HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013Annual Report.pdfuwt-w ANNT]AL REPORT NAME ,r) {.f1 P.O. Box 190420. Boise. lD 83719 - 0420 ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED: DECEMBER 31 ,2013 ANNUAL REPORT FORWATER UTILITIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING: 1 Give full name of utility Telephone Area Code E-mailaddress 2 Date of Organization 3 Organized under the laws of the state of 4 Address of Principal Office (number & street) 5 P.O. Box (if applicable) 6 City 7 State 8 Zip Code 9 Organization (proprietor, partnership, Corp.) 10 Towns, Counties served 1 2 Contact lnformation: President Vice President, Finance Secretary GeneralManager Complaints or Billing Engineering Emergency Service Accounting / Finance December 31,2013 COMPANY INFORMATION UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. (208\ 362-7304 Website: www. unitedwater.com/idaho/Email: uwid@unitedwater.com April2. 1928 ldaho P.O. Box'190420 Boise ldaho 83719-0420 Corporation Towns: Boise. Eaole Name Phone No. David Stanton 767-9300 Dartienne 767-9300 John T. Dillon 767-9300 362-7327 362-7303 Greaves 362-7345 Greaves or Linda 362-1300 Jarmila M.or Jeremiah J.362-7332 or7337 8248 W. Victory Road Counties: Ada 11 Are there any affiliated Companies?Yes lf yes, attach a list with names, addresses & descriptions. Explain any services provided to the utility. 13 Were any water systems acquired during the year or any additions/deletions made to the service area during the year? lf yes, attach a tist with names, addresses & descriptions. Explain any services provided to the utility. 14 Where are the Company's books and records kept? United Water Manaqement & Service lnc. Street Address City State zip 200 Old Hook Road Harrinqton Park New Jersey No 07640 Page 1 Namr UNITED WATER IDAHO lNC. COMPANY INFORMATION For Year Ended:December 31. 2013 11. Affiliated Companies: UNITED WATER MANAGEMENT & SERVICE ]NC. 200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park, NJ 07640 Services provided to the utility: Management and service contract on flle with the 1.P.U.C. 13. Additions / Deletions to service area: Case UW-W-13-01 Amend and revise certificate of convenience and necessity No. 143 to include propefi of Brighton Land Holdings LLC. Order 32939 Dated December 4th, 2013. Case UW-W-13-02 Amend and revise certificate of convenience and necessity No. 143 to include Eastvalley Subdivision. Order 32939 Dated December 4th, 2013. Page 1 Detail NAME:UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. COMPANY INFORMATION (continued) 15 For the Year Ended ls the system operated or maintained under a service contract? 16 lf yes:With whom is the contract? \A/hen does the contract expire? What services and rates are included? 17 ls water purchased for resale through the system? 18 lf yes: Name of Organization Name of owner or operator Mailing Address City State zip Water Purchased 19 Has any system(s) been disapproved by the ldaho Department of Environmental Quality? tf yes, attach full explanation 20 Has the ldaho Department of Environmental Quality recommended anY imProvements? lf yes, attach full explanation 21 Number of Complaints received during year concerning: Quality of Service High Bills Disconnection 22 No. of Customers involuntarily disconnected 23 Date customers last received a copy of the Summary of Rules required by IDAPA Attach a Copy of the Summary 24 Did significant additions or retirements from the Plant Accounts occur during the year? lf yes, attach full explanation and an updated system maP December 31,2013 No Yes (3 service locations on Joplin) City of Garden City Garden City Public Works - Finance Departmel 6015 Glenwood Garden City 83714 Gallons Amount 662 $ 1,671 No No 485 3,875 1,820 1,820 Jan.lFeb.2014 ID Page2 Yes PUC ANNUAL REPORT FOR UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. December 31,2013 24. SIGNIFICANT ADDITIONS TO THE PLANT ACCOUNT ADDITIONS (Over $100,000 Gross) NO. DESCR!PTION PAGE 2 DETAIL PAGE 1 OF 1 41,719 AMOUNT IFrtr NEW REPLACEMENT & FIRE SERV]CES $2,605,564 C12B5O3 060 REPL CWTP MEMBRANES 1,347,342 tr NEW & REPLACEMENT METERS 1,243,496 C12E5O1 060 BOGUS BASIN RESERVOIR 916,352 C12J95O 060 SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS 512,706 C13DOO3 060 N MOUNTAIN TO SCENIC PHASE 2 502,673 C13J95O 060 SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS 332,215 C13AOO1 060 WATER RIGHTS 262,189 C12D324 060 BOI-JACKSON JET FUEL 234.890 10 C13D7O1 060 3OTH STREET EXTENSION 207,029 11 c13D653_060 BANNOCK STREET (27TH-1gTH)162,205 12 C12D7O5_O6O MIDDLETON MILL CROSS]NG $ 159,574 13 C13D318 060 RIVERHEIGHTS SUBDIVISION NO. 5 158,024 14 C13D5O2 060 REPL SHORT MAINS & VALVES 150,323 15 C13D3O8 060 SPURWNG CHALLENGE SUB 128,563 16 C12D625 060 BI]TERBRUSH PRV 127.429 17 c13D652_060 7TH ST (O',FARRELL-SHERMAN)123,230 18 C13C3O1 060 AUXILIARY POWER ADDITIONS 122,386 19 C12AOO1 060 WATER RIGHTS 121.567 20 C13D66O 060 NEFFSTREET&3OTH STREET 119,852 21 C13DOO2 060 NEWSHORT MAINS & VALVES 118,201 22 c13D651_060 17TH STREET (LEMP-EASTMAN)115,933 23 C12D347 060 SHAUNNESSY SUBD]VIS]ON #1 115.471 24 C13J5O3-O6O COMPUTER REFRESH $ 113,523 25 C12D349 060 SPURWNG GROVE NO. 4 112,421 26 C13D654 060 CLINTON, PURDUE & MORRIS HILL 107,596 27 C13D655 060 PARKE CIRCLE DRIVE 107,447 28 C13D3O4 060 LIONS GATE SUBDIVISION 107.339 $ Page 2 Detail Additions 10,435,539 December 31,2013 03t20t14 24. SIGNIFICANT RETIREMENTS FROM THE PLANT ACCOUNT RETIREMENTS (Over $15,000) NO. DESGRIPTTON BOOK COST ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 1 R128503_060 REPLACE CWTP MEMBRANES $ 1,034,597 1 ,066,815 2 R13J503_060 COMPUTER REFRESH 125.472 $125,472 3 R13D003_060 N MOUNTAIN TO SCENIC PHASE 2 61.608 $65,060 4 R13C003 060 UPGRADE CWTP FIN WATER PUMPS 57,500 $57,500 s R13D901_060 BOI PARKING GARAGE EXPANSION 56.489 $57,544 6 R12K505 060 REPL METER READING HANDHELDS 43.586 $43,586 7 R12D702 060 LATAH BRIDGE #390 39,759 $39,759 8 R128702 060 REPL CHLORINATION EQUIPMENT 38,907 $43,396 I R13J501_060 REPL SCADA RADIOS 38,379 $38,379 10 R138504 060 MARDEN WTP SEWER CONNECTION 33,000 $33,000 11 R13C103 060 NEW MOTOR & VFD ]NSTALLATIONS 24,974 $33,504 12 R12J503_060 DB SERVER REPLACEMENT 20,700 $20,700 13 R13J502_060 REPLACE GIS PLOTTER 15,443 $13,959 14 R12J505 060 MAP COPIER REPLACEMENT 15,169 $13,669 15 R13C509 060 REPL PSI TRANSDUCERS 15,000 $15,000 $ 1,620,583 $1,667,344 Page 2 Detail Retirements NAME: ACCT # UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL For the Year Ended DESCRIPTION December 31 2013 AMOUNT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 4OO REVENUES 460 - Unmetered Water revenue 461.'l - Metered Sales - residential 461.2 - Metered Sales - commercial, industrial 462 - Fire Protection Revenue - Private 464 - Other revenue 465 - lrrigation Sales revenue 466 - Sales for Resale 400 Tota! Revenue (Add Lines I - 7) (also enter result on Page 4, line 1) I * DEQ Fees Billed separately to customers 10 ** Hookup or Connection Fees Collected 11 """Commission Approved Surcharges Collected (Franchise Taxes) 40{ OPERATING EXPENSES 12 601.1-6 - Labor - Operations & Maintenance 13 601.7 - Labor - Customer Accounts 14 601.8 - Labor - Administrative & General 15 603 - Salaries - Officers & Directors 16 604 - Employee Pensions & Benefits 17 610 - Purchased Water (lncludes leased) 18 615-16 - Purchased Power & Fuel for Power 19 618 - Chemicals 20 620.1€ - Material & Supplies - Operation & Maint 21 620.7-8 - Material & Supplies - A&G and Cust Care 22 631-34 - Contract Services - Professional 23 635 - Contract Services - Water Testing 24 636 - Contract Services - Other 25 64142 - Rentals - Property & Equipment 26 650 - Transportation Expense 27 656-59 - lnsurance 28 660 - Advertising 29 666 - Rate Case Expense (Amortization) 30 667 - Regulatory Comm. Exp. (Amortization) 31 670 - Bad Debt Expense 32 675 - Miscellaneous 33 TotalOperating Expenses (less Reg. Comm, Depr, Taxes) ( Add lines 12 - 32, also enter on Pg 4, line 2) 31,220,724 13,256,680 921,122_+ 45,773,691 Booked to Account + 236ee '1,174,592 2.285.966 23610 1,026,522 955,567 2,199,579 208,223 2,163,157 273,545 149,529 364,868 3,904,507 79,559 764,793 24,836 471,844 680,167 123,019 64,992 25,520 304,408 914,261 Page 3 16,984,862 Name: ACCT # UNITED WATER IDAHO INC, INCOME STATEMENT For Year Ended DESCRIPTION December 31 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9A 9B 9C 9D 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Revenue (From Page 3, line 8) Operating Expenses (From Page 3, line 33) 403 - Depreciation Expense 406 - Amortization, Utility Plant Acquisition Adj 407 - Amortization Exp. - Other Utility Plant 408.10 - Regulatory Fees 408.11 - Property Taxes 408.12 - PayrollTaxes 408.13 - Other Taxes 45,773,691 16,984,862 8,311,128 9,324 98,268 1,910,171 458,975 17,100 3,814,386 799,446 687,171 187,285 (48,240) 33,229,875 15,041 345,009 293,124 87,812 48,158 9,346 409.10 - Federal lncome Taxes 409.11- State lncome Taxes 410.10 - Prov for Deferred lncome Tax - Federal 410.11- Prov for Deferred lncome Tax - State 411 - Prov for Deferred Utility lncome Tax Credits 412 - lnvestment Tax Credits - Utility Total Expenses from operations before interest (add lines 2-15) 4'13 - lncome from Utility Plant Leased to Others 414 - Gains (Losses) from Disposition of Util Plant Net Operating lncome (Add lines 1,17 &18less line 16) 415 - Revenues, Mdsing, Jobbing & Contract Work 416 - Expenses, Mdsing, Jobbing & Contract Work 419 - lnterest & Dividend lncome Other 420 - Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 421 - Miscellaneous Non-Utility lncome 426 - Miscellaneous Non-Utility Expense 408.20 - Other Taxes, Non-Utili$ Operations 409.20 - lncome