HomeMy WebLinkAbout200501072nd Response of UWI to Staff.pdfUNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-O4- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 56: Please provide the number of disconnections due to non-payment for the past three years, listed by month. RESPONSE NO. 56: Please see the Attachment detailing the number of disconnections. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-O4- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 57: What is the Company s policy with respect to responding to a customer s report of a leak on the customer s side of the meter? If the reported leak results in an unusually high bill , does the Company routinely adjust the bill? If so, how is the adjustment calculated? Are high bill complaints attributed to problems with the customer s separate irrigation system , is the policy the same? If not , please explain how such complaints are handled and how bill adjustments, if any, are handled. RESPONSE NO. 57: When a customer suspects a leak and contacts the Company, Customer Service completes a service order request and sends a field service person to the service location to determine whether or not the leak is on the customer side of the meter. This is accomplished through a monitoring of the meter for activity with all consumption devices at the service location turned off. United Water does offer adjustments on high bills due to leakage once the leak is repaired. We ask the customer to provide documentation of the repair by either sending a copy of the plumber s bill , receipts for parts used , or a letter stating how the leak was repaired. We perform a final service check to insure no further leakage and then prepare an adjustment. Adjustments are calculated based on consumption history at the service location. We compare like time periods from previous years and get an average use for the leakage period. Then, we subtract the average consumption from the leakage period consumption. The ultimate charge to the customer becomes a charge for their average use for the period plus half of the additional leakage amount. If the leakage is a sprinkler system that is connected to United Water, the process is the same. If the leakage is on a sprinkler system connected to pressurized irrigation , the customer would not see a high water bill , unless there is a connection between the two systems and the valves separating the two systems are not set correctly. If that occurs and the customer backfeeds United Water into the pressurized irrigation system , we do not adjust the billing. Proper settings and maintaince of a pressurized irrigation system is within the customer s control while leakage is usually not. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-O4- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 59: Please provide a sample copy of the form used as required by UCRR Rule 104 entitled Written Explanation for Denial of Service or Requirement of Deposit. RESPONSE NO. 59: United Water does not require nor accept deposits. We do not have a form letter for deposit requirements. United Water also does not deny service to valid applicants for service. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 60: Under what circumstances does United Water collect deposits? RESPONSE NO. 60: United Water does not collect deposits. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04-04 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 61 Please provide a sample copy of the initial receipt for the first deposit installment as required by Rule 109 (UCRR). Provide a copy of the receipt for the second installment, if such receipt is different from the first. RESPONSE NO. 61 : United Water does not accept deposits. We do not have deposit receipts. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 62: Please provide sample bills that are current and NOT past due for customers. RESPONSE NO. 62: Please see the attached sample bill. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-04-04 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 63: Please provide a sample bill with a past due balance. RESPONSE NO. 63: Please see attached copy of a bill with a past due balance. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 65: Please provide a sample copy of the Notice left at the customer s premises following disconnection of service for non-payment. RESPONSE NO. 65: Please see attached copy of the notice. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 67: Does the company make available to customers a pre-printed form for the medical emergency certificate required by Rule 308 (UCRR)? If so, please provide a sample copy of the form. RESPONSE NO. 67: United Water does not require the customer to use a pre-printed form for the medical emergency certificate. We accept the format provided by the medical professional as long as it contains the necessary information. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04-04 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 69: Please provide a sample copy of the Seven Day Notice required by Rule 304 (UCRR) when the Company intends to terminate service under Rule 302. RESPONSE NO. 69: Please see attached Seven Day Notice. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 70: Please provide a sample copy of the written Twenty-Four Hour Notice required under Rule 304 (UCRR). RESPONSE NO. 70: Please see attached notice. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 71: Please provide a sample copy of any brochure or other printed material regarding the company s Third-Party Notice program. How and when is this material provided to customers? RESPONSE NO. 71: United Water does not have a Third-Party Notice program. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 72: Are any of United Water s brochures, notices, forms and bills available in Spanish or other languages? If so, please indicate language(s) and information available. RESPONSE NO. 72: No, United Water does not currently provide this information in other languages, nor has United Water received any requests from customers to do so. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-O4-04 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 73: If there is written material available in languages other than English , how are customers made aware of their availability? RESPONSE NO. 73: Please see response to Request No. 72. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 74: How many customer service representatives in the customer Contact Center speak Spanish? Is there always a Spanish-speaking representative available during call center hours of operation? RESPONSE NO. 74: United Water has one Meter Reader fluent in Spanish who assists the Call Center when needed. He is available to return calls in the morning or late afternoon. This type of assistance is required very infrequently. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-04-04 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 75: What provisions are made for assisting customers who speak languages other than English or Spanish? RESPONSE NO. 75: If we have a situation of this nature we will , with the customer s permission speak with a translator of their choice. Often it is an older child. We also speak with sponsors and translators. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 76: How many attempts are made to contact customers either in person or by telephone prior to disconnection as required by Rule 304.02 (UCRR)? RESPONSE NO. 76: In addition to the 7-day written notice required, United Water prepares a written notice that is hung on the door two days before the service is terminated. The day of disconnection, the field service person makes a personal visit to the property and attempts to make contact prior to terminating the water service. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04-04 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 77: Under what circumstances would a personal visit be made to satisfy the requirements of Rule 304.02 (UCRR)? RESPONSE NO. 77: The vast majority of notification is done by personal visit to the property and leaving a door tag. When this is not possible, we make diligent effort to contact the customer by telephone. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 78: Does the Company use an automated system to make outgoing calls to satisfy the requirements of Rule 304.02 (UCRR)? If so, during what hours are calls made to customers? RESPONSE NO. 78: The Company does not use an automated calling system. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 79: In compliance with Rule 304 (UCRR), when calling a customer for the Twenty- Four Hour Notice , what percentage of call attempts reach a live customer? RESPONSE NO. 79: United Water does not call customers for the Twenty-Four Hour Notice, but as stated in response to Request No. 76, personal visits are made. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-O4- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Pre parer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 80: With the Company s automated telephone system , when a customer s answering machine or voice mail picks up the call , does the automated system leave a message? If so, please provide the text of the message. RESPONSE NO. 80: Please refer to the response to Production Request No. 78. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 81 Does the company routinely physically disconnect service after a customer requests closure of an account or disconnection of service? If so, what are the average and maximum intervals between receipt of the customer s requests and actual disconnection of service? RESPONSE NO. 81 : Unless the company knows there is a new party already in the premises, we physically turn the water off on the day that the vacating customer requests account closure or disconnection of service. If that request is for same day service, the customer is advised that it will be scheduled for the very next business day. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 82: What percentage of out-of-cycle- meter disconnections are completed within three calendar days? Four to five calendar days? More than five calendar days? RESPONSE NO. 82: Unless there is a physical obstruction of the meter box, during normal business hours and days of operation United Water completes the service request including reading the meter, on the day the customer requests the service. If that request is for same day service, the customer is advised that it will be scheduled for the very next business day. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-W-04-04 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 84 In situations where a meter is not physically disconnected between occupants, does the ending meter reading date given on bills for the departing customer correspond to the actual date the meter was read? If not, please explain. RESPONSE NO. 84 Yes. The ending meter reading date is the actual date the meter was read. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 85 In situations where a meter is not physically disconnected between occupants, does the beginning meter reading date given on bills for the new customer correspond to the actual date the meter was read following the customer request to initiate service? If not, please explain. RESPONSE NO. 85 Yes, the beginning meter reading date for a new customer is the date the customer requests service or the most recent meter reading date from which the customer agrees to be billed. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 86 How many out-of-cycle meter readings were taken in 2003 where service was not physically disconnected between occupants? RESPONSE NO. 86 United Water does not keep this statistic. United Water reads all meters for connections, disconnections and transfers of service. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: G reg Wyatt Telephone (208) 362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 87 How many out-of-cycle meter readings were taken in 2003 where service was physically disconnected? RESPONSE NO. 87 United Water does not keep this statistic. Please see response to Request No. 86. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE UWI-04-04 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer: Patricia Foss Sponsoring Witness: Greg Wyatt Telephone (208)362-7327 Title: General Manager REQUEST NO. 88: Does United Water handle customer calls for other entities? If so , what are those entities? Are the United Water complaint and inquiry calls tracked separately? If so, please quantify calls by United Water complaints and inquiries and All Other entity calls. RESPONSE NO. 88: In addition to United Water Idaho customer calls, United Water answers calls for United Water Operations Idaho and United Water LeakGuard Idaho. All calls come into the same telephone switch at the customer service number. The phone system records all calls in total and cannot differentiate between entities. However , the three entities have separate databases on the billing system and customer calls are recorded by type within the appropriate entity. In 2003, we recorded a total of 87 988 calls into customer service of various types. Of that number, 911 calls were coded in United Water Operations Idaho and 166 calls were coded in United Water LeakGuard Idaho. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE NO. UWI-W-O4- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST IPUC STAFF ATTACHMENT TO RESONSE TO REQUEST NO. 56 UN I T E D W A T E R I D A H O SH U T O F F S D U E T O NO N P A YM E 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 4 Ja n u a r y 19 3 23 3 Fe b r u a r y 13 3 10 7 12 8 Ma r c h 13 6 17 0 Ap r i l 16 7 17 2 15 4 Ma y 13 8 10 6 Ju n e 12 7 16 4 16 0 Ju l y 14 4 15 2 12 2 Au g u s t 14 4 14 9 Se p t e m b e r 17 5 14 0 Oc t o b e r 18 2 21 7 16 0 No v e m b e r 16 0 12 3 13 5 De c e m b e r 17 8 15 0 16 8 55 3 1 , 87 9 66 4 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE NO. UWI-O4-04 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST IPUC STAFF TT A C H MEN T RESONSE TO REQUEST NO. 62 ~------~---BILL ING SUMMARY-----~~-~--PRIOR BILL AMOUNT . $0. PAVMENTS THiu I2/15/04 $0. GOBALANCE FORWARD $0. CURRENT B ILL CHARGES:CONSUMpTION CHARGE CUSTOMER CHARGE SAFE DRINKING WTR FEE BOISE FRA.NGH:ISE FEETOTAL CURRENT CHARGES $ 7 . $14. $0.$0.$23. PLEASE DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES ORCORRESPONDENCE TO:UNITED WATER IDAHOPO BOX 1904208248_WEST VICTORY RDBOISE, ID 83719-0420PHONE: 208-362-7304 METER READINGS10/07/04 69412/13/04 702CONSUMPTION 8 CCF TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $23. YOU HAD NO CONSUMPTION RECORDED FOR THE SAME PERIOD LAST YEAR. ** WINTER RATES ARE IN EFFECT UNITL APRIL 30TH. AS COLD WEATHERNEARS, BE SURE TO WINTERIZE YOUR SPRINKLER SYSTEM, DISCONNECT ~j wi; ~t~Ro O~ ~ ~..() - U ~D E ~~ . i ~~~~ p~c.. i!t.~ -1r-~J ~E- -1 ~~ ;;;~;~? ~ ~ Q---f- ~~\i;f *~Wii ,.'WM '- -.... I ~v. "~~..._- ,. T '-.--.-.- . . . i . ""-. C'"-- "'- 12/15/041 1721 OLYMPIA 06000998223153 i 23. _.._"--------""----,------..~---~- L__...--- ---_._--,---- -----"..-.'."- .----....--. ---_._-----.'-'._--~--_.--- .------.. .----.--.--....-. .--- ---. ---. ...--...----------.--- -. n - . _ u - PjeaStlc:;t'p dais portion of biB fOT Y(HE r"torrls PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION OF B fLL WITH YOUR PAYMENT 0600099822315300000002360000000000 --_.--n ...--_----.-.---.-- - T'..--. ' .--.-.. Bm fPBtf:I~n2 DB 12/15/04! 01/04/2005 1...11.1. . .11...1...1..11.1..1..1..1..1....111---- -'---- l!!;T!i~~~it~t;j~ti UNITED WATER IDAHO I 23. ~ ~ Y : 5~ T 3 ~. ~ ~. ~. ~ R l,_____-------------- PITTSBURGH, PA 15250 - 7385 Are ,,\( speU'ng JOdi n:wt:L--...' and addre:;~ .;'.rr,"cii:; Make payment to: BOISE . In-- --- If 11':(i"" - - hi';:! ,'iLl . ... II. .1.. .11.1...111. ...1. .1..1..1...111.1....1. ..111.. ~-----------' .il'~~k:t :.