HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210212Micron 1-6 to Suez.pdfAustin Rueschhoff, ISB No. 10592 Thorvald A. Nelson HorreNo & HART r-r,p 555 lTth Street, Suite 3200 Denve,r, CO 80202 Telephone: (303) 295-8000 Facsimile: (7 20) 235-0229 Email: darueschhoff@hollandhart.com tnelson@hollandhart. com i i,-,r,_.lr,,,iIfii[:i Attomeys for Micron Technology, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION rN THE MATTER OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO ) CASE NO. SUZ-W-20-02 INC.'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY ) TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES ) FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST FOR WATER SERVICE IN IDAHO ) OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. ) TO SUEZ WATER IDAHO, INC ) Micron Technology, Inc. ("Micron" or "Intervenor"), by and through its counsel, Holland & Hart LLP, submits the attached interrogatories and requests for the production of documents to SUEZ Water Idaho, Inc. ("SUEZ"). The following response date, definitions, and instructions apply to the enclosed interrogatories and requests for production of documents. In addition to the written copies provided as responses to the requests, please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files on CD with formulas intact and enabled. RESPONSE DATE. DEFINITIONS AI\D INSTRUCTIONS Please respond to these interrogatories and requests forproduction of documents by March 5,2021. DEFINITIONS *SUEZ Water Idaho,Inc.," "SUEZ," "the Company," or o?ou" means SUEZ Water Idaho, Inc. and the employees, officers, directors, agents, consultants, attorneys and all persons acting under contractual arrangement with or acting or purporting to act on behalf of SUEZ. 2. "Agreement" means any contract, written or oral, or any non-contractual understanding. MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.'S FIRST PRDUCTION REQUEST TO SUEZ WATER .I. FEBRUARY I2,2O2I 1 J 4. "And/Or" will be construed disjunctively or conjunctively as necessary so that the scope of these interrogatories is as broad as possible and includes any information which might be constructed to be outside their scope. "Communication" should be interpreted as broadly as possible to include, but not be limited to, all forms of communication, whether written, printed, oral, pictorial, electronic or otherwise and by any means or type whatsoever. "Date" shall mean the exact day, month, and year if ascertainable, or if not the best approximation thereof in relation to other events. "Document" and "documentation" should be interpreted as broadly as possible, including the original or any copy, regardless of origin or location, of any book, pamphlet, periodical publication, letter, scrapbook, diary, calendar, canceled check, photograph, form, memorandum, schedule, tax return, telegram, telex, report, record, order or notice of governmental action of any kind, study, minutes, logs, graph, index, tape, disc, internal operating manual, data sheet or data processing card, or any other written, recorded, transcribed, punched, taped, filmed, graphic or retrievable matter or data of any kind, however produced or reproduced, to which you have or have had access. This definition includes all documents which have been created and/or which reside in any type of electronic format. Any document that is not exactly identical to another document for any reason (such as marginal notations or deletions) should be considered a separate document. As to any document related to the matters addressed herein that is not currently in your possession but that you know or believe such a document exists, you are requested to identiff and indicate to the best of your ability its present or last known location or custodian. To "describe, "detail," or "state" shall mean to relate as completely as possible each and every act, omission, incident, event, condition, circumstance, decision, and/or thing relating directly or indirectly to the subject ofthe explanation including all pertinent dates. To "explain" means to make known in detail, to make clear the cause or reason of any account for each act, omission, incident, event, condition, circumstance, decision, and/or thing relating directly or indirectly to the subject of the explanation including all pertinent dates. 9. Any request to "identi&" or "provide" should be interpreted to mean a. With respect to a natural person, that person's full name, title, job description, and business and home address. Where the identification pertains to a past period, as to each person identified who is still in your employ, or the employment of the group with which such person is identified in response to any requests, provided, MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.'S FIRST PRDUCTION REQUEST TO SUEZ WATER -2- FEBRUARY I2,2O2I 5 6. 7 8. in addition, that person's title and job description as of the time of such past period. where the person is no longer in your ernploy or the employment of the group with which such person is identified in response to any request, provide that person's affiliate, position, home and business address, if known, or if not known, such person's last known affiliation, position, home and business address, or portions thereof as may be known. With respect to an entity other than a natural person, that entity's name, business, type of entity, present stafus and present or last known address. With respect to a document, that document's title, date, author (and, if different, the signer), addresses, recipients, or other persons who assisted in the preparation, subject matter or general nature, and any amendments thereto, present location and custodian, whether or not such document is in the respondent's possession, custody or control and whether or not the document is claimed to be privileged. The final version and each draft of each document should be identified and produced separately. Each original and each non-identical copy (bearing marks or notations not found on the original) of each final version and draft of each document should be identified and produced separately. With respect to a physical facility, the location of the facility, the intended purpose of the facility, the actual use of such facility, the operating dates of the facility, the installation date of the facility, the date utilization of the facility terminated if applicable, and whether the facility is subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or any other regulatory body. "Person or Entity" should be interpreted to denote, unless otherwise specified, any natural person, firm, corporation, association, Broup, individual or orgarization of any type whatsoever. 