HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100107UWI to Staff 232, 235-236 etc.pdfMcDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers .. E r" E" ,- .¡~,i~\".. t,i.: l \l !~:t ,;~ (208) 343-7500 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) 420 W. Bannock StreetzOIO JAN -7 PM I: 46P.o. Box 2564-83701 Chas. F. McDevittBoise, Idaho 83702 Dean J. (Joe) Miler Januar 7, 2010 Vìa Hand Delivery Jean J e~ell, Secretar Idao Public Utities Commssion 472 W. Washigton St. Boise, Idaho 83720 Re: Case No. UWI-W-09-01 General Rate Case Filng Dear Ms. Je~ell: Enclosed for fig, please fid thee (3) copies of United Water Idaho's Thd Response to Commssion Staffs Eleventh Production Request Nos. 232, 235, 236, 238, 241, 243, 244, 245, and 247. Kidly retu a fie staped copy to me. DJM/hh Encl. Very Truy Yours, McDevitt & Mier ll ~~ ORIGINAL Dean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 j oe(fmcdevitt -miler .com CE, ~\i 2010 JAN -7 PM I: 46 Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND ~ CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE )STATE OF IDAHO ) ) CASE NO. UWI-W-09-01 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S THIRD RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S ELEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUESTS United Water Idaho Inc, ("United Water") by and though its undersigned attorneys, hereby submits its Third Response to the Commission Staffs Eleventh Production Request Nos. 232,235,236,238,241,243,244,245, and 247. DATED this iday of Januar, 2010. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. BY~'~ \ , ii:~~ McDevitt & Miler LLP 420 West Banock Boise, Idaho 83702 P: 208.343.7500 F: 208.336.6912 Attorney for United Water UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S THIR RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S ELEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUESTS- 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the ~day of Januar, 2010, I caused to be served, via the methodes) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 jjewell(fuc.state.id. us Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, ID 83702 bmpurdvahotmail.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Â- ~i. Ù ~i. ~i. ~i. Ä-~i. ~i. ~i. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S THIR RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S ELEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUESTS- 2 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. EI CASE UWI-W-09-01 ELEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION s7llf:ilN - 7 PM I: 4' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 232: Please provide the detailed supporting documentation for chemical costs durng the year and as updated in WP and Adjustment 9 to Operating Expenses (Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 1, page 9 of 22). Please include with your response the price sheets (estimates, bids, invoices, and other relevant documentation) for all chemicals on that workpaper. RESPONSE NO. 232: Attached please find the WP referenced above, invoices establishing the current costs of varous chemicals and chemical usage data for the test year months. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI..W-09..01 2010 JAN -7 Y ELEVENTH PRODUCTION REQlJEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF H ,: 47 lJTld¥ff!!P RECEI Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 235: Please provide an update on the status of the Stee1head tan painting, and include a copy of all invoices received for this proj ect. As. of the Company's response to Production Request No. 168 fied December 10, 2009, noìi:voices hadbeeh received associated with this project with a contracted completion date of December 31,2009. RESPONSE NO. 235: The Steelhead tan painting project has been delayed somewhat due to more severe winter-like weather conditiöns over the past several months, coupled with the contrctor having fallen behind schedule in completing other previously schedu1èdjobs. The. Steelhead tan painting scope of work originally included sandblasting and painting the interior ceiling only, and power washing and painting the entire exterior. This Was based on the early 2009 diver inspection. In anticipation of staring the work in mid-December, United Wâter Idaho crews drained aid entered the tan to inspect it. Upon inspection of the interior, it has now been determined that the entire interior of the tan needs to be sandblasted and repainted, rather than just the ceiling as had originally been anticipated. Attached is the tan inspector's new report on the tan interior and the contractor's email adjusting the bid in the amount of an additional $157,000 resulting in a.total cost of $289,980 for performing the conipletejob (the original $132,980 plus $157,000). The painting contractor's crew commenced work on the tan the first week of Januar 2010. The Company anticipates a 6 - 8 week timefraie to complete the work. Wyatt, Grep From: Sent: To: Subject: Lawrence, Bob Tuesday, January 05, 20103:24 PM Wyatt, Greg FW: Steel head Tank Ftom: candymcS3(§comcast.net (mailto:candymcS3(§comcast.net) Sent: Monday, December 21,200910:04 AM To: Lawrence, Bob Subjec: Steel head Tank Bob- As per your request, here is the breakdown for the Steel head Reservoir: Sq Ft Walls - 14,682 Sq Ft Floör - 10.980 Sq' Ft Total- 25,6a2 Currently paint is blistering over all surfaces. This usually indicates that the paint is at the end of its cycle. Dry mils of paint range from 4-8 mils and heavier in some locations. We would sandblast existing coating off to a near white blast and then recoatas per specs. With the price of materials increasing along with insurance, the cost of these projects continue to rise. We are plannin.g to start this project around the week of January 4th. We would normally start the floor first so the decisionneeds to be made as soon as possible as materiälsneed to beordered Our price to blast and paint interior walls and floor would be $157,000 as per specs. Please let me know as soon as you can for scheduling purposes. Have a great holiday.. Dave McAndrews J& L Co NE Inc 1 Janua 5,2010 RUSTNOT Corrosion Control Services, Inc. -n"member Ru Neve$lps e RN 117100i.ST.BO Mr. Bob Lawrence Production Operations Supervisor United Water Idao 8248 West Victory Road P.O. Box 190420 Boise, Idao 83719-0420 Via E-Mai: bobJawrnceßuntedwater~com Dear Bob, Subject: Steelhead Way tan Ths lettr is to confrm our dicussion in whch you reuested tht I conduct a field review and provide an evaluaton and recommendations on whether to recoat the floor and wals of the existing ta at 429 Steel Headway. It is our underîn that the exstg ta vinyl coati sym is approxiately 25 yea old. It wa our widerstdig that the tan was aleady scheduled to be coated with an epoXy system on the ínterior roof ara. The extet ta coati roof and walls were also scheduled to be recoated dur the same tie period. There was a question whether the ínteral wal and floor should also be reoated at th sae time. The field inspecon was conducted on December 23rd, 2009 an consisted of a vi and physica evaluation of the existig vil coati on the subject ta inter floor and bottom wal plate. The physical and visua inspection wa limted to the floor and bottom wal plate as no eqpment wa avaiable for assessing the tan roof or side walls above grund leveL. The ta wall ha a steel wal setion removed to alow equìpment to be inerted for the scheduled recoatig of the overhead roof sections. Inspectin Summary Th majority of corrosion was observed on the roof section and overhead be as anticipate (photo No. A, Photo Sheet No.1). Although there were a lot of small bubbles on th exitig vinyl coating on the walls and floor, there wa a mium amount of active corosion observed (photo No. B, Photo Sheet No.1). The majority of the bubbles appeed to be dr and when removed by scrappig, no corrosion activity wa observed (Le. bright shy steel surac) as shown on Photo No. C, Photo Sheet No.2). The genera condtion of the steel surce under the bubble when the existig vinyl coatig was removed is shown on RUSTNOTCorrsion Control Servics, Inc. 325 Chester Dtive Boise, Idaho 83706 208.384,9752 Mr. Bob Lawrence Page 2 Janua 5, 2010 Photo No. D, Photo Sheet No.2. A sml pecentae of the ta floor (less th 1%), however did display actíve corrosion eìther at areas where the coati was missin or under bliste in the existing vinyl coatig (photo No. E, Photo Sheet No.3) Also at the roof colum support there was some corroson deposits (rut nodules) at the edge of th supprt foot brace frm undemeath of the foot brae (Photo No. F, Photo Sheet No.3. The support colum foot brce, by design is allowed