HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150713UWI to Staff 32,38-42,44-48,59-63,65,66.pdf(208) 34&7500 Q08r 13616912 Ga*) McDevitt & Miller It P Laoyets 420 lVest Bannock Stneet P.O. Bo:r 256/,-8370t Boiser ldaho 83702 Chas. F. McDwitt DeanJ. $oe) Miller Celeste K. Millet July 13,2015 Wa HandDeliYery& US Meit = Hr.-- cJl JeaaJeure[ Secretary =(] =Idaho Public Utilities Commissioa lrri-: F 4lzW.lTashi4gton Se :;i-- ; Boise,I.laho 53720 !i,jl-' .'., -:.j:: j :E Rc: tNgI-W-$"0l ai, H:-r (lJi--' t Enclosed f111 filin& please find an otigind and three (3) copies of United !7ater Idaho's Second Response to the Commission Saffs Second Ptoduction Request Nos. 32, 38,39, N,41,42,4,45, K, fi ,49, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,65, and 66. Kindtyretum a file stamped copy to me. DJM/hh Cc: Unitedl7ater Idaho, Ioc. VeryTnrtyYours, McDevitt & MllerLLP hAuI2- DeanJ. Mller ORIGINAL Dean J. Miller (lSB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 256/-83701 Boise, lD 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 ioe@mcdevitt-m i I ler. com Attomey for United Water ldaho lnc. r'..t- il I l " lilir BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION lN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION I Case No. UWI-W-15-01 OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORIry TO INCREASE ITS RATES I UNITED WATER IDAHO'S AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE I SECOND RESPONSE TO IN THE STATE OF IDAHO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF United Water ldaho lnc., ("United Water") by and through its undersigned attorneys, hereby submits its Second Response to the Commission Staffs Second Production Request Nos. 32, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47 , 48,59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, and 66. DATED this t\ day of July, 2015. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. UNITED WATER IDAHO'S SEGOND RESPONSE TO SEGOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COIUMISSION STAFF - 1 Deah'J: Mill6r (lSB No. 1968) Attomey for United Water ldaho lnc. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on tne -lZtay of July, 2015,t caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Hand Delivered ldaho Public Utilities Commission U.S. Mail 472 West Washington Street Fax }{ P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 iiewell@puc. state. id. us Donald L. Howell, Il Daphne Huang Deputy Attorney General Fed. Express Email Hand Detivered tr- U.S. Mail .i Fax d Fed. Express d jn , ldaho Public Utilities Commission Email P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 don. howell@puc. idaho. gov daphne. huanq@puc. idaho.oov Brad M. Purdy Hand Delivered ,-i Attorney at Law U.S. Mail ,-i 2019 N. 17th Street Fax !i Boise, lD 83702 Fed. Express J. ,bmpurdv@hotmail.com Email ,w ev lko.\\u.-$Ar, McDevrr & Mrllen LLP UNITEDWATER IDAHO'S SECOND RESPONSE TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE cotriMtsstoN STAFF - 2 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-I5-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 32 Mr. Greaves states that annual purchased water costs have ranged from approximately $208,000 to $128,000 during the period from 2011 - 2014. Please provide details, such as those provided for Ms. Cary's Adjustment No. 9, for purchased water expenses during the years 2011 - 2014. RESPONSE NO. 32 Please see the attached Excel file "Request No. 32 Purch Water 2011 - 2014". The file indicates purchased water by vendor, as well as by categories indicated in Witness Cary's Adjustment No. 9. lt should be noted that 2013 was an unusual year as evidenced by the additional payments to Water District No. 63 of $55,420, as well as additional rental pool payments to Canyon County Water Company, Middleton Mill Ditch Company and Middleton lrrigation Association of $20,000. The additional payments relate to non-irrigation season diversions charged to United Water's storage by the ldaho Department of Water Resources. GICASES\IDAHOUO15 RC UWI-W-15-01\Data Requests\Production\Set ll\Request No 32 AtEchment.xlsx Shares Leased ln Canal MILL DITCH CO LTD CITY CANAL CO (Own . Lease) VALLEY IRRIGATION DITCH Total Shares Leased in Canal Gontract Storage OF RECLAMATION Basin 63 Rental Pool ATER DISTRICT NO. 63 - Base Payment Feet Per Acre Foot ATER DISTRICT NO. 63 - Additional Payrnents Feet Per Acre Foot Total Basin 63 Rental Pool Additional Renta! Pool RS COOPERATIVE DITCH CO COUNry WATER COMPANY LTD TON MILL DITCH COMPANY IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION Total Additional Rental Pool Garden City Water Purchased Other VALLEY IRRIGATION DITCH of Eagle S IRRIGATION DIST IDAHO DEPT. OF WATER RESOURCES Total Other Total 1,395.20 43,610.00 7 1 1 't4.00 $17.00 $17.00 $ 17.00 837.00 42.275.00 1,255.34 43.610.00 1,395.20 43,610.00 4,380.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,380.00 0.000.00 12,000.000.00 4,000.000.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 455.00 455.00 594.00 594.000.00 0.00 2,438.47 0.0036.09 35.21 34.33 33.45223.80 483.80 0.00 0.00 CITY CANAL CO VALLEY IRRIGATION DITCH 42,275 7,455 43,512 4,380 1,708 224 36 837 28,000 43,610 10,955 61,738 4,380 1,938 4U 35 1,255 35,000 43,610 13,344 44,810 12,000 2,438 1,671 4,000 4,000 34 1,395 80,920 43,610 594 46,251 1,827 33 1,395 42,500 REAU OF RECLAMATION COUNTY WATER COMPANY LTD , CITY OF COOPERATIVE DITCH CO CITY PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. OF WATER RESOURCES IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION MILL DITCH COMPANY IRRIGATION DIST MILL DITCH CO LTD DISTRICT NO.63 Total By Vendor $ 't28,426.41 $ 159,394.56 $ 208,222.63 $ 136,210.47 co3e3;eq q 9E I Ef 3Pn[9 =E9s=dH99d>dtE>t,.hhEoo==o uZttuodqqo Y C*4'<*06E30 38388rtt ooooo00000UUUUUdEitt lflf,FFFFF SSSFP dEdcd 88888 a ooUd I fFo tro Ie llo6@Nordd@o ooo?-oxxo6 @VVtstsNtsNFFtstsNF 22 itt it;UUAEUUlfooa@6dE- 55: e QQ 3 g't't* oo= 3UU<En, oo0= ! h6i Yoo 6 y oo @ u-E6 eUU ' 6OO dtt allIoo; Iaa= 6 =RT 9 ed* II E6 i oo>+=a;: ; a,q ?,Y I\\trE edG.r.! 6??iE i! e e e e s* * ! -g r e-o. 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'$*$ il E* EEEE T EE ! 5 = I ! 5oUE otu(3o ? + I @ fFo a G E E T H I xUco ! = d e 63 d ffiffi ffiffi88ffigHffi HEffiHEffia3M EBW f;8ffi tioW EFffiuuffiEEWpoks Hfrffi &?ffiDO&uu@60& fi39 frfi8 fi$HE=A B'$t=mEOSiPSB HpH EeE HPH &6 ffiEffiro ffidWUMCKC ffic WH ffi";ffiH ffie ffi$ Ht5 EfrPtt< iEs ffi ffi ffie 65= EEE<H, E$3EEUot t2 EE3e6PoEo9Fr3f3 N*n.TE.9Nq nim + ffi H 848 e'He ooooE,ouuuGEE-B- HHg-E- 3H3 EEE EBE'r- -st3 EfieolS6 EEg H**8B ?H EE BBofi oI$g Efi EH =oE ciz o Eo g'o U u 66 +? aa38 fFo 8 fFo s ra8 aEs 2w2fql EEE sEso n.d-n" u- EA eEE sNsE UNITED WATER IDAHO INL. CASE UW!-W-15-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 38: Please describe the impact that the Broadway River Crossing will have on the Company's transmission and distribution lines. When will work on the Company's transmission and distribution lines be complete? What will be the Company's share of the costs associated with this project? RESPONSE NO.38: The Broadway River Crossing project is a result of ldaho Transportation Department rebuilding the Broadway Bridge. The Company's existing water main must be relocated due to the bridge construction. The new main will be increased in size from the existing 12" to 24" and will tie into existing 24" water mains on both the north and south sides of the river. The larger pipe size will provide a substantial improvement in the ability to move water across the river. The larger pipe size will convey approximately 5,000 gallons per minute more than the existing pipeline at roughly the same pipeline velocity. It is anticipated that the Broadway Crossing project will be completed in September. The estimated cost of the Company's share for the project is $379,428. This is based upon recent negotiations with the ldaho Transportation Department regarding their contribution toward the cost of the project. The approved Capital Expenditure Authorization (CEA) indicates a gross cost of $903,428 and a contribution amount of $524,000, resulting in a net cost to the company of $379,428. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE uw-w-15-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 39: Please provide a detailed electronic copy of the Company's Pressure Zone Map. RESPONSE NO. 39: Please see attached file titled "Response No. 39 Pressure Zone Map". .1*.t*.1'. *lir*i. .l-i . ,1*:il 1* 1' *ri: 'r *"f I I iri i1 I i-i"lt:I\A .,i:J f, t.! tI .!- *I .il r' t.i't ttj'{p{,"}4'.,..t *- ....#. ffi 1,,::,:r,::;::11. :tY"*;i1t - {.{ ?xJ- UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW.W.I5-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 40: Please explain whether the Company's Asset Management Plan and/or Capital lnvestment Plan(s) are developed according to each individual pressure zone and explain how frequently the plans are updated. Please provide the current individual pressure zone plans if these are available. RESPONSE NO.40: The Company's Asset Management Plan and/or Capital lnvestment Plan are not developed according to each individual pressure zone. See response to Request No. 39 for a copy of the Company's Pressure Zone Map.. The Capital Investment Plan is updated annually. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE uwt-w-15-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt REQUEST NO. 41: Please provide a copy of the Coordination Agreement for new service between the Company and the City of Meridian. Please provide all other new service coordination agreements currently in place between the Company and other adjacent entities. RESPONSE NO. 41: The Coordination Agreement for new service between the Company and the City of Meridian is enclosed as file named "Request4l_MERIDIAN_AGREEMENT.pdf". There are no other similar agreements. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 41 Attachment Page 'l of 8 .-k'United WaterUNITED WATER IOAIIO INC. 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lO E3709 P.O. Box 190420, Bcise, lD 8871$0420 Tel: 208.362.'l 300 . Fax: 208.362.1479 February 2L,2OO7 Brad Watson City of Meridian Public Works Department 660 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 200 Meridian, lD 83642 Dear Brad: 5\"/e.a Enclosed is a signed original of the approved Mutual Cooperation Agreement between the City of Meridian and United Water ldaho. I will retain the other original for our files. Thank you for all your help in accomplishing this agreement. United Water looks forward to working with the City to meet future water service needs. Sincerrely, 44,f"#lflrqn Gregory P. Wyatt Vice President GPW:jw Enclosure: Mutual CooperationAgreement WY/U,' U ti I iE t'Vrr,r'E F, COi\l United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 41 Attachment Page 2 of 8 LlUTUAI.,*CAW THIS MUTUAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT ("Agreemenf'), dated this /llSay t /geua?. 2007 is entered into by and between The City of Meridian, a municipal corporation of the State of Idaho (hereinafter "Meridian") and United Water Idaho Inc., an Idatro corporation (hereinafter "United Water" or the "Company"). Meridian and United Water are sometimes referred to as the "Party" or "Parties", as the case may be. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, both Meridian and United Water own and operate public water supply systerns in Ada County; and WHEREAS, on April 28,2006, United Water and Meridian entered into a Stipulation, for the purpose of settling Meridian's Protest in United Water's Case No. UWI-W-05-4 before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ('TPUC"), regarding United Water's request to amend and revise its Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No, 143 (hereinafter "Certificate") which identifies areas in which United Water may provide public water service; and WHEREAS, on June 8,2006, the IPUC issued Order No. 30070 in Case UWI-W-05-4 approving the Stipulation and approving United Water's amended Certificate; and WHEREAS, Meridian and United Water have been negotiating in good faith regarding future water service to additional areas within Ada County that may be within Meridian's current or expected future Area of Impact, and/or corporate city limits; and WHEREAS, the colored map attached hereto as Exhibit A shows certain service areas over which the Parties have completed negotiations; and WHEREAS, Meridian and United Water wish to cnter into this Agreement in order to more clearly dehne future water service areas between the Parties, and to establish criteria upon which certain future water service areas can be determined; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements between the Parties, and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Request No. 41 Attachmenl Page 3 of 8 l Stipulation: As a result of the above referenced Stipulation, United Water shall have the exclusive right to provide water service to the areas denominated on Exhibit A as "DanskiriSaddle Ridge", "McMillan/Eagle", "Cloverdale", and "Lake HazellCloverdale". 2. Continued Service: United Water shall have the exclusive right to continue providing water service to all areas in which United Water currently provides watsr service, as of the date of this Agreement, that may fall within Mcridian's Proposed Area of Impact as shown on Exhibit A. 3. Chinden: The Parties agree that United Water shall have the exclusive right to provide water service to that portion of the Meridian Proposed Area of Impact that is north of Chinden Boulevard and is shown in yellow and denominated as "Chinden" on Exhibit A. Further, to the extent that water service is requested for property fronting on the south side of Chinden Boulevard and the "Chinden" area, and if United Water has the capability to serve directly from its main(s) in Chinden Boulevard, then United Water shall have the right to provide the requested water service. 4. Gray Area: The Parties agree that with respect to the area denoted as the "MeridiaillJnited Water Gray Area" ("Gray Area") shown in gray on Exhibit A, Meridian shall provide water service in the area if the area or any portion of it is annexed by the City of Meridian, and likewise, United Water shall provide water service in the area if the area or any portion of it is annexed by the City of Boise. In the event that any portion of the Gray Area is not annexed by either City, then Meridian shall provide water service within such portion of the Gray Area if Meridian provides sewer service to such area, and United Water shall provide water service within such portion of the Gray Area if the City of Boise or any other sewer provider provides sewer service to such area. 5. Other Service Areas: The Parties agree that, other than the areas discussed in Paragraph 4 hereinabove, United Water shall have the right to apply fbr amendments to its Certificate for areas outside of Meridian's Proposed Area of Impact, as shown on Exhibit A without protest by Meridian; provided however, that in the event that Meridian extends its actual Area of lmpact United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 41 Attachment Page 4 of 8 beyond that which is delineated on Exhibit A, Meridian shall have the exclusive right to provide water service to that area within its Area of Impact that is not already within United Water's authorized service area and United Water shall have the exclusive right to provide water service to areas within its then authorized service area, In addition, if Meridian's Area of Impact contracts, then United Water shall have the exclusive right to apply for amendments to its Certificate of Convenience and Necessity without protest and, if so authorized by the IPUC, to provide water service to those areas that were formerly within Meridian's Area of Impact, excluding any existing customers and any properly that has been annexed, or applied for annexation, to Meridian at the time of United Water's application. 6. F".fpp_o_S*qd*Afe_RpfJ*nnp3gt The Parties recognize and agree that, as of the date of this Agreement, the area designated on Exhibit A as Meridian's Atea of Impact has been adopted by Meridian's City Council but has not yet been approved by Ada County. To the extent that any portion of Meridian's Proposed Area of Impact is reduced from that shown on Exhibit "A", and such portion is covered within this Agreement, then Meridian shall not protest any filings by United Water to amend its Csrtificate of Convenience and Necessity with regard to such service areas. 7. Consumption Data for Sewer Billing: United Water agrees to provide information necessary fiom its water consumption records for any and all of its water customers locatcd within the corporate limits of Meridian for the purpose of updating Meridian's sewer billings. The information shall include such information as account stafus, account number, customer name and service address, winter consumption reading dates, consumption per reading, total consumption for the last two billing periods prior to March 31 of the present year, and the average consumption of that same period. The information shall be in water book order and contain all books for accounts in which Meridian would have a sewer account. Meridian agrees it will request this information by letter in March of the current year, and provide the water book numbers to United Water that have Meridian sewer accounts in thern. This information shall be provided annually during the month of April of the current year. The information shall be provided in a digital format agreed upon by both United Water and Meridian. The information United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 41 Attachment Page 5 of 8 proyided shall be used by Meridian for the purpose of updating sewer billings, computer sewer modeling and for future reasons agreed upon by both United Water and Meridian. 8. Entire Ameerne,nt: This Agteement and all exhibits hereto embody the entire Agreement of the parties. There are no promises, terms, conditions, or obligations other than those contained herein, and this Agreement supersedes all previous and conternporaneous communications, rqlresentations, and agreements, either written or verbal, between the parties on these matters. 9. Severability: If any of the provisions of this Agreernent shall be held to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless be enforceable and carried into effect, unless elimination of the unenforceable provisions shall materially frustrate the intent of the parties. 10. Successorslrnd Asgiggs: This Agreernent shall be binding upon the padies hereto and their respective administrators, employees, sllccessors and assigns. 11. Controlline Law: This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho. No term or omission of language in this Agreernent shall be construed to amend or waive any provision of the regulations or ordinances of the City of Meridian. The venue for any claim, litigation or cause of action between the parties shall be the Fourth Judicial Diskict Court, Ada County, Idaho. 12. E-Xhibit-s: All exhibits referenced herein and attached hereto are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement as if expressly and fully set forth in the body of this Agreement, 13. Notice: Notices required or conternplated under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deerned received when mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the respective parlies at the following addresses: United Water ldaho Case U\M-W-15-01 Request No. 4'l Attachment Page 6 of 8 Ciry: City of Meridian ATTN: City Clerk 33 East Idaho Avenue Meridian, Idaho 83642 Unilgd.Water United Water Idaho Inc. ATTN: General Manager P.O. Box 190420 Boise, Idaho 837 19-0420 14. Amendmsrt: No amendment, alteration or modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and duly executed by the parties. 15. Duplicate Originals: This Agreernent shall be executed in duplicate originals, with each page, including exhibits, initialed by each party, and each party shall retain one (1) original of the Agreernent. 16. Waiver: The waiver by either party of any breach of any term, covenant, or condition contained in this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such term, covenant or condition or any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant or condition contained in this Agreement. lT.Dispute Resolution: The parties agrcc that any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreernent, or its breach, shall first attempt to be settled by discussions and negotiation between the parties. If, after reasonable negotiations, the parties are unable to resolve the dispute, then the parties shall attempt to settle the dispute by mediation in accordance with the Commercial Mediation Procedures of the American Arbitration Association then in effect, with both parties sharing equally in the mediator's fee. A request for mediation shall be filed with the other party to the agreement. The request may be made concurrently with the filing of a legal action but, in such event, mediation shall proceed in advance of legal or equitable proceedings, which shall be stayed pending mediation for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of filing, unless stayed for a longer period by agreement of the parties or court United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 41 Attachment Page 7 of I order. The parties shall endeavor to mutually agree on an inde,pendent, professional mediator within 15 days of the request for mediation. Agreements reached in mediation shall be enforceable as settlernent agreements in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The parties shall pay all of their own expenses associated with mediation, including any attorney fees and travel expenses. 18. .4,ttorney Fees: In the event either party is required to enforce the terms or provisions of this Agrepment, the prevailing party in any litigation arising therefrom shall be entitled to recover a reasonable attorney fee for the prosecution thereof, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement and made it effective as ofthis /?d aavof frBat*/r ,2007- United Water Idaho Inc. [3y Cregr:ry Vice Idaho Inc. 8EAI,William G. Berg, Jr., City& = United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Icllllllr/Elh t J62 t (il^6u FA ; r, f wumrc td W CUBU AYI WCHffi U i mentonu Ii 2 r mf,(u iD mu tEg w ovti4D iO I 'Mf,rui ID c enruB ffiNAEA a EI !; , x* I EEe B .^*", f, WUEWEE t ,I i . ilruxa0 .E,3 Ei rrrc floi *1,:Q;{l trureio E Eirg6qE"[B *a W {*:II Clty of tlerfdlan Servlce Area Elhtbtr A .+ tratldanhnp.olArf lrIsDC.drlbatld A.gr Boxild!/ll $l{lD Add&lp.r drhd.r oryAmr BolrcClUlmt €t^rr. +te*NW ffi- Mt*!.*0 l :lt_lslt*d&rd4*hFd"fi trrr. Ii 1-T* o3qI! H GrryA..Ll '{\ ITHMT D truuE e Ha t.tiEB &KUNA { w oEri Mt iD f,x f,rcd I' rrnrir eiun w Av[d !t ' '! AYlqt tr wvmtrio eeiiEt. ,-* *' L!fto HEotclovord.l. I hukD ro a &6[ffi ! mxo to E 5t Request No. 41 Attachment Page 8 of I UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W.I5.O1 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO.42: Please provide the proportion of ground water and surface water supplied to customers during 2012,2013, and 2014. Please provide these proportions for the (1) non-summer (i.e., end of October through April); and (2) summer periods. RESPONSE NO.42: ln 2012 the proportion of ground water and surface water supplied to customers in the non-summer period was 70.06% ground water and 29.94o/o surface water. ln 2012 the proportion of ground water and surface water supplied to customers in the summer period was 66.25% ground water and 33.75o/o surface water. ln 2013 the proportion of ground water and surface water supplied to customers in the non-summer period was 69.64% ground water and 30.36% surface water. ln 2013 the proportion of ground water and surface water supplied to customers in the summer period was 70.17% ground water and 29.83% surface water. ln 2014 the proportion of ground water and surface water supplied to customers in the non-summer period was 84.53% ground water and 15.47o/o surface water. ln 2014 the proportion of ground water and surface water supplied to customers in the summer period was 69.64% ground water and 30.36% surface water. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W-I5.01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 44: Please describe how the quantity of water treated might impact the type of water quality treatment selected by the Company. RESPONSE NO.44: The raw water quality is the primary basis for the treatment technology selected by the Company, not the quantity of water to be treated. For instance, the treatment technology selected to remove iron and manganese from groundwater would not be the same technology used to control turbidity in surface water from the river. However, each treatment technology will have a range of flow rates at which it is most efficient and economical, which can make one technology a better selection for treating a particular contaminant. The flow ranges vary based on the technology and the ability of the manufacturers of the technology to scale the necessary equipment up or down. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE uwt-w-15-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO.45: Please explain whether the Company is re-examining the treatment methods due to new or emerging water quality requirements or concerns. RESPONSE NO.45: The Company tracks the EPA's initiatives and programs with respect to new and emerging water quality requirements, such as the Contaminant Candidate List 3. The Company routinely reviews new and innovative treatment methods and considers how they might be applied in the system in light of these emerging water quality requirements. The Company also examines applicable treatment methods and technologies available as plant updates, plant replacements and new plant additions are required. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW!-W-15-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 46: Please provide a copy of the pertinent section of the Uniform Plumbing Code cited in Thompson's Dl on page 4. (i.e., Section 1320.5) RESPONSE NO.46: On page 4 of Marshall Thompson's Dl, Section 1320.5 of the Uniform Plumbing Code was mistakenly referenced for what should have been ldaho State Plumbing Code Section 605.6 which states that required shutoff or control valves be accessible (See attached file "Request 46 - CODE REFERENCE.pdfl'). This has been clarified with code officials to mean accessible outside of a crawlspace of pit setting (ie. Accessible to occupants inside of the building being served.). Section 605.3 in this document provides further clarification of this intent in it description of shutoff placement and function in multidwelling units. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-0'l 604.13 - 606.2 (PEX-AL-PEX) and polyethylene-aluminum- polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) composite pipe shall be marked with the applicable standard referenced in Table 14-1 for which the piping has been listed or approved. PEX-AL-PEX and PE-AL-PE piping shall be installed in compliance with the provisions of this section. 604.13.1 PEX-AL-PEX and PE-AL-PE. Fittings used with PEX-AL-PEX and PE-AL-PE piping shall be manufactured to and marked in accor- dance with the standard for the fittings refer- enced in Table 1,1-1. 604.13.2 Water Heater Connections. PEX-AL- PEX or PE-AL-PE tubing shall not bc installed within thc first eightccn (18) inches (457 mm) of piping connected to a water heater. 604.14 Water Heater Connectors. Flexible metallic water heater connecto$ or reinforced flexible water heater connectors connecting water heating to the piping system shall be in compliance with thc appli- cablc standards referenced in Table 14-1. 605.0 Valves. 605.1 Valves up to and including two (2) inches (51 mm) in size shall be brass or other approved mate- rial. Sizes exceeding two (2) inches (51 mm) shall be permitted to have cast-iron or brass bodies. Each gate or ball valve shall be a fullway type with working parts of non-corrosive material. Valves carrying water used in potable water systems intcnded to supply drinking water shall meet the requirements of NSF 51 as referenced in Table I4-1. 605.2 A fullway valve controlling outlets shall be installed on the discharge side of each water meter and on each unmetercd watcr supply. Water piping supplying more than one (1) building on any one (1) premises shall be equipped with a separate fullway valve to each building, so arranged that the water supply can be tumed on or off to any individual or separate building provided; however, that supplypiping to a singlc-family residcnce and building accessory thereto shall be permitted to be controlled on one (1) valve. Such shutoff valves shall be acces- sible at all times. A fullway valve shall be installed on the discharge piping from water supply tanks at or near the tank. A fullway valve shall be installed on the cold water supply pipc to cach watcr hcatcr at or near the water heater. 605.3 ln multidwelling units, one (1) or more shutoff valves shall be provided in each dwelling unit so that the water supply to any plumbing fixture or group of fixtures in that dwelling unit can be shut off without stopping water supply to fixtures in other dwelling units. These valves shall be accessible in the dwelling unit that they control. 't 16 Request No. 46 Attachment Page 1 of 1 IDAHO STATE PLUMBING CODE 605.4 Valves used to control two (2) or more open- ings shall be fullway gate valveg ball valves, or othcr approved valves designcd and approved for the service intended. 605.5 A control valve shall be installed immediately ahead of each water-supplied appliance and immedi- ately ahead of each slip joint or appliance supply. Parallel water distribution systems shall provide a control valve either immediately ahead of eachfixture being supplied or installed at the manifold and shall be identified with the fixture being supplied. 605.6 Required shutoff or control valves shall be accessible. 605.7 A single control valve shall be installed on a water supply line ahead of any automatic metering valve that supplies a battery of fixtures. 606.0 Joints and Connections. 606.1 Types of Jolnts. 606.1.1 Flared Joints. Flared joints for soft copper water tubing shall be made with fittings meeting approved standards. The tubing shall bc rcamcd to thc full borc, rcsized to round, and expanded with a proper flaring tool. 606.1.2 Mechanical Joints. Mechanical joints for cast-iron water pipe shall conform to nation- ally recop;nized standards. 606.1.3 Mechanically Formed Tee Fittlngs. Mechanically extracted collars shall be formed in a continuous operation consistin6; of drilling a pilot hole and drawing out the tube surface to form a collar having a height not less than three (3) times the thickness of the branch tube wall. The branch fube shall be notched to conform with the inner curve of the run tube and shall have two (2) dimple/depth stops to ensure that penetration of the branch tube into the collar is of sufficient depth for brazing and that the branch tube does not obstruct the flow in the main line tube. Dimple/depth stops shall be in line with the run of the tube. The second dimple shall be one-quarter (1/4) inch (6.4 mm) above the first and shall serve as a visual point of inspection. ]oints shall be brazed in accordance with Section 316.7.7. Soldered joints shall not be allowed. 606.2 Use ol Joints. 606.2.1 Gopper Water Tube. Joints in copper tubing shall be made by the appropriate uie of approved fittings properly soldered or brazed together as provided in Section 316.1.3 or 316.1,.7 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE uwt.w-I5-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO.47: Please provide copies of correspondence between UWI and IDEQ, EPA, other State DEQ, etc. concerning the proposed changes to Rules 14, 15, and 16 as referenced in Thompson's Dl on page 5. RESPONSE NO. 47: Please see the attached files "Request 47 - Cross Connection Program.pdf' and "Request 47 - DEQ Program Recog.pdf'. r iil+ii r irt:..:rrli\ gatltil'r. iI# L li,Lziri.l;.ll ffii{llXirlli$,fl H*' ll:-.4 .. si tr- ,- ,.-(" , :1 lrtillll{lltr ii;:i ;, i:::::-1::::::::::::::::= : i :::::: : :i; l$g LIISI:::::=E ::::::::::::: :l: .::=t LLri,\ji*;: I :. a =.:taa:::::a,a: n. w:..-w:i".W : ii:t.".: S." -'.i'1 i)t:'"Il:':!t'! :' iitJi,iJitillliltil ii '. a..: .:....,,.:::: i::,I:,il) :tl. ;., liil ii'i::..::::::';::#if,rl !::iat:itl! tt/iii'..::;;.= TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS... ........... 2 POLICY. ........4 Administration. ............5 Safety ............5 Confined Spaces. ......... 6 Hazardous Materials ............6 Traffic ........... 6 Public Education ..........6 REGUI-ATION ......... ................7 ADMINISTMTIVE AUTHORITY AND STANDARDS .........7 DETERMINATION .......... 8 New and Remodel Construction Plan Review ............... 8 Notice of Survey Existing Service Connections .... ............ 8 Commercial and Public Authority Connections ....... ........... I Irrigation and Residential Connections ............9 Water Usage Permit - Fire Hydrants ........... 9 Water Usage Permit - Construction Service........ ..........10 INSTALLATION .... . ........... 11 New Service Inspections... .. .. ... .. .. . 1 1 Residential Buildings ........t2 Commercial Buildings...... ....L2 Fire Service ..... .............12 Irrigation Service.... .......L2 TESTING ..........,L4 Provisions .............. 14 Notice to Test .........L4 Test Requirements.. .....15 Assembly Tagging .............16 Electronic Backflow Assembly Test Report Delivery .....L7 TERMINATION OF WATER SERVICE.. ....L7 Immediate Termination of Service....... .....L7 Failure to Comply with Notice of Determination .....L7 Failure to Comply with Notice to Test ............ 18 Initial Notice of Intent to Terminate Service ................. 18 Final Notice of Intent to Terminate Service .... 18 Reestablishing Water Service After a Cross Connection Related Termination. . ... ... ... . .. . 19 Appendix A - Approved Test Form..... ....2t DEFINTTIONS......... ..,.22 POLICY The purpose of this program is to protect the public served by United Water Idaho's water system from contamination due to actual or potential cross connections with non-potable water sources. United Water Idahot (Water Purveyor) responsibility begins at the source and includes wells, storage, treatment and the water distribution system and ends at the point of delivery to the customer (Meter or Fire Service). United Water does not provide check valve assemblies as part of normal meter settings or fire service connections. In accordance with its Cross Connection Control Program, as required and recognized by the State Department of Environmental Quality, the Company (United Water Idaho, Inc.) shall require an appropriate backflow prevention device be installed on any customer's service connection whenever an actual or potential health hazard is deemed to exist. Any such required device shall appear on the list of approved backflow prevention devices incorporated by reference by the state, or be approved by the Company prior to installation In the event a backflow prevention device is required, it shall be installed, maintained and tested at the customer's expense. Failure to properly install, maintain or test the required device will result in termination of service to the customer in accordance with the IPUC's Customer Retations Rules and Regulations. When the premises served by the Company is also served in any manner from another supply of water, public or private, the customer must install the appropriate backflow prevention device or maintain a physical separation between the two systems at all times. The type of device or separation and the installation of the device or separation shall be determined by the Company in accordance with its Cross Connection Control Program as recognized by the State.l The Company (United Water Idaho, Inc.) reserves the right to require a meter and appropriate backflow prevention device to be furnished and installed by the customer on any fire service connection. The meter and 1 Unit"d Water ldaho lnc. Rate Schedules and Rules and Regulations Governing the Rendering of Water Service and Water Main Extensions, ldaho Public Utilities Commission, Sheet 13, ltems 14-15 required backflow prevention device shall be inspected and approved by the company prior to providing service.2 AournrsrRATroN United Water ldaho's Transmission and Distribution Department Manager is the Program Administrator for the Cross Connection Control Program and provides supervision of United Water Idaho's Cross Connection Control Specialist(s). The Program Administrator is responsible for development and implementation of the program. Periodic reviews of the program will be conducted to evaluate procedures, change in codes and regulations to ensure prog ram effectiveness. United Water Idaho's Cross Connection Control Specialist(s) will, at a minimum, maintain a current Idaho Drinking Water Distribution Operator Class II license and complete an Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses (IBOL) Backflow Assembly Tester certification course and successfully pass the Idaho Backflow Tester exam. They will be required to keep their Idaho Backflow Testers license current and complete a Backflow Tester refresher course every two years. Within the scope of this program, United Water Idaho's Cross Connection Control Specialist(s) will be responsible for:o Determination of need for backflow protection, approved assembly selection, and specific location for premise isolationo Review of assembly installation and upgradeo Test notification and acceptancer Termination of water service for failure to comply with this programo Program record keepingo Cross Connection database integrity and upkeep Sarerv The Cross Connection Control Specialist must follow all Company safety policies and procedures during investigations and audits. To include wearing required PPE (Hard hat, safety toed boots and safety glasses). Additional PPE require may include hearing protection, safety vest and gloves, or other personal protective equipment as may be required by the jobsite hazards. 2 United Water ldaho lnc. Rate Schedules and Rules and Regulations Governing the Rendering of Water Service and Water Main Extensions, ldaho eublic UQCommission, Sheet 18, ltem 45 CoNruxro Spaczs During any investigation or audit the Cross Connection Control Specialist will not enter any Confined Space unless permit authorized and appropriate safety equipment and Company trained personnel are present. Hnzanoous MATERIALS Hazardous and toxic materials may be present during investigations and audits. These hazards may be near backflow assemblies, as this is often the reason why a backflow assembly is required. Proper precautions should be used when working in these areas. Tnerrtc Backflow assemblies may be located in or near streets and parking areas. Precaution should be taken when working in these areas. Appropriate traffic related PPE will be worn by the Cross Connection Control Specialist. PueLrc Eoucarron Educating the public is an important element of United Water Idaho's Cross Connection Control Program. The program explains United Water's responsibility to protect the publics'drinking water supply from contamination or pollution and the customers'responsibility to prevent contaminants from entering into the public drinking water through their plumbing system by installing, maintaining and testing their approved backflow assemblies annually. Public education efforts may include:o Utility bill inserts and bill messages to customerso TV Campaignso Website Promotiono Radio Announcementso Outreach to the local testing communityo Distribution of Printed Materials at local community centers, libraries, and irrigation/plumbing equipment suppliers REGULATION United Water Idaho's regulatory authority for enforcement of its Cross Connection Control Program fall under the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water (IDAPA) 58.01.08 administered by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Uniform Plumbing Codes and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) Rules and Regulations. The customer's domestic plumbing and irrigation systems must be installed and maintained in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Codes which are adopted by ldaho. Fire services are installed and maintained according to the International Fire Code. ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORIry AND STANDARDS o IDAPA 58.01.08 - Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water (Sec. 543, 552) o IDAPA 31.21.01 - Idaho Public Utilities Commission Utility Customer Relations Rules (Sec. 303) o IPUC - United Water Idaho Inc. Rate Schedules and Rules and Regulations Governing the Rendering of Water Service and Water Main Extensions o USDOL Occupational Health and Safety Standards (OSHA) 1e10.141(bX2Xii) o Idaho Statuteso 54-2409 - Drinking Water and Wastewater Professionals Licensing Acto 18-2402 - Thefto L8-7022 - Trespass and Malicious Injuries to Property o Uniform Plumbing Codes (UPC) o International Fire Code (IFC) o Pacific Northwest Section American Water Works Association's (PNWS- AWWA) Cross Connection Control Manual (Current Addition) o AWWA Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control (M14) e University of Southern California (USC), Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research (USC FCCCHR) DETERMINATION Determination of the need for backflow protection will be made at the discretion of United Water Idaho's Cross Connection Control Specialist (s) in accordance with referenced industry standards. If it is determined by United Water Idaho that an approved backflow assembly is required, a Notice of Determination (See Exhibit 1) will be provided to the customer outlining the requirements for installation and premise isolation. This notice will detail the approved assembly type, premise isolation location, and ongoing test requirements for protection. Failure to comply with any notice to Install or Upgrade will result in termination of water service (See: Failure to Comply with Notice of Determination). New ano Reuoorl ConsrnucrroN PLAN Revrew The Company's Engineering Department requires new customers, builders and developers to furnish a set of mechanical drawings or site plans for all projects. A Cross Connection Control Specialist will make initial determination of the need for backflow prevention based on these documents. Customers will be provided a Notice of Determination (Installation or Upgrade) via mail or email by the Cross Connection Control Specialist or Engineering representative. Norrce oF SuRvEy ExrsrrNc SERvrcE Connecrrorus Cross Connection Control Specialist (s) will conduct ongoing determination surveys on existing service connections and associated facilities. These surveys will be prioritized according to the highest degree of health hazard or risk. Each survey may include a review of the customer's facility operations, domestic plumbing system, fire system and irrigation system. ComMencrAl AND Puaurc Aurxonrrv ConnecrroNs The Cross Connection Control Specialist(s) will notify commercial and public authority customers of pending surveys by phone or in person. This survey will be conducted at the site of the connection, and may include inspection of interior facilities. This inspection may be scheduled with any person familiar with the plumbing system, heating and cooling system, processes, fire system and irrigation system. documented inoResults of the survey will be a Notice of Determination and be sent to the customer. This notice will detail cross connection hazards, locations for premise installation, and the type(s) of approved assembly to be required. Failure to comply with any notice will result in termination of water service, and notification to fire and building code officials. InnrelrroN AND ResroenuAl CoNNEcrroNs In grouped meter-book areas of the water system, walk-by surveys will be conducted on irrigation connections and residential customers with lawn irrigation systems for the purpose of determination and assembly verification. These meter-book surveys will be prioritized for the highest potential health risk based on irrigation source, subdivision age, and connection size. No prior notice will be given for meter book surveys. If required, a follow up door-hanger (See Exhibit a) will be left at properties when clear field determination is not possible. A Notice of Determination will be sent to any customer whose irrigation plumbing poses a potential cross connection hazard. Failure to comply with any notice will result in terminatlon of water service, and notification to building code officials. Wlren Usle e Penurr - Frne Hvonanrs United Water Idaho has an agreement with the Boise City Fire Department authorizing the Company to issue and control fire hydrant use permits for fire hydrants owned by Boise City. Direct connections to fire hydrants will not be permitted. All water taken from a fire hydrant must be placed in an approved container (tanker truck). The container must be fitted with an approved Air Gap or approved Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly with a current test. All containers will be inspected and labeled before a permit will be issued. Boise City Police and Ada County Sheriff can issue citations for theft and trespass if failure to obtain a fire hydrant use permit is determined3 (or also for any use on fire hydrants other than those designated in United Water Idaho permit instructions) 3Idaho Statutes, Theft 18-2402, to Property L8-7022 (8) - (10), Trespass and Malicious Injuries Wnren Usnce Penurr - ConsrRucrroN Srnvrce Construction water usage permits are available and required for all temporary construction service from a standard meter setting. Proper backflow protection is required in all cases. Failure to obtain a construction water usage permit and meter will result in termination of service and notification to law enforcement for misdemeanor citationa o See Above INSTALLATION Following a Notice of Determination, approved backflow assemblies are to be installed for premise isolation. Evidence of a passing initial test is required for water service to be established. Failure to comply with a Notice of Determination will result in termination of water service, and notification to building code officials. A list of state approved backflow assemblies can be obtained from the State Cross Connection Coordinator with the Idaho State Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ, 1410 N. Hilton, Boise, Idaho http : //www.deq. ida ho. gov/water-q ua I itv/d rin kin g -water. aspx). United Water Idaho will not accept as permitted any backflow assembly that was not previously accepted and approved by the State DEQ Cross Con nection Coordinator. All backflow assemblies will be installed in accordance with the Pacific Northwest Section, American Water Works Association's (AWWA) Cross Connection Control Manual and local plumbing codes in effect at the time of the installation. Nrw SenvrcE INsPEcrroNs When turn-on orders are received for new or previously inactive service connections, an initial assembly inspection will be performed by the Cross Connection Control Specialist or trained Company staff. This inspection will verify installation of an approved backflow assembly and confirm the initial assembly testing. Water service will be turned off until corrections are made for any of the following reasons: o The required assembly is not present o The installed assembly is not the required type o The assembly has been installed incorrectly o The assembly has not been tested and passed Additional notification will be set to the plumbing inspector to stop issuance of an occupancy permit. Rrsroenrral BurlorNGs Residential Properties will not typically be required to have premise isolation. If the property has a lawn sprinkler system in cross-connection with the public water supply, or any form of auxiliary water supply, an approved premise isolation backflow assembly will be required. Minimum requirements for a lawn sprinkler system will be an atmospheric vacuum breaker (AVB) backflow assembly. Further determination to a higher standard will be made at the company's discretion. CoMMencrAL BurLDrNGs For the purpose of this program, any building larger than a duplex, or built to produce income, is defined as a commercial building and is required to have a premise isolation assembly installed on all service lines. The minimum requirement will be a Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA). A Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly (RPBA) may be required depending on the degree of assessed hazard. The assembly will be installed on the customers'service line as close as possible to the meter. No unprotected connections will be allowed between the backflow assembly and the meter. Frne Senvrce Fire services are comprised of two categories; fire sprinkler systems and fire hydrant systems. All fire sprinkler systems require backflow protection. The minimum requirement will be a Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA). A Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly (RPBA) may be required depending on the degree of assessed hazard. Residential flow-through flre systems do not (by themselves) require backflow protection. Fire Hydrant systems will not typically be required to have backflow protection. The Company reserves the right to require protection as hazards and circumstances warrant. InnrcnrroN SERvrcE All irrigation services require an isolation backflow assembly. Irrigation services fed from United Water Idaho supply can use any state approved backflow assembly properly installed and tested based on the,ff;u""d and tes degree of hazard. Any irrigation system with a chemical feed will be required to have an approved Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly properly installed and tested. Irrigation services that use United Water Idaho and have access to an alternate source such as pressurized irrigation, a private well, ditch pump, or any other type of non-potable source will require a Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly properly installed and tested TESTING Pnovrsrons There are several situations when a backflow assembly must be tested by a state licensed tester. Testing scenarios include: upon assembly installation, after repair or relocation of a backflow assembly, and annually thereafter on all assemblies. Testing shall be done in accordance with outlined procedures in the Pacific Northwest Section AWWA Cross Connection Control Manual. Backflow Testers must have a current license issued by the State of Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses (IBOL). In addition, all testers must have their test kits calibrated annually. A list of state licensed backflow testers can be obtained from the State of Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses'website (http r //ibol. idaho.oov). The scheduling and the cost of the testing is the responsibility of the customer. The customer, or the customer's contracted backflow tester, is required to send the original, legible copy of the backflow assembly test report to United Water Idaho no more than 15 days after the test has been conducted. Failure to provide for ongoing maintenance and annual testing of an approved backflow assembly will result in termination of service to the customer in accordance with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's (IPUC) Customer Relations Rules and Regulations. Assemblies that cannot pass annual tests or those found to be defective shall be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten (10) business days. If the failed assembly cannot be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten (10) business days, water service to the failed assembly shall be discontinued. (IDAPA Nouce ro Tesr For assemblies that operate year-round, United Water Idaho will send annual test notification to effected customers describing the hazard, assembly details, and testing history of their premise isolation assembly. This Notice to Test (See Exhibit 3) will include a copy of an approved United Water Idaho Backflow Assembly Test Report Form. Notification schedules will be based on testing and assembly records maintai?fffby the Cross Connection Program ,:i:,:.::A,N] Y Administrator. For assemblies that operate year-round, the final due date for annual testing will be 1 year from the last record of successful testing. The Notice to Test will be sent out in the late summer (regardless of anniversary test date) on all backflow assemblies that do not have a current test on record for the calendar year. For all seasonally operated backflow assemblies and irrigation services, annual notice for testing will be sent out in early April (regardless of