HomeMy WebLinkAbout200502182nd Response to staff.pdf.pdfWilliam J. Batt, ISB No. 2938 John R. Hammond, ISB No. 5470 BATT & FISHER, LLP S. Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 S. Capitol Boulevard Post Office Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: (208) 331-1000 Facsimile: (208) 331-2400 Attorneys for Terra Grande Water HEC IVED ;1 Fr" ~ "~ ""-,-, lGIl5 FES f Pi'i 3: 5S r. TII )~!.!) riJ~:~1U I iLl! IL.J Lur'll'jiSSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION OF TERRA GRANDE WATER AND THE ISSUANCE OF RELATED CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 429. CASE NO. TGW-O4- TERRA GRANDE WATER SYSTEM'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION ST AFF COMES NOW Terra Grande Water by and through its attorneys of record, Batt & Fisher, LLP and responds to the Commission Staff s Second Production Request dated January 31 , 2005 as follows: REQUEST NO.On July 8 , 2004, the Company replied to Staff Production Request No. that the Company had retained the services of a professional engineer to assess the condition of the water company. Please provide the results of the engineer s assessment, any reports and or recommendations. If the information is still unavailable please provide the status of the assessment and the expected date of the resulting information. RESPONSE:Terra Grande Water System did have preliminary discussions with an engineering firm to assess the condition of the water system. In these discussions, Terra Grande was orally advised that it was not necessary to retain professional engineering services based upon the type of improvements identified. These improvements are the possible replacement of certain distribution 0 R r'...1 ~l" TERRA GRANDE WATER'S RESPONSES TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COM MI~ M ~: STAFF, P. pipes in the system. In addition, the Company has had discussions with the Idaho Rural Water Association whose opinion of this matter was consistent the engineering firm s oral assessment. As a result of the water contamination event in late January, the Company s assessment of its system has been delayed in order to connect to United Water s supply system and to seek rate relief with the Commission. REQUEST NO.On July 8, 2004 the Company replied to Staff Production Request No. regarding a written plan for capital investments with estimated costs and proposed timing. The response stated: "The requested plan is being developed and will be provided upon its completion. A listing of capital expenditures made will be provided at that time." Please provide the written capital investment plan with estimated costs and proposed timing or provide your anticipated completion date for this plan. RESPONSE:Due to the water contamination event within Terra Grande s system the Company put its capital improvement plan on hold in order to evaluate how the recent connection the United Water supply system will impact the Company s rates and whether using United Water supply, which carries with it a differing amount of water pressure, will effect the integrity of Terra Grande s system. REQUEST NO.Please provide the Company s latest DEQ sanitary survey. Please report on any changes made since the survey. RESPONSE:Attached as Exhibit A is DEQ'latest Sanitary Survey of the Terra Grande Water system, conducted on October 11 , 2001. In addition to the required improvements contained in item Nos. 1 & 2 as described in the Sanitary Survey, the Company has made system improvements since 2001 as detailed in the attached Exhibit B. Terra Grande is currently reviewing its operations in detail due the Commission TERRA GRANDE WATER'S RESPONSES TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Po investigation and the Company s own Application for rate relief. Terra Grande reserves the right supplement this response with further items and detail at a later date. REQUEST NO.Please provide an update on the status of water quality testing and a summary of testing performed since September 2004. RESPONSE:Attached as Exhibit C are copies of the reports generated from water quality testing for Terra Grande since September 2004. Due to the water contamination event in Terra Grande s system, there is a necessity to continue some level of water quality testing. Terra Grande expects that the scope of this testing will be more known in the near future. DATED this 18th day of February 2005. BATT & FISHER, LLP TERRA GRANDE WATER'S RESPONSES TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Po CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 18th day of February, 2005 , I caused a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document to be served, in the manner indicated, on the following: Donovan E. Walker Deputy Attorney General IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 W. Washington O. Box 83720 Boise ID 83702-5983 Telephone: (208) 334-0320 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 Hand Delivery Du.s. Mail Facsimile Federal Express By: TERRA GRANDE WATER'S RESPONSES TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, P.4 STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 1445 North Orchard' Boise, Idaho 83706-2239 . (208) 373-0550 Dirk Kempthorne, Governor C. Stephen Allred, Director October 17, 2001 Barbara Child Terra Grande Water Co. O. Box 7112 Boise, ID 83707 PWS No: 4010147 RE:Sanitary Survey conducted on October 11 , 2001 Dear Ms. Child: A copy of the Sanitary Survey findings is enclosed with this mailing for your records. You will find a list of the recommended and/or required improvements for your system on the last page of the field inspection form. These improvements are also summarized below: Requirements 1. The well head seal on Well #3-Penninger shall be re-sealed and all holes in the casing filled and plugged immediately to prevent entry by insects and/or rodents. 2. The casing vents for both .Well #2-Ash Park and Well #3-Penninger shall be extended to 18 inches above the floor of the wellhouse and re-screened. Please provide written documentation to this office by January 31 , 2002 stating the completion of this item. Recommendations 1. A flow meter should be installed on Well #3-Penninger. 2. A site glass should be installed on the pressure tank at Well #1-Hatch. Thank you for your time and cooperation in the completion of this survey. If you have any questions, please contact me at (208) 373-0559, or via e-mail at dlee~deq.state.id.us, Don J. Lee Senior Wa Enclosures:Sanitary Survey Inspection Fonn Cross Connection Model Ordinance cc:File I. DW COITo, Reading File EXHIBIT pc; c. " IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVRIONMENTAL QUALITY Drinking Water Supply Sanitary Survey Report YEAR: 2JJC; \ S stem Name: ~V~ bV-~ WtL+~V Co. S stem Contact: ().. V fp /)..,V fA.. C.Jt~ S stem Contact Address: p. D. fbo~ 1l1 Location of S stem: tt-v b tVt tL Clu/ l Population Served:Number of Connections: 1l2 s.~'l. mo - Water Rat ~ ( \J 'l :\-w ~ t"1 h\C - ~ 0 t'\; Information obtained From: yslem Representalive( s): o.. 'Llo lfJ Last Sanitary Survey Report Dated: ~ - Other: Deficiencies shown on last survey report: . (As. vi D JIL i- rn-u-t lM1.d.a d s sttd V..t$$U-V-I.- -e.f v'tdv-t.. Inspector: DoV\ L~ ~ b AMy d-WS Waterborne Illness: Violations: Confirmed? MCL?MIR? At risk? On SNC list? Rates? Contaminant: Other:Com laints: Certified 0 erator: Water Quali ? Pressure? Name on-e.. Ov+ +kis -ti\'Vt~Date Certified: Water Usa e: A verage Daily Demand MOD): Maximum Daily Demand (MOD): Actual daily production Water Production: ~. (MOD):Average daily prod, MOD): Total Design production capacity (MOD): STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION S stem Name .J,vYA- A...-kv Cc.PWS No: 40 lO\1..