HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071123UWI to Staff 1, 7, 8, etc.pdfMcDevitt & ,Miller LLP Lawyers (208) 343-7500 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) 420 W. Bannock Street. ,i ou, \ ~ \ 2- P.O. Box 2564.tièØOV 2 i I n Boise, Idaho 8370~rc"HO PU UTlLiTfÈS CO Chas. F. McDevitt Dean J. (Joe) Miler November 21, 2007 Via Hand Delivery Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washington St. Boise, Idaho 83720 Re: Case No. UWI-W-07-04 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find three (3) copies of United Water Idaho's Responses to Commission Staffs First Production Requests, No's 1,7,8, 14, 19,20-27, and 31- 33. An additional copy of the document and this letter is included for return to me with your fie stamp thereon. Very Truly Yours, viti & Miler LL DJM/hh Enclosures ORIGINAL Dean J. Miler (ISB No. 1968) MCDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. BOX 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 joeWlmcdevitt-mier .com 20111 NOV 2. I PM \: \ j \íiAHO PUBLIC ~ UTiUtiES COMMiSSIO, . Attorney for United Water Idaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. TO ) IMPLEMENT A PROGRAM OF MONTHLY ) BILLING AND FOR RECOVERY OF COSTS )ASSOCIATED THEREWITH ) ) CASE NO. UWI-W-07-04 UNTED WATER IDAHO INC'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS United Water Idaho Inc, ("United Water") by and though its underigned attorneys, hereby submits its Responses to the Commission Staffs First Production Requests No.'s 1, 7, 8, 14, 19,20-27, and 31-33. DATED ths L'- day of November, 2007. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. BYr\ \ LW~iler Attorneys for United Water Idaho, Inc. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S RESPONSE TO CITY OF EAGLE'S FIRT PRODUCTION REQUESTS-l CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby cerify that on theJlday of November, 2007, I caused to be sered by the method(s) indicated below, a tre and correct copy of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secreta Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 j j ewell(fuc.state.id. us Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Donovan Walker Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email )(o o o o 51o o o o '~~-t~tfQ %ri UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S RESPONSE TO CITY OF EAGLE'S FIRT PRODUCTION REQUESTs-i UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO.1: Please provide copies of the contracts for all services, including biling, with UBS. RESPONSE NO.1: A copy of the UBS Contract is attached. THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT . I- This Third Amendment to Agreement ("Amendment 3") is made as of the/~day 0~t1 2006, by and between United Water Management and Services Inc, ("Client") ~friëiLjlíity Business Services Inc ("UBS"), RECITALS: A. The parties entered into a Services Agreement, dated December 12, 2001 ("the Agreement'); and B. The parties entered into the First Amendment ("Amendment 1") to the Agreement on September 23, 2002; and C. The parties entered into the Second Amendment ("Amendment 2") to the Agreement on April 29, 2003; and . D. The parties wish to amend the Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, Client and UBS hereby mutually agree as follows: 1,. The foregoing recitals A through 0 are incorporated into this Amendment as if specifcally set forth herein, 2. Capitalized terms used in this Amendment 3 shall have the same meaning as in the Agreement. 3, Article 1, section c) is hereby amended by adding the following provision: Client shall have access to the System for Client's Interactive Voice Recognition C'IVR") and web based systems on a 24-hour basis, except for reasonable backup times which may typically consist of approximately one hour per day but on the final business day of each calendar month, may consist of up to three hours., Backup times shall be coordinated with Client in advance, UBS agrees to provide Client with customer support by UBS client support staff during normal business hours (8:00 am. through 5:00 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday) UBS wil also provide Client with an off-hours contact telephone number to be used to address critical customer support issues outside of normal business hours, 4" Article 1, section g) is hereby amended by adding the following provision: At Client's option, but in no event earlier than January 1, 2007 and only after giving UBS three (3) months writen notice of its desire for such services (which notice may come before January 1, 2007), UBS shall provide e-billng services ("E-MaiJng Services") to Client E-Mailng Services shall consist of no more than UBS attaching an image of the customer's paper bil to an electronic message that is electronically delivered to Client's customer at an address provided by Client to UBS , which e-bil may be provided either in replacement of, or in addition to, such customer's paper bil, E-Mailng Services wil be charged to, and paid by, Client as follows: (a) in the event Client's customer elects to have an electronic bil delivered in addition to the paper bil being provided by UBS to customer on Client's behalf, UBS shall provide E-Mailng Services to such customer at no additional fee per bil than those fees described for paper-biling services in Exhibit B to this Agreement (as may be amended and/or restated from time to time); and (b) in the event that Client's customer elects to have only an electronic bil delivered (and does not, therefore, require any paper bil to be delivered by UBS), UBS shall provide E-Mailng Services to Client for 80% of the fee per bil described for paper-billng services in Exhibit B to this Agreement (as may be amended or restated from time to time). E-Mailng Services shall not include any services - including without limitation, reporting, return email functions, document archiving, viewing such electronic bil beyond the form in which it is initially available to customer, payment portal, payment presentment or any other such service, which services, if provided, shall be provided at additional fees to be agreed by the parties. 