Taxes, Non-Utility Operations Net Non-Utility lncome (Add lines 20,22,23 & 24less lines 21,25,26, &271 Gross lncome (add lines 19 & 28) 427.3 - lnterest Expense on Long-Term Debt 427.5 - Other lnterest Charges NET INCOME (Line 29 less lines 30 & 31) (Also Enter on Pg 9, Line 2) 12,558,857 178,509 12,737,365 4,499,913 2,87s Page 4 8,234,577 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. For Year Ended: ACCOUNT 101 PLANT IN SERVICE DETAIL December 31.2013 SUB ACCT# Balance Beginning of Year Added During Year Removed Balance During End of Year Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 '15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DESCRIPTION 301 Organization 302 Franchises and Consents 303 Land, Land Rights & Water Rights 304 Structures and lmprovements 305 Reservoirs & Standpipbs 306 Lake, River & Other lntakes 307 Wells 308 lnfiltration Galleries & Tunnels 309 Supply Mains 310 Power Generation Equipment 311 Power Pumping Equipment 320 PurificationSystems 330 Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes 331 Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories 333 Services 334 Meters and Meter lnstallations 335 Hydrants 336 Backflow Prevention Devices 339 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment 340 Office Furniture and Computer Equipment 341 TransportationEquipment 342 Stores Equipment 343 Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 344 LaboratoryEquipment 345 Power Operated Equipment 346 CommunicationsEquipment 347 MiscellaneousEquipment 348 Other Tangible Property Rounding Difference TOTAL PLANT IN SERVICE Transfers 104,548 10,112,344 10,526,504 26,371,771 26,253,592 83,217 1,',t72,321 1,172,321 8,407,919 8,459,905 60,351 2,600,637 2,860,854 2,736,784 457,266 26,353,641 10,701,866 1 1,819,958 157.429,626 57,928,007 65,568,316 11,239,054 5,1't8 3,690.733 11,331,99s 12.16s.79i 40,432 37,259 31,9',t7 670,221 883,',t17 262,706 301.754 240,982 '126,597 2.677,770 2,829,966 75,859 46,671 2,051,534 2,142,932 357,709,886 13,285,692 148,813 (',1,852,4041 369,291,987 Enter beginning & end of year totals on Pg 7, Line 1 351 117 Page 5 Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO lNC. ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION ACCOUNT 108.1 DETAIL For Year Ended:December 31 2013 SUB ACCT #DESCRIPTION Structures and lmprovements Reservoirs & Standpipes Lake, River & Other lntakes Wells lnfiltration Galleries & Tunnels Supply Mains Power Generation Equipment Electric Pumping Equipment Purification Systems Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories Services Meters and Meter lnstallations Hydrants Backflow Prevention Devices Other Plant & Misc. Equipment Office Furniture and Equipment Transportation Equipment Stores Equipment Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment Laboratory Equipment Power Operated Equipment Communications Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment Other Tangible Property Cost of Removal / Salvage Rounding TOTALS (Add Lines 1 -251 Annual Depreciation Rate * % 2.0Oo/o 2.5O% Office 2.OO% 2.00o/o 2.86% 2.00% 2.OO% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 14.28o/o Filters 2.00% 2.00% 2.5Oo/o 2.5Oo/o 2.50% 2.OO% 2.OOo/o 6.67% 10.00% 20.OO% 11.49% 6.67% 6.67% 6.670/o 14.50o/o 6.670/o 2.00% 10.00% Master Plan Balance Beginning of Year l1l,304,506 Balance End of Year lncrease or 484,664 57.217 109.483 938.348 227.941 37',1.113 952 461.771 89,458 2.662 207.595 8,588,878 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 320 330 331 333 334 335 336 339 340 341 u2 343 344 345 346 347 348 546 6.67% 15.127.122 181.127 1.191.314 Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO lNC. BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended: ASSETS DESCRIPTION Utility Plant in Service (From Pg 5, Line 30) Utility Plant Leased to Others Plant Held for Future Use Construction Work in Progress Utility Plant Aquisition Adjustment Subtotal (Add Lines 1 - 5) Accumulated Depreciation (From Pg 6, Line 26) Accum. Depr.- Utility Plant Lease to Others Accum. Depr. - Property Held for Future Use Accum. Amort. - Utility Plant ln Service Accum. Amort.- Utility Plant Lease to Others Accumulated Amortization- Aquisition Adj. Net Utility Plant (Line 6 less lines 7 - 12) lnvestment in Subsidiaries Other lnvestments Total lnvestments (Add lines 14 & 15) Cash Short Term lnvestments Accts/Notes Receivable - Customers Other Receivables Receivables from Associated Companies Materials & Supplies lnventory Prepaid Expenses Unbilled (Accrued) Utility Revenue Provision for Uncollectable Accounts Total Current (add lines 17 -24 less line 25) Unamortized Debt Discount & Expense Preliminary Survey & lnvestigation Charges Deferred Rate Case Expenses Other Deferred Charges TotalAssets (Add lines 13, 16 & 26 - 30) December 31 2013 ,| 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ACCT # 101 102 103 107 114 108.1 108.2 108.3 110.1 110.2 115 123 125 131 135 141 142 145 151 162 173 143 181 183 184 186 Balance Beginning of Year 357,709,886 2,595,068 360,905,715 111.304.506 91,556 249,509,653 118.817 118.817 310,933 1,757 185,178 314,728 88,867 5,226,124 135,400 3,390,463 Balance End of Year lncrease or 11,582,101 11,051,501 8,588,879 2,453,299 7,686 149,01 13,328 53',1,702 49,385 164.026 349,443 (64, 28,747 761 111.131 111.131 3,419,210 PageT 258.380 2,758,811 Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. BALANCE SHEET December 31 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZO 27 28 29 30 31 ACCT# For Year Ended: LIABILITIES & CAPITAL DESCRIPTION 201-3 Common Stock 204-6 Preferred Stock 207-13 Miscellaneous Capital Accounts 214 AppropriatedRetainedEarnings 215 UnappropriatedRetainedEarnings 216 ReacquiredCapitalStock 218 Proprietary Capital Tota! Equity Capital (Add Lines 1-5+7 less line 6) 221-2 Bonds 223 Advances from Associated Companies 224 Other Long- Term Debt 231 Accounts Payable 232 Notes Payable 233 Accounts Payable - Associated Companies 235 CustomerDeposits(Refundable) 236.11 Accrued Other Taxes Payable 236.12 Accrued lncome Taxes Payable 236.2 Accrued Taxes - Non-Utility 23740 Accrued Debt, lnterest & Dividends Payable 241 Misc. Current & Accrued Liabilities 251 Unamortized Debt Premium 252 Advances for Construction 253 Other Deferred Liabilities 255.1 Accumulated lnvestment Tax Credits - Utility 255.2 Accum. lnvestment Tax Credits - Non-Utility 261-5 Operating Reserves (Pension & Benefits) 271 Contributions in Aid of Construction 272 Accum. Amort. of Contrib. in Aid of Const. "* 281-3 Accumulated Deferred lncome Taxes Total Liabilities (Add lines 9 - 29) TOTAL LIAB & CAPITAL (Add lines 8 & 30) Balance Beginning of Year 1.261.750 76.704.330 1,827 984,883 12.209 11.032.115 o41.670 053.714 332.720 103,780,216 190 4,238,099 148,333 81,582 451 1.697.636 912,885 3,252.787 ,151,392 554 074 2,913,514 ** Only if Commission Approved Page B 258,380,456 Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS For Year Ended: December 31. 2013 1 Retained Earnings Balance @ Beginning of Year 2 Amount Added from Current Year lncome (From Pg 4, Line 32) 3 Other (Credits) / Debits to Account 4 Dividends Paid or Appropriated 5 Other Distributions of Retained Earnings 6 Retained Earnings Balance @ End of Year CAPITAL STOCK DETAIL Class. Par Value etc. No. Shares Authorized Common Stock, $50.00 Par Value DETAIL OF LONG.TERM DEBT lnterest Year-end 76,634,160 8,234,577 2,500,522 (6,497,000) 80,872,259 No. Shares Dividends Outstand Paid $ 6,497,000 $ 6,497,000 lnterest lnterest Page 9 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA For Year Ended: December 31.2013 1 Provide an updated system map if significant changes have been made to the system during the year. 2 Water Supply: nation or location See attached Rated Capacity GPM Total Capacity 000's Gal. Type of WaterTreatment: Supply (None, Chlorine Annual SourceFluoride Production (Well, Spring, Type of Reservoir Construction (Elevated,Pres- (Wood, Steel 3 System Storage: Usable Capacity 000's Gal.ation or Location See attached (Duplicate form and attach if necessary. Asterisk facilities added this year.) Page 10 PUG ANNUAL REPORT Page 10 - 2. Water Supply FOR UNTTED WATER IDAHO INC. December 3'1,2013 O3l2Ol14 1 16TH ST 800 96,078 NaOCI (12to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 2 27TH ST 350 57,460 NaOCI (12 to 15o/o\Ground Water 3 AMITY 700 145.514 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 4 ARCTIC 700 27,102 NaOCI (121o 15Yo),PO4 Ground Water 5 BALI HAI 2.400 225,415 Green Sand, NaOCI<1%Ground Water 6 BEACON 600 5 NaOCI (121o 15o/o)Ground Water 7 BERGESON 700 NaOCI (12 to 15%\Ground Water I BETHEL 2,500 925,758 NaOCI <1%Ground Water I BIF 250 43,120 NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 10 BROADWAY 1,000 286,798 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 11 BROOK HOLLOW 850 48,412 NaOCI fi2lo 15o/o). PO4 Ground Water 12 BYRD NaOCI (12 to 15o/.)Ground Water 13 SASSIA 1 900 159,550 NaOCI <1o/o, PO4 Ground Water 14 3ASSIA 2 800 76,253 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 15 ]ENTENNIAL 750 142,846 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 16 3ENTRAL PARK 250 NaOCI (12to 15%)Ground Water 17 CHAMBERLAIN 1 250 NaOCI fi2 to 15o/ol. PO4 Ground Water 18 CHAMBERLAIN 2 600 5,114 NaOCI (12 to 15%)Ground Water 19 CLIFFSIDE 800 142,588 NaOCI ('l2to 15%)Ground Water 20 CLINTON 1,300 8,169 NaOCI (12to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 21 COLE 700 52,060 NaOCI (12to15%l &ASR Ground Water 22 COUNTRY CLUB 800 142,299 NaOCI (12 to 15o/o)Ground Water 23 COUNTRY SQUARE 1,100 167,989 NaOCI (12to 15%)Ground Water 24 COUNTRYMAN 500 NaOCI (12to 15o/o\Ground Water 25 DURHAM 200 36,680 NaOCI (12 to 15o/o)Ground