HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210426Telephonic Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfBEFORE THE TDAHO PUBIJIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC.'S. APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR V{ATER SERVICE IN IDAHO CASE NO. SUZ-V[-20-02 TELEPHONIC HEARING *i ! +.1 \-. t'* ' n:n! hl(trr 'tt $ f\) xl ft-l(l t+,erftm BEFORE I'T1;-;- i']:" llufl': Y {#,(}f",s COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (Presidin COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 1L331 West Chinden B1vd.Building 8, Suite 201-ABoise, Idaho DATE:April 15, 2027 VOLUMEI-Pagesl-41- CSB REPORTING Certifud Shorthand Reporters Post Office Box9774 Boise,Idaho 83707 csbreportine@yahoo.com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: l-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Bo.y, CSR ORIGINAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 76 1-7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 APPEARANCES For the Staff:Matt Hunter, Esq. Daym Eardie, Esq. Deputy Attorneys General 11331 Iriest Chinden BIvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A PO Box 83120Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 REMOTE APPEARANCES For SUEZ Water Idaho Inc.:Preston t[. Carter Givens Purlsey LLC 601 West Bannock Street PO Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701,-2720 Eor City of Boise:Mary Grant, Esq. Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorneyrs Office 105 North Capitol BIvd. PO Box 500Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 For SUEZ Water Customer Group: Noraan M. Senanko, Esq. PARSONS BEHLE & LATIMER 800 Vfest Main, Suite 1300Boise, Idaho 83702 Eor the Community Action Partnership of Idaho: Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 North 17th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Eor Micron Technology,Inc.:Thorvald A. Ne1son, Egq. HOLLAND & HART LLP 555 17th Street, Suite 3200 Denver, Colorado 8020225 APPEARANCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 !2 13 t4 15 76 1-7 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 INDEX WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE Jacob Armstrong ( Public) Statement 6 Wendy Matson ( Public) Statement 9 Valerle King ( Public) Statement 11 Anne Gallagher ( Public) Statement 13 Mj-chael Sykora ( Public) Statement L6 Karoline Philp ( PubIic) Statement t9 Dawn King ( Public) Statement 23 Blanca Dietz ( Public) Statement 25 Stephanie Montero ( Public) Statement 2'l Dean Waltman ( PubIic) Statement 29 Dave Kangas ( Public) Statement 31 John Gannon ( Public) Statement 36 25 INDEX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 1_1 L2 13 14 15 t6 17 18 L9 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 1 BOISE, IDAHO, THURSDAY,APRIL 15, 2027, 6:00 P. M COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good evening. This is the time and place for a telephonic virtua1 hearing in Case No. SUZ-W-20-02, also known as in the matter of SUEZ Water Idaho Inc.'s application for authorj-ty to increase its rates and charges for water service in Idaho. My name is Paul- KjelJ-ander. I'l-l- be the Chair of this evening's public hearing. Joining me live in the Hearing Room are al-so Commissj-oners Eric Anderson and Kristine Raper, and for, officially for, I just wanted to recognj-ze the Commission and we will determi-nation on this case it will be fuIly occurs later in the scheduling. that the three of ultimately make a once it's fully submj-tted, and submitted after the technical hearing the record, us comprj-se final the timeline that's been proposed through The purpose of tonight's hearl-ng is to take testimony from the public regardlng this case and thj-s is an opportunity for members of the public to get their statement official-1y entered into the record that wil-l- ultimately assist this Commission, the three of us, in our deliberation process. As further background, the Commission25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 L6 t7 1B t9 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 2 serves in a simil-ar capacity as a district court and we're here as adjudicators of this case, and this evening's public testimony will help create a fu1Iy developed record. We're not here today to pass judgment on comments or statements made as part of the official record. The Commissioners serve as judges and accordingly, we do not answer questions related to the case other than questions regarding procedure. The Commission will not begin to deliberate on the merits of this case until the official record is closed. Additionally, the Commissj-on, l-ike judges, only speaks through its Orders as it relates to the final ruling and disposition of the issues that emerge within this specific case. One of the first things that we typically would do in a live in-person meeting is take the appearances of the parties. Due to the fact that we are in somewhat of a limlted technical capability as it relates to identifying the specific individuals that are on the bridge tonight, what I will do instead is merely recognize al-l of the parties that are remaining to the case, and I also recogni-ze that typically what we woul-d a1low, too, is for cross-examination of public witnesses, but f also woul-d like to recognize that even though that's allowed and could still be possible even this25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 1,2 13 t4 15 t6 11 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 3 evenj-ng if you wanted to, that historically as well it is common practice for us not to cross-examine public witnesses, recognizing that they do not present themselves as experts witnesses in the capacity of a public hearing. That said, l-et me recognize that the intervenors in the case, I won't mention al-l- of the lega1 counsel names, but they include SUEZ Water Idaho, Inc. They also include the Commission Staff. I will- note, though, for the record that both of the legal counsel for Commission Staff, our Deputy Attorney Generals Matt Hunter and Dayn Hardie, are present this evening and have also agreed not to cross-examine witnesses so that there's no unfair advantage for them as a party. Other parties to the case incl-ude Ada County, the City of Boise, SUEZ Water Customer Group, and we also have the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho, known as CAPAI, and Micron Technology, and also the parties to the to the stipulation and those are signed on fil-ed in case that al-so have settlement that's been relationship to this