HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091223UWI to Staff 184, 186-197, 199-204.pdfMcDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers f'r:t\/t,~i ~~.. ~ 'i; (208) 343-7500 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) 420 W. Bannock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 lD09 DEC 23 PM f: ~ I Chas. F. McDevitt Dean J. (Joe) Miler December 23, 2009 Via Hand Delivery Jean Jewell, Secreta Idaho Public Utities Commssion 472 W. Washigton St. Boise, Idaho 83720 Re: Case No. UWI-W-09-01 General Rate Case Fil Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for fig, please fid thee (3) copies of United Water Idaho's First Response to Commssion Staffs Ninth Production Request Nos. 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200,201,203, and 204. Kidly retu a fie stamped copy to me. Very Truy Yours, McDevitt & Mier Ii DJM/hh Encl. ~~-, OR'GINAL Dean J. Miler (ISB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 joeßYmcdevitt -miler .com t',r-\;,Y c: iOU9 DEC 23 PH f:4 i Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND) CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE ~STATE OF IDAHO ) ) CASE NO. UWI-W-09-01 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S FIRST RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S NINTH PRODUCTION REQUESTS United Water Idaho. Inc, ("lTnit~dWáter") by and though its undersigned attorneys,i . ' .. hereby submits its FÌrst Response to the Commission Staffs Ninth Production Request Nos. 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199,200,201,203, and 204. DATED thisß-day of December, 2009. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. BY~wL ean J. Miler McDevitt & Miler LLP 420 West Banock Boise, Idaho 83702 P: 208.343.7500 F: 208.336.6912 Attorney for United Water UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S FIRST RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S NINTH PRODUCTION REQUESTS- 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the aJiay of December, 2009, I caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 j j ewell(ipuc. state. id. us Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, ID 83702 bmpurdyßYhotmail.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email t(~'- w ~'- ~'- ~'- ~'- ~'- ~'- ~t. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S FIRST RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S NINTH PRODUCTION REQUESTS- 2 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparr/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 184: Disconnection data filed by the Company in response to Production Request No. 52 indicates that the Company disconnected only 36 accounts in September 2009. Tils number is signficantly below the average for the month of September()ver the Past four years. To what does the Company attrbute the drop in number of disconnections? RESPONSE NO. 184: The September 2009 entr in response to Production Request No 52 was in error. The correct number of acëounts disconnected for that month was 232. This was due to a simple data entr error. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W-09~Ol NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEst NO. 186: Please provide detail on how the Company verifies a customer's identification when setting an account and when a customer calls the Company through the service center. RESPONSE NO. 186: When a new customer calls the customer service center to open an account, ther is a connection order form that the customer service representative .completes. The same information is gathered for everY new customer including place of employment, references, social securty or drver's license number, and contact telephone numbers. If ther is any reasoJ) to goubt the validity of the information being provided, the customer is asked to come into the offce with pictue identification and to sign the order form. When existing customers call in to discuss their account, they are asked for identifyng information on the account to ensure that the person we are speaking with isauthorizei;øn the account. v'" UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-oi NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patrcia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 187: By month, how many final meter readings were taken when customers discontinued service durng 2007-2009? How many of those meters were not physically disconnected at the time the final reading was taken? Ofthoae meters that were not physically diSCOnnected, how many new Cl.stomers requested seice within five days ofthe final reading being taken? How many new customer requested service more than five daysafler the final readings being taken? RESPONSE NO. 187: The number of final readings by month for 2007 - November 2009.is attached. United Water Idahodøes not track the number of meters tutedoffon a fin~ reading versus the number thii ar left on. The Company also does not have any data compiled regarding the number of new customer who re.quest service within five days of the final meter reading, or the number of new customers requesting service more than five days after the final reading. The Company does have service orders from 2007 - 2009' for all work performed of tils m:iture and they are available fOr Staff auditor review at the Company' s offce durng normal business hour. " 1.ir 0MNO' ¡¡N en ""..00 ""Qi- ..*n:00 ..""n:u "t &Qc: 1.""Nrtrtrt::1.ir " QZ "0 0ir1.1. tS 00 "O' 0 ir """".... a-1."00 OJir 00 ..ien1.1I "....::c( ""N Nen0....00 00'3.. rt N 001... c:00 "" ::.. 0 0 1.1.ir N;:""1.II:t 0 0 Nenenen..1.1.ir0.c( 0 en rt1.1.II..1.ir IIII:t ir ""enir..1. .Q ir ir ""..OJ00.... ciz "N 00t;N "ir OJ c:ir ir ""::IID"..OJ CC c:Q "00 en~-ro :3 0 0U00::c:N N N"t :¡Q..IIa.OJ..Q ....OJt;..OJc:EQ0. -en II~ Æ UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W~09-0i NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patrcia F Os$ Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 183: The Company response. to Production Request No. 142 offers an explanation of the Televox outbound calling system. Please provide further explanation of how thecall$ once completed are uploaded in the cUstomer's account and utilized in the collection process. Does the Company make more than one attempt to call the customer if there is. noaiswer,or the phone was busy? Does the system have the capabilty of handling multiplephone numbers for a single account? How does. the Company handle an account if the phone is out of order or the number is invalid in the attempt tocoutact the customer prior to disconnection? RESPONSE NO. 188: The Televox call result data fie is uploaded into the biling system. Televox and UBS worked together to cnift an upload fie and each night after the calls are made, the file is uploaded into the biling system, and the call results are placed in the customers' fie. The outbound caU is the last step in the collection notification before a service peron is dispatched to the propery to either collect the past due amount or disconnect the water serce. United Water Idaho chose to star mailing the shutoff notices, and according to Rule 304.;02, at least twenty- fOUf(24) hour prior to tennnation, the utilty must make a diligent attempt to contact thecustoiner either in person or by telephone to advise them of the pending disconnection. The Televox outbound call is Company's diligent attempt to notify. With Televox, ifthere is no answer or the line is busy on the first call attempt, there is a second attempt forty-five minutes later. Televox does not have the ability to call multiple numbers for the same account. United Water Idaho asks customer's for their preferred contact number as the first number used for notification. If the customer's phone number is invalid, we remove it as a contact number and seek another. If there is no number listed on the fie, the customer servce representative wil attempt to locate a number prior to the Televoxcall. If the customer is not reachable by phone the Company dispatches a field serce person to the service address to leave a door hanger notification. UNTED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 189: Regarding the rain sensor retrofit approved as par of the Company's conservation program, please provide the number of kits distributed anually since the program was implemented, the cost per sensor kit and how much inventory is curently on hand. RESPONSE NO. 189: The rain sensor program was implemented begining in 2008. Since then the Company has ordered 2,000 devices. To date, the Company has distributed 857 rain sensors with 1,143 left in inventory. A quantity of 1,000 was ordered in late 2007 at a price per unit of$14.91 including tax and shipping. Another 1,000 sensors were ordered in 2009 at an increased price of $16.03 per unit including tax and shipping. There were 236 units distributed in 2008 and 621 units in 2009. UNTED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 190: Regarding the trigger shut-off valves and hose timers approved as par of the Company's conservation program, please provide the number of valves and kits distributed anually since the program was implemented, the cost for each valve and timer and how much inventory of each is curently on hand. RESPONSE NO. 190: The trigger shut-off valves and hose timer program (a conservation kit) was implemented beginning in 2007. The Company has ordered a total of 3,000 of each device. To date, the Company has distributed 2,105 of the kits with 895 left in inventory. The average price of a kit is $11.66 including tax and shipping. Units Distributed 2007 Hose timer & trigger shut-off kits 651 2008 563 2009 891 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 191: Regarding the restaurant low-flow spray nozzles approved as par of the Company's conservation program, please provide the number of kits distributed anually since the program was implemented, the cost per nozzle and how much inventory is curently on hand. RESPONSE NO. 191: The commercial kitchen program was implemented begining in 2009. The Company ordered 200 low-flow nozzles at a cost of $30.04 each including tax and shipping. To date, the Company has retrofitted 39 nozzles with 161 left in inventory. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 192: Regarding the conservation kits distributed though United Water Shares, please provide the number of kits distributed anually since the program was implemented, the cost per kit and how much inventory is curently on hand. RESPONSE NO. 192: For the UW Cares program, 225 indoor kits were purchased at $8.54 each and 170 outdoor kits were purchased at $9.39 each, including tax and shipping. The costs for these devices were booked to expense when purchased and were are not charged to the deferred conservation program costs account because they are an historical conservation program for customers and were not par of the new conservation programs approved by the Commission in 2007. To date 163 kits have been distributed (some combos of both indoor and outdoor) with 64 outdoor and 75 indoor kits remaining in inventory. The number of kits distributed anually has already been provided in response to Production Request No. 135. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 NINm PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 193: Regarding the conservation guide produced by the Company and distributed as a supplement to the Idaho Statesman and at events thoughout the year, please provide a breakdown of costs to produce, print and distribute the guide in 2009. RESPONSE NO. 193: The cost to produce the 2009 conservation guide was $5,000 (excluding Company labor). The printing and distribution cost though the Idaho Statesman amounted to $4,925. The Idaho Statesman did not provide a cost breakdown between printing and distribution. Therefore, the total cost for the 2009 conservation guide amounted to $9,925. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 194: Regarding the proposed Budget Bil Program, please provide furter inormation regarding any alternatives to sending bils monthly the Company may have considered and the reasons for elimination of those alternatives in favor of the proposed system. RESPONSE NO. 194: The Company does not view a Budget Bil Program as an alternative to a monthly biling approach. The Budget Bil Program affords customers the opportity to pay a steady amount each month based on their historical bils. Budget biling is a customer service. It helps customers budget for their water use payments and can help lower income customers avoid collection efforts and potential service discontinuance. The Company chose a monthly approach for its proposed Budget Bil Program because it is consistent with other Commission regulated utilties in the Boise area (Idaho Power and Intermountain Gas) who are allowed to offer a budget bil-type program, and because it is the most effective frequency for enabling lower income customers to manage their water bilL. The Company did consider a bi-monthly budget biling approach, but it does not afford lower income customers with as easy an opportunty to budget and pay their bils'as a monthly approach does. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 195: Regarding the proposed Budget Bil Program as described by Company witness Wyatt, please provide furher explanation of how the Company proposes to monitor accounts to determine the need for mid-term adjustments in budget bil amounts. RESPONSE NO. 195: The Company's customer inormation system curently contains a profie driven budget biling component. The program is designed to allow a periodic review of accounts on budget at Company determined intervals. Both mid-term and year-end budget reviews are standard intervals in the curent application. Thus, the process is already automated and available in the curent system. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TH COMMSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 196: With respect to the proposed Budget Bil Program, Company witness Loy indicates that the cost of the program is based on incremental biling, postage and collection costs. The testimony does not mention possible costs for necessary changes or upgrades to Company computer systems or software or additional programing necessary to monitor accounts. Has the Company identified any other possible costs such as these? Please explain. \ RESPONSE NO. 196: As stated in response to Production Request No. 195, United Water's customer information system aleady contains a budget bil application with an account monitoring fuction, but the application is not currently activated for the Company. There are no costs involved in activating the application if the proposed Budget Biling Program is approved. There wil be some training required for customer service representatives which would be conducted in-house. There wil not be any changes or upgrades to the computer systems, or software. .. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TH COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Charles E. Loy REQUEST NO. 197: Please provide copies of the curent tax bils (or spreadsheet containg the inormtion) showing what the tax wil be for 2009 paid in December of 2009 and June of 2010. Please identify the account these expenses are booked to, and the amount included in the test year. RESPONSE NO. 197: Attached please fmd the Ada County Tax Collector Public Utilty Tax Bil recently received by United Water Idaho and due in two equal installments on December 21,2009 and June 21, 2010. Each installment isior $744,709.82 equaling a total anual property tax bill of $1,489,419.64. Since the Company uses the accrual basis of accounting, ths payment wil be debited to account 236-01, Property Taxes Accred. Appropriate accounting adjustients wil be made at year end to both the liabilty account and the expense account (70200, Real Estate Taxes) to properly state the year end liabilty and the correct level of expense to be recorded for 2009. The test year level of property tax expense was $1,370,595, so there should now be an adjustment to increase this exp~nse in the case to the $1,489,419.64 amount. PARCEL R2024301116 S 1024233698 R5286170145 R8992000192 S 1022449400 S 1015223580 R8079550150 R7367962200 R5836350020 R5510500172 R1955020935 R5133010063 ADA COUNTY ADA COUNTY TREASURY 1ST HALF TAXES DUE 12121/2009 AMOUNT 3.00 3.00 403.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 744,273.32 MAIN BILLING FULL PAYMENT: 205..23601.F15 BU 060 PAYMENT TOTAL 744,709.82 744,709.82 0'-QQN~..~.. a ~.,~. :: =- à~ l; Eo ~~..Eo ~;; t-' t- ;;Z . :: s¿0..l;§ ol Q; ~ 0' .QQN ~ ~ ~ :: 0~u~ i:i: =, ~"J i: ~ g Z E-.. Z)0 ::~ 0ø. Uo UE- ~E- ~U ~ i: Eo ~sQ E- "J ¡¡ 6 -:: .~S:: =ON )0 ..¡¡N - 4i. =Q :i ~..~éi: i: cI:= t~E- .. ¡;E-.. ~~.~~ Q ~i:i:.::r = ~ Q."J-Z::"J o~.~u ;¡"J i: :c ~.~~ sm~i:. Q~:c z i: E- .. i: ¡¡ .. ø.o ~~.i:i~~N¡¡ )0 ..0~NcIø. .. i:f;~~ ~ ~ ==f; 4iU is Q E- ~Êä .. ~ E- = Eo 15 ~ ~Q ~QI~ ~ 15 ~:: "J Ne f;~:: Q 0 Q i:i: 15 :i t.~.¡¡Oo ~:: = U i: "J i: - "J E-"J _ ~ 15 ~ "J ~ E- ~ ~ ~ eoz:ë z - )0 i:~ ~ ::.. ø. 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Pa r c e l # 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 1 6 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 1 7 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 1 8 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 1 9 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 2 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 2 1 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 2 2 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 2 3 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 2 4 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 2 5 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 2 6 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 2 7 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 2 8 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 2 9 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 3 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 3 1 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 3 2 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 3 3 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 3 4 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 3 5 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 3 6 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 3 7 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 3 8 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 3 9 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 4 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 4 1 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 4 2 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 4 3 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 4 4 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 4 5 Na m e "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . 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" "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . 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P L E A S E P A Y O N E O , f T J : K T O T A L S L I S T E D A T T H E E N D . I F Y O U S H O U L D E L E C T T O P A Y I N H A L V E S , T H E F I R S T HA L F P A Y M E N W I L L B E C O M E D E L I N Q U E N T A F T E R D e c e l D b e r 2 1 , 2 0 0 9 , A N l ) TH E SE C O N D H A F A F T E R J u n e 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 . I F T H T A X A C C O U N T D O E S B E C O M E DE L I N Q U E N T , A L A T E C H A G E O F 2 % A N D I N T E . R S T C H A G E S O F 1 % P E R M O N T H W I L L B E A S S E S E D . A R E C E I P T W I L L B E I S S U E D W H E N P A Y M E N T H A S B E E N R E C E I V E D . Pa r c e l # Na m e Co d e Ar e a Le v y As s e s s e d A m o u n t 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 7 6 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 19 4 .0 0 9 6 1 6 3 8 0 38 4 , 7 0 4 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 7 7 "U N I T E D W A T E R ID A H O , I N C . " 20 2 .0 0 9 6 1 8 1 9 5 31 , 6 4 7 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 7 8 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 20 6 .0 0 9 6 1 6 3 8 0 65 9 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 7 9 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 21 1 .0 0 8 2 1 7 1 0 1 19 , 1 2 0 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 8 0 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 23 3 .0 0 9 6 1 6 3 8 0 2, 9 1 9 , 0 6 9 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 8 1 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " '1 24 0 .0 0 8 2 4 8 3 6 0 67 4 , 7 9 8 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 8 2 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 24 1 .0 0 8 2 8 6 8 7 6 53 , 4 0 4 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 8 3 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 24 2 .0 0 8 2 8 6 8 7 6 41 , 5 3 6 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 8 4 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 24 3 .0 0 8 2 4 2 2 1 0 12 , 8 5 6 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 8 5 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 26 7 .0 0 8 2 1 7 1 0 1 97 , 9 0 7 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 8 6 "U N I T E D WA T E R ID A H O , I N C . " 27 0 .0 0 8 2 4 2 2 1 0 98 , 5 6 6 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 8 7 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 27 1 .0 0 8 3 5 3 3 8 7 19 2 , 5 1 7 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 8 8 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 29 1 .0 0 9 7 5 5 8 3 2 65 9 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 8 9 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 30 1 .0 0 9 7 5 5 8 3 2 1, 9 7 8 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 9 0 "U N I T E D W A T E I D A H O , I N C . " 32 0 .0 0 9 6 1 8 1 9 5 21 1 , 9 6 6 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 9 1 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 32 3 .0 0 8 2 9 1 3 4 4 31 , 3 1 7 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 9 2 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 32 6 .0 1 4 7 3 5 6 2 8 65 8 , 3 1 5 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 9 3 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 33 4 .0 0 9 6 4 7 6 8 6 1, 3 4 1 , 6 8 4 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 9 4 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 33 5 .0 0 9 6 1 6 3 8 0 89 6 , 6 5 4 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 9 5 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 33 6 .0 0 8 3 5 3 3 8 7 35 , 6 0 2 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 9 6 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 33 9 .0 0 8 4 0 2 5 2 1 10 , 8 7 9 . 0 0 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 9 7 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 34 1 .0 0 8 4 3 9 9 7 7 9, 8 9 0 . 0 0 "3 " " E Q U I V A L E N T P I P E L I N E M I L A 11 0 , 8 6 2 , 3 3 7 . 0 0 N. A d a F i r e & R e s c u e Wh i t n e y F i r e 7, 9 0 3 . 2 2 23 , 5 8 1 . 9 9 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 9 8 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 12 0 .0 0 9 6 1 6 3 8 0 57 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 *F i r e C o n s e n t 80 8 . 1 8 76 . 8 4 1. 6 0 46 . 4 2 23 7 . 7 2 3, 2 5 7 . 6 6 2, 1 7 7 . 1 1 31 , 4 8 5 . 2 1 11 9 . 7 4 1. 6 0 4. 8 0 Ha l f Am t D u e 2, 2 5 3 . 8 1 19 0 . 6 2 3. 9 7 10 1 . 7 6 14 , 0 3 5 . 4 3 2, 7 8 2 . 9 9 22 1 . 2 9 17 2 . 0 9 52 . 9 9 52 1 . 0 40 6 . 1 9 80 4 . 0 9 4. 0 2 12 . 0 6 1, 0 1 9 . 3 6 12 9 . 8 3 4, 8 5 0 . 3 4 8, 1 0 0 . 9 0 5, 3 9 9 . 8 5 14 8 . 6 9 45 . 7 2 41 . 7 4 74 3 , 7 7 8 . 5 5 33 3 . 9 6 Fu l l Am t D u e 4, 5 0 7 . 6 2 38 1 . 2 4 7. 9 4 20 3 . 5 2 28 , 0 7 0 . 8 6 5, 5 6 5 . 9 8 44 2 . 5 8 34 4 . 1 8 10 5 . 9 8 1, 0 4 2 . 2 0 81 2 . 3 8 1, 6 0 8 . 1 8 8. 0 4 24 . 1 2 2, 0 3 8 . 7 2 25 9 . 6 6 9, 7 0 0 . 6 8 16 , 2 0 1 . 8 0 10 , 7 9 9 . 6 9 29 7 . 3 8 91 . 4 4 83 . 4 8 1, 4 8 7 , 5 5 7 . 0 9 66 7 . 9 2 5 :¿ u u ~ JW A C O V N ' f Y T U C Q L L E C T O R . 'P U l L l Ç U T l L f T ~ R n ' l J . . . . . . 11 / 1 4 / 2 0 0 9 TH I S L I S T I N G I S I N L I E U O F I N D I V I D U A L T A X B I L S . P L E A S E P A Y O N E Q F T H E ' T O T A L S L I S T E D A T T H E E N D . IF Y O U S H O U L D E L E C T T O P A Y I N H A L V E S , T H E F I R S T HA L F P A Y M E N T W I L L B E C O M E D E L I Q U E N ' T A F T E R D e c e i b e r 2 1 , i G 9 , A N T H E S E Ç O N J , l H A A F l E R J u n e 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 ~ I F T H E T A X A C C O U N T D O E S B E C O M E DE L I N Q U E N T , A L A ' T E C i l G E O F 2 % A N I ) I N E R E S T C H A G E S o ~ i % ' P E l l M Q . N R W I L L B E A S S E S S E D . A R E C E I P T W I L L B E I S S U E D W H E N P A Y M E N T H A S R E E N R E C E I V E D . Pa r c e l # Na m e Co d e A r e a L e v y As s e s e d A m o u n t * F i r e C o n s e n t Ha l f Am t D u e Fu l l Am t D u e CO P I E R 57 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 11 9 . 7 4 33 3 . 9 6 66 7 . 9 2 Wb i t n e y F i r e 90 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 9 9 11 9 . 7 4 "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " 12 0 .0 0 9 6 1 6 3 8 0 27 , 4 4 9 . 0 0 57 . 6 6 16 0 . 8 1 32 1 . 6 2 WE L L SI T E 27 , 4 4 9 . 0 0 57 . 6 6 16 0 . 8 1 32 1 . 6 2 Wh i t n e y F i r e 57 . 6 6 6 11 / 1 4 1 2 0 0 9 20 0 9 AD A C O l J N ' I ; ¥ c l ' ~ Ç q l - E C T O R PU B L I C U T I L I T Y T ~ B I L L "U N I T E D W A T E R I D A H O , I N C . " - 9 0 4 0 0 2 0 PL E A S E C H E C K B E L O W W H E T H E R Y O U A R P A Y I N G F I R S T H A F O R F U L L T A X D U e . ~ 7 4 4 , 2 7 3 . ~ 2 F i r s t H a l f Du e o 7 4 4 , 2 7 3 ~ 7 S e c o n d l l a l f D u e o 1 , 4 8 S , S 4 6 . 