HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111107Teton Springs to Staff 1-9 with attachments.pdf1 RESPONSE TO IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PRODUCTION REQUEST TO TETON SPRINGS WATER Prepared by: Jon Pinardi, Teton Springs Water and Sewer Company, Manager Rick Nansen, Teton Water Inc. President, Contract Operator Bob Ablondi, Rendezvous Engineering, Idaho P.E. 5994 November 3, 2011 REQUEST NO. 1: In reference to Well No. 1, please respond to the following questions: a. How old is the pumping system (years)? Well No. 1 was originally drilled in the spring of 2000 as an exploratory well and the first supply well for the Teton Springs development. It was initially designed as an alluvial gravel well, targeting the shallower sand and gravel deposits common to this area of the Teton Valley. However, the upper zone of gravels (which were logged to a depth of about 450 feet) did not yield significant water production (< 20 gpm) and resulted in the drilling of a much deeper (800 ft) bedrock well to provide the necessary supply. The final completed well tapped a deeper and more substantial water source that involved an unnamed fractured volcanic rock formation which although capable of flows in excess of 500 gpm, has resulted in the discharge fine sediments when pumped at rates higher than about 250 gpm. This deeper formation also produces warm water (95-98F+/-) and exerts an artesian pressure that resulted in a static water level of about 2 feet (below ground surface) at the time of completion. The sediment is inherent to the fractured bedrock formation that supplies water to this well and has over time accelerated the normal rate of wear and tear to the submersible pump. A temporary pump was first installed in the well in 2000 to supply water during the initial development and construction phase. A permanent submersible pump and control building was constructed in early 2004 as the main water system for the development was completed. However, the initial three phase power service provided by the local power cooperative had loss of phase and unbalanced voltage problems which caused a premature motor failure in late 2004. A new motor was installed in late 2004. New power lines were installed in the Victor, Idaho area which eventually reduced electrical issues due to phase failure and imbalance. As the well use increased in 2004 and 2005 with the growth of the Teton Springs Development, there were additional sediment problems that resulted in a major rehabilitation of Well No. 1 in late 2005 and early 2006. This included re- development of the well with compressed air for about 4 full days to flush out sediments that had accumulated in the bottom of the well over time. In addition, a steel perforated liner was installed in the bottom 320 feet of the well. A new 2 pump end was also installed at this time. It is this same pump end and motor that was recently replaced in 2011. Following this rehabilitation work, the well continued to produce fine sediment for the first 3 to 4 minutes of operation during each start-up. Although this situation has improved over time, fine sediment and coloration is still observed during the first few minutes of operation when pumped at a high rate. Although less than ideal, the well has produced good quality water in substantial quantities over time and continues to serve as the major potable water source for the development. b. Please provide an assessment of why the pump/motor failed. The following is a summary of the observed flows in Teton Springs Well No. 1 which led to the concerns about the well and the scheduling of maintenance work that took place this past summer: Early 2007 approximately 325 gpm on average Early 2008 approximately 235 gpm on average Early 2009 approximately 235 gpm on average Mid 2009 approximately 235 gpm on average Early 2010 approximately 200 gpm on average Mid 2010 approximately 235 gpm on average Late 2010 approximately 145 gpm on average Early 2011 approximately 180 gpm on average Although pump failure due to age/demand/usage is normal, it is believed that the warm water associated with this formation (97 degrees) reduced the life expectancy by increasing the temperature of the motor windings and accelerating the natural breakdown of the motor insulation. In addition, as previously described, this well was subject to sediment issues which caused additional wear and tear on the pump end impellers, bearings and related parts. It is also believed that the failure was caused by the breakdown of the plastic electrical tape, commonly used by well drillers to attach the power wire to the drop pipe. As the tape (more specifically, the adhesive) was broken down by the long term exposure to warm water, it “sluffed off” and caused blockage of the pump intake screen. This did not occur rapidly, but over time. This could not be determined until the pump was pulled and visual inspection