HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150626UWI to Staff 3,5,6,12,13,16-22.pdf(208) 343-7s00 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) McDevitt & Miller LLPLavyers lirl r ,ji.iij i ; 420 West Bannock Steet ;t . .,_ ,p.O. Box ZS64_9370t iir_i r'i - ; , : Boise,Idaho 83702 Jruurre26,2075 Fli 2; 20 i , il .;, 'Chas. F. McDevitt DeanJ. (oe) Miller Celeste I( Millet Yia llaad Delivery & US Mail JeanJewell, Sectetary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,Idaho 83720 Re: U$7I-W-15-01 Deat Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing, please find a copy of United Water I.laho's Response to Commission Staffs Fitst Ptoduction Requests No's 3,5,6,72,73,76,77,18, 19, 20,27 urd22. Response to Request No. 21 is also provided in electonic format on an enclosed disk. Kindly retum a file stamped copy to me. Very Truly Yours, McDevitt & Miller LLP B,#.,!.illru. b.6-ilt\ DJM/hh Cc: United !7ater Idaho, Inc. ORIGINAL Dean J. Miller (lSB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, lD 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax 208.336.6912 ioe@mcdevitt-m i I ler. com Attomey for United Water ldaho lnc. ?fiii iil;i 2; Ptt it: ilO :- ' ' I',. , .- ,..,lll_.ll,.i:: ,' i. -: , BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION lN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION I Gase No. UW-W-15-01 OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORIry TO INCREASE ITS RATES I UNITED WATER IDAHO'S AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVIGE I RESPONSE TO FIRST IN THE STATE OF IDAHO PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF United Water ldaho lnc., ("United Wate/) by and through its undersigned attorneys, hereby submits its Responses to the Commission Staffs First Production Request No's 3, 5, 6, 12, 13, 16, 17 , 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22. DATED this -u.t' day of June, 2015 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. ,,,0N ul.l-- Dean J. Miller (lSB No. 1968) Attomey for United Water ldaho lnc. UNITED WATER IDAHO'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COiiMISSION STAFF. l CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the sldtay of June, 2015 method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the Jean Jewell, Secretary Hand Delivered ldaho Public Utilities Commission U.S. Mail 472 West Washington Street Fax to be served, via the document, upon: P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 iiewell@puc.state. id. us Donald L. Howell, ll Daphne Huang Deputy Attomey General ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 don. howell@puc. idaho.sov daphne. huano@puc. idaho.qov Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, aD 83702 bmpurdv@hotmail.com Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email LJ ra (. tJ tr ev,$rffhflr twU,U,il/,n+ McDevrr & Mrrren LLP u UNITED WATER IDAHO'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMM|SSNN STAFF.2 , I caused foregoing +( l UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW!-W-15-01 Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Roger Greaves REQUEST NO. 3: Please break out the $3,644,000 in CIAC shown in Greaves' Exhibit No. 2 by project lD. RESPONSE NO. 3: The $3,644,000 shown in Exhibit No. 3 is a forecast amount that represents two CIAC items. The first amount, $2,844,000, is the forecast of the contributions received from land developers. lt is not possible to break this number down by project, as the CIAC is calculated for each individual project at the time it is initiated by the developer. ln general the project lD is C15D300 - Developer Extensions. The second amount, $800,000, represents a reimbursement of costs from ldaho Transportation Department for the Broadway Bridge Replacement Project. To facilitate the replacement of the bridge, United Water must relocate our existing water main. ldaho Transportation Department is going to reimburse United Water for the majority of the costs of the relocation. The project lD is C15D701 - Broadway River Crossing. These forecasted amounts were estimates at the time of filing. The actual amounts will be updated throughout the pro forma period. n!.i t. 4 tI t; {, {_l UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE uwt-w-ls-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt REQUEST NO.5: Please provide details explaining the safety and compliance training goals for the Company's Non- Exempt lncentive Program, as mentioned in Cary's Direct Testimony on page 4, and show how much incentive bonus was applied to each criteria. RESPONSE NO.5: The Company's Non-Exempt lncentive Program recognizes the efforts of non-exempt employees in contributing to the success of the Company's environmental health and safety performance. The target award for non-exempUnon-union employees is 3% of productive earnings. Payment is calculated based on percent of target accomplishment multiplied by the employee's total productive earnings for the calendar year. Productive Earnings are defined as: Earnings for all hours an employee is paid for (including regular time, overtime, rest time, stand-by, emergency, holidays (incl. floaters), vacation, bereavement, and jury duty) excluding sick time (paid/unpaid), STD, LTD, Worker's Compensation, personal time (unpaid) and FML time. The program is based on the following measurements for each Business Unit: EHS Activities 1.0% Required Training 1.0o/o EHS Performance 1.0o/o EHS ACTIVITIES: Each employee must participate in two (2) EHS Activities on an annual basis. EHS Activities are defined as: . Participating and/or conducting formal EHS safety inspections. Submitting an actionable and verified near miss, unsafe working conditions, or EHS improvement suggestion. Participating and/or conducting a Job Safety Analysisr Participating and/or conducting a formal EHS Risk Assessmento Completion of a EHS self-assessment and/or surveyo Participating in an approved EHS Corporate managed initiative deemed part of this program REQUIRED TRAINING: Complete and maintain assigned required training according to specified timeframes. Each employee is expected to review and maintain compliance with the required training as indicated by their position and on their individual Training Needs Assessment (TNA), if applicable, by the assigned date. Employees must successfully complete the training assessment. EHS PERFORMANCE: Meet or exceed Division/Business Unit's year end results for EHS as follows: e Recordable injury rates. Avoidable incidents. Training hours - Suez annual target UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. GASE UWI-W-I5-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt REQUEST NO.6: Please provide the latest bargaining agreements for the bargaining employees. RESPONSE NO. 6: The latest bargaining agreement for the bargaining employees of Local 296 is enclosed as file named "Request No. 6 2014-2019 CBA_ Local 296.pdf'. United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15{1 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 't of 35 AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. AND THE UNITED ASSOCIATION OFJOURNEYMEN ANO APPRENTICES OF THE PLUMBING AND PIPE FITTING INDUSTRY OFTHE UNITED STATES AND CANADA U.A. LOCAL UNION 296 EFFECTIVE IULY 29, 2014 THROUGH MARCH 31, 2019 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 2 of 35 ARTICLE 1, AGREEMENT ARTICLE 2, WITNESSETH Table of Contents ............................,... 3 ARTTCLE 3, RECOGNITION OF THE UNION.. ......,............... s ARTICLE 4, UNION MEMBERSHIP..... ARTICLE 5, MANAGEMENT RIGHTS.. ARTICLE 6, NO STRIKE - NO LOCKOUT ,..',...............,......... 8 ARTICLE 9, SENIORIW ARTICLE 10, WAGE RATES & PAYDAY5........... ...;.,....,.,, 13 ARTTCLE 11, HOURS OF WORK r..r.......!,!..r1.r.t...r....r.....r.... 16 ARnCLE 13, VACATIONS. ARTTCLE 14, HOLIDAYS ARTICTE 15, DISCHARGE & DISCIPLINE ........... 20 ARTICLE 17, MEAL ALLOWANCE........-........ 22 ARTICLE 18, FUNERAL LEAVE ARTTCLE 19, PERSONAT LEAVES & FAMTLY LEAVE........,..... ........,......,....24 ARTTCLE 20, S|CK |EAVE. ARTTCLE 21, JURY DUTY .........,,............. 26 ARTICLE 22, GROUP BENEFIT P14NS.......,....... .............. 27 ARTTCLE 23, SAFETY, PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, AND UNIFORMS ....,..,.,.... 28 ARTrCtf 24, IEGAIrY 19 ARTTCLE 25, MISCELIANEOUS.... AGREEMENT: UWI and Local296 (luly 29,2014 to March 31,2019)Pagc 2 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'|5-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 3 of 35 ART1CLE 1 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered lnto this 29n day of July, 20t4, bV and between UNITED WATER IDAHO lNC., herelnafter referred to as the 'Company", and UNITED ASSOCIATION OF JOURNEYMEN AND APPRENTICES OF TllE PTUMBING AND PIPE FTTflNG INDUSTRY OF THE UNITEO STATES AND CANADA, UA. LOCAL UNION 296, hereinafter referred to as the iUnlon', relatlng to terms and condltlons of employment by the company, shall be ln effect from July 29,20L4, untll mldnlght March 31, 2019, and shall contlnue ln full force and effect from year to year thereafter, unless wrltten notlce ls glven by elther party hereto to the other on or before slxty (50) days prlor to the explratlon date, requestlng that the Agreement be amended or cancelled. Any portlon of thls Agreement may be changed at any tlme when mutually aBreed upon by the Unlon and the Company, AGREEMENT: UWl and Local 296 (July 29, 2014 to March 3 l, 2019)Page 3 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 4 of 35 ARNCLE 2 WITNESSETH: WHEREAS it ls the lntent and purpose of thls Agreement to promote and lmprove industrlal and economic relatlons between the Company and its employees; and WHEREAS lt ls recognlred by the partles hereto that the Cornpany ls engaged ln providing an essential publlc service whici vitally affects the health, safety, comfort and general well-belng of the people supplled wlth water servlce by the Company; and WHEREAS the very existence of the Company ls dependent upon carrylng out lts obllgatlons and responsibilltles to the publlc serve4 whlch responslbllitles to the publlc are a mutual responslblllty of the employees and the Company, requlrlng that any dlsputes that may arlse between them shall be settled ln an orderly manner without lnterruptlon of the company's seNicei NOW THEREFORE, lt ls agre€d as follows: AGREEMENT: UWI and L,ocal 296 (July 29, 20 I 4 to lvlarch 3 I , 20 I 9)Page 4 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 5 of 35 ARTICLE 3 RECOGNITION OF THE UNION Section3.1. TheCompanyrecognizestheUnionasthesoleandexcluslvebargainlngagentforall employees ln the job classiflcations listed in Article 10 of this Agreement of the United Water ldaho lnc. located at 8248 W. Vlctory Road, Bolse, ldaho 83709 ln matters whlch are properly the subJect of collectlve bargaining, as set forth ln the Natlonal tabor Relatlons Act, excluding all offlce, clerlcal and professlonal employees, guards, watchmen and supervisors, as defined ln the National Labor Relatlons Board Case No 19'RC-6903, datedJanuary L8,1974. Section 3.2. The Company shall have the rlSht to create new classlflcatlons from tlme to tlme as the Company determlnes to be deslrable or necessary, When the Company creates a new classificatton wlthln the bargaining unlt, the Company wlll notlfy the Unlon and enter lnto negotlatlons for the purpose of determlnlng a wage rate for the new classlficatlon, When the newclasslflcatlon rate has been agreed upon, the agreement shall be reduced to written form, slgned by the partles hereto and made a part hereof as an amendment to thls Agreement. Section3,3, Pendlngcompletlonofnegotlatlonswlthrespecttosuchwagerate,theCompanyshallseta temporary rate. Sectlon 3,4. When the Company and the Union reach agreement on the new wage rate for the new classification, lt shall be retroactlve to the date when the classificatlon was flrst temporarlly establlshed, unless another date shall have been agreed upon. Sectlon 3.5. No work shall be considered the exclusive right of any employee or classlficatlon of employees, except as speclflcally provlded ln the followlnE Sectlons of thls Agreement. sectlon 3.6, The Company speclflcally retalns the rlght to subcontract work, subject only to the provislon that present actlve employees who perform simllar work for the company shall not be employed on less than a forty (40) hour week schedule. Section 3.7. lf a subcontractor ls performlng work normally performed by unlt employees, and a layoff ls anticipated, the Company shall exert every effort to preserve the affected unlt work wlth the thought in mlnd of keeplng the employees on the Job, and a representatlve of the Company shall meet with the unlon representatlves to dlscuss alternatlves. Sactlon 3.8, ln the event that some employees are ln a layoff status, the Company shall meet with the Unlontodiscusstheaffectedunltemployeesbelngrecalledlnaccordancewlththesenlorltylist, Thlsappllesto the Company's decislon to subcontract work normally performed by bargalning unit employees. AGREEMENTI UWI and Local296 (July 29,2014 to March 31,2019)Page 5 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 6 of 35 ARTICLE 4 UNION MEMBERSHIP section4.1. ltisrecoBnlzedbythepartlesheretothatthe"RlghttoWork"lawoftheStateofldaho(lc U-zo0l through 2011) provldes that no person shall be denied the opportunity to obtaln or retain employment because of nonmembership in a labor organlzatlon and prohlbits anyone from compelllng any person to Joln a labor organization. New employees will be provlded the alternatlve to loin or not join the Unlon before the end of thirty (30) days of continuous employment. Section 4.2. The parties recognize the rights of all employees covered by this Agreement to joln, not join, malntaln or drop their membershlp in the Unlon as they see flt. Nelther party shall cause or attempt to cause any discrlminatlon against the employee as regards such rnatters. Sectlon 4.3. The Union shall provlde a slgned unlon dues deduction authorlzation form for each member. During the term ofthls Agreement, the Company shall deduct from the employees' wages, who so elect, the amounts speclfled by the duly authorized offlcer ofthe Union and shall transmlt the amounts to the financial secretary of Local 296. Authorlzations shall remaln ln effect untll such time as wrltten notice is recelved revoking the withholding of unlon dues, fees or assessrnents. The Company shall notify Local 296 ln writlng within ten (10) days of receipt of: (1) hirine of employee(s) covered by thls Agreement; (2) layoff or termination of employee(s) covered by thls Agreement. AGREEMENT: UWI and Local 296 (July 29,2014 to March 3 I , 2019) Page 6 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 7 of 35 ARTICLE 5 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Section5.1. TheCompanyretalnstheexcluslverlghttomanagethebusinessoftheCompanyandto direct the working force, Thls right lncludes, but ls not llmlted to, the rlght to: plan, dlrect and control all productlon and servlce actlvitles; establlsh, modlfo and ellmlnate fadlltles, methods of operation and work practlcesj dlscontlnue the performance of sny operatlon by employees; determlne the number and classlflcatlons of employees requlred; and except as expressly modlfled by speclflc provislons ofthis Agreement, the rl8ht to select hire, asslgn, promote, transfer, dlsclpllng suspend or dlscharge employees for Just and proper ciruse or to lay off for lack of work; the ri3ht to determlne the equlpment, machlnery, devlces and tools to be used, AGREEMENT: UWI and Local 296 (July 29, 2014 to March 3 l, 2019)Page 7 United Water ldaho Case U\M-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 8 of 35 ARTICLE 6 NO STRIKE - NO LOCKOUT Section 6.1, The Company and the Union belng in agreement that the way in which to preserve Job securlty, Increase Jobs and improve the welfare of the workers ls to increase the good will and prosperity of the business, and that this ls accomplished in large part through prompt. courteous, interested, loyal and complete seNlce to the public on the part of employees, and lt being to the combined lnterest of the Company, the Union and the employ€es that the business of the Cornpany shall conunue wlthout lnterruptlon, the Company and the Union agree as follows, (a) The Union agrees that there shall be no strikes, walkouts, stoppage or slowdown of work, boycotts, plcketing, or other interference wlth any of the operations of the Crmpany or any employee's nelghborhood durlng the term of this Agreement or any mutually agreed extenslon of thls Agreement, (b) The Company agrees that there shall be no lockouts durlng the term of this Agreement or durlng a mutually agreed upon specifled extenslon ofthis ABreement, (c) The foregolng undertaking of the Union ls bindlng upon lts offlcers, agents, stewards, commltteemen and other representatives who are obllgated not to cause or condone any of the prohlblted actlvlty and who are obligated to take affirmatlve actlon to prevent or halt any such activlty on the part of any employee, Fallure of any such representatlve who ls an employee to carry out thls obligatlon shall be subject to discharge or other disciplinary action on that account. Unlon ofllclals shall not be lndlvidually liabla for the lmproper acts of other bargainlng unit members. The company and the Unlon agree to cooperate fully in the effort to prevent or halt tllegal and lmproper acts covered by this Sectlon. Partlclpatlon by any employee ln any of the prohiblted activity shall bejust cause for discharge or other dlsclpllnary actlon. AGREEMENT: UWI and Local 296 (Iuly 29,2014 to March 31,2019)Page 8 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page g of 35 ARTICLE 7 DISCRIMINATION Section7,1. TheCompanyandtheUnlonagreethatneltherparty,noranyofthelrrepresentatives,shall intimldate, coerce, lnterfere with or discrlmlnate against any employee because of any matter related to union membershlp or proper actlvlty on its behalf. Sectlon7,2. NeithertheCompanynortheUnlonshalldiscrlmlnateagainstanyemployeebecauseofrace, creed, religion, color, natlonal orlgln, age, sex, disablllty or any other characterlstlc protected by applicable federal state or local laws, References to one gender ln this Agreement lnclude lndlvlduals of both Benders. section 7.3. The Union agrees that there shall be no sollcltatlon of employees for unlon membershlp or dues during worklng hours nor other Union actlvitles, except ln connectlon wlth the negotlation or adjustment of grlevances to whlch the Company may consent, Vlolatlon of thls provlslon shall result ln progresslve dlsclpllnary action. Sectlon 7.4. Authorized representatlves of the Unlon may be permltted access to Company work locatlons durlng working hours with the permlssion of the local manaBer to dlscuss unlon-related business, provlded lt do€s not unnecessarlly interfere wlth the conduct of the Company's buslness. AGREEMEN'I: UWt and l,ocal296 (July 29, 2014 to March 3 l, 2019) Page 9 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 10 of35 ARTICLE 8 ADJUSTMENT OF COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES Section 8.1. For the purpose ofrepresentlng lts members, the Union shall designate certain employees as stewards who shall also serve as the grievance committee, The Unlon shall fulnlsh the Company with the names of such employees and shall promptly notlfy the Company of any changes in asslgnment, Members of the grievance commlttee shall be afforded time off with pay for the purpose of attending grlevance meetlngs, as outlined ln thls article. Sectlon 8.2. Each employee ls encouraged to discuss complaints and problems wlth the employee's lmmedlate supervisor and,lor department manager with the aid of a steward, lf deslred. Employee(s) sholl havc an opportunlty to discuss the complalnt or problem with the shop steward prior to meetlng wlth the employee's lmrnedlate supervlsor and/or department manager. Section 8.3. lf a grievance or mlsunderstanding shall arise as to the meanlng or application of thls Agreement or compllance wlth lts provlsions, an earnest effort shall be made to settle the matter promptly as follows: First Steo, Between the aggrieved employee(s) and the supervlsor and/or department manager. Thls step may be taken durlng scheduled worklng hours. The Brlevance may be discussed wlth or put lnto wrltten form and presented to and/or dlscussed with the supervisor and/or department manager wlth the ald of e steward lf desired wlthln seven (7) working days of the event whlch caused the grlevance. lf not settled wlthln two (2) worklng days after belng presented at this step, the grievance shall be put in writlng, dated, and slgned, and presented whhin three (3) additional working days to the company General Manager. Second Steo. Between the grlevance commlttee, the aggrleved employee, Company General Manager, and other representatlves of the Company. The Company General Manager shall respond ln wrltlng wlthln flve (5) worklngdaysfromdateofsubmlsslon, lfnotsettledlnthlsstepthegrlevanceshallthenberesubmlttedwithln seven (71 worklng days to the Company General Manager. Thlrd Steo. The Company General Manager shall withln five (5) worklng days after belng presented wlth notice that the grlevance ls not settled, set up a tlme and place mutually acceptable by the Company and Unlon to conduct a conference for the purpose of attemptlng to settle said grievance. Thls conference shall be between the grlevance cornmlttee and the Unlon's local business manager, or the local business manager's representatlve, and the Company General Manager, or the General Manage/s representative, lfthe lssue ls not settled wlthln seven (71 worklng days after belng referred to thls step, the grlevance may be referred within ten (101 additional worklng days to arbltratlon, Sectlon 8.4. lf the conference provlded for ln Step Three fails to result ln adjustment of the grlevance, elther party shall have the right within ten (10) worklng days to request in writing that the grlevance be submitted to arbltratlon. Thereupon, wlthln a perlod of ten (10) days after such request, a representative of the company and Unlon shall request a list of arbitrators from the Amerlcan Arbltration Assoclation (Northwest area if posslble). Once the list ls obtained, the representatives of the Company and Unlon shall follow the Amerlcan Arbltration Assoclatlonguldellnesforthepurposeofselectinganarbitrator. Theselectedarbltratorwlllbeusedtohearthe evldence if necessary, determlne the facts and render a decislon, Within thlrty (30) days after the close of the arbltration proceedlngs, the decision rendered shall be deemed final and blnding on both the Company and the Unlon, provided, however, that the decision does not add to, subtract from or substantlally modify any of the terms and provlslons of thls Agreement. lf more than one grlevance is pending, and lt ls mutually agreed upon by both parties, more than one Brievance may be presented and handled by the arbitrator. The fee and expenses of the arbltrator shall be shared equatly by the Company and the Unlon, AGREEMENTI UWI and Local296 (July 29, 2014 to March 31, 2019)Pagc l0 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 11 of35 Sectlon8.5. lfatanystepinthegrievancetheCompanyrepresentativefallstoactorannounceadecisionwithln the time llmlt for settlement, such fallure shall be consldered a denlal of the grievance and the grievance may be referredtothenextstep. Anygrlevancenotreferredtotheproperstepwlthlnthetimellmltforthatstep.shallbe consldered settled and may not again be presented as a grievance unless mutually agreed upon by both parties. Any step or tlme llmit in this procedure may be walved or extended lf mutually agreed upon by both parties. Worklng days are not meant to include Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays. AGREEMEM: UWI and Loal296 (luly 29,20 t4 to March 31,2019)Page I I United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 12 of35 ARTICTE 9 SEN IORIIY Sectlon9.1. SeniorityofemployeesshallbebasedonthelenSthofcontinuousemploymentbythe Company. Section9.2. Seniorityshallberecognizedforthepurposeofpromotlon,demotion,transferandlayoff. The quallflcatlons of each employee shall be determlned on the basls of the employee's complete record, including ablllty,fltness,knowledge,training,experlenceandsklllononeormoreJobs. Senlorltyshallprevailonlywhenthe quallfications of all employees under conslderation for a particular posltion are relatlvely equal, Section9.3, Lossofseniorityshallresultfromanyofthefollowingcircumstancesl (a) Voluntary terminatlon. (b) Dlscharge for cause. (c) ln the lnstance of an employee belng lald off, failure to report to the employee's department head wlthln seventy-two (72) hours following receipt of written notlce. The written notice shall be sent certlfled malltotheemployee'slastknownaddressaccordingtothecompany'srecords. Saturdays,Sundays,andholidays shall be excluded ftom sald seventy-two (72) hour period. Laid off employees shall have recall rlghts for a perlod of twelve (12) months, Any employee who refuses recall or falls to report within sevenry-two hours, as set forth above, shall lose all further recall rlght. (d) Fallure to report ln on an absence extending more than three (3| consecutively sclreduled worklng days without an explanatlon satlsfactory to the company. (e) Movement to a nonbargalnlng unlt position for a contlnuous period of four (41 months. ln the event an employee returns to the bargalnlng unlt wlthln the four (4) month period, the employee shall be returned to the job classiftcation the employee vacated, provlded the employee's seniority allows such placement, or to the next lower job classificaUon for whlch the ernployee ls qualifled. Upon successful completion of the four (4) month perlod ln the nonbargalning posltlon, the employee's senlority accrual ceases dating back to the employee's date of transfer to the nonbargalning posltlon. Sectlon 9.4, All new employees, except temporary employees, shall work for slx [6) months before being placed on the senlority roster. Durlng the slx (6) months' qualifying period, the Company shall have the right to dlscharge, lay off or transfer such employees wlthout such action being subject to the grlevance procedure or arbltratlon, Upon completion of the slx (6) months of continuous employment, an employee shall become a 'regulaf employee wlth seniority datlng back to the most recent hiring date. Sectlon 9.5. An employee on an authorized personal leave ofabsence shall retain all accumulated seniorlty through the commencement date of thls leave, but accrue no further seniorlty durlng the term of the leave. AGREEMENT: UWI and Local 296 (July 29, 2014 to March 31, 2019)Page l2 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 13 of 35 ARTICLE 10 WAGE RATES ANO PAYDAYS Section 10.1, Normal paydays shall be every two (2) week. Wage schedule Wage schedule, except for individuals who were employed after April 1, 2003 as Meter Reader, Customer Service Person or Utllity Person: Jqbl0lasslflcatlons Foreman lnspector Crew Chlef Utillty Person I Utility Person Mechanlc Chlef Operator Operator I Operator Contro I System Techniclan Meter Reader Customer Servlce Person Cross Connection Control Spec, Job Classifications Meter Reader Customer Servlce Person Utility Person Hourly Hourly HourlyRates Rates Rates Efi.7129h4 EffJ 4lllLs Efi. 4lLlL6$zg.as s30.14 $go.ss 528.47 $29.22 $29,e7528.t2 Sze.w Szs.6zSzt.sq 528.09 528.84$27.07 52t.Sz SZS.SZ$27.69 s28.44 5Zg.rSs28.s7 s2e.42 sgO.ZS$27.69 528,44 $Zg.rgizt.ot 527.82 S28.s7s27.80 sZa.SS $29.30s23.66 524,47 525.16s26,60 s27.3s s28,10 Hourly Hourly Rates Rates Eff,411,1L7 Ett.4l7lt8 s31,6s s32.s4s30.77 s31.62$so.qz Stt.zt$zs.oq S3o.4es29.37 $30.22$29.9e s30.84s31,24 stZ.Zq S2e.99 530.84s29.37 $30.22$go.ro s30.9ss2s.96 sZS.SrS28,e0 gze.7s Seo.ro S30.9ss27.80 s28.ss s29.30 Any replacernent for the Jeff Hudson job assignment (locating) shall be paid at the Utllity Person I tate, Lump Sum Payments b) Lump sum Payments so so $o $o $o Lump sum payments do not apply to any employee ln any classlfication who ls pald less than 100% of the base rate for thelr classlfication at the tlme the lump sums are pald. Lump sum payments wlll be made ln Aprll of the year due, c) For new employees hlred after April 1, 2003, into the followlng classlflcations, the followlng hourly rates and conditlons will apply: Hourly Rates Efl.7 l29lL4 $20.15 S21.6s s22.40 Hourly Rates Etr.ll,,hs $20.90 Szz.qo Szs.rs Hourly Rates Ett.4lLlL6 S21.6s $23.1s s23.e0 Hourly Rates Ett,4hll7 5zz.qs s23,95 Szq.zo Hourly Rates Ell.4irl,.i S23.30 $24.80 52s.ss ACREI]MENT: IJWI and Lacal296 (luly 29,2014 to March 3 t,2019)Pagc 13 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 14 of35 The startlng pay for such new employees hired into the Meter Reader, Customer Servlce Person and Utlllty Person Job classiflcations shall be one dollar (51,00) an hour less than the established rate for the flrst year of employment and shall be fifty cents (So.5ol an hour less than the estiblished rate for the second year of employment. lf in the oplnion of the Company special circumstances warrant placlng an employee at an advanced step ofthis progression, the employee will be placed ln that advanced step, dl New employees hired lnto all establlshed classifications atter April 1, 2003, except Meter Reader, Customer Servlce Person, and Utility Person wlll be paid 75% of the established wa8e rate for one (1) year following employment. After one (1) year, they will be lncreased to 80% of the establlshed rate, after two (21 years 9096, aftFr three (3) years 95%, after four. (4) years gS%, and after flve (5) years 1009'. of the establlshed wage rate. The employee may not exceed these percentages for any job classiflcatlon lnto whlch they may transfer durlng the flrst five (51 years of employment wlth the Company. lf ln the opinlon of the Company, after discusslon with the Unlon, special clrcumstances warrant placlng an employee at an advanced step of thls progresslon, the employee wlll be placed ln that advanced step. Any such advancement ln step shall take place only durlng or immediately upon the completion of the new employee's six (6) month probationary status as referenced in Artlcle 10, Section 10,3(al of thls Agreement. el Bargainlng unlt wlll be notlfied in accordance to Sectlon 3.2 at least ten (10) days prlor to postlng new classlficatlons. Sectlon 10.2 - Certlflcatlon Pay. Any lndividual employed after January 1, 1999, ln the job classlflcatlon of lnspector, oew Chlef, Utillty Person, Utlllty Person I, Chlef operator, Operator, operator I or Control systems Technlcian wllt be requlred to achleve the followlng certlflcation: r A Level ll certlficatlon or the certlficatlon required by the ldaho Bureau ofOccupatlonal Ucenses (whlchever ls hlgher) wlthln one (1) year after the minlmurn time frame as established by the Board of Drinklng Water and Wastewater Professlonals.r Control Systems Technlclan(s) shall havE a Level ll certiflcation from the lnternational Soclety for Measurement and Controlwlthin one (1) year after the minimum time frame as establlshed by the Soclety. a) To exceed 95% of the establlshed wage scale, an exlsting employee as ofJanuary 1, tggg, must obtaln the appllcable tevel ll certlficatlon or the certlflcatlon required by the ldaho Bureau of Occupatlonal Llc€nses (whlchever ls higher). bl The Company shall pay the annual fee for malntalnlng one class of certificatlon for all certlfied employees. lf the Company requlres an employee to malntaln multiple certifications, the Company shall pay the annual fees for each certlflcatlon level requlred. c) The Company shall conunue certlficatlon pay to existing employees as of January 1, 1999, at the level they currently hold or achleve during the terrn of thls Agreement, up to a Level lV,. Level I (50.15), Level ll (S0.3s), Level lll (S0.ss), Level tV (S0,70).. Control System Technlclan -tevel I (50.251, Level tt (50.60), Level ilt (SO.ZO). d) Durlng the term of thls Agreement, the Company shall pay a certification pay up to a level tl to employees hired after January 1, 1999 for certiflcatlons they hold or achieve, and which are required in thelr Job classlfi catlons as follows: r Level I (9,1S), Level lt (S.35)r Control System Technlclan - Level I (S.25), tevel lt (S.5ol AGREEMENT: UWI aud Local296 (Iuly 29, 2014 to March 31,2019)Page 14 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 15 of35 Backflow Certlficatlon. Employees who possess and maintain a backflow certlflcation and who are assigned, by thel, supervisor, the additional duties of testing and repalring backflow devices wlll be paid a premlum of forty cents (50.40) per hour for actual hours worked performing those additional duties. Employees in the Cross Connection Control Specialist Job classification ar€ not ellglble for this premlum pay. The Company shall pay employees hired after January 1, 1999, who achleve certiflcation levels higher than the certiflcatlon level they currently hold and higher than the certiflcatlon which ls requlred in thelr job classlflcatlons, accordlng to the following annual amount schedule:. Water Operator certlflcatlon or Distrlbution Operator certlfication e) . Level lllr Level lV S600 Szso. Coatro,SystemsTechniclanCertification r Level lll Szso C) The annual lumgsum amounts wlll be pald ln two lnstallments; one by.luly 31 for the precedlngJanuary to June period, and one by January 31 of the followlng year for the precedlng July to December perlod, All such payments wlll bE prorated to the extent the certification level or employment term was applicable. No prorated amount wlll be pald lf employment ls separated prior to pay-out date, Sectlon 10,3. Temporary and Probatlonary Employment. (a) Probatlonary Employee, A new employee who ls a candldate for a regular Job openlng and without prlor lob experience shall be requlred to serve ln a probatlonary status for a slx (6) month perlod. (b) Temporary Employeri, 'femporary employees" shall mean those employees hlred only for the duratlon of a speclfically llmlted job or speclfic perlod of tlme. Thls period of tlme ls not to exceed six (6) months wlthout the wrltten approval of the Unlon, The rate of pay shall be at the dlscretlon of the Company, but no less than seventy-flve (75) percent of the ostablished wage scale for the Utlllty Person Job classlllcatlon qstablished for new employees hlred afterApril L,2003, regardless of which Job classlfication ln whlch they are employed. A temporary employee may be transferred, lald off or discharged by the Company without such action belng subJect to the grievance procedure or arbltratlon, (cl a temporary employee who has worked four (4) consecutlve months or more and ls hlred as a regular employee ln the ,ob classlflcatlon ln whlch the employee worked wlthln slx (6) months of the employee's temporary employment perlod wlll be requlred to work ln probationary status for a two (2) month perlod, Sectlon 10.4. One anil one-half (1-112) tlmes the regular hourly rate shall be pald for all hours worked ln excess of forty (40) ln any one (1) week and any hours worked ln excess ofthe customary scheduled shlft. Sectlon 10.5. Overtlme pay on shift work shall be computed as follows: the reBular rate of pay, plus the shlft premlum, times the overtlme rate of pay for the shlft worked or any extenslon thereof. Section 10.5. Shlft employees working the second shlft shall be pald a shift premlum in the amount of flfty-five cents ($0.55) per hour. Shlft employees working the thlrd shlft shall be paid a shift premlum ln the amount of seventy-five cents ($0.75) per hour. AGREEMENT: UWI and Loal296 (Juty 29, 2014 to March 31, 2019)Page I 5 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 16 of35 ARTICLE 11 HOURS OF WORK Section 11,1. The term "workday" shall mean any period of twenty-four (24) consecutive hours commenclng at 12:01 a.m. The term 'workweek" shall mean a period of seven (7) consecutive days beginning at 12:01 a.m. on saturday, startlnB ianuary 1, 2000, section 11.2. The customary 'workday" shall consist of elght (8) consecutive hours between 6:00 a,m, and 5:30 p,m. excluslve of the lunch perlod. As lt becomes beneficial to schedule shlft work, the customaryworkdaymaybeestablishedasotherthanelght(8)hours. Onlyuponmutualagreementbetweenthe UnionandCompany,shallanycustomaryshlftexceedten(10lhours, Regularweeklyworkschedules{40hours} shall not be reduced due to the adjustment to the employee's customary workday. The work schedule for shift employees shall be prepared and posted at least five (51 calendar days ln advance. Thesecondshiftshallconsistofconsecutlvehoursworkedbetweenthehoursof3:00p.m.and2:00a.m. RegularhoursworkeddurlngthesecondshlftafterMldnightshallapplytotheprecedingday. Thethirdshiftshall conslst of consecutive hours worked between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. Hours worked during the third shlft prlor to Midnlght shall be counted as worked the following day. Emplovees shall be entitled to two (2) fifteen (15) mlnute rest breaks. Second and thlrd shlfts, an employee workinE a split shift other than the employee's established shift wlll recelve the hlgher shlft differentlal for the full shlft. The Customer Service Person late shlft shall be rotated on a weekly basis among a minimum of six (6) competent, suited, and wllllng employees ln the Customer Servlce Person and Meter Reader classificatlons. The Company shall make a dlllgent effort to get quallfled volunteers prior to schedullng employees lnto the late shlft rotation. ln the event that a mlnlmum ofsix (6) competent and sulted volunteers are not available, the Company shall schedule competent and sulted employees into the late shift rotation based on senlority. Section 11.3. The work schedule of each opemtlon and of each employee shall be determlned by the Company and may be changed at any tlme by notiffing each employee affected before the end of the employee's lastperiodofworkprecedingthechange, TheCompanyshallprovldeasmuchadvancenoticeaspossibleforany changes in employees' work schedules. Sectlon11.4. TheCompanyshallestablishprocedurestoensurethatovertimeworkopportunitles, lnsofar as ls reasonably posslble, wlll be distrlbuted approximately equally among qualified employees in the same Job classlficatlon. The Company shall make a dlllgent effort to get qualified volunteers prior to scheduling employees ln such cases as, but not llmlted to, flushing, Section 11,5. When employees are called from their homes by a responslble Company authorlty, they shall receive not less than two (2) hours' pay at the appllcable rate. Completion of the call shall mean completlon o[ the work and checking for addltlonal calls wlth the answering servlce before returning home, Time worked shall commence when the employee leaves home and ccase when the employee returns home. The maximum amount of overtlme call out tlme wlll not exceed amount of time on clock between shlfts. Employees who respond to calls electronically outside their customary workday shall be compensated at the rate of not less than one hour for each call out at the applicable rate, Employees called out durlng Thanbgiving, Thanksgivlng Friday, Christmas Day or the day observed for Christmas Day, and the Christmas Floater, shall be compensated at two (21 times the employee's current rate of pay. AGREEMENT: UWI and Locat 296 (July 29, 2014 to March 31,2019)Page l6 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 17 of3E ARTICLE 12 PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Section 12.1. lt ls the lntention of the Company to make promotional opportunities available to its employees, whenever and wherever practlcable, so that positlons shall be filled by quallfied present employees before new employees are hlred. Sectlon 12.2. Job vacancles shall be posted on the bulletin board for a period of five (5) consecutive working days, Employees may apply for the openlngs by flling an application with their supervlsor withln the five (5) day period. A shop steward may submlt an application for an employee In the employee's absence. The Company shall select the successful bldder withln flfteen (15) worklng days following the close of the posting period. Section 12,3. An employee promoted to a hl8her payingJob classlficatlon through the bldding procedure shall be paid at the new rate or, lf not fully qualified ln the opinlon of the Company, at an lnterim rate established atfifteen.cents(15C)perhourabovetheemployee'spresentclassification. Theinterimrateshallbelneffectfor up to four (4) months, at whlch tlme the employee shall be pald at the reSular rate for the new classlticatlon, provlded the employee's pefformance has been satlsfactory to the Company. lf the employeds performance has not been satisfactory, ln the opinlon of the Company, the employee shall be returned to the employee's former posltion at lts current wa8e rate, An employee transferrlng, through the bldding procedurg to a job classification of equal pay shall be paid at the established pay rate or, lf not fully qualifled ln the opinlon of the Company, at an interim rate of flfteen cents (15C) per hour below the established rate for a perlod of tlme not to exceed four (4) months, after whlch time the employee shall be pald at the regular rate for the new classiflcation, provided the employee's performance has been satlsfactory to the Company. lf at the end of the four (4) month perlod the employee's performance, ln the oplnlon of the Company, after dlscusslon wlth the Unlon, has not been satlsfactory, the company may transfer the employee to another classlflcatlon for whlch ln the oplnion of the Company the employee ls guallfied or may transfer the cmployee back to the employee's classlficatlon prlor to the transfer, and unwlnd any related promotlons, transf6rs, or hlrln6s affected by the employee's inltial transfer. An employee transferring, through the biddlng procedure, to a Job classlfication of lower pay shall be paid at the established rate. Sectlon 12.4. From tlme to tlme, emergency or unusual clrcumstances may make lt necessary to transfer employees for temporary perlods. Such transfers may be made outside normal promotlon and demotion pollcy. ln case of a temporary transfer to a lower-paylng Job, the employee shall retain the rate of pay of the employee's prevlous posltlon. An employee temporarlly transferred or upgraded to a higher paylnt bargalning unlt posltlon for a perlod of one (t) full work day or longer shell be paid at the new rate or, lf not fully quallfied, an addltional fifteencents(lsClperhourabovetherateofthelrregularJobclasslfication, Anemployeeupgradedtoassumea speclflc portlon of a Supervlsor's job, ln the Supervisol's absence, for a period of three (3) consecutlve days or longer shall be pald an addltional fifteen cents (15C) per hour above the rate of the employee's regular Job classlfication during the period ofthe asslgnment. AGREEMENT: UWI and Local296 (luly 29,2014 !o Maroh 31, 2019)Pagu I 7 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 18 of 35 ARTICLE 13 VACATIONS SectionX3.1. EmployeeshlredbetweenJanuarylandMarch3lshallbeentitledtoeiAhty{80)hoursof vacationdurin8thecurrentcalendaryearsubsequenttoJulyl. EmployeeshlredbetweenAprillandAuBust3l shallbeentitledtoforty(40lhoursofvacationsubsequenttoSeptemberl. Novacationshallbedeemedearned untll completion of an employee's lnltial four (41 months 0f contlnuous servlce. The length of an employee's vacatlon in any calendar year shall depend on the number of years of continuous servlce the employee has cornpleted during such year. Section 13.2. Vacation schedule: Vacation Earned Years of Service 0 to 2 years,..80 hours 120 hours 150 hours 200 hours 3 to 4 years,..,....... 5 to 14 years....,...... 15+ years...,..... Section 13.3. Each hour ofvacation shall be compensated at the employee's straight-time hourly rate. Section 13,4, The Company shall approve all vacatlon schedules. Subject to conditlons of operatlng efficlency, vacatlons shall be scheduled at the times most deslred by the lndlvldual employees wlth due regard to senlorlty ln cases of confllct, Employees shall be given the opportunlty to select thelr vacation tlme beginning January2ofeachyearandmustcompletethelrs€lectlonbyJanuary3lofeachyear. Anemployeeshallhavethe rlght to change the employee's scheduled vacatlon perlod wlth the approval ofthe Company and any employee affected by the change. Section 13.5, Vacatlons are lntended to be taken ln the calendar year to which they apply. However, an employee may request to carry over or recelve payment for any unused vacation that results from actions of the Companythatpreventanemployeefromtaklngvacatlonlnthecurrentcalendaryear. Anypaymentforunused vacatlon will be at the dlscretion of the Company. lf payment ls not agreed to, the unused portion of vacatlon wlll be carried over to the following calendar year. Vacatlon carryover is not consistent wlth the spirlt of thls vacation beneftt; however, sometimes buslness activlties requlre somE flexlbility. Therefore, employees covered by this Agreementareauthodzedtocarryovetuptobutnomorethan20%ofthelrannual vacatloncredlteachyear. No addltlonal carryover will be permitted and vacatlon days may not be sold back to the Company. All carryover will go lnto a vacatlon reserve, The vacatlon reserve may not exceed 40 hours. Section 13.6. ln the year ln which employment termlnates for any reason other than retirement or discharge, the employee shall recelve a pro rata amount of vacatlon pay based upon the portlon of that year he worked. Upon retlrement, the employee may elect to recelve pay for all unused vacation time from the current calendar year. A discharged employee wlll not receive any pro rata vacatlon pay. Vacation tlme which has been taken will be subtracted from the pro rata entltlement before calculation of payment due, Any vacation paid but not earned will be repdld by the employee'. AGRDEMENTI UWI and Local296 (July 29, 20t4 to March 31,2019)Page I 8 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 19 of 35 ARTICLE 14 HOLIDAYS Sectlon 14.1. The followlng holidays shall be recognized and observed ln accordance wlth the federal schedule: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Da% Memorial Oay. lndependence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgivlng Day, Thanksgiving Frlday, Chrlstmas Floater Holiday (the day before or after Chrlstmas Day or the day recognlzedforChrlstmasDayHollday,thlsfloaterwlll beChristmasEveOaywheneverpossible) andChristmas Day, or the days celebrated for the foregolng, regardless of the day on which they fall. For 2014, the Chrlstmas FloatershallbeobservedonFriday,December26. For2OlS,theChrlstmasFloatershallbeobservedonThursday, December 24. Fot 20].6, the Chrlstmas Floater shall be observed on Friday, December 23. Fot 2017, the Christmas Floater shall be observed on Tuesday, December 26. For 2018, the Christmas Floater shail be observed on Monday, December 24, The Company reserves the rlght to schedule a skeleton crew on the Christmas Floater, ln whlch case the skeleton crew udll observe the Floatlng Holiday ln conjunction wlth the New Year's Hollday. The skeleton crew so scheduled will recelve thelr normal rate gf pay for worklng the Chrlstmas Floatlng Hollday. All full-tlme regular employees and new employees completlng thelr probatlonary perlod between January I and Aprll 30 shall recelve three (3) personal holldays. New full-tlme employees completing thelr probationary period between May l and August 30 shall recelve two (2) personal holldays durlng the calendar year. New full-tlme employees completlng thelr probatlonary perlod between September 1 and December 31 shall receive one (1) personal holiday durlng the calendar year, Personal holldays may be taken at the employee's discretlon, but must be scheduled wlth and approved by management, lf lt becomes necessary for an employee to work on the scheduledpersonalholiday,anotherdateshallbeselected. lnnocaseshallanemployeerecelveholldaypayin addltlon to pay for tlme worked on a personal hollday, Sectlon 14.2 When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the precedlng Frlday shall be recognlzed as the holiday. When a hollday falls on a Sunday, the followlng Monday shall be recognized as the holiday. ln the case of regularly scheduled shlft workers, the holldays shall be recognlzed on the days on whlch they fatl, Compensatlon for each hollday shall be calorlated by multlplylng the employee's regular shlft hours tlrnes the employee's regular rate of pay, An employee requlred to work on any of the foregoing holidays shall be paid for the hours actually worked at one and one-half (1-1/2) tlmes the employee's regular rate of pay in addltlon to hollday pay allowance. An employee requlred to work on Thanksglvlng Day, Chrlstmas Day or the day observed for Chrlstmas oay, and the Christmas Floater, shall be compensated for hours actually worked at two (2) tlmes the employee't rcgular rate of pay in addition to holiday pay allowance, Sectlon 14,3. To be ellgible for hollday pay, the employee must havei (a) Actuallybeenatworkontheemployee'slastscheduledworkdayprecedlngtheholidayand the next scheduled workday followlng the holiday, and on the hollday ltself, lf so scheduled, unless the employee's absence was excused. (b) Temporary employees are lnellglble for holiday pay. section 14.4. When a hollday occurs during an ellgible employee's scheduled vacation, the employee shall be given a compensating day off. AGREEMENT: UWI and Local296 (July 29,2014 to Maroh 31,2019)Page l9 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 20 of 35 ARTICLE 15 OISCHARGE AND DISCIPLINE Sectlon 15.1. No employee shall be discharged except for,lust cause, Sectlon 15.2. Adminlstration of dlsclpllnary actlon shall be conducted falrly and lmpartlally. Section 15.3. ln the event an employee ls dlsdrarged, the cmployee shall be given in wrlting, upon request,thereasonforthedlscharge. lftheemployeeandtheUnlondeemthedlsdrargetobewlthoutjustcause, the Union shall so notlfu the Company by telephone or emall notlflcatlon wlthln flve 15)worklng days, and ln wrltlng withln ten (10) worklng days after the dlschage. Thereupon, the matter shall be settled through the Brlevance procedurq beginning wlth the second step. AGREEMENT: UWI and Local796 (Iuly 29, 2014 to March 3 1,2019) page 20 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 2'l of 35 ARTICLE 16 SERVICE IN THE ARMED FORCES Section 16.1. The Company and the Union aBree to comply wlth the provisions of the Uniformed Servlces Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994 and appllcable ldaho state law, section 16.2. Members of the Natlonal Guard or an armed forces reserve component who are called to actlve duty for tralnlng purposes shall be paid the dlfference between their forty (40) hour workweek and thelr mllitary pay for up to a maxlmum of two (21 weeks durlng any calendar year, Sectlon 16.3. Any employee called to actlve duty ln the armed forces, or who volunteers, ls entltled to a leave of absence for the lnltlal perlod of actlve duty ond shall be re-employed ln accordance wlth the statutory obllgatlons ln effect at the tlme the ernployee ls dlscharged from actlve duty. AGREEMENT: UWI and Local 296 (Iuly 29,2014 to March 31,2019)Page 2 t United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-I5-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 22 ol 35 ARTICI.E 17 MEAL ATLOWANCE Section 17.1. When an employee ls directed to remaln at work after completlon of the scheduled workday, the employee shall be entitled to a meal allowance at the following intervals: (a) One 11) meal at the end of two (2) hours of extended work. (b) One (r) meal at the end of each four (4) hour lnterval thereafter. (c) One (1) meal at the end of four (4) consecutive hours of nlght emergenry work. Sectlon 17,2. An employee called to work on an emergency more than two (2) hours ln advance of the employee's scheduled starting time shall be entltled to a meal allowance. Sectlon 17.3. One (1) meal at the end of each four (4) hour lnterval ofdaytlme emergency work on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays shall be allowed. Sectlon 17.4. Employees who pay for meals shall be relmbursed through a normal payroll check subject to standard payroll withholdlngs wlth authorlzed management approval. Employe6 must submit an ltemlzed meal recelpt to recelve relmbursement. Meal relmbursement shall not exceed slxteen dollars ($16.00) per ellgible employeg per meal, AGREEMEM: UWI and Local 296 (Jluly 29,2014 to March 31, 2019) pago 22 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 23 of 35 ARTICLE 18 FUNERAL LEAVE Sectlon 18,1. ln the event ofthe death ofan employee's spouse, chlldren, mother, father, sister, brother, mother-ln-law, father-ln-law, grandmother, grandfather, grandchlldren, son-ln{aw, daughter-ln-laW stepparent, stepchlld, lmmediate brother-in{aw or lmmedlate slster{n-law, guardians, spouse's grandparEnts, such an employee shall, at the employee's request, be granted a leave of absence for up to three (3) calendar days. Where distance permits, the employee shall be expected to return to work on the next scheduled workday following the day of the funeral service, For each scheduled day of leave, the employee shall be paid the number of hours ln thelrscheduledshlfttimesthelrregularrateofpay. Nopaymentshallbemadeforanydayordaysoftheleaveof absence for whlch the employee ls already recelvlng compensatlon in the form of salary from the company or proceeds from any other Company benefit program. AGREEMENT: UWI and Local296(luly 29,2014 to March 31,2019)Page23 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 24 of 35 ARTICLE 19 PERSONAL TEAVES/FAM ILY LEAVE Sectlon 19,1. The Company may grant leaves of absence, without pay, for perlods up to Slxty (60) days' durationuponrecelvlngwrlttenreguestfromanemployee. TheCompanyreservestherlghttoJudgethereason for the request. Such leaves of absence may, upon further wrltten request, be extended for an addltlonal perlod notto exceed an overall term ofsix (6) months. Sestlon 19.2. Famlly and medical leave will be granted ln accordance wlth the Famlly and Medical Leave Act of 1993. The grantlng of family and medlcal leave will be conslstent with other prwlslons of this Agreement and may run concurrently wlth any other vacation or leave. AGREEMENT: UW andloca[296(luly29,20l4 to March 31,2019) page14 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 25 of 35 ARTICLE 20 SIC( LEAVE Sectlon 20.1, Regular ernployees who have completed nlnety (90) calendar days of seMce by January 1 shall recelve a maximum of 55 hours of slck leave durlng any one (1) calendar year. Regular employees wlth less than nlnety (90) calendar days of service are not entltled to slck leave benefits. Regular employees who complete their probatlonary perlod after January 1 shall accrue a pro rata share of slck leave based on thelr hlre date as a percentaBe of a calendar year times 56 hours, calculated to the nearest whole hour. Slck leave will be adminlstered on a calendar year basls and shall not be carrled over from year to year, Sectlon 20,2. Contlnuous perlods of absence longer than flve (5) days that qualifo as short-term dlsablllty will be handled ln accordance with the Company's "short-term disabllitf provlslons. To be ellglble for "short-term dlsablllty" beneflts, the employee must produce evidence that the absence was medicallyJustlfled. Short-term dlsablllty beneflts will start on the elBhth calendar day followlng the start of the dlsablllty, or the slxth consecutlve scheduled day of work followlnS the start of the dlsabllity, whlchever ls earller, ln the event an employee ls sent home by thelr supervlsor for a non-occupatlonal lllness or lnjury reason, then the work hours lost by the employee during that day wlll not be charged agalnst the employee's avallable pald slck tlme. AGREEMENT: UWI and Local 296 (July 29, 20 14 to March 3 1, 2019)Page 25 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 26 of 35 ARTICLE 21 .,URY DUTY Section 21,1. All employees except temporary employees shall be granted a leave of absence for the perlod of thelr summons forjury service and shall be paid the difference between thelr normal forty (40) hour wo*week and thelrlury pay, whlch lury pay the employee must accept and report to the Company. An employee on leave forJury duty shall be expected to report for work on any day or maJor portion ofa day that the employee's servlces as a Juror are not required. AGREEMENTI UWI and Lool 295 (Iuly 29, 2014 to March 31, 2019) Page26 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 27 of 35 ARTICLE 22 GROUP BENEFIT PTANS Section 22.1. Durlng the term of this Atreement, the Company will make available to the regular employees covered by thls Agreement the employee benefit plans providlng hospltal, surgical, rnaJor medical, dental, llfe, dependent life, vislon and short and long term dlsabillty benefits that are made avallable to non- exempt, non-bargaining unlt employees affiliated with United Water ldaho. These beneflt plans wlll be made avallable to the employees covered by this Agreement on the same terms and conditions as they are made avallable to non-exempt, non-bargaining unit employees of Unlted Water ldaho, These benefit plans wlll be amended, modified, lmproved, or reduced ln all respects for employees covered by this Agreement ln the same manner that they are amended, modified, improved, or reduced for non.exempt, non-bargalnlng unlt employees of Unlted Water ldaho. Section22.2. Regularemployeeswlll becoveredbytheUnltedWaterResourceslnc,RetlrementPlan, Thls plan shall only cover employees hired on or before March 31, 2011, Sectlon 22.3. Regular employees wlll be covered by the Unlted Water Collectlvely Bargalned 401k Plan (The Company's 401(k) Plan) as lt may be amended from tlme to tlme. Employees hlred on or after Aprll 1, 2011 wlll be offered an enhancement of the employer contributlon to the exlsting 401(k) plan. Features ofthe plan lnclude: . An employer contrlbutlon of one and one-half percent (1.5%l of covered wages from the date the employee enrolls lnto the 401(k). Covered wages ls the employee's base wages, lncludlng pald leave, vacatlon and/or slck pay. Covered wages excludes overtime, bonuses, or any other payments. contrlbutlons by the Company wlll be made annually, . ln order for the employee to receive the one and one-halfpercent (1,5%) employer contribution, employees wlll be requlred to enroll ln the plan pursuant to plan procedures. o Employees become vested in the enhanced 401(kl contrlbution plan upon completing one year of continuous employment wlth the company. r onc€ vested ln the plan, lf the employee leaves the Company, the contrlbutlons and 4o1(k) plan are portable. . A Company 401k match of 50% of the flrst 8% of employee contributlon. sectlon 22.4, Regular employees hired before May 1, 2009 and covered by thls Agreement wlll be covered by the Unlted Water Retiree Medlcal Beneflts Plan. The Retlree Medlcal Eeneflts Plan wlll apply to the employees covered by thls Agreement on the same terms and condltlons, lncludlng retlree contrlbutions. as the plan applies to non-bargainlng unlt employees of Unlted Water ldaho, Whlle the Company lntends to continue this plan, the Company necessarily reserves the rlght to amend, change, modlfy, or termlnate the plan for current or future retlrees at any tlme and for any reason. AGREEMENTI UWI and Local 296 (July 29, 2014 to March 31,2019)Page27 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 28 of 35 ARTICLE 23 SAFETY, PROTECIIVE CLOTHING, AND UNITORMS Sectlon 23.1. The Company recognizes lts responslblllty to take every reasonable precaution for the safety of its employees whlle they are engaged ln performing their respective duties and responsibllities. Conversely, employees share ln the responslblllty to provide a safe work place through adherence to safe work rules, use of safety equipment wearlng of personal protectlve equlpment and proper on-the-job conduct. Section 23.2. The Companyshall provlde, replace or repair all required personal safety equipment, lncludlng but not llmited to hard hats, goggles, gloves, and boots or shoes as needed, for all employees covered by this ABreemeilt, Sectlon 23,3, Company shall furnish safety toe leather work boots or shoes on an "as needed" basls up to the amount of$195.00 for employees ln theJob classiflcatlons of Meter Reader and Customer Servlce Person and 5200.00 for employees ln the Productlon and Transmission & Distribution departrxents. Company shall also furnlsh safety toe rubber and leather insulated wlnter boots known as "Pacs" on an 'as needed' basls up to the amount of$100.00 for pargalnlng unitjob classifications who are regularly exposed to lnclement weather. Section 23.4, The Company will furnlsh all employees covered by this Agreement with Company unlforms, excluslveofCompany-supplledpants,thatemployeesmustwear. Employeeslnthosejobclasslficatlonswhlch requlre regular customer contact shall be furnished wlth Company-supplied pants. Employees wlll wear unlforms appropdately and wlll malntaln the unlforms ln a neatr clean and orderly condltlon. The Company will replace at its cost returned unlform components that are worn out through normal wear and tear. The following unlform components shall be lssued once as an lnltlal allotment to new employees, and replaced on an 'as needed" basls, to eliglble employees: Productlan Cultomers€rvlce T&O 5 Shlrts (summerl 5 ShlrB (Winterl I Grhartt Blb Easeball/Knlt Hat lncludlng L,S/SweaBhlrt lncludlng l.S/Sweatshlrt lncluding Ls/Sweatshlrt 1 Carhartt Coat 1 Carhartt Coat 1 Carhartt Coatl Carhartt Llght Coawest l Carhartt Llght Coawest l Carhartt Llght Coat/Vest 5 Shlrts (Summerl S Shlrts (Summer) 5 Shlrtr (Wlnter) 5 Shlrts (Winterl 1 Carhartt Blb 1 Carhartt Blb 5 Pants & Shorts Baseball/Knlt Hat Baseball/Knlt Hat lf the agreed upon preferred brand of clothlng ls out of stock or the Company vendor no longer carries an ltem, or an employee deslres another avallable brand of clothlng, an alternatlve brand of equivalent quallty clothlng may be purchased by the Company. The Company reserves the exclusive rlght to select the vendor. Section 23.5. The company shall provlde all the necessary tools and equipment for employees ln the performance of thelr jobs. The Company shall provlde rain gear to those employees whose job responsibllltles requlre their re8ular exposure to lnclement weather. AGREEMENT: UWI and Local296 (Juty 29, 2014 to March 31,2019) Page 28 United Water ldaho Case UW-VGlm1 Request No, 6 Attachment Page 29 of 35 ARNCLE 24 LEGALITY sectlon 24,1. lt ls understood and aEreed th8t should any part of thls Agreernent be @nstrued by proper authorlty to be in confllct wlth any present or future laws, that part shall be lnoperatlve, but all oth€r provlslont shall contlnue ln full force and effect. AGREBMENT: UWI and Local296 (luly 29,2014 to Marah 31,2019) Page 29 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 30 of 35 ARTICLE 25 MISCELLANEOUS Section 25.1, The Company shall provide schoolinB opportunities for employees in water plant operations and in the operation and malntenance of varlous ltems of company equipment. Employees selected to attend these sesslons shall be glven as much advance notlce as possiblg and the expense of attendance shall be borne by the Company. The Company will provide for the expense of certiffcation tests and paid time off to take certification testuptoamaxlmumoffour(c) foreachcertlflcatlonlevel. lftheemployeefailstotakeanexaminationforwhlch the Company has paid the testing fee, the employee shall relmburse the Company the cost of the examination. Employees who have recelved their certlflcatlon through a Company sponsored program shall have their certification malntslned et Company expense. Sectlon 25.2. Operators and Control system Technicians shall be compensated an amount equal to 0.762 hours of thelr overtlme rate of pay for each day of standby call, plus they shall have use of a company vehicle for commutlngpurposeswhlleonstandbycall. Theseven(7)T&Dpersonnelwhoareonstandbycallshallhaveuseof a company vehlcle year around for comrnutlng purposes as compensation for standby call. For control Systems Technicians, standby call shall be rotated on a weekly basis among all employees in the classlfication. For Operators, standby call shall be rotated on a weekly basls among a minlrnum of slx (5) competent, suited, and wllllng employees for each of the call rotEtlons: one for the plants and one for the system. The Company shall make a dillgent effoft to get quallfled volunteeE prlor to scheduling employees lnto the Operator standby call rotation. ln the event that a minimum of slx (5) competent and sulted volunteers are not available, the Company shall schedule competent and sulted employees lnto the standby call rotation based on senlority. Sectlon 25.3. Re-employment followlng dlsabillty: (a) The ernployee will be re-employed ln the same posltlon occupled prlor to the disability if pronounced physically competent to perform the duties wlthln six (6) months of the commencement of the disabillty. (b) The employee wlll be re-employed at the same hourly rate held at the commencement of the dlsabllity lf pronounced physlcally competent to perform the dutles of the positlon occupied prior to the dlsabillty and the employee requests re-employment wlthin twelve (12) months of the commencement of the dlsability, (c) For the perlod between twelve (12) months and twenty-four (24) months of the commencement of the disabllity, the affected lndivldualwill be afforded preferentlal re-employment rlghts for any posltlon avallable wlthln the bargalnlng unit for whlch the employee ls reasonably qualified by ralnlng and experlence but not necessarlly at the pay level the employee occ,upied prior to the disabillty provlded the employee ls physlcally competent to perform the job and applles within' twenty-four (24) months of the commencement of the disabillty. (d) 'l"he employment relatlonshlp termlnates after fifteen (15) months disability, inclusive of shorr-term and long-term dlsability, AGR}iliMIiNT: UWI and Local 296 (lluly 29,2014 to March 3 l, 2019) page 30 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'|5-01 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their duly authorized representatives or officers. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Request No. 6 Attachment Page 3'l of 35 UNITED ASSOCIATION OF JOURNEYMEN AND APPRENTICES OF THE PLUMBING AND PIPE FITTING INDUSTRY OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA U.A, LOCAL UNION NO. 295 -.4#a/ Vice Presldent Buslness Manager, Local 296 Gary AGREEMENT: UWI and Local296 (July 29, 2014 to March 3 I , 2019)Page 3 I Request No. 6 Attachment Page 32 of 35 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. AND THE UNITED ASSOCIATION OF JOURNEYMEN AND APPRENTICES OF THE PLUMBING AND PIPE FITTING INDUSTRY OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA U.A. LOCAL UNION 296 INSTRUMENT *2OT.4.01. Thls MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING is hereby made and entered into by and between the UNITED WATER IDAHO lNC,, hereinafter referred to as COMPANY, and THE UNITED ASSOCIATION OF JOUBNEYMEN AND APPRENTICES OF THE PLUMBING AND PIPE FITTING INDUSTRY OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANAOA U.A, LOCAL UNION 296, hereinafter referred to as UNION. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish a more comprehensive and integrated understandlng of ltems not covered in the current Agreement between the Company and the Union. B, STATEMENT OF MUTUAL BENEFIT AND INTERESIS: Section 10,1 Job Classifications: The lnspector/Crew Chief position wlll be split into two dlfferent posltlons and determlned as follows:a, The Company retains the flexlbllity to upgrade Crew Chiefs to lnspectors on an Interim basls as necessary to meet business needs, with a corresponding upgrade in pay, b. Crew Chlefs may be asslgned by seniority to lead the valve exerclse crew(s) and/or valve malntenance crew(s) on an lnterlm basls as necessary to meet business needs. c. rr rs.M_uLUSuY.uNpE RsISSq aspAc_8EEq iy.aNp-gErw.EENlH!. PARTIES THAT: 1. COMMENCEMENT/EXPIRATION/TERMINATION. This MOU takes effect upon the sl8nature of the Company and the Unlon and shall remaln ln effect for the term of the Agreement between the Company and the Unlon, Thls MOU may be extended or amended only upon wrltten reguest and subsequent agreement by both partles. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTIES. The Company and Union and thelr respectlve officers will carry out the objectives of this MOU in a mutually beneficial manner. 3. AUTHORIZING REPRqSENTAIIVES, By signatures below, the Parties certlfy that the lndlviduals llsted in this document as representatlves of the Parties are authorized to act in their respective areas for matters related to this MOU. THE PARTIES HERETO have executed this lnstrument f2014-0r. / .{ 'l ( I( ,' 'il' t ; i -r.l-',!,q ---Dffi iJolrr KierrB' Business Manager u.A. LU 296 I United Water ldaho lnc, Request No. 6 Attachment Page 33 of 35 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. AND THE UNITED ASSOCIATION OF JOURNEYMEN AND APPRENTICES OF THE PLUMBING AND PIPE FITTING INDUSTRY OF THE UNIED STATES AND CANADA U.A. LOCAL UNION 296 INSTRUMENT fl2014-03 This MEMORANOUM OF UNDERSTANDING ls hereby made and entered into by and between the UNITED WATER IDAHO lNC,, herelnafter referred to as COMPANY and THE UNITED ASSOCIATION OF JOURNEYMEN AND APPRENflCES OF THE PLUMBlN6 AND PIPE FITTING INDUSTRY OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA U.A, TOCAL UNION 296, herelnafter referred to as UNION. PURPOSE: The purpose of thls Memorandum of Understandlng (MOU) ls to establish a more comprehenslve and lntegrated understanding of the following ltem: STATEMENT OF MUTUAL BENEFIT AND INTERESTS: The Company will contact lts current vendor to lnqulre about additional models/styles of prescrlptlon safety glasses available wlthln the parameters of lts current procurement contract. lf addltlonal selection ls available, at no addltional cost to the Company, the Company aBrees to meet wlth the Union to review the avallable selection and obtain their input on selection. IT IS MUTUALLY UNDER TOOD AND AGREEO BY AIID BETWEEN THE PARTIES THAT: 1, COMMENCEMENT/EXPIRATION/TERMINATION, This MOU takes effect upon the signature of the Company and the Union and shall remain in effect for the term of the Agreement between the Company and the Unlon. This MOU may be extended or amended only upon wrltten request and subsequent agreement by both parties, 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTIES. The Company and Union and thelr respective offlcers will carry out the obJectlves of this MoU ln a mutually beneficlal manner, 3. AUTHORIZING REPRESENTATIVES. By slgnatures below, the Partles certlfy that the lndivlduals llsted in thls document as representatives of the Partles are authorized to act ln thelr respectlve areas for matters related to thls MOU, ,h'it:.fl iolrn l(lerc<t Buslness Mana8er U.A. LU 296 / /r- ,Ar-*-fu)L-'r"!.'/v Gre-gory l.t/vylfi i Date Vice Rrclidcr{t &,ccSyhl Manager Unlted,Water ldaho lnc. .,1\l . t i :s1r . lta--1-----;rt" " B. I,l \rt\ United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 6 Attachment Page 34 of 35 United Water ldaho 8248 West Victory Road P.O. Box 190420 Boise, ldaho 837 79 -0420 telephone 208-362-7 327 f a csi mi le 208-362-7 069 LETTER OF AGREEMENT United Water ldaho lnc. (Company) and U.A. Local No. 295 (Union), as a result of recent negotiations for i new collective bargaining agreement (Agreement) between the Company and the Union, hereby understand and agree to the following: r Prior to this Agreement, and at the Company's discretion, Bargaining Unlt employees had received award payments under the Company's Non-Exempt Union lncentive Program. During the negotlations for this Agreement the parties agreed that, effective in plan year 2014, Bargainlng Unit employees covered by this Agreement will no longer be eligible to receive an award payment under the Company's Non-Exempt Union lncentive Program. DATED this 22nd day of August, 2014. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Lough Gary Request No. 6 Attachment Page 35 of 35 LETTER OFAGREEN'B{T WHEREAS Unlted Water ldaho lnc. (Company) and UA Local No 296 (Unlon)(collectlvely the "Partles "), have engaged ln dlscusslons and conducted good falth negotlatlons ln connectlon wlth the 2014 collective bargalnlng agreement (CBA), the Partles hereby understand and agree as follows: WHEREAS wlth respect to Artlcle 22 (Group Beneflt Plans), sectlon 22.3 l4OLk Plan) of the 2014 CBA the Partles agreed on the fullowlng tems: Sectlon 22.3. Regular employees wlll be covered by the Unlted Water Collectlvely Bargalned 401k Plan (The Company's a01(k) Plan) as lt may be amended from tlme to tlme, Employees hlred on or after Aprll 7,?:OLL will be offered an enhancement of the employer contrlbutlon to the Gxlstlng 401(k) plan, Features of the plan lnclude: An employer contrlbutlon of one and one-half percent {1.5%l of covered wages from the date the employee enrolls lnto the 401(k). Covered wages ls the employee's base wages, lncludlng pald leave, vacation and/or slck pay. Covered wages excludes overtlme, bonuses, or any other payments. Contrlbutlons by the Company wll! be made annually. ln order for the employee to recelve the one and one-half percent employer contribution, employees wlll be requlred to enroll ln the plan pursuant to plan procedures, Employees become vested in the enhanced rl()1(k) contrlbutlon plan upon completing one year of contlnuous employment wlth the Company. Once vested ln the plan, if the employee leaves the Company, the contrlbutions and 401(k) plan are portable. A Company 401k match of 5096 of the ffrst 8% of employee contrlbutlon. NOW THEREFORE the Partles now agree and further clarlfy that for purposes of computation the above prevlously agreed to new changes set forth ln Sectlon 22.3 concernlng the employer contribution of 1.5% of covered wages and the Company match of 50% of the flrst 8% of employee contrlbutlon would be effective as of the ratificatlon date (July 29, 2014) of the 2014 CBA. DATED thb l[6ay of November 2014 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Business Manager, Local 295 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W.15.01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 12: Please provide a listing of services the Company provides to other affiliates of the parent company, (i.e. United Water Missouri, etc.), with any cost amounts allocated to those company units. RESPONSE NO. 12: For Test Year ending Dec. 31,2014, the following intercompany services were provided to other affiliates of the parent company, with the cost allocated: Business Unit 635 United WERC's R&l Alliance Arsenic Mitigation Study - Sandy Hills Aquifer 682 United Water Environmental Services lnc. Amount $8,356 $2,110 Production of Contractor Orientation safety videos for West Basin and Burbank UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE uwt-w-l5-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 13: Please provide the actual postage costs by year from the year ending Dec 31,2011 through the year ending Dec 31 ,2014. RESPONSE NO. 13: Postage expense per books. Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 Amount $237,440 $224,509 $260,897 $258,461 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI.W.I5.O1 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 16: Please provide a break out of vehicle expenses by the same categories used in Cary's Exhibit 10, Schedule 1, page 16, by year for the years ending Dec 31 ,2011 through 2014. RESPONSE NO. 16: 2013 2012 2011 Lease cost Fuel P- Card maint. materials, outside services Mechanic pay & fringe benefits lnsurance Depreciation GPS VAAllowance Proceeds Net amount to Allocate OPEX OPEX Ratio 657,064 627,714 664,704 733,451 (76,754)(12,795)(400) (3,780) 580,310 614,915 664,304 729,670 256,225 201,271 186,648 205,219 76,397 95,729 64,515 67,04333,141 29,402 4,281 4,281 15,715 15,16920.142 9.600 242,782 282,237 196,254 193,07290,027 90,770 65,218 76,22442,011 39,268 5,232 29,840 13,979 12,4409.200 9.600 429,755 74.060/o 471,84 76.73o/o 506,159 551,776 76.',19% 75.620/o UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UW!-W-15-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 17: Please provide a schedule showing the actual expenses incurred in litigating rate cases for the previous three rate cases and any unamortized balances remaining. RESPONSE NO. 17: Consultants lntervenor Funding Legal M&S Misc Total tLo,168.27 L24,486.89 1.49.729.49-LvrLvv.-, *--r-vv.vJ L-Jr, 1J.-r The 2006 rate case expense balance was fully amortized as of July 2011. The 2009 & 2011 rate c€lse expense balances were fully amortized as of January 2015. There are no unamortized balances remaining. 63,003.45 31,552.50 9,5L4.O2 6,098.30 2009 48,665.29 5,478.75 34,OsL.66 35,859.77 43L.42 20L7 55,113.66 3,782.43 4L,468.55 33,764.tO 5,600.75 UNITED WATER IDAHO !NC. GASE UW!-W-15-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 18: Please provide a listing of all organizations the Company participates in and the costs of participating in those organizations (e.9. NAWC, IAC!, R&l Alliance, etc.). RESPONSE NO. 18: The list of organizations below reflect test year amounts. ALLIANCE FOR WATER EFFICIENCY ASSOCIATED TAXPAYERS OF IDAHO AWWA - lndividual Memberships AWWARF BOISE METRO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO IDGWA IDAHO ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE IDAHO COUNCIL ON INDUSTRY & ENERGY IDAHO RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION NAWC R&I ALLIANCE $1,277 $5oo $2,768 $34,227 $4,988 $367 $7,500 $3,814 $1,000 $212 $30,586 $125,251 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC, cAsE uwt-w-15-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 19: Please provide a copy of the letter dated June 3, 2014 from Idaho State Tax Commission referencing the assessed value the Company. Please provide a copy of the same information for 2015. RESPONSE NO. 19: Please see attached PDF files: Request No. 19 2014 ldaho State Tax Comm Property Appraisal.pdf Request No. 19 2015 ldaho State Tax Comm Property Appraisal.pdf United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 PO Box 36 . Boise lD 83722-0410 800 Park Blvd., Plaza lV . Boise lD 83712-7742 IDATIO State Tax Commission Jvne4,20l4 RECEIVED LetterlD: L1865178176 Reference: 04002021 JEREMTAH J. HEALY JUN I o 2[ll4 PO BOX 190420 BOISE D 83719-0420 DeaT JEREMIAH J. IIEALY: Enclosed is the 2014 appraisal report for UMTED WATER IDAHO, INC.. Please call or write me if you have questions or disagree with the recommended value. Appraisal review meetings will be held during the week of June 16 through Jwrc27,2014. Please contact me if you wish to schedule a meeting dato. Ifyou would like to schedule a formal hearing before the State Board of Equalization (SBOE), you must make your request in writing by August 1,2014. Hearings are held from the second Monday through the fourth Monday in August. SBOE decisions may be appealed to district court within 30 days of receiving the decision. On the fourth Monday in Augusl the State Tox Commission will certiff values for all cenftally assessed properties. Sincerely, el*r,.*- (. 0'n,ro^.' - ) Leena Gilman Cenfually Assessed Property Bureau Idaho State Tax Commission Voice 208.334.7739 Fax208.334.7741 Leena.Gilman@tax.idatro.go, \ Enclosure Request No. 19 Attachment Page 1 of 45 oHoil0 270 Equal Opportunlty Empoycr r tax,idaho.gov . Hearing lmprirBd TDD (800) 37€529 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 2 ot 45 2014 APPRAISAL REPORT FOR THE OPERATING PROPERTY OF UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. 04,002021 Prepared May 2,2014 By James Powell SeniorAppraiser ldaho State Tax Commission United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 3 of 45 TABLE OF CONTENTS Certifcation Property ldentification CostApproach lncome Approach Stock and Debt Approach System Conelation Leased Equipment Appraisal Narrative, if provided 1 2 3 4 5 o 7 Appendix ISTC United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 4 of 45 CERTIFICATION I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief: this report is intended only for property tax assessment purposes within the state of ldaho. the statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. the reported analysesr opinions and conclusions are limited by the extraordinary assumption that the Operator Statement and other evidences relied upon are true. the reported analyses, opinions and concluslons are limited by the hypothetical assumption that any future projections of income and/or cash flow will become true to the extent weight is placed on indicators derived from such projections. the conclusions in this report were derived in a manner consistent with ldaho State Tax Commission practices believed to be in place from prior indicaUons. I am a Certified Properly Tax Appraiser certified to appraise the subject br ldaho property tax assessment purposes only; as I do not hold a Certified General Appraiser License in ldaho, to appraise this subject for other purposes. I have not made a personal inspection of the property as inspection of the entire property was not believed to be necessary or feasible with other disclosures and this reporfs intended purpose. the reported analyses, opinions and concluslons are my personal unbiased professional analyses, opinions and conclusions within the parameters of this certification. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. my compensation is not contingent upon the amount of the value estimate, the attainment of a stipulated result or the occurence of a subsequent result. no one provided significant professional assistance to the person slgning this report. United Water ldaho Case u\M-W-15-01 Request No. '19 Attachment Page 5 of 45 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION AND 2014 CONCLUSION OF VALUE Revlscd 6lg0lh0Lil1' Name of Company: United lillater ldaho, lnc. Mailing Address: 8248 WestVictory Road Boise, ldaho 83719 Date of Appraisal: January '|.,2014 Purpose of Appraisal: The appraisal was prepared to determine an estimate of market value for assessnent purposes of all operating property. Value to be Estimated: Operating property shall include all title and lnterest as described in Section 63-201 ( 16 ) ldaho Code. Apportionment Area: Ada Coun$ Company Data: United Water ldaho has approxlmately 85,000 customers. This company is a subsidiary of United V{atenrorks whlch is one of several holdings under United Resources. United Resources is owned by Suez. Cost lndicator $ 176.514,956 (page 3) lncomelndicaton $ 133,416,459 (page4) Market lndicator: N/A System Correlated Value: $ 144,200,000 (page 6) ldaho Value: $ 116,700,000 (page 6) after pp exemption $ 116,600.000 ISTC.....page 2 PROPERfi IDENTIFICATION AND 2014 CONCLUSION OF VALUE Name of Company: United Water ldaho, !nc. Mailing Address: 8248 WestMctory Road Boise,ldaho 83719 Date of Appraisal: Purpose of Appraisal: January 1,2014 The appraisal to determine an estlmate of value br assessrnent purposes of all Value to be Estimated:shall lnclude alltitle and interest ln Section 63-201 ( 16 ) ldaho Code. Apportionment Area:Gounty Company Request No. 19 Attachment Page 6 of 45 Cost lndicator: lncome lndicator Market lndicaton System Correlated Value: ldaho Value: United Water ldaho has approximately 85,000 customers. This company is a subsidlary of United VVaterworks whlch is one of several holdings under United Resources. United Resources is owned by Suez. 176,514,956 (page 3) 134,663,342 (page 4) N/A 147,200,000 (page 6) 119,2q),000 (page 6) $ $ afterppexemption $ 119,100,000 ISTC.....page 2 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 7 of 45 UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. 2014 cosT lNDlcAToR Plant ln Service Depreclation Net Plant in Service Construction l/\lork in Progress Deduct Confibutions in Ald of Gonstrucfron Deduct Advances for ConsEuction Property Held fur Future Use Materlals and Supplles Plant Acquisition AdjusUnent Cost lndlcator of Value Data Source: United Wate/s 2014 Operato/s Statement to the ldaho State Tax Commission $ 369,291,987 119,893,385 $ 249,398,602 2,064,468 (70,089,351) (5,722,757) 364,'t 13 499,881 $ 176,5'14,956 |STC.....page 3 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 8 of 45 \"f I"{"1 \., , s, !- c) UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. 20l4INCOME lNDICATOR Revlsed 6lA0lA0gj GDPi cDP Net oper. Percent AdiustedYear Deflat lndex lncome Change NOI 2009 100.000 1.065870 8,556,M5 -29.58% 9,120,2712010 101.206 1.053169 9,350,802 9.28o/o 9,847,973 2011 103.195 1.O3287O 9,312,046 4.41o/n 9,618,1312012 't05.000 1.015114 12,043,630 29.330/o 12,225,ffi12013 106.587 1.000000 12,5s8,857 4.28% 12,s58,857 lncome Estimate - Adjusted Average NOI (3 year) lncome Estimale - Adjusted Average NOI (5 year) lncome Estimate - Average Weighted lncrease (3 year) lncome Eslimate - Average Weighled lncrease (5 year) t Gross Domestic Product Data Source: United Water's 2014 Operato/s Statement to the ldaho State Tax Commission 11.467,550 10,674,179 14,046,816 13,617,690 YIELD CAPITAL]ZATION 2014 Net Operating lncome 10,700,000 Rate (ldaho Yield Rate Study)8. lncome divided by rate lncome lndicator of Value 133,416,45s $1 ISTC... ..page 4 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page I of 45 UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. 2OI4INCOME INDICATOR Net Oper. lncome Adjusted NOt GDP1 GDP Year Deflat lndex 100.000 10'1.206 103.195 105.000 106.587 1.065870 1.053169 1.032870 1.015't 14 1.000000 9,556,645 9,350,802 9,312,046 Or',qlr' ^ ( 9.28o/o -0.4'lo/o 29.33% 4.28% 9,120,271 9,847,973 9,6'19,131 12,225,661 12,558,857 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 lncome Estimate -Adjusted Average NOI (3 year) lncome Estimate - Adjusted Average NOI (5 year) lncome Estimate - Average Weighted lncrease lncome Estimate - Average Weighted 1 Gross Domestic Product Data Source: United Wate/s 2014 Operato/s Statement to the ldaho State Tax Commission 11,467,550 10,674,179 14,046,816 13,617,689.89 // YTELD CAPITALIZAT|ON lncome $ 10,800,000 by rate $ 134,663,342 lndicatorofValue $ 134 ISTC.....page 4 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 10 of45 UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. 2OI4 STOCK AND DEBT INDICATOR The market approach lndicator of value relies on adjusting sales of comparable property to the subject property. ln he appraisal of regulated udlities there are very few, if any, sales which could be utilized as oomparable sales. The Stock and Debt Approach is used to overcome this obstacle by uslng an altemative to comparable sales. The Stock and Debt Approach to value was consldered for this company, but was not used due to the assumptions and estimations thatwould have had to be made. The stock of this company ls not traded on a oommon exchange. ISTC.....page 5 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 11 of45 \(."'4"P AMOUNT $ 176,514,956 $ 133,416,459 N/A E :i*^ u 7c,'?otl UN]TED WATER IDAHO, INC. 2014 SYSTEM CORRELATION WEIGHTED 25% 75o/o Revlsed 6l30l20ffir f INDICATORS OF VALUE. COST (page 3) CAPITALIZED INCOME (page 4) STOCK & DEBT System Conelation: Deduct: Add: Deduct: Deduct; Deduct: PP exemption lntanqibles Franchlses Cuslom Software Goodwill Leased Equipment (page 7) Licenses Pollution Control Owned Water Rights $100,000 .'ESNMATED IDAHO VALUATION* 81.69% X $104,548 81.69% X $1,606,426 81.69% X $499,881 81.690/o X $42,201 ($53,726,066 / $371 720568 = 1 4.45o/o) 81.690/o X $5,885,368 Ada Gounty $ '144,200,000 (85,408) (1,312,334) (408,367) 28,420 (34,475) (20,836,900) (4,807,922) _!_I6,?00,999_ (1 00,000) $ 116,600,000 ts[c....yg6 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 INDICATORS OFVALUE COST (page 3) CAPITALIZED INCOME STOCK & DEBT ,//WETGHTED //// Request No. 19 Attachment Page 12 of 45 c:ry) ^,.- \ $ 176,514,956 $ 134,663,342 N/A UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. 201'f SYSTEM CORRELATION (page 4) **ESTIMATED I DAHO VALUATION'* 83.39% X $104,548 83.39% X $1,606,426 83.397o X $499,881 83.39% X $42,201 ($53,726,066 / $371 720568 = 14.45o/o) 83.39% X $5,885,368 Ada County System Correlation: Deduct: Add: Deduct Deduct: Deduct: PP exemption lntangihles Franchises Custom Software Goodwill J,. LeasedEquipment (page 7) Lbg6ses zPollution Control Orned Water Rights $100,000 $ 147,200,000 (87,1E5) (1,339,637) (416,863) 28,420 (35,192) (21,270,400',) (4,907,948) $ 119,200,000 (100,000) $ 119,100,000 ISTC.,...page 6 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-1541 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 13 of45 UN]TED WATER IDAHO, INC. 2O{4 SCHEDULE OF LEASED EOUIPMENT County & Tax Code Leaslng Type ofComosu Equipnent Year Built Depreclated Value Ada 120 120 Xerox Gapital Services Canon urcP275HC lmageRunner 6075 Total 3,500 24,920 _%,42O_ 2007 2013 ISTC.....page 7 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 DATIo State Tax Commission Leena Gilman Centrally Assessed Properly Bureau Idatro State Tax Commission Voice 208.334.7739 Fax208.334.7741 Leena.Gitnan@tan. idaho. gov Enclosure June 4, 2015 JARMILA CARY UMTED WATER IDAHO, INC. PO BOX 190420 BOISE rD 83719-0420 DeaTJARMILA CARY: Enclosed is the 2015 appraisal report for UMTED WATER IDAHO, INC.. Please call or write me if you have questions or disagree with the recommended value. Appraisal review meetings will be held during the week of 6/15/15 through 6130115,2015. Please contact me if you wish to schedule a meeting date. If you would like to schedule a formal hearing before the State Board of Equalization (SBOE), you must make your request in writing by August 1,2015. Hearings are held from the second Monday tbrough the fourth Monday in August. SBOE decisions may be appealed to disfict court witldn 30 days of receiving the decision. On the fourth Monday in August, the State Ta,x Commission will certi& values for all centrally assessed properties. Sincerely, Request -' ftili?:}"# :f5+ (l''-(<1 C-(r '. I\, / yrl^.r En<- \ur.0./ %.r;<* PO Box 36. Boise |D83722-0410 )e-*^r AJr800 Park Blvd.' Ptaza lV' Boise tD a3712-7742 1, .J.r"..a rh(l < ellq Letter ID: L1694213696 Reference: 04002021 4"*-$-,0^,rl0^t EquEl Opportunily EmployEr . tal.ldaho.gov . Hearing lmpaled TDD (800) 37I-352e United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 15 of45 2015 APPRAISAL REPORT FOR THE OPERATING PROPERW OF . . UNTTEO WNTER IDAHO, INC. 0/,oo2021 Prepared May 2,2015 By James Powell SeniorAppraiser ldaho State Tax Commission United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 16 of4O TABLE OF CONTENTS Certlfication Properly ldentifi cation Gost Approach lncome Approach Stock and Debt Approach System Conelation Leaeed Equipment Appralsal Nanative, if provided I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Appendix United Water ldaho Case U\M-W-l5-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 17 of45 CERTIFICATION I certiff to the best of my knowledge and beliet this Appralsalreport is intended only for property tax assessment purposes withln the state of ldaho's exception (ldaho Code 544105.1); this report and its development do not, nor are required to, comply with USPAP. the statements of fact contained in this report are true and conect. the reported analyses, opinions and conclusions are limited by the extraordinary assumption that the Operator Statement and other evidences relied upon are true. the reported analyses, opinions and conclusions are limited by the hypothetica assumption that any future projections of income and/or cash flow will become true to the extent weight ls placed on indicators derived from such projections. the conclusions ln this report were derived in a manner consistent with ldaho State Tax Commission practices believed to be in place from pdor indications. I am a Certified Property Tax Appraiser certified to appraise the subject for ldaho property tax assessment purposes only; as I do not hold a Certified General Appraiser License in ldaho, to appraise this subject for other purposes. I have not made a personal inspection of the property as inspection of the entire property was not believed to be necessary or feasible with other disclosures and thls report's intended purpose. the reported analyses, opinions and conclusions are my personal unbiased professional analyses, opinions and conclusions within the parameters oi this certification. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. my compensation is not contingent upon the amount of the value estimate, the attainment of a stipulated result or the occunence of a subsequent result. no one provided significant professional assistance to the person signing this report. l-qTn na^a'l United Water ldaho Case UVfl-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 18 of45 {Lrr;g,l- PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION AND 2015 coNcLusloN oF VALUE Revlsed 6lL6l20fts Name of Company: Unlted Water ldaho, lnc. Mailing Address: 8248 WestVictory Road Boise, ldaho 83719-4020 Date of Appralsal: Purpose of Appraisal: Value to be Estimated: January 1. 2015 The appralsal was prepared to determine an estmate of market value for assessment purposes of all operating properly. Operating properly shall lnclude all tiUe and lnterest as described in Section 63-201 ( 16 ) ldaho Gode. ApportionmentArea: Ada County Company Data: United Water ldaho has approximately 88,000 customers. Thls comparry is a subsidiary of United Watenrorks which is one of several holdings under United Resources. United Resources is owned by Suez. Cost lndicator: lncome lndicator: Market lndicaton Qptem Conelated Value: ldaho Value: 180,O$,7n (page 3) 142,503,098 (page4) N/A 151,900,000 (page6) 123,300,000 (page 6) 123,200,000 $ $ after pp exemption $ ISTC.....page 2 United Water ldaho Case UW|-W-l5-01 Request No. 19 Attachmenl Page 19 of45 tY,9, n.^l PROPERTY IDENTI F ICAT I ON AND 20r5 coNcLusroN oF VALUE Name of Company: United Water ldaho, lnc. Mailing Address: 8248 West Victory Road Boise, ldaho 83719-4020 Date of Appraisal: January 1,2015 Purpose of Appraisal: The appraiqalwas estimate of of all Value to be Estlmated: to determine an for assessment purposes shall include alltitle and interest in Section 6&201 ( 16 ) ldaho Code. Apportionment 'Ada County Cost lndicator: lncome lndicator Market lndicator: SystemCorelatedValue: $ 151,900,000 (page6) IdahoValue: $ 123,300,000 (pageG) United Water ldaho has approximately 88,000 customers. This company is a subsidiary of United Waterworks whlch ls one of several holdings under United Resources. United Resources is owned by Suez. 180,071,710 (page 3) 142,503,098 (page 4) N/A $ $ afier pp exemption $ 123,200,000 lSTn aana2 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1 I Attachment Page 20 of 45 flo-r,J," Q-- UNITED I'YATER IDAHO, Ii.IC. 201s cosT tNDrcAToR Plant in Service Depreciation Net Plant in Servlce Construction Work ln Progress Deduct: Contributions in Aid of Construclion Deduc-t Advances for Construction Property Held'for Future Use Materials and Supplles Plant Acqulsition Adjustment Cost lndicator of Value 380,682,967 128.O45,743 252,637,224 5,571,678 (73,724,580) (5,276,606) 335,504 490,557 _$_l!9,033,27- Dala Source: United Water's 2015 Operato/s Statement to the ldaho State Tax Commission ISTC.....page 3 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page21 of45 Cli-)g'-^^ t UNITED WATER IDAHO, lNC 2015 COST INDICATOR Plant in Service Depreciation 380,682,967 743 Net Plant in Service Construction Work in Progress Deduct Contributions in Aid of Gonstruction Deduct Advances for Construclion Property Held for Future Use Materials and Supplies Plant Acquisition Adjustment Cost lndicator of Value ,224 180,071,710 Data Source: United WateCs 2015 Operato/s Statement to the ldaho State Tax Commission lSTn nanc ? 5,571,678 (73,724,580) (5,276,606) 364,113 499,881 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 22 ol 45 Percent Adjusted NOt UNITEDWATER IDAHO,INC 2OI5INCOME INDICATOR Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 GDPI Deflat 101.217 1.069830 103.307 1.048186 105.164 1.029677 10e.729 1.014579 108.285 1.000000 Net Oper. lncome 9,350,902 9,312,046 12,043,630 12,558,857 12,679,813 9.28o/o -o.41% 29.330/o 4.28o/o 0.96% 10,003,770 9,760,761 12,401,054 12,741,952 12,679,813 lncome Estimate - Adjusted Average NOI (3 year) lncome Estimate - Adjusted Average NOI (5 year) lncome Estimate - Average Weighted lncrease (3 year) lncome Estimate - Average Weighted lncrease (5 year) YIELD CAPITALIZATIOil 15 Net Operating lncome $ 11,500,000 Rate (ldaho Yield Rate Study) divided by rate $ 142,503,098 lndicator of Value ' Gross Domestic Product Data Source: United Wate/s 2015 Operatods Statementto the ldaho State Tax Commission lSTn naac d 12,607,607 11,517,470 13,541,601 13,680,516 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 23 of 45 UNITED WATER |DAHO, tNc 2O{5 STOGKAND DEBT INDICATOR The market approach indicator of value relies on adjustlng sales of comparable prcperty to the subject propedy. !n the appraisal of regulated utilitles there are very few, if any, eales whlch could be utilized as comparable sales. The Stock and Debt Approach ls used to overcome thls obstacle by using an altemative to comparable sales. The Stock and Debt Approach to value was considered for this oompany, but was not used due to the assumptions and estimations that would have had to be made. The stock of this company ls not traded on a oommon exchange. lSTn naaa 5 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 24 ol 45 Yi.r.,,,r-Q UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. 2OI5 SYSTEM CORRELATION WEIGHTED 25% 75o/o AMOUNT $ 180,033,777 $ 142,503,098 N/A Revlsed 6lL6l2OlS lNprcATgRs OF VALUE CoST (page 3) CAPITALIZED INCOME (page 4) STOCK & DEBT System Conelation: Deduct:lntanoibles Franchises Custom Software Goodwill Add: Deduct: Leased Equipment (page 7) Licenses Deduct Pollution Control Deduct; Owned Water Rights ..ESTIMATED I DAHO VALUATION*' u.37o/o x $104,548 84.370h X $1,335,895 84.37% X $490,5s7 84.370/o X $27166 ($55,322,041 / $386,590, 150 = 14.31oh) 84.37o/o X $6,228,941 $ 151,900,000 (88,210) (1,127,',135) (413,898) 19,600 (22,9211 (21,736,890) (5,25s,s48) _$_123,300,999_ (100,000) $ 123,200,000 lSTC.....page 6 PP exemption $100,000 Ada County System Conelation: Add: Deduct: Deduct: Deduct: **ESTIMATED INDICATORS OFVALUE COST (page 3) CAPITALIZED INCOME (page a) STOCK& DEBT lntanoibles Franchises Custom Softrvare Goodwill Leased Equipment Licenses Pollution Rights VALUATION* WEIGHTED 25o/o 75o/o x $104,548x $1.335,895 36% X $490,557 84.36% X $27166 ($55,322,041 / $386,590,1 50 = 14.31o/o) *.360/o X $6,228,941 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 25 of 45 Oq';5:>-\ AMOUNT 1,710 s 142,503,098 N/A $ 151 ,900,000 (88,192) (1,126,898) (413,811) 19,600 122,516) (21,736,890) (5,254,4/.1) _$_1_?3,300,999_ (100,000) $ 123,200,000 UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC 2OI5 SYSTEM CORRELATION PP exemption $100,000 Ada County lSTn nana A United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'!5-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 26 of 45 UNITED WATER IDAHO, tNC 2O{5 SCHEDULE OF LEASED EQUIPMENT County & Tax Code Leasing Type ofCompany Equlpment Year Built Depreciated Value 120 lmageRunner 6075 Total 19,600 _--____-19€99_ lSTn naaa'l United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-I5-01 Request No. 19 Aftachment Page27 ol45 O4-Water Distribution OPERATOR STATEMENT LINITED WATER IDAHO, INC. rsccmffiiloll APR 2 B'2015 TIr)OAYEBBVOS 04002021 the penalties ofperjury, I hereby certiry that this statement direotion and zupervision from the original books and records of said company and that facts, statements, and schedules in this statement are Eue, correcl and complete to the \r.\ z-1z4L- Z,rspi'. n-\ { (qo. i>'.ra.{ar ,.\ E zR - ?L?- -7 33-1 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 28 of 45 United Water ldaho lnc 1. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS This operator's statement and all additional documentation apply to you with to the calendar year ending December 31 , 2014. You must submit this information to the ldaho State Tax Commission by April 30, 2015. Centrally Assessed Property Section Property Appraisal Bureau ldaho State Tax Commission POBox36 Boise, lD 83722 Answer all questions and attach additional sheets Where necessary. lf you cannot provide the information, briefly explain why. lnclude the county, tax code area and legal description (if any) for all property, including items on government, lndian, state, county, municipal or other lands exempt from taxation. lf you don't know which tax code area the property ls located in, please contact the county assessor. Explain unusual entries and discrepancies on pages containing space for remarks or referenced supplemental pages. lf the space provided is insufficient, insert and number additional pages. You may use photocopies or computer generated pages. For example, if you need to add pages to report your leased machines and eguipment on page '13 number the pages 13A, 138, 13C, etc. Please submit any additional information that may affect the valuation of the properg. lf requested information has already been created, you may substitute that information. lf you do not select an option for removing intangiblepersonal property (page 10), Option A will become the default method. For example, investments in custom software are exempted as intangible personal property. See ldaho Code 63-36'16ii lnclude the following addiUonal reports: the annual report to partners and stockholders, operating and financial year-end company report and rate increase documentation filed with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. We advise companies with CIAC to increase or decrease the proper accounts if asset dollars have increased or decreased. Show the information by individual plant accounts on the Utility Plant Account for GIAC (page 9). The total Utility Plant Account 101 on page 4 will be affected if CIAC dollars have changed. The adjustments are important to avoid possible appraisal errors. The taxpayer or an authorized agent must provide all inforriation requested by ldaho State Tax Commission. The taxpayer must provide correct and reliable information. lf the requested information is not provided, the Tax Commission will assess the property as fairly and equitably as possible using the best information it possesses. The taxpayer will have no right to appeal such assessment. See ldaho Code section 63-104 and IDAPA Rule lf you have any questions about completing this form, please call our office at (208) 334-7739. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. o 10 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)Revised: 1110912012 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 United Water ldaho lnc. COMPANY INFORMATION Request No. 19 Attachment Page 29 of45 Appraisal Tax Representative Representative (This person will receive the appraisal and all appraisal correspondence.) Jarmila Cary Iitle Manager - Finance Mailing Address 8248 W.Victory Road, PO Box 190420, Boise ldaho 83719-0420 E-Mail Address Jarmila.Gary@unitedwater.com Federal Employer ldentification Number 824101565 felephoneNumber 20&362-7332 FaxNumber 208-362-7069 Tax Bil! Representative Representative (Ihis person will receive the tax bill.) Jarmila Cary Iitle Manager - Finance Vlailing Address 8248 W. Victory Road, PO Box 190420, Boise, ldaho 83719-0420 j-Mail Address jarmila, cary@u nitedwater. com Ielephone Number 208-362-7332 FaxNumber 208-362-7069 Mapping and Tax Gode Area Representative lepresentative (This person will receive the tax code area mapping intormation.) Shane Lim Iitle GIS Supervisor =-Mail Address Shane. Lim@Unitedwater.com IelephoneNumber 208-362-7352 ax Number 208-362-7069 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)Revised: 12101106 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 1 9 Attachment Page 30 of 45 United Water ldaho lnc. HISTORY OF COMPANY 1 Fulltitle of UNITED WATER IDAHO lNC. 2 Period covered by this report 3 Location of principal office Calendar Year Ended December 31.2014 8248 W. Victorv Road. Boise ldaho 83709 4 Date when company was originally organized April 2nd, '1928 5 Date of any.reorganization or consolidation N/A 6 Date when company began rendering service 1890 7 Name of parent company, if anY 8 Name of companles owned, controlled or operated United Waterworks 9 Names of counties within ldaho in which you operate Ada 10 Customers by Glass IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR Case UW-W-14-01 Amend and revise certificate of convenience and necessity No. 143 to include Brian Subdivision. Order 33195 Dated December 17th,2014. Class Number of Customers Current Year Number of Customers Last Year Residence 77.879 76.645 Commercial 8.586 8,445 lndustrial 0 0 Cther - Fire Protection. etc.1.849 1.759 TOTAL -88.314 86,849 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)Revised: 12101106 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 31 of45 United Water ldaho lnc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 BALANCE SHEET Acct #Beginning of Year Close of Year lncrease or Decrease Utility Plant in Service 101 369,291,987 380,682,967 't1,390,980 Utility Plant Leased to Others 102 Plant Held for Future Use 103 Construction Work in Progress 105 2,064,468 5,571,67E 3,507,210 Utility PlantAcquisition Adjustment 114 600,761 600,761 0 Subtotal (Lines I thru 5)371,957,217 386,855,.107 14,898,190 Accumulated Depreciation 108.1 119,893,385 128.045.743 8.152.358 Accumulated Depreciation - Utility Plant Lease to Others 108.2 Accumulated Depreciation - Property Held for Future Use 108.3 Accumulated Amortization - Utility Plant ln Service 110.1 Accumulated Amortization - Utility Plant Leased to Others 110.2 Accumulated Amortization - Acquisition Adjustment 115 100,880 110,204 9,324 Net Utility Plant (Line 6 less Lines 7 thru 12)251,962,952 258,599,460 6,736,508 lnvestment in Subsldiaries 123 Other lnvestments 125 111,131 111,008 (123) Total lnvestments (Add lines 14 & 15,111,131 1 11,008 11231 Cash 131 50,950 50,950 Short Term lnvestments 135 Accts/Notes Receivable - Customers 141 1,608,579 1,217,183 (391,397) Other Receivables 142 198,506 263,096 64,589 Receivables from Associated Companies 145 531,702 2,615,163 2,083,461 Materials & Supplies lnventory 151 364,1 1 3 335,504 (28,609) Prepaid Expenses 162 69,050 6,570 (62,480) Unbilled (Accrued) Utility Revenue 173 2,84'1,533 2,843,187 't,654 Provision for Uncollectible Accounts 143 (88,867)(88,867) Total Current Assets (add lines 17thru 24less line 25)5,575,566 7,242,796 1,667,219 Unamortized Debt Discount & Expense 181 Preliminary Survey & lnvestigation Charges 183 Defened Rate Case Expenses 1U 70,408 5,416 (64,992) Other Deferred Charges 186 3,419,210 4,829,280 1,410,070 Total Assets (Add lines 13, 15, and 26 thru 301 261,139,267 270,887,949 9,749,692 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ?4 25 26 27 2A 29 30 31 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4) Request No. 19 Attachment Page 32 of 45 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 '13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 2A 30 3't 32 United Water ldaho lnc. BALANCE SHEET Acct #Beginning of Year Close of Year lncrease or Decrease Common Stock 201-3 1.261.750 1,261,750 Preferred Stock 204$ Miscellaneous Capital Accounts 207-13 76,704,330 76,704,330 Appropriated Retained Earnings 214.O Unappropriated .Retained. Eamings..l 21s.0 a0,872,259 - 82,272,975 1,400,715 Reacquired Capital Stock 216.0 Proprietary Capital 218.O Total Equity Capital (Add llnes I thru 7l 158,838,340 160,239,055 1,400,715 Bonds 221-2 Advances from Associated Companies 223.O Other Long- Term Debt 224.O Accounts Payable 231.0 1,679,620 2.298.183 618,504 Notes Payable 232.O Accounts Payable - Associated Companies 233.0 198,746 (198,746) Customer Deposits (Refundable)235.0 42 (42:, Accrued Other Taxes Payable 236.1 1,066,464 1 ,1 01 ,518 35,054 Accrued lncome Taxes Payable 236.1 4,506,075 3,ilq,442 (956,633; Accrued Taxes - Non-Utility 23fj..2 Accrued Debt, lnterest & Dividends Payable 237.4 Misc. Current & Accrued Liabilities 241.0 842,377 830,222 (12,1s5 Unamortized Debt Premium 251.0 Advances for Construction 252.A 5,722,757 5,276,606 (446,1511 Accumulaled Amortization for Advances for lonstruction Other Deferred Liabilities 253.0 6,305,9'18 9,571,O12 3,265,094 Accumulated lnvestment Tax Credits - Utili$255.1 856,834 808,594 (48,240't Accumulated lnvestment Tax Credits - Non-Utility 2s5.2 Operating Reserves (Pension & Benefits)261-s 8,119,230 10J03,728 1,984,498 Contributions in Aid of Construction 271.0 96,294,457 102,188,114 5,893,657 Accumulated Amortization of Contribution in Aid of lonstruction 272.O (26,205,1061 (28,463,534 (2,258,428' Accumulated Deferred lncome Taxes 281-3 2,913,514 3,385,008 471,494 Total Liabllities (Add lines thru 30'102,300,928 110,648,894 8,347,966 Total Liabilities and Gapital (Add lines I & 31 261,139,267 270,887,949 9,748,682 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)Revised: 12101106 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 't2 13 14 15 16 17 '18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 33 of45 United Water ldaho lnc. REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL Descrlption Acct. #Amount REVENUE Total Operating Revenue 400 45,742,657 DEQ Fees Billed Separately to Customers 256,6U Hookup or Gonnection Fees Collected Commission Approved Surcharges Collected Franchise Tax (City of Boise & City of Eagle)1,178,077 OPERATING EXPENSES Labor - Operation & Maintenance 601.1-6 2,301.693 Labor - Customer Accounts 601.7 1,067,853 Labor - Administrative & General 601.8 914,657 Salaries, Officers & Directors 603 Employee Pensions & Benefits 604 1,914,797 Purchased Water (and Leased)610 136,210 ?urchased Power & Fuel for Power 615-16 2,316,532 3hemicals (lncludes Chemical Container Deposits)618 288,316 Materials & Supplies - Operation & Maintenance 620.1€175,'t63 Vlaterials & Supplies - A&G, Customer Care (lncludes Postage)620.7-8 327,418 Sontract Services - Professional (Acctg., Legal, Mgmt. Fees)631-34 3,9',t4.912 Sontract Services - Water Testing 635 101,il4 lontract Services - Other 636 729,435 lentals - Property & Equipment 64142 11,861 Iransportation Expense 6s0 429,755 nsurance 656-59 454,752 \dvertising 660 100,311 late Case Expense (Amortization)666 64,992 iegulatory Commision Expense (Amortization)667 14,856 3ad Debt Expense 670 234,4',t6 Vliscellaneous 675 1,002,806 Total Operating Expenses (Add Llnes 5 thru 251 401 16,402,282 OTHER TAXES List of Taxes Current Year - Amount tf lncrease or Decrease from Preceding Year Real & Personal PropertY 1,810.813 (99,358: daho State lncome 525.374 (274,072" Payroll 473.151 14.177 State Corporation License daho Public Utilities (Regulatory Fees)108.435 10,167 Cther 82.800 65,700 TOTAL 3.000,573 (283.386 6terlndustryWa United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 34 of 45 United Water ldaho lnc. REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o 10 1'.| 12 t3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Acct. #Descriptlon Amount 403 Depreciation Expense 8,543,110 406 Amortization, Utility Plant Acquisition Adjustment 9,324 407 Amortization Expenses - Other Utility Plant 408.10 Regulatory Fees (PUC)108,435 408.11 Property Taxes 1,810,813 408.12 Payroll Taxes 473,151 408.13 Cther Taxes: ldaho Sales & Use Tax 82,800 Taxes Paid (Benefit) on GIAC (11,761) 409.10 :ederal lncome Taxes 2,559,693 409.11 State lncome Taxes 525,374 410.10 )rovision for Deferred lncome Tax - Federal 2,121,627 410.11 Provision for Deferred lncome Tax - State 516,829 411 Provision for Deferred Utility lncome Tax Credits 11,761 412 lnvestrnent Tax Credits - Utility (48,240" Total Expenses from operations before lnterest (add llne 26 from page 6 and lines I thru {6)33,105,198 413 lncome from Utility Plant Leased to Others 414 Sains (Losses) From Disposition of Utility Plant 42,354 Net Operating lncome (Add line 1 from page 6 and lines 18 and 19 less line 17)12,679,813 4',15 Revenues, Merchandizing, Jobbing, and Contract Work 245,581 416 Expenses, Merchandizing, Jobbin g, and Contracts (213,486) 419 nterest and Dividend lncome, Other 420 \llowance for Funds used During Construction 69,770 421 Vliscellaneous Non-Utility lncome 27,789 426 Vliscellaneous Non-Utili$ Expense (11,034) 408.20 )ther Taxes, Non-Utility Operations 409-20 ncome Taxes, Non-Utility Operations 427.3 nterest Expense on Long-Term Debt (4,402,352) 427.5 f,ther lnterest Charges 2,930 Net lncome 8-399-011 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)Revised: 12101106 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 1'l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2A 29 30 31 32 33 United Water ldaho lnc. Request No. 19 Attachment Page 35 of 45 UTILITY PLANT ACCOUNTS FOR RATE BASE Classification (A) Balance al Beginning of Year (B) Added During Year (c) Withdrawn During Year (D) Balance at End of Year 301 Orqanization 104.548 104.548 302 Franchise & Consents 41.',t82 41.182 303 Land, Land Riqhts & Water Rights 10.526.504 307-800 (39,626:10.794.678 304 Structures & lmprovemenls 26.253.592 255.574 (49.941 26.459.225 305 Reservoirs & Standoioes 306 Lake, River and Other lntakes 1.172.321 1.172_321 307 Wells 8.459.905 60.380 |.74.462\8.445.823 308 lnfiltration Galleries & Tunnels 60.351 60,351 309 Suoolv Mains 2,860.854 2.860.854 310 Power Generation Eouioment 2.7ffi.784 't9.288 (4,290)2.751.782 311 Power Pumpino Equiffnent 22,457,zffi 725.349 (184.4401 22.998.175 320 PurificationSvstem 26.353.641 601.61't (360.206)26.595.046 330 Distrib. Reservoirs & Standpipes 1 1.819.958 4,054 11,824.0',12 331 Transmission and Distribution Mains 157-429.6;26 5.632.252 (s7.285'162.904.593 333 Services 65.568.316 3.4U.725 Q%.283'68.8m,7583U Meters & lnstallations 11.239.054 1.63/.,797 o05.3081 12.168.543 335 Hvdrants 3.690.733 442.823 4.133.556 336 Backflow Prevention Devices 339 Other Plant & Misc. Eouioment 340 Office Furniture and Equipment 12.16s.791 179.713 (18.439:12.327.65 341 Transoorlation Equioment 37.259 37.259 342 Stores EquiDment 24.448 24,M8 343 Sho Eoubment & Tools 883,117 130 S35 (5.6431 1.008.409 U4 l-eboratoryEquipment 301.7il 10,853 312,ffil 345 Power Operded Equipmenl 126..597 126.597 346 Communications Equipment 2.829.966 269j28 (68.093:3.031.001 U7 MiscellaneousEquipment 46,671 46.671 348 Other Tanqible Plant 2.142.932 (515.4681 1.627.4U lntanqibles / Roundino 2 2 Total Beginning of Year lLines 1 throush 30 column A)369.291.987 Total Added During Year {Lines I throuqh 30 column B)13.810.464 Total Withdrawn During Year (Lines 1 throuqh 30 column G)Q,419,484) IOtal Eno ot Year lLlnes 1 throuqh 30 column Dl 380.682.967 Plani account transfBrs induded Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)Revised: 12lO1lOG United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 'l 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 t6 17 t8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Request No. 1 9 Attachment Page 36 of 45 United Water ldaho lnc. UTILITY PLANT ACGOUNTS FOR ctAc Classification (A) Balance at Beginning of Year (H) Added During Year (c) Withdrawn During Year (Amortization) (E) Balance at End of Year 101 Orqanization 9,878 9,878 ,O2 Franchise & Consents 103 Land & Land Rights 335,756 335,756 104 Structures & lmprovements 65,550 (16.901)48,t ]05 Reservoirs & Standpipes (0)(0) 306 Lake, River and Other lntakes 0 0 307 Wells 437,398 (44,O27"393,372 308 lnfiltration Galleries & Tunnels 309 Suoolv Mains (37,660)(2,566)(40,226) 310 Power Generation Equip 311 Power Pumping Equipment (372,8191 162,500 (124,720)(335,039) l2O Purification Svstem (14,206"150 (14.055) 330 Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes 189,609 83,732 (51,517)221,824 331 Transmission and Distribution Mains 59,224.737 3,611,907 (1,628,294)61,208,350 333 Services 10,120,818 1,241,256 (364,714)10,997,359 334 Meters & Meter lnstallations 57,811 (2,357)55,454 335 Hydrants 540,280 379,017 (20,903)898,393 336 Backflow Prevention Devices 339 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment 340 Office Furniture and Equipment U1 Transportation Equipment U2 Stores Equipment 343 Shop Equipment & Tools 344 LaboratoryEquipment 117 fi17)(0: 345 Power Operated Equipment 346 Communications Equipment (15,043)(2,463)(17,505 347 Mlscellaneous Equipment 348 Other Tanqible Plant Unclassifled CIAC (not in Service)(452,883)415,245 (s7,6381 Total Beginning of Year (Lines 1 throuoh 25 column A]70,089,351 Total Added During Yearl (Lines 1 throuqh 25 column B)rI 5,893,657 Total Withdrawn During Yearl (Lines I throuqh 25 column Gl] - (2,258,428) Total End of Year (Lines I throuqh 25 column Dl 73,724,580 Revised'l2l0ila6 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4) United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 37 of 45 United Water ldaho lnc. EXEMPTIONS The following items are exempt. Show the value for each applicable item and explain how you determined the value. ln all instances you must show depreciated or amofiized values. Attach a separate page for calculations, if needed. Calculation (lnclude account number orvalue oeLiteo descriDtion.) Licensed Vehicles (563602J) (lnclude only vehicles licensed in ldaho.) Pollution Control (563-502P) (lnclude only pollution equipment. in ldaho.) Property Tax Rule 619: You must file the completed declaration by March 15th,2014. C. lntangible Personal Property (S63-602L) and Property Tax Rule 165 Contracts and Contract Rights (Owned Water Rights) Copyrights Custom Computer Programs (See general instructions page 1 item 7.) Customer Lists Franchises Goodwill(UPAA) Licenses lnigation Exemption (63-602N) Rights-of-way, which are possessory only and not accompanied by title Trademarks Trade Secrets See Page 4, line 5 & 12 Utility Plant Check the preferred option to remove intangible from the appraised value. Value of exempt intangible personal property is subtracted out at the system level. Value of exempt intangible personal property is subtracted out at ihe state level. Value of exempt intangible personal property is excluded from the value using valuation models which value only the nonexempt assets. Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)10 Revised: 06/1 0/1 0 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 38 of45 United Water ldaho lnc. PROPERTY NOT APPORTIONED (SITUS) All lnformation must be repo(ed by the uniform tax code area system as prescribed by the ldaho State Tax Commission. Be sure to include a separate and completed line item for each operating property interest (if any) on: govemment, lndian, and /or other lands and property exempt from taxation (ldaho Code 6&309), or otherwise not county assessed or assessed as operating property to another company owner (ldaho Codes: 63-201 (16), 63401, 63402). 9_o-u.nU_-_ Tax Code Area Number Undepreciated lnvestmentl (Round to the nearest dollar.) Not applicable to United Water ldaho. TOTAT 1 Report undepreciated investment in situs property including microwaves and/or radio relay stations. Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)11 Revised: '12113111 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-0'1 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 39 of 45 United Water ldaho lnc MILEAGE BY TAX CODE AREA Report lnformation by the uniform tax code area system as prescribed by the ldaho State Tax Commission. Be sure to include a separate and completed line item for each operating property interest (if any) on: government, lndian, and /or other lands and property exempt from taxation (ldaho Code 63-309), or otherwise not county assessed or assessd as operating property to another company owner (ldaho Codes: 63-201 (16), 63-401, 63-402). County (List in alphaorder) Tax Code Area Number (List in numerical order within county.) (One total per code aref,per countyf 3" Equivalent Pipeline Mileage (Carry to two d-eqjmal pla.ces.)2 Ada 01 9.99 Ada 01-1 331.14 Ada 01-10 o.o2 Ada 01-104 18.99 Ada 01-1 05 20.25 Ada 01-1 1 Ada 01-12 27-65 Ada a1-14 3.98 Ada 01-1 5 3.01 Ada 01-1 6 13.02 Ada at17 Ada 01-2 1.54 Ada 01-23 51.44 Ada 01-24 70.50 ACIa 01-29 Ada 01-3 176.29 Ada 01-30 37.53 Ada 01-33 1.89 Ada 01-34 35.91 Ada 01-38 o.24 Ada 01-39 0.09 Ada 014 235.02 Ada 01 -40 0.41 Ada 0141 o.27 Ada 0142 Ada o'l-43 0.01 Ada 0't-44 103.83 Ada 01-45 Ada 01-46 3.02 Ada 0't-48 Ada 01-49 0.19 Ada 01-5 33.77 Ada 01-50 Ada 01-52 Ada 01-54 39.00 Ada 01-6 1 .141.18 Ada 01-67 Ada 01-7 0.06 Ada 01-8 60.23 Ada 01-88 38.20 Ada 01-90 8.77 Ada 01-94 74.O4 Ada 01 -96 0.34 Ada 01-9E 0.39 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)12 (4 pages)Revised: 121131'|,1 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 40 of 45 United Water ldaho lnc. MILEAGE BY TAX CODE AREA Report lnformation by the uniform tax code area system as prescribed by the ldaho State Tax Commission. Be sure to include a separate and completed line item for each operaling property interest (if any) on: government, lndian, and /or other lands and property exempt from taxation (ldaho Code 63-309), or otherwise nol county assessed or assessed as operating property to another company owner (ldaho Codes: 63-201 (16), 63.401, 63-402). County (List in alpha order) Tax Code Area Number (List in numerical order within county.) (Ond total p6r code area per c6unty)1 3" Equivalent Pipeline Mileage (Carryto two decimal places)2 Ada o2-12 0.06 Ada o2-14 1.59 Ada o2-17 Ada 02-19 Ada o2-2 5.50 Ada 02-20 1.11 Ada 02-21 7.65 Ada 02-22 42.13 Ada 02-23 16.35 Ada 02-24 't6.29 Ada o2-3 Ada 024 Ada o2-5 47.78 Ada o2-8 o.20 Ada 02-98 5.11 Ada 03 0.00 Ada 03-12 0.00 Ada 03-1 3 22.O1 Ada 03-1 4 0.88 Ada 03-5 0.03 Ada 03-8 0.00 Ada 05 18.22 Ada 05-1 35.42 Ada 0$14 o.32 Ada 05-16 19.28 Ada 05-1 E 0.76 Ada 05-23 0.M Ada 05-35 3.57 Ada 05-43 Ada 0547 0.00 Ada 05-50 28.31 Ada 05-52 Ada 05-59 7.70 Ada 05-6 o.74 Ada 05-60 2.07 Ada 05-63 2.97 Ada 05-64 3.18 Ada 0565 10.46 Ada 0566 0.33 Ada 05€8 15.07 Ada 05-69 1.35 Ada 05-70 1.33 Ada o5-71 24.86 Ada u5-/5 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)'12 (4 pages)Revised: 12113111 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-0'l Request No. 19 Attachment Page41 ol45 United Water ldaho lnc. MILEAGE BY TAX CODE AREA Report lnformation by the uniform tax code area system as prescribed by the ldaho State Tax Commission. Be sure to include a separate aM completed line item for each operating property interest (if any) on: govemment, lndian, and /or other lands and property exempt from taxation (ldaho Code 63-309), or otherwise not county assessed or assessed as operating property to another company owner (ldaho Codes: 63-201 (16), 6$.401, 63402). Gounty Gist inalp.ha order) Tax Code Area Number (List in numerical order within county.) (One total per code area per county)t 3" Equivalent Pipeline Mileage (9arry ts_twp de.cimel pla-ces,)? Ada 05-74 Ada 05-75 Ada 05-86 6.54 Ada 0s.E7 12.96 Ada 05-9 18.80 Ada 05-91 5.74 Ada 06-25 0.11 Ada 06-8 0.06 Ada 100 1.09 Ada 105 o.22 Ada 11 0.01 Ada 120 85.36 Ada 122 4t.18 Ada 129 Ada 13 1.35 Ada 133 0.03 Ada 136 o.24 Ada 145 0.13 Ada 146 4.58 Ada 150 0.25 Ada 152 Ada 153 0.54 Ada 156 0.94 Ada 16 21.54 Ada 170 0.88 Ada 171 Ada 172 Ada 174 Ada 18 22.49 Ada 188 1-81 Ada 194 10.00 Ada 202 o.92 Ada 206 0.71 Ad 211 o.57 Ada 233 89.26 Ada 240 20.48 Ada 241 3.09 Ada 242 1.24 Ada 243 0.40 Ada 247 1.90 Ada 270 5.80 Ada 271 7.59 Ada 2A Ada 30 0.39 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)12 (4 pages)Revised: 1A13111 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 42 ol 45 United Water ldaho lnc. MILEAGE BY TAX GODE AREA Report lnformation by the uniform lax code area system as prescribed by the ldaho State Tax Commission Be sure to include a separate and completed line item for each operating propedy interest (if any) on: government, lndian. and /or other lands and property exempt from taxation (ldaho Code 63-309), or otherwise not county assessed or assessed as operating property to another company owner (ldaho Codes: 69201 (16), 63.401, 63-402). County (l,ist in alpha order) Tax Code Area Number (List in numerical order within county.) (One total 'percode area per county)1' 3" Equivalent Pipeline Mileage -(Cqrry t9 two_decimal places.)2 Ada 301 Ada 320 5,42 Ada 326 19.98 Ada 334 40.39 Ada 335 27.31 Ada 336 t.60 Ada 339 t.16 Ada 341 0.30 Ada 35 0.16 Ada 38 0.85 Ada 44 U.Uti Ada 46 r.35 Ada 47 0.00 Ada 50 1 1.60 Ada 55 Ada 57 95.38 Ada 59 o.'t7 Ada 62 19.61 Ada 63 72.'.!6 Ada 67 19.92 Ada 71 9.09 Ada 74 0.16 Ada 81 5.58 Ada 86 Ada 87 4.39 Ada o Adl 98 3,597.30 1 Pl€ase put counties in alphabetical order and lhe tax code areas in numerical order. Please list only one total per tax code area. 2 3" Equlvalent Basis: I "-0.33, 2'=0.66, 3'=2.00, 17'=4.OO,24'=E.00,etc. Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)12 (4 pages)Revised: 12113111 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 43 of 45 United Water ldaho lnc. IDAHO DECLARATION OF LEASED MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT Be sure to include a separcrte and completed line item for each operating property interest (if any) on: government, lndian, and /or other lands and property exempt from taxation (ldaho Code 63-309), or otherwise not county assessed or assessed as operating o^rner (ldaho Codes: 63-201 (16). 6&40 Description of Equlpment Leased Rlcoh pays property taxes & will invoice Eeparatoly lor thos€ taxes Leasa ls on lile wlth STC I I n6.^. I t lh"s"n,n*,mzscsnon I r does not bill separately for personal property taxes contrac( Lease is on file with STC 2009 2013 $ 7,902 $ 28,000 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)13 Revised: 12113111 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 44 of 45 United Water ldaho lnc. SYSTEM DECLARATION OF LEASED PROPERTY NONCAPITALIZED LEASES (Furnish copies of all leases.) Be sure to include a separate and completed line item for each operating property interest (if any) on: govemment, lndian, and /or other lands and property exempt from taxation (ldaho Code 63-309), or otherwise not county assessed or assessed as operating property to another company owner (ldaho Codes: 63-201 (16), 63401, 63402). Location of Prooertv Leased From Descrlption of Property Year Buih Original Casf lNawl Rental Expense Lakewood Unit#16 Lot 24, Block 1 Expires Oct. 2039 Contract on file at St lrrirngr" Development I ate Tax Gommission fUellSite 1989 $ 27,449 $552 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)14 Revised: 12114111 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-'|5-01 Request No. 19 Attachment Page 45 of45 United Water ldaho !nc. Calendar Year Ended December 31,2014 1 7 8 I 10 '11 12 13 I 1 2'.1 MILEAGE OF LINE OPERATED Footage Size of Line (in lnches)Miles of Line Miles Adjusted to 3" Equivalent 581 36 0.11 1.32 10.916 30 2.O7 20.67 74,556 24 14_12 112.96 10.160 20 1.92 '12.83 3,385 18 0.64 3.85 226,811 16 42.96 229.10 7.966 14 1.51 7.04 1.484,770 12 281.21 1.124.83 52.617 10 9.97 33.22 2.762.53s B 523.21 1.395.22 1.539.300 6 291.53 583.07 204,496 4 38.73 51.64 5,482 3 1.O4 1.O4 1.216 2112 o.z3 0.19 157.412 2 29.81 19.88 1,447 1',ll2 o.27 0.14 2,995 1',ll+0.57 0.24 945 1 0.18 0.06 185 3t4 0.04 0.01 6.547,778 Total Linear Footage + 5,280 =1,240-11 3,597.30 * 3" Eouivalent Basis: 1"=0.33, 2"=0.66, 3"=1.00.6"=2.00. 12"=4.00,24"=8.00. etc. Water Distribution lndustry (CA4) UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE uwt-w-l5-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 20: Please provide a copy of the annual operator statement for the year ending Dec 31, 2014filed with the ldaho State Tax Commission. RESPONSE NO. 20: Please see attached PDF file: Request No. 20 2014ldaho State Tax Comm Annual Report.pdf United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 20 Attachment Page 1 of 19 O4-Water Distribution OPERATOR STATEMENT UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. flilctmnsmt APh ?' B-2015 rru0AYERBYcs ler the penalties ofperjury, I hereby cettiff that this statement has been prepared under direction and zupervision from the original books and records of said company and that facts, statements, and schedules in this statement ar€ hue, correcq and complet€ to the h;.\ z-t,zvtf a'r!-^,.'. -\ { t\<^lj b'.r..ia. ..\ F,zR - 3L?. -7 33-1 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Requesl No. 20 Attachment Page 2 of 19 United Water ldaho lnc 't. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS This operato/s statement and all additional documentation apply to you with to the calendar year ending December 31,2014. You must submit this information to the ldaho State Tax Commission by April 30, 2015. Centrally Assessed Property Section Property Appraisal Bureau ldaho State Tax Commission POBox36 Boise, lD 83722 Answer all questions and attach additional sheets Where necessary. lf you cannot provide the information, briefly explain why. lnclude the county, tax code area and legal description (if any) for all property, includlng ltems on government, lndian, state, county, municipal or other lands exempt from taxation. lf you don't know which tax code area the property is located in, please contact the county assessor. Explain unusual entries and discrepancies on pages containing space for remarks or referenced supplemental pages. lf the space provided is insufficient, insert and number additional pages. You rnay use photocopies or computer generated pages. For example, if you need to add pages to report your leased machines and equipment on page 13 number the pages 134, 138, 13C, etc. Please submit any additional information that may affect the valuation of the property. lf requested information has already been created, you may substitute that information. lf you do not select an option for removing intangiblepersonal property (page 10), Option A will become the default method. For example, investrnents in custom software are exempted as intangible personal properly. See ldaho Code 63-3616ii lnclude the following additional reports: the annual report to partners and stockholders, operating and financial year-end company report and rate increase documentation filed with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. We advise companies with CIAC to increase or decrease the proper accounts if asset dollars have increased or decreased. Show the information by individual plant accounts on the Utility Plant Account for CIAC (page 9). Thetotal UtilityPlantAccountl0l onpage4will beaffectedif C|ACdollarshavechanged. Theadjustments are important to avoid possible appraisal errors. The taxpayer or an authorized agent must provide all inforriation requested by tdaho State Tax Commission. The taxpayer must provide correct and reliable information. lf the requested information is not provided, the Tax Gommission will assess the property as fairly and equitably as possible using the best information it possesses. The taxpayer will have no right to appeal such assessment. See ldaho Code section 63-104 and IDAPA Rule lf you have any questions about completing this form, please call our office at (208) 334-7739, 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)Revised: 1110912012 United Water ldaho Case UW|-W-|5-01 Request No. 20 Attachment Page 3 of 19 United Water ldaho lnc. COMPANY INFORMATION Appraisa! Tax Representative Representative (This person will receive the appraisal and all appraisal correspondence.) Jarmila Cary Title Manager - Finance Mailing Address 8248 W.Victory Road, PO Box 190420, Boise ldaho 83719-0420 E-Mail Address Jarmila.Cary@UnitedWater.com =ederal Employer ldentification Number ]2-0101565 felephoneNumber 208-362-7332 :axNumber 208-362-7069 Tax Bill Representative Representative flhis person will receive the tax bill.) Jarmila Cary Title Manager - Finance Mailing Address 8248 W. Victory Road, PO Box 190420, Boise, ldaho 83719-A420 E-Mail Address jarmila.cary@unitedwater.com Ielephone Number 208-362-7332 :axNumber 208-362-7069 Mapping and Tax Gode Area Representative Reprresentative (This person will receive the tax code area mapping information.) Shane Lim Iitle GIS Supervisor E-Mail Address Shane.Lim@Unitedwater.com Telephone Number 208-362-7352 :ax Number 208-362-7069 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4) 2 Revised: 12l0ll0o United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 20 Attachment Page 4 of 19 United Water ldaho lnc HISTORY OF COMPANY 1 Fulltitle of UNITED WATER IDAHO lNC. 2 Period covered by this report 3 Location of principal office Calendar Year Ended December 31. 2014 8248 W. Victorv Road, Boise ldaho 83709 4 Date when company was originally organLed April 2nd, 1928 5 Date of any reorganization or consolidation N/A 6 Date when company began rendering service 't890 7 Name of parent company, if anY 8 Name of companies owned, controlled or operated United Waterworks 9 Names of counties within ldaho in which you operate Ada 10 Customers by Class IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR Case UWI-W-14-01 Amend and revise certificate of convenience and necessity No. 143 to include Brian Subdivision. Order 33195 Dated December 17th,2014. Class Number of Customers Current Year Number of Customers Last Year Residence 77.879 76.U5 Commercial 8.586 8,445 lndustrial 0 0 Other - Fire Protection, etc.1.849 1.759 TOTAL *88.314 86.849 water Distribution lndustry (cA4)Revised: 12101106 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 20 Aftachment Page 5 of 19 United Water ldaho lnc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I s 10 11 12 13 11 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ?4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BALANCE SHEET Acct #Beginning of Year Close of Year lncrease or Decrease Utility Plant in Service 10't 369,291,987 380,682,967 1 1.390,980 Utility Plant Leased to Others 102 Plant Held for Future Use 103 Construction Work in Progress 105 2,064,468 5,571,678 3,507,210 Utility Plant-Acquisition Adjustment 1',|4 600,761 600,761 0 Subtotal (Lines 1 thru 5l 371,957,217 386,855,407 14,898,190 Accumulated Depreciation 108.1 119,893,385 128,0d.5,743 8,1 52,358 Accumulated Depreciation - Utility Plant Lease to Others 108.2 Accumulated Depreciation - Property Held for Future Use 108.3 Accumulated Amortization - Utility Plant in Service 1 10.1 Accumulated Amortization - Utility Plant Leased to Others 110.2 Accumulated Amortization - Acquisltion Adjustment 115 100,880 1'.to,204 9,324 Net Utility Plant (Line 6 less Lines 7 lhru 12',2s1,962,952 258,699,460 6,736,508 lnvestment in Subsidiaries 123 Other lnvestments 125 111,131 1 1 1,008 (123) Total lnvestments (Add lines 14 & 151 111,131 1l l,o08 11231 Cash 131 50,950 50,950 ShortTerm lnvestments 135 Accts/Notes Receivable - Customers 141 1,608,579 1,217 j83 (391,3e7) Other Receivables 142 198,506 263,096 64,589 Receivables from Associated Companies 145 531,702 2,615,163 2,083,461 Materials & Supplies lnventory 151 364,1 1 3 335,504 (28,60s) Prepaid Expenses 162 69,050 6,570 (62,480) Unbilled (Accrued) Utility Revenue 173 2,841,533 2,843,187 1,654 Provision for Uncollectible Accounts 143 (88,867)(88,867) Total Gurrent Assets (add lines lTthru 24 less llne 25)5,575,566 7,242,786 1,667,219 Unamortized Debt Discount & Expense 181 Preliminary Survey & lnvestigation Charges 183 Defened Rate Case Expenses 184 70,408 5,416 (64,992) Other Deferred Charges 186 3,419,210 4,829,280 1,410,070 Total Assets (Add lines'13, 16, and 26 thru 301 261,139,267 270,887,949 9,748,682 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)Revised: 12101106 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 '10 11 12 l3 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 United Water ldaho lnc. Request No. 20 Attachment Page 6 of 19 30 31 32 BALANGE SHEET Acct #Beginning of Year Close of Year lncrease or Decrease Common Stock 201-3 1,261,750 1,261,750 Preferred Stock 204$ Miscellaneous Capital Accounts 207-13 76,704,330 76,704,330 Appropriated Retained Earnings 2't4-O tlnappropriated Betaioed. Earnings..*215.0 80,872,259.- 82.272,975.1,400,715 Reac4 uired Capital Stock 216.0 Proprietary Capital 218.O Total Equity Capital (Add lines t thru 7)158,838,340 160,239,055 1,400,715 Bonds 221-2 Advances from Associated Companies 223.0 Other Long- Term Debt 224.O Accounts Payable 23',t.0 't,679,620 2,298,183 618,564 Notes Payable 232.0 Accounts Payable - Associated Companies 233.0 198,746 (198,746) Customer Deposits (Refundable)235.0 42 (42) Accrued Other Taxes Payable 2fi.1 1.066,464 1.101,s18 35,054 Accrued lncome Taxes Payable 236.1 4,506,075 3,ilq,442 (e56,633) Accrued Taxes - Non-Utility 236.2 Accrued Debt, lnterest & Dividends Payable 237.4 Misc. Cunent & Accrued Liabilities 241.O 842,377 830,222 (12,1ss) Unamortized Debt Premium 251.O Advances for Construction 252.O 5,722,757 5,276,606 (446,151) Accumulated Amortization for Advances for Construction Other Deferred Liabilities 253.0 6,305,918 9,571,012 3,265,094 Accumulated lnvestment Tax Credits - Utility 255.1 856,834 808,594 (48,240" Accumulated lnvestment Tax Credits - Non-Utility 255.2 Operating Reserves (Pension & Benefits)261-5 8,'t 1 9,230 10.103.728 1,984,498 Contributions in Aid of Construction 271-O 96,294,457 102,188,'.!14 5,893,657 Accumulated Amortization of Contribution in Aid of lonstruction 272.O (26,205,106)(28,463,5341 (2,258,428" Accumulated Deferred lncome Taxes 281-3 2,913,514 3,385,008 471,494 Total Liabllitles (Add lines 9 thru 301 1 02,300,928 110,648,894 8,347,966 Total Liabilities and Capital (Add lines I & 31 261,139,267 270,887,949 9,748,682 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)Revised: 12l01lOG United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 't9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Request No. 20 Attachment Page 7 of 19 United Water ldaho lnc. REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL Description Acct. #Amount REVENUE Total Operating Revenue 400 45,742,657 DEQ Fees Billed Separately to Customers 256,6U '{ookup or Connection Fees Collected ]ommission Approved Surcharges Collected Franchise Tax (City of Boise & City of Eagle)1,178,077 OPERATING EXPENSES Labor - Operation & Maintenance 601.'t€2,301,693 Labor - Customer Accounts 601.7 1,067,853 Labor - Administrative & General 601.8 914,657 Salaries, Officers & Directors 603 Employee Pensions & Benefits 604 1,914,797 Purchased Water (and Leased)610 136,210 Purchased Power & Fuel for Power 615-16 2.3',t6.532 3hemicals (lncludes Chemical Container Deposits)618 288,316 Materials & Supplies - Operation & Maintenance 620.1-6 175,163 Vlaterials & Supplies - A&G, Customer Care (lncludes Postage)620.7-8 327,418 Sontract Services - Professional (Acctg., Legal, Mgmt. Fees)631-34 3,814,912 lontract Services - Water Testing 635 101,544 lontract Services - Other 636 729,435 ientals - Property & Equipment 64'.1-42 1 1,861 [ransportation Expense 650 429,755 nsurance 656-59 454,752 \dvertising 660 100,311 late Case Expense (Amortization)666 64,992 legulatory Commision Expense (Amortization)667 14,856 3ad Debt Expense 670 2U,416 Vliscellaneous 675 1,002,806 Total Operatlng Expenses (Add Llnes 5 thru 251 401 16,402,282 OTHER TAXES List of Taxes Current Year - Amount df lncrease dr Decrease from Preceding Year leal & Personal Property 1.810.8't3 (99,358) daho State lncome 525.374 (274,0721 rayroll 473.151 14,177 State Corporation License daho Public Utilities (Regulatory Fees)108,435 10,167 )ther:82,800 65,700 TOTAL 3.000.573 (283,3861 Distribution Revised: 1210't106Waterlndustry United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 '17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 United Water ldaho lnc. REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL Request No. 20 Attachment Page 8 of '19 Acct. #Description Amount 403 Depreciation Expense 8,543,1 10 406 \mortization, Utility Plant Acquisition Adjustment 9,324 407 \mortization Expenses - Other Utility Plant 408.10 Regulatory Fees (PUC)108,435 408.11 )roperty Taxes 1,810,813 408.12 )ayroll Taxes 473,151 408.13 )therTaxes: ldaho Sales & Use Tax 82,800 Taxes Paid (Benefit) on CIAC (11,761) 409.10 Federal lncome Taxes 2,559,693 409.11 State lncome Taxes 525,374 410.10 Provision for Deferred lncome Tax - Federal 2,121,627 410.11 Provision for Deferred lncome Tax - State 516,829 411 Provision for Defened Utility lncome Tax Credits 11,761 412 nvestment Tax Credits - Utility (48,240" Total I thru 1l ixpenses from operations before lnterest (add line 26 from page 6 and lines 't i)33,105,198 413 ncome from Utility Plant Leased to Others 414 3ains (Losses) From Disposition of Utili$ Plant 42,354 Net Operating lncome (Add line 1 from page 6 and lines 18 and 19 less line 17)12,679,8'.13 415 levenues, Merchandizing, Jobbing, and Contract Work 245,581 416 ixpenses, Merchandizing, Jobbing, and Contracts (213,486) 419 lnterest and Dividend lncome, Other 420 Allowance for Funds used During Construction 69,770 42',1 Miscellaneous Non-Utility lncome 27,789 426 Miscellaneous Non-Utili$ Expense (11,034) 408.20 Jther Taxes, Non-Utility Operations 409-20 lncome Taxes, Non-Utility Operations 427.3 lnterest Expense on Long-Term Debt (4,402,352 427.5 Other lnterest Charges 2,930 Net lncome 8.399.011 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)Revised: 12l11l0o United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2A 29 30 31 32 33 United Water ldaho lnc. Request No. 20 Attachment Page g of 19 UTILITY PLANT ACCOUNTS FOR RATE BASE Classification (A) Balance at Beginning of Year (B) Added During Year (c) Withdrawn During Year (D) Balance at End of Year 301 Oroanization 104.548 104.548 3O2 Franchise & Consents 41.182 41J82 303 Land. Land Rbhts & Water Rishts 10.526.504 307.800 (39.626t 10,794.678 304 Structures & lmprwemerils 26.253.592 255.574 (49.941 26,159,?25 305 Reservoirs & Standpipes 306 Lake, River and Other lntakes 1.172.321 1.172.s21 307 Wells 8.459.905 60.380 u4.462"8.lM5.823 308 lnfiltration Galleries & Tunnels 60_351 60.351 309 Suooh Mains 2.850.854 2.860.854 310 Power Generation Equilrnent 2.736.784 19,288 (4.2901 2.751.782 311 Power Pumoinq Eouipment 22.157.266 725349 n8/..440\22.998.175 320 PurificationSystern 26.353_641 601.61'1 (360.2061 26.595.046 330 Distrib. Reservoirs & Standpipes 11_81S_S58 4.054 11.821.012 331 Transmission and Distribution Mains 157.129.926 5.632.252 n57.28s1 162.S(X.593 333 Services 65.568.316 3.494.725 (236.2831 68.826,7583U Meters & lnstallations 1'1.239.054 1.6,3/..797 r05.308 12.168.543 335 !-ltdrants 3.6ff).733 M2.823 ,t.133.556 336 Backflor Prevention Devices 339 Other Plant & Misc. Eoubment 340 Office Fumiture and Equipment 12.165.791 179.713 (18.439 12.327.65 U1 Transmrtation Equipmert 37.259 37.259 342 Stores Equipment 24.48 24,448 343 Shoo Eouhnner* & Tools 883.1 17 130.935 (5.6431 1,008.409U4 LaboratorvEouiornent 301.754 't0.853 312,607 345 Power Operatd Eouipment 126,597 12fl5,97 346 CommunicationsEquloment 2.829.966 269.128 (68.093',3.031.001 347 MiscellaneousEqdprnent 46,671 46.671 348 Other Tansible Plant 2.142.932 (5't5.468',1.627.464 lntanqibles / Roundins 2 2 I otal Eegrnnrng oI Year llines 1 throush 30 column A)369.291.987 Total Added During Year (Lines I through 30 column B)13.810,464 Total Withdrawn Durlng Year (Lines I throuqh 30 column C)Q.4',|9.4U torat Eno or Year lLlnes 1 throuqh 30 column Dl 380.682.967 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)Revised: 1A01106 Request No. 20 Attachment Page 10 of 19 United Water ldaho lnc. UTILITY PLANT AGCOUNTS FOR CIAC I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 t6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2A 29 30 31 32 33 Classification (A) Balance at Beginning of Year (B) Added During Year (c) Withdrawn During Year (Amortization) (E) Balance at End of Year 101 Organization 9,878 9,878 302 Franchise & Consents 303 Land & Land Riqhts 335,756 335.756 304 Structures & tmprovements 65.558 (16.901)48.657 305 Reservoirs & Standpipes (0)(0) 306 Lake, River and Other lntakes 0 0 307 Wells 437,398 (44.027]l 393,372 308 lnfiltration Galleries & Tunnels 309 Supolv Mains (37,660)(2,566)(40,226) 310 Power Generation Equip 311 Power Pumpinq Equipment |-372.819)162,500 (124,720"(335,03e1 320 Purification System fi4.206\150 (14,0551 330 Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes 't89.609 83,732 (51,517)221,824 331 Transmission and Distribution Mains 59.224.737 3,611,907 ('1,628,294\,61,208,350 133 Services 10,120,818 't,241,256 (3o4.,714"10,997,359 134 Meters & Meter lnstallations 57,811 (2,3571 55,454 135 Hydrants 540,280 379,017 (20,903)898,393 136 Backflow Prevention Devices 139 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment 140 Office Fumiture and Equipment A1 TransportationEquiPment 142 Stores Equipment 343 Shop Equipment & Tools 344 LaboratoryEquipment 117 (117)(0) 345 Power Operated Equipment 34A Communications Equipment (15,043 (2,463)(17,505 347 Miscellaneous Equipment 348 Other Tansible Plant Unclassified CIAC (not in Service)(452,8831 415,245 (37,6381 Total Beginning of Year (Lines I throuqh 25 column Al 70,089,351 Total Added During Year {Lines I throuqh 25 column B)I 5,893,657 Total Withdrawn During Year llines { throuoh 25 column Cl - (2,258,428) Total End of Year (Lines I throuqh 25 column Dl 73,724,580 Revised 12101106 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4) United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-0'l Request No. 20 Attachment Page 11 of '19 United Water ldaho lnc. EXEMPTIONS The following items are exempt. Show the value for each applicable item and explain how you determined the value. ln all instances you must show depreciated or amoflized values. Attach a separate page for calculations, if needed. Calculation (lnclude account number orvalue deiailed descriotion.) Licensed Vehicles (S63-602J) (lnclude only vehicles licensed in ldaho.) Pollution Control (563-602P) (lnclude only pollution equipment in ldaho.) Property Tax Rule 519: You must file the completed declaratlon by March 15rh,2014. lntangible Personal Property ($63-602L) and Property Tax Rule 165 Contracts and Contract Rights (Owned Water Rights) Copyrights Custom Computer Programs (See general instructions page 1 item 7.) Customer Lists Franchises Goodwill (UPAA) Licenses lnigation Exemption (63-602N) Rights-of-way, which are possessory only and not accompanied by title Trademarks Trade Secrets See Page 4, line 5 & 12 Utility Plant Check the prefened option to remove intangible from the appraised value. A. Value of exempt intangible personal property is subtrac{ed out at the system level. B. Value of exempt intanghle personal property is subtracted out at ihe state level. C. Value of exempt intangible personal property is excluded from the value using valuation models which value only the nonexempt assets. Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)10 Revised: 06/1 0/1 0 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 20 Attachment Page 12 of 19 United Water ldaho Inc. PROPERTY NOT APPORTIONED (SITUS) All lnformation must be reported by the uniform tax code area system as prescribed by the ldaho State Tax Commission. Be sure to include a separate and completed line item for each operating property interest (if any) on: government, lndian, and /or other lands and property exempt from taxation (ldaho Gode 63-309), or otherwise not county assessed or assessed as operating property to another company owner (ldaho Codes: 63-201 (16), 63401, 63402). -C_o-u.n$_ - Tax Code Area Number Desclipti on oT Property Undepreciated lnvestmentl (Round to the nearest dollar.) Not applicable to United Water ldaho. TOTAL 1 Report undepreciated investment in situs property including microwaves and/or radio relay stations. Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)11 Revised: 12113111 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 20 Attachment Page13of19 United Water ldaho lnc MILEAGE BY TAX CODE AREA Report lnformation by the uniform tax code area system as prescribed by the ldaho State Tax Commission. Be sure to include a separate and compleled line item for each operating property interest (if any) on: govemment, lndian, and /or other lands and property exempt from taxation (ldaho Code 63-309), or otherwise not county assessed or assessed as operating property to another company owner (ldaho Codes: 63-201 (16), 63401, 63-402) County (List in alpha-or.der) Tax Code Area Number (List in numerical order wrlhin county.) (One total per code aref,per county)1 3" Equivalent Pipeline Mileage (Carry to two d-eqimal places.)2 Ada 01 9-99 Ada 01-1 331.14 Ada 01-1 0 0.02 Ada 01-104 18.99 Ada 01-1 05 ZU.ZC Ada 01-1 I Ada 01-12 27.65 Ada 01-'14 3.98 Ada 0't-15 3.01 Ada tI'I -',l ii 13.O2 Ada 01-17 Ada 01-2 1.54 Ada 01-23 51.44 Ada 01-24 70.50 Ada 01-29 Ada 01-3 176.29 Ada 01-30 37.53 Ada 01-33 1.89 Ada 01-34 35,91 Ada 01-38 0.24 Ada 01-39 0.09 Ada 014 235.O2 Ada 01-40 o.41 Ada 01 -41 0.27 Ada 0142 Ada 0143 0.01 Ada 0144 103.83 Ada 01-45 Ada 01-46 3.02 Ada 0't -48 Ada 01-49 0.19 Ada 01-5 3I;}.77 Ada 01-50 Ada 01-52 Ada 01-54 39.UU Ada 01€1 .141.18 Ada 01-67 Ada 01-7 0.06 Ada 01-8 60.23 Ada 01-88 38.20 Ada 01-90 8.77 Ada 01-94 74.00 Ada 01-96 0.34 Ada 0't-98 0.39 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)12 (4 pages)Revised: '12113111 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-I5-0'l Request No. 20 Attachment Page 14 of 19 United Water ldaho lnc. MILEAGE BY TAX CODE AREA Report lnformation by the uniform tax code area system as prescribed by the ldaho State Tax Commission. Be sure to include a separale and completed line item for each operating property interest (if any) on: government, lndian, and /or other lands and property exempt from taxation (ldaho Code 63-309), or othenvise not county assessed or assessed as operating property to another company owner (ldaho Codes: 63-201 (16), 63-40 1, 63402). County (List in alpha order) Tax Code Area Number (List in numedcal order within county.) (One totil p6r code area per c6unty)l 3" Equivalent Pipeline Mileage (Carryto two decimal places-)2 Ada o2-12 0.06 Ada o2-14 1.59 Ada 02-'t7 Ada 02-19 Ada o2-2 5.50 Ada 02-20 1.11 Ada 02-21 7.65 Ada 02-22 42.1J Ada 02-23 16.35 Ada 02-24 16.29 Ada o2-3 Ada o24 Ada o2-5 4t.tB Ada o2-8 0.20 Ada 02-98 5.11 Ada 03 0.00 Ada o3-12 o.00 Ada 03-1 3 22.01 Ada 03-14 0.88 Ada 03-5 0.03 Ada 03-8 0.00 Ada 05 18.22 Ada 0s-1 35.42 Ada 05-14 o.32 Ada 05-1 6 19.28 Ada 05-1 8 0.76 Ada 05-23 0.04 Ada 05-35 3.57 Ada 0543 Ada 0547 0.00 Ada 05-50 28.31 Ada 05-52 Ada 05-5S 7.70 Ad 05-6 o.74 Ada 05-60 2.07 Ada 05-63 2.97 Ada 05-64 3.18 Ada 05-65 10.46 Ada 0566 0.33 Ada 05€8 15.07 Ada 05-69 1.35 Ada 05-70 1.33 Ada 05-71 24.86 Ada 05-73 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)1 2 (4 pages)Revised: 1?J13111 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-I5-01 Request No. 20 Attachment Page 15 of 'l 9 United Water ldaho lnc MILEAGE BY TAX CODE AREA Report lnformation by the uniform tax code area system as prescribed by the ldaho State Tax Commission. Be sur€ to include a separate and completed line item for each operating property interest (if any) on: government, lndian, and /or other lands and property exempt from taxation (ldaho Code 63-309), or othenvise not county assessed or assessed as operating property to another company owner (ldaho Codes: 63-201 (16),63-401, 63402). County (List in alpha orde-r) Tax Code Area Number (List in numerical order within county.) (One total per code area per county)l 3" Equivalent Pipeline Mileage (9arry ts_tltp -de-qimel places,)? Ada o5-74 Ada 05-75 Ada 05-85 6.54 Ada 05-87 12.96 Ada 05-9 18.80 Ada 0$91 5.74 Ada 06-25 0.11 Ada 06-8 0.06 Ada 100 1.09 Ada 105 0.22 Ada 11 0.01 Ada 120 85.36 Ada 122 47.18 Ada 129 Ada 13 1.35 Ada 133 0.03 Ada 136 o.24 Ada 145 0.'13 Ada ua 4.58 Ada 150 0.25 Ada 152 Ada 153 0.54 Ada 156 0.94 Ada 16 21.54 Ada 170 0.88 Ada '171 Ada 172 Ada 174 Ada 18 22.49 Ada 188 1.81 Ada 194 10.00 Ada 202 0.92 Ada 206 o.71 Ade 211 o.57 Ada 233 89.26 Ada 240 20.48 Ada 241 3.09 Ada 242 1.24 Ada 243 0.40 Ada 247 1.S0 Ada 270 5.80 Ada 271 7.59 Ada 28 Ada 30 0.39 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)12 (4 pages)Revised: 12113111 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 20 Attachment Page 16 of '19 United Water ldaho lnc. 1 please put counties in alphabetical order and the tax code ar€es ln numerical order. Please list only one total p€r tax code atea. 2 3" Equivalent Basls: 1 "o0.3:1, 2"=0.66, 3'=2.00, 1 2E4.00, 24"=8.00,etc. MILEAGE BY TAX CODE AREA Report lnformation by the uniform tax code area system as prescribed by the ldaho State Tax Commission Be sure to include a separate and completed line item for each operating property interest (if any) oo: government, lndian, and /or other lands and property exempt from taxation (ldaho Code 63-309), or otherwise nol county assessed or assessed as operating property to another company owner (ldaho Codes: 63-201 (16), 6+401, 6$402). County (List in alpha order) Tax Code Area Number (List in numerical order within county.) (One total 'per code area per county)1' 3" Equivalent Pipeline Mileage _(Cqny tp twq _decimal.places.)2 Ada 301 Ada 320 5.42 Ada 326 19.98 Ada 334 40.39 Ada 335 27.31 Ada 336 1.60 Ada 339 1.76 Ada 341 0.30 Ada 35 0.16 Ada 38 0.85 Ada 44 0.06 Ada 46 1.35 Ada 47 0.00 Ada 50 11.60 Ada 55 Ada 57 95.38 Ada 59 0,17 Ada 62 't9.61 Ada 63 72.16 Ada 67 19.92 Ada 71 9.09 Ada 74 0.16 Ada 81 5.5E Ada 86 Ada 87 4.39 Ada I Ada 98 3,597.30 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)12 (4 pages)Revised: 12113111 United Water ldaho Case UW-W-15-01 Request No. 20 Attachment Page17of19 United Water ldaho lnc. IDAHO DEGLARATION OF LEASED MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT Be sure to include a separate and completed line item for each operating property interest (if any) on: government, lndian, and /or other lands and property exempt ftom taxaUon (ldaho Code 63-309), or otherwise not county assessed or assessed as operating ff"fiffifllffii & will lnvobe separately hr those tiaxes ll ' I r lrmasenunneroozs does not bill separately for personal property taxes contrac{, Lease ls on file with STC 2(x)9 20't3 $ 7,902 $ 28,000 Water Distribution lndustry (GA4)13 Revised: '1211U11 Request No. 20 Attachment Page 18 of19 United Water ldaho lnc. SYSTEM DECLARATION OF LEASED PROPERTY NONGAPITALIZED LEASES (Furnish copies of all leases.) Be sure to include a separate and completed line item for each operating property interest (if any) on: govemment, lndian, and /or other lands and properly exempt from taxation (ldaho Code 63-309), or otherwise not county assessed or assessed as operatinq property to another company owner (ldaho Codes: 63-201 (16), 63401, 63402). Location of Proneriv Leased From Description of Property Year Rrrilf Original Cael lNawl Rental Expense Lakewood Unit#16 Lot 24, Block 1 Expires Oct. 2039 Contract on file at Sl lrri"ngt" Development I I ate Tax Commission WellSite 1 989 $ 27,449 $552 Water Distribution lndustry (CA4)14 Revised: 12114111 United Water ldaho Case UWI-W-15-01 Request No. 20 Attachment Page 19 of 'l 9 United Water ldaho lnc. Calendar Year Ended December 31, 2014 4 5 6 7 I o 1 11 1 1 14 MILEAGE OF LINE OPERATED Size of Line (in lnches) * 3" Eouivalent Basis: 1"=0.33.2"=0,66,3"=1.00,6"=2.00. 12"=4,00,24"=8.00. etc. Water Distribution lndustry (CA4) UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. GASE UW|-W-15-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 21: Please provide line item journal entries making up the Contract Professional amount of the annual report for the years ending Dec 31 ,2011,2012,2013, and 2014. RESPONSE NO. 21: Please see attached excelfile: Request No. 21 Contracts-Professional.xlsx E"L!,GD O= tr ^-ctE'tr *- "; E E? ,E $ $ fi E HEe Eg€ 3e E = s s s s s =.sEE;E E Eilf E$ fEFEEDooooooo =;.E 9EEE!,8,8,!,8 * 3 l'E'g'p'9'E'9'E6oo,o3=ff=3=<oEzooooooo cIo-hrooooooe!?lOlOlOOlOOlOO-ll)H€@@-rc{$l(r)(9(r).rOOO-F<cDoroooC,)crrcD(Dot =1.-o)^rr\or.oool-i:lCO (rl (f) r (O (O Crt O O) lOlc'i,OI(o@rf)O)(rlOcr)ONrltDFIN(f)F\loN(o(ooo)Nlt?tl(9 (O N $ - @ lr) @ O) l-lclElo_ @_ N oo r <o NINFIl- t l{Et l-3t Illr<tI-Sf-(otr)@erlN:lt\ O lo (f) (O (O t\ O lD rl-}(I(f)N-sfNl*@l*N-16)l(oo-rNCDo)(f)lr)(olrfl(r)e @relO N(OlFlrOF- N r IOOlc! lc,gl-o.- r.-(osoolxilorN(f)r @O)@N(olotilo_ o_ <f)_ @_ o_ (o- tf)- o- r-llo-l@o@t t:@rF*olttlN@rt.() rC.)rr$lOlr-$ NrN l(Dl- - lct Sl.o t + r.- c.r I- !t N olF.ilN s t- t: tO @ O) lf) Olll,fi1ry r-_.t_ -_ O)_ a_ o)_ F*_ lr)_lo)_ lrlO(O(O @Ne@o)l0olsf co ro Cf) F* ro @ (0lol$sf r r ItOl-- ld =lo--- roNNoolo:Io)OO@ N(ONIO-ll(lo i(lo_ o)_ @ $_ ry @_ o)_ \ o_lt-_O l-(O$(a OrotOO(ol(D.Cl l(9 cO lO r @ - t- O)lrOlE l(.)e r lOJ lJ J lcrtEl I:l I:l IEt Ial I€l IEol lt =#l lEoJlorcrroooooooltt E rl3 3 3 3 p R K I5 8lF,;81888555555510 UNITED WATER IDAHO !NC. CASE UW!-W-15-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary REQUEST NO. 22: Please provide invoices for purchased power expense for the months of August, September, October, and November of 2014. RESPONSE NO. 22: Please see attached PDF files labeled Request No. 22 Power lnvoices. 2204085811 - 08.14.pfd 2204085811 - 09.14.pfd 2204085811 - 10.14.pfd 2204085811 - 11.14.pfd 2204364364 - 08.14.pfd 2204364364 - 09.14.pfd 2204364364 - 10.14.pfd 2204364364 - 11.14.pfd 2204982652 - 08.14.pfd 2204982652 - 09.14.pfd 2204982652 - 10.14.pfd 2204982652 - 11.14.pfd 2205693431 - 08.14.pfd 2205693431 - 09.14.pfd 2205693431 - 10.14.pfd 2205693431 - 11.14.pfd 2206374791 - 08.14.pfd 2206374791 - 09.14.pfd 2206374791 - 10.14.pfd 2206374791 - 11.14.pfd 3THHh. xlDCOrtComp.rry www.idahopower.com Account Activity I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page I of 26 $39,018.04 $39,018.04 $0.00 $55,482.50 CR Due Date I Please Pay 0811412014 | $55,482.50 Previous Balance Payments - Thank Balance Forward Current Charges View Your Biil Online Account Balance $55,482.50 Pleaso Note: Any unpaid balances may be assossed a monthly charge of 1 percont. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Returned payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your account2417. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahopower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. V Please detach and return the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V sHm.PO BOX 70 BO|SE, tD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACCOUNT NUi,IBER DUE DATE PLEASE PAY 220408581' 08114t2014 $55,482.50 Amount Enclosed x.x*w{#saesffi t!ffii?6mE *ffiffiraPlease write your accounl number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BOTSE, tD 83709-4165 ProJect Share pledge, noted on reverse side. Address/Phon6 Correctlon, noted on reverse side. ,,l,l,lhl,lttllll,,l1ilt11,tl,1,!1111'lttrl.lttrllrrlt,r,lllI PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 ?2040858110005548250 000000000 005548250 0730 9 NNFFoR 00016580 / m034741 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Page2of 26sm. mBOiltCqtrrty www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: 0030197745 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 07t30t2014 0713112014 Next Read Date: 0712912014 Toluka BoosterBOIS Billing kW BLC 57 59 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 37 @ $+.+O per kW, 2 days Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 27 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 37 @ $0.00 per kW, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 39 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 39 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 138 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh,2 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,175 kwh @ $0.036483 per kWh, 2 days Summer Energy Charge 1,862 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 15,865 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 27 days .... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $11.23 $0.00 $206.69 $0.00 $2.74 $0.00 $37.04 $11.95 $42.87 $194.23 $766.01 $111.28 $21.00 $51.55 Service Location: 1 E TOLUKA WA D Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36263539 05130114 06127114 29 Regular 1 0356 10832 40 19040 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,472.59 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E!;5la; lf writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NFOIilEI NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAnoN:rr@cetFt' Does ldaho Power have yOUr correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Account Number: 220408581 I PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. $*Tr, ffiru ffis,o $#$ tr-.6 I would like to make a one-time contributionfw.*'i in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your tax-deductlble donatlons. Telephone Number Email Address NNFFoR 00016580 / mO34742 Zip Code *trsvx I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 3 of 26 3E',fiHh. filD corpcomE.ny www.idahopower.com Your EIectri" € EUse Paftern ---b io- Service Agreement No: 770.9 783.2 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 0030197362 Next Read Date: 0713012014 Service Location: 1160 N 3RD ST/ BOISE,ID Horizon Monitorno Pt Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Currenl Meter Constant kwh Used 36209197 05131114 06t30114 31 Regular 839 862 1 23 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 1 kwh @ $0.090436 per kWh, 1 day Summer Energy Charge 22kWh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.0e $2.15 $0.18 $0.11 $0.29 Current Charges - Electric Service $7.82 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric = EUse Pattern ---E ao- Jul-13 Aug-'l3 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030202065 Service Location: 1165 E BRAEMERE RD / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: O8lO1l2O14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 19 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 34 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 7,960 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $114.00 $0.00 $34.68 $208.63 $384.33 $53.80 $12.17 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $30.31 Current Gharges - Electric Service $853.92 NNFFoR mO16580 / 00034743 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation II I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 22040A5811 Page 4 of 26 =llmt0T!POi'IER. ln lracotlt Cqnofiy www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 0713012014 0713112014 371.6 372.9 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030202189 Service Location: 1500 CAMEL BACK LN WATER / BOISE,ID E{ooao Next Read Date: 0713112014 Good Street Booster Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 55 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 87 @$1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 5,520 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50o/o Energy Effi ciency Services $16.00 $o.oo $330.00 $0.00 $88.74 $208.63 $266.52 $40.62 $14.26 $36.40 JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-'I3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mat-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,001.17 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0030197104 Service Location: 1500 LATIMER ST / BOISE,ID Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0812512014 Federal Booster =€oo&a Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 45586772 06t26t14 I o7t2st14 30 Regular 12313 12873 40 22400 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 177 't77 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 157 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 157 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 20,400 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $942.00 $0.00 $160.14 $208.63 $984.97 $121.00 $36.49 $92.47 NNFFoR m0165m / m0g7& Energy Effi ciency Services Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2,561.70 I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 5 of 26 =llmtoE!FOi'I=R. An [ncolPcdtlpr:y www.idahopower.com CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 746.6 Your Electric Use Pattern JuF'13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197259 Service Location: 1576112 N GARDEN ST / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 A9t-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0811512014 Arctic Booster E€ooio- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41 168682 06118114 071't7114 30 Regular 77675 81117 ,|3442 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $96.00 $0.00 $16.32 $208.63 $69.62 $18.59 $6.38 $16.26 Billing kW BLC 36 36 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Chargete (Over 20) 16 @ $6.00 per kW @ $O.OO per kW of BLCBasic Charge (0-20) 20 Basic Charge (Over 20)16 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 1,M2kWh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197157 Service Location: 1602 W GARFIELD ST / BOISE,ID Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $rt47.80 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Jul-13 AugJ3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 ={oo ao- Next Read Date: 0812212014 Garfield Booster SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 137 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $13.39 $1.10 $0.29 $0.74 Current Charges - Electric Service $20.52 NNFFoR 00016580 / 00034745 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation II I Questions? Contiact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 6 of 263Em. An |OACOIP Compry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern =fleo-lilistiliii 3 i ii ii li l: Jul-'I3 Au9-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197233 Service Location: 17522 N BROKEN HORN RD / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810512014 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $234.00 $o.oo $98.94 $208.63 $436.48 $59.64 $39.76 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 39 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 97 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 9,040 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 178 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 E{oo eo- Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,093.45 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-l4 JuFl4 0030202098 Next Read Date: 0810512014 BROKEN HORN RD / BOISE Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 83 kwh @ $0.OSZZS6 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $s.00 $8.11 $0.67 $0.52 Location: 17850 N D Control Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 7530U28 06/06/14 I 07t07114 32 Regular 1 3075 13158 1 83 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $14.30 NNFFoR m0165m / moil746 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 7 of 26 SEHHE. Arim00rPCom!.ay www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S =3ooaL 21.4 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030197777 Service Location: 2180 E TABLE ROCK RD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0712912014 Upper Danmor Booster Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 120 @ $4.40 per kW, 2 days ... Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 27 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 120 @ $6.00 per kW,27 days ........ Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 123 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 123 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 138 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 2 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,625 kwh @ $0.036483 per kWh, 2 days Summer Energy Charge 1,862 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 21,935 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 27 days .... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $36.41 $0.00 $670.34 $0.00 $8.65 $0.00 $116.81 $11.95 $59.28 $194.23 $1,059.09 $149.38 $34.83 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 221 003019741 1 E RIDGELINE DR / BOISE,ID Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $86.91 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,t143.88 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€ooeo- 1O2T.B 1090.3 JuF13 Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Matl4 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-14 JuF14 Next Read Date: 0712912014 Sunview Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41',t21807 05130114 06127114 29 Regular 44467 46144 1677 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 50 50 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $+.+O per kW, 2 days Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 2 days $16.00 $0.00 $9.10 $0.00 $167.59 $0.00 NNFFoR 00016580 / 00034747 I I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707, Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.Ar ID COIP Compory For faster ServiCe please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 22040858'11 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 8 of 26nlDllfr)N!FOi'ER. Basic Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 116 kwh @ $0.086579 per kwh, 2 days ... Summer Energy Charge 1,561 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days ...... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $2.11 $0.00 $28.49 $10.04 $162.83 $9.80 $6.09 $15.85 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Current Charges - Electric Service $427.90 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 0030202037 N 8TH ST / BOISE,ID Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0713012014 g{ ooeo- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 1 day ........... Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 123 @ $4.40 per kW, 1 day Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 30 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 123 @ $6.00 per kW, 30 days ........ Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 1 day ........ Basic Charge (Over 20) 127 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 1 day ........ Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 127 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 30 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 65 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 1 day Non-Summer Energy Charge 980 kwh @ $0.036483 per kWh, 'l day ..... Summer Energy Charge 1,935 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 30 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 29,420 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 30 days .... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $17.46 $o.oo $714.19 $o.oo $4.18 $0.00 $125.36 $5.63 $35.75 $201.85 $1,420.49 $181.73 $40.84 $101.64 Service Location: 2213 N 8TH Hts Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 3626621 6 o5t3'U't4 o6t30t14 3'1 Regular 5000 5405 80 32400 Billing kW BLC 143 147 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $2,865.12 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E{ooio. 1427.8 ty7.O NNFFoR 00016580 / 00034748 Jul-'|3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lo 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Page9of 26 3EHHh. ^tIUCOrtConprrywww.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: 0030197439 Service Location: 2300 PENITENTIARY RD PUMP / BOISE,ID UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204085811 0713012014 07t3112014 Next Read Date: 0712912014 Old Pen Booster Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 4 kwh @ $0.090436 per kWh, 2 days ....... Summer Energy Charge 47 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 27 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.36 $4.5e $0.43 $0.16 $0.40 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $10.94 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197206 Service Location: 2486E SUNSET PEAK RD / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Next Read Date: 0713012014 Hulls Gulch Booster c> =3ob ao- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 1 day Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 161 @ $4.40 per kW, 1 day Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 30 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 161 @ $6.00 per kW, 30 days ........ Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 1 day ..... ... Basic Charge (Over 20) 250 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 1 day ........ Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 250 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 30 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 65 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 1 day Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,772kWh @ $O.OSO+83 per kWh, 1 day .. Summer Energy Charge 1,935 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 30 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 53,188 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 30 days .... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $22.85 $0.00 $934.84 $o.oo $8.23 $o.oo $246.77 $5.63 $64.65 $201.85 $2,568.08 $319.48 $162.76 Current Gharges - Electric Service $4,551.14 NNFFoR mO16580 / m034749 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espa6ol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Page l0 of 26 3EHM. lr lilCOrP Co0rpry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 0713012014 07t31t2014 Your Electric Use Pattern 2210.9 2136.7 Service Agreement No: 0030197311 Service Location: 2495E WARM SPRINGS AVE PUMP / BOISE,ID E> =3obeo- Next Read Date: 0712912014 Billing kW BLC 64 77 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 44 @ $+.+O per kW, 2 days Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 44 @ $0.00 per kW, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 57 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 57 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 138 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 2 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,539 kwh @ $0.OgO+43 per kWh, 2 days Summer Energy Charge 1,862 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 20,78'l kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 27 days .... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $13.35 $0.00 $245.79 $0.00 $4.01 $0.00 $54.13 $11.95 $56.15 $194.23 $1,003.37 $142.14 $26.12 $63.96 JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36454433 05t30114 I 06127114 29 Regular 3870 4022 160 24320 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197519 Service Location: 2940 N 24TH ST / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $1,831.20 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1090.9 1078.7 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 MaF14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 =3ob ao- Next Read Date: OBlO1l2014 North Mtn Booster Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $60.00 $o.oo $10.20 $208.63 NNFFoR 00016580 / 00034750 Ire'ffi . Ei:.it"['61, d.mru'*ure va ev) *,D^corpco,*, |!,i::8,."r'ffi[lpreaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Page 1l of 26 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Bilfing Date: 0713012014 Print Date:07t31t2014 Summer Energy Charge 2,909 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $140.46 $26.52 $6.93 $17.41 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $486.15 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€ooir 175.6 177 .5Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197572 Service Location: 304 W CRESTLINE DR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0712912014 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75337206 05130114 o6t27t14 29 Regular 190 190 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $0.08 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.20 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =Eooio- Jul-'l3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Service Agreement No: 0030202128 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 MayJ4 Jun-14 JUF'I4 Next Read Date: 0812512014 Service Location: 314 E BOISE AVE / BOISE,ID Boise Ave Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvpe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36051996 06t26114 | 07125114 30 Regular 35435 35968 1 533 Billing kW BLC 23 23 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20\20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 3 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 3 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 533 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $18.00 $0.00 $3.06 $s5.60 $2.88 $1.43 $3.71 NNFFoR m016580 / moil751 Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $100.68 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.tlt UCOaP CollflY For fastor service please Call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 12 of 26nlEH{o)NIFoUUEII. Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3191 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Aug-'l3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Junl4 Jul-14 =8obio. 00301 971 30 N MOUNTAIN RD / BOISE,ID Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)O @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 13 @ $o.oo per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 168 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Next Read Date: OBlO1l2014 Bluffs Booster Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $o.oo $0.00 $208.63 $8,11 $11.71 $3.67 $9.31 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $257.43 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =3obio- Jul-13 Aug-13 0030202253 Next Read Date: OTl3Ol2014Service Agreement No: Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Service Location: 3354 W SCENIC DR / BOISE Scenic Cove Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77258759 05131114 06/30/'14 31 Regular 1555 1 568 1 't3 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efiiciency Services $s.00 $1.27 $0.11 $0.10 $0.25 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.73 NNFFoR m016580 / 0003,1752 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Page 13 of 26sm. An D OOt, Compr| www.idahopower.com Billing Date: Print Date: 07t30t2014 0713112014 Your Electric Use Pattern E> ={ooeo- .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4IIIIIIIIIiiii Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-'l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197467 Service Location: 3418 E BOULDER HEIGHTS DR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0712912014 Boulder Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 41042078 o5t30114 06t27t14 29 Regular 40448 44633 1 4'185 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 12 20 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 12 @ $0.00 per kW,2 days Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 12 @ $0.00 per kW, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 138 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 2 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 151 kwh @ $O.Oe0+43 per kWh,2 days ... Summer Energy Charge 1,862 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh, 27 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 2,034 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 27 days ...... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $11.95 $5.51 $194.23 $98.21 $24.47 $5.26 $13.04 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197493 Service Location: 3430 N MAPLE GROVE RD / BOISE,ID Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $368.67 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-l3 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 ar ao- Next Read Date: 0810712014 Ustick Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36033240 o6/tot14 | 07to9/t4 30 Regular 5677 5939 80 20960 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 144 144 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 124 @ $6,00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $o.Oo per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 124 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 18,960 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $744.00 $0.00 $126.48 $208.63 $e'r5.45 $113.23 $31.86 $80.42 NNFFoR 00016580 / m034753 Energy Efficiency Services I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Current Gharges - Electric Service Page 14 of 26almloNFoUUEll. rnuooatcorrry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030202220 Service Location: 3450 S MILLSPUR WAY / BOISE,ID $2,236.07 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-'|3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Junl4 JuF14 =€oo eo- Next Read Date: 0712912014 Harris Ranch Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh [Jsed 36022042 o5t3ot't4 | oatztr4 29 Regular 69982 70432 1 450 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 29 30 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) I @ $+.+O per kW, 2 days Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 9 @ $6.00 per kW, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 31 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 2 days ..... Summer Energy Charge 419 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $2.73 $0.00 $50.28 $0.00 $0.70 $0.00 $e.50 $2.68 $43.71 $2.63 $1.e2 $5.02 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: a{e0- Current Charges - Electric Service $135.17 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 184.0 1A2.5 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-'13 00301 97951 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-l4 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Junl4 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0712912014 Billing kW BLC 4 93 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)4 @ $O.OO per kW,2 days Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 4 @ $0.00 per kW, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFFoR 00016580 / m034754 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Service Location: 3485 CARTWRIGHT RD i BOISE,ID Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209629 05t30fi4 I 06127/14 29 Regular 7622 7679 20 1140 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. Ar: ID CflP Compilty For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a m to 6:30 p m' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 15 of 26 3EHilh. Basic Charge (Over 20) 73 @ $l.OZ per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 73 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 79 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh,2 days ..... Summer Energy Charge 1,061 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days ...... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.14 $0.00 $69.32 $6.84 $110.68 $6.66 $3.22 $8.32 Current Charges - Electric Service $226.18 Kilowatt-hour Power Cost Basic Load Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197714 Service Location: 4000 ARROW CREST WAY / BOISE,ID E€ooeo- Next Read Date: 0713012014 Arrowhead #2 Booster 305.1 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 MaFl4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36076682 05t31114 06/30/14 31 Regular 13407 14133 20 14520 Billing kW BLC 70 82 Large General Service Schedute 09S Your Electric Use Pattern Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 1 day Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 50 @ $4.40 per kW, 1 day ...... Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 30 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 50 @ $O.OO per kW, 30 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 1 day ........ Basic Charge (Over 20) 62 @ $t .OZ per kW of BLC, 1 day .. ...... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 62 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 30 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 65 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 1 day Non-Summer Energy Charge 403 kwh @ $0.036483 per kWh, 1 day ..... Summer Energy Charge 1,935 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 30 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 12,117 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 30 days .... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $47.36 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,331.67 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =flooio- $16.00 $0.00 $7.10 $0.00 $290.32 $0.00 $2.04 $0.00 $61.20 $5.63 $14.70 $201.85 $585.05 $81.44 $18.98 NNFFoR 00016580 / 00034755 Jul-'l3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-l4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 00301 971 83 E HIGHLAND VIEW DR / BO Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Next Read Date: 08101120'14 Page 16 of 26 3EHHh. loUCilrCofif|Y www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 76 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 20,680 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $456.00 $0.00 $7e.s6 $208.63 $998.49 $122.52 $28.22 $70.35 Service Location: 407 E HIGHLAND VIEW DR / BOISE,ID View Boostr Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209372 06104114 07to2t't4 29 Regular 10740 1 1307 40 22680 Billing kW BLC 96 98 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,979.77 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation ={00iG Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197921 Service Location: 4172W QUAIL RIDGE DR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0713012014 QuailBooster Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 4112153s Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 1 day ... .. . . . .. . Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 82 @ $q.+O per kW, 1 day ...... Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 30 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 82 @ $0.00 per kW, 30 days Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 1 day ........ Basic Charge (Over 20) 82 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC, 1 day ........ Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 82 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 30 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 65 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 1 day Non-Summer Energy Charge 903 kwh @ $0.036483 per kWh, 1 day ..... Summer Energy Charge 1,935 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 30 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 27,103 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh, 30 days .... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 't.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $85.46 Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,424.77 $16.00 $o.oo $11.64 $0.00 $476.13 $0.00 $2.70 $o.oo $80.94 $5.63 $32.94 $201.85 $1,308.61 $168.30 $34.57 NNFFoR m016580 / 00034756 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 PagelT of 263Em. lnmcomcomp0y www.idahopower.com CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1 130.2 1 '158.0Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S =Robio- Service Agreement No: 0030197833 Service Location: 4200W AERONCA ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: Ogl21l2014 Hillo Booster Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 19 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 14 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 371 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Enerqy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14.28 $38.70 $2.00 $1.06 $2.76 Jul-'I3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Current Gharges - Electric Service $74.80 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment BLC = Basic Load Capacity Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197079 Service Location: 429 N STEELHEAD WAY / BOISE,ID ef ao- Next Read Date: 0811512014 Steelhead Booster Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Janl4 Feb-'I4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) '125 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 125 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 15,640 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50o/o $16.00 $0.00 $750.00 $o.oo $'127.50 $208.63 $755.15 $e5.2e $29.29 $74.2e NNFFoR @016580 / 0@34757 Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2,056.15 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 18 of 26 SEHffig.. lll DTCOIP Conpfry www.idahopower.com CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 607.7 578.7 =5ooao. Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197602 Service Location: 44OS E AMITY RD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 08126120'14 Barber Booster JUF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mat14 Apr-'l4 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41082571 o6t27t14 07128114 32 Regular 478',l.5314 40 21320 Billing kW BLC 202 196 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 182 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 176 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 19,320 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $1,092.00 $0.00 $179.52 $208.63 $932.83 $115.17 $38.16 $97.16 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2,679.47 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-l4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197631 Next Read Date: 0810412014 Service Location: 4500 N 36TH ST PUMP i BOISE Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 56081381 06/05/14 07103114 29 Regular 17209 31685 1 14476 Billing kW BLC 48 68 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 28 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 12,476 Annual Adjustment Mechanism kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $168.00 $0.00 $48.96 $208.63 $602.38 $78.20 $16.83 NNFFoR 000't6580 / 00034758 Franchise Fee 1.50% I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 19 of 26 reHHh. lnUCOI'Cosrpory wunar.idahopower.com Enerqy Efficiency Services $41.76 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,180.76 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 5{ooao- Your Electric Use Pattern Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Service Agreement No: 0030197658 Service Location: 4780 HILL RD / Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OBlO5l2O14 Briarhill Booster $16.00 $0.00 $5s2.00 $0.00 $94.86 $208.63 $1,137.55 $138.08 $32.21 $80.36 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 112 1'13 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 92 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 93 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 23,560 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,259.69 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation r> =3obe0- Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-l4 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Service Agreement No: 0030197335 Service Location: 4869 S MACARTHUR ST / BOISE,ID Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: OBl21l2O14 Harvard Booster Billing kW BLC 34 36 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 14 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 310 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $84.00 $o.oo $16.32 $208.63 $14.97 NNFFoR m16ffi / mil759 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36272866 06t24114 07t23114 30 Regular 48304 50614 1 2310 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page20of 26rem. An BCOiPCompary www.idahopower.com Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $12.48 $5.29 $13.60 Current Gharges - Electric Service $371.29 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 77.0 Your Electric = EUse Pattern ; bao. Jul-'I3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030197977 Service Location: 4932 N ARROW CREST WAY / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May{4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0713012014 Arrowhead #1 Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constanl kwh Used 46404039 05t31t14 06/30/14 31 Regular 23012 33595 I 1 0583 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 42 55 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 1 day Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 22 @ $q.qO per kW, 1 day .. .. .. Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,30 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 22 @ $O.OO per kW, 30 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 1 day ........ Basic Charge (Over 20) 35 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 1 day .. .... . . Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 35 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 30 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 65 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 1 day Non-Summer Energy Charge 276 kwh @ $0.036483 per kWh, 1 day ..... Summer Energy Charge 1,935 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 30 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 8,307 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 30 days ...... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $3.12 $0.00 $127.74 $0.00 $1.15 $0.00 $34.55 $5.63 $10.07 $201.85 $401.09 $59.36 $12.91 Energy Efficiency Services .............................................................,... $32.05 Current Charges - Electric Service $905.52 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BlC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation Aug-13 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 a{eo- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197804 Service Location: 609 W BRUMBACK ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0713012014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209605 05t31t14 | 06/30/14 31 Regular 15988 16653 40 26600 NNFFoR 00016580 / 00034760 I I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaffol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. lo 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page2l of 26 3E',m. AnDcaltrcqnrry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 86 86 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 1 day Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 66 @ $+.+O per kW, 1 day ...... Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 30 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 66 @ $O.OO per kW, 30 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 1 day .. ..... . Basic Charge (Over20) 66 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 1 day ........ Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 66 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 30 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 65 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 1 day Non-Summer Energy Charge 793 kwh @ $0.036483 per kWh, 1 day ..... Summer Energy Charge 1,935 kwh @ $0.t0+et+ per kWh, 30 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 23,807 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 30 days .... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $9.37 $o.oo $383.23 $0.00 $2.17 $o.oo $65.15 $5.63 $28.e3 $201.85 $1,149.47 $149.20 $30.17 $74.47 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197890 Service Location: 6225 S FEDERAL WAY / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $2,115.64 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kw=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapaciW G=Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mabl4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 efeo- Next Read Date: 0812512014 Micron Booster SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 110 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $10.75 $0.88 $0.25 $0.63 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $17.51 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =8ob Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-l4 MaF14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 NNFFoR 00016580 / 00034761 nltr{DlilFoullEll. An Lx@lP comojy www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date; Page22of 26 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204085811 0713012014 07t31t2014 Next Read Date: 0810512014 Hills Boro Booster Service Agreement No: 0030202162 Service Location: 6300 HILL RD / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 17 26 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 17 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0,00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 6 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 2,400 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6.12 $208.63 $115.88 $23.77 $13.87 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209679 o6t06l't4 07lo7t14 32 Regular 4350 4460 40 4400 Current Charges - Electric Service $384.27 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197860 Large General Service Schedule 09S =€ooio- Next Read Date: 0812512014 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 22 @$t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 1,679 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $96.00 $0.00 $22.44 $175.14 $9.07 $4.78 $12.38 JuF'13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'I4 Service Location: 6890 S EISENMAN RD / BOISE Gowen Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 50327477 o6t26t14 I O7t25rt4 30 Regular 50004 51683 1 1679 Billing kW BLC 36 42 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $335.81 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowaft-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation a{io- Your Electric Use Pattern NNFFoR m016580 / 00034762 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Page23of 26 3EHHh. XrDlOilPCatfry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 0713012014 0713112014 Next Read Date: 0712912014 Lower Danmor Booster Service Agreement No: 0030202009 Service Location: 730 N LOCUST ST / BOISE,ID Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 132 @ $4.40 per kW, 2 days ... Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 132 @ $6.00 per kW,27 days ........ Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 136 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 136 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 138 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 2 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,157 kwh @ $O.OeO+e3 per kWh, 2 days Summer Energy Charge 1,862 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 29,123 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 27 days .... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $40.06 $o.oo $737.38 $0.00 $9.57 $o.oo $129.15 $11.95 $78.69 $194.23 $1,406.15 $194.50 $42.27 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $104.93 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2,964.88 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation r> =3ob eo- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197387 Service Location: 845 E CRESTLINE DR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0712912014 Crestline Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36278548 o5t30114 I 06127114 29 Regular 16908 I 17740 40 33280 Billing kW BLC 152 156 1425.4 1405.1 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-l4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 o6t27114 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 27 @$q.qO per kW, 2 days Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 27 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 27 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 138 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh,2 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 537 kwh @ $0.036483 per kWh, 2 days ... $16.00 $o.oo $8.19 $0.00 $150.83 $0.00 $2.11 $0.00 $28.49 $11.95 $19.59 NNFFoR 00016580 / 00034763 I Questions? Contiact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Summer Energy Charge 1,862 kwh Summer Energy Charge 7,250 kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page24of 26 3EHHg*. Anlo corPcomFil:Y www.idahopower.com @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days @ $0.048283 per kWh, 27 days $194.23 $350.05 $57.20 $12.58 $31.26 Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $882.48 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 379.4 381.6 Your Electric Use Pattern Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'l3 Jan-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030197546 Service Location: 9800 SEAMANS GULCH RD PUMP / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mat-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810712014 $16.00 $o.oo $2,172.00 $0.00 $369.24 $208.63 $4,602.34 $525.72 $294.73 E> =8obao. Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 382 382 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 362 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 362 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 95,320 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36033253 o6t10t14 07109114 30 Regular 40081 42514 40 97320 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $8,188.66 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197685 Service Location: BUILDING 501 / BOISE,ID E{oo&o- Next Read Date: 0812112014 Aeronica Booster Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuFl4 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFFoR m0165m / 00097il Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)43 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0,00 per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $258.00 $0.00 II I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.X! nOOm Compiy For faster service pleaSe Call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page25 of 263rm. Basic Charge (Over 20) 44 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 1,911 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $44.88 $199.34 $10.32 $7.93 $20.73 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $557.20 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197284 Service Location: S FIVE MILE / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: Ogl14l2o14 S Five Mile Booster Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052529 o6t17114 07t16114 30 Regular 8591 8914 40 't2920 Billing kW BLC 83 96 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $o.oo $378.00 $0.00 $77.52 $208.63 $527.25 $69.79 $48.30 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 63 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 76 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 10,920 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,325.49 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0032076619 Service Location: TECHNOLOGY AND COLUMBIA / BOISE,ID E> =3ob eo- Next Read Date: 0812512014 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 NNFFoR 00018580 / m034765 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 140 kwh @ $O.OSZZSG per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $s.00 $13.69 $1.12 $0.30 3EHHh. t,lmOOrPCoarpry www.idahopower.com lt Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Bois€, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page26of 26 $0.75Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Easic Load Capacity G = Generation E> =3obio- 3.5 2.0 4.6 May-14 Jun-14 NNFFoR m016580 / 00034768 I , a,.etor 24 =IDIIIL 33T3T%,""Ti,1":B'.'.'ior. customerName: UNITEDWATER IDAHo N POliEl. or cal (208i sss-2323 (rreasure valey). Account Number: 2204085811 rrilco,cornpory p!ri3313.",]jfiHp6aseca1 Billing Date: oat28l2o14 www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p'm' Print Date: 0812912014 Due Date I Please Pay 09t1212014 I $Og,goz.gg Account Previous Balance $55,482.50Activity Payments - Thank You ........... $55,482.50 CR Balance Forward $0.00 Please Note: Any unpaid balan@s may b6 assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. View Your Log in to myAccount todaylBill ACCESS your accounl24l7. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. LearnOnline how to SAVE. Visit idahopower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. V Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V eHffiB..PO BOX 70 BO|SE, tD 83707 ACCOUNTNUMBER DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 2204085811 0911212014 $63,362.93 rnmolxtcomp16y (208)388-2323(TreasureValley) Please write your a@ount number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. $"ru Addres3/PhoneCorrectlon,&s6 noted on revers€ side. lhtll,!,lttthilil,!ttrtltll,lh,t,rrtl,[],!llttltlrrlll,,t,l, uNtrEowArER tDAHo PROCESSING CENTER 8248 W VTCTORY RD P.O. BOX 34966BolsE, lD 8370e4165 SEATTLE, WA 98124_1966 Amount Enclosed &*"6 ProlectSharepledge,Sffi{l noted on reverse side. idi &sl' NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029340 220408581100063s6293 000000000 006336?93 0828 3 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page2of 24EtmroNEUUEI. rrucoat conpail www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: 0030197745 Service Location: 1 E TOLUKA WAY / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0812712014 Toluka Booster Billing kW BLC 58 58 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 38 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 38 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 24,000 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $228.00 $o.oo $38.76 $208.63 $1,158.79 $140.45 $26.86 $66.01 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36263539 o6t28114 07129114 32 Regular 1 0832 11482 40 26000 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,883.50 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation gF ob a0. Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 sIm.If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NEW CONTAGT INFORMATION: Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Apt./Suite Account Number: 2204085811 PROJEGT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. $ffi', Hffi tu E H$to *,*$ $ City I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the near€st dollar and contribute the difrerence to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your taxdeductlble donatlons, Telephone Number Email Address NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029341 Zip Code HF"&:!4 #{t#!t I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley), Se habla espahol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030197362 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 Next Read Date: 0812812014 Page 3 of 24sEm. lnIO COt?Compaty www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Service Location: 1160 N 3RD ST / BOISE,ID Horizon Mon Pt Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209197 07to1t14 07130114 30 Regular 862 883 1 21 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 21 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.05 $0.17 $0.11 $0.28 Current Gharges - Electric Service $7.61 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030202065 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: OglO2l2O14 =3obiL Service Location: 1165 E BRAEMERE RD / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0,00 $126.00 $0.00 $28.56 $208.63 $465.45 $62.88 $13.61 $33.79 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 21 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 28 @ $t .OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 9,640 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $954.92 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =flooeo- Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 NNFGWE 00013802 / 000As2 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page 4 of 24 Service Agreement No: 0030202189 Service Location: 1500 CAMEL BACK LN WATER / BOISE,ID UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204085811 08t28t2014 0812912014 Next Read Date: 0812912014 Good Street Booster nttruoN!FOi'R. lltUcoltcomrlv www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 64 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 75 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 9,120 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $384.00 $0.00 $76.50 $208.63 $440.34 $60.07 $17.78 $45.02 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,248.34 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation E> =floo e0- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197104 Service Location: 1500 LATIMER ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0912412014 Federal Booster Au9-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun{4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 155 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 156 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 22,720 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $930.00 $0.00 $159.12 $208.63 $1,096.99 $133.54 $38.16 $96.43 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,678.87 NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029343 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: Ogl29l2o14 Page 5 of 24 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197259 Service Location: 1576112 N GARDEN ST / BOISE,ID 3EHM. ^IrIIOOfrCotnftywww.