Water 26 EDGEVIEW 800 36,809 NaOCI (12to 15%)Ground Water 27 FISK 1,900 52,010 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 28 FIVE MILE 12 1,000 25,158 NaOCI (12 to 15o/o\Ground Water 29 FLOATING FEATHER 3,000 676,035 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 30 FOX TAIL 1,000 17,054 NaOCI (12to 15%)Ground Water 31 FRANKLIN PARK 1,200 304,651 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 32 FRONT]ER 2 1,750 45,214 NaOCI (12to 15%), PO4 & ASR Ground Water 33 GODDARD 2 1,300 177,873 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 34 H.P.1,100 427,899 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 35 HIDDEN VALLEY 1 950 224,355 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 36 HIDDEN VALLEY 2 750 50,356 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 37 HILLCREST 7s0 240,532 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 38 HILTON 1,400 626,146 Green Sand, NaOCI <1%Ground Water 39 HOPE 500 N/A (Out of Service)Ground Water 40 HUMMEL 600 NaOCI (12to 15o/o), PO4 Ground Water 41 IDAHO 375 NaOCI (12to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 42 ISLAND WOODS 1 950 1,530 NaOCI (12 to 150/"'1 Ground Water 43 ISLAND WOODS 2 800 88,665 NaOCI (121o 15o/o)Ground Water 44 JR FLAT 450 130,822 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 45 KIRKWOOD 300 58,327 NaOCI (12 to 15%)Ground Water 46 LA GRANGE 1,350 271,939 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 47 LlcoRlcE 190 24.536 NaOCI (12to 15%)Ground Water Page 10 DetailA Treatment (Page 1 of2) PUC ANNUAL REPORT Page 10 - 2. Water Supply FOR UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. December 31,2013 03120114 48 LOGGER 750 135,868 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 49 LONGMEADOW 250 61,307 NaOCI (12 to 15o/o)Ground Water 50 MAC 1,200 77,549 NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 51 MAPLE HILL 1,800 558,226 Green Sand, NaOCI <1 %Ground Water 52 MAPLE HILL 2 500 27.489 NaOCI <1% ASR Ground Water 53 MARKET 700 45,338 NaOCI (12 to 15o/o) & ASR Ground Water 54 MCMILLAN 800 79,107 NaOCI (12 to 15o/")Ground Water 55 OREGON TRAIL 1,000 NaOCI (121o 15o/o)Ground Water 56 OVERLAND 1.000 146,7s6 NaOCI <1o/o,P04 Ground Water 57 PARADISE 500 70,595 NaOCI (12 to 15%)Ground Water 58 PIONEER 1,200 199,004 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 59 PLEASANT VALLEY 1,800 869,423 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 60 RAPTOR 1,000 43,387 NaOCI (12to 15o/o)Ground Water 61 REDWOOD CREEK 1 1,800 31,678 NaOCI (12to 15%)Ground Water 62 RIVER RUN 900 13,995 NaOCI (12to 15%)Ground Water 63 ROOSEVELT 1 700 81,087 NaOCI <1o/o, PO4 Ground Water 64 ROOSEVELT 3 600 137,192 NaOCI <1o/o,PO4 Ground Water 65 SETTLERS 1,000 44,839 NaOCI (12to 15%) & ASR Ground Water 66 SHERMAN OAKS 300 N/A (Out of Service)Ground Water 67 SPURWING 2,000 2,266 NaOCI (12to 15%)Ground Water 68 SUNSET WEST 2,000 730,766 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 69 SWIFT 1 1,100 62,534 NaOCI (12to 15%) GAC & ASR Ground Water 70 SWIFT 2 900 134,O37 NaOCI(12 to 15%) GAC Ground Water 71 IAGGART 1 300 194,'.t04 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 72 TAGGART 2 750 202,256 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 73 TEN MILE 1,000 193,008 NaOCI <1%Ground Water 74 TERTELING 425 68,442 NaOCI fi2 to 15o/ol Ground Water 75 VETERANS 740 200,225 NaOCL <1%Ground Water 76 VICTORY 600 107,234 NaOCL <1%Ground Water 77 VISTA 450 125,345 NaOCI <1o/o, PO4 Ground Water 78 WARM SPRINGS 2 450 NaOCI (12 to 15o/o)Ground Water 79 WARM SPRINGS 3 600 NaOCI (12 to 15o/o)Ground Water 80 WESTMORELAND 350 49,001 NaOCL (12 to 15%)Ground Water 81 WILLOW LANE 1 500 NaOCI (12to 15o/o), PO4 Ground Water 82 WILLOW LANE 2 370 17,519 NaOCI (12 to 15o/ol Ground Water 83 WILLOW LANE 3 300 17,868 NaOCI fi2to 15%l Ground Water 1 Columbia WTP 4,170 1,316,993 Membrane Filtration, NaOCI <1 %Surface Water 2 Marden WTP 12,700 3,063,265 Conventional Filtration, NaOCI <'1 %Surface Water 89.720 15.375-824 Asterisk facilities added this year Page 10 Detail A Treatment (Page 2 of 2) PUC ANNUAL REPORT Page 10 - 3. System Storage FOR UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. December 31,2013 O4t1Ot14 1 Aeronca Tank 150 140 Boosted Steel 2 Arrowhead Tank 445 444 Both Concrete 3 Arrowheadl Wetwell 30 29 Both Concrete 4 Arrowhead2 Wetwell 30 29 Both Concrete 5 Barber Tank 2,000 2.000 Both Steel 6 Boous Tank 360 350 Elevated Concrete 7 Boulder Tank 629 600 Both ConcreteIBraemere Tank 200 200 Both ConcreteIBriarhillTank250250BothConcrete 10 Broken Horn Tank 704 657 Elevated Steel 11 Claremont Tank 1 90 90 Elevated Concrete 12 Claremont Tank2 192 192 Elevated Concrete 13 Columbia Tank 3.000 1,500 Elevated Steel 14 Columbia WTP 2,000 1,750 Boosted Steel 15 Crestline Tank 300 300 Both Steel 16 Federal Tank 2.000 2,000 Boosted Steel 17 Five Mile Tank 2.400 2.121 Boosted Steel 18 Good Street Tank 3.000 3.000 Both Steel 19 Gowen Tank 2,000 2,000 Both Steel 20 Harris Ranch Tank 360 360 Elevated Concrete 21 Harvard Tank 150 150 Boosted Steel 22 Hidden Hollow Tank 2.000 2.000 Both Steel 23 Hidden Sprinqs Tank 347 347 Elevated Concrete 24 Hiohland View Tank 1 200 200 Both Concrete 25 Hiqhland View Tank 2 300 300 Both Steel 26 Hillcrest Tank 2,000 2,000 Boosted Steel 27 Hulls Gulch Tank 6,000 6.000 Both Steel 28 Lancaster Tank 50 50 Elevated Concrete 29 Marden WTP Clearwell 450 450 Boosted Concrete 30 North Mountain Tank 300 300 Elevated Steel 31 Cld Pen Tank 320 320 Elevated Concrete 32 Quail Ridoe Tank 325 325 Elevated Concrete 33 Steelhead Tank 3,000 2,900 Boosted Steel 34 Table Rock Tank 68 65 Elevated Concrete 35 Toluka Tank 92 90 Both Steel 36 Uooer Danmor Tank 750 750 Both Concrete 37 Ustick Tank 2.000 1,900 Boosted Steel 38,492 36,159 Asterisk facilities added this year Page 10 Detail B Storage Name: UNITED WATER IDAHO lNC. For Year Ended: SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (continued) December 31,2013 4 Pump information for ALL system pumps, including wells and boosters. RatedHorse Capacity Discharge Pressure Energy Used This Year (in Million Gal.) 15,376 2,433 82 Yes tso-3 Designation or Location & Tvpe of Power See attached *'Submit pump curves unless previously provided or unavailable. Asterisk facilities added this year. Attach additional sheets if inadequate space is available on this page. lf Wells are metered: \Mrat was the total amount pumped this year? \Mrat was the total amount pumped during peak month? \Mrat was the total amount pumped on the peak day? 6 lf customers are metered, what was the total amount sold in peak month?2,266 Was your system designed to supply fire flows? If Yes: \Mrat is curent system rating? How many times were meters read this year? During which Months?Meters are read every other month. There are two cvcles. one set of meters are read on even months, the other set on odd months. How many additional customers could be served with no system improvements except a service line and meter? How many of those potential additions are vacant lots? Note: Estimates based on numerous assumptions. Are backbone plant additions anticipated during the coming year? lf Yes, attach an explanation of projects and anticipated costs C13C503_060 Boulder Booster Station Upgrade - Second fire pump to provide redundancy in the event existing pump fails C148503_060 Fisk VOC Treatment - VOC removal equipment to remove TCE. C14C503_060 Booster Station Upgrades - Replacement of Quail Booster Station to resolve worker safety issues and construction of a new booster station to serve the Lancaster service area to improve service pressure and fire protection ln what year do you anticipate that the system capaci$ (supply, storage or distribution) 1,000 1,000 Yes 127,100 2,000,000 738,600 10 11 will have to be expanded?Page 1 1 2015 PUC ANNUAL REPORT FOR UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. December 31, 2013 Pag. 11 - 4. All system Pumps (including Wells & Boostlrsl o3nu14 WELLPUMP 16th Street Well DWVertielTurbine 100 800 320 72 152,480 96,078 1.587 WELTPUMP lTth StreetWell Subm6rsible 60 3s0 442 65 139,308 s7.460 2.424 3 WELLPUMP Amitv Well DWVerticalTurbine 150 700 490 87 370,720 14s,s14 2.98 4 WELLPUMP {rctic Well DWVenicalTurbine 100 700 360 80 61,000 27j02 2.2s1 5 WELLPUMP Bali HaiWell DwverticalTrbine 350 2,400 455 80 463.840 225,415 2.058 b WELLPUMP Beacon Well DWVertielTurbinE 75 600 33s 65 1,390 5 278.OOO 7 WELLPUMP 3eroesn Well Submersible 100 700 325 62 3,.140 I WELLPUMP Bethelwell Pump DWVerticalTurbins 200 2,s00 23 64 1.052,640 925,7s8 1.137 9 WELLPUMP BIF Well Submersible 40 250 450 57 123.44s 43,120 2.863 l0 WELLPUMP lroadwav Well DWvertiBlTurbine 150 1.000 425 55 643,560 286,798 2.244 11 WELLPUMP lrmk HollmWell DWverticalTurbine 75 8s0 277 60 78,845 48.412 1.629 12 WELLPUMP :a$ia 1 Well Submersible 100 900 310 60 420,U0 1s9,s50 2.638 t3 WELLPUMP lassia 2 Well DWVerticalTurbine 12s 800 404 60 76,2s3 l4 WELLPUMP lentennial Well DWV6rticafiurbine 100 750 406 57 263.920 142,U6 1.848 15 WELLPUMP 3entral Park Well DWVerticalTurbine 50 zso 450 86 1,822 16 WELLPUMP lhamberlain l Well DWVerticalTurbin€50 250 270 50 13.520 17 WELLPUMP Shamberlain 2 Well DWVerticalTurbine 60 600 200 50 5,1't4 18 WELLPUMP llirfside Well DWVerticalTurbins 125 800 262 59 213,402 142,s88 1.497 19 WELLPUMP :linton Well DWVerticalTurbine 12s 1,s00 275 5S 17.U0 8,169 2.086 20 WELLPUMP lole Well DWVerticalTurbine 100 700 33s 70 91.200 s2.060 1.7s2 21 WELLPUMP lountru Club Well DWVerticslTurbins 1 800 330 46 312,800 142,299 2.198 22 WELLPUMP lountry Squre Well DWVerticalTurbine 125 1.100 32s 58 280,s20 t67,989 'l_670 23 WELLPUMP lountrvman Well DWVerticalTurbine 50 s00 334 65 1,5t7 24 WELLPUMP )urham Well Submersible