HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005040417th UWI response to staff.pdfOR1 GINAL Dean J. Miller McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ill 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 ioe~mc4evitt-miUer.com Attorneys for Applicant ;:ZECEiVEO ;::" ILEO ill LUGS ArK -4 AM 9= 45 it! Hi; (-Ubi IC UTILI'tli~S" CO t"11~:ijSSlUr'J BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. UWI-O4- SEVENTEENTH RESPONSE OF UWID TO STAFF'S PRODUCTION REQUESTS COMES NOW United Water Idaho Inc. ("United" , " the Company ) and responds to Request Number 188 of Staff s Sixth Production Requests and Number 198 of Staff s Seventh Production Requests. Dated this day of April, 2005. McDEVITT & MILLER LLP \)J ll!L Dean J. Miller Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 4/71~y of April, 2005, I caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Brad M. Purdy Attorney for the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho 2019 North 17th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.384.8511 bmpurdM-hotmail.com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email William M. Eddie Advocates for the West O. Box 1612-83701 1320 West Franklin Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.342.8286 bil~ie~rmci.net Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Bill Sedivy Idaho Rivers United O. Box 633 Boise, Idaho 83701 Fax: 208.343.9376 iru~i ahorivers.org Sharon Ullman 9627 West Desert Avenue Boise, Idaho 83709 Fax: 362-0843 sharonu~cableone.net Chuck Mickelson Boise City Public Works O. Box 500-83701 150 North Capitol Boulevard Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.384.7841 gnkke lson~cityo tPoise. org Douglas K. Strickling Boise City Attorney s Office O. Box 500-83701 150 North Capitol Boulevard Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.384.4454 ~ling~cityotboise.org Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Scott L. Campbell Moffatt Thomas 101 South Capitol Blvd., 10th Floor O. Box 829-83701-0829 Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.385.5384I~~ fl SEVENTEENTH RESPONSE OF UWID TO STAFF'S PRODUCTION REQUESTS- Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email LCd" UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-O4- SIXTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Jeremiah Healy Telephone: 208-362-7337 Title: Coordinator of Planning and Rates REQUEST NO. 188: Please provide the average salary for employees during 1995-2003. Please provide the average amount of incentive pay for the same period. RESPONSE NO. 188: Please see the attached schedules. The Company is able to provide the requested information for the period 1997 through 2003. Payroll records prior to 1997 have been disposed of in accordance with Company policy. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-O4- SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Jeremiah Healy Telephone: 208-362-7337 Title: Coordinator of Planning and Rates REqUEST NO. 198: (1st Update), The Company is using the twelve-month period ending July 31 , 2004 as its test year. The Company s case calculates the revenue requirement including adjustments to rate base, revenues and expenses through May 31 2005. Excluding adjustments specifically associated with the Columbia Water Treatment Plant (CWTP) group of projects, please revise the specific costs/expenses/revenues identified below as was agreed in the meeting between Company representatives and I PUC Staff members that took place on March 4, 2005. Please also provide revised exhibits and workpapers that demonstrate the financial effect of the revised adjustments. Please provide all sources and calculations associated with