to move and flex. Thi maes the area under the colum footer very dicutt, if not impossible, to coat and completely se. Althoug ovet the exitig floor and wall coatgs look to be in good conditiOn with minimum corrosion occurg, th wal and floor vinyl coatigs should be considèr to be at or nea the end of thi;Ír usefu lie. Typicay based on my 30 yea plus expeence in the corrsion field and from discussion with varous coating expert, one can assue tht a tyical viyl coatig lie wi be arund 20 to 25 yes depedig on the quaity of the water with prope sur prepartion and application. It should al be noted tht drng a ta and lettg a vinyl coati dr out wi put it under greaer stess th if it reiaiedin a submerged condition. Stresses also ar imposed on existig coatig (parculady on the floor ar) from the surace prepartion, eqpment movement and other work acvities associate with recoatg the roof section. The existing vil coatig on the wals wi a1so suer some daage from blasting at the tie-in location (band) at th roof wall inteace. Vinyl coatigs wil ha up when blaed and are somewhat dicult to reeal tightly, as epxies do not stck as well to old existg viyl coating syems. Repair Options There are severa coatig rehabiltation options avaiable for consdertion on what to do for the presnt ta wall and floor suraces. These include the followig: 1. Cathodic Protection Option - Ths option would consist of instag a sm impressed curen cathodic protetion (CP) tye system to protect the existing wal and floor coatings. The cathodic protection system however would requie some additiona1 nitenance to be peormed by United Water. Ths additiona maitenance would include monthy retifier checks and an anua potentia1 surey check of the CP syste. However, viyl coatgs do not have as good adesion to steel as epoxy ty coatings. Vinyl coatigs a1so have greater delamtion prblem from cathodic disbondment Cathodic disbondment resuts frm too high of curnt levels at the steel coatig interface. Al coatigs have a resistace to th stess, some beter th others. Therefore given the age of the existing viyl Coatig and the susceptibilty of vinyl coati to CP disbondment, the CP option is not recommended. 2. Do Nothg Now Option - Ths option would consist of doing nothg at the presnt time and reatig the intemal was àld flòor at a later date. Whe th is the lea expensive option at ths tie, it is not the least expensive tife cycle option. Ths is File;Fieid Summary and Recmmendaions 12_29_09.doc Mr. Bob Lawrence Page 3 Janua 5, 2010 becau the cost to recoat the wals and floor at a later date wi be more expensive per squae foot th doing it at ths tie. Ths is beause the majority oftle costs associated with coatg the wa and floors (such as dewaterig the tan mobilon, sta, cutting an acess hatch in the wal, heatig, dehumcation, and vention, etc.) are aleay included in the present roof project. It should be anticipated tht recoatig of the wals and floor would be requied in tle nea fu (thee (3) to five (5) years). Another factor tht should be considered in not doing anycoatig work at thi tie is th dàged area from the exig coatig work would nee to be repaed. According to Tnemec, ths would require sucient scarcation for the NSF 61 approved epoxy repai coati (potaox, et.) to adequately adher. There will be some diculty in sucessfuly repaig the aged viyl coatig, in tht the existg vinyl coating is somewhat britte and.c has to be taen dug the repai coatg surace preparation to not daage or crack the aged vinyl coati. It should also be anticipated th costs to reoat the wals and floor at a later date would be more expensive per squae foot than doin a whole ta interior at the same tie. 3. Recat mterior Wals and Floor - Ths option would include conductig coatig of the interior wa and floor at the same tie as th interor ta roof is being complete. TIs option ha the advantae tha a major porton of the cost (for dewaterig, mobilation, stagig, heat, dehumdification, ventilation, etc.) is already included in the contr for the interor roof coatig. The cost per squae foot should be substatialy less (mimum $2 to $3 or more) pe squae foot than tht of the aleady contracted interior overhead roof coatig cost per foot. Ths option also ha the advantae that the ta will not have to be taken out of service agai for a long period of tie in the near futue (thee to five year) to coat the interior wal and floor. Another advantage of ths option is that all of the interior coatig wi be the same age and wil be without multiple repais. Recommendttións Given the age of the ta and the ty of inter coating (vinyl), it is pruden th United Water consider recoating the ta's intern walls and floor at ths tie. We feel that ths is the most cost effective method to contie to provide adequate corosion protection to the internal ta walls and floor suraces. Sineethe Contrctor ha aleady mobili to the project site and cut a secton out of the ta wall for accesst these costs are aleady included in the Original project. The coating system would be the sae Tnemec Hydro Sysem as the present overhe interior system (Specifcation Paragrph 2.2 Coating Syste for Interor of Tan on Page 5). Tneinec recommends the use of their Hydr Sysem tor submerged sections of the tan as long as the Hydro-Zinc is top coated. We tyically recommend that a stpe coat be utild at al angles, edges, and welds. We would also recommend that the outside of the suport colum feet be seaed with a NSF 61 approved caul (Sikex I or equl). Th would help mininize corrosion acvity under th colum feet which canot be coated. File:Field Summary and Reendations 12 ~29 ß9.doc Mr. Bob Lawrence Page 4 Janua 5, 2010 We have assued that the spcifcations on Page 5 under Parph 2.4 Coatig System for Interior Roof an E~erior of Tan contaed a ty and the viyl coating wil rey be used on the exteror of the roof. For your referce as requested, I have included a copy of my resume to show my expence ín the corrsion industr. We appreiate the opportty to assist you with corrosion contròl serices for ths project. If you have any questions or if we ca assist you with any other serces, plea do not hesitate to contact me at my offce or on my mobile phone at 208~867- 5814, or bye"mai at bspíckelmire(gtnotconsutig.com.We lookforwd to workig with you on the successful completon of ths project. Sinceely, RUSTNOT Corrosion Control Services, Inc. iv~ ;JQ"" .s ~/'CK~/A-IR~ Willam S. Spickelm Corrosion Control Constat NACE Cathodc Protecton Specialist 2678 Attachments: Photogrph Sheets (3 Pages tota) Resume c: Jan KuenzilRUSlNOT File:Field Summa and Recommendations 12_29_09.doc STEELHEAO WAY TANK PHOTOS Photo A Tank Interior Roof Scedulèd to be Recoated Photo B High Pressure Washed Tank Wall Surface With Bubbles RUST NOT CORROSION CONTRO SERVICES INC.PHOTO SHEET -, STEELHEAD WAvTANK PHOTOS PhotoC Bubbles on Tank Wall Removed by Scrapping Photo 0 Bnght Metal With No Visible Corrosion RUSTNOT CORROIO CONTROL SERVICES INC.PHTO SH . 2 STEELHEAD WAY TANK PHOTOS Photo E Liquid Filed Bubbles with Actve Corrosion on Tank Floor Photo F Corrosion Deposits on Edge of Column Support RUSTNOT CoRROSION CONOL SeRVICES INC.PHOTO SHEET' 3 waLIA S. SPlCKELM RUS'lOT Corrsion Control Servces, Inc. Corrsion Control Constat RUSTNor Corrosion Control SeMces, Inc. 'Remembe Rust Nevei SlPS' 8 Exerience Mr. Spickehne, president and owner of RUSTNOT Corrosion Control Services, Inc.. has over 32 years of experience as a project manager in all facets of corrosion control. He is a certified NACE Cathodic Protection Specialist with éxpertise that encompasses rehabiltation, materi selection. coatig, and cathodic protection. He has provided corrosion control recommendations, inpetion, an testing services for projects rangig from less th $500 to niu1ti~m.on dolls. Nationa an sma engineerin finn. utilties, miitary, industry, private companes, an pu1:lic agencies thoughout the United States have retain hi Services. He has provided corrosion control presentations and papers on an interntiona basis. He ha conducted soil. water, an site corrosion investigations to evaluate and provide corrosion control recomendations for clien in diverse applications, conditions, and geographica11ocations. These studies have included evaluations of internal, external, and atmospheric corrosive condition. He has evaluated both new and existing strctures for corrosion damage and developed specifc rehabiltation and corrosion control recommendations, including establishment of corrosion control progr; economca analyse; evaluation of replacement an rehabiltation methods; material selection; corrsion control design gudelines; cathodic protection design; coating specifcations; and modification to constrution practices, client stanard specifications, and