HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005031113th Response of UWI Part 3.pdfshall have authority to transmit instructions, receive information , interpret and define COMPANY's policies and decisions with respect to the Services to be provided. B. COMPANY shall provide available data and information so as to enable ENGINEER to perform the Services addressed herein. C. COMPANY shall examine all studies, reports, sketches drawings , specifications, proposals and other documents presented by ENGINEER and shall render written decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the Services. D. COMPANY shall give prompt written notice to ENGINEER whenever COMPANY becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of ENGINEER's Services. 5. ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBiliTY. In addition to the Services addressed herein, ENGINEER be responsible for complying at its sole cost, with all laws, rules regulations and ordinances of any federal, state or local public or governmental authority which may limit, affect or regulate the Services to be provided pursuant to this Agreement. 6. STANDARD OF CARE. The Services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner and at the level customary for competent and prudent professional engineers (or professionals and individuals skilled in other technical disciplines, as appropriate and as relate to the Services herein addressed) performing such Services. ENGINEER shall for all purposes be considered an independent contractor and is responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and the coordination of all instruments of the Services to be performed , including but not limited to designs , drawings, specifications and reports. 7. CHANGES IN SERVICES. Without invalidating this Agreement COMPANY reserves the right to order extra or special services or to make any changes within the scope of this Agreement. All changes shall be authorized by written Change Order signed by COMPANY. ENGINEER will be paid for the work authorized by Change Order as set forth in Exhibit A annexed hereto and made a part hereof or if not stated, at ENGINEER's standard current rates for such services.. CON FI DENTIALITY - 2- A. Information. In connection with the performance of the Services under this Agreement, COMPANY may disclose to ENGINEER or ENGINEER may otherwise discover or develop, certain Information which may include, but is not limited to, trade secrets, discoveries , ideas, concepts, know-how, techniques , designs, specifications, drawings , blueprints, diagrams , flow charts, data, computer programs marketing plans, customer names and other technical, financial or business information, such as negotiations between the parties and discussions relating to the structuring of agreements! pricing, values, plans, prospects and assets of COMPANY. B. Confidential Information. Such Information whether in written, encoded , graphic or in other tangible form, or provided orally, shall be deemed to be confidential and proprietary (hereinafter "Confidentiallnformation ) unless it is clearly identified by COMPANY prior to such disclosure as not being confidential or proprietary; provided , however, Confidential Information shall not include Information: 1) previously known to ENGINEER free of any obligations to keep it confidential; or 2) which becomes publicly known through no act of ENGINEER; or 3) which is rightfully received from a third party who is under no obligation of confidence to COMPANY or ENGINEER; or 4) which is independently developed by an employee, agent or contractor of ENGINEER who did not have any direct or indirect access to the Information furnished hereunder. C. ENGINEER's Non-Disclosure Obligations. ENGINEER agrees that it shall hold all Confidential Information in strictest confidence and shall use same solely for the purpose set forth in this Agreement, and further agrees that it shall not make disclosure of any such Confidential Information to anyone except those of its employees to whom such disclosure is necessary for the purposes authorized by this Agreement. In addition, and not by way of limitation of such obligations: D. Prior Consent Required. Without the prior written consent of COMPANY, ENGINEER shall not disclose to any other person the fact that the Confidential Information has been made available, the subject matter of any discussions or negotiations that are taking place concerning the transaction or possible transaction or any of the terms, conditions or other factors with respect thereto, including the status thereof. E. Publication and Presentation. Except as herein provided ENGINEER shall have no right to use and or publish the results of any research performed in connection with this Agreement. ENGINEER agrees to submit to COMPANY for approval all manuscripts or abstracts prepared for publication or presentation which contain or refer to any Confidential Information prior to submitting - 3- them for such publication or presentation. COMPANY agrees to promptly review such manuscripts or presentations, but may refuse to approve such manuscripts or presentations because COMPANY, in its sole judgment, deems it inadvisable to make public any Confidential Information. All approved publications and presentations containing information developed or obtained during the performance of Services to COMPANY which maintains or permits identification of any COMPANY facility, staff member or study will include a disclaimer indicating that the publication or presentation does not nec~ssarily reflect the views of COMPANY unless COMPANY staff have participated in "its preparation and are listed as co-authors. F. Software Warranty. ENGINEER warrants that any software products which ENGINEER uses to provide the Services to COMPANY do not infringe upon or violate any patent, copyright, trade secret or any other proprietary right of any third party, and ENGINEER shall indemnify COMPANY against any loss, expense or liability arising out of any such claim of infringement or violation as hereinafter provided. G. Ownership of Work Product. The work product resulting from or arising out of this Agreement shall be owned by COMPANY. Work product shall include all tangible materials, including work in progress. H. Ownership of I nventions. All patentable processes and inventions, and other discoveries and developments, (collectively known as Inventions ), resulting from or arising out of the performance of this Agreement shall be owned by COMPANY, and all the provisions regarding Confidential Information shall apply to such Inventions. ENGINEER shall disclose all such Inventions to COMPANY within thirty (30) days of their discovery.I. Indemnity. In addition to the indemnification provision herein contained , and without limiting same, ENGINEER agrees to be responsible for any breach of these confidentiality provisions by it or its representatives (including but not limited to ENGINEER's officers, directors, employees, agents, attorneys, accountants consultants and advisors) and will defend, indemnify and hold COMPANY harmless from any losses, damages , charges, fees or expenses including reasonable attorneys fees arising out of or resulting from such breach or claim of breach.J. Equitable Relief. The parties acknowledge that in the event of the breach of these confidentiality provisions, COMPANY will not be able to secure adequate relief by an action at law; therefore, the parties agree that COMPANY shall have the right to specifically enforce theses Confidentiality provisions, and to enjoin any violation thereof by ENGINEER. However, all remedies provided for herein shall - 4- be cumulative,and shall not be exclusive of one another or any other remedies available in law or in equity. K. Recovery of Tangible Confidential Information. Upon termination of this Agreement, COMPANY, upon request to ENGINEER, shall be entitled to delivery of all tangible Confidential Information furnished by it, whether contained or stored on tapes, discs, files or otherwise, without cost and with reasonable promptness. 9. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION - COMPANY reserves the right to suspend or terminate the contract upon written notice if it reasonably considers ENGINEER to be in default of this Agreement. In such event, and without limiting COMPANY's rights to pursue any and all remedies at law or equity that would otherwise be available, (1) COMPANY may take over the Services and prosecute the same to completion including through the use of another engineer; and (2) ENGINEER shall be responsible for any increased costs the COMPANY incurs as a result of such default; and (3) COMPANY may withhold as retainage from the balance otherwise owed the ENGINEER the estimated increased costs resulting from such default. 10. FORCE MAJEURE. The right of the ENGINEER to proceed shall not be terminated, nor shall the ENGINEER be responsible for damages , for delay in completion resulting from acts of God , acts of the public enemy or acts of the Government or from labor disputes within the ENGINEER's business which are beyond the control of and without the fault of the ENGINEER and which materially and adversely impair the ability of the ENGINEER to meet its obligations hereunder. However, the ENGINEER, in order to be excused from such failure or delay, must: (a) take all reasonable steps to remedy the effect of such delay or failure, (b) take all reasonable steps to fulfill its obligations in a timely manner, (c) provide prompt notice of the failure or delay to the COMPANY, (d) notify the COMPANY of the reasons for the delay and the anticipated term of the delay, and (e) request an extension of time to perform. The COMPANY will not unreasonably withhold its permission for such extension. 11. INDEMNIFICATION AND CLAIMS ENGINEER hereby agrees to release, indemnify and hold COMPANY harmless from and against all claims, actions suits, judgments, losses, liabilities, expenses, charges and fees, including cost of litigation and attorneys' fees caused by the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of ENGINEER, its employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or for anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, arising out of, resulting from or in connection with the Services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. - 5- 12.INSURANCE. A. ENGINEER shall purchase and maintain insurance to protect COMPANY and ENGINEER from claims which may arise out of or result from the Services to be performed under this Agreement, whether such Services be performed by ENGINEER or by any of its employees, agents, subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them , or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such Insurance shall be written for not less than the coverage and any limits of liability specified below, or as required by law, whichever is greater. Tvpes Minimum Amounts Worker s Compensation Employers Liability Automobile Liability Insurance Statutory $100 000 $500 000 per person $500 000 per accident Commercial General Liability Insurance(including Premises - Operations; Independent Contractors' Protective; Products and Completed Operations; Broad Form Property Damage; Blanket Contractual Liability, Personal Injury with Employment Exclusion deleted) 000 000 each occurrence, 000 000 aggregate Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy 000,000 B. Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the COMPANY shall state that ENGINEER'S Insurance Company is Primary Insurance and shall be filed with the COMPANY prior to the commencement of the Services. These Certificates should contain a provision that coverage afforded under the policies will not be cancelled until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the COMPANY, except ten (10) day notice for non-payment of premium. The COMPANY shall be named as an additional insured on all polices except worker s compensation. C. ENGINEER shall furnish the COMPANY with notice of all claims it receives and shall keep the COMPANY informed as to the status of each claim. - 6- D. ENGINEER and its insurers agree to provide a waiver of subrogation on all policies. 13. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement is to be governed by the laws of the State of Idaho. 14. SUCCESSORS. This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors, executors, administrators, assigns and legal representatives of the parties. 15. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement and any right or obligation hereunder is not assignable or delegable in whole or in part by ENGINEER without the prior consent of COMPANY, and any such attempted assignment or delegation shall be void and ineffective for all purposes. 16. INTEGRATION. This Agreement is intended by the parties to be a final exclusive, and complete expression of their agreement and its terms. No course of prior dealing between the parties and usage of trade shall be relevant to supplement or explain any term used herein. 17. ACTS OF SUBCONTRACTOR. It is understood and agreed that if the Services are performed in whole or in part by a third party that is not a party to this Agreement, then any act of such third party, shall for the purposes of this Agreement be deemed and considered to be an act of ENGINEER. 18. WAIVER AND SEVERABILITY. A waiver of any term, condition or covenant by any party shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition or covenant. In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed unenforceable, the remaining terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect. - 7- .. .... 19. In case of any conflict between the legal terms of this Agreement and Exhibit A, this Agreement shall be controlling. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. WITNESS:lNG, LLC By: Christian R. Petrich Managing Member WITNESS:UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. '0 --- By: IC , C 1... c:.4e ~ ~ l'f, c;;; q/~/oy - 8- . .-- SPF Water Engineering, LLC l~'~hi+ Water Resource Consultants March 5, 2004 Scott Rhead Dan Brown United Water Idaho Inc. O. Box 7488 Boise, I D 83707 Subject:Water Supply Consulting for UWID Municipal Supply Dear Scott and Dan: Thank you for considering us to assist in your Master Plan development efforts. We look forward to helping evaluate current ground water production and exploring opportunities for new ground water supplies. In September 2003 we outlined several areas in which we might assist you in evaluating current and future ground water production. Since that time, we ve refined the proposal through multiple conversations with you and your staff. The purpose of this memorandum is to present a refined proposal, define a general timeframe for the initial tasks, and provide a general estimate of costs. Also attached is a copy of our standard operating contract for your reyiew. Our primary goal for the coming months will be to assist you in updating the United Water Idaho Master .Plan. We see our efforts focused on the following areas: 1. Expanding the UWID Well and Ground Water Supply database; 2. Obtaining additional hydrologic data for the UWID service area; 3. Plotting water level, production, and related data for UWID wells; 4. Evaluating current production and water levels in UWID wells on a well-by-well basis; 5. Evaluating the potential of increasing ground water production in existing wells and identify on a preliminary basis areas to evaluate. for additional production;and 6. Summarizing the findings from these efforts into components for the UWlD Master Plan. Task 1 - Expand the UWID Well and Groundylater Supply Database. The first step in evaluating current hydrologic conditions near UWID wells will be to develop a comprehensive relational database consisting of UWID and relevant public data. . preliminary relationship table, based on our discussions with Dan Brown, Roger Dittus ... United Water Idaho I. . . March 5, 2004 Jon Reichard, and Rob Barrett, is shown in Figure 1. A tentative strategy and timeframe for populating this database is provided in Table Task 3 -Plot Water Level and Production Data in the Vicinity of the UWID Service Area. Data assembled as Tasks 1 and 2 above will be plotted spatially for both UWID non-UWID wells within the service area. Individual well plots will be compiled with other well-specific information in a notebook for easy reference. The goal of this evaluation is to gain insight into water-level trenqs within the UWID service area. Task 4 - Evaluate UWJD Wells on an Individual Basis. Using the data and information developed in previous tasks, we will evaluate water level and production records in the context of well lithology ,local and regional hydrologic conditions, well efficiency, pump efficiency, and water quality for each UWID production well. The purpose in doing this is to identify hydrologic and non-hydrologic reasons for any water level changes, which could provide the basis for possible operating changes for improved production. This task will result in a short description of findings for each well. . Task 5 - Evaluate the Potential to Increase Groundwater Production Within the UWID Service Area. This task will include the preliminary identification of areas to evaluate for potential increased production. The task will include: a) Assembling and evaluating water demaod growth predictions for the UWID service area b) Assembling and evaluating water demand growth predictions for areas surrounding UWID service area (Meridian, Kuna, etc. c) Predicting future production from existing UWID wells based on past trends, specific capacity, etc. d) Identifying alternatives for managing water levels through changes in production schedules e) Identifying (on ,a preliminary basis) areas for additional production based on predicted demands or availability of additional supply (with or without treatment). f) Identifying and evaluating (on a preliminary basis) potential water exchanges (Payette River to Farmers Union, Snake River to Mora Can~l, Snake River to Lake Lowell, etc. g) Developing a workplan for predictive simulations of increased production alternative production schedules , and new ground water developments. h) Exploring (on a preliminary basis) the potential for additional ASR opportunities. Task 6 - Prepare Hydrologic Components for Master Plan. The final task will be to provide a summary report from tasks 1 through 5 , and to prepare the appropriate UWID Master Plan components based on the summary report. United Water Idaho It ~ -, ,/ .._ March 5, 2004 A te~tative timeframe for these tasks is attached. We anticipate conducting these tasks in close cooperation with UWID staff, and the actual time required will depend, in part on the time that UWID staff have to participate in this project. A preliminary budget for these tasks is also attached. Again, the actual cost will depend on several factors, including data availability, UWIO staff time, etc. SPF Water Engineering, LLC proPQses to perform this work on a time and materials basis, as detailed on the attached. schedule of hourly fees (Table 2) and Terms and Conditions (Exhibit A). Any direct costs (photocopy, postage, etc.) will be billed at the actual cost plus 15%. We would be pleased to report on a periodic basis to allow adjustment of the tasks and/or budget as necessary. A statement of terms and conditions is. attached. If this proposal and the attached statement of terms and conditions meet with your approval, it may serve as the basis for agreement by affixing a signature in the space provided below. Please return one signed original to our office at 600 East River Park Lane, Suite 105, Boise, 10 83706. We look forward to working with you. Please feel free to call us (383-4140) if you. have any questions about this proposal. Respectfully submitted,Accepted By: SPF WATER ENGINEERING, LLC UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Title Date Date ...~ .;. ::~; '~~.,~."'-.. .,. lJND-D : F~mbEr' ; IDWRWeIID : WefTag : GPST ag i USGSSIteID I USGSStatXn 1 CommOl"Narnel j comma-NameZ ~ Street Adcress 1 CIty ,~ L Ita "ecOOn A QJcI1B" ~ QQ L.atDec QQQ j 1Dl1t'B3Y ~ AdaX , ' ::Jf IoIjaY ~ werrype ~ WeIStatus~~29i~~Gr~29~jGr~ " :" ; Construc:tIOrOat :A onstnJe;lIOI Method :~. ' ~l DriIer :a otaDepth:~ Cast1g Depth . ~ Be9Jl8m ~ ~.=.'" ':~l Dept1~. 430ttcm , " ;'1",'J tatlCWtrt.ev 1~\" ':;'~."""""", """""""'1'.' ."",,... ~ United Water Idaho 'i. , ",~"",:",~"""""""""...:';", Wafer'Level~A:W~~j:1, ';" , lNJD-D : Fa::ttyNJmber : LeYd)aIe DlW ~ WtJ1-tec;t1tAboveBOW1 Presslre Dat:aScuce ; MeBSlJ"emelltMeltOOPum~ ; LasrTlmePumped :'! DaraQuallY :i Rem~..___,,------- ," ~U"-~:~:.J1~;;';'l'.. ,;"'::' ~ I.1NI)-I) :)' ~) I'r'oCf);e') mePeriOd 'mePenxLhIS . , ,~ ProdVd.Jme .- .J Pr~ ,~, .. . J R~m.ns ---. t;. , " i;i'~' -,-""~_...,"""......~,,,_..,-,..;~~~ 1:= 1 Rem.ns Production . " , :'- /ff;~;8; ~ .,.. WalerRighl , :~X::;t~%r:' ~~~ ' : LNVID-ID " ReportID : DrtersReport1mageW~epcrt , OtherDataREJXirtS , Rem.ns -4-March 5 , 2004 \:'" ~ UWD-D:'=i-'.~1~ Jt~ )) empSolrce :;. ~~ empRem.ns . " :~: O1emRem.ns ~;;~-~~--' I nt erpUt h 01 0 gy \:.'~/~,... Figure 1.. Preliminary UWID hydrologic database relationship table. ..... ...