HomeMy WebLinkAbout200408312nd Response of United Water to Staff.pdfORIGINAL Dean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500; Fax: 208-336-6912 BEFO RE THE ID AH 0 PUBLIC UTILITIES CO MMISSI ON IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., FOR AN AMEND MENT TO ITS CER TIFI CA TE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 142 AND FOR AN ACCOUNTING ORDER. Case No. UWI-O4- UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST COMES NOW United Water Idaho Inc. , (" United" , " the Company ) and responds to the Second Production Request of the Commission Staff. Each Response was prepared by the person identified herein as the witness to answer questions at hearing and any documents associated with an answer are in the possession of that person. Dated this~ day of August, 2004. McDEVITT & MILLER LLP Dean J. Miller Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST- Request No. 20: Please provide the current production capacity of the Carriage Hill well. Response: The Carriage Hill well is currently equipped with two pumps; a "domestic" pump rated at 300gpm at a total dynamic head of 255', and a "fire" pump rated at 1 OOgpm at a total dynamic head of255' Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST- Request No. 21: If the existing Carriage Hill Well can be expanded, please provide the maximum capacity of the existing Carriage Hill well. Response: Based on the original pumping test data a continuous pumping rate of 1 ,600gpm was expected to be obtainable from the existing well, provided there is no interference from another well on the existing lot. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST-3 Request No.22: How many customers can be served by the existing well, with and without the maximum expansion? Please include maximum number of customers with and without the second source included. Response: The Carriage Hill Subdivision currently provides its homeowners with an alternate source of summer irrigation water that is separate from the United Water Idaho potable water system. Assuming that an alternate source of summer irrigation water is made available to all future customers in the area, we estimate that each customer would require approximately Yz-gpm from the United Water Idaho system. Using this assumption, the existing Carriage Hill well with the existing 300gpm "domestic" pump could then serve up to approximately 600 customers. With the pumping plant changed to produce the maximum yield physically possible from the well (1,600gpm based on the original drilling log), and taking into account that the fire protection requirement for the area of 1 000gpm must be reserved for a fire, then approximately 1 200 customers (600gpm divided by 1/2gpm per customer) could be served from the existing Carriage Hill well. However, in order to utilize the maximum capacity of the well (1 600gpm) additional water right volume would need to be acquired. It is impossible to estimate how many customers would be able to be served with a second source included. This is because a second source has not been sited, drilled or placed into production, thus it is impossible to know its capacity. The second source, as it was originally conceived and as required by IDEQ, was planned as a back up to the existing domestic supply and not as additional source capacity for Carriage Hill. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST-4 Request No. 23: What is the anticipated size and estimated cost of the second source well required for the Carriage Hill service area? Response: The second source well was anticipated to be constructed on the same lot that contains the existing well. The anticipated size of the second well is 12-inches in diameter and approximately 350 feet deep with an estimated capacity of 400gpm. Engineering assumption of probable cost is $88 000. This cost does not include the anticipated costs of obtaining a drilling permit and obtaining the necessary additional water right beyond the current 3.0cfs right for the existing well. It is impossible to accurately project these costs in the current water rights environment. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST- Request No. 24: What entity is responsible for the cost of the second well source for the Carriage Hill service area? Please explain. Response: Carriage Hill, L.C. Paragraph 4 of The Residential or Multiple Family Housing Non- Contiguous Water System Agreement, entered into between United Water Idaho and Carriage Hill, L., clearly states that the "Owner" (Carriage Hill) shall be responsible to construct and pay the cost of the Water Facilities as required by the appropriate federal, state, or local government authorities, agencies, or officials. Paragraph 5 of the same Agreement states that the facilities so constructed are to be transferred and conveyed to the Company (United Water Idaho). A copy of the Agreement is attached and marked "Production Request No. 24" Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST-6 Request No. 25: What is the value of the capacity credits available to the developers of Carriage Hill Subdivision? Please provide a detailed calculation with all backup information. Response: The Residential or Multiple Family Housing Non-Contiguous Water System Agreement entered into between United Water Idaho and Carriage Hill, L.C. contains no provision for capacity credits, th(~refore none have been or are calculated. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST- Request No. 26: Please explain the difference between the Carriage Hill service areas proposed in Case No. UWI- 99-l (250 acres, stated in Staff Comments) and the current Case No. UWI-04-03 (198. acres, Nampa Agreement). Response: The 250 acres is the area United Water Idaho originally requested as the service territory for the Carriage Hill area in its filing Case No. UWI-99-l. However the Commission Order No. 27976 on the ITlatter dated March 26 1999 required United Water Idaho to amend the service territory to include only the Carriage Hill Subdivisions. United Water Idaho filed for this additional area under the 27th amendment to its Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 143 on January 3 , 2000 and received approval on January 19 2000. The area is described as: Carriage Hill Subdivision No. 1 located in the South Yz of Section 31 , Township 3 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, and recorded in Book 26 of Plats at Page , records of Canyon county, Idaho. The above area covers only Phase 1 and contains approximately 22 acres. United Water Idaho now provides service to both Phase 1 and 2 of the Carriage Hills Subdivision and in doing so has grown the service territory in a contiguous fashion from the initial Phase 1 area initially authorized. United Water Idaho believes the 198.84 acres represents the area that the Carriage received preliminary subdivision plat approval on from Canyon County in 1998. This area would encompass all proposed phases of the subdivision, and would have been included in United Water Idaho s original 250 acre filing. United Water Idaho anticipates abandoning all of its service territory related to the Carriage Hills Subdivision if the proposed sale to Nampa is consummated. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST-8 Request No. 27: If the City of Nampa has or intends to annex all the remaining areas of the Carriage Hill subdivision, what is the likelihood that the City will provide all subsequent areas of the subdivision water service even if the Purchase Agreement is not executed? Response: Based on conversations between representatives of the Company and the City ofNampa United Water Idaho believes that if the sale transaction fails, the City will abandon its annexation effort. The City, United is informed, desires to extend city services to the area as part of its plans for orderly growth. If the City cannot own the well and water system it cannot extend its other services. It is uncertain as to whether the City of Nampa will extend services adjacent to or beyond the Carriage Hill Subdivision, thus encircling it. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST-9