2012 Pl.n Year lnter.!l on Defer.l 20ll Phn Y..r lnterlst on Ocleral 2014 Phr Yaar lalarEtton O€ferral 2015 Pl., Ye.r lnErcsr on Defeil.l M!rch YID Tobl Accrucd lnterrst Pgr Eook Monthly Pror.dlonThrough Nov 15, 2015i 15-Apr 1S-M.y 15-Jun 15-Jul 15-Aui l5-Sep 1s-Oct 15-Nov Tottl Farsnstod tnt!r.!t Totrl oelarril S 3t4.595 zo14 Plin Y..i DeferEl J?--- r"effilrwmutrted Dcrer r at $ 1,689 1€ Asurad lnEi.rt $ 4,909.67 AcEured lnte,est $ 6,807.00 Accurcd lnter.it S 4,266.57 Accurld tnt r.rt $ 19,67t,r0 $ 1,444 36 Slmplc lntcrllt S 1,44436 simple lnterest $ 1,444,36 slhpl. lntrrGrt $ 1,4,14.36 simpl. lnt...'t $ 1,4i14 36 slmplo lnt.r€n $ 1,444 36 slmpl. lnt.ren $ 1,527.89 Slhplc lnt.rest :* 1,527.6! SlfrpLlntcflst s 11121.54 l-]iffiirI] C.to No. UWI-W.i5-ol Workpep.r No.l0.Z2 J. C.ry Plin'Verr Co[Ulbutlon$ Drts Payee 15.2011 DiveBificdlnv.ltmehtAdvi$r 1t 2011 Oiv.rsili.d lhvesimentAdvisor 12, 2011 Olvlrsiflod lnvrstmcrt AdUFr T&lP.yrrrnt t{on 8.r! Unll 0..8 t nlt Plan Y.r. $ 313,921 $ 2m,25r I il0.57o 2011 S 38,9ar $ 203,261 t 110,670 2ol1 s 128,647 $ 128,647 2011 $ 3101U S 202,s2t 0 107,564 2011 s 310111 $ 202,527 $ 107,584 2011 2011 142011 Divcrslfledlnv.fhlntAdvlsor 15. 2012 Dlv"rsln.d lnwstment A&ho. 15.2012 DilErslfledlrBtmentAdulor Totrl noundrd PrI" Oiver.lf i.d lnvcrtnent Advltor olve15ifl.d lnv.skn.nt Advlsor givariilied lnveshant Adviior olversif led lnvBh.nt Addor OivPrrif led lnv!dment Advlso. Tot!l nou.dld tot l Plynctr! il6 8..9 Uilt B.G UDlt PLn Y.at$ ?77,553 s 243,961 t 133,602 2Ot2 $ 377,563 S 243861 $ 133,602 2012$ 30,456 $ 20,206 t ro.zso z{l2$ 542,896 0 302,594 3 240,302 20Us.- _l*__!c!'rr{""L'"..*"" lro,?rr.,-t* __g?.rr{ . 15- 2013 Phn Year Cotrtrlb(tlon5 Oate 15, 2013 Piy.. Dlveriltlcd lnv.rtm.nt Advipr Dlvcr!iricd lnvcrhenl Advl$r Dl@r5lfl.d lnvctt&ent Advl!or Dlversitl.d lnv.im.nt Advitor Diversifi Ed lNchentAdvlsor Total Raundsd Tntll Pryn.rt ilon l.rB Uilt Berg Unlt Pbn y!- s 310,731 I ,08,2A5 ' 112,149 2013 s !ao,?13 $ 1s8.285 ' 112,448 20133 21t,r6L $ ie336 E 42p25 2013 I 452,2a7 S 366.0't4 t 85,383 2OIl ,5,2OLa lt 201,1 15, 2014 201! lst2071 DivcrrlfledlnwstruntAdvlsor 15, 2015 Div. rslrled lnrcrimnt Advird Totll Prydcnt N@ 3.rt Unit 5.r3 Unlt Phn Y..ig ?tz,9z7 $ z2s,o33 S 84,6a8 2o1r $ 312,921 t 228,093 $ 84,888 2O7a $ 901,028 6 903.028 2074$ 56,t9a $ 56.494 2Ot4 P!Yec DlErslf ied lovlstmnt Advlsor Div. rsif icd lo!cstNnt Advi!or April 10,2015 Mr. MlchaelAtgranali Treasurer United Water 200 Old Hook Road Harrlngton Park, NJ 07640 Re: Aprll 15,2016 Quarterly Contlbutlon Requlrements for the Quallfled Penslon Plans and add'luonal $10 Mllllon Contrlbutlon for the Unlted Waler Resources Inc. Retlrement Plan and the Unlted Water Envlronmental Servlces lnc. Penslon Plan Dear Mike: This letter oullines the requlred quarterly contrlbution arnounls due for the three qualified ponslon plans and the additional $10 mitlion contrlbutlon lortha UWR and UWES Plans, Contributions are due on or before Aprll 15, 2015. The appendlx to thls letter provldes the allocalion of amounts to each dlvislon wllhin the plans, ToWERS WATSoN l,,.J r Unlted Water Resources lnc, Retirement Plan (UWR)r United Water Environmental Services lnc. Pension Plan (UWES) ' Springfield Water, LLC Defined Benelit Pension Plan I Campur D.lva 4$ floor Prrlllrtny, t{, 07054.{409 r |1973r902500 f r1973290250'l tovrart9ralion.(om $10,764,159 $1 ,430,841 $1,482 The quarterly contribulions reflect lhe provisions of Moving Ahead lor Progress in the 21sr Century Act (MAP- 21) including lhe Highway and Transportation Fundlng Act of 2014 (HATFA). The contrlbution allocation lor UWR and UWES witl ullimately be determlned based on the January 1, 2015 funded etatus of the plans, as determined under HATFA. Since lhat funded stalus has not yet been delermined, we used lhe funded status as of Oecember 31 , 2014, comparing the Aooumulated Benelit Obligation and Falr Value of Assets used for GMP disclosure. Once the valualions are complete, we will use lhose resulls to delermlne contrlbutlons for the remalnder of the year. lt is possible lhat, if those results show that too much has already been contributed to one business unil, we wlll suggest some lnter lund lransfers reflecting the "overfunding" ln a glven location. We will discuss lhat ln more detail if it occurs. Note that ai thls tlme, we are not providing an allocalion of the contributions between the 2014 and 2015 plan years. We anticipate that we will suggest as much as possihle be allocated 1o2014 (and reflecled as a recelvable) so as to mlnimize PBGC variable premiums. We will have more lnformation regarding thal once the January 1,2015 prelimlnary funding results are available. Please forward a conlirmalion to us once lhe contributions have been deposited. Except as otherwise provided herein, the results presented above are based on lhe data, assumplions, melhods, plan provisions and other information, outtined in lhe actuarial valuation reports to detetmine funding requirements for the UWR, UWES and Springlield plans for the plan year beginning January 1,2014 dated September, 2014, Therefore, such information, and the reliances and llmllations o[ the valuallon reparls and lhelr use, should be consldered part of this communication. The underslgned consultlng actuaries are m€mbers of the Soclely of Acluaries and meet lhe "Qualification Standards for Actuarles lssulng Statements of ActuarlalOplnlon ln the Unlted Siates" relating to pension plans. Our obfectivity is not lmpaired by any relationship between lhe plan sponsor and our employer, Towers Watson. ln the moantlme, lot us kmw lf you have any quesllons. Slncerely, Mark Sr*utlnsky, F.S.A., E.A Ssnlor Consdtlng Acluary *,^tltr^ W Lonalne Halpln, A.S.A., E.A. Sanlor Consultlng Actuary cq Davld Altamura - Unlted Water Roberto Cruz - Unlted Water Iathy McGoltlrlqk - Unlted Water Gary Pallatta- Unlted Waler Allna Rocha - Unlted Water Royoe Kosoff - Totrrlers Walson Unltsd $latsr Roaources lnc. Retlrement Plan Aprll 15, 2015 Contrlbutlon htgf$ldJrtr,rol.ht&tsrat$,aornld(lltrffo0il6ii08il6?0rSvrlusuon AIPl.flt ooamenhrzotS Etgcchd conl,tbolh.lE wrtbook rlrr ToWERswAIsoN CA-,/ 4$n9,1,6 Dlvlsion Anrounl Wells Fargo Trust Accounl Numbar New Jersey Bargalning New York Bargalnlng Neul Jersey Non bargainlng Jersey Gily Rahway Sub Total New York Non-bargalnlng UWM&S Deparlment 700 Uniled Properues Group Sub Tolal New Rochelle Bargalnlng ldaho Tomr River Pennsylvania Delaware U\ /WB Discontlnuod Operalions UW\A/ Bargalning Sub Tolal ldaho otvego Toms River Pennsylvania Rhode lsland O€laware Florida UWW Non-bargaining Sub Total New Rochelle Non-bargalnlng UW R Discontlnued Operatlons Grend Total $948,168 $385,937 $840,467 $274,344 $131,063 $3,903.622 $0 $446,479 $360,812 $196,355 $404,929 $187,777 .... ," $0 $1,14S,873 $478,676 $45,1 74 $304,317 $490,046 $e6,t 92 s307,548 . ..$J67,930.. $1 ,889,883 s0 $663,356 $10.7611.1 69 25&)8020 25838021 25838022 25838023 25838024 25838025 25838026 25838027 25838028 25838029 Unlted Water Envlronmental Servlces lnc. Penslon Plan Aprll 15, 2015 Contrlbutlon Dlvlslon Amount Wells Fargo Trust Account Number Whlte River Operallonal Servlces Gary Suez uwM&s 305 / 988 UWS LLC Total $689,991 $5s2,658 $132,136 s14,122 $o $61,334 31.430.841 25838040 httprn.lca,lnl.ro.l.lo,,erErvrlron,coltudbnLr00ll5101600,l020l6Volualon.AlPlansrOosrmrnlr,20ltl EryacLd Conlrlbiloll. rro,tbook.,rlrr rowrnswrsor -t^!.u 4r10n015 ,50'ri5A FodsralWrq UNITEO WATER INC. 1t8 Ssttlemont Dater l6.Apr.l5 v"anoatroncooa: D I o-c.r-s !'3 V-1.3Y3 00060 212 Z63tlo F30 3 83S.