operating proceures. He ha prepare an presented finl project report, risk assessments, cost estimtes, designs, contract documents. and operatins and mainte mauas, as well as observation services during constrction (SDC) , troubleshooting. fina an maintenace testing services an client train. Mr. Spickelmre has extensive experience on corrosion consideraions, comparisons, risk assessments and life cycle anaysis, and corrosion control requirements for difernt ty of pipelies in a variety of soil condìions an project requiements. He ha provided corrosion recommendtions and designs for water an wastewater collection, tranmission, storage, an treatient facilities; natual gas ari petroleum facilties, high-pressure tramission and distribution systems; ta farms, high-voltage power tranmission lines; das an diversion strres; bridges; mig facilties and solution mi projects; irrigation systems; pu stations; fish hatcheries; an mig, power, an inustria plants. He has experience with new and existing well-coate, poorly coated, and bar strctu, including closely paraelig pipelines with dierent coating conditions. He is experience with riveted. lockbar, and welded steel; wrought irn; cast iron; ductie iron; asbestos cement; plastic; and cOncrete cYliner pipe materials. He has provided corrosion recommendations for over 3,00 miles of water, irgaton, and sewer transmission pipelines with dieters up to 120-inches, over 2,00 mies of water distribution pipin, and over 3,00 mies of oil and gas tranmission pipelies. Hi experience includes evaluations of internal, extern. and atospheric corrosive condtions relative to piping, storage, and plant facilties; and protection levels provide by existi coatig and cathodic protection systems. He has analyzed elevated, buried, and groundlevel ty of storage facilies. Pipe RUSTNOT CorrSion Control Services. Inc. 325 Chester Drive Boise. Idaho 83706 208.384.9752 WILIA S. SPICKEMI hellole inpectons, historical system performce, lea records, and soil corrosivity sureys have been us to evàluate. identify, and assign soil corrosivit zones an priority for corrosion control. Statistical predction of corrosion lea an anicipated usef life for the structues ha been made pased on soil corrosivity zone, lengt of budai, and observations of stctue conditon durg field investigation. Recommendaons for pipelie projects have included rik assessment, economical analysis, evaluan of relacement, slip li. concrete linngs, and inversion (in-situ form) lig, material selection. cathodic protection. loose bonded (plyethylene) and tight bonded coatigs, and corrosion control design. Mr. Spickelm has considerable experience with cathodic protection sueys, evaluations, design, specifcations, observations, troubleshooting, energi, an final testig, including turnkey projects. These have include cathodic protection systems ran~ing from prepackaed and ribbon zi an magnesium galvanc anodes to deep, suce, and distrbute ty impressed current instalIations. He has completed over-the-lie continuous pipe-to-soil potential sureys an conducted specific cathc protection ìnererence testing and mitigation studies. He has measured and evabiated high voltage alterntig currnt (H AC) and high voltage djrect cuent (HC) powerlies, an teUurc cureI infuences on bured pipelines and caodc protection levels, and designed nigation method to minimize ìnerference. He has designed, inspected, and tested joint bond, cross bonds, tracer wires, and test station intalations including location and repai of defective pipe joint bonds and tracer wires. He has also determed locations and corrective action required to clea electril short at casins, buried pipeline contacts, and short insators for tranmision and complex piping systems. Mr. Spickelmire li conducted coating evaluations and recommendations, provided field observtion for (conductive and nonconductive) coating application, an prepar coating speifications for new and existig facilties including strtues with red-lead coatins and those requirin concree repa an replacement. He has made site evaluations with recommendations ranging from no action required. spot repai, partial or total removal and replacement of existing coating system. Mr. Spickelme ba provided traig in corrosIVity evaluation, coating, and cathodic protecton testg techniques, maenae procedres, and recrdeeping. He has trained personnel in intion, intation and troubleshooting of cathodic protection systems, joint bonds, electrical inultors, test stations, tracer wires, and cotig and lin systems. A former employee for over 17 years with a major national engineering fir, CH2M InL. he was a COITosion project manger for numerous projects throughout the United States. He has been an active member of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers Interntional (NACE) since 1978, serving in al offces of the Intermountai Secton an receiving tht section's Distinguished Service Award in 1996. He is a member of the NACE TO 14 COIntte for Corrosion an Corrosion Control for Cast an Ductie Iron Pipe and a member of the NACE Water Advisory Board. He recently (20081200) served on the National Academcs Nationa Research Council commee evaluating the Bureau of Reclamtion Corrosion Contrl Recommentions for Ductie Iron Pipe. Mr. Spickelme has provided corrosion control recommendtions for miita bases, Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclaation: and industrial projects includin FMC, Sìnc1ai Pipeli, Intermountain Gas Company, Chevron Pipe Line, William (Northwest) Pipli. Idaho Power, Pacifc Power & Light; RNWSS2009wlogoshort 20f4 WILIA S. SPICKELM Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laoratory (I) Argonne West EBR ß,; Disney WoI'd EPOT Center, Florida;; HVC Conversion Station, Delta, Utåh; Craig Power Station, Craig, Colorado; an Big Cajun NO.2 Power Plant, Baton Rouge, Louiiana. He ba worked for Eat Cherr Creek Water an Sewer Disct in Denver and City of Aurora in Colorado; Fairf County Water Authority, Merrifeld, Virgiia; City of Rochester, New York; Cape May County Muncipal Uties Autori, Cape May, New Jersey; City and Cou of Honolulu, Hawaii. He is providing corrosion assistace for the largest rual water supply systm in the United States (Min Wiconi) and the Cities of Rapid City and Sioux Fal Water Deparents in Sout Dakota and the th state Lewis an Clark Water Project in South Dakta, Iowa and Miota. He is providing corrosion recommendtions an cathodic protetion design an tetig for steel and ductile iron force ma for the Metropolita Sewer District in MieapolîslSt. Paul, Minnesota. In addition, he has provided corrosion recommendations to the majority of the major cities in Idao, Montana, and Wyoming. Professiona Regstration NACE-Certifed Cathodic Protecion Speialist No. 2678 Education BS, College of Idaho Membership in Professional Organitions National Association of Corrosion Engineers Internationa (NACE) Society of Protective Coatigs (SSPC) Wyomig Engieerig Society (WS) America Water Works Association (A WW A) PapersesentationslLtures (partal List) "Cathodic Protecion Water Box Demonstration. II NACE/SIEO Symposium, Sun Valley, ID, 1988.1996, 200, 200; NACE Willston Basin Section Meetin, Boze, MT, 1990; Monta Joint Enginers Confrence, Helena, MT, 1999 and NACE Intermountain Underground Corrosion Commttee Par City Symposium, Park City, UT, 1999. "Corrsion Considerations for Water Pipelines" Lae Engineering Club, Lare, WY 199; NACE/SIEO Symposium, Sun Valley, il. 1998; Wyomig Engineerig Society Meetig, Sheridan WY, 1998; & Mont Joint Engineers Conference, Helena, MT, 1999. "Corrosion Considerations of Ductile Iron Pipe - A Consltant's Perspective" West Virginia Underground Corrosion Contol Short Course, Morgantown, WV; May 2001 to 2003, 2005 to 2008; NACE Western Regional Conference, Portland, OR; September. 2001; NACE/SIE Symsium, Sun Valley, ID; 200. 2007, 200, and NACE Wiliston Basin Meeti, Caspr, WY; NACE Rocky Mount Section Short Course, Colorado Springs, CO: 2002. and Casper, WY: NACE Rocky Mountain Section Short Course, January, 2007. "Corrosion Considerations For Ductile Iron Pipe" Materials Perform, July 200 RNWSS200wlogoshort 30f4 WILIAM S. SPICKELMI "Ductile Iron Corrosion Rik Assessment and Corrosion Control Design Considerations", NACE Norhern Area Western Conferenc, Victoria, BC, Februry, 2004 & NACE/SlEO Symposium, Sun Valley il, 2005 \ "Ductile Irn Corrosion Control Design Considerations and Risk Assessment", 200 California-Nevad AWWA Sprig Conference, Burligame. CA, April 200 RNSS2009wlogoshort 4of4 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.CASEUW-W-09-01 20lDJAN-7 PH ':47 ELEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMSSI~¡$TÂFl UnliT/F ¿~V.r:(ì~.