l5 200 106 62 s5.838 36,680 t.sD 25 WELLPUMP ldoeview Well Submersible 75 800 430 60 60.040 36,809 1.631 26 WELLPUMP risk Well DWVerticalTurbin6 200 1,900 317 59 38.960 s2.010 0.749 27 WELLPUMP tive Mila 12 Well DWVerticalTurbino 75 1,000 230 55 50.880 25.158 ?.o22 28 WELLPUMP :lo6tino Feathet Well DWVerticalTurbins ,t50 3,000 470 63 1,255,200 676.035 1.85/ 29 WELLPUMP :oxteil Well DWVertiBlTurbine 125 ,000 400 80 83,880 17,0s4 4.918 30 WELLPUMP Franklin Park Well DWVorticalTurbin6 125 .200 218 60 396,360 304,6s1 t.301 31 WELLPUMP Frmtier 2 Well DWVerticalTurbine ls0 .750 2s0 58 6s,820 4s,214 1.456 32 WELLPUMP Goddard 2 Well DwverticalTurbine t50 ,300 3s0 il 398,300 177,873 2.239 33 WELLPUMP Hidden Valley I Well DWVerticalTurbine 150 9s0 330 68 466.360 224,3s5 2.079 34 WELLPUMP Hidden Valley 2 Well DWVertielTurbine 100 750 3s9 70 140,600 s0,3s6 2.792 35 WELLPUMP HillcrBtWell DWVerticalTurbinB t00 750 388 32 981,760 240,s3?4.O42 36 WELTPUMP Hilton Well DWVarticalTurbine 200 1,400 250 58 974.560 626,146 1.556 37 WELLPUMP Hope Well DWVerticalTurbine 50 500 216 bb 1.360 38 WELIPUMP HPWell DWVertimlTurbine 1s0 1,100 410 70 716,200 427,899 1.674 39 WELLPUMP HummelWell DWVertiBlTurbine 75 600 242 66 960 40 WELLPUMP ldaho Well DwverticalTurbin6 50 375 375 68 3.720 41 WELLPUMP lsland Wood 1 Well 1 Submersible 15 1s0 230 69 150.562 1,s30 98.407 42 WELLPUMP lsland Wmd 1 Well 2 Submersible 75 800 230 69 43 WELLPUMP lsland Wood 2 Well Submersible 75 800 280 66 5,11?88,66s 0.058 44 WELLPUMP ,R Flat Well Submersible 100 450 s43 71 391.000 t30,82.2.989 45 WELLPUMP Kirkwood Well DWVerticalTurbin€40 300 260 66 87,206 58.327 1.495 46 WELLPUMP r Grange Well DWVerti€lTurbine 1s0 t,350 320 60 538,840 271,939 1.981 47 WELLPUMP icorice Well Submersible 15 190 180 62 40.?22 24,536 t.639 48 WELLPUMP -ooqerWell DWVertielTurbine ts0 700 463 67 331,200 135.868 2.438 49 WELLPUMP momeadmWell DWVerticalTurbine 50 2,50 303 50 r03,080 61,307 t.681 50 WELLPUMP MAC Well DWVerticalTurbin€1s0 1,200 3s0 t9 t83,920 77,549 2.37? 51 WELLPUMP Uaole Hill 'l Well DWVerticalTurbine 200 1,800 377 70 895.000 ss8.226 1.603 52 WELLPUMP Uaple Hill 2 Well DWVerticslTurbino 60 s00 328 70 27,489 s3 WELLPUMP t arket Well DWVerticalTurbine 12s 700 553 69 108,s20 4s,338 2.394 54 WELLPUMP tlcMillan Well DWVgrticalTurbine 100 800 372 80 t33,640 79,107 1_689 WELLPUMP )verland Well DWVerti€lTurbine 100 t.000 290 69 270.329 '146.756 1.U2 56 WELLPUMP )aradise Well Submersible 40 s00 235 65 134.216 70.595 t.901 57 WELLPUMP 'ioneer Well DWVerticalTurbine 300 1,200 780 65 819,840 t99,004 4.120 58 WELLPUMP )leasant Valley Well DWVerti€lTurbine 500 t.800 774 67 2,894,480 869,423 3.329 59 WELLPUMP laotor Well DWVertielTurbine 250 t.000 t75 87 190.680 43,387 4.395 60 WELLPUMP ledwmd Creek Well Submersible 200 t.800 344 65 93.000 31,678 2.936 61 WELLPUMP liver Run Well Submersible '100 900 370 65 40.000 13.995 2.8s8 Page '11 Detail Pumps & Boosters (Page 1 of4) PUC ANNUAL REPORT FOR UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. December 31, 2013 Pagc 11 - 4. All Slstem Pumps (includinq Wells t Boost rsl o3r20n4 62 WELLPUMP Rmsevdt I Well DWVerticalTurbins 50 700 230 55 279,520 81,087 3.447 63 WELLPUMP Roosevelt 3 Well DWVorticalTurbine 75 600 334 55 137,192 64 WELLPUMP Settlers Well DWVerticalTurbine 100 1.000 270 s5 73,654 44,839 1.643 65 WELLPUMP Sherman Oaks Well Submersible 30 300 240 58 2,789 bb WELLPUMP Spuming Groundwater Well DWVerticalTurbine 150 2.OOO 246 80 24,960 2,266 11.01s 67 WELLPUMP Sunset West Well DWVerticalTurbine 250 2.000 339 68 1.374.000 730,766 1.880 68 WELLPUMP Swift l Well DWVerticalTurbine 12s 't,100 363 66 330,320 62,534 5-282 69 WELLPUMP Swift2Well DWVerticalTurbine 't00 900 u2 66 134.037 70 WELLPUMP feooart I Well DWV6rti€lTurbine 50 300 420 55 861.520 t94,1M 4.438 71 WELLPUMP Taggart 2 Well DWV6rticelTurbine 125 750 4s0 55 202,2s6 72 WELLPUMP Ten Mile Well DWverticalTurbine 300 1.000 710 64 677.600 t93.008 3.511 73 WELLPUMP Tertelino Well Submersiblo 75 42s 500 69 201,063 68.442 2.938 74 WELIPUMP y'eterans Well DWVartimlTurbine 75 740 290 60 297,240 200,22s t.485 75 WELLPUMP r'ictorvWell DwverticalTurbine 60 600 320 55 202,469 107,2U t.888 76 WELLPUMP i/ista Well DWVerticalTurbine 75 450 430 50 277.240 125,y5 2.212 77 WELLPUMP rvsrm sDrinos Mesa 2 Well DWVertic€lTurbine 75 450 53it tJo 1.s89 78 WELI.PUMP ilarm Sorinos Mesa 3 Well DWVerticalTurbine t0 600 490 136 3.389 79 WELLPUMP Arstmddand Well DWVerticalTurbine 50 3s0 260 50 72,080 48.001 1.502 80 WELLPUMP ivillm lWell DWVerticalTurbine 40 500 340 69 3.280 81 WELLPUMP A/illil2Well DWVerticslTurbine 50 370 235 69 47,274 17,519 2.698 82 WELLPUMP rVillorv 3 Well DWverticalTurbine 40 300 26s 69 17.868 83 MWWATERTRANSFER lolumbia Raw Water I SSVerticloTurbine 500 2,800 535 205 2,788,922uRAWWATERTRANSFERlolumbie Raw W6ter 2 SSVerticleTurbine s00 2.800 535 205 85 MWWATERTRANSFER :olumbia Raw Waler 3 SSVerticleTurbine 500 2,800 535 205 86 MWWATERTRANSFER lolumbia WTP 1 SsverticlsTurbine 75 1,050 85 35 1.'t91.475 1,316,993 0.90s 87 MWWATERTMNSFER Columbie WTP 2 SSVerticleTurbine 7S 1,0s0 85 35 88 MWWATERTRANSFER ColumbiawTP 3 SSVerticleTurbins m0 2.800 85 35 89 MWWATERTRANSFER Columbia WTP 4 SsverticloTurbine 200 2.800 85 35 90 MWWATERTRANSFER Merd€n Raw Water I SSVerticleTurbine 15 1.390 28 3C 91 MWWATERTRANSFER Uerden Ril Wetar 2 SSVerticleTurbine 30 2,nt 28 30 92 MWWATERTMNSFER Uardon RaYv Water 3 SSVerticleTurbins 30 2,77s 28 30 93 RAWWATERTMNSFER Uarden Raw Water 4 SSVarticleTurbine 25 2,775 28 30 94 MWWATERTRANSFER Uardon Raw Weter 5 SSVerticlaTurbins 50 4,166 31 30 95 RAWWATERTRANSFER tlarden WTP 710 SSVerticleTurbine 75 2,777 170 63 4,314,280 3.063,26s t.408 96 MWWATERTRANSFER \,larden WTP 720 SSVerticleTurbine 750 2,777 170 63 97 MWWATERTRANSFER t arden WTP 730 SsverticleTurbin€750 4,166 170 63 98 MWWATERTMNSFER tlarden WTP 740 SSVarticleTurbine 250 4,166 170 63 99 MWWATERTRANSFER ularden WTP 750 SSVerticleTurbin€250 4,166 200 85 100 RAWWATERTRANSFER lannevRawwater I Submersible 50 1,750 80 30 101 RAWWATERTRANSFER Ranney Raw Wat6r 2 Submersible 20 1,000 54 30 102 RAWWATERTMNSFER Rannav RawWater 3 Submersible 90 2,800 70 30 TOTAL WELLS 13,910 125,383 32,4E0 6,720 30,E33.61E 15,375,E24 s26.685 BOOSTER 35-th Strsst Booster I SSVerticleTurbine 75 1,000 200 95 86,191 2 BOOSTER l6th Stseet Booster 2 SSVerticleTurbine 75 1,000 200 95 a BOOSTER {ercn@ B@ster I HORZ.CENTRIF 15 200 183 52 20.953 4 BOOSTER qeronca Booster 2 HORZ.CENTRIF 50 800 183 52 5 BOOSTER \rctc Booster SSVerticleTurbine 40 2,500 184 80 64,978 6 BOOSTER \nowhead 1 Booster I SSVerticleTurbine 25 450 162 50 88,s25 7 BOOSTER \rowhead 1 Boostor2 SSVerticleTurbin6 2s 450 162 50 I BOOSTER \nowhead 1 Booster3 SSVerticleTurbine 50 900 162 50 I BOOSTER \no,vhead 2 Booster'l SSVerticleTurbine 40 450 248 95 88,680 t0 BOOSTER \nowhead 2 Booster 2 SSVerticleTurbine 40 450 248 95 1l BOOSTER \nwhead 2 Booster 3 SSVerticleTurbine 75 900 248 ot t2 BOOSTER larber Booster I HORZ.CENTRIF ts0 1,500 260 90 73.680 13 BOOSTER Jarber Booster 2 HORZ.CENTRIF 150 1.500 260 90 t4 BOOSTER Bluffs Booster 1 HORZ.CENTRIF I 't 50 140 75 27.601 l5 BOOSTER Bluffs Eooster 2 HORZ.CENTRIF 25 500 140 75 Page 1 1 Detail Pumps & BoosteE (Page 2 of 4) PUC ANNUAL REPORT FOR UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. December 31,2013 Page 1'l - 4. All System Pumps (including Wells & Boostersl o3r20t14 t6 BOOSTER lluffs Bmster 3 HORZ.CENTRIF 25 500 140 75 l7 BOOSTER logus Booster 2 (Redundant)SSVerticleTurbine 12s 2,500 1s9 75 l8 BOOSTER 3oous tlooster 3 SSVertlcleTurblne 125 2,5u0 159 f5 19 BOOSTER loous Booster 4 SSVerticleTurbine 40 700 189 75 20 BOOSTER Joise Avanue Boostea HORZ.CENTRIF 30 I OOn 173 72 9.8s8 21 BOOSTER Joulder Booster 1 HORZ.CENTRIF t5 250 138 60 s0,048 22 BOOSTER Boulder Booster 2 HOM-CENTRIF 15 250 138 60 23 BOOSTER Boulder Booster 3 HORZ-CENTRIF 20 500 130 55 24 BOOSTER Braemere Bmster 1 SSVerticleTurbine 75 t.000 215 83 92.520 2s BOOSTER Braemere Boosler 2 SsverticleTurbine 75 t,000 215 8s 26 BOOSTER BEemere Booster 3 SSVerticleTurbine 40 500 215 83 27 BOOSTER Braemere Booster 4 (Redundant)SsverticleTurbi ne 20 250 190 83 28 BOOSTER Briafiill Booster 1 HORZ.CENTRIF 50 500 230 1s0 1s1,160 29 BOOSTER Briafiill Booster2 HORZ.CENTRIF 30 300 230 150 30 BOOSTER Briartrill Booster3 HORZ-CENTRIF 100 800 23s 1s0 31 BOOSTER 3mken Hom Booster I SsverticleTurbine 125 1,000 365 165 90,8t0 32 BOOSTER frcken Hom Booster 2 SsverticleTurbine 125 1,000 365 16s 33 BOOSTER 3roken Horn Booster 3 SSVerticleTurbine 125 1.000 36s ,6s 34 BOOSTER 3rumback Booster I HORZ-CENTRIF t00 600 380 150 193.800 35 BOOSTER lrumback Booster 2 HORZ-CENTRIF 100 600 380 1s0 36 BOOSTER lartwioht Booster I VERT-CENTRIF 60 325 380 120 43.400 37 BOOSTER ]artwrioht Booster 2 VERT€ENTRIF 60 325 380 120 38 BOOSTER lresuine Booster 1 HORZ.CENTRIF 40 420 230 90 68,4r3 39 BOOSTER lresuine Bmster 2 HORZ-CENTRIF 40 420 230 90 40 BOOSTER :ederal Booster 1 HORZ.CENTRIF 100 1,500 190 60 163,760 41 BOOSTER :edeEl Booster2 HORZ-CENTRIF 100 '1,500 190 60 42 BOOSTER :ive Milo Booster I SsverticlsTurbine 40 500 207 78 123,040 43 BOOSTER :ive Mile Booster 2 SsverticloTurbina 100 1,500 207 f8 44 BOOSTER :iw Mile Booster 3 SSVerticleTurbine 100 1.500 207 78 45 BOOSTER :loatino Foather BoostEr HORZCENTRIF 200 2.500 237 120 46 BOOSTER Sood ste€t Boostor I SSVerticleTurbine 100 4,500 63 23 t04,080 47 BOOSTER Sowen Boostor I HORZ€ENTRIF 40 t.000 110 66 13,200 4A BOOSTER 3owen Booster2 HORZ-CENTRIF 50 1.500 110 66 49 BOOSTER 3owen Booster3 HOM.CENTRIF 25 340 150 66 50 BOOSTER lanis Ranch Boostar I HORZ.CENTRIF 't0 300 95 65 22,602 5'l BOOSTER {anis Ranch Booster 2 HORZ.CENTRIF 30 700 95 65 52 BOOSTER {anis Ranch Booster 3 HORZ.CENTRIF 30 700 95 65 53 BOOSTER 'larErd Booster'l HORZ-CENTRIF 20 350 90 85 13,660 g BOOSTER lamd Booster2 HORZ4ENTRIF 20 350 90 85 55 BOOSTER {idden Hollo^, Boostar I SSVerticlaTurbine 2N 1,000 575 2?O 547,280 56 BOOSTER .lidden Hollow Booster 2 SSVerticleTurbine 200 1.000 575 220 57 BOOSTER {idden Hollil B@ster 3 SsverticleTurbine 125 500 565 220 58 BOOSTER 'liqhland View Booster 1 HORZ-CENTRIF 40 600 180 67 't65,440 59 BOOSTER liohland Vi6w Booster 2 HORZ-CENTRIF 40 600 180 67 60 BOOSTER liohland View Booster 3 HORz4ENTRIF 100 1.200 ,80 67 6'l BOOSTER Hillcrest Booster I SSVerticteTurbine 75 1,500 tsl 65 (Wells above) 62 BOOSTER Hillcrest Booster 2 SSVarticleTurbine 12s 3,000 118 52 63 BOOSTER Hillcrest Booster 3 SsverticlsTurbine 125 3,000 118 52 64 BOOSTER Hillcresl Booster 4 SSVerticleTurbine 12s 3,000 118 5? 