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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091117UWI to Staff 50, 54, 56-58, etc.pdfMcDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers RECE (208) 343-7500 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) 420 W. Bannock Street 6 P.O. Box 2564-8370116nQ NOV \ 1 PM tti \ Boise, Idaho 83702 ~ ovennber 17, 2009 Chas. F. McDevitt Dean J. (Joe) Miler 17a Hand Delivery Jean Jewell Secretary Idaho Public Utities Coinssion 472 W. Washigton St. Boise, Idaho 83720 Re: Case No. UWI-W-09-01 General Rate Case Filng Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for fig, please fid thee (3) copies of United Water Idaho's Second Response to Coinssion Staffs Thid Production Request ~o's 50, 54, 56-58, 60-63, 73-77, and 79. Kidly retu a fie staped copy to nne. Very Truy Yours, McDevitt & Mier UP ~~ DJM/hh EncL. Dean J. Miler (ISB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 joeßYmcdevitt -miler .com RE D 2009 NOV l 7 PH 4: r 6 Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND ~ CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE ) STATE OF IDAHO ) ) CASE NO.UWI-W-69-1H UNITED WATER IDAHO INC~S SECOND RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST United Water Idaho Inc, ("United Water") by and through its undersigned attorneys, hereby submits its Second Response to the Commission Staffs Third Production Request No.'s 50,54,56-58,60-3, 73-77, and 79. DATED this l1day of November, 2009. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. BY.~ UU ean J. Miler McDevitt & Miler LLP 420 West Banock Boise, Idaho 83702 P: 208.343.7500 F: 208.336.6912 Attorney for United Water UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S SECOND RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S THIR PRODUCTION REQUEST- 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the ~day of November, 2009, I caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, tre and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 jjewell( us Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, ID 83702 bmpurdy( Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email ~,.'- ,.'- ,.'- ,.'- ù,l,.'- ,.'- ,.'- UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S SECOND RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S THIR PRODUCTION REQUEST- 2 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 50: Please provide information regarding the meter testing charge including the number of tests performed over the past three years, number of meters found defective, number of customers who have requested testing multiple times and the results of those multiple tests. RESPONSE NO. 50: United Water Idaho does not track customer requested meter tests separate from all other meter tests. Attached are the results from the total number of meters tested for the three years requested. A meter passes the test if it registers in the 98.5% - 101.5% average effciency range in accordance with A WW A standards. The Company did not charge any customers for a customer requested meter test during the periods requested. No. 50 Meter Test Results #Of Meters Failed Failed Average Year Tested Passed Failed Under Over % Over -------1-- 2007 672 459 213 212 1 0.17% 2008 972 783 189 186 3 0.81% 2009 1528 1507 21 21 0 0% 1-.2009 data through 11/12/2009 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 54: Please describe how incoming calls from customers to the Company are handled. Include in that explanation answers to the following questions: (a) Are all calls handled by a centralized customer service call center, or are some types of calls (e.g., service outage or new construction) directed to a separate call center or departent? (b) If some types of calls are directed outside the customer service call center, are those calls separately measured or tracked? (c) If some types of calls are handled through an interactive voice response (IVR) system without the callng pary speaking to a customer service representative, are those calls separately measured or tracked? RESPONSE NO. 54: Customer calls come into the Company via a dedicated customer service line and are answered in the order they are received by a group of customer service representatives at the Company's Victory Road office. The customer service line is tracked via a computerized system and the Company reviews telephone reports for speed of answer, dropped calls, and other statistics on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. The Company publishes telephone numbers for other areas of the business as well. Developers, builders, other utilities, vendors, and others can call directly into the area of the business they need and by pass customer service. If calls come into those areas, the calls are not tracked or measured via the computerized system. Customers have an opportunity to make payments through an IVR system, but that is the only service option available on the IVR. United Water can run reports on the number of calls to the IVR. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 56: Please provide the Company's performance objectives for handling incoming calls, include objectives for both IVR and CSR handled calls. What steps does the Company take ifit fails to meet its performance objectives? RESPONSE NO. 56: United Water Idaho's performance objectives for handling incoming calls are to maintain a 30- second (or less) average speed of answer, and to achieve 3% or fewer abandoned calls. Durng peak hours, the Company adjusts work flow among its telephone and biling CSR's to enable as many calls to be answered as possible. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 57: Please provide the service level for the customer service call center by month for 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 to date. "Service level" is the percentage of calls answered within a certain number of seconds, e.g., 80% of calls answered within 20 seconds. Please differentiate between IVR and CSR calls. RESPONSE NO. 57: United Water Idaho does not track calls by service leveL. The performance objective is to maintain a 30-second (or less) average speed of answer. The requested data is attached. No . 5 7 Se r v i c e l e v e l Ja n Fe b L. - - A v e r a g e S p e e d o f A n s w e r : - - - - s e c o n d s I - r I - - - - -l - - ~ ~ t - - - ~ - - i - ~ - i - - - - i - Ma r l A p r ¡ M a y l J u n l J u l l A u g i -- i I I j se p t l -- - i Oc t i No v Ye a r y De c I A v e r g e 20 0 6 23 23 26 22 27 25 23 27 35 33 27 24 26 20 0 7 23 22 31 28 38 29 24 26 38 29 27 20 28 20 0 8 20 24 28 22 28 31 25 28 41 34 23 16 27 20 0 16 16 16 19 23 32 43 41 46 46 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 58: Please provide the number of incoming calls handled by the customer service call center by month for the calendar years 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 to date. Please differentiate between IVR and CSR calls. RESPONSE NO. 58: The number of incoming calls handled by customer service by month for the requested years is attached. All calls are answered by customer service representatives. ¡¡ ~i m i ~ ..N$~\D rtIn,.\D ~"C g ~Z ai.. ~ \D..\D,. ai..In\D ~"Coc: \D,.rtai In\DNai ~ai 00In\D00 8 rt\DIn00 11 ~ i tiii I~ i 10( t-l - ~ i I~ l_-Lr-I I ,.I 0, ~ I~ N00N00 ai00rtai N, ,.rto:ai ..In\D00 ;:In00 In\Do:00 ..rt\D00 ,. (1,. N\Dai,.~,. 00Nrt,. 1-- 'Z i .æ~ ~ ¡; !~ 8rt00 N\D\D,. o,. rt\D o:..$ \Do..,. In ~ aiInIn\D: -L..I ,... ,.II~ 8N,. NN ¡i NN ¡i N8,. ..N,.In ~ rt~In.c if ~N,. ,. ~ 00aiN,. rt,. ¡i CII.. ~ ~ ~ fR :uE öz .5 \D 2 i I I UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 60: Please provide the number of busy signals reached by paries calling the customer service center by month for calendar year 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 to date. Please differentiate between IVR and CSR calls. RESPONSE NO. 60: United Water Idaho does not track data on busy signals. If all the customer service representatives are on calls, the next call goes into a queue until someone is available. There are suffcient phone lines into the call center to prevent customers from getting a busy signal under normal conditions. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patrcia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 61: Please provide the average speed of answer for the customer service call center by month for each of the past four years (2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 to date). "Average speed of answer" is the interval (typically measured in seconds) between when a call reaches the Company's incoming telephone system and when the call is picked up by a customer service representative. Please differentiate between IVR and CSR calls. RESPONSE NO. 61: The average speed of answer data for the periods requested is already provided in response to Production Request No. 57. All calls are incoming to the customer service center. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patrcia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 62: In his direct testimony witness Gregory P. Wyatt identifies three types of customer complaints: water quality, high bils and disconnection. Please explain how the Company classifies an incoming call handled by the call center and provide monthly data for each of the classifications of incoming calls for the years 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 to date. RESPONSE NO. 62: Calls coming into the customer service center are answered by a customer service representative. After discussing the call with the customer, the representative makes notes on the customer's account in the Customer Information System relevant to the discussion. Each call is logged with a specific call type that best describes the reason the customer was callng. The data requested is attached. .i-0"0"0 m 0"N i.00 ..en 0N\.1.0 i...i.N N m i.i-ni o:o:o:o:ni 0 0"00 m ni i-0"N 1...................N ..~0 ~i- o:i.o:00 ..1.0 1.00 toNNNtoi-..i-to 00 N en+-..+-....+-U to U to U toCU"0 CU "0 CU "0Q0Q0Q0i:i:i: i-o:0 m 0"0"..o:i-toMmmtoi-00 0"to m o:o:~+-~..+-~......+-to to to0"0 0 "0 0 "0Z0Z0Z0i:i:i: o:0"i-0 0 i.m i.i.0 0"i.N i.i.o:i.00 .-00 o:0"i.o:......N N ....N N N NUUU000 00 00 N 0 en 1.i.00 o:o:..1...o:i.o:i.i-i-..m 0 ..mQ,Q,..N m N Q,..N N CU CU CUVIIIII i...N i-m 0"N i-....\.mMi.i.m i.0"..00 0"i.N 0tata..N N ..~..N N::::::c:c:c: i-1.1.0 i-i...0 00 i-0"Ni.o:o:1...00 0 00 ..M m 0....N ..3 ........::3...... \.N i.,...\.N o:N en 0".