HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100107UWI to Staff 212.pdfMcDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers R ..t..".,.." (208) 343-7500 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) 420 W. Bannock Street P.O. Box 2564-8313O JAN -6 PM 2: 3 i Boise, Idaho 83702 Chas. F. McDevitt Dean J. (Joe) Miler Januar 6, 2010 Via Hand Delivery Jean Jewell, Secreta Idaho Public Utities Commssion 472 W. Washigton St. Boise, Idao 83720 Re: Case No. UW-W-09-01 General Rate Case Filng Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for fig, please fid thee (3) copies of United Water Idaho's Second Response to Commssion Staffs Tenth Production Request Nos. 212. Kidly retu a fie staped copy to me. Very Truy Yours, McDe.vitt & Mier IL~~Dean J. Mier DJM/hh Encl. OR\G\NAL Dean J. Miler (ISB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 j oe(imcdevitt-miler. com CE 20\0 JAN -6 PM 2: 33 \Dt\HO '. '-~\L\'r ¡ \: c:\' I 1,..",",J ~ Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND ~ CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE )STATE OF IDAHO ) ) CASE NO. UWI-W-09-01 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S SECOND RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S TENTH PRODUCTION REQUESTS United Water Idaho Inc, ("United Water") by and through its undersigned attorneys, hereby submits its Second Response to the Commission Staffs Tenth Production Request No 212. DATED this ~day of Januar, 2010. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. By:~U1L Dean J. Miler McDevitt & Miler LLP 420 West Banock Boise, Idaho 83702 P: 208.343.7500 F: 208.336.6912 Attorney for United Water UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S SECOND RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S TENTH PRODUCTION REQUESTS- 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the ~ay of January, 2010, I caused to be served, via the methodes) indicated below, tre and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 j j ewell(ipuc. state. id. us Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, ID 83702 bmpurdyaAhotmail.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email ~l. ~l. ~l. W ;t~l. ~l. w UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S SECOND RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S TENTH PRODUCTION REQUESTS- 2 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. REei: CASE UWI-W-09-01 2016 JAN-6 TENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMIS~l9N'S~jF33 "T'l1¡ld/.'ü'¡Ol) I. fiE,S Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Kevin Doherty REQUEST NO. 212: Please provide an updated debt schedule, Doherty Exhibit No.7, page 2 of2, Composite Cost Rate of Debt through December 31, 2009. Please include within your response the electronic spreadsheets with formulas intact that are the basis of the response and any other related documents and/or files. RESPONSE NO. 212: Please refer to the attached Excel file showing the Company's calculation of its Cost of Debt at December 31,2009. Please note that the debt cost has decreased to 6.48%. Also attached is United Waterworks Balance Sheet at December 31,2009.