anniversary test date). IDAPA Rule details state requirements for annual testing and repair. United Water Idaho strongly encourages irrigation assembly owners to complete annual testing during irrigation district watering season. Out of season testing lapses on irrigation assemblies will be a primary focus for local enforcement of failures to test rules. Tesr Requrneurrurs Testing shall be done in accordance with outlined procedures in the Pacific Northwest Section AWWA Cross Connection Control Manual (current version). At a minimu valid test re must include: Test Date, Pass/Fail Result Premise Name, Street Address, Zip Code, Premise Protection Type, Assembly Location Description Customer Name, Mailing Address, Zip Code, Phone Email (if available) IBOL license #, Tester Name, Test Date, Signature Serial Number, Size (inch diam), Make, Model, Type Test reports that fail to meet the minimum requirements will not be accepted. Incomplete test reports will be returned to the customer for completion by their tester. The tester should provide each customer with a copy of the completed assembly test report for their records. Completed Test reports must be received by United Water Idaho within t5 days of the assembly test date, Ultimately, it is the customers' responsibility to ensure that test results have been communicated to United Water Idaho. Test results must be submitted using either the United Water Backflow Assembly Test Report Form (see Appendix A), or a pre-approved alternative. Two test report delivery formats will be accepted.. Hard copy reports delivered to United Water Idaho by mail or drop-off. Legible digital reports in .PDF or .TIFF format emailed to IdahoBackflow@UnitedWater.com . Testers who choose the email option are encouraged to send an initial sample report to ensure delivery and acceptance. Backflow Tester will be suspended from testing in the united water service area if they are found to falsify reports, commit fraudulent acts, misrepresent repairs, or continually submit late reports. An online listing of suspended testers will be maintained and published by the Company for customer reference. Testers may petition the company for reinstatement the following calendar year. AsseMeLY Teccrruc Testers must physically tag each tested assembly. Tags will be weather resistant and securely affixed to each assembly (laminated business cards and zip-tie fasteners are acceptable). As shown in Example 1, tags must include: test date, tester name, license number, and testing company name. Example 7: Tag Format and Example of Properly Tagged Assembly Testers are permitted to update the test date on a previous tag from their own company (provided the tag remains in good condition). However, they@ Test Date: MM IDDIYYYY Company: Testing Co.Tester: Tester Name License#: t23456789 must remove any other tag that does not relate to the current test. Elecrnouc BAcKFLow AssEMeLv Tesr Reponr Deuvenv An electronic submittal option for test reports is available to testers who seek pre-approval from the Company, and have the ability to provide results in a standard file format. Please contact United Water Idaho for more information on the e-Delivery test repoft option. TERMINATION OF WATER SERVICE The Cross Connection Control Program is essential to reducing the risks of backflow contamination or pollution to the public drinking water supply. This Program seeks to eliminate the potential for cross connection between the public water system and other non-potable water sources. It is United Water Idaho's intention to provide customers every opportunity to comply with state cross connection control requirements and this Program. IMMeorarE TERMTNATToN oF Senvrce Water Service will be terminated immediately upon discovery of any actual or potential cross connections between the public water system. IPUC Utility Customer Relations Rules provide United Water Idaho the right to deny or terminate service without prior notice to any customer or applicant and without the customer's or applicant's permission when conditions immediately dangerous or hazardous to life, physical safety, or property exists, or if necessary to prevent a violation of federal, state or local safety or health codes. (Ref: IDAPA 31.21.01, Rule 303) Fmlune ro CoMpLy wrrH Norrce oF DETERMTNATToN Water Service will be withheld (or terminated) for failure to comply with a Notice of Determination requiring installation of an approved backflow assembly. A backflow determination review will be part of any new service establishment process, and may also result from site inspections of existing service locations. Failure to comply with any notice of determination will result denial of water service to new customers, or immediate termination for existing connections. (Ref: IPUC United Water Idaho Inc. Rate Schedules and Rules and Regulations, Sheet No. 13-15, and IDAPA 31.21.01, Rule 303) Ferlunr ro CoMpLy wrrH Norrce ro TEsr A Notice to Test will be sent to all registered backflow assembly owners each year as a reminder of annual testing requirements. These notices clearly indicate a testing due date based on irrigation season or the anniversary date of prior testing. Any assembly owner who fails to provide timely evidence of annual testing by a state licensed Backflow Assembly Tester will receive an Initial Notice of Termination. Inrrrnl Norrcr or Inrenr ro TERMrNare Srnvtce Any backflow assembly owner who does not comply with annual state testing requirements will be sent an Initial Notice of Termination 10 days prior to a proposed date of termination (Initial Notice of Termination, See Exhibit 2). This Initial Notice of Termination will include: o The reason(s), citing ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) and Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) rules, why service will be terminated o The proposed date of termination o Actions to be taken to avoid termination, including details on the approved assembly type, premise isolation location, and ongoing test requirements for protection. . Complaint filing and service re-establishment instructions Customers can avoid termination by providing United Water with evidence of annual testing, or by demonstrating to United Water Idaho's Cross Connection Control Specialist(s) that permanent physical separation exists between potable water service and related cross connection hazards. (Ref: IPUC United Water Idaho Inc. Rate Schedules and Rules and Regulations, Sheet No. 14) Frnnl Norrce oF INTENT To TERMTNATE SERVTcE United Water will diligently attempt to contact any backflow assembly owner who is out of compliance with state testing requirements. Either in person or by telephone, contact will be attempted to advise owners and customers of the proposed action. United Water staff will also make clear steps that can be taken to avoid termination. At least twenty-four Qa) hours before the proposed date of termination, United Water will provide a final notice of intent to terminate water service. This notice will include: o The reason(s), citing IPUC and DEQ rules, why service will be terminated o The proposed date of termination o Actions to be taken to avoid termination. o Complaint filing and service re-establishment instructions Customers can avoid termination by providing evidence of annual testing, or by demonstrating to United Water Idaho's Cross Connection Control Specialist(s) that permanent physical separation exists between potable water service and related cross connection hazards. (Ref: IPUC United Water Idaho Inc. Rate Schedules and Rules and Regulations, Sheet No. 14) ReesrasLrsHrNc Senvrce Arren A Cnoss Connecrron Relareo Tenurnntlon Following a cross connection related service termination, customers may contact United Water Idaho to schedule a site inspection for service reestablishment. Prior to reconnection, it will be the responsibility of the customer to demonstrate to United Water ldaho's satisfaction that the root cause for termination has been addressed. At a minimum, this will require completion of backflow test by a state licensed backflow assembly tester. In locations where an approved assembly was not in place, it will require installation and inspection of an approved backflow assembly per determination instructions from United Water Idaho's Cross Connection Control Specialist(s). Assembly owners will be responsible for the full cost of assembly installation and testing. Alternatively, if a customer can demonstrate to United Water Idaho's satisfaction that the cross connection hazard has been eliminated, water service may be reestablished without the need for premise protection. United Water Idaho's Cross Connection Control Specialist must witness or inspect the permanent physical separation from any related cross connection hazards. Further determination of the need for backflow protection will be made at the discretion of United Water ldaho's Cross Connection Control Specialist (s). (Ref: IPUC United Water Idaho Inc. Rate Schedules and Rules and Regulations, Sheet No. 14) Premise Details Premise Name Premise Address Required Protection tr Premise tr Irrigation tr Fire! Other Assembly Location Appendix A - Approved Test Form Assembly Details Assembly Owner Contact Details Name Assembly of Record New or Replaced(If Aoolicable) Serial Number Size Make and Model Assembly Type Initial Test: t Pass tr Fail Repair: tr Yes trNo Check Valve #1 PSI Across Check Valve #2 PSI Across Differential Pressure Relief Valve Pressure Vacuum Breaker Leaked Closed Tight tr tr Leaked tr Closed Tight tr Open at _ lbs. trOpen Under 2# (or did not open) Air Poppit Open at _ PSI trOpen Under 2# (or did not ooen) Final Test PSIAcross_ Closed Tight tr PSIAcross_ Closed Tight tr Open at_ lbs. Reduced Pressure Water Turned Back On tr appltcable state regulattons and Unlted watels rules and reguladons. Maili City_ ng Address State _, ZIP _ Final Tester Sign-Off Test Date _ l_ l_ License # Name Sionature of Te erPhone ( )Email- DEFINITIONS Air Gao (AG) A method of preventing backflow by using the unobstructed vertical distance between the lowest opening of any pipe or faucet supplying potable water and the flood level rim of any receiving vessel such as a tank, vat or fixture. An "approved" air gap separation must be at least twice the effective opening (the inside diameter) of the supply line piping, but never less than one-inch. Air gap separation requirements are increased, if the discharge end of the pipe could be affected by a sidewall or other obstructions. American Water Works Association (AWWAI The international professional organization dedicated to the improvement of water quality and supply. AWWA is an organization that sets standards for the water industry. Approval or Aooroved Acceptable to the administrative authority (Company, Local Jurisdiction, or State) as meeting a standard or requirement. Aooroved Backflow Prevention Assemblv A backflow preventer assembly as a unit with properly located and approved shutoff valves and test cocks so the assembly can be approved by a recognized testing agency as meeting material, construction and operating requirements that are acceptable to the administrative authority. Also referred to as "assembly". Atmosoheric Vacuum Breaker (AVB) A backflow prevention device consisting of an air inlet valve, a check valve seat and an air inlet vent. When water is shut off to the AVB, the air inlet valve drops and allows air to enter the device. AVBs are designed to only protect against backsiphonage conditions in both low health and high health hazard conditions. Auxiliary Water Supply Any water supply, on or available to the premises, in addition to the approved potable water supplied by the purveyor. Backflow flow of wateoThe undesirable reversal of r, other liquids, mixtures, gases or substances from the intended direction of flow in potable water distribution piping caused by backsiphonage or backpressure conditions. Backflow Assemblv Tester (BAT) A person who has shown competence to test and maintain backflow prevention assemblies and who is certified in accordance with the applicable state agency or other administrative authority. Also referred to as "Certified or Licensed BAT'. Backflow Preventer A device, assembly or means used to prevent backflow from entering the potable water system. Backflow Prevention Assemblv (BPA) See "Approved Backflow Prevention Assembly" Backflow Prevention Device A backflow preventer generally not designed for in-line testing or repair such as an atmospheric vacuum breaker, single check or dual check. Also referred to as "Backflow Prevention Assembly" Backoressure A source of pressure which exceeds the operating pressure of the potable water supply and could cause water or other substances to flow opposite of their intended direction. This type of backflow could be caused by pumps, thermal expansion, elevation or other sources of pressure. Backsiohonaoe The negative pressure (below atmospheric pressure) or reduced pressure within the distributing pipes of a potable water supply that creates a partial vacuum causing water or other substances to flow opposite of their intended direction. This type of backflow could be caused by a loss of pressure in a water supply main or fire hydrant demand. Check Valve (CV) A general term used for a variety of valves designed to allow flow in only one direction. Confined Soace Three characteristics must be present to identify this safety hazard: limited or restricted means of entry or exit, large enough to enter and perform work and are not designed for continuous occupancy. Confined spaces may include underground vaults, tanks, storage bins, manholes, pits, silos, underground utility vaults and pipelines. Cross Connection Any actual or potential connection between a potable water supply and any pipe, vessel, tank, plumbing fixture, equipment or device through which it is possible for used, polluted or contaminated water or any other substance to enter into the potable water system. Cross Connection Control Prooram (CCCPI The administrative and technical procedures the water purveyor implements and maintains to protect the public water system from contamination and pollution due to cross connections. Customer Any person served by a public water system. Also referred to as "consltmer" or "water user". Deoree of Hazard The type of potential risk or hazard such as pollution or contamination that is determined by an evaluation of the conditions within a consumer's water system. Determination Determining the probability of an actual connection between the potable water supply and a non-potable substance, the existence of a backflow condition, the failure of existing backflow protection and the likelihood that the non-potable substance will have an adverse effect on the distribution system or the water consumer. Device See "Backflow Prevention Device" Distribution Svstem All the piping components of a water system that convey water from the transmission mains linked to source, storage and treatment facilities to the point of delivery to a consumer. Double Check Detector Assemblv (DCDA) An approved assembly consisting of two approved double check valve assemblies, set in parallel, equipped with a meter on the bypass line for the purpose of detecting small amounts of water leakage or unauthorized use. DCDAs are designed to protect against both backsiphonage and backpressure in low health hazard conditions. Double Check Detector Assemblv-Tvoe II (DCDA-III An approved assembly consisting of an approved double check valve assembly with a bypass installed around the second check valve that is equipped with a meter and an approved check valve. The bypass line is for detecting small amounts of water leakage or unauthorized use. DCDA-IIs are designed to protect against both backsiphonage and backpressure in low health hazard conditions. Double Check Valve Assemblv (DCVA) An approved assembly consisting of two independently-operating check valves, loaded to the closed position by springs or weights that are installed between two tightly-closing resilient-seated shutoff valves with four properly located test cocks for testing. DCVAs are designed to protect against both backsiphonage and backpressure that are subject to low health hazard conditions. Dual Check Valve A device consisting of two spring-loaded independently-operating check valves. Some types may not be testable or repairable in-line. Dual checks are illegal in the State of Idaho. Emeroencv An unforeseen event that causes damage or disrupts normal operations in a public water system and requires immediate action to protect public health and safety. Fire Sorinkler Svstems The protective sprinkler heads and piping systems designed to deploy under certain circumstances to extinguish or control fires. Systems can contain water, air, nitrogen or other chemicals such as antifreeze. Flow-Throuqh Fire Protection Systemo A fire system constructed with approved potable water piping, fixtures and materials and designed so the potable water regularly moves through the fire system piping to avoid stagnation. These combination fire systems are only connected to the public water supply and they do not have fire department pumper connections. Also referred to as "combined" ot "mLilti-pLtrpose" fire sprinkler systems. Health Hazard Any physical, chemical, biological or radiological substance that may enter the drinking water supply and impair the quality of the potable water and may result in injury, poisoning or the spread of disease. Also referred to as "high health hazard", "contamination hazard" or "severe health hazard". Low Health Hazard Those contaminants which, at the levels found in the water, could cause adverse aesthetic problems to the drinking water supply such as taste, odor and color of the water but do not present a danger to public health. Also referred to as "low hazard", "non-health hazard" and "poll ution hazard". Non-potable Fluid Any water, liquid, gas or other substance which is not intended for human consumption. Non-potable Pioino Svstem A piping system made of materials that are not approved for potable use and which can affect the aesthetics or degrade the quality of the water. Non-potable Water Distribution Svstem A system that carries water for non-potable use. Plumbino The materials and fixtures used in the installation, removal, maintenance and alteration of piping, fixtures, appliances and appurtenances in connection with sanitary or storm drainage facilities, waste venting systems and water supply systems that are within or adjacent to any building or structure. Plumbino Code The standards developed by a committee or organization designed to provide consumers with safe and sanitary plumbing systems. The intent of the code is to create a reference manual that can be adopted by state or local jurisdictions for uniformity and safety in plumbing practices. Point of Deliverv The connection where the public water system connects to a consumer's water system. Point of Hazard The point where a direct, indirect or potential cross-connection can be determined. Hazard points include fixtures and any systems connected to potable water piping including boilers, fire protection services or systems where the possibility of chemical contact or stagnation exists. Pollution An impairment of the quality of the public potable water supply which does not create a hazard to the public health, but which does adversely affect the aesthetic qualities of such potable water for domestic use. Also referred to as "/ow hazard'br "non-health hazard". See also "Contaminant", Potable Water Water which is safe for human consumption, free from harmful or objectionable materials that could cause injury, disease or harmful physiologica I effects. Premise Any property where water service is provided, including all buildings, improvements, moveable and permanent structures. Premise Isolation The practice of protecting the public potable water supply by installing an approved backflow prevention assembly or an approved air gap at or near the point where the water supply enters the premises, and before any other branch connections, to isolate the consumer's water system from the water supplier's distribution system. While this approach protects the public water supply, it does not negate further need for sub-premise isolation on the customer's plumbing system. Also referred to as "containment". Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assemblv (PVBA) An approved assembly consisting of a spring-loaded check valve loaded to the closed position, an independently-operating air inlet valve loaded to the open position and installed as a unit between two tightly-closing resilient-seated shutoff valves with two test cocks properly located for testing. PVBs are designed to protect only against backsiphonage in both low health and high health hazard conditions. Public Health Hazard A condition, device or practice that may allow the introduction of waterborne disease organisms or harmful chemical, physical or radioactive substances into a public water system and which creates an unreasonable risk to health. Public Water Svstem A system to provide the public with piped water for consumption. Federal, state or local laws, statutes, codes or rules define public water systems and how they are classified. Reduced-pressure Principle Backflow Assemblv (RPBA) An approved assembly consisting of two independently-operating check valves, spring loaded to the closed position, separated by a properly located and independently-operating spring loaded differential pressure relief valve loaded to the open position and installed as a unit between two tightly-closing resilient-seated shut-off valves with four test cocks properly located for testing. RPBAs are designed to protect against backsiphonage and backpressure in both low health and high health hazard conditions. Reduced-Pressure Princiole Detector Assemblv (RPDA) An approved assembly consisting of two approved reduced-pressure backflow assemblies, set in parallel, equipped with a meter on the bypass line for the purpose of detecting small amounts of water leakage or unauthorized use. This type of assembly is most commonly used on fire line water services in place of an approved reduced pressure backflow assembly, if approved by the local water purveyor. RPDAs are designed to protect against backsiphonage and backpressure in both low health and high health hazard conditions.o Reduced-oressure Princiole Detector Assemblv-Tvoe II (RPDA- !D An approved assembly consisting of an approved reduced-pressure backflow assembly with a bypass installed around the second check valve that is equipped with a meter and an approved check valve for the purpose of detecting small amounts of water leakage or unauthorized use. RPDA-IIs are designed to protect against backsiphonage and backpressure in both low health and high health hazard conditions. Service Connection The piping connection where water is conveyed from the water purveyor's distribution main to a consumer's premises. For a community water system, the portion of the service connection which conveys water from the distribution main to the consumer's property line or to the service meter is under the jurisdiction of the water purveyor, Sinole Check Valve A device consisting of a single check that is intended to allow water to flow in the normal direction. Some types may not be testable or repairable in-line. Soill-resistant Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assemblv (SVBA)A backflow assembly containing an independently-operating, internally- loaded check valve and independently-operating loaded air inlet valve located on the discharge side of the check valve. It is equipped with a properly located resilient-seated test cock, a properly located vent valve and tightly-closing resilient-seated shutoff valves attached at each end of the assembly. SVBs are designed to protect against backsiphonage in both low health and high health hazard condition Stand-alone Fire Suppression System A piping system connected to the public water supply that extends into a consumer's premises and is only intended to serve as a water supply for an emergency fire protection system. Also called "dedicated fire suppression system". Stand-alone Irriqation Svstem A piping system connected to the public water supply that extends into a consumer's premises and is only intended to serve as a water supply for an irrigation system. Also called "dedicated irrigation system". Svstem Hazard The actual or potential threat to the components of a piping system or to the quality of the water in public and private plumbing systems. Test Eouioment The electronic or mechanical equipment recognized by the administrative authority that is designed to field test the operational performance of a backflow prevention assembly, Also referred to as "Differentia| Pressure Gauge", "Test Kit". Thermal Exoansion The pressure increase due to a rise in water temperature. Thermal Exoansion Tank A container equipped with an air bladder which is used to safely control the expansion of water when a closed loop plumbing system is created. Installation of the tank may be required by administrative authorities or plumbing code regulations. ToxiciW The degree to which a substance is toxic or poisonous and affects the quality of the water supply. UniversiW of Southern California (USC), Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hvdraulic Research (USC FCCCHR) An agency that conducts laboratory and field tests to evaluate and grant "Certificates of Approval" to manufacturers of backflow prevention assemblies that meet USC-approved standards. Vacuum Any pressure less than that exerted by the atmosphere. Vault An enclosure, above or below ground, designed to protect a backflow prevention assembly and approved by the administrative authority. Waterborne Diseases Any disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms which are directly transmitted when contaminated water is consumed. Water Purvevor Any agency, subdivision of the state, corporation, firm, company, mutual or cooperative association, institution, partnership, person or other entity that owns or operates a public potable water system. It also means the authorized agents of the entities listed above. Also referred to as "Wafer Supplier". Water Source Any lake, river, stream, spring, canal, groundwater supply, impoundment or other source from which water is obtained for a water system. Water Suoolv System The system of water service and distribution piping, including all necessary connecting pipes, fittings, valves, fixtures and appuftenances, that are designed for the provision of potable water. UNITED WATER IDAHO CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM PO BOX L90420 BOISE, ID 83719 WWW. U N ITEDWATER. CO M/IDAH O/BACKFLOW Lance Neilson DEQ State Office - Water Quality Division 1410 N Hiltons Boise, ID 83706 May 6, 2OL3 RE: United Water ldaho Cross Connectlon Control Program Mr. Neilson, Enclosed you will find a copy of United Water Idaho's newly revised Cross Connection Control Program. The intent of this program is to protect the public served by our drinking water system from contamination due to actual or potential cross connections with non-potable water sources. We respectfully request a letter of acknowledgement from your agency stating receipt of this program. Regards, MARSHALT N. THOMPSON Operations Manager UNITED WATER IDAHO P.O. Box L9O42O Boise, ID 83709-0420 Ph: 208-352-7377 STATE OF IOAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY RECEIVED MAY I tr zotg rJlvlTED WATER 1445 North Orchard . Botse, tdaho 63765 r (208) 373-0550 C.L. "Butch' Otle( Governor Curt Fransen, Director May9,2013 Marshall Thompson United Water Idaho P.O. Box 190420 Boise,ID 83709 Re: United Water Idaho Cross Connection Conhol Program Receipt Dear Mr. Thompson, The Idaho Deparhnent of Environmeirtal Quality (DEQ) has recently received the updated cross connection control program for the United Water Idaho public drinking water system. DEQ does not specifically approve cross connection control programs; however, your plan will be filed electronically with other United Water Idaho correspondence. We will contaot you if any questions arise regarding the new updated plan. Thank you for taking the time to update this plan and share it with DEQ. Sincerely, .,, Brandon Lowder Drinking Water Compliance Supervisor Boise Regional Office Idaho Deparhneirt of Environmental Quality C: TRIM # 20l3ACAl559 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. GASE UW!-W-15-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson REQUEST NO. 48: Please provide copies of the following: (1) Cross Connection Control Specialist(s)' current ldaho Drinking Water Distribution Operator Class Il license; (2) the ldaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses (IBOL) Backflow Assembly Tester certification; and (3) the ldaho Backflow Tester exam. RESPONSE NO. 48: Please see the included file "Request 48 - Certifications.pdf', which includes: (Page 1) IBOL ldaho Backflow Tester exam results and Backflow Assembly Tester certification for Stacy L Stuart (Page 2) ldaho Drinking Water Distribution Operator Class ll license for Stacy L Stuart :rA:r ;ilffi ou "..'PATI.NAL '-T.ENSES Relative Min Passing Weight Grade Score 700 Wcst State Street P.O. Box E3720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0063 (208) 334-3233 FAX (208) 334-394s E-Mail ibol@ibol.state.id.us Websi te rvr,r,w- ibol. idaho.sov Test Date May "14,2014 Examination STACY L STUART UNITED WATER _ ATTN: JUSTY THOMAS B24B W VICTORY ROAD BOISE ID 83709 RE: Licensure Notification - BAT-19855 CONGRATULATIONSI The Board of Water & Wastewater Professionals is pleased to advise that you have passed the examination for licensure to practice as a BACKFLOW ASSEMtsLY TESTER in the state of Idaho. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TESTER 100 70 83 04130120t4 Your license cards are attached below and will expire on your birth date. Licenses are subject to renewal before your birth date each year. A decorative Wall Certificate is enclosed. Please notit/ this office of any necessary corrections or changes to your name or address. Sincerely, / aza<- 1'ana Cory Bureau Chief Buroau of Occupational Licenses Department of Self Governing Agencles The person named hc m6t lha rcqulaemsnls for lacensure and ls entided undor lhe laws and rul€s ot th6 Slal( ot ldaho to opoEte as a(n) 8ACKFLOW ASSCTTIiSLY TESTER Bureau of Occupational Licenses Oopartment of Self Governing Agencies f hs p8rson nared h.s met lhe roquiremont3 tor llcrnsure and is cniitlod unde. thq l.ws snd rurqe et lhu.Stat* ot ldaho to operale ts a(n) BACKFLON' ASSEMBLY,TESTER S}ACY L STUART 1??53 tl SOIiJCKS RD GAH,DAN CffY IN 037'4 qT*cY L STUAflT 1U7S3 N SQt{r6K$ Rn GARDEN CITY IN ffi?1d Your license must be shown on demand.+ carry this copy display this copy=+--7aa CooS/-.- Tana Cory Chief, B.O.L. 7a^ Cou-t Tana Cory Chief, B.O.L. BAT-'| 9855 09/09/201sNumber Explres BAT-19855 09/09/2015Number Expires t *Far{rnsnt of $elf Governlng Agenclea Th! plron nrmod h$ mot lie aeqqlrarmnE tor llcrnlure and ls rnllu.d undcr tho l.wr and rule. of thc Sa.to ot ld.ho to opdata aa !ln, DRINKING WATER DIS.TRIEI.ITION OPEMTORcliss rr ' be shown on demand.+ carry thls copy Departrnent of Self Governlng Agenctes fhc parron nrmad hr3 .nat tho .aqulr.mmk for llcaDrra lnd l! mullad undr tho lrwr rnd rdo. ot thc Sttla o,ldrho to oPt to r {nl DRTNKT NG wArER. PErRraUfl OffiFffiTOn ... t'cr.AS5rll $TAEY L$YUANT,rz?s!N $qH{O,(S ftD cAR$Eil ClrYdD 8,f{/+ STAOY LSTUART ltlse it $ct{lcKs_Ro GARDSN.SfTY tS SsrtdI tli '7a {or4afana Cory Chlef, B.O.L DWD2-18109 0910912015Number Ery|rc. STACY L STUART UNITED WATER - ATTN: JUSTY THOMAS 8248 W VICTORY ROAD BOrSE rD 83709 display this copy+ 09/0il20,t{ -';t* eUL=. lana Cory Chlcf, B.O.L DWD2-i8169 090912015Number Erplret Nlyl€3 154 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. GASE UW!-W-15-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 59: Please provide a copy of the current contract(s) used to obtain services for facility installations, new construction, and replacements. Please explain the following: a. term of the final contract (i.e., annual, project specific, etc.); contract development process including whether it is a competitive process; how any 'requests for proposals' are advertised, along with an example advertisement; d. whether multiple companies are awarded contracts depending on various specializations; and e. whether the specific tasks conducted under the contract(s) are developed as task orders. RESPONSE NO.59: The Company has had many contracts with specialty contractors, consultants and construction contractors as needed for the services required. These contracts are available for review by Staff at the Company's office. As an example of such a contract, the current contract for facility installations, new construction, and replacements is attached. This contract is referred to as an "annual contract". The responses below relate to the "annual contract". See "Response No. 59 - Annual Construction Services. pdf' a. The term of the contract is three years with options for two additional one year terms. b. Page 1 ot2 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE uwt-w-15-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF b. The development of the annual contract for facility installations, new construction, and replacements is a competitive process. The development proceeds in the following manner: o Previous contract is reviewed to ensure that the terms are acceptable going fonrvard. o Bid schedules are developed. The bid items are measured on a per each basis or per a standard unit such as lineal foot or square foot. . Other selection criteria are developed as well, such as safety records and resource availability. . The bid requests are delivered to the contractors. . The bids are received back from the contractors and are evaluated by a committee. The evaluations are based on price and on the other selection criteria. The evaluations are conducted in accordance with pre-set evaluation criteria. . Once the apparent successful bidder is determined, all participants are notified. . A contract is executed with the successful bidder. c. We do not advertise requests for proposals. The requests are given to a pre- determined group of contractors that have the abilities and resources to complete the required work. d. We have one main annual contractor. We do have master services agreements with other, specialty contractors such as electricians. e. Task orders are used essentially as "notices to proceed" for the contractor to execute a specified scope of work. Page 2 of 2 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15{1 Request No. 59 Attachment Page 1 of73 Response No. 59 - Annual Construction Services.pdf United Water ldaho Case LJWI-W-1il)l Request No. 59 Attachment Page 2 of73 UASTER GONSTRUCTION SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNITED WATER IDAHO AiID KNIFE RTVERCORPORANON FOR ANN UAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AGREEMENT NO.13860 MARCH 2015 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssrre.rd by: UW Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 3 of 73 Fonn: scA R3-07/1 1/1 3 Conlftrct ll 138A0 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of the 20th of March 2015 by and between United Water ldaho lnc. and Knife River Corporation. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS HEREIN CONTAINED, COMPANY AND CONTRACTOR AGREE AS FOLLOWS: A. KEY TERMS AND DEF]NITIONS 1.) This Agreement is dated March 20, 2015 ("Agreement Date"). 2.) The Company that is a party to this Agreement is United Water ldaho lnc. ("Company''), 3.) The Company is incorporated in the State of ldaho. 4.) The Company's principal business address (hereinafter "Company Address") is 8248 W. Victory Road, Boise, ldaho 83709. 5.) The Contractor that is a party to this Agreement is: Knife River Corporation ("Contractor"). 6.) The Contractor is incorporated in the State of Oregon. 7.) The Contractor's principal business address (hereinafter "Contractor Address") is 5450 W. Gowen Road, Boise lD 83709. 8.) The Work will begin on April 1, 2015 ("Commencement Date"). 9.) The Work will end on March 31, 2018 ("Expiration Date'). 10.)The Gompany Representative is: Project Manager. 11.) The Contractor Representative is: Michael Cole. 12,) Contract Client: ( ) Applicable to this Agreement (X) Not Applicable to this Agreement 13.) Task Orders: (X) Applicable to this Agreement ( ) Not Applicable to this Agreement 14.) Retainage of Payment: (X)Applicable to this Agreement via individual Task Order ( ) Not Applicable to this Agreement United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lI lssucd by: I UW Legal l Request No. 59 Attachment Page 4 of 73 MASTER SERVICES AG REEIv}ENT CONSTRUCTION Forrn: scA R3-07/1 1/'13 Conract # 13860 And (b) To the Contractor: 18.) Dispute Resolution: State/Commonwealth where disputes will be held: ldaho 19.) Governing Law and Jurisdiction: State/Commonwealth: ldaho ATTACHMENTS (Add additional Schedules as applicable) 15.) Bonds; 16.) Health and Safety Orientation: 17.) Notices:(a) To the Company: SCHEDULE A. SCHEDULE 4.1 SCHEDULE B - SCHEDULE C - SCHEDULE D - SCHEDULE E - SCHEDULE F - SCHEDULE G - SCHEDULE H - (X)Applicable to this Agreement via individual Task Order ( ) Not Applicable to this Agreement (X) Applicable to this Agreement( ) Not Applicable to this Agreement United Water ldaho lnc. 8248W. Victory Road Boise, ldaho 83709 Attention: General Manager United Water 200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park, NJ 07640 Attention: Legal Department Knife River Corporation - Northwest 5450 W. Gowen Road Boise, lD 83709 Attention: Michael Cole SPECIFICATIONS TASK ORDER ASSIGNMENTS COMPENSATION / MTES AND PAYMENT TERMS CERTIFICATE AND RELEASE OF LIEN INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS BONDS REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTOR GUlDELINES SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLICABLE Y/N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'|5-01 Ii lssued by: i UW Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 5 of 73 MA$THR SHRVICES AGREEMEN]' - CONSTRUCTION I f orrl: i scA R3 07/11i13 : Con-.ra$.# 13860 TABLE OF CONTENTS Key Terms Definitions and Other Terms and-9onditions Definitions Proqrli.ss SchedulQ Work Commencement of Work/Contract Term Contract Pavment &tainaqe lnepection and Acceota[ce Sqbstantial ComQletion Final Completion and Finalfayment Chanqes ln the Work Permits. Approvals and Licenses $uperintendence Material and Workmanship Wanantv of Construction lndemnification of the Companv Waiver Claims for Damaoes .L"imitation of Actign Termination for Default Terqination for Bankruptcy lnsurance Bond Waiver of Damaoe for,PeJey Publicitv FQ!'ce Maieure Assiqnment Subcontractors Waqes and lndependent Contractor Notices Suryival Severabilitv Dispute Resolution Applisable l=aw Co"d"p of Conduct MBEM.FE lnteoration Ambiquities SECTION A. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28, 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'|5-01 lssr.red by; UW Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 6 of 73 MASTER $ERVICES AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION Form: scA R3-07/1 1/'13 Contract # 13860 TABLE OF CONTENTS Sustainabilitv Compliance With Laws Exclusivitv ExLribits. Schedules. and Apoendicp$ B. DEFINITIONS AND OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS SECTION 38. 39. 40. 41. 1. DEFINITIONS (a) The following definitions shall be applicable to this document: (b) "Applicable Law" shall mean those federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, permits and rules in effect, valid and applicable to the performance of this Agreement by such party. (c) "Certificate of Substantial Completion": A certificate prepared by the Company Representative on the basis of an inspection stating that the Work or a designated portion thereof is substantially complete, which establishes the Date of Substantial Completion, states the responsibilities of the Company and the Contractor for security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the Work, and insurance; and fixes the time within which the Contractor shall complete the items listed therein. (d) "Change Ordef\ A written order to the Gontractor signed by the Company and the Company Representative, issued after the execution of the Agreement, aulhorizing a change in the Work within the general scope of the Agreement, consisting of additions, deletions or other revisions, or an adjustment in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. The Contract Sum and the Contract Time may be changed only by Change Order. A Change Order signed by the Contractor indicates the Contracto/s agreement therewith, including the adjustment in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. A failure by the Contractor to agree to a Change Order shall not affect its validity and the relevant provisions of Section 10 shall govern. (e) "Company Representative': The designated person/ people/ firm (by Company) who will inspect and monitor the Work. This shall extend to and include Company's designated engineer, project manager, any foreman, inspector or agent who may be designated to act in the premises on behalf of Company. (t) "Contract Clien( shall mean the third party client (municipal, governmental, federal, or private) that Company has entered into a separate contract with for the provision of water, wastewater and/or industrial services for whom the Work is being performed hereunder. (g) "Contract Document(s)': This Agreement, all Schedules to this Agreement, Task Orders issued pursuant to this Agreement, the Contractor's proposal, the Drawings, the Specifications, and all addenda issued prior to and all Change Orders issued after execution of the Contract and any other items that may be specifically stipulated in writing as being included. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssued by U1,iJ Lega: Request No. 59 Attachment Page 7 of 73 f arn. scA R3-07/1 1/1 3 Contrnd # 138${) MASTER SERVICES AGREETI4ENT . CON$TRUCTION (h) "Contract Limit': A limit line or perimeter line established on the Drawings or elsewhere in the Contract Documents defining the boundaries of the site available to the Contractor for construction purposes or designating the area in which the Contractor shall be responsible for the Work, (i) "Contract Sum". The sum stated in Section 5 of this Agreement, which is the total amount payable by the Company to the Contractor for the performance of the Work under the Contract Documents. The Contract Sum may be adjusted only by Change Order and any Unit Price provisions contained in the Contract Documents. (j) 'Contract Time". The period of time allotted in the Contract Documents for Substantial Completion of the Work, including authorized adjustments thereto. The Contract Time may he adjusted only by Change Order. (k) 'Credit". The amount to be subtracted from the Contract Sum upon issuance by the Company of any Change Orde(s) diminishing the amount of Work to be performed by the Contractor under the Agreement. (l) "Date of Substantial Completion'i The date certified by the Company Representative when the Work or a designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents, so the Gompany can occupy the Work or designated portion thereof for the use for which it is intended. (m)"Drawingsi All plans, drawings, sketches, schematics, charts, graphs and maps outlining the Work to be performed. (n) "Environmental Claim" means any civil, criminal or administrative action, suit, communication (written), demand, claim, hearing, citation, notice, warning, consent decree, contract right, notice of violation, investigation, judgment or order by any person or entity lawfully authorized to issue, bring, give or make the same alleging, claiming, concerning or finding liability or potential liability arising out of, based on or resulting from, in whole or in part, the actual or alleged presence, threatened release, release, emission, disposal, storage, treatment, transportation, generation, manufacture or use of any hazardous substance or waste at or from any location. (o) "Extra Work". A term sometimes used to denote an item of Work involving additional cost to the Owner under the terms of the Contract Documents and which is authorized by Change Order. (p) "Final Acceptance\ The Company's acceptance of the Work from the Contractor upon certification by the Company Representative of Final Gompletion. Final Acceptance is confirmed by the making of Final Payment unless otherwise stipulated at the time of making such payment. (q) "Final Certification for Payment". Certificate issued when the Final Payment is due and payable by the Company Representative stating that the Work done has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssLred by: UW Legai Request No. 59 Attachment Page 8 of 73 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT . CONSTRUCTION Form: , scA R3-07/1 1/'r3 I Contract # 13860 I (r) "Final Completion": A term denoting that the Work has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. (s) "Final Payment": Payment made by the Company to the Contractor, upon Final Acceptance and the issuance by the Company Representative of the Final Certificate for Payment of the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum as adjusted by Change Orders but subject to Retainage provisions. (t) "Ownef' shall mean either (a) the Company or (b) the Company's Contract Client, as indicated in Section 1 above. (u'1 "Progress Payment': Partial payment made during progress of the Work on account of Work completed and/or materials suitably installed. (v) "Progress Schedu/e'i A diagram, graph or other pictorial or written schedule acceptable to the Company showing proposed starting and completion times of the various elements of the Work. The Progress Schedule shall be revised and furnished to the Company if actual starting times vary from the proposed times, or if any cessation or delay in any element of the Work will likely alter the proposed completion time of that Work element. The Progress Schedule may not be revised without the Company's consent, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. (w) "Project": The total construction of which the Work performed under the Contract Documents may be the whole or a part. (x) "Project Superintendenf": Contractor's experienced employee who will oversee the Work. (y) "Punchlist": Those items listed by the Company Representative, at the time of Substantial Completion, to be completed or corrected by the Contractor within the time or times designated by the Company Representative and in any event prior to Final Acceptance of the Work by the Company. (z) "Retainage": A sum withheld from progress payments to the Contractor in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. (aa) "Sife": Geographical location of the Project, usually defined by legal boundary lines. (bb) "Specifications": Any and all attachments relating to the scope of Work, performance requirements, Drawings, plans, contract provisions and other technical and non-technical documents. (cc) 'Unit Price': Amount stated in the Contractor's proposal as a price per unit of measurement for services and/or materials as described in the Contract Documents. (dd) "Work": The completed construction required by the Contract Documents, including providing all supervision, all labor and tools necessary to produce such construction, and all facilities, materials and equipment used or incorporated or to be incorporated in such construction as well 7 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssr.red by tJW Lcgal h,,iASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT CONSTRUCTION Request No. 59 Attachment Page 9 of 73 Form: scA R3-07/11/13 C.rntract # 13860 as any other incidental operations necessary to complete the Work as specified in the Contract Document. 2. PROGRESS SCHEDULE The Contractor, immediately after being awarded the Contract, shall prepare and submit for the Company and Company Representative an estimated Progress Schedule for the Work reflecting trades and Work components in such detail as shall be satisfactory to the Company Representative and shall thereafter update the Progress Schedule in the manner described herein. 3. WORK The Contractor shall provide all the Work required by the Contract Documents in order to complete the Project identified by Company on Schedule A, Scope of Work and any Task Order issued hereunder. The Contractor's performance of the Work must adhere to all of the requirements in the Contract Documents, including all Schedules attached hereto. Time is of the essence for the completion of the Work provided for herein. ln the event that any or all of the Work required in the Contract Documents includes subsurface construction, the Contractor must also comply with Schedule l, Subsurface Construction Requirements, attached hereto. (Subsurface Only) 4. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK/ CONTRACT TERM/TIME OF THE ESSENCE The Work shall commence immediately upon instruction by the Company Representative (Commencement Date) and subject to authorized written adjustments; the Work shall be substantially completed no later than the date agreed upon by the parties (Expiration Date) (inclusively referred to as the "Contract Time"). The percentage of Work done shall be maintained approximately in the ratio of the time elapsed from the date of the Company Representative's notification to begin operation, to the total time designated in the proposal for completion with due allowance for the assembling of plant and materials. Prior to the start of the Work, the Contractor shall submit a Progress Schedule to the Company Representative. The Company Representative will have the right to make such changes in the Progress Schedule as may be necessary. The Contractor shall commence Work at such points as the Company Representative may direct and shall thereafter continue at such points and in such order of precedence as the Company Representative may from time to time direct. Company and Contractor may mutually agree to extend the term of this Agreement up to two (2) additional 1-year periods, if the parties agree, in writing, on the terrns of such extension. It is called to the attention of the Contractor that the time of completion of the Work under this Contract is the essence of the Contract. lt is anticipated by the parties that all Work shall be completed within specified timeframes, and that any delay in the completion of the Work shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 isl;ui.;rl by; IJW Lcgal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 10 of73 MIISTER SFi ltvl CES A$ RE El'"4E Nl- - CONSTRUCTION 5. CONTRACTPAYMENT Company shall pay undisputed invoices (inclusive of all sales and use taxes) on a monthly basis (or as otherwise provided in a particular Task Order) on net forty-five (45) days unless othenryise described in Schedule B, after presentation to the Company by the Contractor of the invoice prepared pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor shall only submit an invoice for Work actually performed and in compliance with the standards established in this Agreement and accepted by Company. lf any portion of the Work does not conform to the requirements of this Agreement, a corresponding portion of the price may be withheld by Company until the nonconformity is corrected. lf there is a good faith dispute with regard to a portion of an invoice, Company will provide notice and detail of the dispute prior to the invoice due date, and will pay the undisputed portion as provided in this Agreement. Upon resolution of the dispute, any disputed amounts owed by Company will be promptly paid. By processing payment from UW, the Contractor releases and waives its lien and right to claim a lien for labor, services or materials furnished as a result of the services performed. (a) Provided the Work performed is accepted by the Company, the Company shall pay the Contractor for the Work in accordance with the rate/compensation schedules in Schedule A hereof. The Contractor shall be paid in Progress Payments as outlined below: (b) The Company shall pay the Contractor for the Work specified in this Agreement, in accordance with the following terms and conditions and subject to Retainage by the Company of amounts and for the reasons described in Section 6. i. Ninety percent (90%) of the value of the Work completed during each month as certified by the Company Representative. ii. Ten percent (10%) (the "Contract Sum Balance") upon Substantial Completion of the total Work included in the Agreement, subject to the provisions of Section 6 Retainage. (c) Payment to be made by the Company to the Contractor for the labor and materials to be furnished under this Agreement shall be the Contract Sum, except as hereinafter modified. The Contractor shall furnish, to the Company, proof of payment for materials purchased as a precondition to payment by the Company to the Contractor for such materials. Before the first application for payment, the Contractor shall submit to the Company Representative a schedule of values allocated to the various portions of the Work, prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate ils accuracy as the Company Representative may require. This schedule, unless objected to by the Company Representative, shall be used as a basis for the Contractor's applications for paYment. (d) At least ten (10) days before the date for each Progress Payment, the Contractor shall submit to the Company Representative an itemized application for payment, notarized if required, supported by such data substantiating the Contractor's right to payment as tho Company or the Company Representative may require, and reflecting Retainage, if any, as provided elsewhere in the Contract Documents. Fornr: scA R3-07/1 1i 1 3 Contrad # 1 3860 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 iesu0d byi UYJ Loqal MASTTR SHRVICES AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTIOIT Request No. 59 Attachment Page 11 of73 Forrn: scA R3-07/1 t/13 Oontract # I 3860 (e) Any Progress Payment or any partial or entire use or occupancy of the Project by the Company shall not constitute an acceptance of any Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents. (f) When the payment terms are on a cost plus basis, the parties acknowledge that under state law, the Contractor is liable for use tax on materials used in connection with improvements to real property, and the Company is responsible for sales or use tax with respect to the tangible personal property purchased or acquired in connection with the project. The parties agree that the payments to Contractor under this Agreement are intended to cover and reimburse Contractor for all sales and use taxes that could be due for any property acquired, purchased or used in connection with the project, whether that property is used or consumed in constructing improvements to the real property or whether that property is tangible personal property purchased or acquired by the Contractor for the Project, either for the Contractor or as agent of the Company. Contractor hereby indemnifies and holds the Company harmless from and against the assessment of any sales or use taxes due or asserted in connection with the project, and shall, upon request by the Company, defend the Company from the assessment or threat of assessment of any such sales or use taxes. lf Contractor seeks to avoid payment of sales taxes on the portion of the contract price that represents non-taxable services as opposed to payments for the acquisition or use of property, Contractor shall have the responsibility for separately accounting for those services. Contractor agrees to maintain records relating to the acquisition or use of property relating to the project, for a period of four (4) years following completion of the project, and to make such records available to the Company in the event the Company is audited. 