HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210126Suez to Staff 123-133.pdfMichael C. Creamer (lSB No. 4030) Preston N. Carter (lSB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 mcc(Ooiven rrrslev-com p resto nca rter@q iven sp u rslev. co m Aftorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ,':,i,*ii!'H'* . ;, i,i, 26 PH 2:39 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. SUZ-W-20-02 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF SUEZ Water ldaho !nc., ("SUEZWatet''or "Company") submits the following responses to the Seventh Production Request of the Commission Staff to SUEZ Water, dated January 6,2021. Please note that the response to Request No. 126 is confidential and will be submitted under separate cover per the Commission's rules. DATED: January 26,2021 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. / * _* 2_z-_* By: Michael C. Creamer Preston N. Carter Attorneys for Applicant SUEZ WATER'S RESPONSE TO SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.l 15497066_1.DOCX [30-209] CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on January 26,2021, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mai! as indicated below: Commission Staff Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Electronic Mail ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, lD 83714 ian.norivuki@puc.idaho.qov Dayn Hardie Electronic Mail Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, lD 83714 davn.hardie@puc.idaho.qov matt. h u nter@ puc. id aho. oov lntervening Parties Ada County: Lorna K. Jorgensen John C. Cortabitarte Ada County Prosecuting Attorney's Office Civil Division 200 W. Front Street, Room 3191 Boise, lD 83702 civilpafiles@adaweb. net CAPAI: Non-Confidential Responses Only Brad M. Purdy 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 bmpurdv@hotmail.com Electronic Mail Boise City: Non-Confidential Responses Only Scott B. Muir Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, lD 83701-0500 boi secityatto rnev@ cityofbo i se. orq Suez Water Customer Group: Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 W. Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise, lD 83702 NSemankotOoa rsonsbehle.e.t-rm Boisedocket@ parsonsbeh le. com ldaho Fair House Council, lnc. Ken Nagy Attorney at Law P.O. Box 164 Lewiston, lD 83501 knaov@lewiston.com I nterue n ors : N o n-Co nfi d enti a I Responses Only Marty Durand Piotwrowski Durand PLLC 1020 Main Street, Suite 440 P.O. Box 2864 Boise, lD 83701 martv@idunionlaw.com SUEZ WATER'S RESPONSE TO SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.2 1 5497066_1.DOCX [3G2091 Micron Technology, lnc. Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Holland & Hart 555 17th St., Suite 3200 da ruesch hoff@hol la nd ha rt. com tnelson@hollandhart.com aclee@hollandhart.com qlqa roanoamari@hollandhart.com Jim Swier Greg Harwood Micron Technology, Inc. 8000 S. FederalWay iswier@micron.com qbharwood@micron.com a--*::-,/ Preston N. Carter SUEZWATER'S RESPONSE TO SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.3 1 s497066_1.DOCX [3G209] SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 123 Page 1 of 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-20-02 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Matt Kahn REQUEST NO. 123: Following up on Witness Kahn's direct testimony page 5, please provide the Company's ARAM calculation for years 2018 through 2020. RESPONSE NO. 123: Please see the attachment to this response for the requested information. Please note the amounts from the Company’s PowerTax system (PT) reflect the actual amounts related to ARAM for those periods. The amounts from the Deloitte study (DT) reflect the original projections. CASE NO. SUZ-W-20-02 Response No. 123 Attachment Excel Spreadsheet Provided Separately in Native Format SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Page 1 of 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-20-02 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: M. Zerhouni REQUEST NO. 124: Please explain how the M&S Expenses are assigned or allocated to SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. Does the Company get invoiced for M&S expenses? If so, please provide the invoices for M&S Expenses for January 2019 through July 2020. RESPONSE NO. 124: M&S costs are allocated to SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. (“SWID”) in accordance with the provisions in the Cost Allocation Manual (“CAM”) attached as Attachment 1. Specifically, Section 8: defines the cost allocation approach, which uses the three-factor formula based on the Modified Massachusetts Formula for costs that are not directly charged to SWID. M&S costs are accumulated in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Planning system (“ERP”) and the allocation of these costs to SWID is executed within the ERP through direct charges or the three-factor formula, which does not necessitate the creation of a separate invoice as such information can be accessed through the Company’s accounting system. See Attachment 2 for a description of the process and controls over the calculation and update of the three-factors used to allocate costs to SWID within the ERP. SUEZ North America, Inc. & SUEZ Water Management & Services, Inc. Cost Allocation Manual SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 2 I N D E X Table of Contents Section Subject Page 1 Introduction 3 2 Responsibility for Maintaining the CAM 3 3 Definitions 3 4 General Principles 5 5 SUEZ Organizational Structure 6 6 Description of Services Provided by M&S to SNA Affiliates 6 7 Services Provided by Affiliates Other Than M&S 13 8 Cost Allocation Methodology 14 9 Time Reporting Procedures 16 10 Mid-Year Changes 16 11 Reporting 17 12 Distribution 17 13 Shared Services Assets 17 Appendix A Sample Service Agreement Appendix B Organization Charts Appendix C Allocation Factor Calculation SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 3 1. Introduction SUEZ North America, Inc. (“SNA”), a wholly owned of Suez Inc., a publicly traded company based in France, is a water utility holding company with operating utility subsidiaries throughout the United States, which are directly owned by SNA’s intermediate subsidiary, SUEZ Water, Inc. SUEZ Water Management and Services, Inc. (M&S or Shared Services Company) provides administrative, engineering, legal, operations, accounting, finance, human resources, purchasing, insurance, data processing, customer service, billing, public relations, planning and ratemaking services, collectively known as "Shared Services" to the operating subsidiaries of SUEZ Water, Inc., as listed in Appendix B. M&S also provides Shared Services to SUEZ Water Environmental Services, Inc. (SUEZ Environmental), which provides non-regulated water distribution services to several municipalities throughout the United States and limited services to SUEZ Treatment Solutions Inc. and Utility Service Group Inc. M&S is a wholly owned subsidiary of SUEZ Water, Inc., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of SNA. The provision of shared services from M&S to its regulated affiliates throughout SNA, are specified in service agreements filed with the appropriate regulatory commissions. The services provided are listed below. The purpose of the Cost Allocation Manual (“CAM”) is to prescribe the manner in which costs will be charged to the regulated and non-regulated affiliates of SNA. The prevailing premise of these cost allocation guidelines is that allocation methods should not result in subsidization of the non-regulated services or products by regulated entities unless specifically authorized by the regulator. These guidelines serve to lessen the possibility of subsidization in order to protect SUEZ ratepayers and to help establish and preserve competition in the water supply and related competitive services markets. The guidelines also provide flexibility to accommodate exceptions where the outcome is in the best interest of the utility, its ratepayers and competitors. The burden of proof for any exception from the general rule rests with M&S. This Cost Allocation Manual addresses the allocation of the costs of services provided by M&S to its affiliates within SNA. 2. Responsibility for Maintaining the CAM The overall responsibility for the Company’s cost allocation policies and procedures will be with the Regulated Segment Vice President & Chief Financial Officer. The day-to- day responsibility for maintaining the CAM and ensuring that accounting records reflect the policies and procedures described in the CAM will be that of the M&S Corporate Controller. 3. Definitions SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 4 a. Affiliates - companies that are related to each other due to common ownership or control. b. Commission – Appropriate State Regulatory Commission (e.g. New York Public Service Commission). c. Cost Allocation Manual (CAM) - an indexed compilation and documentation of the Company's cost allocation policies and related procedures. d. Cost Allocations - the methods or ratios used to apportion costs. A cost allocator can be based on the origin of costs, as in the case of cost drivers; cost-causative linkage of an indirect nature; or one or more overall factors (also known as general allocators). e. Cost Center – a function or service where costs are accumulated. f. Common Costs - costs associated with services or products that are of joint benefit among regulated and non-regulated business units. g. Cost Driver - a measurable event or quantity which influences the level of costs incurred and which can be directly traced to the origin of the costs themselves. h. Cross-subsidization – the offering of a competitive product and/or service by a public utility, or the offering of a product and/or service by an affiliate, which relies in whole or in part on the utilization of utility employees, equipment or other assets, and for which full compensation (via cost allocation or direct payment), as determined by the Commission, has not been provided for the use of such public utility assets, resulting in the inappropriate transfer of benefits from the utility ratepayers to the competitive product and/or service or affiliate. i. Department – a function or service for which costs are accumulated. j. Direct Costs - costs that can be specifically identified with a particular service or product. k. Fully Allocated Costs – the sum of the direct, indirect and other economic costs of all equipment, vehicles, labor, related fringe benefits and overheads, real estate, furniture, fixtures, computer hardware and software, and other administrative resources utilized, and other assets utilized and costs incurred, directly or indirectly in the providing of services from the utility to an affiliate. l. Indirect Costs - costs that cannot be identified with a particular service or product. This includes but is not limited to overhead costs, administrative and general, and taxes. m. Non-Regulated – those entities, products and services which are not subject to regulation by regulatory authorities. n. Regulated - that which is subject to regulation by relevant regulatory authorities. o. Shared Services – administrative and support services that do not involve merchant functions, including by way of example: payroll, taxes, shareholder services, insurance, financial reporting, financial planning and analysis, corporate SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 5 accounting, corporate security, human resources (compensation, benefits, employment practices), employee records, regulatory affairs, lobbying, legal, and pension management. p. Shared Services Assets – primarily computer hardware and software related, shared services assets are assets utilized by Shared Services and/or utilized in common among affiliates. q. Subsidization - the recovery of costs from one class of customers or business unit, which are more properly attributable to another. 4. General Principles The following principles guide the allocation of costs for products or services provided by M&S to its regulated and non-regulated affiliates.  To the extent practicable, in consideration of administrative costs, costs should be collected and classified on a direct basis for each asset, service or product provided;  The general method for charging indirect costs should be on a fully allocated, cost-causative allocation basis;  All direct and allocated costs between regulated and non-regulated services and products should be traceable on the books of the applicable regulated utility to the applicable Uniform System of Accounts to the extent possible;  Documentation should be made available to the appropriate regulatory authority upon request regarding transactions between the regulated utility and its affiliates;  Costs should be classified to services or products which, by their very nature, are either regulated, non-regulated, or common to both; and,  The primary cost driver of common costs, or a relevant proxy in the absence of a primary cost driver, should be identified and used to allocate the cost between regulated and non-regulated services or products and between regulated entities. 5. SUEZ Organizational Structure SNA is a holding company that provides water and wastewater services to over 7.5 million people in North America through its subsidiaries. See Appendix C for an organization chart of the SNA Corporate Structure. The table below identifies the SNA affiliates including SUEZ Water Management & Services at December 31, 2015. SNA Affiliates Affiliate Description of Business SUEZ North America (SNA) Holding company for all North America affiliates. It is wholly owned by SUEZ, S.A.S. SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 6 SUEZ Water, Inc. (SWI) Holding Company for M&S and the regulated and non-regulated USA water and wastewater operations. SUEZ Water Resources, Inc. (SWR) Owns and operates regulated water and wastewater utilities. Also operates municipal water and waste water systems through public-private partnerships. Regulated Water & Wastewater Utilities  SUEZ Water Arlington Hills Sewer Inc.  SUEZ Water Bethel Inc.  SUEZ Water Delaware Inc.  SUEZ Water Idaho Inc.  SUEZ Water West Milford Sewer Inc.  SUEZ Water New Jersey Inc.  SUEZ Water New Rochelle Inc.  SUEZ Water New York Inc.  SUEZ Water Owego Inc.  SUEZ Water Pennsylvania Inc.  SUEZ Water Princeton Meadows Inc.  SUEZ Water Rhode Island Inc.  SUEZ Water South County Sewer Inc.  SUEZ Water Toms River Inc.  SUEZ Water Westchester SUEZ Water Management & Services, Inc. (M&S) M&S provides administrative, engineering, legal, operations, accounting, finance, human resources, purchasing, insurance, data processing, customer service, billing, public relations, planning and ratemaking services, collectively known as “Shared Services” to the operating subsidiaries of SNA. SUEZ Water Environmental Services, Inc. Parent company for the SNA non-regulated subsidiaries:  Bayonne Water  Middletown Water  SUEZ Water Indiana  SUEZ Water Long Island  SUEZ Water Mississippi SUEZ Treatment Solutions Inc. Provides local authorities and industries with water treatment solutions and services. SUEZ Utility Services Group Provides comprehensive condition assessments, rehabilitation services and sustainable asset management solutions to help municipal and industrial water industries manage their water systems. 6. Description of M&S Products and Services Provided To SNA Affiliates SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 7 SUEZ Water Management & Services, Inc. (M&S) is a wholly owned subsidiary of SUEZ Water, Inc., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of SUEZ North America, Inc. (SNA). M&S provides administrative, engineering, legal, operations, accounting, finance, human resources, purchasing, insurance, data processing, customer service, billing, public relations, planning and ratemaking services, collectively known as "Shared Services" to the subsidiaries of SNA. These services are described below. Services Provided By M&S Service Provided Description of Services Provided Executive Services This includes executive management and support in the Office of the CEO, the Office of the COO, and other executive positions not otherwise described herein. Financial Planning Assessing the business environment; identification of key issues; developing business unit strategies and objectives, and examination of alternatives; developing multi-year earnings, margin, cash, O&M, and capital plan; modeling the financial impact of new capital investments and balance sheet restructuring; forecasting for regulatory filings; performing analytic support for external stakeholders, and governing corporate capital expenditures; Develop business unit and department financial business plans for the next year including earnings, margin, cash, O&M and capital plans; Perform analysis of results and prepares variance commentary for earnings, margin, O&M, and Capital within the Company and business unit; Prepare and revise forecasts for earnings, margin, cash, O&M, and Capital within the business units; and, Review actual information and projects the remainder of the current year future years. This function performs “what-if” analysis for various scenarios for business unit decision-making. Accounting and Tax Managing the monthly closing process including account reconciliations, accounting issue resolution, and process improvement; preparing standard monthly journal entries and analysis to support accounting; Managing the accounting for fixed assets including: work order creation and set-up, analysis and monitoring of capital projects; creating and managing fixed asset records including asset addition, retirements, transfers or adjustments and the preparation of any related journal entries and account reconciliations; reporting of plant asset information for financial, audits, regulatory reporting, rate cases or other internal needs; process associated with the development, analysis, and accounting for depreciation; SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 8 Service Provided Description of Services Provided Managing accounting policies, GAAP research, and implementation of new accounting pronouncements; providing guidance on accounting issues; communicating any new accounting guidelines and procedures and their impact to appropriate organizations organization; Determining technical accounting details for specific transactions; performs research, consultations with external audit and guidance provided to the Company; Preparing and filing standard regulatory reports, and other mandated reports as well as with preparing the accounting information needed to complete the annual report; Ensure accurate accounting in all accounts. Perform tax services including audit of assessed property taxes, payment of property taxes, and the accounting for property taxes. Develop long-range tax planning to optimize tax positions for the Company; this also involves analysis of laws and regulations as they impact the company’s interest; File federal state and local tax returns and defends all related income tax audits as well as all applicable sales, use, and gross receipts tax returns; and, Ensure proper accounting in all tax accounts. Treasury Short term borrowing and investing, including activities such as, commercial paper issuance and associated activity or issuance fees, rating agency activity or issuance fees, money, cash pooling, EFT originations, tax payments, intercompany loans administration of transactions and daily settlement, determining daily cash position, and costs for issuing and paying agents; Daily cash account reconciliations, treasury workstation administration; bank or third-party fees, such as service charges, positive pay fees, and security related fees for both utility and non- utility account; all bank credit facility costs (e.g. bank lines, credit lines, revolvers) including any upfront fees and on-going fees; Develop a long-range financing and dividend strategy consistent with the targeted credit profile, setting balance sheet targets, developing and recommending hurdle rates for the company’s business lines; and, Rating agency relations includes managing communications with the agencies and includes annual rating maintenance fees and commercial paper surveillance fees. Internal Audit Performs independent, objective assurance and control advisory services. This includes all audits as well as development of forward looking audit plans that are independent and reviewed with the Company's Audit Committee; and, SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 8 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 9 Service Provided Description of Services Provided Manage and administer corporate ethics compliance programs, including codes of conduct requirements, whistle-blower cases, ombudsmen services, and associated compliance reporting. Information Technology Operate and monitor data center infrastructure and applications, backup & restore services, change management administration, batch job management, hardware and software installation and decommissioning; Technical support, problem resolution, and the application of minor enhancements, upgrades and patches to applications; Develop, support and manage methodologies and measurements for effective delivery of business solutions; and, Design, develop, test and implement new information technology and new information technology standards and tools for computing environments. Provide support center user interface as well as Tier 1 and Tier 2 support for End User support requests; Install, maintain and resolve service problems for end user computing devices, software, LANs and peripherals; Manage the installation, operation, and on-going network security administration including: identity and access management, user provisioning, access control, monitoring and managing security systems including firewalls, IDS/IPS, and event management systems, vulnerability management (patching and antivirus administration), etc.; Architecture design, implementation, technical support, problem resolution, application of minor enhancements, upgrades and patches for operating and financial systems; Monitor security events, assists with information gathering for required system audits and provides project management support for new system implementations, upgrades and enhancements; Set standards for procuring network equipment and supporting configurations; Implement the cyber security policies and controls development and architecture evaluation of security solutions and it monitors alignment with best practices, incident response planning, and; Manage equipment, service and usage expenses paid to telecom providers for phone, data circuits, Internet, etc. This includes WAN costs such as fiber backbone or microwave, whether those WAN costs are external service provider costs or are provided by internal resources. Legal Handle all matters related to general litigation involving the corporation; Perform legal services for securities and corporate financial transactions, financial reporting and disclosures, business SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 9 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 10 Service Provided Description of Services Provided organizations, mergers, acquisitions and business development, corporate governance, internal controls and risk management, insurance, executive compensation; Manage legal services for commercial and contract law matters for the corporation, including real estate matters and land use permits; Serve as board secretary and support corporate governance functions, board of directors meetings, legal opinion letters, assists audit and compliance functions, performs and attests internal controls, and ensures compliance with corporate registration and regulation; Retain and manage external counsel to provide legal representation in specialized areas of law and to manage variable level legal work; Legal work supporting the negotiation of water purchase agreements and other procurement contracts as well as legal work related to franchise renewals, water rights; Provide legal advice and representation with regard to intellectual property matters; Perform legal services for matters involving environmental law for the corporation including environmental permitting activities, due diligence, defense in enforcement actions, compliance advice, representation in environmental cleanup and environmental litigation costs; Provide legal advice, representation and counseling in matters arising under federal and state water regulatory laws, regulations and policies as they relate to the Company’s utility related assets for water and waste water; Provide risk management services including management of the insurance and surety bond programs; and, Manage and administers corporate legal and regulatory compliance programs, other than Ethics Compliance. Procurement Procurement planning and scheduling; RFP, RFQ, RFI creation. Management of the bidding process which consists of bidder selection, invitation, bid package preparation and distribution, bid evaluations, vendor selection, and contract award, including master agreements. Corporate Communications Media Relations: Research and develop media response, positioning, and strategy to respond to media inquiries or place stories in the media. Develop press releases, arrange interviews, and maintain 24/7 media relations availability. Act as company spokesperson. Also includes communications resources with respect to corporate responsibility, etc. Corporate Awareness Communications or Advertising: General corporate awareness and brand image purposes, including "issue SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 11 Service Provided Description of Services Provided advertising". Spend includes agency/vendor fees to create and execute advertising. External Informational, Safety, and Educational Communications: Communications or advertising spend that provides information and educational messaging on topics such as: billing and payment options, such as e-billing, budget billing, and direct debit; rate options; low-income programs, consumer protection and privacy rights notices; general water efficiency information; public safety, including "call before you dig" programs; school education programs; and special educational programs such as environmental programs. Product/Service Promotion: Communications or advertising spend that promotes products or/or services from which the utility will benefit. Internal and Intranet Communications: Internal Communications included Company communications between employees or departments across all levels, or divisions, of an organization. Intranet Communications includes posting of content to the internal intranet, managing intranet user experience, interfacing with IT for intranet administration, measurement and analysis of intranet traffic and other data. External Publication and Communications: Communication targeted for non-employee audiences (public, media). Annual Report: Design, production, printing and distribution of the Annual report, including postage. Internet Website Content Development and Maintenance: Development and/or curation of content for all externally facing company websites. Social Media Communications: Management and administration of established corporate social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others, and the delivery of content through those social media channels. Regulatory Business Translation of financial data into a State and regulated revenue requirements, including the preparation of supporting work papers for rate cases and other regulatory filings; Internal and external costs for cost of capital and cost of equity testimony; calculations of formula rates and filings associated with these calculations; Oversight and policy guidance on regulatory proceedings; Management and maintenance of routine State economic regulatory relationships and contacts; Management and maintenance of routine regulatory contacts, with stakeholders; Monitors issues and advocates positions in federal regulatory proceedings as they pertain to the Company's businesses; SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 11 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 12 Service Provided Description of Services Provided Rate design and tariff administration activities. This also includes tariff interpretation activities, marginal cost analyses, and the pricing and tariff-related aspects of special contracts requiring regulatory approval; Participation in technical conferences, monitoring regulatory activities, and discussing issues with PUC staff; and, Prepare required State and Federal regulatory reporting for initiatives including service quality indicator quarterly reports. Revenue Management The Revenue Management function manages non-revenue water issues and automatic meter deployment. Facilities Manages corporate and shared services facilities as well as certain other more centrally located facilities. Supports facility remodeling and renovation efforts. Business Development Develop and grow the non-regulated segment, i.e., Environmental Services; The costs associated with Business Development are charged to the non-regulated segment and are not in the M&S fees allocated to the regulated business units; and, Manage SUEZ Water’s strategic planning process. Engineering & Technical Services Advises and provide engineering services to assist the operating companies with planning, operating, maintenance, and construction functions. Assist the operating companies in conducting distribution system surveys, hydraulic analysis, water quality control, system mapping, charting, and other pertinent statistical analyses. Provide periodic inspection of company structures including, tanks, reservoirs, wells, and electrical and mechanical equipment. Gather all pertinent statistics, reports, cost estimates, studies, specifications and other data necessary to aid in the construction of additions or improvements to the sources of supply, treatment plant, pumping stations, distribution system, and other facilities as requested by the various operating companies. Environmental Health and Safety Mostly performed by employees embedded in the utility business units with only two employees providing oversight at M&S. Customer Care Provides guidance, training, control and, management reporting for the Customer Service process; Standardizes customer service practices throughout the SUEZ Water regulated business units; and, Plans for consolidation of operational activities in the future. SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 13 Service Provided Description of Services Provided Human Resources The recruitment, screening, and selection of internal and external candidates; Establishing relocation programs and management of employee relocations, including all administration and execution costs of the relocation program; Design and administer compensation processes including job evaluations, annual salary planning, incentive programs, executive compensation, deferred compensation, long term incentive programs; Design, management and implementation of health, prescription, life insurance, pension and retirement, reimbursement accounts, employee assistance programs, and other benefits for all employees; Manage strategy, negotiations, and contract interpretation. This includes arbitration resolution, mutual gains bargaining, local management support on grievances, discipline, adherence to the contract and training; Identification, development, and delivery of training programs to enhance the skills and capabilities of the workforce; Provide support on Human Resources technology and processes, technology strategy and solutions, portfolio management, corporate and ad hoc reporting, data analysis, data integrity and oversight, and system testing; and, process and release management; Succession planning, performance management, career development, mentoring, executive coaching, career planning & development, and employee/organizational assessments; Management and administration of all short and long term disability programs and FMLA, whether done internally or by a third party; disability insurance premiums, if any, and the cost of claims for self- insured programs and insured programs with a deductible; medical services required by the Company for disability cases, such as second opinions, consultations, etc.; disability case management and return to work programs; investigations of short term disability claims; legal services, whether internal or external, related to disability cases; Provide safety training requirements and communication tools, needs assessments and training program development, and compliance reporting, including investigation leadership and support; and, Labor Relations including contract negotiations and grievance management. 7. Services Provided by Affiliates Other Than M&S SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 13 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 14 In addition to the services provided by the Service Company to its affiliates, services may on occasion be provided among SNA affiliates. Examples of these services include:  Emergency response services  Call center services  Fleet services Consistent with the cost allocation principles described above, these services are provided on a fully-costed basis and are either direct charged to the affiliate receiving the benefit of the service provided or allocated using an appropriate cost driver. 8. Cost Allocation Methodology The Company’s approach to cost allocation is as follows: Direct charge: For those departments performing work related to specific construction projects, costs are charged directly to the appropriate capital project. Engineering and Information Technology are the departments to which this most generally applies. In addition, certain other costs incurred for the benefit of a specific affiliate are charged directly to that affiliate. Examples include certain legal fees and bank fees. Segment specific allocation: To the extent practicable, shared services functions are aligned with the business segments to whom services are provided. For functions supporting the regulated utility business segment, costs are allocated to the individual regulated utility affiliates using the three-factor formula described below. Services benefiting all affiliates: For services provided which benefit all business segments, costs are allocated based on the three-factor formula described below.1 Three-Factor Formula The three-factor formula used to allocate costs which are not direct charged is based on the Massachusetts Formula (MF). The Massachusetts Formula2 consists of Plant, Revenues, and Labor. However, since there is no authoritative guidance on the specific definitions of these three components, variations have emerged over time among utilities using to use the MF. For example, revenues may be defined as top line revenues from the income statement or as gross margins; plant may be defined as utility plant or as total assets; and labor may be defined as headcount or as payroll dollars. In all cases, these variations are sufficiently minor to be considered a Modified Massachusetts Formula. The specific components of a Modified Massachusetts Formula may vary based on the individual circumstances and business model of the organization. Based on its combination of regulated and non-regulated affiliates, an allocator comprised of the 1 The first step in the process is to capitalize that portion of A&G costs associated with the services provided by M&S. These procedures refer to the allocation of the net remaining balances. Amounts subject to capitalization are distributed to affiliates each month based on the proportion of direct capital expenditures. 2 It is called the Massachusetts Formula based on the Federal Energy Commission decision in Distrigas of Massachusetts Corp. (41 FERC ¶ 61,205 (1987)) SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 14 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 15 following three components best reflects the underlying cost drivers associated with the circumstances and business model of SNA. The Company will utilize the following factors, equally weighted:  Gross Revenue;  Total Assets, excluding investments in subsidiaries and goodwill; and,  Payroll. The three-factor formula used to allocate the M&S costs is determined using the following process: Step 1: Calculate the average Revenue, Asset and Payroll for affiliates receiving M&S services Separately total the revenue, assets and payroll of all affiliates SUEZ A $558 $1,669 $906 SUEZ B 2,008 6,312 4,085 SUEZ C 4,428 18,231 9,074 SUEZ D 2,990 10,633 7,754 SUEZ E 4,199 12,550 8,237 SUEZ F (Non Regulated) 3,664 18,776 5,653 SUEZ G (Non-Regulated 1,018 3,131 2,568 Step 2: Determine the percentage of M&S total costs to be allocated to each facility Company Revenue Percent to Total (1) Total Assets Percent to Total (2) Payroll Percent to Total (3) Total % Average % ** SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 15 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 16 SUEZ D 15.85% 14.91% 20.26% 51.02% 17.01% SUEZ E 22.26% 17.60% 21.52% 61.38% 20.46% SUEZ F (Non Regulated) 19.42% 26.33% 14.77% 60.52% 20.17% SUEZ G (Non-Regulated 5.40% 4.39% 6.71% 16.50% 5.50% Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 300.00% 100.00% ** This result is the allocation factor for each affiliates share of M&S costs. Step 3: Allocate M&S O&M Cost to Affiliates Shared Service: (name of service) 9. Time Reporting Procedures All employees shall report time to reflect the actual number of productive and non- productive hours worked. For Engineering, Information Technology and other employees working on specific projects, time shall be directly charged to those projects. Total functional area costs, which include employee labor costs, will be allocated using the three-factor formula to either specific business segments or all affiliates based on the department to which the employee is assigned and is not based on employee coded time through the time reporting process. 10. Mid-Year Changes SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 17 If a significant organizational modification occurs in mid-year, allocation pools based on historical usage statistics will be reviewed and modified at that time. In this situation, allocations using predetermined rates will be modified as part of the following quarterly true up process. On occasion, the Company may acquire an affiliate which continues to self-provide certain services otherwise provided by the Service Company. In those instances, only those services actually provided by the Service Company to the affiliate will be reflected in the cost allocation processes described above. 11. Reporting On a monthly basis, M&S shall make a report available to each affiliates and/or business segment for the cost of the services received by service provided. In addition, the Service Company will make available electronically the capability to drill-down on each element in the invoice. 12. Distribution Distribution of the CAM shall be made to all holders of the SNA Policy and Procedures Manuals. 13. Shared Services Assets Affiliates to whom M&S provides services may use shared assets related to the services provided, primarily computer hardware and software. Additionally, certain assets are utilized for the provision of shared services, for example, leasehold improvements. Historically, the cost of these assets was not recorded at M&S; instead, a portion of the fully loaded cost of such assets was recorded on the books of each of the affiliates utilizing those assets at the time the assets were placed in service. Beginning December 2015, shared assets that have not yet been allocated to the affiliates using those assets will remain assets of M&S. In lieu of allocating asset balances among those affiliates, the cost allocation process will include a component representing the return on and of the asset, that is, depreciation, a return on the net investment in such assets (including ADIT) and applicable federal and state income taxes. The allocation of the return on and of the asset cost will be specific to each asset and costs will be allocated only to those companies utilizing the services provided by those assets. Depreciation expense shall be recorded at M&S and allocated based upon the proportion of assets allocated to each business unit. The return component of the allocation shall be calculated based upon the net asset balance allocated to each business unit at the last regulated rate of return authorized by the respective regulatory jurisdiction for the specific business unit. APPENDIX A ORGANIZATION CHARTS SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 17 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 18 SUEZ North America Legal Structure Organization Chart SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 18 of 19 SUEZ Management & Services, Inc. – Cost Allocation Manual 19 APPENDIX B Sample Calculation of the Three-Factor Formula (for 2016) SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 1 Page 19 of 19 Page 1 SUEZ Water Management & Services, Inc. Process of Updating Allocation Factors Overview of the process used to update the allocation factors for SUEZ Water Resources LLC subsidiaries to distribute the shared costs of SUEZ Water Management & Services Inc. • At the beginning of the year, after the general ledger is closed for the previous year, M&S Accounting Group manually calculates the 3 Factor Formula. The information for the 3 components of the three factor formula is extracted directly from the financial statements of the previous year. • The senior accountant prepares the calculations for the three factor formula using the inputs from the prior year end financial statements. • Separately calculates the total Revenue, Asset and Payroll for affiliates receiving shared services • Determines the percentage of total costs to be allocated to each facility • Calculates the percentage for each affiliate’s revenue, assets and Payroll • Sums all three factors and calculates the final factor for each affiliate • The manager reviews in detail the calculations for the three factor formula, and agrees with the inputs in the calculations to the underlying supporting documentation. • After a detail review is completed, the final calculation is provided to the finance group, Chief Financial Officer, and others. • After the review by the finance group and the Chief Financial Officer, factors are loaded into PeopleSoft system using specific statistical accounts by the senior accountant • The manager reviews the allocation factors entered in the PeopleSoft system for accuracy and completeness. Evidence of the review is noted in the system in the approval screen. • After the manager approves the allocation factors in the system, the allocation factors are locked in the system by the Information Technology (“IT”) personnel. • If a significant event happens during the year that requires an adjustment to the 3 factor formula, the same process and review described above is executed again. SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 124 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 125 Page 1 of 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-20-02 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: J. Cagle REQUEST NO. 125: In Order No. 33965 (Case No. GNR-U-18-01), the Commission ordered each rate- regulated utility to immediately account for the financial benefits from the January 1, 2018 tax rate reduction to 21% as a deferred regulatory liability. Please provide the amount the Company recorded to the deferred regulatory liability as required by that Order. RESPONSE NO. 125: Please see the Exhibit 12, Schedule 1 and Mr. Kahn’s testimony in this filing which shows the calculations and adjustments resulting from shows the Company EDIT reflecting the 2017 Return to Provision adjustments and adjustments from the review of its Tax Basis Balance Sheet (TBBS). SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 127 Page 1 of 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-20-02 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: J. Cary REQUEST NO. 127: In the previous four general rate cases, the Company used the Balance Sheet method for determining Working Capital. In this application the Company is using the I/8th Operation and Maintenance or 45-day method. Please explain why the Company is now using the 45-day method instead of the Balance Sheet method. RESPONSE NO. 127: Absent a lead lag study, the Company believes a more reasonable method of determining an allowance for cash working capital is the 1/8th O&M methodology. SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 128 Page 1 of 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-20-02 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: D. Njuguna REQUEST NO. 128: Please provide Exhibit 7, the Balance Sheet Per Books as of June 30, 2020 in Excel format. Please provide the Regulatory Balance Sheet for the period ending December 31, 2019. In addition, please provide the Rolling Balance Sheet beginning with January 2020 and ending with December 2020 in Excel format. RESPONSE NO. 128: Please see the attachments to this response as listed below. Attachment 1-Exhibit 7, Balance Sheet per Books as of June 30, 2020. Attachment 2- Balance Sheet per Books for period ending December 2019. Attachment 3- Rolling Balance Sheet beginning January 2020 to December 2020. CASE NO. SUZ-W-20-02 Response No. 128 Attachment 1 Excel Spreadsheet Provided Separately in Native Format CASE NO. SUZ-W-20-02 Response No. 128 Attachment 2 Excel Spreadsheet Provided Separately in Native Format CASE NO. SUZ-W-20-02 Response No. 128 Attachment 3 Excel Spreadsheet Provided Separately in Native Format SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 129 Page 1 of 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-20-02 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: T. Michaelson REQUEST NO. 129: For the Company's residential customers, please provide monthly billed consumption for the January 1, 1990 through December 31, 2020 billing cycles. Please include the following information for each billing month: a. Billing period; b. Total billed residential consumption; and c. Total number of residential bills. RESPONSE NO. 129: Please refer to the attachment to this response. CASE NO. SUZ-W-20-02 Response No. 129 Attachment Excel Spreadsheet Provided Separately in Native Format SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 130 Page 1 of 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-20-02 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: T. Michaelson REQUEST NO. 130: For the Company's commercial and industrial customers, please provide monthly billed consumption for the January 1, 1990 through December 31, 2020 billing cycles. Please include the following information for each billing month: a. Billing period; b. Total billed commercial and industrial consumption; and c. Total number of commercial and industrial bills. RESPONSE NO. 130: Please refer to the attachment to this response. CASE NO. SUZ-W-20-02 Response No. 130 Excel Spreadsheet Provided Separately in Native Format SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 131 Page 1 of 4 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-20-02 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: M. Thompson REQUEST NO. 131: In reference to the AMI meters the Company is using for residential , commercial, and industrial customers, please answer the following questions: a. Please describe the functions of the Company's AMI meters. b. How often do the meters save consumption data? c. How many data points can the meters save and transmit? d. Which functionalities are the Company currently using? e. Which functionalities do the Company plan to use in the future? f. What duration of time is water consumption currently being recorded for customer? (e.g. hourly, daily, monthly, bi-monthly) Does the Company plan to continue using the same consumption measurement in the future? g. What percentage of residential, commercial, and industrial customers currently have AMI meters installed? h. What is the estimated date AMI meters will be installed for all residential, commercial, and industrial customers? RESPONSE NO. 131: a. Please describe the functions of the Company's AMI meters. The function of company meters is to record a continuous dial record of volumetric consumption for individual water service lines. In layman’s terms, a meter functions similar to a vehicle odometer accumulating a lifetime record of usage in a single dial measurement. The subset of company meters equipped with Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) reading devices provide additional functionality for remote dial reading via radio SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 131 Page 2 of 4 communication. These meters are also capable of incidental alert notifications based on meter performance (leak detection, flow reversal, dry chamber, among others). A much smaller number of “Advanced” AMI meters, less than 10, have been installed by the company with added functionality including instantaneous readings for water pressure and temperature, as well as a remotely operable valve for service turn-on or disconnection. b. How often do the meters save consumption data? Much like the odometer in an automobile, each meter records an incremental unit increase in cubic feet for a totalized dial-reading of volumetric consumption. The dial- reading is essentially continuous for the life of the meter. c. How many data points can the meters save and transmit? Other than their dial-based record of total volumetric consumption, meters do not save any long-term history (“data points”). Company AMI Meters are configured to transmit up to four (4) reading observations per radio broadcast (one current reading, and three past readings). The Company’s AMI radio collection is configured to transmit six (6) times per day for each meter. Transmissions contain four (4) hourly readings per transmission to represent the 24-hour daily reporting block. d. Which functionalities are the Company currently using? The company is currently using the following functionalities of its meters: - Continuous dial record of volumetric consumption for individual water service lines. - Remote dial reading and alert detection via radio communication for company meters equipped with Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) reading devices SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 131 Page 3 of 4 - Instantaneous readings for water pressure and temperature on a small group of “Advanced” AMI meters. - The company has the functionality to use functionality for a remotely operable AMI valve for service turn-on or disconnection at one location where a customer made violent threats against company employees accessing his property. e. Which functionalities do the Company plan to use in the future? The company is not seeking expanded meter functionality at this time. f. What duration of time is water consumption currently being recorded for customer? (e.g. hourly, daily, monthly, bi-monthly) Does the Company plan to continue using the same consumption measurement in the future? For billing purposes, customer consumption is tracked on a bi-monthly frequency for all customers (Six (6) readings per year). For customers equipped with AMI reading devices, a separate non-billing customer record is maintained with hourly meter readings from the radio collection system. Customer have access to this information via the consumer website linked to their account. The Company’s current consumption measurement for volumetric water use is Hundreds of Cubic Feet (CCF). The company has no plans to utilize a different consumption measurement in the future. g. What percentage of residential, commercial, and industrial customers currently have AMI meters installed? Based on installation record from November 30, 2020 the Company reports the following percentage of AMI Meters installed for Residential (RES), Public Authority (PBA), and Commercial (COM) customers. SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 131 Page 4 of 4 AMI Manual Total Count COM 3,627 4,902 8,529 PBA 76 55 131 RES 30,706 57,807 88,513 97,173 % AMI Manual % Total 3.7% 5.0% 8.8% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 31.6% 59.5% 91.1% 100% h. What is the estimated date AMI meters will be installed for all residential, commercial, and industrial customers? The Company does not have an estimated date for installation of AMI meters on all customer accounts. Currently, AMI installation is standard practice on all new service installations and meter or service replacements. The company no longer installs manual-only meters in the course of normal business. SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 132 Page 1 of 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-20-02 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: C. Cooper REQUEST NO. 132: For the accounts listed below, please provide a list of all assets incorporated in each account: a. Account No. 340.5 Software - Lighthouse b. Account No. 340.5 Computer Hardware c. Account No. 340.5 Computer Software d. Account No. 340.5 Office Furniture and Fixtures e. Account No. 342.5 Stores Equipment f. Account No. 343.5 Tools, Shop, and garage Equipment g. Account No. 344.5 Laboratory Equipment h. Account No. 346.5 Communication Equipment i. Account No. 347.5 Miscellaneous Equipment j. Account No. 348.5 Master Pan k. Account No. 348.5 Other Tangible Plant RESPONSE NO. 132: Please see the attachment to this response for a list of assets included in the plant accounts listed above as at December 31, 2019. CASE NO. SUZ-W-20-02 Response No. 132 Excel Spreadsheet Provided Separately in Native Format SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Page 1 of 2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-20-02 SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: D. Watson/K. Ponder REQUEST NO. 133: For the accounts listed below, please provide all supporting documentation used to determine the useful life, removal costs, and net salvage values: a. Account No. 307.2 Wells and Springs b. Account No. 309.2 Supply Mains c. Account No. 320.3 Water Treatment Equipment d. Account No. 320.3 Treatment Membranes e. Account No. 330.4 Distribution Reservoirs and Standpipes f. Account No. 331.4 Transmission and Distribution Mains g. Account No. 333.4 Services h. Account No. 334.4 Meters and Meters Installations i. Account No. 335.4 Hydrants j. Account No. 341.5 Transportation Equipment k. Account No. 345.5 Power Operated Equipment RESPONSE NO. 133: Please see Mr. Watson’s work papers for the depreciation study provided as attachments to this response. As stated in Exhibit No. 13, Schedule 2, page 12 the life and net salvage are coupled with Mr. Watson’s 36 years of experience and judgment in performing depreciation studies. The selection of life and net salvage parameters for each account is discussed in Exhibit No. 13, Schedule 2. SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Page 2 of 2 Actuarial runs (graphs, observed life table, and statistical measures)-See Attachment 1. In some cases where there was insufficient aged data to analyze life. Simulated plant record analysis was performed-See Attachment 2 and 3. Other information Mr. Watson considered for net salvage analysis.-See Attachment 4. Finally, other information Mr. Watson reviewed for each account are as follows: Avgs contained the average age of investment for survivors and retirement in each account-See Attachment 5 and 6. Interview notes contains information Mr. Watson obtained from Company experts who discussed the Company’s operations-See Attachment 7. Finally the Company’s assets by plant account and asset description-See Attachment 8. SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 307.2 Wells&Springs-SoS/PmpgAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 714,954.88 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 714,954.88 16,651.67 0.02329 0.97671 100.00 1.5 785,379.63 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.67 2.5 785,379.63 90,466.67 0.11519 0.88481 97.67 3.5 807,307.80 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 86.42 4.5 571,276.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 86.42 5.5 528,626.75 61,052.17 0.11549 0.88451 86.42 6.5 576,950.02 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 76.44 7.5 493,076.29 112,394.84 0.22795 0.77205 76.44 8.5 449,172.81 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 59.02 9.5 540,174.92 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 59.02 10.5 929,706.52 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 59.02 11.5 1,405,491.92 33,929.41 0.02414 0.97586 59.02 12.5 2,071,558.26 115,397.07 0.05571 0.94429 57.59 13.5 8,315,928.58 588,050.44 0.07071 0.92929 54.38 14.5 7,727,878.14 10,325.00 0.00134 0.99866 50.54 15.5 7,552,360.95 4,000.00 0.00053 0.99947 50.47 16.5 7,383,357.28 74,462.00 0.01009 0.98991 50.44 17.5 7,280,060.60 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 49.93 18.5 7,189,058.49 5,500.00 0.00077 0.99923 49.93 19.5 6,777,792.63 138,006.84 0.02036 0.97964 49.90 20.5 6,221,961.80 68,232.13 0.01097 0.98903 48.88 21.5 5,509,920.31 40,426.21 0.00734 0.99266 48.34 30.5 69,984.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 47.99 31.5 69,984.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 47.99 32.5 69,984.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 47.99 33.5 69,984.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 47.99 34.5 69,984.00 69,984.00 1.00000 0.00000 47.99 35.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 8 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 307.2 Wells&Springs-SoS/PmpgAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 714,954.88 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 714,954.88 16,651.67 0.02329 0.97671 100.00 1.5 785,379.63 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.67 2.5 785,379.63 90,466.67 0.11519 0.88481 97.67 3.5 807,307.80 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 86.42 4.5 571,276.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 86.42 5.5 528,626.75 61,052.17 0.11549 0.88451 86.42 6.5 576,950.02 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 76.44 7.5 493,076.29 112,394.84 0.22795 0.77205 76.44 8.5 449,172.81 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 59.02 9.5 540,174.92 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 59.02 10.5 929,706.52 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 59.02 11.5 1,405,491.92 33,929.41 0.02414 0.97586 59.02 12.5 2,071,558.26 115,397.07 0.05571 0.94429 57.59 13.5 8,315,928.58 588,050.44 0.07071 0.92929 54.38 14.5 7,727,878.14 10,325.00 0.00134 0.99866 50.54 15.5 7,552,360.95 4,000.00 0.00053 0.99947 50.47 16.5 7,383,357.28 74,462.00 0.01009 0.98991 50.44 17.5 7,280,060.60 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 49.93 18.5 7,189,058.49 5,500.00 0.00077 0.99923 49.93 19.5 6,777,792.63 138,006.84 0.02036 0.97964 49.90 20.5 6,221,961.80 68,232.13 0.01097 0.98903 48.88 21.5 5,509,920.31 40,426.21 0.00734 0.99266 48.34 22.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 47.99 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 9 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1980 1984 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 307.2 Wells&Springs-SoS/Pmpg Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0019841980- 1.0019851981- 1.0019861982- 1.0019871983- 1.0019881984- 1.0019891985- 1.0019901986- 1.0019911987- 1.0019921988- 1.0019931989- 1.0019941990- 1.0019951991- 1.0019961992- 1.0019971993- 1.0019981994- 1.0019991995- 1.0020001996- 1.0020011997- 1.0020021998- 1.0020031999- 1.0020042000- 1.0020052001- 1.0020062002- 1.0020072003- 1.0020082004- 1.0020092005- 1.0020102006- 0.00874596 S2 30.1089.7219.520112007- 0.00879673 S1.5 35.7290.3320.520122008- 0.00876579 S1 42.2390.7821.520132009- 0.01074441 S1 39.6488.6722.520142010- 0.35758107 L0 12.410.0023.520152011- 0.39994277 L0 12.070.0024.520162012- 0.37294032 L1 8.830.0025.520172013- 0.40702363 L0.5 9.860.0026.520182014- 0.31957891 L2.5 8.640.0027.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1980 2019 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 307.2 Wells&Springs-SoS/Pmpg Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 0.93796908 R4 31.890.0039.520191980- 0.93803621 R4 31.890.0039.520191985- 0.93822960 R4 31.880.0039.520191990- 0.93826127 R4 31.870.0039.520191995- 0.96383612 R4 31.600.0039.520192000- 1.04984634 R2.5 27.650.0039.520192005- 0.61299669 R0.5 18.950.0039.520192010- 0.31957891 L2.5 8.640.0039.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 11 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 309.2 Supply Mains-SoS/PmpgAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 127,361.90 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 7,382.20 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 1.5 7,382.20 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 2.5 7,382.20 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 3.5 7,382.20 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 4.5 7,382.20 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 5.5 1,698,640.09 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 6.5 1,893,209.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 7.5 1,885,826.80 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 8.5 1,885,826.80 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 9.5 1,885,826.80 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 10.5 1,890,643.94 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 11.5 2,426,204.48 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 12.5 2,815,876.87 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 13.5 2,853,471.87 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 14.5 1,162,213.98 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 15.5 967,645.07 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 16.5 967,645.07 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 17.5 967,645.07 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 18.5 967,645.07 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 19.5 962,827.93 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 20.5 427,267.39 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 21.5 37,595.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 22.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 100.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 13 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1997 2001 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 309.2 Supply Mains-SoS/Pmpg Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0020011997- 1.0020021998- 1.0020031999- 1.0020042000- 1.0020052001- 1.0020062002- 1.0020072003- 1.0020082004- 1.0020092005- 1.0020102006- 1.0020112007- 1.0020122008- 1.0020132009- 1.0020142010- 1.0020152011- 1.0020162012- 1.0020172013- 1.0020182014- 1.0020192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 14 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1997 2019 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 309.2 Supply Mains-SoS/Pmpg Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0020191997- 1.0020192002- 1.0020192007- 1.0020192012- 1.0020192017- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 15 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 320.3 Water Treat MembransesAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 1,347,631.85 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 1,347,631.85 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 1.5 1,344,577.75 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 2.5 1,339,344.18 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 3.5 1,338,577.22 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 4.5 1,338,577.22 1,748.95 0.00131 0.99869 100.00 5.5 2,328,925.55 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 99.87 6.5 992,097.28 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 99.87 7.5 992,097.28 992,097.28 1.00000 0.00000 99.87 8.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 17 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 18 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 19 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 20 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 21 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 22 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 23 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 24 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 320.3 Water Treat Equip-WTPAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 5,507,809.15 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 6,183,022.36 10,638.69 0.00172 0.99828 100.00 1.5 5,735,262.98 25,008.37 0.00436 0.99564 99.83 2.5 5,386,421.75 160,221.92 0.02975 0.97025 99.39 3.5 5,037,274.76 3,128.17 0.00062 0.99938 96.44 4.5 3,573,251.46 9,168.40 0.00257 0.99743 96.38 5.5 12,123,080.88 62,844.64 0.00518 0.99482 96.13 6.5 12,136,387.39 37,688.47 0.00311 0.99689 95.63 7.5 13,140,741.03 40,869.48 0.00311 0.99689 95.33 8.5 13,433,020.11 292,512.14 0.02178 0.97822 95.04 9.5 12,198,195.41 13,718.46 0.00112 0.99888 92.97 10.5 12,087,610.95 26,144.56 0.00216 0.99784 92.86 11.5 13,975,429.22 183,592.21 0.01314 0.98686 92.66 12.5 13,751,479.47 103,440.07 0.00752 0.99248 91.44 13.5 21,637,519.51 63,571.41 0.00294 0.99706 90.76 14.5 12,893,906.88 135,474.39 0.01051 0.98949 90.49 15.5 12,527,832.96 50,257.16 0.00401 0.99599 89.54 16.5 11,413,058.02 90,150.76 0.00790 0.99210 89.18 17.5 11,005,649.07 1,600.00 0.00015 0.99985 88.47 18.5 10,972,076.43 8,419.84 0.00077 0.99923 88.46 19.5 10,949,649.35 505,400.00 0.04616 0.95384 88.39 20.5 7,457,473.05 9,000.00 0.00121 0.99879 84.31 21.5 7,423,901.88 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 84.21 22.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 84.21 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 25 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1994 1998 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 320.3 Water Treat Equip-WTP Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0019981994- 1.0019991995- 1.0020001996- 1.0020011997- 1.0020021998- 1.0020031999- 1.0020042000- 1.0020052001- 1.0020062002- 1.0020072003- 1.0020082004- 1.0020092005- 1.0020102006- 0.00106232 L0 130.8096.4017.520112007- 0.00851305 SQ 17.750.0018.520122008- 0.35005343 S6 17.240.0019.520132009- 0.33195943 S6 17.260.0020.520142010- 0.00202160 R0.5 66.4588.5621.520152011- 0.00490194 R0.5 59.4186.4222.520162012- 0.00258967 L0 54.8480.7723.520172013- 0.00379210 R0.5 45.8979.1024.520182014- 0.00591303 R0.5 46.8179.1325.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 26 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 2005 2009 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 320.3 Water Treat Membranses Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0020092005- 1.0020102006- 1.0020112007- 1.0020122008- 0.00000000 SQ 5.390.005.520132009- 0.00000000 SQ 5.390.006.520142010- 0.00000000 SQ 5.390.007.520152011- 0.00000000 SQ 5.390.008.520162012- 0.00000000 SQ 5.390.009.520172013- 0.00000134 R3 142.1899.8710.520182014- 0.00000149 R3 146.3199.8711.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 27 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1994 2019 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 320.3 Water Treat Equip-WTP Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 0.00151509 S0 64.3589.1625.520191994- 0.00150942 S0 64.2589.1525.520191999- 0.00149863 L0.5 72.7288.6325.520192004- 0.00173540 R0.5 66.2585.3925.520192009- 0.00421625 R0.5 48.8081.0325.520192014- 0.00394409 R1 64.8589.0425.520192019- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 28 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 2005 2019 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 320.3 Water Treat Membranses Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 0.00000192 SQ 8.050.0014.520192005- 0.00000192 SQ 8.050.0014.520192010- 0.00000235 R3 163.8599.8714.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 29 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 30 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 31 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 32 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 330.4 Dis Resrvr/Stndpipe-T&DAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 4,026,109.64 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 2,035,413.95 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 1.5 2,200,172.51 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 2.5 2,598,287.11 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 3.5 2,814,394.99 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 4.5 3,413,608.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 5.5 3,529,462.88 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 6.5 3,716,200.93 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 7.5 4,014,261.75 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 8.5 4,246,179.83 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 9.5 4,212,907.80 780.00 0.00019 0.99981 100.00 10.5 4,061,632.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 99.98 11.5 3,778,999.20 28,991.93 0.00767 0.99233 99.98 12.5 3,526,181.46 6,493.10 0.00184 0.99816 99.21 13.5 8,419,022.14 184,253.16 0.02189 0.97811 99.03 14.5 8,118,914.72 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 15.5 7,213,277.73 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 16.5 6,943,363.90 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 17.5 5,897,293.63 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 18.5 5,877,662.73 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 19.5 5,863,399.52 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 20.5 5,313,820.80 252,969.98 0.04761 0.95239 96.86 21.5 5,060,850.82 505,939.96 0.09997 0.90003 92.25 49.5 7,075.92 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 83.03 50.5 7,075.92 7,075.92 1.00000 0.00000 83.03 51.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 33 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 34 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 35 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 36 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 330.4 Dis Resrvr/Stndpipe-T&DAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 4,026,109.64 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 2,035,413.95 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 1.5 2,200,172.51 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 2.5 2,598,287.11 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 3.5 2,814,394.99 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 4.5 3,413,608.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 5.5 3,529,462.88 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 6.5 3,716,200.93 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 7.5 4,014,261.75 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 8.5 4,246,179.83 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 9.5 4,212,907.80 780.00 0.00019 0.99981 100.00 10.5 4,061,632.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 99.98 11.5 3,778,999.20 28,991.93 0.00767 0.99233 99.98 12.5 3,526,181.46 6,493.10 0.00184 0.99816 99.21 13.5 8,419,022.14 184,253.16 0.02189 0.97811 99.03 14.5 8,118,914.72 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 15.5 7,213,277.73 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 16.5 6,943,363.90 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 17.5 5,897,293.63 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 18.5 5,877,662.73 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 19.5 5,863,399.52 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 20.5 5,313,820.80 252,969.98 0.04761 0.95239 96.86 21.5 5,060,850.82 505,939.96 0.09997 0.90003 92.25 22.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 83.03 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 37 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 38 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 39 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 40 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 330.4 Dis Resrvr/Stndpipe-T&DAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 4,026,109.64 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 2,035,413.95 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 1.5 2,200,172.51 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 2.5 2,598,287.11 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 3.5 2,814,394.99 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 4.5 3,413,608.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 5.5 3,529,462.88 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 6.5 3,716,200.93 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 7.5 4,014,261.75 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 8.5 4,246,179.83 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 9.5 4,212,907.80 780.00 0.00019 0.99981 100.00 10.5 4,061,632.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 99.98 11.5 3,778,999.20 28,991.93 0.00767 0.99233 99.98 12.5 3,526,181.46 6,493.10 0.00184 0.99816 99.21 13.5 8,419,022.14 184,253.16 0.02189 0.97811 99.03 14.5 8,118,914.72 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 15.5 7,213,277.73 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 16.5 6,943,363.90 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 17.5 5,897,293.63 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 18.5 5,877,662.73 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 19.5 5,863,399.52 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.86 20.5 5,313,820.80 252,969.98 0.04761 0.95239 96.86 21.5 5,060,850.82 505,939.96 0.09997 0.90003 92.25 22.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 83.03 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 41 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1961 1965 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 330.4 Dis Resrvr/Stndpipe-T&D Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0019651961- 1.0019661962- 1.0019671963- 1.0019681964- 1.0019691965- 1.0019701966- 1.0019711967- 1.0019721968- 1.0019731969- 1.0019741970- 1.0019751971- 1.0019761972- 1.0019771973- 1.0019781974- 1.0019791975- 1.0019801976- 1.0019811977- 1.0019821978- 1.0019831979- 1.0019841980- 1.0019851981- 1.0019861982- 1.0019871983- 1.0019881984- 1.0019891985- 1.0019901986- 1.0019911987- 1.0019921988- 1.0019931989- 1.0019941990- 1.0019951991- 1.0019961992- 1.0019971993- 1.0019981994- 1.0019991995- 1.0020001996- 1.0020011997- 1.0020021998- 1.0020031999- 1.0020042000- 1.0020052001- 1.0020062002- 1.0020072003- 1.0020082004- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 42 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1961 2009 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 330.4 Dis Resrvr/Stndpipe-T&D Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0020092005- 1.0020102006- 0.00101786 L3 38.2296.7519.520112007- 0.00633751 SQ 19.850.0020.520122008- 0.00522150 SQ 19.870.0021.520132009- 0.00518616 SQ 19.870.0022.520142010- 0.01225447 SQ 19.750.0023.520152011- 0.00181944 SQ 19.930.0024.520162012- 0.00036014 S0 179.3598.4825.520172013- 0.00200177 S2 47.8994.0626.520182014- 0.01387173 S2.5 36.2184.1227.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 43 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1961 2019 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 330.4 Dis Resrvr/Stndpipe-T&D Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.42871744 R4 46.210.0058.520191961- 1.42871744 R4 46.210.0058.520191966- 1.42871744 R4 46.210.0058.520191971- 1.42871744 R4 46.210.0058.520191976- 1.42871744 R4 46.210.0058.520191981- 1.36508624 R4 44.340.0058.520191986- 1.14361546 R4 40.160.0058.520191991- 0.92800807 R5 35.990.0058.520191996- 0.66772846 R5 31.810.0058.520192001- 0.46531104 S6 27.640.0058.520192006- 0.12186936 SQ 23.390.0058.520192011- 0.08483883 R0.5 127.7285.3558.520192016- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 44 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 45 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 46 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 47 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 331.4 T & D Mains-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 66,828,835.43 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 58,773,040.77 5,882.68 0.00010 0.99990 100.00 1.5 51,937,902.43 30,045.80 0.00058 0.99942 99.99 2.5 53,832,385.98 2,583.16 0.00005 0.99995 99.93 3.5 56,164,566.56 32,727.23 0.00058 0.99942 99.93 4.5 56,712,173.90 8,201.58 0.00014 0.99986 99.87 5.5 56,517,406.92 19,891.89 0.00035 0.99965 99.86 6.5 59,710,049.77 95,434.00 0.00160 0.99840 99.82 7.5 60,696,738.37 14,274.42 0.00024 0.99976 99.66 8.5 61,449,959.42 3,497.29 0.00006 0.99994 99.64 9.5 61,426,956.57 37,377.71 0.00061 0.99939 99.63 10.5 60,775,649.34 9,878.35 0.00016 0.99984 99.57 11.5 56,668,261.06 19,694.16 0.00035 0.99965 99.55 12.5 52,270,213.61 78,847.63 0.00151 0.99849 99.52 13.5 47,685,543.34 410,684.68 0.00861 0.99139 99.37 14.5 46,791,473.05 52,996.28 0.00113 0.99887 98.51 15.5 48,415,866.90 15,649.53 0.00032 0.99968 98.40 16.5 47,219,001.96 268,219.20 0.00568 0.99432 98.37 17.5 45,091,284.30 25,673.91 0.00057 0.99943 97.81 18.5 44,227,850.37 15,106.66 0.00034 0.99966 97.76 19.5 43,367,635.85 15,630.39 0.00036 0.99964 97.72 20.5 39,362,436.98 35,036.92 0.00089 0.99911 97.69 21.5 36,374,468.20 24,967.44 0.00069 0.99931 97.60 22.5 35,175,344.37 31,946.69 0.00091 0.99909 97.53 23.5 30,263,423.40 85,927.44 0.00284 0.99716 97.44 24.5 20,903,396.99 13,142.14 0.00063 0.99937 97.17 25.5 24,684,202.68 15,415.01 0.00062 0.99938 97.11 26.5 21,680,275.88 12,850.55 0.00059 0.99941 97.05 27.5 17,857,997.78 28,070.38 0.00157 0.99843 96.99 28.5 14,942,168.61 8,229.14 0.00055 0.99945 96.84 29.5 12,692,651.00 6,154.25 0.00048 0.99952 96.78 30.5 9,876,533.01 35,269.26 0.00357 0.99643 96.74 31.5 7,890,988.40 50,882.01 0.00645 0.99355 96.39 32.5 7,847,316.34 22,859.52 0.00291 0.99709 95.77 33.5 7,844,915.82 14,761.05 0.00188 0.99812 95.49 34.5 71,547.27 27,931.45 0.39039 0.60961 95.31 35.5 12,845,082.77 13,925.00 0.00108 0.99892 58.10 36.5 12,833,317.77 2,308.10 0.00018 0.99982 58.04 37.5 12,837,547.92 20,405.00 0.00159 0.99841 58.03 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 48 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 331.4 T & D Mains-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 38.5 12,835,739.00 10,060.32 0.00078 0.99922 57.94 39.5 12,828,445.82 8,601.18 0.00067 0.99933 57.89 40.5 12,847,427.59 47,955.66 0.00373 0.99627 57.85 41.5 12,802,042.18 36,133.54 0.00282 0.99718 57.64 42.5 12,771,099.96 61,993.10 0.00485 0.99515 57.48 43.5 12,709,106.86 45,270.27 0.00356 0.99644 57.20 44.5 26,812.72 26,812.72 1.00000 0.00000 56.99 45.5 2,296,797.24 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 46.5 2,296,869.60 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 47.5 2,299,873.70 730.00 0.00032 0.99968 0.00 48.5 2,299,402.00 1,384.10 0.00060 0.99940 0.00 49.5 2,298,017.90 998.00 0.00043 0.99957 0.00 50.5 2,297,620.90 9,676.83 0.00421 0.99579 0.00 51.5 2,288,874.07 26,016.20 0.01137 0.98863 0.00 52.5 2,266,005.16 16,778.18 0.00740 0.99260 0.00 53.5 2,249,686.58 21,254.14 0.00945 0.99055 0.00 54.5 5,348.79 368.35 0.06887 0.93113 0.00 55.5 677,163.63 1,380.00 0.00204 0.99796 0.00 56.5 679,551.63 2,869.04 0.00422 0.99578 0.00 57.5 677,949.69 832.65 0.00123 0.99877 0.00 58.5 681,727.90 4,013.00 0.00589 0.99411 0.00 59.5 681,460.00 4,941.75 0.00725 0.99275 0.00 60.5 677,516.25 9,043.30 0.01335 0.98665 0.00 61.5 672,740.05 11,487.95 0.01708 0.98292 0.00 62.5 667,422.40 9,475.14 0.01420 0.98580 0.00 63.5 662,211.11 11,602.37 0.01752 0.98248 0.00 64.5 13,742.25 4,778.85 0.34775 0.65225 0.00 65.5 182,870.27 3,687.40 0.02016 0.97984 0.00 66.5 179,182.87 3,421.00 0.01909 0.98091 0.00 67.5 175,761.87 1,855.00 0.01055 0.98945 0.00 68.5 174,144.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 69.5 180,389.96 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 70.5 181,108.46 1,368.42 0.00756 0.99244 0.00 71.5 179,740.04 8,053.91 0.04481 0.95519 0.00 72.5 171,813.33 2,514.83 0.01464 0.98536 0.00 73.5 169,671.15 1,797.98 0.01060 0.98940 0.00 74.5 377.45 337.65 0.89456 0.10544 0.00 75.5 54,948.77 35.00 0.00064 0.99936 0.00 76.5 55,132.72 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 49 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 331.4 T & D Mains-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 77.5 55,132.72 528.95 0.00959 0.99041 0.00 78.5 54,603.77 49.80 0.00091 0.99909 0.00 79.5 54,553.97 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 80.5 54,776.92 1,134.92 0.02072 0.97928 0.00 81.5 53,717.85 2,081.00 0.03874 0.96126 0.00 82.5 51,814.35 5,017.01 0.09683 0.90317 0.00 83.5 46,797.34 3,047.98 0.06513 0.93487 0.00 84.5 250.00 250.00 1.00000 0.00000 0.00 85.5 44,599.60 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 86.5 45,072.30 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 87.5 45,884.30 167.70 0.00365 0.99635 0.00 88.5 46,178.60 305.00 0.00660 0.99340 0.00 89.5 45,873.60 812.00 0.01770 0.98230 0.00 90.5 45,061.60 1,312.91 0.02914 0.97086 0.00 91.5 43,748.69 1,601.19 0.03660 0.96340 0.00 92.5 42,147.50 2,755.90 0.06539 0.93461 0.00 93.5 39,391.60 679.90 0.01726 0.98274 0.00 94.