65 BOOSTER Hillsboro Booster I SsverticleTurbine 50 600 245 t04 ss,160 66 BOOSTER Hillsboro Booster 2 SSVerticleTurbine 75 9@ 245 1U 67 BOOSTER Hillsboro Booster 3 HORZ.CENTRIF 20 300 170 1M 68 BOOSTER Hilo Booster HORZ.CENTRIF 50 800 185 105 4,201 69 BOOSTER -{ulls Gulch Booster 1 SSVerticleTurbine 125 I,400 2sa 112 416,fi0 70 BOOSTER -{ulls Gulch Booster 2 SsverticleTurbine 12s 1,400 258 112 71 BOOSTER {ulls Gulch Booster 3 SSVerticleTurbine 125 'I,400 258 112 72 BOOSTER -wer Danmor Booster I HOM.CENTRIF 50 600 230 132 241,U0 BOOSTER -ower Danmor Booster 2 HORZ.CENTRIF 75 1.000 230 32 74 BOOSTER -ower Danmor Booster 3 HORZ.CENTRIF 75 1,000 230 32 75 BOOSTER vlicrcn Booster 1 HORZ-CENTRIF 50 900 t50 05 s,287 76 BOOSTER vlicrcn Booster 2 HORZ.CENTRIF 20 340 t50 05 Page 11 Detail Pumps & Boosters (Page 3 of 4) PUc ANNUAL REPORT Page 11 . 4. All System Pumps (including W.lls E Boostersl FOR UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.December3l,2ol3 O3t20114 77 BOOSTER Vlicrcn Booster 3 HORZ-CENTRIF 75 1,700 ,6s 105 78 BOOSTER Uicron Booster 4 (Diesel)HORZ-CENTRIF 125 1.700 92 105 7g BOOSTER {orth Mountain Boostcr I HORZ-CENTRIF t5 250 t50 88 31.376 80 BOOSTER {orth Mountain Boostor 2 HORZ.CENTRIF 25 600 120 88 81 BOOSTER )ld Pen Booster HORZ.CENTRIF l5 300 1s0 70 887 82 BOOSTER )uail Bmste|I HORZ.CENTRIF 30 2@ 160 151 182,871 83 BOOSTER )uail Boosier 2 HORZ.CENTRIF 60 500 160 ts1 u BOOSTER )uail Booster 3 HORZ-CENTRIF 60 500 160 151 85 BOOSTER looer Heiohts Booster'l HORZ.CENTRIF 75 3,000 100 45 168,880 86 BOOSTER looer Heiqhts Booster 2 HORZ-CENTRIF 75 3,000 ,00 45 87 BOOSTER locr Heiohts Boostsr 3 HORZ-CENTRIF 75 3,000 100 45 88 BOOSTER Scenic Cove Booste, I Retired 2013)HORZ-CENTRIF 2 30 63 63 159 89 BOOSTER Scenic Cor/e Booster 2 (Retired 201 3)HORZ-CENTRIF 5 r00 63 63 90 BOOSTER Somersst Booster I HORZ.CENTRIF 25 200 280 166 91 BOOSTER SomsrsBt Booster 2 HORZ-CENTRIF 't00 1,000 280 166 92 BOOSTER Ste€lhead Booster I HORZ.CENTRIF 25 5m t35 60 159,120 93 BOOSTER Ste6lhoad Boost6r 2 HORZ.CENTRIF 60 1.500 135 60 BOOSTER Steelhead Booster3 HORZ.CENTRIF 100 2,500 135 60 95 BOOSTER Stonecrook Boostsr 1 (RetiIBd 2013)HORZ.CENTRIF 5 80 80 80 5,s61 96 BOOSTER tunvi€n v Boostgr HORZ.CENTRIF 60 750 145 t01 t0,236 g7 BOOSTER Toluka Boostgr 1 HORZ€ENTRIF 50 500 240 81 140,320 98 BOOSTER Toluka Boostar2 HORZ€ENTRIF 50 500 240 8t 99 BOOSTER Toluka Booster 3 HORZ-CENTRIF 50 500 240 8t t00 BOOSTER JDDer Danmor Boostor I HORZ-CENTRIF 50 300 300 t04 180Jm t0'l BOOSTER JDmr Danmor BoostEr 2 HORZ-CENTRIF 50 300 300 t04 102 BOOSTER JDDer Danmor Boostsr 3 HORZ.CENTRIF 125 t.200 300 1M 103 BOOSTER Jstick Booster 1 HORZ.CENTRIF 75 t,500 1il 65 167,s20 t04 BOOSTER Jstick Booster 2 HORZ.CENTRIF 75 1,500 lBt 65 10s BOOSTER Jslick Bmster 3 HORZ€ENTRIF 30 500 175 65 105 BOOSTER /Varm Sprinos Booster I HORZ.CENTRIF 100 600 377 155 180,320 107 BOOSTER Ararm Sorinos Booster2 HORZ.CENTRIF 100 600 377 '155 TOTAL BOOSTERS 7,124 t05.280 21,966 10,109 4.2s3,607 TOTAL WELLS A BOOSTERS 21.O3!230,663 54,44t 16,42!35,087,225 15,375,42/ Astedsk faciliucs addGd ltis !r!al Annual Report on Derlred Power Cost wlll show 35,101,442 kwh, dit ercnce due b PRys and monitorlng statiom ctassmed bgether with Boosters Page 1 1 Detail Pumps & Boosters (Page 4 of 4) 1 Pipe Size UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (continued) For Year Ended: December 31, 2013 FEET OF MAINS ln Use lnstalledBeginning During ofYear t Year 2",2.5" Abandoned During Year 1.538,113 and exclusion production mains. 2 Metered:2A Residential28 Commercial2C lndustrial 3 Flat Rate:3A Residential38 Commercial3C lndustrial 4 Private Fire Protection: 5 Public Fire Protection: 6 Street Sprinkling (included in other) 7 Municipal, Other 8 OtherWater TOTALS (Add lines 2 through 8) CUSTOMER STATISTICS Page 12 CERTIFIGATE State of ldaho County of Ada and of WE, the undersigned Greqorv P. Vwatt. Vice President ..larmila M Carv. Manaoer of Finance Ljnited Water ldaho lnc.. a water utility, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing report has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business and affairs of said utility for the period covered by the report in respect to each and every matter and thing therin set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me tni, /L oayot fif;,D- ,2014 Residing at: My Commission Expires: a H Report lD: |SREG060 Layoui lD: |SREG060 Business Unit: 00050 Perlod Ending: Dec 31,2013 United Water ldaho General Ledger System Regulatory lncome Statement { 0a:09 PM Currenl Year Prior Year tncrease (Decrcase) REVENUES 40105 40106 401 10 40111 40140 40120 40121 40200 40205 40245 40300 40301 OPERATING EXPENSES 50100 50105 50100 5010s 50115 50100 50105 50110 50115 50120 50125 90950 90953 91500 91550 91700 91800 91850 91860 50605 50610 50635 50300 50300 90100 90700 90450 90850 90851 90852 91 100 91200 91250 91300 91310 91350 504?0 0.00 2?,160,767.74 9,059,952.27 31,220,720.O1 11,264,691.52 1,991,988.68 13,256,580.20 921,121.53 921,121.53 136,302.52 27,115.49 8,115.00 8,225.O0 31,385.00 (1.233,933.00) 1,397,959.00 375,169.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7,577,247.211 I,O59,952.27 1,482,705.06 (1,s01,s67.16) 1,991,988.68 490,421.52 41,016.70 41,016.70 (54,r23.98) 27,1',ts.49 (18,880.00) 225.OO 3't,385.00 (1,240,513.00) 1.397,959.00 1/(l,167.51 0.00 460 - Unmetered Water revenue Metered sales-residential consumption reven Metered sales-residential facility charge reve 461.1 - Metered Sales - residential Metered sales-commercial consumption reve Metered sales-commercial facility charge rev 461.2 - Metered Sales - commerciat, industrial Private fire pmtection facility charge 452 - Fire Protection Revenue - Private Metered sales-public aulh's consumption rev Metered sales-public auth's facility charge re' Miscellaneous Service Revenue Rents from l /ater ProPerty Tum on Fees Reg Unbilled consumPtion revenue Reg Unbilled facility cfiarge revenue 464 - Other revenue 465 - lrrigatlon Sales revenue 466 - Sales for Resale 400 - Total Revenue 45,773,690.75 0.00 29,738,014.95 0.00 29,738,014.95 12,766,258.68 0-00 12,766,258.68 880,104.83 880,104.83 190,426.50 0.00 26,995.00 8,000.00 0-00 6,580.00 0.00 232,00{.50 0.00 0.00------ 4mi6'r?s.s6 Supervisory Labor Direct Labor 501.1-6 - Labor - OperaUons & ilaintenance SupeMsory Labor Oirec{ Labor Direct Labor transfened in 601.7 - Labor - Customer Accounts Supervisory Labor Direct Labor Supervisory Labor Transfered Oirec{ Labor transfened in Supervisory labor transfened out Direcit labor ttansfened out 60{.8 - Labor-Adminlstrative & General 603 - Salaries - Ofricers & Oirectors Fringe Benefi ts Transferred Fringe Ben Trf CaPital & Other Employee Pension Cost Post Reiirement Health Care Accrued Employee GrouP Health & Life Employee 401K Other Employee Benefits Other Awards 604 - Employee Pensions & Benefits Purchased Water 610 - Purchased Water Purchased por/er 615-16 - Purchased Power & Fuel fot Power Chemicals 618 - Chemicals Material 520.1-6 - Material & Supplies - Operation & Malnt Material Office Supplies lT Supplies and ExPense Postage & Air Freight 620.7-8 - Material & Supplies ' A&G and Cust Care Corporate M&S Fees Regulated M&S Fees Non-regulated M&S fees Outside Service - Accrunting & Auditing Outside Service - Legal Outside Service - lS Outside Service - TemPorary HelP Outside Services -Management Fees Other Outside Service - Other 631-34 - Contract Services - Professional Lab Testing Fees 324,A57.61 't,961,108.11 2,285,965.72 23'.t,373.01 793,394.58 1,754.79 1,026,522-38 1,595,101.23 862,908. t5 37.05 33.78 (692,s12.95) (810,000.07) 955,567.19 0.00 (18,692.52) (e76,790.46) 1,030,398.00 702,234.O0 1,243,562.35 138,498.32 75,540.28 4,828.64 2,199,578.61 208,222.63 208,222-63 2,163,157.35 273,544.63 273,544.63 149,528.82 149,528.E2 2,497.93 51,822.86 49,650.26 260,896.61 354,867.66 1,728,098.80 1.480.919.92 16,336.13 54,817.80 17,086.68 238,696.32 111,383.83 217.028.33 40,139.22 3,904,507.03 79.559.25 345,768.45 1,962,282.92 2,308,051.37 225,963.47 76A,725.17 1,419.23 996,107.87 't,501,751.74 949,526.55 0.00 0.00 (669,146.29) c/67,990.86) 't,o14,141.11 0.00 (17,452.'t6) (861,914.12) 't.018,920.00 550,188.00 'r,115,&8.62 131,785.21 64,592.49 2,227.42 2,003,995.46 159,394.56 159,394.56 1,933,476.18 1,933,476.18 2A2,581.27 2A2,581.27 237.06{.85 237,06/t.8S 427.54 53,210.46 53,270.91 224,508.64 331,417.55 1,441,2?5.83 1,485,714.38 6,473.73 56,177.20 38,952.03 172,O87.22 51,994.25 186,752.O7 69.580.24 3,508,956.95 68.379.61 (20.910.84) (1,174.81) (22,085.651 5,409.54 24.669.41 335.56 30,414.51 93,349.49 (86,618.40) 37.05 33.78 (23.366.66) (42,OO9.21' (s8,573.95) 0.00 (1,240.36) (1 14,876.34) 1 1,478.00 152,046.00 127,913.73 6,713.11 10,947.79 2,601.22 195,583.15 48,828.07 48,828.07 229,6A1 17 229,681-17 (9,036.64) (9,036.64) (87,536.03) (87,536.03) 2.070.39 (1,387.60) (3,620.65) 36,387.97 33,450.11 286,872.97 (4,794.46) 9,862.40 (1,3ss.40) (21,86s.3s) 66,609.10 