HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130828TRH to Staff 3-12 minus 10.pdfTroy HoffmanWater 710 W Dalton Ave, SuiteJ Coeur d'NenerIp-SSgts ?i!" fii-il !i'j i'ii 3:02 Tel: (2O8) 664-9858 : , ,Fax (208) 665-200g ' : , , ',' ,: :. Email: hoffmanwater@mail.com August 23,2013 TRU-\,\,1 -13 -D I RE: Responses to August 612013 First Production Request Person preparing the documents: Anne Weadick, Secretary for All Service Electric 208-664-9858 Records are held at All Service Electric's physical office at 4350 N Alderbrook Drive, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815. Contact is Anne Weadick 208-664-9858 Request No.3: A) After much investigation, it is clear that the flow meter was improperly installed by the pump company at the time of the original installation. The flow meter needs to be relocated and should then read more accurately. We never found the time to relocate the flow meter last winter and that is the only reason it has not yet been relocated. We intend to relocate it in January 2014. We have no indication of any substantial leaks on the system and have done no further testing as such. B) No we have not conducted accuracy testing of customer service meters simply because we did not remember that the Staff recommended we do this based on Order No. 32152. Request No. 4: A) With monitoring over the past 3 years it is obviously the flow meter is inaccurately reading due to improper installation. In discussions with the manufacturer we do not believe the meter is faulty, rather only improperly installed. B) We will schedule a shutdown in late January 2014 to relocate the flow meter. C) See enclosed report and enclosed CD D) Meters are read in one day and the flow meter is read that same day. Request No. 5: Number of customers for each class at the beginning and end of the year for calendar years 2010,2011 and20l2: Residential : 146 for all three years at the beginning and end of the years Commercial : I for all three years at the beginning and end of the years Request No. 6: See enclosed CD Request No. 7: Unknown Request No. 8: Total annual purchased electric power cost: 2010 : $5,51I20ll: $5,937 2012: $5,979 Request No. 9: See enclosed email to Erik Ketner on3l7ll2. This is the only written communication we have. Request No. 11: As described in our original application, we would like to replace two necessary valves on the power pumping equipment per year over the next three years. The system was originally built in 1956 and all valves appear to be original. It is our consensus that we need to start replacing the ones that we identiff that are not in perfect working condition. Based on the quote from Consolidated Supply that we provided with our original application, the cost is expected to be $2,254 to replace two valves per year for a total of $6,7 62 over three years. Request No. 12:A) The function of the valves on the power pumping equipment is that they are isolation valves throughout the distribution system. B) We would like to replace one valve that is in the pump house. The others are throughout the water system and have not yet been prioritized. C) Valves on the system range from 8" to 4". There is not a large variety of sizes and types. The cost would be what is quoted by Consolidated Supply, there will be