HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060724Vol I Technical Hearing.pdfORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR. WATER SERVICE THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. UWI-W-06- BEFORE c: ~-I c::tc::t '- ~O ~c:::J: r-CJ)e N"'t) ~ ~~ ::Iteno ~(J) ;0' (') .c::: COMMISSIONER MARSHA SMITH (Presiding) COMMISSIONER DENNIS HANSEN PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 472 West Washington Boise , Idaho DATE:July 12 , 2006 VOLUME I - Pages 1 - 57 CSB REpORTING Constance S. Bucy, CSR No. 187 17688 Allendale Road * Wilder, Idaho 83676 (208) 890-5198 * (208) 337-4807 Email csb(illspro.net For the Staff:Weldon Stutzman, Esq. and Donovan Walker, Esq. Deputies Attorney General 472 West Washington Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 For United Water Idaho:McDEVI TT & MI LLER LLP by Dean J. Miller, Esq. Post Office Box 2564Boise, Idaho 83701 CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 APPEARANCES WITNESS EXAMINATION BY Mr. Miller (Direct) Prefiled Supp. Direct Commissioner Hansen Commissioner Smith Commissioner Hansen Mr. Miller (Redirect) Testimony PAGE Gregory P. Wyatt (United Water) Randy Lobb(Staff) CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 Mr. Stutzman (Direct) Prefiled Direct Testimony Commissioner Smith INDEX NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE FOR THE STAFF: 101 - Settlement Stipulation in Case No. UWI-W-06-Premarked Admitted CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 83676 EXHIBITS BOISE , IDAHO, WEDNESDAY , JULY 12 2006 9:30 A. M. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.This is the time and place set for a hearing in Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case No. UWI-06-2, further identified in the matter of the application of United Water Idaho Inc. for authority to increase its rates and charges for water service in the State of Idaho.We wish to temporarily excuse President Kjellander this morning who had another commitment that came up at the last minute that he had to attend to. With that, we'll take the appearances of the parties, beginning with Applicant. MR. MILLER:Thank you, Madam Chairman. Good morning, Dean J. Miller of the firm McDevitt & Miller on behalf of the Applicant United Water Idaho, and also with me this morning is Mr. Gregory Wyatt, the general manager of the Company. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you , and for the Staff? MR. STUTZMAN:Thank you, Madam Chairman. Weldon Stutzman and Donovan Walker , Deputies Attorney General , on behalf of the Commission Staff, and with us this morning is Randy Lobb of the Staff. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY COMMISSIONER SMITH:Are there any preliminary matters that need to come before the Commission before we take the testimony of the witnesses? MR. STUTZMAN Just one, Madam Chairman. We thought it would be a good idea to have a copy of the settlement stipulation that we will be talking about this morning be made a part of the record and I've had it marked as Exhibit 101 and if there is no obj ection, would ask that it be admitted to this record. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Hearing no obj ection it is so ordered. (Staff Exhibit No. 101 was admitted into evidence. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Then we will begin wi th your witnesses, Mr. Miller. MR. MILLER:Thank you, Madam Chairman. The Applicant would call Gregory Wyatt. COMMISSIONER SMITH:We'll be off the record. (Off the record discussion. CSB REPORTING Wilder Idaho COLLOQUY GREGORY P. WYATT produced as a witness at the instance of United Water Idaho Inc., having been first duly sworn , was examined and testified as follows: BY MR.MILLER: DIRECT EXAMINATION Sir, would you state your name, please? Gregory P. Wyatt. And what is your occupation? General manager of United Water Idaho. Did you previously have occasion to submit to the Commission written prefiled supplemental direct CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho testimony consisting of nine pages? Yes, I did. Are there any additions or corrections that need to be made to your written prefiled supplemental direct testimony? No. If I asked you the questions that are set forth in the written pref iled supplemental direct, would your answers today be the same as they are written Yes they would. there? WYATT (Di) Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. And are your answers true and correct to the best of your knowledge? CSB REPORTING Wilder Idaho Yes, they are. MR. MILLER:Madam Chairman , we would request that the supplemental direct testimony of Gregory P. Wyatt be spread on the record as if read in full and would tender the witness for cross-examination. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you, Mr. Miller. (The following prefiled supplemental direct testimony of Mr. Gregory P. Wyatt is spread upon the record. WYATT (Di)United Water Idaho Inc. address. Please state your name and business Gregory P. Wyatt, 8248 W. Victory Rd, Boise Idaho. What is your occupation? Water Idaho Inc. I am the General Manager of United United Water " or the "Company Are you the same Gregory P. Wyatt who previously filed Direct Written Testimony on February 10, Yes I am. 2006 in this matter? What is the purpose of your Supplemental Testimony? I want to express United Water' support for the Settlement Stipulation signed by Commission Staff and United Water , dated and filed May 22 I 2006, and urge the Commission to approve the Settlement Stipulation without material change or Could you briefly describe the key condi tion. features of the Settlement Stipulation? Yes. In the Settlement Stipulation the parties have agreed that: The Company s allowed revenues should be increased by $3.633 million , which is an Wyatt, SuppDi United Water Idaho Inc. approximate 10.98% increase over current rates - - The $3.633 million increase should be implemented by tariffs that increase the rates and charges (except incidental service charges) to all customers by a uniform percentage increase and that the increase apply equally to the Company I s customer charge and volume charge Wyatt, SuppDi United Water Idaho Inc. - - Upon Commission approval of the Settlement Stipulation , United Water will dismiss with prej udice its pending Supreme Court Appeal of the Commission s final orders in Case No. UWI-04-04i - - The Commission's final Order should approve various accounting methods for the Idaho Power Company PCA and certain deferral items - - Rates implementing the increase may go into effect by August 1,2006. To put the Settlement Stipulation in appropriate context, could you please describe the Company s initial Application in this case? Yes. On February 10, 2006 the Company filed its initial Application requesting a revenue increase of approximately $5.922 million , or an overall increase of 17.91%.I believe this case can be viewed, in many respects, as a continuation of Case No. There , the Commission determined thatUWI-04-04. Uni ted Water should follow the 13 -month average methodology for rate base calculation, rather than the year-end methodology previously employed.This resulted in approximately $13 million of investment being excluded from rate base.Wi th the passage of time that investment became eligible for rate base inclusion under the 13 -month average methodology.A predictable consequence Wyatt, SuppDi United Water Idaho Inc. of the change in methodology was that a follow-up case would be necessary to obtain recovery of the investment excl uded by the change in methodology. Thus, following the Commission ' directive, the Company filed this case using the 13-month average methodology with a split test year consisting of 6 -month actual and 6 -month proj ected data. Wyatt , SuppDi Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. Did the Commission I s final orders in Case No.UWI-04-04 require other changes in rate making methods that made this filing necessary? Yes. In Case UWI-04-04 the Commission determined that the accrual method of accounting for pension expense should not be used for rate