59,389.58 30,276.26 lze,441.02t 395,550.08 11,179.64 Page 1 ot 3|SREG060 BU 00060 2013-12-31.xls Report lD: ISREG060 Layout lD: lSREG060 Eusiness Unit: 00060 Perlod Ending: Dec 31,2013 United Water ldaho General Ledger System Regulatory lncome Statement d O32ffi4 doa:m PM Cufient Year Priot Year lncrease (Decrease) 635 - Contract Services - Water Testing Outside Contractors CC&B suPport costs Outside Professional Services 636 - Contract Services - Other Equipment rental Rents Office equipment rental 641-f2 - Rentals - Property & Equlpment Transportation Cost - Other 650 - Transportation Expense Property lnsurance General Corporate lnsurance lnjuries & Damages Worker compensation 556:59 - lnsurance90410 Advertising 660 - Advertislng Amortization of Rate Case Expense 666 - Rate Case Expense (Amortlzation) Amortization of Defened Expenses 657 - Regulatory Comm. Exp. (Amortlzetlon) Bad Debt Expense - write-off Bad Debt Exp - provision (allowance) 670 - Bad Debt Expen3e Other Utilities Waste Disposal- Sludge Meals Miscellaneous ExPenses Dues & Subsctiptions Licenses and Fees Telephone Other Utilities G&A Club and Professional Dues Travel Expense lT System SuPPort Amortization of Relocation ExP Amortization of Tank Painting Amortization of OPEB Costs Amortization of Power Costs Amort of AFUDC EqUitY GU Staff Meetings, Conferences & Semina6 Clothing & Uniforms Severance Plan Claims & Settlements Satety equipment Other misc G&A exPenses 675 - Miscellansous Total Operating Expenses (less Reg. Comm. Depreclation, Taxes) FICA Taxes Federal UnemPloyment Taxes State Unemployment Taxes 408.12 - Payroll Taxe3 Sales and Use Tax 408.13 - Other Taxe3 Cunenl - Federal 409.10 - Federal lncome Taxes Cunent - State 409.11 - State lncome Taxes Deferred - Federal lncome Taxes 410.10 - Prov for Deferred lncome Tax ' Federal Deferred - State lncome taxes 410,11 - Prov for Deferred lncome Tax - State 411 - Prov for Deferred Utility lncome Tax Credits 50400 50405 50410 50310 50600 901 10 50645 91400 91450 91455 91460 92000 92050 90400 90405 50620 50625 50650 50655 90150 90200 90250 90300 90500 90600 90750 92052 92053 92056 92061 92064 92150 92200 92450 92500 92550 92600 16,984,861.77 70100 Depreciation 403 - Depreclation ExPense92100 Amortization of Goodwill 40S - Amortization, Utility Plant Acquisition Adi 407 - Amortization Exp. - Other Utility Plant91900 Regulatory Commission Expense 408.10 - Regulatory Fees70200 Real Estate 408.11 - Properv Taxes 11,179.64 (22,453.44) 95,890.48 27,407.89 100,844.93 (42.42) 13,958.02 (4,50s.19) 9,410.41 (34,314.92) (34,314.92) (7,103.19) 291,463.81 500,00 5,796.70 290,657.32 (13,610.31) (r3,6r0.3r) 1,872.51 1,872.51 (52,O74.37' (52,074.37) 83,957.57 (s2,267.OO) 31,690.s7 (23,307.3s) 4,572.00 9,196.49 13,502.74. 161.03 2,059.34 9,605.60 5,972.62 1,495.70 29,075.08 (26s.oo) (2,361.61) 985.25 0.00 (12,830.89) 1.103,98 7,043.06 (1,230.e5) (38,824.121 (22.88) (3,085.65) (87,308.06) (84,463.62) 1,017,466.98 402.829.56 402,829.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,516.04 8,515.04 1 1 8,741.30 1 1 8,741.30 11,645.42 97.05 (s,1s5.e2) 6,586.55 't7,100.00 17,100.00 (5,s0s.oo) {5,509.00) (44,674.401 144,674.401 1 16,355.82 1 16,355.82 19,712.37 19,712.37 0.00 Page 2 ol 3 79,559.25 z',t't,327.91 452,418.05 101,047.01 764,792.97 0.00 15,533.08 9,302.94 24,836.02 471,8/3.74 471,843.74 23,992.51 529,262.31 500.oo 126,412.20 680,167.02 123,019.22 123,019.22 64,992.00 64,992.00 25,520.00 25,520.00 304,408.16 0.00 30.1,408.{6 4,304.53 4,590.00 18,763.91 160,877.98 572.82 10,610.00 162.588.73 25,786.98 87,9A{.08 63,457.33 1,272.OO 10,284.00 45,366.24 40,560.00 183,444.00 39,465.42 27,103.76 8,682.52 (11,501.81) 0.00 35,279.47 (s,210.5s) 8,31 1,127.55 8,311,127.55 9,324.00 9,324.00 98,267.70 98,267.70 1,910,170.75 1,910,170.75 428,877.O5 4,292.O1 25,805.76 458,974.82 17,100.00 17,100.00 3,814,386.00 3,814,386.00 799,446.43 799,/t46.43 687,171.00 687,171.00 1 87,285.00 1 87,285.00 7,908,297.99 7,908,297.99 9,324.00 9,324.00 89,751.66 89,751.66 1,791,429.45 1,791,429.45 417,231.63 4,194.96 30.961.68 4s2,388.27 0.00 0.00 3,819,895.00 3,819,895.00 844,120.83 8t14,120.83 570,815.1 8 570,815.1 8 167,572.63 167,572.63 70?5'l 70252 70253 70300 80100 801 50 80200 80250 68,379.61 233,781.35 356,527.57 73,639.12 663,948.04 42.42 1,575.06 1s,808.13 15,425.61 506,158.66 506,158.56 31,095.70 237,798.50 0.00 120,615.50 389,509.70 136,629.53 135,629.53 63,1 19.49 63,1'19.49 77,594.37 77,591.37 220,450.59 52,267.OO 272,717.59 27,611.A8 18.00 9,567.42 147,375.24 411.79 8,550.66 152,983.13 't9,814.36 86,468.38 34,382.25 1,537.00 12,645.61 44,380.99 40,560.00 196,274.89 38,361.44 20,060.70 9,913.47 27,322.31 22.88 38,365.12 82,097.47 998,224.9e 15,957,394.79 lSRFG06o Bt,00060 2o13-1231 xls Report lD: |SREG050 Layout lD: |SREG060 Business ljnil: 00060 Period Ending: Dec 31,20'13 United Water ldaho General Ledger System Regulatory lncome Statement oh Oudta i 0a:O9 PM CurrentYar Prior Year lncrease (Decrease) 80400 lnvestment Tax Credit Amortization 412 - lnve3tment Tar Credits - Utility Total Expenses from operations before interest 413 - lncome from Utility Plant Leased to Others71200 lncome on Disposition of Property 414 - Gains (Losses) from Disposition of UUI Plant (48,240.00) (48,2/O.00) 33,229,875.O2 0.00 15,041.1 1 15,041.11 (48,240.00)0.00 0.00 15,041.1 1 15,041.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net Operating lncome Merchandising & Jobbing 415 - Revenues, Mdslng, Jobbing & ContractWork Mdse&Jobbing-Expense 416 - Expenses, Mdsing, Jobbing & Contract Work 419 - lnterest & Dividend lncome Other AFUDC (C0 Debt AFUOC (Cr) Equity. AFUDC (Cr) - Gross Up 420 - Allowance for Funds Used Durlng Gonstructi lnterest lncome Misc non oporating income Misc Non Operating Rental lncome 421 - Miscellaneous Non-Utllity lncome Misc non operating deductions Penalties Charitable Confibutions - Reg Companies Federal PAC Withholding Union Dues Withholding Equity Eamings of Affiliates 426 - Miscellaneous Non-t Ulity Erpenso 408.20 - Other Taxes, Non-Utility Operatlons 409.20 - lncome Tares, Non{Ullty Operations Net Non-UUllty lncome Gross lncome lnterest on Debt to Assoc Companies 427.3 - lnterest Expense on Long-Tem Debt Other lnterest 427.5 - Other lnterest Charge3 NET INCOME 178,508.59 --:;ls,13 4,499.913.00 4,499,913.00 2.474.94 2,A74.98ru_ 215,941.00 12,259,571.16 4,309,152.00 4,309,152.00 922.O7 922.07 -----------@E- ,t2.558-856-84 t2-043-630.r6 515.226,68 71 100 71105 71050 71060 71070 70900 712s0 71251 71252 71253 71254 71261 71204 71300 345,008.79 345,008.79 (293,123.58) (293,r23.58) 23,148.03 38,842.61 25,821.00 87,81r.64 4,909.57 (33,ss0.28) 76,798.61 i18,157.90 (902.16) (s0.00) (8,100.00) 110.00 0.00 (404.00) (9,346..r6) 0.00 0.00 299,097.76 299,097.76 (2s6,949.29) (256,949.29) 39,647.74 66,524.65 44,269.80 150,442.19 1,689.16 (29,83s.00) 72,610.88 4,461.04 (s4s.68) (62.00) (1 9,402.02) 165.00 (1,0s0.00) (212.oo) (21,11 0.70)'0.00 0.00 45,91 1.03 45,911.03 136,174.29) (36,174.29) 0.00 (15,499.71) (27,682.04) (18,448.80) (62,630.55) 3,220.41 (3,711.28) 4,187.73 3,596.86 (3s2.48) 't2.00 11,302.02 (ss.oo) 1:050.00 (192.00) 11,761.54 0.00 0.00 70800 (37,{i2.411_----mififr- 190,761.00 190,761.00 1,952.91 1,952.91 --------r5mm{ ISREG060 BU 00060 20'13-12-31.xls Page 3 of 3 Reporl lD: BSREG060 Layout lD: BSREG060 Business Unit: 00060 Period Ending: Dec 31,2013 RUD d Midta al 10700 11400 10800 10810 11 100 1 1500 United Water ldaho GeneGl Ledger System Regulatory Balance Sheet Assefs Utility Plant Utility Plant in Service 101 Utility Plant ln Service 103 Plant held for future use Construction work in progress 107 Construction Work in Progress Utility plant acquisition adjustment 114 Uulity Plant Acquisition Adrustment Sub Total - Utility Plant Utility Accumulated Depreciation Retirement work in progres3 Utility Ae"uru,"r* Depreciation - CIAC I 08.1 Accumulated Depreciation 108.3 Accum Deprec - Property Held for Futurc Use Amort of Utility Plant Acquisition Adjustrnent 115 Accum Amortlzation - Acqulsltion Adj Net Utility Plant lnvestments Non-Utflity Pro;rty Equity Eamings Non4onsolidated Comianies 125 Other lnv6tments Total lnvsst ents Current Assets operations CasiAccount Cunent Collections Working Funds 131 Cash 135 Short Term lnvest nents Customer Accounts Receilrable Billing System AR Cash Accrual 141 Acct /Note! Receivable - Customor3 Accorints Receivabls.Olher Accountrs rcceimble - M&J billed Af,rounts recei\rable - M&J cost 142 Other Roceivablea14400 Provision for UncollectibleAccounts (Cr) 143 Provlsion for Uncollectabl€ Accounts14605 Intercompany Money Pool Receivable 145 Receivables ftom Associated Companies 369,291,987.38 369,291,987.38 0.00 2,064,468.42 2,064,468.42 600,761.18 600,761.18 371,9s7,216.98 (93.698,204.s3) 9,925.57 (26,205,10s.76) (1 19,893,384.72) 0.00 (100,880.18) (t00,880.r8) 251,962,952.08 357,709,88s.73 357,709,885.73 0.00 2,595,068.25 2,595,068.25 600,761.18 600,761.18 360,905,715.r6 (87,251,296.81) 504.81 (24,O53,714.2O) (1 I 1,304,506.20) 0.00 (91,556.1 8) 1 1,582,101.65 1 1,582,101.65 0.00 (s30,599.83) (s30,s99.83, 0.00 0.00 tl,051,501.82 (6,446,9O7.72) 9,420.76 (2,1s1,3e1.56) (8,588,878.52) 0.00 (9,324.0o) 12100 12410 13100 13120 13501 14200 14201 14309 14310 14311 15400 15410 15420 15430 16599 Prepaid Expenses-Othe, 162 Prepaid Erpenses17300 Unbilled Revenue 173 Accrued Utility Revenue Total Current Assets 1 1,053.83 100,077.00 c7,282.Oo) (404.0o) Capital & Maintenan@ lnventory Nonexempl Small Repairs lnventory Exempt Other lnventory Chemical lnventory 151 ltilaterial & Supplles lnventory 0.00 41,000.00 9,950.00 50,950.00 0.00 2,407,802.86 (tgs,223.421 {,608,579.44 23,456.28 47.643.04 127,406.87 198,506.