HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130806Staff 1-12 to TRH.pdfKARL T. KLEIN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0320 IDAHO BARNO.5156 Street Address for Express Mail: 472W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-591 8 Attorneys for the Commission Staff IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TROY HOFFMAN WATER CORPORATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. ?fi3 AUt -6 filt l0' 28 itr.,' .. .ii ll CASE NO. TRH.W.13.O1 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TROY HOFFMAN WATER CORPORATION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission requests that Troy Hoffman Water Corporation (Company, Troy Hoffman) provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than TUESDAY, AUGUST 2712013. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title and telephone number of the person preparing the documents. Please identiff the name, job title, location and telephone number of the record holder. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO TROY HOFFMAN WATER AUGUST 6,2013 In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. REQUEST NO. 1: Please provide the name of the licensed operator for Troy Hoffman and proof that the license is valid and current. REQUEST NO. 2: Please provide sample bills that are current and not past due for the billing cycles ending in April 2011 (six-month usage), April 2012 (six-month usage), and August 2012 (two-month usage). REQUEST NO. 3: Commission Order No. 32152 states, in part: "IT IS FURTHER ORDERED and the Company is directed to take steps that will enable [the Company] to make an accurate assessment of water pumped and water sold and is to complete this task by year-end of 2017." Please respond to the following: a. Did the Company investigate the placement and test the accuracy of the production well meter since Order No. 32152 was issued? If yes, please provide copies of the test results, testing methods, and the contact information of the person(s) that conducted the tests. If no, please explain why not. b. Did the Company conduct an accuracy test at random of at least 10% of the customer service meters since Order No. 32152 was issued? If yes, please provide copies of the test results of the customer service meters, testing methods, contact information of the person(s) that conducted the tests, and explain how the tested meters were selected. If no, please explain why not. REQUEST NO. 4: The Application's "Work Papers and Supplemental Schedules | - 4" Supplemental Schedule 2 (Water Delivered into the System), page 4 explains that the Company did not have monthly flow data delivered into the system during calendar year 2012 because the Company had problems with the flow meter. Please respond to the following: a. Explain when the flow meter became inoperable. b. Describe the steps taken to make the flow meter operational once more, including the time line. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO TROY HOFFMAN WATER AUGUST 6,2013 Staff notes that the Company provided monthly flow data delivered into the system during the previous rate case (TRH-W-10-01) for the summer of 2009 through June of 2010. Please provide all of the available flow data collected since June 2010. Please explain when the Company reads the well production flow meter in relation to when it reads the customer service meters during the billing cycle (i.e., same day, one day apart, etc.). REQUEST NO. 5: Please provide the number of customers for each customer class at the beginning and end of the year for calendar years 2010,2071, xfi2012. REQUEST NO. 6: Staff recently received the monthly water consumption data for calendar year 2012 in electronic format. Please provide, in similar format, monthly water consumption data for each customer served (commercial and residential) for 2010, 2011, and the first half of 2013. REQUEST NO. 7: Please provide an estimate of total unaccounted water losses due to Ieaks, wasted water, etc. by month for calendar years 2010,2011, and2012. Please explain how these losses are estimated. REQUEST NO. 8: Please provide the total annual purchased electric power cost for the calendar years 2010,2011, and20l2, along with sample bills for May-June, August, and December of 2012. REQUEST NO. 9: Staffnotes that the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) conducted a Sanitary Survey on the Company's water system in January 2012 and identified several deficiencies and recommendations. Please provide any communication with IDEQ indicating the status of compliance for the identified deficiencies and recommendations. REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide a list of all water quality tests for all water sources (wells) and within the distribution system as required by the IDEQ. For each type of test, FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO TROY HOFFMAN WATER c. d. AUGUST 6,2013 indicate the frequency and total cost per test. For example, Well No.l, arsenic test, every three years, $20 per test; nitrate test, yearly, $20 per test and so on. REQUEST NO. 11: Please describe and estimate the cost of any major capital improvements planned for the next three years. REQUEST NO. 12: The Application's "Work Papers and Supplemental Schedules l- 4," page 1, Exhibit l, Schedule A explaining line I I Power Pumping Equipment, indicates that $2,254 is added to cover the cost to replace two valves on the power pumping equipment per year. The Company also proposes to replace two valves per year for the next three years. Please respond to the following: a. Explain the function of and justification for replacing the six valves in the Company's water system. b. Explain where the valves are located in the system. c. Speci$ the specific number, size (diameter) and cost of valves to be replaced, including miscellaneous fittings and installation costs. d. For the two valves that the Company proposes to install this year, please specify the completion date. DATED at Boise,Idaho, this 64 day of August 2013. u4L. Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Johanna Bell & Gerry Galinatoll-|2 i:umisc:prodreq/trhwl3. lkkjbgdg prod reql FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO TROY HOFFMAN WATER 4 AUGUST 6,2013 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 6TH DAY OF AUGUST 2013, SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OT THE CoMMISSION STAFF TO TROY HOFFMAN WATER CORPORATION, IN CASE NO. TRH-W-13.0I, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: RON STADLEY PRESIDENT TROY HOFFMAN WATER CORP 710 W DALTON AVE STE J COEUR D'ALENE ID 838I5 EMAIL: ron@allservron.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE