HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211116Public Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLlC UTILlTIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OE SUEZ VIATER TDAHO, ItitrC. , TO ACQUTRE EAGLE WATER COMPANY CASE NOS. suz-w-l_8-02 EAG-W-18-01 CUSTOMER HEARING BE FORE *4 i:: -{qlfir{-N"C; I.-t().y :&a. u-#HI (,tu*so1b r-, 5: &fi,*rn (trr rfitre-rE$s aCOMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER COMMTSSIONER ERIC ANDERSON (Presiding) PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 11331- V{est Chinden B1vd.Building 8, Suite 201-A Boj-se, Idaho DATE:November l, 202L VOLUMEI-Pagesl 60 ORIGINAL CSB REPORTING Certfud Shorthand Reporters Fost Office Box9774 Boise,Idalro 83707 c sbrePortin g@)'ahoo. com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fa;r: l-888-623-6899 Reporter: Maureen lYelch, CSR 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 B 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 L6 1,7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208 . 890.5198 For Staff:Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General- 11331 West Chinden BIvd.Building B, Suite 20L-ABoise, Idaho 83120-0074 For SUEZ Water Idaho, Inc.: Marshall Thonpson 8248 W. Victory RoadBoise, Idaho 83709 Michae]. CrearnerPreston Carter 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, Idaho 83102 For Eagle l[ater Company: Mol1y O'teary L'715 W. StateBoise, Idaho St., Suite 150 B3'7 02 Robert l_88 W. Eagle, Deshazo State St. ldaho 83616 For City of Eag1e:Neral. Squyres Murray Fe1dmanHoIland & Hart, LLP 800 W. Main St. Suite 1750 Boise, Idaho 83702 For Citizens AJ.ive for Xntegrity And AccountabiJ.iy: James Piotrorski Marty Durand L020 W. Main St., Suite 440 Boise, fdaho 83702 For EagJ.e lfater Customers Groups: Norman SemankoParsons Behle & Latimer 800 W. Main St., Suite 1300Boise, Idaho 83702 For City of Boise:Mary GrantScott Muir150 N. Capitol Blvd. Boise, ldaho 8370125 APPEARANCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 !2 13 t4 15 16 77 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 INDEX WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE Jonathan Seel ( Public) Statement 6 ,leff Stucker ( Public) Statement 10 Jeff Haas ( PubIic) Statement L2 Patricia .Tordan ( Public) Statement 20 Cindy Tvinnereim ( Public) Statement 22 Christopher Hadden ( Public) Statement 24 Jane Rohling ( Public) Statement 30 Susan Wendt ( Public) Statement 36 Stan Ridgeway ( Public) Statement 38 Elizabeth Roberts ( Public ) Statement 44 Dean Tvinnereim ( Public ) Statement 46 She11y Brock ( Public) Statement 48 Nancy Viano ( PubIic) Statement 56 25 INDEX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 1,2 13 L4 15 T6 L7 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.8 90.5198 BOlSE, IDAHO, MONDAY, IIOVEMBER T,202L, 7: 00 P. M COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: We11, good evening, ladies and gentl-emen. It is 7:00 p.m. and it is time to begin our customer hearing in the Case No. SUZ-W-18-02 and EAG-W-18-01, also referred to dsr In the Matter of the Joint Application of Suez Water Idaho and Eagle Water Company for the Acquisition of Eagle Vflater Company. The purpose of testlmony and t.he public in that was filed 2021- . this hearing is to take comments from members of to the company's request Commission on November 15, re I evant re fe rence with the My name is Eric Anderson. f'm the Chair of tonlght's proceedings. And I'm joined by Commissj-oner Paul Kjellander and Commissioner Kristine Raper. To this point, the partj-es have met for settl-ement. And again, toni-ght's ob j ective is to give live public testimony on the official record for the case. We do use a court reporter for these hearings. Tonight we have Maureen Welch creating 1 25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 16 71 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 an official transcript for our record. And I wiII remind you now, and perhaps Iater again, that if we do go too fastr you talk too fast or not clear enough, I will have to stop you and allow Maureen to catch up. Upon closing the official record, the Commissioners will review facts and evidence i.n the record and issue its final decisions in this case. As an purposes of the their counsel. And we initial matter, fet's document for wiIl begin I wilI introduce these tonight: Vfle will begin with representation of staff, and that will- be our Deputy Attorney General, Mr. Dayn Hardie. We have SUEZ Water, represented by Marshall Thompson and Michael- Creamer. Eagle Water is represented by MoJ-1y OrLeary and Robert Deshazo and N.L. Bangle. The City of Eag1e, Newal Squyres excuse rTr€r I am probably pronouncing that lmproperly and Murray Fel-dman. And el-ectronically would be Jason Pierce, the mayor, Mayor Pierce. record the parties present and 2 25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 Citizens A1lied for Integrity and Accountability, James Piotrowski and Marty Durand. EagIe Water Customers Groups, Norman Semanko. City of Boise City, Mary Grant and Scott Muir. Have I missed any counsel out there on record? Are there any parties that I've missed? Hearing none interrupt later if I have, but I don't bel-ieve I have. WhiIe it's customary to aIlow 1egaI counsel and intervenors to cross-examine public witnesses, it's very rare for cross-examination to occur. Tonight, three Iawyers have identified representing clients that they may have questions to cross witnesses with. And for those members that may wish to do that, please speak up quickly. If you have something to ask one of the witnesses, so that we don't move onto the next witness, it will be up to you to do that. I'm not going to stop proceedings and ask each intervenor whether they have quest j-ons to ask. Tonight is a telephonic hearingr ds you know. Ilttre have two separate telephone lines f or CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 10 11 L2 13 1,4 15 76 11 18 1,9 20 2t 22 23 24 3 25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 participants. For those who want to be sworn in to testify, the number is 1-800-920-'1481. And you'1I be asked to enter a participant code to testify, and that code is 6614832#. And for those who simply want to listen in and do not intend to be sworn in to testify, the number to call is 1-800-920-7487. The partj-cipant code is 98'77 951#. Please make sure you enter the correct code to help avoid unnecessary delays. And if you do not intend to testify, please use code, once again, 9811957#. Let me explain the procedures and parameters for today's hearing: V[hen we calI your namer we wiII un-mute your fine to allow you to testif y. You wiII be sworn in, as you woul-d be in any other court , official court proceeding. I wilI ask you to identify yourself for the record, which will include your name, Spelling of your last name, your address, and whether you are a customer of Eagle Water Company or SUEZ Water Company. With the attendants tonight, looking at the board, I'm going to use the prerogative to l-imit the testimony to f ive minutes. That's CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 10 11 12 13 1,4 15 1,6 l1 1B 1,9 20 2t 22 23 24 4 25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 B 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 1,6 1,'7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 usual1y plenty of time to testify. I may give a 1ittle bit more time if it's necessary, but I think f ive minutes wil-l- be the Iimit f or, f or this evening's proceedings. Okay. Commissioners, have I missed anything on this order? Thank you very much. MR. HARDIE: Customers can also file written comments. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Yes.Thank you to give thatvery much. In my information. But j ust wilI be available closing I was going so you after do know, written comments thi s Ihearing too for of me but thankdon't have the date you very much. Okay. Irm phone numbers out. in front to go ahead and call all we have in front of us. So as I do that, please un-mute your phone, and once you come onli-ne, I wiII swear you in. The first number we have is 861-2642. Are you there? Thank you. And you wj-sh to testify? AUDIENCE: Yes, I do. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much. Let me swear you in. go rng That I s trJ 25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 T6 1,7 1B l9 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 JONATHAN SEEL, appearing as a public witness, having been duly swornr wds examined and testified as follows: and speII My SeeIJonathan. The l-ast name is That's S, like in Sam, E-E-L. My address is 2906 North Haven Drive, Eag1e, Idaho. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And are you a customer of Eagle Vf,ater or Suez Vilater? THE IIIITNESS : No, I rm not . COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. You may give your statement, your testimony. THE WITNESS: Okay. My concern is as I mentioned, I am not a customer of either SUEZ Water or Water Eagle at this time. COMMISSIONER please state your name THE WITNESS: Thank you. And your last name. first name is applicatj-on, it. current SUEZ ANDERSON Yes But the thing that letter from SUEZ Vilater, in said, "Are there customers ?tt And the critical to the proposed, EagIe concerns me is, in the their any benefits to answer is, "Redundancy is operation of any water system Water Company assets would be As 6 SEEL PUBLTC 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 76 71 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 interconnected with SUEZ facilities in the 1oca1 area to from my water in kind of could, that the rest of where, all we're faced deeper. could lmpact mer ds us out here 1n the benef it al-l- customers. " My concern is: fs that standpoint, implies that EagIe, the aquifer, at community, any Iocation And as someone who has almost, at least SUEZ can use the their wiI1, in any they want. a we1l, well as that area of many of impact, Iower andl-sof a sudden, with having the aquifer to drill our wells even So it doesn't give me a great deaf of comfort to know that they could take the water from Eagle and other location, divert it to and use it maybe South Boi-se, any there, and I end up of that. mention, just planning on if f 'm PUC to go back and some of the, been generated. Indianapolis, Veolia suffering the consequences I also would just Iike to very quickly, that f know SUEZ is merging with, f think j-t's Veolia, pronouncing that right. And I would encourage the and look at the history of Veol-ia some of the concerns that have For example, back in 1 SEEL PUBLIC 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 16 17 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 8 SEEL PUBLIC lost the largest water contract in the U.S. when the clty terminated due to a1Ie9ed, alleged unfair billing practices, overcharging residents, and more than $50 million in benefit cuts. There's quite a few of these here, and I Ietter.would encourage you I think the I will- send a other one that we about is Elint. Veo1ia was hired by Elintrs drinking water quality. VeoIia Flint's water safe , failed to warn the alI know to study decl ared public of lead contamination. They acknowledged, months earlier, internal e-mai1s, and even recommended a chemical change that aIIegedly worsened the crisis. Ongoing lawsuits assert that Veolia abuse amounted to professional neglect and fraud. There's many others, and I'II keep this short: But I think the citlzens in this area, including us as people who have we11s, enjoy the water that's here. And we have a great concern that SUEZ coul-d impact that quality of water. So I hope that you will spend some time and go back and look at some of the stuff, some of the violati.ons that Veolia which will become part of SUEZ has, has caused.25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 And IrII just, in just quick note and I find it somewhat ironic I think it was either last year or the year before, the state legislature was very concerned when Powerball was going to be, t j-ckets were going to be sold in Australia and other countries. And they felt it might have a negative influence on this state and what we stand for. And yet, we're talking about allowing a foreign, multinatj-onal, for-profit company to take over our water, which is a precious resource. So I will close with that. Thank you very much. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank your Mr. See1. Any questions from the Commissioners? Okay. Thank you again. Move on to our next statement. The phone number is 724-8995. Remember to un-mute your phone. AUDIENCE: He11o. This is Jeff Stucker, in Eag1e. And I just wanted to COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Let ffier let me go ahead and AUDIENCE: -- talk about COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Let me go ahead CSB REPORTING 208 . 890.5198 SEEL PUBLIC 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 L6 T1 t-8 1,9 20 2L 22 23 24 9 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 1,2 13 1,4 15 t6 1_7 l_B 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 STUCKER PUBLIC and swear you in first. AUDIENCE: Yes . Yes, please . JEFF STUCKER, appearing as a public witness, having been duly swornr wds examined and testified as folLows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. And now, now give me your name and spell your last name. THE WITNESS: Yes. Jeff Stucker, S-T-U-C-K-E-R. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And your address? THE I'IITNESS : 2255 East Halsey Drive, in Eag1e, Idaho. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And are you a customer of Eagle or THE WITNESS: COMMISSIONER ahead. SUEZ Water? Eagle Water Company. ANDERSON: Thank you. Go THE [t]ITNESS: Yes. I'd like to register my opposition to In Eagle very good quality the sale to SUEZ. Water Company, water and very we have enj oyed low rates. are necessaryAnd we know that there25 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 1l_ 1,2 13 \4 15 1,6 t7 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 STUCKER PUBLlC infrastructure improvements to improve, that our rates wil-l- eventually increase. But our concerns with SUEZ are twofold: One, is that Iarge, gLobal- profits than constituents. company they are it's a foreiqn-owned entity and a that is concerned more about taking care of local And sor we know controf was kept locaffy, option to seII to a local that Lf, if the water and there would be an company l-ike City of decl-ined, that that wouldwasEagle Water, if this be a much better and more accountable resource for caring for such an important resource such as water. The second concern is realIy the track record of SUEZ and Veolia. And their track record of water quality is not that great. We have some of the best water in the Treasure Va11ey in Eagle, and we'd like to keep it that way. And so, we don't see a lot of value in having a foreign company take over our water. We'd much rather keep it local. And that is a viable option wlth the City of Eagle Water nearby. So just for those two reasons, that the quality and the foreign ownership, which leads to25 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 1l_ t2 13 14 15 16 1,7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 STUCKER PUBLIC lack of accountability, we'd much l-oca1 control of this water which option. Thank you. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON : Mr. Stucker. Questions from the rather have is a viable Hearing none. Thank you for line we Hel-1o. your have Thank your Commissioners? testimony. 949- 9514.Next on the AUDIENCE:I woul-d ask the Commission if I could delay my testimony until later. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: That. would be fine. Next number we have is 715-0110. AUDIENCE: Thatrs rTl€r I was just un-muted. Jeff Haas is COMMISSIONER ANDERSON : swear you in. guess. My line my name. Okay. Let me AUDIENCE: H-A-A-S. Oh, sorry. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: IrIl swear you in first. Thank you. JEEF HAAS, appearJ-ng as a public witness, having been duly swornr wds examined and testified as follows: 25 L2 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 l-0 11 1,2 13 t4 15 76 1,7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 HAAS PUBLIC COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Now let's get your name and spell your last name. Thank you. THE WITNESS: Jeff Haas, H-A-A-S. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Are you a customer of Eagle or SUEZ Vrlater? THE WITNESS: Customer of Eag1e Water Company. 537 Mango Drive, in Eagle. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Go ahead and share your testimony. THE WITNESS : Okay. Thanks . Itr s emotional, you know. I have to say that to start with. I think we have fantastic water here in Eagle, and it's one of the best natural- resources that we have around, and I've been enjoying it s j-nce f 've been here in the 1ast, I don' t know, I guess, seven years or so. The okay. So what do I want to with? I wrote notes. We're down to the f inal- comments regarding the sale of EagIe l,ttrater Company. remember the shock of the sal-e when it came start I apart be fore about in the first place. And that was anybody knew about it25 13 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 1,'1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HAAS PUBL]C And I'm not quite to SUEZ without putting it anybody else to purchase. And so it went sure why we t re on the market selling for and there was an application with the IPUC before EagIe City even knew about it. I was part of the group that came to Eagle City and said, hey, this is going oni what can we do? And they said, heyr w€ have first right of refusal. So they went in there and created this case that you paused your request for them to review it. And it went into a Iegal suit. I read the documents andthey they did everyth j-ng refusal. deflnitely had first right of And But why is it that it's is the sale completely hidden? all hidden? Why I donrt understand that. I mean, I know my community woufd def ini-te1y buy it up and say, hey, letrs keep it here. But that was never an option to anybody. Anyway, I'm getting emotional again, and I apol ogize f or that . The l-et I s see, where am f at now? My challenge at this tj-me is everyone25 14 1 2 3 4 5 A 7 B 9 10 11 1,2 13 t4 15 16 11 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HAAS PUBLIC mayor has accepted $1.75 lawsuit would be settled. And I involved seems to be out for money. The million so that this company wouldn't the EagIe the don't know why he purchasing the at aII, being a didn't say company. I resident or We around here the City of care of us? So no to that and accept don't understand that a citizen. are, ha1f, are part of EagIe. Why half of the customers part of City take I feel very powerless in that entire concern. It just therers no one to behind the doors. it's a very shocking kind SUEZ took over a doesn't make sense to me. But talk to about it. Itrs aI1 And I flnd out afterwards. And of thing to this is be led on. my andunderstanding ge t -t o gethe rs the paperwork, SUEZ Nampa area. to 1et the in part of and doing but I did our meetings this before.T donit have Iook it up in the out a water company the city of they IN past. thebought And then re fus ed city develop was forced to where they buy back the wanted to. So waterthe city from SUEZ over the at a premium. barrel- with the And they really money that they company got taken were25 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 L5 1,7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 HAAS PUBL]C charged for it. And I'm not sure how that happened, but it concerns me with that happened. In other words, you are powerless. And you're the only people that anything about it. f love I read your and I think they are great; however, some l-ike SUEZ have a Iot of force, whereas the guy doesn't. And sor in this same thing, there rate increasesr Do infrastructure changes, with Eagle Water Company in the past. And can do bylaws peop I e smaIl were no nothing they've come to you before and said, hey, I need more money, I need to be able to do this, and they've been refused many, many times. SUEZ comes to you guys and j-trs a 300 percent increaser EIS a you know, werre going to go 300 percent morer Do matter what. Vile're going to take your water and give it to Boise. They have a $30 million contract to supply Boise with money they donrt have a way to do it wlth. They are taking our company at $10 million and saving $20 million on the other side to supply Boise with water. You know, it makes financial sense, but25 76 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 the way they do things doesnrt make sense. They are paying $1.75 -- I heard the commission they are paying for this sale is huge. Itrs like doing a legal -- a lawyer and that's secondhand, and that I s friends that I have in the area and I haven't looked it up, but the commission is supposed to be pretty sizable. Now that, those fees, that lawsuit, they are putting $500,000 onto the cost of the company right off the bat. They are taking what, what the SUEZ you know what, the Eagle Water Company did and the penalty they are paying, wel1, it's coming back to us to bear. I have to pay that increase. That 300 percent is not just going to, h.y, I need to increase my, my water company's supply and make it better, or help other people out. None of that. Therers no it's aII for profit. And who pays these penalties thatrs going along? I do. ft's coming out of my pocket, but, you know, I have no power to do anything about it. So f feel- frustrated with that. Okay. Stop that. So the commission, I think, is far too Iarge for a sale of a public water company. Because when you have that commission, fPC was CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HAAS PUBLIC 10 11 t2 13 1,4 15 16 L7 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 1_7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 1,2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 HAAS PUBLlC saying, hey, that I s an okay amount the customers. of money. It I s No matter what going to have passed straight you think, it's to pay for that millions range. commissi-on that ground water. to for profit commission So very, I t ve ever Vf,e I re area that are on the Eagle a ton of older homes that gray pipes in in the system So let's see, they are water, so they are adding So in a lot of these old . And it's in the very too high for any heard of before. also going to mix chlorine to the homes in this Vf,ater Company, there's have these there, and there's whatsoever. As soon as been no chlorine prpes are gor-ng cracks and leaks to chlorine goes into them, those harden and there I s going to be throughout this entire area because we've sold this company and they are changing their policy on how they are dealing and processing water because they are trying to mix it with their other, other systems that are going on. In order to mix it with the other systems, they have a higher bacteria count and they have to add chl-orine to the water. I don't think that's a good thing. There's a ton of excess here in Eagle and25 1B 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 l_6 L] 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HAAS PUBLIC I think we could handle it in think the way we're doing it has badover to somebody who history is not the way to do And I don't want to it, so I apologize for that. I think the a certain wdy, but I and just handing it credentials and a bad it. keep going on about the man that owned it.doing a great It's time for that you just need Iot of local people EagIe f know ma ke Water Company has been a transition. I think to open it up because there t s a that would come and take that j ob. him to opportunity. And I SUEZ. So this the people that research we did purchaser is no at the also agree: SUEZ Ls no contract that started is it. And I onge r no longer whateverwanted to buy on saying are longer va1id. they a good hle have to re-l-ook be fore they donrt the bottom company. Because they do buyout s f I ve seen them are harsh and they are critical and well on the person that's re ce ivi ng to be cut.line because they is are go]-ng Anyway, my time you for listening to me.I probably up. Thank appreciate it. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: That's no25 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 l-0 11 72 13 1,4 15 16 t1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 ,JORDAN PUBLIC problem. Thank you very much for your testimony. Any questj-ons from the Commissioners? Thank you again. The next on the call list is No. 551-0166. Is the ca.Iler there? AUDIENCE: Hello? COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Yes, thank you. Let me swear you in. PATRICIA .JORDAN, appearJ-ng as a public witness, having been duly swornr wds examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Please give me your name and spell your last name. THE WITNESS: Patricia Jordan, J-O-R-D-A-N. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And your address? THE WITNESS: 24Bl East Bancroft Court, in Eag1e, Idaho. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And are you a customer of Eagle or SUEZ Water? THE WITNESS: EagIe. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Go ahead and give your testimony.25 20 1 2 3 4 5 5 l B 9 10 11 12 13 L4 15 t6 !7 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 -8 90.5198 JORDAN PUBLIC THE WITNESS: Yes. Thank you so much. Thank you for this opportunity. Yeah, I just want to say that the safe of Eagle Water Company to aII SUEZ SUEZ wiII result in rate increases to customers in Eagle, Boise and Northwest Ada County. As we aII know, water is essential to all of us and should be considered a public resource and not something to be sol-d for prof it. As I'm sure you are awarer so many current SUEZ customers report the terrible taste and sme1l of their wat.er and the discoloration yellow, yellow water coming out of f'm here today because I to plead with resource and the faucet. want to protect Pl-ease do not you: please our water and stand up keep our water a public sell- our water to SUEZ for profit. Thank you. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Ms. Jordan. Any questions from the Commissioners? Hearing none. Thank you The next caller caIIer there? Is the number, once again, is your testimony. 865-9199. Is the there? The phone for l_s caIIer B 65- 9799 . We'lf go on to the next one. The next number is 867-3690. Is the caIIer there?25 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 't B 9 10 11 12 13 74 15 75 77 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 TV]NNEREIM PUBLIC AUDIENCE: My name oh, I guess you have to swear me l-n. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Let me go ahead and swear you in. C]NDY TVINNEREIM, appearing as a public witness, having been duly sworn, wds examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Your name and spe11 your last name, pfease. THE WfTNESS: Cindy, Tvinnereim, T, like Tom, V like Victor, I-N-N-E-R-E-I-M. 10668 North Halter Way. And I am an Eagle Water customer. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Please share your testimony. THE WITNESS: Like everyone eIse, I am concerned about the rate increase. They are saying it's going to be this gradual increase. I guess we'11 see. SUEZ has already, you know, deal with I don't know ifgoing through I'm saying the from France. And a ga in, thi s company right Veolia, Veolia So again, like other people, we're25 ')) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 L6 77 1B 1-9 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 TV]NNEREIM PUBLIC dealing with comj-ng j-nto water. another international water company Idaho and going to have control of our f am concerned about the qualj-ty of the water, having chlorine in the water, what that does to our bodies. And the quality of our water has just been so excellent. And how this whole thing was done by the mayor closed of Eagle and city council members behind doors and not letting the public in to have comments your the, COMMISSIONER ANDERSON : testimony. Do we have any from the Commissioners? Thank you for questions from Thank you for your testimony, ma'am. Next on our agenda is No. 685-9799. Is the cal-ler there? Apparently we may have a wrong number there. We'll go to the next one. The next number is 203- 6101. Is the caIler there? Is the cafler there? AUDIENCE: Sorry, I had myself on mute. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Let me go ahead and swear you in. 25 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 l_1 1,2 13 1,4 l-5 1,6 L7 18 19 20 21, 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HADDEN PUBLIC CHRISTOPHER HADDEN appearing as a public witness, having been duly shrornr wds examined and testified as follows: City of Eagle Water provJ-der. Company is my COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Go ahead and give your testimony. THE WITNESS: I want to start off by COMMISSIONER name and please spelI THE W]TNESS: 909 North Morley Green readlng campaign literature of the City of Eagle, Jason purchas e f inanci- a l- Mayor Iltla te r impacts to ANDERSON: Thank you. Your your last name. H-A-D-D-E-N. And I live at Pl-ace, in Eag1e. And frm a service from the current mayor Pierce. he has Eagle Ridgeway, who is had six years to and has fai-led to advocated as such. In his campai-gn brochure Water Company. "Ridgeway has" the former mayor of Eagle "has purchase the EagIe Water Company act. tt and have always As the EagIe nI believe we should control our water of Eagle, I will work to while attempting to mitigate the Eagle taxpayers. "25 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 "I need your help to preserve Eagle and our quality of life." I bring that up because a l-ot of people have already said how the current mayor has not given the opportunity to the citizens of Eagle to purchase EagIe Water Company. A deal was struck behind closed doors in an executive session in January where they settl-ed for $1.5 mi-llion. Part of that settlement was actually back payment that Eagle V{ater Company owed the City of Eagle for their intertie agreement. The intertie agreement went into effect about. ten years ago or 12 years ago. And they were supposed to be paying the City of Eagle $10,000 per month. Also with that intertie agreement, that's where the first right of refusal came from. So the City of Eagle does have the first right of refusal and they were supposed to pay $10 million $10,000 per month. It came out to be roughly $1.5 mil1ion, f guess, and then some legal fees, to $1.75 million. That also fixed a problem for Eagle Water Company. The intertie agreementr a.S stated in a number of lega1 documents, was so that they met CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 10 11 1,2 13 1,4 15 1,6 L1 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 HADDEN PUBLI C 25 ac, 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 l_0 11 L2 13 L4 15 t6 L7 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HADDEN PUBLIC the fire suppression requirement to having the and so having that j-ntertle with Eagle, the City of Eagle municipal water, they then met the IPUC and DEQ regulations at that time. Now, the City of Eagle has been interested in Eagle Water Company for a very, very long time. The current mayor, Jason Pierce, sat on a number of dif ferent councils, going al-l- the way back to two different 2008 and 20L0. And I believe it was in 2008 that the City was planning to purchase Eagle At that a bond election togetherto put Water Company. the ownertime,of Eagle Water went to a bondCompany backed out, so it never election. So we never knew whether the citlzens of Eagle would be interested in purchasing Eagle Water Company. Fast forward to 2012, Norm Bangle comes into the picture. Norm Bangle is a water broker. At that time in 2Ot2 he worked for a company caIIed Pel-orit (sp), whlch what they do is they buy up they go around the country, Iooking for sma11 municipalities where they can come in and swoop in and buy these smal1, Iittle water companies up, private companies, and se11 them to25 zb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o 9 10 11 1_2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.8 90.5198 HADDEN PUBLIC big corporations like SUEZ. And SUEZ is being is the largest company in the world, from my understanding, that holds the most water rights. So anyway, in 2072, he started Norm Bangle got involved with EWC and approached Mayor Reynolds at the time. And those conversations took place from 2012 to 20L6. And thatrs all part of the tort documents in the original lawsuit from Mayor Ridgeway that they filed in 2019. A11 those e-mai1s showed these conversations and about deali-ngs-with between Norm Bangle and EWC and former Mayor Reynolds. That all those conversations fe11 apart when Mayor Ridgeway was elected. And nothing was heard until May of 201,8. In May of 20lB actually, this was all done under the radar of the Idaho PubIic Utilities Commission. And I brought this up in the last meeting. Now, f have both the court documents from court documents. I have the most recent one. And 2019, and I have them say the Februa ry both of same thing: That acquiring EWC for Norm Bangle purchased or is an unspecified amount.25 2'7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 So in May of 2018, he acquired or struck a deal- with EWC unbeknownst to the City of Eagle. And if Irm not if I'm incorrect I believe this is against state law. State law requires the sale of any utiJ-ity company within the city Iimits, that the city is notified. And thatrs not even mentioning the first right of refusal. So we had that agreement with EWC. They were supposed to be paying us $10r000 a month up to May 2018. Instead, in turn, they went 111egal1y, behind the scenes with Norm Bangle, struck a deal with him. And Norm Bangle sti1I didn't notif y the city, whj-ch is a requirement, from my understanding, of state 1aw, bringing US Then that brings us to November of 201,8, where SUEZ fits in the picture COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank your Mr. Hadden. THE WITNESS: Norm Bangle is then, he COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Mr. Hadden, could you your f ive minutes is up. Coul-d you wrap this up, please. Thank you. THE WITNESS: Yes, Ir11 try to be as CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 HADDEN PUBLIC 10 11 L2 1_3 1,4 15 L6 77 18 79 20 2T 22 23 24 25 2B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11_ 72 13 1,4 15 76 t7 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 HADDEN PUBLTC quick as possible In 2018, deal was going to in November, essentially the be for $10 million to SUEZ.And that's when the City of Eagle In any caser wer ds denied this right, our first The new mayor took filed a lawsuit. c j-ti zens, have been right of refusal. over. He made these deals behind made his decision behind closed doors, never notifying the public until months afterward that the deal was made. In March of 2000 of this year, 202!, he sends out an e-mai1 in hls monthly newsletter, sayr-ng we that's not struck a deal for $1.75 miIlion. And us. That's begin with. of refusal. rea I 1y what We they sti11 a deal. That's what they owed Eagle to first right owed the City of should have that And what Irm asking for at this point, is for the IPUC to intervene and to do a ful-l-, thorough j-nvestigation, going back through all these years. Because I belj-eve illegaI things have occurred here and ultimately our rights as citizens have been violated. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Mr. Hadden. And you can submit this in writing25 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 1,2 13 t4 15 16 L'l 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 ROHLING PUBLIC too if you've got some other ideas that you'd like to share. I missed your first name. THE WITNESS: Itrs Christopher. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Christopher. And thank you for your testimony this evening. Next on our Iist we have 949- 6545. Is the cal1er there? AUDIENCE: Yes, I rm here. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Let me swear you in. JANE ROHLING, Appearing as a public wj-tness, having been duly swornr wds examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: PIease give us your name and spelJ- your last name. THE WITNESS: My name is Jane Roh1i.g, R-O-H-L-I-N-G. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And your address? THE WITNESS: 582 Palmetto Drive, Ea91e, Idaho. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And are you a customer of Eagle or SUEZ Water?25 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 t-1 1,2 13 L4 15 1,6 t7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 ROHLING PUBLIC Water. PIease share THE much to say. your testimony. WITNESS: We11, I've Irve been following THE WITNESS: I'm a customer of Eagle COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. there's so since the news first broke in November s rnce, of 2078. And f 've been extremely disappointed j-n everything that's gone on since then, except for the lawsuit that the City of Eagle, under Mayor Ri-dgeway filed, which I thought was entirely appropriaLe, and which I feel like we were very likely to win. So I was very disappointed when the new mayor, without consulting anyone in the city, dny of the citizens or any of the Eagle Water customers kind of sold us out, even after all of his campaign literature and promises said that he was fu1Iy behind buying Eagle lltrater Company for the City. They claimed that there was new information that came to 1ight, they claimed that there was, you know, something different about how many water rights were owned, something different about repairs needed. thi s 25 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 But f have read through the applications to PUC, the original one, and the amended one, and the Cooper testimony from SUEZ, and I don't see anything that was different. So I believe somehow the mayor, for whatever reasons or because he just feII for incorrect or invalid information from SUEZ and Norm Bangle, likely. I think he made the decision to change go against his promise to buy the water company for the City based on inaccurate and incompl-ete information that was provided by people who have an interest in giving false information. So I think there was and the total lack of transparency. Nobody in town knew anything about the negotiations the mayor that was involved in until after it was done. So we had no opportunity to comment. We had I understand that apparently he dj,dnrt have to have our comments, but I know for sure that he knew many people in town were supportive of the City buying Eagle Water Company, and he denied us that right of first refusal and just threw us under the bus with false information. CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 L6 L7 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 ROHLING PUBLIC 25 32 1 2 3 4 5 6, 7 B 9 10 11 1,2 13 L4 15 76 t7 1B 19 20 2! 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 ROHLING PUBLIC Hi 11s , And Eagl e of townpart s l-ncomes or are than the vast I live in Eag1.e Hi11s, and Eagle Ranch and downtown Eagle are ol-der Many of us are retired or on fixed just generally l-ower income people majority of people in the newer developments of Eagle. So this rate increase recognize the reason we I ve been fortunate although I for it; I recognize now that to have such low rates for so long hit the of townparts 1i ve I stiIl think this ol-der increase is going to where those of us with Iower incomes harder than those in some of the other parts And I apprecj-ate PUC negotiating that time period for the phase-in up to seven years. I'm still disappointed that more than half of that increase will occur the first year. And that will hit us pretty hard. There was no time because of the short because of no noti-ce from the City that they were and because of lackgoing to sho r t age been time increase sell- us out, of time in the PUC process, there hasn't for us to do things to prepare for this Eor example, Irve been planting of town. in water. 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 74 15 L6 71 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTTNG 208.890.5198 ROHL]NG PUBLIC water-wise, drought tol-erant plants in my yard for severa.l- years and getting rid of grass every year. And I'm very conservative about using water in my yard. However, I will stil-1 see the highest thethe water use I have,part of my year, irrigation I have Itrs alI treated is alI from Eagle Water Company. household water. Itrs not water out of an irrigation ditch. And I have no option for anything but treated household water. So my irrigation bill is going to increase substantially. In order to adjust for that, I want to get my irrigatj-on switched over to completely to drip irrigation. We11, that takes money. f don't have a l-ot of spare cash so f have to allow for that. In order to have the quality of water that we've enjoyed for the 27 years I've lived here, people who do not like the chlorine sme1I, the bad taste of SUEZ Water, many of them won't drink water from tap. They put in filters. Now, I recognize that, that in your vi-ew, you know, treated water from SUEZ meets all the safety standards. But I hate that we were going to be giving up excellent water quality and25 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 t6 1-7 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.8 90.5198 ROHLING PUBLIC excellent locaI Mr. Deshazo aI1 water quality, control of our also service that these likeIy water to a foreign entity. I COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank YOU, Just years worse we t ve gotten from in exchange for worse service, and giving up Ms. RohIing. Your please wrap this up submit your written five minutes if you can. 1s up. And you can also comments to the Commission. I I 11 give you another few seconds to wrap this up, if you could. THE WITNESS: Okay. A11 right. We11, f guess that's covers most of what f really wanted to say because I know other people are going to cover things that I've missed. But I just would like to have PUC rea11y look at all of the issues that have been raised already tonight and take into consideration the public and the many of us who are totally and completely adamantly against the sale of this, of Eagle Water Company to SUEZ, and even more against the sale of Eagle Water Company to Veolia, and totally against payi-ng some huge commission to Norm Bangle for just brokering the deal which adds nothing to the value of Eagle Water Company.25 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1_2 13 74 15 t6 77 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 WENDT PUBLlC COMMISSIONER thank you for calling additional comments, writing. ANDERSON: Thank you if for, in. And please, please submj-t those you in have Any questions? Next on our Iist Thank you again. i-s No. 859-2127. Is the calIer there? AUDIENCE: Hell-o COMMISS IONER ANDERSON : Hell-o . Let me swear you l-n. SUSAN WENDT, appearing as a public witness, having been duly swornr wds examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Please give us your name and spell your last name. THE WfTNESS: My name is Susan Wendt, W-E-N-D-T. Address is 734 North Caracaras Place, in Eagle. And Eagle Water Company is my current water suppJ- j-er. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Please share your comments. THE V'IITNESS: I'm sorry? COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Go ahead and25 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 1-4 15 L6 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 WENDT PUBLIC share your comments. THE WITNESS: Okay. So just real briefly for me is primarily kind of the quality of our waLer, I'm afraj-d, would be, would be jeopardized if Veolia and SUEZ were allowed to purchase Eagle Water Company. So that is basically that's my largest concern, is the quality. We prefer to retain the current quality that we have. SUEZ and VeoIia have bad reputations. There's gIobal evidence of their failures. They have bad reputations and just kind of they are notorious for cutting corners, withholding critical safety information that led to the EIint, Michigan water crj-sis. They were telling the El-int, Michigan city officials that their water was safe while they were privately discussing l-ead contamination. So in my opinion, Veolia and SUEZ cannot be trusted with something as critical as our I think our most baslc human need1Swater, which and a human right. So I encourage the PUC And I appreciate the opportunity testimony. Thank you. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON : to deny the sa1e. to give Thank you for25 3'7 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 B 9 10 11 1,2 13 L4 15 L6 1,7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 RIDGEWAY PUBLIC your testimony. Questions? Our next number 1s 938-3794. Is the cal1er there? 938-3794. Is the caIIer there? WeII, I think what wer Il- do is we're going to go back up to the later individual, which was 949-95L4. Is the cal1er there? AUDIENCE: HeIlo. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Yes. Thank you. Let me swear you in. STAN RIDGEWAY, appearing as a public witness, having been duly swornr wds examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Please give us your name and spell your last name. THE WITNESS: My name is Stan Ridgeway, R-I-D-G-E_!{-A-Y. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And your address. THE WITNESS : My address is 17 35 hlest Rush Road, Eag1e, Idaho. And I do not have Eagle Water or City of Eagle Water. I currently get our domestic water from a we1l. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you.25 3B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 1,2 13 1,4 15 t6 t7 1B 79 20 2I 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 RIDGEWAY PUBLlC Please share your testimony. THE WITNESS: So aS name, I'm the former mayor of this i-ssue about one few years ago. And I was gentleman by the name of Norm tol-d me that he had been the former Mayor Reynolds of Eag1e, Eagle Vilater. wasnrt selling the City of Company. He was going to you the can teII City of by my Eag1e, year intowho got j-nvolved my mayoralship a approached by a Bangle, who had negotiating with selling the City But he 1n the Eagle the we1ls Water over all Eagle so the and about Eagl e ret a in buy retail of the accounts for Water Company had to City of EagIe could wholesale water from it to the residents I told him that. He told me he his company and of Eag1e. that I had never and the water rights but turn city of that City of Eag1e, the customers the the bir1 then heard of had been negotiating with the former Mayor And Jim Reynolds. I asked him to give me some time. And I did research: We couldn't find documents in the City of Eagle that he any had ever had a meeting. So I caIled him back and said, you know,25 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 1_0 11 I2 13 1,4 15 t6 L1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 RIDGEWAY PUBLIC I don't we cantt find anything. And he said, you know, I think I can tell you why. Because after the mayor lost the election to your he contacted the owner of Eagle Water and wanted to buy Eagle Water himself with some of his investor friends. So we gave him a cease and desist because we had a nondiscfosure agreement with the City of Eag1e. So we dug deeper. asked our IT people, and we documents where Jim Reynolds representing the City at that negotiating off premises, at restaurants, at other venues City of Eagle water from Norm or three different companies, Vile went i-nto our we found tons and tons of and the law firm time had been the faw offices, at about purchasing the Bangle and his two including a by the name ofgent 1 eman GoIardo. that represented him (sP ) So fast forward, we found aII those documents. I found a document that I had written that the mayor had written to me and said, I'd like for you to have a meeting with me. I didnrt know what it was about. And what I learned was that it was about25 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 1,6 L1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 RIDGEWAY PUBLIC purchasing Eagle Water. And I was the council president at that time, and I told them that I would not meet with him unless the entire city council- met with him. So at that point r Do one in the clty council knew that our mayor was negotiating on buying Eagle Water Company from Norm Bangle. So we I went to the city council as mayor and said, Shou1d we negotiate with this guy? And we said yes. So we negotiated. We toured facillties. We were promised escrow accounts of $1r000r000. We were told that the system was great, that everything would work. And we thought we were in the position to take Eagle l,ttrater until we read in the newspaper that j-t was going to be sold to SUEZ. At that point I went to our water employees who a lot were new and go back and research talked about buying And one of every time Eagle Water, the billing Look what I refusal. And said, Would you the city has and they did. clerks walked in found. And it was the first right my office and said, the first right of of refusal had been drafted by our City attorneys25 4t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 72 13 14 15 t6 77 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 RlDGEWAY PUBLIC and directed by Norm Semanko, who is an attorney deal j-ng with this issue. So we then filed a lawsuit. We asked the attorneys to notify the Public Utility Commission and to notify Eagle Water Company. Later we had a meeting with our attorneys. We asked them at that meeting could they defend themselves and defend the City of Eagle because had drafted a meeting with Norm BangIe, the current mayor and city council had not been truthful that right of refusal and had former mayor and members about they first they been purchasing EagIe Water. Three days later or four days later they resigned and we ended up hi-ring new city attorneys. So we Iearned that they owed us al-l of this money, $10,000 a month, that with interest and the escalation clause came up to about $1.7 million. We had the first right of refusal. And so that's why we filed And if you go the everyone wanted the City of Eag1e, but changed that. a l-awsuit. back to the Eagle Water city elections, to retain with the new administration 25 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 t6 17 18 19 20 21, 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 RIDGEWAY PUBLIC And the interesting thing that the new administration from the start said things about not buying Eagle lltrater was like l think Mr. Bonn said that, WeI1, they have lead pipes, so it would cost the City so much money to do this. And then today I had a friend call COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor THE II]ITNESS : and Nicklaus, and Nickl-aus I wiI1, I wil-l- quit. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: VileI1 THE VIITNESS: Nicklaus Drive said that there were people putting meters in at their home. And it was SUEZ saying, This is a done dea1. We're putting in meters because we're going to start metering your water. So, you know, this is such a sellout of EagIe citizens and unkept campaign promises from the current mayor. And I just can't be1ieve that we are settling this case and moving forward. So thank you f or l-istenJ-ng, and I appreciate what you guys are doing. Thank you. MayorCOMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank YOU, thisof anRidgeway. You writJ-ng for us certainly can too if you've anything at put all missed25 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 L6 L1 1B 19 2A 21, 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 ROBERTS PUBLlC aI1. And thank you for your testimony. We have another number here, 867-21,80. AUDIENCE: HeIIo. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Let me swear you in. EL]ZABETH ROBERTS, appearing as a public wi-tness, having been duly sworn, wds examined and testif ied as fol-1ows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: PIease give your name and spell your last name. THE WITNESS: EL:_zabeth Roberts, R-O-B-E-R-T_S. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Address? THE VTIITNESS: 1351 North Mansf ield P1ace, EagIe, Idaho. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. And are you a customer of Eagle or SUEZ? THE WITNESS: No. I'm a customer of City of Eagle Water. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Please give your testimony. THE WITNESS: Yes. Thank you for giving me the chance to testify toniSht.25 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 1,2 13 1,4 15 1,6 1,7 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 ROBERTS PUBLIC sale of Eagle Veolia has a rea1ly don't here. reput at i on in charge gIobally, and we I ask you to please do not approve the Vilater Company to SUEZ /Veolia. poor them of our water Water is a crit.ical- resource that could become limited in our area because of drought and climate change. A foreign, for-profit company shouldnrt control our water, and I believe it is in the it is not in the public interest to have them in controf of our water. We need to maintain local control of Idaho's water. And that's it. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you for your testimony. Any questions from the Commissioners? THE WITNESS: You're welcome. Thanks. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much. Irm going to circle back around to the No. 938-3194. Is the caIIer there? AUDIENCE: Yes, I'm on the line. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Let me swear you in. very want 25 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 10 11 72 l_3 74 15 16 1,7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 TVINNEREIM PUBLlC DEAN TVINNEREIM, appearing as a public wj-tness, having been duly swornr wds examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank Please give us your name and spelJ- THE WITNESS : Okay. The Dean. The last name j-s spelled T, like Victor, I-N-N-E-R-E-I-M, like And I live at 10668 North for a period quickly got we were completely run of approximately three ahold of DEQ, told them situation and the danger that it neighborhood over the early days 2000 and this is all a public your first you. last name. name 1s unincorporated Ada County, zLp code Iike Tom, v, mother. HaIter W.y, 83714. And I am a customer of Eagle l,tlater Company. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Please share your statement. THE WITNESS: Wel-l, I, I moved j-nto a new development over 21 years d9o, and at that time, I was unaware of aII the private ownership of water but ended up with Eagle htrater Company. V[ithin 60 days of moving into this ne i ghbo rhood,out of days. I of the water caused the of July of record.25 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 76 l7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 . 890.5198 TVINNEREIM PUBLlC So they quickly called a hearing with the developer of this neighborhood and Eagle Water Company and the Commission. They came to an agreement. They rebuilt the system with some redundancy. And for over 20 years nowr we have enjoyed in this neighborhood reliable, cJ-ean water. And the last time we had public comments given which was about three weeks ago t maybe four weeks ago. But anyways, I brought this same subject up. And f said the water is f ine, the del j-very system is fine. I said I donrt know why they've got to spend $S million to upgrade the system that's working fine. And they said, we11, you don't, you know, you donrt know where the problems are. And I would agree, I don't know where the problems it's in or golf on EagIe are because everybody that I know whether the neighborhood or in church communitles associations, everybody f know of thatrs Water has had no problems with de 1 ive ry justof water, and fine. And got to spend the purity of the water is yet, part of this purchase is theyrve $5 milfion to upgrade the system, and25 41 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 16 77 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BROCK PUBLIC the system about in 20 So that Irve never heard anybody complain years. that I s the COMMISSIONER end of my ANDERSON: comments. Thank you very Thankmuch for your testimony. Any questions? you again. Next on the line, next number werlI out is 559-6727. Is the cafler there? AUDIENCE: Hello? Can you hear me? COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. me swear you in. Let me swear you in. cal 1 Let SHELLY BROCK, appearing as a public witness, having been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. last name.Please give THE us your name and speJ- 1 your V[]TNESS: Brock, B-R-O-C-K. I Sure. My name is SheJ-1y live at 8110 Chaparral- Road, in EagIe. And although my home is not on SUEZ t SUEZ supplies water to my place of employment, which is Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center. So I do have experience with them through there.25 4B t_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 t6 17 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BROCK PUBL]C I just have a few statements and questions for you regarding the staff's comments on this case. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: You can THE WITNESS: First of a1I COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: You can give your statements, but we aren't asking answering questions this evening. THE WITNESS: Oh, right, right. I just want my questions to go on the record. Thank you. First, I believe that the premium sale price that includes payments to Norm Bangle should be disclosed publicly and should not be paid by the existing and future rate payers. That premium price that is being paid to the third party has not been evaluated by anyone as to the merits and justification of the amount. So why would SUEZ pay for the premj-um paid to a third party? The "avoided costs" should not include a third-party premium paid to Norm Bangle either. In fact, without this premlum, the "avoided costs" will- increase due to decreased sale costs, and I think thatrs notable. The premium paid to Norm Bangle shoul-d25 49 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BROCK PUBLIC not be allowed. And in fact, it was not allowed in the first attempt to sell- water to his group. So Itd like to know why staff and Commissioners aIIow this to be part of the agreement now. Second, the sal-e price needs to be evaluated on the existing rate base of Eagle Water and PUC rules and regulations. The sales prj-ce should be evaluated by staff as a standalone sale, and it shoul-d not be evaluated based on avoided costs to SUEZ. seems reallyrt has put all strange to one basket, these ma j or me that SUEZ and now they infrastructure acquire Eagle poor so much on the eggs 1n for al-1 its claim the need upgrades if they Vilater. But this appears to Iong-term planning by that capital improvements would were not al-l-owed to be reaIly company if be resting acquisitj-on of a littIe Water. Avoided capital water company Iike Eagle costs associated with poor Iong-term planning shoul-d not be rewarded by a simple acquisition of Eagle Water. So I would question why has SUEZ delayed investment in their system serving Northwest Bolse and Ada County for so Iong that they now are25 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 claiming that they need to spend over $40 million to remedy the problem. It makes me wonder what if this utility was not for sale, what would they do? Nextr regarding the benefits to Eagle Water Company that were outlined by staff in their comments, SUEZ states that they can provide fire protection from existj-ng reservoirs. But has there been a study completed and has PUC staff reviewed the hydraulic analysis of that study? The experts and engineers that I've spoken to say Eagle filater Company could simply build more water storage and pump in locally and provide fire flow capacity. They claim there's j-nsuf f icient peak pumping capacity, and yet it's clear that the EagIe Water Company weIIs are high-capacity wells that could serve long-term growth in the region. fn fact, SUEZ admits that they will use this excess capacity to serve deficj-encies in their existing system in Northwest Boise and Ada County, which includes Avimor, Spring VaIley and other Boise foothills developments. And as an j-nteresting sidenote, the current Eagle Mayor Pj-erce and Councilman Charl-ie CSB REPORTING 208.8 90.5198 BROCK PUBLIC 10 11 12 13 L4 15 1,6 1-'7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 51 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 1,2 13 14 15 1,6 1,7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 . 