11. "PIJC" or ooCommission" means the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 12."Record" or "Records" includes any regulation, formal or informal, official or unofficial memorandum, document or written preservation of any events, actions taken or rejects, decisions and details thereof relating to the subject matter of the question and your response including electronic data and e-mail. A copy of the original "record" is preferred; stating the substance thereof will suffice where a copy cannot be made and is not available. l3 "Relating To" or "Related To" means pertaining to, presenting, discussing, commenting on, aralyzing, or mentioning in any way. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Interrogatories and requests for production must be answered with particularity and in detail. MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.'S FIRST PRDUCTION REQUEST TO SUEZ WATER J FEBRUARY I2,2O2I b c d. 10. 1 5 6. 2. J 4 7 8 9 lnterrogatories and requests for production must be answered separately and fully in writing under oath within twenty-one (21) days after service in accordance with IDAPA Interrogatories and requests for production must be signed by the person upon whose personal knowledge responses are based or who helped in any way in answering these interrogatories and requests for production. You must provide the names of any other persons upon whose personal knowledge responses are based or who helped in any way in answering these interrogatories and requests for production. In making your answers, you must produce all relevant documents and data by attachment or by identifuing the documents which relate to your answers. You must also clearly identiff each interrogatory to which the document relates. These interrogatories and requests for production are continuing in nature and in the event any information provided in an answer is changed or supplemented by future developments or other factors, you must file appropriate supplernental answers. ln answering these interrogatories and requests for production you should furnish all information which is in your possession, custody or conftol including, but not limited to, information from any files, records, or documents in the possession of your attorneys, consultants, staff, accountants, experts, employees, former employees, and other agents. These interrogatories and requests for production should be answered based on your personal knowledge, the personal knowledge of your attorneys, consultants, staff, accountants, experts, ernployees, former employees, and any other agents as appropriate or available and with reference to the sources described above. If the respondent is not a witness who has filed written direct testimony, please indicate which of the company's witnesses will be prepared to answer these questions on the stand. 10.In addition to a hard copy, please provide an electronic copy of your responses in Microsoft Word. Where responses are prepared using spreadsheet software, please provide an electronic copy in Microsoft Excel format. ll If after exercising due diligence you are unable to answer any interrogatory or to produce any document requested, you must explain your inability in detail. 12. If you object to any interrogatory or request for production, you may serve written objections on Micron as provided in IDAPA, identiffing the subject matter objected to and stating with particularity the reasons for the objections. In addition, the objections and the answers must be contained in separate pleadings with each clearly identified as an objection or answer. The service of an objection will not excuse you from MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.'S FIRST PRDUCTION REQUEST TO SUEZ WATER -4- FEBRUARY I2,2O2I answering the remaining interrogatories or responding to the remaining requests for production for which no objection is stated. 13.If any responses to these interrogatories or requests for production have already been provided in prior discovery in this matter, please direct Micron to the specific discovery request and response where such response can be found. 14. Copies of the responses and any and all documents produced should be provided to Thorvald A. Nelson Austin Rueschhoff Holland & Hart LLP 555 17th Street, Suite 3200 Denver, CO 80202 Telephone: (303) 295-8000 Email : tnelson@hollandhart. com darueschho ff@ho llandhart. com aclee@hollandhart. com gl gareanoamari @holl andhart. com INTERROGATORIES AND REOUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS REQUEST NO. 1: Please refer to the direct testimony of Mr. Prettyman atpage 3, lines l0-14 a-In electronic spreadsheet format with all formulas intact, please provide workpapers supporting the development of the base, maximum day and maximum hour demand ratios used in SUEZ's class cost of service study. Please identifr the maximum day and maximum hour demand ratios that SUEZ considers to be oostandard industry factors" for each customer class included in its class cost of service study. Please provide the source of the "standard industry factors" identified in response to part b., above. Please indicate whether or not SUEZ has ever conducted a load study to verift that these ratios are consistent with the actual base, maximum day and maximum hour demands associated with each of SUEZ's customer classes. If