\.. March 5, 2004United Water Idaho Ir,_. Primary Duration Approx.Approx. Task (business CompletionResponsibilitydays)Start Date Date Incorporate 2/29/04 comments in database SPF 2/20/2004 2/20/2004 structure Populate 'WeIiData table with available UWID Dittus, Reichard,2/20/2004 2/2812004 data; send list of wells with IDs to CP Barrett Tie UWID IDs to IDWR USGS Site IDs, assign Petrich, Dittus,2/28/2004 3/512004 IDWR Well IDs Tuttle Meet with Bruce Tuttle (IDWR) re IDWR Dittus, Reichard,2 hrs 3/512OO4? databases Barrett, SPF GPS locations (include X, Y, ground surface,Brown 2/23/2004 3/1212004 meter height, and measuring point elevations) Incorporate all SCADA and manual Reichard, Dittus 3/112004 3/19/2004 measurement water level data Barrett Incorporate UWID production data Reichard, Dittus,3/1/2004 3/1912004Barrett Incorporate IDWR lithologic, well data SPF 3/1/2004 3/1212004 Scan, incorporate images of well logs, well Dittus, Brown?2/23/2004 3/2612004 reports, etc Incorporate maintenance records (from Bill Reichard, Barrett 2/23/2004 3/2612004 Carr's spreadsheet) Incorporate chemistry data Reichard, Barrett 2/23/2004 4/212004 Gather relevant IDWR GIS data, re-project to SPF 2/23/2004 3/1212004 Ada Co coordinates Table 1: Tentative timeline for database creation. . " ' . "" " SPF Water Engineering, L~~ 2004 Hourly Rate Schedule . . . Individual Ter Scanlan Christian Petrich Tim Farrell Mike Martin . Scott Crane Hourly Rate $110 $100 $85 $68 $53 $40 Table 2: 2004 Hourly rate schedule. CONSUL TING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made as of the .,)..~ day of .;4vtvJf , 2004, by and between United Water Idaho Inc. ("UWI") with its principal office at 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho 83709 and McMillen Eldridge, LLC (the "Consultant") with its principal office at 910 Main Street, Suite 246, Boise, Idaho 83702. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, UWI wishes to secure for itself the benefit of the Consultant's services to assist UWI in its master planning efforts; and WHEREAS, Consultant is willing to provide the services specified herein. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1. Term. For a period of 5 months (the "Consultation Period") commencing on August 23, 2004 and ending on, December 31 , 2004, unless this Agreement is earlier terminated or completed as provided herein, the Consultant shall make himself available to perform and shall perform consulting services, of the nature described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, as may from time to time reasonably be requested by corporate officers of UWI. The Consultant shall commit such time as is necessary to perform the services listed in Exhibit A during the Consultation Period. 2. Scope of Services, Consultant agrees to perform the services ("the Services ) described in Exhibit A incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. 3. Independent Contractor.The Consultant shall advise and assist UWI in a prompt, diligent and competent manner according to his own means and methods of work at such times as are mutually convenient for him and UWI. The Consultant represents and warrants that he will be an independent contractor during the Consultation Period and that the performance of his consulting services hereunder shall be as an independent contractor. Nothing herein is intended to or shall be construed as making the Consultant an employee of UWI or conferring on him any rights, privileges or benefits as an employee of UWI during the Consultation Period; all rights, privileges and benefits as Consultant being set forth in this Agreement. 4. Billing, During the Consultation Period, the Consultant shall submit to an authorized representative of UWI, designated by an officer of UWI, within 10 days of the end of each calendar month during the Consultation Period, a detailed bill for services rendered during such month. ... 5. Compensation. UWI shall compensate the Consultant on a time and materials basis with a not to exceed of $30 000 for the Services provided hereunder. Such compensation shall be payable monthly within 30 days after the bill prepared pursuant to paragraph 4. 6. Subconsultants . The Consultant may not retain subconsultants, employees and agents I 0(1. bth.41( aP tJ'-V I without the written consent of UWl. Further, under all circumstances, the Consultant shall MW1 be solely responsible for, and shall indemnify UWI and all affiliates, officers and directors I;wthereof against, the consequences of the actions of any such person taken or allegedly taken /1/ in the employ of the Consultant. 7. Taxes . The Consultant 'shall be responsible for all taxes, levies and charges that may accrue to the Consultant by virtue of the compensation, reimbursements or other payments paid or made to him hereunder. 8. Termination. (a) The Consultant's services hereunder may be terminated for cause by UWI at any time without notice. The term "cause" shall include, but not be limited to: (i) failure of the Consultant to observe or perform his obligations hereunder with reasonable care skill and diligence; (ii) failure of the Consultant to represent the interests of OWl with reasonable effort and regard for the success of the development of the Project; (iii) breach of the confidentiality provisions contained in paragraph 14 herein; and (iv) reasonable and objective evidence of personal misconduct, such as alcohol or drug abuse, by the Consultant. Notwithstanding the foregoing, "cause" may include other circumstances only if the substance and gravity of such circumstances are at least as significant as those listed in the foregoing sentence. Upon termination, the Consultant shall cease to be entitled to receive the compensation set forth in Section 5. (b) UWl may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement without cause upon 30 days ' written notice to the Consultant. In the event Consultant is terminated without cause, Consultant shall be entitled to receive (i) the compensation set forth in Exhibit through the effective date of such termination. 9. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Consultant, his executors, administrators and other successors, but neither this Agreement nor any right hereunder may be assigned by the Consultant and any attempt at assignment shall be null and void. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon UWl, its successors and assigns. 10. Governing Law. The validity, construction, interpretation and enforceability of this Agreement shall be determined and governed by the laws of the State of Idaho without regard to the principles of conflicts of law. 11. Enforceability The invalidity or enforceability of any provision of this Agreement as applied to a particular occurrence or circumstance shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any of the other provisions of this Agreement or the other applicability of such provision, as the case may be. 12. Notices. Any notices, requests, demands or other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered to the addresses referenced above or at such other address as either party may notify the other in writing. 13. Confidentiality. Consultant shall be bound by the following confidentiality provisions: (a) In connection with the perfonnance of the Services under this Agreement, OWl may disclose to Consultant certain information which may include, but is not limited to trade secrets, discoveries, ideas, concepts, know-how, techniques, designs specifications, drawings, blueprints, diagrams, flow charts, data, computer programs marketing plans, customer names and other technical, financial or business infonnation such as negotiations between the parties and discussions relating to the structuring of agreements, pricing, values, plans, prospects and assets of UWI. (b) Such infonnation whether in written, encoded, graphic or in other tangible form or provided orally, shall be deemed to be confidential and proprietary (hereinafter Confidential Information ) unless it is clearly identified by OWl prior to such disclosure as not being confidential or proprietary; provided, however, Confidential Information shall not include information: (i) previously known to Consultant free of any obligations to keep it confidential; (ii) which becomes publicly known through act of Consultant; (iii) which is rightfully received from a third party who is under no obligation of confidence to either UWI or Consultant; or (iv) which is independently developed by an employee, agent or contractor of Consultant who did not have any direct or indirect access to the infonnation furnished thereunder. (c) Consultant agrees that it shall hold all Confidential Information in strictest confidence and shall use same solely for the purpose set forth in this Agreement, and further agrees that it shall not make disclosure of any such Confidential Infonnation to anyone except those of its employees to whom such disclosure is necessary for the purposes authorized by this Agreement. In addition, and not by way of limitation of such obligations: (d) In addition to the indemnification provision herein contained, and without limiting same, Consultant agrees to be responsible for any breach of these confidentiality provisions by it or its representatives (including but not limited to Consultant's officers directors, employees, agents, attorneys, accountants, consultants and advisors) and will defend, indemnify and hold UWI harmless from any losses, damages, charges, fees or expenses including reasonable attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from such breach or claim of breach. (e) Upon termination of this Agreement, UWI, upon request to Consultant, shall be entitled within 30 days of such request to delivery of all tangible Confidential Information furnished by it, whether contained or stored on tapes, discs, files or otherwise, without cost. (f) The confidentiality provisions contained herein shall remain in effect for a period of two (2) years after expiration or termination of the Agreement. 14. Compliance With Law (a) The Consultant will conduct all services hereunder in complete compliance with all applicable national, state, municipal laws and regulations. (b) The Consultant will indemnify UWI and all affiliates, officers and directors thereof from, and defend such persons against, any claim, action, proceeding, investigation or inquiry with respect to any alleged conduct on the part of the Consultant that violates or is alleged to violate any provision of this paragraph. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. By: . Wyatt Vi C'= ft: J I~.;./ CONSULTANT BY: ~'j, Name: Morton D. McMillen Title: Partner Exhibit A Scope of Services Objective: The purpose of this task is to coordinate project technical resources, edit technical memorandums that are to be included in the 2004 Master Plan Update, conduct weekly internal coordination meetings with United Water (Dan Brown), provide weekly progress reports, including status of action items and project schedule to United Water Idaho, and compile all technical reports provided to form the 2004 Master Plan Update. Specific activities to be conducted by the Consultant will include the following: Task 1.1 Kickoff Meeting Conduct kickoff meeting with United Water Idaho , Dan Brown, to discuss the following: 2004 Master Plan Update preferred Outline Project Schedule Obtain Team Members Names with United Water Idaho (i., Scott Rhead, Bill Carr, Greg Wyatt, Jerry Healey, Camille Brown, Rob Barrett) and Technical Consultant Team (John Church and SPF Engineering, LLC). Approval to meet with Team members will be obtained before proceeding forward. Information requested from this Team might include: Required technical information to be included in 2004 Master Plan Update; and Technical memorandums and anticipated project delivery schedule. Task 1.2 Review Existing Information Review the following documents: United Water Idaho Water System Master Plan, June 1998 20 Year Master Plan Key Component Outline, Rhead, October 7, 2003 Master Plan Outline, SPF Engineering, LLC, July 19, 2004 Task 1.Technical Editing / Word Processing Edit word documents provided by United Water Idaho and Technical Consultant Team to ensure that all technical memorandums provided are consistent in format and meet the overall outline approved by United Water Idaho. Edited documents and content will need approval by United Water Idaho before incorporation in to the 2004 Master Plan Update. Task 1.4 Meetings Conduct weekly review meetings with Dan Brown, United Water Idaho (Wednesday, m. - Noon) and the Technical Consultant Team selected by United Water Idaho to J' coordinate project status, compile technical memorandums, graphics, figures, etc. that will be incorporated in the 2004 Master Plan Update. Attend monthly workshops with United Water Idaho and SPF Engineering, LLC. Mara Foley August 23 , 2004 United Water Idaho 2004 Master Plan Update Task 1.5 Progress Reports Provide United Water Idaho weekly progress reports documenting weekly meetings held with United Water Idaho and Technical Consultant Team, status of action items and project schedule. Task 1.6 Compile Technical Reports Compile all technical reports provided by United Water Idaho and the Technical Consultant Team for incorporation in to the 2004 Master Plan Update based on the outline determined at the beginning of the Project and approved by United Water Idaho during Task 1. Project Schedule Tasks Date Notice to Proceed August 23, 2004 Compile / Edit Technical Reports for 2004 Master Plan Update September 1 - December 1 2004 Revisions Incorporated December 1 - 24 2004 Final 2004 Master Plan Update December 31 , 2004 Project Budget Consultant shall be compensated on a time and material basis with an hourly rate of $50.00 per hour with a not to exceed of $30 000. In addition, Consultant shall be reimbursed for all other direct costs requested by United Water Idaho (printing, copying, binding, etc.) at actual cost in addition to the not to exceed contract amount of $30 000. Mara Foley August 23, 2004 United Water Idaho 2004 Master Plan Update .. Exhibit B Compensation Labor Consultant shall be compensated on a time and material basis with an hourly rate of $50.00 per hour with a not to exceed of $30 000. Direct Expenses Consultant shall be reimbursed for all other direct costs requested by United Water Idaho (printing, copying, binding, etc.). at actual cost in addition to the not to exceed contract amount of $30 000. The ex~~ption to this is mileage which will be billed at .375 a mile and is included in the not to exceed amount. Mara Foley August 23, 2004 United Water Idaho 2004 Master Plan Update CONSULTING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 20th day of May, 2004, by and between United Water Idaho Inc. ("UWI") with its principal office at 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho 83709 and Idaho Economics (the "Consultant") with its principal office at 12477 W. Edna Dr., Boise, ID 83713. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, UWI wishes to secure for itself the benefit of the Consultant's services to assist UWI in its master planning efforts; and WHEREAS, Consultant is willing to provide the services specified herein. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1. Term. For a period of eight months (the "Consultation Period") commencing on May 1, 2004 and ending on December 31 , 2004, unless this Agreement is earlier terminated as provided herein, the Consultant shall make himself available to perform and shall perform consulting services, of the nature described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, as may from time to time reasonably be requested by corporate officers of UWI. The Consultant shall commit such time as is necessary to perform the services listed in Exhibit Aduring the Consultation Period. 2. Scope of Services. Consultant agrees to perform the services ("the Services ) described in (its proposal dated April 9, 2004) (Exhibit A) incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. 3. Independent Contractor. The Consultant shall advise and assist UWI in a prompt diligent and competent manner according to his own means and methods of work at such times as are mutually convenient for him and UWI. The Consultant represents and warrants that he will be an independent contractor during the Consultation Period and that the performance of his consulting services hereunder shall be as an independent contractor. Nothing herein is intended to or shall be construed as making the Consultant an employee of UWI or conferring on him any rights , privileges or benefits as an employee of UWI during the Consultation Period; all rights, privileges and benefits as Consultant being set forth in this Agreement. 4. Billing. During the Consultation Period, the Consultant shall submit to an authorized representative of UWI, designated by an officer of UWI, within 10 days of the end of each calendar ,- month during the Consultation Period, a detailed bill for services rendered during such month. 5. Compensation. UWI shall compensate the Consultant $10 000 for the Services provided hereunder. Such compensation shall be payable monthly in United States dollars, sent regular mail to the Consultant's address given below , within 30 days after presentation to UWI by the Consultant of the bill prepared pursuant to paragraph 4. 6. Subconsultants. The Consultant may not retain subconsultants, employees and agents without the written consent ofUWI. Further, under all circumstances, the Consultant shall be solely responsible for, and shall indemnify UWI and all affiliates, officers and directors thereof against, the consequences of the actions of any such person taken or allegedly taken in the employ of the Consultant. 7. Taxes. The Consultant shall be responsible for all taxes, levies and charges that may accrue to the Consultant by virtue of the compensation, reimbursements or other payments paid or made to him hereunder. Termination. (a) The Consultant's services hereunder may be terminated for cause by UWI at any time without notice. The term "cause" shall include, but not be limited to: (i) failure of the Consultant to observe or perform his obligations hereunder with reasonable care, skill and diligence; (ii) failure of the Consultant to represent the interests of UWI with reasonable effort and regard for the success of the development of the Project; (iii) a breach of the confidentiality provisions contained in paragraph 14 herein; and (iv) reasonable and objective evidence of personal misconduct, such as alcohol or drug abuse, by the Consultant. Notwithstanding the foregoing, "cause" may include other circumstances only if the substance and gravity of such circumstances are at least as significant as those listed in the foregoing sentence. Upon termination, the Consultant shall cease to be entitled to receive the compensation set forth in Section 5. (b) UWI may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement without cause upon 30 days ' written notice to the Consultant. In the event Consultant is terminated without cause, Consultant shall be entitled to receive (i) the compensation set forth in Exhibit B through the effective date of such termination. 9. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Consultant, his executors, administrators and other successors, but neither this Agreement nor any right hereunder may be assigned by the Consultant and any attempt at assignment shall be null and void. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon UWI, its successors and assigns. 10. Governing Law The validity, construction, interpretation and enforceability of this Agreement shall be determined and governed by the laws of the State of Idaho without regard to the principles of conflicts of law. 11. Enforceability The invalidity or enforceability of any provision of this Agreement as applied to a particular occurrence or circumstance shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any of the other provisions of this Agreement or the other applicability of such provision, as the case may be. 12. Notices. Any notices, requests, demands or other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered to the addresses referenced above or at such other address as either party may notify the other in writing. 13.Confidentiality. Consultant shall be bound by the following confidentiality provisions: (a) In connection with the performance of the Services under this Agreement, UWI may disclose to Consultant certain information which may include, but is not limited to, trade secrets discoveries, ideas, concepts, know-how, techniques, designs, specifications, drawings, blueprints diagrams, flow charts, data, computer programs, marketing plans, customer names and other technical financial or business information, such as negotiations between the parties and discussions relating to the structuring of agreements, pricing, values, plans, prospects and assets of UWI. (b) Such information whether in written, encoded, graphic or in other tangible fonD or provided orally, shall be deemed to be confidential and proprietary (hereinafter "Confidential Information ) unless it is clearly identified by UWI prior to such disclosure as not being confidential or proprietary; provided, however, Confidential Information shall not include information: (i) previously known to Consultant free of any obligations to keep it confidential; (ii) which becomes publicly known through no act of Consultant; (iii) which is rightfully received from a third party who is under no obligation of confidence to either UWI or Consultant; or (iv) which is independently developed by an employee, agent or contractor of Consultant who did not have any direct or indirect access to the information furnished thereunder'. (c) Consultant agrees that it shall hold all Confidential Information in strictest confidence and shall use same solely for the purpose set forth in this Agreement, and further agrees that it shall not make disclosure of any such Confidential Information to anyone except those of its employees to whom such disclosure is necessary for the purposes authorized by this Agreement. In addition, and not by way of limitation of such obligations: (d) In addition to the indemnification provision herein contained, and without limiting same, Consultant agrees to be responsible for any breach of these confidentiality provisions by it or its representatives (including but not limited to Consultant's officers, directors, employees, agents attorneys, accountants, consultants and advisors) and will defend, indemnify and hold UWI harmless from any losses, damages, charges, fees or expenses including reasonable attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from such breach or claim of breach. (e) Upon termination of this Agreement, UWI, upon request to Consultant, shall be entitled within 30 days of such request to delivery of all tangible Confidential Information furnished by , whether contained or stored on tapes, discs, files or otherwise, without cost. (t)The confidentiality provisions contained herein shall remain in effect for a period of two (2) years after expiration or termination of the Agreement. 