5 Article 1, Section h) is hereby amended by inserting the following at the end of this section: Exhibit E is revised in the form attached hereto, 6 Article 2, Term, is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefor: - 2- Except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement, this Agreement shall expire on December 31, 2011, Except as otherwse set forth in this Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Amendment 3 shall become effective on January 1, 2007, Client may terminate this agreement effective December 31, 2009 by giving six months prior notice to UBS.. Thereafter, the Client may terminate this Agreement effective December 31, 2010 by giving six months prior notice to UBS Notice of termination must be given in accordance with Article 17 of this Agreement. 7. Artcle 3 is hereby amended by adding a new section d) as follows: d) Revised Exhibit B is attached to this Amendment 3 and shall become effective on January 1, 2007 8 Artcle 4 is hereby amended by adding a new secion e), as follows: e) If UBS determines that it will no longer support the Wins CiS System softare or upgrades thereof, UBS shall provide eighteen (18) months advance written notice of same to Client and shall offer to Client replacement softare that offers the same functionality or better than the current version of Wins CiS System softare implemented for Client Following such notice, UBS shall provide to Client access to the new system and all pertinent documentation so that Client may make a reasonably informed decision about whether to migrate to the replacement softare, Within six (6) months following receipt of written notice from UBS of its decision not to support Wins CiS System softare, Client may exercise the following options on written notice to UBS (i) Client may elect, at its sole option, to migrate to thereplacement softare at the expense of UBS, Costs shall include the following; account migration, any development needed in the new system to meet United Watets business procsses, and new training documentation to train users on new environment, (ii) If Client determines, in its sole discretion, that thereplacement softare wil not meets its needs, UBS shall reimburse Client for the costs of replacing the Wins CiS System softare with a replacement system offering equivalent functionality to Wins CiS System, including but not limited to,: cost of the new softare and all implementation costs such as costs of transition, training and migrating to such softare, and costs of converting data for use in a new biling system. UBS's liabilty under this Article 4, Section (e)(ii) shall not be subject to the liabilty limitations of paragraph 9, - 3- 9. Article 5 is hereby amended by deleting the last sentence thereof and substituting the following: Within 90 days after execution of this Agreement, Client and UBS shall jointly develop an archiving plan to both parties' specifications and satisfaction. 10. Article 6, section d) is hereby amended by adding the following provision: By October 1 st of each calendar year, UBS shall submit to client the following; (i) an updated executive summary of its disaster recovery plan; and (ii) its updated SAS 70 report.. 11 Article 6, section e) is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefor: e) If at any time during the term of this Agreement UBS shall be unable to penorm its obligations hereunder, whether because of circumstances beyond its control or otherwise, Client may demand and shall thereupon without additional cost be entitled to receive delivery of Client data contained on magnetic tapes, layouts, discs, operating manuals or other material, Within ninety (90) days following execution of this Amendment 3, UBS shall tender into escrow with a third part mutually agreeable to UBS and Client, a copy of the Wins CiS System source code, all Client data and documentation for purpses of Client's unrestricted use of such code data and documentation (all of the foregoing referred to as "Escrowed Data") and UBS shall refresh and update all the Escrowed Data, no less frequently than quarterly thereafter. Client shall pay UBS's cost (at the programming rates provided for in Exhibit B hereto) for gathering and tendering the Escrowed Data to any escrow agent, both initially and for each quarterly update thereafter, which hours may be allocated from Client's annual programming allocation, at Client's sole discretion, Additionally, the costs of holding such source code data and documentation to be paid for by Client The Escrowed Data shall be available to Client in the event UBS goes out of business or ceases to provide billng services as set forth in this Agreement 12. Article 9 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefor: Except as set forth in Section 4(e)(ii) of this Agreement, IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY'S LIABILITY TO THE OTHER PARTY ARISING OUT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT EXCEED THE TOTAL CHARGES FOR TWELVE (12) MONTHS TO CLIENT HEREUNDER NEITHER PARTY WILL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR - 4- OTHER INDIRECT OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER FORESEEABLE OR NOT, EVEN IF IT IS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITIES OF SUCH DAMAGES The provisions of this Article 9 shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement 13. Article 10 is hereby amended by adding the following sentence: Without limiting any of the provisions of this Section, UBS specifcally acknowledges that it shall take due care to keep information confidential concerning Client's customers and not to permit such information to be used for any purpose except the performance of this Agreement. Either part may specifcally enforce the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement. 14. Article 11 is hereby amended by renumbering the existing seion as Section 11(a) and deleting the last sentence of that secion. 15, Article 11 is further amended by added new Sections 11(b) and 11(c) as follows: b) UBS shall indemnit, defend, protect, release and hold Client, its directors, offcers, employees and agents harmless against any losses, claims, damages, judgments, liabilties or expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable counsel fees and expenses) resulting from negligence or wilful misconduct of UBS or UBS's breach of its duties and obligations under this Agreement c) The obligations contained in this Section 11 shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. 