made. This condition with the tape blocking the intake screen also helps explain the erratic flow rates observed since 2007. Over time, pump capacity was observed to diminish. This was not steady or regular as noted in pump logs. After all of the “above ground” tests were conducted, it was determined that there were some electrical issues. Upon resolution of these items, there was no improvement in the well production. It was 3 therefore concluded that the pump/motor required an actual physical/visual inspection. When the pump/motor assembly was pulled from the well, there was some tape collected on the intake screen of the pump. This did not represent a complete blockage. When pulled apart, the pump’s physical rotation did not respond well when operated (bearing failure, obvious physical abnormalities in the volute and shaft). The motor had similar issues and the amperage draw exceeded manufacturer’s specifications. It appeared that the system had been operating under severe intake restrictions at times. As the pump/motor was pulled from the well, it was noted that the tape was missing or falling off at various points. While there may not have been enough tape on the intake screen to explain pumping performance at that particular moment, it most likely was an important factor. After the installation of the new components, delivery was 500+ gpm on startup and maintained approximately 350 gpm on continued operations. It was felt that the well was repaired and operations could resume to normal, as such, Andrews departed the site. Unfortunately, within 24 hours, production diminished quickly upon pump cycling and continued operation. As the pump came on, production was 350 gpm, however, after twenty minutes, it dropped to 175 gpm and after 40 minutes to 130 gpm. The cause of diminished production was unknown, however, we felt that either the tape issue was larger than originally suspected or there was possibly a problem with the new pump or motor or a problem with the actual well or its capacity. We contacted Andrews immediately to schedule a return as quickly as possible to re-pull the system and determine the problem. When the new pump/motor was pulled again, the problem was confirmed. Significant remaining tape in the well had created a blockage on the intake screen sufficient to reduce capacities. It was determined that, most likely, the amount of tape on the screen determined flow capacity at any given time. In addition, some of the tape on the screen became perforated and allowed flow changes depending on number of holes and actual blockage. It was believed that when the pump would cycle off, some or all of the tape would fall off. When the pump cycled on, the tape was picked up and accumulated on the screen creating the inconsistent production patterns noted over time. Now faced with the dilemma of an unknown amount of tape in the well, it was decided to use compressed air to air lift the tape material out of the well casing, similar to the process used in well drilling and development. A significant amount of tape was expelled. It was then determined that this procedure should be performed again in the future as pumping rates indicated or capacity diminished. The new power wire was attached to the drop pipe with stainless steel strapping to prevent a repeat occurrence. 4 c. Please explain why the Company replaced both the pump and the motor (Andrew Well Drilling Invoice No. Q11-0605). Did both of them fail? As stated previously, physical and electrical assessment of both components was performed. The problem with the pump end was quite obvious as rotation was not satisfactory. The motor was also replaced due to the lack of smooth rotation and excessive amperage draw. Also given the age of the equipment (6 to 7 years old), the cost to mobilize a service rig and pull the submersible pump and the importance of this well to the operation of the system, the safest most prudent decision was to install all new equipment. d. Please explain whether the size and capacity of the pumping unit replaced (gpm for the pump and hp for the motor) are of the same specification compared to the size and capacity of the pumping unit recently installed. If not, please explain the reason(s) why they are different. The pump was replaced as originally specified in design. Availability and time constraints were the determining factor of choice as to brand. However, the same Goulds 7CLC 40 hp pump and submersible motor, as was first installed in the well in 2004, was reinstalled in 2011. See attached pump curve. e. Please explain why the Company installed a new check valve. (Andrew Well Drilling Invoice No. Q11-0605). A new check valve was installed due to the nature of repairs. Failure was noted during basic field tests. Whether obstructions in the past had created failure or some present obstruction existed, we believed it had been compromised and should be replaced. The costs