HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060721Bruce Smith letter to Scott.pdfMOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520 BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 STEPHANIEJ. BONNEY SUSAN E. BUXTON MICHAEL C. MOORF PAuLl. FITZER BRUCE M. SMITH PAULA. TURCKE' TAMMY A. ZOKAN JOHN J. McFADDEN*t o/Counsel . Also admitted in Oregon ~Also admitted in Washington0 Also admitted in South Dakota + Also admitted in New Mexico July 20, 2006 ,..., c:::Ic:::Ic:r'" :::0;.t:-c:: ::r: (") (") -0 .e::::Snw5:r-::II: Mr. Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83720 Re:Case No. UWI-06- Dear Scott: In its responses to requests for information from Staff, the City explained that Kastera had met with the City regarding annexation of its lands into the City and the providing of municipal water to Kastera. The City also noted that Kastera was developing a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU"to address it plans. The City recognizes that the timing of the May 24 2006, letter to UWI from Kastera asking that UWI serve the Trailhead development unfortunately, has caused a lot of confusion for everyone. The circumstances under which the May 24, 2006 letter from Kastera to UWI was sent UWI remains perplexing. Similarly, the statements in the letter that Kastera needs service immediately" are also confusing to the City given its discussions with Kastera. However, I believe all of this may be irrelevant at least in the near term. On July 7, 2006, the City and Kastera had yet another meeting in which Kastera and the City reiterated their intent that the Kastera land would be annexed into the City. They also discussed the planned development of the City Municipal Water System such that Kastera could be served. On July 14 2006, the City received from Kastera the attached MOU. Among other things, it clearly expresses Kastera s intent to be annexed and that the City will be providing water service to Kastera. It further explains that Kastera s need for water service only include, at this point, starting construction of mains by July 4 2007, hardly what could be considered immediate." Further, the MOU notes that the location, sizing and capacity of the system remain subject to discussions between the City and Kastera. At this time, there is insufficient information from Kastera to even be able to determine for certain the specifics of design or SIZIng. Mr. Scott Woodbury July 20, 2006 Page 2 The City is not in a position to explain the letter to UWI from Kastera. However, this MOU now confirms what the City has been explaining about the development of the Kastera property and the City Municipal Water System. It seems unnecessary, given the MOU, to go through the process of amending UWI's Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 143 because Kastera wants its land to be annexed. By copy of this letter to UWI, the City is asking, as a matter of avoiding unnecessary proceedings, that UWI voluntarily withdraw its application. Should UWI not do so, the City is requesting that the application be denied. It would not be prudent, nor would it be in the best interest ofUWI's customers , for UWI to pursue such a course of action given this MOU. Sincerely, MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED Bruce M. Smith BMS/clb Enclosure cc:Joe Miller, Esq. IJ. LVVV L'J.I'II'"'" ~ , " , ...!IV. V"TIJ (Draft fl.1 Submitted to the City of Eagle ()n July 13, 2006) Trailhead Planned Community Addition to the City Eagle, Idaho RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE:MEMORANDUM OF UND RS ANDING between THE CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO and KASTERA, LLC JUL 1 4 2006 File: Route to: 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish a framework for urban community development planning and tIming of development improvements on Kastera s 660 acre Trailhead property and other Kastera properties which are located in the Eagle foothills In close proximity to the City of Eagle, Idaho. It is in each party's interest to coordinate planning and development efforts and to a omplish a more effective integrated community development program. 2. AUTHORI1Y AND OWNERSHIP a LAND: Both the City of Eagle and Kastera, LLC has the authority to enter into pre\annexation agreements, development agreements, contracts and MOUs. Ka ra, LLC has several affiliated companies that own and control large land holdings ithin the area north of Eagle, Idaho. Kastera has the authority to commit these ffiliated companies to this MOU. 3. MUTUAL BENEFIT: All parties to this MO agree that it is to their mutual interest and benefit to work cooperatively as lanning and development proceeds on the 660 acre Trailhead property and other Kastera properties. All parties also agree it is to their mutual benefit to work cooperatively to construct municipal water system improvements to serve the 660 acre Trailhead property and other Kastera properties In the Eagle Foothills. 4. FRAMEWORK FOR URBAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BY THE CITY EAGLE: City of Eagle Actions A. The City of Eagle desires to annex the 660 acre Trailhead property and other Kastera properties into the City of Eagle in order to facilitate community development and expand water service to properties within the foothills area. Therefore, the City of Eagle will provide an annexation path for Immediate annexation of the 660 acre Trailhead property which will lead to further annexation of additional Kastera properties. The Oty --,. 