14.Compliance With Law (a) The Consultant will conduct all services hereunder in complete compliance with all applicable national, state, municipal laws and regulations. (b) The Consultant will indemnify UWI and all affiliates, officers and directors thereof from, and defend such persons against, any claim, action, proceeding, investigation or inquiry with respect to any alleged conduct on the part of the Consultant that violates or is alleged to violate any provision of this paragraph. IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. By: CONSULTANT By:0wrd.- Name: John Church Title: Principal Idaho Economics EXHIBIT A Idaho Economics Economic Consulting & Forecasting Mr. Dan Brown United Water Idaho 8248 West Victory Road O. Box 190420 Boise, Idaho 83719-0420 April. 9 , 2004 Dear Dan: Thank you for the opportunity to provide United Water with this proposal for services associated with the update of United Water Idaho s Master Plan. I have reviewed the work that I performed in United Water s !MAP application and will build upon that forecast methodology for the work to be performed in updating the Master Plan. However because the forecast in the !MAP application is based upon information that is nearly three years old it will be necessary to update .the historic and forecast information. This would involve updating the historic figures for: The number of customers by class of customer The water sales volumes to each class of customer The price of water to each customer class and the associated price deflators, and The historic monthly weather data (average temperature andprecipitation) for the months since the end of the historic data set in the !MAP forecast to the most recent month. In addition, I would check to see if there are more recent estimates of the normal weather concepts by month for the Boise WSO from NOAA and forecasts of the price deflators (the Consumer Price Index in this case) from the national economic forecasting firm Global Insight. The normal weather concepts and forecasts of the price deflators are utilized in the forecast period. I anticipate that revised forecasts for population, households and employment for Ada County by traffic analysis zone (T AZ) will need to be utilized. These populations, households, and employment will then be mapped to the boundaries of United Water s service area to be considered in the Company s Update to the Long Range Plan. In addition, these forecasted populations, households and employment by T AZ could be aggregated so as to provIde forecasts of the number of customers and water usage for sub-areas of the United Water Idaho service area. A comparative analysis of water usage by residential and commercial customers with and without access to secondary sources of non-potable irrigation water will need to be performed. And Idaho Econom ics Economic Consulting & Forecasting estimates of the number of future residential and commercial customers with access to such sources will be made so as to adjust forecasted future water demand and production. Annual peak load water production will be estimated using a methodology similar to that utilized in the !MAP projections will be perfonned. It is my objective to provide United Water with value, and to treat this project as a phase of a longer-tenn relationship. I have made strong efforts to structure and price this engagement such that United Water receives value. that is more than the consultant's fees. Therefore, in the spirit of a business partnership and a desire to c~ntinue to build upon long-tenn relationship, a fixed fee of $10 000 is offered for the analysis and forecasts as outlined above. However, because of the variable nature of legal and regulatory testimony and the difficulty of estimating the time that may be needed for that aspect of United Water s Update to the Long- Range Plan I have not included any expenses associated with those potential proceedings. I offer that any time associated with regulatory or legal inquiries and testimony would be billed in the future as these needs arise at a rate of $125.00 per hour. This hourly rate is unchanged from that provided in the !MAP process. Again, thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal to United Water. If you, or any of your staff, need anything further services or infonnation, or if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you with the "go ahead" on this project. With wannest regards ~L (!)wrJ.- John Church Idaho Economics, P.O. Box 45694, Boise, Idaho 83711 Telephone (208) 323 - 0732, Fax (208) 323 - 5583, E-Mail: ideconomics~earthlink.net Line-Schd St Item ~;lwD(t II ~(o1 Mfb 10 -Y0:$' roO Cj)~K/o(o Date . ~'\ ~ul~10 1 \.kj~~1-\ ...... Requisition Ship To:8248 W Victory RdBoise 10 83709 USA Quanti UOM Price Extended Amt Due Date Descri tion SNAP-LCM4 0000EA 550.650. Buyer: Lusch,lIene R Controller Line Total:650. SNAP-B3000 0000EA 341.682. Buyer:Lusch lIene R Line Total:682. 3-1 SNAP-D6M 0000EA 48.96. Buyer:Lusch,lIene R - 6 Port Module Rack - - Line Total:96. 4-1 M4SARC 0000 EA 138.276. Buyer:Lusch lIene R 100Mb Ethernet NIC Line Total:276. 5-1 M4SENET .J.i ,'1- ~ilt :J1: IrtJO I V Lusch,lIeneR If 101 0000 EA 545.090. Buyer: Line Total:1.090. 6-1 FACTORYFLOOR 0000 EA 349.349. Buyer: Lusch,lIene R - OPC Server Software Line Total:349. OPTOOPCSRVCD 1. 0000 EA 429.429. Ignature Ignature Ignature Ship To:8248 W Victory Rd Boise 10 83709 USA Requisition Business Unit: Req ID:Date Page 0000100123 10/14/2004 Requester Currency Barret t Robert USD Requester Signature Une-Schd 5t Item Descri tion Buyer: Lusch lIene R - CEA CO4JO04 - Fax PO to Barbara (Qt Opt022 80-569-1296 Ignature Ignature Quanti UOM Extended Amt Due Date IPrice Line Total:429. Total Requisition Amount:572. Ignature FRJM : AD! SECUR I TY SERV ICES FAX NO. : 2083425854 Jul. 07 2004 12: 40PM , . Fml11: PROPOSAL 7n/2004 Rev.031SD4 To: UNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 WEST VICTORY ROAD O. BOX 7488 BoIsE. 10 83709 Aftn;BILL CARR 208-362..7369 ADT Security Services, Inc. gag S. lATAH ST. BOISE, ID. 83705 Phone: 20B-3Be-691B Sales Re : DAVE WHITING Fax: 208-342-58S.QTY DESCRIPTION 1 4B0I52Q TVL DB INlght Carn. ~ 5-SOmm lens, In HSG w/mOl'"! & Gate ANII 1 POWER SUPPLY 100 VA OUTDOOR Pole LOCA"fIDN Type of ThJn!S8Ctfon .! DIrect Sale System to remain prop. of ADT 1 17" CQIDr MonItor, 550 TVL. 115V, 60Hz. 1 CuetomtJr To PrDVIde Pole To Mol.4nt Came,.. 1 AOT Will Use Tne Exlstln Conduit From The Bulldin 1 cu~tClmer To rovlde 120 VAC Power For The C~mera Ole Atch S'=IViees To Be Provided: Central St~"Dn SIgn",' Type of Servlce(s) .. 80 Phone Charge9 Not In APT Bill Direct Connection To: UsIng Digital Communicator LeQsecI Line Derlvc:KI Local Channel 4 BNC Cohnectof1j 1 MonItor Moum; Wall, for 13..1 MotlitD~ - 1501b System Dis tct! 0 OSP (MBlmenance) Annual TrainIng 8 Pref.Tf!l:hSuppor Test & Inspect 5er'Is. Tt!Sdng PreventiveMtnc Invntlgator Response: 10 - None OpentCtose Servlce.B): None OCher Initial for 1amhiarlzuUon period Initial to decline Maintenance ;:'..' ' ;:::;F.i't;iANe.At:'Atf~kNATiV.ei::. . :" In.t.Uation Outright S.I. Annual Cost $3,667 $284 6e $261.... Outright Sale Annual Service Cherge ALL FiC3uRES nBOVE ~CLU~ TAX FROM : ADT SECUR I TY SERV ICES FAX NO. : 2083425854 PROPOSA L From:To: ADT Security Services, Inc. 909 S. LATAH ST. BOISE, ID. 83705 Athi:Phone: 208...368-6916 Sates R~: OAVE WHIT1NG Fax: 208-342-5854aTY DESCRIPTION 1 480/520 TVL cay/Night Cern. & S~50mm Lens, In HSG w/mc,unt & G8fe 1 POWER SUPPLY 100 VA OUTDOOR Pole 1 17" Color Monitor. 550 TVL. 115V, 60Hz. Control 1 13" H h Ros Color Monitor, 1201230V,50/60Hz 4 BNC Connectors Labonrto 1 Customer To Provide Pole To Mount Camera 1 C~fitomer To prcvlde Conduit ~ram Bulldln T" CIIIM18m lem Gate Ar88 , Customer To Provide 120 VAC Power For Camera Gate Arm $31 ~21 ~88 u~ITED WATER IDAHO 500 $. MARDEN ROAD BOISE, 10 83712 BILL CARR LOCATION Outright Sala Jul. 07 2004 12: 40PM /2004 Rev.O31504 2Q8..362.7369 TYPe of ~naCttQn 8) Direct Sale system to remain prop. of ADT Services To 8e Provided: Oentrsl Stetl"" 6igMI TW* of Service(s) - 80 Phone Charges Not In ADT Bill Direct conneCtion To: Using Digital Cammunlaltar 0 lmsed Une Derived lOCal Channel 0 QSP (Maintenance) Annual Training 0 Pref.TcchSLlppor Test " Inspect 1 \ ..\\ Sens. Testing PreventiveMtnc InvBStig=-tor R85pOn": 1 0 - Nonli! Open/Clo- Servlc:e(s): Non~ Other Initial far farnllhilrlatlon perIod InitIal to decline MaintBnance ~ ;: F.'NANCIA~A~f.e.NA::o "&S, ::: InstaJJ8tIf;tn Outright S.I. Annuill Cost $3,e2'$268 ALL FIGURES ABove EXOI,.UPE: TA;r; FROM : ADT SECUR I TY SERV ICES FAX NO. : 2083425854 Ju 1. 07 2004 12: 40PM PROPOSAL Fl'Drn: ACT Security Services, Inc. 909 $. LATAH ST. BOISE, to. 83705 Phone: 2D8-3B8-fm16 Sales Rep: DAVE WHITING Fax: 208-342-5854 QTY 1 ~ calf Master DESCRIPTtON 1 3 C~II Master , 12VDC 5A Power Su ply 1 Flush Mt. 2-G8" SS Sub 1 Stainless Steel Back Box 1 This Proposal Replaces The Exist'n Intercom & Cable $2, $1aO To: UNITED WATER IDAHO 500 S. MARDEN ROAD Ann: BOISE. ID 83712 BILL CARR LOCATION Conlrol Laba Telcom Room Gme Gato Outright Sare Annual Service Charge /2004 Rev.031504 2~362-7369 Type of Transaction I) Direct S~II! SyStEm to rBmaln prop. of ADT Services To Be Provided: Cent,.., StatIon signal Type of Servlc8(S) is CONTROL. Phone Charges NOt In ADT Bill Direct ConnectIon To:Using Digital Communicator Leased line Derived LOCBI ChQnnel QSP (MBln~nce) Annual Training 0 Pref.TechSuppor Test & Inspett Sens. Testing PreventiveMb1C: Inwf!itlgator Rea ansa: 1 0 - None Open/Close Service(B): None Other Inlll.1 fCJr fernitiarizaUon perlc:ad InitIal to decline Malntenf!lnce , "':; FINANtIAiJ~Lte'~AT~tt.Ea' : . Installatlan Outright Sale Ann....1 Cost $2,859 $180 AI-I. FIOURES ABoVe EXcI-UDe: TAX FROM : RDr SECUR I TY SERV ICES FRX NO. : 2083425854 Jul. 07 2004 12: 39PM PROPOSAL ,.."""~ ACT Security Services, Inc. 909 S. LATAH ST. BOISE, ID. 83705 Phone: 20Bn3tm-S916 S~les Re DAVE WHITING Fax: 208~342..5854QTV DESCRIPTION 2 8 Point Ex nEllon Module 1 SIM PIR 200' or Bel' Curtain Barrier Dr BO'Jr80' Broad 1 Swivel Mount Bracket far AP633 1 SIM P'R IJ To 50')(50' Broad 1 SIM PIR 200' or 80' Curtain Barrier or 80'Jr80' BJOad 1 Swivel Mount Bracket for AP633 1 SIM PIR U To 50'X60' Broftd 1 SIM PIA U To 50'X5O' Broad 181M PIR 200' or 80' Curtain Barrier or sa.sO' Broad 1 5190 serIes Intrlnslcl1l1 safe PI~, A. raved Far CtitBS To: UNITED WATER IDAHO 5DO S. MARDEN ROAD Attn: BOtSE, ID 83712 BILL CARR tOCA TION System Main Level, South Side Motion Detector Southwe8t M.Jn 'Dve' LCte\lBr Level, North Side Motion Dst.ector lower LBV8I, North Double Door LCJWBf LBWI, Narthhst Side La\Wr Level, Cent..r Corridor Warl!lhDLJBB , III, Division 1, Gr'Oup$A, B, C, D, E, F, & G. 1 AU RI Id Conduit, Boxes, EMT, Etc. To Be Provided & Installed By United Water. AOj Win InfJt.