16, Section 12 of the Agreement is amended by adding the following: The parties acknowledge that from time to time Client may add or delete locations to be served by this Agreement, based on acquisitions, divestitures and new service contracts for municipal operations. Client shall advise UBS of such changes as soon as practicable. In the event of such changes, fees to UBS shall be adjusted based on the increase or decrease in number of bils times the per unit cost per bil set forth in this Agreement. 17" Article 13 is hereby amended by adding the following at the end of the first paragraph: Any substitute softare permited under this Agreement shall be granted on equivalent terms to the Wins CIS System Softare License attached hereto as Exhibit D, - 5- 18. Article 13 is hereby amended by deleting the last paragraph thereof and substituting the following: UBS wil allow Client's internal/external auditors, inspectors and regulators reasonable access to the specific UBS facilities, Wins CiS System, personnel, data and records relating exclusively to the provision of Services to Client under this Agreement upon at least ten (10) days prior written notice, for the purpose of penorming reviews of softare development practices and procdures, application and operating systems, general controls and securi practices and procedures, disaster reovery and back-up procedures relating exclusively to UBS's compliance with the terms of this Agreement UBS shall reasonably cooperate with Client by permitting such access at no additional cost to Client except to the extent such requests may require ad hoc programming or special extracts, in which case UBS may charge Client for such services at the rates set forth herein. UBS shall not perform any such ad hoc programming or special extracts requested by Client's auditors without advanc approval of Client UBS will not charge Client for providing Client's auditors with existing reports. UBS, in its sole discretion, may require that any of Client's auditors, inspectors, regulators or other representatives sign a non-disclosure or confidentiality agreement on commercially reasonably terms prior to a review The provisions of this paragraph shall extend beyond the termination or expiration of this Agreement for an additional three (3) years. 19, Article 16 is hereby amended by adding the following sentence at the end of the section: Jurisdiction and venue for all disputes hereunder shall be in the state or federal courts located within the State of New Jersey, 20" Article 17 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefor: Any notice given pursuant to this Agreement shall be made in wriing, by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by nationally recognized courier service providing proof of delivery, to the following addresses: FOR UBS: Utilit Business Services, Inc 1085 Morris Avenue Union, New Jersey 07083 Attention: Robert L Willams - 6- FOR CLIENT:United Water Management & Services Inc, 200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park, NJ 07640-1799 Attention: Chief Information Offcer with a copy to:United Water Management & Services Inc. 200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park, NJ 07640-1799 Attention: Legal Department and United Water Management & Services Inc 190 Moore Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 Attention: Vice President, Customer Service 21. A new Article 19 is hereby added to the Agreement, as follows: In the event of a dispute, the parties shall use good faith effort for a period of thirt (30) days to conduct executive discussions to resolve such dispute. If such dispute cannot be resolved, either part may resort to legal action as provided in Article 16 Nothing in this Agreement shall require either part to wait thirt (30) days to bring suit to specically enforce the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement as set forth in Article 10, 22. Exhibits A, B, C, 0, E, and F are hereby revised in the forms attached hereto and made a part hereof 23, Except as specifically amended herein, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with its terms, 24. This Amendment shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey, 25,. Effective as of the date hereof, all references in the Agreement to ''this Agreement" or similar phrases shall be deemed to include this Amendment unless the context specially indicates otherwise. 26, Except as amended herein, all other provisions (including all Exhibits and Amendments) of the Agreement dated December 12,2001 between the UBS and Client shall remain in full force and effect throughout the term of said Agreement as amended herein. -7 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused their proper corporate offcers to execute this Amendment 3 as of the date first above written, Attest: fg~By:N.ame: P J: Title: Assistant Corprate Secrtary Attest: UTILITY BUSINESS SERVICES, INC::~By: .a e: An W. Evans Titl: Senior Vice Preident and Chief Finncial Officer UNITED WATER MANAGEMENT & SERVICES INC By: ~Jut# Name: Rop 3'. J:p..J D Til: C\'Cr ,,;"',.... Omc", - 8- REVISED EXHIBIT A SERVICES (Effective January 1, 2007) 1 Definitions: 'Arrears NoticlO - A bill reuiring no computati sent as a reminder to a customer of an amount in arrears payable to the Client The Client shall determine the amount of an arrears notice and the circumstnce under which an arrears notic are to be printed Diversio Biir' - Any bill that is divered from nonnl mail prssing based on a Client- generate code or set of criteria , IOlnterim Biir . A bill that is produce anytime at Cliens requet for an accunt wiout waitng for th account to be issued it normal Prime Bil "OCR Payment Documenf' - The poon of a printed bil that is returned by a customer along with payment It is coed with prnting readable by an Optical Charactr Reader for proing of payments IOOff-Cvcle Final BilllO - A bil produce as a result of the succssful completion of a servic orer to