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S ={ooio- Next Read Date: 0911612014 Arctic Booster Billing kW BLC 36 36 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 4,838 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $96.00 $0.00 $16.32 $208.63 $233.59 $36.94 $9.11 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $22.82 Current Charges - Electric Service $639.41 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-'l4 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197157 Next Read Date: 0912312014 =€oo ao- Aug-13 Sep-'|3 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41168682 07t18t14 08115114 29 Regular 81117 87955 1 6838 307.3 Service Location: 1602 W GARFIELD ST / BOISE Garfield Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Curent Meter Constant kwh Used 36052161 07t25t14 o8t22t't4 29 Regular 6155 6288 1 133 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 133 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $13.00 $1.06 $0.2e $0.72 Current Charges - Electric Service $20.07 NNFGWE 0@13802 r 00029344 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page6of 24 3EHffi. an ncott corpary www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern ={ooio-li :: r li i i 3 i ii ii r li ll Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197233 Service Location: 17522N BROKEN HORN RD / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0910412014 Billing kW BLC 55 117 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 35 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 97 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 8,240 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $210.00 $0.00 $98.94 $208.63 $397.85 $55.32 $37.26 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 455868'19 07t08114 08to5t14 29 Regular 3642 3770 80 10240 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,024.00 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =3oba0- Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-'13 Nov-,l3 Dec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030202098 Next Read Date: 0910412014 Billing kW BLC 1 0 Your Electric Use Pattern SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 73 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $7.14 $0.58 $0.49 Service Location: 17850 N BROKEN HORN RD / BOISE,ID Control Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 75306/'28 07108114 08105114 29 Regulal '13158 13231 1 73 Current Gharges - Electric Service $13.21 NNFGWE 00013602 / 00029345 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 21.4 19.8 PageT of 24 3EHHh. AnD COrtCorpaiy www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030197777 Large General Service Schedule 09S Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar14 Agr-14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812712014 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 122 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 123 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 31,880 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $732.00 $0.00 $125.46 $208.63 $1,539.26 $183.02 $42.07 $104.85 Service Location: 2180 E TABLE ROCK RD / BOISE,ID Danmor Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052537 o6t28114 | 07t29rt4 32 Regular 13947 I 14794 40 33880 Billing kW BLC 142 143 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,951.29 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 1027.A 1090.3Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'I3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197411 Service Location: 221 E RIDGELINE DR / BOISE,ID E> =3ob ao- Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812712014 Sunview Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 4',t121807 06128114 07129114 32 Regular 46144 I 49841 1 3697 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 50 50 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 1,697 kwh @ $O.O+AZA3 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $180.00 $o.oo $30.60 $208.63 $81.94 $19.97 $8.06 $20.69 NNFGWE 00013402 / 00029346 Energy Effi ciency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $s6s.89 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, ID 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please c€ll Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: OBl29l2O14 Page 8 of 24nttr[oN!FOi'IER. nr DACilP Conrpany www.idahopower.com CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-l3 Nov-'13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030202037 Next Read Date: 0812812014 Billing kW BLC 154 153 5€od?o- Large General Service Schedule 09S SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 134 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 133 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 42,000 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $804.00 $0.00 $135.66 $208.63 $2,027.89 $237.69 $51.45 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197439 Service Location: 2300 PENITENTIARY RD PUMP / BOISE,ID Energy Efficiency Services ...,............................................................. $127.69 Current Gharges - Electric Service $3,609.01 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'I4 Apr-'I4 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 =€ooaB Next Read Date: 0812712014 Old Pen Booster Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $7.82 $0.64 $0.20 $0.51 Service Location: 2213 N 8TH ST / BOISE.ID Hts Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunenl Meter Constant kwh Used 36266216 07to'U't4 07130114 30 Regular il05 5955 80 44000 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $14.17 NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029347 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load CapaciU G = Generation I I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Page 9 of 24 3EHHh. rnncol'cori9fry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 0812812014 08t29t2014 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197206 Service Location: 2486E SUNSET PEAK RD / BOISE,ID c>>o?oobe0- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812812014 Hulls Gulch Booster Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 249 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 250 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 64,080 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $1,494.00 $0.00 $25s.00 $208.63 $3,093.97 $356.96 $202.70 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36052804 07101114 07t30t14 30 Regular 7430 I 7843 160 66080 Billing kW BLC 269 270 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030'197311 Service Location: 2495E WARM SPRINGS AVE PUMP / BOISE,ID Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5,627.26 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 2210.9 2136.7 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jut-14 efl &o- Next Read Date: 0812712014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36454433 06128114 07t29114 32 Regular 4022 4230 160 33280 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 61 68 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 31,280 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $246.00 $o.oo $48.96 $208.63 $1,510.29 $179.78 $33.14 $81.20 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2,324.00 NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029348 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Page 10 of 24 Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 SepJ3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-'l3 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197519 Service Location: 2940 N 24TH ST / BOISE,ID sm. nr DACOI' Compdry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S 5{ooid Next Read Date: 0910212014 North Mtn Booster Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 4,094 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $60.00 $0.00 $10.20 $208.63 $197.67 $32.92 $7.88 $19.70 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197572 Service Location: 304 W CRESTLINE DR / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s53.00 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 E{io, Next Read Date: OBl27l2O14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s.28 NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029349 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Bois6, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204085811 0812812014 0812912014 Page ll of 24 3EHilB.. aa Dlcott comr:I www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern =€oolo- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0030202128 Service Location: 314 E BOISE AVE / BOISE,ID Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl24l2l14 Boise Ave Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36051996 07t26t14 08125114 31 Regular 35968 36427 1 459 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 22 23 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 2 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 3 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 459 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $12.00 $0.00 $3.06 $47.88 $2.48 $1.22 $3.16 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3191 0030197130 N MOUNTAIN RD / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $85.80 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E> =3obio, Aug-13 Sep-13 OcG'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Augl4 Next Read Date: OglO2l2O14 Bluffs Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50466867 o7to3l14 | 08t01t14 30 Regular 80706 82870 1 2164 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $208.63 $7.92 $11.69 Billing kW BLC 6 6 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 6 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 6 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 164 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $3.66 $9.30 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2s7.20 NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029350 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: tS.2 84.4 80.7 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204085811 0812812014 o812912014 75.2 73.4 72.2 7 Page 12 of 24sHm. lnBclfrconprry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 r> =Aob&o- Service Agreement No: 0030202253 Service Location: 3354 W SCENIC DR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0812812014 Scenic Cove Booster Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 12 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.17 $0.09 $0.0e $0.25 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-'14 Aug-14 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $6.60 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern €E o6io- .4.4".4IIII .4 .4 .4III.4 .4II.4 .4II .4 .4II Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197467 Service Location: 3418 E BOULDER HEIGHTS DR / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-'14 JUF'14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812712014 Boulder Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41042078 o6t28t14 | OttZStU 32 Regular 44633 49459 1 4826 Billing kW BLC 13 17 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 13 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 17 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 2,826 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $14.44 Current Gharges - Electric Service $407.40 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $208.63 $136.45 $26.07 $5.81 NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029351 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation nutt0N!FOi'ER. I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 175.2Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-'13 Service Agreement No: 0030197493 Service Location: 3430 N MAPLE GROVE RD / BOISE,ID Page 13 of 24 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 lnflcilPc8irplrY www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 08t28t2014 08t2912014 =3ob eo- Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'|4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0910812014 Ustick Booster Billing kW BLC 146 145 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 126 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 125 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 21,360 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $756.00 $o.oo $127.50 $208.63 $1,031.32 $126.19 $33.98 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030202220 Service Location: 3450 S MILLSPUR WAY / BOISE,ID Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $85.58 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,385.20 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAd.iustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation => =3obio- Next Read Date: 0812712014 Harris Ranch Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36033240 07t'tot14 08t07t14 29 Regular 5939 6231 80 23360 Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 8 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Gharge 1,558 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $48.00 $0.00 $10.20 $162.52 $8.42 $3.68 $e.47 Current Charges - Electric Service $2s8.29 NNFGWE 0001302 / O00A352 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster sorvice please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 184.0 182.5 Page14of 24 3EHM. nrU@tPCotnEry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern enio- Aug-'l3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 MayJ4 Jun-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197951 Service Location: 3485 CARTWRIGHT RD / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0812712014 Booster Billing kW BLC 93 93 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 73 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 73 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 4,100 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $438.00 $0.00 $74.46 $208.63 $197.96 $32.95 $14.52 $37.40 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $1,019.92 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197714 Service Location: 4000 ARROW CREST WAY / BOISE,ID =€ooer Next Read Date: 0812812014 Arrowhead #2 Booster 305.1 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 47 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 57 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 14,300 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $282.00 $o.oo $58.14 $208.63 $690.45 $88.05 $20.15 $50.21 NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029353 Energy Efficiency Services I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service Page 15 of 24 SEHilB* ^rtnCOmComgarywww.idahopower.com $1,413.63 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Augl3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 0030197183 Mar-l4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: Ogl02l2o14 =€ooao- Service Location: 407 E HIGHLAND VIEW DR / BOISE,ID View Boostr Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209372 07103114 081011't4 30 Regular 11307 1 1967 40 26400 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 96 98 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 76 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 24,400 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $456.00 $o.oo $79.56 $208.63 $1,178.11 $142.61 $31.21 $77.53 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2,189.65 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197921 Service Location: 4172W QUAIL RIDGE DR i BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S E{oo?G Next Read Date: 0812812014 Quail Booster Billing kW BLC 103 103 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)83 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 83 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 32,044 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh $16.00 $o.oo $498.00 $0.00 $84.66 $208.63 $1,547.18 $183.91 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 41121535 07101114 I 07130t14 30 Regular 89990 I 1240y 1 340/,4 NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029354 Annual Adjustment Mechanism I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: OAl29l2O14 Page 16 of 24 SHilh. IlUOOfrCo.tfry www.idahopower.com Franchise Fee 1.50%$38.08 Energy Efficiency Services ....................,............................................ $94.18 Gurrent Charges - Electric Seruice $2,670.64 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197833 Service Location: 4200 W AERONCA ST / BOISE,ID €Booio- Next Read Date: Ogl22l2o14 Hillo Booster Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 D€c-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-'14 May-l4 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41 082385 07t24114 o8t21t14 29 Regular 62619 63218 1 599 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 22 34 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 2 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 14 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 599 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $12.00 $0.00 $14.28 $62.48 $3.24 $1.62 $4.19 Current Charges - Electric Service $113.81 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-l4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197079 Next Read Date: 0911612014 Billing kW BLC 144 145 E> =€oo?o. Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 124 @ $6.00 per kW ..................... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 125 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 17,000 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $744.00 $0.00 $127.50 $208.63 $820.81 Service Location: 429 N STEELHEAD WAY / BOISE Steelhead Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36341272 07118t14 | 08115114 29 Regular 10491 10966 40 1 9000 NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029355 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 PagelT of 24 3EHilh. ln lOlCOrP Conpaiy www.idahopower.com Annual Adjustment Mechanism $102.64 $30.29 $76.68 Franchise Fee 1.50% Enerqy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $2,126.55 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Paftern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197602 Next Read Date: Ogl25l2114 Billing kW BLC 200 201 =€ooio- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 180 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 181 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 17,680 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Enerqy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $1,080.00 $0.00 $184.62 $208.63 $853.64 $106.31 $36.74 $93.72 Service Location: 44OS E AMITY RD i BO Barber Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41082971 07129114 o8t26t14 29 Regular 5314 5806 40 19680 Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,579.66 kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Paftern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Service Agreement No: 0030197631 Service Location: 4500 N 36TH ST PUMP / BOISE,ID Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Next Read Date: Ogl03l2014 $16.00 $0.00 $168.00 $0.00 $48.96 =€ooi0- Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029356 Billing kW BLC 48 68 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 28 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Currenl Meter Constant kwh Used 56081381 07104114 o&to4t14 32 Regular 31685 49862 ,|18177 Basic Charge (Over 20)48 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC It I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page l8 of 24 3EHHh. IrnCOI,Col|prry www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 16,177 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $208.63 $781.07 $98.19 $19.81 $48.91 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,389.57 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 5Eooer Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030197658 Service Location: 4780 HILL RD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0910412014 Briarhill Booster Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 92 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 93 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 24,400 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $552.00 $0.00 $94.86 $208.63 $1,178.11 $142.61 $32.88 $81.98 Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,307.07 Kilowatt-hour Power Cost Basic Load Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197335 Service Location: 4869 S MACARTHUR ST / BOISE,ID ={oo ao- Next Read Date: Ogl22l2o14 Harvard Booster Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE m01S02 / 000X357 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 13 @ $6.00 per kW $16.00 $0.00 $78.00 I4LqAIU 33t3ffi1"'"J,g'ff,1i0,LJFQiiEl. orcarl(2oo)388-2323(rreasurevarrey) ^r' ucorp cor ,, P:,?::Er"rH["J prease cail www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Page 19 of 24 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 22040858'11 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: OBl29l2O14 Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 153 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $0.00 $16.32 $208.63 $7.39 $11.63 $5.07 $13.05 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $356.09 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation 77.O Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197977 Service Location: 4932 N ARROW CREST WAY / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl28l2l14 Arrowhead #1 Booster 5{oo ao- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 46404039 07t01114 07t30t14 30 Regulal 33595 47046 13451 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 39 49 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 19 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 29 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 11,451 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $114.00 $0.00 $29.58 $208.63 $552.89 $72.66 $14.91 $36.84 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $1,045.51 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-'|4 Aug-14 E€ooao- Service Agreement No: 0030197804 Service Location: 609 W BRUMBACK ST / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 88 87 Large General Service Charge NNFGWE 00013802 / 000A358 Next Read Date: 0812812014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209605 07101114 07t30t14 30 Regular 16653 17413 40 30400 $16.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page20of 24ntBll0T!FOi'ER. fiUoorrCqtrfry www.idahopower.com Service Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 68 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC 67 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC $0.00 $408.00 $o.oo $68.34 $208.63 $1,371.24 $164.22 $33.55 $82.89 Basic Charge (Over 20) Summer Energy Charge Summer Energy Charge Annual Adjustment Mechanism 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh 28,400 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2,352.87 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern E€ooao.i i i Y?,r:r:,v1v'tr [ i'i' Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-'l3 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Aprl4 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-l4 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197890 Service Location: 6225 S FEDERAL WAY / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0912412014 Micron Booster SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 114 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $11.14 $0.91 $0.26 $0.65 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030202162 Service Location: 6300 HILL RD / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $17.96 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Gapacity G = Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 enia Next Read Date: OglO4l2O14 Hills Boro Booster Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 0m1S02 / m0m359 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 17 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC $16.00 $o.oo $0.00 $6.12Basic Charge (Over 20) 6 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page2l of 24 3EHilh. XrDOilPCorerry www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 2,200 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Effi ciency Services $208.63 $106.22 $22.69 $13.48 Current Charges - Electric Service $373.14 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197860 Service Location: 6890 S EISENMAN RD / BOISE,ID =3obeo. Next Read Date: Ogl24l2l14 Gowen Booster Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-l4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 22 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 1,962 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $96.00 $0.00 $22.44 $204.66 $10.60 $5.25 $13.56 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030202009 Service Location: 730 N LOCUST ST / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $368.51 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation €€ooid Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar'14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812712014 Lower Danmor Booster Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 000t3802 / 00029360 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 134 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC $16.00 $o.oo $804.00 $0.00 $137.70Basic Charge (Over 20) 135 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espahol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page22of 24 3EHilB*. lr DICOIP Conpflly www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 42,920 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $208.63 $2,072.31 $242.66 $52.22 $129.55 Current Charges - Electric Service $3,663.07 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1425.4 1405.1Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197387 Service Location: 845 E CRESTLINE DR / BOISE,ID -> =3ob Next Read Date: 0812712014 Crestline Booster Aug-13 Sep-l3 Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 7 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 29 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.t0+et+ per kWh Summer Energy Charge 9,589 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $42.00 $0.00 $29.58 $208.63 $462.99 $62.60 $12.33 $30.37 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030197546 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029361 BOISE Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Current Gharges - Electric Service $864.50 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 379.4 381.6 Aug-13 Sepl3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: OglO8l2O14 =8obao- $16.00 $0.00 $2,142.00 Service Location: 9800 SEAMANS GULCH RD PUMP Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36033253 07t10114 o8t07114 29 Regular 425',t4 45347 40 I 13320 Billing kW BLC 377 381 Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 357 @ $6.00 per kW I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol.ln UCOI, Corrp.ty FOr faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page23 of 24 3EHilh. Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 361 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge '111,320 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $o.oo $368.22 $208.63 $5,374.86 $612.15 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $324.39 Current Gharges - Electric Service $9,046.25 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment BLC = Basic Load Capacity Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S ?oooio- Service Agreement No: 0030197685 Service Location: BUILDING 501 / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0912212014 Aeronica Booster Billing kW BLC 63 64 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 43 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 44 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 1,998 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $258.00 $0.00 $44.88 $208.42 $10.79 $8.07 EnergyEfficiencyServices.......................................,......................... $21.09 Current Gharges - Electric Service $567.25 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 003019728/. Service Location: S FIVE MILE / BOISE,ID E€oo ao- Next Read Date: 0911512014 S Five Mile Booster Aug-'I3 Sep-'I3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb{4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Junl4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 5046704'l 07t24t14 | o8t2',U14 29 Regular 66329 68327 1 1998 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Currenl Meter Constant kwh Used 36052529 07t17114 | 08114114 29 Regular 8914 I 9243 40 13160 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029362 Billing kW BLC 86 92 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW $16.00 $0.00 $396.00Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 66 @ $0,00 per kW 3EHM. lnmCOmConFry www.idahopower,com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 72 @$1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 11,160 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812912014 $0.00 $73.44 $208.63 $538.84 $71.09 Page 24 of 24II Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $49.32 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,353.32 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =3ob ao- Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 0032076619 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: Ogl24l2o14 Service Location: TECHNOLOGY AND COLUMBIA / B ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36372058 07t26t',t4 o8t25t14 31 Regular 20206 2037',!,|'t65 Billing kW BLC 14 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 165 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.85 Current Charges - Electric Service $23.64 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 3.5 2.0 4.6 5.3 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Aug-14 $5.00 $16.13 $1.32 $0.34 c> =3ob eo- NNFGWE 00013802 / 00029363 nttrll0D!POi'ER. xrucoatco.rrry www.idahopower.com Account Activity I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Page I of 26 $63,362.93 $63,362.93 $0.00 $60,451.98 CR Billing Date: Print Date: 0912912014 09t3012014 Due Date , Please Pay 10t1412014 | $60,451.98 Previous Balance Payments - Thank You ........... Balance Fonrard Current Charges View Your Bill Online Preferred Pay Account Balance $60,451.98 Please Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 'l percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customGr request. Return€d payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee- Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your account 2417. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. Save time with PreferredPayil and have your ldaho Power bill automatically deducted from your checking account. That's one less check to write each month, and you still receive a statement for your records. Call our Customer Service Center for an application or visit our website at idahopower.com. y Please detach and return the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V nltr{0N!FOi'ER. Please write your account number on your check or money order made payable to tdaho Power. PO BOX 70 BO|SE, rD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACCOUNT NUMBER 2204085811 Amount Enclosed $*"* ProjectSharepl€dge, noted on reverse side. DUE DATE PLEASE PAY 10t14t2014 $60,451.98 g*$ AddressrPhoneCorrection,*s** noted on revgrse sid6. * -tr*- -ffi - x:: l: ...il__-, L-..," UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BOTSE, rD 83709-4165 lh,lt,llttt,,l,lt;,;!!1t,1t,11!:lrll!!.ilillhlrtllilr,l1111,,il PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124.1966 22040858110006045198 000000000 006045198 09?9 NNFMOB 00024253 / 0m5i51s II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: Ogl29l2o14 Print Date: 0913012014 Page2of 26Ellmtos!Foi,ER. anDrcoilrcomrry www.idahopower,com Service Agreement No: 0030'197745 Service Location: 1 E TOLUKA WAY / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0912612014 Toluka Booster Billing kW BLC 61 60 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)41 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 40 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 28,240 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $246.00 $0.00 $40.80 $208.63 $1,363.51 $163.36 $30.57 $7s.00 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36263539 o7t3ort4 | oatztr+29 Regular 11482 12238 40 30240 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,143.87 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =8obao- Sep-13 Oct-'l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'l4 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 sEHm. It u0ol'canrFrv If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NEW CONTAGT INFORMATION: Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Apt./Suite Account Number: 220408581 1 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. wg stu t@*# $2 L$ $s $*"8 sro t$s lwould lik€ to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and please remomber to track your taxdeductlble donatlons, $=,4t City Telephone Number Email Address NNFMOE 00024253 / 0,0051516 Zip Code $*xu*il I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030197362 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Page3 of 26 3EHilB* fnfilCorrCorlefi, www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Billing Date: Print Date: 09t29t2014 09t30t2014 Next Read Date: 0912912014 Service Location: 1160 N 3RD ST / BOISE Horizon Monitorno Pt Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 362091 97 0713',U14 o8t28114 29 Regular 883 904 ,|21 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 2'l kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee '1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.05 $0.17 $0.11 $0.28 Current Gharges - Electric Service $7.61 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =3ob?r Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Sep-l3 Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-l4 Ma'.l4 Apr-'14 May-14 Junl4 Jul-'14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: 0030202065 Next Read Date: 1010212014 Service Location: 1165 E BRAEMERE RD / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 43 42 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 30 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 23 @ $O.OO per kW, 30 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 23 @ $+.+O per kW, 2 days .. ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 22 @ $t.A2 per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 22 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC, 2 days Summer Energy Charge 1,875 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 30 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 9,112 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 30 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 125 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 2 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 608 kwh @ $0.043803 per kwh, 2 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $129.38 $0.00 $6.33 $o,oo $21.04 $0.00 $1.40 $195.59 $439.95 $11.74 $26.63 $63.31 $13.67 $33.92 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36033246 o8to2rt4 | ostozt'tt 32 Regular 7220 7513 40 11720 Current Gharges - Electric Service $958.96 NNFMOB 00024253 / 000515,7 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation sHm.I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espahol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 372.9Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030202189 Service Location: 1500 CAMEL BACK LN WATER / BOISE,ID Page 4 of 26 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014^t!mcll'Corfrywww.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S E{o@eo- Next Read Date: 0913012014 Good Street Booster Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 85 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 75 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 9,720 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $510.00 $0.00 $76.50 $208.63 $469.31 $63.31 $20.16 $51.22 Sep-l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 JUF'|4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,415.13 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197104 Service Location: 1500 LATIMER ST / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S ={ooio- Next Read Date: 1012412014 Federal Booster Billing kW BLC 174 176 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 6 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 154 @ $6.00 per kW, 6 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 24 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 154 @ $4.40 per kW,24 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 156 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 156 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 24 days Summer Energy Charge 400 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 6 days Summer Energy Charge 4,408 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,600 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 24 days $16.00 $0.00 $184.80 $0.00 $542.08 $o.oo $31.82 $0.00 $127.30 $41.73 $212.83 $150.24 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Meter Number Service PeriodFrom To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 45586772 o8t26t't4 I 09124114 30 Regular 13491 I 14092 40 24040 NNFMQB 00024253 / 00051518 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service pleas€ call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page 5 of 26NIEnlONFoUUEll. AnBCOltConpfiy www.idahopower.com Non-Summer Energy Charge 17,632 kwh @ $0.043803 per kwh, 24 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $772.33 $129.86 $33.1 3 $83.17 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 1576 Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,325.29 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€oo ao- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 0030197259 1/2 N GARDEN ST / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May{4 Jun-14 Next Read Date: 1011612014 Arctic Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41 168682 08116114 09116114 32 Regular 87955 90051 1 2096 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 36 36 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $O.OO per kW, 16 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over20) 16 @ $+.+O per kW, 16 days ... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 1 6 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $1 .02 per kW of BLC, 1 6 days Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 16 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 48 kwh @ $O.O+AZA3 per kWh, 16 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 16 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 48 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 16 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $48.00 $0.00 $35.20 $0.00 $8.16 $0.00 $8.16 $104.31 $2.32 $93.90 $2.10 $11.32 $4.e4 $12.73 Current Charges - Electric Service $347.14 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197157 Service Location: 1602 W GARFIELD ST / BOISE,ID Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012312014 Garfield Booster E{ooaL Mak14 235.7 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh used 36052161 08123t14 09123114 32 Regular 6288 6/.34 I 146 NNFMOB 00024253 / 00051519 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page6of 26 SHHh. finOOl'Cqnplry www.idahopower.com SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 41 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 9 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 105 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh,23 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.01 $10.26 $1.17 $0.31 $0.77 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $21.52 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern r> =3ob ao- 9.0 10.3iirlirl i i ii Il r ii li l: Sep-13 OcG13 Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197233 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1010612014 Large General Service Schedule 09S HORN BOIS Billing kW BLC 113 118 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,26 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 93 @ $6.00 per kW, 26 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 93 @ $+.+O per kW, 4 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 98 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 98 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 4 days Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 26 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 8,459 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 26 days ...... Non-summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 4 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,301 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 4 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $483.60 $0.00 $54.56 $0.00 $86.63 $0.00 $13.33 $180.78 $408.43 $25.07 $56.99 $63.53 $53.02 Service Location: 17522N BROKEN RL)L) Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 4558681 I o8t06114 ogto4t14 30 Regular 3770 3917 80 11760 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $1,441.94 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 5€oo eo- NNFMOA 0m4253 / m51520 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaf,ol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030202098 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Next Read Date: 1OlOOl2014 Page 7 of 26 SEHHE. trUaortCornpltI www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Service Location: 17850 N BROKEN HORN RD / BOISE,ID Control Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75306/.28 08/06/'14 09104114 30 Regular 1323',1 1 3289 1 58 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 50 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge I kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 4 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.89 $0.78 $0.47 $0.43 Current Charges - Electric Service $11.57 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sepl4 Service Agreement No: 0030197777 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Service Location: 2180 E TABLE ROCK RD /Danmor Booster Billing kW BLC 141 142 '19.821.4 =€oo?0. Large General Service Schedule 09S Your Electric Use Pattern Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 121 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 122 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 29,680 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $726.00 $o.oo $124.44 $208.63 $1,433.04 $171.14 $40.19 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $100.32 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,819.76 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1058.7 1092.4c> =3ob?o. Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-l4 NNFMOB 00024253 / 00051521 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster servic€ please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Page 8 of 26 SHffih. A,l mcortcomp0iy www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 09129t2014 0913012014 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Sunview Booster Service Agreement No: 0030197411 Service Location: 221 E RIDGELINE DR / BOISE,ID Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 1,545 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $180.00 $0.00 $30.60 $208.63 $74.60 $19,15 $7.93 $20.39 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $557.30 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation 11s.s 122.2Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030202037 Service Location: 2213N 8TH ST / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912912014 113.45RJ:oo Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 149 @ $6.00 per kW ..................... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 142 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 38,000 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $894.00 $0.00 $144.84 $208.63 $1,834.75 $216.08 $49.71 $123.e3 Hts Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 3626621 6 07t31t14 I 08t28t14 29 Regular 5955 6455 80 40000 Billing kW BLC 169 162 Current Gharges - Electric Service $3,487.94 NNFMQB 0002,12$ / 0m51522 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page 9 of 26nlmtoT!FOi'ER. xrmciltcotru www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197439 Service Location: 2300 PENITENTIARY RD PUMP / BOISE,ID Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 1466.6 1329.3 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Old Pen Booster r> =3ob eo- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36365730 07t30t14 I 08127114 29 Regular 3437 3489 1 52 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 11 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 52 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.40 Current Charges - Electric Service $11.05 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E€ooic $5.00 $5.08 $0.41 $0.16 Service Agreement No: 0030197206 Service Location: 2486E SUNSET PEAK RD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0912912014 Hulls Gulch Booster Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 244 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 250 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 56,880 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Enerqy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $1,464.00 $o.oo $255.00 $208.63 $2,746.34 $318.07 $187.60 Sep-13 Oct-'l3 Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5,195.64 NNFMOB 00024253 / 0m51523 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 2136.7 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Page l0 of 26 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197311 Service Location: 2495E WARM SPRINGS AVE PUMP / BOISE,ID reHilh. lnDACOt CorrlY www.idahopower,com Large General Service Schedule 09S =€ooar Billing kW BLC 59 67 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 39 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 47 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 27,280 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $234.00 $0.00 $47.94 $208.63 $1,317.16 $158.17 $29.73 $72.e5 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mat-14 Agt-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36454433 07t30114 o8t27t't4 29 Regular 4230 4413 160 29280 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,084.58 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197519 Service Location: 2940 N 24TH ST / BOISE,ID >o?oooao Next Read Date: 1010212014 North Mtn Booster Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-l4 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 30 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $6.00 per kW, 30 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $a.+O per kW, 2 days ..... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 2 days Summer Energy Charge 1,875 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 30 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 3,842 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 30 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 125 kwh @ $0.093899 per kwh, 2 days ... $16.00 $o.oo $56.2s $0.00 $2.7s $o.oo $9,56 $0.00 $0.64 $195.59 $185.50 $11.74 NNFMOE 00024253 I Om61524 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. An ImCOlp CqrflY FOr faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a m to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page ll of 26ElmroT=FOi'ER. Non-Summer Energy Charge 256 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 2 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Enerqy Efficiency Services $11.21 $32.94 $7.83 $19.57 Current Charges - Electric Service $549.58 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030197572 Service Location: 304 W CRESTLINE DR / BOISE,ID efl eo- Next Read Date: 0912612014 Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-'l4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75337206 07t30114 08t27t14 29 Regular '190 190 ,|0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Current Gharges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern E€oo ao- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-'14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: 0030202128 Service Location: 314 E BOISE AVE / BO Next Read Date: 1012412014 Boise Ave Booster Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 23 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW,6 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW, 24 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 3 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 3 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 24 days Summer Energy Charge 41 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 164 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 24 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.61 $o.oo $2.45 $4.28 $15.40 $1.11 $0.60 NNFMOA 000242$ / Om51525 3EHilh. fnnCOl?aoatEl, www.idahopower.com I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, ID 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: Print Date: o9t29t2014 0913012014 Page 12 of 26 $1.55Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $42.00 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3191 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030197130 N MOUNTAIN RD / BOISE,ID Febl4 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 =€ooaL Next Read Date: 1010212014 Bluffs Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50466867 08102114 | 091021't4 32 Regular 82870 85238 1 2368 Billing kW BLC 6 6 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)6 @ $0.00 per kW,30 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)6 @ $0.00 per kW, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20) 6 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (0-20) 6 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 2 days Summer Energy Charge 1,875 kwh @ $0.t0+et+ per kwh, 30 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 345 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh, 30 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 125 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 2 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 23 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 2 days ..... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $195.59 $16.66 $11.74 $1.01 $12.79 $3.81 $9.64 Current Gharges - Electric Service $267.24 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€ooeo- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030202253 Service Location: 3354 W SCENIC DR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: Ogl29l2o14 Scenic Cove Booster Sep-13 Oc{-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 NNFMQB 00024253 / 00051526 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 12 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $1.17 $0.09 $0.09 $0.25Energy Efficiency Services I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: Ogl3Ol2O14 Current Charges - Electric Service Page 13 of 26 SEHilh. An UCOIP ComFrry www.idahopower.com $6.60 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern 5€ooe0- .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4IIIIIIIIIIIii Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197467 Service Location: 3418 E BOULDER HEIGHTS DR / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0912612014 Boulder Booster Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 13 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 17 @ $o.oo per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 2,327 kWh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $208.63 $112.35 $23.37 $5.41 $13.48 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197493 Service Location: 3430 N MAPLE GROVE RD / BOISE,ID Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $379.24 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation !> E3ob ao- 144.3 150.8 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-'14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1010812014 Ustick Booster Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 24 days Summer Demand Charge (Over20) 124 @ $6.00 per kW,24 days ........ Non-summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 8 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 124 @ $4.40 per kW, 8 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $o.oo per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 125 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 8 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 125 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 8 days Summer Energy Charge 1,500 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 24 days ...... $16.00 $0.00 $558.00 $0.00 $136.40 $0.00 $95.63 $0.00 $31.88 $156.47 NNFMOB 000242$ / 0m51527 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla €spanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page 14 of 26rem. lnUCOrtColt|rt, www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 16,920 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh, 24 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 500 kwh @ $0.093899 per kwh, 8 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 5,640 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 8 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $816.95 $46.9s $247.0s $132.67 $33.57 Your Electric Use Pattern Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $84.21 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2,355.78 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation t3obio- Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030202220 Service Location: 3450 S MILLSPUR WAY / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-'l4 Junl4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Harris Ranch Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36022042 07130114 08127114 29 Regular 71 990 73176 ,|1 186 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 23 30 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 3 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 1,186 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $18.00 $0.00 $10.20 $123.72 $6.41 $2.61 $6.22 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: E€ooio- Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $183.66 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 182.5 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 0030197951 Makl4 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Billing kW BLC 93 93 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFMOB 00024253 / 00051528 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW $16.00 $0.00 $438.00 Service Location: 3485 CARTWRIGHT RD / BOISE,ID Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36209629 07t30t14 I oatzzrn 29 Regular 7984 8423 20 8780 Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 73 @ $O.OO per kW I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page 15 of 26sEm. rn u@rPcomprrY www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 73 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 6,780 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $o.oo $74.46 $208.63 $327.36 $47.43 $16.68 $42.58 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,171.14 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 305.'lYour Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197714 Service Location: 4000 ARROW CREST WAY / BOISE,ID E> =8obaL Next Read Date: 0912912014 Arrowhead #2 Booster Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36076682 07131114 081281',t4 29 Regular 14948 15673 20 14500 Large General Service Schedule 09S Your Electric Use Pattern $16.00 $o.oo $312.00 $0.00 $59.16 $208.63 $603.54 $78.33 $19.16 Billing kW BLC 72 78 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)52 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 12,500 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $47.97 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,344..79 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€ooao. Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 MaF14 Apr-'I4 May-14 Jun-'I4 JUF'I4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197183 Next Read Date: 1010212014 Billing kW BLC 106 102 Large General Service Charge NNFMOB 000242$ / m51529 Service Location: 407 E HIGHLAND VIEW DR / BOISE,ID and View Boostr Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209372 08102114 oqtoz14 32 Regular 1 1967 12620 40 26120 $16.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page 16 of 26sm. ltmooarConl9JrV www.idahopower.com Service Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 30 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)86 @ $O.OO per kW, 30 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 86 @ $+.aO per kW, 2 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 82 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 82 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC, 2 days Summer Energy Charge 1,875 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 30 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 22,612 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 30 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 125 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 2 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,508 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 2 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $0.00 $483.75 $0.00 $23.65 $0.00 $78.41 $0.00 $5.23 $195.59 $1,091.78 $11.74 $66.05 $141.10 $31.70 $78.89 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 417 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2,223.89 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030'197921 W QUAIL RIDGE DR / BOISE Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-'l4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: Ogl29l2l14 erio- Large General Service ChargeService Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)83 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 83 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 28,828 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $498.00 $0.00 $84.66 $208.63 $1,391.90 $166.53 $35.49 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $87.97 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2,489.18 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€ooio- Your Electric Use Pattern Location: 4172W D Quail Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41121535 o7t3'u'14 I 08128t14 29 Regular 24034 54862 1 30828 Billing kW BLC 103 103 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 NNFMQB 000242$ / 0m51530 3Em. Ar UCOIP Coniprly www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page 17 of 26 UNITED WATER IDAHO 220408s811 0912912014 09t3012014 Next Read Date: 1012212014 Hillo Booster Service Agreement No: 0030197833 Service Location: 4200 W AERONCA ST / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 26 28 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 6 @ $O.OO per kW, 10 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 22 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 6 @ $+.+O per kW, 22 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 8 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 8 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 170 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 374 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 22 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $11.25 $0.00 $18.15 $0.00 $2.55 $o.oo $5.61 $17.73 $35.12 $2.94 $1.64 $4.26 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 4 1 082385 o8t22t14 0912214 32 Regular 63218 63762 1 544 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197079 Service Location: 429 N STEELHEAD WAY / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Current Charges - Electric Service $115.25 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation -> =8oba0. Next Read Date: '1011612014 Steelhead Booster Billing kW BLC 145 145 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 16 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 125 @ $6.00 per kW, 16 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days ,....... Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 125 @ $4.40 per kW, 16 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 125 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 125 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 16 days Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 16 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 9,860 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 16 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 16 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 9,860 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 16 days $16.00 $o.oo $375.00 $0.00 $275.00 $o.oo $63.75 $0.00 $63.75 $104.31 $476.07 $e3.90 $431.90 Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May.,l4 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep{4 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36341272 08116114 09t't6t14 32 Regular 10966 11509 40 21720 NNFMOB 00024253 / 00051531 I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaftol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page 18 of 26 3EHilh. lnDO(IPCoirEU www.idahopower.com Annual Adjustment Mechanism $117.33 $30.26 $75.99 Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197602 Service Location: 4405E AMITY RD / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,123.26 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E€ooe0- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 SepJ4 Next Read Date: 1012712014 Barber Booster Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 5 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 162 @ $6.00 per kW, 5 days Non-summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,25 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 162 @ $4.40 per kW, 25 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 5 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 181 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 5 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 25 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 181 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 25 days Summer Energy Charge 333 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 5 days Summer Energy Charge 1,914 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 5 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,667 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 25 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 9,566 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 25 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $162.00 $0.00 $594.00 $0.00 $30.77 $0.00 $153.85 $34.74 $92.41 $156.53 $419.02 $72.82 $25.98 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $66.37 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,824.49 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 666.2 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'|4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 =3obeo. Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197631 Service Location: 4500 N 36TH ST PUMP / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1010312014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 56081 381 08105114 09t03t14 30 Regular 49862 I 65237 1 15375 NNFMQB 00024253 / 00051532 I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Page 19 of 26 SHilh. xrilcottcol'lgry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 0912912014 09130t2014 Billing kW BLC 68 68 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 27 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)48 @ $6.00 per kW, 27 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 3 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $+.+O per kW, 3 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $'t .OZ per kW of BLC, 3 days Summer Energy Charge 1,800 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 12,037 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 27 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 200 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 3 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,338 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 3 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $259.20 $0.00 $21.12 $0.00 $44.06 $0.00 $4.90 $187.77 $581.18 $18.78 $58.61 $83.06 $1e.12 $47.66 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030'197658 Service Location: 4780 HILL RD / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,341.46 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation se?oob ao- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1010612014 Briarhill Booster Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW,26 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 93 @ $O.OO per kW,26 days Non-summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 93 @ $4.40 per kW, 4 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 93 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 93 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 4 days Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 26 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 19,934 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 26 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 4 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 3,066 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 4 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $483.60 $0.00 $54.56 $o.oo $82.21 $0.00 $12.65 $180.78 $962.47 $25.07 $134.30 $135.05 $31.30 $78.07 NNFMOA 00m4253 / Om51533 Energy Efficiency Services It I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Current Charges - Electric Service Page20of 263Im. mUCOrPCorrpiy www.idahopower.com $2,196.06 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Ma'-14 Apt-14 May-'14 Jun-'|4 JUF'14 Aug-'14 Sep-'|4 Service Agreement No: 0030197335 Next Read Date: 1012212014 =€ooao- Service Location: 4869 S MACARTHUR ST / BO Harvard Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36272866 08t22114 o9122t14 32 Regular 52767 54817 ,|2050 Billing kW BLC 34 36 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 14 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 22 days ........ Non-summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 14 @ $+.qO per kW, 22 days ... Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 625 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Summer Energy Charge 16 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 10 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,375 kwh @ $O.OSSAS9 per kWh, 22 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 34 kwh @ $0.0+0403 per kWh, 22 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Enerqy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $26.25 $o.oo $42.35 $0.00 $5.10 $0.00 $11.22 $65.20 $0.77 $129.11 $1.49 $11.07 $4.63 $11.90 Current Charges - Electric Service $32s.09 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-|4 F6b-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 77.O Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197977 Service Location: 4932 N ARROW CREST WAY / BOISE,ID =€oolL Next Read Date: Ogl29l2o14 Arrowhead #1 Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 46404039 07131114 08128114 29 Regular 47046 58173 1 11127 Large General Service NNFMOB 00m4253 / 0005t534 Billing kW BLC 56 56 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW $16.00 $0.00 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page2l of 26sEm. an u€ortcqi9fry www.idahopower.com Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 36 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 36 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 9,127 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Enerqy Efficiency Services $216.00 $0.00 $s6.72 $208.63 $440.68 $60.11 $14.67 $36.72 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,029.53 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation efeo- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030197804 Service Location: 609 W BRUMBACK ST / BOISE,ID Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: Ogl29l2014 Billing kW BLC 88 88 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)68 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 68 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 27,960 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1,50% Enerqy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $408.00 $o.oo $69.36 $208.63 $1,349.99 $161.84 $33.21 $82.08 448.3 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209605 07131114 08128114 29 Regular 17413 18162 40 29960 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2,329.11 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1013.3 1033.1Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197890 Service Location: 6225 S FEDERAL WAY / BOISE,ID =€ooio. Next Read Date: 1012412014 Micron Booster Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 46403628 08126114 09124114 30 Regular 1 5067 15',t79 1 112 Billing kW BLC 1 0 NNFMQB 000242$ / 0m51535 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 220408581'l Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page22of 26sm. an mcotp compiy www.idahopower.com SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 22kWh @ $0.OSZZS6 per kWh, 6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 90 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 24 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50Yo Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.15 $8.80 $0.e0 $0.25 $0.64 Current Gharges - Electric Service $17.74 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation => =€ooio- Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030202162 Service Location: 6300 HILL RD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1010612014 Hills Boro Booster Sep-'13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mab14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jut-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 16 @ $0.00 per kW, 26 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 16 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 4 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 4 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 4 days Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 26 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 1,768 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 26 days ...,.. Non-Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 4 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 272kWh @ $0.043803 per kWh,4 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Effi ciency Services $16.00 $o.oo $o.oo $0.00 $3.54 $0.00 $0.54 $180.78 $85.36 $25.07 $11.91 $21.82 $12,93 Current Charges - Electric Service $3s7.95 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric = BUse Pattern ; bio- Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197860 Service Location: 6890 S EISENMAN RD / BOISE,ID May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'l4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012412014 Gowen Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constanl kwh Used 50327477 08t261',t4 09124114 30 Regular 53645 il400 1 755 NNFMOB 0@24253 / 0@5.1536 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Billing Date: Print Date: Page23 of 26 3EHH. xl UCOitCqr!-r, www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S 09t29t2014 09t30t2014 Billing kW BLC 35 42 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,6 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 15 @ $0.00 per kW, 6 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 24 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 15 @ $+.+O per kW, 24 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 22 @$1.02 per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 22 @$1.02 per kW of BLC, 24 days Summer Energy Charge 151 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,6 days Non-summer Energy Charge 604 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 24 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $18.00 $0.00 $52.80 $0.00 $4.4e $0.00 $17.95 $15.75 $56.71 $4.08 $2.79 $7.27 Current Gharges - Electric Service $195.84 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: 0030202009 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Dan Billing kW BLC 155 155 =3ob eo- SE Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 135 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 135 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 40,080 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Enerqy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $810.00 $0.00 $137.70 $208.63 $1,935.18 $227.32 $50.02 $124.30 Service Location: 730 N LOCUST ST BOt Lower mor Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36278548 07t30t14 o8t27t14 29 Regular 1 8863 19915 40 42080 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $3,509.15 NNFMOB 000242$ / 0m51537 Credit kWh Kilowatt-hour Power Cosi Basic Load Generation I Questions? Contiact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 1405.1 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page24of 26 reHHB.. AnilCOrPColnFmy www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197387 Large General Service Schedule 09S E> =3obeo- 1403.7 '1451 .0 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Crestline Booster Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 8,172kWh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $16.00 $0.00 $180.00 $0.00 $30.60 $208.63 $394.57 $54.95 $13.27 $33.19 Service Location: 845 E CRESTLINE DR / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $931.21 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197546 Service Location: 9800 SEAMANS GULCH RD PUMP / BOISE,ID E{ooio- Next Read Date: 11logl2014 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 24 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 356 @ $6.00 per kW,24 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 8 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 356 @ $4.40 per kW, 8 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 361 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, I days Basic Charge (Over 20) 361 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 8 days Summer Energy Charge 1,500 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 24 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 80,580 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 24 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 500 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh,8 days ... $16.00 $0.00 $1,602.00 $o.oo $391.60 $0.00 $276.17 $0.00 $e2.06 $156.47 $3,890.64 $46.95 NNFMOB 00024253 / 0005t538 I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page25of 26 3EHilh. xrucilrcdnrry www.idahopower.com Non-Summer Energy Charge 26,860 kwh @ $0.043803 per kwh, 8 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $1,176.55 $591.19 $305.94 Current Charges - Electric Service $8,545.57 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197685 Service Location: BUILDING 501 / BOISE,ID E€ooao- Next Read Date: 1012212014 Aeronica Booster Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50467041 o8t22t14 I 09122114 32 Regular 68327 69948 1 1621 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 62 64 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)42 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 22days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over20) 42@$q.+O per kW, 22days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 44 @$l.OZ per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 44 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 507 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,114 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 22 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $78.75 $0.00 $127.0s $0.00 $14.03 $0.00 $30.86 $52.89 $104.60 $8.76 $6.49 $16.97 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197284 Service Location: S FIVE MILE / BOISE,ID Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $4s6.40 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-l4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 =€ooio- Next Read Date: 1011512014 S Five Mile Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052529 08t15t't4 o9l't5t14 32 Regular 9243 9545 40 '12080 Billing kW BLC 't01 94 Large General Service Charge NNFMOB 0,0024253 / Omsrs3S $16.00 II Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number:, 2204085811 Billing Date: OgtZgtZOl4 Print Date: 0913012014 Page 26 of 26nlBll0E!FOi'ER. lnDlqtrPcorglY www.idahopower.com Service Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 17 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 81 @ $O.OO per kW, 17 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 15 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 81 @ $4.40 per kW, 15 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 17 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 74 @$t.02 per kW of BLC, 17 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 15 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 74 @$t.02 per kW of BLC, 15 days Summer Energy Charge 1,063 kwh @ $0.t0+St+ per kWh, 17 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 5,354 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 17 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 938 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 15 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 4,725kWh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 15 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $0.00 $258.19 $0.00 $167.06 $0.00 $40.10 $0.00 $35.38 $110.89 $258.51 $88.08 $206.97 $65.26 $47.25 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0032076619 Service Location: TECHNOLOGY AND COLUMBIA / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,293.69 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sepl3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-'l4 Apr-14 May-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012412014 E> =3obao- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36372058 o8126t14 I 09124114 30 Regular 20371 20436 1 65 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 5 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 52 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 24 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.27 $5.08 $0.52 $0.18 $0.45 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $12.s0 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€ooeo- '145.6 NNFMOB 00024253 / 00051540 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Aug-14 3E'HM. trUCOrtConprly www.idahopower.com Account Activity I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page I of 26 $60,451.98 $60,451.98 $0.00 $45,298.18 Due Date Please Pay 1111312014 | $45,298.18 Previous Balance Payments - Thank You ........... Balance Forward Current Charges CR View Your Biil Online Energy Awareness Month Account Balance $45,298.18 Please Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your accounl2417. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. October is Energy Awareness Month - help us celebrate by visiting idahopower.com/enerovawareness. Catch up on the latest energy efficiency programs and tips and learn how ldaho Power is working with our communities to ensure a reliable, responsible energy future. V Please detach and return the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V cffiHh. aructrcomFu Please write your a@ount number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. PO BOX 70 BOISE, rD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACCOUNT NUMBER 2204085811 Amount Enclosed $"ru ProJectSharepledge,S**{i noted on reverse side. DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 11t1312014 $45,298.18 tr*g Address/PhonsCorrection,tr*E noted on reverso side. UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BOTSE, lD 83709-4165 tt,til,tllltl,lllrl,lllll,tl,llt,t,tl,t;;1,,,1,1t,t1,t,1111,11,,, PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 2204085811000452981 8 000000000 004529818 1029 7 NNFPMN 00023947 / 00050238 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Bolse, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page2of 26sHm. finoolrCorrly www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: 0030197745 Service Location: 1 E TOLUKA WAY / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1012812014 Toluka Booster Billing kW BLC 59 60 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)39 @ $6.00 per kW,4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 26 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 39 @ $4.40 per kW, 26 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 40 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 40 @ $t .OZ per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 4 days Summer Energy Charge 3,376 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 21,944 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 26 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $31.20 $0.00 $148.72 $o.oo $5.44 $0.00 $35.36 $27.85 $163.00 $162.73 $961.21 $147.s8 $25.49 $62.06 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constanl kwh Used 36263539 08t28t14 09t26t14 30 Regular 12238 I 12921 40 27320 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,786.64 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation EI55I.p If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side LlF0UlEle NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAToN:I'soort€rtrtt Does ldaho Power have your @rrect mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: fx Account Number: 2204085811 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. $3t, ffftu ffis,, fr*fr $ I would like to mak6 a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the noarest dollar and contribute the diference to Project Share. Thank you and pleaso rememb€r to track your taxdeductlble donations. Telephone Number Email Address NNFPMN 0mr947 / 00050234 Zip Code II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 3 of 26 SHHB*. rn ucottcomrtY www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197362 Next Read Date: 1012912014 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Location: 1160 N 3RD ST / BOISE,ID Horizon Monitorno Pt Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Currenl Meter Constant kwh Used 36209197 08t29t14 | 09t29rt4 32 Regular 904 927 1 23 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 21 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh, 29 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $0.20 $2.05 $0.19 $0.11 $0.29 Current Charges - Electric Service $7.84 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric E EUse Pattern ;;eL Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apt-14 Service Agreement No: 0030202065 Service Location: 1165 E BRAEMERE RD / BOISE,ID May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1013112014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36033246 o9t03114 I 10102114 30 Regular 7513 I 7743 40 9200 Billing kW BLC 37 42 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 17 @$q.qO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 22 @$t.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 7,200 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $74.80 $o.oo $22.44 $187.80 $315.38 $49.70 $9.9e $24.66 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $700.77 NNFPMN 00023947 / 00050235 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 4 of 26 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030202189 Service Location: 1500 CAMEL BACK LN WATER / BOISE,ID sffim. rn Dl@rP co0rpiry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S =€oo ao- 388.0 366.2 Next Read Date: 1Ol3Ol2O'14 Good Street Booster Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,2 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $O.OO per kW, 2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 30 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $+.aO per kW, 30 days ... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 75 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 75 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 30 days Summer Energy Charge 125 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,2 days Summer Energy Charge 408 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 2 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,875 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 30 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 6,112 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $21.75 $0.00 $239.25 $0.00 $4.78 $0.00 $71.72 $13.04 $19.70 $176.06 $267.72 $46.03 $13.14 $33.20 OctJ3 Nov-13 D6c-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun{4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $922.39 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030197104 Service Location: 1500 LATIMER ST / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S 5.q obio- Next Read Date: 1112512014 Federal Booster Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 141 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 156 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $620.40 $0.00 $159.12 $187.80 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 NNFPMN 00023947 / 00050238 Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla €spanol. For faster service please call Page 5 of 26 $469.57 $68.71 $22.82 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $58.12 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,602.54 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E8oo?o- Service Agreement No: Service Location: 1576 0030197259 1/2 N GARDEN ST / BOISE,ID sEm. An UCOIP Company www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a m to 6:30 p'm'Print Date:10t30t2014 Non-Summer Energy Charge 10,720 kwh @ $0.043803 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50o/o Your Electric Use Pattern Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Next Read Date: 1111712014 Arctic Booster Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-l4 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41 168682 09117114 10t16114 30 Regular 90051 91273 1 1222 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 36 36 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,222kWh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $70.40 $0.00 $16.32 $'114.74 $6.60 $3.36 $8.70 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $236.12 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =8ob eo- Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197157 Service Location: 1602 W GARFIELD ST / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-'l4 Jun-14 Next Read Date: 1112412014 Garfield Booster 235.7 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052't6'l 09124114 10123114 30 Regular 6434 6575 1 141 Billing kW BLC 0 Small General Service Schedule 07 NNFPMN 00023947 / 00050237 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 141 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $s.00 $13.78 $1.13 $0.30 $0.75Energy Efficiency Services II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Pagc 6 of 26 SHHg* fi ucorrconpilY www.idahopower.com Print Date:10t30t2014 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $20.96 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern 9.0 10.3liiirr=€ooao-i i l il 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.7IIIII Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Matl4 Apt-14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197233 Service Location: 17522 N BROKEN HORN RD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1110412014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 455868't9 09105114 10106t14 32 Regular 3917 I 4072 80 12400 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $o.oo $167.20 $0.00 $99.96 $187.80 $455.55 $66.98 $37.06 Billing kW BLC 58 't 18 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 38 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 98 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 10,400 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,030.55 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030202098 Next Read Date: 1110412014 =€ooao- Service Location: 17850 N BROKEN HORN RD / BOISE.ID Control Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constanl kwh Used 7530il28 o9to5t14 I 10/06/14 32 Regular 1 3289 1 3351 1 62 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 62 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $6.06 $0.50 $0.44 Current Charges - Electric Service $12.00 NNFPMN 0m23947 / 00050238 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Next Read Date: 1012812014 PageT of 26 SEHM. AnUCiltCo0pr www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197777 Large General Service Schedule 09S :feo- Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 120 @ $6.00 per kW, 4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,26 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 120 @ $4.40 per kW, 26 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 122 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 122 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 4 days Summer Energy Charge 3,322kWh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 21,598 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 26 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $96.00 $o.oo $457.60 $o.oo $16.59 $0.00 $107.85 $27.85 $160.40 $162.73 $946.06 $145.42 $32.05 $79.64 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Location: 2180 E TABLE ROCK RD / BOISE.ID Danmor Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052537 08t28t14 09126114 30 Regular 1 5586 16259 40 26920 Billing kW BLC 140 142 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 221 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,248.19 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 003019741 1 RIDGELINE DR / BOIS Next Read Date: 1012812014 ={ooio- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 31 @ $O.OO per kW, 4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 26 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 31 @ $+.+O per kW, 26 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 4 days $16.00 $0.00 $24.80 $0.00 $118.21 $0.00 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Location: 221ERl D Sunview Booster Meter Number Service PeriodFrom To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 41121807 o828t14 I 09126114 30 Regular 53386 571 58 1 3772 Billing kW BLC 51 51 NNFPMN 00023847 / 00050239 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 8 of 26 reHHh. ln DlColPCompry www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (Over 20) 31 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 31 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,4 days Summer Energy Charge 236 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,536 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 26 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $18.40 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $505.86 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 122.2 125.7 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 0030202037 N 8TH ST / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 May-l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1412912014 Billing kW BLC 162 't66 $4.22 $0.00 $27.40 $27.85 $11.39 $162.73 $67.28 $20.38 $7.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: E> =8obao- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 3 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 142 @ $6.00 per kW, 3 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 29 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 142 @ $4.40 per kW, 29 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 146 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 29 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 146 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 29 days Summer Energy Charge 188 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,3 days Summer Energy Charge 2,340 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge '1,813 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 29 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 22,6'19 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh,29 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $79.88 $0.00 $566.23 $0.00 $13.96 $0.00 $134.96 $19.61 $112.98 $170.24 $990.78 $145.64 $33.75 $84.1e Service Location: 2213 N 8TH ST D Hts Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36266216 08t29t14 09129114 32 Regular 6455 6792 80 26960 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2,368.22 NNFPMN 00023947 / 00050240 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1Ol3Ol2O14 Page9 of 26 3EHM. lnUCOI,CorEJY, www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197439 Service Location: 2300 PENITENTIARY RD PUMP / BOISE,ID =€oo ao- Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012812014 Old Pen Booster 1466.6 1329.3 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 19 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh,4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 120 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 26 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efflciency Services $5.00 $1.86 $11.73 $1.12 $0.30 $0.74 Current Charges - Electric Service $20.75 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowaft-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€ooao- Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030197206 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1012912014 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 3 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 164 @ $6.00 per kW, 3 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 29 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 164 @ $4.40 per kW, 29 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 250 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 29 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 250 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 29 days Summer Energy Charge 188 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 3 days Summer Energy Charge 4,927 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,813 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 29 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 47,632 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 29 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $o.oo $92.25 $o.oo $653.95 $0.00 $23.91 $0.00 $231.09 $19.61 $237.89 $170.24 $2,086.42 $294.73 $141.25 Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Location: 2486E SUNSET PEAK RD / BOISE Hulls Gulch Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052804 o8129t14 I O9t29t14 32 Regular 8211 8552 160 54560 Billing kW BLC 184 270 NNFPMN m3S7 / m050241 Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $3,967.34 I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: Print Date: Page l0 of 26nlB[0s!Foi,ER. xlmcomConrpdry www.idahopower.com 10129t2014 10130t2014 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197311 Service Location: 2495E WARM SPRINGS AVE PUMP / BOISE,ID CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 E> =3obio- Next Read Date: 1012812014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36454433 08128114 o9t26t14 30 Regular 44't3 4582 160 27040 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 62 65 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)42 @ $O.OO per kW, 4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 26 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 42 @ $+.qO per kW, 26 days .. . Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 45 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 45 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,4 days Summer Energy Charge 3,338 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 2'1,702 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh,26 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $33.60 $o.oo $160.16 $0.00 $6.12 $0.00 $3e.78 $27.85 $161.17 $162.73 $950.61 $146.07 $25.56 Energy Efficiency Services .........................................,....................... $62.32 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,791.97 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197519 Service Location: 2940 N 24TH ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1013112014 North Mtn Booster Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-'14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 50466865 09/03/14 't0t02t14 30 Regular 4758 9237 1 4479 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFPMN O623U7 I nO50242 Billing kW BLC 30 30 Service Charge Non-summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $+.+O per kW $16.00 $0.00 $44.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page ll of 263Em.rru€flrcqnrr www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,479 kWh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $0.00 $10.20 $187.80 $108.s9 $24.20 $5.86 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $14.66 Current Gharges - Electric Service $411.31 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 203.1 190.sYour Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030197572 Service Location: 304 W CRESTLINE DR / BOISE,ID =goo?o- Next Read Date: 1012812014 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-l4 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 75337206 08128114 09126114 30 Regular 190 190 1 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge $5.00 Franchise Fee 1.50% $0.08 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.20 Current Gharges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E€ooao- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec- 13 Jan-'14 Feb-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030202128 Service Location: 314 E BOISE AVE / BOISE,ID Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-l4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112512014 Boise Ave Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36051996 09t25t14 | totz+n+30 Regular 36632 36953 1 32',! Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 22 23 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 2 @$q.qO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 3 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 321 kwh @ $0.093899 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $8.80 $0.00 $3.06 $30.14 $1.73 $0.90 NNFPMN 00023947 / m050243 sEm. II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Vall€y). Se habla espafiol. An nCOm Cotngly FOr faster service please Call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Energy Efficiency Services Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page12of 26 $2.32 Current Charges - Electric Service $62.95 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3191 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 00301 971 30 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1013112014 Bluffs Booster =€oolo- Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $187.80 $10.38 $12.08 $3.39 $8.57 N MOUNTAIN RD / Billing kW BLC 5 6 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)5 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 6 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.OgeAg9 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 237 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services Current Gharges - Electric Service $238.22 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030202253 Service Location: 3354 W SCENIC DR / BOISE,ID =€ooaL May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012912014 Scenic Cove Booster Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-'13 Jan-'14 Feb-'14 Mar14 Apr14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 1 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 11 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 29 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.10 $1.08 $0.09 $0.09 $0.25 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $6.61 NNFPMN 00023S7 / m05024 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70. Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 13 of 26nttr{fI=FOi'ER. ItUoortComEry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern en &0-iii .^IIITIIIIIi Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197467 Service Location: 3418 E BOULDER HEIGHTS DR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1012812014 Boulder Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh [Jsed 41042078 o8t28114 09t26t14 30 Regular 53786 58324 1 4538 Billing kW BLC 31 26 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 11 @ $O.OO per kW, 4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 26 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over20) 11 @$+.qO per kW,26 days ... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 6 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 6 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 4 days Summer Energy Charge 338 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,200 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 26 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $8.80 $0.00 $41.95 $0.00 $0.82 $0.00 $5.30 $27.85 $16.32 $162.73 $96.37 $24.51 $6.01 $15.05 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197493 Service Location: 3430 N MAPLE GROVE RD / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $421.71 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 149.2 151.2 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 =flooar Next Read Date: 1110612014 Ustick Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh [Jsed 36033240 09/09/14 10toBt't4 30 Regular 6538 6758 80 17600 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFPMN 00023947 / m050245 Billing kW BLC 144 145 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 124 @ $4.40 per kW $16.00 $0.00 $54s.60 $0.00Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 14 of 26 3EHHh. rtilCOaPComEDry www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (Over 20) 125 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kwh Non-Summer Energy Charge 15,600 kwh @ $0.043803 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $127.s0 $187.80 $683.33 $95.08 $24.83 $62.41 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030202220 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,742.s5 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-'14 >Gioob ao- Next Read Date: 1012812014 Service Location: 3450 S MILLSPUR WAY / BOISE Harris Ranch Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36022042 08128114 09t26t14 30 Regular 73176 I 73714 1 538 Billing kW BLC 30 30 Large General Service ChargeService Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 4 days Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $0.00 per kW, 4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 26 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $+.