HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210331Suez to Staff 1-3.pdfPreston N. Carter [ISB No. 8462] Blake W. Ringer [ISB No. 11223] GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Office: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com blakeringer@givenspursley.com Attorneys for SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. 202' !··'.AR 3 i PM 3: 57 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION WESTERN AIRCRAFT, INC., Complainant, vs. SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC., Respondent. Case No. SUZ-W-21-01 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. ("SUEZ" or "Respondent"), submits the following responses to the Commission Staffs First Production Requests, dated March 23, 2021 . DATED: March 31 , 2021. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Preston N. Carter Blake W. Ringer ~ Attorneys for SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. SUEZ'S ANSWER TO W ESTERN AIRCRAFT'S FORMAL CUSTOMER COMPLAINT 15602611 _ l .docx[30-2 l 4] PAGE 1 OF 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on March 31, 2021, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, ID 83714 jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov John Hammond Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, ID 83714 john.hammond@puc.idaho.gov David H. Leroy Attorney at Law 802 West Bannock Street, Suite 201 Boise, ID 83 702 dave@dleroy.com Preston N. Carter SUEZ'S ANSWER TO W ESTERN AIRCRAFT'S FORMAL CUSTOMER COMPLAINT 15602611_1.docx[30-214] PAGE 2 OF2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-21-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: C. Cooper IN. Crofts REQUEST NO. 1: Regarding the non-potable lines encountered during Western's excavation for the Hangar 0 project: a) What is the purpose of these lines and whom do they serve? b) Who installed these lines? c) Were these lines installed before or after the Suez main on Boeing? d) Please provide a drawing showing the location of these lines. Are they above or below the Suez main? RESPONSE NO. 1: The non-potable line addressed here is a new fire supply line from Western's existing fire flow tank to the new and existing Hangar buildings. Please see attachment "PR 1 Exhibit A.pdf' for a map showing the new fire supply line and the areas of concern related to potable water lines. a) The new fire supply line serves Western Aircraft and supplies their fire suppression systems in both the existing hangar and the new hangar. The former fire supply line that served just the existing hangar (which SUEZ understands has been abandoned) is also shown on Exhibit A for information purposes. b) Western Aircraft installed the new fire supply line. c) The new fire supply line was installed after the SUEZ main on Boeing. The SUEZ 8" PVC line south of the existing Western Aircraft hangar was installed in 1990. The new fire supply line was installed by Western Aircraft in 2020. d) Please see the attached exhibit "PR 1 Exhibit A.pdf' for horizontal locations of the new fire supply line. Known areas with separation distance issues include the following. Location 1 -An existing potable water main from the SUEZ water main in Kennedy Street that is used to fill the existing Western Aircraft Fire Flow Tank now has the new fire supply line installed next to it. These two lines do not meet the potable / non­ potable separation requirements of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) (6' minimum separation, with the water line at least 18" above the non-potable line). Potential Fix -A backflow prevention device installed on the existing potable water main immediately adjacent to the connection to Kennedy would make it so both the existing potable water main and the new fire supply line are both considered non­ potable, and then no separation distance would be required. Alternatively, the separation distance could be fixed to meet IDEQ requirements. Location 2 -There appears to be 7' separation between the new fire supply line and the existing SUEZ potable water main in the old Boeing Street right of way. This meets the minimum 6'IDEQ horizontal separation distance requirement. It is not clear if the fire supply line was also installed at least 18" lower than the SUEZ water main (another IDEQ requirement when there is not a minimum 10' separation distance). The separation distance requirements are shown in the following figure from the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction. ·~1E . ~ l;r, VERTICAL SE A ATIO EQ IREMENT Ill ~ "' Ill !:i .. Ill 6 N ,t ZONE 1· A) w ... ~ 0 tlll' 41EJ) 13"( ... r Lr.