+: ii';: ;0;'(,1 ,.., ','-\... '1-,' ".jlf¡i'tlv0 iJft Oi:r;i \:: '- PreparerlSponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 236: Please provide an update on the status of the Hilcrest tan painting. The Company's response to Production Request No. 168 filed December 10,2009, stated that the project is anticipated to begin later in December 2009. Please provide documentation evidencing the beginnng and completion dates for this project, and include a copy of all invoices received for this project. RESPONSE NO. 236: The Hilcrest tan painting project has been delayed due to the contractor's inability to perorm the work. The Company was notified via telephone on Januar 5,2010 by the contractor that his bid was inadequately low and he could not and would not now perform the work for the price he bid. The Company informed the contractor that it intended to terinate the contract for non- performance. The tan painter curently working on the Steelhead Tan project (J&L Company) was subsequently contacted and requested to provide a "discounted" bid to the Company for perorming the work on the Hilcrest Tan at the same time as work proceeds on the Steelhead Tan. J&L has not yet provided the Company with a bid, but it is anticipated shortly. If the bidis acceptable, the Company intends to enter into a new contract with J&L Company for the Hilcrest Tan painting project. The Company anticipates that J&L's crews can commence the work immediately upon execution of a new contract since they are already onsite at the Steelhead Tan. The Company anticipates a 6 - 8 week timeframe to complete the work. UNITED WATER IDAHO. INC. 20/0CASE UWI-W-09-01 JAN-7 PN . ELEVENTH PRODUCTlON:RQUEST OFTHECOMMISSI(?Æ~lf:¡.!:. il. 49 U Tlr:: i;00":~ !., I" ... .ltl1f~,fJSC:'Jrtr" VIVjY PreparerlSponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 238: In reference to Production Requests Nos. 118 and 1 19 regarding rate case expenses, please provide the December 31, 2009, update to these responses when available, and include all related invoices sinçe the Company's respoiie to Production Requests Nos. 118 and 119. RESPONSE NO~ 238: Enclosed is an Excel file titled "#238 updated Request #118-U9 - Rate Case Expenses.x1s" which provides the updated rate case expenses booked though December 2009. Attached are five invoices supportng the new charges. . ~~OVI J :~:l 2(1(:9 ;: 32jv L''l-: )'I~A~:R MarkVie~ r)~O¿'UWierlt McDevitt & Miller LIP Lawyer .;".-4~ -- REQUISITIONER Alellndra Nonega (2)3~7S00 (201)336-65112 (Fax) 420 West Bumk S-~ P.O. ;Ð.;164-37oi Boi'e, Ida' 8370 em l. McDit Dêi\ J:. (Joe)Mil Uiite Wata: ldaho lnc. .Att: t.gilbe.pat 200 Old Roak iosd Ha~ Paik 1' 07tl4Ö2~ Pe1Q;I QId Smicii Ma Gcmai uw E11tIty Ni~tl UWMa~andSm-i~ Lo olSoiC& l'iovi4i Hiri PaNJ 07d4()229 Payea -r__i: Due ooB. Cåt* 4-NQv..S) Pih....Senea Reidt OCbci 209 re zo RA'IE CA Iioke No. 001.Da It ll Ch 5-0ct Con~ vi w. Si (IC) :ie: Discovet:R'POIS" 0.25 %.2 õ.ott Ri Publ Com"'i P=tic Mátd s.u¡ Meo to G. WYAtt &. 1( p~ tePubli Commu' 1.00 185.00 - '7.oa' -- R."1l &~Pt'be' èeiea:n ,.-0.50 9250 IH)(:t Réoeve &; lmc Publi Coment!; M.e to Oil:ui= Comilts 0.5 9250 9-0ct Coiiñ-Cl "01 W. Sl.ma (!Ve:.t Schc. Memos to/fi:m W. S~ m: Scbdu CoiifeilDt. wI Gwr re Sct! Discove 1.00 18500 12-Qçt hr;c:-c ld\cview DillOm: Re& Reeiirch no P-CdPuascs ii LPCO RaæC..c 1.SQ ¡¡¡50 I3.0ct M's tal £i K. DohD; ie: Dioo Raooes Fmdie &. Fi Disi:ovay Rêlpo&1.00 185.0 If.Oct Rece, Rsew & T:ismi Pubi Commen!! Coii£e=icc wI \v. Sm1ati (TPUe) re Sdicd: Memo to CIeits == Sc 1.ì5 323.7~ f,C"1'. ':::. 2 (1(: 9 3: 32 :'v L \1I-:) 'l'IA-:~. .. ".' Unite Wamrld.o &le. ~e2 4-Nov 1S-Oa Coafe wI Go Wya.tt & K: Dohi:iy Ee: Schedi:Memuo/ñom W. S!W (lUC) =Schedul 1.00 19-0ct Rec'V revew & Tnm Pi Comnti 0050 2O-0et 1lfe t~/r.m G. Wyatt ii: fub CQR1~ '" U.2. 220et Revê Reew 8c T:w.m Publi C~.; :MDO to K. ~er ((PUC)!e Sc~~t'. Reie &. T~ SlId Pmdutí Rei:ett 1.00 2il-Qçt M=os fI/&em G. Wy ie: Pt Cots 0.25 27.0ct :Rece, Rmew l! Tmnii Scb\Ü Ofl IlIn=veiti Oidu 0.50 2.11-Oc Coicew/K Dohen::e:D;k3t; Comt. wI K. Siiiet (!UC) m: DR l2; Mem to/fxo Ie Sa.nei :I DR 31 29-Q l\femoe tI/fio W. Stu1Zm (!C) i: D:R31; Coiiree ..-1 I~ nohe:= DR '1 30-0et Menoe 11/£íK. Dohe re DR 31. CcilCe wI IPC S'te DR!1 . - JJ .iNO' ltim 83 Copes (i.t5 e.eh Tata. DUl; Pt_e Ret Toal Le'7 Fee Costs Total Jleeiili Qis'l MarkVie~ 15Gocüfient 185.00 ~2.50 46'.25' 1&3.0 46.25 92.50 1.00 1&5.00 I)~O Sl2.SO 0.75 138.75 '~ 2160 S2,451.5 $12.4 $A463.70 D~~i H'~ 2(;:)9 3:28l~IM lb. 199~ P. 2 REQUISITION E R CAROii; MAZZOLA RECEIVED DEC 7 2.0D~ McDevitt" Millor LLP La.wyers (208) 34J.7~OlJGr;iLATOfl' l:Ub'lNESil (2011) 336-6~12 (Px.) I3EPAlITMF.T 420 Wes BaiikSltet P,O. Sax 2~.83701 Boise, ldaho 83702 Chis. F, McDevi DeaD J. (Joe) MiJle nlÚted Weie IdwhQl Inç. Attn: Lep Dt:piutmcnt ~() Old Hook .i Hlt.rgton hrl, NJ 0764i-(29 Pet_on Orderlg Scrrcts: ;yruk Gennii UW Enti Niimer UW l\magcnt :and SetcCJ Locatin of Sere. Pio\ldcd: Hilningn Park, NJ 07640-0229 PtLJßlent Ter.: Due on Reeit Diite: ,.Dec-OlJ :riot'elslODIlI Setveii R.endered Nóvembe 2O9 re~ 20 RATE CASE Invoie "N 0.00 Data It ~~ 2-Növ Confc \vl s. Rbetd re: Discover Respnse Prepuii Dircvea ~nse; llemon, Revi-v & TIlnmic Publi Caent 1.2 231.25 3-Nov Mems to/frm ClinC$ rt: Dixm Coofer Revk\'l.& S~famsonito ObcoVlrr .:Re3p/)I\~.; COif#i!Ðti! \'0/ K. Oòhtlty J:81 Dieccweiy Confteice, Cmferenc wi W. Stul2!l çir:OC) rel Discoviil' COIfeinÇt 1.50 27750 4.NoV' pjnl)j2:6 &FjIt: Dhoq Respnies: Pieie Anoiof.:Y Coofientílity ûilificllte~ Preae Le to Intesenni- Altomcy, Confceiii:e \vl S, Rhcad ie DR 72; Confeiice wI W. Stutzman ri!: SlafE Meetig; l'!e¡ to/from ClienÐl fe: StAff Meei:g 250 46250 S-Nov File Dì8COvm Request Rep(lnses~ Memo to G. Wyitt & K. Doheny tc: Confidlmúal Rcsll 10 DR #69~ Conrenc wI s. Rhead i:: DR. 71 1.00 185.00 6-No'O Rtceive. Rmei & TftM Publi Comments; Rtdle, Rcew & Trmsmii4th Ptoduedon .RueStj Coference wI G. WYRU te; Ob~ciie tD 2.00 370.00 c~:, 61 2(::J9 9;.29.AIM United WAtuldlo i~ 12/4/2009 Page 2 9-Nov Recti"£:. Review & Tnnmit Publ Coi.nt£~ Confere8 wI s, IU~ ie CapEx Plio. DisoS\ie; 1fem.s 1o/ftmG. 'Wyatt St S. RJ re: Cap.Ex; Mems lo/fimK. Do re Stilf Talt CaJ 10-Nov cot£ttiri~ wI S.lhad re M1U Replcement Contii: Prep*reAnwor to StiffPR. #'12- Fimli21! ~ )¡ilêFl .o\a'a:Mem to IPUC Staf ie::Ptøtecerc .~mcit Sigaturer 16-Nov Co.esi 'wI S. Xuead £i::PRRepi:ee$; Caetei:u'W. 0, Wyiitt~ PH. #88; Rèceve & Rl!viw Pìbl Còmmets 17-Nov Conferce wi S. 1Ietd ie: P1 #7Z; Ccifl!£$l1! vt' ë. Wrau to: PR.G134, 138 and 141; P:rlrt Obj~iion tldAIll'iier; i.fe to K. Doheity.& G. Wvn m: Afflite Records l8.No\!. l!)No'V 20-NDV 2S-Nov 24-Nov 25-Nov la-Nov Conf(.lCtc'l/S.lltd ie: Diacovcry Confercßi1I wI G, ~'yatrJ:e: Pùoovei: ~ ObjctOllS Re.vie objectin. ti D.itI Comueni: wI G. \Vytt (e: Discovery ReoDaca F'inabe & FJ1ePisCQveiy 1Wonll!i ~emo& tol from K. D.be1t ccDi:çoveq Rensa Re.se Objeçrin to DR 128; Fl\1w & Ite9' A.iuwe to DR 123; ),:lmoi to S. Rld &: G. WyAtt ie: Objection &: AIL\I'CI Rew &: Rese An.,..yoi tt DR 123; hseirch Pmi StiCrTestiony re Purc:..ed WlIte. ¡)fel) to S. RhêAd ö: P~t TestiOiy; Memoi tolfini G. \V)"it ie: An~\\u to DR 140 Ci:o wI G. \Vj'Jrr re: Disco Answ.; Finabe &; File Objectin. to Di.covei: Fina~t (I FJle Respónsf¡ to Diicove Revjew lind Organie DI$çQ~ty R~$PCoIO:I 3.00 0.25 1.50 1.50 3.00 2.06 250 .3.0D 1.50 27750 2.00 370,00 1.00 lB5.00 555.00 1~,~ 277.50 277,50 .555.00 370,00 442.50 555.00 lb. 199~P. 3 (\i: ~, ~u. "L('.', ',ì9 !l. in 0 ~~ii1/ . . . i),), ,r, Unite \V.tel Ir!iho Inc. 12/4/2000 Paee' Dm 2-Nóv 4-Nov 5-1'ov IS.Nov lO-Nov 20.Nov 25.Nov li 15 Copd. ((. 15 e.~cl 23 Copies ~.15 eii:h Pori. 13 Copies €¡1S eRo Ponagc 17 Copis ~,lS ellch Posttge 11 Copie& ~.lS e'ich PO&Ltgf: 20 Copies ti1S èadir Po,. 12 COpM~.15 eac POstl Toiwl LegFccli Costs Total Fees and eosts Totll Due P1ralc Remi Cw 2..25 3.45 4.95 1.5 2.92. 255 2.92 2.5S 1.00 :Hii) 4.~$ 1,Sf 292 ~5, 45"l.5G 38.11 $5,495.61 $5~4fJ5.1 lb. 199~ p, 4 ot~ ~~T '~ nA(;~ 1'.A~A\l\;1" i i", La",' JJ' , .£'1"-MarkVie\A iOOC'Ulrient MarkView Document Ao~ Jul,Z1.209 Ms. Dona coie~.UtiWlerP.Qi.ea229E-n Pè. NJ o.~ R': t" Qu: 209 Ft. 1ioiæstos. SMees ~ ¡:m/mtOuk"ope FwfJ DN'Dori Atedzq oar in1loefobaSlic fIi.i pre. ari out-o ø(O eong the ~ Apri 1. 20il$~Jt".30. 2O1i, ("av Øtollee ~ta íl'~fe..pa.~th pe-io ..¡ifMl pablt ~ IneCo. .suii Sm_ aaa'iø~;f ~.~ óurSyir $eft agem an ilÍl raYOWthe)' snil thu.. tt'b nvOi ¡S frRæ.OO; one fourv oflle iife I.'. bugáSeit Pr w. ccøid Hv speal Sl rete piilJtc lh penicn pla s~ pmjeIn ~iSQI worUi Ii !iQt iernng bu re fu rRem to nm ~isues. ~. we r=i: a tldf*ri d il ~ pemiedallhe resitIlc~d lo l!. A..