HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005031113th Response of UWI Part 2.pdfAll fuel and utility costs incurred in the performance of the Work. Sales, use or similar taxes , tariffs or duties incurred in the performance of the Work. Costs for permits, royalties, licenses, tests and inspections incurred by Design-Builder as a requirement of the Contract Documents. The cost of defending suits or claims for infringement of patent rights arising from the use of a particular design, process, or product required by Owner, paying legal judgments against Design-Builder resulting from such suits or claims, and paying settlements made with' Owner s consent. Deposits which are lost, except to the extent caused by Design-Builder s negligence. Costs incurred in preventing damage, injury or loss in case of an emergency affecting the safety of persons and property. Other costs reasonably and properly incurred in the performance of the Work to the extent approved in writing by Owner. Non-Reimbursable Costs The following shall be excluded from the Cost of the Work: Compensation for Design-Builder s personnel stationed at Design-Builder s principal or branch offices, except as provided for in Sections 6., 6.2 and 6.3 hereof. Overhead and general expenses, except as provided for in Section 6.3 hereof, or which may be recoverable for changes to the Work. The cost of Design-Builder s capital used in the performance of the Work. If the parties have agreed on a GMP, costs that would cause the GMP, as adjusted in accordance with the Contract Documents, to be exceeded. DBIA Document No. 530 $ Standard Form of Agreement Between Page 7 Owner and Design-Builder c Cost Plus Fee with an Option for a Guaranteed Maximum Price 8 1998 Design-Build Institute of America 1'1 Q.. (J ) il l il l 1'1 1'1 (J )If ) 1'1 il l 1'1 IS ) lJ . . . AP P L I C A T I O N N O : Di s t r i b u t i o n t o : ! I PE R I O D T O : 2/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 5 (X I O W N E R PR O J E C T N O S : GJ A R C H I T E C T (X I C O N T R A C T O R CO N T R A C T D A T E : 11 / 8 / 2 0 0 4 G3 E N G I N E E R TO O W N E R : AP P L I C A T I O N A N D C E R T I F I C A T E F O R P A Y M E N T DO C U M E N T G 7 0 2 Un i d W a t e r I d a h o ; 8 2 4 8 W . V i c t o r y Rd . Bo J s e , 1 0 8 3 7 0 9 FR O M C O N T R A C T O R : J C C o n s l r u c l o r s , I n c . 13 0 5 E . C o l u m b i a R d . Me r i d i a n , r D 8 3 6 4 2 PR O J E C T : Ma p l e H i U s f i l t e r Bo i s e , I d a h 0 EN G I N E E R : U\ f v I D / J U B E n g i n e e r s CO N T R A C T O R S A P P L I C A T I O N F O R P A Y M E N T Ap p l i c a t i o l 1 i s m a d e f o r p a y m e n t , a s s h o w n b e l o w , i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e C o n t r a c t Co n t i n u a t j o n S h e e t , a n d J C C D o c u m e n t G 7 0 3 , a s a t t a c h e d . 1. O R j G I N A L CO N T R A C T O N E SU M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. N e t ch a n g e b y c h a n g e or d e r s . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 3. C O N T R A C T SU M T O D A T E . . . . . . . . . . . - - (l i n e 1 + 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. TO T A L C O M P L E T E D & S T O R E D T O DA T E . . . . . . . , . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . , . (C o l u m n G o n G 7 0 3 ) S6 5 0 , OO O $6 5 0 00 0 $3 0 1 00 0 5, R E T A I N A G E : a. of c o m p r e t e d W o r k (C o S u m n s D + E o n G 7 0 3 ) b. 5 . 0% o f St o r e d M a t e r i a l (C o l u m n s f 0. . " 1 G7 0 3 ) To t a l R e t a i n a g e ( L i n e 5 a + 5 b o r To t a l i n C o l u m n . o f G 7 0 3 ) 6. TO T A L E A R N E D L E S S R E T A I N A G E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (U n e 4 l e s s l i n e 5 To l a r ) $1 5 05 0 7. LE S S P R E V I O U S C E R T I F I C A T E S F O R P A Y M E N T (l i n e 6 f r o m p r i o r C e r t m c a t e ) 8. CU R R E N T P A Y M E N T D U E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h . ". . . . - - . . . 9. BA L A N C E T O F I N r S H , I N C L U D I N G RE T A I N A G E (l i n e 3 l e s s l i n e 6 ) $ 3 6 4 , 05 0 (J ) If ) I" - IS ) CH A N G E O R D E R S U M M AR Y To t a J c h a n g e s a p p r o v e d I n pr e v i o u s m o n t h s b y O w n e To t a l a p ~ r o v e d t h i s M o n t h AD D J T I O N S If ) IS ) IS ) '\ t TO T A L NE T C H A N G E S b y C h a n g e O r d e r DE D U C T I O N S $1 5 05 0 $2 8 5 , 95 0 $1 8 4 , 30 0 $1 0 1 65 0 Th e u n d e r s i g n e d C o n t r a c t o r c e r t i f i e s t h a t t o t h e b e s ( o f t h e h j s k n o w l e d g e , i n r o r m a t i o n an d b e r l e f t h e W o r J \ o o v e r e d b y t h i s A p p l i c a f i o n fO i ' P a y m e n t h a s b e e n o o m p l e t e d in a~ d a n c e \\ ~ t h ( h e C o n t r a c t D o c u m e n t s . t h a t a l l a m o u n t s ha v e b e e n p a i d b~ ' t h e Co n t r a c t o r f o r W o r k f o r w h i c h p r e v l o u s ~ e r t i f i c a t e s r o r P a y m e n t w e r e I s s u e d a n d pa ~ ' - me n t s r e c e ; I / e d r r o m t i l e O w n e r , a n d t h a t c u r r e n t c a v r n e n l s h o w n h e r e i n f s n m y d u e , CO N T R A C T O R : Da t e : 2/ 2 8 1 0 5 OW N E R r S A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T F O R P A Y M E N T Pa y m e n t o f t h e a m o u n t s h o w n a s C U R R E N T P A Y M E N T D U E I s r e c o m m e n d e d . OW N E R : BY : Da t e : 1" 1 1" 1 Q. . . I CO N T I N U A T I O N S H E E T OO C U M E N T G 7 0 3 PA G E 2 O F 2 PA G E S AP P L l C A T ~ O N AN D c. E R T l F ~ C A T E F O R P A Y M E N T AP P L I C A T I O N N O . oo . . ' l t a i n i n g C o n t r a c t o r ' s sig n e d C e r t i f i c a t e : i s a t t a c h e d AP P L I C A T I O N D A T E : 21 2 8 1 2 0 0 5 11 1 la b u l a l i o n s t I e l o w . a m o u n t s a r e s t a t e d ( 0 t h e n e a r e s t d o l l a r . PE R I O D T O ; 2/ 2 8 . 1 2 0 0 5 Us e C o l u m l \ r o n c o n t r a c t s \\ ~ 1 e r e v B . rf a b J e r e t a i n a g e r o r l i n e I t e m s m a y a p p J ~ ' PR O J E C T N O . WO R K C O M P L E T E D MA T E R I A L S TO T A L ST O R E D CO M P L E T E D FR O M (N O r I N D AN D S T Q q E O T O BA L A N C E DE S C R J P T I O N O F W O R K SC H E D U L E D PR E V I O U S TH I S OR E ) DA - % ( G - C ) TO F I N I S H RE T A I N A G E VA L U E AP P L I C A T I O N PE R I O D (5 % ) (D + E ) (D + E + F ) (C - G ) ~' ~ 3 MO B r L l Z A T I O N 00 0 25 , 00 0 25 , 00 0 10 0 . 00 % 25 0 DE M O l I T r O N & E X C A V A T I O N 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 . 00 % 10 0 EX C A V A T f O N 00 0 10 1 00 0 10 1 00 0 10 0 . 00 % 50 0 SI T E p ~ p r N G 00 0 30 , 00 0 30 . 00 0 50 . 00 % 00 0 50 0 FI N A L S I T E W O R K & G R A D I N G 25 , 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 . 00 % 20 . 00 0 25 0 SI T E r M P R O V E M E N T S 00 0 00 % 00 0 31 5 4 4 0 BU l l O r N G C O N C R E T E 00 0 00 0 10 . 00 0 00 0 10 0 . 00 % 75 0 ~6 4 4- 0 MA S O N R Y 00 0 14 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 , 00 % 10 0 TR u c t UR A L S T E 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 . 00 % 30 0 ~- ' WO O D R O O F S T R U C T I J R E 00 0 20 , 00 0 20 . 00 0 10 0 . 00 % 00 0 ~. . 6 BU I L D I N G F J N I S H E S 15 , 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 33 . 33 % 00 0 25 0 PA I N T I N G & C O A T I N G S 20 , 00 0 00 % 20 , 00 0 ~A / ) IN S T A L L O F E 15 . 00 0 00 0 00 0 33 . 33 % 00 0 25 0 ~1 1 4 - 'N T E R f O R M E C H A N f C A l 00 0 00 0 00 0 09 % 50 , 00 0 25 0 ,., If /1 _ PL U M B I N G 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 32 . 00 % 17 , 00 0 40 0 HV A C 20 , 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 % 19 . 00 0 11 4 0 EL E C T R I C A l 85 , 00 0 00 0 00 0 23 . 00 0 27 . 06 % 62 . 00 0 15 0 UT I L I T Y A L L O W A N C E S 00 0 00 % 00 0 M1 J / . / EN G I N E E R J N G F E E S 00 0 00 0 00 0 40 . 00 % 00 0 10 0 L. 6 J , A Ar ~ "I J IN S U R A N C E E X P E N S E S 35 , 00 0 00 0 00 0 27 , 00 0 77 . 14 % 00 0 35 0 /~ ~ . f 1 ~ ~ ! - I CO N T R A C T O R . F E E 70 , 00 0 20 . 00 0 15 , 00 0 35 , 00 0 50 , 00 % 35 . 00 0 75 0 aJ tY ! N T J. . I JO B S I T E O V E R H E A D 70 , OO D 20 , 00 0 15 , O~ Q Oa O 50 . 0Q % 35 , 00 0 75 0 TO T A L S 65 0 00 0 19 4 . 00 0 10 7 00 0 30 1 00 ~ 46 , 31 % 34 9 , OD D 05 0 . . - , . . . (J " I ..0..0 1" 1 1" 1 (J " I ... . . . If ) 1" 1 .. 0 1" 1 ... . . . :: J lL . If ) Loprest Water Treatment Company 2825 Franklin Canyon Rd Rodeo, CA 94572 Ph 888/228-5982 Fax 510/799-7433 INVOICE DATE JOB#INVOICE # 10/28/2004 30400 1004- BILL TO United Water Idaho 8248 West Victory Road Boise, ill 83719-0420 SHIP TO United Water Idaho Maple Hills Well Site Boise, ill 83707 : ~ C E ~ \/ C~ :.i ,,~ c, If , .,. ' .z= C. t:, i ~, ; ' /J ,'TH.' /Jo 1t7 5~A It e.lev-t?'~:TC \!'l/. ~:-" O. NUMBER SHIP VIA SHIP DATE Signed Acknowledgement Truck 10/27/2004 Rodeo I TERMS: Net 30 Days I PHONE ! 