HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070420City of Eagle to UWI 8-10.pdfMOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATIORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520; BOISE, IV 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 www.msbtlaw.com STEPHANIEJ. BONNEY SUSAN E. BUXTON. P AULJ. FITZER MICHAEL C. MOORE* BRUCEM SMITH PAULA. TURCKE' CARLJ. WITHROB, TAMMY A. ZOKAN JOHN J. McFADDEN.tof Counsel ~ Also admitted in California + Also admitted in New Mexico . Also admitted in Oregon 'Also admitted in South Dakota tAlso admitted in Washington April 20, 2007 c.' ---' Dean J. Miller, Esq. McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street Boise, ID 83702 :;:::; --1~' n-,;;:' (fj :i:; n~~C ., roo :;t?Mr. Scott Woodbury Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ill 83720 :"'"-;:; ~::rJ 1'11 ;p-. :~1:: .!:"" RE: IPUC Case Nos. UWI-06-04 (Kastera) and UWI-07-02 (Lanewood) Dear Scott & Joe: Enclosed please find the City of Eagle s Responses to Discovery Requests related to the above referenced matters. You are being provided with one copy of the CD containing the Amended Water Master Plan for use in both the Kastera and Lanewood cases. Thank you. Sincerely yours MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHTD. "'-/"V Bruce M. Smith BMS/dis Enclosures Bruce M. Smith, ISB # 3425 Susan E. Buxton, ISB # 4041 MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED Attorneys at Law 950 West Bannock Street, Suite 520 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 331-1800 Facsimile: (208) 331-1202 bms~msbt1aw.com Attorney for City of Eagle, Idaho , ' 20G7 fY0: : J I : ~ , C ,,', "' "! , 1 : ' .' ;)' " . 0 - ;,;; ;~:;i: BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. TO AMEND AND REVISE CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 , ) CASE NO. UWI-06- CITY OF EAGLE' RESPONSES TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC's TO THE CITY OF EAGLE IDAHO FILED 4/6/07 COMES NOW the City of Eagle, Idaho, by and through its attorney of record, Bruce M. Smith, and submits its Response to Second Production Request of United Water Idaho Inc. to the City of Eagle, Idaho. Pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure, the documents were prepared by Counsel, City Engineer, and City Staff. The record holder is Sharon Bergmann, City Clerk O. Box 1520, Eagle, ID 83616 (208) 939-6813. As a general response, the City objects to any request which seeks information protected by the attorney work product doctrine, attorney/client privilege, including information produced or generated pursuant to any Executive Session meeting by the City. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSES TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. TO THE CITY OF EAGLE - 1 REQUEST NO.8: Please supplement your Response to United Water Idaho Inc.'s First Production Requests Nos. 1-7 dated July 14, 2006, to include any and all new facts or information so that your answers to Requests Nos. 1-7 are accurate as of April 2007. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.8: Please see below. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.1: No supplemental response IS necessary. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.2: No supplemental response IS necessary. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.3: Please see attached. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.4: See attached CD. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.5: No supplemental response IS necessary. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.6: No supplemental response IS necessary. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.7: The City is no longer in active negotiations with the developer and the developer has indicated to the City it is not going to annex into the City. REQUEST NO.9: With respect to your answer to the First Production Requests of the Commission Staff No. 4, provide the source of the "3.25cfs" used in the calculation that answers request No. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.9: The 3.25cfs was determined by the City Engineer based on the Water Right No. 63-12448. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSES TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INc. TO THE CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO -Page 2 of 4 REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide the estimated peak pumping output of the Brookwood well. Provide all supporting documentation. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 10: Estimated peak pumping output of the Brookwood well is 1758 gpm based on pump test. Dated this dof April, 2007. Brucb M. Smith Attorney for City of Eagle CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSES TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INc. TO THE CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO -Page 3 of 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on thi~y of April, 2007 I served a true and correct copy of the foregoing document via the method indicated below to: Dean J. Miller, Esq. McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street PO Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701 ( ) US. Mail, Postage Prepaid ('tHand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile Gregory P. Wyatt United Water Idaho, Inc. PO Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719 ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (-tHand Delivered l+hrulk..~ ~()UA.5;..IL\ ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile Tom C. Morris Kastera LLC 372 S. Eagle Road, Suite 375 Eagle, ID 83616 ( ) US. Mail, Postage Prepaid (t.J-Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail () Facsimile Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 () US. Mail, Postage Prepaid (+Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile Scott Woodbury Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 () US. Mail, Postage Prepaid (a.1-Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ~M. Smith CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSES TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INc. TO THE CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO -Page 4 of 4 rJU" 'j, IUve ""'"J\aSlera IH). 0 't I J r. (Draft #1- Submitted to the City of Eagle on July 13, 2006) Trailhead Planned Community Addition to the City Eagle, Idaho RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLEMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between THE CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO and KASTERA, LLC JUL 1 4 2006 File: Route to: 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish a framework for urban community development planning and timing of development improvements on Kastera s 660 acre Trailhead property and other Kastera properties which are located in the Eagle foothills in close proximity to the City of Eagle, Idaho. It is in each party's interest to coordinate planning and development efforts and to accomplish a more effective integrated community development program. 2. AUTHORITY AND OWNERSHIP OF LAND: Both the City of Eagle and Kastera, LLC has the authority to enter into pre-annexation agreements, development agreements, contracts and MOOs. Kastera, LLC has several affiliated companies , that own and control large land holdings within the area north of Eagle, Idaho. Kastera has the authority to commit these affiliated companies to this MOU. 3. MUTUAL BENEFIT: All parties to this MOU agree that it is to their mutual interest and benefit to work cooperatively as planning and development proceeds on the 660 acre Trailhead property and other Kastera properties. All parties also agree it is to their mutual benefit to work cooperatively to construct municipal water system improvements to serve the 660 acre Trailhead property and other Kastera properties in the Eagle Foothills. 4. FRAMEWORK FOR URBAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BY THE cm EAGLE: City of Eagle Actions A. The City of Eagle desires to annex the 660 acre Trailhead property and other Kastera properties into the City of Eagle in order to facilitate community development and expand water service to properties within the foothills area. Therefore, the City of Eagle will provide an annexation path for immediate annexation of the 660 acre Trailhead property which will lead to further annexation of additjonal Kastera properties. The Oty . LUVO L:j?rIYI l\aSlera IIV. V"t I J I. J of Eagle will annex the 660 acre Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties on or before September 10, 2006 B. Upon annexation, the Oty of Eagle will zone the 660 acre Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties as Mixed Use with a maximum gross density limitation of two residential dwelling units per gross acre. C. The City of Eagle will take necessary actions to permit, approve and authorize construction of the water system improvements to commence on or before July 4,2007 in order to provide municipal water service to the 660 acre Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties. This water service shall be sufficient to allow community development on the 660 acre Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties at a maximum gross density of two residential dwelling units per gross acre plus other related and supportive community development land uses functionally related to the Trailhead Planned Community and additional Kastera properties. D. The City of Eagle will accept and process POD and platting applications from Kastera LLC to commence community development actions on the 660 acre Trailhead property and additi()nalKastera properties allowing construction of community development knprovements to begin no later than July 4,2007. E. The City of Eagle will authorize