making purposes.In the intervening time, the Company has been required to make, and soon will have to make I significant cash contributions to the United Water pension.In the original Application , the Company sought recognition of this expense under the Commission required cash method. Were there other features of the Company s initial application designed to streamline processing of the case and eliminate contentious issues? Yes.In Case No. UWI-04-04 the Company and Staff stipulated to the appropriate return on equi ty and cost of debt.In its Application United Water proposed to carry forward the results of that stipulation for use in this case, thus eliminating the need for cost of capital witnesses.Staff agreed with that proposal. Additionally, because the Company ' operating expenses and revenues were thoroughly reviewed in Case No. UWI-04-04, the Application proposed only a limited number of adjustments to operating expense, Wyatt, SuppDi Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. concentrating on items that represented material adjustments since the last case. Finally, the Application did not propose any adjustments to rate base for post-test year known and measurable additions, a topic that was a source of contention in Case No. UWI-04-04. Please describe acti vi ties in this case after the initial filing. Wyatt, SuppDi United Water Idaho Inc. Staff conducted a thorough audit of the Application, assigning a team of 6 auditors and engineers to the audit proj ect .Two of the auditors spent a week at the corporate headquarters in New Jersey examining corporate documents.They al so reviewed internal processes and procedures regarding inter-company transactions.The Company cooperated fully in the Staff investigation , responding to 107 informal written audit requests and 53 formal discovery requests. As time passed, did the Company acquire actual financial data in place of the proj ected 6-month data contained in the initial Application and did this lead to a willingness to accept less than the rate request contained in the Application? The proj ected test year endedYes. Apri 1 30, 2006 and the proj ected data was converted to actual early in May 2006. As a result of this and other adj ustments that became apparent during the Staff audit, the Company was prepared to make adjustments to it' filing reducing the requested percentage to 14.91% from 17.91%, for a revised revenue increase of $4.93 million. The Company provided to Staff the revised rate case exhibits Nos. 3, 4 , and 11 showing the revised request prior to settlement discussions. After the activity you have Wyatt, SuppDi United Water Idaho Inc. described, did the Company and Staff meet to discuss possible settlement? Yes, representatives of the Company and Staff met for most of the day on May 15, 2006.There are no other parties in the case.At that meeting an agreement on the basic settlement terms was reached. Then , over the next few Wyatt , SuppDi United Water Idaho Inc. days, the written Settlement Stipulation was finalized and ultimately filed on May 22 , 2006. Turning to the specific elements of the Settlement Stipulation, please discuss the recommended revenue increase of $3.633 million. This figure represents an amount both parties believe reasonable after each party had an adequate opportunity to evaluate the merits of issues that were in dispute.While the parties did not attempt to resolve each issue on an item by item basis, the overall increase reflects each party s informed judgment regarding the likely outcome if the case were fully litigated. Additionally, as discussed above, the maj ori ty of the increase is not subj ect to dispute but, rather , is the inevitable consequence of implementing the decisions made in Case No. UWI-04-04. As recited in the Stipulation " . . most of the additional revenue requirement results from including in rate base proj ect costs and expenses that were not included in rates in the Company s last rate case, Case No. UWI-O4-04, and their incl usion here is consistent with the Commission' decision in that case.The Company estimates that more than 75% of the settlement amount can be attributed to compliance with orders from Case No. UWI-04-, while Wyatt, SuppDi Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. the remaining amount can be attributed to increases in investments and operating costs since the prior case. The agreed increase of $3.633 million also represents a significant concession from the Company I S original request of $5.92 million and its revised increase request of $4.93 million. Wyatt, SuppDi Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. Is not a 10.98% increase a somewhat significant increase for the company s customers? On a percentage basis it may appear so, although , I would note that in dollar terms it is about a $3.00 per month increase for an average residential customer. Additionally, as noted above, the maj ori ty of the increase is the inevitable result of changes in rate making practices required by final orders in Case No. UWI-04-04. Most of the increase is due to the inclusion in rate base of investments excluded in Case No. UWI-04-04 resulting from the change to the 13 -month methodology from the year end methodology. Please discuss the proposal for a uniform percentage increase. In Case No. UWI-04-04, the issue of cost of service and rate design was extensively debated. After an opportunity for full consideration, the Commission settled upon a rate design it believed best served the public interest.Because rate design and cost of service had so recently been reviewed at the time of filing this case , the Company also filed a Motion allowing the Company to dispense with the normal requirement that a cost of service study accompany the filing. The Commission granted that Motion.(See Order Wyatt, SuppDi Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. No. 29988, dated March 3, 2006). A uniform percentage increase also preserves the rate relationships the Commission found to be reasonable in Case No. UWI-04-04. Has the Commission in the past been reluctant to order increases to the customer charge contained in the Company tariffs? A review of Commission Orders from the last three United Water rate cases (UWI-97- UWI-OO-, and UWI-04-4) shows that the Commission Wyatt, SuppDi United Water Idaho Inc. approved across the board" increases in two of the three.Only in Case No. UWI -W- 04 -4 did the Commission apply the rate increase primarily to the volumetric components of the tariff.However, given the unique nature of this case , a uniform percentage increase applied to all rate elements will preserve the relationship between the customer charge and volume charge the Commission recently found to be reasonable. And, as the Company has argued in previous cases a rate design that seeks to recover " too much" of the allowed revenue requirement through volume charges serves to exacerbate the real risk of revenue instability and under-recovery of the allowed return.The rate design proposal in this case is a modest step in the direction of enabling revenue stability for the Company, while still providing a significant conservation message via the 25% higher summer rate. Is the rate design proposal a material term of the Settlement Stipulation from the Company s point of view? Yes. While the Company recognizes that each term of the Settlement Stipulation is not precedental and approval of it does not commit the Commission to a course of action in the future , an equal distribution to both the volume and customer charge in Wyatt, SuppDi United Water Idaho Inc. this case was a material consideration in the Company ' willingness to enter into the Settlement Stipulation. Why, in conj unction with this case, is the Company willing to dismiss its Supreme Court appeal from Case No. UWI-04-04? While our legal counsel believes the appeal has legal merit, the Company understands that the pendency of an appeal can be a source of friction between the Wyatt, SuppDi United Water Idaho Inc. Company, the Commission and Commission Staff. And , if the Settlement Stipulation is approved, the Company believes it's allowed revenues will be sufficient to provide a reasonable opportunity to earn its allowed return on a prospective basis.Dismissal of the appeal will also eliminate further litigation costs for both the Company and the Commission. You mentioned that the Settlement Stipulation also contains agreements between the Company and Staff on certain accounting items.Please explain. In sub-clauses a-c of paragraph 6 of the Settlement Stipulation , agreements regarding accounting methods for the Idaho Power PCA and certain deferrals are set forth.None of these items affect the revenue increase award in this case.Rather, they reflect agreement on how these accounting issues will be handled on a prospective basis, and specific regulatory approval is necessary to support the accounting entries that will be made.They thus eliminate the potential for disagreements on accounting methods in subsequent cases. The Company requests these methods be approved in the Commission I s final order. A final term of the Settlement Stipulation is that rates would go into effect by August Is this a material term of the Settlement1, 2006. Wyatt , SuppDi Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. Stipulation from the Company s point of view? Yes it is.I understand that under the statutory suspension period the Commission would otherwise have until September 12 , 2006 to make the rates effective.Al though it is possible the Company would have received an ultimate rate award greater than the agreed settlement amount if the case was fully litigated, receiving an amount certain earlier than legally required was a material factor in the Wyatt, SuppDi United Water Idaho Inc. Company s agreement to accept an increase of $3.633 million rather than pursue through hearing the full amount of it's revised request. Do you believe the Settlement Stipulation represents a fair resolution of this case? Settlement discussions wereYes. only undertaken after Staff conducted a thorough audit of the Application. The Settlement Stipulation is the result of arms-length negotiations between two sophisticated parties, each of whom had access to all relevant facts. The end result is rates that are fair, just and reasonable in my opinion. Do you have any concluding remarks regarding the settlement process? During the settlement processYes. the Company experienced a willingness by Staff to address issues in a straightforward, professional manner. The Company is very appreciative of these efforts by Staff. Does that conclude your testimony? Yes it does. Wyatt, SuppDi Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. open hearing. (The following proceedings were had in COMMISSIONER SMITH:Are there any questions, Mr. Stutzman? MR. STUTZMAN:No questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Do we have questions from the Commission? COMMISSIONER HANSEN:ve got one. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Commissioner Hansen. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Mr. Wyatt, I just want to ask you one On page 9 of your testimony, the answer you gave to the second to the last question there starting on CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho line 10 and you said that you appreciated the willingness by the Staff to address issues in a straightforward and professional manner and I just wondered, isn't that always the case with the Staff? It's been my experience that that is the Okay so I wanted to clarify, this isn ' question. No, I was just simply marking it out. case. unusual? WYATT (Com) United Water Idaho Inc. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Thank you.Tha ti all I have. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: I guess, Mr. Wyatt, since the Company rate case is usually the opportunity that the Commission gets the opportunity to hear from the Company, I guess wanted to just give you an open-ended opportunity to say anything that you think we should know about your operations in this state, good, bad or indifferent. How much time do I have? All day. I won t take all day.Madam Chairman and Commissioner Hansen , I do appreciate the opportunity to speak before you.Not having thought about the opportuni ty to speak only about the business, but now that you presented me with that opportunity, it does give me pause to think about certain challenges that we experience and it might be just worth having your awareness of. Certainly, the ratemaking process is one which consumes time and effort, and as I stated in the last paragraph , we were very pleased to be able to reach CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho WYATT (Com) United Water Idaho Inc. settlement on this case for it does afford us the opportuni ty to keep ratemaking costs low for customers and it also affords the opportunity to focus on the continued operations of running the business, so again, I applaud the Staff for its willingness to participate in settlement discussions and allowing us to have more time in our process for regular business day-to-day activities. We're serving in excess of 80,000 customers now with approximately 91, 92 employees and so our resources are quite busy.We I re experiencing significant growth, as much of this valley is, and the growth that we are experiencing, although it does put a challenge on our human capital , our human resources, it' also beginning to put, I would say, pressures on water resources and source of supply considerations. Certainly, we were very pleased to have the construction of the Columbia water treatment plant and the potential for expanding that in the future however, that's not the only area of the system where growth is being experienced. That plant is in the southeast portion of our system and although we experience growth there , we also still experience growth in the northwest portion of the system and the southwest portion of the system quite CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho WYATT (Com) United Water Idaho Inc. significantly, so we will continue to have investments in infrastructure, source of supply and even now we' seeing more investment requirements in the treatment characteristics of our business simply because of more stringent requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, particularly with arsenic and radon or, excuse me, with arsenic and uranium, so we will be seeing some investments there that we re going to be having to make in existing facilities in order to meet regulatory requirements from the EPA and the Safe Drinking Water Act. The growth challenges continue to, as I said, challenge everyone and it gives us opportunity to seek to expand our facilities as well so as to take advantage of economies of scale.I would say that at this point one of the areas of concern in our business which we have expressed in the past and likely will be expressing in the future would be with regard to issues of bimonthly versus monthly billing.ve had that issue come up in the past.We did not take the opportunity in this case to address it simply because we were seeking to keep this case relatively issue free of more contentious issues, but I do believe it is one that we should address going forward and the associated customer service aspects of budget billing and those CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho WYATT (Com) Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. kinds of things to enable our customers to handle the water bills as the costs inevitably go up over time. In addition to that, it appears to me that even though we ve requested an across-the-board increase on this request and the cost of service study was submitted in the last case and extensively reviewed and debated, I believe that the relationship between the customer charge and the volumetric charge is certainly a concern for us and I think even for our customers, certainly, but from a standpoint of customers' abilities to pay and our ability to maintain revenue stability and viability as more and more of our customers are receiving domestic water from United Water and irrigation water from irrigation