HomeMy WebLinkAbout200408311st Response of United Water to Staff.pdfORIGINAL r:;:E C::EIVED C:J Dean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-8370 l Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343- 7500; Fax: 208-336-6912 !LED ZeOli AUG3 I Ar'110: ;;; ie ,; ! t)ciLIC """ U I iL I ! i L j CUf'H"j ~ '0. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., FOR AN AMEND MENT TO ITS CER TIFI CA TE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 142 AND FOR AN ACCOUNTING ORDER. Case No. UWI-O4- UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST COMES NOW United Water Idaho Inc. , (" United" , " the Company ) and responds to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff. Each Response was prepared by the person identified herein as the witness to answer questions at hearing and any documents associated with an answer are in the possession of that person. Dated this day of August, 2004. McDEVITT & MILLER LLP Dean 11 er Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-l Request No. Please indicate the relationship between United Water Idaho Inc. and United Waterworks Inc. affiliates, did the two entities share any directors and/or officers at the time of the Carriage Hill Design-Build Promissory Note execution? If so, please identify. Response: United Water Idaho is a wholly owned subsidiary of United Waterworks (UWW). 1998, at the time of the execution of the execution of the Design-Build Promissory Note, they shared no directors. During 1998, United Water Idaho had five officers. Its President (and General Manager) was also a Vice President ofUWW, its Secretary was also Assistant Secretary ofUWW, and its Treasurer was also Vice President-Finance and Controller ofUWW. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-2 Request No. Please provide copies of any and all written and electronic documentation, correspondence and memos not otherwise provided as part of the Application: A. Between Carriage Hill and United Waterworks; B. Between Carriage Hill and United Water Idaho; C. Between United Water Idaho and United Waterworks, and D. Between United Water Idaho and its corporate parent Regarding (1) the Application s Exhibit A Design-Build Promissory Note; (2) the proposed Purchase Agreement between United Water Idaho and the City ofNampa (Application Exhibit C), and (3) the proposed payment of$350 000 in sale proceeds to United Waterworks Inc. Response: After a thorough search of the company s records we have discovered the following: A. Between Carriage Hill and United Waterworks - See attached documents marked Production Request No. 2A" B. Between Carriage Hill and United Water Idaho - See attached documents marked Production Request No. 2B" C. Between United Water Idaho and United Waterworks, and D. Between United Water Idaho and its corporate parent a. As noted in answer to Production Request No., United Water Idaho is a wholly owned subsidiary of United Waterworks; therefore the answers to Production Request No.2 C & D are the same. Also United Waterworks does not have any employees; therefore the answers to this portion of the Production Request will reflect those documents, etc. between United Water Idaho and its corporate office M&S employees. b. See attached documents marked "Production Request No. 2C&D" In addition, it should be noted that the Application proposes payment of $339 000 in sales proceeds to United Waterworks, not $350 000 as reflected in Production Request No. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST- Request No. Application Exhibit A Design-Build Promissory Note states in paragraph 5 that "holder may foreclose all liens securing payment hereof. A. Please indicate what liens, if any, or other forms of security, both recorded and unrecorded, exist to secure payment of the Design-Build Promissory Note. B. Please indicate whether Carriage Hill is now or was ever late in payment or in default under the Design-Build Promissory Note. If so, please provide detail and indicate what enforcement efforts were undertaken and/or waived by Water Works. Please provide copies of all related correspondence, memos, email, etc. both (1) between Carriage Hill and United Water Works; (2) between United Water Idaho Inc. and United Water Works; and (3) United Water Idaho Inc. and its corporate parent. Response A: A "Joint and Several Individuals' Guaranty " was executed December 7 1998 by the members of Carriage Hill, L.C. in favor of United Waterworks Inc. as a means of providing security for the loan. A copy of this document is provided in response to Production Request No.2A. Response B: Carriage Hill is now in default under the terms of the Design"-Build Promissory Note. No principal has been paid since January 2002 and accrued interest has only been paid up through August 5 2002. The principal balance now stands at $262 345.60. As indicated in the response to Production Request No., the first technical default occurred in November 2000. A Principal & Interest payment due November 5 , 2000 was not received until January 12 2001. United Waterworks chose not to impose the 3 % late charge provision and did not declare default of the loan. During the initial two years of the loan repayment period, United Waterworks representatives were in touch via telephone with local United Water Idaho personnel, primarily Jeremiah Healy, with inquiries regarding the late payments and discussions of available recourse. Jeremiah Healy was in touch with Carriage Hill partner Sandi Johnson and an administrative assistant, normally via telephone, with inquiries regarding the status of late payments. United Waterworks has not yet formally declared the unpaid principal and accrued interest on this note due and payable. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-4 Request No. Please indicate whether pursuant to the Company s rules and regulations governing non- contiguous expansion (Rule 78-84) and pursuant to Rule 74-77 of the Company s rules relating to water main extensions (special facilities), Carriage Hill contributed all water supply facilities including well, to trnited Water Idaho Inc. Please indicate whether the facilities acquired by United Water from Carriage Hill are unencumbered by any liens or claims. Please provide copies of any studies regarding the appraised value of the distribution system, well, and any and all other physical plant used by United Water for service to Carriage Hill. Response: The Carriage Hill source of supply water system, consisting of land & improvements well house structure, well & pumping equipment & communications (SCADA) equipment, were recorded as advanced property subject to refund on United Water Idaho s books on journal entry 31 in December 1999. The total plant and associated advance were recorded at original cost of $354 905.74. At the same time and on the same entry, Phase 1 of the Carriage Hill distribution system consisting of water mains, services, hydrants and legal cost were recorded as CIAC at an original cost of$127 010.79. In December 2003 on journal entry 23 , the second phase of the Carriage Hill distribution system was recorded on the books of United Water Idaho as CIAC at an original cost of $50 428.00. The legal conveyance of all facilities was accomplished via bills of sale, executed by Carriage Hill, L.C. in favor of United Water Idaho, in which Carriage Hill sold, assigned transferred and set over to United Water Idaho all the property. Carriage Hill represented and warranted in these transactions that they were the absolute owner of the property and that the property was free and clear of all liens, charges and encumbrances, etc. United Water Idaho received a Warranty Deed with respect to Lot 14, Block 1 of Carriage Hill Sub No. 1. Thus United Water Idaho believes the property to be entirely unencumbered by any liens of claims. United Water Idaho did not conduct an appraisal of the system. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST- Request No. A. Please indicate whether any system related Company and/or developer contributed water treatment or chlorination equipment was installed for water service to Carriage Hill. If so, please provide detail. B. Please indicate whether any other Company and/or developer contributed investment was made for the providing of water service to Carriage Hill. If so, please provide detail. Response: A. United Water Idaho did install a liquid chlorine feed system consisting of a tank pump and tubing. The equipment utilized was taken from existing United Water Idaho stock already included in rate base. This stock consisted primarily of used equipment that had been taken out of service at one location, but still had useful life and was reasonably expected to be put back into active service at another location. United Water Idaho did not charge the developer for the cost of the equipment, estimated to be $1 700. This situation can be rectified at the closing of the sales transaction. United Water will retire the chlorination equipment investment and the sale proceeds will be reallocated to ensure United Water Idaho recoups book value. United Water Idaho supplied meters to serve the customers of Carriage Hill. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-6 Request No. Please provide revenues, expenses (depreciation & amortization expense, salaries, taxes etc.) and rate base associated with this subdivision in a rate case format. Please provide workpapers and documents supporting these calculations. Response: Please see the response to Production Request Number 7. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-7 Request No. Please calculate the revenue requirement associated with the components of this sale as identified in Production Request Number 6. Please provide workpapers and documents supporting these calculations. Response: Rate Base: Gross Advanced Plant in Service Gross Contributed Plant in Service Mett:rs in Service $354 905. $177 438. $ 3 000. Gross Plant in Service $535,344. Less: Accumulated Depreciation on Refunded Property Accumulated Depreciation on Meters Advance Balance assuming all Refunds Paid CIAC net $ 2 103. 231.00 $330 905. $177,438. Net Rate Base $ 24,665. Authorized Rate of Return Case UWI-00- Return Required 843% $ 2,181.13 Estilnated Return Earned: Annual Rev: 12 months adj actual as of July 2004 $ 6 000. Operating Expenses: Actual Power bill 12 months ended July 2004 Wages & Salaries (52 Wks/30 min per site visit) $ 986. $ 1 121.00 Customer Acctg Cost based on YE July 2004 Depreciation Expense on meters & refunds of advances (assumes all 30 made) Property Tax Est 600/0 RB X 1.70% 645. 725. 252. Total Operating Expenses Income Before Income Taxes Debt ~ 56.93% Interest Expense ~ 7.5 1 % Taxable Income Income Taxes Income Available For Return $ 3 729.18 $ 2 870. $ 14 042. $ 1 055. $ 1 815. $ 730. $ 2 140. Return on Rate Base 6800/0 Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-8 Request No. Please provide a listing of assets being transferred in this sale and the associated cost accumulated depreciation and net book value. Please provide workpapers and documents supporting these calculations. Response: Assets being transferred consist of the following: Phase I Distribution System:Phase II Distribution System: 1839' - 8" PVC Water Main 1281' -12" PVC Water Main 29 - 1" Domestic Services 1 - 3" Irrigation Service 5 - 6" Fire Hydrants 2282' - 8" PVC Water Main 21 1" Services 1 - 6" Fire Hydrant Source of Supply:Customer Meters: 16' by 32' Well House 18" Supply Well Mechanical Piping 2 - Submersible Pumps Communication, Control, Telemetry Equipment Well Lot, Associated Landscaping and Irrigation System 3 0 customer meters Gross Cost: Original Cost of Plant in Service Contributions in Aid of Construction Advances For Construction Refunds made 16/ actual; 14/ Pro Forma Accumulated Depreciation on property supported by advance refunds and meters $535 344. ($177 438.79) ($354 905.74) $ 24 000. ($ 2 334.91) Net Book Value $ 24,665. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST- Request No. To the extent not previously provided, please provide a listing of the detail transactions in MJ Cost #2537 and 2842 identified in the Company s Exhibit E. Please also provide justification for the inclusion of them within this sale. Response: The correct MJ number is 2849; previous reference to #2842 was a clerical error. MJ #2849 recorded $1 358.36 in cost incurred by United Water Idaho in the inspection of Phase II of the Carriage Hill Subdivision. Company supplied labor was $843.61 plus $175 of transportation overhead. Contract inspection cost totaled $315 and water quality testing to ensure the system met regulation was $24.75. This cost is to be borne by the developer under United Waters Idaho s non-contiguous rules and as such will be reimbursed from the proceeds of the transaction to keep United Water Idaho customers whole. MJ # 2537 recorded $4 038.25 in cost, virtually all of which was incurred by United Water Idaho in connection with the procurement of and supplying fire hydrants to serve the Carriage Hill systern. Again, these costs are to be advanced by the developer pursuant to United Water Idaho s non-contiguous rules and as such will be reimbursed from the proceeds of the sale. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-IO Request No. 10: To the extent not previously provided, please provide the detail of the "legal and IPUC filing expenses" identified in the Company s Exhibit E. Please provide the justification for the inclusion of them within this sale. Response: These expenses consist of $2 551.50 for legal representation provided by the law firm Spink Butler Clapp in assisting with sale negotiations and contract development incurred February through April 2004. Also, the total $5 500 includes an estimate of legal expense to be provided by McDevitt & Miller in the amount of approximately $3 000 for proceedings before the IPUC on this matter. The expenses are or will be recorded on the books of United Water Idaho, in holding accounts, pending their reimbursement upon the closing of the sale. The legal services were necessary to negotiate and close this sale transaction as well as procuring IPUC approval and as such are legitimate costs to be reimbursed. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-II Request No. 11: Please describe and provide any agreement between United Water Idaho and United Water Works, Inc. for the reimbursement of legal and administration fees associated with this sale. no such agreement exists, please explain why. Response: There is no written agreement between United Water Idaho and United Waterworks for reimbursement of legal and administration fees associated with this sale. See Direct Testimony of Greg Wyatt page 8 , for discussion of allocation of these costs. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-12 Request No. 12: Please provide a listing by lot number of refunds paid and those payable related to the Carriage Hill subdivision. Response: Carriage Hills Refund History Actual Refunds Paid to DateDate Lot # Block #1/25/00 24 1/25/00 28 1/25/00 33 1/25/00 38 1/25/00 40 6/8/00 7/26/00 29 9/5/00 35 9/5/00 41 5/9/01 15 5/29/01 21 6/21/01 30 9/4/01 13 9/27/01 31 9/27/01 34 1/3/02 17 1/3/02 19 House # 11380 11385 12375 12420 11275 12395 11375 12370 11270 12430 11350 11355 12460 11335 12350 12400 11320 Street Shay Parkway Shay Parkway White Chapel White Chapel Shay Parkway Landau Way Shay Parkway White Chapel Shay Parkway Landau Way Shay Parkway Shay Parkway Landau Way Shay Parkway White Chapel Landau Way Shay Parkway Amounts 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 $ 13,600 Meters Set But Refunds Not Released as of August 23, 200464 12340 Landau Way12425 Landau Way12445 Landau Way10 12475 Landau Way22 11360 Shay Parkway23 11370 Shay Parkway27 11395 Shay Parkway26 11400 Shay Parkway58 12318 White Chapel59 12324 White Chapel62 12331 White Chapel60 12332 White Chapel61 12343 White Chapel 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 $ 10,400 Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST- Request No. 13: Please provide a listing of the number of customers being transferred in this sale and the associated revenues collected in each of the last three years (2001 , 2002 and 2003) and year-to- date 2004. Please provide workpapers and documents supporting these calculations. Response: In 2001: 15 customers produced billed revenue of $2 339.45 In 2002: 17 customers produced billed revenue of $3702. In 2003: 28 customers produced billed revenue of $4 926. In 2004: year-to-date through July 2004, 30 ( 4 of 6 annual readings) customers produced billed revenue of $3 989. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-14 Request No. 14: Please describe the reason for the refunds payable to Carriage Hill at closing identified in the Company s Exhibit E. Response: See Direct Testimony of Greg Wyatt, pages 7-8 for discussion of refunds payable to Carriage Hill. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-I 5 Request No. 15: Please identify the legal basis upon which United Water Idaho stopped making refund payments to Carriage Hill, L. Response: See answer to Request No. 14 Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-16 Request No. 16: Please provide a schedule listing the payment date(s) and amount(s) of the advances for construction identified in the Company s Exhibit E. Response: On December 29, 1999 Carriage Hill, L.C. and Carriage Hill Community Association Inc transferred the source of supply property to United Water Idaho. The total advance for construction was $354 905.74 including interest expense accrued during construction and the parcel of land upon which the well facilities are situated. United Waterworks, acting as the source of funds to Carriage Hill, directly transferred funds via wire transfer to Carriage Hill to fund the project. United Water Idaho engineering personnel approved each "draw" before it was released. United Water Idaho received cost substantiation and legal documentation transferring the ownership of the assets to United Water Idaho at the completion of the project. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-I 7 Request No. 17: Please provide a schedule listing the payment date(s) and amount(s) of the contributions in aid of construction identified in the Company s Exhibit E. Response: On December 29, 1999 and again on December 18, 2003, Carriage Hill, L.C. and Carriage Hill Comrnunity Association, Inc transferred Phase 1 and 2 distribution property to United Water Idaho at an aggregate value of$177,438.79 through bills of sale. No cash funds were transferred between United Water Idaho or United Waterworks and Carriage Hill with respect to CIAC distribution plant. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-I 8 Request No. 18: Please provide an inception to date schedule of United Waterworks Inc. loan with Carriage Hill C. Please include within this schedule the payments made (date and amount), how those payments were applied to the loan principal and interest and the balance of the loan. Response: Financing cash flow from United Waterworks to Developers: $65 000 $39 000 $15 000 $72 000 $45 000 $58.000 $294.000 + $11227.83 (IDC)---1S305227. ~ May 7 1999: July 7, 1999: July 21 , 1999: August 27, 1999 October 19 1999 December 13, 1999 Total Funding Provided Payments from Carriage Hill to United Waterworks: Date Paid Date Due Principal Interest January 10 2000 Feb 5 $4 985.18 $6 295. ~ May 12 2000 May 5 $5 088.00 $6 192. August 15 2000 Aug 5 $5 192.94 $6 087. January 12, 2001 Nov 5 $5 300.04 $5 980.46 February 21 2001 Feb 5 $5 409.35 $5 871.15 ~ May 21 2001 May 5 $5 520.92 $5 759. October 1 2001 Aug 5 $5 634.79 $5 645. January 21 2002 Nov 5 $5 751.01 $5 529.49 August 5 2002 $16 232. Totals $42 882.23 $63 594.41 Loan Principal Balance $262 345. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Jeremiah Healy Total $11 280. $11 280. $11 280. $11 280. $11 280. $11 280. $11 280. $11 280. $16 232. $106 476. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-19 Request No. 19: Please allocate the $375 000 system purchase price between payment of principal, interest, and premium. Please separately identify the amounts paid to United Water Works, Inc. and the Company. Response: See Direct Testimony of Greg Wyatt, page 8. Witness to answer questions at hearing: Gregory Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-20 Production Request No. I "I-" I " \, '. . JOINT AND SEVERAL INDIVIDUALS' GUARANTY This JOINT AND SEVERAL INDIVIDUALS' GUARANTY (this "Guaranty ) dated December 7, 1998, by the undersigned , Edward Derwyn Shank, Grace E. Shank, Sandra J. Johnson , William D. Tate, and Larry D. Knapp, whose address is 2800 E. Boise Avenue, Boise, Idaho 83706 (collectively and individually, "Guarantor ), jointly and severally, to United Waterworks Inc., a Delaware corporation ("United Water ), whose address is 2000 First State Boulevard, Wilmington, Delaware 19804, has reference to the following facts and circumstances: RECITALS: Edward Derwyn Shank, Grace E. Shank, Sandra J. Johnson, William D. Tate, and Larry D. Knapp are members of and are financially interested in Carriage Hill, LLC., an Idaho limited liability company ("Borrower Under the terms of that certain Water Agreement (the "Agreement"), dated December 7, 1998 United Water will provide Borrower with a loan (the "Loan ) in the amount of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($350,000.00). United Water is unwilling to make the Loan unless Guarantor guarantees the payment of loan principal and interest and all other amounts due or accruing hereafter, as provided for in the Agreement, and guarantees the performance and observance by Borrower of all of the terms, covenants and conditions on its part to be performed and observed pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement and any documents in connection with the Loan. Guarantor desires to give this Guaranty to United Water to induce United Water to make the Loan. By reason of the foregoing, it will be to Guarantor s direct interest and financial advantage to enable Borrower to obtain the Loan from United Water. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are hereby incorporated below and made a part hereof, and for the purpose of inducing United Water to disburse the proceeds of the Loan to or at the direction of Borrower, Guarantor hereby agrees as follows:1. Guarantor, jointly and severally, unconditionally, irrevocably and absolutely guarantees the due and punctual payment of all principal of the Loan, all interest now accrued and hereafter accruing thereon and all other monies now accrued and hereafter accruing thereon , and the due and punctual performance and observance by Borrower of every other term , covenant and condition of the Agreement and any documents in connection with the Loan, whether according to the present terms thereof or at any earlier or accelerated date or dates, as provided therein, or pursuant to any extension or extensions of time or to any change or changes in any of the terms, covenants or conditions thereof, now or at any time hereafter made or granted. This Guaranty shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding, without limitation , the death , incompetency or bankruptcy, dissolution or termination of the existence of Borrower or any of the parties constituting Guarantor.2. Guarantor hereby waives diligence , presentment, protest, notice of dishonor, demand for payment, extension of time of payment, notice of acceptance of this Guaranty, nonpayment at maturity and indulgences and notices of every kind, and consents to: (i) any and all forbearances and extensions of the time of payment under the Agreement; or (ii) any and all changes in the terms, covenants or conditions of the Agreement or of any other document evidencing or securing repayment of the Loan hereafter made or granted. It is the intention of this Guaranty that Guarantor shall remain liable as a principal until the unpaid principal amount of the Loan , with interest thereon , if any, and all other sums due or to become due thereon shall have been fully paid to United Water, and all terms, covenants and conditions thereof shall have been fully performed and observed by Borrower, notwithstanding any act, omission or thing which might otherwise operate as a legal or equitable discharge of Guarantor. JOINT AND SEVERAL INDIVIDUAL'S GUARANTY - 1 F :\APPS\ WPDOCS\ T _Z\UWI\NONCONT .SYS\CARRIAGE.H I l \GUARANTY L i" . . 3. This Guaranty may be enforced by United Water without first resorting to or exhausting any Loan security or collateral , if any, or without first having recourse to the Agreement; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall preclude United Water from suing on the Agreement or from exercising any other rights, remedies or power under any document at any time securing the Loan, and if such foreclosure or other rights, powers or remedies are availed of, only the net proceeds therefrom, after deduction of all charges and expenses of every kind and nature whatsoever, shall be applied in reduction of the amount due under the Agreement; and United Water shall not be required to institute or prosecute proceedings to recover any deficiency as a condition of any payment hereunder or enforcement hereof. Guarantor s liabilities hereunder shall in no way be impaired, affected, reduced or released by reason of United Water s failure or delay to do or take any of the actions or things described in this Guaranty. Guarantor agrees that Guarantor is directly and primarily liable, jointly and severally with Borrower, for Borrower s liabilities under the Agreement or any documents in connection with the Loan.4. This Guaranty shall be a continuing guaranty, and shall not be discharged, impaired or affected by: (i) the existence or continuance of any obligation on the part of Borrower on or with respect to the Agreement or any document in connection with the Loan; (ii) the release or agreement not to sue without reservation of rights of anyone liable in any way for repayment of the Loan; (Hi) the power or authority or lack of power or authority of Borrower to execute, acknowledge or deliver the Agreement or any document in connection with the Loan; (iv) the validity or invalidity of the Agreement or any document in connection with the Loan; (v) any defenses whatsoever that Borrower mayor might have to the performance or observance of any term, covenant or condition contained in the Agreement or any document in connection with the Loan; (vi) the existence or non-existence of Borrower as a legal entity; (vii) any limitation or exculpation of liability of Borrower that may be expressed in the Agreement or any document in connection with the Loan; (viii) the acceptance by United Water of part of the indebtedness evidenced by the Agreement; or (ix) any right or claim whatsoever which Guarantor may have against Borrower or United Water or the successors or assigns of any of them; or (x) any defense (other than the payment in full of the indebtedness hereby guaranteed in accordance with the terms hereof) that' Guarantor mayor might have as to their undertakings, liabilities and obligations hereunder, each and every such defense being hereby waived by Guarantor.5. This Guaranty shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the institution by or against Borrower of bankruptcy, reorganization, readjustment, receivership or insolvency proceedings of any nature, or the disaffirmance of the Agreement or any documents in connection with the Loan in any such proceedings, or otherwise. In the event any payment by or on behalf of Borrower to United Water held to constitute a preference Linder the bankruptcy laws, or if for any other reason United Water is required to refund such payment or pay the amount thereof to any other party, such payment by or on behalf of Borrower to United Water shall not constitute a release of Guarantor from any liability hereunder and such payment shall, for purposes of this Guaranty, be deemed to have continued in existence to the full extent that such payment is or must be rescinded or returned, notwithstanding application by United Water to the indebtedness evidenced by the Agreement or any document in connection with the Loan, and this Guaranty shall continue to be effective or reinstated, as the case may be, as to such payments, all as though such application by United Water had not been made, and Guarantor agrees to pay such amount to United Water upon demand.6. No delay on the part of United Water and the exercise of any right or remedy shall operate as a waiver thereof, and no single or partial exercise by United Water of any right orremedy shall preclude other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy, nor shall any modification or waiver of any of the provisions of this Guaranty be binding upon United Water except as expressly set forth in a writing duly signed and delivered on behalf of United Water. No action of United Water permitted hereunder shall in any way affect or impair the rights of United Water or the obligations of Guarantor under this Guaranty. Guarantor hereby covenants, represents and warrants to United Water that: (a)The statements contained in the recitals to this Guaranty are true and correct. JOINT AND SEVERAL INDIVIDUAL'S GUARANTY - 2 F :\APPS\ WPDOCS\ T _Z\UWI\NONCONT .SYS\CARRIAGE.H I \GUARANTY I ""v~ . " ,, ' (b) Edward Derwyn Shank, Grace E. Shank, Sandra J. Johnson, William D. Tate, and Larry D. Knapp each is a resident of the State of Idaho. (c) Each Guarantor has the right, power and capacity and is duly authorized and empowered to enter into, execute, deliver and perform this Guaranty. (d) This Guaranty, when duly executed and delivered, will constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation of each Guarantor, enforceable against each Guarantor in accordance with its terms. (e) The execution, delivery and/or performance by each Guarantor of this Guaranty shall not, by the lapse of time, the giving of notice or otherwise, constitute a violation of any applicable law or contained in any agreement, instrument or document to which Guarantor is now or hereafter a party or by which he is or may become bound. (f) Each Guarantor is now and at all times hereafter, shall be solvent and generally able to pay his debts as such debts become due and each Guarantor now owns and shall at all times hereafter own property which , at a fair valuation, exceeds the sum of Guarantor s debts. (g) Each Guarantor now has and shall have at all times hereafter capital sufficient to carry on his business and transactions and all businesses and transactions in which each Guarantor is, or is about to, engage. (h) Guarantor does not intend to incur or believe that Guarantor will incur debts beyond Guarantor s ability to pay'as such debts mature. (i) There are no actions or proceedings which are pending or threatened against any Guarantor which might result in any material and adverse change in such Guarantor s financial condition or materially affect such Guarantor s ability to perform such Guarantor s liabilities hereunder. G) Each Guarantor has reviewed independently all agreements , instruments and documents executed by Borrower, and each Guarantor has made an independent determination as to the validity and enforceability thereof upon the advice of Guarantor s own counsel, and in executing and delivering the Guaranty to United Water, such Guarantor is not in any manner relying on United Water as to the validity and/or enforceability of the Agreement. (k) All indebtedness, liability or liabilities now and at any time or times hereafter owing by Borrower to Guarantor are hereby subordinated to Borrower s liabilities under the Agreement or any documents in connection with the Loan. Nothing in this Guaranty shall be construed as United Water s authorization of or consent to the creation or existence of any such indebtedness of Borrower to Guarantor. (I) All security interests, liens and encumbrances which Guarantor now has and from time to time hereafter may have upon any of eorrower s assets are hereby subordinated to all security interests, liens and encumbrances which United Water now has and from time to time hereafter may have thereon. Guarantor hereby waives: (a) All defenses, counterclaims and offsets of any kind or nature, in connection with the validity and/or enforceability of this Guaranty, arising directly or indirectly from the perfection sufficiency, validity and/or enforceability of any security interest granted, or any agreement instrument or document executed and delivered, by Borrower to United Water, or acquired by United Water from Borrower. JOINT AND SEVERAL INDIVIDUAL'S GUARANTY - 3 F :\APPS\ WPDOCS\ T _Z\UWI\NONCONT .SYS\CARRIAGE. H I L \GUARANTY ' . t.. ;, (b) Any and all right to assert against United Water any claim or defense based upon any election of remedies by United Water, which, in any manner impairs, affects, reduces, releases or extinguishes Guarantor s subrogation rights or Guarantor s right to proceed against Borrower for reimbursement, or any other rights of Guarantor against Borrower, or against any other person or security, including, without limitation , any defense based upon an election of remedies by United Water under any provision or law or regulation of any state, governmental entity or country. (c) Any right to assert against United Water as a defense, counterclaim, setoff or crossclaim to the payment or performance of Guarantor s liabilities hereunder, any defense (legal or equitable), setoff, counterclaim or claim which Guarantor may now or at any time or times hereafter have against Borrower or any other party liable to United Water in any way or manner. (d) Notice of the following events or occurrences and agrees that United Water may do any or all of the following in such manner, upon such terms and at such times as United Water in its sole and absolute discretion deems advisable without in any way impairing, affecting, reducing or releasing Guarantor from Guarantor s liabilities hereunder: (i) United Water s acceptance of this Guaranty; (ii) United Water heretofore, now or from time to time hereafter loaning monies or giving or extending credit to or for the benefit of Borrower, whether pursuant to the Agreement or any document in connection with the. Loan or any amendments, modifications or additions .thereto or alternations or substitutions made heretofore, now or at any time or times hereafter; (m) Borrower heretofore, now or at any time or times hereafter granting to United Water security interests, liens or encumbrances in any of Borrower s assets or United Water heretofore, now or from time ,to time hereafter obtaining, substituting for, releasing, waiving or modifying any such security interests, liens or encumbrances; (iv) United Water heretofore, now or at any time or times hereafter obtaining, releasing, waiving or modifying one or more of Guarantor s or any other party guaranty of Borrower s liabilities under the Agreement or any documents in connection with the Loan or any security interest, lien or encumbrance in any other party s assets given to United Water to secure such party s guaranty of Borrower s liabilities under the Agreement or any documents in connection with the Loan; (v) United Water heretofore, now or at any time or times hereafter obtaining, amending, substituting for, releasing, waiving or modifying any of the under the Agreement or any documents in connection with the Loan; (vi) presentment, demand, notices of default, nonpayment, partial payment and protest, and all other notices or formalities to which Guarantor may be entitled; (vii) United Water heretofore, now or at any time or times hereafter granting to Borrower (and any other party liable to United Water on account of Borrower liabilities under the Agreement or any documents in connection with the Loan) of any indulgences or extensions of time of payment of Borrower s liabilities under the Agreement or any documents in connection with the Loan; and (viii) United Water s heretofore, now or at any time or times hereafter accepting from Borrower or any other party any partial payment or payments on account of Borrower s liabilities under the Agreement or any documents in connection with the Loan or any collateral securing the payment thereof or United Water s settling, subordinating, compromising, discharging or releasing the same.9. The occurrence of any one of the following events shall, at the election of United Water be deemed a default by Guarantor ("Event of Default") under this Guaranty: (a) if Guarantor fails or neglects to perform, keep or observe any term, provision, condition, covenant, warranty or representation contained in this Guaranty, which is required to be performed, kept or observed by Guarantor; (b) occurrence of a default or Event of Default under any other agreement, instrument or document heretofore, now or at any time hereafter delivered by Guarantor to United Water; (c) if Guarantor fails to pay any of Guarantor s liabilities hereunder when the same are due and payable or declared due and payable; (d) if any of Guarantor s assets are seized , attached, subjected to a writ or distress warrant, or are levied upon, or come within the possession of any receiver, trustee, custodian or assignee for the benefit of creditors and the same is not terminated or dismissed within twenty days thereafter; (e) if a petition under Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994, as amended, or any similar law or regulation shall be filed by Guarantor, or if Guarantor shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors , or if any case or proceeding is filed by Guarantor for its dissolution or liquidation; (f) if Guarantor is enjoined, restrained or in any way prevented by court order from conducting all or any material part of Guarantor s business JOINT AND SEVERAL INDIVIDUAL'S GUARANTY - 4 F :\APPS\ WPDOCS\T Z\UWI\NONCONT .SYS\CARRIAGE. H I L \GUARANTY ' .: , I ' . . affairs or if a petition under any section or chapter of Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994, as amended, or any similar law or regulation is filed against Guarantor or if any case or proceeding is filed against Guarantor for Guarantor s dissolution or liquidation and such injunction, restraint or petition is not dismissed or stayed within thirty days after the entry or filing thereof; (g) the death or incompetency of Guarantor, or the appointment of a conservator for all or any portion of Guarantor s assets or collateral, if any, in connection with the Loan; (h) if an application is made by any Guarantor for the appointment of a receiver, trustee or custodian for any of such Guarantor s assets; (i) if an application is made by any person other than a Guarantor for the appointment of a receiver, trustee, custodian or conservator for any of a Guarantor assets and the same is not dismissed within thirty days after the application therefor; G) if a notice of lien levy or assessment is filed of record with respect to all or any of Guarantor s assets by the United States or any department, agency or instrumentality thereof or by any state, county, municipal or other governmental agency, or if any taxes or debts owing at any time or times hereafter to anyone of them becomes a lien or encumbrance upon any of Guarantor s assets and the same is not released within thirty days after the same becomes a lien or encumbrance; (k) if Guarantor is in default in the payment of any obligations or liabilities owed by Guarantor to any person (other than Guarantor s liabilities hereunder) and such default is declared and is not cured within the time, if any, specified therefor in any agreement governing the same; or (I) occurrence of an Event of Default under the Agreement or any documents in connection with the Loan. 10. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, without notice thereof to Guarantor Guarantor s liabilities hereunder shall be due and payable and enforceable against Guarantor, forthwith, at United Water s principal place of business , whether or not Borrower s liabilities under the Agreement or any documents in connection with the Loan are then due and payable and United Water may, in its sole and absolute discretion, exercise any one or more of the following remedies which are cumulative and non-exclusive: (a) proceed to suit against Guarantor (at United Water s election, one or more successive or concurrent suits may be brought hereunder by United Water against Guarantor individually or collectively, whether suit has been commenced against Borrower, and in any such suit Borrower may be joined (but need not be joined) as a party with Guarantor); (b) reduce to cash or the like any of Guarantor s assets of any kind or nature in the possession, control or custody of United Water, and without notice to Guarantor, apply the same in reduction or payment of Guarantor s liabilities hereunder; (c) exercise anyone or more of the rights and remedies accruing to a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code of the relevant jurisdiction and any other applicable law upon default by a debtor; and/or (d) enter, with or without process of law and without breach of the peace, any premises where the books and records of Guarantor related hereto are or may be located, and without charge or liability to United Water therefor seize and remove the copies of Guarantor s books and records in any way relating hereto from said premises and use the same (together with said books and records) for the purpose of collecting - Guarantor hereby grants United Water a security interest in said books and records for the purpose stated above. Guarantor recognizes that in the event Guarantor fails to perform, observe or discharge any of its obligations or liabilities under this Guaranty, no remedy of law will provide adequate relief to United Water, and agrees that United Water shall be entitled to temporary and permanent injunctive relief in any such case without the necessity of proving actual damage. 