{88.00 0000{712 zo3{0 F30 0.04 212 283.10 F30 .15,174,0t 00044 212 263'10 F30 500,67? ODEOU 212 Fit0 0. 00002 212 20340 F30 t0'1.S75.01 0006r 212 26340 F30 06.192.0( 00027 212 20340 F30 495.32S,00 00370 212 26340 F30 t67.930 00053 212 26340 F30 4{B.4rU 00305 212 F30 3.SG3.622, 00600 212 1zlj:l,tlJ F30 I00 Glossd How Eook againsl 8U 000 o-o( 00100 212 26340 F30 1.78t 0030r 712 Ft0 271 00312 212 28340 F30 1005 12i 00200 212 26340 F30 5t7 00600 212 20340 F30 00600 8,635.00 0u600 212 263,10 F30 663.356.00 ot.l 3 't0.?64.tc0.00 OoscrlDllon: Untl0d W6lor Rolourcca Ponilon Plan Contrlbutlon Namo: Unlted Walor {ccouill to: {ccountNamsi W+llr Faroo &e$k: Wells Froo 6ank N.A, [BAi t210002d8 Stnlft Codo: WFBIUSt ccoxirlHo.! 00008{ Trilgt Wka elarrlfrn Account tototon.si FFC: 2{838000 Unltod mlqr ConE Penslon Phn Atteililoni Erandon I-83X0 t\ lOiltu r"t!tr.f 4oot'P.rt.pr.ry, ir 0Dtt4{0t , rlt7'2t0lllc) J.|L$;''fnzrilY ormro#;riad' 6g.rtll,2old Plef iiJqpvg(aconfr rmduiriSilionCe'tn6ltnritrtonin'6teW"o,ijpo-nif ed. ,lnh$n!q-an!B:i,.lif u'ii..',t<!1ot{,if ,yo'0lraveanyquesllons; ;9,.n'994i, $9,995;0P $225,000 $5,000 .'irf e*' Strmirsttv, f ,S.a', .E.e : sanuieoir'aUtind fictirril cii Alrnd Rodrt - UniGlo Water . Bivrir ilrtihqe l.Q f H r,y*or ,ilft fw Mccoldddt e'Unitad t\lder i'Crlii, Fanam *' u:trreq.watif ' R6fi ilAenii.= tjriteit'waiirr . t"iiirriliibltstitn, tUfreid Wii66h Rblib kl.sbir -'rfr {qi u{tph' Appentix unltfilritar E6qun oi ln'c. R.tlniriirt Flsn epptsnriix u-nnra.].rfu,flf enyionm;r*rt.Q..rvtq" rr". riarm r6n Hiffih Ecdrrat Wlrr 118 bboJ/ hb 1 'G--l-it ' iqer*hr lo. itior ?.Ehp.ry, llr07(pH40' r. +l 973 l9O Ztm F.+r 97:t lto ttoar \,.(v e !.,t, olffihlrtrim' j' '\ 't| _ rp$ras,W*r,6Pn :t11tyt.i?g\l I , I tbi[16 ttii# hurifrned riirnbbh oHnd 'thts Jp.!tQ'iproita"$"tter:iilwpirtiiir ot sb,dos,ooo tiTBi[eq.' $5,ooo' :'rnFuf latt ra!6qdr.rdbiApqrns.iUBrtsr.tvblluaylpfr,'wegillgciroOarppirrnetizo,oOOla;sinngnald'idmvirUbtrfroyear'a cirdr req'rj!rcrh nr r 0lbi fiii.+Jlb. -lErf 1i9.o9ntnh!{bn h ,EcUl+ 4 qE-qT9 '' Thes€ iiu'drtoilv cxintrtkifioris nifba thE onlvrsrons ol lliovino eiiOaa foi Eiinress iiihna zYu Cantuit,Act !!!irlgil rnia i,ririieit tUrrrs'lrii#litrudiri'g ridticy)tte,J:'a-€ qFb:yeefiqnrilEepli'"ptiliihJii:triiittind fasufls. ptriiiiit6niieidj'conriqqgt.nit^b.ri!\6n416u;cgiiiriuftr.dni|hei,6tdihpepobrtd; i:. t",it'l +,Seltih* kr -.uf l lpy iiloiu:trgyQ pnv ogps.!o!!i .I ud:4 Swotidltiv; Fs.A ;.r A: . Selii gi'Coniiullrn9'Sptue'ry' oc. eriiib 'nocii . ur*teri waiai ' i#via tliiiuri - iinlted wattr Kadw,iu;co'dhir r rinitriii w6i$r : atit- pt*txi6 -.unririrJ WiGr' ' Ri.Sib' gr.iH -- r/n**ii wiitir. ' t"'oiitnt Hatorii - ftivhis" waui6n'Fdi6 t(6dii -' rii{,6'is w}i&ifr' - I:. I 'Sin'6bidti; uWRPdOFunftUDtmicd I I UNnED.WA?ER IiIC. setbementoxBi ni.rufia os-. (tr t *Lp.l. t,$,? 75 3 s u L @ TOWERS WATSON . ) 8 Campu5 Dnve 4'h Floor Parsjppany, NJ 07054 4409 T +1 973 290 2500 F +1 973 290 2504 towerswatson com September 10,2014 Mr. MichaelAlgranati Treasurer United Water 200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park, NJ 07640 Re: SeptembeJ, 201 4 Gontribution Dear Mike: This letter outlines the allocation of the contribution amounts that United Water wishes to make for the three qualified pension plans on or prior to September 15,2014. As'discussed, United Water has no 2013 contribution amounts required as of that date to meet the minimum funding requirements except for the Springfield Plan. United Water has indicated the desire to contribute a total of $9.5 million. lf these amounts are deposited by September 15, they can be reflected as receivable contributions for the 201 3 plan year. As such, they would be included in the January 1,2014 asset value (on a discounted basis), and lower the 2014 PBGC variable premiums forthe UWR and UWES plans. However, this would possibly leave an additional quarterly contribution payable by October 15. However, once we reflect the recently enacted Highway and Transportalion Funding Act (HATFA) in the January 1, 2014 actuarial valuation, no October 15 contribution may be required. We are currently working through those figures, and will let you know by the end of the month whether any portion of the contribulion shown below should be allocated to the 2014 plan year to meet the October 15 quarterly contribution. The allocation of the $9,5 million is as follows: . United Water Resources lnc. Retirement Plan (UWR) $8,844,980 ' United Water Environmental Services lnc. Pension Plan (UWES) $625,020. Springfield Water, LLC Defined Benefit Pension Plan $30,000 These contributions are based on the 201 3 plan year funding results. Please forward a confirmation to us once the contributions have been deposited. ln the meantime, let us know if you have any questions. Slncerely, Mark Snotinsky, F.S.A., EA. Senior Consulting Actuary ***ttt7; W Lormine Halpln, A.S.A., E.A. Senior Consultng Actuary cc: Allna Rocha - United Water Davld Altamura - United Water Kahy McGotsdck- Unlbd Water Gary Pallatta - United Water Roberb Cruz - Unlted Water Royce lGeorff- Towee Wabon Division New Jersey Bargaining New York Bargaining New Jersey Non-bargaining Jersey City Rahway Sub Total New York Non-bargaining UWM&S Deparlment 700 United Properties Group Sub Total New Rochelle Bargaining ldaho Toms River Pennsylvania Delaware UWWB Discontinued Operations UWW Bargaining Sub Total ldaho Owego Toms River Pennsylvania Rhode lsland Delaware Florida UWW Non-bargalning Sub Total New Rochelle Non-bargaining UWR Discontinued Operations Grand Toial Amount $o $o $o $217,9s1 $0 $666,838 $658,059 $94,990 $350,351 $761,917 $144,672 $323,638 $215.343re $o $958,135 Diversified Trust Account Number cT 73030 01 cT 73030 02 cT 73030 03 cT 73030 04 cT 73030 05 cT 73030 06 cT 73030 07 cT 73030 08 cr 73030 09 cT 73030 10 $143,458 $3,535,866 $474,840 $26,517 $4,037,223 $213,695 $244,969 $93,88s $207,243 $120,741 United Water Resources !nc. Retlrement Plan Gontribution Allocation Divlsion White River Operational Services Gary Suez uwM&s 30s / 988 UWS LLC Total Amount $414,828 $162,179 $46,059 $1,954 $o $0 Diversified Trust Account Number cT 73031 01 Unlted Water EnvironmentalServices lnc. Pension Plan Contributlon Atocation TOWEisJ1fiAtg0#ruQgfr-ffinill6Gofl\wlndffi\TGmporarlnterBtFlles\ContenfOuiook\AOTXlXFACY20l3UWCmtrlbAllocafon-wilfSepl'152014@nt.rhx 9/102014 'n'iitfibx Fcderal Vtllre UI{ITED WATER INC, 118 Settlement Date: 15.Eep14 v?rrf'",uon cgo: {:rT" lq oq I? oJ93 drov 00060 212 26340 F30 E 903.028.00 oo00rt 212 26340 F30 o.00 000tI6 21?.28340 F30 94,990.0[ 00044 212 263.10 F30 444.236.0C 00Eoo 21z 26340 F30 o. oo002 212 263d0 F30 90s,r00,0! 