'J' LVVV L.JJII!I 1\0. ~ l C r No.6413 P. 3 of Eagle will annex the 660 acre Trailhead property and additional Kasteraproperties on or before September 10, 2006 B. Upon annexation, the City of Eagle will zone the 660 acre Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties as Mixed Use with a maximum gross density limitation of two residential dwelling units per gross acre. C. The City of Eagle will take necessary actions to permit, approve andauthorize construction of the water system improvements to commence on or before July 4,2007 in order to provide municipal water service to the 660 acre Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties. This water service shall be sufficient to allow community development on the 660 acre Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties at a maximum gross density of two residential dwelling units per gross acre plus other related and supportive community development land uses functionally related to the Trailhead Planned Community and additional Kastera properties. D. The City of Eagle will accept and process PUD and platting applications from Kastera LLC to commence community development actions on the 660 acre Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties allowing construction of community development improvements to begin no later than July 4,2007. E. The City of Eagle will authorize a late-comers agreement for Kastera LLC to recover applicable up-front water system improvement costs and related utility improvement costs. The location" sizing and capacity of the utility system improvements shall be mutually agreeable to both parties. F. The City of Eagle will not Impose a moratorium on development or take actions to delay community development of the Kastera properties that are annexed into the City of Eagle. G. The City of Eagle will recognize that the municipal ordinances In affect at the time of annexation shall apply to and govern the community development actions on the Kastera properties that have been annexed into the City of Eagle. ,,~W , v , ..No. 041j P. 4 5. FRAMEWORK FOR URBAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BY KASTERA, LLC: Kastera. bL,C Actions A. Kastera, LLC will apply for annexation into the City of Eagle on or before July 31, 2006. B. Kastera, LLC will provide funding to the City of Eagle to pay a fair share of the municipal water system cost to serve the 660 acre Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties. The fair sharecontribution Will be determined by a subsequent analysis and agreement. Funding will be available to meet the July 4, 2007 construction start date for water mains to serve the Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties. Kastera will provide sufficient up- front funding to allow the City of Eagle to finalize water system expansion plans in order to meet the July 4, 2007 construction start date for water mains to serve the Trailhead property and additional Kastera properties. The location, sizing and capacity of the utility system Improvements shall be mutually agreeable to both parties. C. Kastera, LLC will work cooperatively with the City of Eagle to develop master planned communities that will set an example of outstanding foothills development in a public-private partnership. D. Kastera, LLC will limit the overall residential density to two dwelling units per gross acre. E. Kastera, LLC will utilize the Mixed Use zoning to achieve flexibleclustered development, open space preservation, provision of regional and community facilities, provision of regional and community selVices plus community development themes and designs that are acceptable to the City of Eagle and Kastera, LLC. F. Upon annexation, Kastera, LLC will submit a letter to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) requesting water service from The City of Eagle. Between the time of signing of this MOU and the time of annexation, Kastera, Ll.C will reimburse the Oty of Eagle for applicablelegal fees related to the PUC coordination efforts. G. The amount of funding that Kastera allocated to United Water Company for water system improvements shall be reallocated to the City of Eagle for water system improvements. 6. IT IS MlJTUALL Y AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD BY ALL PARTIES THAT: ThisMOU instrument in no way restricts the parties from participating in similar I~O. 0'115 r, activities with other public or private agencies, organizations, and indiViduals.Modifications of this MQU shall be made by mutual consent of the parties, by theissuance of a written modification, signed and dated by all parties, prior to any changes being performed. 7. TERM OF THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AND TERMINATION: It is the intent of this MOU to be the catalyst that stimulates additional binding agreements such as a pre-annexation agreement or a development agreement. As such, any Party, in writing may terminate their participation in this MQU inwhole, or in part, at any time before the date of annexation which shall also bethe expiration date of this MOU. 8. BOTH PARTIES UNDERSTAND THAT: Additional documents, contracts, andagreements will have to be negotiated and signed in order to implement this MOU. 9. IN WITNESS TREREOF, The parties hereto have executed this Agreement asof the date written below: Honorable Nancy C. Merrill, Mayor Date Sharon K. Bergmann, Eagle City Clerk Date Kastera, bY; Var Reeve Date Wayne S. Forrey Date