HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060717City of Eagle to UWI 1-7.pdfBruce M. Smith, ISB # 3425 Susan E. Buxton, ISB # 4041 MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED Attorneys at Law 950 West Bannock Street, Suite 520 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 331-1800 Facsimile: (208) 331-1202 Attorney for City of Eagle, Idaho RECEIVED 200& JUL 11 AM 8: 0 I IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., TO AMEND AND REVISE CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO 143 Case No. UWI-06- CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO UNITED WATER IDAHO INc.'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST COMES NOW the City of Eagle, Idaho, by and through its attorney of record, Bruce M. Smith, and submits its Response to First Production Request of United Water Idaho Inc. to the City of Eagle, Idaho. Pursuant to Commission Rule of Procedure, the documents were prepared by Counsel and Vern Brewer and the record holder is Sharon Bergmann, City Clerk, P.O. Box 1520 , Eagle, ID 83616 (208) 939-6813. As a general response, the City objects to any request which seeks information protected by the attorney work product doctrine, attorney/client privilege, including information produced or generated pursuant to the Executive Session meeting by the City. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO UNITED WATER IDAHO, INc.' FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 1 REQUEST NO.: Does the City contend it has legal authority to annex an area outside its approved Area of City Impact and specifically the area of Trailhead Community for which United Water is seeking inclusion in its service territory? If so, explain in detail the basis of the contention, indicating which provisions of Idaho Code 50-222 provide the claimed authority. Explain how such annexation would qualify either as a Category A, Category B or Category C annexation. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.: In response to the first sentence, yes. The City objects to the remainder of Request No.1 in that it improperly seeks information which is protected by attorney work product. REQUEST NO.: Has the City submitted to the Ada County Commission, pursuant to Idaho Code 67 -652( d), a written request to renegotiate its Area of City Impact to include the portions of the Trailhead Community for which United Water is seeking inclusion in its service territory. If so, provide a copy of the written request for negotiation. If a formal request has not been submitted, provide a copy of all correspondence to and from the Ada County Commission evidencing any preliminary discussions to commence the renegotiation process. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.: The City has not submitted a written request to renegotiate its Area of Impact nor is there any correspondence with the Ada County Commissioners regarding preliminary discussions to discuss the renegotiation process. REQUEST NO.: In the City Letter Comments dated and filed herein on May 31 , 2006 reference is made to development of a "Memorandum of Understanding" between the City and the developer. Please provide copies of all drafts of said Memorandum and the executed version CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO UNITED WATER IDAHO, INc.' FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 2 if one exists. If there are neither drafts nor final versions of said Memorandum, please provide all correspondence to and from the developer regarding preparation of such memorandum. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.: The City does not have a draft or final copy ofthe Memorandum of Understanding. According to the developer at a meeting on July 7, 2006, they are still drafting the MOU but have not delivered it to the City. REQUEST NO.Please provide any and all information from the City of Eagle Municipally Owned Water System Amended Master Plan, Revised November 2005, or from any other City of Eagle water system planning documents, that indicate the City of Eagle s plans to provide water service to any areas north of Homer Road and/or to any areas currently proposed for water service in United Water Idaho s current application (Case No. UWI-06-04) to amend and revise its certificate of convenience and necessity No. 143. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.: The City will make available to UWI an opportunity to review a copy of the Master Plan. UWI counsel may contact City counsel to arrange a date, time and location. As to "other water system planning documents , because the request is so vague, the City is not sure what documents UWI is seeking. However, the City does not believe other such documents exist. REQUEST NO.: Please provide copies of all municipal ordinances adopted by the City relating to the operation and expansion of the City municipal water system. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.: Please see attached. REQUEST NO.: Please describe how the City intends to finance the expansion of its municipal water system generally. If the issuance of bonds under the Municipal Bond Law is contemplated, describe the status of such issuance. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO UNITED WATER IDAHO, INc.' FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 3 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.Objection. This request is so broad, vague ambiguous and generalized that it cannot be answered. Notwithstanding the City's objection, the City would customarily use all authorities available to it to finance any expansion. Depending upon the specific work involved, the City would use one or more appropriate financing opportunities.Such opportunities could include issuance of bonds, funding out of general revenue, development agreements, and other sources of funding. REQUEST NO.: If different from you answer to Request No.6 please describe how the City would intend to finance the construction of facilities to serve the Trailhead Planned Community. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.The City is currently in negotiations and discussions with the developer to identify developer and City needs and timelines. No decision has yet been made on the specifics of this project because the developer has not yet identified its needs and timelines. In its discussions with the City, the developer has represented that it has not yet identified its water needs, the size of line that might be necessary to serve, its desired location for service, its development schedule, or its plans for the development except in very general concepts. The developer has indicated it has no entitlements such as zoning approvals or other necessary permits or approvals that would allow a determination as to as to the specifics of its water needs or its development. The developer has indicated and reaffirmed its desire to be annexed into the City which requires that water service be provided through the City system. Financing needs and options will depend upon resolution of some of these issues and the developer s planning process. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this Lt day of July, 2006. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO UNITED WATER IDAHO, INc.' FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 4 MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TERED CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO UNITED WATER IDAHO, INc.' FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS rk\.DAY OF illLY, 2006 SERVED THE FOREGOING RESPONSE TO THE CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC.S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST IN CASE NO. UWI-06- BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ~) u.