HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210426Technical Hearing Exhibit 101.pdfProfeesional eualif ications of Donn English Program Manager - Accounting and Audit Program Manager - Technical Analysis Idaho PubIic Utilities Commission EDUCATION Mr. English graduated from Boise State University in L998 with a Bachelor of Business Administrat.ion degree in Accounting. His st.udies concentrated on corporat,e finance and taxation. He was a member of the A1pha Beta Psi honor society for Accounting sLudents. He completed Ehe Annual- Regulatory SEudies Program, the Advanced Regulatory Studies Program, and the AccounLing and Ratemaki-ng Course offered through the Inst,itute of Public Utilities at Michigan St.at.e University. AddiEj-ona1ly, he regularly attends meet.ings and conferences sponsored by the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners (NARUC) and Lhe Society of Ut.il-ity and Regulatory Financial Analysts. In 2001-, Mr. English became a designaEed member of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA) and was awarded t.he professional designation of Qualified Pension Administrator (QPA) and Qualified 401 (k) Administrator (QKA) . Mr. English was also a member of the Associat.ion of Certified Fraud Examiners. BUSINESS EXPERIENCE Prior Lo joining the rdaho Public Utili[ies Commission (IPUC), Mr. English was a Trust Accountant wiEh a pension administraLion, acLuarial, and consulting firm in Boise, Idaho. In 1999, He was promoted to Pension Administrat.or, and in 2001- he was promoEed to Pension Consultant. In that capacity, Mr. English performed actuarial calcul-ations and the reguired non- discriminaEion calculations for hundreds of qualified retirement p1ans. He compleEed and filed Form 5500s and represenEed clienEs during audits by the DeparEmenE. of Labor and t,he InEernal Revenue Servlce. He also participated on the task force that wrote questions for the ASPPA administrator and actuarial exams. Iixhibit No. l0l Case No. SUZ-W-20-02 D. English. Statf03ll7l2l Pagc I of 2 l0l EXHIBrf I Prof essional Qualifi-cationaof Donn English conLinued Mr. English joined the fPUC in 2003 as a Staff Auditor. In 2015, he was promoEed to Audit Team Lead, and in 2018 he became the Program Manager for the Accounting and Audit. Depart.ment within the Utilities Dlvision. In 2020, Mr. English also accepted the responsibility of supervising the Technical Analysis and Energy Efficiency team. At the Commj-ssion, Mr. English has audited a number of utilities including electric, water, and natural gas companj-es, and provided comments and testimony in numerous cases that deal wit,h general rates, tax i-ssues, pension issues, depreciation and other account.ing issues, and other regulatory policy declsions. MR. English parLicipates in the Energy Efficiency Advisory Groups and External Stakeholder Advisory Committees for Idaho Power, AvisLa Utilities, Rocky Mountain Power, and Intermount.ain Gas Company. He is Lhe Commission's representaLive on t.he NARUC SubcommitEee of AccounEing and Fi-nance, and he also Leaches at the NARUC Rate School. Exhibit No. 101 Case No. SUZ-W-20-02 D. English, StatT03117/21 Page 2 of 2