-i.o:m i.00 i.o:0"1.M m o:c c ......c ....N N::::::...... i-i.0 o:m M 0 i-m 00 00 00Mi.o:m m N 0"i.N 0 o:0;);) to ni~~~ o:i-M i-i.m 00 i.0"i-....i-o:\.i.M 00 N 1.i.1.o:..~~..~....N NQ,Q,Q,c:c:c: ..o:M 1.i-i-N 00 00 00 00 1.N ..N o:M i..-00 i.o:N 0~~.-~....N Nninini~~~ o:00 0"i...0 .-0 i.m i...N N ....i-00 0 i-m o:00 1..i .i .-.i ........ cu cu cuu.u.u. 0 0 co o:\.i.m ..N o:00 i-N N N ..1.i-0 00 en i-m i.c c ..c ...... ni ni ni~....c ..0ñi''¡ ::\.i-00 ai \.i-00 en u 1.i-00 en~cuCJC)C)C)c C)c C)c c C)c C)c~C)C)C)C)ii C)c c C)c c c C)c cu N N N N N N N N 0 N N N N...c uni.99 II~:i Õ II..C 'ñiNe.1.Eci0zu UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patrcia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 63: Please describe how the Company handles e-mail inquiries, complaints, payment arrangements, service orders, and other routine customer transactions. Please provide the average response time for e-mail transactions by month for the year 2006,2007,2008 and 2009 to date. "Average response time" is the average number of hours from receipt of an e-mail by the Company to sending a substantive response; auto-response acknowledgements do not count as a substantive response. RESPONSE NO. 63: All email inquiries are processed through Customer Service the day they are received or the following business day if received after normal business hours. United Water Idaho does not track the number of emails received nor does it track the average response time. The Company also does not use an auto-response acknowledgment with emails. Emails to the company come in via one email address. The Commercial Manager or the Customer Service Supervisor opens each email and either prepares a response or refers the email to the appropriate Customer Service group or deparment for a response. Each complaint is handled by the appropriate group or deparent and is resolved as quickly as possible. The majority of complaints are handled by the Customer Service group. How the complaint is processed depends on what the customer complaint is about. Customers who email regarding payment arangements are assisted by a Customer Service Representative. If possible, the payment arangements proposed by the customer in the email are accepted and entered onto the customer's account. An acknowledgment email is then sent to the customer that the arrangement has been accepted. If the arrangement is not acceptable, the Representative wíircall to negotiate different arangements or email with another suggestion. Emails regarding service orders are processed by the Field Customer Service group. Depending on the circumstances, some service orders are created from the email request and some are not. Ifthe Company needs more information or updated information to process the service order, we wil attempt to contact the customer by phone. If we are not able to contact the customer by phone, we email them and ask them to contact the business office. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 73: In reference to the more than $12 million of investments the Company has made since the last case to replace aging infrastrcture identified in Greg Wyatt's testimony (page 4, lines 9 and 10), please provide the following: a. project number; b. project description; c. project's original budget; d. project's final budget if different than response to item c; e. project costs; f. date project was closed to Plant in Service; and g. date project considered in service if different than response to item f. RESPONSE NO. 73: The attached Excel spreadsheet provides the requested information. The Replacement Mains projects and the Agency Related Replacement Mains projects for the years listed are comprised of a significant number of individual projects. The individual projects are available for inspection at the Company's business offce during regular business hours. Production Request No. 73 Sponsoring witness: Gregory P. Wyatt Date Project Project Transferred to Project No. Project Description Budget Cost Plant in Service C06F501 Replacement Services $1,122,400 $574,583 Various thru YE 2006 C07F501 Replacement Services $452,800 $479,585 Various thru YE 2007 C08F501 Replacement Services $632,200 $400,255 Various thru YE 2008 C09F501 Replacement Services $347,600 $377,100 Various thru YE 2009 C07F505 Replace Isolated Services $500,600 $465,430 Various thru YE 2007 C08F505 Replace Isolated Services $475,500 $615,062 Various thru YE 2008 C09F505 Replace Isolated Services $545,900 $600,000 Various thru YE 2009 C06G501 Replace Customer Meters $228,800 $225,578 Various thru YE 2006 C07G501 Replace Customer Meters $344,900 $565,767 Various thru YE 2007 C08G501 Replace Customer Meters $447,600 $280,559 Various thru YE 2008 C09G501 Replace Customer Meters $367,600 $375,000 Various thru YE 2009 C06D502 Short Mains & Valves $99,700 $103,306 Various thru YE 2006 C07D502 Short Mains & Valves $101,800 $157,923 Various thru YE 2007 C08D502 Short Mains & Valves $99,000 $169,600 Various thru YE 2008 C09D502 Short Mains & Valves $100,300 $110,000 Various thru YE 2009 C06D600 Replacement Mains $1,208,900 $1,292,994 Various C07D600 Replacement Mains $1,258,300 $1,243,814 Various C08D600 Replacement Mains $1,458,000 $1,946,540 Various C09D600 Replacement Mains $1,492,800 $1,139,300 Various C06D700 Agency Related Replacement Mains $450,900 $194,851 Various C07D600 Agency Related Replacement Mains $675,100 $1,011,171 Various C08D700 Agency Related Replacement Mains $223,800 $136,413 Various C09D700 Agency Related Replacement Mains $334,200 $30,200 Various TOTALS $12,968,700 $12,495,032 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 74: Please provide detail regarding location, length, pipe size, whether bid or not, and cost breakdown for the 16 miles of water mainline replacement referred to in Greg Wyatt's testimony (page 4, lines 10 and 11) separated by calendar year to date. RESPONSE NO. 74: The attached Excel spreadsheet provides the requested information. NÕ iQ)il .c C)i: ..'".. cQ.0:~~~..'"0 .5 Cl! Cl il .ciiIni: .. CI .. 