\ ... Buried? Steel?Concrete?Wood? Year constructed: Overflow? ation: Tenninates ground? Floats on s stem? Safe discharge?Screened? Ladder?10' above round?Good condition? Vent downtumed? Tank coatin : Screened? NSF a roved? in reservoir? Drain? Disinfected after service? liuJo~ At -tkis -hI nuL. Loo ed? Pressure: Water main size s :Ji4"1 "IY4"2 y.."10"12":;::..12" Booster stations: Water main type:Ductile iron?PVC? Co er?AC?Location of AC? Flushin Mains disinfected after service? Cross-connection ContI 1 Pro am? ~urce: W~l\ GROUNDW A TER SOURCE stem Name: tA- bv-~~W()..,4-LvG, .PWSNo:.LfDlDtLt1 Safe from fire? Distance to nearest: Septic system (100'':7(00 Sewer line (50' Surface water 50,...".50 '--L' Contaminated storage (50' )~ Other: Lot Ownershi ? Ade uate well lot? Livestock (50' ): ~5D' )( ltt,)( Fv~ Floor drain? Non- otable stora e? to sum? Conunents: Wellhead seal? 6" above floor? Well log? Downtumed? Date constructed: \ ~ -, Static water leveJ ft): 40 Screened? De th of well (ft: 2Lt' 18" above floor? Comments: lJJIL k:, . th of surface seal ft): Material: Check valve?Flow meter? Pressure relief valve?to-waste cOIUlection?Sur e valve? Pump control valve? Air relief (vacuum) valve? (required for turbine pumps) Pum info: Drawdown ft: Turbine pumps only: ~ A Submersib Ie? Brand: . tJ.L., k..L..-+ Variable ower su I Type of lubrication: Turbine?Other: Pum t Food grade oil? --'" =\:\:: ~rce:W....L l \ GROUNDWATER SOURCE System Name YAw PWSNo: L\Ol 0 tLl'l Brand:Rated Press How man? Brand:How man? Excessive?Tanks properly supported? utenances:Air com ressor?Drain? Excessive?orted?Tank in ood condition? Requirements for systems built after 1985:N A ASTM stamp?Air relief valve Taste/odor? Treatment method:Oxidation?Ion exchan e? Chemical assivation?Aeration? . ? Monitorin Parameter: s performing adequately ~me~ \lMRecords? Maintenance: Point of a lication: Contract? eration: Distance to nearest: Surface water (50')~SO Ventilation? Fire extinguisher? Back-u source? Cas in vent: Well log? Comments: GROUNDW A TER SOURCE System Nam~VV ~ bV tL~ Wcc-tLv CD sh P~yl PWSNo:4ClDl Location: Safe from flood in ? Safe from fire? Lot Ownershi ? Livestock (50'): ~50Septic system (100')~ lCC Sewer line (50')~50 Contaminated storage (50,?50'Other: ~~ Fv~ Heatin ? to sum? Safe from fire?Lockin door? Roof Hatch?Floor drain? Comments: ..... In wellfield, how man Wellhead seal? 6" above floor? Downturned?Screened? Date constructed: Static water level (ft :4').;' Flow meter? Pressure relief valve? Pump control valve? PUll Pum info: Turbine pumps only:N A Isolation valve? Check valve? Sur e valve?to-waste cOlUlection? Air relief (vacuum) valve? (required for turbine pumps) Submersib Ie? Brand: m:~~. (ft: t.t..d? N Type of lubrication'F 9od grade oil?Water pre-lube? 6urce: WWL-\ \ -\:\: 2., GROUNDW A TER SOURCE ~vb- bV~ Brand:How man ? Brand:How man? Excessive? Volume utenances:Drain? n s for systems built after 1985:ASTM stamp? Corrosion control? Descri tion: Treatment method:Ion exchan e? Aeration? eration: Maintenance: Point of a Contract? lication: Monitorin Parameter: perfonning adequately N t-\-- Records? qu~rmfVt i 1o S;urce : vJ...Ll \:.tt- GROUNDW A TER SOURCE S stem Nam J.,VV~ bv vV tX..-4-Lv Co.PWSNo:L!OI0147 Location: tJced and locked?Safe from fire? Ade Date well lot? Lot Ownershi ? Distance to nearest:Septic system (100' ): 71 t)O Sewer line (50'~ SO Livestock (50' ): ..,... 5 D Surface water (50'~5D Contaminated storage (50')~Sc' Other: Floor drain? ~ ~ I~ ~ ~Material: Comments: Well cas in Casin vent: W ell log? Downtumed? Static water level ft. 4':)' . De th of surface seal (ft: Comments: -* J... tALv J.. ~1-s V ....J..Lf) h'\N'vlL Mttti Material: .s.-~\Isolation valve? Check valve? Sur e valve? Flow meter? Pressure relief valve? Pump control valve? to-waste connection? Air relief (vacuum) valve? (required for turbine pumps) Pum t Other: Pum info:Brand: Drawdown (ft : Turbine pumps only: Type of lubrication: ater pre-lube? Food grade oil? GROUNDW A TER SOURCE S stem Nam ;! fA.. bv PWSNo: 4l) lD l4'7 Brand: Brand:How man? Excessive?Tanks properly supported? ...-...-----.-......-........ ... ... - ..... """-. Volume ( al: SOD utenances:Air com ressor? C de rate (.c 1 O-15/hr :Excessive?Tank in ood condition? Requirements for systems built after 1985:N A ASTM stamp?Air relief valv Treatment method:Oxidation?Ion exchan e? Chemical assivation?Aeration? eration:ia used:Point of a lication: Maintenance:ersonnel?Contract? Parameter:Records? ~~itir:~hLL .. - COMMENTS . W~l:kt\- w~ \ \ :\t 3- ~~. lass on. Y--t$~~~~. nu..::\:ur S. ko LLl ~~ \--c.A .Jo . . 2001 Completed changes required by DEQ sanitary survey Replaced all pipes on Skillern 2002 Replaced 1" galvanized pipe with 1" poly pipe on south Penninger Replaced 2" galvanized pipe with 2" poly pipe on Penninger 2003 Replaced 2" galvanized Pipe with 2" poly pipe on Dorian Replaced 1 Ij,." galvanized pipe with 1 Ij,." poly pipe on south Penninger Replaced 1" galvanized pipe with 1" poly pipe on Lemhi 2004 Replaced service at 1801 Penninger Replaced 4" water main damaged in sewer installation with new pipe Replaced water services for 2109 & 2021 Ash Park Install new water services to 1819 & 1801 Ash Park Install new water service to 719 Ash Park Install new water service to 1608 Penninger Install new 4" with poly pipe from Ash Park to Skillern Replace new 4" poly on Penninger at Penninger Court New meter stands and cans for 1801 , 1816 1824 Penninger Repaired and replaced all pipe damaged by Deer Flat Excavation and United Water during sewer installation on Penninger EXHIBIT M E 0 F HEALTH WELFARE BUREAU OF IJ\BORATORIES RICHARD F. HUDSON, Ph.D., Chief 2220 Old Penitentiary Road Boise, \0 83712 PHONE 208-334-2235 FAX 208-334-2382 Date Collected: 1/20/2005Time Collected: 2:00 PMDate Received: 1/20/2005 i La~f)fato":;Or~er" , '-'~' ~""'.'--~o , -".' .....~..-,.~....... 1:.Jr1~2"'(~J):Q \;J~JFt. DIRK KEMPTHORNE - Governor KARL B. KURTZ - Director TERRA GRANDE WATER COMPANY Attention: BRANDON LOWDER PO BOX 7112 BOISE, ID 83707 Customer ID: Project 10: Site: Matrix: ID4010147 PWS HATCH Drinking Water Well l' (Please refer to this number when contacting the lab) Date Collected: 20-Jan- Time Collected: 2:00 PM Daterrime Received: 20-Jan- Collected By: BRANDON LOWDER . " Laif$.mPI~ID.Num~er.z_......, '~,.._............,.__.....,...... Anglin Date Completed: . ; '. .'-" ", . Custo er'~am ~ 1 Method: EPA 524.Units: jig/L Analyst: Compound Benzene . Carbon Tetrachloride 0ichloroethene cis-0ichloroethylene trans-0ichloroethylene 1 ,0ichloroethane Dichloropropane 0ichlorobenzene 1 A-Dichlorobenzene Oichloromethane Ethylbenzene Chlorobenzene Styrene Tetrachloroethylene 2A-Trichlorobenzene 1 t 1,1- Trichloroethane 1 t 1 ,2- Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene Toluene Vinyl Chloride p-xylene Xylene Xylenes - Total Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Chloroform Result 11. 27. 1/26/2005 Page 1 of 9 EPA Laboratory 10: 1000018 O!?01:g1~ 1/20/2005 Detection Limit 0.49 Laboratory Supervisor EXHIBIT M E 0 F HEALTH WELFARE DIRK KEMPTHORNE - Governor KARL B. KURTZ - Director TERRA GRANDE WATER COMPANY Attention: BRANDON LOWDER PO BOX 7112 BOISE, 10 83707 Customer ID: Project 10: Site: Matrix: 104010147 PWS HATCH Drinking Water ". Wsll1C~$t()l1)er~~.~pJ~.IQ: Method: EPA 524.Units: pg/L Compound Trihalomethanes - Total Oibromochloromethane Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromomethane Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene t -Butylbenzene Chloroethane Chloromethane Chlorotoluene Chlorotoluene 1 ,Dibromo-3-chloropropane Dibromoetha"e (EDB) DIbromomethane 1 ,Dichlorobenzene Oichlorodifluoromethane 1 ,0ichloroethane 1 ,0ichloropropane 0ichloropropane 0ichloropropene cis-0ichloropropene trans-1 ,Dichloropropene Hexachlorobutadiene Isopropyl benzene Isopropyltoluene 1/26/2005 Page 2 of 9 Analyst: Result BUREAU OF LABORATORIES RICHARD F 0 HUDSON. Ph., Chief 2220 Old Penitentiary Road Boise,lD 83712 PHONE 208-334-2235 FAX 208-334-2382 Date Collected: 1/20/2005 Time Collected: 2:00 PM Date Received: 1/20/2005 ..n. ,.., Laborato '' Order , " """,--.. .-,.