~~~~.16S.~d. 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UWI-O4-04 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST IPUC STAFF TT A C H MEN T RESONSE TO REQUEST NO. 63 PLEASE DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES OR CORRESPONDENCE TO: UNITED WATER IDAHOPO BOX 190420 8248 WEST VICTORY RDBOISE, In 83719-0420PHONE: 208-362-7304 METER READINGS09/30/04 62712/07/04 638CONSUMPTION 11 CCF -----------BI LL ING SUMMARY---------_.PRIOR BILL AMOUNT $125.PAYMENTS THRU 12/09/04 $0.BALANCE FORWARD $125. CURRENT BILL CHARGES:CONSUMPTION CHARGECUSTOMER CHARGE SAFE DRINKING WTR FEE BOISE FRANCH ISE FEETOTAL CURRENT CHARGES TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $10.$14. $0. ... '"' ..., #' ;;oU.$26 . $152. YOU HAD NO CONSUMPTION RECORDED FOR THE SAME PERIOD LAST YEAR. ** WINTER RATES ARE IN EFFECT UNITL APRIL 30TH. AS COLD WEATHERNEARS, BE SURE TO WINTERIZE YOUR SPRINKLER SYSTEM, DISCONNECT . ,., HOS, E.S., ..- R.o, ~. .. -Ou.:r UE. ~ . ~ . ~"T. S-,-A,O '0 ~.-I .NSU,-" A.:tE..AN.EX-f?O,E'o...B I R.E. $".--.., i,E ~ -*._.,. -' ~c' --' BJH nHi,~ i driP ;&ddr'i'f"i /\ rHHd DieT'!);, \ . ;\u;,:J,,' :.hi'" 12/09/041 2804 ROSEHILL . ..,."".'.".",..", ..'".... -....-... - .n.."...~' & k""A; !cYi.'i) (ids F'iH d,H."i die;, iHd. i ,! \. ;j i fj 06000998230039 ........ -- . , ,n- . - '." , ' " eFn;pi\,T Hi". PCJ;.z 1 H Jr.: rH, BIU \VfTH YOUR P, ,\\' i\.HJJ r !., , , DbDDD99823DD39DDDDDD152 5300000000 \,'1~.,; V,d)";.' HZ ' !): 12/09/04i i../)i 1...11.1...11...1...1..11.1..1..1..1..1....111 UNITED WATER IDAHOPAYMENT CENTERPO BOX 371385PITTSBURGH, PA 15250-7385 BOISE ID 6~/05-5938 11..1...11.1...111....1..1....11.1..11....1..11.. '.. 'N'."'."".~.' 2804 ROSEHILL --...... r;;:'G\.H~' f'HHn . .... .~~._--.....--.'..,...--..-..-... 152. i" -I: :t' ':\ 1 ,. 12/29/2004 . ..._~,_._-.-_.__._-_.----_.._---.__._._-;. A mirUJlt J'Jiw,p I 152. L_.- -. '.._. _..'-'._'.- .--.-----.--,\!, ' W(' ,)' i, ' : . . 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UWI-W-O4-04 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST IPUC STAFF ATTACHMENT TO RESONSE TO REQUEST NO. 69 United Water Idaho PO Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719-0420 REMINDER NOTICE Make payment to: United Water Idaho PO Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719-0420 Mail to:.1 I Please return top portion of bill with payment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UnitedWater '"' (B) Dear Customer re concerned. According to our records, we have not yet received payment for your water bill which was due 12/07/2004. Under our rules and regulations, as approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, water bills may be considered late fifteen days after the bill date. Have you already sent us your payment? If so, please accept our thanks and disregard this reminder. If you have not yet sent in your payment, please do so by return mail before the final due date printed at the top of this notice. You also are welcome to pay in person at our office, located at 8248 W. Victory Road in Boise or you may place your payment in our night deposit box, which is located in our parking area. For your convenience, we also have a payment station in the U S Bank at 10th and Idaho. Please include the tear-off portion of this notice with your payment. We will make every effort to work with you to set up payment arrangements if you are unable to pay the full amount owed. Your water service cannot be terminated for any unregulated charges. However, if you have neither made payment arrangements nor paid your water bill by the final date printed at the top of this notice, we will send you a notification of service termination. If your water service is terminated before this bill is paid, a $20.00 reconnection fee will be required to restore service during regular business hours or $30.00 to restore service after regular business hours. If you make payment to one of our field service representatives, a $15.00 trip charge will be required in addition to the past due amount. If disconnecting your water service would adversely affect a serious illness or create a medical emergency for someone in your home, you may give us a statement from your doctor confirming this and we will postpone shutting off your water service for 30 days. You may file a complaint with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by contacting their office at 334- 0369 or PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074. Your water service will not be terminated until the complaint has been resolved. We would be happy to discuss your account with you. Please feel free to contact us at (208) 362-7304. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The tear-off portion of this reminder should be included with your payment in the envelope provided. Thank you for your prompt attention to this past due water bill. Final Due Date 01/03/2005 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. CASE NO. UWI-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST IPUC STAFF ATTACHMENT TO RESONSE TO REQUEST NO. 70 COpy OF WATER SERVICE TERMINATION TOO DARK TO SCAN