'i .. ...5 Clc ~lO '" CD"¡:CO '" N0il .c '"'";:InC i: ..0 .lN.....5 u: i: .c.. ..~.e.....5 u:i: .c.. .. :¡ .sl. u: i: .c.. ..~.e..N .5 z0 ~U0 ~ gQ.æ0 ..InW 000N Ü'l'~~ Q. 0 t! ci 8..z "~ 'i-..0 In IICI.5:ii:CI0: C I-U I-0 WI/:¡"'0u~u:i'1 Q.0..Q. ~o,,ailt..a (V 10 "I (I~CO(OT"io ~ ~ ~ S;lO .. ..,, co CDON'" .. CD ~.. CD RN CD lON '"lO lO lOco N'"'" ..~ '".. (! :3 w lEi ~ oei-Clen~zO: 0i. :i6~:5~ z 0~ o:..aio:i- 0:0. LL:: 1-00::W.. iizO: en .. 0: z :5 q. 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J u l . 0 8 C0 8 D 7 0 1 CL O V E R D A L E A N D F A I R V I E W 71 0 $ 24 , 3 2 9 15 . J u l - D 8 C0 8 D 7 0 3 RI C K E N B A C K E R O F F - S E T S 72 $ 25 , 7 0 9 15 . . u l - 0 8 C0 8 D 7 0 5 BS U G R E E N B E L T P A T H W A Y 12 0 $ 19 3 , 3 6 5 15 - A u a . 0 8 C0 8 B O O l GA C F I L T E R A T S W I F T W E L L S 1 & 2 25 3 23 9 $ 9.9 1 1 15 . A u o - 0 8 C0 8 D 6 0 2 WA L G R E E N S 22 $ 40 . 2 3 1 15 - 0 c t - D 8 C0 8 D 6 5 5 JA C K D O N & D O R I A N 30 4 29 5 73 $ 27 1 , 8 1 8 15 . 0 c t - D 8 C0 8 D 6 5 7 HI L L C R E S T ( R O O S E V E L T - O W Y H E E ) 42 3 4 $ 75 , 3 5 6 15 - 0 c t - D 8 C0 8 D 6 5 9 CA T A L I N A & I N V E R N E S S 10 0 3 $ 17 2 , 9 7 8 15 . 0 c t . 0 8 C0 8 D 6 6 1 24 T H S T R E E T & G R A C E S T R E E T 11 4 25 7 7 $ 32 , 3 0 0 15 - 0 c t - 0 8 C0 8 D 6 6 2 LA T A H ( S . O F T A R G E E ) 24 9 28 9 $ 41 , 2 4 5 15 - 0 c t . 0 8 C0 8 D 6 6 3 PA C I F I C S T R E E T S . O F T A R G E E l 27 0 45 8 $ 25 , 5 8 0 15 . 0 c t - 0 8 C0 8 D 6 6 4 BR O X O N ( N E Z P E R C E - S P A U L D I N G ) 29 0 $ 74 , 1 5 8 15 . 0 c t . 0 8 C0 8 D 6 6 7 JE S S I E S T ( O V E R L A N D . S P A U L D I N G 35 4 87 6 $ 15 1 , 2 0 2 15 . N o v - D 8 C0 8 D 6 6 6 DO R I A N , N E Z P E R C E , & B U T L E R 23 7 8 $ 89 , 3 6 0 15 - N o v - D 8 C0 8 D 6 7 0 DA Y T O N A D R I V E 25 9 12 3 1 $ 23 , 0 9 0 15 . D e c . 0 8 C0 8 D 6 6 0 OW Y H E E ( N . O F N E Z P E R C E l 26 0 $ 79 , 4 4 1 15 - D e c - 0 8 C0 8 D 6 6 8 ED G E W A T E R D R . ( B E R M U D A . D A Y T O N A ) 11 4 3 $ 2,0 4 0 , 5 2 7 TO T A L 2 0 0 8 F O O T A G E S . 1, 1 3 1 1, 4 1 5 20 , 1 6 9 3, 3 5 5 23 9 . -- - - $ 71 , 1 4 6 15 . . a n - 0 9 C0 8 D 6 6 9 CO L O N I A L D R I V E 17 6 10 4 1 $ 89 , 2 9 5 15 . J a n . 0 9 C0 8 D 6 7 1 HA R R E L L & V I N S O N 13 3 3 $ 54 , 1 9 2 15 - J u n - D 9 C0 9 D 6 0 2 AL T U R A S S T R E E T ( 8 T H - 6 T H ) 61 8 $ 49 , 6 0 2 15 . J u n - D 9 C0 9 D 6 5 1 7T H S T R E E T ( B R U M B A C K - A L T U R A S 17 8 61 3 $ 10 6 , 8 2 9 15 - J u l - 0 9 C0 9 D 6 5 2 HA Y D E N W A Y N . O F C A T A L I N A ) 12 0 0 $ 52 , 1 8 9 15 . . u l - D 9 C0 9 D 6 5 3 14 T H S T R E E T & G R A N D A V E N U E 37 0 30 6 $ 89 , 1 5 1 15 - J u l - D 9 C0 9 D 6 5 4 PA L O U S E S T . ( T A G G A R T - V I S T A 25 1 20 1 93 5 $ 11 , 2 9 6 15 . . u l - D 9 C0 9 D 7 0 2 FR A N K L I N S T & 4 T H S T 11 5 $ 11 , 3 6 2 15 - S e o - D 9 C0 9 D 6 0 4 PA R K H I L L M A I N R E L O C A T I O N 50 $ 40 . 3 5 9 15 - S e p - 0 9 C0 9 D 6 5 5 AB B S S T I P A L O U S E - N E Z P E R C E ) 71 4 $ 17 , 6 1 2 15 - S e p - 0 9 C0 9 D 6 5 6 AR C H E R A N D W I L S O N C I R C L E S 38 9 $ 8, 5 8 5 15 . S e p - D 9 C0 9 D 6 5 7 FA I R M O N T S T I E O F G A R D E N 21 2 $ 10 5 , 8 4 1 15 . S e p . 0 9 C0 9 D 6 5 8 GO U R L E Y ( N E Z P E R C E - O V E R L A N D ) 16 1 2 $ 31 , 4 4 1 15 - S e p . 0 9 C0 9 D 6 6 0 PO N D S T ( E M E R A L D - D E T O N ) 57 6 $ 13 9 , 3 6 2 15 - 0 c t - 0 9 C0 9 D 6 0 6 9T H S T R E E T ( F O R T . O ' F A R R E L L ) 60 9 $ 53 , 0 3 4 15 . 0 c t - 0 9 C0 9 D 6 7 0 WI L S O N S T R E E T 70 9 $ 51 . 5 1 9 15 . N o v . 0 9 C0 9 D 6 0 8 ME A D O W B R O O K D R I V E 85 7 $ 23 , 7 1 9 15 - N o v - 0 9 C0 9 D 6 0 9 PA T R I C I A L A N E 33 7 $ 75 , 1 7 0 15 - N o v . 0 9 C0 9 D 6 5 9 GO U R L E Y ( N E Z P E R C E - L E M H I ) 12 5 0 $ 1, 0 8 1 , 7 0 4 TO T A L 2 0 0 9 F O O T A G E S 17 6 1, 0 3 0 20 1 12 , 3 3 0 30 6 60 9 . 