-.sr 1· • ANll !!-} OOE P l /II. NPlll Et:: G 50 T1i T lHE AS E RDSSltll;. <ONE 2:. al.) CU Pl\\. l'IPC lHE JOI .t.S ~t D EIHR B). CR C) Emf~ lER LI E ITT 8D1H 1\/.l!:T A t;LEE\•Ui.~ 111•, 0 OEQ Ii· ,:. HOIIJ F !O FEET ON ' J1H ,IJE's ONE .i. 5 I.IE ECU EJ\iE! AS-Z::tiE EX:El"T n£ NFWL vU&'T 1o • El[ WI-' TCD O•,£ lHE: · ~~IN-, TC Pl'<&-T $ETTL ,;;. lO E 1· l~E),16 ~ "'S Z~E E<CEPT TliE l f![ S.!PFCRTE:> CVE 1HE CR!)c,i Nr.l Tc. r,a. I I I .... I z ::I ~ I 12 ::J I ~ ~ I !:!:I a:, I .., I a. ) I 0 z I .. Ii FT.• ,J I 0 H.4 I Z E 1 Z0t◄E 2 Z '.E J 1 Ill .~.NCES ARE H l:D::MT#L. HORIZO TAL SEPA· ATIO RE IREME T ZONE: 1: .t.J tlO :;?Er;li.L R[ .IR[ E)f ra Z<:t E 2· A) NO Sl'DJ •L i;EOJl~E &! FOR r--OT l\.E ffi -POTAat.E SEIM .. BY AT L.£J.S.T 6 FEET ,~tHE HIGH r D.E1,•.~ no: EITHER D} PIii.. OCNST,~UClEJ W.6 lER .1-1 ST i~~AR , P E:~SJJR[ ID.,lEiJ Fu II',', m TY-:HThE ,_ Flt: F!EQUl,ElJE\l'JS AFPl?:>V[D Z~E .l. NOT ~l't'ED 'MTHD T D WAl1,EF.. t OTE: S If.I, Y SE/'£ FOi Lf: -..,, • • U T H \f: Witt ID' HO:;JZ.::tlTAL !: .AATID\ A.ND IS" £ 11C•l. lo,11~ . ZOrlE: 2 J z, .E: l PL•CO.'Er. -!E t T /',ll.Cl'A _ '"1TliOJT • •t W,~ C T'[l) 5 C£0.. LE WAlE LINE ('NPWL SE ARATI O \ Potabk! water 6ne :,\ I New Fire Supply Line to Existing and NewWestem Aircraft Hangars IJJ -.--------·' Approved Baci<llow Prevention Device here would remedy the Location 1 issue. PIPE SUPPORT DETAIL I ENCLOSEOW~J<:ttAYCR06SINOOETAIL ~ = 1~;~~;~1 I : : --:-=-~~ ., .:::: -':."= . ED •••••-- -u•W=rt• =--=~::..• ·, ... 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Please see the attached "PR 2 Exhibit B.pdf' that shows the new sewer lines installed by Western. a) The two new sewer lines installed by Western Aircraft serve the new Hangar 0 and the existing Western Aircraft Hangar. b) Western Aircraft installed the two new sewer lines. c) The two new sewer lines were installed after the Suez water main in Boeing. The SUEZ water main was installed in 1990, the two new sewer lines were installed in 2020. d) Please see the attached "PR 2 Exhibit B.pdf' and "PR 2 Exhibit C.pdf'. Location 1 -The new sewer lines are below the water main, but are not the minimum 18" below the existing water main required by IDEQ, nor are they constructed of water class pipe. Please refer to the separation distance diagram from ISPWC included in the response to Discovery Request No. 1. Location 2 -The horizontal separation distance between the new sewer line and the existing SUEZ water main in Cessna Street (installed in 1978) does not appear to meet IDEQ requirements. ------l \ I 1• I i I LW.bl.~m,\ 1 l TTTI I I 11 1 w ' i I ' ~OSEO WN..KWAV CR06SINO DETAIL 3 ·•· 7.".-:l .:.' .. --'...'._': ... -! . · .. ·. I ' · .. · ·.·· i .-._:.·· .. ·.:.-:-..=.· :, ·,-.-_.·· 1 ; . ·, , . , . I . -~--:!\ \·.\:-:·'..,_·_·· . .-:.'·, ll -~ ,._., ' .· .. ·. i ·---•--=-· 5:-::'.!=,u ", " -------i· \, 1' """"'-0 --uu-~u 0 ,._ -·-··--~- 0 ,a•-· o----O •a-• o -- 0 =::::=~-- 0 ---·--· ---0 •-•"- 0 ... -(,;') ......... ,,,, .. _.'"'-1 .... __ 0 ::ll'. •,r,:::,.:::•· .. ~-0 ___ :. .::::::::...-:::. <->=:::--==--<->·--·---- 0 ·--··-··· o-•-~-•m•• 0·----·· 0-----·· 0 ----·---··· 0---~·"·- """"'-......,••r-,,...,.. -··--.---.... -<S ~t! .. ~/i",..""'""'' _.,,,_.,.,_,tt<M<IL< UTILITY PLAN C3.0 ~-------------------------------------------hlll-W-24 r.:~• , Production Request No. 2 Exhibit B Page 1 of 1 New sewer line installed in Boeing Street R/W Existing 8" Suez water line in Boeing Street R/W Does not meet the I DEQ 18" separation requirement. As an alternative, the sewer line could be constructed of water class pipe with the appropriate joint centering. SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-21-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: C. Cooper REQUEST NO. 3: What are the fire flow requirements for each of the following hydrants? a. Hydrant 1298 b. Hydrant 0013335 RESPONSE NO. 3: A minimum 1,700 gpm fire flow is needed at each of these hydrants to meet fire flows requirements. These customers designed their buildings to accommodate that fire flow.