6. RETAINAGE (a) The Company or the Company Representative may decline to make payment of or may increase Retainage to such extent as may be necessary in his opinion to protect the Company from loss because of: i. defective Work not remedied (including incomplete or defective Work listed on the Punchlist at the time of Substantial Completion); ii. third party claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims, unless a separate statement is furnished by the Contracto/s insurance carrier that such claim is or will be covered in full by existing policies; iii. mechanics'liens filed against the Work; iv. failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to Subcontractors or for labor, materials and equipment; v. reasonable evidence that the Work cannot be completed for the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum; vi. damage to the property of the Company, or another Contractor, unless a separate statement is furnished by the Contractor's insurance carrier that such claim is or will be covered in full by existing insurance policies; vii. reasonable evidence that the Work will not be completed within the Contract Time; 10 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 l] lssLred by; r LIW Leqal ! I, 1 Request No. 59 Attachment Page 12 ol 73 MASTIR SERVICES AGRr:rMENt- - [?X,;._u,,,,,," icoNSTRUC'ilON l",,i*.tiii:aoi " viii. persistent failure to carry out the Work, in accordance with the Contract Documents; ix. failure of the Contractor to correct Punchlist items within the time fixed by the Company Representative after the date of Substantial Completion pursuant to Section 8; or x. additional engineering costs incurred by the Company as a result of the Contractor's failure to complete the Work within the Contract Time. (b) Within reasonable time after issuance of a of Substantial Completion by the Company Representative and prior to Final Acceptance by the Company and upon condition that the Contractor submits a verified certification that all subcontractors, material men, laborers, and other employees have been paid not less than the total payments required to be made thereto by the Contractor, payment of the Retainage shall be made to the Contractor, less (i) 110o/o of the value of allWork yet to be performed, including work under subparagraph 6 (a) (1) above; (ii) 150% of the amount of any mechanic's lien not previously discharged or bonded, as provided herein; (iii) an amount determined in the sole discretion of the Company or Company Representative necessary to protect the Company against third party claims and all property damage claims, as provided herein; (iv) 110% of claims for damages arising from alleged patent infringement or use by the Contractor; and (v) a sum equal to one-half of one percent (1l2Yo) of the Contract Sum, as the same may have been adjusted, as security for compliance with the Warranty of Construction. (c) lf any mechanic's lien is filed against the Project or any part thereof, the Company may, ten (10) days after written notice to the Contractor of the existence of such lien, and until such lien has been discharged by the Contractor, retain a sum equivalent to one and one-half times the amount of such lien. However, in the event said lien is not discharged of record within four (4) months of filing, the Company may cause same to be discharged by depositing the required amount with the County Clerk or by paying the claimant directly and filing a duly acknowledged receipt with the County Clerk, at the expense of the Contractor, after two (2) weeks prior written notice to the Contractor. The Contractor may, at its option, discharge said lien at its sole cost and expense, by bonding or otherwise. (d) As to all third party claims for damage or claims alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by the failure of the Contractor to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, the amount of such claim or so much thereof as the Company may deem necessary, may be withheld by the Company, as security against such claim, from any money due hereunder, until such time as the commencement of an action thereon would be barred by law, or until final adjudication or such action by a Court of competent jurisdiction or settlement thereof, unless the Contractor delivers to the Company a bond or bonds or insurance coverage adequate to protect it against such claim. lf no action is commenced upon such claim within the time limited therefore by law, the Company, upon written demand by the Contractor, shall return the amount so withheld, without interest. lf an action of such claim is timely commenced and the liability of the Company, or the Contractor, or both, have been established therein by a final judgment of a Court of competent jurisdiction, or if such claim shall have been admitted by the Contractor to be valid, the Company may pay such judgment or admitted claim out of the monies retained under the provisions of this Paragraph, and return the balance, if any, without interest to the Contractor, 11 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-'15-01 Request No. 59 Attachment Page 13 of73 : IssutNI by: r UW Legal i tI (e) All Retainage shall be paid to the Contractor upon Final Acceptance except (i) for sums retained as security against third party claims and property damage claims which shall be released or applied in the manner described in the prior subparagraph, (ii) offsets or deductions for the cost of uncorrected work and the reasonable value of work required to comply with the Warranty of Construction and (iii) 150% of the outstanding amount of any liens. (f) Regardless of the amount of time, Company withholds money from the Contractor; the Contractor shall not be entitled to interest on such Retainage. (g) Company reserves the right to waive Retainage as long as work continues to be completed satisfactorily and on schedule. 7. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE (a) The Contractor alone shall be responsible for the safety, efficiency and adequacy of the equipment and methods. The Contractor shall use such methods and equipment for the safe performance of the Work as will secure a satisfactory quality of Work and a rate of progress in accordance with the Progress Schedule which in the opinion of the Company Representative will ensure the completion of the Work within the time stated in the Proposal. When the Company Representative observes that the progress of the work is falling behind the established schedule, he will request the Contractor to re-assess his working force and make adjustments as necessary to finish the work by the completion date. When the Company Representative observes an unsafe condition or an inadequate quality of the work being performed, he will request the Contractor to correct the unsafe condition or inadequate quality of the work. Failure of the Company Representative to make such observations and request, however, shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligation to secure the safe conduct, the quality of Work, and the rate of progress required by the Agreement. (b) All Work shall be subject to inspection by the Company Representative at all reasonable times and at all places prior to Final Acceptance. The Contractor shall provide sufficient, safe and proper facilities at all times for inspection by the Company Representative. Any such inspection is for the sole benefit of the Company and shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of providing quality control measures to assure that the Work strictly complies with the Contract Documents. No inspection or test by the Company Representative shall be construed as constituting or implying acceptance. lnspection or test shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for damage to or loss of the material prior to Final Acceptance, or in any way affect the continuing rights of the Company after Final Acceptance of the completed Work under the terms of this Paragraph, except as hereinabove provided. (c) The Contractor shall, without charge, replace any defective materials or correct any Work found by the Company Representative not to conform to the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall promptly segregate and remove rejected material from the premises at his own expense. lf the Company Representative prefers to accept non-cpnforming Work, it may do so instead of requiring its removal and correction, in which event a Change Order will be issued to reflect a reduction in the Contract Sum in an amount equal to the reasonable value of the Work found to be defective or non-conforming. e h4ASTER SEI1VICES AGRIHMENT . 'I.II]':CONSTRUC)IoN i33*,T3;?i{ll/J,i United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssLre<i try: U'vV Loqal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 14 ol73 MASI"ER SERVICES AGREEMENT CONSTRUCTION (d) lf the Contraclor does not promptly replace rejected material or corect rejected workrnanship, the Company; (1) may retain, under Section 6 of this Agreement, such sums from Progress Payments as the Company Representative deems necessary to protect the Company; (2) may, by Contract or otheruise, replace such material or correct such workmanship and charge the cost thereof to the Contractor; (3) may deduct from the Retainage the reasonable value of the Work not satisfactorily completed or conected; or (4) may terminate the Contractor's right to proceed in accordance with Section 19 of this Agreement. (e) The failure of the Company Representative to reject or condemn improper materials and workmanship shall not prevent the Company Representative from rejecting materials and workmanship found defective at any time prior to the final acceptance of the completed Work, nor shall it be considered as a waiver of any defects which may be discovered later, or as preventing the Company at any time subsequently from recovering damages for Work actually defective. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION (a) When the Contractor considers that the Work, or a designated portion thereof which is acceptable to the Company Representative, is substantially complete as defined herein, the Contractor shall notify the Company Representative in writing. When the Company Representative on the basis of an inspection determines that the Work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete, he will prepare a list of any items to be completed or corrected by the Contractor (the "Punchlist'). The Company Representative shall then prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion which shall establish the Date of Substantial Completion, shall state the responsibilities of the Company and the Contractor for security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the Work, and insurance, and shall fix the time or times within which the Contractor shall complete the items listed therein. ln the event the Contractor fails to complete the items listed by the Company. Representative within the time specified for completion, the Company shall have the option to complete any or all of these items and shall deduct the cost of completion from any Retainage or shall deduct the reasonable value of the Work not satisfactorily completed or corrected. (b) Warranties required by the Contract Documents shall commence on the Date of Substantial Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof unless otherwise provided in the Certificate of Substantial Completion. (c) Upon Substantial Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof and upon application by the Contractor and certification by the Company Representative, the Company shall make payment of the Contract Sum Balance, less Retainage computed in accordance with Section 6. FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT (a) After the Date of Substantial Completion and upon receipt of written notice that the Work is ready for final inspection and acceptance and upon receipt of a final application for payment, the Company Representative will promptly make such inspection and, when he finds the Work acceptable under the Contract Documents and the Contract fully performed, he will promptly issue a final Certificate for Payment stating that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, and on the basis of his observations and inspections, the Work has been completed in accordance 13 Fonn: scA R3-07/1 1/13 Contract # 13860 8. 9. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'|5-01 li;s111;g 5r' UW Leual Request No. 59 Attachment Page 15 of 73 F orrn: soA R3-0711 1/13 Contract # 13B60 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMEN-T - CONSTRUCTICN with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents except as noted and that the entire balance found to be due the Contractor, less any amounts from Retainage which were previously applied or which are to be retained by the Company under Section 7 of this Agreement, is due and payable. (b) ln the event that the Work is unacceptable because it fails to function properly or does not meet the requirements of the Contract Documents, a Specification Non-conformity will be deemed to exist. The Contractor shall have a period not to exceed four (4) months to correct any such Specification Non-conformity. The Contractor must notify the Company in writing to conduct a retesting and re-inspection. lf at the end of the four (4) month period, the Specification Non- conformity is still not corrected and accepted, the Company may reject it, in which event the Contractor shall remove it from the premises without cost to the Company. The Contractor shall credit the Company with the cost of the rejected items and the Company shall be authorized to deduct this cost from the Final Payment. (c) Neither the Final Payment nor the remaining Retainage shall become due until the Contractor submits to the Company Representative (1) an affidavit that all payrolls, bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the Company or its property might in any way be responsible, have been paid or othennrise satisfied, (2) consent of surety, if any, to Final Payment and (3) if required by the Company, other data establishing payment or satisfaction of all such obligations, such as receipts, releases and waivers of liens arising out of the Contract, to the extent and in such form as may be designated by the Company to indemnify it against any such lien. lf any lien remains unsatisfied for thirty (30) days after the amount specified in the Final Gertificate of Payment is paid to the Contractor, the Contractor shall promptly upon demand refund to the Company all monies that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien, including all costs and reasonable attorneys'fees. (d) The unconditional acceptance by the Contractor of the Final Payment shall be and shall operate as a release of the Company, which will be confirmed by separate written instrument executed and acknowledged by the Contractor if requested by the Company, from all claims and all liability to the Contractor, for all things done or furnished in connection with the Work and for every act, omission, and neglect of the Company and others relating to or arising out of the construction work required under this Agreement, excepting only it's just claims, if any there be, for amounts withheld by the Company as provided in this Agreement. 10. CHANGES IN THE WORK (a) Without invalidating this Agreement the Company reserves the right to order any Extra Work or to make any changes, increasing or diminishing the amount of Work to be done. All such changes in the Work shall be authorized by a written Change Order, and shall be performed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents. (b) The cost or credit to the Company resulting from a change in the Work shall be determined in one or more of the following ways: 14 Unlted Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 l$$ueLl by; UW Legal Request No. 59 Aftachment Page 16 of73 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION i. by mutual written acceptance of a lump sum adjustment to the Contract Sum properly itemized and supported by sufficient substantiating data to permit evaluation; ii. by Unit Prices stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon in writing; or iii. by cost to be determined in a manner agreed upon in writing by the parties; or iv. if none of the methods set forth in Clauses (1), (2) or (3) is agreed upon, the Contractor, provided he receives a written order signed by the Company Representative, shall promptly proceed with the Work involved and shall be paid for such Work the cost thereof, determined by the Company Representative in accordance with the provisions set forth below, plus an allowance for overhead and profit computed as follows: a. For the Contractor, for any Work performed by the Contractor's own forces, twenty (20) percent of the cost. b. For the Contractor, for Work performed by the Contractor's Subcontractor, ten (10) percent of the amount due the subcontractor. c. For each Subcontractor, for Work performed by the Subcontractor's Sub- subcontractors ten (10) percent of the amount due the Sub-subcontractor. (c) Unless othenryise provided in the Contract Documents, cost shall be limited to the following: cost of materials, including sales tax, if any is required, and cost of delivery; cost of labor, including social security, old age and unemployment insurance, and fringe benefits required by agreement or custom; workefs or workmen's compensation insurance; bond premiums; rental cost of equipment and machinery not owned by the Contractor; and reasonable usage charges for such equipment reported in the Rental Rate Bluebook for Construction Equipment, the Rental Rate Bluebook for Older Construction, or the Guide for Construction Equipment, or successor publications (all of which are published by the Equipment and Guidebook Company) or if such references are discontinued and not replaced, such other similar trade reference which may be agreeable to the Company and Contractor, all of which constitutes the Net cost of extra work to be performed or work to be deleted, (d) The amount of credit to be allowed by the Contractor to the Company for any deletion or change which results in a Net decrease in the Contract Sum will be the amount of the actual Net cost of the Work deleted as confirmed by the Company Representative. When both additions and credits covering related Work or substitutions are involved in any one Change Order, the allowance for overhead and profit shall be figured on the basis of the Net increase, if any, with respect to that Change Order. All items of cost in a Change Order will be separately listed and documented to the satisfaction of the Company Representative. (e) lf the Contractor wishes to make a claim for an increase in the Contract Sum, he shall give the Company Representative written notice thereof within twenty (20) days after the occurrence of the event giving rise to such claim. This notice shall be given by the Contractor before proceeding to 15 F<-iiur: scA R3-07/1 1/13 Contract 7f 1 3800 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssrlcrl try: U'vV L,cglal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 17 of73 MAS'IER SERVICES AGREETT4ENT - CONSTRUCTION execute the Work, except in an emergency endbngering life or property. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. lf the subject of the claim is determined by the Company Representative to constitute Extra Work and if the Company and the Contractor cannot agree on the amount of the adjustment in the Contract Sum, it shall be determined in accordance with the procedure in Subparagraph 10(b) above. Any change in the Contract Sum resulting from such claim and otherwise entitled to be recognized as Extra Work under the Contract shall be authorized by Change Order. (f) ln case any work or materials shall be required to be done or furnished as Extra Work under Subparagraph 10(a) hereof, the Contractor shall submit to the Company Representative each work day a daily work report, in duplicate, for checking. The daily work report shall show the name and number of each workman, including foremen, if any, employed on such work (excluding, however, all other supervisory employees, whose compensation shall not be considered an element of cost for any purpose hereunder), the actual number of hours employed on such work, the character of work that he/she is doing, and wages paid or to be paid to such person. The daily work report shall show the expenditures for the various types of approved insurance applicable to such work as required by this Agreement, the rate of amount of taxes, if any, which must be paid in connection therewith, and the materials furnished, showing the amount and character of such materials, from whom purchased, and the amount paid or to be paid therefore. lf required by the Company, the Contractor shall produce any books, vouchers, records, and memoranda showing the labor and materials actually paid for and the actual prices therefore. Such daily work reports shall not, however, be binding upon the Company if any question or dispute shall arise as to the correct cost of such labor, materials, plant, or insurance. lf the daily work reports, statements, books, vouchers, and other records and memoranda are not submitted by the Contractor as required herein, the Company will make its own estimates as to the cost of such Extra Work, and such estimate shall be binding and conclusive upon the Contractor. Weekly or monthly summaries in lieu of daily work reports will not be recognized, nor shall the submission of such weekly or monthly summaries be deemed in compliance with this Subparagraph. (g) The Company Representative will have authority to order minor changes in the Work not involving an adjustment in the Contract Sum or an extension of the Contract Time and not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. Such changes shall be effected by written order, and shall be binding on the Company and the Contractor. The Gontractor shall carry out such written order promptly. 11. PERMITS, APPROVALS AND LICENSES Contractor agrees, at its own expense, to comply with all federal, state and munlclpal laws, rules, regulations and ordinances that may be applicable to this Agreement and the Work contemplated hereby. The foregoing requirement includes without limitation, any applicable requirements to obtain utility locates. i Fornr: I SCA R3-07/11l13 i Contrar;t# 13860 16 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssrtr:ri t:y; U\J Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 18 of73 IV1ASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT . CONSTRUCTIOI.J (a) Regulatory or governmental permits, approvals or licenses. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Company shall (unless otherwise agreed upon) obtain all regulatory or governmental permits, approvals or licenses from the proper authorities and regulatory bodies and shall give all notices required by laws or ordinance, and shall pay all fees and charges incident to the due and laMul prosecution of the Work and shall comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations relating thereto. The Contractor shall prosecute his Work so that the minimum of interference with water and other utility facilities will occur. (b) All other permits, approvals and licenses. Unless othenuise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall procure and shall pay for all other permits, approvals and/or licenses, including crane permits, street storage permits and crossing closing permits, licenses, certificates or other authorizations, unless otherwise required by law or local authority, which are necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. The Company agrees to execute all applications and consents that may properly be submitted to it by the Contractor in order to obtain necessary permits and licenses. (c) AII fees incidental to obtaining permits, approvals or licenses such as application fees, dump fees and tolls are the Contractor's responsibility to pay and are considered incidental to and are included in the pay items that are included in the Contract Sum. 12. SUPERINTENDENCE (a) The Contractor agrees to furnish competent workmen and competent superintendence for the Work. (b) The Company Representative will review and approve or take other appropriate action on Contracto/s submiftals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only for conformance with the design concept of the Work. Such action shall be taken with reasonable promptness so as to muse no delay. The Company Representative's approval of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. (c) The Contractor agrees to comply with all federal, state and municipal laws, rules, regulations and ordinances that may be applicable to this Agreement. (d) The Contractor shall place and, if required by the Company Representative, relocate his office trailers or shanties when and where directed. lt is understood that the Contractor is responsible for acquisition, maintenance, and subsequent removal of all temporary utility, employee bathroom facilities and telephone services required for his office trailer(s) and his work generally. 13. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP (a) Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, all equipment, material and articles incorporated in the Work covered by the Agreement are to be new and of the most suitable grade for the purpose intended. Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, reference to any equipment, material, article, or patented process, by trade name, make or catalog number, shall be regarded Fcrrn: scA R3-07/1 1/13 Contract ll 1 3860 17 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-0'l iI lssued by: i UV/ Lcaal I I Request No. 59 Attachment Page 19 of73 MASTER SERVICHS AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION as establishing a standard of quality and shall not be construed as limiting competition, and the Contractor may use any equipment, material, article or process which, in the sole iudgment of the Company Representative, is an Approved Equal to that named. When required by this Agreement, the Contractor shall furnish to the Company Representative for approval full information concerning the material or articles which he contemplates incorporating in the Work. When so directed, samples shall be submifted for approval at the Contractofs expense, with all shipping charges prepaid. Machinery, equipment, material and articles installed or used without required approval shall be at the risk of subsequent rejection. (b) All Work under the Agreement shall be performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner in accordance with industry standards. The Company Representative will pass upon the workmanship and may in writing, require the Contractor to remove any employee or agent, withina reasonable time that the Company Representative deems incompetent, or othenvise objectionable. However, in the Company Representative's discretion if he or she deems such employee or agent to pose a danger to the facilities or to the health, safety or well-being of any other party or individual on the work site, the Company Representative may require the Contractor to remove said individual immediately upon oral request. 14. WARRANTY OF CONSTRUCTION (a) ln addition to any other warranties set out elsewhere in this Agreement, the Contractor warrants that Work performed under this Agreement conforms to the Contract Documents and is free of any defect of equipment, material or workmanship performed by the Contractor or any of his subcontractors or suppliers at any tier. Such warranty shall continue for a period of two (2) years from the date of Substantial Completion of the work or within such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special warranty required by the Contract Documents. Under this warranty, the Contractor shall remedy at his own expense any such failure to conform or any such defect upon receipt of written notice from the Company within a reasonable time after the discovery of any failure, defect or damage. ln addition, the Contractor shall remedy at his own expense any damage to Company-owned or controlled real or personal property, when that damage is the result of the Contractor's failure to conform to contract requirements or any such defect to equipment, material or workmanship. The Contractor shall also restore any work damaged in fulfilling the terms of this Paragraph. The Contractor's wananty with respect to work repaired or replaced hereunder will run for two (2) years from the date of such repair or replacement. (b) Should the Contractor fail to remedy any failure, defect or damage described above within a reasonable time after reccipt of notice thereof, the Company shall have the right to replace, repair, or othenalise remedy such failure, defect or damage at the Contracto/s expense. Repair work pedormed during the warranty period must be coordinated with and inspected by the Company Representative. Contractor shall notify Company prior to performing any warranty work, so that Company may advise its customers of the potential interruption of service. Emergency repairs or repairs needed in a timely manner may be performed or contracted by the Company, and the Contactor or its Bonding Agency will be billed for the cost of the repair. Forn: i scn ns-o71fiir: : C0ntract# 138tj(l 18 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 l$sur.)il by: t.l'vV Logal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 20 of 73 MASTER SERVICFS AGREf;MENT - CONSTRUCTION (c) The Company may accept any non-conforming work in which case a Change Order will be issued as provided in Section 10 of this Agreement deducting the reasonable value of the workfound to be non-conforming. (d) ln addition to the other rights and remedies provided by this Paragraph, all subcontractors', manufacturers', and suppliers' warranties expressed or implied, respecting any work and materials shall be assigned to the Company where permitted under the terms of the warranties, and if not so permitted, the warranties shall be enforced at the direction of the Company, by the Contractor for the benefit of the Company. ln such case if the Contractor's warranty under Subparagraph (a) above has expired, any suit directed by the Company to enforce a subcontractor's or supplier's warranty shall be at the expense of the Company. (e) Nothing contained in this Paragraph shall be construed to establish a period of limitation with respect to any other obligation which the Contractor might have under the Contract Documents. The establishment of the time period of two years after the Date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any warranty required by the Contract Documents relates only to the specific obligation of the Contractor to correct the Work, and has no relationship to the time within which his obligation to comply with the Contract Documents may be sought to be enforced, nor to the time within which proceedings may be commenced to establish the Contractor's liability with respect to his obligations other than specilically to correct the Work. 15. INDEMNIFICATION OF THE GOMPANY (a) Contractor covenants and agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to release, indemnify and save harmless (1) the Contract Client (if applicable to this Agreement) and (2) the Company and its agents, servants, employees, successors, assigns against and from any and all claims by or on behalf of any person, firm, corporation or governmental authority, arising from: Contractor's occupancy, use, possession, conduct or management of or relating to any Work or thing whatsoever done by the Contractor in or about the Site; any and all claims arising from Contractor's failure to perform its obligations under Section 12 of this Agreement; from any and all Environmental Claims related to the Work; any condition of any building erected by Contractor on the Site, or any vaults, passages or spaces therein or appurtenant thereto; any breach or default on the part of the Contractor in the performance of any covenant or agreement on the part of the Contractor to be performed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; any act or negligence of the Contractor, or any of its agents, contractors, servants, employees or licensees; any accident, injury or damage whatsoever caused to any person, firm or corporation (other than those caused by the negligence of the Company or its servants and employees), occurring during the term hereof in or about the Site, or upon or under the sidewalks and the land adjacent thereto; and all costs, expenses and liabilities (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals, and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) incurred in connection with any such claim, action or proceeding brought thereon. ln the event that any action or proceeding be brought against the Company by reason of any such claim, the Contractor, upon notice from the Company covenants to resist or defend such action or proceeding by counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Company. '19 i Forrn: i soR Rs-ozit url : Oontract # 13860 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'!5-01 I I lssLred h.ry: ; UW Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 21 ol73 frtiASTER SERVICES AGREEI"{ENT - CONSTRUCTION (b) Contractor's liability under the provisions of this Section shall, however, be reduced by the net proceeds actually collected by the Company under: i. bond or deposit furnished to the Company by the Contractor in respect of the act or omission which is the basis for indemnification of the Company; or ii. any insurance effected by the Contractor for the Company's benefit (less, in either event, collection costs including attorney's fees and expenses) in respect of the act or omission which is the basis for indemnification of the Company. lt is not intended by the provisions hereof to create any third party beneficiaries. (c) Should the Contractor wrongfully cause damage to the Work or property of any separate contractor, the Contractor shall upon due notice promptly attempt to settle with such other contractor by agreement, or otherwise to resolve the dispute. lf such separate contractor sues or initiates an arbitration proceeding against the Company on account of any damage alleged to have been caused by the Contractor, the Company shall notify the Contractor who shall defend such proceedings with counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Company and if any judgment or award against the Company arises therefrom, the Contractor shall pay or satisfy it and shall reimburse the Company for all aftorney's fees and court or arbitration costs which the Company has incurred. (d) ln any and all claims against the Company or the Company Representative or any of their agents or employees by any employee of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this Paragraph shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or any subcontractor under workers' or workmen's compensations acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. (e) Any and all claims against the Company or the Company Representative or any of their agents, officers or employees, by the Contractor, any employee of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be brought in accord with, and governed by, the provisions of Section 18 hereof. (f) The Contractor shall not employ any patented method of construction, any secret process, or furnish any appliance, the operation of which is patented, unless such method, process, or appliance is owned or controlled by him or unless he has secured the right to its use. The Contractor shall release, indemnify and save harmless the Company and the Contract Client (if applicable to this Agreement) against and from any and all clalms made against the Company for any infringement or patents, by the use of patented articles or the use of secret processes in the construction and completion of the work or in any product or component selected by the Contractor, and the Company shall be and hereby is authorized to deduct and retain out of the monies due or which may become due to the Contractor, a sum sufficient to cover one hundred and ten (110) percent of all claims for damages arising from such infringement or use and to retain the same until the settlement or final disposition of such claims. The Contractor shall not be responsible, : Fornr: : SCA R3-07/11/13 i Contract # '13860 2A United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssued by: UW l egal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 22 ol73 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT - CONS"TRUCTION however, for any infringement of a patent that arises out of compliance with the Specifications or contract drawings. 16. WAIVER No action or failure to act by the Company, Company Representative, or Contractor shall constitute a waiver of any right or duty afforded any of them under this Agreement, nor shall any such action or failure to act constitute an approval of acquiescence in any breach thereunder, except as may be specifically agreed in writing. 17. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AND LIENS Should the Contractor suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any act or omission of the Company or of any of ils employees, agents or others for whose acts it is legatly liable, a claim shall be made in writing to the Company within ten (10) days after the first observance of such injury or damage. The Contractor, any agent or employee of the Contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall not make any claim or bring any suit against or seek damages of whatever nature from the Company, or any of its agents, officers or employees, (the 'Subject Party''), unless said claim, suit, or damage resulted solely and directly from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Subject Party, of the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor is prohibited from filing, and shall take all actions necessary to prevent any Subcontractors from filing, any liens against Company or its property, including Company's Site. ln addition, Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Company and any of its property, including Company's Site, from all demands, liabilities and liens which may arise against Contractor or any Subcontractors, and from all damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses and the actual costs of litigation) resulting from such demands, liabilities or liens. lf requested by Company, Contractor shall execute Company's lien waiver form attached hereto as Schedule C. 18. LIMITATION OF ACTION Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, no action shall lie or be maintained by the Contractor, its assignees, successors in interest or anyone claiming under it against the Company upon any claim arising out of or based upon this Agreement or by reason of any act, omission or requirement of the Company, its Company Representative, officers, employees or agents unless such action shall be commenced within one (1) year after the Date of Substantial Completion; or upon any claim based upon Retainage, unless such action is commenced within one (1) year after such monies become due and payable under the terms of this Agreement, or if this Agreement is terminated, rescinded, revoked, annulled or abandoned under the terms hereof, unless such action is commenced within one (1) year after the date of termination, rescission, revocation, annulment, or abandonment. Contractor, its assignees, successors in interest or anyone claiming under it, shall not be entitled to any additional time to begin anew any other action if an action commenced within the time herein specified be dismissed on the merits or discontinued, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary. F orin: scA R3-07/1 1/13 Contract # 13860 21 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'|5-01 i; lssut:d by: : U\tri Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 23 of 73 [:olnt: scA R3-07/1 1i13 Contract # 1 3860 MASTER SHR\/ICES AGREEfulENT . CONSTRUCTION 19. TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT OR EXPIRATION DEFAULT: (a) lf the Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the Work, or any separable part thereof, or to correct defective work as provided in Section 14 of this Agreement, with such diligence as will insure its completion within the time specified in this Agreement, or any extension thereof, or fails to complete such work within such time, the Company may, by written notice to the Contractor, terminate his right to proceed with the Work or such part of the Work as to which there has been delay. ln such event the Company may take over the Work and prosecute the same to completion, by contractor or otherwise, and may take possession of and utilize in completing the Work such materials, appliances and plant as may be on the Site of the Work and necessary therefore. In the event the Company elects to terminate the Contractofs right to proceed, it may at its option require the Contractor to assign to it all or any of the Contractor's subcontracts and material and supply contracts. Except as may be prohibited by the terms of any surety agreement between the Contractor and its bonding company, the Contractor hereby appoints the Company, its true and lav'rful attorney with full power to make assignments of Conlractor's subcontracts or material and supply contracts in the event the Company terminates the Contractor's right to proceed with the Work as provided for in this Paragraph. The Company shall have no power to bind the Contractor in any manner further than to make binding and legal all such assignments. This power of attorney will be in full force and effect until completion of the Work, at which time this power of attorney shall terminate. (b) The Contractor and its sureties shall be obligated to reimburse the Company for any damages, additional costs and expenses which it may sustain by virtue of Contractor's default, and promptly pay the same to the Company from time to time as demanded less the cost of the materials supplied and labor performed by the Contractor up to such termination. (c) lf fixed liquidated damages are provided for in this Agreement and if the Company so terminates the Contractor's right to proceed, the resulting damage will consist of such liquidated damages until such reasonable time as may be required for final completion of the Work together with any increased cost occasioned the Company in completing the Work. (d) The right of the Contractor to proceed shall not be terminated, nor shall the Contractor be responsible for damages, for delay in completion resulting from acts of God, acts of the public enemy or acts of the Government or from labor disputes within the Contractor's business which are beyond the control of and without the fault of the Contractor and which materially and adversely impair the ability of the Contractor to meet its obligations hereunder. However, the Contractor, in order to be excused from such failure or delay, must (a) take all reasonable steps to remedy the effect of such delay or failure, (b) take all reasonable steps to fulfill its obligatlons ln a timely manner, (c) provide prompt notice of the failure or delay to the Company, (d) notify the Company of the reasons for the delay and the anticipated term of the delay, and (e) request an extension of time to perform. The Company will not unreasonably withhold its permission for such extension. (e) EXPIMTION: lf applicable, where Company's existing contract with the Contract Client expires or is terminated prior to the expiration or termination of this Agreement, Company shall have the 22 Request No. 59 Attachment Page 24 ol 73 I Ii lssLrg6l fty; i UW Lcgai il MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT . CONSTRUCTION right to terminate this Agreement upon sixty (60) days prior written notice to Contractor without penalty of any kind. 20. TERMINATION FOR BANKRUPTCY ln the event that the Contractor shall become bankrupt or insolvent, or shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or if its affairs are placed in the hands of a receiver or trustee, and the Contractor has not been previously terminated for default, it shall be considered an event of default unless the receiver or trustee furnishes assurances satisfactory to the Company within a reasonably expedient time after his appointment that the Contractor possesses the capability to conclude the work in a timely and satisfactory manner. The posting of a 100% Payment and Performance Bond by the receiver or trustee in instances where such bond has not already been posted will be considered an adequate assurance. lf the Contractor, its receiver or trustee fails to furnish the assurance of the type and in the manner described above, the Company may, but shall not be obligated to, take over the Project and terminate this Agreement as above provided. 21. INSURANCE The Contractor shall purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect the Contractor, Contract Client (if applicable to this Agreement) and the Company from claims which may arise out of or result from the Contractor's operations under the Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by any one for whose acts any of them may be liable; such insurance shall be written for not less than the coverages and any limits of liability specified in Schedule D, or required by law, whichever is greater. By requiring insurance specified herein, Company does not represent thai such coverage and limits will necessarily be adequate to protect Gontractor or Company, and such coverage and limits shall not be deemed as a limitation on Contractor's liability under the indemnities or warranties granted to Contractor in this Agreement. The Contractor assumes responsibility for securing certificates of insurance from his subcontractors. (a) Certificates of lnsurance acceptable to the Company shall state that they are Primary lnsurance and shall name the Company and the Contract Client (if applicable) as an additional insured as required in Schedule D and shall be filed with the Company prior to the commencement of the Work. These Certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be canceled or modified, if such modification may affect the Company's interest, until at least sixty (60) days prior wriften notice has been given to the Company, except then (10) days notice shall be provided for non-payment of premium. Contractor's failure to provide Company with such Certificates of lnsurance shall not be deemed a waiver by the Company of Contractor's obligation to obtain and maintain such insurance coverage or to indemnify and defend Company in accordance with the terms set forth in this Agreement. (b) The Contractor is to handle all claims in an efficient and expeditious manner so as not to burden the claimant. The Contractor shall provide a person to act as a claim representative to process and follow-up on all claims. The Contractor's claims representative is required to provide a list of all claimants on a weekly basis to the Company's claims representative. The Contractor's representative will be required to be present at the preconstruction meeting. ln the event of 23 Forrr l: scA R3,07i1 1/13 Contrect # 1 3860 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 ll;i;ued i:y UW Legat Request No. 59 Attachment Page 25 ot 73 MASTER SE RVICHS AGRHHIiIINT - CONSTRUCTION claims or complaints, the Company's claims representative will instruct the claimant to call the Contractor at a telephone number to be provided by the Contractor. 22. BOND The Company may require that the Contractor obtain, at its own expense, from a surety authorized to do businesses in the State or Commonwealth indicated on the preliminary section of this Agreement, a performance bond and/or a material and labor bond. ln such event, said bond(s) shall be delivered to the Company prior to the effective date of this Agreement. Said bond(s) shall remain in effect for the duration of the Work to be performed under this Agreement. Such bond(s) shall be substantially in the form attached hereto as Schedule G or in form customary for the industry. 23. WAIVER OF DAMAGE FOR DELAY Contractor agrees to be bound by and comply with the completion dates provided herein and the Progress Schedule required to be submitted by the Contractor, and waives on behalf of itself or any of its subcontractors or material men any right to charge or claim damages against the Company for delays or disruptions resulting from any changes or modifications of the Progress Schedules including but not limited to problems in coordination, design, completion of contract drawings, processing of shop drawings, samples or other submittals, changes, differing site conditions and suspensions of the Work. However, the Contractor's waiver of damages for delay and disruptions contained in this Paragraph shall not extend to claims for damages from delays or disruptions caused by willful or grossly negligent acts of the Company. 24. PUBLICTTY Contractor shall not use Company's name (or the Contract Client's name, if applicable) nor issue any publicity release, including but not limited to, news releases and advertising, relating to this Agreement without the prior written consent of Company. Contractor shall not be permitted to take pictures of the Company's facility or the Work unless otherwise agreed to by an authorized representative in Company in writing. 25. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations hereunder, or for any loss or damage resulting therefrom, due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to, acts of God, public enemy or government, riots, fires, natural catastrophe or epidemics. ln the event of such failure or delay, the date of delivery or performance shall be extended for a period not to exceed the time lost by reason of the failure or delay; provided that Company may terminate this Agreement if the period of failure or delay exceeds ffieen (15) days. Company shall have no obligation to make any payments to Contractor during the period of failure or delay. Each party shall notify the other promptly of any failure or delay in, and the effect on, its performance. 26. ASSIGNMENT This Agreement and any right or obligation of performance hereunder is not assignable or delegable in whole or in part by the Contractor without the prior written consent of the Company, and any such attempted assignment or delegation shall be void and ineffective for all purposes. : Ft:rrn: i scA R3-07/'l 1/13 I Oontracl # i3860 24 Request No. 59 Attachment Page 26 of 73 lssuod Lry; UW Legal MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION I ii [tr:r'rn: i scA R3-07i1 1/13 i Contrad # '13860 27. SUBCONTRACTORS (a) Contractor shall be as fully responsible to the Company for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and all persons either directly or indirectly employed by such subcontractor as it is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by it. Nothing contained herein shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the Company except with respect to rights of assignment upon any default by the Contractor. (b) Contractor shall cause and require provisions to be included in all subcontracts for any part of the Work herein binding its subcontractors to comply with the terms of this Agreement insofar as applicable to the work of such subcontractors. Contractor shall also cause and require to be included in all subcontracts a provision for the benefit of the Company in the following terms: (c) The Contractor shall not award any work to any subcontractor without prior written approval of the Company, which will not be given until the Contractor submits to the Company a written statement containing the names of the persons or entities proposed for any portion of the Work. The Company Representative will promptly notify the Contractor as to whether the Company has reasonable objection to such proposed person or entity. (d) lf the Company or the Company Representative has reasonable objection to any such proposed person or entity, the Contractor shall submit a substitute to whom the Company has no reasonable objection and the Contract Sum shall be increased or decreased by the difference in cost occasioned by such substitution and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued. 28. WAGES AND INDEPENDENT GONTRACTOR Contractor agrees to be responsible exclusively for the payment of all wages, salaries, compensation, union and fringe benefits, disability benefits, fund contributions, contributions and taxes for unemployment insurance, old age beneflts, pensions, and annuities for all persons employed by or through Contractor to fulfill this Contract. The Contractor hereby represenls that it is for all purposes, an independent contractor and not an employee of the Company, 29. NOTICES All notices shall be in writing and shall be delivered, in person or transmitted by certified mail, return receipt requested, or national courier service providing proof of receipt. Any notice to the Contractor shall be delivered to the Contractor Address and any notice to the Company shall be delivered to the Company Address. Either party may update such addresses on written notice to the other party. Notices shall be effective upon receipt. 30. SURVIVAL The obligations and rights of the parties pursuant to the Assignment, Material and Workmanship, Warranty of Construction, lndemnification of Company, lnsurance Payment and Dispute Resolution shall survive the expiration or early termination of this Agreement. 25 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssucd try UW L-r,'gzrl Request No. 59 Attachment Page27 ol73 I\4ASTIR STRVICES AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION 31. SEVERABILITY lf any provision(s) of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or othenruise unenforceable, such provision(s) shall be deemed not to be a part of this Agreement and the remaining provisions shall remain in fullforce and effect. 32. DISPUTE RESOLUTION ln the event a dispute arises among the parties, the disputing party shall provide the other party with written notice of the dispute and within twenty (20) days after receipt of said notice, the receiving party shall submit to the other a written response. The notice and response shall include a statement of each party's position and a summary of the evidence and arguments supporting its position. Each party shall designate a high level executive officer to work together in good faith to resolve the dispute; the name and title of said officer shall also be included in the notice and response. The executives shall meet at a mutually acceptable time and place within thirty (30) days of the date of the disputing party's notice and thereafter as they deem reasonably necessary to resolve the dispute. lf the executives, having acted in good faith, have not resolved the dispute within ninety (90) days of receipt of the initial written notice, then the parties shall try in good faith to resolve the dispute by non-binding mediation administered by the American Arbitration Association ('AAA") under its Commercial Mediation Rules before resorting to taking the case to court. All costs attributed to mediation shall be borne equally by both parties. lf either party is unsatisfied with the results of mediation, said party may initiate litigation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the afore-mentioned shall not be applicable in the event of a breach or threatened breach of the provisions relating to confidentiality and/or publicity conlained herein. The injured party will be entitled to an injunction (including without limitation preliminary and permanent injunctive relief and specific performance) restraining such breach or threatened breach without having to prove actual damages. Such injunctive relief as the injured party may obtain shall be in addition to all of the rights and remedies available at law and in equity, 33. APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws (and not the rules governing the conflict of laws) of the State and or Commonwealth indicated in the preliminary section of this Agreement, without giving effect to that jurisdiction's choice of law provisions. Each of the parties hereto irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the State and or Commonwealth indicated in the preliminary section of this Agreement. 34. CODE OF CONDUCT The Contractor shall inform the Company immediately if anyone proposes to Contractor, in connection with the Work, any conduct that would be in violation of any applicable laws and regulations, and of any investigations of which Contractor is a subject with respect to any violation of such laws and regulations. The Contractor is prohibited from and will not offer, pay, give or promise to pay or give anything of value to any official of any governmental entity, any political party, party official or candidate for the purposes of: (i) influencing such person to perform or omit to perform any act or to make or omit to make any decision in violation of the lawful duty of such person; or (ii) inducing such i Form: i scA R3-0//11/13 i Contract l, 13u60 t 26 Request No. 59 Attachment Page 28 of 73 lssr.rr;cl by: UW Legal MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT CONSTRUCTION person to use their influence with any government or instrumentality thereof to affect or influence any act or decision of such government. The Contractor shall not offer, pay, give, or promise to pay or give anything of value to a third person knowing that such thing will be used by such person for a purpose that is not permitted under the preceding sentence. Contractor will not use any influence that induces or tends to induce a Government employee or officer to give consideration or to act regarding a Government contract on any basis other than the merits of the matter. The Contractor will indemnify the Company and all affiliates, officers and directors thereof from, and defend such persons against, any clairn, action, proceeding, investigation or inquiry with respect to any alleged conduct on the part of the Contractor that violates or is alleged to violate any provision of this paragraph. The Contractor may bring any ethical concerns to the Company's attention by contacting the Company's ethics hot Iine at 877-384-4277. 35. MBEMBE It is the Policy of Company to stimulate the growth of Certified Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MBEs and WBEs) by encouraging their participation in Company's procurement activities and by affording them an equal opportunity to compete for Company's procurements. Contractor agrees to carry out this policy to the fullest extent consistent with the requirements of this Agreement: (1) through the award of subcontracts to MBEs and WBEs; or (2) if Contractor is a MBE or WBE, through the use of its own forces. Contractor shall include this policy as a provision in all subcontracts. 36. INTEGRATION The Contract Documents, including this Agreement are intended by the parties to be a final, exclusive, and complete expression of their agreement and its terms. No course of prior dealing between the parties and usage of trade shall be relevant to supplement or explain any term used herein. 37. AMBIGUITIES Each party and its counsel have participated fully in the review and revision of this Agreement. Any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in interpreting this Agreement. The language in this Agreement shall be interpreted as to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any party. 38. SUSTAINABILITY Company's values are based on professionalism, sense of partnership, team spirit, value creation, respect of the environment, ethics and in particular its commitment to promote and act in compliance with sustainable development principles (including environmental and social responsibilities). Contractor also agrees to endeavor to abide by the principles of Sustainable Development. For informational purposes, a detailed description of Company's values can be found in the following documents established by Company's parent company, Suez: the "Group Ethics Charter: Our Values, Our Ethics", the "lnternational Social Charte/ and the "Environmental Chartef, available on the following website: hltp://www.euez-environnement.com/orouo/coroorate-qove,L+ancelelhics [:oi'nt: scA R3-07/1 1i13 Contract # 1 3860 27 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 lssueri by: UW Legal h4A$TER SERVICES AGREEMENT -. CONSTRUCTION Request No. 59 Attachmenl Page 29 of 73 Fcrnn: $cA R3-07/'l 1113 Crntract # 1 3860 39. GOMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Contractor hereby warrants and represents that they are not debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment or otheruise ineligible for participation in federal government contracts and subcontracts and/or participation in federal non procurement covered transactions and hereby agrees to notify Company if the foregoing statement is no longer accurate at any time during the term of this Agreement. The Contractor will conduct all services hereunder in complete compliance with all applicable national, state, and municipal laws and regulations. The Contractor shall inform the Company immediately if anyone proposes to Contractor in connection with the services rendered hereunder any conduct that would be in violation of such laws and regulations, and of any investigations of which he is a subject with respect to any violation of such laws and regulations. Contractor shall ensure that all of Contractor's employees performing services hereunder are lawfully residing in the United States and have the appropriate paper work to be laMully employed in the United States. To the extent required by law, Contractor agrees if any of the Work performed hereunder is subject to prevailing wage rates, all workers employed by Contractor, its Subcontractors, Agents, Assignees, and successors in interest shall be paid wages that are, at a minimum, equivalent to the prevailing wages for like trades as determined by applicable state laws. 40. EXCLUSIVITY It is understood that there is no exclusivity in as far as Contractor is not guaranteed to receive any work being performed or contemplated by United Water. lt is at United Water's discretion to which opportunities it presents to Contractor. REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK 2B United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 lssuod by: UW Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 30 of 73 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION iForm: 1scAR3-07/11/13 i Contract# 13860 1 I 41. EXHIBITS, SCHEDULES AND APPENDICES. The following are attached to and expressly made a part of this Agreement: SCHEDULE A - SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE A -1 TASK ORDER ASSIGNMENTS SCHEDULEB- COMPENSATION/MTESANDPAYMENTTERMS SCHEDULE C . CERTIFICATE AND RELEASE OF LIEN SCHEDULED- INSURANCEREQU]REMENTS SCHEDULEE- PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS SCHEDULEF- BONDSREQUIREMENTS SCHEDULEG- CONTMCTORGUIDELINES SCHEDULE H. SPECIAL CONDITIONS lN WTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be ex€cuted the day and year first above written. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.KNIFE RIVER CORPORATION Pfint Digttally 5lgred by David stanton , I Dx: *:9:-,!9 !1". n!91-9:Yrl!d Printname: {g*ze VE,J rltte: [ )' 0 lfrlv #iriril"-*::-:":ritte: holuuill-lr,a* i lur,l.azla, lcok SisntFr '' ;[,;;Y:,,,,,,,,;,;;;;Signature: ,4,/ Witness:Witness: V{*ty-* Date:Date: " /24,/tb " 29 United Water ldaho Case u\M-W-l5-01 Request No. 59 Attacfiment Page 31 of 73 lssued by: UW Lagal SCHEDULEA SPEC!FICATIONS Please refer to the documents entitled "General Condrtlons" and .Supplemental Specificationsto ISPWC (2012) and Standard Drawings', which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. 1 30 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssiretl tty UW LcAal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 32 ot 73 MASTER SEiTVICHS AGI{EEMET.JT - COI,ISTRUC-TION Forrn: sc^. R3-07/1 1/13 Contrnd /; '13860 SCHEDULE A.1 - TASK ORDER ASSIGNMENTS The Work contemplated by this Schedule A shall be issued to Contractor on a task order basis, in accordance with Schedule H of this Agreement. lf applicable, specifications to be provided as described in individual Task Orders (see template attached). Billing (including emergency services) will be in accordance with the pricing set forth on Schedule B and the terms of the specific Task Order. Services shall be provided only as specifically set forth in written Task Orders that shall be issued by the Company. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that they receive an executed copy of each Task Order. A form of Task Order is attached hereto. Unless indicated othenivise on a Task Order, for purposes of this Agreement, Contractor shall report to and be responsible to the Company's Representative, who shall be designated by the Company. Except as set forth on Schedule A and except for those services required by the Company on a short notice or emergency basis, the Contractor shall not commence work until it receives an executed Task Order for such work, or alternatively a Company executed Purchase Order. There will be services that are required on short notice or on an emergency basis for which budgets and Task Orders cannot be established in advance. ln those circumstances the Company will follow up after the verbal request for services with a brief written note or email confirming the request for services, and with further follow-up with the actual Task Order. lt is noted that for some short-term, emergency services, the Task Order shall be prepared within ten (10) days following the request for services. Except with respect to services which are required on short notice or on an emergency basis, the Contractor shall submit a proposal for each scope of work provided by the Company. When directed by Company, Contractor shall provide the foregoing services under conditions of strict confidentiality as confidential and proprietary attorney-client work product. Otherwise, Contractor will exercise reasonable care to protect the proprietary interests of Company in the foregoing. Schedule will be as agreed in each individual Task Order (see attached). Note: Task Orders are reguired for any services where the total amount is expected to exceed $25,000" 31 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 ; Ii lssurxl by:j Uu/ Logal II 1 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION Request No. 59 Attachment Page 33 of 73 Forrn: scA R3-07/1 1/1 3 Contract /l 13860 TASK ORDER TEMPLATE Date: Agreement #: Contractor/Gonsultant Name: ProJect Name: Scope of Services and Deliverables*: Deliverable Due Date Schedule*: *May also be provided as an attachment. Not to exceed Task Order amount: ConsultanUGontractor is not to exceed the Task Order amount without advance approval of Company representative. Gompany Representative for this Task Order shall be: GonsultanUGontractor Representative for this Task Order shall be: Applicable Not Applicable Contract Client:n n Performance Bond tr tr Payment Bond tr tr Retainage tr tr Prevailing Wages tr ! lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Order as of the date above written. COMPANY CONTRACTOR Print Name:Print Name: Title:Title: Signature:signature: Witness:Witness: Date:Date: 2,) United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'|5-01 Ir lssued by; I UtV Logal 1 i MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT. i iq'Tl:coNSrRUCrroN i33*,Tii1{iliJJ Request No. 59 Attachment Page 34 of 73 Total Unit Price for ltem SCHEDULE B COMPENSATION / RATES AND PAYMENT TERMS RATES VALID THROUGH MARCH 31,2016, RATES FOR SUBSEQUENT YEARS TO BE MUTUALLY AGREED UPON BY THE PARTIES 2015 UNIT RATES NEW & REPLACEMENT MAIN PROJECTS IIIISIALLATION Of WATER MAIUE.t!8E HYDRAN.TS,-IE8VI"CE!, ISqIATEO HYDRAiITS, AND ISOIATEq.IIBYIIIIS Labor to install 2-inch, 4-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch, and 12-inch water mains, including installation of pipe, valves, fittings, fitting restraint, location wire, mechanical compaction, bedding, backfill, gravel, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation and anything not included in the Proposal under separate bid item. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel, handling of pipe, traffic control administration, hydrostatic testing of the pipeline, disinfection of pipeline, and DE chlorination of the pipeline. Restoration, interim cleanup and final cleanup, as required by Owner, shall also be included in these unit prices. All pipe material (pipe, fittings, mechanical restraint, and valves) and traffic control, including flagging shall be paid asadirectpassthroughfromsupplier'sinvoice. Rocktrenchexcavationandcasinginstallationshall benegotiated and shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt concrete removal and surface repair required with the installation of water mains shall be paid for separately under the appropriate add alternate and bid items as listed in the Proposal. Item Estimated No. Quantitv ltem qetcription A. lnstalling pipe in undeveloped areas 1 50 L.F. lnstallation of 2-inch Water Main at the unit price of 56.65 5332.50 2 7o0 L.F. lnstallation of 4-inch Water Main at the unit price of 59.50 5950.00 3 250 L.F. lnstallation of 5-inch Water Main at the unit price of s9.50 $2,375.00 4 1,100 L.F. lnstallation of 8-inch Water Main at the unit price of 513.15 514,465.00 5 600 L.F. lnstallation of 12-inch Water Main at the unit price of s14.05 s8,430.00 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssued by: UW Legal il I scAR3-07i11/13 I Contract# 13860I MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION Request No. 59 Attachment Page 35 of 73 I S. lnstalling pipe in developed areas. 200 L.F. 900 [.F. 1,000 t.F. 500 t.F. lnstallation of 2-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 4-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 6-inch Water Main at the unlt price of Extra depth <2 feet at the unit price of Extra depth over ? less than 4' at a unit price of Extra depth over 4' less than 6' at a unit price of Sr.gs Ss,8so.oo S5,25o.ooSs.2s s7.8s $"3B2s.00.. t.F.150 ,,,........$lr'qo . $15.20 S1s.2o $rs.go s2o.20 , , $1,710.00 _ S3,,o3o.oo . "$"-1"9*9.-90'99- S237,ooo.oo S101,ooo.oo 15,000 L.F"lnstallation of 8-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 12-inch Water Main at the unit price of 5,000 L.F. Additional compensation for main line trench excavation in excess of Company's normal trench depth (4'min. pipe cover) 3,000 L.F. Furnlsh and installfoundation ttabilization when required by Company (typically 2-lnch minus material). C.Y. Furnish and install foundation stabilization, measured in the trench, confirmed by load tickett at a unit price of $22.50 500 s11,2s0.00 United Water ldaho Request No. 59 Attacfiment Case UW-W-15-01 Page 36 of 73 rssued by: I fvfnSTER SERVICES AGREEMENT - | Form: iuW Lesar t ""'-'-";Oi,,STRUCTION '' I scA R3-07/11/13 i I \s I KUU I tUN I Contract # 10860 iI .... ._L* _ I E. Furnish and install thrust blocking,S-bag, 3/4-inch aggregate, as directed by Company. 50 20 10 8-lnch main and smaller at the unit price of l2jnch rnain at the unlt price of L6-inch main at the unit price of 6-inch at the unit price of 8-inch at the unlt price of 12-inch at the unit price of 16-inch at the unit price of s100.00 s5,000.o0 $lgq,qg s1so.0o S2,ooo.oo , ,,, S1,5oo.oo Furnlsh and install Bell Restraint, as directed by Company. 50 1,500 350 25 s25.oo $2s..99,,,,, ., Sso.oo s50.00 ll,2s-0.99 ,......-,..$":1F00.00, S17,5oo.oo s1,2s0.00 Furnlsh and install select backfill materblwhen required by Company. 8,100 c.Y.Furnish and lnstall 3/4-inch minus select backfill material, measured in the truck, confirmed by load ticket, at the unit price of 2 3,2N C.Y. Furnish and install pit run select backfill material, measured ln the trench, confirmed by load tlcket, at the unit price of s26.00 _ _ s210,600.00 s21.00 $gz-zoo.oo." s262.00 s5,550.00 lnstallatlon of blow-off assembly (per Std. Drawing #5), to include installation of required fittings, and all materialfor a complete installation. lnstallation of blow-off assembly at the unit price of 25 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 i lasued by: UW Legal MASTER SERVICES AGRHEh{ENT . CONSTRUCTION Request No. 59 Attachment Page37 ol73 Forn;: ,scA R3-07/1 1i 13 1 Contrect # '13860 i l. Furnish and install "flowable" backfill. 1 bag mix, as directed by Company. c.Y. Furnish and installflowable backfill, measured in the trench, confirmed by load ticket, a the unit price of s101.00 $55,550.00 J. Abandon existing main, to include customer notification, if requested, cutting existing main and installing cap or plug, including all materialfor a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. 7 20 EA. Abandon 2-inch and smaller existing main at the unit price of 5163.00 $3,260.00 2 20 EA. Abandon 4-inch through 8-inch existing main at the unit price of Sosq.og _t*3!gggg* 3 6 EA. Abandon 12-inch and larger existing main at the unit price of 5916.00 55,496.00 K. Mobilization. One Mobilization per new and replacement main project 1 15 EA. Mobilization s2,1so.oo s32,2so.oo L. All piping material (pipe, fittings, mechanical restraint, and valves), traffic control, and flagging used on a new and replacement project shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice TOTAL 1 550 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 li:sueri by: UW Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 38 of 73 MASTER. S ERVICES AGREII'IENT - CONSTRUCTION Forrn scA R3-07/1 1/13 Contri:ct # 13860 INSTALTATION OF FIRE HYDRANTS tn most cases, the service lateralto the fire hydrant will be 6-inch. When 8-inch and larger lines are required, the lateral shall be paid at the differential rate bid for 8-inch and larger service lines per linear foot versus the 6-inch rate under Schedule B - lnstallation of Services. The payment will be in addition to the price bid for typical installations utilizing 6-inch pipe. The excess length of lateral pipe beyond 30 feet will be paid at the unit price bid per linear foot for service lines of equal size as listed in the Bidder's Proposal -Schedule of ltems and Prices. A. Labor to install fire hydrant, to include installation of the tee at the main, installation of an average length of 30 feet of 6-inch Dl or PVC pipe, installation of the auxiliary valve and valve box, location wire, mechanical compaction, bedding, backfill, and gravel for drainage, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a completeinstallation. Alsoincludedisthematerial forbedding,backfill,andgravel. All othermaterial (hydrant, pipe, fittings, and valves) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt or concrete rernoval and surface repair with the relocation of existing fire hydrants shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in the proposal. lnstallation offire hydrant at the unit price of ss24.00 518,340.00 Labor to relocate an existing fire hydrant on the same service line, to include removal of hydrant, extension of fire hydrant service pipe, installation of existing fire hydrant at new location, mechanical compaction, bedding, backfill, and gravel for drainage, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe, fittings, and valves) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the relocation of existing fire hydrants shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in the Proposal. Relocate existing fire hydrant at the unit price of 5687.00 s13,740.00 Labor to tie-over an existing fire hydrant line, to include installation of tee at the main, installation of new valve and pipe between tee and existing service pipe, connection to existing service pipe, mechanical compaction, bedding, backfill, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe, fittings and valves) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the tie-over of existing fire hydrants shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid as listed in the Proposal. Tie-over of existing fire hydrant at the unit price of TOTAL 35 20 EA.Sss6.oo s13,900.00 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 lssrred by UW Legai I!{ASTER SERVICES AGREHMENT - CONSTRUCTION Request No. 59 Attachment Page 39 of 73 Fornr: scA R3-07i1 1/13 Contract # 13860 wsrALlAftOry.gr.sfnvlcEs rN coNjuNcfigN l,irtlH wArsR MA|N lN rALLArroN A. Labor to install a 3/4inch through 2 inch service line by open trench method up to 50 feet in length, to include pipe bedding, backfill, mechanical compaction, installation of the tap on the main using a corporation stop, and installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. On individual service lines, footage in excess of 50 feet shall be paid for under itemBbelow. Thisitemdoesnotincludeinstallationofthemeterpitormetersetter,anyasphalt,concrete removal, or surface repair, as may be required. L 23O EA. lnstallation of 3/4-inch PE service pipe atthe unit price of 5250.00 557,500.00 2 95 EA. lnstallation of l-inch PE service pipe at the unit price of s7:9I9* _. *.*$23,7s0.00._- 3 1 EA. lnstallation of 1 1/4-inch PE service pipe at the unit price of $300.00 5300.00 4 LS EA. lnstallation of2-inch PEIPVC service pipe at the unit price of TOTAL 5400.00 S0omrgg B. Labor to install additional footage of 3/4 inch through 2 inch service lines by open trench method, to include pipe bedding, backfill, mechanical compaction, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Alsoincludedisthematerial forbedding,backfill,andgravel. All othermaterial (pipeandfittings) and trafficcontrol includingflaggingshall bepaidasadirectpassthroughfromsupplie/sinvoice. Thisitemdoesnot include, installation of the meter pit or meter setter, any asphalq concrete removal, or surface repair, as may be required. 1 lnstallation of3l4-inch PE service pipe per linear ft per linear ft per linear ft S6.60 2 lnstallation of f-inch PE service pipe s6.60 3 lnstallation of 1 V4-inch PE service pipe s6.50 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 issrred by: UW Lcga!I\4AS'TER SETI.VICES AG REE M i:NT CONSTRUCTION Request No. 59 Attachment Page 40 of 73 [:orn: scA R3-07i1 1i13 Oontract ll 138t]0 per linear ft per each s68s.00 per linearft s18.00 Labor to install a service line by boring method, to include mechanical compaction, installation of the tap on the main utilizing a corporation stop, installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. All pipe, fittings, and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. This item does not include installation of the meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal. or any surface repair as may be required. lnstallation of 2-inch PE/PVC service pipe Move in and set up costs for boring equipment Boring 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines a. lnstallation of3/4-inch plastic pipe service line b. lnstallation of 1-inch plastic pipe service line c. lnstallation of 1 1/4-inch plastic pipe service line d. lnstallation of 2-inch plastic pipe service line lnstallation of 4-inch PVC service line lnstallation of 6-inch PVC service line per linear ft per linear ft per linear ft s18.00 S19.20 s20.40 D.Labor to install 4 inch through 12 inch service lines by open trench method, to include pipe bedding, backfill, mechanical compaction, and installation of the specified size of pipe between the valve at the main and the property line, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flagging shall bepaidasadirectpassthroughfromsupplier'sinvoice. Theinstallationofthemeterpitandmetersetter, any concrete or asphalt removal, and any surface repair as may be required shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per linearft s18.so per linear ft s18.90 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-I5-01 ii lssr.red by: i UW Lcgal I I MASTER SERVICES AGREEMTI{T - CONSTRUCTION Request No. 59 Attachment Page 41 ol73 Form: scA R3-07/1 1/13 Contract rl 13860 $zs.zs per linear ft s2s.2s Labor to install service tie-overs less than 10 feet in length, to include mechanical compaction, connection to existing service line, installation ofnew pipe, and all other pipeline appurtenances as reguired for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other nraterial (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flagging shallbe paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any required asphalt or concrete removal, and surface repair shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. lnstallation of 8-inch PVC service line lnstallation of 12-inch PVC service line lnstallation of 3/4-inch & 1-inch service tie-over lnstallation of 2-inch service tie-over lnstallation of 4-inch service tie-over lnstallation of 6-inch service tie-over lnstallation of 8-inch service tie-over lnstallation of 10-inch service tie-over lnstallation of 12-inch service tie-over lnstallation of 3/4-inch & 1-inch service tie-over lnstallation of 2-inch service tie-over lnstallation of 4-inch service tie-over lnstallation of 5-inch service tie-over per linear ft per each per each per each per each per each per each per linear ft per linear ft per linear ft per linear ft S 163.00 ss30.00 s660.00 s244.00 s3o6.o0 s383.oo ss88.00 s784.00 per each 5784.00 Labor to install additional footage for service tie-overs over 10 feet in length, to include mechanical compaction, connection to existing service line, installation of new pipe, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel). All other material (pipe and fittings)andtrafficcontrol includingflaggingshall bepaidasadirectpassthroughfromsupplier'sinvoice. Any required asphalt or concrete removal, and surface repair shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal, 510.ss United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssut*d by: UlV Logal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 42 ol73 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT . CONSTRUCTION Form: scA R3-07/1 1/1 3 Contract # 1 3860 I i s1s.2o per linear ft per linear ft per linear ft per each per each per each per each per each s14.45 S14.45 Labor to install meter pit and meter setter at same time service line is installed. To include mechanical compaction, installation ofthe meter yoke, all other meter setter appurtenances, The installation ofthe service line from the customer's side of the meter setter to a point at least two feet from the outside edge of the meter box on all services where said meter box is to be located adjacent to customer's property line, installation of the meter pit box and lid, and allother pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. All materials and traffic control includingflaggingshall bepaidasadirectpassthroughfromsupplier'sinvoice. lnthosecaseswherethe meter pit is not to be located adjacent to the customer's property line. The service line between the meter pit and the customer's property line shall be paid for under the appropriate service line bid item at the unit price for the size of pipe installed. lnstallation of 8-inch service tie-over lnstallation of 10-inch service tie-over lnstallation of 12-inch service tie-over lnstallation of meter pit & meter setter for single %-inch service lnstallation of meter pit & meter setter for double setting which consists of two 3/4-inch services from single 1-inch service line as per standard drawing lnstallation of meter pit & meter setter for single 1-lnch service as per standard drawing lnstallation of meter pit & meter setter for single 2-inch service as per standard drawing lnstallation of two 3/4lnch meter setter in one pit as per standard drawing s100.00 s1s0.00 s100.00 S2so.oo S2oo.oo Traffic control including flagging and signage, as required by the highway district or state highway department, shall be paid as a direct pass through cost offthe supplier's invoice. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 j : losueC by: UW Legal MASTER SERVIOHS AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION Request No. 59 Attachment Page 43 of 73 :Foim: IscA R3-07/11t13 :Contrect # 13860 i iI ITEM5 coMMoN 7o ISOLATI0 sERVlcE ANP FIRE HY0AAITIT INsTA-LliAI!"p..NS Items common to service and fire hydrant installation including mechanical compaction, excess trench depth, rock excavation, bedding, trench foundation stabilization, thrust blocks, select backfill, and boring and tapping of4-inch throughl2-inchwaterlinesfortheinstallationof isolatedservicesandfirehydrants. Watersettlementofall trenchesandrestoration andclean-uparetobeincludedintheunitcosts. Theinstallationofcasingpipeutilizing standard open trench, to include mechanical compaction, installation of the water pipe to be carried inside casing pipeandtheinstallationofthecasingpipeandtheinstallationof casingutilizingtunnelingor boringmethod,to includingmove-inandsetupcosts,installationofthewaterpipetobecarriedinsidethecasingpipe androck trench excavation shall be negotiated and paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the installation of services or fire hydrants shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in the Proposal. Unit Cost A. Additional compensation for trench excavation in excess of Company's normal 4' trench depth. per linear ft.S3.oo Per cubic B. Furnish and install pipe bedding material when required by Company, yd. 520.00 C. Furnish and install trench foundation stabilization when required by Company (typically 2-inch minus material) per cubic yd.s20.00 O. Furnish and install thrust blocking,S-bag,3/4-inch aggregate, as directed by Company. 1. Extra depth under 2 feet, 2. Extra depth over 2 feet. 1. 8-inch line and smaller 2. l2-inch line 3. 16-inch line per linearft' -- ----,-l!qq per each J100.00 pereach -*...$l?s,-0q,per each 5200.00 E. Furnish and install select backfill materialwhen required by Company. Per cubic 3/4" Minus yd. 525.00 per cubic Pit Run yd. 521.00 10 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssr,rod by: L.l/V Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 44 ol73 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT CONSTRUCTION Properly placing a tappinB sleeve and valve on existing mains and drilling taps up to and including 12 inches in diameter. (Size listed below indicates size of tap). 1. 2-inch tap 2. 4-inch tap 3.6-inch tap 4. 8-inch tap 5. l-z-inch tap Forrn: scA R3-07/1 1/13 Contract # 1 3860 Cut-in to existing mains, to include customer notification, cutting out a section of the existing main and installing a tee or cross and all other fittings as indicated on the Plan and required for a complete installation. 1. Cut-in to a 2-inch and smaller existing main. 2. Cut-in to a 4-inch through 8-inch existing main. 3. Cut-in to a l2-inch and larger existing main. Connection to existing main, to include customer notification, removal of blow-off assembly, fitting, blank flange or plug, existing thrust block, preparation of pipe or fitting and connection with new pipe. 1. Connection to a 2-inch and smaller existing main. 2. Connect to a 4-inch through 8-inch existing main. 3. Connect to a 12-inch and larger existing main. per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each s300.00 s500.00 s_9oo:99 s900.00 s1,000.00 s3s0,o0 s9s0.00 s1,270.00 _*_***l19s99_ Slso.oo Srso.oo lnstallation of a blow-off assembly, to include transporting all materials to the job site, installation of required fittings, and all other items as may be required for a compete installation. 1. lnstallation of blow-off assembly. Settingofboxorslopingoftrenchwallsforservicetap. Thepriceisbasedontrench depth of up to eight feet. per each s210.00 11 per each ,5700.00 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lir$ued fly UW Legal fu{ASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT . CONSTRLJCTION Request No. 59 Attachment Page 45 of 73 fronn: :scA R:r.c7l] 1/13 i Contract # 13860 ; K. Concrete pavement power saw cutting. per linear 1. PowersawcuttingonpavementthicknessofOinchesto4inches. ft. 52.00 per linear 2. Power saw cutting on pavement thickness of4 inches and greater. ft. S3.OO rNsrALrAlloN pF f tBl. HYIR{NTS ln most cases, the service lateralto the fire hydrant will be 6-inch. When 8-inch and large are required, the laterals shall be paid at the differential rate bid for 8-inch and larger service lines per linear foot versus the 6-inch rateunderltemB-lnstallationofServices. Thispaymentwill beinadditiontothepricebidfortypical installations utilizing 6-inch pipe. The excess length of lateral pipe beyond 30 feet will be paid at the unit price bid perlinearfootforservicelinesofequal sizeaslistedintheBidder'sProposal -Scheduleof ltemsandPrices. The contractorshall purchaseall material foracompleteinstallation. All material andtrafficcontrol includingflagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. A. lnstallation of fire hydrants at isolated locations on existing mains, to include transporting all materials to the job site, tapping the existing main, installation of an average length of 20 feet of 6-inch Dl or PVC pipe, installation of the auxiliary valve and valve box, gravel for drainage, and all other items, including compaction, as may be required for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair with fire hydrant installationshall bepaidforseparatelyundertheappropriatebid itemaslistedinthisProposal. per each 51,100.00 B. Removal of existing fire hydrant, to include transport of all materials to job site and disposal of waste materials, transport of hydrant to designated disposal site, removal of auxiliary valve and valve box and installation of a cap or pluB at the main. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the removal of existing fire hydrant shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per each $500.00 C. Replacement of existing fire hydrant, to include removal and transport of old hydrant to designated disposal site; installation of new fire hydranl. in same location, provlslon for gravel for drainage if necessary; and all other items, including compaction, as may be required for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the replacement of existing fire hydrant shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. 12 per each 5600.00 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssued i:y: UW Legal MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT CONSTRUCTION Request No. 59 Attachment Page 46 of 73 Forrn: scA R3-07/1 1/13 Conlra<l # 13860 per each ... 51,000.00 . per each s1,000.00 per each per each s1,r00.00 per linear ft. per linear ft. s4.00 Relocation of existing fire hydrant on same service line, to include removal of hydrant, extension of fire hydrant service pipe, installation of existing fire hydrant at new location, provision for gravel for drainage, and all other items,includingcompaction,asmayberequiredforacompleteinstallation. Anyasphaltorconcreteremoval and surface repair required with the relocation of existing fire hydrant shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per each S6oo.oo Tie-overofexistingfirehydrant,toirrcludeinstallationofteeatthemain,installationof newpipebetweentee and existing service pipe, connection to existing service pipe, and all other items, including compaction, as may be required for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required for a tie-over of existing firehydrantshall bepaidforseparatelyundertheappropriatebiditemaslistedinthisProposal. per each ss00.00 INSTALIATION OF ISOLATED SERVICES lnstallation of 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines by open trench method in isolated locations, to include transporting all material to the job site; mechanical compaction; installation of the tap on the main using corporation stop; and installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the propefi line. lndividual service lines 4O-feet and under in length shall be paid for under this item. lndividual service lines longer than4&feetshall havetheexcessfootagepaidunderitemB. Thisitemdoesnotincludeinstallationofthemeter pit and meter setter, any asphalt or concrete removal or surface repair as may be required. United Water shall provide all materials for a complete installation. Traffic control including flagging will be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. 1. lnstallation of 3/4-inch plastic pipe service line. 2. lnstallation of 1-inch plastic pipe service line. 3. lnstallation of 1 1/4-inch plastic pipe service line. 4. lnstallation of 2-inch plastic pipe service line. 1. lnstallation 3/4-inch PE pipe service line. 2. lnstallation of f-inch PE pipe service line. S1,2oo.oo Labor to install additional footage of service lines by open trench method, to include pipe bedding, backfill, mechanical compaction, and all other plpeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also includedisthematerial forbedding,backfill,andgravel. All othermaterial (pipeandfittings) andtrafficcontrol includingflaggingshall bepaidasadirectpassthroughfromsupplier'sinvoice. Thisitemdoesnotinclude, installation of the meter pit or meter setter, any asphalt, concrete removal, or surface repair, as may be required, 13 s4.00 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 I lssircd Lryr ] UW Legal I I i Request No. 59 Attachment Page 47 ot 73 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMEI{T . i IO'1'-.CONSTRUCTION i33*,}3;?'lIIiJf : per linear 3. lnstallation of 1-1l4-inch PVC or PE pipe service line. ft. 54.00 per linear 4. lnstallation of 2-inch PVC or PE pipe service line. ft. 54.00 5. lnstallation of4-inch PVC pipe service line. 6, lnstallation of 6-inch PVC pipe service line. 7. lnstallation of 8-inch PVC pipe service line. 8. lnstallation of lo-inch PVC pipe service line. 1. Move in and set up costs for boring equipment. 2. Boring 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines. a. lnstallation of3/4-inch plastic pipe service line. per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. s6.00 ,,19'oo Ss.oo S8.oo per linear 9. lnstallation of 12-inch PVC pipe service line. ft. S-!.00 10. Additional compensation for boring and tunneling under sidewalk or any item which cannot be removed to install service line, this is to be in addition to the price per each service line installation and shall apply to 3/4-inch, l-inch, and 2-inch services only. a. Boring 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines, to include cost for set-up to of boring equipment. b. Less than or equal to 24 inches in length. c. Greater than 24 inches in length. per linearft. -. 1"i"9,-0.9* per each S20o.o0 per each 5400.00 C. lnstallation of service lines by boring method, to include tra nsporting all materials to the job site, installation of the tap on the main utilizing a corporation stop, and installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line. This item does not include installation of the meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. United Water shall provide all material for a complete installation. Traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. per each _l:-0"p*99* per linearft. srs.oo 14 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssuetj by: UlV Legal MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT CONSTRUCTION Request No. 59 Attachment Page 48 of 73 Form: scA Rs-07/1 1/13 Contract # 13860 per linear ft. per each per each per each ss0.00 ss0.oo Sroo.oo per each S?gq,qo per each s200.00 s1s.00 c. lnstallation of 1 U4-inch plastic pipe service line, per linear fr.srs.00 Replacement of existing 3/4-inch and 1-inch service lines by pulling method, to include customer notification, transporting all materials to the jobsite, mechanical compaction, installation of new service pipe between the tap at the main and the meter box by connecting it to the existing service pipe and pulling into place as existing pipe is withdrawn, installation of new corporation stop at main if required, and connection to new service pipe to corporation stop at main. This item does not include replacement of meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. Traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. per each *-_-1T999. Replacement of existing 3/4-inch and f-inch service lines by installing new service line through inside of existing service line, to include customer notification, transportation all material to the job site, mechanical compaction, installation of new service pipe between the tap at the main and the meter box, installation of new corporation stop at main if required, and connection of new service pipe to corporation stop at main. This item does not include replacement of meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. Traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. per each s270.00 Additional compensation for connection of service line to customer's piping if said piping has been installed to the customer's property line, this is to be in addition to the price bid for the service line installation. b. lnstallation of 1-inch plastic pipe service line. d lnstallation of 2-inch plastic pipe service line. per linear ft. 1. 3/4-inch and l-inch. 2. 2-inch. 3. 4-inch and 6-inch. 4. 8-inch. 5. 1O-inch and larger. G. Abandon 3/4inch through 2-inch existing service, installation to include shut-off of corporation stop or plugging the service tap at the main, salvage of meter and meter box lid, mechanical compaction and backfilling the meter pit. This item is based on an abandonment at the same time the service is replaced. Any asphalt or concrete 15 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 I lssuod by: i UW Lcgal I Request No. 59 Attachment Page 49 of 73 Fcr'rn: sa'.A R3-07t'1 1113 Ccrniract lt 13t60 per each *.... . .. "f"L0._0""q.. per each 550.00 per each per each ss0.0o ss00.00 per each __, 5150.00 per each per each per each per each removal and surface repair required with the abandoning of an existing service shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. This item does not include replacement of meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. United Water shall provide all material for a complete installation. Traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplierrs invoice. MASTER SERVICES AGRE{:IVENT - CONSTRUCTION 1. Abandon service including box. 2. Abandon service tap without abandoning box. 3. Abandon box only. lf no scrvice is replaced, add to each bid item above 1. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter for single 3/4-inch service. 2. lnstallation of meter pits and meter setters for two 3/4-inch services from single l-inch service lines. 3. lnstallation of meter pits and meter setters for single f-inch service. 4. lnstallation of meter pits and meter setters for single 2-inch service. 5. lnstallation of two 3/4-inch meter setters in one meter pit. Abandon 4-inch through 12-inch existing service, installation to include customer notification removal of isolation valve and installation of blank flange, mechanical compaction, and backfill, This item is based on an abandonment at the same time the service is replaced. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the abandoningofanexistingserviceshall bepaidforseparately undertheappropriatebiditemaslistedinthis Proposal. United Water shall provide all material for a complete installation. Traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. per each s600.oo lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter at same time service line is installed, to include transporting all materials to thejob site; mechanical compaction, installing the meter yoke and all other meter setter appurtenances as required for a complete installation, installing the service line from the customer's side of the meter setter to a point at least two feet from outside edge of the meter box on all services where said meter box is to be located adjacenttocustomer'spropertyline,andinstallationofthemeterpitboxandlid. lnthosecaseswherethemeter pit is not to be located adjacent to the customer's property line, the service line between the meter pit and the customer's property line shall be paid for under the appropriate service line bid item at the unit price for the size of pipe installed. (see ltem B). s1s0.00 s1s0.00 s300.00 s400.oo lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter on existing service lines, to include transporting all materials to job site, installing the meter yoke and all other meter setter appurtenances as required for a complete installation, installing the service line from the customer's side of the meter to a point at least two feet from the outside of the meter box on all services where said meter box is located adjacent to customer's property line; and installation of the meter pit box and lid. ln those cases where the meter pit is not to be located adjacent to the customer's 16 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'|5-01 lssur-.d by UW Logal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 50 of 73 Form: scA R3-07/'t 1/13 Contract /tr 1 3860 per each ---. 1999.00 per each 5605.00 property line and the service line between the meter pit and said property line has not been installed, this section of service line shall be installed under the appropriate service line bid item at the unit price for the size of pipe installed. (See ltem B). MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter for sinEle 3/4-inch service. lnstallation of meter pits and meter setters for two 3/4-inch services from single service line. 3. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter fro singlc l-inch service. 4. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter for single 2-inch service. 5. lnstallation of two 3/4-inch meter setters in one meter pit from single service line. 1. Vault setting for single 3-inch meter 2. Vault setting for single 4-inch meter 3, Vault setting for single 6-inch meter 1. Removal and disposal ofasphalt pavement,3-inches or less thickness, including cutting of existing pavement. 2. Removal and disposal ofasphalt and/or concrete pavement, over 3 inches to 5 inches of thickness. 