00061 212 26340 F30 144.G72.0( 00027 212 263{0 F30 44{.37S.OI 00370 212 20340 F30 215,343.0( 0005s 212 26340 F30 213.695.0( 00305 212 26340 F30 4.010.700.0( o0Eo0 212 20340 F30 i00 Closor Nox, Book agalnit BL 600 0. o0to0 212 26340 F30 0,0{ 00303 212 20340 F30 2't 7,951.0[ 00312 212 26340 F30 1 005 58.7't 0.0t 00200 2'12 26340 F30 143,458 00600 212 26340 F30 00500 26.517.0( 00600 212 20340 F30 958,1s5.0( ln{t3lmenl 325A2 Arnount: DsscrlDllon: Unlted W.ter Resourca3 Pan3lon Plan Conulbulton Seotsmbor 1 5, 2014 Gontrlbutlon Out ot Accounti AccountName: Unltcd Wlter !ank: Mcllon Bank\BA: 0.13-000-261 [ccot hl: 07$I3/t7 Account to: Accounl Namc: Dlversifled lnvostment Gsneral AC Jenk: Slate Strset Bank &Trust [EA: 01.l.000-018 \ccount ltlo.: 00457374 Unltsd Walcr Resourccr cT73030 I IWP P.hrl^h Frn.llnd )x, (, 7'\ cc: January 9, 2015 Mr. MlchaelAlgranatl Treasurer Unlted Water 200 Old Hook Road Harrlngton Park, NJ 07640 Re: January 15, 20r5 Quarterly Contrlbullon Requlrements for the Qualifled Pension Plans Dear Mike: This lettor outllnes tha required quarterly contrlbutlon amounts due for the three qualifled penslon plans, Contributlons are due on or before January 15, 2015. The appendix to this l€tter provides the allocatlon of amounts to each divlslon within the plans. TowERs wATsoN *6J r Unlted Water Resources lnc. Rellrement Plan (UWR) e Unlted Watar Envlronmental Servlces lnc. Pension Plan (UWES) , Springfield Water, LLC Deflned Benefit Penslon Plan I Campus olive 4* floor Plrslpp!ry, lU 07014'{409 T +1 973 290 2500 F +I 973 290 2504 towe6w!tlon.com $1,120,000 $145,000 $o* 'No quarlcrly oontrlbutlpn le requlred by JanuBry I 5, 2015 for Springfleld becaueo prior contrlbullons made dudng 201 4 hove satisried lhe funding r€qulr€msnl. These quartody contributlons reflect tho provlsions of Moving AhEad for Progress ln the 21d Century Act {MAP-21) lncludlng lhe Highway and Transpodatlon Fundlng Act of 2014 (HATFA) and United Water's current fundlng pollcy. They ars also based on the 2014 plan year funding results. Please forward a confirmation to us once lhe contrlbutlons have been deposited. ln the meantlme, let us know if you have any questions. Slnoeraly, *,,-*tlti W*#f*;y Lorraine Halpln, A,S.A,, E.A. Senlor Consulting Actuary cc: Davld Altamura - Unlted Water Roberto Cruz - United Water Kathy McGoldrlck - Unlted Water Gary Pallatta - Unlted Water Alina Rocha - United Water Royce Kosoff - Towers Watson Mark Swotinsky, F.S.A., E.A. Senlor Consulting Actuary Unlted Water Resources lnc. Retlrement Plan January 15, 2015 Contrlbuflon http:rlnatsamslt8s.lnt€.nsl.lor6tlttalron,com/slteelCross/UW/RET,RET Documentsrl4,Annu6l Vatuatlon/03 Deliwr/ConUlbu0ons/CY 2014 snd Z0lb UW Cootrib TOWERS WATSON IAJ AlhcEtlon v2_wAddoortJls,( 115t2015 Dlvlsion Amounl Diverslfied Trust Account Number New Jersey Bargalnlng New York Bargainlng New Jersey Non-bargalnlng Jersey Clty Rahway Sub Total New York Non-bargalning UWM&S Department 700 United Properties Group Sub Total New Rochelle Bargainlng ldaho Toms Rlver Pennsylvania Delaware UWWB Dlscontinued Operations UWW Bargaining Sub Total ldaho Owego Toms Rlver Pennsylvania Rhode lsland Delaware Florida UWW Non-bargalnlng Sub Total New Rochelle Non-bargainlng UW R Discontinued Operatlons Grand Total $o $54,996 $o $820,528 $o.. -,. $2,J 82 . $822,710 $o $0 $0 $13,3S5 $0 $13,$95 $50,494 $7,244 $64,e39 $38,825 $13,594 $14,236 $o $o s{,120,Q00 $o $o cT 73030 01 cT 73030 02 cT 73030 03 cT 73030 04 cT 73030 05 cT 730s0 06 cT 73030 07 cT 73030 08 cT 73030 09 cT 73030 10 -----. Unltcd Water Envltonmental Servlcea lnc. Penslon Plan January 15, 2015 Contrlbutlon ht$:r/natoandh&hlemal.tou,ocrfl€lsotucorwslb6rc,osCt WRETrRET Documsnlsrl4rAdusl Valuat'on 03 oolhr.r/ConfhrhnsroY 201/t snd 2O1S UW Cpntlb Allocatlon v2-wMd0qrt,xbxrovrERsw'rsovT) uano$ Dlvlslon Amount Dlvarslfled Trusi Account Number Whlte Rlver Operatlonal Servloee Gary Suez uwM&s 305 / s88 UWS LLC Total $145,000 $0 $o $o $0 -3i4e666- cT 73031 01 UWRPcosionFurdingDi!cc jtird Ft1ot,sL FedcralWre UN]TEDWATER ING, 118 Ssttl€ment Date:I s-Jsn.13 vorrflcafloncodc: b ols,5 q.{l e\ i ()3 00060 212 253{0 F50 $ 56,4S{.00 00004 212 76,3q4 F30 0.0{ 212 26340 F30 7,Z4,,.OQ 000114 212 26340 F30 811.939.01 00800 212 283{0 F30 0.00 00002 212 26340 F30 5?,220, 00061 21z.20340 F30 t3.tStLoo 00027 212 26340 F30 1rt,235, 00370 212 26340 F30 u,884, 00053 212 26340 F30 0.04 0030tt 212 263t[0 F30 E20.EZE,g{ 00500 212 26340 F30 500 Closor Now Book aoalrrsr BU S00 00100 212 26340 F30 0.00 00303 212 26340 F30 5.t.s86.00 00312 212 26340 F30 1005 30.583, 00200 212 26340 F30 0.40 00600 212 26340 F30 0o500 3.tEit.00 00800 212 26340 F30 0.00 t47Ut Daicdollon: Unltcd Water Rrsourceg Panslon Flan Contrlbutldn Januarv 18.20'15 Cui of Account: Accounl Nams: Unlted Water Bank:Cltlbank \gt!: 021-100'084 Lccorrnt: SOS80037 lccount to: [ccount Namel Wolli FBroo iank: Wells Farao Bant Itl.A, ABA,12tS002{8 Swllt Code: Y1,FBIU36S Accdufitild.l 0000840246 Trult llllr. Clcrrlns Account Rolerencc: FFC:2583E000 UalhdWater Cone Pcnrlon plrn Atonlloil: Erandon l.8il20 fi Treasurv Aoorovd: I l I i 4OtUIIETdfr t4s.Eu4t Aotrlt 8,20I3 Mr, MlchaelA[ranati Treasurgr Unltad Water 200 Old Hook Road Hanington Pafi, NJ 07840 Re: Unllcd WalerResoulccs lnc. Relinnent Plan Aprll 1 5, 2Ol 3 Quarluly Corlfrlll,ttlotr Elear Mlke: Just a short note to lnform l,ou that a quarterly conhbuton for th6 abov€ Plan is due Apnl 15, 2013 for the 2013 Phn Ystr Thg contr$dlon ta besed on th€ Ai-Rlsk fundlng rpguircments bottr pnor to and after tho ptovlelons of ths Manng Alread for Progress h lhe 21I Cenbry Ac[. Please mtc lhat thelo ls no 0nace perod shutld the dus date fall on I vvsokend or ho[day. We hava allocatcd thls quailedy by drylsion as follows' Idaho Orego Tome Rlver Pennsylvanla Rhode lsland Dalarare Flodda UWW Nonbaryaming Sub Total New Rooh€lle Nonbargamng UWM&S -qePg@€'u99r Unlted Prcoedc Grouo - . -! - .-- ' '-.t!r r Sub Toial New Jeraey Nmbargalnlng Jersey Oty Refnflay Sub Total New York Nonbargalnlng UWR Dlecontnued Ogerallms Prc 5AP.2l Baclr $ 24418 2136t 113,664 244,392 51,607 131,096 6E.876 $ 876,805 $0 $1,4t4,743 128,195" .*;5,79u $1,688.725 469,599 116,19:l 34.101s 619,89ti $ 152.q)7 s 391,349 Port tAP.2l Berlgt les.zssY T,;,#i\ 197,092u 42,64AJ, 97.06gJ- 45.065 r' $ 700,620 $t,tet.6d$/ullt.w,lr - " --5:-56 t'- sr*{,118{ 8 oJ, 9s.uz./t 27-327 tl $ 122,309 $ 84,40S./ s 282,918 Dlverelfld Trust Account l{umber cT-73030 08 cT-73030 09 GT-73030 05 cT-73030 03 cT-73030 04 cT-73030 10 Aon H.ril l R.illunitt ao0AhooDrE I 5oFhcsodr I So.rHc( lU OSl:t!t +1.?!1!02rlql I l3+t.710 t02J9t2 I w mdpnm V \llllYloraro Nofi Arn En lncPon.Dn Plrn - 856 UWR90i 2105 Fundng Crhd.tm.ltlLuwR Apr qry Con$t MrBl .doc r{il|*r** ldaho T,one Rhlcr Perrqfiranh Dolawao rn UwUn Dt6i.reruo.d qreraoes UWWBadalnhgSubTotal NewRoctrdlegaoatdtE fl NewJerueyBagehlng NewYodcEsgslnhe GnndTotal Gc: AlhaRdra OilldAltlmura lGthteen,ilc0oldddr GuyFhlletb RobotuCruz ilrr. lf,chaal,ASana0 Agllt,20ttPqe2 DlvcrrllhlTrurt ," fipcounlllsnbcr. .- CI-73G[07 9I.r903000 cr.?303001 gr.73o300,l Port lltP.zlBrlrPr.tAr€lBulr I l8s.tg'l 94p73 r8qs00 r0qs20 q 3 8{3i789 E t7{.092 0 4iltloil4 r-r!0fh 3liSlQ9!7 Itpu have ary qnatlurs. flease lbd ft€e lo os[. ShcercU,4 StcvenT. Mazza Assodst€Partrgr Dlnct Dlal Numbsr(?84 30i2-2178 eril/D U WRFaurorFudurDwrllrd uLmDwATER tt{c. F.{. r J18 F t ) otl t )-O s"ut.r.nto.o, rarpr-rs rjffi?ibn ,Fe6.nlWbr, ll-L - -!-. U'{IIGOWATENHC. , ErlthnrntD*lcl,,. {&rul.tl HffiA F..d.r.l wtrt 118 UilIEDWAIERIIIC, Itrrnr:. - - '^ " Appendix Unlted Water R*ourcos lnc. Rstlrcment Plan 2013 Plan Year ",",,,,"' -.- . ". :itilili*Sf:-. .j"::j:fr$i3'::' - -1"' Nor Jeraay Bargalnlng '$O . Cf ZaOap Oi NarYolk Bargairilng t ' $d cT isO3O,Oz ;' Nanv Jeney Non$aryalnlng $0 Jersey Gty 41.081Rahway .,, . ,9J94 Sub Total Sqq,876 cT 73030 0:I .l '. t WM&S $9,14,603DepertmenlT00 ' 11t,452 i Uruted Pmpeilles Group QJ1SsubTorat --_ffi cr 73030 os NcyuRochelleBapaining 9. $27,834 cT7393006,, ldaho $42,026' TqnsRiver ./ - 1t 0 Penneytuenta I J 9,133 Delanare -t' t 9,082 t l rWB OiscontmueO Oparatons 0 : UWW Barganing SubTotal ---rc6F0-' CTT3oixloz ldaho $1S9,436Otuego 32,345 tomiRlwr 108.925Pcnncyfvania ' "1 . 