11. Costs. Fees and Expenses. If at any time or times hereafter United Water: (a) employs counsel for advice or other representation (i) with respect to this Guaranty, (ii) to represent United Water in any litigation, contest, dispute, suit or proceeding or to commence, defend or intervene or to take any other action in or with respect to any litigation, contest, dispute, suit or proceeding (whether instituted by United Water, Guarantor or any other person) in any way or respect relating to this Guaranty or Guarantor s affairs , and/or (iii) to enforce any rights of United Water against Guarantor or any other person which may be obligated to United Water by virtue of this Guaranty, including, without limitation, any account debtors; (b) takes any action to protect, collect, sell, liquidate or otherwise dispose of collateral, if any, securing Guarantor s liabilities hereunder; and/or (c) attempts to or enforces United Water s security interest in collateral, if any, or any of United Water s rights or remedies against Guarantor or Borrower, the reasonable costs, fees and expenses incurred by United Water in any manner or way with respect to the foregoing shall be part of Guarantor s liabilities hereunder, payable by Guarantor to United Water, on demand. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such costs, fees and expenses include: (i) attorneys' fees, costs and expenses; (ii) accountants' fees, costs and expenses; (iii) court costs and JOINT AND SEVERAL INDIVIDUAL'S GUARANTY - 5 F :\APPS\ WPDOCS\ T _Z\UWI\NONCONT .SYS\CARRIAGE.H I L \GUARANTY . ,, . expenses; (iv) court reporter fees, costs and expenses; (v) long distance telephone charges; (vi) facsimile charges; (vii) expenses for travel, lodging and food, and (viii) costs and expenses incurred with respect to exercise or enforcement of United Water s rights against any account debtor. 12. All notices, demands, requests, and other communications under this Guaranty shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly served or delivered, if delivered by hand to the party to whose attention it is directed, or when sent, two (2) days after deposit in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or upon transmission when sent via facsimile, or one (1) day after deposit with a nationally recognized air carrier providing next day delivery, addressed as follows: If to Edward Derwyn Shank: Grace E. Shank Sandra J. Johnson William D. Tate Larry D. Knapp If to United Waterworks Inc. 2800 E. Boise Avenue, Boise, Idaho 83706 (208) 336-4262 (208) 342-2274 (facsimile) 200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park, New Jersey 07640 Attn: President (201) 767-9300 (201) 767-6579 (facsimile) or at such other address or to such other party which any party entitled to receive notice hereunder, designates to the other in writing as provided above. 13.Miscellaneous. (a) If any provision of this Guaranty or the application thereof to any party or circumstance is held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Guaranty and the application of such provision to other parties or circumstances will not be affected thereby, the provisions of this Guaranty being severable in any such instance. (b)This Guaranty is subject to all applicable laws of the State of Idaho. (c) This Guaranty may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original but all together shall constitute one and the same Guaranty. (d)Time is of the essence of this Guaranty. (e) This Guaranty may not be modified, amended, revised , revoked, terminated, changed or varied in any way whatsoever except by the express terms of a writing signed by the party or parties sought to be bound thereby. (f) This Guaranty shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the internal lawsof the State of Idaho. (g) Wherever possible, each provision of this Guaranty shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Guaranty sh~1I be prohibited by or invalid under such law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Guaranty. (h) This Guaranty shall inure to the benefit of and may be enforced by United Water, and any subsequent holder of the Agreement and any document in connection with the Loan, and shall be binding upon and enforceable against Guarantor and Guarantor s heirs, legal representatives, JOINT AND SEVERAL INDIVIDUAL'S GUARANTY - 6 :\APPS\ WPDOCS\ T _Z\UWI\NONCONT .SYS\CARRIAGE.H I L \GUARANTY .. h' ~ ..\. l ., . successors and assigns. In the event of the death of Guarantor (or anyone Guarantor if there are more than one Guarantor), the obligations of such deceased Guarantor shall continue in full force and effect against his respective estates, personal representatives, successors and assigns. All references herein to Borrower shall be deemed to include any and all successors, whether immediate or remote, to such entity. (i) The captions at the beginning of the several paragraphs, respectively, are for convenience in locating the context, but are not part of the text, G) Guarantor warrants and represents to United Water that Guarantor has read this Guaranty and understands the contents hereof and that this Guaranty is enforceable against Guarantor in accordance with its terms. Whenever the context so requires, the use of the term Guarantor" shall mean each and all of the undersigned, jointly and severally. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Guarantor has executed this Joint and Several Individuals' Guaranty as of the day and year first above written. GUARANTOR: &L~~ f1'~/11 ifLrM Edward Derwyn Sh -.:' !A~ -t, ' '--' ce E. Shank .---- William D. Tate " \, ' JOINT AND SEVERAL INDIVIDUAL'S GUARANTY - 7 F :\APPS\ WPDOCS\ T Z\UWI\NONCONT .SYS\CARRIAGE. H I L \GUARANTY , .,,"~ . May 25, 2004 Via USMail Greg Wyatt , United Water of Idaho, Inc. 8248 W.VictoryRoad Boise, ill 83719-0420 RE:UWW -C arriage Hill Agreement 21220.SB No. Dear Greg: JOANN C. BUTLER M. GREGORY EMBREY L. VICTORIA MEIER MICHAEL T. SPINK (208) 388-1000 LVM EI ERcw.SB-ATTORN EYS .COM RECE IVED JUN 0 3 2004 tn,, :: ~:~. \\;,", 7 : ~ , Enclosed for your records is the executed original United Waterworks, Inc.Carriage Hill Agreement, dated March 12, 2004. , ' \, ' If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, ~~ lL-/8LC- L. Victoria Meier LVM/sac Enclosure 251 E. FRONT STREET SUITE 200 O. Box 639 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 208-388-1000 208-388-1001 (F) WWW.se-ATTORNEYS.COM , ,, . UWW-CARRIAGE HILL AGREEMENT THIS UWW-CARRIAGE HILL AGREEMENT (this "Agreemenf') is made effective this 12 day of March, 2004, by and among Carriage Hill, L.L.C., an Idaho limited liability company Carriage Hill") and United Waterworks Inc., a Delaware corporation ("UWW" RECIT ALS A. On January 21, 1998 Carriage Hill received preliminary'subdivision plat approval from Canyon County in connection with a single-family residential subdivision, more particularly described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof ("Carriage Hill Subdivision which consists of 198.84 acres located west of Middleton Road and north of Greenhurst Road in southwest Canyon County in the Nampa Area of City Impact, which is that particular area of Canyon County that eventually will be annexed into Nampa. A portion of Carriage Hill Subdivision which portion is defined as the LID Area below, is owned by Triangle and 'Shank. Carriage Hill is the contract-purchaser of the LID Area. B. On or about November 20, 1998, Carriage Hill and United Water Idaho Inc., an Idaho corporation ("UWID") entered into that certain Residential or'Mu'itiple Family Housing Non- contiguous Water System Agreement (the 'Water System Agreemenf'), which Water System Agreement provides for, without limitation: the permitting and construction of the "Domestic Water System " as defined in that certain Purchase Agreement, dated concurrently herewith, by and, between UWID and the City of Nampa (the "Purchase Agreemenf' ). C. On November 30, 1998, Carriage Hill executed that certain Design-Build Promissory Note in favor of UWW in the original principal amount of Three Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/10aths Dollars ($350,000.00) (the "Promissory Note ). D. On or about November 30, 1998, the principals of Carriage Hill executed that certain Joint and Several Individuals' Guaranty in favor of UWW (the "Guaranty E. On March 9, 1999, the final subdivision plat for the first phase of Carriage Hill Subdivision was recorded in Canyon County. On December 29, 1999, Carriage Hill transferred to UWID that portion of the Domestic Water System constructed in connection with the first phase of Carriage Hill Subdivision.F. On February 11 , 2002, the final subdivision plat for the second phase of Carriage Hill Subdivision was recorded in Canyon County, Idaho. On December 18, 2003, Carriage Hill transferred to UWID that portion of the Domestic Water System constructed in connection with the second phase of Carriage Hill Subdivision. G. The City of Nampa, an Idaho municipal corporation ("Nampa ) has extended its municipal water system to the intersection of Middleton Road and Iowa Street in Nampa s City limits in the vicinity of Carriage Hill Subdivision. H. On August 15, 2003, Nampa indicated its desire to enter into negotiations with UWID and Carriage Hill in connection with ownership, operation and maintenance of the Domestic Water System , and the connection of the Domestic Water System to Nampa s municipal water system. Thereafter, the parties hereto entered into that certain Memorandum of Understanding, dated October 15, 2003, as amended (the "MOU" ), which MOU contemplated inter alia, the negotiation and execution of the Purchase Agreement and this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration , the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged and agreed, and in consideration of the recitals above, which are UWW-CARRIAGE HILL AGREEMENT - S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage HiII\AGR\UWW-Carriage Hill Final.doc j ". .: \, ' incorporated herein, and in consideration of the premises and the mutual representations, covenants, and agreements hereinafter contained, Carriage Hill and UWW represent, covenant, and agree as follows: CLOSING AND RELATED MATTERS. a. UWW Pavment.The closing of the transactions contemplated under the Purchase Agreement (the "Closing ) are contemplated to take place at the office of the Transnation Title Insurance Company, 847 Parkcentre Way, Suite 3, Nampa, Idaho 83651 ("Escrowee ) on the Closing Date," as defined in the Purchase' Agreement. The Purchase Agreement provides for, inter alia, that UWW shall receive an amount approximately equal to Three Hundred Thirty-eight Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($338,000.00) (the "UWW Payment' b. UWW'Deposits documents to Escrowee: On the Closing Date, UWW shall deliver the following (i) (ii) Release of Guaranty. Original Promissory Note marked "Paid in Full. (iii)Such other documents as Carriage Hill or Carriage Hill's attorneys may reasonably require in order to effectuate or further evidence the intent of any provision in this Agreement. All of the documents and instruments to be delivered by UWW hereunder shall be in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to counsel for Carriage Hill c. Carriage Hill's Deposits On the Closing Date, Carriage Hill shall deliver the following documents to Escrowee: (i)Such documents as UWW or UWW's attorneys may reasonably require in order to effectuate or further evidence the intent of any provision in this Agreement. All of the documents and instruments to be delivered by Carriage Hill hereunder shall be in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to counsel for UWW. Following UWW's receipt of the UWW Payment, Escrowee shall release to Carriage Hill UWW's Deposits b(i) and b(ii) referenced above. Carriage Hill and UWW shall enter into any and all reasonable escrow instructions desired by Escrowee reflecting the terms and conditions of the transactions contemplated herein. REPRESENTATIONS OF UWW. UWW hereby represents and warrants to Carriage H ill that as of the date hereof and/or of the Closing Date: a. Authoritv. That UWW is a Delaware corporation that has been duly organized and is validly existing and in good standing as a corporation under the laws of the State of Delaware, and has full power and authority to: (i) enter into this Agreement; and (ii) carry out and consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. b. Effect of Transaction That neither the execution of this Agreement nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will: (i) result in a breach of or a default under any agreement, document or instrument to which UWW is a party or by which UWW is UWW-CARRIAGE HILL AGREEMENT - 2 S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage HiII\AGR\UWW-Carriage Hill Final.doc I . . . bound; or (ii) violate any existing statute, law, regulation, restriction, order, writ, injunction or decree of any court, administrative agency or governmental body to which UWW is subject. REPRESENTATIONS OF CARRIAGE HILL. Carriage Hill hereby represents and warrants to UWW that as of the date hereof and as of the Closing Date: a. Authority. That Carriage HiM is an Idaho limited liability company that has been duly organized and is validly existing and in good standing as a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Idaho, and has full power and authority to: '(i) enter into this Agreement; and (ii) carry out and consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. b. Effect of Transaction. That the execution and delivery of this Agreement by the signatories hereto on behalf of Carriage Hill and the performance of this Agreement by Carriage Hill have been duly authorized by Carriage Hill. Neither the execution of this Agreement nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will: (i) result in a breach of or a default under any agreement, document or instrument to which Carriage Hill is a party or by which Carriage Hill is bound; or (ii) violate any existing statute, law, regulation, restriction, order, writ, injunction or decree of any court, administrative agency or governmental body to which Carriage Hill is subject. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES. a. Default by Carriaae Hill.If Carriage Hill should fail to consummate the transaction contemplated herein for any reason other than default by UWW, UWW may elect anyone or more of the following remedies: (i) to enforce specific performance of this Agreement; (ii) to bring a suit for damages for breach of this Agreement; (iii) to terminate this Agreement whereupon Carriage Hill will reimburse UWW for UWW's out-of-pocket expenses incurred with respect to this transaction including reasonable attorney s fees; or (iv) pursue any and all remedies at law or equity. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy accruing to UWW upon the breach by Carriage Hill under this Agreement shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver of any such breach theretofore or thereafter occurring. The waiver by UWW of any condition or the breach of any term, covenant or condition herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other term, covenant, condition or any subsequent breach of the same or any other term , covenant or condition contained herein. b. Default by UWW If UWW should fail to consummate the transaction contemplated herein for any reason other than default by Carriage Hill , Carriage Hill may elect anyone or more of the following remedies: (i) to enforce specific performance of this Agreement; (ii) to bring a suit for damages for breach of this Agreement; (iii) to term inate this Agreement whereupon UWW will reimburse Carriage Hill for Carriage Hillis out-of-pocket expenses incurred with respect to this transaction , including reasonable attorney s fees; or (iv) pursue any and all remedies at law or equity. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy accruing to Carriage Hill upon the breach by UWW under this Agreement shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver of any such breach theretofore or thereafter occurring. The waiver by Carriage Hill of any condition or the breach of any term, covenant or condition herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other term, covenant, condition or any subsequent breach of the same or any other term , covenant or condition contained herein .:. NOTICES. All notices, demands, requests, and other communications under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be properly served or delivered if delivered by hand to the party to whose attention it is directed, or when sent, three (3) days after deposit in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, UWW-CARRIAGE HILL AGREEMENT - 3 S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage HiII\AGR\UWW-Carriage Hill Final.doc . ,. ., \ I ' or the next day when sent overnight by a nationally re~ognized overnight delivery service, or when received when sent via facsimile, addressed as follows:. If to Carriage Hill:o. Box 1184 Nam pa, Idaho 83653-1184 Attn: Sandra J. Johnson 208/461-9428 (fax) If to UWW:c/o United Water Idaho Inc. 8248 W. Victory Road, O. Box 190420 Boise, 1083719-0420 Attn: Gregory P. Wyatt 208/362- 7069 (fax) or at such other address or to such other party which any party entitled to receive notice hereunder designates to the other in writing as provided above. , 6.MISCELLANEOUS. a. Successors. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns; provided, however, this Agreement shall not be assigned by any party without the written consent of the other parties hereto, not to be unreasonably withheld. b. Time for Performance Wherever under the terms and provisions of this Agreement the time for performance falls upon a Saturday, Sunday, or legal Holiday, such time for performance shall be extended to the next business day. c. Entire Contract.This Agreement embodies the entire contract between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification or amendment to or of this Agreement of any kind whatsoever shall be made or claimed by Seller or Buyer shall have any force or effect whatsoever unless the same shall be endorsed in writing and be signed by the party against which the enforcement of such modification or amendment is sought, and then only to the extent set forth in such instrument. d. Representation. All parties hereto have either been represented by separate legal counselor have had the opportunity to be so represented. Thus, in all cases, the language herein shall be construed simply and in accordance with its fair meaning and not strictly for or against a party, regardless of which party prepared or caused the preparation of this Agreement. e. Captions. The captions at the beginning of the several paragraphs, respectively, are for convenience in locating the context, but are not part of the text. Governina laws. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Idaho. g. Prevailina Partv If either party shall default in the full and timely performance of this Agreement and said default is cured with the assistance of an attorney for the other party and before the commencement of a suit thereon, as a part of curing said default, the reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the other party shall be reimbursed to the other party upon demand. In the event that either party to this Agreement shall file suit or action at law or equity to interpret or enforce this Agreement hereof, the unsuccessful party to such litigation agrees to pay to the prevailing party all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the prevailing party, including the same with respect to an appeal. UWW-CARRIAGE Hill AGREEMENT - 4 S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage HiII\AGR\UWW-Carriage Hill Final.doc . , h. Time of Essence. AU times provided for in this Agreement or in any other instrument or document referred to herein or contemplated hereby, for the performance of any act will be strictly construed, it being agreed that time is of the essence of this Agreement. i. Riahts. This Agreement shall not confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. j. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together will constitute one and the sameinstrument. k. Interpretation . In the event any term or provisions of this Agreement shall be held illegal, invalid or unenforceable or inoperative as a matter of law, the remaining terms and provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby but each such term and provision shall be valid and shall remain in full force and effect. \. Survival.The terms, provisions, agreements and indemnities shall survive the closing of the transaction contemplated herein and the delivery of the deed, and this Agreement shall not be merged therein, but shall remain binding upon and for the parties hereto until funy observed , kept or performed. m. Authority. Each party represents to the other that it has authority to execute this Agreement and to perform all of the terms and conditions required of them as provided under thisAgreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned. being duly authorized, have executed this UWW-Carriage Hill Agreement as of the date set forth first above. uww:CARRIAGE HILL: United Waterworks Inc., a Delaware corporation Development Group, Inc" an Idaho corporation By:!!biJ Its: ~ -/1/By: William D. Tate, President Schedule of Exhibits: Exhibit A:Legal Description of Carriage Hill Subdivision UWW-CARRIAGE HILL AGREEMENT - 5 C:\Documents and Settings\SCORVINO\Local Settings\Ternporary Internet Files\OLK74\UWW-Garriage Hill Agreementdoc I ' . ., ,: ' h. Time of Essence All times provided for in this Agreement or in any other instrument or document referred to herein or contemplated hereby, for the performance of any act will be strictly construed, it being agreed that time is of the essence of this Agreement. i. Riahts. This Agreement shall not confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. j. Counterparts.This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together will constitute one and the sameinstrument. k. Interpretation. In the event any term or provisions of this Agreement shall be held illegal, invalid or unenforceable or inoperative as a matter of law, the remaining terms and provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby but each such term and provision shall, be valid and shall remain in full force and effect. I. Survival.The terms, provisions, agreements and indemnities shall survive the closing of the transaction contemplated herein and the delivery of the deed, and this Agreement shall not be merged therein, but shall remain binding upon and for the, parties hereto until fully observed, kept or performed. m. Authoritv. Each party represents to the other that it has authority to execute this Agreement and to perform all of the terms and conditions required of them as provided under this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized , have executed this UWW-Carriage Hill Agreement as of the date set forth first above. UWW:CARRIAGE HILL: United Waterworks Inc., a Delaware corporation Development Group, Inc., an Idaho corpor91\On BY: " ' William D. Tate, President By: Its: Schedule of Exhibits: Exhibit A:Legal Description of Carriage Hill Subdivision UWW-CARRIAGE HILL AGREEMENT - 5 S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage HiII\AGR\UWW-Carriage Hill Final.doc . . . t EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF CARRIAGE HILl. SUBDIVISION HUBBLE ENGINEERING, INC. 9550 Bethel COurt. Boise, Idaho 83709 2081322-8992 . Fex 2081378-0329 Project No. 9420100 May 5, 1999 CARRIAGE HILL PROJECT DESCRIPTION NAMPA, IDAHO A parcel of land located In the NE1/4, SE1/4. and 'SW1I4 of Section 31, T.3N. 2W., B.M., Canyon County, Idaho, more particularly descril;ed as follows: , BEGINNING at the 1/4 comer common to SectIon 32 and the said Section 31, from which the southeast comer of said Section 31 bears South 001122'130 East, 2582.70 feet; thence South 89016'20" West, 302.20 feet to a point; thence South 19037'40" East, 96.90 feet to a point; thence South 40024'03" East, 92.27 feet to a point; thence South 36030'19" East, 118.29 feet to a point; thence South 00054'00" East, 445.00 feet to a point thence South 36002'38' East. 234.96 feet to a point on the East boundary of said Section 31; thence along said East boundaJy South 00022'13" East. 395.95 feet to the South 1/16 comer; thence along the South boundary of the North 1/2 of the SE1J4 South 88052'571' West, 2644.66 feet to the C-S 1/16 comer, thence along the North-South mid-section line North 00023'55" West, 812.33 feet to a point; thence departing said line North 33000'10" West, 587.74 feet to a point on the East- West mid-section line; thence along said line North 89015'43" East. 316.70 feet to the center of said Section 31, said point being common to the southwest comer of Verde Hills Sub-division, as same is recorded in Book 13 of Plats at Page 20, records of Canyon County, Idaho: thence continuing along said line and the exterior boundary of said Verde HiDs Sub. division North 89016'20" East, 1647.60 feet to a point, Carnage Hili Project Description Page 10'4 EXHmIT A EXHIBIT A - S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage HiII\AGR\UWW-Carriage Hill Final.doc thence North 13059'20" West, 77.28 feet to a point; thence North 34 024'00" West. 133.60 feet to a point; thence North 5034'00" West. 104.25 feet to a point; thence 94.53 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 117.25 feet, a central angle of 460 11'20", and a long chord bearing North 28039'40" West, 91.99 feetto a point; thence North 51045'19" West, 6.00 feet to a point; thence 95.41 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 129.11 feet; a central angle of 42020'20", and a Jong chord bearing North 72055'30" West. 93.25 feet to a point; thence South ,85054'20" \A!est,44.60 feet to a poiflt; thence 83.62 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 91.27 feet, a central angle of 52029'20", and a long chord bearing North 67 os 1'O9f1 West, 80.72 feet to a point; thence North 41036'18" West, 0.40 feet to a point; thence 83.38 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 89.40 feet, a central angle of 53026'18", and a long chord bearing North 68019'20" West, 80.39 feet to a point; thenoe South 84057'40" West, 213.75 feet to a point; " , I ' thence South 71053'40" West, 190.00 feet to a point; thence South 77006'40" West, 258.00 feet to a point; . ' thence 179.63 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 100. feet, a central angle of 102023'39", and a long chord bearing North 51041'30" West. 156. feet to a point thence North 00029'39" West, 19.50 feet to a point, thence 76.53 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 106.47 feet, a central angle of 41 a1110~", and a long chord bearing North 21005'10" West, 74.89 feet to 11 point; thence North 41 040'33" West, 2.00 feet to a point; Carriage Hili project Description Page 2 of4 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A - 2 S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage Hill\AGR\UWW-Carriage Hill Final.doc . . thence 78.18 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 150. feet, a central angle of 29050'40", and a long chord bearing North 26045'20" West, 77. feet to a point; thence North 11050'00" West, 42.84 feet to a point; thence 94.45 feet along the arc of a curve to the left. having a radius of 116.38 feet, a central angle of 46030'00", and a long chord bearing North 35005'00" West, 91.88 feetto a point; thence North 58020'00" West, 240.00 feet to a point; thence North 46033'00" West. 166.06 feet to the northwest comer of said Verde Hills Sub..cJivision lyIng on the North-South mid-section line; thence along said line North 00023'42" West, 1658.07 feet to the North 1/4 comer of said Section 31; thence along the North boundary of said Section 31 North 90000'00" East, 1687. feet to a point in the center of the Deer Flat Nampa Edwards Canal; thence along the center of said canal South 47038'42" East, 140.20 feet; thence 165.19 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 1000 feet, a central angle of 9027'52" and a long chord bearing South 42054'46" East. 165.00 feet toa point; thence South 38010'4211 East, 643.40 feet to a point: thence 203.14 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 1200 feet, a central angle of 9041'58" and a long chord bearing South 33019'43" East, 202.90 feet to . a point; thence South 28"28'42" East, 438.20 feet to a point; thence South 4080014211 East, 20.46 feet to a point on the South boundary of the North 112 of the Northeast 1/4; thence departing the center of the Deer Flat Nampa Edwards Canal along said South boundary South 89038'23" West, 615.66 feet; thence South 00022'36" East, 257.70 feet to a point; thence 89O38'23n East, 263.00 feet to a point; Carriage HID Project Description Page 3 of 4 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A - 3 S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage HiII\AGR\UWW-Carriage Hill Final.doc " ., . II ft .. ' , thence South 00022'36" East. 32.80 feet to a point; thence North 89038'23" East, 127.00 feet to a point; thence South 00022'36" East, 160.00 feet to a point. thence North 89038'23" East. 305.00 feet to a point on ~e East boundary of said Section 31; thence along the East boundary South 00022'36" East, 840.54 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 198.84 acres, more or less. , SUBJECT TO: Rights-of-way for Middleton Road, Iowa Avenue. and other easements of record or use. Prepared by: , HUBBLE ENGINEERING, INC. DTP tvw/CarriageHIll D. Terry Peugh, P.LS. , , I " :g 0 .J,j.c ~ 00 -c:z~ -.J , r-:::c -c lT1 ::3 (') I'T1 C..) ::0 ,." ::0 ,." -..Jc.nc.n Carnage Htn project Descrtption Page 401 4 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A - 4 S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage HiII\AGR\UWW-Carriage Hill Final.doc Production Request No. 2B , \, ' :'" Greg Wyatt United Water Boise, ill' Dear Greg: In visiting with JoAnn Butler last week regarding our financing of the United Water system in Carriage Hill, she suggested that I write you and discuss possible refinancing the system to allow payoffs to correlate with the lot sales. To date in Phase I we have sold 16 of the original 27 lots. We are in the process of constructing Phase II with 20 additional lots. Three of the 20 home sites have reservations and we are only beginning construction of the utilities and streets. In Phase I all of our view lots sold immediately. Phase two is at the top of the ridge and all of the home sites have views of either the Boise front or the Owyhees. Traffic has been non- stop during the past two weeks and we anticipate sales on these lots to be similar tathose in Phase I with views. Our past relationship with United Water has been extremely positive and we are concerned that we now find ourselves in a situation that may jeopardize all of our past efforts. It is our desire to sit down and discuss ways to keep on track and meet our obligations. , \, ' Carriage Hill may have been ahead of the market when we commenced construction however a number of recent events indicate the entire southwest Nampa area is on the brink of becoming the premier location for new development. Meetings have taken place and all of the design and surveYing is in place to extend sewer to the land lying along Middleton Road west of the Orr Drain. This will make several hundred acres available for residential development by the fall of 2002. A new elementary school is under construction at the comer of Middleton and Iowa and is expected to open in late 2002. This particular facility has placed the city in a position of working with landowners to extend utilities to the area. The city ofNampa is anxious to work with us regarding sewer, water, and pressurized irrigation and is making LID' very attractive. The landowners along Middleton Road have agreed to extend sewer with the LID, but not water and pressurized irrigation. Sewer is the city s number one priority at this time and this may leave other opportunities for United Water in areas that are contiguous to Carriage Hill. We have a map of this area and would like to share it with you. With the arrival of sewer, we will resubmit our plat for future phases to increase densities, resulting in increased users for United Water. The land to the south of Carriage Hill will no doubt develop in the near future and we made provisions in Phase II to extend the United Water lines to our south boundary in two places to provide connection of any development to the south of Carriage Hill. In addition, we have been discussing the possibility of including another developer/investor in Carriage Hill to help increase sales and provide reimbursement for the investment we have in the United Water facility. We anticipate this to be in placedthis fall with the arrival of sewer. Greg, we would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you as soon as possible regarding our account with United Water. Give me a call at 461-2556 or on my cell phone, 371-5546. Sincerely, CARRIAGE HILL LLC Sandra J ohnson, Pr~ ect ~anager Healy, Jerry From: Sent: To: Subject: Wyatt, Greg Thursday, April 11 , 2002 9:47AM Healy, Jerry RE: carriage hill Your evaluation is correct. The only problem is she can t make the payments under the current plan. I contacted Becker on this and he said I should speak to Ed Imparato. I have a call in to him , but no, reply yet. I'll surely try to schedule a meeting so you can ,attend. Original Message-From: Healy, JerrySent: Thursday, April 11 , 20026:28 AM To: VVyatt, GregSubject: RE: carriage hill Greg, I took a quick look at this and it generally takes us from a dedicated repayment schedule with a fair interest rate to a repayment plan, as originally agreed upon , that is contingent on lots being sold.This would be similar to the per lot repayment we have now on that other sub in Nampa where repayment has been very' problematic I would prefer that Sandy deal from a "current" status, as far as I know, they have not made their $11 000 payment due February 5 and have another $11 000 due May 5. I would like to be involved in any meeting. Who at UWW calls the shots on this? jjh Original Message- From: VVyatt, Greg Sent: VVednesday, April 1 0, 2002 4:02 PMTo: Healy, Jerry Subject: FVV: carriage hill Sandy Johnson is proposing a revision to the current repayment schedule on her loan. Her proposal is attached. d like your opinion and would like you to be available for any meeting we set up if possible. Let me know what you think. , ,, " Original Message- From: carriagehill~uswestmail.net (SMTP:carriagehill~uswestmail.net)Sent: VVednesday, April 10, 20021 :53 PMTo: greg.wyatt~unitedwater.com Subject: carriage hill Get FREE email at http://www.qwestdexmail.com! c::c:: File: April 11 Letter to Greg Wyatt.doc ~~ c::c:: File: REVISED WATER PAYOFF SCHEDULE.doc ~~ , ' April 11 , 2002 Greg Wyatt United Water Boise, ill Dear Greg: Following our visit last week I meet \\lith Larry Knapp, one of the partners in Carriage Hill regarding the United Water obligation. We would like to discuss with you the ideas Larry and I talked about outlined in the attached proposal. We realize that the decision will be made by your home office; however we would like you to have complete knowledge of our ideas and what our thinking is with regard to what we would like to propose. After you have had a chance to look over the proposal, give me a call and we ll set up a time to sit down and discuss it with you. We appreciate your taking the time to look at our ideas and forward them to the appropriate group. Sincerely, CARRIAGE HILL, LLC Sandra J. Johnson, Project Manager , ,, " PROPOSED REVISED UNITED WATER PAYOFF SCHEDULE April, 2002 RE: Design-Build Promissory Note dated 10/30/98 in the amount of $350 000. APPROXMATE BALANCE DUE: $260,000 UPDATE ON CARRIAGE HILL DEVELOPMENT AND SURROUNDING FUTURE UNITED WATER SERVICE AREA Carriage Hill is approved for a total build out of 265 single family home sites. N ampa City has commit and the landowners have agreed to bring sewer to the site under a LID. A new school is under construction and is scheduled for a late fall of 2002 opening. Nampa City has designed and surveyed for the sewer and anticipate it will be available to Carriage Hill in October or November of 2002. Densities at this time are 1.3 units per acre in Carriage Hill with zoning set at 2 units per acre. With the arrival of sewer we will apply for increased densities consistent with the services available. We would anticipate densities to increase to 4 or more units per acre. United Water s system as constructed will serve all of Carriage Hill with the future potential of 4 units or more per acre. Carriage Hill owns 200 acres with a potential of 800 home sites. As a part of the construction for Carriage Hill Phase II, we extended service lines for both water and sewer to the property south of Phase II. There is approximately 80 acres south of Phase II bounded by Middleton Road to the east and Greenhurst to the south. ' This is not a part of the approved Carriage Hill plat, and will increase the service area by United Water to an estimated 250 additional units for a total of 050 units. The landowners of this property have indicated a desire to develop the land in the near future and to work with United Water. Carriage Hill Phase I consists of 27 building lots, with 17 sold and connected to United Water as of this date. Phase II consists of 20 building lots. Phase II is under construction with an estimated completion date of May 15, 2002. Two homesites are under contract and anticiapted to close within 30 days. REFINANCE PROPOSAL AND REQUEST .,.-# The principal amount due on the United Water Promissory Note is $260,000. Assuming accruing interest over the next 5 to 7 years of $80,000, the total due United water would be $340,000. We would like to propose the payoff schedule on the balance of the Note be due and payable upon the sale of each lot in the amount of $2,000 per lot. This will require the sale of 170 lots to retire the entire debt including interest. In addition we would propose to pay an additional $1,000 per lot principal payment on each new Phase developed from construction funds. This payment will be made to United Water at the time the Development Loan is funded and prior to the sale of any lots in the new phase. This will increase the rate at which the balance due paid off. Carriage Hill has all of the homesites in a Lot Release Program with Trans~atioD Title and Escrow. The Escrow Instructions to the Title Company will include the payment to United Water of $2,000 per lot at the time of closing. A Lot Release Program established with the title company guarantees the payoff to United Water each time a lot is sold. In a Lot Release Program the title company holds all of the signed deeds to the lots in a particular phase and the payoffs on the Development Loan and any other requested entities is automatically made at time of closing priorto Carriage Hill receiving any funds. In the event United Water begins service to users other than Carriage Hill, the amount due Carriage Hill as outlined in the Residential or Multiple Family Housing Non-contiguous Water System Agreement will be placed in an Escrow Account established at Transnation Title and Escrow and disbursed to United Water upon receipt. This will further increase the rate at which the balance due will be paid off. Carriage Hill is commited to providing United Water with a system that will service not only Carriage but also the surrounding future development west of Middleton Road. We have worked diligently with Nampa City to extend city sewer without city water. This has now been accomplished and is setting new precedence for both the City and United Water. We are excited about all of the new events taking place to enhance future sales construction of the new grade school at Middleton Road and Iowa; the extension of Iowa Street from 12th Avenue to Carriage Hill providing direct access to downtown and shopping, Mercy Medical Hospital and the Nampa Recreation Center; extension of City Sewer to Carriage Hill; and the upgrading of Idaho Power service for future Carriage Hill and surrounding development. We appreciate your consideration of the above and look forward to discussing this proposal with you further. , (,,- ,, ' United Water (B) July 29, 2002 Sandra J. Johnson Larry D; Knapp Carriage Hill LLC O. Box 9294 Boise, ill 83707 FAX: 461-9428 Subject:Design-Build Promissory Note United Waterworks and Carriage Hill LLC dtd October 7, 1998 Dear Sandra: United Water Idaho Inc. 8248 West Victory Road PO Box 7488 Boise, 1083707-1488 telephone 208-362-1300 facsimile 208-362-7069 Pursuant to our meeting on July 23 , 2002, lhave outlined below the two amended loan repayment scenarios we discussed. Scenario # Pay accrued interest of $16, 232.64 by August 5; 2002. Principal Balance $262 345. . 10-year tenD at 7.5% interest . $30 000 annual sinker to start the end of year two . No pending refunds; $17 800 in payments have been made to date. Scenario 2 Accrued interest of$16 232.64 added to principal balance of$262 345.65 for new principal total of $278 578.29. 1 0- year' tenD at 7.5 % interest . $31 500 annual sinker to start the end of year two . No pending refund; $17 800 in payments have been made to date. United Waterworks and Carriage Hill, LLC have a strong desire to amend our repayment provision so as to mutually benefit the parties. Because Carriage Hill is currently in default United Waterworks strongly encourages Scenario #1 as it indicates good faith by bringing the accrued interest current. In fact, Scenario #2 is provided only for illustration. ,! J t" ~: ' : i"ii\gC ::', '" :, ";:;n K:~.,L\',~i' ~,,:' , 21)(;:2 www.unitedwater.com y... ' ( ONDEO ~J Services Sandra 1. Johnson July 29, 2002 Page 2 Dan Brown of United Water will finalize with you by August 15 2002, the status of the $11 147.50 of extra cost incurred by Carriage Hill in Phase Two to install water lines to servethe adjacent property. Please review the attached document showing loan repayment schedules for both refinancing scenarios and then contact Jerry Healy (326-7337) or me (362-7327) by August 2, 2002, to notify us of your intent. Don t hesitate to call should you have questions or require additional information. GPW:jw cc:Dan Brown Attachment:Carriage Hill Refinance Payment Schedule oil ';/t.1ft ... 