HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190322City of Eagle to Suez Supplemental 10.pdfriICEIVED , ",ii,'.,'.-l Pii 2: l9B. Newal Squyres (lSB #1621) Murray D Feldman (ISB # 4097) Holland & Hart rr-p 800 W. Main Street, Suite 1750 P.O.Box252l Boise, ID 83702-2527 Telephone: (208) 342-5000 Facsimile: (208) 343-8869 Email : nsquyres@hollandhart. com mfeldman@hollandhart. com Attorneys for Intervenor City of Eagle BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NOS. SUZ-W-I8-02 EAG-W-18-01 tlt{'"J IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO AND EAGLE WATER COMPANY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERVENOR CITY OF EAGLE'S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) The City of Eagle ("City") provides these supplemental responses to the First Production Request of SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. to the City of Eagle dated February 8, 2019. The City initially responded to that production request on March 15,2019. Pursuant to the agreement between counsel for the City and SUEZ previously referenced in the initial response to Request No. 10, the City is now providing with this supplemental response the non- privileged documents responsive to Request No. l0 and created, drafted, or provided among the City of Eagle or its Council members or to the public after July 12, 2008. This date cutoff for responsive documents was previously agreed to between counsel for the City and SUEZ in construing this Request No. 10 and the corresponding Request No. 9. CITY OF EAGLE'S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 1 A supplemented, narrative response to Request No. 10 is provided together with this filing. This supplemental response is subject to the same reservations, limitations, and constraints noted on pages l-2 of the City's initial response filing dated March 15,2019. Because of the volume of the documents being provided in response to Request No. 10, the documents are being provided on a compact disk mailed (or hand-delivered) to the parties at the respective physical mailing addresses as indicated in the Certificate of Service. This written narrative portion of the supplemental responses and notification of the distribution of the responsive document in computer-readable form is also being served via e-mail. DATED this 22nd of March, 2019. City of Eagle By: MuITay D. HO & HART r-r-p Attorneys for Intervenor City of Eagle CITY OF EAGLE'S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 2 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZ-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor, City of Eagle; Ken Acuff, Superintendent, City of Eagle Water Department; Kellie Rekow, Utility Billing Supervisor, City of Eagle Water Department REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide any documents (including communications) the City of Eagle or its Councilmembers, Mayor, or other officers have created, drafted, or provided among themselves or to the public regarding the proposed acquisition of Eagle Water Company by SUEZ or the by the City. FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 10: Subject to the previously stated limitations and constraints, and as agreed between counsel for the City and SUEZ, non-privileged documents responsive to this Request No. l0 and created, drafted, or provided after July 12,2008 and numbered CityEagle_00014 to CityEagle_00241are provided on a separate compact disk mailed (or hand-delivered) to those persons listed in the Certificate of Service. CITY OF EAGLE'S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 3 Certificate of Service I hereby certify that on this 22nd day of March,2019,I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Email : secretary@puc. idaho. gov di ane.hanian @pw.idaho. gov Commission Sean Costello Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Street (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Email : brandon.karpen@puc. idaho. gov sean. costello@puc. idaho. gov A ttorn ey s .for C ommi s s i o n S taff Michael C. Creamer Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street P.O.Box2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 E-mail : mcc@giv enspursley. com prestoncarter@ givenspursley. com Attorneys for Petitioner SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. Marshall Thompson SUEZ Water Idaho, Inc. 8248 W. Victory Road Boise, ID 83709 Email : marshall.thompson@suez. com Petitioner trxtrtrx xtrtrtrx U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail trxtrtrx xtrtrtrx U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail CITY OF EAGLE'S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 4 Molly O'Leary BizCounselor at Law 1775 W . State St. #150 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail : molly @bizcounseloratlaw. com Attorney for Petitioner Eagle Water Co. Robert DeShazo, Jr. President Eagle Water Company, Inc. 188 W. State Street P.O. Box 455 Eagle, ID 83616-0455 Email : eaglewaterco@gmail. com Petitioner N.L. Bangle H2O Eagle Acquisition, LLC 188 W. State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Email : nbangle @h2 o- solutionsllc. net Petitioner James M. Piotrowski Piotrowski Durand, PLLC 1020 W. Main Street, Suite 440 P.O. Box 2864 Boise, ID 83701 Email : j ames@idunionlaw. com Attorney for Intervenor CAIA Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. lTth Street Boise, ID 83702 Email : bmpurdy@hotmail.com Attorney for Intervenor CAPAI Abigail R. Germaine Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 Email : agermaine@cityofboise.org Attorney for Intervenor City of Boise xtrtrtrx xtrntrx xtrntrx xtrtrtrx xtrtrtrx xtrntrx U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Elechonic Mail U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail CITY OF EAGLE'S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 5 Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 W. Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise, ID 83702 Email : nsemanko@parsonsbehle. com ecf@parsonsbehle.com Attorney for Intervenor EWCG U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail f, for Holland Hart llp 12t94730 | CITY OF EAGLE'S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 6 xtrII X r { I,~ I Eagle Water Co City of Eagle Water System Master Plan 2015 Update 111 I:WOW K«I City Service Area and Certificated Areas n n Eagle Impact Area Service Area Future Eagle Water Co Spring Valley United Water Eastern 1 Western MAP #1 Path: MAEagle Data)Ea* WateM1Watu Sys1tem_Mas1erRan_B. wd CityEagle_00014 Message From: Jim Reynolds [/O=CITY OF EAGLE/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JREYNOLDS] Sent: 9/10/2013 11:18:09 AM To: Kellie Rekow [/O=CITY OF EAGLE/OU=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=kmccombs] Subject: Water Meeting Kellie, Just wanted to make sure you are available for the meeting with Blaus Wasser/Norm Bangle on September 16th at 1:30 in Susan Buxton's office. This is the company who seeks to buy Robert's company's water rights. Thanks, Jim Reynolds Mayor of Eagle 660 East Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Like Us on Facebook 91 This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. CityEagle_00015 CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-CIRCUMVENTION AGREEMENT This Agreement effective as of the 2-310--id--day of QGtebe November, 2017, is entered into by and between H2O Solutions, LLC ("First Party") and the City of Eagle, Idaho ("Second Party"). WHEREAS, First Party wishes to protect the confidentiality of its business information which may be supplied to Second Party as a result of business relationships between First Party and Second Party; and WHEREAS, Second Party wishes to protect the confidentiality of its business information which may be supplied to First Party as a result of the business relationships between Second Party and First Party; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire and have agreed that Confidential Information (as hereinafter defined) made available by one party (the "Disclosing Party") to the other party (the "Receiving Party") shall be kept confidential by the Receiving Party. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. As used in this Agreement, the term "Confidential Information" shall mean any information in any form, that, at the time of disclosure from the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party is stamped or otherwise designated as "Confidential" and is subject to this Agreement, including, but not limited to trade secrets, customer lists, product lines, methods of business operation of the Disclosing Party, technical information, economic information data, specifications, know-how, process information and methods of manufacture, distribution and sale relating to the development and marketing of the Disclosing Party's product, service and general business operations, "Confidential Information" does not include any information which (a) at the time of disclosure is generally known by the public or thereafter becomes public knowledge through no act or omission of or on behalf of the Receiving Party; (b) is disclosed to the Receiving Party by third parties having a right to do so and who have not imposed upon the Receiving Party obligations of confidentiality in respect thereof; (c) is known to the Receiving Party, as can be documented, prior to disclosure; or (d) is independently developed by an employee of the Receiving Party without the knowledge of the disclosed Confidential Information. 2. Each party hereto acknowledges that the other party has proprietary interest in maintaining the confidentiality of its Confidential Information and further agrees not to, either during or after completion of the purpose (the "Purpose") for which the Confidential Information has been disclosed to it, disclose the Confidential Information (except in accordance with Paragraph 4) or use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the purposes stated herein. 3. The Confidential Information disclosed hereunder is and will remain the respective property of the Disclosing Party and any drawings, written or printed data 1 CityEagle_00016 included therein may not be copied or reproduced, mechanically or otherwise without the expressed written permission of the Disclosing Party. 4. The Receiving Party shall (a) limit the disclosure of the Confidential Information in its organization to those of its affiliates, officers, employees, legal and technical advisors, development partners and/or a third party that is directly involved in the Transaction; (b) ensure that such affiliates, officers, employees, advisors, partners and third parties ("Representatives") are directed to maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information; and (c) be free to disclose the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party if and to the extent required by law, rule, regulation, subpoena, court order or similar judicial or legal process or requested by any governmental agency, regulatory authority (including, any self-regulatory organization claiming to have jurisdiction) or any bank examiner ("Law"), after having, to the extent permitted by Law, notified the Disclosing Party in writing about the subpoena; provided, however, that the Receiving Party shall not be required to inform such person or give such notification to the Disclosing Party if the disclosure was made to a bank examiner, regulatory examiner or self-regulatory examiner in the course of such examiner's examination or inspection. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, this Agreement in no way restricts the obligation of the City of Eagle to comply with the Idaho Public infoFmation Records Act or any ruling or decision by the Idaho Attorney General or court of law. The Parties hereby agree that the City of Eagle retains its right to exercise its discretion to determine its obligations under the Idaho Public infoF aatien-Records Act. 5. Unless the Disclosing Party has agreed otherwise in writing, upon request by the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall, at Receiving Party's election, return or (if accompanied by a certificate executed delivered by a senior officer of the Receiving Party attesting thereto) destroy any and all materials which contain any Confidential Information including, but not limited to, all documents, plans, samples, drawings, specifications, notebooks, computer software and any other materials whatsoever and all copies made of them; provided that Receiving Party may retain such copies of the Confidential Information as may be required to comply with internal document retention and compliance policies only or in accordance with applicable law or regulation. Any such retained information shall be held in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, the Parties agree that the City of Eagle reserves the right to retain any such information or documentation described herein in accordance with the City's document retention schedule and as necessary to comply with any applicable document retention schedules, or other such rules, regulations or provisions as imposed by state or federal law. 6. This Agreement may not be changed or amended except in writing and signed by the party to be bound. This Agreement and the legal relations between the parties shall be construed and determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho. Exclusive venue for any claims, suits or any other action arising from or connected in any way to this Agreement shall be in Ada County, Idaho. The obligations and undertakings of each of the Parties to this Agreement shall deemed to have occurred in Ada County, Idaho. 7. Unless and until a final, written definitive agreement regarding a transaction has been entered between the parties in relation to the Purpose (a 2 CityEagle_00017 "Transaction"), neither party shall be under any obligation to pursue any Transaction, to enter any agreements with respect to a Transaction, or to commit to provide equity or debt financing, to underwrite the public offering or private placement of securities, or to provide financial advisory services with respect to a Transaction. Nothing in this Agreement creates a fiduciary duty or fiduciary, agency or advisory relationship between the parties with respect to the Purpose, and each party waives any claims based on an assertion of any such duty or relationship. 8. This Agreement and all rights and obligations hereunder shall remain in effect and shall be binding on the parties for a period of two (2) years after the effective date of this Agreement. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date set forth above, STATE OF IDAHO )ss. County of First Party: H2O Solutions, LLC . On this day of 20 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared known or identified to me to be the of H2O Solutions LLC the corporation that executed the instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said corporation, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. I N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and vear in this certificate first above written, 3 CityEagle_00018 NOTARY PUBLIC FOR IDAHO Residinq at: My commission expires: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of ,20 . NOTARY PUBLIC FOR IDAHO Residinq in I Idaho My Commission Expires: ATTEST: Sharon Bergmann, Clerk Second Party: City of Eagle, Idaho Stan Ridqway, Mayor 4 CityEagle_00019 CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-CIRCUMVENTION AGREEMENT This Agreement effective as of the 231d-9th day Of QGtGbeF anuary. 2018, 2017, is entered into by and between H2O Solutions, LLC ("First Party") and the City of Eagle, Idaho ("Second Party"). WHEREAS, First Party wishes to protect the confidentiality of its business information which may be supplied to Second Party as a result of business relationships between First Party and Second Party; and WHEREAS, Second Party wishes to protect the confidentiality of its business information which may be supplied to First Party as a result of the business relationships between Second Party and First Party; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire and have agreed that Confidential Information (as hereinafter defined) made available by one party (the "Disclosing Party") to the other party (the "Receiving Party") shall be kept confidential by the Receiving Party. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. As used in this Agreement, the term "Confidential Information" shall mean any information in any form, that, at the time of disclosure from the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party is stamped or otherwise designated as "Confidential" and is subject to this Agreement, including, but not limited to trade secrets, customer lists, product lines, methods of business operation of the Disclosing Party, technical information, economic information data, specifications, know-how, process information and methods of manufacture, distribution and sale relating to the development and marketing of the Disclosing Party's product, service and general business operations. "Confidential Information" does not include any information which (a) at the time of disclosure is generally known by the public or thereafter becomes public knowledge through no act or omission of or on behalf of the Receiving Party; (b) is disclosed to the Receiving Party by third parties having a right to do so and who have not imposed upon the Receiving Party obligations of confidentiality in respect thereof; (c) is known to the Receiving Party, as can be documented, prior to disclosure; or (d) is independently developed by an employee of the Receiving Party without the knowledge of the disclosed Confidential Information. 2. Each party hereto acknowledges that the other party has proprietary interest in maintaining the confidentiality of its Confidential Information and further agrees not to, either during or after completion of the purpose (the "Purpose") for which the Confidential Information has been disclosed to it, disclose the Confidential Information (except in accordance with Paragraph 4) or use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the purposes stated herein. 3. The Confidential Information disclosed hereunder is and will remain the respective property of the Disclosing Party and any drawings, written or printed data 1 CityEagle_00020 included therein may not be copied or reproduced, mechanically or otherwise without the expressed written permission of the Disclosing Party. 4. The Receiving Party shall (a) limit the disclosure of the Confidential Information in its organization to those of its affiliates, officers, employees, legal and technical advisors, development partners and/or a third party that is directly involved in the Transaction; (b) ensure that such affiliates, officers, employees, advisors, partners and third parties ("Representatives") are directed to maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information; and (c) be free to disclose the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party if and to the extent required by law, rule, regulation, subpoena, court order or similar judicial or legal process or requested by any governmental agency, regulatory authority (including, any self-regulatory organization claiming to have jurisdiction) or any bank examiner ("Law"), after having, to the extent permitted by Law, notified the Disclosing Party in writing about the subpoena; provided, however, that the Receiving Party shall not be required to inform such person or give such notification to the Disclosing Party if the disclosure was made to a bank examiner, regulatory examiner or self-regulatory examiner in the course of such examiner's examination or inspection. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, this Agreement in no way restricts the obligation of the City of Eagle to comply with the Idaho Public infoFmafien Records Act or any ruling or decision by the Idaho Attorney General or court of law. The Parties hereby agree that the City of Eagle retains its right to exercise its discretion to determine its obligations under the Idaho Public information Records Act. 5. Unless the Disclosing Party has agreed otherwise in writing, upon request by the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall, at Receiving Party's election, return or (if accompanied by a certificate executed delivered by a senior officer of the Receiving Party attesting thereto) destroy any and all materials which contain any Confidential Information including, but not limited to, all documents, plans, samples, drawings, specifications, notebooks, computer software and any other materials whatsoever and all copies made of them; provided that Receiving Party may retain such copies of the Confidential Information as may be required to comply with internal document retention and compliance policies only or in accordance with applicable law or regulation. Any such retained information shall be held in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, the Parties agree that the City of Eagle reserves the right to retain any such information or documentation described herein in accordance with the City's document retention schedule and as necessary to comply with any applicable document retention schedules, or other such rules, regulations or provisions as imposed by state or federal law. 6. This Agreement may not be changed or amended except in writing and signed by the party to be bound. This Agreement and the legal relations between the parties shall be construed and determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho. Exclusive venue for any claims, suits or any other action arising from or connected in any way to this Agreement shall be in Ada County, Idaho. The obligations and undertakings of each of the Parties to this Agreement shall deemed to have occurred in Ada County, Idaho. 7. Unless and until a final, written definitive agreement regarding a transaction has been entered between the parties in relation to the Purpose (a 2 CityEagle_00021 "Transaction"), neither party shall be under any obligation to pursue any Transaction, to enter any agreements with respect to a Transaction, or to commit to provide equity or debt financing, to underwrite the public offering or private placement of securities, or to provide financial advisory services with respect to a Transaction. Nothing in this Agreement creates a fiduciary duty or fiduciary, agency or advisory relationship between the parties with respect to the Purpose, and each party waives any claims based on an assertion of any such duty or relationship. 8. This Agreement and all rights and obligations hereunder shall remain in effect and shall be binding on the parties fGF a peFied of twe ,(2) yeaFs afteF the e#eetiv date of this AgFeen; until September 302018. JV 4o the City of Eagic on ti 44at-, Y diss~ssie W#h first Party to 4" I a GGP&aGt,--9f '4st IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date set forth above. First Party: H2O Solutions, LLC STATE OF IDAHO County- of On this day of 20 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, Personaliv appeared known or identified to me to be the of H2O Solutions LLC the corporation that executed the instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said corporation, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. I N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. 3 CityEagle_00022 NOTARY PUBLIC FOR IDAHO Residing at: My commission expires: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of ,20 , NOTARY PUBLIC FOR IDAHO Residing in , Idaho ATTEST: Sharon Bergmann, Clerk My Commission Expires: Second Party: City of Eagle, Idaho Stan Ridgway, Mayor 4 CityEagle_00023 CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-CIRCUMVENTION AGREEMENT This Agreement effective as of the 2V-9th day of GGtobefJanuarv, 2018, 2017, is entered into by and between H2O Solutions, LLC ("First Party") and the City of Eagle, Idaho ("Second Party"). WHEREAS, First Party wishes to protect the confidentiality of its business information which may be supplied to Second Party as a result of business relationships between First Party and Second Party; and WHEREAS, Second Party wishes to protect the confidentiality of its business information which may be supplied to First Party as a result of the business relationships between Second Party and First Party; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire and have agreed that Confidential Information (as hereinafter defined) made available by one party (the "Disclosing Party") to the other party (the "Receiving Party") shall be kept confidential by the Receiving Party. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows- 1 . As used in this Agreement, the term "Confidential Information" shall mean any information in any form, that, at the time of disclosure from the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party is stamped or otherwise designated as "Confidential" and is subject to this Agreement, including, but not limited to trade secrets, customer lists, product lines, methods of business operation of the Disclosing Party, technical information, economic information data, specifications, know-how, process information and methods of manufacture, distribution and sale relating to the development and marketing of the Disclosing Party's product, service and general business operations. "Confidential Information" does not include any information which (a) at the time of disclosure is generally known by the public or thereafter becomes public knowledge through no act or omission of or on behalf of the Receiving Party; (b) is disclosed to the Receiving Party by third parties having a right to do so and who have not imposed upon the Receiving Party obligations of confidentiality in respect thereof; (c) is known to the Receiving Party, as can be documented, prior to disclosure; or (d) is independently developed by an employee of the Receiving Party without the knowledge of the disclosed Confidential Information. 2. Each party hereto acknowledges that the other party has proprietary interest in maintaining the confidentiality of its Confidential Information and further agrees not to, either during or after completion of the purpose (the "Purpose") for which the Confidential Information has been disclosed to it, disclose the Confidential Information (except in accordance with Paragraph 4) or use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the purposes stated herein. 3. The Confidential Information disclosed hereunder is and will remain the respective property of the Disclosing Party and any drawings, written or printed data 1 CityEagle_00024 included therein may not be copied or reproduced, mechanically or otherwise without the expressed written permission of the Disclosing Party. 4. The Receiving Party shall (a) limit the disclosure of the Confidential Information in its organization to those of its affiliates, officers, employees, legal and technical advisors, development partners and/or a third party that is directly involved in the Transaction; (b) ensure that such affiliates, officers, employees, advisors, partners and third parties ("Representatives") are directed to maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information; and (c) be free to disclose the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party if and to the extent required by law, rule, regulation, subpoena, court order or similar judicial or legal process or requested by any governmental agency, regulatory authority (including, any self-regulatory organization claiming to have jurisdiction) or any bank examiner ("Law"), after having, to the extent permitted by Law, notified the Disclosing Party in writing about the subpoena; provided, however, that the Receiving Party shall not be required to inform such person or give such notification to the Disclosing Party if the disclosure was made to a bank examiner, regulatory examiner or self-regulatory examiner in the course of such examiners examination or inspection. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, this Agreement in no way restricts the obligation of the City of Eagle to comply with the Idaho Public - e •i ~ '.- • Records Act or any ruling or decision by the Idaho Attorney General or court of law. The Parties hereby agree that the City of Eagle retains its right to exercise its discretion to determine its obligations under the Idaho Public 109Fmation Records Act. 5. Unless the Disclosing Party has agreed otherwise in writing, upon request by the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall, at Receiving Party's election, return or (if accompanied by a certificate executed delivered by a senior officer of the Receiving Party attesting thereto) destroy any and all materials which contain any Confidential Information including, but not limited to, all documents, plans, samples, drawings, specifications, notebooks, computer software and any other materials whatsoever and all copies made of them; provided that Receiving Party may retain such copies of the Confidential Information as may be required to comply with internal document retention and compliance policies only or in accordance with applicable law or regulation. Any such retained information shall be held in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, the Parties agree that the City of Eagle reserves the right to retain any such information or documentation described herein in accordance with the City's document retention schedule and as necessary to comply with any applicable document retention schedules, or other such rules, regulations or provisions as imposed by state or federal law. 6, This Agreement may not be changed or amended except in writing and signed by the party to be bound. This Agreement and the legal relations between the parties shall be construed and determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho. Exclusive venue for any claims, suits or any other action arising from or connected in any way to this Agreement shall be in Ada County, Idaho. The obligations and undertakings of each of the Parties to this Agreement shall deemed to have occurred in Ada County, Idaho. 7. Unless and until a final, written definitive agreement regarding a transaction has been entered between the parties in relation to the Purpose (a 2 CityEagle_00025 "Transaction"), neither party shall be under any obligation to pursue any Transaction, to enter any agreements with respect to a Transaction, or to commit to provide equity or debt financing, to underwrite the public offering or private placement of securities, or to provide financial advisory services with respect to a Transaction. Nothing in this Agreement creates a fiduciary duty or fiduciary, agency or advisory relationship between the parties with respect to the Purpose, and each party waives any claims based on an assertion of any such duty or relationship. 8. This Agreement and all rights and obligations hereunder shall remain in effect and shall be binding on the parties until September 30, 2018. 9. The Second Party agrees that, until December 31, 2019September 30, 2018 (the "Exclusivity Period"), the Second Pa w+th respect to the n ii €a#theFagrees that, during the Exclusivity Period, it shall not, directly or indirectly, have any discussion with or provide any further confidential information or data relating to the First Party to any person relating to a Contract contract for the purchase of water owned or formally owned by Eagle Water Company or engage in any negotiations concerning a GentFaGtcontract, or otherwise facilitate any effort or attempt to negotiate a Contrast contract and shall terminate any existing activities, discussions or negotiations with any persons other than The First Party that may be ongoing with respect to any Dint contract." I N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date set forth above. First Party: H2O Solutions, LLC STATE 4F IDAHO } County of } On this day of 20 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared known or identified to me to be the of H2O Solutions LLC the corporation that executed the instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said corporation, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. 3 CityEagle_00026 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t, have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR IDAHO Residinq at: My commission expires: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN-TO before me this 1. - -.- day of ,20 , NOTARY PUBLIC FOR IDAHO ATTEST: Sharon Bergmann, Clerk Residinq in , Idaho My Commission Expires: Second Party: City of Eagle, Idaho Stan Ridgway, Mayor 4 CityEagle_00027 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW SHANNON M. ATWELL STEPHANIE J. BONNEYz PAUL J. FITZER JILL S. HOLINKA CHERESE D. MCLAIN ANTHONY M. PANTERA, IV GEOFFREY A. SCHROEDER FRANCES R. STERN PAULA. TURCKE January 14, 2019 Submitted via U.S. Mail and electronically Eagle Water Company 172 West State Street Eagle, ID 83616 RE: Notice of Default To Eagle Water Company: 7699 W RrvERSIDE DRIVE BOISE, ID 83714 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-18o0 FACSIMILE: (208) 331-1202 WWW.MSBTLAW.COM MICHAEL C. MOORE, Of Counsel DENNIS L. RADOCHA, Of Counsel Also admitted in Utah On behalf of the City of Eagle, please be advised and take notice that Eagle Water Company ("EWC") is in default of the Agreement between EWC and the City of Eagle dated July 12, 2008, a copy of which is attached hereto. This constitutes notice of default under Section 10 of the Agreement. EWC failed to continue to make payments due and failed to provide required notice to the City. Section 6 of the Agreement is entitled "Right of First Refusal" and prescribes a clear intent and specific process by which the City shall have the "exclusive right" of first refusal triggered by a determination by EWC to "sell or convey all or any part of its Water System...." Agreement (attached hereto), Section 6. Upon receipt of such notice from EWC, the Agreement prescribes that the "City shall have the exclusive right for 30 days after receiving such notice to provide Notice of Intent to Purchase the Water System or portion thereof to which such bona fide offer refers at the amount of said offer...." Id. The proceedings in Case Nos. SUZ-W-18-02 and EAG-W-18-01 before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission appear to reflect a triggering event under Section 6 of the Agreement — a Joint Application of Suez Water Idaho and Eagle Water Company for the Acquisition of Eagle Water Company. However, EWC did not provide notice to the City before making any such agreement and is therefore in violation of Section 6 and the City's Right of First Refusal. On behalf of the City, we hereby demand that you give notice stating EWC's desire to CityEagle_00028 January 14, 2019 Page 2 sell all or specified part(s) of the EWC Water System and the amount and terms of such offer(s) in detail. Pursuant to Section 10 of the Agreement, you have fifteen (15) days to cure this default. Upon your response, or lack thereof within the specified time period, the City will determine whether to pursue its rights under the Agreement. The City reserves its rights to seek alternative or additional remedies as may be applicable. Cherese D. McLain cc: Molly O'Leary (via email) CityEagle_00029 From: Cherese D. McLain To: citycouncilgrp@cityofeagle.orq Cc: Paul A. Turcke Subject: Fwd: 1076/28 - Eagle Water Company Response to City of Eagle"s "Notice of Default" Date: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 5:45:20 PM Attachments: image009.pnq image010.ona image011.ona image012.ona 01.29.19 - RESPONSE TO CITY OF EAGLE NOTICE OF DEFAULT.pdf Get Outlook for Android From: Molly O'Leary <molly@bizcounseloratlaw.