terminate service The bill is prouced the day the termination of service order is complted "Prime Biir - The routine bil for a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly customer Includes the final bil for a custornerwhose utilit service has been terminated and may, therefe, comprise a period shorter than stated In the preceding sentence Also includes revised and/or corred bils Prime bils shall be calculated by multiplying consumption (deried from the meter readings, the consumption provided on a manual bil, or estimating procdures), expres in CCF or gallons, by the appropriate rate(s) to arrive at the service amount The Client shall furnish these rates to UBS Prime Bills shall be prepare indicaing any balances due fr a prior peod and/or service charges and indicating any cash payments, credit or adjustments that have taken place since the last bill wa issued The bills include an OCR Payment Doument indicating the total amount due Re-BillO - A bill resultng frm the completi of the online function to cancel a previous bil and issue a corrected bil The bil is produce the day the function to issue the corred bil is completed 2 At the time of conversion of a respece Client Site, UBS shall conver and guarante online history for allcurrntty active and inactive accounts, meter reads, monetary transactions, bil recors and audit trail rerd to at leas the currnt calendar year and the three (3) prvius calendar years or fo the time period as required by reulatory commissions at eah Client Site, whichever is longer, with the balance ofthe mandted seven-year retention held in off-line archives, In a form and format mutually agreed to by both parties UBS wil not archive data without prior noti to Client At the time of archiving, UBS may agree to retain additional year' history greater than the mandated seven-year retention. 3 UBS shall prepare, insert and mail all of Client's customer water bils on a daily basis Customer water bills include: Prime Bills Revised Exhibit A page 1 of 4 Off-Cycle Final Bils Arrears Notices Re-Bils Interim BlIs Arrears files transmitted daily to business units that print their own arrears noti 4. VBS shall provide to Client such records, control and management reports as Client shall require, including, but not limited to, the preparation and presentation to the Client on a regularly scheduled basis of the following: a) On a daily basis the following: Bil images for pnme cycle on micrfiche or other arciving media Account reconcilation report Revenue report by town and revenue class b) On a weekly basis the following: Bil images for off-ccle bils on microfiche or other archiving media c) On a monthly basis the following: Aged accunts receivable report Deposit and interest report Meters and customers in service report Revenue reports by town and revenue class List of accunts in arrears in excess of $50000 New account list and labels Meter Reading Statistics Report d) On a yearly basis the following: Aged accunts receivable report by customer e) On an "As neeed, as direced" basis: A billng analysis repor that enables verfication for regulatory purposes of biled revenue for any twelve (12) month period that may be defined, by detailng biDed consumption and bils rendered by rate code, bill frequency and meter size, as appropriate under the appropriate and applicble tariff structre for a respective Client Site f) Meter reading shell schedules for download into devices such as handhelds for meter reading purpses 5 For purpses of this Agreement, VBS shall supply all stationery required for billng purposes including continuous and non continuous forms as well as microfiche If requested by the Client, recycld paper shall be used for the printing of customer billing statements and the mailng and return envelopes at an additional fee to be negotiated and agreed by Client and VBS; provided however, that the amount charged for the stationery provided for the customer billng statement (excluding the return or mailng envelopes) shall not excee $ 02 per bill 6 Bils shall be mailed by VBS, along with an OCR Payment Document, other insertions provided by Client and return envelope Appropriate First Class V S Postage shall be applied as more fully addressed in Article 3 of the Agreement, and bills shall be mailed directly to customers "Diversion Bills" as specified by the Client shall not be mailed by VBS 7 System Response Time Requirements Revised Exhibit A page 2 of 4 The WINS system shan exhibit an average "screen pop. and system response time of three (3) seconds when measured at the Client location The time measurement is defined as the length of time betwee transmission initiation and transmision response to and frm any Client location and UBS UBS and Client wil identify a mechanism to measure response timeindependent from Client's internal network 8. System Functionality a) WINS will have system functonalit that will allow the uplad and download of CMR Max and HOMER meter reading files for all accounts (i e, monthly, quarterl, etc.) and all major meter reading files b) WINS will have the functionalit that wil allow it to bil separate receivables fo water and seer whic may be biled together on one (1) bil or which may be biled serately on tw (2) bils. c) WINS wil have functonality that wil allow Client to bil for late payment penalties in conformance wih all relevant regulatory requirements d) All customer telephone filds, including MIU numbers, will be a minimum of ten (10) digit in length e) The WINS system will contain a remote 10 number field f) UBS shall ensure that the WINS system retains all functnality required by theClient at the time of execution of this Amendment 3, and that all system interfces are operatial and maintained for the duration of the Term of the Agreement. 