18:: ... !!I!I!I!I!I!~~ ~:::::::::::~ (f) jl~ C ~mtJ ca ca ::C!4::0 = :~.~: -J C"" "" - GI .i ~S~~ g e:!tii -ca e :'~': CL enC 1ft:: ::'UGI s:10: ~\...~:: C Iii I:GI .., ::...,.::C: D: Jf.~~ A- .5 ... cx)as I'-a. LO C I'- "t:I LO "t:I ~as (\')N . 0 CO in ~ (f)"t:ICO 5.c"'" O)CO ;:, N a:: (\') 0).EN C2 - ct:i:c ...- - cca (f) CI)I!:! a.GI CI)c~ en .- CLC .-.- uca CE 'GI A- .! 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( CID United Water Idaho 8248 West Victory Road PO Box 7488 Boise, 1083707-1488 telephone 208 362 1300 facsimile 208362 1479 INVOICE TO: Carriage Hills LLC O. Box 1184 Nampa , ID 83653-1184 REMIT TO: United Waterworks Inc. 200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park, NJ 07640 Attn: Teresa Attn: Treasury Dept. - Nancy Gallagher , ,: ' DATE:08/01/02 INVOICE:CARRIAGE HILLS DUE DATE:08/05/02 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT United Waterworks 8.25% Design Build Promissory Note Facility Improvements - Phase 2 Carriage Hills 232. TOTAL DUE 232.64 I ..., ~** *** ** ******* * * * * ** **** TX REPORT *** ***** ******** * * * **** * TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS. SENT RESULT 0342 94619428 08/01 10: 40 00' 24 .. " ' , ... '. , - , . . ' n " . , , ' - , , ' ' , ;' ' :.~ . . , ;, ' " , ' , C, " ; , ,- - , - ... 00 1 7 9 0 CA R R I A G E H I L L io ' 08 / 0 2 0 2 In t e r e s t t o D a t e 63 9 - 01 0 23 2 . Of ' " 1'/ " \ (" . . . .. . . - - - - - 80 ~b D JL Lj J q - 00 cQ )( 0 0 ' - 3 4, , " J' / 7 . . ) c. - * 0 ZI O N S B A N K ZI O N S F I R S T N A T I O N A L B A N K BO I S E 9 T H & M A I N O F F I C E , 8 9 0 M A I N S T . BO I S E , I D A H O 8 3 7 0 2 ww w . zi o n s b a n k . co m ' 00 1 7 9 0 O. B O X 1 1 8 4 NA M P A , I D A H O 8 3 6 5 3 - 11 8 4 PH O N E : 2 0 8 - 4 6 1 - 25 5 6 92 - 11 2 / 1 2 4 1 , , 42 7 JI ! PA Y TO T H E OR D E R OF : Un i t e d W a t e r w o r k s " In c . 20 0 O l d H o o k R o a d Ha r r i n g t o n P a r k , N J 0 7 6 4 0 DA T E AM O U N T ** * * $ 1 6 , 23 2 . 64 * * * ' 9 1!3 ** * S i x t e e n T h o u s a n d T w o H u n d r e d T h i r t y - Tw o D o l l a r s a n d 6 4 / 1 0 0 " * ' 08 / 0 2 / 0 2 AU T H O R I Z E D S I G N A T U R E ,, 1 0 0 . ,J t 1 0 1 l 1 1: . 2 1 . . . 0 . . 28 1 : ~ 2? O O O t i , b I l l Spink Butler Clap" p, LLP o. Box 639 :, , Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 388.1000 (208) 388.1001 (facsimile) Fax Cover Sheet Date:October 29, 2002 Total Pages Sent: TO: ' " TO: ,, Name: Sandi Johnson ' ~ ' Name.Jerry Healy1 :' ' .' '' ,', Organization:Carriage Hill .' ' Organization:United Water Fax:461-9428 Fax:362- 14 79 Phone:461- 2556 Phone:362-7337 From: Direct e-mail: Subject: File No. Comments: , \, ' JoAnn C. Butler jbutler(Q)sbc -attorneys. com UWI/Carriage Hill , 21204. Sandi and Jerry, attQched is the revised Design-Build Promissory Note to reflect the ne,gotiations between United Water and Carriage Hill. The difference between this Design-Build Promissory Note and the Design-Build Promissory Note in the amount of $350,000 are all contained within the first three paragraphs of the Note. In addition, the Exhibit A has been attached. Please call with questions and comments. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: , . lhis transmission Is Intended only for the use of the indMduol(s) named as recipients. It may contain information that Is privileged, confidential and/or protected from dlsclosur$ under applicable law including, but not IImi1ed to, the attorney client privilege and/or work product doctrine. If you are not the Intended recipient of this transmission, please notffy 1he sender immediately by telephone. Do not deliVer, distribute or copy this transmission, disclose Itscontents. or take any action In reliance on the Information It contains. DRAFT Printed on: October 29, 2002 DESIGN-BUILD.PROMISSORY NOTE $262,345.2002 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, Carriage Hill, L.L.C., an Idaho limited liability company Maker") promises to pay to the order of United Waterworks Inc., a Delaware corporation ("UnitedWater") at 2000 First State Boulevard, Wilmington, Delaware 19804 , or at such other place as holder mayfrom time to time in writing designate, the principal sum of Two Hundred Sixty-Two Thousand ThreeHundred Forty-Five and 65/100 Dollars ($262,345.65), in lawful money of the United States of America, and to pay interest on the unpaid balance thereof from time to time outstanding at the rate of seven and one-half percent (7.5%) per annum. On December 7, 1998, Maker executed that certain Design-Build Promissory Note In the principalamount of $350 000.00 (the "Original Note ). Upon execution and delivery of this note to United Water, the Original Note shall be marked "canceled," delivered to Maker and be of no further force and effect. That certain Joint and Several Individuals' Guaranty,!q~ted December 7, 1998 shall continue in full force and effect. The principal amount of this note and all interest payable hereunder with respect thereto shall be paid over a term of ten. (10) years, in forty (40) ~quart~rly installments of Interest only, due and payable on the fifth day of February, May, August and Novemb~ of each year commencing with the fifth day ofNovember 2002 and continuing with respect to each, .and every succeeding quarter through AugustS, 2012 (the "Maturity Date ) in the amount shown or) Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, and nine (9) annual installments of principal due and p;;;lyable commencing on the fifth day of August 2004 and continuing with respect to each and every succeeding. year through the Maturity Date in the amount shownon Exhibit A, with the final payment of all outstanding principal and accrued but unpaid interest due and payable on the Maturity Date. There shall be added to each and every payment of principal and/or interest received by the holder more than ten (10) days after the due date thereof a late charge of three percent (3%) of the amount so overdue, for the purpose of defraying the ~dministrative expense incident to handling such delinquent payments. The undersigned acknowledges that the exact amount of such administrativeexpense of holder would be difficult to calculate and that such late charge represents a reasonable estimate of a fair average compensation for the loss that may be sustained by the holder due to the failureof the undersigned to make timely payments. Such Jate charge shall be paid without prejudice to the rightof the holder to collect any other amounts provided ~o be paid or to declare a default hereunder. The undersigned waives presentment and demand for payment, notice of intent to demand oraccelerated maturity, notice of demand or acceler~tionof maturity, protest or notice of protest andnonpayment, bringing of suit and diligence in taking, ~ny action to collect any sums owing hereunder or inproceeding against any of the rights and properties s:ecuring payment hereof. The undersigned agreesthat the time for any payment hereunder may be extended from time to time without notice and consent and extension of time for the payment of this note or any installment hereof shall not affect the liability ofthe undersigned under this note. OJ : , , If default be made in the payment in full or~ny ,sum provided for herein when due and payable,then the holder may, at its option, declare the unpaiqprincipal balance and accrued interest on this note due and payable upon providing the undersigned with five (5) days' written notice of its intent to soaccelerate the due date of any and all such amoun~s unless such default is therefore cured by theundersigned, and. unless so cured by the undersigne~( the holder may foreclose all liens securing payment hereof, if any. pursue any and all other rights. remedies and recourses available to it, or pursueany combination of the foregoing, all remedies herevnder being cumulative. , " , i\ 4 , . PROMISSORY NOTE - S:\Docs\Unlted Water Idaho Inc\Non-Contiguous Systems\AGR\Deslgn Build Prom Note.WPD Failure to exercise any of the foregoing options upon the happening of one or mpre of the foregoing events shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same or any other option at anysubsequent time in respect of the same or any other event. The acceptance by the holder of any paymenthereunder that is less than payment in full of all amounts due and payable at the time of such payment shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise any of the foregoing options at thanime or at anysubsequent time, or nullify any prior exercise of any such option, without the express written consent ofthe holder. The undersigned agrees to pay all reasonable costs of collection hereof actually incurred,including the holder s reasonable attorneys' fees, whether or not any suit or action shall be instituted toenforce this note. In the event of litigation arising out of or in connection with this note, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its reasonable attorneys' fees incurred at trial and on all appeals. Notwithstanding any provision of this note to the contrary, it is the intent of the undersigned and the holder hereof that the holder shall never be entitled to receive, collect or apply, as interest on theprincipal amount of the indebtedness any amount iF;! excess of the maximum rate of interest that may be 'charged by applicable law; and in the event the hold~r.ever receives. collects or applies as interest anysuch excess, the amount that would be excessive ;flterest shall be deemed a partial prepayment ofprincipal and treated hereunder as such; and. if th~prinpipal amount of the indebtedness secured herebyis paid in full at such time, an amount equal to the e~essive interest shall forthwith be paid to theundersigned. If the holder credits the principal hereunQer or refunds excessive interest in accordance with the amount of the indebtedness above, it shall not be subject to any penalty provided by law forcontracting for, charging or receiving interest in excess of the maximum lawful rate. This note may be prepaid in part or in full at any time by the undersigned without penalty;provided, however, that until all amounts due and payable hereunder have been paid in full, the amount ofthe quarterly installments due and payable hereunder shall remain unchanged and shall not be recalculated to reflect the effect of any such prepayment. , ,, " Whenever used herein. the singular number shall ,nclude the plural and the plural the singular and the use of any gender shall include all genders , The words "undersigned" and "holder" shall includetheir respective heirs, executors, administrators, legartepr~sentatives, successors, assigns andbeneficiaries. ' ,, :' , i All notices. demands, requests, and other communications under this note shall be in writing andshall be deemed properly served or delivered, if delivered by hand to the party to whose attention it is directed , or when sent, two (2) days after deposit in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid . by registered orcertified mail, return receipt requested, or upon transmission when sent via facsimile, or one (1) day afterdeposit with a nationally recognized air carrier providing next day delivery. addressed as follows: If to Maker:Carriage Hill, L.L.C. Development Group Inc. PO Box 1184 Nampa, ID 83653 (208) 461-2556 (208) 461-9428 (facsimile) 200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park, New Jersey 07640 Attn: President (201) 761-9300 (201) 767-6579 (facsimile) ', If to holder: or at such other address or to such other party which any party entitled to receive notice hereunderdesignates to the other in writing as provided above. PROMISSORY NOTE - 2 S:\Docs\United Water Idaho Inc\Non-Contiguous Systems\AGR\Design Build Prom Note.WPD " , I , This note is being delivered in the State of Idaho and is to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this note has been executed by the 'undersigned effective as of the dayfirst above written. MAKER: CA~RIAGE HILL, LL.C.. an Idaho I!mit~d liability company By:The Development Group, Inc., an Idaho corporation, its Managing Member By: William D. Tate, President ' , PROMISSORY NOTE. 3 S:\Docs\United Water Idaho Inc\Non-Contlguous Systems\AGR\Design Build Prom Note,WPD EXHIBIT A au.rt8r Principal Inte,...Tobit R8Jn11lnlng Payment Prinelp.1 5-Nov.o2 918.918.262,345.6-Feb-O3 2 S 918.918.282,346.5-M8y.O3 3 S 918.918.282,345.5-Aug.O3 4 S 918.918.282,346.s.Nov.o3 5 S 918.918.282,345.rw:~8 S 918.918.282,345.5aMay.04 7 S 918.918.282,345.5-Aug.()4 8 S 30,000.918.S 34,918.232,345.5-Hov.()4 9 S 3e8.3M.232,345.rw:.b-O5 10 $ ... 358.356.232,345.5-M8y.OS 358.356.48' S 232,345.5-Aug..QS 12 S 30,000.358.S 34,356.202.345.&-Nov-OS 13 S 793.793.202.345.5-Feb-()6 14 S ... 793.793.202,345.5-Ma y.O6 15 S 793.793.202,345.5-Aug..06 16 S 30,000.793.S 33,793.172,345.5-Nov-o&17 S 231.231~172,345.5-Feb-O7 18 S 231.231 ~~172,345.5-M8)"'O 7 19 S 231.231 172.345.5-Aug'()7 20 S 30,000.231.S 33,231 ~O:. , $ 142,345.6-N0v-07 868.2.668.,98., S 142,345. . .., " ~.b.()8 22 S 668.668.93 S 142,345. ' . ,' . . S-May-Ge 23 S 868.66~9$r. 142,345.5-Aug'()8 24 S 30,000.668.32,66~;.9$112,345.G-NQv.()8 25 $106.106..48. $112.345.5-F.b-09 26 S 106.106A8 112,345.S-M8y-O9 27 S 108.10(t48', S 112,34S.5-Aug'()9 28 $30,000.106.$ 32,106.82,345.s.&v-4)9 29 543.1 ,543,98'82,345.6-F8b-10 30 S 1 ,543.1 ,543~98 ' S 82,345.5-Ma y..1 0 543.543~8 82,5-Aug-1 0 32 30.000.543.31,54:t,98; 52,345.5-Nov-1 0 33 S 981.981:48, $52,345.s..F8b-11 34 $981.981.~8. ' $ 52,345.5-M8y.11 35 S 981.981.~; : $ 52,345.s..Aug-11 36 S 30,000.981.S 30,98' A&.. , $ 22,345.5-Nov-11 37 $418.41~t&;. $1 22,345.s.J:eb-12 38 $418.41..~ :$1.22,345.S-May-12 39 $418.41~.98.' $,345.5-Aug.12 40 $22,345.418.22. 76~t63t-, $" , , i , $ 282.345.$118.751.S378.104~t9, 'Ii" 1 ' ; ': '! ,.;, ' ;:/~':" :,,-!-\.' ,', .,;,:. ';. ", ':'~ ', , ,, '' ~ March 12, 2003 IVE MAR 1 4 2001 UNITED WATER Greg Wyatt' United Water of Idaho 8248 W. Victory Road Boise, ID 83709 RE:CARRIAGE IllLL Dear Greg: Following our telephone conversation yesterday I can certainly see that you have your hands full with labor 'negotiations, Jeny on leave, Tim gone and everything else that has taken place. Our thoughts are with Dan and hope that things will take a turn for the better soon. As we discussed, our need for an additional source of supply is fast approaching. At this time we have the following completed and projected homes: Residential, hookups Non-occupied residential hookups New Construction (to be hooked up within 30 days) Non-residential hookup (clubhouse/pool) Residence still on private well (original land owner who has indicated they are ready to hookup. Home sites sold but not yet under construction , ,: . Last fall the City ofNampa extended their water service into the area and a connection point is available at the comer of our property at Iowa and Middleton Road. I appreciate your willingness to meet with Paul Raymond at the City ofNampa to explore alternative possibilities with regard to the second source of supply and/or conveyance of our system to the City Nampa. I will contact Paul in the next few days and try to schedule something the first week April. \.0 ,..-4 'o:::f'4 , :~" 'o:::f'4 "~, ('t) \.0 " ro' , 0 . " Last February we agreed to a new payment schedule and a revision of the note to United Water. We continue to struggle with sales at Carriage Hill and would like to continue pursuing the adjusted payment schedule and note revisions. SiJ1cer - ' -' " " ~i Jo~~1roject Mangaer CARRIAGEJilLL, LLC I look forward to working with on the above and will' give you a ,call ohcead~teandtim~ha.ve been set with Paul. ' tti', P-t Development Group, Inc. P.O. Box 1~84 . 11303 l~t. Io'\va RECEIVED MAY 1 ~ 2U~:i UNITED WATER' May 12, 2003 Greg Wyatt United Water of Idaho 8248 W. Victory Road Boise, ID 83709 RE: CARRIAGE lllLL Dear Greg: I appreciate your time and willingness to meet with Paul Raymond last week. You mentioned you were not sure timing would permit us to further pursue the idea of either selling the United Water system to the City ofNampa or utilizing their water now located at the northwest comer of Iowa and Middleton Roads as a secondary source for CarriageHill. Following is an update on anticipated demands for Carriage Hill within the next 30 days. Residential hookups owner-occupied Residential hookups unoccupied New Construction to be owner occupied with 60 to 90 days New Construction in for building permit (1 pre-sold; 2 specs) Residence still on private well (original landowner who has indicated they are ready to hook up) Non-residential hookup (clubhouse/pool) Home sites sold but not yet ready to start Let me know how you would like to proceed and whether or not you feel there is' a possibility you will be able to work with the City ofNampa. . ' If) ;J::" ..- '1'I:tt t6: 11') ,\0 .~' J:: "tj, Implementation of a secondary source is critical within the next 30 to 60 days Evenifthe City agreed to provide the backup, the line would need to be extended andtledintoyour lines now stubbed out at the east end ofSbay Park Way. , ' , P-t ca, Development Group, Inc. P.O. Box 1~84 . 11393 'V'-l. IO'"y /'a. May 28, 2003 Greg Wyatt United Water of Idaho 8248 W. Victory Road Boise, ID 83709 RE:CARRIAGE IllLL Dear Greg: I have not heard from you since our meeting last week with regard to a second well at Carriage Hill and/or the possibility of either connecting with Nampa or selling the entire system to the City ofNampa. I will be out of the office this Thursday and Friday but can be reach on my cell phone at 371-5546. Sincerely, " , I ' . . I.f:) I.f:) ,..-j t:: ' ,..-j I.f:) (tI '"tj , (tI (tI , Development Group, Inc. P.O. Box 11~4 . tl303 V-J. la' . ,: . UnitedWater 1(.e. 411 TO:S4/l/'o/IlvvJOA../FROM: FAX NO: NO. PAGES: 3/-(including cover) DATE:cc: SUBJECT:d/t~~td!1-t l-L United Water Idaho 8248 West Victory Road O. Box 190420 Boise, Idaho 83719-0420 telephone 208-362-7327 facsimile 208-362-7069 e-mail greg.wyattcmunitedwater.com Fax WEt? h7-/li7' 0 Urgent 0 For Review Please Reply DPlease Recycle COMMENTS: ;J-~EJT7~~ WE t,L ..s~ez United Water CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION 12/17102 11:34 AM .., COMPANY NAME:UW Idaho PROTECTID:C03A3O1 COMPANY NUMBER:060 PRIORITY CODE: PROJECT TITLE:CARRIAGE HILL WELL No. PROTECT DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE: DRILL AND EQUIP CARRIAGE HILL WELL No.2 IN THE CARRIAGE fULL SUBDIVISION. THIS NEW WELL IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A SECOND SOURCE OF SUPPLY FOR THE SUBDNISION WIDCH WILL PERMIT THIS RESIDENTIAL PROJECT TO BUILD-OUT BEYOND THE 25 LOT MAXIMUM ALLOWED FOR A SINGLE SOURCE. PROTECT EXPENDITURE SUMMARY: PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE PROJECT YEARS YEAR YEARS TOTAL ORIGINAL PLAN, NET PREVIOUS APPROVAL, NET THIS REQUEST TotaJ.Direct.Costs 79,882 79,882 Overlteads AFUDC, Cost Tvpe 076 'Omissions/Contine: en des 988 988 Advances, Cost Tvpe 078 (87 870)(87,870) CIAC, Cost Tvpe 079 TOTAL NET VARIANCE, (L) THAN PLAN CHANGE, HI(L THAN PREVAPPR N/A N/A N/A COMPANY NET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY: CURRENT Total Net Amount YEAR roval Level Planned Unplanned. ($1,OOO'Sponsor All All ORIGINAL PLAN, NET 14,421.HUB General Manager $50/000 $25/000 Corp Eng/VP Technology $100/000 $100/000 CURRENT FORECAST, NET 14,421.Sr. VP Operations/Pres. N:$250,000 $100/000 UW President/ CEO $500,000 $500/000 VARIANCE H/(L), NET UW Board of Directors $2,000,000 * Incl: (1) Initial Approval 10% Over Plan 2) All Chan~e PROJECT ROllIN GI APPROVAL:APPROVAL SIGNATURE DATE SPONSOR HUB GENERAL MGR./DEPT. DIR. CORPORATE ENGINEERING VP TECHNOLOGY SR. VP OPERS/pRES. UWNJ!CFO UW PRESIDENT/CEO UW BOARD OF DIRECTORS rQ\::I'" "",""'III~V. G;tfL€-C'f, '12/17/2002 11:31AM 'Tt-h S ' ~ TtfE C E -A. "1C? AI -eveJ A ) e -#- Ltf\6E; t0o DATEs ttl ~7H(l ("1 '-f ~'~' UnitedWater r~~:~~Et:o LU . r=tf-t-SE PROJECT COST SUMMARY SH-o (.( cD t:.0 ~ ~o~S~ vtl-AT(tJ~ "E C:;;:/~I /o!" .5 PI' CJ .,fJ'f:L "-I (2~- t::...p,~ 0 k..JA 1i (e. . 1 ~~fi 0...,. 1-- COMPANY NAME: ," UW Idaho RETIREMENT ASSOCIATED? BUOODE: 060 CEA EFFECTIVE DATE: .0110Z1O3'u PROJECT ID: C03A301 ,CONSTRUCTION START DATE: , " ACCRUESAFUDC? " N PROJECT IN SERVICE DATE: " ". ONDEONEWIEXlST: NEW PRIORITY CODE: PROJECT MANAGER: ROGER DITTUS OVERHEAD RATE: , , CEASUBMITTED BY: DAN BROWN AFUDC RATE: PROJ ECT TITLE: CARRIAGE HILL WELL No. SUB-PROJECT DETAIL: O'fI021O3~ ,:61a012ooo" 000/0 , " Sub-Project ID COMMON 30720 3112006A 31120B Sub-proj Description UWID LABOR DRILL CARRIAGE HILL WELL #2 INCH SUBMERSIBLE PUMP PIPING CONNECTION & ELECTRICAL Facility Code, #of Units SubProj Cost 2,400 747 6,400 19,335 W140 W140 W140 : ,, " Total Direct Cost:882 Page 2 of CEAMASTERxis PROJECT DETAILS 12/17/2002 11 :31 AM Task Details Project ID: CO3A301 Task Detail No. Of Unit Item Description Units Cost Cost U v.IL D Ut &0 t1- 000.000. 