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 95.5 21,371.15 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.5 21,371.15 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.5 21,371.15 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 98.5 21,472.40 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 99.5 21,472.40 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.5 21,472.40 580.38 0.02703 0.97297 101.5 20,892.02 944.06 0.04519 0.95481 102.5 19,947.96 1,739.10 0.08718 0.91282 103.5 18,208.86 1,615.34 0.08871 0.91129 104.5 780.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 105.5 5,196.42 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 106.5 5,196.42 780.00 0.15010 0.84990 107.5 4,416.42 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 108.5 4,416.42 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 109.5 4,416.42 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 110.5 4,416.42 497.72 0.11270 0.88730 111.5 3,918.70 480.07 0.12251 0.87749 112.5 3,438.63 558.83 0.16252 0.83748 113.5 2,879.80 352.97 0.12257 0.87743 114.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 50 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 51 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 52 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 53 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 331.4 T & D Mains-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 66,828,835.43 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 58,773,040.77 5,882.68 0.00010 0.99990 100.00 1.5 51,937,902.43 30,045.80 0.00058 0.99942 99.99 2.5 53,832,385.98 2,583.16 0.00005 0.99995 99.93 3.5 56,164,566.56 32,727.23 0.00058 0.99942 99.93 4.5 56,712,173.90 8,201.58 0.00014 0.99986 99.87 5.5 56,517,406.92 19,891.89 0.00035 0.99965 99.86 6.5 59,710,049.77 95,434.00 0.00160 0.99840 99.82 7.5 60,696,738.37 14,274.42 0.00024 0.99976 99.66 8.5 61,449,959.42 3,497.29 0.00006 0.99994 99.64 9.5 61,426,956.57 37,377.71 0.00061 0.99939 99.63 10.5 60,775,649.34 9,878.35 0.00016 0.99984 99.57 11.5 56,668,261.06 19,694.16 0.00035 0.99965 99.55 12.5 52,270,213.61 78,847.63 0.00151 0.99849 99.52 13.5 47,685,543.34 410,684.68 0.00861 0.99139 99.37 14.5 46,791,473.05 52,996.28 0.00113 0.99887 98.51 15.5 48,415,866.90 15,649.53 0.00032 0.99968 98.40 16.5 47,219,001.96 268,219.20 0.00568 0.99432 98.37 17.5 45,091,284.30 25,673.91 0.00057 0.99943 97.81 18.5 44,227,850.37 15,106.66 0.00034 0.99966 97.76 19.5 43,367,635.85 15,630.39 0.00036 0.99964 97.72 20.5 39,362,436.98 35,036.92 0.00089 0.99911 97.69 21.5 36,374,468.20 24,967.44 0.00069 0.99931 97.60 22.5 35,175,344.37 31,946.69 0.00091 0.99909 97.53 23.5 30,263,423.40 85,927.44 0.00284 0.99716 97.44 24.5 20,903,396.99 13,142.14 0.00063 0.99937 97.17 25.5 24,684,202.68 15,415.01 0.00062 0.99938 97.11 26.5 21,680,275.88 12,850.55 0.00059 0.99941 97.05 27.5 17,857,997.78 28,070.38 0.00157 0.99843 96.99 28.5 14,942,168.61 8,229.14 0.00055 0.99945 96.84 29.5 12,692,651.00 6,154.25 0.00048 0.99952 96.78 30.5 9,876,533.01 35,269.26 0.00357 0.99643 96.74 31.5 7,890,988.40 50,882.01 0.00645 0.99355 96.39 32.5 7,847,316.34 22,859.52 0.00291 0.99709 95.77 33.5 7,844,915.82 14,761.05 0.00188 0.99812 95.49 34.5 71,547.27 27,931.45 0.39039 0.60961 95.31 35.5 12,845,082.77 13,925.00 0.00108 0.99892 58.10 36.5 12,833,317.77 2,308.10 0.00018 0.99982 58.04 37.5 12,837,547.92 20,405.00 0.00159 0.99841 58.03 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 54 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 331.4 T & D Mains-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 38.5 12,835,739.00 10,060.32 0.00078 0.99922 57.94 39.5 12,828,445.82 8,601.18 0.00067 0.99933 57.89 40.5 12,847,427.59 47,955.66 0.00373 0.99627 57.85 41.5 12,799,471.93 36,133.54 0.00282 0.99718 57.64 42.5 12,763,338.39 61,122.85 0.00479 0.99521 57.48 43.5 12,702,215.54 39,751.67 0.00313 0.99687 57.20 44.5 25,440.00 25,440.00 1.00000 0.00000 57.02 45.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 55 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 56 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 331.4 T & D Mains-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 66,828,835.43 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 58,773,040.77 5,882.68 0.00010 0.99990 100.00 1.5 51,937,902.43 30,045.80 0.00058 0.99942 99.99 2.5 53,832,385.98 2,583.16 0.00005 0.99995 99.93 3.5 56,164,566.56 32,727.23 0.00058 0.99942 99.93 4.5 56,712,173.90 8,201.58 0.00014 0.99986 99.87 5.5 56,517,406.92 19,891.89 0.00035 0.99965 99.86 6.5 59,710,049.77 95,434.00 0.00160 0.99840 99.82 7.5 60,696,738.37 14,274.42 0.00024 0.99976 99.66 8.5 61,449,959.42 3,497.29 0.00006 0.99994 99.64 9.5 61,426,956.57 37,377.71 0.00061 0.99939 99.63 10.5 60,775,649.34 9,878.35 0.00016 0.99984 99.57 11.5 56,668,261.06 19,694.16 0.00035 0.99965 99.55 12.5 52,270,213.61 78,847.63 0.00151 0.99849 99.52 13.5 47,685,543.34 410,684.68 0.00861 0.99139 99.37 14.5 46,791,473.05 52,996.28 0.00113 0.99887 98.51 15.5 48,415,866.90 15,649.53 0.00032 0.99968 98.40 16.5 43,170,764.13 268,219.20 0.00621 0.99379 98.37 17.5 38,017,321.16 11,606.94 0.00031 0.99969 97.76 18.5 33,342,298.23 9,918.66 0.00030 0.99970 97.73 19.5 29,574,956.62 15,630.39 0.00053 0.99947 97.70 20.5 23,312,807.94 34,103.12 0.00146 0.99854 97.65 21.5 17,426,763.94 17,771.93 0.00102 0.99898 97.51 22.5 14,190,941.30 7,376.64 0.00052 0.99948 97.41 23.5 9,284,091.66 4,352.66 0.00047 0.99953 97.36 24.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 97.31 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 57 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1905 2015 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 331.4 T & D Mains-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 0.22969484 L5 33.870.00107.520152011- 0.26585862 S6 33.870.00108.520162012- 0.22304860 S6 35.670.00109.520172013- 0.08885693 SQ 35.180.00110.520182014- 0.00918021 SQ 34.610.00111.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 58 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1905 2019 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 331.4 T & D Mains-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 0.45880492 R5 40.190.00114.520192011- 0.13076685 R4 95.7215.04114.520192016- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 59 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 60 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 333.4 Services-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 29,581,119.88 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 27,026,350.22 1,664.71 0.00006 0.99994 100.00 1.5 25,434,923.72 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 99.99 2.5 24,500,368.02 1,133.00 0.00005 0.99995 99.99 3.5 24,341,512.81 6,003.40 0.00025 0.99975 99.99 4.5 23,933,613.22 5,495.00 0.00023 0.99977 99.96 5.5 23,261,039.04 13,599.00 0.00058 0.99942 99.94 6.5 23,329,286.43 18,920.00 0.00081 0.99919 99.88 7.5 23,610,816.15 36,725.00 0.00156 0.99844 99.80 8.5 24,536,615.25 8,889.11 0.00036 0.99964 99.65 9.5 25,646,521.08 24,970.03 0.00097 0.99903 99.61 10.5 25,847,746.05 8,530.00 0.00033 0.99967 99.51 11.5 24,954,671.14 4,934.00 0.00020 0.99980 99.48 12.5 23,321,387.34 11,267.00 0.00048 0.99952 99.46 13.5 21,718,502.45 125,680.00 0.00579 0.99421 99.41 14.5 20,273,857.58 62,021.00 0.00306 0.99694 98.84 15.5 18,911,126.32 13,567.95 0.00072 0.99928 98.53 16.5 18,087,087.89 155,241.00 0.00858 0.99142 98.46 17.5 16,523,802.34 41,875.00 0.00253 0.99747 97.62 18.5 15,058,362.08 15,023.73 0.00100 0.99900 97.37 19.5 14,076,774.50 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.27 20.5 12,972,951.50 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.27 21.5 12,816,913.39 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.27 22.5 12,431,341.46 1,613.00 0.00013 0.99987 97.27 23.5 10,942,635.49 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.26 24.5 9,521,378.16 866.49 0.00009 0.99991 97.26 25.5 11,226,524.12 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.25 26.5 9,652,334.59 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.25 27.5 7,974,920.50 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.25 28.5 6,625,676.43 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.25 29.5 5,681,703.53 4,224.16 0.00074 0.99926 97.25 30.5 4,270,002.12 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.18 31.5 3,377,775.04 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.18 32.5 3,377,775.04 365.00 0.00011 0.99989 97.18 33.5 3,377,410.04 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.17 34.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.17 35.5 6,147,267.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 36.5 6,147,267.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 37.5 6,147,267.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 61 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 333.4 Services-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 38.5 6,147,267.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 39.5 6,147,267.62 4,037.31 0.00066 0.99934 40.5 6,143,230.31 9,659.40 0.00157 0.99843 41.5 6,133,570.91 13,003.20 0.00212 0.99788 42.5 6,120,567.71 783.66 0.00013 0.99987 43.5 6,119,784.05 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 45.5 1,136,548.81 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 46.5 1,136,548.81 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 47.5 1,136,548.81 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 48.5 1,136,548.81 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 49.5 1,136,548.81 739.07 0.00065 0.99935 50.5 1,135,809.74 6,763.80 0.00596 0.99404 51.5 1,129,045.94 5,783.89 0.00512 0.99488 52.5 1,123,262.05 554.30 0.00049 0.99951 53.5 1,122,707.75 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 55.5 337,368.04 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 56.5 337,368.04 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 57.5 337,368.04 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 58.5 337,368.04 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 59.5 337,368.04 1,406.13 0.00417 0.99583 60.5 335,961.91 8,207.02 0.02443 0.97557 61.5 327,754.89 4,966.20 0.01515 0.98485 62.5 322,788.69 418.80 0.00130 0.99870 63.5 322,369.89 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 65.5 110,344.98 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 66.5 110,344.98 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 67.5 110,344.98 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 68.5 110,344.98 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 69.5 110,344.98 631.02 0.00572 0.99428 70.5 109,713.96 2,307.46 0.02103 0.97897 71.5 107,406.50 1,695.28 0.01578 0.98422 72.5 105,711.22 108.32 0.00102 0.99898 73.5 105,602.90 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 75.5 55,051.34 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 76.5 55,051.34 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 77.5 55,051.34 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 78.5 55,051.34 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 79.5 55,051.34 1,242.40 0.02257 0.97743 80.5 53,808.94 577.95 0.01074 0.98926 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 62 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 333.4 Services-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 81.5 53,230.99 745.44 0.01400 0.98600 82.5 52,485.55 41.41 0.00079 0.99921 83.5 52,444.14 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 85.5 34,350.26 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 86.5 34,350.26 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 87.5 34,350.26 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 88.5 34,350.26 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 89.5 34,350.26 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 90.5 34,350.26 965.06 0.02809 0.97191 91.5 33,385.20 496.96 0.01489 0.98511 92.5 32,888.24 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 93.5 32,888.24 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 95.5 8,573.59 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 96.5 8,573.59 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.5 8,573.59 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 98.5 8,573.59 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 99.5 8,573.59 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.5 8,573.59 203.57 0.02374 0.97626 101.5 8,370.02 114.67 0.01370 0.98630 102.5 8,255.35 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 103.5 8,255.35 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 105.5 2,014.76 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 106.5 2,014.76 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 107.5 2,014.76 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 108.5 2,014.76 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 109.5 2,014.76 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 110.5 2,014.76 39.38 0.01955 0.98045 111.5 1,975.38 13.13 0.00665 0.99335 112.5 1,962.25 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 113.5 1,962.25 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 114.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 63 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 64 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 333.4 Services-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 29,581,119.88 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 27,026,350.22 1,664.71 0.00006 0.99994 100.00 1.5 25,434,923.72 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 99.99 2.5 24,500,368.02 1,133.00 0.00005 0.99995 99.99 3.5 24,341,512.81 6,003.40 0.00025 0.99975 99.99 4.5 23,933,613.22 5,495.00 0.00023 0.99977 99.96 5.5 23,261,039.04 13,599.00 0.00058 0.99942 99.94 6.5 23,329,286.43 18,920.00 0.00081 0.99919 99.88 7.5 23,610,816.15 36,725.00 0.00156 0.99844 99.80 8.5 24,536,615.25 8,889.11 0.00036 0.99964 99.65 9.5 25,646,521.08 24,970.03 0.00097 0.99903 99.61 10.5 25,847,746.05 8,530.00 0.00033 0.99967 99.51 11.5 24,954,671.14 4,934.00 0.00020 0.99980 99.48 12.5 23,321,387.34 11,267.00 0.00048 0.99952 99.46 13.5 21,718,502.45 125,680.00 0.00579 0.99421 99.41 14.5 20,273,857.58 62,021.00 0.00306 0.99694 98.84 15.5 18,911,126.32 13,567.95 0.00072 0.99928 98.53 16.5 18,087,087.89 155,241.00 0.00858 0.99142 98.46 17.5 16,523,802.34 41,875.00 0.00253 0.99747 97.62 18.5 15,058,362.08 15,023.73 0.00100 0.99900 97.37 19.5 14,076,774.50 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.27 20.5 12,972,951.50 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.27 21.5 12,816,913.39 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.27 22.5 12,431,341.46 1,613.00 0.00013 0.99987 97.27 23.5 10,942,635.49 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.26 24.5 9,521,378.16 866.49 0.00009 0.99991 97.26 25.5 11,226,524.12 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.25 26.5 9,652,334.59 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.25 27.5 7,974,920.50 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.25 28.5 6,625,676.43 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.25 29.5 5,681,703.53 4,224.16 0.00074 0.99926 97.25 30.5 4,270,002.12 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.18 31.5 3,377,775.04 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.18 32.5 3,377,775.04 365.00 0.00011 0.99989 97.18 33.5 3,377,410.04 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.17 34.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.17 35.5 6,147,267.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 36.5 6,147,267.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 37.5 6,147,267.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 65 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 333.4 Services-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 38.5 6,147,267.62 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 39.5 6,147,267.62 4,037.31 0.00066 0.99934 40.5 6,143,230.31 9,659.40 0.00157 0.99843 41.5 6,133,570.91 13,003.20 0.00212 0.99788 42.5 6,120,567.71 783.66 0.00013 0.99987 43.5 6,119,784.05 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 44.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 66 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 67 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 333.4 Services-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 29,581,119.88 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 27,026,350.22 1,664.71 0.00006 0.99994 100.00 1.5 25,434,923.72 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 99.99 2.5 24,500,368.02 1,133.00 0.00005 0.99995 99.99 3.5 24,341,512.81 6,003.40 0.00025 0.99975 99.99 4.5 23,933,613.22 5,495.00 0.00023 0.99977 99.96 5.5 23,261,039.04 13,599.00 0.00058 0.99942 99.94 6.5 23,329,286.43 18,920.00 0.00081 0.99919 99.88 7.5 23,610,816.15 36,725.00 0.00156 0.99844 99.80 8.5 24,536,615.25 8,889.11 0.00036 0.99964 99.65 9.5 25,646,521.08 24,970.03 0.00097 0.99903 99.61 10.5 25,847,746.05 8,530.00 0.00033 0.99967 99.51 11.5 24,954,671.14 4,934.00 0.00020 0.99980 99.48 12.5 23,321,387.34 11,267.00 0.00048 0.99952 99.46 13.5 21,718,502.45 125,680.00 0.00579 0.99421 99.41 14.5 20,273,857.58 62,021.00 0.00306 0.99694 98.84 15.5 18,911,126.32 13,567.95 0.00072 0.99928 98.53 16.5 16,411,466.14 155,241.00 0.00946 0.99054 98.46 17.5 13,273,991.06 41,875.00 0.00315 0.99685 97.53 18.5 10,129,523.71 15,023.73 0.00148 0.99852 97.23 19.5 7,797,460.57 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.08 20.5 5,749,664.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.08 21.5 4,186,149.31 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.08 22.5 2,908,350.30 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.08 23.5 1,421,257.33 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.08 24.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 97.08 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 68 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1905 1909 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 333.4 Services-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0019091905- 1.0019101906- 1.0019111907- 1.0019121908- 1.0019131909- 1.0019141910- 1.0019151911- 1.0019161912- 1.0019171913- 1.0019181914- 1.0019191915- 1.0019201916- 1.0019211917- 1.0019221918- 1.0019231919- 1.0019241920- 1.0019251921- 1.0019261922- 1.0019271923- 1.0019281924- 1.0019291925- 1.0019301926- 1.0019311927- 1.0019321928- 1.0019331929- 1.0019341930- 1.0019351931- 1.0019361932- 1.0019371933- 1.0019381934- 1.0019391935- 1.0019401936- 1.0019411937- 1.0019421938- 1.0019431939- 1.0019441940- 1.0019451941- 1.0019461942- 1.0019471943- 1.0019481944- 1.0019491945- 1.0019501946- 1.0019511947- 1.0019521948- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 69 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1905 1953 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 333.4 Services-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0019531949- 1.0019541950- 1.0019551951- 1.0019561952- 1.0019571953- 1.0019581954- 1.0019591955- 1.0019601956- 1.0019611957- 1.0019621958- 1.0019631959- 1.0019641960- 1.0019651961- 1.0019661962- 1.0019671963- 1.0019681964- 1.0019691965- 1.0019701966- 1.0019711967- 1.0019721968- 1.0019731969- 1.0019741970- 1.0019751971- 1.0019761972- 1.0019771973- 1.0019781974- 1.0019791975- 1.0019801976- 1.0019811977- 1.0019821978- 1.0019831979- 1.0019841980- 1.0019851981- 1.0019861982- 1.0019871983- 1.0019881984- 1.0019891985- 1.0019901986- 1.0019911987- 1.0019921988- 1.0019931989- 1.0019941990- 1.0019951991- 1.0019961992- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 70 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1905 1997 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 333.4 Services-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0019971993- 1.0019981994- 1.0019991995- 1.0020001996- 1.0020011997- 1.0020021998- 1.0020031999- 1.0020042000- 1.0020052001- 1.0020062002- 1.0020072003- 1.0020082004- 1.0020092005- 1.0020102006- 0.00498806 R2.5 211.8198.2169.520112007- 0.00928479 R2 222.6697.3570.520122008- 0.00881816 R2 231.0197.4471.520132009- 0.02187668 R1 263.9095.0372.520142010- 0.58291794 S6 32.060.0073.520152011- 0.27071297 SQ 32.330.0074.520162012- 0.03504007 SQ 32.450.0075.520172013- 0.01491666 L2 104.8274.4876.520182014- 0.01226759 S2 96.5876.1677.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 71 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1905 2019 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 333.4 Services-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 0.00513220 L1.5 206.2682.52114.520191905- 0.00513220 L1.5 206.2682.52114.520191910- 0.00513220 L1.5 206.2682.52114.520191915- 0.00513220 L1.5 206.2682.52114.520191920- 0.00513220 L1.5 206.2682.52114.520191925- 0.00513220 L1.5 206.2682.52114.520191930- 0.00513220 L1.5 206.2682.52114.520191935- 0.00513220 L1.5 206.2682.52114.520191940- 0.00513220 L1.5 206.2682.52114.520191945- 0.00513513 L1.5 206.2682.52114.520191950- 0.00513750 L1.5 206.2682.52114.520191955- 0.00513552 L1.5 206.1682.52114.520191960- 0.00512660 L1.5 206.1682.52114.520191965- 0.00513834 L1.5 206.0582.50114.520191970- 0.00511737 L1.5 205.8582.49114.520191975- 0.00518915 L1.5 205.1182.41114.520191980- 0.00514240 L1.5 204.5882.38114.520191985- 0.00568847 L1.5 201.4382.01114.520191990- 0.00597566 L1.5 199.2181.86114.520191995- 0.00831583 L1.5 191.9780.67114.520192000- 0.00772076 L1 219.6780.47114.520192005- 0.01626387 L1 188.6274.91114.520192010- 0.08678332 L1 148.0265.14114.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 72 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 73 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 74 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 75 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 334.4 Mtr/Mtr Inst-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 11,452,395.98 8,512.01 0.00074 0.99926 100.00 0.5 10,869,377.94 25,240.40 0.00232 0.99768 99.93 1.5 9,940,425.57 73,189.84 0.00736 0.99264 99.69 2.5 6,288,323.39 377,129.99 0.05997 0.94003 98.96 3.5 6,223,745.51 148,327.31 0.02383 0.97617 93.03 4.5 5,552,045.88 101,047.87 0.01820 0.98180 90.81 5.5 4,680,782.96 200,516.41 0.04284 0.95716 89.16 6.5 3,924,361.83 105,835.33 0.02697 0.97303 85.34 7.5 3,912,433.65 122,906.17 0.03141 0.96859 83.03 8.5 4,667,931.25 69,157.72 0.01482 0.98518 80.43 9.5 4,912,346.27 92,311.28 0.01879 0.98121 79.23 10.5 5,194,862.21 138,388.99 0.02664 0.97336 77.75 11.5 5,290,859.38 125,780.85 0.02377 0.97623 75.67 12.5 5,043,532.07 108,927.08 0.02160 0.97840 73.88 13.5 5,567,678.36 198,970.47 0.03574 0.96426 72.28 14.5 5,310,942.82 232,918.77 0.04386 0.95614 69.70 15.5 5,008,150.44 189,311.22 0.03780 0.96220 66.64 16.5 4,613,137.82 243,322.00 0.05275 0.94725 64.12 17.5 3,553,084.93 87,072.25 0.02451 0.97549 60.74 18.5 2,995,871.93 106,040.71 0.03540 0.96460 59.25 19.5 2,453,558.61 369,110.07 0.15044 0.84956 57.15 20.5 1,847,296.39 345,229.13 0.18688 0.81312 48.55 21.5 1,229,945.84 306,872.28 0.24950 0.75050 39.48 22.5 499,397.40 54,893.03 0.10992 0.89008 29.63 23.5 186,867.53 26,521.37 0.14193 0.85807 26.37 24.5 799.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 22.63 25.5 267.39 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 22.63 26.5 267.39 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 22.63 85.5 52,167.76 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 22.63 86.5 52,167.76 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 22.63 87.5 52,167.76 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 22.63 88.5 52,167.76 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 22.63 89.5 52,167.76 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 22.63 90.5 52,167.76 18,658.52 0.35766 0.64234 22.63 91.5 33,509.24 33,105.43 0.98795 0.01205 14.54 92.5 403.81 50.48 0.12501 0.87499 0.18 93.5 353.33 50.48 0.14287 0.85713 0.15 95.5 1,822.66 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.13 96.5 1,822.66 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.13 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 76 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 334.4 Mtr/Mtr Inst-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 97.5 1,822.66 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.13 98.5 1,822.66 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.13 99.5 1,822.66 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.13 100.5 1,822.66 874.21 0.47963 0.52037 0.13 101.5 948.45 948.45 1.00000 0.00000 0.07 102.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 77 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 78 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 79 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 80 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 81 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 334.4 Mtr/Mtr Inst-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 11,452,395.98 8,512.01 0.00074 0.99926 100.00 0.5 10,869,377.94 25,240.40 0.00232 0.99768 99.93 1.5 9,940,425.57 73,189.84 0.00736 0.99264 99.69 2.5 6,288,323.39 377,129.99 0.05997 0.94003 98.96 3.5 6,223,745.51 148,327.31 0.02383 0.97617 93.03 4.5 5,552,045.88 101,047.87 0.01820 0.98180 90.81 5.5 4,680,782.96 200,516.41 0.04284 0.95716 89.16 6.5 3,924,361.83 105,835.33 0.02697 0.97303 85.34 7.5 3,912,433.65 122,906.17 0.03141 0.96859 83.03 8.5 4,667,931.25 69,157.72 0.01482 0.98518 80.43 9.5 4,912,346.27 92,311.28 0.01879 0.98121 79.23 10.5 5,194,862.21 138,388.99 0.02664 0.97336 77.75 11.5 5,290,859.38 125,780.85 0.02377 0.97623 75.67 12.5 5,043,532.07 108,927.08 0.02160 0.97840 73.88 13.5 5,567,678.36 198,970.47 0.03574 0.96426 72.28 14.5 5,310,942.82 232,918.77 0.04386 0.95614 69.70 15.5 5,008,150.44 189,311.22 0.03780 0.96220 66.64 16.5 4,613,137.82 243,322.00 0.05275 0.94725 64.12 17.5 3,553,084.93 87,072.25 0.02451 0.97549 60.74 18.5 2,995,871.93 106,040.71 0.03540 0.96460 59.25 19.5 2,453,558.61 369,110.07 0.15044 0.84956 57.15 20.5 1,847,296.39 345,229.13 0.18688 0.81312 48.55 21.5 1,229,945.84 306,872.28 0.24950 0.75050 39.48 22.5 499,397.40 54,893.03 0.10992 0.89008 29.63 23.5 186,867.53 26,521.37 0.14193 0.85807 26.37 24.5 799.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 22.63 25.5 267.39 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 22.63 26.5 267.39 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 22.63 27.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 22.63 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 82 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 83 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 84 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 85 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 86 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 334.4 Mtr/Mtr Inst-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 11,452,395.98 8,512.01 0.00074 0.99926 100.00 0.5 10,869,377.94 25,240.40 0.00232 0.99768 99.93 1.5 9,940,425.57 73,189.84 0.00736 0.99264 99.69 2.5 6,288,323.39 377,129.99 0.05997 0.94003 98.96 3.5 6,223,745.51 148,327.31 0.02383 0.97617 93.03 4.5 5,552,045.88 101,047.87 0.01820 0.98180 90.81 5.5 4,680,782.96 200,516.41 0.04284 0.95716 89.16 6.5 3,924,361.83 105,835.33 0.02697 0.97303 85.34 7.5 3,912,433.65 122,906.17 0.03141 0.96859 83.03 8.5 4,667,931.25 69,157.72 0.01482 0.98518 80.43 9.5 4,912,346.27 92,311.28 0.01879 0.98121 79.23 10.5 5,194,862.21 138,388.99 0.02664 0.97336 77.75 11.5 5,290,859.38 125,780.85 0.02377 0.97623 75.67 12.5 5,043,532.07 108,927.08 0.02160 0.97840 73.88 13.5 5,567,678.36 198,970.47 0.03574 0.96426 72.28 14.5 5,310,942.82 232,918.77 0.04386 0.95614 69.70 15.5 5,008,150.44 189,311.22 0.03780 0.96220 66.64 16.5 4,608,494.71 243,322.00 0.05280 0.94720 64.12 17.5 3,548,441.82 87,072.25 0.02454 0.97546 60.73 18.5 2,990,633.41 106,040.71 0.03546 0.96454 59.24 19.5 2,448,320.09 369,110.07 0.15076 0.84924 57.14 20.5 1,842,057.87 345,229.13 0.18741 0.81259 48.53 21.5 1,224,707.32 306,579.40 0.25033 0.74967 39.43 22.5 494,451.76 51,074.41 0.10330 0.89670 29.56 23.5 185,740.51 26,193.35 0.14102 0.85898 26.51 24.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 22.77 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 87 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1915 1919 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 334.4 Mtr/Mtr Inst-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0019191915- 1.0019201916- 1.0019211917- 1.0019221918- 1.0019231919- 1.0019241920- 1.0019251921- 1.0019261922- 1.0019271923- 1.0019281924- 1.0019291925- 1.0019301926- 1.0019311927- 1.0019321928- 1.0019331929- 1.0019341930- 1.0019351931- 1.0019361932- 1.0019371933- 1.0019381934- 1.0019391935- 1.0019401936- 1.0019411937- 1.0019421938- 1.0019431939- 1.0019441940- 1.0019451941- 1.0019461942- 1.0019471943- 1.0019481944- 1.0019491945- 1.0019501946- 1.0019511947- 1.0019521948- 1.0019531949- 1.0019541950- 1.0019551951- 1.0019561952- 1.0019571953- 1.0019581954- 1.0019591955- 1.0019601956- 1.0019611957- 1.0019621958- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 88 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1915 1963 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 334.4 Mtr/Mtr Inst-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0019631959- 1.0019641960- 1.0019651961- 1.0019661962- 1.0019671963- 1.0019681964- 1.0019691965- 1.0019701966- 1.0019711967- 1.0019721968- 1.0019731969- 1.0019741970- 1.0019751971- 1.0019761972- 1.0019771973- 1.0019781974- 1.0019791975- 1.0019801976- 1.0019811977- 1.0019821978- 1.0019831979- 1.0019841980- 1.0019851981- 1.0019861982- 1.0019871983- 1.0019881984- 1.0019891985- 1.0019901986- 1.0019911987- 1.0019921988- 1.0019931989- 1.0019941990- 1.0019951991- 1.0019961992- 1.0019971993- 1.0019981994- 1.0019991995- 1.0020001996- 1.0020011997- 1.0020021998- 1.0020031999- 1.0020042000- 1.0020052001- 1.0020062002- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 89 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1915 2007 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 334.4 Mtr/Mtr Inst-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0020072003- 1.0020082004- 1.0020092005- 1.0020102006- 0.00082356 R1 193.6896.8529.520112007- 0.00292564 R0.5 143.1493.7530.520122008- 0.00343902 R0.5 147.6293.9731.520132009- 0.14290062 R0.5 34.8871.8032.520142010- 0.54950810 L0 26.4657.3333.520152011- 0.12825443 R0.5 18.156.7534.520162012- 0.10028567 R1 15.100.0035.520172013- 0.04873664 L0 15.110.0036.520182014- 0.04198173 R1 17.770.0037.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 90 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1915 2019 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 334.4 Mtr/Mtr Inst-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 3.20741764 L0 40.060.00104.520191915- 3.20741764 L0 40.060.00104.520191920- 3.20740712 L0 40.060.00104.520191925- 3.20663416 L0 40.050.00104.520191930- 3.20613104 L0 40.040.00104.520191935- 3.20113853 L0 39.980.00104.520191940- 3.23723825 L0 39.930.00104.520191945- 3.16292075 L0 38.570.00104.520191950- 3.00238938 L0 38.030.00104.520191955- 2.61783402 L0 36.590.00104.520191960- 2.25393741 L0 35.240.00104.520191965- 1.90295004 L0 33.890.00104.520191970- 1.52415043 L0 32.450.00104.520191975- 1.20430123 L0 31.100.00104.520191980- 0.90298639 L0 29.760.00104.520191985- 0.68935005 L0 28.410.00104.520191990- 0.53560353 L0.5 26.770.00104.520191995- 0.38567025 L1 25.060.00104.520192000- 0.23371049 L1.5 23.110.00104.520192005- 0.13823476 S0 20.220.00104.520192010- 0.04198173 R1 17.770.00104.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 91 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 92 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 335.4 Hydrants-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 6,587,176.81 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 5,350,491.71 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 1.5 3,890,928.94 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 2.5 1,963,613.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 3.5 2,154,894.77 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 4.5 2,537,602.31 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 5.5 2,424,131.55 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 6.5 2,602,141.24 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 7.5 2,794,937.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 8.5 2,833,145.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 9.5 2,924,033.33 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 10.5 2,925,289.55 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 11.5 2,697,181.47 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 12.5 2,147,881.83 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 13.5 1,410,779.34 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 14.5 1,095,438.06 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 15.5 760,436.85 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 16.5 525,625.01 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 17.5 422,070.68 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 18.5 304,891.30 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 19.5 217,517.44 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 20.5 185,264.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 21.5 182,700.12 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 22.5 169,940.25 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 23.5 155,583.78 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 24.5 136,772.46 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 25.5 151,335.79 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 26.5 135,929.10 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 27.5 121,338.51 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 28.5 110,085.75 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 29.5 46,375.88 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 30.5 34,865.53 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 31.5 28,916.49 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 32.5 28,916.49 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 33.5 28,916.49 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 35.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 36.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 37.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 38.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 93 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 335.4 Hydrants-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 39.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 40.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 41.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 42.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 43.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 45.5 2,814.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 46.5 2,814.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 47.5 2,814.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 48.5 2,814.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 49.5 2,814.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 50.5 2,814.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 51.5 2,814.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 52.5 2,814.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 53.5 2,814.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 55.5 381.27 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 56.5 381.27 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 57.5 381.27 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 58.5 381.27 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 59.5 381.27 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 60.5 381.27 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 61.5 381.27 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 62.5 381.27 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 63.5 381.27 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 65.5 176.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 66.5 176.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 67.5 176.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 68.5 176.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 69.5 176.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 70.5 176.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 71.5 176.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 72.5 176.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 73.5 176.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 75.5 14.97 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 76.5 14.97 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 77.5 14.97 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 78.5 14.97 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 79.5 14.97 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 80.5 14.97 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 81.5 14.97 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 94 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 335.4 Hydrants-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 82.5 14.97 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 83.5 14.97 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 85.5 8.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 86.5 8.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 87.5 8.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 88.5 8.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 89.5 8.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 90.5 8.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 91.5 8.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 92.5 8.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 93.5 8.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 95.5 5.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 96.5 5.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 97.5 5.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 98.5 5.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 99.5 5.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 100.5 5.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 101.5 5.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 102.5 5.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 103.5 5.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 105.5 2.06 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 106.5 2.06 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 107.5 2.06 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 108.5 2.06 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 109.5 2.06 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 110.5 2.06 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 111.5 2.06 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 112.5 2.06 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 113.5 2.06 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 114.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 100.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 95 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 96 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 335.4 Hydrants-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 6,587,176.81 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 5,350,491.71 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 1.5 3,890,928.94 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 2.5 1,963,613.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 3.5 2,154,894.77 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 4.5 2,537,602.31 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 5.5 2,424,131.55 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 6.5 2,602,141.24 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 7.5 2,794,937.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 8.5 2,833,145.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 9.5 2,924,033.33 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 10.5 2,925,289.55 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 11.5 2,697,181.47 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 12.5 2,147,881.83 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 13.5 1,410,779.34 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 14.5 1,095,438.06 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 15.5 760,436.85 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 16.5 525,625.01 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 17.5 422,070.68 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 18.5 304,891.30 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 19.5 217,517.44 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 20.5 185,264.