HomeMy WebLinkAbout200503231st Response UWI to Boise City.pdfORIGINAL r;::ECEiVEO ill r it" ED Dean J. Miller McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ill 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912oe mcdevitt-miller. com 1nu51~UH'~ 22 Pr;1 4: Ul1L 8 \E~) J~U8 €SION Attorneys for Applicant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. UWI-O4- FIRST RESPONSE OF UWlD TO BOISE CITY'S PRODUCTION REQUESTS COMES NOW United Water Idaho Inc. ("United" , " the Company ) and responds to Request Numbers 1 through 16 of the Production Requests of the City of Boise. Dated this I.1-day of March, 2005. McDEVITT & MILLER LLP Dean J. Iller Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. FIRST RESPONSE OF UWID TO BOISE CITY'S PRODUCTION REQUESTS-1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on theZ7.1/4:y of March, 2005, I caused to be served, via the methodes) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Brad M. Purdy Attorney for the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho 2019 North 17th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.384.8511 bm urd hotmail.com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email William M. Eddie Advocates for the West O. Box 1612-83701 1320 West Franklin Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.342.8286 Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Bill Sedivy Idaho Rivers United O. Box 633 Boise, Idaho 83701 Fax: 208.343.9376 iru~idJ!..hori verso org Sharon Ullman 9627 West Desert Avenue Boise, Idaho 83709 Fax: 362-0843 ~haronu~cableone.net Chuck Mickelson Boise City Public Works O. Box 500-83701 150 North Capitol Boulevard Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.384.7841~son~cityo oise.org Douglas K. Strickling Boise City Attorney s Office O. Box 500-83701 150 North Capitol Boulevard Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.384.4454 ~ing~cityotboise.org Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Scott L. Campbell Moffatt Thomas 101 South Capitol Blvd., 10th Floor O. Box 829-83701-0829 Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.385.5384 ~c~moffatt.com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email ~~SPONS& ' g-- UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-O4- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness: Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. Please explain why the Columbia Water Treatment Plant (CWTP) projected construction cost per gallon capacity remains at the high end of representative similar installations (Scott Rhead Direct Testimony-Exhibit 11) even after the postponement or deletion of multiple planned process elements. P lease explain which treatment plant components were included in arriving at the $12.87 million 2005 capital cost used in the cost comparison. RESPONSE NO. In order to satisfy Ada County Conditional Use Permit requirements, the Columbia WTP includes specific architectural, landscaping and other restrictions that the other plants used for comparison didn t have to consider. For example there were height and visibility constraints as well as limited opportunities reduce cost (i.e. Clearwell height versus diameter limitations, build ing roof line ascetics and fencing). The Columbia WTP includes a 1.2 million gallon clearwell large-diameter yard piping, and waste washwater recovery system (clarification basins, chemical feed, and pumping station), which are not part of some of the other plants compared. There also are regional and local differences in the cost of labor and materials. The following CWTP components are included in the $12.87 million cost used in the comparison: Yard pressure and gravity flow piping . 1.2 MG Clearwell . Raw water strainers Membrane filtration units Membrane system backwash blowers and air compressors Membrane system monthly cleaning system Sodium hypochlorite generation, storage and feed systems Caustic soda storage and feed system . Waste washwater clarification basins (3) Fe rric chloride storage and feed system Reclaimed water pump station Treated water pumping facilities Treatment plant building structure Building mechanical HV AC, plumbing, fire protection Building and treatment process electrical systems Instrumentation and control system On-site sanitary system Plant laboratory Stormwater management facilities Landscaping Security and fencing Roadways and parking UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASEUWI-O4- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. The Response to Commission Staff No. 12 indicates that the installation of dissolved air flotation (OAF) pretreatment and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection may be required in the future. Please provide the most current estimates for the installation of (OAF) pretreatment and (UV) disinfection if required. RESPONSE NO. As stated in the Company s response to Production Request No. 12 pretreatment and disinfection mayor may not be necessary depending on future conditions. Considering the need doesn t presently exist, the cost estimates for these potential future treatment systems have not been updated since the January 2002 Basis of Design report. The Company did however, receive updated price information related to UV disinfection at the time of the non-binding target price proposals in June 2002 (see Response No.06). UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-O4- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. Did design-build contract proposals for the construction of the CWTP include OAF pretreatment and UV disinfection in the target project budget numbers? so, how did these OAF pretreatment and UV disinfection budget numbers influence the final selection of COM? RESPONSE NO. All of the proposers provided costs for UV disinfection as a part of the non- binding target price. COM provided an option for the bidders to provide OAF pretreatment pricing as discussed in Response No. 121. The JC/Carollo team did not provide OAF cost information and it is unknown if the other proposers provided any OAF estimates. The use of the non-binding target prices related to the selection process has been explained in Response No.1 06 and Response No. 121. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-O4- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. It appears the estimated capital costs in the Basis of Design report Table 3. (provided in Response to Commission Staff Production Request No.9), were based upon 1991 cost levels (ENR Cost Index=4800). Please explain the basis for utilizing 1991 cost levels. Please explain the extent to which cost figures included in Table 3.3 impacted the decision to proceed with the CWTP project. To what extent, if any, were the estimates updated in developing final project budgets? Please compare the four design build cost proposal estimates to the Basis of Design Report estimates. RESPONSE NO. The Basis of Design Report was prepared and assembled as a guidance document, which summarized the basic process, technology options and cost estimates. The consultant preparing the projections chose the use of ENR Cost Index 4800. The Index was used for all options and therefore in relative terms did not affect the decision to proceed with the membrane filtration option. The decision to proceed with the membrane option over conventional granular media treatment is thoroughly discussed in my direct testimony on page 13, lines 4- page 14 , lines 1-, page 15, lines 1-23 and page 16, lines 1-5. The GMP submittals, workshops and associated workshops served as budget updates as the project design and scope became identified. As discussed in Response No.06, only two of the original non-binding target price proposals are available. Please find below the requested comparisons to the Basis of Design Report (BDR). Please note that the BDA estimate includes DAF and is not included in the other non-binding target price proposals. It is also important to reemphasize that the non-binding estimates were kept sealed until the selection was completed and did not playa role in selection. The design information available to the proposers was quite limited at the time of the non- binding target price proposals. The cost spread shown is somewhat predictable due to the differences in project scope and understanding of each proposer BDR $15,740,000 CDM $16,112 997 C. Construction $14 344 000 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-O4- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. Related to Staff Production Request No. 133, please provide a listing of all subcontracts, materials, and equipment Items listed on the Property Invoice over $25,000 for the CWTP that were competitively bid and the criteria used for selection of the items. RESPONSE NO. The competitive process utilized by COM in developing the GMP has been previously provided in Responses No. 17, 116 and 122. Please see attached list of invoices over $25,000. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-O4- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. When it becomes necessary to replace ultra-filtration membrane filters at the CWTP in 5 to 7 years, will multiple manufacturers be allowed to competitively bid on replacements or will this require purchase from the original manufacturer? RESPONSE NO. Replacement membrane modules must be purchased from the original manufacturer. This is why the cost of replacements was included as part of the original competitive selection process and included in the life cycle cost analysis explained in Request No. 122. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-O4-04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. When it is necessary to expand the CWTP, will it be possible for multiple manufacturers to competitively bid on the ultra-filtration membrane filters or will this require purchase from the original manufacturer? RESPONSE NO. It may be possible to competitively bid additional membrane filtration units to expand plant capacity. It will depend upon the technical and operational characteristics of the viable vendor systems available when the need for expansion becomes known, and how well the specifications align with the already-installed raw water pumping, backwash, waste washwater reclamation and monthly cleaning sub-systems. This viability will be evaluated as a design task when plant expansion is initiated. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-O4-04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE P repa re r/Reco rd hold e r/S po nsori ng Witness: Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. Please explain the criteria United Water intends to use in determining whether water will be supplied from the CWTP or from existing wells during periods of average or low water demand. Explain how rate payers will benefit from this proposed approach. RESPONSE NO. The criteria or decisions behind whether water will be supplied from CWTP or existing wells is explained in Response No. 25. There are benefits derived through operational cost reductions in power and chemicals for a typical year that are estimated at $139,580 and is supported in the direct testimony and Exhibits of Company Witness Healy. Specifically, Exhibit No.3 Schedule 1 on page 16 of 34. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-O4-04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. Please provide detail regarding location , length , pipe size, whether bid or not, and cost breakdown, for the 16 miles of water mainline replaced at a cost of about $11 million , referred to in G. Wyatt's direct testimony p. 5, lines 8&9. RESPONSE NO. The 16 miles of water mainline described in Witness Wyatt's testimony was based upon the total footage of mainline abandoned during the period of 2000 through 2004. This footage picked up mains replaced in conjunction with developer funded projects as well as mains abandoned that were not replaced (Le., water main is in the alley, the services are tied over to the water main in the street and no new replacement main is installed). The total footage of mains installed under company funded replacement mains and mains replaced in conjunction with agency related (Le., ACHD) projects for this period totaled approximately 14.7 miles. Witness Wyatt also included the replacement of services and meters in the $11 million as noted in his testimony on p. 5 at line 10. During this period, replacement services and replacement meters totaled approximately $ 6 050,000 and the replacement mains totaled about $ 4 750,000. Owyhee Construction Inc. was contracted with United Water during the period of 2000 through 2004 for the installation of water mains, services and fire hydrants. As such, the individual projects were not bid, but were handled under the contract with Owyhee. The attached exhibit includes replacement mainlines that are selected by the Company and those that are coincident with agency projects, such as street rebuild projects. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04-04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO.1 0: Please clarify how much of the 16 mile pipeline replacement has been accomplished on an emergency basis. Explain how this work was contracted. Please provide a sample contract form used for emergency construction. RESPONSE NO.1 0: None of the work included in the 16 mile (14.7 mile) pipeline replacement, as described Response No.9, was accomplished on an emergency basis. Spot leak or break repair/replacement that may be considered as emergency work are typically accomplished by United Water crews and not by outside contractors. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-04- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. 