+O per kW, 26 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 10 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 72 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,4 days Non-summer Energy Charge 466 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee '1.50% Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197951 Service Location: 3485 CARTWRIGHT RD / BOISE,ID $16.00 $0.00 $8.00 $o.oo $38.13 $0.00 $1.36 $0.00 $8.84 $7.s1 $43.76 $2.91 $1.90 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $4.94 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $133.35 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation ={ooio- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012812014 184.0 182.5 NNFPMN 0m23947 / 000502,16 ht Booster I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Gustomer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Page 15 of 263Em. ln mcortcomPY, www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 10t29t2014 1013012014 Billing kW BLC 92 93 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 72 @ $O.OO per kW, 4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,26 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over20) 72 @$+.+O per kW, 26 days ... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 73 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 73 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,4 days Summer Energy Charge 258 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,682 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 26 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $57.60 $o.oo $274.56 $o.oo $e.e3 $0.00 $64.53 $27.85 $12.46 $162.73 $73.68 $21.28 $10.81 $27.e7 Current Gharges - Electric Service $759.40 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197714 Service Location: 4000 ARROW CREST WAY / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S =Eooao. Next Read Date: 1012912014 Arrowhead #2 Booster Billing kW BLC 61 71 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 3 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $6.00 per kW, 3 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,29 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) al @$+.+O per kW, 29 days ... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 51 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 29 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 51 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 29 days Summer Energy Charge 188 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 3 days Summer Energy Charge 1,155 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,813 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 29 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 11,164 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 29 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $23.06 $0.00 $163.49 $0.00 $4.88 $0.00 $47.14 $19.61 $55.77 $'t70.24 $489.02 $77.36 $16.00 $39.57 302.7 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-l4 Augl4 Sep-'14 OcG14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36076682 08129114 09129114 32 Regular 1 5673 16389 20 14320 NNFPMN Oco23847 I @050247 Energy Efflciency Services II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service Page 16 of 26 sffim. An [trCOaP Coarpfry www.idahopower.com $1,122.14 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197183 Next Read Date: 1013112014 Service Location: 407 E HIGHLAND VIEW DR / BOISE,ID View Boostr se?oobi0- Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $334.40 $0.00 $82.62 $187.80 $776.1 I $106.53 $22.55 $55.88 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 76 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 81 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 17,720 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,581.97 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€oo ao- Service Agreement No: 0030197921 Service Location: 4172W QUAIL RIDGE DR / BOISE,ID Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1012912014 Quail Booster Billing kW BLC 102 103 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 3 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 82 @ $O.OO per kW, 3 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 29 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 82 @ $+.+O per kW, 29 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 83 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 29 days $16.00 $0,00 $46.13 $0.00 $326.98 $0.00 $7.94 $0.00 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'l4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41121535 08129114 09129114 32 Regular 54862 81103 26241 NNFPMN 00023947 / 00050248 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 17 of 26nttr[fNlFouuEll. liU(!mCqnorry www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (Over 20) 83 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 29 days Summer Energy Charge 188 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh,3 days Summer Energy Charge 2,272kWh @ $0.0+AZe3 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,813 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 29 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 21,968 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 29 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $76.72 $19.61 $109.70 $170.24 $962.26 $141.75 $28.16 $69.42 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197833 Service Location: 4200 W AERONCA ST / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,974.91 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 E€ooio- Next Read Date: 1112112014 Hillo Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41082385 09t23t14 10122i14 30 Regular 63762 63852 1 90 Billing kW BLC ,|28 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 8 @ $l .02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 90 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.16 $8.45 $0.4e $0.50 $1.30 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $34.90 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 MaF14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-'14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 E> =3ob ao- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197079 Service Location: 429 N STEELHEAD WAY / BOISE,ID Large General Service NNFPMN 0m23947 / @050249 Next Read Date: 1111712014 Steelhead Booster Billing kW BLC 142 145 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW $16.00 $0.00 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36341272 09117t14 10t16t14 30 Regular 1 1509 11832 40 12920 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1Ol3Ol2O14 Page l8 of 26 3EHffig.. xrDACOarColnrlY www.idahopower.com Schedule 09S Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 122 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 125 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 10,920 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $536.80 $0.00 $127.50 $187.80 $478.33 $69.79 $21.24 $53.86 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,491.32 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197602 Service Location: 4405E AMITY RD / BOISE,ID =€ooao- Next Read Date: 1112612014 Barber Booster Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jut-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 41082971 09t26t14 't0l27l't4 32 Regular 6143 6187 40 1760 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 170 201 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 150 @ $4.40 per kW .............. Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 181 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,760 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $660.00 $0.00 $184.62 $165.26 $9.51 $15.53 $41.04 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,091.96 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 666.2 Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-'l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197631 Service Location: 4500 N 36TH ST PUMP / BOISE,ID Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1110312014 E> =8obar Large General Service Charge NNFPMN m23S7 / m0502S $16.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billlng Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 19 of 26 38Hffi. lrlDrcot Corrprry www.idahopower.com Service Schedule 09S $0.00 $'t23.20 $o.oo $38.76 $187.80 $447.32 $65.97 $13.19 $32.52 Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 28 @$q.lO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 38 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 10,212 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $924.76 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€ooio- Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-l4 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-'14 Aug-l4 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197658 Service Location; 4780 HILL RD / BOISE,ID Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1110412014 Briarhill Booster Billing kW BLC 112 113 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 92 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 93 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 17,040 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $404.80 $0.00 $e4.86 $187.80 $746.40 $102.85 $23.29 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $57.99 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,633.99 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-l4 Sep-14 Oct-14 -> =8obio- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197335 Service Location: 4869 S MACARTHUR ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1112112014 Harvard Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36481407 o9to5t14 | 10/06/14 32 Regular 15127 I 15603 40 19040 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36272866 09123114 't0122t14 30 Regular u817 55954 1 1137 NNFPITN 00023947 / 00050251 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page20of 26 3EHHh. mUCOIPCortpaly www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 34 36 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 14 @$+.qO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,137 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $61.60 $0.00 $16.32 $106.76 $6.14 $3.10 $8.03 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 4932 0030197977 N ARROW CREST WAY / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1012912014 Arrowhead #1 Booster Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $217.95 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 77.0 Occ'13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-l4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 =3obeo- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 3 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 3 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,29 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 20 @ $+.+O per kW, 29 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 29 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 29 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 29 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 29 days Summer Energy Charge 188 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 3 days Summer Energy Charge 779 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,813 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 29 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 7,531 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 29 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $11.25 $0.00 $79.75 $0.00 $2.77 $0.00 $26.81 $19.61 $37.61 $170.24 $329.88 $55.70 $11.24 $27.76 Current Charges - Electric Service $788.62 NNFPMN 0@23947 / 00050252 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Fdday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Next Read Date: 1012912014 Page2l of 26 SEHilg.. l,lUCOrtConfiy www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S e{&a Service Agreement No: 0030197804 Service Location: 609 W BRUMBACK ST / BOISE,ID Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 3 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 66 @ $O.OO per kW, 3 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 29 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 66 @ $+.+O per kW, 29 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 68 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 29 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 68 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 29 days Summer Energy Charge 188 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 3 days Summer Energy Charge 2,711kWh @ $O.O+AZA3 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,813 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 29 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 26,208 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 29 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $37.13 $0.00 $263.18 $0.00 $6.50 $o.oo $62.86 $19.61 $130.90 $170.24 $1,147.99 $167.03 $30.32 $74.18 Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,125.94 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 1013.3 1033.1 966.2Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030197890 Service Location: 6225 S FEDERAL WAY / BOISE,ID =8ob eo- Sep-14 Oct-l4 Next Read Date: 1112512014 Micron Booster SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 110 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.63 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $17.51 $5.00 $10.75 $0.88 $0.25 NNFPMN 00023947 / mO50253 II I Questions? Coniact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page22of 263Em. lnUOilPConrry www.idahopower.com CR = Credit PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedute 09S =€oo a0- Service Agreement No: 0030202162 Service Location: 6300 HILL RD i BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1110412014 Hills Boro Booster Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 13 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0,00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 4 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,960 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.08 $187.80 $85.85 $21.39 $11.75 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197860 Service Location: 6890 S EISENMAN RD / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $326.87 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E€ooi0. Oct-l3 Nov-13 Doc-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1'112512014 Gowen Booster Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50327477 09t25t14 | 10124114 30 Regular 54400 | 55187 1 787 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 35 42 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 15 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 22 @$1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 787 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $66.00 $0.00 $22.44 $73.90 $4.25 $2.74 $7.13 NNFPMN 0m2397 / m5029 Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $192.46 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page23 of 26 3EHffi. AnUCOt Conlry www,idahopower.com CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 730 0030202009 N LOCUST ST / BOISE,ID =6>Aobl0- Next Read Date: 1012812014 Lower Danmor Booster Oct-l3 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-l4 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sepl4 Oct-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36278548 08128114 09t26t14 30 Regular 19915 20807 40 35680 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 153 155 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,4 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 133 @ $6.00 per kW, 4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 26 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 133 @ $4.40 per kW, 26 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 135 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 135 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh, 4 days Summer Energy Charge 4,490 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 29,190 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh,26 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $106.40 $o.oo $507.17 $0.00 $18.36 $0.00 $119.34 $27.85 $216.79 $162.73 $1,278.61 $192.74 $39.69 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197387 Service Location: 845 E CRESTLINE DR / BOISE,ID Energy Efficiency Services ..................,...,.......................................... $98.13 Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,783.81 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-'l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012812014 Crestline Booster E> =3ob&o. 1409.7 1451.0 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36372022 08128114 09t26114 30 Regular 54194 62104 1 7910 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFPMN 00023947 / 00050255 Billing kW BLC 26 50 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,4 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 6 @ $O.OO per kW, 4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,26 days ........ $16.00 $0.00 $4.80 $0.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.ArD.lCOlPCqnprry Forfasterservicepleasecall www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p'm Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204085811 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page24of 26 3EHHh. Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 6 @ $4.40 per kW, 26 days ..... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 4 days Summer Energy Charge 788 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 5,122kWh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 26 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $22.88 $0.00 $4.08 $0.00 $26.52 $27.85 $38.05 $162.73 $224.36 $42.73 $8.55 $21.09 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030197546 Service Location: 9800 SEAMANS GULCH RD PUMP / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $599.64 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =flooio- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mat-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1110612014 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 352 @ $4.40 per kW .............. Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 361 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 72,160 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $1,548.80 $0.00 $368.22 $187.80 $3,160.82 $400.61 $211.27 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $5,893.52 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E> =3ob ao- NNFPTUN 0m23947 / 00050256 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-'14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. An ucoRP conpJY, For faster service please call www.idahopower,com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030197685 Service Location: BUILDING 501 / BOISE,ID 3Em. Large General Service Schedule 09S Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page25of 26 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204085811 1012912014 10t30t2014 Next Read Date: 1112112014 Aeronica Booster Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 42 @$+.+O per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 44 @$1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,245 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $184.80 $0.00 $44.88 $116.90 $6.73 $5.54 $14.50 Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030'197284 Service Location: S FIVE MILE / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $389.3s CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-'14 E> =3oo ao- Next Read Date: 1111412014 S Five Mile Booster Large General Service Schedule 09S Your Electric Use Pattern Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 80 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 8,360 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $0.00 $343.20 $o.oo $81.60 $187.80 $366.19 $55.96 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $39.79 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,090.54 CR=Credii kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =8obeo- Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 NNFPMN 0m2397 / m50257 SEHHE*. An UCOltConrry www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: 0032076619 Service Location: TECHNOLOGY AND COLUMBIA / BOISE,ID Page26of 26 UNITED WATER IDAHO 220408581 I 10t29t2014 10t30t2014 Next Read Date: 1'112512014 il Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36372058 09125114 10t24t't4 30 Regular 20436 20501 1 65 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 8 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 65 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $6.35 $0.52 $0.18 $0.45 Current Gharges - Electric Service $12.50 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern c> =3oblo.4.6 5.3 2.1 2.1 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 NNFPMN 0m23047 / m0s02$ 3EHM. ftUOCICoaEry www.idahopower.com Account Activity Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaf,ol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204364364 Billing Date: 0810112014 Print Date: 0810112014 Page I of 4 $46,790.92 $46,790.92 $0.00 $68,497.38 Due Date I Please Pay 08t18t2014 I $09,a97.38 Previous Balance Payments - Thank CR Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance $68,497.38 Please Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. View Your Bill Online Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your account 2417. PAY your bill. GET how to SAVE. Visit idahopower.com/mvAccount registration box. information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn and click "Register Now" in the myAccount y Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring €ntire statement when paying at a pay station. V =llmloN!FOiEl. Please write your a@ount number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho PoweL tlllt;il't1rt1t1,u,llll,h!trl,l,tl,thtlllllililll,llllrh,,tl T201 00005s66 UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BOTSE, lD 83709-4165 PO BOX 70 BO|SE, tD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACGOUNT NUMBER 2204364364 Amount Enclosed *-"8 ProjectSharepledge,S5"g noted on reverse side. DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 08t18t2014 $68,497.38 Address/Phone Correctlon, noted on reverse side, l,ll,'1,,,,11!,1'l,llltltlt,llil!,ll,ltlllll,lUth,hll,llllhll PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 &E ^^g* NNFFZ m005S / m12g 22043643640006849738 000000000 006849738 0801 3 Page2of 4sEm. An tilColt Compilry www.idahopower.com Ouestions? Contiact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lo 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuosday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 22043il3il Billing Date: 0810112014 Print Date: 0810112014 Service Agreement No: 0030305775 Service Location: 500 S MARDEN ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0713112014 Marden Trtmnt Plant On Peak kW Billing kW BLC Actual kW Power Factor Power Factor Ad 917 1036 1',t12 1036 92.89o/o 0 lndustrial Service Service Charge Schedule 19P On-Peak Summer Demand Charge 917 @ $0.96 per kW ........... Summer Demand Charge 1,036 @ $6.06 per kW ............ Basic Charge 1,112 @$1.26 per kW of BLC On-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.052577 per kWh Mid-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.041809 per kWh Off-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.037305 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Facility Charge Energy Efficiency Services $299.00 $880.32 $6,278.16 $1,401.12 $6,134.74 $8,977.27 $5,877.03 $2,821.68 $490.04 $349.98 $1,193.91 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 10090223 06t01t14 06t30t14 30 Regular 0 157540 1 157540/0FF 10090223 06t01t14 06t30t14 30 Regular 0 214721 1 2147211MlD 1 0090223 06t01114 o6t30t14 30 Regular 0 1 16681 1 'l 16681/ON Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $34,703.25 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation t> =3ooao- 21418.8 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 E# City Ellmlp If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. LlFOUrElo NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAnoN: riDrcor,coit, !Y Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Apt./Suite Telephone Number Email Address NNFF2V 00005966 / 00012585 Account Number: 2204364364 PROJEGT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. ffit, LTtu ffis,o td$ I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your tax-deductlble donations. Zip Code !&8*:* Page 3 of 44IEAIL 33T3"I%,""J["":',8',1;0,L!PlUirER. S:;Xlg::f388-23231r,""',revaley)AnDACOI,Cqnprry Forfasterservicepleasecall www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a m' to 6:30 p m' Service Agreement No: 0030305728 Service Location: UNITED WTR BOISE RVR / BOISE,ID Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204364364 Billing Date: Print Date: 0810112014 08t01t2014 Next Read Date: 0713112014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 87892087 06t01114 06t30t14 30 Regular 0 '1 't 5837 1 115837/0FF 87892087 06t01114 06t30t14 30 Regulal 0 14746/,1 147464tMtD 87892087 o6to1t14 06t30t14 30 Regular 0 79066 1 79066/0N On Peak kW I Billing kW BLC I ActualkW I PowerFactor lPowerFactorAdi 552 553 567 553 97.27o/o 0 Large General Service Schedule 09P Service Charge Summer Demand Charge 553 @ $5.11 per kW .........,.. Basic Charge 567 @ $1.28 per kW of BLC On-Peak Summer Demand Charge 552 @ $0.96 per kW ........... On-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.049014 per kwh Mid-Peak Summer Energy Charge @$0.045226 per kWh Off-Peak Summer Energy Charge @$0.042749 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Facility Charge Energy Efficiency Services $285.00 $2,825.83 $725.76 $529.92 $3,875.34 $6,669.21 $4,951.92 $1,921.02 $549.91 $794.52 Current Charges - Electric Service $23,128.43 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030305681 Next Read Date: 0713112014 Service Location: UNITED WTR CLMBIA RD / BOISE E> =3ob ao- Large Generat Service Schedule 09P Service Charge Summer Demand Charge 334 @ $5.11 per kW ............ Basic Charge 334 @ $1.28 per kW of BLC On-Peak Summer Demand Charge 267 @ $0.96 per kW ........... On-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.049014 per kWh Mid-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.045226 per kWh Off-Peak Summer Energy Charge @$O.OqZlq9 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Facility Charge Energy Efficiency Services $285.00 $1,706.74 $427.52 $256.32 $1,575.36 $2,660.06 $1,946.45 $765.85 $688.10 $354.30 11461.7 11717 .O Current Gharges - Electric Service $10,665.70 NNFF2V 00005966 / 00012586 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Page 4 of 4cm. xrmcol'collF/y www.idahopower.com Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204364.364 Billing Date: 0810112014 Print Date: 0810112014 Your Electric Use Pattern =€ooio- JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 NNFF2V m005966 / 0m1587 3EHHB.. xiDo00cdrE www.idahopower.com Account Activity Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page I of 4 UNITED WATER IDAHO 22043U364 08t2812014 08t28t2014 Due Date I Please Pay 09t12t2014 | $77,766.28 Previous Balance Payments - Thank You ........... Balance Forward Current Charges $68,497.38 $68,497.38 CR $o.oo $77.766.28 View Your BiII Online Account Balance $77,766.28 Please Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your accounl24l7. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. v Please detach and return the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. y 7'!1tr[l0N!Fil'EI. Please write your account number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. tltltltl,,,tlt,t,t,hlrl,il.llltll,llttllthhl.iltll,lll;rll:r11 T201 000't6862 UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BO|SE, tD 83709-4165 PO BOX 70 BOISE, tD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACGOUNTNUMBER DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 2204364364 0911212014 $77,766.28 Amount Enclosed Project Share pledge, noted on reverse side. Addr$s/Phone Correctlon, noted on reverse side. .,l,l,lhlttltlh|trlllltl"tl,',l11lt,l't'llIl,ll,,,,l,t!!lllll PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 NNFGTU m1ffi62 / 00035S8 22043643640007776628 000000000 007776628 0828 8 Page2of 4 SHilh. rtBCOlrConfry www.idahopower.com Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 22043643M 0812812014 08t28t2014 Next Read Date: 0813112014 Marden Trtmnt Plant Service Agreement No: 0030305775 Service Location: 500 S MARDEN ST / BOISE,ID On Peak kW Billing kW BLC Actual kW Power Factor Power Factor Adl 1092 1 108 11'18 1 108 92.30y"0 IndustrialService ServiceCharge Schedule 19P On-Peak Summer Demand Charge 1,092 @ $0.96 per kW Summer Demand Charge 1,108 @ $6.06 per kW ............ Basic Charge '1,118 @ $1.26 per kW of BLC On-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.052577 per kWh Mid-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.041809 per kwh Off-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.037305 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Facility Charge Your Electric Use Pattern $2e9.00 $1,048.32 $6,714.48 $1,408.68 $8,282.93 $10,807.42 $7,919.11 $3,626.00 $601.59 $349.98 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $1,459.20 Current Charges - Electric Service $42,516.71 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation ={ooir Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'l4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 10090223 oTto'U14 07131114 31 Regular 0 2',t2280 1 2122801OFF 10090223 07lo1l14 07t31114 31 Regular 0 258495 1 258495/MtD 10090223 07to'U14 07t311't4 31 Regular 0 1 57539 1 '157539/0N 21418.8 5glillp If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NF0t[rEl. NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAToN:r!DF&cGt, Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number?i lf not, please write any changes below: Account Number: 220430/.364 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add th€ amount indicated to my monthly bill. *I3 r, ffi tu ffi s,o [#$ I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Pro.iect Share. Thank you and pleaso remember to track your taxdeductlble donatlons. Apt./Suite EnSE&.sE City Telephone Number Email AddrEss NNFGTU 00016862 / 00035949 Zip Code **.$ Page 3 of 4 Service Agreement No: 0030305728 Service Location: UNITED WTR BOISE RVR / BOISE,ID UNITED WATER IDAHO 220436/.364 0812812014 08t28t2014 Next Read Date: 0813112014 3rm. xr ilcott co69ary www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09P Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Service Charge Summer Demand Charge 585 @ $5.11 per kW ............ Basic Charge 580 @ $1.28 per kW of BLC On-Peak Summer Demand Charge 585 @ $0.96 per kW ........... On-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.049014 per kWh Mid-Peak Summer Energy Charge @$0.045226 per kWh Off-Peak Summer Energy Charge @$O.O+Zlq9 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Facility Charge Energy Efficiency Services $285.00 $2,989.35 $742.40 $561.60 $4,106.79 $6,844.50 $5,618.03 $2,056.70 $549.91 $845.91 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 87892087 07101114 07131t14 31 Regular 0 1 31419 1 13141g/OFF 87892087 07tolt't4 07t31114 31 Regular 0 1 51 340 1 151340/MtD 87892087 07to1t14 07t31t14 31 Regular 0 83788 1 83788/ON On Peak kW I Billing kW BLC I Actual kW I Power Factor I Power Factor Adj 585 585 580 585 96.83%0 Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030305681 Service Location: UNITED WTR CLMBIA RD / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $24,600.19 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 11412.2 11824.0 Aug-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 =€ooao. Next Read Date: 0813112014 11461.7 11717.0 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 8701 1831 07t01114 07131114 31 Regular 0 50942 I 5094ZOFF 8701'1831 07to'U14 07t31114 31 Regular 0 57197 1 57197tMtD 8701183'l 07101114 07131t14 31 Regular 0 32969 1 32969/0N On Peak kW Billing kW BLC Actual kW Power Factor Power Factor Adj 284 284 334 2U 92.58%0 Large General Service Schedule 09P Service Charge Summer Demand Charge 284 @ $5.11 per kW ............ Basic Charge 334 @ $1.28 per kW of BLC On-Peak Summer Demand Charge 284 @ $0.96 per kW ........... On-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.049014 per kwh Mid-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.045226 per kwh Off-Peak Summer Energy Charge @$0.042749 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Facility Charge Energy Efficiency Services $285.00 $1,451.24 $427.52 $272.64 $1,615.94 $2,586.79 $2,177.72 $791.76 $688.10 $352.67 Current Gharges - Electric Service $10,649.38 NNFGTU 0001ffi62 / 00035950 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Page4of 4 3EHHh. lnucotrc4trFry www.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Bois6, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Vall6y) Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 220436/,364 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 =3obeo- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 F€b-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 NNFGTU m0r8862 / 000et051 tNtmloT!POi'IER. laUCorrcoirry www.idahopower.com Account Activity Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 22043il3il Bilfing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: Ogl29l2o14 Page I of 4 $77,766.28 $77,766.28 $o.oo $74,628.64 CR Due Date r Please Pay 1011412014 | $Z+,e28.64 Previous Balance Payments - Thank Balance Forward Current Charges View Your Biil Online Preferred Pay Account Balance $74,628.64 Please Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 'l percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Returned payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your account24lT. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. Save time with PreferredPayru and have your ldaho Power bill automatically deducted from your checking account. That's one less check to write each month, and you still receive a statement for your records. Call our Customer Service Center for an application or visit our website at idahopower.com. V Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V letrmrDT!FOi'ER. PO BOX 70 BO|SE, rD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACCOUNT NUMBER 2204364364 Amount Enclosed E-T ProlectSharepledge,{*# noted on reverse side- DUE DATE PLEASE PAY 1011412014 $74,628.64 xrucortcstrFfl Please write your account number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. lr,,illlllhIthrrr!,,illllrrrrllhIrrltllhilr,,llrrrrlilhil T20t 00020074 UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BOISE, lD 83709-4165 wg -'&- &# Address/Phone Correctlon, noted on reverse side. I'l,l,lhl,ll,llllt,l,lilll,tl,,,ttll1,t,1,ll11l,tl,,,lt,,,llllll PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 NNFMMW 0002m74 / 00&3255 2204364364000746?864 000000000 00746?864 0929 8 Page2of 4nttrtt0T!FOi'ER. r.rcoarcqtlprrY www.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 22043il3il Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: Ogl29l2014 Service Agreement No: 0030305775 Service Location: 500 S MARDEN ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0913012014 Marden Trtmnt Plant On Peak kW Billing kW BLC Actual kW Power Factor Power Factor Ad 1 055 1 055 1082 1 055 92.570/o 0 lndustrialService ServiceCharge Schedule 19P On-Peak Summer Demand Charge 1,055 @ $0.96 per kW Summer Demand Charge 1,055 @ $6.06 per kW ............ Basic Charge 1,082 @ $1.26 per kW of BLC On-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.052577 per kWh Mid-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.041809 per kWh Off-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.037305 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Facility Charge Energy Efficiency Services $299.00 $1,012.80 $6,393.30 $1,363.32 $7,226.24 $10,713.31 $6,905.94 $3,340.29 $558.81 $349.98 $1,356.56 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 10090223 08101114 08t31t14 31 Regular 0 185121 1 185121|OFF 10090223 08t01114 08131114 31 Regular 0 256244 1 256244tMlD 10090223 o8to1t14 08t31t14 31 Regular 0 137441 1 13744'1/ON Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $39,519.55 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation erla Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 E!;5la; If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NPOUIR. NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAToN:IlDmc..tsr'v Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Account Number: 22043643il PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. *# r, ffi* ru ffi s,o il*E s I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your tax.deductlble donations. Street Apt./Suite tE^a &*!{ City Telephone Number Email Address NNFMMW 0002m74 / 00il3256 Zip Code *3 Page 3 of 4 SIHHBg 8,3..?i!"**r"fu:;.8',11"'t,*,",",,Se habla espanol.An lilColt Cempiy For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a m' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030305728 Service Location: UNITED WTR BOISE RVR / BOISE,ID Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Service Charge Summer Demand Charge 580 @ $5.11 per kW Basic Charge 583 @ $1.28 per kW of BLC On-Peak Summer Demand Charge 578 @ $0.96 per kW On-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.049014 per kWh Mid-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.045226 per kWh Off-Peak Summer Energy Charge @$0.042749 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Facility Charge Energy Efficiency Services UNITED WATER IDAHO 22043il3il 09129t2014 09t29t2014 Next Read Date: Ogl3Ol2O14 Large General Service Schedule 09P $285.00 $2,963.80 $746.24 $554.88 $3,752.27 $7,387.71 $5,412.24 $2,056.49 $549.91 $844.09 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 87892087 08101114 08t31t14 31 Regular 0 126605 1 126605/0FF 87892087 o8t01t14 o8t31t14 31 Regular 0 16335'l 1 163351/MtD 87892087 08101114 o8t31t14 3'l Regular 0 76555 76555/0N On Peak kW Billing kW BLC Actual kW Power Factor Power Factor Ad 578 580 583 580 97.O5o/"0 Current Gharges - Electric Service $24,552.63 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 11412.2 11824.0 11822.9Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030305681 Service Location: UNITED WTR CLMBIA RD / BOISE,ID >o?oob ao- Next Read Date: 0913012014 11717.0 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvpe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 8701 1831 08101114 o8t31t14 3'1 Regular 0 48409 48409/OFF 8701 1831 o8to1t14 08131t14 31 Regular 0 61665 1 61665/MtD 8701 1831 08101114 08131114 31 Regular 0 30405 ,|30405/0N On Peak kW I Billing kW BLC I Actual kW Power Factor Power Factor Adj 261 284 309 284 94.010/o 0 Large General Service Schedule 09P Service Charge Summer Demand Charge 284 @ $5.11 per kW ............ Basic Charge 309 @ $1.28 per kW of BLC On-Peak Summer Demand Charge 261 @ $0.96 per kW ........... On-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.049014 per kWh Mid-Peak Summer Energy Charge @ $0.045226 per kwh Off-Peak Summer Energy Charge @$0.042749 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Facility Charge Energy Efficiency Services $285.00 $1,451.24 $39s.52 $250.56 $1,490.27 $2,788.86 $2,069.44 $788.23 $688.10 $349.24 Current Charges - Electric Service $10,556.46 NNFMMW 00@0074 / 00043257 CR=Credit kwh=Kllowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Page 4 of 4 3EHH. XrUoortCcnFU www.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 22043il3il Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Your Electric Use Pattern E{oo &o- Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 5A13.8 NNFMIT(W m02007,1 / 00043258 SHffih. ^lrnr@rrCorrrywww.idahopower.com Account Activity Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 22043il3il Page I of 4 $74,628.64 $74,628.64 $0.00 $54,627.96 CR Billing Date: Print Date: 10t2912014 1012912014 Due Date Please Pay 11t13t2014 | $54,627.96 Previous Balance Payments - Thank You ........... Balance Forward Current Charges View Your Bill Online Energy Awareness Month Account Balance $54,627.96 Please Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your account 2417. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. October is Energy Awareness Month - help us celebrate by visiting idahooower.com/eneroyawareness. Catch up on the latest energy efficiency programs and tips and learn how ldaho Power is working with our communities to ensure a reliable, responsible energy future. v Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V nttrllDN!FIil'ER. PO BOX 70 BOTSE, tD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACCOUNT NUMBER 2204364364 Amount Enclosed Proloct Share pledge, noted on reverse side. DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 1111312014 $54,627.96 Please write your account number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. hlrl!,trll,rh!,lrtt,rltlllPI.ll!,rtrlqrrhtr!,lll,!1,,;;1,1, T201 00003513 UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BO|SE, tD 83709-4165 ll,l,1l,ll,lll,,llll,lllrlrlll,,ggll,,ltllllt,lllltllt,l!lllll,h PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124.1966 Add ress/Phone Correction, noted on reverse side. as#*i*dsf*xs d ilNFPKN m5l3 / m007553 22043643640005462796 000000000 005462796 1029 4 Page2of 4 SEHHh. AnnrcillCompfry www.idahopower,com Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaffol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 22043il3il Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Service Agreement No: 0030305775 Service Location: 500 S MARDEN ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: '1013112014 Marden Trtmnt Plant Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 10090223 09t01114 og/30t',t4 30 Regular 0 177237 1 1772371OFF 10090223 09101114 o9t30t14 30 Regular 0 23',t258 1 231258tMtD 10090223 o9t01114 09t30t14 30 Regular 0 0 1 0/oN On Peak kW Billing kW BLC Actual kW Power Factor Power Factor Adj 0 I 000 1082 886 93.15%0 lndustrial Service Schedule 19P Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge 1,000 @ $4.49 per kW ........... Basic Charge 1,082 @$1.26 per kW of BLC Mid-Peak Non-Summer Energy Charge @ $0.039411 per kWh Off-Peak Non-Summer Energy Charge @ $0.035232 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Facility Charge Energy Effi ciency Services $299.00 $4,490.00 $1,363.32 $9,114.11 $6,244.41 $2,357.42 $358.02 $349.98 $860.43 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $25,436.69 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E€ 9"o Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Aug-'l4 Sep-14 Oct-14 ElEnttl If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NFOlilEl. NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAToN:rtDpr'crErt Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Account Number: 2204364364 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE *-'-g Please add the amount indicated to my**€ monthly bill. il# s, L$ $s t_$ sro **#s Street City Apt./Suite lwould like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the near€st dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and pleasa rcmember to track your taxdeductlble donatlons. Telephone Numb€r Email Address NNFPKN 00003513 / 00007554 Zip Code w Page 3 of 4flEffi. Ei"'"flii*r"".si:,B#1"%*",",,*,Se habla espafrol. Xr dCOt, Cortlp.ry FOr faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a m' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030305728 Service Location: UNITED WTR BOISE RVR / BOISE,ID Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 22043il364 10t29t2014 10129t2014 Next Read Date: 1013112014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 87892087 09t01114 09t30t14 30 Regular 0 152913 1 1529',t3tOFF 87892087 09t01t14 09130114 30 Regular 0 187120 1 1871201MtD 87892087 09101114 09/30/14 30 Regular 0 0 1 0/oN On Peak kW Billing kW BLC Actual kW Power Factor Power Factor Ad 0 556 583 556 96.81%0 Large General Service Schedule 09P Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge 556 @ $4.47 per kW ............ Basic Charge 583 @ $1.28 per kW of BLC Mid-Peak Non-Summer Energy Charge @ $0.040556 per kWh Off-Peak Non-Summer Energy Charge @ $0.039194 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Facility Charge Energy Efficiency Services $285.00 $2,485.32 $746.24 $7,588.84 $5,993.27 $1,907.93 $549.91 $683.95 Current Gharges - Electric Service $20,240.46 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Service Agreement No: 0030305681 Service Location: UNITED WTR CLMBIA RD / BOISE ={ooio- May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 1013112014 Large General Service Schedule 09P Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge 290 @ $4.47 per kW ............ Basic Charge 312 @ $1.28 per kW of BLC Mid-Peak Non-Summer Energy Charge @ $0.040556 per kWh Off-Peak Non-Summer Energy Charge @ $0.039194 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Facility Charge Enerqy Efficiency Services $285.00 $1,296.30 $399.36 $2,924.90 $2,329.57 $738.17 $688.10 $289.41 11412.2 11824.0 11822.9 1fi34.4 Current Gharges - Electric Service $8,950.81 NNFPKN 00003513 / 00007555 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Page 4 of 4nEl|0T=FOi'ER. XtUi6ltCcnFry wwrv.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204364364 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Your Electric Use Pattern =3obao- Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 NNFPKN M5I3 / Mffi I Questions? contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaiol. For faster service please call Tu€sday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 Page I of 233Em. Ilmoltcomrly www.idahopower.com Account Activity Due Date I Please Pay 08t14t2014 I $449.32 Previous Balance Payments - Thank You ........... Balance Fonrard Current Charges $454.78 $454.78 $0.00 $449.32 CR Account Balance $4/,9.32 Please Notei Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmifted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. View Your BiII Online Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your account 2417. PAY your bill. GET how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount registration box. information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn and click "Register Now" in the myAccount V Please detach and return the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V srHffih. xrgaortconrl, Please write your account number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. PO BOX 70 BOTSE, tD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACCOUNT NUMBER 2204982652 Amount Enclosed Prdect Share pledge, noted on reverse side. DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 0811412014 $449.32 ffi tr UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BO|SE, tD 83709-4165 f"".+ Addr€ss/PhoneCorrectlon,&*P noted on reverse side. llill[,,ltlt!!,r11,tlrll:111t1111'trll.'ll'th'trlrtrtillrtll, PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 22049826520000044932 000000000 000044932 0730 4 NNFEYG m08496 / 00049961 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley), Se habla espanol. For faster service pl6ase call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 Next Read Date: OBl01l2O14 Page 2 of 23nttrll0NIFoUUEII. nr UcollrCornpfry www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: 0030373115 Service Location: 11100 SEAMANS GULCH RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number dervice PeriodFrom To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77418/.99 06t04114 07to2t14 29 Regular 1116 1140 1 24 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 24 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $2.35 $0.19 $0.29 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $7.83 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373000 Service Location: 12093-112 W HIDDEN VALLEY RIM RD / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 0 0 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0811912014 Hidden Vallev PRV $5.00 $0.20 E> =3oo SmallGeneral Service Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 76956211 06t20114 07D',v't4 32 Regular 608 608 1 0 EI55Ia; If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NF0WEil NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAToN:I!ucortcoErr Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Apt./Suite Telephone Number Email Address NNFEYG 00023496 / 00049982 x9 Account Number: 2204982652 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. csr w@ q#s* $"*$ $2 L[ $5 LE sro t?aa*.*s E I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and ploaso remember to track your tax-deductlble donatlons. &$ii*fi City Zip Code u*4t I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Page 3 of 23 SHHh. ln ucotlcomorry www.idahopower.com Schedule 07 Billing Date: Print Date: 0713012014 0713012014 Current Gharges - Electric Service $5.20 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern iii=€ooeo- .5 I.o.o.o.o .oa Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373586 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OBlO1l2O14 Jan-14 Feb-14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern / BOISE Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 34 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.33 Current Gharges - Electric Service $9.06 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation r> =3obao- Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 oec-'13 0030366969 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OBl01l2O14 $5.00 $3.32 $0.28 $0.13 Service Agreement No: Service Location: 12600 W MCMILLAN RD / BOISE,ID McMillan PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 7683'1909 06t04114 07to2t't4 29 Regular 2068 2102 1 34 Service Location: 12789 N ANDYS GULCH RD PRV / BOISE,ID Lower Andvs PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77368558 06104114 07102114 29 Regular 307 307 1 0 Small General Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5.20 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern t> =8ob ao- NNFEYG 000234S6 / 00049083 Jul-'13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.ln DrCOm Comprty For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030373537 Service Location: 12800 W USTICK RD / BOISE,ID Page 4 of 23 3EHHh. Smalt General Service Schedule 07 Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITEDWATER IDAHO 2204982652 0713012014 0713012014 Next Read Date: 0713012014 Ustick PRV Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.090436 per kWh, 1 day Summer Energy Charge 55 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.18 $5.38 $0.46 $0.17 $0.42 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76952177 05t31114 06t30t14 31 Regular 2382 2439 1 57 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $11.61 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1.8 1.9 1.9'1.8'1.8 Your Electric Use Pattern JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030366838 Service Location: 1321W VICTORY RD PRV / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OBl25l2O14 =3obio- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75337200 06126114 07125t14 30 Regular 3360 3428 1 68 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 68 kwh @ $0.OSZZS6 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $s.00 $6.65 $0.54 $0.18 $0.47 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Current Gharges - Electric Service $12.84 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =3ob ao- Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 0030373876 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'l4 Jun-l4 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810712014 Service Location: 13291 SEAMANS GULCH RD i BOISE,ID PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading TYPe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh lJsed 76799089 06t10t't4 07t09t14 30 Regular 137 137 1 0 NNFEYG 00023496 / 00U9984 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Vall€y). Se habla espaf,ol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 Page 5 of 233Em. LIUCO:,Comr]y www.idahopower.com SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge $5.00 e""rgv effi"i"."V s"ri.; ................................................................. SO.zo Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5.20 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 =3obeo- Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373142 Service Location: 1620 N HARRISON BLVD VALVE / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'l4 May-'14 Jun-14 JuF14 Next Read Date: 0810112014 Harrison Valves Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76795331 06104114 I o7lo2t14 29 Regular 3818 3868 50 Small General Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 50 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.8e $0.41 $0.15 $0.40 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 1651 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $10.85 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation e{io- Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030366777 S RIDGE POINT PL LITES / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 07129120'14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-summer Energy Charge 1 kwh @ $0.090436 per kWh, 2 days ....... Summer Energy Charge 10 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 27 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $s.00 $0.0e $0.98 $0.09 $0.0e $0.24 NNFEYG 00023496 / 00U9985 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.49 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.an uaolP compJry For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a m' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 Page6of 23 3EHilh. CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern .3 I E{00 ao- 1.12I .4 .4 .3 .3 .4IIIII Jul-13 Aug-13 Sepl3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366702 Service Location: 18050 N MCQUARRIE WAY lPRV / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810512014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 Current Charges - Electric Service CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 5€ooao..0 .0 $5.20 Your Electric Use Pattern JuFl3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Service Agreement No: 0032077909 Service Location: 1807 S TOLUKA WAY / BOISE,ID Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-14 Feb-'l4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0712912014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constanl kwh Used 14123743 05130114 06127t14 29 Regular 0 0 1 0 Small General Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge $5.00 Franchise Fee 1.50% $0.08 e."rgv em"i"""v s"*i;;r ................................................................. So.zo Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =8ob ao- Your Electric Use Pattern May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373309 Service Location: 18901 N MCLEOD WAY 3PRV / NNFEYG 00023496 / 00049986 Next Read Date: OBlOSl2Ol4 II ! Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 PageT of 233Em. armcot'cffigw www.idahopower,com SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 14 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.37 $0.11 $0.25 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $6.73 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030366914 Service Location: 2262 CLAREMONT DR WTWR / BOISE,ID ->?oob&L Next Read Date: 0712912014 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75334984 05t30114 06t27t14 2S Regular 4896 4928 1 32 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.090436 per kWh, 2 days ....... Summer Energy Charge 30 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 27 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.18 $2.93 $0.26 $0.13 $0.32 Current Charges - Electric Service $8.82 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 2611 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030373058 N TERRACE WAY / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OTl3Ol2O14 Lancaster RSVR E> =8obao. Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77040200 05131114 I 06/30/14 31 Regular 1021 I 034 1 13 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $1.27 $0.11 $0.10 $0.25 NNFEYG 00029$ / 0GS87 Energy Efficiency Services I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Page 8 of 23 SEHHB.. AaUE(X'ComlrrI www.idahopower.com Print Date:0713012014 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $6.73 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373614 Service Location: 2758 GRD FOR ST / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Feb-l4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: Ogl25l2o14 Grand Forest PRV =3obao. JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 57 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $5.57 $0.46 $0.17 $0.42 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $11.62 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Jul-13 Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373414 Service Location: 298 COLONIAL DR / BOISE Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 35 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.34 Current Charges - Electric Service $9.17 er a0- Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0811512014 ColonialPRV SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 $5.00 $3.42 $0.28 $0.13 NNFEYG 00023496 / 00MS88 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla €spanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0113012014 Page 9 of 23 sEHHh. Al DlcottcorlrprtY wwur.idahopower.com Your Electric ; EUse Pattern --t ?o-i. i i i i i i i i i i i Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Service Agreement No: 00303735M Service Location: 3070 PASADENA DR PRV / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: OBl2Ol2O14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 12276406 06121114 07t22t14 32 Regular 0 0 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $0.08 $0.20Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $s.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 E> =3ob e0- Jul-13 Au9-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0032077906 Service Location: 3194 W SCENIC DR / BOISE,ID Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Next Read Date: 0713012014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 14124062 05131114 06/30/14 31 Regular 51 65 1 14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 14 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $s.00 $1.37 $0.11 $0.10 $0.25 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.83 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowat-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation .4 .5II May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 .4I -> =3obio- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373766 Service Location: 3231 N BOGUS BASIN RD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: OBlO1l2O14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 1 3294508 061041't4 07102114 29 Regular 1 1 1 0 NNFEYG 00023496 i 00049989 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 Page l0 of 23 3EHHh. xtucottcomF/y www.idahopower.com SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50o/o Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation >G?ooo ao-.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 JUF'13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0030366800 Service Location: 3310 W STATE ST / BOISE,ID Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-l4 Next Read Date: 0810412014 34th Street Valve Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76963367 06t05114 07103114 29 Regular 2579 2609 1 30 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 30 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.93 $0.24 $0.1 2 $0.32 Current Charges - Electric Service CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€ooeo- $8.61 Your Electric Use Pattern JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366753 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'l4 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0712912014 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Service Location: 3434 N BOGUS BASIN RD PUMP / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 1 1689991 o5t30t14 06127114 29 Regular 0 0 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efflciency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Current Charges - Electric Service $5.28 NNFEYG 00023496 / 00049S90 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 Page ll of 23sEm. lnBcottcolrEtY www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern E> =3ob ao- JUF'|3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3527 0030373196 1/2 S FEDERAL WAY / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0812512014 FederalPRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75334926 06t26t14 | 071251't4 30 Regular 3712 | 3769 1 57 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 57 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $5.57 $0.46 $0.17 $0.42 Current Charges - Electric Service $11.62 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E€ooio- Your Electric Use Pattern Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366859 Service Location: 3780 W QUAIL HEIGHTS CT / Billing kW BLC 0 0 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apt-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0713012014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.27 $0.11 $0.10 $0.25 '1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 '1.9 '1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 Current Gharges - Electric Service $6.73 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kw=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =3obao- Your Electric Use Pattern .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4IIIIIIIIII.4 .4 .4III NNFEYG 00023496 / ms$gl JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Ma?-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 I Sffi. Ei}t"[&,;.,*fflx*evaey)x,D^conconr,y P:,.i:33,."..ji[1'preaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a m' to 6:30 p m' Service Agreement No: 0030366893 Service Location: 3784 W TWILIGHT DR / BOISE,ID Page12of 23 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: Print Date: 0713012014 0713012014 Next Read Date: 0713012014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76836185 05t3'U14 06130114 3'l Regular 841 856 1 15 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 15 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.47 $0.12 $0.10 $0.26 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.95 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern ,4I t> =3obeo- .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 '5IIIIIII A'5aa'5IIIII JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373026 Service Location: 4017 W GROVER ST WATER / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0811912014 Grover PRV Meter Number Service PeriodFrom To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75062104 06120114 | 07121114 32 Regular 2742 I 2792 1 50 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 50 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.89 $0.41 $0.15 $0.40 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $10.85 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030366819 E> =3obeo- MaF14 Apr-14 May-14 Next Read Date: Cole PRV Jun-14 Jul-14 0811812014 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Location: 4196 S COLE RD PUMP / BOISE,ID NNFEYG 00023496 / 00049992 I Sffiilh. ii3i,[:1,";,sffi#',il":l.*",,",rnucorrcornp,,y P:,i:38,".t#["Jpreasecail www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p m' Page 13 of 23 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 62 kwh @ $0.OSZZS6 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $6.06 $0.50 $0.44 Current Gharges - Electric Service $12.00 CR = Credit PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373249 Service Location: 4345 N GINZEL ST / BOISE,ID c> =Aooeo- Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0713012014 Lower Ginzel PRV Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-'13 Ocr-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 1 kwh @ $0.090436 per kWh, 1 day Summer Energy Charge 28 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.09 $2.74 $0.23 $0.12 $0.31 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $8.49 Kilowatt-hour Power Cost kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load G = Generalion Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 0030373438 =€ooaG Oct-13 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810112014 Service Location: 4388 W DEERPATH D Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77037299 o6to4t14 I 07102rt4 29 Regular 12 12 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $o.oB $0.20 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5.28 NNFEYG 0m23S / O0MS93 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowercostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Fdday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. .0 .0 .0 .0 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 Page 14 of 23 3EHilh. atgcoapcomrry www.idahopower.com Your Electric 5 EUse Pattern ---b ao-.3.o.oI.o.o.o Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373467 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mat-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0713012014 Service Location: 4400 N VILLA RIDGE WA Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77259257 05131114 06/30/14 3l Regular 30 30 1 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $s.28 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E> =3obio-.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 JuF'13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373166 Service Location: 4950 N BOGUS BASIN RD / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0713112014 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 28 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.92 $0.15 $0.76 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $19.83 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation ={ooia '1.0 '1.0 .s 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 NNFEYG 00023496 / 00049S94 Jul-l3 Aug-13 Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 I SEHHfi. [i;]"rilr"s,fl:i:',l?ll"oJ,u," v" "v, ",s,cc,coarsr, P3,.i33[:jji[lpreaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a m to 6:30 p m' Service Agreement No: 0030373684 Service Location: 5080 HOLCOMB RD PRV / BOISE,ID Page 15 of 23 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: O7t3Ol2O14 Print Date: Oll3Ol2O14 Next Read Date: 0812212014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 43 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $4.20 $0.3s $0.37 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373278 Service Location: 5150 BITTER BRUSH / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $9.92 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E>>G?oobao- Jan-14 Feb-14 Marl4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Next Read Date: 0713012014 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov{3 Oec-13 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $s.00 $0.20 $0.02 $0.08 $0.21 Current Charges - Electric Service $5.51 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =3ob ao-.2 .2 .z .2 '3rrrrrrl i33oo Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373080 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'I4 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OBl25l2O14 E Grand Forest PRVService Location: 5200 E GRAND FOREST DR WTR / SmallGeneral Service Charge NNFEYG 00023496 / mO49S95 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaffol.Ar UCa[t Corlip,Iy For faster service please call www'idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 P'm' Service Schedule 07 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 Page 16 of 23sEm. Summer Energy Charge 49 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $4.79 $0.3e $0.1s $0.39 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373361 Service Location: 5850 W AVIMORE DR 2PRV / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $10.72 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 4 Mar14 Apr-'|4 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810512014 E> =€ooaL JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'|3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'|4 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 14 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.37 $0.11 $0.25 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.73 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 59 N Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030373948 MAPLE GROVE RD / BOISE,ID Jan-'14 Feb-'14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OBl18l2O14 =€oo ao- SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 32 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $3.13 $0.26 $0.13 $0.33 Current Charges - Electric Service $8.85 NNFEYG 00023496 / 00049996 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowaft-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster seNice please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 Page 17 of 23 3EHffi. ltnoil?Cdnfry wwwidahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 E€oo?o Jul-'13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Service Agreement No: 0030373978 Service Location: 6086 E GATEWAY CT / BOISE,ID Novl3 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-|4 Agr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0812612014 PRV Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 47 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.59 $0.37 $0.15 $0.38 1.0 1.0 1.0 Current Charges - Electric Service CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation !> =8obio- Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Next Read Date: Jun-14 Jul-14 0812112014 $10.49 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373489 Service Location: 6417 W GOWEN RD / BOISE,ID Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Meter Number Service PeriodFrom To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75324825 06124114 07t23114 30 Regular 1 896 1925 1 29 Small General Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 29 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $s.00 $2.83 $0.23 $0.31 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $8.37 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E€ooaL NNFEYG 0002396 / 00049997 Jul-13 Augl3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Marl4 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 I flEHHI. [i3"fl"f*r?,si:;#s.;i"%*"v" "y1rnHco",conpr,v F:,.i::13'"jj.?[?preasecarl www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030373383 Service Location: 701 W RIDGELINE DR / BOISE,ID Page 18 of 23 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 Next Read Date: 0712912014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 1 kwh @ $0.090436 per kWh, 2 days ....... Summer Energy Charge 11 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 27 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.09 $1.08 $0.10 $0.09 $0.25 Current Gharges - Electric Service $6.61 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =3ob ao- .4^.4^.4IIIII .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4IIIIIIII Jul-'I3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373663 Jan-14 Feb-14 Marl4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0712912014 Service Location: 796 E CLUBVIEW DR / BOISE,ID SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Current Charges - Electric Service $s.28 Kilowatt-hour Power Cost kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =8obiL .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0030366727 Service Location: 8680-1-2 DESERT AVE / BOISE,ID Nov-13 Dec-13 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OAl18l2O14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Consiant kwh Used 76840862 06t19t14 I 071181',t4 30 Regular 2786 2830 1 44 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Small General Service Charge NNFEYG OM2T$ / M&MS $5.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol.Xr UCOat Cornrl, For faster service please call www'idahoPower,com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 Page 19 of 23 3EHHh. Service Schedule 07 Summer Energy Charge 44 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Enerqy Efficiency Services $4.30 $0.35 $0.37 Current Charges - Electric Service $10.02 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373223 Service Location: 8750 N BOGART LN H20 / BOISE,ID Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810412014 E> =3ob ao- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 76961756 061051't4 07to3t14 29 Regulal 21 21 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge $5.00gr"rgy gm"i"r"V S"ri""r ................................................................. SO ZO Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5.20 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 c> =8obao- Jul-13 Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-l3 Service Agreement No: 0030373920 Service Location: 8800 DUNCAN LN / BOISE,ID Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810412014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76958492 06/05/14 07t03t14 29 Regular 2891 2917 1 26 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 26 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $5.00 $2.54 $0.21 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.30 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $8.05 NNFEYG 0@23496 / 00M9999 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation nEllfi)NFoUUER. mncot'commY www.idahopower.com Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373839 Service Location: 8814 W GOOSE CREEK RD REGUL / BOISE,ID Page20of 23 .o .2 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apt-14 May-'I4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: O8lO7l2O14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 1.7 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: 0713012014 Your Electric Use Pattern SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 =flooeo- Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5.20 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E> =3obio. Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030366939 Service Location: 91 S THOMAS DR / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-'14 Jun-14 JuF14 Next Read Date: 0812512014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76952991 o6t26114 07t251',t4 30 Regular 3220 3282 1 62 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 62 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $6.06 $0.50 $0.17 $0.44 Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $12.17 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E€ooar Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 0030373738 ,ST GROVE PUMP / EAGLE,I Nov-'13 Dec-'l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810412014 PRVService Location: LOCUST GROVE PUMP D Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 76962251 06/05/14 07103114 29 Regular 2482 2523 1 41 NNFilG m2g$ / 0005m0 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espa60l. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: O7l3Ol2O14 Page 2l of 23 3THM. ttucotrconrly www.idahopower.com SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 41 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.01 $0.33 $0.09 $0.36 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $9.79 CR = Credit PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern ?fio. Service Agreement No: JuF13 Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030373634 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0812112014 SETvice Location: PARKVIEW PL PRV / BOISE,ID Press Req Valve Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 75340094 06124114 07t231',t4 30 Regular 2242 2262 1 20 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 20 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.96 $0.1 6 $0.11 $0.28 Current Gharges - Electric Service $7.s1 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1.7Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: PRK SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-'14 003037371 1 Feb-14 Mat-14 Apk14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Next Read Date: 0713112014 E> =8ob ao- Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 74 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $7.23 $0.59 $0.19 $0.49 MEADOWPRESR STN / BOISE,ID NNFEYG 00023496 / 00050001 Energy Efficiency Services I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Page22of 23 <EHHh. fi UCOIPCorniliy www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Print Date:0713012014 Current Gharges - Electric Service $13.50 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =3obeo- Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373801 Service Location: PSTW&F FTHR / EAGLE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810612014 TrailCreek PRV SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 10 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.98 $0.08 $0.06 $0.24 Current Gharges - Electric Service $6.36 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern E> =3oblo-IIIIIII 3.3.3 .3I JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373332 Next Read Date: 0911912014 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3IIIII .3 .3 .3 .3 Service Location: RAVENSWD/TANGLEWD / BOISE Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77364008 06t20t14 07121t14 32 Regulal 2425 2474 1 49 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Small General Service Charge Service Summer Energy Charge 49 kwh @ $0.OSZZS6 per kWh Schedule0T AnnualAdjustmentMechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $4.79 $0.39 $0.15 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.39 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $10.72 NNFEYG 00023496 / mO50002 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation il Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaf,ol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0713012014 Print Date: O7l3Ol2O14 Page23 of 23 SEHHh. lrru/coltcomg't, www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030366872 Service Location: SHENANDOAH LIGHT / BOISE,ID E>>o?oooa0- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Schedule 40 Unmetered 0612712014 - Otl28l2o14 32 days General Service Unmetered Device: 10 kwh @ $0.081340 per kWh Minimum Charge Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $0.81 $0.6e $0.05 $0.02 $0.06 Current Charges - Electric Service $1.63 Next Read Date: OBl25l2O14Service Agreement No: 00303735'17 Service Location: TECHNOLGY&COLMBIA RD i BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 7531 3904 06t26t14 I 07125114 30 Regular 4438 I 4757 1 319 SmallGenera! Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 1 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 300 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 19 kwh @ $O.t 16428 per kwh .......... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $29.33 $2.21 $2.55 $1.46 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $40.55 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Matr14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 ={ooio- NNFEYG 00023496 / 00050003 I I Page I of 23 =IEAIU 33t[T';:;J'9":,f.1ior. customerName: UNTTEDWATER rDAHo f FOiiEl. orcal (2oB) 3s8-2323 (rreasure vaney). Account Number: 2204982652 rruconco,Er, ff,,i:3l3i.H[: preasecal Billing Date: oll28l2o'14 www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Print Date: 0812812014 Account Activity Due Date I Please Pay 0911212014 I $++g.sO Previous Balance $449.32 Payments - Thank You ........... $449.32 CR Balance Forward $0.00 Current Charges $449.86 Account Balance $449.86 Pleass Note: Any unpaid balances may b6 assessed a monthly charge of '1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer requ6st. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. View Your Log in to myAccount todaylBill ACCESS your account 2417. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. LearnOnline how to SAVE. Visit idahopower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. v Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V SIffiilh.PO BOX 70 BOISE, tD 83707 ACCOUNTNUMBER DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 2204982652 0911212014 $449.86 xrDocE@ry (208) 388-2323 Cfreasure Valley) Please write your a@ount number on your check or money order mad6 payable to ldaho Power. Amount Enclosed g"T Prolect Share pledge,$*{1 noted on reve^e side. g #t*;tr &*"$ AddressrPhoneCorrectlon,E4€ noted on revase side. n!lllll,h.llllllhllllll,l'11,11,.;;,,,,,'l;,;lll;l,,tl,hllltl uNlrED wArER tDAHo PROCESSING CENTER 8248 W vrCrORY RD P.O. BOX 34966BolSE, lD 8370e4165 SEATTLE, WA 9g124_1966 NNFGTU 000168!i3 / 00035009 ?20498?6520000044986 000000000 000044986 0828 0 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Next Read Date: OglO2l2O14 Page2of 23 SEHilh. IrUCOrtCotrqrly www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: 0030373115 Service Location: 11100 SEAMANS GULCH RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77418/.99 07103114 I 08101114 30 Regular 1140 I 1164 1 24 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 24 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.35 $0.19 $0.29 Current Charges - Electric Service $7.83 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation t> =8ob ao- Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373000 Next Read Date: Service Location: '12093-112 W HIDDEN VALLEY RIM RD /Hidden Vallev PRV Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 09t18t2014 SmallGeneral Service Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 10 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh $5.00 $0.98 tNlillp If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NFOUEIo NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAToN:rrD^oorcrFt, Does ldaho Power have your conect mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Account Number: 2204982652 PROJEGT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. *ffi t, fl$ tu ffi s,o ffis I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difierence to Project Share. Thank you and please remembor to track your taxdeductible donatlons. Apt./Suit€ City Telephone Number Email Address NNFGTU 000t6853 / 00035910 Zip Code I =IEAIIo_ 3st3"I%:r'J[x":,fr1;or. customerName: UNITEDWATERTDAHo f roiifil. orcal (2os) 3Bs-2323 (rreasure valey). Account Number: 2204982652 ^nD^copeo,Eiy ff ?33l3."rTi[l prease ca1 Billing Date: oal28l2o14 www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Print Date: 0812812014 Page 3 of 23 Schedule 07 Annual Adjustment Mechanism $0.08 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.24 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.30 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern iiir>>o?oooa0- .5 I.o.o.o .3.o.o'1.o.oI Aug-'l3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373586 Service Location: 12600 W MCMILLAN RD / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun{4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0910212014 McMillan PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76831909 07t03114 o8t01114 30 Regular 2102 2136 34 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 34 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $3.32 $0.28 $0.13 $0.33 Current Charges - Electric Service $e.06 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-'l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 0030366969 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl02l2o14 Service Location: 12789 N ANDYS GULCH RD PRV/ BOISE,ID Lower Andvs PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77368558 o7lo3t14 | oetotna 30 Regular 307 307 1 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5.20 NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035911 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espahol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. .0 .0 .0 .0 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Page 4 of 23 3EHilh. lnuoortcqrE ry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Efloo ao- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373537 Service Location: 12800 W USTICK RD / BOISE,ID Dec-13 Jan-14 Mar14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812812014 Ustick PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76952177 07t0'U14 I 07130114 30 Regular 2439 2494 I 55 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 55 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $5.38 $0.44 $0.16 $0.42 Current Gharges - Electric Service $11.40 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1.8 t.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8r> =8obaL Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct13 0030366838 Nov-13 Dec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'l4 Jul-'14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0912412014 1.8Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 1321W VICTORY RD PRV BOISE.ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading TYPe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 75337200 07t26t14 08t25t14 31 Regular 3428 3493 1 65 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Small General Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 65 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $6.35 $0.52 $0.18 $0.45 Current Gharges - Electric Service $12.50 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern ={oo?o- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035912 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Frjday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030373876 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Next Read Date: 0910812014 Page 5 of 23sm. ln II,^COIPCompj, www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Service Location: 13291 SEAMANS GULCH RD / BOISE,ID Andvs PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76799089 07t10t14 o8lo7t14 29 Regular 137 137 ,|0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s.20 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€ooiL .0 .0 .0 .0 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-'l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373142 Service Location: 1620 N HARRISON BLVD VALVE / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-'I4 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0910212014 Harrison Valves SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 51 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.99 $0.41 $0.16 $0.40 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $10.96 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 0030366777 E>>o?oob&o. Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Dater OBl27l2O14 Service Location: 1651 S RIDGE POINT PL LITES Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 7695't563 o6t28t14 I 07t29t14 32 Regular 122 138 1 16 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035913 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 16 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $5.00 $1.56 $0.13 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.ln ucort conrEly For faster sdrvice please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Cuslomer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Page 6 of 23 3rHilh. $0.10 $0.26 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $7.05 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation . E€oo a0- 1.1 o.o.o.oLl Aug-'l3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0030366702 Nov-13 D6c-13 Jan-14 Feb-l4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'l4 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0910412014 $5.00 $0.20 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Energy Effi ciency Services Service Location: 18050 N MCQUARRIE WAY lPRV / BOISE,ID Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5.20 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0=€ooeo- Aug-13 Sep{3 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0032077909 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: OBl27l2O14 Service Location: 1807 S TOLUKA WAY / BOISE,ID 14123743 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s.28 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 5tooar NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035914 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 I I 5E HHh. 8,33"n"[*r?,ii:I:',,.i?t"'];,,",",,",, ^,'Bcorrco,pjr P:.i::l3i"ffitspreasecan www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030373309 Page 7 of 23 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Next Read Date: OglO4l2O14 Service Location: 18901 N MCLEOD WAY 3PRV / BOISE,ID SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.27 $0.11 $0.25 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.63 CR = Credit PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 1.0 1.0 E5ooeo. Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366914 Service Location: 2262CLAREMONT DR WTWR / BOISE,ID .4 .4 Feb{4 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812712014 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 36 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $3.52 $0.29 $0.13 $0.34 Current Gharges - Electric Service $9.28 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 =3obio. Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373058 Service Location: 2611 N TERMCE WAY / BOISE,ID Dec-l3 Jan-'l4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812812014 Lancaster RSVR Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77040200 071o1114 07130114 30 Regular 1034 1045 1 11 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Small General Service Charge NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035915 $5.00 I SE ffi . 8,3":i!fi;t,?,fl:;,',1??t"%,,",",,",, arucd'cor*r, ff.i:3l3i"ffiHpreaseca, www'idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p'm' Page 8 of 23 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Service Schedule 07 Summer Energy Charge 11 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $1.08 $0.09 $0.09 $0.24 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $6.50 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern E> =8obio-iiiiii iiiiiii Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373614 Service Location: 2758 GRD FOR ST / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-l4 Jul-'14 Aug-'14 Next Read Date: 0912412014 Grand Forest PRV SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 62 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $6.06 $0.50 $0.17 $0.44 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $12.17 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373414 Service Location: 298 COLONIAL DR / BOISE,ID r> ={ooio- Mat-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 JuF14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0911612014 ColonialPRV Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36332308 o7118t14 | OanSnt 29 Regular 1344 1378 34 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 34 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.33 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $9.06 $5.00 $3.32 $0.28 $0.13 NNFGTU 00016853 / 000359'16 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Page9 of 233Em. XtUailtCotntfiy www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Eflooao- .t .7 .7 .B .8 .8 .9 .B .7 .8 o 1'1 1'1iiiiiiiiiiill Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-,l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373564 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Next Read Date: Ogl19l2l14 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Service Location: 3070 PASADENA DR PRV / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 12276/.06 07123t14 08120114 29 Regular 0 0 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerOostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€oo eo-.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Service Agreement No: 0032077906 Service Location: 3194 W SCENIC DR / BOISE,ID Oec-13 Jan-14 F6b-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl28l2o14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 14 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $1.37 $0.11 $0.10 $0.25 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Current Charges - Electric Service $6.83 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .4 .5II May-14 Jun-14 0030373766 Jul-14 Augl4 Next Read Date: OglO2l2O14 .4 .4II=€00a0- Service Location: 3231 N BOGUS BASIN RD Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 13294508 07t03114 08t01t14 30 Regular 1 1 1 0 NNFGTU 0001mm / 00035017 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For fasler service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Page l0 of 23nltrUfr)T!FOiER. fn mcolpCollrpJly www.idahopower.com SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 5e?oob a0- Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030366800 Service Location: 3310 W STATE ST / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0910312014 34th Street Valve Jan-14 Feb-14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 32 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $3.13 $0.26 $0.13 $0.33 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $8.85 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 oec-'13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366753 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 JUF'14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0012712014 E€oo 40" 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Service Location: 3434 N BOGUS BASIN RD PUMP / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 1 1689991 06128114 07129114 32 Regular 0 0 I 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $s.oo $0.08 $0.20 Current Gharges - Electric Service $5.28 NNFGTU 0001ffi53 / 00035918 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Page ll of 233Em. AnBCOI?Can!ilrY www.idahopower.com Your Electric ; EUse Pattern ; bad .o .o .o .o .o Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373196 Service Location: 3527 112 S FEDERAL WAY / BOISE,ID Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: OSl24l2O14 FederalPRV Jan-14 Feb-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75334926 071261',t4 o8t25114 31 Regular 3769 3828 ,|59 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 59 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5,00 $5.77 $0.47 $0.17 $0.43 Current Gharges - Electric Service $11.84 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0030366859 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812812014 =€oo ao- 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 Service Location: 3780 W QUAIL HEIGHTS CT / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 10335137 07t01114 | 07130114 30 Regular 481 494 1 13 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.27 $0.11 $0.10 $0.25 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $6.73 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =flooio- Your Electric Use Pattern .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4IIIIIIIIII.4 .4 .4III NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035S19 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 IaIDIIL 33T3T%,"3t1X":,f,1i0,fSFOUrEl. orcalllzoajaaaaezsgreasurevalrey). ^nu.n'co,np,y ::,i3313,1"ji["Jpreasecal www'idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7;30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030366893 Service Location: 3784 W TWILIGHT DR / BOISE,ID Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page 12 of 23 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204982652 0812812014 0812812014 Next Read Date: 0812812014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 768361 85 07t011't4 07t30t't4 30 Regular 856 870 14 Small General Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 14 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.37 $0.11 $0.10 $0.25 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.83 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =3obio-.4 .4 .4 .4 .4 '5ITTIII iiiiiii Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373026 Service Location: 4017 W GROVER ST WATER / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0911812014 Grover PRV SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 45 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.40 $0.36 $0.15 $0.38 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $10.29 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€ooio- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'I3 0030366819 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0911712014 Service Location: 4196 S COLE RD PUMP / BOISE,ID Cole PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 77404059 07t19t14 08t'tBt14 3'r Regular 3497 3561 1 64 Billing kW BLC 0 0 NNFGTU 00016a$ / m35920 ISEffi. 8i.,:,fl[;lft$,8?lr"%*",,,",anucorrcon,y P:.?:38,.1"$Hpreasecal www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p'm' Page 13 of 23 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 64 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $6.26 $0.52 $0.45 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373249 Service Location: 4345 N GINZEL ST / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $12.23 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E>E8ooi0- Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812812014 Lower Ginzel PRV Aug-13 Sep-13 Occ13 Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76836195 o7to1t14 | ot3o/t+30 Regular 1606 1 633 1 27 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 27 kWh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.64 $0.22 $0.12 $0.31 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $8.2e CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E€oo eo- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373438 Service Location: 4388 W DEER PATH / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0910212014 Your Electric Use Pattern Small General Service Schedule 07 Franchise Fee 1.50% Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge $5.00 $0.08 $0.20Energy Efficiency Services Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77037299 07103114 o8t01l't4 30 Regular 12 't2 0 Current Charges - Electric Service $s.28 NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035921 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tu€sday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: OBl28l2O14 Page 14 of 23ntB{[NFoUUEll. lnucortconF, www.idahopower.com Your Electric = EUse Pattern ; bac .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3.o.oI.o.o.o.o Aug-13 Sep-l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373467 Service Location: 4400 N VILLA RIDGE WAY / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun{4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812812014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77259257 0710'U14 07t30114 30 Regular 30 30 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerOostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 .o .0={ooe0- Aug-13 Sep-l3 Oct-'13 Nov-'13 Dec{3 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373166 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 MayJ4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812912014 Service Location: 4950 N BOGUS BASIN RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76949948 07t02t14 07t31t14 30 Regular 1755 1785 1 30 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 1 2 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 30 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.13 $0.16 $0.77 Current Charges - Electric Service $20.06 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern E€o@ad 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Augl3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF'14 Aug-14 NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035922 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.Xt glcolt CErnFry For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030373684 Service Location: 5080 HOLCOMB RD PRV / BOISE,ID Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Next Read Date: Ogl23l2o14 Page 15 of 23 ^ItrIIDN!FOi'ER. SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 43 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.20 $0.35 $0.37 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373278 Service Location: 5150 BITTER BRUSH / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $9.92 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl28l2014 =3obao- Augl3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 79531649 07toll't4 07t30t14 30 Regular 283 285 1 2 SmaltGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 $0.02 $0.08 $0.21 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s.sl CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Paftern =3ob a0-.^3IIIIII iS3oooo Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'l3 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373080 Service Location: 5200 E GRAND FOREST DR WTR / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'l4 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl24l2o14 E Grand Forest PRV SmallGeneral Service Charge NNFGTU 00016A5i1 / 00035923 I I reffi. i,s"'",",66lr?dffi.8'.i1"%,,"v" "v,xtuco.'corrry F:,.i3313.""T.?i"Spreasecal www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p'm' Page 16 of 23 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Service Schedule 07 Summer Energy Charge 50 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $4.89 $0.41 $0.15 $0.40 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373361 Service Location: 5850 W AVIMORE DR 2PRV / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $10.85 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'I4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl04l2o14 =8oo ao- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'l4 Feb-14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $O.OSZZSO per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.27 $0.11 $0.25 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.63 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-'I3 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373948 Service Location: 59 N MAPLE GROVE RD / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0911712014 ={oo ao- SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 32 kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism @ $0.097756 per kWh Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $3.13 $0.26 $0.13 $0.33 Current Charges - Electric Service $8.85 NNFGTU 00016853 / mm5924 CR = Credit k\ffh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Page 17 of 23 reHffi. llrUOotrComp.rY www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373978 Service Location: 6086 E GATEWAY CT / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl25l2l14 =€oolo- PRV Small General Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 52 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $5.08 $0.41 $0.16 $0.40 Your Electric Use Pattern SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Current Charges - Electric Service $11.0s CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =3obao- Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl22l2o14Service Agreement No: 0030373489 Service Location: 6417 W GOWEN RD / BOISE,ID Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 29 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.83 $0.23 $0.31 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 75324825 o7t24t14 I 08121t14 29 Regular 1925 | 1954 1 29 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Current Gharges - Electric Service $8.37 Credit Kilowatt-hour PCA Power Cost Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =€ooeo- NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035925 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-l4 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 I SEHHh. i:"ii"[ilftsn.,i.