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 4:53:35 PM To: Stan Ridgeway (SRidgeway@CityofEagle.org); SBergmann@cityofeagle.org Cc: Cherese D. McLain; Paul A. Turcke Subject: 1076/28 - Eagle Water Company Response to City of Eagle's "Notice of Default" PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED Woffy OEeary BizCounselor Law 1775 W. State Street, #150 Boise, Idaho 83702 Voice/Text: 208.45 3.6106 E-Mail: Molly a~BiXounselorAtLaw.com > Twitter: @BizCounselor k i > Linked-In: lrJ..iJ > Facebook:Ki Mol an latha math mu oidhche. Praise the good day at the close of it. Disclaimer: This message may contain confidential communications protected by the attorney client privilege. If you CityEagle_00030 received this message in error, please delete it and notify me of the error. Thank you! CityEagle_00031 Woffy O'Leary D0 [ Ca0 BKOLInse(or Law 1775 W. State Street, #150 Boise, Idaho 83702 Voice/Text: 208.453.6106 E-Mail: Molly@BizCounselorAtLaw.com 29 January 2019 City of Eagle P. O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 VIA U. S. Mail and Electronic Mail: Silidgeway@CityofEagle.org SBergmann@CityofEagle.org RE: Eagle Water Company, Inc.'s Response to City's "Notice of Default" Mayor Stan Ridgeway and Eagle City Council: This letter is sent in response to the City of Eagle's "Notice of Default" sent to Eagle Water Company, Inc. @'Eagle Water'j on or about January 14, 2019. Eagle Water unequivocally disagrees with the City's conclusion that Eagle Water's agreement to sell its assets to H2O Eagle Acquisition, LLC r'H2O'j constitutes a "triggering event" under Section 6 of the Intertie Agreement entered into by Eagle Water and the City of Eagle in 2008. As the City of Eagle is well aware, and as its agents have publicly acknowledged, the City of Eagle was given the opportunity to purchase Eagle Water in late 2014, continuing into 2015. After researching the cost of such a purchase and the related costs to conduct a revenue bond election and integrate the two systems, which costs would be borne by the City's water customers, the City declined to move forward with the transaction. The City was informed at the time of its discussions with Eagle Water in 2014-2015 that, if it chose not to move forward at that time with a purchase of Eagle Water, H2O would be 1 CityEagle_00032 purchasing Eagle Water. Thus, the City declined to proceed with purchasing Eagle Water with full knowledge of Eagle Water's intent to sell its assets to H2O if the City didn't agree to move forward with the purchase opportunity. According to a blog posted on the City's website by Mayor Ridgeway, dated December 21, 2018, the Mayor was contacted by Mr. DeShazo in early 2016 with yet another opportunity to purchase Eagle Water Company. But, once again, the City declined to pursue the opportunity. https:/ /www.cityofeagle.org/ Blog.aspx?IID=1#item As the Mayor publicly acknowledged at the January 22, 2019 City Council meeting, in the Fall of 2017, the City entered into discussions with N. L. Bangle, representing H2O Solutions, LLC and H2O Eagle Acquisition, LLC, regarding H2O's purchase of Eagle Water. In furtherance of those discussions, the City toured Eagle Water's facilities and met with Staff at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in 2018. In addition, the Mayor stated that he sought and received City Council approval to sign a "non-disclosure agreement" with H2O regarding the City's proposed purchase of wholesale water from H2O once the sale of Eagle Water to H2O was finalized. In keeping with the City's by now well-established pattern of delay, Mr. Ridgeway did not get around to signing the non-disclosure agreement until January of 2018. For the City to now represent to its citizens, the public at large, and to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission that the first it knew of H2O's purchase of Eagle Water was when it read of Suez Water Idaho, Inc.'s purchase of Eagle Water from H2O in the Idaho Statesman in November of 2018, is disingenuous at best and a willful lie at worst. Eagle Water justifiably relied on the City's decision in 2015 not to purchase Eagle Water Company. The City cannot simply sit on whatever rights it claims it may have and then, when an opportunity it repeatedly passed up is seized by another, claim with any degree of credibility that it could've/would've when, in truth, it simply should've. The doctrines of waiver, laches, and estoppel would all bar such an eleventh hour claim of an alleged right of first refusal. Further, to be clear, Eagle Water denies that there is any enforceable contract right of first refusal on the part of the City, for reasons including but not limited to the Idaho Statute of Frauds requirement that any contract to transfer real property must have all the particulars - - including a sufficient description of the real property to be transferred -- to be reduced to writing. If the City persists in this regard, it can be assured that Eagle Water will not only aggressively defend the sale of its assets to H2O, but it will pursue appropriate tort claims against the City for interfering with the subject sale. This letter is without prejudice to, nor does it constitute an election or waiver of, nor raise an estoppel against, any and all remedies and rights of Eagle Water at law or in equity or under any agreement [if any, in fact, exists] of the parties. Among the specific reservations by Eagle Water is that no admission whatsoever is hereby made of the existence of any right 2 CityEagle_00033 of first refusal. Eagle Water specifically denies that any such enforceable right currently exists or has existed in the past. Sincerely, Molly 0%eary rC Law, PLLC On beha/f of Fag/e Water Company, kc. CC: Cherise D. McClain — CDM@MSBTLaw.com Paul A. Turcke — PAT@MSBTLaw.com 3 CityEagle_00034 From: Cherese D. McLain To: citycouncilgrp@cityofeagle.orq; Paul A. Turcke Subject: Fwd: SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. / Eagle Water Company, Inc. (30-174) [IWOV-GPDMS.FID834574] Date: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 5:31:28 PM Attachments: 2019-01-29 TED to McLain.PDF Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Original message From: Stacy Wardein <stacywardein@givenspursley.com> Date: 1/29/19 4:49 PM (GMT-07:00) To: "Cherese D. McLain" <CDM@msbtlaw.com> Cc: Thomas E Dvorak <ted@givenspursley.com> Subject: SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. / Eagle Water Company, Inc. (30-174) [IWOV- GPDMS.FID834574] Ms. McLain, Please see the attached correspondence from Mr. Dvorak. Should you have any questions, please contact him directly. Best, Stacy Stacy Wardein, Legal Assistant GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W Bannock St, Boise, ID 83702 direct 208-388-1249 fax 208-388-1300 stacywardein@givenspursley.com www.givenspursley.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication is confidential and may contain privileged information. If you have received it in error, please advise the sender by reply email and immediately delete the message and any attachments without copying or disclosing the contents. Thank you. CityEagle_00035 GrIVENS PURSLEYLLP Attorneys and Counselors at Law 601 W. Bannock Street Gary G. Allen Kersti H, Kennedy W. Hugh O'Riordan, LL.M. PO Box 2720 Christopher J. Beeson Neal A. Koskella Randall A. Peterman Boise, ID 83701 Jason J. Blakley Michael P. Lawrence Jack W. Relf Telephone: 208-388-1200 Clint R. Bolinder Franklin G. Lee Michael O. Roe Facsimile: 208-388-1300 Jeff W. Bower David R. Lombardi Jamie Caplan Smith Preston N. Carter Kimberly D. Maloney Jeffrey A. Warr www.givenspursley.com Jeremy C. Chou Kenneth R. McClure Robert B. White William C. Cole Kelly Greene McConnell Michael C. Creamer Alex P. McLaughlinThomas E. Dvorak 208 388 1245 ted@g iven spursley.co m Amber N. Dina Bradley J. Dixon Melodie A. McQuade Christopher H. Meyer Thomas E. Dvorak L. Edward Miller Debora Kristensen Grasham Patrick J. Miller Kenneth L. Pursley (1940-2015) Martin C. Hendrickson Judson B. Montgomery James A. McClure (1924-2011) Brian J. Holleran Deborah E. Nelson Raymond D. Givens (1917-2(708) January 29, 2019 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL (cdm@msbtlam com) Cherese D. McLain MSBT Law 7699 West Riverside Drive Boise, ID 83714 Dear Ms. McLain: I write on behalf of my client, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc., an Idaho corporation (hereinafter "SUEZ").' Your letter of January 14, 2019, addressed to Eagle Water Company, Inc. ("Eagle Water Company"), on behalf of your client, the City of Eagle, has been brought to my client's attention. I understand that you are representing the City of Eagle in proceedings before the Public Utilities Commission, Case Numbers SUZ-W-18-02 and EAG-W-18-01, and filed a Petition to Intervene on December 21, 2018, and an Amended Petition to Intervene on January 4, 2019 ("Amended Petition"). From having appeared in this case, you know that SUEZ is under contract with H2O Eagle Acquisition LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company (hereinafter "H20"), to purchase certain assets of Eagle Water Company, as that contract is the subject of that proceeding. The allegations in your Amended Petition and your January 14, 2019 letter were the first time that SUEZ became aware that the City of Eagle claims an alleged right of first refusal stemming from a 2008 Intertie Agreement. I understand from other sources that the City itself "forgot" about this alleged right until shortly before your letter. The Amended Petition itself was apparently filed because the City has "become aware, and is evaluating the meaning and potential applicability, of ... [an alleged] `right of first refusal."' The City's alleged right of first refusal is invalid and unenforceable as (a) the alleged right of first refusal lacks a sufficient legal description for purposes of the Idaho Statute of Frauds; and (b) the City has not exercised said right despite ' Incidentally, SUEZ was simply the name change of an existing Idaho company, "United Water Idaho, Inc." and the corporation has existed as an Idaho corporation continually for 91 years. CityEagle_00036 Cherese D. McLain January 29, 2019 Page 2 having notice of a sale or potential sale of said assets for almost four years, thereby invoking bars under the doctrines of waiver and lathes against the claimed exercise. SUEZ expended considerable resources, funds and time in pursuit of its contractual fights and in doing so, reasonably relied upon the absence of any prior assertion of a fight of first refusal by the City. SUEZ is particularly troubled with the fact that a governmental entity seems to have set out to intentionally interfere with a contract between private entities. Such conduct seems very close to conduct that, if proven through further inquiry and discovery in litigation, may represent a deprivation of due process property rights of SUEZ or interference with SUEZ's contract rights under color of state law, in violation of fights protected by the U.S. Constitution, 11 U.S.C. § 1983 as well as the Idaho state constitution. Such conduct, if it indeed occurred, may also result in a claim for violations of anti-trust laws, under the so-called Sham Exception to the Noerr-Pennington antitrust immunity doctrine. The pertinent background facts as SUEZ currently understands them` are as follows. As early as 2014, the principal at H2O, N.L. Bangle, began discussions with the then-mayor of Eagle regarding whether the City of Eagle would be interested in purchasing Eagle Water Company. Those discussions evolved over time to H2O purchasing the assets of Eagle Water Company (the "I" Agreement to Sell") and then essentially wholesaling the water supply to the City of Eagle, which would then own the customers and distribution networks. The city council met with H2O in an Executive session in January 2018 to discuss details of a potential agreement. To that end, the City of Eagle Mayor and several other City officials and employees, attended a tour of the Eagle Water Company's facilities with Mr. Bangle in approximately January 2018. As a result of positive discussions during that tour, Mr. Bangle sent to the City, and you received a copy of, and apparently personally made changes to, a certain Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter "MOU"). This MOU was transmitted to the City by Mr. Bangle in January 2018. That MOU specifically referenced what was being discussed at the time, H20's purchase of Eagle Water Company. In the very first paragraph of that draft MOU, it states "Seller [H20], is purchasing Eagle Water Company located in Eagle, Idaho (the "Project")." (Emphasis added.) I understand that thereafter you personally attended with Mr. Bangle, Mayor Ridgeway and others, a meeting with a representative of the PUC during which a perceived negative response to Eagle's planned rate increase to the customers of Eagle Water Company by the PUC was brought up. It is believed this PUC meeting to discuss H2O purchasing the assets and wholesaling the water to the City occurred almost a year ago, in February of 2018. Thereafter, Mr. Bangle had limited communications regarding whether Eagle was going to approve the MOU until he received an email on June 13, 2018, from City employee Kellie Rekow indicating that "City council approved the Mayor's signature on the confidential MOU last night" and asking for his signature on the same. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Bangle realized that significant changes had been made to the 2 This understanding is based on the best information available to SUEZ to date. Information is still being discovered, and SUEZ reserves the right. to amend or supplement these facts as new or better information becomes available. CityEagle_00037 Cherese D. McLain January 29, 2019 Page 3 MOU, and he was not willing to sign it with those changes. Mr. Bangle's understanding was that you personally, or your office, had made those changes to the document, and he later received a redline that he understood was from your office showing those changes. Around this time, Mr. Bangle entered into discussions and consummated an agreement to sell H20's lights to purchase the assets of Eagle Water Company to SUEZ (the "2nd Agreement to Sell"). Your client was aware, and incidentally copied you personally, Ms. McLain, of notice of the 2nd Agreement to Sell by November 19, 2018, when the Mayor sent an email to Mr. Bangle that read as follows: Norm, from the reports and calls for concerns we have been getting, it appears that you have entered into an agreement with SUEZ for the purchase of Eagle Water Company. lamdisappointed that you did not stop by last week as promised to discuss our dialogue. Why would you abandon our agreement is troubling, even more so that you would implore so much of time and commitment from the public utility while all the while negotiating elsewhere. We're getting calls regarding your "deal" with SUEZ. Although we agreed verbally to a confidentiality and non- circumvention agreement, a signed copy was never sent back to the City of Eagle and therefore, no legal agreement will be honored. Should the public request information regarding these agreements, we are obligated by law to openly share our discussions between the City of Eagle and your company. Indeed, earlier on November 5, 2018, Mayor Ridgeway forwarded an email from Robin1. Collins with an article regarding SUEZ's filing for intent to acquire Eagle Water for $10 million to Mr. Bangle, so the City had the information about the 2nd Agreement to Sell by that date as well. Thus, it was surprising that despite having knowledge of two separate agreements to sell the assets of Eagle Water Company, the City has not attempted to exercise an alleged right of first refusal until your letter of January 14, 2019. It is especially surprising given that you seem personally to have played a role in the discussions from January of 2018 forward, wherein it was clear that the I" Agreement to Sell the assets of Eagle Water Company to H2O was already in place. Further, in reviewing the documentation of the communications between H2O and the City, for example, Mayor Ridgeway appears to have misrepresented aspects of those communications. In a blog on December 21, 2018, entitled "Eagle Mayor Stan Ridgeway's blog," he indicates that "the confidential memorandum of understanding was never signed by either party." Yet, an email was sent on June 13, 2018, by City employee "Kellie Rekow" to Mr. Bangle that indicated "City Council approved the Mayor's signature on the Confidential MOU last night. Do you happen to be in town fight now for your signature or would you prefer we send to you." Mayor Ridgeway also indicated in that blog apparent surprise when two representatives of Avimor showed up in a CityEagle_00038 Cherese D. McLain January 29, 2019 Page 4 meeting with Mr. Bangle. However, I have reviewed an email dated July 17, 2018 to Mr. Bangle from Mayor Ridgeway where he is asking Mr. Bangle about a call Mayor Ridgeway received from a local developer. Mr. Bangle insists that this email was in fact an Avimor representative and that the inquiry was made first to the Mayor, not to Mr. Bangle. It is very clear that knowledge of the fact of a sale, even without knowledge of the specific terms of the purported sale agreement, is enough to trigger the duty on the part of the party holding the right of first refusal to take action. See e.g., Bruns v. Walters, 28 P.3d 646 (Or. App. 2001) (holding that as soon as a party with right of first refusal learned that the property subject to the tight of first refusal had been sold to a third party without notice being given to the tight of refusal holder, the time began to run for purposes of the doctrine of laches, and that notice of the precise teinis of the sale transaction was not necessary). In that particular case, the court held that too much time had passed and delay had resulted in substantial prejudice to the defendants: Plaintiffs delay also resulted in substantial prejudice to defendants. "The harm or prejudice to a defendant necessary to the laches defense can be ... a disadvantageous change in position," .. .,'making it inequitable to afford the relief sought against a party asserting laches." Id. (citations omitted). Further, Idaho has specifically recognized the application of the doctrine of waiver in the context of a right of first refusal. in the case of Meridian Bowling Lanes, Inc. v. Meridian Athletic Association, Inc., 105 Idaho 509, 670 P.2d 1294 (1983), the court reversed summary judgment and remanded to the district court for a trial on whether a waiver of a right of first refusal had occurred, saying specifically: Regardless of whether the right of first refusal was limited to a single bona fide offer or was continuing in nature, the question remains whether MBL waived its right when it did not accept the first offer communicated to it by MAA. "A waiver is the intentional relinquishment of a known tight. It is a voluntary act and implies election by a party to dispense with something of value or to forego some right or advantage which he might at his option have demanded and insisted upon. After an examination of the record, we conclude that whether there was an expressed or implied waiver is clearly disputed. CityEagle_00039 Cherese D. McLain January 29, 2019 Page 5 "In order to establish a[n implied] waiver the intention to waive must clearly appear, and a waiver ... will not be presumed or implied contrary to the intention of the party whose fights would be injuriously affected thereby unless by his conduct the opposite party was misled to his prejudice into the honest belief that such waiver was intended or consented to." Id. at 512, 670 P.2d at 1297 (citations omitted).3 For purposes of both waiver and estoppel, the City has failed for some time to assert this recently discovered alleged tight of first refusal. The City has known for years of the attempts to sell Eagle Water Company, but did nothing. The City has been offered Eagle Water Company, but did not seek to purchase. The City has known for over a year of the I" Agreement to Sell to H2O, but simply attempted to negotiate a wholesale distribution agreement from H2O. The City has known since November 2018 of the 2" d Agreement to Sell to SUEZ, but has done nothing to assert its claimed tight of first refusal. Meanwhile, SUEZ has expended in reasonable reliance upon the City's silence (and to SUEZ's substantial detriment and prejudice) considerable resources, funds and time in pursing the 2nd Agreement to Sell to SUEZ. This is exactly the sort of substantial prejudice that demonstrates any alleged right of first refusal has been waived by the City, or the City is barred by the doctrines of laches or estoppel from now asserting such a fight. In addition, the Idaho Supreme Court over recent years has been very particular about the terms of a contract involving the conveyance of real property pursuant to the statute of frauds being set forth in writing. Particular to the point that a contract that fails the test is completely unenforceable. The statute of frauds provides in Idaho Code § 9-503 that, "[n]o estate or interest in real property... can be created, granted, assigned, surrendered, or declared, otherwise than by operation of law, or a conveyance or other instrument in writing, subscribed by the party creating, granting, assigning, surrendering or declaring the same, or by his lawful agent thereunto authorized by writing." The assets of Eagle Water Company include several water tights as well as underground pipes with easements. Idaho Code § 55-101 provides that, "Real property or real estate consists of: 1. Lands, possessory rights to land, ditch and water rights, and mining claims, both lode and placer. 2. That which is affixed to land. 3. That which is appurtenant to land." See also Fulton v. Duro, 107 Idaho 240, 243, 687 P.2d 1367, 1370 (Ct. App. 1984), aff d, 3 Accord Grover v. Idaho Pub. Utilities Coininn, 83 Idaho 351, 357, 364 P.2d 167, 171 (1961)("'A waiver is the intentional relinquishment. of a known right. It. is a voluntary act and implies election by a party to dispense with something of value or to forego some right. or advantage which he might at his option have demanded and insisted upon'. . . . In addition to express waiver, this court has recognized a doctrine of implied waiver, under which are consistently applied principles of estoppel. 'The dividing line between waivers implied from conduct and estoppels is often shadowy as the two terms have come to be quite commonly used interchangeably; * * * when the term waiver is so used the elements of estoppel almost invariably appear, and it. is employed to designate not a pure or express waiver, but one which has conic into the existence of effectiveness through the application of the principles underlying estoppels."")(citafions omitted). CityEagle_00040 Cherese D. McLain January 29, 2019 Page 6 108 Idaho 392, 700 P.2d 14 (1985)("In Idaho, real property includes land, possessory rights to land, and that which is appurtenant to land."). Idaho courts have fleshed out the requirement under the statute of frauds that all material terms must be in writing, stating that, "[t]he writing must contain all 'conditions, terms[ ] and descriptions necessary to constitute the contract,' including a description of the property to be sold... The property description must be specific enough, either by its own tei►iis or by reference, to ascertain the quantity, identity, or boundaries of the property without resorting to parol evidence... In other words, the description 'must adequately describe the property so that it is possible for someone to identify 'exactly' what property the seller is conveying to the buyer."' Callies v. O'Neal, 147 Idaho 841, 847-48, 216 P.3d 130, 136-37 (2009) (quoting Lexington Heights Dev. L.L.C. v. Crandlemire, 140 Idaho 276, 280, 92 P.3d 526, 532 (2004); Ray v. Erasure, 146 Idaho 625, 629, 200 P.3d 1 174, 1178 (2009)). And, Idaho law has been applied to require that an alleged right of first refusal for a transfer of real estate be in writing as the same is subject to the statute of frauds. See e.g., Nicholson v. Coeur D Alene Placer Mining Corp., 161 Idaho 877, 392 P.3d 1218 (2017)(Upholding district court's grant of summary judgment against enforcement of oral right of first refusal where district court applied statute of frauds and absence of legal description, and appellate court upheld decision on grounds that legal description was too vague to be enforceable). See also Magnolia Enterprises, LLC v. Schons, No. CV-08- 376NBLW, 2009 WL 1658022 (D. Idaho June 11, 2009)(unpubl i shed opinion)(applying Idaho cases to reason that because statute of frauds applies to option in Idaho, it would also apply to tight of first refusal). Thus, the alleged agreement for a right of first refusal would seem to fail as not having a sufficient legal description of the water tights and other real property interests in order to satisfy the statue of frauds. But even if a valid and enforceable right existed in 2008,4 with respect to waiver of or laches against exercise of the alleged fight of first refusal, the Mayor of Eagle, during the City Council meeting that occurred on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, publicly indicated that the "Intertie Agreement has been in the files for quite some time and was never acted on. Unfortunately, there is a five-year statute of limitations of payment of $ 10,000 a month so the roughly $1.2 million that Eagle Water Company was benefiting from the intertie never got paid and we will never see any of that money." The Mayor then goes on to describe how without knowing this agreement was out there, he entered into negotiations with Mr. Bangle and that he understood Mr. Bangle got a fight of first refusal or some agreement with the owner of Eagle Water Company to be able to sell Eagle Water and that the previous Mayor of Eagle had done this in 2013. It goes on to describe in those minutes how, in 2015, Mayor Ridgeway learned of discussions for sale of Eagle Water as the Council President.' Again, providing evidence of a waiver of any alleged right of first refusal due to the failure to act upon the same. A point which is by no means conceded. Further, in those minutes, the Mayor erroneously describes the agreement being negotiated with Mr. Bangle and H2O as an agreement for the City of Eagle to purchase Eagle Water Company. This was not. the case, as the MOU was CityEagle_00041 Cherese D. McLain January 29, 2019 Page 7 As has been made clear above, SUEZ does not afford any validity to the alleged fight of first refusal. SUEZ stands ready to protect its rights under the 2"d Agreement to Sell to SUEZ. Accordingly, SUEZ hereby demands adequate written assurance from the City that the City does not claim a valid fight of first refusal. SUEZ believes that fourteen (14) days from the date of this letter should be more than enough time. In the absence of unequivocal written assurance as requested, SUEZ will take appropriate measure to investigate and clear up this delayed claim of an alleged fight of first refusal and the propriety of the conduct of all persons involved in making the same. SUEZ will seek to recover all cost and attorneys' fees incurred in doing so, as well as any damages suffered by those actions. In addition to requiting timely written assurance, demand is also hereby made that a litigation hold be commenced immediately on any and all documentation relating to this matter. More specifics of this hold are described in Exhibit A to this letter. The preservation of documents, both physical and electronic, relevant to a potential lawsuit is required by law. The failure to properly preserve such evidence carries extremely stiff penalties should the court determine that a party has not met its obligations, and sanctions for such spoliation of evidence can include deteiiiiinations against a party on the merits of the case. Very truly T, ,you ~s— orfias r. Dvorak cc: Client TED/SW 1451,10 19-- 1. doex [30-1741 simply an agreement for wholesale distribution of the water, water that H2O was to provide using Eagle Water Company's assets. CityEagle_00042 Cherese D. McLain January 29, 2019 Page 8 EXHIBIT A LITIGATION HOLD DEMAND Please be advised that electronically stored information is an important and irreplaceable source of discovery and/or evidence in the above-entitled dispute. The law requires preservation of all information from your computer systems and those of your agents, managers, employees, etc., as well as removable electronic media and other locations relating to the subject matter of the dispute. This includes, but is not limited to, email, text messages, and other electronic communication, contracts, draft contracts, sub-contracts, plans, bids, word processing documents, spreadsheets, databases, calendars, telephone logs, contact manager information, internet usage files, and network access information. You should also preserve the following platforms in your possession or any third party under your control (such as an employee or outside vendor under contract): databases, networks, computer systems, including legacy systems (hardware and software), servers, archives, backup or disaster recovery systems, tapes, discs, drives, cartridges and other storage media, laptops, personal computers, internet data, personal digital assistants, tablets, handheld wireless devices, mobile or smart telephones, paging devices, emails and text messages, and audio systems (including voicemail). You must take every reasonable step to preserve this information until further notice. Failure to do so could result in extreme penalties against you. Such penalties include a court deeming your failure to retain and take efforts to retain such information as proof that the missing information would have been damaging to you. 1. PRESERVATION OBLIGATIONS The laws and rules prohibiting destruction of evidence apply to electronically stored information in the same manner that they apply to other evidence. Due to its format, electronic information is easily deleted, modified or corrupted. Accordingly, you must take every reasonable step to preserve this information until the final resolution of this matter. This includes, but is not limited to, an obligation to: a) Discontinue all data destruction and backup tape recycling policies; b) Preserve and not dispose of relevant hardware unless an exact replica of the file (a mirror image) is made; C) Preserve and not destroy passwords, decryption procedures (and accompanying software), network access codes, fD names, manuals, tutorials, written instructions, decompression or reconstruction software; CityEagle_00043 Cherese D. McLain January 29, 2019 Page 9 d) Maintain all other pertinent infoi ination and tools necessary to access, view, and/or reconstruct all required or potentially relevant electronic data. 11. DESCRIPTION OF DATA SOUGHT This dispute requires preservation of all information from your computer systems, removable electronic media and other locations relating to the subject matter of the dispute. This includes, but is not limited to, email, text message and other electronic communication, word processing documents, spreadsheets, databases, calendars, telephone logs, personal notes, minutes of meetings, and other such items. A. Electronic Files. You have an obligation to preserve all digital or analog, electronic files in electronic fofniat, regardless of whether hard copies of the information exist. This includes preserving: 1. Active data (i.e., data immediately and easily accessible on the client's systems today); 2. Archived data (i.e., data residing on backup servers or other storage media); I (i.e.,3. Deleted data (i data that has been deleted from a computer hard drive or server but is recoverable through computer forensic techniques), and 4. Legacy data (i.e., data created on old or obsolete hardware or software). 5. You must preserve active, archived and legacy data including but not limited to: a. Word-processing files, including drafts and revisions; b. Spreadsheets, including drafts and revisions; C. Databases; d. CAD (computer-aided design) files, including drafts and revisions; e. Presentation data or slide shows produced by presentation software (such as Microsoft PowerPoint); f. Graphs, charts and other data produced by project management software or presentation software (such as Microsoft Project or Microsoft Powerpoint); CityEagle_00044 Cherese D. McLain January 29, 2019 Page 10 9.Animations, images, audio, video and audiovisual recordings, MP3 players, and voicemail files; h. Data generated by calendaring, task management and personal information management (PIM) software (such as Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes); i. Data created with the use of personal data assistants (PDAs), smart phones or tablets, such as iPad, iPhone, Android, or other Windows CE-based or similar devices; i Data created with the use of document management software; and k. Data created with the use of paper and electronic mail logging and routing software. 6. You must preserve media used by your computers including but not limited to: a. Magnetic, optical or other storage media, including the hard drives or thumb drives used by you; b. Backup media (i.e., other hard drives, backup tapes, thumb drives, Jaz cartridges, CD-ROMs) and the software necessary to reconstruct the documents; C. Archived media (you should retain a mirror image copy of any media no longer in service but used during the time periods relevant to the dispute). B. Hardware. You have an obligation to preserve all electronic processing systems, even if they are replaced. This includes computer servers, stand-alone personal computers, hard drives, laptops, PDAs, and other electronic processing devices. You should retain copies of any hardware no longer in service but used during the time period relevant to this dispute. C. Ernails. You have an obligation to preserve all potentially relevant internal and external emails that were sent or received. Email must be preserved in electronic format, regardless of whether hard copies of the information exist. D. Internet Web Pages. You have an obligation to preserve all records of any webpages that you have or have had during the time period relevant to this dispute. CityEagle_00045 Cherese D. McLain January 29, 2019 Page 11 E. Supporting Information. You must preserve all supporting information relating, to the requested electronic data and/or media including: Codebooks, keys, data dictionaries, diagrams, handbooks, or other supporting documents that aid in reading or interpreting database, media, email, hardware, software, or activity log information. III. DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENTS AND MEDIA THAT SHOULD BE PRESERVED A. Data Preservation. You should immediately preserve all data and information about the data (i.e., backup activity logs and document retention policies) relating to documents maintained in the ordinary course of business relating to the subject matter of this dispute. B. Data Storage Devices I Online Data Storage. If you use online storage and/or direct access storage devices, they must immediately cease modifying or deleting any electronic data unless a computer forensic expert makes a mirror image of the electronic file, follows proper preservation protocols for assuring the accuracy of the file (i.e., chain of custody), and makes the file available for potential litigation. 2. OfJ7ine Data Storage. Offline data storage includes, but is not limited to, backup and archival media, floppy diskettes, magnetic, magneto-optical, and/or optical tapes and cartridges, DVDs, CD-ROMs, thumb drives and other removable media. You should immediately suspend all activity that might result in destruction or modification of all of the data stored on any offline media. This request includes, but is not limited to, media used to store data from personal computers, laptops, mainframe computers, and servers. 3. Data Storage Device Replacement. If you replace any electronic data storage devices, you may not dispose of the storage devices. IV. PRESERVATION COMPLIANCE A. Activity Log. In order to show preservation compliance, you should maintain a log, documenting all alterations or deletions made to any electronic data storage device or any electronic data processing, system. The log should include changes CityEagle_00046 Cherese D. McLain January 29, 2019 Page 12 and deletions made by supervisors, employees, contractors, vendors, or any other third parties. B. Chain of Custody. For each piece of media that you preserve, you must document a complete chain of custody. A proper chain of custody will ensure that no material changes, alterations or modifications were made while the evidence was handled. Chain of custody documentation must indicate where the media has been, whose possession it has been in, and the reason for that possession. C. Electronic Data Created after this Letter. For any electronic data created after this letter or for any electronic processing systems used after this letter, you must take the proper steps to avoid destroying, potentially relevant evidence. This includes following the above preservation protocols. Compliance with your preservation obligations includes forwarding a copy of this letter to all individuals within the City or vendor organizations that are responsible for any of the items referred to in this letter and preserving documentation of the timing of your act of doing so. This includes City employees and officials who may maintain such infoi ination in their private systems, such as texts on a cell phone. If this correspondence is in any respect unclear, please write to me immediately so that we may clarify any miscommunication. CityEagle_00047 ~ PLU R IS Home About Us Resources Dedicated Team Who We Are Pluris: An American Infrastructure Company With roots dating back to 1946, privately-owned Pratt families of companies have progressively grown with actively involved owners. Pluris, provided entry into the domestic utility ownership industry. With increasing challenges to fresh water supplies and aging water and wastewater systems, Pluds's focus is on smaller community systems where financial strain leaves little or no means for upgrading and servicing systems in these vital communities. In addition to owning water and wastewater treatment utilities, Pluris self performs and through partnering agreements provides a wide range of services to municipalities © 2015 Pluris, LLC and other governmental agencies. These services include financing assistance, design/build, operation and maintenance. Pluris has existing relationships with industry leaders to provide specialized underground services. This allows Pluris to construct new and repair aging pipelines using trenchless technologies that help to reduce inconveniences associated with installing or replacing pipelines. Building on nearly 70 years of related company experience, Pluris continues a performance oriented approach to meeting the needs of small communities. earch Pluris... Latest News Error: Feed has a error or is not valid CityEagle_00048 Home About Us Resources Dedicated Team Contact Us Corporate Office: 2100 McKinney Ave. Suite # 1550 Dallas, TX 75201 Phone: (888) 758-7471 Fax: (910) 327-0374 Pay Bill Now © 2015 Pluris, LLC Customer Walk-in Service Offices: 1095 Highway 210 Sneads Ferry, NC 28460 Phone: (888) 758-7471 Fax: (910) 327-0374 earch Pluris... Locations: Alabama North Carolina Florida California Texas 4" CityEagle_00049 From: Molly O" leary To: Susan E. Buxton Subject: 1076/16 - EWCO/Intertie -- RE: Eagle Water Intertie Agreement Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 5:00:38 PM Thanks, Susan. Eagle Water needs to submit a status report to the PUC tomorrow, as I will be gone 7/18 (the deadline). I believe Vern & Robert are in regular contact, re: completing the Intertie and working w/ DEQ to get the moratorium lifted; however, I may need to talk to Vern tomorrow to firm up the status from his perspective and hereby request permission in advance to contact him if necessary. Best Regards, dolly O Eeary Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 515 N. 27th Street, 83702 P.O. Box 7218, 83707 Boise, Idaho Voice: 208.938.7900 Facsimile: 208.938.7904 Information contained in this electronic message and in any attachments hereto may contain information that is confidential, protected by the attorney/ client privilege and/or attorney work product doctrine. This email is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. Inadvertent disclosure of the contents of this email or its attachments to unintended recipients is not intended to and does not constitute a waiver of the attorney/ client privilege and/or attorney work product doctrine. This transmission is further covered by the Electronic Communication Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2521. If you have received this email in error, immediately notify the sender of the erroneous receipt and destroy this email and any attachments of the same either electronic or printed. Any disclosure, dissemination, distribution, copying or use of the contents or information received in error is strictly prohibited. Thank you. From: Susan E. Buxton [ma i Ito: SEB@msbtlaw.