~,...... O':2W~~~,e:Sg; (Please refer to this number when contacting the lab) Date Collected: 20-Jan- Time Collected: 2:00 PM Daterrime Received: 20-Jan- Collected By: BRANDON LOWDER 4~~~:~"~r..j,pJ~II;)"'~lJ91b~r .. PpQL2jfi Anglin Date Completed: 1/20/2005 Detection Limit fi/& --,-.------. EPA Laboratory 10: 1000018 Laboratory Supervisor DIRK KEMPTHORNE - Governor KARL Bo KURTZ - Director M E 0 F HEALTH WELFARE TERRA GRANDE WATER COMPANY Attention: BRANDON LOWDER PO BOX 7112 BOISE, 10 83707 Customer ID: Project ID: Site: Matrix: ~usio"1eri"S~mpJ~:lP) Method: EPA 524. Compound Napthalene Propylbenzene 1 ,2- Tetrachloroethane 1 ,2- Tetrachloroethane Trichlorobenzene Trichlorofluoromethane 3- Trichloropropane 2,4- Trimethylbenzene 1 ,5- Trimethylbenzene 1/26/2005 ID4010147 PWS HATCH Drinking Water Well 1 .. .. , Units: /lg/L Analyst: Result Surro~ate Recovery Information Surroqate Compound Percent Recovery Bromofluoromethane 101 BUREAU OF LABORATORIES RICHARD Fo HUDSON, Ph., Chief 2220 Old Penitentiary Road Boise, ID 83712 PHONE 208-334.2235 FAX 208-334.2382 1/20/2005 2:00 PM 1/20/2005 Date Collected: Time Collected: Date Received: La69r~tory Qrg~r l ;.. .0120..05. 09. (Please refer to this number when contacting the lab) Date Collected: 20-Jan- Time Collected: 2:00 PM DatelTime Received: 20-Jan- Collected By: ,BRANDON LOWDER :4~~:~~r6~~.~~~PL~\(fu.t)~r ... . 059t:?:1$. Anglin Date Completed: 1/20/2005 Detection Limit 80-120 _- 80-1~Q. ___--_ 80-1 ~Q~ C~J95 -gl~b.I2roeth~D.~ d5 .___._.----. 193 ---':==J -... ..' ,.."....."...--------...-..--..--..---------...-'-"'---..".-.. Toluene d8 r---- gj--- ,- 80-120 '--- -.....---.-.---.----------..---.-- Bromofluorobenzene Page 3 of 9 EPA Laboratory 10: 1000018 d/&Kc- .-----.-.- Laboratory Supervisor M E 0 F HEALTH WELFARE DIRK KEMPTHORNE - Governor KARL 60 KURTZ - Director TERRA GRANDE WATER COMPANY Attention: BRANDON LOWDER PO BOX 7112 BOISE, ID 83707 BUREAU OF LABORATORIES RICHARD F. HUDSON, PhoDo, Chief 2220 Old Penitentiary Road Boise, 10 83712 PHONE 208-334-2235 FAX 208-334.2382 Date Collected: 1/20/2005Time Collected: 2:00 PMDate Received: 1/20/2005 "--"""'-"' --0 ' ."."'.-"""-""',,,' c ""--c- ""'" iLat)Q-rato ' ~ " OrdeFI. ~,".~...,..-.......~.""..,..." Ol"0tl5~:~~n- . -"""-""" . "'" .. ID4010147 PWS Ash Park Drinking Water :;.~:~. L.:.:.. : -:;.. (Please refer to this number when contacting the lab) Date Collected: 20-Jan- Time Collected: 2:00 PM Daterrime Received: 20-Jan- Collected By: BRANDON LOWDER ' ~"-,:.':~:. ,~~"$,. ~mp:I')!~~NH#j~~~t. ~;,~$9J~;;gJ:9 ' Analyst: R.Anglin Date Completed: 1/20/2005 Customer ID: Project ID: Site: Matrix: C 4~tg.n!~r~;iIjj~ji~KI Method: EPA 524.Units: pg/L Compound Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride 1 ,1 -Dichloroethene cis-1 ,Dichloroethylene trans-1 ,Dichloroethylene 1 ,Dichloroethane 1 ,Dichloropropane 1 ,Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichloromethane Ethylbenzene Chlorobenzene Styrene Tetrachloroethylene 1 ,2,4- Trichlorobenzene Trichloroethane 2- Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene Toluene Vinyl Chloride p-xylene Xylene Xylenes - Total Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Chloroform Result 11.4 29. 57.4 1/26/2005 Page 4 of 9 EPA Laboratory 10: 1000018 Detection Limit 0.49 3r~=-~ Laboratory Supervisor 0 F HEALTH WELFARE DIRK KEMPTHORNE - Governor KARL B. KURTZ - Director TERRA GRANDE WATER COMPANY Attention: BRANDON LOWDER PO BOX 7112 BOISE, ID 83707 Customer ID: Project ID: Site~ Matrix: ID4010147 PWS Ash Park Drinking Water Custo~er.:S.'TIpJ~~ID: 2 Method: EPA 524.Units: pg/L Compound Trihalomethanes - Total Oibromochloromethane Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromomethane Butylbenzene see-Butyl benzene Butylbenzene Chloroethane Chloromethane Chlorotoluene Chlorotoluene Dibromo-3-ehloropropane Dibromoethane (EOB) Oibromomethane Dichlorobenzene Oiehlorodifluoromethane 0ich'oroethane Dichloropropane 2-l;)ichloropropane 1 ,Dichloropropene cis-1 ,0ichloropropene trans-1 ,0iehloropropene Hexachlorobutadiene Isopropyl benzene Isopropyltoluene 1/26/2005 Page 5 of 9 Analyst: Result BUREAU OF lABORATORIES RICHARD F. HUDSON, Pho , Chief 2220 Old Penitential)' Road Boise, ID 83712 PHONE 208.334.2235 FAX 208-334-2382 Date Collected: 1/20/2005 Time Collected: 2:00 PM Date Received: 1/20/2005 r-'"I-" "~---""- , .'.. ---.- ...., ""-".,..,, tL~PQJ~~9Jy.Qrg~.r I ~' ' Ol2UOS'09: ,~,"-",,~"_._,, -'" (Please refer to this number when contacting the lab) Date Collected: 20-Jan- Time Collected: 2:00 PM DatelTime Received: 20-Jan- Collected By: BRANDON LOWDER la"t,~'mB!~f~,QLii~m~~l '. Os'.9J:?J6- ! Anglin Date Completed: 1/20/2005 Detection Limit EPA Laboratory 10: 1000018 Laboratory Supervisor 0 F HEALTH WELFARE DIRK KEMPTHORNE - Governor KARL B. KURTZ - Director TERRA GRANDE WATER COMPANY Attention: BRANDON LOWDER PO BOX 7112 BOISE, ID 83707 Customer ID: Project ID: Site: Matrix: 104010147 PWS Ash Park Drinking Water Customer Sal11ple It): Method: EPA 524.Units: pg/L Analyst: Compound Napthalene Propylbenzene Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethane Trichlorobenzene T richlorofluoromethane 3- Trichloropropane 2,4-Trimethylbenzene Trimethylbenzene Result surrogate Recovery Information' 8UREAU OF LABORATORIES RICHARD F 0 HUDSON. Ph,D01 Chief . 2220 Old Penitentiaty Road Boise, 10 83712 PHONE 208-334-2235 FAX 208-334-2382 1/20/2005 2:00 PM 1/20/2005 Date Collected: Time Collected: Date Received: Laborato" ,Orderl , ........,_.......,-", ,,'.' ...,.. ..'- .,. (:\. ', .~.....: (Please refer to this number when contacting the lab) Date Collected: 20-Jan- Time Collected: 2:00 PM DatefTime Received: 20-Jan- Collected By: BRANDON LOWDER Lab:Sam leJC:Number 0501216 . ,.,. ..,. ", " ",, ' c, . ' .. ' '" ,' - """-"' .. '.. '" ,-. .. """ -' .. Anglin Date Completed: 1/20/2005 Detection Limit Control LimitspercenLRecovery 80-120 -\100 =-- 1 Q?_. ~. Surro9ate Compound Bromofluoromethane --,,-.-!,,?,, ~gJQ~J.2!:Q~!hane d5 l -80-2(L -'- 1.2q =~=~' T o'uene lOi -'- =-J .....---.........--..,,---.-.--...--.--.-.."..---..'..-....-- ,-,,-----,-_.'-- Bromofluorobenzene t-- -'- 80-120 -------,.------.-----' -- 1/26/2005 Page 6 of 9 EPA Laboratory 10: 1000018 Laboratory Supervisor M E 0 F HEALTH WELFARE DIRK KEMPTHORNE - Governor KARL B, KURTZ - Director TERRA GRANDE WATER COMPANY Attention: BRANDON LOWDER PO BOX 7112 BOISE, 10 83707 Customer ID: Project ID: Site: Matrix: 104010147 PWS Penniger Drinking Water Custom~r ~~rhprf!.JD: 3 Method: EPA 524.Units: pglL Compound Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride 1 ,Dichloroethene cis-1 ,Dichloroethylene trans-1 ,0ichloroethylene 1 ,Dichloroethane Dichloropropane 1 ,Dichlorobenzene 1 A-Dichlorobenzene Dichloromethane Ethylbenzene Chlorobenzene Styrene Tetrachloroethylene 1 ,2,4- Trichlorobenzene 1 ,1- Trichloroethane Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene Toluene Vinyl Chloride p-xylene Xylene Xylenes - Total Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Chloroform 1/26/2005 Page 7 of 9 Analyst: Result 10.4 27. BUREAU OF LABORATORIES RICHARD Fo HUDSON, PhoD., Chief 2220 Old Penitentiary Road Boise, 10 83712 PHONE 208-334.2235 FAX 208.334.2382 Date Collected: 1/20/2005 Time Collected: 2:00 PM Date Received: 1/20/2005 -",, _"d'.-""'."'."" '.""."'" Q.rf;\tQ,yQrdJ~J' t ,, , ; Q1fg~)(\)_ ' " (Please refer to this number when contacting the lab) Date Collected: 20-Jan-05 Time Collected: 2:00 PM Date/Time Received: 20-Jan- Collected By: BRANDON LOWDER Lab Sam~I.:(9a~~d'mber 050l,24Q ' '.. ...",,, ".. Pc' ",:",,-,",,, ,'..." ' '"" '" ""' , Anglin Date Completed: 1/20/2005 Detection Litr'it 0.49 ---~ Laboratory SupervisorEPA Laboratory 10: 1000018 , D A H 0 M E 0 F HEALTH WELFARE DIRK KEMPTHORNE - Governor KARL B. KURTZ - Director TERRA GRANDE WATER COMPANY Attention: BRANDON LOWDER PO BOX 7112 BOISE, 1083707 Customer 10: Project ID: Site: Matrix: ID4010147 PWS Pen niger Drinking Water Custol11~rSampl~.