6 3 F u l l T a x I ) u e Fi r s t H a l f T a x e s A r e D e l i n q n e n t A f t e r D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 0 9 Se c o n d H a l f Ta x e s A r e D e l i n q u e n t A f t e r J u n e 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 A 2 % L A T E C U A R G E A N D i % P E R M O N T H I N T E M S T C H A R G E A R P L A C E D O N A L L D E L I N Q U E N T T A X E S A S P R O V I D E D I N I D A H O C O D E 6 3 - 9 0 3 . AD A C O U N T Y T A X C O L L E C T O R P. O . B O X 2 8 6 8 BO I S E , I D 8 3 7 0 1 7 , .",,... J~_._~'~~ 'L,,;;. , DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21.2009 PARCEL NUMBER. lU024301116 BILL NUMBER: 1738564 T Eo ( RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT. MAILED PAYMENTS WI BE ACCEPTED AS CURRENT ONLY IF U.S, POSTAL SERVICE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE O Please check her. ir addess has changed.and Indicate chang) on revese skle. .Propert Desciptin:Propert Type:Tax Roll Code Arêa: PAR 11116 Ol'LOT 6 &LOTS 7&8 RB PRDlY 01-1BLI14Rls12701Oenque Tax..MOGAGE COMANY REQUESNG YOUR TAX BILLBALBSOHPAlADDTax Yeiii(s)11115-B IF YOU HAVE SOLD THIS PROPERTY OR IF A DIFFERENTPropert Addres:MORTGAGE COMPANY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING YOUR S TAGaT ST TAXES, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BILL IMMEDIATELY. CURREN YEAR ASSESS VALUE I HOMEOWNERS EXEMPTION CURRENT YEAR TAXAa. VALUE I PRIO Y2R TAXBLE ~ALue I PRIOR Y2R TAX000.00BELOW 1$ A LIST OF TAXING DISTRICS TO WHOM PROPRTY TAX REVENUE WILl BE DISTRIBUTED. IF YOU QUESTIONS ABOUT YOURHAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE DISTRICT BUDGET. LEVY OR SERVICES. PLSE CALL THE NUMBE LISTED ASSESSED VALUE? CALL THEBELOW. VOTR APPOVED BOS. OVERRIDES AN CERTIFICATIONS ARE ALSO SHO\I IF APPliCABL. ADA COUNTY ASSESSOR: 2'7.1_TAXING DISTRICT PHONE'DISTRICT LEY TAX AMOUNT IF ANY PORnON OF THE TAX BECOMESBOJ:SB cJ:n 384-3725 .005868263 DELINQUENT, A 2% lATE CHARGESCHOL11 _0 854..4029 .003645545 WILL BE APPLIED.INTEREST ON THSCHOOL11BOim854-4029 .000620000 DELINQUENT BALANCE WILL ACCRUESCH11SUPPLD8$4-4029 .000634398 AT 1% PER MONTH, DAnNG FROMSCHOOL11OTB854-4029 .000019781 JANUARY 1ST. WHEN PAYING ADA COtJ 287-7000 .002,634391 DELINQUENT BALANCES, PLEASEAD COtJ HJ:QBAY 387-6120 .001023202 CALL THE ADA COUNTY TREASURER'SCOLL... OJ' WBS'1 J::DABO 562-2113 .000133257 OFFICE AT 287-6 FOR THE AMOUNTBI MBXeA 28'7..2950 .000127300 DUE INCLUDING LATE CHARGESMOSQtiTO ABTBH 577-4646 .000029491 AND INTEREST. SUBTOTAL .014735628 MONTHY PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPTEDC.rt1~1cat10D Spec1al HOWVER. THE ENTRE FIRSTaAs.i ...eit.:HALF MUST BE PAID BY DECEMBER 13 20TH' AND THE ENnRE SECONDDRAHABDJ:ST 343-5454 6.00 HALF MUST BE PAID BY JUNE 20TH TO AVOID THE ADDInON OF LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. '(if the 20t fall ona we. th du date lsexteto th fi bUea day folog th 20t.) "'IMPORTANT" PLEASE RED BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF THIS NOneI! TO AVOI LATE CHARGE AND 1N. FULL--_.IiCl ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT 0.00 OR FI HA TAXES MUS BE PAID INTOTAL TAXES BILLED 6.00 PEON OR BE U.s. POAL SERVICEo PAY BY CREDIT CARD OR PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED 0.00 PORKED NO LATE THN:-CHECK. SEE INSTRUCTIONS TAX REDUCTION (CIRCUIT BREAKER)0.00N BACK OF NOTICE JURISDICTION CODE:2212)TOTAL TAXES DUE 6.00 DECEMBER 21, 2009 YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21, 2009 PARCEL NUMBER: R2024301116BILL NUMBER: 1738564 R2024301116 RETRN THIS STB WITH YOUR PAYMEN. INDICATE IF PAYING HALF. FULL OR OTHER AMOUNT AND IIITE THE PAREL NUMBE ON YOUR CHECK. BOJ:SB WATD CO:RORATJ:OH UNi:TED WATBR i:DAHO 8248 W VJ:CTORY RD BOJ:SB J:D 83709-4165 bl § HALF PAYMENT $ FULL PAYMENT $ AMOUNT PAID $ (IF DIFFRENT) 3.00 6 .00 00ml 8250485052514849494954001738 5b40 00 0 0 000003000 00000 OOOOb 0 0 2 ,." .. .....1". . ,,' \1,..... '..'...'''''. ~,.,~'.\i.,' _.:- DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21. 2009 PARCEL NUMBER" S1024233698 BILL NUMBER" 1740370 T ""Propert Desciption:Propert Type:Tax Roll:COde Area: PM #3698 or SW4RW4 RB PR::Y 01-6SBC243H2BDeliue Tax..MOGAGE COMPANY REQUESNG YOUR TAX ~~TaxYe.r(a) IF YOU HAVE SOLD THIS PROPERTY OR IFA DIFFERENT Propert Address MORTGAGE COMPANY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING YOUR S WHIT.PINB PL TAXES, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BILL IMMEDIATEL Y. CURRENT YER ASSSSED VALUE I HOMEOWNERS EXEMON CURREN YEAR TAXAB~ VALUE I PRIOR Y~R TAXABLE "oALUE r PRIOR YEAR TAX000.00 BELOW IS A LIST OF TAXING DISTRICTS TO WHOM PROfRTY TAX REVENUE W1u. BE DISTRIBUTD. IF YOU QUESTIONS ABOUTYOUIlHAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE DISTRICT BUDGET. LEVY OR SERVICES. PlECAU. THE NUMBER LISED ASSESSED VALUE? CALL THEBELOW. VOTER APOVED BODS. OVERRIDES AND CERTIFICATIOS ARE ALS SHOW IF APPLICAB ADA COUNTY ASSESSOR 2'7.7ZO TAXING DISTRICT PHONE'DISTRICT LEVY TAX AMOUNT IF ANY PORTION OF THE TAX BECOMES BOISB CITY 384-3725 .005868263 DELINQUENT, A ~ LATE CHARGE SCHOOL #1 ~i0 854-4029 .003645545 WILL BE APPLIED. INTEREST ON THESCHOL#1 BORD.854-4029 .000620000 DELINQUENT BALANCE WlLLACCRUE SCJ #1 StæpLI 854-4029 .000634398 AT 1% PER MONTH. DATING FROM SCHOL #1 0T 854-4029 .000019781 JANUARY 1 ST. \lEN PAYINGADCO287-7000 .002634391 DELINqUENT BALANCES.~SEADCOtDnGBWAY387-6120 .001023202 CALL THE ADA COUNTY TREASURER'SCOLLB. 01'WBSTBJ IDAHO 562-2113 .000133257 OFFICE AT 287-6 FOR THE AMOUNT BICD'MBXCA 287-2950 .000127300 DUE INCLUDING LATE CHARGESMOSQO'ITO AB'l 577-4646 .000029491 AND INTREST. SUBTOTAL .014735628 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AREÀCCEPTED Cert1L1c:at10D a Spec::Lal AsS4 iismts:HOWEVER, THE. ENTIRE 'IRST HALF MUST BE PAID BY DECEMBER DltHA . DIST #3 343-5454 20TH' AND THE ENTIRE SECOND6.00 HALF MUST BE PAID BY JUNIi20TH TO AVOID THE ADDITON OF LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. . '(If the 20t falls Of a we-.d, ui due da is extende to th fI bu.. day foll th 20t.) -IMPOANT- PLESE RE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF THIS NOTIE. TO AVOI LATE cHRG ANI 1l, FU.~..iI.ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT 0.00 OR FI HA TAX MUBE'AÐ INTOTAL TAXES BILLED 6.00 PERSONQR 8E u.s. POAl SERICo PA BY CREDit CARD OR PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED 0.00 POSTRK NOLATEIt THE-CHECK. SEe INstRUCTIONS TAX REDUCTION (CIRCUIT BREAKER)0.00NBACKOF NOTICE (JURISDICTION CODE:2212)TOTAL TAXES DUE 6.00 DECEMBER 21, 2009 o RETURNTHIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT. MAILED PAYMENTS WIL BE ACCEPTED AS CURRENT ONLY IF U.S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE O Please chek here If address has changeand inicat changs) on revese side. YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21, 2009 PARCEL NUMBER: S1024233698BILL NUMBER: 1740370 S1024233698 RETRN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMEN. INDICATE IF PAYING HALF. FULOR OTHER AMONT AND VlITE THE PARCEL NUMBE ON YOUR CHECK BOISB WATBR CORPORAT:IOH UN:ITBD WATBR :IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RDBOISB ID 83709-4165 &1 § HALF PAYMENT $ FULL PAYMENT $ AMOUNT PAID $ (IF DIFFERENT) 3.00 b.Oo 007729 83494850525051515457 5boo174037ooooooooooo3oooooooooooobo02 , .... ,... , . . ~ r ....Fi~:....... .~.,....."" "-.'."~~'~' DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21. 2009 PARCEL NUMBER' R5286170145 BILL NUMBER' 1659814 T Eo ( RETURN THIS STUB WITHYOUR PAYMENT. MAILED PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AS CURRENT ONLY IF U.S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE O Please check here if addess has changedand Indicate changs) on revese side. ..Propert Desciption:Propert Type:Tax Roll:Code Area: LOT 16 BLI 3 RE PRIMAY 02-22LIZASOSUB DeHiique Tax..MORTGAGE COMPANY REQUESTING YOUR TAX BIlTax Year(s) IF YOU HAVE SOLD THIS PROPERTY OR IF A DIFFERENT Propert Address:MORTGAGE COMPANY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING YOUR S LIZASO AVB TAXES, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BILL IMMEDIATELY. CURRENT YEAR ASSeSSED VALUE I HOMEOWNERS EXEMPTION CURRENT YEAR TAXASU VALUE I PRIOR YEAR TAXASU VALue I PRIOR YEAR TAX60,200 0 60,200 82,500 1,010.90BELOW IS A LIST OF TAXING DISTRICTS TO WHOM PROPeRTY TAX REVENUE WILL BE DISTRIBUTED. IF YOU QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUHAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE DISTRICT BUDG. LEVY OR SERVICES. PLASE CALL THE NUMBER LISTED ASSESSED VALUE? CALL THEBELOW. VOTER APPROVED BODS. OVERRIDES AND CERTIFICATIOS ARE ALS SHOIN IF APPLICABL. ADA COUNTY ASSESSOR: 211.720TAXING DISTRICT PHOE'DISTRICT LEVY TAX AMOU IF ANY PORTION OF THE TAX BECOMES BOISB CITY 384-3725 .005868263 353.28 DELINQUENT, A 2% LATE CHARGESCHOOL#2 OTH 855-4500 .001094237 65.87 WILL BE APPLIED.INTREST ON THESCHOOL#2 BaRD 855-4500 .00ll18396 85.39 DELINqUENT BALANCE WILL ACCRUESCHOOL#2 BMGB:CY 855-4500 .000249747 15.03 AT1%PER MONTH, DATING FROMSCH . #2 SUPPLM 855-4500 .000751868 45.26 JANUARY 1ST. WHEN PAYING AD COUI 287-7000 .002634391 158.59 DELINQUENT BALANCES. PLEASEAD COOØ BiGBWAY 387-6120 .001023202 61.60 CALL THE ADA COUNTY TREASURER'ScOLLaGa 01'WBSTBR IDAHO 562-2113 .'000133257 8.02 OFFICE AT 287-680 FOR THE AMOUNTBlQB:CY MBrCA 287-2950 .000127300 7.66 DUE INCLUDING LATE CHARGESW. ADA RBCRBTIOR 887-1730 .0000&3336 5.02 AND INTEREST.MOSQUITO. .ATB 577;'4646 .000029491 1.78 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPTEDSUBTOTAL.013413488 807.50 HOWEVER, THE ENTRE FIRST HALF MUS" BE PAID BY DECEMBER 20TH" AND THE ENTIRE SECOND HALF MUST BE PAID BY JUNE 20TH TO AVOID THE AODITONOF LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. *(If the 20th falls on a weend. the due date i$ extende to the fi bIlnsa day foUog the 20th.) '-IMPORTANT- PLEASE READ 80TH FRONT AND BACt( OF THS NOTIE. TO AVOID LATE CHGE AND it. FULL.cw..Bl ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT 0.00 OR FIRST HAL TAXES MUSBEPAID INTOTAL TAXES BILLED 807.50 PERSOtlOR BE u.s. POAL SERVICo PAY BY CREDIT CARD OR PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED 0.00 POSTMRK NO LATETHN:~CHECK, SEE INSTRUCTIONS TAX REDUCTION (CIRCUIT BREAK!R)0.00N BACK OF NOTICE DECEMBER 21,2009JURISDICTION CODE:2212)TOTAL TAXES DUE 807.50 . YOUR CANCELLËD CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21, 2009 PARCEL NUMBER: R5286170145BILL NUMBER: 1659814 54536 R5286170145 *****************5-DIGIT 83719 II II 1...11.1 ~i1~i 111.1.. 11....1..1..1.11111 ...1.111. II I.. II SOUTH COUN WATBR CO IRC UHITBD WATBR IDAHOPO BOX 190420BOISB ID 83719-0420 RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMEN. INDICATE IF PAYING HALF. FULL OR OTHER AMOUNT AND WRITE THE PARCEL NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK. 6Z § HALF PAYMENT $ FULLPAYMENT $ AMOUNT PAID $ (IF DIFFERENl 403.75 807.50 008 82535056544955484952530016598140000000040375000000 00 80 7 50 3 . .". .:U* ~ \!'" .', .", I'.,,~ '~:~ DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21. 2009 PARCEL NUMBER' R8992000192 BILL NUMBER" 1740110 l' Eo ( RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT ..Propert Desciptin:Propert Type:Tax RoU:Code Area: PAR #0192 OJ'LO'1S 1 RE PRDIY 01-6VBBYPAlADDDellhquen Tax..MORTGAGE COMPANY REQESTING YOUR TAX BILL#0191-S Tax Year(s)#96079210 IF YOU HAVE SOLD THIS PROPERTY OR IF A DIFFERENT Propert Address:MORTGAGE COMPANY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING YOUR B BOISB AVB TAXES, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BILL IMMEDIATEL Y. CURRENT YEAR ASSESSED VALUE I HOMEWNERS EXEMPTION CURRENT YEAR TAXABL~VALUE I PRIOR YEAR TAXABL ~ALue r PRIOR YEAieTAX000.00BEl-OW IS A LIST OF TAXING DISTRICTS TO WHOM PROPERTY TAX REVENUE WILL BE DISTRIBUTED. IF YOU QUESTIONS ABOUT YOURHAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE DISTRIC BUDG. LEVY OR SERVICES. PLASE CALL TH NUMBER LISTED ASSESSED VALUE? CALL THeBELOW. VOTER APPROVED BONDS. OVERRIDES AND CERTIFICATIONS ARE ALSO SHOVV IF APPlICAa. ADA COUNTY ASSESSOR:Z'7.720 TAXING DISTRICT PHONE'DISTRICT LEVY TAX AMOUNT IF ANY PORTION OF THE TAX BECOMESBOISBCI'1 384-3725 .005868263 DELINQUENT, A 2% LA IE CHARGE SCHOOL #1 Mr 854-4029 .003645'545 WILL BE APPLIED; INTEREST ON THESCHOOL#1 BOND 854-4029 .000620000 DELINQUENT BALANCE WILL ACCRUESCH #1 S'OPLM 854-4029 .000634398 AT 1% PER MONTH, DATING FROMSCHoOL, #1,OTH 854-4029 .000019781 JANUARY 1ST. VVENPAYINGAJCot287-7000 .002634391 DELINQUENT BALANCES,PlEASEÂDACOtiHIGHWAY387-6120 .001023202 CALL THE ADA COUNTY TREASURER'SCOLLBCD' OJ' WBS'1Bl IDAHO 562-2113 .000133257 OFFICE AT 281-680 FOR THE AMOUNT:BGDC MBICA 287-2950 .000127300 DUE INCLUDING LATE CHARGESMOSQUI'1 AB'1BM 577-4646 .000029491 AND INTEREST. StJ'1'1AL .014735628 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPTED Cert.1f.1cat.1ozis Spec.1al AIs~HOWEVER, THE ENTIRE FIRSTassmets:HALF MUST BE PAID BY DECEMBER #3 343-5454 6.00 20TH* AND THE ENTIRE seCONDDllIHABDIS'1 HALF MUST BE PAID BY JUN.E 20TH TO AVOID THE ADDITON OF LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. *(If the 20t fal on a wekencl,lh due date is extened to th fir businss day follwig th 20t.) ..IMPORTANT" PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF THIS NOTICE' TO AVOID LA~'CHARGE AND INIR, FULL.