{9 (88,867.00) (88,867.00) 531,702.15 53{,702.15 69,694.80 170,275.O8 47,868.86 76,273.88 364,112.62 69,050.00 69,050.00 2,841,533.00 0.00 0.00 70,408.00 70,408.00 87,672.00 95,891.06 497,280.73 1 15,691.00 907,240.49 31,709.O0 I ,391,335.50 198,731.00 (194,908.4s) (120,826.33) 60,066.00 31 1,368.96 37,959.05 3,419,210.01 -=A8fdi&-6- 259,982.56 41,000.00 9,950.00 310,9s2.55 0.00 1,757,595.20 0.00 1,757,595.20 58,944.57 36,535.20 89,698.01 185,177.78 (88,867.00) (88,867.00) 0.00 0.00 39,938.16 't49,230.77 38,182.64 87,376.43 314,728.00 69,050.00 69,050.00 2,677,507.O0 2,677,507.00 5,226,123.54 0.00 0.00 135,400.00 135,400.00 94,504.00 89,595.76 464,662.16 156,251.00 907,240.49 41,993.00 1,365,514.50 382,175.00 (149,542.21) (81,360.91) 86, I 36.00 33,291-78 0.00 3,390,452.57 3,525,862.57 (2s9.982.s5) 0.00 0.00 (2s9,982.s6) 0.00 650,207.66 Q99,223.421 (149,015.76) (3s,488.29) 11,107.84 37,708.86 13,328.41 0.00 0.00 531,702..t5 531,702.15 29,756.64 21,U4.31 9,686.22 (1 1,102.5s) 49,384.62 0.00 0.00 164,026.00 ,64,025.00 -5T5;AE- 0.00 0.00 (64,992.00) (64,992.00) (6,832.00) 6.295.30 32,618.57 (40,560.00) 0.00 (10,284.00) 25,821.00 (183,444.00) (45,366.24) (39,46s.42) (26.072.00) 278.O77.18 37,959.05 28,747.44 --F5E.Esi- 18680 18409 18450 18609 1861 1 18620 18621 18623 18625 18650 18653 18699 '18714 18719 Deferred Debits 181 Unamort Debt Discount ari Erp"n"" 183 Preliminary Survey and lnvestigatlon Deferred rate charges 184 Deferred Rate Gase Expense Clearing ExPense- General Clearing - Payroll Accrual Defened Employee Benefits-Other Deferred Pension/OPEB Deferred Tank Painting Expense Deferred Relocation Exp - Approved Oeferred AFUDC Equig Gross Up Oefened Power Costs - Approved Reg Deferred Tank Painting - Amort Defered AFUDC Equity Gross-Up Amort. Other Regulatory Assets Deferred Power Costs - Pending Other Defened Charges 186 Other Deferred Charges Total Oeferred Debits (91,5s5.18) (9,324.00) 18,335.83 100,481.O0118,815.83 (7,686.00)118,8't6.E3 (7,686.00) Pag6 I of5 Report lD: BSREG060 L.youtlD: BSREG050 Buslness Unit 00060 Period Ending: OGc 31,2013 tur drutUia i tozAl Total Assets United Water ldaho Genrnl Ledgcr System Regulatory Balance Sheet Priq Varianca ao PJior Y@rAclual Y@r Arunl -.TTis267F ---i5a.;3Edrss-f ---s-8m56- Report lD: BSREG060r Layout lD: BSREGo60 Business Unit: 00050 Period Ending: Dec 31,2013 on olldla rt tO:22 AM United water ldaho General Ledger System Regulatory Balance Sheet Prior Variance to Prior YeatYear Amount C apita I izati o n an d Liabil iti x 20100 20700 21600 21800 21805 40105 40106 401 10 40111 40120 40121 40140 40200 40205 40245 40300 40301 50100 50105 501 10 50115 50120 50125 50300 50310 50400 50405 50410 50420 50600 50605 50610 50620 50625 50635 50045 50650 50655 70r00 70200 70251 70252 70?53 70300 70800 70900 71000 71050 71060 7'.t070 71 100 71105 71200 71250 71251 71252 7',1253 7 1254 71261 71264 71300 80100 80150 80200 80250 80400 80550 90100 90'110 90150 90200 Capital common Stocklssued 201.3 Common Stock lssued 204.6 Preferred Stock |tsued Additional Paid-in CaPital 207.13 Miscellaneous Capital Accountr Retained Eamings - Cumulated lncome OCI - Pension ocl - PBoP Metered sales-residential consumption rrevenue Metered sales-residential facility charge revenue Metered sales-commercial consumption revenue Metered sales-commercial facility charge,evenue Metered sales-public auth's consumption revenue Metered sales-public auth's facility charge revenue Private fire proteclion facility charge Miscellaneous SeMce Revenue Rents from Water Property Tum on Fees Reg Unbilled consumPtion revenue Reg Unbilled facility charge revenue SupeMsory Labor Direct Labor Supervisory Labor Transfened Direct Labor transfered in Supervisory labor transferred out Direcl labor transfened out Material Equipment rental Outside Contraclors CC&B suPPort costs OutskJe Professional Services Lab Testing Fees Rents Purchased Water Purchased Power Other Utilities Waste DisPosal - Sludge Chemicals Transportation Cost - Other Meals Miscellaneous ExPenses Depreciation Real Estate FICA Taxes Federal UnemPloyment Taxes State UnemPloyment Taxes Sales and Use Tax lnterest on Debt to Assoc Companies lnterest lncome Other lnterest AFUDC (Cr) Debt AFUDC (C0 EquitY AFUDC (C0 - Gross UP Merchandising & Jobbing Mdse&Jobbing-Expense lncome on Disposition of ProPerty Misc non oPerating income Misc Non OPerating Rental Income Misc non operating deductions Penalties Charitable Contributions - Reg Companies Federal PAC Wthholding Union Dues \Mthholding Equity Earnings of Afiiliates Current - Federal Current - State Deferred - Federal lncome Taxes Deferred - State lncome taxes lnvestment Tax Credit Amortization Common Stock Dividend Otfice SuPPlies Otfice equiPment rental Dues & SubscriPtions Licenses and Fees 1,261,750.00 1,26r,750.00 0.00 75,704,330.21 76,704,330.21 83.'t 14,306.96 (3,798,519.00) (1 81,1 06.00) 22,160,767.74 9,059,952.27 't1,264,691.52 1,99 t,988.68 136,302.52 27,'.t15.49 921,12',t.53 8,1 15.00 4,225.OO 31,385.00 (1,233,933.00) 1,397,959.00 (2,1s1,331.85) (3,617,410.84) (37.0s) (1,788.57) 692.512.95 810,000.07 (152,026.75' 0.00 (211,327.91) (4s2,418.05) (101,(X7.01) (79,s59.2s) (1s,533.08) (2O8,222.631 (2,163,1s7.3s) (4,304.s3) (4,ss0.00) (273,544.63' (471,U3.74) (18,763-91) (160.877.98) (8,31 1,127.ss) (1,910,170.75) ({.28,8n.o5) (4,292.O1) (25,805.76) (17,100.00) (4,499,913.00) 4,909.57 (2,874.98) 23,148.03 38,842.61 25,821.00 345,008.79 (2e3,123.s8) 15,(N1.11 (s3,5s0.28) 76,798.61 (e02.16) (s0.00) (8,100.00) 110.00 0.00 (404.00) (3,814,386.00) (799,446.43) (687,171.00) (187,28s.00) 48,240.00 (6,497,000-00) (51,822.86) (9,302.94) (s72.82) (10,610.00) 1,261,750.00 1,261,750.00 0.00 76,704,330.21 76,704,330.21 84,327,809.87 (5,048,71 1.00) (1,431,436.00) 29,738.014.95 0.00 12,766,258.68 0.00 190,426.50 0_00 880,104.83 26,995.00 8,000.00 0.00 6,580.00 0.00 (2,073,483.65) (3,680,s34.64) 0.00 (1,41s.23) 669,146.29 767,990.86 (237,492.3s' (42.421 (233,781.35) (s56,527.s7) (73,63e.12) (68,37s.61) (1,s75,06) (1s9,394.56) (1,933,476.1 8) (27 ,611.88) (18.00) (282,581.271 (506,1s8.66) (9,s67.42) (147,375.?4) (7,908,297.s9) (1,791,429.45) (417.231.63) (4,1s4.96) (30.961.68) 0.00 (4,309,1s2.00) 1,689.1 6 (s22.O7' 39,647.74 66.524.65 44,269.80 299,097.76 (2s6,s4e.2e) 0.00 (2e,839.00) 72,610.88 (s4s.68) (62.00) (19,402.02) 165.00 (1,0s0.00) (212.O01 (3,819,89s.00) (844,1 20.83) (570,815.1 8) (167,s72.63) 48.240.00 (9,163,000.00) (53,21 0.46) ( 1 3.808.1 3) (411.79) (8,550.66) ooo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,213,s02.91) 1,250,330.00 o,577,247.21) 9,059,952.27 (1,s01,567.16) 1,991,988.68 (s4,1 23.98) 27,1'.t5.49 41,016.70 (1 8,880.00) 225.O0 3 t,385.00 (1,240,513.00) I,397,959.00 (77,848.1s) 63,123.80 (37.0s) (36e.34) 23,366.66 4?,009.21 85,465.64 42.42 22,453.44 (es,890.48) (27,4O7.89) (1 1,17s.64) (13,s58.02) (48,828.07) (229,68'.t.171 23,307.35 (4,s72.0o) 9,036.64 u,314.92 (9,196.49) (13,5O2.741 (402,82s.56) (1 18,741.30) 111,64s.42)(e7.0s) 5,155.92 (17,100.00) (190,761.00) 3,220.4'.1 (1,9s2.el) (16,499.71 )(27,682.04) (18,448.80) 45,91 1.03 (36,174.29) 15.041.1 1 (3,711.28) 4,187.73 (3s2.48) 12.00 '11,302.O2 (5s.00) 1,050.00 (1e2.00) 5,509.00 44,674.40 (1 16,35s.82) (19,712.37) 0.00 2,666,000.00 1.387.50 4,505.1 9 (1 61.03) (2,0s9.34) Page 3 of 5 ReportlD: BSREG060 LayoutlD: BSREG060 Busincss UniL 00050 Period Endlng: Dec 31,2013 Run on o(lorla d i0:2 AM 90250 90300 90400 90405 90410 90450 90500 90600 90700 90750 90850 90851 90852 90950 90953 91 tOO 91200 91250 91300 91 310 91350 91400 91450 91455 91460 91500 9't550 9't700 91800 91850 91860 91900 92000 92050 92052 92053 92056 92061 92064 92100 92150 92200 92450 92500 92550 92600 United Water ldaho Genenl LGdger System Regulatory Balance Sheet Prior Variance to Prior Year Year Amount 23200 23210 2320 23291 23/,OO 23500 23601 23610 23661 23663 23670 23699 23641 23651 23790 ?4205 24212 24215 24235 ?4245 TelePhone Other Utilities G&A Bad Debt ExPense - write-off Bad Debt Exp - pmvision (allowance) Advertising Postage & Air Freight Club and Professional Dues Travel ExPense lT Supplies and ExPense lT System SuPPort CorPorate M&S Fees Regulated M&S Fees Non-regulated M&S fees Fringe Benefrts Transferred Fringe Ben Trf CaPital & Other Outside Service - Accounting & Auditing OuBide SeMco - Legal Outside SeMce - lS Outside Service - TemPorary HelP Oubide Services -Management Fees Other Outside Service - Other ProPerty lnsurance General CorPorate lnsurance lnjuries & Damages Worker compensalion Employee Pension Cost Post Retirement Health Care Accrued Employee GtouP Heatth & Life Employee 401K Other EmPloyee Benefits Other Awards Regulatory Commission ExPense Amortization of Rate Case ExPense Amorlization of Defened Expenses Amortization of Relocation E:Q Amortization of Tank Painting Amortization of OPEB Costs Amortization of Power Costs Amortof AFUDC Equity GU Amortizatiln of Goodwill Staff Meetings, Conferences & Seminars Clothing & Uniforms Severance Plan Claims & Settlements Safety equiPment Other misc G&A exPenses 2l 5 Unapproprlated Retalned Eamlngs Other Equities Total Equity Capital Liabilities 221.2Bonds 223 Advances from Assoclated Gompanles Accounts Payable - System Accounts Payable Month End Accrual Accounts Payable - lnventory Accrued Accounts Payable' Retainage 231 AccounG Payable 232 Notes Payable Accounts Payables - Associate ComPanies 233 Accounts Payable - Associated ComPanies Customer DePosits - Regulatory 235 Customer Deposits (Refundable, ProPerty Taxes Accrued Franchise taxes Accrued FICA Tax Accrued State Unemployment Tax Accrued Sales & Use Taxes Accrued Other Accrued Taxes 236.11 Accrued Other Tares PaYable Federal lncome Tax Accrued State lncome Tax Accrued 236.12 Accrued lncome Taxes Payable lnterest - Other 237.40 Accrued Debt, lnterest & Dividends Payable Accrued - Payroll Arcrued Medical lnsurance Accrued - Power Aarued - Severance Acrued - Vacation (162,588.73) (25,786.98) (304,408.16) 0.00 (123,O19.22' (260,896.61 ) (87,9A{.08) (63,457.33) (.