9 Modifcations and/or Enhancements a) Softare enhancements that imprve the base package, will be made at UBS's sole cost and expense; softre enhancements or other modiftions that are specc to Clients requirements wil be made by UBS at Clienfs sole cot and expense. b) UBS wil provide Client with all-inclusive cost of any enhancement or modifiction that is specific to Client's requirements and made at Client's request UBS will not make th enhancement or modifcation witout Client's wren approval c) UBS wil conduc relevant and approprate tests, accptable to Client, to insure that the new OCR payment docment is aceptable to and readable by the var financial instiutions utilized by Client to colle customer payments Client will be given the oppounity to participate in and witess said tests 10 Bil Printing and Mailing a) Client wil be permitted to change the bil printformat on an as need bais or in accord with any relevant laws, rules, regulatins or orders of any governmental bo having jurisdicion over Client wil provide UBS with reasonable lead time to effec any said changes. Client wil be bille for those changes at UBS' then prevailing programming rate b) Per customer bil, Client wil be permitted to have one billng statement; one return envelope and five (5) additional insert included with their mailngs on a regular basis. Selective insert functionalit will be available, Client shall be responsible for payment of additional postage associated with any additional weight of customer bils c) Bil and notice forms and format currently utilzed by Client under WINS wil continue to be used Any changes to these forms must be approved by Client 11 Miscellaneous Items Revised Exhibit A page 3 of 4 a) In the event of a disaster, as defined in Artle 6 of the Agreement, UBS wil have WINS or another approprite or comparable substitute system up and running wiin twnty- four (24) hours of any disaster at all Client Sites that utilze the WINS softare application b) Omited See revised Article 1, Section c), c) Daily delivenes of documents will be made to Client at United Water Manager of Customer Service Operations 190 Mooe Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 d) Client wil have accss to all archived data UBS win, as part of the servic set fort herein, develop an arciving plan, which plan must be reviewed and accepted by Cient within ninety (90) days after execution of the Agreement e) UBS wil make all reasonably requested change, enhancements or modifcations to WINS within seven (7) business days of Clients request thereof. With limitng the foregoing, UBS will have new rate versions fully teted and ready for user accptance testing witin fie (5) business days of reiving notic from Client of such new rate versions. New rate strctres will be trated as any other program modification, with UBS and Client jointly defning the scpe of such modifications and agreeing upon a schedule and cost to perfrm suc modiftins f) UBS and Client wil jointl develop a telecmmunicios sttegy that wil ensure connecivity beeen UBS and Client, and to inCOorte any necessry redundancy in telecommunications connecions g) UBS and Client wil jointl develop perfrmance indicaor report and mechanisms to monitor Service performance h) UBS and Client wil jointly develop parameters for an online "Model Office" ortest environment for use in testing, demonstrations, user trining, rate projections and pro forma modeling Revise Exhibit A page 4 of 4 REVISED EXHIBIT B (Efftie January 1, 2007) FEES 1 Omitted 2 Omitted 3 For all customer bils calculated correcly and provided by UBS for Client organizations, the fees per bil to be paid by Client wil be a flat rate of $ 93 per bill from January 1.2007 through Dember 31, 2011. For all Arrears notis sent by file transfer to those business units presently mailing their own arrears notices. namely, Idaho Operations. Idaho. Arkansas. Connecticut, and Pennsylvania (shut off notice only)" the current unit rate of $ 60 per arrears notice wil be paid by Client to UBS from January 1, 2007 through December 31. 2011 4 The above "per bil" price does not include postage, which wil be passed through directly to Client and shall be paid by Client to UBS 5 Client shall pay UBS directly for courier and overnight deliver servics at the then prevailing rate, or Client may elect at its sole cost and expense to contract for these services 6. Notwithstanding the price list set forth In paragraph 3 above, the minimum monthly charge payable by Client to UBS shall be 50% of the previous yeats average monthly volume times the prevailng rae This volume wil be calculated at the beginning of each year of the Agrement 7. Conversion of Client accounts for Client organizations not associated with Client at the time ofthe execution of this Agreement shall be paid by Client at the rate of $350 per account for conversions of 10,000 accounts or greater, and at the rate of $4,00 per account for conversions offewerthan 10,000 accounts 8 The conversion costs in both paragraphs 2 and 7 above are exclusive of out-of- town reasonable trvel expenses incurred by UBS persnnel to support the conversions, informatin gathering, business process analysis, trining. etc These expenses will be passed through direcly to Client and shall be paid by Client to UBS 9. Any cos for data transmission through wide area netwrking to Client locations or anycosts associated with maintaining Client-owned equipment will either be incurred by Client directly or incurred by UBS and passed through to Client via monthly invoice, at the Clientschoi. 10 UBS wil provide Client up to 240 programming hours per calendar year; provided however, Client wil be capped to using no more than 20 hours of this allowance per month The UBS rate for programming charges in excess of this programming allowance will be $120 00 perhour from January 1, 2007 Client shall be informed by UBS of any change in the per hour programming charge at least three (3) months in advance The programming charge wil not Increase on more than three occions over the term of the agreement, with no more than one increase per year No annual increase shall exceed three (3%) percent 11. If work performed by UBS results in loss of functonalit in another aspect of the Services, UBS shall restore functonalit in such area at its own cost and expense 12. For any Client programming support request to UBS, that UBS estimates the Jabor for performing such task does not exceed one hour per request, including Client request for investigative information analysis, ad hoc data requests and running of pre-existing report, Revised Exhibit B - page 1 of 2 requested by a limited number of Client representaties, UBS