~I): 3 Method: EP A 524.Units: pglL Analyst: Compound Trihalomethanes . Total Oibromochloromethane Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromomethane Butylbenzene see-Butyl benzene t -Butylbenzene Chloroethane Chloromethane Chlorotoluene Chlorotoluene 0ibromo.3-ehloropropane Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane 1 ,Dichlorobenzene Diehlorodifluoromethane Dichloroethane Diehloropropane Diehloropropane 1 ,0iehloropropene eis-1 ,0ichloropropene trans-1 ,0ichloropropene Hexachlorobutadiene Isopropyl benzene Isopropyltoluene Result 1/26/2005 Page 8 of 9 EPA Laboratory 10: 1000018 BUREAU OF LABORATORIES RICHARD Fo HUDSON, Ph.Dol Chief 2220 Old Penitentiary Road Boise, 10 83712 PHONE 208-334-2235 FAX 208-334-2382 1/20/2005 2:00 PM 1/20/2005 Date Collected: Time Collected: Date Received: Laborato , Order I. ,.-.....--."."...."",......." '. 120 " ..,: ,:, ,,.", "' ,.." ..,.. " .J... , ;":;;;.,,~.,, , (Please refer to this number when contacting the lab) Date Collected: 20-Jan':O5 Time Collected: 2:00 PM Daterrime Received: 20.Jan- Collected By: BRANDON LOWDER Lab;Sarri 'e,IC,Number 050121.7: "z, ;:. P_" ...,..:..",.,.':,.." Anglin Date Completed: 1/20/2005 Detection Limit ~~~..- Laboratory Supervisor M E 0 F HEALTH WELFARE L-=--=-9~=_ DIRK KEMPTHORNE - Governor KARL B. KURTZ - Director TERRA GRANDE WATER COMPANY Attention: BRANDON LOWDER PO BOX 7112 BOISE, 10 83707 Customer ID: Project ID: Site: Matrix: 104010147 PWS Penniger Drinking Water CustoO1~rSa~pJ~J(:): - 3 Method: EPA 524.Units: pglL Analyst: Compound Napthalene P ropylbenzene 2- Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethane Trichlorobenzene Trichlorofluoromethane Trichloropropane 2,4-Trimethylbenzene Trimethytbenzene Result Surrogate Recovery Information Surroga~e Compound percen~ Recovery Bromofluoromethane ----- :L!?"~Pj9b_t9lQ~! h a n - ~~~.- ,-.'--"."'-"'._--'--- ---,----.._-,.-,------_..._--'---- Toluene dB .- - ..--- Bromofluorobenzene 1/26/2005 Page 9 of 9 EPA Laboratory 10: 1000018 BUREAU OF LABORATORIES RICHARD F. HUDSON, Pho , Chief 2220 Old Penitentiary Road Boise, 10 83712 PHONE 208-334.2235 FAX 208-334.2382 /20/2005 2:00 PM 1/20/2005 Date Collected: Time Collected: Date Received: \ L~iiQr~tQw9r~..rj' - - '- ',- , L:~L" ...,~ ,...;:?; (Please refer to this number when contacting the lab) Date Collected: 20-Jan- Time Collected: 2:00 PM DatelTime Received: 20-Jan- Collected By: BRANDON LOWDER La~~mpJ~J~ff!p,,~~~r '0 -0501 ~,,11' ' Anglin Date Completed: 1/20/2005 Detection Limit Control Limits 100 I 80-120 "" __- 80~ 120 --- ...1 C -~O-1 ~q-~~=:J 80-120 -"- ~~r---- ..-------------'...--..------ Laboratory SupelVisor ~i&~ ANAL YTICAL LABORATORIES, INC. ~?~ ;~ 1804 NORTH 33RD STREET;1( BOISE. ID 83703-5814 Invoice Date Invoice # Phone # 208-342-5515 1/31/2005 23633 Fax#208-342-5591 Bill To: TERRA GRANDE WATER - TERGRA ATIN:B CHILD POBOX7112 BOISE, ID 83707- No.Terms Net 30 Quantity Item Description Rate Amount 524.EP A 524,2 VOC 190.570. etal:$570. I\LCI-IE , \ LABORATORIES Alch8rn LabOrOtofI... Inc. 104 West 31 sf Street Phone (208) 336-11729otse,ldoho8371~ FAX (208)336-7124 Water, Waste Wot91 and Soil Analysis REPORT RESULTS TO: TERRA GRAND E A TI'N: BARa CHILD 10012 ESHELMAN BOISE, ID 83104 PUBLIC DRINKING WATER LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTAMINANTS. METhOD 514. fROS COMPOUND (MCL)MD 1.RESULT PRDS COMPOL'ND (MCt)MOL RESUL TILJ!u.aJL)(ugfl)(UQ/L)(uglL)(uo/U REGULATED COMPOUNDS23781 2.4- Trichlorobenz:ene (70.2979 trane-1 2 Dichloroetheno 100.2380 cis - 1 2 Dlchloroethvlene (70.2980 2 - Olchloroethane (6.2950 TrihaJornethanes -Total (80.2981 1. Trichloroethane (200.34.2941 Chloroform 2982 Carbon T etrechloride 2942 Bromoform 2983 2 - Dtchloropropane 2943 Bromodrchlorom ethane 2984 Trichloroethylene (5.10.2944 Dibromochloromethane 2985 2., Trichloroethane (5. 2955 Xvlenes - Totel (10,0000 * 8'2987 Tetraohloroethvtene (5. 2964 Dichloromethane (5.2989 Monochlorobenzene ( 1 00. 2968 0 .. Dichlorobenzene (600.2990 Benzene (5. .. - 2969 P - Oichlorobanl:ene (75.2991 Toluene (1000. .. - 2976 Vinyl Chloride (2.2992 Ethylbenzene (100. - - 2977 1 - Dtchloroethylene (7.13,2996 .!m.ene (100. ... LAB RESULT REPORTING CODES; ND . Not detected within sensitivity of instrument .. .. .. = No analysis performed for ttlJS contaminant MDL . Method detection limit Reported in J.tg/L unless otherwise noted Comments~ Lab Supervisor Signetu ... J 1 I\LCI-IEM ~~, LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31st Street Phone (208) 336-1172Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soil Analysis December 8, 2004 TERRA GRANDE WATER Attention: Barbara Child PO Box 7112 Boise, ID 83707 WELL #1 Quantit Analysis Each Price SOC/936.$936. lOG -Phase V $57. vac llZ.1.m $171, Gross Al ha /'90.$90. Uranium 35.$35, Arsenic & Sodium /'22.,$22. anide ~22.,$22, Nitrate Total: Shippina & Handlina Total Due:ij ,345. Please send payment when sample is submitted. Results will not be released before payment is received. Thank You f?~ , jP 1 ALCI-IEM :11::1 LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31 st Street Phone (208) 336-1172Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soli Analysis December 8, 2004 TERRA GRANDE WATER Attention: Barbara Child PO Box 7112 Boise, 10 83707 WELL #2 Quantity Analysis Each Price soe 936.$936. lac - Phase II & V-!K 88.$188. \toe ,,/ i111J2Q lliLQQ Uranium /'35.35, Nitrate ..r .u 1. ~1.341. Please send payment when sample is submitted. Results will not be released before payment is received. Thank You .~ I\LCI-IEM X),;!';:::i' LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories. Inc. 104 West 31st street Phone (208) 336-1172 Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soil Analysis December 8, 2004 TERRA GRANDE WATER Attention: Barbara Child PO Box 7112 Boise, ID 83707 WELL #3 Quantit Ana sis Each Price SOC """'" 936.$936. lOG - Phase V WJ.I WJ.I VQC 171.ij71. Gross Al ha /'90.$90. Uranium ".35.i35, Arsenic & Sodium 22.$22, anide 22.$22. Nitrate;'~1. Please send payment when sample is submitted. Results will not be released before payment is received. Thank Yau ;V" .;~ I\LCI-IEM :1,;/' LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31 st Street Phone (208) 336-1172Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soil Analysis TERRA GRANDE A TTN: BARB CHILD 10012 ESHELMAN BOISE, ID 83704 Lab Federal ID#: IDOO016 Date Received: 01126/05 Com liance Sa Ie: YES Collection Date: 01126/05 Sam Ie T e: SPECIAL PWS: TERRA GRANDE Ta #Facili ID: Anal st: J. DORMAN Contact Phone#: 208-322-2509 Lab Sam Ie # : 80347 Date Re orted: 01/28/05 Re Iacement Sam Ie: NO Collection Time (24 hour clock: 4:30Sa lin Pt: HATCH WELL PWS#: Collected B : BARB CHILD Anal sis Date: 01/27/05 State A enc : DEQ-Sand ,Jerri, Tiffan REPORT RESULTS TO: PUBLIC DRINKING WATER LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTAMINANTS - METHOD 524. I FRDS I COMPOUND (MCL) L ( :~) ~~'f; T I FRDS I COMPOUND (MCL)MDL fu91b)(~g/L) REGULATED COMPOUNDS 2378 Trichlorobenzene (70.2979 trans-2 Dichloroethene 100. 2380 cis - 1 2 Dichloroethvlene (70.2980 2 - Dichloroethane (5. 2950 Trihalomethanes -Total (80.2981 1 - Trichloroethane (200,34. 2941 Chloroform 2982 Carbon Tetrachloride (5. 2942 Bromoform 2983 2 - Oichloropropane (5, 2943 Bromodichloromethane 2984 Trichloroethylene (5.70. 2944 Dibromochloromethane 2985 2 - Trichloroethane (5. 2955 Xylenes - Total (10,000. - - 2987 Tetrachloroethylene (5. 2964 Dichloromethane (5.2989 Monochlorobenzene (100. 