of pulling the system again were also a factor. Given the age of the check valve (originally installed in 2004) and potential cost and impacts to pull the submersible pump in the event of a check valve failure, it is common practice to replace this relatively inexpensive component as a preventative maintenance measure when the opportunity arises. As a note, we requested from Andrews to have as many components on-site as possible for use during the repair period. Not all of the parts requested to be on- site were used. Due to our rural setting and the timely availability of parts, this is a prudent, normal and necessary practice to avoid extending the time-frame of repairs. Adequate potable water supply and fire protection were of utmost importance and the repair window was small. The electrical cable was also replaced as inspection noted chafing had occurred due to the loss of the tape and the insulator had been compromised. While we may have attained more operational time from the older components that were replaced, the failure of any one of them in the near term would have caused loss of well operation. 5 f. Please provide a copy of the pump curves for the new and the replaced pumping units. Attached is a pump curve for Well No. 1, Goulds 7 CLC 40 hp. The same model pump as was originally used in 2004 was reinstalled in 2011 REQUEST NO. 2: In reference to Well No. 2, please respond to the following question. a. How old is the pumping system (years). Well No. 2 was originally drilled in late 2001 and early 2002 as a second exploratory well and backup supply for the development. A well site was selected in the southeast corner of the project based upon the recommendations of knowledgeable geologists to increase the potential for a cold water well and to avoid some of the quality issues that occurred with the first Teton Springs well. The well drilling targeted fracture zones within the local underlying Madison Limestone bedrock. The well construction was not finally completed until late 2003 when the final surface grout seal was installed. Well No. 2 was drilled to a total depth of 1140 feet and encountered limestone from about 360 feet to the total depth of the well. However throughout the drilling, only small quantities of water were observed as the encountered bedrock was not highly fractured. The drilling took place over several months as work took place in the winter and was prolonged due to the depth of the well. The well was completed with a six inch steel liner through the entire depth from surface to about 1050 feet. The bottom 90 feet (1050 to 1140) had collapsed or filled with material at the time the liner was installed. The steel liner was perforated from 985 to 1045. When the well was pump tested, it was apparent that it was able to produce water at a higher rate (~ 150 gpm) during the first few hours of the test, mostly due to storage in the well casing and surrounding aquifer. However as the well was pumped for a longer time period, the production rate diminished (to ~75 gpm) as the water level in the well drew down at a slow but steady rate. Because the well was so deep and the static water was at about 40 feet (below ground surface) there was large drawdown depth available, providing the opportunity to utilize the available storage. Well No. 2 was connected to the main distribution system at about the same time that Well No.1 was completed in early 2004. At this time a 150 gpm pump (Goulds 20 hp 5CHC) was installed to provide maximum capacity for short durations. It was also the intention to use this well as a backup to Well # 1. However, after gaining additional experience relative to the performance of this well and the aquifer, it was determined the discharge valve on the well pump piping had to be throttled to reduce the maximum pump output to about 75 to 80 gpm. A dedicated sounding tube was installed in this well in order to monitor the drawdown in the well during operation. The same motor and pump equipment remained in the well until recently replaced in 2011. 6 Although production is limited by conditions within the aquifer, Well No. 2 does produce good quality cold water and is helpful in blending with the warm water from Well No 1. b. Please provide an assessment of why the pump/motor failed. The main cause of failure was the long term exposure to over pumping conditions where the well drew down the water level and caused the well pump to cavitate and pump air. The shock of the air pumping affected both the motor with sudden increases and decreases in motor amperage and pump end with mechanical shock caused by rapid changes in pressure. While the original inspection/replacement of #1 was occurring, Well #2 was the only source of water causing it to draw down further over time . As repairs (previously mentioned) were being performed, we were operating at very high demand levels in the subdivision. This required Well # 2 to operate