24?;295' . Rnooitsnno -V!. --:** 42,350Etelannre 93,.107plstt6s * t1D 73,660.. uWW Non-barfalning Sub Tcrtd .T-ffi5ffi- cJ 7sos0 oB Nar Rochelle Norbargahing $0 .. cT 7io3o bg UWR Dlsc$tinud Operdions $2SO,OS CT 73030'10 GrandTotal ^.* -fASemU. " August 18,2014 Mr. Michaal Algranati Treasurer United Wat6r 200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park, NJ 07640 Re: 010 Mllllon Contribution forthe Unltcd Water Reaources lnc. Retirernent Plan and the Unlted Water Environmental Sqrvices lnc. Penrlon Plan Dear Mike: This letter outlines the allocation of the $10 million contribution forthe UWR and UWES Plans. The app€ndix to this letter provides the allocation of amounts to each division within the UWR and UWES Plans. TOWERS WATSON l/\-, r United Water Resources lnc. Retir€ment Plan (UWR) r United Water Environmental Services lnc. Pension Plan (UWES) 8 Campus Drlv€ 4tt Foor Pa.rippiny, Nl 07054-4409 T {l 973 290 2500 F +1 971 290 2504 twlaswElson.co0 $9,340,000 $860,000 The allocatlon of this contribullon reflects the provlslons of Movlng Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century Act (MAP-21) and Unlted Wateds curent funding pollcy, We suggest that thls amount be considered a contribution for the 2013 plan year (whlch can be deposlted up to September 15, 2014). By doing so, lt wlll decrease the PBGC varlable premium payable thls year. Sinca the additional contribution will exceed the required amount for the 2013 plan y€ar, United Water can establlsh a'pre-fundlng balancs' (PFB) of the excess contdbutlon. This PFB can be us6d to offsel future contrlbution requiroments (lncluding any remainlng 2014 quarterly contribution requlremants). We will be discussing this in more detail with United Water at our September 3 meeting. Please forward a confirmation to us, along with the respective date, once the contrlbutlon has been deposited. TOWERS WATSON In the meanUme, let us know if you have any queetions. Slncerely, ?rl^#thW Mark Swotinsky, F.S.A,, E.A. Senlor Consultlng Actuary co: Roberto Cruz- United Water Davkl Altamura - Unlted Water Kathy McGoldrick - United Water Gary Pallafta - Unlted Water Allna Rocha - Unlted Water Lorralno Halpln - Towers Wabon Rqrce Kosoff - Towers Watson m.IAJ Mr Mlch-l Ah,:Eri A[urt 19 201'l Division New Jersey Bargainlng New York Bargaining New Jersey Non-bargainirB Jersey City Rahway Sub Total New York Non-bargaining UWM&S Department 700 United Propertles Group Sub Total New Rochelle Bargaining ldaho Toms River Penns$vania Delaware UWWB Discontinued Operations UWW Bargalnlng Sub Toial ldaho Owego Toms Rlver Pennsylvania Rhode lsland Delaware Florida UWW Non-bargalning Sub Total New Rochelle Non-bargalning UWR Discontinued Operalions Grand Total Amount $'t51,487 $3,733,755 $501,415 $28,001 $225,654 $258,679 $e9,140 $218,842 $127,498 $o -s7ilim $694,888 $100,306 $369,959 $804,559 $152,769 $341,750 $o $1.011.758 Diversffied Trust Account Number cT 73030 01 cT 73030 02 cr 73030 03 cT 73030 04 cT 73030 05 cT 73030 06 cT 73030 07 cT 73030 08 cT 73030 09 cT 73030 10 $0 $0 $o $230,149 $01,996 Unlted Water Resources lnc. Retlrement Plan Gontrlbutlon Allocation l,{t:r/85i€tGs nl@ug{.'ru8or com/slsrJosJLrWRET/RET Deume nlrl{/Antual Valudlion/o3 Ddivlr/ContituuosrY 2013 ,nd 2014 t W Conlrb Alosatlon - wilh I TOWERS WAfSON l/l,./ ,0nillooAu!6t tC20U csltxbx U10r20l.l UWRPcroionFundingDivcrsifi ed Federal Wire F140821A UNITED WATER INC. 118 Settlement Datel *e,n"*x.p.ap.l, {15 lht d/ o 4 I o')(o G 00060 212 263't0 F30 I 9s3.567.00 00004 212 26340 F30 0.00 00040 212 263.t0 F30 100,306.00 ooo{4 712 26340 F30 '069,090.0000E002122E540F300.00 00002 212 26340 F30 1.023.401.00 00001 212 2G340 F30 152.7G9.00 00027 212 24340 F30 469.2{8.00 00370 212 26stt0 F30 227.305.00 00053 212 26340 F30 22s,654.00 00305 212 263{0 F30 4,235,r70.00 00500 212 263,4lJ F30 Close{f,tow Book iaslnst BL 800 0.00 0o100 212 28340 F30 0.00 00303 212 26340 F30 230.1{9.0( 003t2 212 26340 F30 1005 01.9S6. 00200 212 26340 F30 151 .487.0( 00600 212 26340 F30 00500 28.001.0t 00600 212 26340 F30 |,u]1,,OO.UI DescrlDtlon: Unlted Water Resources P.nsion Plan Contrlbutlon )ut of Account: \ccount Name: Unlted Watqr lank: Mellon Bank IBA: M3.000.261 lc.ount: 079.7347 {ccount to: \ccount N6me: Olverslflrd lnvestment General AC Sank: Strte Street Bank & Trust [BAr 011.000.028 lccounl No.: 00t6737.[ United Wrter Re3ources cT73030 UWR Pension Fundlnq Trearury Approval: 20L2 Plan Year APR. 17,N0.559 tl /lGlilrre*,ifr VIAEMAIL April 5,2012 Mr. Michael Agranatl Tlea$urcr Unlted Water 200 Old Hook Road Harrington Psrk, NJ 07640 Re: Unltd WalerFasouces lrrc. Retircmufi Han April t 3, ?rt fi Qa afiertt cE.n,Jribul/E,n Dear Mikei Just a short nole to ldorm you that a quar€rly contributiorr for the abova Pl*n is dueApril 13, 2012 fur the ZO12 Plan Year", Please not€ that ther€ b no gnase period should the due dai6 fell on a weekend or hollday. We have allocaled lhis quarlorly hydivlslon as follorvsl Divereifiefl Trust Accourrt Number ldaho Arlcensas OweElo Toms Riter Gonneclicut PennsyNanla Flhode lsland Pdaware Florida iJVITW Nonbargainlng Sub Tolal New Rochdle Nonbargainlng UWM&S Department 700 Unfted Propertes Grortp Sub Toial Nerv Jsnsey Nonbargnining Jersey Gity Rshway Sub Toial N e'f, York Nonbargainin g LJWR Di$continuerl operafrolrs cT-73030 05 AonHoitt I FetlrlmrUgol RoulE t7 tlollh I 4n FlEr I Rot|ciltud, $, o707o I +r10 1.160.8790 I l+1l0r.d60.@0e ! lww'roilrsf,tltldfir Wlwlynll$fpr ol\gi.nnzol aLTWHPENS0inCORRES,IIILUW R Alt Qtl, CorlEfuIlm&E S 2,13.961 135,313 29,020 118,304 52,879 260,856 46,679 131,696 55.4r? $1,074,125 1,{12.45e ,49,003 281.1. $1,629,270 173,736 102,606 30.737s 307,079 69,502 173.059 cT-73fft0 0E cT-73ffib 09 cT-73030 00 cT-73030 04 cT-7380 t0 ll0. 559 ?.23 +q0ilrre'ryin ,,) ld*ro Tome Riwr Pemslrania Delawarc t WWB Disconlinucd Operalionc UWW Barya-nlng SuD Total Ner,r, Roche1e Ba*alnlng Ne$, Jersey Bargnlning NewYork Bargahing Grarrd Totel $ 133,602 73,563 141,135 Tl,1g9 $ 608,000 $ {26,t7'l $0 $ .T.6'/8 s3,830"325 Mr. McielA[ranali AprllS,20lz Page e Dtvcrulfisd Trust Accounl Numbar cT-7ts0i1007 cT-73030 0B cT-73030 01 cT-78030 02 lf 1ou han any ques[on$t plesse fcel fiee to cel. Sincerdy, SbvenT. Maaza assoclate Parher Dhsct olal Number (2Ol) 460-689? sTvlrh cc: Donna Cols Jmalhm Thlessen Dar/ldAltamura tGthleen MoGoklficr Dcbbb Centoe W$r.tlmnI|Floltcue'u6lAUWRlPEliElOl{tOOFRHI4JUWR epr Sly oonttumae APR. I 7 2012 B:5BAM":" UWBPooriqnlruilirgDiwtdSoA -F:dslffira .No, 55e I . 'j UIITEO WATER TIIC. *L tRott3&sd"nedre$e! vrdf,Errioncodq 6 q A'7A 6 b IlEctlodon: Wdrt Ro66trrc6. Faubn Flrrr0ontrib{iddr Cut ofAEcourts faunl Nama: lJfiiiarl lt*t lilftr tcltonEenkrEA. oltlLd0o.S,tffi tr080 zl2 ZCrt&Flo t f,r7.5k.00 mm{ta rui FSO .135.A{!.Ot 000{{2,2.ztta0 FS 29.fiil.oa O0Ortd 212 lctatl tso ,l9l.EC7.0a 00n{712 2ltra&FS 12E79.Or 8002 29.2Gtao Et0 {ol.sil.ot ooatl 21;t 2Eaa0 Flo dr-afr!.trr M 212 ZN Fto 20t.8:rs-0 00070 2,t2 2Gaao F!0 ssalz0t B{rslt 1ta !fil40 FTD ,tzE'l?l.ot m$9 212 !.I34'FlO 1,62{,.159.0( 0at0E ,12 &/$F!0 ?-Et,t.or dlDo.zl2 AA FM t73_Zt6-0t 0|l€t2 xfi Fln t02_60e0t ou!/lz zle 233t0 tto 1005 30.r32 mr00 z|z 26140 F90 g!i180_ 00300 x,2isaD FSo {7e-osll-or lfuondor: Dtm€lrledlwldmar* sl5t2 llfoalAmount S &el03a*tlo[.