case. As we look to the procedure this to the bridgean evenJ-ng, and thosewe have people who that have actually want to go through are calling accessed it just some of via their computers, so I the technical-25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 t-1 L2 t3 1-4 15 L6 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 4 considerations you need to be aware of so that we can move through this appropriately. A11 of the callers, whether you've called in to the bridge or you have accessed it through the computer that you're utilizing, you've been muted upon entry. If you've called in over the phone and you want to submit testimony, you need to press Star 3. Again, if you've cal-led in via your telephone, you need to press Star 3. This will- signal to the Commisslon that you wish to testj-fy and your line will be unmuted individually when it's your turn to provide testimony. Now, when it is your turn, you will hear an announcement that the l-i-ne has been unmuted. That's how you're going to know that it's computer Now, if you're logged in on to the your turn to speak. system through your hand icon that's by computer screen, and I on their computer This wil-1 signal to audio, please cl-ick on the on the right side of the that's the same for everyone it I s not. your hope name screen. I apologize the Commission that if 1i-ne will to speak. that your speak. you also wish to be unmuted individually and Now, you're also going to 1i-ne has been unmuted when testify and your you will be allowed hear an announcement it's your turn to Once you've been unmuted, what I wil-I do,25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 t6 L7 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 5 then, is swear you in. I'1I basical-l-y say do you swear or affirm the testimony that you're about to provide is truthful to the best of your knowledge. Hopefully, your answer will be yes, that's always the right answer, and then from there I'l-1 just ask you a few very brief questions to get you officially into the record. We do have a court reporter here who wiII be taking the transcrj-ption, so please, if you would, if you do have written testimony, please read through that slowly, because oftentimes, and it happens with me when I'm reading from a script, I go very, very quickly. ftrs difficult for the court reporter to track it. What I don't want have you go record, So, so that we to have to do is interrupt you back so that we can get that aqain, please talk clearly can pick that up, so, agaj-n, in order to again on the and somewhat sl-ow are ready, then, to I believe that thank you very much for your pati-ence. I recognize in the use of technoJ-ogy, there's always opportunity for technical glitchesr So, again, in advance, I wish to thank you for the patience that I know that you will exhibit this evenj-ng as we move forward. I think with thatr we go to our first public wj-tness, and have been unmuted, so let me just hear if therers you a voi-ce25 coLLoQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 L7 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTTNG 208.890.s198 6 ARMSTRONG PubIic there. Ca11er, are you there? THE AUDIENCE: Yes, sir, I'm here, Commissi-oner. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you very much. Let me begin by swearing you in. JACOB ARMSTRONG, appearj-ng as a public witness, having been fj-rst duly sworn, testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And you sound very c1ear, so thank you and why don't we start first with your name, if you could state your name and spe1l your last name for us. THE WITNESS: Sure, it's Jacob Armstrong. Last name is A-r-m-s-t-r-o-n-9. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your address, please. THE WfTNESS: My home address 2101- South Phillippi Street. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Are you a customer of SUEZ Water? THE WITNESS: I am a customer of SUEZ Water. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great. We1l,25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 thank you and we've got you officially on the record, so if you would, please, provide us your public comment. THE WITNESS: Thank you. I don't have a written statement, so I will just try to be brief. I own a property on the Central" Bench that 1s supplied by SUEZ Water and I have noticed that each year, particularly in the spring, the waters can become fuII of brown dirt or rust-looking particles, and particularly in the toilet tanks, they'1I usually fill up. I'1I have to open the toilet tanks, draj-n them and scrub them out. In fact, I was just turning on sprinklers yesterday and I noticed brown water coming out of the sprinkler head as I was doing thatr so I just wanted to testify on that. Tt you know, have my thoughts on whether a rate increase is appropriate under conditions like that, but I will hol-d my comment. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Wel-l-, thank you for your testimony tonight and the only question that I would like to ask, and it's not a cross-examination, it's more of a clariflcation, have you contacted SUEZ in relationship to the water quality issues that you raised 1n your testimony? THE WITNESS: I have not because the issue has been so publicly addressed through the media. I was aware that SUEZ has issues with, I think with, their CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 ARMSTRONG Public 10 11 L2 13 74 15 1,6 L7 18 19 20 21- 22 23 24 7 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 !2 13 t4 15 76 1,'7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 I ARMSTRONG Publ1c system and their distribution and so I have just been flushing it out and just sort of deal-ing with it. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. THE WITNESS: Sorry. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: No, that's fine. I just needed a clarification question, because we do have Staff from our consumer dj-vision and just wanted to alert them if there had been a complaint that had been filed within our own offices and I apprecj-ate your testimony. something I al-most interrupted you. Was there well owner else you wanted to add? THE WITNESS: Briefly, thank as wel-l at my home property and you. Itm a I do not see home welI. Ithe kind of dirt do get sand and col-or that come filter, but I brown-stained through my well system when I donrt see the dark, real- dark, color that I see with the and rust coming out of my some other particJ-es that are lighter in change my SUEZ supply. Well-, thank youCOMMI SS ]ONER K.JELLANDER : and we appreciate your testimony this evening and thanks agaj-n for taking time to join us and provide that public testimony. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: As we mentioned early on, if you have dial-ed in via telephone and you25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 76 t7 t_8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 9 MATSON Public would l-ike to testify, please press Star 5 so that we can get an indication MR. RUSH: Star 3. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Star 3? Okay, I did say it correctly the first ti-me. I apologize for my miscue and this j-s why I have my fellow Commissj-oners here is to ensure that I don't completely bungle this, so if you've cal-Ied in via your teJ-ephone and you wish to provide some public comment, please press Star 3. For those of you that have accessed via your computer, the way in which you get our attention for that is to click on the hand icon on your computer screen and I believe it's the right side of your computer screen. Is the caller there? Hell-o? Is the call-er there? AUDIENCE: Irm here, y€s. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Yes, good, good, good, and Irm assuming that you wish to testify. Why don't we begin by swearing you in. WENDY MATSON, appearing as a pubJ-ic wj-tness, havj-ng been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Why don't we25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 76 17 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MATSON Public begin with spell your Matson, you Boise, Tdaho, 83706. your name, if you could give us your name and last name, please, for the record. THE WITNESS: Wendy Matson, M-a-t-s-o-n. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, Ms. sound very clear and your address, please. THE WfTNESS: 302 North Garden Street, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and are you a customer of SUEZ [t{ater? THE WITNESS: Yes, I am COMMISS IONER KJELLANDER :Great. We1I, the record andthank you. wet re here lrfe've got you ready to take officially on your public comment. THE WITNESS: All right. concerned about all the about the I am very brown water.reports not be I think that there should the Taggart well is fixed. the brown sludqy water, but very concerned about this. Iinaudible] agaj-n, okay, so Taggart wel-1, please. COMMISSIONER there is that the extent evening? i,ncreases until am not seeing so Irm I any rate personally I have in the past, Boise guys I donrt want I want you to to fix the KJELLANDER: Thank you. Is of your testimony this THE WITNESS: I'm sorry, what?25 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 L'7 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 KING Public COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: DOCs thAt conclude your public comment for this evening? THE WITNESS: Yes, that does. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay. Wel1, thank you very much and we appreciate your comment. THE WITNESS: Okay. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: hands raised or At this point we indication of a so what f would do not have any other Star 3 for those that like to do at this see if we can get and -- we do have may have called any in, point is take a some additlona]callers coming in remain on the record. We raised? Wel-l-, then we will have a hand rai-sed and I believe you are now unmuted. Is the caLler there? AUDIENCE: Yes, I am COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great, thank you. Let me get you sworn in first. VALERIE KING, appearing as a public witness, having been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDBR: And if you could state your name and speI1 your l-ast name for us for the ten-minute break to a hand 25 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 t7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 KING Public record. THE WITNESS: IInaudible] King, K-i-n-g. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We got your last name. I'm sorry, we had a little bit of a technj-ca1 glitch on our si-de. Could I have you repeat your name again for us? We had a bit of a technical glitch on our side. THE WITNESS: Valerj-e King, K-i-n-q. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your address, Ms. King? THE WITNESS: 1630 South Shoshone Street. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of SUEZ Water? THE VIITNESS: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. We've got you officially on the record. I will say we're having a littIe bit of a problem with the line you're on, so if you could just speak a littl-e slow1y on that, wef11 try to catch j-t al-1 and not make you repeat anything. Again, I apologize for the technical consideration, so the time is yours. THE WITNESS: I would just like to say that it's a concern when you donft put your clothes in the washing machine f irst. You f j-rst see if the water j-s25 t2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 13 11 L2 t4 23 24 15 76 71 18 19 20 21 22 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 GALLAGHER Publ-ic going to be brown. If it is brown, you until you get clean If itrs not, you put your clothes in. empty water all that water you just put in to wash your KJELLANDER: clothes in COMMISSIONER And is that the extent of your public comment THE WITNESS: I don't ever drink the water for us this evening? V{el1, coming for reasons like that, out of my pipes. I definj-teIy use looking okay. a Brita filter to make sure the water is Also, opaque cups help coloring you see it even more Sor so you real-j-ze the of the water. COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER :We appreciate again foryour testimony this evening takj-ng tlme to join us. THE WITNESS: and thank you Thank you. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And I believe we have another caller. Is the caller there? AUDIENCE: He11o, this is Anne Gallagher, so yes. appearing as was examined ANNE GALLAGHER, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as foll-ows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: So Anne, could I25 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 77 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTTNG 208.890.5198 GALLAGHER Public get you name for to repeat your name again and spell your last Gallagher the record? THE WITNESS: Yes. It is spelled A-n-n-e. is G-a-1-1-a-g-h-e-r. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your address, please. THE WITNESS: 3097 South Ladera P1ace, Boise. COMMI SS IONER KJELLANDER : are you a customer of SUEZ Water? THE WITNESS: Yes, sir. COMMI SS IONER KJELLANDER : we've got you officially on the record, yours. Thank Thank so the YOU, and YOU, and fl-oor is THE WITNESS: Is there any evidence to well- wiII eitherindicate that fixing the Taggart decrease or get rid of this brown water situation? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And again, as you pose questions, we're not here to answer the questions. We're here to take your testimony, so I will assume that that is a question posed to the utility. THE WITNESS: Oh, okay. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: However, we do have THE WITNESS: There we go.25 74 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 t-5 L6 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 GALLAGHER Publ-ic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: WE dO have your a foJ-low-upname on the record and you might actual-1y get from the consumer divi-sion Staff . THE WITNESS: Oh, good, thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Is there anything else you would like to share with us this evening? THE WITNESS: No. We just when we see the brown water, we just flush it out and flush it out, you know. It's a regular occurrence, but I don't know, we're almost used to it, so yeah, anyways, aII right, thank you. Sorry for misunderstanding. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: No, not a problem. We appreciate you taking the time to call in. Thank you very much. THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Is the call-er there? Good evening? Hel-lo? AUDIENCE: He11o. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Yes, I hear you. Why don't we start by getting you sworn in. 25 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 L'7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 SYKORA Pubfic MICHAEL SYKORA, appearing as a public witness, having been duly sworn, was examined and testif ied as f oll-ows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And if you could for thestate your name and record, please. THE spelJ- it for us officially WITNESS: Yeah, my name is Michael Sykora and that's M-i-c-h-a-e-I S-y-k-o-r-a. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, your address, please. THE WITNESS: 2401 South Owyhee, No. Boise, Idaho, 83705. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you customer of SUEZ Water? and 16, a We've got you us your public THE WITNESS: COMMISSIONER offj-ciaIly on comment. I belleve we are, yes. KJELLANDER: Thank you. the record, so please offer THE WITNESS: Yeah, I just am concerned about the health and safety of the water. It seems like it is always filter, it's brown. Immediately after instantly brown. Itfs not awhile or once or twice a concerned about the heal-th year. It's and safety you change a like it's once i-n every duy, so I am of drinking it, of25 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 l4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 SYKORA Public course. I feel like if they want they need to fix the water at this conc1ude your for taking the testimony. to raise the rates, point. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And does that comment for us this evening? THE WITNESS: I believe it does. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you again tj-me to call in and we appreciate your THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The witness Ieft the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Again, let me that if you have ca11ed in via your telephone provide 3 so that some public comment tonight, please we can be aware that you would like remind you and wish to press Star to provide using your that is by screen. some public testimony, computer audio, please your name on the right and if you've logged in click on the hand icon side of your computer At this point what we will do is take a break for about 10 minutes and we will resume at 6:30 to see if anyone to testify. record if we else additionally has calIed in who wishes During that tj-me in which we w111 be off the do see some additional phone whatwe'11 just remind those callers the protocol is testify, so it'sorder to a11ow us to know you wish to numbers come in, in25 L7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 our intent, then, to go off the record until- 6:30, dt which time we'11 come back on and either take additional testimony or cl-ose out the public hearing component of this specific caser so with that, then, we wil-I go off the record. (Recess. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we'1I go back on the record. Again, for the record, my name is Paul- Kjellander. Trm a Commissioner at the Idaho Publ-ic Utilities Commission. I'm jolned with my fellow Commj-ssioners, Commissioner Eric Anderson and Commissioner Kristine Raper, and we are here for the public hearing in reference to Case No. SUZ-W-20-02, also known as in the matter of SUEZ Water Idaho Inc.'s application for authority to increase its rates and charges for water service in Idaho. We had taken a ten-minute recess in order to see if we had some additional- callers who had joined us on the bridge and I understand we have four who have joined us. For the those of you who may not have heard the instructions, if you've cal1ed in via telephone and you wish to testify, please press Star 3, and if you've logged on to use your computer audio, please cl,ick on the hand icon that's by your name on the right side of your computer screen, so I bel-ieve we are ready to resume our CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 10 11 72 13 74 15 L6 11 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 18 COLLOQUY testimony, so is the caller there? Good evening. Do we have the caller there? I believe I hear something rustling, is the caIler there? AUDIENCE: Who are you calling? Is this me? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Yes, it's your it's you. AUDIENCE: I'ffi up, okay. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER :Yes, good. AUDIENCE: here. Hang on a moment. Irve got There I s a a bunch of people Iot of echoing. WelI, great.COMMISSIONER K.JELLANDER : Why don't we get you closer to your microphone so that we can make sure we get so we have a l-itt1e more clarity in your voice and Irm going to swear you in now. appearlng as was examined KAROLINE PHILP, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: my iPad here. THE WITNESS: It might be COMMISSIONER THE WITNESS: I'm going to switch over to more clear for you. KJELLANDER: Okay. Does that work? CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 PHILP Public 1-9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T2 13 74 15 16 t7 r-8 1,9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s1-98 PHILP Public COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your if you could say your name and THE WITNESS: name is Phil-p, P-h-i-I-p. COMMI SSIONER KJELLANDER : name and spe11 it for spe11 it for us. K-a-r-o-1-i-n-e. The last Could you us? I apologize.actually say your THE WITNESS: COMMISSIONER Karoli-ne Phi1p. KJELLANDER: And you may have to speak wlth you COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : believe that we've got your name there. THE WITNESS: 3404 West Bolse, Idaho, 83705. moved to the Bench as a little girl in the just a Iittle more slowly because our connection is somewhat weak and I apologize. THE V{ITNESS: A11 right, Karolj-ne Phi1p. Thank you, and I Your address? Catalina Road, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and are you a customer of SUEZ V{ater? THE WITNESS: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. We've got you officially on the record and so we're ready now for your public comment. THE WITNESS: Al-1 right , 42 years house ago I I reside in now. At that time the house was only about 15 years ol-d. To this day I still remember even as a little girl 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 !2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 PHTLP PubLic that nasty brown water in my bath and I still remember the water company back then promising us 42 years ago that they would replace the rusted water pipes in the Bench roads and those promises were broken. One of my fondest memories was moving away from the Bench and thatrs where f learned that there are other areas that actually have cl-ean water. In Meridian, for j-nstance, I lived on a farm and the one thing I still remember asking is, "Oh, do you have brown water?" And he looked at me like what, what are you talking about, so I learned by living here for a very long time that the problem has been here on the Bench. You go to Eag1e, their water is clean. You go to the North End, I drank the water over there, j-t's great. It tastes good. You drink the water here, it tastes l-ike chlorine. Anyways, about 18 years ago I hesitantly moved back into the home I am in now. These brown water issues have caused multiple j-ssues regarding the drinking water. We have to buy bott1ed water. It's ruined appliances in my house. It took me a long tj-me to figure that out. I went through four water heaters in 18 years, and finally about six years ago I put in a double fil-ter system and I've had the one water heater for the same amount of time, if that gives how bad this water you kind of a perspectlve on is just to our25 2t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 11 18 1,9 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . s198 PHTLP Public appliances. Not only is you can't drink it and it's we currently have. The time it nasty to take a bath ruining our I do see it Catal-ina where Irm at is That's filters get reaIIy, appliances up there when the arl r that on the water isBench or up on being flushed.when my I go andif tub rea11y and Idark brown. AIso, put a chemical in iron just bubbling trying to get it story and I guess fill up my hot see all sorts of the redthere, I can up out Itm and Irm scraping that for hours of my hot tub, so thatfs kind of my sticking to it. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: WeIl, thank you, and we appreciate the testimony and thank you again for your patj-ence this evening. THE WITNESS: G.reat, thank you. (the witness left the stand) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And I believe we have another ca11er on the line. Are you there? AUDIENCE: HeIIo? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Yes, yes, it's you. Why don't we begin by swearing you in. 25 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 1-7 18 t9 20 21, 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.51-98 KING PubIic appearing as was examined DAWN KING, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as f oIl-ows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And if you could state your name for the record and spe1I your name as we1l. THE WITNESS: Yes, my name is Dawn King, D-a-w-n K-i-n-9. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address? THE WITNESS: 4L06 West Albion. COMMISSfONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of SUEZ Water? THE WITNESS: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: V'lel-l-, thank you for joining us this evening. We have official-Iy got you on the record and we are ready to take your public testimony. The floor is yours. THE WITNESS: Yes, I'm also one that has Iived on the Bench my whole 1ife. I lived on Owyhee Street growing up and our water was rea11y good when we were on the city weII when we first moved in, and then we were forced to go on city water and and it conti-nues to be brown water it became brown water and you don't dare25 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 drink it, and I'm like the other lady that said, you know, you fill your washing machine and then put your clothes in sometj-mes and, you know, when you wash dishes in your dishwasher, you never know if they're going to be totally spotted or if you're going to have clear water. We never drink the water. We buy bottled water or we buy filters for our refrj-gerator and it's really too bad you're thinking about raising rates when we can't even get quality water now and that's my testimony. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and we appreciate your patience and thanks for joining us this evening. THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The wltness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we're ready now for the next caIIer, is the cal-l-er there? AUDIENCE: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great, thank you. Why don't I get you sworn in first. CSB REPORTING 208.890.51_98 KING PubIic 10 11 1,2 13 74 15 1,6 71 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 l4 15 t6 !7 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . s198 DIETZ Public appearing as was examined BLANCA DIETZ, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: If you could please state please. your name for the record and spe11 it, THE WITNESS: Blanca Dietz, B-l-a-n-c-a D-i--e-t-2. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your address, please. THE V{lTNESS: 2620 Shoshone Street. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of SUEZ Water? THE WITNESS: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER :Thank you. and wetre nowWerve got you ready to hear others and officially on the record your public testimony. THE WITNESS: Like the especialty I get very upset when I have grandchj-1dren over and I run bath water and itrs rust water first. I do not believe that it is safe regardless of what I hear. I donrt think it's safe to either bathe in it or drink it. The other thj-ng is we have bought new toj-Iets and I have to scrub continuously, because if I let it 90,25 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 1,4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTTNG 208.890.5198 DIETZ Public therers rust in there at the bottom and that time and your patience is just askj-ng for a not safe very this gross, raise. and I do not believe fix 1t, and this is much and we appreciate your evening. Thank you. (The witness and f know they are dirty water that is that they deserve a raise until they my testimony. COMMISSIONER K,IELLANDER: Thank you absol-utely gross, We are paying for left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And as a reminder for those of you who have called in this evening via your telephone and you wish to testify, please press Star 3. Eor those of you that have logged in from your computer using thelr computer audio, please click on the hand icon that's by your name on the right side of your computer screen so that we will know t.hat you wish to testify this evening, and I be1ieve that we have our next caller on the line. Is the caller there? AUDIENCE: Hell-o. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Hel1o. Why don't we begin by swearing you in. 25 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 T2 13 1,4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 appearrng as was examined STEPHANIE MONTERO, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as f oll-ows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And if you could for the record, please state your name and spe1l it for us. THE WITNESS: My name is Stephanj-e Montero, S-t-e-p-h-a-n-i-e M-o-n-t-e-r-o. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your address, please. THE WITNESS: 2775 South Shoshone Street. COMMISSIONER K.IELLANDER: And are you a customer of SUEZ Water? THE VIITNESS: I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. and we're readyWe've got you officially on the record now to take your public testimony. THE WITNESS: Okay, so Irve lived in this neighborhood for we purchased our Street, and we're off and on better part of 20 home near six years ago the end of the I noticed the off years and of Shoshone canalr So before in towards street near a when I first brown water the past, but the water was reaIly brown at my MONTERO Public 25 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 1-5 1,6 1,7 1B 19 20 2! 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 MONTERO Publi-c home, so when I first noticed it, that was what I was told 1s because I'm at the end of the street and so I guess my concern is with everythlng that is floating around 1n the water, I know you guys test the well, but when you test the wel-l-, it may be safe, but by the time it reaches me and all that heavy metal has settled towards me, is it still safe for me and my chlldren to drink or use? We've had to replace appliances because of the buil-d-up in the water that has put stress on our appliances, and not only that, I am having to buy bottled water, Iike a l-ot of bottled water, because we can't drink the water that we have that we are paying for, but for a long time hoping to see have more you guys have promi-sed to and haven't done it, so I some improvement, and not neighborhoods, homes and Several people are moving going to be taking water that what is happening is amount of water that I s in fix our water guess I'm just only thatr w€ apartments, being in, which means buil-t up. more people are concernedfrom the well, and I'm we're already using the max the well and it's sucking up all the sediment and that's what we're actually seeing in our water, so putti-ng more people in the neighborhood and puttj.ng a fil-ter on the welJ-, I don't know if thatrs going to fix this problem, but that's my testimony.25 2B 1 2 3 4 5 6 't I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 L6 L1 t-8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: WeI1,thank you appreciatevery much for that your testimony this evening. We (The witness left the stand. ) COMMfSSIONER KJELLANDER: And just another reminder, too, if you've cal1ed in and you wish to testify this evening and you called in with your telephone, please press Star 3. If you've logged in on your computer audio, please click the hand icon that's on the right side of your computer screen, and I believe we have another ca1ler. Is the caI1er there? AUDIENCE: Yes, sir. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Oh, good eveni-ng. Why don't I get you sworn in f irst. DEAN WALTMAN, appearing as a public witness, having been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: If you could for the record, please THE W-a-1-t-m-a-n. your address, please. state your name and spell it for us. V{ITNESS: Dean Waltman, D-e-a-n COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and WALTMAN Public 25 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 12 13 L4 15 L6 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . s198 WALTMAN Publ-ic THE WfTNESS: 2323 South Paci-fic Street. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of SUEZ Water? you. Wetve audio sounds THE WITNESS: Yes, s j-r. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: GTeat. ThanK got you officially on the record and your very THE cIear, so the floor is WITNESS: Okay. Well, yours. just the fact My fiance has has always they flush the I don't know I've lived on Pacific for about a year. owned the house for about 10 years. She noticed the brown. I j-nes. They don't what the schedule once a year. used filters. I've Itts a lot worse when flush them very often. is for that. Itrs usually typically The water is terrib]e to drink. I have fj-lter immediately taste it didn't j ust ru j-ns the take the increase the taste any better. There is a problem and I just can't see a 22 percent increase. That's just ctazy. I know that SUEZ is a huge corporation and they have money set aside for infrastructure improvements, they have to, and if the one lady that if her story is anywhere accurate, 42 years of promises, thatrs just unacceptable and I'm not golng to pay a 22 percent increase, I'm just not, and this, you gl_ven and it up on that. It doesn't seem to 25 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 L3 L4 15 16 77 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 KANGAS Publ-ic know, it's an oId neighborhood, I get it. You know, o1d iron pipes, I get it, but therers money set aside and it has to be addressed. It just does. There's other places I've lived around Boise for 35 years and this is the first time on the Bench in this particular area on Taggart well and it's by far, by far, the worst and that's my testimony. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you very much and we appreciate your testimony this evening. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And I bCliEvE that we have another call-er. Is the caller on the line? Good evening? Dave Kangas? THE WITNESS: Yes, f am here. Can you hear me? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: I can, I can. Let me get you sworn in real quick. DAVE KANGAS, appearing as a public witness, having been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And if you could for the record, if you could please state your name and spe11 your last name for us.25 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 l_3 l4 15 t6 17 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 KANGAS Public THE WITNESS: My name is Dave Kangas, K-a-n-g-a-s. COMMISSIONER your address, please. THE WITNESS: Boise, Idaho, 83705. COMMISSIONER are you a customer of SUEZ THE WITNESS: COMMISSIONER we've got you of f icj-ally on us your public comment. THE WITNESS: KJELLANDER: Thank you, and 1715 West Canal Street, KJELLANDER: Thank you, and Water? Yes, I am. KJELLANDER: the record, Thank you, and so please provide Iam a long-time resident of and I have been backthe Bench. I grew up in this area for about 20 years now and I've been acti-ve1y involved with various city issues over those 20 years. I am currently president of Vista Neighborhood Association, which represents probably somewhere between 5r 000 households on the Bench and during that time the brown water issue has always been an ongoing issue. Many resj-dents have just taken it for granted the Bench has brown water. In the last year there has been a very active movement started by Representative John Gannon to get this addressed and we've finally seen some progress25 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 t6 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890. s198 by SUEZ. Wj-th this rate increase, it does not feel like SUEZ was acting in good faith to finally address these issues, but they real-ized they had a hearing coming up for a rate increase, so they decided weI1, I guess maybe we'IL work on addressing the brown water because we certainly don't want to hear bad testimony in front of the PUC when we're asking for a rate increase, so there's definitely a problem with infrastructure on the Bench and clear, clean water being supplied to this area. As I understand it, I donrt have al-I the details on why theyrre applying for this increase, but if they're also applying for this j-ncrease to expand into new areas where Boise is growing, thatrs an issue is why should o1d neighborhoods i-ncrease. That shoul-d be be paying for this rate something that fall-s on new growth and new construction into those areas We have enough households are getting taxed in property taxes. Many out of the homes, so increasing in water rates is a the Bench where we don't have Many of these new subdivisions irrigation so they don't have big deal, especially on pressurized irrigation. will- have pressurized to pay a big water bill in goes up from 20-30 dollars summertime, at l-east two i-ncrease. the summertime. during the winter bill-s l-ike that. My water bill to 150 in the That's a huge KANGAS Public 25 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SUEZ in also actively invol-ved in acquisi-tion, in growing. Sooner or later they -- in applying and making those acquisitions, they sell the aspect that they're going to provide better service, more efficient service, a consolidated service, but after those acquisitions are made, we11, oh, we have costsr we need a certain return on j-nvestment to make our money back, so we're just going to raj-se the rate on the people that are there. I do not support this rate increase. I do not think SUEZ has proved thei-r case and they're not providing quality water for the Bench area and Boise in general. We don't want to be a [inaudible] Michigan and SUEZ shouldn't want to be part of that and it's shameful that we had to act so long and so hard to get them to correct the issue and again, it feel-s like they saw this rate increase coming and over the last year decided weII, I guess it's time to take acti-on. That's my testimony. COMMfSSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for your testimony this evening and we appreciate you being on the line. THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: I believe that we have exhausted our current known list of those CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 10 11 72 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 21, 22 23 24 25 34 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 !4 15 76 T7 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 individual-s who wish to testify, so it is my intent to take a five-mj-nute recess where we will go off the record to see if anyone else ca1ls in to testify. Again, for those of you who might be on the l-lne now, if you do wish to testify and you've called in via your telephone, please press Star 3. If you've logged in to use your computer audio, you'1I need to click the hand icon that's on the right sj-de of your computer screen, so again, w€ wil-1 go off the record for approximately five minutes and return. (Recess. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we wil-I go back on the record. Again, ffiy name is Paul- Kjellander. Irm the Chairman of this evening's proceedings. I'm a Commissioner with the Publ-ic Utilities Commission. I'm also joined this evening live in our Hearing Room with Commissioner Eric Anderson and Commissioner Christine we continue the public hearing tonight, IRaper. As believe we have one additional cal-1er and with that, see if we can get them on the line.then, Is the why don't we cal-l-er there? AUDIENCE: I am there I am here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Oh, thank you, thank you. Itrs good to hear your voice. Why don't we get you sworn in.25 35 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l_1 13 74 15 t6 77 18 19 1,2 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 JOHN GANNON, appearing as a public witness, havj-ng been duly sworn, was exami-ned and testif ied as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And if you could state your name officially for the record and speII your last name, please. THE WITNESS: John Gannon, G-a-n-n-o-n. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your address, please. THE WITNESS: 1104 ,Johnson Street, Boi-se, 8370s. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and are you a SUEZ Water customer? THE WITNESS: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. We've got you officially on the record, Mr. Gannon, and the floor is yours. THE WITNESS: probably know, we were Thank you. As you know, was one of the intervenorsI and we were very pleased with Staffrs offer to become involved in overseeing rehabilitation of the Bench water system. When we were through, we wanted to reserve the right to comment and oppose the rate increase in our areas for the following reasons: First, we have more GANNON Publ-ic 25 36 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 GANNON Publ-ic expenses in this area for water because of the water quality. For example, many households buy bottled water. I do. Many households have filters which they change frequently and incur that expense. [ile do not have filters in ours. Cleaning is an expense, certaj-nly not an out-of-pocket expense, but an inconvenience and i-n factr we -- my wife last summer just said we're going to replace the tile in the bathtub, wa1l tiIes, because we canrt keep the rust color out of the grout between the white til-es. of cofor and theyrre course, the white tiles get the rust pretty easy to clean, but the grout was it with it and so wenot and so she just said I've had replaced the sides and predictably, we have a brown color on the bathroom wal-l-s. It's kind of a I donrt know, it's a design, you know, so it's not just all brown. It's a design-type thing. It looks klnd of like a brown rock waII or something. I don't know, but at any rate, we do get brown water, in my house not as intensely as a l-ot of the other folks do on the south side of Overland, but we get it from time to tj-me and we definitely get it when there's a flushing going on. There are now two flushings a year, but if you think about it, two flushj-ngs a year, sdy, in six years, that's at l-east L2 to 24 days of brown water that25 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 !6 1,1 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 GANNON Publi-c has dirt and debris and whatnot in it and that's not really good for your water system, your faucets, and that kind of thing and j-t's not good for your water heater. Drinking the washing machine is a particular problem for a lot of folks and that hasnrt happened to us in a long time, but when it does happen, you get obviously a problem. SUEZ used to, and I think probably still does, they give you some kind of detergent or something that you wash your clothes again and itrs supposed to get the rust out, so they realize there's a problem here. This is not anything that is SUEZ, and I kind of feel that if werre going disputed by to have the service that we should bepeople that arenrt getting shouldn't rather than a uniform rate for the who1e city, those example, serviced by the getting have to what people River plant so because that are, for PAY, of the because pay Boise they donrt have this issue and expenses that we have and many people talked about that and the inconvenj-ence and the rel-uctance to use the water, I don't think that our rates shoul-d 90 up, our rate at all, and one possible approach is that it shouldn't go up until they get that Taggart well fixed, because SUEZ has identified for almost two years now that the Taggart well is a problem and they are supposed to start on September25 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 L4 t_5 L6 77 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 GANNON Public 15th to a two or three months' rehabilitation of the wel-l and until that happens and then hopefully after that happens a lot of this problem is going to be alleviated, although there are people in other parts of our area that are apparently not served by Taggart we11, but SUEZ does know where the so-called hot spots are. They have a map. They can identify the streets and the neighborhoods that are involved, and so what I would like to suggest to the Commission is that to get this system up not be granted a rate if the increase has to or some kind of way in to all increase, and until they are abl-e operation that they if there's a whole be uniform, then there be a rebate which they get paid when the to reasonable dark when the service is up to pdr, so I thank you for your time. I night and have know it's appreciate you aIl working at a good evening. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: WeIl-, thank you and we appreclate your testimony. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And I believe that we have exhausted our list of cal-lers this evening, so that leaves me with the opportunity now to again say of those who took the ti-me to eitherthank you listen in this evening or to provide public testj-mony. mentioned upfront, will be theWe as a Commission, as we25 39 ul-timate deciders of this case once we've completed the scheduled already as part oftechnicalhearing that so againr w€ l-s this case,want to thank you very much and at this point we are adjourned. (The Hearing adjourned at 7 206 p.m. ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTTNG 208.890.5198 25 40 COILOQUY AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that the foregoing telephonic proceedings held in the matter of SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. for authority to increase its rates and charges for water service in the State of Idaho, commencing at 6:00 p.m, on Thursdry, April 15, 2021, dt the Commission Hearing Room, 1-1331 V{. Chinden B1vd., Building 8, Suite 201,-A, Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said proceedi-ngs and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. STANCE S. BUCY Shorthand RepoCertified 187 CONSTANCE S BUCY NOTARYPUEIIC. STATE OF IDiAIIO 60UM|SS|C[,] NUUBER 129e6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 1-2 13 14 1_5 T6 1-7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 25 41 AUTHENTICATTON