continuously, 24 hours per day, for several days. When determined that Well #1 had to be pulled again, there was no option other than continued use of Well #2. We believe that during the required continuous operation of Well #2, the aquifer was drawn down beyond its sustainable capacity. As the water level dropped to the level of the pump intake, cavitation occurred, causing both pump and motor to fail. No indication was noted during operation, other than the inability to start pump #2 after it had “kicked” off. Although the motor was protected by a Motor Savor unit which is designed to sense a change in amperage, the repeated drawdown and shut off of the pump and motor increased wear and tear over time. It was determined that the Motor Saver circuit was functioning properly and a physical/visual inspection of the pump and motor would be required. Said inspection revealed failure of both motor and pump. The long term use and observation of Well #2 had determined that a smaller capacity pump/motor would be a better fit for actual well conditions. When it was noted that Well #2 had failed, the opportunity arose to replace pump with a smaller unit that would better fit the longer term production rate. Due to the size change, both a new pump and motor was installed. All other components including power wiring, electrical controls and piping remained the same. c. Please explain why the Company replaced both the pump and the motor (Andrew Well Drilling Invoice No. C-5045). Did both of them fail? As stated, the pump was changed to meet the actual aquifer conditions. Soundings were performed and well depths were noted and demonstrated that the wells was not to be able to support the 20 hp pump. The 7.5 hp design would maintain maximum sustainable flows without causing drawdown concerns as had occurred with the 20 hp system. In summation; the previous 150 gpm flows @ Well #2 were too much for the present aquifer. The current 70-90 gpm by the 7.5 hp system was 7 performed while noting drawdown @ peak usage. This level is sustainable with this pumping rate. d. Please explain whether the size and capacity of the pumping unit replaced (gpm for the pump and hp for the motor) are of the same specification compared to the size and capacity of the pumping unit installed. If not, please explain the reason(s) why they are different. The sizing was reduced to meet actual current aquifer capacity of Well # 2. As previously discussed, this well had a history of lower production rates when it was required to operate for sustained time periods. Also, given that this well generated water from deep bedrock sources, the potential to enhance flow from this well was limited. The smaller capacity pump will also enable this well to operate at a more efficient and productive level when pumped on a sustained basis. e. Please explain why the Company installed a new check valve. (Andrew Well Drilling Invoice No. C-5045). As previously mentioned, if there was any doubt about a component, it was most prudent to replace rather than request another service call to pull the pump. Field tests showed seepage during testing. Also given the depth of the pump setting and age of the equipment, the replacement of the check valve was done as a preventative maintenance action. f. Please provide a copy of the pump curves for the new and the replaced pumping units. Attached are both the original pump curve (20 hp, Goulds 5CHC) and replacement pump curve (7.5 hp, Goulds 5RWAL). REQUEST NO. 3: The Company indicated that the pumps failed in July and August 2011. Application, page 2. It is Staff’s understanding that both pumping units were installed approximately at the same time when the water system was developed. Please provide an explanation or your theory as to why both systems failed almost at the same time. For clarification, both pumping units were not installed at the same time as explained above. As explained in Request #1, because of the steadily declining output of Well #1 over time and dramatic reduction seen in late 2010, we planned to have the pump/motors pulled for a review of the problem and corrective action taken as necessary. We believed that the reduced production of this well not only put our customers supply at risk during high demand periods or if another problem 8 occurred, but also put undo hardship on well #2. We planned for this work to be done in the spring of 2011 before summer demand occurred. Due to vendor availability, however, we could not schedule the work until late June to July. This did not give us cause for concern as all other systems were operating normally. In planning for the initial work on #1 to be completed, we verified well #2 was operating normally and we had a full 500,000 reservoir, therefore, we anticipated no problems. At the time well #1 was offline for the initial repairs, the reservoir was drawn down from 25 feet to 14 feet. Had the initial repairs gone