a late-comers agreement for Kastera, LiC to recover applicable up-front water system improvement costs and related utility improvement costs. The location, sizing and capacity of the utility system improvements shall be mutually agreeable to both parties. F. The City of Eagle will not impose a moratorium on development or take actions to delay community development of the Kastera properties that are annexed into the City of Eagle. G. The City of Eagle will recognize that the municipal ordinances In affect at the time of annexation shall apply to and govern the community development actions on the Kastera properties that have been annexed into the City of Eagle. r" IJ. lVU' l.n""1\ a. ~ L ~ 1 a. 5. FRAMEWORK FOR URBAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BY KASTERAf LLC: Kastera. !J& Actjons A. Kastera( LLC will apply for annexation into the City of Eagle on or before July 31, 2006. B. Kastera, LLC will provide funding to the City of Eagle to pay a fair share of the municipal water system cost to seNe the 660 acre Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties. The fair share contribution will be determined by a subsequent analysis and agreement. Funding will be available to meet the July 4, 2007 construction start date for water mains to serve the Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties. Kastera will provide sufficient up- front funding to allow the City of Eagle to finalize water system expansion plans in order to meet the July 4, 2007 construction start date for water mains to serve the Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties. The location, sizing and capacity of the utility system improvements shall be mutually agreeable to both parties. C. Kastera, LLC will work cooperatively with the City of Eagle to develop master planned communities that will set an example of outstanding foothills development in a public-private partnership. D. Kastera, LLC will limit the overall residential density to two dwelling units per gross acre. E. Kastern, LLC will utilize the Mixed Use zoning to achieve flexible clustered development, open space preservation, provision of regional and community facilities, provision of regional and community services plus community development themes and designs that are acceptable to the City of Eagle and Kasteraf LLC. F. Upon annexation, Kastera, LLC will submit a letter to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) requesting water service from The City of Eagle. Between the time of signing of this MOU and the time annexation, Kastera, LtC will reimburse the Oty of Eagle for applicable legal fees related to the PUC coordination efforts. G. The amount of funding that Kastera allocated to united Water Company for water system improvements shall be reallocated to the City of Eagle for water system improvements. 6. IT IS MlITUALl Y AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD BY ALL PARTIES THAT: This MOU instrument in no way restricts the parties from participating in similar u1.13. ,2006 2:36PM No.6413 P. ~Kastera activities with other public or private agencies, organizations, and Individuals. Modifications of this MOU shall be made by mutual consent of the parties, by the Issuance of a written modification, signed and dated by all parties, prior to any changes being petformecl. 7. TERM OF THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AND TERMINATION: It is the intent of this MOU to be the catalyst that stimulates additional binding agreements such as a pre-annexation agreement or a development agreement. As such, any Party, in writing may terminate their participation in this MOU in whole, or in part, at any time before the date of annexation which shall also be the expiration date of this MOU. 8. BOTH PARTIES UNDERSTAND THAT: Additional documents, contracts, and agreements will have to be negotiated and signed in order to implement this MOU. 9. IN WITNESS TREREOF, The parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date written below: CitY of Eagle. Idaho Honorable Nancy C. Merrill, Mayor Date Sharon K. Bergmann, Eagle City Clerk Date Var Reeve Date Wayne S. Forrey Date EAGLE, IDAHO MEMORANDUM OF DNDERST ANDING Between THE CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO And KASTERA, LLC 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOD) is to establish a framework and process for planning and development of Kastera LLC's (Kastera) Trailhead Property as identified in Exhibit A and, consistent with the terms of this MOD, other Kastera properties which are located in the Eagle Foothills in close proximity to the City of Eagle the City ), Idaho. 2. AUTHORITY AND OWNERSHIP OF LAND: Both the City of Eagle and Kastera have the authOlity to enter into certain pre-annexation agreements, development agreements contracts and MOUs. Kastera has several affiliated companies that own and control land holdings within the area nOlth of Eagle, Idaho as identified in Exhibit B (identify companies and land). Kastera represents that it has the authority to execute and commit to this MOU and other related documents on behalf of itself and these affiliated companies. 