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 21.5 182,700.12 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 22.5 169,940.25 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 23.5 155,583.78 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 24.5 136,772.46 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 25.5 151,335.79 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 26.5 135,929.10 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 27.5 121,338.51 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 28.5 110,085.75 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 29.5 46,375.88 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 30.5 34,865.53 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 31.5 28,916.49 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 32.5 28,916.49 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 33.5 28,916.49 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 35.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 36.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 37.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 38.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 97 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 335.4 Hydrants-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 39.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 40.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 41.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 42.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 43.5 21,718.41 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 44.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 100.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 98 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 99 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 335.4 Hydrants-T&D Main/PltAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 6,587,176.81 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 5,350,491.71 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 1.5 3,890,928.94 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 2.5 1,963,613.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 3.5 2,154,894.77 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 4.5 2,537,602.31 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 5.5 2,424,131.55 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 6.5 2,602,141.24 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 7.5 2,794,937.67 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 8.5 2,833,145.45 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 9.5 2,924,033.33 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 10.5 2,925,289.55 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 11.5 2,697,181.47 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 12.5 2,147,881.83 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 13.5 1,410,779.34 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 14.5 1,095,438.06 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 15.5 760,436.85 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 16.5 511,271.85 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 17.5 392,310.83 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 18.5 260,540.86 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 19.5 161,914.24 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 20.5 65,951.34 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 21.5 51,876.70 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 22.5 33,167.79 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 23.5 18,811.32 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 24.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 100.00 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 100 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1905 1909 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 335.4 Hydrants-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0019091905- 1.0019101906- 1.0019111907- 1.0019121908- 1.0019131909- 1.0019141910- 1.0019151911- 1.0019161912- 1.0019171913- 1.0019181914- 1.0019191915- 1.0019201916- 1.0019211917- 1.0019221918- 1.0019231919- 1.0019241920- 1.0019251921- 1.0019261922- 1.0019271923- 1.0019281924- 1.0019291925- 1.0019301926- 1.0019311927- 1.0019321928- 1.0019331929- 1.0019341930- 1.0019351931- 1.0019361932- 1.0019371933- 1.0019381934- 1.0019391935- 1.0019401936- 1.0019411937- 1.0019421938- 1.0019431939- 1.0019441940- 1.0019451941- 1.0019461942- 1.0019471943- 1.0019481944- 1.0019491945- 1.0019501946- 1.0019511947- 1.0019521948- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 101 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1905 1953 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 335.4 Hydrants-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0019531949- 1.0019541950- 1.0019551951- 1.0019561952- 1.0019571953- 1.0019581954- 1.0019591955- 1.0019601956- 1.0019611957- 1.0019621958- 1.0019631959- 1.0019641960- 1.0019651961- 1.0019661962- 1.0019671963- 1.0019681964- 1.0019691965- 1.0019701966- 1.0019711967- 1.0019721968- 1.0019731969- 1.0019741970- 1.0019751971- 1.0019761972- 1.0019771973- 1.0019781974- 1.0019791975- 1.0019801976- 1.0019811977- 1.0019821978- 1.0019831979- 1.0019841980- 1.0019851981- 1.0019861982- 1.0019871983- 1.0019881984- 1.0019891985- 1.0019901986- 1.0019911987- 1.0019921988- 1.0019931989- 1.0019941990- 1.0019951991- 1.0019961992- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 102 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1905 1997 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 335.4 Hydrants-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0019971993- 1.0019981994- 1.0019991995- 1.0020001996- 1.0020011997- 1.0020021998- 1.0020031999- 1.0020042000- 1.0020052001- 1.0020062002- 1.0020072003- 1.0020082004- 1.0020092005- 1.0020102006- 1.0020112007- 1.0020122008- 1.0020132009- 1.0020142010- 1.0020152011- 1.0020162012- 1.0020172013- 1.0020182014- 1.0020192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 103 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1905 2019 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 335.4 Hydrants-T&D Main/Plt Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0020191905- 1.0020191910- 1.0020191915- 1.0020191920- 1.0020191925- 1.0020191930- 1.0020191935- 1.0020191940- 1.0020191945- 1.0020191950- 1.0020191955- 1.0020191960- 1.0020191965- 1.0020191970- 1.0020191975- 1.0020191980- 1.0020191985- 1.0020191990- 1.0020191995- 1.0020192000- 1.0020192005- 1.0020192010- 1.0020192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 104 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 105 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 341.5 Transprt Equip-Gen PlantAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 1,245.10 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 1,245.10 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 1.5 4,163.00 4,163.00 1.00000 0.00000 100.00 2.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00 3.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 4.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 5.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 6.5 1,731.03 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 7.5 1,731.03 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 8.5 1,731.03 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 9.5 6,354.66 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 10.5 11,348.29 1,731.03 0.15254 0.84746 11.5 9,617.26 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 12.5 9,617.26 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 13.5 35,528.26 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 14.5 35,528.26 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 15.5 35,528.26 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 16.5 35,528.26 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 17.5 35,528.26 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 18.5 30,904.63 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 19.5 25,911.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 20.5 25,911.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 21.5 25,911.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 22.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 106 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1997 2001 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 341.5 Transprt Equip-Gen Plant Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0020011997- 1.0020021998- 1.0020031999- 1.0020042000- 1.0020052001- 1.0020062002- 1.0020072003- 1.0020082004- 1.0020092005- 1.0020102006- 0.00000000 SQ 2.390.0014.520112007- 0.00000000 SQ 2.390.0015.520122008- 0.00000000 SQ 2.390.0016.520132009- 0.0020142010- 0.0020152011- 0.0020162012- 0.0020172013- 0.00000000 SQ 7.390.0017.520182014- 0.00000000 SQ 7.390.0018.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 107 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1997 2019 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 341.5 Transprt Equip-Gen Plant Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 0.04784695 R0.5 41.0085.7722.520191997- 0.45226698 R0.5 19.5969.7622.520192002- 0.00000000 SQ 2.390.0022.520192007- 0.11471623 L0 34.9672.7622.520192012- 1.0020192017- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 108 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 109 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 110 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 111 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 112 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 113 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 114 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 115 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 116 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 117 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 118 of 123 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 119 of 123 Observed Life Table Observation Band:-- Exposures at Beginning of Interval Percent Surv at Beginning of Interval Retirements During Interval Survivor Ratio Retirement Ratio Age at Beginning of Interval Placement Band: 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen PlantAccount: Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019Scenario: 0 1,757.35 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 0.5 1,757.35 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 100.00 1.5 35,183.88 955.19 0.02715 0.97285 100.00 2.5 34,228.69 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.29 3.5 38,236.03 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.29 4.5 38,236.03 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.29 5.5 38,236.03 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.29 6.5 38,236.03 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.29 7.5 38,236.03 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.29 8.5 37,433.87 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.29 9.5 37,433.87 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.29 10.5 20,508.24 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.29 11.5 20,508.24 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.29 12.5 16,500.90 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.29 13.5 88,361.33 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 97.29 14.5 88,361.33 16,500.90 0.18674 0.81326 97.29 15.5 71,860.43 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 79.12 16.5 71,860.43 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 79.12 17.5 71,860.43 28,522.43 0.39691 0.60309 79.12 18.5 43,338.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 47.72 19.5 43,338.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 47.72 20.5 43,338.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 47.72 21.5 43,338.00 0.00 0.00000 1.00000 47.72 22.5 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 47.72 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 120 of 123 age_beg_of_int exposures retirements ret_ratio surv_ratio pct_surv start_vintage end_vintage start_year end_year acct_desc scenario_desc0 1757.35 0 0 1 100 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 20190.5 1757.35 0 0 1 100 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 20191.5 35183.88 955.19 0.02715 0.97285 100 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 20192.5 34228.69 0 0 1 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 20193.5 38236.03 0 0 1 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 20194.5 38236.03 0 0 1 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 20195.5 38236.03 0 0 1 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 20196.5 38236.03 0 0 1 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 20197.5 38236.03 0 0 1 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 20198.5 37433.87 0 0 1 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 20199.5 37433.87 0 0 1 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201910.5 20508.24 0 0 1 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201911.5 20508.24 0 0 1 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201912.5 16500.9 0 0 1 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201913.5 88361.33 0 0 1 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201914.5 88361.33 16500.9 0.18674 0.81326 97.285 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201915.5 71860.43 0 0 1 79.118 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201916.5 71860.43 0 0 1 79.118 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201917.5 71860.43 28522.43 0.39691 0.60309 79.118 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201918.5 43338 0 0 1 47.715 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201919.5 43338 0 0 1 47.715 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201920.5 43338 0 0 1 47.715 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201921.5 43338 0 0 1 47.715 1997 2019 2011 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 201922.5 0 0 0 0 47.715 SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 121 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1997 2001 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 1.0020011997- 1.0020021998- 1.0020031999- 1.0020042000- 1.0020052001- 1.0020062002- 1.0020072003- 1.0020082004- 1.0020092005- 1.0020102006- 1.0020112007- 1.0020122008- 1.0020132009- 1.0020142010- 0.02592423 L5 17.0049.0516.520152011- 0.03179270 S4 17.3049.0517.520162012- 0.00000000 SQ 13.200.0018.520172013- 0.00000000 SQ 2.390.0019.520182014- 0.00000000 SQ 2.390.0020.520192015- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 122 of 123 Function: Survivorship Account: Scenario: Placement Band:- Weighting: T-Cut: Age Percent of Squares Best FitError Sum ASLDisp 1997 2019 None Suez Water Idaho Actuarial @ 2019 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Actuarial Life Analysis Band CensoringObservation 0.08635730 S3 20.8348.6822.520191997- 0.08145713 L3 22.0348.2122.520192002- 0.07830170 L3 21.8047.8522.520192007- 0.98565130 L0 10.3022.3922.520192012- 22.3920192017- SUZW-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 1 Page 123 of 123 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 307.2 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2010 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 10 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0 2.34E+1148.9 78.5654.2518.4333 L0.5 2.38E+1144.6 85.3953.8118.5838 R1 2.42E+1139.7 98.7353.3918.7286 S0 2.47E+1140.0 97.3852.7818.9452 R1.5 2.56E+1137.0 100.0051.9019.2692 R0.5 2.56E+1143.7 88.9751.8919.2716 L1 2.86E+1141.6 90.9449.1020.3686 S0.5 2.92E+1138.0 99.7148.5320.6058 R2 3.10E+1135.0 100.0047.1121.2288 L1.5 3.48E+1138.7 95.3344.5122.4681 S1 3.73E+1135.9 100.0043.0023.2570 R2.5 3.99E+1133.4 100.0041.5224.0826 S1.5 4.64E+1134.7 100.0038.5225.9603 L2 4.79E+1136.4 98.1637.9326.3635 R3 5.28E+1132.3 100.0036.1227.6885 L2.5 5.46E+1134.8 99.4235.5228.1545 S6 5.65E+1129.5 100.0034.9028.6510 S2 6.01E+1133.5 100.0033.8729.5288 L3 6.59E+1133.6 99.9832.3430.9259 S5 6.75E+1129.6 100.0031.9431.3096 S2.5 6.79E+1132.3 100.0031.8431.4090 R5 7.09E+1129.8 100.0031.1632.0920 R4 7.33E+1130.8 100.0030.6632.6155 L5 7.50E+1130.0 100.0030.3033.0028 L4 7.56E+1131.3 100.0030.1933.1276 S3 7.86E+1131.5 100.0029.5933.7921 S4 8.24E+1130.4 100.0028.9134.5898 SQ 3.66E+1232.1 100.0013.7172.9188 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 307.2 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2000 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 20 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0.5 3.75E+1144.7 85.3862.1116.1015 R1.5 3.76E+1137.4 100.0061.9716.1375 S0 3.89E+1140.0 97.3860.9316.4124 L0 4.10E+1149.4 78.0059.3516.8484 R1 4.15E+1140.1 98.3959.0116.9455 R2 4.24E+1135.1 100.0058.4017.1231 L1 4.43E+1141.2 91.3957.1017.5123 S0.5 4.53E+1137.6 99.8556.5117.6945 R0.5 5.26E+1144.6 87.4052.4419.0678 R2.5 5.47E+1133.6 100.0051.3919.4584 L1.5 5.55E+1138.3 95.6551.0219.6008 S1 6.13E+1135.6 100.0048.5520.5984 S1.5 7.48E+1134.3 100.0043.9722.7447 L2 7.88E+1136.0 98.3542.8223.3509 R3 7.89E+1132.1 100.0042.8223.3563 L2.5 8.99E+1134.4 99.4940.1024.9372 S2 9.72E+1132.8 100.0038.5725.9266 L3 1.09E+1232.9 99.9936.4927.4062 S2.5 1.09E+1232.0 100.0036.4027.4733 R4 1.19E+1230.7 100.0034.9228.6372 S6 1.25E+1228.9 100.0033.9929.4168 S3 1.26E+1231.2 100.0033.9029.5015 S5 1.26E+1229.3 100.0033.8129.5776 L4 1.27E+1231.0 100.0033.7329.6475 R5 1.27E+1229.6 100.0033.7029.6718 L5 1.31E+1229.7 100.0033.1930.1318 S4 1.37E+1230.1 100.0032.5230.7549 SQ 3.91E+1231.2 100.0019.2252.0380 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 2 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 307.2 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1990 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 30 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0.5 6.16E+1145.1 84.8451.6619.3589 S0 6.19E+1140.0 97.3851.5119.4126 R1.5 6.38E+1137.4 100.0050.7419.7081 L1 6.66E+1141.2 91.3849.6920.1267 R2 6.74E+1135.1 100.0049.3720.2547 L0 6.75E+1149.9 77.4349.3620.2595 S0.5 6.76E+1137.6 99.8549.3220.2766 R1 6.96E+1140.1 98.3848.6120.5733 L1.5 7.81E+1138.3 95.6545.8821.7974 R2.5 8.13E+1133.6 100.0044.9722.2360 S1 8.34E+1135.6 100.0044.3822.5312 R0.5 8.42E+1145.1 86.6044.1922.6308 S1.5 9.75E+1134.3 100.0041.0524.3582 L2 1.02E+1236.0 98.3440.2224.8662 R3 1.07E+1232.1 100.0039.1325.5553 L2.5 1.14E+1234.4 99.4938.0426.2914 S2 1.22E+1232.8 100.0036.7727.1950 L3 1.33E+1232.9 99.9935.1028.4866 S2.5 1.35E+1232.0 100.0034.8728.6820 R4 1.49E+1230.7 100.0033.1830.1403 S3 1.54E+1231.2 100.0032.7130.5710 S6 1.54E+1228.9 100.0032.6330.6490 L4 1.54E+1231.0 100.0032.6230.6581 S5 1.57E+1229.3 100.0032.4030.8627 R5 1.58E+1229.6 100.0032.2231.0393 L5 1.61E+1229.7 100.0031.9431.3128 S4 1.67E+1230.1 100.0031.3731.8792 SQ 4.33E+1231.2 100.0019.4851.3323 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 3 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 307.2 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1980 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 40 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance S0 8.07E+1140.4 96.8443.0223.2466 L0.5 8.28E+1145.3 84.6342.4723.5456 R1.5 8.45E+1137.5 100.0042.0523.7810 L1 8.53E+1141.3 91.2041.8423.8980 S0.5 8.56E+1138.0 99.7141.7823.9365 R2 8.72E+1135.3 100.0041.3924.1600 L0 9.03E+1150.1 77.2040.6624.5913 R1 9.19E+1140.3 98.2440.3124.8095 L1.5 9.66E+1138.5 95.5239.3325.4273 S1 1.00E+1235.7 100.0038.6325.8886 R2.5 1.02E+1233.7 100.0038.2126.1707 R0.5 1.10E+1245.3 86.2836.9127.0938 S1.5 1.16E+1234.5 100.0035.9127.8453 L2 1.20E+1236.2 98.2735.2928.3352 R3 1.30E+1232.2 100.0033.8929.5089 L2.5 1.34E+1234.6 99.4633.4429.9077 S2 1.40E+1232.9 100.0032.6130.6634 L3 1.55E+1233.1 99.9931.0432.2198 S2.5 1.57E+1232.1 100.0030.8532.4154 S3 1.78E+1231.3 100.0028.9334.5611 R4 1.80E+1230.8 100.0028.7934.7387 L4 1.84E+1231.1 100.0028.5235.0683 L5 1.98E+1229.8 100.0027.4636.4110 R5 2.00E+1229.4 100.0027.3436.5704 S5 2.00E+1229.5 100.0027.3236.5969 S6 2.01E+1229.0 100.0027.2436.7084 S4 2.02E+1229.9 100.0027.1836.7980 SQ 4.67E+1231.0 100.0017.8955.8970 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 4 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 307.2 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1970 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 50 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance S0 8.45E+1140.4 96.8439.0525.6097 L0.5 8.73E+1145.3 84.6338.4226.0277 R1.5 8.78E+1137.5 100.0038.3126.1006 S0.5 8.87E+1138.0 99.7138.1126.2388 L1 8.93E+1141.3 91.2037.9926.3248 R2 8.96E+1135.3 100.0037.9126.3784 L0 9.54E+1150.1 77.2036.7527.2104 R1 9.62E+1140.7 97.8636.6027.3229 L1.5 1.00E+1238.5 95.5235.8927.8642 S1 1.03E+1235.7 100.0035.4028.2513 R2.5 1.04E+1233.7 100.0035.1728.4366 R0.5 1.15E+1245.3 86.2833.4929.8566 S1.5 1.18E+1234.5 100.0033.0430.2665 L2 1.23E+1236.2 98.2732.3630.8980 R3 1.32E+1232.2 100.0031.2931.9604 L2.5 1.36E+1234.6 99.4630.7532.5186 S2 1.43E+1232.9 100.0030.0633.2681 L3 1.58E+1233.1 99.9928.5934.9726 S2.5 1.59E+1232.1 100.0028.4835.1181 S3 1.80E+1231.3 100.0026.7337.4109 R4 1.81E+1230.8 100.0026.6537.5280 L4 1.86E+1231.1 100.0026.3537.9527 L5 2.00E+1229.8 100.0025.3639.4386 R5 2.02E+1229.4 100.0025.2639.5819 S5 2.02E+1229.5 100.0025.2339.6366 S4 2.04E+1230.2 100.0025.1239.8112 S6 2.05E+1229.0 100.0025.0939.8510 SQ 4.68E+1231.0 100.0016.5960.2823 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 5 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 307.2 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1960 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 60 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance S0 8.51E+1140.4 96.8436.2127.6173 L0.5 8.81E+1145.3 84.6335.6028.0907 R1.5 8.83E+1137.5 100.0035.5528.1295 S0.5 8.91E+1138.0 99.7135.4028.2509 L1 8.98E+1141.3 91.2035.2628.3637 R2 8.99E+1135.3 100.0035.2328.3812 L0 9.65E+1150.1 77.2034.0129.4050 R1 9.70E+1140.7 97.8633.9129.4876 L1.5 1.00E+1238.5 95.5233.3529.9807 S1 1.03E+1235.7 100.0032.9130.3829 R2.5 1.04E+1233.7 100.0032.7130.5674 R0.5 1.16E+1245.3 86.2831.0032.2567 S1.5 1.18E+1234.5 100.0030.7432.5314 L2 1.23E+1236.2 98.2730.1133.2138 R3 1.32E+1232.2 100.0029.1234.3430 L2.5 1.36E+1234.6 99.4628.6234.9464 S2 1.43E+1232.9 100.0027.9735.7513 L3 1.58E+1233.1 99.9926.6137.5819 S2.5 1.59E+1232.1 100.0026.5037.7388 S3 1.80E+1231.3 100.0024.8740.2073 R4 1.82E+1230.8 100.0024.7940.3317 L4 1.86E+1231.1 100.0024.5140.7943 L5 2.01E+1229.8 100.0023.5842.4058 R5 2.02E+1229.4 100.0023.5042.5591 S5 2.03E+1229.5 100.0023.4642.6257 S4 2.04E+1230.2 100.0023.3642.8023 S6 2.05E+1229.0 100.0023.3342.8589 SQ 4.69E+1231.0 100.0015.4364.7942 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 6 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 307.2 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1950 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 70 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance S0 8.51E+1140.4 96.8433.9329.4735 L0.5 8.81E+1145.3 84.6333.3629.9781 R1.5 8.83E+1137.5 100.0033.3130.0194 S0.5 8.91E+1138.0 99.7133.1730.1520 L1 8.98E+1141.3 91.2033.0330.2716 R2 8.99E+1135.3 100.0033.0130.2895 L0 9.65E+1150.1 77.2031.8631.3824 R1 9.71E+1140.7 97.8631.7831.4709 L1.5 1.00E+1238.5 95.5231.2532.0000 S1 1.03E+1235.7 100.0030.8332.4326 R2.5 1.04E+1233.7 100.0030.6532.6257 R0.5 1.16E+1245.3 86.2829.0434.4307 S1.5 1.18E+1234.5 100.0028.8034.7280 L2 1.23E+1236.2 98.2728.2035.4552 R3 1.32E+1232.2 100.0027.2836.6599 L2.5 1.36E+1234.6 99.4626.8137.3060 S2 1.43E+1232.9 100.0026.2038.1671 L3 1.58E+1233.1 99.9924.9240.1208 S2.5 1.59E+1232.1 100.0024.8240.2886 S3 1.81E+1231.3 100.0023.3042.9234 R4 1.82E+1230.8 100.0023.2343.0550 L4 1.86E+1231.1 100.0022.9643.5500 L5 2.01E+1229.8 100.0022.0945.2693 R5 2.02E+1229.4 100.0022.0145.4328 S5 2.03E+1229.5 100.0021.9845.5038 S4 2.05E+1230.2 100.0021.8945.6923 S6 2.05E+1229.0 100.0021.8645.7526 SQ 4.69E+1231.0 100.0014.4669.1553 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 7 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 307.2 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1946 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 74 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance S0 8.51E+1140.4 96.8433.0530.2539 L0.5 8.81E+1145.3 84.6332.5030.7719 R1.5 8.83E+1137.5 100.0032.4530.8143 S0.5 8.91E+1138.0 99.7132.3130.9503 L1 8.98E+1141.3 91.2032.1831.0731 R2 8.99E+1135.3 100.0032.1631.0916 L0 9.65E+1150.1 77.2031.0432.2134 R1 9.71E+1140.7 97.8630.9632.3043 L1.5 1.00E+1238.5 95.5230.4432.8473 S1 1.03E+1235.7 100.0030.0433.2913 R2.5 1.04E+1233.7 100.0029.8633.4896 R0.5 1.16E+1245.3 86.2828.2935.3425 S1.5 1.18E+1234.5 100.0028.0535.6475 L2 1.23E+1236.2 98.2727.4836.3939 R3 1.32E+1232.2 100.0026.5737.6306 L2.5 1.36E+1234.6 99.4626.1138.2938 S2 1.43E+1232.9 100.0025.5239.1777 L3 1.58E+1233.1 99.9924.2841.1832 S2.5 1.59E+1232.1 100.0024.1841.3553 S3 1.81E+1231.3 100.0022.7044.0599 R4 1.82E+1230.8 100.0022.6344.1950 L4 1.86E+1231.1 100.0022.3744.7031 L5 2.01E+1229.8 100.0021.5246.4679 R5 2.02E+1229.4 100.0021.4446.6357 S5 2.03E+1229.5 100.0021.4146.7087 S4 2.05E+1230.2 100.0021.3246.9021 S6 2.05E+1229.0 100.0021.2946.9640 SQ 4.69E+1231.0 100.0014.0970.9864 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 8 of 83 activity_year additions adjustments transfers retirements ending_balance2019 0 0 0 40426 80368772018 535 0 0 72710 80773032017 0 0 0 133529 81494782016 4804 0 0 5500 82830072015 238412 0 0 400531 82837032014 60380 0 0 74462 84458222013 55986 0 0 4000 84599042012 342074 0 0 24032 84079182011 6491 0 0 673688 80898762010 8451 0 0 19500 87570732009 25832 0 0 17545 87681222008 0 0 0 204206 87598352007 101341 0 0 0 89640412006 63571 0 0 9175 88627002005 0 0 0 2500 88083042004 281887 0 0 152319 88108042003 224349 0 0 147077 86812362002 132033 0 0 9000 86039642001 237235 0 0 64088 84809312000 476513 0 0 187535 83077841999 936225 0 0 18354 80188061998 463207 0 0 56732 71009351997 1783992 0 0 12524 66944601996 412566 0 0 329447 49229921995 208590 0 0 36213 48398731994 329771 0 0 17237 46674961993 356346 0 0 135534 43549621992 324627 0 0 18050 41341501991 418173 0 0 39728 38275731990 424572 0 0 0 34491281989 401402 0 0 35205 30245561988 254341 0 0 0 26583591987 184422 0 0 13812 24040181986 0 0 0 0 22334081985 0 0 0 15480 22334081984 38461 0 0 14645 22488881983 70946 0 0 0 22250721982 503592 0 0 4500 21541261981 119044 0 0 6389 16550341980 249319 0 0 0 15423791979 214653 0 0 7200 12930601978 123582 0 0 24917 10856071977 64545 0 0 2196 9869421976 0 0 0 4064 9245931975 29496 0 0 16725 9286571974 59712 0 0 0 9158861973 0 0 0 0 8561741972 82967 0 0 0 8561741971 28534 0 0 1500 7732071970 76693 0 0 6424 7461731969 84562 0 0 7446 6759041968 87416 0 0 0 598788 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 9 of 83 1967 12890 0 0 0 5113721966 20869 0 0 0 4984821965 14783 0 0 0 4776131964 12557 0 0 4346 4628301963 0 0 0 0 4546191962 30193 0 0 0 4546191961 216 0 0 0 4244261960 57770 0 0 0 4242101959 5117 0 0 0 3664401958 24967 0 0 0 3613231957 61 0 0 5564 3363561956 22938 0 0 0 3418591955 0 0 0 0 3189211954 14730 0 0 2812 3189211953 22 0 0 0 3070031952 47672.71 0 0 8726.34 3069811951 46737.95 0 0 0 268034.631950 45821.52 0 0 0 221296.681949 45922.31 0 0 0 175475.161948 44042.21 0 0 0 129552.851947 43178.64 0 0 0 85510.641946 42332 0 0 0 42332 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 10 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 309.2 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2010 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 10 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 2.02E+072201.9 0.401909.130.5238 R1 2.03E+071503.2 0.411906.940.5244 R1.5 2.04E+071030.5 0.411899.340.5265 R2 2.11E+07566.6 0.421871.610.5343 R2.5 2.19E+07342.7 0.431834.190.5452 L1 2.43E+07391.9 0.461743.380.5736 L0.5 2.60E+07661.0 0.471683.220.5941 L0 2.64E+07885.2 0.471671.400.5983 L1.5 2.87E+07237.0 0.521603.080.6238 R3 2.98E+07137.3 0.531572.080.6361 S0 3.88E+07347.2 0.591378.740.7253 S0.5 4.08E+07241.8 0.631343.720.7442 S1 6.55E+07124.0 0.901060.900.9426 S1.5 6.76E+0798.9 0.961044.600.9573 L2 6.81E+07110.5 0.941040.690.9609 L2.5 7.10E+0789.0 1.011019.160.9812 R4 7.47E+0752.4 1.24993.541.0065 S2 9.86E+0765.8 1.46864.901.1562 S2.5 1.01E+0857.1 1.55855.511.1689 L3 1.06E+0861.4 1.50832.431.2013 S3 1.31E+0844.6 2.43748.901.3353 L4 1.51E+0840.8 2.85699.151.4303 S4 1.72E+0833.3 4.47654.711.5274 R5 1.73E+0831.7 4.18653.421.5304 S5 1.99E+0828.4 7.37608.311.6439 S6 2.14E+0825.6 13.47586.921.7038 SQ 2.63E+0827.9 0.00529.831.8874 L5 2.63E+082179.9 0.00529.831.8874 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 11 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 309.2 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2000 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 20 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 6.61E+072040.4 0.441129.940.8850 R1 6.62E+071384.8 0.441128.800.8859 R1.5 6.66E+07958.8 0.441125.870.8882 R2 6.79E+07527.1 0.451114.950.8969 R2.5 6.99E+07318.8 0.471098.660.9102 L1 7.49E+07368.8 0.501061.230.9423 L0.5 7.80E+07622.1 0.511040.150.9614 L0 7.85E+07833.1 0.511036.910.9644 L1.5 8.41E+07227.6 0.561001.600.9984 R3 8.64E+07131.1 0.58987.951.0122 S0 1.06E+08333.5 0.64893.341.1194 S0.5 1.10E+08234.6 0.66876.501.1409 S1 1.51E+08121.5 0.96747.611.3376 S1.5 1.54E+0897.8 0.99740.251.3509 L2 1.55E+08108.2 0.99738.121.3548 L2.5 1.59E+0888.0 1.04728.441.3728 R4 1.61E+0852.0 1.27723.011.3831 S2 1.96E+0865.1 1.52655.571.5254 S2.5 1.99E+0857.1 1.55651.251.5355 L3 2.07E+0860.7 1.56638.731.5656 S3 2.35E+0844.6 2.43599.451.6682 L4 2.56E+0840.8 2.87574.351.7411 S4 2.77E+0833.3 4.49551.821.8122 R5 2.78E+0831.8 4.06550.961.8150 S5 3.04E+0828.4 7.41526.541.8992 S6 3.19E+0825.6 13.58514.191.9448 SQ 3.68E+0827.9 0.00479.002.0877 L5 3.68E+082020.0 0.00479.002.0877 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 12 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 309.2 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1996 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 24 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 6.61E+072040.4 0.441048.660.9536 R1 6.62E+071384.8 0.441047.670.9545 R1.5 6.66E+07958.8 0.441044.930.9570 R2 6.79E+07527.1 0.451034.770.9664 R2.5 6.99E+07318.8 0.471019.680.9807 L1 7.49E+07368.8 0.50984.931.0153 L0.5 7.80E+07622.1 0.51965.341.0359 L0 7.85E+07833.1 0.51962.371.0391 L1.5 8.41E+07227.6 0.56929.631.0757 R3 8.64E+07131.1 0.58916.931.0906 S0 1.06E+08333.5 0.64829.121.2061 S0.5 1.10E+08234.6 0.66813.541.2292 S1 1.51E+08121.5 0.96693.871.4412 S1.5 1.54E+0897.8 0.99687.051.4555 L2 1.55E+08108.2 0.99685.071.4597 L2.5 1.59E+0888.0 1.04676.091.4791 R4 1.61E+0852.0 1.27671.051.4902 S2 1.96E+0865.1 1.52608.461.6435 S2.5 1.99E+0857.1 1.55604.411.6545 L3 2.07E+0860.7 1.56592.801.6869 S3 2.35E+0844.6 2.43556.361.7974 L4 2.56E+0840.8 2.87533.081.8759 S4 2.77E+0833.3 4.49512.161.9525 R5 2.78E+0831.8 4.06511.351.9556 S5 3.04E+0828.4 7.41488.692.0463 S6 3.19E+0825.6 13.58477.242.0954 SQ 3.68E+0827.9 0.00444.562.2494 L5 3.68E+082020.0 0.00444.562.2494 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 13 of 83 activity_year additions adjustments transfers retirements ending_balance2019 119980 0 0 0 29808342018 0 0 0 0 28608542017 0 0 0 0 28608542016 0 0 0 0 28608542015 0 0 0 0 28608542014 0 0 0 0 28608542013 260217 0 0 0 28608542012 397054 0 0 0 26006372011 0 0 0 0 22035832010 0 0 0 0 22035832009 0 0 0 0 22035832008 0 0 0 0 22035832007 1942 0 0 0 22035832006 0 0 0 5125 22016412005 1613942 0 0 0 22067662004 14826 0 0 0 5928242003 0 0 0 0 5779982002 0 0 0 0 5779982001 0 0 0 0 5779982000 4817 0 0 0 5779981999 535586 0 0 0 5731811998 0 0 0 0 375951997 0 0 0 0 375951996 37595 0 0 0 37595 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 14 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2010 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 10 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L1.5 1.46E+1145.1 83.80217.664.5944 S1 1.53E+1140.1 96.50212.944.6962 R2.5 1.67E+1136.3 100.00203.794.9070 R3 1.87E+1132.2 100.00192.345.1990 L1 1.89E+1152.5 71.64191.315.2271 S0.5 1.97E+1146.6 82.75187.495.3335 S1.5 2.07E+1136.2 99.80183.005.4646 L2 2.32E+1139.2 93.21172.745.7890 R2 2.92E+1141.8 97.32154.096.4898 S0 2.98E+1155.1 65.48152.646.5515 L2.5 3.53E+1135.8 97.73140.067.1396 L0.5 3.73E+1165.2 56.89136.297.3372 S2 4.42E+1133.1 100.00125.187.9884 L0 4.89E+1181.0 45.69119.088.3977 R1.5 5.38E+1151.9 73.97113.498.8111 S2.5 6.74E+1131.3 100.00101.409.8623 R1 6.91E+1165.1 49.83100.169.9836 L3 8.02E+1132.7 99.8392.9510.7584 R0.5 8.07E+1184.6 36.5392.7010.7872 R4 9.31E+1128.2 100.0086.3111.5866 S3 1.21E+1229.6 100.0075.7513.2018 L4 1.79E+1228.6 100.0062.2416.0665 S4 3.22E+1227.3 100.0046.3921.5559 R5 4.04E+1226.3 100.0041.4224.1415 L5 4.26E+1226.9 100.0040.3524.7861 S5 6.45E+1226.3 100.0032.8030.4916 S6 1.05E+1325.9 100.0025.6538.9799 SQ 2.59E+1328.0 100.0016.3861.0644 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 15 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2000 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 20 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L1.5 3.43E+1145.3 83.55170.755.8566 S1 3.56E+1140.1 96.50167.685.9638 R2.5 4.11E+1136.5 100.00155.956.4123 L1 4.12E+1152.7 71.35155.866.4159 R3 4.14E+1132.3 100.00155.506.4310 S0.5 4.15E+1146.6 82.75155.216.4427 S1.5 4.58E+1136.2 99.80147.726.7697 L2 5.01E+1139.0 93.45141.327.0760 S0 5.82E+1155.1 65.48131.067.6302 R2 6.61E+1142.4 96.59122.998.1305 L2.5 6.84E+1135.6 97.86120.988.2660 L0.5 7.59E+1166.1 56.02114.848.7080 S2 8.70E+1133.1 100.00107.219.3274 L0 9.61E+1182.9 44.52102.019.8029 R1.5 1.15E+1253.2 71.2393.1510.7355 S2.5 1.21E+1231.1 100.0090.7411.0206 L3 1.33E+1232.5 99.8686.5911.5493 R1 1.44E+1267.4 47.2183.2512.0118 R4 1.48E+1228.3 100.0082.1612.1708 R0.5 1.67E+1288.9 34.4077.3312.9308 S3 1.99E+1229.4 100.0070.8314.1182 L4 2.66E+1228.8 100.0061.3216.3071 S4 4.34E+1227.4 100.0048.0020.8339 R5 5.11E+1226.4 100.0044.2322.6107 L5 5.42E+1226.9 100.0042.9823.2667 S5 7.62E+1226.2 100.0036.2427.5942 S6 1.17E+1325.8 100.0029.2734.1615 SQ 2.71E+1328.1 100.0019.2252.0416 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 16 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1990 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 30 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L1.5 3.46E+1145.3 83.55156.246.4005 S1 3.62E+1140.1 96.50152.866.5420 L1 4.15E+1152.7 71.35142.647.0106 R3 4.16E+1132.3 100.00142.547.0157 R2.5 4.16E+1136.5 100.00142.477.0188 S0.5 4.19E+1146.6 82.75142.037.0406 S1.5 4.64E+1136.2 99.80134.947.4105 L2 5.06E+1139.0 93.45129.207.7399 S0 5.87E+1155.1 65.48119.978.3351 R2 6.72E+1142.4 96.59112.148.9171 L2.5 6.89E+1135.6 97.86110.779.0278 L0.5 7.67E+1166.1 56.02104.969.5274 S2 8.77E+1133.1 100.0098.1910.1845 L0 9.72E+1182.9 44.5293.2310.7266 R1.5 1.18E+1253.2 71.2384.7411.8012 S2.5 1.22E+1231.1 100.0083.2312.0145 L3 1.34E+1232.5 99.8679.4312.5903 R1 1.48E+1267.4 47.2175.6813.2129 R4 1.48E+1228.3 100.0075.4513.2544 R0.5 1.71E+1288.9 34.4070.2614.2332 S3 2.00E+1229.4 100.0065.0415.3747 L4 2.66E+1228.8 100.0056.3317.7522 S4 4.34E+1227.4 100.0044.1122.6723 R5 5.12E+1226.4 100.0040.6524.6031 L5 5.42E+1226.9 100.0039.5025.3172 S5 7.62E+1226.2 100.0033.3130.0240 S6 1.17E+1325.8 100.0026.9037.1689 SQ 2.71E+1328.1 100.0017.6656.6272 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 17 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1980 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 40 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L1.5 3.49E+1145.3 83.55135.167.3984 S1 3.65E+1140.1 96.50132.267.5607 L1 4.19E+1152.7 71.35123.508.0974 R3 4.19E+1132.3 100.00123.448.1010 R2.5 4.19E+1136.5 100.00123.388.1053 S0.5 4.22E+1146.6 82.75122.988.1317 S1.5 4.67E+1136.2 99.80116.888.5556 L2 5.10E+1139.0 93.45111.948.9334 S0 5.90E+1155.1 65.48103.999.6165 R2 6.75E+1142.4 96.5997.2410.2839 L2.5 6.92E+1135.6 97.8696.0510.4110 L0.5 7.70E+1166.1 56.0291.0310.9850 S2 8.80E+1133.1 100.0085.1811.7393 L0 9.76E+1182.9 44.5280.8912.3624 R1.5 1.18E+1253.2 71.2373.5513.5965 S2.5 1.22E+1231.1 100.0072.2513.8410 L3 1.34E+1232.5 99.8668.9514.5029 R1 1.48E+1267.4 47.2165.7115.2190 R4 1.49E+1228.3 100.0065.5115.2641 R0.5 1.72E+1288.9 34.4061.0116.3919 S3 2.00E+1229.4 100.0056.4917.7030 L4 2.67E+1228.8 100.0048.9320.4366 S4 4.35E+1227.4 100.0038.3226.0951 R5 5.12E+1226.4 100.0035.3228.3151 L5 5.42E+1226.9 100.0034.3229.1370 S5 7.62E+1226.2 100.0028.9434.5511 S6 1.17E+1325.8 100.0023.3842.7705 SQ 2.71E+1328.1 100.0015.3565.1583 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 18 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1970 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 50 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L1.5 3.51E+1145.3 83.55120.928.2698 S1 3.66E+1140.1 96.50118.338.4512 L1 4.20E+1152.7 71.35110.529.0481 R3 4.20E+1132.3 100.00110.469.0530 R2.5 4.21E+1136.5 100.00110.419.0568 S0.5 4.23E+1146.6 82.75110.059.0865 S1.5 4.69E+1136.2 99.80104.609.5598 L2 5.11E+1139.0 93.45100.199.9806 S0 5.92E+1155.1 65.4893.1010.7409 R2 6.76E+1142.4 96.5987.0711.4845 L2.5 6.93E+1135.6 97.8686.0011.6278 L0.5 7.72E+1166.1 56.0281.5212.2663 S2 8.81E+1133.1 100.0076.2813.1089 L0 9.77E+1182.9 44.5272.4513.8021 R1.5 1.18E+1253.2 71.2365.8815.1780 S2.5 1.22E+1231.1 100.0064.7115.4524 L3 1.34E+1232.5 99.8661.7616.1907 R1 1.48E+1267.4 47.2158.8716.9875 R4 1.49E+1228.3 100.0058.6917.0396 R0.5 1.72E+1288.9 34.4054.6618.2958 S3 2.00E+1229.4 100.0050.6119.7600 L4 2.67E+1228.8 100.0043.8422.8094 S4 4.35E+1227.4 100.0034.3429.1219 R5 5.12E+1226.4 100.0031.6531.5987 L5 5.42E+1226.9 100.0030.7532.5156 S5 7.62E+1226.2 100.0025.9438.5562 S6 1.17E+1325.8 100.0020.9547.7269 SQ 2.71E+1328.1 100.0013.7572.7073 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 19 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1960 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 60 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L1.5 3.51E+1145.3 83.55110.399.0586 S1 3.66E+1140.1 96.50108.029.2572 L1 4.20E+1152.7 71.35100.909.9105 R3 4.20E+1132.3 100.00100.859.9161 R2.5 4.21E+1136.5 100.00100.819.9200 S0.5 4.24E+1146.6 82.75100.489.9526 S1.5 4.69E+1136.2 99.8095.5010.4709 L2 5.11E+1139.0 93.4591.4810.9317 S0 5.92E+1155.1 65.4885.0111.7639 R2 6.77E+1142.4 96.5979.5012.5781 L2.5 6.94E+1135.6 97.8678.5212.7351 L0.5 7.72E+1166.1 56.0274.4413.4340 S2 8.81E+1133.1 100.0069.6514.3569 L0 9.77E+1182.9 44.5266.1615.1156 R1.5 1.18E+1253.2 71.2360.1616.6223 S2.5 1.22E+1231.1 100.0059.0916.9230 L3 1.34E+1232.5 99.8656.4017.7313 R1 1.48E+1267.4 47.2153.7518.6037 R4 1.49E+1228.3 100.0053.5918.6609 R0.5 1.72E+1288.9 34.4049.9120.0362 S3 2.00E+1229.4 100.0046.2121.6398 L4 2.67E+1228.8 100.0040.0324.9789 S4 4.35E+1227.4 100.0031.3631.8914 R5 5.12E+1226.4 100.0028.9034.6035 L5 5.42E+1226.9 100.0028.0835.6076 S5 7.62E+1226.2 100.0023.6842.2223 S6 1.17E+1325.8 100.0019.1352.2648 SQ 2.71E+1328.1 100.0012.5679.6199 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 20 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 320.3 Membranes Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2010 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 10 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance S6 8.31E+108.0 100.0013.5773.7092 S5 1.91E+118.0 100.008.96111.6119 R5 2.27E+117.9 100.008.21121.7294 L5 2.62E+118.1 100.007.65130.7461 S4 3.42E+118.0 100.006.69149.4475 R4 4.13E+117.9 100.006.08164.3765 L4 4.37E+118.2 99.815.92168.9863 S3 5.55E+118.1 99.995.25190.4720 R3 6.15E+117.9 100.004.99200.5438 S2.5 6.49E+118.2 99.894.85206.0414 L3 6.74E+118.6 96.114.76209.9113 R2.5 7.21E+118.0 100.004.61217.1192 S2 7.55E+118.3 99.664.50222.1146 L2.5 7.67E+118.7 93.524.47223.8860 R2 8.35E+118.1 99.904.28233.6428 S1.5 8.36E+118.4 98.484.28233.7607 L2 8.67E+119.0 90.254.20238.0267 R1.5 8.89E+118.4 97.424.15241.0562 L1.5 9.17E+119.1 87.434.09244.7715 S1 9.18E+118.6 96.344.08244.9250 R0.5 9.24E+119.0 85.574.07245.7479 R1 9.29E+118.7 93.074.06246.4205 S0.5 9.47E+118.8 92.974.02248.7852 L0 9.52E+119.8 77.544.01249.4945 L0.5 9.60E+119.5 81.253.99250.5188 L1 9.74E+119.3 84.513.96252.2949 S0 9.74E+118.9 89.223.96252.3072 SQ 9.84E+118.7 100.003.94253.6490 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 21 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 320.3 Membranes Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2005 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 15 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance S6 8.31E+108.0 100.0015.5264.4260 S5 1.91E+118.0 100.0010.2597.5712 R5 2.27E+117.9 100.009.39106.4559 L5 2.61E+118.1 100.008.76114.2173 S4 3.42E+118.0 100.007.65130.6491 R4 4.15E+117.9 100.006.95143.9532 L4 4.38E+118.3 99.796.76147.8716 S3 5.56E+118.1 99.996.00166.6676 R3 6.23E+117.9 100.005.67176.4276 S2.5 6.53E+118.2 99.895.54180.5738 L3 6.77E+118.7 95.945.44183.8587 R2.5 7.37E+118.1 100.005.21191.9223 S2 7.61E+118.3 99.665.13194.9612 L2.5 7.74E+118.8 93.325.09196.5914 S1.5 8.48E+118.4 98.484.86205.8647 R2 8.61E+118.2 99.864.82207.4030 L2 8.79E+119.0 90.004.77209.5598 R1.5 9.30E+118.5 97.224.64215.5124 S1 9.38E+118.6 96.344.62216.4033 L1.5 9.42E+119.2 87.174.61216.9313 S0.5 9.80E+118.9 92.314.52221.2294 SQ 9.84E+118.7 100.004.51221.7299 R1 9.87E+118.9 91.954.50222.0753 R0.5 1.01E+129.1 84.364.46224.4383 L1 1.02E+129.4 83.634.44225.2747 S0 1.02E+129.0 88.444.42225.9976 L0.5 1.02E+129.6 80.394.42226.0900 L0 1.04E+1210.0 76.704.39227.9945 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 22 of 83 activity_year additions adjustments transfers retirements ending_balance2019 0 0 0 0 13458832018 2119 0 0 1749 13458832017 6168 0 0 0 13455132016 767 0 0 0 13393452015 0 0 0 0 13385782014 0 0 0 0 13385782013 1338578 0 0 992097 13385782012 0 0 0 0 9920972011 0 0 0 0 9920972010 0 0 0 0 9920972009 0 0 0 0 9920972008 0 0 0 0 9920972007 0 0 0 0 9920972006 0 0 0 0 9920972005 992097 0 0 0 992097 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 23 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1952 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 68 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L1.5 3.51E+1145.3 83.55103.719.6423 S1 3.66E+1140.1 96.50101.489.8537 L1 4.20E+1152.7 71.3594.7910.5491 R3 4.20E+1132.3 100.0094.7410.5550 R2.5 4.21E+1136.5 100.0094.7010.5593 S0.5 4.24E+1146.6 82.7594.3910.5939 S1.5 4.69E+1136.2 99.8089.7211.1457 L2 5.11E+1139.0 93.4585.9411.6361 S0 5.92E+1155.1 65.4879.8612.5219 R2 6.77E+1142.4 96.5974.6913.3886 L2.5 6.94E+1135.6 97.8673.7713.5557 L0.5 7.72E+1166.1 56.0269.9314.2997 S2 8.81E+1133.1 100.0065.4415.2821 L0 9.77E+1182.9 44.5262.1516.0897 R1.5 1.18E+1253.2 71.2356.5217.6934 S2.5 1.22E+1231.1 100.0055.5118.0135 L3 1.34E+1232.5 99.8652.9818.8739 R1 1.48E+1267.4 47.2150.5019.8024 R4 1.49E+1228.3 100.0050.3419.8634 R0.5 1.72E+1288.9 34.4046.8921.3272 S3 2.00E+1229.4 100.0043.4123.0342 L4 2.67E+1228.8 100.0037.6126.5885 S4 4.35E+1227.4 100.0029.4633.9464 R5 5.12E+1226.4 100.0027.1536.8333 L5 5.42E+1226.9 100.0026.3837.9021 S5 7.62E+1226.2 100.0022.2544.9430 S6 1.17E+1325.8 100.0017.9855.6326 SQ 2.71E+1328.1 100.0011.8084.7504 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 24 of 83 activity_year additions adjustment transfers retirements ending_balance 2019 329,024 - - 64,962 28,442,746 2018 570,023 - - 282,843 28,178,684 2017 1,472,474 - - 653,755 27,891,504 2016 472,796 - - 67,809 27,072,785 2015 1,481,749 - - 70,419 26,667,798 2014 601,611 - - 360,206 25,256,468 2013 115,993 - - 138,949 25,015,063 2012 139,957 - - 32,362 25,038,019 2011 273,112 - - 161,544 24,930,424 2010 1,052,876 - - 105,110 24,818,856 2009 - - - 22,768 23,871,090 2008 300,022 - - 47,975 23,893,858 2007 102,800 - - 548,910 23,641,811 2006 800,746 - - 12,400 24,087,921 2005 8,308,710 - - 12,197 23,299,575 2004 1,276,329 - - 9,499 15,003,062 2003 1,203,008 - - 773 13,736,232 2002 592,224 - - - 12,533,997 2001 10,940 - - 46,482 11,941,773 2000 45,757 - - 9,873 11,977,315 1999 3,309,073 - - 39,857 11,941,431 1998 38,611 - - 3,760 8,672,215 1997 48,459 - - 5,730 8,637,364 1996 31,601 - - 4,896 8,594,635 1995 - - - 4,040 8,567,930 1994 8,225,657 - - 8,837 8,571,970 1993 17,345 - - 4,078 355,150 1992 55,967 - - 4,741 341,883 1991 12,594 - - - 290,657 1990 24,561 - - - 278,063 1989 14,193 - - - 253,502 1988 48,795 - - 7,618 239,309 1987 8,674 - - 3,375 198,132 1986 30,867 - - 4,943 192,833 1985 4,309 - - - 166,909 1984 2,654 - - - 162,600 1983 5,565 - - - 159,946 1982 13,466 - - - 154,381 1981 3,420 - - - 140,915 1980 12,515 - - 3,797 137,495 1979 12,755 - - - 128,777 1978 5,620 - - 3,825 116,022 1977 - - - - 114,227 1976 2,904 - - 2,100 114,227 1975 6,741 - - 1,528 113,423 1974 9,196 - - 1,756 108,210 1973 12,359 - - 1,990 100,770 1972 7,896 - - - 90,401 1971 49,199 - - 2,115 82,505 1970 10,208 - - - 35,421 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 25 of 83 activity_year additions adjustment transfers retirements ending_balance 1968 1,934 - - - 22,259 1967 3,248 - - - 20,325 1966 1,392 - - - 17,077 1965 928 - - 313 15,685 1964 3,045 - - 5,999 15,070 1963 1,109 - - - 18,024 1962 4,583 - - - 16,915 1961 1,554 - - - 12,332 1960 - - - - 10,778 1959 1,271 - - - 10,778 1958 - - - - 9,507 1957 126 - - - 9,507 1956 579 - - - 9,381 1955 537 - - - 8,802 1954 2,115 - - - 8,265 1953 - - - - 6,150 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 26 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 330.