HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050323Stipulation.pdfORIGINAL HECEIVEO fLEDDean J. Miller McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ID 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 . oe mcdevitt-miller. com lOnSt,ltR 23 flt" ~.: 41 iQi\:J \:- ;~~: :~l U llL II \ f:. S Cur'ir'IS~ION Attorneys for Applicant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. UWI - W -04- STIPULATION COME NOW United Water Idaho Inc , (" United" or "the Company ) and Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAP AI"), by and through their respective counsel of record and stipulate and agree as follows: On February 23, 2005 representatives of United and CAP AI participated in a public workshop held at the Commission offices. Members of the Commission Staff also participated. The workshop was preceded by a public notice, issued February 3, 2005. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the need for, scope, and design of a low- income customer assistance program for United Water customers. As a result of the workshop discussions, agreement was reached regarding the general parameters and features of a low-income assistance program. Thereafter representatives of United and CAP AI continued to discuss possible program features. Based thereon, after extensive good faith negotiations, United and CAP AI have reached an agreement upon a proposed low-income assistance program, for consideration by the Commission. The proposed three-part program is described in Attachment A, hereto. The text of STIPULATION- Attachment A has also been filed with the Commission in response to Staff Production Request No. 54. United and CAPAI believe the low-income assistance program described in Attachment A would provide measurable benefit to low-income customers without burden to the general body of United's ratepayers and that the program is consistent with and promotes the public interest. United and CAP AI respectfully request that the Commission approve the low-income assistance program, described in Attachment A, in the Commission s Final Order in this proceeding. Dated this ~'1 day of March, 2005. cD EVITT & MILLER LLP CAP AI ....... Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. Brad M. Purdy Attorneys for Community Action Partnership of Idaho STIPULA TION- Mar 23 05 03: 12p Brad M. Purd~2083848511 p. 3 Attachment A has also been filed with the Commission in response to Staff Production Request No. 54. United and CAP AI believe the low-income assistance program described in Attachment A would provide measurable benefit to low-income customers without burden to the general body of United's ratepayers and that the program is consistent with and promotes the public interest. United and CAP AI respectfully request that the Commission approve the low-income assistance program~ described in Attachment A, in the Commission s Final Order in this proceeding. .".. Dated this R;:,day of March, 2005. McDEVITT & MILLER LLP CAP AI Dean J. Miller Attorneys for United ~Vater Idaho Inc. Brad M. Purdy Attorneys for Community Action Partnership of Idaho STIPULA TION-2 . ..-......- -.----.. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the2;l!~ of March, 2005, I caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Brad M. Purdy Attorney for the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho 2019 North 17th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.384.8511 bmpurdy~hotmail.com William M. Eddie Advocates for the West o. Box 1612-83701 1320 West Franklin Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.342.8286 billeddieCfYrmci .net Bill Sedivy Idaho Rivers United O. Box 633 Boise, Idaho 83701 Fax: 208.343.9376 iru~idahorivers.org Sharon Ullman 9627 West Desert Avenue Boise, Idaho 83709 Fax: 362-0843 sharonu~cableone.net Chuck Mickelson Boise City Public Works O. Box 500-83701 150 North Capitol Boulevard Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.384.7841 cmi eke Ison~cityofboise.org Douglas K. Strickling Boise City Attorney s Office O. Box 500-83701 150 North Capitol Boulevard Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.384.4454 dstri c kl i n ~c ity 0 tho i se.o rg Scott L. Campbell Moffatt Thomas 101 South Capitol Blvd., 10th Floor O. Box 829-83701-0829 Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.385.5384 ~c(fYmoffatt.com 6itT~~:* ~r ;;X STIRt)LA TION-3~ //'1 . Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail LV' Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail t:Y Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email ATTACHMENT A United Water Idaho Proposed Low-Income Assistance Program As part of it's filing before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for authority to increase its rates and charges for water service, United Water Idaho (United) proposed to convene a workshop(s) to evaluate the need for, scope and design of a low-income assistance program for customers, (see Wyatt Direct Testimony page 16, line 18 through page 17, line 16). After adequate public notification, a workshop was conducted on February 23, 2005 at the Commission offices from 10:00 A.M. until approximately noon. In addition to United and Commission Staff, representatives of Community Action Partnership of Idaho (CAP AI) and one individual customer participated in the workshop. A copy of the workshop agenda is attached. Following the workshop, United and CAPAI have continued a dialogue regarding a low-income assistance program resulting in the following proposal. United's proposed low-income assistance program is comprised of three components: a lower priced initial rate block in the summer, a fund from which customers may receive water bill payment assistance, and targeted water conservation help. Residential Summer Rate Block United proposes implementing a two-tier inclining summer