3. MUTUAL BENEFIT: Kastera and the City agree that it is to their mutual interest and benefit to work cooperati vely on planning and development of the Trailhead Property and other Kastera propelties identified in Exhibit B. All parties also agree it is to their mutual benefit to work cooperatively to further plan and develop, consistent with Idaho law and City ordinances and policies, the municipal water system to serve the Trailhead Property and other Kastera properties. FRAMEWORK AND PROCESS FOR TRAILHEAD PROPERTY ANNEXA TION AND DEVELOP:MENT PLANNING: A. The City of Eagle and Kastera agree that annexation of Kastera s Trailhead Property into the City of Eagle provides mutual benefits to both parties. The execution of this MOD shall be evidence of the intent of Kastera and the City of Eagle to undertake such action as may be necessary to initiate the process for annexation. B. In order to proceed with annexation planning, Kastera agrees to prepare and submit to the City of Eagle such documents as are appropriate and necessary for the City to begin the annexation process. Kastera agrees to submit such documentation by a date to be agreed upon by Kastera and the City of Eagle. C. Consistent with the execution of this MOD and the submission of documentation for annexation as set forth in paragraph B , the City of Eagle will continue steps to develop and improve its municipal water system, consistent with Idaho law and City ordinances. In order to make such efforts by the City feasible to serve the Trailhead property, MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING- Kastera agrees to provide such information as the City determines is necessary and appropI1ate to plan for design and construction of any needed facilities. D. To facilitate planning and development of the Trailhead Property, Kastera and the City of Eagle each agree to designate a lead representative for each party. The designated representative shall coordinate and communicate such information as is necessary to ensure an efficient and expeditious planning and development process, including steps necessary to allow annexation of the Trailhead Property. Each party agrees to provide information, consistent with Idaho statutes, as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this MOD. E. The City acknowledges that Kastera has or may acquire properties other than the Trailhead Property that could be appropriate for annexation into the City of Eagle. Upon identification of such additional propel1ies by Kastera to the City, the City agrees to consider annexation of these additional properties as requested by Kastera. F. Because it is the intent of the parties and this MOU to identify a process that ensures to the maximum extent practicable an orderly and defined process for planning and developing the Trailhead Propel1y, Kastera and the City agree to amend, as appropriate, this MOU to fUl1her that intent. G. Nothing herein shall be deemed as a commitment by Kastera LLC or its affiliates to take any action that exceeds the authority of either pm1y. IN WITNESS hereby the pm1ies have executed MOD on the date written below. CITY OF EAGLE KASTERA LLC Var Reeve, Manager Date: ATTEST: Sharon . Bergm:rt'! ~ . : "".'0 ..CIty Clerk : U: V!:,...:. U -G. . .... :.. .. c:..v "f::: ~ .~ , 'IVCO9.VO\. -$1 .......~ ~'" $1' A 1'~ "'11""" Wayne S. Foney, Manager Date: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING. 2 . . MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520 BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 STEPHANIE J. BONNEY SUSAN E. BUXTON. MICllAEL C. MOOREI PAULI. FITZER BRUCE M. SMITH PAUlA. TURcKEo TAMMY A. ZOKAN JOHN J. McFADDEN.1 of Counsel . Also admitted in Oregon I ALSO ADMITTED IN WASHINGTON , Also admitted in South Dakota + ALSO ADMITTED IN NEW MEXICO August 25 2006 Thomas Fassino Kastera Homes 372 S. Eagle Road, Suite 375 Eagle, ill 83616 RE: Annexation of Kastera Trailhead Property Dear Thomas: According to information provided by Wayne Forrey, you are the designated representative of Kastera for the purposes of planning for annexation of the Trailhead Property. The City of Eaglewelcomes you to this effort and looks forward to working with you. Based on previous meetings between the City of Eagle and other Kastera representatives, the City has taken steps to identify and secure an annexation pathway for the Kastera Property. As part of the annexation, the Kastera Property will be served by the City water system. Based on the information provided to date, the City has also begun planning for provision of that service as required by City ordinance. Kastera provided a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the