no cost for the installation as this will be performed by the Water Master and Backup Water Master and the excavation equipment to be used is part of the monthly rental fees already in the regular budget. We would only change the valves at this point if we have the budget for it. D) Valves would be replaced only in the 2nd quarter of each year based on weather and consumption. Burcau of Occupational Licenses Department of Self Governing Agencies Th. porson nqgod ha8 m€t tho rsquiramonts for licansure ard is ontiflod,*Ffft6-f"*" "nd ru1o3 of tho Stato of ldaho to opr]ate .3 .(n) DRINKING WATER D'STRIBUTION OPERATOR VERYSIIALL SYSTEM GRANT}FATHER notsLowgT+DrEY . ,'.t,i :, 838i8 ,lm (oat-fO Tana Cory DWDVSWS-12189€P Chief, B,O,L. ilumber RONALD W STADLEY 710 W DALTON AVE, SUrrE COEUR D ALENE ID 83815 Your license must be shown on demand.+ carry this copy ,*:fiil,flff :i;H:j,fl ,"Til:a,"o Tho polBon namod ha3 mot tho liquircmcnts for llcensuro and is snudod undsr th! hw3 and ru133 of th. St t of ldaho to operab ss.(n) DRINKING WATER DISTRIBUTION OPERATOR VERY STALL SY1STEM GFANffATI'IER n@u.,,pqv gr^*tt ''1ir '838{6 /a (loot4 .<, Tana Cory DWDVSWS-12189€P Chief, B.O.L. Number nlyles 147 display this copy:=+ 0a2u2014 Expirrs 02,2u2011 Explre6 0312212013 B Sumtu o{ Occupdonel Uccnc*s tl$rfimrnt afi $rll &rmlng Ageraria*?t p-ra.rfif,raatlr*trl frr llfla.afift &( 1ff6*rtr*l{ h cn$lart rf,rLf lrLm md nJ*$ ur t(ll. rf ldlro ls.rrrL ; l.lr1 DRrilr$LG WAIGA CIB?fiBrrTr0l{ OFTRATOft YEH| STLLST.8TET '.,aq '. trg{d f*nr Co.f $rhf,B,O"L. oYrsvsrYs.troll llfimfi*!fi,mlDtr g$fir Date Flow Reading (reading x1001 slLlLo 31,139,900 LoltlLo 33,663,500 LLILILO 34,668,800 LzlLlto 35,695,400 rlLltt 35,507,100 2lLlLL 37,249,900 3l23lLL 38,487,300 4lLlLL 38,722,5OO slLlLL 39,529,L00 6lLlLL 40,634,500 TlLlLt 43,260,000 717llt 43,826,800 sILILL 47,733,600 8130lLL 53,086,200 9l2lLL 53,42L,50C LOIL2ILL 57,223,70C LLILOILL 58,071,00C L2lLlLL 58,671,80C 2l8lL2 60,644,6OC 4lt7lL2 62,569,000 4l30lL3 52,996,900 6l?OlL3 66,532,500 813LlL3 75,597,600 LOl3Llts 79,8t6,L00 AltolLs 85,572,500 6l30lL3 90,516,000 210 180 150 120 90 Message Center Powernetwork , ,) lnstall network power management \9/ software and get $10 per personal computer from Avista. Visit avistautilities.com /busi nesdrebates. You r U sa se P rof i t e 5:?.i:.tifjl,ffit"i}:,j:',:"n" 77 66 55 44 33 22 11 0 Previous Balance Payment(s) Received through 06108112 - Thank you Subtotal New Charges - Due By OGl26l12 TotalAmount Due A LATE FEE OF 1OlO MAY BE AODED TO PAST DUE BALANCES Current Reading lnformation r;:frvrstt Account Number: Paystation Code: Billing Date: (8001227-e187 001329792 4 06108112 www.avistautilities.com HOFFMAN WATER CORPOMTION HOFFMAN AVE AT ANNE ST PUMP COEUR D ALENE, ID 83814 Account Summary $33s.93 -335.93 ffi I ttris 0.00 $495.84 60 30 0 I Current Period$495.84 Period Last Year Rate Sch 031 03'l Read Data Type of Service 2 06,t06t12 Electric Current Charges Detail ltieter ReadingPrevious Current 0 30.75 llet€rilumber T12108365 T't2108355 Actual Actual Energy Franchise Fee 31 5106 23.61 Service 05107112 to 06/06/12 - 30 Days Electric Meter Number: T12108365 Energy Usage First 2635 kwh Energy Usage Over 2635 kwh Basic Charge Franchise Fee (5.000o/o) 2635.00000 2471.00000 Kilowaft hours Kilowatt hours $239.57 224.66 8.00 23.61 Current Charges X X .09092 .09092 $495.84 v Please detach and return the bottom portion with your payment. v ^#wsrt Account Number: Paystation Code: Billing Date: (8001227-9187 001329792 4 07110t12 www.avistauti I ities.com Message Center Don't Wait Energy & money saving T12 lighting conversion rebates expire Dec. 31 . Learn more at avistautilities.com/business/rebates. Your Usage Profi le 5:P"i,Lff$ffit"il:,j?',:"n" 84 72 60 48 36 24 12 0 t tnis PerioO Last Year HOFFMAN WATER CORPORATION HOFFMAN AVE AT ANNE ST PUMP COEUR D ALENE, ID 83814 Account Summary $495.84 495.84 273 2v 195 156 117 Previous Balance Payment(s) Received through 07110112 - Thank you Subtotal New Charges - Due By O7126112 TotalAmount Due A LATE FEE OF 1% MAY BE ADDED TO PAST DUE BALANCES Current Reading lnformation 0.00 $606.97 78 39 0 I Current Period$606.97 Read Type ofDate Service iletor Number Rate Sch 031 031 Meter Reading ReadPrevious Current Type0 31.561 07106112 Etectric T12108365 Current Gharges Detai! Actual Actual 6438 Service 06106112to 07lOGl12 - 30 Days Franchise Fee 28.90 Electric Meter Number: T12108365 Energy Usage First 2720kWh Energy Usage 2721-5280 kwh Energy Usage Over 5280 kwh Basic Charge Franchise Fee (5.000%) (x)r@(y001786 AGPTRE 00,1620 ETMlCool I 4 5 2720.00000 Kilowatt hours 2560.00000 Kilowatt hours 1158.00000 Kilowatt hours x X x .09092 .09092 .07773 $247.30 232.76 90.01 8.00 28.90 Current Charges $606.97 v Please detach and retum the bottom portion with your payment. v .#wstt Previous Balance Payment(s) Received through 09110112 - Thank you Subtotal New Charges - Due By 09126112 TotalAmount Due A LATE FEE OF 170 MAY BE ADDED TO PAST DUE BALANCES Current Reading lnformation Message Center Don't Wait Energy & money saving T12lighting conversion rebates expire Dec. 3'l . Learn more at avistauti lities.com/business/rebates. You r U sa ge P rof i le i:i,i,:.TJ,l,ffit;I:J?',:*" I Current Period Period Last Year Account Number: Paystation Code: Billing Date: l80ol227-9187 001329792 4 09t10t12 wurw.avistauti I ities.com HOFFMAN WATER CORPOMTION HOFFMAN AVE AT ANNE ST PUMP COEUR D ALENE, ID 83814 Account Summary $1,023.38 -1,023.38 0.00 $1,146.77 $1,146.77 ffi I This 490 420 350 280 210 140 70 0 91 78 65 52 39 26 13 0 Rate Sch 031 031 Read Date Type of Sorvice 091c6,112 Electric Current Gharges Detail Meter Reading ReadPrevious Current Type 0 48.99 75290 88022 Actual ileter Number T12108365 Energy Franchise Fee 49 12732 54.61 Service 08106112 to 09/06/12 - 31 Days Electrlc Metbr Number: T1210E365 Energy Usage First 4165 kwh Energy Usage 4166-7165 kwh Energy Usage Over 7165 kWh Basic Charge Franchise Fee (5.000%) 001739/001908 AGPNPs 001730 ETMJC00T 4165.00000 Kilowatt hours 3000.00000 Kilowatt hours 5567.00000 Kilowatt hours x X X .09092 .09092 .07773 $378.68 272.76 432.72 8.00 54.61 Current Charges $1,146.77 v Please detach and retum the bottom portion with your payment. y ^#wsrt Account Number: Paystation Code: Billing Date: 18001 227-9187 001329792 4 01/10113 www.avistautilities.com Message Center Make a resolution to save energy. Visit avistautilities.com for info on rebates/incentives for businesses that can help you save energy & dollars. Your Usa ge Profi le SHiedlt'$i,ry;b"iliJ?',Lr" I Current Period il ThisPeriodLastYear