facilities, non-potable irrigation facilities, it puts the mix of customers in a unique light, and it also challenges us from a revenue stability standpoint during periods of lower water use than normal or than is historical. We're continuing to see a significant downward trend line in the consumption per customer numbers.This is a good thing, but it's also somewhat unsettling from a revenue stability standpoint. Certainly, it is a by-product of factors such as the 25 percent change in rates winter to summer.It I S also a reaction to, I think, the conservation messaging and the CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho WYATT (Com)United Water Idaho Inc. conservation mentality that our general population has more and more of.In addition , I think it's also a function of the alternate irrigation , the non-potable irrigation , capacities that are available to more and more of the growth customers and even on a retrofit basis on existing customers and existing neighborhoods. What we find is that that puts pressure on our ability to achieve our authorized rate of return and achieve our authorized revenue requirement simply by virtue of the fact that, I guess the simplest way I can put it is that our downside potential on revenues is probably in the 1.5 to $2 million a year basis when there's, I'll call it, a wetter or cooler summer whereas, the upside potential may only be, even in the hottest times, a half million dollars or possibly three-quarters, so there is an imbalance in my view in the offset, so to the extent that we might be looking to make some creative proposals in the future to the Commission, I think that we would just simply like to communicate that point that we're beginning to look at that and think there s some room for discussion on that in the future. Okay, thank you, Mr. Wyatt.I think that does give us food for thought and it is kind of a conundrum that you want people to reduce their per capita CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho WYATT (Com) Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. consumption of water, but you don't want them to be punished for that by paying more for what they do use. Well, it puts the utility in an interesting predicament when it's encouraged to convince users to use less and less of the only product it sells. Okay.Would it be your suggestion, then, that these - - mostly what I wrote down, the billing monthly versus bimonthly, the relationship between the customer charge and the volumetric charge and how you design rates in a climate where people are reducing their per capita consumption are what I would categorize as rate design kind of issues as opposed to maybe revenue requirement kind of issues.Is there any benefit exploring some sort of process resolving these issues outside of a time when we are increasing revenue? Certainly, I think that there is opportunity for both discussion and potential resolution of issues of this nature outside of a ratemaking process, yes, and I would suggest that it's - - as I look across regulatory results in other jurisdictions and continue to learn and look for different ways to manage those issues, we see lots of different examples of how other utilities possibly in other locations, and I am not suggesting that Idaho should be like somebody else, but sometimes they CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho WYATT (Com) United Water Idaho Inc. can be instructive, employ techniques utilizing, you know , a range of para-structures or balancing accounts, revenue reconciliation kind of methodologies, et cetera, so I would suggest that there might be a way to look all those aspects or as many as we can find that are reasonable and then work towards seeing if there s an opportunity for solution there. I would encourage theCOMMISSIONER SMITH: Company and the Staff to explore those and not let the issues ferment until they re really hot. THE WITNESS:Contentious. Yeah.Anything else?COMMISSIONER SMITH: COMMISSIONER HANSEN:I just have one more. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Commissioner Hansen. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Mr. Wyatt, in your comments you were talking about the irrigation of the lawns and so forth and I guess the question I have is do you find that most of the developers now as they re developing the new subdi visions that you are bringing water to the homes, do CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho WYATT (Com) United Water Idaho Inc. you find that most of those are developing their own non-treated water irrigation systems from the water rights that were on that property and they're just putting in their own pressurized irrigation systems and not really using the treated water that you people provide? That is what we're finding, and if I could just add a little bit of information on that.In the mid 90s, and I think it was maybe '95,'96 time frame, both the City of Boise and Ada County, and I'm not sure which one came first, but both of them enacted ordinances that required new development on previously irrigated lands, farm lands if you will, if they re developing on those lands, then they are required to put in, the developer required to put in , a dual water system , meaning a domestic water system, potable water system , for the home and then what we call an alternate irrigation system or non-potable irrigation system for lawns, gardens, shrubberies, landscaping, and what we're finding is in about 75 percent of our new growth customers, we seeing that they are recipients of the alternate irrigation and it is a good thing. We certainly agree, and I agree, that it makes broad sense to not put treated water on lawns if there s an alternative.In certain areas of our system CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho WYATT (Com) United Water Idaho Inc. that alternative does not exist, both for existing customers and for some new customers i. e., foothills development typically is not previously farm land or irrigated and there s no water rights available or irrigation company or irrigation district or what have you available to provide that irrigation water for them, so those kinds of developments still rely upon United Water for all water use if they re within our service terri tory or if they re requesting service from us however, in lots of areas, again in the southwest area of the system, the southeast area of the Boise area reach, we find that that's the predominant situation, that alternate irrigation is available and that's what is being developed, so those realities do exist.That certainly helps to drive down the consumption per customer average that we're seeing in our data. I guess just a follow-up question. area that I'm familiar with is in the northwest section, but it's called Castlebury and I know United Water serves that area and I guess I'm just kind of curious because, ike, those homes are on acre lots and yet, they have their irrigation system and so I guess my question is, isn't it fairly difficult to recover your costs if all that you are providing those homeowners is just their domestic water for their use in their home, which would CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho WYATT (Com) United Water Idaho Inc. probably be very little, and I guess I'm just kind of curious on a case like that where the infrastructure would probably be quite great, I mean it's a big area, several, maybe 100 acres or more, I'm just wondering, are the other customers really in the end subsidizing the cost, the capital cost, to really put that kind of service into the people where they re really only using very little water? I m not sure that I would characterize it as subsidizing the cost.What we see is certainly all of the development costs, the mains, the services, the fire hydrants that are required to service that subdivision, whether it's one-acre lots or one-quarter acre lots or 100-foot lots, even tighter density, is all paid for and installed by the developer and contributed to the utility.The investments that we make in what we call backbone plant, source of supply, treatment, storage, pumping, those sorts of costs to provide the source of supply certainly does get spread across the entire base of customers. I think what we see is that we see the variance in how much customers who have alternate irrigation pay simply because they have that alternate irrigation and they re not paying for high volumes of water and so the revenue stream is a lower revenue CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho WYATT (Com) Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. On a gallon per gallon basis, I believestream. everybody pays their fair share, but as new source of supply, new backbone plant is required to serve customers in the system wherever they are, those costs are going to be borne by all customers, and let me also say that new source of supply, new infrastructure is not only necessary to support growth , we need to replace infrastructure for existing customers as well, existing sources of supply.If we had no growth from today forward , not one new customer ever connected to United Water, we would still need to invest in replacement source of supply, wells and so forth because of the general decline of well capacity, pump capacity, motor capacity and those kinds of things on the existing systems and the need to invest in additional storage and/or treatment as regulatory requirements demand. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you, Mr. Wyatt. Do you have any redirect, Mr. Miller? MR. MILLER:I might just ask one question along the lines that we ve been discussing. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho WYATT (Com) Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. REDIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. MILLER: Mr. Wyatt, in the previous United Water case, the Commission required the Company to prepare and submi t a new conservation plan.I wonder if you could just update the Commission on the progress for compliance with that requirement. Yes, I'd be happy to.You re correct that we were - - out of the last case was the action to move towards renewing and updating our existing conservation plan and we had, we submitted request for proposals and then bids for that plan.Earlier this year, we were successful in obtaining a consulting firm to assist us wi th that plan , a gas/water company, consultant, excuse me, out of California is the firm.We did submit an update as is required to the Commission in April giving a status update at that time, but since that time we also had workshops with the consultant as well as with representatives from the Commission Staff and Idaho Rivers United as well participating in workshops reviewing, oh , maybe 100 different possible conservation-type measures and then we rate them, we rank them, we assess their viability for potential in this area and for the cl ient base that we have here, the CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho WYATT (Di) Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. customer base that we have here, and we re in the process of - - that maybe 100 plus type of items was whittled down to something in the range of 17 to 25 conservation-type actions or measures that the Company might consider or might be able to take in accordance with those plans and we have a second workshop set up for early August, I don 't remember the exact date, in which we will be coming back together to again review the more whittled-down list as we 'll continue to pare down and strengthen the list of conservation actions or measures that we would put into the final plan which is slated to be delivered to this Commission near the end of this year. MR. MILLER:Thank you.That's all I had, Madam Chairman. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you.Mr. Wyatt is excused. (The witness left the stand. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Does that conclude your witnesses, Mr. Miller? MR. MILLER:The Applicant rests. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Mr. S t u t zman . MR. STUTZMAN:Thank you, Madam Chair. The Staff calls Randy Lobb, please. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho WYATT (Di) Uni ted Water Idaho Inc. RANDY LOBB, produced as a witness at the instance of the Staff, having been first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: DIRECT EXAMINATION Good morning. Good morning. Would you please state your name for the My name is Randy Lobb. And how are you employed? I am the administrator of the utilities division at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho In that capacity, did you prepare and prefile direct testimony in this case dated June 16, Yes, I did. Does that consist of approximately Yes. Do you have any changes or correct ions to your prefiled testimony? BY MR. STUTZMAN: record? 2006? pages? LOBB (Di)Staff I do have some corrections all of which On 1 ine 16.03" should be "16.20,are on page 10. $16.20."72" should be "80Additionally on line so it would be "80."300 ccf" should beOn line 10, 3 ccf.$1.1981" should be "2110," andOn line 11 then again on 1 ine 12,300 ccf" should be "3 ccf" and that concludes the corrections. All right, thank you.wi th those changes, if I were to ask you the same questions as contained in your written testimony, would your answers be the same as prepared in the testimony? Yes, they would. MR. STUTZMAN:Madam Chair , I I d ask that the testimony of Randy Lobb be spread on the record as if read. COMMISSIONER SMITH:If there I s no obj ect ion , it is so ordered. (The following prefiled direct testimony of Mr. Randy Lobb is spread upon the record. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho LOBB (Di)Staff Please state your name and business address for the record. My name is Randy Lobb and my business address is 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. By whom are you employed? I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as Utilities Division Administrator. What is your educational and professional background? I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Uni versi ty of Idaho in 1980 and worked for the Idaho Department of Water Resources from June of 1980 to November of 1987. received my Idaho license as a registered professional Civil Engineer in 1985 and began work at the Idaho Public utilities Commission in December of 1987.My duties at the Commission currently include case management and oversight of all technical Staff assigned to Commission filings.I have conducted analysis of utility rate applications, rate design, tariff analysis and customer petitions.I have testified in numerous proceedings before the Commission including cases dealing with rate structure, cost of service, power supply, line extensions, regulatory policy and facility acquisitions. What is the purpose of your testimony in this case? CASE NO. UWI-06- 06/16/06 (Di) STAFF LOBB , R. The purpose of my testimony is to describe the process leading to the filed Stipulation (the Proposed Settlement) signed by the two parties in this case and to explain the rationale for Staff' support. Please summarize your testimony. Based on Staff's review of United Water Idaho I s (United Water Company) rate case filing, a comprehensi ve audit of Company test year results of operations and consideration of outstanding rate case issues, Staff believes that the proposed Settlement agreed to by Staff and the Company is in the public interest and should be approved by the Commission.The Company originally proposed an annual revenue increase $5.92 million for an overall increase of 17.91%.The proposed Settlement specifies an annual revenue requirement increase of $3.63 million for an overall increase of 10.98%. The primary consideration of the Commission Staff in leading to the Stipulation on revenue requirement was a belief that settlement would eliminate the risk of higher revenue requirement and result in a smaller rate increase than could be achieved through hearing based on the Staff case.Staff concluded based on its evaluation of the Company's filing that much of CASE NO. UWI -W- 06- 06/16/06 (Di) STAFF LOBB , R the requested increase was due to compliance with the prior Commission order issued in the most recent United Water rate case or associated with CASE NO. UWI -W- 06- 06/16/06 LOBB , R.(Di) STAFF undisputed known and measurable test year adj ustments. After additional audit and investigation, Staff also concluded that the potential for additional , justifiable revenue requirement reducing adjustments was limited given the exhaustive Staff review conducted in the last general rate case completed less than one year ago. The Stipulation What are the key components of the proposed Settlement Stipulation? The key components include:1 ) recommending an annual revenue requirement increase of $3.63 million or 10.98% 2) agreement on a uniform percentage increase in all customer charges and volumetric rate components and 3) dismissal of the appeal from Case No UWI-W-04-4, Supreme Court Docket No. 32431. The Stipulation also specifies amortization of several additional deferred expenses including $79,000 in power expenses, $150,000 in tank painting expenses and rate case expenses for this case and the Company s last rate case.Finally, the parties agreed to continued use of the Stipulation approved by the Commission in Case No. UWI-04-4 for the cost of debt methodology and return on equity. Revenue Requirement CASE NO. UWI -W- 06- 06/16/06 LOBB , R.(Di) STAFF How did Staff identify revenue requirement issues CASE NO. UWI -W- 06- 06/16/06 LOBB R. (Di) STAFF and determine that settlement should be considered in this case? Staff identified issues in this case by reviewing the Company's rate case filing, conducting a comprehensive audit of Company test year results of operations and reexamining issues, recommendations and Commission Orders associated with the Company s last general rate case , Case No. UWI-04- Staff determined that nearly 50% of the requested $5.91 million increase was directly due to Company compliance with the Commission order in the last Uni ted Water rate case with respect to the calculation of rate base and pension expenses.In May 2006 , the Company updated its budgeted investments and expenses to reflect those actually booked in the test year.The Company al reconfigured its pension plan to further reduce annual expenses.The update resulted in a new requested increase of $4.9 million or 14.86%. Compliance with prior Commission orders wi th respect to rate base and pensions now represented nearly 60% of the requested increase. In addition to authorized increases due to rate base and pensions, Staff also identified undisputed proforma adj ustments for items such as salaries , taxes and additional investment. the Company Finally Staff did not dispute CASE NO. UWI-06-06/16/06 LOBB , R.(Di) STAFF proposed continued use of the cost of debt methodology and return on equity approved by the Commission in the last rate case.Consequently, the remaining requested increase and the underlying rate base and expenses, most of which were reviewed at length by Staff and approved by the Commission in the rate case completed in July of 2005, left limited potential for additional revenue requirement adj ustment in this case. What is meant by authorized increases due to rate base and pensions? The authorized increase due to rate base results from application of the 13 -month average to determine test year rate base.The Company simply incorporated prior investment for the entire test year in this case that was only partially incorporated in the test year used in the last rate case due to the 13 -month averaging methodology. The authorized increase due to pensions resulted from using the ERISA method , approved by the Commission in the last case , to calculate test year penslon expense in this case. Please explain the overall rate of return as agreed to by the parties as part of the stipulated revenue requirement. The parties agreed in this case to CASE NO. UWI -W- 06- 06/16/06 LOBB , R (Di) STAFF accept the overall rate of return methodology included in the CASE NO. UWI -W- 06- 06/16/06 LOBB , R. (Di) STAFF Stipulation approved in Case No. UWI-04-4, Order No. That Stipulation specified a return on equity of29838. 10.3% and a compromise method of calculating the cost of debt.These agreements remain reasonable for adoption in this case.The difference in the overall rate of return filed by United Water in this case and authorized in Order No. 29838 is the change in capital structure.The equity ratio increased by 2% to 48% due to an equity infusion from the parent company, retirement of the minori ty interest preferred stock and retained earnings. The 48% equity ratio is reasonable for this case in current markets.All of these components may be issues in the Company s next rate case. Was the Staff able to identify any addi tional adj ustments to the Company s requested increase? Yes.Staff initially identified nearly 20 potential issues with annual revenue requirement impacts ranging from $5,500 to $869,000 for each issue.Some of the issues such as a back cast of plant in service dates, purchased water expense, power supply costs, leased water revenue and an early incentive payment paid by United Water in conjunction with construction of the Columbia water treatment plant were a continuation of issues raised in the last rate case.The CASE NO. UWI-06- 06/16/06 LOBB , R.(Di) STAFF remaining issues new to this case included imputation affiliate revenue, miscellaneous CASE NO. UWI -W- 06- 06/16/06 LOBB , R (Di) STAFF expense adj ustments and weather normalization. What approach did Staff take in evaluating settlement options and identifying a reasonable revenue requirement? Staff's overall approach in evaluating the merits of settlement was to determine which al ternati ve , settlement or hearing, would most ikely result in the best deal for ratepayers based on Staff's case.Staff began by evaluating each of the issues identified and placing them in one of three categories:1) firm revenue requi remen t reduct ions, 2 revenue requirement reductions that were less certain wi th respect to acceptance in total by the Commission at hearing and 3) revenue requirement adj ustments that had a high degree of uncertainty with respect to acceptance by the Commission at hearing. Staff determined that the first category of adjustments reduced revenue requirement by approximately $527 000 from the adjusted request of $4. million to $4.4 million.The second category of adjustments could reduce the request by another $154 000 to approximately $4.24 million.Finally, the third category of adj ustments, the most speculative, could reduce the overall request by an additional $962 000 to $3.28 million or 9.9%. CASE NO. UWI-06- 06/16/06 LOBB , R.(Di) STAFF How did Staff arrive at the $3. million revenue requirement increase agreed to in the CASE NO. UWI-06-06/16/06 Stipulation? (Di) STAFF LOBB , R. Based on the nature of the expense/rate base increases driving the Company s request and the potential adjustments identified by Staff , the best-case outcome through hearing would be an increase in revenue requirement of approximately $3.28 million or 9% .Staff believed that the worst-case scenario could be in excess of $4.24 million or 12.82%. Through negotiation and compromise, Staff and the Company agreed to a revenue requirement increase of $3.63 million or 10.98%.Staff determined that the negotiated increase, incorporating nearly 70% of the uncertain revenue requirement adjustments identified in categories 2 and 3, was a reasonable outcome. Staff also believed that the Company s agreement to dismiss its appeal from Case No. UWI-04-, Supreme Court Docket No. 32431 provided additional value to the Stipulation.The dismissal eliminates costly and time-consuming litigation and removes the potential for modification of test year rate base calculations and associated rate impacts. Please explain the amortization of addi tional deferred power supply, tank painting and rate case expenses as included in the Stipulation. The additional deferred power supply expense of $79 000 subject to amortization reflects actual costs CASE NO. UWI -W- 06- 06/16/06 (Di) STAFF LOBB , R incurred by the Company for higher power supply costs due to the PCA.Recovery of these deferred costs was approved by the Commission in the last rate case. Tank painting costs of $150,000 in this case were included for amortization over 20 years consistent with the Commission decision to allow similar treatment of tank painting expenses in the last rate case. The additional rate case expense subj ect to amortization is a compromise amount that allows costs incurred by the Company as part of the last rate case and rate case expenses incurred for this rate case to be amortized over a four-year period.The additional expenses from the last rate case were as yet unquantified when the Commission previously approved recovery of such expenses.The Company maintained that an additional $199 000 was incurred and deferred for recovery from the last rate case. The Staff analysis used $250,000 as the amount included for recovery (the $199,000 and amortization of approximately $50,000 in rate case expenses from this case) . Why did Staff agree to a uniform lncrease in all rate components including customer charges? Staff originally opposed 'any increase CASE NO. UWI-06- 06/16/06 (Di) STAFF LOBB , R. in the customer charge but agreed to the uniform increase to further reduce the overall revenue requirement agreed to in the Stipulation.Staff notes that other than rounding to CASE NO. UWI -W- 06- 06/16/06 LOBB , R (Di) STAFF the nearest 10 cents, customer charges have not increased since the year 2000. What will rates be if the Commission approves the Stipulation? For customers served by a % inch meter, which includes the majority of United Water customers, the customer charge will increase from $14. bi-monthly to $16.20 bi-monthly resulting in a monthly increase of 80 cents.The winter commodity rate and summer commodity rate for the first 3 ccf (100 cubic feet) bimonthly will increase from $1.0912 per ccf to $1.2110 per ccf.The summer commodity rate for all water use above 3 ccf bi-monthly will increase from $1.3641 per ccf to $1.5139 per ccf. Does this conclude your testimony in this proceeding? Yes, it does. CASE NO. UWI -W- 06- 06/16/06 (Di) STAFF LOBB, R. (The following proceedings were had in open hearing. MR. STUTZMAN:Mr. Lobb is available for cross-examination. MR. MILLER:We have no questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH:No questions? Questions from the Commission? COMMISSIONER HANSEN:No. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: Well , I guess, Mr. Lobb, kind of the same question I asked Mr. Wyatt , are there issues with regard to this utility providing service in this state that you think the Commission ought to be aware of that weren't previously covered in your prefiled testimony? I think Mr. Wyatt touched on many of the issues that the Staff is concerned about, primarily the cost of growth , and I think it I S interesting that we require contributions for the distribution that directly serves new growth.According to Mr. Wyatt, 75 percent of the new customers have separate irrigation systems and yet, cost of growth is still considered to be the biggest issue with respect to increasing rates, so I think it' CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho LOBB (Com) Staff important to really look at cost of service and determine how much of the rate pressure is caused by replacement of existing plant, how much of the rate pressure is caused by new growth and why.I shudder to think what the cost of new growth would be if all of the new customers were using treated irrigation water, so I think it's important to identify how much of the costs are being paid for by new customers, how much are being incurred to serve new customers and what the breakdown actually is. The issue with respect to rate design is not new , how much revenue is provided by a new customer that has a separate irrigation system, it doesn t cover the revenue requirement to serve that customer, those are issues that are a concern of all utilities and we looked at it in terms of maybe we should have a revenue requirement per customer and so much revenues provided. Maybe that's a way to go.There are certainly trade-offs.That means you just have a high customer charge and you don t recover costs associated from the sale of the commodity. It I S an important issue that we have to address and I think we will continue to look at rate design issues and who pays and how much , whether they pay through a customer charge to recover cost of service or whether those costs are reasonably collected through the CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho LOBB (Com)Staff commodi ty. And I hate to add to work load because it seems like we have plenty to do, is this something that you think will happen between the Staff and the Company without the Commission officially or formally opening a case or will it require some sort of official case insisting in order to get the problem worked out?The way things go, it seems that the most pressing things with deadlines get taken care of first and other things are done as they can be given the time constraints. I suspect that's the case here.We' kind of a reactive agency.We react to the filings of the companies and to the extent they make a filing to change rates , we would address those issues at that time and I suspect that given the growth history and what we expect to be continued growth that the Company will be in more general rate cases in the future and that is the time, I think , we will real closely look at monthly billing, rate design changes, impacts of separate irrigation systems on revenue and that sort of thing. certainly think about those issues in between rate cases, but absent a filing, I don t expect that we will formally address those issues outside of a rate case. Would you be opposed to doing it on an informal basis if the Company wanted to? CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho LOBB ( Com)Staff No, not at all.If they re interested , we would certainly sit down and discuss in a workshop format or something like that what the possible alternatives might be. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you. Is there any redirect , Mr. Stutzman? MR. STUTZMAN:, I don Thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you for your he 1 P , Mr. Lobb. (The witness left the stand. MR. STUTZMAN:That concludes the Staff' case. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you.I s there any desire for extensive briefing? MR. STUTZMAN:I don't think so. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Determining that briefs are not necessary in this case, we will adj ourn this hearing until I think it's 7: 30 this evening when we have our public -- sorry, 7:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. this evening a public hearing in this room is scheduled to take comments from members of the public, so with that, we I re adj ourned until 7: 00 p. m. this evening. MR. MILLER:Thank you, Madam Chairman. (The Hearing recessed at 10:10 a. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho LOBB (Com)Staff (Q) (j2) ..,:'" , WELDON B STUTZMAN (ISB 3283) DONOVANE. WALKER (ISB 5921) DEPUTY ATTORNEYS GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONPO BOX 83720 ~, ; BOISE, ill 83720-0074 Telephone: (208) 334-0318 (208) 334-0357 Fax: (208) 334-3762 Ernail: weldon.stutzrnan~puc.idaho. gov donovan. walker~puc.idaho .gov , "..; I!; '~C' ; ! "-', .-' "', ,; ,,' ,~, .. , Attorneys For Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO SETTLEMENT STIPULATION CASE NO. UWI-O6- This Stipulation (Stipulation) is entered into by and among United Water Idaho Inc (United Water; Company), and the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Staff). There are no intervening parties in the case. INTRODUCTION 1. The Parties agree the Stipulation represents a fair, just and reasonable compromise of the issues raised in United Water s Application for an increase in water service rates, and the Stipulation is in the public interest. The Parties believe the Stipulation and its acceptance by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) represents a reasonable resolution of the several issues identified in this matter. The Parties, therefore, recommend that the Commission, in accordance with Rule of Procedure (RP) 274, approve the Stipulation and all of its tenns and conditions without material change or condition. BACKGROUND 2. On February 10, 2006, United Water filed an Application seeking authority to increase the Company s rates an average of 17.91 %. If approved, the Company s revenues SETTLEMENT STIPULA nON would increase approximately $5.9 million annually. United Water proposed that the rate increase be spread equally among all custorner groups. The Company requested that new rates become effective on March 13 , 2006. 