#1"'1,,"u.",mBco,comrry P3..T313'1H[1preaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a m' to 6:30 p m' Service Agreement No: 0030373383 Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page 18 of 23 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204982652 0812812014 0812812014 Next Read Date: 0812712014 Service Location: 701 W RIDGELINE DR / Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 12 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50o/o Energy Efficiency Services SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 $5.00 $1.17 $0.09 $0.09 $0.25 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.60 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern c> =3ob ao-iiii .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4IIIIIIIIi Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373663 Service Location: 796 E CLUBVIEW DR / BOISE,ID Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812712014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€ooio-.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Aug-'l3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Service Agreement No: 0030366727 Service Location: 8680-1-2 DESERT AVE / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl17l2o14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76840862 07t19t14 08118114 3"1 Regular 2830 2875 45 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Charge t"":rt"""r*,**, o*r*ru tu"er Energy charge 45 kwh @ $0'097756 per kwh $5.00 $4.40 IflEffi. Eipt"[&,;,zuH"xurevaey, ^n uco.,co,r*.'y !!'i::€,lTi|}! pbase ca, wvuv.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Page 19 of 23 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Schedule 07 AnnualAdjustment Mechanism $0.36 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.38 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $10.14 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030373223 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 JuF'14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: OglO3l2O14 ={ooeo- Service Location: 8750 N BOGART LN H20 / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 7696'1756 07to4t14 o8104t14 32 Regular 21 2',1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGenerat Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5.20 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0={ooio- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373920 Service Location: 8800 DUNCAN LN / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl03l2l14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 76958492 07104114 08lo4t14 32 Regular 2917 2943 1 26 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 26 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.54 $0.21 $0.30 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $8.0s CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation €€ooeo- NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035S27 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 3EHffi. I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaiol.xr ucort conlgrry For faster seryice please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030373839 Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page20 of 23 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204982652 0812812014 08t28t2014 Next Read Date: OglOBl2014 Service Location: 8814 W GOOSE CREEK RD REGUL / BOISE,ID SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $5.20 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation E€ooio-.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Service Agreement No: 0030366939 Service Location: 91 S THOMAS DR / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 JUF'14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0912412014 Dec-13 Jan-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76952991 07t26t't4 08125114 31 Regular 3282 3347 1 65 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge $5.00 Summer Energy Charge 65 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh $6.35 Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $0.52 $0.18 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.45 Current Charges - Etectric Service $12.50 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€ooeo- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 0030373738 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0910312014 Service Location: LOCUST GROVE 'UMP / EAGLE.ID PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76962251 07t04114 | 08104114 32 Regular 2523 2567 1 44 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035928 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 44 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $5.00 $4.30 $0.35 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol.tr ilCilt CstErY For faster service please call www.idahopower,com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Page2l of 23 3EHH. $0.10 $0.37 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $10.12 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =3ob ao- Your Electric Use Paftern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373634 Service Location: PARKVIEW PL PRV / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0912212014 Press Reo Valve Small General Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 20 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.e6 $0.16 $0.11 $0.28 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $7.51 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Eflooac Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 003037371 1 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812912014Service Agreement No: Service Location: PRK MEADOWPRESR STN / BOISE Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 10338353 07to2114 | o7t31114 30 Regular 2798 I 2881 83 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 83 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.52 Current Gharges - Electric Service $14.51 $5.00 $8.11 $0.67 $0.21 NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035929 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: 0812812014 Page22of 23 3EHHh. ^l!UCOrrCsrrflwww.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern =3ob ao- Aug-'I3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373801 Service Location: PSTW&F FTHR / EAGLE,ID Feb-14 MaF14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: OglOSl2Ol4 Trail Creek PRV Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 10 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services ..............,.................................................. $0.24 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $6.36 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation $5.00 $0.98 $0.08 $0.06 E{ooio-.3 .3II .3 .3 .3 .3 .3IIIII .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3IIIIII 2.7 2.6 Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373332 Service Location: RAVENSWD/TANGLEWD / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl18l2o14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constanl kwh Used 77364008 07/22,14 ogt't9114 29 Regular 2474 2518 1 44 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 44 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.30 $0.35 $0.14 $0.37 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $10.16 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =Eooao- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030366872 Service Location: SHENANDOAH LTGHT / BOISE,ID Aug-13 S€p-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Janl4 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 NNFGTU 00016853 / 0003s930 il Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0812812014 Print Date: OBl28l2O14 Page23of 234ltmloNrFouurEll. laUCOrtConprr, www.idahopower.com Unmetered 0712912014 - 0812612014 29 days General Service Unmetered Device: 10 kwh @ $0.081340 per kwh Schedule 40 Minimum Charge Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Enerqy Efficiency Services $0.81 $0.69 $0.05 $0.02 $0.06 Service Agreement No: 0030373517 Service Location: TECHNOLGY&COLMBIA RD / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1.63 Next Read Date: 0912412014 $5.00 $28.74 $2.36 $1.35 SmaltGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 1 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 294 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 7531 3904 07t26t14 | OAtzStU 31 Regular 4757 | 5051 1 294 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $37.45 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=Basicloadcapacity G=Generation efio- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct13 Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-l4 Jul-14 Aug-14 NNFGTU 00016853 / 00035931 I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Page I of 24 3EHHh. XtUCdtConFry www.idahopower.com Account Activity Billing Date: Print Date: 09t30t2014 09130t2014 Due Date , Please Pay 10t1512014 i $SSS.SS Payments - Thank You Previous Balance Balance Forward Total Adjustments Current Charges $449.86 $449.86 $0.00 $20.00 $515.55 CR Account Balance $s3s.ss Please Note: Any unpaid balances may b€ assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. View Your BiII Online Energy Awareness Month Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your account2417. PAY your bill. GET how to SAVE. Visit idahopower.com/myAccount registration box. information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn and click "Register Now" in the myAccount October is Energy Awareness Month - help us celebrate by visiting idahooower.com/enerovawareness. Catch up on the latest energy efficiency programs and tips and learn how ldaho Power is working with our communities to ensure a reliable, responsible energy future. V Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at I pay station. V SHHg.. hncortCoarly Please write your a@ount number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. PO BOX 70 BOTSE, rD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACGOUNT NUMBER 2204982652 Amount Enclosed ProJect Share pledge, noted on reverse side. DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 1011512014 $535.55 EBrss@re Address/Phone Correctlon, noted on reverse side. UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BO|SE, tD 83709-4165 t,,ltilll,tillrlrllil,,tllh,tltlil,;t1,,!trtltriltl1ltlt,lltItl PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 22049826520000053555 000000000 000055555 0930 8 NNFMQB 00m3057 / 00006798 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.rn mcilt Confty FOr faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030373115 Page2of 24 SEHHg.. SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204982652 o9t3012014 0913012014 Next Read Date: 1OlO2l2O14 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 25 kwh @ $0,097756 per kWh, 30 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 2 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.44 $0.20 $0.22 $0.31 Service Location: 11100 SEAMANS GULCH RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 7741U99 o8l02l't4 ogto2t14 32 Regulal 't164 '1 191 1 27 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 120' Current Charges - Electric Service $8.17 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation ={ooio- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 0030373000 I-112W HIDDEN VALLEY RIM RD / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1Ol2Ol2O14 Hidden V Small General Service Charge $5.00 Location: 12093-PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76956211 o8t20t14 09t18t14 30 Regular 618 626 1 I Billing kW BLC 0 0 =lml0 If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NF0UElo NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAToN:r'u(ilcttF Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Apt./Suite Telephone Number Email Address NNFMQB 00@3057 / 00006799 City Account Number: 2204982652 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. ffir, fifftu ffis,o ffis I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difierence to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your taxdeductlble donatlons. Zip Code BE*-* II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). se habla espafiol. Page 3 of 24 $0.29 $0.49 $0.06 $0.23 sEm. ln DACOI' CotrFfl , For faster service please call www'idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p m Print Date:09t30t2014 Service Schedule 07 Summer Energy Charge 3 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh, 12 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 5 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh, 18 days ..... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Effi ciency Services Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $6.07 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation oaooi3 c> =8obao. A.5.5Illoooo Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373586 Service Location: 12600 W MCMILLAN RD / BOISE,ID Apr-14 MayJ4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1010212014 McMillan PRV Feb-14 Mar-14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 35 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 30 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 2 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $3.42 $0.20 $0.30 $0.13 $0.34 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $9.39 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030366969 ={ooio- F€b-14 Mar-14 Apr-'l4 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1OlO2l2O14 Service Location: 12789 N ANDYS GULCH RD PRV / BOISE,ID Lower Andvs PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77368558 ogtoz14 I oetou't4 32 Regular 307 307 1 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge $5.00 e""rgv em"i"""v s";;'................................................................. So.zo Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5.20 NNFMOB 0@03057 / 00006800 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. .0 .0 .0 .0 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page 4 of 24 3EHHh. rn ucortcomglry www.idahopower.com Your Electric = EUse Paftern ---b io- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373537 Service Location: 12800 W USTICK RD / BOISE,ID Jan-l4 Feb-14 MaF14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912912014 Ustick PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76952177 07t31t'.t4 08128t14 29 Regular 2494 2546 1 52 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 52 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $5.08 $0.41 $0.16 $0.40 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $11.05 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation r> =8oBeo- 1.8 1.8 1.8 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 0030366838 W VICTORY RD PRV / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 10t2412014Service Agreement No: Service Location: 1321 1.8 1.9 '1.9 1.8 1.8 1.B .l.B .1.8 1.8 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 16 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 63 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 24 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.56 $6.16 $0.63 $0.20 $0.51 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $14.06 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =3obeo- NNFMOA m0m057 / qXD6801 Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 I Ouestions? Contact us at: Po BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.ln n00rt corrry For faster servic€ please call wwuidahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030373876 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 Next Read Date: 1010812014 Page 5 of 243Em. SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Location: 13291 SEAMANS GULCH RD / BOISE,ID Andvs PRV Service Charge $5.00 r""rgv em"i"""v s"rri;; ................................................................. Eo.zo Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5.20 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern .0 .0 .0 .0={ooao- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'|4 Service Agreement No: 0030373142 Service Location: 1620 N HARRISON BLVD VALVE / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: Harrison Valves Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 101o212014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76795331 08t02114 09t02t14 32 Regular 3919 3975 56 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 52 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh, 30 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 4 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 2 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $5.08 $0.3e $0.45 $0.16 $0.42 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $11.50 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 1651 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 0030366777 S RIDGE POINT PL LITES / BOISE,ID E> =flooao- Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 0912612014 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76951563 07l30l't4 08127114 29 Regular 138 149 I 11 SmallGeneral Service ilNFMOB m3057 / mO2 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 11 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh $5.00 $1.08 I SEHilh. iiaflf;.i,ffi#r.xureva,ev ^au.onco,,'d'v P:.i::l3r".H[?preasecal www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p m' Page 6 of 24 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 Schedule 07 Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $0.09 $0.0e $0.24 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.50 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 E> ={ooio- 1.1al Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 .'5IIIIIII .3 I Service Agreement No: 0030366702 Service Location: 18050 N MCQUARRIE WAY lPRV / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1010612014 Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5.20 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 t3obeo. Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0032077909 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Service Location: 1807 S TOLUKA WAY / Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Enerqy Efficiency Services SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kiloratt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E€ooao. NNFMOB O0Cnm57 / @06803 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 S€p-14 I SEHHft. i::i,&shr9isfil';.*",",,",, ",uoilrccnrrr P:ri:3€,."."#Hpreaseca* www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030373309 PageT of 24 Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204982652 09130t2014 09t30t2014 Next Read Date: 1OlOGl2O14 Service Location: 18901 N MCLEOD WAY 3PRV / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77368012 08/06/14 091041'14 30 Regular 1361 't378 1 17 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 15 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 4 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efiiciency Services $5.00 $1.47 $0.20 $0.13 $0.27 Current Gharges - Electric Service $7.07 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation .4 .4 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'l4 Mar-14 0030366914 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Service Location: 2262CLAREMONT DR WTWR / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading TYPe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75334984 o7l30t't4 I 08t27114 29 Regular 4964 4996 I 32 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 32 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $3.13 $0.26 $0.13 $0.33 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $8.85 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadGapacity G=Generation Your Electric g EUse Pattern -.-b ao-1.3 1.3 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mab14 Service Agreement No: 0030373058 Service Location: 2611 N TERRACE WAY / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: Ogl29l2l14 Lancaster RSVR Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77040200 07131t14 08128114 29 Regular 1045 1057 1 12 Billing kW BLC 0 0 NNFMOB 00003057 / 000,06804 I I fiEffiHh. [i]]"f*,1"fl:i:',,,#r"%*" u,,,.,, An*co,compry P:,'i3313'"j3..i[lpreaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p m' Page 8 of 24 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 12 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.17 $0.09 $0.09 $0.25 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.60 kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern E> =3ob ao- et.4.4'5IIIII iiiiii ii Sep-13 Oct-'I3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373614 Service Location: 2758 GRD FOR ST / BOISE,ID Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012412014 Grand Forest PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 7s323574 o8t26t14 09124114 30 Regular 3945 4002 1 57 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 11 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 46 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 24 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.08 $4.50 $0.46 $0.17 $0.42 Current Gharges - Electric Service $11.63 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Paftern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Janl4 Service Agreement No: 0030373414 Service Location: 298 COLONIAL DR / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Aug-'l4 Sep-'l4 Next Read Date: 1011612014 ColonialPRV anao. Feb-'14 Mar-14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 16 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 16 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $1.27 $1.27 $0.21 $0.1 2 $0.30 NNFMQB 00003057 / 00006805 Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $8.17 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page 9 of 24 3EHHh. rnuccrcom!ry www.idahopower.com CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern .8I={ooio . i i i i i i i i r I I Sep-13 Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-l4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373564 Service Location: 3070 PASADENA DR PRV / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1Ol21l2O'14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 1227d406 o8t2'U14 09119114 30 Regular 0 0 1 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $5.28 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E> =8ob eo-.0 .0 .0 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0032077906 Service Location: 3194 W SCENIC DR / BOISE,ID Small General Service Schedule 07 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: Ogl29l2o14 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 14 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.37 $0.11 $0.10 $0.25 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 14124062 07t31t14 08t28t14 29 Regular 79 93 14 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $6.83 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern .4 .5II=€ooa0- .4 .4 .4III NNFMQB 00003057 / 0,0006808 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 I =ILDf,lL 33t5T%"""11t"f,"'io,IJFOUEIo grcalllzoeisaa-zszsgreasurevalrey). xrDlco,cornr' P:,i::13,""T;L:preaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030373766 Service Location: 3231 N BOGUS BASIN RD / BOISE,ID Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page 10 of 24 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204982G52 09t30t2014 09t30t2014 Next Read Date: 1010212014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 1 3294508 081021'14 09to2t14 32 Regular 1 1 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $s.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $s.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation !> =floo&0.,0 .0 Sep-13 Ocl-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030366800 Service Location: 3310 W STATE ST / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Next Read Date: 1OlO3l2O14 34th Street Valve Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76963367 08/05/14 I 09/03/14 30 Regular 264',!2672 1 31 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 28 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 3 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh, 3 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.74 $0.29 $0.24 $0.12 $0.32 Current Gharges - Electric Service CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation $8.71 Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-l3 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0030366753 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912612014 =€ooia 1.0 1.0 1.0 Service Location: 3434 N BOGUS BASIN RD PUMP / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 1'1689991 07t30114 I 08127114 29 Regular 0 0 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Small General Service Charge NNFMQB 00003057 / 00006807 $5,00 I SEHH$. ifliifl{fi1$il.#rxurevaey,anu.o,comrry P:,'i:313,.".H[ipreaseca, www.idahopower,com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Page 1l of 24 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 Service Franchise Fee 1.50% Schedule 07 Energy Efflciency Services $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Paftern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 5Eoo?r Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373'196 Service Location: 3527 112 S FEDERAL WAY / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Aug-'l4 Sep-'14 Next Read Date: 1012412014 Federal PRV Feb-14 Mar14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 12 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 47 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 24 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.17 $4.59 $0.47 $0.17 $0.43 Current Charges - Electric Service $11.83 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 '1.9 '1.9 Your Electric Use Pattern SepJ3 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366859 Service Location: 3780 W QUAIL HEIGHTS CT / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-l4 Next Read Date: Ogl29l2014 =3oo &0- 1.9 1.9 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 12 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.17 $0.09 $0.09 $0.25 Current Gharges - Electric Service $6.60 NNFMQB 00003057 / 00006808 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Bois6, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. .4 .4 .4 .4ITII Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page 12 of 24nttrllfr)ItrFOUUEII. nlUCOIPComorry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern =3obao- .4 .4II .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4IIIIIII Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 oec-13 Service Agreement No; 0030366893 Service Location: 3784 W TWILIGHT DR / BOISE,ID Mar-'|4 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF'|4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912912014 Jan-14 Feb-14 Small Genera! Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 14 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.37 $0.11 $0.10 $0.25 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.83 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =8obao. .4 .4 .4 .4 '5riiil iii IIIii Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373026 Service Location: 4017 W GROVER ST WATER / BOISE,ID SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'l4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012012014 Grover PRV Feb-14 Mar-14 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 19 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh, 12 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 29 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 18 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.86 $2.83 $0.39 $0.1s $0.39 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75062104 o8t2ot14 | oslralr+30 Regular 2837 2885 ,|48 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $10.62 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€ooao NNFMQB 00003057 / 00006809 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 IfiEffi. i,33j!l*r"s;ffi.B',iL%,*,",",rrHoo,co'r' F:,i::E,".Titspreaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030366819 Service Location: 4196 S COLE RD PUMP / BOISE,ID Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page 13 of 24 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204982652 09t3012014 09130t2014 Next Read Date: 1011712014 Cole PRV SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 26 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh, 13 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 35 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 17 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.54 $3.42 $0.4s $0.44 Service Agreement No: 0030373249 Service Location: 4345 N GINZEL ST / BOISE,ID Your Electric Use Pattern SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Current Gharges - Electric Service $11.89 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E{ooio- Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912912014 Lower Ginzel PRV Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 27 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh AnnualAdjustment Mech Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $s.00 $2.64 $0.22 $0.12 $0.31 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76836195 07t31114 08t28t14 29 Regular 1633 1660 1 27 Current Charges - Electric Service $8.2e CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373438 Service Location: 4388 W DEER PATH / BOISE,ID e{ao- Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: Jul-'14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 10t0212014 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77037299 08t02114 09t02t14 32 Regular 12 12 I 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 NNFMQB 00003057 / 00006810 I l Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol.l,r UooaPconpry For faster service please Call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page 14 of 24 SHHB.. Small General Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 .0 .0 E>>Gioob ao-.3.o.o.oI.o.o Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373467 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912912014 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Location: 4400 N VILLA RIDGE WAY / Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77259257 0713',1'14 08128114 29 Regulal 30 30 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $s.28 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E€oolo-.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373166 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: JUF'14 Aug-14 Sep-14 0913012014 Service Location: 4950 N BOGUS BASIN RD D Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76949948 o8l0'114 08t29t14 29 Regular 1785 1814 I 29 Billing kW BLC 2 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20)2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 29 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.03 $0.16 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.76 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $19.95 NNFMOB 00003057 / Om06811 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: 1.0 1.0 1.0 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204982652 ogt3otzo14 0913012014 1.0 1.0 1.0 Page 15 of 24 STHM. AItB@ttCqilEfy www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 ={ooar Sep-13 OcG13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373684 Service Location: 5080 HOLCOMB RD PRV / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Aug-14 Sep-t4 Next Read Date: 1012312014 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.OSZZS6 per kWh, 9 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 33 kwh @ $0.OSZZSG per kWh,23 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.27 $3.23 $0.37 $0.38 .g 1.0 1.0 .9 Current Gharges - Electric Service $10.25 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation ->l8ob eo- Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373278 Mat-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912912014 Service Location: 5150 BITTER BRUSH / Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 $5.00 $0.20 $0.02 $0.08 $0.21 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s.51 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern tflooao-.2 .2 .z .z '3 IIIII .3^IaA.o.o.o.o.o NNFMOB 00m3057 / 0mm812 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 I ISEffi. ii;ii"[:1ff$ilxruxureva ey, rnu.orrconm P:,?::l3f.HHpreasecarr www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030373080 Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page 16 of 24 UNITED WATER IDAHO 22049826s2 0913012014 09t30t2014 Next Read Date: 1012412014 E Grand Forest PRVService Location: 5200 E GRAND FOREST DR WTR / BOISE,ID Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 10 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 40 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh, 24 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 $5.00 $0.98 $3.91 $0.41 $0.15 $0.40 Current Gharges - Electric Service $10.85 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373361 Service Location: 5850 W AVIMORE DR 2PRV / BOISE,ID ={ooio- Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 10t06t2014 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec.,l3 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 11 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 4 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.08 $0.20 $0.11 $0.25 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $6.64 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .4 .4 .4 _4 E€ooao- Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373948 Service Location: 59 N MAPLE GROVE RD / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1011712014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77251838 o8119114 09117114 30 Regular 1 869 1 899 1 30 NNFMQB 00003057 / 00006813 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). S6 habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 PagelT of 243Em. ^llnCOlPConHrywww.idahopower.com SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 13 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 17 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 17 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services .........................................,....................... $0.32 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $8.61 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation $5.00 $1.27 $1.66 $0.24 $0.12 se?oob Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 0030373978 1.0 1.0 Mar-14 Apt-14 MayJ4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012712014Service Agreement No: SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373489 Service Location: 6417 W GOWEN RD / Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 10 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 10 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 22kWh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 22 days ... Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 9 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh, 5 days Non-summer Energy Charge 46 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 25 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $0.88 $4.50 $0.44 $0.16 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.42 Gurrent Charges - Etectric Service $11.40 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation ={ooiL Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012212014 Small General Service Schedule 07 NNFMOB 00003057 / 00006814 $5.00 $0.e8 $2.15 Service Location: 6086 E GATEWAY CT / BOISE,ID PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75069601 o8t27t14 091251',t4 30 Regular 2744 2799 1 55 Billing kW BLC 0 0 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasur€ Valley). Se habla espanol.fi nCOtPCotrrprY, For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page 18 of 24sEm. Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Effi ciency Services $0.26 $0.33 Your Electric = EUse Pattern ---b io- Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $8.72 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1.0 1.0 1.0 .9 1.0 1.0 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373383 Service Location: 701 W RIDGELINE DR / BOISE,ID Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 09126120'14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 75335987 07130114 08t27t't4 29 Regular 869 881 1 12 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 12 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.17 $0.09 $0.09 $0.25 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $6.60 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =€ooio-iii .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4IIIIIII iii Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373663 Service Location: 796 E CLUBVIEW DR / BOISE,ID Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912612014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5.28 NNFMQB qm03057 / 0@06815 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaf,ol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Page 19 of 24FIIDIIDNFoUUrEll. xrD cortconofly www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern 5€ooao- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366727 Service Location: 8680-1-2 DESERT AVE / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1011712014 Feb-l4 MaF14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76840862 08119114 09117114 30 Regular 2875 2919 1 44 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 19 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 13 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 25 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 17 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.86 $2.44 $0.35 $0.37 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373223 Service Location: 8750 N BOGART LN H20 / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $10.02 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation €€ooao- Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 1010312014 1.51.5 Sep-'13 Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 Current Gharges - Electric Service $s.20 CR = Credit PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Paftern E€ooao-.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Sep-13 Oct-'l3 Nov-'13 Dec-'l3 Service Agreement No: 0030373920 Service Location: 8800 DUNCAN LN / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1010312014 Jan-14 Feb-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constanl kwh Used 76958492 08/05/14 09/03/14 30 Regular 2943 2967 ,|24 NNFMQB qm3057 / mo068t6 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 Page20of 24 reHHh. XrDclltConEry www.idahopower.com Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 22kWh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 3 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.29 Current Gharges - Electric Service $7.83 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 ApFl4 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030373839 Next Read Date: 1010812014 Service Location: 8814 W GOOSE CREEK RD REGUL / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 $5.00 $2.15 $0.20 $0.1e l3obir Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76790089 081o8114 09108114 32 Regular 0 0 1 0 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $s.20 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 ef, ao- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366939 Service Location: 91 S THOMAS DR / BOISE,ID Apr14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012412014 Feb-14 Mar-14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 12 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh,6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 50 kwh @ $0.OSZZS6 per kWh,24 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $1.17 $4.89 $0.50 $0.17 $0.44 NNFMOB 00@3057 / 0mo6a17 Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $12.17 I =tLqElL 33t5T%3i5"":,8'#;0,lfffinEl. orcall(208)3s8-2323(rreasurevalley). .,,ucorrco,tp,v P:,i:313,."..ji[1pr€aseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Page2l of 24 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: 0913012014 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: LO( CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 2.0 2.0 2.0 =€ooao Sepl3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030373738 IST GROVE PUMP / EAGLE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'l4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1010312014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 38 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 4 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 3 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $3.71 $0.39 $0.34 $0.09 $0.36 2.0 2.0 Location: LOCU PRV Meter Number Service PeriodFrom To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76962251 08t05114 09/03/14 30 Regular 2567 2609 1 42 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $9.89 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation E> =3obao- Sep-13 Oct-'l3 Nov-13 Dec-'l3 Jan-'I4 Feb-14 Mar-14 0030373634 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012212014 Service Location: PARKVIEW PL PRV / BOISE,ID Press Reg Valve Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75340094 o8t2z14 o9l2a14 32 Regular 2282 2298 1 '16 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 5 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 10 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 11 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 22 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.49 $1.08 $0.13 $0.10 $0.26 Current Gharges - Electric Service $7.06 NNF|\408 00003057 / 0m06818 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 0913012014 Print Date: Ogl3Ol2O14 Page22of 24 3EHilB.. ^lrm@rtCotnfliywww.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Paftern Sep-13 Oct-'l3 Nov-13 Dec-'|3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373711 Service Location: PRK MEADOWPRESR STN / BOISE,ID 1.7 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0913012014 5Eooa0- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 10338353 08101114 08129114 29 Regular 288',!2958 77 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 77 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $7.53 $o.oz $0.20 $0.50 Current Charges - Electric Service $13.8s CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Paftern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373801 Service Location: PSTW&F FTHR / EAGLE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1O|OTl2O14 TrailCreek PRV efio- SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge I kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 25 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 5 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.78 $0.20 $0.08 $0.06 $0.24 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $6.36 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation ef ao-.3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3IIIIIIIII.3 .3 .3 .3IIII NNFMQB 00m3057 / 00006819 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For taster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030373332 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: Ogl30l2914 Print Date: 0913012014 Next Read Date: 1012012014 Page23 of 24amloN!FOi'ER. ^lt ncottconprry wvuw.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Service Location: RAVENSWD/TANGLEWD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 77364008 08t20114 ogt18t14 30 Regular 2518 2562 1 44 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Small Generat Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 18 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 12 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 26 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 18 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efiiciency Services $5.00 $1.76 $2.54 $0.35 $0.14 $0.37 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $10.16 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb.14 Mar-'l4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'l4 Service Agreement No: 0030366872 Service Location: SHENANDOAH LIGHT / BOISE,ID Unmetered 0812712014 - 0912512014 30 days General Service Unmetered Device: 10 kwh @ $0.081340 per kWh =€oo ao, Schedule 40 Minimum Charge $0.81 $0.69 $0.05 $0.02 $0.06 Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $1.63 Next Read Date: 1012412014Service Agreement No: 0030373517 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 1 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 44 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh,6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 177 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 24 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.30 $17.30 $1.77 $1,06 Service Location: TECHNOLGY&COLMBIA RD /D Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 7531 3904 o8t26/t4 | ogtz+tu 30 Regular 5051 5272 1 221 Current Gharges - Electric Service $29.43 NNFMOB 00m3057 / Omm820 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation il Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204982652 09t30t2014 0913012014 Page 24 of 24 3EHHh. mDA/COIPConpiy www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-'I3 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'l4 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: 0080695718 Eflooir Non-Utility Service Agreement 3210 E WINDSONG DFUBOISE,ID $2.80 x 20.000' of 1/0 service wire Underground Service Attachment $56.00 $19.00 Gurrent Charges - Other Gharges $75.00 Service Agreement No: 0032143087 Service Location: 3210 E WINDSONG DR / BOISE,ID Adjustments Service Connection Charge $20.00 Current Adjustments $20.00 NNFMOB 00@3057 / 0mO6A21 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lo 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Page I of 24sEm. xrucortconprly www.idahopower.com Account Activity Due Date I Please Pay 11t13t2014 I $+tt.St Previous Balance Payments - Thank You ........... Balance Forward Current Charges $535.55 $535.55 $0.00 $447.57 CR View Your BiII Online Energy Awareness Month Account Balance $4/.7.57 Please Noto: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Returned payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your account 2417. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahopower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. October is Energy Awareness Month - help us celebrate by visiting idahopower.com/energvawareness. Catch up on the latest energy efficiency programs and tips and learn how ldaho Power is working with our communities to ensure a reliable, responsible energy future. V Please detach and return the podion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay siation. V SEHHh. aaD afitcorEf, Please write your a@ount number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. PO BOX 70 BO|SE, tD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACCOUNT NUMBER 2204982652 Amount Enclosed yE ProJect Share pledge, not€d on reverse side. DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 11t13t2014 $447.57 $ f,.,,,""$".".,, $"% Address/PhoneCorrectlon,X*rE noted on r6v6rse side. UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BOTSE, tD 83709-4165 rrlhlll,rtrril,llr,,,!llrlrrl,lll,ilthrmlrllilrrilt,tqrill PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-.I966 ?2049826520000044757 000000000 000044757 1029 6 NNFPKN M85 / M7475 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol.Ar UCOrt Corr-V For faster service please call www.idahoPower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm Service Agreement No: 0030373115 Service Location: 11100 SEAMANS GULCH RD / BOISE,ID Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Next Read Date: 1013112014 Page2of 24 3EHHh. SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 25 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.44 $0.20 $0,30 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 7741U99 09lo3t14 10t021't4 30 Regular 1 191 1216 1 25 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $7.94 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373000 Next Read Date: 1111912014 Service Location: 12093-112 W HIDDEN VALLEY RIM RD / BOISE,ID Hidden PRV c> =Aoo?0- SmallGeneral Service Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 6 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh $5.00 $0.59 cHm. t! Bfilt CooE , If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NEW CONTAGT INFORMATION: Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number?. lf not, please write any changes below: *ffi Apt./Suite Account Number: 2204982652 PROJECT SHARE PLEOGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. *ffi r, il$ tu ffis', $*I $ I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your taxdeductlble donatlons. City Telephone Numb6r Email Address NNFPKN 00003485 / 00007476 Zip Code s, s*-!i II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.x! uoort corlrd For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Schedule 07 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Page3 of 24ElmroN!FOi'ER. Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $0.05 $0.22 Current Charges - Electric Service $s.86 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern .5 .5II E> =3ob eo-.3aooiS .1 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Makl4 Service Agreement No: 0030373586 Service Location: 12600 W MCMILLAN RD / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1013112014 McMillan PRV SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 35 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $3.42 $0.28 $0.13 $0.34 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $9.17 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern . Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366969 Next Read Date: 1013112014 Service Location: 12789 N ANDYS GULCH RD PRV / BOISE Lower PRV Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge $5.00 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.20 Current Gharges - Electric Service $5.20 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E€oo eo- SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 NNFPKI.I 0(x)034s / m07477 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, ID 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaiol. For fastor service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Page 4 of 243Em. rnualrtccngfry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern =€oo?o- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373537 Service Location: 12800 W USTICK RD / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-l4 Jun-14 Jul-'!4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012912014 Ustick PRV SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 6 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 54 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 29 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.59 $5.28 $0.48 $0.17 $0.43 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $11.95 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366838 Service Location: 1321W VICTORY RD PRV / BOISE,ID May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112512014 ={oolo- 1.9 1.9 1.8 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 86 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $8.41 $0.69 $o.zt $0.54 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $14.85 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€ooeo- Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JUF'14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Oct-14 NNFPKN 00003485 / 00007478 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaftol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m- to 6:30 p.m. 0030373876 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Next Read Date: 11lOGl2O14 Page 5 of 24 3EHHh. anucoatconlrlt wwvr.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Service Location: 13291 SEAMANS GULCH RD / BOISE,ID PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76799089 09t09t14 10t08t14 30 Regular 137 137 I 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $s.20 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030373142 Service Location: 1620 N HARRISON BLVD VALVE / BOISE,ID Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1013112014 Harrison Valves SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 50 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.89 $0.41 $0.15 $0.40 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030366777 Service Location: 1651 S RIDGE POINT PL LITES / BOISE,ID SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 NNFPKN 00003485 / 00007479 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $10.85 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012812014 E€ooio- Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 10 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh, 26 days ... $5.00 $0.20 $0.98 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr14 ISEffi. Ei;i,"fil,"fi,iii,,',ir"%,* u,", xru..rrco,,o-y P:..i3313i'ffi[lpreaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p m' Page 6 of 24 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Annual Adjustment Mechanism $0.09 $0.09 $0.25 Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $6.61 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =€ooao-zr .;irilir Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'I3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-l4 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Oct-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030366702 Service Location: 18050 N MCQUARRIE WAY lPRV/ BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1110412A14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 Current Gharges - Electric Service $5.20 CR Kilowatt-hour PCA Power Cost kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load G = Generation Your Electric 5 EUse Pattern ; bao .o .o .o .o .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0032077909 Service Location: 1807 S TOLUKA WAY / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012812014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 14123743 o8t28t't4 I 09126/t4 30 Regular 0 0 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $s.28 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowercostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =Eobio- NNFPKN 0m(}3485 / m07480 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-'14 I =IIDAIU 33T3"I%?J[X":,8'#;0, customer Name: lf FQiiEl. orcal (eoei gea-zbzefireasurevattey). Account Number: ^,,uco,co,p,ry P3,.i33l3r1HH prease ca1 Billing Date: www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Print Date: Service Agreement No: 0030373309 Service Location: 18901 N MCLEOD WAY 3PRV / BOISE,ID Page 7 of 24 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204982652 1012912014 1012912014 Next Read Date: 1110412014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77368012 09/05/14 10t06t't4 32 Regular 1378 't407 ,|29 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 29 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.83 $0.23 $0.31 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $8.37 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366914 Service Location: 2262CLAREMONT DR WTWR / BOISE,ID May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012812014 =3obio- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75334984 o8t28t14 09t26t14 30 Regular 4996 5030 1 34 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 5 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 29 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh, 26 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.33 Current Charges - Electric Service $9.06 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation $5.00 $0.49 $2.83 $0.28 $0.13 14.114.4Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373058 Service Location: 2611 N TERRACE WAY / BOISE,ID 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1 .1 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'l4 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012912014 Lancaster RSVR =3obio. NNFPKN 00003485 / 00007481 I I =IDEID_ 38T3"I%3"J9:',8',1;0,DtF(tii|l|l. orcatt(208)3s8-2323(rreasurevarrey). ^,,D.o.'co'ny ::..?:38:,'ffi["Jpreaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Page 8 of 24 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 SmallGeneral Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 1 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh, 3 days Non-summer Energy Charge 12 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 29 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.25 Current Gharges - Electric Service $6.73 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern $5.00 $0.10 $1.17 $0.11 $0.10 ={oo ao-iiii Iiiiiiiii Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-'l4 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373614 Service Location: 2758 GRD FOR ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1112512014 Grand Forest PRV SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 55 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $s.38 $0.44 $0.16 $0.42 Current Gharges - Electric Service $11.40 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373414 Service Location: 298 COLONIAL DR / BOISE,ID SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 5E oolo. Next Read Date: 1111712014 ColonialPRV Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 37 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $3.62 $0.30 $0.13 $0.34 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36332308 o9t17t14 | tOn5nt 30 Regular 1404 1441 1 37 NNFPKN qXXE4a5 / m007482 Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s,39 I I flEHilB.. ii.:i!f*,?,si:;#',1i0r,,,",",,",, rn ucor?conp,y, *?3313:"T,?["J prease ca, www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a m' to 6:30 p'm' Page 9 of 24 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern E{ooio-iiiiiiiiiiiil Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'l4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373564 Service Location: 3070 PASADENA DR PRV / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1112012014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 12276/.06 09120114 10t21t14 32 Regular 0 0 1 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge $5.00 Franchise Fee 1.50% $0.08 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.20 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 E€ooio- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug{4 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0032077906 Service Location: 3194 W SCENIC DR / Next Read Date: 1012912014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 1 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 14 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 29 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.10 $1.37 $0.12 $0.10 $0.26 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.9s CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern .4 .5II E> =3obao- .4 .4 .4 .4IIII NNFPKN 00@3485 / 00007483 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.lnDlCOltCoilgfT, FOrfasterservicepleaseCall www'idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0032143087 Service Location: 3210 E WINDSONG DR / BOISE,ID Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Next Read Date: 1012812014 Page l0 of 24 3EHHh. SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $2.83 $0.04 $0.11 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2.98 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E€ooa0- Oct-l4 0030373766 N BOGUS BASIN RD / BOISE,ID Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3231 Next Read Date: 1013112014 Small General Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $s.28 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 E> =3ob eo- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366800 Service Location: 3310 W STATE ST / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1110312014 34th Street Valve Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constanl kwh Used 76963367 o9t04rt4 I 10103114 30 Regular 2672 2703 1 31 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 NNFPKtr 0@03485 / 00007484 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 31 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $3.03 $0.24 $0.12 $0.32Energy Efficiency Services I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Page ll of 24 3EHM. fn DACOfrCoaFfiy www.idahopower.com Billing Date: Print Date: 10t2912014 1012912014 Current Charges - Electric Service $8.71 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation t> =3ob ao- Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-l3 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 Service Agreement No: 0030366753 Service Location: 3434 N BOGUS BASIN RD PUMP / BOISE,ID May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-'|4 Next Read Date: 1012812014 1.0 '1.0 '1.0 1.0 '1.0 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used '1 1689991 08t28114 09t26t14 30 Regular 0 0 1 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadGapacity G=Generation E€ooio-.0 .0 .0 .0 $5.28 Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373196 Service Location: 3527 112 S FEDERAL WAY / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112512014 FederalPRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75334926 09t25t14 | ',tOtZ+tU 30 Regular 3887 3994 107 Small General Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 107 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $10.46 $0.86 $0.24 $0.62 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $17.18 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation c> =8obio- NNFPKN 00003485 / @007485 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Oct-14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.Xi UCOltComfry For faster service please call www.idahoPower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030366859 nltrll0NFoUUER. SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page 12 of 24 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204982652 10t29t2014 10t29t2014 Next Read Date: 1012912014 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 1 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 29 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.10 $1.27 $0.11 $0.10 $0.25 Service Location: 3780 W QUAIL HEIGHTS CT / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used I 03351 37 08t29114 09129114 32 Regular 506 520 1 14 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.83 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =3ob?o. Your Electric Use Pattern .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4IIIIIII.4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4IIIIII Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366893 Service Location: 3784 W TWILIGHT DR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1012912014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 768361 85 08t29114 09t29114 32 Regular 884 899 1 15 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 1 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 14 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh, 29 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.10 $1.37 $0.12 $0.10 $0.26 Current Gharges - Electric Service $6.9s CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern iiii iiit> =8obio-IIIIii Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-'14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373026 Service Location: 4017 W GROVER ST WATER / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1111912014 Grover PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 75062104 09119114 10t20t14 32 Regular 2885 2935 1 50 NNFPKN 00003485 / 00@7486 II I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Page 13 of 24 3EHilh. xlnooarcootrlY www.idahopower.com SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 50 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.8e $0.41 $0.15 $0.40 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $10.85 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PGA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030366819 Service Location: 4196 S COLE RD PUMP / BOISE,ID 1.6 =€ooeo- May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Au9-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1111812014 Cole PRV Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Ma?-14 Apr-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77404059 091181',!4 10t17t14 30 Regular 3622 3683 6'l SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 61 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $5.96 $0.4e $0.44 Current Gharges - Electric Service $11.89 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatlhour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E€ooa0- Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373249 Service Location: 4345 N GINZEL ST / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-'14 Next Read Date: 1012912014 Lower Ginzel PRV 2.0 2.0 2.O 2.O SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 3 kwh @ $0,097756 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 26 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 29 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1,50% Energy Efficiency Services $s.00 $0.29 $2.54 $0.23 $0.12 $0.31 NNFPKN 00003485 / 00007487 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Tr6asure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Page14of 24 3EHilh. An Bcottconrprry www.idahopower.com Billing Date: Print Date: 10t29t2014 1012912014 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $8.49 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =3obao- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373438 Service Location: 4388 W DEER PATH / BOISE,ID Feb-l4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-'|4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1013112014 Your Electric Use Pattern SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 1'o .9 .9 .9 .9 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77037299 09103114 I 10102114 30 Regular 12 12 1 0 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $s.28 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation c>>o?oobeo-.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3.o.o.o.o.oI Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373467 Service Location: 4400 N VILLA RIDGE WAY / BOISE,ID Small General Service Schedule 07 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012912014 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 77259257 o8t29l't4 09129114 32 Regular 30 30 ,|0 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation ae a0- NNFPKN m0985 / 00m7484 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'l4 Aug-14 Sep-'l4 Oct-14 I 3E HHh. E,s;ii,"f*,?,i,:i;,',,#r"%,* u",",, x,uco.rcomr, P:,i:3l3i"ffitspreasecal www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030373166 Service Location: 4950 N BOGUS BASIN RD / BOISE,ID Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page 15 of 24 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2204982652 10t29t2014 10t29t2014 Next Read Date: 1013012014 Large General Service Schedule 09S SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW, 2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW, 30 days Basic Charge (O-20\2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (O-20)2 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 30 days Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 2 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 29 kwh @ $O.OgeAg9 per kWh, 30 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.76 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $19.86 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation '1.0 1.0 1.0 '1.0 '1.0 '1.0 1.0 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.21 $2.72 $0.17 Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373684 Service Location: 5080 HOLCOMB RD PRV / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 JUF14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112412014 !> =8obeo- Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 43 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.37 Current Gharges - Electric Service $9.92 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation $5.00 $4.20 $0.35 Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373278 Service Location: 5150 BITTER BRUSH / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Augl4 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012912014>>o?o o@io. 1.0 1.0 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75318211 09124114 10123114 30 Regular 3280 3323 43 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 79531&49 o8t29t14 09t29114 32 Regular 287 289 1 2 NNFPKN 000&85 / 00007489 l Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Page 16 of 24nltrlt0NFoUUrEll. tIHCOllComp-r, www.idahopower.com SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh, 29 days ..... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $0.20 $0.02 $0.08 $0.21 Current Charges - Electric Service $5.51 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern ={ooeo-.0 .0 .0 .0 .0i33 Oct-13 Nov-13 oecl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373080 Service Location: 5200 E GRAND FOREST DR WTR / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'l4 Aug-14 Sepl4 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 11125120'14 E Grand Forest PRV SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 48 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.6e $0.39 $0.15 $0.3e Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373361 Service Location: 5850 W AVIMORE DR 2PRV / BOISE,ID SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Current Charges - Electric Service $10.62 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1110412014 =3ooi0- Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 14 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $1.37 $0.11 $0.25 Oct-l3 Nov-'I3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77368014 09t05t14 10t06114 32 Regular 2283 2297 1 14 Current Charges - Electric Service $6.73 NNFPKN 0000348ti / 00007490 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Page l7 of 24 3EHilh. lnD@tttCorEll, www.idahopower.com CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E€ooeo- Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373948 Service Location: 59 N MAPLE GROVE RD / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sepl4 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1111812014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 34 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $3.32 $0.28 $0.13 $0.33 Current Charges - Electric Service CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation $9.06 Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373978 Service Location: 6086 E GATEWAY CT / Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 JUF'14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112612014 PRV E{ooao- SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 58 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee '1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $5.67 $0.47 $0.17 $0.43 '1.0 1.0 1.0 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $11.74 NNFPKN 00003485 / 00007491 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Page 18 of 243Em. fnUCOI,Cqnolty www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373489 Service Location: 6417 W GOWEN RD / BOISE,ID =€ooeo" May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112112014 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 MaF14 Apr-14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 29 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.83 $0.23 $0.31 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $8.37 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1.0 1.0 .9={00 &o- Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030373383 Service Location: 701 W RIDGELINE DR / BOISE,ID Feb-14 MaF14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-'14 Next Read Date: 1012812014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75335987 o8t28t14 I o9tz6/t4 30 Regular 881 893 12 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh,4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 10 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh, 26 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.20 $0.98 $o.oe $0.09 $0.25 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $6.01 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern ?fao.ii I.4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4IIIIIIII ii NNFPKN m00W5 / 0m74S2 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030373663 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Next Read Date: 1012812014 Page 19 of 243Em. xtBcolPcornrry www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Service Location: 796 E CLUBVIEW DR / BO D Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75334982 08128114 o9t26t14 30 Regular 0 0 ,|0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50o/o Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $5.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation ,0 .0 .0 E> =8ob &0- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr14 Service Agreement No: 0030366727 Service Location: 8680-1-2 DESERT AVE / BOISE,ID May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1111812014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 44 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.30 $0.35 $0.37 Current Charges - Electric Service CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation $10.02 Your Electric Use Pattern Od-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373223 Service Location: 8750 N BOGART LN H20 / BOISE,ID May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Augl4 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1110312014 E{ooer Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76961756 09104114 I 10103114 30 Regular 21 21 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge $5.00 $0.20Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $5.20 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 NNFPKN 00003485 / 00007493 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Page20of 24nE{[NFoUUrEll. niUaoltConfry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern CR=Credit kwh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Decl3 Service Agreement No: 0030373920 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1110312014 Service Location: 8800 DUNCAN LN / BOISE Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 3 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 $5.00 $0.29 $0.02 $0.21 Current Charges - Electric Service $5.s2 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr'14 Service Agreement No: 0030373839 Service Location: 8814 W GOOSE CREEK RD REGUL / BOISE,ID May-14 Jun-'l4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1110612014 =3obeo- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76790089 09/09/14 10t08t14 30 Regular 0 0 ,|0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Small Genera! Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Charge $5.00 er"rgv em"i"*v s"ri; ................................................................. So.zo Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5.20 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =8obao- NNFPKN 00003485 / 00007494 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 I SIHHh. iililil,;,zu#r"xureVaev,r'uco.rconrpn, P:,i:38,".Ti[lpreaseca, www'idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030366939 Service Location: 91 S THOMAS DR / BOISE,ID Page2l of 24 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Next Read Date: '1112512014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 7695299'1 09t25114 I 10124114 30 Regular 3409 3468 ,|59 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 59 Annual Adjustment Mechanism kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $5.77 $0.47 $0.17 $0.43 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 MaF14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373738 Next Read Date: 11lO3l2O'14 Service OCUST GROVE PUMP / EAGLE,ID Your Electric Use Pattern Small General Service Schedule 07 Current Gharges - Electric Service $11.84 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€aoio- Service Charge $5.00 Non-Summer Energy Charge 42 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.36 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $9.90 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> E3ob ao- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 0030373634 IVIEW PL PRV / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112112014 $4.11 $0.34 $0.09 Your Electric Use Pattern Seruice Agreement No: 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.9 Location: L PRV Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 76962251 09t04t14 10t03t14 30 Regular 2609 2651 1 42 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Location: PARKVIEW PL tL)Press l'teo Valve Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75340094 09t23t't4 't0122114 30 Regular 2298 2326 1 28 Billing kW BLC 0 0 NNFPXN 00003485 / 00007495 I IreHffi. 8,33,i"[*r?di:;,8#1",].*",",,",, rnDrco.,comp,ry P:'i:Sl3,Tffiilipreaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Page22of 24 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 Small General Service Charge Service Non-Summer Energy Charge 28 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373711 Service Location: PRK MEADOWPRESR STN / BOISE,ID $5.00 $2.74 $0.22 $0.12 Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.31 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $8.39 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€oo e0- May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1013012014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 10338353 0a130114 09/30/14 32 Regular 2958 3039 81 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 5 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 2 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 76 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 30 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.52 Current Gharges - Electric Service $14.29 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation $5.00 $0.49 $7.43 $0.65 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030373801 Service Location: PSTW&F FTHR / EAGLE,ID ?fl0- May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1110512014 TrailCreek PRV Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 10 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% $5.00 $0.98 $0.08 $0.06 $0.24 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76793/.25 09/06/14 | 10107114 32 Regular 464 474 1 't0 NNFPKN 0000v85 / 00007496 Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $6.36 I ISEffi. ii}t"f&,":{1fiisruxurevaey,an,*oilrcd,,p,r, F:,,?:3E,"r'xi[lpreaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Page23 of 24 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Billing Date: 1012912014 Print Date: 1012912014 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =3obio-.3 .3 .3III .3I.3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3IIIIIII .3 .3II Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030373332 Service Location: RAVENSWDffANGLEWD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1111912014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77364008 09t19t14 10120114 32 Regular 2562 2611 49 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 49 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $4.7e $0.3e $0.15 $0.39 Current Charges - Electric Service $10.72 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electri" 5 EUse Pattern ;;ao- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Service Agreement No: 0030366872 Service Location: SHENANDOAH LIGHT / BOISE,ID Unmetered 0912612014 - 1012712014 32 days General Service Unmetered Device: 10 kwh @ $0.081340 per kWh Schedule 40 Minimum Charge Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $0.81 $0.69 $0.05 $0.02 $0.06 Service Agreement No: 0030373517 Service Location: TECHNOLGY&COLMBIA RD / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1.63 Next Read Date: 1112512014 $5.00 $17.21 $1.41 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 NNFPKN 00003485 / 00m7497 Billing kW BLC 1 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 176 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 75313904 09t25t14 | 10124114 30 Regular 5272 I il48 1 176 nltrl|toNFoUUrEll. Your Electric Use Pattern Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.89 Current Charges - Electric Service $24.51 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation ef,lo- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Junl4 Jul-14 Augl4 Sep-14 Oct-14 il Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espafiol.Il UOOI, Cdnrrr' For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2204982652 Page24of 24 Billing Date: Print Date: 1012912014 10t29t2014 NNFPKN (xXX,3485 / fino7498 3EHHh. lngtrcolrcsnfry wwrr.idahopower.com Account Activity Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: 0712512014 Print Date: 0712612014 Page I of 5 $1,822.09 $1,822.09 $o.oo $2,278.56 Due Date I Please Pay 0811112014 I $2,278.56 Previous Balance Payments - Thank You ........... Balance Forward Current Charges CR View Your Biil Online Account Balance $2,278.56 Please Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your account 2417. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. V Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V SEHilh.xrUCO-C.E Please write your account number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. tIlttlllillhill,ll.l,,l,lll,tlltltll,tll,lll,ll,lllt,h,lrLl;l T201 0001395,1 UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BOTSE, lD 83709-4165 PO BOX 70 BO|SE, tD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACCOUNT NUMBER 220s693431 Amount Enclosed &-ru Prolecl Sharo pledg€,U*"&t noted on reveBe side- DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 0811112014 $2,278.56 *Bi:& **B Address/PhoneCorrectlon,S*fi noted on reverse side. ilhtll,ltrl,l,tlltllt,,t|,ll,h,tl[,1q111[1,tru111rl,l,rl,l PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 NNFEOs 00013S54 / 00m9285 2205693431 0000227855 000000000 000227856 0725 9 Page 2 of 5 3EHH. lrlD(frrCo'rpily www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030452387 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: 0712512014 Print Date: 0712612014 Next Read Date: 0812112014 Service Location: 10101 PLEASANT VALLEY RD / BOISE,ID en Mile Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76952858 o6t24t14 07t23t14 30 Regular 29733 I 30241 1 508 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 1 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 300 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 208 kwh @ $O.t 16428 per kwh .......... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $29.33 $24.22 $4.07 $2.34 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $64.96 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation ={oo ao- Jul-13 AugJ3 Sep-'13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-'l4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'|4 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Next Read Date: OTl29l2O14 Harris Ranch RSVR Service Agreement No: 0030452481 Service Location: 3250 S COUNCIL SPRING RD / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Charge $5.00 28.7 27.3 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75330047 05130114 06t27114 29 Regular 140 140 1 0 ,!glla; If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side NFOnEl. NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAToN:rruoilGr;ly Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Account Number: 2205693431 PROJEGT SHARE PLEDGE Please add th€ amount indicated to my monthly bill. ffir, ffi*ru ffis,, tEs Apt./Suite sg City lwould like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your taxdoductlble donatlons. Telephone Number Email Address NNFEOs 00013954 / 00m9286 Zip Code s** Page 3 of 5SEAID_ 8st[T.;6:'"J,#B'eliozlf FOUrEl. orcarl(208) 388-2323 (rreasure varley). rr ucorpco,npjy F:,.i:313:.Hi.1 pr.ase carl www.idahopower,com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2205693431 Billing Date: 0712512014 Print Date: 0712612014 Service Franchise Fee 1.50% Schedule 07 Energy Efficiency Services $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Paftern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5.28 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation ={oo &o.,1 ,1 .0 .0 .0 .0 Jul-l3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030452554 Service Location: 3375 E TABLE ROCK RD / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Febl4 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OTl29l2O14 Lower Table Rck RSVR SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 1 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 27 days Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $0.10 $0.08 $0.20 Current Charges - Electric Service $5.38 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern E> =3ob ao-.3 .3.o.o.o.oII3.o.o Service Agreement No: Jul-13 Aug-13 0030452449 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 9 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 12 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 506 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'|3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-'|4 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0811412014 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $52.78 $2.73 $1.07 $2.75 Service Location: 5324 CLINTON ST / BOISE,ID Clinton Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75067434 o6t17t14 07116114 30 Regular 57853 58359 506 Billing kW BLC o 12 Current Gharges - Electric Service $75.33 NNFEOs 00013954 / 00029287 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Page 4 of 5nEll[ITFOUUEII. tnBooltComfry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Jul-13 Aug-'|3 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030452408 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2205693431 0712512014 0712612014 89.0 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: O8l2Ol2O14 $16.00 $o.oo $372.00 $0.00 $59.16 $208.63 $1,209.01 $146.07 $74.s9 =€oo?0- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 62 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 25,040 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services Service Location: 8248W VICTORY RD / BOISE,ID Main Office Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36'128938 o6l2',l'14 07P414 32 Regular 10681 11019 80 27040 Billing kW BLC 82 78 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,085.46 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030452520 Service Location: SATURN-SHOP / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0812012014 =€ooio- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77413500 o6t2'lt't4 07122114 32 Regular 2648 2872 1 224 Billing kW BLC 13 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 13 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 224kWh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23.37 $1.21 $1.57 Current Gharges - Electric Service $42.1s NNFEOs 000139il / 00029288 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Page 5 of 5sEm. rnmcolPcanprrY www.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lo 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: 0712512014 Print Date: 0712612014 Your Electric Use Pattern EHeo. Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-l4 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 NNFEQs 00013954 / m029289 Page I of 5 4!!DAI[L 33t3"I%,"3J,:'."":rB'a1ioz. customerName: UNITEDWATER IDAHo fJFOiiEl. orcal(208)388-2323(rreasurevaley). AccountNumber: 2205693431 ^nncorconp,,, P:,i338,.".Hts prease ca1 Billing Date: oal25l2o14 www.idahopower,com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Print Date: 0812512014 Due Date Please Pay 09/09/2014 | $2,097.68 Account Previous Balance $2,278.56 Activity Payments - Thank You ........... $2,278.56 CR Balance Forward $0.00 Ploase Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Returned payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. View Your Log in to myAccount todayl BiII Online ACCESS your account 2417. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahopower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. y Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V nEH.os!Foi,ER. PO BOX 70 BO|SE, tD 83707 ACCOUNTNUMBER DUE DATE PLEASE PAY 2205693431 09/09t2014 $2,097.68 riHoor?c.'ror,, (208)388-2323OreasureValley) Ploase write your account number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. ,Illtlt,,tl,,,,ltllllllt,llll,llltll,1,lll!;llllll,r,!l,,,l,tltl T201 00020254 UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BOISE, tD 83709-4165 ffi#;r qex*: t*:sffi r$ati.wsf {sffi **ry--"* AmountEnclosed ffih i; i.i *m t * ffi e Xi@&i-,-:itil{.. 1tI itsItl{*n *.isixs6ti#i4i&f 4s4slii&aEEs+#iffi BsEtffi @iH $""U Prolect Share pledgo, $*re Address/Phone Correctlon,S*"ti noted on reverse side. **3 noted on reverse side. !l,trl,llrl,!tlrlrl,llhl,ll,rllrl,,lil,il,,tl,trtrlrlll,,,;,,,r PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 NNFGLQ 00020254 / 00042630 22056934310000209768 000000000 000209768 0825 4 Page 2 of 5 SHHE. AnlO COltCongry www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030452387 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: 0812512014 Print Date: 0812512014 Next Read Date: 0912212014 Service Location: 10101 PLEASANT VALLEY RD / BOISE,ID en Mile Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76952858 07t24t14 08t2'U14 29 Regular 30241 I 30729 1 488 Small General Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC I 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 300 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 188 kwh @ $O.t 16428 per kwh ........,, Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $29.33 $21.89 $3.e1 $2.25 Current Charges - Electric Service $62.38 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =3ob eo- Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'I3 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030452481 Service Location: 3250 S COUNCIL SPRING RD / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812712014 Harris Ranch RSVR 28.7 21.3 26.6 SmallGeneral Service Charge $5.00 4g55l3 If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. LlF0WElo NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAToN:bB.o.tcltrw Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Account Number: 2205693431 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. ffi r, $l-t ru ffi s,o B*_1 $ lwould like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your taxdeductlble donatlons. Apt./Suite 4e City Telephone Number Email Address NNFGLO 00020254 / 00042631 Zip Code Page 3 of 5 =IEAIL 33r5T?i?1,:T"f,1io,ffFQUEt. orcall(zoeigss-zgzsOreasurevalley). rnuccrcom,' P:,i::E,".Ti[?'preaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: Print Date: 08125t2014 08125t2014 Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Franchise Fee 1.50%$0.08 Energy Efficiency Services $0.20 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s.28 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 5€ooao .1 .1 .0 .0 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'I3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030452554 Service Location: 3375 E TABLE ROCK RD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0812712014 Lower Table Rck RSVR Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constani kwh Used 76838699 06t28t't4 07t29t't4 32 Regular 245 245 1 0 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $5.28 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 0.0 .0 .0 r> =3obeo-.3 .3.o.o.o.oII3.o Aug-13 Sepl3 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0030452449 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0911512014 Service Location: 5324 CLINTON ST / BOISE,ID Clinton Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 75067434 o7t't7114 |08114114 29 Regular 58359 591 10 1 751 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 8 12 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 8 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 12 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 751 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $o.oo $78.34 $4.06 $1.48 $3.22 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $103.65 NNFGLO 000202il t MUX32 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Page 4 of 5 3Em. An DTCOIP ComFny www.idahopower.com Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: 0812512014 Print Date: 0812512014 Nov-'|3 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JUF'|4 Aug-'14 Next Read Date: Ogl19l2114 Main Office Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0030452408 Service Location: 8248W VICTORY RD / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For fasler service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Your Electric Use Pattern E€ooeo- Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 57 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 22,560 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $312.00 $0.00 $58.14 $208.63 $1,089.26 $132.67 $67.36 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $1,884.06 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030452520 Service Location: SATURN-SHOP / BOISE,ID r>>o?oobao- Next Read Date: Ogl19l2o14 Aug-13 Sepl3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-l4 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 13 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 179 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $18.67 $0.97 $1.39 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $37.03 NNFGLQ 00020254 / 00042633 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Page 5 of 5EIMIDNFoUUrEll. mnoDe6rt, wlffi.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For taster servico please call Tuosday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: 0812512014 Print Date: 0812512014 ^ 214.',1Your Electric Use Pattern en&o- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 NNFGLO 00MMU I Wru Page I of 5 =tHroE!FOiEl. aruooltco'tlmy www.idahopower.com Account Activity Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: 0912412014 Print Date: 0912412014 Due Date Please Pay 1010912014 | $1,841.55 Previous Balance Payments - Thank You ........... Balance Forward $2,097.68 $2,097.68 CR $o.oo CurrentCharges...................................................................................... $1,841.55 Account Balance $1,841.55 Plsase Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percont. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Returned payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. View Your BiII Online Preferred Pay Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your account 2417. PAY your bill. GET how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount registration box. information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn and click "Register Now" in the myAccount Save time with PreferredPayrM and have your ldaho Power bill automatically deducted from your checking account. That's one less check to write each month, and you still receive a statement for your records. Call our Customer Service Center for an application or visit our website at idahopower.com. v Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V sm. ln Boot? coarprry PO BOX 70 BOTSE, tD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) AGCOUNT NUMBER 2205693431 Amount Enclosed Prdect Sharo pledge, noted on reverse side. DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 10t09t2014 $1,841.55 Please write your a@ount number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. I,ll,l,lrtr!lrtr,l,111,l,l;,1';rllrlrlrlIl,tl,,rltl,l,llll,llltl 1201 000iJ2251 UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BOTSE, rD 83709-4165 l,llllllll,,,ltlll,llllhll:tl,ll,,l;,";l,l;,;!ll;,,hll1ll,,l PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 Address/Phono Correctlon, noted on reverse side. NNFKTM 0000251 / 00004807 22056934310000184155 000000000 000184155 0924 8 Page 2 of 5sHm. ^ll mcotp compaalY www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030452387 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2205693431 Billing Date: 0912412014 Print Date: 0912412014 Next Read Date: 1012212014 Service Location: 10101 PLEASANT VALLEY RD / BOISE,ID 'en Mile Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76952858 08122114 09t22t14 32 Regular 30729 31321 1 592 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC I 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 94 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 10 days Summer Energy Charge 91 kwh @ $0.116428per kwh, 10 days .......... Non-Summer Energy Charge 206 kwh @ $0.OSZZS0 per kwh, 22 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 201 kwh @ $0.102565 per kwh, 22 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $9.19 $10.59 $20.14 $20.62 $4.7s $2.62 Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030452481 Service Location: 3250 S COUNCIL SPRING RD / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $72.91 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E> =8ob ao- Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Harris Ranch RSVR Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75330047 07130114 I 08127114 29 Regular 140 140 1 0 Zllml0 If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NF0UrEl. NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAnoN:r'Grcilcstgtt Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Account Number: 2205693431 PROJECT SHARE PLEOGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. q*lw g*N i_J $2 LF $5 {*$ sto **$ $ c+EXB City Apt./Suit€lwould like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the differEnce to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your taxdeductlble donatlons. Telephone Number Email Address NNFKTM 00002251 / 0m408 Zip Code t**s**** Page 3 of 5 3EHilh. n|UcolrConrry www.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tu€sday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: 0912412014 Print Date: 0912412014 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.08 $0.20 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern t€oo ao. Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030452554 Service Location: 3375 E TABLE ROCK RD / BOISE,ID Feb-14 MaF14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Lower Table Rck RSVR SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 1 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $0.10 $0.08 $0.20 Current Gharges - Electric Service $s.38 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern ai ao-.3 .3.o.o.o.oIIa.o.o.o.o Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Service Agreement No: 0030452449 Dec-13 Jan-'l4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1011512014 Service Location: 5324 CLINTON ST / BOISE,ID Clinton Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 75067434 o8t15t14 ogt15t14 32 Regular 59110 59605 1 495 Billing kW BLC I 't2 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Gharge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 9 @ $O.OO per kW, 17 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)g @ $0.00 per kW, 15 days Basic Charge (0-20) 12 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 17 days Basic Charge (0-20) 12 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 15 days Summer Energy Charge 263 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 17 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 232 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 15 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.43 $21.78 $2.67 NNFKTM 00002251 / 000(x809 Page 4 of 5 SEHHh. xr DICOI?Conf/Y www.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2205693431 Billing Date: 0912412014 Print Date: 0912412014 Franchise Fee 1.50%$1.02 $2.61Energy Effi ciency Services Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-l4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: 0030452408 Next Read Date: 1012112014 Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Current Charges - Electric Service $71.51 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E>>o?ooo &0" Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 11 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 51 @ $O.OO per kW, 11 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 19 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 51 @ $+.