HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131218Volume I.pdfORIGINAL BEEORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTTLITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. TRH-W-13-01 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TROY HOFFMAN VIATER CORPORATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OE IDAHO PLACE: DATE: VOLUME BEFORE COMMISSIONER MACK REDFORD (Presiding) Commission Hearing Room 472 [ilest Washington StreetBoise, Idaho December t2, 201,3 I - Pages 1-4 CSB REPORTING Constance S. Bucy, CSR No. 187 23876 Applewood Way * Wilder, Idaho 83676 (208) 890-s1e8 Email c sb @heritagewifi. com 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 15 77 18 1,9 20 21, 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORT]NG (208 ) 890-s198 APPEARANCES Eor the Staff:KarI Klein, Esq. Deputy Attorney Generaf 412 West Washington StreetBoise, Idaho 83120-0074 APPEARANCES 1 Z 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 16 L1 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 BOISE TDAHO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 72, 20L3 B:00 P. M. COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Good evening, ladies and gentl-emen. This is the time and place for a public hearing in Case No. TRH-W-13-01, the applj-cation of Troy Hoffman Water Company for authority to increase its rates and charges for water service. The purpose of this hearing is to take testimony from customers of the Company. My name is Mack Redford and I I 11 be chairing tonight's hearing. Commissioner Paul- Kjellander, Presldent Kjellander, and Commissioner Smith are excused, but they will- have access to the transcript of tonight's hearing so that they will be abl-e to read your testimony. Tonight's hearing is a telephonic hearing. If you have pressed Star One on your telephone, you have been placed in l1ne to testify. If you have not done so and would like to get in line to testify, please press Star One. When it is hear a prompt that says, time, our Staff attorney and address and swear you your turn to speak, you will "Ask your question. " At that will- ask you to state your name in and then you will be abl-e to CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 COLLOQUY 9 10 1 2 3 4 q 6 1 t2 13 l4 15 t6 L7 18 1,9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 11 CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 offer your testimony. After you have completed your testimony, you do not need to hang up. Your phone will be muted allowing you to listen to the rest of the hearing. If you change your mind about testifying, press the pound key and you will be taken out of the line to testify. Those providing testimony are asked to eliminate any background noise. There is a court reporter here who wil-l- take down your testimony. The reason we have a court reporter is that al-l- of our decisions are directly appealable to the state Supreme Court, so we must have an official- transcrlpt in the record in the event the proceedings need to go further. The transcript also provides us, as Commissionersr dn opportunity to review your testimony when we begin deliberating this case. With that, Iet us begin with the appearance of the parties. For the Staff? MR. KLEIN: Karl- K1ein, attorney for the Staff. COMMISSIONER REDFORD: For the Company? No one has called in for the Company. Is there anyone el-se, dfly other intervenors that are on the line? Hearing none, I think we'l-l- take -- Mr. Fadness, there aren't any other people on the line, are there? MR. EADNESS: There are not. COLLOQUY COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay, what we will- do is we'Il wait for 10 mi-nutes and then if we haven't heard from anybody in 10 minutes, we'11 close the hearing. Off the record. (Pause j-n proceedings. ) COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Going back on the record, we have waited 10 minutes and no one has called in, no customers, no other interested parties, so the record will- be closed and this meetlng is adjourned. (The hearlng adjourned at 8:10 p.m.) 2 3 4 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 13 1,4 15 L6 77 1B L9 20 27 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 U 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 t6 L1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORT]NG (208 ) 890-s198 AUTHENTICATION This is to certlfy that the foregoing telephonic proceedings hel-d in the matter of the applicatlon of Troy Hoffman Water Corporation for authority to increase its rates and charges for water service in the State of Idaho, commencing at 8:00 p.il., on Thursday, December 72, 20L3, dt the Commission Hearing Room, 412 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said telephonic proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the Commj-ssion. CONSTANCE S. BUCY Certified Shorthand Reporte AUTHENTICATION