11: Please provide a summary of traditionally bid (non-emergency) portion of the 16 mile pipeline replacements including costs per foot for various pipe sizes, trench work, and surface restoration. Explain how this cost compares to the cost for emergency work. Please provide a sample contract form for non-emergency bid projects. RESPONSE NO. 11: See the exhibit included with Response No.9. None of the projects included on this exhibit are considered as emergency work. Also, as described in Response No.9, the work was completed under contract with Owyhee Construction Inc. and as such there are no individual contracts per project. The costs per foot are variable. In long footage projects the ability of spread costs over the length of the work normally results in lower costs per foot. Often in shorter projects or segments of mainline the ability to spread the costs of fittings, valves, sleeves, bores and other non-typical portions of the installation is not available, resulting in higher unit costs. Each project has its own unique character and the unit costs are reflective of the conditions encountered. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-04- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. 12: Please explain the criteria used to decide if a pipeline should be repaired or replaced. Please provide a copy of the guidelines (adopted mainline repair and replacement plan) used by United Water to plan and administer mainline repairs and replacements. If annual budgets for mainline repair and replacement for Fiscal years 2000-2004 were established , please provide those. RESPONSE NO. 12: United Water does not budget for large-scale main repair projects. In-situ repair of long sections of water line (~20 feet) are not feasible for water distribution system pipelines. The Company s annual water main maintenance budget covers spot repairs resulting from leaks and breaks. The decision regarding repair vs. replacement is more one of , " Can / should the water main continue to be repaired or should it be replaced?" In the case of the decision to replace, the main is placed on the list of potential projects and is ranked on a priority basis. United Water uses a point rating system to prioritize projects for inclusion in its annual main replacement budget. A copy of this point rating method is attached. This point system considers number of customers served, main size, age, material , leak history, cost of repair and customer calls due to discolored water and/or low pressure. Typically, the only time a main failure/leak will translate immediately into a main replacement project is in the case of a significant break where one or more complete lengths of pipe (:;:. 20-feet) must be replaced in order to restore service. Below are the annual water main replacement and maintenance budgets for the years 2000 through 2004: Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Replacement Buda,m 240,000 230,000 400,000 500,000 166 000 Maintenance Buda,m $352 958 $356,646 $347 037 $339,404 $338,130 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. 13: Please explain how United Water purchases pipeline materials. To what extent are these materials competitively bid? RESPONSE NO. 13: Since 1999, virtually all pipeline materials for new and replacement water mainline installations have been provided by the contractor performing the work. On developer-funded work, the developer typically bids the project using the Company approved list of contractors. For Company-funded mainline projects, the Company contractor, Owyhee Construction, obtains the required mainline materials through a monitoring evaluation process. Owyhee internally evaluates material prices from other vendors as a result of bidding work to developers and other public works projects. In this way they assure that material priced through their preferred vendor is appropriate. Owyhee s preferred vendor for Company projects is United Pipe and Supply due to their service and familiarity with Company specifications and requirements. United Water does periodically purchase small quantities of pipe locally to maintain an adequate pipe inventory for repairs and short installations necessitated by leaks and breaks. United Water periodically obtains price quotes from three local vendors in order to obtain best material pricing. UNITED W ATERIDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. 14: If materials are purchased through national contracts, what percentage of the pipeline material is purchased from the national contracts and what percent is purchased locally? How do prices compare and to what extent do rate payers benefit from the various purchasing options? RESPONSE NO. 14: Please see Response to City of Boise Request No. 13. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04-04 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Ahead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. 15: Please explain if there is a corporate markup or handling charge on nationally purchased materials used by United Water. If so, what is the percentage of this markup and what is the basis for this markup? RESPONSE NO. 15: There is no corporate markup or handling charge on nationally purchased materials used by United Water Idaho. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CITY OF BOISE Preparer/Recordholder/Sponsoring Witness:Scott Rhead Telephone: 208-362-7345 Title: Managing Engineer REQUEST NO. 16: How does United Water select the contractor(s) for mainline extensions? Are competitive bids received? Does United Water contract with multiple contractors? If so, how many and what are their corporate names? Please summarize by name and dollar volume of work each contractor has completed for the period 2000 through 2004. RESPONSE NO. 16: New mainline extensions are predominantly funded by the developer or customer requesting the extension. In these cases, the developer will bid the project among United Water s approved list of contractors. The developer, not United Water, then contracts with the contractor for the mainline extension installation. The developer pays the contractor for the completed work and then deeds the extension to United Water. United Water s approved contractor list currently includes the following entities: Bitterroot Construction , Inc. Brown Construction, Inc. Gulley Excavation , Inc. Masco, Inc. Pipe, Inc. McKay Construction, Inc. Owyhee Construction Sommer construction Superior construction & Excavation Because developer funded mainline extensions are added to the Company books with an offsetting contribution, no rate base is added and these extensions are not included in the Company s request for rate relief. A summarization of contractor work by name and dollar volume would constitute a significant amount of effort, and since the work in question is not included in the current rate request, nor will it be in any future request, the Company hasn t provided the requested information.