20 0 9 I 7 , 1 0 7 , 4 0 6 I IG R A N D T O T A L S I 8 3 0 I 4 , 1 5 1 I 4 , 3 9 5 I 5 8 , 7 4 5 1 1 5 , 4 3 3 I 9 8 5 I 7 3 I TO T A L F O O T A G E F O R P E R I O D i u . . . . . TO T A L M I L E S F O R P E R I O D UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 75: In reference to the $2 milion in treatment facilities improvements at varous locations in the system since the last general rate case identified in Greg Wyatt's testimony (page 4, lines 3 and 4), please provide the following: a. project number; b. project description; c. project's original budget; d. project's final budget if different than response to item c; e. project costs; f. date project was closed to Plant in Service; and g. date project considered in service if different than response to item f. RESPONSE NO. 75: The attached Excel spreadsheet provides the requested information. . '" Production Request No. 75 Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt Date Project Project Transferred to Project No.Project Description Budget Cost Plant in Service C06B004 Arsenic Treatment $-$16,584 5/15/06 C07B005 Chlorine Residual Analyzers $6,100 $5,707 5/15/07 C07B007 Maple Hil Well #2 ASR $-$16,461 12/15/07 C07B008 Settler's Well ASR $-$20,674 12/15/07 C07B501 Replace Chlorination Equipment $27,800 $30,527 7/15/07 C07B502 Replace Marden UPS Components $6,700 $5,628 7/15/07 C07B503 Replace On-line Analyzers $27,800 $27,588 5/15/07 C07B504 Replace Marden Chemical Feed Pumps $11,100 $12,478 7/15/07 C07B505 Replace Marden PAC System $20,600 $19,101 7/15/07 C07B506 Repl CWTP CIP Heater $-$9,605 10/15/07 C07B507 Replace Treatment Equip $-$42,126 1/15/08 C08BOOI GAC Filter at Swift I & 2 $1,118,900 $1,633,800 8/15/08 C08B002 Bulk Salt Tan Project $-$117,819 7/15/08 C08B501 Replace Chlorination Equipment $30,900 $27,704 5/15/08 C08B502 Replace Treatment Equipment $19,900 $26,098 5/15/08 C08B503 Marden Tile Replacement $-$4,942 8/15/08 C09B501 Replace Chorination Equipment $89,100 $85,045 6/15/09 C09B502 Anual Equipment Replacement $55,700 $44,600 6/15/09 C09B503 Chlorine Residual Analyzers $6,100 $3,559 9/15/09 TOTALS $1,420,700 $2,150,046 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 76: In reference to the $1.4 million in booster station improvements since the last general rate case , identified in Greg Wyatt's testimony (page 4, lines 12 and 13), please provide the following: a. project number; b. project description; c. project's original budget; d. project's final budget if different than response to item c; e. project costs; f. date project was closed to Plant in Service; and g. date project considered in service if different than response to item f. RESPONSE NO. 76: The attached Excel spreadsheet provides the requested information. Production Request NO. 76 Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt Date Project Project Transferred to Project No.Project Description Budget Cost Plant in Service C05C003 WarSprings Booster $132,900 $84,119 1/15/06 C07C503 Brumback Booster Reconstrction $300,000 $288,304 11/15/07 C06C504 Reconfigure Federal Booster Station $48,300 $42,903 2/28/07 C07C004 Hidden Hollow Bstr Upgrade $-$182,648 2/25/08 C07C504 Braemere Booster Upgrade $259,600 $640,665 12/15/08 C08C505 Upgrade Carright Booster Station $-$210,567 3/15/09 TOTALS $740,800 $1,449,207 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REQUEST NO. 77: In reference to the $0.7 milion in auxiliary power generators at varous sites throughout the Company's water system identified in Greg Wyatt's testimony (page 4, lines 13 through 15), please provide the following: a. project number; b. project description; c. project's original budget; d. project's final budget if different than response to item c; e. project costs; f. date project was closed to Plant in Service; and g. date project considered in service if different than response to item f. RESPONSE NO. 77: The attached Excel spreadsheet provides the requested information. Production Request No. 77 Sponsoring Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt Date Project Project Transferred to Project No. Project Description Budget Cost Plant in Service Aux Power (Ð Boulder, Scenic Cove, Bluffs, Hillsborough and Braemere Booster Stations and at Floating C06C002 Feather Well $-$308,758 3/15/07 Aux Power (Ð Steelhead and Federal C07C301 Booster Stations $-$179,391 4/15/08 Aux Power (Ð Hulls Gulch And C08C302 Highland View Booster Stations $221,800 $235,766 4/15/09 . TOTALS $221,800 $723,915 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI- W -09-01 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TH COMMISSION STAFF PreparerlSponsorig Witness: Gregory P. Wyatt REOUEST NO. 79: For the test year and the previous year, please provide all vehicle allowance and expense records, monthly usage reports, anual mileage certification, logs, and any or all records pertaining to use of company cars as outlined in UWI's automobile usage policy. RESPONSE NO. 79: Enclosed are the monthly vehicle usage logs in PDF format for the periods requested for the following management individuals for whom a company vehicle is provided: Greg Wyatt Scott Rhead Bil Car Bob Lawrence Dennis Fickes John Stone Mark Snider and Dan Brown are each provided a vehicle allowance of $400 per month in lieu of provision of a company vehicle. The allowance is paid though the normal payroll process. No vehicle usage logs are required from individuals for whom an allowance is paid. Also enclosed are the auto log anual sumares for: Greg Wyatt Scott Rhead Bil Car Bob Lawrence Dennis Fickes John Stone These sumaries provide the calculation of value added to the individual's anual W-2 statement N!Carr,Willis From 11101106 To 10131107 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Tolal Miles Business Miles Nov 2006 306 1,374 1,068 Dec 200 252 829 577 Jan 2007 324 1,149 825 Feb 2007 342 1,243 901 Mar 2007 283 1,356 1.073 Apr 2007 360 1,351 991 May 