¡liBJly YMIlA SWot icempl - ~..It wi ~ lI ~tiAJ'lSbi¡ ''lit ~ EßSA Fuin Forec to m."i fuØi reef. R~e.s. - Resoii to IRS commens ~n plensi.rn forReiwl õI4Q1() PI. . · Oew Ljn NsUlMF __ept- MlCllll ~ing rerdiniqal.5Upilk:lJlll. fo DJ~Li · AOS AmÛmi-Am'lòllQf ~å 40(1;) PM 10 aaDdRd 3C fro AOS PIë §qYìen 9ROl' SIp an Prl- ~i. \l bcll uid ~ rml:ii atl1fli2ng past SIlic: crdil fo li 5 empb in qr.iO lJ NClRegf. lasue8lb7 Pm!es.l- Pre to an p.a~ on eonfe e.e t6 dIi: tr_mert r. ri~le (J.llIl!'&S emplóY iNftl\.~toPen ai ~l):~ f..~fll 3~i.. ø H..41l~. ~ i.Ji O"l~t:2O~6 L "i..~ wi.."'.GQ"S .~lNl.il lIal Q"T_~.._ .. t't'T .. l. nitll.15 I'" ~ t,... 'tvt. . ,"i ..~J IJIJ"' MarkVie~ iÖO¿LJhi'ent - MarkView Document AONco~TI k0Q".~ Jufy 21. 20 Pi¡ei · O!J!nltial R!!rt an ~'l - PM9aniio fo en ~ li me_ to (l1$ ímp of øcri:iaIOrgani:tic RetiUf wi rø ID Penson an~meliit.. Of aeêOM 1!lr - Rell anel fize amen to 401~1c) p/'kfJ'Ja me.. We Lsa1 tti ~ as8D"Nh eB of ii ab, as sllii an EXlKD". Ôtitp:§De frll Ou.Seop pn.ClI.idro'te .fme ati are rialr lb ti pl' aps¡ but ar no pa at Ol b8 buge Ex i:" sw the i: uti se ai of.4. Of ~ttl .. fllatoiy $.ppi: wo/' ..to Id - Updle 2QO car.,.)' m1'.in ìn.iirt IC! Sa~ .. NøgaGIui. · Reguiary ~ we" re II ca~.. .I:ei eo.id Quaie Peia Pfn and~P be. ii in... in IwseM vaulJ mim J:t!H 1. 2008.1) m.ury 'f, 2.009 fo fi of .. Rê!a _~ WM Ml:1) Dê~ - P1''vidê tiis COiici fr'2O~. ~1n v~ ~ w¡r,t,1l h~Qrl¡lmQI, .. Invwneit ~_lJlär'9 wiih rei:_ fÐ Unio arH Nonu .i(k) Plan.. .. AtMt: l'l\'1 ie di IISl alJcc il IhÎl re~ to Ptn Plns i!nd VEBA'! re me foiiei ou-o!I pr '* . Prepti t4 øxnsicl' téques and pnfiminæy scMl.lél b" 401(k). Aên 200 Fôm 5SOQ JõIÜ. · tGsues ,.bi 10 401(k) witWlf ni.. tnti acc, .. Iss nila!I MelcM cril re. ~on øJf~ fo JAal Plaf r.ia ptums. .. ~"'i' MI ítVetiOn rel to Mi!ic iAsline of ii r"" e1ai.s(æver æu) . Oetelne Imp QQ (FRS -Pr.n I!ns fe SER Amendl'en to lncl lte fl i:ciill$, . FtlWew 8I furtr updae pcsl.papin t.eleta to ra-i yiel on ~ and di$ mi inuding adlB 6lil Su~i: qctiom rai:d. 1:i2lii'5\1Jni'hb(08l1(f QlR-l,:clliddIç rrT .~ J.hn~~ 1.,~)A~Vvii. t,. ..'1.1;1 . i 1.1". MarkVieW t'öciúnent MarkView Document AOICll1l6 UNrÉp WA1ã S-hilll!" - Qit:otl! prpacs UW QUAUfieC REMENT P'"JlWA~1l SBVCEiERE PUPFIQ. AEIR PLA 0' CU- co.. Ri Ofancf søC:illon inclUd"GretrcilKlme rBr.mt Mnni d.Uiben al. ¡:U$ly \IèpØt iel'" WIlt rlat ÍII'Dton PACS .. AselloclUO'H't-eIi¡ ., Aoddil r~lIti Anal~'al tiMi re1 toleey ..umpl andpoi ,.. 2." Cl :2l'll fee rn.vqq S 16.80 S '17Q l 1.00 UWlKIJEO Ril'lREM PLS + Deei jmpictcf SERP Al bn IFRS :Sxpe t:GuTCl SUPPORT s. i.OO . ~"=~~==~:::::~ ! '1'/Oô ~ ~=~)f UllQlI AN MOLNoto4(K) PLNS Y P(liPØIB Gf Fcr5f58 an prelmnf. Fóf 05St lIchmci .... lr.sriCoiSiI1ig ·(. o.uali Does Rêim 0R1S4 I"io re.1: Wiii n.ia hn ~ f'l; MEOKW l 0100 t 8,25 $ 1,200 $ '!.400 '" . l:i ntng io Madii: cm nsen. peon i: .:- Addil Cla anl,* fa Mli!e I'èdbl due to c:rchri0)0 ln_on recl and 3u reat TO Meiae inae fir ialscr cllíms. lldil' r&iil d mll. ye of id. clll, traon by pcsirl(. Alli\\lQutee Asmp~ Re_ ~ Al.d"JlrsupQfb"ve 92-6 (comi*4- New Je EtarøaiS~91lr.å pl. amdm ønd asaci: fDr for 2009 unci afoe ' ~ Addi fd-up anaJyl$ and reee rell!lB EO key anmpii end¡X& pien . S 1.50 S t5,125 S 1a.00. S 1.20 5 5.50 S 24,50 $ !\,bOö TOAL OUT -oF-$COÆ Pfllr S11S iFS ~tiM%_ii.llIUlaiei~" . Dill. Ad!km; HALeO HOLDING CO .UNITED WATER EIN 101772 200 OLD HOOK RD HARRINGTON PARK NJ 07640-116 Invoice Summary Nov 09, 20Ft Egs.ry. Tral'spiirtation Charges Earned/Grace Discount Specill HlndlingChargls Total Charge$E" Gll -¡- Transporttion Ch,rges Other HandllngChargls EarnedlGrace'OísCount T ctal Charges TOTAL THIS INVOICE Yoi saved Illo.0llndii:1l dii$ peril MarkView Document Invoice Numl 9.392.92837 Invoce Dat Nov09 200 Page i of14 Fed£i Tax 10: 71.0427007 Sbipin Addms UNITED WATERM AND S COMPANY 200 OLD HOOK RD HARRINGTON PARK NJ 0164.116 lloice Quesion? Ctae fedEx Reenu Seivice Phone: (80)622-1141 M-Ss 7.6 (CST) Fax: (801543020 Internèt ww.fedeltCOm 978,00 .601.66 43.58USD $4lU2 ~g J¿J/l ~b t( ~---- 139,58 15.77 .8.3USD $146,7USD $5 oe Shipme ìnClu~ld¡nthl$ invoitereêeiYed an eameddìs.count If you lNuld like to koolN how ¡twas calculated, please go to the foll_g URl: https:/Iw.fedex.comJEarnedDiscounts/. Other discount mayipply; =.;;.-.¡;-ii. II-. *?jé",...._..,~:::-...-:..:-~.._~~,."'.-:;:.-:;;-::::-..:........:.:...;-_.:"....-;-_..__......__,...."........"."..,..,....,....m...._._..______,~_..____,____._.._.._..._-..._..,_T,ni'l_lJoiuiili18__\l\I_lIll'/!lll,'mliiullfOO . _ice AcoumNumberAmouli Due l'æll~" l\. I'_mø t!lJlltrta foCliæaiHiø$!HI."hemi~lormlJ_ll._ 9-392-9283 1851-5513-7 USD $56.89 Remitnce Adice Vour payment isM by Nov 24 2t li&Sli5Sli3939i!ei283717D0005l:b8931 AT 02 047350 68573Al92 AU3ÐT .111..1111' ,1.11 II iii II, 1'11111'l0 nl' ii.. I' .1.' II II .1.1111..~I NAO HOLDING CO .UNlTED WAfER EINloim 200 OL HOOK Il IllllNGTON PARKIU 01&111l 1~IIIIIII~lllllllllll~1S/4110l ~I.1 I" 'iir I. l 1llluhll'l r. .1.1 I. ..11111'1111' 1111.'1111111 1.11 FedEi P,Q. BOl 371461 Pitsburgti PA 15258-1461 Ol~If1 & Fe. T iacking 10: 1960881357 cOftinued MarkView Document Invoice Date Nov 09 209 Account Number 1851-5513-7 iieNYlflJd NO 04. 100 09:31 TraDsplIti Chig. Hi 15SvcAreå AI hrnlkOiscoint -1l101Signed by O,NEill FlielSurcharp 0.28fodEx Us. 00186_ T..C1"."m"--~lišif SU . The hrn._ Oilouni Illll sIp áite hIs ll ulibledl¡a$.lloo a ,..,nii lI,shotd 01. 7278.95 . FU8ISur1;h~- FedEahluPllìaluisiirCh'l'80lflm 10 mil sh",menL . OiS1611C. Bi"å Prlc1"l lOn'li Allttlllli INElT rJlckillg io 1978 SefVi48 TVPt Fedh Prnri Ü\ernH.1 I'acli¡¡gll (ypl! Cusllllt, Pildagln9Zone 00 Packages 1 nate_ Weight 260lb 1 t8 kg.Oelwered NovØl.2I1G: TramlIJortlIChlilv'SYc Ara A'l Earned DíscoiÍ1l Sigiiid by tlfIOlE FiiJ!. SiS~".!VLfedEx Use tX161l1_ Tol CI :;'~"" ..¡ld¡¡IiW;¡mli~;tJ;~';i~1~¡¡¡~~.dM¥E!i. FIl.1 Swe".'g. . '_db hu .ppi l iu.i Ilrehln¡t ol6,(l Ie ibis $lpmiii. . the Earned IlI.MlUt lør lti¡ ship dalt "" bean C.lfli/llteum on l 'lI"U. llr.íhol ofS 12189& . OI'I..c. Dut4Priing,lan. 5 Auation !iilcknglO Serv£Ø TVle Package Typ lone Packages Rated Weítt OllClate4 Value Deliered Svc Ata S!inedby FedúUsa USM IIltl5044S1801 Fedb Pror OvemÎ1i FedbPak 05 , to 1b..IlSklis USIL30,O Nov 04. io 09;41M C.ROBINSON0307~1552L ~ Care Mimoll UnÍ\dWàki ZO. Old Ilook Road IIAnlìNGTON PAIl rtJ 0164 US Bt.OeanJ. Míer McDevrt&MirllP 420 W BANMOC Sf BOISE 10 83102 US kI SHUNMUGAM GA48fll UNITED WATER MAND S COMANY 200 Ol HOOK AD I4IIIN6lON PARK NJ ID64176 US lliU CAlYlN ANDRES UNITED WATER 36W 3RD AV£ GARY IN 4& US T r aisPOn Cli,rge Declared ValU Charge fuel Sureliari_ r arnlld OlscOltt..ei 35.3 1.95 0.00 '2US --~"-- $15.9IJ mi!R",..,..;r~t;~'tfri~,li~¡~;..i'~". f\ll Surch"i/' FlØElhK.pp~d ~ ¡"....teli.rg. 0/6,00". ie. lÍi' srpi...t . Ih. famt4 lJoonlfOll' Ú\iø da hes bUD C akull.d biSld on arevenu. llrlSbok ol l 1218.115 . rlilt.n.. ll...n" "("'it 1M. 1 AUllati Tracking 10 Servicl! TyPt Pac.kg8 Typo lOle PilchliU RaiedWl!Ìlht Dewern Svc Aiiia Signed by fedb Use INET1!l101~ FedE. Prictity Ovrnight FedEi Boii 02 I 3.0 lbs. 1.4 kgi Nov 05, 200 00:31 M V.fOlKoo¡t1'lI_ kú JaiiatKlI Unit Wate' 2t OW HOOK ROAD HARRINGTON PARK NJ Cl164 US -:s8Ktinisfl t O\lIs R C. Shaa & ASlliale. 244 MAiN ST TOMS RlV£R NJ 00153 US TrllortiOl Qiargø Fvel Surcharga hrn'd Discounti'õt:ct--- 21.60 0.3 .14m "............._.._.._'....".. US -_..._-,_... ......._......... M'arkView Document Page 90f 14 v,::". .... . ...... FielSurdarg.. Ñ!dEx lias ap¡!íli.. tull $llllrgl oilDlOlhil $IIÍlllnt . hIhíi El\.1lÐlscll"I~Ili$$l."II$ iiCtl.llllllblrtd øit,.tIlI IIshololSn7all .'OÏ$IHCQ Based I'riCllQ,Z_. . lb. Earned lJlll to lliuhí d'" has b... calulatidballd aia rmnUi mroshoJ411t117U5 . FUIlSutr!l . Ñl~'li.1 applna ruel SUfllarloi 6.lWlo lIlfipmlnt . DllltclllaH4Piìn, Zon & . FldEi liii lIdi/lll $Ì¡pilôr COlCT PtdaglI,1I.lgti end lirY', Aiiy chti8 lIade ..r..acln in me Ìlc. amount . w. C ,lniiie!! yol:li.,gl.llased on . cI,nsionll Wlll of lll ni if It iT It r, dived by 194AltoNIi 'NET itTrai: 10 19186 Chs IlrodSemce l\l Felf Slndird OVemìght Ui Wile Pilkl!!' Typ CUSlOlp¡iklng 200 OLD NOOK RDAIlZøne lI' HARRNGTON PAAK NJ 0764 US Pactag,. 1 AilUalWøíght iz,Olf, S.U,. llall Weight 18.01bs, Uk.. llelarncl Vaiii usa 3000 D'Mt4 No 05. 200%43SveAre. It Sld by M,Cl.RKFedtUse ~1J1l'- AltllaliOl Tracki '0 ServiÍeTyp P.cla,. Twi Zone Packeges Rated Weig n:.iil!lred SvçArel Sid by FedExUse INET 7962595 FedEJ Prio Ovrnight FedEli Ellelò.tl 1 NlA No CJS. !0 0959 A2 H..lOUtE/l252/_ !W Cato" Manola United Water 200 Old Hoo Road HAIIlllNGTON PARKNJ 016 US BH Dean J, Millr MeDevll & Mir UP 42G W 9ANNOCK ST BOISE 10 83102 tiS T ranspoi1Ol Chal' Fuel Suehat"Eared Diou fOCCIt'P BuMa..o NO,.UrWlI 54 CENTRA AVE STe 20 LAUlEl MS J9 US TtanSfllon Char. D.i:lii.d Viilu Clrge Earned l)scOlnt Fuel SlIehareT.... =.