framework for planning and development of Trailhead Property to the City for consideration. The City has reviewed that document and found that some provisions in the draft raised significant issues regarding what the parties could legally commit to at this stage in the process of annexation of the Trailhead Property. Some of the problems relate to authority and some to a lack of available information at this time. To help make Kastera s annexation process more efficient and expeditious, the City is providing a revised MOU that is responsive to Kastera s request for annexation and better reflects the planning stage of development that we are currently in for the Trailhead Property. The MOU also accommodates Kastera s intent in identifying other annexation opportunities. August 25, 2006 As you will see, the revised MOD seeks to move forward in a reasonable timeframe, much of which is dependent upon the City s receiving information from Kastera. The City of Eagle has executed the MOU, so all we need to move this forward is to get Exhibits A & B to attach. Exhibit A is the legal description of the Trailhead property. Exhibit B is the list of affiliate companies and other lands that Kastera may want to annex. Once we get the Exhibits, I will forward you the executed copy for signing by Kastera. The City looks forward to working with you to get that information as soon as possible. I would suggest we schedule some meetings to identify this information so the Trailhead annexation moves as quickly and smoothly as possible. Sincerely yours MOORE, SMITH, BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED Bruce M. Smith Attorney for City of Eagle BMS/dls Enclosure . . , ~ EAGLE, IDAHO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between THE CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO And KASTERA, LLC 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish a framework and process for planning and development of Kaster a LLC's (Kastera) Trailhead Property as identified in Exhibit A and, consistent with the terms ofthis MOU, other Kastera properties which are located in the Eagle Foothills in close proximity to the City of Eagle the City ), Idaho. 2. AUTHORITY AND OWNERSHIP OF LAND: Both the City of Eagle and Kastera have the authority to enter into certain pre-annexation agreements, development agreements contracts and MOUs. Kastera has several affiliated companies that own and control land holdings within the area north of Eagle, Idaho as identified in Exhibit B (identify companies and land). Kastera represents that it has the authority to execute and commit to this MOU and other related documents on behalf of itself and these affiliated companies. 3. MUTUAL BENEFIT: Kastera and the City agree that it is to their mutual interest and benefit to work cooperatively on planning and development of the Trailhead Property and other Kastera properties identified in Exhibit B. All parties also agree it is to their mutual benefit to work cooperatively to further plan and develop, consistent with Idaho law and City ordinances and policies, the municipal water system to serve the Trailhead Property and other Kastera properties. FRAMEWORK AND PROCESS FOR TRAILHEAD PROPERTY ANNEXATION AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING: A. The City of Eagle and Kastera agree that annexation of Kastera' s Trailhead Property into the City of Eagle provides mutual benefits to both parties. The execution of this MOU shall be evidence of the intent of Kastera and the City of Eagle to undertake such action as may be necessary to initiate the process for annexation. B. In order to proceed with annexation planning, Kastera agrees to prepare and submit to the City of Eagle such documents as are appropriate and necessary for the City to begin the annexation process. Kastera agrees to submit such documentation by a date to be agreed upon by Kastera and the City of Eagle. C. Consistent with the execution ofthis MOU and the submission of documentation for annexation as set forth in paragraph B, the City of Eagle will continue steps to develop and improve its municipal water system, consistent with Idaho law and City ordinances. In order to make such efforts by the City feasible to serve the Trailhead property, MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING- .. - Kastera agrees to provide such information as the City determines is necessary and appropriate to plan for design and construction of any needed facilities. D. To facilitate planning and development of the Trailhead Property, Kastera and the City of Eagle each agree to designate a lead representative for each party. The designated representative shall coordinate and communicate such information as is necessary to ensure an efficient and expeditious planning and development process, including steps necessary to allow annexation of the Trailhead Property. Each party agrees to provide