HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070530Vol II Hearing.pdfORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. TO AMEND AND REVISE CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 ) CASE NO. UWI-W-07- BEFORE COMMISSIONER MARSHA SMITH (Presiding) COMMISSIONER MACK A. REDFORD COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho ~ - DATE:May 24, 2007 VOLUME II - Pages 7 - 13 - - CSB REPORTING Constance S. Bucy, CSR No. 187 17688 Allendale Road * Wilder, Idaho 83676 (208) 890-?198 * (208) 337-4807 Email csb~heritagewifi.com r-...;) ~~~ (~: "P.S;2 N (~ , ./,,' r\i y".. " For the Staff:Scott Woodbury, Esq. Deputy Attorney General 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 For United Water Idaho:McDEVITT & MILLER by Dean J. Miller , Esq. 420 West Bannock StreetBoise, Idaho 83702 For the City of Eagle:MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE by Bruce M. Smith , Esq. and Susan E. Buxton , Esq. 950 West Bannock , Suite 250Boise, Idaho 83702 For Capital Development, Inc. : MOFFATT THOMAS BARRET ROCK & FIELDS by Robert B .Burns , Esq. 101 South Capitol Blvd. 10th FloorBoise, Idaho 83702 CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho APPEARANCES 83676 BOISE , IDAHO , THURSDAY, MAY 24,2007,9:30 A. M. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.This is the time and place set for a hearing in the matter of the application of United Water Idaho Inc. to amend and revise certificate of convenience and necessity No. 143, further identified as Case No. UWI-W-07-02.My name is Marsha Smith.m one of the three Commissioners and I I 11 be chairing today I s hearing. On my left is Commissioner Paul Kjellander who is President of the Commission and on my right is Commissioner Mack Redford.The three of us are the Public Utilities Commission and we will be hearing the proceeding and making a decision on the application. ll begin today with the appearances of the parties and we 'll start with the applicant. MR. MILLER:Thank you, Madam Chairman. Dean J. Miller with the firm McDevitt & Miller on behalf of the applicant United Water Idaho.Wi th me today are the Company witnesses Mr. Wyatt and Mr. Rhead. prepared for hearing, although we understand there have been some discussions between the city and Capital Development that those parties would like to advise the Commission of which I assume we 'll get to after the CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 appearances. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you, Mr. Miller, indeed we will.Mr. Woodbury. MR. WOODBURY:Scot t Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General , for Commission Staff. COMMISSIONER SMITH:And we also have the City of Eagle as a party. MS. BUXTON:Yes, ma ' am, Susan Buxton and Bruce Smith. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you,and for Capital Development. MR.BURNS:Yes,Robert Burns COMMISSIONER SMITH:Oh, Mr. Burns, in our Hearing Room you need to punch the touch button and get a red light so the court reporter can hear you. MR. BURNS:Thank you.m Robert Burns with the law firm of Moffatt Thomas Barrett Rock & Fields representing Capital Development, Inc.Wi th me today s the president of CapitalRamon Yorgason. Development. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Than k you.Are there any preliminary matters that need to be taken up before we commence the hearing?Ms. Buxton. MS. BUXTON:Madam Chairman , Members of the Commission, Susan Buxton.m the city attorney for CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 the City of Eagle and we have had negotiations with Capi tal Development which we worked out an issue with them and we are hoping to vacate this hearing and ask that the Commission stay this matter and notice it for a hearing after your first available date occurring after August 24th , 2007. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Mr. Burns, do you have anything to add? MR. BURNS:I would simply confirm that an agreement has been reached between Capital Development, Inc. and the City of Eagle that will allow the City of Eagle 90 days in which to try to obtain in fact those water rights necessary to provide timely water service the proj ect of Capital Development, Inc. and so in accordance with Ms. Buxton s request, we would ask that this matter be continued over to the first available date occurring after August 24th of this year. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Anyone else want to weigh in on this?Mr. Miller or Mr. Woodbury? MR. MILLER:Thank you, Madam Chairman. Uni ted Water, of course, is something of an innocent bystander at this point. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Well, maybe a bystander. MR. MILLER:Semi-innocent bystander. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 I indicated, we re prepared for the hearing.I might just also say that United Water undertook to provide service at the request of the developer, not the other Uni ted Water didn t set out to pick a fightway around. with the City of Eagle, but when there was an intervention, we felt we were obligated to defend our application to the best of our ability.That said, we have no ability as we see it to force upon the developer or upon Eagle a requirement that we proceed with the hearing, so we would reluctantly acquiesce, in effect, the motion that's been filed by the other two parties. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Well Madam Chairman , excuse myMS. BUXTON: interruption. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Ms. Buxton. Based on what Mr. Burns said,MS. BUXTON: the goal here is to keep all the parties in the same Certainly everybody isposition that they have. All the testimony and witnesses are ready withprepared. regard to a hearing and a decision by this body, but re asking for this stay to go forward for approximately 90 days to see if we can work out those differences in the 90-day period, so certainly all the issues that the city has raised, as well as that United Water has raised and the Staff and Capital Development CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 have raised will continue to a hearing if these things aren t worked out between now and the hearing after August 24th. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Okay, thank you. ll be at ease for a few minutes and the Commission will consider this request. (Pause in proceedings. COMMISSIONER SMITH:ll be back on the record.The Commission has considered the request for a stay and we will grant the stay.Our goal , of course, lS to see that the ci ti zens of the State of Idaho have the utility services they need in a timely manner and if days from now is timely enough for the people who are seeking the service , then certainly we can accommodate I guess I would ask if the parties could give thethat. Commission an update before the 24th of August so we will know whether it's likely that the matter will be settled or whether it's likely we ll need to go to hearing.That will give us some opportunity to plan for our calendars, so if Ms. Buxton or Mr. Burns could give me some idea when -- would there be a time early in August you might know whether you re going to make this or not? Yes, ma ' am.We believe weMS. BUXTON: be able to give some sort of report like that to the Commission by August 1st. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 COMMISS IONER SMITH:Okay, that would be very good to us and we would appreciate it, so if there nothing else to come before the Commission , we will adj ourn today ' s hearing and stay this pending the update from the City of Eagle and a potential hearing after the 24th of August, if needed.Wi th that, we re adj ourned. Thank you. (The Hearing adjourned at 9:45 CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 This is to certify that the foregoing proceedings held in the matter of the application of Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. to amend and revise certificate of convenience and necessity No. 143, commencing at 9:30 a.m., on May 24, 2007 at the Commission Hearing Room, 472 West Washington , Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. CONSTANCE S. BUCY Certified Shorthand CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 \\,\\\lI~",,11 ,\ e ..:...:. "",-C"- . 8:1. ..:. 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