-=-...a=-- ¡¡5ii..g USD 92.5 U5 -5l3l 1,51.il, . Fuel Svclllte . FedEx hn ippiød.. fil iuicliirge 0/6; Il . Tbi Eim" OisOUI fo Mill. dii. II.. 11..11 ulculateci "itd en i _i_lht$lol otl 12111 . tlSliicl SHill Prleilg.Ziml' ;,~ Altoma1 Tratkil '0' SéMCI TYI' Pac:aii fýj'-' Zon Pedll'$ llallWiilgt Delired Sl Area Signedb¥FlluUi. INETm0l1OFe.df: Pr tlernig FltitEÃEiI_:~,-~.:ë; . 08 I H/A Nov os 2Ð 0941 Al M,AlRCONOO/O2L lu l10na Kotriígl$ IJ Willr ?O OlD HOOK 11. .. ---,;. ... llRRIN6TON PAI NJ 0164 US ii,. FOR GUEST: ANONY HARDING Marri Maooatt Benli l40rARK VIEW AVl MAHATTAN BEACH CA 9026 US Transportion ci.. Fuel Surchatge Eamed DiscouTOCI:.USD 26.40 0.45 -16.31m.. .fhè £Mneimsiount lor lis si lIa19lill 11_ c.lcullte "mi OI i reø lImlold IlS ma!l ' . fal SuKliårlil' fidEd8$ Ipp a Iil $Urcliargi òf6.io lIil sI_nt . Ilslice 8and Prlin ZOI. 2 AlIllilti INET lrackinIiID 7918201ll Serve Type Fed& Pt Ovemigli Patkaii, Typ FedEJ EnveloZon. 02Packaiies I Continued on next page $U Siie OAlnSldro OnidWatr 20 Old Hook Roa. HAIRINGTONPARJ(NJ 010 US Bt Carol. lim. Nor Jill Fed.i Cfedi Ut 711 Unon Bouard TOTOWANJ 0711 US OfmÐW1 . Bjll.MI ONDEO UNtTEO WATER Nl ~ND seD 200 OLD HOOK AD HARRINGTON PARK tlJ' 01641)1716 Invo S..a" Noy 09_&.fQ... Transiion.tion Charges EamedlGracl Oîscount SpicillHandlin Chrges Tota Charii TOTAL THIS INVOICE You sa Sl.l il ,di Il iil MarkView Document Invo Nuber 9-391-87950 Inwua Dat Nov09 2009 Acunt 1854.291-2 FedEx Tax 10: It.IM2100l Shillin Ad ONDED UNITED WATER M AND S CO 700 K1NDERKAMACK RO ORADELL NJ 0164153 ==w: Se. Phone: (801622.1147 U-5 1-6 (CST) Fax: (801543020 Intèet ww.fede.com 1,2..35 -194,64 1166USD $51&.7USB S5 CIn~:r~.T 3/, 2X--- Shipmts included in ths invoice receivd In eamed discoun If yo would Jit to know ho it was càlculart. pliasi go to the follng URL: hthw.fllexcomÆardDiscou/. Other disc:oii may appl. i .. 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SUSAO'AlSSAMÐRO UNITEDWAWl 200 OL HOOk II HAIION PAR NJ 01 US 8ICanli NOI J~" FnllliCndlll 111 Union Bou TOTANJ 0711 US Tr_pc aiFuel Slar Graiii OISCOUT..'.... 10.15 0.3 .1001 SU . Fu.iSUrtll.hd& . . WUc:l oil_ 1l11linllípll . si...aior Adlt..~Ui. 0.. NiC/1t.. 0ii.1l Itid PrZ- i . l.....lIOctlUIIlIlIUlAMAi TJlcliglDSik.Ty Pileup Typi Zah.PICbgIttaW_0.. SVcAr Silldbp FlIdEiU.. INØ79lB. hdE S1.OnflFldEEi. 01 1 1.0 lIli,51lp Oct 13. zø 11l1I A3 8,RUSO--- II OEBRAVISCONT UNlTEDWATER 20 Ol HOO RO HARNGN PARNJ OM us IIJoBbtkNd Jl Diw. S. On. inli On WANAOUE NJ iø. US Tralt CI.. Ful SIcii. Grae DlllntTOfC.... 11950. '.1.,- . Fulllìl . Fldb hii lii'" 1 "'1I1u1' of uø llllinliíp"'.. Oil I... Pr,* la, Autøal INE TratiiiO 1911l1 Smi. Typ Fnu Pr OWmi,ht PICU91 Typ FHb 80Z.. 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Av PATERSN NJ 01 US Tranll ClrgfUl Sur.,Gr.._. f1. _ at.,..ft USI 18.1' Q. -18. O.l- ~ Tr.i: tD SenTypep...l".z_ Pic:ltin 1l. Wegl0-'"" SVCMa Sidby F*if&1J INIT7914Gt4 Fed& StItOV~ F.d& Enwla oi i NIA OC 14.. 13; At K.EPINO~.. lIShll lIIJW.. 10 KlirklC li OlNJ Ø1 US lI .Due...Jo DlflaplCo. 9BElWAYPl WH PlNS NY 100l tJ 'nmSf DlGteei DlFul Su,....u. IUS ~7.lII.. ii=-iiiiii---- II--. Fulli... FI&ii...,pIi fur 'if" olU. lllhl1ll. OÎlcilI PrÍlZ..AitllU INET... lITraelrÌIIO l!1lll5l. WlARA MilY M1C1 WION-'-""'--'Siiëi'rP-'-FiiEifiñi¡",OYìP---"-'-tb~-~----'~7--u;mrÃfmD.-------..--...------...--------PaclliTyp Ftd&£i' . l11UONØERRO møWw:YRD ~lOlI oø ORAEU NJ 01 US BOIS ID 8: US lTPa IRatd Wegl MfA Dill Dct 15.lOlO:13SVAt. A2 Slinnby UETF.t1£iUs ~-+ 'I1mipin Chargi Grici DlSCnlfuSw,.... AuI1 INETTracüilO ~Ser. Typ. ÑlEi Stnàl avlri PICi' Typ FedE: Enelpe ,lOl' 02Paçagii 1 Contued on Rut page JI DIMIAMCUGH . UllllWet 1ll KINOEllltK Rl ORAfIJ NJ 01 US Illym l1iMiil UnÎlI wa "tw Rochelll25251'''. NE ROCIlW NY 108 US ..111 ""roc,..,~+.~ io-. ~"-- i, ;. ¡¡,.,;.I '!",," , UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 ZßIOJAN -7 PM I: 49 ELEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISS~g)~.;.§i;~ UTILITIES COMi"el PreparerlSponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 241: In reference to the Company's response to Production Request No. 119, please provide all supporting documentation regarding the Company's $15,000 estimate of customer notice, cour reporting and miscellaneous costs. RESPONSE NO. 241: The $15,000 estimate of "customer notice, cour reporting and miscellaneous costs" represents an estimate by the Company intended to allow a provision for a host of costs that are likely to occur in a general rate case but are not certain at the time of case preparation. In the Company's 2006 general rate case (UWI- W -06-02) $2,592 was paid to Adecco for temporar services rendered related to the rate case preparation; $5,851 was paid to Ano for required customer notices and $2,137 of travel expense was incured for a Company employee to accompany IPUC Staff auditors to United Water Idaho's Corporate Office in Hargton Park, New Jersey. In Case UWI-W-04-04, $1,845 was paid to Ano for customer notices, the Company paid $5,073 to Hedrck Cour Reporting for services rendered and $5,379 was paid to MJ Solutions for hearing preparation. Also in the 2004 case, a total of $11,942 was paid to Idaho Rivers United and the Community Action Parnership in intervention expenses. It is to cover these kinds of likely rate case costs that the $15,000 estimate was included in the Compaiy's fiing. rI UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. 20CASEUWl..W-09-01 fOJAN-7 P ELEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION¡§:JMF . l1 I: 49 Un L lTí ¿! s ,!""õt/ ~.~..~ t" ",' ....lfìPf¡iI0(\!"..'."Ùi()l"'i PreparerlSponsoringWitness: Scott Rhead REQUEST NO. 243: In reference to the Company's response to Production Request No. 149, please provide the CEA(s) and CWIP report for the System Enhancements Project (C08J950). Please include with your response: a. a detailed description (both nartive and numerc). of how the original and amended bu4get/CEA amounts'were derived, b. thepl1ose ofthe project, c. a detaHed,aescription of why the. project expenditure amount in Production Request No. 14gexceetsthe CEAamount by over $900,000, andd. any..ftherexplaiatory information necessar to describe the project(s) and their costs.. RESPONSE NO. 243: This project was created to capture project costs, allocated to United Water Idaho, for 12 unique 2008 IT (Information Technology) projects and one 2007 project that were initiated by United Water Corporate IT. A C:EA including allocation costs from all 13 projects was not created. The attached CEAsand CWIPS are for the Corporate ITprojects under business unit 305. The combinedCE approved amount, for 13 separate projects, was $11,136,000 in 2008. The table beiow summarzes these projects and the United Water Idaho allocation amounts. a. United Waterldaho's portion ofTTcostis 8.4% ofthe overall corporate expenditue. This is the basis for United Water Idaho's IT cost allocation under C08J950 of $944,724. b. This project was intended to allocate a portion of United Water Corporate IT expenditures toiUnitedWater Idaho for information technology system replacements, upgrades and enhancements. c. The CEA approved amount of $43,783 on construction report was the allocation cost for the first project to be distrbuted to United Water Idaho for 2008 projects. Subsequent project allocations were added later to C08J950, bringing the final total to $944,724. I Corpra.te IT Project N umber Description C08J015_~()S Network System upgrade C08J016.:305Data Center Upgra.cles C08J007_30STelecom Upgrades C08J013_3()SMa.i:ged Desktop C08Jg14_305 System & Exchange C08J017_305 Securit Complince C08J020 _305 Success Factors Implementation C08J 1 02_~()SAIPImagig C08JIIO..305EV5Upg..a.de- .-,.._.."....w..,.,._.'....,.._.,.....,.. .. ,',........................... C08J112_:305BPBA Strategy çg~li 3_305 WEB Implementation ~roject C08J121_3050RADELL Wireless & HP Scanner C07JOO..205 PS891.Jpgade Totals Corprate IT Budget Amount 77,384 402,401 696,463 345,280 597,900 155,898 160,825 548,200 153,442 60,749 Corprate IT CEA Amount 77,384 402,401 696,463 354,280 1,597,900 155,898 160,825 683,457 153,442 2,359,207 1,007,162 21,462 3,466,456 Unied Water Idaho Allocation 10,657.22 47,279.92 22,214.9:3 126,506.47 130,067.74 15,879;19 10,382.86 59,470;16 10,043.09 178,809.60 25,167.50 ...1¿()8.?4 307,037.10 3,198,542.00 1,136,337.00 944,724.42 t:("i r iL,"L ."~ , UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. "If.! CASE UWI-W..09-01 ¿ulUJflJl -7 PN I: 49 ELEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMIS~~~~~~~~~rr7 i.l, I,_V vUn,fe, PreparerlSponsoring Witness: Scott Rhead REQUEST NO. 244: In reference to the Company's responses to Production Request Nos. 75 and 149, please provide the CEA(s) for the GAC Filter at Swift 1 & 2 (C08BOO 1). Please include with your response: a. a detailed description (both narative and numeric) of how the original and amended budget/CEA amounts were denved, b. the purose of the project, c. a detailed description of why the project expenditure amount in Production Request No. 75 exceeds the budget amount by approximately $500,000, d. a detailed description and underlying spreadsheet of any expenditues that are an allocation from Corprate or any other entity, e. the difference between the budget amount and the CEA amount on Production RequestNø. 149, and f. any further explanatory information necessar to describe the project(s) and their costs. RESPONS:ENO~ 244: A copyoftle CEA(C08B001)js attached as requested. A point of clarfication should be made when comparng Production Request NO.75'and theCEA. The budget amountof$l,l ia,900 shown on PR No.' 75 was the Z008 portion only.' The total budget for the project at time of CEA approval was $1,272,770. More detail is provided below as requested: a. A spreadsheet is provided and. broken dowr into projeèt elements; which compare the original budget of $1,271,770, approved CEA of $1,463,917 and final project expenditues of $1 ,633,800. b. The purpose ofthe project was to provide well head treatment for the removal of PERCwhich is a volatile organic contamination (VOC) at Swift Well's #1 and #2 due to groundwater contamination from unown sources. This well complex is avery important par. of the overall source of supply for the West Main Service Level and could not be abandoned. In 2007 Idaho Deparent of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) had required that well #2 be taken off-line due to an exceedence of the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 5.0 ppb. c. The spreadsheet provided shows specific detail of which project elements exceeded the budget. A point of clarfication should be made when comparng budget to actual. As pointed out above, the budget was $1,272,770 with no allowance for AFUDC. The final project was $1,633,800 including AFUDC in the amount of$27,695. For comparson purposes this. amount should be removed from the total thus resulting in an actual cost that exceeded the.budgetby $334,335 not the $500,000 as referenced. This $334,335 increase is prirnarlyrelated to four specific categories that occured after the budget was develop.ed. 1. City conditional use and zoning approval as a result of obtaining approval from the Lake Harbor Neighborhood Association (LHNA). There was a very strong negative reaction to the project as first conceived and presented to LNH. They were very opposed to the initial concept of exposed tan and associated screening. It became obvious that the City would have a hard time approving the project with this much organized opposition. In the end, the facility was completely redesigned and expanded to enclose all of the process equipment as well asthe addition of architectural shapes/landscape featues to better blend into the suroundings and nearby residences. 2. Over,.exca'lation requirements. Once excávationbegan it became apparent that the existing site had been previously used as a slash/debris waste site durng the 1950's when a gravelextraction comptuY was in operation. Old rotting logs,wood and site waste were encountered;Approximate1y ten feet ofuisuitab1e material had to be removed and replaced with select granular filL. An entire temporar dewaterIngsystem with sediment filtering treatment prOvisions was required due to the proximity to Lake Haror and the Boise River. 3. Mechanicalpiping changes. As a result of the requirement to enclose the tans it was necessarytoreconfi~I'e all ofthel'ipingbetween the vessels and between the vessels and road; This redesign addedfittingsl length and required all of piping to now be bured vs. exposed as originally planed. 4. Temporar piping and power service to Swift #1. Because of the delay caused by dewatering and sub-excavation, it became necessar to constrct temporar piping and power service to Well #1 in order to have it available to meet demand in July. d. The:re are no Cdrporate.allqcations related to this project other than normal constrction overheads. e. Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for comparsons of budget and CEA. f. Included above. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION 01115/08 04:09 PM C08BOOI 03 1,102,257 117,789 27,936 90,000 1,256,128 117,789 27,936 90,000 153,871 1,310,046 1,463,917 153,870 Approval Needed Eng Manager General Manager Tech Servce Co Asset Management CEA Net Tota: Var from Plan All All ;:$50,000 ~:l$25,000 ;:$100,000 ~$50,000 ;:$100,000 ~$50,OOO Approval Needed Region President CEA Net Total Var from Plan ;:$250,000 ~$200,000 ;:$500,000 xx 1/15/2008 XX 1/15/2008 XX 1116/2007 XX 1118/2008 XX 1118/2008 Page 1 of 060 C08B001 GAC Filter ~ Swift 1 2,xls CAPITAL EXPENDITUR AUTHORIZATION 01115/08 04:09 PM C08BOOI Installation ofGAC treatment system for the removal of volatile organc contaants (PERC) at Swift Wells 1 &2. The project wil also entail the demolition of the existig well house and the constrction of a new building which will house the well, controls, dischage piping and treatment systems. Groundwater contaation in ths area has been drawn from unown sources to the wells over the past 30 years of production and has increased to a level that exceeds the MCL. The GAC treatment wil captue the VOCs and allow these important sources of supply to remain in servce. N/A N/A N/A The original treatment study totaling $123,264 was not budgeted. Page 2 of 060 C08B001 GAC Filter ~ Swift 1 2.xls 12/30/2009 10:24 AM Unite d Water PROJECT COST SUMMAY UW Idaho 060 C08B001 y y 01/25/08 02/01/08 6/30/2008 03-COMPLIANCE W / 9.88% 11.45% COMMON Desi n, Gen Cond, & UWID Labor 3042A0 Site Work W790 1 3042AOA Concrete Work W790 1 3042AOB W790 1 311200 W790 1 320300 Treatment E ui ment W790 1 33140008PV New Main-Swift 1 to Swift 2 W790 1 320300A Prior Year Treatment Studies W790 1 33140016DI W790 1 Page 3 of 060 C08B001 GAC Filter (g Swift 1 2.x1s PROJECT DETAILS 12/30/2009 10:24 AM Task Details Project ID: C08BOOI Task Detail No. Of Unit Item Description Units Cost Cost Erosion Control Final Site Grading Landscaping Landscape Irrigation Concrete Slab for GAC Vessels Pre-Cast Vaults Reinforcing Steel Stem Wall Mise Metal Building Structure Building Composite Roof Insulation Mise Water Proofing DoorlWindows/Hardware Finishes: Ceilng Finishes: Walls Finishes: PainUCoatings HVAC Electrical I&C HP 1220 Activated Carbon System Mobilzation Installation Piping: Well Head to Vessel Piping: Vessel to Distribution New Main from Swift 1 to Swift 2 Prior Year Treatment Options Studies Reroute 16" Discharge Piping 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 2.00 1,00 1.00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 1,00 Page 4 of 060 C08B001 GAC Filter ~ Swift 1 2,xls 2,000,00 2,900,00 7,500,00 2,000,00 22,050,00 4,000,00 4,500,00 4,550.00 6,000,00 112,200.00 5,700,00 1,000.00 1,000,00 6,000.00 2,520.00 4,275.00 8,500.00 9,000.00 15,000,00 10,000.00 117,000,00 15,000.00 7,500.00 7,500,00 7,500.00 20,000,00 123,263,61 30,000.00 2,000,00 2,900,00 7,500,00 2,000,00 22,050,00 4,000,00 4,500,00 4,550,00 6,000,00 112,200,00 5,700.00 1,000,00 1,000.00 6,000.00 2,520.00 4,275.00 8,500,00 9,000.00 15,000.00 10,000,00 234,000,00 15,000,00 7,500.00 7,500,00 7,500,00 20,000,00 123,263,61 30,000.00 12/30/2009 10:24 AM Unite d Water RETIREMENT WORK ORDER UW Idaho R08B001 C08B001 02/01/08 GAC Filter ~ Swift Wells 1 & 2 060 03 Dan Brown 6/30/2008 Installation of GAC treatment system for the removal of volatile organic contaminants (PERC) at Swift Wells 1 &2, The project wil also entail the demolition of the existing well house and the construction of a new building which wil house the well, controls, discharge piping and treatment systems, Indicate Proposed Disposition: 1. Abandon in Place 2. Return to Stock 3. Scrap 4. Sell FINAL ACCOUNTING Actual Retirement Amount: $67,204.00 Estimated Cost To Remove: $19,450.00 Estimated Salvage value: $0.00 PR #244 SWIFT WELLS COMPARE BUDGET, CEA, ACTUAL ITEMS BUDGET CEA ACTUAL ACTUAL TO PR#75 PR#149 BUDGET SITE WORK 14,400 14,400 70,956 56,556 CONCRETE WORK 35,100 35,100 39,540 4,440 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 125,000 156,195 199,694 74,694 PUMPING EQUIPMENT 20,000 25,000 192,961 172,961 TREATMENT EQUIPMENT 271,500 271,500 653,176 381,676 NEW MAIN SWIFT 1 TO SWIFT 2 20,000 20,000 53,293 33,293 PROIR YEAR TREATMENT STUDY -123,264 283,128 283,128 REROUTE 16" DISCHARGE PIPING 30,000 30,000 140,072 110,072 TELEMETRY EQUIPMENT --981 981 PRIOR YEAR EXPENDITURES 153,870 153,871 (153,870) DESIGN GEN COD. & UWID LABOR 420,000 426,798 (420,000) OVERHEADS 111,900 117,789 (111,900) OMISSIONS & CONTINGENCIES 70,000 90,000 (70,000) SUB TOTAL 1,633,800 AFUDC (27,695)(27,695) TOTAL 1,271,770 1,463,917 1,606,105 334,335 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI..W-09-01 ioin JAN -7 PM l: 49 ELEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THECOMMIS'~l.9~;St~FF ~-; i i~ ~\~:~ ç~~---~~.j:~,,: _t'::.: - ';;":/; ;.