2968 0 - Dichlorobenzene 600.2990 Benzene (5, - - 2969 p - Dichlorobenzene 75.2991 Toluene (1000. - - 2976 Vinyl Chloride (2.2992 Ethvlbenzene (700. - - 2977 1 - Dichloroethylene (7.13.2996 Styrene (100. - - LAB RESULT REPORTING CODES: NO = Not detected within sensitivity of instrument - - - = No analysis performed for this contaminant MOL = Method detection limit Reported in flg/L unless otherwise noted Comments: Lab Supervisor Signatun : :1 ;I\LCliEM tl LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31st Street Phone (208) 336-1172Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and 5011 Analysis TERRA GRANDE WATER TIN: BARB CHILD 10012 ESHELMAN BOISE, ID 83704 Lab Federal ID#: IDOO016 Date Received: 12/08/04Co Hance San Ie: YES Collection Date: 12/08/04Sa Ie T e: ROUTINE PWS: TERRA GRANDE WATER Ta #Facili ID: Anal st: J. DORMAN Contact Phone#: 208-322-2509 REPORT RESULTS TO: PUBLIC DRINKING WATER LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTAMINANTS - METHOD 524. FRDS COMPOUND (MCL)MOL RESULT FRDS COMPOUND (MCL)MOL RESUL T (IlQ/U (IlQ/U (IlQ/U (llo/U (llo/L)(IlQ/l) REGULATED COMPOUNDS 2378 2,4-Trichlorobenzene (70.2979 trans-2 Dichloroethene 100. 2380 cis - 1 2 Dichloroethvlene (70.2980 2 - Dichloroethane (5.0), 2950 Trihalomethanes -Total (80.2981 1 - Trichloroethane (200.32. 2941 Chloroform 2982 Carbon Tetrachloride (5. 2942 Bromoform 2983 2 - Dichloropropane j 2943 Bromodichloromethane 2984 Trichloroethylene (5.96. 2944 Dibromochloromethane 2985 2 - Trichloroethane (5. 2955 Xylenes - Total (10,000.2987 Tetrachloroethylene (5. 2964 Dichloromethane (5.2989 Monochlorobenzene (100. 2968 0 - Dichlorobenzene (600.2990 Benzene (5. 2969 p - Dichlorobenzene (75,2991 Toluene (1000. 2976 Vinyl Chloride (2.2992 Ethvlbenzene (700. 2977 1 - Dichloroethylene (7.10.2996 Styrene (100. lAB RESULT REPORTING CODES: ND = Not detected within sensitivity of instrument - - - = No analysis performed for this contaminant MOL = Method detection limit Reported in J.l9/L unless othelWise noted Comments: Lab Supervisor Signal ( / c..- I\LCliEM t_~~ LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31 st Street Phone (208) 336-1172Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Sol/ Analysis TERRA GRANDE WATER TIN: BARB CHILD 10012 ESHELMAN BOISE, ID 83704 Lab Federal ID#: IDOOO16 Date Received: 12/08/04Co liance Sa Ie: YES Collection Date: 12/08/04Sa Ie T e: ROUTINE PWS: TERRA GRANDE WATER Ta #Facili ID: Anal st: J. DORMAN Contact Phone#: 208-322-2509 REPORT RESULTS TO: PUBLIC DRINKING WATER LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTAMINANTS - METHOD 524. FRDS COMPOUND (MCL)MDL RESULT FRDS COMPOUND (MCL)MOL RESULT (IlQ/L)CllQ/U ("Q/U Cll(l/U (I.lQ/L)(1l!:l/L) REGULATED COMPOUNDS 2378 2,4-Trichlorobenzene (70.2979 trans-2 Dichloroethene 100. 2380 cis - 1 2 Dichloroethvlene (70.2980 2 - Dichloroethane (5. 2950 Trihalomethanes -Total (80.2981 1 - Trichloroethane (200.26. 2941 Chloroform 2982 Carbon Tetrachloride 2942 Bromoform 2983 2 - Dichloropropane 2943 Bromodichloromethane 2984 Trichloroethylene (5.68. 2944 Dibromochloromethane 2985 2 - Trichloroethane (5. 2955 Xylenes - Total (10,000.2987 Tetrachloroethylene (5. 2964 Dichloromethane (5.2989 Monoch lorobenzene (100. 2968 0 - Dichlor6benzene(600.2990 Benzene (5. 2969 p - DichlorobenzeneC75.2991 Toluene (1000. 2976 Vinyl Chloride (2.2992 Ethylbenzene (700. 2977 1 - Dichloroethylene (7.2996 Styrene (100. LAB RESULT REPORTING CODES: ND = Not detected within sensitivity of instrument - - - = No analysis performed for this contaminant MDL = Method detection limit Reported in Jlg/L unless otherwise noted Comments: Lab Supervisor Signatu e: I\LCliEMi., LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31 st Street Phone (208) 336-1172Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soli Analysis TERRA GRANDE WATER ATTN: BARB CHILD 10012 ESHELMAN BOISE, ID 83704 Lab Federal ID#: IDOOO16 Date Received: 12/09/04 Com liance Sam Ie: YES Collection Date: 12/09/04 Sam Ie T e: ROUTINE PWS: TERRA GRANDE WATER Ta #Facilit ID: Anal st: J. DORMAN Contact Phone#: 208-322-2509 REPORT RESULTS TO: PUBLIC DRINKING WATER LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTAMINANTS - METHOD 524. I FRDS COMPOUND (MCL)FROS COMPOUND (MCL)I~UIL REGULATED COMPOUNDS 2378 2,4- Trichlorobenzene (70.2979 trans-2 Dichloroethene 100. 2380 cis - 1,2 Oichloroethylene (70.2980 2 - DichloroethaneT5. 2950 Trihalomethanes -Total (80.2981 1 - Tricbloroethane (200.24. 2941 Chloroform 2982 Carbon Tetrachloride 2942 Bromoform 2983 2 - Dichloropropane 2943 Bromodichloromethane 2984 Trichloroethylene (5.68. 2944 ibromochloromethane 2985 2 - Trichloroethane (5. 2955 Xvlenes - Total (10,000.0)'2987 Tetrachloroethvlene (5. 2964 Dichloromethane (5,2989 Monochlorobenzene(1 00. 2968 0 - Dichlorobenzene 600.2990 Benzene (5. 2969 p - Dichlorobenzene 75.2991 Toluene (1000. 2976 Vinyl Chloride (2.2992 Ethvtbenzene 700. 2977 1 - Oichloroethvlene (7.2996 Styrene (100. LAB RESULT REPORTING CODES: NO = Not detected within sensitivity of instrument - - - = No analysis .performed for this contaminant MDL = Method detection limit Reported in ~g/L unless otherwise noted Comments: Lab Supervisor Sign , d , '",',:::, ,.-".,;j;(~~~~: '",, . c ' ~;:/~ 1~~:~5 ($: 32~.90) ' :)' :$':14~95 -. ,"y.' '" .." ,"",,;,:, ' ~O10, ~ '. :' "!i':~'"F;' -',:"";:' :.jfi:~~~J~;:-:r~1":~;, ' " :f" ' "," " (20'~789';;8424(FAX) ItlVoice page 1 of 1 Lab/Cor, Inc. A Professional Service Corporation in the Northwest January 12, 2005 Terra Grande Water, Inc. PO Box 7112 Boise, ID 83707 Attn: Barbara Child Project Name: Terra Grande Water, Inc. Project Number: 119-95818 P. o. Number: Not Available Lab/Cor Batch Number: 041555 Conditions Enclosed please find results for samples submitted to our laboratory on December 29,2004. A list of samples received follows, with limitation or rejection criteria noted where applicable. Method Counting Rules Disclaimer Lab/Cor Client Sample No,Limitation/Rejection CriteriaSample No. 041555-119-95818 No special conditions were noted Preparation and analysis of the above samples was conducted in accordance with the EP A method #100.2. In this method, samples are taken from an affected water supply to measure the amount of asbestos contamination in the system. An assessment of vulnerability is determined for the system if the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of asbestos in the water exceeds 7 million fibers per liter greater than ten microns in length (MFL ~ 10 ~m). Samples received after 48 hours of collection are subjected to ozone/UV treatment. Each sample was shaken, then sonicated for at least 15 minutes in a Branson 2200 sonicator to distribute particulate evenly. Several aliquots were filtered onto 0.22 IJm, 25 mm diameter mixed cellulose ester filters. Filters were etched lightly, air-dried, and carbon-coated at high vacuum with a thin layer of carbon, placed on 200 mesh copper TEM grids and allowed to dissolve in acetone until cleared of filter debris. Each aliquot was examined at low magnification on the TEM to determine the best particulate loading for analysis. Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Required Stopping Aspect Ratio Length Width Analytical Sensitivity Rules 3:1 10~m Other IJm 100 Structures This test report relates only to the items tested in this report. Test results meet NELAC requirements. Interpretation of these results is the sole responsibility of the client. If your state agency requires separate reporting forms be sent to an appropriate state agency, Lab/Cor has submitted the appropriate form for your samples as a convenience to you. If further clarification of these results is needed, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you for allowing the staff at Lab/Cor, Inc. the opportunity to provide you with analytical services. Sincerely, John Laboratory Director (206) 781-0155 (206) 789-8424 (FAX)7619 6th Avenue NW, Seattle, WA 98117 La b / C o r , I n c . A P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e C o r p o r a t i o n i n t h e N o r t h w e s t Re p o r t N u m b e r : 04 1 5 5 5 Re p o r t D a t e : Ja n u a r y 1 2 , 20 0 5 Cl i e n t I n f o r m a t i o n Pr o j e c t N a m e : Te l T a G r a n d e W a t e r , I n c . Pr o j e c t N o . 