3. Removal and disposal ofasphalt and/or concrete pavement, t. 2. K. lnstallation of vault and meter settings for large meters, to include transporting all materials to the job site, installing the meter vault, all piping as required and the water meter. (See Detail Drawings). _97.93p"9-" s78o.oo per each S1,73o.oo per each 53,250.00 per each 53,890.00 per each per each per each per sq. ft. per sq. ft. per sq. ft. s60s.00 SURFACE REMOVATAND REPAB Removal and disposal ofasphalt and/or concrete pavement. At the discretion ofthe Engineer, separate bids may be required if the volume of surface removal and repair on a particular project exceeds normal conditions. s1.00 s2.00 s3.oo B. c. over 6 inches to 12 inches ofthickness. Removal of asphalt and/or concrete in excess of 12 inches to be negotiated on a per job bases. Saw Cutting for asphalt and/or concrete pavement over 3 inches thick shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Removalofconcrete curbandgutter,concretesidewalks,andconcretedriveways,toincludecuttingconcreteas required and disposal of all material removed. D. 17 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssued by UW Legal MASTER SERVICES AGREEI#IHNT CONSTRUCTlON Request No. 59 Attachment Page 51 of73 i Ii Forrn: ! scA R3-07/1 1/13 I Contract # 13860 I I per linear ft.ss.o0 per linearft. $.s.00 per sq. ft. 52.00 S2,oo 1. Removal of concrete curb and gutter (under 10 feet). 2. Removal of concrete curb and gutter(over 10feet). 3. Removal of concrete sidewalk. 4. Removal ofconcrete driveway. H. per sq. ft. Furnish and install concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalks, and concrete driveways, to include required crushed rock and gravel base leveling courses. 1. lnstallation of concrete curb and gutter, 12 lin.ft.min. 1a lnstallation ofconcrete curb and gutter, additional over 12 lin ft 2. lnstallation of concrete sidewalk, 30 sq.ft. min. 2a. lnstallation of concrete sidewalk, additional over 30 sq.ft. 3. lnstallation of concrete d riveway, 30 sq.ft. min. 3a. lnstallation of concrete driveway, additional over 30 sq.ft. Furnish and install temporary asphalt pavement repair, Hot Mix Cold Mix Replace 2-inch layer of top soil and furnish and sow grass seed. Furnish and install grass sod. Remove and replace sod. Furnish top soil per each *$85qr0,9-..- ss.oo ss00.00 ,,_ s10.00 s3.00 s4.60 s2.00 s2.00 S21.oo per linear ft. per each per sq. ft. per each per sq. ft. ..,,,,,,,, s4s.00 . s3o0.0o per sq. ft. per sq. ft. per sq. ft. per sq. ft. *. ,..,,,,,,.,,, 52.00 per sq. ft. per cu. yd. 18 United Water ldaho Case LrW-W-lmi Request No. 59 Attachment Page 52 ol73 L;",;; I UW Legal I *" --*t ---- - -l-t I nrnsrER sERVTcES AGREEMENT - I Io-T-- iI coNSTRUCIoN l 33n..:$?i{iy;3 i1...-rr W..QRK r'loT covEREp u]{pEB uNtT PRrcE Furnish personnel, to include any required small tools. Cost of supervision shall be included as a part of each individual item, A. I. Supervisor 2. Crew Chief 3, Equipment operator 4. Laborer 5. Pipe layer 6. Welder Furnish equipment to include fuel. Cost of operator not to be included. 1. Dump truck. 2. Backhoe, tire mounted with front end loader, 3. Compressor - 125 CFM, tire mounted. 4. Low-boy with tractor. 5. Tractor, crawler type with dozer blade. 6. Weldlngequipment. 7. Tlre mounted compactor with front end loader. 8. Fork lift. 9. Backhoe, track mounted, 10. Supervisor pickup 11. Job truck with tools. 12. water truck (approximately 3,000 gal.). 13. Flat bed materials truck. per hr. per hr, per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr" s+s.zo s4s.70 $39.80 ,,,,,,,.,.."........ $"3e,80* ,,',,,,',',, ",,,, , '.. 13"?:P,9.,.. s10s.00 per hr, per hr, per hr, per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr, per hr. per hr, per hr. per hr. per hr. S83.6s $ag.zs Ssc'as sss.7s s71.1s s46.2s s49.7s sss,7s s92.4s s27.LO s27.to . S71.0s $72,25 19 United Water ldaho Case UVVI-W-15-01 Request No. 59 Attachment Page 53 of 73 l*;,,I UW Leoal I MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION SGHEDULE C CERTIFICATEAND RELEASE OF LIEN (to be executed by Contractor and to accompany all payment requests) Theundersigned,inconsiderationofthepaymentintheamountof$--**..-..-hereby waives and releases its lien and right to claim a lien for labor, services or materials furnished through .200_to United Wateq ("United Water") or ("Company'') for the benefit of United Water pursuant to the Agreement between Contractor and United Water dated ("Agreement"). Gontractor hereby certifies that all of its subcontractors under the Agreement have been paid for labor, services furnished through the date hereof in connection with the above project. Contractor hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company, its affiliates, officers, directors and agents against any claims or liens from such subcontractors arising out of the Agreement or the Work. Dated: Contractor: Name: Title: Address: United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssurd by: UW L.egal Request No. 59 Aftachment Page 54 of 73 MASTER SERVIOHS AGREEh4EN'T - CONSTRUCTION Forrn: scA R3-07/1 1/13 Contract # 13860 ,-.,*::::;T:=,=-,. The Contractor shall purchase and maintain at lts sole cost such insurance as set forth below and the Gompany and Contract Glient (if applicable) shall be included as an additional insured on the following polacies except workers' compensation and professional liability: 1. Worker's Compensation: (a) State: (b) Applicable Federal (e.9., Longshoremen's) (c) Employer's Liability: Statutory Statutory $500,000 2. Commercial General Liability (including Premises-Operations; lndependent Contractors' Protective; Products and Completed Operations; Broad Form Property Damage; Contractual Liability-Railroads; Blanket Contractual Liability, Personal lnjury with Employment Exclusion deleted): (a) Bodily lnjury & Property Damage: $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 aggregate. (b) Products and Completed Operations to be maintained for two (2) yea(s) after final payment. (c) Property Damage Liability lnsurance shall provide X, C and U coverage. (d) Railroad Protective Liability Coverage with aggregate limit of $6,000,000 as applicable (Optional if required by railroad company) (Project Specific) 3. Comprehensive Automobile Liability: Bodily lnjury & Property Damage: Single-Limit $1,000,000 4. Umbrella Excess Liability: $2,000,000 over primary insurance 5. Pollution Liability lnsurance- Limit of $ 5,000,000. (Optional) (Project Specific) (a) Certificates of lnsurance acceptable to the Company shall state that they are Primary lnsurance and shall name the Company and the Contract Client (if applicable) as additional insured(s) and shall be filed with the Company prior to the commencement of the Work. These Certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be canceled or modified, if such modification may affect the Company's interest, until at least sixty (60) days prior written notice has been given to the Company, except ten (10) days notice shall be provided for non- payment of premium. Contractor's failure to provide Company with such Certificates of lnsurance shall not be deemed a waiver by the Company of Contractor's obligation to obtain and maintain such insurance coverage or to indemnify and defend Company in accordance with the terms set forth in this Agreement. (b) The Contractor is to handle all claims in an efficient and expeditious manner so as not to burden the claimant. The Contractor shall provide a person to act as a claim representative to process and follow-up on all claims. The Contractor's claims representative is required to provide a list of all claimants on a weekly basis to the Company's claims representative. The Contractor's representative will be required to be present at the preconstruction meeting. ln the event of claims or complaints, the Company's claims representative will instruct the claimant to call the Contractor at a telephone number to be provided by the Contractor. United Water ldaho Case U\M-W-15-01 Issuod by: UW Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 55 of 73 Iii Forrrr: i scA R3-07i 1 1113 , r Contract # 13860 | MASTHR SERVICES AGREEIIENT - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE E PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ln addition to all of the requirements set forth in the other Contract Document, the Contractor must also adhere to the requirements specified herein this Schedule E. WORK: The Work to be done includes the furnishing and delivery of all materials and labor, tools, plant and equipment, together with the necessary supervision required to complete erection, installation and tests of the Work called for under the Contract Documents. The omission of specific mention of this fact, therefore, from any part of the Contract Documents shall not be deemed a waiver of the Contractor's obligation to furnish all materials and labor, tools, plant and equipment required to complete and test the work. The Contractor shall be responsible for all cutting, fitting or patching that may be required to complete the Work or to make its several parts fit together properly. The Contractor shall not damage or endanger any portion of the Work or the work of the Company or any separate contractors by cutting, patching or otherwise altering any Work, or by excavation. The Contractor shall not cut or othenruise alter the work of the Company or any separate contractor except with the written consent of the Company and of such separate contractor. The Contractor shall not unreasonably withhold from the Company or any separate contractor his consent to cutting or otherwise altering the Work. ASTM AND OTHER STANDARDS The serial designations specified hereinafter for the Standard Specifications of the American Society for Testing and Materials or other specified standards shall mean the ones designated or as subsequently amended. H"AULING AND HANDLING All plant, tools, equipment, materials and supplies furnished by the Contractor, or furnished by others for use in his work, shall be received, unloaded, handled, hauled or stored and distributed by him and the cost thereof shall be included in the contract amount for each appropriate item in this Agreement. I T-ITE NT,O F $ E E U FI CATI O I.{ P AN D D R AI,I,I.N 95 The Specifications and Drawings are intended to provide for all labor and materials required for every element of the Work, all complete in every detail, ready for operation, and finished in a neat, attractive, workmanlike and durable manner. Small items essential to the attainment of this end which may have been omitted on the Drawings and Specifications, shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor without charge in the same manner as if both were shown on the Drawings and Specifications. Request No. 59 Attachment Page 56 of 73 \ iI IssLrod by: r UW Legal I MASTER SEITVICES AGRHHMENT.. i IOTIiI.CoNSTRUCIoN i33*,Tj;?l'{lXJ,i : The Drawings herein included will be supplemented from time to time by the Company Representative, who will issue, as the Work progresses, detailed conslruction drawings or other additional instructions, oral or written, which may be required to amplify or explain the drawings submitted herewith. Detailed construction drawings when issued shall become part and parcel of the Specifications. The Contractor shall keep at the site a copy of the Contract Documents and shall at all times give the Company Representative access thereto. The Contract Documents are complementary. Anything mentioned in the Specifications and not shown on the Drawings, or shown on the Drawings and not mentioned in the Specifications, shall be of like effect as if shown or mentioned in both. ln case of apparent discrepancies between Drawings and Specifications, the Contractor shall notify the Company Representative of such discrepancies and the Company Representative shall then interpret and clarify them. lf the discrepancy (i) is first discovered after the Contract has been awarded; (ii) could not have been discovered with due diligence by the Contractor prior to award; and (iii) there can be no reasonable interpretation under the complementary principles set forth above, the Drawings shall govern. All plans, drawings, sketches, schematics, charts, graphs, and maps shall meet the requirements of the local Town, City and County Planning Boards, Department of Environmental Protection, and all other regulatory agencies. sHop DRATIINGS. PRODUCT DATA,,SAMPLES AND PLANS TO BE SUBMrrrEp(a) The Contractor shall furnish, prior to construction and for the approval of the Company Representative, plans showing the proposed location of his/her major items of construction plant, building and similar facilities which he proposes to install. (b) The Contractor shall review, stamp with his approval and submit for approval by the Company Representative two (2) copies of shop drawings and samples required to describe completely the type and quality of all work proposed to be furnished. No portion of the Work related to submitted shop drawings or samples shall be commenced until the submissions have been approved by the Company Representative. All such work shall be in accordance with the approved shop drawings or samples. Submittals for all fabricated work, including piping and structural steel shapes, and plate thickness, shall be submitted before starting fabrication and shall include the type and quality of all matedals to be included in the Work, dimensions, features of construction, plate thickness, sizes of structural shapes, painting schedule, and location of all piping and accessories. Submiftals for design of foundation, placing drawings and bar bending schedules of the reinforcing steel shall be reviewed and accepted by the Company Representative before starting construction of the related reinforced concrete structure. The Contractor shall, from time to time, furnish such other drawings and information as the Company Representative may require to satisfy him that the work proposed to be furnished will meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. All design calculations and drawings shall be sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of ldaho. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 li;sired by: UW Lcgal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 57 of 73 MASTER SERVICES AGREEfulENT CONSTRUCTION Ii Forrn: I SCA R3.07111/13 i Contract # 13860 At the time of the submission, the Contractor shall inform the Company Representative in writing of any deviation in the shop drawings or samples from the requirements of the Specifications and Drawings. In addition, the Contractor shall indicate on each submittal the following information pertinent to the work being submitted: 1. Which pages and paragraphs of lhe Specifications are appllcable. Which Drawings are applicable. Description of location, within the facility being constructed, for which installation is intended. The Contractor shall make any corrections required by the Company Representative on shop drawings or samples approved "As Corrected" and shall resubmit the required number of conected copies of shop drawings or new samples until approved "ln General." The Contractor shall direct specific attention, in writing or on resubmitted shop drawings, product data or samples, to revisions other than the corrections requested by the Company Representative on previous submissions. (c) The Contractor shall review, approve and submit, with reasonable promptness and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of the Company or any separate contractor, all shop drawings, product data and samples required by the Contract Documents. (d) The Contractor will submit a detailed schedule, separate from the Progress Schedule, indicating anticipated submission dates of all shop drawings, samples, catalog cuts, etc., to the Company Representative. ln addition, he shall submit, if requested, a detailed itemization for requisition purposes of quantities, unit costs, and similar variable information. (e) By approving and submitting shop drawings, product data and samples, the Contractor represents that he has determined and verified all materials, field measurements, and field construction criteria related thereto, or will do so, and that he has checked and coordinated the information contained within such submittals with the requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents. (f) The Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for any deviation from the requirements of the Contract Documents by the Company Representative's approval of shop drawings, product data or samples unless the Contractor has specifically informed the Company Representative in writing of such deviation at the time of submission and the Company Representative has given written approval to the specific deviation. The Contractor shall not be relieved from responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings, product data or samples by the Company Representative's approval thereof, which approval shall be for compliance with color, texture and similar visual characteristics required by the Contract Documents and, except as to proprietary products specified by the Contract Documents, shall not constitute approval of the components, methods of manufacture, or fitness for intended use of any item for which a sample, data, or shop drawing is submitted. 2. 3. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 lssur:d by UW Lcgal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 58 of 73 MASI ER SIRVICES AGREEMEI-JT CCINSTRUCTION (S) No portion of the Work requiring submission of a shop drawing, product data or sample shall be commenced until the submittal has been approved by the Company Representative. All such portions of the Work shall be in accordance with approved submittals. Aq:.HVrLT pRAWTNGS An accurate as-built map and drawings shall be prepared at the completion of the project. No final payment shall be made without an approved as-built plan and/or map. LINES AND GRADES All lines and grades shall be laid out by the Contractor from references shown on the Drawings or furnished by the Company Representative, subject to checking by the Company Representative. The Contractor shall furnish all stakes and markers. The Contractor shall safeguard all points, stakes, grade marks, monuments and bench marks, made or established on or near the line of the work, and he agrees to accept responsibility for and to remedy at his cost any mistakes that may be caused by unauthorized disturbance or removal of such points, stakes, grade marks, monuments and bench marks. usE oF FAC|LITTES PR|OR TO COMPLETION OF CONTRACT The Company reserves the right to place any or all items of Work in service prior to completion of all Work under this Contract, should conditions render this expedient. ln such cases, the Contractor shall complete that particular item of Work requested by the Company in all particulars in accordance with the direction of the Company Representative. The Company thereafter will be responsible for the maintenance of the item, except for repair of earth settlement and paving, whether temporary or permanent, but such utilization shall not release the Contractor of his guarantees or constitute acceptance of improper or defective materials or workmanship. CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATION'S The Contractor shall keep a competent, experienced Project Superintendent constantly on the Work from the commencement to completion. The Contractor shall furnish competent workmen, organized in one or more separate work gangs, and shall do all work in a workmanlike manner in compliance with orders, instructions and general directions of the Company Representative, who will define the meaning of all plans and Specifications and who will pass upon the Workmanship. The Contractor shall fumish immediate service as may be requested by the Company Representative; day and night, seven (7) days per week; for the purpose of making necessary repairs to work installed and sunken trenches, guarding unsafe trenches until repaired, removing vehicles stuck in trenches and to set right or correct any other difficulties which may arise from the work being performed or completed. Foinr: $cA B3 07/11/1:J Contr.jct # 13860 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 liriiued by tj\'i Legai Request No. 59 Attachment Page 59 of 73 MASTER SHRVICES AGRHHfuIHNT - CONSTRUCTION Should the contractor failto conduct the work in a manner satisfactory to the Company Representative, the Company will have the option of terminating the Contract or having the work completed by others in accordance with Section 19, TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT. The Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State, County and Municipal laws, ordinances and regulatiorrs applying to labor, materlals and public safety. CoNTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILTTY FOR MATERIAT=$ ANp FQUTPMENI(a) The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all supplies, materials and equipment required by him for the Work contracted for hereunder, until the same shall have been installed and finally tested and accepted by the Company Representative. The Contractor should, therefore, insure such property against loss or damage while stored at the site of the work if he desires to secure protection against loss. (b) All materials, supplies, machinery or equipment which may be damaged by exposure to the weather shall be suitably protected to the satisfaction of the Company Representative. When directed by the Company Representative, the Contractor shall furnish sufficient canvas and framework, or other type of housing, with means of heating, to enclose and protect the structures in such a way that the Work is kept dry and the air surrounding the Work, particularly fresh brickwork, block and concrete masonry, can be kept at a temperature above fffty-five (55) degrees Fahrenheit. Brickwork, block and concrete masonry shall be maintained at this temperature for at least two (2) weeks after placing. The Contractor shall provide suitable weatherproof facilities, satisfactory to the Company Representative for the storage of Portland cement. Each lot of cement shall be separately stored and marked, so that it may be identified easily and removed at any time prior to its use. Special attention is called to the necessity of adequately protecting pipe joints from damage or deterioration. (c) The cost and expense of protection of the Work as specified and required to complete the Work within the time designated in the Contract Documents shall be deemed included in the contract amount for the respective items of Work by the Contractor. pRoTECTTON OF EXI$T|NG PROPERTY Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to all public and private property not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. The Contractor shall not damage or disturb existing or future structures adjacent to the construction site. During construction, if it is necessary to temporarily remove any existing services, they shall be reconnected the same day or temporary services shall be provided. Affected owners shall be notified 48 hours prior to disruption of the service. ll lForrn:i scn Rs-ozlr lr3 i C0iltracI li 13860 i United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssued l;y UW l.egal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 60 of 73 MASI-ER SERVICES AGREEMEN'T - CONSTRUCTION Contractor shall protect the natural vegetation and other existing landscape features and surroundings. Where practical, trees shall be protected to the drip line as shown in the standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control as published by the State's Regulatory Agency. As a minimum, temporary tree protection shall be in accordance with the details on the drawings and if damage occurs to a tree's root system within the drip line, the tree shall be pruned accordingly using accepted tree surgery techniques to compensate for the loss of root system. Damage to tree trunks, limbs, bark and roots shall be repaired using acceptable tree surgeon methods. All grass areas beyond the Contract Limit damaged by the Contractor shall be repaired using seeding methods and materials equal to or better than that that existed prior to construction. Where damage or injury or loss is done to public or private property as a result of the Contractor's execution of the work, such property shall be restored by the Contractor at his expense to a condition equal to that existing prior to the damage, SAFE W,gE(-qrIE(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, complying with all applicable Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) regulations, conforming with current practice as set forth in the Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction, published by the Associated General Contractors of America, lnc., and complying with the regulations of all other agencies having jurisdiction over safety and health. The Contractor shall provide evidence that its employees have been properly trained in accordance with applicable OSHA regulations. All equipment to be used by the Contractor in the performance of the Work shall conform to the hereinbefore-mentioned safety codes and shall be inspected by the Contractor for compliance with these codes on a regular basis. All employees of the Contractor shall be instructed as to the proper and safe use of all equipment to be used in the performance of the Work. Such equipment shall include, but not be limited to, scaffolding, ventilation equipment, safety belts, spray equipment, compressors, temporary lighting and sand blasting equipment and utility trucks. ln accordance with United Water's Contractor Health and Safety Orientation Program, all contractors/vendors performing work on/at United Water facilities or assets are required to attend site- specific Contractor Health and Safety Orientation prior to the commencement of work (See Exhibit E-1). This orientation is required for all contractor workers and subcontract workers who will be performing work for United Water. lt is recommended that all contractor staff, including new employees and subcontractors, anticipated to be working for United Water aftend the orientation, if not previously attended, as soon as possible following the execution of the contract (or as soon as the program is made available at the applicable company location). In addition, Contractor and all Company-approved subcontractors shall follow and comply with the Company's Life Saving Rules as provided to Contractor and all subcontractors during the United Water Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Orientation which is mandatory for all Contractor and all Company-approved subcontractor employees working on UW sites and / or assets. Fcrrn: scA R3-07/1ii13 Conkirct # 13860 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 i lssued by Wl l-egal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 61 of 73 Forrn: scA R3.07/1 1i 13 Ccntract # 1 3860 MASTER SERVICES lrGREEI/EN]- - CONSTRUCTION (b) The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the safety of persons or property for their protection from damage, injury or loss. (c) The Contractor shall erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and progress of the Work, all reasonablc safeguerds for safety and protection, including posting danger sigrrs arrd other warnings against hazards, promulgating safety regulations and notifying owners and users of adjacent utilities. (d) The Contractor shall comply with all federal and local laws regarding noise control. Mufflers, whispered compressors, and similar equipment when required by law, shall be used throughout the Contractor's work. (e) The Contractor shall furnish temporary patching of any sidewalks, curbs, and streets as required for public safety and by governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof. (f) The Contractor shall provide sanitary conveniences for all employees on all parts of the Wok. The Contractor shall take all precautions to insure that no nuisance be committed by his employees and to insure the observance of all local sanitary regulations or requirements of the Company Representative. (S) To prevent persons from injury and to avoid property damage, adequate barricades, traffic directional signs, construction signs, and guards shall be placed and maintained by Contractor during the progress of the work and until it is safe for traffic. (h) Policemen, watchmen and manual traffic directions shall be provided by the Contractor, unless otherwise agreed upon, whenever deemed advisable by the Company Representative or the civic authorities having jurisdiction, so that vehicular traffic will be kept moving safely. CLFANING UP The Contractor at all times shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials, rubbish, hazardous or toxic materials, caused by his operations. At the completion of the Work, he shall remove all his waste materials and rubbish from and about the Project as well as all his tools, construction equipment, machinery and surplus materials. TESTS (a) lf the Contract Documents, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction require any portion of the Work to be inspected, tested or approved, the Contractor shall give the Company Representative timely notice of its readiness so the Company Representative may observe such inspection, testing or approval. The Contractor shall bear all costs of such inspections, tests or approvals conducted by public authorities unless othenruise stated in the Contract Documents. United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 I ] lssLrr:d ny: r UW Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 62 ol73 MIISI"ER SHRVICISJ AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION (b ) lf the Company Representative determines that any Work requires special inspection testing, or approval which Subparagraph (a) does not include, he or she will, upon written authorization from the Company, instruct the Contractor to order such special inspection, testing or approval, and the Contractor shall give notice as provided in Subparagraph (a). lf such special inspection or testing reveals a failure of the Work to comply with the requirements of the Conhact Documents, the Contractor shall bear all cost of special testing and costs of correction thereof. Othenruise, the Company shall bear such costs of special testing. (c) Required certificates of inspection, testing or approval shall be secured by the Contractor and promptly delivered by him to the Company Representative. (d) lf the Company Representative is to observe the inspections, tests or approvals required by the Contract Documents, he will do so promptly and, where applicable and practicable, at the source of supply. (e) lf concrete mix design tests are required for this Work, manpower and equipment (including insulated storage box) necessary for assisting in the taking of cylinder and slump tests as performed by the testing laboratory shall be furnished by the Contractor. (f) lnspection and test of materials and equipment may be made at the place of manufacturing prior to shipment, and manufacturers furnishing materials and equipment shall afford the necessary facilities for such shop or mill inspection and tests. ln order to facilitate such shop or mill inspection, the Contractor shall immediately upon placing orders for materials and equipment mail copies of such orders to the Company Representative, and shall afford ample time to enable the Company Representative to have proper and necessary tests made prior to the shipment of materials and equipment covered by these orders. vy4\TER REOUIRED FOR woRK lf available, water required for work under this Contract will be furnished, free of charge, by the Company, upon the Contractor making application to the Company for the use of specific hydrants. The Contractor shall furnish all pipe, hose, valves and specials at his expense. The Company reserves the right to cancel any permit or to order the discontinuance of Company facilities if the Contractor fails to comply with the rules and regulations of the Company. The Company also reserves the right to discontinue furnishing water through any Company facilities and to make changes as to the specific structures for which permission was granted, if, in the opinion of the Company, the use interferes with the proper operation of its distribution system. 1i Forrrr: ) scA R3-07/11/13 i Contract # 13860 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 I i: lsvur:rl by: i UW Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 63 of 73 MAS'IER SERVICES AGREEMENT - CONSI'RUCTION r Fonn: scA R3-07i 1 1/13 ; Contract rl 13860 j EXHIBIT E.l UW Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Orientation Program ln accordance with United Water's Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Orientation Program, all contractors/vendors performing work on/at United Water facilities or assets are required to attend a sitc- specific Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Orientation prior to the commencement of work. This orientation is required for all contractor workers and subcontract workers who will be per-forming work for the United Water business unit. lt is recommended that all contractor staff anticipated to be working for United Water attend the orientation as soon as possible following the execution of the contract. lf new employees are hired or subcontractors are utilized, it will be the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that their employees and/or their subcontractors' employees are notified timely and attend the orientation. Contractor Environment, Health and Safety Orientation will take approximately half an hour. ln order to schedule a time for all Contractor employees to complete this orientation, please contact the United Water location representative. Additionally, please notify your employees who will be attending the orientation to bring picture l.D to the orientation site. The Contractor Orientation Coordinator will ask to see l.D. and will not administer orientation unless a proper l.D. is presented. Upon completion of the orientation, the contractor employee will be provided with a laminated United Water Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Orientation l.D. card. All contractor employees should carry the Environmental, Health and Safety l.D. card at all times when working for United Water and present the card when requested by United Water staff. Please note that contractor employees will not he allowed to proceed with work unless they can provide a valid Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Orientation l.D. card. The orientation is valid for two years and will need to be taken again once expired. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Contractor EHS Orientation Coordinator or your United Water location representative for further assistance. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'15{1 lssuod by: UW Legat Performance Bond: Payment Bond: Request No. 59 Attachment Page 04 of 73 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT . CONSTRUCTION -J;;,,", *-- - l I scn ns-ozlr vre I 1""'*o-u 13860 ! SCHEDULE F BONDS REQUIREMENTS (X) Applicable to this Agreement via individual Task Order ( ) Not Applicable to this Agreement (X) Applicable to this Agreement via individual Task Order ( ) Not Applicable to this Agreement United Water ldaho Case U\M-W-1541 Request No. 59 Attacfiment Page 65 of 73 ; -tu, UWLosar I --'co^rsrRucroN 133,1.3$$1{lllJ,ill SGHEDULE G CONTRACTOR GUIDELINES "Guidelines for Contractors Working at United Water Facilities and/or ln Field Operations" (X ) (printXitrequired) United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 59 Attachment Page 66 of 73 GUIDELINES FOR CONTRACTORS WORKING AT UNITED WATER FACILITIES AND/OR IN FIELD OPERATIONS lssued: January 1998 Revlsed: June 2004 Failure of the Gontractor to comply wlth and adhere to these Guldellnas shall be regarded as a br€ach of the Contractods obligaUon under the contract and could result in, among other thlngs, payments wlthheld and/or termination of the contract United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssrrrl<l by UW Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 67 of 73 fi4AS"rER SERVICE$ AGf{EEUENI - CONSTRUCTION APPLICABILITY These Guidelines have been developed by United Water in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200), the General lndustry Standard (29 CFR 1910) and the Construction Standard (29 CFR 1926) and are intended to inform contractors of the chemical hazards that may be present at Unlted Water facilities. ln addition, these Guidelines are intended to inform contractors of their obligations to work in a safe manner and in compliance with all OSHA regulations and to provide United Water with information regarding hazards, chemical, physical or othenrvise, that may be introduced to the site as a result of their performance of the contract. However, nothing herein shall be interpreted to mean that United Water has undertaken any duty with regard to contractor compliance with OSHA, 29 CFR 1910, 29 CFR 1926, or with regard to contractor compliance with any other law, rule, regulation, or standard within contractor control. These Guidelines may be in addition to and supplement the provisions of an annexed Contractor Purchase Order. ln the event of any direct conflict between these Guidelines and a Contract or Purchase Order, the Contract or Purchase Order shall govern. POLICY United Water expects all contractors and their employees accept their individual responsibility to follow and practice the rules and policies contained in this document and any additional requirements which may be specified from time to time by designated supervisory personnel of United Water. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY Contractors are required to have a competent, responsible Supervisor in charge at the site. The United Water Representative will work with the Contractor and its employees through the Contractor's Supervisor. The Contractor shall inform, train and evaluate its employees as applicable to individual assignments as described below. 1. The Contractor is responsible for advising the UW representative, in advance, of their plans to be on-site and the nature of their planned activities. 2. The Contractor shall advise the UW representative of any unique hazards presented by the Contractor's work, or of any hazards found by the Contractor during his work. 3. The Contractor is responsible to inform the UW Representative of any hazardous chemical which is brought on-site. The Contractor shall provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's) of these hazardous chemicals to the UW representative and is responsible for reviewing with its employees the hazards associated with those chemicals. 4. Labels are required on all products brought on site which present a potential hazard (and which require transmission of an MSDS) so that those handling the chemical will be able to understand the hazards of its use. The Contractor shall advise its employees that a variety of labels may be found on chemicals used at UW facilities. Aside from existing labels from the manufacturer, products may also be labeled with National Fire Protection 1i Folrl:j sca nr-ozir rirs I Contract # 13860 1I il. ilt. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssircd by: tJW Legat Request No. 59 Attachment Page 68 of 73 MASTER SERVICH$ AGtU[:tv{ENl " COI'ISTRl.JCTION Form: scA R3.07/1 1i13 Conlrirct # 13860 Association (NFPA) Labels, Department of Transportation (DOT) Labels, and New Jersey Right-To-Know Labels which list the manufacturer name, product name, and the five (5) most prevalent components of the product. 5. tf at any time a leak or discharge is noticed regarding any of the chemicals mentioned in Appendix I (if applicable) or any other chemical, the contractor should immediately stop work, leave the area and notify the United Water representative atyyy,-yy\-7722 or the United Water emergency number at XXX-YYY-7777.The Contractor SHALL NOT attempt to clean up spills on United Water property involving toxic or corrosive chemicals until the UW Representative has been notified of the incident and has authorized the Contractor to proceed with the clean-up and/or mitigation activities. 6. The Contractor shall advise its employees that a binder containing MSDS's for all hazardous substances used or stored at the facility is located as described in Section lV. The Contractor shall also advise its employees that a copy of the UW Written Hazard Communication Program is available from the Environmental Resources Department upon request. 7. The Contractor is responsible for providing its employees with the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and the proper training in the use and maintenance of such equipment in accordance with the OSHA PPE Standard (29 CFR 1910.132). Contractors and their employees performing work at UW facilities, or performing work involving construction or manual labor shall wear ANSI approved safety toe footwear at all times. 8. The Contractor and its employees performing work in or around public thoroughfares shall wear reflective clothing (i.e. reflective safety vests) at all times. 9. lf entry into CONFINED SPACES is required, the Contractor is responsible for ensuring that its employees are trained and qualified to enter confined spaces in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146. The Contractor shall provide documentation of said training for all employees entering or attending a confined space and a copy of a written confined space procedure. The Contractor shall provide all necessary safety equipment for confined space entry, including any required rescue equipment and properly calibrated air monitoring equipment. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that rescue services are available for all confined space entrywork as required by OSHA 29 CFR'1910.146. 10. lf LOCKOUTiTAGOUT (LO/TO) Procedures are required, or if work is being performed on equipment locked or tagged out by United Water, the Contractor shall ensure that its employees are properly trained in The Control of Hazardous Energies (LockouUTagout) as specified in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.147 and shall provide documentation of such training. Prior to the commencement of any LO/TO work, the Contractor must notify and receive approval from the UW Representative. A copy of the UW LockouUTagout procedures will be provided upon request. 11. The Contractor shall inform the UW Representative of any COMPRESSED GASES that are to be used during performance of the contract. All cylinders must be secured on welding carts or chained to a stable support. No cylinders are to be stored on their sides. All gas cylinders shall be moved and/or stored with the valve protection caps on. United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 lssuerJ Lry; UVI Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 69 of 73 MASTE"R SERVTCES AGRHHMHNI . CONSTRUCTICN Fr,,nn: scA t13-07i 11/'13 Contraot # 1 3860 12. A HOT WORK PERMIT will be required if welding, grinding, or other hot work is being performed on closed vessels or tanks, within confined spaces, or in proximity to hazardous or flammable substances. 13. The Contractor shall arrange for all UTILITY MARK-OUTS if any excavation work is to take place unless other anangements are made. The Contractor shall ensure that all excavatlon work is supervised by a'Competent Person" and is performed in accordance with the OSHA Standard for Excavations (29 CFR 1910.650-652). 14. The Contractor shall provide a written Health and Safety Plan and comply with all applicable regulations for any work involving LEAD (i.e., lead paint removal), ASBESTOS (i.e., asbestos abatement) or any other substance specifically regulated by OSHA or any other regulating agency. The Contractor must also provide documentation regarding personnel medical monitoring which is required for such activities. 15. The Contractor shall comply with all other OSHA regulations that may apply to the specific activities being performed. These may include, but are not limited to: Respiratory Protection; Fall Protection; Ladder Safety; Scaffolding Safety; Powered lndustrial Truck Use; Crane Use; Machine Guarding; ElectricalSafety; etc. 16. The Contractor shall NEVER block exits, fire extinguishers, eyewash/safety showers or any other emergency equipment, or any electrical shutoff or breaker box with any debris, trucks or equipment. 17. Contractors shall leave safety devices and equipment guards in place when operating tools or equipment. Removal is only permitted for maintenance or repair of the tool or equipment. 18. Contractor employees shall report any injuries to their Supervisor and to the UW Representative immed iately. 19. The Contractor is responsible for providing this information to all of its subcontractors. The Contractor is also responsible for subcontractor oversight and enforcement of these guidelines. 20. The Gontractor will indemnify, save harmless and release UW from and against any and all liability, claims, actions, judgments, costs, charges, fees, damages and expenses, including reasonable aftorney fees, occurring in connection with, or as a result of the failure of the Contractor, its agents, assigns, employees or subcontractors to comply with these Guidelines or with any federal, state or local codes, laws, regulations or ordinances. 21.The Contractor shall perform work in accordance with the requirements of all federal, state or local codes, laws, regulations or ordinances. UW does not, however, undertake any duty with regard to contractor compliance. Additionally, this document is not meant to set forth all requirements as per OSHA or any other law, rule or order, nor does United Water represent that all potential hazards have been addressed herein. Nonetheless, it shall remain the Contractors responsibility to comply with all laws, rules and orders and to identify all potential hazards. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssLr.;<l tr;, U\'V Legal Request No. 59 Attachment Page 70 of 73 MASTER SERVICES AGRE:Er\4tlNT - CONSTRUCTION [:orrn: scA R3-07/i 1/13 Contrar:t # 13860 tv.CHEMICAL HAZARDS Appendix I (attached only if work is to be conducted at a listed United Water facility) of this document contains a list of bulk chemicals stored at the facility along with a description of the quantity, location and primary hazards of those substances. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's) for each of these substances and all other chemicals stored at the facility can be found in the MSDS binder located at the site. The exact location of the MSDS binder is referenced also in Appendix l. lf additional chemicals are present at the site that are not listed in Appendix l, the Contractor should, at a minimum, obtain the information regarding hazards and precautionary measures from the MSDS binder or from the UW Representative. SECURITY RULES AND POLICIES 1. ln all cases, Contractor personnel shall remain in the particular area(s) in which they are working unless special approval has been granted by a UW Representative(s). 2. Contractor vehicles shall be parked in designated areas only. 3. All Contractor equipment and material, including personal possessions of the Contractor and their employees, are subject to inspection and must be opened for inspection upon request. Failure to comply with such a request will result in that person being discharged from the premises of the Company. 4. The Contractor shall secure all Contractor tools and equipment. United Water is NOT responsible for tools or equipment left unattended on Company property or elsewhere. 5. Any keys provided to the Contractor for site access will be returned to the UW Representative upon completion of the work. The Contractor WILL NOT attempt to duplicate any Company keys. 6. The Contractor is responsible for resetting any alarms at Company facilities upon leaving that facility unattended. lf necessary, contractors will review alarm operations with the UW Representative before commencing work. 7. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that no weapons of any kind, drugs, or alcohol are brought onlo the job-site by any Gontractor employee or sub-contractor. V. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 lssued by: UW Legal MASTER SERVICES AG REEMEhJT CONSTRUCTION Request No. 59 Attachment Page71 ol73 Frlrm: $cA R3-07/11i13 Contract l, '13860 APPENDIX l. Not Applicable APPENDIX I!. CERTIFICATION Contractor Name Type Of Work To Be Performed Location Of Proposed Work (lnclude Company Facility Name if Applicable) Duration Of Proposed Work (Dates) I have received a copy of the document entitled "Guidelines For Contractors Working at United Water Facilities and/or in Field Operations" (attached hereto and made a part hereof). I certify that I have read the document's contents and I understand the documents terms and agree to abide by them in full. I understand that I am responsible for providing the information contained in the "Guidelines For Contractors Working at United Water Facilities and/or in Field Operations" dooument to my employees, representatives and/or subcontractors. Contractor Name (Print)Signature Date UW Representative (Print)Signature Date United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 i; lusrre:d by.i UW Legal I Request No. 59 Attachment Page 72 ol 73 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT CONSTRUCT'IOT'I ;CHEDULE H SPECIAL CONDITIONS NO JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY The Company and its affiliates and/or subsidiaries shall not be jointly and severally liable under the Agreement and/or any Task Orders issued hereunder. NON-EXCLUSIVE/NON.COMMITM ENT AGREEM E NT This is a Non-Exclusive, Non-Commitment Agreement. lt is understood that there is no exclusivity in as far as Contractor is not guaranteed to receive allwork being performed or contemplated by Gompany. lt is at Company's discretion to which opportunities it presents to Contractor. SALES TA)( The parties acknowledge that under ldaho law the Contractor is liable for use tax on materials used in connection with improvements to real property, and the Company is responsible for sales or use tax with respect to the tangible personal property purchased or acquired in connection with the project. The parties agree that the payments to Contractor under this contract are intended to cover and reimburse Contractor for all sales and use taxes that could be due for any property acquired, purchased or used in connection with the project, whether that property is used or consumed in constructing improvements to the real property or whether that property is tangible personal property purchased or acquired by the Contractor for the project, either for the Contractor or as agent of the Company, Contractor hereby indemnifies and holds the Company harmless from and against the assessment of any sales or use taxes due or asserted in connection with the project, and shall, upon request by the Company Water, defend the Company from the assessment or threat of assessment of any such sales or use taxes. lf Contractor seeks to avoid payment of sales taxes on the portion of the contract price that represents non-taxable services as opposed to payments for the acquisition or use of property, Contractor shall have the responsibility for separately accounting for those services. Contractor agrees to maintain records relating to the acquisition or use of property relating to the project, for a period of four years following completion of the project, and to make such records available to the Company in the event the Company is audited. Forrn: scA R3'07/1 1/13 Contract # 1 3860 UNITED WATER IDAFIO INC. CASE UW.W.15.01 SECOND PRODUCNON REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves ESIUELI!o.,E9: Please describe the Company's contract services proposal review process for facility installations, new construction, and replacements including whether the proposals are reviewed by individuals, a committee composed of Company staff or management, and whether specific review criteria are applied. lf review criteria are applied, please explain whether these criteria are included as part of the 'requests for proposals' and, if not, please provide a copy. Please provide a copy of the most recent 'requests for proposals.' RESPONSE NO.60: Contract service proposals for the annual contract are received from the contractors and are distributed to the selection committee for review. The selection committee is comprised of personnel from the engineering department, administrative department, and the transmission and distribution department. Review criteria are developed prior to the proposal being sent to the contractors. ln the most recent request for proposals, the review criteria were not included in the request document, but were discussed at length during a pre-proposal meeting at which all of the proposing contractors were present. The selection committee reviews the proposals and scores the non-cost based criteria, individually, based on pre-determined weighting factors. The cost portions are compared in a spreadsheet and are given a score. The lowest bid price receives the maximum score. The remaining bid prices receive a proportional amount of the maximum score. The total score for the bid prices are summed and weighted. The highest score from the individual bid prices receives the maximum points for the cost based portion of the bid evaluation. The cost based scores and the non-cost based scores are summed for each bidder. The bidder with the highest point total is the apparent successful bidder. A copy of the review criteria and weighting factors are attached. A copy of the most recent request for proposals has also been attached. See "Response No. 60 - Proposal Review Criteria & Score Sheet.xlsx" and "Response No. 60 - Request for Proposal.pdf'. Delivered before 3 p.m. on February 71,2015 required documents included? they have a written Health and Safety Plan? lf yes, give 4 points.lf no, give 0 Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Team Member 3 Team Member 4 Score Weighted Score lf the Safety Plan TOC is robust and extensive give 2 points. lf not, give 0 points TOC, give 0 points. Review Team Member 1 Review Team Member 2 Review Team Member 3 Review Team Member 4 age Score Score lf they provide saftey training and provide documentation with bid give 3 points. lf no give 0 points. lfthey providetraining but no documentation, give L point. Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Team Member 3 Team Member 4 Score Score they conduct regular safety inspections? lf yes, give 3 points, if no, give 0 points. Team Member 1 Review Team Member 2 Review Team Member 3 Review Team Member 4 Score Score Have they had a workplace fataility in the past 3 years? Yes - 0 points. No - 1 point. Review Team Member 1 Review Team Member 2 Review Team Member 3 Team Member 4 Score Score EMRrates. lfabovel.2oriftheydon'tprovide,give0points. lf below1..2to1..0give 2 points. lf below 1.0 give 4 points. Review Team Member 1 x x x x #Drv/0! #Drv/o! x x x x #Drv/o! #Drv/0! x x x x #Drv/0t #Drv/o! x x x x #Drv/o! #Drv/0! x x x x #Dlv/ot #Drv/ot x x x x x #Drv/0! flDrv/0! x x x x #Drv/o! #Dtv/0! x x x x #Drv/0t #Drv/o! x x x #Drv/0! #Drv/o! x x x x #Drv/ot fDrv/ot x x x x x #Drv/0! #Drv/0! x x x x #Dtv/0! #Drv/0! x x x x sDlv/o! #Drv/0! x x x x #Drv/0! #Drv/0! x x x x #D1v/0t #Drv/o! x Team Member 2 Team Member 3 Team Member 4 Score Score he average OSHA Recordable rate for 2013 was 3.6, Frequency rate was 2.2, and the rate was 1.3. lf their rates are significantly above average, give 0 points. lf above or average, give 2 points. lf below average, give 4 points. Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Team Member 3 Team Member 4i $Average Score ;W"ight"d S.or" flOsha Violations. 0 violations, 5 points. l violation, 3 points. 2 or more violations,0 fl noints. lReview Team Member 1 I lReview Team Member 2 !Review Team Member 3 {Reriew Team Member 4 !Average Score lweighted score fitf they use subs and require them to have safety plan, hold safety meetings and flnerforminspections,give4points. Iftheyusesubsbutdonotrequirethesafety ]aspects, give 0 points. lf theydo not use subs, give 4 points. !Review Team Member 1 EReview Team Member 2 ]Review Team Member 3 :Review Team Member 4 Average Score Score Doesthecontractorhavequalifiedpersonnel? Considertheyearsexperienceofthe foremen and operators especially. Review resumes and/or work histories. Highly experienced personnel, give 5 points. Moderately experienced, give 3 points. Give between 5 and 0 as appropriate. Review Team Member 1 Review Team Member 2 iew Team Member 3 Review Team Member 4 Score Score f they currently have enough necessary personnel, give 4 points. lf not, give 0 points. Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Team Member 3 Team Member 4 age Score x x #Drv/o! #Drv/0! 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 x x #Drv/0! sDrv/o! 2 2 2 0 1.50 1.50 Contractor 3 x x x #Drv/o! #Drv/o! x $Drv/o! #Drv/o! x x fDrv/o! #Drv/o! x #Drv/o1 fDrv/o! x x #Drv/0! #Drv/0! 4 4 4 4 4.OO 4.00 x x x x x x x x x x X x x x Contractor 2 x x x #Drv/0! #Dtv/0! x x x x #Drv/o! #Drv/ot x x x x #Drv/0t #Drv/o! x x x x #Drv/o1 flDrv/ot Contractor 1 x x x #Drv/0! #orv/o! x x x x #Drv/o! #Drv/o! x x x x #Drv/0! #Drv/0! x x x x #Drv/0! #Drv/o! Score f the staffing plan is robust and extensive, give 3 points. lf not, give 0 points. Review Team Member 2 Team Member 3 Team Member 4 the contractor have enough equipment to work on 5-6 projects simultaneously is that equipment in good condition? lf yes, give 5 points. lf not enough or if it is in poor condition, give 0 points. Give between 5 and 0 as lf they need to obtain additional equipment, is their list comprehensive? lf yes, give 3 points. lf no give 0 points. Review Team Member L Review Team Member 2 Review Team Member 3 Review Team Member 4 Average Score Contractor 3 x x x x #Drv/0! #Dtv/0! 5 5 5 5 5.00 5.00 x x x x #Drv/0! #Drv/0! trDrv/o! x x x #Drv/0! #Drv/0! 2 0 0 2 1.00 1.00 x x x #Drv/o! #Drv/0! #Drv/o! Contractor 2 x x X x #Dtv/0! sDrv/o! 3 2 2 5 3.00 3.00 x x x x #Drv/0! #Drv/o! #Dtv/o! The lowest cost proposal will be awarded 55 points. The remaining proposals will receive points based on a weighted average. Roger will do these calculations and share the results with the evaluation team. otal Weighted Score - Schedule 1 otal Weighted Score - Schedule 2 Response No. 60 - Request for Proposal.pdf 2015 ANNUAT CONTRACT INSTATIATION OF WATER MAINS AND SERVICES January 2015 UNITED WATER IDAHO Boise,ldaho UNITED WATER IDAHO 201s CoNTRACT FOR INSTALI.ATION OF COMPANY WATER MAIN' SERVICE' AND HYDRANTS Boise, ldaho Table of Contents lnformation for Bidders Submitwith Bid Addenda Acknowledgement Submitwith Bid United Water Supplier Safetv Program Submitwlth Bid Personnel and Equipment Questionnaire Submitwith Bid Bid Schedule 1 Submltwlth Bid Bid Schedule 2 Submltwlth Bld Bid Schedule 3 Submitwith Bid Agreement Form General Conditions Supplemental Specifications Standard Drawings UNITED WATER IDAHO 2015 CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION OF COMPANY WATER MAINS, SEBVICES, AND HYDRANTS Boise, ldaho INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS 7. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. An approved Contractor shall provide the labor and all pipe, valves, hydrants, fittings and such other pipeline appurtenances as may be required, plus all service materials and appurtenances required for the installation of a main extension and/or related service installation. The Company will furnish the Contractor with Plans summarizing material estimated for the various items of work contemplated for the main extension project. All work must be in compliance with the General Conditions, ldaho Standards for Public Works Construction (2012), and the Supplemental Specifications and Standard Drawings. 2. PRE-BID MEETING AND RECEIPT OF BIDS. A pre-bid meeting will be held at United Water Offices located at 8248 W. Victory Road on Wednesday, January 28'h, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Attendance at this meeting is not mandatory but highly encouraged. United Water ldaho, Boise, ldaho (herein called the Owner), invites bids on the forms attached hereto, all blanks of which must be appropriately filled in unless otherwise indicated. Sealed bids will be received by the Owner at the business office located at 82t18 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho 83709, until 3:00 p.m., February LL,zOLs The Owner may consider informal any bid not prepared and submitted in accordance with the provisions hereof and may waive any informalities or reject any and all bids. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the receipt of bids or authorized postponement thereof. Any bid received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No Bidder may withdraw a bid within thirty (30) days after the actual date of opening thereof. 3. PREPAMTION OF BID. Each bid must be submitted on the prescribed forms. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in, typewritten or in ink. Do not change the wording of the Bidder's Proposal, and do not add words to the wording of the Bidder's Proposal. Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions attached to the Bidder's Proposal shall be cause for rejection of said proposal. Alterations by erasure or interlineation must be explained or noted in the bid over the signature of the Bidder. Each bid, to be considered responsive, must contain the following, filled out and complete: 1) Proposal Addenda Acknowledgement United Water Supplier Safety Program Personnel and Equipment Questionnaire Bid Schedule 1 Bid Schedule 2 2) 3) 4l s) 6) 7) Bid Schedule 3 Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name of the Bidder, his address, and the title, "United Water ldaho Annual Contract." lf forwarded by mail, the sealed envelope containing the bid must be enclosed in another envelope addressed to the Owner. 4. AWARD OF CONTRACT Owner may, at their sole discretion, award the contract for Schedule 1to a single Bidder and not award a contract for Schedules 2 or 3. Or the Owner may, at their sole discretion, award separate contracts for Schedules 2 and 3 individually, to separate Bidders. The award of the Contract or Contracts, if awarded, will be to the responsive Bidder or Bidders whose qualifications indicate the award will be in the best interest of the Owner and whose proposal or proposals comply with allthe prescribed requirements. 5. QUATIFICATION OF BIDDER. The Owner may make such investigations as he deems necessary to determine the ability of the Bidder to perform the work, and the Bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reseryes the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such Bidder fails to satisfy the Owner that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will not be accepted. The Bidder shall furnish proof, by listing available equipment and supervisory personnel, that he is capable of pursuing a maximum of six (6) main line projects, concurrently, and the completion of isolated services within ten (10) days of receipt of request simultaneously for the Owner without interference from his normal workload not covered by this Contract. The name and qualifications of a general superintendent whose responsibility it shall be to oversee and supervise all work for the Owner must also be listed. This information shall be provided on the "Personnel and Equipment Questionnaire" and submitted with Bidder/s bid. The Bidder shall further certifo that he has or will obtain the following specialized equipment for use in pursuing work for the Owner: One each, Mueller "D-5" tapping machine or equivalent and, one each, Mueller'8-101" tapping machine or equivalent plus accessories for installation of service taps on mains sized from 2-inch to 24-inch inside diameter. One (1) each Mueller "CC-25u or equivalent tapping machine for making 4-inch through 12-inch taps for mains and services. One each per crew, auxiliary power operated pipe saw capable of cutting pipe ranging in size up to 24-inch inside diameter. Necessary torque, end, box and ratchet wrenches for working with mechanical joint and flanged pipe ranging in size from 4-inch to 24-inch inside diameter per crew. Adequate centrifugal ditch pumps for dewatering trenches. Hydraulic test pump capable of developing at least 250 psi. Cave-in protection equipment approved by OSHA similar or equal to Speed Shore Aluminum Trench Shield, Model SS-6x6-S. Backhoe mounted compaction equipment or HOE-PAC similar to NPK Compactor, Model C4-8, in place force 7,800 pounds. 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7l 8) Hand operated compactor to compact around water valves and meter boxes similar to a Wacker Compactor BS700. Pavement cutting equipment similar to Target Super 6505 concrete saw. One two-way radio equipped truck for the Contractor's superintendent, which has the same frequency as that of the Owner's radios. Owner's frequenry is 153.680 and is known as KNBB 780. Contractor shall maintain mobile crew to crew communication capability on a frequency separate from Owner's. CONDITIONS OF WORK. Each Bidder must make his own determination of the nature of the work proposed under this Contract, the general and local conditions which can be encountered within the United Water ldaho service area, and all other matters which can in any way affect the work proposed under this Contract. lt shall also be the responsibility of the Bidder to be thoroughly familiar with the Contract Documents. Failure to make the examination necessary for this determination or to examine any form, instrument, or document of the Contract shall not release the successful Bidderfrom the obligations ofthis Contract. At the option of the Owner, the Bidder who receives this Contract award may be required to provide additional unit price or lump sum information on special main extension projects and related service installations which occur throughout the contract period. lf the Bidder is required to provide a separate bid on the project, his compensation will be based upon said bid and not upon the unit prices as given in the Proposal - Schedule of Items and Prices. The compensation for any work performed under this Contract for which a separate bid is not requested by the Owner shall be based upon the unit prices as given in the Proposal - Schedule of ltems and Prices. For the information of the Bidders, the quantity breakdown in the bid schedule is the estimated total footage of water main, number of services, and number of fire hydrants to be installed during the coming year. lt shall be understood that this breakdown on total footage of water main, number of services, and number of fire hydrants to be installed is not an assurance or representation of the volume of work anticipated under this Contract. The following information is for the use of the Bidders in preparing their bids. ln 20t4, United Water ldaho utilized the annual contractor on approximately 20 pipe projects. Many of those projects were unplanned. ln 2014 United Water ldaho installed approximately 179 isolated services and 80 fire services. The number of services will vary from year to year. 7. UTITIZATION OF WOMEN'S AND MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES It is the policy of United Water that Women's and Minority Business Enterprises (WBE/MBEs) shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance. The Contractor is encouraged to use good e) 10) 11) t2l 6. Table 1: Planned for 2015 Location Year lnstalled Description 2fth Street (Breneman-Sunset) & NW corn. Sunset & 21st 1936 Replace 670' of 2" GIP Heron Street (27th-28th)L949 Replace 260'of 2" GIP 25th Street (Sunset-Anderson)1931 Replace 875'of 2" GIP 24th Street ( lrene-Lemp)T9L2 Replace 1500'of 4" Ml 23rd Street (Grace-Anderson). Dora Ln & Street 1936 Replace 1960'of 2" GIP 23rd Street (lrene-Lemp)t912 Replace 1500' of 4" MJ 22nd Street (Breneman- S. ofAnderson)t947 Replace 530'of 2" GIP faith efforts to carry out this policy in the award of their subcontracts to the fullest extent consistent with efficient performance. 8. ADDENDAAND INTERPRETATIONS. No interpretation of the meaning of the Specifications or other pre-bid documents will be made to any Bidder orally. Every request for such interpretation should be in writing by Fax (362-3858) or e-mail to Roger Greaves, Sr. Project Engineer, United Water ldaho, roger.greaves@unitedwater.com. ln order to be given consideration, said requests must be received at least three (3) days prior to the date fixed for the receipt of the bid proposals. Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda to the Specifications which, if issued, will be faxed or e-mails to all prospective Bidders (at the respective numbers and addresses furnished for such purposes), not later than two (2) days prior to the date fixed for the receipt of bids. Failure of any Bidder to receive any such addendum or interpretation shall not relieve such Bidder from any obligation under his bid as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. 11.TAWSAND REGULATIONS. The Bidder's attention is directed to the fact that all applicable Federal laws, State laws, municipal and county ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all OSHA compliance safety officers having jurisdiction over construction of any portion of the work included in a project are to be complied with by the Contractor in the performance of his work. T2. EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS. Failure of the successful Bidder to execute the Contract Documents within ten (10) days of the notification of the award shall be just cause for the Owner to annul the award. 13. COMMENCEMENT DATE AND EXPIRATION DATE OF CONTRACT. The Contract will commence on March 7,2015 and shall be completed by March 1,2076, subject to the other provisions of this agreement. Owner and Contractor may mutually agree to extend the term of this Agreement up to two (2) additional one (1) year periods, or parts thereof, if the parties agree, in writing, under the terms of this Agreement to extend the term. Either the Owner or the Contractor may terminate this Contract upon a ninety (90) days written notice to the other party to the Contract. Contractor must be capable of commencing construction on any main extension project covered by this Contract within ten (10) calendar days after signing the agreement and, during the time this Contract is in effect, be capable of commencing construction on any main extension project within five (5) working days after notification by Owner to proceed on said main extension. Any main extension project for which the Owner has notified the Contractor to proceed prior to a termination date of the Contract, and for which the actual construction carries past said termination date, shall be completed by the Contractor under the terms, conditions, and unit prices of the contract. 13. ALLOCATION OF UNIT COSTS. Payment at the unit prices stated for the bid items, as given in the Bidder's Proposal or included under a separate bid for a particular project, for completed work shall be compensation in full for the furnishing of all overhead, labor, materials as not provided by the Owner, devices, equipment and appurtenances included as are necessary to complete the total work for the various projects included under this Contract in a good, neat, and satisfactory manner as shown in the Plans, as described in the Specifications, and as otherwise implied or required to meet the objective of the work. Costs of testing, mobilization, mechanical compaction, location wire, proper asbestos cement pipe removal or disposal for segments or fragments of fifty (50) feet or less according to the requirements of EPA Regulation 40 CFR, part 61, and other incidental operations, profig and overhead cost including the cost of supervision, insurance, taxes, equipment not a permanent part of the job, and other incidental items shall be distributed proportionally throughout all breakdown items except those costs which apply to specific items shall be included under that item. UNITED WATER IDAHO 2015 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS AND SERVICES Boise, ldaho PROPOSAT United Water ldaho ADDRESS: 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho 83709 The undersigned (herein called the Bidder) declares that the only persons or parties interested in this Proposal are those named herein, that this Proposal is, in all respects, fair and without fraud, that it is made without collusion with any official of the Owner, and that the Proposal is made without any connection or collusion with any person making another Proposal on this Contract. The Bidder further declares that he has carefully examined the Contract Documents for the work proposed under this Contract, that he has satisfied himself as to the general conditions of the work which can be involved under this Contract, that he underctands that the quantities of work involved under this Contract are unknown and can only be approximated from the Owner's records on similar work accomplished during past years, that he understands even though the quantities of work involved can only be approximated that he shall perform all work as requested by the Owner at the unit prices for such work as set forth in this Proposal or as set forth in his separate bid proposal for a particular main extension proiect, and that this Proposal is made according to the provisions and under the terms of the Contract Documents, which documents are hereby made a part of this Proposal. The Bidder agrees that if this Proposal is accepted, he will, within ten (10) calendar days after notification of acceptance, execute the Contract with the Owner in the form of Contract annexed hereto, and will, to the extent of his Proposal, furnish all machinery, tools, apparatus, and other means of construction and do the work required in order to install water main extensions and services in the manner, in the time, and according to the methods as specified in the Contract Documents and required by the Owner thereunder. The Bidder further agrees that with the exception of those projects which will be bid separately, he will take in full payment, therefore, sums according to the actual amount of work performed of the various classes at the respective unit prices bid as given in the following schedule of contract prices, entitled "Proposal - Schedule of Items and Prices." The name of the Bidder submitting this Proposal is doing business at which is the address to which all communications concerned with this Proposal and with the Contract shall be sent. The names of the principal officers of the Corporation submitting this Proposal, or of the partnership, or of all persons interested in this Proposal as principals are as follows: ln witness 201s. (lf sole proprietor or partnership) hereto, the undersigned has set his (its) hand this day of (Signature of Bidder) (lf corporation) ln witness whereof, the undersigned corporation has caused this instrument to be executed and its seal affixed by its duly authorized officers this _ day of (Name of Corporation) Bvl Title: (Title) (Secretary) UNITED WATER IDAHO 2015 ANNUAL CONTMCT FOR INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINSAND SERVICES Boise, ldaho ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Bidder must acknowledge receipt of all issued addenda in order to be considered responsive. Addendum f Receipt Date lnitials UNITED WATER SUPPLIER SAFETY PROGRAM United Water is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for its employees, contractor and subcontractor employees, suppliers and the general public. To that end, United Water asks that all prospective Contractors pre-qualify in terms of safety for all bids involving construction type activities. Safety will be a major criteria utilized in the selection of Contractors performing work for United Water. Please ensure that all information submitted is accurate and complete. Legal Business Name Short Name Street Address City (lf your business name is commonly abbreviated, please indicate; e.g. National Hockey League ) NHL) State Fax E-mail Provide a description of the services you are providing our company: zip Contact Name Phone Does your company have a written Health and Safety Program? f]Yes E ttto (lf Yes, pleose enclose o copy ol the Table of Contents) Who is responsible for coordinating your Company's safety program? Name Contact lnfo Please describe safety training provided to your employees: (Attach additional information if necessary.) Has your Company had any OSHA or other regulatory violations (i.e. EP& DEP, etc.) in the past 3 years? (lf so, attach copies)I ves E tto Do you conduct regular field safety inspections to determine compliance with federal, state, local and company regulations? lf so, describe who conducts the inspection, frequency, and fate of inspection reports: lves Eruo Has your company experienced a workplace fatality in the previous 3 years? [ ves E ruo If so, please describe the circumstances: Please provide your Workers Compensation Experience Modification Rate (EMR) for the previous 3 years and include documentation: 20L2 OSHA 300 Log Safety !nformation Please provide the following data from the previous three OSHA 300 Logs: 2014 2013 20L2 A. OSHA Recordable !ncident Rate B. OSHA Lost Time (Frequency) Rate C. OSHA Lost Day (Severity) Rate D. Number of OSHA Recordable cases E. Number of Lost Dav Cases F. Number of Davs Lost G. Total Man Hours Worked Do you use subcontractors?[-l ves Iwo Do you use safety and health criteria in the selection of subcontractors?! ves I-l trto Do your subcontractors have a written Safety and Health Plan?l-l ves l-l no Do vou include subcontractors in regular safetv and health meetines?I-l Yes Iruo Do vou include subcontractors in regular safetv inspections?l-l Yes I-l ruo FORM COMPLETED BY: Signature UNITED WATER IDAHO 2015 CONTMCT FOR INSTALLATION OF COMPANY WATER MAINS, SERVICES, AND HYDRANTS Boise, ldaho PERSONNEL AND EqUIPMENT qUESTIONNAIRE Company Name. Submitted By PrincipalOffice ldaho Public Works License No.Class The signatory of this questionnaire guarantees the truth and accuracy of all statements and of all answers to interrogatories hereinafter made. 1. Provide a list of all current personnel that would potentially be assigned to work on a United Water project under this contract. For each listed individual provide a resume or work history. Add additional pages as needed. Name Position Years' experience with utility construction work 2. Does your company currently have the necessary personnel to accomplish the proposed work of this contract without interference from company's normal workload on projects for others? Circle one. Yes No 3. lf the previous answer is no, provide a written staffing plan. 4. Provide a list of all equipment that would potentially be used to accomplish the work of this contract. Add additional pages as necessary. 5. Does your company currently have the necessary equipment, including the specialized equipment listed in Paragraph 5 of the "lnformation for Bidders", to accomplish the proposed work of this contract without interference from company's normal workload on projects for others? Circle one. Type (Dump truck, backhoe, trackhoe, compressor, etc.) Year Make Model Capacity Condition (poor, fair, good, excellent) Yes No Type (Dump truck, backhoe, trackhoe, comoressor. etc.) Year Make Model Capacity Purchase/Lease/Rent 5. lf the previous answer is no, provide a list of equipment that your company would intend to purchase, lease, or rent. (Organization) (Signature) (Title of Person Signing) 2015 SCHEDUTE 1 UNIT RATES NEW & REPIACEMENT MAIN PROJECTS trusrnualoru or WArr Labor to install 2-inch, 4-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch, and 12-inch water mains, including installation of pipe, valves, fittings, fitting restraint, location wire, mechanical compaction, bedding, backfill, gravel, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation and anything not included in the Proposal under separate bid item. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel, handling of pipe, traffic control administration, hydrostatic testing of the pipeline, disinfection of pipeline, and DE chlorination of the pipeline. Restoration, interim cleanup and final cleanup, as required by Owner, shall also be included in these unit prices. All pipe material (pipe, fittings, mechanical restraint, and valves) and traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Rock trench excavation and casing installation shall be negotiated and shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt concrete removal and surface repair required with the installation of water mains shall be paid for separately under the appropriate add alternate and bid items as listed in the Proposal. Item No. Estimated Quantitv Unit Price Total for ltem A. lnstalling pipe in undeveloped areas Item Description lnstallation of 2-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 4-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 6-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 8-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 12-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 2-inch Water Main at the unit price of L. F.50 100 L. F. 1,100 L. F. 600 L.F. B. lnstalling pipe in developed areas Type "C". L.F.2s0 150 L.F. 200 L.F.lnstallation of 4-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 6-inch Water Main at the unit price of 900 L.F. 15,000 L.F.lnstallation of 8-inch Water Main at the unit price of 5,000 L.F. lnstallation of 12-inch Water Main at the unit price of Additional compensation for main line trench excavation in excess of Company's normal trench depth (4'min. pipe cover) 1,000 L.F. Extra depth <2 feet at the unit price of Extra depth over 2' less than 4' at a unit price of Extra depth over tlj less than 6' at a unit price of D. Furnish and install foundation stabilization when required by Company (typically 2-inch minus material). 500 C.Y. Furnish and install foundation stabilization, measured in the trench, confirmed by load tickets, at a unit price of E. Furnish and install thrust blocking, 5-bag 3/4-inch aggregate, as directed by Company. 8-inch main and smaller at the unit price of 12-inch main at the unit price of 3,000 L.F. L.F.500 50 20 10 EA. 16-inch main at the unit price of F. Furnish and install Bell Restraint, as directed by Company. 50 1,500 350 25 EA. EA. EA. 6-inch at the unit price of 8-inch at the unit price of 12-inch at the unit price of 16-inch at the unit price of G. Furnish and install select backfill material when required by Company. 8,100 c.Y.Furnish and install 3/4-inch minus select backfill material, measured in the truck, confirmed by load ticket, at the unit price of 2 3,200 C.Y. Furnish and install pit run select bacHill material, measured in the trench, confirmed by load ticket, at the unit price of H. lnstallation of blow-off assembly (per Std. Drawing #6), to include installation of required fittings, and all material for a complete installation. 1 25 EA. lnstallation of blow-off assembly at the unit price of Furnish and install "flowable" backfill, 1 bag mix, as directed by Company. 550 C.Y. Furnish and install flowable backfill, measured in the trench, confirmed by load ticket, a the unit price of Abandon existing main, to include customer notification, if requested, cutting existing main and installing cap or plug, including all material for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. Abandon 2-inch and smaller existing main at the unit price of Abandon 4-inch through 8-inch existing main at the unit price of Abandon 12-inch and larger existing main at the unit price of K. Mobilization. One Mobilization per new and replacement main project EA.Mobilization L. All piping material (pipe, fittings, mechanical restraint, and valves), traffic control, and flagging used on a new and replacement project shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice TOTAL trusrntmrtoru or rtn ln conjunction with water main installation ln most cases, the service lateral to the fire hydrant will be 6-inch. When 8-inch and larger lines are required, the lateral shall be paid at the differential rate bid for 8-inch and larger service lines per linear foot versus the 6-inch rateunderScheduleB-lnstallationofServices. Thepaymentwill beinadditiontothepricebidfortypical installations utilizing 6-inch pipe. The excess length of lateral pipe beyond 30 feet will be paid at the unit price bid per linear foot for service lines of equal size as listed in the Bidder's Proposal -Schedule of ltems and Prices. A. Labor to install fire hydrant, to include installation of the tee at the main, installation of an average length of 30 feet of 6-inch Dl or PVC pipe, installation of the auxiliary valve and valve box, location wire, mechanical compaction, bedding, backfill, and gravel for drainage, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (hydrant, pipe, fittings, and valves) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair with the relocation of existing fire hydrants shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in the proposal. 35 EA. lnstallation of fire hydrant at the unit price of B. Labor to relocate an existing fire hydrant on the same service line, to include removal of hydrant, extension of fire hydrant service pipe, installation of existing fire hydrant at new location, mechanical compaction, bedding, backfill, and gravel for drainage, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe, fittings, and valves) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the relocation of existing fire hydrants shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in the Proposal. EA. EA. 20 20 EA. 15 Relocate existing fire hydrant at the unit price of C. Labor to tie-over an existing fire hydrant line, to include installation of tee at the main, installation of new valve and pipe between tee and existing service pipe, connection to existing service pipe, mechanical compaction, bedding, backfill, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe, fittings and valves) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the tie-over of existing fire hydrants shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid as listed in the Proposal. Tie-over of existing fire hydrant at the unit price of TOTAL INSTALLATION OF SER ln conjunction with water main installation A. Labor to install a 314inch through 2 inch service line by open trench method up to 50 feet in length, to include pipe bedding, backfill, mechanical compaction, installation of the tap on the main using a corporation stop, and installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. On individual service lines, footage in excess of 50 feet shall be paid for under item B below. This item does not include installation of the meter pit or meter setter, any asphalt, concrete removal, or surface repair, as may be required. 230 lnstallation of 3/4-inch PE service pipe at the unit price of lnstallation of f -inch PE service pipe at the unit price of lnstallation of 1 1/4-inch PE service pipe at the unit price of lnstallation of 2-inch PE/PVC service pipe at the unit price of TOTAL EA.20 EA.25 EA. EA.95 EA. 15 EA. B. Labor to install additional footage of 3/4 inch through 2 inch service lines by open trench method, to include pipe bedding, backfill, mechanical compaction, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. This item does not include, installation of the meter pit or meter setter, any asphalt, concrete removal, or surface repair, as may be required 1 lnstallation of 3/4-inch PE service pipe per linear ft 2 lnstallation of l-inch PE service pipe per linear ft 3 lnstallation of t 714-inch PE service pipe per linear ft 4 lnstallation of 2-inch PE/PVC service pipe per linear ft C. Labor to install a service line by boring method, to include mechanical compaction, installation of the tap on the main utilizing a corporation stop, installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. All pipe, fittings, and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. This item does not include installation of the meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. 1 Move in and set up costs for boring equipment per each 2 Boring 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines a. lnstallation of 3/4-inch plastic pipe service line per linear ft b. lnstallation of l-inch plastic pipe service line per linear ft c. lnstallation of 1 1/4-inch plastic pipe service line per linear ft d. lnstallation of 2-inch plastic pipe service line per linear ft D. Labor to install 4 inch through 12 inch service lines by open trench method, to include pipe bedding, backfill, mechanical compaction, and installation of the specified size of pipe between the valve at the main and the property line, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the materialfor bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flaggingshall bepaidasadirectpassthroughfromsupplier'sinvoice. Theinstallationofthemeterpitandmeter setter, any concrete or asphalt removal, and any surface repair as may be required shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. lnstallation of 4-inch PVC service line per linear ft lnstallation of 6-inch PVC service line per linear ft Installation of 8-inch PVC service line per linear ft lnstallation of 12-inch PVC service line per linear ft E. Labor to install service tie-overs less than 10 feet in length, to include mechanical compaction, connection to existing service line, installation of new pipe, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any required asphalt or concrete removal, and surface repair shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. lnstallation of 31 -inch & 1-inch service tie-over per each lnstallation of 2-inch service tie-over per each lnstallation of 4-inch service tie-over per each lnstallation of 6-inch service tie-over per each lnstallation of 8-inch service tie-over per each lnstallation of 10-inch service tie-over per each lnstallation of 12-inch service tie-over per each F. Labor to install additional footage for service tie-overs over 10 feet in length, to include mechanical compaction, connection to existing service line, installation of new pipe, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel). All other material (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any required asphalt or concrete removal, and surface repair shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. 1 lnstallation of 3/4-inch & f-inch service tie-over per linear ft 2 lnstallation of 2-inch service tie-over per linear ft 3 lnstallation of 4-inch service tie-over per linear ft 4 lnstallation of 6-inch service tie-over per linear ft 5 lnstallation of 8-inch service tie-over per linear ft 6 lnstallation of lO-inch service tie-over per linear ft 7 lnstallation of 12-inch service tie-over per linear ft G. Labor to install meter pit and meter setter at same time service line is installed. To include mechanical compaction, installation of the meter yoke, all other meter setter appurtenances, The installation of the service line from the customer's side of the meter setter to a point at least two feet from the outside edge of the meter box on all services where said meter box is to be located adjacent to customer's property line, installation of the meter pit box and lid, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. All materials and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. ln those cases where the meter pit is not to be located adjacent to the customer's property line. The service line between the meter pit and the customer's property line shall be paid for under the appropriate service line bid item at the unit price for the size of pipe installed. 1 lnstallation of meter pit & meter setter for single %-inch service as per standard drawing per each 2 lnstallation of meter pit & meter setter for double setting which consists of two 3/4-inch services from single 1-inch service line as per standard drawing per each 3 lnstallation of meter pit & meter setter for single 1-inch service as per standard drawing per each 4 lnstallation of meter pit & meter setter for single 2-inch service as per standard drawing per each 5 lnstallation of two 314-inch meter setter in one pit as per standard drawing per each H. Traffic control including flagging and signage, as required by the highway district or state highway department, shall be paid as a direct pass through cost offthe supplier's invoice. tsorereo senuces eru ITEMS COMMON TO ISOLATED SERVICE AND FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATIONS Items common to service and fire hydrant installation including mechanical compaction, excess trench depth, rock excavation, bedding, trench foundation stabilization, thrust blocks, select backfill, and boring and tapping of 4-inch through 12-inch water lines for the installation of isolated services and fire hydrants. Water settlement of all trenches and restoration and clean-up are to be included in the unit costs. The installation of casing pipe utilizing standard open trench, to include mechanical compaction, installation of the water pipe to be carried inside casing pipe and the installation of the casing pipe and the installation of casing utilizing tunneling or boring method, to including move-in and set up costs, installation of the water pipe to be carried inside the casing pipe and rock trench excavation shall be negotiated and paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the installation of services or fire hydrants shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in the Proposal. Item # Description Unit Unit Price A. Additional compensation for trench excavation in excess of Company's normal 4'trench depth. 1. Extra depth under 2 feet. 2. Extra depth over 2 feet. B. Furnish and install pipe bedding material when required by Company. per linear ft. per linear ft. per cubic yd. c.Furnish and install trench foundation stabilization when required by Company (typically 2-inch minus material). per cubic yd. D. Furnish and install thrust blocking, S-bag, 3/4-inch aggregate, as directed by Company. 1. 8-inch line and smaller per each 2. 12-inch line per each 3. 16-inch line per each E. Furnish and install select backfill material when required by Company. Properly placing a tapping sleeve and valve on existing mains and drilling taps up to and including 12 inches in diameter. (Size listed below indicates size of tap). 1.2-inch tap per each 3/4" Minus Pit Run per cubic yd. per cubic yd. per each per each per each per each per each per each per each 2.4-inch tap 3. 6-inch tap 4. 8-inch tap 5. 12-inch tap G.Cut-in to existing mains, to include customer notification, cutting out a section of the existing main and installing a tee or cross and all other fittings as indicated on the Plan and required for a complete installation. 1. Cut-in to a 2-inch and smaller existing main. 2. Cut-in to a 4-inch through 8-inch existing main. 3. Cut-in to a 12-inch and larger existing main. H. Connection to existing main, to include customer notification, removal of blow-off assembly, fitting, blank flange or plug, existing thrust block, preparation of pipe or fitting and connection with new pipe. 1. Connection to a 2-inch and smaller existing main. 2. Connect to a 4-inch through 8-inch existing main. 3. Connect to a 12-inch and larger existing main. per each per each per each 1. 2. lnstallation of a blow-off assembly, to include transporting all materials to the job site, installation of required fittings, and all other items as may be required for a compete installation. 1. lnstallation of blow-off assembly.per each Setting of box or sloping of trench walls for service tap. The price is based on trench depth of up to eight feet. per each Concrete pavement power saw cutting. Power saw cutting on pavement thickness of 0 inches to 4 inches. per linear ft. Power saw cutting on pavement thickness of 4 inches and greater. per linear ft. rrusreumon or nne lly ln most cases, the service lateral to the fire hydrant will be 6-inch. When 8-inch and larger are required, the laterals shall be paid at the differential rate bid for 8-inch and larger service lines per linear foot versus the6-inchrateunderltemB-lnstallationofServices. Thispaymentwill beinadditiontothepricebidfor typical installations utilizing 6-inch pipe. The excess length of lateral pipe beyond 30 feet will be paid at the unit price bid per linear foot for service lines of equal size as listed in the Bidder's Proposal - Schedule of ltemsandPrices. Thecontractorshall purchaseall material foracompleteinstallation. All material and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Description Item #Unit Unit Price A. lnstallation of fire hydrants at isolated locations on existing mains, to include transporting all materials to the job site, tapping the existing main, installation of an average length of 20 feet of 6-inch Dl or PVC pipe, installation of the auxiliary valve and valve box, gravel for drainage, and all other items, including compaction, as may be required for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair with fire hydrant installation shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per each B.Removal of existing fire hydrant, to include transport of all materials to job site and disposal of waste materials, transport of hydrant to designated disposal site, removal of auxiliary valve and valve box and installation of a cap or plug at the main. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the removal of existing fire hydrant shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per each Replacement of existing fire hydrant, to include removal and transport of old hydrant to designated disposal site; installation of new fire hydrant in same location, provision for gravel for drainage if necessary; and all other items, including compaction, as may be required for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the replacement of existing fire hydrant shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per each Relocation of existing fire hydrant on same service line, to include removal of hydrant, extension of fire hydrant service pipe, installation of existing fire hydrant at new location, provision for gravel for drainage, and all other items, including compaction, as may be required for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the relocation of existing fire hydrant shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per each Tie-over of existing fire hydrant , to include installation of tee at the main, installation of new pipe between tee and existing service pipe, connection to existing service pipe, and all other items, including compaction, as may be required for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required for a tie-over of existing fire hydrant shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per each INSTATTATION OF SERVICEs Description c. D. E. Item #Unit Unit Price A. lnstallation of 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines by open trench method in isolated locations, to include transporting all material to the job site; mechanical compaction; installation of the tap on the main using corporation stop; and installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line. lndividual service lines 40-feet and under in length shall be paid for under this item. lndividual service lines longer than 4O-feet shall have the excess footage paid under item B. This item does not include installation of the meter pit and meter setter, any asphalt or concrete removal or surface repair as may be required. United Water shall provide all materials for a complete installation. Traffic control including flagging will be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. 1. lnstallation of 3/4-inch plastic pipe service line. 2. lnstallation of 1-inch plastic pipe service line. per each per each B. lnstallation of 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines by open trench method in isolated locations, to include transporting all material to the job site and installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line and mechanical compaction. The installation of the service tap at the main, the installation of the meter pit and meter setter, any asphalt or concrete removal or surface repair as may be required shall be paid separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. United Water shall provide all materials for a complete installation. Traffic control including flagging will be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. 3. lnstallation of t Ll$-inch plastic pipe service line. 4. lnstallation of 2-inch plastic pipe service line. 1. lnstallation 3/4-inch PE pipe service line. 2. lnstallation of l-inch PE pipe service line. 3. lnstallation of 2-inch PVC or PE pipe service line. 4. lnstallation of 4-inch PVC pipe service line. 5. lnstallation of 6-inch PVC pipe service line. 6. lnstallation of 8{nch PVC pipe service line. 7. lnstallation of lO-inch PVC pipe service line. 8. lnstallation of 12-inch PVC pipe service line. b. Less than or equal to 24 inches in lengh. c. Greater than 24 inches in length. per each per each per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. 9.Additional compensation for boring and tunneling under sidewalk or any item which cannot be removed to install service line, this is to be in addition to the price per each service line installation and shall apply to 3/4-inch, l-inch, and 2-inch services only. a. Boring 314-inch through 2{nch service lines, to include cost for set-up to of boring equipment. per linear ft. per each per each c.lnstallation of service lines by boring method, to include transporting all materials to the job site, installation of the tap on the main utilizing a corporation stop, and installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line. This item does not include installation of the meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. United Water shall provide all material for a complete installation. Traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. 1. Move in and set up costs for boring equipment. per each 2. Boring 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines. a. lnstallation of 3/4-inch plastic pipe service line. per linear ft. b. lnstallation of 1-inch plastic pipe service line. c. lnstallation of t U4-inch plastic pipe service line. d. lnstallation of 2-inch plastic pipe service line. per linear ft. per linear ft. D.Replacement of existing 3/4-inch and 1-inch service lines by pulling method, to include customer notification, transporting all materials to the jobsite, mechanical compaction, installation of new service pipe between the tap at the main and the meter box by connecting it to the existing service pipe and pulling into place as existing pipe is withdrawn, installation of new corporation stop at main if required, and connection to new service pipe to corporation stop at main. This item does not include replacement of meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. Traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. per each Replacement of existing 3/4-inch and 1-inch service lines by installing new service line through inside of existing service line, to include customer notification, transportation all material to the job site, mechanical compaction, installation of new service pipe between the tap at the main and the meter box, installation of new corporation stop at main if required, and connection of new service pipe to corporation stop at main. This item does not include replacement of meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. Traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. E. per each G. Additional compensation for connection of service line to customer's piping if said piping has been installed to the customer's property line, this is to be in addition to the price bid for the service line installation. 1. 3/4-inch and l-inch. 2. 2-inch. 3. 4-inch and 6-inch. 4. 8-inch. 5. lO-inch and larger. Abandon 3/4-inch through 2-inch existing service, installation to include shut-off of corporation stop or plugging the service tap at the main, salvage of meter and meter box lid, mechanical compaction and backfilling the meter pit. This item is based on an abandonment at the same time the service is replaced. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the abandoning of an existing service shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. This item does not include replacement of meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. United Water shall provide all material for a complete installation. Traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. 1. Abandon service including box. 2. Abandon service tap without abandoning box. 3. Abandon boxonly. lf no service is replaced, add to each bid item above. per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each H.Abandon 4-inch through 12-inch existing service, installation to include customer notification removal of isolation valve and installation of blank flange, mechanical compaction, and backfill. This item is based on an abandonment at the same time the service is replaced. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the abandoning of an existing service shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. United Water shall provide all material for a complete installation. Traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. lnstallation of service tie-over's less than lO-feet in length to include customer notification, connection to existing service line, installation of new pipe and mechanical compaction. Any required asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per each 1. lnstallation of 3/4-inch service tie-over. 2. lnstallation of f-inch service tie-over. 3. lnstallation of 2-inch service tie-over. 4. lnstallation of 4-inch service tie-over. 5. lnstallation of 6-inch service tie-over. 6. lnstallation of 8-inch service tie-over. 7. lnstallation of 10-inch service tie-over. 8. lnstallation of 12-inch service tie-over. per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each K. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter at same time service line is installed, to include transporting all materials to the job site; mechanical compaction, installing the meter yoke and all other meter setter appurtenances as required for a complete installation, installing the service line from the customer's side of the meter setter to a point at least two feet from outside edge of the meter box on all services where said meter box is to be located adjacent to customer's property line, and installation of the meter pit box and lid. ln those cases where the meter pit is not to be located adjacent to the customer's property line, the service line between the meter pit and the customer's property line shall be paid for under the appropriate service line bid item at the unit price for the size of pipe installed. (see ltem B). 1. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter for single 3/4-inch service. 2. lnstallation of meter pits and meter setters for two 3/4-inch services from single 1-inch service lines. 3, lnstallation of meter pits and meter setters for single 1-inch service. 4. lnstallation of meter pits and meter setters for single 2-inch service. 5. lnstallation of two 3/4-inch meter setters in one meter pit. per each lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter on existing service lines, to include transporting all materials to job site, installing the meter yoke and all other meter setter appurtenances as required for a complete installation, installing the service line from the customer's side of the meter to a point at least two feet from the outside of the meter box on all services where said meter box is located adjacent to customer's property line; and installation of the meter pit box and lid. ln those cases where the meter pit is not to be located adjacent to the customer's property line and the service line between the meter pit and said property line has not been installed, this section of service line shall be installed under the appropriate service line bid item at the unit price for the size of pipe installed. (See ltem B). 1. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter for single 31A-inch service. 2. lnstallation of meter pits and meter setters for two 3/4-inch services from single service line. per each per each per each per each per each 3. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter for single l-inch service. 4. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter for single 2-inch service. 5. lnstallation of two 3/4-inch meter setters in one meter pit from single service line. per each lnstallation of vault and meter settings for large meters, to include transporting all materials to the job site, installing the meter vault, all piping as required and the water meter. (See Detail Drawings). per each per each L. 1. Vault setting for single 3-inch meter 2. Vault setting for single 4-inch meter 3. Vault setting for single 5-inch meter per each per each per each Item # SURFACE REMOVAT AND RE Description Unit Unit Price Removal and disposal of asphalt and/or concrete pavement. At the discretion of the Engineer, separate bids may be required if the volume of surface removal and repair on a particular project exceeds normal conditions. 1. Removal and disposal of asphalt pavement, 3-inches or less thickness, including cutting of existing pavement. per sq. ft. 2. Removal and disposal of asphalt andlor concrete pavement, over 3 inches to 5 inches of thickness. 3. Removal and disposal ofasphalt andlor concrete pavement, over 6 inches to 12 inches of thickness. A. per sq. ft. B. c. D. per sq. ft. Removal of asphalt and/or concrete in excess of 12 inches to be negotiated on a per job bases. Saw Cutting for asphalt and/or concrete pavement over 3 inches thick shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Removal ofconcrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalks, and concrete driveways, to include cutting concrete as required and disposal of all material removed. E. Furnish and install concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalks, and concrete driveways, to include required crushed rock and gravel base leveling courses. 1. Removal of concrete curb and gutter (under 10 feet). 2. Removal of concrete curb and gutter (over 10 feet). 3. Removal of concrete sidewalk. 4. Removal of concrete driveway. 1. lnstallation of concrete curb and gutter, 12 lin.ft.min. la lnstallation ofconcrete curb and gutter, additional over 12 lin ft F. 2. lnstallation of concrete sidewalk, 30 sq.ft. min. 2a. lnstallation of concrete sidewalk, additional over 30 sq.ft. 3. lnstallation of concrete driveway, 30 sq.ft. min. 3a. lnstallation of concrete driveway, additional over 30 sq.ft. Furnish and install temporary asphalt pavement repair. per linear ft. per linear ft. per sq. ft. per sq. ft. Minimum per linear ft. Minimum per sq. ft. Minimum per sq. ft. Hot Mix per sq. ft. Cold Mix per sq. ft. per sq. ft. G. Replace 2-inch layer oftop soil and furnish and sow grass seed. H t. J. Furnish and install grass sod. Remove and replace sod. Furnish top soil 1. Supervisor 2. Crew Chief 3. Equipment operator 4. Laborer 5. Pipe layer 5. Welder Furnish equipment, to include fuel. Cost of operator not to be included. 1. Dump truck. 2. Backhoe, tire mounted with front end loader. 3. Compressor - 125 CFM, tire mounted. 4. Low-boy with tractor. 5. Tractor, crawler type with dozer blade. 6. Welding equipment. 7. Tire mounted compactor with front end loader. per sq. ft. per sq. ft. per cu. yd. Item *Unit Price A. Description Furnish personnel, to include any required small tools. Cost of supervision shall be included as a part of each individual item. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. 8. Fork lift. 9. Backhoe, track mounted. 10. Supervisor pickup 11. Job truck with tools. 12. Water truck (approximately 3,000 gal.). 13. Flatbed materials truck. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. ,.r?l',i ,, UNIT RATES NEW & REPTACEMENT MAIN PROJECTS trusratuloru or wnrr Labor to install 2-inch, 4-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch, and 12-inch water mains, including installation of pipe, valves, fittings, fitting restraint, location wire, mechanical compaction, bedding, backfill, gravel, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation and anything not included in the Proposal under separate bid item. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel, handling of pipe, traffic control administration, hydrostatic testing of the pipeline, disinfection of pipeline, and DE chlorination of the pipeline. Restoration, interim cleanup and final cleanup, as required by Owner, shall also be included in these unit prices. All pipe material (pipe, fittings, mechanical restraint, and valves) and traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Rock trench excavation and casing installation shall be negotiated and shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt concrete removal and surface repair required with the installation of water mains shall be paid for separately under the appropriate add alternate and bid items as listed in the Proposal. Item No. Estimated Quantitv Unit Price Total for ltem A. lnstalling pipe in undeveloped areas Item Description lnstallation of 2-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 4-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 6-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 8-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 12-inch Water Main at the unit price of lnstallation of 2-inch Water Main at the unit price of L. F.50 100 L.F. 250 L.F. 1,100 L.F. 600 L. F. B. lnstalling pipe in developed areas Type "C" . 150 L.F. 2 2OO L.F. lnstallation of 4-inch Water Main at the unit price of 3 900 L.F. lnstallation of 5-inch Water Main at the unit price of 4 15,000 L.F. lnstallation of 8-inch Water Main at the unit price of 5 5,000 L.F. lnstallation of 12-inch Water Main at the unit price of C. Additional compensation for main line trench excavation in excess of Company's normal trench depth (4' min. pipe cover) 1 3,000 L.F. Extra depth <2 feet at the unit price of 2 1,000 L.F. Extra depth over 2' less than 4' at a unit price of 3 500 L.F. Extra depth over4'lessthan 5' at a unit price of D. Furnish and install foundation stabilization when required by Company (typically 2-inch minus material). 1 500 C.Y. Furnish and install foundation stabilization, measured in the trench, confirmed by load tickets, at a unit price of E. Furnish and install thrust blocking, S-bag, 3/4-inch aggregate, as directed by Company. 1 50 EA. 8-inch main and smaller at the unit price of 2 20 EA. l2-inch main at the unit price of 10 EA. 16-inch main at the unit price of F. Furnish and install Bell Restraint, as directed by Company. 1,500 3s0 EA. 5-inch at the unit price of 8-inch at the unit price of 12-inch at the unit price of 16-inch at the unit price of 50 EA.25 G. Furnish and install select backfill material when required by Company. 8,100 c.Y.Furnish and install 3/4-inch minus select backfill material, measured in the truck, confirmed by load ticket, at the unit price of 2 3,2OO C.Y. Furnish and install pit run select backfill material, measured in the trench, confirmed by load ticket, at the unit price of H. lnstallation of blow-off assembly (per Std. Drawing #5), to include installation of required fittings, and all material for a complete installation. L 25 EA. lnstallation of blow-off assembly at the unit price of l. Furnish and install "flowable" backfill, 1 bag mix, as directed by Company. 550 C.Y. Furnish and installflowable backfill, measured in the trench, confirmed by load ticket, a the unit price of J. Abandon existing main, to include customer notification, if requested, cutting existing main and installing cap or plug, including all material for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. Abandon 2-inch and smaller existing main at the unit price of Abandon 4-inch through 8-inch existing main at the unit price of Abandon 12-inch and larger existing main at the unit price of K. Mobilization. One Mobilization per new and replacement main project EA.Mobilization L. All piping material (pipe, fittings, mechanical restraint, and valves), traffic control, and flagging used on a new and replacement project shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice TOTAL trusratLArtoru or rrnr ln conjunction with water main installation ln most cases, the service lateral to the fire hydrant will be 6-inch. When 8-inch and larger lines are required, the lateral shall be paid at the differential rate bid for 8-inch and larger service lines per linear foot versus the 6-inch rateunderScheduleB-lnstallationofServices. Thepaymentwill beinadditiontothepricebidfortypical installationsutilizing6-inchpipe. Theexcesslengthof lateral pipebeyond30feetwill bepaidattheunitprice bid per linear foot for service lines of equal size as listed in the Bidder's Proposal -Schedule of ltems and Prices. A. Labor to install fire hydrant, to include installation of the tee at the main, installation of an average length of 30 feet of 6-inch Dl or PVC pipe, installation of the auxiliary valve and valve box, location wire, mechanical compaction, bedding, backfill, and gravel for drainage, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (hydrant, pipe, fittings, and valves) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair with the relocation of existing fire hydrants shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in the proposal. EA. lnstallation of fire hydrant at the unit price of B. Labor to relocate an existing fire hydrant on the same service line, to include removal of hydrant, extension of fire hydrant service pipe, installation of existing fire hydrant at new location, mechanical compaction, bedding, backfill, and gravel for drainage, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe, fittings, and valves) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the relocation of existing fire hydrants shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in the Proposal. EA.20 EA.20 EA. 15 35 20 EA.Relocate existing fire hydrant at the unit price of C. Labor to tie-over an existing fire hydrant line, to include installation of tee at the main, installation of new valve and pipe between tee and existing service pipe, connection to existing service pipe, mechanical compaction, bedding, backfill, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe, fittings and valves) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the tie-over of existing fire hydrants shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid as listed in the Proposal. Tie-over of existing fire hydrant at the unit price of TOTAL INSTALLATION OF SER ln conjunction with water main installation A. Labor to install a 3/4 inch through 2 inch service line by open trench method up to 50 feet in length, to include pipe bedding, backfill, mechanical compaction, installation of the tap on the main using a corporation stop, and installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplie/s invoice. On individual service lines, footage in excess of 50 feet shall be paid for under item B below. This item does not include installation of the meter pit or meter setter, any asphalt, concrete removal, or surface repair, as may be required. EA.25 EA.230 EA.9s lnstallation of 3/4-inch PE service pipe at the unit price of lnstallation of l-inch PE service pipe at the unit price of lnstallation of 1 1/4-inch PE service pipe at the unit price of lnstallation of 2-inch PE/PVC service pipe at the unit price of TOTAL EA, B. Labor to install additional footage of 3/4 inch through 2 inch service lines by open trench method, to include pipe bedding, backfill, mechanical compaction, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplie/s invoice. This item does not include, installation of the meter pit or meter setter, any asphalt, concrete removal, or surface repair, as may be required 1 lnstallation of 3/4-inch PE service pipe per linear ft 2 lnstallation of l-inch PE service pipe per linear ft 3 lnstallation of L L/4-inch PE service pipe per linear ft 4 lnstallation of 2-inch PE/PVC service pipe per linear ft C. Labor to install a service line by boring method, to include mechanical compaction, installation of the tap on the main utilizing a corporation stop, installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. All pipe, fittings, and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. This item does not include installation of the meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. 1 Move in and set up costs for boring equipment per each 2 Boring 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines a. lnstallation of 3/4-inch plastic pipe service line per linear ft b. lnstallation of 1-inch plastic pipe service line per linear ft c. lnstallation of 1 U4-inch plastic pipe service line per linear ft d. lnstallation of 2-inch plastic pipe service line per linear ft D. Labor to install 4 inch through 12 inch service lines by open trench method, to include pipe bedding, backfill, mechanical compaction, and installation of the specified size of pipe between the valve at the main and the property line, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flaggingshall bepaidasadirectpassthroughfromsupplier'sinvoice. Theinstallationofthemeterpitandmeter setter, any concrete or asphalt removal, and any surface repair as may be required shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. lnstallation of 4-inch PVC service line per linear ft lnstallation of 6-inch PVC service line per linear ft lnstallation of 8-inch PVC service line per linear ft lnstallation of 12-inch PVC service line per linear ft E. Labor to install service tie-overs less than 10 feet in length, to include mechanical compaction, connection to existing service line, installation of new pipe, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel. All other material (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any required asphalt or concrete removal, and surface repair shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. lnstallation of 3/4-inch & 1-inch service tie-over per each lnstallation of 2-inch service tie-over per each lnstallation of 4-inch service tie-over per each lnstallation of 6-inch service tie-over per each lnstallation of 8-inch service tie-over per each lnstallation of 10-inch service tie-over per each lnstallation of 12-inch service tie-over per each F. Labor to install additional footage for service tie-overs over 10 feet in length, to include mechanical compaction, connection to existing service line, installation of new pipe, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. Also included is the material for bedding, backfill, and gravel). All other material (pipe and fittings) and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any required asphalt or concrete removal, and surface repair shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. lnstallation of 3/4-inch & l-inch service tie-over per linear ft lnstallation of 2-inch service tie-over per linear ft lnstallation of 4-inch service tie-over per linear ft lnstallation of 6-inch service tie-over per linear ft lnstallation of 8-inch service tie-over per linear ft lnstallation of 10-inch service tie-over per linear ft lnstallation of 12-inch service tie-over per linear ft G. Labor to install meter pit and meter setter at same time service line is installed. To include mechanical compaction, installation of the meter yoke, all other meter setter appurtenances, The installation of the service line from the customer's side of the meter setter to a point at least two feet from the outside edge of the meter box on all services where said meter box is to be located adjacent to customer's property line, installation of the meter pit box and lid, and all other pipeline appurtenances as required for a complete installation. All materials and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. ln those cases where the meter pit is not to be located adjacent to the customer's property line. The service line between the meter pit and the customer's property line shall be paid for under the appropriate service line bid item at the unit price for the size of pipe installed. lnstallation of meter pit & meter setter for single %-inch service as per standard drawing per each lnstallation of meter pit & meter setter for double setting which consists of two 3/4-inch services from single f-inch service line as per standard drawing per each lnstallation of meter pit & meter setter for single l-inch service as per standard drawing per each lnstallation of meter pit & meter setter for single 2-inch service as per standard drawing per each lnstallation of two 3/4-inch meter setter in one pit as per standard drawing per each Traffic control including flagging and signage, as required by the highway district or state highway department, shall be paid as a direct pass through cost offthe supplier's invoice. SURFACE REMOVAT AND REPAIR Item # Description Unit Unit Price A.Removal and disposal of asphalt andlor concrete pavement. At the discretion of the Engineer, separate bids may be required if the volume of surface removal and repair on a particular project exceeds normal conditions. 1. Removal and disposal of asphalt pavement, 3-inches or less thickness, including cutting of existing pavement. per sq. ft. 2. Removal and disposal of asphalt and/or concrete pavement, over 3 inches to 5 inches of thickness. 3. Removal and disposal of asphalt and/or concrete pavement, over 6 inches to 12 inches of thickness. per sq. ft. per sq. ft. Removal of asphalt and/or concrete in excess of 12 inches to be negotiated on a per job bases. Saw Cutting for asphalt and/or concrete pavement over 3 inches thick shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. B. c. D. Removal ofconcrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalks, and concrete driveways, to include cutting concrete as required and disposal of all material removed. E. Furnish and install concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalks, and concrete driveways, to include required crushed rock and gravel base leveling courses. 1. Removal of concrete curb and gutter (under 10 feet). 2. Removal of concrete curb and gutter (over 10 feet). 3. Removal of concrete sidewalk. 4. Removal of concrete driveway. 1. lnstallation of concrete curb and gutter, 12 lin.ft.min. 1a lnstallation ofconcrete curb and gutter, additional over 12 lin ft 2. lnstallation of concrete sidewalk, 30 sq.ft. min. 2a. lnstallation of concrete sidewalk, additional over 30 sq.ft. 3. lnstallation of concrete driveway, 30 sq.ft. min. 3a. lnstallation of concrete driveway, additional over 30 sq.ft. Furnish and install temporary asphalt pavement repair. Replace 2-inch layer of top soil and furnish and sow grass seed. Furnish and install grass sod. Remove and replace sod. Furnish top soil per linear ft. per linear ft. per sq. ft. per sq. ft. Minimum per linear ft. Minimum per sq. ft. Minimum per sq. ft. Hot Mix per sq. ft. Cold Mix per sq. ft. per sq. ft. per sq. ft. per sq. ft. per cu. yd. G. H. t. J. Item # WORK NOT COVERED UN Description Unit Furnish personnel, to include any required small tools. included as a part of each individual item. 1. Supervisor 2. Crew Chief 3. Equipment operator 4. Laborer 5. Pipe layer 6. Welder Cost of supervision shall be B. Furnish equipment to include fuel. Cost of operator not to be included. 1. Dump truck. Unit Price per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. 2. Backhoe, tire mounted with front end loader. 3. Compressor - 125 CFM, tire mounted. 4. Low-boy with tractor. 5. Tractor, crawler type with dozer blade. 6. Welding equipment. 7. Tire mounted compactor with front end loader. 8. Fork lift. 9. Backhoe, track mounted. 10. Supervisor pickup per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. 11. Job truck with tools. 12. Water truck (approximately 3,000 gal.). 13. Flatbed materials truck. per hr. per hr. per hr. 20Ls SCHEDUTE 3 UNIT RATES tSOIATED SERVICES AN ITEMS COMMON TO ISOLATED SERVICE AND FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATIONS Items common to service and fire hydrant installation including mechanical compaction, excess trench depth, rock excavation, bedding, trench foundation stabilization, thrust blocks, select backfill, and boring and tapping of 4-inch through 12-inch water lines for the installation of isolated services and fire hydrants. Water settlement of all trenches and restoration and clean-up are to be included in the unit costs. The installation of casing pipe utilizing standard open trench, to include mechanical compaction, installation of the water pipe to be carried inside casing pipe and the installation of the casing pipe and the installation of casing utilizing tunneling or boring method, to including move-in and set up costs, installation of the water pipe to be carried inside the casing pipe and rock trench excavation shall be negotiated and paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the installation of services or fire hydrants shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in the Proposal. Item # Description Unit A. Additional compensation for trench excavation in excess of Company's normal 4'trench depth. Unit Price B. c. D. per cubic yd. Furnish and install trench foundation stabilization when required by Company (typically 2-inch minus material). per cubic yd. Furnish and install thrust blocking, S-bag, 3/4-inch aggregate, as directed by Company. 1. Extra depth under 2 feet. 2. Extra depth over 2 feet. Furnish and install pipe bedding material when required by Company. 1. 8-inch line and smaller 2. 12-inch line 3. 16-inch line Furnish and install select backfill material when required by Company. 3/4" Minus Pit Run per linear ft. per linear ft. per each per each per each per cubic yd. per cubic yd. E. F. Properly placing a tapping sleeve and valve on existing mains and drilling taps up to and including 12 inches in diameter. (Size listed below indicates size of tap). 1. 2-inch tap per each G. Cut-in to existing mains, to include customer notification, cutting out a section of the existing main and installing a tee or cross and all other fittings as indicated on the Plan and required for a complete installation. 1. Cut-in to a 2-inch and smaller existing main. 2. Cut-in to a 4-inch through 8-inch existing main. 3. Cut-in to a 12-inch and larger existing main. H. Connection to existing main, to include customer notification, removal of blow-off assembly, fitting, blank flange or plug, existing thrust block, preparation of pipe or fitting and connection with new pipe. 2.4-inch tap 3. 6-inch tap 4. 8-inch tap 5. 12-inch tap 1. Connection to a 2-inch and smaller existing main. 2. Connect to a 4-inch through 8-inch existing main. 3. Connect to a l2-inch and larger existing main. per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each lnstallation of a blow-off assembly, to include transporting all materials to the job site, installation of required fittings, and all other items as may be required for a compete installation. 1. lnstallation of blow-off assembly.per each Setting of box or sloping of trench walls for service tap. The price is based on trench depth of up to eight feet. Concrete pavement power saw cutting. 1. Power saw cutting on pavement thickness of 0 inches to 4 inches. per each 2. Power saw cutting on pavement thickness of4 inches and greater. per linear ft. per linear ft. trusrnturoru or rtne ln most cases, the service lateral to the fire hydrant will be 6-inch. When 8-inch and large are required, the laterals shall be paid at the differential rate bid for 8-inch and larger service lines per linear foot versus the 6-inch rate under ltem B - lnstallation of Services. This payment will be in addition to the price bid for typical installations utilizing 6-inch pipe. The excess length of lateral pipe beyond 30 feet will be paid at the unit price bid per linear foot for service lines of equal size as listed in the Bidder's Proposal - Schedule of ltems and Prices. The contractor shall purchase all material for a complete installation. All material and traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Description Unit Unit Price A. lnstallation of fire hydrants at isolated locations on existing mains, to include transporting all materials to the job site, tapping the existing main, installation of an average length of 20 feet of 6-inch Dl or PVC pipe, installation of the auxiliary valve and valve box, gravel for drainage, and all other items, including compaction, as may be required for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair with fire hydrant installation shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per each Removal of existing fire hydrant, to include transport of all materials to job site and disposal of waste materials, transport of hydrant to designated disposal site, removal of auxiliary valve and valve box and installation of a cap or plug at the main. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the removal of existing fire hydrant shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per each c.Replacement of existing fire hydrant, to include removal and transport of old hydrant to designated disposal site; installation of new fire hydrant in same location, provision for gravel for drainage if necessary; and all other items, including compaction, as may be required for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the replacement of existing fire hydrant shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per each Relocation of existing fire hydrant on same service line, to include removal of hydrant, extension of fire hydrant service pipe, installation of existing fire hydrant at new location, provision for gravel for drainage, and all other items, including compaction, as may be required for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the relocation of existing fire hydrant shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. B. D. per each Tie-over of existing fire hydrant , to include installation of tee at the main, installation of new pipe between tee and existing service pipe, connection to existing service pipe, and all other items, including compaction, as may be required for a complete installation. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required for a tie-over of existing fire hydrant shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. per each INSTALTATION OF SERV Item # Description Unit Price A. lnstallation of 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines by open trench method in isolated locations, to include transporting all material to the job site; mechanical compaction; installation of the tap on the main using corporation stop; and installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line. lndividual service lines 4O-feet and under in length shall be paid for under this item. lndividual service lines longer than 40-feet shall have the excess footage paid under item B. This item does not include installation of the meter pit and meter setter, any asphalt or concrete removal or surface repair as may be required. United Water shall provide all materials for a complete installation. Traffic control including flagging will be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. E. Unit B. lnstallation of 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines by open trench method in isolated locations, to include transporting all material to the job site and installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line and mechanical compaction. The installation of the service tap at the main, the installation of the meter pit and meter setter, any asphalt or concrete removal or surface repair as may be required shall be paid separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. United Water shall provide all materials for a complete installation. Traffic control including flagging will be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. 1. lnstallation of 3/4-inch plastic pipe service line. 2. lnstallation of l-inch plastic pipe service line. 3. lnstallation of t t/ -inch plastic pipe service line. 4. lnstallation of 2-inch plastic pipe service line. lnstallation 31 -inch PE pipe service line. lnstallation of 1-inch PE pipe service line. 3. lnstallation of 2-inch PVC or PE pipe service line. 4. lnstallation of 4-inch PVC pipe service line. per each per each per each per each per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. 1. 2. 5. lnstallation of 6-inch PVC pipe service line. 6. lnstallation of 8-inch PVC pipe service line. 7. lnstallation of 10-inch PVC pipe service line. 8. lnstallation of 12-inch PVC pipe service line. per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. g. Additional compensation for boring and tunneling under sidewalk or any item which cannot be removed to install service line, this is to be in addition to the price per each service line installation and shall apply to 3/4-inch,1-inch, and 2-inch services only. a. Boring 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines, to include cost for set-up to of boring equipment. per linear ft. per each per each b. lnstallation of f-inch plastic pipe service line. c. lnstallation of 1 1/4-inch plastic pipe service line. d. lnstallation of 2-inch plastic pipe service line. b. Less than or equal to 24 inches in length. c. Greater than 24 inches in length. C. lnstallation of service lines by boring method, to include transporting all materials to the job site, installation of the tap on the main utilizing a corporation stop, and installation of the specified size of pipe between the tap at the main and the property line. This item does not include installation of the meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. United Water shall provide all material for a complete installation. Traffic control including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. 1. Move in and set up costs for boring equipment. per each 2. Boring 3/4-inch through 2-inch service lines. a. lnstallation of 3/4-inch plastic pipe service line. per linear ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. Replacement of existing 3/4-inch and 1-inch service lines by pulling method, to include customer notification, transporting all materials to the jobsite, mechanical compaction, installation of new service pipe between the tap at the main and the meter box by connecting it to the existing service pipe and pulling into place as existing pipe is withdrawn, installation of new corporation stop at main if required, and connection to new service pipe to corporation stop at main. This item does not include replacement of meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. Traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. per each Replacement of existing 3/4-inch and l-inch service lines by installing new service line through inside of existing service line, to include customer notification, transportation all material to the job site, mechanical compaction, installation of new service pipe between the tap at the main and the meter box, installation of new corporation stop at main if required, and connection of new service pipe to corporation stop at main. This item does not include replacement of meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repair as may be required. Traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. per each F. Additional compensation for connection of service line to customer's piping if said piping has been installed to the customer's property line, this is to be in addition to the price bid for the service line installation. 7. 3/4-inch and l-inch. l. z-tncn. 3. 4-inch and 6-inch. 4. 8-inch. 5. 10-inch and larger. G. Abandon 3/4-inch through 2-inch existing service, installation to include shut-off of corporation stop or plugging the service tap at the main, salvage of meter and meter box lid, mechanical compaction and backfilling the meter pit. This item is based on an abandonment at the same time the service is replaced. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the abandoning of an existing service shall bepaidforseparately undertheappropriatebiditemaslistedinthisProposal. Thisitemdoesnot include replacement of meter pit and meter setting, any asphalt or concrete removal, or any surface repairasmayberequired. UnitedWatershall provideall material foracompleteinstallation. Traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. per each per each per each per each per each 1. Abandon service including box. 2. Abandon service tap without abandoning box. 3. Abandon box only. lf no service is replaced, add to each bid item above. H. Abandon 4-inch through 12-inch existing service, installation to include customer notification removal of isolation valve and installation of blank flange, mechanical compaction, and backfill. This item is based on an abandonment at the same time the service is replaced. Any asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair required with the abandoning of an existing service shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. United Water shall provide all material for a complete installation. Traffic control, including flagging shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. lnstallation of service tie-over's less than 1O-feet in len$h to include customer notification, connection to existing service line, installation of new pipe and mechanical compaction. Any required asphalt or concrete removal and surface repair shall be paid for separately under the appropriate bid item as listed in this Proposal. 1. lnstallation of 3/4-inch service tie-over. 2. lnstallation of l{nch service tie-over. 3. lnstallation of 2-inch service tie-over. 4. lnstallation of 4-inch service tie-over. 5. lnstallation of 6-inch servicetie-over. 5. lnstallation of 8-inch service tie-over. per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each per each 7. lnstallation of 10-inch service tie-over. 8. lnstallation of 12-inch service tie-over. per each lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter at same time service line is installed, to include transporting all materials to the job site; mechanical compaction, installing the meter yoke and all other meter setter appurtenances as required for a complete installation, installing the service line from the customer's side of the meter setter to a point at least two feet from outside edge of the meter box on all services where said meter box is to be located adjacent to customer's property line, and installation of the meter pit box and lid. ln those cases where the meter pit is not to be located adjacent to the customer's property line, the service line between the meter pit and the customer's property line shall be paid for under the appropriate service line bid item at the unit price for the size of pipe installed. (see ltem B). 1. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter for single 3/4-inch service. 2. lnstallation of meter pits and meter setters for two 3/4-inch services from single l-inch service lines. 3. lnstallation of meter pits and meter setters for single 1-inch service. 4. lnstallation of meter pits and meter setters for single 2-inch service. 5. lnstallation of two 3/4-inch meter setters in one meter pit. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter on existing service lines, to include transporting all materials to job site, installing the meter yoke and all other meter setter appurtenances as required for a complete installation, installing the service line from the customer's side of the meter to a point at least two feet from the outside of the meter box on all services where said meter box is located adjacent to customer's property line; and installation of the meter pit box and lid. ln those cases where the meter pit is not to be located adjacent to the customer's property line and the service line between the meter pit and said property line has not been installed, this section of service line shall be installed under the appropriate service line bid item at the unit price for the size of pipe installed. (See ltem B). 1. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter for single 3/4-inch service. per each per each per each per each per each per each 2. lnstallation of meter pits and meter setters for two 3/4-inch services from single service line. 3. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter for single f-inch service. 4. lnstallation of meter pit and meter setter for single 2-inch service. 5. lnstallation of two 3/4-inch meter setters in one meter pit from single service line. per each lnstallation of vault and meter settings for large meters, to include transporting all materials to the job site, installing the meter vault, all piping as required and the water meter. (See Detail Drawings). per each per each per each per each L. 1. Vault setting for single 3-inch meter 2. Vault setting for single 4-inch meter 3. Vault setting for single 6-inch meter per each per each per each Item # SURFACE REMOVATAND R Description Unit Price Removal and disposal of asphalt and/or concrete pavement. At the discretion of the Engineer, separate bids may be required if the volume of surfuce removal and repair on a particular project exceeds normal conditions. 1. Removal and disposal of asphalt pavement, 3-inches or less thickness, including cutting of existing pavement. per sq. ft. Unit A. 2. Removal and disposal of asphalt and/or concrete pavement, over 3 inches to 6 inches of thickness. per sq. ft. 3. Removal and disposal of asphalt and/or concrete pavement, over 6 inches to 12 inches of thickness. per sq. ft. Removal of asphalt and/or concrete in excess of 12 inches to be negotiated on a perjob bases. Saw Cutting for asphalt and/or concrete pavement over 3 inches thick shall be paid as a direct pass through from supplier's invoice. Removal of concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalks, and concrete driveways, to include cutting concrete as required and disposal of all material removed. 1. 2, Removal of concrete curb and gutter (under 10 feet). Removal of concrete curb and gutter (over 10 feet). 3. Removal of concrete sidewalk. 4. Removal of concrete driveway. 1. lnstallation of concrete curb and gutter, 12 lin.ft.min. la lnstallation of concrete curb and gutter, additional over 12 lin ft 2. lnstallation of concrete sidewalk, 30 sq.ft. min. 2a. lnstallation of concrete sidewalk, additional over 30 sq.ft. 3. lnstallation of concrete driveway, 30 sq.ft. min. 3a. lnstallation of concrete driveway, additional over 30 sq.ft. per linear ft. per linear ft. per sq. ft. per sq. ft. Minimum per linear ft. Minimum per sq. ft. Minimum per sq. ft. Hot Mix per sq. ft. Furnish and install concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalks, and concrete driveways, to include required crushed rock and gravel base leveling courses. Furnish and install temporary asphalt H. t. J. G. Replace 2-inch layer oftop soil and furnish and sow grass seed. Furnish and install grass sod. Remove and replace sod. Furnish top soil WORK NOT COVERED UNDE Cold Mix per sq. ft. per sq. ft. per sq. ft. per sq. ft. per cu. yd. Item #Unit Price A. Description Furnish personnel, to include any required small tools. included as a part of each individual item. 1. Supervisor 2. Crew Chief 3. Equipment operator 4. Laborer 5. Pipe layer 6. Welder Cost of supervision shall be B. Furnish equipment, to include fuel. Cost of operator not to be included. 1. Dump truck. 2. Backhog tire mounted with front end loader. 3. Compressor - 125 CFM, tire mounted. 4. Low-boy with tractor. 5. Tractor, crawler type with dozer blade. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. 6. Welding equipment. 7 . Tire mounted compactor with front end loader. 8. Fork lift. 9. Backhoe, track mounted. 10. Supervisor pickup 11. Job truck with tools. 12. Water truck (approximately 3,000 gal.). 13. Flatbed materials truck, per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. GASE UWI-W-I5-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 6{: Are there specific services that are only provided by one contractor (i.e. sole-source)? lf so, please describe these services. RESPONSE NO. 61: No. There are multiple contractors available for the services needed by the Company. We have a single contract for the "annual services" contract. This contract is used for company pipe installation, services, hydrant, and other work as deemed necessary. However, there are other contractors with whom we have master services agreements that can provide the same services, if we choose to utilize them. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W.15.O1 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 62: For services that are only provided by one contractor (i.e., sole-source services), please provide a copy of the current contract(s). Please explain the following: a. term of the final contract (i.e., annual, project specific, etc.); b. contract development process, including how the Company addresses the non-competitive process; c. how any'requests for proposals'are advertised, along with an example advertisement; and d. whether the specific tasks conducted under the contract(s) are developed as task orders. RESPONSE NO.62: See Response No.61. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW|-W-15-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 63: Please describe the Company's proposal review process for sole-source services including whether the proposals are reviewed by individuals, a committee composed of Company staff or management, and whether specific review criteria are applied. lf review criteria are applied, please explain whether these criteria are included as part of the 'requests for proposals' and, if not, please provide a copy. Please provide a copy of the most recent 'requests for proposals' for sole-source services. RESPONSE NO.63: See Response No.60. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE uwl-w-15-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 65: Please provide a copy of the current contract(s) used to obtain services for engineering design. Please explain the following: a. term of the final contract (i.e., annual); b. contract development process including whether it is a competitive process; c. how any 'requests for proposals' are advertised, along with an example advertisement; d. whether multiple companies are awarded contracts depending on various specializations; and e. whether the specific tasks conducted under the contract are developed as task orders. RESPONSE NO. 65: A copy of our standard engineering design services contract is attached. See "Response No. 65 - Standard Engineering Design Services Contract.pdf' a. The term of the contract will vary. Some contracts are for a specific project only. Others are considered master services agreements with a typical term of three years. b. Occasionally, the contracts for specific projects are developed through a competitive process. Generally, the contracts for master services agreements are executed with specific consultants that have a specific and desired skill set. Page L of 2 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE uwt-w-l5-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF c. The Company does not advertise requests for proposal. For specific contracts that are developed through a competitive process, we approach specific engineering consultants that we know are qualified and capable of completing the specific project and request proposals from them. d. The Company currently has master services agreements with 10 engineering firms. Each firm has a specific skill that is frequently needed by the Company. Many of the skill sets overlap, so that there are multiple engineering firms to select from. e. When utilizing an engineering firm with which we have a master services agreement, a task order is issued for specific tasks. Page 2 Response 65 - Standard Engineering Design Services Contract.pdf lssued by: UW Legal STANDARD CONSULTING AGREEM ENT Form: scGA R2 -O3t01112# CONSULTING AGREEMENT BETWEEN [Company Name] For ENGINEERING CONSUTTING SERVICES AGREEMENT NO. MONTH. YEAR UNITED WATER SUPPTY CHAIN MANAGEMENT APPROVAT: PRINTED NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: STANDARD CONSULTING AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is made by and between Gompany and Gonsultant IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENAI.ITS HEREIN CONTAINED, COMPANY AND CONSULTAI.IT AGREE AS FOLLOWS: A KEY TERMS [t.1 fnis Agreement is dated DATE("Agreement Date"). 2.) The Company that is a party to this Agreement is United Water 3.) The Company is incorporated in the state of ("Company"). 4.) The Company's principal business address (hereinafter "Company Address") is 5.) The Consultant that is a party to this Agreement is: _("Consultant"). 6.) The Consultant is incorporated in the state of 7.)The Consultant's principal business address (hereinafter "Consultant Address") is 8.) The Services will begin on _and end on _("Consultation Period"). 9.) The Company Representative is: 10.) Notices: a.) To the Company Company Name Company Address City, State, Zip Attention: General Manager United Water, Legal Department 461 From Road, Suite 400 Paramus, NJ 07652 Consultant Name Consultant Address City, State, Zip Attention: And b.) To the Consultant 11.) The laws of the state or commonwealth of shall be applicable to this Agreement. 12.) Jurisdiction and venue for all disputes shall be in the state and federal courts of lssued by: UW Legal STANDARD CONSULTI NG AGREEM ENT Form: scGA R2 -03t01t12# 13. Personal Services Agreement a.) ( ) Yes b.( )No I B. 1. lf yes, the following terms and conditions shall be applicable: CONTINUITY OF CONSULTANT'S EMPLOYEE. Consultant agrees to ensure the continuity of Consultant employees and any of its agents or subcontractors assigned to perform services hereunder. Consultant must seek prior written approval from Company Representative prior to the removal or reassignment of a Consultant employee, agent or subcontractor assigned to perform services hereunder. ln the event of any removal or reassignment of a Consultant employee, agent or subcontractor, the person so reassigned or removed shall be replaced with a replacement employee, agent or subcontractor who shall have substantially equivalent or better qualifications. ln the event that Consultant replaces any employee, agent or subcontractor with or without Company's consent, there will no charge to Company for such employee, agent or subcontractor while the replacement(s) acquire necessary orientation. OTHER TERMS AND GONDITIONS TERM; SERVICES. During the Consultation Period, unless this Agreement is earlier terminated as provided herein, the Consultant shall perform consulting services ("Services") as described in Schedule A, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. For purposes of this Agreement, Consultant shall report to and be responsible to the Company's Representative, or such other person designated in writing by an officer of the Company. COMPENSATION. For Services as a Consultant, as provided herein, the Company shall compensate the Consultant in accordance with the provisions of Schedule B, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Such compensation shall be payable monthly (or as otherwise provided in Exhibit B) in United States dollars, sent regular mailto Consultant's address within fiorty-five (a5) pays after presentation to the Company by the Consultant of the bill prepared pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall not submit an invoice to Company, and Company shall not be responsible for the payment thereof, until Company has accepted in writing the Services described in any particular invoice. ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICES. Upon completion of each milestone or deliverable outlined in Schedule A, Company shall provide written notice to Consultant of Company's acceptance or rejection of such milestone or deliverable. Such written notice shall be provided by Company within a reasonable time, but in no event longer than 30 days after Consultant's completion. lf the milestone or deliverable is accepted by Company, Consultant shall issue an invoice for Services rendered. However, in the event that such Services are rejected by Company, Consultant shall have 30 days to correct the defect(s) in the Services. lf Consultant cannot correct the defects within 30 days or within an otherwise mutually agreed upon time frame, Company shall not be responsible for payment and Company shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and seek any and all remedies available to Company at law and in equity. TA)GS. The Consultant shall be responsible for alltaxes, levies and charges that may accrue to the Consultant by virtue of the compensation, reimbursements or other payments paid or made to Consultant hereunder. The Consultant shall also bear any risk or cost with respect to the conversion of payments made hereunder from United States dollars into any other currency. 2. 