as planned, #1 would have come back on line at full capacity and, with #2, replenished the reservoir and all systems would have been normal. However, when #1 failed to operate at capacity, the combined output of both wells was able to maintain only about 18 feet in the reservoir. Although not ideal, we believed this was an adequate reservoir level provided we could identify and repair the problem with well #1 relatively soon. We were in communication with Andrews Well Drilling and Rendezvous Engineering about scheduling their return to do a drawdown test on well #1 and/or to pull the new pump and motor to determine the production problem. At this precise time, while awaiting the return to assess well #1, well #2 ceased operating. Regular pump re-start protocols were ineffective and we immediately moved into emergency operations due to the already partially depleted reservoir and inability of well #1 to re-fill the reservoir or keep up with demand. We immediately contacted Pump-Tech to assess well #2. It was our hope that it was something in the motor-saver circuit, electrical or control panels. Upon their arrival and testing, it was determined that everything “above-ground” was operating normally, that the problem was in the well with the pump and/or motor. As mentioned, we had been in communication with Andrews and they were trying to arrange to get their equipment back to Teton Springs as quickly as possible. With this new development, not only did we need to pull #1 again, we needed to pull #2. Andrews agreed to return immediately and we went about emergency repairs to avoid a loss of water service and/or fire suppression service to all of the customers of the utility. As indicated in both Request #1 and Request #2, the reason for the failures were different. It is our belief that there is no direct correlation between the failure of the 2 wells, it was a coincidence and happened at the worst possible time. The heavy demand and fact that Well # 2 had to operate on a more continuous basis while Well # 1 was either compromised or taken out of service for repairs was, however, one factor interconnecting the timing of the failures. The timing gave us no other options than to enact immediate repairs with known vendors (Andrews 9 Well Drilling, Pump-Tech, Rendezvous Engineering, Teton Water Inc.) who had serviced our system since the time of their original installations. REQUEST NO. 4: Please provide any design information concerning the selection and sizing of the horsepower requirements for both the original pumping units in Well Nos. 1 and 2 (i.e. flow rate, discharge pressure, pumping water depth, etc.). Each of the well pumps was selected using available drawdown information (developed during the drilling of the wells) and a WaterCAD computer model of the entire distribution system for Teton Springs. In both cases, the quantity of flow was determined by the expected yield of the well with efforts focused on maximizing production for the growing development. The pump discharge head was determined by the 1) piping within the distribution system, 2) tank elevation and 3) well pumping level. The piping and tank elevation were well established by the need to provide minimum fire flows and desired system pressures as determined by the elevation of the above ground storage tank. The pumping levels were however variable and changed with the rate of flow, length of pump operation and time of the year. In addition, water levels in Well No.2, because of its very low specific capacity (output in gpm per foot of drawdown), are also believed to be affected by annual precipitation trends. The following table summarizes the main design criteria for the two wells both in the original design and for the recent 2011 pump installation. 1 10 1. Pumping level varies with the rate of pumping and duration of pump run. REQUEST NO. 5: Please provide any information concerning frequency of pump cycling in Well Nos. 1 and 2. The two wells operate with a radio telemetry system which monitors the pump operation at both well sites and the nominal 500,000 gallon storage tank level using a submersible transducer. This above ground welded steel tank has a maximum inside water level of 23.5 feet (overflow elevation) and an inside diameter of 60.0 feet which equates to a water volume of about 21,130 gallons per foot (allowing for internal supports and piping) and maximum total water volume of 496,555 gallons . The wells are currently programmed come at a level of about 20.5 feet (measured from the bottom) and turn off at a level of about 22.0 feet Based upon these settings there is minimum of about gallons between the pump on and off levels and minimum of about 31,695 gallons between the start and stop levels. The current maximum summer time daily use is in the range of about 230,000 gpd. The peak hour demand is estimated to be about 2.0 the maximum day flow or about or about 320 gpm. At this