-. Ginir:rlAG JUt, 16, 2012 1:09PM p6,gg5-p, 36 rqoirH€mnft vrAEilArL July 5. 2012 Mr. MifiaelAlgratatl Trearurer UnibdWater 200 OH Hook RoadHarirgionPidqNJ 07640 Rer llnlEdW#Essqrrua ,rrc. Refreamnt Flaa JUU 14 ilfl Q{f,rE/fry Qon',,htttion Ebar Mlke: Just . thfft nde to infotfir you that e qua&rly contribulion for thc abovc Plan as due Juty 13, 2012 fior the 2012 Plan Year, Pleee notr lhat thorc is no grace pefiod ghould tre due date frfl on a vrsekend or holiday. We have alloca&d thie quartedy by dh4shfl ae follolvs: trldro Akansas oYvESo Torns River Connedlcd PennEylvania Rhode ltlanc Oelaurere Florlia tJl/V\tV Nonuargaining S$ Tohl Ncu, Rochelle NonbaEalning UWMES Dep{tment700 Unlted ProperthsGroup Bub Totat F hway SubTotsl NeuuYork Nonbaqdning tJl lF Diecoilint.ed Operetiors DiveEified Trust AccoqFtNqmb$ $ 2,tit,g61 135,313 29.020 119,3&t 52,879 260,856 46,67s 151,69e #.417fi1,w4,125 CT-7goso o8 0 cT-7s0300s gT-7300005 1,4724fi 149,003 7,EU $1,629,270 % Net.YJ6(sc},Noflba'g{$nifiS 1.?3'736 fi.737 $ 307,079 e9,502 173,059 cT-7sc30 00 cT-73G,0 04 cT-73030 10 rar Hnlt I Rrftmat lor Rdlr, lTNqlh I {hFlEd I Ruh.rrsd, NJ dTgfo t+l,20l,al0.i!,o0 | l +r.2o1.r6tr8900 I mryw.rnhndtcarr wt drrxrfprogi.n$20lauwR\PENtlottl00f,nEi$A-..luwR lll otlr conu&ttrondDc lUL, 16, 2012- 1:09P 110, 005_-P' 3i- AWn** ldaho Toms Rluar Pennsylvanh Dsla'\irar€ UUIMTB DEcfi tirucd Opcrrtbns uww Eargsining Sub Total Nery Rochcle Bagalning lBv Jereey Bargalning Ne$, York Baryaining crand Total $ 133,G02 73,503 141,135 Tt,1gs o $ 568.000 $ 128.171 so s-ilg.q& $q,$0,323 Mr. lt/licirrlAlgnardi Juty 5, 2012pagE z Diveplfied Trust Account Numbar CTJAo3o07 cTrE030 05 cT-730s0 0'r cT-7A030 q2 Sincaely,# Sitenen T. MEEE Associde Parher OhEdDld Number(201) sTM/jp lf pu hareanyques0onq pleaschelfrtc hca[ w. Donna cole rrrtrBrnr$ffiEeil20t2ltlrui\lEilg0llcoRnE6lf,Luvtm *l (Hv Gclltttl|Frt.(E JU1,16,2012 l:0BPM IIWBf udcelnufu DircuiIld Fcdsrsl tltlic N0, 005 P, 34 ./ ur{tTEDWATERtNc.kreo?/ r-T-1'fr8 SaiterrlentDatGE *tficntr.ncodcr OLlttt,ffi 000€0 t2 26340 Fttt s 37t 563-00 omD4 vtp,26340 Itil 135.:!13.002t2zc34l1F302l 000.14 00064 o00oit zl2 28340 FS0 IS't.06i/. 212 2fi{xJ F80 i2.4, 212 26340 F30 40,t.Eo.l o006.t 212 xir*o F30 /t6370-o0 oou;27 212 z$3lo F30 208.t38_00 00870 212 2163{0 F30 fr417.O1 00054 a2 26t{0 F30 ta,;6.l7 212 FSO 1.Gz't-t5, 00500 212 g6ill6l zfit4r 2&]4{ F30 7.A7 o0100 212 Hto 173.'. oottoS ?ftz F30 ,IM ooat 212 26840 F3 ,r005 30.u!7.0c 004!7,2 26J4o FI 96,180.m 005.00 212 24140 F:to 1?g.odl, llvahdor: Olveslfirdlnntuuent 325e2 [1eF.I5euil= 3 3.830323.00[ Desc!lodon: U,libd lf,l{h? RcsoulEcc FoDstofi Plan Oonbhulion Julv 13. 2012 CtuilLr{!!, Conhlbuthn of Nmo: Unft.d 0CT, 16, 201 2 " 8: 02AlV N0,307 P. 19/39 ,{t0irH€s',iffi VIA-EIIAII Ociober 10, 2012 ML Michacl Alg,arreti Trcasuret United Watsr200oldHtrkRo€d Harfington Paft, t*l 07640 Re: UnlN lll|ater flesosrcas lac. Rellrcmufi PIan Octobar 7 5, ml 2 QlafiW Confibrnion Unds lllAt'Zl Dear Mike: Just a sfiort note b hform you lhat a quaiedy contibution for the above PIan b dus Ociober 1 5, 2012 fsr the 2012 Plsn Yaar- TIle contribufroD is based ort revlsed fundino requirements under the pmvfs'lotls of he Moving Ahead for Progrese ln the 2{{ Cenfury Ac't. Please notE lhat her€ ls no graoe pcrlod should lhe <lue eab hll on a urcel(end or holaday. We have ellocaEd thls quarbrly by division as follows: DirrertlFcdTrust Accourt Number ldaho Arksn€sE Oruego Toms River Connecflart Peonqrfuania Rhode lsland Ddaware Florida UWW Nonbaryalnlng Sub Total $ 87,081 CT-7303O 08 $ 20"206 10,871 2.458 9,810 4.289 20,998 9,972 9,904, 4.546 New Rochslh l*bnbargalnlng uwr4&s Departnent 700 United Propertee Group Sub Total Nal Jersey Nmbargeining Jergey City REhT\EY Sub ToAl Ner York llonbargalning U\ /R Discontinued Operaliqns lorH;tln t f,rlt.rnrlrl 4ad ArirE Driw I Jl ngxEculh I 8mrxt, NI oEl?t +l.73tJ@llGt I G +r.7!aJEJra I $: rrbrr&,Gr6 ll2oi2ruvJR{ENlfo}$o0anllllMA_u1,rrl odqHycodil rlipal.l,oc 0 cTr3030 0e 124,85 12,6U t72 s 137,53{ GT-730300s gr-73030 03 4,543 CT-73030041',1,137 CTj73030 10 .0 s,110 2_79.3s 11,903 N0. 307 P. 2A/39 Mr. MichnotAlgranri Oc.tobor 1O,2O1Z Page 2 DhmffiedTnrrt ____-Acaourt Number cT-73G10 07 cT-73fit006 cT.78030 01 gT-73030 02 0CT,16,2012 8:02AM $ 10,250 6,101 11/04 6,2"59 o$ 34,014 0 9,308 $o 3 ,-_q $ 2!r5F68 lf 3ou have arry questions. dease feel fiw b oall. Slnaerely,g Steve{r T. Mszza Assodata Parher Dlrllct Dlel Numbcr (732) 302At7B $rwp Aguu',,rE ldeho TomBRlver Ftnnsyti/Enla Delarvrs UWWB Dlsconilhued OFlatons LJWw Baqralnlng Sub Tohl Neuy Roalrelle largtining NEw JetsEY Bergaining tlevuYodt Barg:dning GrandTotal cci DonnaCole I}al/lrlAltamura l(atrleen Mecoldrioh Gary Palatta Dabbie Cenbre Robefio cruz LqplillrvuBPEl{S\rc'ORRlilrlA.llJwR o.roltcaofi! rf,Dlldoc OCT, 1 6, 201 2 B: 0lAti4 N0.307 ?. 1i/39 UTvltF.[.ionft ldhpttrur.tEra / uNITEDuuAr*,ng i ${' /e/o'6 l'Luu-"nto"r, r$oc&rz :t*r.rton"qo+: O&fr(dfr Ilscdollon: Init.d wfl!( E aourror Prnridr Pril Grnubuoan OutotAccount f,-'.ir N.-a. ll-lMud- lrnlc !&Don EillI lEAc oa3{fl}ttr cgollDts o?\lrs/t? H m, leonbDlAcl $raAc I Flor, t qAD lr61tult lD I D.!t I Ooanlrm I aru:: il 412 2G3aO F30 I B-00 m004 7 28[]4{}F30 26340 Ft0 zA!fr" 2t2 268/tO tBo l5.9tt.0t o4800 zlz 26S4{'I txrolx 212 E 5 272 2BIO F3U o0 272 26340 F30 1er6,s.c( 212 2$3it{t F!0 2,12 2ca40 F30 C u1305 tlz 263{O F30 13 oo5m a7a 2at4o Fit0 G7 o0100 412 F: t oitos 212 zs54g 9. oo 00 212 24340 0 ,too5 272,2Bl4tt rL54$ 00s00 212 26340 I {1.137 llVmdo:: UEfld[.dln{orbltfit tS62 llTotelAnourt, 6 296.5E&00 ll JAN.15,2013 2:07PM N0, 494 P. 24/51 AUVHeiwitr VIAEUAIL January 11,201t Mr. MIohaelAlgranEfi Treasu|tr Uniied Water 200 Old Hook Red Haillngton Pad(, NJ 078t0 fu: United frla,ErRsEorrrEes lna- Rett emerrt fun Jarutaty 1* mlaAe.,terty Oon*fralbn D€aT MIIG: As r'equesbd, wehaue rcvlsed fie quailgfycontdbutm brthe sbove PlandueJanuary 15, 2013 for the 2012 Plan Year to r€floc,t Unlted Wate/e (bclslon lo contifure based m the Prc lrrAP-z1 minimum fundlng requltemcnE. Tho following pf,ym€nts take lnl,o aocount prevlous payrmente ma(btomeettheApfil 15,July'lSandOctobarlsquarterlyrcquir?matrls, Pl6€eocorrfirmltis oorrtibuliolr su.lqgy oo that we may deteilnha th6 final mntrlbudon requlwnent ttue September16,2013. PlcaeenGthattherslsnogrece pcrJodshouldtheduedatefa[ona weekend or hollday. Wc hle allocaEd this quartody by division as follorEl Drvorcl6ed Trust Acqoglfl llumber ,Idaho Arkansas Orflego'fam+*rsr Conneotcut Pennsylnanla Rhode lslatrd D€laware Florlda UWW Nonbalgaining Sub Total New Rochells lGnbargainhg UWM&S DepartrncntT00 Unlted Properties Group Sub Total NewJomey Norbargeinim JeneyCig Rahuray $ubT@l NcwYork NonbarBainlng utrt/E D:scontinued Opentom aohrl.*il. I ndh.ndi 4€ Aii8t}i! I $f5..sdf I su.Ilr0cf7l n rl.ni!.:ilIl2100 I c +!.?3i.!0E ltE I nr r.il{rt}E GI.73080 05 $ 3O2,!S4 17o.8oC fr,971-:'?3?i4!8 s,432 290.070 70.41a 166,61I tol.3E3 sl,335.95S 0 1,7A3.gEg {ss,E6s ,5.194 sl,929,064 s1+767 15J,8594,718 01,116,352 285,G64 302r7e cT-73030 0E Gr-?3030 09 gr-70030 0s cT-78o30 04 GT-7303o 10 t 5d{t10ndr lldlh amr.laort lnClPcn lcn Ptsn-IEE t WRlzolltals FurEhl {YFdr|h€U|(lrwi'Jrn @ 6fiH!_RtulrdJ* JAN.15,2013 2:07PM it0. 