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 2:55 PM To: Molly O'leary Cc: Cheryl Bruehl CityEagle_00050 Subject: FW: Eagle Water Intertie Agreement Molly: Here is a scanned copy of the signed Intertie Agreement for your records. Best regards, Susan S "444, li E. 3( wyxon/ Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chartered 950 W. Bannock Street, Suite 520 Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone: 208/331-1800 Fax: 208/331-1202 seb@msbtlaw.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This transmission is intended only for the use of the individual(s) named as recipients. It may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or protected from disclosure under applicable law including, but not limited to, the attorney client privilege and/or work product doctrine. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately by telephone. Do not deliver, distribute or copy this transmission, disclose its contents, or take any action in reliance on the information it contains. This e-mail is not intended for release to opposing parties, opposing counsel or any other third person or entity. Copies of this e-mail should not be kept in your regular files. If you print a copy of this e-mail, place it in a separate file labeled "Attorney- Client Privilege". Do not produce a copy of this e-mail in discovery. !S1G:487e6050288431503432374!=00 CityEagle_00051 From: Susan E. Buxton To: Molly O" leary Cc: Cheryl Bruehl Subject: FW: Eagle Water Intertie Agreement Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 2:55:39 PM Attachments: 07-12-08 Eagle Water Co. intertie aareement.tif Molly: Here is a scanned copy of the signed Intertie Agreement for your records. Best regards, Susan S "444, li E. 3( wyxon/ Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chartered 950 W. Bannock Street, Suite 520 Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone: 208/331-1800 Fax: 208/331-1202 seb@msbtlaw.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This transmission is intended only for the use of the individual(s) named as recipients. It may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or protected from disclosure under applicable law including, but not limited to, the attorney client privilege and/or work product doctrine. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately by telephone. Do not deliver, distribute or copy this transmission, disclose its contents, or take any action in reliance on the information it contains. This e-mail is not intended for release to opposing parties, opposing counsel or any other third person or entity. Copies of this e-mail should not be kept in your regular files. If you print a copy of this e-mail, place it in a separate file labeled "Attorney- Client Privilege". Do not produce a copy of this e-mail in discovery. CityEagle_00052 INTERTIE AGREEMENT This Intertie Agreement ("Agreement"), dated as of July 12, 2008, is between Eagle Water Company, Inc., an Idaho corporation ("EWC") and the City of Eagle, Idaho, an Idaho municipal corporation ("City"). Recitals A. City recently constructed and owns an approximate one million gallon water storage tank (the "Storage Tank"). B. EWC owns and conducts a water utility supply and distribution business ("Water System") in and around Eagle, Idaho. EWC has water distribution lines in the vicinity of the Storage Tank and desires to temporarily connect such distribution lines to the Storage Tank in order to satisfy certain regulatory requirements for fire protection service to its customers. C. EWC intends to use the Intertie as a temporary measure until it completes a new well and DEQ determines the Intertie is no longer needed to meet regulatory requirements. The parties agree as follows: Agreement 1. Water Storage Connection. City hereby agrees that immediately upon the execution of this Agreement, City will allow EWC to construct, at EWC's sole expense, a connection and two manually-controlled gate valves with a meter spool for a future meter ("Intertie") between EWC's existing main distribution lines and the Storage Tank based upon engineering plans previously submitted by the City to and approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ("DEQ"). City shall have the right to approve the location and manner of constructing such Intertie and shall do so no later than 24 hours after EWC identifies its preferred location for the intertie. EWC shall ensure that all work is performed in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with all applicable codes and regulations. City makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, concerning the Intertie or any benefits to be derived by EWC therefrom. The City shall own the Intertie infrastructure save and except for the 12-inch Intertie tee and the attached 12-inch gate valve. 2. Limitations On Use. The parties agree that the sole purpose of the Intertie is to provide redundant fire flow protection capacity to EWC and is not intended to be a source of water for EWC's normal operating requirements. 3. Payment. In consideration of the City entering into this Agreement and allowing EWC to connect to the Storage Tank, EWC agrees to compensate the City as follows: CITY OF EAGLE — EAGLE WATER COMPANY rNTERTIE AGREEMENT - I CityEagle-00053 3. 1. Lease of Water Rights. EWC agrees to grant the City the permanent Right of First Refusal to lease up to ten (10) cubic feet of water per second of certain municipal water rights currently owned by EWC, provided such water rights are not necessary to maintain the integrity of EWC's Water System, including compliance with all regulatory requirements and EWC engineering plans. This Right of First Refusal shall be permanent and shall survive any termination or other modification of this Agreement, save and except for a termination by the City other than for a non-cured default by EWC per Section 7, below. 3.2. Cash Payment. In addition, EWC shall pay City a fee for the connection to the Storage Tank of $10,000.00 per month commencing on the date the interconnection is completed and approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). 4. Duration. This Agreement shall commence upon acceptance by the City of Eagle and completion of the Intertie that is the subject of this Agreement ("Commencement"), and the Intertie Lease shall continue month—to-month so long as the Intertie connection is needed by EWC in its sole discretion. If the Intertie continues past 18 months from the Commencement date, the Intertie Lease Cash Payment shall increase five percent (5%) and every 18 months thereafter. The parties may mutually agree, in writing, to extend or modify this Agreement. 5. Moratorium. At EWC's reasonable request, City agrees to cooperate with EWC to assist EWC in its efforts to satisfy the conditions set forth in the current DEQ Consent Order establishing a moratorium on new connections in EWC's service territory and to cause the moratorium to be terminated. This Section 5 shall not require City to expend any funds or take any actions that it is not lawfully permitted to take. EWC shall reimburse the City for any costs incurred by the City related to this Section 5, provided the same have been pre-approved by EWC in writing. 6. Right of First Refusal. If EWC determines to sell or convey all or any part of its Water System, which shall be deemed to include, but not be limited to, water rights, wells and other infrastructure, and receives a bona fide offer for this Water System, before making any agreement to sell all or any portion of the Water System, EWC shall give notice to City stating EWC's desire to sell and the amount and terms of such offer in detail. City shall have the exclusive right for 30 days after receiving such notice to provide Notice of Intent to Purchase the Water System or portion thereof to which such bona fide offer refers at the amount of said offer; provided, that if the third party offer is for a consideration other than cash, the City shall have the right to pay the fair market value of such consideration in cash. Upon delivery of the Notice of Intent to Purchase, the City shall hold a revenue bond election for the purpose of securing voter approval of the purchase at the next available election date and/or utilize City funds directly available in a capital account, enterprise fund, general fund, or other readily available City fund or account to complete the purchase. For the purpose of this Section 6, "Next Available Election Date" shall mean the earliest possible election date based on the time required by law for legal notice of such an election and for the conduct of any required public hearings. If the bond is approved at said election, the City shall proceed in good faith to secure bonds to pay the purchase price ("Finance") as expeditiously as possible. Closing of the transaction between the City and EWC that is the subject of this Section 6 shall not extend more than 180 days from the date of the revenue bond election, or if the election is challenged in a legal proceeding, the CITY OF EAGLE — EAGLE WATER COMPANY fNTERTIE AGREEMENT - 2 CityEaqle 00054 Closing shall occur no more than 90 days after final resolution of any such legal challenge. In the event that a revenue bond election is not required because the City has the necessary funds directly available in a capital account, enterprise fund, general fund, or other readily available City fund or account to finance the transaction in lieu of holding a revenue bond election, then the Closing of the transaction between the City and EWC that is the subject of this Section 6 shall occur no later than 60 days after the City provides EWC with its Notice of Intent to Purchase. For purposes of this Section 6, this Right of First Refusal applies solely to an "EWC Change of Control Transaction", which means one or a series of transactions in which (i) all or substantially all of EWC's Water System is sold to a third party, or (ii) there is a stock sale, merger, consolidation or similar transaction as a result of which said third party owns a majority of the outstanding voting and outstanding capital stock of EWC or any successor owner of EWC. This Right of First Refusal shall be permanent and shall survive any termination or other modification of this Agreement, save and except for a termination by the City other than for a non-cured default by EWC per Section 7, below. 7. Termination. EWC or the City shall have the right to terminate the Intertie connection upon 30 days prior written notice to the other party. In the event the City terminates the Intertie connection for any reason other than a non-cured default by EWC under Section 10 of this Agreement, then the Rights of First Refusal in Sections 3 and 6 of this Agreement shall likewise terminate. 8. Authority. Each individual executing this Agreement below on behalf of a party represents and warrants to the other party that the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary corporate or municipal action by such party, that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of such party, and that this Agreement is a legal and valid obligation of such party, enforceable against such party in accordance with its terms. 9. Force Majeure. Except for obligations to make payment, nonperformance of either party shall be excused to the extent that performance is rendered impossible by strike, fire, flood, governmental acts, orders or restrictions, or any other reason where failure to perform is beyond the control and not caused by the negligence of the non-performing party. 10. Default and Remedies. 10.1. Default. Each of the following events shall constitute an event of default: 10.1.1. EWC fails to make, on or before the date which it is due, any payment to be made to the City pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement; or 10.1.2. Either party materially breaches this Agreement. 10.2. Remedies. If any default shall occur, the non-defaulting party shall give the defaulting party notice of default. Such default must be cured within fifteen (15) days of the Notice of Default unless such default is curable but cannot be reasonably cured within ten (10) days after giving the Notice of Default and the defaulting party commences within such ten (10) day period to cure such default and prosecutes the same to conclusion with reasonable diligence. CITY OF EAGLE — EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 3 CityEagle-00055 The foregoing remedy shall be in addition to and shall not exclude any other remedy available to the parties under applicable law. 1 1. Attorneys Fees. In the event an arbitration, suit or action is brought by any party under this Agreement to enforce any of its terms, or in any appeal therefrom, it is agreed that the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees to be fixed by the arbitrator, or court of applicable jurisdiction. 12. Notices. All notices or other communications required or permitted hereunder, including notices to Mortgagees, shall, unless otherwise provided herein, be in writing, shall be personally delivered, delivered by reputable overnight courier, or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, and postage prepaid, addressed to the parties at the following addresses: if to the City: City of Eagle Office of the City Clerk 660 East Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 If to Eagle Water: Eagle Water Company, Inc. 172 West State Street Eagle, ID 83616 With a copy to: Molly O'Leary Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Notices personally delivered shall be deemed given the day so delivered. Notices given by overnight courier shall be deemed given on the first business day following the mailing date. Notices mailed as provided herein shall be deemed given on the third business day following the mailing date. Notice of change of address shall be given by written notice in a manner detailed in this Section 12. 13. Governing Law. The parties intend that this contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, without regard to choice of law rules. 14. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute part of the original document. CITY OF EAGLE — EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 4 CityEagle_00056 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. EWC: EAGLE WATER COMPANY, City: an Idaho corporation Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., 'Jr. sident CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO aho municipal corporation By: X111*66 Phi Bandy, Mayor 16. -4- Q A- ' 0% ATTEST: "* a 4~By Sharon K. Bergmann, C.NyClerk~~~ CITY OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 5 —EAGLE CityEagle-00057 From: Cheryl Bruehl To: "mark.mason@deq.idaho.gov" Cc: Susan E. Buxton Subject: FW: Eagle Water Intertie Agreement Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:35:21 AM Attachments: 07-12-08 Eagle Water Co. intertie aareement.tif Mr. Mason: As we discussed, attached is the signed intertie agreement. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information. Thank you. .~. Ewe, pL s Legal Assistant to Susan E. Buxton and Stephanie J. Bonney Moore Smith Buxton and Turcke, Chartered 950 W. Bannock Street, Suite 520 Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 331-1801 (Direct Line) Facsimile (208) 331-1202 Confidentiality Notice: This transmission is intended only for the use of the individual(s) named as recipients. It may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or protected from disclosure under applicable law including, but not limited to, the attorney client privilege and/or work product doctrine. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately by telephone. Do not deliver, distribute or copy this transmission, disclose its contents, or take any action in reliance on the information it contains. CityEagle_00058 INTERTIE AGREEMENT This Intertie Agreement ("Agreement"), dated as of July 12, 2008, is between Eagle Water Company, Inc., an Idaho corporation ("EWC") and the City of Eagle, Idaho, an Idaho municipal corporation ("City"). Recitals A. City recently constructed and owns an approximate one million gallon water storage tank (the "Storage Tank"). B. EWC owns and conducts a water utility supply and distribution business ("Water System") in and around Eagle, Idaho. EWC has water distribution lines in the vicinity of the Storage Tank and desires to temporarily connect such distribution lines to the Storage Tank in order to satisfy certain regulatory requirements for fire protection service to its customers. C. EWC intends to use the Intertie as a temporary measure until it completes a new well and DEQ determines the Intertie is no longer needed to meet regulatory requirements. The parties agree as follows: Agreement 1. Water Storage Connection. City hereby agrees that immediately upon the execution of this Agreement, City will allow EWC to construct, at EWC's sole expense, a connection and two manually-controlled gate valves with a meter spool for a future meter ("Intertie") between EWC's existing main distribution lines and the Storage Tank based upon engineering plans previously submitted by the City to and approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ("DEQ"). City shall have the right to approve the location and manner of constructing such Intertie and shall do so no later than 24 hours after EWC identifies its preferred location for the intertie. EWC shall ensure that all work is performed in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with all applicable codes and regulations. City makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, concerning the Intertie or any benefits to be derived by EWC therefrom. The City shall own the Intertie infrastructure save and except for the 12-inch Intertie tee and the attached 12-inch gate valve. 2. Limitations On Use. The parties agree that the sole purpose of the Intertie is to provide redundant fire flow protection capacity to EWC and is not intended to be a source of water for EWC's normal operating requirements. 3. Payment. In consideration of the City entering into this Agreement and allowing EWC to connect to the Storage Tank, EWC agrees to compensate the City as follows: CITY OF EAGLE — EAGLE WATER COMPANY rNTERTIE AGREEMENT - I CityEagle-00059 3. 1. Lease of Water Rights. EWC agrees to grant the City the permanent Right of First Refusal to lease up to ten (10) cubic feet of water per second of certain municipal water rights currently owned by EWC, provided such water rights are not necessary to maintain the integrity of EWC's Water System, including compliance with all regulatory requirements and EWC engineering plans. This Right of First Refusal shall be permanent and shall survive any termination or other modification of this Agreement, save and except for a termination by the City other than for a non-cured default by EWC per Section 7, below. 3.2. Cash Payment. In addition, EWC shall pay City a fee for the connection to the Storage Tank of $10,000.00 per month commencing on the date the interconnection is completed and approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). 4. Duration. This Agreement shall commence upon acceptance by the City of Eagle and completion of the Intertie that is the subject of this Agreement ("Commencement"), and the Intertie Lease shall continue month—to-month so long as the Intertie connection is needed by EWC in its sole discretion. If the Intertie continues past 18 months from the Commencement date, the Intertie Lease Cash Payment shall increase five percent (5%) and every 18 months thereafter. The parties may mutually agree, in writing, to extend or modify this Agreement. 5. Moratorium. At EWC's reasonable request, City agrees to cooperate with EWC to assist EWC in its efforts to satisfy the conditions set forth in the current DEQ Consent Order establishing a moratorium on new connections in EWC's service territory and to cause the moratorium to be terminated. This Section 5 shall not require City to expend any funds or take any actions that it is not lawfully permitted to take. EWC shall reimburse the City for any costs incurred by the City related to this Section 5, provided the same have been pre-approved by EWC in writing. 6. Right of First Refusal. If EWC determines to sell or convey all or any part of its Water System, which shall be deemed to include, but not be limited to, water rights, wells and other infrastructure, and receives a bona fide offer for this Water System, before making any agreement to sell all or any portion of the Water System, EWC shall give notice to City stating EWC's desire to sell and the amount and terms of such offer in detail. City shall have the exclusive right for 30 days after receiving such notice to provide Notice of Intent to Purchase the Water System or portion thereof to which such bona fide offer refers at the amount of said offer; provided, that if the third party offer is for a consideration other than cash, the City shall have the right to pay the fair market value of such consideration in cash. Upon delivery of the Notice of Intent to Purchase, the City shall hold a revenue bond election for the purpose of securing voter approval of the purchase at the next available election date and/or utilize City funds directly available in a capital account, enterprise fund, general fund, or other readily available City fund or account to complete the purchase. For the purpose of this Section 6, "Next Available Election Date" shall mean the earliest possible election date based on the time required by law for legal notice of such an election and for the conduct of any required public hearings. If the bond is approved at said election, the City shall proceed in good faith to secure bonds to pay the purchase price ("Finance") as expeditiously as possible. Closing of the transaction between the City and EWC that is the subject of this Section 6 shall not extend more than 180 days from the date of the revenue bond election, or if the election is challenged in a legal proceeding, the CITY OF EAGLE — EAGLE WATER COMPANY fNTERTIE AGREEMENT - 2 CityEaqle 00060 Closing shall occur no more than 90 days after final resolution of any such legal challenge. In the event that a revenue bond election is not required because the City has the necessary funds directly available in a capital account, enterprise fund, general fund, or other readily available City fund or account to finance the transaction in lieu of holding a revenue bond election, then the Closing of the transaction between the City and EWC that is the subject of this Section 6 shall occur no later than 60 days after the City provides EWC with its Notice of Intent to Purchase. For purposes of this Section 6, this Right of First Refusal applies solely to an "EWC Change of Control Transaction", which means one or a series of transactions in which (i) all or substantially all of EWC's Water System is sold to a third party, or (ii) there is a stock sale, merger, consolidation or similar transaction as a result of which said third party owns a majority of the outstanding voting and outstanding capital stock of EWC or any successor owner of EWC. This Right of First Refusal shall be permanent and shall survive any termination or other modification of this Agreement, save and except for a termination by the City other than for a non-cured default by EWC per Section 7, below. 7. Termination. EWC or the City shall have the right to terminate the Intertie connection upon 30 days prior written notice to the other party. In the event the City terminates the Intertie connection for any reason other than a non-cured default by EWC under Section 10 of this Agreement, then the Rights of First Refusal in Sections 3 and 6 of this Agreement shall likewise terminate. 8. Authority. Each individual executing this Agreement below on behalf of a party represents and warrants to the other party that the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary corporate or municipal action by such party, that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of such party, and that this Agreement is a legal and valid obligation of such party, enforceable against such party in accordance with its terms. 9. Force Majeure. Except for obligations to make payment, nonperformance of either party shall be excused to the extent that performance is rendered impossible by strike, fire, flood, governmental acts, orders or restrictions, or any other reason where failure to perform is beyond the control and not caused by the negligence of the non-performing party. 10. Default and Remedies. 10.1. Default. Each of the following events shall constitute an event of default: 10.1.1. EWC fails to make, on or before the date which it is due, any payment to be made to the City pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement; or 10.1.2. Either party materially breaches this Agreement. 10.2. Remedies. If any default shall occur, the non-defaulting party shall give the defaulting party notice of default. Such default must be cured within fifteen (15) days of the Notice of Default unless such default is curable but cannot be reasonably cured within ten (10) days after giving the Notice of Default and the defaulting party commences within such ten (10) day period to cure such default and prosecutes the same to conclusion with reasonable diligence. CITY OF EAGLE — EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 3 CityEagle-00061 The foregoing remedy shall be in addition to and shall not exclude any other remedy available to the parties under applicable law. 1 1. Attorneys Fees. In the event an arbitration, suit or action is brought by any party under this Agreement to enforce any of its terms, or in any appeal therefrom, it is agreed that the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees to be fixed by the arbitrator, or court of applicable jurisdiction. 12. Notices. All notices or other communications required or permitted hereunder, including notices to Mortgagees, shall, unless otherwise provided herein, be in writing, shall be personally delivered, delivered by reputable overnight courier, or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, and postage prepaid, addressed to the parties at the following addresses: if to the City: City of Eagle Office of the City Clerk 660 East Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 If to Eagle Water: Eagle Water Company, Inc. 172 West State Street Eagle, ID 83616 With a copy to: Molly O'Leary Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Notices personally delivered shall be deemed given the day so delivered. Notices given by overnight courier shall be deemed given on the first business day following the mailing date. Notices mailed as provided herein shall be deemed given on the third business day following the mailing date. Notice of change of address shall be given by written notice in a manner detailed in this Section 12. 13. Governing Law. The parties intend that this contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, without regard to choice of law rules. 14. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute part of the original document. CITY OF EAGLE — EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 4 CityEagle_00062 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. EWC: EAGLE WATER COMPANY, City: an Idaho corporation Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., 'Jr. sident CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO aho municipal corporation By: X111*66 Phi Bandy, Mayor 16. -4- Q A- ' 0% ATTEST: "* a 4~By Sharon K. Bergmann, C.NyClerk~~~ CITY OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 5 —EAGLE CityEagle-00063 From: Sent: To: Stan Ridgeway Monday, November 2l28l811:lSAM'N LBang|e' [hevese McLain Eagle Water Company From the reports and calls for concern vve have been getting, it appears that you have entered into an agreement with Suez for the purchase Eagle Water Company. I am disappointed that you did not stop by last week as promised todiscuss our dialog. Why you would abandon our agreement is troubling, even more so that you would implore so muchof time and commitment from a public utility while all the while negotiating elsewhere. We are getting calls regarding your "deal" with Suez. Although we agreed verbally toa confidentiality and non- circumvention agreementadgne copy was never sent back to the City of Eagle and therefore, no legal agreement willbe honored. Should the public request information regarding these agreements, we are obligated by law to openly share our discussions between the City of Eagle and your company. Stan R. l Message From: Kellie Rekow [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=3D7C985412C940148AEA33EC75C9DED4-KREKOW] Sent: 12/5/2017 2:32:52 PM To: Norm Bangle (nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net) [nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net] CC: Stan Ridgeway [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3914878340f841b08bae60fc61ed8831-sridgeway]; Ken Acuff [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDI BOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=ffe671e6fcca4d78b3af41e029f42312-kacuff] Subject: City of Eagle Water Rates Attachments: Resolution 17-23 setting water rates, fee schedule attached.pdf; EWC Rates mailed to customers 2017.pdf Hi Norm, I'm attaching our current water rates and fees as approved by the City Council on 9-12-2017. We bill every month and all of our meters are cubic feet. I am also attaching a rate sheet for Eagle Water Company. I'm sure you already have that but at least you'll have them both in one email should you need them at the same time. It's my understanding these rates were set on 3-25-1987. We are scheduled to go before City Council next week to discuss an increase to our base fee only. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you, Kellie City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeagle. org www.cityofeagle.org CityEagle_00065 RESOLUTION NO. 17-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, ESTABLISHING CITY WATER SYSTEM CUSTOMER CHARGES AND VOLUME CHARGES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho (the "City"), is a municipal corporation duly organized and operating under the laws of the State of Idaho; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Eagle is authorized by Sections 6-5-9 and 6-5-24, Eagle City Code, to establish water user charges for the City of Eagle water system; and WHEREAS, the fees set forth herein are reasonable and reflect, as closely as reasonably possible, the costs associated with the actual operation, expansion, maintenance, replacement, financing expenses and the total water usage pertaining to the City's water system pursuant to Sections 6-5-9 and 6-5-24, Eagle City Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed fee schedule changes reflect less than a 5% increase. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, as follows: Section 1: That, pursuant to Eagle City Code, the Eagle City Council hereby establishes the following water user charges as shown in Exhibit A: Section 2: The active customer of record shall be billed monthly the base rate, the water safety fee, the system enhancement fee, the volume charge and other additional fees as are pertinent to the services received. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. The base rate will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Section 3: When no active customer of record is being billed, the owner of the property shall be billed monthly the unoccupied dwelling rate. Section 4: This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. DATED this ~~-&, day of 0008* G`.•' QOR of A~'•. ASE L;'r o . ~•. f•: ~~rc~t`;• P.Z. ~,: ~`go, -1TE OF NO _I ..n, "'Sharon 'K. Bergmann, City C rk ATTEST: '.e ("'e , her, 2017. CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho Stan Ridgeway, Mayor Page 1 of 2 ..•~~~r nr~ll.,nran.,\r~r...-.V,., ..~....~~.,..i~ .~,.._,,,.~..rl~...- 1)0 17 17 ^. CityEagle_00066 Exhibit A Water Fees and Rates Please note - Changing fees/rates are crossed thru, new rates/fees are underlined Meter Size 3/4 "1"1 1/2"2"3"4"6" Hook Up Fees 950.00 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERI Storage and Trunk Line Fees (STL)2100.00 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERI Water Construction Equivalency Fees (WCE)400.00 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERI Base Monthly Fee Q 44 9.60 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERI Service Deposits 75.00 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERI System Enhancement Fee (DEQ Funds)10.93 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERI Consumption Rate per 100 cubic feet 1.32 1.35 Water Safety Fee (DEQ pass-thru fee)0.34 Service Application Fee 10.00 Delinquent Fee 12.00 Reconnection fees for collections 25.00 After hours reconnection fees 80.00 After hours connection fees 50.00 Returned check fee 20.00 Unoccupied dwelling rate Base Rate + System Enhancement Fee Bulk rate ( IE, dust abatement) per 100 cubic feet 4-.60 1.63 Late penalties for bulk users 12.00 Hydrant Meter Deposit 75.00 Automatic Checking Withdrawal Fee (ACH)0.50 New fees Additional trip charges 50.00 Unauthorized access to meter, tampering 250.00 Plus labor and materials Jumpers/Bridges placed in meter pit 500.00 Plus labor and materials ERU = Equivalent Residential Units CityEagle_00067 29000-91583140 CO M P L A I N T PR O C E D U R E If at an y ti m e yo u ha v e a co m p l a i n t con c e r n i n g te r m i n a t i o n of yo u r se r v i c e , pol i c i e s an d pr a c t i c e s , or an y ot h e r ma t t e r reg a r d i n g ou r se r v i c e pl e a s e co n t a c t EW C in per s o n , by te l e p h o n e , or in wr i t i n g . Yo u r com p l a i n t wi l l be in v e s t i g a t e d pr o m p t l y an d tho r o u g h l y . Yo u wi l l be no t i f i e d or a l l y or in wri t i n g of th e re s u l t s of th e in v e s t i g a t i o n an d we wi l l ma k e ev e r y ef f o r t to re s o l v e th e com p l a i n t . If yo u ar e di s s a t i s f i e d wi t h th e pr o p o s e d res o l u t i o n of yo u r co m p l a i n t , yo u ma y as k the IP U C to re v i e w th e ma t t e r . Yo u r re q u e s t may be ma d e or a l l y or in wr i t i n g . Yo u r ser v i c e wi l l no t be di s c o n n e c t e d wh i l e th e uti l i t y or th e IP U C is in v e s t i g a t i n g th e com p l a i n t . RA T E SC H E D U L E You r wa t e r us a g e is de t e r m i n e d by th e rea d i n g on th e me t e r . Th e s e re a d i n g s ar e tak e n ev e r y mo n t h an d th e co n s u m p t i o n fig u r e s ar e me a s u r e d in hu n d r e d cu b i c fo o t inc r e m e n t s . Eag l e Wa t e r Co m p a n y , In c . bi l l s ea c h cu r r e n t cus t o m e r ev e r y mo n t h . On e -m o n t h min i m u m ch a r g e is ba s e d on th e si z e of th e met e r as sh o w n . Th e s e ra t e s ar e ef f e c t i v e as of Ma r c h 25 , 19 8 7 . ME T E R SIZ E CU B I C FEE T MI N I M U M CHA R G E 3/4 " & sm a l l e r 60 0 $7 . 8 4 1" 1, 0 0 0 $9 . 6 4 11/ 4 " & 11 / 2 " 2, 0 0 0 $1 4 . 1 5 2" 3, 2 0 0 $1 9 . 5 6 3" 6, 4 0 0 $3 4 . 0 0 (OR MU L T I P L E ME T E R S of EQ U I V A L E N T CA P A C I T Y ) 4" 10 , 6 0 0 $5 2 . 9 4 6"8" 21 , 0 0 0 32, 0 0 0 $9 9 . 8 4 $14 9 . 4 5 10" 45 , 0 0 0 $2 0 8 . 0 8 Cub i c fe e t in c l u d e d in mi n i m u m ch a r g e All us a g e ov e r th e mi n i m u m am o u n t inc l u d e d in th e mi n i m u m ch a r g e is bi l l e d at th e ra t e of $0 . 4 5 1 pe r 10 0 cu b i c fe e t . EA G L E WA T E R CO M P A N Y , IN C . TO OU R CU S T O M E R S : Thi s is a su m m a r y of th e ru l e s fo r de p o s i t an d ter m i n a t i o n of se r v i c e fo r al l Ea g l e Wa t e r Com p a n y , In c . (E W C ) cu s t o m e r s as det e r m i n e d by th e Id a h o Pu b l i c Ut i l i t i e s Com m i s s i o n (I P U C ) , ef f e c t i v e Ju l y 1, 19 9 3 . The s e ru l e s co v e r th e ri g h t s an d res p o n s i b i l i t i e s of th e cu s t o m e r an d th e uti l i t y . An ex p l a n a t i o n of ou r ra t e sc h e d u l e has al s o be e n in c l u d e d . If yo u ha v e an y qu e s t i o n s co n c e r n i n g th i s inf o r m a t i o n , pl e a s e co n t a c t : Eag l e Wa t e r Co m p a n y , In c . PO Bo x 45 5 Eag l e , ID 83 6 1 6 208 - 9 3 9 - 0 2 4 2 Or IPU C Con s u m e r As s i s t a n c e PO Bo x 83 7 2 0 Boi s e , ID 83 7 2 0 - 0 0 7 4 208 - 3 3 4 - 0 3 6 9 Message From: Kellie Rekow [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=3D7C985412C940148AEA33EC75C9DED4-KREKOW] Sent: 1/26/2018 2:36:51 PM To: Stan Ridgeway [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3914878340f841b08bae60fc61ed8831-sridgeway] Subject: Just info Norm Bangle called today— I provided Cherese's contact info for him. City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eagle, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow@cityofeagle. or www.cityofeagle.org CityEagle_00069 Message From: Kellie Rekow [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=3D7C985412C940148AEA33EC75C9DED4-KREKOW] Sent: 2/23/2018 3:15:22 PM To: Stan Ridgeway [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3914878340f841b08bae60fc61ed8831-sridgeway]; Norm Bangle (nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc. net) [nbangle@h2o-solutionsl1c. net]; 'Cherese D. McLain' [CDM@msbtlaw.com]; Mike Davis - Holladay Engineering (miked@hecoengineers.com) [miked@hecoengineers.com] CC: Tammy Gordon [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=99cd9c240ee24063a9cd86914220b36a-tgordon] Subject: Meeting with PUC Good Afternoon All, Terri from the PUC emailed and she is available on Thursday morning. It looks like 11:00 works the best for everyone. She will reserve a room at her office. I'll shoot you a calendar invite. The address online is 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702, and her number, Terri Carlock, is 208-334-0356 or maybe, since she will be moving to her new assignment, it may be 208-334-0350, Randy's old number. Not sure about that one. Thanks and have a great weekendM! Kellie City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM kreko w0cityofeag/e, org www.cityofeagle.org CityEagle_00070 Message From: Kellie Rekow [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=3D7C985412C940148AEA33EC75C9DED4-KREKOW] Sent: 2/23/2018 9:23:42 AM To: Stan Ridgeway [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3914878340f841b08bae60fc61ed8831-sridgeway]; Norm Bangle (nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net) [nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net] Subject: PUC Meeting date Flag: Follow up Gentlemen, Just to keep you up to date, Randy Lobb with the PUC is retiring next Friday. Terri Carlock will be taking over his job. He has shared the information he has with her but she is out today. I left her a voicemail and sent her an email to follow up and asked if she would have time to meet next week. Randy said she will be pretty busy with the transition and he wasn't sure she would be able to fit us in. I guess we'll find out when she returns on Monday. In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend and I'll let you know when I hear from her. Thank you, Kellie City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeag/e, org www.cityofeagle.org CityEagle_00071 1U~0-l7 Meeting in the Mayor's office: Mayor Ridgeway, Ken Acuff and KeUieRekow The Mayor wanted to bring us up to date on contact he had with Norm Bangle, H20 Solutions. Norm had been involved in discussions earlier with Blauss Wasser and with Pluris. Norm's current proposal is that his company, he is no longer affiliated with either ofthe other two companies, purchase Eagle Water Company. They will give the City the infrastructure, keep the water and water rights, wholesale the water tn usthru a lease agreement. [oncenns — cos of water; for how long; will vve ever be able tn buy the water rights; what will vvednif they price us out of their wmUec. EVV[ Customer count =3O32at]'l7'l7 EWC Current rates, establish 3-25-87 = METER SIZE 600 1,000 2,000 3,200 MINIMUM CHARGE 6/000 i $34.00 (OR mU~TIPLsMETERS OF EQUIVALEwCAPACTY) 431 6' 10,600 21,000 32,000 45,000 Cubic feet included in minimum charge All usage over the minimum amount included inthe minimum charge is billed at the rate of $0.451 Per 100 cubic feet, CdyEag|e_00072 Full Name: Norm Bangle Last Name: Bangle First Name: Norm Company: H2O Solutions, LL[ Business +I(469)3I5-0II8 E-mail: nbanX|e@/hZo-so|utionsUcnet CdyEag|e_00073 THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane January 23, 2018 5:30 p.m. INVOCATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. SERVICE RECOGNITION A. ACHD recognition for the way finding signs (PER NBS/SR) 16. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206. Executive sessions — (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: A. 74-206(c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency; 1. Possible purchase of infrastructure. Norm Bangle confirmed attendance 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 6. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA; INCLUDING THE CONSENT AGENDA: A. City Staff requests. B. Mayor or City Council requests. 7. CONSENT AGENDA: ¨ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ¨ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6.00 p.m. Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. Page 1 of 2 docK:ACOUNCIL\AGENDA\Temporary Agenda Work Area CityEagle_00074 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA December 12, 2017 5:30 p.m. 10. NEW BUSINESS: 11. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing items. Comments regarding Public Hearing items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 12. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: C. City Attorney Report: 13. ADJOURNMENT: The City will make reasonable accommodations for anyone attending this meeting who require special assistance for hearing, physical or other impairments. Please contact the City Clerk's Office at (208) 939-6813 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting date and time. Page 2 of 2 documentl CityEagle_00075 Contact Full Name: N L Bangle Last Name: Bangle Middle Name: L First Name: N Company: H2O Solutions LLC Business (469) 315-0128 Phone: E-mail: nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net Friday, January 26, 2018 2:34 PM: From: N L Bangle <nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net> Sent: Friday, January 26, 2018 2:29 PM To: Kellie Rekow Subject: Re: City of Eagle Water Rates Here you go! N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@h2o-solutions) Ic. net Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. On Dec 5, 2017, at 1:32 PM, Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> wrote: Hi Norm, I'm attaching our current water rates and fees as approved by the City Council on 9-12-2017. We bill every month and all of our meters are cubic feet. CityEagle_00076 I am also attaching a rate sheet for Eagle Water Company. I'm sure you already have that but at least you'll have them both in one email should you need them at the same time. It's my understanding these rates were set on 3-25-1987. We are scheduled to go before City Council next week to discuss an increase to our base fee only. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you, Kellie City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eagle, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow@cityofeagle.org www.cityofeaa1e.orq <Resolution 17-23 setting water rates, fee schedule attached.pdf><EWC Rates mailed to customers 2017. pdf> CityEagle_00077 Message From: N L Bangle [nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net] Sent: 1/26/2018 2:29:09 PM To: Kellie Rekow [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3d7c985412c940148aea33ec75c9ded4-krekow] Subject: Re: City of Eagle Water Rates Here you go! N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. On Dec 5, 2017, at 1:32 PM, Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> wrote: Hi Norm, I'm attaching our current water rates and fees as approved by the City Council on 9-12-2017. We bill every month and all of our meters are cubic feet. I am also attaching a rate sheet for Eagle Water Company. I'm sure you already have that but at least you'll have them both in one email should you need them at the same time. It's my understanding these rates were set on 3-25-1987. We are scheduled to go before City Council next week to discuss an increase to our base fee only. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you, Kellie City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 CityEagle_00078 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeag/e, org www.city0feagle.org <Resolution 17-23 setting water rates, fee schedule attached.pdf><EWC Rates mailed to customers 2017.pdf> CityEagle_00079 Appointment From: KeUieRekow[/O=EXCHANGELAB5/OU=EX[HANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF23SPDLT)/CN=REC|P|ENTS/[N=3D7[9854I2C94OI48AEA3]EC75C9DED4'KREKOVV] Sent: 2/23/20183:18:33PK4 To: Stan Ridgeway [/b=ExzhangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYD|8OHFI35PDLT)/cn=Redpient$cn=39l487834Of841bO8bae60t6Ied883I'sridgeway];NormBang|e (nbang|e@h2o'so|ubond|c.net) [nbanX|e@hZo'so|utiond|c.not]; 'Chenese D. McLain' [CDM@msbt|awzom]; Mike Davis Holladay Engineering (miked@hecoengineorszom)[miked@hecoengineers.com] Subject: Meeting with PUCat1I:OO Location: PUC Offices Start: End:3/1/2018 12:00:00 PM 3/I/20I81Il0i0AM Show Time As: Tentative Required Stan Ridgeway; Norm Bangle (nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc. net); Cherese D. McLain; Mike Davis Holladay Engineering Attendees: (mil<ed@hecoengineers.com) Teni[adnck 472 W. Washington Boise, |D 83702 208'334'0356 OR 208'334'0350 CdyEag|e_00080 Message From: Tammy Gordon [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=99CD9C240EE24063A9CD86914220B36A-TGORDON] Sent: 1/16/2018 8:15:46 AM To: Bailey [bkm@msbtlaw.com]; Bill Vaughan [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Oe8abbacfc8544b8914555af788f6c9f-bvaughan]; Cherese McLain [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=922eb4ebb3af4ecda5494cc10df51d15-ChereseMcLa]; Eagle Museum [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=03d7a6797db24e38923f2f8b2b67ebc5-eaglemuseum]; Kellie Rekow [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3d7c985412c940148aea33ec75c9ded4-krekow]; Ken Acuff [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=ffe671e6fcca4d78b3af41e029f42312-kacuff]; Mike Williams [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=30db405ad3db4401bf2b7519afd30b02-mwilliams]; Nichoel Baird [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3beb7c07bd024c78bc9e8899c4df5562-nbaird]; Pat Calley [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=39fda550bf59425d8e345457a772ba49-pcalley]; Sharon Bergmann [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=263e42b008d94774a2d6b8c5ebc27435-sbergmann]; Stan Ridgeway [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3914878340f841b08bae60fc61ed8831-sridgeway]; Steve Bumgarner [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=5a8441cec2f24bcb8375a2f4f6640e44-sbumgarner]; Steve Nash [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=5b769d77e454479d999217aOf67025f5-snash]; Tracy Osborn [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=2bbebe62eb6141c39182c1cdc46a531a-tosborn]; Kristl Caron [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=80d600a56bd04314a8cbd2afa50d2a9a-kcaron]; Kathleen M. Donovan [kmd@msbtlaw.com]; Devonte Goodman [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=1bf5248a785e452dbc507eb3f2753e75-dgoodman]; Tim Williams [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=6585367b10d944f9ab37a1f1b7ec3eOe-Tim William]; Eric Ziegenfuss [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=2b8d7d38e77749aaad5a782763ca8466-eziegenfuss]; Holly Csencsits [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=bOed5516b76349349b22e25c71337dd4-hcsencsits] Subject: DRAFT agenda CC-01-23-18 Attachments: CC-01-23-18ag.docx Good morning, Attached is the draft agenda for next week's meeting. Feel free to add your items yourself by clicking the link below (City Hall staff only). Formatting is not needed at this time. Please send me your changes by noon on Wednesday. Packet items by noon on Thursday. Please remember that we are using OneDrive now and not DropBox Thank you! K:\COUNCIL\AGENDA\Temporary Agenda Work Area Tammy CityEagle_00081 THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane January 23, 2018 5:30 p.m. INVOCATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. SERVICE RECOGNITION A. ACHD recognition for the way finding signs (PER NBS/SR) 16. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206. Executive sessions — (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: A. 74-206(c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency; 1. Possible purchase of infrastructure. Norm Bangle confirmed attendance 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 6. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA; INCLUDING THE CONSENT AGENDA: A. City Staff requests. B. Mayor or City Council requests. 7. CONSENT AGENDA: ¨ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ¨ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6.00 p.m. Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. Page 1 of 2 docK:ACOUNCIL\AGENDA\Temporary Agenda Work Area CityEagle_00082 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA December 12, 2017 5:30 p.m. 10. NEW BUSINESS: 11. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing items. Comments regarding Public Hearing items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 12. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: C. City Attorney Report: 13. ADJOURNMENT: The City will make reasonable accommodations for anyone attending this meeting who require special assistance for hearing, physical or other impairments. Please contact the City Clerk's Office at (208) 939-6813 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting date and time. Page 2 of 2 documentl CityEagle_00083 Message From: Kellie Rekow [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=3D7C985412C940148AEA33EC75C9DED4-KREKOW] Sent: 4/16/2018 2:39:03 PM To: N L Bangle [nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net] Subject: RE: City of Eagle You bet. I'll keep you posted. City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeag/e, org www.cityofeagle.org From: N L Bangle <nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 2:27 PM To: Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Re: City of Eagle You are so welcome Kellie. Can you verify the Monday schedule with Stan? Who is going to be going with us to visit the sites etc... ? I'll be flying in to Boise Sunday afternoon for the well site visits Monday. I have meetings in Dallas Wednesday and will need to catch a flight Tuesday morning at 10:00. Thanks Kellie! N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. CityEagle_00084 On Apr 16, 2018, at 2:13 PM, Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> wrote: Got em. Thanks so much! City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeagle. org www.cityofeagle.org From: N L Bangle <nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 5:26 PM To: Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Re: City of Eagle Hi Kellie. I hope you had a great day. I had IT issues today. Here are the documents we discussed in the meeting yesterday. Had a good trip back. Long boring drive and it rained nearly all the way. I appreciate the salmon update... It is good isn't it? Hope you have an awesome weekend! N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net <image001.png> Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. On Apr 12, 2018, at 3:18 PM, Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> wrote: CityEagle_00085 Hi Norm, I didn't see those documents come thru and wanted to make sure they didn't get hung up in some spam folder I'm not finding. Hope you had safe travels yesterday AND just so you know, my salmon was de-li-cious. Tasty goodness on my plate. O Thanks so much, Kellie City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeag/e, org www.cityofeagle.org CityEagle_00086 Message From: N L Bangle [nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net] Sent: 4/17/2018 10:51:30 AM To: Kellie Rekow [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3d7c985412c940148aea33ec75c9ded4-krekow] Subject: Re: City of Eagle I'm flying in and renting a car (my jeep is at another project). Depends on what they have available. I expect that we can put at least three people in my car... four if we use the "Sardine" approach. I'll most likely have Robert with me... which means I can take two more. Robert has his Suburban... however, I will not ride with him if he is driving... I wouldn't recommend it for anyone else either. N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@a,h2o-solutionsllc.net Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. On Apr 17, 2018, at 10:31 AM, Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> wrote: I am waiting for responses on attendance. Since we aren't using City vehicles, will you be in a vehicle that will accommodate a few people as well? Everyone might fit into the Mayor's car, but just in case. O City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeagle. org www.cityofeagle.org From: N L Bangle <nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 2:27 PM CityEagle_00087 To: Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Re: City of Eagle You are so welcome Kellie. Can you verify the Monday schedule with Stan? Who is going to be going with us to visit the sites etc... ? I'll be flying in to Boise Sunday afternoon for the well site visits Monday. I have meetings in Dallas Wednesday and will need to catch a flight Tuesday morning at 10:00. Thanks Kellie! N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net <image001.png> Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. On Apr 16, 2018, at 2:13 PM, Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> wrote: Got em. Thanks so much! City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeagle. org www.cityofeagle.org From: N L Bangle <nbangle@h2o-solutionsl lc.net> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 5:26 PM To: Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Re: City of Eagle Hi Kellie. I hope you had a great day. I had IT issues today. Here are the documents we discussed in the meeting yesterday. CityEagle_00088 Had a good trip back. Long boring drive and it rained nearly all the way. I appreciate the salmon update... It is good isn't it? Hope you have an awesome weekend! N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net <image001.png> Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. On Apr 12, 2018, at 3:18 PM, Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> wrote: Hi Norm, I didn't see those documents come thru and wanted to make sure they didn't get hung up in some spam folder I'm not finding. Hope you had safe travels yesterday AND just so you know, my salmon was de-li-cious. Tasty goodness on my plate. O Thanks so much, Kellie City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeag/e, org CityEagle_00089 www.city0feagle.org CityEagle_00090 Message From: N L Bangle [Nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net] Sent: 4/18/2018 11:56:50 PM To: Kellie Rekow [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3d7c985412c940148aea33ec75c9ded4-krekow] CC: Stan Ridgeway [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3914878340f841b08bae60fc61ed8831-sridgeway] Subject: Re: Monday Tour Thank you Kellie. I'll work on the location schedule. N L Bangle H2O Solutions LLC 469-458-0270 On Apr 18, 2018, at 4:14 PM, Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> wrote: Hi Norm, I believe the tour group for Monday will include you, Robert, the Mayor, Miranda Gold (City Council Member), Ken Acuff (Water Sup), Mike Davis (City Engineer) and possibly me. We are planning on leaving City Hall promptly at 9:30. If possible, could you route us farthest from the office working back? Miranda has to be done by noon. I'm sure it won't take longer than that but if it does it will be a quick trip to get her back without creating an inconvenience for anyone. If anything changes for you, let us know and we will adjust. Thanks so much, Kellie City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeag/e, org www.cityofeagle.org CityEagle_00091 Message From: Kellie Rekow [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=3D7C985412C940148AEA33EC75C9DED4-KREKOW] Sent: 3/7/2018 8:04:42 AM To: N L Bangle [nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net] CC: Stan Ridgeway [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3914878340f841b08bae60fc61ed8831-sridgeway] Subject: RE: Water Rate study Good Morning Norm, I will most certainly try to do that. Was it done several years ago? I think I know the report you are talking about, maybe. O I'll try to have that to you by tomorrow. We had a few software issues that have taken me a bit more time than I thought but I'm hopeful they will be out of the way this afternoon. Fingers crossed. Thank you for your patience, Kellie City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeag/e, org www.cityofeagle.org From: N L Bangle <nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2018 12:58 PM To: Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> Cc: Stan Ridgeway <sridgeway@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Water Rate study Hi Kellie - Do you have a copy of the rate study that was completed regarding Eagle Water? If so can you send a copy to me via email? Thanks Kellie. N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net CityEagle_00092 Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. CityEagle_00093 Descriptive items of Spreadsheet "Rate Projections and probable Budgets" Eagle Combined Water System, EG 080305 Sheet 1 "Summary Worksheet" Given Values 1. "Probable Annual Investment Income Rate" is the projected long term average rate of return to City funds invested in the Idaho Municipal Investments Pool. Z. "Probable Annual COLA Increase Rate" is the projected average annual cost ofliving adjustment based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index. 3. "Probable Annual Incentive Increase Rate" is the projected annual average incentive salary increase for staff, which is a matter ofCity policy and any pertinent terms of negotiated agreements with staff. 4. "Probab|eAnnua|[apite|[osts|nf|ationRate"isexpectedtoapp|yontheeveraQe, both to equipment and implement purchases and to construction costs. This isa simplification, and may involve a degree ofimprecision. S. "Current Contract K4ininnunn Annual Rate Increase" is the nnininnunn annual service charge increase written unto the operating agreement with UVV| for the Lexington- Brookwood complex water system. |tis not pertinent except for a comparison to the set of values shown on the Rates Worksheet. 6. "Probable Annual Bond Interest Rate" is the interest rate that was in place for DE(} loans when the City decided to build the 1.0 Million Gallon Reservoir by the proposed Sport Park. This rate may change at the time of loan dosing. It does not a pply to other planned construction. 7. "Probable Bond Term, Years" applies tothe bond for 1.0 million gallon reservoir, well and well hose rebuild in2OO7. 8. "Probable Bond Amount" applies to the bond for 1.0 million gallon reservoir, well a nd well hose rebuild inZOO7. 9. "Annual Bond Payment" the theoretical capital recovery payment for the stated bond principal, interest and term. 10. "Monthly Base Rate" starting base rate peruser per month. See rates worksheet for more detail. (This is also the first item in Column Eof this sheet.} 11. "Quantity Rate per [CF" the rate for metered usage. Usage multiplied by this rate is added to the base rate to determine the monthly charge for each respective customer. 1Z. "Average Use perUser-K4onth"is the average of the most recent year of record for the Lexington/Brookwood complex. "[CF means (l0O cubic feet). 13. "Average Monthly Billing" calculated as the sum of the base and product of quantity rate times average use. "ER[" means "Equivalent Residential [ustonner." 14."Hook-up Fee" assumed value of hook-up fee for first plan year. 15. "Water Construction Equivalency Fee" assumed value for first year (The purpose of this fee istofund the City in construction of 10 inch and 12 inch mains.) 16. "STL Fee" Storage and Trunk Line Fee instituted per Master Plan of 2005. (The purpose of this fee is to fund construction of storage reservoirs and trunk lines 16 inches and larger). 17. Growth Rates and Buildout ERC Numbers" growth rate are used to compute expected number ofhook-ups. "ER[8ui|douts" per area are upper limits on cumulative hook-up calculations. All of these numbers are assumptions that can be varied to view scenarios. CdyEag|e_00094 Rate Projections and Item Descriptions Sheet 1 "'Summary Worksheet" Data Fie|d — Oeschptions& Columns Column A: Blank Column B: "Plan Year" serves as reference for compounding calculations and formulas in some other columns. Repeated on all pages as the standard row reference. Column C: "CAL Year" the calendar year corresponds to the plan year, a reference given on all pages. Column D:"AVGER[" the projected everaQenunnberofequiva|entnesidentia| customers, used to calculate probable billings. Tied 10 columns where the value is calculated. Column E: "Base Rate" projected base rate for the plan year. Established at Column K of the Rates Page. Column F: "Quantity Rate" projected quantity rate for the plan year. Established at Column Lof the Rates Page. Column G: "Area 8i||/K4o" equals Base plus Quantity Rate time Average Use (square ]14) for the Plan Year. Column H: "Revenue from Rates" equals "Average ERC" times "Average Bill per Month" times 12 months per year. Column K: "Revenue from Fees" is copied from Column K4of the "ER[6k Fee Projections Page", where the value iscalculated. Column J: "Operating Costs" is copied from Column F or Rates Worksheet page, where the value is calculated. Column K: "Scheduled Capital Costs" is copied from Column |of the Capital Place page w here the items are listed and designated, and probable future values are calculated. Column L: "Net Operating Revenue" is copied from Column Q of the Rates Worksheet page, where the value iscomputed. Column M: "Probable Investment Income" is copied from Column F of the Capital page, where the value iscomputed. Column yN: "Probable Account Ba|anoe"equals the projected yeapendsunnofthe "Emergency and Operation Reserve Fund" and the "Capital Improvement Fund" together these constitute the balance of the water account. Copied from Column Eof the Capital Plan page, where the value iscalculated. CdyEag|e_00095 Rate Projections and Item Descriptions SHEET 2 "ERC Projections and Probable Fee Revenues" This page shows projected gnowthpatternsegnegatedintofoursub'aneas. Area 1us the service area of the Lexington Hills/Brookwood system owned bythe City at the start of the calenclaryear 2007 and defined as the subject service area of the "WATER SERVICE CONTRACT-2004" between the City of Eagle and United Water ofIdaho. Area Zis currently the certified service area ofEagle Water Company. Area 3A is the area subject to special development agreements between the City of Eagle and the developers of Eag|efie|d Subdivision and Legacy Subdivision, both are located in the Western Expansion Area identified in the Amended Master Plan of November 3005. Area 38is the remainder of the Western Expansion Area. Probable fee revenues computed here are the hook-up fees, storage and trunk line(STL) fees and Water Construction Equivalency (VV[E) fees to be paid by new development on e per customer basis. The hookup fee is required for all new users who are hooking up. The Storage and Trunk Line (STL) fee is currently in force and is required for all hook-ups except those in Area 3A, where the development agreement has waived the STL fees in consideration of supply and trunk line construction to be performed by the developers. The VV[E fees are a recommendation not yet enacted, for the purpose of funding "oversize charges" calculated of inch distribution mains a nd the cost of size-required mains , where required mains are larger than 8 inches and snne||er the 16 inches. Essentially, if the VV[E fees are instituted, they will be due for all new hook-ups that owe STLfees. |n the formulas for sub-area growth, the growth rates on the summary page are generally applied area-by-area until the sub-area ER[ count reaches the Area Bui|dout assured number. For Area 3, it is assured that initial growth will be 100 until 2008, then 200 per year, then 25% per year (or three years, then 8Y6 per year for the remainder of the plan 1ernn). |tis also assumed that all Area 3 growth will be in Area 3A until it reaches bui|dout, and subsequent growth will be in Area 3B. N umerical growth is projected bynnu|tip|yingER[nunnberbv1p|usQrovvthnatenunnberofhook- upspersub-areaisde1ernninedbysubtraction. Values are rounded for presentation but not for The calculations of probable fee revenues include an inflation assumption. For each succeeding plan year it is assumed that all fees are increased by the "Capital Costs Inflation Rate" It is realized that council action to increase these fees may not be taken annually, but it is considered probable that at the time such actions are taken, increases will be consistent with inflation since the time each was previously set onamended. This assumption is intentionally selected asbeing the implication of a straightforward "development funds infrastructure additions" policy. Column Descriptions Column & B: "Plan and CAL year" same ason Summary page. Column C: "Area 1hook-ups" next year's projected Equiva|entResidentia|[us1onners, (ERC's) minus this years. Column D: "Area 1 on Summary Page" either a percentage shown in growth more than last years ERC's or 2,620, whichever is less, beginning with a current value of 1,400. Column E & F: Similar calculations for Area Z. Column G, H 0& U: Similar calculations for Area 3, modified to reflect difference in fee obligations for Area 3A and 38. The assumption that Area 3A will fill before 38begins developing is conservative with regard to anticipated tinning of fee revenues. CdyEag|e_OOOQG Rate Projections and Item Descriptions Column J: "Total ERC's" is the predicted overall size of the system in terms of customer numbers. This value is used for projecting monthly service receipts, operating expenses and pay roll on other pages. Column K: "STL & WECF Fees Total" sum pf STL fee and WECF fee is multiplied by the sum of hook-ups in Areas 1,2 and 3B from the respective columns. Unit STL and VVE[F fees area increased annually by the "Capital Costs Inflation Rate" from the Summary sheet as previously mentioned. Calculated sum is not evenly divisible, because the number of hook-ups is not actually rounded. Column L: "Hook-up Fees Total" calculated in a similar manner, with hook-up fees, per summary page , multiplied by the sum of hook-ups in Areas 1,2,3A & 313, reflecting obligation of all new services to pay the hook-up fee. Column M: "Total Fees" calculated as the sum of "STL & WECF Fees" and "Hook-up Fees" CdyEag|e_00097 Rate Projections and Item Descriptions SHEET 3 "'Payroll and General Administrative AUUowanc=" Worksheet projects staffsizeandqua|ifica1ionsstructurebasedonassunnedstafftocustonner ratios, and that projects tota|peyroUbesedontheassunnedcurnentpaysca|e,assunned overheadfringera1io(ratioofnon^wagepayno||coststovvages),assunnedcos1of|ivinQ,and incentive increase rates. Ratios of "other staff" costs are also included and extended topayroll costs as a part of PWS compensation and an allowance for services to the Water System by other City government. CONSTANTS: "Payroll Fringe to Wage Ratio" is the probable ratio of the sum of all payroll-based costs other than wages (employer's social security contributions, health care contributions, workmen's compensation premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, and other items ordinarily included in "fringe")towage quoted as salary. "P.W.S. Water Duty Ratio" is a portion of the effort of the Public Works Supervisor that is accredited to the water system and compensated by the Water Fund, as a decimal fraction of salary. "General Admin. Allowance Ratio" is the ratio of an allowance paid by the Water Fund to the General Fund to compensate other divisions of City government for efforts by those divisions on behalf of the Water System. The allowance is calculated as the ratio given here multiplied by the "payroll plus fringe." It is added to "Payroll Plus Fringe" to give "Total Peyro||" "Probable COLA" is the projected averageCostofLivingA||ovvanceannua|vvageincnease percentage, a value normally based on the Federal Government's Consumer Cost Index, and hence not within the City's control. "Probable Incentive Increment" is the projected probab|yannua|incentiveincneasepercentage expected 1obe awarded by Council action. This value is elective in theory, but in practice, itis an adjustment that is made in order to keep pace with the labor market so staff will not be frequently hired away. "Probable Base Salaries" are assumed for calculations first=plan-year salaries of various ranks (qualification levels) ofemployees. These values as shown here are based onageneral i mpression of the current labor market, and do not reflect either vigorous canvassing or results of successful hiring negotiations. COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS: Columns A & B: "Plan Year" and CAL Year" are the same as the row reference columns on all other pages. Column C: Number ER[is copied from Column ]of Page 2,"ER[ and Fee Projections", where the values are calculated. Column D: "No PVVS"is the projected nunnberofennp|oyeesinthecateQory"PVVS" "Public Works Supervisor." This number is always 1. CdyEag|e_00098 Rate Projections and Item Descriptions Column E: "PVVSSa|aryShene"istheannountofthePVVSsa|arythatischerQedtothePVVS salary that is charged to the Water System Payroll. |tis calculated as the PVVS base salary given, m ultiplied by the VWS Water Duty Ratio", increased by the COLA and incentive inflators each year. Column F: "No Op. 4" the projected nunnberofstaff(notcountingthePVV)vvhohaveOperator 4 ratinQ. It is assumed that there will be one per 12,000 customers; hence only one throughout the plan period. Column G: "Op. 4 Salaries" computed as number of Operator 4's (from Column F) multiplied by Operator 4 salary, which is base salary with inflators for COLA and incentive applied every year. Columns &U: Number of staff with Operator 3 qualification and their total salaries, calculated similarly. Number of Operator 3's is 1 per each 6,000 users or remainder above a multiple of 6,000: 1 for 3 years, then Z, for values projected in1hisp|an(vvou|dchanQeifassunnedgrovv1h rates were changed). Columns J@&K: Analogous calculations for staff with Operator 3qualifications. Projected number of Operator 2's is 1 per each 4,000 users or remainder after division by 4,000. Columns L & M: Operator 1's and salaries, 1 per 4,000, similarly calculated. Columns yN && 0: Clerical 3's (billing staff), I per 4,000, similarly calculated. Column P: "Total Salaries" the sum of salaries computed for the plan year in Columns E,G,|,K, K4, and [). Column Q: "Salaries Plus Fringe" amount in Column P, multiplied by the coefficient ("Payroll Fringe to Wage Ratio" plus one). Column R: "General Administrative A||ovvance" a contribution 10 the General Fund from the Water Fund to compensate for administrative and other services of City Government in support of the Water System —ca|cu|ated as Column [} value multiplied by General Administrative Allowance Ratio. Column S: "Total Payroll" — the sum of Columns Q and R. CdyEag|e_OOOQQ Rate Projections and Item Descriptions SHEET 4: "Direct and Regular Operating Costs" COMMENTS: Cost figures are generally calculated as unit cost, multiplied 6v number ofunits, multiplied by the inflator raised to the power of elapsed years. Inflators used are shown in the given information as "inflation Rates (annual)", with separate assumptions (or "energy", "Materials and equipment", and "repairs and construction" This variegation of inflation rates reflects recent trends. [ategohesofexpensesare|unnpedforconvenienceinto"pow/er","chennica|s","Oepredetion andSohedu|edK4aintenance","Ennergenoy[}penationandRepairs"("EnnergencyFund"), "Meter Replacement", "Consumables", "Implement Depreciation", and "Vehicle Depreciation". Categories, respectively, ~refer to: 1. Power Cost: the probable cost of electrical / energy for system operations; 3. Chemical Cost: based on chlorination and corrosion inhibitor addition only. 3. "System Depreciation and Maintenance" An allowance for costs arising from "wear and tear" of system installed equipment, including SCADA year, pumps, main line valves, hydrants, and the like. Individual service meter replacement ise separate item. 4. "Emergency Fund A||ovvanoe" Provides for pipeline repairs and other system repairs arising from incidental damage (i.e. lightning strikes, vehicle impact, structure fire, and the like), and for a fund to pay for emergency aid for operations. Note that the accumulation of this quantity is not necessarily equal to the reserve fund designated "Emergency and Operating Reserve Fund",as this value is projected tonnatchpnobab|e qualifying expenditures, rather than to meet extreme situational demands. S. "Meter Replacement Fund" required cost based on replacing service meters at ten-year i ntervals. 6. "[onsunnab|es" this isa miscellaneous expense item, that includes office supplies and materials postage, janitorialservices, vehicle fuel and maintenance supplies, property i nsurance, liability insurance, telephone service, and other incidental items. 7. "Implement Depreciation Fund" this provides funds (or regular replacement of implements (backhoe, dump truck, implement trailer, and the like), based on a general assumption that implements will be held about 6 years and implement inventory per operator will be about $3S,OOO\ 8. "Vehicle Depreciation Fund" This provides funds for regular replacement ofoperators' vehicles, assuming that average vehicle cost will be about $30,000 and vehicles will be held about five years. Rate Projections and Item Descriptions COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS: Column A: "Plan Year": Same ason other sheets, the row identifier, and reference for exponential expansions. Column 13: "CAL Year" The calendar year of the Plan Year. Column C: "Number ER[" projected number of Equivalent Residential Customers, copied from Column Column D: "Water Use, [[F" Calculates probable total water use for year, by multiplying "Number ERC" times 12 times "Average use, CCF per user — month" from the Summary page. Column E: "Water Use, Ac- Ft" converts Column O value to acre-feet asa convenience for supplying planning. This value is not cross-referenced in the worksheet. Column F: "Power Use, KVVH" calculates the probable power use (or pumping projected asthe unit power use shown in GIVEN, multiplied by the value of Column D. Column G: "Power Cost" projects probable power cost per pumping by multiplying the Column F va|uetinnesthe"8esePovver[ost"va|uetinnestheEnergy|nf|etionFactorca|cu|etedasthe compounded co-efficient of inflation at the Energy Inflation Rate in the GIVEN values. Column H: "Chemical Cost" projects the probable cost of water treatment chemicals (sodium hypochlorite and corrosion inhibitor) by multiplying the Column D value times the "Base Chemical Cost" from GIVEN times the inflation factor based on the "Materials and Equipment" inflation rate from GIVEN. Column U: "System Depreciation and Sch. K4aint." projects system maintenance and replacement costs by similar calculation, using the number ofER['s, "Sys. Depnec. & K4aint." [onstantfronnG|VEN,12nnonthsperyear,andaninf|ationfactorexpandedfronnthe"Repairs and [onstruction" inflation rate from GIVEN. Column J: "Consumable Cost" projects annua|"consunnab|e"costsbasedonthe"consunnab|es" constant in GIVEN, the number of ERC's, 12 months per year and an inflation factor expanded from the "Materials and Equipment" inflation rate inGIVEN. Column K: "Emergency Operation and Repair A||ovvance"projects thepnobab|ecostsof ennergencyandnon'schedu|edpairsandnep|acennentsbyasinni|arnnu|tip|ication,basedon number of ERC's, "Emergency Fund A||ovv" constant from GIVEN 12 months per year, and an inflation factor expanded from the "Repairs and Construction" inflation rate from GIVEN. Column L: "Meter Replacement Fund" projects theprobab|efundingnaquiredfornneter replacements by a similar multiplication based on number of ERC's, 12 months per year, "Meter Repl. Fund" constant from GIVEN, and an inflation factor expanded from the "Materials & Equipment" inflation rate from GIVEN. Column M: "No. Oper's" total number of operators; the sum of Class A, Class 3, Class 2 and Class 1 operations from the "Staff and Payro||" worksheet. Column yN: "Vehicle and Implement Depreciation" projects theprobab|ecostsofkeepinQanup- 10-datesheetofvehidesandinnp|ennen1sbyasinni|arnnu|dp|ication,basedonthenunnberof operators, the sum of the "Implement Depreciation Fund" constant from GIVEN, 12 months per year, and an inflation factor expanded from the "Materials and Equipment" inflation rate. Column 0: "Sum Exp. Funds" the sum of Columns G, H, |, J, K, Land N representing all expected non-payroll expenses. Column P: "Expenses Plus Payroll" the sum of Column 0 and Column S from the "Staff and Payroll page. This is the projected required non-capital budget for the Water System. Rate Projections and Item Descriptions SHEET 5: "Rates Worksheet" GENERAL: The rates worksheet tests selected rate structure, which is entered in columns K and L as an operator input, against the projected openatingcosttoconnpanepnobab|einconneandprobab|e out go. As generated outputs, it produces "revenue from rates" and "operations net" (the difference between rates revenue and operating costs). Given Information (Highlight above grid of data): A.