~II,ii.ADMINISTRATNE ADJUSTMENT 0.00 OR F1RSTHÄTAXES MUST BE ,AID IN TOTAL TAXES BILLED 6.00 PERSON OR BE U.s. POAl SERVICEo PAY BY CREDIT CARD OR PREPAYMENTS RECENED 0.00 POARKED NO LATE THN: ~CHECK, SEE INSTRUCTIONS TAX REDUCTION (CIRCUIT BREAKER)0.00N BACK OF NOTICE DECEMBER 21,2009JURISDICTION CODE:2212)TOTAL TAXES DUE 6.00 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ADA COUNTY TREASURER - P.O. BOX 2868, BOISE, 10 83701 (208) 287-6800 YOUR CANCELLED CHECK 1$ YOUR RECEIPT MAILED PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AS CURRENT ONLY IF U,S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE O Please check here If address has changeand Indicate changs) on reverse side. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21, 2009 PARCEL NUMBER: R8992000192BILL NUMBER: 1740110 54537 R8992000192 *****************5-DIGI'1 83719 11111111111111111 II II l 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 UHI'1BD WATBR IDAHO INC PO BOX 190420BOISB ID 83719-0420 RETRN THIS STUB WIH YOUR PAYMENT. INDICATE IF PAYING HALF. FULL OR OTHER AMOUNT AND WRITE THE PARCa NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK i; § HALF PAYMENT $ FULL PAYMENT $ AMOUNT PAID $ (IF DIFFRENT) 3.00 6.00 00409 82565757 504848484957 50001740110000000000030000000000006007 , '8" *.. , ';.,:;",. \f...... .., .........\,.~ DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21. 2009 PARCEL NUMBER" S1022449400 BILL NUMBER" 1740361 T Eo ( RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT "" Propert Desciption:Proprt Type:Tax Roll Cod. Area; PAl '9400 01'SB4 IU PRDlY 01-6SBC223H2BDeli Tax..MOGAGE COMANY REQUESTING YOUR TAX BILL TaxYeal(s) IF YOU HAVE SOLO THIS PROPERTY OR IF A DIFFERENT Propert Address:MORTGAGE COMPANY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING YOUR S BROAWAY AVB TAXES, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BILL IMMEDIATELY. CURREN YEAR AsseSS VALue I HOMEONeRS EXEMM CURREN YEAR TAXABL~VALUE I PRIOR YEAR TAXBL aALUE I PRIOR YEAR TAX.0 0 0.00 BELOW IS A UST OF TAXING DISTRICTS TO WHOM PROPERTY TAX REVENUE WILL BE DISTRIBUD. IF YOU QUESTIONS ABOUT YOURHAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE DISTICT BUDGET. LEVY OR SERVICES, PLSE CAll THE NUMBE LISED ASSESSEO VALUE? CALL THeBELOW. VOTER APOVED BODS. OVERRIDES AND CERTIFICATIOS ARE ALSO SHOVIF APCABL. ADA COUNTY ASSESSOR: 211.720 TAXING DISTRICT PHON'DISTRICT LE TAX AMOUNT IF ANY PORTION OF THE TAX BECOMES BO:ISB c:in 384-3725 .005868263 DELINQUENT, A ~ LATE CHARGESCHL'1 110 854-4029 .003645545 WILL B.EAPPUED. INTEREST ON THESCHOL'1 BOND 854-4029 .000620000 DELINQUENT BALANCE WILL ACCRUESCB'l S~PLM 854-4029 .000634398 AT 1~ PER MONTH. DATING. FROM Sd!OOL '1 0'l 854-4029 .000019781 JANUARY 1ST. VlEN PAYING'JU comr 287-7000 .002634391 DELINQUeNT BALAES, PLeASE.ADA comr B:IQBAY 387-6120 .001023202 CALL THE ADA COUNTY TRSURER'SCOLLGBOI'WBS'lBU :IDAH 562-2113 .000133257 OFFICE AT 287-6 FOR THE AMOUNTBHGlIMB:lCA 287-2950 .000127300 DUE INCLUDING LATE CHARGES HOSQi.TO ABT1D 577-4646 .000029491 AND INTEREST. SUB'lO'AL .014735628 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPTED Cert1f:lcat:loi.Spec:lal HOWEER, THE ENTRE FIRSTaAss_ssmets:HALF' MUST BE PAlO BY OECEMBER DRANAB D:IST '3 343-5454 20TH. AND THE ENTIRE seCOND6.00 HAF MUST BE PAID BY JUNE 20TH TO AVOID THE ADOITON OF LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. '(i the 20 fall on a weend. th dødat. llextede to th fi bu day foll th 20t.) -IMPORTAN PLEASE REO BOTl FRONT AND BACK OF THIS NOTf l" TO AVOI LATE CllflANDINER. FU--_..ADMINISTRATIE ADJUSTMENT 0.00 OR FIRST HA TAX MU BE PAl IN TOTAL TAXES BILLED 6.00 PERON OR BE U.s. POAL SERICEo PAY BY CREDIT CARD OR PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED 0.00 POSRKED NO LATER TH-CHECK. SEE INSTRUCTIONS TAX REDUCTION (CIRCUIT BREAKER)0.00NBACK OF NOTICE JURISDICTION CODE:2212) TOTAL TAXES DUE 6.00 DECEMBER 21,2009 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO, ADA COUNTY TREASURER . P.O. BOX 2868, BOISE, ID 83701 (208) 287-6800 YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT MAILED PAYMNTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AS CURRENT ONLY IF U.S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE TlE DUE DATE D Please check here If adress has changedand Indlcáte change(s) on revese si. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21, 2009 PARCEL NUMBER: S1022449400BILL NUMBER: 1740361 S1022449400 RETRN THIS STB WITH YOUR PAYMEN. INDITE IF PAYING HALF. FUL OR OTHER AMONT AND V'ITE THE PARCEL NUMBE ON YOUR CHECK BO:ISB WA"lBl CORPRAT:IOH maTBD WATER :IDAHO 8248 W VJCTORY RDBO:ISB 1D 83709-4165 m § HALF PAYMENT $ FULL PAYMENT $ AMOUNT PAID $ QF DIFFRENT) 3.00 6.00 00ma 8349485050525257 524848001 740361000000000030000000000006009 DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21,2009 PARCEL NUMBER" S1015223580 BILL NUMBER" 1740356..Propert Desciptin:Propeit Type:Tax Roll:CodeAr:PAR #3580 01"HW4 UA PRIMAY 01-6SBC153N2BOeHnqueTax..MOGAGE COMPANY REQESTNG YOUR TAX BIlL Tax Year(.) IF YOU HAVE SOLD THIS PROPERTY OR IF A DIFFERENTPropert Addre:MORTGAGE COMPANY IS RESPONS/8LE FOR PAYING YOUR2423WBOISBAVITAXES, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BILL lMMEDIA TEL y;.CURRENT YEAR ASSSSED VALue I HOMEWNERS EXEMPTION CURRENT YEAR TAXAo VALUE I PRIOR YEAR TAXABLE ~ALUE I.PRIO YEAR TAX000.00.BELOW is A UST OF TAXING DISTICTS TO WHOM PROPRT TAX REVENUE WILL BE DISTIBUTED. IF YOU QUISJ'IONS ASOUVOURHAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE DISTRICT BUDG. LEVY OR SERVICES. Pl CALL THE NUMBER LISED ASSESSED VALUetCALL THEBELOW. VOTER APOVED BONOS. OVERRIDES AND CERTIFICATIOS ARE ALSO SHOW IF APPiCABL. ADA COUNTY ASSesSOR: 2'7.720 TAXING OtSTRCT PHONE'OISlRlCT LEVY TAX AMOUNT IF ANY PORTIN OF THE TAX BECOMESBOISBCITY384-3725 .005868263 DELINQUENT;. A 2'l LATE CHARGESCHOOL#1 110 854-4029 .003645545 WILL BE APPLIED. INTREST ON THESCHOOL#1 BONJ 854-4029 .000620000 DELINQUENT BALANCE WILL ACCRUESCR #1 StJPLM 854-4029 .000634398 AT 1% PER MOTH, DAllNG FROMSCHOL#1.0'l 854-4029 .000019781 JANUARY 1ST. WHN PAYINGAlACOmr287..7000 .002634391 DELINQUENT BALANCes PLEASEADCOUlHIGHWAY387-6120 .001023202 CALL THE ADA COUNTY TREASURER'S COLLBGB 01"WBSTD IDAHO 562-2113 .000133257 OFFICE AT 287-6 FOR THE AMUNTBIGBKliCA287-2950 .000127300 DUE INCLU01NG LATE CHAR~SKOSQtJITOABTJ577-4646 .000029491 AND . INTEREST. . St1OTAL .014735628 MONtHLY PAYMENTS ARE ACcEPTED Cert1f1c&t101.el 8pec1&1 As.4 ...eit.:HO~R. THE EN1REFlfl~ HALF MUST BE PAID 8Y DECEMBERD1tB DIS'1 #3 343-5454 20TA~AND tHE ENTIRE SECOND 6.00 HALF MUST BE PAID BY JUNE 20TH TO AVOID TH ADDITON OF LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST~ '(if the 20t falls on a wel! th due date is exlldl tô th fi bl. day folo th 20t.) -IMPRTANi- PLEASE RED BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF THIS NOTIE. TO AVOI LATE CHAE AtI llE$, FU.ÐI..ii.ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT 0.00 OR FIT HATAX MU II'AD IN TOTAL TAXES BILLED 6.00 PERSON OR II U.S. POAl SERICETO PAY BY CREDIT CARD OR PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED 0.00 PORK NO LATER THE.CHECK. SEE INSTRUCTIONS TAX REDUCTION (CIRCUIT BREAKER)0.00..ON BACK OF NOTICE DECEMBER 21, 2009(JURISDICTION CODE:2212)TOTAL TAXES DUE 6.00 RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT. MALED PAYMENTS WIL BE ACCEPTED AS CURRENT ONLY IF U.S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE O Pleaft chek here If address has changeand Indk:atechangs)on revese si. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21, 2009 PARCEL NUMBER: S1015223580BILL NUMBER: 1740356 40569 S1015223580 *****************5-DIGIT 83709 11..1...11.111.111...1.1...1..1. II 11.11...1.1..1..11111..1.1.1 BOISB WATBR CORPORATION UNTBD WATBR IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RDBOISB ID 83709-4165 RETRN THIS STB WIH YOUR PAYMEN. INDICATE IF PAYING HALF. FULL OR OTHER AMONT AND INITE THE PAREL NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK m § HALF PAYMENT $ FULL PAYMENT $ AMOUNT PAID $ ØF DIFFRENT 3.00 b.DD 007727 8349484 9535D5D51535b 4 8DD174D35bDDDDDDDDDD3DDDDDDDDDDDDbDD8 DUE DATE. DECEMBER 21 2009 PARCEL NUMBER' R8079550150 BILL NUMBERo1739918 T Eo ( RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT 0 ,0 . Propert Desciption:Proper Type:Tax Roll:Cod. Area: LO'l 106 BLI 1 RB PR:IMAY 01-6SPR:ING MBW 2 PHAB A DeliuaTaxø MORTGAGE COMPANY REQESTNG YOUR TAX BILL#8851869 70 Tax Vaai(s) IF YOU HAVIiSOLa THIS .PROPERTY OR IFA DIFFERENT Propert Address:MORTGAGE COMPANY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING YOUR B PARCBRBl BLVD TAXES, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BILL IMMEDIATELY. CURREN VEAR ASSES VALUE. I HOMEWNERS EXEMFnN CURRI! VEAR TAXA~ VALUE I PRICl YEAR TAXBLE ~ALUI! I PRICl YEAR TAX000.00 BELOW IS A UST OF TAXING DISTRICTS TO WHOM PROPERTY TAX REVENUE WILL BE DISTIBU. IF YOU QUESTIONS AIlOU'TYOURHAVE QUESTIONS REGADING THE DISTICT BUDGET. LEVY OR SERVICES, PLASE CALL THE NUMBE LISTED ASSESSED VALUE? CALL THEaELOW. VOTER APOVED BODS. OVERRIDES ANO CERTIFICATIOS ARE ALS SHOVv IF APPABL.ADA COUNTY ASSESSOR: 217.720 TAXING DISTRICT PHONE'DISTRICT LE TAX AMOUNT IF ANY PORTION OF THE TAX BECOMES BO:ISB c:in 384-3725 .005868263 DELINQUENT, A 2% LATE CHARGE SCIOL 11 MlO 854-4029 .003645545 WILL BE APPLIED.INTEREsT ON THE SCHOOL 11 BORD 854-4029 .000620000 DELINQUENT BALANCE WILL ACCRUE Sæ 11 StJPLM 854-4029 .000634398 AT 1% PER MONTH, DATING FROM SCHOOL 11 0'854-4029 .000019781 JANUARY 1 ST. WHEN PAYING AD COtD 287-7000 .002634391 DELlNQUENl' BAlACES, PLEASE ADA CO'D R:GRWAY 387-6120 .001023202 CALL THE ADA COUNTY TREASURER'S CO~QBOJ' WBS't I:DAHO 562..2113 0000133257 OFFiCe AT 281-680 FOR THE AMUNTBMGØC HBICA 287-2950 .000127300 DUE INCLUDING LATE CHARGES ~SQui': ,A'lBI 577-4646 .000029491 AND INTEREST. S\1'lO'lAL .014735628 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPED Cert:ficatioii.Special As.4 HOWVER, THE ENTRE FlRSTa...eit.:HALF MUST BE PAIl) BY DECEMBER:DM:13 20TH. AND THE ENTRE SECOND:D:IST 343-5454 6.00 HALF MUST BE PAlE). BY JUNE 20TH TO AVOID THE ADDITION OF LATE CHARGE AND INTREsT. '(if the 20t fall òf awaen. th du date Is eiienecto th li bu day foll th 20.) ..IMPORTANT- PLEASE READ BOTH FRON AND BACK OF THIS Nonce. l TO AVOILATE CHARG Atf IN. FULL..-a:..li3I ADMINISTRATive ADJUSTMENT 0.00 OR FIR HA TAX MU BE PAID IN TOTAL TAXES BILLED 6.00 PERSO OR BE u.s, POAL$ERICo PAY BY CREDIT CARD OR PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED 0.00 PORK NO LATE TH: -CHECK. SEE INSTRUCTIONS TAX REDUCTION (CIRCUIT BREAER)0.00HBACKOF NOTICE JURISDICTION CODE:2212)TOTAL TAXES DUE 6.00 DECEMBER 21,2009 YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ADA COUNTY TREASURER - P.O. BOX 2868, BOISE, ID 83701 (208) 287 -6800 MAILED PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AS CURRENT ONLY IF U.S. POSTAL SERVICE pOSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE O Please check here if addss has changed and Indicat change(s) on revese sie. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21,2009 PARCEL NUMBER: R8079550150Bill NUMBER: 1739918 RETRN THIS STB WITH YOUR PAYMEN. INDICATE IF PAYING HALF. FULL OR OTHER AMONT AND VvITE THE PARCEL NUMBE ON YOUR CHECK. R8079550150 ~ § HALF PAYMENT $ FULL PAYMENT $ AMOUNT PAID $ QF DIFFERENT) 3. DO b . DOBOISB WA'l CORPORATION UHTBJ WATER I:DABO 8248 W VICTORY R:BOISB I:D 83709-4165 007726 82 5b 4 8 5557 5353 4 8 4 9 53 4 8 0 0 17 39 9180000 0 0 0 DO 03 0 0 0 0 00000 OOOb OOb DUE DATE" DECEMBER 21 2009 PARCEL NUMBER" R,7367962200 BILL NUMBER" 1739383 T Eo ( RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT ".". Propert Description:Proper Type:Tax Roll:Code Area: LOT 10 BLI 3 RB PR.Y 05-52RlWODCUBISUBOellue T...MOGAGE COMPANY REQESTNG YOUR TAX BIll#95017224 Tax Yeai(a) IF YOU HAVE SOLD THIS PROPERTY OR IF A DIFFERENT Propert Address:MORTGAGE COMPANY IS RESPoNSIBLE FOR PAYING YOUR 512 N Si:BR.Vi:B1 WAY TAXES, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BILL IMMEOIATELY. CURREN YEAR ASSESSED VALUE I HOMeWNERS EXEMPTIN CURReN YEAR TAXAB~ VALUE I PRIOR YEAR TAXBLE OAlUE I PRIOR YeR TAX000.00 BELOW IS A UST OF TAXING DISTICTS TO WHOM PROPERTY TAX REVENUE WILL BE DISTRIBUD. IF YOU QUESnONs ABOUT YOURHAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE DISTRIC BUDGET. LEVY OR SERVICES. PLSE CAL THE NUMBER LISED ASSESSED VALUE? CALL THIlBELOW. VOTER APPROVED BONDS. OVERRIDES AND CERTIFICATIOS ARE ALSO SHOW IF APCABL. ADA COUNTY ASSESSOR: 2,7.72D TAXING DISTRICT PHONE'DIS'TICT LEY TAX AMOUNT IF ANY PORTION OF THE TAX BECOMES SCHOOL #2 OTBB 855-4500 .001094237 DELINQUENT, A :z.LATE CHARGE SCHL 12 BORD 855-4500 .001418396 WILL BE APPLIED.INTEREsT ON THE SCHOOL #2 BKacmCY 855-4500 .000249747 DELINQUENT BALANCE WtLL ACCRUEsa #2 SUPLI 855..4500 .000751868 AT 1% PER MONTH. DATING FROM ADA COmr 287-7000 .002634391 JANUARY 1 ST. WHEN PAYlNG BALa . P!'"939.6463 .001463759 DELINueNT SALAS.PLEASEADA COmr BiGPAY 387-6120 .001023202 CALL THE AQA COUNTY TREASuRER'S BALB C!TY 939-6813 .000908076 OFFICE AT 287-6 FOR THE AMOUNT JlLa. ci:TY BORD 939.6813 .000093331 DUE INCLUDING LATE CHARGES COLLJla 01'WBSTBRJ. i:DAHO 562.,,2113 .000133257 AND INTEREST.1lJD M1!CA 281-2950 .000127300BA. SBW 939-0132 .000049134 MONTLY PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPTEDDltYC:Q CBMERY 853-1940 .000Q3130'HOWEVER,THEEtmRE FlR$l'MOSatnTo ABTBI 571-4646 .000029491 HALF MUST BE PAID B¥ DECEMBER SUBTOAL 20TH. AND THE EtmRE seCOND.010007495 HALF MUST BE PAIDey JUNE 20TH TO C.rt:l~:lca t:loi.a Spec:Lal AI.4 ..met.:AVOID THE ADDITIN OF LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. D:RNA Di:ST #2 342-4591 5.50 '(If tl. 20t fa on a weeì.lb du date . ex to th 1I~ day folog th 20t.) -lMPORTAN,. PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF TH NOTIE. TO AVoa LATE CHARGE ANDll. FU___.iiB ADMINISTRATive ADJUSTMENT 0.00 OR FIt HATAX.MUBEPAD IN TOTAL TAXES BILLED 5.50 PER OR BE u.s. POAL SERVICo PAY BY CREDIT CARD OR PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED 0.00 POSTRKED NO LAlIR THN:-CHECK. SEE. INSTRUCTIONS TAX REDUCTION (CIRCUIT BREAKER)0.00N BACK OF NOTICE JURISDICTION CODE:2212)TOTAL TAXES DUE 5.50 DECEMBER 21,2009 YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ADA COUNTY TREASURER . P.O. BOX 2868, BOISE, ID 83701 (208) 287.6800 MAILED PA YMENTS WIL BE ACCEPTED AS CURRENT ONLY IF U.S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE D Please check here If addess has changed and Indicate change(s) on revese side. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21, 2009 PARCEL NUMBER: R,7367962200 BILL NUMBER: 1739383 RETRN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYME. INDICATE IF PAYING HALF. FULL OR OTHER AMONT AND VlITE THE PARCEL NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK R,7367962200 ~. § HALF PAYMNT $ FULLPAYMENT $ AMOUNT PAID $ (IF DIFFRENT) 2.75 5.50BOi:SB WATE CORPORATi:ON m:TBD WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTOR,Y RDBOISB ID 83709-4165 007725 8255515455575450504848001 739383000000000027 500000000005503 J~...;'..'..".......'Ä~.:. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21. 2009 Propert Desciptin: LO-r 2 BLI 1 MORHINGlm BSTATBS PARCEL NUMBER: R5836350020 BILL NUMBER: 1739116 Propert Type: Tax Roll: Code Area:RB PRIMAY 01- 6 Oelnque Tal" MOGAGE COMPANY REESNG YOUR TAX BILL TaxYeal(e) Propert Address: B BBIGBSO" ST CURRENT YEAR A~ES VALUE I HOMEWNERS ~PTIN CURREN YEAR TA~VALUE.I PRIOR YeAR TAXÈlUl aALUE 1 PRIO yr::OT~X BELOW IS A UST OF TAXING DISTRICTS TO WHOM PROPRTY TAX REVEN\.E WILL BE DISTRIBlED. IF 'lOl QUESTIONS AeOUT YOURHAVE QUESTONS REGARDING THE DISTRIC BUET. LEVY OR SERVICES. PL CALL THEN\.MBE LISED ASSESSED VALUE? CALL THE BELOW. VOTER APPROVED BODS. OVERRIDES AN CERTIFICATIOS ARE ALS SHOW IF APICAB. ... ADA COUNTYASSESSOR:2.7.72D TAXING DISTRICT PHONE" DISTRCT LEY TAX AMOUNT IF YOU HAVE SOLD THIS PROPERTY OR IF A DIFFERENT MORTGAGE COMPANY IS RESPONSI8LE FOR PAYING YOUR TAXES. PLEASE FORWARD THIS 81LL IMMEDIATELY. BOIS. C::TY SCHOOL #1 MaO SCHOOL #1 BONDSCH #1 StJPLMSCHOOL #1 OTH~ COmrAÐA COmr HIGHWAYCOLLBG. 01' W1S'lBR IDA__G1 MB::CAMOSQtrTO ABT8I SUBTOAL Cert:f:lc:at:lOI. ol Spc::lal As.. .__t.: 384-3725854-4029854-4029854-4029854-41029287.7000387-6120562-2113287;.2950577-4646 .005868263.003645545.000620000.000634398.000019781.002634391.001023202.000133257.000127300.000029491 .014735628 IF ANY PORTION OF THE TAX BECOMES DalNQUENT, A 2% LATE CHARGE WILL BE APPLIED. INTEREST ON..THE DELINQUENT BALANCE WILL ACCRUE AT 1% PER MONTH, DATING FROM JANUARY 1ST. WHEN PAYING DELINQUeNT BALACES. PL¡AE CALL. THE ADA COUN' TREASURER'S OFFICE AT 287-6 FOR THE AMOUNT DUE INCLUDlNG.LATIE'cHARGES AND INTEREST. DBAHAB. DIST #3 343-5454 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARE ACÇEPTED HOWVia.THE ENTRE FIRST HALF MUST: BIE PAID. BY DECEMBER 20TH~ AND THE ENTRE SECOND 6.00 HALF MUST BE PAID BY JUNE 20TH TO AVOID THE ADDmON OF LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. *(if the 20tlHalla on a~. th dUdiila ex to th _ bu.. day follg the 20t) "'IMPRTAN1 PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF THIS NOTI" I ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT TOTAL TAXES BlUED PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED TAX REDUCTION (CIRCUIT BREAKER) TOTAL TAXES DUE 6.00 TO AVOI LATE ClANDIN..FU OR FIT HAL TAXES Ml BE ,AlIN PEON OR SIU.s. POALSERICI POSTRKEONO LATE TH .c-.!i.TO PAY BY CREDIT CARD OR E-CHECK. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK OF NOTICE (JURISDICTION CODE: 2212)DECEMBER 21,2009 RETURNTHIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT YOUR CANCELLEOCHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ADA COUNTY TREASURER - P.O. BOX 2868, BOISE, 10 83701 (208) 287-6800 MAILED PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTE AS CURRENT ONLY IF U.S. POSTAL SERVIE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE O Please check hee If addess has changand Indate changs) on revese side. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21, 2009 PARCEL NUMBER: R5836350020BILL NUMBER: 1739116 RETRN THIS STUB WIH YOUR PAYMEN. INDICATE IF PAYING HALF. FUL OR OTHER AMOUNT AND WRITE THE PAREL NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK R5836350020 ~ § HALF PAYMENT $ FUll PAYMENT $ AMOUNT PAID $ QF DIFFRENT 3.00 6.00BOISB WATm CORPORATION mi:ITBD WATBR :IDAHO 8248 W V:CTORY RDBOISB :ID 83709-4165 007724 8253565154515348485048001739116000000000 030000000 00000600 2 . .'y;.... .. ..'.. ,tJ. ...".'.'....... d .'. ".."'.. ~ .\. " '.~~". DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21, 2009 Propert Desciptin: PAl #0172 01' LOTS 5 . 6 BLl 2 HAWAIS SUB#0162-B PARCEL. NUMBER: R5510500172 BILL NUMBER: 1739041 Propert Type: Tax Roll: Code Area:RB PRZKY 01.6 DeHnq Tax.. MORTGAGE COMPANY REQESTING YOUR TAX BILL Tax Year(s) IF YOU HAVE SOLD THIS PROPERTY OR IF A DIFFERENT MORTGAGE COMPANY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING YOUR TAXES, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BILL IMMEDIATELY. Propert Address: LINDa ST CURRENT YEAR ASSSS VALue I HOMeOWNERS EXl!N CURREN YEAR TAXABLE VALUE I PRIOR YEAR TAXBLE VALUE I PRIOR YEAR TAXo 0 0 0 0.00 BELOW IS A UST OF TAXIN DISTIcTS TO WHOM PROPERTY TAX REVENue WILL BE DISTIBUTED. IF YOU QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR HAVE ClESTIONS RlGAADINGTHE DISTICT BUDG. LEVY OR SERVICES. PLASE CALL THE: NUMBER LISED ASSESSED VALUE? CALL THSBELOW. VOTR APOVED BOS. OVERRIDES AND CERTIFICATIOS ARE AlS SHWN IF APPICABLE. ADA COUNTYASSSSSOR: 2'7.720 TAXING DISTRIC PHO'TAX AMOUNT IF ANY PORTION OF THE TAX BECOMES DELINQUENT, A 2% LATE CHARGE WILL BE APPLIED. INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT BALANCE WILL ACCRUE AT 1 % PER MONTH; DATING FROM JANUARY 1ST. WHEN PAYING DELINQUENT BALANCES. pl.EASE CALL THE ADA COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE AT 287-680 FOFt THE AMOUNT DUE . INCLUDING LATE CHARGES AND INTEREST. BOIS. c:in SCHOOL #1 1U0 SCØOOL #1 BOimSCB #1 SWPLISCHOO #1 0'ADA COUNADA COti B:GlYCOLLB 01' WBSTB1 IDAHOBlBl KD:ICAKOSQU:TO ABTJ SUBTOTAL Certl?:Lcat::LoDI & Spec:Lal Ass. .smet:s: 384-3725854-4029854-4029854-4029854.4029287-7000387-6120562-2113287'-2950577-4646 DitHAB DIST #3 343-5454 DISTRICT LE .005868263.003645545.000620000.000634398.000019781.002634391.001023202.000133257.000127300.000029491 .014735628 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPTED HOWEVER. THE ENTRE FIRST HALF MUST BE PAID BY DECEMBER 20T. AND THE EtlTIRE SECOND HALF MUST BE PAlO BY JUNE 20 TOAVOID THE ADDITIN OF LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. '(if the 20t faon s. ween. th duedate. exte to th fi bU. day folCg th 20t.) 6.00 ..MPORTANT PLEASE RED BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF THIS NOTI ,.~.ii.TO PAY BY CREDIT CARD OR E-CHECK. SEe . INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK OF NOTICE (JURISDICTION CODE; 2212) ADMINISTRTIE ADJUSTMENT TOTAL TAXS BILLED PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED TAX REDUCTION (CIRCUIT BREAKER) TOTAL TAXES DUE 6.00 TO AVOI LATE CHGlAt 1l. FULL OR FlT HA TAX MUS SI! PAID IN PERON OR 8E u.s. POAL SERVE PORK NOLATERTHN: DECEMBER 21, 2009 RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT MAILED PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AS CURRENT ONLY IF U.S, POSTAL SERVICE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE O Please check here" addess has chanedand Indiate changs) on revese si. R5510500172 BO:IS. WATBR CORPORATION' tlTB: WATBR IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BOIS. ID 83709-4165 DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21, 2009 PARCEL NUMBER: R5510500172BILL NUMBER: 1739041 RETRN THIS STB WITH YOUR PAYMEN. INDTE IF PAYING HALF. FULLOR OTHER AMONT AND WRITE THE PARCEL NUMBE ON YOUR CHECK. ~. §. H. ALF PAYMENT $ FULL PAYMENT $ AMOUNT PAID $ (IF DIFFRENT 3.00 6.00 007723 82535349485348484955500017390 4 100000000003000000000000600 4 . /.-'7' ... " J,','F,','i" ",,', ":,'''W.~ "...,~~ DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21.2009 PARCEL NUMBER: R1955020935 BILL NUMBER. 1738525 T Eo ( RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT. MAILED PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AS CURRENT ONLY IF U.S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTMRKED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE .Propert Desciption:Pro Type:Tax Roll:Cod. Area: PAR 10935 01'BLI 28 R1 PRlllY 01-6D'DBB 3m SUB Delnque Tax..MOGAGE COMPANY REQESTNG YOUR TAX BI Tax Year(e) IF YOU HAVE SOLD THIS PROPERTY OR IF A DIFFERENT Propert Address:MORTGAGE COMPANY IS RESPNSIBLe FOR PAYING YOURSMATOUAVBTAXES, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BILL IMMEDIATElY; CURREN YEAR ASSSS VALUE I HOMEOWNIRS EXEMPTON CURREN YEAR TAXABL~ VALUE I PRIO YEAR TAXBL gALUE I PRIOR YEAR TAX 0 0 0.00BELOW IS A LIST OF TAXING DISTRICTS TO WHM PROPERT TAX REVENUE WI BE DISTRIBUTED. IF yOU QUESTIONS ABOUT YOURHAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE DISTRICT BUDGET. LEVY OR SERVICES. PLSE CALL THE NUMBE LISTED ASSESSED VALUE? CALL THEBELow VOTER APPOVED BOS. OVERRIDES AN CERTIFIATIOS ARE ALS SHOV IF APPLICABL. ADA COUNTY ASSESSOR: 2.1.720TAXING DISTCT PHONE'DISTRICT LE TAX AMOUNT IF ANY PORTION OF THE TAX BECOMESBOISB CITY 384..3725 .005868263 DELINQUENT, A 2% LATE CHARGESCHOOLI:J *,0 85.-4029 .0036.l5545 WILL BE APPLIED.INTEREST ON THE SCHOO,'i BOlm 854-402'.000620000 DELINQUENT BALANCE WILL ACCRUESCH 11 SQIPLI 854-4029 .000634398 AT 1 % PER MONTH, DATING FROMSCHL110T854-4029 .00001"81 JANUARY 1ST. \/EN PAYINGAJcotn287-1000 .00263.391 DELINQUENT BALANCES, PlEEAlCOtn HICDY 381-6120 .001023202 CALL THE ADA COUNTY TREASURER'SeoiiBGis 01'w:S'1B1 IDAHO 562-2113 .000133251 OFFICE AT 287-6 FOR THE AMOUNTBNQBHMJiCA281-2950 .000121300 DUE INCLUDING LATE CHARGESKoSQtJ'1 AB'l 511-4646 .000029491 AND INTEREST. SUBTOTAL .014735628 MONTLY PAYMENTS ARIIACCEPTEDCert:lf1cat:lem Spec:lal As_i HOWEVER. THENTlRII FIRST&-"eDt.:HALF MUST BE PAID BY DECEMBERDIlHAB DIST 13 343-5454 6.00 20T AND THE ENTIE seC()ND HALF MUST BE PAID BY JUNE2t'F TO AVOID THE ADÐTlON OF LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. '(lfth. 2Otfal_0R a ween. th du date" exttoth fI 00.. day follg th 2Ot,J ..IMPRTANT- PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF THIS NOTIE. , TO AVOI LATE CHARGI AND 1N. FULL.i-.1i ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT 0.00 oR FIRST HATAX MU 81 PAl INTOTAL TAXES BILLED 6..00 PERSO OR BE U.s. POAL seiçEo PAY BY CREDIT CA OR PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED 0.00 POSTRK NO LATETHN:-CHECK, SEE INSTRUCTIONS TAX REDUCTION (CIRCUIT BREAKER)0.00NBACKOF NOTICE JURISDICTION CODE:2212)TOTAL TAXES DUE 6.00 DECEMBER 21,2009 . )'.'Sf'~" YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT 40568 R1955020935 *****************5-DIGIT 83709 11..1...11.1...111...1.1...1..1 l111.1I...I.I..I..11 II 1..1.1.1 BOISB WATBR CORPORATION UHTBD WATBR IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RDBOISB ID 83709-4165 DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21, 2009 PARCEL NUMBER: R1955020935BILL NUMBER: 1738525 RETRN THIS STB WIH YOUR PAYMEN. INDICATE IF PAYING HALF. FULL OR OTHER AMONT AND WRITE THE PARCEL NUMB ON YOUR CHECK. O Please check here If address has changeda~ IndIcae changs) on reverse side. fl §H, ALFPAYMENT $ FULL PAYMENT $ AMOUNT PAID $ QF DIFFERENT 3.00 6.00 007720 82495753534 85048575153001738525000000000030000000000006008 ~t. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21.2009 T Eo ( RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT. MAILED PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTE AS CURRENT ONLY IF U.S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE O Please chek here" address has changand Indic changs) on revese side. Propert Desciptin: Propert Type:Tax Roll: Code Area: PAR #0063 01'LOT 6 LOT 7 A RB PRIMAY 01-119'B A ADJ Denque Tax..MORTGAGE COMPANY REQESTNG YOUR TAX B~LAB:TS 2NJ SOB Tax Year(s)#0062 B IF YOU HAVE SOLD THIS PROPERTY OR IF A DIFFERENTPropert Address:MORTGAGE COMPANY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING YOURLAB:T DR TAXES, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BILL IMMEDIATELY. CURRENT YEAR ASSESED VALUE I HOMENERS EXEMPTON CURREN YEAR TAXABi VALUe r PRIO YER TAXBUiÕALUIE r PRIOR YEAR TAX000.00BELOW IS A UST OF TAXING DISTRICS TO WHM PROfRTY TAX REVENue WILL BE DISTIBUTED. IF you QUESTIONS ABOT YOUItHAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE DISTICT BUDGET. LEVY OR SERVICS. PlSE CALL THE NUMBE LISED ASSESSED VALUE? CALL THIIBELOW. VOTER APPROVED BODS. OVERRIDES AN CERTIFICATION ARE ALS SHQ\ IF APPICAB. ADA CONTY ASSIESSOR: 2'7.7_TAXING DISTRICT PHONE'DISTRICT Le TAX AMNT IF ANY PORTION OF THE TAX BECOMESBOISBCITY384-3725 .005868263 DELINQUENT, A 2G LATE CHARGESCHOL#1 HaO 854-4029 .003645545 wtLL BE APPLIED. INTEREST ON THESCHOOL#1 BONJ 854-4029 .000620000 DELINQUENT BALANCE WILL ACCRUESCH #1 SUP¡íLM 854-4029 .000634398 AT 1% PER MONTH, DATING FROMSCHOL#1 OTII 854..4029 .000019781 JANUARY 1ST. WHEN PAYING AD CO'U 287..7000 .002634391 DELINQUENT BALACES, PLASEAÐA COUl. HIGHy 387-6120 .001023202 CALL THE ADA COUNTY TREASURER'SCOLLB. 01' .WBSTBi IDAHO 562-2113 .000133257 OFFICE AT 287-680 FOR THE AMOUNTBlBM MBICA 287-2950 .000127300 DUE INCLUDING LATE CHARGESMOSQUITO AB'B 577-4646 .000029491 AND INTEREST. SOBTOTAL .014735628 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPTEDCert1:l1catiors 811801a1 HOWEER, THE ENTRE FIRST&Ass~s-.t. :HALF MUST BE PAID BY DECEMBERD1UHA... DIST #3 20TH' AND THE EN11RE SECOND343-5454 6.00 HALF MUST BE PAID BY JUNE 20TH TO AVOID THE ADDIl0N OF LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. '(if the 20t fall on.. ween, th du dae 1$ extende to th lI bulisa day follg th 20.) "'IMPORTANr- PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF THS NOTIE. TO AVOI)LATE CHARGIAlllN. FU"".liaI ADMINISTRATIE ADJUSTMENT 0.00 OR FI HA TAXES MU BE PAl) INTOTAL TAXES BILLED 6.00 PERON OR BE U.s. POAL SERVICo PAY BY CREDIT CARD OR PREPAYMENS RECEIVED 0.00 PORK NO LATE 1l-CHECK, SEe INSTRUCTIONS TAX REDUCTION (CIRCUIT BREAKER)0.00NBACKOF NOTICE JURISDICTION CODE:2212)TOTAL TAXES DUE 6.00 DECEMBER 21,2009 PARCEL NUMBER: R5133010063 BILL NUMBER: 1738952 YOUR CANCEllED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT DUE DATE: DECEMBER 21, 2009 PARCEL NUMBER: R5133010063BILL NUMBER: 1738952 R5133010063 RETRN THIS STB WIH YOUR PAYMEN. INDICATE IF PAYING HAI.. FUL OR OTHER AMONT AND IIITE THE PARCEL NUMBE ON YOUR CHEC BOISB WATB CORPORATIOR UNTBD WATER IDAHO 8248 W VICTORY RD BOISB in 83709-4165 6Z §HALF PAYMENT $ FULL PAYMENT $ AMOUNT PAID $ QF DIFFRENT 3.00 b.OO 0077 8253495151484948485451001738952000000000030000000 0000 ObO 0 7 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 199: Please describe the purose and nature of the expenditures with OC Taner in the total amount of $10,552.49. Please see the attached spreadsheet from Production Response No. 147 for reference puroses. RESPONSE NO. 199: United Water recognizes employees for their years of service with the Company. At 5-year intervals, employees are given a gift of appreciation from the Company. The gift is in recognition of the employee's years of service with the Company and of the importt role the employees play in the communities that United Water serves. OC Taner is the vendor selected for this program. The award recipient receives an award packet & selects a gift from the service level category. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 200: Please describe the purose and nature of the expenditures with Kanak Attack Caterig in the amount of $3,936.98. Please see the attached spreadsheet from Production Response No. 147 for reference puroses. RESPONSE NO. 200: The Company holds employee retirement luncheons from time to time as employees retire, and an anual employee holiday pary to recognize employees for their accomplishments during the year and their community involvement. Kanak Attack Catering was selected to cater a 2008 July retirement luncheon as well as the 2008 December holiday pary. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 201: Please describe the natue and purose of the Joural Line Description - United Water Idaho - Managers. Please see the attached spreadsheet from Production Response No. 147 for reference puroses. RESPONSE NO. 201: The reference is to the local Manager's Fund Account which is a local ban account used to pay certain invoices and obligations locally. Disbursements are made largely for customer refund overpayments. Occasionally, the fud is also used to pay small-dollar urgent one-time payments for things such as licenses, registrations, permit fees, supplies, or small property damage claims. These checks are issued locally then reimbursed to the account from the Company's corporate ban account. UNTED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 NITH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TH COMMSSION STAF Preparer/Sponsorig Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 203: Please provide a copy of the water demand management surey referenced in Greg Wyatt's testimony (page 12). RESPONSE NO. 203: A copy of the surey is attached. United Water Idaho Waterwatch Customer Survey Analysis As part of the Rai AHfanceWater Demand Management (WD0806) prOject United Water Idaho used an innOvative survey program called Waterwatch offered by Pencilbrook LLC to assess( custorner water demand patterns a.ndusle. .Waterwatch is a software-based service,/aeveloped for water lItiUtiesand municipal water departments. It is designed to provide customer education and household-specific information on water use. and conservation opportunities. It is a comprehensive and accurate tool for measuring residential water use; and, it can also be used to analyze high bfH compiaints and identify water wasted by leakage. The Waterwatch service uses a proprietary computer program to analyze consumption patterns and identify the amOunt of water cOnsumed by each end.. use. Waterwatch performs a regression analysis of the daily, seasonal and annual water costs, based upon the demographic, behavior and.appUance use data obtained from the customer survey. Other data anatyzedby the program include historic, local weather data to measure outdoor uses, and customer meter data to calibrate the modeL. ,The program "erigine" uses proprietary engineering aigorithms to construct a statistically valid model of seasonal usage and apportioned end-uses from these data inputs. The Customer Report contains color-printed, charts and graphs that describe existing water use, and identify conservation opportunities. Conservation recommendations are quantified in gallons of water and money saved for each measure implemented by the customer Survey Implementation The goal for customer participation was 1500 completed surveys. The mail piece prepared soliciting. participation contained a letter of invitation, the Waterwatch survey form and a business reply envelope. Customers were offered th 0....... ption of eith submitting the surv by mall, or byr. webite:www.idwatersurvey.com. . 9,000 mailngs were sent, by 3rd class mail, to a random list of residential customers between January 26 and March 9,2009. Theoutg()ing delivery time was approximately 5 days. The first mail back surveys were returned to the Waterwatch prO(essing center on. February 5, 2009. The first website surveys were subrnittedonFebruary 1. The chart below describes the survey return flow: 450 ,1800 . 160040 350 send mailii Mar 2: 10-200 140 300 I FirsmailnlJ Jan 26: 10-5000 1200 =OIg 250 i: =i: i ~ 200 !ã ' 1000 ThirdmailnlJ Mar9: 10-200 80 150 ~~600 100 ¡ Response cut. of April 15 200 400 50 ¡o , 0.~ ~2 ~9 ~~ ~B ~2 ~9 ~~ ~B ~ID ~6 ~n A total of 1679 customer surveys were returned by the established deadline of April 15, 2009. WW surveys received WW surveys received by mail WW surveys received by internet 87.9% 12~1% Based on the total number of single family residential customers in the servce area and the number of. responses,the confidence level for the responses are +/ ~5%.. The SU.rvey was broken down into 3 primary sections: · Basic;. Demographics . Interior Use . Exterior Use Bas;c Demographics Demographic questions are asked to determine basic information about the · populal:ionsamples, and more importantly to enable comparisons to actual population data to ensure that the sample is representative of the whole. The questions asked included number of people in the household, children in the household and the change in household size over time. Question 1: Number of people living in your household: The number of persons per household reported ranged from 1 to 11. The frequency of responses is shown in the table below. Number of people living in the household Results 1 2 3 4 5 ~5 369 22% 809 48% 220 13% 187 11% 58 3% 26 2% 1669 i 23' 4 5 6 7 a 9 111 11 Statistics Response Rate: 100.00% Value Range: 1 - 11 Average Value: 2.31 The average number of persons per household of those surveyed was 2.31. This is very close to the average in the UnitedWater Idaho servce area, hence it is concluded that the survey respondents are representative of the service area as a whole. Question 2A: Number of children--AGE 10 or UNDER: The number of children age 10 and under was reported ranged from 0 to 8. With an average of 1.66 for the 242 households that have children in this age bracket and 0.24 per household basd on all surveyed. The frequency of responses is shown in the table below. Number of children age 100r under Results o 1 2 3 4 5 ~5. 1346 85% 120 8% 97 6% 19 1% 4 0% o 0% 2 0% 1588 Statistics Response Rate: Value Ranrie: Average Value: 95.15% 0-8 0.24 Q.uestion 2B:Nurnber ofchildren"~AGES1 t to 18: The nuniberofchildren agé11..18 was reported ranged from (i to 5. With aii average of 1. 55 for the 370 households diathave children iii this age I)racket and 0.21 per household based on aU surveyed. The. frequency of responses is shown in the table below. Number of children age 11 - 18 Results o 1 2 3 4 5 ::5 1351 85% 151 10% 65 4% 16 1%4 0%2 0%o 0% 1589 Statistics Response Rate: Value Ranqe: Averaqe Value: 95.21% 0-5 0.21 ill*l5 As shown in the table below summanzing the responses to questions 2 a: 3, the majonty of respondents did not have children living in the household. Out of the 1679 respondents, only 406 or 24% reported having children in residence. Based on aU respondents the average the number of children per household is 0.23. For those househoLds with children the average is 1. 