HOFFMAN WATER CORPORATION HOFFMAN AVE AT ANNE ST PUMP COEUR D ALENE, ID 83814 Account Summary Previous Balance Payment(s) Received through 01110113 - Thank you Subtotal New Charges - Due By 01128113 TotalAmount Due A LATE FEE OF 1% MAY BE ADDED TO PAST DUE BALANCES Current Reading lnformation $245.08 -245.08 0.00 $450.40 $450.40 189 162 135 108 81 54 27 0 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Read Date Type of Service lleter Number Rate Sch 031 03r lileter ReadingPrevious Current 0 1083 6201 Actual Franchise Fee 21.4501/0U13 Electric T12108365 Current Charges Detail Service 12106112 to 01/08/13 - 33 Days Electric Meter Number: T12108365 Energy Usage First 1105 kwh Energy Usage 1106-2145 kwh Energy Usage Over 2145 kwh Basic Charge Franchise Fee (5.000%) 001835AGPWK001603ETMrCoot 6 1105.00000 Kilowatt hours 1040.00000 Kilowatt hours 2973.00000 Kilowaft hours $99.35 93.51 228.09 8.00 2',1.45 CurrentCharges ----T4SO3o X X x .08991 .08991 .07672 v Please detach and return the bottom portion with your payment. v 'lhis is -l*rc o"ft vrhlw, etaau,y1vtrcm,i* we hau<_, Ron Stadley From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hi Erik, Ron Stadley < ron@allservron.com > Wednesday, March 07,20L2 9:35 AM ' Erik.Ketner@deq.idaho.gov' Troy Hoffman Water - Info on Lot Ownership CCE03072012_00000.pdf Regarding your letter dated t/25, attached is information regarding #2 asking for information on the well lot's ownership. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Anne Weadick AllService Electric 710 W Dalton Ave, Suite B Coeur d'Alene, lD 83815 208-664-98s8 2 -; t r--?4/.d--tt'Y' II?.CT8D it'i ?81 ilr45{ " DSE& rO8 TJAIUAB:"E CONSII}AF*qTISN, WTLLIA}'i ?, HOFFM.\N, ANd L:ILf0I'1 n. HS}'I'${AN. trustee $$der t.ile w!11 of !.1arEar*t iloffnan, dsc*ased, Erantors, r.!o hereby sell, barga.i.n and con:rey unta ?ROy }i0Fflt&lt ltlAfER CORPORA?ION, Il{C., an Idaho r:orporatio::, grantee, the foilor*ing described real propertyr That part of ch* Sst of section 36, To*nship 51NOrth, Fange {, l{.ts.}4., Xootenai County, fdsho,described as f$ilavsr tseEinning at a point 1311.{3 feet North of Quarter rorner h€t1.deen said Sectj"on 35 andSectior: L, ?ownshlp 5S North, Range { lrBX, and Sasl" sf t.h* East, riqht*sf-wey line cf aband*neii railr*ad right-of-way a distanceef 596.?2 feeti ti:ence South 01o22r28" [asta dirtance of !5.63 feet; t.hence $outh 26"03'49" sast a distance af 53,22 feet, thence);cr;i: 22"5?'fi2" E:st a distance of 52"81 feet,thence licrth 01"49'58" !{est a distance of34.56 feet! ehence rr*orth 89o35'38" W€st aCistance <lf {3,39 feet to point cf beginning. ?SffE?ll*R with all easem€ntstofcrre reserved by Grantorslain properties situated in Township 51" liort'h, Range 4,&cre tracts. and rights $f way here*over and acrcss cer- Lhe SEk of Seetion 36,$.B.ltl", in Gardendale Sractee's address is Rt" 5, Box 90. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 838].{. DA?E$ t*his ;:-d/4 day o{ *iX*-*":3d , 1*73. man, fru$tee o$largaret p,. Hof fm&n, l,'a 1t t"he ,,i d? r,)riu(15t 0f **. .ii., !]ir....,. -_ ti , I l:'ii.,u'{-".