494 P, 2r/51 Mr. MidrerlAlgenat Janucry tl,2013 Fage 2 Divrmlfred Trurt AcountNunbar cT-79090 07 cT-7€0s0 06 cT-71030 01 cT-7r0s0 02 rdffif*n ldaho Torns Rivcf PGrErgJrlvrnla Oelautall LJWW B OlsconflnuEd Optrations UwW BaEalnhg SubTotal New Roohelle BflUalning New JelEey Bargslnlno NewYort BrrEdntng Graod Tohl I 2+0,3m 1s8l215 27S,602 149.636 0 $ Esl.755 $ 283/413 $1,O11,4E8 s 31S_1.1O t7,836,078 tf }rou ha\rs ffiy quaatione. pleepe fu€l t€e td ce[. Sbven 7. Maza AEEoo'Ete Parher Itircct DhI Nrrnber Cr32) 3o24l70 ST[I,IP cf, Aqna Rocne DavidA[Ernuardrbcn McGolrlrid<GaryPall& Debble Centort Roberb Gnz v:t6t{1tflreo irnrti t r.|(.n rrElPln lDr Ftr|| . ctt rj$rRia0rdo6 ruodhg odcuhrcn $/A-utIB J.n E5y GtouD_ilrrrE c.cs J4N.15,2013 2:07PM [l0.494 P, 22/51 IrlgB,P.ldoDIurdbcDtvoEI&rd FrdalUrtt! UiI|tEDWAIERING. ,r, rtlNlts H s.nr.r'nrDdo: r$ra*r3 De4cdrliort: Urlted 1fl3$r RsGSrIlEGr f ffirlon Phn Conltl&dbn Jsrud{r, '15. 2Cl3 omdorlv ConHbuton lel otAc€ount lxaunl il'ac: t-lalbd Wrls ;]enk: Uelbfl BEr* BE:04:}{o&iB, l*aultt gr}4tvr n EU lcoatrdAcl 8&bACI Flfl ICurrblncti'itEI ocpt IoqcnhonI .immr I 2'12 2&F 54tlffim OO00t[,17t o0046 442 oooa4 a fi F30 27a not00 z 30 58.r13 ooom Rto reS.Eri I'IX'ET z7z (rilo F50 To4, txloiat 272 2 r3d oos70 2.t2 25340 Fstr ,to!i.8rB.o( oo05:t 2'12 25AA F * z|2 2534 F30 7.l;8td72.fr ooEou Ttz 5. ootdt 242 Gt40 F30 7gin- OO:IIET 212 263/tO F 1 oo:t12 2 2dl t t005 /tit 716.0( otzgo G04.77lL0 oGoo to wz27e,x llVcnds: Bvcralllcd lnreslmer! tzSea fltotal Aruaunl: t TJcto?B.oo I oe l{orlr Ililclfuy, fwAltsrnrre AqUr-reu,flr VIA EMAIL Aprll4,201l Mr. Mark McKoy Manager Pollcy and Procedutss Unlted Water 200 Old Hook Road Harlngton Pa*, NJ 07640 Re: llnlted Walot Resourc€s lnc, Retlrement Plan April 1 5, 20l l Quarterly Gontrlbullon Dear Mark: Just a short note lo lnform you that a quert€dy contrlbution for lhe abore Plan is due Aprll 15,20ll for the 2011 Plan Year. Please note that there ls no graqe perlod should lhe du€ dat€.tall on a weekend or hollday. We have allocated thb quartorly by divlslon aa follows: Dlversllled.Trust Account Number ldaho Arkansas Orego Toms Rlver Connecllcul Pennsylvanla Rho.de lsland Delaware Florida UWW Nonbargalnlng Sts Totel New Rodrelle Nonbargalnlng UWM&S Department 700 Unlbd Properlles Group Sub Total New Jereey Nonbargaining Jersey Glty Rahway Sub Total Nstv Yort Nonbargalnlng UWR Disconlinued Operalions AonHrwllr I Rcflrart3m 3ol Rcst. l, Islh I ao Ftoo, I ttlllr ford. NJ ororo l.l.2ot.,lc0.o700 I I | 1.201.{606e90 | fiIrr.rorhewl[.com wlNilymwor0lEllrntaollIUWRiPENS|ON1CGRESMILUWR Ap, Otly CoolihrtloLrtoG s 203,251 112,365 25.47 95,923 42,853 219,A12 38,574 107,594 63,653 $ 908.872 0 1,209,175 121,296 6.326 s1,336,787 120.427 79.0s0 25-182 $ 232,659 44,752 123,841 cT.73m0 08 cT-73030 0e cT-73030 05 cT-73030 03 cT.73030 04 cT-73030 10 Agur-rewitr, -ldaho Toms Rlver Pennsylvanla Delaware UWWB Dlsconllnued Operatlons UWW Bargalnlng Sub Total New Rochelle Bargalnlng New Jersey Bargahlng New Yo*.Bargainlng Grand Total $ 110.670 59.411 110,445 66,167 0 $ 346,683 $ 1G5,03t $0 s 8.345 03,106,970 Mr. Mark McKoy Aprll 4, 2011 Page 2 Dlverelfled Trugi Account Numher ,,, cT-73030 07 cr-73030 06 cT-73030 01 cT.73030 02 llyou luve any qu6sllons, flease feel free to call. Slncerely, Stanen T. Mazza Vico President Dlrect Dlal Number (201) 460-689i STMIIp oc: Donna Cole Mlchael AlgranaU DavldAltamura Kalhleen MsGolddck Debbie Centore w:ltJrrmlDl0ncll.lrtvDlturw8lPENgloNlcoRSEslllM_ttwRAFol.tyc,on&lDlrrhtt doc UWR}crohnFudiogDiltrl6td UNEEOWAIER INC. reae*warc fio [//O / t>vsotllomont Dato: 't5-Aor-11 vettrc;lttongode;, 68C! o00eo 212 209{0 F30 0 31t.921,00 0000{2i2 2C3{0 F30 112. 000{d 212 28340 Ft0 25,047,0( 0o0aa 212 20s40 F!0 155,s34,0( 0005t 212 2C310 F30 t2.e53. 00002 212 261t0 Fto 330.057,0t 0006r 212"203t0 F30 38.574, oo}n 212 i83{0 F30 t73,751.0t o0!70 212 263{0 Ft0 03.053.0( 000ss 212 z6NaO F30 105.03f.0( 0030t 212 28t{O f30 t,330,46t,0 00t00 212 251{0 F30 6.326.0[ 00t00 212 20340 F30 128.127.sn 0010!212 203{0 F30 79,050,0! 003t2 212 283{0 F30 1006 23.182.01 o0200 212 28340 rt0 5r.097.0[ 00t00 217 26!{O F30 123.8dt.0 Dgscrlptlon: Unltod l,ytter Rorourcor P6n3lon Plan Cofllrlbullon Aorll {6. 101{ Oltv, Conlrlbullon kr lto 2011 Plan Yaor 3ul olAccounll (cccunl Nemel Unlled Walor [BAr 0,03'000.28t qccount:atg.7?11 to: Hrrtrs: Olrloillliodlilvs3lftrnlceneral Trouury {pproyal:cc: Mark lilcKoyf tI$lRPcuiorPrurlin gDivari fi d F.delel Wlro UNITED WATER INC. fs Jf//o7ti J Setttement Oaie: ls-tu1.11, / votficrtvlncalel ?q.OL - . 00060 212 243lo F30 I 313,921.00 oo00a 212 2a540 Fr{,{12,365,0( 0004r 212 28tao F3r'2t017.0( 0axl,t4 212 ae310 Ft0 155.33,1,0( 0O05/a 212 20&t0 F30 42853.0( 00002 212 20,40 Fto 330-067 o00al 212 28340 F30 3S-57r.0r 00027 21'28540 Fl0 '173,751.0( 00370 212 26t40 F30 53,653.0r 0m53 212 28t(0 130 105.03t.0( 00305 212 263rl0 F30 1.330.461-nr 009!0 212 20tilo r30 8,326-0( mt00 z'12 26340 F30 ll8..l?7,0( o0!03 212 283at F30 79,050,0t inalu 212 28340 F30 ,005 25.182.0( 00200 zl2.,ela0 F30 sit-097.0( o0800 212 26r40 F30 123,84t.0( Descflotl&n: Untted lfir.tor Rosoulges PenJon Phn Cor{rlbu{lon Julv 15. 2{lll Otb, ConHb{illon ,or lho 2011 Plen Yc.r Odl ol Account: A.ioilnt Nrme: lJnlled Walor Hank Mollon BankIBA: O{t.00&261Accourl: 07&?:HI Accounl lo: Account ltEm.: Dlv€rEllled lnvest!fisnt 66na''l AC Bank: St:t StreetBankITru.i ABA: 011{00.016 Account i'lo.: 00-l6it37{ UnltedWater Rorources cT73030 U$rn Prn.lon Fqrrdinr lr"--/l .4ur/q* if.A'l GC: AUC, 16,2011 10:52AIt4,i.:!N0.892 P. t6 +qflUrrEmnfr VIAE'I'AIL Angust5,2011 Mr, MikeAlgranati TtE€surBr Uniled Waler 200OldHook Road Hanin$on Parlq NJ 07640 Re: Ula/tetl hrhrer Resou/cec Ine- R&rcmerrt Plsr Augual 1 2, 20r'l Acldttlonal gontibulion Dear Mike: As a rceult al a rscettl plan amendment, an adtrnional cardrlhution 'm due for the ahovs Plan. This cortributian ls equst to ihe :ncrease in lhe Plan's Fun*ling Target l..iabllity due to the amendment ard is r€quired beoausa the Plan is less fian 6096 fundcd ,0r the 2011 Plan Ye*r, Thls conlribution rrust be rnade befse any additional bene{its resulting frur trle €mendm€nt are paid. Tha aftocabd contribufion* bel0w have been adjusted for interest assurninp a payment dats of AuguEt 12,7011. lf the payment is to bc mde on a different date. pkase let us know and wewill recahrhtrathe allocdod conhibufon amounts. Dfueieified Tru+t .. AcoountNumb-er ldaho Alkansas Our€go Torns River Connedicut Penrtylvania Rhode lslend Delaurarc Flodda UWW NonbalEainlng $ub Total Nen Roctretle Nonrbargainin g UWM&S DepadmentT00 United Properlies GrouP SubTotal Ner JerseY Nonbargaining Jssey GitY RahwaY Sub Tottl Aofl Hl[llt I FctlF6arlqor Rwi" 17 Noilfi I ia Fhr I Rfi|C,ts'{, tlJ 0707! r r1r01J6u.a76 I f r1.rolrEo59Dr I ruv,.onhi,{tEqtt L1$i.IUrWR\PENSONE(FRESUIJLiJIiYB A|E Cdtinub,td6 cT-70030 08 0 cT,7303009 cTr3030 05 cT-73000 03 $ 1?8.047 26,O23 0 0to 176,235 33,540 42,421 0 $ ,106,870 353,632 0 $ 353,632 200,286 o rqoirrrfrvitr Ntr Yod( Nonbargainiru UWR Discoilinued Opcreilione lcEho Toms Rfuer Pcnnqdmnla Delsware LIUVWB Diecodinrcd Openalionc t wv Bargainhg BubTotsl $ 0 cT-7303007 Mr. MikcAlgrandiAu$d5,a,il Page 2 Divemlficd Ttust "*ccouptJ!.um"!F*,. . 58,212 CT-7ffio Or0 cr-7308010 $o 0 0 0 s 0 crra030 06 E 0 cf-73030 01 $ 0 GT-73030 @ $,l,olg,mo SinEllly, -atr{r SievenT, Mm \i'loe Prcsidert DirGcI Elial Number $ru4p Nerry RochCle Barydnhg l,leuu Jerscy Bagafining NcrvYoft BargBhing Grand TotEl Itlrur lurre arry questbns, plcasefecl fiee b odl (201) 460€Esr Ec: DonnaCole Jondhan Thirryen OavidAlEnural(dilecn McGoldrlck Dcbbie Centorp !no{r\Uvr,H9Ell6loltl0fiFEflftllrvl,R riile Eatlhrril.do AUG,l6,20ll 10:51AM NO, 892 DWX|P.. 810-\rdtllrpl$cdthl UI'lNtDIIIAIERSrc, tuc*nrwrro lrsf,//TL/Zbru mso ztz zrra0 Fto i ,rtr{to0ffit112zct.0 Fto 2B.0' 00ua 412.IfC'D tsn 000t{412 26itao F0 0.0( 00D5tl zl7 t6l!{0 Fto ll.o( 0moa 212 zruo Fi0 .t76-23g-0r o[!H ,tz E*Fto 3354t J,l @lJt?7.12 26laa F:to iz 00f,m alz 2G3aO fs o.ol DODS'212 $aao FAO 0.0( aso6 %a zGT Fto 33tfit2 a0!00 ,.12 293atr FS or[ 00t00 212 t3!ao F:lo 200rt3.0rmala?,F,l4,,FAN tml2 4,j,zot lo FlO ,t00E o.0t ouD dll zE;U0 Flo o0tE fle 2tt{o E6 lfvcl'dor: EEvo'3ifbdlaffitcsnt E2.58 nTolrrlmol{rf t 131tr00.0o I Oos.rlrtloo: Unird itllr{or Rasoorcft Per:bB Phr Coltl'lhrt o Auout{ l?. ?81{ Addluond Cdrtr,UrroDhrz0u P}rn Ycar l$ otAccourb la.dnf Nffi! LlniladrlH* Ernk: lt lloh Btnt tEA:ottS&o'28' lic6rDl:07]&7Et7 AqUrremritr VIAEMAIL September 30, 2011 Mr. Mlchael Algranatl Treasurer Unlted Water 200 Old Hook Road Hanington Park, NewJerseY 07640 Re:,tnned Water trlesources lnc. Rellremenl Plan Oclober 1 5, 201 1 Quarlerly Contrlbullon Dear Mike: Just a short note to lnform you that a quarterly contribulbn for lhe above Plan ls tlue October 14, 2011 lor the 2011 Plan YBar, Please note that thare ls no gr*ce period shorld the due date fall on a weekend or hollday. We have allocated th'ts qradsrtyby diviclon a$ follows; Dlversfled Tnrst Account Nurnber ldaho Arkansas Owego Toms River Connoc'tlcut Pennsylvanla Rhodo lsland Delaware Florlda UWW Nonbargaining Sub Total Irlew Rochelle Nonbargaining t,WM&S Departm€nt 700 Unltod Prop€rtles Group Sub Total Netrr Jersey Nonbargainlng Jersey City Rahway Sub Total Neur York Nonbargalnlng UWR Discontinued Operatlons AonH.wli I RellEmanl 301 Roub 17 Norlft I rtr noor I Rolhorbd. NJ 07o7o t + l, +'t.201,18{1.6999 | wrw.amt:r,r{Lom l:UoTIWWRIPENSION\CORRESTifLUWR Oc! OEly C,dllrlhrhndoE $ mz527 1t 1,952 24,966 9s,699 42,72A 218,8s3 38.437 107,233 6s.372 $ 90s,665 0 't.206,515 120,910 6.309 $1,333,734 132,726 78,7M _l5.oss$ 236,489 52,184 123,680 cT-73030 08 cT-73030 09 cT-73030 05 cT-73030 03 cT-73030 04 cT-73030 10 /[orrH€:vvifr illr. Mke Agranati September 30.2011 Page2 Dlvorslfled Trust Account Nqmber ldaho Toms River Pennsylranla Detewale Nelv Rochelle Bargalnlng New Jercey Bargalnlng NewYofl( Bargalnlr4 Grand Total lf you have any questions, please feel free to call. (201) 480-6ES1 STM/JP cc: Donna Gole Jonalhan Thleesen Davld Altamula Kathlen McGoldrlcjt Debblo Gentor€ $ 107,584 59,l4l 109854 65,854 $ 104,563 GT-7303006 $ o cT-7303001 t 8.122 CT-73030 02 $,r0o,s7o t WWB Diccontlnued Operatlons 0 UWW Bargalnlng Sub Total $ 342,533 CT.rcm0 07 Slncerely,# Steven T. tvlazza Vaco Pr€sldent Dlrect Dlal Number l:1201 lUrlNR\PENEK,ilIcORRES\MA_LlwR Odt qdy Gonlruruo'tdoo UWRPcD!ionlunditrgDiveniEcd Federd Wtro UXITED WATER NC. 11S r ) I lO I \1 A setflcmonlDete:t4.Oct-tl btb IVefillceHort Gode: llo.cdouo{r: Unltod fttff hascurcsr P.ntlon Plm Contrlbuflon O*trbrr l{. 10tl f,lmrt rlv Coiltrlbutlrlr for 201t Plen Yaar )ut ofAccounl: lccounl ihm.i Unltod Wtttt lsnk: liltllon Serdr 4SA:043{SD.261 dscount 0,9-1317 o0o!0 212 filro 13!3 3t0.1il.00 om0a 21z 2a!40 Et0 lll.g52-m o0!46 z'12 2C3t0 E!0 2.Le86,00 000'!a 212 ,c!40 Fto 154.7t0.00 o0054 212 20:lao F!O 42.726.00 0@02 2't2 2at/to F30 32E.89r.00 oo08t 2'la 2ttao Ft0 t8.437.00 oo!27 212 zes{o Fo t73-087-00 mt70 212 zc.!10 Fl0 03,372,0! 0001t 2,t2 20:t{0 F3o 104.58a00 00r00 212 2G!a0 fso 1.317.42t 00 00500 212 25tao Fr0 B.30S.Ot 00J00 212 2ttao Flo rt2.728.0( 00:t0i 212 26!O F'D 76.701t.00 00ir2 212 2t!a0 Fso t00t 25.059.00 00:r00 212 23,l/0 FSo 80.308.00 00600 212 26C,40 F!o 123.Getr00 to: N:m: Dlv.Biti.d JAN.1B 2012 2;14PM N0.015 P. 79 /loilIm*om @u DoE€mDcr 21 , 201 I Mr. Michasl AEnana0 Treagurer United Weter 200 OldHook Road Hanlngton Part. New.,ergey 07640 Rs: Unihd Wal3rftcsourocs lnc. Rethement PlanJanuw 13, 2Al 2 QtErHy Cot Ulbuton Dear Mike: Jr,Ft a short nqte io infom you lhat a quanedy contfbuton iil lh6 abov6 Plan is due January 13.2012Jotlhe20ll PIsnY€r. PlssEenot€thdtherelsnogrcgeperlodshoulilthedueclatBfall on s wEekend or holiday. We ftarc aloc#cd tfiis quanerly by dMdon es follow6: Diverslrtod Trqet Account Number ldaho Arkansas Owego Toms River connec'ticnt P€nnEylvanla Rhode lsland Dehwtre Florida UWw NonbaEainhg Sub Total Neu/ Roohelle Nonbargainip UWiI&S O€pgrtmeot 700 Unltecl Proper[es Group Bub Total New Jercey Nonbargain ing Jersey City REhway Sub Tolal N€wYilk Nohbergalnhg t,W R Discontnued Operatone cT-730S0 05 fa hrnB I RaIrEnfl sor RouEriNorfi ; r"aoor I Rulrrnt,NJ 07!70 3*'1.?ol.a6o-07oo I r.l201.ao-699o ! rx.sonffiE r ll^Jlllyilw&i0r\Clt ntlzol l\t l,l,RUENglOl\ltCORRpB\r,lLlJWR Jrn qHy goilfhJEr ioa 8 242,5t7 111,952 ?4,966 s5,5SS 447126 218,853 4,437 1071,33 69.s72s e05.605 0 1,206,5{S 120,9{0.. 6.309 $1,338,794 132728 7E,7A 29.059 $ 2S6,48s 62.184 123,680 cr-73030 0E cT-7sO90 09 cT-73080 03 gr-73030 04 cT-73030 10 JAN, 18,.2012 2:l4Plvl l'l0,015 P. BO Mr. Mil(oA&rarafi Dgoglnbsr2l,20rt paOe 2 Dlvcrslfted Trurt_ AocounlNun&JU. cr-7g0Eo o? cT-73030 06 Gr-7?030 01 gr.730go02 4OUH.ndfr ldaho Toms Riwr Pcnnsytvanla Delatalaret i/WB Discondnued Operathns UWW BatlEining SubTotal New Rpcfiele aargalnkE NeurJersey Bargainlng NewYodt Bagaining Grand Totrl s 107.584 59,141 '108,s54 65,854 3 342.533 s 1o,{.58s 30 $ 8.122 '3,r0G,E70 €iincercly, @ Se\rEr T. Mr'r, Vlce Precfhnt DImd E[d Number eOf Srulfp lf !,ou hsrre any queslionsr CEe6e f6d frEeb cau. )4{10{891 cci Donna Oolp'JonethanThl6s8en' Davll Altamura lGtlrlscn Mccoldrlck DsbbbGcnbtg w*dyrfifprDrtcllanRalil,twRlPEt{$lo}l\cpnREfllllulllh Jm otu fr &frt[n-dil JAN,18,2012 2:l4P[t -N0, 01 5--P, 7*- UtflE .dh.ha4hgDt"|rr{ri.d - UNrIEDWATENNC.f-taorrb€EoCqnl UtL l/lB v Bafits6er{ Oate tfn lr'1z v*urt*c** ?{/tb? _ Da.cdptlon: Flarl Oro4ady Clotlb{rlon ioa ryl't pt!, Y!*f oulDrActount Affirrnl Non.. ltGltxl t$!ht Brnk illellohB.n}rE& 0{+l,0Gr6l [6ud: silo uz tfiio hro I 310.rrnm ooaat a,l2 ffitb F:ID 1rlr5z.00 00048 lt!2lliao rs6 ,dBAJI mdaa zxl 2da6 !{16 l!ll.7{o.fi 0nal.2't:2 2B{|F50 a:r-726 o0aD5 aii 2clt0 Br0 gll.lt!7.0a 000i't 71t 2'SJD F.r g,49t.ct ofizl x2 2t:ta!FlI 17a'0t mSro rt2 z0tfr F:ta c6312 0lr,st tl !c!/!FT l0.(55a.0! oo86 lll EAI'O Eo t32t-1;2r,nn oalln 2,t 23r{O FSO BStXL{dtoo 212,IM tlo !te72e00 mto3 272 z8td6 F!0 74.70f.00 o!!ra ,72 2W Et0 1005 2Il,ors-0r oot00 ,1t 2Blfr Ft0 803t t.0! 00mo 2i2 !6sao Elo "ir3-cto-ot lhlendor Ofy.rslkdlftvcsitrnl Sel6l [Tot l^nnrrnt S 3.106s?o.o0 I SEP, 14, 2012 1:57PM l,l0, 865 P. 14 /lmllk*rr UAESAIT Algust ''13,2o12 Mr. MlchaelAlgralatl Trcasurer Unitpd Watar 200 Old Hook Road Haningrton Park, NJ 07640 tu; United Wa&rnasol,rc6s lnc, fullremant Flan ftnzl bll Plaa Yarlt Qq*dbatian due Septrlittbet 14, 2012 Dear Mike: Just a slrcil noE to inform you that the final *onbibulisn for lhe above Plan E due September 14, 2012 for fia 2ol l Plift YeaI. PIeaEe ffi& thgt thpre ls no graoe poriod should tha dtp date fall on a weakand or holiday. We heve rlocatcd this quarterly by diutsion as follors: Diverst led Trlst Ag:ountilumbet ld*ro fukffisas Owego Toms Riwr Connestiout Pennqdvania Rhod6 lsland Delatirare Flotidz U\M/V I'lonbargaining Sub Total New Rochelle Nonbargeining UWME.S DepartDent 700 UnilEd Properfros Group Sub Tolal N ew J Ersey No nbatgalning Jersey CiU Ratway Sub Total NewYork NonbarSaining UWR Discontin ued Operdions s 254,6s2 132,339 28,119 107,664 44,195 tl6,148 43,281 130.490 97.A25 $1.117,693 0 1,429.273 136,200 7_110 $1,566.509 187,194 91.069 28.'tE3$ s15.435 E5,l'42 1 39,s62 cT-7S090 08 cT-73txt0 09 cT-73030 05 cT-73030 03 cT-73030 04 cTna030 10 AahHffitfi, IRdrUnmrsolfipubl?ll{'rh I fFIEr I Rrhstbid.I,rr 0?01'0 l+r.81{4Eo,gr00 [ 7rtl0r.