208/362-7370 QTY I UNIT DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH AMOUNT Ea Iron and Manganese Removal System, Model No, 8x32 I 164 000,00 I 32,800,OOT Reference Loprest Quote No, 04-075 Includes One Filter Tank, One Lot Media, One Lot Valves and One Lot InstrumentationEa Fab Work includes One Lot Internal Piping, External Piping, Solenoid Panel and Filter Control Panel Freight Additional 000,16,600,OOT * * * First Partial - 20% after submittal approvals Interstate, exempt from sales tax 00% Bus Unit CategOfJ LcJ.rSr Cntrl Ac Sub Act /67 tJ Proj m CLJ. ~130l5 Activ ID 3Z" Sl' Res 'fYpe :; V PP L-Res Cat 6/5 'hi b60Dept m Location Appro ,-, 26;:;)Amount ORIGIN Total $49,400, INVOICELoprest Water Treatment Company 2825 Franklin Canyon Rodeo, CA 94572 Ph 888/228-5982 Fax 510/799-7433 DATE JOB#INVOICE # 10/28/2004 30400 1 004- BILL TO United Water Idaho 8248 West Victory Road Boise, ill 83719-0420 A1"71f/; POlt Qh e I (!y- SHIP TO United Water Idaho Maple Hills Well Site Boise, ill 83707 rt~1 - ~n~!r;; \: t ~lt~~ l' UNITED VVf~TER o. NUMBER SHIP VIA SHIP DATE O. Signed Acknowledgement Truck 10/27/2004 Rodeo TERMS:Net 30 Days PHONE 208/362-7370 QTY UNIT DESCRIPTION PRIC E EACH AMOUNT Iron and Manganese Removal System, Model No, 8x32 164 000,131 200,OOT Reference Loprest Quote No, 04-075 Includes One Filter Tank, One Lot Media, One Lot Valves and One Lot Instrumentation Fab Work includes One Lot Internal Piping, External 000,400,OOT Piping, Solenoid Panel and Filter Control Panel Freight Additional 200,200, *** Second and Final Partial- 80% *** Interstate, exempt from sales tax UaIt C6 c.L. Act ~ ID ?O 31306 5 UPPL 'M. 00% C (J -sf" tE f.I.ET/. A '- Categor, Sub Act (3 66 Activ ID 2," '3lS Res Cat er5l.$ Location ...J1::I Amount Please Pay Prom Total $204 800, REG EIVE ! ~ 1!C, ; ~ ~. ~ ~ I&,~" v ..y~ WESTERN UNiTE \I\JATER ENVIRONMENTAL STORAGE PO BOX 217 CALDWELL, ID 83606 PH (208) 453-9378 TANKS, INC.INVOICE FAX (208) 453-2827 United Water Idaho 8248 West Victory Road Boise, Idaho 83709 PROJECT: INVOICE NO: INVOICE DATE: Maple Hills Well Treatment System Water Tank 2403- Nov- o. # QTY UNIT DESCRIPTION RATE EXTENDED Lot Contract Price 859.859,00. Lot Previously Billed Contract Left Owing 859, Lot 25% Deposit for new tank 530.530, Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot . Lot Lot Subtotal 530. Contract left after this Billing 46,328. Change Order No. 660 Change Order Subtotal /~ ~t5 J../€ZA c..., Catego~ff-'a.'\/OICE TOTAL Sub Act!676i2 ?/J ~.,. ~iY 3203CJ BActivID Bus Unit 12,530.50 J Cntrl Act / (S' Proj ID CO (300 Res Type CD JJ TfL 205 ApproV Res Cat Location b(J Z. ~3!). 5"" AmouDt Dept ID J:~:fi A~\~:lt . .:::::-VED J ~ b. ~~nfi! ~-; \: LrJ7J'T ClORTEC , 1~\lJT!:: \M li'T r:.. P. 2660 Colum't5i~ ~tf~ V 1: n I I:.. Torrance, CA 90503 310-531-7274 fax 310-618-6864 P'. """"""""""'" ...................................... ::I:::::::ff:ffi,t~B~~~::::::: :\:: Invoice No. ~ ~~~ ~,,~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~,,~~~ Customer Name United Water Idaho Address O, Box 190420City Boise Attention: Doug Schaefer State Qty Description Zip 83719 CT -200 Skid Mounted Hypochlorite Generation System Note: Maple Hills WTP Total amount of this PO: $94,230. See attachment for a detail list of shipped items. Payment Details Remit To: Severn Trent Service Water Purification Solutions, Inc. Department LA 21448 Pasadena, CA 91185-1448 Bas U8I Date Order No, Rep PO# 11 08807 INVOICE 0/20/2004 CPG0283 Letter of Acceptance Unit Price TOT AL Amount ....'" ..... . . TOTAL :~\\m\\j:\::::Im\::::m\$M~??Q~~QP:):\ 1Illlil;rilil'ltIJI~i!!~II~i ~~~~~~'%..~~'\IX CDtrI It. ProJ ID Res 'J)pe pp Zc15De,. m .. ... PROJECT -CPG283 Maple Hills WTP SHIP TO:Maple Hills 8248 W. Victory Rd Boise, Idaho 83709 PART #Description Qty Ship Date 5500-004 PumP Stand Fiberglass 10/2712004 6200-100 Motor 10/27/2004 1100-212 Blower 10/27/2004 1005-025 Install Kit 10/27/2004 KM254-175 Dosing Pump 10/27/2004 Control Panel (On skid)10/2712004 6250-105 Back Pressure Valve 10/2712004 5901-064 Y -strainer 10/2712004 RCT200 Rectifier (On skid)10/2712004 8000-035 Ultrasonic Level Sensor 10/27/2004 8000-051 Check Valve 10/2712004 8000-052 Pressure differential switch 10/2712004 5800-401 Flow sensor 0/2712004 1000-ct -0200-CT300 skid assembly 10/27/2004 C-DY CJ) V r~ J-U-8 ENGINEERS , Inc. Ll It- -Powr 1250 s. BeechwOOd Avenue, Suite 201 Boise, Idaho 83709-0944 . Telephone (208) 378-7330 . ,j-. \J oJ ~J~ AUTHORIZATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICECLIENT: PROJECT NAME: J..8 Project Number: United Water Idaho~sW~ 11952 The fOllowing additional items of work on the project referenced above have been or will beprovided by J-B ENGINEERS, Inc. These additional services are a Supplement to thescope of services contained in J- s existing Agreement for Engineering Services for thisproject, dated 11-14-2003 Additional Services:Provide a natural features anal si for the Pleasant Val/e well site. B ENGINEERS, Inc. was verbally authorized to provide these services by: Name 9-20-04 DateUnless otherwise noted below, J- B ENGINEERS, Inc. will provide these additional serviceson a time and materials basis, using the Firm's standard billing rates, or if applicable, the billing rates established in the initIal Agreement for Engineering Services. Other Basis for Payment: 80.00. Dated th is 201h day of ~, 200~. United Water Idaho Print or Type Client Name B ENGINEERS, Inc. By: CJient or Representative Signature ~ c...." It? (k~ M~A-r. ..;~ .t:..'4r'-- Daren Fluke AI P Pro ect Mana erPrint or Type Name and TlUe Print or Type Name and TiUe BY: Pro ect Representative Signature January 2000 . . . - -.. . .. -. . 1010 S. ALLANTE PL. SUITE 100 BOISE t ID A II 0 83709 TELEPHONE 2.08 33ti 83'0 FAX :!O8 3368380 ADDITIONAL SERVICES AUTHORIZATION X Project Name: United Water Generator Bldg., Pleasant Valley Client Name: United Water Idaho Client Contact: Doug Schaefer BAS Project No. 04074 Fax No. 362-3858 BAS Contact Person: Roger Foster Date: 8/11/04 Description of Additional Services Requested: "proceed 'Cli!b work autb.2!ized verballi!.And/or written. Incorporate diesel fuel containment as required by DEO. Billing Terms:Time and Material at Current Hourly Rates Risk Allocation: In recognition of the relative risks, rewards and benefits of the project to both the Client and the Design Team, which includes the Architect and it's consultants, the risks have been allocated such that the Client agrees that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Design Team s total liability to the Client for any and all injuries, claims, losses, expenses, damages or claim expenses arising out of this agreement, from any cause or causes, shall not exceed $50,000 or our total fee, whichever is less- Such causes include, but are not limited to, the Design Teamls negligence, errors, omissions, strict liability, breach of contract or breach of warranty. Payable ten days after receipt of invoice. Accounts more than 30 days past due will incur a late char e of 1-1/20/0 month. Authorization to Perform Additional Services: Purchase Order No. CH.A o(l.a!7L -tt: I (if Applicable) Print flame: ~ Co" 'iZ H€..4--b U.:... -k-c '-'t.t.. fflL.. Date j',p- /oc/ C:\ WINDOWS\FavoritestWork Authorization 01., f' AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made as of 7.. ~ 9 , 2004, between UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., a corporation of the State of Idaho having its principal office at 8248 W. Victory Road , Boise , ID 83719, and BRS Architects, an s. Corporation of the State of Idaho, having its primary office at 1010 S. Allante, Suite 100, Boise, Idaho 83701 (hereinafter referred to as "ARCHITECT" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS , COMPANY operates a water utility in the State of Idaho; and WHEREAS, COMPANY wishes to obtain the services of ARCHITECT, and ARCHITECT is willing to provide such services in connection with the evaluation of current ground water production and exploration of opportunities for new ground water supplies, NOW, THEREFORE , COMPANY and ARCHITECT, in consideration of the mutual covenants. terms and conditions hereinafter set forth , agree as follows: 1. SERVICES. ARCHITECT, agrees to perform the services ("the Services ) described in its proposal dated April 30, 2004, which is attached as Exhibit , incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. COMMENCEMENT OF SERVICES. The Services shall commence on , subject to authorized written adjustments, the Services shall be pleted no later than "7'~9f:3. PAYMENT TO ARCHITECT. COMPANY agrees to pay ARCHITECT in accordance with the rates for services and expenses as set forth in Exhibit A annexed hereto and made a part of this Agreement. The rates include all overhead, profit, expenses and cost of service. COMPANY'S RESPONSIBILITIES. A. COMPANY shall designate a person to act as its representative with respect to the Services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Such person - 1 - 4 . . . shall have authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define COMPANY's policies and decisions with respect to the Services to be provided. B. COMPANY shall provide available data and information so as to enable ARCHITECT to perform the Services addressed herein. C. COMPANY shall examine all studies, reports, sketches, drawings, specifications, proposals and other documents presented by ARCHITECT and shall render written decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the Services. D. COMPANY shall give prompt written notice to ARCHITECT whenever COMPANY becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of ARCHITECT's Services. 