2007 288 977 689 Jun 2007 252 817 565 Jul2007 360 1,071 711 Aug 2007 396 1,045 649 Sep2007 270 1,877 1,607 Ocl2007 412 1,386 974 Total 3,845 14,475 10,630 Personal %27% W-2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in seNlce): $ 19,857.80 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 5,350.00 Period considered in calculation: Fraction - the numerator is the days in the perio Fraction - Ihe denominator of which is 365 days 100.00% 365 365 Personal Use Percentage (see above)27% Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Company Car $ 1,444.50 Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Allowance Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Total $ 1,444.50 Name Carr,Willis From 11/01107 To 10131108 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2007 342 1,287 945 Dec 2007 289 1,251 962 Jan 2008 380 1,267 887 Feb 2008 247 658 411 Mar 2008 314 893 579 Apr 2008 342 990 648 May 2008 342 1,325 983 Jun 2008 323 804 481 Jul2008 304 825 521 Aug 2008 364 1,060 696 Sep2008 342 1,132 790 Oct 2008 378 1,326 948 Total 3,967 12,818 8,851 Personal %31% W.2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in service): $ 19,857.80 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 5,350.00 Period considered in calculation: Fracllon - the numerator is the days in the period Fracllon - the denominator of which is 366 days 100.00% 366 366 Personal Use Percentage (see above)31% Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Company Car $ 1,658.50 Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Allowance Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Total $ 1,658.50 Name Carr,Wills (1)Carr,willis (2) From 11/01108 To 05/1219 From 05/13(09 To 10/31(09 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Total Miles Personal Miles Total Miles Nov 2008 288 1,153 0 0 Oec2008 691 1,743 0 0 Jan 2009 406 1,336 0 0 212912009 376 1,221 0 0 Mar 2009 471 1,405 0 0 Apr 2009 420 1,514 0 0 May 2009 129 351 185 667 Jun 2009 0 0 362 1,343 Jul2009 0 0 441 1,245 Aug 2009 0 0 440 1,514 Sep 2009 0 0 330 1,010 Oct 2009 0 0 426 2,474 Total 2,781 8,723 2,184 8,253 Personal %32%26% W.2 Calculation Personal Use Percentage (see above) $22,569.73 $6,100.00 47% 172 365 26% Vehicle's fair market value: Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) Period considered in calculation: Fraction - the numerator is the days in the penod Fraction. the denominator of which is 365 days Amount to be reported on W-2 boxes 1 and 14 $905.25 $747.38 Total (Both Cars)$ 1,652.62 Name Fickes.Dennls M From 11/01/06 To 10/31/07 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2006 383 620 237 Dec 2006 308 559 251 Jan 2007 434 747 313 Feb 2007 370 717 347 Mar 2007 431 662 231 Apr 2007 395 718 323 May 2007 354 526 172 Jun 2007 249 400 151 Jul2007 364 536 172 Aug 2007 380 631 251 Sep2007 358 473 115 Oct 2007 362 508 146 Total 4,388 7,097 2,709 Personal %62% W.2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in service): $ 20,06.00 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 5,600.00 Period considered in calculation: Fractíon - the numerator is the days in the period Fractíon - the denominator of which is 365 days 100.00% 365 365 Personal Use Percentage (see above)62% Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Company Car $ 3,472.00 Taxable Vehicle Compensation. Allowance Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Total $ 3,472.00 Name Fickes,Oennis M From 11101/07 To 10131/08 Auto Log SummarY Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2007 371 456 85 Oec2007 319 353 34 Jan 2008 457 555 98 Feb 2008 409 573 164 Mar 2008 404 647 243 Apr 2008 447 703 256 May 2008 261 446 185 Jun 2008 20 588 568 Jul2008 422 725 303 Aug 2008 346 624 278 Sep2008 413 594 181 Oct 2008 361 510 149 Total 4,230 6,774 2,544 Personal %62% W-2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in service); $ 20,064.00 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 5,600.00 Period cosidered in calculation; Fraction - the numerator is the days in the period Fraction - the denominator of which is 366 days 100.00% 366 366 Personal Use Percentage (see above)62% Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Company Car $ 3,72.00 Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Allowance Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Total $ 3,472.00 Name Fickes,Dennls M From 11/01108 To 10/31109 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2008 381 717 336 De02008 442 622 180 Jan 2009 371 499 128 Feb 2009 400 484 84 Mar 2009 450 649 199 Apr 2009 506 626 120 May 2009 280 316 36 Jun 2009 550 691 141 Jul2009 458 753 295 Aug 2009 444 638 194 Sep2009 530 740 210 Oct 2009 403 482 79 Total 5,215 7,217 2,002 Personal % 72.26% W.2 CalculatloD Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in service): $ 20,064.00 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 5,600.00 Period considered In calculation: Fraction - the numerator is the days in the period Fraction - the denominator of which is 365 days 100.00% 365 365 Personal Use Percentage (see above)72.26% Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Company Car $ 4,046.56 Hi Lawrence.Robert W From 11/01/06 To 10131/07 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2006 210 796 586 Oec2006 240 809 