^BondPaynnent":oopiedfronnthesunnnnarypage,vvheneitisca|cu|ated. The theoretical annual payment for the bond for the 1.0 MG water reservoir, Brookwood Well and Lexington Well #1Well House Rebuild. B. "Required Premises Present Worth": Probable cost of a shop and office building for operation and maintenance of the system, consisting of a staff management office, a SCADA center, a two-bay wheeled equipment maintenance shop, a staff locker room and sanitary facility, a staff break and training room, a materials and parts storeroom, and a fenced parking lot for vehicles and implements. C. "Premises Rental Ratio (annual)": Ratio of probable annual premises rent to probable premises construction cost. O. "Premises Maintenance Ratio": Ratio of probable annual premises maintenance cost to probable premise constructions cost. COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS: Columns A, B, and C: Plan Year Calendar Year and Number ofER[,sas previously described. Column D: "Premises Rent": Accounts for probability that premises will be rented until a shop a nd staff office facility is completed. The capital plan rent is expected to be paid until completion of construction, projected astheendofyeer3O12. Computed es "Premises Present Worth" time "Premises Rental Ratio" times an inflation factor expanded based on the "Repairs a nd [onstruction"inflation rate. After year 2O12, the rent is projected asafinedannountbased one lease purchase agreement anticipated and fund construction. The formula for lease — purchase rent is present worth times construction inflation factor for 3O12 times Lease- Purchase Renta|Ratio. Column E: "Premises K4aint."" The probable cost of maintenance of the shop and office facility after it is built. Computed as "Premises Present Worth" times "Premises Maintenance Ratio" times an inflation factor expanded based on the "Repairs and Construction" inflation rate. Column F: "Total [)p. Cost": The total cost of operating the system for the year, including revenue bond payments rents, premises maintenance and the cost computed on the "Operating Costs" worksheet. Calculated by addition of the pertinent items. Column G: "Fixed Operating [ost": The operating costs that are not variable according to either quantity of water produced or staff payroll. Included: premises rent, premises maintenance, bond payment, depreciation of system equipment, meter replacement, and emergency allowance. Rate Projections and Item Descriptions Column H: "Variable Operating [osts": The projectedtota|ofquantitvne|atedcosts(energy and chemicals) and payroll related costs. Column U: "Theoretical Base Rate": The monthly base rate that would exactly defray the projected fixed costs. Computed for comparison purposes. Column J: "Theoretical Quantity Rate": The quantity rate that, given the assumed average use a nd projected number of ER['s, would exactly defray the projected variable costs. Computed for comparison purposes. Columns K and L: "Selected Base and Quantity Rates": The base and quantity rates employed i n the financial projections ofthisvvorkbook. These values are not generated bythe spreadsheet, but are entered as operator inputs. Columns M and yN: "Present Contract Base and Quantity Rates": The base and quantity rates that would be required to extend the existing operating contract with United Water Idaho into the future. Computed of comparison purposes. Column 0: "Average Bi||": The projectedaveragennonth|ybi||atthese|ectedbaseand operating rates and projected averagennon1h|yuse. Column P: "Revenue from Rates": Computed by multiplying average bill times 13 months times number ofERC's. Column Q: "Operations Net": Computed 6v subtracting total operating cost from Revenue from Rates. Column R: "Accumulated Operations Net": The running total of amounts in Column P. This sum of money never exists in any account; the surplus is actually taken into the Capital I mprovements Fund or the Emergency and Operating Reserve Fund. Calculated for comparison Rate Projections and Item Descriptions SHEET 6: "'Capital Plan Worksheet" GENERAL This worksheet is used for examining the capital improvements plan of the water system. Revenue net totals from other worksheets and probable costs of a planned series of capital improvements are added to and subtracted from a running account balance as a test of plan feasibility. As a further test of feasibility, a selected part of the Water Fund balance is set aside as the Emergency Operation and Reserve Fund, with the intention that monies of set aside will not be used to fund new construction. The remainder of the Water Fund then becomes the Capital Improvement Fund, which is available for new construction. The theoretical test ofplan feasibility is the goal of not developing deficits in the Capital Improvement Fund. COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS: Columns A,0`and C: Plan Year, and Calendar Year, as defined for other pages. Column C: "Operations Net Revenue": The amount from the like-named column on sheet S ("Rates ` ' Column D: "Fees Revenue": The amount from the "Total Fees" column on sheet Z("ER[&Fee Projections" worksheet). Column E: "Balance of Joint Accounts": The sum of the "Emergency Operating and Reserve Fund" and the "Capital Improvement Fund" at year-end (fisca|). |n the general City budget, this constitutes the Water Account. Calculated as previous balance, plus operating net revenue plus fees revenue, plus investment income, also capital, less probable cost, less pipeline construction participation. Column F: "Investment |nconne": Projected income on Water Fund monies invested in Idaho State Investment Pool. Calculated as initial Fund balance (column E), plus one-half ofrevenues (columns C and D), multiplied by the "Probable Annual Investment Interest Rate" shown on Sheet 1("8unnnna ). Column G: "Capital |tenn": The short description ofe planned capital improvement scheduled for the Plan Year. Operator input. Column H: "Present Worth (Year 3OO7)": The current probable cost of the item described in Column G for the same Plan Year. Operator input. Column U: "Probable [ost": The probable cost at the time of construction of the item designated for the Plan Year in Column G. Calculated as the Present Worth (Column Hvalue) time the inflation factor for "Repairs and Construction"). Column J: "Pipeline Construction Perticipation": The projected costofparticipatinginthe"oversize cost" of pipeslareer1han8inchesandsnna||erthan16inchesinsystennex1ensionsby developers. Calculated as hookups times "Water Con. Eq. Fee" constant from sheet 1 ("Summary") times the inflation factor for Capital Costs. Column K: "Emergency & Operating Reserve Fund": A sub-category within the Water Fund, designated to fund emergency responses (such as emergency repairs) and to assure continued operation during periods of revenue shortfall. The goal in setting the size of this fund istohave a fund equivalent to six months' operating cost. Initially, the set-aside is selected for each of the first three years. Fourth and subsequent years are computed by4Y6 annual increase. Column L: "Capital Improvement Fund": The part of the Water Fund that can be used tofund capital improvement projects. The test of workability of the capital plan is that this fund may not go into deficit. Calculated as the "Balance of Joint Accounts" minus the "Emergency and Operating Reserve Fund:. Message From: Kellie Rekow [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=3D7C985412C940148AEA33EC75C9DED4-KREKOW] Sent: 3/8/2018 12:15:56 PM To: N L Bangle [nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net] CC: Stan Ridgeway [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3914878340f841b08bae60fc61ed8831-sridgeway]; Mike Davis - Holladay Engineering (miked@hecoengineers.com) [miked@hecoengineers.com];'Cherese D. McLain' [CDM@msbtlaw.com] Subject: RE: Water Rate study Attachments: 2008, Descriptive notes for Rates Spreadsheet Items v1, Vern.pdf; 2008, LEASE-PURCHASE Rate Analysis formatted 6-27 current, Vern.pdf; 2017 Water Rate Study, HECO, Report Final.pdf Hi Norm, This is what I have found. I labeled the worksheets that were done by Vern Brewer back in 2007-2008 when the City was reviewing Eagle Water Company. I'm also including our recent rate study for our own system. I wasn't sure if you wanted that but better too much info than too little. Let me know if I need to look further or if this is what you were expecting. If I can think of anything else I'll pass it along. Thank you, Kellie City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeag/e, org www.cityofeagle.org From: N L Bangle <nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2018 12:58 PM To: Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> Cc: Stan Ridgeway <sridgeway@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Water Rate study Hi Kellie - Do you have a copy of the rate study that was completed regarding Eagle Water? If so can you send a copy to me via email? Thanks Kellie. N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net CityEagle_00105 Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. CityEagle_00106 Descriptive items of Spreadsheet "Rate Projections and probable Budgets" Eagle Combined Water System, EG 080305 Sheet 1 "Summary Worksheet" Given Values 1. "Probable Annual Investment Income Rate" is the projected long term average rate of return to City funds invested in the Idaho Municipal Investments Pool. Z. "Probable Annual COLA Increase Rate" is the projected average annual cost ofliving adjustment based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index. 3. "Probable Annual Incentive Increase Rate" is the projected annual average incentive salary increase for staff, which is a matter ofCity policy and any pertinent terms of negotiated agreements with staff. 4. "Probab|eAnnua|[apite|[osts|nf|ationRate"isexpectedtoapp|yontheeveraQe, both to equipment and implement purchases and to construction costs. This isa simplification, and may involve a degree ofimprecision. S. "Current Contract K4ininnunn Annual Rate Increase" is the nnininnunn annual service charge increase written unto the operating agreement with UVV| for the Lexington- Brookwood complex water system. |tis not pertinent except for a comparison to the set of values shown on the Rates Worksheet. 6. "Probable Annual Bond Interest Rate" is the interest rate that was in place for DE(} loans when the City decided to build the 1.0 Million Gallon Reservoir by the proposed Sport Park. This rate may change at the time of loan dosing. It does not a pply to other planned construction. 7. "Probable Bond Term, Years" applies tothe bond for 1.0 million gallon reservoir, well and well hose rebuild in2OO7. 8. "Probable Bond Amount" applies to the bond for 1.0 million gallon reservoir, well a nd well hose rebuild inZOO7. 9. "Annual Bond Payment" the theoretical capital recovery payment for the stated bond principal, interest and term. 10. "Monthly Base Rate" starting base rate peruser per month. See rates worksheet for more detail. (This is also the first item in Column Eof this sheet.} 11. "Quantity Rate per [CF" the rate for metered usage. Usage multiplied by this rate is added to the base rate to determine the monthly charge for each respective customer. 1Z. "Average Use perUser-K4onth"is the average of the most recent year of record for the Lexington/Brookwood complex. "[CF means (l0O cubic feet). 13. "Average Monthly Billing" calculated as the sum of the base and product of quantity rate times average use. "ER[" means "Equivalent Residential [ustonner." 14."Hook-up Fee" assumed value of hook-up fee for first plan year. 15. "Water Construction Equivalency Fee" assumed value for first year (The purpose of this fee istofund the City in construction of 10 inch and 12 inch mains.) 16. "STL Fee" Storage and Trunk Line Fee instituted per Master Plan of 2005. (The purpose of this fee is to fund construction of storage reservoirs and trunk lines 16 inches and larger). 17. Growth Rates and Buildout ERC Numbers" growth rate are used to compute expected number ofhook-ups. "ER[8ui|douts" per area are upper limits on cumulative hook-up calculations. All of these numbers are assumptions that can be varied to view scenarios. Rate Projections and Item Descriptions Sheet 1 "'Summary Worksheet" Data Fie|d — Oeschptions& Columns Column A: Blank Column B: "Plan Year" serves as reference for compounding calculations and formulas in some other columns. Repeated on all pages as the standard row reference. Column C: "CAL Year" the calendar year corresponds to the plan year, a reference given on all pages. Column D:"AVGER[" the projected everaQenunnberofequiva|entnesidentia| customers, used to calculate probable billings. Tied 10 columns where the value is calculated. Column E: "Base Rate" projected base rate for the plan year. Established at Column K of the Rates Page. Column F: "Quantity Rate" projected quantity rate for the plan year. Established at Column Lof the Rates Page. Column G: "Area 8i||/K4o" equals Base plus Quantity Rate time Average Use (square ]14) for the Plan Year. Column H: "Revenue from Rates" equals "Average ERC" times "Average Bill per Month" times 12 months per year. Column K: "Revenue from Fees" is copied from Column K4of the "ER[6k Fee Projections Page", where the value iscalculated. Column J: "Operating Costs" is copied from Column F or Rates Worksheet page, where the value is calculated. Column K: "Scheduled Capital Costs" is copied from Column |of the Capital Place page w here the items are listed and designated, and probable future values are calculated. Column L: "Net Operating Revenue" is copied from Column Q of the Rates Worksheet page, where the value iscomputed. Column M: "Probable Investment Income" is copied from Column F of the Capital page, where the value iscomputed. Column yN: "Probable Account Ba|anoe"equals the projected yeapendsunnofthe "Emergency and Operation Reserve Fund" and the "Capital Improvement Fund" together these constitute the balance of the water account. Copied from Column Eof the Capital Plan page, where the value iscalculated. Rate Projections and Item Descriptions SHEET 2 "ERC Projections and Probable Fee Revenues" This page shows projected gnowthpatternsegnegatedintofoursub'aneas. Area 1us the service area of the Lexington Hills/Brookwood system owned bythe City at the start of the calenclaryear 2007 and defined as the subject service area of the "WATER SERVICE CONTRACT-2004" between the City of Eagle and United Water ofIdaho. Area Zis currently the certified service area ofEagle Water Company. Area 3A is the area subject to special development agreements between the City of Eagle and the developers of Eag|efie|d Subdivision and Legacy Subdivision, both are located in the Western Expansion Area identified in the Amended Master Plan of November 3005. Area 38is the remainder of the Western Expansion Area. Probable fee revenues computed here are the hook-up fees, storage and trunk line(STL) fees and Water Construction Equivalency (VV[E) fees to be paid by new development on e per customer basis. The hookup fee is required for all new users who are hooking up. The Storage and Trunk Line (STL) fee is currently in force and is required for all hook-ups except those in Area 3A, where the development agreement has waived the STL fees in consideration of supply and trunk line construction to be performed by the developers. The VV[E fees are a recommendation not yet enacted, for the purpose of funding "oversize charges" calculated of inch distribution mains a nd the cost of size-required mains , where required mains are larger than 8 inches and snne||er the 16 inches. Essentially, if the VV[E fees are instituted, they will be due for all new hook-ups that owe STLfees. |n the formulas for sub-area growth, the growth rates on the summary page are generally applied area-by-area until the sub-area ER[ count reaches the Area Bui|dout assured number. For Area 3, it is assured that initial growth will be 100 until 2008, then 200 per year, then 25% per year (or three years, then 8Y6 per year for the remainder of the plan 1ernn). |tis also assumed that all Area 3 growth will be in Area 3A until it reaches bui|dout, and subsequent growth will be in Area 3B. N umerical growth is projected bynnu|tip|yingER[nunnberbv1p|usQrovvthnatenunnberofhook- upspersub-areaisde1ernninedbysubtraction. Values are rounded for presentation but not for The calculations of probable fee revenues include an inflation assumption. For each succeeding plan year it is assumed that all fees are increased by the "Capital Costs Inflation Rate" It is realized that council action to increase these fees may not be taken annually, but it is considered probable that at the time such actions are taken, increases will be consistent with inflation since the time each was previously set onamended. This assumption is intentionally selected asbeing the implication of a straightforward "development funds infrastructure additions" policy. Column Descriptions Column & B: "Plan and CAL year" same ason Summary page. Column C: "Area 1hook-ups" next year's projected Equiva|entResidentia|[us1onners, (ERC's) minus this years. Column D: "Area 1 on Summary Page" either a percentage shown in growth more than last years ERC's or 2,620, whichever is less, beginning with a current value of 1,400. Column E & F: Similar calculations for Area Z. Column G, H 0& U: Similar calculations for Area 3, modified to reflect difference in fee obligations for Area 3A and 38. The assumption that Area 3A will fill before 38begins developing is conservative with regard to anticipated tinning of fee revenues. Rate Projections and Item Descriptions Column J: "Total ERC's" is the predicted overall size of the system in terms of customer numbers. This value is used for projecting monthly service receipts, operating expenses and pay roll on other pages. Column K: "STL & WECF Fees Total" sum pf STL fee and WECF fee is multiplied by the sum of hook-ups in Areas 1,2 and 3B from the respective columns. Unit STL and VVE[F fees area increased annually by the "Capital Costs Inflation Rate" from the Summary sheet as previously mentioned. Calculated sum is not evenly divisible, because the number of hook-ups is not actually rounded. Column L: "Hook-up Fees Total" calculated in a similar manner, with hook-up fees, per summary page , multiplied by the sum of hook-ups in Areas 1,2,3A & 313, reflecting obligation of all new services to pay the hook-up fee. Column M: "Total Fees" calculated as the sum of "STL & WECF Fees" and "Hook-up Fees" CityEagle_001 10 Rate Projections and Item Descriptions SHEET 3 "'Payroll and General Administrative AUUowanc=" Worksheet projects staffsizeandqua|ifica1ionsstructurebasedonassunnedstafftocustonner ratios, and that projects tota|peyroUbesedontheassunnedcurnentpaysca|e,assunned overheadfringera1io(ratioofnon^wagepayno||coststovvages),assunnedcos1of|ivinQ,and incentive increase rates. Ratios of "other staff" costs are also included and extended topayroll costs as a part of PWS compensation and an allowance for services to the Water System by other City government. CONSTANTS: "Payroll Fringe to Wage Ratio" is the probable ratio of the sum of all payroll-based costs other than wages (employer's social security contributions, health care contributions, workmen's compensation premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, and other items ordinarily included in "fringe")towage quoted as salary. "P.W.S. Water Duty Ratio" is a portion of the effort of the Public Works Supervisor that is accredited to the water system and compensated by the Water Fund, as a decimal fraction of salary. "General Admin. Allowance Ratio" is the ratio of an allowance paid by the Water Fund to the General Fund to compensate other divisions of City government for efforts by those divisions on behalf of the Water System. The allowance is calculated as the ratio given here multiplied by the "payroll plus fringe." It is added to "Payroll Plus Fringe" to give "Total Peyro||" "Probable COLA" is the projected averageCostofLivingA||ovvanceannua|vvageincnease percentage, a value normally based on the Federal Government's Consumer Cost Index, and hence not within the City's control. "Probable Incentive Increment" is the projected probab|yannua|incentiveincneasepercentage expected 1obe awarded by Council action. This value is elective in theory, but in practice, itis an adjustment that is made in order to keep pace with the labor market so staff will not be frequently hired away. "Probable Base Salaries" are assumed for calculations first=plan-year salaries of various ranks (qualification levels) ofemployees. These values as shown here are based onageneral i mpression of the current labor market, and do not reflect either vigorous canvassing or results of successful hiring negotiations. COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS: Columns A & B: "Plan Year" and CAL Year" are the same as the row reference columns on all other pages. Column C: Number ER[is copied from Column ]of Page 2,"ER[ and Fee Projections", where the values are calculated. Column D: "No PVVS"is the projected nunnberofennp|oyeesinthecateQory"PVVS" "Public CityEagle_001 11 Rate Projections and Item Descriptions Column E: "PVVSSa|aryShene"istheannountofthePVVSsa|arythatischerQedtothePVVS salary that is charged to the Water System Payroll. |tis calculated as the PVVS base salary given, m ultiplied by the VWS Water Duty Ratio", increased by the COLA and incentive inflators each year. Column F: "No Op. 4" the projected nunnberofstaff(notcountingthePVV)vvhohaveOperator 4 ratinQ. It is assumed that there will be one per 12,000 customers; hence only one throughout the plan period. Column G: "Op. 4 Salaries" computed as number of Operator 4's (from Column F) multiplied by Operator 4 salary, which is base salary with inflators for COLA and incentive applied every year. Columns &U: Number of staff with Operator 3 qualification and their total salaries, calculated similarly. Number of Operator 3's is 1 per each 6,000 users or remainder above a multiple of 6,000: 1 for 3 years, then Z, for values projected in1hisp|an(vvou|dchanQeifassunnedgrovv1h rates were changed). Columns J@&K: Analogous calculations for staff with Operator 3qualifications. Projected number of Operator 2's is 1 per each 4,000 users or remainder after division by 4,000. Columns L & M: Operator 1's and salaries, 1 per 4,000, similarly calculated. Columns yN && 0: Clerical 3's (billing staff), I per 4,000, similarly calculated. Column P: "Total Salaries" the sum of salaries computed for the plan year in Columns E,G,|,K, K4, and [). Column Q: "Salaries Plus Fringe" amount in Column P, multiplied by the coefficient ("Payroll Fringe to Wage Ratio" plus one). Column R: "General Administrative A||ovvance" a contribution 10 the General Fund from the Water Fund to compensate for administrative and other services of City Government in support of the Water System —ca|cu|ated as Column [} value multiplied by General Administrative Allowance Ratio. Column S: "Total Payroll" — the sum of Columns Q and R. CityEagle_001 12 Rate Projections and Item Descriptions SHEET 4: "Direct and Regular Operating Costs" COMMENTS: Cost figures are generally calculated as unit cost, multiplied 6v number ofunits, multiplied by the inflator raised to the power of elapsed years. Inflators used are shown in the given information as "inflation Rates (annual)", with separate assumptions (or "energy", "Materials and equipment", and "repairs and construction" This variegation of inflation rates reflects recent trends. [ategohesofexpensesare|unnpedforconvenienceinto"pow/er","chennica|s","Oepredetion andSohedu|edK4aintenance","Ennergenoy[}penationandRepairs"("EnnergencyFund"), "Meter Replacement", "Consumables", "Implement Depreciation", and "Vehicle Depreciation". Categories, respectively, ~refer to: 1. Power Cost: the probable cost of electrical / energy for system operations; 3. Chemical Cost: based on chlorination and corrosion inhibitor addition only. 3. "System Depreciation and Maintenance" An allowance for costs arising from "wear and tear" of system installed equipment, including SCADA year, pumps, main line valves, hydrants, and the like. Individual service meter replacement ise separate item. 4. "Emergency Fund A||ovvanoe" Provides for pipeline repairs and other system repairs arising from incidental damage (i.e. lightning strikes, vehicle impact, structure fire, and the like), and for a fund to pay for emergency aid for operations. Note that the accumulation of this quantity is not necessarily equal to the reserve fund designated "Emergency and Operating Reserve Fund",as this value is projected tonnatchpnobab|e qualifying expenditures, rather than to meet extreme situational demands. S. "Meter Replacement Fund" required cost based on replacing service meters at ten-year i ntervals. 6. "[onsunnab|es" this isa miscellaneous expense item, that includes office supplies and materials postage, janitorialservices, vehicle fuel and maintenance supplies, property i nsurance, liability insurance, telephone service, and other incidental items. 7. "Implement Depreciation Fund" this provides funds (or regular replacement of implements (backhoe, dump truck, implement trailer, and the like), based on a general assumption that implements will be held about 6 years and implement inventory per operator will be about $3S,OOO\ 8. "Vehicle Depreciation Fund" This provides funds for regular replacement ofoperators' vehicles, assuming that average vehicle cost will be about $30,000 and vehicles will be held about five years. CityEagle_001 13 Rate Projections and Item Descriptions COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS: Column A: "Plan Year": Same ason other sheets, the row identifier, and reference for exponential expansions. Column 13: "CAL Year" The calendar year of the Plan Year. Column C: "Number ER[" projected number of Equivalent Residential Customers, copied from Column Column D: "Water Use, [[F" Calculates probable total water use for year, by multiplying "Number ERC" times 12 times "Average use, CCF per user — month" from the Summary page. Column E: "Water Use, Ac- Ft" converts Column O value to acre-feet asa convenience for supplying planning. This value is not cross-referenced in the worksheet. Column F: "Power Use, KVVH" calculates the probable power use (or pumping projected asthe unit power use shown in GIVEN, multiplied by the value of Column D. Column G: "Power Cost" projects probable power cost per pumping by multiplying the Column F va|uetinnesthe"8esePovver[ost"va|uetinnestheEnergy|nf|etionFactorca|cu|etedasthe compounded co-efficient of inflation at the Energy Inflation Rate in the GIVEN values. Column H: "Chemical Cost" projects the probable cost of water treatment chemicals (sodium hypochlorite and corrosion inhibitor) by multiplying the Column D value times the "Base Chemical Cost" from GIVEN times the inflation factor based on the "Materials and Equipment" inflation rate from GIVEN. Column U: "System Depreciation and Sch. K4aint." projects system maintenance and replacement costs by similar calculation, using the number ofER['s, "Sys. Depnec. & K4aint." [onstantfronnG|VEN,12nnonthsperyear,andaninf|ationfactorexpandedfronnthe"Repairs and [onstruction" inflation rate from GIVEN. Column J: "Consumable Cost" projects annua|"consunnab|e"costsbasedonthe"consunnab|es" constant in GIVEN, the number of ERC's, 12 months per year and an inflation factor expanded from the "Materials and Equipment" inflation rate inGIVEN. Column K: "Emergency Operation and Repair A||ovvance"projects thepnobab|ecostsof ennergencyandnon'schedu|edpairsandnep|acennentsbyasinni|arnnu|tip|ication,basedon number of ERC's, "Emergency Fund A||ovv" constant from GIVEN 12 months per year, and an inflation factor expanded from the "Repairs and Construction" inflation rate from GIVEN. Column L: "Meter Replacement Fund" projects theprobab|efundingnaquiredfornneter replacements by a similar multiplication based on number of ERC's, 12 months per year, "Meter Repl. Fund" constant from GIVEN, and an inflation factor expanded from the "Materials & Equipment" inflation rate from GIVEN. Column M: "No. Oper's" total number of operators; the sum of Class A, Class 3, Class 2 and Class 1 operations from the "Staff and Payro||" worksheet. Column yN: "Vehicle and Implement Depreciation" projects theprobab|ecostsofkeepinQanup- 10-datesheetofvehidesandinnp|ennen1sbyasinni|arnnu|dp|ication,basedonthenunnberof operators, the sum of the "Implement Depreciation Fund" constant from GIVEN, 12 months per year, and an inflation factor expanded from the "Materials and Equipment" inflation rate. Column 0: "Sum Exp. Funds" the sum of Columns G, H, |, J, K, Land N representing all expected non-payroll expenses. Column P: "Expenses Plus Payroll" the sum of Column 0 and Column S from the "Staff and Payroll page. This is the projected required non-capital budget for the Water System. CityEagle_001 14 Rate Projections and Item Descriptions SHEET 5: "Rates Worksheet" GENERAL: The rates worksheet tests selected rate structure, which is entered in columns K and L as an operator input, against the projected openatingcosttoconnpanepnobab|einconneandprobab|e out go. As generated outputs, it produces "revenue from rates" and "operations net" (the difference between rates revenue and operating costs). Given Information (Highlight above grid of data): A.^BondPaynnent":oopiedfronnthesunnnnarypage,vvheneitisca|cu|ated. The theoretical annual payment for the bond for the 1.0 MG water reservoir, Brookwood Well and Lexington Well #1Well House Rebuild. B. "Required Premises Present Worth": Probable cost of a shop and office building for operation and maintenance of the system, consisting of a staff management office, a SCADA center, a two-bay wheeled equipment maintenance shop, a staff locker room and sanitary facility, a staff break and training room, a materials and parts storeroom, and a fenced parking lot for vehicles and implements. C. "Premises Rental Ratio (annual)": Ratio of probable annual premises rent to probable premises construction cost. O. "Premises Maintenance Ratio": Ratio of probable annual premises maintenance cost to probable premise constructions cost. COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS: Columns A, B, and C: Plan Year Calendar Year and Number ofER[,sas previously described. Column D: "Premises Rent": Accounts for probability that premises will be rented until a shop a nd staff office facility is completed. The capital plan rent is expected to be paid until completion of construction, projected astheendofyeer3O12. Computed es "Premises Present Worth" time "Premises Rental Ratio" times an inflation factor expanded based on the "Repairs a nd [onstruction"inflation rate. After year 2O12, the rent is projected asafinedannountbased one lease purchase agreement anticipated and fund construction. The formula for lease — purchase rent is present worth times construction inflation factor for 3O12 times Lease- Purchase Renta|Ratio. Column E: "Premises K4aint."" The probable cost of maintenance of the shop and office facility after it is built. Computed as "Premises Present Worth" times "Premises Maintenance Ratio" times an inflation factor expanded based on the "Repairs and Construction" inflation rate. Column F: "Total [)p. Cost": The total cost of operating the system for the year, including revenue bond payments rents, premises maintenance and the cost computed on the "Operating Costs" worksheet. Calculated by addition of the pertinent items. Column G: "Fixed Operating [ost": The operating costs that are not variable according to either quantity of water produced or staff payroll. Included: premises rent, premises maintenance, bond payment, depreciation of system equipment, meter replacement, and emergency allowance. CityEagle_001 15 Rate Projections and Item Descriptions Column H: "Variable Operating [osts": The projectedtota|ofquantitvne|atedcosts(energy and chemicals) and payroll related costs. Column U: "Theoretical Base Rate": The monthly base rate that would exactly defray the projected fixed costs. Computed for comparison purposes. Column J: "Theoretical Quantity Rate": The quantity rate that, given the assumed average use a nd projected number of ER['s, would exactly defray the projected variable costs. Computed for comparison purposes. Columns K and L: "Selected Base and Quantity Rates": The base and quantity rates employed i n the financial projections ofthisvvorkbook. These values are not generated bythe spreadsheet, but are entered as operator inputs. Columns M and yN: "Present Contract Base and Quantity Rates": The base and quantity rates that would be required to extend the existing operating contract with United Water Idaho into the future. Computed of comparison purposes. Column 0: "Average Bi||": The projectedaveragennonth|ybi||atthese|ectedbaseand operating rates and projected averagennon1h|yuse. Column P: "Revenue from Rates": Computed by multiplying average bill times 13 months times number ofERC's. Column Q: "Operations Net": Computed 6v subtracting total operating cost from Revenue from Rates. Column R: "Accumulated Operations Net": The running total of amounts in Column P. This sum of money never exists in any account; the surplus is actually taken into the Capital I mprovements Fund or the Emergency and Operating Reserve Fund. Calculated for comparison CityEagle_001 16 Rate Projections and Item Descriptions SHEET 6: "'Capital Plan Worksheet" GENERAL This worksheet is used for examining the capital improvements plan of the water system. Revenue net totals from other worksheets and probable costs of a planned series of capital improvements are added to and subtracted from a running account balance as a test of plan feasibility. As a further test of feasibility, a selected part of the Water Fund balance is set aside as the Emergency Operation and Reserve Fund, with the intention that monies of set aside will not be used to fund new construction. The remainder of the Water Fund then becomes the Capital Improvement Fund, which is available for new construction. The theoretical test ofplan feasibility is the goal of not developing deficits in the Capital Improvement Fund. COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS: Columns A,0`and C: Plan Year, and Calendar Year, as defined for other pages. Column C: "Operations Net Revenue": The amount from the like-named column on sheet S ("Rates ` ' Column D: "Fees Revenue": The amount from the "Total Fees" column on sheet Z("ER[&Fee Projections" worksheet). Column E: "Balance of Joint Accounts": The sum of the "Emergency Operating and Reserve Fund" and the "Capital Improvement Fund" at year-end (fisca|). |n the general City budget, this constitutes the Water Account. Calculated as previous balance, plus operating net revenue plus fees revenue, plus investment income, also capital, less probable cost, less pipeline construction participation. Column F: "Investment |nconne": Projected income on Water Fund monies invested in Idaho State Investment Pool. Calculated as initial Fund balance (column E), plus one-half ofrevenues (columns C and D), multiplied by the "Probable Annual Investment Interest Rate" shown on Sheet 1("8unnnna ). Column G: "Capital |tenn": The short description ofe planned capital improvement scheduled for the Plan Year. Operator input. Column H: "Present Worth (Year 3OO7)": The current probable cost of the item described in Column G for the same Plan Year. Operator input. Column U: "Probable [ost": The probable cost at the time of construction of the item designated for the Plan Year in Column G. Calculated as the Present Worth (Column Hvalue) time the inflation factor for "Repairs and Construction"). Column J: "Pipeline Construction Perticipation": The projected costofparticipatinginthe"oversize cost" of pipeslareer1han8inchesandsnna||erthan16inchesinsystennex1ensionsby developers. Calculated as hookups times "Water Con. Eq. Fee" constant from sheet 1 ("Summary") times the inflation factor for Capital Costs. Column K: "Emergency & Operating Reserve Fund": A sub-category within the Water Fund, designated to fund emergency responses (such as emergency repairs) and to assure continued operation during periods of revenue shortfall. The goal in setting the size of this fund istohave a fund equivalent to six months' operating cost. Initially, the set-aside is selected for each of the first three years. Fourth and subsequent years are computed by4Y6 annual increase. Column L: "Capital Improvement Fund": The part of the Water Fund that can be used tofund capital improvement projects. The test of workability of the capital plan is that this fund may not go into deficit. Calculated as the "Balance of Joint Accounts" minus the "Emergency and Operating Reserve Fund:. CityEagle_001 17 RATE PROJECTION AND PROBABLE BUDGET, 20 YR., Eagle Combined System, EG080305 3/8/2018 KRR Holladay Engineering Company SUMMARY WORKSHEET GIVEN: Probable Annual Investment Income Rate 5.00% Probable Bond Amount $2,590,000.00 Hook-up Fee $850.00 AREA Probable Annual COLA Increase Rate 2.50%Annual Bond Payment $178,137.31 Water Con.Eq. Fee $450.00 ERC Probable Annual Incentive Increase Rate 1.50%STL $1,500.00 BUILDOUT Probable Annual Capital Costs Inflation Rate 5.00%Monthly Base Rate $8.50 Growth, Area 1 7.00%2,620 Current Contract Minimum Annual Rate Increas(2.00%Quantity Rate (per CCF)$1.19 Growth, Area 2 7.00%4,820 Probable Annual Bond Interest (Reservoir)3.25%Average Use, CCF per user-mo.10.84 Growth, Area 3 8.00%n/a Probable Bond Term, Years 20 Average Monthly Billing per ERC $21.40 Plan Year CAL Year AV'G ERC Base Rate Quantity Rate AV'G BILL/ MO Revenue from Rates Revenue from Fees Operating Costs Scheduled Capital Costs Net Operatiing Revenue Probable Probable Account Investment Income Balance $121,835.52 1 2007 4,800 $8.50 $1.19 $21.40 $1,232,616.96 $274,400.00 $1,044,125.71 $40,000.00 $10,353.94 $13,210.62 $335,700.09 2 2008 5,236 $9.00 $1.21 $22.12 $1,389,617.64 $1,097,258.40 $1,149,487.25 $210,000.00 $61,993.08 $45,766.29 $1,121,466.51 3 2009 5,796 $9.00 $1.21 $22.12 $1,538,112.46 $1,319,922.44 $1,346,389.04 $441,000.00 $13,586.11 $89,411.04 $1,822,152.58 4 2010 6,380 $9.25 $1.23 $22.58 $1,729,025.73 $1,469,157.12 $1,533,630.42 $231,525.00 $17,258.00 $128,268.01 $2,896,637.89 5 2011 6,917 $9.25 $1.23 $22.58 $1,874,447.38 $1,558,644.98 $1,611,114.15 $170,170.88 $85,195.92 $185,927.92 $4,258,122.94 6 2012 7,513 $9.50 $1.23 $22.83 $2,058,618.02 $1,775,275.31 $1,695,026.06 $3,765,030.61 $185,454.65 $261,924.40 $2,368,038.09 7 2013 7,898 $9.50 $1.23 $22.83 $2,164,045.53 $967,693.69 $1,715,285.50 $1,474,105.20 $270,622.72 $149,359.81 $2,043,771.53 8 2014 8,289 $9.50 $1.23 $22.83 $2,271,198.51 $911,838.27 $2,047,299.60 $29,549.11 $45,761.61 $126,128.57 $2,843,807.49 9 2015 8,750 $9.50 $1.23 $22.83 $2,397,612.22 $1,078,350.83 $2,132,028.81 $31,026.56 $87,446.10 $171,335.30 $3,835,847.47 10 2016 9,041 $9.50 $1.23 $22.83 $2,477,176.49 $730,427.20 $2,208,881.43 $629,063.59 $90,157.75 $212,307.00 $4,122,285.75 1 1 2017 9,219 $9.75 $1.25 $23.30 $2,577,565.30 $600,944.84 $2,281,211.40 $34,206.79 $118,216.58 $224,093.32 $4,934,753.28 12 2018 9,361 $9.75 $1.25 $23.30 $2,617,352.60 $681,471.45 $2,353,825.53 $3,078,610.84 $85,389.76 $265,909.19 $2,779,390.64 13 2019 9,515 $9.75 $1.25 $23.30 $2,660,322.89 $772,788.62 $2,429,861.88 $1,113,430.92 $52,323.69 $159,597.34 $2,526,471.20 14 2020 9,681 $9.75 $1.25 $23.30 $2,706,730.80 $876,342.29 $2,509,523.82 $888,140.75 $19,069.67 $148,708.86 $2,541,610.55 15 2021 9,860 $10.00 $1.27 $23.77 $2,812,083.03 $993,772.16 $2,593,029.76 $41,578.56 $40,915.95 $152,947.73 $3,527,954.44 16 2022 10,054 $10.00 $1.27 $23.77 $2,867,297.67 $1,126,937.63 $2,680,614.49 $957,346.43 $8,545.87 $204,784.81 $3,729,761.35 17 2023 10,263 $10.25 $1.29 $24.23 $2,984,416.86 $1,277,947.27 $2,772,530.59 $896,070.02 $33,748.96 $219,280.47 $4,159,283.66 18 2024 10,488 $10.25 $1.29 $24.23 $3,050,084.15 $1,449,192.21 $2,869,050.01 $48,132.38 $2,896.83 $244,266.41 $5,574,600.83 19 2025 10,732 $10.50 $1.31 $24.70 $3,181,123.20 $1,643,383.96 $2,970,465.82 $50,539.00 $32,520.07 $320,627.64 $7,256,478.23 20 2026 10,996 $10.50 $1.31 $24.70 $3,259,192.92 $1,863,597.41 $3,077,094.07 $1,163,660.56 $3,961.54 $409,512.89 $8,070,382.78 21 2027 11,280 $10.75 $1.33 $25.17 $3,406,695.44 $2,113,319.47 $3,189,275.89 $6,898,574.03 $39,282.24 $457,334.18 $3,442,104.00 DATE SPECIFIC WORKING DRAFT CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE PAGE 1 CityEagle_00118 Rate Projections and Probable Budgets 20 yr., Eagle Combined System, EG080305 3/8/2018 KRR Holladay Engineeering Company L ERC Projections and Probable Fee Revenues Plan Year CAL Area 1 Area 1 Area 2 Area 2 Area 3A Area 313 Area 3 TOTAL STL & WECF Hookup Total Year (East)(East)(EWC)(EWC)Leg&Efd RemWest (West)ERC's Fees Fees Fees Hookups ERC's Hookups ERC's Hookups Hookups ERC's Total Total 1 2007 2 2008 3 2009 4 2010 5 2011 6 2012 7 2013 8 2014 9 2015 10 2016 98 1400 105 1498 112 1603 120 1715 128 1835 137 1964 147 2101 157 2248 168 2405 46 2574 3400 238 3638 255 3893 272 4165 292 4457 312 4769 51 4820 0 4820 0 4820 0 4820 0 0 0 100 0 100 200 0 300 200 0 500 125 0 625 156 0 781 196 0 977 244 0 1221 304 0 1525 0 122 1647 4,800 5,236 5,796 6,380 6,917 7,513 7,898 8,289 8,750 9,041 $191,100.00 $702,005.85 $788,703.57 $886,108.46 $995,542.86 $1,118,492.40 $518,444.94 $431,789.65 $485,115.67 $508,690.37 $83,300.00 $395,252.55 $531,218.86 $583,048.66 $563,102.12 $656,782.91 $449,248.75 $480,048.63 $593,235.16 $221,736.83 $274,400.00 $1,097,258.40 $1,319,922.44 $1,469,157.12 $1,558,644.98 $1,775,275.31 $967,693.69 $911,838.27 $1,078,350.83 $730,427.20 1 1 2017 12 2018 13 2019 14 2020 15 2021 16 2022 17 2023 18 2024 19 2025 20 2026 21 2027 0 2620 0 2620 0 2620 0 2620 0 2620 0 2620 0 2620 0 2620 0 2620 0 2620 0 2620 0 4820 0 4820 0 4820 0 4820 0 4820 0 4820 0 4820 0 4820 0 4820 0 4820 0 4820 Notes: Growth Rates and Fee Rates from Summary Sheet, Page 1 0 132 1779 0 142 1921 0 154 2075 0 166 2241 0 179 2420 0 194 2614 0 209 2823 0 226 3048 0 244 3292 0 263 3556 0 284 3840 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE DATE SPECIFIC WORKING DRAFT 9,219 9,361 9,515 9,681 9,860 10,054 10,263 10,488 10,732 10,996 1 1,280 $418,515.15 $474,596.18 $538,192.07 $610,309.81 $692,091.33 $784,831.56 $889,998.99 $1,009,258.86 $1,144,499.55 $1,297,862.48 $1,471,776.06 $182,429.68 $206,875.26 $234,596.54 $266,032.48 $301,680.83 $342,106.07 $387,948.28 $439,933.35 $498,884.42 $565,734.93 $641,543.41 $600,944.84 $681,471.45 $772,788.62 $876,342.29 $993,772.16 $1,126,937.63 $1,277,947.27 $1,449,192.21 $1,643,383.96 $1,863,597.41 $2,113,319.47 Page 2 CityEagle_00119 Rate Projections and Probable Budgets 20 yr., Eagle Combined System, EG080305 3/8/2018 KRR Holladay Engineering Company Payroll and General Administrative Allowance Probable Base Salaries: Payroll Fringe to Wage Ra-0.5 Public Works Sup't.