this information in both paper and electronic format (Excel) with all formulas intact. Specifically, please provide the following: With respect to pro forma test year revenue, please use actual customer counts as of December 31 2004, fully annualized, rather than the projected customer count as of May 31 2005 With respect to capital additions, as stated above, please cut off all capital spending as of December 31 2004 except for projects associated with the CWTP. All projects included on Mr. Rhead's Exhibit 8, with the exception of CWTP projects, are to be reflected in rate base at the booked original cost as of December 31 , 2004. With respect to other elements of rate base, such as advances for construction , contributions in aid of construction, accumulated depreciation , utility plant acquisition adjustments, accumulated deferred income taxes, deferred charges and working capital, please make the necessary adjustments that are consistent with December 31 , 2004 year end. With respect to operating expenses, please provide the following: A. Update pro-forma payroll to operating and maintenance expense (Healy Adjustment No.1) to reflect any changes that have occurred since the filing of the case. This would include wage rate and headcount changes. B. Update health care cost (Healy Adjustment No. 3) to reflect the results of the Company s November 2004 open enrollmentresults. C. Update the overhead credit adjustment (Healy Adjustment No.6) to incorporate any payroll or benefit expense changes made as a result of this Production Request. D. Update purchased water expense (Healy Adjustment No. with the latest known and measurable information. E. Update water treatment chemical expense (Healy Adjustment No. 13) using the latest known and measurable pricing information. F. Update transportation expense (Healy Adjustment No. 17) to eliminate the Mechanics wages from the calculation, since these wages are included in the payroll to O&M expense calculation already. G. Healy Adjustments No s. 18 (postage), 19 (customer billing expense) and 20 (lock box and ACH expense) should all be adjusted to reflect the actual customer count as of December 31, 2004. H. Adjust uncollectible expense (Healy Adjustment No.22) consistent with the change in pro-forma test year revenue. I. Adjust pro-forma depreciation expense (Healy Adjustment No. 39) consistent with the Capital Addition , CIAC and Advance adjustments indicated above. RESPONSE NO. 198: (1st Update) The Company will hereby provide the requested information. However, the provision of this information does not indicate in any way that the Company agrees with Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff's approach. The Company will continue to update capital additions on a monthly basis, as well as document committed spending. The Company also believes that the position it has taken with respect to pro-forma customer growth to May 31, 2005 and it's impact on revenue is reasonable, as are all expense adjustments that match this customer projection. Please see the attached schedules that include the information in the manner Staff requested that it be presented: Please note: The Company is making a partial response on March 24, 2005. The Company addresses revenue with the customer count rolled back to December 31, 2004. The Company also is addressing certain operating expenses identified above as F, G and H. I n the case of operating expense adjustments, each adjustment is presented as originally filed, followed by the revised adjustment. The Company intends to add to this response in the near future. Please note: The Company is now making an additional response to this production request as of Friday, April 1 , 2005. Operating expense updates for expenses identified above as A, B , D and I are updated. Incorporated within the update to depreciation expense are plant in service, CIAC and Advances for constructions balances cut off as of December 31 , 2004 (except for the CWTP related projects). The adjustment to purchased water expense reflects the Company s best estimate of purchased water cost to be incurred this year under the abnormal conditions which currently exist. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE NO. UWI-O4-04 SIXTH PRODUCTION REQUEST IPUC STAFF ATTACHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 188 Un i t e d W a t e r I d a h o Ra t e C a s e U W I - 04 - Em p l o y e e H e a d c o u n t 1 9 9 5 t o 2 0 0 3 Re s p o n s e t o S t a f f P r o d u c t i o n R e q u e s t # 1 8 8 K: \ 2 0 0 4 R a t e C a s e U W I - 04 - 04 \ P r o d u c t i o n R e q u e s t # 6 - 16 2 t o 1 9 5 \ ( # 1 8 8 W o r k s h e e t . x l s ) S h e e t 1 19 9 7 19 9 7 19 9 7 Re g u l a r To t a l De c e m b e r Ja n u a r y Fe b r u a r y Ma r c h Ap r i l Ma y Ju n e 10 0 Ju l y 10 3 Au g u s t 10 1 Se p t e m b e r Oc t o b e r No v e m b e r De c e m b e r To t a l 12 5 15 7 A v g Em p 93 . 96 . Gr o s s vg e r a g e Re g u l a r P a y $ 3 , 91 7 , 95 3 40 , 63 6 In c e n t i v e P a y 23 , 44 9 24 3 19 9 8 19 9 8 19 9 8 Re g u l a r To t a l De c e m b e r Ja n u a r y Fe b r u a r y Ma r c h Ap r i l 10 0 Ma y 10 1 Ju n e 10 3 Ju l y 10 6 Au g u s t 10 5 Se p t e m b e r 10 3 Oc t o b e r No v e m b e r De c e m b e r To t a l 25 8 29 6 Av g E m p 96 . 99 . Gr o s s Av g e r a g e Re g u l a r P a y $ 4 35 7 29 1 43 , 70 7 In c e n t i v e P a y 64 , 34 5 64 5 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 Re g u l a r To t a l De c e m b e r Ja n u a r y Fe b r u a r y Ma r c h Ap r i l Ma y 10 0 Ju n e 10 4 Ju l y 10 3 Au g u s t 10 1 Se p t e m b e r Oc t o b e r No v e m b e r De c e m b e r To t a l 14 0 17 5 Av g E m p 87 . 90 . Gr o s s vg e r a g e Re g u l a r P a y 26 8 , 66 2 22 8 In c e n t i v e P a y 10 0 , 93 0 11 7 20 0 1 20 0 1 20 0 1 Re g u l a r To t a l De c e m b e r Ja n u a r y Fe b r u a r y Ma r c h Ap r i l Ma y Ju n e Ju l y Au g u s t Se p t e m b e r Oc t o b e r No v e m b e r De c e m b e r To t a l 17 5 20 2 Av g E m p 90 . 92 . Gr o s s Av g e r a g e Re g u l a r P a y 05 2 16 3 43 , 82 5 In c e n t i v e P a y 88 , 65 4 95 9 19 9 9 19 9 9 19 9 9 Re g u l a r To t a l De c e m b e r Ja n u a r y Fe b r u a r y Ma r c h Ap r i l 10 0 Ma y 10 4 Ju n e 10 7 Ju l y 10 9 Au g u s t 10 9 Se p t e m b e r 10 0 10 4 Oc t o b e r 10 1 10 4 No v e m b e r 10 0 10 2 De c e m b e r 10 0 10 0 To t a l 1 , 28 4 1 , 33 3 Av g E m p 98 . 10 2 . Gr o s s Av g e r a g e Re g u l a r P a y $ 4 57 4 90 9 61 7 nc e n t i v e P a y 11 0 , 40 1 07 7 20 0 2 20 0 2 20 0 2 Re g u l a r To t a l De c e m b e r Ja n u a r y Fe b r u a r y Ma r c h Ap r i l Ma y Ju n e Ju l y Au g u s t Se p t e m b e r Oc t o b e r No v e m b e r De c e m b e r To t a l 16 5 18 4 Av g E m p 89 . 91 . Gr o s s Av g e r a g e Re g u l a r P a y 80 6 , 90 5 79 9 In c e n t i v e P a y 12 6 53 8 1 , 38 9 20 0 3 20 0 3 20 0 3 Re g u l a r To t a l De c e m b e r Ja n u a r y Fe b r u a r y Ma r c h Ap r i l Ma y Ju n e Ju l y Au g u s t Se p t e m b e r Oc t o b e r No v e m b e r De c e m b e r To t a l 1 , 08 7 1 , 09 6 Av g E m p 83 . 