HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210208Gannon 1-6 to Suez.pdfDemo of StampPDF by Appligent, Inc. http://www.appligent.comDemo of StampPDF by Appligent, Inc. http://www.appligent.com Marty Durand PIOTROWSKI DURAND PLLC P.O. Box 2864 1020 Main Street Suite 440 Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 331-9200 (208) 863-8591 marty@idunionlaw.com Attorney for Intervenors Gannon, BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF SUEZ WATER ) Case No. SUZ-W-20-02 IDAHO INC’S APPPLICATION FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS ) Intervenors Gannon, et al., RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER ) First Combined Discovery SERVICE IN IDAHO ) Request to Suez Water, Inc. __________________________________ ) Intervenors Gannon, et al., by and through their attorney of record Marty Durand submit to Suez Water Idaho, Inc. and its attorneys of record the Interrogatories and Request for Production described below pursuant to IDAPA § The Intervenors submit these Interrogatories to be answered separately and fully in writing within twenty-one (21) days from the date of service. In responding to these Interrogatories, you are required to furnish such information as is available to you. These Interrogatories are continuing in nature and the Intervenor requests that any information coming into the possession of you, your agents, or your counsel that would change the answers in any way be promptly furnished to the undersigned counsel. Furthermore, the Intervenor requests that you produce the documents identified in the Request for Production within twenty-one (21) days after service of this document. The terms “document” and “documents” include but are not limited to all handwritten, typed, or printed or RECEIVED 2021February 8, PM 3:18 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . 2. Interrogatories and Requests for Production and drafts, duplicates or any other copies thereof, in the possession, custody or control of you or your counsel. Your response to these discovery requests shall be mailed or otherwise delivered to the undersigned Marty Durand, PIOTROWSKI DURAND, PLLC, P.O. Box 2864, Boise, Idaho 83701. For purposes of these requests, “brown water” is described as water delivered by Suez through its pipes and other structures which is discolored, unpleasant and not fit for drinking or other domestic use such as cooking, laundry, household cleaning or bathing. For purposes of these requests, “Boise Bench’ is described as the area south of Downtown Boise between Vista Avenue and Cole Road extending from Boise Depot to Interstate 84. INTERROGATORY NO. 1: Please estimate the number of customers located on the Boise Bench who have received brown water delivered by you. Please describe your method of estimation. INTERROGATORY NO. 2: Please estimate the number of days in each calendar year (2017 through 2021) Boise Bench customers have received brown water. Please describe your method of estimation. INTERROGATORY NO. 3: Please describe any efforts you have made to alleviate, or cure, the brown water delivered to Boise Bench customers. INTERROGATORY NO. 4: Please describe and quantify any rate reduction, or credit, you have provided to Bench customers for delivery of brown water. INTERROGATORY NO. 5: Please identify the cause of the brown water delivered to Boise Bench customers and identify any and all minerals or metals causing the discoloration. . 3. Interrogatories and Requests for Production INTERROGATORY NO. 6: Please describe any plans or surveys you have undertaken or adopted to address or cure brown water delivery to Boise Bench customers. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1. Please provide a copy of any survey documents you have prepared or received regarding delivery of brown water to Boise Bench customers. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2: Please provide a copy of any plan documents you have prepared, considered or received to alleviate, or cure, your delivery of brown water to Boise Bench customers. Dated this 8th day of February, 2021. /s/ Marty Durand MARTY DURAND . 4. Interrogatories and Requests for Production CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 8th day of February, 2021, 1served the foregoing documents on all parties as follows: Jan Noriyuki, PUC Secretary secretary@puc.idaho Michael C. Creamer, Attorney for Suez mcc@givenspursley.com Preston Carter, Attorney for Suez prestoncarter@givenspursley.com David Njuguna, Suez Regulatory Manager david.njuguna@suez.com Dayn Hardie, DAG dayn.hardie@puc.idaho.gov Matt Hunter, DAG matt.hunter@puc.idaho.gov Lorna K Jorgenson, Attorney for Ada County civilpafiles@adaweb.net John C Cortabitarte, Attorney for Ada County civilpafiles@adaweb.net Scott Muir, Attorney for City of Boise boisecityattorney@cityofboise.org Mary Grant, City of Boise boisecityattorney@cityofboise.org Norman Semanko, Attorney for Customer Groups nsemanko@parsonsbehle.com Brady Purdy, Attorney for CAPAI bmpurdy@hotmail.com Ken Nagy, Attorney for IFHC knagy@lewiston.com Jim Swier, Attorney for Micron jswier@micron.com Greg Harwood, Attorney for Micron gbharwood@micron.com Austin R Austin Rueschhoff , Attorney for Micron darueschhoff@hollandhart.com Thorvald Nelson, Attorney for Micron tnelson@hollandhart.com By /s/ Marty Durand MARTY DURAND