5. ARCHITECT'S RESPONSIBiliTY. In addition to the Services addressed herein , ARCHITECT be responsible for complying at its sole cost, with applicable laws, rules, regulations and ordinances of any federal , state or local public or governmental authority which may limit, affect or regulate the Services to be provided pursuant to this Agreement. 6. STANDARD OF CARE. The Services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner and at the level customary for competent and prudent professional ARCHITECTs (or professionals and individuals skilled in other technical disciplines, as appropriate and as relate to the Services herein addressed) performing such Services. ARCHITECT shall for all purposes be considered an independent contractor and is responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and the coordination of all instruments of the Services to be performed, including but not limited to designs, drawings, specifications and reports. 7. CHANGES IN SERVICES. Without invalidating this Agreement, COMPANY reserves the right to order extra or special services or to make any changes within the scope of this Agreement. All changes shall be authorized by written Change Order signed by COMPANY. ARCHITECT will be paid for the work authorized by Change Order as set forth in Exhibit A annexed hereto and made a part hereof or if not stated, at ARCHITECT's standard current rates for such services.. CON FI D ENTIALITY - 2 - A. Information. In connection with the performance of the Services under this Agreement, COMPANY may disclose to ARCHITECT or ARCHITECT may otherwise discover or develop, certain Information which may include, but is not limited to, trade secrets, discoveries, ideas, concepts, know-how, techniques, designs specifications, drawings, blueprints, diagrams, flow charts, data, computer programs , - marketing plans, customer names and other technical , financial or business information, such as negotiations between the parties and discussions relating to the structuring of agreements, pricing, values, plans, prospects and assets of COMPANY. B. Confidential Information. Such Information when furnished to the ARCHITECT and marked confidential whether in written, encoded, graphic or in other tangible form , shall be deemed to be confidential and proprietary (hereinafter Confidentiallnformation ); provided , however, Confidential Information shall not include Information: 1) previously known to ARCHITECT free of any obligations to keep it confidential; or 2) which becomes publicly known through no act of ARCHITECT; or 3) which is rightfully received from a third party who is under no obligation of confidence to COMPANY or ARCHITECT; or 4) which is independently developed by an employee, agent or contractor of ARCHITECT who did not have any direct or indirect access to the Information furnished hereunder; nor shall it restrict the ARCHITECT from giving notices required by law or complying with an order to provide information or data when such order is issued by a court, administrative agency or other legitmate authority, or if disclosure is reasonably necessary for the ARCHITECT to defend itself from ant legal action or claim. C. ARCHITECT's Non-Disclosure Obligations. ARCHITECT agrees that it shall hold all Confidential Information in strictest confidence and shall use same solely for the purpose set forth in this Agreement, and further agrees that it shall not make disclosure of any such Confidential Information to anyone except those of its employees to whom such disclosure is necessary for the purposes authorized by this Agreement. In addition, and not by way of limitation of such obligations: D. Prior Consent Required. Without the -prior written consent of COMPANY, ARCHITECT shall not disclose to any other person the fact that the Confidential Information has been made available, the subject matter of any discussions or negotiations that are taking place concerning the transaction or possible transaction or any of the terms, conditions or other factors with respect thereto, including the status thereof. E. Publication and Presentation. Except as herein provided, ARCHITECT shall have no right to use and or publish the results of any research - 3 - performed in connection with this Agreement. ARCHITECT agrees to submit to COMPANY for approval all manuscripts or abstracts prepared for publication or presentation which contain or refer to any Confidential Information prior to submitting them for such publication or presentation. COMPANY agrees to promptly review such manuscripts or presentations, but may refuse to approve such manuscripts or presentations because COMPANY, in its sole judgment, deems it inadvisable to make public any Confidential Information. All approved publications and presentations containing information developed or obtained during the performance of Services to COMPANY which maintains or permits identification of any COMPANY facility, staff member or study will include a disclaimer indicating that the publication or presentation does not necessarily reflect the views of COMPANY unless COMPANY staff have participated in its preparation and are listed as co-authors. F. Software Warranty. ARCHITECT warrants that any software products which ARCHITECT uses to provide the Services to COMPANY do not infringe upon or violate any patent, copyright, trade secret or any other proprietary right of any third party, and ARCHITECT shall indemnify COMPANY against any loss, expense or liability arising out of any such claim of infringement or violation as hereinafter provided. G. Ownership of Work Product. The work product resulting from or arising out of this Agreement shall be owned by COMPANY. Work product shall include all tangible materials. The COMPANY acknowledges the ARCHITECT' construction documents, including electronic files, as instruments of professional service. Nevertheless, the final construction documents prepared under this agreement shall become the property of the COMPANY upon completion of the services and payment in full of all monies due to the ARCHITECT. The COMPANY shall not reuse or make any modifications to the construction documents without the prior written authorization of the ARCHITECT. The COMPANY agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the consultant, its officers, directors, employees, and sub consultants (collectively, ARCHITECT) against any damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorney s fees and defense costs, arising from or allegedly arising from or anyway connected with the unauthorized reuse of modification of the construction documents by the client or any person or entity that acquires or obtains the construction documents from or through the client without the written authorization of the ARCHITECT. H. Ownership of Inventions. All patentable processes and inventions, and other discoveries and developments , (collectively known as Inventions ), resulting from or arising out of the performance of this Agreement shall be owned by COMPANY, and all the provisions regarding Confidential Information - 4 - , . shall apply to such Inventions. ARCHITECT shall disclose all such Inventions to COMPANY within thirty (30) days of their discovery.I. Indemnity. In addition to the indemnification provision herein contained, and without limiting same, ARCHITECT agrees to be responsible for any breach of these confidentiality provisions by it or its representatives (including but not limited to ARCHITECT's officers, directors, employees, agents, attorneys, accountants, consultants and advisors) and will defend, indemnify and hold COMPANY harmless from any losses, damages, charges, fees or expenses including reasonable attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from such breach or claim of breach.J. Equitable Relief. The parties acknowledge that in the event of the breach of these confidentiality provisions, COMPANY will not be able to secure adequate relief by an action at law; therefore, the parties agree that COMPANY shall have the right to specifically enforce theses Confidentiality provisions, and to enjoin any violation thereof by ARCHITECT. However, all remedies provided for herein shall be cumulative, and shall not be exclusive of one another or any other remedies available in law or in equity. K. Recovery of Tangible Confidential Information. Upon termination of this Agreement, COMPANY, upon request to ARCHITECT, shall be entitled to delivery of all tangible Confidential Information furnished by it, whether contained or stored on tapes, discs,files or otherwise, without cost and with reasonable promptness. 9. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION - COMPANY reserves the right to suspend or terminate the contract upon written seven day notice if it reasonably considers ARCHITECT to be in default of this Agreement. In such event, and without limiting COMPANY's rights to pursue any and all remedies at law or equity that would otherwise be available, (1) COMPANY may take over the Services and prosecute the same to completion including through the use of another ARCHITECT; and (2) ARCHITECT shall be responsible for any increased costs the COMPANY incurs as a result of such default; and (3) COMPANY may withhold as retainage from the balance otherwise owed the ARCHITECT the estimated increased costs resulting from such default. The COMPANY shall promptly report to the ARCHITECT any defects or suspected defects in the ARCHITECT'S services of which the COMPANY became aware, so that the ARCHITECT may take measures to minimize the consequences of such defects. 10. FORCE MAJEURE. The right of the ARCHITECT to proceed shall not be terminated, nor shall the ARCHITECT be responsible for damages, for delay in - 5 - completion resulting from acts of God, acts of the public enemy or acts of the Government or from labor disputes within the ARCHITECT's business which are beyond the control of and without the fault of the ARCHITECT and which materially and adversely impair the ability of the ARCHITECT to meet its obligations hereunder. However, the ARCHITECT, in order to be excused from such failure or . delay, must: (a) take all reasonable steps to remedy the effect of such delay or failure, (b) take all reasonable steps to fulfill its obligations in a timely manner, (c) provide prompt notice of the failure or delay to the COMPANY , (d) notify the COMPANY of the reasons for the delay and the anticipated term of the delay, and (e) request an extension of time to perform. The COMPANY will not unreasonably withhold its permission for such extension. 11. INDEMNIFICATION AND CLAIMS. ARCHITECT hereby agrees to release, indemnify and hold COMPANY harmless from and damages, liabilities or cost including reasonable attorney s fees and defense costs to the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions of ARCHITECT, its employees, agents, dub consultants, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them , or for anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, arising out of, resulting from or in connection with the Services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. Neither the COMPANY nor the ARCHITECT shall be abligated to indemnify the other party in any manner whatsoever for the other party's own negligence. 12.INSURANCE. A. ARCHITECT shall purchase and maintain insurance to protect COMPANY and ARCHITECT from claims which may arise out of or result from the Services to be performed under this Agreement, whether such Services be performed by ARCHITECT or by any of its employees, agents, subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them , or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such Insurance shall be written for not less than the coverage and any limits of liability specified below, or as required by law, whichever is greater. Types Minimum Amounts Worker s Compensation Employer s Liability Automobile Liability Insurance Statutory $100,000 $500,000 per person $500,000 per accident - 6- Commercial General Liability Insurance(including Premises - Operations; Independent Contractors' Protective; Products and Completed Operations; Broad Form Property Damage; Blanket Contractual Liability, Personal Injury with Employment Exclusion deleted) 000,000 each occurrence, 000,000 aggregate Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy (See page 2 of Exhibit " B. Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the COMPANY shall state that ARCHITECT'S Insurance Company is Primary Insurance and shall be filed with the COMPANY prior to the commencement of the Services. These Certificates should contain a provision that coverage afforded under the policies will not be cancelled until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the COMPANY, except ten (10) day notice for non-payment of premium. The COMPANY shall be named as an additional insured on all polices except worker s compensation. C. ARCHITECT shall furnish the COMPANY with notice of all claims it receives and shall keep the COMPANY informed as to the status of each claim. D. ARCHITECT and its insurers agree to provide a waiver of subrogation on all policies. Except errors and omissions policy. 13. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement is to be governed by the laws of the State of Idaho. 14. SUCCESSORS. This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors, executors, administrators, assigns and legal representatives of the parties. 15. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement and any right or obligation hereunder is not assignable or delegable in whole or in part by ARCHITECT without the prior consent of COMPANY, and any such attempted assignment or delegation shall be void and ineffective for all purposes. 16. INTEGRATION. This Agreement is intended by the parties to be a final exclusive, and complete expression of their agreement and its terms. No course of - 7 - prior dealing between the parties and usage of trade shall be relevant to supplement or explain any term used herein. 17. ACTS OF SUBCONSUL TANT. It is understood and agreed that if the Services are performed in whole or in part by a third party that is not a party to this Agreement, then any act of such third party, shall for the purposes of this Agreement, be deemed and considered to be an act of ARCHITECT. 18. WAIVER AND SEVERABILITY. A waiver of any term, condition or covenant by any party shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition or covenant. In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed unenforceable, the remaining terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect. 19. In case of any conflict between the legal terms of this Agreement and Exhibit A, this Agreement shall be controlling. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. 7?~~ Title: ;:::~ ~ WITNESS:UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. - 8 - eXHIBIT :4 1010 S. AlIante Place, Suite 100 BOISE, IDAHO 83709 TELEPHONE 208 336 8370 FAX 208 336 8380 April 30, 2004 TO:United Water Idaho FAX No. 362-1479 ATTN:Doug Schaefer FROM:Roger Foster RE:A & E Proposal PROJECT:United Water Generator Building (Pleasant Valley Road) BRS Project No. 04074 Thanks again for this opportunity to provide you with the following proposal information: .ErQject Description: To provide construction documents for building to house a generator approximately 16' x 26' x 14' (clear inside height). The structure is to consist of concrete masonry unit walls , a concrete slab-on-grade with an isolated pad for the generator, and pitched wood truss roof structure. The project is located on leased property within Ada County with an existing pump building and infrastructure. The documents will be consistent with the scope required for a negotiated construction contract. ~e of Services: Anticipates completing services as outlined in the attached scope of services exhibit and includes the following consultants: Structural Engineering. Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering services will be provided at Owner request (see Fees). United Water Idaho - Generator Building Proposal April 27, 2004 Page 2 of 8 Fees: We propose to complete the A & E services for the stipulated sums in accordance with the standard contract provisions as indicated below. To complete the Architectural and Structural Engineering services propose a stipulated sum of forty-seven hundred dollars ($4 700.00). Optional Consultants: Civil Engineering1. Grading and drainage - $1 670.2. Erosion and sediment control - $680. Electrical Engineering - $3 335. Risk ManaQement The following anticipates utilizing the Standard A.A. Contract 8141 and assumes acceptance of risk management limiting aggregate liability to the total fee for services rendered or $50 000, whichever is more. If this is not acceptable , please add 50/0 of the total fee. Let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Again thank you for giving us this opportunity. Please sign this letter as your acceptance of this proposal and return it to our office. We appreciate r business and look forward to working with you on this project. Accepted: Title rw4,.J~(; I'Ve; Date ~/ 2- ~/ 0 TNT:cw Attachment: Exhibit - Scope of Service United Water Idaho - Generator Building Proposal April 27, 2004 Page 3 of 8 Scope of Services This is an exhibit attached to and made a part of Proposal dated April 30, 2004 between United Water Idaho and BRS Architects for a generator building at Pleasant Valley Road. Sco e of Architect's Basic Services Landscape plan. Landscape performance specifications. Provided if requested. (See Fees)Civil Engineering. Provided if requested. (See Fees)Design and detail grading and drainage plans, sanitary sewer and domestic water extensions to the existing mains. Design of irrigation or drainage facilities