{9,6s0.26) (1,272.00' (1,728,098.80) (1,480,91 9.92) (16.336.13): 1a,692.52 976.790.46 (54,817.80) (17,086.68) (238,696.32) (1 1 1.383.83) (217,028.33) (4o,139.22) (23,s92.s1) (s29,262.311 (s00.00) (126,412.2O' (1,030,398.00) Qo2,2U.OOl(1.243,s62.35) (138,498.32) o5,s40.28)(4,828.44) (98,267.70) (64.992.00) (2s,s20.00) (10,284.00) (45.366.24) (40.s60.00) (183.444.00) (39,465.42) (9,324.00) (27.103.76) (8,682.52) 1 1,501.81 0.00 (3s,279.47) 5,210.59 a0,872,259.41 0.00--iE8--85C5sffi- 0.00 0.00 826,032.94 852,906.88 679.73 0.00 1,679,619.55 0.00 198,745.64 198,745.64 41.56 41.56 954,480.57 65,500.29 27,663.24 265.26 17,100.00 1,455.00 1,066,464.36 3,975,7't 1.10 530,363.67 4,506,074.77 0.03 0.03 169,027.94 (360.00) 2'.t1,644.25 0.00 103,854.00 (152,983.13) (19,814.36) (220,450.s9) (s2.267.00) (136,629.s3) (224,sog.641 (86,468.38) (34,382.25) (53,270.91) (1,s37.00) (1,441,225.83' (1,485,714.38) (6,473.73) 17,452.16 861,914.12 (56,177.20) (38,ss2.03) (172,087.22) (s1,994.2s) (186,7s2.07) (6s,580.24) (31,0es.70) (237,7s8.s0) 0.00 (120,61s.50) (1,01 8,920.00) (s50.188.00) (1,1 15,648.62) (131,78s.21) (64,592.4s) (2,227.42' (89,751.66) (63,1 19.49) rr7,594.37) (12,64s.61) (4{,380.9e) (40,s60.00) (1e6.274.89) (38,361.44) (9,324.00) (20,050.70) (9,913.47) (27,322.311 (22.88) (38,365.12) (82,0s7.47) 76,634,159.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,056,613.04 768,163.28 517.73 2,658.28 1,827,952.33 0.00 190,262.76 190,262.76 0.00 0.00 895,801.1 3 63,518.63 24,568.70 234.07 760.21 0.00 984,882.74 4,000,644.10 409,117.24 4,409,761.34 0.00 0.00 147,802.66 0.00 189,400.00 27,322.31 104,522.00 (s,60s.60) (s,972.62) (83,957.57) 52,267.OO 13,610.31 (36,387.97) (1.4ss.70) (29,075.08) 3,620.65 265.00 (286,872.97) 4,794.46 (e,862.40) 1,240.36 114,876.34 1,359.40 21,865.35 (66,609.10) (se,38s.58) (30,276.26) 29.441.O2 7,103.19 (291,463.81) (500.00) (s,796.70) (1 1,478.00) (1s2,046.00) (127,913.73) (6,713.1 1) (10,947.79) 12,601.22)(8,516.04) (1,872.51) 52,074.37 2,361.61 (98s.2s) 0.00 12,830.89 (1,103.98) 0.00 o,043.06) 1,230.95 38,824.12 22.88 3,085.65 87,308.06 4,238,099.45 0.00 -\zr--8,o-ffi- 0.00 0.00 (230,580.10) 84,743.60 162.00 (2,6s8.28) (148,332.78) 0.00 8,482.88 8,482.88 41.56 4r.56 58,679.44 1,981.66 3,094.54 31. t9 16,339.79 1,455.00 81,581.62 (24,933.00) 121,246.43 96,313.43 o.03 0.03 21,225.28 (360.00) 22,?44.25 (27,322.31) (668.00) Page 4 ol 5 r Report lO: BSREG060 Layout lO: 8SREG060 Business Unit: 00060 Period Ending: Dec 31,2013 Run on O{10/14.i 10:22 AM United Water ldaho General Ledg€r System Regulatory Balance Sheet Pdor VaiancetoPiorYearYear Am@n 24260 24261 24263 24264 24266 24268 24299 25200 25201 2531 1 25316 25117 2s340 25380 25381 25386 25388 25500 26340 27100 27101 27110 19010 19012 19013 19014 19015 19016 19101 19103 1913't 19132 25402 28203 28206 28211 28300 28301 28302 28303 28304 28305 28306 28307 28308 28310 283'.t2 28313 28314 28350 28353 283t4 28355 28356 28357 28358 28359 28360 28363 28364 28365 Accrued - Employee expense reimbursement Accrued 401K Accrued LTIP Accrued Stock OPtion Accrued SAR'S Acc.rued STIP Accrued Other 241 Misc current & accrued liabilities Advances for Construclion Taxable Advances/Service Laterals 252 Advances for Con-structlon Pension Regulatory Account Def. Reg. Liab.-Federal-Medicare Part D Def Reg Liab'Statc'Medicare Part D PBOP Liability - Trustee Other Defened Credits Deferred Escheats Defened DeveloPer DePosits Deferred M&J Payments From Customers 253 Other Deferred Llabilities Defened ITC 255.1 Accumulatad lnvestment Tax Gredits - Utility Pension - Accrued 261.5 Operatlng Reserve3 (Penslons & Benefits) Contribution in Aid of Construclion Taxable CIAC - Serv Laterals 271 Conttibrrtlons in Ald of Consttuction Accumulated Amortization CIAC 272 Accum Amort ot ConHb an Ald of construction Def. Federal lnc Taxes- Olher Oef. State ln@me Taxes- Other Def. Federal lncomo Taxee'Medicare Part D' Oef. Federal lncome Taxes'GU-Medicare Part D Def- State lncome Taxes-Medicare Part D Def. State lncome Taxes'GU-Medicare Part D Def. FIT-FASI09 ITC Def. FIT-F71/F109 Gn ITC Def.SlT-FASlOg ITC Def. SIT-F71/F109 G/U ITC DefRegLiab F/1/Fl o$Fed:lTC Def. FIT-MACRS Def. FIT- OCI Pension/P8OP Def. FIT Beneflt on OSIT Def. FlT4ther Def. FIT-Tank Painting Oef. FIT-Rate ExPenses Def. F|T-Oefened Charges Def. F|T-Relocation ExPense Def. FIT-M-S Fees Def. FIT-Pensions Def. FIT-PEBOP Def. FIT-Cost of Removal Def . FIT-Uncolleciibles Def. FIT - AFUDC EquitY Def. FIT - AFUDC EquitY GU Oel. FIT - AFUDC Equity GU-TRF Def. SIT- Other Def. SIT - Tank Painting Def- SIT-Pensions Def. SIT-Post Retirement Benefits Def. SIT-AFUDC Equity Def . SIT-Excess DePreciation Def. SIT- Cost of Removal Def. SIT- Relocation Def. SIT- OCI Pension/PBOP Def. SIT - M&S Fees Def. SIT - AFUDC Equity GU Def. SIT - AFUDC Equity GU-TRF 281 Accum def lnc tar Total Llabilities Total Liabilities t Capital 2,sr3,s13.s1 ,3??,I',!1.11 ,?,:9,I .99= -i0-m60pz770 r03,780,2r5.ss 11,47e,287.85) 258,380,455.72 2,758,811.60 2,563.52 1 5,907.01 38,688.00 (1,961.04) (1 14.66) 278.040.00 25,088.25 a42,3Tf .27 6,025,916.7 t (303,1 59.24) 5,722,757,47 490,682.00 0.00 o.00 5,642,386.59 47,A73.94 5,348.33 0.00 119,627.02 6,30s,917.88 856,834.00 855,834.00 8,'t 19,230.00 8,1 19,230.00 95.085,267.1 2 1,209,189.90 96,294,157,O2 (26,205,105.76) (25,20s,105.76) (109,257.82) (24,79s.37) (3s.00) (3.00) 94.00 8.00 (n6,972.00) (184.177.00) (6s,070.00) (43,281.00) 569,500.00 6,262,032.00 (2.150,429.00) (382,157.00) (10s,600.00) 230,835.00 22,786.OO (140,7s2.00) 10,308.00 (730,(H1.00) (592,664.00) (1,6s9,4s1.00) 463,580.00 (41.00) 361,344.00 411,776.57 617,847.OO (48,68s.00) 52,803.00 (173,834.00) (350,041.00) 80,858.00 1,218,584.00 89,470.00 2,263.00 (467,692.00) (174,81 1.00) 94,007.53 145,209.00 1,022.46 7,658.16 40,260.00 480.73 0.00 274,903.00 357.27 793,728.99 6,533,742.58 (221,534.00) 6,312,208.58 462,973.00 25,310.00 3,865.00 7,212,569-59 66,908.16 7,A48.4? 151,793.88 72,286.16 8,003,554.26 905,074.00 905,074.00 1 1,032,1 15.00 11,032,115.00 92.128.922.35 912,747.49 93,041,669.84 (24,O53.714.2O) (24,053,714.201 (94,86e.82) (22,292.37) (1s,201.00) (10,108.00) (3,s72.00) (2s4.00) (2s2,632.00) (1e4,s93.00) (68.754.00) (4s,729.00) 601,708.00 5,735,535.00 (3,489,311.00) (382,157.00) (e2,7s6.00) 245,039,00 40,105.00 (180,s38.00) 13,583.00 (766,9e8.00) (8s5,779.00) (1,s17,708.00) 394,577.00 (4.00) 347,969.00 415,295.57 624,491.00 (51,900.00) 57,586.00 (239,728.00) (318,050.00) 80,228.00 1,104,'193.00 76.433.00 3,192.00 (819,999.00) (188,609.00) 97,596.53 146,77'l.OO 1,540.66 8,248.85 (1,572.00) (2.441.77) (1 r4.66) 3,137.00 24,730.98 48,648.28 (s07,825.87) (81,625.24' (s89,4sr.1 1) 27,709.OO (2s,310.0o) (3,865.00) (1,570,183.00) (19,O34.22) (2,500.14) (1 51,793.88) 47,340.86 (1,697,636.38) (48,240.00) (/l8,240.00) (2,912,885.00) (2,912,885.00) 2,956,344.77 296,442.41 3,252,787.18 (2,151,391.56) (2,151,39r.56) (14,388.00) (2,507.00) 15,168.00 10,105.00 3,666.00 302.00 15,660.00 10,416.00 3,684.00 2,448.O0 (32,208.00) 526,497.00 I,338,882.00 0.00 (12,8,14.00) (14,204.00) (17,319.00) 39,786.00 (3,275.00) 36,957.00 263,1 15.00 (1 81,743.00) 69,003.00 (37.00) 13,375.00 (3.51e.00) (6,644.00) 3,215.00 (4.783.00) 65.894.00 (31,991.00) 630.00 1 14,391.00 13.037.00 (e29.00) 352,307.00 1 3.798.00 (3,589.00) (1,s52.00) Page 5 of 5 261,139,267.32 coo(o@c\llr)s€lroo(oF + o) l.- @ (o o) F- c! o) l"- o,r - d + d t"j o, .r t"i'ri 6i e.i d cct = 6 + 6 (') cO co (o tr) (O lr) t- (O s rt rt @'-: co <o o o <o 6i - t- JJo(o(frs$t1r)F-No,ro@oc!6r(a g@@oa@@@@@@@@ E -E Es?$t*ieE? €6qt;EgEEsS.ii:EaF gE;EEEEiE;i= FEEEEtEiEiEE igEgEEEIE?EE EIE:aEEe;E.EEE tEs.5 EIEiEl=t EqsEE; FE$E$# EiisEs*g$isE IiEgEEEEEIIi IEiiiiiiiEiE E$E EE€=;EEEE (r, uJFoz oPo(oGoc{]ottorJ,ora,9taq\cqq\re!q\o!r\ 9; 5 3 3 g 3 3 3 3 B S $ F 3tr E.u N- N N o N tt 6t, t- ol 6,'- c,,- \ 3'r-F So a ui od J d d d o (o (\ r\ Fi f € .o (Y) c) { t $ ral t\ ol o) rn @ = cC - (\l N Gao =fo ,-aovaJa, NttrNtlortcDtt\loFl.,(!lrOO.,t\CiNriO(!@Ntooooloto€l\oloolt, (', ra, (D @ (g I\ Ol O (,, N Cnt lo Is r0 G, to t t rt or ri l., NNNolNtO|(!TIOe<Ogl roG,roc)N ec.o 9oc, =oE -r!= i9E BP(, := atGOEEFi o@u)Eg)E ..!P '=E ;ts E;58- e6b-,9 + -tsc o-E g 5sE E E+oca)(, -< thI.Doc{E(J=4EBc)OE Lc, -oei( btr-'EE -, o C.o N (JjE ? rgE 6 r go..i9 r E ?Et;P e E Er;[ : I ?€ ^IE5 i =-Lo 5 x Fb O;E1 fr ss:u = €oaE F E ea!o: f 'E>E a ! ; c'-dt E, ,\ =tt3Etr oof > x oe-Lo'EE= E <)<o o- ,,l,s .Dq.D.DOOO00 c(roN6ltr)o(ooq u? r o? o? a q r q c? q hltl(D (, S S co O (f, rr) ((, $ - (r, llolN (\t (O (') (O $ rr, @ (' @ c\l !Q ltl o@@ss@@o;;;:ll o (o I\ N O, O) @ F- !t O) @ lrfloo\q@co(r$lo(f,oqoql\llri ci d ri cr, + d <ri oi G, (o (o lrl ^l - (O tf N (\ O (O O o (i, llirl\t ro rr_ (o_ (o- ro rt t N co o1 (',- lorlo.i c.i c.i oJ c.i s E E B B B $lgl e, @ e o @tr o e 6 @ e [l +-tlooNtlo.'t(\aNN6orior(o@c.,(\a(oroNoo! -(.rO@C, l\.l'ooN@rrs.,i d r.: od d J J od c.i d d of J.rt 6 N F Go co tt o F (o ln .o o FFN.tltlrl,t.ilB aE ..,HgEEEFiEP."P..,FiIFEEE 9 gi E iE igE € € EEfEEgEiPfrESE o.C TEg Lo+.IE =Eo.=trD '6E !-O 0r.Y 9aE E.E h o g !f.=F.l3cYL- F =;6 LJ€TE5.s'uBI B{€gY E Eti Ei9nE;HE= fE F Ei 'E*E'* EE Igg#s , iEgEsIEEESaEi bijH=! p $x E EEEHB S ts E E E=eorr) o 6 h = roo :U B E$Ec! = sE;!q i sEBs;E 3gi E=qE ! ;rI:ig !:-t EE>.o- a * EtE-P*:Ef E=1s 3;t!e;1 g;s ;€iE E :E';EfE i=s ;:OE '6 =€is € EEEtEi cB5 6E?EE E=E:EE[g esE i ooo)Ui'-o oo Eoo iq qq -qq Ho oo :L^La..1 NG1 lf N- ;a 00 2.00 :'tr p 6o_E30)PC6L'.s a E-;o-cl^ o- 3EESoEE* *;.. 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