SUEZ has conducted a load study, please provide the results of such study on electronic spreadsheet with formula intact. f. If SUEZ has never conducted a load study, please explain why not. b c. d. e. MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.'S FIRST PRDUCTION REQUEST TO SUEZ WATER -5-FEBRUARY I2,2O2I REQUEST NO.2: With respect to SUEZ's purchased power cost: a.Please identifu the electric utilities that provide service to SUEZ. For each utility identified above in part a., please identifu the tariff rate schedule under which SUEZ takes electric service. b. c.Please provide a copy of each electric tariffidentified above in part b. REQUEST NO. 3: Please refer to the direct testimony of Ms. Catherine Cooper at page 2,line 14-16, and page 3, lines 3-4. Of the $25.124 million pro forma plant additions (net of retirernent) for the period from July 1,2020 through March 31,2021, please state the amount that has been placed in service to date. b. Please update this response as new information becomes available. REQUEST NO. 4: Please refer to the direct testimony of Mr. Timothy Michaelson. With respect to the 3O-year regression analysis used to determine the declining usage adjustment for the residential class, please provide the following: Please explain why a 30-year time period is appropriate for such a regression analysis. Please identiff the drivers of the declining usage trend that Mr. Michaelson has identified. Based on the drivers of declining usage identified above in part b., does Mr. Michaelson expect that the rate of declining usage should decrease over time, increase over time, or stay the same? Please provide a detailed explanation supporting the response. Please also provide any documents or analyses relied upon by Mr. Michaelson for this response. REQUEST NO. 5: Please refer to the direct testimony of Mr. Timothy Michaelson. With respect to the Zl-year regression analysis used to determine the declining usage adjustrnent for the commercial class, please provide the following: Please explain why a 25-year time period is appropriate for such a regression analysis. Please identiff the drivers of the declining usage trend that Mr. Michaelson has identified. a. a. b. c. a. b. MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.'S FIRST PRDUCTION REQUEST TO SUEZ WATER -6-FEBRUARY I2,2O2I c.Based on the drivers of declining usage identified above in part b., does Mr. Michaelson expect that the rate of declining usage should decrease over time, increase over time, or stay the same? Please piovide a detailed explanation supporting the response. Please also provide any documents or analyses relied upon by Mr. Michaelson for this response. REQUEST NO. 6: Concerning the Company's proposed ratemaking capital structure, please provide the following: Please identiS the Treasury function used by SUEZ to access external capital, debt and equity, to fund necessary infrastrucfure investments. Please provide a credit rating agency of SUEZ, or an affiliate company, that issues debt on behalf of its utility. Please identifu SUEZ's utility dividend payment policy to its parent company. Identifu the amount of net income and actual dividend payments over the last five years. Please provide a credit report on SUEZ, and all affiliate companies, issued by Standard & Poor's, Moody's or Fitch over the last two years. Respectfully submitted February 12, 2021. HOLLAND & HART, u.r By: Austin Rueschhoff, ISB No. I Thorvald A. Nelson 555 lTth Street, Suite 3200 Denver, CO 80202 Telephone: (303) 295-8000 Facsimile: (7 20) 23 5 -0229 Email: darueschhoff@hollandhart.com tnelson@hollandhart. com Attomeys for Micron Technology, Inc. a. b c. d. MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.'S FIRST PRDUCTION REQUEST TO SUEZ WATER -7-FEBRUARY I2,2O2I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiff that on February 12, 2021, a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO SUEZ WATER IDAHO, INC. was served in the manner shown to: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A P.O. Box 83720 Boise lD 83720 Jan.noriyuki@puc. idaho. gov SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. Michael C. Creamer Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street Boise,lD 83702 mcc@ sivenspursley. com prestoncarter@ givenspursley.com Ada County Lorna Jorgensen John Cortbitarte Ada County Prosecuting Attorney's Office Civil Division 200 W. Front Street, Room 3191 Boise,ID 83702 civilpafi les@adaweb.net City of Boise City Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attomey's Office 150 N. Capitol Boulevard P.O. Box 500 Boise,ID 83701-0500 agermaine@cityofboise. org MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.'S FIRST PRDUCTION REQUEST TO SUEZ WATER Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A P.O. Box 83720 Boise lD 83720 Dayn.hardie@puc. idaho. gov Suez Water Management & Services David Njuguna Suez Water Management & Services 461 From Road, Suite 400 Paramus, NJ 07052 David.niuzuna@suez. com Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 bmpurdv@hotmail.com Gannon, Montero, Graziano, Philp Marty Durand Piotowski Durand PLLC 1020 Main Street, Suite 440 P.O. Box 2864 Boise,ID 83701 marty@idunionlaw.com -8-FEBRUARY I2,2O2I Intermountain Fair Housing Council, Inc. SUEZ Water Customer Group Ken Nagy Attorney at Law P.O. Box 1264 Lewiston,ID 83501 knaey@lewiston.com Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 West Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise,lD 83702 nsemanko@parsonsb ehl e. com boisedocket@parsonsbehle. com Micron Technologt, Inc. Jim Swier Micron Technology, Inc. 8000 South Federal Way Boise, lD 83707 jswier@micron.com Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Holland & Hart, LLP 555 17th Street, Suite 3200 Denver, CO 80202 darueschho ff@hollandhart. com tnelson@hollandhart. com acl ee@hollandharl. com el garsanoamari @holl andhart. com s/ Gina 16185103 vl MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.'S FIRST PRDUCTION REQUEST TO SUEZ WATER -9-FEBRUARY I2,2O2I