#0,6849 I vr*/t,.aatumtcrn [tdzUrlrylltPENgl0mooRREstllAJt tlF Fh.l CmLlbldl.r\doc SEP, 14, 2012 1:57PM Bq?l\l0.P, 15 Mr. Michael AuguEt 13,2012page2 DlyclliflcdTruDt AooourrtNumber ' cr-73030 07 cT-73030 08 sT-73030 01 cT-7303002 Silnraely, ,d/7F Sbven T. Mrrza ArroohE PartrEr Dlrect Dl:al Number g'llrrjp ldaho Toms Rlver PennDylrranie DetarYarc UWVlIB DiEooritlnued O perafro ns UWWBargEhir6 SubTobl New Rodrelle eargeining New Jercy Barsal'nlng NewYort Bargainhg OnndTotrl lfyoq have any guastions. please fecl ftEE te odl. (201) 400+6Sl ccr Donna Cole Davld Altarnura l(dhleen McGddilrk Gary Pdlatta Debbie Ceilorc Robgrbcruz $ tsa"Ssg 66,533 123:7M 7+,077 $ 3e6,653 01f7,633 $o $ E.93E $3,748"o1o trr?ot3rrwi\FlNEpt{D0FRE8\laAluin rH co|ltltutlon 6 SEP, 14. 2012 1:57PM ll0.965 P, 12 lrwrPnriel$u,rtfigDtsilift a FodrdVilrt TJNIIEOWATERIT{q of Accdril: Ernk ,r, {tl|q'/D ssilhryfrrprlo: r.*.s*rei, vorfl.crtoncodE: n\aq&lrb tI€{oritron: Uoiladlilhlrr8eroutas ltlrtlm Plan Canlribrton Fhrcl 20t'l Fli n Ye*r c6nfrb|rtldtl lf 3u lcanrdacl srbAc I Flm I Gurtll) I AErhiUlD I Dad I orcll$m I lnrount ll 00660 212 24440 Fto 5 3gr.o31.O0 oboo4 212 2G'172. oo045 2f,,40 3ll 2E-119 oo0ail F30 1'14.191 oo05 2 zEir40 F3{)l00-{r* fr?4o F3{t 3ta"aa2. ,12 26:t{O F30 rrt.zgr. f 112 2E'tao F:t0 fltdssr{ln o0370 12 uw F30 e7J25,0( F30 t,t7-633.O{ 00305 FSO tsat9.473.oc 212 zE3{F30 7.,t10.01 ooi 1 %!Fil ls7.,l$40( 7:12 2CXa !t.osl-0 oD312 212 263 Hto 1006 ,8.,r03.0r ofrimD z Fti0 s4.?ao.u{ tlg-s82_orooEo0taEto trlren{tor: Dluarilll6d lrly8.tttom Azrfil llTotal Amo{Dt tr 3-7{8.a4030 ll rdoilr** JAN, 18, 201 'l 2:24?ttr ..:.'i . *JBv-* O6o _ .cc,f.3 /o\ :::-3tdq::4tA"- ,".-..cQ"-JL- .---".-6- qq . N0.406 P, 64 vAae+ January 3,20{l Mr. Malk Mct(oy Manager Po[cy and Procedurcs UnltedUltrter 200 Old Hook Road Hanlngton Park, NJ 07840 Re: Unlfsd Watarr{Esourtog lrrc- Rettwnent Plart .hauay 1 l, flfl auaft*ly CatfrIbuflon DearMarlc Just a short note to inbrm you that a quailerly con[ibution for &e aborre Plan is due January 16. 2011 for lhe 2010 Phn Year, Please note that hera is no grace perbd should lhe drre date frll on a rreekerd ot hoffday. [A& have allocated his quafterly by trrvidnn as fullows Dhr€isified Tru-rt Ascount Numbor l&ho Ailcansas Ourego Toms Rlver Connedirxrt Pennsylvania Rhode lslsnd Delawae Florids iIIUW Nonbateaining Sub Total Nerv Roclrdle No nbaryaining UtM,l&s Ilepartnent 700 United PrcpedesGroLp Sub Tota! NewJemey Nonbaqaining Jersey CIV Rahway .-$v-sLlpLf/ SubToial Neur York tlonbargainhg ulAlR, Df*ontinued Openations lortrriltl I Mlgmdn !01 Foul.l? i{clh I {n Aar I Rulllqftd. NJ 07070 t +1.!tl.{40,t?00 l, +1,$r,{5o,Elot I xffi.lodleulttca,n lrtlt Eunilrh4olElFnttl01rwll/FrpENSpl'llcoRlEsllll,!-LrwRJsr o$y€oillbnrlor.rtoo $ 160,711 80.203 10,c30 72,041 38,917 172,7W 30,652 82,497 s2.9?_3 $ 714,$8 0 950,30{ 91,146 4.722 $1,046,169 0 50.3S3 *_1L003$ 79,4$5 8A2A 99,8S1 cT-7303008 cr-7s0s0 09 cT-73030 05 cT-73030 03 cT-73030 04 cr-738010 "-&-tl*-* o6o::e-tr:::O o:l_*.':'.i.*7:-'* rdof,rH*dtr o€3 .... /,.qs__.. - -..#ss- JAN, 18, 20I 1 2:24Pttt l l'l0. 406 P Mr.Iilail(llctGy January g, 2011 Page 2 DlwrcffiedTrust AccduntNumber cT-73030 07 cT-7S030 0B cT-73030 01 cT-73Sr0 02 65 ldaho Toms Rfuer Pennsylvania Delawaro UI/VIAE Dlecontinued Opetstions tJl^Ml Baryaining Sub Total New Rochclb Baigaining New Jersey BaEaining NewYork Bargaining Grand Total s 85.576 44,00,| E6,ff7 52.114 s 268,5ff! s 85,073 $0 $2.3f1.509 Sincarcly. -H --ZW./f StevenT. MeEza Vrce Presldent DircdDbl Number sTM{P lf you haue any qucslions, pleaee fee! free b call. (201) 480$8gl cc: Dcnna Cole Mich#lAlgFamt OavidAltarnura l(ad:leein McGoldrlck Debbie.Csnbre vlttJdt/l1ilnrblolE[rE*aollllrw$FtsrlsloMcohrrE\lll4_truvnJu ofly conru#qr.d6 I JAN, 1B 201 1 2:23Ptt, ;. UlgRPsio{ts{rntDt!6CLlt . AEI{ r.ocnrwt" {tS F l)Ol,{ O seffementparg: r4"rry.n vatln.rfoocodar /3SrZ N0.406 . P, 62 UMTEOIiIAITFINC I Bt [CooLUACl BUbAC I Fhtr I Cr6{P I Arilvnrtl, I O6Dt I orcillbrn I Amou,ri U G0080 z*t zt8lo fih I t a'2r7.oo !Ea 1till *t.0 *ro 89.I08.fi I0oaa zl2 ,!tdo ?t0 |a^[3Al 00oaa ztz zf,lito Eb tt6.&uld ailta ,1,IET{O Et!38.i1?.* 0000rt a1,zECa0 ctt 2!iE&O1"tX 000a,tl2 lgt{o F30 ,o.]B5d3t 0t02t ti,ta$rG rJo "t3a"srt.& Gt ?0 zlz xltd ,ta *,9r:r.s osBt 412 2i3ao ES gs][r3 oot0E 212 *n rxo 'Lwl,r-4Bf-fr 005!0 a2 ,lltrtr tijh .f?zZ(X stm ru 2!6il!rtd u.8{ oEtoir 2lr,2itlE E!O 58_93ttr out2 2t2 laiao rli lot 2{"60a0 s*!ot 2r,1r,,lL Eln rtL62 !n30il 212 69.10 Et!soxal.0l lhrGndon Ohr.ErlkdLr$eslmrrl 525ft lllotdAmu'w. t t3{r.g.Ef.@I h'tE0Accolr.I{: idaEnft{rilc U.[6d tl,grlet lgrlr: ikfltaacnt tgA:oilt.60ll-251 Iscoorlt ol$r0,ft - /lon Hewin VIA EMAII: Augusl 16,2011 Mr. Mike Algtanat Treasurer United Water 200 Old Hook Road Harrlngton Park, NJ 07640 Re: Unlted Watsr Reso.rrces lac. Retitsnent Plan Hna, 2010 Ptan Year Contlbutlon due Sepbmber 15, 20ll tlear Mike: Just a short notre to lnform you thal he final contribution for lfre above Plan is due Septenrber 15, 2011 for lhe 2010 Ptan Year. Please note that here ls no grace period should lhe due date ldl on a woekend or holiday. We have allocated thls linal contibution by division as follows: Dlverslfied Trugt Account Number ldaho Arkansas Ouego Toms River Connectictrt Pennsylvanla Rhode lsland Delaware Florida UWW Nonbargaining Sub Total New Rochelle Nonbargahlng UWM&S Departrnent 700 United Properties Grrup Sub Total New Jersey Nonbargalning Jersey City Rahway Sub Total New York l,lonbargainl ng LJWR Discontinued Operations Arn flaf,ltt I Ro{k8tt$lll 3ol Rauti 17 Norlrt | ,lh Floor I Rulhlrfori, NJ 07070 t r 1.201.4S0.07m I f .l.20l.a6o 8e9S | ffi sontBultt.dm W:\ndymwlpt01\dlmlt2011\UWRIPENSIONICORRESIIIA-uWR Fhal Conl,lbql,ond$ s 250,486 131,364 27,n3 107,016 37,683 257,W4 45,580 121,786 91.976 $1,071,658 0 1,384,803 139,406 6.841 $1,531,050 443,379 100,499 42.092 $ s8s,970 62,279 62,347 cT.73030 0B cT.73030 09 cT-73030 05 cT-73030 03 cT-73030 04 cT-73030 10 llmrHe,4rtr Mr. Mike Algrmati August 16, 201 1page 2 Diveruifled Trust " rAqqc{nt tlumber cT-73030 07 cT-73030 06 cT-73030 01 cT-73030 02 ldaho Toms River Pennsylvanla Delaware UWWB Discontinued Operalions UWW Bargalnlng Sub Total New Rochelle Bargalning New Jersey Bargaining New York Bargalning Gnnd Total $ 122,737 73,720 129,535 86,284 0 $ 412,276 $ 126,016 $0 80 $3,851,596 ll youhave ny questions, please feel free to call. SincerelY, Ste\ren T. lUazza Vice President Direct Dial Number (201) 460€891 STM4P @: Donna Cole Jonathan Thlessen David Altarrure Kathleen Mccoldrick Debbie Centore W:UdyilIr,tsl01\oll.ailzol r\LWR\PENSION\OORRESIMA. UWR Rnal Conlilur0on.doc l. UWRPIosion-FudinsDltrtilied Fed.rrl Wre { .. ^ UNITEDWATEBIt'lc..y //0? r;- 3.' 118 seltlement Date: 1rEop.1t 1j1oVerlllc.llon Cod.: OtfctiPtl3h: llnlt.d Wolar Rclourcx panilrn Plrn ContdLu{6n SoslGmbrf 15.2011 Glurfirrly cont lbuUon l€r 2011 Plen Yor Ou{ ofAccounl: Aa.6ir6t ilrm: tlnltod l,lYai*r Bmk ,irllon Bank tgAl (N3{00-28r 079-73{7 Ilvendor: Oly.rsllled lnvcatm!trt !2!G2 lfout Amount: t 3.8i1.595.00 ll to: lrlams: Oivonllltd lnrulmdnt Gan.El AC