84 . Gr o s s Av g e r a g e Re g u l a r P a y 07 7 , 05 4 48 , 35 9 In c e n t i v e P a y 12 8 17 9 1 , 52 0 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE NO. UWI-W-O4-04 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST IPUC STAFF ATTACHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 198 (1st Update) UNITED WATER IDAHO Details of Adjustments to Operations and Maintenance Expense At Present Rates Adjustment No. Line No.Description Adjustment of Payroll Chargeable to Operations and Maintenance To adjust labor chargeable to operation and maintenance expense based upon pay rates at April 1, 2005 and proposed employee headcount . Use test year derived 0 & M percentage Details Administrative,Engineering, Accounting,lnside Customer Service 598,773 Production Department Employees 987 251 Transmission & Distribution Employees 296,471 Outside Customer Service Employees 408,911 Total Regular Employees Temporary Employees $ 52 837 Stand By Pay 28,023 10.Management Incentive Pay 74,775 11.Non-Union Incentive Pay 287 12.Union Incentive Pay 400 13.Union Lump Sum Payments 27,300 14.ABCD Awards 000 247 622 15.Pro Forma Payroll ~ 2005 Rates 539,028 16.Test Year Derived O&M Percentage 74.6446% 17.Pro Forma Expense 388,139 18.TeslYear Expense 155,584 19.Adjustment 232,555 Amount 232,555 Exhibit No. Healy Schedule 1 Page 1 of 34 Line No. UNITED WATER IDAHO Details of Adjustments to Operations and Maintenance Expense At Present Rates Response to Production Request No. 198 Description Adjustment of Payroll Chargeable to Operations and Maintenance To adjust labor chargeable to operation and maintenance expense based upon pay rates at April 1, 2005 and proposed employee headcount . Use test year derived 0 & M percentage Details Administrative,Engineering, Accounting, Inside Customer Service Production Department Employees Transmission & Distribution Employees Outside Customer Service Employees Total Regular Employees 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Temporary Employees Stand By Pay Management Incentive Pay Non-Union Incentive Pay Union Incentive Pay Union Lump Sum Payments ABCD Awards 15.Pro Forma Payroll ~ 2005 Rates 16.Test Year Derived O&M Percentage 17.Pro Forma Expense 18.Test Year Expense 19.Adjustment 34 $ $ 52,837 28,023 775 44,287 15,900 25,200 587 264 995,865 257,494 398,860 241,022 4,480,505 74.6446% 344,455 155,584 188,871 Amount 188,871 Line No. UNITED WATER IDAHO Details of Adjustments to Operations and Maintenance Expense At Present Rates Adjustment No. Description Adjustment of Employee Health Care Expense, Long Term Disability and Group Term Life Insurance To adjust health care, L TD and GTL expense to current costs level and proposed headcount. Details Gross HMO Blue Expense Gross United Health Care Choice Plus Plans Gross Dental & Vision Coverage Group Term Life Insurance Coverage Lond Term Disability Coverage Employee Incentive Opt Out Payment Total Coverage Cost 10.Less: Employee Contributions 11.Pro Forma Health Care, L TD and GTL Expense 12.Test Year Expense 13.Adjustment 553,941 175,229 76,905 17,100 700 4,400 849,275 177,714 671,561 523,193 148,368 Amount $148,368 Exhibit No. Healy Schedule 1 Page 3 of 34 Line No. UNITED WATER IDAHO Details of Adjustments to Operations and Maintenance Expense At Present Rates Response to Production Request No. 198 Description Adjustment of Employee Health Care Expense, Long Term Disability and Group Term Life Insurance To adjust health care, L TD and GTL expense to current costs level and proposed headcount. Details Gross HMO Blue Expense Gross United Health Care Choice Plus Plans Gross Dental & Vision Coverage Group Term Life Insurance Coverage Lond Term Disability Coverage Employee Incentive Opt OutPayment Total Coverage Cost 10.Less: Employee Contributions 11.Pro Forma Health Care, L TD and GTL Expense 12.Test Year Expense 13.Adjustment 453,117 298,762 72,333 17,100 21,700 500 867,512 174,028 693,484 523,193 170,291 Amount $170,291 Line No. UNITED WATER IDAHO Details of Adjustments to