utility facilities that could be subject to relocation, piping or other civil work. Topography survey. Legal descriptions for cross-access utility easements. Off-site utility extensions. Designing retaining walls, which are not parts of the building. Assumes that the site exterior property pins have been set for this project. Note that if the pins need to be set, State law requires that a Record of Survey be filed. Off-site improvements. United Water Idaho - Generator Building Proposal April 27, 2004 Page 4 of 8 Provided if requested. (See Fees)Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC) Traffic study. Soils investigation report. Site Level I or II environmental assessment. Structural design and documentation of roof framing, columns, walls and foundations. Provide and assist selection of structural system and suggest possible changes to affect savings. Special concrete floor design to accommodate generator pad. Provided if requested. (See Fees)Energy calculations for lighting and power. Provided if requested. (See Fees)Interior, exterior and site lighting and controls of the project and power distribution. Complete electrical design include: Interior lighting, interior and minimum exterior (signage) power distribution, specialty power hook-up, lighting, intercom, sound system and telecommunications and data raceways. Provided if requested. (See Fees)Emergency and exit lighting. Communication systems (voice and data) will include empty conduit and outlet box system. United Water Idaho - Generator Building Proposal April 27, 2004 Page 5 of 8 Not included are wire terminations, hardware, handsets, computers, servers, hub or networking devices. Theatrical-type dimming systems. (Standard light dimming system is included if needed. Fire alarm system per code. Field survey of existing equipment, if applicable. Energy calculations for the Mechanical System. Basic plumbing system design to 5 feet outside the building envelope. Basic HV system design to include mechanical unit sizing and location. Distribution ducting. HV AC design feasibility of systems. Specialty exhaust systems design. Equipment design. Rough-in schedule for owner provided fixtures. Fire sprinkler performance specification. Final design and construction documents will be by the fire sprinkler contractor. Field survey of existing equipment, if applicable. . . United Water Idaho - Generator Building Proposal April 27, 2004 Page 6 of 8 Developed during SCroD for Conditional Use Application (Hourly) Prepare schematic and design development site design, building layout and elevation design based upon Owner s program requirements and input. Developed during SCroD for Conditional Use Application (Hourly) Design Development phase to develop an approvable floor plan, elevations, site plan and preliminary section. Developed during SCroD for Conditional Use Application (Hourly) Conditional Use submittal and pursuit of . approval. Anticipate public meetings through the County. Value engineering and detailed construction cost estimates. Probable construction costs. Lease plan. Color Board. Energy calculations for the building envelope. Complete construction documents upon receipt of design development signature of approval. Submit and pursue permit for building. , " United Water Idaho - Generator Building Proposal April 27, 2004 Page 7 of 8 Incorporation of Building Department review comments into the documents. Millwork design. Specification manual. Electronic drawing transfer and formatting. Attend meetings with Owner to discuss construction documents - anticipate typical of two (2) I-hour meetings or as required to communicate job status. Alternates for bidding. Assistance in bidding phase by addressing clarifications and questions as needed. Assistance in bidding phase with a pre-bid conference. Bid proposal evaluations. Structural only. Review shop-drawing submittals. Site observations at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction. Pre-Construction meeting. . . United Water Idaho - Generator Building Proposal April 27, 2004 Page 8 of 8 Review and approve Application and Certification for Payment. Complete final punch list review and certification of substantial completion, if required. Provide final completion notice. Coordination and assistance in interpreting the construction documents with the Contractors during construction. Change Orders. Special inspections not under standard site observations. Record Documents Reimbursables: Long distance calls, printing, travel at 37.5 cents per mile or commercial travel, meals and lodging, film and developing, overnight delivery or courier, reproduction, renderings, public or private agency fees. Demolition plans. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE NO. UWI-04- EIGHTH PRODUCTION REQUEST IPUC STAFF TT A C H MEN T RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 201 ~II I. uy. III"""""""""'" ...----.. - McDevitt & Miller IJ. Lawyers (208) 343-7500 (108) 336-6912 (Fax) 420 Wetit Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, Id~ho 83701 Chas. F. McDevitt Pean .J. (..Joe) Miller J an uary 26, 2005 Via u.S. Majl Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public U':i1ities Conl1T11ssion 472 West Washington Street Boisc~ Idaho 8t:702 He:lJnited Water Idaho-Carriage Hil1, Order No. 29625 Dear Ms. Jt~wdl: Pursuant to the requirements of the above Order~ this is to advise that the transaction involving the sale of the Carnage Hill Subdivision has been fully closed and finalized. As required by the Order T am enclosing a proposed Thirty f'ourth Amendment to United' Certificate No. 143. Tfit appears appropriate, kindly attach the Amendment to United's Certificate on file with the Commission. As also required by the Order I am attaching an accounting of sale proceeds received by United in conjunction with the transfer. Please advise if there are questions. Very truly yours~ cD EVITI & MILLER LLP UQL ean J. Mtl1(~r DJM/sg r.ncl. C: United Water Purchase Order "" -.; ,,~(O.$'"t:!;O " .' ": !O==~~ ,z;" Iscatc vaa rant Purchase Order Date Revision Page 00060-0000100805 02/15/2005 Payment Terms Freight Terms Ship Via Net 30 FOB Dest - Frcrht Prena; d & Add Common Buyer Phone Currency Lusch, Ilene R 201.261.5224 Ext 4348 USD . p. United Water United Water Idaho 8248 W Victory Ad Boise I D 83709 United States Vendor: 0000001442 Software Spectrum Attn Customer Car E 2 Edgewater Dr Norwood MA 02062 United States Ship To:UWI01 8248 W Victory Rd Boise 10 83709 United States Bill To:200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park NJ 07640-1799 United States PO Price Extended Amt Due Date . ~' t- (V 477.955.02/15/2005 Schedule Total 955. - SSI # M160892 Item Total 955. 2- 1 WINDOWS SERVER 2003 WNT ~~t0 15. OOEA 19.286.02/15/2005 DEVICE CAL Schedule Total 286. - SSI # M160900 Item Total 286. 3- 1 WINDOWS TERMINAL SEAVER ~i 15. OOEA 52.793.02/15/2005 2003 WNT DEVICE CAL Schedule Total 793. - SSI # M160906 Item Total 793. 4- 1 WINDOWS SERVER 2003 2. OOEA 23.46.00 02/15/2005 STANDARD WNT DISK KIT : f,CV(CD) Schedule Total 46. - SSI # M162629 Item Total 46. - QUOTE -10194157 - CEA C05C501 - SCADA Upgrade - CEA CO2BO02 - Columbia WTP Total PO Amount 2 , 081. 921 ~(\)~ 00054 .. /' \-~~ . -'" '" Ship To: Requisition L/7\~Y r\r--/ / '~) \ l)--' ' 8248 W Victory Rd Boise 10 83709 USA Descri tion Mf Quantit UOM PriceLine-Schd St Item 1- 1 HP Workstation System 1 0000 EA 587. Buyer: Lusch,lIene R Vendor: 0000003953 MicroAge ~t-L f"'lo RS-: ( DrY- HP Workstation xw4200 - System #1 per Quote 45358 - 3 Victory Ops. Center - 1 Marden WTP Line Total: HP Workstation System 2 0000EA 447. Buyer: Lusch,lIene R Vendor: 0000003953 MicroAge - HP Workstation xw4200 t-l '-;1 R#toLi)(Q( - System # 2 per Quote 45358 - 1 Marden WTP Line Total: 3-1 NIC 0000 EA 293. Buyer: Lusch,lIene R Vendor: 0000003953 MicroAge - Part # P2511AV - Quote 45358 - 3 Victory Ops. Center Line Total: 4-1 HP DeskJet 9300 0000 EA 275. Buyer: Lusch,lIene R Vendor: 0000003953 MicroAge f2i;eJ ~-f'f -o ~~ (Ocife - Part # C8136A#A2L ignature Page Currency USD Extended Amt Due Date 351.56 351.56 447. 1,447. 879. 879. 550. Ship To:8248 W Victory Rd Boise JD 83709USA Line-Schd St Item Oeser; tion - 1 Victory Ops. Center - 1 Marden 5-1 HP Photosmart 2610 Buyer: Lusch IIene R Vendor: 0000003953 MicroAge - Part # Q5542A#ABA - Quote 45358 Victory Ops. Center 6-1 HP LaserJet 1012 Buyer: Lusch IIene R Vendor: 0000003953 MicroAge - Part # Q2461A#ABA - Quote 45358 - Marden WTP Network adapter Buyer:Lusch, Ilene RVendor: 0000003953 MicroAge - Part # DC 194A - Quote 45358 - Marden WTP uote # 45358 pprova Ignature Requisition t) 1/;.. "" \....;- to \ -. \..,J'iCX); Mf Quantit UOM Price Extended Amt Due Date Line Total:550. 1.0000 EA 258.258. ~~J -rD~nO Le 1"" I (;'\.1 Line Total:258. 1. 0000 EA 137.137. ~fteJ ~7 lp LP ( Line Total:137. 0000 EA 480 96. f2E pJ :J11/D~ fJ! r::;; ,OGV Line Total:96. Total Requisition Amount:720. Ignature Page Currency USD , I , ;, j 3 ' I ' Ii. ! " 0", United Water United Water Idaho 8248 W Victory Ad Boise 1083709 United States Vendor: 0000003953 MicroAge 167 Ate 304 Nanuet NY 10954 United States 1- 1 NEC MultiSync LCD2180UX-.