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2010 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 10 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L4 1.79E+1131.9 14.0685.9911.6299 S3 1.85E+1133.9 13.5084.5511.8277 R4 1.86E+1132.4 12.7384.4411.8421 R5 1.89E+1128.1 16.4683.7311.9432 L3 1.92E+1137.7 12.3782.9512.0553 S2.5 2.00E+1136.7 12.1481.4112.2828 S4 2.01E+1129.7 16.1381.1112.3291 S2 2.18E+1140.2 11.1877.9012.8373 L2.5 2.32E+1143.4 10.5675.6113.2259 L2 2.52E+1149.0 9.9172.5513.7831 S1.5 2.56E+1145.9 9.9871.9513.8984 S5 2.59E+1127.4 18.9771.4313.9998 R3 2.67E+1140.6 9.3470.4314.1986 S1 2.79E+1152.8 9.2268.9014.5132 L1.5 3.05E+1161.5 8.3765.8615.1843 S0.5 3.25E+1166.9 7.8063.8115.6705 L1 3.26E+1174.9 7.8363.7215.6926 R2.5 3.31E+1150.4 7.7263.2315.8144 S0 3.47E+1183.1 7.3361.7616.1906 S6 3.56E+1126.2 20.1260.9916.3965 R2 3.66E+1163.9 6.8760.1116.6367 L0.5 3.67E+11103.3 6.8460.0616.6513 L0 3.78E+11135.6 6.5759.1916.8958 R1.5 3.99E+1190.9 6.1157.6417.3502 R1 4.09E+11121.7 5.9056.8717.5853 R0.5 4.17E+11167.9 5.7156.3317.7518 SQ 1.80E+1228.5 0.0027.1536.8257 L5 1.80E+12166.2 0.0027.1536.8257 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 27 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 330.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2000 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 20 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L4 1.88E+1131.8 14.3997.8110.2242 R4 1.89E+1132.6 12.4097.5410.2527 S3 1.92E+1133.9 13.4896.7510.3359 L3 1.95E+1137.9 12.0895.8210.4359 R5 2.00E+1128.0 17.0494.8210.5468 S2.5 2.03E+1136.7 12.1394.0410.6333 S4 2.13E+1129.7 16.0991.7710.8967 S2 2.22E+1140.3 11.1689.9711.1144 L2.5 2.40E+1143.7 10.3686.4911.5625 L2 2.65E+1149.3 9.7482.2812.1535 S1.5 2.66E+1146.4 9.6982.1412.1749 S5 2.72E+1127.4 18.9181.2712.3049 R3 2.87E+1140.9 9.1879.0512.6509 S1 2.95E+1153.4 8.9978.0212.8168 L1.5 3.37E+1162.5 8.0972.9313.7109 S0.5 3.65E+1168.3 7.5070.1314.2598 S6 3.69E+1126.2 20.0269.7614.3354 L1 3.72E+1176.8 7.4469.4614.3966 R2.5 3.88E+1151.8 7.3268.0114.7027 S0 3.98E+1185.7 6.9767.1114.9012 L0.5 4.37E+11108.1 6.3864.0815.6062 R2 4.44E+1166.9 6.3863.5415.7386 L0 4.52E+11143.3 6.0962.9815.8781 R1.5 4.97E+1197.6 5.5960.0816.6436 R1 5.14E+11133.3 5.3259.0616.9313 R0.5 5.27E+11187.6 5.0958.3417.1397 SQ 1.81E+1228.5 0.0031.5031.7426 L5 1.81E+12185.8 0.0031.5031.7426 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 28 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 330.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1995 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 25 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L4 1.88E+1131.8 14.3999.6810.0319 R4 1.89E+1132.6 12.4099.4210.0582 S3 1.92E+1133.9 13.4898.6110.1413 L3 1.96E+1137.9 12.0897.6610.2392 R5 2.00E+1128.0 17.0496.6410.3480 S2.5 2.03E+1136.7 12.1395.8610.4324 S4 2.13E+1129.7 16.0993.5410.6908 S2 2.22E+1140.3 11.1691.7110.9037 L2.5 2.40E+1143.7 10.3688.1811.3408 L2 2.65E+1149.3 9.7483.9011.9192 S1.5 2.66E+1146.4 9.6983.7511.9404 S5 2.72E+1127.4 18.9182.8512.0705 R3 2.87E+1140.9 9.1880.6212.4037 S1 2.95E+1153.4 8.9979.5612.5690 L1.5 3.37E+1162.5 8.0974.3913.4435 S0.5 3.65E+1168.3 7.5071.5213.9815 S6 3.69E+1126.2 20.0271.1214.0602 L1 3.72E+1176.8 7.4470.8214.1196 R2.5 3.88E+1151.8 7.3269.3214.4266 S0 3.99E+1185.7 6.9768.4414.6114 L0.5 4.38E+11108.1 6.3865.3115.3114 R2 4.46E+1166.9 6.3864.7115.4529 L0 4.53E+11143.3 6.0964.1915.5784 R1.5 4.99E+1198.5 5.5261.1516.3536 R1 5.17E+11134.6 5.2660.1016.6398 R0.5 5.30E+11187.6 5.0959.3516.8483 SQ 1.81E+1228.5 0.0032.1331.1228 L5 1.81E+12185.8 0.0032.1331.1228 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 29 of 83 activity_year additions adjustments transfers retirements ending_balance2019 2049618 0 0 513278 133744082018 142029 0 0 252970 118380682017 292230 0 0 780 119490092016 0 0 0 0 116575592015 39457 0 0 34167 116575592014 4054 0 0 0 116522692013 946349 0 0 0 116482152012 47203 0 0 7076 107018662011 916605 0 0 178234 106617392010 185056 0 0 3750 99233682009 876146 0 0 3000 97420622008 903948 0 0 0 88689162007 174499 0 0 4500 79649682006 522233 0 0 3200 77949692005 0 0 0 0 72759362004 307493 0 0 0 72759362003 284218 0 0 25000 69684432002 824082 0 0 0 67092252001 9846 0 0 1664 58851432000 537486 0 0 0 58769611999 26356 0 0 0 53394751998 5015 0 0 0 53131191997 1127 0 0 10136 53081041996 0 0 0 0 53171131995 5317113 0 0 0 5317113 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 30 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 331.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2010 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 10 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 4.81E+12156.0 25.37246.314.0600 R1 5.25E+12117.6 31.99235.724.2423 R1.5 5.91E+1291.9 46.15222.144.5016 L0 6.85E+12138.4 35.29206.344.8464 L0.5 7.41E+12111.4 43.43198.325.0424 R2 7.47E+1272.6 73.86197.535.0624 S0 8.54E+1291.4 50.06184.745.4131 R2.5 8.76E+1263.0 93.48182.415.4822 L1 9.20E+1287.1 57.69178.055.6164 S0.5 9.58E+1277.4 64.41174.465.7320 L1.5 1.03E+1374.9 70.16168.395.9385 R3 1.09E+1354.7 100.00163.826.1042 S1 1.18E+1365.5 82.74156.986.3703 S1.5 1.24E+1359.8 93.11153.346.5214 L2 1.24E+1364.4 82.82153.316.5226 L2.5 1.30E+1358.8 90.58149.626.6837 S2 1.36E+1354.6 99.04146.216.8393 S2.5 1.39E+1351.6 99.89144.586.9167 R4 1.42E+1348.0 100.00143.496.9690 L3 1.45E+1353.6 96.58141.937.0457 S3 1.48E+1348.8 100.00140.567.1146 L4 1.62E+1348.0 99.98134.117.4567 S4 1.69E+1345.5 100.00131.347.6136 L5 1.83E+1345.1 100.00126.297.9180 R5 1.89E+1344.2 100.00124.288.0466 S5 2.03E+1343.9 100.00119.858.3440 S6 2.26E+1343.2 100.00113.618.8017 SQ 2.40E+1343.0 100.00110.319.0657 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 31 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 331.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2000 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 20 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 3.22E+13142.6 28.15110.359.0623 R1 3.41E+13109.1 35.80107.269.3235 R1.5 3.67E+1386.2 52.12103.399.6723 L0 4.06E+13130.4 37.7798.3510.1680 R2 4.25E+1368.7 80.6396.1010.4057 L0.5 4.25E+13103.9 47.2796.0310.4131 R2.5 4.65E+1359.7 96.7691.9010.8811 S0 4.68E+1386.5 54.0091.5310.9251 L1 4.85E+1382.9 61.0889.9511.1175 S0.5 5.03E+1373.2 69.4488.3111.3234 L1.5 5.22E+1371.3 73.7186.7411.5293 R3 5.22E+1352.9 100.0086.7111.5330 S1 5.71E+1363.0 86.2782.8912.0642 S1.5 5.85E+1357.5 95.4181.8812.2137 L2 5.89E+1361.9 85.2881.5912.2568 R4 6.02E+1346.4 100.0080.7412.3860 L2.5 6.02E+1356.5 92.5180.7112.3897 S2 6.16E+1352.5 99.6479.8312.5273 S2.5 6.20E+1350.1 99.9679.5612.5699 S3 6.38E+1347.4 100.0078.4212.7522 L3 6.43E+1352.1 97.4678.1112.8030 L4 6.75E+1346.6 100.0076.2513.1151 S4 7.02E+1344.2 100.0074.7513.3784 R5 7.38E+1343.6 100.0072.9113.7159 L5 7.40E+1344.0 100.0072.8113.7339 S5 7.90E+1343.1 100.0070.4914.1868 S6 8.52E+1342.4 100.0067.8614.7361 SQ 9.71E+1343.0 100.0063.5715.7301 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 32 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 331.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1990 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 30 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 3.37E+13142.7 28.12104.459.5737 R1 3.57E+13108.2 36.30101.499.8532 R1.5 3.85E+1386.2 52.0497.7210.2338 L0 4.26E+13129.2 38.1692.9010.7643 R2 4.46E+1368.8 80.5290.7411.0200 L0.5 4.47E+13104.0 47.2290.6511.0313 R2.5 4.88E+1359.7 96.7286.7711.5246 S0 4.94E+1385.7 54.7486.2511.5939 L1 5.11E+1382.9 61.0284.8011.7930 S0.5 5.30E+1372.9 69.8383.2112.0171 R3 5.47E+1352.4 100.0081.9112.2081 L1.5 5.49E+1371.3 73.6581.7912.2258 S1 6.03E+1362.7 86.6378.0412.8139 S1.5 6.17E+1357.2 95.6277.1412.9641 L2 6.21E+1361.3 85.8376.9312.9980 R4 6.24E+1346.4 100.0076.6913.0396 L2.5 6.34E+1356.5 92.4776.1413.1333 S2 6.48E+1352.2 99.6875.2613.2872 S2.5 6.50E+1349.9 99.9775.1813.3007 S3 6.68E+1347.2 100.0074.1613.4847 L3 6.74E+1351.6 97.7173.8013.5493 L4 7.04E+1346.2 100.0072.2313.8442 S4 7.27E+1344.4 100.0071.0514.0738 R5 7.61E+1343.2 100.0069.4614.3966 L5 7.68E+1343.6 100.0069.1814.4559 S5 8.14E+1342.9 100.0067.1614.8902 S6 8.76E+1342.2 100.0064.7515.4441 SQ 1.75E+1446.0 100.0045.8221.8224 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 33 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 331.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1980 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 40 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 3.37E+13142.7 28.1296.3810.3761 R1 3.57E+13108.2 36.3093.6410.6796 R1.5 3.85E+1386.2 52.0490.1411.0940 L0 4.26E+13129.2 38.1685.6911.6706 R2 4.47E+1368.8 80.5283.6811.9498 L0.5 4.47E+13104.0 47.2283.6011.9614 R2.5 4.89E+1359.7 96.7280.0012.4998 S0 4.94E+1385.7 54.7479.5412.5729 L1 5.12E+1382.9 61.0278.1912.7898 S0.5 5.31E+1372.9 69.8376.7313.0335 R3 5.48E+1352.4 100.0075.5313.2391 L1.5 5.50E+1371.3 73.6575.4213.2599 S1 6.04E+1362.7 86.6371.9313.9018 S1.5 6.19E+1357.2 95.6271.1114.0626 L2 6.21E+1361.3 85.8370.9414.0955 R4 6.25E+1346.4 100.0070.7614.1317 L2.5 6.34E+1356.5 92.4770.2214.2413 S2 6.49E+1352.2 99.6869.4014.4082 S2.5 6.50E+1349.9 99.9769.3514.4203 S3 6.68E+1347.2 100.0068.4314.6143 L3 6.75E+1351.6 97.7168.0914.6866 L4 7.04E+1346.2 100.0066.6515.0029 S4 7.28E+1344.4 100.0065.5615.2531 R5 7.62E+1343.2 100.0064.0615.6093 L5 7.68E+1343.6 100.0063.8115.6722 S5 8.15E+1342.9 100.0061.9316.1467 S6 8.78E+1342.2 100.0059.6916.7534 SQ 1.75E+1446.0 100.0042.2623.6606 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 34 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 331.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1970 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 50 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 3.37E+13142.7 28.1288.2711.3284 R1 3.57E+13108.2 36.3085.7711.6597 R1.5 3.86E+1386.2 52.0482.5612.1131 L0 4.27E+13129.2 38.1678.4812.7413 R2 4.48E+1368.8 80.5276.6413.0484 L0.5 4.48E+13104.0 47.2276.5813.0590 R2.5 4.90E+1359.7 96.7273.2613.6509 S0 4.95E+1385.7 54.7472.8613.7257 L1 5.13E+1382.9 61.0271.6213.9623 S0.5 5.32E+1372.9 69.8370.2814.2285 R3 5.50E+1352.4 100.0069.1614.4584 L1.5 5.51E+1371.3 73.6569.0814.4756 S1 6.06E+1362.7 86.6365.8915.1762 S1.5 6.20E+1357.2 95.6265.1415.3519 L2 6.22E+1361.3 85.8364.9915.3861 R4 6.26E+1346.4 100.0064.8015.4325 L2.5 6.36E+1356.5 92.4764.3215.5465 S2 6.50E+1352.2 99.6863.5815.7275 S2.5 6.52E+1349.9 99.9763.5215.7424 S3 6.69E+1347.2 100.0062.6915.9517 L3 6.76E+1351.6 97.7162.3816.0301 L4 7.05E+1346.2 100.0061.0716.3756 S4 7.29E+1344.4 100.0060.0616.6511 R5 7.64E+1343.2 100.0058.6817.0403 L5 7.69E+1343.6 100.0058.4617.1060 S5 8.17E+1342.9 100.0056.7317.6262 S6 8.80E+1342.2 100.0054.6818.2890 SQ 1.76E+1446.0 100.0038.6625.8639 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 35 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 331.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1960 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 60 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 3.37E+13142.7 28.1281.3012.3005 R1 3.58E+13108.2 36.3078.9912.6602 R1.5 3.86E+1386.2 52.0476.0313.1525 L0 4.27E+13129.2 38.1672.2813.8345 R2 4.48E+1368.8 80.5270.5814.1681 L0.5 4.48E+13104.0 47.2270.5214.1794 R2.5 4.90E+1359.7 96.7267.4614.8228 S0 4.95E+1385.7 54.7467.1014.9033 L1 5.13E+1382.9 61.0265.9615.1602 S0.5 5.32E+1372.9 69.8364.7315.4493 R3 5.50E+1352.4 100.0063.6915.7006 L1.5 5.51E+1371.3 73.6563.6215.7178 S1 6.06E+1362.7 86.6360.6916.4785 S1.5 6.20E+1357.2 95.6259.9916.6698 L2 6.23E+1361.3 85.8359.8616.7068 R4 6.27E+1346.4 100.0059.6616.7614 L2.5 6.36E+1356.5 92.4759.2416.8818 S2 6.51E+1352.2 99.6858.5517.0784 S2.5 6.52E+1349.9 99.9758.4917.0957 S3 6.69E+1347.2 100.0057.7217.3241 L3 6.76E+1351.6 97.7157.4517.4078 L4 7.06E+1346.2 100.0056.2217.7859 S4 7.30E+1344.4 100.0055.2918.0879 R5 7.64E+1343.2 100.0054.0218.5120 L5 7.70E+1343.6 100.0053.8118.5828 S5 8.18E+1342.9 100.0052.2219.1502 S6 8.81E+1342.2 100.0050.3219.8728 SQ 1.76E+1446.0 100.0035.5928.0958 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 36 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 331.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1950 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 70 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 3.38E+13142.7 28.1275.6313.2214 R1 3.58E+13108.2 36.3073.4913.6079 R1.5 3.86E+1386.2 52.0470.7414.1368 L0 4.27E+13129.2 38.1667.2514.8698 R2 4.48E+1368.8 80.5265.6715.2282 L0.5 4.48E+13104.0 47.2265.6215.2404 R2.5 4.90E+1359.7 96.7262.7715.9319 S0 4.95E+1385.7 54.7462.4316.0184 L1 5.13E+1382.9 61.0261.3716.2945 S0.5 5.32E+1372.9 69.8360.2216.6053 R3 5.50E+1352.4 100.0059.2616.8757 L1.5 5.51E+1371.3 73.6559.1916.8939 S1 6.06E+1362.7 86.6356.4617.7117 S1.5 6.20E+1357.2 95.6255.8117.9174 L2 6.23E+1361.3 85.8355.6917.9573 R4 6.27E+1346.4 100.0055.5018.0171 L2.5 6.36E+1356.5 92.4755.1118.1456 S2 6.51E+1352.2 99.6854.4718.3571 S2.5 6.52E+1349.9 99.9754.4218.3761 S3 6.70E+1347.2 100.0053.7018.6221 L3 6.76E+1351.6 97.7153.4418.7115 L4 7.06E+1346.2 100.0052.3119.1186 S4 7.30E+1344.4 100.0051.4319.4438 R5 7.65E+1343.2 100.0050.2519.8997 L5 7.70E+1343.6 100.0050.0619.9757 S5 8.18E+1342.9 100.0048.5820.5858 S6 8.81E+1342.2 100.0046.8121.3623 SQ 1.76E+1446.0 100.0033.1130.1999 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 37 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 331.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1940 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 80 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 3.38E+13142.7 28.1270.9414.0963 R1 3.58E+13108.2 36.3068.9314.5083 R1.5 3.86E+1386.2 52.0466.3515.0722 L0 4.27E+13129.2 38.1663.0815.8537 R2 4.48E+1368.8 80.5261.5916.2359 L0.5 4.48E+13104.0 47.2261.5416.2489 R2.5 4.90E+1359.7 96.7258.8716.9863 S0 4.95E+1385.7 54.7458.5517.0784 L1 5.13E+1382.9 61.0257.5617.3729 S0.5 5.32E+1372.9 69.8356.4817.7042 R3 5.50E+1352.4 100.0055.5817.9927 L1.5 5.51E+1371.3 73.6555.5218.0119 S1 6.06E+1362.7 86.6352.9518.8840 S1.5 6.20E+1357.2 95.6252.3519.1034 L2 6.23E+1361.3 85.8352.2319.1459 R4 6.27E+1346.4 100.0052.0619.2099 L2.5 6.36E+1356.5 92.4751.6919.3467 S2 6.51E+1352.2 99.6851.0919.5723 S2.5 6.52E+1349.9 99.9751.0419.5926 S3 6.70E+1347.2 100.0050.3719.8550 L3 6.76E+1351.6 97.7150.1219.9502 L4 7.06E+1346.2 100.0049.0620.3843 S4 7.30E+1344.4 100.0048.2420.7310 R5 7.65E+1343.2 100.0047.1321.2171 L5 7.71E+1343.6 100.0046.9521.2982 S5 8.18E+1342.9 100.0045.5621.9485 S6 8.81E+1342.2 100.0043.9122.7764 SQ 1.76E+1446.0 100.0031.0632.1985 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 38 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 331.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1930 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 90 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 3.38E+13142.7 28.1266.9514.9371 R1 3.58E+13108.2 36.3065.0515.3737 R1.5 3.86E+1386.2 52.0462.6115.9713 L0 4.27E+13129.2 38.1659.5316.7995 R2 4.48E+1368.8 80.5258.1217.2045 L0.5 4.48E+13104.0 47.2258.0817.2182 R2.5 4.90E+1359.7 96.7255.5617.9996 S0 4.95E+1385.7 54.7455.2618.0972 L1 5.13E+1382.9 61.0254.3218.4092 S0.5 5.32E+1372.9 69.8353.3018.7603 R3 5.50E+1352.4 100.0052.4519.0661 L1.5 5.51E+1371.3 73.6552.3919.0864 S1 6.06E+1362.7 86.6349.9720.0105 S1.5 6.20E+1357.2 95.6249.4020.2430 L2 6.23E+1361.3 85.8349.2920.2880 R4 6.27E+1346.4 100.0049.1320.3558 L2.5 6.36E+1356.5 92.4748.7820.5008 S2 6.51E+1352.2 99.6848.2220.7399 S2.5 6.52E+1349.9 99.9748.1720.7614 S3 6.70E+1347.2 100.0047.5321.0394 L3 6.76E+1351.6 97.7147.3021.1403 L4 7.06E+1346.2 100.0046.3021.6003 S4 7.30E+1344.4 100.0045.5221.9677 R5 7.65E+1343.2 100.0044.4822.4827 L5 7.71E+1343.6 100.0044.3122.5687 S5 8.18E+1342.9 100.0043.0023.2578 S6 8.81E+1342.2 100.0041.4324.1351 SQ 1.76E+1446.0 100.0029.3134.1192 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 39 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 331.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1928 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 92 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 3.38E+13142.7 28.1266.2215.1017 R1 3.58E+13108.2 36.3064.3415.5431 R1.5 3.86E+1386.2 52.0461.9316.1473 L0 4.27E+13129.2 38.1658.8816.9845 R2 4.48E+1368.8 80.5257.4917.3940 L0.5 4.48E+13104.0 47.2257.4517.4079 R2.5 4.90E+1359.7 96.7254.9518.1979 S0 4.95E+1385.7 54.7454.6518.2966 L1 5.13E+1382.9 61.0253.7318.6120 S0.5 5.32E+1372.9 69.8352.7218.9670 R3 5.50E+1352.4 100.0051.8819.2761 L1.5 5.51E+1371.3 73.6551.8219.2967 S1 6.06E+1362.7 86.6349.4320.2309 S1.5 6.20E+1357.2 95.6248.8620.4660 L2 6.23E+1361.3 85.8348.7520.5115 R4 6.27E+1346.4 100.0048.5920.5801 L2.5 6.36E+1356.5 92.4748.2520.7267 S2 6.51E+1352.2 99.6847.6920.9684 S2.5 6.52E+1349.9 99.9747.6420.9901 S3 6.70E+1347.2 100.0047.0121.2712 L3 6.76E+1351.6 97.7146.7921.3732 L4 7.06E+1346.2 100.0045.7921.8383 S4 7.30E+1344.4 100.0045.0322.2097 R5 7.65E+1343.2 100.0043.9922.7304 L5 7.71E+1343.6 100.0043.8322.8173 S5 8.18E+1342.9 100.0042.5323.5140 S6 8.81E+1342.2 100.0040.9824.4010 SQ 1.76E+1446.0 100.0028.9934.4951 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 40 of 83 activity_yeaadditions adjustments transfers retirements ending_balance 2019 13,071,991 - - 190,514 210,333,830 2018 9,211,588 - - 188,230 197,452,353 2017 13,802,940 - - 247,220 188,428,995 2016 6,727,482 - - 166,175 174,873,275 2015 5,701,688 - - 294,313 168,311,968 2014 5,632,252 - - 157,285 162,904,593 2013 4,327,424 - - 129,874 157,429,626 2012 4,175,996 - - 286,296 153,232,076 2011 4,488,728 - - 377,293 149,342,376 2010 2,595,957 - - 106,995 145,230,941 2009 5,009,508 - - 168,299 142,741,979 2008 9,066,167 - - 193,383 137,900,770 2007 10,442,007 - - 309,155 129,027,986 2006 8,692,259 - - 118,321 118,895,134 2005 7,172,490 - - 179,499 110,321,196 2004 7,983,153 - - 206,766 103,328,205 2003 5,315,052 - - 48,359 95,551,818 2002 5,308,979 - - 301,570 90,285,125 2001 5,023,657 - - 162,249 85,277,716 2000 4,822,707 - - 1,023,733 80,416,308 1999 10,995,023 - - 1,239,361 76,617,334 1998 6,994,140 - - 94,613 66,861,672 1997 2,646,843 - - 277,907 59,962,145 1996 3,187,899 - - 104,525 57,593,209 1995 6,855,610 - - 151,486 54,509,835 1994 3,866,604 - - 171,522 47,805,711 1993 3,214,589 - - 32,487 44,110,629 1992 4,372,235 - - 81,433 40,928,527 1991 3,691,376 - - 162,587 36,637,725 1990 2,851,798 - - 154,655 33,108,936 1989 3,446,503 - - 123,655 30,411,793 1988 2,113,253 - - 90,237 27,088,945 1987 1,774,904 - - 74,653 25,065,929 1986 2,197,691 - - 40,708 23,365,678 1985 1,200,341 - - 88,882 21,208,695 1984 1,520,978 - - 65,382 20,097,236 1983 624,362 - - 18,330 18,641,640 1982 762,350 - - 41,929 18,035,608 1981 916,961 - - 34,267 17,315,187 1980 2,179,062 - - 22,324 16,432,493 1979 2,398,043 - - 33,220 14,275,755 1978 1,834,980 - - 27,954 11,910,932 1977 726,117 - - 16,359 10,103,906 1976 535,700 - - 20,441 9,394,148 1975 698,460 - - 17,995 8,878,889 1974 596,543 - - 10,910 8,198,424 1973 777,751 - - 25,591 7,612,791 1972 804,575 - - 55,913 6,860,631 1971 615,764 - - 26,030 6,111,969 1970 430,979 - - 16,785 5,522,235 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 41 of 83 activity_yeaadditions adjustments transfers retirements ending_balance 1968 296,841 - - 10,233 3,847,592 1967 285,960 - - 6,443 3,560,984 1966 126,230 - - 4,823 3,281,467 1965 208,725 - - 12,004 3,160,060 1964 100,199 - - 6,941 2,963,339 1963 194,365 - - 8,809 2,870,081 1962 130,192 - - 4,593 2,684,525 1961 215,754 - - 5,077 2,558,926 1960 184,605 - - 21,094 2,348,249 1959 118,296 - - 11,504 2,184,738 1958 83,190 - - 2,033 2,077,946 1957 73,499 - - 2,958 1,996,789 1956 130,086 - - 5,384 1,926,248 1955 47,132 - - 1,071 1,801,546 1954 58,399 - - 5,802 1,755,485 1953 81,713 - - 4,406 1,702,888 1952 76,584 - - 1,844 1,625,581 1951 126,914 - - 1,664 1,550,841 1950 108,591 - - 1,632 1,425,592 1949 69,586 - - 1,600 1,318,632 1948 106,242 - - 1,568 1,250,646 1947 43,235 - - 1,538 1,145,972 1946 76,521 - - 1,508 1,104,275 1945 74,292 - - 1,478 1,029,262 1944 72,129 - - 1,449 956,447 1943 70,028 - - 1,421 885,768 1942 67,988 - - 1,393 817,161 1941 86,008 - - 1,365 750,565 1940 64,085 - - 1,339 665,923 1939 62,219 - - 1,312 603,176 1938 60,407 - - 1,287 542,270 1937 58,647 - - 1,261 483,150 1936 56,391 - - 1,237 425,764 1935 54,223 - - 1,212 370,610 1934 52,137 - - 1,189 317,600 1933 50,132 - - 1,165 266,651 1932 48,204 - - 1,143 217,685 1931 46,350 - - 1,120 170,624 1930 44,567 - - 1,098 125,394 1929 42,853 - - 1,077 81,925 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 42 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 333.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2010 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 10 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 1.19E+12156.8 25.22206.484.8432 R1 1.27E+12118.2 31.74200.104.9974 R1.5 1.38E+1293.3 44.85191.465.2231 L0 1.51E+12140.4 34.68183.185.4591 L0.5 1.62E+12112.0 43.16177.165.6446 R2 1.66E+1272.9 73.22174.755.7223 S0 1.79E+1292.3 49.36168.445.9368 R2.5 1.90E+1263.3 93.10163.366.1213 L1 1.93E+1288.4 56.67162.136.1679 S0.5 1.98E+1278.2 63.50160.096.2466 L1.5 2.13E+1275.3 69.79154.346.4792 R3 2.29E+1255.0 100.00148.926.7148 S1 2.36E+1266.1 81.80146.526.8252 S1.5 2.51E+1260.4 92.45142.037.0410 L2 2.52E+1264.7 82.49141.727.0561 L2.5 2.67E+1259.1 90.31137.737.2604 S2 2.80E+1254.6 99.04134.547.4329 S2.5 2.90E+1252.1 99.84132.167.5663 R4 2.95E+1248.2 100.00131.187.6232 L3 3.01E+1253.9 96.41129.857.7012 S3 3.12E+1249.3 100.00127.567.8397 L4 3.50E+1248.2 99.98120.448.3032 S4 3.74E+1245.9 100.00116.518.5826 R5 4.16E+1244.5 100.00110.449.0549 L5 4.20E+1245.3 100.00109.889.1011 S5 4.70E+1243.9 100.00103.829.6322 S6 5.94E+1243.2 100.0092.4210.8200 SQ 7.31E+1243.0 100.0083.3012.0050 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 43 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 333.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2000 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 20 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 3.46E+12146.8 27.21138.527.2194 R1 3.70E+12111.3 34.77133.917.4679 R1.5 4.06E+1287.8 50.28127.877.8202 L0 4.48E+12132.9 36.97121.808.2102 L0.5 4.78E+12105.9 46.20117.818.4886 R2 4.87E+1270.0 78.30116.728.5676 S0 5.31E+1287.8 52.91111.778.9466 R2.5 5.52E+1260.8 95.77109.719.1148 L1 5.67E+1284.5 59.78108.249.2389 S0.5 5.86E+1275.1 67.17106.489.3912 L1.5 6.22E+1272.6 72.36103.299.6814 R3 6.50E+1253.3 100.00101.079.8942 S1 6.92E+1263.5 85.4897.9610.2082 S1.5 7.28E+1258.0 94.9295.4810.4729 L2 7.34E+1262.4 84.7495.0810.5170 L2.5 7.69E+1257.6 91.6192.9110.7632 S2 7.99E+1253.5 99.4091.1610.9695 R4 8.01E+1246.8 100.0091.0510.9828 S2.5 8.19E+1250.6 99.9590.0411.1067 L3 8.52E+1252.5 97.2188.2811.3275 S3 8.75E+1247.8 100.0087.1111.4792 L4 9.43E+1247.0 99.9983.8911.9199 S4 1.01E+1345.0 100.0081.0212.3427 R5 1.07E+1343.6 100.0078.7412.7005 L5 1.09E+1344.4 100.0077.8812.8406 S5 1.19E+1343.4 100.0074.7613.3755 S6 1.37E+1342.8 100.0069.5814.3728 SQ 1.58E+1343.0 100.0064.8415.4237 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 44 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 333.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1990 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 30 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 5.12E+12144.0 27.82109.909.0995 R1 5.45E+12109.2 35.80106.499.3905 R1.5 5.93E+1287.0 51.15102.099.7951 L0 6.49E+12130.4 37.7797.5810.2475 L0.5 6.90E+12105.0 46.7094.7010.5596 R2 7.02E+1269.4 79.4293.8610.6545 S0 7.61E+1286.9 53.6490.1411.0933 R2.5 7.85E+1260.3 96.2788.7711.2654 L1 8.06E+1283.7 60.3987.6211.4130 S0.5 8.31E+1273.6 69.0086.2911.5891 L1.5 8.75E+1272.0 73.0084.0711.8946 R3 9.00E+1252.9 100.0082.9112.0613 S1 9.67E+1263.3 85.8479.9812.5025 S1.5 1.01E+1357.7 95.1578.3212.7677 L2 1.01E+1361.9 85.2878.1712.7923 L2.5 1.05E+1357.0 92.0476.8513.0125 R4 1.05E+1346.8 100.0076.8413.0140 S2 1.09E+1352.7 99.5975.4113.2605 S2.5 1.10E+1350.4 99.9674.8513.3609 L3 1.14E+1352.1 97.4673.7913.5524 S3 1.15E+1347.7 100.0073.2813.6468 L4 1.21E+1346.6 100.0071.3814.0097 S4 1.26E+1344.4 100.0069.9314.3006 R5 1.31E+1343.6 100.0068.8214.5300 L5 1.35E+1344.0 100.0067.8014.7486 S5 1.42E+1343.3 100.0065.9015.1740 S6 1.60E+1342.6 100.0062.1816.0816 SQ 2.55E+1345.0 100.0049.2220.3156 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 45 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 333.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1980 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 40 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 5.35E+12144.0 27.8299.3610.0642 R1 5.70E+12109.2 35.8096.3110.3836 R1.5 6.20E+1287.0 51.1592.2910.8351 L0 6.78E+12130.4 37.7788.2511.3312 L0.5 7.20E+12105.0 46.7085.6511.6755 R2 7.33E+1269.4 79.4284.8711.7824 S0 7.95E+1286.9 53.6481.5312.2653 R2.5 8.19E+1259.7 96.7680.2912.4544 L1 8.40E+1283.7 60.3979.3112.6093 S0.5 8.66E+1273.6 69.0078.1112.8020 L1.5 9.11E+1272.0 73.0076.1413.1338 R3 9.36E+1252.9 100.0075.1113.3130 S1 1.01E+1363.3 85.8472.4313.8068 S1.5 1.05E+1357.7 95.1570.9914.0867 L2 1.05E+1361.9 85.2870.9414.0969 R4 1.08E+1346.4 100.0070.0414.2770 L2.5 1.08E+1356.5 92.5169.8014.3276 S2 1.13E+1352.7 99.5968.4814.6018 S2.5 1.14E+1349.9 99.9768.0614.6930 L3 1.17E+1352.1 97.4667.1814.8851 S3 1.18E+1347.7 100.0066.8014.9692 L4 1.24E+1346.6 100.0065.2215.3322 S4 1.29E+1344.4 100.0064.0615.6094 R5 1.33E+1343.6 100.0063.1215.8437 L5 1.37E+1344.0 100.0062.1716.0842 S5 1.44E+1343.3 100.0060.4916.5305 S6 1.62E+1342.6 100.0057.1517.4969 SQ 2.59E+1345.0 100.0045.1822.1341 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 46 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 333.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1970 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 50 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 5.40E+12144.0 27.8290.7511.0188 R1 5.74E+12109.2 35.8087.9711.3670 R1.5 6.25E+1286.2 52.1184.3111.8607 L0 6.84E+12130.4 37.7780.6412.4004 L0.5 7.26E+12105.0 46.7078.2712.7763 R2 7.39E+1269.4 79.4277.5412.8960 S0 8.01E+1286.9 53.6474.5213.4194 R2.5 8.26E+1259.7 96.7673.3713.6297 L1 8.46E+1282.9 61.0872.5113.7908 S0.5 8.72E+1273.6 69.0071.4114.0034 L1.5 9.17E+1272.0 73.0069.6114.3651 R3 9.44E+1252.9 100.0068.6314.5703 S1 1.01E+1363.3 85.8466.2315.0988 S1.5 1.05E+1357.7 95.1564.9215.4046 L2 1.06E+1361.9 85.2864.8815.4130 R4 1.08E+1346.4 100.0064.0315.6178 L2.5 1.09E+1356.5 92.5163.8415.6635 S2 1.13E+1352.7 99.5962.6415.9639 S2.5 1.15E+1349.9 99.9762.2616.0625 L3 1.18E+1352.1 97.4661.4616.2711 S3 1.19E+1347.7 100.0061.1116.3641 L4 1.25E+1346.6 100.0059.6716.7597 S4 1.29E+1344.4 100.0058.6117.0605 R5 1.33E+1343.6 100.0057.7317.3227 L5 1.37E+1344.0 100.0056.8917.5787 S5 1.45E+1343.3 100.0055.3418.0691 S6 1.63E+1342.6 100.0052.2919.1226 SQ 2.61E+1345.0 100.0041.2924.2167 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 47 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 333.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1960 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 60 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 5.43E+12144.0 27.8383.2612.0111 R1 5.78E+12109.1 35.8080.7112.3893 R1.5 6.29E+1286.2 52.1277.3612.9262 L0 6.87E+12130.4 37.7774.0213.5103 L0.5 7.29E+12105.0 46.7171.8413.9194 R2 7.43E+1269.4 79.4371.1614.0528 S0 8.04E+1286.5 54.0068.4414.6123 R2.5 8.30E+1259.7 96.7667.3314.8528 L1 8.50E+1282.9 61.0966.5715.0223 S0.5 8.77E+1274.0 68.5365.5315.2606 L1.5 9.22E+1272.0 73.0163.9115.6479 R3 9.49E+1252.9 100.0062.9815.8791 S1 1.02E+1363.0 86.2760.8416.4354 S1.5 1.06E+1357.5 95.4159.6216.7729 L2 1.06E+1361.9 85.2959.5616.7888 R4 1.09E+1346.4 100.0058.7317.0269 L2.5 1.10E+1356.5 92.5158.6017.0641 S2 1.14E+1352.5 99.6457.4617.4037 S2.5 1.15E+1350.1 99.9657.1917.4851 L3 1.18E+1352.1 97.4756.4117.7282 S3 1.20E+1347.4 100.0055.9917.8590 L4 1.26E+1346.6 100.0054.7418.2675 S4 1.30E+1344.6 100.0053.7818.5953 R5 1.34E+1343.6 100.0052.9418.8890 L5 1.38E+1344.0 100.0052.1819.1659 S5 1.46E+1343.0 100.0050.7919.6882 S6 1.64E+1342.4 100.0047.9220.8679 SQ 1.87E+1343.0 100.0044.8722.2873 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 48 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 333.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1950 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 70 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 5.45E+12144.0 27.8377.3212.9341 R1 5.79E+12109.1 35.8074.9613.3410 R1.5 6.31E+1286.2 52.1271.8513.9187 L0 6.89E+12130.4 37.7768.7514.5464 L0.5 7.31E+12105.0 46.7166.7214.9871 R2 7.45E+1269.4 79.4366.0915.1316 S0 8.06E+1286.5 54.0063.5615.7321 R2.5 8.33E+1259.7 96.7662.5315.9932 L1 8.52E+1282.9 61.0961.8316.1740 S0.5 8.79E+1274.0 68.5360.8616.4303 L1.5 9.24E+1272.0 73.0159.3516.8478 R3 9.52E+1252.9 100.0058.4817.0996 S1 1.02E+1363.0 86.2756.5117.6950 S1.5 1.06E+1357.5 95.4155.3718.0593 L2 1.06E+1361.9 85.2955.3218.0765 R4 1.09E+1346.4 100.0054.5318.3378 L2.5 1.10E+1356.5 92.5154.4318.3736 S2 1.14E+1352.5 99.6453.3618.7397 S2.5 1.15E+1350.1 99.9653.1118.8287 L3 1.19E+1352.1 97.4752.3819.0895 S3 1.20E+1347.4 100.0052.0019.2323 L4 1.26E+1346.6 100.0050.8319.6720 S4 1.31E+1344.6 100.0049.9420.0257 R5 1.35E+1343.6 100.0049.1620.3413 L5 1.39E+1344.0 100.0048.4520.6387 S5 1.46E+1343.0 100.0047.1721.2000 S6 1.64E+1342.4 100.0044.5122.4671 SQ 1.87E+1343.0 100.0041.6823.9918 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 49 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 333.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1940 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 80 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 5.45E+12144.0 27.8372.4413.8043 R1 5.80E+12109.1 35.8070.2314.2383 R1.5 6.31E+1286.2 52.1267.3214.8546 L0 6.90E+12130.4 37.7764.4215.5242 L0.5 7.32E+12105.0 46.7162.5215.9943 R2 7.46E+1269.4 79.4361.9316.1485 S0 8.07E+1286.5 54.0059.5616.7890 R2.5 8.34E+1259.7 96.7658.5917.0678 L1 8.53E+1282.9 61.0957.9417.2605 S0.5 8.80E+1274.0 68.5357.0317.5340 L1.5 9.25E+1272.0 73.0155.6217.9795 R3 9.53E+1252.9 100.0054.8018.2485 S1 1.02E+1363.0 86.2752.9618.8832 S1.5 1.06E+1357.5 95.4151.8919.2720 L2 1.06E+1361.9 85.2951.8419.2902 R4 1.10E+1346.4 100.0051.1019.5697 L2.5 1.10E+1356.5 92.5151.0019.6073 S2 1.14E+1352.5 99.6450.0119.9980 S2.5 1.16E+1350.1 99.9649.7720.0930 L3 1.19E+1352.1 97.4749.0920.3710 S3 1.21E+1347.4 100.0048.7220.5235 L4 1.26E+1346.6 100.0047.6420.9923 S4 1.31E+1344.6 100.0046.8021.3695 R5 1.35E+1343.6 100.0046.0721.7059 L5 1.39E+1344.0 100.0045.4122.0230 S5 1.46E+1343.0 100.0044.2122.6214 S6 1.64E+1342.4 100.0041.7123.9724 SQ 1.88E+1343.0 100.0039.0725.5981 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 50 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 333.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1930 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 90 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 5.45E+12144.0 27.8368.3514.6310 R1 5.80E+12109.1 35.8066.2715.0909 R1.5 6.32E+1286.2 52.1263.5215.7440 L0 6.90E+12130.4 37.7760.7816.4536 L0.5 7.32E+12105.0 46.7158.9916.9518 R2 7.46E+1269.4 79.4358.4317.1153 S0 8.07E+1286.5 54.0056.2017.7941 R2.5 8.34E+1259.7 96.7655.2818.0895 L1 8.53E+1282.9 61.0954.6618.2937 S0.5 8.80E+1274.0 68.5353.8118.5835 L1.5 9.25E+1272.0 73.0152.4819.0556 R3 9.53E+1252.9 100.0051.7019.3408 S1 1.02E+1363.0 86.2749.9720.0134 S1.5 1.06E+1357.5 95.4148.9620.4253 L2 1.06E+1361.9 85.2948.9120.4447 R4 1.10E+1346.4 100.0048.2120.7408 L2.5 1.10E+1356.5 92.5148.1220.7806 S2 1.14E+1352.5 99.6447.1821.1947 S2.5 1.16E+1350.1 99.9646.9621.2954 L3 1.19E+1352.1 97.4746.3221.5900 S3 1.21E+1347.4 100.0045.9721.7516 L4 1.26E+1346.6 100.0044.9522.2484 S4 1.31E+1344.6 100.0044.1522.6480 R5 1.35E+1343.6 100.0043.4723.0046 L5 1.39E+1344.0 100.0042.8423.3406 S5 1.46E+1343.0 100.0041.7123.9748 S6 1.64E+1342.4 100.0039.3625.4064 SQ 1.88E+1343.0 100.0036.8627.1292 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 51 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 333.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1928 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 92 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 5.45E+12144.0 27.8367.6014.7923 R1 5.80E+12109.1 35.8065.5415.2573 R1.5 6.32E+1286.2 52.1262.8215.9176 L0 6.90E+12130.4 37.7760.1116.6351 L0.5 7.32E+12105.0 46.7158.3517.1388 R2 7.46E+1269.4 79.4357.7917.3040 S0 8.07E+1286.5 54.0055.5917.9903 R2.5 8.34E+1259.7 96.7654.6818.2889 L1 8.53E+1282.9 61.0954.0718.4954 S0.5 8.80E+1274.0 68.5353.2218.7884 L1.5 9.25E+1272.0 73.0151.9119.2657 R3 9.53E+1252.9 100.0051.1419.5540 S1 1.02E+1363.0 86.2749.4220.2341 S1.5 1.06E+1357.5 95.4148.4220.6506 L2 1.06E+1361.9 85.2948.3820.6701 R4 1.10E+1346.4 100.0047.6920.9695 L2.5 1.10E+1356.5 92.5147.6021.0098 S2 1.14E+1352.5 99.6446.6721.4284 S2.5 1.16E+1350.1 99.9646.4521.5302 L3 1.19E+1352.1 97.4745.8121.8281 S3 1.21E+1347.4 100.0045.4721.9915 L4 1.26E+1346.6 100.0044.4622.4937 S4 1.31E+1344.6 100.0043.6722.8978 R5 1.35E+1343.6 100.0043.0023.2583 L5 1.39E+1344.0 100.0042.3823.5980 S5 1.46E+1343.0 100.0041.2624.2391 S6 1.64E+1342.4 100.0038.9325.6866 SQ 1.88E+1343.0 100.0036.4627.4284 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 52 of 83 activity_yea additions adjustments transfers retirements ending_balance 2019 4,896,375 - - - 88,246,139 2018 3,787,509 - - 1,906 83,349,764 2017 3,460,135 - - 47,889 79,564,161 2016 3,588,756 - - 38,683 76,151,915 2015 4,270,304 - - 80,693 72,601,842 2014 3,909,253 - - 236,283 68,412,231 2013 3,020,092 - - - 64,739,262 2012 2,176,872 - - 74,518 61,719,170 2011 2,068,461 - - 148,140 59,616,816 2010 1,452,336 - - 77,369 57,696,495 2009 2,086,595 - - 115,895 56,321,528 2008 3,014,472 - - 142,368 54,350,828 2007 3,597,880 - - 223,309 51,478,724 2006 3,637,336 - - 41,186 48,104,153 2005 2,567,152 - - 157,545 44,508,003 2004 2,297,870 - - 45,380 42,098,396 2003 2,534,402 - - 118,228 39,845,906 2002 2,922,056 - - 48,418 37,429,732 2001 3,071,727 - - 129,486 34,556,094 2000 2,352,434 - - 97,277 31,613,853 1999 3,509,453 - - 75,014 29,358,696 1998 1,615,118 - - 57,598 25,924,257 1997 1,537,544 - - 122,498 24,366,737 1996 1,414,671 - - 64,564 22,951,691 1995 1,311,648 - - 60,679 21,601,584 1994 1,812,010 - - 72,957 20,350,615 1993 1,617,413 - - 60,879 18,611,562 1992 1,693,055 - - 56,807 17,055,028 1991 1,380,450 - - 64,214 15,418,780 1990 1,189,931 - - 85,949 14,102,544 1989 1,271,694 - - 60,979 12,998,562 1988 1,157,442 - - 121,623 11,787,847 1987 929,294 - - 94,345 10,752,028 1986 731,461 - - 38,043 9,917,079 1985 729,984 - - 29,493 9,223,661 1984 697,899 - - 89,137 8,523,170 1983 742,977 - - 17,041 7,914,408 1982 420,871 - - 17,702 7,188,472 1981 384,027 - - - 6,785,303 1980 473,398 - - 33,201 6,401,276 1979 396,818 - - - 5,961,079 1978 676,783 - - - 5,564,261 1977 721,568 - - 10,391 4,887,478 1976 438,406 - - 10,358 4,176,301 1975 414,432 - - 4,378 3,748,253 1974 367,817 - - 15,810 3,338,199 1973 437,143 - - 14,979 2,986,192 1972 364,324 - - 8,032 2,564,028 1971 361,649 - - 8,452 2,207,736 1970 209,585 - - 4,560 1,854,539 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 53 of 83 activity_yea additions adjustments transfers retirements ending_balance 1968 79,367 - - 5,791 1,411,869 1967 80,166 - - 5,323 1,338,293 1966 66,498 - - 6,279 1,263,450 1965 62,693 - - 6,051 1,203,231 1964 55,410 - - 4,321 1,146,589 1963 69,262 - - 6,815 1,095,500 1962 71,421 - - 5,053 1,033,053 1961 87,564 - - 5,316 966,685 1960 55,600 - - 7,465 884,437 1959 58,081 - - 4,898 836,302 1958 39,698 - - 1,784 783,119 1957 31,518 - - 1,585 745,205 1956 34,661 - - 4,003 715,272 1955 37,365 - - 1,815 684,614 1954 37,782 - - 2,982 649,064 1953 42,707 - - 3,066 614,264 1952 39,116 - - 4,042 574,623 1951 36,878 - - 3,345 539,548 1950 32,594 - - 2,472 506,015 1949 40,742 - - 2,848 475,892 1948 42,012 - - 2,423 437,998 1947 20,944 - - 2,499 398,409 1946 32,706 - - 2,376 379,964 1945 34,165 - - 2,352 349,634 1944 23,352 - - 2,329 317,821 1943 18,540 - - 2,306 296,798 1942 20,389 - - 2,283 280,563 1941 21,979 - - 2,260 262,457 1940 22,225 - - 2,238 242,738 1939 25,122 - - 2,216 222,751 1938 23,009 - - 2,194 199,845 1937 21,693 - - 2,172 179,030 1936 19,173 - - 2,151 159,509 1935 23,966 - - 2,129 142,486 1934 24,713 - - 2,108 120,650 1933 30,299 - - 2,087 98,045 1932 19,239 - - 2,067 69,833 1931 20,097 - - 2,046 52,661 1930 13,736 - - 2,026 34,610 1929 10,906 - - - 22,899 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 54 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 334.