-:.~~ U l ii.ll it,) \../\jl¡'ih'ti'..) r"~rtt- ~rr-::~ L: ~J t: \; Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Scott Rhead REQUEST NO. 245: In reference to the Company's responses to Production Request Nos. 76 and 149, please provide the CEA(s) for the Braemere Booster upgrade (C07C504). Please include with your respønse: a. a detailed description (both narative and numeric) of how the original and amended budget/CEAamounts were derived, b. the purpose of the project, c. a detailed description of why the projectexpenditure amount in Production Request No. 76 exceeds the budg~t amount by approximately $400,000, d. the difference between the budget anØlUt and the CEA amount onProduction Requestljo. 149, and e. any.fiher explanatory Information necessar to describe tnepr9ject(s)áIdtheircosts. . RESPONSE NO. 245: A copy of the CEA (C07C504) is attached as requested. A point of clarification should be made when comparng Production Request No. 76 and the CEA/Thebudgetamount of $259,600 shown on PRNo. 76 Was the 2008 portion only. The total budget for the project at time of CEA approya1. was $~50,600. More detail is provided below as requested: a. A spreadsheet is provided and broken down into project elements, which compare the original budget of $350,600, approved CEA of $432,173 and actual cost of $640,572. b. The purose of the project was to comply with regulation. The 2007 update to Idaho Deparent of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) regulations require pumping stations to provide redundancy. The facility must be capable of meeting maximum day demand plus fire protection with the largest pumping unt out of service. The existing facilty had one domestic pump and one fire pump and therefore there was no redundancy for the fire pump. c. The spreadsheet provided shows specific detail of which elements exceeded the budget. A point of clarfication should be made when comparng budget to actual. As pointed out above, the budget was $350,600 with no allowance for AFUDC. The final project was $640,572 including AFC in the amountof$27,111. For comparson purposes this amount should be removed from the total thus resulting in an actual cost that exceeded the budget by $262,861 not the $400,000 as referenced. This $262,861 increase is primarly related to two specific categories that. occured after the budget was developed. 1. New.buildingvs.wingaddition to existing. The originalbudgetwasdeveloped under the concept that the existing building could remain and only require adding a wing. Once the design was more perfected' and initial DEQ meetings were complete it becane apparent that this would be impossible. The new pump, metering space requirements and associated electrical panels could not be added and stil keep the existing facility operational 24 hour per day. In the end, the best solution was to reconstrct a new building with all associated pumping and electrical equipinenh 2. Decision to add å more effcient small domestic pump and paneL. There äre apprpxiinately30customers served by this facility. Durng the nightthereisvery 1imit.edusagebut a pump is stil necessar for these smi¡ll flows. The best way to meetthis requireinent was to instaUan additional small domestic pump and associated varable frequency drve panelt.o allowthepunp to changesp~edas needed. This capabilty was not apar of the originaLbudget or existing facilty. d. Pleåse refer the. attached spreadsheet and additional explanation in item c. abóve. e. Included above. UnitedWater CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AUTHORITION 10/29/07 02: 19 PM C07C504 03 144,OS8 288,115 432,173 xx 10/29/2007 xx 10/29/2007 xx 10/29/2007 xx 10/30/2007 Page 1 of 060 C07C504 Rept Braemere Booster Station,x1s UnitedWater\";5~.CAPITAL EXPENDITUR AUmORIZATION 10/29/01;' 02:19 PM ;..C07C504 Tfsproject is for the replacementof the Braemefe Boostet Station. The existigfacilty does not effcientlymeet peak customer demád and does not provide redundacy in the event of a pump failure, as requed by the Idao Deparent of Eiivironmenta Quaity. The domestic pump does not have sufcient capacity to meet peak hour demd. The me pumpmtitrun perodcaly to keep pace with demads. Ths results in frequentonloff cyclig of the pre pup asit's capacity is sigificantly in excess of the customer demad. The origil plan estited an expanion to the existing booster buildig. A buildig expanion would not, however, be suffcient to house the layout of the new pumping equipment, along with matag serce to the 130 customers durg the constrction. The addition of a new building represents the major porton of the increase in project cost. Page 2 of 060 C07C504 Repl Braemere Booster Station, xis 12130/2009 2:22 PM UnitedWater PROJECT COST SUMMARY UW Idaho 060 C070504 '( ¥ 10/29/07 11/01/07 513112008 03-COMPLIANCE WI COMMON 30440Q;. 311400 311400A 3114008 311400C 346500 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT BOOSTER PUMPS MAG METER SUCTION AND DISCHARGE PIPING TELEMETRY/COMMUNICATION EQUIP 8090 B090 B090 8090 B090 8090 1 1 4 3 1 1 Page 3 of 060 C07C504 Repl Braemere Booster Station,ids PROJECT DETAILS 12130/2009 2:22 PM Task Details Project ID: C07C504 Task Detail No. Of Unit Item Description Units Cost Cost BUILDING DESIGN BUILING PERMITS SURVEY EROSION CONTROL CONCRETE & MAONRY FRAING, TRUSSES; FINISH WORK PLUMBING HVAC PAINTING LADSCAPING CLEAUP CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ASPHALT DRIVEWAY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT BOOSTER PUMPS salKrax (6.1)%) MAG METER SUCTION AND DISCHAGE p~piNG UWIDLAOR TELEMETRY & COMMUNICATION EQUIP UWIOLAOR 1.00 1.00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 250.00 1.00 4,00 1.00 3.00 1.00 350.00 1.00 120.00 . Page 4 of 060 C07C504 Repl Braemere Booster Station,xls 27,200.00 2,400.00 2,500,00 4,745.00 64,375.00 15,485.00 2,300,00 7,225,00 2,350.00 2,370.00 2,140.00 10,400.00 3,00 75,000.00 22,500.00 5,400.00 1,670,00 25.000.00 50.00 7.500.00 50.00 27,200.00 2,400,00 2,500.00 4,745.00 64,375,00 15,485,00 2.300,00 7,225.0Q 2,350.00 2,370.00 2,140,00 10,400.00. 750:00 75,000;00 90.000,00 5,400.00. 5,010,00 25,000,00 17,500.00 7,500.00 6.000.00 United Water 12/30/2009 2:22 PM .. RETIREMENT WORK ORDER UW Idaho R07C504 C07C504 11/01/07 060 03 Dan Brown 5/31/2008 This project is for the replacement of the Braemere Booster Station. The existing facilty does not effciently meet peak customer demand and does not provide redundancy in the event of a pump failure, as required by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. Indicate Proposed Disposition: 1. Abandon in Place 2. Return to Stock 3. Scrap 4. Sell FINAL ACCOUNTING Actual Retirement Amount: $39,614.41 Estimated Cost To Remove: $4,000.00 Estimated Salvage value: $0.00 PR #245 BRAEMERE BOOSTER STATION COMPARE BUDGET, CEA, ACTUAL ITEMS BUDGET CEA ACTUAL ACTUAL TO PR#76 PR# 149 BUDGET BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 80,000 144,240 197,312 117,312 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 65,000 75,000 113,260 48,260 BOOSTER PUIMPS 95,000 95,400 95,908 908 MAG METER 5,000 5,010 22,962 17,962 SUCTION AND DISCHARGE PIPING 40,000 42,500 200,877 160,877 TElEMETRY/COMMUNICATION EQUIP 10,600 13,500 10,253 (347) OVERHEADS 30,000 37,740 -(30,000) OMISSIONS & CONTINGENCIES 25,000 18,783 (25,000) SUB TOTAL 640,572 AFUDC (27,111)(27,111) TOTAL 350,600 432,173 613,461 262,861 UNTED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 . 20lU JAN -7 PH I: 49 ELEVENm PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISa~Q~.;~4~ i JTllIT' r'J.¡.;'./...' .,'ê'L'Uv'. 1:- " i .( 'i" fi;.8 ¡ .\ ,", ¡ "". ,-'" '~-. ../-~i;-t~- -~lJit)tJ RECF.i\l Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Kevin Doherty REQUEST NO. 247: From Exhibit No. 13, Schedule 8, Per Books 05/31/2009, please provide the documentation and workpapers for these amounts. Please include with your response the account numbers and the dollar amounts for each line. RESPONSE NO. 247: The referenced amounts are taken directly from the Company's May 31,2009 Balance Sheet. The accounts that appear on the enclosed Balance Sheet fie titled "#247 Attachment 53109 Bal Sheet.xlsx" are bolded for Staff s reference.