-v - GJ~t:C 21 U LCD Monitor 2- 1 NEC LCD3000 f--lt (; oJ Quote # 45027 CEA C05C501 - SCADA Upgrade Discatc via rmt Purchase Order Date Revision Page 00060-0000100804 02/14/2005 Payment Terms Freight Terms Ship Via Net 30 FOB Dest - Fraht Preoaid & Add Cornmon Buyer Phone Currency Lusch Ilene R 201.261.5224 Ext 4348 USD Purchase Order Ship To:UWID1 8248 W Victory Rd Boise ID 83709 United States Bill To: . p. 200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park NJ 07640.1799 United States 00 Schedule Total Item Total 00 EA Schedule Total Item Total Total PO Amount po Price Extended Amt Due Date 419.259.07 02/14/2005 259. 259. 770.310.06 02/14/2005 310. 310. 12,569.131 . - . - I . II, lit 1976 Century Way Boise, Idaho 83709 Tel. (208) 323..1976 Fax. (208) 323-1122RVICE-RENTALS 15 Dec 2004 United Water Boise, Idaho Attn: Rob Barrett Thank you for the opportunity to assist you with your communications project. This estimate is to provide and install a non licensed 5.7 Ghz Backhaul with 20 Mhz bandwidth between your facilities at Victory Road, Columbia Road, and Marden Street. This estimate excludes any equipment mounting structures. It appears that suitable structures exist at the Victory Rd site and the Pleasant Valley Rd site. It may be necessary to consider adding some type of structure at the ColumbiaRd and Marden St sites. If such structures are needed, we can also provide estimates for those structures. A computer generated path analysis is included as part of our proposed solution to your communications network requirements. The three hop link costs are as follows: Equipment: transceivers, power supplies UPS, surge protectors, cables, hardware.$10 365. Installation.400. Tax $621. TOTAL $13,386. This system is a product of Motorola, the intemationalleader in the highest quality communications equipment available. Motorola is the benchmark by which all other manufactures are judged. If you have any questions or need additional infromation please call me at the number listed above. Thank you LeRoy Phelan Service Manager Gem State Communications r~\lI'utj-U::l JUt Ul ;qt) t"'n rH~ NIJ. FlJ3..e~21205 1(1~ 59 FFfJi1: lJt~ITED WATER 200-:;52"3858 TO; ':! 100 126m;., ('I);:: ~O J COO R~Qt~ t) J(~ ~~ ~Ki) - ~~-- nitedWater \"7!-\ ~~-.... - 'JI 'Jni~:t, 'i'JJ!jter~.~ ~2'"\.'; ~v, J~': t') BOJi~;tt" ~D: 8J1', ., -........,., \(;i-Cf)h'Jn~ ;=')~ ;Jt;2 -;;3.(, h.'~~itr";1i ~Q;:. ~1)~ ~:6~;fJ February 8, 2005 Rt)h YQung Gt~rylc SHmp!'Oll Associates Inc. 3500 $mlt.h Ma,n SttCC(, Suite 200 Sail Lake City. Utah tS4115 SUBJECT:olukil 32'1(16~ Columbian TocT~JJk Quote Dear Rob Yolln~, United Wa\er has reviewed the above-mentioned quote (attached) and Columhian ~recT."'~~~ 1135 bc.tm s~!~c'.td to providt ~l1e 32'xJ (1' nolte.d Steel Water Tank. (01" the l'oh:.ka Proje(.:t P\C(\sc. co"",id~r this ~eUcr n~ Our acceptance of the quotc dated Fc'brllary 2t 2(...05 (Quutt;; 00502.1411) along with t)le e-mail dated Fcbn..ary7. 2005 d1scu~~ing the s-chcduk. appr~d3te your work in 11'\ceting om aggressive schedule. P1f'.a~~ sign. your acknowledgement below and return a copy '0 us. If you hav~ ~ny q\J\~"i;Uns please give Doug Schaefer or me a c;lll. Sin,:crdy. J -. ---- "'-::;"'L- Sc;utl Rh~~d P. Managing Engineer /\cknowlcdgem~nl jJ1!~Ii"- C'bL~ljJ'lo tJ 14 IJl.I7411,J CIt1W';Y'A~ /U -,;h; R~" ;11 Atf At:v:- www.\Atl11~dw~'er.c:om FEE: - '3 - 2C1C15 jED 11 : 46 TEL: 2GB - 362 - 3::::5::::jAt"'lE: Ur.HTELI l..Jf=iTEF , '::' ,c ,"~,-11T. ~. ';; mte vvater ' ?;~ '.;J c;; (!!) United Water Idaho Inc. - - 8248 W. Victory Road O. Box 190420 Boise, 10 83719-0420 telephone 208 362 7343 facsim He 208 362 3858 February 8, 2005 Rob Young Goble Sampson Associates Inc. ; 3500 South Main Street, Sui~e.~OO Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 ' SUBJECT:Toluka 32'x16' Columbian TecTank Quote Dear Rob Young, United Water has reviewed the above-mentioned quote (attached) and Columbian TecTank has been selected to provide the 32'x16' Bolted Steel Water Tank for the Toluka Project. Please consider this letter as our acceptance of the quote dated February 2, 2005 (Quote #0502-1411) along with the e-mail dated February 7 2005 discussing the schedule. We appreciate your work in meeting our aggressive schedule. Please sign your acknowledgement below and return a copy to us. If you have any questions please give Doug Schaefer or me a call. Sincerely, Scott Rhead P. Managing Engineer Acknowledgement www.unitedwater.com '"" UnitedWater 1(".. (8) United Water Idaho 8248 Victory Road Boise, Idaho 83707 telephone 208-362-7343 facsimile 208-362-3858 e-m ail doug.schaefer (g) unitedwater .com Fax TO:Rob Young FROM:Doug Schaefer Goble Sampson : . FAX NO:801-268-8792 NO. PAGES: (including cover) ATE:February 8, 2005 cc: SUBJECT:Toluka Reservoir D Urgent D Please Reply DPle~e RecyclelZI For Review COMl\1ENTS: Hi Rob, Attached is a copy of the letter of acceptance. I will mail it today. 5;!~r ~iJI ONDEO ~. Services QUOTE FOR: United Water 8248 W. Victory Road PO Box190420 Boise, 1083712 OLUMBIAN . TecTank - - Lt: 769 Shamrock Lane Pismo Beach, CA 93449 Phone: 805-556-0933 Fax: 805-773-1911 Quote Number: 0502-1411 Date: 02/01/2005 Reference: Fast Track Thank you for your inquiry. We are pleased to offer the following quotation for your consideration. DESCRIPTION 1 - 32.680' Diameter x 16.12' nominal sidewall height factory coated bolted carbon steel Water storage tank, specific gravity of 1.00, nominal capacity 101,146 gallons, usable capacity 98,009 gallons designed in accordance with AWWA 0103-97 Specifications, Seismic Zone28 , 1= 1., Rw = 3., S = 1.50per AWWA,100 MPH wind load per AWWA, 25 PSF live deck load, Flat steel bottom , Center supported 1 :12 slope roof NOTE: It is the customer s responsibility to notify CTT if design conditions are other than noted. COATINGS Interior. and both sides of bottom painted two coats Trico Bond thermoset corrosion resistant epoxy (5 mils average, OFT). Exterior epoxy primer with finish coat of tan performance urethane (4.5 mils average, OFT). Coatings are electrostatically applied over a minimum SSPC-SP 10 near-white blast and thermally cured. CTT coatings are applied within a controlled environment and blast is achieved using a steel grit and shot mix. (Color other than tan optional at an additional charge of $500.00 per order). HARDWARE Galvanized bolts , nuts, washers and EPOM gasketing. Plastic encapsulated head bolts for interior vertical and roof seams. Plastic encapsulated nuts for all floor seams are an available option. ACCESSORIES 1- Columbian TecTank decal installed on top ring 1- 12 GA x 6' high grade band 1- 20" Mushroom vent with 1/2' mesh screen 1- 24" Square roof manway with hinged cover 1- 24" X 46" Flush cleanout with 2-piece cover 1- 8" 150# Pipe penetration 0502-1411 - United Water Quote # 0502-1411 Page 2 of 3 1- 8" Internal overflow weir cone with external Sch. 10 downcomer pipe and flap gate 1- Inside wall ladder (Painted) Non-OSHA 1- 5' Partial perimeter guardrail with handrail and toe board 1- Liquid level indicator with gauge board INSTALLATION Erection Terms and Conditions are per the attached Bolted Tank Erection Purchase Contract Conditions. Please review these terms carefully. Installation quoted using non-union erecti2nlab..Q.r.lwilh no restri.ctive wage or worK-hour rule..s) on customer s preparect r de level and acc s ible founda ion. NOTE: Union erection laboror erection labor using prevailing rates are optional at an additional charge. For union work, cost of supplying union operator for crane , compressor, or air tugger (if required) shall be provided by customer. NOTE: If tank is erected during winter months, when weather is a factor, the erection labor would be subject to change. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE The Terms and Conditions of this Offer are per the attached Terms and Conditions of Sale for Columbian TecTank Product Lines. Please review these terms carefully, particularly the sections concerning Terms of Payment, Invoice & Hold , and Taxes. SCHEDULE Approximately 6-8 weeks after approval of drawings and settlement of all details. Please allow 2-3 weeks for preparation of submittal drawings. If this indicated time is not satisfactory, then we will work with you on your delivery schedule. EXCEPTIONS/CLARIFICATIONS General 1. This quote does not include unloading of tank or disinfection at jobsite. 2. Foundation designed by others. All foundation work shall be by others. 3. Tank nozzles will be factory cutout and bolt on in the field. 4. Tank nozzles have a projection of 6' from face of flange to tank surface. 5. Unless otherwise noted, Columbian TecTank has quoted our standard design, fabrication accessories (perimeter handrails, ladders, etc.) and coatings. Material 1. Pricing does not include piping, valves, brackets, or elbows, unless specifically mentioned in Accessories section. 