569 Jan 2007 263 896 633 Feb 2007 209 908 699 Mar 2007 270 988 718 Apr 2007 246 1,019 773 May 2007 228 894 666 Jun 2007 283 1,218 935 Jul2007 218 1,029 811 Aug 2007 282 1,338 1,056 Sep2007 254 1,160 906 Oct 2007 315 1,521 1.206 Total 3,018 12,576 9.558 Personal %24% W.2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed In service): $ 19,874.32 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 5,350.00 Period considered in calculation: Fraction - the numerator is the days In the period Fraction - the denominator of which is 365 days 100.00% 365 365 Personal Use Percentage (see above)24% Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Company Car $ 1.284.00 Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Allowance Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Total $ 1.284.00 Name lawrence, Robert W From 11/01/07 To 10/31/08 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2007 193 702 509 Oec2007 243 931 688 Jan 2008 262 954 692 Feb 2008 273 1,124 851 Mar 2008 260 1,138 878 Apr 2008 275 1,226 951 May 2008 392 1,613 1,221 Jun 2008 300 1,131 831 Jul2008 320 1,342 1,022 Aug 2008 372 1,424 1,052 Sep2008 349 1,377 1.028 Oct 2008 337 1,313 976 Total 3,576 14,275 10,699 Personal %25% W-2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in service): $ 19,874.32 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 5,350.00 Period considered in calculation: Fraction - the numerator is the days in the period Fraction - the denominator of which is 366 days 100.00% 366 366 Personal Use Percentage (see above)25% Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Company Car $ 1,337.50 Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Allowance Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Total $ 1,337.50 lW Lawrence,Robert W From 11101/08 To 10131/09 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2006 268 1,207 939 Oec2008 498 1,211 713 Jan 2009 223 620 597 Feb 2009 258 1,030 772 Mar 2009 258 913 655 Apr 2009 276 1,239 963 May 2009 246 852 606 Jun 2009 304 1,152 848 Jul2009 303 1,031 728 Aug 2009 316 1,302 966 Sep2009 304 1,409 1,105 Oct 2009 271 1,289 1,018 Total 3,525 13,455 9,930 Personal %26% W-2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in service): $ 19,874.32 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 5,350.00 Period considered In calculation: Fraction - the numerator Is the days in the period Fraction - the denominator of which is 365 days 100.00% 365 365 Personal Use Percentage (see above)26% Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Company Car $ 1,391.00 Name Rhead,H Scott From 11/01/05 To 10131/07 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2006 1,170 1,527 357 Dec 2006 1,270 1,507 237 Jan 2007 744 930 186 Feb 2007 1,578 1,846 268 Mar 2007 746 1,153 407 Apr 2007 377 1,222 845 May 2007 676 1,416 740 Jun 2007 952 1,550 598 Jul2007 932 1,155 223 Aug 2007 1,158 1,521 363 Sep2007 372 486 114 Oct 2007 1,386 1,625 239 Total 11,361 15,938 4,577 Personal %71% W.2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in service): $ 19,515.32 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 5,350.00 Period considered in calculation: Fraction - the numerator is the days in the períod Fraction. the denominator of which is 365 days 100.00% 365 365 Personal Use Percentage (see above)71% Taxable Vehicle Compensation. Company Car $ 3,798.50 Taxable Vehicle Compensation. Allowance Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Total $ 3,798.50 Name Rhead,H Scott From 11/01/07 To 10/31108 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Tolal Miles Business Miles Nov 2007 729 993 264 Dec 2007 622 934 312 Jan 2008 444 697 253 Feb 2008 594 814 220 Mar 2008 824 954 130 Apr 2008 704 963 259 May 2008 1,482 1,798 316 Jun 2008 1,198 1,494 296 Jul2008 221 308 87 Aug 2008 196 364 168 Sep 2008 182 324 142 Oct 2008 400 564 164 Tolal 7,596 10,207 2,611 Personal % 74% W.2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in service): $ 19,515.32 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 5,350.00 Period considered in calculation: Fraction. the numerator is the days in the period Fraction - the denominator of which is 366 days 100.00% 366 366 Personal Use Percentage (see above)74% Taxable Vehicle Compensation. Company Car $ 3.959.00 Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Allowance Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Total $ 3,959.00 Name Rhead,H Scott From 11101/08 To 10131109 Auto Log Summaiy Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2008 566 744 178 Dec 2008 690 942 252 Jan 2009 636 868 232 Feb 2009 360 538 178 Mar 2009 622 792 170 Apr 2009 1,370 1,851 481 May 2009 512 598 86 Jun 2009 594 736 142 Jul2009 664 756 92 Aug 2009 636 792 156 Sep2009 594 686 92 Oct 2009 826 984 158 Total 8,070 10,287 2,217 Personal %78% W.2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in service): $ 19,515.32 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 5,350.00 Period considered in calculallon: Fraction - the numerator is the days in the period Fractlon - the denominator of which is 365 days 100.0% 365 365 Personal Use Percentage (see above)78% Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Company Car $ 4,173.00 Name Stone,John From 11/01/06 To 10131/07 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2006 