9, and familes with children, have sLightLy more younger children (i.e., totaL number of children under 10 years of age is 402) than oLder children (i.e., totaL number 10-18 is 370). Total Number of children Children Count1 2712 3243 1054 32TOTAL m Percentage 35% 42% 14% 4% 4% Average Number all Households 0.26 per Household with children 1.55 Question 3: How many peopLe Lived in your household two years ago: Less than 1 % of respondents did not provide an answer to this question. Qfthe surveysthat did giyean¡¡nswer, the values ranged from 1 to 10., The frequency ofrespopsesisslo\¥pin;the tabLe below. How many people lived in the household two years ago Results 1 2 3 4 5 ~5 332 20% 768 47% 229 14% 219 13% 67 4% 31 2% 1646 Statistics Response Rate: 99.10% Value Range: 0 - 10 Average Value: 2.38 O'Z34S&78910 The number of persons per househoLd for thosesurveyeddedined from 2.38 to 2.31, which is consistent with the trend in persons per househoLd in the region; i.e., further confirmation that the sampLe is representative of the service area as a whoLe. Question 4: Number of people at home weekdays: Sixty. nine respondents (3.4%) did not provide an answer to this question. Of theJ610 surveys that did give an ansWer, the values ranged from 0 to 8, with an average of1.51. The frequency of responses is shown in the table below. Number o.f people at home weekdays Results o 1 2 3 4 5 ~5 242 15% 581 36% 570 35% 106 7% 80 5% 26 2%5 0% 1610 Statistics Response Rate: Value Range: AveraQe Value: 96.46%0.8 1.51 01234567& Interior Water Use Question 5: The most common fuel type used to heat water for domestic purposes if natural gas, 70%. Electricity provides the energy to heëlt water to just under 30% of the customer base. Theuse of oil and propane is negligible. The fuel source for the water heater Results I Don't Know Electricity Natural Gas Oil Propane 25 472 1169 1 2 1669 1% 28% 70% 0% 0% Statistics Response Rate: 98.92% ~ ? E NG u P Bathrooms: A majority of domestic water used in homes is in the bathroom; for toilet flushing, showering and bathing. In the past bathroom water use in the bathroom, and in the toilet in particular, accounted for the largest portion of domestic water use in the home. Since the passage of the low flow/low volume plumbing fixture laws, that proportion of water use in homes has shifted away from use in the bathroom. To start to assess how much of that shift has occurred in the United Water Idaho service area, the respondents were first asked a series of questions concerning the number of bathrooms in the household, and whether they have been remodeled or not since the passage of the low flow./ low volume fixture laws. Detailed Bathroom Fixture Q.uestions: This set of questions focused on the number, and use; of showers and toilets in the home. Question 6: How many showers do you have in your home: For the 1610 surveys that did provide an answer, the values ranged from 1 to 3, with an average of 1.91. The frequency of responses is shown in the table below. Number of showers in the home Results o 1 2 3+ 9 1% 408 25% 990 60% 239 15% 1646 ii 40 20 Statistics Response Rate: Value Range: Average Value: 99.70%0-3 1.91 °1112'.3+ Question 7: For each shower, indicate the number of showers taken each week and whether the shower has a low-flow shower head: Weekly showers Shòwer 1 Shower 2: Shower 3 ALL SHOWERS Total 13,728 3,792 370 17,889 Responses 1580 1024 228 2832 Average 8.67 3.51 1.62 6.32 On average of 6.32showerswere taken each per household; or about 0.67 showers per day per person. The survey responses. regarding loW" flow shower heads are shown in the following table~ Low-flow showerhead in Shower Count Percentage SHOWER 1 Yes No SHOWER 2 Yes No SHOWER 3 Yes No ALL SHOWERS Yes No m 48& 61% 39% 420 329 56% 44% 83 65 56% 44% 1280 882 59% 41% Overall, based on those that responded nearly 60%0f.allshowerheads in use in the servce area. are of low flow design. Q..estion 8:)nrlicate the ~vèragetirne spent in. the. shower: The response$.to this question are summarized in the tablebeiow. Average time spent in the shower Results 5 minutes or less 5 to 10minuteà more than 10 min 420. 875 262 1557 27% 56% 17% 1l1 IIlI I40!¡;5' ji (¡~s 5010 "tilStatistics Response Rate.: Averaqe Value: 93.41% 6.99 minutes (calculation basis: c5=2.5; 5-10==7.5, =-10==12.5) Only 17% of respondents report that showers average over 10 minutes. Assuming 5 minutes or less at 2.5 minutes, 5-10 at 7.5minutesanclover 10 at 12.5 minutes, the average showers is about 7 minutes in duration. Based on these reported numbers, it does not appear that most customers are using. excessive amounts of water for showering. Question 9: Number of baths taken each week: Overall, only 626 of the respondents reported any bathing activity at all, or only 40%. The average for the respondents that did report bathing activity was 5.04 per week; versus an overall average of 1.59 for all households overall. The frequency of responses is shown in the table below. Number of baths taken each week Results o 1 2 3 Morer than 4 917 254 215 139 18 1543 59% 16% 14% 9% 1% ~. ¡ 2 ~ 4 . ~7 l . . ri ~ ø ~Statistics Response Rate: Value RanQe: AveraQe Value: 93:35% 0-35 1.59 Question 10: Do anyofyoutbathtubs have a Jâêuttiior whirlpool: About t in 7 respondents report that they have Jacuzzi I whirlpool tubs in their homes, as shown in the table below. ~ Do the bathtubs have a Jacuzzi or whirlpool Results Yes No 218 14% 1377 86% 1595 .Yes II No Statistics Response Rate: 96.50% Question 11: How many toilets do you have in your home: The number of toilets ranged from 1 to 7, with an average value of 2.23, which is consisteht with typical number of bathrooms in suburban homes (te., 2 ~ per household). The frequency of responses is shown in the table below. Number of toilets in the home Results 1 2 3+ 14% 54% 31% 240 904 525 1669 Statistics Response ~ate:1 00.00%Value RanQe: 1 - 7 AveraQeValue: 2.23 æi~ i501 I 401 201 a Ò 1 2 3+ Question 12: For each toilet, indicate its approximate age and whether it has a toile,t dam or other water-saving device: Ages were prOvidedf6t a total of 2353 toilets ranging from 0 to 81 years, with an average value of 12.2 years. The frequency of responses is shown in the table below. AgepftQUet Results Instàlled After 1991 1981-1991 Before 1981 1731 421 201 2353 74% 18% 9% Statistics Response Rate: AveraQe Value: 86.59% 12.2 300j ! 200 Õi. , .8 100 E:JZ 0 1 6 iiwii~ii~a~~$~~n~& Years Old As shown in this table, nearly 3/4s of the toilets in service area were installed after the implementation of low volume fixtures laws (1731 out of 2353). Responses regarding water-saving devices were received for 2213, or 70% of all toilets. The responses are categorized in the table below according to the age of the toilet. Low flow device on toilet After 1991 YES 1731 100% NO 0 0% 1731 1981-1991 YES 46 14% NO 275 86% 321 Before 1981 YES 15 9% NO 146 91% 161 No AQe Reported YES 409 44% NO 531 56% 940 BEFORE 1991 YES 470 33% NO 952 67% 1422 . After 1991 . Before 1991 II Restrictor 11 As Installed TOTAL CONSERVING 1,201. 70% NON-CONSERVING 952 30% TOTAL TOILES 3,153 By law toilets installed after 1991 are low volume as per Federal regulations. Focusing on the responses for those who report that their toilets are over 18 years old, .15% of those that provided an age for the toilet, report that they have installed water saving devices in their toilets. For those that did not. · provide an age 44% report that they have.installed water saving devices Combining this figure with the number of post-1991 low volume toilets, indicates that over 2/3s of all toilets in the servce area are either low volume or are equipped with water saving devices. Question 13: Do you have a dishwasher: Just about every respondent answered this question, and of those that did fully 92.9% said that they have a dishwasher Dishwasher statistics Response Rate:. 99.76% Question 14: How many dishwasher loads are done per week: The number of dishwashers loads reported. per week ranged from 0 to 20, with an average value of 3.17 per week. The frequency of responses is shown in the table .below. Dishwasher loadS per week Results Response Rate: Value Range: AveraQeValue; 63 4% 502 32% 554 35% 215 14% 255 16% 1589 91.91% 0-20 3.17 :n 25 .2Ø 150 100 50 °012345 l 1891011121314 o 1 2 3 4 ". Question 15: Do you. have. a clothes washer: All respondents answered this question, and all but 2 reported that they have a washing machihe, Le., 99.9%. Clotheswasher Results Yes No 1667 99.9% 2 0.1%.Yes.No Statistics Response Rate: 99.46% Question 16: Type of clothes washer: Top load washing machines predominate in the servce area, jUst over 75% overall. Newer more water efficient front load machines account for 25% of the appliance base. Clotheswasher Type Results Top load Front Load Statistics Response Rate: 1267 75.9% 393 23.5%. Top load Front Load 99.50% Question 17: How many clothes washer loads per week: Of the 1635 surveys that did give an answer, the values ranged from 0 to 25, with an average value of 4.7 per week. The frequency of responses is shown in the table below. Clotheswasher loads per week Results o 1-2 3,.5 6-10 ::10 3 323 831 423 55 1635 0% 20% 51% 26% 3% 30 25 20 150 100 50 II G 1 l! 3 4 $ $ 1 a 11 10 H 12 13 14Statistics Response Rate: Value Rançie: Averaçie Value: 98.68% 0-25 4.7 The last set of questions that focused on interior water use looked at water use in the kitchen and elsewhere in the home Question 18 It 19: Do you have an evaporative cooler 8: if so,. size: Atotal of40 customers, 2.4%, have evaporative coolers. Three customers provided flow ratings for the coolers, ranging from 450 to 1200 cfm~ Another 31 provided size ratings; these ranged from 144 to 3000 square feet æeorative Cooler Statistics Response Rate: 99.28% Q..estion 20: Do you have. a garbage disposal: Two respondents (0.5%) did not provide an answer to this question. Of theJ16 surveys that did give an answer, 67 (17.8%) answered "Yes" and 309 (82.2%) answered "No". Response Rate:99.58% Question. 2 t: Does your kitchen faucet have an aerator: The responses to this question are summarized in the table below,. Kitchen faucet aerator Statistics Y_;70.~.No2&". I.Do~()8'l¡) Response Rate: 99.34% I Doo"N(_ Just over 70% of respondents reported that they have aerators on the kitchen sink. However, this probably understates the incidence of aerators on kitchen sinks. Given that aerators have been standard on kitchen faucets for decades, it is probable that a good number of customers that said no probably don't realizethatthese faucets have aerators. Assuming. this is the case it's probable that more than 3/4s of customers have kitchen faucet aerators. Outdoor Uses In the U.S. water use outside of the home accounts for nearly 1/3 of all use in a typical household per year, and during the summer season can in many cases exceed interior use. In Idaho outdoor water use is higher than the norm, nearly 2/3s;owing to the high desert climate. The majority of water used outside is tÖ'water lawns; the first set of questions on outdoor water use focused on this use. Question 21: Do you water your lawn: Only 1 respondent did ('ot provide an answer to this question. Of those that dic;fullyCJ7.4%isaidthat they watertheirlawn. 99.94% . Question 22lWhat soúrce for lawn watering: A number of areas in the United Water Idaho service area have accessto agricultural irrigation systems. A number of customers in these areas utilze this water exclusively or partially to water their lawns as shown below. Water sourcefor watering the lawn Results I Doh't Know United Water Alternate Supply BothUWID & 57 1330 170 112 1669 3% 80% 10% 7% ?WfA.áStatistics Response Rate: 96.58% Overall, 4 out of 5 use United Water exclusively, while 10% use an alternate supply exclusively. 7% use both sources (in some areas the irrigation system water is not available year round êlhd these customers must rely on UWID supply). Question 24: How often do you water: Again, not surprisingly given the climate customers water quite frequently. Over half water once every day or every other day. Another 45% Water every 3 to 7 days. And, only 3% say that they waterless frequently. If Scheduled lawn watering, how often Results Dailv Every other day Evel" 3..7. days Less frequently 129 8% 698 44% 715 45% 55 3% 1597 00 Statistics Response Rate: 95.69% Q.uestiC).125: Do you have an automatic sprinkler system: Nearly 80% of the clJstomers in the survey have automatic underground sprinkler systems. Given the amount of watering that need to be done to keep things. green this was certainly not surprising. Aut()matic. Sprinkler Statistics Response Rate:96.64%Yes 787'' Nm 17.ø. l Do't~~, /. . Q.uestion 27: Number of zones (automatic sp.rinkler system): The average number of zones per system was 4.27; the median was 4~ The. frequency of responses is summarized in the table below. Number of sprinkler zones Results 1-3 4-6 6-9 ~10 165 740, 269 67 1241 13% 60% 22% 5% o 1 2 i 4 5 6 7 a 9 11) !t 12 13 14 Statistics Response Rate: Value Rançie: Averaçie Value: 74.36% 0-32 4.27 Question 28: How long do you water per zone: Nearly 3/4s of the respondents provided an average watering time per zone. These responses are summarized in the table below. Minutes watered per sprinkler zone Results Under 10 11-15 16-19 20-29 Over 30 326 325 310 206 71 1238 26% 26% 25% 17% 6% Statistics Response Rate: Value RanQe: A'IeraQe Value: 400 300 200 100 o 74.36% 0-90 18.5 Under 10. .11-15 16"19 20"29 Over 30 In any event, it does not appear that many homeowners.are watering excessively; only 6% water over 30 niinutes per.:zone~ Question 26: Does your irrigation contractor set the watering schedule for your automatic sprinkler system or do you set it yourself: Interestingly nearly 90% of respondents said that they set the sprinkler systems themselves rather than relying on their irrigation contractor. Sprinkler set by owner or contractor Results Contractor Owner 157 1091 1248 13% 87% Statistics Response Rate: 74.78% A separate set of ql.estions were asked regarding use of water to water flower and vegetable gardens Q.uestion 30: Do you water a flower or vegetable garden: Twenty-six respondents did not provde an answer to this question. Of the 1643 surveys that did give an answer, 57%) answered"Yes" and 41% answered "No" . Response Rate:98.44% Q.oestion31: If yes, please estimate the size of your garden: The range of responses was from 2 to 10,000, with an average value of 300 square feet, however the median was only 100 square feet, indicated basec;on the forgoing that the average is skewed high because of a small number of large outlers. The responses are summarized in the table below. Size ofvegetablegarden Results SQUARE FEETUnder 100 321 41%100499 323 42% 500-999 80 10%Over 