&1I The Wlrln . 1 ALI)( Pwr $u I 24hr.standb order Sf! ratel 472381124&tOBJ47 MeeMnleal Rmm , Cabinet Enclosure for 472372 (2.5IJmp Power S Iv) 1 Battery12V 7AH 1 Hardwlred Transformor - 18 Volt Focus 200 Plus 2 SIM PIA Up To 50'X50' BrDad 5 Swivel Bracket for AP450, AP450A, AR435.ADT 2 $t;ilndlillon~ $IM Module 1 Miec, Connectors, Clumps, & Fasteners Mac;h.nlC81 Roam Power Supply MBChantcaJ ROD'" Upper & LIWIBr Halls E~IiI. Side Small MeIIlon Detectors Warehouse IR Sy&1em $10 /04 $1141 Outright Sale Annual Service Charge 717/2004 Rev.031504 208-362-7369 Type of~~n~alon (8 Dired: Sale . system to remain prop. Df ADT Services To Be Provided: Centrdl Stl!tllon SIQnEtI Type or Servlce(s) Phone Charges Not in ACT Bill Direct Connection Te~ USIng 8) Digital CommunlcltDr Leased Wne Derived local Channel ~ QSP (Maintenance) Annual Training ~ Pref.TechSLJppor Test Ii II\SpBct Sens. Testing PreventlveMtnc Investigator Response: 1 0 ~ None Open/CloBe 88rvll:e(5): None Other 'nltla' for Familiarization period Inltlitl to d~lIne Malntenanc$ , ,;.. .: f.INANCtACALTE'NAiriieil:' " ' Installalio,. Outright S.I.. Annual Cost $10 704 $941 ALl- FIGURE6 ABOVE Dt.CLlIDE TAX FROM : ADT SECUR I TY SERV ICES FAX NO. : 2083425854 Jul. 07 2004 12: 39PM PROPOSAL 71112004 Rev.O31504 From:TQ; ACT Security ServIces, Inc. G09 S. LATAH ST. BoISE, 10. 83705 UNITED WATER IDAHO 500 s. MARDEN ROAD Phone: 2Q8..388--6Q18 Sales Ra : DAVE WHITING Fax: 208-342-5854 Attn: BOISE. 10 83712 Bill CARR 208--382-7369 QTY D~SCR'PTION LOCATION control Unit In Electrical' ~QOm 1Ype of Ttansa(tlon Direct Sa'e . System to remain prop, of ADT1 PKG Focus CadQt Paclc8ge w/Focus Interactille Ke 1 Battery 12V 7 A H 1 Ground Clem In Hal Control Unit In Electrical Room SeNIces To Be Provided: Contn:sl Station SignalCo,..t(tJf Unit '" Electrical Room Thi!i Control Unit & K Control Unit And Ke Type of S&Nlce($) Phone Charges Not In APT Bill Dlrec;t Connection To: U$lng PJaltal Communicator Leased line Derived Local Ch~nnel Connect The E)dstlng Alarm Zones And TBSt ~ QSP (Maintenance) Annual Training 0 P~f.Tec:hSuppor Test a Inspect $ens. TeSting PreventtveMtnc InV88tigator Res nBe: 1 0 ~ Nan$ open/Close SeNice(s): Serv: Open/Closing loQglhg-No Schedule Other Initial for familiarization period IntUai la decline Mainten8nCfJ :' , , \~:~INAN'cil.L;'A~f~~N1T 'e.\' :,:~: Installation Oldright Sale AnnUal Cost $g18 $160 $918 $180 Outright Sale Annual Service Charge I\LI.. FIGURES ABOVE IDc.CLUDE TAX FROM : ADT SECUR I TY SERV ICES FAX NO. : 2083425854 Jul. 07 2004 12: 39PM P2 FftJln~ PROPOSAL ADT Security Services, Inc. 9O9 s. LATAH ST. BOISE, ID. 83705 Phone: 208~36e.6g16 Sales Rep: CAVE WHI~ING Fax: 208-342-5854QTY DESCRIPTION 1 Pre ram The EXlstfng Silent tenl t'lt 5104 FIre Alarm Transmitter To ACT Customer Monltorln Station. $200 $3214 Tr;r; UNITED WATER IDAHO 500 s. MARDEN ROAD Attn: BOISE,IO 83712 E'nLL CAR~ LOCATION Erectrtcal Room Outright Sale Annual Service Charge 7/7/2004 Rev.O31S04 208-362- 7~69 Type of "rntnQc;t(on (f) Dlrett sale Sysb!m tD remain prep. of APT Servlce!S To Be ProvldBd: Central station signal Type of Servlce(f;) CM - 23 Phone Charges Not In ADT Bill Diraot Co/1nBCtion To: Using Digital CommunicqtDr Leased Line Derived l.Oe~I Channel 0 QSP (Maintenance) Annual Training 0 Pref.TechSuppcr Test It Inspect sens. Test:lng PreventiveMtnc: InvestigatOr Response: 1 tI . None Open!CloBlt SerylceCII): None Other Initial for famltl~r~tlon period Initial to d~lIne Mainte"an~ :' '::" r.INAfJI~.L':ALYertNATi".i;. : " Inst.'..tion Outright Sale A.-nus' Cost $200 $384 "1-1- FIQURES ABOVE IF~CLUDIE TAX FKOM : RDT SECUR I TY SERV ICES FAX NO. : 2083425854 Jul. 12 2004 11: 50AM PROPOSA-- From: ACT SeciJrity St:!rvicas, Inc. 909 $, LATAH ST. BOISE, ID. 83705 Phone; 208--368--6916 sales Re : DAVE WHITING Fax: 208-342~5854 QTY DESCRIPTION To: UNITED WATER IDAHO 500 S. MARDEN ROAD Attn: aOlSE,lD 83712 BILL CARR lOCATION , TrClm.rnmer,Recelver Recr.W/cils la & relays G4 Trans. .7 Ou ornce Area 2 Tr8n81i'1Itter,Rec~Mtr,RF,aeltcll or Lao jTransmltt8r Doubl. Butta1 Standalone SIM Module InterfEllee To Secu $1 ,~46 ,62 Panel For Send Hel SIgnal. outright Sale Annual Service Charge 7/12/2004 ~tlY .060404 208-382-7369 Type gf Transactign (I) Direct Sale System to remain prop. of AOT Services TO Be provided: cenrral srstlon SIgnal TVPe of Servlce(s) R SERVICE.. 88 Phone Ch~rges Not in ADT Bill Direc:t Conf1P-l".tlnn T,,~Using 8) Digital Communl~or Leased LIne Derived local Channel (2) QSP (Malntt!nance) Annual Training 0 Pref.Ted1S~ppor -rest Pi Inspect Sen$. Testing PraveotiveMtr'lc InvQf,\ttgator ~eBpo"se: 10 . None Ope...lelosa '8rv1c~5): None Oth... Initial for fBmlllari28tton paned Initial to d~"ne Malnten~nce ;': . /;:iNA~CjAi.:A~""f!~NA)rI\/E~f;" -nslaltftlion Outright Sale Annual COlI $1,248 $162 ALL FIGURES ABOVE E)(C::Ll)D~ TAx FROM :ADT SECURITY SERVICES FRX NO. : 2083425854 Rug. 24 2004 11: 15RM P2 rJm RIDER ADT SecurllY SRNlc.I, Inc. For Addition8' Service THIS AIDER made this 2.. "I dew of ~ "~~ ~O ", Is P8" of and is to be 8ft'Chld ID Agreement mad. th.. "::Tt..day of ~ y , by and b.tw.n.n ADT Sec~rity Service., Inc. 9 d ., .s . lAJ--r I'() ~ ~~~ ..;.~ ~ -:::r: s:; & -, tJI) hereinafter called "ADT", and "V. /00.- :::r;~t'.P '-I. .. heroin.ltor c.lJod 1"0 .'Customar , fur 4""-- ~ .'$" ~:':1::'-", servico In the premises of the CUSIOMor al .---.- &'o~ " .s ~ ~,o ~ ~ in .hl City of . f2.~... ': - " , SI81e of ~b~ ..:.~ The Custamet hereby reque~I', and ADT aorees. 10 install the following addit;anll prntllclion: "$J" . .." '2... AI l ~Q'" I V /~~~ c:.. g4 5-" SLJ ~ S,l~s,~~ 1- l...1IJ ,.J ~ IU... 166" "I~ s- Ie :.. s7~ 1~7.:. 1- h~-rJ ~'X 1- NuL\" J fl2-.f~ ~~l,;;~ ;;;r fA., ,." 42-- ~#.,. .. ~I ~~ 6 ~\-t5.-r~ ~.. .:I: ~ A b~ d""&- ~~ 11 /€CI /1A.::' 1- ~J"'S (1e.J~ '~Q~ ~,:7t~ '14f!;T~~ ~~ Llt;:;r-~ (J p~ cA. I/o- OW\IL. '2 - -~~ - f'IoJ oS L,o The Cullomer hereby agre... 10 pay ADT, hI Agent. or Ani,"., the sum' of ,. c.A. JJi;:d ,..,J I.~p ~-..; S. \ ($ )3) '- 11C- Jt,~cr ~~~ if --............,- (.) t\ o.-6l tc...)~t'~ 10 ~f PBYlblB "pon signing of this Agreement end the balanc payable upon complerlon 01 thfl install_tiara, ~.a t~ p9y in ,,~tI;.f"" ..... tUihl:';D,LDI ,'*""" tit O~ ~'~'-'SrJlO~ I 7(0.'-0 -IJI,;~ g...~~~/~~~ pur ,ai _... ""T..iwhr ;rr tIId..a",.....tSiltH ~~~ " The panies hereto mutually agree that the aforesaid Agreement. of which this Rider is made a pan. is and shall be and remain in full force and effect in accordance with all of the tems end conditions thereof. modified only 8S in this Rider specifically provided. It is further agreed 10 that the origin~' expiratirm date of the refer,need Agree IUeht shall be extended for a period of NT/:!' teers. This Rider is not binding unless approved in writing by 8h authorized representative of the Company duseribsd above as ADT. ADT tf-- Customer By ~-! 'A C'S'AgO"' ~PPRDVED TitleAutharlled Representellve af AOT FORM 840.0' 11/87) FROM : RDT SECUR I TY SERV ICES Fro",; ACT Security Services, rnc. 909 S. LATAH ST. BOiSE. rD. 83705 Phone: 208--368-691a Sales Re~; DAVE WHITING Fax: 208...342-5854QTY DESCRIPTION 1 Call Extonsion Rels 1 Door R~leiJse R,,'a 1 Pa sr Dialer FRX NO. : 2083425854 PROPOSAL To: UNITED WATER IDAHO 500 S. MARDEN ROAD Altn: BOISE, ID 83712 BILL CA~R LOCATION FQr Gate Notific8tlon. $524 Outright Sale Rug. 18 2004 12: 58PM 8/18/2004 ~8v.oaO::SO4 208.382~ 7369 Type of T'r8nsect:fon Direct Sale SyStEm to remain prOp. of ADT Services To Be Provided: CentrBl Stlltion Slgn~1 Type of Service(s) is CONTROL w 81 Phone Charges Nat In ADT Bill Direct Connection To:Using Digital Communlc:atOr Leased LIne Derived Local Channel QSP (Maintenance) Annual Training 0 Pr~f.TechStJppor Test & Inspect Sen$. Test(ng Prevent:lveMrJ1c Investigator Res onse: 1 0 ~ None OpenlClose ServJce(a): None Othu, Initial for familiarization pIIrlod Intilal to decline Maintenance , '~, ', ~' . :jiiNANctA~:"hteRNA1'i\i,f " :':;:' , Installation Outright Sale Annual COB! $524 ALL Flc;lu~f!'.$ ABove EXCLUDE TA'" Automlati!o n Electron ics 9569 West Preece Ct Boise Idaho 83704 Ph: 208-327-9882 Fax 208-658-5011 United Water of Idaho 8248 West Victory RD Boise Idaho 83709 Attn: Bill Carr Dear Bill I have put together the following price at your request to run all necessary pipe at the Marden Water Treatment Plant to do the following. Install motion detectors at the following locations. 1. Electrical Room at main Switch Gear and Generator area. 2. Finish Water Pump Station along East windows. 3. Upper Filter area along West windows. 4. Hallway Upper main Lobby area 5. Hallway between Chern/Storage and Raw water intake. 6. Hallway at lower ChemlDistribution area. 7 . Across Chern/Storage room 8. Lower Filter Pipe Gallery We will also provide the conduit for 1 camera to be located at the main gate area. Due to the possibility of needing to cross the road at this area, a price from J.C. Constructors will be added to the bid and will be eliminated if not needed. Bill, at this time we have not included any of the following. 1. Painting or concrete patch repair if applicable 2. Blacktop or Sod replacement or sprinkler repair is applicable. Price for the conduit placement is $13.389. Price for the roadwork is Total price for this work is Bill if you have any questions about this pricing or the job please feel free to call any time. Sincerely yours Jesse Neubauer LOCATED AT: 4640 Chinden Blvd. Boise, Idaho 83714 FENCE CO. PHONE: (208)375-6767 Fax: (208)375-6768 Since 1961 MIKE THOMPSON, PRESIDENT MAILING ADDRESS: 106 E. 46th Place Boise, Idaho 83714 Where Quality Counts PROPOSAL TO:UNI TED WATER DATE March 24, 21211214 ADDRESS P.O. BOX 191tJ421tJ ATTN : BILLCELL: 761-1tJ359 CHAIN LINK FENCE SPECS BOISE, ID 83719-~42f21JOB ADDRESS COLUMBIA TANK PHONE: 362-730121 FAX: 362-1479 Gauge Top Rail 1 5/8" 9GQ,uge Top-Barb Wire THREE STRAND, Concrete 2 4 " Fence Style CPMMERCl'A ,I..Height of Fabric 6 ' Mesh Tie Wire Line posts 31f4." SCH4~. Post Spacing 1121' End Posts 2 71a" S CH 4121 Gate posts IA. WOOD FENCE SPECS Height of Fabric . Board Size Fabric Quality 2x4 Rails Posts Post Spacing Concrete Nails ;Galvd nizedRi ngSha n kAir QUantity:D1MO .A~'~~i 2~~'PF . DAMAGED 6'. TALl CHAIN LINK ENCE WITH THREE STRANDS'iO;F ;\BARB o W .liRE; . . INS~'ALL.19;iJr OF.NEW HE,A:YY .DU TY TALL.GAUGE CH,AI.LINK FEN PE W! TH TIiRE;E;i$J:R;AN OS "OF .:a'A.R'Bi)\'IIRE ' 2 .3Ia"O.,SPH4RJ,L~j~f OS~S.. 45 DEGREE . C'ortNER W~Ttt l?l 11811 O. D.SCH4f21 T:ERMINALS . ,. TOTAL FOR ABOVE. -- $ 2.525.0121 INSTALLED PLEASE AND FAX BACK WITH AU THO RIlAT ION TO PR OCEED . s CHEDULft .P()~T~t2J.4l~61f214 AND INS T A.L.pH~IN L1:N'K .'