+O per kW, 19 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 1 1 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 57 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 11 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 19 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 57 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC, 19 days Summer Energy Charge 733 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 11 days Summer Energy Charge 7,627 kWh @ $O.O+8ZA3 per kWh, 11 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,267 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 19 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 13,173 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 19 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Enerqy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $112.20 $0.00 $142.12 $0.00 $21.32 $0.00 $36.82 $76.46 $368.25 $118.97 $577.02 $123.17 $58.77 Service Location: 8248W VICTORY RD / BOISE,ID Main Office Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36128938 08121114 09119114 30 Regular 11326 11611 80 22800 Billing kW BLC 71 77 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,651.10 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Nov-13 D€c-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Aug-14 Sep-14 E€ooao- Service Agreement No: 0030452520 Service Location: SATURN-SHOP / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 1 '13 Large General Service Gharge NNFfiM mm25i / omlo Next Read Date: 1012112014 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 774',t3500 08121114 o9119114 30 Regular 305'l 3226 1 't75 $16.00 Page 5 of 5 3E HHh. [,33i!'"f*,";,$,9;]:',il%,*,,", Se habla espafiol.ln UCOaP Cornpfr, FOr faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2205693431 Billing Date: 0912412014 Print Date: 0912412014 Service Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW, 11 days Schedule 09S Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 19 days Basic Charge (0-20) 13 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 11 days Basic Charge (0-20) 13 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 19 days Summer Energy Charge 64 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 11 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 111 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 19 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6.68 $10.42 $0.e5 $1.32 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $35.37 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€oo &o- Sep-l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'l4 Sep-14 NNFKTM 00002251 / 00004811 3EHilg* www.idahopower.com Account Activity Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: Print Date: Page I of 5 $1,841.55 $1,841.55 $o.oo $1,724.26 CR 1012412014 1012412014 Due Date I Please Pay 1111012014 | $1,724.26 Previous Balance Payments - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges View Your Bilt Online Energy Awareness Month Account Balance $1,724.26 Please Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 'l percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your account 2417. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. October is Energy Awareness Month - help us celebrate by visiting idahooower.com/eneroyawareness. Catch up on the latest energy efficiency programs and tips and leam how ldaho Power is working with our communities to ensure a reliable, responsible energy future. V Please d€tach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. v nIItlI[N!Fil'ER. Please write your account number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. rrllrrrll:11:rrr;!lll,lhlrhlt,l,,l,rlrhlr,,rl,llilrt,ltrlrl,,l T201 00018931 UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BO|SE, lD 83709-4165 PO BOX 70 BO|SE, rD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACCOUNT NUMBER 2205693431 Amount Enclosed Prdoct Share pledgo, noted on reverse side. DUE DATE PLEASE PAY 11t10t2014 $1,724.26 -"-*&* ""*s{ * ft*g i :"t ffit*. **H Address/Phon€Correctlon,fr*E noted on reverse side. tril,r,,tillt!,t,rilt,tltll,ll,ll,,tll,tlt,ttl,t,lilltthtrll, PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 NNFPAF 00018931 / 00039872 ??056934310000172426 000000000 00017?426 1024 6 Page 2 of 5 3EHilh. rnBcottcolnrly www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030452387 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: 1012412014 Print Date: 1012412014 Next Read Date: 1112112014 BOISE Billing kW BLC 1 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 300 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh Non-Summer Energy Charge 295 kwh @ $0.102565 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 $5.00 $29.33 $30.26 $4.77 $2.58 Service Location: 10101 PLEASANT VALLEY RD en Mile Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 76952858 09123114 10t22114 30 Regular 3'.t321 31916 1 595 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $71.94 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation enio. Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 0030452481 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-'14 Next Read Date: 1012812014Service Agreement No: 27.3 26,6 Service Location: 3250 S COUNCIL SPRING RD / BOISE,ID Harris Ranch RSVR Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 75330047 o8t28114 09t26t14 30 Regular 140 140 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 0 SmallGeneral Service Charge $5.00 Ztrl;5l1; If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side rrPOiirEl. NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAToN: rtDJrcolrcqrElr Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Account Number: 2205693431 PROJEGT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. $#t, *#,u ffis,o fi g$ lwould like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and pleaso remember to track your tardeductlble donatlons. Apt./Suite City Telephone Numb6r Email Address NNFPAF 0m18ml / m39873 Zip Code Page 3 of 5 =IDIIL SstBT%:'"JlT',f,1i0,lJFOliEl. orcarr(2os)3ss-2323(rreasurevalley). xru.ilrcar,,r, ::..i3:8,,:Ti[tpreaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: 1012412014 Print Date: 1012412014 Service Franchise Fee 1.50% Schedule 07 Energy Efficiency Services $0.08 $0.20 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $5.28 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0.1.1 c>>o?oooao- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Service Agreement No: 0030452554 Service Location: 3375 E TABLE ROCK RD / BOISE,ID May-'l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-t4 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012812014 Lower Table Rck RSVR SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 1 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 26 days ..... Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $0.10 $0.08 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.20 Current Gharges - Electric Service $5.38 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation .0 .0 .0 .0 E> =3obao..3 .3.o.o.oII3.o.o Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030452449 Service Location: 5324 CLINTON ST / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'l4 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1111412014 Clinton Shop Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)5 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 12 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25.07 $1.44 $0.64 $1.64 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $u.79 NNFPAF Om1893l / 00039874 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Page 4 of 5 reHilB.. X! UOOrtCompaty www.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 0030452408 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: 1012412014 Print Date: 1012412014 Jul-'14 Next Read Date: 1112012014 Your Electric Use Pattern c>>o?oooao Service Agreement No: Sep-14 Oct-14 $16.00 $0.00 $215.60 $o.oo $58.14 $187.80 $904.09 $122.30 Large General Service Schedule 09S Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 69 77 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 49 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O,OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 57 @ $1 .02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 20,640 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $55.27 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,559.20 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030452520 Service Location: SATURN-SHOP / BOISE,ID se?oob Next Read Date: 1112012014 Billing kW BLC 1 13 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 13 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 204 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services ..,.........................................................,.... $1.41 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $37.67 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1e.16 $1.10 Service Location: 8248W VICTORY RD / BOISE,ID Main Office Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Currenl Meter Constant kwh lJsed 36128938 09t20l't4 10t21t14 32 Regular 116't 1 1 '1894 80 22640 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 77413500 09l20l'14 10121114 32 Regular 3226 3430 1 204 NNFPAF 00018931 / 00039875 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Page 5 of 5 sIHHh. XrnooCqnf!, www.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO AccountNumber: 2205693431 Billing Date: 1012412014 Print Date: 1012412014 Your Electric Use Pattern 5Eobar Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 NNFPAF 00018931 / 0m3987€ 7!rlr[l[NFoUUrEll. XtlmcortComprry www.idahopower.com Account Activity I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page I of 4l $186,083.41 $186,083.41 $0.00 $226,523.s5 CR Due Date I Please Pay 08115t2014 | $226,523.55 Previous Balance Payments - Thank You ........... Balance Forward Current Charges View Your Biil Online Account Balance $226,523.55 Please Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied lo future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your accounl2417. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. y Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V 3EHffiB.. aiBooltcoarr Please write your a@ount number on your check or money order made payable to ldeho Power. PO BOX 70 BO|SE, rD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) AGCOUNTNUMBER DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 2206374791 08/1512014 $226,523.55 $9&S**rRtsereAmount Enclosed ProJect Share pledge, noted on reverse side. $*t Address/PhoneCorrectlon,S*E noted on reverse side. UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BO|SE, tD 83709-4165 l,'llll,lll'ltlllltl,lhtlllhh,lllul;;,,1,;!1,;l,l;ll;,ll,,r PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 ??0637479100?2652355 000000000 0?2652355 0731 2 NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006635 I I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.ln HCOrt CqrF For faster service please call www,idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030514081 Service Location: 10019 W HARVESTER DR / BOISE,ID SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Next Read Date: 0812212014 Page2of 4lnEnl0NrcUUEl. Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 102 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $9.97 $0.82 $0.24 Energy Efficiency Services ...............................................................,. $0.60 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $16.63 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation => =3obi0- Your Electric Use Pattern Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030514161 Service Location: 10101 PLEASANT VALLEY RD / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0812112014 Ten Mile Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50938946 06t24l',t4 07123114 30 Regular 42956 47001 40 161800 Billing kW BLC 255 257 Large General Service Charge $16.00 srHm. an Daoort CGEry If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NEW CONTACT INFORMATION: Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: $::H Apt./Suite Account Number: 220637 4791 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. ffit, flffitu ffis,o *""$ $ I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and pleaso remember to track your taxdeductlble donatlons. ;i*M! City TelBphone Number Email Address NNFFoR m0m150 / 00006636 Zip Code I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. A,t nCOlPComl[tY For faster service please call www.idahopower,com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 3 of 4l 3EHHh. Service Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 235 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 237 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 159,800 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $0.00 $1,410.00 $0.00 $241.74 $208.63 $7,71s.62 $874.04 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $383.68 Current Charges - Electric Service $10,849.71 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation S2S1.Z 5393.3 Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030506118 Service Location: 10300 PLEASANT VALLEY RD / BOISE,ID r> =3obiL Next Read Date: 0812112014 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 366 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 368 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 263,760 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $0.00 $2,196.00 $o.oo $375.36 $208.63 $12,735.12 $1,435.64 Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 1030 0030514254 W COUNTRYMAN DR / BOISE,ID Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $621.24 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $17,587.99 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 8771.6 8637.5 8787.5 8858.6 JUF'|3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Janl4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 =3ob ao- Next Read Date: 0812212014 Large General Service Charge NNFFoR 00003150 / 00,0(1637 Jul-l3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Pleasant Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50338082 o6t24t14 | 07123114 30 Regular 99626 102948 80 265760 Billing kW BLC 386 388 8282.6 8582.5 8663.2 8822.5 8805.5 8904.8 Location:Square Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 3602226/,06t25t14 | 07124114 30 Regular 13096 14688 40 63680 Billing kW BLC 100 101 $16.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITEDWATER IDAHO 2206374791 0713112014 0713112014 Page 4 of 4l 3EHffi. AnDCilPConprry www.idahopower.com Service Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 80 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 81 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 61,680 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $0.00 $480.00 $o.oo $82.62 $208.63 $2,978.10 $344.00 $61.64 $150.61 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:003051 1642 Current Charges - Electric Service $4,321.60 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowaft-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 2j2O.O 2254.6 JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Ap.-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 =€ooio- Next Read Date: 0811912014 Service Location: 10642W PARKER AVE / BOISE,ID Hidden Vallev # Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209428 06120114 07t21114 32 Regular 31536 32613 40 43080 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 127 128 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 107 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 108 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0,104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 41,080 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $642.00 $0.00 $110.16 $208.63 $1,983.47 $232.72 $118.41 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $3,311.39 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Gost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511908 Next Read Date: 0812512014 Service Location: 10748 W SANDPIPER ST / BOISE,ID Paradise ={ooi0- NNFFoR m003150 / 00006638 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 5 of 4lEtmroE!FOiEl. fincortCcrplty www.idahopower.com Large General Service Charge Service Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 15 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 17 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 19,623 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $e0.00 $0.00 $17.34 $208.63 $947.46 $116.81 $20.94 $51.18 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,468.36 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514554 Service Location: 10957 112 TAHITI ST / BOISE,ID E€ooeo- Next Read Date: 0811212014 BaliHai Jul-13 Aug-'13 Sep-13 Och13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 361 1 641 6 06113114 07l't4114 32 Regular 24200 25468 80 101440 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 206 265 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20\20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 186 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 245 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 99,440 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $1,1 16.00 $o.oo $249.90 $208.63 $4,801.26 $547.98 $104.10 $255.67 Current Charges - Electric Service $7,299.54 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 =€ooio- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030514372 Next Read Date: 0812212014 Service Location: 10995 W VICTORY RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 45581623 o6t25t14 07t24114 30 Regular 86110 I 123483 1 37373 NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006639 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 6 of 4lnltr{fN!POi'ER. an BcorP conprry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 07t3112014 07t31t2014 Billing kW BLC 62 62 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 42 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 42 @$1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 35,373 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16,00 $0.00 $252.00 $o.oo $42.84 $208.63 $1,707.91 $201.89 $89.10 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,518.37 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern JUF'13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Service Agreement No: 0030514231 Service Location: 1122 S HILTON ST CT / BOISE,ID Nov-13 Dec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0811912014 Hilton =3obir Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36481326 06120114 07121114 32 Regular 88436 90652 40 88640 Large General Service Schedule 09S Your Electric Use Pattern Billing kW BLC 130 138 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 110 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 86,640 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $660.00 $0.00 $120.36 $208.63 $4,183.24 $478.83 $85.01 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $207.53 Current Charges - Electric Service $5,959.60 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 2961.3 2986.6 2976.0 2868.7 2922.7 2953.5 2891.0 E€ooir AugJ3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006640 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: PageT of 4l Service Agreement No: 0030514207 Service Location: 11533 W FREEDOM DR WELL / BOISE,ID UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 0713112014 0713112014 Next Read Date: 0713012014 Frontier SEHM. An gOort Conp(r, www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 120 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 1 day ............. Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW,30 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 1 day .. ..... . Basic Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 1 day ........ Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 30 days Non-summer Energy Charge 4 kwh @ $O.OAOSZ9 per kWh, 1 day ........ Summer Energy Charge 116 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.2e $0.00 $98.71 $0.35 $12.10 $0.68 $1.e7 $5.22 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36052514 05t31t14 | 06/30/14 31 Regular 1325 1327 60 120 Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030511948 Service Location: 11619 W LA GRANGE ST / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $138.32 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatl-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Jul-'13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Junl4 Jul-14 =3obio- Next Read Date: 0811912014 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 1'14 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 116 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 84,840 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $204.93 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5,797.32 $16.00 $0.00 $684.00 $0.00 $118.32 $208,63 $4,096.33 $469.11 530.3 NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006il1 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 3132.9 3021.2 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 8 of 41 3Effiilh. ItU@rrcorfry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 5Robeo. Billing Date: Print Date: Dec-'l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 07t3112014 07t31t2014 Aug-13 Sep-13 0030506277 Oct-13 Mar-14 Apr14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0812512014 Service Location: 12247 W BRADDOCK DR / BOISE,ID View Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36033329 06t26114 | 07125t14 30 Regular 2132 2324 40 7680 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $o.oo $282.00 $0.00 $48.96 $208.63 $274.25 $41.49 $13.07 $33.19 Billing kW BLC 67 68 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 47 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 5,680 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511301 Service Location: 13498 W MCMILLAN RD / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $917.s9 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 F€b-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 en ao- Next Read Date: 0713112014 McMillan 801.2 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 59720913 o6to3l14 | oztottu 29 Regular 1230 2186 40 38240 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 73 75 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 53 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 55 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 36,240 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $318.00 $0.00 $56.10 $208.63 $1,749.78 $206.57 $38.33 $93.94 NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006642 Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $2,687.35 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 9 of 4lsEm. xr Dlcortcomrry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514184 Large General Service Schedule 09S CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 MaHl4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 t>r =3oo ao- Next Read Date: 0812112014 BIF Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 17 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 17 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 23,454 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $102.00 $o.oo $17.34 $208.63 $1,132.43 $137.50 $24.21 $59.06 Service Location: 1446 COMMERCE AVE / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $1,697.17 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation 804.7 827.1E> =3ob eo- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514469 Service Location: 1503 W AYMX RD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0812112014 Pioneer Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Ocl-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 255 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 258 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 6,000 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $o.oo $1,530.00 $o.oo $263.1 6 $208.63 $289.70 $43.22 $92.30 NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006643 Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $2,43.01 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page l0 of 41 CHilg.. AnlO COl,Colrpany www.idahopower.com Billing Date: Print Date: 07t31t2014 07t31t2014 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514136 Service Location: 1576 N GARDEN ST / BOISE,ID E> =3obio- Next Read Date: 0811512014 Arctic 5323.8 5387.5 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 3645',t743 06118114 07117114 30 Regular 1606 181 1 40 8200 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $288.00 $0.00 $48.e6 $208.63 $299.35 $44.30 $13.58 $34.44 Billing kW BLC 68 68 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 6,200 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $953.26 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb{4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-I4 =8obio- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514017 Service Location: 1649 E BERGESON ST / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0812612014 Centennial Billing kW BLC 87 88 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 67 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 68 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 60,800 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $o.oo $402.00 $0.00 $69.36 $208.63 $2,935.61 $339.25 $59.56 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Currenl Meter Constant kwh Used 36052468 o6t27t14 I 07128114 32 Regular 27206 I 28776 40 62800 NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006644 Franchise Fee 1.50% II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page ll of 41sm. ll] DACOrPConflly www.idahopower.com Billing Date: Print Date: 07t3112014 0713112014 Energy Effi ciency Services $145.26 Current Charges - Electric Service $4,175.67 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Oec-'13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-l4 Jul-14 erie Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:003051 1798 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0712912014 BOISE Billing kW BLC 22 25 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 2 @$+.+O per kW, 2 days Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 2 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 138 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh,2 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 783 kwh @ $0.036483 per kWh,2 days ... Summer Energy Charge 1,862 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days ..-... Summer Energy Charge '10,577 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 27 days .... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.61 $0.00 $11.17 $0.00 $0.35 $0,00 $4.75 $11.95 $28.57 $194.23 $510.69 $78.08 $12.85 $31 .13 Service Location:708 RIVERWOOD DR D Meadow Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 45586993 05130114 06127114 29 Regulat 7838 8172 40 '13360 Current Gharges - Electric Service $900.38 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =€ooao- Jul-'I3 Aus-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 0030506042 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OBl2Ol2O14Service Agreement No: Billing kW BLC 93 123 Large General Service Charge NNFFoR 00003't50 / 00006645 Service Location: 1714 S TAGGART ST / BOISE,ID &2 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36128872 06t21114 072414 32 Regular 55064 56704 40 65600 $16.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.fi UCOr, Conrry For faster service please Call www.idahopower,com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page l2 of 4lnltr{fN!FOi'ER. Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 0713112014 0713112014 Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 73 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $o.oo per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 103 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 63,600 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $o.oo $438.00 $0.00 $105.06 $208.63 $3,070.80 $354.37 $62.89 $153,54 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Current Charges - Electric Service $4,409.29 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =3obio- 2511.2 2461.9 Jul-13 Au9-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jao-14 003051 1515 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0812512014 Service Location: 1720 DELTA DR / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50327468 06126114 07t25114 30 Regular 20800 69320 1 48520 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 72 72 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 46,520 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $312.00 $0.00 $53.04 $208.63 $2,246.13 $262.11 $46.47 $113.43 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514326 Service Location: 1770 N FISK ST / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $3,257.81 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 16'17.3 JuFl3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 €€oo &o- Next Read Date: 0811312014 Fisk Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 3634121 I 06t14t14 | OtnSt',t+32 Regular 1266 1276 40 400 NNFFoR 00003150 / m006646 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 13 of 4lnltrll,oNFoUI'Ell. xlHCOIPComr[ry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 2 58 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20) 2 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $o.oo per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 38 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 400 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $38.76 $41.73 $2.16 $1.48 $3.86 692.9 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: ServiceLocation: 179'l Current Charges - Electric Service $103.99 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 =€oo eo. 0030506080 W SHORELINE DR A / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 45 48 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 25 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 28 @$1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 28,244 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Next Read Date: 0811512014 27th Street Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $150.00 $o.oo $28.56 $208.63 $1,363.71 $163.38 $28.95 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $70.68 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2,029.91 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern 1049.0 1045.9 98s.7 1077.7 1064.6 .1043.1 1008.1 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Service Agreement No: 0030506809 Next Read Date: 0812612014 E> =3obio- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 46369204 06t18t14 | Otntn+30 Regular 70869 '10'l 1 13 1 30244 Service Location: 2010 E PARKCENTER BLVD / BOISE River Run Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 362096 1 8 06127114 07128t't4 32 Regular 4211 4471 40 10400 NNFFoR mm31$ / m0ffi7 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 14 of 4l3Em. ln ilcottcompJ!, www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 51 74 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 31 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $t .OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 8,400 kwh @ $O.O+AZA3 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $186.00 $0.00 $5s.08 $208.63 $405.58 $56.1 8 $13.91 $34.85 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $976.23 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 2011 !> =8obao- Large General Service Schedule 09S 003051 1559 S MANITOU AVE / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 1 4 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Next Read Date: Ogl22l2014 Chamberlain 1&2 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.35 $0.43 $0.37 $0.97 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36022212 06125114 07124114 30 Regular 1716 17 18 40 80 Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No:003051 1832 Current Charges - Electric Service $26.12 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 =€oo ao- Next Read Date: 0812612014 Service Location: 2177 S WHITE PINE PL /D Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 3620961 7 06127114 07t28t14 32 Regulal 20609 22544 40 77400 NNFFoR m0m150 / 00006648 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espaiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 15 of 4l 3EHilh. tn ucolP eonDf1Y www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 07t3112014 07t31t2014 Billing kW BLC 114 '117 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 94 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 97 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 75,400 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $564.00 $0.00 $98.94 $208.63 $3,640.54 $418.11 $74.19 $181.12 Current Charges - Electric Service $5,201.53 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 2360.0 2418.7E> =8obao- Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030511869 Service Location: 2355 STARCREST DR / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0712912014 Warm s #3 Well Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 1 1 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW,2 days Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-summer Energy Charge 6 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 2 days ....... Summer Energy Charge 88 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.52 $9.18 $0.55 $0.39 $1.03 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $27.67 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC -- Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =€ooio- Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Ocl-13 Nov-t3 Dec-13 Jan-l4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'I4 Jul-14 NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006649 I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 16 of 4l SHHh. xrrooatconrrty www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 0713112014 07t31t2014 Next Read Date: 0812212014 Cliffside Service Agreement No: 0030514494 Service Location: 2425W BOISE AVE / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 53 58 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 33 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 38 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 27,469 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0,00 $198.00 $0.00 $38.76 $208.63 $1,326.29 $159.19 $29.20 $71.51 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 360519't 1 06125114 07124114 30 Regular 33838 63307 1 29469 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511055 Service Location: 2545 S COLE RD / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,047.58 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation j132.6 1195.7 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'I4 Mat-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 E€ooao. Next Read Date: O8l2Ol2O14 Cole Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36341298 06121114 07t2z14 32 Regular 3806 4165 80 28720 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 60 61 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 40 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 26,720 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism EnergyEfficiencyServices................................................................. $71.86 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2,023.58 $16.00 $o.oo $240.00 $o.oo $41.82 $208.63 $1,290.12 $155.15 NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006660 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 17 of 4l Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511758 Service Location: 2599 W VICTORY RD / BOISE,ID nltr{[NFoUUEll. fim@l'corrn, www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S ={ooio- Jul-13 Aug-'I3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'l4 May-'14 Junl4 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0812112014 Vista Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $o.oo per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 41 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 40,760 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee '1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $246.00 $0.00 $41.82 $208.63 $1,968.02 $230.99 $40.67 Your Electric Use Pattern Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $99.22 Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,851.35 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1ZSZ.Z'1428.7 1427.O 1408.2 1390.3 1382.0 1422.5 1425.3E> =3obeo- Jul-13 Aug-'l3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Junl4 Jul-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511217 Service Location: 2746 N LAKEHARBOR LN / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0713112014 Swift 1,2,3 Billing kW BLC 170 191 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20\20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 150 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $o.oo per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 171 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 64,080 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $175.72 $16.00 $o.oo $900.00 $o.oo $174.42 $208.63 $3,093.97 $356.96 $71.25 1205.0 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36266087 o6lo3t14 071o1114 29 Regular 11232 I 12058 80 66080 NNFFoR @003150 / 00006651 Current Charges - Electric Service $4,996.95 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 07t3112014 07131t2014 Page 18 of 4l 3EHilh.rnncilrcoirrrlt www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514444 Service Location: 2749W LAMPERT DR / BOISE,ID CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Map14 Apr14 May-14 Junl4 =8ob&a Next Read Date: 0812112014 Cassia 3619.3 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 120 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 121 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 77,840 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $720.00 $0.00 $123.42 $208.63 $3,758.35 $431.30 $78.87 $193.06 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514583 Large General Service Schedule 09S Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5,529.63 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Next Read Date: 0712912014 =€ooio- Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 2 days Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (O-20)2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 6 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 2 days ....... Summer Energy Charge 82 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.52 $8.55 $0.51 $0.38 $1.00 JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Service Location: 2843E STAR CIR WELL / BOISE,ID Warm Sorinos 2 Well Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36454137 05/30/14 | o6l27l',l4 29 Regular 18597 I 18685 1 88 Billing kW BLC 1 2 NNFFoR m0G150 / 00006652 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Current Gharges - Electric Service Page 19 of 4lrem. xtuaottcorErY www.idahopower.com $26.96 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Mac14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 41.7 41.4Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030506891 Large General Service Schedule 09S E{ooio. Next Read Date: 0812512014 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 101 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 80,920 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $600.00 $0.00 $103.02 $208.63 $3,907.06 $M7.93 $79.24 $193.39 Service Location: 2901 BROADWAY AVE / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 361 03292 06126114 | 07125114 30 Regular 't6249 16940 't20 82920 Billing kW BLC '120 121 Current Gharges - Electric Service $5,555.27 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation 2610.9 2703.7 2764.0 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506200 Service Location: 313 S FRANKLIN PARK DR / BOISE,ID =€ooac Next Read Date: 0811412014 Franklin Park Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20\20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 64,560 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $0.00 $468.00 $o.oo $79.56 $208.63 $3,117.15 $359.56 NNFFoR m0m1S / m0ms3 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaftol. An EOOIP Camp.ry For faster Service please call www'idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page20of 4l 3EHM. $63.73 $155.57 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506162 Service Location: 3152 W MAIN ST / BOISE,ID Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $4,468.20 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation 2193.7 2218.6 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'|3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 =€ooio- Next Read Date: 0713112014 ldaho Large General Service Schedule 09S Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 14 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 160 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16.69 $0.86 $0.50 EnergyEfficiencyServices................................................................. $1.31 Current Gharges - Electric Service $35.36 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Jul-'l3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'l4 Jul-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511719 Next Read Date: 0812212014 Service Location: 3165 EASTGATE DR / BOISE Trail =€ooio- Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 120 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.52 $0.65 $0.44 $1.14 NNFFoR O00O3i5O / m006654 Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $30.75 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page2l of 4l SEHilh. ln m@rt cffrpoY, www.idahopower.com CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506481 Service Location: 322 S ROOSEVELT ST / BOISE,ID ?8obio. Next Read Date: 0811912014 Roosevelt 1&3 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-'|3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'|4 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 361 03302 06120114 07t21t14 32 Regular 19302 20640 40 53520 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 74 75 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 55 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 51,520 Annual Adjustment Mechanism kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $16.00 $o.oo $324.00 $0.00 $56.10 $208.63 $2,487.54 $289.12 $50.72 $123.69 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 330 003051 1475 E ISLAND WOOD DR / EAGLE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $3,55s.80 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€ooao- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Marl4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810712014 lsland Wood #2 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 55 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 55 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 621 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% $16.00 $0.00 $330.00 $0.00 $56.10 $208.63 $29.98 $14.16 $6.55 $25.63 NNFFoR m0031S / m0ffi5 Energy Efficiency Services I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Current Charges - Electric Service Page22of 4l3Em. tr UCOttComlmy www.idahopower.com $687.05 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-'l4 MaFl4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 E> =3oBao- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:003051 1343 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0712912014 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 17 @ $0.00 per kW, 2 days Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 17 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 18 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20) 18 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 138 kwh @ $O.OAOSZ9 per kWh, 2 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 636 kwh @ $0.036483 per kWh, 2 days ... Summer Energy Charge 1,862 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,27 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 8,591 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 27 days ...... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo $11.95 $23.20 $194.23 $414.80 $65.62 $26.41 Service Location: 3630 S DURHAM WAY / BOI Durham Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41020403 o5t30t14 I 06127114 29 Regular 69079 80306 1 11227 Billing kW BLC 17 't8 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3il1 Current Charges - Electric Service $7s2.21 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation t> ={ooeo- Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030514397 LICORICE PL / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0712912014 Licorice Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 15 @ $0.00 per kW, 2 days Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 15 @ $0.00 per kW, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 15 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20) 15 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 138 kwh @ $0.086579 per kwh,2 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 576 kwh @ $0.036483 per kWh, 2 days ... $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.95 $21.01 NNFFoR 000031S / m0m656 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.m m@rtCqnrry For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 23 of 4l Summer Energy Charge 1,862 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh, 27 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 7,784 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 27 days ...... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $194.23 $375.83 $60.55 $24.76 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3651 Current Gharges - Electric Service $704.33 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =3ob ao- Jul-'|3 Aug-13 Sep-l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 003051 1602 W AMERICANA TER / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 78 7A Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 32,840 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Next Read Date: 0811512014 16th Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $348.00 $o.oo $5e.16 $208.63 $1,585.61 $188.21 $36.08 $88.70 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36022198 o6t18114 07t17114 30 Regular 7896 8767 40 34840 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,530.39 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1259.3 1330.3Your Electric Use Pattern Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030506000 Service Location: 3725 N CABARTON LN / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Next Read Date: O8lOBl2O14 Westmoreland E{ooeo- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36074479 06t11t14 | Otrtotu 30 Regular 45121 61182 1 16061 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006657 Billing kW BLC 25 25 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $O.OO per kW $16.00 $0.00 $30.00 $0.00Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: O7l31l2O'14 Page24of 4lsHm. An DACOtt Cornlmy www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge'14,061 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.10 $208.63 $678.91 $86.76 $15.38 $37.55 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511257 Service Location: 3865 S SUMTER WAY / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $1.078.33 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 =3obio- Next Read Date: 0812112014 Five Mile #12 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading TYPe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36022149 06t24t14 07t23t14 30 Regular 2355 2646 40 1 1640 Eilling kW BLC 60 61 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 40 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 9,640 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $240.00 $o.oo $41.82 $208.63 $465.45 $62.88 $38.88 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,073.66 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 MaF14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 E3obio Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:00305141 1 1 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFFOR m03t$ / m0m658 Next Read Date: 0812012014 EWS Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW $16.00 $0.00 $312.00 Service Location: 3917 W SAINT ANDR DR i BOI Club Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constanl kwh Used 36103310 o6t21t14 07t22t14 32 Regular 20161 z'.t428 40 50680 Billing kW BLC 72 74 Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $0.00 per kW I =IEAIL 3lt[T%:;Jlx"],ru1;0,ffFOUlrEt. orcarr(208)388-2323(rreasurevarrey). xrucil'com, P:.i:3ll,"jj;tspreaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Page25of 4l Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 48,680 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $0.00 $55.08 $208.63 $2,350.42 $273.77 $48.24 EnergyEfficiencyServices................................................................. $117.69 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $3,381.83 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1570.6 '1583.7Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreemenl Service Location: Jul-'l3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 No: 0030514303 4215 HILLCREST DR / BOISE,ID E> =3obao Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Ma'-l4 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Next Read Date: 0811812014 Hillcrest Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41 1 14398 06119114 07118114 30 Regular 86632 89'176 40 101760 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 297 319 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20\20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 277 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 299 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 99,760 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $1,662.00 $o.oo $304.98 $208.63 $4,816.71 $549.71 $113.37 $280.33 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514534 Service Location: 444W PARKCENTER BLVD / BOISE,ID Large General Service Charge NNFFoR m0031S / m0m659 Current Gharges - Electric Service $7,951.73 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-l4 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0812612014 Beacon E{ooio- $16.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaf,ol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Fdday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page26of 4l SEHHh. faUCC,ConrtY www.idahopower.com Service Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 48 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $0.00 $0.00 $s.01 $0.26 $0.32 $0.84 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $22.43 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506439 Service Location: 4444 FIRCREST ST / BOISE,ID =3obio- 22.124.3 Next Read Date: 0810812014 Goddard Augl3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 3603331 5 o6t11t14 07110114 30 Regular 58559 62604 20 80900 Billing kW BLC 't20 122 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC 102 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh 78,900 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $600.00 $0.00 $104.04 $208.63 $3,809.53 $437.02 $77.63 $189.53 Basic Charge (Over 20) Summer Energy Charge Summer Energy Charge Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5,442.38 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowercostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030506400 Service Location: 470 E GENTLEWIND CT / BOISE,ID E> =€ooao- Large General Service NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006660 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Mab14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0812612014 $16.00 $0.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page27 of 4l SHHB*. ItDCOrtComtmy www.idahopower.com Schedute 09S Basic Charge (0-20) 3 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $0.00 $8.35 $0.43 $0.37 $0.97 Current Charges - Electric Service $25.12 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowaft-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-'l4 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 ={ooir Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:003051114'1 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: ABl21l2O14 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)85 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 87 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 42,280 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $16.00 $o.oo $510.00 $0.00 $88.74 $208.63 $2,041.41 $239.20 $46.56 $114.59 Service Location: 4725 S MARKET ST / BOISE Market Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 52464260 o6t24t't4 07t23t14 30 Regular 3522 4629 40 44280 Billing kW BLC '105 't07 Current Gharges - Electric Service $3,265.13 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Jul-'l3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-l3 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Service Agreement No: 0030506767 Next Read Date: OBl21l2O14 e3obio- 1476.0 Service Location: 4896 S BYRD ST / BOISE Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 5035't644 o6t24t14 071231't4 30 Regular I 8 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 1 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFFoR 00003t50 / 00006661 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 0 @ $O.OO per kW $16.00 $0.00 $0.00Basic Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC I Questions? Coniact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 07t31t2014 0713112014 Page 28 of 4lsrm. rnucoltcotrr,, www.idahopower.com Franchise Fee 1.50%$0.24 $0.64Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $16.88 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern E> =3obeo- Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511187 Service Location: 502 W VILLAGE LN PUMP / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: O7l3Ol2O14 Central Park Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 51288370 05131114 06/30/14 31 Regular 3945 4007 1 62 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC ,|4 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 1 day ............. Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW,30 days Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 1 day ......... Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 30 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 2 kwh @ $0.086579 per kWh, 1 day ........ Summer Energy Charge 60 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.90 Current Gharges - Electric Service $24.01 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowaft-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Jul-'I3 Aug-l3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-'l4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-l4 Jul-'l4 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.17 $6.26 $0.34 $0.34 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514049 Service Location: 512 N SIERRA VIEW WAY / EAGLE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S E> =3ob?o- Next Read Date: OBlO7l2O14 Redwood Creek Billing kW BLC 72 100 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 80 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $312.00 $0.00 $81.60 $208.63 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 361 16415 o6t1ot14 | ottost'A 30 Regular 4812 5420 40 24320 NNFFoR m003150 / m006562 Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Vall€y). Se habla espahol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 29 of 4lsm. llr D COIP Compay www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 22,320 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $1,077.68 $131.38 $18.27 $67.84 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,913.40 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Occ'l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030506566 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Next Read Date: 0810512014 en eo- 975.0 Service Location: 5191 WILLOW LN / BOISE Willow Lane Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36033210 06106114 07to7t14 32 Regular 265 267 40 80 Billing kW BLC 20 26 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 6 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6.12 $8.35 $0.43 $0.46 $1.22 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $32.s8 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =3ob ao. Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 0030506727 WILLOW LN / BOISE,ID Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Service Agreement No: Service Location: 5191 Next Read Date: 0810512014 Willow Lane 2&3 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36266007 06to6114 | 07107114 32 Regular 48579 | 77409 I 28830 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 47 47 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 27 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 27 @$t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $162.00 $0.00 $27.54 $208.63 NNFFoR 00003't50 / 0000€663 I I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Troasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 30 of 4l SHHh. rnuaoatco.rg|' www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 26,830 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $1,295.43 $155.74 $27.98 $68.38 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,961.70 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =8obio. JuF13 Aug-13 SepJ3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511985 Service Location: 5324 CLINTON ST / BOISE,ID Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0811412014 Clinton Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 77 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $o.oo per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) Summer Energy Charge Summer Energy Charge 78 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh 58,080 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh $16.00 $o.oo $462.00 $0.00 $79.56 $208.63 $2,804.28 $324.55 $58.43 $142.82 Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Current Gharges - Electric Service $4,096.27 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =3obeo- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514600 Service Location: 5600 N FARROW ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: OBl13l2O14 HP Jul-I3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFFoR 00003150 / mO06664 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $6.00 per kW $16.00 $0.00 $708.00 $0.00Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaftol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 3l of 4lnltrll0NIPoUUrEll. rnDrciltconrt www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (Over 20) 119 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 93,800 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $121.38 $208.63 $4,528.95 $517.51 $91.51 $223.32 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Current Gharges - Electric Service $6,415.30 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030506521 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OBl21l2O14 c>=6ioobio- Service Location: 5650 W FLYING HAWK LN /D Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50938951 06t24114 07t23t14 30 Regular 12012 14512 40 100000 Billing kW BLC 2',t6 219 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 196 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 199 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 98,000 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $1,176.00 $o.oo $202.98 $208.63 $4,731.73 $540.20 $253.41 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511390 Service Location: 5709 S COLE RD / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $7,128.95 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Ja -14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 EEooeo. Next Read Date: 0811812014 Sunset West 3333.3 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFFoR 00003150 / m006665 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW $16.00 $o.oo $1,014.00Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 169 @ $6.00 per kW It I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page32of 4lnlDttfr)N!Foi,En. nln@rtco.ngrrY www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 169 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 124,880 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $o.oo $172.38 $208.63 $6,029.58 $685.41 $297.62 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 593 Current Gharges - Electric Service $8,423.62 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 4158.7 4077.5 =€oo ao- Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030514513 1/2 W GRAY FOX CT WELL / MERIDIAN,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810412014 Large Genera! Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 14 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 400 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $0.00 $79.56 $41.73 $2.16 $5.49 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514278 Service Location: 6028 W KIRKWOOD CIR / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $1'14.94 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation c> =3obeo Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'l4 Jun-14 Next Read Date: 0811512014 Kirkwood 596.2 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41 06901 7 o6t't8114 | ozt'fin+30 Regular 20586 34157 1 13571 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFF0R m003t$ / mms6 Billing kW BLC 2'.1 22 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $6.00 $0.00 $2.04Basic Charge (Over 20) 2 @ $'t.02 per kW of BLC II I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m, to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 33 of 4l 3EHHh. ^lrUCOIPCornprrywww.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 11,571 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $208.63 $558.68 $73.31 $12.97 $31.65 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506845 Service Location: 6873 W OVERLAND RD / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $909.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 446.6 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 =3obao- Next Read Date: 0811512014 Overland Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 51411694 06118114 07117114 30 Regulal 91031 140989 1 49958 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 84 83 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 64 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 63 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 47,958 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $384.00 $0.00 $64.26 $208.63 $2,315.56 $269.87 $48.87 $119.54 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $3,426.73 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation €€oo ao- 167'1.8 1656.7 Next Read Date: 0811512014 Hummel Service Agreement No: 0030514569 Service Location: 6905 W HUMMEL DR / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFFoR 00003150 / m006657 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC $16.00 $o.oo $0.00 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 34 of 4lnEH0N=FOi'ER. lruiciltcsnrry www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 40 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $4.17 $0.22 $0.31 $0.81 Current Gharges - Electric Service $21.51 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'I4 Service Agreement No: 0030506685 Next Read Date: OBlO7l2014 ={ooio- Service Location: 6977 N PENNCROSS WAY PUMP /D Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36320650 06t101't4 07109114 30 Regular 1702 I 1727 40 1000 Billing kW BLC 59 62 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $234.00 $o.oo $42.84 $104.31 $5.40 $15.89 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 39 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 42 @$t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030506234 Service Location: 7000 BROADWAY AVE / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $418./t4 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Ad.iustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 ={oo ao- Next Read Date: OBl21l2O14 JR Flat Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh lJsed 36266223 o6t24t14 07123114 30 Regular 29975 31108 40 45320 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 96 90 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 76 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.oo per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 70 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $4s6.00 $0.00 $71.40 $208.63 NNFFOR m003t$ / mffi8 Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Page 35 of 4l 3EHffiB*. AnBCOt Comgry www.idahopower.com Print Date:0713112014 Summer Energy Charge 43,320 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $2,091.62 $244.82 $46.33 Energy Efficiency Services $1 13.75 Current Charges - Electric Service $3,248.55 CR Kilowatt-hour Power Cost Basic Load Generation Your Electric Use Pattern 1803.7 1148.3 Service Agreement No: 0030506644 Service Location: 7130 BETHEL ST / BOISE,ID Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: 0811512014 Bethel -> =8obia Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20\20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 142 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 146 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 107,520 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $256.68 Current Gharges - Electric Service $7,370.38 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAd.iustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 38'19.3 3s62.5 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 $16.00 $0.00 $852.00 $0.00 $148.92 $208.63 $5,191.39 $591.63 $105.13 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:003051 1434 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFFoR 00@31$ / 00006669 E3obao. Next Read Date: OBl19l2O14 Billing kW BLC 76 77 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 56 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $336.00 $0.00 Service Location: 7186 S VALLEY HEIGHTS DR / BOISE,ID Hidden Vallev #2 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36374165 06t20t't4 0712'l't4 32 Regular 12531 I 13793 40 50480 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 36 of 4l 3EHM. rn DACOIP Company www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (Over 20) 57 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 48,480 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $58.14 $208.63 $2,340.76 $272.69 $118.38 Current Charges - Electric Service $3,350.60 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E{oo eo- Your Electric Use Pattern Au9-'13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Service Agreement No: 0030506969 Service Location: 749 S FIVE MILE RD / BOISE,ID Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OBl25l2O14 Brookhollow Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 45668628 06126114 07125114 30 Regular 38474 53210 1 '14736 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 63 63 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 43 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 43 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 12,736 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Enerqy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $258.00 $0.00 $43.86 $208.63 $614.93 $79.60 $18.32 $45.66 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 751 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,285.00 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-l4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 =3obio- Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFFoR m@3150 ' 00006670 0030514350 RIVIERA DR / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 68 72 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Next Read Date: 0810412014 Veterans $16.00 $0.00 $288.00 937.4 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 455868't 8 06105114 07to3t14 29 Regular 16219 16923 60 42240 Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $O.OO per kW I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 37 of 4l SEHHg.. lllUCOrtComfry www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 40,240 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $0.00 $53.04 $208.63 $1,942.91 $228.18 $41.05 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $100.34 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,878.15 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0810612014 -> =8obeo. Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No:0030506600 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 289 341 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 269 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 321 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 177,520 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $1,614.00 $o.oo $327.42 $208.63 $8,571.20 $969.77 $117.07 $429.49 Service Location: 804 W FLOATING FEATHER RD / EAGLE,ID Feather Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constanl kwh Used 36052690 o6to7l14 | ottoafic 32 Regular 4176',1 44005 80 179520 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030506932 Billing kW BLC 1 9'l Large General Service Charge NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006671 Current Gharges - Electric Service $12,253.58 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 F6b-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-l4 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0811812014 E> =3oba0. Service Location: 8069 W AMITY RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 4't082937 06119114 07118114 30 Regular 8361 8363 80 160 $16.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.m U6Ort CanpoV For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 38 of 4l 'lC!IMIOlNrPouurER. Service Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 71 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 160 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $o.oo $0.00 $72.42 $16.69 $0.86 $4.20 Current Charges - Electric Service $110.17 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation >G?oooao. 1953.9 20/,6.4 1910.0 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Service Agreement No: 0030514421 Next Read Date: 0812512014 Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)2 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $0.00 $8.35 $0.43 $0.37 $0.97 Service Location: 916 N CLOVERDALE RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36266153 06126114 07t25t14 30 Regular 97 99 40 80 Billing kW BLC 1 2 Current Gharges - Electric Service $26.12 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 8.7 Your Electric Use Paftern JuF13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030506318 Next Read Date: OBl12l2O14 E{oo ao- Service Location: 9175 W DONNYBROOK CT / BOISE,ID Hills Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052715 06t13rt4 | o7h4l't4 32 Regular 64952 67088 40 85440 Billing kW BLC 160 267 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFFoR 00003t50 / mo06672 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 140 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $840.00 $o.oo $251.94Basic Charge (Over 20) 247 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. Page 39 of 4l $208.63 $4,028.73 $461.55 $87.10 $213.81 sm. rn nDOrP CqnEfiy For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a m to 6:30 p'm'Print Date:07t31t2014 Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 83,440 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Current Gharges - Electric Service $6,107.76 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-'13 Sep-13 Service Agreement No: 0030511014 Service Location: 9190 W WOODLARK ST / BOISE,ID Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: OBl20l2O14 Sherman Oaks 5€ooiL 4780.6 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading TYPe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 54329303 o6t21t14 07t22t14 32 Regular 3900 3928 1 28 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Bilting kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 28 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.74 $0.22 $o.tz $0.31 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $8.39 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511099 Service Location: 9917 W MCMILLAN RD / BOISE,ID r>t3obio- Next Read Date: OBl13l2O14 Settlers Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 56 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 56 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 19,895 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $336.00 $o.oo $57.'12 $208.63 $960.59 $118.28 NNFFoR 00003150 / 00006673 Annual Adjustment Mechanism I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 40 of 4lalmHoN!FOi'ER. lnBoiltCom9rly www.idahopower.com Franchise Fee 1.50%$25.45 $63.13Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $1,785.20 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Jul-13 Aug-'l3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'I4 Jun-14 Jul-14 =Aoolo- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506362 Service Location: EAGLE RD / EAGLE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: O8lOTl2014 lsland Wood #1 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 46 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 46 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 21,708 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $276.00 $0.00 $46.92 $208.63 $1,048.13 $128.07 $17.24 $63.83 932.8 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36074641 06110114 07logt14 30 Regular 1648 25356 1 23708 Billing kW BLC 66 66 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,804.82 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation 1001.7 93.1.9 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 !> ?oobao- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511679 Service Location: GOWEN&HENRY / BOISE,tD Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0812112014 Mac Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 72 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLU Basic Charge (Over20) 81 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $432.00 $0.00 $82.62 $208.63 NNFFoR 00003150 / m006674 Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh il Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0713112014 Print Date: 0713112014 Page 4l of 4l CHHB.. fin@rtComilry www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 61,280 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $2,958.78 $341.84 $60.60 $147.92 Current Charges - Electric Service $4,248.39 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern 5Eooeo- Jul-'l3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'l4 NNFFoR 000031 50 / mffi675 SIHHB.. aaBcilrconr4, wwrv.idahopower.com Account Activity I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasura Valley). Se habla espa6ol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page I of 40 $226,523.55 $226,523.5s CR $0.00 $228,712.79 Billing Date: Print Date: 0812912014 0812912014 Due Date Please Pay 09t15t2014 | $228,712.79 Previous Balance Payments - Thank You ........... Balance Forward Current Charges View Your Bill Online Preferred Pay Account Balance $228,712.79 Please Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. Log in to myAccount today! ACCESS your account 2417. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. Save time with PreferredPayrM and have your ldaho Power bill automatically deducted from your checking account. That's one less check to write each month, and you still receive a statement for your records. Call our Customer Service Center for an application or visit our website at idahopower.com. V Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V 3EHHB.. SBCOrtCarEry Please write your a@ount number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. PO BOX 70 BO|SE, tD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACCOUNT NUMBER 2206374791 Amount Enclosed g*B ProJectSharopledge,S*it noted on reverso side. DUE DATE PLEASE PAY 0911512014 $228,712.79 ,"ffi wi*ts $'-? Address/PhoneCorrection,&i.{! noted on reverse side_ UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BOTSE, tD 83709-4165 rllrhtrtlrtlh,,l,,rl,lrttrtll!hrtlilt,ill,,ttItrhrrl,r,hl PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 220637 47910022871279 000000000 022871279 0829 6 NNFGWE 00010423 / m021M I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Bolse, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). S€ habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 00305'14081 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Next Read Date: Ogl23l2l14 Page 2 of 403Em. An lilaolPCorDfiy www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Service Location: 10019 W HARVESTER DR BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Currenl Meter Constant kwh Used 36208869 07t25t14 08t22t14 29 Regular 4484 4580 1 96 Small General Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 96 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $9.38 $0.77 $0.23 $0.58 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $15.96 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation r> =3obeo. Aug-13 Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030514161 Service Location: 10101 PLEASANT VALLEY RD / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun{4 JuFl4 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0912212014 Ten Mile Large General Service Charge $16.00 Ellill3 If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NF0WElo NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAToN:rrDsrtco+trry, Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Apt./Suite Telephone Number Email Address NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021645 s*e Account Number: 220637 4791 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. LT *, IlE tu ffi s,o I *$ I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difierence to Project Share. Thank you and please romember to track your taxdeductlbl€ donatlons. City State Zip Code tl' $-*!i I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.Ar[r COltConrry Forfasterservicepleasecall www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p m' Service Schedule 09S Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 3 of 40nmlloD=POiEl. Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 235 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 236 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 119,720 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $0.00 $1,410.00 $0.00 $240.72 $208.63 $5,780.44 $657.53 $306.23 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $8,619.55 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 00305061 18 E{00io- Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0912212014 Service Location: 10300 PLEASANT VALLEY RD / BOISE,ID Pleasant V Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50338082 07124t't4 I o8t21t't4 29 Regular 2948 6008 80 244800 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 382 388 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 362 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 368 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 242,800 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $2,172.00 $o.oo $375.36 $208.63 $11,723.11 $1,322.41 $579.80 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: r> =3obaL Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $16.397.31 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 8858.6 8441.3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030514254 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl23l2o14 Billing kW BLC 100 101 Large General Service Charge NNFGWE 000'til29 / 00021646 Service Location: 10301 W COUNTRYMAN DR / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36022264 07t25t14 08t2i,14 29 Regular 't4688 16126 40 57520 $16.00 I Questions? Contact us at: Po BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley), Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: Print Date: Page 4 of 40nttr[fN!FOi'ER. An DACOTD ComDrty www.idahopower.com 08t29t2014 0812912014 Service Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 80 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 81 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 55,520 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $0.00 $480.00 $0.00 $82.62 $208.63 $2,680.67 $310.72 $56.68 $138.72 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 106, Large General Service Schedule 09S E{ooar Current Charges - Electric Service $3,974.04 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation AugJS Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'I4 Aug-14 003051 1642 Next Read Date: Ogl18l2o14 BOIS Billing kW BLC 124 128 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 'lO4 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 108 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 36,280 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $624.00 $o.oo $1 10.16 $208.63 $1,751.71 $206.79 $108.42 Location: 10642W PARKER AVE / BOISE,ID Hidden Vallev #1 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209428 07t2z14 08t19t14 29 Regulat 32613 33570 40 38280 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $3,025.71 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511908 Service Location: 10748 W SANDPIPER ST / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0912412014 Paradise =8obaL Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36365768 07t26114 08t25t14 3'l Regular 25692 47524 1 21832 Billing kW BLC 35 37 NNFGWE 00010429 / 000216,17 IIl Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 5 of 403Em. ln UCOrPConFmy www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 15 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 17 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 19,832 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $90.00 $0.00 $17.34 $208.63 $957.55 $117.94 $21.11 $51.58 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514554 Service Location: 10957 112 TAHITI ST / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,480.15 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Junl4 Jul-'14 Aug-14 r> =-3oo &0- Next Read Date: 0911112014 Bali Hai 361 16416 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20\20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 190 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 246 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 113,360 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $1,140.00 $o.oo $250.92 $208.63 $5,473.36 $623.17 $115.68 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Energy Efficiency Services ...............................,................................. $283.56 Current Charges - Electric Service $8,111.32 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PcA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 4084.8 3977.9 E€oo &o- Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 0030514372 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Junl4 JuF14 Aug-'14 Next Read Date: 0912312014 Service Location: 10995 W VICTORY RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 45581623 07t25114 | OAtZZrt+29 Regular 23483 59931 ,|36448 NNFGWE 0001M29 / m02tM8 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Gustomer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 6 of 40nlDltil)N!FOi'ER. rrDrcortcompf/Y wwwidahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 62 62 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 42 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 42 @$l.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 34,448 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Effi ciency Services $16.00 $o.oo $2s2.00 $0.00 $42.84 $208.63 $1,663.25 $196.89 $87.31 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,466.92 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030514231 Service Location: 11225 HILTON ST CT / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0911812014 Hilton =3obio- Large General Service Schedule 09S Your Electric Use Pattern Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 111 @ $6.00 per kW .........,. Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 68,400 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $172.54 Current Gharges - Electric Service $4,936.80 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 2961.3 2986.6 2976.0 2922.7 2953.5 289.1.0r> =3obio- $16.00 $o.oo $666.00 $0.00 $120.36 $208.63 $3,302.56 $380.30 $70.41 NNFGWE 00010429 / m021s9 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 7 of 40 Service Agreement No: 0030514207 Service Location: 11533 W FREEDOM DR WELL / BOISE,ID 0812912014 0812912014 Next Read Date: 0812812014 Frontier 3Em. XrDACOatColngry www.idahopower,com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: Billing kW BLC 105 1'19 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 85 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 99 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 62,500 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $510.00 $o.oo $100.98 $208.63 $3,017.69 $348.43 $63.03 $154.13 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 360525 1 4 07101114 07t30l't4 30 Regular 1327 2402 60 64500 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511948 Service Location: 11619 W LA GRANGE ST / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $4,418.89 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowat-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 =€ooao- Next Read Date: 0911812014 La Gr Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 134 't36 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 114 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 116 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 87,120 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $684.00 $0.00 $118.32 $208.63 $4,206.41 $481.43 $209.33 2150.0 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36022266 07t22114 ogt19t14 29 Regular 31472 33700 40 89120 Current Gharges - Electric Service $5,924.12 NNFGWE 0001042S / 00021650 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 3132.9 302j.2 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Feb-14 Mar14 Agt-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 0912412014 Page 8 of 403Em. anuoilPcompst www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: g€ oo e0- Aug-13 Sep-l3 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030506277 Service Location: 12247 W BRADDOCK DR BOISE,ID View Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36033329 07126114 08t25t14 31 Regular 2324 2498 40 6960 Billing kW BLC 67 68 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 47 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 4,960 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50o/o Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $282.00 $0.00 $48,96 $208,63 $239.48 $37.60 $12.4e $31.80 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $876.96 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511301 Service Location: 13498 W MCMILLAN RD / BOISE,ID =€oo ao- Next Read Date: 0812912014 McMillan 522.6 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 5972091 3 07to2t14 | ottstt'tt 30 Regular 2186 3289 40 44120 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 74 74 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 42j20 Annual Adjustment Mechanism kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $324.00 $o.oo $55.08 $208.63 $2,033.68 $238.34 $43.14 $105.50 NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021651 Energy Efficiency Services Current Gharges - Electric Service $3,024.37 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 08t29t2014 08129t2014 Page 9 of 40 3EHHh. ln ilcolPconrnv www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation -> =aob ao- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030514184 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0912212014 BIF Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 17 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 17 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 22,883 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $102.00 $o.oo $17.34 $208.63 $1,104.86 $134.42 $23.75 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514469 Service Location: 1503 W AYMX RD / BOISE,ID Energy Efficiency Services .....................,........................................... $57.95 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,6il.95 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 858.0 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 r> =3obio- Next Read Date: Ogl22l2l14 Pioneer Service Location: 1446 COMMERCE AVE / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Gharge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 234 @ $6.00 per kW .,......... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 258 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 6,000 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $o.oo $1,404.00 $o.oo $263.16 $208.63 $289.70 $43.22 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $87.26 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2,311.97 NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021652 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: OBl29l2O14 Page l0 of 40nunloNroUUEl. xt DACOttCoroiv www.idahopower.com CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514136 Service Location: 1576 N GARDEN ST / BOISE,ID =€ooi0- Next Read Date: 0911612014 Arctic 5387.5 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $1 .O2per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 21,120 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $288.00 $o.oo $48.96 $208.63 $1,019.74 $124.89 $2s.5e $63.25 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,795.06 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€ooao- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 00305'14017 Service Location: 1649 E BERGESON ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0912512014 Centennial Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 67 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 68 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 54,920 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $o.oo $402.00 $o.oo $69.36 $208.63 $2,651.70 $307.48 $s4.83 NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021653 Franchise Fee 1.50% I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.fi Dtool, comrry For ,aster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page ll of 40 SHilh. Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $133.91 Current Gharges - Electric Service $3,843.91 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity Your Electric Use Pattern ="flao- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511798 Service Location: 1708 RIVERWOOD DR Next Read Date: Ogl27l2014 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $12.00 $0.00 $5.10 $208.63 $563.95 $73.90 $13.19 $32.23 BOISE,ID Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 2 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ Et.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 11,680 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services Location:Meadow Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 45586993 06t28/t4 I 07129114 32 Regular 8172 8514 40 1 3680 Billing kW BLC 22 25 Current Gharges - Electric Service CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerOostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€ooar 4t2.0 508.3 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF'14 Aug-14 0030506042 S TAGGART ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0911912014 Service Charge $925,00 Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 171 Large General Service Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 98 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 105 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 59,240 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh $16.00 $0.00 $588.00 $0.00 $107.10 $208.63 $2,860.28 Location: 1714 S &2 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36128872 o7123t14 I 08t20114 29 Regular 56704 58235 40 6',t240 Billing kW BLC 118 125 NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021654 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 12 of 40sm. An DrCOmConilry www.idahopower.com Annual Adjustment Mechanism $330.82 $61.66 $151.20 Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511515 Service Location: 1720 DELTA DR / BOISE,ID Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $4,323.69 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 2511.2 246.1 .9 2382.5 2404.0 2386.6 Aug-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 r> =3obio- Next Read Date: 0912412014 Large General Service Schedule 09S Tertelli Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 50,228 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efiiciency Services $16.00 $o.oo $312.00 $0.00 $53.04 $208.63 $2,425.16 $282.14 $49.45 $120.59 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50327468 07t26t14 I 08125114 31 Regular 69320 | 121548 ,|52228 Billing kW BLC 72 72 Current Charges - Electric Service $3,467.01 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern 16i7.3 1684.7 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030514326 Next Read Date: Ogl13l2o14 ef,ir Service Location: 1770 N FISK ST / BOISE,ID Fisk Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 363r'.',t219 07t16t't4 08101114 17 Regular 1276 't283 40 280 Billing kW BLC 2 24 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 00010429 / mo2t555 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)2 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 4 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 280 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh $e.07 $0.00 $0.00 $2.31 $29.21 I =IEAIL SBttT%3J,:t',8',1i0,DNfFlUrEl. orcall(2os)3s8-2323(rreasurevalrey) rn uco.pco,,D,r, F:,.?::13,.".Ti[oJ prease ca, wrmar.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a m' to 6:30 p'm' Page 13 of 40 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: OBl29l2O14 Annual Adjustment Mechanism $1.51 $0.63 $1.62 Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $44.35 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Closing bill for this Service 340.0 Glosing Bill Your Electric Use Pattern =€ooia Service Agreement No: Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 26 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 28 @$1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 26,961kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services 9.6 9.6 Feb-'I4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0911612014 $16.00 $o.oo $156.00 $o.oo $28.56 $208.63 $1,301.76 $156.45 $28.01 $68.44 Aug-l3 Sep-l3 Oct- 13 0030506080 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Location: 1791 W SHORELINE DR A / BOISE,ID 27th Street Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 46369204 07t't8114 o3t15t14 29 Regular 1113 30074 ,|28961 Billing kW BLC 46 48 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,963.85 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1045.9 s8s.7 1077.7 1064.6 1043.1 1008.1Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030506809 Service Location: 2O1OE PARKCENTER BLVD / BOISE,ID E€ooio- Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0912512014 River Run Large General Service NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021656 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW $16.00 $0.00 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 14 of 40nlB{[N!FOi'ER. xtBcot ccnrrY www.idahopower.com Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 6,000 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $180.00 $0.00 $55.08 $208.63 $289.70 $43.22 $11.89 $29.98 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 2011 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $834.50 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation c>>G?oooeo- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 003051 1559 S MANITOU AVE / BOISE,ID Dec-13 Jan-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: 0912312014 Chamberlain 1&2 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36022212 o7t25t14 I 08122114 29 Regular 1718 1720 40 80 Large General Service Schedule 09S Your Electric Use Pattern Billing kW BLC I 4 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 4 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.35 $0.43 $0.37 Service Agreement No: Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.97 Current Gharges - Electric Service $26.12 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€ooeo- Aug-13 Sep-13 Ocl-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 003051 1832 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl25l2014 Service Location: 2177 S WHITE PINE PL / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunenl Meter Constant kwh Used 36209617 07t291',t4 o8t26t14 29 Regulal 22il4 24195 40 66040 Billing kW BLC 111 116 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 000'10429 / 00021557 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 91 @ $6.00 per kW $16.00 $0.00 $546.00 I Questions? contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espaffol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 15 of 40 <EHHB.. rnucolltconDrry www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 96 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 64,040 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $o.oo $97.92 $208.63 $3,092.04 $356.75 $64.76 $158.42 Current Gharges - Electric Service $4,540.52 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 2322.6 2360.0 2418.7 2277.2t> =8obio. Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Aug-13 Sep-l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511869 Service Location: 2355 STARCREST DR / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.64 $0.s5 $0.41 $1.07 Next Read Date: OBl27l2O14 Warm #3 Well Billing kW BLC ,|1 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 1 @ $o.oo per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 102 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $28.67 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation E{oo&o- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030514494 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-l4 Aug-14 BOIS Next Read Date: Ogl23l2A14 Cliffside Service Agreement No: Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 00,010429 / m0216S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 33 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $198.00 $0.00 Service Location: 2425W BOISE AVE D Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 3605191 I 07t25114 o8122114 29 Regular 63307 90211 1 26904 Billing kW BLC 53 56 I Ouestions? Contact us at: Po BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 16 of 40nltr{fN!FOi'ER. An HCOTP Col'roiiy www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (Over 20) 36 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 24,904 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $36.72 $208.63 $1,202.44 $145.34 $27.11 $66,47 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $1,900.71 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 11|92.6 1195.7Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511055 Service Location: 2545 S COLE RD / BOISE,ID =€ooio- Next Read Date: 0911912014 Cole Aug-13 Sep-'|3 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-l4 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36341298 071231',t4 o8t20t14 29 Regular 4165 4500 80 26800 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 60 61 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 40 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 24,800 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $240.00 $0.00 $41.82 $208.63 $1,197.42 $144.77 $68.1s Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,916.79 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation ?oobio- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'I4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511758 Service Location: 2599 W VICTORY RD / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021659 Next Read Date: 0912212014 Vista Billing kW BLC 61 6'l Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW $16.00 $0.00 $246.00 1205.0 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36451728 07t24t't4 08121114 29 Regular 31271 32306 40 41400 Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $O.OO per kW I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0412912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 17 of 40nttrll0s!FoiEl. xtnoCrConft www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $1 .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 39,400 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $0.00 $41.82 $208.63 $1,902.35 $223.64 $39.58 $96.59 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511217 Service Location: 2746N LAKEHARBOR LN / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,774.61 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation 1427.O 1382.0 1427.5 =€ooao- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-'14 Next Read Date: 0812912014 Swift 1,2,3 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36266087 07lo2l'14 07131tl4 30 Regular 12058 13512 80 116320 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 199 193 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 179 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 173 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 114,320 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $16.00 $o.oo $1,074.00 $0.00 $176.46 $208.63 $5,519.71 $628.36 $114.35 $279.79 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $8,017.30 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowafi BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'I3 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 E{ooio- Service Agreement No: 0030514444 Service Location: 2749W LAMPERT DR / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 138 139 Large General Service Charge NNFGWE 0001042S / 00021660 Next Read Date: Ogl22l2l14 Cassia Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209586 o7124t14 | 0atzttu 29 Regular 24812 26726 40 76560 $16.00 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.rn BCOrt Cornfry For faster Service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Service Schedule 09S Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page l8 of 40nltr{fE!FOi'ER. Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 1 19 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 74,560 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $o.oo $708.00 $o.oo $121.38 $208.63 $3,599.98 $413.58 $76.01 $186.16 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514583 Service Location: 2843E STAR CIR WELL / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $5,329.74 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PoweroostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 E> =3obio- Next Read Date: 0812712014 Warm s 2 Well Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 1 2 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)2 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 98 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $'10.22 $0.53 $0.40 $1.05 Current Gharges - Electric Service $28.20 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030506891 Feb-14 Mat-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF'14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl24l2!14 41.441.7Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: ={oo &o. Service Location: 2901 BROADWAY AVE / BOISE Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constanl kwh Used 361 03292 07t26t14 o8t25t14 31 Regular 16940 't7653 120 85560 Billing kW BLC 120 121 Large General Service NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021661 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW $16.00 $0.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.ln ucort cdnl,,I For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 19 of 40 SHHh. Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 101 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 83,560 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Your Electric Use Pattern $600.00 $o.oo $103.02 $208.63 $4,034.53 $462.20 $81.37 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $198.49 Current Gharges - Electric Service $5,704.24 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 2690.9 2584.0 2768.2 2664.8 2703.7 2722.7 2764.0 2760.0 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Junl4 Jul-14 5{ooio- Service Agreement No: 0030506200 Service Location: 313 S FRANKLIN PARK DR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0911512014 Franklin Park Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36209868 o7117t14 I 08114114 29 Regular 34894 36524 40 65200 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 98 98 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 63,200 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $468.00 $0.00 $79.56 $208.63 $3,051.49 $352.21 $62.64 $152.95 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: =€ooio- Current Gharges - Electric Service $4,391.48 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation 2193.7 2218.6 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 0030506162 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mat-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0812912014 Billing kW BLC 1 14 Service Location: 3152 W MAIN ST / BOISE ldaho Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36076650 07102,14 07131114 30 Regular 208 2',t1 40 't20 NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021662 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol.tn UCOIp Conr9iy For faster service please call www.idahopower,com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a m to 6:30 p'm' Large General Service Schedule 09S Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 20 of 40nlB[t0E!FOiIER. Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 14 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 120 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.52 $0.65 $0.44 $1.14 Current Charges - Electric Service $30.75 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E> E3obio- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Mab14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511719 Service Location: 3165 EASTGATE DR / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0912312014 Trail Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)4 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 120 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.52 $0.65 $0.44 $1.14 Current Gharges - Electric Service $30.75 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =3obao. Your Electric Use Paftern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030506481 Service Location: 322 S ROOSEVELT ST / BOISE,ID Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl18l2014 Roosevelt 1&3 $16.00 $0.00 $318.00 $0.00 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021663 Billing kW BLC 73 74 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 53 @ $O.OO per kW Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36103302 o7t2z14 I 08/19/14 29 Regular 20640 I 21805 40 46600 Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page 2l of 40 SHHB*. l'ncortCorfiy www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 44,600 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $55.08 $208.63 $2,153.42 $251.73 $45.04 $110.05 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $3,157.95 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-'I3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Service Agreement No: 0030511475 =€ooeo- Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: OglOBl2Ol4 lsland Wood #2Service Location: 330 E ISLAND WOOD DR / Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 55 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 4,143 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $324.00 $0.00 $56.10 $208.63 $200.04 $33.18 $8.38 $32.19 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $878.52 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =8oblL Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No:003051 1343 Large General Service NNFGWE 0001929 / 00021664 Next Read Date: OBl27l2O14 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20) 17 @ $0.00 per kW $16.00 $0.00 211.8 Service Location: 3630 S DURHAM WAY / BOISE,ID Durham Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41020r',O3 o6t28114 07129114 32 Regular 80306 92il1 1 12335 Billing kW BLC 't7 18 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 PageZ2of 40 3EHilB.. AnUCfltComrlY www.idahopower.com Schedute 09S Basic Charge (0-20) 18 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC $0.00 $208.63 $499.00 $66.63 $28.95 Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 10,335 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $819.21 kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3641 erea Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $208.63 $451.06 $61.27 $27.03 0030514397 LICORICE PL / BOISE,ID Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 15 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 15 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 9,342 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efliciency Services Next Read Date: 0812712014 Licorice Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jut-14 Aug-14 Current Gharges - Electric Service $763.99 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 347.8 357.2Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3651 003051 1602 W AMERICANA TER / BOISE,ID ={ooeo- Next Read Date: 0911612014 16th Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 57 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $342.00 $o.oo $59.16 $208.63 NNFGWE @010429 / 00021665 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 23 of 40sEm. ln HCOIPConE[lry www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 27,800 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $1,342.27 $160.98 $31.94 $78.72 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2,239.70 CR = Credit PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Service Agreement No: 0030506000 Large General Service Schedule 09S Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Oglogl2ll4 Westmoreland 3f,aa Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 12,667 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $30.00 $0.00 $5.10 $208.63 $611.60 $79.23 $14.26 $34.85 Service Location: 3725 N CABARTON LN i BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $999.67 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511257 Service Location: 3865 S SUMTER WAY / BOISE,ID =€ooao- Next Read Date: 0912212014 Five Mile #12 Aug-13 Sep-'|3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Augl4 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36022149 07t24t14 08121114 29 Regular 2646 I 2749 40 4120 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 0001929 / O0021S8 Billing kW BLC 60 61 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Gharge (Over 20) 40 @ $O.OO per kW $16.00 $0.00 $240.00 $0.00Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.rn nrCor, e(lnt,flY FOr faster servioe please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p m' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 24 of 40nEntDT!FOi'ER. Basic Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 2,120 kWh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $41.82 $208.63 $102.36 $22.26 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: E> =3obio- Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $24.35 Current Gharges - Electric Service $655.42 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 00305141 1 1 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 JunJ4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0911912014 Billing kW BLC 73 74 Large Generat Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 53 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 43,480 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $318.00 $0.00 $55.08 $208.63 $2,099.34 $245.68 $44.14 $107.88 771.2 Service Location: 3917 W SAINT ANDREWS DR / BOISE,ID Club Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 361 0331 0 07t23t14 I 08120/14 29 Regular 21428 22565 40 45480 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514303 Service Location: 4215 HILLCREST DR / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $3,094.75 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-13 Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 sh =ciobio. Next Read Date: Ogl17l2O14 Hillcrest Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 4't114398 07119114 08118114 31 Regular 89176 91773 40 I 03880 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 00010429 / 0002,t667 Billing kW BLC 339 328 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20\20 @ $0.00 per kW $16.00 $0.00 $1,914.00Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 319 @ $6.00 per kW II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol.xi UiCOr? CdtrFry For faster service please call www.idahopower,com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 25 of 40 3EHilh. Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 308 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 101,880 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $0.00 $314.16 $208.63 $4,919.07 $561.16 $119.00 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $294.87 Current Charges - Electric Service $8,346.89 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030514534 Service Location: 444W PARKCENTER BLVD / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: Ogl25l2l14 Beacon =3ooa0. Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36074496 07t29t14 o8126114 29 Regular 21062 2't104 1 42 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 1 4 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 42 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.38 $0.23 $0.31 $0.82 Current Charges - Electric Service $21.74 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 5€ooao- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506439 Service Location: 4444 FIRCREST ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0910912014 Goddard Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021868 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $600.00 $0.00 I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 26 of 403Em. AnUCIIPComp-y www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (Over 20) 102 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 77,280 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $104.04 $208.63 $3,731.31 $428.27 $76.32 $186.40 Current Charges - Electric Service $5,350.97 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 2696.6 2733.7Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 MayJ4 Jun-14 Jul-'I4 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030506400 Next Read Date: 0912512014 Billing kW BLC ,|3 =€ooio- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 3 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.35 $0.43 $0.37 $0.97 Service Location: 470 E GENTLEWIND CT / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 361 16380 07t29t14 08126114 29 Regular 309 311 40 80 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $26.12 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =8obao- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511141 Service Location: 4725 S MARKET ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: Ogl22l2o14 Market Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-'l4 JuF14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021669 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 84 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 86 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $504.00 $0.00 $87.72 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page27 of 40EllMIDN!FOi'ER. AnHCOltColrfry www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 48,200 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $208.63 $2,327.24 $271.18 $51.22 $125.74 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506767 Service Location: 4896 S BYRD ST / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $3,591.73 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Ocl-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-'14 Aug-'14 E> =3oo ao- Next Read Date: Ogl22l2o14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)0 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.24 $0.64 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $16.88 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation c> =8obio- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511187 Service Location: 502 W VILLAGE LN PUMP / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0812812014 Central Park Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 51288370 07tl'U't4 07t30t14 30 Regular 4007 4067 1 60 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 1 4 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 60 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6.26 $0.32 $0.34 $0.89 NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021670 Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $23.81 I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: Print Date: Page 28 of 40nlD[0NIFoUUEII. rnucoatconprlv www.idahopower.com 08t2912014 0812912014 Your Electric Use Pattern CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =8obi0- Next Read Date: 0910812014 Redwood Creek Service Agreement No: 0030514049 Service Location: 512 N SIERRA VIEW WAY / EAGLE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 64 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 79 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 23,920 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $384,00 $0.00 $80.58 $208.63 $1,154.93 $140.02 $19.84 $73.77 Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-l4 Jul-14 Aug-14 36116415 Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,077.77 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 5191 Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030506566 WILLOW LN / BOISE,ID =€oo ao. Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 26 23 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-2O)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 6 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 3 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 1,480 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug{4 Next Read Date: Ogl04l2l14 Willow Lane 1 $16.00 $0.00 $36.00 $0.00 $3.06 $154.38 $7.99 $3.26 $8.38 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36033210 o7to8l14 | oaloslt+29 Regular 267 304 40 1480 NNFGWE 00010429 / 0002167'l Energy Efficiency Services I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Current Gharges - Electric Service Page29 of 40 SHHB.. XrUOiltCsiglv www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern $229.07 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation ={oo eo- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030506727 Feb-14 Mad4 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: Service Location: 5191 WILLOW LN / Summer Demand Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 25 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 27 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 23,863 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Next Read Date: Oglo4l2014 Willow Lane 2&3 Billing kW BLC 45 47 Large General Service Charge Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $150.00 $0.00 $27.54 $208.63 $1,152.18 $139,71 $25.41 $62.17 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511985 Service Location: 5324 CLINTON ST / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $1,781.64 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 900.9 891.8 ={oo eo- Aug-13 Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0911512014 Clinton Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052649 07t17t'.t4 ogt14t14 29 Regular 8541 9972 40 57240 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 95 98 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 75 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 55,240 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh $16.00 $o.oo $450.00 $0.00 $7e.56 $208.63 $2,667.15 $309.21 NNFGWE 0001il29 / O002i672 Annual Adjustment Mechanism I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaf,ol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 30 of 40 3EHilh. fi BCOrtCornpilY www.idahopower.com Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $55.96 $136.85 Current Charges - Electric Service $3,923.36 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1973.7Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514600 Service Location: 5600 N FARROW ST / BOISE,ID E€ooiL Next Read Date: 0911212014 HP Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'|3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 JUF'14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constanl kwh Used 361 16423 07t16t14 | 08h3t14 29 Regular 59599 61576 40 79080 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 138 139 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 119 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 77,080 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $708.00 $0.00 $121.38 $208.63 $3,721.65 $427.19 $78.04 $191.03 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5,471.92 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern 3169.6 2ss2.o 2989.3 2993.7 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030506521 Next Read Date: 0912212014 Billing kW BLC 216 219 E{ooio- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 196 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 199 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC $16.00 $o.oo $1,176.00 $0.00 $202.98 $208.63 Service Location: 5650 W FLYING HAWK LN / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50938951 07t24t14 | OetZ',ttu 29 Regular 14512 161't9 40 6/,280 NNFGWE 000,(x29 / 00021673 Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 3l of 40 sEHffiE. An mCOtP Company www.idahopower,com Summer Energy Charge 62,280 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $3,007.07 $347.24 $184.43 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5,142.35 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation r> =Aooao. Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511390 Service Location: 5709 S COLE RD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 0911712014 Sunset West 3333.3 Augl3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20\20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 168 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 169 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 127,880 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $1,008.00 $o.oo $172.38 $208.63 $6,174.43 $701.61 $303.18 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514513 Service Location: 593 112 W GRAY FOX CT WELL / MERIDIAN,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $8,584.23 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 4158.7 4077.5 4242.6 4229.3 4189.6 Aug-13 Sep-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'|4 Jun-'|4 JuF14 Aug-14 !>>a?ooo ao- Next Read Date: Oglo3l20'14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 46 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $276.00 $0.00 $79.56 $66.76 NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021674 Summer Energy Charge 640 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page32of 40ntDlt0NPomll. xrucolPcofirr www.idahopower.com Annual Adjustment Mechanism $3.46 $17.53Energy Efficiency Services Current Gharges - Electric Service $459.31 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 D€c-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Service Agreement No: 0030514278 Service Location: 6028 W KIRKWOOD CIR / BOISE,ID ={oo eo- Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0911612014 Kirkwood Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 1 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 2 @$t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 11,149 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $6.00 $0.00 $2.04 $208.63 $538.31 $71.03 $12.63 $30.84 Current Charges - Electric Service $885.48 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 452.3Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506845 Service Location: 6873 W OVERLAND RD / BOISE,ID =floo ao- Next Read Date: 0911612014 Overland Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 5141 '1694 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 63 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 64 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $378.00 $0.00 $65.28 $208.63 NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021675 Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Page 33 of 40nltr{fNIFoUUEII. nr ncoapcompary www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 49,361 Annual Adjustment Mechanism Print Date:o8t2912014 kwh @ $0,048283 per kwh $2,383.30 $277.45 $49.93 $122.05 Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $3,500.64 CR = Credit PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern 1656.7 Service Agreement No: 0030514569 Service Location: 6905 W HUMMEL DR / BOISE,ID =8obio- .1665.2 1771.0 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.35 $0.43 $0.37 $0.97 Next Read Date: 0911612014 Hummel Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 1 2 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Aug-13 Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Agr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41121889 07118t14 08115114 29 Regular 147 149 40 80 Current Gharges - Electric Service $26.12 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-13 Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 €€ooio. Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030506685 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 0910812014 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 14 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 42 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 1,080 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $84.00 $0.00 $42.84 $112.66 $5.83 Service Location: 6977 N PENNCROSS WAY PUMP / MERIDIAN,ID Spurwit Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36320650 07t10t14 o8to7l14 29 Regular 1727 1754 40 1080 Billing kW BLC 34 62 NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021576 Annual Adjustment Mechanism II I Questions? Contact us at: Po BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaffol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page 34 of 40 3EHffi. ^llnoiltConFrywww.idahopower.com Energy Efficiency Services $10.22 Current Gharges - Electric Service $271.s5 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506234 Service Location: 7000 BROADWAY AVE / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: Ogl22l2014 JR Flat Aug-'I3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36266223 o7t24t14 | OatZ',tt',t+29 Regular 31 108 32419 40 52440 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 81 90 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 61 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 70 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 50,440 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $366.00 $0.00 $71.40 $208.63 $2,435.39 $283.28 $50.71 $123.90 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $3,555.31 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 1803.7 1748.3 1693.7 1817.5Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506644 Service Location: 7130 BETHEL ST / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S =€oo eo- Next Read Date: 0911612014 Bethel Billing kW BLC 160 '164 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 140 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 144 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $840,00 $0.00 $146.88 $208.63 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36451691 07t18114 | 08115114 29 Regular 92260 94744 40 99520 NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021677 Summer Energy Charge 97,520 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh $4,708.56 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley), Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 35 of 40 3EHilh. ln Dtcortcorrry www.idahopower.com Annual Adjustment Mechanism $537.61 $96.87 $236.80 Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $6,791.35 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Paftern Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Augl4 Service Agreement No: 0030511434 Next Read Date: 0911812014 Service Location: 7186 S VALLEY HEIGHTS DR / BOISE,ID Hidden E{ooio- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 44,160 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $348.00 $o.oo $59.16 $208.63 $2,',\32.18 $249.36 $110.56 363741 65 08119114 Current Gharges - Electric Service $3,123.89 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 1694.1 1577 .5 1591 .7Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506969 Service Location: 749 S FIVE MILE RD / BOISE,ID E€ooi0- Next Read Date: 0912412014 Brookhollow Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service PeriodFrom To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 45668628 o7126t14 I 08125114 31 Regular 53210 I 65441 1 12231 Billing kW BLC 63 63 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) a3 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 43 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $258.00 $o.oo $43.86 $208.63 NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021678 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: OAl29l2O14 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Page 36 of 403Em. rnucot comrt, www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 10,231 Annual Adjustment Mechanism $493.98 $66.07 $16.30 $40.82 Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 751 0030514350 RIVIERA DR / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $1,143.66 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 t> =8oba0- Next Read Date: 0910312014 Veterans 937.4 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 4558681 I 07104114 08t04t14 32 Regular 16923 1 7666 60 44580 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 68 72 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 42,580 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $288.00 $0.00 $53.04 $208.63 $2,055.89 $240.82 $42.s4 $104.86 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: E> =3oo&o. Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $3,010.18 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Aug-'l3 Sep-13 Oct-13 0030506600 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May{4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0910512014 Billing kW BLC 333 341 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFGWE 0mlg29 / 00021679 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 313 @ $6.00 per kW $16.00 $o.oo $1,878.00 $0.00 Service Location: 804 W FLOATING FEATHER RD / EAGLE,ID Feather Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052690 07t09t14 08106114 29 Regular 44005 46285 80 182400 Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Bois6, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.h UCOil Confry For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 37 of 40sm. Basic Charge (Over 20) 321 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh 180,400 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $327.42 $208.63 $8,710.25 $985.32 $121.26 $445.61 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Current Gharges - Electric Service $12,692.49 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =3ob &o- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 0030506932 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Next Read Date: 0911712014 Service Location: 8069 W AMlry RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading TvDe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41082937 07t19114 | 081',t9114 32 Regular 8363 8364 80 80 Billing kW BLC 1 9'1 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 71 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $72.42 $8.35 $0.43 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $3.87 Current Charges - Electric Service $101.07 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Closing bill for this ServiceClosing Bill Your Electric Use Pattern =floo?o- Service Agreement No: Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 oo30514421 429.0 2205 5.5 7.7 Febl4 Mar-14 ApFl4 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-l4 Aug-'14 Next Read Date: 0912412014 2046.4 1910.0 Service Location: 916 N CLOVERDALE RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service PeriodFrom To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 362661 53 07126t14 I 08125114 3'r Regular 99 102 40 120 Large General Service NNFGWE 0001042S / 0m2r680 Billing kW BLC I 2 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW $16.00 $0.00 I Questions? Contact us al: PO BOx 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.Ir UCOatComplly For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Schedule 09S Basic Charge (0-20)2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 120 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: OBl29l2O14 Page 38 of 40nltrllfr)NIEUUEI. $0.00 $12.52 $0.65 $0.44 $1.14 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'l4 Service Agreement No: 0030506318 Next Read Date: 0911112014 Billing kW BLC 239 255 Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Current Charges - Electric Service $30.7s CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation -> =3obiL Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 219 @ $6.00 per kW ........... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 235 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 123,160 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $1,314.00 $0.00 $239.70 $208.63 $5,946.53 $676.11 $126.01 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $308.99 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $8,835.97 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511014 Service Location: 9190 W WOODLARK ST / BOISE,ID =Eooao- Next Read Date: 0911912014 Sherman Oaks Service Location: 9175 W DONNYBROOK CT / BOISE.ID Hills Meter Number Service PeriodFrom To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 3605271 5 07t15t14 | 08112114 29 Regular 67088 I 70217 40 125160 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 54329303 o7t23rt4 | Oatzort+29 Regular 3928 39il 1 26 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 NNFGWE 00010429 / 00021681 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 26 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $5.00 $2.54 $0.21 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster seruice please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 39 of 40 3EHffi. finCorrComr/y www.idahopower.com Franchise Fee 1.50%$0.1 2 $0.30Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $8.17 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation ?fio- Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Service Agreement No: 0030511099 Service Location: 9917 W MCMILLAN RD / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: 0911212014 Settlers Billing kW BLC 76 76 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 56 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 56 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 25,056 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $336.00 $0.00 $57.12 $208.63 $1,209.78 $146.16 $29.61 $73.10 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 5s658966 07116114 08t13t't4 29 Regular 98813 I 125869 1 27056 Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,076.40 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 932.8 932.9 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506362 Service Location: EAGLE RD / EAGLE,ID =€ooao- Next Read Date: OglOBl2014 lsland Wood #1 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36074641 07t10t14 08107114 29 Regular 25356 47222 1 21866 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 66 66 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 46 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 46 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.t0+et+ per kWh $16.00 $0,00 $276.00 $0.00 $46.92 $208.63 NNFGWE 00010429 / 0002't682 il Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0812912014 Print Date: 0812912014 Page 40 of 40sEm. An DACOTP CornofiY www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 19,866 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $959.19 $118.12 $16.25 $60.27 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,701.38 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern c> =8oblr 'i' i 'i igo ,JE ?' is.4 11.s io.2':ri' 'i i tr Aug-'13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511679 Next Read Date: 0912212014 Service Location: GOWEN&HENRY BOISE Mac Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36266092 07t24t14 o8t2'U't4 29 Regular 17530 19059 40 61 160 Billing kW BLC 93 101 Large General Service ChargeService Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Schedule 09S Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 73 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 81 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Summer Energy Charge 59,160 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Your Electric Use Pattern $16.00 $0.00 $438.00 $o.oo $82.62 $208.63 $2,856.42 $330.39 $58.98 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $144.07 Current Charges - Electric Service $4,135.11 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 2021.2 2109.3 2108.9 Aug-'I3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 FEb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Aug-14 E> =3ob &0. NNFGWE 00010429 / 0002t683 I ,ase I or 46 =IEIIIL 33t3"1%,?J,:X":,fr'r'^r. customer Name: uNlrED wArER rDAHo FOUlElo orcal(zosjsss-23zaOreasurevarey). AccountNumber: 2206374791 huoo.rco.lr, :Sri:313r:"ffitspreasecail Billing Date: ogt2gl2o14 www.idahOpower.COm Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p.m. Print Date: 0912912014 Due Date , Please Pay 10t14t2014 | $195,609.72 Account Previous Balance $0.00Activity Payments - Thank You ........... $0.00 Balance Forward $0.00 Please Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Any credit on th€ account will be applied to future bills or can be refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. View Your Log in to myAccount today!Bill ACCESS your accounl24l7. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. LearnOnline how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. Preferred Save time with PreferredPayn and have your ldaho Power bill automatically deducted fromPay your checking account. That's one less check to write each month, and you still receive a statement for your records. Call our Customer Service Center for an application or visit our website at idahopower.com. y Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V 3EHilh.PO BOX 70 BO|SE, rD 83707 ACCOUNTNUMBER DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 2206374791 1011412014 $195,609.72 h3aogjlcq;Er, (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Please write your ac@unt number on your check or money order made payable to ldeho Power. Amount Enclosed $-"X ProjectSharepledge,*".d{ noted on reverse side, &#- E;-#sts g'*E Address/PhoneCorrectlon,&sS noled on r6vere6 side- !,1lll,hl',,llllhhlll1l1lth,!l;,rl;;'ll,;ll,;l,l1ll11ll,,' uNtrED wArER tDAHo PROCESSING CENTER 8248 w vrCrORY RD P.O. BOX 34966BolsE, lD 8370e-4165 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 NNFMTIiW 00m0057 / 00043177 22063747910019560972 000000000 019560972 0929 9 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: Ogl29l2014 Next Read Date: 1012312014 Page2of 46ntBlt0E!FOi'ER. rrDlCiltColrE y www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: 0030514081 Service Location: 10019 W HARVESTER DR / BOISE,ID SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 30 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 9 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 78 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 23 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $2.93 $7.62 $0.87 $0.25 $0.62 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service s17.29 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =3obeo. Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Service Agreement No: 0030514161 Service Location: 10101 PLEASANTVALLEY RD / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012212014 Ten Mile Meter Number Service PeriodFrom To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50938946 08122114 I 09122114 32 Regular 50044 52923 40 1 15160 Billing kW BLC 253 255 3IHHh. r!!1c0r'ceIU If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NEW CONTACT INFORMATION: Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Apt./Suite Account Number: 220637 4791 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. * flsz I Ess E Esro 93(qil** $ I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of $ Pl€ase round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your taxdeductlb16 donatlons. ri4+* City Telephone Number Email Address NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043178 Zip Code I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.an lSCOrt Cottlplly For faster service please Call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: Ogl29l2o14 Page 3 of 46sm. Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 233 @ $6.00 per kW, 10 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 22 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 233 @ $4.40 per kW,22 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 235 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 235 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 625 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Summer Energy Charge 35,363 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 10 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,375 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 22 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 77,797 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 22 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $436.88 $0.00 $704.83 $o.oo $74.91 $0.00 $164.79 $65.20 $1,707.43 $129.11 $3,407.74 $622.09 $268.28 Current Charges - Electric Service $7,597.26 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Nov-13 Dec-'l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 E€oo ao- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506118 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1012212014 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 363 @ $6.00 per kW, 10 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 22 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 363 @ $4.40 per kW,22 days Basic Charge (0-20120 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 366 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 366 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 625 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Summer Energy Charge 76,025 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 10 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,375 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 22 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 167,255 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 22 day Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $680.63 $o.oo $1,098.08 $0.00 $116.66 $0.00 $2s6.66 $65.20 $3,670.72 $129.11 $7,326.27 $1,325.00 $534.37 SErvice Location: 1O3OO PLEASANT VALLEY RD / BOISE,ID Pleasant V Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50338082 08t22t14 09t221',t4 32 Regular 6008 9074 80 245280 Billing kW BLC 383 386 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $15,218.70 NNFMMW 00020057 / mO€179 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 3E',ffiHh. xrucottcongty www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 5€oo?o- I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sep-'I3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030514254 Page4of 46 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 8582.5 8663.2 8822.5 8805.5 8904.8 8787 .5 8858.6 8441.3 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Next Read Date: 1012312014 Service Location: 10301 W COUNTRYMAN DR / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36022264 08123114 09123114 32 Regular 16't26 17153 40 41 080 Billing kW BLC 100 101 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 9 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 80 @ $6.00 per kW, 9 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,23 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 80 @ $4.40 per kW, 23 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 9 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 81 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 9 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 23 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 81 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 23 days Summer Energy Charge 563 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 9 days Summer Energy Charge 10,991 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 9 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,438 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 23 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 28,088 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 23 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $135.00 $0.00 $253.00 $o.oo $23.24 $o.oo $59.38 $s8.73 $530.68 $135.03 $1,230.34 $221.91 $39.95 $97.66 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $2,800.92 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E{oolo- 20625 2122.6 1983.4 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 003051 1642 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Next Read Date: 1012012014Service Agreement No: Service Location: 10642W PARKER AVE / BOISE,ID Hidden Valley # Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209428 08120114 oqt18t't4 30 Regulal 33570 34384 40 32560 Billing kW BLC 123 126 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 12 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 103 @ $6.00 per kW, 12 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 18 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 103 @ $4.40 per kW, 18 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 12 days $16.00 $o.oo $247.20 $0.00 $271.92 $0.00 NNFMMW 00020057 / m&3180 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espaflol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page 5 of 46 3EHHh. xrBcoatcdnprrY www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (Over 20) 106 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 12 days Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 18 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 106 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 18 days Summer Energy Charge 800 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh, 12 days Summer Energy Charge 12,224 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 12 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,200 kwh @ $O.OgSAg9 per kWh, 18 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 18,336 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 18 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $43.25 $0.00 $64.87 $83.45 $590.21 $112.68 $803.17 $175.89 $89.31 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,497.95 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€oo ao- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 003051 1908 Mar14 Apr-14 May-'l4 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 1012412014Service Agreement No: Service Location: 10748 W SANDPIPER ST / BOISE,ID Paradise Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36365768 08126114 o9t24t14 30 Regular 47524 70041 1 22517 Billing kW BLC 36 37 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 6 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $0.00 per kW, 6 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 24 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $+.+O per kW, 24 days ... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 17 @$1.02 per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 17 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 24 days Summer Energy Charge 400 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 6 days Summer Energy Charge 4,103 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,600 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 24 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 16,414 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 24 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $19.20 $0.00 $s6.32 $0.00 $3.47 $0.00 $13.87 $41.73 $198.11 $150.24 $718.98 $121.64 $20.09 $48.72 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,408.37 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern =3ob eo- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'l4 May-14 Jun-l4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043181 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol.lr! mCOtP Comprry For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a m' to 6:30 p'm' Service Agreement No: 0030514554 Service Location: 10957 112 TAHITI ST / BOISE,ID Page 6 of 46 SHH%. Large General Service Schedule 09S Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 09t29t2014 09t29t2014 Next Read Date: 1011312014 Bali Hai Billing kW BLC 162 208 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 19 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 142 @ $6.00 per kW, 19 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 11 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 142 @ $4.40 per kW, 11 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 19 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 188 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 19 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 11 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 188 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 11 days Summer Energy Charge 1,267 kwh @ $0.t0+St+ per kwh, 19 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 46,866 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 19 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 11 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 27,134 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 1 1 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $539.60 $0.00 $229.09 $0.00 $121.45 $0.00 $70.31 $132.17 $2,262.83 $68.83 $1,188.55 $410.55 $75.59 $185.15 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36'r'16416 08t13114 I 091',t1114 30 Regular 2691 0 27860 80 76000 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: r> =3obio. Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s.300.12 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 3858.6 3977.9 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 0030514372 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 10123120'14 Billing kW BLC 62 62 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 9 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 42 @ $O.OO per kW, 9 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 23 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 42 @$C.qO per kW, 23 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 9 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 42 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC, 9 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 23 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 42 @ $l .OZ per kW of BLC, 23 days Summer Energy Charge 563 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,9 days Summer Energy Charge 10,951 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh, 9 days ...... Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $o.oo $70.88 $0.00 $132.83 $0.00 $12.05 $0.00 $30.79 $58.73 $528.75 Service Location: 10995 W VICTORY RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 45581623 08123114 | 09123114 32 Regular 59931 100869 1 40938 NNFMW 0002m57 / 0m3182 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaiol. ^ll mCOl' CoiDrry FOr faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p m' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 09129120'14 PageT of 46 3EHilg*. Non-summer Energy Charge 1,438 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 23 days Non-summer Energy Charge 27,986 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 23 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Effi ciency Services $135.03 $1,225.87 $221.15 $88.44 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2,520.52 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1182.7 1245.7Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030514231 Service Location: 11225 HILTON ST CT / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S t> =8obio- Next Read Date: 1012012014 Hilton Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 12 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 110 @ $6.00 per kW,12 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 18 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 110 @ $4.40 per kW, 18 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 12 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 12 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 18 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 18 days Summer Energy Charge 800 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 12 days Summer Energy Charge 32,496 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 12 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,200 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 18 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 48,744 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 18 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $264.00 $0.00 $290.40 $0.00 $48.14 $o.oo $72.22 $83.45 $1,569.00 $112.68 $2,1 35.1 3 $449.66 $75.61 $183.64 Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'|4 Mar-l4 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-'14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514207 Service Location: 11533 W FREEDOM DR WELL / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $5,299.93 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 =3obeo- Next Read Date: 0912912014 Frontier Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36052514 07131114 08128114 29 Regular 2402 31 05 60 42180 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043183 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 0912912014 0912912014 Page 8 of 46 3EHHh. Xr0IOOI'Co.rIrry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 104 112 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 8a @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 92 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 40,180 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $504.00 $0.00 $93.84 $208.63 $1,940.01 $227.86 $44.86 $110.50 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511948 Service Location: 11619 W LA GRANGE ST / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $3,145.70 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC -- Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 r> =3ob eo- Next Read Date: 1012012014 La Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 12 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 114 @ $6.00 per kW, 12 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 18 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 114 @ $4.40 per kW, 18 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 12 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 116 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 12 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 18 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 116 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 18 days Summer Energy Charge 800 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 12 days Summer Energy Charge 31,744 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 12 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,200 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 18 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 47,616 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 18 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $273.60 $0.00 $300.96 $0.00 $47.33 $0.00 $70.99 $83.45 $1,532.70 $1 12.68 $2,085.72 $439.51 $180.94 2150.0 Current Charges - Electric Service $5,143.88 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043184 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 3021.2 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: Ogl29l2o14 Page 9 of 46 3EHHh. nr BcorPcornpiy www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: r> =3obeo- Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $56.40 $0.00 $165.44 $0.00 $9.59 $o.oo $38.35 $41.73 $17.00 $150.24 $61.67 $20.31 $8.65 Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Decl3 0030506277 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012412014 Billing kW BLC 67 67 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,6 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 47 @ $0.00 per kW, 6 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 24 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 47 @ $+.qO per kW, 24 days ... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 47 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 47 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC, 24 days Summer Energy Charge 400 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 6 days Summer Energy Charge 352 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,600 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 24 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,408 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 24 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $22.26 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $607.64 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030511301 Service Location: 13498 W MCMILLAN RD / BOISE,ID =3obao- Next Read Date: Ogl30l2014 McMillan Service Location: 12247 W BRADDOCK DR / BOISE,ID View Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading TYPe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36033329 08126114 09t24t14 30 Regular 2498 2552 40 3760 Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'|4 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 5972091 3 08101114 08129114 29 Regular 3289 4142 40 35720 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 74 74 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $324.00 $0.00 $55.08 $208.63 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043185 Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Bois€, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: Ogl29l2o14 Page l0 of 46 3EHHh. AnmooarConfry www.idahopower.com Summer Energy Charge 33,720 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $1,628.10 $192.96 $36.37 $89.27 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514184 Service Location: 1446 COMMERCE AVE / BOISE,ID Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,550.41 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 AugJ4 Sep-14 E> =8ooio- Next Read Date: 1012212014 BIF Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 51 2881 90 08122114 091221',t4 32 Regular 60633 85982 1 25349 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 37 37 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 17 @ $0.00 per kW, '10 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 22 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 17 @V.qO per kW, 22 days ... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 17 @$1.02 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 17 @$1.OZ per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 625 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Summer Energy Charge 7,297 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 10 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,375 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 22 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 16,052 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 22 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $54.66 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,580.56 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation =€ooio- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 $16.00 $0.00 $31.88 $0.00 $51.43 $0.00 $5.42 $0.00 $11.92 $65.20 $352.32 $129.11 $703.13 $136.94 $22.55 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514469 Service Location: 1503 W AYMX RD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1012212014 Pioneer Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50338081 08t2a14 | O9t2A14 32 Regular 26835 268/.2 80 560 NNFMMW 00020057 / 0m3rM I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page ll of 46 3EHHh. n] DrcoarcorEry www,idahopower,com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 0912912014 09129t2014 Billing kW BLC 5 276 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 5 @ $O.OO per kW, 10 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 5 @ $O.OO per kW, 22 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 256 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 256 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 175 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 385 kwh @ $0.093899 per kwh, 22 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Effi ciency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $81.60 $0.00 $179.52 $18.25 $36.15 $3.03 $13.26 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $347.81 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'I4 Jul-'I4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: 0030514136 Next Read Date: 1011612014 =nao- 286'1.9 Service Location: 1576 N GARDEN ST / BOISE Arctic Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36451743 08116114 o9116t14 32 Regular 2389 2775 40 't5440 Billing kW BLC 68 68 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)48 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 16 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $+.+O per kW, 16 days ... Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 16 days Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 16 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 6,720 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 16 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 16 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 6,720 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 16 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $144.00 $0.00 $105.60 $o.oo $24.48 $o.oo $24.48 $104.31 $324-46 $93.90 $294.36 $83.41 $18.23 $45.26 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $1,278.49 NNFtlltuw 00m0057 / 00043167 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatl-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70. Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 12 of 46 3THM. l'UCOrtConfry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 09t29t2014 09t29t2014 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514017 Service Location: 1649 E BERGESON ST / BOISE,ID ={ooio- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 1012712014 Centennial Billing kW BLC 86 88 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 5 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 66 @ $6.00 per kW, 5 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,25 days ......,. Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 66 @ $4.40 per kW, 25 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 5 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 68 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 5 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 25 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 68 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 25 days Summer Energy Charge 333 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 5 days Summer Energy Charge 8,814 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 5 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,667 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 25 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 44,066 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 25 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $66.00 $0.00 $242.00 $0.00 $11.56 $o.oo $57.80 $34.74 $425.57 $156.53 $1,930.22 $296.46 $48.55 $117.62 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052468 o8l27l',l4 09125114 30 Regular 301 99 31571 40 il880 Current Gharges - Electric Service $3,403.05 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1962.5 1962.7 Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511798 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Billing kW BLC 22 25 =flooio- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 2 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $t .02per kW of BLC $16.00 $o.oo $12.00 $0.00 $5.10 $208.63 Service Location: 1708 RIVERWOOD DR / BOISE,ID Meadow Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 45586993 07t30114 | 08127114 29 Regular 8514 I 8823 40 12360 NNFMMW 00020057 / 000€18a Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 13 of 463Em. anmcoNPcoifdrY www.idahopower.com Billing Date: Print Date: 09t29t2014 09t2912014 Summer Energy Charge 10,360 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $500.21 $66.77 $12.13 $29.68 Current Gharges - Electric Service $850.s2 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E> =8obio- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 MaG14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506042 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1012112014 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 11 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 83 @ $O.OO per kW, 11 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 19 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 83 @ $4.40 per kW, 19 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 11 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 105 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 11 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 19 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 105 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 19 days Summer Energy Charge 733 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 11 days Summer Energy Charge 22,132 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh, 11 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,267 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 19 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 38,228 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 19 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $182.60 $0.00 $231.29 $o.oo $39.27 $o.oo $67.83 $76.46 $1,068.60 $118.97 $1,674.50 $336.87 $57.19 $139.02 Service Location: 17145 TAGGART ST/ BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $4,008.60 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Oec-13 Jan-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 =8ob ao- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:003051 1515 Next Read Date: 1012412014 Service Location: 1720 DELTA DR / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constanl kwh Used 50327468 08t261'.t4 09t24t't4 30 Regular 21548 I 50055 1 28507 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043189 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO Box 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 14 of 46 3EHffih. An DlCOll Colnplr, www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 09t29t2014 09t2912014 Billing kW BLC 72 72 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 6 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $0.00 per kW, 6 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 24 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $+.qO per kW, 24 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 52 @$l.OZ per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 52 @$l.OZ per kW of BLC, 24 days Summer Energy Charge 400 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,6 days Summer Energy Charge 5,301 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,600 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 24 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 21,206 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 24 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $62.40 $0.00 $183.04 $0.00 $10.61 $0.00 $42.43 $41.73 $255.95 $150.24 $928.89 $153.99 $27.68 $67.65 Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: Current Charges - Electric Service $1.940.61 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 1617.3 1@4.7 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030506080 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1011612014 5€ooao Service Location: 1791 W SHORELINE DR A /27th Street Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 46369204 ogt16t'14 ogt16114 32 Regular 30074 62011 1 31 937 Billing kW BLC 47 48 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 27 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 16 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 27 @ V.qO per kW, 16 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 28 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 28 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 16 days Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 16 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 14,969 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 16 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 16 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 14,968 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 16 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $81.00 $0.00 $59.40 $0.00 $14.28 $0.00 $14.28 $104.31 $722.75 $93.90 $655.64 $172.52 $29.01 $70.46 NNFMMW m02m57 / lm31$ Energy Efficiency Services I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Current Gharges - Electric Service Page 15 of 463Em. fimCOl'ConprY, www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506809 Service Location: 2010E PARKCENTER BLVD / BOISE,ID $2,033.55 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation ={ooio. 1077.7 1064.6 1043.1 1008.1 998.6 998.0 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012712014 River Run Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 5 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 32 @ $0.00 per kW, 5 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,25 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 32 @ $+.+O per kW, 25 days . . . Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 5 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 53 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 5 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 25 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 53 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 25 days Summer Energy Charge 333 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 5 days Summer Energy Charge 307 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 5 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,667 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 25 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,533 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 25 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $32.00 $0.00 $117.33 $o.oo $e.01 $0.00 $45.05 $34.74 $14.82 $156.53 $67.15 $20.74 $7.70 $19.71 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $s40.78 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adiustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 201'l 003051 1559 S MANITOU AVE / BOISE,ID t> =8oElL Next Read Date: 1012312014 Chamberlain 1&2 Sep-I3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Large General Service NNFMiTW 00m0057 / o0M3r91 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 9 days $16.00 $0.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.llt DlCOlt Cqnp.ry For faster service please Call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p'm' Schedule 09S Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page 16 of 46 SEHilh. Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW,23 days Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 9 days Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 23 days Summer Energy Charge 34 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 9 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 86 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 23 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Enerqy Efficiency Services $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $3.55 $8.08 $0.65 $0.42 $1.1 1 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $29.81 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowaft-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation a{ia Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'l4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Service Agreement No:003051 1832 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1012712014 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 5 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 93 @ $6.00 per kW, 5 days Non-summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,25 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 93 @ $4.40 per kW, 25 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 5 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 96 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 5 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 25 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 96 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 25 days Summer Energy Charge 333 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,5 days Summer Energy Charge 9,267 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 5 days Non-summer Energy Charge 1,667 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 25 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 46,333 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 25 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $93.00 $0.00 $341.00 $0.00 $16.32 $0.00 $81.60 $34.74 $447.44 $156.s3 $2,O29.52 $31 1.16 $52.91 $128.6s Service Location: 2177 S WHITE PINE PL / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209617 08127114 o9t25t14 30 Regular 24195 25635 40 57600 Billing kW BLC 113 116 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $3,708.87 CR=Credii kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation -> =8obio- NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043't92 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'l4 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasuro Valley). Se habla espaflol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 003051 1869 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Page 17 of 463Em. fnUCOaPColngw www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Service Location: 2355 STARCREST DR / BOISE,ID Warm Sprinqs #3 Well Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36334965 07130114 08127114 29 Regular 9967 I 0061 1 94 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 1 1 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 94 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.81 $0.51 $0.39 $1.03 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $27.74 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514494 Service Location: 2425W BOISE AVE / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S c> =3ob?o- Next Read Date: 1012312014 Cliffside Billing kW BLC 52 54 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW,9 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 32 @ $O.OO per kW, 9 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 23 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over20) 32 @$q.qO per kW, 23 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 9 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 34 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 9 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 23 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 34 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 23 days Summer Energy Charge 563 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 9 days Summer Energy Charge 7,475 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 9 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,438 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 23 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 19,103 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh,23 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $54.00 $0.00 $101.20 $o.oo $9.75 $0.00 $24.93 $58.73 $360.92 $135.03 $836.77 $154.38 $26.28 $63.89 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Ma,.l4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JUF'14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 3605191 1 o8t23t14 09t23t14 32 Regulal 90211 1 1 8790 1 28579 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,841.88 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043193 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowercostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaffol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 1132.6 1195.7 Page 18 of 46nlIIlI0NFoUUEll. lnrcortcdnIly www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 OcG13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511055 Service Location: 2545 S COLE RD / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 10121l2AM Cole E> =8ob a0- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36341298 08t2'U14 09t19t14 30 Regular 4500 4771 80 21640 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 61 61 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 1 1 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $6.00 per kW, 11 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 19 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over20) 41 @$+.+O per kW, 19 days ... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 11 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 11 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 19 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 41 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC, 19 days Summer Energy Charge 733 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 11 days Summer Energy Charge 7,216 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 11 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,267 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 19 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 12,464 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 19 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Enerqy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $90.20 $0.00 $114.25 $0.00 $15.33 $0.00 $26.49 $76.46 $348.41 $118.97 $545.96 $117.12 $54.08 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,523.27 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 =3ob Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511758 Service Location: 2599 W VICTORY RD / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1012212014 Vista Billing kW BLC 6'l 61 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)41 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Non-summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 22 days ........ Non-summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $4.40 per kW, 22 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 41 @$1.02 per kW of BLC, 10 days $16.00 $0.00 $76.88 $0.00 $124.03 $0.00 $13.07 897.5 924.1 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36451728 o8t22114 | OStZZt+32 Regular 32306 33403 40 43880 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00&319 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page 19 of 46 sEHilE. xr UCOa?Cdnpary www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $t .OZ per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 625 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Summer Energy Charge 13,088 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 10 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,375 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 22 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 28,792 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 22 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $0.00 $28.75 $65.20 $631.93 $129.11 $1 ,261 .1 8 $237.04 $38.75 $93.85 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,715.79 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S =3obao- 1427.0 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 MaFl4 Apr-'14 1390.3 1382.0 1422.5 1425.3 1427.5 fi71|.2 Jun-14 Jul-'l4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: Ogl30l2014Service Agreement No: 0030511217 Service Location: 2746 N LAKEHARBOR LN / BOISE Billing kW BLC 198 '199 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 178 @ $6.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 179 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 93,200 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $1,068.00 $o.oo $182.58 $208.63 $4,499.98 $514.27 $97.34 $239.01 Location: 2746 N Swift 1,2,3 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36266087 o8to1t14 08t29t14 29 Regular 13512 14702 80 95200 Current Charges - Electric Service $6,825.81 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 =3obeo- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514444 Service Location: 2749W LAMPERT DR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1012212014 Cassia Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Currenl Meter Constant kwh Used 36209586 08122114 | 09122114 32 Regular 26726 28722 40 79840 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043195 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: Ogl29l2014 Page20of 463Em. rn UCilrCo.nplly www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 138 139 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $6.00 per kW, 10 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 22 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $4.40 per kW,22 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 1 19 @ $1 .02 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 119 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 625 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Summer Energy Charge 24,325 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 10 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,375 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 22 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 53,515 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 22 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $221.25 $0.00 $356.95 $o.oo $37.93 $0.00 $83.45 $65.20 $1,174.48 $129.11 $2,344.12 $431.30 $72.90 $177.14 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 284 Large General Service Schedule 09S Current Charges - Electric Service $5,109.83 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 2661.3 Sep-13 Oct13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 0030514583 Next Read Date: 0912612014 BOIS =3obiL ct Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 89 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.28 $0.48 $0.39 $1.01 Location: 2843 E STAR CIR WELL / BOISE,ID Warm Sorinqs 2 Well Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36454137 07130t14 08127114 29 Regular 18783 18872 1 89 Billing kW BLC 1 2 Current Charges - Electric Service $27.16 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€ooi0- 41.44',1.7Your Electric Use Pattern NNFMT\4W 00020057 / 00e3196 Sep-13 Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030506891 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 21 of 46nltruoNFoUUEll. www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Billing Date: Print Date: 0912912014 0912912014 Next Read Date: 1012412014 Service Location: 2901 BROADWAY AVE / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36103292 08126114 09t24t14 30 Regular 1 7653 18345 120 83040 Billing kW BLC 120 120 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 6 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $6.00 per kW, 6 days Non-summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 24 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $4.40 per kW,24 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 24 days Summer Energy Charge 400 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 6 days Summer Energy Charge 16,208 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 6 days ....., Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,600 kwh @ $O.OeaAe9 per kWh, 24 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 64,832 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 24 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $120.00 $0.00 $352.00 $o.oo $20.40 $0.00 $81.60 $41.73 $782.57 $150.24 $2,839.84 $448.58 $72-79 $176.18 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5,101.93 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr14 May-l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 ={ooio- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506200 Service Location: 313 S FRANKLIN PARK DR / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1011512014 Franklin Park Billing kW BLC 98 98 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 17 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $0.00 per kW, 17 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 15 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $+.+O per kW, 15 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 17 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 17 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 15 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 15 days Summer Energy Charge 1,063 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 17 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 36,741kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 17 days .... $16.00 $0.00 $248.63 $o.oo $160.88 $o.oo $42.27 $0.00 $37.29 $110.89 $'1,773.97 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Currenl Meter Constant kwh Used 36209868 o8t15114 I 09115114 32 Regular 36524 38303 40 71160 NNFMTUW 00020057 / 000431S7 I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70. Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call 3Em. xrDcolPcomp.r, www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a m to 6:30 p'm' Non-Summer Energy Charge 938 kwh @ $0.093899 per kwh, 15 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 32,418 kwh @ $0.043803 per kwh, 15 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 $88.08 $1,420.01 $384.41 $64.24 $155.92 Page22of 46 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $4,502.59 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 2193.7 2218.6Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506162 Service Location: 3152 W MAIN ST / BOISE,ID 5{oo ao- Next Read Date: Ogl3ol2014 ldaho Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-,l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sepl4 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36076650 o8t01t14 08129114 29 Regular 211 215 40 160 Billing kW BLC 1 5 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 5 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 160 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $1.31 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $35.36 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-'14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16.69 $0.86 $0.50 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511719 Service Location: 3165 EASTGATE DR / BOISE,ID =€ooio- Next Read Date: 1012312014 Trail Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 1 4 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW, 9 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW,23 days Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 9 days Basic Charge (0-20)4 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 23 days Summer Energy Charge 34 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 9 days $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.55 NNFMIViW 00020057 / 000431S8 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page 23 of 46sm. ln UCOaPCotrpr/Y www.idahopower.com Non-Summer Energy Charge 86 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 23 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $8.08 $0.65 $0.42 $1.1 1 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $29.81 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506481 Service Location: 322 S ROOSEVELT ST / BOISE,ID EHao- Next Read Date: 1012012014 Roosevelt 1&3 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36103302 08120114 09t18114 30 Regular 21805 22744 40 37560 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 72 74 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 12 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $6.00 per kW, 12 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 52 @ $+.+O per kW, 18 days ... Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 12 days Basic Charge (Over20) 54 @$t.OZper kW of BLC, 12 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 18 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 18 days Summer Energy Charge 800 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 12 days Summer Energy Charge 14,224 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 12 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,200 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 18 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 21,336 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 18 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $124.80 $137.28 $o.oo $22.03 $0.00 $33.05 $83.45 $686.78 $112.68 $934.58 $202.90 $35.30 Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 18 days ........ $0.00 Your Electric Use Paftern Service Agreement No: 0030511475 Service Location: 330 E ISLAND WOOD DR / EAGLE,ID Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $86.03 Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,474,88 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 D€c-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mat-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 =€oo eo- Next Read Date: 1010812014 lsland Wood #2 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36480542 08/08/14 I OSlOAlta 32 Regular 56630 60134 1 3504 NNFMMW m02m57 / 0m31S I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page24of 46 reHilB.. ArilOCtCqriprry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 74 75 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 24 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $O.OO per kW, 24 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20),20 @ $O.OO per kW, 8 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $+,+O per kW, 8 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 55 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 8 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 55 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 8 days Summer Energy Charge 1,500 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 24 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 1,128 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 24 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 500 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 8 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 376 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 8 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $243.00 $0.00 $59.40 $0.00 $42.08 $o.oo $14.03 $156.47 $54.46 $46.9s $16.47 $18.93 $6,68 $25,95 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511343 Service Location: 3630 S DURHAM WAY / BOISE,ID Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $700.42 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mat-14 Apr-14 May-14 Junl4 JUF'14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 =€ooe0- Next Read Date: 0912612014 Durham 211.8 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 4102c/.03 07t30114 08127114 29 Regular 9264',!103866 11225 Large General Service Schedule 09S Your Electric Use Pattern Billing kW BLC 17 18 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20) 17 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 18 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 9,225 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $208.63 $445.41 $60.64 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $26.80 Current Gharges - Electric Service $757.48 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 5e?oobio- Sep-13 Ocr-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043200 3Em.I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Vall6y). Se habla espanol. ^ll DACoTP Conpriy For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a m to 6:30 p m' Service Agreement No: 0030514397 Service Location: 3641 LICORICE PL / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page 25 of 46 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 09t2912014 09t29t2014 Next Read Date: 0912612014 Licorice Billing kW BLC 15 15 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 15 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 15 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Summer Energy Charge 8,176 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $o.oo $208.63 $394.76 $54.97 $24.78 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36332375 07130114 08127114 29 Regular 45044 55220 10176 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $699.14 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 357.2 354.4Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3651 003051 1602 W AMERICANA TER / BOISE,ID 3fao- Next Read Date: 1011612014 16th Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mab14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 16 days .. ... ... Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $+.+O per kW, 16 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 16 days Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 16 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 3,800 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 16 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 16 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 3,800 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 16 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $174.00 $o.oo $127.60 $0.00 $29.58 $0.00 $29.58 $104.31 $183.48 $93.e0 $166.45 $51.86 $14.65 $37.00 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,028.41 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043201 CR = Credit k\trh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaf,ol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page26of 46 <Em. xIUcortconrr www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506000 Large General Service Schedule 09S E€oo?o- Next Read Date: 1010912014 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,23 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $6.00 per kW, 23 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 9 days Non-summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $+.+O per kW, 9 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 23 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 23 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 9 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 9 days Summer Energy Charge 1,438 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 23 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 9,531 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 23 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 563 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 9 days ... Non-summer Energy Charge 3,729 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 9 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee '1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $21.56 $0.00 $6.19 $0.00 $3.67 $0.00 $1.43 $150.00 $460.19 $52.87 $163.34 $82.44 $14.37 $35.01 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Service Location: 3725 N CABARTON LN / BOISE,ID Westmoreland Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36074479 08/09/'t4 09/09/14 32 Regular 75849 91110 1 15261 Billing kW BLC 25 25 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $1,007.07 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Au9-14 Sep-14 =3obeo- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511257 Service Location: 3865 S SUMTER WAY / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1012212014 Five Mile #12 Billing kW BLC 58 60 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 38 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Non-summer Demand Charge (O-20') 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 22 days .....--. Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 38 @ $4.40 per kW, 22 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 10 days $16.00 $0.00 $71.25 $0.00 $114.95 $0.00 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36022149 o8t22t14 | OStZZrt+32 Regular 2749 2756 40 280 NNFMIVIW 00020057 / 00043202 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.ln U/Coat Comilry For faster service please Call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page27 of 46EltmtoT!FOi'ER. Basic Charge (Over 20) 40 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 40 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 88 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 192 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 22days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $12.75 $0.00 $28.05 $e.18 $18.03 $1.51 $10.81 Current Gharges - Electric Service $282.53 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 00305141 1 1 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 !> =8obeo- Next Read Date: 1012112014 507.5 Service Location: 3917 W SAINT ANDREWS DR / BOISE,ID Club Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36103310 o8t2'U14 09t't9t14 30 Regular 22565 23547 40 39280 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 73 74 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 11 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 53 @ $6.00 per kW, 11 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 19 days ,....... Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 53 @ $+.+O per kW, 19 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 11 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 11 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 19 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 19 days Summer Energy Charge 733 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 11 days Summer Energy Charge 1 3,670 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 1 1 days ... . Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,267 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 19 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 23,610 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 19 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $116.60 $o.oo $147.69 $0.00 $20.20 $o.oo $34.88 $76.46 $660.03 $118.97 $1,034.19 $212.15 $36.56 $89.00 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2,562.77 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =,it:oo ao- NNFMMW 00020057 / mO€203 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-l4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Aug-14 IIl Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030514303 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 28 of 46 SEHHB.. ^lt mcort ConF..ry www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Billing Date: Print Date: 0912912014 0912912014 Next Read Date: 1011712014 Service Location: 4215 HILLCREST )R / BOt Hillcrest Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 411',t4398 o8t't9t14 I 09t17t14 30 Regular 91773 94235 40 98480 Billing kW BLC 292 320 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 13 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 272 @ $6.00 per kW, 13 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 17 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 272 @ $4.40 per kW, 17 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 13 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 300 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 13 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 17 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 300 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 17 days Summer Energy Charge 867 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 13 days Summer Energy Charge 41,808 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 13 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,133 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 17 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 54,672 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 17 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $16.00 $0.00 $707.20 $0.00 $678.19 $0.00 $132.60 $o.oo $173.40 $90.44 $2,018.62 $106.39 $2,394.80 $531.99 $102.74 $252.71 Current Gharges - Electric Service $7,205.08 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€ooa0' Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514534 Service Location: 444W PARKCENTER BLVD / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1012712014 Beacon Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 5 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW, 25 days Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 5 days Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 25 days Summer Energy Charge 7 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 5 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 36 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 25 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.80 Current Charges - Electric Service $21.45 NNFll,lMW 00020057 / 00043204 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.73 $3.38 $0.23 $0.31 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 0912912014 09129t2014 Page29of 46 SHilh. ln D.ICOTP Comprly www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€ooio- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030506439 FIRCREST ST/ BOISE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: Service Location: 4444 Next Read Date: 1010912014 Goddard Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 3603331 5 08109114 09/09/14 32 Regular 66568 70723 20 831 00 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 119 121 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 23 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 99 @ $6.00 per kW, 23 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,9 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 99 @ $+.+O per kW, 9 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 23 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 101 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 23 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 9 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 101 @ $'1.02 per kW of BLC, 9 days Summer Energy Charge 1,438 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 23 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 58,290 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 23 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 563 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 9 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 22,809 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 9 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $426.94 $o.oo $122.51 $o.oo $74.05 $0.00 $28.97 $150.00 $2,814.42 $52.87 $999.10 $448.91 $77.01 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $187.39 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5,398.17 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 =€ooio- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030506400 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFMIIiW 0m20057 / 00043205 Next Read Date: 1012712014 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 5 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW,25 days $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 Service Location: 470 E GENTLEWIND CT / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 361 16380 o8t27rt4 | ostzstu 30 Regular 31 I 313 40 80 Billing kW BLC Actual kW Power Factor Power Factor Ad 1 3 0 0.007o 1 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page 30 of 46sEm. ln H@lP co[rprry www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (0-20) 3 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 5 days Basic Charge (0-20) 3 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 25 days Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh, 5 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 67 kwh @ $O.OegAS9 per kWh, 25 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $0.00 $0.00 $1.36 $6.29 $0.43 $0.36 $0.95 Current Charges - Electric Service $2s.39 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511141 Service Location: 4725 S MARKET ST / BOISE,ID =3obio- Next Read Date: 1012212014 Market Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 5246/.260 o8t2a14 I 0912A14 32 Regular 5884 6232 40 13920 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 104 106 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 84 @ $O.OO per kW, 10 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20].20 @ $O.OO per kW, 22 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 84 @ $+.+O per kW, 22 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 86 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 86 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 625 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Summer Energy Charge 3,725 kwh @ $O.O+eZa3 per kWh, 10 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,375 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 22 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 8,195 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 22days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $157.50 $0.00 $254.10 $0.00 $27.41 $0.00 $60.31 $65.20 $179.8s $129.11 $358.97 $75.20 $19.85 $49.94 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $1,393.44 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E€00io- Sep-13 Oct-'l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00M3206 I Ouestions? Contact us at: Po BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m, 0030506767 i S BYRD ST / BOISE,ID Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Next Read Date: 1012212014 Page 3l of 463Em. Lrlil@ltcomtrry www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 0 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 0 @ $0.00 per kW, 22 days Basic Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 22 days Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.24 $0.64 Service Location: 4896 S BYRD ST ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 50351644 o8l2z14 o9t22t14 32 Regular 8 8 1 0 Billing kW BLC 0 1 Current Gharges - Electric Service $16.88 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern 5€ooeo- Sepl3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'l4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511187 Service Location: 502 W VILLAGE LN PUMP / BOISE,ID Apr14 MayJ4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 0912912014 Central Park Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 51288370 07t311'.t4 o8t28t14 29 Regular 4067 4124 1 57 Billing kW BLC 1 4 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 4 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Summer Energy Charge 57 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5.95 $0.31 $0.33 $0.88 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $23.47 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation se?ooB ao- NNFMMW 00020057 / m06207 Sep-13 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuL14 Aug-14 Sepl4 Service Agreement No: 0030514049 Service Location: 512 N SIERRA VIEW WAY / EAGLE,ID Page32of 46 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 0912912014 0912912014 Next Read Date: 1010812014 Redwood Creek 3Em. An DaCOrt Compiy www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service pl€ase call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Billing kW BLC 38 97 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 24 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 18 @ $O.OO per kW, 24 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 8 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 18 @ $+.