11 9 - 95 8 1 8 P. O . N o . No t A v a i l a b l e Sa m p l e T y p e : Wa t e r Tr a c k i n 2 I n f o r m a t i o n An a l y s i s I n f o r m a t i o n Lo g i n : De e 2 9 , 2 0 0 4 Pre p : De e 3 1 , 2 0 0 4 Ve r i f i e d : De e 3 1 , 2 0 0 4 Re v i e w e d : Ja n 1 1 , 2 0 0 5 Fm a l R e ~ e w : Ja n 1 2 , 2 0 0 5 By : By : By : MI l By : By : An a l y s i s T y p e : Re f e r e n c e N o . Mi n . A s p e c t R a t i o : Mi n . L e n g t h : Mi n . W i d t h : EP A - Wa t e r 10 0 . 3: 1 10 t - t . m Ot h e r 1 1 m FI N A L T A B L E Tr a n s m i s s i o n E l e c t r o n M i c r o s c o p y - E P A - Wa t e r - W a t e r Sa m p l e A n a l y s i s La b / C o r Cl i e n t Sa m p l e N o . Sa m p l e N o . De s c r i p t i o n Fi b e r T y p e Co n c e n t r a t i o n 95 % C o n f i d e n c e St r u c . An a l y t i c a l Vo l u m e Nu m b e r Fi l t e r Ar e a An a l y s i s (M F L ) o 1 0 1 1 m ) " In t e r v a l Co u n t Se n s e (m l ) of G r i d Ar e a An a l y z e d A n a l y s t Da t e (M F L ~ 1 0 p m ) (M F L ) o 1 0 1 1 m ) Op e n i n g s ( m m 2) (m m 2 ) 04 1 5 5 5 - 0 1 AM P H I B O L E CH R Y S O T IL E TO T A L 0 - 0 . 30 7 0 - 0 . 30 7 0 - 0 . 30 7 08 3 40 . 19 3 05 8 0 1/ 1 0 / 0 5 11 9 - 9 5 8 1 8 11 7 1 9 SA s h .c 0 . O8 3 .c O . O8 3 .c 0 . 08 3 ** M F L ; ; . IO l 1 f f i - Mi l l i o n F i b e r s p e r L i t e r G r e a t e r T h a n 1 0 JU I I i n Le n g t h . S a m p l e s w i t h v a l u e s h i g h e r t h a n s e v e n ( 7 ) M F L a r e a b o v e t h e E P A m a x i m u m c o n t a m i n a n t l e v e l ( M C L ) a n d mu s t b e r e p o r t e d t o t h e a p p r o p r i a t e s t a t e a g e n c y f o r a n a s s e s s m e n t o f v u l n e r a b i l i t y . Pa g e 2 o f 4 04 1 5 5 5 0 0 . te m Lab/Cor, Inc. A Professional Service Corporation in the Northwest Terra Grande Water, Inc. Terra Grande Water, Inc. 119-95818 1719 SAsh Report Date: Lab/Cor Sample No. Analyst: Analysis Date: Average GO (mm2) Jan 12, 2005 041555- Jan 10 2005 0145 Report Number: Client: Project Name: Sample No. Description: 041555 TEM ASBESTOS FIBER COUNT - RAW D AT Grid Struc-Structure Length Width Asbestos Non-Nag.EDS Confirmation Grid No.Coord-ture Type Asbes-No.No.Elements Comments ioates No.Ch Am Ac An Tr Cr tos Date NSOu NSD NSD NSD Ch - Chrysotite Ac - Actinolite Tr - Tremolite Am - Amosite An - Anthophyllite Page 3 of 4 Cr - Crocidolite **NSD - No Structures Detected 04155500.TEM Lab/Cor, Inc. A Professional Service Corporation in the Northwest GRID MAP A69 A68 A67 A66 A65 A64 A63 A62 A61 A60 B60 B61 B62 B63 864 B65 B66 B67 B68 B69 A59 A58 A57 A56 A55 A54 A53 A52 A51 A50 B50 851 B52 B53 854 855 856 857 B58 B59 A49 A48 A47 A46 A45 A44 A43 A42 A41 A40 B40 B41 B42 843 844 B45 846 847 848 849 A39 A38 A37 A36 A35 A34 A33 A32 A31 A30 830 831 B32 B33 834 B35 836 B37 B38 B39 A29 A28 A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 820 B21 B22 823 824 825 826 B27 B28 829 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 B18 819 D19 D18 D17 016 015 014 013 012 011 010 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 029 D28 027 026 025 024 023 022 021 020 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 D39 D38 D37 036 D35 D34 033 032 031 03D C3D C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 D49 048 047 046 045 044 D43 042 041 040 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 D59 058 057 056 055 054 053 052 051 050 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 C58 C59 069 068 067 D66 065 D64 063 062 061 060 C60 C61 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C6B C69 To be used as a reference for grid coordinates from each raw data sheet. 04155500.TEM Page 4 of 4 LA B F E O f R A l I O # : tl J A 0 0 2.. 5 DA T E l A B R E C ' D S A M P l E : c2 ' ; ; ' C ; - ( ) CO M P U A N C E S A M P L E : YE S ?~ ~ ( ! : ~ ~ E 4- SA M P L E T Y P E CO - c o n f i r m a t i o n RT - r o u t i n e ~i c a t e PW S # : PW S N A M E : 4D \ t:: ; \ ' " i " \ SA M P U N G P O I N T !l O ~ TI ~ \.. . - \ ' 1 \ q '5 f t ~ ' \ CO L L E C T O R ' S N A M E : L ~ \ . LA B S A M P L E # : II ~ - ~ ' 5 g DA T E R E P O R T E D B Y l A B : - / / .. RE P l A C E M E N T S A M P L E CO l l E C T I O N T I M E : ~: Dt. . ) A \ V ) 24 h o u r d o c k ) RP - r e p e a t SP - s p e c i a J 04 1 '~ 5 S La b / C o r , I n c - 76 1 9 6 t h A v e n u e N W Se a t t l e , W A 98 1 1 7 -- - ph o n e : 8 8 8 - 52 2 - 26 7 4 fa x : 2 0 6 - 78 9 - 84 2 4 w w w . l a b c o r . ne t OT H E R : Se n d R e p o r t t o : Bi l l t o : Te r r a G r a n d e W a t e r , I n c . PO B o x 7 1 1 2 Bo i s e , I D 8 3 7 0 4 1 ' B. : ; 7( ) 7 Te r r a G r a n d e W a t e r , I n c . PO B o x 7 1 1 2 Bo i s e , i l l 83 - 1 0 1 0 ' d. , 3 7 t . J TA G # / F A C I U T Y 1 0 : -- - - - __ n - - - - n _ - -- - . . - - - - . - . .. . . . . - . . - . . . . - - . . - . . . . - . . - \ " - - ,. . . . . . . . . . . , - . " " . " " . . . - . -. , . . : . ' , , , , ' " .. "' P i r i . e l l . : ' ::' :: " ;a ' . :O : " :: ' ~:' .~ , Ph i r . . V , : :; ; I l" , :: : ' ~: ' ~ : " , .', w , FR O S Co n t a m i n a n t Re s t J h . MC l 6 MO L . Me t h o d An a I p I s D a l e An a l y s t fR D S (o n ~ m l n a n ' Re s u l t ' MQ - MO L . Me t h o d An a l y s i s D a l e Ma I y s t 10 1 0 Ba r i u m 10 3 6 Ni c k e l n/ a lO t S Ca d m i u m 00 5 t0 7 4 An t i m o n y 00 6 10 2 0 Ch r o m i u m 10 7 5 Be r y l l i u m 00 4 10 2 4 Cy a n i d e 0.2 . ~ O ~ S ' .I b a l U u n t 00 2 ... . 10 3 5 Me r c u r y 00 2 '1 0 9 . f As b e s t ~ _ ~O r M 3 7 M F l ,? , .; l . ~I ' A /C ( J 2 . - / ( ) 0 ' (.' S ' " J: - . /1 1 10 3 8 1t ! 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" Si g n a t u r e o f L a b o r a t o r y S u p e r v i s o r Da t e Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31 st Street Phone (208) 336-1172 Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soil Analysis DRINKING WATER RADIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS REPORT FRDS CONTAMINANT RESULT RESULT 90%MCL METHOD uglL PcllL Confidence Interval t!: 1.650') 4002 GROSS ALPHA 30,:i:1,15.900. 4100 GROSS BETA 10.:1:2,50.900, 4XXX URANIUM (measure if gross alpha exceeds 15 pCilL:30,0 ug/L 908, activity in pCiIL = 1 x concentration in oolL) 4000 ADJUSTED GROSS ALPHA (subtract uranium activity level from gross alpha) 4020 RADIUM 226 (measure if gross alpha plus 90% confidence interval (1.65cr)903, is greater than 5 oCiIL 1 4030 RADIUM 228 (measure if radium 226 exceeds 3 pCilL)904, 4010 TOTAL MEASURED RADIUM (sum of Radium 226 & Radium 228) 4100 BETA PHOTON ACTIVITY (measure major constituents if activity 4mREM exceeds 50 pCiIL ) NAME OF WATER SYSTEM: TERRA GRANDE WATER Lab Supervisor Signature ... PWS#4010147 LAB SAMPLE #78677 DATE COLLECTED 12/8/04 SAMPLE TYPE ROUTINE DATE RECEIVED 12/8/04 TIME COLLECTED 1:30 PM LOCATION TAG # COLLECTION HA TCHWELL #1 LOCATION DATE REPORTED 1/18105 JURISDICTION DEO - BOISE PWS CONTACT PHONE #208-322-2509 NOTE: COMMENTS: Radiological analyses performed by Energy Laboratories, lnG, Casper I Wyoming. REPORT RESULTS TO: TERRA GRANDE WATER ATTENTION: BARBARA CHILD Oo BOX 7112 7BOISE, IDAHO 83707 I\LCI-IEM;1' LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31 st Street Phone (208) 336-1172Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soli Analysis DRINKING WATER RADIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS REPORT FROS CONTAMINANT RESULT RESULT 90 ole MCL METHOD uglL Pci/L Confidence Interval C:!: 1.650-) 4002 GROSS ALPHA 15,900. 4100 GROSS BETA 50.900. 4XXX URANIUM (measure if gross alpha exceeds 15 pCilL:30,ug/L 908.activity in pCiIl = 1 x concentration in ua/L) 4000 ADJUSTED GROSS ALPHA (subtract uranium activity level from cross alcha) 4020 RADIUM 226 (measure if gross alpha plus 90% confidence interval (10650-)903. is areater than 5 DCilL 1 4030 RADIUM 228 (measure if radium 226 exceeds 3 pCiIL)904. 