$65,000.00 P. W. S. Water Duty Ratio 0.75 Operator 4 $55,000.00 General Admin. Allowance 0.2 Operator 3 $50,000.00 Operator 2 $40,000.00 Probable COLA 2.50%Operator 1 $35,000.00 Probable Incentive Increm(1.50%Clerical $25,000.00 Plan Year CAL Year Number ERC No. PWS PWS Sal Share No. Op 4 Op. 4 Salaries No. Op 3 Op3 Salaries No. Op 2 Op 2 Salaries No. Op 1 Op 1 Salaries No. Cler 2 Cler 2 Salaries Total Salaries Salaries plus Fringe Gen. Admin. Allowance TOTAL PAYROLL 0 1 2007 4,800 1 $48,750.00 1 $55,000.00 0 $0.00 2 $80,000.00 2 $70,000.00 2 $50,000.00 $303,750.00 $455,625.00 $91,125.00 $546,750.00 2 2008 5,236 1 $50,718.28 1 $57,220.63 0 $0.00 2 $83,230.00 2 $72,826.25 2 $52,018.75 $316,013.91 $474,020.86 $94,804.17 $568,825.03 3 2009 5,796 1 $52,766.03 1 $59,530.91 0 $0.00 2 $86,590.41 2 $75,766.61 2 $54,119.01 $328,772.97 $493,159.45 $98,631.89 $591,791.34 4 2010 6,380 1 $54,896.46 1 $61,934.47 1 $56,304.06 2 $90,086.50 2 $78,825.69 2 $56,304.06 $398,351.24 $597,526.86 $119,505.37 $717,032.23 5 2011 6,917 1 $57,112.90 1 $64,435.07 1 $58,577.34 2 $93,723.74 2 $82,008.27 2 $58,577.34 $414,434.67 $621,652.00 $124,330.40 $745,982.41 6 2012 7,513 1 $59,418.84 1 $67,036.64 1 $60,942.40 2 $97,507.84 2 $85,319.36 2 $60,942.40 $431,167.47 $646,751.20 $129,350.24 $776,101.44 7 2013 7,898 1 $61,817.87 1 $69,743.24 1 $63,402.95 2 $101,444.72 2 $88,764.13 2 $63,402.95 $448,575.86 $672,863.78 $134,572.76 $807,436.54 8 2014 8,289 1 $64,313.77 1 $72,559.13 1 $65,962.84 3 $158,310.82 3 $138,521.97 3 $98,944.26 $598,612.79 $897,919.18 $179,583.84 $1,077,503.02 9 2015 8,750 1 $66,910.44 1 $75,488.70 1 $68,626.09 3 $164,702.62 3 $144,114.79 3 $102,939.14 $622,781.78 $934,172.67 $186,834.53 $1,121,007.21 10 2016 9,041 1 $69,611.95 1 $78,536.56 1 $71,396.87 3 $171,352.49 3 $149,933.43 3 $107,095.31 $647,926.60 $971,889.89 $194,377.98 $1,166,267.87 1 1 2017 9,219 1 $72,422.53 1 $81,707.47 1 $74,279.52 3 $178,270.84 3 $155,986.99 3 $111,419.28 $674,086.63 $1,011,129.95 $202,225.99 $1,213,355.94 12 2018 9,361 1 $75,346.59 1 $85,006.41 1 $77,278.55 3 $185,468.53 3 $162,284.96 3 $115,917.83 $701,302.88 $1,051,954.32 $210,390.86 $1,262,345.18 13 2019 9,515 1 $78,388.71 1 $88,438.54 1 $80,398.68 3 $192,956.82 3 $168,837.22 3 $120,598.01 $729,617.98 $1,094,426.97 $218,885.39 $1,313,312.37 14 2020 9,681 1 $81,553.65 1 $92,009.25 1 $83,644.77 3 $200,747.45 3 $175,654.02 3 $125,467.16 $759,076.31 $1,138,614.46 $227,722.89 $1,366,337.36 15 2021 9,860 1 $84,846.38 1 $95,724.12 1 $87,021.93 3 $208,852.63 3 $182,746.05 3 $130,532.90 $789,724.02 $1,184,586.02 $236,917.20 $1,421,503.23 16 2022 10,054 1 $88,272.05 1 $99,588.98 1 $90,535.44 3 $217,285.06 3 $190,124.43 3 $135,803.16 $821,609.12 $1,232,413.68 $246,482.74 $1,478,896.42 17 2023 10,263 1 $91,836.04 1 $103,609.89 1 $94,190.81 3 $226,057.94 3 $197,800.70 3 $141,286.21 $854,781.59 $1,282,172.39 $256,434.48 $1,538,606.86 18 2024 10,488 1 $95,543.92 1 $107,793.14 1 $97,993.76 3 $235,185.03 3 $205,786.90 3 $146,990.64 $889,293.40 $1,333,940.10 $266,788.02 $1,600,728.12 19 2025 10,732 1 $99,401.50 1 $112,145.29 1 $101,950.26 3 $244,680.63 3 $214,095.55 3 $152,925.39 $925,198.62 $1,387,797.93 $277,559.59 $1,665,357.51 20 2026 10,996 1 $103,414.84 1 $116,673.15 1 $106,066.50 3 $254,559.61 3 $222,739.66 3 $159,099.75 $962,553.51 $1,443,830.27 $288,766.05 $1,732,596.32 21 2027 11,280 1 $107,590.21 1 $121,383.83 1 $110,348.94 3 $264,837.45 3 $231,732.77 3 $165,523.41 $1,001,416.61 $1,502,124.92 $300,424.98 $1,802,549.90 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE DATE SPECIFIC WORKING DRAFT Page 3 CityEagle_00120 Rate Projections and Probable Budgets 20 Yr., Eagle Combined System, EG080305 3/8/2018 KRR Holladay Engineering Company Direct and Regular Operating Costs GIVEN: Base Power Cost $0.0500 per KWH Implement Depreciation Fund $500.00 per Op-Mo Power Use 1.5 KWH/CCF Vehicle Depreciation Fund $500.00 per Op-Mo Base Chemical Cost $0.0250 per CCF Sys. Deprec. & Maint.$0.60 per U.-M.Inflation Rates (annual): Emerg. Fund Allow.$0.40 per U.-M.Energy 0.50% Meter Repl. Fund $2.00 per U.-M.Materials & Equipment 1.50% Consumeables $0.50 per U.-M.Repairs & Construction 3.00% Plan Year CAL Year Number ERC Water Use CCF Water Use Ac.-Ft. Power Use KWH Power Cost $ Chem. Cost $ System Emergency Depreciation & Consumeables Oper. & Repair Sch. Maint. $ Cost $ Allowance, $ Meter Replacement Fund $ No. Oper's. Veh&Imp Dep.$ Sum Exp. Funds Expenses Plus Payroll 1 2007 4,800 624,384 1,433.4 936,576 $46,828.80 $15,609.60 $0.00 $28,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 $60,000.00 $151,238.40 $697,988.40 2 2008 5,236 681,099 1,563.6 1,021,648 $51,337.83 $17,282.88 $38,830.18 $31,887.24 $25,886.78 $0.00 5 $60,900.00 $226,124.91 $794,949.94 3 2009 5,796 753,881 1,730.7 1,130,822 $57,107.92 $19,416.68 $44,268.96 $35,824.14 $29,512.64 $143,296.55 5 $61,813.50 $391,240.39 $983,031.74 4 2010 6,380 829,937 1,905.3 1,244,906 $63,183.65 $21,696.19 $50,197.13 $40,029.86 $33,464.75 $160,119.45 6 $75,288.84 $443,979.88 $1,161,012.11 5 2011 6,917 899,740 2,065.5 1,349,610 $68,840.27 $23,873.78 $56,051.59 $44,047.57 $37,367.73 $176,190.28 6 $76,418.18 $482,789.39 $1,228,771.79 6 2012 7,513 977,323 2,243.6 1,465,985 $75,150.15 $26,321.37 $62,711.38 $48,563.41 $41,807.59 $194,253.65 6 $77,564.45 $526,372.00 $1,302,473.45 7 2013 7,898 1,027,375 2,358.5 1,541,062 $79,393.79 $28,084.40 $67,900.69 $51,816.24 $45,267.13 $207,264.95 6 $78,727.92 $558,455.11 $1,365,891.65 8 2014 8,289 1,078,245 2,475.3 1,617,368 $83,741.61 $29,917.13 $73,400.69 $55,197.65 $48,933.79 $220,790.61 8 $106,545.11 $618,526.60 $1,696,029.62 9 2015 8,750 1,138,260 2,613.1 1,707,390 $88,844.63 $32,056.03 $79,810.72 $59,143.97 $53,207.14 $236,575.90 8 $108,143.29 $657,781.69 $1,778,788.89 10 2016 9,041 1,176,033 2,699.8 1,764,049 $92,251.89 $33,616.60 $84,933.00 $62,023.25 $56,622.00 $248,093.02 8 $109,765.44 $687,305.20 $1,853,573.07 1 1 2017 9,219 1,199,176 2,752.9 1,798,764 $94,537.68 $34,792.33 $89,202.55 $64,192.48 $59,468.36 $256,769.94 8 $111,411.92 $710,375.25 $1,923,731.19 12 2018 9,361 1,217,687 2,795.4 1,826,530 $96,476.94 $35,859.32 $93,296.86 $66,161.11 $62,197.91 $264,644.44 8 $113,083.10 $731,719.68 $1,994,064.86 13 2019 9,515 1,237,678 2,841.3 1,856,517 $98,551.15 $36,994.76 $97,673.42 $68,256.02 $65,115.61 $273,024.07 8 $114,779.34 $754,394.37 $2,067,706.74 14 2020 9,681 1,259,269 2,890.9 1,888,903 $100,771.68 $38,204.72 $102,358.59 $70,488.41 $68,239.06 $281,953.63 8 $116,501.03 $778,517.12 $2,144,854.48 15 2021 9,860 1,282,587 2,944.4 1,923,880 $103,150.86 $39,495.84 $107,381.59 $72,870.55 $71,587.73 $291,482.18 8 $118,248.55 $804,217.29 $2,225,720.51 16 2022 10,054 1,307,770 3,002.2 1,961,655 $105,702.08 $40,875.40 $112,774.70 $75,415.86 $75,183.14 $301,663.45 8 $120,022.28 $831,636.92 $2,310,533.34 17 2023 10,263 1,334,968 3,064.7 2,002,452 $108,439.89 $42,351.38 $118,573.71 $78,139.07 $79,049.14 $312,556.27 8 $121,822.61 $860,932.07 $2,399,538.93 18 2024 10,488 1,364,342 3,132.1 2,046,513 $111,380.07 $43,932.50 $124,818.21 $81,056.27 $83,212.14 $324,225.08 8 $123,649.95 $892,274.21 $2,493,002.33 19 2025 10,732 1,396,065 3,204.9 2,094,098 $114,539.73 $45,628.33 $131,552.10 $84,185.11 $87,701.40 $336,740.43 8 $125,504.70 $925,851.80 $2,591,209.31 20 2026 10,996 1,430,327 3,283.6 2,145,491 $117,937.47 $47,449.34 $138,824.02 $87,544.91 $92,549.34 $350,179.63 8 $127,387.27 $961,871.98 $2,694,468.30 21 2027 11,280 1,467,330 3,368.5 2,200,994 $121,593.45 $49,407.01 $146,687.85 $91,156.84 $97,791.90 $364,627.36 8 $129,298.08 $1,000,562.49 $2,803,112.39 Notes: ERC from ERC & Fee Projection Sheet, Page 2 Water Use from Summary, Sheet, Page 1 Operators from Staff and Payroll Sheet, Page 3 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE DATE SPECIFIC WORKING DRAFT Page 4 CityEagle_00121 Rate Projections and Probable Budgets 20 Yr., Eagle Combined System, EG080305 3/8/2018 KRR Holladay Engineering Company Rates Worksheet Bond Payment $178,137.31 perYr. Premises Rental Ratio (annual) Required Premises Present Worth 0.12 Premises Maintenance Ratio 0.02 $1,400,000.00 Lease-Purchase Rental Ratio 0.08 (Assumption: Premises for maintenance shop and staff office are constructed by lease-purchase in 2012, lowering rent thereafter.) Plan Year CAL Year Number ERC Premises Rent Premises Maint. Total Op Cost Fixed Op. Cost Present Theoretical Selected Contract Basis Variable Base Quantity Base Quantity Base Quantity Av'g Bill Op. Cost $/Mo. $/CCF $/Mo. $/Mo. $/Mo $/CCF $/Mo. Revenue from rates Operations Net Accum Ops Net 1 2007 4,800 $168,000.00 $0.00 $1,044,125.71 $346,137.31 $697,988.40 $21.40 $1,232,616.96 $10,353.94 $10,353.94$9.10 $1.12 $8.50 $1.19 $8.50 $1.19 2 2008 5,236 $176,400.00 $0.00 $1,149,487.25 $419,254.27 $730,232.98 $9.56 $1.07 $9.00 $1.21 $8.67 $1.21 $22.12 $1,389,617.64 $61,993.08 $72,347.02 3 2009 5,796 $185,220.00 $0.00 $1,346,389.04 $580,435.47 $765,953.58 $11.05 $1.02 $9.00 $1.21 $8.84 $1.24 $22.12 $1,538,112.46 $13,586.11 $85,933.13 4 2010 6,380 $194,481.00 $0.00 $1,533,630.42 $616,399.65 $917,230.77 $10.58 $1.11 $9.25 $1.23 $9.02 $1.26 $22.58 $1,729,025.73 $17,258.00 $103,191.13 5 2011 6,917 $204,205.05 $0.00 $1,611,114.15 $651,951.95 $959,162.20 $10.21 $1.07 $9.25 $1.23 $9.20 $1.29 $22.58 $1,874,447.38 $85,195.92 $188,387.05 6 2012 7,513 $214,415.30 $0.00 $1,695,026.06 $691,325.23 $1,003,700.82 $9.87 $1.03 $9.50 $1.23 $9.38 $1.31 $22.83 $2,058,618.02 $185,454.65 $373,841.70 7 2013 7,898 $133,733.86 $37,522.68 $1,715,285.50 $669,826.61 $1,045,458.88 $9.21 $1.02 $9.50 $1.23 $9.57 $1.34 $22.83 $2,164,045.53 $270,622.72 $644,464.42 8 2014 8,289 $133,733.86 $39,398.81 $2,047,299.60 $694,395.07 $1,352,904.52 $9.08 $1.25 $9.50 $1.23 $9.76 $1.37 $22.83 $2,271,198.51 $45,761.61 $690,226.03 9 2015 8,750 $133,733.86 $41,368.75 $2,132,028.81 $722,833.68 $1,409,195.14 $8.94 $1.24 $9.50 $1.23 $9.96 $1.39 $22.83 $2,397,612.22 $87,446.10 $777,672.13 10 2016 9,041 $133,733.86 $43,437.19 $2,208,881.43 $744,956.37 $1,463,925.06 $8.87 $1.24 $9.50 $1.23 $10.16 $1.42 $22.83 $2,477,176.49 $90,157.75 $867,829.88 11 2017 9,219 $133,733.86 $45,609.05 $2,281,211.40 $762,921.06 $1,518,290.34 $8.89 $1.27 $9.75 $1.25 $10.36 $1.45 $23.30 $2,577,565.30 $118,216.58 $986,046.46 12 2018 9,361 $133,733.86 $47,889.50 $2,353,825.53 $779,899.88 $1,573,925.66 $8.94 $1.29 $9.75 $1.25 $10.57 $1.48 $23.30 $2,617,352.60 $85,389.76 $1,071,436.22 13 2019 9,515 $133,733.86 $50,283.98 $2,429,861.88 $797,968.24 $1,631,893.65 $8.98 $1.32 $9.75 $1.25 $10.78 $1.51 $23.30 $2,660,322.89 $52,323.69 $1,123,759.91 14 2020 9,681 $133,733.86 $52,798.18 $2,509,523.82 $817,220.63 $1,692,303.19 $9.03 $1.34 $9.75 $1.25 $11.00 $1.54 $23.30 $2,706,730.80 $19,069.67 $1,142,829.58 15 2021 9,860 $133,733.86 $55,438.08 $2,593,029.76 $837,760.75 $1,755,269.02 $9.08 $1.37 $10.00 $1.27 $11.22 $1.57 $23.77 $2,812,083.03 $40,915.95 $1,183,745.53 16 2022 10,054 $133,733.86 $58,209.99 $2,680,614.49 $859,702.45 $1,820,912.04 $9.12 $1.39 $10.00 $1.27 $11.44 $1.60 $23.77 $2,867,297.67 $8,545.87 $1,192,291.40 17 2023 10,263 $133,733.86 $61,120.49 $2,772,530.59 $883,170.77 $1,889,359.81 $9.17 $1.42 $10.25 $1.29 $11.67 $1.63 $24.23 $2,984,416.86 $33,748.96 $1,226,040.37 18 2024 10,488 $133,733.86 $64,176.51 $2,869,050.01 $908,303.11 $1,960,746.90 $9.21 $1.44 $10.25 $1.29 $11.90 $1.67 $24.23 $3,050,084.15 $2,896.83 $1,228,937.20 19 2025 10,732 $133,733.86 $67,385.34 $2,970,465.82 $935,250.44 $2,035,215.38 $9.26 $1.46 $10.50 $1.31 $12.14 $1.70 $24.70 $3,181,123.20 $32,520.07 $1,261,457.27 20 2026 10,996 $133,733.86 $70,754.61 $3,077,094.07 $964,178.76 $2,112,915.31 $9.30 $1.48 $10.50 $1.31 $12.38 $1.73 $24.70 $3,259,192.92 $3,961.54 $1,265,418.81 21 2027 11,280 $133,733.86 $74,292.34 $3,189,275.89 $995,270.61 $2,194,005.28 $9.35 $1.50 $10.75 $1.33 $12.63 $1.77 $25.17 $3,406,695.44 $39,282.24 $1,304,701.05 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE DATE SPECIFIC WORKING DRAFT Page 5 CityEagle_00122 Rate Projections and Probable Budgets 20 Yr., Eagle Combined System, EG080305 3/8/2018 KRR Holladay Engineering Company Capital Plan Worksheet Plan Year CAL Year Operations Net Revenue FEES Revenue Balance of Joint Accounts $121,835.52 Investment Capital Item Income Present Worth (Yr. 2007) Probable Cost Pipeline Construction Participation Emergency & Operating Reserve Fund Capital Improvement Fund 1 2007 $10,353.94 $274,400.00 $335,700.09 $13,210.62 Master Plan Amend.$40,000.00 $40,000.00 $44,100.00 $200,000.00 $135,700.09 2 2008 $61,993.08 $1,097,258.40 $1,121,466.51 $45,766.29 PRV & Booster $200,000.00 $210,000.00 $209,251.35 $400,000.00 $721,466.51 3 2009 $13,586.11 $1,319,922.44 $1,822,152.58 $89,411.04 Equip. Purch.$400,000.00 $441,000.00 $281,233.52 $650,000.00 $1,172,152.58 4 2010 $17,258.00 $1,469,157.12 $2,896,637.89 $128,268.01 Loop :Lines $200,000.00 $231,525.00 $308,672.82 $676,000.00 $2,220,637.89 5 2011 $85,195.92 $1,558,644.98 $4,258,122.94 $185,927.92 PRV & Booster $140,000.00 $170,170.88 $298,112.89 $703,040.00 $3,555,082.94 6 2012 $185,454.65 $1,775,275.31 $2,368,038.09 $261,924.40 Trunk Lines, 1.5 MG Res $2,950,000.00 $3,765,030.61 $347,708.60 $731,161.60 $1,636,876.49 7 2013 $270,622.72 $967,693.69 $2,043,771.53 $149,359.81 Trunk Lines, Well #8 $1,100,000.00 $1,474,105.20 $237,837.58 $760,408.06 $1,283,363.47 8 2014 $45,761.61 $911,838.27 $2,843,807.49 $126,128.57 Meters $21,000.00 $29,549.11 $254,143.39 $790,824.39 $2,052,983.10 9 2015 $87,446.10 $1,078,350.83 $3,835,847.47 $171,335.30 Meters $21,000.00 $31,026.56 $314,065.67 $822,457.36 $3,013,390.11 10 2016 $90,157.75 $730,427.20 $4,122,285.75 $212,307.00 Meters. Pump Maint.,MP, TL $405,500.00 $629,063.59 $117,390.09 $855,355.66 $3,266,930.09 11 2017 $118,216.58 $600,944.84 $4,934,753.28 $224,093.32 Meters $21,000.00 $34,206.79 $96,580.42 $889,569.88 $4,045,183.40 12 2018 $85,389.76 $681,471.45 $2,779,390.64 $265,909.19 1 MG Reservoir $1,800,000.00 $3,078,610.84 $109,522.20 $925,152.68 $1,854,237.96 13 2019 $52,323.69 $772,788.62 $2,526,471.20 $159,597.34 Meters, TL E&B $620,000.00 $1,113,430.92 $124,198.17 $962,158.79 $1,564,312.41 14 2020 $19,069.67 $876,342.29 $2,541,610.55 $148,708.86 Meters, TL Beacon Light $471,000.00 $888,140.75 $140,840.73 $1,000,645.14 $1,540,965.41 15 2021 $40,915.95 $993,772.16 $3,527,954.44 $152,947.73 Meters $21,000.00 $41,578.56 $159,713.38 $1,040,670.94 $2,487,283.50 16 2022 $8,545.87 $1,126,937.63 $3,729,761.35 $204,784.81 Meters, TL Beacon Light $460,500.00 $957,346.43 $181,114.98 $1,082,297.78 $2,647,463.57 17 2023 $33,748.96 $1,277,947.27 $4,159,283.66 $219,280.47 Meters, TL East $410,500.00 $896,070.02 $205,384.38 $1,125,589.69 $3,033,693.97 18 2024 $2,896.83 $1,449,192.21 $5,574,600.83 $244,266.41 Meters $21,000.00 $48,132.38 $232,905.89 $1,170,613.28 $4,403,987.55 19 2025 $32,520.07 $1,643,383.96 $7,256,478.23 $320,627.64 Meters $21,000.00 $50,539.00 $264,115.28 $1,217,437.81 $6,039,040.42 20 2026 $3,961.54 $1,863,597.41 $8,070,382.78 $409,512.89 Meters, TL Beacon Light $460,500.00 $1,163,660.56 $299,506.73 $1,266,135.32 $6,804,247.45 21 2027 $39,282.24 $2,113,319.47 $3,442,104.00 $457,334.18 Meters, Well #1 RE, 1.5 MG R.$2,600,000.00 $6,898,574.03 $339,640.63 $1,316,780.73 $2,125,323.27 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE DATE SPECIFIC WORKING DRAFT Page 6 CityEagle_00123 HECO ENGINEERS HOLLADAY ENGINEERING CO. 32 N Main Street • PO Box 235 • Payette, ID 83661 CityEagle_00124 WATER RATE STUDY REPORT December 2017 Prepared for: < pF TNT ITI ~ ~ O -C 1~~~ City of Eagle Eagle, Idaho Prepared By: HECO ENGINEERS HOLLAOAY ENGINEERING CO 32 N Main Street • PO Box 235 • Payette. ID 83661 EG 16-0058A CityEagle_00125 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Eagle owns and operates a rapidly growing water system with continued rising operating costs. Water revenues are periodically reviewed against operating costs. Adjusting for inflation costs, water rates have slightly increased over the last four years. The current rates do not employ a rate setting methodology to adequately fund reserves or rising operating costs for the water utility. Based on information obtained from recent financial audits, it has been determined that the water system is inadequately funded when the requirements for funding depreciation are included. In addition, the financial balancing of the water system is heavily dependent upon fees collected from new connections to the water system, some of which are restricted funds. Funding of the water system that is dependent upon the number of new connections is risky given potential volatility of the development market. To prepare a limited water rate review, a program developed by the USDA— Rural Development for small system water rate structures was utilized to perform a single model analysis. The following goals were established for this limited analysis: n Prepare a water rate analysis based on current actual budgeted expenditures and revenue. n Prepare a water rate that includes consideration for funding system depreciation. n Recommend a water rate implementation schedule. With the limited scope of this analysis, this rate study does not include: n Full financial analysis of historic or 5- to 10-year projection of revenues and expenses. n Analysis or recommendations on specific budget line items. n Review of a target value for an operating fund balance. n Review of a target value for set aside funds for capital improvement reserve account. n A review of hookup fees or other related water system fees. 1.1 Current Water Rates The City of Eagle has implemented small water rate increases over the last four years to adjust for rising costs. The water rates adopted by Council through Resolution 17-23 are presented in the table below. HECO ENGINEERS P age I 1 CityEagle_00126 Base Monthly Fee $9.60 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU System Enhancement Fee $10.93 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU Water Safety Fee $0.34 $0.34 $0.34 $0.34 $0.34 $0.34 $0.34 Consumption Rate per 100 cubic feet $1.35 $1.35 $1.35 $1.35 $1.35 $1.35 $1.35 Note: ERU = Equivalent Residential Unit; A 34" meter is considered 1.0 ERU The water rates are separated into the above categories to correctly allocate the collected revenue to the corresponding costs. The categories are generally described below: n Base Monthly Fee - Fee charged based on meter size to cover the fixed costs of operation and maintenance of the water system facilities each month regardless of the amount of water consumed by users. Even if no water is used, the City still incurs costs associated with the infrastructure and maintaining the facilities. n System Enhancement Fee - Fee charged based on meter size to cover the costs associated with the current City loan with the Department of Environmental Quality (current water system indebtedness). n Water Safety Fee - Fee charged for each meter within the system to cover the charges imposed by the Department of Environmental Quality for the water system. n Consumption Rate - Fee charged for the volume of water consumed by each user to cover the costs that may vary depending upon the actual usage. The consumption rate is for every 100 cubic feet of water used. 1.2 Historic Water Rates U ntil recently, the City has not historically raised rates on a consistent basis with only minimal rate increases over extended periods of time. Over the last four years, the City has adjusted the rates to only account for inflationary costs rather than a review of total operating and depreciation costs. Over the 13-year period from 2004 to 2017, the City's base monthly rate has only increased from $8.50 to $9.60 (0.9% annual rate). Below are the historical rates charged by the City since 1992. HECO ENGINEERS P age 12 CityEagle_00127 Monthly Consumptive Base Rate Rate 1992 $6.86 $0.42 1997 $6.86 $0.72 2004 $8.50 $1.10 2005 $8.50 $1.19 2008 $8.50 $1.19 2013 $8.88 $1.24 2014 $9.05 $1.26 2015 $9.23 $1.29 2016 $9.41 $1.32 2017 $9.60 $1.35 2. EXISTING USERS $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 $4.00 $2.00 $0.00 Historical Rates I F 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Base Rate Consumptive Rate 2.1 Number of Meters by Size City billing records indicate that the City is currently serving 2,080 metered customers (July 2017). A breakdown of meters by size is summarized in the following table. Y„4 1170 707 1"189 0 0 0 2"7 5 3"1 0 4"1 0 1877 189 0 12 1 1 Totals 1368 712 2080 2.2 Equivalent Residential Units Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs) are calculated based on the meter size. As already established in the City's existing water rates, a %" meter is used as a baseline size and is considered one ERU. As the meter sizes increase, the number of ERUs each meter represents increases by the HECO ENGINEERS P age 13 CityEagle_00128 established multiplier. The following table summarizes the current number of ERUs being served by the City. The total ERUs currently (July 2017) being served by the City is 2346.8. Meter Size -4 /„ 4 1877 ERU Multiplier 1.0 1877.0 1"189 1.8 340.2 0 4.0 0.0 2"12 7.1 85.2 3"1 16.0 16.0 4"1 28.4 28.4 Total 2346.8 2.3 Average Monthly Usage Since the amount of revenue from water users is generated from the number of meters and the amount of usage, an estimate of the average monthly usage per ERU is necessary to predict the amount of revenue expected. For this water rate study, the average use of 252 gallons per day per ERU was used as established in the City's Master Plan Update, September 2015. Based on this average use, it is estimated that the average monthly volume usage for each ERU is 7,665 gallons (1022 cubic feet). This value forms the basis for predicting the revenue that will be generated for the City, specifically from the consumptive rate structure. 3. REQUIRED REVENUES City Budget Ordinance 782, the Annual Appropriation Ordinance, passed on August 22, 2017, established the amount appropriated for the Water Fund at $1,773,581. The revenue raised for this appropriation is derived from various revenue streams including water rates and fees collected from new development. The appropriated amounts are divided into the categories listed below. HECO ENGINEERS WTUPage I4 CityEagle_00129 Water Fund Amount /11 Reserve Funds $164,000 Restricted Funds $492,359 Personnel $388,697 Administration $602,725 Capital Outlay $125,800 Water Fund Total $1,773,581 $125,800 $602,725 $164,000 -P-10, $388,697 n RESERVE FUNDS RESTRICTED FUNDS PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION ._CAPITALOUTLAY $492,359 1 3.2 Restricted Funds Restricted funds account for the fees collected from new development and are kept separate from the other revenues for the water department. The restricted funds include the STL (Storage and Trunk Line) Fees, the WCE (Water Construction Equivalency) Fees, and Hook-up Fees. These fees are to be used for items not related to repairs and capital replacement, such as well development and construction, trunk line construction, pressure reducing/boosting stations, and storage reservoir design and construction. Personnel and Administration The water appropriation has two categories for personnel and administration. Personnel costs account for Water Department staff salaries and benefits. Administration costs account for operations and maintenance costs including power, chemicals, vehicles, fuel, office supplies and equipment, building costs, water piping repairs and pump repair and maintenance. For the rate study analysis, personnel and administration costs are separated into fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs are the costs the City will incur on an annual basis regardless of the volume of water consumed. Variable costs are expenses that may fluctuate based on the amount of water consumed by the water users. It is necessary to itemize the costs into fixed and variable categories to ensure that adequate revenues are generated from the established base rate and the consumptive rate. A detailed breakdown of the personnel and administration costs is included in Appendix A. HECO ENGINEERS P age 15 CityEagle_00130 Capital Outlay and Reserve Funds The Capital Outlay and Reserve Fund categories in the City's water appropriation essentially are functioning as a mechanism to fund a portion of the depreciation of the City's water system assets. Reserve funds are annually being accumulated in anticipation of and preparation for the costs associated with aging and wear of the City water system facilities. Capital outlay funds are the anticipated funds needed to replace equipment, meters and other facility components. When combined, the total budgeted amount for asset depreciation is $289,800. The assets of the City's water system can be separated into short-term and long-term assets. Short-term assets are those with an estimated life expectancy of 15 years or less. Long-term assets are those that have a life expectancy that can reasonably be greater than 15 years. Both short-term and long-term assets were identified, grouped and assigned a remaining life. Annual replacement cost for each asset was estimated by dividing the full replacement cost by the expected remaining life. For example, for disinfection equipment at a well with a replacement cost of $5,000 and a life expectancy of 10 years, the City needs to set aside $500 annually. Absent specific information on the condition of buried assets, this method was employed for the model as the simplest means of arriving at a value for the rate analysis to fund depreciation of assets. It should be noted that an exhaustive identification of the assets was not performed for this water rate study. It is understood that water systems typically cannot fully fund 100% of depreciation. The analysis for this study was completed to provide a general representation of the City's asset depreciation funding level. By identifying the short-term and long-term assets of the City's water system, the projected annual replacement cost was estimated to be $484,212. When compared to the City's current combined appropriation for Capital Outlay and Reserves Funds of $289,900, the City's funding level of asset depreciation is estimated to be approximately 60%. The short-term and long-term assets identified for this study are shown in Appendix B. Adjusted Budget for Rate Study To complete the rate analysis, the appropriated budget was adjusted to account for funds that won't be collected through the rate structure. This ensures that rate payers are not paying for budgeted funds that are collected from new development. The adjustments shown in the following table were made to determine the funds that need to be collected through the water rates. The adjusted budget for this rate study is $1,210,822. HECO ENGINEERS P age 1 6 ``~ CityEagle_00131 Total Budget $1,773,58" Remove Restricted Funds — Funds are collected through STL and WCE Fees from new development -$492,359 Remove New Meter Installs from Administration Budget — Funds are collected from separate hookup fees -$62,100 Remove Water Safety Fee — Funds are collected separately from the water rates to pay the fees charged by the Department of Environmental Quality -$8,300 Adjusted Budget $1,210,822 4. RATE ANALYSIS 4.1 Revenue from Current Rates U nder the City's current water rate structure, the revenue from the existing users is estimated to be $966,703. When compared to the required adjusted budget amount of $1,210,822, there is a shortfall of $244,119. This shortfall is expected given the auditor's previous findings that the current rate structure is not adequately funding the water system when revenue from new development is excluded from the budget. The rate structure must be modified to collect the necessary revenue to adequately fund the water system as currently budgeted. Recommended Change to Current Rates Based on implementing a rate change that would adequately fund the water system, a rate increase is necessary to account for the $244,119 revenue shortfall. For the analysis, both the base rate and the consumptive rate were evaluated in determining how the rates are funding both the fixed and variable costs. For this analysis, it was determined that the current consumptive rate of $1.35 per 100 cubic feet is adequately funding the variable cost component of the water system at the present time. With that determination, the proposed consumptive rate is maintained at the current rate and the revenue shortfall must then be generated from an increase in the monthly base rate. With the estimated shortfall and the number of current users in the City water system, the monthly base rate will need to be increased by $8.73 per ERU. This increase will generate the necessary revenue to fully fund the City's current Annual Water Appropriation Ordinance. The analysis output from the rate model is shown in Appendix C. For comparative and illustrative purposes, the following table presents three categories of users based on consumption and their respective expected total monthly bill with the recommended rate increase. It should be noted that the total monthly bills shown for this comparative HECO ENGINEERS P age 17 CityEagle_00132 illustration are based on a 4-inch meter and do not reflect total monthly amounts for users with larger meters. Low User (300 cf/2250 gal) Base Rate $9.60 $18.33 Consumptive Rate $4.05 $4.05 System Enhancement Fee $10.93 $10.93 Water Safety Fee $0.34 $0.34 Total Monthly Bill $24.92 $33.65 Monthly Increase $8.73 Average User (1022 cf/7665 gal) Base Rate $9.60 $18.33 Consumptive Rate $13.80 $13.80 System Enhancement Fee $10.93 $10.93 Water Safety Fee $0.34 $0.34 Total Monthly Bill $34.67 $43.40 Monthly Increase $8.73 High User (2005 cf/15000 gal) Base Rate $9.60 $18.33 Consumptive Rate $27.00 $27.00 System Enhancement Fee $10.93 $10.93 Water Safety Fee $0.34 $0.34 Total Monthly Bill $47.87 $56.60 Monthly Increase $8.73 4.3 Implementation The rate increase can be done in one year or implemented over a multi-year period to allow for customers to plan for increased costs. If a rate increase is implemented over a multi-year period, the inflationary increase in costs should also be considered over that same time. For example, if a rate increase is implemented over a two-year period and the $8.73 increase necessary for the current budget is simply divided by two to determine the monthly increase for each implementation year, the City will not be accounting for any inflationary costs realized over that same two-year period and will begin to again fall behind in needed revenue. To account for the inflationary costs for a rate increase implemented over a multi-year period, a 2% cost increase for each subsequent year is recommended and presented as the target base rate in the following table. HECO ENGINEERS P age I8 CityEagle_00133 Implementation Period Target Base Rate (per ERU) Annual Increase to Monthly Base Rate (per ERU) 1-Year $18.33 $8.73 2-Year $18.70 $4.55 3-Year $19.07 $3.16 4-Year $19.45 $2.46 Another consideration for any rate increase implemented over a multi-year period and is not reflected in the above target base rate is the further aging of the City's assets. Any delays in a rate increase implementation will not account for the increased annual replacement cost in the City's assets and will reduce the asset depreciation funding level presented earlier in this report. For example, an asset with an expected life of 15 years will only have an expected life of 12 years at the end of a 3-year implementation period. The annual replacement cost will be higher for that specific asset given that the expected life has reduced by 3 years and the full 3-year depreciation cost has not been collected through the rates. It is recommended that the consumptive rate be increased by 2% each year, unless determined otherwise, to also account for the expected inflationary costs associated with the water system variable costs. 5. SUMMARY Based on the rate analysis completed for this study, the following is a summary for the City's consideration: 1. The City's current monthly base rate is inadequate to generate the required revenue to meet the City's current water budget and an increase is necessary. The needed increase is $8.73 per ERU per month. 2. The City's consumptive rate is adequate to cover the costs associated with the volumetric consumption of water. No increase outside inflationary increases are needed for the consumptive rate. 3. The System Development Charge ($10.93 per ERU) is to be maintained to make the obligated loan payments to DEQ. 4. The Water Safety Fee ($0.34 per meter) is to be maintained to make the required fee payments to DEQ. HECO ENGINEERS P age 19 `~ CityEagle_00134 5. If a multi-year increase is implemented, the following tables present the recommended base monthly fee for the given implementation period chosen by the City. It is recommended that the dates of subsequent increases coincide with the City's fiscal budget year. Option 1- One Increase (Base Monthly Fee) Implementation Date January 1, 2018 $18.33 1. Meter Size 2" 3" 4" 6" 8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU Option 2 -Two Increases (Base Monthly Fee) 1W -9 Implementation Date January 1, 2018 $14.15 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU October 1, 2018 $18.70 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU Option 3 -Three Increases (Base Monthly Fee) January 1, 2018 $12.76 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU October 1, 2018 $15.91 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU October 1, 2019 $19.07 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU Option 4 - Four Increases (Base Monthly Fee) Implementation Date January 1, 2018 $12.07 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU October 1, 2018 $14.53 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU October 1, 2019 $16.99 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU October 1, 2020 $19.45 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU HECO ENGINEERS P age 1 10 CityEagle_00135 APPENDICES Appendix A — Personnel and Administration Costs Appendix B — Assets Appendix C — Rate Analysis HECO ENGINEERS WTUAppendices CityEagle_00136 Appendix A - Personnel and Administration Costs TOTAL TOTAL BUDGET Amount Amount Combined ITEM Variable Fixed Expenses PERSONNEL Salaries Full Time $O $263.107 $283.187 Part Time $O so $O On-Call Time $5,900 $O $5,900 Overtime $4.500 $0 $4.500 FICA $O $20,930 $2G`9JO PERS|$O $31.395 $31.395 HRAAdminFen $O $120 $120 MRABi||ing Pre. Rpimh.