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2010 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 10 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance S6 3.22E+1219.9 100.0023.6342.3238 S5 3.22E+1220.0 100.0023.6142.3543 L5 3.27E+1220.5 100.0023.4542.6391 S4 3.35E+1220.5 100.0023.1743.1508 R5 3.39E+1220.1 100.0023.0243.4368 L4 3.46E+1221.1 100.0022.7843.9058 L3 3.52E+1222.1 100.0022.5844.2911 S3 3.67E+1221.2 100.0022.1345.1832 L2.5 3.72E+1222.9 100.0021.9745.5137 S2.5 3.84E+1221.8 100.0021.6446.2121 L2 3.85E+1223.7 100.0021.6146.2743 R4 3.87E+1220.9 100.0021.5346.4381 S2 3.96E+1222.3 100.0021.3146.9325 S1.5 4.11E+1222.9 100.0020.9047.8544 L1.5 4.13E+1224.6 100.0020.8647.9494 S1 4.22E+1223.5 100.0020.6448.4581 R3 4.33E+1221.8 100.0020.3749.0814 L1 4.34E+1225.7 100.0020.3449.1563 S0.5 4.36E+1224.3 100.0020.3149.2364 S0 4.48E+1225.2 100.0020.0249.9500 R2.5 4.49E+1222.4 100.0020.0149.9665 R2 4.52E+1223.2 100.0019.9450.1532 R1.5 4.54E+1224.3 100.0019.9050.2609 R1 4.55E+1225.4 100.0019.8750.3181 L0.5 4.56E+1227.2 99.9719.8650.3538 R0.5 4.64E+1226.9 100.0019.6750.8315 L0 4.77E+1229.2 99.8819.4151.5116 SQ 6.21E+1221.2 100.0017.0158.8051 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 55 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 334.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2000 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 20 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L2 4.95E+1224.3 100.0021.8645.7389 L3 4.96E+1222.7 100.0021.8445.7885 L2.5 4.98E+1223.5 100.0021.8045.8718 L1.5 5.17E+1225.2 100.0021.4046.7296 S1 5.19E+1223.9 100.0021.3646.8173 S2 5.20E+1222.8 100.0021.3246.8976 S1.5 5.21E+1223.3 100.0021.3146.9173 L1 5.32E+1226.4 100.0021.0947.4220 S0.5 5.33E+1224.8 100.0021.0747.4518 S2.5 5.36E+1222.4 100.0021.0047.6087 S3 5.46E+1221.9 100.0020.8148.0568 S0 5.48E+1225.7 100.0020.7748.1447 L4 5.58E+1221.6 100.0020.6048.5514 R1.5 5.62E+1224.9 100.0020.5148.7497 L0.5 5.63E+1228.0 99.9620.5048.7916 R2 5.64E+1224.0 100.0020.4848.8370 R1 5.66E+1226.0 100.0020.4448.9169 R2.5 5.80E+1223.2 100.0020.1949.5353 R0.5 5.90E+1227.5 100.0020.0249.9420 L0 5.93E+1229.8 99.8319.9850.0473 R3 5.93E+1222.4 100.0019.9750.0793 S4 5.99E+1221.1 100.0019.8750.3348 L5 6.16E+1221.0 100.0019.5951.0456 R4 6.17E+1221.6 100.0019.5851.0750 R5 6.59E+1220.8 100.0018.9552.7828 S5 6.64E+1220.8 100.0018.8752.9969 S6 7.23E+1220.5 100.0018.0955.2649 SQ 1.15E+1322.1 100.0014.3669.6385 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 56 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 334.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1990 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 30 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L3 5.35E+1222.9 100.0020.1849.5470 L2 5.37E+1224.3 100.0020.1549.6226 L2.5 5.39E+1223.7 100.0020.1149.7358 S2 5.54E+1223.0 100.0019.8450.3920 S1 5.55E+1224.2 100.0019.8250.4428 S1.5 5.55E+1223.6 100.0019.8250.4521 L1.5 5.60E+1225.4 100.0019.7350.6935 S2.5 5.67E+1222.4 100.0019.6151.0066 S0.5 5.72E+1225.1 100.0019.5251.2321 L1 5.78E+1226.6 100.0019.4251.4875 S3 5.80E+1222.1 100.0019.4051.5591 S0 5.92E+1226.0 100.0019.2052.0962 R2 5.92E+1224.0 100.0019.1952.1111 L4 5.95E+1221.9 100.0019.1452.2450 R1.5 5.96E+1225.1 100.0019.1252.2913 R1 6.07E+1226.0 100.0018.9652.7431 R2.5 6.08E+1223.4 100.0018.9452.8048 L0.5 6.11E+1228.3 99.9518.8952.9268 R3 6.19E+1222.6 100.0018.7753.2816 R0.5 6.37E+1227.8 100.0018.5154.0331 S4 6.37E+1221.3 100.0018.5054.0412 L0 6.41E+1230.1 99.8118.4454.2263 R4 6.49E+1221.8 100.0018.3354.5492 L5 6.57E+1221.2 100.0018.2254.8705 R5 6.98E+1221.0 100.0017.6756.5934 S5 7.06E+1220.8 100.0017.5756.9021 S6 7.67E+1220.5 100.0016.8659.3190 SQ 1.15E+1322.1 100.0013.7672.6875 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 57 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 334.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1980 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 40 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L3 5.49E+1222.9 100.0018.8253.1314 L2 5.52E+1224.3 100.0018.7653.3189 L2.5 5.53E+1223.7 100.0018.7453.3546 S2 5.67E+1223.0 100.0018.5154.0208 S1.5 5.70E+1223.6 100.0018.4754.1543 S1 5.71E+1224.2 100.0018.4454.2195 L1.5 5.78E+1225.4 100.0018.3454.5272 S2.5 5.81E+1222.4 100.0018.2954.6775 S0.5 5.92E+1225.1 100.0018.1255.1751 S3 5.92E+1222.1 100.0018.1155.2128 L1 5.98E+1226.6 100.0018.0355.4492 L4 6.08E+1221.9 100.0017.8855.9284 R2 6.12E+1224.0 100.0017.8256.1118 S0 6.14E+1226.0 100.0017.7956.2216 R1.5 6.19E+1225.1 100.0017.7256.4254 R2.5 6.25E+1223.4 100.0017.6456.7044 R1 6.33E+1226.3 100.0017.5357.0505 L0.5 6.33E+1228.3 99.9517.5257.0667 R3 6.34E+1222.6 100.0017.5057.1337 S4 6.50E+1221.3 100.0017.2957.8233 R4 6.62E+1221.8 100.0017.1358.3673 L0 6.66E+1230.4 99.7717.0858.5374 R0.5 6.66E+1228.1 100.0017.0858.5532 L5 6.70E+1221.2 100.0017.0458.7025 R5 7.12E+1221.1 100.0016.5260.5180 S5 7.20E+1220.8 100.0016.4360.8722 S6 7.82E+1220.7 100.0015.7763.4236 SQ 1.16E+1322.1 100.0012.9377.3397 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 58 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 334.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1970 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 50 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L3 5.76E+1222.9 100.0017.0558.6408 L2 5.77E+1224.3 100.0017.0358.7071 L2.5 5.79E+1223.7 100.0017.0158.7811 S2 5.94E+1223.0 100.0016.8059.5296 S1.5 5.95E+1223.6 100.0016.7759.6197 S1 5.96E+1224.2 100.0016.7759.6410 L1.5 6.01E+1225.4 100.0016.6959.9070 S2.5 6.09E+1222.4 100.0016.5860.3154 S0.5 6.15E+1225.1 100.0016.5060.6082 L1 6.20E+1226.6 100.0016.4460.8201 S3 6.22E+1222.1 100.0016.4260.9192 S0 6.37E+1226.0 100.0016.2161.6778 L4 6.38E+1221.9 100.0016.2061.7119 R2 6.38E+1224.0 100.0016.2061.7127 R1.5 6.43E+1225.1 100.0016.1461.9746 R2.5 6.51E+1223.4 100.0016.0462.3629 L0.5 6.54E+1228.3 99.9516.0062.4928 R1 6.56E+1226.3 100.0015.9862.5749 R3 6.63E+1222.6 100.0015.9062.8989 S4 6.82E+1221.3 100.0015.6763.8085 L0 6.86E+1230.4 99.7715.6264.0002 R0.5 6.88E+1228.1 100.0015.6164.0813 R4 6.92E+1221.8 100.0015.5564.2913 L5 7.02E+1221.2 100.0015.4464.7553 R5 7.45E+1221.1 100.0014.9966.6942 S5 7.55E+1220.8 100.0014.9067.1273 S6 8.17E+1220.7 100.0014.3269.8262 SQ 1.19E+1322.1 100.0011.8684.2956 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 59 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 334.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1960 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 60 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L2 5.91E+1224.6 100.0015.6363.9862 L3 5.91E+1222.9 100.0015.6363.9870 L2.5 5.93E+1223.7 100.0015.6064.0838 S2 6.08E+1223.0 100.0015.4164.9044 S1 6.09E+1224.2 100.0015.4064.9515 S1.5 6.09E+1223.6 100.0015.3964.9627 L1.5 6.14E+1225.4 100.0015.3365.2195 S2.5 6.25E+1222.4 100.0015.2065.7909 S0.5 6.28E+1225.1 100.0015.1665.9427 L1 6.32E+1226.6 100.0015.1166.1600 S3 6.37E+1222.1 100.0015.0566.4541 S0 6.49E+1226.0 100.0014.9167.0559 R2 6.51E+1224.0 100.0014.8967.1660 L4 6.54E+1221.9 100.0014.8667.3158 R1.5 6.55E+1225.1 100.0014.8467.3844 R2.5 6.65E+1223.4 100.0014.7367.8882 L0.5 6.66E+1228.3 99.9514.7267.9157 R1 6.67E+1226.3 100.0014.7167.9803 R3 6.78E+1222.6 100.0014.5968.5184 L0 6.97E+1230.4 99.7714.3969.4985 R0.5 6.98E+1228.1 100.0014.3869.5577 S4 6.99E+1221.3 100.0014.3769.5920 R4 7.08E+1221.8 100.0014.2870.0511 L5 7.20E+1221.2 100.0014.1670.6114 R5 7.62E+1221.1 100.0013.7672.6807 S5 7.72E+1221.0 100.0013.6773.1478 S6 8.35E+1220.7 100.0013.1576.0535 SQ 1.20E+1322.1 100.0010.9591.3449 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 60 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 334.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1950 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 70 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L2 5.94E+1224.6 100.0014.5968.5608 L3 5.94E+1222.9 100.0014.5868.5741 L2.5 5.96E+1223.7 100.0014.5668.6693 S2 6.11E+1223.0 100.0014.3869.5345 S1 6.11E+1224.2 100.0014.3769.5793 S1.5 6.12E+1223.6 100.0014.3769.5925 L1.5 6.17E+1225.4 100.0014.3169.8804 S2.5 6.28E+1222.4 100.0014.1970.4938 S0.5 6.30E+1225.1 100.0014.1670.6382 L1 6.35E+1226.6 100.0014.1170.8851 S3 6.40E+1222.1 100.0014.0471.2073 S0 6.52E+1226.0 100.0013.9271.8314 R2 6.54E+1224.0 100.0013.9071.9356 L4 6.57E+1221.9 100.0013.8672.1369 R1.5 6.58E+1225.1 100.0013.8672.1663 R2.5 6.68E+1223.4 100.0013.7572.7081 L0.5 6.69E+1228.3 99.9513.7472.7616 R1 6.69E+1226.3 100.0013.7372.8068 R3 6.80E+1222.6 100.0013.6273.3953 L0 7.00E+1230.4 99.7713.4374.4537 R0.5 7.01E+1228.1 100.0013.4274.5009 S4 7.03E+1221.3 100.0013.4174.5817 R4 7.11E+1221.8 100.0013.3275.0523 L5 7.23E+1221.2 100.0013.2175.6751 R5 7.66E+1221.1 100.0012.8477.8880 S5 7.76E+1221.0 100.0012.7678.3886 S6 8.39E+1220.7 100.0012.2781.5039 SQ 1.21E+1322.1 100.0010.2397.7697 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 61 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 334.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1940 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 80 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L2 5.94E+1224.6 100.0013.7272.8913 L3 5.94E+1222.9 100.0013.7272.9025 L2.5 5.96E+1223.7 100.0013.7073.0048 S2 6.11E+1223.0 100.0013.5373.9224 S1 6.12E+1224.2 100.0013.5273.9733 S1.5 6.12E+1223.6 100.0013.5273.9855 L1.5 6.17E+1225.4 100.0013.4674.2969 S2.5 6.28E+1222.4 100.0013.3474.9415 S0.5 6.30E+1225.1 100.0013.3275.1015 L1 6.35E+1226.6 100.0013.2775.3680 S3 6.40E+1222.1 100.0013.2175.6993 S0 6.52E+1226.0 100.0013.0976.3731 R2 6.54E+1224.0 100.0013.0876.4769 L4 6.57E+1221.9 100.0013.0476.6875 R1.5 6.58E+1225.1 100.0013.0376.7251 R2.5 6.68E+1223.4 100.0012.9477.2957 L0.5 6.69E+1228.3 99.9512.9377.3656 R1 6.70E+1226.3 100.0012.9277.4098 R3 6.80E+1222.6 100.0012.8278.0250 L0 7.00E+1230.4 99.7712.6379.1673 R0.5 7.01E+1228.1 100.0012.6279.2154 S4 7.03E+1221.3 100.0012.6179.2861 R4 7.11E+1221.8 100.0012.5379.7852 L5 7.23E+1221.2 100.0012.4380.4485 R5 7.66E+1221.1 100.0012.0882.8002 S5 7.76E+1221.0 100.0012.0083.3328 S6 8.39E+1220.7 100.0011.5486.6453 SQ 1.21E+1322.1 100.009.62103.9355 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 62 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 334.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1930 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 90 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L2 5.94E+1224.6 100.0012.9777.1078 L3 5.94E+1222.9 100.0012.9777.1199 L2.5 5.96E+1223.7 100.0012.9577.2280 S2 6.11E+1223.0 100.0012.7978.1987 S1 6.12E+1224.2 100.0012.7878.2523 S1.5 6.12E+1223.6 100.0012.7878.2653 L1.5 6.17E+1225.4 100.0012.7278.5945 S2.5 6.28E+1222.4 100.0012.6179.2769 S0.5 6.30E+1225.1 100.0012.5979.4458 L1 6.35E+1226.6 100.0012.5479.7277 S3 6.40E+1222.1 100.0012.4980.0786 S0 6.52E+1226.0 100.0012.3880.7910 R2 6.54E+1224.0 100.0012.3680.9007 L4 6.57E+1221.9 100.0012.3381.1240 R1.5 6.58E+1225.1 100.0012.3281.1634 R2.5 6.68E+1223.4 100.0012.2381.7669 L0.5 6.69E+1228.3 99.9512.2281.8410 R1 6.70E+1226.3 100.0012.2181.8879 R3 6.80E+1222.6 100.0012.1282.5385 L0 7.00E+1230.4 99.7711.9483.7473 R0.5 7.01E+1228.1 100.0011.9383.7984 S4 7.03E+1221.3 100.0011.9283.8729 R4 7.11E+1221.8 100.0011.8584.4008 L5 7.23E+1221.2 100.0011.7585.1026 R5 7.66E+1221.1 100.0011.4287.5903 S5 7.76E+1221.0 100.0011.3488.1537 S6 8.39E+1220.7 100.0010.9191.6578 SQ 1.21E+1322.1 100.009.10109.9481 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 63 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 334.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1928 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 92 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L2 5.94E+1224.6 100.0012.8377.9401 L3 5.94E+1222.9 100.0012.8377.9524 L2.5 5.96E+1223.7 100.0012.8178.0616 S2 6.11E+1223.0 100.0012.6579.0429 S1 6.12E+1224.2 100.0012.6479.0970 S1.5 6.12E+1223.6 100.0012.6479.1101 L1.5 6.17E+1225.4 100.0012.5979.4429 S2.5 6.28E+1222.4 100.0012.4880.1327 S0.5 6.30E+1225.1 100.0012.4580.3034 L1 6.35E+1226.6 100.0012.4180.5883 S3 6.40E+1222.1 100.0012.3580.9431 S0 6.52E+1226.0 100.0012.2581.6632 R2 6.54E+1224.0 100.0012.2381.7740 L4 6.57E+1221.9 100.0012.2081.9997 R1.5 6.58E+1225.1 100.0012.1982.0395 R2.5 6.68E+1223.4 100.0012.1082.6496 L0.5 6.69E+1228.3 99.9512.0982.7245 R1 6.70E+1226.3 100.0012.0882.7718 R3 6.80E+1222.6 100.0011.9983.4294 L0 7.00E+1230.4 99.7711.8184.6513 R0.5 7.01E+1228.1 100.0011.8184.7030 S4 7.03E+1221.3 100.0011.8084.7783 R4 7.11E+1221.8 100.0011.7285.3119 L5 7.23E+1221.2 100.0011.6386.0213 R5 7.66E+1221.1 100.0011.2988.5358 S5 7.76E+1221.0 100.0011.2289.1053 S6 8.39E+1220.7 100.0010.7992.6472 SQ 1.21E+1322.1 100.009.00111.1349 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 64 of 83 activity_yeaadditions adjustment transfers retirements ending_balance 2019 801,541 - - 148,349 16,830,163 2018 958,521 - - 455,316 16,176,971 2017 2,683,152 - - 1,563,616 15,673,766 2016 1,806,889 - - 362,650 14,554,230 2015 1,019,878 - - 499,290 13,109,991 2014 1,213,937 - - 705,308 12,589,403 2013 822,636 - - - 12,080,774 2012 362,928 - - 92,366 11,258,138 2011 299,359 - - 84,326 10,987,576 2010 770,368 - - 70,439 10,772,543 2009 483,282 - - 251,526 10,072,614 2008 471,961 - - 429,529 9,840,858 2007 739,164 - - 293,601 9,798,426 2006 856,283 - - 179,501 9,352,863 2005 540,139 - - 42,182 8,676,081 2004 686,974 - - 26,179 8,178,124 2003 283,293 - - 357,687 7,517,329 2002 1,017,603 - - 2,630 7,591,723 2001 719,186 - - 17,365 6,576,750 2000 588,500 - - 117,471 5,874,929 1999 852,760 - - 165,067 5,403,900 1998 417,924 - - 96,904 4,716,207 1997 501,954 - - 115,495 4,395,187 1996 339,335 - - 58,950 4,008,728 1995 251,290 - - 71,864 3,728,343 1994 277,330 - - 59,721 3,548,917 1993 150,198 - - 74,711 3,331,308 1992 262,895 - - 54,915 3,255,821 1991 243,548 - - 25,117 3,047,841 1990 137,313 - - 24,134 2,829,410 1989 179,880 - - 32,133 2,716,231 1988 143,183 - - 50,252 2,568,484 1987 151,224 - - 102,626 2,475,553 1986 166,043 - - 39,465 2,426,955 1985 146,713 - - 40,923 2,300,377 1984 103,694 - - 77,163 2,194,587 1983 28,250 - - 31,858 2,168,056 1982 67,181 - - 28,505 2,171,664 1981 256,543 - - - 2,132,988 1980 316,860 - - 44,541 1,876,445 1979 340,028 - - - 1,604,126 1978 105,024 - - - 1,264,098 1977 96,382 - - 17,930 1,159,074 1976 46,111 - - 79,469 1,080,622 1975 72,340 - - - 1,113,980 1974 59,562 - - 15,359 1,041,640 1973 157,404 - - 14,661 997,437 1972 99,370 - - 17,950 854,694 1971 85,955 - - 4,416 773,274 1970 77,217 - - 6,977 691,735 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 65 of 83 activity_yeaadditions adjustment transfers retirements ending_balance 1968 28,214 - - 602 555,109 1967 13,909 - - 1,089 527,497 1966 39,017 - - 2,045 514,677 1965 23,985 - - 2,425 477,705 1964 4,350 - - 3,639 456,145 1963 5,324 - - 4,046 455,434 1962 39,701 - - 3,555 454,156 1961 31,490 - - 3,199 418,010 1960 20,700 - - 2,232 389,719 1959 25,304 - - 4,977 371,251 1958 14,516 - - 1,075 350,924 1957 12,547 - - 447 337,483 1956 14,528 - - 1,014 325,383 1955 12,384 - - 429 311,869 1954 8,282 - - 1,609 299,914 1953 8,113 - - 221 293,241 1952 28,426 - - 746 285,349 1951 18,261 - - 321 257,669 1950 14,099 - - 596 239,729 1949 13,940 - - 642 226,226 1948 11,784 - - 635 212,928 1947 12,632 - - 629 201,779 1946 17,482 - - 623 189,776 1945 12,335 - - 617 172,916 1944 17,192 - - 610 161,198 1943 14,942 - - 604 144,617 1942 6,912 - - 506 130,279 1941 6,777 - - 501 123,872 1940 6,644 - - 496 117,596 1939 6,514 - - 491 111,448 1938 8,179 - - 486 105,425 1937 8,019 - - 481 97,732 1936 7,861 - - 476 90,194 1935 7,707 - - 472 82,809 1934 7,556 - - 467 75,574 1933 7,408 - - 462 68,485 1932 7,263 - - 458 61,539 1931 7,120 - - 453 54,734 1930 6,981 - - 449 48,067 1929 7,762 - - 444 41,535 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 66 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 335.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2010 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 10 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 1.36E+081589.0 0.561454.760.6874 R1 1.37E+081078.4 0.571451.800.6888 R1.5 1.38E+08743.7 0.571447.810.6907 R2 1.40E+08412.9 0.591432.660.6980 R2.5 1.45E+08252.3 0.611411.030.7087 L1 1.56E+08294.4 0.681359.060.7358 L0.5 1.61E+08496.5 0.691336.720.7481 L0 1.64E+08664.9 0.691324.500.7550 L1.5 1.77E+08184.5 0.801275.510.7840 R3 1.82E+08106.9 0.841257.700.7951 S0 2.03E+08271.5 0.911191.190.8395 S0.5 2.12E+08192.9 0.951167.270.8567 S1 3.11E+08102.9 1.49963.481.0379 L2 3.21E+0892.2 1.54947.331.0556 S1.5 3.22E+0883.7 1.55946.251.0568 L2.5 3.36E+0875.0 1.67925.671.0803 R4 3.73E+0845.3 2.30878.891.1378 S2 4.50E+0857.7 2.46800.701.2489 S2.5 4.62E+0850.6 2.62790.141.2656 L3 4.73E+0853.8 2.48780.701.2809 S3 5.84E+0840.8 4.09702.841.4228 L4 6.48E+0837.1 4.99667.111.4990 R5 7.40E+0829.5 7.68624.181.6021 S4 7.41E+0831.2 7.86623.671.6034 S5 8.58E+0827.1 13.08579.741.7249 S6 9.42E+0825.0 21.25553.161.8078 L5 1.16E+091573.1 0.00498.852.0046 SQ 2.47E+1020.7 100.00107.939.2651 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 67 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 335.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2000 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 20 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 5.56E+081437.6 0.62680.971.4685 R1 5.58E+08985.4 0.62680.181.4702 R1.5 5.59E+08675.5 0.63679.071.4726 R2 5.67E+08375.1 0.65674.311.4830 R2.5 5.79E+08231.4 0.68667.511.4981 L1 6.07E+08275.7 0.75651.981.5338 L0.5 6.19E+08465.0 0.75645.541.5491 L0 6.22E+08622.7 0.76644.121.5525 L1.5 6.55E+08174.5 0.89627.551.5935 R3 6.66E+08102.0 0.92622.201.6072 S0 7.26E+08260.8 0.97596.091.6776 S0.5 7.44E+08185.3 1.03588.721.6986 S1 9.19E+08101.9 1.53529.721.8878 L2 9.36E+0891.3 1.58524.991.9048 S1.5 9.36E+0882.0 1.65524.911.9051 L2.5 9.58E+0874.3 1.72519.021.9267 R4 9.96E+0845.0 2.37508.781.9655 S2 1.11E+0957.1 2.56481.392.0773 S2.5 1.13E+0950.1 2.74478.312.0907 L3 1.15E+0953.8 2.48474.452.1077 S3 1.27E+0940.8 4.09450.512.2197 L4 1.34E+0937.1 4.99438.522.2804 R5 1.44E+0929.3 8.12423.872.3592 S4 1.44E+0931.2 7.88423.852.3593 S5 1.55E+0927.1 13.14407.582.4535 S6 1.64E+0925.0 21.39396.902.5195 L5 1.85E+091423.2 0.00373.052.6806 SQ 2.54E+1020.7 100.00100.699.9312 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 68 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 335.4 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1996 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 24 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance R0.5 5.56E+081437.6 0.62627.041.5948 R1 5.58E+08985.4 0.62626.331.5966 R1.5 5.59E+08675.5 0.63625.271.5993 R2 5.67E+08375.1 0.65620.931.6105 R2.5 5.79E+08231.4 0.68614.671.6269 L1 6.07E+08275.7 0.75600.351.6657 L0.5 6.19E+08465.0 0.75594.391.6824 L0 6.22E+08622.7 0.76593.081.6861 L1.5 6.55E+08174.5 0.89577.831.7306 R3 6.66E+08102.0 0.92572.931.7454 S0 7.26E+08260.8 0.97548.881.8219 S0.5 7.44E+08185.3 1.03542.091.8447 S1 9.19E+08101.9 1.53487.782.0501 L2 9.36E+0891.3 1.58483.402.0687 S1.5 9.36E+0882.0 1.65483.352.0689 L2.5 9.58E+0874.3 1.72477.922.0924 R4 9.96E+0845.0 2.37468.492.1345 S2 1.11E+0957.1 2.56443.262.2560 S2.5 1.13E+0950.1 2.74440.432.2705 L3 1.15E+0953.8 2.48436.872.2890 S3 1.27E+0940.8 4.09414.832.4106 L4 1.34E+0937.1 4.99403.782.4766 R5 1.44E+0929.3 8.12390.302.5621 S4 1.44E+0931.2 7.88390.292.5622 S5 1.55E+0927.1 13.14375.302.6645 S6 1.64E+0925.0 21.39365.472.7362 L5 1.85E+091423.2 0.00343.512.9111 SQ 2.54E+1020.7 100.0092.7210.7854 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 69 of 83 activity_year additions adjustments transfers retirements ending_balance 2019 1,285,504 - - - 10,041,715 2018 1,551,368 - - - 8,756,211 2017 2,178,228 - - - 7,204,843 2016 617,082 - - - 5,026,615 2015 275,977 - - - 4,409,533 2014 442,823 - - - 4,133,556 2013 175,615 - - - 3,690,733 2012 18,588 - - - 3,515,118 2011 80,377 - - - 3,496,530 2010 47,404 - - - 3,416,153 2009 72,882 - - - 3,368,749 2008 260,642 - - - 3,295,867 2007 558,103 - - - 3,035,225 2006 778,955 - - - 2,477,122 2005 209,114 - - - 1,698,167 2004 514,641 - - 10,763 1,489,053 2003 255,677 - - - 985,175 2002 143,484 - - - 729,498 2001 116,603 - - - 586,014 2000 104,689 - - - 469,411 1999 237,952 - - - 364,722 1998 14,074 - - - 126,770 1997 92,613 - - - 112,696 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 70 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 341.5 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2010 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 10 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0 4.45E+099.4 100.001.76569.1232 L0.5 4.53E+099.9 100.001.74574.2270 R5 4.88E+0915.3 100.001.68595.9146 S6 4.90E+0916.0 100.001.67597.1274 R4 5.01E+0914.3 100.001.66604.1094 L1 5.04E+0910.4 100.001.65605.8654 L1.5 5.06E+0910.7 100.001.65606.8549 S5 5.15E+0915.3 100.001.63612.1327 L2 5.25E+0911.1 100.001.62618.4697 R3 5.30E+0913.4 100.001.61621.3964 L2.5 5.31E+0911.5 100.001.61621.8587 S4 5.40E+0914.3 100.001.60626.9136 R2.5 5.49E+0912.8 100.001.58632.5330 R2 5.50E+0912.4 100.001.58632.6140 S3 5.56E+0913.4 100.001.57636.0435 R1 5.58E+0911.4 100.001.57637.3319 R1.5 5.58E+0911.8 100.001.57637.4595 S2 5.62E+0912.6 100.001.56639.5294 S2.5 5.62E+0913.0 100.001.56639.8794 S1.5 5.66E+0912.2 100.001.56641.8002 S1 5.66E+0911.9 100.001.56642.2069 L3 5.70E+0912.0 100.001.55644.2801 S0 5.70E+0911.1 100.001.55644.4392 S0.5 5.71E+0911.5 100.001.55644.9367 R0.5 5.75E+0910.8 100.001.55646.9854 L5 5.96E+0914.1 100.001.52658.6598 L4 6.03E+0913.3 100.001.51662.7466 SQ 6.82E+1019.2 100.000.452228.7106 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 71 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 341.5 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2000 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 20 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0 1.29E+107.6 100.003.35298.1252 L0.5 1.38E+107.8 100.003.24308.5562 L1 1.55E+108.1 100.003.05327.6376 L1.5 1.57E+108.3 100.003.03329.8715 L2 1.64E+108.5 100.002.97337.0243 L2.5 1.72E+108.8 100.002.90344.6618 L3 1.89E+109.0 100.002.77361.6244 R0.5 2.15E+108.1 100.002.59385.9512 S0 2.18E+108.3 100.002.57388.6296 S0.5 2.23E+108.4 100.002.55392.5246 S1 2.37E+108.6 100.002.47404.3240 R1 2.44E+108.3 100.002.44410.3394 S1.5 2.47E+108.9 100.002.42412.9735 R1.5 2.56E+108.5 100.002.38420.8540 S2 2.67E+109.0 100.002.33429.6481 L4 2.79E+109.3 100.002.28439.0505 S2.5 2.83E+109.1 100.002.26442.5427 R2 2.86E+108.7 100.002.25444.8495 R2.5 3.04E+108.9 100.002.18458.7671 S3 3.11E+109.2 100.002.16463.7664 R3 3.43E+109.0 100.002.05487.1732 L5 3.81E+109.4 100.001.95513.3977 S4 3.87E+109.4 100.001.93517.4396 R4 4.08E+109.3 100.001.88530.7794 R5 4.78E+109.4 100.001.74574.8386 S5 4.79E+109.5 100.001.74575.5450 S6 5.72E+109.4 100.001.59628.8263 SQ 9.26E+1010.2 100.001.25800.1303 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 72 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 341.5 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1990 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 30 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0 4.41E+107.3 100.006.06165.0641 L0.5 4.99E+107.3 100.005.70175.4924 L1 6.03E+107.3 100.005.18192.9863 L1.5 7.05E+107.3 100.004.79208.5977 R0.5 7.29E+107.2 100.004.71212.1144 S0 8.14E+107.2 100.004.46224.1797 L2 8.39E+107.3 100.004.39227.5852 R1 8.86E+107.2 100.004.27233.9259 S0.5 9.19E+107.2 100.004.20238.1418 L2.5 1.01E+117.3 100.004.01249.2046 R1.5 1.03E+117.3 100.003.97251.8313 S1 1.05E+117.3 100.003.93254.6610 S1.5 1.18E+117.2 100.003.71269.8967 R2 1.20E+117.2 100.003.67272.4596 L3 1.20E+117.2 100.003.67272.5435 S2 1.33E+117.3 100.003.49286.6567 R2.5 1.37E+117.3 100.003.44290.6003 S2.5 1.47E+117.2 100.003.32300.9918 R3 1.56E+117.2 100.003.22310.4142 S3 1.62E+117.2 100.003.16316.2035 L4 1.67E+117.2 100.003.11321.2614 R4 1.88E+117.2 100.002.94340.5589 S4 1.97E+117.2 100.002.87348.9943 L5 2.03E+117.1 100.002.83353.7281 R5 2.20E+117.1 100.002.71368.4492 S5 2.26E+117.1 100.002.68373.2238 S6 2.44E+117.0 100.002.58387.9939 SQ 3.47E+117.6 100.002.16462.9935 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 73 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 341.5 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1980 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 40 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0 4.66E+107.2 100.007.33136.5017 L0.5 5.35E+107.3 100.006.84146.2064 L1 6.61E+107.2 100.006.15162.5675 R0.5 7.62E+107.2 100.005.73174.5720 L1.5 7.92E+107.2 100.005.62177.9247 S0 8.81E+107.1 100.005.33187.7155 R1 9.54E+107.2 100.005.12195.2649 L2 9.64E+107.2 100.005.09196.3234 S0.5 1.02E+117.2 100.004.96201.6575 R1.5 1.13E+117.1 100.004.70212.8124 L2.5 1.17E+117.2 100.004.63216.0226 S1 1.19E+117.1 100.004.59217.9594 S1.5 1.35E+117.1 100.004.30232.7224 R2 1.35E+117.2 100.004.30232.7529 L3 1.41E+117.1 100.004.22237.0141 S2 1.54E+117.1 100.004.02248.4958 R2.5 1.56E+117.1 100.004.00249.9307 S2.5 1.71E+117.1 100.003.82261.4993 R3 1.80E+117.1 100.003.73268.3647 S3 1.89E+117.1 100.003.64275.0697 L4 1.95E+117.1 100.003.58279.3383 R4 2.18E+117.0 100.003.39294.9603 S4 2.29E+117.0 100.003.30302.6209 L5 2.35E+117.0 100.003.26306.3122 R5 2.52E+116.9 100.003.15317.7202 S5 2.59E+116.9 100.003.11321.8128 S6 2.78E+116.8 100.003.00333.1238 SQ 3.03E+117.4 100.002.88347.8177 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 74 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 341.5 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1970 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 50 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0 5.12E+107.2 100.006.75148.1685 L0.5 5.78E+107.3 100.006.35157.3707 L1 7.00E+107.2 100.005.77173.2348 R0.5 8.08E+107.2 100.005.37186.1118 L1.5 8.27E+107.2 100.005.31188.2567 S0 9.21E+107.1 100.005.03198.6986 R1 9.95E+107.2 100.004.84206.5894 L2 9.96E+107.2 100.004.84206.6317 S0.5 1.05E+117.2 100.004.70212.5736 R1.5 1.17E+117.1 100.004.47223.9635 L2.5 1.20E+117.1 100.004.42226.4631 S1 1.22E+117.1 100.004.37228.8169 S1.5 1.38E+117.1 100.004.10243.6256 R2 1.39E+117.2 100.004.10244.0699 L3 1.43E+117.1 100.004.04247.6590 S2 1.57E+117.1 100.003.85259.6403 R2.5 1.59E+117.1 100.003.83261.3175 S2.5 1.74E+117.1 100.003.67272.8245 R3 1.83E+117.1 100.003.57279.9460 S3 1.92E+117.1 100.003.49286.6070 L4 1.97E+117.1 100.003.44290.9105 R4 2.20E+117.0 100.003.26306.8815 S4 2.31E+117.0 100.003.18314.6799 L5 2.37E+116.9 100.003.14318.4635 R5 2.54E+116.9 100.003.03330.1169 S5 2.61E+116.9 100.002.99334.3450 S6 2.79E+116.8 100.002.89345.9902 SQ 3.05E+117.4 100.002.77361.3968 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 75 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 341.5 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1960 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 60 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0 5.17E+107.2 100.006.56152.4627 L0.5 5.81E+107.3 100.006.18161.7132 L1 7.04E+107.2 100.005.62177.8865 R0.5 8.12E+107.2 100.005.23191.1173 L1.5 8.30E+107.2 100.005.17193.2377 S0 9.25E+107.1 100.004.90203.9538 R1 9.99E+107.2 100.004.72212.0056 L2 9.99E+107.2 100.004.72212.0112 S0.5 1.06E+117.2 100.004.59218.0876 R1.5 1.17E+117.1 100.004.35229.7745 L2.5 1.20E+117.2 100.004.30232.3007 S1 1.22E+117.1 100.004.26234.7075 S1.5 1.39E+117.1 100.004.00249.8639 R2 1.39E+117.2 100.004.00250.2931 L3 1.43E+117.1 100.003.94253.9906 S2 1.58E+117.1 100.003.76266.2358 R2.5 1.60E+117.1 100.003.73267.9455 S2.5 1.74E+117.1 100.003.58279.7118 R3 1.83E+117.1 100.003.48287.0140 S3 1.92E+117.1 100.003.40293.8268 L4 1.98E+117.1 100.003.35298.2344 R4 2.20E+117.0 100.003.18314.6273 S4 2.31E+117.0 100.003.10322.6062 L5 2.37E+117.0 100.003.06326.5029 R5 2.55E+116.9 100.002.95338.4663 S5 2.61E+116.9 100.002.92342.7883 S6 2.80E+116.8 100.002.82354.7559 SQ 3.05E+117.4 100.002.70370.4524 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 76 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 341.5 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1952 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 68 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0 5.17E+107.2 100.006.32158.1731 L0.5 5.82E+107.3 100.005.96167.7715 L1 7.04E+107.2 100.005.42184.5698 R0.5 8.13E+107.2 100.005.04198.2459 L1.5 8.32E+107.2 100.004.99200.5332 S0 9.26E+107.1 100.004.73211.5967 R1 1.00E+117.2 100.004.55219.9482 L2 1.00E+117.2 100.004.54220.0616 S0.5 1.06E+117.2 100.004.42226.3002 R1.5 1.18E+117.1 100.004.19238.4206 L2.5 1.20E+117.1 100.004.15241.1441 S1 1.23E+117.1 100.004.11243.5807 S1.5 1.39E+117.1 100.003.86259.3399 R2 1.40E+117.2 100.003.85259.7603 L3 1.44E+117.1 100.003.79263.6785 S2 1.58E+117.1 100.003.62276.3734 R2.5 1.60E+117.1 100.003.60278.1159 S2.5 1.74E+117.1 100.003.44290.3823 R3 1.84E+117.1 100.003.36297.9406 S3 1.92E+117.1 100.003.28305.0537 L4 1.98E+117.1 100.003.23309.6550 R4 2.21E+117.0 100.003.06326.6414 S4 2.32E+117.0 100.002.99334.9564 L5 2.38E+116.9 100.002.95339.0219 R5 2.55E+116.9 100.002.85351.4245 S5 2.62E+116.9 100.002.81355.9382 S6 2.81E+116.8 100.002.71368.3826 SQ 3.06E+117.4 100.002.60384.7952 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 77 of 83 activity_yeaadditions adjustment transfers retirements ending_balance 2019 - - - - 36,773.00 2018 1,245.00 - - - 36,773.00 2017 - - - - 35,528.00 2016 - - - - 35,528.00 2015 - - - 1,731.00 35,528.00 2014 - - - - 37,259.00 2013 - - - - 37,259.00 2012 - - - - 37,259.00 2011 - - - 4,163.00 37,259.00 2010 - - - - 41,422.00 2009 1.00 - - - 41,422.00 2008 - - - - 41,421.00 2007 1.00 - - 55,058.00 41,421.00 2006 - - - 39,362.00 96,478.00 2005 - - - - 135,840.00 2004 1,731.00 - - - 135,840.00 2003 - - - 74,579.00 134,109.00 2002 - - - - 208,688.00 2001 - - - 77,811.00 208,688.00 2000 24,080.00 - - 26,721.00 286,499.00 1999 25,392.00 - - 67,602.00 289,140.00 1998 - - - 13,521.00 331,350.00 1997 - - - 31,296.00 344,871.00 1996 - - - 256,744.00 376,167.00 1995 - - - 76,798.00 632,911.00 1994 20,791.00 - - 17,708.00 709,709.00 1993 - - - 38,120.00 706,626.00 1992 221,300.00 - - 85,346.00 744,746.00 1991 175,602.00 - - 92,457.00 608,792.00 1990 119,894.00 - - 69,459.00 525,647.00 1989 112,402.00 - - 63,415.00 475,212.00 1988 20,020.00 - - 32,814.00 426,225.00 1987 50,047.00 - - 25,607.00 439,019.00 1986 125,353.00 - - 44,166.00 414,579.00 1985 83,987.00 - - 25,165.00 333,392.00 1984 111,618.00 - - 61,598.00 274,570.00 1983 33,716.00 - - 9,325.00 224,550.00 1982 65,327.00 - - - 200,159.00 1981 25,972.00 - - - 134,832.00 1980 88,297.00 - - - 108,860.00 1979 15,203.00 - - 7,371.00 20,563.00 1978 - - - 15,983.00 12,731.00 1977 - - - 45,676.00 28,714.00 1976 - - - 20,092.00 74,390.00 1975 - - - 14,707.00 94,482.00 1974 - - - 9,437.00 109,189.00 1973 24,209.00 - - 14,273.00 118,626.00 1972 9,670.00 - - 19,866.00 108,690.00 1971 22,557.00 - - 14,137.00 118,886.00 1970 12,170.00 - - 5,626.00 110,466.00 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 78 of 83 activity_yeaadditions adjustment transfers retirements ending_balance 1968 15,165.00 - - 9,171.00 81,577.00 1967 3,497.00 - - 6,790.00 75,583.00 1966 8,329.00 - - 8,064.00 78,876.00 1965 10,791.00 - - 6,816.00 78,611.00 1964 15,997.00 - - 9,192.00 74,636.00 1963 5,166.00 - - 4,555.00 67,831.00 1962 12,156.00 - - 9,530.00 67,220.00 1961 6,985.00 - - 670.00 64,594.00 1960 19,766.00 - - 13,119.00 58,279.00 1959 2,999.00 - - - 51,632.00 1958 8,910.00 - - 2,164.00 48,633.00 1957 11,836.00 - - 8,741.00 41,887.00 1956 2,022.00 - - - 38,792.00 1955 5,678.00 - - 3,878.00 36,770.00 1954 11,091.00 - - 6,174.00 34,970.00 1953 4,818.00 - - - 30,053.00 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 79 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 345.5 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2010 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 10 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0 1.27E+0916.0 99.729.25108.1196 L0.5 1.39E+0915.9 99.878.85113.0415 L1 1.57E+0916.0 100.008.31120.3677 R0.5 1.80E+0915.1 100.007.77128.7298 L1.5 1.84E+0916.1 100.007.68130.1569 S0 2.03E+0915.5 100.007.32136.6212 L2 2.19E+0916.1 100.007.03142.1706 S0.5 2.53E+0915.6 100.006.55152.7143 R1 2.65E+0915.3 100.006.40156.2082 L2.5 2.90E+0916.2 100.006.12163.2944 S1 3.20E+0915.8 100.005.82171.7897 R1.5 3.61E+0915.6 100.005.48182.4351 L3 3.81E+0916.3 100.005.34187.3052 S1.5 4.08E+0915.9 100.005.16193.8203 R2 4.94E+0915.6 100.004.69213.3671 S2 5.19E+0916.1 100.004.57218.6849 S2.5 6.51E+0916.0 100.004.08244.8548 R2.5 6.58E+0915.9 100.004.06246.1196 S3 8.12E+0916.1 100.003.66273.4297 L4 8.65E+0916.1 100.003.54282.3069 R3 8.76E+0915.9 100.003.52284.0112 S4 1.35E+1016.0 100.002.84352.3201 R4 1.36E+1016.0 100.002.83353.5954 L5 1.49E+1015.9 100.002.70370.5322 R5 1.97E+1015.9 100.002.35425.7190 S5 2.03E+1015.8 100.002.31432.6103 S6 2.70E+1015.2 100.002.00498.8932 SQ 4.32E+1012.6 100.001.59630.7427 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 80 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 345.5 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:2000 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 20 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0 1.40E+1014.5 99.954.33230.9390 R0.5 1.78E+1014.2 100.003.85259.9825 L0.5 1.81E+1014.4 99.963.82261.9098 L1 2.28E+1014.3 100.003.40294.0099 S0 2.38E+1014.2 100.003.32300.9268 R1 2.48E+1014.3 100.003.25307.2257 L1.5 2.86E+1014.2 100.003.03329.8321 S0.5 2.97E+1014.3 100.002.98336.0951 R1.5 3.20E+1014.4 100.002.87348.4027 L2 3.54E+1014.3 100.002.73366.8141 S1 3.65E+1014.3 100.002.69372.1579 R2 4.02E+1014.4 100.002.56390.9789 L2.5 4.23E+1014.2 100.002.50400.6227 S1.5 4.31E+1014.4 100.002.47404.8416 R2.5 4.85E+1014.5 100.002.33429.1596 L3 5.01E+1014.3 100.002.29436.0980 S2 5.06E+1014.5 100.002.28438.4647 S2.5 5.71E+1014.4 100.002.15465.7267 R3 5.79E+1014.6 100.002.13468.8221 S3 6.42E+1014.5 100.002.02493.9780 L4 6.81E+1014.2 100.001.97508.6127 R4 7.37E+1014.5 100.001.89529.2096 S4 8.01E+1014.3 100.001.81551.4830 L5 8.33E+1013.9 100.001.78562.6499 R5 9.00E+1013.8 100.001.71584.5335 S5 9.30E+1013.5 100.001.68594.1885 S6 1.02E+1112.9 100.001.61621.5978 SQ 1.21E+1110.4 100.001.47678.4711 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 81 of 83 Avg LifeDispersion Service Method: Version: Account: 345.5 Suez Water Idaho SPR @ 2019 Simulated Balances Suez Water Idaho Simulated Plant Record Analysis Index Experience 0Interval:1996 2019Observation Band: -No. of Test Points: 24 Retirement Differences Squared Sum of Index of Variation Index Conformance L0 1.53E+1014.5 99.954.84206.7921 R0.5 1.89E+1014.0 100.004.34230.3235 L0.5 1.97E+1014.4 99.964.26234.8926 L1 2.49E+1014.2 100.003.79263.9787 S0 2.58E+1014.2 100.003.72268.7483 R1 2.64E+1014.3 100.003.68271.9067 L1.5 3.10E+1014.2 100.003.39294.9167 S0.5 3.20E+1014.3 100.003.34299.5034 R1.5 3.38E+1014.4 100.003.25307.9154 L2 3.81E+1014.2 100.003.06326.8672 S1 3.91E+1014.3 100.003.02331.0059 R2 4.25E+1014.4 100.002.90345.1143 L2.5 4.50E+1014.2 100.002.81355.3915 S1.5 4.59E+1014.4 100.002.79358.7485 R2.5 5.10E+1014.5 100.002.65378.0323 L3 5.30E+1014.3 100.002.59385.3917 S2 5.35E+1014.5 100.002.58387.3265 S2.5 6.00E+1014.4 100.002.44410.2206 R3 6.06E+1014.6 100.002.43412.2141 S3 6.72E+1014.5 100.002.30434.0067 L4 7.10E+1014.2 100.002.24446.3177 R4 7.66E+1014.5 100.002.16463.5801 S4 8.30E+1014.3 100.002.07482.4392 L5 8.63E+1013.9 100.002.03491.8655 R5 9.29E+1013.8 100.001.96510.3561 S5 9.59E+1013.5 100.001.93518.5213 S6 1.05E+1112.9 100.001.85541.7228 SQ 1.24E+1110.4 100.001.70589.9529 Page 1 of 1 05/31/2020 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 82 of 83 activity_yeaadditions adjustment transfers retirements ending_balance 2019 - - - - 81,575 2018 - - - 955 81,575 2017 - - - - 82,530 2016 955 - - - 82,530 2015 - - - 45,023 81,575 2014 - - - - 126,598 2013 - - - - 126,598 2012 - - - - 126,598 2011 802 - - - 126,598 2010 - - - 3,553 125,796 2009 9,087 - - - 129,349 2008 2,910 - - 26,515 120,262 2007 21,125 - - - 143,867 2006 - - - - 122,742 2005 - - - - 122,742 2004 - - - - 122,742 2003 - - - - 122,742 2002 - - - - 122,742 2001 - - - - 122,742 2000 17,544 - - 35,210 122,742 1999 - - - 34,294 140,408 1998 15,510 - - 1,675 174,702 1997 19,835 - - 14,002 160,867 1996 155,034 - - - 155,034 1995 - - - - - 1994 - - - - - 1993 - - - - - 1992 - - - - - 1991 - - - - - 1990 - - - - - 1989 - - - - - 1988 - - - - - 1987 - - - - - 1986 - - - - - 1985 - - - - - 1984 - - - - - 1983 - - - - - 1982 - - - - - 1981 - - - - - 1980 - - - - - 1979 - - - - - 1978 - - - - - 1977 - - - - - 1976 - - - - - 1975 - - - - - 1974 - - - - - 1973 - - - - - SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 83 of 83 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 3449128 3,322,480 1991 3827573 3,713,591 1992 4134150 4,008,610 1993 4354962 4,332,911 1994 4667496 4,628,135 1995 4839873 4,800,008 1996 4922992 5,173,436 1997 6694460 6,911,748 1998 7100935 7,322,391 1999 8018806 8,201,235 2000 8307784 8,615,392 2001 8480931 8,787,011 2002 8603964 8,851,010 2003 8681236 9,004,916 2004 8810804 9,213,530 2005 8808304 9,137,966 2006 8862700 9,124,230 2007 8964041 9,146,247 2008 8759835 9,065,051 2009 8768122 9,007,997 2010 8757073 8,931,840 2011 8089876 8,852,038 2012 8407918 9,105,260 2013 8459904 9,069,652 2014 8445822 9,036,384 2015 8283703 9,178,587 2016 8283007 9,084,707 2017 8149478 8,984,121 2018 8077303 8,882,146 8036877 8,777,677 0 2,500,000 5,000,000 7,500,000 10,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 307.2Actual vs Simulated Balance R1 50 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 1 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 3449128 3,233,453 1991 3827573 3,616,770 1992 4134150 3,903,504 1993 4354962 4,218,977 1994 4667496 4,504,787 1995 4839873 4,666,569 1996 4922992 5,029,219 1997 6694460 6,756,399 1998 7100935 7,155,418 1999 8018806 8,021,815 2000 8307784 8,422,595 2001 8480931 8,579,610 2002 8603964 8,627,613 2003 8681236 8,764,035 2004 8810804 8,953,620 2005 8808304 8,857,330 2006 8862700 8,821,017 2007 8964041 8,818,536 2008 8759835 8,710,824 2009 8768122 8,625,111 2010 8757073 8,518,071 2011 8089876 8,405,057 2012 8407918 8,622,723 2013 8459904 8,549,127 2014 8445822 8,475,262 2015 8283703 8,574,213 2016 8283007 8,434,346 2017 8149478 8,284,883 2018 8077303 8,131,074 8036877 7,971,801 0 2,500,000 5,000,000 7,500,000 10,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 307.2Actual vs Simulated Balance R1.5 38 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 2 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 3449128 3,223,979 1991 3827573 3,607,156 1992 4134150 3,894,096 1993 4354962 4,210,030 1994 4667496 4,496,535 1995 4839873 4,659,071 1996 4922992 5,022,562 1997 6694460 6,752,133 1998 7100935 7,155,038 1999 8018806 8,025,889 2000 8307784 8,431,561 2001 8480931 8,593,101 2002 8603964 8,644,787 2003 8681236 8,783,905 2004 8810804 8,975,204 2005 8808304 8,879,276 2006 8862700 8,841,637 2007 8964041 8,836,099 2008 8759835 8,723,385 2009 8768122 8,630,553 2010 8757073 8,514,148 2011 8089876 8,389,395 2012 8407918 8,593,166 2013 8459904 8,503,467 2014 8445822 8,410,945 2015 8283703 8,488,813 2016 8283007 8,325,362 2017 8149478 8,149,622 2018 8077303 7,966,912 8036877 7,776,169 0 2,500,000 5,000,000 7,500,000 10,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 307.2Actual vs Simulated Balance R2 35 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 3 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 3449128 3,236,344 1991 3827573 3,621,857 1992 4134150 3,910,796 1993 4354962 4,228,256 1994 4667496 4,515,744 1995 4839873 4,678,536 1996 4922992 5,041,749 1997 6694460 6,772,077 1998 7100935 7,175,469 1999 8018806 8,045,605 2000 8307784 8,449,189 2001 8480931 8,606,739 2002 8603964 8,652,669 2003 8681236 8,784,827 2004 8810804 8,968,560 2005 8808304 8,864,568 2006 8862700 8,818,736 2007 8964041 8,805,538 2008 8759835 8,686,089 2009 8768122 8,587,888 2010 8757073 8,467,990 2011 8089876 8,342,085 2012 8407918 8,547,858 2013 8459904 8,463,480 2014 8445822 8,379,673 2015 8283703 8,470,231 2016 8283007 8,323,525 2017 8149478 8,168,673 2018 8077303 8,011,302 8036877 7,850,600 0 2,500,000 5,000,000 7,500,000 10,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 307.2Actual vs Simulated Balance S0 40 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 4 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 3449128 3,248,780 1991 3827573 3,635,376 1992 4134150 3,925,691 1993 4354962 4,244,808 1994 4667496 4,534,209 1995 4839873 4,699,097 1996 4922992 5,064,511 1997 6694460 6,797,358 1998 7100935 7,204,241 1999 8018806 8,078,626 2000 8307784 8,487,268 2001 8480931 8,650,358 2002 8603964 8,701,948 2003 8681236 8,839,551 2004 8810804 9,028,258 2005 8808304 8,928,600 2006 8862700 8,886,142 2007 8964041 8,875,118 2008 8759835 8,756,534 2009 8768122 8,657,674 2010 8757073 8,535,478 2011 8089876 8,405,555 2012 8407918 8,605,547 2013 8459904 8,513,774 2014 8445822 8,420,899 2015 8283703 8,500,716 2016 8283007 8,341,712 2017 8149478 8,172,941 2018 8077303 8,000,029 8036877 7,822,211 0 2,500,000 5,000,000 7,500,000 10,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 307.2Actual vs Simulated Balance S0.5 38 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 