!!41f217 ItJ NOTE: The higher number of chain link gauge, reflects lighter weight materials. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The undersigned customer accepts the fencing proposal onthe terms and conditions as stated on Reverseand below. ACCEPTED Terms of Payment DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE. Sales Order by This quotation void after thirty (30) days. THANK YOU! WE APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY TO QUOTE YOUR PROJECT! f:)" United Water United Water Idaho 8248 W Victory Ad Boise I D 83709 United States Vendor: 0000002926 IBM PO Box 7247-0276 Philadelphia PA 19170-0276 United States 1- 1 T41 Laptop - Part # 23737FU 2- 1 Carrying Case - Part # 10K0207 - CEA CO4J501 Replace Production field laptop - IBM Quote # Y36449 J"., . . Purchase Order . p. Disostc via rmt Purchase Order Date Revision Page 00060-0000100606 01/1312005 Payment Terms Freight Terms Ship Via Net 15 FOB Dest - Fraht PreTIaid & Add Cornmon Buyer Phone Currency Lusch, Ilene R 201,261.5224 Ext 4348 USD Ship To:UWID1 8248 W Victory Rd Boise 10 83709 United States Bill To:200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park NJ 07640-1799 United States PO Price Extended Amt Due Date 5. OOEA 400.000.01/13/2005 Schedule Total 000. Item Total 000. 00 EA 49.245.00 01/13/2005 Schedule Total 245. Item Total 245. Total PO Amount 245.001 rIlD~ (l;I Construction, Inc. Constructing Excellence. Est. '977 PROPOSAL \proJect=--l CLOVERDALE/OVEDRLAN D RD. l~ocation ;.- L------ !Submit To: !UNITED WATER IDAHO1...---.--,"---- ,. ... "- . , ."' -. "~._" . O BOX 190240 B~ISE IDAHO 83?Q!. __...."- !.I:M+ - . ----=t:12" PVC DEVELOPED - ~~"'-' 12" V VE ( LAffeR & MA T'L ~'-- 31 12" MAIN CONNECTION ""m."" -.--. . 3, 10" MAIN TIE- ------C "4T-- 12" THRUST BLOCK~5.CANAL CROSS.ING ( 20" CASING) --k 6! BORE 20" CASING 7t FL~G-PERSON12" MAIN ----'. "-' "As p HAL T R MOVAL (12" MAj"t~r) -- 1-=_.. 9! 12" MATERIAL LESS VALVES ---r::-~1or 8" PVC DEVELO ED --'~, ,", 1'-- 11 8" VALVE ( LABOR & M12 8" MAIN TIE--r- '- 8" THRUS K_- -~-, -..---- -----t:"""-"14f " M TERIA ss VALVES)L-- ---=t--f~ ~~;-~~~~~~t~~:~~ & MAT'L. ):r : ~ ~:: ~~~~~~ ~~ OC K -- -.. .---p:~ A ~~~:N;SSVArl7rlL . 211 TH~UST BLO~_ .-- 22 FIRE HYDRANT MATERIAL ,-- 23 ' - " SERVICE LINE TIE-OVER ~~_ ----1:~~E~VICE LlN~ ~~ TERIA ~".._", 251 1" SERVICE LINE STUB "131 1" SERVICE LlNE'-STUB MA ~IAL L.~ . '" --..MOB/I3.~~9.!3 ~B~P_ DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT 3120 LF 15 EA 1 EA 1 EA 28 EA 3 EA 65 LF 40 MH 480 SF LS 105 LF EA 3 EA EA LS 20 LF 1 EA 1 EA EA LS 2 EA EA LS 1 EA LS 3 EA LS :~"=:~. Date: Phone: Fax: UNIT COST 24.50 $ 215.00 $ 980.00 $ 295.00 $ 100.00 $ 800.00 $ 290.00 $ 20.00 $ 55 $ 53,741.67 $ 22.00 $ 650.00 $ 295.00 $ 90.00 $ 647.97 $ 16.75 $ 440.00 $ 680.00 $ . 90.00 $ 307.76 $ 700.00 90.00 $ 610.58 $ 390.00 200.42 $ 380.00 $ 557.40 $ 500.00 PROJECT TOTAL 6434 W. Dowen Road ' Boise. /0 B3709 (20B) 376-2240 Fax (20B) 376-0324 \.,l)'l Uo'-V ~Me- 12/13/2004 376-224 376-0324 ._.~ ITEM A~,OUNT .J 76,440.00 .....J 18,225.09., ! 980. 295. 800.00 I 20,400. 18,850.001 800.09. ,I 264. 741. 00 I 950. 885. 630. 647. 335. 440. 680. 180.~07. 3,400. 180. 10.8 I 390. 200.42 -_.., - 140. 557.40 .-:_--...:.__ $ 216,639. . PROJECT OWYHEE - CLOVERDALE & OVERLAND RD .. :aID ..NO. .5149099 031/WlO 12/06/04PAGE . - - - - - - --- -- - --- --- -- ---~ - -- ---- -- ------ --- ----- --- ------ ---------- ------ -- -- ITEM NO.r;xrY DESCRI PTION UNIT PRICE EXTEND ED PRI CE - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- 12 If WATER MAIN 022637 3180 128 CL150 C900 PVC PIPE 190.37,842.022611 12-CL50 TJ DUCTILE IRON PIPE 19 .412.- INCL:(1)TJ GASKET PER PIECE 022636 10.CL150 C900 PVC PIPE 842.168.042018 12"DON FLG CI CROSS 883 .766.023347 12"DaM FLG CI TEE 500.500.023358 12X6 DaM FLG CI TEE 495 .495.026401 12X8QDOM MJX~ DI TEE W/A-KIT 329.329.KIT:(FITl'ING + STD ACCY)026400 12X6QDOM MJXFLG DI TEE W/A-KIT 316.316.KIT:(FITl'ING + STD ACCY)026339 12"FXMJ RW KAT G/VAL W/ACC-KIT 948.8, 535.KIT:12. GATE VALVE + ACCY026344128MJ RW WAT G/VAL W/ACC-KIT 973.840.KIT:12" GATE VALVE + ACCY 021903 IS-368 CI VALVE BOX BASE 35.530.063797 120 6110DX20 I 14 GA STEBL PIPE 551.063065 611 UWI WATER VALVE BOX LID 11.194 . 6906204912Xl/S"ZINC RR RNG FLG ACC ,PAX 18 .239.026452 12-DOM MJXFLG DI ADAPT W/A-KIT 140.420.KIT:(FITTING + STD ACCY)026465 12XIO. DOM MJ DI RED W/ACC-KIT 162 .162 .KIT:(FITTING + STD ACCY) 026464 12X8 If DON MJ DI RED W/ACC-KIT 147.147.KIT:(FITl'ING + STD ACCY)023335 12X8 '1 OOM FLG CI REDUCER.408 .226.026259 12"DOM ,MJ-TAP DI CAP W/ACC-KIT 99.99.KIT:FITTING + STD ACCY)065529 OWI BLOW-OFF ASSM - KIT 202.202.0832S5 3/4XS'6QTHRD J-ROD W/WSHR&NUT 152 ~ S102626412"COM MJ LNG DI SLV W/ACC-KIT 161.646.KIT:FITTING + STD ACCY) 0234.12"DOM MJ DI 45-ELL 140.3, 084 . 8402342912"DOM MJ DI 90-ELL 171.171.114328 12 ftRGAP ROMAGRIP PVC ACCY PACK 82.821. GASKET RANGE 12.75-13.066501 12 U RGAP ROMAGRIP DI, ACCY PACK 74.780.063893 3500 12/1 5 00 . BLK SOLID TRACE WIRE 64.227.067456 70-566 TAN WIRE CONN BAG /15 19.57.- -BAG QUANTITY - -063925 10 LBS HTH CHLORINE TABLETS 36.108. 8 If WATER MAIN PROJECT: OWYHEE - CLOVERDALE & OVERLAND RD .. BID NO. 5149099 031/WI0 12/06/04PAGE -- - - - - - --- ----- -- - -- - ----- -- ----- ------ --- - -- ---- -- ------ - --- -- - ----- -- -- - -- - -- ITEM NO.QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTEND ED PRI CE - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - ~ - - - - - - - - 022635 022609 026395 026331 062046 063797 063065 023438 064953 026251 065529 026262 022634 026336 062044 063065 023437 114325 100 . 4 8 R CL150 C900 PVC PIPE 8 II CLSO TJ DUCTILE IRON PIPE - INCL: ( 1) TJ GASKET PER PIECE 8X6 H DON MJXFLG DI TEE W /A- KIT KIT: (FITTING + STD ACCY) 8" FXMJ RW WAT G/VAL W/ACC-KITKIT: 8 n GATE VALVE + ACCY 8Xl /8" ZINC RR RNG FLG Ace PAK6RODX20' 14 GA STEEL PIPE 6 n ,OWl WATER VAL VB BOX LIDS" DOM MJ DI 45-ELL8 n RGAP ROMAGRIP DI ACCY PACKsft DOM MJ-TAP DI CAP W/ACC-KITKIT: (FITTING + STD ACCY)2" OWI BLOW-OFF ASSM-KIT 8" DOM MJ LNG Dr SLV W/ACC-KITKIT: (FITTING + STD ACCY) 555.00 C 12.42 . FT 193. 489. 11. 74. 37. 67 . 24 202. 8~105. 321. 311. 8. OS 11.47. 32. 555. 223. 193. 467. 28. 183 . 73-- 57.26- 296. 303. 67 . 202.81 "1,.. 631.47 L:\"k 64. 311. 11. 95. 76 129. FIRE HYDRANT 022634 100 CL1S0 C900 PVC PIPE 321.321. 023690 FXMJ RW WATEROUS GATE VAL 296.593. 062044 6Xl/S n ZINC RR RNG FLG Ace PAX 16. 16 063797 20 . 6180DX20'14 GA STEEL PIPE FI'91. 063065 UWI WATER VAL VB BOX LID 11.EJ:\22 . 91 114325 6 If RGAP ROMAGRIP PVC ACCY PACK 32 .129. GASKET RANGE 6.63- 041170 611-6 . ROMAC BELL RESTRAINT 49.148. 023643 WB67 6 - a MJ WATEROUS HYDRANT 088.2, 1 77 . 44 063893 500 12/1 500 I BLK SOLID TRACE WIRE 64.32. 6" WATER MAIN68 CL1SO C900 PVC PIPE 6 R FXMJ RW WAT G/VAL W/ACC-KITKIT: 6 n GATE VALVE + ACCY 6Xl/8- ZINC RR RNG FLG Ace PAK6 n UWI WATER VALVE BOX LID6 n roM MJ DI 4S-ELL 6 It RGAP ROMAGRIP PVC ACCY PACK GASKET RANGE 6.63- SERVICE TIE-OVER ~ROJEtT : OWYHEE - CLOVERDALE & OVERLAND RD BID NO. 5149099 -.Q31/WIO - - - --- ---- --- -- - - ----- ---- ------ - --- - --- -- - ---- ---- ---- -- ------ - - -- --- ---- --- -- 12/06/04PAGE ITEM NO.OTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRI CE EXTENDED PRICE - - - --- --- -- -- - -- --- -- - --- --- - ------- - ---- - - -- - ------- ------ -------- - --- - - - --- 099478 101N 14. 38X2 It ROMAC SADDLE 50.50.021777 2X4 ft BRASS NIPPLB062521B11- 777 FIP FORD B/CURB STOP 80.80.011066 SCH 80 P/E PVC ~~PB 82 . 34 . 16. 47062703C66 - 77IDR7 2 It PPJ FORD CPLG 44. 79 44. 79 048053 lOIN 14. 38Xl"CC ROMAC SADDLE 40. 77 122.062623 FB1001-4G 18 FORD B-CORP STOP 26.79.062518 Bl1-444 PIP FORD B/CURB STOP 29.87.028441 200 l1lX100'200# IPS DRSCO PIPE 61.123 .063797 6-0DX20' .GA STEEL PIPE 91.063065 UWI WATER VALVE BOX LID 11.34. Bid Subtotal:78,137. Tax:688. BID TOTAL 82,825. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS --- - --- - ---- -- - - - -- -- ---- ---- ---- - ---- --------- ---- --- --- --- --- -- -- ---- - -- -- - -- PER LIST BY JIM STRONG rJJnri;;c;;;ConstructioDp Inc. Constructing Excellence Est. '977 PROPOSAL Project: ROSEHIlLlPOND/GARDEN/AlBION location: CO5D601 Submit To: UNITED WATER IDAHO O. BOX 190240 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 Date: Phone: Fax: Plans Dated: "- -:J/ "-0;) tbNlJ Z/ ~f/lLL 2/15/2005 376-2240 376-0324 DESCRIPTION 11ACHD PERMIT 2jACHD TRAFFIC CONTROL 3! 8" PVC DEVELOPED 4!8" VALVE (lABOR & MATL.) '516" MAIN CONNECT 61ASPHAlT REMOVAL ----- 8" THRUST BLOCK 8 FlAGPERSON 918" WATER LINE MATl QTY IUNIT! lS i $ 61 WKS I $845 IF I $ 2J EA ! $ 21 EA . $ 3380 i I $ EA 32 MH I $ 11 lS j $ Oi6" PVC DEVELOPED j6" VALVE lABOR & MATL.)---12 6" MAIN TAP~13 6" MAIN CUT- ---1416" MAIN CONNECT 5 ASPHALT REMOVAL 16j6" THRUST BLOCK . 17 6" WATER LINE MATl 785! IF : $ 41 EA 11 EA I $1 EA 1 EA 31551 SF ! $ 51 EA 1, lS - 18 4" PVC DEVELOPED 19 4" VALVE (lABOR & MATL. 20 BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY--21 4" THRUST BLOCK 22 ASPHALT REMOVAL---23 4" WATER LINE MATl L, 24!FIRE HYDRANT 25 6" THRUST BLOCK 26 FIRE HDYRANT MA 2611" SERVICE REPLACEMENT ASPHAlT REMOVAL 28 CURB & GUTTER R & R 29!SOD REPAIR 620 IF . $ ' EA ! $ 2 EA I $ EA 24801 SF 1 lS ! $ 6434 W. fiowen Road . Boise. /0 B3709 (208) 376-2240 Fax (208) 376-0324 UNIT ITEM COST AMOUNT 341.90 $ 1,341. 465.00 $ 2 790. 22.00 .$ 18,590. 660.00 $ 1,320. 750.00 $ 1,500. 55 1$ 1 859.00 I 90.00 $ 630.00 i 20.00 $ 640. 703.25 $ 7 703. 16.75 $ 590.00 $ 850.00 $ 890.00 $ 735.00 $ 55 $ 90.00 ! $ 761.11 $ 14.00 395.00 $ 100.00 $ 90.00 $ 55 $ 1 ,992.98 400.00 $ 90.00 322.59 420.00 $ 55 I $ 25.00 $ 75 I $ 13,148.75 t 360. 850. 890. 735.00 735. 450. 761. 680. 790. 200. 180. 1 ,364. 992. Constructionp Inc. Constructing Excellence. Est. '977 1" SERVICE MAT'l PROPO~AL1i LS I $ 11.498.751 $ 11,498.751I $ system total $ 114 438. PROJECT TOTAL $ 114,438. 2/15/2005 dateNTRACTOR'S AUTHO IZED SIGNATURE 6434 W 6owen Road . Boise. /0 B3709 (208) 376-2240 . Fax (208) 376-0324 . INn olT' BOISE - UNITED PIPE 7000 W VICTORYOBOX 9405 BOISE, ID 83709 Telephone: 208-947-83002/11/05 Bid ID: 5152209 Proj ect :OWYHEE - ROSEHILL & POND Qty Item No. Description 8 " WATER LINE 860 022635 8"CL150 C900 PVC PIPE 023245 8X6"DOM FLG .cr CROSS 023352 8X4"DOM FLG CI TEE 026373 8X6"DOM MJ DI TEE W/ACC-KIT KIT:(FITTING + STD ACCY) 026337 8" FXMJ RW WAT G/VAL W/ACC-KITKIT:B II GATE VALVE + ACCY 026450 8" DOM MJXFLG DI ADAPT W/A-KITKIT:(FITTING + STD ACCY) 026432 8X6"DOM MJ DI RED W/ACC-KIT KIT:(FITTING + STD ACCY) 022634 CL150 C900 PVC PIPE 026261 6" DOM MJ LNG DI SLY W/ACC-KIT KIT:(FITTING + STD ACCY)1000 063893 12/1 500' BLK SOLID TRACE WIRE 062046 8X1/8" ZINC RR RNG FLG ACC PAK Page Unit Price UOM ExtendedPrice 620.332. 373 . eo 373.239.239. 167.502. 489. 03 978. 101. 73 203. 96.192. 358.71. 6087.350. 64.64.38. 6 " WATE:R. LINE 800 022634 CL150 C900 PVC PIPE 358.864. 043233 SST 7. 