information consistent with Idaho statutes, as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this MOU E. The City acknowledges that Kastera has or may acquire properties other than the Trailhead Property that could be appropriate for annexation into the City of Eagle. Upon identification of such additional properties by Kastera to the City, the City agrees to consider annexation of these additional properties as requested by Kastera. F. Because it is the intent of the parties and this MOU to identify a process that ensures to the maximum extent practicable an orderly and defined process for planning and developing the Trailhead Property, Kastera and the City agree to amend, as appropriate, this MOU to further that intent. G. Nothing herein shall be deemed as a commitment by Kastera LLC or its affiliates to take any action that exceeds the authority of either party. IN WITNESS hereby the parties have executed MOU on the date written below. CITY OF EAGLE KASTERA LLC Nancy C. Merrill, Mayor Var Reeve, Manager Date:Date: ATTEST: Sharon K. Bergmann City Clerk Wayne S. Forrey, Manager Date: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - 2 APR-19-2007 THU 12:29 PM Holladav Engineering FAX NO, 6422159 p, OJ HOLLADAY ENGINEERING CO. ENGINEER5 . CONSULTANTS 32 N. Main P.O. Box 235 Payette, ID 83661 (208) 6.42~3304 . Fax # (208) 642-2159 March 30 , 2007 Mr. Monty Marchus Department of Environmental Quality Boise Regional Office 1445 N. Orchard , Suite 100 Boise, 10 83706 RE:City of Eagle Well No.3 Well Construction Report HECD Project No. EG 083706' Dear Mr. Marcus: We have completed construction of Eagle Well No.3 and are reporting well construction information as requested in the DEO well construction approval letter dated May 12, 2006. The well was constructed in substantial compliance with the approved plans and specifications. Pump test results show a well production capacity and aquifer supply in excess of the 1 000 gpm well design criteria listed in the plans and specifications. Water quality results Indicate all constituent concentrations arebelow the primary Drinking Water Maximum Concentration Levels (MCL's). The following details the construction and testing of the well. Final As-Built Well Construction Eagle Well No.3 was constructed in substantial compliance with the approved plans and specIfications. Minor changes occurred in the well completion depths , based on subsurface conditions found in the field , as shown on the attached as-built well construction drawing. Construction started with the drilling of a 20-inch diameter boring using a reverse rotary method to 364 feet below ground surface (bgs) for exploration purposes. Detailed lithology sampling and logging was conducted. Exploration results were used to determine final well design depths. The subsurface lithology is shown on the attached as-built well qonstruction drawing. Well construction consisted of reaming the boring to a 24-inch diameter from 0 to 346 feet WATER . WA8TEWATE:F;i . SOL.ID WASTE ,,"USL.IO UTI~ITIEI3 . STRUCTURES . PL.ANNING . STUDIES APR-19-2007 THU 12:30 PM Holladay Engineering FAX NO, 6422159 P. 04 Mr. Marchus Department of Environmental Quality March 30, 2007 Page 2 bgs. Lower boring section was abandoned from 341 to 364 feet bgs with %-inchchip bentonite. The abandonment was in spec ed using incremental volume calculations and a tag-line method. No materi I bridging was observed. A 3/8-inchgravel and sand mix was placed from 341 to 3 1ft. bgs as a well string foundation.The well was installed as a single welded strin assembly to a total depth of 324 feet. 12-inch steel casing was placed from 3 f et above ground surface to a depth of 244 feet. 12-inch pipe diameter Johnson Free Flow 3D-slot stainless steel wellscreen was placed from 244 to 314 feet bgs. 12~inch diameter steel casingsediment trap and equivalent welded bottom plate was placed from 324 to 314 feet bgs. Well centralizers were welded to casing ections on a minimum of 60~footintervals, as shown in the centralizer detail on he as~bullt well construction drawing.An artificial filter pack of #8/12 Colorado Silica and was installed from 205.5 to 331feet bgs. A poured %~jnch chip bentonite well eal was installed from ground surface to 205.5 feet bgs. Filter pack and well eal installation was inspected byHolladay Engineering using a tag line and incr mental volume calculations. Nomaterial bridging was observed during installatien. The well was developed for 24hours by surge block and then pumped clean 011 1/22/06. Pump Test A 72-hourconstant rate pump test was conduc ed on February 23 2007. The testwas configured as a single well constant rate p mp test with water level monitoringon 1~minute intervals during the 72~hour pump! 9 period. Water level recovery was monitored for a 93-hour period following pumpi g.Water levels in the well were monitored with two separate pressure transduc rs and by hand