+O per kW, 8 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 77 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 8 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 77 @$1.02 per kW of BLC, 8 days Summer Energy Charge 1,500 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 24 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 16,620 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 24 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 500 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 8 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 5,540 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 8 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% $16.00 $0.00 $81.00 $o.oo $19.80 $0.00 $58.91 $0.00 $19.64 $156.47 $802.46 $46.95 $242.67 $130.51 $15.74 Your Electric Use Pattern Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $57.76 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,647.91 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€oo ao- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030506727 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: Service Location: 5191 Next Read Date: 1010612014 Willow Lane 2&3 Large General Service Schedule 09S WILLOW LN / Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 26 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 25 @ $6.00 per kW, 26 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW,4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 25 @ $+.qO per kW, 4 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 27 @$1.02 per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 27 @$l.OZ per kW of BLC, 4 days Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 26 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 18,485 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 26 days .... $16.00 $0.00 $130.00 $0.00 $14.67 $0.00 $23.87 $0.00 $3.67 $180.78 $892.51 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 361 16415 08t08114 09/08/14 32 Regular 6068 6672 40 24160 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00M3208 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol.xl Dlcflt cqt|Fry For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page 33 of 46nrllfN!FilEI. Non-Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 4 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,843 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 4 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $25.07 $124.53 $126.02 $23.06 $56.44 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,616.62 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 900.9 89'1.8 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 5191 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030506566 WILLOW LN / BOISE,ID =3obao- Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sepl4 Next Read Date: 1010012014 Willow Lane 1 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 26 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 3 @ $6.00 per kW, 26 days Non-summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 3 @ $+.+O per kW, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 4 days Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 26 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 7,627 kWh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 26 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 4 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,173 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 4 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efflciency Services $16.00 $0.00 $15.60 $0.00 $1.76 $0.00 $4.42 $0.00 $0.68 $180.78 $368.25 $25.07 $51.38 $58.34 $10.83 $26.56 Current Gharges - Electric Service $759.67 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern ={oo ao- 360.0 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 NNFMMW 0m20057 / 00s3209 SEHHB*. lnucorrcdnFY, www.idahopower.com Large Genera! Service Schedule 09S I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page 34 of 46 UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 09t29t2014 0912912014 Next Read Date: 1011512014 Clinton Service Agreement No: 0030511985 Service Location: 5324 CLINTON ST / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 92 98 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 17 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 72 @ $0.00 per kW, 17 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 15 days .. .... . . Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 72 @$+.+O per kW, 15 days ... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 17 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 17 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 15 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC, 15 days Summer Energy Charge 1,063 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, '17 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 25,096 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 17 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 938 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 15 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 22,143 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 15 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $229.50 $o.oo $148.50 $o.oo $42.27 $0.00 $37.29 $110.89 $1,211.71 $88.08 $969.93 $265.99 $46.80 $114.17 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36052649 08115114 091't5114 32 Regular 9972 11203 40 49240 Current Charges - Electric Service $3,281.13 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1943.7 2002.6 1973.7Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514600 Service Location: 5600 N FARROW ST / BOISE,ID c>t3obao- Next Read Date: 10114120'14 HP Sep-13 Oct-'l3 Nov-'|3 Dec-,l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-'14 Sep-'14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 18 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $6.00 per kW, 18 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 12 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $4.40 per kW,12 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 18 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 18 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 12 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 12 days Summer Energy Charge 1,200 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 18 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 54,384 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 18 days .... $16.00 $o.oo $424.80 $o.oo $207.68 $0.00 $72.22 $0.00 $48.14 $125.18 $2,625.82 NNFMMW 00020057 / 0@43210 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaffol.Xr UCOiP Cotrorry For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p m Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page 35 of 46 <EHHh. Non-Summer Energy Charge 800 kwh @ $0.093899 per kwh, 12 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 36,256 kwh @ $0.043803 per kwh, 12 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $75.12 $1,588.12 $500.44 $85.25 $207.32 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5,976.09 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'l4 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-l4 Aug-14 Sep-14 ={ooeo- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030506521 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1012212014 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 197 @ $6.00 per kW, 10 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,21 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 197 @ $4.40 per kW,21 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 199 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 21 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 199 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 21 days Summer Energy Charge 645 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Summer Energy Charge 18,220 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 10 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,355 kwh @ $O.OSSgg9 per kWh, 21 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 38,260 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 21 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $381.29 $o.oo $587.19 $o.oo $6s.48 $0.00 $137.50 $67.28 $879.72 $127.23 $1,675.90 $315.91 $157.50 Service Location: 5650 W FLYING HAWK LN / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50938951 o8t22t14 09t21114 31 Regular 16119 17581 40 58480 Billing kW BLC 2't7 219 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Current Charges - Electric Service $4,411.00 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-'l4 003051 1390 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: 1011712014 =€ooio- 3333.3 Service Location: 5709 S COLE RD / BOISE Sunset West Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36278554 081't9t14 09117114 30 Regular r5196 18288 40 123680 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043211 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: Ogl29l2o14 Page 36 of 463Em. lan@t,comru www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 187 189 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 13 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 167 @ $6.00 per kW, 13 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 17 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 167 @ $4.40 per kW, 17 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 13 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 169 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 13 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 17 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 169 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 17 days Summer Energy Charge 867 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 13 days Summer Energy Charge 52,728 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh, 13 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,133 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 17 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 68,952 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 17 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $434.20 $o.oo $416.39 $o.oo $74.70 $0.00 $97.68 $90.44 $2,545.87 $106.39 $3,020.30 $668.12 $272.08 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 593 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $7,742.17 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 4229.3 4189.6 4122.6 erio- Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 0030514513 1/2 W GRAY FOX CT WELL / MERIDIAN,ID Next Read Date: 1010312014 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 27 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 49 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW, 3 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 49 @ $+.+O per kW, 3 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 3 days Summer Energy Charge 432 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 27 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 48 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 3 days ..... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $264.60 $0.00 $21.56 $0.00 $71.60 $o.oo $7.96 $45.06 $4.51 $2.59 $17.25 Current Charges - Electric Service $451.13 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043212 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 0912912014 0912912014 Page 37 of 46 SHilB*. ln DACOTP Conpany www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S 5E oo eo- Service Agreement No: 0030514278 Service Location: 6028 W KIRKWOOD CIR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1011612014 Kirkwood Billing kW BLC 21 22 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 16 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 16 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 16 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 1 @ $+.+O per kW, 16 days ..... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 2 @ $l .OZ per kW of BLC, 1 6 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 2 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 16 days Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 16 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 6,175 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 16 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 16 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 6,175 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 16 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $3.00 $0.00 $2.20 $0.00 $1.02 $0.00 $1.02 $104.31 $298.15 $93.90 $270.48 $77.52 $13.01 $31.60 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'l4 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41 06901 7 08116114 09t16114 32 Regular 47306 61656 ,|14350 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $912.21 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 452.3Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506845 Service Location: 6873 W OVERLAND RD / BOISE,ID =3obao- Next Read Date: 10116120'14 Overland Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-!4 Apr-14 May-l4 Jun-14 Jul-'I4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 16 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 63 @ $6.00 per kW, 16 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 63 @ $+.+O per kW, 16 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 16 days $16.00 $0.00 $189.00 $0.00 $138.60 $0.00 NNFMMW 00020057 / 0093213 I I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaf,ol.llt ncilt cqtl9nY For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuosdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page 38 of 46ntmroNFoUUEll. Basic Charge (Over 20) 64 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 64 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 16 days Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 16 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 25,813 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 16 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 16 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 25,813 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 16 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $32.64 $0.00 $32.64 $104.31 $1,246.33 $93.90 $1,130.69 $289.69 $49.11 $119.36 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $3,44,2.27 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation !> =8obeo- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514569 Service Location: 6905 W HUMMEL DR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1011612014 Hummel 166s.2 1771.0 1675.8 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'l3 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunenl Meter Constant kwh Used 4112',t889 08116114 09116114 32 Regular 149 150 40 40 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 1 2 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days Basic Charge (0-20)2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (0-20\2 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 16 days Summer Energy Charge 20 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 16 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 20 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 16 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.0e $1.88 $0.22 $0.30 $0.80 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $21.29 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-'l3 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030506685 Service Location: 6977 N PENNCROSS WAY PUMP / MERIDIAN,ID se?oobao- Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 NNFMMW 00020057 / 0083214 Next Read Date: 1OlOBl2O14 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 39 of 463Em. TnUCOIPCclf/Y www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 09t29t2014 09t29t2014 Billing kW BLC 33 62 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 24 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 13 @ $6.00 per kW, 24 days Non-summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 8 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 13 @ $+.+O per kW, 8 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 42 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 8 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 42 @$1.02 per kW of BLC, 8 days Summer Energy Charge 900 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 24 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 300 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 8 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $58.50 $0.00 $14.30 $0.00 $32.1 3 $0.00 $10.71 $93.88 $28.17 $6.48 $10.15 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506234 Service Location: 7000 BROADWAY AVE / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $270.32 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sep-13 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-l4 May-14 Jun-14 ={ooio Next Read Date: 1012212014 JR Flat Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 63 @ $O.OO per kW, 10 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 22 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 63 @ $4.40 per kW, 22 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 70 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 70 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 625 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Summer Energy Charge 16,963 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 10 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,375 kwh @ $0.OgSAg9 per kWh, 22 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 37,317 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 22 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $118.13 $0.00 $190.58 $o.oo $22.31 $o.oo $49.09 $65.20 $819.02 $129.11 $1,634.60 $304.02 $50.22 $121.76 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $3,520.04 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation NNFMMW m2m57 / lm3215 II I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 40 of 463Em. anucottconEry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 09t29t2014 0912912014 .1693.7 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506644 Service Location: 7130 BETHEL ST / BOISE,ID 5€ooi0- Next Read Date: 1011612014 Bethel Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 140 @ $6.00 per kW, 16 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 16 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 140 @ $4.40 per kW, 16 days Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) '143 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 16 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 143 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 16 days Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.t0+St+ per kWh, 16 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 55,480 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, '16 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 16 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 55,480 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 16 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $420.00 $0.00 $308.00 $0.00 $72.93 $0.00 $72.93 $104.31 $2,678.74 $93.90 $2,430.19 $610.21 $102.11 $247.88 Sep-13 Oc{-'l3 Nov-'13 Dec-'I3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Au9-14 Sep-14 Sep-13 Oct-'l3 Nov-'|3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Service Agreement No: 00305'11434 Next Read Date: 1012012014 Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFMMW m20057 / O0M32l6 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $7,157.20 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation ={ooio- Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 12 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 57 @ $O.OO per kW, 12 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 18 days ........ $16.00 $0.00 $136.80 $0.00 Service Location: 7186 S VALLEY HEIGHTS DR / BOISE,ID Hidden Vallev #2 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36374165 08120114 o9118114 30 Regular 14947 15949 40 40080 Billing kW BLC 77 78 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol.rn BCOltCo;Fry For faster service please Call arra*ar,ar aan Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.mwww.idahopower.com Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page 41 of 46 SHHg.. Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 57 @ $+.+O per kW, 18 days ... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 12 days .... .. .... ..:. .. . . . .. . Basic Charge (Over20) 58 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 12 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 18 days Basic Charge (Over20) 58 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 18 days Summer Energy Charge 800 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 12 days Summer Energy Charge 15,232 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 12 days .... Non-summer Energy Charge 1,200 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 18 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 22,848 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 18 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism $150.48 $0.00 $23.66 $0.00 $35.50 $83.45 $735.45 $112.68 $1,000.81 $216.51 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506969 Service Location: 749 S FIVE MILE RD / BOISE,ID EnergyEfficiencyServices................................................................. $91.79 Current Charges - Etectric Service $2,603.13 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 1577.5 1591 .7 Sep-13 Oct-l3 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 t€ooio- Next Read Date: 1012412014 Brookhollow Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 45668628 08t26t14 I 09124114 30 Regular 65441 68656 1 3215 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 63 63 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 6 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 43 @ $0.00 per kW, 6 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 24 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 43 @ $+.+O per kW, 24 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 43 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 43 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 24 days Summer Energy Charge 400 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,6 days Summer Energy Charge 243 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh,6 days Non-summer Energy Charge 1,600 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 24 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 972 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 24 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $s1.60 $0.00 $151.36 $0.00 $8.77 $o.oo $35.09 $41.73 $11.73 $150.24 $42.58 $17.37 $7.90 $20.36 Current Charges - Electric Service $5s4.73 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00043217 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030514350 RIVIERA DR / BOISE,ID Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page42of 46 3EHilB.. rn ucorP corpflr, www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern 5R oo Service Agreement No: Service Location: 751 Next Read Date: 1010312014 Veterans Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Ma'-l4 Apt-14 May-'14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 27 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $O.OO per kW, 27 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 3 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $4.40 per kW, 3 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 52 @$l.OZ per kW of BLC, 27 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 52 @$l-OZ per kW of BLC, 3 days Summer Energy Charge 1,800 kwh @ $0.t0+St+ per kWh, 27 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 36,270 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 27 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 200 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 3 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 4,030 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 3 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $259.20 $0,00 $21.12 $o.oo $47.74 $0.00 $5.30 $187.77 $1,751.22 $18.78 $176.53 $228.50 $40.68 $99.35 Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,852.19 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 ={ooeo- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030506600 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1OlO7l2O14 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 25 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 302 @ $6.00 per kW, 25 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 5 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 302 @ $4.40 per kW, 5 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 25 days $16.00 $0.00 $1,510.00 $0.00 $221.47 $0.00 Service Location: 804 W FLOATING FEATHER RD / EAGLE,ID Feather Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052690 08to7l't4 09/05/14 30 Regular 46285 48532 80 179760 Billing kW BLC 322 335 NNFMMW 00020057 / 00s3218 II I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: Ogl29l2014 Page 43 of 46nttrllfNIFoUUER. ln UCOltColfrt www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (Over 20) 315 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 25 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 5 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 315 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 5 days Summer Energy Charge 1,667 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh, 25 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 148,133 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 25 days .. Non-Summer Energy Charge 333 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 5 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 29,627 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 5 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $267.75 $0.00 $53.55 $173.89 $7,152.31 $31.27 $1,297.75 $971.06 $116.95 $428.96 Current Charges - Electric Service $12,240.96 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030514421 Service Location: 916 N CLOVERDALE RD / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1012412014 -> =8obao- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 6 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 24 days Basic Charge (0-20)2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 6 days Basic Charge (0-20)2 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 24 days Summer Energy Charge 16 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 6 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 64 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 24 days ... $6.01 AnnualAdjustment Mechanism $0.43 Franchise Fee 1.50% $0.36 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.95 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $25.42 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 0030506318 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: 1011312014 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.67 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: r> =3ob eo- Service Location: 9175 W DONNYBROOK CT / BOISE.ID Hills Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052715 o8l't3114 | 091't'114 30 Regular 70217 I 72067 40 74000 NNFMIVM 00m0057 / 00G321S I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page 44 of 46 SEHHB*. ln mcorP comparY www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 207 250 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 19 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 187 @ $6.00 per kW, 19 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 11 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 187 @ $4.40 per kW, 11 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 19 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 230 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 19 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 11 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 230 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 11 days Summer Energy Charge 1,267 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 19 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 45,600 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 19 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 11 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 26/00 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 11 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $710.60 $0.00 $301.69 $0.00 $148.58 $0.00 $86.02 $132.17 $2,201.70 $68.83 $1,156.40 $399.75 $78.33 $192.88 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5,492.9s CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Service Agreement No: 0030511014 Service Location: 9190 W WOODLARK ST / BOISE,ID Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: '1012112014 Sherman Oaks ereo- 4315.8 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Summer Energy Charge 10 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh, 11 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 17 kwh @ $O.OSZZS6 per kWh, 19 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $5.00 $0.e8 $1.66 $0.22 $0.12 $0.31 Your Electric Use Paftern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $8.29 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation ={ooio- NNFMMW 00020057 / O0M3220 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 I I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 45 of 46nttrlt0lNIFoUUEll. www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 0912912014 09t29t2014 Next Read Date: 1011412014 Settlers Service Agreement No: 0030511099 Service Location: 9917 W MCMILLAN RD / BOISE,ID Billing kW BLC 75 76 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 18 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 55 @ $0.00 per kW, 18 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 12 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 55 @ $4.40 per kW, 12 days ... Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 18 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 56 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 18 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 12 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 56 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 12 days Summer Energy Charge 1,200 kwh @ $0.t0+et+ per kWh, 18 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 3,661 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 18 days ...... Non-Summer Energy Charge 800 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 12 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,440 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 12 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $198.00 $0.00 $96.80 $0.00 $34.27 $0.00 $22.85 $125.18 $176.76 $75.12 $106.88 $43.76 $13.43 $34.07 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constanl kwh Used 55658966 o8114114 osl1z14 30 Regular 25869 33970 1 8101 Your Electric Use Paftern Current Gharges - Electric Service $943.12 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E> =3obar Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mat-14 Apr-l4 May-l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Service Agreement No:0030506362 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1010812014 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW, 24 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 46 @ $O.OO per kW, 24 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW, 8 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 46 @ $+.+O per kW, 8 days ..... Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 46 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 24 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 8 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 46 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 8 days Summer Energy Charge 1,500 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 24 days ...... Summer Energy Charge 16,033 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh, 24 days .... $16.00 $o.oo $207.00 $0.00 $50.60 $0.00 $35.19 $o.oo $11.73 $156.47 $774.12 932.9 SErviCE Location: EAGLE RD / EAGLE,ID lsland Wood #1 Meter Number Service PeriodFrom To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36074641 08/08/14 09108t't4 32 Regular 47222 70600 1 23378 Billing kW BLC 66 66 NNFMMW 00020057 / 0093221 il Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaftol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 0912912014 Print Date: 0912912014 Page46of 46zllmlos!FoilER. AtlD COrtCot'lpor, www.idahopower.com Non-Summer Energy Charge 500 kwh @ $0.093899 per kwh, 8 days ... Non-Summer Energy Charge 5,345 kwh @ $0.043803 per kwh, 8 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% $46.95 $234.13 $126.29 $16.58 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $61.29 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,736.35 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511679 Service Location: GOWEN&HENRY / BOISE,ID >o?ooo a0. Next Read Date: 1012212014 Mac Sep-'13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36266092 08t22114 09122114 32 Regular 19059 20088 40 41 160 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 92 101 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 10 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 72 @ $O.OO per kW, 10 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 22days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 72 @$+.qO per kW, 22 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 81 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 10 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 22 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 81 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 22 days Summer Energy Charge 625 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 10 days Summer Energy Charge 12,238 kwh @ $0.048283 per kwh, 10 days .... Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,375 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 22 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 26,922 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 22 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $135.00 $o.oo $217.80 $0.00 $25.82 $0.00 $56.80 $65.20 $590.89 $129.11 $1,179.26 $222.35 $3e.57 $96.64 Your Electric Use Pattern Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2,774.U CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation 2o2j.2 2109.3 2108.9 =€ooao- NNFMM r]/,/m57 I MM3D Sep-13 Ocl-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 3EffiHE*. anucoatcoaril|v www.idahopower.com Account Activity I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasur€ Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page I of 40 $195,609.72 $195,609.72 $0.00 $139,460.60 Billing Date: Print Date: 10t3012014 1013012014 Due Date I Please Pay 11t14t2014 | $139,460.60 Previous Balance Payments - Thank You ........... Balance Forward Current Charges CR View Your Bilt Online "v Account Balance $139,460.60 Please Note: Any unpaid balances may be assessed a monthly charge of 'l percent. Any credit on the account will be applied to future bills or can b€ refunded upon customer request. Retumed payments may be resubmitted electronically. ltems remaining unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. Log in to myAccount todayl ACCESS your account 2417. PAY your bill. GET information. SEE daily and hourly use. Learn how to SAVE. Visit idahooower.com/mvAccount and click "Register Now" in the myAccount registration box. Consider joining ldaho Power in supporting Project Share, a valuable community service that uses voluntary contributions to assist individuals and families who need help paying their energy bills dudng the winter heating season. To make a pledge, visit our Web site (idahopower.com) or mark the appropriate box on the back of the pay stub. V Please detach and retum the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. V 3rm.xrBcdcrEU Please write your account number on your check or money order made payable to ldaho Power. PO BOX 70 BOISE, rD 83707 (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) ACCOUNT NUMBER 2206374791 Amount Enclosed f"€ ProlectShareplcdge,*,s#t noted on reveme side- DUEDATE PLEASEPAY 11t14t2014 $139,460.60 $*$ Address/PhoneCorrectlon,A*E noted on reverse side. UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BO|SE, tD 83709-4165 !!iltiltltlttll,lt,tllilll,!illtltl;,il;,!1,;1,;,1,11,,1,1,1,11, PROCESSING CENTER P.O. BOX 34966 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1966 22063747910013946060 000000000 013946060 1030 3 NNFPMN 00023948 / 00050259 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1Ol3Ol2O14 Next Read Date: 1112412014 Page 2 of 40 3Em. xlUCOirConrry www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: 0030514081 Service Location: 10019 W HARVESTER DR / BOISE,ID SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Billing kW BLC 0 0 Service Charge Non-summer Energy Charge 103 kwh @ $0.097756 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $5.00 $10.07 $0.82 $0.24 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514161 Service Location: 10'101 PLEASANT VALLEY RD / BOISE,ID Large General Service Charge Energy Efficiency Services $0.60 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $16.73 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowat-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E>>E?oobir May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Ocr-14 Next Read Date: 1112112014 Ten Mile $16.00 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 Ellill3 If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NF0ilrEt. NEW coNrAcr TNFoRMAnoN:ItDAoDccilt, Does ldaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? lf not, please write any changes below: Account Number: 220637 4791 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. frj t, L$ tu ffi s,o t!&YJ SO I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of S Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your taxdeductlble donatlons. E6q*HHtl{ra Apt./Suite City Telephone Number Email Address NNFPMN 00023948 / 00050260 Zipccde II I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 3 of 403Em. ari Dlcol, con9any www.idahopower.com Service Schedule 09S Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 232 @ $4.40 per kW .............. Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $o.oO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 235 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 106,040 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh ........ Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $0.00 $1,020.80 $0.00 $239.70 $187.80 $4,644.87 $583.63 $244.37 Your Electric Use Paftern Current Gharges - Electric Service $6,937.17 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation S2S1.Z 5393.3E> =3ob &0- Next Read Date: 1112112014Service Agreement No: 00305061'tB Billing kW BLC 382 386 Large General Service ChargeService Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Schedule 09S Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 362 @ $4.40 per kW .............. Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 366 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 199,680 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030514254 $16.00 $0.00 $1,592.80 $0.00 $373.32 $187.80 $8,746.58 $1,089.48 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $436.66 Current Gharges - Electric Service $12,42.64 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 8787.5 8858.6 a441.3r> =3obio- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'l4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Billing kW BLC 1 10'l Large General Service Charge NNFPMN 0m894A / 00050261 Next Read Date: 1112412014 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Ja -14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Location: 10300 PLEASANT VALLEY RD / BOISE,ID Pleasant Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50338082 09t23114 10t22114 30 Regular 9074 'I't595 80 201680 Service Location: 10301 W COUNTRYMAN DR / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Currenl Meter Constant kwh Used 36022264 09124114 10123114 30 Regular 17153 't 7155 40 80 $16.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m- Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 4 of 403Em. lnUoocon?try www.idahopower.com Service Schedule 09S Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 81 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Effi ciency Services $0.00 $0.00 $82.62 $7.51 $0.43 $1.60 $4.25 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511642 Service Location: 10642W PARKER AVE / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $112.41 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation enio- 2122.6 Oct-13 Nov-'l3 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1111912014 #1 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 99 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 106 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 30,400 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $435.60 $o.oo $108.12 $187.80 $1,331.61 $175.02 $83.17 Location: 10642W P Hidden V Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209428 o9l't9114 10120114 32 Regular 34384 35194 40 32400 Billing kW BLC 119 't26 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511908 Billing kW BLC 36 37 Large General Service ChargeService Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW NNFPMN m23m / m050262 Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,337.32 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation €€ooac 1318.6 13/6.2 Next Read Date: 1112512014 $16.00 $0.00 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-l4 Service Location: 10748 W SANDPIPER ST / EOISE,ID Paradise Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 36365768 091251'14 10t24t14 30 Regular 70041 75621 1 5580 II I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lO 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1Ol3Ol2O14 Page 5 of 40sm. An [rACOrt Compaly www.idahopower.com Schedule 09S Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 17 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 3,580 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $70.40 $0.00 $17.34 $187.80 $156.81 $30.14 $7.18 $17.93 Current Gharges - Electric Service $503.60 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation ={ooe0- 731.8 tZO.7 tO4.Z 750.5 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030514554 Service Location: 10957 112 TAHITI ST / BOISE,ID Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1111212014 Bali Hai Billing kW BLC 190 208 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 170 @ $4.40 per kW .............. Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 188 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 86,160 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $748.00 $o.oo $191.76 $187.80 $3,774.07 $476.24 $80.91 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $196.71 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5,671.49 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'l4 E{ooao- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030514372 Next Read Date: '1112412014 Billing kW BLC 61 62 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 361 16416 091'tzl'14 101't3114 32 Regular 27860 28962 80 88160 3977.9 Service Location: 10995 W VICTORY RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 45581623 09t24t14 10t23t14 30 Regular 869 38362 1 37493 NNFPMN 00023948 / 00050263 I Questions? Contact us at: Po BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol.X! BoflP CotrFny For faster Service please call www'idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p m' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1Ol3Ol2O14 Page 6 of 40 3EHM. Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 42 @$1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $O.OSSAS9 per kWh Non-summer Energy Charge 35,493 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $180.40 $o.oo $42.84 $187.80 $1,554.70 $202.54 $79.27 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2,263.55 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1245.7 1256.8 1279.3 1249.7 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-'14 ={ooio- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514231 Service Location: 1122 S HILTON ST CT / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1111912014 Hilton Billing kW BLC 129 136 Service Charge Non-summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 109 @ $4.40 per kW .............. Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 116 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 80,480 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $479.60 $o.oo $118.32 $187.80 $3,525.27 $445.56 $71.59 $173.08 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36481326 09119114 10120114 32 Regular 94493 96555 40 82480 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $5,017.22 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'I3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 =Eoo ao- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514207 Service Location: 11533 W FREEDOM DR WELL / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1012912014 Frontier Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052514 08t29t't4 09t29t14 32 Regular 3105 I 3107 60 120 NNFPMN 0m894a / 0050264 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 7 of 40sm. fnDACOiPComgr, www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing Date: Print Date: 10t30t2014 10t30t2014 Billing kW BLC 1 't 05 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW,3 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW,29 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 85 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 29 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 85 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 29 days Summer Energy Charge 11 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 109 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 29 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.13 $0.00 $78.57 $1.15 $10.23 $0.65 $1.72 $4.56 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $121.01 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation ={ooeG Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511948 Service Location: 11619 W LA GRANGE ST / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 114 @ $4.40 per kW ........,..... Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 116 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 81,720 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $501.60 $0.00 $118.32 $187.80 $3,579.58 $452.26 $176.13 2150.0 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-'I4 Jun-14 Jul-l4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $5,031.69 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation ={ooao- NNFPMN 0mxg8 / m0502S Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-'l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Augl4 Sep-14 Oct-14 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388.2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 0030506277 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Next Read Date: 1112512014 Page 8 of 40 3EHilh. lliUCOatComoary www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Service Location: 12247 W BRADDOCK DR / BOISE,ID View Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36033329 o9t2st14 | totzqn+30 Regular 2592 2599 40 280 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 67 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 47 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 280 kwh @ $O.OS3AS9 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $o.oo $47.94 $26.29 $1.51 $1.38 $3.61 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511301 Service Location: 13498 W MCMILLAN RD / BOISE,ID Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $96.73 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 ={ooac Next Read Date: 1013012014 McMillan Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW,2 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $0.00 per kW, 2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 30 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $+.+O per kW, 30 days ... Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) il @ $t .02 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 30 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC, 30 days Summer Energy Charge 125 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,2 days Summer Energy Charge 1,130 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 2 days Non-summer Energy Charge 1,875 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 30 days Non-summer Energy Charge 16,950 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $20.25 $0.00 $222.75 $0.00 $3.44 $o.oo $51.64 $13.04 $54.56 $176.06 $742.46 $108.47 $21.13 $52.01 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,481.81 NNFPMN 0m23m / mS2S CR=Credit kWh=Kilorivaft-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kiloratt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 9 of 40 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514184 Service Location: 1446 COMMERCE AVE / BOISE,ID 3Em. tltDlCOrtCo.lElv www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S r> =3obeo- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Augl4 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112112014 BIF Billing kW BLC 36 37 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20')20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 16 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $o.oo per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 17 @$t.Oz per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-summer Energy Charge 2,703 kwh @ $O.O+3SO3 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $70.40 $o.oo $17.34 $187.80 $118.40 $25.41 $6.53 $16.40 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Curreni Meter Constant kwh Used 51288190 o9t23t14 10122114 30 Regular 85982 90685 ,|4703 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514469 Service Location: 1503 W AYMX RD / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $4s8.28 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 848.4 858.0 7s2.1seioobir Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112112014 Pioneer Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)5 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 245 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 480 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $249.90 $4s.07 $2.59 $12.44 Current Charges - Electric Service $326.00 NNFPMN 00023948 / m050267 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowercostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030514136 Service Location: 1576 N GARDEN ST / BOISE,ID Page l0 of 40 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1111712014 Arctic SEHilh. AnDlCOltCoiEilry www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ={ooaa Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 48 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 40 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $48.96 $3.76 $0.22 $1.03 $2.75 266.6 275.8 10116t14 Current Gharges - Electric Service $72.72 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation =€ooio- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514017 Service Location: 1649 E BERGESON ST / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1112612014 Centennial 797.2 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 66 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 68 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 27,320 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $290.40 $o.oo $69.36 $187.80 $1,196.70 $158.39 $28.78 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $70.41 Current Charges - Electric Service $2,017.84 NNFPMN 00023948 / @050268 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation SHHh. lrUOOltCorrflry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 5€ooeo- I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Och13 Nov-13 Dec-13 JanJl4 003051 1798 Page ll of 40 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 220637479'l Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 1942.0 1962.5 1962.7 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012812014 $16.00 $o.oo $1.60 $0.00 $7.63 $0.00 $0.68 $0.00 $4.42 $27.85 $70.54 $162.73 $416.08 $70.01 $11.66 $28.30 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 22 25 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 2 @ $6.00 per kW, 4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW, 26 days ........ Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 2 @ $+.+O per kW, 26 days .... . Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 26 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 4 days Summer Energy Charge 1,461 kwh @ $0.048283 per kWh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 9,499 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 26 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Service Location: 1708 RIVERWOOD DR / BOISE,ID Meadow Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 45586993 08128114 09t26t14 30 Regular 8823 9147 40 12960 Current Charges - Electric Service $817.50 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-l4 Sep-14 Oct14 =€ooio. Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506042 Service Location: 1714 S TAGGART ST / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1112012014 Taqoart 1&2 Billing kW BLC 102 116 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 82 @$+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 96 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $360.80 $0.00 $97.92 $187.80 10t21114 NNFPMN 00023948 / m050269 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call 7Ittr[fNrFouuEll. llrn@lPCompary www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Non-Summer Energy Charge 68,360 kwh @ $0.043803 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 12 of 40 $2,994.37 $380.08 $60.55 $146.28 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Current Gharges - Electric Service $4,243.80 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 003051 1515 Mar14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112512014 =8ob ao- Service Location: 1720 DELTA DR / BOISE Tertel Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 50327468 09125114 10t24t14 30 Regular 50055 52144 1 2089 Billing kW BLC 71 72 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $224.40 $0.00 $s3.04 $187.80 $3.90 $11.28 $7.45 $19.41 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 51 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 52 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kwh 89 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 1791 0030506080 W SHORELINE DRA/ BOISE,ID Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $523.28 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowaft BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 1617.3 1684.7 Oct-'l3 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 =€ooao' Next Read Date: 1111712014 27th Street Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 46369204 ogt17t14 10116114 30 Regular 62011 87729 1 25718 Billing kW BLC 48 49 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFPMN 0008S4a / m050270 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 28 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $o.oO per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $123.20 $0.00 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1Ol3Ol2O14 Page 13 of 40nElllfNFoUUEll. rn ucort conpe!, www.idahopower.com Basic Charge (Over 20)29 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kwh Non-Summer Energy Charge 23,718 kwh @ $0.043803 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $29.58 $187.80 $1,038,92 $138.93 $23.02 $55.82 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,613,27 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 5eioob ao- 1077.7 1064.6 1043.1 1008.1 998.6 998.0Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 oec-13 Jan-14 Service Agreement No: 0030506809 Feb-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1112612014 River RunService Location: 2010 E PARKCENTER BLVD / Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 53 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 280 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54.06 $26.29 $1.51 $1.47 $3.85 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $103.18 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAd.iustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation c> =3ob&o. Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 2011 003051 1 559 S MANITOU AVE / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: '1112412014 Chamberlain 1&2 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36022212 09124114 I 10123114 30 Regular 1723 I 1726 40 120 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFPMN 0m23948 / 00050271 Billing kW BLC 2 4 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)2 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)4 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 120 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.27 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Gustomer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1Ol3Ol2O14 Page l4 of 407Iltr[fD!FOiEl. rn ucorrComgry www.idahopower.com Annual Adjustment Mechanism $0.65 $0.42 $1.09 Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Current Gharges - Electric Service $29.43 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 003051 1832 S WHITE PINE PL / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1112612014 E> =3obio- Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $o.oo $409.20 $0.00 $97.92 $187.80 $243.s4 $40.84 $14.93 $38.18 Service Charge Non-summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 93 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 96 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 5,560 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Location: 2177 S WHITE Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh Used 362096'.t7 09126114 10127114 32 Regular 25635 25824 40 7560 Billing kW BLC 113 '1 16 Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,048.41 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 2360.0 2418.7 2271.2 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 003051 1869 Feb-14 Mar-'l4 Apr-'14 May-'14 Jul-14 Next Read Date: 1012812014 c> =3obio- Service Location: 2355 STARCREST DR /Warm Sprinos #3 Well Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36334965 o8128114 09t26t14 30 Regular 1 0061 10159 1 98 Billing kW BLC 1 1 Large General Seruice Schedule 09S NNFPMN 0m8948 / mO50272 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) I @ $O.OO per kW,4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW,26 days Basic Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 26 days $16.00 $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo $0.00 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol.rt Bcilt coilEry For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 15 of 40 sEHilE. Summer Energy Charge 13 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh,4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 85 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $1.36 $7.98 $0.53 $0.39 $1.01 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $27.27 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Paftern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 0030514494 Service Location: 2425W BOISE AVE / BOISE,ID Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112412014 Cliffside E> =3obao- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 30 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 34 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 21 Annual Adjustment Mechanism ,690 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $132.00 $0.00 $34.68 $187.80 $950.09 $127.97 $21.73 $52.82 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,523.09 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =€ooir 1.132.6 1 195.7 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-'|4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030511055 Service Location: 2545 S COLE RD / BOISE,ID Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFPMN m023948 / mO50273 Next Read Date: 1112012014 Cole Billing kW BLC 1 61 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36341298 o9t2ot14 | 10t21114 32 Regular 477',!4772 80 80 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Vall€y). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 16 of 40nElllfE!FOi'R. AnmciltconEry www.idahopower.com Billing Date: Print Date: 1013012014 10t3012014 Basic Charge (Over 20) 41 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $41.82 $7.51 $0.43 $2.61 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $68.37 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 E> =3obl0- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511758 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1112112014 Billing kW BLC 61 61 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 41 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20)41 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 40,280 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $180.40 $0.00 $41.82 $187.80 $1,764.38 $228.40 $36.28 $87.62 897.5 924.1 Service Location: 2599 W VICTORY <D / BOISE,ID Vrsta Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36451728 09t23t14 10122114 30 Regular 33403 34460 40 42280 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Gharges - Electric Service $2,542.70 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation 1408.2 1390.3 .1382.0 1422.5 1425.3 1427.5 1371.2 1409.3 5R obio- Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Next Read Date: 1Ol3Ol2O14 Swift 1,2,3 Service Agreement No: 0030511217 Large General Service Schedule 09S NNFPMN 0mxg8 / m$274 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW,2 days Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 178 @ $6.00 per kW, 2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW,29 days $16.00 $0.00 $68.e0 $0.00 Service Location: 2746 N LAKEHARBOR LN / BOISE,ID I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espa6ol.Xt mcdt Compf:Y For faster seNice please Call www,idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 17 of 40nrllfr)NFoUUEll. Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 178 @ $4.40 per kW, 29 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 179 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 29 days Basic Charge (Over 20) 179 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC, 29 days Summer Energy Charge 129 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 2 days Summer Energy Charge 5,440 kwh @ $O.O+gZa3 per kWh,2 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,871 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 29 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 78,880 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 29 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $732.67 $0.00 $11.78 $o.oo $170.80 $13.46 $262.66 $175.69 $3,455.18 $466.30 $80.60 $196.29 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514444 Service Location: 2749W LAMPERT DR / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5,650.33 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation r> =3obio- Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Janl4 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 MayJ4 Jun-'14 Jul-'14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112112014 Cassia Large General Service Schedule 09S Your Electric Use Pattern Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 119 @ $4.40 per kW .............. Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 120 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 35,320 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $o.oo $523.60 $o.oo $122.40 $187.80 $1,547.12 $201.60 $38.98 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $95.88 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $2,733.38 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 2661.3 2640.0E> =3oba0- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-'l4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-l4 NNFPMN m23m / m50275 II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 00305't4583 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 18 of 40 SEHHh. l,rUOiltConprrv www.idahopower.com Service Agreement No: Billing Date: Print Date: 1013012014 1013012014 Next Read Date: 1012812014 Service Location: 2843 E STAR CIR WELL / BOISE,ID Warm Sorinos 2 Well Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36454137 08128114 09t26t14 30 Regular 18872 18964 1 92 Billing kW BLC 1 2 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 26 days Basic Charge (0-20)2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC,4 days Basic Charge (0-20)2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 12 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.25 $7.51 $0.50 $0.38 $0.ee Current Gharges - Electric Service $26.63 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 41.441.7Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030506891 Large General Service Schedule 09S =3obiL Next Read Date: 1112512014 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $4.40 per kW .............. Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $'t.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 76,720 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efiiciency Services $16.00 $o.oo $440.00 $o.oo $102.00 $187.80 $3,360.57 $425.25 $67.97 $164.25 Service Location: 2901 BROADWAY AVE / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constanl kwh Used 36 1 03292 09t25t14 I ',10124114 30 Regular 18345 | 19001 120 78720 Billing kW BLC 120 120 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $4,763.84 NNFPMN 0@23948 i 00050276 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation sm. ^lr DACOrtCompaly www.idahopower.com Large General Service Schedule 09S II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Page 19 of 40 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 I o 2768.2 2664.8 2703.7 2722.7 2764.0 2760.0 2768.0 2624.0Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506200 Service Location: 313 S FMNKLIN PARK DR / BOISE,ID >G?ooo eo- Nov-13 Dec-'13 Janl4 Feb-'14 Marl4 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-14 JuF14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1'111412014 Franklin Park Billing kW BLC 98 98 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-summer Energy Charge 38,160 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $343.20 $0.00 $79.56 $187.80 $1,671.52 $216.94 $37.73 $91.92 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209868 091161'.!4 10t15t',t4 30 Regular 38303 39307 40 40160 Service Agreement No: 0030506162 Service Location: 3152 W MAiN ST / BOISE,ID Your Electric Use Pattern Large General Service Schedule 09S Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2,64/..67 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicloadCapacity G=Generation E> =3ob ao- 2193.7 2218.6 2248.2 2223.7 Next Read Date: 1013012014 ldaho Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW,2 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 30 days Basic Charge (0-20)2 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 2 days Basic Charge (0-20)2 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 30 days Summer Energy Charge 8 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 2 days Non-summer Energy Charge 112 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 30 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.83 $10.52 $0.65 $0.42 $1.09 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36076650 08t30114 09/30/14 32 Regular 215 218 40 120 Billing kW BLC 2 NNFPMN 000894a / 000502r' Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $29.51 I I Qu€stions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 20 of 40nltrllfE!Fil'ER. XrDlCflrComory www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: t8obiG CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 003051 1 71 I Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112412014 Service Location: 3165 EASTGATE DR / BOISE,ID rail Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36209446 09t24t14 10123114 30 Regular 8712 8714 40 80 Billing kW BLC 1 4 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $0.00 $7.51 $0.43 $0.36 $0.94 Current Charges - Electric Service $2s.24 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Service Agreement No: 003050il81 Service Location: 322 S ROOSEVELT ST / BOISE,ID Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1111912014 Roosevelt 1&3 $16.00 $o.oo $88.00 $o.oo $55.08 $187.80 $1,179.18 $156.23 $25.23 $61.04 -> =8ob &o- Mar-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 40 74 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 20 @$+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 26,920 kwh @ $0.043803 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36103302 o9t19t14 | ',tOtzon+32 Regular 22744 23467 40 28520 Current Charges - Electric Service $1,768.56 NNFPMN 00023il8 / 00050278 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1Ol3Ol2O'14 1672.5 1606.8 Page2l of 40n!trll0NIFOUUEII. lllUCOrPCom,:ty www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511475 Large General Service Schedule 09S E> =3ob a0- Next Read Date: 1110612014 lsland Wood #2 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 55 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 7,993 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh AnnualAdjustment Mechanism $53.98 Franchise Fee 1.00% $9.02 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $33.90 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $944.52 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation $16.00 $o.oo $237.60 $0.00 $56.10 $187.80 $350.12 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511343 Service Location: 3630 S DURHAM WAY / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S €e?oob Next Read Date: 1012812014 Durham Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 16 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 16 @ $O.OO per kW,26 days ........ Basic Charge (0-20) 18 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 18 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 4 days Summer Energy Charge 1,271kWh @ $0.048283 per kWh,4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 8,264 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 26 days Annual Adjustment Mbchanism $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $27.85 $61.37 $162.73 $361.99 $62.31 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Location: 330 E ISLAND WOOD DR / EAGLE,ID 333.1 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Augl4 Sep-14 Oct-14 NNFPMN 0m23948 / 00050279 I I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 22 of 403Em. lnuooatcqlrIrt www.idahopower.com Energy Efficiency Services $25.20 Current Charges - Electric Service $717.4s CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 387.1 385.4 387.0 384.5 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3641 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 0030514397 LICORICE PL / BOISE,ID May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1012812014 Licorice r> =8oblo- Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36332375 08128114 09t26t14 30 Regular 55220 65862 ,|10642 Billing kW BLC 15 15 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 15 @ $0.00 per kW,4 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 15 @ $0.00 per kW,26 days ........ Basic Charge (0-20) 15 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC, 4 days Basic Charge (0-20) 15 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 26 days Summer Energy Charge 267 kwh @ $0.104314 per kwh,4 days Summer Energy Charge 1,152 kwh @ $O.O+AZA3 per kWh, 4 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,733 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 26 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 7,490 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh, 26 days Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $27.85 $55.62 $162.73 $328.08 $57.49 $23.61 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 3651 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 003051 1602 W AMERICANA TER / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1111712014 16th Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $671.38 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 347.8 357.2 3il.4 3il.7E> =3obio. Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $t Non-Summer Energy Charge 40 .02 per kW of BLC $16.00 $0.00 $o.oo $59.16 $3.76 s0.22 NNFPMN 00023s8 / mS280 Annual Adjustment Mechanism kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaffol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 23 of 40 3EHM. AnUCetComprry www.idahopower.com Franchise Fee 1.50%$1.19 $3.16Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506000 Service Location: 3725 N CABARTON LN / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $83.49 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 eniL Next Read Date: 1110712014 Westmoreland Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36074479 09110114 I 10/09/14 30 Regular 9'r 1 10 I 91 158 1 48 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 1 25 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 48 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5.10 $4.51 $0.26 $0.39 $1.02 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $27.28 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511257 Service Location: 3865 S SUMTER WAY / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S =€ooio- Next Read Date: 1112112014 Five Mile #12 Billing kW BLC 60 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 40 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 120 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40.80 $11.27 $0.65 $2.72 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-'14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-'14 Jul-'I4 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36022149 09t23114 | tOtZZtU 30 Regular 2756 2759 40 120 NNFPMN 00023e48 / 00050281 Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $71.4 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaftol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page24of 40 3Em. AnUCOrtCdnrry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 00305141 11 Service Location: 3917 W SAINT ANDREWS DR / BOISE,ID CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 F6b-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 r> =3obio- Next Read Date: 1112012014 Large General Service Schedule 09S Club Billing kW BLC 73 74 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 53 @ $a.+O per kW Basic Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 54 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-summer Energy Charge 21,360 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $233.20 $0.00 $55.08 $187.80 $935.63 $126.19 $23.31 $57.11 507.5 361 0331 0 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514303 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 291 @ $4.40 per kW .............. Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 305 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-summer Energy Charge 84,800 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Current Gharges - Electric Service $1,634.32 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1583.7 '1s68.2 Next Read Date: 1111812014 =€ooeo. $16.00 $0.00 $1,280.40 $0.00 $311.10 $187.80 $3,714.49 $468.89 $8e.68 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Location: 4215 HILLCREST DR / BolSE,lD Hrllcrest Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 4'1 114398 09118114 10117t14 30 Regular 94235 90405 40 86800 Billing kW BLC 31'1 325 NNFPMN 00023S48 / 00050282 Franchise Fee 1.50% II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. An BCOtt Conpery For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date:10t30t2014 Page 25 of 40 3Em. Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514534 Service Location: 444W PARKCENTER BLVD / BOISE,ID Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $220.39 Current Charges - Electric Service $6,288.75 CR = Credit kwh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-'14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'I4 Oct-14 =Robeo- Next Read Date: 1112612014 Beacon Large General Service Schedule 09S Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $o.oo per kW of BLC Non-summer Energy Charge 46 kwh @ $O.Oegag9 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $0.81 Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $21.69 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.32 $0.25 $0.31 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506439 Service Location: 4444 FIRCREST ST / BOISE,ID =3ob eo- Next Read Date: 1110712014 Goddard Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 100 @ $4.40 per kW .............. Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 101 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-summer Energy Charge 56,940 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $440.00 $0.00 $103.02 $187.80 $2,494.14 $318.39 $53.3e $129.64 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 NNFPMN 00023s8 / m050283 Energy Efficiency Services I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page26of 403Em. An mcoltcornpily www.idahopower,com Billing Date: Print Date: 1013012014 10t30t2014 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $3,742.38 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation r>>G?oob eo- 2696.6 2733.7 2596.8 Oct-13 Nov-13 Decl3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mat14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Service Agreement No:0030506400 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1112612014 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 3 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 120 kwh @ $0.093899 per kwh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.27 $0.65 $0.42 $1.0e Service Location: 470 E GENTLEWIND CT / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 361 16380 o9t26t14 10127114 32 Regular 313 316 40 120 Billing kW BLC 1 3 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511141 Service Location: 4725 S MARKET ST / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $29.43 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-l3 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-'14 ={ooeo- Next Read Date: 1112112014 Market Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh [Jsed 52464260 09123114 10t22t14 30 Regular 6232 6277 40 1800 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $369.60 $0.00 $87.72 $169.02 $9.72 $9.78 $25.69 Billing kW BLC 104 106 Service Charge Non-summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 84 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $o.oo per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 86 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,800 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services NNFPMN 0m8S8 / m0502& Current Charges - Electric Service $687.53 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 10t30t2014 1013012014 Page 27 of 40 3EHilh. xtu@lrcoGgry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506767 Service Location: 4896 S BYRD ST / BOISE CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-'14 Apr-14 May-'I4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 =€oo eo- Next Read Date: 1112112014 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)0 @ $0.00 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.24 $0.64 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $16.88 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation e{ &o- Oct-13 Nov-l3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 003051 1187 Service Location: 502 W VILLAGE LN PUMP / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1012912014 Central Park Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 51 288370 08129114 o9t29t14 32 Regular 4124 4188 I 64 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 1 4 Service Charge Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW, 3 days Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $0.00 per kW,29 days Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 3 days Basic Charge (0-20) 4 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC, 29 days Summer Energy Charge 6 kwh @ $0.104314 per kWh, 3 days Non-Summer Energy Charge 58 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh, 29 days ... Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.63 $s.45 $0.35 $0.34 $0.88 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $23.65 NNFPMN 00023948 / 00050285 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation II I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 28 of 40 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514049 Service Location: 512 N SIERRA VIEW WAY / EAGLE,ID sEm. AnUCOmCortFrY www.idahopower,com Large General Service Schedule 09S =RoE&o- Next Read Date: 1110612014 Redwood Creek Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 20 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 77 @$t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 7,360 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $88.00 $0.00 $78.54 $187.80 $322.39 $50.56 $7.43 $27.71 Oct-'I3 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-'l4 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-'14 Your Electric Use Pattern Current Charges - Electric Service $778.43 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 5€ooio- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 0030506727 WILLOW LN / BOISE,ID May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Next Read Date: 1110412014 Willow Lane 2&3 Service Agreement No: Service Location: 5191 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 26 @$q.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 27 @$'t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 18,195 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $114.40 $o.oo $27.54 $187.80 $797.00 $109.09 $18.78 $45.7'l NNFPMN 00023948 / 00050286 Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $1,316.32 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service pleas6 call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 10t30t2014 10t30t2014 Page29of 403Em. lrncorrConrpf]y www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 5191 0030506566 WILLOW LN / BOISE,ID CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation f€ooaL Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 JUF'|4 Aug-l4 Sep-'14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1110412014 Willow Lane 1 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Cunent Meter Constant kwh [Jsed 36033210 09105114 I 10106t14 32 Regular 574 732 40 6320 Billing kW BLC 22 25 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $o.oo $8.80 $0.00 $5.10 $187.80 $189.23 $34.14 $6.62 $16.28 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 2 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 4,320 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $463.97 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =EooaL Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mab14 Apt-14 May-14 Jun-'l4 Jut-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511985 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1111412014 Clinton Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20)73 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t .O2per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 17,200 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $321.20 $0.00 $79.56 $187.80 $753.41 $103.72 $21.93 $54.32 360.0 Service Location: 5324 CLTNTON ST / BOISE,ID NNFPMN 00023948 / 00050287 Energy Efficiency Services II I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafrol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Current Charges - Electric Service Page 30 of 40 3EHHh. XrUOOrrConFry wwwidahopower.com $1,537.94 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity Your Electric Use Paftern Large General Service Schedule 09S =€ooio. 2002.6 1973.7 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Agreement No: 0030514600 Next Read Date: 1111312014 Service Location: 5600 N FARROW ST / Billing kW BLC 138 138 HP Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 118 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 89,560 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $519.20 $o.oo $120.36 $187.80 $3,923.00 $494.61 $78.91 $190.65 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: E€oo&o- Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $5,530.53 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 0030506521 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112112014 Billing kW BLC 217 219 Service ChargeLarge General Service Schedule 09S Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 197 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 199 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,480 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $866.80 $0.00 $202.98 $187.80 $108.63 Service Location: 5650 W FLYING HAWK LN / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 50938951 o9t22114 09l25t't4 4 Regular 17581 17690 40 4360 5441 81 81 09126114 1012?,14 27 Regular 0 3 40 120 NNFPMN 0008S4a / m050288 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 3l of 40 3EHilh. arE6ltcarriy www.idahopower.com Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $24.20 $55.29 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511390 Service Location: 5709 S COLE RD / BOISE,ID Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $1,461.70 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Aug-14 =3ob eo- Next Read Date: 1111812014 Sunset West 3333.3 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36278554 091't8114 10t't7t14 30 Regular 1 8288 2',t479 40 127640 Billing kW BLC 187 189 Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 167 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 169 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 125,640 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh ........ Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $734.80 $0.00 $172.38 $187.80 $5,503.41 $689.51 $264.58 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 593 €€ooeo- Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $7,568.48 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 4242.6 4229.3 4189.6 0030514513 1/2 W GRAY FOX CT WELL / MERIDIAN,ID Next Read Date: 1110312014 Service ChargeLarge General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $o.oo $105.60 $0.00 $79.56 $41.32 $2.38 Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 24 @$+.qO per kW Basic Charge (o-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 78 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 440 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'l4 Oct-14 NNFPMN 0m23W ' m05028S Annual Adjustment Mechanism 3EHHh. anmcol'conFry www.idahopower.com l Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espaflol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 32 of 40 $e.70Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $254.56 CR=Credit kwh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatl BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation =flooe0- oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'l4 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Augl4 Sep-14 Oct-14 81.3Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030514278 Service Location: 6028 W KIRKWOOD CIR / BOISE,ID Next Read Date: 1111712014 Kirkwood Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41 0690 1 7 09t17t14 I 10116114 30 Regular 61656 I 75203 1 13547 Billing kW BLC 21 21 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $0.00 $4.40 $o.oo $1.02 $187.80 $505.79 $73.18 $11.82 $28.60 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 1 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 1 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 11,547 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $828.61 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC -- Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 452.3 451.5Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506845 Service Location: 6873 W OVERLAND RD / enao- Next Read Date: 1111712014 Overland Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 63 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 64 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 29,096 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh $16.00 $o.oo $277.20 $0.00 $65.28 $187.80 $1,274.49 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 5141 1694 NNFPMN 00023948 / 00050290 I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7;30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Page 33 of 403Em. nll, cotFcomprly www.idahopower.com Billing Date: Print Date: 10t30t2014 10t30t2014 Annual Adjustment Mechanism $167.98 $29.83 $72.83 Franchise Fee 1.50Yo Energy Efficiency Services Current Charges - Electric Service $2,091.41 kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 166s.2 1771.0 1675.8Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Large General Service Schedule 09S Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 0030514569 =€ooio- Mat-14 Apr-14 May-'I4 Jun-14 Jul-14 Augl4 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1111712014 BOISE Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20)2 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 80 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $o.oo $0.00 $7.s1 $0.43 $0.36 $0.94 Service Location: 6905 W HUMMEL DR / BOISE,ID Hummel Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 41121889 09117114 10t16t14 30 Regulal 't 50 152 40 80 Billing kW BLC 1 2 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2s.24 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-'14 Apr-'14 May-14 Jun-l4 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Oct-14 5{oo eo- Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030506685 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 11lOGl2O14 Billing kW BLC 25 62 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 5 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 42 @ $l.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 1,040 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $0.00 $22.00 $0.00 $42.u $97.65 $5.62 $7.14 Service Location: 6977 N PENNCROSS WAY PUMP / MERIDIAN ,tD Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Currenl Meter Constant kwh Used 36320650 09/09/14 101o8t14 30 Regular 178/.'t 810 40 1040 NNFP|\4N 00023948 / m05029'l Energy Efficiency Services I Ouestions? Conlact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espafiol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: '1013012014 Page 34 of 40 3EHHh. *ruooltcqnFry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506234 Service Location: 7000 BROADWAY AVE / BOISE,ID Print Date:10t30t2014 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $191.25 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-'14 Mar-14 Apr14 May-14 Jun-14 Aug-14 r> =€oo&tr Next Read Date: 1112112014 JR Flat Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 62 @ $+.qO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 70 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 22 Annual Adjustment Mechanism ,600 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $272.80 $0.00 $71.40 $187.80 $989.95 $132.89 $25.06 $61.52 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $1,757.42 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation 1693.7 1817.5 1808.2 17SO]Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506644 Service Location: 7130 BETHEL ST / BOISE,ID =€oo ao- Next Read Date: 1111712014 Bethel Od-13 Novl3 Dec-'13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'14 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Oct-14 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36451691 o9117114 10116114 30 Regular 97572 100019 40 97880 Large General Service Schedule 09S Billing kW BLC 160 '163 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 140 @ $4.40 per kW .............. Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 143 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 95,880 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $616.00 $0.00 $145.86 $187.80 $4,199.83 $528.75 NNFPMN 0q)894a / 0oO502P Annual Adjustment Mechanism I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla 6spanol.An BCOrtCoartrry For faster service please call www,idahopower.com Tuesday - Friday' 7:30 a'm to 6:30 p'm' Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number; 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 35 of 40 3EHHh. Your Electric Use Pattern Franchise Fee 1.50%$85.41 Energy Efficiency Services ................................................................. $206.62 Current Charges - Electric Service $5,986.27 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E> =3obeo- Service Agreement No: 0030511434 Large Genera! Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1111912014 Billing kW BLC 77 78 Service Gharge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 57 @$q.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 58 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 14,560 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $250.80 $0.00 $59.16 $187.80 $637.77 $89.46 $46.06 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Marl4 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Location: 7186 S VALLEY HEIGHTS DR / BOISE,ID Hidden Vallev #2 Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36374165 09119114 10120114 32 Regular 1 5949 16363 40 16560 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506969 Service Location: 749 S FIVE MILE RD / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $1,287.05 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdiustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation 1577.5 1591.7 Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 E{ooeo- Next Read Date: 1112512014 Brookhollow Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 43 @ $t.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 88 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $43.86 $8.26 $0.48 NNFPMN 0002394a / 00050293 Franchise Fee 1.50%$1.03 sm. ninCOt,CoaEry www.idahopower.com I Questions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number; 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 36 of 40 $2.72Energy Effi ciency Services Current Gharges - Electric Service $72.35 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: Service Location: 751 Oct-13 Novl3 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 0030514350 RIVIERA DR / BOISE,ID =floo ao- Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 49 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (O-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 52 @$l.OZ per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 38,980 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-'l4 Aug-14 Sep-'14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1110312014 Veterans $16.00 $0.00 $21s.60 $o.oo $53.04 $187.80 $1,707.44 $221.37 $36.02 $87.20 Gurrent Gharges - Electric Service $2,524.47 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E€oo &o- Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:0030506600 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1110512014 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 305 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 309 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $1,342.00 $0.00 $315.18 $187.80 $6,665.06 Service Location: 804 W FLOATING FEATHER RD / EAGLE,ID Feather Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052690 09/06/14 I 10t07114 32 Regular 48532 50459 80 154160 Billing kW BLC 325 329 NNFPMN 0@23948 / @050294 Non-Summer Energy Charge 152,'160 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh ........ I SHH$. iilt?il,;,'.:*ruxurevaev, ",ilco,co,r' F:,.il3l3,l'ji[?'pnaseca, www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Page 37 of 40 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Annual Adjustment Mechanism $832.77 $93.59 $341.04 Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $9,793.44 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation E€ooao- Oct-'13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 Mayl4 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-'l4 Sep-14 Oct-14 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No:oo30514421 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1112512014 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (O-20\2 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 120 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.27 $0.65 $0.42 $1.0e Service Location: 916 N CLOVERDALE RD / BOISE,ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Davs Reading Tvoe Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 362661 53 09t25t14 101241',t4 30 Regular 104 107 40 120 Billing kW BLC 1 2 Current Gharges - Electric Service $29.43 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E{ooir Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506318 Large General Service Schedule 09S Next Read Date: 1111212014 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 132 @ $4.40 per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 207 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 71,720 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh $16.00 $0.00 $580.80 $o.oo $211.14 $187.80 $3,141.55 $398.24 Oct-13 Nov-13 Oec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Service Location: 9175 W DONNYBROOK CT / BOISE,ID Hills Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kwh Used 36052715 o9112114 10t13t14 32 Regular 72067 I 73910 40 73720 Billing kW BLC 152 227 NNFPMN 000239,t8 / 00050295 Annual Adjustment Mechanism ISEffi. [i3"r,"[;l,"fiffll.',ir"%*"u,,", rn noo, co,r',y *i::8'1H[1 prease ca1 www'idahopower.com Tuesdav - Fridav' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Page 38 of 40 Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Franchise Fee 1.50%$68.03 $165.49Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $4,769.05 CR = Credit kWh = Kilowatt-hour PCA = Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC = Basic Load Capacity G = Generation Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511014 Service Location: 9190 W WOODLARK ST / BOISE,ID ={oo ao- May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-'14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1112012014 Sherman Oaks 4315.8 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-'14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 SmallGeneral Service Schedule 07 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 29 kwh @ $0.097756 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% Energy Efficiency Services $5.00 $2.83 $0.23 $0.12 $0.31 Current Charges - Electric Service CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation $8.49 Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511099 Service Location: 9917 W MCMILLAN RD / BOISE,ID Large General Service Schedule 09S =EooiL May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Next Read Date: 1111312014 Settlers Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (O-20)20 @ $0.00 per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 55 @ $+.+O per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 56 @ $1.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 829 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $242.00 $0.00 $57.12 $77.U $4.48 $5.96 $15.72 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 NNFPMN 00023948 / @050296 Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $419.12 I Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOx 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO Account Number: 2206374791 Billing Date: 1013012014 Print Date: 1013012014 Page 39 of 40sIm. lnmol,Con!.ry www.idahopower.com Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030506362 Service Location: EAGLE RD / EAGLE,ID CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 =€o@lo Next Read Date: 1110612014 lsland Wood #1 932.9 Large General Service Schedule 09S $16.00 $o.oo $202.40 $0.00 $46.92 $187.80 $94.44 $22.45 $5.70 $21.90 Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW Non-Summer Demand Charge (Over 20) 46 @ $+.qO per kW Basic Charge (0-20)20 @ $O.OO per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 46 @ $t .02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,000 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Non-Summer Energy Charge 2,156 kwh @ $0.043803 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.00% Energy Efficiency Services Your Electric Use Pattern Service Agreement No: 0030511679 Service Location: GOWEN&HENRY / BOISE,ID Current Charges - Electric Service $597.61 CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowatt BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-'l4 Jun-'14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 r> =3ob?o. Next Read Date: 1112112014 Mac Large General Service Schedule 09S Service Charge Non-Summer Demand Charge (0-20) 1 @ $O.OO per kW Basic Charge (0-20) 20 @ $0.00 per kW of BLC Basic Charge (Over 20) 81 @ $t.02 per kW of BLC Non-Summer Energy Charge 120 kwh @ $0.093899 per kWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Franchise Fee 1.50% $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $82.62 $11.27 $0.65 $1.66 $4.40 NNFPMN 0m23948 / 00050297 Energy Efficiency Services Gurrent Charges - Electric Service $116.60 il Ouestions? Contact us at: PO BOX 70, Boise, lD 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley). S€ habla espaflol.I! m00l' ComFty For faster service please call www.idahopower.com Tuesdav - Friday' 7:30 a'm' to 6:30 p'm' Page 40 of 40sEm.Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: UNITED WATER IDAHO 2206374791 1013012014 10130t2014 Your Electric Use Pattern CR=Credit kWh=Kilowatt-hour PCA=PowerCostAdjustment kW=Kilowaft BLC=BasicLoadCapacity G=Generation E{ooao. Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Febl4 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 NNFPMN 0m2394a / m0m2$