estimated peak hour flow rate the minimum cycle time (time to fill and time to empty) between pump starts would be approximately 726 minutes or 12.1 hours. Over a 24 hour period, this would result in about 2 pump starts per day. During off season conditions, water use drops to less than 50,000 gpd and estimated peak hour flows to about 70 gpm resulting in a cycle time between pump start and stop of about 562 minutes or 9.4 hours. REQUEST NO. 6: Please provide any information concerning changes in the pumping conditions (i.e. pumping water levels, operating or discharge pressures, etc.) for Well Nos. 1 and 2 from the time they were put into service until their failure. There were no known changes in the pumping or operating conditions for Well No. 1. This pump failure was caused by the accelerated wear and tear caused by the warm water conditions associated with the fine sediment generated by the fractured rock formation water source. Although there were no changes made to well No. 2, the static water level appears to have dropped over time as use of the well has increased. REQUEST NO. 7: Please provide an explanation and documentation (competitive bid documents, selection process, work contracts, etc.) showing that cost control efforts have been applied in repairing the pump/motor units for Well Nos. 1 and 2. Regarding bids and proposals, in our rural setting and given our history of operations, we are aware of the resources within our area. Our chief operator, Teton Water Inc., is also a chief operator of multiple other systems in our area and 11 thus, their operation, maintenance and budgets. He considered the following in advising Teton Springs Water & Sewer on actions relative to these repairs:  Health and Safety  Our remote location  The depth of the wells and requirement for large equipment  Available Regional contractors/suppliers and parts  Engineer availability and expertise  Manager’s notification and approval  Water supply was finite and being depleted at a time of high demand  Response times of all contacted and their immediate availability  Cost discipline  Customer service Both Teton Water Inc., and Rendezvous Engineering work with many entities in our area and possess a sizeable pool of resources with which they regularly communicate on different projects. If someone knows of a new contractor or supplier to enter our area, it is readily known to them. They procure pricing, on a regular basis, for materials and labor and assure that their clients get the best value for their investment. Andrews was chosen for a variety of reasons. They had drilled the original well and knew of its issues and history. They had also provided the submersible pump and motor and had performed past rehabilitation work and would be prepared to respond to any unforeseen issues. Further, Andrews was the only company that responded in a timely manner and their proposed time, rate schedule and availability was acceptable. In fact, no other vendor responded to Teton Water Inc.’s RFQ within the first 48 hours and further responses were indicative of no interest or no staff or equipment availability. No written requests were made as a result, nor was one made with Andrews other than the work proposal. Regarding pricing, while Andrews was securing material and supplies pricing, Teton Water was doing the same throughout the Rocky Mountain Region (Salt Lake City, Denver, Missoula, Casper, Billings, etc.) When Andrews prices were quoted, Teton Water compared them with those they had procured and gave management the results. In all cases, Andrews was within a 5% margin of the pricing Teton Water had solicited and was lower on most due to their buying power with their suppliers. Throughout the entire process, Teton Water Inc. was regularly on-site and in communication with those vendors who knew our systems well; Rendezvous Engineering, Andrews, Pump-Tech and the Teton Springs Water & Sewer Company owner representative, Jon Pinardi. All activities were discussed between 12 the appropriate parties and final decisions were made to ensure that water service was not lost to the customers of the utility. For the record, had we not pursued the sequence of events to enact the repairs during the emergency operation period, it is highly probably that our water supply would have been depleted and water service to the customers negatively affected. We were confident that, at peak capacity, well #2 could not replenish the reservoir nor could it keep up with expected continued demand. Had we not re-pulled #1 immediately after repairing #2, it is highly probable that within 12-24 hours, the remaining water in the reservoir would be depleted and our water supply would be severely curtailed to the customers. Every effort was enacted to minimize threats to public health, safety and fire concerns while also minimizing current and future costs and obtaining the best value for ongoing operation of