5 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 0 1991 0 1992 0 1993 0 1994 0 1995 0 1996 37595 37,595 1997 37595 37,595 1998 37595 37,595 1999 573181 573,181 2000 577998 577,998 2001 577998 577,998 2002 577998 577,998 2003 577998 577,997 2004 592824 592,820 2005 2206766 2,206,755 2006 2201641 2,206,736 2007 2203583 2,208,640 2008 2203583 2,208,573 2009 2203583 2,208,471 2010 2203583 2,208,321 2011 2203583 2,208,102 2012 2600637 2,604,847 2013 2860854 2,864,629 2014 2860854 2,864,032 2015 2860854 2,863,251 2016 2860854 2,862,234 2017 2860854 2,860,950 2018 2860854 2,859,377 2019 2980834 2,977,424 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 309.2Actual vs Simulated Balance L3 61 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 6 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 0 1991 0 1992 0 1993 0 1994 0 1995 0 1996 37595 37,580 1997 37595 37,549 1998 37595 37,517 1999 573181 572,857 2000 577998 577,198 2001 577998 576,689 2002 577998 576,152 2003 577998 575,580 2004 592824 589,797 2005 2206766 2,202,450 2006 2201641 2,200,439 2007 2203583 2,200,245 2008 2203583 2,197,987 2009 2203583 2,195,589 2010 2203583 2,193,052 2011 2203583 2,190,364 2012 2600637 2,584,417 2013 2860854 2,841,200 2014 2860854 2,837,456 2015 2860854 2,833,506 2016 2860854 2,829,315 2017 2860854 2,824,891 2018 2860854 2,820,213 2019 2980834 2,935,203 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 309.2Actual vs Simulated Balance R2.5 70 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 7 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 0 1991 0 1992 0 1993 0 1994 0 1995 0 1996 37595 37,591 1997 37595 37,582 1998 37595 37,571 1999 573181 573,086 2000 577998 577,759 2001 577998 577,596 2002 577998 577,414 2003 577998 577,209 2004 592824 591,806 2005 2206766 2,205,307 2006 2201641 2,204,628 2007 2203583 2,205,806 2008 2203583 2,204,957 2009 2203583 2,204,006 2010 2203583 2,202,954 2011 2203583 2,201,781 2012 2600637 2,597,496 2013 2860854 2,856,156 2014 2860854 2,854,405 2015 2860854 2,852,479 2016 2860854 2,850,353 2017 2860854 2,848,028 2018 2860854 2,845,469 2019 2980834 2,962,650 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 309.2Actual vs Simulated Balance R3 69 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 8 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 0 1991 0 1992 0 1993 0 1994 0 1995 0 1996 37595 37,544 1997 37595 37,433 1998 37595 37,312 1999 573181 572,032 2000 577998 575,125 2001 577998 573,225 2002 577998 571,141 2003 577998 568,858 2004 592824 581,169 2005 2206766 2,190,138 2006 2201641 2,182,392 2007 2203583 2,175,855 2008 2203583 2,166,590 2009 2203583 2,156,475 2010 2203583 2,145,457 2011 2203583 2,133,478 2012 2600637 2,516,987 2013 2860854 2,761,592 2014 2860854 2,744,298 2015 2860854 2,725,574 2016 2860854 2,705,312 2017 2860854 2,683,425 2018 2860854 2,659,824 2019 2980834 2,754,225 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 309.2Actual vs Simulated Balance R4 52 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 9 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 0 1991 0 1992 0 1993 0 1994 0 1995 0 1996 37595 37,595 1997 37595 37,595 1998 37595 37,595 1999 573181 573,181 2000 577998 577,998 2001 577998 577,997 2002 577998 577,994 2003 577998 577,988 2004 592824 592,802 2005 2206766 2,206,724 2006 2201641 2,206,689 2007 2203583 2,208,577 2008 2203583 2,208,494 2009 2203583 2,208,373 2010 2203583 2,208,195 2011 2203583 2,207,949 2012 2600637 2,604,659 2013 2860854 2,864,418 2014 2860854 2,863,812 2015 2860854 2,863,030 2016 2860854 2,862,035 2017 2860854 2,860,785 2018 2860854 2,859,251 2019 2980834 2,977,342 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 309.2Actual vs Simulated Balance S2 65 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 10 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 0 1991 0 1992 0 1993 0 1994 0 1995 0 1996 37595 37,595 1997 37595 37,595 1998 37595 37,595 1999 573181 573,181 2000 577998 577,998 2001 577998 577,997 2002 577998 577,994 2003 577998 577,989 2004 592824 592,804 2005 2206766 2,206,727 2006 2201641 2,206,696 2007 2203583 2,208,589 2008 2203583 2,208,513 2009 2203583 2,208,401 2010 2203583 2,208,238 2011 2203583 2,208,008 2012 2600637 2,604,742 2013 2860854 2,864,528 2014 2860854 2,863,954 2015 2860854 2,863,208 2016 2860854 2,862,249 2017 2860854 2,861,037 2018 2860854 2,859,519 2019 2980834 2,977,633 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 309.2Actual vs Simulated Balance S2.5 57 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 11 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 0 1991 0 1992 0 1993 0 1994 0 1995 0 1996 37595 37,595 1997 37595 37,595 1998 37595 37,595 1999 573181 573,181 2000 577998 577,998 2001 577998 577,998 2002 577998 577,998 2003 577998 577,997 2004 592824 592,820 2005 2206766 2,206,755 2006 2201641 2,206,736 2007 2203583 2,208,640 2008 2203583 2,208,573 2009 2203583 2,208,471 2010 2203583 2,208,321 2011 2203583 2,208,102 2012 2600637 2,604,847 2013 2860854 2,864,629 2014 2860854 2,864,032 2015 2860854 2,863,251 2016 2860854 2,862,234 2017 2860854 2,860,950 2018 2860854 2,859,377 2019 2980834 2,977,424 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 309.2Actual vs Simulated Balance L3 61 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 12 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 019910 1992 019930 1994 019950 1996 0 1997 0 1998 0 1999 020000 2001 020020 2003 020040 2005 992097 992,097 2006 992097 992,097 2007 992097 992,097 2008 992097 992,097 2009 992097 992,097 2010 992097 992,097 2011 992097 992,097 2012 992097 0 2013 1338578 1,338,578 2014 1338578 1,338,578 2015 1338578 1,338,578 2016 1339345 1,339,345 2017 1345513 1,345,513 2018 1345883 1,347,632 1345883 1,347,632 0 400,000 800,000 1,200,000 1,600,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 320.3 MembranesActual vs Simulated Balance SQ 7 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 13 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 019910 1992 019930 1994 019950 1996 0 1997 0 1998 0 1999 020000 2001 020020 2003 020040 2005 992097 992,097 2006 992097 992,097 2007 992097 992,097 2008 992097 992,097 2009 992097 992,097 2010 992097 992,097 2011 992097 992,097 2012 992097 992,097 2013 1338578 1,338,578 2014 1338578 1,338,578 2015 1338578 1,338,578 2016 1339345 1,339,345 2017 1345513 1,345,513 2018 1345883 1,347,632 1345883 1,347,632 0 400,000 800,000 1,200,000 1,600,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 320.3 MembranesActual vs Simulated Balance SQ 8 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 14 of 47 Transaction YrActual Simulated 1990 278063 268,110 1991 290657 275,308 1992 341883 325,370 1993 355150 336,258 1994 8571970 8,539,124 1995 8567930 8,496,652 1996 8594635 8,480,379 1997 8637364 8,474,945 1998 8672215 8,453,063 1999 11941431 11,688,151 2000 11977315 11,644,444 2001 11941773 11,555,52220021253399712,035,52220031373623213,110,44520041500306214,239,88620052329957522,367,32620062408792122,948,42620072364181122,805,74920082389385822,833,23620092387109022,531,56520102481885623,249,92420112493042423,152,47120122503801922,885,04720132501506322,554,83020142525646822,668,368 2015 26667798 23,615,440 2016 27072785 23,504,993 2017 27891504 24,344,148 2018 28178684 24,229,356 2019 28442746 23,823,962 0 8,000,000 16,000,000 24,000,000 32,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 320.3Actual vs Simulated Balance R2 25 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 15 of 47 Transaction YrActual Simulated 1990 278063 298,531 1991 290657 308,895 1992 341883 362,399 1993 355150 377,029 1994 8571970 8,593,548 1995 8567930 8,576,970 1996 8594635 8,590,135 1997 8637364 8,618,112 1998 8672215 8,634,007 1999 11941431 11,915,416 2000 11977315 11,927,896 2001 11941773 11,901,99920021253399712,453,09220031373623213,609,24720041500306214,832,01720052329957523,074,46320062408792123,794,93620072364181123,808,51520082389385824,010,02520092387109023,901,49620102481885624,834,34420112493042424,974,82420122503801924,969,32220132501506324,925,90820142525646825,352,924 2015 26667798 26,642,784 2016 27072785 26,905,007 2017 27891504 28,146,852 2018 28178684 28,464,707 2019 28442746 28,519,389 0 8,000,000 16,000,000 24,000,000 32,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 320.3Actual vs Simulated Balance R2.5 37 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 16 of 47 Transaction YrActual Simulated 1990 278063 295,709 1991 290657 305,502 1992 341883 358,383 1993 355150 372,330 1994 8571970 8,592,209 1995 8567930 8,583,173 1996 8594635 8,603,959 1997 8637364 8,639,483 1998 8672215 8,662,650 1999 11941431 11,952,532 2000 11977315 11,974,567 2001 11941773 11,957,36620021253399712,516,24420031373623213,679,63420041500306214,908,98520052329957523,160,55720062408792123,892,21620072364181123,914,36620082389385824,120,89120092387109024,012,99520102481885624,941,70220112493042425,072,37920122503801925,049,79820132501506324,980,99420142525646825,372,947 2015 26667798 26,617,160 2016 27072785 26,821,679 2017 27891504 27,991,957 2018 28178684 28,222,430 2019 28442746 28,171,332 0 8,000,000 16,000,000 24,000,000 32,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 320.3Actual vs Simulated Balance R3 32 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 17 of 47 Transaction YrActual Simulated 1990 278063 298,243 1991 290657 308,575 1992 341883 362,083 1993 355150 376,755 1994 8571970 8,599,459 1995 8567930 8,595,490 1996 8594635 8,620,991 1997 8637364 8,660,317 1998 8672215 8,685,978 1999 11941431 11,977,599 2000 11977315 12,000,521 2001 11941773 11,982,30120021253399712,538,23720031373623213,697,09720041500306214,920,65520052329957523,167,10520062408792123,894,62220072364181123,911,42820082389385824,111,17420092387109023,995,32420102481885624,915,68820112493042425,038,63520122503801925,009,89820132501506324,937,94120142525646825,331,776 2015 26667798 26,585,444 2016 27072785 26,809,372 2017 27891504 28,011,739 2018 28178684 28,289,998 2019 28442746 28,305,220 0 8,000,000 16,000,000 24,000,000 32,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 320.3Actual vs Simulated Balance S1 40 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 18 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 019910 1992 019930 1994 0 1995 5317113 5,312,071 1996 5317113 5,301,460 1997 5308104 5,291,241 1998 5313119 5,284,132 1999 5339475 5,297,520 2000 5876961 5,820,645 2001 5885143 5,814,655 2002 6709225 6,621,087 2003 6968443 6,885,448 2004 7275936 7,171,255 2005 7275936 7,147,908 2006 7794969 7,644,852 2007 7964968 7,791,836 2008 8868916 8,665,572 2009 9742062 9,507,971 2010 9923368 9,656,223 2011 10661739 10,532,787 2012 10701866 10,536,647 2013 11648215 11,436,177 2014 11652269 11,389,769 2015 11657559 11,375,826 2016 11657559 11,319,361 2017 11949009 11,551,688 2018 11838068 11,630,078 13374408 13,610,488 0 4,000,000 8,000,000 12,000,000 16,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 330.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R2 50 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 19 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 019910 1992 019930 1994 0 1995 5317113 5,314,669 1996 5317113 5,309,533 1997 5308104 5,305,175 1998 5313119 5,304,308 1999 5339475 5,324,347 2000 5876961 5,854,834 2001 5885143 5,856,927 2002 6709225 6,672,327 2003 6968443 6,946,765 2004 7275936 7,243,524 2005 7275936 7,231,900 2006 7794969 7,741,506 2007 7964968 7,902,187 2008 8868916 8,790,883 2009 9742062 9,649,958 2010 9923368 9,816,297 2011 10661739 10,712,431 2012 10701866 10,737,396 2013 11648215 11,659,590 2014 11652269 11,637,461 2015 11657559 11,649,073 2016 11657559 11,619,422 2017 11949009 11,879,979 2018 11838068 11,988,200 13374408 14,000,892 0 4,000,000 8,000,000 12,000,000 16,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 330.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R2.5 60 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 20 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 019910 1992 019930 1994 0 1995 5317113 5,316,517 1996 5317113 5,315,225 1997 5308104 5,314,891 1998 5313119 5,318,274 1999 5339475 5,342,779 2000 5876961 5,878,154 2001 5885143 5,885,554 2002 6709225 6,706,840 2003 6968443 6,987,807 2004 7275936 7,291,633 2005 7275936 7,287,534 2006 7794969 7,805,168 2007 7964968 7,974,532 2008 8868916 8,872,668 2009 9742062 9,742,264 2010 9923368 9,919,939 2011 10661739 10,828,376 2012 10701866 10,866,471 2013 11648215 11,802,776 2014 11652269 11,795,733 2015 11657559 11,823,071 2016 11657559 11,809,899 2017 11949009 12,087,722 2018 11838068 12,214,137 13374408 14,246,486 0 4,000,000 8,000,000 12,000,000 16,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 330.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R3 69 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 21 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 019910 1992 019930 1994 0 1995 5317113 5,317,113 1996 5317113 5,317,113 1997 5308104 5,318,240 1998 5313119 5,323,255 1999 5339475 5,349,611 2000 5876961 5,887,097 2001 5885143 5,896,943 2002 6709225 6,721,025 2003 6968443 7,005,243 2004 7275936 7,312,736 2005 7275936 7,312,736 2006 7794969 7,834,969 2007 7964968 8,009,468 2008 8868916 8,913,414 2009 9742062 9,789,542 2010 9923368 9,974,491 2011 10661739 10,890,617 2012 10701866 10,935,998 2013 11648215 11,876,776 2014 11652269 11,865,814 2015 11657559 11,870,701 2016 11657559 11,799,939 2017 11949009 11,962,697 2018 11838068 11,892,709 13374408 13,624,084 0 4,000,000 8,000,000 12,000,000 16,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 330.4Actual vs Simulated Balance S5 28 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 22 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 019910 1992 019930 1994 0 1995 5317113 5,317,113 1996 5317113 5,317,113 1997 5308104 5,318,240 1998 5313119 5,323,255 1999 5339475 5,349,611 2000 5876961 5,887,097 2001 5885143 5,896,943 2002 6709225 6,721,025 2003 6968443 7,005,243 2004 7275936 7,312,736 2005 7275936 7,312,736 2006 7794969 7,834,969 2007 7964968 8,009,468 2008 8868916 8,913,416 2009 9742062 9,789,562 2010 9923368 9,974,618 2011 10661739 10,891,222 2012 10701866 10,938,412 2013 11648215 11,884,583 2014 11652269 11,887,064 2015 11657559 11,916,599 2016 11657559 11,872,731 2017 11949009 12,022,942 2018 11838068 11,818,998 13374408 13,222,013 0 4,000,000 8,000,000 12,000,000 16,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 330.4Actual vs Simulated Balance S6 26 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 23 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 33108936.01 32,654,636199136637725.01 36,193,330 1992 40928527.01 40,397,943199344110629.01 43,429,638 1994 47805711.01 47,097,826199554509835.01 53,735,419 1996 57593209.01 56,685,237 1997 59962145.01 59,076,890 1998 66861672.01 65,794,506 1999 76617334.01 76,482,899200080416308.01 80,969,144 2001 85277716.01 85,630,616200290285125.01 90,550,026 2003 95551818.01 95,446,5652004103328205102,978,468 2005 110321196 109,663,627 2006 118895134 117,830,113 2007 129027986 127,703,042 2008 137900770 136,154,3122009142741979140,505,882 2010 145230941 142,404,9332011149342376146,156,698 2012 153232076 149,552,5202013157429626153,054,950 2014 162904593 157,814,264 2015 168311968 162,591,840 2016 174873275 168,340,967 2017 188428995 181,101,7062018197452353189,202,027 0 70,000,000 140,000,000 210,000,000 280,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 331.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R2 52 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 24 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 33108936.01 33,341,849199136637725.01 36,940,895 1992 40928527.01 41,211,840199344110629.01 44,315,873 1994 47805711.01 48,062,408199554509835.01 54,786,252 1996 57593209.01 57,830,291 1997 59962145.01 60,322,526 1998 66861672.01 67,149,015 1999 76617334.01 77,958,729200080416308.01 82,578,450 2001 85277716.01 87,383,293200290285125.01 92,456,516 2003 95551818.01 97,517,9002004103328205105,227,314 2005 110321196 112,103,973 2006 118895134 120,476,884 2007 129027986 130,573,244 2008 137900770 139,265,7702009142741979143,874,732 2010 145230941 146,044,8502011149342376150,081,369 2012 153232076 153,776,8422013157429626157,594,106 2014 162904593 162,684,334 2015 168311968 167,810,045 2016 174873275 173,925,432 2017 188428995 187,074,5362018197452353195,587,344 0 70,000,000 140,000,000 210,000,000 280,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 331.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R2.5 60 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 25 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 33,108,936 33,496,914199136,637,725 37,110,134 1992 40,928,527 41,396,525199344,110,629 44,517,334 1994 47,805,711 48,282,038199554,509,835 55,025,653 1996 57,593,209 58,091,161 1997 59,962,145 60,606,523 1998 66,861,672 67,457,969 1999 76,617,334 78,294,995200080,416,308 82,944,364 2001 85,277,716 87,781,227200290,285,125 92,888,931 2003 95,551,818 97,987,5202004103,328,205 105,736,989 2005 110,321,196 112,657,012 2006 118,895,134 121,076,657 2007 129,027,986 131,223,573 2008 137,900,770 139,970,7952009142,741,979 144,638,607 2010 145,230,941 146,871,8242011149,342,376 150,975,934 2012 153,232,076 154,743,8612013157,429,626 158,638,587 2014 162,904,593 163,811,961 2015 168,311,968 169,026,549 2016 174,873,275 175,237,203 2017 188,428,995 188,488,5352018197,452,353 197,111,165 0 70,000,000 140,000,000 210,000,000 280,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 331.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R2.5 65 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 26 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 33108936.01 33,615,017199136637725.01 37,239,187 1992 40928527.01 41,537,525199344110629.01 44,671,364 1994 47805711.01 48,450,215199554509835.01 55,209,281 1996 57593209.01 58,291,632 1997 59962145.01 60,825,132 1998 66861672.01 67,696,285 1999 76617334.01 78,554,846200080416308.01 83,227,769 2001 85277716.01 88,090,004200290285125.01 93,225,186 2003 95551818.01 98,353,3052004103328205106,134,732 2005 110321196 113,089,225 2006 118895134 121,546,126 2007 129027986 131,733,316 2008 137900770 140,524,0352009142741979145,238,659 2010 145230941 147,521,8842011149342376151,679,505 2012 153232076 155,504,5642013157429626159,460,381 2014 162904593 164,698,949 2015 168311968 169,983,266 2016 174873275 176,268,303 2017 188428995 189,599,3202018197452353198,307,219 0 70,000,000 140,000,000 210,000,000 280,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 331.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R2.5 70 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 27 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 33108936.01 33,868,951199136637725.01 37,515,499 1992 40928527.01 41,838,655199344110629.01 44,999,620 1994 47805711.01 48,807,817199554509835.01 55,599,444 1996 57593209.01 58,717,474 1997 59962145.01 61,288,584 1998 66861672.01 68,200,346 1999 76617334.01 79,104,897200080416308.01 83,828,675 2001 85277716.01 88,745,008200290285125.01 93,937,645 2003 95551818.01 99,126,7212004103328205106,973,284 2005 110321196 113,997,685 2006 118895134 122,529,468 2007 129027986 132,797,461 2008 137900770 141,675,0632009142741979146,481,154 2010 145230941 148,858,5782011149342376153,112,876 2012 153232076 157,037,4142013157429626161,095,351 2014 162904593 166,438,916 2015 168311968 171,831,405 2016 174873275 178,227,955 2017 188428995 191,675,9932018197452353200,507,077 0 70,000,000 140,000,000 210,000,000 280,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 331.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R3 69 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 28 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 14102543.89 14,493,902199115418779.89 15,835,976 1992 17055027.89 17,487,027199318611561.89 19,058,489 1994 20350614.89 20,820,334199521601583.89 22,077,506 1996 22951690.89 23,433,346 1997 24366736.89 24,907,372 1998 25924256.89 26,453,944 1999 29358695.89 29,888,652200031613852.89 32,159,440 2001 34556093.89 35,142,463200237429731.89 37,968,094 2003 39845905.89 40,398,184200442098395.89 42,583,730 2005 44508002.89 45,030,100 2006 48104152.89 48,537,142 2007 51478723.89 51,994,226 2008 54350827.89 54,857,113200956321527.89 56,781,469 2010 57696494.89 58,061,099201159616815.89 59,945,868 2012 61719169.89 61,927,185201364739261.56 64,738,837 2014 68412231.23 68,425,299 2015 72601841.9 72,457,154 2016 76151914.9 75,791,154 2017 79564160.9 78,979,764201883349763.9 82,478,064 0 30,000,000 60,000,000 90,000,000 120,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 333.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R2.5 60 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 29 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 14102543.89 14,506,894199115418779.89 15,850,310 1992 17055027.89 17,503,057199318611561.89 19,076,613 1994 20350614.89 20,840,941199521601583.89 22,100,843 1996 22951690.89 23,459,472 1997 24366736.89 24,936,343 1998 25924256.89 26,485,794 1999 29358695.89 29,923,940200031613852.89 32,198,865 2001 34556093.89 35,186,469200237429731.89 38,017,185 2003 39845905.89 40,452,543200442098395.89 42,643,164 2005 44508002.89 45,094,236 2006 48104152.89 48,605,800 2007 51478723.89 52,067,306 2008 54350827.89 54,934,074200956321527.89 56,861,001 2010 57696494.89 58,141,063201159616815.89 60,023,764 2012 61719169.89 62,000,341201364739261.56 64,804,458 2014 68412231.23 68,480,714 2015 72601841.9 72,499,628 2016 76151914.9 75,817,374 2017 79564160.9 78,985,678201883349763.9 82,459,152 0 30,000,000 60,000,000 90,000,000 120,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 333.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R3 53 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 30 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 14102543.89 14,527,723199115418779.89 15,874,029 1992 17055027.89 17,529,772199318611561.89 19,106,408 1994 20350614.89 20,873,855199521601583.89 22,136,783 1996 22951690.89 23,498,199 1997 24366736.89 24,977,560 1998 25924256.89 26,529,142 1999 29358695.89 29,969,253200031613852.89 32,246,041 2001 34556093.89 35,235,281200237429731.89 38,067,403 2003 39845905.89 40,503,769200442098395.89 42,694,831 2005 44508002.89 45,145,700 2006 48104152.89 48,656,517 2007 51478723.89 52,116,835 2008 54350827.89 54,981,879200956321527.89 56,906,269 2010 57696494.89 58,182,687201159616815.89 60,060,604 2012 61719169.89 62,031,399201364739261.56 64,828,923 2014 68412231.23 68,498,088 2015 72601841.9 72,509,812 2016 76151914.9 75,820,406 2017 79564160.9 78,981,653201883349763.9 82,448,382 0 30,000,000 60,000,000 90,000,000 120,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 333.4Actual vs Simulated Balance S1.5 58 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 31 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 2829409.98 2,357,07119913047840.98 2,515,584 1992 3255820.98 2,686,82919933331307.98 2,739,255 1994 3548916.98 2,912,55619953728342.98 3,052,799 1996 4008727.98 3,273,612 1997 4395186.98 3,647,801 1998 4716206.98 3,928,022 1999 5403899.98 4,630,66320005874928.98 5,055,118 2001 6576749.98 5,597,00820027591722.98 6,420,937 2003 7517328.98 6,496,79520048178123.98 6,964,892 2005 8676080.98 7,272,807 2006 9352862.98 7,882,209 2007 9798425.98 8,358,047 2008 9840857.98 8,552,330200910072613.98 8,744,909 2010 10772542.98 9,209,146201110987575.98 9,187,620 2012 11258137.98 9,217,281201312080773.98 9,690,447 2014 12589402.98 10,532,255 2015 13109990.98 11,154,947 2016 14554229.98 12,534,546 2017 15673765.98 14,747,609201816176970.98 15,196,825 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 334.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R1 19 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 32 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 2829409.98 2,746,84819913047840.98 2,935,269 1992 3255820.98 3,138,45219933331307.98 3,224,231 1994 3548916.98 3,432,15219953728342.98 3,608,569 1996 4008727.98 3,867,174 1997 4395186.98 4,281,769 1998 4716206.98 4,605,214 1999 5403899.98 5,355,39720005874928.98 5,832,469 2001 6576749.98 6,431,27220027591722.98 7,318,351 2003 7517328.98 7,461,33520048178123.98 7,998,626 2005 8676080.98 8,378,933 2006 9352862.98 9,064,638 2007 9798425.98 9,621,714 2008 9840857.98 9,900,425200910072613.98 10,179,503 2010 10772542.98 10,733,876201110987575.98 10,805,380 2012 11258137.98 10,929,032201312080773.98 11,499,591 2014 12589402.98 12,446,375 2015 13109990.98 13,182,667 2016 14554229.98 14,687,314 2017 15673765.98 17,044,896201816176970.98 17,654,149 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 334.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R2 25 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 33 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 2829409.98 2,891,66719913047840.98 3,086,401 1992 3255820.98 3,290,18819933331307.98 3,371,115 1994 3548916.98 3,570,33419953728342.98 3,736,531 1996 4008727.98 3,984,900 1997 4395186.98 4,389,172 1998 4716206.98 4,699,519 1999 5403899.98 5,430,34620005874928.98 5,879,092 2001 6576749.98 6,440,90220027591722.98 7,288,404 2003 7517328.98 7,397,31220048178123.98 7,914,321 2005 8676080.98 8,294,618 2006 9352862.98 9,001,959 2007 9798425.98 9,599,464 2008 9840857.98 9,931,290200910072613.98 10,270,288 2010 10772542.98 10,888,090201110987575.98 11,024,000 2012 11258137.98 11,210,728201312080773.98 11,842,579 2014 12589402.98 12,848,326 2015 13109990.98 13,638,123 2016 14554229.98 15,186,406 2017 15673765.98 17,573,463201816176970.98 18,188,522 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 334.4Actual vs Simulated Balance S5 23 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 34 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 2829409.98 2,914,01019913047840.98 3,113,400 1992 3255820.98 3,318,20319933331307.98 3,395,074 1994 3548916.98 3,585,62619953728342.98 3,742,103 1996 4008727.98 3,986,338 1997 4395186.98 4,398,612 1998 4716206.98 4,729,533 1999 5403899.98 5,484,49520005874928.98 5,944,727 2001 6576749.98 6,492,15020027591722.98 7,301,180 2003 7517328.98 7,367,62520048178123.98 7,862,533 2005 8676080.98 8,250,466 2006 9352862.98 8,983,669 2007 9798425.98 9,605,971 2008 9840857.98 9,950,710200910072613.98 10,292,813 2010 10772542.98 10,911,405201110987575.98 11,050,352 2012 11258137.98 11,241,743201312080773.98 11,877,785 2014 12589402.98 12,888,597 2015 13109990.98 13,689,594 2016 14554229.98 15,259,458 2017 15673765.98 17,676,815201816176970.98 18,323,336 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 334.4Actual vs Simulated Balance S6 23 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 35 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 019910 1992 019930 1994 019950 1996 20083 19,954 1997 112696 111,521 1998 126770 122,813 1999 364722 355,4772000469411449,767 2001 586014 551,4232002729498675,051 2003 985175 904,688200414890531,383,378 2005 1698167 1,543,466 2006 2477122 2,259,205 2007 3035225 2,732,773 2008 3295867 2,889,319200933687492,843,884 2010 3416153 2,763,658201134965302,709,829 2012 3515118 2,589,533201336907332,622,906 2014 4133556 2,917,436 2015 4409533 3,035,779 2016 5026615 3,484,559 2017 7204843 5,468,431201887562116,775,813 0 3,000,000 6,000,000 9,000,000 12,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 335.4Actual vs Simulated Balance L0 15 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 36 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 019910 1992 019930 1994 019950 1996 20083 19,988 1997 112696 111,833 1998 126770 123,843 1999 364722 357,6852000469411454,185 2001 586014 558,4632002729498684,751 2003 985175 917,006200414890531,398,913 2005 1698167 1,563,248 2006 2477122 2,283,654 2007 3035225 2,763,572 2008 3295867 2,926,369200933687492,884,168 2010 3416153 2,801,989201134965302,740,464 2012 3515118 2,607,289201336907332,623,837 2014 4133556 2,900,134 2015 4409533 3,001,397 2016 5026615 3,435,106 2017 7204843 5,409,853201887562116,719,543 0 3,000,000 6,000,000 9,000,000 12,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 335.4Actual vs Simulated Balance L0.5 14 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 37 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 019910 1992 019930 1994 019950 1996 20083 19,809 1997 112696 110,600 1998 126770 121,315 1999 364722 352,3622000469411445,199 2001 586014 546,5322002729498670,694 2003 985175 900,968200414890531,378,836 2005 1698167 1,539,978 2006 2477122 2,255,831 2007 3035225 2,730,284 2008 3295867 2,893,140200933687492,860,300 2010 3416153 2,796,709201134965302,760,511 2012 3515118 2,657,062201336907332,703,622 2014 4133556 3,004,294 2015 4409533 3,123,262 2016 5026615 3,565,945 2017 7204843 5,526,329201887562116,802,613 0 3,000,000 6,000,000 9,000,000 12,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 335.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R0.5 14 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 38 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 019910 1992 019930 1994 019950 1996 20083 20,083 1997 112696 112,694 1998 126770 126,765 1999 364722 364,7092000469411469,383 2001 586014 585,9622002729498729,409 2003 985175 985,031200414890531,499,587 2005 1698167 1,708,575 2006 2477122 2,487,348 2007 3035225 3,045,189 2008 3295867 3,305,467200933687493,377,859 2010 3416153 3,424,611201134965303,504,129 2012 3515118 3,521,595201336907333,695,757 2014 4133556 4,136,707 2015 4409533 4,410,288 2016 5026615 5,024,328 2017 7204843 7,198,703201887562118,745,213 0 3,000,000 6,000,000 9,000,000 12,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 335.4Actual vs Simulated Balance R4 40 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 39 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 525647 525,2341991608792634,361 1992 744746 777,7851993706626689,828 1994 709709 621,8671995632911535,640 1996 376167 454,687 1997 344871 380,210 1998 331350 312,926 1999 289140 278,1562000286499248,159 2001 208688 200,1212002208688158,760 2003 134109 123,961200413584096,987 2005 135840 73,692 2006 96478 55,157 2007 41421 40,687 2008 41421 29,59620094142221,246 2010 41422 15,06320113725910,552 2012 37259 7,3052013372594,993 2014 37259 3,362 2015 35528 2,223 2016 35528 1,436 2017 35528 9002018367731,767 0 250,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 341.5 Actual vs Simulated Balance L0 7 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 40 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 525647 534,0251991608792643,620 1992 744746 789,1551993706626703,139 1994 709709 633,4071995632911542,468 1996 376167 455,706 1997 344871 375,884 1998 331350 304,130 1999 289140 266,1662000286499234,594 2001 208688 186,2222002208688145,092 2003 134109 110,906200413584084,994 2005 135840 63,182 2006 96478 46,351 2007 41421 33,604 2008 41421 24,11420094142217,134 2010 41422 12,0402011372598,353 2012 37259 5,7092013372593,826 2014 37259 2,509 2015 35528 1,588 2016 35528 956 2017 35528 5532018367731,548 0 250,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 341.5 Actual vs Simulated Balance L0.5 7 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 41 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 525647 542,8101991608792652,866 1992 744746 800,5081993706626716,436 1994 709709 644,9361995632911549,284 1996 376167 456,715 1997 344871 371,554 1998 331350 295,336 1999 289140 254,1762000286499221,030 2001 208688 172,3212002208688131,400 2003 134109 97,813200413584072,961 2005 135840 52,640 2006 96478 37,498 2007 41421 26,460 2008 41421 18,55720094142212,957 2010 41422 8,9772011372596,118 2012 37259 4,0482013372592,561 2014 37259 1,529 2015 35528 851 2016 35528 437 2017 35528 2062018367731,328 0 250,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 341.5 Actual vs Simulated Balance L1 7 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 42 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 525647 550,0031991608792656,931 1992 744746 797,3761993706626709,744 1994 709709 643,7881995632911558,423 1996 376167 475,194 1997 344871 394,880 1998 331350 319,101 1999 289140 274,0582000286499233,523 2001 208688 175,9932002208688125,953 2003 134109 85,542200413584057,657 2005 135840 38,179 2006 96478 28,231 2007 41421 22,689 2008 41421 17,66320094142213,193 2010 41422 9,0972011372595,586 2012 37259 2,758201337259970 2014 37259 352 2015 35528 222 2016 35528 116 2017 35528 342018367731,211 0 250,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 341.5 Actual vs Simulated Balance R0.5 7 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 43 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 0 0199100 1992 0 0199300 1994 0 0199500 1996 155034 154,042 1997 160867 170,246 1998 174702 180,591 1999 140408 174,3282000122742184,810 2001 122742 176,9982002122742168,765 2003 122742 160,2982004122742151,736 2005 122742 143,158 2006 122742 134,617 2007 143867 147,153 2008 120262 141,2422009129349141,413 2010 125796 132,4302011126598124,325 2012 126598 115,5642013126598107,013 2014 126598 98,724 2015 81575 90,737 2016 82530 84,031 2017 82530 76,71020188157569,751 0 75,000 150,000 225,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 345.5 Actual vs Simulated Balance L0 15 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 44 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 0 0199100 1992 0 0199300 1994 0 0199500 1996 155034 154,302 1997 160867 171,485 1998 174702 182,974 1999 140408 177,6842000122742188,733 2001 122742 181,0232002122742172,353 2003 122742 162,9792004122742153,187 2005 122742 143,241 2006 122742 133,278 2007 143867 144,422 2008 120262 137,2512009129349136,272 2010 125796 126,2392011126598117,141 2012 126598 107,430201312659897,975 2014 126598 88,847 2015 81575 80,115 2016 82530 72,792 2017 82530 65,00320188157557,733 0 75,000 150,000 225,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 345.5 Actual vs Simulated Balance L0.5 14 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 45 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 0 0199100 1992 0 0199300 1994 0 0199500 1996 155034 154,661 1997 160867 173,191 1998 174702 186,331 1999 140408 182,6132000122742194,882 2001 122742 187,9632002122742179,539 2003 122742 169,9042004122742159,498 2005 122742 148,770 2006 122742 137,932 2007 143867 148,198 2008 120262 140,2692009129349138,607 2010 125796 127,9572011126598118,242 2012 126598 107,896201312659897,783 2014 126598 87,985 2015 81575 78,602 2016 82530 70,686 2017 82530 62,38420188157554,688 0 75,000 150,000 225,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 345.5 Actual vs Simulated Balance L1 14 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 46 of 47 Transaction Yr Actual Simulated 1990 0 0199100 1992 0 0199300 1994 0 0199500 1996 155034 152,922 1997 160867 168,156 1998 174702 178,426 1999 140408 172,8072000122742184,323 2001 122742 177,8732002122742171,215 2003 122742 164,3192004122742157,154 2005 122742 149,689 2006 122742 141,903 2007 143867 154,620 2008 120262 148,4492009129349147,960 2010 125796 137,9582011126598128,497 2012 126598 118,0462013126598107,502 2014 126598 96,963 2015 81575 86,537 2016 82530 77,280 2017 82530 67,40120188157557,982 0 75,000 150,000 225,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ba l a n c e A m o u n t $ Transaction Year SUEZ Water Idaho 345.5 Actual vs Simulated Balance R0.5 14 Actual Simulated SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 3 Page 47 of 47 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 1 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % SUEZ WATER IDAHO NET SALVAGE HISTORY 2004-2019 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 2 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % Organization 301 2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 301 2005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 301 2006 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 301 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 301 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA 301 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA 301 2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 301 2011 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 301 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 301 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 301 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 301 2015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 301 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 301 2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 301 2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 301 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 3 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % Franchises and Contents 302 2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 302 2005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 302 2006 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 302 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 302 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA 302 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA 302 2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 302 2011 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 302 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 302 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 302 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 302 2015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 302 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 302 2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 302 2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 302 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 4 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % Land, Land Rights & Water Rights 303 2004 78,171.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 303 2005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00% 303 2006 937.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2011 8,323.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2014 39,626.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2015 955.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2018 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 303 2019 0.00 0.00 2,058.11 (2,058.11)NA -51.45%-51.45%-51.45%-41.54%-4.62%-4.62%-4.62%-3.89%-3.89%-3.89%-3.89%-3.89%-3.82%-3.82% SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 5 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % Stuctures and Improvements 304 2004 48,114.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 304 2005 68,472.00 35,965.87 4,525.42 31,440.45 45.92%26.97% 304 2006 10,022.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%40.05%24.83% 304 2007 27,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%29.72%20.43% 304 2008 75,793.00 0.00 10,534.17 (10,534.17)-13.90%-10.22%-9.31%11.51%9.10% 304 2009 55,459.00 0.00 14,534.05 (14,534.05)-26.21%-19.10%-15.81%-14.87%2.69%2.23% 304 2010 73,772.00 (31,791.81)22,927.59 (54,719.40)-74.17%-53.59%-38.92%-34.34%-32.92%-15.55%-13.47% 304 2011 67,432.00 200.00 17,997.58 (17,797.58)-26.39%-51.36%-44.26%-35.82%-32.55%-31.50%-17.49%-15.51% 304 2012 104,120.00 0.00 10,995.04 (10,995.04)-10.56%-16.78%-34.04%-32.60%-28.83%-26.88%-26.23%-15.99%-14.54% 304 2013 55,748.00 0.00 1,350.90 (1,350.90)-2.42%-7.72%-13.26%-28.19%-27.88%-25.43%-23.92%-23.41%-14.59%-13.39% 304 2014 49,941.00 0.00 5,450.00 (5,450.00)-10.91%-6.43%-8.48%-12.84%-25.73%-25.79%-23.92%-22.64%-22.21%-14.27%-13.19% 304 2015 439,502.00 348.80 34,969.26 (34,620.46)-7.88%-8.19%-7.60%-8.07%-9.80%-15.80%-16.49%-16.27%-15.81%-15.64%-11.54%-11.02% 304 2016 33,575.00 0.00 9,949.31 (9,949.31)-29.63%-9.42%-9.56%-8.88%-9.13%-10.68%-16.37%-16.99%-16.74%-16.28%-16.11%-12.11%-11.59% 304 2017 57,665.00 1,510.87 8,958.62 (7,447.75)-12.92%-19.07%-9.80%-9.90%-9.24%-9.43%-10.84%-16.14%-16.74%-16.52%-16.09%-15.94%-12.15%-11.65% 304 2018 119,724.00 0.00 15,763.64 (15,763.64)-13.17%-13.09%-15.72%-10.42%-10.46%-9.86%-9.95%-11.14%-15.79%-16.33%-16.17%-15.79%-15.65%-12.25%-11.79% 304 2019 61,412.00 0.00 102,648.02 (102,648.02)-167.15%-65.37%-52.70%-49.86%-23.94%-23.09%-21.68%-20.42%-20.83%-24.53%-24.61%-23.93%-23.40%-23.21%-19.57% SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 6 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % Reservoirs & Standpipes 305 2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 305 2005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 305 2006 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 305 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 305 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA 305 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA 305 2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 305 2011 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 305 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 305 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 305 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 305 2015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 305 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 305 2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 305 2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 305 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 7 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % Lake, River and Other Intakes 306 2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 306 2005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 306 2006 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 306 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 306 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA 306 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA 306 2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 306 2011 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 306 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 306 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 306 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 306 2015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 306 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 306 2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 306 2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 306 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Wells and Springs 307 2004 152,319.00 0.00 36,655.34 (36,655.34)-24.06% 307 2005 2,500.00 0.00 18,701.67 (18,701.67)-748.07%-35.76% 307 2006 9,175.