540 1,591 1,051 Oe02006 570 1,369 799 Jan 2007 630 1,725 1,095 Feb 2007 600 1,691 1,091 Mar 2007 610 1,689 1,079 Apr 2007 630 1,963 1,333 May 2007 660 1,916 1,256 Jun 2007 630 1,538 908 Jul2007 630 1,643 1,013 Aug 2007 540 1,532 992 Sep2007 360 974 614 Oct 2007 630 1,599 969 Total 7,030 19,230 12,200 Personal %37% W-2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed In service): $ 22.553.03 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 6.100.00 Period considered in calculation: Fraction - the numerator is the days in the period Fraction - the denominator of which is 365 days 100.00% 365 365 Personal Use Percentage (see above)37% Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Company Car $ 2,257.00 Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Allowance Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Total $ 2,257.00 .t Stone,John From 11/01/07 To 10131108 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2007 575 1,430 855 Oec2007 578 1,571 993 Jan 2008 632 1,363 731 Feb 2008 480 1,133 653 Mar 2008 630 1,832 1,202 Apr 2008 678 1,898 1,220 May 2008 630 1,734 1,104 Jun 2008 630 1,786 1,156 Jul2008 540 1,476 936 Aug 2008 678 1,710 1,032 Sep2008 656 1,762 1,106 Oct 2008 560 1,378 818 Total 7,267 19,073 11,806 Personal % 38% W-2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed In service): $ 22,563.03 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 6,100.00 Period considered in calculation: Fraction - the numerator is the days in the period Fraction - the denominator of which is 366 days 100.00% 366 366 Personal Use Percentage (see above)38% Taxable Vehicie Compensation - Company Car $ 2,318.00 Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Allowance Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Total $ 2,318.00 ~Stone,John From 11101108 To 10131109 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2008 522 1,375 853 Dec 2008 570 1,496 926 Jan 2009 642 1,319 677 Feb 2009 468 1,128 660 Mar 2009 584 1,435 851 Apr 2009 581 1,886 1,305 May 2009 800 1,696 896 Jun2009 684 1,545 861 Jul2009 590 1,340 750 Aug 2009 606 1,160 554 Sep 2009 684 1,644 960 Oct 2009 525 1,515 990 Total 7.256 17,539 10,283 Personal %41.37% W.2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in servce): $ 18,824.29 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 5,100.00 Period considered in calculation: Fraction. the numerator is the days in the period Fraction - the denominator of which is 365 days 100.00% 365 365 Personal Use Percntage (see above)41% Taxable Vehice Compensation - Company Car $ 2,109.87 Name Wyatt, Gregory P From 11/01106 To 10/31107 Auto Log SummarY Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2006 362 537 175 Oe02006 1,118 1,210 92 Jan 2007 422 918 496 Feb 2007 758 888 130 Mar 2007 679 868 189 Apr 2007 1,757 1,933 176 May 2007 467 1,290 823 Jun 2007 429 543 114 Jul2007 1,584 1,792 208 Aug 2007 578 78B 210 Sep 2007 430 636 206 Oct 2007 344 440 96 Total 8,928 11,843 2,915 Personal %75% W.2 CalculatIon Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in servce): $ 28,272.35 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 7,750.00 Period considered in calculation: Fraction - the numerator is the days in the period Fraction - the denominator of which is 365 days 100.00% 365 365 Personal Use Percentage (see above)75% Taxble Vehicle Compensation - Company Car $ 5,812.50 Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Allowance Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Total $ 5,812.50 Name Wyatt,Gregory P From 11/01107 To 10131/08 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Total Miles Business Miles Nov 2007 264 446 182 Dec 2007 754 884 130 Jan 2008 631 782 151 Feb 2008 639 1,188 549 Mar 2008 649 917 268 Apr 2008 559 723 164 May 2008 326 564 238 Jun 2008 494 653 159 Jul2008 1,117 1,289 172 Aug 2008 482 578 96 Sep 2008 459 550 91 Oct 2008 194 1,058 864 Total 6,568 9,632 3,064 Personal %68% W-2 Calculation Vehicle'S fair market value (when placed in service): $ 28,272.35 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table attached) $ 7,750.00 Period considered In calculation: Fraction - the numerator Is the days in the period Fraction - the denominator of which is 366 days 100,00% 366 366 Personal Use Percentage (see above)68% Taxable VehIcle Compensation - Company Car $ 5,270.00 Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Allowance Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Total $ 5,270,00 Name Wyatt, Gregory P From 11101108 To 10131/09 Auto Log Summary Personal Miles Tota/Miles Business Miles Nov 2008 282 337 55 Dec 2008 730 875 145 Jan 2009 1,324 1,415 91 Feb 2009 394 835 441 Mar 2009 495 760 265 Apr 2009 453 888 435 May 2009 2,214 2,262 48 Jun2009 333 490 157 Jul2009 1,502 1,619 117 Aug 2009 388 571 183 Sep2009 381 608 227 Oct 2009 245 462 217 Total 8,741 11,122 2,381 i~' Personal % 79% W.2 Calculation Vehicle's fair market value (when placed in service): $ 28,272.35 Vehicle's annual lease value: (See IRS table allached) $ 7,750.00 Period considered in calculation: Fraction. the numerator is the days in the period Fraction. the denominator of which is 365 days 100.00% 365 365 Personal Use Percentage (see above)79% Taxable Vehicle Compensation - Company Car $ 6,122.50