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ) U.S. Mlril, Postage Preplrid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile Dean J. Miller, Esq. McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street PO Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701 Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Scott Woodbury Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 6 23: DONATION OF WATER SYSTEMS TO THE CITY:Page 1 of2 23: DONATION OF WATER SYSTEMS TO THE CITY: Design Standards: All newly constructed water systems shall be designed according to the city construction and design standards as it pertains to water systems. Water Systems Shall Be Dedicated To The City: All newly constructed domestic drinking water systems, constructed after the enactment of this chapter within the water service area, must be dedicated to the city, at the city s option , after the city inspects such system for compliance with the construction and design standards. Included in the public dedication of the water system, the water system owner must also provide a reasonable right of way and easement to allow for maintenance and service of the water system. (Ord. 202 , 5-26-1992) Conditions Of Annexation And/Or Approval Of New Development: As a condition of annexation into the city and/or as a condition of approval of new development within the city, the landowner and/or developer shall: 1. Secure suitable surface water rights adequate to satisfy all irrigation , aesthetic, amenity, or recreation needs of the proposed development and/or property proposed to be annexed. Said water rights must be valid , existing water rights recognized by the Idaho department of water resources (the "department"). If any transfer, amendment or other proceedings are required under Idaho Code or department rule or regulation for the city s use of such water the owner and/or developer shall be solely responsible for the city s costs of completing the same and the city s costs of obtaining all necessary approvals from the department as a condition of annexation and/or development, including costs associated with mitigation; 2. Secure suitable ground water rights adequate to satisfy all ground water needs of the proposed development and/or property proposed to be annexed and transfer or assign said water rights to the city for inclusion into the city s municipal water supply system. Said water rights must be valid , existing water rights permitted or licensed by the department. If any transfer, amendment or other proceedings are required under Idaho Code or department rule or regulation for the city s use of such water, the owner and/or developer shall be solely responsible for the city s costs of completing the same and the city s costs of obtaining all necessary permits and approvals from the department as a condition of annexation and/or development , including costs of mitigation; 3. Pay for the city s costs of construction of municipal supply well(s) necessary to meet the demands of the proposed annexed property and/or new development. The city engineer shall determine the necessary location , number, and capacity of well(s) based upon the proposed development or other improvements. Said wells shall be constructed to city standards. The owner and/or developer shall be solely responsible for the city s costs of obtaining all necessary permits and approvals for such wells as a condition of annexation and/or development, including the costs of any required mitigation. The design and construction of municipal supply wells shall be reviewed and inspected by the city engineer; a. At the option of the city, demands arising from more than one development may be served by a single well or centralized well with the costs thereof apportioned to the participating developments in proportion to their water demands. 4. Any well construction or development of ground water resources shall be prohibited 7/13/2006 23: DONATION OF WATER SYSTEMS TO THE CITY:Page 2 of 2 within the city s municipal water service area except as may be set forth in a development agreement or by a special purpose permit issued by the building official and approved by the city council. 5. The requirements for obtaining surface water rights for irrigation, aesthetic, amenity, or recreation needs may be waived if the city determines that the landowner and/or developer is entitled to a waiver under subsection9=4:1:9~Z_of this code and that the landowner and/or developer cannot secure surface water rights by appropriation or transfer to the proposed development and/or property proposed to be annexed. 6. Nothing in this subsection shall require the transfer or assignment of a water right represented by shares of stock in a canal company. (Ord. 530, 10-18-2005) 7/13/2006 MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATIORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520 BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 STEPHANIEJ. BONNEY SUSAN E. BUXTON" MICHAEL C. MOORE:! PAULJ. FITZER BRUCE M. SMITH PAULA. TURCKE' TAMMY A. ZOKAN JOHN J. McFADDEN'1 Of Counsel " Also admitted in Oregon f Also admitted in Wasbington 'Also admitted in South Dakota + Also admitted in New Mexico July 14, 2006 Ben Forrey Kastera Homes 372 S. Eagle Road , Suite 375 Eagle , ID 83616 Re:Annexation and Development of Trailhead Community Dear Ben: This is a follow up to the meeting between Kastera Homes and the City of Eagle on July 7 , 2006. The City representatives thought it was a very productive meeting and we look forward to receiving infonnation about the Trailhead development from you. The meeting was also helpful in clarifying the miscommunication from the previous meeting and the City' providing water service to the development. My notes reflect that you indicated the Trailhead Community development is still in the conceptual stage and that Kastera (or the actual development company) is still examining how development will proceed but no applications have been filed with either the County or the City at this time. You indicated your preference is that the development proceed in the City. As soon as an application is ready to be filed, it would be helpful for you and the City Staff to meet again. As the City confirmed, it is ready and capable of providing water to your development. As soon as you develop a time line and plan your development's needs , it will be necessary to meet with you to review the plan. We also understand you are nearing completion of the Memorandum of Understanding between Kastera and the City that was discussed at the earlier meeting between the City and Kastera. On the issue of water service, we discussed the pending proceeding before the IPUC because of United Water s application to amend its certificate of service. You are going to prepare a letter to send to United Water and to IPUC indicating that you are in discussions with the City over services and annexation proceedings. Given your stated intent to annex into the City, water services will be provided through the City municipal system. The letter to Ben Forrey KASTERA HOMES July 14, 2006 Page 2 United Water and IPUC will help avoid unnecessary proceedings before the IPUC and allow the City and Kastera to continue their discussions. Per your conversation this week with Bruce Smith, we understand that Tom Morris has the letter regarding United Water ready to be sent. It would be appreciated if you could expedite this because the City and United Water are currently having to deal with the issue of the certificate amendment before the IPUC. Please let either the City or me know when you would like to have the next meeting. We suggest an appropriate time would be when you have made some determination as to your plans and schedule for development of Trailhead Community . Sincerely yours MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE CHARTERED Susan E. Buxton cc:City of Eagle