the system. During this emergency period, pursuing new vendors and/or a competitive bid process would have been disastrous. REQUEST NO. 8: In reference to Invoice No. 228 from Teton Water, Inc. dated 8/18/2011, please provide a more detailed explanation of the various tasks included in the invoice such as Operations September, Well repair ops, Well No. 2 monitoring ops and flushing. Please provide justification as to why the costs of these tasks were included as part of the emergency work and not part of the regular operating expenses for the Company. The following information was prepared by Mr. Rick Nansen, President of Teton Water, Inc in response to questions about invoice No. 228: I, Rick Nansen, am a sub-contractor and supply the requirements of the contract. As President of Teton Water, Inc., I was to facilitate the completion of required repairs and maintain ongoing operations.  Operations September- $1000 – Basic retainer for month of August including (15 hours @ $70/hour) of basic operation of systems, reporting and testing as required. This is my base contracted fee with Teton Springs. First 15 hours were used rapidly in assessment, response, site management and acquisition of resources. Five days (approximately three hours per day). This was used then the following occurred.  Well repair ops- 9 hours @ $70/hour. Specific hours towards well #1. Three days ( three hours per day X three days) Round the clock monitoring of SCADA included but not billed.  Well monitoring #2 11 hours (approximately 1.5 hours per day for 7 days) pump, record and assess drawdown. Required for analysis and assessment of operation and production of Well #2. (It was noted during the sixth day that well #2 had failed and repairs were required). Information was vital to the final decision for downsizing pump size. 13  Flushing 27 hours (4 days @ approximately 7 hours per day). Due to the required flushing of well #1 (tape), the aquifer was rather “stirred up”. This well historically produces sediments when operating close to max capacity. The flushing of the well exacerbated this. This remedy created an exceptionally large amount of sedimentation. The system was then methodically flushed for 4 days after the aforementioned event. This was done zone by zone to assure water quality and minimize any sediment, taste and odor complaints. Much of this was done after completion of all repairs, though some was done in close proximity of well #1, when it was intermittently put back on line. These reported hours occurred and accrued over a ten day stretch. While not listed day specific, I was very conservative in my billing practice, as Teton Springs has been client for many years. I was on site throughout this time slot for 12-16 hours per day, making the best possible use of resources, including my own. While being on site and performing my duties for some 140 hours+, for 12 days, I billed only 62, less than half my normal rate. I performed all the aforementioned duties during the times I was not on the phone (management, engineers, contractors, suppliers, customers, etc.) or assisting others in the completion of repairs. I also went door to door and notified customers throughout the affected areas, both before and after repairs were made. REQUEST NO. 9: In reference to Invoice No. 8762 from Rendezvous Engineering dated 8/31/2011, please provide a more detailed explanation of the various tasks included in the invoice such as drawing for the proposed Well No. 3 and discussions with Mr. Bob Ablondi on various issues. Please provide justification as to why the costs of these tasks were included as part of the emergency work and not part of the regular operating expense for the Company. For clarification, you will note that the $85.00 charge on invoice #8762 referencing well #3 is not included in this application for assessment. Below is Mr. Ablondi’s description of the work performed within that amount relative to the repairs to wells #1 and #2 during the time in question: A total of 5.5 hours was spent by Idaho registered engineer, Robert T. Ablondi, (P. E. 5994) discussing well pump options and equipment with the Roger Buchanan with Andrew Well Drilling Services and Rick Nansen, system operator; reviewing pump curves and equipment; and, inputting updated information into the WaterCAD computer model to analyze various pump options and performance within the overall system. This work was done to verify that the proper well pump equipment was utilized and to assist where possible in determining the cause and factors affecting the failure of the well pumps. 