1000 54 7% 778 400 300 200 100 o Under 100 100-99 SOQ.999 Over 1000 Statistics Response Rate: Value RanQe: Averai:eValue: 93.71% 2 -10000 300 Question 32Jt 33: Do you have a swimming pool, and if so, size: While the proportion of customers that have swimming pools is relativelysniall, pools represent a large water draw for those that have them. Swimming.pool Results GALLONS ::50,000 25,000-50,000 10,000-25,000 -:10,000 84 5% 1566 95% 1650 53 68% 25 32% 78 o 0% 14 18% 33 42% 31 40% 78 Yes No TYPE Inground Above ground Statistics Response Rate: 98.86% The size of the 53 in-ground rectangular pools varied from 25 to 230 square feet.. Five of these appear to be sniåU låp pools, with the rest being standard size in-ground pools of varying sizes. On average in ground rt:!ctangular pools averaged about 18,900 gallons. Above ground circular pools varied in size from 10 to 24 feetin diameter, and the average water for this type of pool was about 9,600 gallons per. Question 34: Do you cover your pool when not in use: Of the 84 surveys who have pools, only 3 did hot provide an answer to this question. Of those that did give an answer, 69 (85%) answered "Yes" and 12 (15%) answered "No". Pool covered when not in use ResultsYes 69 85%No 12 15% 81 Statistics Response Rate: 96.43% _Yes. Nô. Question 35: Do you drain the pool in the fall and refil it in the spring: More than ~ of customers that have pools do not drain them every year. About Y- drain them partially, and Y- drain and re-fileach year. Yearly pool drain and refill Resuits Yes, completely Yes, partially No 20 17 47 84 24% 20% 56% 60 40 20 o . Statistics Response Rate:5.15%Yes, completely Yes,partiaUy No The final set of outdo.or water use question inquired about theiriidence of hot tubs and other typical outdoor water uses. Question 36: Do you have a hot tub or spa: 15% of United Water Idaho customers report that they have a hot tub. Hot tub Results Yes No 234 14% 1387 86% 1621 Yes:. 14.0% No: 83.1% i Statistics Response Rate: 9.7 .12% Question 37: If yes, what is its capacity: Of the 234 surveys. who answered "Yes" to Question 41,222 gave the capacity in persons or gallons. The responses in terms of persons and gallons are summarized separately il1thè tables below. Size of hóttub Results PERSONS GALLONS 1-2 200~250 3-4 250-400 5-6 400Q50 7-8 750-1500 25 89 85 23 222 100 50 o Statistics Response Rate: 94.87% 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 Question 38:. Do you have a cover your hot tub when notinuse: Of the 23,4 surveys who answered "Yes" to Question 41, ten (3.40) did not. provide an answer to this question. Of the surveysthat didgjve an answer, fuUy99% report that they cover their hot tubs when not in use. Hot tub covered when not in use Results Yes No 224 99%2 1% 226 . Yes No Statistics Response Rate: 96.60%. Question 39: Do you have a fountain, pond or other outdoor water feature: As shown in the table below, 13.5%, (226) of respondents have a pond or other outdoor water feature. Outdoor water feature statistics Response Rate: 94.79% Question 40: If yes, please estimate the size of your featl..re: Of the 226 surveys who answered "Yes" to Question 44, 190 (84%) provided an estimate for the sizé of the feature. The estimates varied between 1 and 3000 square feet, with an average value of 95 square feet. Ho~ever, the median was only 10 square feet, i.e., the average was pulled up by the small number of largefeaturesreported-5 features between 1100 to 300; square feet. Basically then, water features tendto be small; a majority are less than 10 square feet, and 6% were reported to be over 200 square feet in stze. The responses are summarized in the table below. Size of water feature Results SQUARE FEET 1..tO 100 53% 10:"50 54 28% 51-200 24 13%Over 200 12 6% 190 150 50 100 o Statistics Response Rate: Value RanQe: 1-10 10-50 51-200 Over 200 84.01% 1-3000 Questions 46 - 50: Please estimate the frequency of any of the following outdoor uses during the summer: Question 41: Wash car or other vehicle Wash car or other vehicle Results Daily 2-3 times/week Weekly Twice a month ... Monthly orless Naver 1 0% 10 1% 64 4% 181 11% 634 40% 702 44% 1592 Statistics Response Rate: 95.39% íì 40 20 o ... .02xWWz: Ll H Question 42: Cleah drivewaÝt sidewalkt patiot etc. Clean driveway, sidewalk, patio,fltC. Results Daily 2-3 times/week Weekly Twice a month Monthly or less Never 1 0% 11 1% 85 5% 156 10% 840 53% 505 32% 1598 Statistics Response Rate: 95.75% so so 40 I) Ò2XWW2lMM fo . Question 43: CLean outdoor fumituret equipmentt etc. Clea.n outdoor furniture, equipment, etc. Results Daily 2-3 times/week Weekly Twice a month Monthly or less Never o 0% 8 1% 42 3% 108 7% 849 54% 569 36% 1576 Statistics Response Rate: 94.43% :1 401 iJ i!). .o 2xW W 2tr. M N Question 44: Water flower box, potted plants, etc. Water flower box, potted plants, etc. Results Daily 2-3 times/week Weekly Twice a month Monthly or less Never 244 15% 435 27% 320 20% 85 5% 137 9% 380 24% 1601 Statistics Response Rate: 95.93% Question 45: Wading pool Wading pool Results Daily 2..3 times/week Weekly Twice a month Monthly or less Never 5 0% 23 2% 31 2% 39 3% 88 6% 1240 87% 1426 Stati$tics Response Rate: 85.44% o OZXWW2XMIt i' 12l 1000llll 4l 02XWWliMM fl ~~ Water Use Patterns Baseqon the survey, as shown in the table below, total water use for single Waterwise'Water Use Summa.ry Annual Use DISTRIBUTI.ON Average INDOOR & Use INDOOR OUTDOOR Mèdiàn.Minimum MaXirum Showér 12,821 26%10,100.-71,100 Sirik& Tub 5,352 11%3,470 370. .59,300 Toilet 12,506 26%9,780 500 6S,gOO Kitchen Sink 4,190 9%4,010 580 22,500 i Clothes Washer 9,895 20%8,450 -55,60 Dishwasher 1,337 3%1,170 -8,300 Leaks 2,639 5%--137,000 INDOOR 48,739 100%36%43,070 5,250 158,950 OUTDOOR 84,878 64%79,600 -480,000 TOTAL 133,617 127,450 5,250 638,950 Potential Savings .. POTENTIAL SAVINGS RECOMMENDAtiONS MADE . .Pé"tèrat Recommerl RecOI Average Median Maximum Customers dations mended Shower 3,666 l 1,500 32,800 1,669 936 56% Faucets 825 -6,400 1,669 708 42% Toilet 2,221 -35,900 1,669 388 23% Leaks 2,639 -137,000 1,669 253 15%..... TOTAL 9,35G 1,669 2,285 Recommendations Made Number of Récommendations per Customer 0 i 2 3 .4 Percent of customers 17%39%33%10%0% family customers as calculated by the Pencilbrook Waterwatch program amounts to 133,617 gallons per year. As also shown in the table, based on Pencilbrook's analysis of the survey about 213 of all water used by a typical single family residential customer in the United Water Idaho System is used outcfò6rs, and 1/3 is used indoors. Within a typical home 70% is used in the bathroom and 30% throughout the rest of the. home;.with. the latter portion beiiîgsplit approximately 1/3 in the kitchen and 2/3 in the laundry. Recommended Conservation Measures Every çustomer that completed a survey received a customized report from Pencilbrook's that proVided an analysis of the customers' water use by category and made recommendations on how customers could..save water based 9n the water use analysis. As shown on the table, 83% of all respondents received at least 1 reçommendation. Nearly 40% received one recommendation, another 33% received two, and. 10% received thrèe. The most common recommendation made was to fix leaks (85%). Next was retrofit or replace toilets (77). Then retrofit or replace faucets (58%)al' finally retrofit or replace showerheads. (44%). ConclusJons IHDQØR USE: The survey shows that the majority of water used in a typical hoÌ"e is used for toilet flushing (27%) and showering (28%); based.on industry studies this is what would be expected. In terms of assessing how United. Water may approaeh modifying customer behaVior here it is important to note that between the installation (in new construction since 1992)) and replacement (ih construction built before 1992) that upwards of 2I3sof bathroom plumbing factures (toilets and showers) areofJowflow/lowvolume design. In short, most of the saVings that could be expected to be realized in these usage categories has already been.achieved. On the other hand, the survey shows that about 1/3 of these fixtures that are assumed to be older, less efficient designs. Based on industry experience, it can be expected that the vast majority of these fixtures wil likely be replaced over the next 20 years as housing renovations continue across the service area. In general, changing out these fixtures is an expensive proposition, and therefore. it wouLd not be costeffeçtive to impLement LargescaLe utilty funded retrofit prog(ams~ On the other hand, the effiCiehcyof these fixtures can be increased in the interim at a modest cost.by instaLlng fLow and voLume reguLating retrofit devices. Based on the.se survey resuLts, programs, targeted to achieving this goatwouLd bean effective. way to achieve higher wate,. use efficiency at a reasonabLe cost. The next. Largest category of indoor watel"i use in the typicaL home. in the United Water Idaho service areisJor clothes washing,2t%. The amount of water used for doths washingjs"~bviousLy Linked to the number of Loads, how they are. used. (i. e., how. customers set the water LeveL on the machines). The other key factor is the type of washing machine in4se. UntiL recently the market in the U.S. offered top Loadwåshingmachine aLmostexdusiveLy. Top Load machines typically Use 35-4ÓgaUons of water per toad. Over the past 5 yea~a I'umber of månufacturers.have introduced horizontaL axis washing machines into the U.Sniarket pLace. There washing machines use between 12-15 gaLLpns afwater CURRENT BASE./ .ALL FRONT LOAD FRONT FRONT TOP LOAD LOAD TOP LOAD LOADi ..Customers I125ìl 387 1,250 387 , LoadsperWeek 4.59 5.39.;5.39 5:39 Gallons per load 40 15 15 15 WATER USE (gallons) 229,500 31,289 101,063 31,;Z89 TOTAL CLOTHES WASHING USE 260,789 132,~Si POTENTIAL TOTAL GALLONS SAVED 128,438 POTENTIAL. PERCENT OF USE SAVED 49% CLOTHES/WASHING USE ANALYSIS per Load. The survey found that about ~ of the respondents stil have the Less effiCient top load washing machines; and that Y4 have installed newer more efficient front Loads modeLs. Looking ahead some quick calcuLations show that ifeverycustomers in the United Water Idaho service area used front load washing machines,. total water used by customers for washing clothes could be reduced by about 50%. QUTDOORWATER USE: Based on the survey results, outdoor water use accountsfor'213 of single family residential sector use in the United Water Idaho system. And, the vast majority of this use is for lawn watering. Nearly all (97.2%) single family homeowners report that they water their lawn. More than 80% of customers rely on United Water Idaho supply exclusively to water their lawns. . The remaining customers are about evenly divided among those that use an alternate water supply exclusively or at least part of the time. Láwl' Watering Details ......... ...... Watering Frequency Automatic Sørinkler Water Source Daily 8%YeS 79%UWID 82% ..Every 2 days 44%No 21%Alternate 11% . 3-7 Days 45%Both 7% Over 7 Day 3%. Nearly Yi of the customer baseWåtersèveryother day, and Yievery 3-7 days. Eight percent say that they water daily "and at the other extreme only 3%. waterless frequently one a week. Cleanly theclimatein Idaho is driVing lawn watering habits in the United Water Idaho servce area. The survey also shows that nearly 79% of customers have automatic sprinkler systems. On average these systems have 4.47 sprinkler zones, and each of these zones are watered for 18.5 minutes on average. The survey also found that most customers say that they set the sprinkler controllers themseLves (rather than relying on an irrigation contractor). New rules in Idaho require customers to use alternate water supplies for lawn watering if it is available. However, the availabilty of alternate water in the service area is limited, so it can be assumed that moving forward that a majority of customers wil continue to use United Water Idaho supply for lawn watering, and given current practices and climate, it would be expected that lawn watering wil continue to represent the largest segment of water use in the residential sector, in the absence of major programs to manage lawn watering practices and/or reduce the amount of lawn areas watered, te., encouraging or mandating alternate ground cover options such as xeriscaping. . . UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 NINm PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 204: Please provide the costs for the water demand management surey referenced in the previous request. Please include within your response a detailed listing of the cost with line description, vendor paid, amount paid, account posted and date posted. RESPONSE NO. 204: The water demand management surey project is an R&I Allance fuded project. Other than the fact that the Company financially supports the R&I Allance, as explained on pages 10 though 14 of my direct testimony, there are no costs on the books of United Water Idaho for this project.