3. A petition to intervene in this proceeding was filed by Boise Residents Against Commercial Exploitation (BRACE). However, BRACE subsequently withdrew its petition on May 1 , 2006. No other petitions to intervene were filed in the case. 4. On March 29; 2006, the Commission issued a Notice of Scheduling and Notice of Hearing establishing the procedural schedule, including a technical hearing to convene on July , 2006. Following brief conversations the week before, the Parties met on May 15 , 2006 to engage in settlement discussions in accordance with RP 272 with a view toward resolving the issues in this case. 5. Based upon the settlement discussions, as a compromise of the positions in this case, and for other consideration as set forth below, the Parties agree to the following tenus: TERMS OF THE STIPULATION 6. Settlement of Disputed Issues; Revenue Requirement. The settlement is reached as a fair resolution to several disputed issues between the parties, recognizing that neither party was likely to prevail on every issue at hearing. The settlement results in a revenue increase that is reasonable, but without resolving specific issues which were in dispute between the Company and Staff. Regarding United Water s revenue requirement, the Parties agree that United Water should be allowed to implement revised tariff schedules designed to recover $3.633 million in additional annual revenue from customer rates and charges, which is an overall increase of 10.98%. In detenuining the $3.633 million additional revenue requirement, the Parties discussed and debated the relative merits of the several disputed issues, and agree that most of the additional revenue requirement results from including in rate base project costs and expense updates that were not included in rates in the Company s last rate case, Case No. UWI-04- and their inclusion here is consistent with the Commission s decisions in that case. In addition the Partie~ agree that (a) until ordered to the contrary by the Commission, the Company will continue its current method to account for Idaho Power PCA costs. United Water may amortize over three years the approximate current balance of $79 000, and both parties agree that further deferral will reflect the PCA rate effective as of June 1 , 2006; (b) United Water may continue to amortize deferrals for power expense, rate case expense, relocation expense, tank painting SETTLEMENT STIPULATION expense, water quality testing expense and several other minor amortizations approved in Order No. 29838 issued in Case No. UWI-04-, and may begin to amortize new deferred tank painting expense of $150 000 related to Federal Reservoir over a 20 year period; (c) the Company may amortize over a four year period deferred rate case expense related to Case No. UWI-04-4 which was not addressed by Commission Order No. 29838 and deferred rate case expenses for this case, UWI-06-2; (d) the Stipulation approved by the Commission in Case No. UWI-04-4 regarding the cost of debt and return on equity for United Water is appropriate for use in this case. 7. Rate Spread and Rate Design. The Parties agree that the $3.633 million revenue requirement increase should be recovered by implementing tariffs which increase the rates and charges (except incidental service charges) for all customers by a unifonn percentage amount of approximately 10.98%. The unifonn percentage increase shall apply equally to the customer charge and volume charge as contained in United Water s tariffs. 8. Upon execution of this Stipulation, the Parties will file a motion to suspend the briefing schedule in the appeal from Case No. UWI-04-, Suprerne Court Docket No. 32431. Upon entry of an order approving the settlement, the Company will promptly file appropriate , pleadings to dismiss with prejudice the appeal, with each party to bear its own costs. 9. The Parties agree that the Stipulation represents a compromise of the positions of the Parties in this case. As provided in RP 272, other than any testimony filed in support of the approval of this Stipulation, and except to the extent necessary for a Party to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation, all statements made and positions taken in negotiations relating to this Stipulation shall be confidential and will not be admissible in evidence in this or any other proceeding. 10. The Parties submit this Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to RP 274. The Parties shall support this Stipulation before the Commission, and no Party shall appeal a Commission Order approving the Stipulation or an issue resolved by the Stipulation. If this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipulation, the Parties to this Stipulation reserve the right to file testimony, cross-examine witnesses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlements embodied in this SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Stipulation. Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Parties to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commission s adoption of the tenns of this Stipulation. 11. If the Commission rejects any part or all of this Stipulation, or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of this Stipulation, each Party reserves the right, upon written notice to the Commission and the other Parties to this proceeding, within 14 days ofthe date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Stipulation, and each Party shall be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Com:mission s Order, file testimony as it chooses cross-examine witnesses, and do all other things necessary to put on such case as it deems appropriate. In such case, the Parties immediately will request the prompt reconvening of a prehearing conference for purposes of establishing a procedural schedule for the completion of the case. The Parties agree to cooperate in development of a schedule that concludes the proceeding on the earliest possible date, taking into account the needs of the Parties in participating in hearings and preparing briefs. . 12. The Parties agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its tenns and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. The Parties agree to use their best efforts to obtain Commission approval of the Stipulation in order to have new rates implemented by August 1 , 2006. 13. No Party shall be bound, benefited or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Stipulation be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution of this Stipulation shall not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgement by any Party of the validity or invalidity of any particular method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Party shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in arriving at this Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future. No findings of fact or conclusion of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 14. The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission s approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its tenns and conditions. 15. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Respectfully submitted this ;Z day of May 2006. Idaho Public Utilities Commission McDevitt & Miller, LLP \Ji~Dean J. Miller Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. Weldon B. Stutzman Donovan E. Walker Deputy Attorneys General Attorneys for Commission Staff bls/N:UWI. W-O6-Stipulation - ws SETTLEMENT STIPULATION