with a water level meter. A submersible turbine pump was install d with an intake depth of 143 feet.The pump was powered by an on~site generator., The well discharge was regulatedwith an 8-inch butterfly valve and measured by e flow and totalizing meters. Groundwater produced during the test was piped and discharged into Dry Creeklocated north of the well site. Static water level at the start of the test was me sured at 29.56 ft below the measuring point and at an elevation of 2567.54 t 8ms!. The well was pumped at a rate of 1 050 gpm for duration of the test with m nor discharge fluctuations occurring during the first 5-minutes. The pump discharge was held constant within 0.2 percentof the flow rate and no valve adjustments were ade. There were no pumpinginterruptions during the test. Total drawdown at the end of the test was 28.0 eet. After 2 500 minutes pumping,the water level stabilized at approximately 52,feet bgs, The drawdown analysisindicates an estimated aquifer transmissivity of 5 300 ft2/d and a specific well capacity of 46.0 gpm/ft. The water level recove ed within 0.5 feet of the static waterleve! measurement at the start of the pump test nd is within the range of staticwater level fluctuations. Water level recovery a pears to have been delayed by well APR-19-2007 THU 12:30 PM Holladay Engineering FAX NO. 6422159 P. 05 Mr. Marchus Department of Environmental Quality March 30 , 2007 Page 3 interference in the lower aquifer zone. Analysis of water level recovery data shows an estimated aquifer transmissivity of 17 100 ft2/d. Attached are water level drawdown and recovery charts from the February 23 2006 pump test. The pump test results show a sustained aquifer capacity in excess of well design of 000 gpm listed in the plans and specifications. The available drawdown water column is estimated at 194 feet with a specific Well capacity 46.0 gpm per foot of drawdown. The well capacity is limited to approximately 1,758 gpm based on the well screen design capacity using the manufacture recommended entrance velocity 1 ft/s. Sand Concentration Tests The sand concentration in water produced from the well was tested on 2/20/07 while checking the pumping test equipment prior to the start of the pump test on 2/23/07. Sand testing was started 15 minutes after pumping at a flow rate of 1,000 gpm. Sand context was measured using a centrifugal Rossum Sand Concentration Tester attached to the sample port on the wellhead discharge pipe. Testing results show a sand concentration ranging from 0.9 ppm to non-detect. A second Rossum sand concentration test was performed during the 72-hour pump test on 2/23/07. Sand testing was performed starting 15 minutes after pumping at a flow rate of 1 050 gpm. Test results show sand concentrations ranging from 0.2 ppm to non-detect. Attached are sand testing measurement and calculation field sheetsshowing results. Drinking Water Quality Final water quality sampling was conducted for the full suite of primary and secondary Drinking Water Quality constituents during the February 23 , 2007.pump test. Groundwater samples were collected from a sample port located on the well discharge line at the wellhead. Groundwater was measured at 13.2 oC with a pH of 7 using an Oakton temperature and pH field instrument. Analysis results indicate all primary Drinking Water constituents are below MCL's. The coliform water sample was not processed by the laboratory within the holding time and no results are available. Re-sampling will be performed following installation of the production pump. Results will be submitted to DEQ for review and approval prior to placing the well into service. Analysis results for secondary Drinking Water constituents show that all concentrations are below maximum contaminate level goals (MCLG's), except for corrosivity reported at -5 (moderately aggressive), which exceeds the MCLG listed as non-corrosive by the EPA. A sand content sample was collected after 17-minutes otwell discharge at 1,050 gpm and was submitted for laboratory analysis. The analysis result shows a sand concentration below 6 mg/I detection A~f\- H!-(:OOr lHU 1(:: 30 PM Ho II aday Eng i neer i ng FAX NO. o4221b~~, 00 Mr. Marchus Department of Environmental Quality March 30, 2007 Page 4 limit and below maximum sand content concentration of 5 ppm (lDAPA 58.01.08). Attached are analysis results from Analytical Laboratory for Eagle Well No. sampled on February 23 2007. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at 642- 3304. Sincerely, HO LLADA Y ENG I G COMP ANY By: Chris H. Duncan, P. cc:Dave Milan, City of Eagle Mike Hormeacha Bruce Smith, MSBT Attachments:A$-Built Well Construction Drawing Water level Chart, Eagle Well No.3 Pump Test Water Level Drawdown Chart, Eagle Well No.3 Pump Test Water Level Recovery Chart, Eagle Well No.3 Pump Test Sand Content Measurements and Calculation Sheets Water Quality Analysis Result, City of Eagle No.