5 MODEL: 5CHC SIZE: 541⁄64" Bowl RPM: 3450 0 50 150 250 GPM0 50 100 FEET 200 400 600 1000 00 CAPACITY 800 1200 TO TA L DY N A M I C H E A D 100 0 20 m3/h4010 30 50 20 40 60 % EFF 80 150 200 250 300 325 METERS 1100 900 700 500 300 100 25 75 125 175 3525155 200 225 45 55 25 FT 5 GPM5CHC050 5CHC040 5CHC030 5CHC025 5CHC020 5CHC015 5CHC010 5CHC007 5CHC005 EFF% Model 5CHC 150 GPM Recommended operating range Alternate pump selection is available– – – – – DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS HP Stages W.E. Order W.E. W.E. Number Length Wt. (lbs.) 5 2 05CHC00544CTB 20.2 57 05CHC00564CTB 22.8 62 7.5 3 05CHC00744CTB 25.2 70 05CHC00764CTB 27.5 75 10 4 05CHC01064CTB 32.1 88 15 6 05CHC01564CTB 41.4 114 20 8 05CHC02064CTB 50.7 140 25 10 05CHC02564CTB 59.9 166 30 12 05CHC03064CTB 69.2 192 40 16 05CHC04064CTB 87.7 244 50 19 05CHC05064CTB 101.6 283 (All dimensions in inches and weights in lbs. Do not use for construction purposes.) PLEASE NOTE: •Order motors separately. •For intermediate horsepower pumps consult factory. •Solid line is recommended operating range. The dotted line (– – – –) signifies an alternate pump selection is available. •Please specify all options changes in W.E. order number. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Part Name Material Shaft ASTM A582 TYPE 416 Coupling ASTM A582 S41600 CD Suction Adapter Ductile Iron ASTM A536 Discharge Bowl ASTM A48 CL 30B Bronze Bearings ASTM B584 Discharge Bowl Bearing ASTM B584 Taperlocks ASTM A108 GR 101B Bowl ASTM A48 CL 30B Upthrust Collar Polyethylene Impeller ASTM B584 Fasteners SAEJ429 GR 8 Cable Guard ASTM A240 S 30400 Suction Strainer ASTM A240 S 30400 ................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ 541⁄64" Effective diameter with cable guard 4" NPT DISCHARGE CONNECTION W.E. 53⁄8" (6" MTR.) 33⁄4" (4" MTR.) GOULDS PUMPS TurbineModel 5RWAL 90 GPM lt t a5o f o ii ii:. 1 200 1 100 1 000 900 B00 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 110 100 90 80 70 50 50 4A 30 20 10 0 s l.,co I:= ul 4030za10 50 60 7A Flow (GPM) 80 90 100 110 1ZA Recommended operating range Alternate pump selection is available Model: 5RWAL O. D.:5.54' RPM:3450-"t${w{ti.{*S't . *ffi i;ffi;frg::; DTMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS HP Stages W.E. Order Number W.E. [enoth WE. wt. flbs.) 5 4 c0sRWL005A44B 25.3 75 c05RWL005A64B 27.4 83 7.5 6 CO5RWLOO7A44B 33.3 100 c05RWL007A64B 35.4 108 10 8 c05RWL01 0A648 43.4 112 15 '10 c05RWL015A64B 51.4 156 l5 12 c0sRWL01 58648 59.4 179 20 15 c05RWL020A64B 71.4 216 20 18 c05RWL020B64B 83.4 252 (All dimensions in inches and weights in lbs. Do not use fol construction purposes.) t NOTES: Y 1. All dimensions in inches and weights in lbs. 2. Solid line is recommended operating range. 3. For intermediate horsepower pumps consult factory. 4. Please specify all options changes in W.E. order number' 4' NPT DISCHARGE CONNECTION MATERIATS OF CONSTRUCTION 541/eq" Effective diameter with cable guard 3%', (4" MTR.) Part Name Material ;haft ASTM A582 S41 600 Souplinq ASTM A582 S4l 600 Suction Adaoter ASTM A536 Gr. 60-40-18 Suction Bearinq ASTM 8584 C89835 lmpeller ASTM A744 CFSM Taperlock ASTM A108 Gr. 1018 lntermediate Bowl ASTM A49 Ct. 308 lntermediate Bowl Bearint ASTM Bs84 C89835 (Std.) lntermediate Bowl Bearint Rubber (ootional) UDthrust Collar Polvethvlene Discharoe Bowl ASTM A48 Cr.30B Discharqe Bowl Bearinq ASTM 8584 C89835 Fasteners SAE J429 Gr. 8 Cable Guard ASTM A240 530400 Suction Strainer ASTM A240 530400 14 Model 7CLC 350 GPM MODEL: 7CLC SIZE: 71⁄2" RPM: 3450 0 50 GPM0 50 100 FEET 200 400 600 1000 00 CAPACITY 800 TO TA L DY N A M I C H E A D 100 150 0 m3/hr20 20 40 60 % EFF 80 150 200 250 300 METERS 1200 350 100 300 500 700 900 1100 200 40 100 50 FT 10 GPM 250 300 350 400 450 100 60 80 30 50 70 90 10 EFF% 7CLC040 7CLC030 7CLC020 7CLC010 7CLC050 7CLC060 7CLC075 7CLC100 Recommended operating range Alternate pump selection is available– – – – – DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS HP Stages W.E. Order W.E. W.E. Number Length Wt. (lbs.) 10 1 07CLC01066ATS 22.9 75 20 2 07CLC02066ATS 29.3 103 30 3 07CLC03066ATS 35.6 131 40 4 07CLC04066ATS 42.0 159 50 5 07CLC05066ATS 48.4 187 60 6 07CLC06066ATS 54.8 215 75 7 07CLC07586ATS 62.8 255 100 9 07CLC10086ATS 75.6 311 (All dimensions in inches and weights in lbs. Do not use for construction purposes.) PLEASE NOTE: •Order motors separately. •For intermediate horsepower pumps consult factory. •Solid line is recommended operating range. The dotted line (– – – –) signifies an alternate pump selection is available. •Please specify all options changes in W.E. order number. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Part Name Material Shaft ASTM A582 TYPE 416 Coupling ASTM A582 S41600 CD Suction Adapter Ductile Iron ASTM A536 Discharge Bowl ASTM A48 CL 30B Rubber Bearings RUBBER Optional Bronze Bearings ASTM B584 Discharge Bowl Bearing ASTM B584 Taperlocks ASTM A108 GR 101B Bowl ASTM A48 CL 30B Upthrust Collar Polyethylene Impeller ASTM B584 Fasteners SAEJ429 GR 8 Cable Guard ASTM A240 S 30400 Suction Strainer ASTM A240 S 30400 ................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ 71⁄2" Effective diameter with cable guard 6" NPT DISCHARGE CONNECTION W.E. 53⁄8" (6" MTR.) 71⁄2" (8" MTR.)