wil not charge Client nor take any deduction from Client's monthly allowance of programming hours. Any Client programming support requests that fall outside the parameters mentioned in the preceding sentence must be described by the parties in writing (including UBS estimates of the programming support hours required to complete the same) and executed by an authorized representatie of each of UBS and Client before any such programming support services may be initiated It is the intent of UBS and the Client that the levels of services provided by UBS in eff prior to the execution of this Amendment 3 remain in effct for the remainder of the Term. Revised Exhibit B - page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT' C PROCEDURES REQUIRED FOR DAILY AND MONTH-END PROCESSING 1 UBS wil assume the responsibilit for entering Meter Read, Prime Bil and Arrears Scheules The Client has the capabilit to perform this function and may choose to do so at its sole discretion, 2 At the initiation of on.line acss each day. UBS will provide on-line bil discrepancy report indicating any errors from a billng process 3 Client wil initiate online procedures for downloading meter reads for processing by meter readers and online procedures for uploading meter reads ready for biling 4 Client wil correc billng discrepancies so that acounts can be billed corry. 5 Client wil inform UBS of its accounting month-end closing schedule. 6. UBS wil recive and process files for transfer of daily payments frm all forms of payment files. e g., lockbox. creit card, ACH, payment centers such as APS, etc Revise Exhibit C - page 1 of 1 EXHIBITE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Client wil recive the web-enabled verion of Win~ CIS, to be use by Clients own persnnel as an alternate display optin, when it is available for general release The will be no additional charge for this option 2 Client shall pay to UBS, at UBS' then prevailng proramming rate, all fees and expense for the development of end-ctomer access to Clienfs customer information through the Inteet 3. UBS and Client wil co-develop and co-release a sttement to the industr press announcing this Agreement No such statement, or press release of any nature, shall be issued withou th wrttn approval of both UBS and Client 4. UBS and Client shall jointly develop a Quality Handbok, Such handbook shll be completed witin six (6) months of the signing of this Agrement and shall then become part of this Agrement as an addendum. This Qualit Handbok will list agreed upon service levels, measuring guidlines for those service levels, reponsibilities of both parties, and remedies available to eac part. 5. When convertng a Client organizatin to Wins4 CiS, UBS agre to perfrm the following tasks: analyze incoming Client data; map incoming data to appropriate Wins4 CiS equivalent wrte all data migraion prorams; perfrm busines pross analysis; conduct test data loads and make loaded data available to Client; identif additional functionality due to regulatory requirements or business nees and prouce such additional funcionality; add and test any rate calculations; interf wit necsary meter reing environments; determine reporting requirements and add any report not yet available in the syste; proide user documentation; assist Client in training; assist Client in establishing telemmunications environment; assist Client in execution of testing; assist cUet in the development of a project plan and timelne 6 Notwithstnding report made available in EXHIBIT A to the Agreement UBS wil me Clients reporting nees as follows As part of the business analysis assiated with the conversion of ea Client organization, report and online functions available witin Wins Ql CiS wil be examined to detrmine if Client's needs are met If additional report are required, UBS will crate thos repo as part of the conversion procss for that Client organization 7. Client shall provide UBS with speciftions for data to be extracted from the Wins4 CiS system on a medium and in a format determined by Client will provide the speciftions to UBS wihin ninety (90) calendar days following the execution of this Agreement UBS and Client wil jointly develop the scope and specifications associated with meeting this requirement and Client wil pay UBS fo proramming neeed to meet this requirement at UBS' then prevailing prramming rate UBS wil then provide this extct at a frequency determined by Client 8 Client shall provide UBS with a written description of the Client customer information to which it desires to have access ("Client Requested Informatin-) Based on such request, UBS wil develop a data file specifcaion to gather such information and deliver the Client Requested Data to a Client server, to which Client wil have access Within 10 days of its receipt of the description of the Client Requested Informatin, UBS shall provide Client with a description of the projected working hours and schedule for providing Clie access to information, Client and UBS shall execute their agreement to such projected work hours; schedule and description of services and deliverables that wil be provided. Client shall pay UBS's costs and expenséS for the development of the data file specificatins and related work for providing Client access to the Customer Requested Information Such services will be provided at the fees described in Section 10 of Exhibit B of this Agreement Revised Exhibit E - page 1 of 2 Once Clients FTP has been completed, UBS shall update the Client Requested Information on its server weekly (each Saturday) for a charge of $25.00 per file trnsfer, To faciltate integration between Client applications and Wins CiS System, UBS shall provide no more than five Client select Client IT professionals ("Client Representatives., as furter descnbed below) the folloing: (i) No more than 24 hours of training on the data architecture of the Wins CiS System Should there be a need for additional knowledge transfer due to a new project, UBS shall work with Client to develop a Scope of Work at the consulting rate set forth herein to ensure that a comprehensive approach to meet the project objecives is defined (ii) Definitions and locations of key dat elements within