4010 TOTAL MEASURED RADIUM (sum of Radium 226 & Radium 228) 4100 BETA PHOTON ACTIVITY (measure major constituents if activity 4mREM exceeds 50 oCiIL ) NAME OF WATER SYSTEM: TERRA GRANDE WATER PWS#4010147 LAB SAMPLE #78678 DATE COLLECTED 12/8/04 SAMPLE TYPE ROUTINE DATE RECEIVED 12/8/04 TIME COLLECTED 1:45 PM LOCATION TAG # COLLECTION ASH PARK WELL #2 LOCATION DATE REPORTED 1/18/0S JURISDICTION DEQ - BOISE PWS CONTACT PHONE #208-322-2509 NOTE: COMMENTS: Radiological analyses performed by Energy Laboratories, Inc. Casper. Wyoming. Lab Supervisor Signature REPORT RESULTS TO: TERRA GRANDE WATER ATTENTION: BARBARA CHILD O. BOX 7112 elSE, IDAHO 83707 (1 I\LCI-IEM ;~~~);, LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31 st Street Phone (208) 336-1172 Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soil Analysis DRINKING WATER RADIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS REPORT FRDS CONTAMINANT RESULT RESULT 90%MCl METHOD uUll Pcill Confidence Interval (:t 1.650') 4002 GROSS ALPHA 28,:1:1.15.900. 4100 GROSS BETA 11.5 :1:20 50.9000 - - ---..-- -.------- - 4XXX URANIUM (measure if gross alpha exceeds 15 pCilL:30,0 ug/L 908, activity in pCilL = 1 x concentration in UQ/L) 4000 ADJUSTED GROSS ALPHA (subtract uranium activity level from aross aloha) 4020 RADIUM 226 (measure if gross alpha plus 90% confidence interval (1.650)903, is areater than 5 pCill 1 4030 RADIUM 228 (measure if radium 226 exceeds 3 pCi/L)904. 4010 TOTAL MEASURED RADIUM (sum of Radium 226 & Radium 228) 4100 BETA PHOTON ACTIVITY (measure major constituents if activity 4mREM exceeds 50 pCiIL ) NAME OF WATER SYSTEM: TERRA GRANDE WATER Lab Supervisor Signature PWS#4010147 LAB SAMPLE #78679 DATE COLLECTED 12/8/04 SAMPLE TYPE ROUTINE DATE RECEIVED 12/8/04 TIME COLLECTED 2:00 PM LOCATION TAG # -- - COLLECTION PENNINGER WELL #3 LOCATION DATE REPORTED 1/18105 JURISDICTION DEQ - BOISE PWS CONTACT PHONE # 208-322-2509 NOTE: COMMENTS: Radiological analyses performed by Energy Laboratories, lnG, Casper, Wyoming. - REPORT RESUL T8 TO: ~.- TERRA GRANDE WATER ATTENTION: BARBARA CHILD O. BOX 7112 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 'lv I\LCI-IEM !,il~ LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31 st Street Phone (208) 336-1172 Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soli Analysis TERRA GRANDE WATER A TTN: BARB CHILD 10012 ESHELMAN BOISE, ID 83707 Lab Federal ID#: IDOO016 Date Received: 12/08/04 Com Hance Sam Ie: YES Collection Date: 12/08/04 Sam Ie T e: ROUTINE PWS: Terra Grande Water Ta # Facilit ill: Contact Phone #: 208-322-2509 REPORT RESULTS TO: SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS REPORT RESULT METHOD FRDS# RESULT METHODFRDS#COMPOUND (MCL)MDL COMPOUND (MCL)MOL (ua/L)(ug/L)(ualL)(1.1a/L)(uQfL)(uo/U 2005 Endrin (2.5080 2050 Atrazine (3.525. 2010 Lindane (0.508.2051 Alachlor (20 0.2 525. 2015 Methoxychlor (40.508,2065 Heptachlor (0.4)508. 2020 Toxaphene (3.1.00 5080 2067 Heptachlor Epoxide (00 508. 2031 Oalapon (2000 515.2105 2,4-0 (70.515.4 2032 Oiquat (20.5490 2110 2.4,TP (50,0.40 515.4 2033 Endothall (1000 100 5480 2274 Hexachlorobenzene (1.525. 2034 Glyphosate (700.547 2039 Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (6.5250 2035 Oi(2-ethylhexyl)adipate (400.525,2306 Benzo(a)pyrene (0,5250 2036 Oxamyl (200,531.1 2326 Pentachlorophenol (1.088 515.4 2037 Simazine (40 525.2383 PCB's (0.5080 2040 Picloram (500,515.2959 Chlordane (20 5080 2041 Dinoseb (70 515.2931 DBCP (00 5040 2042 Hexachlorocydopentadiene (500 5250 2946 EDB (0.05)504. 2046 Carbofuran (40,1.0 531.1 REGULATED COMPOUNDS ANALYST I DATE METHOD ANAL Y$T DATE METHOD B. GRay 12-10-04 548,B. GRay 12-18-04 525, B. GROY 12-19-508.J. DORMAN 12-20-04 504. B. GROY 12-27-04 515.4 D, MYERS 12-10-547 D. MYERS 12-23-04 549.D, MYERS 12-30-531.1 Lab result reporting codes: NO = Not detected within sensitivity of instrument - - - = No analysis performed for this contaminant MOL = Method detection limit Reported in ~lg/L unless otherwise noted Comments: 111 ALCI-IEM ~;' LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31 st street Phone (208) 336-1172 Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soli Analysis TERRA GRANDE WATER TTN: BARB CHILD 10012 ESHELMAN BOISE, ID 83707 Lab Federal ID#: IDOOO16 Date Received: 12/08/04 Com liance Sam Ie: YES Collection Date: 12/08/04 Sam Ie T e: ROUTINE PWS: Terra Grande Water Ta # Facili ID: Contact Phone #: 208-322-2509 REPORT RESULTS TO: SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS REPORT FRDS#COMPOUND (MCL)MOL RESULT METHOD FRDS# COMPOUND (MCL)MDL RESULT METHOD h.lQ/L)(\.lQ/1..)(\.la/I..)(\.la/I..)(\.l!J/L)(~/L) 2005 Endrin (2,5080 2050 Atrazine (30 525, 2010 Lindane (0.508,2051 Alachlor (20 525. 2015 Methoxychlor (40.5080 2065 Heptachlor (00 5080 2020 Toxaphene (3.1.00 508.2067 Heptachlor Epoxide (0.5080 2031 Dalapon (2000 515.2105 2,4..0 (70.515.4 2032 Diquat (20.5490 2110 2,4,TP (500 0.40 515.4 2033 Endothall (1000 10.548.2274 Hexachlorobenzene (10 5250 2034 Glyphosate (700.547 2039 Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (6,5250 2035 Di(2-athylhexyl)adipate (4000 5250 2306 Benzo(a)pyrene (0.525, 2036 Oxamyl (200.5310 2326 Pentachlorophenol (10 088 515.4 2037 Simazine (4.525,2383 PCB's (0.5080 2040 Picloram (5000 515.4 2959 Chlordane (20 5080 2041 Dinoseb (7.0.44 515.4 2931 DBCP (00 5040 2042 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (500 525.2946 EDB (0005)504. 2046 Carbofuran (40.531.1 REGULATED COMPOUNDS DATE METHOD ANALYST I DATE I METHOD ANAL YST B, GRaY 12-10-04 548,80 GRaY 12-18-525. B. GRaY 12-19-04 508. j, DORMAN 12-20-504. B, GRaY 12-27-04 515.4 D. MYERS 12-10-04 547 D. MYERS 12-23-549,D. MYERS 1.2-30-531.1 Lab result reporting codes: NO = Not detected within sensitivity of instrument - - - = No analysis performed for this contaminant MOL = Method detection limit Reported in ~Lg/L unless otherwise noted Comments: I\LCliEM 31~ LADO RA TO R I Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31 st Street Phone (208) 336-1172Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soli Analysis REPORT RESULTS TO:Lab Federal ID#: IDOO016 Date Received: 12/08/04 Com liance Sam Ie: YES Collection Date: 12/08/04Sa Ie T e: ROUTINE PWS: Terra Grande Water Ta # Facilit ill: Contact Phone #: 208-322-2509 TERRA GRANDE WATER A TTN: BARB CHILD 10012 ESHELMAN BOISE, ID 83707 SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS REPORT REGULATED COMPOUNDS FRDS#COMPOUND (MCL)MDL RESULT METHOD FRDS#COMPOUND (MCL)MDL RESULT METHOD (\.tQ/L)(ua/L)(!.taIL)(/lg/L)(/lg/L)(uQ/l) 2005 Endrin (2.5080 2050 Atrazine (30 5250 2010 lindane (0.508.2051 Alachlor (20 5250 2015 Methoxychlor (40.508.2065 Heptachlor (0.4)508. 2020 Toxaphene (3.1.00 5080 2067 Heptachlor Epoxide (00 5080 2031 Oalapon (2000 515.2105 4-0 (70.515.4 2032 Diquat (20.549.2110 TP (50.0.40 515.4 2033 Endothall (1000 10.548,2274 Hexachlorobenzene (1.5250 2034 Glyphosate (700.547 2039 Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (60 5250 2035 Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate (400.5250 2306 Benzo(a)pyrene (0.525. 2036 Oxamyl (200.531.1 2326 Pentachlorophenol (1,088 515.4 2037 Simazine (4.525.2383 PCB's (0.5080 2040 Picloram (500.515.4 2959 Chlordane (20 5080 2041 Dinoseb (7.515.4 2931 DBCP (0.04 . - 5040 2042 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (50.525.2 2946 EDB (0005)01 504. 2046 Carbofuran (40.531.1 ANALYST DATE METHOD ANALYST DATE METHOD B. GRay 12-10-5480 Bo GRay 12-18-04 525, B, GRay 12-19-04 5080 CROY 12-27-515.4 D. MYERS 12-30-531.1 D. MYERS 12-10-547 D, MYERS 12-23-549. Lab result reporting codes: NO = Not detected within sensitivity of instrument - - - = No analysis performed for this contaminant MOL = Method detection limit Reported in Jl9/L unless otherwise noted Comments: Lab Su ervisor Si 1( J\LCI-IEM W~"LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31 st Street Phone (208) 336-1172Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soil Analysis REPORT RESULTS TO:Lab Federal ID#: IDOOO16 Date Received: 12/09/04 Com Hance Sam Ie: YES Collection Date: 12/09/04 Sam Ie T e: ROUTINE PWS: TERRA GRANDE WATER Ta # Facili ID: Contact Phone #: 208-322-2509 TERRA GRANDE WATER TTN: BARB CHILD 10012 ESHELMAN BOISE, ID 83704 SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS REPORT RESULTFRDSCOMPOUND (MCL)MDL RESULT METHOD FRDS COMPOUND (MCL)MDL METHOD (ua/L)(~glL)(ua/U (ua/L)(l.1g/U (ua/U 2005 Endrin (2.02 5080 2050 Atrazine (3.5250 2010 Lindane (00 04 5080 2051 Alachlor (2,5250 2015 Methoxychlor (40.5080 2065 Heptachlor (0.4)04 5080 2020 Toxaphene (30 1.00 5080 2067 Heptachlor Epoxide (00 04 5080 2031 DaJapon (200.5150 2105 2,4-D (70,20 515.4 2032 Diquat (20.50 5490 2110 2,4,TP (500 0.40 515.4 2033 Endothall (1000 10.5480 2274 Hexachlorobenzene (1,5250 2034 Glyphosate (700.547 2039 Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (6.525. 