rate structure for residential customers where the first 3 hundred cubic feet (cct) of water consumed in a billing cycle is priced at the winter rate, and all other water consumption priced at the 25% higher summer rate. This inclining rate block structure would be effective May 1 through September 30 of each year to coincide with the current "summer rate" timing. The "lost revenue" from 3 ccf of consumption in the summer priced at the winter rate has been calculated to be $100,406. United recommends spreading this revenue across the entire year and adjusting both the winter rate and the summer rate accordingly in order to make this component of the low-income assistance program essentially revenue neutral to the Company. The 3 ccf level (2 244 gallons) was chosen based on the perception that a "subsistence" level of water could be priced at the winter rate in order to enable residential customers to "flush the toilet and take a shower" in the summer for the same cost as in the winter. Statistics from a 1997 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality report (the most current IDEQ data available) shows that average daily household toilet and shower use is approximately 30 gallons a day, (18 gallons for toilet and 12 gallons for shower). For a 60-day billing period this amounts to 1 800 gallons of water. Therefore the 3ccf threshold accommodates a small amount of water use (444 gallons) in excess of this "toilet and shower" use each billing period. United also analyzed its billing data and determined that approximately 10% of its customers billed during the winter use period, use 3ccf or less in a billing period. It is reasonable to assume that low-income users would be in this low water consumption group so it is logical to project that, although the 3ccf rate block in the summer will benefit all users, it will benefit low-income users the most. Attachment A Page 1 of 4 United Water Shares United proposes a voluntary giving program to a "United Water Shares" fund among its customers through its billing and collections process. United's shareholders would initially support the United Water Shares fund in an amount of$10 000 in 2005 (assuming the program begins in July 2005) and would then match customer contributions to the fund up to $20,000 in ensuing years. Customers would have the option of donating to the United Water Shares fund when paying their bill. United would initially partner with CAP AI for customer screening and administration of the fund. CAP AI would screen applicants for eligibility and to determine account credits. The following describes the basic program parameters: In general: . CAP AI begins to process benefits as soon as the program is authorized based on United Water shareholder initial infusion of funds. After the first six months, monthly distributions to be based on the average monthly collection of the previous three months including United Water shareholder contributions. . CAP AI free to solicit other donations to the fund if they choose. Monthly fund amount to be made available to eligible customers on a first-come first-served basis. CAPAI would charge United an administrative fee of 10% of the funds used, which would be booked as a utility operating expense. Eligibility: Eligible customers would be those at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Maximum individual benefit to be capped at $50.00. Water termination has to be imminent. Customer eligibility limited to one time in any calendar year. This limitation and/or the $50.00 cap may be revisited later based on fund utilization and balance. Distribution: United Water to hold the United Water Shares funds in a separate account. . CAP AI determines applicant eligibility, gathers basic demographic information (name, address, account number, phone number, etc.), and submits daily report to United Water. Upon notice from CAPAI, United Water credits eligible accounts and transfers appropriate amounts from United Water Shares fund to United Water and credits accounts receivable. Follow-up notice of accounts credited made back to CAP AI. United would communicate and promote the United Water Shares program and seek customer contributions by means of bill inserts and messages on the bill. United anticipates the annual cost for bill inserts to be $12 000, based on three inserts per year at $4 000 each time, which will be booked as a utility operating expense. Attachment A Page 2 of 4 Tareeted Conservation HelD United proposes targeting water conservation information and water conservation kits (indoor and outdoor kits) specifically to those customers who are determined eligible for assistance by CAP AI under the United Water Shares program. CAP AI estimates they serve approximately 300 United Water Idaho customers per year through its Weatherization program. These same customers are likely to have need of the United Water Shares program and could benefit by implementing water conservation practices. CAP AI would distribute conservation information and kits supplied by United to the targeted customers. Attachment A Page 3 of 4 II. III. AGENDA UNITED WATER IDAHO LOW-INCOME PROGRAM WORKSHOP IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OFFICES 10:00 A.M. FEBRUARY 23, 2005 Introduction / Purposea. Introductions b. General purpose and goals of the workshop Identify Level of Need for a Low-Income Program a. Boise demographics (CAP AI)b. LIHEAP information c. United Water data Identify Program Feature Optionsa. Tariff / non-tariff options b. Budget billing (level pay) for eligible participants c. Time of year availability IV.Mechanics of a Low-Income Program a. Use of a third-party to administer (Le. Salvation Army) b. Mechanism to assess/certify eligibility (LIHEAP certification?) c. Funding - sources and administration Next Steps Attachment A Page 4 of 4