the Wins CiS System. ; provided however, that the training of an Client Representative shall be conditioned on such Client Representative, eac on his/her own behalf, and UBS, for itelf, executng a non-disclosure agreme pursuant to which such parties will acknowledge that s/he understands that such information is confidential and the proprietary information of UBS and shall furter agree to keep all suc infonnation confidential Revised Exhibit E - page 2 of 2 Revised Exhibit F (Effective January 1, 2006) Client Organizations/Operations and Client Site Destinations UNITED WATER ARKANSAS ARUNITED WATER BETHEL DEUNITED WATER CONNECTICUT CTUNITED WATER DELAWARE DEUNITED WATER IDAHO IDUNITED WATER IDAHO LEAKGUARD IDUNITED WATER IDAHO OPERATIONS IDUNITED WATER LAMBERlVlLLE NJUNITED WATER NEW ROCHELLE NYUNITED WATER NICHOLS NYUNITED WATER OWEGO NYUNITED WATER PENNSYLVANIA PAUNITED WATER RHODE ISLAND RIUNITED WATER TOMS RIVER NJUNITED WATER MID-ATLANTIC and NJsubsidiaries UNITED WATER RAHWAY NJUNITED WATER JERSEY CITY NJUNITED WATER CONTRACT SERVICES NJ(ORANGE OPERATIONS) UNITED WATER NEW JERSEY NJUNITED WATER NEW JERSEY NJLEAKGUARD UNITED WATER NEW YORK NYUNITED WATER HOBOKEN NJUNITED WATER OPERATIONS NJ(KEARNY OPERATIONS) UNITED WATER CAMDEN NJUNITED WATER SOUTH COUNTY NYWATER UNITED WATER SOUTH COUNTY NYSEWER i, Revised Exhibit F Page 1 of 1 - 9- UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07-04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO.7: Please describe the services to be provided by the four (4) additional customer service representatives identified in the Company's Application that would be required if monthly billing were implemented. RESPONSE: Services to be provided in the billng related functions of customer service include: . Meter reading verification, editing and bil discrepancy reports . Meter reader service requests . Corrected billng . Billng adjustments . Completing field service orders . New service creates . All bad debt functions In the call center area of customer service responsibilities include: . Answering all incoming calls . Processing 24-hour notification tags for mailing each day . Handling outbound calls on all accounts prior to termination for non- payment . Processing all accounts to be terminated for non-payment . Reconciling all accounts that were terminated the previous day . Processing all returned items . Dispatch to field service . Greeting all customers and visitors . Managing the visitor log and badges . Sorting and distributing mail . Opening, balancing, and entering all payments . Accepting and processing customer walk-in payments ~ . Balancing cash drawers . Preparing daily deposit . Preparing daily cash reports . Checking daily non-pay list . Responding to customer e-mail requests . Preparing and mailing welcome packets . Stuffing reminder notices for mailing . Filng service orders We anticipate using the four additional customer service representatives in all of these areas. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder/Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO.8: How many customer service representatives does the Company currently employ? RESPONSE: United Water Idaho currently has twelve (12) office customer service representative positions. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder/Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 14: Please identify any amounts paid to United Water Idaho by outside firms, including corporate affiliates, for including materials in bilings sent to United Water Idaho customers, Le. bil stuffers for LeakGuard, etc. RESPONSE: United Water Idaho does not include biling inserts from outside companies in the water bils sent to customers, and thus there are no amounts paid. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder/Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 19: By year, how many new meters were set for newly connected customers in 2005, 2006 and YTD 2007? RESPONSE: Year 2005 2006 2007 (through 11/15) Number of Meter Sets 2,328 2,832 1,381 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Pre parer/Record holder/Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 20: When did the Company start offering electronic bil presentment and electronic payment options to its customers? RESPONSE: United Water Idaho does not yet offer electronic bil presentation. United Water Idaho first introduced an automatic payment option (ACH) in February 1996. With ACH payments, the customer continues to receive a paper bil every two months for review and then on the due date, the amount due is deducted from either their checking account or savings account. The ACH payment option is free to the customer. The company established a check-by-phone and credit card payment option in June of 2005. This service is provided by a third party who charges the customer a $3.00 fee for those payments. In April of 2007, United Water began using Western Union as our third party payment option vendor. Our customers can now make payments over the phone with a customer service representative, on the phone using an 800 number, and on-line payments through the United Water website. These are convenience payment options and the customer pays a $3.00 fee to Western Union at the time the payment is collected. Western Union also provides eight payment station locations in town where customers can pay their bils in person. There is a $1.00 fee for those payments. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder/Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 21: How many customers currently receive their bils electronically? RESPONSE: United Water Idaho does not yet offer electronic bil presentation. None of our customers currently receive their bils electronically. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 22: How many customers currently pay their bils electronically? How many customers pay under a debit payment arrangement? RESPONSE: Through October 2007, United Water Idaho received 12,390 payments via credit card, check-by-phone, and Western Union payment stations. We have received an additional 25,521 payments through our automatic (debit) payment option. There are approximately 5,367 customers currently enrolled in the automatic (debit) payment option. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 23: For each of the past three (3) years (2005, 2006 and YTD 2007), how many complaints has the Company received about the following subjects: (1) bi- monthly billng; (2) high bils; (3) service line leaks; and (4) problems associated with dual irrigation systems? RESPONSE: United Water Idaho does not differentiate high bil calls by service line leaks, dual irrigation, bi-monthly billng, etc. When a customer calls regarding a high bil, the call is logged as a high bil investigation. The investigation results may indicate the customer has an internal leak, an external leak, a problem with dual irrigation, or overuse. The high bil call numbers are listed below: Year 2005 2006 2007 through 11/16 Number of Calls 1,258 1,053 1,758 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07-04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 24: For each of the past three (3) years (2005, 2006 and YTD 2007), how many requests has the Company received for implementation of monthly biling? RESPONSE: United Water Idaho has not tracked the number of requests received for implementation of monthly biling. The bi-monthly billng period is often a subject of discussion in conversations regarding conservation, high summer bils, budgeting, and payment arrangements. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 25: For each of the past three (3) years (2005, 2006 and YTD 2007), what is the total dollar amount associated with leak adjustments given to customers by the Company? RESPONSE: Leak adjustment dollar amounts are listed below: 2005 $30,376.382006 $43,243.73 2007 through 11/9 $39,638.35 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Pre parer/Record holder/Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 26: Please provide the current bill cycle schedule. RESPONSE: United Water Idaho has 478 meter books that are divided into two roughly equal accounting cycles (bi-monthly biling). The accounting cycles run from approximately the 20th of the month to the 20th of the following month. Meter books are established based on geographic areas. Once an account is established in a meter book it typically remains there. We read water meters and process bils every workday. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07-o4 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder/Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 27: What is the normal time interval between meter reading and customer billng? RESPONSE: United Water Idaho reads meters on business day one, edits and checks reads on business day two, and bils the customer on business day three. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Recordholder: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 31: Please provide the number of incoming calls handled by the customer service call center by month for each of the past three (3) years (2005, 2006 and YTD 2007). RESPONSE: Please see attached schedule. .; (j N io.~I'I'ii ('q-('(J (j0(j (j I'~ ..0 ..CD 0 N.0 I'qEr-CO CD CJ CDC ==..io (jCD('...2.0 ..(j ~E a:r- CD ii::'u0;¡z 1:""CO io ns..(j I'COCD~('N e.0 cñ cñ ns0(j-IICJ.c0-i:0..I'('N ECDI'CO to.0 C"LC N CDE(j to a:IICD0-.cQ.-CD ..en ,gCOI'I'II-(j 0 ('..II ..io ""CD::cñ (j cñ .0C)E::ci ::i: IIN0io::..I'CO .c::I'""-""-- "3 r-to to I~.. :a ""I'0 ~ CO 0 ""ns CD q ""to CJ i:I'a:r-gi::..1: g..0 N CD..I'0 CO ns::I'C"~- ns (J to I'ns :E 't CDi:0N""CO 'ã0..0q(j ..'t.¡: CO (J r-CDQ.-ci ~r--..'t C"io ('0 ns('..0 .cci.c ""I'C\.cZ~r-r-I'~-ns nsII:E ..:ECD0::0 i:-f-C"('CD ~""N .. ~~~0 0 N ns (j 0_I'i:iô iô ns::I'::'t0....:¡.0 .0 CDCJCDCD ..::u.u.'t-r-'t i:i:2 (j 0 I'.-ns~io to (j E ~0 D.co N qns(J r-~.c :=::tonsnsi:::::.!-ns ~..en .0..ii ..CDS.s CD u.0 i: ~CD It CD 0 i:C)II 0 0 ...c.5 0 0 0i:('('0 Q.~'t E 0 (' ~~Q.ns0IIC'ti:CJ ~t i:..;:i:".. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 32: Please provide the service level for the customer service call center by month for each of the past three (3) years (2005, 2006 and YTD 2007). "Service level" is the percentage of calls answered within a certain number of seconds, e.g. 80% of calls answered within 20 seconds. RESPONSE: Please see attached schedule. United Water Idaho's call center "service level" goal is to achieve an average speed of answer of 30 seconds or less. .. Un i t e d W a t e r I d a h o In c o m i n g C a l l s Re s p o n s e t o S t a f f P r o d u c t i o n R e q u e s t N o . 3 2 Ja n u a r y Fe b r u a r y Ma r c h Ap r i l Ma y Ju n e Ju l y Au g u s t Se p t e m b e r Oc t o b e r No v e m b e r De c e m b e r To t a l sp e e d o f Nu m b e r o f C a l l s 2 0 0 5 6, 6 5 9 5, 9 0 4 7, 4 3 5 6, 9 0 2 6, 7 7 1 7, 9 6 4 7, 7 1 2 9, 1 9 6 9, 3 7 7 9, 4 9 4 8, 1 3 5 7, 7 0 0 93 , 2 4 9 Av e r a g e S p e e d o f a n s w e r i n se c o n d s 24 19 18 21 21 28 27 36 43 43 35 32 29 Nu m b e r o f C a l l s 2 0 0 6 7, 2 8 0 7, 0 0 2 7, 7 1 3 6, 9 1 4 8, 3 0 0 8, 4 0 7 8, 4 7 0 9, 5 0 7 8, 5 6 3 9, 3 7 6 7, 9 1 9 6, 9 2 1 96 , 3 7 2 Av e r a g e S p e e d o f a n s w e r i n se c o n d s 23 23 26 22 27 25 23 27 35 33 27 24 26 Nu m b e r o f C a l l s Y T D 2 0 0 7 8, 0 9 7 5, 7 2 1 7, 2 0 0 7, 1 0 6 7, 6 6 2 7, 8 4 0 8, 4 6 5 9, 4 3 7 8, 2 8 2 9, 2 6 5 79 , 0 7 5 Av e r a g e S p e e d o f a n s w e r i n se c o n d s 23 22 31 28 38 29 24 26 38 29 * n e w p h o n e s y s t e m i n F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 7 11 d a y s i n F e b r u a r y a n d 1 6 d a y s i n M a r c h h a d l i m i t e d p h o n e d a t a r e p o r t i n g c a p a b i l t y , t h u s n u m b e r s f o r t h o s e m o n t h s a r e a r t i f i c i a l l y l o w UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-07 -04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Record holder/Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone: (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 33: Please provide the Company's performance objectives for handling incoming calls. RESPONSE: United Water Idaho's performance objectives for handling incoming calls are to achieve an average answer speed of 30 seconds or less, and to do so with an abandon call rate of no more than 3% of calls each month.