350.58.300. 265.28.420. 55.15.825. 30.70.100. 500.500. 14.198.772. 480.880. 500.500. 125.000. , 2,000.000. 125.000. 125.000. 200.200. 250.250. 1 ,800.800. 800.800. 120.15.800. 100.100. 900.900. 285.285. 050.' 7 050. 77. 'igL )-, YD~ 77rg8~ 0,821 F7,~7O MOBilIZE/DEMOBilIZE DRILLING 12-1NCH CASING 6-1NCH CASING 6-1NCH SCREEN PACKER/REDUCER SEAL MATERIAL FilTER PACK TEST PUMP RENTAL, SETTING & PULLING TEST PUMP RUN TIME LAB WORK WEll DEVELOPMENT BENTONITE FOR DRilLING UPPER GRAVEL DRilLING PERMIT . WATER RIGHT PROCESSING 6-1NCH SUBMERSIBLE PUMP 50 HP SUBMERSIBLE MOTOR 6-1NCH PUMP COLUMN PIPING CONNECTION TO BUilDING WIRING, CONDUIT, TRANSDUCER PIT lESS ADAPTER UNIT INSTAllED VFD FOR 50 HP PUMP (0% acrc Page 3 of CEAMASTER.xls Paul Raymond, P. Public Works Director Carla Carrell Executive Assistant Public Works Department RECEIVED AUG 1 9 2003 UNI r ~;,, . '.. . .. -' '" .: -'" August 15, 2003 Greg Wyatt United Water of Idaho O Box 190420 Boise, Idaho 83719-0420 Subject: Carriage Hills Water System Dear Mr. Wyatt: The City ofNampa is considering the acquisition of the existing water system and the possible purchase of the existing pump and well facilities for Carriage Hills Subdivision. .. \, ' Based on the information submitted to me regarding the well' and pumping facilities, it appears the well and pumping facilities meet the drinking water standards for municipalities. Therefore, the City ofNampa would like to enter into negotiations with United Water to see if a purchase agreement can be reached~ Be advised, however, that this process may necessitate the completion of an appraisal and well testing. For the negotiations to commence, the City ofNampa is requesting that United Water submit a depreciated purchase price for consideration. Sin j l ~~( Paul Raymond, P . Public Works Director cc: Sandy Johnson Carriage Hills City of Nampa . 411 Third St. So., Nampa, 10 83651 (208)468-4420 raymondp~ci.nampa.id. .. .' .'(!) United Water 1("e. United Water Idaho 8248 W. Victory Road O. Box 190'420 Boise, 10 83719 telephone 208 362 1300 facsimile 208 362 1479 Fax ~t r~s;,", ---- TO:FROM::J ~r(1 FAX NO:L.j~ (- q ~2-g NO. PAGES: ..? IV )J (07 (including cover) DATE:cc: SUBJECT:C~r~ c.. '"- J-J. Prv M;S-/c C. ;p ()-..A, ~ "- J" c.;:.i ~!it- 0 Urgent 0 For Review Please Reply DPlease Recycle COMMENTS: ()r" ~ ~ "P'o \A~cl'- +lOZ--!t:/1 .r:::.,(~ f1(\ D~5.) cJ-fie i J ~ 'c::;.r-,P~~t~~-5 ...s ~ e :z. (3/Original Design Build Promissory Note, Dated Dee 7,1998 Car;iage Hili, LLC ( Maker) United Waterworks Inc . ~ ~ ~350,000 Principal Amount 10 year note at 8.25% per annum S:\ACC\JERRY\Non-Contiguous\(Carriage Hill Promissory Note Synopsis.xls)Sheet1 To be repaid over ten years in forty equal installments of $12,967.27each , due and payable on the 5th day of February,May,August & November each year beginning with the 5th of February, 2000. Forty times $12,967.27= $518 690.80 total Payments In the note it was not clear how the funds were to be disbursed. As a practical administrative matter, Tim Farrell of UWID oversaw the project and collected and approved paid invoices submitted by Carriage Hill, packaged them together, and submitted them to United Waterworks as "drawdown" request. Following is a history of these request: These invoices represented construction cost associated with 50S facilities only. Also, the Company accrued Interest on the outstanding loan funds at a daily rate of 000226% (8.25 % annual rate 365) Over the term of the outstanding draws, the finance charges totaled $11,227.83. Draw Date Amount Drawn May 7. 1999 July 7.1999 July 21. 1999 August 27,1999 October 19, 1999 December 13. 58,000 $ 65,000. 39,000. $ 15,000. $ 72,000. $ 45,000, $ 58 000. 294,000. Finance Charges $11,227. Total Principal Amount $ 305,227. At this point It was not clear when the additional principal would be provided to Carriage.A decisio~as made to begin amortizing the loan based on the original ten year payment schedule, wt)ich of cou Be reduced the total paymen /, $ t 2,967.27 to $11,280.50. , ,, " The Maker made 8 relatively timely payments of $11,280.50 which reduced princlP~s follows:Payment Principal Intere~ TotalDate Amount AppJfed Payment 985,18 $ )5.295. 088.00 $/6,192. 192,94 ;$ 6,087, 300,04/ $ 5,980.46 409.35 $ 5,871. 52q~2 $ 5,759, 6~.79 $ 5,645, 5.151,01 $ 5,529. 05-Feb- 05-May-OO 05-Aug-OO OS-Nov- 05-Feb-O1 05-May-O1 05-Aug-O1 05-Nov-O1 $ 11,280. $ 11.280. $ 11.280. $ 11,280. $11,280. $ 11,280. $ 11,280. $ 11.280. Total PrincipalllnterestITotal Payment $ 42,882.23 $47,361.77 $90,244. Outstanding Balance at Nov-$ 262,345. At this point Carraige ceased making payments for the next 9 months. An Interest only payment was received on August 2, 2002 Intended to bring interest current through Augu~ 2002. The amount was $16,232.64. The principal amount, however, remained unchanged at $262,345.60 Carriage has not made a payment since August 5, 2002. The accrued interest outstanding on the loan as of August 31, 2003 a period of 391 days. At 000226% per day simple il1~rest, accrued interest due to United Waterworks is $23,185.24 (391 days ~ 8.25% per annum. Accordingly, to make Unite~Waterworks whole as of August 31,2003 would require:Principal $ 262,345, Accrued Interest $ 23;185, Total $ 285,530. umrea vvarerwol'KS 25% Design Build Promissory Note Interest Calculation years 1999 & 2000 Drawl Repayment Date Drawl(Repayment) BeginningAmount Interest Balance Interest Period Daily Accrued Days Interest Rate Interest 000226 896. 000226 331. 000226 005. 000226 314. 000226 990. 000226 226. 238 764. 000226 ' 2 463. 274 227. 517/1999 65,000.65,000.517/99 to 717/99 717/1999 39,000,896,104,896.7/8/99 to 7/21/99 7/21/1999 15,000.331,120 227.7/22/99 to 8/27/99 8/27/1999 000,005.193,233,8/28/99 to 10/19/99 10/19/1999 45,000.314,240,547.10/20/99 to 12/13/99 12/13/1999 58,000,990,301 537,12/14/99 to 12/31/99 1999 ACTIVITY ytd to 12/31/99 294,000. 12000 ACTIVITY ytd to 2/5/00 226.302 764.54 1/1/00 to 2/5/00 ' Total ACTIVITY TO 2/5/001 294,000. Loan Amortization Ca"iage Hill, LLC Date Payment Payment Number Amount Interest Principal BalancePrincipal Principal Borrowing Interest accrued during draw down period 517/99 to 2/5/00 added to principal 294 000, 11,227. 305,227. 2/5/2000 11,280,985.18'295,300,242. 5/5/2000 280,088,00'192,295,154. 8/5/2000 , 11 280.59 -....--..192,94'087,289,961. 11/5/2000 ;f7-280,300.04'980.46 284,661. ~~' I, , t. ,2/5/2001 280.i7r,409.35'871,279,252. 5/5/2001 280,520.92'759.273,731. 8/5/2001 280,50 ~~ ;/.; 634.79'645.268,096.61,.. 11/5/2001 11,280.5D ' j:,, 751.529.49 262 345.6d-:;'~p' , '"'- 2/5/2002 280.869,5,410,256,475. 5/5/2002 280,990.289,250,485. 8/5/2002 280,114.166.244 371. 11/5/2002,130. 2/5/2003 280,369.911.45 231 761. 5/5/2003 280.500.42 780,225 261. 8/5/2003 11,280.634.49 646.218,626, 11/5/2003 11,280.771,509.211 855, 2/5/2004 280.910.369.204 944. 5/5/2004 11,280,053.226,197 890, 8/5/2004 11,280.199,081.190 691. 11/5/2004 11,280.347.48 933.183 344.45 2/5/2005 280.7,499.781.48 175,845.43 ' 5/5/2005 11,280.653,626.168,191. 8/5/2005 11,280.811,3,468.160,380, 11/5/2005 11,280.972.307.152 407. 2/5/2006 280,137,143.144 270.44 5/5/2006 11,280,304.975,135,965. 8/5/2006 280.8,476,804.127 489. 11/5/2006 280.651,629.118,838. 2/5/2007 280.829.46 451,110 008. 5/5/2007 280,011.268,100 997. 8/5/2007 11,280.197.43 083.799. 11/5/2007 280.387.893.412. 2/5/2008 280.580,699.831. 5/5/2008 280.778.502.63,053. 8/5/2008 280,980.300.48 073. 11/5/2008 280.10,185.094.887. 2/5/2009 280.10,395,884,491, 5/5/2009 280.610.670.881.43 8/5/2009 280,829,451.052. 11/5/2009 280.052,227. Grand Total 451 219.305,227.145,991. JOANN C. BUTLER SAI\iDRA L. CLAPP KELLY M. GARRITY L. VICTORIA MEIER MICHAEL T. SPINK (208) 388-1093 (DIRECT) oJ B UTLER(g)S BC-A TTORN EYS .COM October 22, 2003 Paul,Raymond (via Facsimile u.S. Mail) City of Nampa Public Works Department 411 3rd'Street South Nampa, IO 83651 R E CE IV ~ OCT 22 2003 UNiltEO ~, " :1=::" - - '" '--. , Sandi Johnson (via Facsimile& u.S. Mail) The Development Group, Inc. PO Box 1184 Nampa 'ID 83653. Greg Wyatt (original via Hqnd Delivery) , United Water Idaho Inc. , 824~,W. Victory Road Boise, ID 83709 RE: Carriage HilllNampa SBC File No. 21220.13, fC ( &-f /VA- " \, ' Dear Sandi, Greg and Paul: --- , Enclosed is a fully signed copy of the Memorandum of Understanding by and among the City of Nampa U:t1ited Water Idaho Inc., Carriage Hill C. and United Waterworks, Inc. I want to extend ,my thanks to everyone who worked so hard to pull this together. I look forward to working with everyone on the purchase agreement. 251E. FRONT STREET SUITE 200 RO. BOX 639 BOISE. IDAHO 83701 Sincerely, ~\-J JoAnn C. ButlerJCB:laa , Enclosurecc: Tim Farrell (w/encl. via fax) 208-388-1000 208-388-1001 (F) Www.SBC-ATTORNEYS.COM '. ". ,J." ' . Parties: Property: Project: Domestic Water System: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING October 15, 2003 City of Nampa, an Idaho municipal corporation ("Nampa ) , United Water Idaho Inc., an Idaho corporation ("UWID" Carriage Hill, L.L.C., an Idaho limited liability company ("Carriage Hill" United Waterworks, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("UWW" See Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. Canyon-County-approved single-family residential subdivision, known as "Carriage Hill Subdivision" and consisting of 264 lots located west of Middleton Road and north of Greenhurst Road in southwest Canyon County. The Project is located in the Nampa Area of City Impact, which is that particular area of Canyon County that eventually will beann~xed by Nampa. The term "Domestic Water System" shall mean the wells, pumps, motors, measuring devices , electrical and control equipment, valves, distribution lines; service lines between the distribution line and the meter box, fire hydrants, services and customer meter ,setters, meter boxes, lids and meters, the welllot(s), easements for access to the welllot(s) and improvements, the well house(s), groundwater and groundwater rights, and any and all easements necessary for the maintenance and operation of the Domestic Water System constructed by Carriage Hill to serve the Project and any approved development of the Property, all as required and approved by, without limitation, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho Department of Water Resources, and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC"), as applicable. The Domestic Water System is more particularly described in that certain Warranty Deed and that certain Bill of Sale, attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part hereof, which description will be confirmed and contained in the Purchase and Sale Agreement. Chronology & Background: On January 21 , 1998 Carriage Hill received preliminary subdivision plat approval from Canyon County in connection with the Project, which approval contemplated the construction of the Domestic Water System. On or about November 20, 1998 UWID and Carriage Hill entered into that certain Residential or Multiple Family Housing Non-contiguous Water System Agreement (the Water System Agreement"), which Water System Agreement provides for, without limitation: the permitting and construction of the Domestic Water System including the source of supply; the transfer of the Domestic Water System from Carriage Hill to UWID; upon such transfer, the operation and maintenance of the Domestic Water System by UWID; and the payment by UWID to Carriage Hill of an amount not to exceed $800. per lot as reimbursement for the advanced cost of the source of supply following the connection of each lot in the Project to the Domestic Water System. On November 30, 1998 Carriage Hill executed that certain Design-Build Promissory Note in favor of United Water Works Inc., a Delaware corporation, in the original principal amount of $350,000.00 (the "Promissory Note On or about November 30, 1998 the principals of Carriage Hill executed that certain Joint and Several Individuals' Guaranty in favor of UWID (the "Guaranty MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING- S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage HiII\AGR\MOU with Exhibits.DOC I ' , .; , I ' . ' Review: Purchase Agreement: On March 9, 1999 the final subdivision plat for a portion of the Project known as Carriage Hill Subdivision No.1 was recorded in Canyon County. On December 29, 1999 Carriage Hill transferred to UWID that portion of the Domestic Water System in connection with Carriage Hill Subdivision No. Nampa has extended its municipal water system to the intersection of Middleton Road and Iowa Street in Nampa s City limits in the vicinity of the Project. On August 15, 2003 Nampa indicated its desire to enter into negotiations with UWID and Carriage Hill in connection with ownership, operation and maintenance of the Domestic Water System, and the connection of the Domestic Water System to Nampa s municipal water system. Approximately 25 lots in the Project have been connected to the Domestic Water System. On August 25, 2003 Carriage Hill requested a waiver from Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ("DEQ") regulations to allow an additional 1 0 lots in the Project to be connected to the Domestic Water System prior to the installation ora second source supply, which second source of supply will take the form of connection to Nampa municipal water system (provided the parties are able to negotiate a Purchase and Sale Agreement, defined below) thereby precluding any additional immediate groundwater development. For a period of thirty (30) days after the date hereof, following reasonable notice to UWID Nampa, Nampa s employees, agents and/or consultants , at Nampa s sole cost and expense, shall be granted a right of entry to the Property and shall have the right to conduct, review and confirm, to Nampa s reasonable satisfaction, test results in connection with any and all wells, engineering tests, appraisal(s) and related studies deemed necessary by Nampa in preparation for the ownership, operation and maintenance of the Domestic Water System (collectively, the "Review ). Nampa shall indemnify, defend and hold UWID and Carriage Hill harmless from and against any and all claims, liens, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses resulting from Nampa activities in, on or about the Property pursuant to the right of entry granted herein; provided, however, that Nampa shall not be responsible for any existing condition of the Property or the Domestic Water System. Provided Nampa is satisfied with the results of the Review, as soon as practicable thereafter, the parties shall enter into negotiations with the intent to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement that may include the applicable terms and conditions of this Memorandum of Understanding and other mutually agreeable terms (the "Purchase and Sale Agreemenf'). The parties hereto shall cooperate fully with each other and all other parties in connection with each other s efforts hereunder including, without limitation, in connection with the drafting of the Purchase and Sale Agreement. If the parties hereto are unable to reach a mutually agreeable Purchase and Sale Agreement on or before December 31 , 2003 (unless this Memorandum of Understanding is modified by the parties hereto), this Memorandum of Understanding shall be null and void and of no further force and effect. The Purchase and Sale Agreement shall clearly state that Carriage Hill shall consent to the annexation of the property into Nampa following: 1) closing of the transaction contemplated by the Purchase and Sale Agreement; 2) the transfer of the Domestic Water System to Nampa; and 3) Nampa s completion of the facility extension. Consideration: The purchase price of the Domestic Water System shall be a sum mutually agreed upon by the parties hereto, which sum shall be recited in the Purchase and Sale Agreement. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - 2 S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage HiII\AGR\MOU with Exhibits.DOC , ,. ' I ' Conveyance: Regulatory Approvals: I . The Domestic Water System shall be transferred and conveyed to Nampa by UWID, through bill(s) of sale, warranty deed(s), easement(s) and/or other transfer documents acceptable to Nampa and as required and approved by, without limitation , the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho Departme~t of Water Resources, and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC"), as applicable, within thirty (30) days after receipt of approval by all applicable governmental agencies, or at such other time as the parties shall mutually agree. Immediately following closing, the applicable parties thereto shall terminate and cancel the existing Promissory Note, the Water System Agreement, and the Guaranty. The Purchase and Sale Agreement shall require approval by the IPUG prior to any further action of the parties hereunder. Approval by the IPUG shall include the exhaustion of all appeals and/or the conclusion of all appeal periods. The costs of filing and obtaining IPUC approval of the Purchase and Sale Agreement shall be the responsibility of Carriage Hill, LLC. The parties hereto shall cooperate fully with each other in connection with each parties efforts to obtain, without limitation, all necessary permits, information, easements and consents required by the appropriate federal , state or local governmental authorities, agencies or officials as may be required in connection with the subject matter hereof. Extension of Nampa Facilities to Project:As soon as practicable after the transfer of the Domestic Water System, Nampa shall commence and diligently complete the construction of the facility extension and ,single intertie between the Domestic Water System and Nampa s municipal water system. The cost of the construction of the facility extension and intertie between the Domestic Water System and Nampa s municipal water system shall be borne by Nampa at Nampa s sole cost and expense. The following schedule shall apply: Nampa shall develop design plans for the facility extension and submit such plans to all applicable reviewing agencies within 45 days of the complete execution ofthe Purchase Agreement. Nampa, or Nampa s designee, shall commence construction of the facility extension within 60 days following receipt of approval from all applicable reviewing agencies Nampa, or its designee, shall complete construction of the facility extension and single intertie within 60 days following the commencement of construction of the facility extension. Assumption of Operation and Maintenance: Upon transfer of the Domestic Water System , the Domestic Water System shall become a part of Nampa s municipal water system and Nampa shall assume the continuous operation and maintenance of the Domestic Water. Notices:All notices, demands , requests, and other communications in connection with this Memorandum of Understanding shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly served or delivered, if delivered by hand to the party to whose attention it is directed, or sent via facsimile, or when sent via mail, two (2) days after deposit in the U.S. mail , postage prepaid , by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - 3 S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage HiII\AGR\MOU with Exhibits.DOC If to Carriage Hill:PO Box 1184 Nampa, Idaho 83653 208/461-2556 208/461-9428 (fax) PO Box 190420 Boise, Idaho 83719-0420 Attn: Vice President 208/362-7327 208/362-7069 (fax) If to UWID: If to Nampa:411 Third Street South Nampa, Idaho 83651 Attn: Paul Raymond, P. 208/468-4420 208/465-2261 (fax) or at such other address or to such other party which any party entitled to receive notice hereunder designates to the other in writing as provided above. Default:If any party shall fail to perform such party's obligation(s) contemplated herein for any reason , other than the failure to obtain applicable government approvals or other unavoidable delays as described herein, one or both of the parties may pursue any and all remedies at law or equity; provided, however, all parties affected by any default agree to attempt to mediate a settlement in good faith prior to initiating litigation. In the event litigation is filed, the prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to an award of reasonable costs and attorneys' fees. , \ I ' Unavoidable Delays and Default: Each party shall be excused from further performance under this Memorandum of Understanding as a consequence of any delays or defaults in the performance of this Memorandum of Understanding unavoidably caused by the act of any governmental authority, the act of any public enemy, acts of God, nature, war, war defense condition, strikes, walkouts or other causes beyond the control of the party whose performance isimpaired. Assignment:This Memorandum of Understanding is binding on the parties named herein, their heirs, successors, and assigns. This Memorandum of Understanding shall not be assigned without the written consent of the other parties hereto not to be unreasonably withheld. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - 4 S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage HiII\AGR\MOU with Exhibits,DOC I . This Memorandum of Understanding sets forth material terms of the anticipated Purchase and Sale Agreement between UWID, Nampa and Carriage Hill in connection with the Domestic Water System, the Property, and the Project. UWID, Nampa and Carriage Hill are duly authorized to execute this Memorandum of Understanding and agree to the terms and conditions'set forth herein. UWID:UWW: United Water Idaho Inc., an Idaho corporation United Waterworks, Inc., a Delaware corporation By:BY: ~- Its: IS (iJ~fi NAMPA:CARRIAGE HILL: By: Development Group, Inc., an Idaho corporation ATTEST:By' By: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - 5 S:\Docs\Development Group Inc\Carriage Hill\AGR\MOU with Exhibits.DOC . ," ,, \, ' EJJI.it A. 'apl.... :BX1IDX'l -A" (CU%'1. IU. " -... Apa:cel of land 10cate4 in the SOUth Balf.8ectiCA31. ToWA8b1p ) 110"11, Rang. 2 ."'it."1,. ~1:.i..41m. CQyoi). Ccunty.Idaho, 1I!O;te .particu.1Vly c1e:8cr:Lb8du foUowi:: OCINMBNCDfQ at the Borthw.t corner of ,aid S!)Utb Balf, Sec:~~ eWelt ~- CO1'AC%,8ec:U- ,)1)" tbe1ice . 110m". is' 43" Bast.. 1ihtance of 2..25.45 feetaloa.g )Jortberly li~.of ..:l4 to\athBaU, elct;1on 3)" to tAt am 1'OXN'l OPQQXNNDlCh tbence continuing .alo~ ...id)Jortherly11.. 1rcn:th 8'- 15'41- a..t .. dittance of 31'.'0 feet 1:0 a found al~ ~ 1IIOAWIent 'lllUkiag tbe eenterQUU-te. CQmctr ot .aid Section3l.l tb.ence aloog ..14 ~Qrly line of . South Half. $ection 31 )lortb"- 1" 20" a..t a 4htance of 1.241.82 feet to -- poi-nt. fJ:QID vMc:h point thAI.orthaNt comer of 8ud$OUth lialf, secti0l131 ....t Quart" come%'. Section 31) hearl.ort~ at- lfif 20" E.,ea dbtaJ1ce of 1,3" .31 feet; thencel..vin9 Iud lJortherly line SOUUaO1- ,U' 4." .en acUltance ot 228~O7 feet to . POiD.t; d1ance soutb 85- 25' 27!8BQt a dbtance of 1S7.3' feet to . poUat# thence 8ou~O4.3'" . ),. Wat a 4btance of $0 ~..tto.a point, tb4mc. 8011th 1.4" """ .1'8 w..t .. 4i.tance of 14'.3'~.8t to a poiDtl th&ce . South 54. 11' 38. But .. dhtane. of 100.fe.ttO apoiDt 1 theDce 8o\Jtb~8. 31' 5'. ..at .. dbtance of 100.11 feet to . po!Qt, thence Sout:h 71830' 3.. W..t . 41stanee of 138.'75 feet to a point of Mn...tangent curvatun, to w1U.ch poili.t .. *,a4iaJ, line b6US Wo11:.b "71- ao' 3'. But, Southerly.. distance of)). 05 teet along. CIUZ'V8 to 1:b8 dght having a t'adiu of 165 f"t, a CGt:r.l angle of 118 28' 31" ,and being 8ubte.ndedby .. long ~. oC ::n teet which b..n south 128 45' 0311 Bast: to .. point of tqgency; th4JQCe South 0.,8 00; 438 1ut . dbtanc. of "1'7 f..t to . peat; ~C. SO\1th 0'8 10' 018 '.st a dhtance of 7f.19 f.et to . point, tbenca South 218 38' 55- h8t a 4i8tance of 102.05 f..t to. 1X2:i.~t, thence South. .". 59' Sl!11 We.t a dbt~e. of 234.41 feet to a point ofoon-tangent C1UVatUX'e. to which point a radial line bears South 3'8 391 :2t8 We.t: thence Northerly a di8tance of 25. 7,c feet: alongI. curve to the right having aradiwr of 20 teat, (Continued) . "" .. . EdiWt A Pap 2 or 4 J)ssaunow (~at1nu.d) c:entral angle of 73- ..,,' 01" aM bdl2Q .~t.nded by,. lOllS cbo~"f 2. !..t wbid. Mad .0X't:b 14-28' 3" ".'at to . point of 11OJ'.-t.uteru:yl 6'. 3iJ 35. W..t .. distance ot f..t to a point ef'ftOD-t.,..tat ~1:UZ8. to .bid1 point . ~a41A1 11A. :b."1'8 SQ\&t.b ". 3"3S. But; tb8ac8 Northerly. -U.tanc,e of 51. ..*: .1009 .. curve to tM left,. ~adi_O.2'O f..t. 'Qent2:al aAgle of 118 20'50. and beinvaubt.n4e4 by along chord of 51.61 fa. WhiCh ~aI'8Jto%.'th 1'. 43' 00 II ...,t to a ;u)i.t:. ot ~-tang-qr; QItAC8 )forth 1o.28~ 1~. w..t .. cU.*tuce ot J.61.72 teet to a point; tbeQoe Ho~'1. 0,3.- 14..t a cli..taco. 01 50 f..t;tb.~ South 28- 56' 26" Me.t a distance of 55.04 f.et to apolntj theoce South .2- 1" 0'. -..t _distance of 21.41 feet to. point; t.1wmc:. SO\1th 17- 20' SSw We.t . distance of 16' .ea feet to .po:iutJ tn_c. North "5'7' 3a" Mest a distance of 11'.10 feet to a poiat# tbeDc. North .1'. 02' 04" "eat a di8tMQ. of no f..t to apoLD'tJ tAPC- North 018 2" 2'- Ea8t a di.~.~ of 11$ -!..t to a point; South 8'. 1" 1S- W_..t . di.tance of 185 '..t to . pQi_,,; to_c. South O' 04' 30M ...t . di.t~ce of 28.15 feet to . pointl thence South :8S8 55' 30.Weat a di.t,U\c:e of 224.18 feet to a poiDt1 ~ce Scrth 00. 23' 5S. We.t a 618tance ot 138~ 78 feet to . POlntl thenc. North 338 00' 0'" W..t & distance of 587.'4 feet t.o the aML tODf'l' 0'1 . ', ., , I ' . . ~ibit It. 1'.3., 4 HUBBLE ENGINEERING, I,NC. 701$. ~ 81., Suitt 102 . MetkUft, to 83642 2O8Im-eta. lID 2O8f3'7H328 Jan'*"Y23, 2001 Carriage HIli Subd1vlslon No.2 A .l1cal of land totaled In tht NOJth 112 of the 'SE ".. of ~n 31. T. 3N"R. 2W.. S.M" Canyon County. Idaho. more J)atticularty' delCli)ed .'bltowa: Commencing at the 114 corner common to Section 8.T. ZN., R. 2W.. and the $ilJdSection 32. from which the SOCJtbeast comet ofllid Section 3 t beara North 8S83TOS" East. 2644.21 feet thenceatong the 'NOrth-SOUth mickection Une of said Section 31 North, 00.23'55- We.t 1303.50 feet to tht 041/16 comer and the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. ' . thence continuing North Ocr23'SS" West. 673.56feettothesouthW88t ' corner of Carrilt.. HW 'Subdivumm No.1, a. same ia I'tCOI'ded in 8ook 280' ,tats at page 28. Records of C.nyon County. JAbo: thence, .10 ng theaoufher1y bO~ of MId aubdivisJon Nonh88 'SSW eut. 22-4.78 feet: NorthO18Q4'30" West. 28.15 feet, North 87-"T1S- East. 185.00 feet: South 01'29'2'" Weat. 115.00f8et; South rrO2'04- Ea.t, 110.00 feet; South 64.67'32" eatt, 108.85 feet; NoAh 7r2Q'551' East. 174.87 feet Notlh 42819'03- East. 24.38 North 28.66'26'" East, 54.22. feet. South 61.03~. east, SO.OO feet; South 70.O4-s411 felt, 168.63 felt; I:'\WI~ ~~"' t..pI ~"",,11iII $- 81_, . . . f .\ ,: , I , . , EsJ6It A PageA" thence 81.49 feet along thearcof8nMotangenlcurvetoth8 righttt.ving 18dtuaot260.00 fnt. a central ana" of '1~O'$o-, tnd I-long obordbearingSouth lr43W \Nest, 51.41 feet thence South 81.arSst' lB. 50.00 fMt thence 2$.74 fee!Jlrong the are 0' anc~~.tC&We'O thttKhaving I .taclusof 20.00 feet. 1 central .OSle of 73-44'01" ., long chord bearing South,-4 -28'S- eat. 24.00 fMt; thenCe Nor1h' 7e-S9-S1Eut,2A1.5SfMt; thtnce departing Aid southerly bouhd8ry80,,1h 21ewSS- l:ast.195.feet thence South30-SO'44" Ea.t 2418.17 feeUo -.pOintan the $DUtb bound8IY of the Ntmb112of" $E 1/4 thence atons said boundarySouIh, ."srl'" w.. 1421,,10 -feetta the Point of 8eginning .. 'ContaininG 15..57 tterM,mct!nlottJa PtIP..a-w: HUBBLE ENGINEERiNG INC. O. Terry Peugh, P. J:!tP,*~'~ ....~ HII'~." .. .. .. . EXHIBIT B Page 1 of 3 After recording send to: JoAnn C. Butler Spink Butler Clapp, LLP O. Box 639 Boise, Idaho 83701 FOR RECORDING INFORMATION WARRANTY DEED United Water Idaho Inc., an Idaho corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor," for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain sell , convey, and warrant unto the City of Nampa, an Idaho municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee," whose address is 411 Third Street South, Nampa, Idaho 83651 , the real property located in Canyon County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows, hereinafter referred to as the "Premises:' Lot 14, Block 1 , Carriage Hill Subdivision No.1, Canyon County, Idaho, according to the plat filed in Book 26 of Plats, Page 29, records of said County; as Amended by Affidavit Authorizing Correction to Plat recorded May 7, 1999, as Instrument #9918077, including all ground water and ground water rights, pumps, buildings, sources of supply, and other improvements in connection with such groundwater and groundwater rights, and sources of supply; and excluding surface, water and surface water rights, ditch and ditch rights, minerals and mineral rights, and irrigation equipment. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Premises, together with its tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any way appertaining, the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, including, without limitation, all water and water rights, ditches and ditch rights, water storage rights, the right to ground water, middle rights, easements, and rights of way, unto Grantee and Grantee s heirs, successors and assigns forever. And Grantor does hereby covenant to and with Grantee that Grantor is the owner in fee simple of the Premises; that the Premises are free from all liens, claims and encumbrances, and that Grantor shall warrant and defend thesame from all claims whatsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused their names to be hereunto ascribed this day of 2003. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., an Idaho corporation By: Its: , ., \ EXHIBIT B Page 2 of BILL OF SALE United Water Idaho Inc., an Idaho corporation, whose address is 8248 Victory Road. Boise, Idaho 83709 ("Seller"), for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, , does hereby sell, assign, transfer, and set over to City of Nampa, whose address is 411 Third Street South, Nampa. Idaho 83651 ("Buyer"), the following property described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property"). Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer that Seller is the absolute owner of the Property, that the Property is free and clear of liens, charges and encumbrances, that Seller shall defend the same from all claims whatsoever, and that Seller has full right. power and authority to sell said Property and to make this Bill of Sale; provided. however. Seller has neither made nor makes any warranties. whether expressed or implied. concerning the condition of the Property. and Buyer takes and receives the Property AS IS" , " WHERE IS". with "ALL FAUL TS" . , IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Seller has signed and sealed the Bill of Sale this 2003. day of UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.. an Idaho corporation By: Its: " , I ' . " ,. . EXHIBIT B Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT A TO BILL OF SALE Physical Description of Domestic Water System Distribution System 1839' - 8" PVC Water Main 1281' -12" PVC Water Main 29 - 1" Domestic Services 1 -3" Irrigation Service 5 - 6' Fire Hydrants Source of Supply 16' x 32' Well House 18" Supply Well Mechanical Piping 2 - Submersible Pumps Communication, Control, Telemetry Equipment Land Well Lot Associated Landscaping Irrigation System . "", \, ',,). MODIFICA TION AND EXTENSION OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Modification and Extension of Memorandum of Understanding (this Modification ) is entered into effective this 31st day of December, 2003, by and among the City ofNampa, an Idaho m~nicipal corporation ("Nampa ), United Water Idaho Inc., an Idaho corporation ("UWID"), Carnage Hill, L., an Idaho limited liability company ("Carnage Hill") and United Waterworks, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("UWW" ). Nampa, UWID, Carnage Hill and UWW are sometimes hereinafter col1ectively refeITed to as the "Parties. RECIT ALS A. The Parties entered into a Memorandum of Understanding dated October 15, 2003 , outlining vari.ous tenns of negotiations for a Purchase and Sale Agreement in connection with the ownership, operation and maintenance of the .Domestic Water System constructed by Carnage Hill for the Carnage Hill Subdivision ("Memorandum of Understanding B. The Memorandum of Understanding contemplates that in the event the Parties are unable to reach a mutually agreeable Purchase and Sale Agreement on or before December 31 2003, the Memorandum ofUriderstanding shall be null and void, unless otherWise modified by the Parties.c. It is agreed that it is beneficial to all Parties, and the Parties now desire, to modify the Memorandum of Understanding and extend the date by which all Parties are to reach a mutually agreeable Purchase and Sale Agreement from December 31 , 2003 to January 30, 2004. Now, therefore, in consideration of the Recitals above, which are incorporated below, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged and received, the Parties hereto agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. The Parties agree to modify the Memorandum of Understanding and extend the deadline within which the Parties are to reach a mutually agreeable Purchase and Sale Agreement from December 31 2003 to January 30, 2004. The Parties agree further that in the event the Parties are unable to reach a mutually acceptable Purchase and Sale Agreement on or before January 30, 2004, the Memorandum of Understanding shall be null and void, unless otherwise modified by the Parties. 2. The Parties agree to continue to cooperate fully with each other in connection with efforts under the Memorandum of Understanding including, without limitation, the drafting of the Purchase and Sale Agreement 3. All other provisions set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding remain in full force and effect, and are incorporated herein by reference. If there is any conflict between the MODIFICATION AND EXTENSION OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - provision of this Modification and/or the Memorandum of Understanding, this Modification shallcontrol. 4. All capitalized tenDS used but not defined in this Modification shall have the same meaning as found in the Memorandum of Understanding. 5. This Modification may be executed in counterparts and transmitted by and between the Parties by facsimile, each of which counterpart shall constitute an original, 'and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one Agreement. ' . UWID, Nampa, UWW and Carnage Hill are duly authorized to execute this Modification and Extension of Memorandum of Understanding as of the date first written above, and ,agree to the tenDS and conditions set forth herein. UWID:uww: United Water Idaho Inc., an Idaho corporation United Waterworks, Inc., a Delaware corporation By:By: Its: NAMPA:CARRlA GE HILL: Development Group, Inc., an Idaho corporation By: Tom Dale, Mayor ,., ,,./ ,. By: / William D. Tate, Pre Ident :-. ATTEST: By: City Clerk MODIFICATION AND EXTENSION OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - 2 . ,' . provision of this Modification and/or the. Memorandum ofUnderst~din~, this ~odification shall control. 4. All capitaJized terms used but not defined in this Modification shall have the same meaning fo~nn in the MemoTandurh of Understand mg. 5. This Modificauon may be executed in collntf:1:parts and transmitted by and . between the Parties by facsimile, each of which counteIpart shan constitute an origiria1~ and all which, when taken together, shall constitute one Agreement. , . . By: Gregory P. yiyattJ Vic~ President , UWID Nampa, UWW and Carriage Hill are duly authorized to execute this Modification ,. on. ., . " and Extension of Memorandum ofUDderst~nding as oftbe date un;t written above, and a~,-t9' ;.., ." "p " the terms and conditi~~s set forth herein. ~~~ 't1 N~~~~~B~ ' :" SWOfAtO"'" 8UbK~p ... . . UWW ~'-.~lN8 t~t,ii' ~ ~. ~J"~~(IV ~.,...... .1.. ' ~~,~ ' ~4.tJ ~ -=:=.. ';. "- ..,.... . UnIted WaterwoI , Inc." ' ";;..-':"... ~:..~ ",:... ':: De1~ware c~on ' ..~ "~ " By:-J' ~/~ ~!. Its P2j:.:5"1 v/EA/T ~ ~ u)s ' UWID : United Water Idaho Inc., an Idaho corporat:ioT1 NAMPA:. . . C.AR,RJAGE HaL: , ' I ' . . By:MA: Tom Dale, Mayor Development Group, Inc., an Idaho Corporation ATTEST: B)': City 91erk MODIDCATION AND EXTENSION OF MEMORANDUM OF PNDERSTANDING - 2 ' . ' STATE OF IDAHO ) SSe COUNTY OF CANYON On this ..;J day of Jt?d3.before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, persona11y appeared W, Jt t( f)1 f) fa T f' who executed the foregoing instru~ent. """" IN ~~.lNE~)'!'~ave h~reunto set my hand and affixed by official seal, the day and year In tlJif. ~ttfl'te-f~~ 61we wn tten . /) f.CJ ~o:. ~;"'\:' \: . "'l":"~ 1. \ G Notary Public for the State ofIdahci ~". 8 . . 0 ~ "1..f;' ;' ~,' ~~~~. Commission Expires: 0/::;) () ---------- - fiEB-O2-2004 MON 09: 44 AM ENG I NEERI NG ffiX NU. ~Utiqb~~~t5! "'~1+ "10.138 01/30 '04 16:1~ ID:sPINK BUTLER CLAPP. U.P .FA)(:208 388 1001 r. u," PAGE 2/ $ oIeAMN ~. ~Un..E" 5N4'D"A L. CJ..4'ft M. GIIR~.R" I:N8~~)' L. V'C:TDIUA ...." MIC"'~\. T. I..,"" (aCta) a."1Q.~olll"'T"'8.(it .G-AT"tIUC"IY~ .CON Jan\W'Y 30, 2004 V", FlIC.1#mlJe OtcgQJy P. Wyan United Water Idaho Inc. O. ftox 190420 BQiso. II) 83719-0420 United W atorW~ Inc. c/o U~ited W._l4ahn Inc. Sandra Jolmsoft Dcvc1opIDCQl Group, In;, O. Box 1184 Namp., ID 836S3 PaId 1bymQnQ, P\\blic Works PiroeU)r Ci1)l 0 f Nampt. 411 Third Sa-ca So"uk Nampa, Idabo 8365 BE;- Memor...dua Qf tJ..dm~adi."Carr"8' H1U SIC FOe No.211H.13 La4iC610enucmon: Ai you )g)ow, ~c Mcmctan4\= oftJndcfStan4ina. dated O$ber 1St 2003. as a~cd an Dccember31,2003, by and ~eon the pardos referanoed eQ'Vo (ma .'MOtP~. wil1 oxpjro on laINa:Y 30.2004.Th~ Purc~ and Sale: ~emem con=nplatCI4 by the MOt.! to be cx~ by January 20, 2004, baGbeen d:&ftoc.1 and is under Tmow by UlO panios. ThaI review baa no~ booQ oompl0c0d~ Our~.ncUni is ~t Uses panics desire 10 cantin1:l0 fbair rcvit:W cd to reach . lRLU11aUY"'srccab~aBl"eement. : ,, ' AocorcUnaiY, with We lercer agreement 1ht panie8 'lccoWledle their aareemont f.O extend me MOU an4 Che date by wbio1\ Pw-cbue an4 Sale Aarccmon~ win be QQmplotA:~ 80 February 17,2004. Thisletter ac- om=may be excoutcd in one Of more counrcrparA L*h otwhich sball b~ an original but aUof which fOa;tbcr will consUMe on; =c1 tho GamC 4ocum=t. If mia letter mcctI wi~ your asrocmcnt, would yo~ p1c:ale SQ lignify by excc~ this 1e~or lAdrctUrnina the same 10 me 'Via flDaimUe. 2i!SI IE. ~ST'AIii:"" Owrrc ace III'Q. a.c:.c a=9 8018&" lea-...o ~~eJYI 1 oJ:~" JoAnn ButtA' . 1CB;ajc aaa..3~"iI \CeO~...MSeR WtNW. LOCATION :2084652261 RX TIME 02/02 '04 09: 42 February 20, 2004 Via Facsimile Gregory P. Wyatt United Water Idaho Inc. P. O. Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719.,D420 United Waterworks, Inc. c/o United Water Idaho Inc. RE: Memorandu.m of Understanding/Carriage HUI SBC File No.: 21220. Ladies/Gentlemen: JOANN c. BUTt..IO:~ SANDRA L. CI-APP M. GRKGORY EMBREY Lo. V.CTORIA MEI~R MICttAEI- T. SPINK: (208) 388.'083 .I8UTI-.IO:Jt(g)~aC.ATTO"N EV. .CO,", Sandra Johnson Development Group, Inc. O. Box 1184 Nampa, lD 83653 Paul Raymond, Public Works Director City ofNampa 411 Third Street South Nampa, Idaho 83651 As you know~ the Memorandum of Understanding, dated October 15 2003, as am~nded on December 31,2003 , and January 30, 2004 by and between the parties referenced above (the "MOU") must be extended. The Purchase and Sale Agreement contemplated by the MOO, has been drafted and is under review by the parties. That review has not been completed. OUf understanding is that the parties desire to continue their review and to reach a mutual1y-agreeable agreement. Accordingly, with this letter agreement! the parties acknowledge their agreement to extendtheMOU and the date by which the Purchase and Sale Agreement will be completed to March 12, 2004. This letter agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts each of which shaH be an origina1 but all of which together win constitute one and the same document. If this letter meets with your agreement, would you please so signify by executing this letter and returning the same to me via facsimi1e at your earliest convenience. incerely ~I\~i' JoAnn Buder JCB:jkw ~!51 E. STREET $WIT!:: 200 RO. ssax 638 BOISE. IDAHO S3?'O1 208-386-1000 '-........ 208-3B8-1001 (F) ~ -..........---- WWw.~-ATTORNEV$.COM ---- I ~ , , .JO~NN C. PUTLER M. GftllGORV EMDReV ,"-. VICTOftlA. M~I~R MICtU,lI:L T. S~IN.c. (208) 388-1083 IIIUTL.ER(Q)Sa-ATTOR NEY$.COM , March 29, 2004 Via Hand Delivery Terrence R. White White, Peterson, MoITOw, Gigray, Rossman. Nye & Rossman 5700 E: Franklin Road, Suite 200 Nampa, 10 83653 Re: Carriage Hill Domestic Water System SB File No.: 21220. , Dear Ten-y: Enclosed. for presentation at the City of Nampa s AprilS City Council hearing. are execution originals of the following documents: Purchase Agreement by and between the City ofNampa and United Water Idaho, Inc. and Carriage Hill..Nampa Agreement by and between the City of Nampa and Carnage Hill, C., Triangle Dairy, Inc., and Edward Derwyn and Grace E. Shank, " ,, ' Once the documents are executed by the City, if you would please provide me with a copy of the executed documents, I will provide copies to both United Water and Carriage Hill. Terry, as always, I appreciated working with you on documenting this transaction and look forward to completing this transaction. O. 638 BOISC. 10"'1"10 83701 208-388-1000 208-388-1001 (F) "'- WNW .