0502-1411 - United Water Quote # 0502-1411 Page 3 of 3 NOTE: Any items or specifications not specifically mentioned above a~e not part of this quotation. This quotation represents our completeoffering. If there are any conflicts between your requirements or the plans and specifications and what we have quoted, our quotation shall govern. NOTE: Engineering calculations are available with submittal drawings. Five sets of drawings are provided for each size tank. Additional sets of drawings can be furnished. Specific State Professional Engineers S~al on drawings and calculations can also be furnished. Governing Codes: Columbian TecTank Company utilizes those standards, specifications and/or interpretations and recommendations of professionally recognized agencies and groups such as AWWA API, ACI, AISI, AWS ASTM, Factory Mutual , U.S. Government, etc. as the basis in establishing its own design , fabrication and quality criteria , standards , practices, methods and tolerances. CTT's area representative is Rob Young with Goble Sampson Associates- phone 801-268-8790. Please call if our representative or we can be of further service. We trust our prices and delivery will meet your approval and that we may be favored with your order. Sincerely, Parker Chapman Western Region Manager Mail: pchapman~columbiantectank.com PRICING SUMMARY Item Size 32.680' x 16.12' Material $ 37 873 Erection $ 11 ,225 Freight $ 2 700 Total $ 51 798 Weight 21 ,793 Prices are for quantities shown. Prices are firm for 30 days and do not include any fees , permits, duties or applicable taxes. Product must be produced within 60 days from date of order. Signature CTT's offer is accepted on D~te: By: Title: The above signed represents that they are legally authorized to purchase on behalf of the company of 0502-1411 - United Water ~--;;,..... . Requisition Ship To:8248 W Victory Rd Boise 10 83709 USA Line-Schd St Item ~llwDlt ff/~!()1 Mfb ID ~ -t'u :;:Ckbq l VU -.J \ ~ r rt=" s-, -k:= ~ r ' -. ~~te14 ~O ~ ;:j ~ f ~~~ scri tion 650.SNAP-LCM4 Buyer: Lusch llene R Controller Quanti UOM Price 0000 EA 550. Line Total:650. SNAP-B3000 0000EA 341.682. Buyer:Lusch,llene R Line Total:682. 3-1 SNAP-D6M 0000EA 48.96. Lusch,llene RBuyer: - 6 Port Module Rack Line Total:96. 4-1 M4SARC 0000 EA 138.276. Buyer:Lusch, Ilene R 100Mb Ethernet NIC 5-1 M4SENET .:tf . ' "-ill fr;!)O I Buyer:Lusch lIene R 11oJo1 6-1 FACTORYFLOOR Buyer: Lusch llene R - OPC Server Software OPTOOPCSRVCD IgnatureIgnature Line Total:276. 0000EA 090.545. Line Total:1.090. 1. 0000 EA 349.349. Line Total:349. 1. 0000 EA 429.429. Ignature ...4 Ship To:8248 W Victory Rd Boise ID 83709 USA Requisition Page Currency USD Line-Schd St Item Descri tion Buyer: Lusch lIene R - CEA C04JO04 - Fax PO to Barbara (gt Opto22 80-569-1296 Ignature Quanti UOM Price Line Total: Extended Amt Due Date I 429. Total Requisition Amount: Ignature 572. -- OPTO 22 -- 4\ 'ttt: ( ~. I\)U ((J,;~LI I l PACK NG S LIP NS~~~~: 767329 II/t/ 43044 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE , TEMECULA, CA 92590-3614 ' ' ~ONE: 951.695.3000 DATE PRINTED: 10/28/04 SHIP TO CUST PO: 00060-100151 SHIP VIA: UPS SURFACEUNITED WATER 8248 WEST VICTORY ROAD REQ DATE: 10/28/04 BOISE, 10 83709 INSPECTOR: JH .--- COMMENTS: SHIP COMPLETE BACK- ORDER ORDER SHIP ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY QTY QTY AP-LCM4 lsNAP M4 LOCAL CONTROLLER SNAP ANALOG/DIGITAL BRAIN MISTIC/OPTOMUX PR NAP-D6M MODULE RACK fMiSARC M4 ARCNET ADAPTER FACTORYFLOOR SUITEACTORYFLOOR IOPTO OPC SERVER CD0 PTOO PCS RVC D Ship To: - -. 8248 W Victory Rd Boise 10 83709 USA Requisition ~l, wOlf III ~fDi MfQ 10 \ 100 l ~ l Business Unit: Req 10:Date Page 0000100123 10/14/2004 Requester Currency Barrett, Robert J USD Requester Signature Descri tion 0000 EA 550.650. Line-Schd St Item 1- 1 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1 Buyer: Lusch lIene R Controller Buyer: Lusch,lIene R Buyer: Lusch,lIene R - 6 Port Module Rack Buyer: Lusch,lIene R 100Mb Ethernet NIC SNAP-LCM4 SNAP-B3000 SNAP-D6M M4SARC . M4SENET .:J.i z,- f...iM 3f. Irf)O I .' _ Buyer: Lusch,lIene R t/ 0"'61 Buyer: Lusch lIene R - OPC Server Software Ignature FACTORYFLOOR OPTOOPCSRVCD Approva Ignature Quanti UOM Price Extended Amt Due Date Line Total:650. 0000 EA 341. 00 682. Line Total:682. 0000EA 48.96. Line Total:96. 0000 EA 138.276. Line Total:276. 0000 EA 545.090. Line Total:090. 0000 EA 349.349. Line Total:349. 0000 EA 429.429. Ignature Ship To:8248 W Victory RdBoise 10 83709 USA Requisition 0060 Date 10 14 2004 Page Currency USD ILine-5chd 5t Item Description Buyer: Lusch lIene R - Fax PO to Barbara ~ Opto22 80-569-1296 - CEA C04JO04 Ignature Ignature Quantit UOM Line Total: Total Requisition Amount: Price Extended Amt Due Date Ignature 572. 429. OptoHardware . SNAP-LGM4Gontroller SNAP-B30.o.0. . . SNAP-DBM6 PortR~ck M4SARG ArcNetCard M4SENET-"1QQEthe.rnetN IC $ 1,550..0.0. $ . 341.0.0. $ 48.0.0. . $ 138.0.0. $ . 545.0.0. SUb Total $. 4,650..0.0. $ 682.0.0.. $ 96.0.0. $ . 276.0.0. $ 1 635.0.0. 4QQ~QQ $ 350..0.0. $ 75Q~QQ $. 1 0.0.0..0.0. $ 50..0.0. $ Opt".Software OPC.Server FactoryFloor Electrical Enclosure Labor Overhead O&C $ 1,0.48.90. $ 1,248.90. Grand Total OPTO 22 ACKI N-G SLIP ~\LCA.-, t t" ORDER NUMBER: 767329 , """. If/tilt). 43044 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE - TEMECULA, CA 92590-3614 - ~ONE: 951.695.3000 DATE PRINTED: 10/28/04 SHIP TO CUST PO: 00060-100151 SHIP VIA: UPS SURFACEUNITED WATER 8248 WEST VICTORY ROAD REO DATE: 10/28/04 BOISE, 10 83709 INSPECTOR: JH ------------ ____ COMMENTS: SHIP COMPLETE BACK- ORDER ORDER SHIP ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY OTY QTY (~- NAP.LCM4 IISNAP M4 LOCAL CONTROLLER lsNAP ANALOG/DIGITAL BRAIN MISTIC/OPTOMUX PR NAP-D6M MODULE RACK fM4SARC --- M4 ARCNET ADAPTER IFACTORYFLOOR SUITEiF ACTORYFLOOR IOPTOOPCSRVCD IIOPTO OPC SERVER CD j- I~ WER ~~ ENGINEERS Job: 106645 ESRI SOFWARE SALE: UNITED WATER ::;ontract#: Purchase Order: C04JOO9 UNITED WATER OF IDAHO PO BOX 190420 BOISE, ID 83719-0420 Attn: Mr. Robert Barrett Quantitv pescriPtion ArcView 8.3 Single User License ArcView 3.2 to 8.3 Upgrade ArcView 3.2 to 8.3 Upgrade ----- Celt c) tf::r DC) POtAfER- ENGINEERS, INC. 3940 GLENBROOK DRIVE PO BOX 1066 HAILEY, ID 83333 208-788-3456 Invoice Number: nvoice Date: Bill Through Date: Page Number: 11239- 2/2/2005 1/15/2005 Unit Price Amount 1148.9184.1-1:) 400.5200..s 4. ~ ('" 1-' \or 600.600. Total Due:14984. 6% ID Sales Tax:866. Current Total Due:15,850. t'!;)r~ZJ! I United Water. United Water Idaho8248 W Victory Ad Boise I D 83709 United States Vendor: 0000013407 Gemini Digital Products Corp 701 5th St S Hopkins MN 55343-7761 United States 1- 1 Cisco Catalyst 2900XL - WS-C2924C-XL- - CEA CO4J010 LAN Equipment Purchase Order . p. IsDatc via rant Purchase Order Date Revision Page 00060-0000100607 01/13 /2005 Payment Terms Freight Terms Ship Via 1/10 Net30 FOB Dest - Fraht preuaid & Add Common Buyer Phone Currency Lusch Ilene R 201.261.5224 Ext 4348 USD Ship To:UWI01 8248 W Victory Rd Boise 10 83709 United States Bill To:200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park NJ 07640-1799 United States PO Price Extended Amt Due Date 00 EA 000.000.01/13/2005 Schedule Total 000. Item Total 000. Total PO Amount 000.001 ~t~. Vet\ # ,(\~q 05 \\tY f O'J \/~\ ",. United Water United Water Idaho8248W Victory AdBoise 1083709 United States Vendor: 0000002926 IBM PO Box 7247-0276 Philadelphia P A 19170-0276 United States 1- 1 T41 Laptop Computer - T411ntel Pentium M - Part # 23737FU 2- 1 AC/DC Adapter - Part # 22P901 0 3- 1 Carrying Case - Part # 10K0207 - CEA CO4J011 New T&D Field Laptops IBM Quote #Y36449 Purchase Order t h " p. tIsea c via Purchase Order Date Revision Page 00060-0000100604 01/13 /2005 Payment Terms Freight Terms Ship Via Net 15 FOB Dest - Fraht Prepaid & Add Common Buyer Phone Currency Lusch Ilene R 201.261.5224 Ext 4348 USD Ship To:UWID1 8248 W Victory Rd Boise ID 83709 United States Bill To:200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park NJ 07640-1799 United States PO Price Extended Amt Due Date 7. OOEA 400.800.01/13/2005 Schedule Total 800. Item Total 800. 7 .00 EA 99.693.00 01/13/2005 Schedule Total 693. Item Total 693. 00 EA 49.343.00 01/13/2005 Schedule Total 343. Item Total 343. Total PO Amount 10,836.001 I~ POWER !; EN GIN E E POViIER- ENGINEERS, INC. 3940 GLENBROOK DRIVE PO BOX 1066 HAILEY, 10 83333 208- 788-3456 Job: 106645 ESRI SOFWARE SALE: UNITED WATER ~ontract#: Purchase Order: C04JOO9 Invoice Number: Invoice Date: Bill Through Date: Page Number: 11239- 2/2/2005 1/15/2005 UNITED WATER OF IDAHO PO BOX 190420 BOISE 10 83719-0420 Attn: Mr. Robert Barrett Quantity pescriPtion ArcView 8.3 Single User License ArcView 3.2 to 8.3 Upgrade ArcView 3.2 to 8.3 Upgrade ---- LEft c) fly 00 Unit Price Amount 1148.9184.- 'D 400.5200. 4,-'t.t:"I.l. ...(( 600.600. Total Due:14984. 6% ID Sales Tax:866. Current Total Due:15,850. t'1Jt(:T?J11 ; ~() 4 EQUIPMENT COMPAN' ~~ -r~ D 112 E. 33RD. STREET . BOISE, IDAHO 83714 e~ e-mPHONE (208)343-4884 FAX (208)343.2404 () MAY 1 , 2004 UNITE WATER362-~ 59 Attn:R.tlo$D!. ~ We ar pleased to quote as follows: One ) stanley' Model BR37110 light weight paving breakerw/18" hip hoses and couplers................... ........ $1867. ~5P~(;. \~One ) 023~8 ~y spa~e w/7/811 x 3-t shank to fi t abovebreak ................ .................................. ............... $ 94. One ) 04961 Moil Point w/1/8" x 3--1; shank to fit abovebreak .. . - . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 37 .. 60 ou for the opportuni ty to bid.i 19 9~.( b ~ ., % a ~ tf!:'"Sq la.-'"'T.ffl ~ -, . -, .;t..JifJIIU R'" J . ~... t~..OS- '" a'" ! ... (ID Dennis M. Fickes United Water Idaho 8248 West Victory Rd. Boise, Idaho 83719 MANUFAC.lMODEL -""- ""Dennis, I talked to both manufacturers (signs & fall protectipn) today. Both manufacturers said that there wil~ be a price increase .on January 1 , 2005. I also talked to Mike Standley (my boss) and asked him if we 6/15/04 Icould make some type of allowance that might help you justify making the purchase before the price increase go into effect. He said if the product could be delivered in 2004 I could make the attached changes. -..- ,r- Dave FALL PROTECTION QUOTATION DESCRIPTION PRICE 2~rO $2,123. $848.54 ' $889. $49.25 i NFINED PA KIT: Miller MR50Gx. . Miller tripod rescue system: Self-Retracting lifeline with Emergency Retri~val Hoist, 9 ft. tripod and mounting bracket (incluct'$ ~ripod & MightEvac carrying case). NEW - Miller 8442- Miller 8442-100 Miller 8280H Miller ManHa.r-,(fler Hoist (65 ft. ).- Miller ManH.n~'er Hoist (100 ft. NEW - $ 7 9 9 . 79NEW $ 83 8 . 94 Carrying case for ManHandler Hoist (either size).; NEW-$46. 36 Miller Self-Retracting Lifelines Do Not require Annual Factory Recertifications. ~9 (Pq. OXARC Inc. oxarc(g?oxarc.co Sincerely Yours ;fl David Cook 941-3521 cell# 376-0377 Boise Store# -~ - I 'Ullt. L..U "t't"-.--.. -- UnitedRentals United Rentals Northvvest, Inc. 1855 S. Cole Rd. Boise, I D 83709 Tel: (208) 322-6225 Fax: (208) 322.;s270 Toll Free: (800)477-9897 www.unitedrentals.com To: United Water Attn: Dennis Fickes Date: 12/03/04 Fax #: 362-3859 Weare pleased to quote the following: Quan.Make Model Description Price (ea) Wacker BS60-Cycle Upright Compactor $2489.00*t Sullair MPB-90 AS 60# Pavement Breaker-Super Silent Option $840.00*t Stihl TS400-14" Cutoff Saw (64cc)$779.00* Stihl TS760-14" Cutoff Saw (1IIcc)$996. *Pricing includes fteight. tAllow 3-4 weeks ftom order date for delivery. Units are cuITently high demand. Regards Ed Apperson-Resale Coordinator #601-Boise Pricing good for 30 days. Pricing does not include delivery or applicable taxes. Manufacturer s wBITanty may apply. No warranty expressed or implied in any way on the part of United Rentals, Inc. This quote/pricing supersedes all previous quotes, written otherwise. UnitedRentals United Rentals Northvvest, Inc. 1855 S. Cole Rd~ Boise, I D 83709 Tel: (208) 322-6225 Fax: (208) 322-6270 Toll Free: (800) 477-9897 www.unitedrentals.coin To: United Water Attn: Dennis Fickes Date: 12/03/04 Fax #: 362-3859 Weare pleased to quote the following: Quan.Make Model Description Price (ea) Wacker BS60-Cycle Upright Compactor $2489.00*t Sullair MPB-90AS.60# Pavement Breaker-Super Silent Option $840.00*t Stihl TS400-14" Cutoff Saw (64cc)$779.00* Stihl TS760-14" Cutoff Saw (111cc)$996. *Pricing includes freight. tAllow 3-4 weeks nom order date for delivery. Units are currently high demand. Regards Ed Apperson-Resale Coordinator #601-Boise Pricing good for 30 days. Pricing does not include delivery or applicable taxes. Manufacturer s warranty may apply. No warranty expressed or implied in any way on the part of United Rentals, Inc. This quote/pricing supersedes all previous quotes, written or otherwise" ar a m o u n t S u p p 1 y Co m p a n y 0. . BO X 5 6 2 8 30 I S E I D 8 3 7 0 5 - 0 0 0 0 re i e p h o n e (2 0 8 ) 3 4 5 - 5 4 3 2 Qu o t a t i o n C o n f i r m a t i o n BI L L ~1 1 & 5 0 0 ~1 1 50 0 UN I T E D W A T E R SH I P UN I T E D W A T E R PO BO X 19 0 4 2 0 TO PO B O X 1 9 0 4 2 0 BD I B E I D 8 3 7 1 9 er m s Fr e i g h t rm s Ra I d lu A r r c w e d ? Ad v e: ' 5 J 1 i p Co m p le t e ' r - 1% 1 0 D A Y S ! NE T PP D CH G te m De s c : r l p t i on UP C er er e d I ss u e d U O I t U O 5 )0 1 !~ 9 EA ~ . OO E A 1 1 / 2 W A R R E N R U P P SP A 1 1 / 2 - E 76 ~ , ... . Pr - r 1 ' , . A I ~ .G - ( 1 - \ L - - . ' I ~ ' I ~f 7 /& 1 ; 1 j6 5 S - 78 ., rr - I , - Dc a ti o n Pa c k e d :P - a C : K D a t e , . . , re l g es ax t A mo u n d A mo u n 2 , 7 & 8 . 00 16 6 . 2 " 93 4 . 0 8 ~ I \. . Si g n a t u r e .+ \ t, ~~ ; ) . . . , I I V~II. LoU 1"'t""~1 ~"'II "......-...,,'~_. w ,~. ""~III"'" . ...."....... UnitedRentals United Rentals Northw--est, Inc. 1855 S. Cole Rd. Boise, I D 83709 Tel: (208) 322-6225 Fax: (208) 322.6270 Toll Free: (800) 477.9897 www.unitedrentals.corn Weare pleased to quote the following: To: United Water Attn: Dennis Fickes Date: 12/03/04 Fax #: 362-3859 Quan.Make Model Description Price (ea) Wacker BS60-Cyc1e Upright Compactor $2489. OO*t Sullair MPB-90AS 60# Pavement Breaker-Super Silent Option $840.00*t Stihl TS400-14" Cutoff Saw (64cc)$779.00* Stihl TS760-14" Cutoff Saw (1IIcc)$996. *Pricing includes :treight. tAllow 3-4 weeks :trom order date for delivery. Units are cutTently high demand. Regards . ," ., ,". '" Ed Apperson-Resale Coordinator #60 I-Boise Pricing good for 30 days. Pricing does not include delivery or applicable taxes. Manufacturer s warranty may apply. No warranty expressed or implied in any way on the part of United Rentals, Inc. This quote/pricing supersedes all previous quotes, written otherwise. UnitedRentals United Rentals North\IVest, Inc. 1855 S. Cole Rd. Boise, I D 83709 Tel: (208) 322-6225 Fax: (208) 322-6270 Toll Free: (800)477-9897 www.unitedrentals.coln To: United Water Attn: Dennis Fickes Date: 12/03/04 Fax #: 362-3859 Weare pleased to quote the following: Quan.Make Model Description Price (ea) Wacker BS60-Cycle Upright Compactor $2489.00*t Sullair MPB-90AS 60# Pavement Breaker-Super Silent Option J4t $840.00*t Stihl TS400-14" Cutoff Saw (64cc)$779.00* Stihl TS760-14" Cutoff Saw (1 lcc) $996. AsD~A-I-+G\ d.D..S-S - 9 9 *Pncmg mc1udes ftetght. tAllow 3-4 weeks ftom order date for delivery. Units are currently high demand. Regards Ed Apperson-Resale Coordinator # 60 I-Boise Pricing good for 30 days. Pricing does not include delivery or applicable taxes. Manufactw"er s warranty may apply. No warranty expressed or implied in any way on the part of United Rentals, Inc. This quote/pricing supersedes all previous quotes, written otherwise. P Cate- Idaho Equ ;pment Co-M~y.-11-208 884 3837 P - IDAHO CA TE-IDAHO EQUIPMENT COMPANY 550 E. King Street Meridian. Idaho 83642Phone (208) 884-0500. Fax (208) 884-3837ToJl-Free1-88B...711-2283 PRO POSAL Ie/t:;r- VJ. -'--"-"'- --'- --u- _.- j)~.l:.n .J ~. )~..s .. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS BoI-Sc:' MODEL NUMBER PHONE: /"~ 3t:? '-305APPROx. SHIP DATE APPROX. INEIGHT TERMS DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION A/u LJS- _..~...- ~7" // ---.-.- CEPTED BY CATE-IDAHO EQUIPMENT COMPANY -' ~ / /, BY ~J..l-!J::!:L-ALLJl li4z .." RCHASE ORDER NO. lake pleasure in quoting the following prices, submitted for immediate acceptance only, unless otherwise specified, and ap plying to this proposal only. Prices areeet to change without notice and will be those in effect at time of shipment. We reserve the right to change or withdraw this quotation at any time prior to acceptance.~S Quoted herein are subject to local. state and federal taxes where applicable. c-o LfK 30 IVPt~ ~l elM AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made as of Illhit. 1'1 2004, between UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., a corporation of t e Stat of Idaho having its principal office at 8248 W. Victory Road, Bejise, 1083709, and SPF Water Engineering, LLC, a limited liability company of the State of Idaho, having its primary office at 600 East River Park Lane, Suite 105, Boise, Idaho, 83706 (hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, COMPANY operates a water utility in the State of Idaho; and WHEREAS , COMPANY wishes to obtain the services of ENGINEER, and ENGINEER is willing to provide such services in connection with the evaluation of current ground water production and exploration of opportunities for new ground water supplies, NOW, THEREFORE, COMPANY and ENGINEER, in consideration of the mutual covenants. terms and conditions hereinafter set forth , agree as follows: 1. SERVICES. ENGINEER, agrees to perform the services ("the Services described in its proposal dated March 5, 2004, which is attached as Exhibit A, incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. 2. COMMENCEMENT OF SERVICES. The Services shall commence on April 19, 2004 and, subject to authorized written adjustments , the Services shall be completed no later than December 31 , 2004. 3. PAYMENT TO ENGINEER. COMPANY agrees to pay ENGINEER accordance with the rates for services and expenses as set forth in Exhibit A annexed hereto and made a part of this Agreement. The rates include all overhead , profit expenses and cost of service. COMPANY'S RESPONSIBILITIES. A. COMPANY shall designate a person to act as its representative with respect to the Services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Such person - 1 -