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%-160.19%-33.76% 307 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%-160.19%-33.76% 307 2008 204,206.00 0.00 9,094.26 (9,094.26)-4.45%-4.45%-4.26%-12.88%-17.50% 307 2009 17,545.00 0.00 2,601.50 (2,601.50)-14.83%-5.27%-5.27%-5.06%-13.02%-17.38% 307 2010 19,500.00 0.00 3,324.44 (3,324.44)-17.05%-16.00%-6.23%-6.23%-6.00%-13.33%-17.37% 307 2011 673,688.00 0.00 4,253.50 (4,253.50)-0.63%-1.09%-1.43%-2.11%-2.11%-2.09%-4.10%-6.92% 307 2012 24,032.00 0.00 16,576.46 (16,576.46)-68.98%-2.99%-3.37%-3.64%-3.82%-3.82%-3.78%-5.74%-8.27% 307 2013 4,000.00 0.00 514.32 (514.32)-12.86%-60.97%-3.04%-3.42%-3.69%-3.86%-3.86%-3.82%-5.77%-8.29% 307 2014 74,462.00 0.00 62,284.20 (62,284.20)-83.65%-80.04%-77.44%-10.77%-10.93%-11.01%-9.70%-9.70%-9.61%-11.40%-13.04% 307 2015 400,531.00 0.00 17,158.45 (17,158.45)-4.28%-16.73%-16.69%-19.19%-8.57%-8.70%-8.79%-8.17%-8.17%-8.11%-9.41%-10.82% 307 2016 5,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%-4.23%-16.53%-16.50%-18.98%-8.53%-8.66%-8.75%-8.14%-8.14%-8.08%-9.37%-10.78% 307 2017 133,529.00 0.00 49,097.01 (49,097.01)-36.77%-35.31%-12.28%-20.93%-20.88%-22.68%-11.39%-11.47%-11.52%-10.59%-10.59%-10.53%-11.70%-12.80% 307 2018 72,710.00 0.00 13,438.08 (13,438.08)-18.48%-30.32%-29.53%-13.02%-20.67%-20.63%-22.25%-11.76%-11.84%-11.87%-10.94%-10.94%-10.88%-12.00%-13.03% 307 2019 40,426.00 0.00 676.40 (676.40)-1.67%-12.48%-25.63%-25.07%-12.31%-19.62%-19.58%-21.15%-11.48%-11.55%-11.59%-10.72%-10.72%-10.66%-11.76% Infiltration Galleries and Tunnels 308 2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 308 2005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 308 2006 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 308 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 308 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA 308 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA 308 2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 308 2011 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 308 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 308 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 308 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 308 2015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 308 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 308 2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 308 2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 308 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Supply Mains 309 2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 309 2005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 309 2006 5,125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00% 309 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 8 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % 309 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 309 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 309 2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 309 2011 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 309 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 309 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 309 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 309 2015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 309 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 309 2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 309 2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00% 309 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00% Power Generation Equipment 310 2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 310 2005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 310 2006 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 310 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 310 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA 310 2009 24,832.00 0.00 162.50 (162.50)-0.65%-0.65%-0.65%-0.65%-0.65%-0.65% 310 2010 4,518.00 0.00 18,982.45 (18,982.45)-420.15%-65.23%-65.23%-65.23%-65.23%-65.23%-65.23% 310 2011 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA -420.15%-65.23%-65.23%-65.23%-65.23%-65.23%-65.23% 310 2012 32,243.00 178.60 2,025.16 (1,846.56)-5.73%-5.73%-56.66%-34.08%-34.08%-34.08%-34.08%-34.08%-34.08% 310 2013 22,696.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%-3.36%-3.36%-35.03%-24.90%-24.90%-24.90%-24.90%-24.90%-24.90% 310 2014 4,290.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%-3.12%-3.12%-32.67%-23.70%-23.70%-23.70%-23.70%-23.70%-23.70% 310 2015 3,052.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%-2.96%-2.96%-31.18%-22.91%-22.91%-22.91%-22.91%-22.91%-22.91% 310 2016 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%-2.92%-2.92%-30.72%-22.66%-22.66%-22.66%-22.66%-22.66%-22.66% 310 2017 131,111.00 31,070.00 1,977.70 29,092.30 22.19%22.02%21.52%20.86%17.94%14.02%14.02%4.15%3.62%3.62%3.62%3.62%3.62%3.62% 310 2018 9,161.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%20.74%20.59%20.16%19.58%16.98%13.39%13.39%3.97%3.48%3.48%3.48%3.48%3.48%3.48% 310 2019 100,287.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%12.09%12.04%11.89%11.69%10.71%8.97%8.97%2.68%2.43%2.43%2.43%2.43%2.43% Pumping Equipment 311 2004 154,124.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 311 2005 421,424.00 29,168.35 31,058.65 (1,890.30)-0.45%-0.33% 311 2006 68,032.00 0.00 8,692.06 (8,692.06)-12.78%-2.16%-1.64% 311 2007 20,675.00 0.00 2,970.49 (2,970.49)-14.37%-13.15%-2.66%-2.04% 311 2008 204,034.00 0.00 20,789.81 (20,789.81)-10.19%-10.57%-11.09%-4.81%-3.96% 311 2009 138,934.00 0.00 6,407.88 (6,407.88)-4.61%-7.93%-8.30%-9.00%-4.78%-4.05% 311 2010 337,683.00 (24,678.85)39,701.75 (64,380.60)-19.07%-14.85%-13.45%-13.48%-13.42%-8.83%-7.82% 311 2011 320,830.00 121.20 26,717.31 (26,596.11)-8.29%-13.82%-12.21%-11.80%-11.85%-11.91%-8.71%-7.91% 311 2012 210,965.00 8,458.38 78,535.72 (70,077.34)-33.22%-18.18%-18.52%-16.61%-15.53%-15.51%-15.36%-11.72%-10.75% 311 2013 161,399.00 3,038.90 28,467.92 (25,429.02)-15.76%-25.65%-17.61%-18.09%-16.49%-15.55%-15.54%-15.41%-12.06%-11.15% 311 2014 184,440.00 1,049.25 65,848.37 (64,799.12)-35.13%-26.09%-28.79%-21.30%-20.68%-19.03%-17.87%-17.83%-17.62%-14.12%-13.14% 311 2015 233,815.00 1,899.65 19,117.64 (17,217.99)-7.36%-19.61%-18.54%-22.45%-18.37%-18.53%-17.31%-16.50%-16.48%-16.34%-13.43%-12.59% 311 2016 256,669.00 0.00 29,031.33 (29,031.33)-11.31%-9.43%-16.45%-16.32%-19.72%-17.04%-17.44%-16.48%-15.85%-15.84%-15.74%-13.22%-12.47% 311 2017 464,737.00 90.30 116,241.99 (116,151.69)-24.99%-20.13%-17.00%-19.94%-19.42%-21.34%-19.06%-19.06%-18.19%-17.54%-17.51%-17.39%-15.03%-14.30% 311 2018 633,767.00 1,674.80 207,165.03 (205,490.23)-32.42%-29.28%-25.88%-23.15%-24.40%-23.68%-24.62%-22.49%-22.08%-21.25%-20.54%-20.50%-20.33%-18.04%-17.31% 311 2019 183,780.00 0.00 14,651.01 (14,651.01)-7.97%-26.93%-26.23%-23.74%-21.58%-22.86%-22.32%-23.30%-21.49%-21.21%-20.47%-19.84%-19.81%-19.67%-17.56% Purification Systems 320 2004 9,499.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 320 2005 12,197.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00% 320 2006 12,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00% 320 2007 548,910.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 320 2008 47,975.00 0.00 231.83 (231.83)-0.48%-0.04%-0.04%-0.04%-0.04% 320 2009 22,768.00 0.00 70.00 (70.00)-0.31%-0.43%-0.05%-0.05%-0.05%-0.05% 320 2010 105,110.00 0.00 270.00 (270.00)-0.26%-0.27%-0.33%-0.08%-0.08%-0.08%-0.08% 320 2011 161,544.00 0.00 2,164.30 (2,164.30)-1.34%-0.91%-0.87%-0.81%-0.31%-0.30%-0.30%-0.30% 320 2012 32,362.00 184.00 0.00 184.00 0.57%-1.02%-0.75%-0.72%-0.69%-0.28%-0.27%-0.27%-0.27% SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 9 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % 320 2013 1,131,046.00 101.00 57,169.91 (57,068.91)-5.05%-4.89%-4.46%-4.15%-4.09%-3.97%-2.91%-2.89%-2.87%-2.86% 320 2014 360,206.00 678.50 6,952.82 (6,274.32)-1.74%-4.25%-4.15%-3.88%-3.66%-3.62%-3.54%-2.73%-2.72%-2.71%-2.70% 320 2015 70,419.00 330.10 5,384.37 (5,054.27)-7.18%-2.63%-4.38%-4.28%-4.01%-3.80%-3.75%-3.67%-2.86%-2.85%-2.83%-2.82% 320 2016 67,809.00 0.00 1,436.18 (1,436.18)-2.12%-4.70%-2.56%-4.29%-4.19%-3.94%-3.74%-3.70%-3.62%-2.84%-2.83%-2.81%-2.80% 320 2017 653,755.00 48.30 152,077.94 (152,029.64)-23.25%-21.27%-20.02%-14.30%-9.72%-9.57%-9.04%-8.68%-8.61%-8.46%-7.01%-6.98%-6.96%-6.93% 320 2018 284,592.00 36.00 15,757.23 (15,721.23)-5.52%-17.88%-16.82%-16.18%-12.56%-9.25%-9.13%-8.67%-8.37%-8.30%-8.17%-6.89%-6.86%-6.84%-6.82% 320 2019 64,962.00 0.00 11,965.09 (11,965.09)-18.42%-7.92%-17.91%-16.91%-16.31%-12.82%-9.48%-9.36%-8.90%-8.59%-8.52%-8.40%-7.10%-7.07%-7.05% Distribution Reservoirs and Standpipes 330 2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 330 2005 0.00 16,652.72 23,313.53 (6,660.81)NA NA 330 2006 3,200.00 0.00 546.00 (546.00)-17.06%-225.21%-225.21% 330 2007 4,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%-7.09%-93.59%-93.59% 330 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%-7.09%-93.59%-93.59% 330 2009 3,000.00 0.00 2,850.00 (2,850.00)-95.00%-95.00%-38.00%-31.74%-93.99%-93.99% 330 2010 3,750.00 (16,652.72)5,931.00 (22,583.72)-602.23%-376.80%-376.80%-226.08%-179.79%-225.89%-225.89% 330 2011 178,234.00 0.00 51,848.73 (51,848.73)-29.09%-40.90%-41.78%-41.78%-40.79%-40.39%-43.85%-43.85% 330 2012 7,076.00 139.50 37,676.53 (37,537.03)-530.48%-48.24%-59.22%-59.78%-59.78%-58.41%-57.75%-61.09%-61.09% 330 2013 0.00 0.00 12,518.68 (12,518.68)NA -707.40%-54.99%-65.85%-66.30%-66.30%-64.78%-64.02%-67.35%-67.35% 330 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA -707.40%-54.99%-65.85%-66.30%-66.30%-64.78%-64.02%-67.35%-67.35% 330 2015 34,167.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%-36.64%-121.37%-46.43%-55.77%-56.29%-56.29%-55.19%-54.67%-57.52%-57.52% 330 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%-36.64%-121.37%-46.43%-55.77%-56.29%-56.29%-55.19%-54.67%-57.52%-57.52% 330 2017 780.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%-35.82%-119.12%-46.27%-55.57%-56.09%-56.09%-55.00%-54.49%-57.32%-57.32% 330 2018 252,970.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%-4.35%-16.97%-21.53%-26.10%-26.53%-26.53%-26.28%-26.22%-27.59%-27.59% 330 2019 513,278.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%-1.56%-6.19%-10.33%-12.57%-12.82%-12.82%-12.76%-12.78%-13.44% Tranmission and Distribution Mains Services SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 10 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % 333 2015 80,693.00 1,613.85 31,228.47 (29,614.62)-36.70%-14.84%-25.42%-25.51%-23.43%-31.82%-32.63%-34.29%-32.89%-35.06%-31.04%-31.94% 333 2016 38,683.00 0.00 3,013.77 (3,013.77)-7.79%-27.33%-14.07%-23.50%-23.92%-22.38%-30.40%-31.39%-33.16%-32.03%-34.17%-30.36%-31.26% 333 2017 47,889.00 6,966.19 459,882.82 (452,916.63)-945.76%-526.65%-290.28%-124.64%-132.94%-116.26%-93.00%-92.71%-84.82%-78.60%-68.96%-69.77%-62.04%-61.90% 333 2018 1,906.00 0.00 199,033.95 (199,033.95)-10442.49%-1309.27%-740.26%-404.67%-173.14%-181.41%-157.27%-124.40%-120.67%-108.86%-99.10%-85.61%-85.86%-76.32%-75.73% 333 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA -10442.49%-1309.27%-740.26%-404.67%-173.14%-181.41%-157.27%-124.40%-120.67%-108.86%-99.10%-85.61%-85.86%-76.32% Meters 334 2004 26,179.00 5,960.87 0.00 5,960.87 22.77% 334 2005 42,182.00 5,102.08 (1,903.02)7,005.10 16.61%18.97% 334 2006 179,501.00 0.00 179.06 (179.06)-0.10%3.08%5.16% 334 2007 293,601.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%-0.04%1.32%2.36% 334 2008 429,529.00 0.00 43.20 (43.20)-0.01%-0.01%-0.02%0.72%1.31% 334 2009 251,526.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%-0.01%0.00%-0.02%0.57%1.04% 334 2010 70,439.00 116,816.43 (577.28)117,393.71 166.66%36.46%15.62%11.23%9.57%9.80%10.07% 334 2011 84,326.00 13,086.45 163.37 12,923.08 15.33%84.20%32.07%15.59%11.53%9.94%10.15%10.39% 334 2012 92,366.00 17,117.20 108.60 17,008.60 18.41%16.94%59.61%29.54%15.87%12.05%10.50%10.68%10.89% 334 2013 0.00 35,380.80 0.00 35,380.80 NA 56.72%36.96%73.93%36.64%19.68%14.95%13.02%13.13%13.30% 334 2014 705,308.00 50,188.41 11,105.74 39,082.67 5.54%10.56%11.47%11.84%23.29%18.42%13.57%11.51%10.52%10.64%10.78% 334 2015 499,290.00 10,871.86 (74.47)10,946.33 2.19%4.15%7.09%7.90%8.35%16.03%13.66%10.91%9.59%8.92%9.05%9.18% 334 2016 362,650.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%1.27%3.19%5.45%6.17%6.61%12.83%11.27%9.32%8.34%7.83%7.96%8.08% 334 2017 1,563,616.00 15,620.93 130,139.08 (114,518.15)-7.32%-5.95%-4.27%-2.06%-0.93%-0.38%0.02%3.50%3.26%2.91%2.71%2.60%2.73%2.85% 334 2018 455,316.00 14,617.00 71,146.24 (56,529.24)-12.42%-8.47%-7.18%-5.56%-3.37%-2.39%-1.87%-1.48%1.61%1.51%1.37%1.28%1.23%1.36%1.47% 334 2019 148,349.00 5,617.45 21,332.00 (15,714.55)-10.59%-11.97%-8.62%-7.38%-5.80%-3.66%-2.71%-2.20%-1.83%1.15%1.09%0.99%0.93%0.89%1.02% Hydrants Office Furniture and Equipment SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 11 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % 340 2014 18,439.00 21.19 161.13 (139.94)-0.76%1.09%0.71%0.03%0.08%0.08%0.07%0.05%0.05%0.06%0.06% 340 2015 2,993,441.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.09%0.06%0.02%0.05%0.05%0.05%0.03%0.03%0.04%0.04% 340 2016 23,565.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.09%0.06%0.02%0.05%0.05%0.05%0.03%0.03%0.04%0.04% 340 2017 31,966.00 0.00 3,476.97 (3,476.97)-10.88%-6.26%-0.11%-0.12%-0.02%-0.04%-0.02%0.01%0.01%0.01%0.00%0.00%0.01%0.01% 340 2018 155,017.00 0.00 12,018.98 (12,018.98)-7.75%-8.29%-7.36%-0.48%-0.49%-0.37%-0.39%-0.16%-0.13%-0.13%-0.13%-0.12%-0.12%-0.11%-0.11% 340 2019 85,489.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.06%-4.98%-5.67%-5.22%-0.47%-0.47%-0.36%-0.38%-0.16%-0.13%-0.13%-0.13%-0.12%-0.12%-0.10% Transportation Equipment 341 2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 341 2005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 341 2006 39,362.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00% 341 2007 55,058.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 341 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 341 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 341 2010 0.00 7,834.00 0.00 7,834.00 NA NA NA 14.23%8.30%8.30%8.30% 341 2011 4,163.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%188.18%188.18%188.18%13.23%7.95%7.95%7.95% 341 2012 0.00 0.00 566.62 (566.62)NA -13.61%174.57%174.57%174.57%12.27%7.37%7.37%7.37% 341 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA -13.61%174.57%174.57%174.57%12.27%7.37%7.37%7.37% 341 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA -13.61%174.57%174.57%174.57%12.27%7.37%7.37%7.37% 341 2015 1,731.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%-32.73%-9.61%123.30%123.30%123.30%11.92%7.24%7.24%7.24% 341 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%-32.73%-9.61%123.30%123.30%123.30%11.92%7.24%7.24%7.24% 341 2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%-32.73%-9.61%123.30%123.30%123.30%11.92%7.24%7.24%7.24% 341 2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%-32.73%-9.61%123.30%123.30%123.30%11.92%7.24%7.24%7.24% 341 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%-32.73%-9.61%123.30%123.30%123.30%11.92%7.24%7.24% Stores Equipment 342 2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 342 2005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 342 2006 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 342 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 342 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA 342 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA 342 2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 342 2011 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 342 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 342 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 342 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 342 2015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 342 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 342 2017 9,273.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 342 2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 342 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 0.00 0.00 Tool, Shop and Garage Equipment SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 12 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % 343 2019 0.00 0.00 190.44 (190.44)NA 11.25%8.97%3.28%0.90%0.87%0.77%0.74%2.90%5.62%5.58%5.37%5.33%5.33%4.70% Laboratory Equipment 344 2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 344 2005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 344 2006 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 344 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 344 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA 344 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA 344 2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 344 2011 2,471.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 344 2012 6,926.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 344 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 344 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 344 2015 5,181.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 344 2016 3,242.53 0.00 1,408.09 (1,408.09)-43.43%-16.72%-16.72%-16.72%-9.17%-7.90%-7.90%-7.90%-7.90%-7.90%-7.90%-7.90%-7.90% 344 2017 5,998.00 0.00 422.42 (422.42)-7.04%-19.81%-12.69%-12.69%-12.69%-8.57%-7.69%-7.69%-7.69%-7.69%-7.69%-7.69%-7.69%-7.69% 344 2018 3,966.00 0.00 348.20 (348.20)-8.78%-7.73%-16.50%-11.85%-11.85%-11.85%-8.61%-7.84%-7.84%-7.84%-7.84%-7.84%-7.84%-7.84%-7.84% 344 2019 18,160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%-1.57%-2.74%-6.95%-5.96%-5.96%-5.96%-5.01%-4.74%-4.74%-4.74%-4.74%-4.74%-4.74%-4.74% 0.00 Power Operated Equipment Communication Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 4 13 of 18 2- yr 3- yr 4- yr 5- yr 6- yr 7- yr 8- yr 9- yr 10- yr 11- yr 12- yr 13- yr 14- yr 15- yr Activity Gross Cost of Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Acct Year Retirement Salvage Removal Salvage Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. %Salv. % 347 2005 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00% 347 2006 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00% 347 2007 31,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 347 2008 10,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 347 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 347 2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 347 2011 239,713.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 347 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 347 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 347 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 347 2015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 347 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 347 2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 347 2018 0.00 0.00 2,341.13 (2,341.13)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA -0.98%-0.98%-0.98%-0.94%-0.83%-0.83%-0.82%-0.82% 347 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA -0.98%-0.98%-0.98%-0.94%-0.83%-0.83%-0.82% Other Tangible Property 348 2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 348 2005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 348 2006 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 348 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 348 2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA 348 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA 348 2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 348 2011 253,281.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 348 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 348 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 348 2014 515,468.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 348 2015 30,898.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 348 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 348 2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 348 2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 348 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% 0.00 0.00 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 414 of 18 Retirements Salvage COR 301 2014 301 2015 301 2016 301 2017 810 301 2018 301 2019 307 2014 74,462 62,284 307 2015 400,531 17,158 307 2016 5,500 307 2017 133,529 5,139 307 2018 72,710 8,994 307 2019 40,426 1,285 308 2014 308 2015 308 2016 308 2017 308 2018 308 2019 309 2014 309 2015 309 2016 309 2017 309 2018 309 2019 310 2014 4,290 310 2015 3,052 310 2016 1,000 310 2017 131,111 2,570 310 2018 9,161 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 415 of 18 310 2019 100,287 311 2014 184,440 (1,049) 65,848 311 2015 233,815 (1,900) 19,118 311 2016 256,669 3,854 311 2017 464,737 30,836 311 2018 633,767 23,127 311 2019 183,780 8,994 320 2014 360,206 (679) 6,953 320 2015 70,419 (330) 5,384 320 2016 67,809 2,570 320 2017 653,755 15,418 320 2018 284,592 8,994 320 2019 64,962 3,854 330 2014 330 2015 34,167 330 2016 330 2017 780 330 2018 252,970 330 2019 513,278 331 2014 157,285 42,390 331 2015 294,313 33,125 331 2016 166,175 5,139 331 2017 247,220 15,418 331 2018 188,230 12,848 331 2019 190,514 10,279 333 2014 236,283 (4,449) 21,870 333 2015 80,693 (1,614) 31,228 333 2016 38,683 1,285 333 2017 47,889 10,279 333 2018 1,906 3,854 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 416 of 18 333 2019 334 2014 705,308 (50,188) 11,106 334 2015 499,290 (10,872) (74) 334 2016 362,650 334 2017 1,563,616 6,424 334 2018 455,316 3,854 334 2019 148,349 1,285 335 2014 335 2015 1,285 335 2016 1,285 335 2017 335 2018 335 2019 339 2014 339 2015 339 2016 339 2017 339 2018 339 2019 340 2014 18,439 (21) 161 340 2015 2,993,441 340 2016 23,565 340 2017 31,966 5,139 340 2018 155,017 5,139 340 2019 85,489 1,285 341 2014 341 2015 1,731 341 2016 341 2017 341 2018 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 417 of 18 341 2019 342 2014 342 2015 342 2016 342 2017 9,273 342 2018 342 2019 343 2014 5,643 343 2015 112,488 660 343 2016 44,494 343 2017 20,023 7,709 343 2018 5,615 1,285 343 2019 1,285 344 2014 344 2015 5,181 344 2016 3,243 1,285 344 2017 5,998 2,570 344 2018 3,966 1,285 344 2019 18,160 345 2014 345 2015 45,023 345 2016 345 2017 1,285 345 2018 955 345 2019 346 2014 68,093 4,158 346 2015 202,346 740 346 2016 15,256 1,285 346 2017 91,334 7,709 346 2018 101,916 7,709 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 418 of 18 346 2019 17,576 6,424 347 2014 347 2015 347 2016 347 2017 347 2018 2,570 347 2019 348 2014 515,468 348 2015 30,898 348 2016 348 2017 348 2018 348 2019 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 5 1 of 1 Acct Trans TypeTran Yr Vint Yr F5 Activity Cost $ x Age Avg Age 301.1 Organization-Intang Plt Total (810.00)(16,605.00)20.50 303.2 Land/Land Rights-SoS/Pmpg Total (52,903.44)(902,430.76)17.06 304.2 Struct/Imprvmt-SoS/Pmpg Total (555,512.43)(9,134,526.15)16.44 304.3 Struct/Imprvmt-Purification Total (266,061.39)(3,937,598.39)14.80 304.4 Struct/Imprvmt-T&D Total (27,800.55)(407,389.77)14.65 304.5 Struct/Imprvmt-Gen Plnt Total (139,744.78)(2,122,282.73)15.19 307.2 Wells&Springs-SoS/Pmpg Total (1,428,878.45)(21,529,040.79)15.07 310.2 Pwr Prod Equip-SoS/Pmpg Total (303,839.16)(4,363,350.51)14.36 311.2 Pumping Equip-SoS/Pmpg Total (1,988,350.34)(30,623,733.05)15.40 311.3 Pumping Equip-WTP Total (119,363.70)(1,202,696.77)10.08 311.4 Pumping Equip-T&D Total (542,688.48)(6,066,811.51)11.18 320.3 Water Treat Equip-WTP Total (1,832,849.14)(24,808,196.59)13.54 320.3 Water Treat Membranses Total (993,846.23)(8,442,446.11)8.49 330.4 Dis Resrvr/Stndpipe-T&D Total (986,504.05)(20,316,830.35)20.59 331.4 T & D Mains-T&D Main/Plt Total (2,037,198.46)(51,041,437.39)25.05 333.4 Services-T&D Main/Plt Total (628,112.41)(11,779,473.88)18.75 334.4 Mtr/Mtr Inst-T&D Main/Plt Total (3,911,220.12)(58,524,850.49)14.96 340.5 Computer Hardware Total (1,367,896.86)(14,486,310.57)10.59 340.5 Computer Software Total (2,305,554.97)(20,797,293.36)9.02 340.5 Office Furniture & Fixtures Total (545,286.84)(7,741,710.95)14.20 341.5 Transprt Equip-Gen Plant Total (5,894.03)(30,314.35)5.14 342.5 Stores Equip-Gen Plant Total (9,272.57)(162,269.98)17.50 343.5 Tools/Shop/Garage Eqp-Gen Plt Total (263,885.78)(3,676,435.40)13.93 344.5 Lab Equip-Gen Plant Total (45,945.14)(413,936.73)9.01 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Total (45,978.52)(785,816.88)17.09 346.5 Comm Equip-Gen Plant Total (759,124.35)(10,602,793.55)13.97 347.5 Misc Equip-Gen Plnt Total (239,713.00)(599,282.50)2.50 348.5 Master Plan Total (515,468.41)(4,878,825.05)9.46 348.5 Othr Tang Prop-Gen Plant Total (284,179.29)(4,244,191.71)14.93 Grand Total (22,203,882.89)(323,638,881.21)14.58 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 6 1 of 1 Utility Account Vintage Age Cost $ x Age Avg Age 301.1 Organization-Intang Plt Total $103,737.92 $2,304,905.20 22.22 302.1 Franchise/Consents-Intang Plt Total $41,181.68 $226,499.24 5.50 303.2 Land/Land Rights-SoS/Pmpg Total $9,897,341.43 $143,043,859.60 14.45 303.3 Land/Land Rights-Purification Total $889,033.64 $17,028,310.34 19.15 303.4 Land/Land Rights-T&D Total $1,086,818.19 $14,601,536.13 13.44 303.5 Land/Land Rights-Gen Plt Total $213,382.87 $4,587,731.71 21.50 304.2 Struct/Imprvmt-SoS/Pmpg Total $6,781,076.69 $93,798,942.49 13.83 304.3 Struct/Imprvmt-Purification Total $15,687,412.85 $279,261,919.15 17.80 304.4 Struct/Imprvmt-T&D Total $2,997,926.12 $29,720,901.27 9.91 304.5 Struct/Imprvmt-Gen Plnt Total $3,802,867.50 $61,123,384.23 16.07 305.2 Coll&Impnd Resvr-SoS/Pmpg Total $8,188.66 $12,282.99 1.50 306.2 Lake/River/Othr Int-SoS/Pmpg Total $1,511,320.42 $25,883,428.31 17.13 307.2 Wells&Springs-SoS/Pmpg Total $8,036,876.80 $165,053,311.84 20.54 308.2 Infiltr Gallery/Tnls-SoS/Pmpg Total $72,948.25 $1,158,603.43 15.88 309.2 Supply Mains-SoS/Pmpg Total $2,980,833.77 $47,951,183.05 16.09 310.2 Pwr Prod Equip-SoS/Pmpg Total $3,516,129.70 $30,568,635.36 8.69 311.2 Pumping Equip-SoS/Pmpg Total $15,169,593.17 $207,595,494.49 13.68 311.3 Pumping Equip-WTP Total $4,064,847.57 $56,849,303.87 13.99 311.4 Pumping Equip-T&D Total $7,729,968.63 $75,744,909.69 9.80 320.3 Water Treat Equip-WTP Total $28,442,746.83 $427,518,275.62 15.03 320.3 Water Treat Membranses Total $1,345,882.90 $8,709,733.19 6.47 330.4 Dis Resrvr/Stndpipe-T&D Total $13,374,408.13 $189,265,836.55 14.15 331.4 T & D Mains-T&D Main/Plt Total $210,333,829.95 $3,482,140,316.81 16.56 333.4 Services-T&D Main/Plt Total $88,246,138.24 $1,487,871,134.96 16.86 334.4 Mtr/Mtr Inst-T&D Main/Plt Total $16,830,162.49 $136,625,098.52 8.12 335.4 Hydrants-T&D Main/Plt Total $10,041,714.63 $69,170,438.53 6.89 340.5 CompSftw-lighthouse Total $5,225,078.90 $44,413,170.65 8.50 340.5 Office Furniture & Fixtures Total $1,409,124.00 $9,051,782.92 6.42 340.5 Computer Hardware Total $1,135,037.48 $11,588,864.33 10.21 340.5 Computer Software Total $3,543,045.09 $26,489,706.48 7.48 341.5 Transprt Equip-Gen Plant Total $36,773.36 $767,778.09 20.88 342.5 Stores Equip-Gen Plant Total $19,634.76 $415,072.31 21.14 343.5 Tools/Shop/Garage Eqp-Gen Plt Total $1,335,301.85 $12,479,370.54 9.35 344.5 Lab Equip-Gen Plant Total $314,250.47 $4,889,447.39 15.56 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Total $81,574.03 $1,382,993.68 16.95 346.5 Comm Equip-Gen Plant Total $4,608,113.14 $40,129,436.00 8.71 347.5 Misc Equip-Gen Plnt Total $155,735.30 $892,312.33 5.73 348.5 Master Plan Total $2,511,335.23 $17,774,893.04 7.08 348.5 Othr Tang Prop-Gen Plant Total $83,441.54 $498,115.42 5.97 Grand Total $473,664,814.18 $7,228,588,919.65 15.26 Suez Interviews 7-15-20 Catherine Cooper Director of Engineering , Rob Barrett Project Manager in Engineering (SCADA background Electric and Controls ) Roger Greaves Pipelines , John Lee Director of Operations T D Production Department, , Gary Lim, Jarmila Cary Director of Finance, David Njuguna, Regulatory Department Case management Tim Michaelson Regulatory Manager, James Cagle, Katherine Arp Rates department Increased replacement programs. More budget dedicated to infrastructure replacement well replacement, pumping meters, DSD Older electric equipment, replace mains. Monitoring equipment in communication - Acct. 346.5 IT side IT equipment is capital more upgrades and replacements. Big office remodel (First one in 40 years) Account 304.5 304 Structures and Improvements Pumping 304.2 pumping structures source of supply. Building and other components. Life sounds reasonable for what is in the account. Other components will be replaced sooner than the structure itself. They still have some wood buildings and will be continue targeted replacements. They will be replaced with block construction. DW - 43 years. Purification 304.3 Structure Columbia Concrete basins, Martin and Columbia buildings, Etc. Concrete basins and buildings would have a long life. 50 years current. DW - 48 years is reasonable. T & D 304.4 Structures Booster pump buildings, sampling stations, Wood and block. Majority of construction is wood. They see more work on booster pump buildings and vaults. Roof work, hvac. Much that gets replaced over the life of building. They would expect a slightly shorter life for booster pump buildings. DW - around 40 years would be reasonable. 28 years from life analysis is not consistent with the assets in the account or other 304 accounts. General Plant 304.5 Office buildings Other buildings, equipment and other components that will be replaced. Much of it is main office. DW – 40 or slightly higher would be reasonable. Account 305 Collecting and Impounding Reservoirs 2018 asset Retaining wall at motor sports facility Flush pond. Concrete DW - 50 year life is reasonable. Account 306 Lake River and Other Intakes Columbia building 2004-2005. Columbia service water treatment. Intake screens 10-15 years. Small replacement of new pieces. Retaining wall (20 years) Account 307 Wells and Springs Current life 35 years. Lots of capital spend in recent years. Replaced casings and well heads. Maintenance is cleaning. Might add liner- cannot replace casing. Will be provided years of wells. Could be older than1997 based on conversion. Almost 20% are 50 years old and almost. 50% are at least 35 years old. SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 7 Page 1 of 4 Account 308 Infiltration Gallery and Tunnel Small assets retirement in 2020 1997 assets and efficiency of membrane study. Dollars originate in 1997. 2019 study to be transferred to 348.5 Master Plan. Company to research 1997 transaction Associated with Martin plant. Acct 309 Supply Mains A life comparable to T&D mains is appropriate. Acct 310.2 Power Equipment larger generators Martin and booster pump stations. 19 years. New project under discussion to replace assets that are older. Will receive generator ages. Many assets date from Y2k. due for replacements Account 311.2 Pumping Equipment pumps, Account 311.3 Treatment Equipment Account 311.4 Transmission and Distribution Equipment Pumping equipment will last 20 years max. Plenty have gone longer in the past, but 20 years into Data combined shows a life that is too well pumps were replaced at 35 years old. Trying to replace more proactively. More $ budgeted. Vibration studies and heat replacement targeted. Rehabbing well itself and when pump is pulled then the pumps are replacement Targeting 20 to 25 years. Losing the run to failure mentality, more proactive replacement. Water Treatment Pumps (at treatment plant Columbia /Martin). Includes chemical pumps. Chemical pumps 5-10 year life. VFD pumps 20-25 years Frequent failures. More replacements lately. More control equipment broken out for 311.3 Trying to replace instrumentation 15-25 years due to technology change. 311.4 Includes piping at pump station Pump 20-25 Piping longer (chemicals, composed to air) , Control equipment 15 years or so. Piping will last a little longer DW - Recommending a 20 year composite for this account. Account 320 Water Treatment Equipment Filter plant, disinfectant equipment, etc. Current life is 20 years. Pumps, chlorine generator. Filter plant is largest group. Lots of small items that will not last very long. Pumps would be shorter lived eyewash stations, etc. Martin conventional treatment system 3 greensand. Pumps, chlorine generators and risers. Control upgrade Clearwell is there. A number of assets which would last a little longer than current life. DW - Move slightly out to 25 years. Account 320 Treatment Membranes Budgeted for 7 years and reviewed as that time approaches. Account 330 Standpipes and Reservoirs 50 years currently. Life is very short. Tanks build in 1992 and mid 1990s. Hillcrest is at the end of its life do not have age. 26 years too short. Some new tanks in recent years. Tanks are not elevated . Replace rusted out pieces and parts which is capital. New air vents, etc. around 42 tanks on system. Gravity and pressurized feeds. Most welded steel or concrete 50 /50 . 4 bolted tanks Concrete longer welded shorter, Bolted much shorter. SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 7 Page 2 of 4 331 T&D Mains Approved life is 50 years. A life of 60 years is shown in the analysis. The system is pretty new. Most built in the last 40 years. 16 inch pvc mains have some issues. Ac main from 1960s are in good shape. GIS data on installation dates are available. DW – given the age and condition, moving to 60 or even 70 years would be rational. 333 Services More forces of retirement. Digins etc. service replacements occur with main replacement in relocations or road projects. Some replacements of service to accommodate customer change (demand, commercial) 1974- big expansion. Replaced services plastic pipe. Large freeze ups so the services were replaced. No lead services. Services should have a shorter life than mains. Many services are installed later than the mains and are generally replaced with mains are replaced. Operationally, 60 years is though to be reasonable by Company SMEs. Corrosion causes replacements. Replacing assets from the 1950s. Most services will be replaced with the main. 334 Meters Changeout to AMI. About 30% done. Every year replace more. Lots of $ in recent years. Target to replace 6K per year out of 100K customers. Expect to be complete in 10-15 years. Meters being replaced on strategy based on what is most easily AMI. Head being replaced not the meters. Replace everything and meter will be retired. Use Senses meters. When battery goes replace the whole thing gets retired. Even before AMI, were replacing at 20-25 for accuracy. They believe that operationally, 25 is long- even for old style meters. DW – Actuarial reflects a 19 year life. 335 Hydrants in 2015, Boise is most of service area. City owned hydrants until 2015. Now when the services is replaced, the Company owns the hydrants. About 168 hydrants per year over 40 years to replace all the Boise hydrants. Operationally used 40 year. At 20 years old, the hydrant is reviewed. Most $ are 2001 and newer. 40 years is rational from an operational standpoint. 341 Transportation Vehicles are leased. (at least 10 years) Mini excavator and trailers. Trailers will last 15 years. 20 is too long 345 Power operated Excavator, back hoes (generally keep 12-15 years), tractor, etc bulldozers stuff than goes on back of truck Skid steer. Similar to stores and communication equipment. DW - 15 years or more is reasonable. 340.5 Software Lighthouse Amortized about $1 million still to be accrued. Average age is 10 years. DW – move to 15 years. 340.5 Computer Hardware Replace every 4 years is goal. Policy for 8-12 years Network equipment, servers. Routers and switches longer than 4 years. New office computer refresh will occur in 2021. SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 7 Page 3 of 4 340.5 Computer Software Replace every 4 years is goal. New office computer refresh will occur in 2021. Leave at 5 years 340 Other Furniture and Equipment This account has a variety of assets including software licenses and other assets as well as generators and furniture (modular) 342 Stores Equipment Assets in warehouses and shelving. Cranes. 343 Tools Shop and Garage Equipment Mini-excavator pipe threading equipment Budget increase Moving to a 15 year replacement cycle. 344 Laboratory Equipment analyzers monitoring equipment Assets are more like 10 years. Upgraded from analog to digital forces of technology go with shorter life. 346 Communication Equipment Currently a 15 year life. Have not replaced as much as desired due to budget constraint in the past. SCADA Control equipment, all instrument control is being targeted for a 15 year cycle now. 347 Miscellaneous Equipment 15 years. Kitchen equipment. 348.5 Other Tangible Plant Hydraulic modeling software. Assets should all transfer to other accounts and the balance should be $0. DW – retain 50 year life for future use. 348.5 Master Plan 10 years Amortized Retain 10 year life. All assets in 348.5 other tangible plant to transfer in the master plan account. RC – When project is set up in PowerPlan, estimates from planners or contractors are used to allocate RC to replacement projects. Estimated on each project. $ amounts input in PP and it is generated in system. Contractor jobs breakout cost of removal (pre-overhead loadings). Question on project that should have unitized but is now showing up in 108 summary. SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 7 Page 4 of 4 SUZ-W-20-02 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 8 1 of 1 Utility Account Retirement Unit Sum Of Activity Cost 301.1 Organization-Intang Plt Total $103,737.92 302.1 Franchise/Consents-Intang Plt Total $41,181.68 303.2 Land/Land Rights-SoS/Pmpg Total $9,897,341.43 303.3 Land/Land Rights-Purification Total $889,033.64 303.4 Land/Land Rights-T&D Total $1,086,818.19 303.5 Land/Land Rights-Gen Plt Total $213,382.87 304.2 Struct/Imprvmt-SoS/Pmpg Total $6,781,076.69 304.3 Struct/Imprvmt-Purification Total $15,687,412.85 304.4 Struct/Imprvmt-T&D Total $2,997,926.12 304.5 Struct/Imprvmt-Gen Plnt Total $3,802,867.50 305.2 Coll&Impnd Resvr-SoS/Pmpg Total $8,188.66 306.2 Lake/River/Othr Int-SoS/Pmpg Total $1,511,320.42 307.2 Wells&Springs-SoS/Pmpg Total $8,036,876.80 308.2 Infiltr Gallery/Tnls-SoS/Pmpg Total $60,350.95 309.2 Supply Mains-SoS/Pmpg Total $2,980,833.77 310.2 Pwr Prod Equip-SoS/Pmpg Total $3,516,129.70 311.2 Pumping Equip-SoS/Pmpg Total $15,169,593.17 311.3 Pumping Equip-WTP Total $4,064,847.57 311.4 Pumping Equip-T&D Total $7,729,968.63 320.3 Water Treat Equip-WTP Total $28,442,746.83 320.3 Water Treat Membranses Total $1,345,882.90 330.4 Dis Resrvr/Stndpipe-T&D Total $13,374,408.13 331.4 T & D Mains-T&D Main/Plt Total $210,333,829.95 333.4 Services-T&D Main/Plt Total $88,246,138.24 334.4 Mtr/Mtr Inst-T&D Main/Plt Total $16,830,162.49 335.4 Hydrants-T&D Main/Plt Total $10,041,714.63 340.5 CompSftw-lighthouse Total $5,225,078.90 340.5 Office Furniture & Fixtures Total $1,409,124.00 340.5 Computer Hardware Total $1,135,037.48 340.5 Computer Software Total $3,626,486.63 341.5 Transprt Equip-Gen Plant Total $36,773.36 342.5 Stores Equip-Gen Plant Total $19,634.76 343.5 Tools/Shop/Garage Eqp-Gen Plt Total $1,335,301.85 344.5 Lab Equip-Gen Plant Total $314,250.47 345.5 Pwr Op Equip-Gen Plant Total $81,574.03 346.5 Comm Equip-Gen Plant Total $4,641,664.54 347.5 Misc Equip-Gen Plnt Total $122,183.90 348.5 Master Plan Total $2,523,932.53 Grand Total $473,664,814.18