HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210224Suez to Staff Supplemental Response.pdfMichael C. Creamer (lSB No.4030) Preston N. Carter (lSB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 m cc@qivenspursley. com p resto nca rte r@q ive n spu rslev. co m Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE lTS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO -: 1-f i,.,'*1.i1. _.:-i-r:_! [ +:*, ;,;:: i[] tt+ Fi{ 3' $l :r! ;: t, !tj,:",, li- :, : I,.**.- .,',.;:.:,,, BEFORE THE !DAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. SUZ-W-2O-O2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC.'S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO FIFTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF SUEZ Water ldaho lnc., ('SUEZWalet''or "Company") submits the following supplemental response to the Fifth Production Request of the Commission Staff to SUEZ Water, dated December 17,2020. DATED: February 24, 2021 . SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. .f *_--_: -- e__ I * By: Michael C. Creamer Preston N. Carter Attorneys for Applicant SUEZWATER'S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO FIFTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.l 15s48478_1.DOCX [30-2091 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on February 24,2021, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Electronic Mail ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, lD 83714 ian.norivuki@puc. idaho.oov Dayn Hardie Electronic Mail Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, lD 83714 davn.hardie@puc.idaho.qov matt. hunter@puc.idaho.qov lntervening Parties Ada County: Lorna K. Jorgensen John C. Cortabitarte Ada County Prosecuting Aftorney's Office Civi! Division 200 W. Front Street, Room 3191 Boise, ID 83702 liorqensen@adacountv. id.qov ico rta bita rte@ad acou nty. i d . oov CAPAI: Brad M. Purdy 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 bmpurdv@hotmail.com lnteruenors: Marty Durand Piotwrowski Durand PLLC 1020 Main Street, Suite 440 P.O. Box 2864 Boise, lD 83701 martv@idunionlaw.com Electronic Mail Boise City: Scott B. Muir Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, lD 83701-0500 bo i secitvatto rnev@ citvofbo ise. o rq Suez Water Customer Group: Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 W. Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise, lD 83702 N Se m a n ko@ pa rson sbe h I e. co m Boisedocket@ parsonsbeh le. com ldaho Fair House Council, lnc. Ken Nagy Attorney at Law P.O. Box 164 Lewiston, lD 83501 knagv@lewiston.com SUEZ WATER'S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO FIFTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.2 1 5548478_1.OOCX [3C,209] Micron Technology, lnc. Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Holland & Hart 555 17th St., Suite 3200 da ru esch hoff@ hol la nd h art. com tnel son @ hol la nd ha rt. co m aclee@holla nd hart.com Jim Swier Greg Harwood Micron Technology, lnc. 8000 S. FederalWay iswier@micron.com qbharwood@micron.com qlqarqanoamari hollandhart.com .? *-------: 6_=a*- Preston N. Carter SUEZWATER'S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO FIFTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 3 15548478_1.DOCX [3G209] SUEZ WATER IDAHO !NC. CASE SUZ.W-20.02 FIFTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/SponsoringWitness: M.Zerhouni REQUEST NO. 102: Please provide the amounts of the It/&S Shared Services by department allocated to SUEZ Water ldaho for the last five years. RESPONSE NO. 102: M&S Shared Services are charged to SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. ("SW!D") from the departments in the Corporate M&S Ievel and the Regulated Segment M&S level. A summary of the amounts of M&S Shared Services charges by department allocated to SWID for the last five years is included below. RESPONSE NO. 102 UPDATE 1: Please see the attachment to this response for M&S Shared Services charged to SUEZ Water ldaho updated forthe 12 months ended December 31,2020. suz-w-20-02 IPUC DR 102 Update 1 Page 1 of 1 D.pt itumb.r DcdltLm.2016 mt 2011 m1'M Gnndrdl CaDorrb ll&5 s a.!ta3-t 0 3 3.5:lO.gO s aa8grL t Lx,/l-,56 s lJlsgrt !t.r13.980 425 BTS - ODerate 569.103 836,604 834,776 473,828 438,895 3,t53,147 500 General Accountinr 357,30s 37t,475 293,232 7.032.0t2 427 lT Deoreciat'ron 190,819 212.il6 276.798 147.914 190.079 1.018.255 415 Human Resources 237.927 20,..246 200.9s9 t36.223 746.27L 916.620 410 office supDort & Faciliw M8t 313.194 258.491 2L4.622 46_676 32.O52 899.03s 611 lnsurance 264.5O\241,081 3p,9,007 7,O73 10,36s 871,98t 520 faxes 582,904 74,L59 98,087 755,150 610 Ltral 159,534 193.436 L37,599 118,315 LL9,7t0 728,693 426 BTS - Deliver 4@,127 71.691 47.9L7 559.735 445 Procurement 131.925 14634 113.010 12.s88 fl.647 421.555 530 Financial PlanninE 175.064 105,814 t2,-.326 403.4M 424 BTS - Define tz4,w 93,144 94,790 37,802 349,777 405 oroorate Communications 145,44 110,26s 92,7ss 348,460 255 Oualitv 115,692 702,733 115,44 14.7271 1L.il41 327,570 400 Administration - General LLt,7il 104.463 85.782 302.00!' 