4. lssued by: UW Legal STAN DARD CONSU LTI NG AGREEM ENT Form: scGA R2 -O3t01112# 5.TERMINATION. The Company may terminate the Consultant's Services for cause with thirty (30) days written notice or such shorter time as may be appropriate under the circumstances. The term "cause" shall include, but not be limited to: (i) failure of the Consultant to carry out obligations hereunder with necessary diligence, skill and care; (ii) a breach of the confidentiality provisions contained in this Agreement, and (iii) reasonable and objective evidence of personal misconduct that adversely affects the Company. The Company may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement without cause upon thirty (30) days'written notice to the Consultant. ln the event of a termination for Company's convenience, Gompany shall pay Consultant for all services provided up until the effective date of termination. STANDARD OF CARE. Consultant shall perform the Services pursuant to this Agreement in a skillful and workmanlike manner and at the level customary for professionals and individuals skilled in Consultant's field performing such services in the same locale and under similar conditions, as appropriate and as related to the Services being addressed herein. CONFIDENTIALITY. ln connection with the performance of the Services under this Agreement, Company may disclose to Consultant certain information, which may include, but is not limited to, trade secrets, discoveries, ideas, concepts, know-how, techniques, designs, specifications, drawings, blueprints, diagrams, flow charts, data, computer programs, marketing plans, customer names and other technical, financial or business information, such as negotiations between the parties and discussions, relating to the structuring of agreements, pricing, values, plans, prospects and assets of Company. Such information whether in written, encoded, graphic or in other tangible form, or provided orally, shall be deemed to be confidential and proprietary (hereinafter "Confidential lnformation") unless it is clearly identified by Company prior to such disclosure as not being confidential or proprietary; provided, however, Confidential lnformation shall not include information: (i) previously known to Consultant free of any obligations to keep it confidential; (ii) that becomes publicly known through no act of Consultant; (iii) that is rightfully received from a third party who is under no obligation of confidence to either Company or Consultant; or (iv) that is independently developed by an employee, agent or contractor of Consultant who did not have any direct or indirect access to the information furnished thereunder. Consultant agrees to hold all Confidential lnformation in strictest confidence and shall use same solely for the purpose set forth in this Agreement, and further agrees that it shall not make disclosure of any such Confidential lnformation to anyone except those of its employees to whom such disclosure is necessary for the purposes authorized by this Agreement. Consultant agrees to be responsible for any breach of these confidentiality provisions by Consultant or Consultant's representatives (including but not limited to Consultant's officers, directors, employees, agents, attorneys, accountants, consultants and advisors) and will defend, indemnify and hold Company harmless from any losses, damages, charges, fees or expenses including reasonable attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from such breach or claim of breach. Upon termination of this Agreement, if Company so requests, Consultant shall within thirty (30) days return to Company all tangible Confidential lnformation furnished by Company, whether contained or stored on tapes, discs, files or otherwise, without cost to Company. The parties acknowledge that in the event of the breach of these confidentiality provisions, Company will not be able to secure adequate relief by an action at laq therefore, the parties agree that Company shall have the right to specifically enforce these Confidentiality provisions, and to enjoin any violation thereof by Consultant. However, all remedies provided for herein shall be cumulative, and shall not be exclusive of one another or any other remedies available in law or in equity. The confidentiality provisions contained herein shall remain in effect for a period of two (2) years after expiration or termination of the Agreement. 6. 7. lssued by: UW Legal STANDARD CONSULTI NG AGREEM ENT Form: scGA R2 -O3lO1l12# 8. OWNERSHIP OF WORK PRODUCT; INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Company shall own the Work Product resulting from or arising out of this Agreement. Work Product shall include alltangible materials, including work in progress. Company shall have the unlimited right to make, have made, use, reconstruct, repair, modify, reproduce, publish, distribute and sell the Work Product, in whole or in part, or combine the Work Product with other matter, or not use the Work Product at all, as it sees fit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Company modifies the Work Product or reuses the Work Product for a purpose other than that initially intended, any such reuse or modification will be at Company's sole risk without liability or legal exposure to Consultant and Company shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Consultant from all claims, losses, damages, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of defense, to the extent arising out of or resulting from the reuse or modification of the Work product. 9. TIMING OF SERVICES. It is anticipated by the parties that all Services shall be within specified time frames, and that any delay in the completion of the Services shall constitutes a material breach of thisAgreement. , 10. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PARTIES. Consultant is retained by the Company only for the purpose and to the extent set forth in this Agreement. The Consultant shall advise and assist the Company in a prompt, diligent, and competent manner according to Consultant's own means. Consultant's relationship to the Company shall be that of an independent contractor and no such personnel shall, at any time or for any purpose, be deemed employees or agents of Company. Under no circumstances shall Consultant, its employees or subcontractors have any authority to bind Company in any way to any obligations whatsoever with third parties. Nothing herein is intended or shall be construed as providing the Consultant or any of Consultant's employees the status of an employee of the Company or conferring on Consultant or any of Consultant's employees any rights, privileges or benefits as an employee of the Company during the Consultation Period; all rights, privileges and benefits as Consultant being set forth in this Agreement. lt is Consultant's responsibility to perform background checks on Consultant's employees in accordance with applicable law and customary standards; should information be discovered concerning Consultant's employee that would adversely affect the Company during the course of the individual's performance of services hereunder, Consultant shall be obligated to notify Company. 11. SUBCONTRACTORS; AGTS OF GONSULTANT. Consultant shall not subcontract the Services without the Company's prior written authorization which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. ln the event Company consents to such assignment to a Subcontractor, nothing contained in this or such consent shall be construed as creating any contractual relationship between the Subcontractor and Company. Consultant shall be fully responsible to Company for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by it. Company's consent shall not be construed as discharging or releasing Consultant in any way from the performance of the Services or the fulfillment of any obligation under this Agreement. 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. The Consultant hereby wanants and represents that they are not debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment or otherwise ineligible for participation in federal government contracts and subcontracts and/or participation in federal non procurement covered transactions, and hereby agrees to notify Company if the foregoing statement is no longer accurate at any time during the term of this Agreement. lssued by: UW Legal sTANDARD coNSULTTNG AGREEMENT I lfU R2_osto1t12 # 13. INDEMNIFICATION. General Consultant hereby agrees to release, indemnify and hold Company, its affiliates, and their officers, directors and employees harmless from and against all claims, actions, suits, judgments, losses, liabilities, expenses, charges and fees, including cost of litigation and reasonable attomeys' fees to the extent arising out of the Consultant's breach of this Agreement or the negligence or willful misconduct of Consultant, its employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors, or any one directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or for any one for whose acts any of them may be liable, arising out of, resulting from or in connection with the Servie,es to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. lnfrinoement: lf Company promptly notifies Consultant in writing of a third party claim against Company that any Deliverable infringes a presently existing patent, copyright or trade secret of any third party, Consultant will defend such claim at its expense and will pay any costs or damages that may be finally awarded against Company. lf any Deliverable is, or in Consultant's opinion is likely to be, held to be infringing, Consultant will at its expense and option either: (i) procure the right for Company to continue using it, (ii) replace it with a noninfringing equivalent, (iii) modify it to make it noninfringing, or (iv) direct the return of the Deliverable and refund to Company the fees paid for such Deliverable less a reasonable amount for Company's use of the Deliverable up to the time of return. Consultant will not indemnify Company, however, if the claim of infringement is caused by: (a)Company's modification of the Deliverable or use of the Deliverable other than as contemplated by this Agreement or as instructed by Consultant; (b) Company's failure to use corrections or enhancements made available by Consultant; or (c) Company's use of the Deliverable in combination with any product or information not owned or developed by Consultant, unless such combination was made at the instruction of Consultant; or (d) intellectual property incorporated into Work product at the request or direction of Company. To receive the indemnities contained above, Company must promptly notify Consultant in writing of a claim or suit and provide reasonable cooperation and full authority to Consultant to defend or settle the claim or suit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the settlement of a claim imposes any action upon Company, Consultant shall first receive Company's written consent prior to any such settlement. 14. ASSIGNMENT. Consultant shall not assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without first obtaining Company's prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT DELIBEMTELY BLANK STANDARD CONSULTI NG AGREEM ENT 15. INSURANCE. Consultant shall purchase and maintain insurance to protect Company and Consultant from claims that may arise out of or result from the Services to be performed under this Agreement, whether such Services be performed by Consultant or by any of its employees, agents, subcontractors or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by any one for whose acts any of them may be liable, as set forth in Schedule C. By requiring insurance specified herein, Company does not represent that such coverage and limits will necessarily be adequate to protect Consultant and such coverage and limits shall not be deemed as a limitation on Consultant's liability under the indemnities or wananties provided by Consultant in this Agreement. 16. PUBLICIW. Consultant shall not use Company's name and shall not issue any publicity releases, including but not limited to, news releases and advertising, relating to the Agreement without the prior written consent of Company. 17. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. ln the event a dispute arises among the parties, the disputing party shall provide the other party with written notice of the dispute and within twenty (20) days after receipt of said notice, the receiving party shall submit to the other a written response. The notice and response shall include a statement of each party's position and a summary of the evidence and arguments supporting its position. Each party shall designate a high level executive officer to work together in good faith to resolve the dispute; the name and title of said officer shall also be included in the notice and response. The executives shall meet at a mutually acceptable time and place within thirty (30) days of the date of the disputing party's notice and thereafter as they deem reasonably necessary to resolve the dispute. lf the executives, having acted in good faith, have not resolved the dispute within ninety (90) days of receipt of the initial written notice, then the parties shall try in good faith to resolve the dispute by non-binding mediation administered by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA') under its Commercial Mediation Rules before resorting to courtroom litigation. All costs attributed to mediation shall be borne equally by both parties. Absent mutual consent by both parties, in the event that one of the parties brings a dispute immediately to court without first following the afore-mentioned dispute resolution process, then the opposing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs from the party initiating the litigation if either a) the case is remanded and the parties are ordered to follow the dispute resolution outlined herein, or b) the dispute is heard and judgment is awarded in favor of the opposing party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the afore-mentioned shall not be applicable in the event of a breach or threatened breach of the provisions relating to confidentiality and/or publicity contained herein. The injured party will be entitled to an injunction (including without limitation preliminary and permanent injunctive relief and specific performance) restraining such breach or threatened breach without having to prove actual damages. Such injunctive relief as the injured party may obtain shall be in addition to all of the rights and remedies available at law and in equity. I lssued by: UW Legal STANDARD CONSULTI NG AGREEM ENT Form: scGA R2 -03t01t12# 18. UTILIZATION OF SMALL, WOMEN, AND MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. lt is the Company's policy that Small, Women's and Minority Business Enterprises (SBEMBE/MBE) shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in provision of services. The Consultant agrees to use good faith efforts to carry out this policy in the award of its subcontracts, if any, to the fullest extent consistent with efficient performance. lf a SBEMBE/MBE is available to perform in this field, the subcontractor agrees to submit documentation of efforts to include SBEAIVBE/MBEs. 19. FORCE MATEURE. lf any party is prevented, or delayed from or in performing any of its obligations under this Agreement by a Force Majeure Event, as defined below, then that party's obligations under the Agreement shall be suspended for so long as the Force Majeure Event continues and to the extent that party is so prevented, or delayed. lf Consultant is prevented from performing its Services due to a Force Majeure Event, then Company shall not have an obligation to pay Consultant for any unperformed Services during such Force Majeure Event. The party prevented from fulfilling its obligations due to a Force Majeure Event shall use all reasonable efforts to mitigate the effects of a Force Majeure Event upon the performance of its obligations. No party shall be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement or otherwise be liable to the other by reason of any delay in performance or non-performance of any of its obligations to the extent that such delay or non-performance is due to a Force Majeure Event of which it has notified the other party and the time for performance of that obligation shall be extended accordingly. Upon any Force Majeure Event the parties shall enter into bona fide discussions as soon as reasonably practicable in an attempt to alleviate its effects. A "Force Majeure Event" means the occurrence of an event or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of a party, including, without limitation, (i) explosions, fires, flood, earthquakes, catastrophic weather conditions, diseases, pandemics, epidemics or elements of nature or acts of God; (ii) acts of war or terrorism; or (iii) labor disputes, lockouts, and strikes other than by employees of Consultant. 20. CODE OF CONDUCT. The Consultant shall inform the Company immediately if anyone proposes to Consultant, in connection with the Work, any conduct that would be in violation of such laws and regulations, and of any investigations of which Consultant is a subject with respect to any violation of such laws and regulations. The Consultant is prohibited from and will not offer, pay, give or promise to pay or give anything of value to any official of any govemmental entity, any political party, party official or candidate for the purposes of: (i) influencing such person to perform or omit to perform any act or to make or omit to make any decision in violation of the lawful duty of such person; or (ii) inducing such person to use their influence with any government or instrumentality thereof to affect or influence any act or decision of such government. The Consultant shall not offer, pay, give, or promise to pay or give anything of value to a third person knowing that such thing will be used by such person for a purpose that is not permitted under the preceding sentence. Consultant will not use any influence that induces or tends to induce a Government employee or officer to give consideration or to act regarding a Government contract on any basis other than the merits of the matter. The Consultant will indemnify the Company and all affiliates, officers and directors thereof from, and defend such persons against, any claim, action, proceeding, investigation or inquiry with respect to any alleged conduct on the part of the Consultant that violates or is alleged to violate any provision of this paragraph. The Consultant may bring any ethical concems to the Company's attention by contacting the Company's ethics hot line at877-3M-4277. lssued by: UW Legal STANDARD CONSU LTING AGREEM ENT Form: scGA R2 -03101t12# 21. NON-DISCRIMINATION. Consultant agrees to comply with the provisions of Paragraph 1-7, Ex. Order 11246; sections 503 of the REHAB ACT; and Section 2012 of VEVRA relating to non-discrimination in the performance of contracts. 22. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement is intended by the parties to be a final, exclusive, and complete expression of their agreement and its terms. No course of prior dealing between the parties and usage of trade shall be relevant to supplement or explain any term used herein. This Agreement may not be modified except by a written document signed by both parties. 23. NO WAIVER. A waiver of any term, condition or covenant by any party shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition or covenant. ln the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed unenforceable, the remaining terms and conditions shall remain in fullforce and effect. 24. NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST. By entering into this Agreement with the Company, the Consultant represents and acknowledges that no conflicting relationships, interests, agreements or obligations (including a non-competition obligation which would, by virtue of entering into this Agreement and/or performing its obligations hereunder, constitute a violation of such obligation) with any other party, now exist. 25. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, and their respective executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Neither this Agreement nor any right hereunder may be assigned by the Consultant, and any attempt at assignment shall be null and void. The Company may assign this Agreement and all its rights hereunder to an affiliate under common control with the Company or in connection with the direct or indirect transfer of all or a major portion of the Company's business by merger, sale of assets, sale of stock, or othenrise. 26. ENFORCEABILITY. The invalidity or enforceability of any provision of this Agreement as applied to a particular occurrence or circumstance shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any of the other provisions of this Agreement or the other applicability of such provision, as the case may be. 27. AltllBlGUlTlES. Each party and its counsel have participated fully in the review and revision of this Agreement. Any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in interpreting this Agreement. The language in this Agreement shall be interpreted as to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any party. 28. SUSTAINABILITY. Company's values are based on professionalism, sense of partnership, team spirit, value creation, respect of the environment, ethics and in particular its commitmentto promote and act in compliance with sustainable development principles (including environmental and social responsibilities). For information purposes, a detailed description of Company's values can be found in the following documents established by the Company's parent company, Suez: the "Group Ethics Charter: Our Values, Our Ethics", the lnternational Social Charter" and the EnvironmentalChartef' available on the following website: http://www.suez- environnement.com/qroup/corporate-qovernance/ethics. 10 lssued by: UW Legal STANDARD CONSULTING AGREEMENT Form: scGA R2 -03101t12# 29. NOTICES. Any notices, requests, demands or other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered to the Company or to the Consultant. Any notice to the Consultant shall be delivered to the Consultant Address and any notice to the Company shall be delivered to the Company Address as well as to the following address: United Water, 200 Old Hook Road, Harrington Park, NJ 07640, Attention: Legal Department. Either party may update such addresses on written notice to the other party. Notices shall be effective upon receipt. 30. SURVIVAL. The provisions of this Agreement concerning payment, indemnification, confidentiality, exclusivity (if applicable), and dispute resolution shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 31. EXHIBITS, SCHEDULES AND APPENDICES. The following are attached to and expressly made a part of this Agreement: Schedule A - Description of Consulting Services Schedule B - Compensation/Rates Schedule C - lnsurance Requirements Schedule D - Safe Work Site/Environmental Health and Safety Orientation Schedule E - Special Conditions (if applicable) ln case of any conflict between the terms of Consultant's proposal and other provisions of this Agreement, this Agreement shall control. No variations from this Agreement will be valid unless signed by both Consultant and Company. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. United Water Manaqement and Services lnc.CONSULTANTS NAME Print name:Print name: Title:Title: Signature:Signature: Witness:Witness: Date:Date: 11 lssued by: UW Legal STANDARD CONSULTING AGREEM ENT Form: SCC,A R2 -Ogl01l12# SCHEDULEA DESCRTPTTON OF CONSULTING SERVICES Provide descriotion of seruica. 12 lssued by: UW Legal STANDARD CONSULTING AGREEMENT Form: scGA R2 -03101112# SCHEDULE B COMPENSATIONiRATES Consultant agrees to apply a2Yo papent discount for all invoices paid within 15 Days. SEE ATTACHED STANDARD BILLING RATES are effectave November 13,2012- November 12,2013. The Billing Rates are to be adjusted annually and Gompany and Consultant agree the billing rates will increase by no more than 2o/o annuailly. Gompany and Consultant may mutually agree to extend the term of this Agreement up to two (2) additional one (1) year periods, if the parties agree, in writing, on the terms of such extension. lf the parties agree to extend the term of this Agreement the billing rates will increase by no more than 2% annually 13 lssued by: UW Legal STANDARD CONSU LTI NG AGREEMENT Form: scGA R2 -03t01t12# SCHEDULE C I NSURANCE REQUI REMENTS Tvpes Workers Compensation Employer's Liability Comprehensive Automobile Liability lnsurance Commercial General Liability lnsurance Umbrella Errors & Omissions Minimum Amounts Statutory $500,000 $1,000,000 per person $1,000,000 per accident $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate $2,000,000 over primary insurance $1,000,000 lnsurance shall be provided by companies licensed or authorized to provide coverage in the State where the Services are performed, and shall have a minimum A.M. Best rating of 'A-, Vll". All insurance except Errors & Omissions shall be on an occurrence form. Certificates of such insurance acceptable to Company shall state that coverage is primary and shall name Company as an additional insured on the Commercial General Liability, Automobile Liability and Umbrella lnsurance policies and shall be filed with Company prior to the commencement of the Services. These Certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be canceled until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to Company. 14 lssued by: UW Legal STANDARD CONSULTI NG AGREEM ENT Form: scGA R2 -O3t01112# [scneouu o SAFE WORK SITE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ORIENTATION SAFE WORK SITE (a) The Consultant shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, complying with all applicable Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) regulations, conforming with current practice as set forth in the Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction, published by the Associated General Contractors of America, lnc., and complying with the regulations of all other agencies having jurisdiction over safety and health. The Consultant shall provide evidence that its employees have been properly trained in accordance with applicable OSHA regulations. All equipment to be used by the Consultant in the performance of the Work shall conform to the hereinbefore-mentioned safety codes and shall be inspected by the Consultant for compliance with these codes on a regular basis. All employees of the Consultant shall be instructed as to the proper and safe use of all equipment to be used in the performance of the Work. Such equipment shall include, but not be limited to, scaffolding, ventilation equipment, safety belts, spray equipment, compressors, temporary lighting and sand blasting equipment and utility trucks. ln accordance with United Water's Contractor Health and Safety Orientation Program, all Consultants/vendors performing work on/at United Water facilities or assets are required to attend site-specific Contractor Health and Safety Orientation prior to the commencement of work (see Exhibit D-1). This orientation is required for all Consultant workers and subcontract workers who will be performing work for United Water. lt is recommended that all Consultant staff, including new employees and subcontractors, anticipated to be working for United Water attend the orientation, if not previously attended, as soon as possible following the execution of the contract (or as soon as the program is made available at the applicable company location). ln addition, Consultant and all Company-approved subcontractors shall follow and comply with the Company's Life Saving Rules as provided to Consultant and all subcontractors during the United Water Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Orientation (also referenced in the attached exhibit) which is mandatory for all Consultant and all Company-approved subcontractor employees working on UW sites and / or assets. (b) The Consultant shall give all notices and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the safety of persons or property for their protection from damage, injury or loss. (c) The Consultant shall erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and progress of the Work, all reasonable safeguards for safety and protection, including posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promulgating safety regulations and notifying owters and users of adjacent utilities. 15 lssued by: UW Legal STANDARD CONSU LTING AGREEMENT Form: scGA R2 -03101112 # (d) The Consultant shall comply with all federal and local laws regarding noise control. Mufflers, whispered compressors, and similar equipment when required by law, shall be used throu ghout the Consultarit's work. (e) The Consultant shall furnish temporary patching of any sidewalks, curbs, and streets as required for public safety and by governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof. (f) The Consultant shall provide sanitary conveniences for all employees on all parts of the Work. The Consultant shall take all precautions to insure that no nuisance be committed by his employees and to insure the observance of all local sanitary regulations or requirements of the Company Representative. (g) To prevent persons from injury and to avoid propefi damage, adequate barricades, traffic directional signs, construction signs, and guards shall be placed and maintained by Consultant during the progress of the work and until it is safe for traffic. (h) Policemen, watchmen and manual traffic directions shall be provided by the Consultant, unless otherwise agreed upon, whenever deemed advisable by the Company Representative or the civic authorities having jurisdiction, so that vehicular traffic will be kept moving safely. 16 STANDARD CONSULTI NG AGREEMENT EXHIBIT D-1 UW Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Orientation Program ln accordance with United Water's Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Orientation Program, all Consultants/vendors performing work oniat United Water facilities or assets are required to attend a site-specific Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Orientation prior to the commencement of work. This orientation is required for all Consultant workers and subcontract workers who will be performing work for the United Water business unit. lt is recommended that all Consultant staff anticipated to be working for United Water attend the orientation as soon as possible following the execution of the contract. lf new employees are hired or subcontractors are utilized, it will be the Consultant's responsibility to ensure that their employees andior their subcontractors' employees are notified timely and attend the orientation. Contractor Environment, Health and Safety Orientation will take approximately half an hour. ln order to schedule a time for all Consultant employees to complete this orientation, please contact the United Water location representative. Additionally, please notify your employees who will be attending the orientation to bring picture LD to the orientation site. The Contractor Orientation Coordinator will ask to see l.D. and will not administer orientation unless a proper l.D. is presented. Upon completion of the orientation, the Consultant employee will be provided with a laminated United Water Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Orientation l.D. card. All Consultant employees should carry the Environmental, Health and Safety l.D. card at all times when working for United Water and present the card when requested by United Water staff. Please note that Consultant employees will not he allowed to proceed with work unless they can provide a valid Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Orientation l.D. card. The orientation is valid for two years and will need to be taken again once expired. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Contractor EHS Orientation Coordinator or your United Water location representative for further assistance. Thank you for your antici pated cooperation. 17 lssued by: UW Legal STANDARD CONSU LTI NG AGREEMENT Form: scGA R2 - O3lO1l12 # SCHEDULE E SPECIAL CONDITIONS ADDITIONAL INDEM NIFICATION When the Consultant is performing work for one of Company's contract clients, the insurance and indemnification obligations of the Consultant to the Company shall also extend to the contract client contract client (i.e. public-private, municipal and industrial partnerships and other operations assistance contracts), whether such client is a municipality and/or municipal utilities authority, with the contract client being named as an additional indemnitee and an additional insured on all insurance policies. NON.EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT It is understood that there is no exclusivity in as far as Consultant is not guaranteed to receive all work being performed or contemplated by Company. lt is at Company's discretion to which opportunities it presents to Consultant.l 18 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW!-W-15-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 66: Please describe the Company's proposal review process for engineering design services including whether the proposals are reviewed by individuals, a committee composed of Company staff or management, and whether specific review criteria are applied. lf review criteria are applied, please explain whether these criteria are included as part of the 'requests for proposals' and, if not, please provide a copy. Please provide a copy of the most recent 'requests for proposals.' RESPONSE NO.66: The proposal review process for engineering design consists of: Developing scope of work and deliverables Developing consultant requirements Preparing the request for proposals and delivering to consultants Receiving proposals from consultants Reviewing proposals and determining most advantageous consultant The proposals are reviewed by a committee and the scores of each committee member, based on the pre-defined review criteria are collected and tabulated. The proposal review criteria are included in the request for proposal (RFP). See "Response No. 66 - "2013 Master Plan Update-RFP.pdf' and "Response No. 66 - Bogus Basin Reservoir Design-RFP.pdf' Response No. 66 - zOLg Master Plan Update-RFP.pdf UNITED WATER IDAHO 2013 MASTER PIAN UPDATE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAT I. Introduction United Water ldaho (Company) is seeking engineering consultant services for the update of its water system Master Plan. The water system serves 75,500 residential, 8,450 commercial & public authority and 1,650 fire protection customers, within its 155 square mile service area boundary. The system consists of 2 surface water treatment plants, 85 active wells, 44 booster stations, 34 water storage tanks and 1,220 miles of water main. II. ResponsibilitiesofConsultant The Consultant shall conduct the necessary investigations, information review and analyses to provide a thorough summary of the water system's current status and actions necessary to meet future demands over a 20-year planning horizon. The investigations, information review and analyses shall comply with the Facility Plan rules and standards set forth by the ldaho Department of Environmental Quality in its ldaho Rules for Drinking Water Systems. As part of the analysis, Consultant shall create a steady state model of the existing system. The model shall become the property of United Water. lf Consultant purchases modeling software (license) specifically for this project, that license will become the property of United Water at the conclusion of the project. I[. Available Data & Reports The following data and reports are available upon request from the successful bidder: L. Projected population growth by service level for the planning horizon. 2. Projected average and maximum day demands by service level for the planning horizon. 3. ESRI ArcGlS under-ground asset as-built system: snopped arcs (pressurized mains)& nodes fiunctions by defoult), isolation valve symbols and unsnapped service connections & groupings (demand) geodatabase. 4. lnfor EAM above-ground asset CMMS supplemented with hard copy legacy files 5. GIS above-ground facility hard copy packets, e.g. construction drawings, as- builts, transducer heights above finished floors/below ground, etc. 5. GE Fanuc HMI/SCADA control & Proficy Historian data collection systems 7. Maximum production day without EnerNOC-ldaho Power events 8. Storage tank and clearwell characteristics (spreadsheet) 9. A summary of the Company's water rights, 10. A summary of the Company's cross-connection control program, 11. A summary of the Company's conservation and public outreach programs. 12. Previous Master Plan(s). 13. Current Capital Expenditure Plan. 14. The Company has an existing extended simulation water model for the majority of the existing system. The Company will, upon written request from the successful bidder, provide extended simulation model runs to facilitate system analysis, where feasible with the existing model. ry. Scope of Work The firm that is selected by the Company shall perform, at a minimum, the following tasks for this project: L. Communicate regularly with Company staff regarding project issues via telephone, electronic mail, fax, and post mail. 2. Attend meetings as described in Section lV below. All meetings shall be presented and/or facilitated by the Consultant. 3. Prepare and submit bi-weekly progress reports to the Company. 4. Comprehensively review available data and reports as stated above. 5. ldentify data gaps that will affect preparation of the Plan. Collaborate with Company staff or perform necessary investigation and field work to obtain data needed for modeling and analysis associated with preparing the Plan. 6. ldentify regulatory agencies that are affected by or have a direct interest in this master plan. Communicate with regulators to receive and address input and concerns that may affect the Plan. Consultant and Company will meet with DEQ for scope verification, progress meetings, and review of documentation. The goal is to minimize effort to the extent possible while meeting DEQ requirements. 7. Develop and calibrate a complete steady state water system model, utilizing the most current version of WaterGems, of the existing water system with sufficient detail to identify hydraulic constraints and to predict pipe flows, fire flows, static and dynamic system pressures, well demands, and reservoir levels. 8. Project annual and seasonal, average and peak, water supply demands for the each service zone and in total through each year of the planning horizon. 9. Project water supply capacity under normal operating conditions in each service zone and in totalthrough each year of the planning horizon. 10. Analyze the Company's water rights and permits in conjunction with the operational characteristics and patterns of the respective sources, determine allowable operationalscenarios based on available rights and identify any problematic constraints. 11. Project reliability and emergency operation requirements in each service zone and in totalthrough each year of the planning horizon based on IDAPA 12. ldentify any current or projected future deficiencies in water supply capacity and/or water storage needs for the Company in each service zone and in total through each year of the planning horizon. 13. Run the model for average and peak operating demands for existing conditions and the future scenarios identified above and identify any areas of deficient flow or pressure in the system. The Company's service pressure standard for normal operating conditions is not less than 40 psi at the point of service. 14. Program and execute a series of fire flow model scenarios, for existing conditions and the future scenarios identified above, assuming fire flows at various locations throughout the system. Locations will be geographically distributed to sufficiently evaluate all areas of the system and selected in collaboration with Company staff. Compare results with required fire flows at each location, respectively, and identify any deficiencies. 15. ldentify the discreet system improvements needed to correct the deficiencies identified above. lndicate the estimated cost of each proposed improvement. 15. Prepare a map of the water system and summary tables indicating the locations, functional data (size, capacity, material, etc), estimated costs and implementation timeframes of the improvements proposed above. 17. Recommend system preservation measures to prevent system deficiencies that will occur due to system aging (identified above), if preventable; and/or operational or administrative practices or policies to offset those deficiencies. 18. ldentify system replacement or rehabilitation that will be required within the planning horizon to correct non-preventable deficiencies due to system aging within the planning horizon. 19. Assess current and probable future drinking water quality regulations that will affect the operation and maintenance of the water system through the planning horizon. ldentify improvements, if any, which will be required to meet water quality requirements and estimate capital costs as well as annual operational and maintenance costs associated with these improvements. 20. Prepare a draft "United Water ldaho Water Master Plan" (the "Plan")that compiles and presents the analyses and findings derived above. See Section V for an outline of the minimum Plan document requirements. Provide six (6) hard- copies to Company and number required by regulatory agencies. 21. Meet with Company staff to submit the draft Plan and present an oral summary of the study and its findings. 22. Distribute copies of the draft Plan to regulatory agencies and receive comments. 23. Following review of the draft by the Company and regulatory agencies, meet with Company staff to discuss and make revisions. 24. Provide six (5) hard-copies of the finalized Plan and two (2) digital copies in Adobe Acrobat format on USB flash drive. At this time, no Environmental lmpact Document work is included in the scope of services. V. Deliverables The Consultant shall provide the following products associated with the Water Master Plan project: 1. Bi-weekly progress reports submitted to the Company's project manager. 2. WaterGEMS water model fully developed and calibrated for the water system, with the completed model files. lf Consultant purchases modeling software (license) specifically for this project, that license will become the property of United Water at the conclusion of the project. Six (6) copies of the draft Plan for Company review and required number of copies distributed to the regulatory agencies. The Plan shall, as a minimum, contain the following Sections or modified sections as agreed upon by the Company and Consultant: a. Table of Contents b. List of Figures c. List of Tables d. Executive Summary e. Goals and Objectives f. Water System Background and Overview g. Water Demand and Supply Analysis h. Modeling Parameters, Scenarios, Analysis and Results i. Regulatory Analysis j. Proposed Capital lmprovement Plan, Costs, Priorities, and Phasing k. Proposed Replacement and Rehabilitation Program, Costs, Priorities, and Phasing. l. Proposed Water Quality lmprovement and Operational Plans, Costs, Priorities, and Phasing. Six (5) hard copies of the finalized Plan. Two (2) digital copies of the finalized Plan in Adobe Acrobat format on USB flash drive. 4. 5. VI. Meetings The Consultant shall be required to attend, as a minimum, a study kickoff meeting, an initial meeting with IDEQ, monthly progress meetings, a draft Plan submission meeting, and a draft Plan review meeting. Additional meetings may be required, as needed, for collaboration and information sharing between Consultant and Company and to resolve unforeseen issues or to discuss problematic study obstacles that arise. VII. Contracting, Fees The selected consultant will enter into an agreement with the Company for these services with the fee stipulated as a "Not-To-Exceed" fee. See attached consulting agreement. VIII. Proposal Format The proposal shall contain the following: 1. A cover letter affirming your firm's interest in performing these services and confirming your primary contact person for this project (with his/her phone number and email address). 2. A section identifying the individuals that will be assigned to the project. Provide information pertaining to their experience as it relates to this project, their anticipated role in this project, and their projected availability for the duration of the project. Provide information indicating the extent to which the individuals proposed for the project have worked together as a team on similar projects. lnclude information indicating team's specific experience with United Water ldaho's system. Detailed resumes may be submitted as an appendix to the proposal. 3. A project approach and understanding section. This section should address what your firm understands as the requirements for the project, what the major issues specific to this project are, and give a proposed approach to complete the tasks necessary to complete the master plan. Additionally, provide the level of effort, measured in person-hours, to complete each task. 4. A section consisting of a complete schedule, in Gantt chart format, incorporating all tasks under the Scope of Work or tasks as modified by the Consultant's project approach. Consultant shall assume two weeks review time for the draft plan by Company. 5. A cost proposalto complete the master plan. The cost proposal shall include a total project cost and a breakdown of the total cost by task. IX. Selection Criteria Selection of the Consultant will be based on the following criteria: Qualifications of Team 15 pts. Experience and qualifications of the individuals assigned to the project in performing similar work; demonstrated abilities of the individuals' in their assigned roles, education, training, and credentials. Experience of individuals assigned working as a team on similar projects and with United Water ldaho. Project Approach and Understanding 40 pts Consultants understanding of issues facing Company and approach to mitigating those issues through the master plan. Consultants approach to model creation and utilization. Project Schedule 15 pts Timely completion of the master plan project. Demonstrated understanding of time required for completion of tasks. Cost Proposal 30 pts X. Questions Pertaining to RFP Substantive questions regarding this RFP must be submitted in writing to Dan Brown at theaddressaboveorat@notlessthanfivedayspriorto the deadline for submitting proposals. XI. Submission of Proposal The Consultant shall deliver, at or before 3:00 PM, May 13, 2013, four (4) copies of the Proposalto the Company's general office: L, 2. 3. 4. Attn: Daniel Brown, P.E. United Water ldaho 8248 W. Victory Road Boise, ldaho 83709 XII. Companycontacts: Da niel Brown, P.E., 362-7 331, dan. brown @ u nitedwater.com Roger G reaves, P .E., 362-7 345, roge r.greaves @ u n ited wate r.com Xm. Miscellaneous United Water ldaho reserves the right to reject any and all proposals as it deems in the best interest of Company. United Water ldaho will not reimburse consultants for costs incurred pertaining to the preparation of proposals for this project. Response No. 66 - Bogus Basin Reservoir Design-RFP.pdf REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL DESIGN FOR THE BOGUS BASIN RESERVOIR APRIL 12,2012 INTRODUCTION United Water Idaho (the Company), through this Request for Proposal (RFP), is soliciting Proposals from invited firms (the Consultant) to provide desigrr services for the new 300,000 gallon Bogus Basin Reservoir, as described in the attached draft Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). The desigr services shall include the following tasks: o Tank construction plans, . Specifications, r Bidding assistance, o Constructionsupport, o Final proJect certification. These tasks are described in more detail later in this RFP. Proposers are requested to submit a Proposal that is complete and responsive to the requirements of this RFP on or before 3:00 PM, April27,20l2. This RFP requests the proposal not to exceed l0 pages in length, include a brief staternent of the Proposer's qualifications for reinforced cast-in-place water tank desigrr, experience in the design of similar projects and a pricing proposal. The selection will be based upon the experience, pricing proposal and the design completion schedule, i.e., when plans and specifications are ready for submission to DEQ and the Boise City Building Departrnent for review. United Water Idaho will be the Owner and will provide financing of the Bogus Basin Reservoir project. BACKGROUI\D United Water Idaho is planning the2012 construction of the new Bogus Basin 300,000 gallon reservoir. This project will replace the existing 130,000 gallon reservoir serving the lowest pressure zone of The Highlands. The new reservoir will be located on the west side of Cartwright Road and about 800 feet north of Bogus Basin Road. The existing reservoir and new reservoir site is on an easernent. The underlying and adjacent property owner is the LDS Church. AVAILABLE DATA AND REPORTS The following data and reports are available and included as attachments to this RFP: o Draft of Preliminary Engineering Report, currently under review by DEQ, o the PER includes the Conditional Use Permit approval documentation from the City of Boise, o it also includes the preliminary soils report as required for the Hillside Application Permit and the Conditional Use Permit, o United Water ldaho's Standard Consulting Contract, The geotechnical report for the site should be available to the successful Proposer by the time the engineering services contract is executed. The on-site borings and soil sampling work have been completed. SCOPE OF SERVICES The successful Proposer/Consultant shall perform the following tasks: Task 1: Tank Construction Plans - Final desigrr shall include final construction drawings of a conventional, circular cast-in-place concrete tank with a flat concrete roof, interior support columns and footings. Tank drawings shall include the following: o Concrete tank construction drawings. o Sub-base prep for tank and yard piping to ten feet outside the tank. Yard piping is assumed to be ductile iron pipe. Pipe diameters to be coordinated with the Company.o Overflow, drain, influent and effluent line location and sizing shall be coordinated with the Company.o Tank/Site drainage plan, includes capturing onsite storm water from tank and relaying it to the new overflow pond.. Consultant shall coordinate with Company on electrical and controls; it is assumed a high/low level sensor and/or float will be required and will be specified per Company's design and/or recommendations. lntegration with control systern will be performed by the Company. Any valving required within ten feet of footprint of the tank for inlet and outlet pipes shall be coordinated with the Company. Tank plans and structural calculations shall be stamped by a licensed Structural Engineer. The structural set of plans shall be submitted to City of Boise building department for Building Permit. Tank shall incorporate Conditional Use Permit (CUP) approval requirements and hillside application permit. The access road and piping to and from the reservoir will be designed by the Company and will not be included in construction documents. Drawings will not include any pipeline work greater than ten feet from the outside the tank footprint. A complete set of Consultant's construction plans shall be sent to DEQ for review and approval. Consultant shall respond to DEQ review comments. Design meetings will be held with the Company to discuss desigrr and review progress; a minimum of threc meetings should be included for budgeting purposes. Task 2: Specifications - The Consultant shall provide technical specifications only. The Company will provide front end documents including contract and bidding provisions. Specifications shall be coordinated with the Company. Specifications will only reference iterns desigrred by the Consultant and up to ten feet beyond tank footprint. A complete set of Consultant's technical specifications shall be sent to DEQ for review and approval. Consultant will respond to DEQ review comments. Task 3: Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost - At the conclusion of the desigrr work the Consultant shall provide the Company its opinion of the construction cost for the project. Task 3: Bidding Assistance - The Consultant shall provide bidding assistance to the Company by responding to Contractor's inquires through the Company. The Company will produce addenda, and conduct the pre-bid meeting. The Consultant shall attend pre-bid meeting and walkthrough at site. The Consultant shall print and distribute technical bidding documents for up to three contractors. The Company will review bids and select Contractor. Task 4: Construction Administration Support - The Consultant shall provide construction administation and support for the duration of the contract time established in the bid documents (anticipated to be 4 months). The Consultant shall attend a pre-construction meeting along with regular construction meetings to be held bi-monthly. For budgeting purposes eight meetings should be included. The consultant shall respond to ItFI's and review shop drawing submittals, assist the Company with preparation of change orders and field directives. The Consultant will not provide special inspection and testing of materials (Contractor will be required to provide these services in bidding documents). However, the Consultant shall be required to perform inspections as necessary to certiff that the reservoir has been completed according to the plans and specifications. Consultant shall coordinate with the Company for regular field inspection. The Company will provide the day to day field inspection with the Consultant providing assistance on a weekly basis. Eight site visits above and beyond the construction meetings have been included. The Company will alert the Consultant of milestones to be established during the pre-construction meeting. Consultant shall review contractor's record drawings and provide a set record drawings to the Company. No operation and maintenance manual will be required as part of this scope. The Consultant shall, within 30 days of the conclusion of the construction, submit the required documentation to DEQ to certify the project was completed according to the approved plans and specifications. PRICE PROPOSAL United Water Idaho requests that each proposal include the following: r Theproposed engineering cost broken down bytask,o Schedule ofhourly billing rates for the personnel assigned to this project,o An estimate of the direct pass{hrough costs plus markup.