$S-AiT'rORN~S.COM ~ -"" Sincerely. Jl\i\n JoAnn C. Butler )CB/j Enclosurescc: Gregory P. Wyattt via facsimile~ WiD encl. Sandra J. Johnson. via facsimile. w/o encl. Paul Raymonds via facsimile wJo enol. ~1 ~. F~NTS~~t::T SUITE 200 251 E. FRONT STREE:T SuITE 200 O. Sox 639 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 208.388.1000 208-388-1 001 (F) FAX COVER SHEET DATE:JULY 23. 2004 TOTAL PAGES SENT: TO: Name:Sandi Johnson NAME:Greg Wyatt ORGANIZATION:Carriage Hilt ORGANIZATION:United water Idaho 461-9428 FAX:362-7069 FROM: PHONE: E-MAIL: SUBJECT: FILE #: JOANN C. BUTLER (208) 388-1093 SGALLIV AN~SB-A TTORNEYS. COM CARRIAGE HILL 21220. COMMENTS: PLEASE SEE ATTACHED RESOLUTION FROM THE CITY OF NAMPA. AcCORDING TO DIANA LAMBING, THE COUNCIL PASSED THE RESOLUTION TO CREATE THE LID AT THE LAST COUNCIL MEETING. THEY HAD THE PUBLIC HEARING LAST MONDAY AND INCLUDED THE FIRST READING OF THE ORDINANCE THEN AS WELL. THE ORDINANCE WILL NOT PASS UNTIL AUGUST 16TH. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: THIS TRANSMISSION 1$INieNOED ONLY FOR THE use OF THE INDIVIDUAl(S) NAMI:D AS RECIPIENTS. IT MAY CONTAIN IN180RMATION THAT IS PRIVileGED. CONFIDt:NTIAl. AND/OR PROTeCTED FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW INCLUDING, aUT NOT LIMITED iO. THE ATTORNey CLIENT PRIVIL.I:GE AND/OR WO~K PRODUCT DOCTRINE. IF YOU ARE NOT THe INiENPI:D ReCIPll:NT OF THIS TRANSMISSION. PI..t:AS1: NOTII8Y THE SENDER IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE. DO NOT CELIVER. DiSTRIBUTE OR cOpy THIS TRANSMISSION, DISCLOSE ITS CONTENTS. OR TAKE ANY ACTION IN RELIANCE ON THE INFORMATION IT CONTAINS. !!yatt, rei From: Sent: To: Subject: JoAnn C. Butler nbutler~sbc-attorneys.com) Thursday, October 09,20032:13 PM Greg. Wyatt~UnitedW ater .com FW: Carriage HiII/UWID/Nampa Greg, I misaddressed this to another "Greg" and just found out about it! ---- Original Message ~----From: JOANN To: sandijohnson~iname.com; greg~eidaholaw.com; farrelltim~earthlink.net Sent: 10/07/2003 10:08AM Subject: Carriage HiII/UWID/Nampa Paul Raymond called me this morning to let me know that the City Council approved the MOU last night. Paul stated that once we get the exhibits attached to the document and get it to him he will have it signed by the City and we can thencirculate it for the remaining signatures. Exhibit A is the description of the property; this would be the phase(s) of Carriage Hill in which the'water system presently exists. Sandi, I should have this but I will confirm with you. Exhibit B includes the Warranty Deed for the well lot (Sandi, I will confirm the legal description with you), and the Bill of Sale, attached to which will be the list of water system components. I will rely on Greg and Tim to compile this list. I will use the form Warranty Deed and Bill of Sale used by UWID in connection with all non-contiguous transfers. JoAnn C. Butler Spink Butler Clapp, LLP PO Box 639 Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 388-1093 (direct line) (208) 388-1001 (fax) j butler~sbc-attorneys .com .. , ' CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This transmission is intended only for the use of the individual(s) named as recipients. It may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or protected from disclosure under applicable law including, but not limited to, the attorney client privilege and/or work product doctrine. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately by telephone. Do not deliver, distribute or copy this transmission , disclose its contents, or take any action in reliance on the information it contains. Production Request No. 2C&D , \, ' ..,.:. United Water. Unlted Water ldaho 8248 Victory Rd~ O. Box 7488 BoIse, Idaho 83707 telepbone 208 362 1704 facsimile 208 362 1479 Date: J:1 /11 To: ~ r,- f ~L ;" t.. Fax Fax number: From: ...::r e.r .f-I. ,"- t 7 Subj ect: l.) v..e-~r u.o o.r-\L # of pages: Lj plus this cover 'Y '" -. .i.L ,." .t L. .:IL ~ \ IL C e '- .. r- J2 (" o:J'-' sr 0 '1 r0 .. f e. u...x J), .... '- ","c,.o ...... +Q,~ P' (., 0" ( l \ It.. .(".-four- ~!L~ w'- -+Q... .Qt/l'1 ~" - (u"t.!.)o", 4.(..r 1""1j'-k-~ ~51~~tC b4--r"'-'t(~ (c.crrA."'~c. ..(.\.\\:: L.Lc. AJt.-..(2 ~ It;., -re.. N'~~I""" ~1~S Co,J'- -te,- Ao tL. . rite It- ......(J -tt- (. j'-:) t ~ t 7 -tel.. -T.. ' . ,,-\ ~ .I Lv U- ' A lJ- ",, J1 ... u VM"""~ . . ..t(L.,l L- L" --P :( ...... .+. ~ . \, ,,~ ~ \,...,,-.( .e, \...~...P: \r.... ....... *,L- ...(u,...()c;- Uo"LrL :-" ~".. .Q -\0 ~L .f -,~p he fl.. 1.1. \0~L G),u...t. ... (.. ,,) l.. cJv- 12 TI "'.(~ ,~ \ l. u,.." ~L".9~ .9~ J.. 4e.e. .0e.o~ ("\'..rJJ ~t........ \",\,.'- \-,;, \~ -tt... \'("".- (D'\\J...,C -\- U-' I D" '" ~ ....)'-\~~ - I () r ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t.t' ..cU',"~c . T l\ ,~ 40 :.t -::r f-r r-: Heal~ Jerrv. From: To:Cc: Subject: , Date: Piccione, Sal Algranati, Michael Healy, Jerry; Linam, William; Becker, William; Krajewski, Stan Wire Transfer - Carriage Hill, LLC. Thursday, May 06, 1999 3:01 PM Mike, Attached please find a wire transfer request to Carriage Hill, LLC. in the amount of $65,000. An original wire transfer request from UWW signed by Bill Becker will follow as well as the initial request for funds transfer sent by UWID and approved by Bill Linam. As an overview, an Idaho Developer, Carriage Hill, LLC. has agreed to construct and contribute to United Water Idaho a water utility project valued at approximately $350,000. United Waterworks (the parent company of United Water Idaho), has agreed to finance the project and has signed an 8.250/0 promissory note with Carriage Hill in the amount of $350,000. The entire $350,000 will be drawn down on a monthly basis and wired to Carriage Hill by UWW over the next 4 to 5 months as project costs are incurred and actual project expenditures (invoices) are reviewed and approved by UWID. The promissory note to UWW provides for a 10 year repayment term with interest to begin accruing at 8.250/0 after the first draw down of $65,000. The repayment of the note will commence 2/5/2000 and continue quarterly until 11/5/2010, the maturity date.The note receivable and related interest income will be recorded and tracked on BU 800 by PID.~~File Attachment: CAR R lAG E.XLS~~ , . , I ' Page I...,.J --. ~ 1.~ DDO Heal~ Jer~ From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Piccione, Sal Algranati, Michael Farrell, Tim; Healy, Jerry; Becker, William Wire Transfer - Carriage Hill, LLC Wednesday, July 07, 1999 9:39AM Mike, Attached please find a wire transfer request to Carriage Hill , LLC in the amount of $39,000. Signed approvals of this request for funds transfer will follow via inter-office mail. -:::-:::File Attachment: CARRIAGE.XLS,.,. Page f . Heal~ Jer~ ,.. . j~Dt?C From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Algranati, Michael Farrell, Tim Healy, Jerry; Piccione, Sal RE: Wire Transfer - Carriage Hill - UWID Wednesday, July 21,1999 8:21AM ---------- Wire will be sent today 7/21/99 From: Farrell, Tim To: Algranati, Michael Cc: Piccione, Sal; Healy, Jerry Subject: Wire Transfer - Carriage Hill - UWID Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 4:53PM Mike, I understand that you are in charge of transfer of funds to specific accounts. Due to Sal Piccione being away from his office, could you help me transfer $15,000 into the Carriage Hill, LLC. account? I have attached a summary of this account, with this transfer shown in the project summary as "draw # 3"I believe you have all the appropriate bank information, but let me know if you need anything additional. These funds must be transferred by July,21 if possible. Please confirm this transaction bye-mail when complete. Thanks for your help. .o::::.o::::File Attachment: MASTER L.XLS::.::. Tim Farrell UWID ; , I ' Page IA ~ - ~'-Ir 1) ':? From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Farrell; Tim Monday, October 18 19999:09 AM Piccione, Sal Healy, Jerry Carriage HiII- Request for Construction Draw #5 Sal Attached for your review is a request for transfer of funds($45 000) into the Carriage Hili, L.L.C. account. Phase one of this project is near completion with two small transfers to follow. Jerry Healy will call to confirm this request. Master _Ledger. xis Thanks for your Help Tim Farrell \)r~ 11 C- -F .r e 0 -0 -c:::' ..I From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Farrell, Tim Friday, December 10 1999 10:20 AM Piccione, Sal Healy, Jerry Carriage Hill - Construction Draw #6 Good Morning, Please release $58,000 into the Carriage Hill, LLC account to cover construction of water facilities as shown on the attached spreadsheet. United Water Idaho is in the final Phase of this project with one final draw remaining. I will ask Jerry Healy to call and confirm this itJ Master ledger.xls transaction. Thanks for your help. TIM .. , I ' From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Piccione, Sal Monday, January 03 20002:58 PM Healy, Jerry Becker, William; Farrell, Tim; MacClave, Thomas; Krajewski , Stan Interest Accrual on Carriage Hill Note Attached is a file containing an accrued interest calculation that I have computed for the draw down period beginning May 7. 1999 to 12/31/99 (and also to 2/5/00) for the Carriage Hill, LLC Promissory Note in the amount of $294 000 (previously $350,000) at 8.25% with repayment to begin quarterly on 2/5/00 and to continue for the next ten years. This note receivable currently resides on the books of BU800. Also contained in the attached file is a voucher that I have created (tab labeled voucher) which I want to mail to Carriage Hill LLC to be used by them when making payments to United Waterworks. As we previously discussed , the wording in the original Promissory Note does not contain a provision for an interest calculation during the draw down period. This additional interest accrual was requested by United Waterworks and was communicated by UW Idaho to Carriage Hill, LLC. It is my understanding that it was verbally agreed to by Carriage Hill LLC that they would pay the additional $11 227.83 in accrued interest but that they wanted it to be added to the principal loan amount to be repaid over the next 10 years. Based on my conversation with you today, an amended promissory note is being drafted in the amount of $294 000 plus an additional $11 227.83 in accrued interest to be signed by Carriage Hill LLC. Please let me know if the above amended note will be finalized within the next two weeks since I would like to book a December 31 , 1999 Journal Entry debiting my loan receivable ba'iance for the additional accrued interest and crediting interest income by the same amount. , \ I ' carriage2.xls Healy, Jerry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Piccione, Sal Wednesday, December 13, 2000 9:03 AM Healy, Jerry Gallagher, Nancy; Becker, William; Kowalyk, Chris Carriage Hill late Payment Jerry , According to our records, as of today we have not yet received the quarterly loan payment from Carriage Hill due November 5,2000 in the amount of $11 280.50. Could you please have someone in your office notify Carriage Hill of this delinquency.You and I may also want to discuss who should be responsible in the future for contacting Carriage Hill if their loan repayment is not made on a timely basis (Corporate or UW Idaho). Also note that according to the original agreement, a 3% late fee is due if the payment is over 10 days late ($338.42). This potential late fee due was also clearly printed on the payment vouchers sent to Carriage Hill.! would also ask that you have the same person from your office communicate this current late fee obligation to Carriage Hill as well. The late fee just described is just another example of the collection/customerservice type issues that can come up that you and I should take about.(who should be following up and communicate these issues to Carriage Hill). carriageAMTZ.xls Healy, Jerry " From: Sent: To: Subject: Wyatt, Greg Thursday, April 25, 2002 7:43 PM Healy, Jerry FW: UWW Loan Please review Mike s proposals and give me your thoughts. If we are willing to refinance, wouldn t we want. origination fee" of some nature? Also, Sandy Johnson was looking for something tied to lot sales. Any possibility of a program where she pays principal regularly and when a lot sells, a portion goes to principal, reducing her next series of interest payments? ,This would obviously require more frequent recales on the loan. ----Original Message-From: Algranati, MichaelSent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 11 :07 AMTo: Wyatt, GregCc: MacClave, Thomas; Imparato, EdSubject: FW: UWW Loan Greg, The attached file includes some possibilities to remedy this issue. Please take a look and call me to discuss. (201) 750- 3413 .....':,::::::';., , carriageAMTZ.xls (Algranati, Michael) Mike Original Message-From: Wyatt, GregSent: Monday, April 15, 2002 11 :03 AM To: Imparato, EdSubject: UWW Loan " \, ' The promissory note agreement with Carriage Hills was dated 1217/98. The principal was $350 000, interest is 8.250/0 and it runs for 10 years. The amortization schedule anticipates 40 quarterly payments of $11,280.18 each. The first payment was scheduled for 2/5/2000. Currently, the loan balance is $262,345.60 and the 2/5/02 payment is past due. I looking through Jerry s file on this it looks like he has had past communications with Sal Piccione on this matter. Maybe Sal has an electronic file of the amortization schedule. If you need it I can fax you a copy of the agreement and amortization schedule. Let me know. / Principal Int Rate Term 305 228 250/0 Quarter Principal Interest Total Remaining Principal ($4 985.17)($6,295.32) ($11,280.50)300 242. ($5,087.99)($6 192.50) ($11,280.50)295 154.67. ($5 192.93)($6 087.57) ($11,280.50)289 961. ($5 300.03)($5 980.46) ($11 280.50)284 661. ($5 409.35)($5 871.15) ($11,280.50)279 252. ($5 520.92)($5 759.58) ($11,280.50)273 731. ($5,634.78)($5 645.71) ($11 280.50)268 096. ($5 751.00)($5 529.49) ($11 280.50)262,345. ($5 869.62)($5,410.88) ($11 280.50)256,476. ($5 990.68)($5 289.82) ($11,280.50)250 485. ($6,114.23)($5 166.26) ($11,280.50)244 371. ($6,240.34)($5 040.15) ($11 280.50)238 130. ($6 369.05)($4 911.45) ($11,280.50)231 761. ($6 500.41)($4 780.09) ($11 280.50)225,261. ($6 634.48)($4 646.01) ($11 280.50)218 626. ($6 771.32)($4 509.18) ($11 280.50)211 855. ($6,910.97)($4 369.52) ($11 280.50)204 944. ($7,053.51)($4 226.98) ($11 280.50)197 891. ($7 198.99)($4,081.50) ($11 280.50)190 692. ($7 347.47)($3 933.02) ($11 280.50)183 344. ($7,499.01)($3 781.48) ($11 280.50)175 845. ($7,653.68)($3 626.81) ($11 280.50)168 191. ($7,811.54)($3 468.96) ($11 280.50)160 380. ($7,972.65)($3 307.84) ($11 280.50)152,407. ($8 137.09)($3 143.41) ($11 280.50)144 270. ($8 304.91)($2 975.58) ($11,280.50)135 965. ($8,476.20)($2 804.29) ($11 280.50)127 489. ($8 651.02)($2 629.47) ($11,280.50)118 838.47 ($8 829.45)($2,451.04) ($11,280.50)110 009. ($9 011.56)($2 268.94) ($11,280.50)100,997.46 ($9 197.42)($2 083.07) ($11,280.50)91,800. ($9 387.12)($1,893.38) ($11 280.50)412. ($9,580.73)($1 699.77) ($11 280.50)832. ($9 778.33)($1 502.16) ($11 280.50)053. ($9 980.01)($1,300.49) ($11,280.50)073. ($10 185.85)($1 094.65) ($11,280.50)888. ($10 395.93)($884.56) ($11,280.50)492. ($10 610.35)($670.15) ($11 280.50)881. ($10 829.18)($451.31) ($11 280.50)052. ($11 052.54)($227.96) ($11 280.50)(0.00) *" r L~ "'...'1-, v- ' , O"'-J. ~/- -\u I - Refinance Loan - Same Terms (Mortgage)G o~c.r Principal Term 262,346 Quarter Principal Interest Total Remaining Principal ($4,707.72)($4 263.12)($8 970.84)257,637. ($4,784.22)($4,186.62)($8 970.84)252,853. ($4,861.96)($4 108.87)($8,970.84)247,991.75 - ($4,940.97)($4,029.87)($8 970.84)243 050. ($5,021.26)($3 949.58)($8 970.84)238,029. ($5 102.86)($3 867.98)($8 970.84)232,926. ($5 185.78)($3,785.06)($8 970.84)227,740. ($5,270.05)($3 700.79)($8 970.84)222,470. ($5,355.69)($3 615.15)($8 970.84)217,115. ($5 442.72)($3 528.12)($8 970.84)211 672. ($5 531.16)($3 439.68)($8 970.84)206 141. ($5,621.04)($3 349.80)($8 970.84)200,520. ($5,712.38)($3 258.45)($8 970.84)194,807. ($5 805.21)($3 165.63)($8,970.84)189 002. ($5 899.54)($3 071.29)($8 970.84)183 103. ($5 995.41)($2 975.43)($8 970.84)177,107. ($6 092.84)($2 878.00)($8 970.84)171,014. ($6,191.85). ($2 778.99)($8 970.84)164 823. ($6,292.46)($2 678.37)($8 970.84)158 530. ($6 394.72)($2,576.12)($8 970.84)152 135. ($6 498.63)($2,4 72.21)($8 970.84)145 637. ($6 604.23)($2 366.60)($8 970.84)139 032. ($6 711.55)($2 259.29)($8 970.84)132,321. , ' ($6 820.61)($2 150.22)($8 970.84)125 500. ($6,931.45)($2 039.39)($8 970.84)118 569. ($7 044.08)($1 926.75)($8 970.84)111 525. ($7 158.55)($1 812.29)($8 970.84)104,366. ($7,274.88)($1 695.96)($8,970.84)97,091. ($7 393.09)($1 577.74)($8 970.84)698. ($7,513.23)($1 457.60)($8 970.84)185. ($7 635.32)($1 335.51)($8 970.84)74,550. ($7 759.40)($1 211.44)($8 970.84)790. ($7 885.49)($1 085.35)($8 970.84)905. ($8 013.63)($957.21)($8 970.84)891. ($8,143.85)($826.99)($8 970.84)42,747. ($8 276.18)($694.65)($8,970.84)471. ($8,410.67)($560.16)($8 970.84)060. ($8 547.35)($423.49)($8 970.84)513. ($8 686.24)($284.60)($8 970.84)827. ($8 827.39)($143.45)($8 970.84)00- Refinance Loan - 10 Year Balloon Payment Principal Int Rate Term 262,346 25% Quarter Principal Interest Total Remaining Principal $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262 345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262 345.65 $0.$5,410.$5,410.262,345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262 345. $0.410.$5,410.262,345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262,345. $0.410.$5,410.262 345. $0.410.$5,410.262,345. $0.410.410.262,345. $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262,345. $0.410.$5,410.262,345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262,345. $0.410.$5,410.262 345. $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.00 $5,41 0.$5,410.262,345. $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.410.$5,410.262 345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262 345. $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.$5,410.410.262,345. $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262 345. $0.410.$5,410.262,345. $0.410.410.262,345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262 345. $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.00'$5,410.$5,410.262 345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262 345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262,345. $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.410.$5,410.262 345. $0.$5,410.410.262 345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262 345. ."" $262,345.410.$267 756." f' $216,435.$478 780. ~ ,.... -z ( DO~ ((7 y" Refinance Loan - 10 Year Balloon Payment Principal Int Rate Term 262 346 50% Quarter Principal Interest Total Remaining Principal $ 345. $0.$4,263 $4,263.262 345. $0.263.$4,263.262 345.65 . $0.$4,263.$4,263.262,345. $0.$4,263.263.262,345. $,345. $ 345. $0.$4,263.263.262 345. $,345. $0.$4,263.263.262,345. $ 345. $ 345. $0.$4,263.263.262 345. $0.$4,263.263.262 345. $ 345. $,345. $ 345. $0.263.$4,263.262,345. $ 345. $0.$4,263.$4,263.262 345. $ 345. $ 345;65 $0.$4,263.263.262 345. $0.$4,263.263.262,345. $0.263.$4,263.262 345. $ 345. $0.263.$4,263.262 345. $ 345. $0.$4,263.$4,263.262;345. $ 345. $0.$4,263.263.262,345. $0.$4,263.$4,263.262 345. $0.$4,263.263.262 345. $0.$4,263.263.262 345. $0.263.263 262 345. $0.$4,263.$4,263.262 345. $ 345. $0.263.$4,263.262 345. $ 345. $262 345.263.$266 608. $170 524.$432 870. J ..,..,..l- (, . Refinance Loan - Annual Sinker & Current Rate Principal Int Rate Term 262 346 250/0 Quarter Principal Interest Total Remaining Principal' $0.410.410.262 345. $0.410.$5,410.262,345. $0.$5,410.$5,410.262 345.65 $20 000.$5,410.$25 410.242,345. $0.$4,998.998.242 345. $0.998.998.242 345. $0.998.998.242,345. $20 000.$4,998.$24 998.222,345. $0.585.585.222 345. $0.$4,585.585.222 345. $0.$4,585.585.222 345. $20 000.585.$24 585.202,345. $0.$4,173.173.202 345. $0.$4,173.173.202 345. $,345. $20 000.$4,173.$24 173.182 345. $0.760.760.182 345. $0.760.760.182 345. $0.760.760.182 345. $20 000.760.$23 760.162,345. $0.348.348.162,345. $0.348.348.162,345. $0.348.348.162,345. $20 000.348.$23 348.142 345. $0.$2,935.935.142,345. $0.$2,935.935.142 345. $0.935.935.142,345. $20 000.935.$22 935.122 345. $0.$2,523.523.122 345. $0.523.523.122 345. $0.00'$2,523.523.122 345. $20 000.523.$22 523.102 345. $0.$2,110.110.102,345. $0.$2,110.110.102 345. $0.$2,110.110.102 345. $20 000.110.$22 110.82,345. $0.$1,698.$1,698.82,345. $0.$1,698.698.345. $0.698.698.82,345. f'./- \tr $82 345.$1,698.$84 044.~ J$142 185.$404 530.('II' V" ()' I , Refinance Loan - Annual Sinker & Low Rate Principal Int Rate Term 262 346 50% Quarter Principal Interest Total Remaining Principal $ 345. $,345. $ 345.65 ' $20 000.$4,263.$24 263.242 345. $0.938.$3,938.242,345. 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(4 ttJ'1. pw Refinance Loan - Annual Sinker & Low Rate Principal Int Rate Term 262 346 50% Quarter Principal Interest Total Remaining Principal $0.$4,918.918.262.345. $0.$4.918.$4,918.262 345. $0.$4.918.$4,918.262 345. $0.$4,918.918.262 345. $0.$4,918.918.262.345. $0.$4,918.918.262 345. $0.918.$4,918.262 345. $30 000.918.$34 918.232 345. .. 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