21,0 Environmental Health & SafeN 76.736 76.119 37.L29 38.827 34.901 263.113 245 T&hnical Seruices 78.477 59.298 113.5S0 10.907 641 262.472 418 HR CA 90_756 s2,@2 34,695 27,579 28,622 234,2s4 515 PaYroll 40556 46,194 38,748 tt0,812 38,907 211,278 501 Accounts Pavable 62,354 50,831 42,v6 278 {1871 155,633 rto1 ffice of the COO 117.653 4,323 224 L.@2 280 r23,576 60s Treasuru 20.423 16.134 11.909 37.4O2 15.196 101.463 416 HR - shared Services 20.744 14.770 12.693 15.533 l4a8 il.296 443 Procurement lndirect 12,189 24,074 22,770 59.O38 535 lnternal Audit 33,947 24,U7 11,4441 (2461 29 56,327 205 Caoital Manasement 21,903 7,477 6,7W 581 453 37,U7 47t office - Leasehold lmDrovement 10,923 12,375 18,317 (E.043 t6.6E6 26,EE7 246 fech svcs CA 3,285 9.796 9.495 22.576 (250.299.3@.402.435.Other DeDartments 1,311 1.S19 3.957 1.S30 22 8.339 608.111 s ,-xm.olo 1.15a.c5t 3 z$5rga ; 2Jlil.tae 3 7.!rr6.dn 455 Customer Service Admin 135.416 374.806 355.745 lgs_775 149.028 7.170.770 425 BTS - Ooerate 65 2r1 4,850 il2,734 503,977 1,151,836 800 Rate DeDartment 223,736 237,gil 2U',EE2 205,140 195,670 7,O72,39t 427 lT Deoreciation 58,E04 96.505 279.705 2793@ 7t4,423 500 Ganeral Accountint (2)u 32 238.559 226.569 465.25r 530 Financial Plannins 75.746 75.011 85.181 91.(D9 135.650 463.686 60s Ireasury 47.927 90.s78 59.320 99.253 347.O88 401 office ofthe coo so-o77 @,743 70,2!2 86,728 76,250 344.01q 450 76,253 98,97s 159.64!269 43 335,189 611 lnsurance 206,402 726,022 332,424 245 ffthnical Seruices 146.6il L79.454 325,122 610 Leeal 62.9/t8 51.898 30.015 44.4L9 17.423 226.702 520 faxes 4 e2.701 127.976 20/..6a2 426 BTS - Deliver 28 L7a6 82,980 97,9@ 142.703 zto Environmental Health & Safety 43407 27,359 16,600 34,116 43,588 165,071 415 Human Resources 31,875 26,800 23.894 30.256 27,598 t40,522 405 Cormrate Communications (21 19.840 21.422 38.431 u.074 t24t6A 445 Procurement 24 55 t15.413)7s.234 s9.852 119.757 424 BTS - Define 93 195 44.853 30.591 75.U4 501 Accounts Payable 26.fi7 25.O72 51.614 20s CaD'ltal Management s2 115 4.1s2 4.792 13.111 4tt Office - Leasehold lmprovement (s1-4211 (s1.421) 99.304.400.ru)2.418.43 Other Deoartments (1,482)(703)2,019 133 103 70 eIrndTonl 3 5,0a1,931 S tr,65o,9rit s 4.6/lii,,alit s 3,81+66{l s 3,5ite5?s 21,690,m swM&s M&S Fc€ ellocated to SwlO for perlod Jan 2016 - Dec 2020 t2lttl2020 IDAHO General ledser Account # 90850923 5,041,931 4,550,972 4,@3,a72 3,814,660 3,538,627 2r,690,002 suz-w-20-02 IPUC DR 102 Update 1 Attachment 1of1 Difference Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: J. Cagle REQUEST NO. 109: The M&S Shared Assets workpapers, tab labeled 12m 63A2020, has a description stating "Period Ending Dec. 31,2019" but the sheet includes 2020 numbers. Please explain the discrepancy and how a report ending in December 31,2019 includes 2020 numbers. lf done in error, please provide an updated excel spreadsheet to include current 2020 numbers through June 3A, 2020. Please also provide supplemental information through November 30,2020 in your response. RESPONSE NO.1O9: ln the referenced workpaper, the report (attached as attachment 1 to this response) was run as of June 30, 2020 and the information beginning in cells 811 through R46 was updated without revising the heading in cells b3 through b6. The amounts provided are correct, the header is incorrect. Also attached as attachment2to this response is the same reportforthe 12 months ended November 30,2020. Please note that an error was made in November which recorded !T Depreciation to Department 424 instead oi 427 as it should have been. A correcting entry is being made in December and the Company will update this response through December after closing. RESPONSE NO. 109 UPDATE 1 Please see the attachment for M&S Shared Services charged to SUEZ Water ldaho updated for the 12 months ended December 31 ,2020. suz-20-o2 IPUC DR 109 Update 1 Page 1 of 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-20-02 FIFTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF CASE NO. SIJZ.W.2O.Oz Supplemental Response No. 109 Attachment 1-Update 1 Excel Spreadsheet Provided Separately in Native Format