Operations and Maintenance Expense At Present Rates Adjustment No. Adjustment of Purchased Water Cost Adjust purchased water expense for rented and leased natural flow rights,shares in canal company s and contracts/leases for storage water Details Natural Flow associated expenses Shares in Canal Companys, maintenance Contracts & Leases for storage water Other Miscellaneous Pro Forma Purchased Water Test Year Expense Adjustment 744 980 147 592 000 195,316 107 788 87,528 Amount $ 87,528 Exhibit No. Healy Schedule 1 Page 9 of 34 Line No. UNITED WATER IDAHO Details of Adjustments to Operations and Maintenance Expense At Present Rates Response to Production Request No.198(1st Update) Adjustment of Purchased Water Cost Adjust purchased water expense for rented and leased natural flow rights,shares in canal company s and contracts/leases for storage water Details Natural Flow associated expenses Shares in Canal Companys, maintenance Contracts & Leases for storage water Other Miscellaneous Pro Forma Purchased Water Test Year Expense Adjustment $ 12,744 41 ,287 199,518 $ 253,549 107,788 $ 145,761 Amount $145,761 SEE CASE FILE FOR SPREADSHEE TS Line No. UNITED WATER IDAHO Details of Adjustment to Depreciation Expense At Present Rates Adjustment No. 37 Description Adjust Depreciation Expense To adjust the test year level of depreciation expese to the proforma level based on plant in service, CIAC and advances Details Pro Forma Depreciation Expense per page 2 of 4 $ 6,386,509 Test Year Expense 738,848 Adjustment Amount 1.3ML.W Exhibit No. J. Healy Schedule 2 Page 1 of 4 Pro Forma Annual Depreciation Provision Test Year Ended July 31, 2004 with Capital Additions and Retirements through May 31, 2005 Adjustment No. 37 Detail Pro Forma Pro Forma Plant Utility Contributions Pro Forma Net Line Account Plant In Aid Advances Depreciable Depreciation Annual No.Account Descri tion No.05/31/2005 05/31/2005 05131/2005 Plant Rate reciation NON DEPRECIABLE PLANT: Organization 301-107,048 (6,986) $100,062 0% $ Land & Land Rights, Water Rights - Source of Supply 303-369,037 (325,405) $(294,807) $748,825 0% $ Land & Land Rights - Water Treatment 303-889,034 889,034 0% $ Land & Land Rights - Trans. & Distrib.303-411,626 (42 978)368,648 0% $ Land & Land Rights - General Plant 303-213,383 213,383 0% $ TOTAL NON DEPRECIABLE PLANT 990,128 (325,405) $(344,771) $319,952 DEPRECIABLE PLANT: Structures and Improvements - Source of Supply 304-960,489 (263,428) $(80,686) $616,375 00% $92,328 10.Structures and Improvements - Water Treatment 304-13,464,912 13,464 912 00% $269,298 11.Structures and Improvements - Trans. & Distrib.304-40,963 40,963 00% $819 12.Structures and Improvements - General Plant 304-275,346 275,346 50% $81,884 13.Collecting & Impounding Reservoirs - Source of Supply 305-83,217 (21,950)61,267 00% $225 14. Lake, River & Other Intakes 306-272 275 (68,216)204 059 00% $24,081 15. Wells & Springs 307-294,633 (1,397,310)(425,949)7,471,374 86% $213,681 16.Infiltration Galleries & Tunnels 308-34,652 34,652 00% $693 17.Supply Mains 309-213,667 (9,391)(364,295)839,981 00% $36,800 18.Power Generation Equipment 310-474,533 474,533 00% $. 23,727 19.Power Electric Pumping Equipment - Source of Supply 311-11,792,060 (1,814,218)(498,989)9,478,853 00% $473,943 20.Power Diesel Pumping Equipment - Source of Supply 311-00% $ 21.Power Pumping Equipment - Water Treatment 311-543,625 543,625 00% $277,181 22.Power Pumping Equipment - Trans. & Distrib.311-955,968 (129,574)826,394 00% $41,320 23. Water Treatment Equipment 320-22,315,119 (36,860)(3,384)22,274,875 00% $113,744 24. Water Treatment Equipment - Membranes 320-500,000 500,000 14.00% $70,000 25.Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes 330-075,495 163,794)(854,814)056,887 00% $141,138 26. Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories - Intangible 331-145 145 00% $ 27. Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories SOS 331-144 144 00% $ 28. Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories 331-$ 103,316,397 $ (40,115,756)(3,021 136)60,179,505 00% $203,590 29. Services 333-37,339,274 (6,253,083)(563,650)30,522,541 50%763,064 30.Meters and Meter Installations 334-11,555,621 (191,517)364,104 50% $284,103 31.Hydrants 335-067,642 (563,006)(6,986)497 650 50% $12,441 32.Backflow Prevention Devices 336-00% $ 33. Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Intangible 339-00% $ 34. Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Source of Supply 339-45,794 45,794 00% $916 35. Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Water Treatment 339-43,525 43,525 00% $871 36. Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Trans. & Distrib.339-88,441 88,441 00% $769 37. Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - General Plant 339-15,798 15,798 00% $316 38. Office Furniture and Equipment 340-697 445 131)696,314 67% $46,444 39. AM FM System - Mapping 340-552,910 552,910 10.00% $55,291 40. Computer Hardware & Software 340-792,778 792,778 20.00% $358,556 41.IFMS / WAN / PeopleSoft 340-067,484 067,484 10.00% $406,748 42. Customer Information System 340-795,069 795,069 10.00% $179,507 43. Transportation Equipment 341-136,111 136,111 11.49% $15,639 44.Stores Equipment 342-24,448 24,448 67% $631 45. Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 343-463,945 463,945 67% $30,945 46. Confined Space Monitor, Generator, Trench Shield 343-533 62,533 14.50% $067 47.Laboratory Equipment 344-116,643 (16,729)99,914 67% $664 48.Power Operated Equipment 345-58,817 58,817 00% $ 49.Power Operated Equipment 345-50 69,272 69,272 14.50% $10,044 50.Communications Equipment 346-298,982 (71 123)227,859 67% $81,898 51.Miscellaneous Equipment 347-107 621 107,621 67% $178 52. Other Tangible Property 348-00% $ 53.Master Plan 348-50 635,998 635,998 10.00% $63,600 54.Rounding 55. TOTAL DEPRECIABLE PLANT 250,649,791 51,916,389 020,586 192,712,816 402,149 56. TOTAL UTILITY PLANT IN SERVICE 58.639.919 (52.241.(6.365.200.032. 57.Less: Depreciation Included on Transportation Schedule (15,369) 58.Pro Forma Depreciation Expense 386,780 Exhibit No. J. Healy Schedule 2 Page 2 of 4 Line No. UNITED WATER IDAHO Details of Adjustment to Depreciation Expense At Present Rates Response to Production Request No. 198 (1 st update) Description Adjust Depreciation Expense To adjust the test year level of depreciation expese to the proforma level based on plant in service, CIAC and advances Details Pro Forma Depreciation Expense per page 2 of 4 Test Year Expense Adjustment $ 6,326,465 738,848 Amount UNITED WATER IDAHO Pro Forma Annual Depreciation Provision Test Year Ended July 31, 2004 with Capital Additions and Retirements through December 31, 2004 Excepy for CWTP Adjustment No. 37 Detail Response to Production Request No. 198 (1st update) Pro Forma Pro Forma Plant Utility Contributions Pro Forma Net Line Account Plant In Aid Advances Depreciable Depreciation Annual No.Account Descri tion No.012/31/2004 12/31/2004 12/31/2004 Plant Rate reciation NON DEPRECIABLE PLANT: Organization 301-107,048 (6,986) $100,062 0% $ Land & Land Rights, Water Rights - Source of Supply 303-343,951 (325,405) $(299,711) $718,835 0% $ Land & Land Rights - Water Treatment 303-889,034 889,034 0% $ Land & Land Rights - Trans. & Distrib.303-411,626 (46,069)365,557 0% $ Land & Land Rights - General Plant 303-50 213,383 213,383 0% $ TOTAL NON DEPRECIABLE PLANT 965,042 (325,405) $(352,766) $286,871 DEPRECIABLE PLANT: Structures and Improvements - Source of Supply 304-803,184 (263,428) $(86,260) $453,496 00% $89,070 10.Structures and Improvements - Water Treatment 304-13,381,660 13,381,660 00% $267,633 11. Structures and Improvements - Trans. & Distrib.304-43,195 43,195 00% $864 12. Structures and Improvements - General Plant 304-281,816 281,816 50% $82,045 13. Collecting & Impounding Reservoirs - Source of Supply 305-83,217 (21,950)267 00% $225 14. Lake, River & Other Intakes 306-272,275 (68,216)204,059 00% $24,081 15. Wells & Springs 307-232,505 397,310)(432,885)402,310 86% $211,706 16.Infiltration Galleries & Tunnels 308-. 34,652 34,652 00% $693 17. Supply Mains 309-213,667 (9,391)(371,273)833,003 00% $36,660 18.Power Generation Equipment 310-385,672 385,672 00% $19,284 19.Power Electric Pumping Equipment - Source of Supply 311-643,944 (1,814 218)(512,903)316,823 00% $465,841 20.Power Diesel Pumping Equipment - Source of Supply 311-00% $ 21.Power Pumping Equipment - Water Treatment 311-5,473,676 5,473,676 00% $273,684 22.Power Pumping Equipment - Trans. & Distrib.311-980,673 (129,574)851,099 00% $42,555 23. Water Treatment Equipment 320-22,175,384 (36,860)(3,384)22,135,140 00% $106,757 24. Water Treatment Equipment - Membranes 320-500,000 500,000 14.00% $70,000 25.Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes 330-986,992 163,794)(915,919)907,279 00% $138,146 26. Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories - Intangible 331-145 145 00% $ 27. Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories SOS 331-144 144 00% $ 28. Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories 331-$ 103,131,455 $ (40,115,756)(3,079,087)59,936,612 00% $198,732 29. Services 333-37,395,871 (6,253,083)(582,334)30,560,454 50%764,011 30. Meters and Meter Installations 334-796,652 (191,517)11,605,135 50% $290,128 31.Hydrants 335-067,642 (563,006)(6,986)497,650 50% $12,441 32. Backflow Prevention Devices 336-00% $ 33. Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Intangible 339-00% $ 34. Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Source of Supply 339-45,794 45,794 00% $916 35. Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Water Treatment 339-43,525 43,525 00% $871 36. Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Trans. & Distrib.339-88,441 88,441 00% $769 37. Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - General Plant 339-15,798 15,798 00% $316 38. Office Furniture and Equipment 340-687,609 (1,131)686,478 67% $45,788 39. AM FM System - Mapping 340-50 552,910 552,910 10.00% $55,291 40. Computer Hardware & Software 340-726,429 726,429 20.00% $345,286 41.IFMS WAN PeopleSoft 340-079,451 079,451 10.00% $407,945 42. Customer Information System 340-795,069 795,069 10.00% $179,507 43. Transportation Equipment 341.135,842 135,842 11.49% $15,608 44. Stores Equipment 342-24,448 24,448 67% $631 45. Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 343-50 442,653 442,653 67% $29,525 46. Confined Space Monitor, Generator, Trench Shield 343-62,533 62,533 14.50% $067 47.Laboratory Equipment 344-116,643 (16,729)99,914 67% $664 48.Power Operated Equipment 345-58,817 58,817 00% $ 49.Power Operated Equipment 345-84,182 84,182 14.50% $12,206 50. Communications Equipment 346-295,735 (71,734)224 001 67% $81,641 51.Miscellaneous Equipment 347.107,621 107 621 67% $178 52. Other Tangible Property 348-00% $ 53.Master Plan 348-453,005 453,005 10.00% $45,301 54.Related to CWIP (544,626) 55.Rounding 55. TOTAL DEPRECIABLE PLANT 249,700,926 52,461,015 192,339 191,592,198 342,073 56. TOTAL UTILITY PLANT IN SERVICE 665.968 (52.786.20\(6.545.105)198.069 57.Less: Depreciation Included on Transportation Schedule (15,608) 58.Pro Forma Depreciation Expense 326,465