30X6"DI FLG ROM TAP SLV 336.336. 026390 6" DOMMJXFLG DI TEE W/ACC-KIT 152.152. KIT:(FITTING + STD ACCY) 064775 6" MJ RW TAPPING VAL W/ACC-KIT 442 . 84 442.026336 6" FXMJ RW WAT a/VAL W/ACC-KIT 311. 45 934.KIT:6" GATE VALVE + ACCY0620446Xl/8" ZINC RR RNG FLG ACC PAK 32. 023437 DOH MJ DI 45-ELL 57.230.114325 6" RGAP ROMAGRIP PVC ACCY PACK 32.259. GASKET RANGE 6.63- 026261 6" DOM MJ LNG DI SLV W/ACC-KIT 87.350.KIT:(FITTING + STD ACCY)09~952 K501 10X7.35 ROM SSBN CPLG 118.236.063605 GXG C-900 PVC REPAIR COUP 45.90.1000 063893 12/1 5 00 'BLK SOLID TRACE WI 64.64. 940637976"0DX20 I 14 GA STEEL PIPE 91. 87063065UWI WATER VALVE BOX LID 10.40. 4" WATER LINE 620 022633 4" CL150 C900 PVC PIPE 026335 4" FXMJ. RW WAT G/VAL W/ACC-KITKIT: 4 II GATE VALVE + ACCY 062042 4Xl/8" ZINC RR RNG FLG ACC PAK 065529 2"UWI BLOW-OFF ASSM-KIT 026460 4" DOM MJ-TAP DI CAP W/ACC-KITKIT: (FITTING + STD ACCY)20 063797 6 "ODX20 , 14 GA STEEL PIPE063065 6" UWI WATER VALVE BOX LID Continued Next Page 187.159. 243 . 71 487. 15 . 94 202.405. 40.80. 91. 8710.61.10 2/11/05 BOISE - UNITED PIPE 7000 W VICTORYOBOX 9405 BOISE, ID 83709 Telephone: 208-947-8300 Bid ID: 5152209 proj ect :OWYHEE - ROSEHILL & POND Unit Price UOMQty 500 063893 12/1 Item No. Description 500'BLK SOLID TRACE WIRE 64 . 94 Page ExtendedPrice 32. FIRE HYDRANTS 026350 WB67 5-6 MJ WAT HID W/ACC-KIT 081.15 162. KIT: 5-6 MJ HYDRANT + ACCY 026336 6" FXMJ RW WAT G/VAL W/ACC-KIT 311.622. KIT:6" GATE VALVE + ACCY 062044 6X1/8"ZINC RR RNG FLG ACC PAl(16. 022634 CL150 C900 PVC PIPE 358.143. 1" WATER SERVICES SINGLE SERVICE 097423 101N 60X1" CC ROMAC SADDLE 048047 101N 5. 40X1" CC ROMAC SADDLE 062623 FB1001-4G 1" FORD B-CORP STOP 063137 AV96-444WG FORD YOKE METER VLV 063178 L96 -44G 1" PEXPJ FORD YOKE ELL063144 Y504P 1" 3PRG FORD YOKE BAR 065363 3/4X42" PEXPE BLACK IRON RISER062626 20X42 RMI POLY METER BOX 066025 L2242 20"MTR ax RNG/SLD LD KIT022137 #72 PPJ FORD STIFFENER FORD #721"X100' 200# IPS DRSCO PIPE C56-34G 3/4X1" IPXPE FoRD CPLG12/1 500 'BLK SOLID TRACE WIRE70-566 TAN WIRE CONN BAG/15 - - BAG QUANTITY - - 141 1600 02844147 1072011500 063893 067456 28.86 E24.80 E29.66 E23.80 E14.48 E 14.13 E88 E49.83 E36.00 E23 E 61. 60 14 . 17 64. 94 20. 04 Continued Next Page 432.347.394.118.680.664.417. 2 , 342 . 06692.173. 985.665. 97.60. Qty 2/11/05 BOISE - UNITED PIPE 7000 W VICTORYOBOX 9405 BOISE, ID 83709 Telephone: 208-947-8300 Bid ID: 5152209 proj ect :OWYHEE - ROSEHILL & POND Item No. Description UnitPrice * * ** * *** ********* ******* **** Special Inst ructions * ** * **** **************** **** PER LIST BY JIM Subtotal: Tax: Bid Total: JG'""S..s UA/t)e.. Page UOM ExtendedPrice 824. 849. 32,673. ~~~9~ /9) ~9: ;;-r~Ls rIlDciJC!dJ ~o 5'tJ to 0 lZJ~ 't- fhJ Construction, Inc. Constructing Excellence - Est. '977 PROPOSAL Project: EDSON ST. & POND ST. Location: CO5D602 Submit To: UNITED WATER IDAHO O. BOX 190240 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 Date: Phone: Fax: Plans Dated: 2/14/2005 376-2240 376-0324 iTEM QTY I UNIT UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION COST AMOUNT ACHD PERMIT 800.800. " 2 ACHD TRAFFIC CONTROL WKS 255.765. 8" PVC DEVELOPED 930 22.20,460. 8" VALVE (LABOR & MAT'L.)660.660. 5i6" VALVE (LABOR & MAT'L.)590.590.--6 6" MAIN TAP 850.850. 6" MAIN CONNECTION EA I $725.725. ---.... 8 ASPHALT REMOVAL 4230 326. ----.. 9 8" THRUST BLOCK 90.540. -""""'10 VALLEY GUTTER R & R 13.624. --'" 11 FLAGPERSON 20.320. ---=- 1 2 8" WATER LINE MA TERIAL(LESS VALVES)7,438. $ ' 7,438.~13 2" PVC DEVELOPED 160 14.240. 2" VAL VE(LABOR & MA T'L.)240.240. -----=-1 5 2" MAIN TAP 225.225. -=::::. 1 6 BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY 100.100.~17 ASPHALT REMOVAL 560 308. I.-2" WATER LINE MATERIAL(LESS VALVES)861 .861 . FIRE HYDRANT 400.400. THRUST BLOCK 90.90. FIRE HYDRANT MATERIAL 596.596. CURB & GUTTER R & R 25.125. 1" WATER SERVICE REPLACEMENT 420.10,920. ASPHALT REMOVAL 1560 858. SIDEWALK R & R 120 12.440. SOD REPAIR 350 612. 27!1" WATER LINE MATERIAL 830.830. Ir '$1., '" ~ II . 1" 'J,r system total $ 61 946. 61 ,946.PROJECT TOTAL 6434 W. Bowen Road Boise. /0 83709 (208) 376-2240 . Fax (20B) 375-0324 " ".:,-,.-.,,.,,,,',"'-"""....".""":",, """'' ..""",-' -.-. , 2/11/05 BOISE - UNITED PIPE 7000 W VICTORYOBOX 9405 BOISE, ID 83709 Telephone: 208-947-8300 Bid ID: 5152207 proj ect :OWYHEE - EDSON & POND ST Page Unit ExtendedPriceUOMPrice 29.771.16 23 . 80 618.14.376.14.367. 95. 61.431. 2014.354. Qty Item No. Description SINGLE SERVICE 062623 FB1001-4G 1ft FORD B-CORP STOP 063137 AV96-444WG FORD YOKE METER VLV 06317 B L96 - 44G 1 II PEXPJ FORD YOKE ELL063144 YSO4P 1" 3PRG FORD YOKE BAR 065363 3/4X42" PEXPE BLACK IRON .RISER062626 20X42 RMI POLY METER BOX066025 L2242 20ftMTR BX RNG/$LD LD KIT022137 #72 PPJ FORD STIFFENER FORD #72700 028441 1 "X100' 200# IPS DRSCO PIPE25 107201 C56-34G 3/4X1" IPXPE FORD CPLG1000 063893 12/1 500 'BLK SOLID TRACE WIRE 067456 70-566 TAN WIRE CONN BAG/15 - - BAG QUANTITY - - Continued Next Page 2/11/05 BOISE - UNITED PIPE 7000 W VICTORY P 0 BOX 9405 BOISE, 10 83709 Telephone: 208-947-8300 Bid ID: 5152207 proj act :OWYHEE - EDSON & POND ST Page Qty Item No. Description Unit Price UOM ExtendedPrice 8" WATER LINE 940 022635 8"CL150 C900 PVC PIPE 620.828. 061582 SST 7. 00X6"DI FLG ROM TAP SLY 336.336. ALT 043233 SST 7. 3 OX6 "DI FIn ROM TAP SLY 336. 026395 8X6"DOM MJXFLG DI TEE W/A-KIT 203.203. KIT:(FITTING + STD ACCY)026342 8"MJ RW WAX G/VAL W/ACC-KIT 506.506.41 KIT:8" GATE VALVE + ACCY 026336 6" FXMJ RW WAX G/VAL W/ACC-KIT 311. 45 311. 45 KIT:6" GATE VALVE + ACCY 062044 6X1/8" ZINC RR RNG FLG ACC 026432 8X6" DOM MJ DI RED W/ACC-KIT 96.192. KIT:(FITTING + STD ACCY) 026470 8"DOM MJ 01 90-ELL W/ACC-KIT 129.129. KIT:(FITTING + STD ACCY) 026262 8" DOM MJ LNG DI SLY W/ACC-KIT 109.219. 02 KIT:(FITTING + sm ACCY) 1000 063893 12/1 500' BLK SOLID TRACE WIRE 64.64. 063797 6 "ODX20 , 14 GA STEEL PIPE 91. 063065 OWl WATER VALVE BOX LID 10.10. 2" WAXER LINE 160 034654 DROP PIPE THO PVC SCH 80 158.253. 021667 BRASS COUPLING 67. 044074 10m 9. 80X2"ROMAC SADDLE 40.81. 021775 2X2-1/2"BRASS NIPPLE 021778 2X6"BRASS NIPPLE 13.13. 023672 THO RW WATEROOS GATE VAL 141.141. 65 062521 811-777 FIP FORD B/CURB STOP 89.89. 065529 2"UWI BLOW-OFF ASSM-KIT 202.202. 063797 6 "ODX20 , 14 GA STEEL PIPE 91. 87 063065 OWl WAXER VALVE BOX LID 10.30. 500 063893 12/1 500 'BLK SOLID TRACE WI 64.32. FIRE HYDRANTS 026350 wa67 5 -6 MJ WAT HYD W/ACC-KITKIT:5 - 6 MJ HYDRANT + ACCY 026336 6" FXMJ RW WAX G/VAL W/ACC-KIT KIT:6" GATE VALVE + ACCY 062044 620./8"ZINC RR RNG FLG ACC 063065 OWl WATER VALVE BOX LID 022634 CL150 C900 PVC PIPE 081.15 E 311. 45 081.15 311.45 B. OB E 1.0.1.B E 35B.00 C 10. 71. 60 Continued Next Page Qty 2/11/05 BOISE - UNITED PIPE 7000 W VICTORY . P OBOX 9405 BOISE, ID 83709 Telephone: 208-947-8300 Bid ID: 5152207 proj ect :OWYHEE - EDSON & POND ST Item No. Description Unit Price UOM **** **** **************** **** Special Inst ructions * *** ** ** ******** ******** **** PER LIST BY JIM Subtotal: Tax: Bid Total: /,A 1.:'5) V'~) l7f ) Page ExtendedPrice , 977. 958. , 936. (, 7. D8 -t IS 7/)1" ... Unlted 11 Tater ~~~, V V . (,.. iJ (;);;; (ID United Water Idaho Inc. 8248 W. Victory Road O. Box 190420 Boise, 10 83719-0420 telephone 208 362 7343 facsimile 208 362 3858 February 7, 2005 Jim Strong Owyhee Construction, Inc. 6434 W. Gowen Road Boise, Idaho 83709 . . SUBJECT:C05D701Latah Street Main Replacement Notice To Proceed Dear Jim Please consider this letter as your notice to proceed on the Latah Street main replacement project. Attached is the signed proposal dated February 3 , 2005. If you have any questions please give me a call. Sincerely, L). ~aefer ;J - - Engineering Design Technician www.unitedwater.com .. rJJnriJ (f;JConstruction, Inc. Constructing Excellence. Est. '977 PROPOSAL Project: LATAH ST. MAIN REPLACEMENT Location: - .~..- ,.--.".. --..- ~.._--, ~" ..,- ._,==- ..~'._~- --~, .,,-, -."'" -, -- ._" Submit To: UNITED WATER IDAHO -.- --- - -, ---.--- - -..- ..---. -,., .----.- -----... - ~,.,.. -.",' O. BOX 190240 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 ,..._""..._,_.."",._""-",-",,,.,,_.__.._-,,-,,,....._.,...~..-_._._,..."-'""""""--"""'-"".""-""."""""'-_."""-'~"""' i--"- .""""-"'-"'--" i"""-""""""""' ,'-""""""'---"---"'-"""-!---""'---"-~'--"'-'-' UNIT ! ITEM i ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT! COST AMOUNT 1 !ACHD PERMIT N/A r"---'----"-"218" PVC DEVELOPE6---"-------'."--r'.--194STLF'I$----22.00 j'790. ""'-"---"'-"--+--'-'---------'------""-'-""=- ---'".--.,,--.......-t-.--... ' , ." ,..--- - ,..on 1 -----, 3~" VALVE (LABOR & MAT'L)EA I $ 660.00 I $ 5,280.4!8" MAIN TAP EA $ 880.00 $ 1 760.00 I ~_...,",....__._".._-" 't":.:=---- -~"-----"'-""._-"-----'--"-----j---"----" ,--- "_.' ' ---'i ~~-~~ 1~~~ -~"""-"---'"-' EMPORARY ASPHAlTREPAi~----'-241- SF: ~ . 55 372.00 r---""'--"-FLAGPERSON ~~-'-----------.'-- 1--- 40 T$ . 20.800.CO'" 918" MATERIAL (LESS VALVES) 1 i LS j $ 18 280.! $ 18 280.71 I t-'-"--'-10!6"pvc~6EVEC6p'ED .~- _._-_._-_.,,-_..~--,.,---- t--14-6t-Wt-f"'. -' - 16:igT$ 345.00l r--"""'""'-1~VALVES (LABOR & MAT1:)---- "'""'"-.- ! -- -" 4TEAl $" 450.00 i $"" 1 806~o6- ~=-~~~t~: ~;J; ~=__- ~;L~~~~~.l 14 6" THRUST BLOCK 71 EA $ 90.00 $ 630. 1ASPHALT REMOVAL 4201 SF $ 0.55 i $ 231.00 ! r"'""'---'--'6" AT E' RIAL (L E S S . VAL f"~-'-'-'-"-'-'-1-=~-"'-'-l1LST$--"-3, 1 6 f. 21 r$-3:161.2fi~I~~-- ~~~ ~HYD~(~- ~-=r=ttrslT". 5.11~2t~ L- 2011" SERVICE REPLACEMENT 54! EA I $ 420.00 i $ 22 680.211ASPHALT REMOVAL 16201 SF I $ . 0.$ 891.00 ! i---o---"-", ,"" -. ,- --,-_.--------","-,--",_...,,---_...j..---" ...J......~-", .. ,"- ,.. ---- r-~~ b~ ~~~b~k:~~~~~L_'___+---NI-~-H-~~H~* aWo Date: 2/3/2005 Phone: 376-2240 -"----'---"_. "0____""- Fax: 376-0324 ----------,. Plans Dated: $ 135,361.PROJECT TOTAL ._._---"="'--------..--.....-.---..-.- 2/3/2005 ,---------~..".. date ~LNATDR~ '-"-- date 5434 W Dowen Road ' Boise. /0 B3709 (20B) 376-2240 Fax (20B) 376-0324 , INnOlln ent By: MCDEVITT & MILLE::.H LLt";'VU .......... ......,... J AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATION OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 TWRTY -FOURTH AMENDMENT Case No. UWI-04- Order No. 29625 Dated November 9, 2004 Deletes: Carriage Inn Subdivision No.1 located in the South Y2 of Section 31, Township 3 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, and recorded in Book 26 of Plats at Page 29 records of Canyor. County, Idaho ~.... J. ...~~~._.. - ...----.. --, , United Water Tdabo Sale of Carriage Hill Subdivi:don Accounting of Sale Proceeds per Order No. 29625 Gross Sellin2 Price Less: UWW Loan Prineipal and Interest Advance Refunds to Carriage Hills Closing Cost Net Proceeds to United Water Idaho Inc. Distribution: UWIO reimbursed for MJ Costs UWID reimbursed for Net Plant UWID reimbursed for legal expense UWID Records Deferred Revenue (rate treatment of deferred revenue to be determined in Case UWI-O4-04, Set! Dired Testimony of Gregory P. Wyatt pp. 17-18). $313,462 S 12,800 599 $ 6,933 S 15,477 $ 16,4S2 $375,000 $48,139 $9.;277