890.5198 BROCK PUBLIC Bonn I s campaigns which f believe were heavily funded by Avimor, interest with some of play into the other things that you've heard said tonight. I believe that a water district could provide better operatj-ona1 has not been a conflict of efficiencies. As we doing could all know, ope rat ing Poor water inadequate and maintaining quality, poor Boise's customer a great j ob in water system. service and SUE Z maintenance has all been reported in the news locally. I have a box with 11800 pages of complaints in my office, in fact. And also, I have to say that we experience their yeIIow water so frequently at Saint Alphonsus, that we have trouble casting fracture repairs at times because the water discolors the plaster so bad1y. So that's really an issue. So my question is: Why would we a1low SUEZ to take on more service territory until they are doing the job that they are already getting paid to do. There seem to be potential water supply safety issues were mentioned by the staff concerning Eagle Water Company. But it appears25 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 1,2 13 14 15 t6 l1 1B 79 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.8 90.5198 BROCK PUBLIC from the Cooper testimony that, without this acquj-sition, SUEZ has water supply safety issues concerning their own water supplied to Northwest Boise and Ada County. So why would we why would you allow SUEZ to convey EagIe Vdater Company areas within the SUEZ system that provided long-term planning for? water supply to they have not Also, staf f concl-uded that SUEZ acquisition is a "least-cost option. " But I a third-party waterwonder, has the PUC staff rate expert completed an conc lus i on? or analysis to make this We belj-eve that only the SUEZ numbers have been evaluated, and that, due to the l-ow rate base of Eagle Water Company, they potentially could invest in system upgrades that would keep costs and water rates below SUEZ rates. r think further investigation and needed to confirm SUEZ as thearecomparr-sons ttleast costtt And option. finalfy, SUEZ talks of Iack of the Eagle Water Company system. But Cooper's testimony and staff appears as if SUEZ has not adequately investment in in reviewing comments, it25 53 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 75 1,7 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BROCK PUBLIC planned for the size of or without future facilities of investment that wilI the addition their own, due to be required with Water Company. on what several hostile impact Va1 Iey. And f just want of Eagle to touch people have said, the fact that Veolia is t a king as to thi s over aI1 of SUEZ operations. Irm curious why there has not been a big issue made of merger by the PUC when it is goi-ng to the Boiseover 100r000 customers across Staff has barely addressed this, and yet in communities Idaho and Veolia has a rap sheet a mile long across the U. S. , including here in around the worId. So in conclusion, I would just ask the Commissioners to please postpone this sale and f urther evaluate the need f or " avoi-ded cost " justificatj-on; disclosure of the premium sales price to Norm Bangle; address the merger with Veolia. In factr w€ bel-ieve that this needs to be started all- over again once they take command, which is supposed to happen later this year. And they should be at the helm when a new application is fi1ed. And we need to question why SUEZ has25 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 1,2 13 L4 15 1,5 1,7 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BROCK PUBLIC not pl-anned for better supply'requirements to Northwest Boise. I engineering believe a third-party expert is needed aboveand financial review the PUC staff expertise. And we would ask for a more detail-ed hearing in order to go over this, what is a realIy extremely complicated case. So thank you very much. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank your Ms. Brock. Any questions from the Commission? Thank you for your testimony this evening. We have one number here that did not respond earlier. I'm going to give it a try again. 685-91,91,. Is the cal-ler there? Ts the calIer there? Hearing no answer, it looks l-ike we have exhausted our list that we have. Let me take a peek hear. Do we let me just pause for a second here. Couple more snuck in. Just one second. Thank you. Sorry for the pause there. !{e do have a couple more here. The number is 305-5562. Is the caller there? 305-5562. Is the cal-1er there?25 55 1 2 3 4 q 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 t6 77 1B l9 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 VTANO PUBLIC We'II try the next number, 861-1934. Is the cal-Ier there? AUDIENCE: Yes, f 'm here . COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Let me swear you in. NANCY VIANO, appearing as a public witness, having been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. last.Please give THE us your name and spell your Viano, V asVilITNESS: Nancy 1n Victor, I-A-N-O Lane, in Eag1e. si-nce 19BB I Iive at 104 North Nicklaus And f am an Eagle Water customer COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Pl-ease share THE V{ITNESS: COMMISSIONER testimony. THE WITNESS: tha t ANDERSON: Please share your that, for had Eagle service, the 33 years We11, I that we just want to say have lived here and Water, we have had excellent water, good and with very l-imited times, no25 56 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 1,6 17 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 VlANO PUBLTC difficulty with water pressure. [,]e find Eagle Water to be a company. good locaI I understand when someone wants to sell the company. But said this should I agree with the people that be started over again and looked may be out there, first right of that potentially the city with the want to add that we have had SUEZ at other buyers and especially refusal. I afso They Lane may and trucks on our streets here in HilLs East but on Nicklaus working. And what they were preparing the readings of our know that sal-e be other places, as Lane, coming eventually have SUEZ. I said I Eagle weII, by and I asked Harvey one of the workers one day And he said that they weredoing. meters to meters by digital didnrt was complete and this is a worker, so this is not coming from someone 1n administration or higher up but he said, We were just told it's goi-ng to happen. So I find that, when we're in the midst of all- of this discussion, and the PUC hasn't made a decision, to be concerning. And I wanted to make that known in this meeting tonight, which I25 5"7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 1,6 77 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 COLLOQUY PUBLIC very much appreciate your taking So thank you very much. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON :Thank you much for your testlmony. Any questions? public comments. very Thank you aga1n. I think what we I re going to do I've a couple numbers thattried to get responses from have not responded. But I think at this time, I think we'11 recess for five minutes. And if there's some other callers that if these two callers have returned, we will make every effort to get their ca1l. So at this time we'11 reconvene at 9z20 8:20, excuse rer B:20. Not 9:20, B:20. (Break. ) COMMISSIONER ANDERSON :Thank you. to order. Wecall the meeting numbers that have We don't have any back We're stil1going to have two that have come on. I'm going to those numbers now and we'11 see 685-9L99. Is the call-er there? not responded. other additional caIIs go ahead and read what happens. 685-9199. Is the calIer there? AUDIENCE: Apologies. I called in on the25 5B I 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 1_0 11 1,2 13 74 15 l6 t1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 COLLOQUY PUBLTC wrong line. No comment. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Okay. No comment for you? Thank you very much. The next number is 305-5562. Is the caller there? 305-5562. Is the caIler AUDIENCE: Yes, sir. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Vfould you like to testify? AUDIENCE: I was listening in. No. I was listening in, providing my support. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Okay. Very good. Thank you for listening in toniqht. Wel-I, that does exhaust our list f or the eveni-ng. And just a reminder that we do have November Bth as our comment deadline, and to submit comments toencourage anyone that please do so by then. And without any further business before wishes usr we are adjourned. (Concluded at Thank you B:21 p.m.) very much. 25 59 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 l-0 1l- 1,2 13 14 15 16 1,'t 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 . 890.5198 AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that the foregoing proceedings held in the matter of the joint application of SUEZ Water Idaho, Inc. to acquire Eagle Water Company, commencing at 7:00 p.m.r on Monday, November 7, 2027, dt the Commission Hearing Room, 11331 West Chinden BIvd., Building 8, Suite 2O1,-A, Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. Maureen R Certified Welch Shorthand Reporter #511 a R. i-a- No. L OF 25 60 AUTHENTICATION