- - ., ,,i t!;.itr--lI! . rrll i- lai ({,fti*r the ttill of Deceased r l$- .drr-. l?Hr- ,4/{- "-{ L-, itfrr !r: i.;d: STAT$ ST IDAHS: ss. Csunty of fiostenai: ol: f.his *! day *f l,**l+- _ , n:e, the undersig$sd tlotary Public, personally 14ILLIA!1 f . ,{o!'fMAl{, a widower, kno$rn to m€ to son whose nanre i5 subscribed to the foregoing edged ts tte that he *xecuted the same. 1973, before aPpe&red be the per- and acknowl- l,{otary Publi'c f,orresidiag at Coe$r d'Alene,aho, S?A?E OT OREGON ! ss. Countl, of l{ulf,nomah ! on rhis ;f day of {irnt*,{^*-* , }9?3. hefore rne, :he undersigred Not,ary PubLic, personally appeared UILTOII E. IISFP!.{AS" Trustsq under th& wi}1 of Marg&ret I},. Hoffrlran. deceased, and Ecknc$rl"edged to me that he executed the sa!*e as such rrustee. vresiding at 1}*\ 0m**. '- ,- .. ,.*rXr.-*L/u. y, jl 7 7 DEQ Public Drinking Water System Monitoring Schedule Report Print Date: August 22,2013 ID1280096 - HOFFMAN TROY WATER CORP Community water system serving 336 people and 147 connections. Regulated by COEUR D ALENE REGIONAL OFFICE. The following schedules include monitoring periods between 11112013 and 1213112021. Schedules for Distribution System(s) -99EIl coo" Group/Analyte NameZA 31OO COLIFORM (TCR) , \zoo pBcu LcR-LEADcoppER(to-cach) z9o ASBT roc - ASBESTos illonitoring Frequency 1 per MN 5 per 3Y due between 0'110112011 and 1213112013 taken d-uring the months of June through September 1 per 3Y due between O1tO1t2O11 and 12t31t2013 Season Season Begin Date End Date Satisfied111 '12131 Monthly6t1 9/30 NO Schedules for WELL 1, Tag # E0005232 Please label these samples as 'WELL 1' Code--!-zo azzal,o R228 -z-s soot 55 uRRru RnDS - uRANluM) r, o vocs vocs - cRoup Z5 zeRs ARSEN|C (1oos) zD zrtu roc - rluoRroEI qS aoc rocs - PHASE 2 AND 5'-E zNoz NrrRrrEA ZNO3 NITRATE Group/Analyte Name RADS - MDIUM 226 RADS - RADIUM 228 IOC. SODIUM Monitoring Frequency'l per 9Y due between 01/01/2008 and'12131120'16 1 per 9Y due between 0'110'112008 and'1213112016 1 per 3Y due between 01101120'14 and'1213112016 1 per 9Y oue Uetween O'tnllZOoa and 1213'lt2}16 1 oer 6Y due between 0'110112014 and 1213'112019 1 per 3Y oue between u1tu1tzu14 and 1213112016 'I per 9Y due between 01tO1l2O11 and 12t3112019 1 pergYdue between 0110112011 and1213112019'l per 9Y due between 0110112011 and 1213112019 '1 per YR due between 0110112013 and'12131120'13 Season Season Begin Date End Date Satisfiodnla nla NOnla nla NOnla nla *FUTURE NO-FUTURE -FUTURE nla nla nla ;; nla nla nla nla nla ila nla nla nla nla NO NO NO :"- 15 ALFA RADS - GROSS ALPHA 1 per 9Y due between 0110112008 and 1213112016 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This monitoring schedule is provided to you as a courtesy and is current as of August 22,2013. This monitoring schedule may be changed or modified as needed. Please revisit the monitoring schedule tool and review the system's monitoring schedule prior to sampling to ensure compliance with the most current monitoring requirements. Contact your public water system regulating agency if you have any questions. "-FUTURE" in the "Satisfled" column indicates the sampling requirement begins sometime in the future, Sampling before the monitoringperiod began date will not satisfy the requirement for the monitoring period, ".See CO" in the "Satisfied" column indicates the operator needs to contact his or her compliance officer (CO) to verify that samples have been taken and the schedule has beon satisfied. Print Date: August 22, 2013 Page I of 1