2035 Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate (400.525.2306 Benzo(a)pyrene (00 04 5250 2036 Oxamyi (2000 531.1 2326 Pentachlorophenol (1,088 515.4 2037 Simazine (4,. 0.525.2383 PCB's (0,10 508. 2040 Picloram (5000 20 515.2959 Chlordane (2.20 508. 2041 Dinoseb (7,44 515.4 2931 DBCP (00 5040 2042 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (500 525.2946 EDB (0.05)5040 2046 Carbofuran (40.1.0 531. REGULATED COMPOUNDS METHODANALYSTDATEMETHODANALYSTDATE J. DORMAN 12-20-04 504, Lab result reporting codes: NO = Not detected within sensitivity of instrument - - = No analysis performed for this contaminant MOL = Method detection limit Reported in Jl9/L unless otherwise noted Comments: ... J ,I\LCI-IEM;;.1 LABORATORIES '::""','", Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31st Street Phone (208) 336-1172 Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soil Analysis INORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS REPORT For Public Water Systems TERRA GRAND E TTN: BARB CHILD PO BOX 7112 BOISE, ID 83707 Lab Federal ID #: IDOOO16 Date Received: 12/08/04 Com liance Sa Ie: YES Collection Date: 12/08/04Sa Ie T e: ROUTINE PWS: TERRA GRANDE WATER Ta # Facili ill: EOO06783 Contact Phone #: 208-322-2509 Lab Sam Ie #: 78675 Date Re orted: 01103/05 Re lacement Sam Ie: Collection Time (24 hour clock 13:45 Sam lin Pt.:WELL #2 PWS #: 4010147 Collectors Name: BARB eIDLD State A enc : DEQ - BOISE REPORT RESULTS TO: PRIMARY IOC CONTAMINANTS (Mandatory, except for transient water systems) PRDS Contaminant -Results MOL Method Ana-Analysis FRDS Contaminant -Results MOL Method Ana-Analysis MCL(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)Ivst Date MCL(mg/L)(mg/L)(mI!!L)tyst Date 1010 Barium 0.10 200.t 2-13-04 1036 Nickel 003 200.12-13- 1015 Cadmium 005 0005 200.12- t 3-04 1074 Antimony 006 002 200.12-17- 1020 Chromium 002 200.12-13-1075 Beryllium 004 0002 200.12-13- 1024 Cyanide 005 SM4500 12-13-1085 Thallium 002 0003 200.12-17- 1035 Mercury 002 0002 245.1 12-30-Other IOeS 1038 Ttl (N02/NO3)10, - - 300.1005 Arsenic 005 003 200.12-13- 1040 . Nitrate 10.0.10 300.12-15-04 1025 Fluoride SM4500-12-13- 1041 Nitrite 1.0 - - 4500 1052 Sodium 106.200.12-13- 1045 Selenium 002 200.12-17- SECONDARY AND OTHER IOC CONTAMINANTS (OPTIONAL) 1002 Aluminum - - 200,1055 Sulfate - - 300. 1003 Ammonia (as N) - - 350.1095 Zinc - - 001 200. 1016 Calcium (as CaCO3) - - 200,1905 Color (C. - - 1.0 110. 1017 Chloride - - 300.1915 Hardness(as CaCO3) - - 200. 1022 Copper - - 200,1920 Odor (T. - - 1.0 140. 1027 Hydrogen Sulfide - - 376.i925 pH (S. - - 150.1 1028 Iron - - 200,1926 Conductivity IlSI - - 120.1 1031 Magnesium - - 200.1927 Alkalinity(as CaCO3) - - 1.0 310.1 1032 Manganese - - 200.1930 Total Diss, Solids - - 1.0 160. 1042 PotassiUm - - 0.10 258.1997 Langlier Index 1049 Silica (as SiO2) - - 1.0 SM4500B (Corrosivity) - - LI. 1050 Silver - - 002 200.2905 Surfactants - - 025 4250 1030 Lead - - 0003 200. LAB RESULT REPORTING CODES: ND = Not detected within the sensitivi of instrument - - -:~ No anal sis erformed for this contaminant MD .. = Method Detection Level COMMENTS: , ',--- L unless otherwise noted. .,...-,""""'""" ~e: ;f!~' ~~J:11!M . ,.\. "", Alchem Laboratories. Inc. 104 West 31 st Street Phone (208) 336-1172Boise, Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and son Analysis INORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS REPORT For Public Water Systellls TERRA GRANDE A TTN: BARB CHILD PO BOX 7112 BOISE, ID 83704 Lab Federal ill #: IDOOO16 Date Received: 12/08/04 Com Hance Sa Ie: YES Collection Date: 12/08/04 Sam Ie T e: ROUTINE PWS: TERRA GRANDE Ta # Facili ill: Contact Phone #: 208-322-2509 Lab Sa Ie #: 78676 Date Re orted: 12/20/04 Re lacement Sam Ie: Collection Time (24 hour clock) 2:00 Sa lin Pt.: WELL #3 PWS #: 4010147 Collectors Name: BARB CHILD State A enc : DEQ - BOISE REPORT RESULTS TO: PRIMARY IOC CONTAMINANTS (Mandatory, except for transient water systems) RDS Contaminant -Results MDL Method Ana-Analysis FRDS Contaminant -Results MDL Method Ana-Analysis MCL(mg/L)(mwL)(mwL)lvst Date MCUmwL)(rowL)CrowL)Iyst Date 1010 Barium - - 200.1036 Nickel 003 200.12-13- 1015 Cadmium 005 - - 0005 200.1074 Antimony 006 002 200.12-17- 1020 Chromium - - 002 200.1075 Beryllium 004 0002 200.12-13- 1024 Cyanide 005 SM4500 12-13-04 1085 Thallium 002 0003 200,12-17-04 1035 Mercury 002 - - 0002 245.Other IOCS 1038 Ttl (N02/NO3) 1 0. - - 0.50 300.1005 Arsenic 009 003 200.12-13- 1040 Nitrate 10.300,12-15-1025 Fluoride - - SM4500- 1041 Nitrite 1.0 - - 4500 1052 Sodium 105.200.12-13- 1045 Selenium - - 002 200. SECONDARY AND OTHER IOC CONTAMINANTS (OPTIONAL) 1002 Aluminum - - 200.1055 Sulfate - - 300. 1003 Ammonia (as N) - - 350.1095 Zinc - - 001 200. 1016 Calcium (as CaCO3) - - 200.1905 Color (c.U. - - 1.0 110, 1017 Chloride - - 300.1915 Hardness(as CaCO3) - - 200. 1022 Copper - - 200.1920 Odor (T. - - 1.0 140. 1027 Hydrogen Sulfide - - 376.1925 pH (S. - - 150. 1028 Iron - - 200.1926 Conductivity uS/cm - - 120. 1031 Magnesium - - 200.1927 Alkalinity(as CaCO3) - - 1.0 310.1 1032 Man~anese - - 200.1930 Total Diss. Solids - - 1.0 160.1 1042 Potassium - - 258.1997 Langlier Index 1049 Silica (as SiO2 - - 1.0 SM4500B (Corrosivity) - - L.I. 1050 Silver - - 002 200,2905 Surfactants - - 025 425. 1030 Lead - - 0003 200. COMMENTS: I\LCI-IEM81 LABORATORIES Alchem Laboratories, Inc. 104 West 31 st Street Phone (208) 336-1172 Boise. Idaho 83714 FAX (208) 336-7124 Water, Waste Water and Soli Analysis INORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS REPORT For Public Water Systems REPORT RESULTS TO: TERRA GRANDE TIN: BARB CHILD PO BOX 7112 BOISE, ID 83704 Lab Sam Ie #: 78674 Date Re orted: 12/20/04 Re lacement Sa Ie: NO Collection Time (24 hour clock) 1 :30 Sam lin Pt.: WELL #1 PWS #: 4010147 Collectors Name: BARB CHILD State A enc : DEQ - BOISE PRIMARY IOC CONTAMINANTS (Mandatory, except for transient water systems) FRDS Contaminant -Results MDL Method Ana-Analysis FRDS Contaminant -Results MDL Method Ana-Analysis MCUmg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)Ivst Date MCL(mg/L)(mwl)(mwL)Ivst Date 1010 Barium - - 200,1036 Nickel 003 200.12-13-04 1015 Cadmium 005 - - 0005 200.1074 Antimony 006 002 200.12-17 - 1020 Chromium - - 002 200.1075 Beryllium 004 0002 200,12-13- 1024 Cyanide 005 SM4500 12-13-1085 Thallium 002 0003 200.12-17- 1035 Mercury 002 - - 0002 245.1 Other I OCS 1038 Ttl (N02/NO3)10. - - 0.50 300.1005 Arsenic 011 003 200.12-13- 1040 Nitrate 10.0.10 300.12-15-04 1025 Fluoride - - SM4500- 1041 Nitrite 1.0 - - 4500 1052 Sodium 105.200.12-13- 1045 Selenium - - 002 200. SECONDARY AND OTHER IOC CONTAMINANTS (OPTIONAL) 1002 Aluminum - - 200,1055 Sulfate - - 300. 1003 Anunonia (as N) - - 350.1095 Zinc - - 001 200. 1016 Calcium (as CaCO3) - - 200.1905 Color (c.U. - - 1.0 110, 1017 Chloride - - 300.1915 Hardness( as CaCO3) - - 200, 1022 Copper - - 200.1920 Odor (T. - - 1.0 140. 1027 Hydrogen Sulfidf:'"- - - 376.1925 DH (S. - - 150._0_" ""'-- 1028 Iron - - 200.1926 Conductivity ~S/cm - - 120.1 1031 Magnesium - - 200.1927 Alkalinity(as CaCO3) - - 1.0 310. 1032 Manganese - - 200.1930 Total Diss. Solids - - 1.0 160.1 1042 Potassium - - 258.1 1997 LangHer Index 1049 Silica (as SiO2) - - 1.0 SM4500B (CoITosivity) - - LI. 1050 Silver - - 002 200,2905 Surfactants - - 025 425.1 1030 Lead - - 0003 200, COMMENTS: . unless otherwise noted. ...