$O $4,049 $4,049 Insurance $O $49,920 $49,920 Work Comp.$O $8.080 $8,686 OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE Meter Sets (New Customers)See Note 1 Office Supplies $O $1,200 $1,200 Te|euom/SCADA $O $17,800 $17,800 Advnr/Pub|icationn $O $2.000 S2.000 Travel/Meetings $O $8,000 $8,000 Dues/Subscriptions $O $2,900 $2,900 Moint Equip/Software Support $O $7.500 S7.500 Ton|s, Equipment $O $6,000 $6,000 Misc. Reserve $O $O $O Postage $O $1.000 S1.000 Liability Insurance $O $4,100 Pub Drk Water Fees See Note z Permits/Fees $O $1.500 S1.500 Water Repair/Maintenance (|inns.meters)$15`OOO $O $15`OOO Water Repair/Maintenance (pumpo.wells)$30,000 $O $30,000 Chemicals and Equipment $8.500 $0 SO.500 Power $38`5OO $O $38`5OO Uniforms/Laund/y $O $2,000 $2,000 Testing (VVoek|y. Monthly, Annual)$O $9,000 S8.000 Fuel, Lubricants $15`OOO $O $15`OOO Vmhio|eRepair/0aint $9,000 $O $9,000 Vehicle Detailing $1,602 CONTRACTS, AGREEMENTS Engineering Services $25,000 $0 $25,000 Legal Services $25`OOO $O $25`OOO Mioo Legal Sewiuea $18,080 $O $18,080 Contract Repair $25,000 $0 $25,000 Dig Line $O $1,440 $1.440 Auditor Services $O $1,500 $1,500 8iUing8nmicas $O $18`QO0 $18,900 Shop Lease $O $10,500 $1G`5OO Shop Utilities $O $3,500 $3,500 Room and Board City Hall $O $12`8O3 $12.803 DEQ/SRLPaymnm See Note 3 Total Var/Fix Expenses TOTAL WdhDEQ/SFL Total Expenses $921,022 Notes 1 Meter Sets (New Customers) Excluded Funds are collected from separate hookup fees. 2. Public Drinking Water Fees Excluded Funds are collected separately to pay fees charged byDEQ 3.DEO/SRL Payment amount io included asa separate entry in Rate Analysis Sheet Appendix B_Assets Short Lived System Assets ' Description Quantity Estimated Life Estimated Replacement Cost Annual Replacement CostS,10,15years Meters Eastern 1359 10 $441.8T5 $44,168 Meters 'Western 70 15 $228.775 S15.31O Large Meters 'Eastern g 10 $10,800 $1,080 Large Meters 'Western S 15 Well No. 1 Disinfection Equip 1 10 $5,000 $50 Control Haxjwann, Software 1 15 $5,000 $333 HVAC, Misn Elect 1 15 $5,000 $333 PumpsRebui|d/Rnp|aoemont 1 10 $45,000 $4,500 Well No. 3 Disinfection Equip 1 10 $5,000 $500 Control Hunjwane, Software 1 15 $5,000 $333 H\A\C.K8isoElect 1 15 $5,000 $333 PumpsRabui|d/Rop|aoement 1 10 S46.00O S4.SOO Well No.4 Disinfection Equip 1 10 $5,000 $50 Control Hardware, Software 1 15 $5,000 $333 H\A\C.K8iuoElect 1 15 $5,000 $333 PumpsRabui|d/Rep|aoomen1 1 10 $45,000 $4,500 Well No. 6 Disinfection Equip 1 10 $5,000 $500 Control Hardware, Software |15 $5,000 $333 H\A\C, MisoBect 1 15 $5,000 $333 PumpsRebuikKRep|acomonA 1 10 $45,000 $4,500 Service Truck, 2D13 1 G $32,000 $5.333 Service Truck, 2O15 1 O S26.UOD $3.125 Service Truck, 2O18 1 g $30,000 $3.333 Motorized Equip, Miac 1 10 $8,000 $800 C|a'Va| PRV's G 15 $27,000 $1,800 SCAOA System i 10 $75,000 $7,500 Total - Short Term Assets 11 S1, 125;250 $105,524 Page Appendix B m Assets Long Term System Assets - Description Quantity Estimated Remaining Life Estimated Replacement Cost Annual Replacement Cost Hydrants - Eastern 170 35 $595,000 $17,000 Hydrants - Western 179 50 $626,500 $12,530 Well House No. 1 1 35 $500,000 $14,286 Well House No. 3 1 40 $500,000 $12,500 Well House No. 4 1 40 $500,000 $12,500 Well House No. 5 1 40 $500,000 $12,500 Well No. 1 1 20 $200,000 S10,000 Well No. 3 1 35 $200,000 $5,714 Well No. 4 1 35 $200,000 $5,714 Well No. 5 1 35 $200,000 $5,714 Well No. 3 Generator Set 1 30 $80,000 $2,667 Well No. 4 Generator Set 1 30 $70,000 $2,333 Well No. 5 Generator Set 1 30 $70,000 $2,333 1 MG Reservoir 1 60 $1,650,000 $27,500 Eastern Piping 4 inch 5,912 50 $384,280 $7,686 6 inch 20,769 50 $1,349,985 $27,000 8 inch 39,040 50 $2,537,600 $50,752 10 inch 27,286 50 $2,046,450 $40,929 12 inch 13,530 50 $1,217,700 $24,354 16 inch 68 65 $8,160 $126 20 inch 1.330 65 $199,500 $3,069 Western Pipinq $0 4 inch 261 65 $16,965 $261 6 inch 2,771 65 $180,115 $2,771 8 inch 48,087 65 $3,125,655 $48,087 12 inch 12,304 65 $1,107,360 $17,036 16 inch 7,218 65 $866,160 $13,326 $0 $0 Total - Long Term Assets 178,937 50 $18,931,430 $378,688 Total Current System Proposed Changes to System Components - Description Total Proposed System 41 Estimated Remaining Life 41 Page 2 S20,056;680 Estimated Replacement Cost $20,056,680 $484,212 Annual Replacement Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $484,212 CityEagle_00139 Appendix C - Rate Analysis TI X M 0 91 9 t / N V A CURRENT TOTAL PROPOSED PROPOSED CHANGE TOTAL Annual Payment: Loan Annual Payment to Bond/Loan(s) Reserve Account $212,000 $212,000 $0 Adjustment Reserves/Capital Cost ($62,317)($62,317) Reserves/Capital Cost Funded by Rates $184,276 $184,276 Annual Fixed Expenses - From Budget Sheet $489,940 $0 $489,940 Annual Gallons Sold ( in 1,000's)215,859 215,859 Annual Gallons Pumped (In 1,000's)0 Number - Active Base Customers (EDUs)2,347 2,347 System Income $1,212,554 $1,212,554 Other System Income (Tankage Sales, etc.)$0 Variable Operating Expenses - From Budget Sheet $219,082 $0 $219,082 Variable Reserves/Capital Costs $105,524 $105,524 Other Variable Operating Expenses $0 Proposed Monthly Base Rate (zero (0) gallons)$20.53 $8.73 $29.26 Proposed Rate per 1,000 gallons $1.80 ($0.00)$1.80 Cost Per 100 Cubic Feet $1.35 $0.00 $1.35 Monthly Rate: 2250 Gallons / 300 Cubic Feet $24.58 $8.73 $33.31 Monthly Rate: 3000 Gallons / 401 Cubic Feet $25.93 $8.73 $34.66 Monthly Rate: 5000 Gallons / 668 Cubic Feet $29.53 $8.73 $38.26 Monthly Rate: 8000 Gallons / 1070 Cubic Feet $34.93 $8.73 $43.66 Monthly Rate: 10,000 Gallons/ 1337 Cubic Feet $38.53 $8.73 $47.26 Monthly Rate: 12,000 Gallons/ 1604 Cubic Feet $42.13 $8.73 $50.86 Monthly Rate: 15,000 Gallons / 2005 Cubic Feet $47.53 $8.73 $56.26 Monthly Rate: 20,000 Gallons/ 2674 Cubic Feet $56.53 $8.73 $65.26 Monthly Rate: 40,000 Gallons/ 5348 Cubic Feet $92.53 $8.73 $101.26 Monthly Rate: 100,000 Gallons / 13,369 Cubic Feet $200.53 $8.73 $209.26 Total Cash Requirement $1,210,822 $0 $1,210,822 Current Revenue $966,703 $245,851 $1,212,554 Excess (Shortage) of Revenue $245,851 $1,732 Average Monthly Use / Customer - EDU (Gallons)7,665 0 7,665 Average Monthly Use / Customer - (Cubic Feet)1,022 0 1,022 Average Monthly Use - Minus Large User (Gallons)7,665 0 7,665 Average Monthly Use - Minus Large User (Cubic Ft)1,022 0 1,022 Monthly Flat Rate Fee / Average Bill $34.33 $8.73 $43.06 Monthly Flat Rate Fee/Average Bill -Minus Large User $34.33 $8.73 $43.06 Notes: 1. Proposed Monthly Base Rates shown include the $10.93 System Enhancement Fee, but do not include the $0.34 Water Safety Fee. 2. Adjustment Reserves/Capital Cost amount is to account for additional revenue from maintaining the consumptive rate. CityEagle_00140 Message From: N L Bangle [nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net] Sent: 3/9/2018 2:37:16 PM To: Kellie Rekow [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3d7c985412c940148aea33ec75c9ded4-krekow] CC: Stan Ridgeway [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3914878340f841b08bae60fc61ed8831-sridgeway]; Mike Davis [miked@hecoengineers.com]; Cherese McLain [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=922eb4ebb3af4ecda5494cc10df51d15-ChereseMcLa] Subject: Re: Water Rate study Thank you Kellie! You are awesome! Have a great weekend. N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. On Mar 8, 2018, at 11:15 AM, Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> wrote: Hi Norm, This is what I have found. I labeled the worksheets that were done by Vern Brewer back in 2007-2008 when the City was reviewing Eagle Water Company. I'm also including our recent rate study for our own system. I wasn't sure if you wanted that but better too much info than too little. Let me know if I need to look further or if this is what you were expecting. If I can think of anything else I'll pass it along. Thank you, Kellie City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 CityEagle_00141 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeagle. org www.cityofeagle.org From: N L Bangle <nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2018 12:58 PM To: Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> Cc: Stan Ridgeway <sridgeway@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Water Rate study Hi Kellie - Do you have a copy of the rate study that was completed regarding Eagle Water? If so can you send a copy to me via email? Thanks Kellie. N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net <image001.png> Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. <2008, Descriptive notes for Rates Spreadsheet Items vl, Vern.pdf><2008, LEASE-PURCHASE Rate Analysis formatted 6-27 current, Vern.pdf><2017 Water Rate Study, HECO, Report Final.pdf> CityEagle_00142 Kellie Rekow From: Jim Reynolds Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 1:46 PM To: Kellie Rekow Subject: FW: Regulatory References From: Maurice Gallarda [mailto:mgallarda@plurisusa.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 2:29 PM To: Jim Reynolds Subject: Regulatory References Jim, I didn't provide during our time together but thought you might want to check on Pluris with state regulatory agencies. I do not suspect that the agencies can endorse a private company but they should be able to express objective comments. Although not perfect I believe we have professional acting employees who treat customers fairly and courteous. The regulatory commission management may provide additional information for your use. The two state regulatory commissions are the Florida Public Services Commission ("FPSC") and the North Carolina Public Utilities Commission ("NCUC") Public Staff. I pulled their information off their state websites. 1. Florida PSC Neal E. Forsman Regulatory Program Administrator Process Review Group Florida Public Service Commission Office of Consumer Assistance Et Outreach Bureau of Consumer Assistance Phone: (850)413-6459 nforsman@psc. state. f t. us 2. NCUC Public Staff Christopher Ayers Executive Director North Carolina Utilities Commission Office of Public Staff Telephone: (919)733-2435 E-mail: Chris.Ayers@psncuc.nc.gov 1 CityEagle_00143 I can provide additional contacts if you desire. Best regards, Maurice Maurice W. Gallarda, PE Managing Member 1 PLU R IS Pluris Holdings LLC T 214.220.3412 F 214.965.9090 2100 McKinney Avenue. Suite 1550, Dallas. TX 75201 1 1111 C 111,111 i, tiublcd in IhC Plus IN 110ILling, cnutiI di.clauner Click to read full disclaimer. 2 CityEagle_00144 Long-Term Assets Long Term System Estimated Estimated Annual Asset - Description Quantity Remaining Life Replacement Cost Replacement Cost Hydrants 550 50 2,090,000$ 41,800$ Well House 1 1 20 225,000$ 11,250$ Well House 2 1 20 225,000$ 11,250$ Well House 3 1 20 225,000$ 11,250$ Well House 4 1 20 225,000$ 11,250$ Well House 5 1 20 225,000$ 11,250$ Well House 6 1 20 225,000$ 11,250$ Well House 7 1 20 225,000$ 11,250$ Well House 8 1 20 225,000$ 11,250$ Well No. 1 1 40 200,000$ 5,000$ Well No. 2 1 40 200,000$ 5,000$ Well No. 3 1 40 200,000$ 5,000$ Well No. 4 1 40 200,000$ 5,000$ Well No. 5 1 40 200,000$ 5,000$ Well No. 6 1 40 200,000$ 5,000$ Well No. 7 1 40 200,000$ 5,000$ Well No. 8 1 40 200,000$ 5,000$ Well Generators 1-6 6 20 300,000$ 15,000$ 2MG Reservoir 1 50 3,300,000$ 66,000$ Piping 2 inch 24,180 50 846,300$ 16,926$ 4 inch 11,074 50 719,810$ 14,396$ 6 inch 45,476 50 3,501,652$ 70,033$ 8 inch 151,000 50 11,627,000$ 232,540$ 18 inch 86,000 50 12,947,300$ 258,946$ 38,732,062$ 845,641$ Message From: Stan Ridgeway [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=3914878340F841B08BAE60FC61ED8831-SRIDGEWAY] Sent: 7/17/2018 10:20:32 AM To: N L Bangle [nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net] CC: Kellie Rekow [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3d7c985412c940148aea33ec75c9ded4-krekow] Subject: RE: Schedule Norm, I am in and out a lot for the next two months just give me a date or dates and we can schedule. Stan From: N L Bangle <nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 9:47 AM To: Stan Ridgeway <sridgeway@cityofeagle.org> Cc: Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Schedule What is your schedule like for the next couple of weeks? N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. CityEagle_00146 sue t CITY OF EAGLE PO BOX 1520 EAGLE, ID 83616 November 15, 2018 Dear Eagle Water Company Customers: RECEIVED 8, FILED CITY OF EAGLE NOV 1 b 2018 File: Route to: SUEZ is pleased to announce that it is seeking to acquire Eagle Water Company and hopes to be your trusted water provider in the future. SUEZ, a global innovator in water and wastewater services, filed a joint application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to acquire the Eagle Water Company assets that serve approximately 12,000 people. If approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, the acquisition would fold Eagle Water Company into SUEZ' existing Idaho operations serving 240,000 people in Boise and the surrounding area. While SUEZ has a global presence, our Treasure Valley employees are dedicated to providing exceptional local service to our customers. For your convenience, a list of frequently asked questions and answers is enclosed that outlines improvements we would make to your water service and system, potential rate changes, and how you can comment on the acquisition. If you have any additional questions, please call us at 208.362.7304. We will continue to send updates regarding the potential acquisition and look forward to the possibility of serving you in the near future. Sincerely, Marshall Thompson VP & General Manager Idaho Operations SU 8248 W. Victory Rd., Boise, ID 83709 www.mysuezwater.com CityEagle_00147 SUEZ FILES INTENT TO ACQUIRE EAGLE WATER COMPANY ASSETS suet Who is SUEZ? SUEZ is a recognized global leader in water and wastewater services and technology that has been serving the Treasure Valley since 1928. Our existing Idaho operations currently serve 240,000 people in the Treasure Valley Why is SUEZ filing a joint application with Eagle Water Company to purchase these assets? Eagle Water Company serves approximately 12,000 people within the City of Eagle, Idaho. At this time, the owner of the system has sought a potential buyer to assume the assets of the system Selling the system to SUEZ, a company with the necessary expertise and capital to operate and modernize the system, will be beneficial to Eagle Water Company customers What are the benefits to Eagle Water Company customers? If the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approves the sale of the system, SUEZ will make significant improvements that will enhance service reliability for Eagle Water Company customers, including: • 24-hour automated monitoring of the system to ensure continuous service reliability and water quality • Provide critical system disinfection for public safety • The expertise and experience of certified water quality, production and distribution personnel • A robust online customer web and billing site • Greater access to capital investments necessary to maintain a water system for the long-term and economies of scale achieved by a larger company When will the transaction close? The sale of the system is subject to regulatory approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and is expected to close sometime next year Are there any benefits to current SUEZ customers? Redundancy is critical to the operation of any water system. As proposed, Eagle Water Company assets would be interconnected with SUEZ facilities in the local area to benefit all customers. How will my rates change? The Idaho Public Utilities Commission sets rates for new customers. As proposed in this filing Eagle Water Company customers would see gradual rate increases over the next three years. Residential Eagle Water Company customers on average would see. 2019- Monthly rate increases of approximately $6 or 20 cents per day. 2020: Monthly rate increases of approximately $9 or 30 cents per day. 2021: Monthly rate increases of approximately $9 or 30 cents per day Commercial Eagle Water Company customers would also see rate increases On average: 2019: Monthly rate increases of approximately $40 or $1 33 per day 2020: Monthly rate increases of approximately $40 or $1 33 per day 2021 Monthly rate increases of approximately $40 or $1.33 per day Residential customers would see an overall increase of 204%, based on an average calculated monthly bill of $12.35 using 12,000 gallons per month. Commercial customers would see a 303% increase based on an average calculated monthly bill of $38.96 using 56,000 gallons per month. Is SUEZ planning to expand further in Idaho? There is no plan to expand SUEZ operations in Idaho at this time. Where can I review the joint application to acquire Eagle Water Company assets? Copies of this application are available for public review at the offices of both the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at 472 W Washington Street, Boise, ID and SUEZ offices at 8248 W. Victory Rd., Boise, ID. Digital copies are also available from the Commission's homepage at www.puc.idaho.gov. Customers may subscribe to the Commission's RSS feed (Rule 039.03) to receive periodic updates via e-mail about the case. Written comments regarding the utility's application may be filed with the Commission, ,.VVV4 r,uc. uariU yuV. How can I reach SUEZ if I have additional questions? Our representatives are available to answer your questions during normal business hours at 208 362 7304. www.mysuezwater.com CityEagle_00148 6t, wo 91513140 CO M P L A I N T PR O C E D U R E If at an y ti m e yo u ha v e a co m p l a i n t con c e r n i n g te r m i n a t i o n of yo u r se r v i c e , pol i c i e s an d pr a c t i c e s , or an y ot h e r ma t t e r reg a r d i n g ou r se r v i c e pl e a s e co n t a c t EW C in per s o n , by te l e p h o n e , or in wr i t i n g . Yo u r com p l a i n t wi l l be in v e s t i g a t e d pr o m p t l y an d tho r o u g h l y . Yo u wi l l be no t i f i e d or a l l y or in wri t i n g of th e re s u l t s of th e in v e s t i g a t i o n an d we wi l l ma k e ev e r y ef f o r t to re s o l v e th e com p l a i n t . If yo u ar e di s s a t i s f i e d wi t h th e pr o p o s e d res o l u t i o n of yo u r co m p l a i n t , yo u ma y as k the IP U C to re v i e w th e ma t t e r . Yo u r re q u e s t may be ma d e or a l l y or in wr i t i n g . Yo u r ser v i c e wi l l no t be di s c o n n e c t e d wh i l e th e uti l i t y or th e IP U C is in v e s t i g a t i n g th e com p l a i n t . RA T E SC H E D U L E You r wa t e r us a g e is de t e r m i n e d by th e rea d i n g on th e me t e r . Th e s e re a d i n g s ar e tak e n ev e r y mo n t h an d th e co n s u m p t i o n fig u r e s ar e me a s u r e d in hu n d r e d cu b i c fo o t inc r e m e n t s . Eag l e Wa t e r Co m p a n y , In c . bi l l s ea c h cu r r e n t cus t o m e r ev e r y mo n t h . On e -m o n t h min i m u m ch a r g e is ba s e d on th e si z e of th e met e r as sh o w n . Th e s e ra t e s ar e ef f e c t i v e as of Ma r c h 25 , 19 8 7 . ME T E R SIZ E CU B I C FEE T MI N I M U M CHA R G E 3/4 " & sm a l l e r 60 0 $7 . 8 4 1" 1, 0 0 0 $9 . 6 4 11/ 4 " & 11 / 2 " 2, 0 0 0 $1 4 . 1 5 2" 3, 2 0 0 $1 9 . 5 6 3" 6, 4 0 0 $3 4 . 0 0 (OR MU L T I P L E ME T E R S of EQ U I V A L E N T CA P A C I T Y ) 4" 10 , 6 0 0 $5 2 . 9 4 6"8" 21 , 0 0 0 32, 0 0 0 $9 9 . 8 4 $14 9 . 4 5 10" 45 , 0 0 0 $2 0 8 . 0 8 Cub i c fe e t in c l u d e d in mi n i m u m ch a r g e All us a g e ov e r th e mi n i m u m am o u n t inc l u d e d in th e mi n i m u m ch a r g e is bi l l e d at th e ra t e of $0 . 4 5 1 pe r 10 0 cu b i c fe e t . EA G L E WA T E R CO M P A N Y , IN C . TO OU R CU S T O M E R S : Thi s is a su m m a r y of th e ru l e s fo r de p o s i t an d ter m i n a t i o n of se r v i c e fo r al l Ea g l e Wa t e r Com p a n y , In c . (E W C ) cu s t o m e r s as det e r m i n e d by th e Id a h o Pu b l i c Ut i l i t i e s Com m i s s i o n (I P U C ) , ef f e c t i v e Ju l y 1, 19 9 3 . The s e ru l e s co v e r th e ri g h t s an d res p o n s i b i l i t i e s of th e cu s t o m e r an d th e uti l i t y . An ex p l a n a t i o n of ou r ra t e sc h e d u l e has al s o be e n in c l u d e d . If yo u ha v e an y qu e s t i o n s co n c e r n i n g th i s inf o r m a t i o n , pl e a s e co n t a c t : Eag l e Wa t e r Co m p a n y , In c . PO Bo x 45 5 Eag l e , ID 83 6 1 6 208 - 9 3 9 - 0 2 4 2 Or IPU C Con s u m e r As s i s t a n c e PO Bo x 83 7 2 0 Boi s e , ID 83 7 2 0 - 0 0 7 4 208 - 3 3 4 - 0 3 6 9 Full Name: NLBangle Last Name: Bangle Middle Name: L First Name: N Company: HZO Solutions LLC Business (469) 3I5-0II8 E-mail: nbang|e@h2o-so|ubond|cnet Friday, 3anuary 26, 2018 2:34 PM: From: w L Bangle <nbangleNh2o-solutiunsllc.net` Sent: Friday' zanuary 26' 2018 2:29 PM To: nellie nekow subject: Re: City of Eagle Water Rates Here you go! N L Bangle Telephone (469)458-0270 nbangle@hZn-solutionsllc.net<mailto:nbangle@hZn-solutionsllc.net, unless otherwise indicated' this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction' or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore' we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. On Dec 5, 2017, at 1:32 PM, Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org<mailto:krekow@cityofeagle.org>> wrote: Hi Norm, I'm attaching our current water rates and fees as approved by the city council on 9-12-2017. we bill every month and all of our meters are cubic feet. I am also attaching a rate sheet for Eagle water com I'm sure you already have that but at least you'll have them both in one email should you need them at the same time. It's my understanding these rates were set on 3-25-1987. we are scheduled to go before city council next week to discuss an increase to our base fee only. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you, Kellie City of Eagle xellie Rekmw' cmc 660 s Civic Lane Po Box 1520 Eagle, zo 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: m-F' 8:00 mn to 5:00 PM krekowNcityofeagle.org^mailto:krekow0cityofeagle.org> *ww.cityofeagle.org^http://*ww.cityufeagle.org/, <Resolution 17-23 setting water rates, fee schedule attached.pdf><EWC Rates mailed to customers 2017.pdf> Kellie Rekow From: Jim Reynolds Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 1:45 PM To: Kellie Rekow Subject: FW: Follow Up Kellie This is the firm. Maurice and his son Tommy (BSU former player) are based in Dallas. The are in Hillsborough County Florida and North Carolina. I have an earlier one I will send to you as well. Jim From: Maurice Gallarda fmailto:mRallarda@plurisusa.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 9:30 AM To: Jim Reynolds Subject: Follow Up Hi Jim, If you want to go deeper in your due diligence, please feel free to contact the County in Alabama that we have provided and continue to provide wholesale water to. We are 3 years into a 10 year agreement and have pumped nearly 1 billion gallons over the 3 years and that averages over 900,000 gallons per day. The population is approximately 9,500 with some 3,100 residences. If you are interested here is the head to contact; Ronnie Woodard, Manager East Lauderdale County Water & Fire Protection Authority 2943 Highway 101 Rogersville, AL 35652 Tel. (256) 627-6476 Best regards, Maurice Maurice W. Gallarda, PE Managing Member and Principal Engineer 1-P L U R I S Pluris Holdings LLC T 214.220.3412 F 214.965.9090 2100 McKinney A%enue, Suite 1550, Dallas, TX 75201 1 CityEagle_00152 1111', C-mail i, 111biCC1 (u (1IC Pluri, I Iol(Iinl, email (Ii,Clamxx Click to read full disclaimer. 2 CityEagle_00153 Sharon Bergmann From: Sent; To, Cc. Subject-, Attachments, Susan E. Buxton [SEB @msbtiaw,corn] Friday, July 18. 2008 10:30 ANI Steve Guerber; Al Shoushtarian, CLB@msbtlaw,cor,-:; Mike Huffaker; Norris Semanko; Phil Bandy; Sharon Bergmann; s)b@msbtlaw.com Michael Echeita; vern cT [)olladEiyengineering.com', Kasey Ke:tterling; Bruce M. Smith; Cheryl Bruehl I"4V: EAGAV`08-03 01.18,08 Exhibit 5 thru Tpdf; 07.18.08 REPORT TO IPUC.pdf Here is Etl`u'C's filing to the PUC. Susan Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke:, Chartered 950 'Al. Bannock Street, Suite 520 Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone: 208!331-1800 Fax: 208./331-1202 C,G)WIDENTIALITY NOTIC Ii is fr,,,_ ~ : ,,,~ ~~r,G,:ded only Ik w , of the individual(s) named as redoWnts. II may crintain info t€tgtion that is r rwiloged, i f3l.;Jc3n~f 7.Yd't, f1i ..; :.S;,t f>;:~E'Y? S;i ,. ,. ,_f <f 7 ffEY~ s i' a£7l>ii.:aT3;8 s' 1e 3i< ,ILJii fElti, but 31 ~} `:~3 n~tC:d f'a ~`. eas •3'f`2y W ,f t t.3 iL'IIE.g:. ar, Or v ori( prod E='f ad%;;;trine, if you ar? ° the ends :? 3. £iE.t„E"J., i4 oy _e iiA.-orle. flot fu:ive &SN0 e or eo~v this trans/ 1lSssiz) 3. disclose ifs wnIeni; om tvf w 8 eny action in reliant.,, C,m this infof.`naUan ii contains, i N,; i_.--mall is not Intended for wease to oi-i using pairlues, Opposing Qcuat ~I ~s1r any (E. # thtifd biers?n Ar,erttity, Copies of t'1Es e -:2k7i should not be `.kopt iri vow'; (t'_ar file,. 1f you grin; 6 ~y of this urtlf@Il, t•iicio it In a s5epparat'e file; lNted "Ailoffigy.4 kf=ist P rte 3legf .'. DO not C)r0Cfl3i e a COPY Of ti' is e f":r.Eli 3! ,. iscoVery, Message----- From: Nina I'rnaiIto;assistant@richards€ nanrloleary,com] Sent. Friday, July 1.8, 2008 9:50 AM Too Susan E. Buxton; richfe:lir@ -ableorle.r et Cc. eaglewaterc:o(qbit rnaI—L.net Subject: EAG-W-08-01 PLEASE SEE .ATTACHED. ALSO, NOTE THAT EXHIBIT #3 IS NOT COMPLETE, AS IT I NCLUDES A BLUEPRINT, THAT EXHIBIT IS COMPLETE IN THE MAILING TO YOU. ic:hardsm & O'Leary PLIC 51.5 loo 27th. Street, 83702 O. ox 7218,837/07 Boise, Idaho Voice: (208) 938-7900 Facs riffle. (208) 938-7/904 I CityEagle_00154 MOLLY OJA-ARY QSR 4 4298) Richardiom & O'Txary.: PLLC 515 Noel: 2?" SSIrecl M), Box "2l8 Boise, Id ..0 837077 T'cJeph()11Q.'. (2.0.9) 938-7900 Fm (208) 9384904 'Iummeys for Eagk- Water conip-an~". 111c, BEFORE, 'ITIE IDAHO PUBLIC LYFUJITTS COMMISS10IN FLOATI NG F FATHER PARTN ERS, CASE lot! FING-W-08-01 COMPLAINANT VT EA('Tl,l,'-. WATE.'A (,0M'PANY, INC. RU~',SPOINDEMI' ICI PORT 0:1-AiAGUA, WATER "I'D THE IDARO IMEMW 1XV111TIES CO Pvt N1413; SS I ON W IN1 EE S NTOW, Eagk Water CampaqDy. Inc, ("Faggle Wa'---cr") and, by and thro ugh tmdu9Wmd emmsd of record, ffics this Report to 4aw in accordance widl Commission Order Na. 30595 in fficabove-cal-tioned rnaAtcr. Eagle Wat-er.entered huo a &W hamle Agmement ("Agreeme-pW-1 with flic City of E:agle, Ada Idaho on Saturday, My 11 AWS, Sec 1,MC, T~.xhibit 2, attached, Based err that Agreement, 1"a le Water has been dill uill pro cceding with afi nc~,;ossary permits vaid rclated. construction work. W iastaU the necessary infrastructure to., (1) comply V.-Uh Me, Idaho .')--P"snmcm of Qwality7s Conscm Order dated, February 24 20 6 Rnd its s 1007 accc 'fin g Water's Final Engbacerhig Repcwt. ubsequent letwr dated Jifly 6 '- PUC Fxhibilts 10*2 and 103, respecti-vely. 1."AGLE W,'Vj'TR.C(.)MPANY, INC~, REPORTTO COMIMISSION - 1 MyEagh,00155 1. SubYtAc d glans on my 11. 2008 fat .si;.iv is hi ': the flowing 1 Qatlii: r Mobile I for Pau-k ("the Park") to DJ.:,Q. Agee E;hill t 3, w_lai:hed, W alcl: e xp cros that >t SAN i's.L.c.i ;C D`.'Q approval ofllwsc plans on Friday w ul of 2.. S>:;cured, s .1i,ifiii€. t;t;S.iiii the Ada Ci€t ary lUghsjV%€u 3001(<i.t IID) to cow old Highway 55 to install 3i I1e'.4< water main to S "'r /- IN Park, uve, WC. Exhibit 4 attached, 3, t.'onipl tee. Me 4I4'43xk r Percn€;ed to Iiern 2, i€bovo. 4. Received d approval val IForn ACID R the road =k niGc ssa y del 6.`fiti:;€3:u i:t the A In cc, wii.:dwi Adlh I i', Haclay EmgineeHi t:£3ii1 ta:. , on hOmlI of Me. C:: y o E,agglc rbi,... tt€ li conwplacr iii dejing to Dl ``➢ -iIat sho that iliic Lnae tic lb :vw e^ l 6. AC•€`;1''i.d iYt`r1len sEsori '€ct tam Mark Aks ii. 10- 1;i'iLY,ineei'i➢ig Mat€agi -.,r fm.' D:£ Q. that No is pi`ti;p..iced 10 lift Ow. 3sYE:si%a .t'iurn on new w;"i_ncctinns to Faj'.,h, N"ux:.te 5 system upon Completion of me h3$F;-tme Construction and inspection € f s« mci by D€ Q, See:' i,VVt... Exhibit 6, (DEQ's inspection iiwst L> C:iC the .3mac day cons>iuct3, .n takes jflaYk? as ACT ID 2'cquires contractors rs to open, ba, 1- fill and I'ir-pave any p<i,-€:ti`ent disturbaneo it one ay,) Eagle '; il1 ')'cgit, con dit€i~tii"n O the Inte fie on mi xhCl ' ju!.y 21" an't cornplc,lesaid 20 at Me lei <°SL Although € onstru i .d.t.€i o Ells:`. 1;Tlortio i .if is relatively Yt'ipk, tiv.. .,oft idas y } IT3TI1TE.oring pbniy approved by 1NQ cF,v, Atll,ust : 5; 20 07 s,5#.£' )-, W{, ~: Exhibit f„ a'jached)~ did not address -nii.ining, of 1.2 0 lC3 14,000 gallons o ester from the Ile during construction.. Thill , red .".Giving tai it a ngT:neel'ing issue has i'c= hired some, tidilitt4an<il lwrk, ­11 e t<:€;,-retif plan is to o Y,JinatE F-, 4\,,I-,E WA FER Ci-€ 511•FANY, INC. MyEagle_00156 Tvi-.h Wrigja Broqhen, conssucuou to In WV A a, We tine exc,, s water ft. -Roil compacth,;g %wwk it is doing on a Wdodmme Pro; iecf' bebow thc. lc"-"atlon, (Axe Ow WHe is completed (faesday,Jtldy 22"'attfi.-c la',Qst)~ Eagle wa'<C,' -will rewra hs Men% to COMPLONg dic'mer service infietstructure It , th,,~ Park, 'Fha, "vork Wul consht of hn"Ohng appPoximately 104eet of vastr 1-ne, itmm'.ffi-ng a fik,e &WHIg a WNW prevention device; and inmalfing two melcns for NI' asler Nile.-,er St; mice m the Park un uI rl".agic Wat,CC a Master Wier TWi ff, Rotmt V Dcshnizn, Jr„ President c4 ~,Vat.m c"'-Ai In ak.'s lhat this con: Ituciion ,vorh "'vilt takc 1 ce to 11 , -~ur days and vO require the Floadrig Feather Partnerq LLC to mgMate whh As p for nbW~,,,', coluractv-;% In Te imehm~ Eag~k, has suppled and WH contzinue to supNy the Park math potable water for drWking and cooking. lie Park coOrmcs to be Me to use its myren't ,vcll wa r wher "kmcsilo. ,,,ccds Fawe Wal,-r -cspcctfully requests that the Cuttlinismon alk)w i" w co-ntinu v4.iffi ,he abovc-dew.6bcd mwk to cosme service to the Park can beghi by the cad of thi,3 m. the lalest, RESPECTFULLY MTBNIFFTE~D 1his __day ofJuly,, 2,008, lx'ichardson & O!Lcary PAL".1—C!, dIj 1 . " 1 , W et' MK, .-A com '13) hw,p Y, DW L E, `,A1 R CON!, PANY ~ I NC SION - 3 MyEagh,00157 C+,RTIFICXIT, OF SERVICE y (' 1 t /~ y~y.~, t }-~~1~> I:?I s}iyr~S'y},~~Cy9'~ R,,Ea~Y 4tyha-fty€S~1z~.(yyt~ i.i ~}181k~~noday..{of'ylyiu\ly~ 2y~~f3{Ey8~ ~1 p ~°:x~~.~.sc tr .d aI.rue (tarnc,Grrect f::S(i y of he ~ti~lII~`~i Y.T CA L- L(31.3.: s~t .~..S"iF~i. TO ~'t. E S4✓1~~~+.~ .d ~.3AYLIC lf'~ ILITI.i. S CEO NIMI SION 10 be served by the etlhod indicated b; low, at d addressed to the following: Pli,)aunwf 1 w`d :i€er Patiners.. Ll.( . UK if) 133711. ka l?. Jewel' el' I St',I:x ltary Idaho Public Utilities Corru-nissioll 472 V! WhimMun Suvd Boisz°:.ID 83702 Susan 'R. Buxton Nwl ;tom € ith Buxton i Turcke, 4. lhm w€''cd 9510 W Bannock St Sri:_ 520 Boise, Idaho 83702 ,X) U.& Mail. Postagc Prepaid Hand Delivered (X)l l unmpie.Ivlail ,1 Ovetl fight TvIail Facsimile Electronic li'vlail (X) US, WL flosiag~e Prepaid Hand D-e-Hvered Overnight Mail. (X' Elec;trollie kllail Nina µCurtis QyEagh_00158 EAGLE I)VATER COMPANY, INC% IRU::'PoRTl'0 COMMISSION CityEagle_00159 111 [`kt,83 (ie Agm4'.fl'I'2eS:l C'Agreee"el'&'i: f), d..iW as of July .fit, 2002, is K ' om ; k'. y MAMI Q P''nl'Y... TUC-,W1 .D,t;Aho 1 ,OOrpctt afio n ("fWC") and -tile City{ of 4g, e, Idaho. an. ltl iho RPCR1 A (' Ify 1'cc. ,fi S Oo3slrt L, l 3n{ y ivns aT 1pj fl i3.Fto : e 3n1 lzi ~ l an water a € LIg " 4V}e~!~ y ~F kgp, B, 1°.W' ' c`:wn4 q :-nd L,o ldncj:,i a wi ler utility sllllply and distrtl^ittioll b13."Y¢a""£f,~ ('<Vvw(t - sy'gicr"d") ri ,, s1:E1~d a3 Y ~ r '4~l-an i:: Y ~ p .gle, !"laho- N" yhas .;~ntar dliS, `<~ y ~€~flov~ lh,', > 11< One vicinity +.~.L tile 4.P3~:~nage "F-,.:,. k ''~~3.~~d ~~~`t~i -,-c r to fe~d3~e4iraril Y s..>4~~€~1~ri,i 1. i?~.1c.h £eAistyi butien line-N t s f.tt.ia lax~ik in order To ,ati f ct-irtai:n regulatory T=<,qallta;;t Brits 1W intemdl s to use the Ji.8i P at j it o~+,°n"plet('s a 3a5•v well and DEQ ile t€:1'111inet , tht , lntertic 1E w) longer needcd to 1ogul t€, y t> qtlll£:me s, sa.aera;L'men 1. Water Stsw,ige Cmm wiwi- Oty horebtf that ininnediwely upon t1,t this `t'a'€U 3.l.l.o'61, to mItst$lw at W'sLi11C'. ad-orm;1 C°Ion and E:wo y PE:tP€1`;izll '-copt1 w,Ikd L 'stc s<,€Svs s mith a MmOr .STA,34;5s.'t.l .for is future d£k,.;.r„€` N€aMe, bs :3<mm IMPS l :{.mE1`ift 1y-::yn k,Iah £3F.illfi;tk. 11,€lt,s SO the Sto axS.0 aF„. «'+,l 11{)€>I; £,(, ~ ! a:L;s'"€ t. -"s<:I'ts previously ° , tu rlttte My £ t1' e ( City v-,, } and $$ ~~ ~~`rx~cd by he Idaho ,~ t:~r€, 5 t„~~raF; ~£~ t_;€~ ;1<i €~,tt 'inal i ~~.~•ah,ty t~~'~.~EQ"~. ~`" y o3.}~ MI bave tht- r1 i-It.. to ~.1p~"?1'„ vo t'h'r, lf~\..:. }s.,qi€ ,£€€;.1. .y➢3.<u. ,w:`..€` 434 st ll:g~S"d.~,c w- AM do so no l5~: e li £.FF 24 hams a3 k 1;~v~~T 3!~. `t Y{ : € I::. l' t.I';,'.f 1.Ct~ l<'li;; .yf€, al ~.~~.'s the ?";tt':£t'k ; VVC ,}ball e11sute w ;at is p". A . ad in a workmanike €€£<.: ner and in uomplionm 06 all aplinabic wMas whi €'e rul altaay City i?l,<ks € o w;nesent ,om £,'~l,- ~3i ~)t' lu i g '€.~.~#~t. < 4,:z t8£=.,L'o'€i,t~3 d (` ~... t;.€~?€ o iis} I~t r:<}~.Ir ~1r~; 'to t,c Js ai° ,-d i2 •,< g l"ANI 3€ €"s,`??:€) m Ilan (.3t' <.i1,€.S{ CSwa dwIt1TC'At, ..Ild ix,<` l._ 44u ui and tho !. °-"4'nch gate, valve, 2.x16313 <F ;CBId;: (in We. 1% I <;ltms agme Um", dl ,,~ of cc lmt>3`Ise I to pmvid. ° redi~~-AiI .t fJ1 - flow (€ 11"11 and I.} not 3 €€zC t; t~ ~{{ ~NF`ia.,, Yx.6~.. s, nL.Fr$l?€d. 3. 1.I). t cii.ls;>lds.:.€all'm op the 0q, MAR I1'dtt','s 0,6 : 4 ~ti £ I' # 3~T'$C: lzl£yt allowing ~i%1(.' € 3 ;_ ~f11. It rR ' t t t. 1$ ( is a ' t~' 7,- €a~~}5.'S&~i ; t~l ~,~t~"y . ~' LE' z.,i.,•t > ~~ll;t::i~ T,{., t13... ~ e,,, s~ 3\. .': as :y;4a,~:~ .£ `tti r ~§.~ „t ,.3 MTVOF U.OU.—.EAGLE Nd4 ~S P CO:'t£, AN :En WyEagh_00160 I. tons; of NVaterlQ'i?t,.- r.',"J(" ap too its P} it ifs 1h, CRY 60, (11 Form. ANN io Law 14, to Wn (to) rubiz A[ 01".volef x", ~:'tl AgIns worendy Ism"I by JIM% jWw"! Wks. Mawr Ingigs aru IHM unsasNafl" U') innimahn lot imegii(,' of €~Al- nogulmn-Y $##€'€ I$ nal 'Ilhis RUN of Rim lutusal sinH Q numm"ont Mc ,.:j.;•1 I or ;rr I~y vl~' C!ity clth"'."r than fbr a nVullnuNi fou"At by JAVAC gir Secufnr~ "", buRwi, 1 *}' i`."'!I`ri"s'we"L In Whrai, INVY(I AM pay Ci~y iz, tc" fo -I ~Win Ank OF TICIMAT) in munih lh".': is complord Q`<. RI al""tn ov"" 1)~z~ '~ do J~ ` ~",i`ho 1, )ep"k rti' -aerlt 0"" I"'I.IV--mr-imontal 4, TWA= DA Agreanant AN! comnwwo uran xyrixonwo by In i Ty uf A# m.1 QuAlUni of On Wwric Choi K he skul wd Ihis Non amen t m"I Ta TwAs !,€ x$;, Mail convinus =ndrionnotrth P) loq, as the Wait: cannewim; in nonds! Q, I&W In Ag W dkvw6wr ff Hw Inrevin rmlnkic"' I mi'wdl€'• fl ow U'h"`- CaO Pnyllitw '~Jndl An pawsh (5%),>€<, a,. .€:`, 12 to exu.qld 'n- modit~ r-his i$'!0 rato # i ti to. Al rensawl de request City agrc~"'S tG 0 t""')YV in, its tl'~t , orL.), lo v., col~'J ilioi~k.~ Sol Rah in An norrou too) conglo coder On 'I l ~'~? in 13VVCYY onvivi iaWy md to came whe al,, iurn 'no twun"aW This Sea% 5 SLOE wd YnTa,~~:' C'iq to 'pc~'O "iny fwiE iat'x.; my aclonn that it is not lawbAly punbued ta Lo u '.'!" f~o~: -ty to L 4-iiz~ S--diori 5, powded the snat: havc been Ige,1mawyl by C, 6. Right of Fir,~( del(rolints to 101 (n Convey i~.Ill lrn-~' ,-,art of its 8'Vw~~r -13V'~' -T-o' k"'Int:h ~hall Is Wood to irJudr. Na wd he RAN to, water nPlus, welk anti 19%Ae Monti 1030 ollyr G this Nvalrr symn, KIM 1100hyt in,,, wrox3a to Al all 04 f`>:€ y rx.tion of lot Nvaley svwvtri~ T`AVC~ all j'.Jv:` )`AVC:'.', tl"'--si i. to :,,ufl ilia aliwont and lana of swh o1kr in damil, CIN AS hmw Te andusivc UK Ar 30 d"; An recuiviag Such no% 10 powde 11060 of huma U, PU&Nny V Thor qyMew in Purdwi 0000A to Whkh 101 Wria Idn 0MV Men td nim f da y u O AOak, provided, that if 1helthd pany War is Rix am"AWMAin 0 .Ih.cr' llin th City "',Aafl' lri>"vC% fl it." Q0 to pay Cho low 1"ONZ vahw Cd mph rMakInKrivin i% CAS, Upoll rVivery V60 VAN M, hlt~'nr 10 " d"rdl, hwbd a reverim QUI 001% for Ow Plujose of Seoul ing mar, c<pp-ov"fl o", Ow, junuhay; at It rew avaUds slook; aaw nodAn' 002t Wy QRS Av&y avAhAde In a cailud, amuniq ontuqvisc hwd, gamad f0d, or Awr €<' 2;. avallaide Gly tund 6r kc aunAN to 1"o"r offlri;" ~~" I. DaY shall 31€S'. X13 rho eaTesi randble chethn dam hand o" din Am inViited, 11 1xv ng lip! noon of smy sw 'utc~-ihin f'o~ t`ti1.' -mdwi of ag aquKA paNK lwadqp. if On hood 6 ny"mcd ai said ohUmt, the (Ity 5101 Poxnai in gowl R111h 10 recury Inowly 10 Pay 10 as as InnsHN. of tlhe Chy Am! EW din! P dw A&M ol' this forsh"i tj AT on mrwo! utwon ihnni 180 days htmi I,,- date of thf; bond ot. i-J." 1he t~lecfiwl I,,, in S3 it'gal unt, 0TY (T EAGI 10—FAR E WA1t.00hVAN'V INI HITIS AGRUNI AT - -2 MyEagh,00161 sh"dt ok-(.ur no aKmn Wn 99 L&Y'S aff'n' 1nal molutku-1 of.nny suoh f n, to no <i dud a mumn ho"d e-Wou i• n<:>t rt'quiiz'd Ja i. ctl ' v zm!"dk"b:e or a Cap"d RCCMML enw;pnwr bawl, skilejal Wl. (a QUA susloy mydah& coy find ov OXOWA to fiomcu die Unnamon in An A holding ho!'~'a SWCAOM Of 141 1"ludic' hAwcal this UQ Uml FAT do! 01 Tc SAM of Rio Sufan 6 ~"I(t ditys Am, the (TY Pywides fific With is islice of War h"r Pumhax. jor Pawas of His NON On 6, AS lughl arvint RAW Awy Savy to an "PA"C' of Conl?A WaYSMA With ummB ;me a 4 sn"C'., in Ivlhiw]r (j) cd! -% Sytn" k Add to a thid padj in (6) Man in a :*wk s&, or awwar imnsanivi aq 6 resuh of Which Said Cb;"'d J'~lrly vodng and ¢3#.l t:° cQut stock ef MR.` Thi" R"'pha 1)'- <ind yowl nuivive rev roodoman or 0%, mi-sinTo 0HAUN by MY py NWOR 7, beliny. T "Funnins"u. EAK! or TO DIV who! love the KPAI 10 mnimin Ile WeNim Connonvor pbui M! days I&Y wSon 3"Ovo to W! olhcr jymy. W W evao Me (Ty WrAmms Uw haw& mancaki In any tanon odi"n, dIan a ' J?vt11t it t"' t"'VV'C then file. kights oi"Fils( Rcftla4i iik SecdcliN 3 6 A.gr~xtv,-),nl, sihall' hkovist fl, , tit h Fach Wividrial exemoing this Allucauvrit below on' of f,' IMUCK, and Woraws 6) 1hp odt"—' flwu ilia, dt,,flycry and Inalormanse of Ws Agmanow l Men duly WWWW", In; A necessary mpme or imu&Fa ;i0q, bly joug, that.aW AdividuM A Ady awl"Wod to wMAC and CAm his Awranyu! on Ishof oll such wrly, told "Lht"'- i-r" jr =n'3J "1-11.id of noww" art t Ay in sacmd,moc loth in uln"~; T"' -9, ro"t-Ce NLijfnlre' xC e'pl' for obliga, 1-ions T41 ulaka pa~;-mclf't, I pw WU be exemed w Ac Awn! that fKaSnuume K rondowd QmAbb by not, Wn flowl, gaveminmal z":t% ordays or wKwin, to any Am nano, Awto nAlm, h, p(Gal is begood 00 ton"01 mid W, (~mt?.~vd byth~..~ off ill"-' uon-p ~ PrIv' ariiedies.10, Aofalilt 11, i 04 1, DeWT Each of Wo Uo"ing evvnl~ ~'J'vMl "I-nislitu'-w Vn ~'Ve-nt of d"'llau'lL, TIT4Ilr -ft, "I! '.' lv?.i € € cm cw be Rnv I hc d au- whAT H4 is due, an iv paywa u-> b<i, inade to flne 0~ y plvivara to uiw 11;mvisiots thi~, Agrcojneat; or I 10.2. Ile invalks. ff any ilc- u oocatrt Che arty Shall 'g'Y"'-' fbe, de~faljltillg' 7,f dcki~,01 num he cmud WAK h0wo (15) An ofthc 11mve WWI& IMM Th &"' :ajlt bw wrMt It rumnK CIUM3 Svid6n fen (16.1" days aher glongthe tilt dAndling pa0y o"ithin suab ten (10) day pe0od to cup: such dl WA! and ptasomms W Name to koncluska wili ruasonidds d0gence. Of Y OF FAGLF'-- FA(if F' VVATUR COWANY iitrHirrfEAfiR!OENIE14T- i CRyEagh,00162 of appWAQUASICIOU. : s,<.m" 01. <.<.€ A "a<l. i. n r,.l 's• €s t w 3 i Ly n n1 play ?€3t eT of us hums, ar in any s << .jai use € ~('3I€,,,y insT o in clod b'y"J.,i. if,'33II<:tO or arm 12 NOWL Al nofita:s or W € adz,h<and, NOW by16;`;5'4,<,;.0 n. :€l€ h!<s.:3?zqu soot by €O W>dor ,fib01W.tl.3 m. tedj and o a tr~;t`.-~t~~t. z,+.,n`~iiC: .6 sF~.£> cfi.z~l postage ~,.<,:-I~' € .~ (a'4€€ <..>l`t, ~<Z ~._. ci% :ni t~~k'> ,tl City; City o 'igI" ON, ON. COY Cnerk Eagh,ID 83616 IN`: 3i"€ `,~_,>„ .: v: prMod 1 <.u ) C. h, =.ii 1, `l~€ g 'if to Eagk'Water: Eagle N " ` ( Yf`aE~" t a ~.oA?~A~`}aq' .EFI . Voth it € N:` py to; "Aolly t 1' # :: €try b PA Box Whas peur£naUy MAW AM be de.ca wed. gNep t €~~ ay sf_3 delivered, give) by over€€t ht €;K;?11rier shall bu deemed ;Wen on Q Brst bus" nes da Moming Hie MAg £~a , 'M,t ~s mx1~.icd 4w provided b ; ni shall bc, deet'nod givwk t€i€ Ilie third bt, sin vas dac followip !Tw 11:1a ling date. Notk' of Amp of addmss shall be Coven b°y wr ut ex-k 1 ovi":e in a xt1anner &WILd in Us Section 12, 13,~adk "118$aia`: i 33 B ;i 111 1>~k $Y Ii CS€3°L.3iin a€.. K ufl'vt".i1➢.:i't e11 ;a'~ T35~€:€t.i: in £ii':cordaT'ce 3aAth the laws of die SN!e.. of ld':dlo €e'.k, rd tr:3 cboic:, - ,. Em4r 14. Cours1:erpa ts. I>, \ dgo nt :Tiny x« signed ii -i ('-Ofjnter pivts' each of vdlioh E =Sfitutc f461 fat.# ku T3 it*€a; 1 aet:i iiat 1 <€i ., CITY. OF !~A ri:,E AGLI-; WATER COMPANY MyEagle_00163 J'N' WHEREOF, th~, partie's thi~ AgFeewvtnt as c4 the &,,te Nsj W~Umn abcve, ENVIC, city: all iY Robat V. WAS, it/ lhvf~~,idvntv 1, 01V 01" LAGLV, IDAHO , e 1_0 . .. ........ ... ..... . .. . ATTES? MAN Sh El BeTuMal CA Y L. qi~, C- ~V! OF IIAOLE 8AGLE WAIVI,,. 0)ltVPRAjKy RNITMUIR AGREEME14T - ~ CAyEagh_00164 ~9 EAGLEVVATER, CO[) &3 Rd, REPORTT,0 COMMSKA CityEagle_00165 707 ANA, ST Ghw"~ AQ '20 I MR.J I J, M.F ­vF, ~'ENDING YOU C3 AUwhej [I Man Se ?#£. cover m C1 P&M.-s Fa P I C. . ... . ................. ............. C] Imp wAmns of ie"Ifir ........... ... ............ . .. . .. ... . . . ......... As rew*Mud U F ,oe re'dow 0 FOR SMS DUL... ............ .. . . ...................... as mhmWd fm E-J' PPINV3 €0 E:'S ..... . ...... ......... . . .......... . ........ .......... ................... ...................... ............. G'NED . ....... . .... ..... ....... .....at onda, MyEagh,00166 EAGLEWATER GOAMPANK INC., WEPORT TO CityEagle_00167 De".0 qffvmkt 21,1Q200H '3775 'danl'Mnd 83714 (20R) 3817-UM FAR j-'m) m7-fil" Tp~, v)'Awrk, EM~Rr'-E~Jcy Arho %sn ....... ............ ......... .... ..... . EA ("'L A 110' NS SPITE ST Wl,Xf 4 I E'A 511;33'6 "V"WE"A'} 3w...................... . ........ ................... . fxolf , es,... . ...... . . . ..... . ....... . . ......... ........ an: Sub o", P"j, fv'a" Add,,es 11f),C.,I)1 N HcIfrS9IAIOF UND. Rf-I Newe-S~`P'j 's — - — ---- ---- —Tr'q)h6'c commos" A ep f v z', no ftvgo J fl,n""Matmtmo.!;'~p. ... ......... a 3y 'X, I ................ n 7 sNCs i fOR WC INYTAIL OF kIjA ia UIIK~ . . ...... . .... .... ... .... .. . Av: f~~oixed Fee: rm' GO M TR' N"70f ............... F"lV;Q!':Tl-N" Y 5 IT C,U Asmil—AMCA:14". ......... rm i;llj'ns:sfp'-a CityEagle_00168 rENIPURMY PERM Y APPLIGA-ekq4 ACHD (A)MMAUCTM MPAPI "ENI ro 2 2 7 5- I PERM D 00A.M.). .. ....... . . . ............. ..... .. .. .... I Q 'Ap, 1144.1101 A~"'d 94~ ....... ... .. ... ....... V QATIA Aq Mot A TIMAL i", "G " "4 MUS AM APPROVED T" NN-sil Es~jin Lai .. ........ "AMMIP U01 PAYS y" fll; k 0 1 ON GUMIAN =3 QU i ~41'v i" ;m i j~ C 0 !,',, Al, ... . ....... . ............ DRAINAGE,WWII k~ C n 7 0 6h, QN~ ~~ §7,RV I r- Iso , I~k fl 0so6 {,A fl A'i'£'i 1 0 ~+ 15 i~ IMA P 0 1 A N R t~ ;3, 74,1 F. KQ~MA lsc'Hr~~-I' co 92 2, 1 v I '~ L- ......... . . . ...... "W"1160L Run cc 0840iD ------ MAWS) TWO USOC PLO nimbi 'v t ~ i "'s loan;, M,!U) llot lioMy to UmpanM UY for aw; k'j " -i'l I I v I a ov 4 1 t I MUM", ;'< fi u r','•;;; }St ei4 * t.t r 1, c < MyEagh,00169 i 2,~~. - - b 'a"w' alb : 4,~ -? ~ " r " . % Th. ~ is 0 'z -11 M 0 0 ~j --asft',.,§p Mw U~l CityEagle_00170 REPORT TO COIF AN IS$10N CityEagle00171 ......... .. Gpm,lmw~J;~ 3M Adam svom GA(d~lo Oty M 4~714 Ft;:: L, pol) n, U n L TY C;mpl, v xaiE <r M i TMGM OF r4 <-< 'i') UNtT 4 ................ ............ tlO€WAN uilzzr-, . ut ii ij................ ......... .... ......... ................ . .........-.T Ni N Ulflldp, lu,tx - Sub w- Ar,,I,rvo~ I --------- ivewall crpsi Street, aF, EN 8R 00 KSl . . . . .......Traft-le Coot,oi, Rcqwircq?'vj, Apobmved? LV-" No hrnpaa? m noric cot~-mot .......... . .. ..... . ..... . ...... ...... Dot ............................ JC. 1.i. HoLEgW14cH WWW ~W. 0 L TY SY S T M, f: 0 R IeV A 9 ............. 2~4 . ........ I T H f.I- J1. .. ............. ....... .... ................ ......................... . ..... . . .... . ........ . . ........... pv-mh,,R(, 114pmll:n?:4 Vale" impeaar Name fprInt) . .. . . ... ...... . ........................ . Yew Wooawy hipertioa by: ........ .... CityEagle_00172 to IR I%bffo to a 11 TEMPOnARY 1-060-MAY USE PERMIT AF~PLICATKS ACHD (,-0NGTf4U(,M0kJ DEPAROVENT FAX A f208) 4,87-t~289 OR E-MAIL, TO I n n ,,~- o 7 ) ... ....... I MAR 4 jowcovk TIR A Fr-C GUNTIYUL, I I ACTID lrvops.",tv3 f r 4"m k- bovol" low i side rhomod juk " , I 11.--,--,-- ........ MUST IMP AN APPROVEAD IRMFFIC PLAN ON-ISSITEE OAT,. . ....... .... ........ 3.01"FlIVI& ym, / <moo Mm LOW 0 OITA AN" DRAINA~,Jlz . ..... . . ........ .1 . . .. . .. ....... .... . ..... . ........ . a", RfF 7 .......... an '5ktWAk~ VAMEYmn 31SAOU 344 I PATE iRE<,`D -~1572 1 YhM CSDU Plan moMs ACHM ~~-.hw om Yc'k 'n!Dla jen 1-lay bo ,wbjg)4t If, furillor rk;gwatkin wlde-.~ Itmo, A00 fAvou ww', wSousno any HWIRY rw romponmMy4or any -,Q4432N 1 tiondondes rw Inade4umes in YOUY p1ml W, . ......... -7) Moolh~g :5uoh lowwur zlpfAiu~nblo trA, owliddum pf - - 7f,``I se KMAK4-J0U,AUNCQ 92&1013 M,~~MMAN t-'eUi MCA tM' 00 e~ ~8-7 U1 0 U07TY 110 - MATT %NAPO 334-4211 w. J WIS T CA 1, L 7~ PE C 7-aR NIVIN7 MyEagh,00173 Zloov-puwl Q N W--i "? S" I i4 tq t"'I ig P.~p- j , ON gm-rogoo,~,e r— w T CityEagle_00174 fC........... ... ... U G:n :' Vii.b%0 C ps'A gftj M., N Un, t 4 Eagle, ld~aho 83616 Phone, Fax.; (208) 939-0267 v I I CityEagle_00175 CityEagle_00176 i\t:'.7-;OF'O' .M iw °.✓S'elfASSEE: N CityEagle_00177 Page I of '." Molly O'leary Ffoin~ V— fie Scow, Thursday, iu, y 17, 20108 12:56 P110; 'To., Nlofly Cc: Tusan BuxWn~ Baxe SMM% VhH Echefta' 504ect: FLY: h/lodeling &,enario~ - EWC anid (,iii of Eagle Nil, iY:: Oer ow you SO Sa owe d RU, Mason's remayi (beluw) that rho only; <? .o Robed andRi Me TOW I was abn to wak ou; a NmWo na Won mops ~i C`~~' ~~t {e J-.'/ n~cg set as Ali '.vho wii! l is i") "':wlk up est'10" , V*' Fn")nl: ma lay July I-F, 7~26 ANI CC: Liy ~o i Vl I'-, A% I am pumamd Io We nut Snez WN no ka r-w rywyAmns as socn ihe by DEC FdkmQVuL 1nownWrAbn Woke FFUHPcan I ,•m, n Me PUID WK cook We^ deadlaw a ten, days, but I do) nN & nov that ST sure I <i :#%`i hini; k4r, DeShain s vnv& midmss Ri Aclude him, 1 tot enK ths 41 hol and Q me .,....•e €- Pwoun a ~' ?.£€'w t I U" C, Othe.." can be made for subdivIbns and sanitar res~.riotions hfted v at1 b--;iS aft-er the letter is issuwd Thanl,~-, to ali for yow- hard ~xorkln getting dhis ci~~,ne, 1445 NoTth, it-Imhard 1.1oise, ID 83706 2080730266 Proni, 'vein "B}o,~ier Sv ,~ 'd£ My 16,2063 Pi"i TO PwOr IS& Monty (''.t•€3'k Mzson; Tdany Floyd Swbjecy RE: pkd~~Jimj S"c'emj;,ios .. B.Al. and Gt-Y of Ende Peter, hanks k~r the oppoMmly to Maw the of `she nlo'.Jel€ngv''ork this afternoon, TY-ia Jhfcrmation and nncdel Puns thzi he combMed system w,oausfies, niiwrnutii r~vunir ipr,!. o;a~,wrsystem gvquire;'nents, unde 'na recoflirnended modding scenadas both the City and'EWC w0l have adequate Now anJ preamme an rniefgency event, 7/1712008 CRyEagh,00178 in a follov,a up ,cxwsmatktn mAth WW a is A T. m.lf' With rA the site of 114we Sume"Inn Q nskr~] it ,nt zDaned on I ou renYp; ct a wsuvchm peon A Hm A&C.) Knonow, he = bigin constructing ,,,,,., on Nalay the 181. Kh complat or on h*wWay, JAy 21, Fn,,~,,n PUC Ocder No. 30591 E"12 has uptH Jul A A) povAn V A Commosen wRh a vpAwl notk~e lh"T, Th~,-- I ',F 0". worato,~iurn ha~-, lifted and Vat WaW to F lo',J iv' i~,,,oO , forne Pa* has NA, ii j,,ated," Rc.bw KdOWUmt he has Waited Mc necess,,a€,s' to cons-cuct, the in,row the ti,--~;ing issues chnsle comtWon, DEQ appmvW of the Pa* connedbn subrnitted W ACT A) pennk and DEQ H-ftIng of the i"emain the only to 1€iti,,,1mg !P to DeShazo and, vlth 'wo agencies, ii-.~Iv:, iver,--m' ~ could nd u rn.,cA t F< quence of to to I-i's q----e~',horson '-tov the tinling of of the is sanijanca Pewimps DEQ aqWd repy to EW on the Uning nnd r-c,'ify the cl,',y @~, ve ;. Ag'-,--dn, thav< quiforywir oromptrogmses to mi€ and subnnitu-,N, Vern From: Cc,. 0 Nle ahoirchus@deq,id; . gov; Subjed: RE; ModOng.. Sce aric,, - EWCa;id -(':'t:y of Ea#~ vem, i discussed youi. E-rna,61 Ath Mark Mason and Monty WmNx and Mat dinected me R) mWond as Ww,,;~ Anx 5hou1d respood io PK fcdf W Rem 114 of out kdOr to EV17 oiled jul 6, 2037 ny nydehng th a k) A swrty scormus ivy! ver fykq 1; c-O ,W !R; a e sabsieu tne E-VVC',/Gly -)' fIruj activate-d~ Scurp~ir, B-IS ~,)f tkc j1.11,,, f'3 ''C)07 10n; reqWns tha, t "A"C, m'-dn -,nt, o s uni b n on ,t3 ,A.Jt £ d ;e high pr s .t.tm ;.,,,om-. Fwag FAA who wme ram mum) DFI() ur z'Aards WA a'. F,,; n W 100 1VOYSS Y n Ito nwin bct}smx Man to ment Mon"Poodwy mqumnNe Wwan, Un k k N 4) be V, I n H " i A 1 toe 1 U R T PW a 0 ","'v v" wqhEm—ki Whe EVVG Qj; prensum onin m me evoo tho mOnAng no- iF, o"ut of Somme H un; a on? late han :10 Usymnostiol "Ood w9my assam, be Ums Symen.40 GQKW y'e C'iLC) cca.A All v? ,u,,,,,xonc1 , am poop 4 UYUNTOW. U LIMA Q WK WAKS DE04 a *Et YMN 91 Make raw 2wwe=,~ns it thr InWigenEure zwe Wye In saxyd nam bank; staky pamp , howAy Aid cpa 1AWF1 10, vJ*lt 711712008 CRyEagh,00179 31ge l 3 f o _ ~3 opw€';lJonai and Me UsUng pug`€V in the main baosWr station out of sze~~icet all IRPDV%fS pr ssure1fic gUkernentsfar FP HD and M0D+FF in the E VC, hig , pr- ssiu re zone arp Satisf.ed. U you have any questions regarding the abo'ven, pl; ,ase contact ct rne. Regard, Peter :air; P.E. ,~arom Vwn Brewer [malls€ verr,@ ?.~33~~C.!!3<~r_:I~~ir~ ::l:}€r`: f'<.£.~✓'~,... Sent, Mi.3f1`enay, l€Sly :tuft ,2..0 s; 33 W W CXt Peter gait", Am Kee: ub eck Modehng Sci':na7 - t'}a 1j 4, and City of E.:s?gle Monty ard Wen ? i t3 §~. t ?, WON '. 1 11 £':. 7 t .E£.;%y ;>'>. :€'.t" Company :`1'}a` {E".'.5I`b.E~. ) '.clt~' t i: }a ':;: c,3 E inc i7~~..'W aE' l.'€' t C9v d by li~)M M . £..}'. >t,.F o and 4. v GiV C ,. ad an July O. ~"i~~,t. ~T.i'itiE£{ }F }-} <~ il 7 model re:sulls wind narnativo in an englr??"- i-'i l repo f Wer 10 r{ 1 ,€E~ f ...:<.€C € iii}" NO. DeSh zo and Jim Ree-, t£3 revievv E w snalter Friday, the 11I> The CAIy O'wn'ed you to kn 'a'a you will be, €ef,;,e&'mg the analysis and model early next week. 3:'t € E..z;.€,.t Ems#-~et"<a.Ecd e.€ ~:::r%€'3rfE'.5 Ls3der€~;e a:3`,).:i ,. ~2L:f~t p tol:::~'~lti.., `,'off=` (e quest 0 i~~°ern ts . 4 ~<& :~ :: €.~c. ~.. ti <,.a t`:f'r,~ ~..,f_k€T1 ~. €£4:?;J ,7 >`~Jr,?'_E.£. (,.T,f t,~~. <C: am! ~.yA of Fagl ) .,afnnOWc>< W'Y roxpernnang solar deT and . lt€€,>: , pia, <3.e manpurn day d €71 ERIE; M Na h3w and p, <> low d €`:ar€ia't with Wl Me S.;. t r , 1',ee d Wate . ,a, C i .w en and S'ov :E P S Ssa bog,3l _,'o }f ~l'I o a Co °>'< E£. . a symem of two E w.'3 ';•4.<,.,€ ......~.,.£~ win i 8 vals sur}Ay 1, class s. to RICO gnm •,nv d by v < 1de F€ e J€gunk m; coonsAed a; a 1.€_01E,jt ° goon y ou 15 rpopmNXI OD roadEd 13 SYS= or denjup a ,EE " } Systel"'i fire t'.tt ':€.. In Ka y% ``. em,. }• Ow omnway an E,f,r.£''' dilll€€, d to be sun w h ,.ach {:;j E}E, `a . E3 lw. "Al s €'€1.':ll:aneously : 13 'sict-- Avsh"'.. would € r'0 f.3> t!'! s iL?f33:sf,.t... t€q: i4t 1<• :>'.'i€ E`i.pi i;.s? trE:€kt ymj can ri;':"ond to Wis request prior as soon as 4L;i'Jonlent. `: ar*x~ for Vern SIGAS71`99856711 01 -50298 R)551 7/1 712IMS CityEagle_00180 EAGLEWA-TER COTAPANY, NC, REPORT TO Wtv!MISSION CityEagle_00181 ?TOM, ~TATE 01- WN if) 11 15PARTMENT OF ENVIFIC)NNENTAL Q_,`AL1!Y .0 :'august 14, 2007 Mr, Rnbed In UkSWN jr, F"agfi; Walu'r coflzpany, Inc, 172 440 law SOW EEag1c, H) 83616 V I , "S P & S - I 1 !112, GO? cyn"n) t gK Ma coal-) V alve & rkoure inlert;onnecoori With City of Raw 0 Symern D,,av Mr. DeShazo~ 111C Dtpartrilellt of Quali-ty (D-0,Y) lim" lvviewed tile preli'mililry eogiuo"ing? mport wid 0"nowd PEON an! ap"inntony rcadvad Augoy 8.200T Imusubg wo umpmumem, to "W Wour Gunpany (FWU) SyRur mv hy,mmum A Q Ow hwaHudm"K pamme md"Aya"Why Ww (PWSV) Wrig Fkmdng Fundis Wad & a Buy h9ematmawn Whh the a„ #t'} of Dogm Wt r Systww", F"jum Py hm"mg War *ARM SO Swupunnue witil I(1APA Wc-fl.,w i2whs ka SM. Uh mkA% Wawr Syi­ (IRPOW",S) rojuhmicam as set fbi-th in their Final, Engineeftiur,3 Ryort, mWpowd by WS on Inly 6, 2007, '111"- imginuedniq report and the pkim and speciNcations lbr A sullm hupaivemcnis apFcar to most to Sm of Who smdards, and areapproved based cm the condkions Noted behm, FVTANI'Yt,&H~D~qj. A, ,%h condidsm of IN Wa nuw be m" TIC gnAml W£"€4 N an to Deprimerd of km I o~ I rl nn I I D"EQ,"i E ,a~l I €€ "p, ".t 0 1 i-, •,p I7~'Qva 1, supportiiig re, p orts or Orr Ii.,I3< p.,,rl oflhv approved ohmmenu. B, No 1£ •€y Ugh lii ! a copy (SW appo"I ImIr and the plans and ywciduallons, burmqz, tha DFQ Npproval snunp, are del1vered to mW kqf vmfhejob six- As th the consainton the can,~mmim inspocor, andflh: certil~rins ni-, of die approval candidons, Q 7 his opprksol m4H Inc Mod it 1) cousbucthn 1 nm ca"Wd by AquA 11 2MBa) Q prqW, is impropeHy consuitcled, upohnal, or mahmimJ', or 3) ffie projiL,0filils to ftmetic'm as &WW", 0, No rimu rial dedshm can be in id z fmm 111V approved p1w"S W, ithom Dr"Q';; CRyEagh,00182 Robv~ V, DeShazj, Jr, Wgust 14, 2007 Pago 2 Per the project dOwnwil, the p.rq)qc(.okvn.- or his repmmmWe dull ensure that a lWesdonal Teprcicndrq.~, the EWC, provides supervOon of consuction and aMen docurnentadov as Wow" D. 'Within thirty days (30) after cornightion of numb uc€ icsn the projoct okvil'- or hii represen"ative shall imvvidc EDCQ with on,, ofthe fol"Jowinl'. L WON planq and qWkWous dQving Ac wok as nwOy emsmwo WsfWam Whhmw Ann dw or"hudo appotwed plans and spevifications haw w=unW Thwe Wwo phms Rod ncWTTAms AM be lampamd nvchsW by be pohnsOnd rughmoo rapamble 1hr Amco Won an bchalf of the pvqJcct,,, ,v, ; wt' shall be bas,"A om i it drondroys proGiad by Na con'r;amv and on fluld observaGns rnade by observeos) twdcr fllt dh Q~tiun. of the proi"";ssional cngin'eer' 2. A W" of cenificadon that the work as ac~,110-y conswuowd has no signfficanf uppancd plans and raj. Wations. 1 he !over shall V t, s. and saki by We prolmW cnyna rcopoiNIR 10 Warminn to; behalf of In 1wrlevt twnen wh! 00 Q hawd im voluill douinn; pro, ided by To "nowsw W on Add o&euvadans mude Q ohosavmIQ under Me diScoflon of the prof ssional engio"n U, 113~X-q.q-q-r pvcIEPE ttmm A. DEQ has not condured a dole redow of to stortm mmter plans tind apecificationsand has rnado no dwarnivohn regarding mlethur the phns a,ne specific10ow inchl de ap~p.. Opriate BN11-Is to prmut gnmnd wamr and swKs Ynkr (Wality It is be p iject <"Wner's respon."P.'~ih?S to us'€~ <"Iorrn w'ato beo rimnagenord Frackes to provorit ground and surf,',,,c 13. If the constrmetion, of ths projew is ioflcipate to disturb one acre or more of land, or is pad oft hall proja M'm dis"'uio.",' oneacry or iuxv of land, 11.)cn thx only be su"un In ragulvion vada WHOW! Chavon Watur AU KWOK P011MATI DRIOrge WNWHOn SYSMIn pmg"m wAdnimared by IN UX ''torv) In It mnm swuld b,. t€i' #3 > a€1 raS,>cor'Jiog to the sta. nn pomlion Prevaidon Plan and Me other requienaents oPthe genral pefmfl, The Conmraction I Permit mid NoJcc of lnteW~ ~,an, be fo'mid at ....... ......... .. C. A Shan Ann Activity Exc'nlpfion AaR be obtaked froni Craig Sfi~pard in the DEQ Bvisd R(,gionzI Officesit 373-0357, A is Jove"my to dkha.ge vvastewoacr offsite to state vvatt~rz~ u3s'l muh of dewMeAg a, Ovhivs, D, DLQ vmde~stanlds that E%VC and the City of VQ Pubhc Wks Deparpona aR jonk requeshng peroidssior# to instail an bvtvv: en tht~ two ! t£; of St, aw! NN" 3E €}o 'Hud K& c n though the inf, o 'l tire reqln o'ed ~ ""j'o d'po thi~ (Aq of Lao w : East <3<<i, Syr; ass Revervoiq 'NO1 not he Opawknal UMA do C,` 1':# to yw. i)EQ k thu our ~ ins "Hmion of zh the sWrivi AM to Wasymainn no b (vg€kt unil DFQnppmv& bunched vooixm Wm vah,v and mrovate the inmunrovedon. Fheroquost OF npproval W O n 00 shn as acOvain Q shyl Wrichwe VOOMMIMU tKa 0 061 A MW we WW& I ad 10 suply, t kb i€S€...%-,nwctkin is in plat c and Nib, operational,- 1% CRyEagh,00183 Robert fit, DeSia e2: ), Jr, August 14, 2007 d-Cige t request sltail also ioolwje modeling data &r€ onstxat ng that tRPDWS :flo.w ar*d. pr ore rerltzlre tterats r salistied fiar both during peal: hour dcmat d .tend maX.i°mum day alemiand, plus fire flow scenarios with the LNYC Well #4 off lire .and with tho. LW C Wd.1141 6 fi!f line (s€ k Itcm H.4 in DEQ's July 6:, 2007 lotter). E. The restridions and c onditior€s set forth in DEQ s July 6, 2007 lettror continue to mr An in uffc t. Please call the ~uit:llE,aky questions at (209) 373-0514, or contact me Via c-mad at pa.:tc~ <6a ir~zd~tl.idtattt:kc~~ Sincerdy, Nt 8, Lair Technical Enginwcr 11 PSBA;3 fats°1o=:€3res< Approved and Stamped 1're.li r;ir=.any En incs rind, icrnrt vrittt Plano arr€ She is catluras C: Mark Nf as€eta; Boise Regional 0111" Tiffar€ 'Fkiyd, Noise Regionai Office Monty Marches, Boise Regional Office Todd £matcher, E365C Regional Office tartaes M, Rees, ,I'VI' C, 511', (i«•fApprGwd cnd&sfz-,ysd P1't`11.+7;is?L'.g 3')skr'i3kcd's £ Nrorl Wi `.`CFns a"41 Kawy Kettering, City of Eaglu oto Holladay EnSi et ring Compu,y .8, RO Saurae Fil0, 8881e Ivafer Coarpany (w1,4ppraW:tjpd Stamped PreaihvnaryEnglr,eerirg Rep Orr -,fi;h t lapisa..tee S"W CO; tfimis,) DRO Mamigers file TSP&S Reading, Fill" CityEagle_00184 IS F Of 1; 1 FLOAANG FEMER ROAD --V ......... .... ........... OWLE ITATTAN,", RE 3) L Li Of C "I If MIA Ci yt ,' P RV . . ..... . A E,,,4M=WM WAY I. NTEERCONr ge I RD, . ........ . . CTION EAGLE MyEagh,00185 r - - - ---------- ~- AF—I'Mucks .......... ...... .......... ... ........ . ... . ................. . ... . ....... .,14 wl's I .. It a CityEagle-00186 ORA~ ~Pi5NC9 V'RAM TO EX16444 CAMO-~ A .. ...... . .. 40:E„ ... ........... ....................... ...... ................ Q. I IS ,~W~JLT NO YE~: N CityEagle-00187 Z ..... . ..........- ................. I : i )A T NO.: G66 90. Xi. lot p....... . ... . . ..... ..;,2246 CityEagle-00188 CityEagle_00189 ............ ........................................................... ...................................XXX A RITC, HA IM K~*, i3O Nr 6~ (Y 11, EA-Wyr Km A TTORNEYS AT LAW Molly O'Leary Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 molly@richardsonandoleary.com P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 - 515 N. 27th St. Boise, ID 83702 18 July 17, 2008 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P 0 Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 RE: Case No. EAG-W-08-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: ZOO JUL 18 AM I I: I Via hand delivery I am enclosing an original and five (5) copies of the REPORT OF EAGLE WATER TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION in the above case. Sincerely, Nina Curtis Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC CityEagle_00190 MOLLY O'LEARY (ISB # 4298) Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 515 North 27 h Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 Fax: (208) 938-7904 Attorneys for Eagle Water Company, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FLOATING FEATHER PARTNERS, LLC, COMPLAINANT vs. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONDENT CASE NO. EAG-W-08-01 REPORT OF EAGLE WATER TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION COMES NOW, Eagle Water Company, Inc. ("Eagle Water") and, by and through undersigned counsel of record, files this Report to the Commission in accordance with Commission Order No. 30595 in the above-captioned matter. Eagle Water entered into a final Intertie Agreement ("Agreement") with the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho on Saturday, July 12, 2008. See EWC Exhibit 2, attached. Based on that Agreement, Eagle Water has been diligently proceeding with all necessary permits and related construction work to install the necessary infrastructure to: (1) comply with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality's Consent Order dated February 24, 2006 and its subsequent letter dated July 6, 2007, accepting Eagle Water's Final Engineering Report. See PUC Exhibits 102 and 103, respectively. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. REPORT TO COMMISSION -I CityEagle_00191 To that end, Eagle Water has: 1. Submitted plans on July 11, 2008 for servicing the Floating Feather Mobile Home Park ("the Park") to DEQ. See EWC Exhibit 3, attached. Eagle Water expects that it will receive DEQ approval of these plans on Friday July 18th or Monday, July 21 " at the latest. 2. Secured a permit from the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) to cross old Highway 55 to install a new water main to serve the Park. See EWC Exhibit 4, attached. 3. Completed the work referenced in Item 2, above. 4. Received approval from ACHD for the road work necessary to construct the Intertie. See EWC Exhibit 5, attached. 5. In conjunction with Holladay Engineering Company, on behalf of the City of Eagle, submitted computer modeling to DEQ that shows that the Intertie between Eagle Water and the City of Eagle's system satisfies minimum municipal water system requirements for both systems. 6. Received written assurance from Mark Mason, P.E., Engineering Manager for DEQ, that he is prepared to lift the moratorium on new connections to Eagle Water's system upon completion of the Intertie construction and inspection of same by DEQ. See EWC Exhibit 6, attached. (DEQ's inspection must occur the same day construction takes place as ACHD requires, contractors to open, backfill and re-pave any pavement disturbance in one day.) Eagle Water will begin construction of the Intertie on Monday July 21St and complete said construction on Tuesday, July 22nd at the latest. Although construction of the Intertie itself is relatively simple, the Holladay Engineering plans approved by DEQ on August 17, 2007 (see EWC Exhibit 7, attached), did not address draining of 12,000 to 14,000 gallons of water from the line during construction. Thus, resolving that engineering issue has required some additional work. The current plan is to coordinate EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. REPORT TO COMMISSION - 2 CityEagle_00192 with Wright Brothers Construction to allow it to use the excess water for soil compacting work it is doing on a "Velodrome Project" below the Intertie location. Once the Intertie is completed (Tuesday, July 22nd at the latest), Eagle Water will return its attention to completing the water service infrastructure for the Park. That work will consist of installing approximately 100-feet of water line; installing a fire hydrant; installing a back-flow prevention device; and installing two meters for Master Meter Service to the Park under Eagle Water's Master Meter Tariff. Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President of Eagle Water, estimates that this construction work will take three to four days and will require the Floating Feather Partners, LLC to coordinate with its plumbing contractor. In the interim, Eagle Water has supplied and will continue to supply the Park with potable water for drinking and cooking. The Park continues to be able to use its current well water for other domestic needs. Eagle Water respectfully requests that the Commission allow it to continue with the above-described work to ensure service to the Park can begin by the end of this month at the latest. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED thiskOklay of July, 2008. Richardson & O'Leary P.L.L.C. By Molly 0 Attorney Responden EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. REPORT TO COMMISSION - 3 r Company, Inc. CityEagle_00193 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 18th day of July, 2008, 1 caused a true and correct copy of the REPORT OF EAGLE WATER TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION to be served by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Floating Feather Partners, LLC, Complainant 10028 W Cayuse Lane Boise ID 83714 richfelix@cableone.net Jean Jewell Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W Washington Street Boise ID 83702 City of Eagle Susan E. Buxton Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chartered 950 W Bannock St Ste 520 Boise, Idaho 83702 seb(&,msbtlaw.com CERTIFICA I'L OF SERVICE - I (X) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile (X) Electronic Mail ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (X) Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile )Electronic Mail (X) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid )Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail jacsimile (X) Electronic Mail Signed Nina Curtis CityEagle_00194 EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC., REPORT TO COMMISSION CityEagle_00195 INTERTIE .A GREE,ME NT This Intertie Agreement ("Agreement"), dated as of July 12, 2008, is between EagleWater Company, hic., an Idaho corporation ("EWC") and the City of Eagle., Idaho, an Idahomunicipal corporation ("City"), Recitals A. City recently consmicted and owns an approximate one million gallon water storage tank (the "Storage Tank"). B. EWC owns and conducts a water utility supply and distribution business ("Water System") in and around Eagle, Idaho. EWC has ' water distribution lines in the vicinity of the, Storage Tank and desires to temporarily connect such distribution lines to the Storage Tank in order to satisfy certain regulatory requirements for fire protection service to its customers. C, EWC intends to use the Intel-tie as a temporary measure until it completes a new well and DEQ determines the Intertie is no longer needed to rneet regulatory requirements. The parties agree as follows: Agreement 1. Water Storage Connection. City hereby agrees that immediately tipon the execution of this Agreement City will allow EWC to construct, at EWC's sole expense, a connection and two manualty-controlled gate val-ves with a meter spool for a future meter ('lutertie") between EWC's existing main distribution, lines and the Storage Tank based upon engineering plans previously submitted by the City to and approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ("DEQ"), City shall have the right to approve the location and manner of constructing such Intertie and shall do so no later than 24 hours after EWC identifies its preferred location for the intertie. EWC shall ensure that all work is performed in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with all applicable codes and regulations. City makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, concerning the Intertie or any benefits to be derived by EWC therefrom. The City shall own the Intertie infrastructure save and except for the 12-inch Intertie tee and the attached 12-inch gate valve. 2. Limitations On Use. The parties agree that the sole purpose of the Intertie is to provide redundant fire flow protection capacity to EWC and is not intended to be a source of water for EWC's normal operating requirements. 3. Payment. In consideration of the City entering into this Agreerment and allowing EWCto connect to the Storage Tank, EWC agrees to compensate the City as follows: CITY OF EAGLE — EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGRERI\ENT - I CityEagle_00196 3. 1. Lease of Water Rights. EWC agrees to grant the City the permanent Right of First Refusal to lease up to tel, (I o) cubir, feet of water per second of certain municipal water rights currently owned by EWC, provided such water rights are not necessary to maintain the integrity of EWC's Water System, including compliance with all regulatory requirements and EWC engineering plans. This Right of First Refusal shall be permanent and shall survive any termination or other modification of this Agreement, save and except for a termination by the City other than for a non-cured default by EWC per Section 7, -below. 3.2. Cash Payment. In addition, EWC shall pay City a fee for the connection to the Storage Tank of $10,000.00 per month commencing on the date the interconnection is completed and approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). 4. Duration'. This Agreement shall commence upon acceptance by the City of Eagle and completion of the Intertie that is the subject of this Agreement ("Commencement"), and the Intertie Lease shall continue month to-month so long as the Intertie connection is needed by EWC in its sole discretion. If the Intertie continues past 18 months ftom the Cornmenoement date, the Intertie Lease Cash Payment shall increase five percent (5%) and every 18 months thereafter. The parties may mutually agree, in writing, to extend or modify this Agreement. 5. Moratorium. At EWC's reasonable request, City agrees to cooperate with EWC to assist EWC in its efforts to satisfy the conditions set forth in the current DEQ Consent Order establishing a moratorium on new connections in EWC's service territory and to cause the moratorium to be terminated, This Section 5 shall not require City to expend any funds or take any actions that it is not lawfully permitted to take. EWC shall reimburse the City for any costs incurred by the City related to this Section 5, provided the same have been pre-approved by EWC in writing. 6. Right of First Refusal, If EWC determines to sell or convey all or any part of its Water System, which shall be deemed to include, but not be limited to, water rights, wells and other infrastructure, and receives a bona fide offer for this Water System,, before making any agreement to sell all or any portion of the Water System, EWC shall give notice to City stating EWC's desire to sell and the amount and terms of such offer in detail. City shall have the exclusive right for 30 days after receiving such notice to provide Notice of Intent to Purchase the Water System or portion thereof to which such bona fide offer refers at the amount of said offer; provided, that if the third party offer is for a consideration other than cash, the City shall have therovi right to pay the fair market value of such consideration in cash. Upon delivery of the Notice of Intent to Purchase, the City shall hold a revenue bond election for the purpose of securing voter approval of the purchase at the next available election date and/or utilize City funds directly available in a capital account, enterprise fund, general fund, or other readily available City fund or account to complete the purchase. For the purpose of this Section 6, "Next Available Election Date" shall mean the earliest possible election date based on the time required by law for legal notice of such an election and for the conduct of any required public bearings. If the bond is approved at said eledtion, the City shall proceed in good faith to secure bonds to pay the purchase price ("Finance") as expeditiously as possible, Closing of the transaction between the City and EWC that is the subject of this Section 6 shall not extend more than 180 days from the date of the revenue bond election, or if the election is challenged in a legal proceeding, the CITY OF EAGLE — EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 2 CityEagle_00197 Closing shall occur no more than 90 days after final resolution of any such legal challenge. Inthe event that a revenue bond election is not required because the City .has the necessary fundsdirectly available in a capital account, enterprise fund, general fund, or other readily availableCity fund or ac-count to finance the transaction in lieu of holding a revenue bond election, thenthe Closing of the transaction between the City and HWC that is the . subject of this Section 6shall occur no later than 60 days after the City provides EWC with its Notice of Intent toPurchase. For purposes of this Section 6, this Right of First Refusal applies solely to an "EWCChange of Control 'Transaction", which means one or a series of transactions in which (i) all orsubstantially all of EWC's Water System is sold to a third party, or (ii) there is a stock sale,merger, consolidation or similar transaction as a result of which said third party owns,a majorityof the outstanding voting and outstanding capital stock of EWC or any successor owner of EWC.This Right of First Refusal shall be permanent and shall survive any termination or othermodification of this Agreement, save and except for a termination by the City other than for anon-cured default by EWC per Section 7, below. 7. Termination. EWC or the City shall have the right to terminate the Intertie connectionupon 30 days prior written notice to the other party. In the event the City terminates the Intertieconnection for any reason other than a non-cured default by EWC under Section 10 of thisAgreement, then the Right,; of First Refusal in Sections 3 and 6 of this Agreement shall likewiseterminate. 8. Authority. Each individual executing this Agreement below on behalf of a partyrepresents and warrants to the other party that the execution, delivery and performance of thisAgreement has been duly authorized by all necessary corporate or municipal action by suchparty, that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf ofsuch party, and that this Agreement is a legal and valid obligation of such party, enforceable against such party in accordance with its terms. 9, Force Majeure, Except for obligations to make payment, nonperformance of eitherparty shall be excused to the extent that performance is rendered impossible by strike, fire, flood,governmental acts, orders or restrictions, or any other reason where failure to perform is beyond the. control and not caused by the negligence of the non-performing party. 10, Default And Remedies. 10.1. Default. Each of the following events shall constitute an event of default- 10.1.1. EWC fails to make, on or before the date which it is due, any payment tobe made to the City pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement; or 10-1.2. Either party materially breaches this Agreement. 102, Remedies. If any default shall occur, the non-defaulting party shall give thedefaulting party notice of default. Such default must be cured within fifteen (15) days of theNotice of Default unless such default is curable but cannot be reasonably cured within ten (10)days after giving the Notice of Default and the defaulting party commences within such ten (10)day period to cure such default and prosecutes the same to conclusion with reasonable diligence. CITY OF EAGLE - EAGLE WA YER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 3 CityEagle_00198 The foregoing remedy shall be in addition to and shall not exclude any other remedy available tothe parties under applicable law. 11. Attorneys Fees. In the event an arbitration, suit or action is brought by any party underthis Agreement to enforce any of its terms, or in any appeal therefrom, it is agreed that theprevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees to be fixed by the arbitrator, or courtof applicable jurisdiction. 12. Notices. All notices or other communications required or perrnitted hereunder, including notices to Mortgagees, shall, unless otherwise provided herein, be in writing, shall be personallydelivered, delivered by reputable overnight courier, or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested., and postage prepaid, addressed to the parties at the following addresses: if to the City: City of Eagle Office of the City Clerk 660 East Civic 'Lane Eagle, ID 83616 If to Eagle Water: Eagle Water Company, Inc. 172 West State Street Eagle, ID 93616 With a copy to; Molly O'Leary Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Notices personally delivered shall be deemed given the day so delivered. Notices given by overnight courier shall be deemed given on the first business day following the mailing date. Notices mailed as provided herein shall be deemed given on the third business day following the mailing date. Notice of change of address shall be given by written notice in a manner detailed in this Section 12. 13. Governing Law, The parties intend that this contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with th6 laws of the State of Idaho, without regard to choice of law rules. 14, Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute part of the original document, CITY Of EAGLE — EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 4 CityEagle_00199 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. Ewe: EAGLE 'WATER COMPANY, an Idaho corpor City:CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO p municipal corporation 1.3y: Phil Bandy, Mayor ATTEST: Sharon K. Bergmann, City Cle CITY OF EAGLE - EAGLE WATER COMPANY TNTERTIE AGREEMENT - 5 CityEagle_00200 3 EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC., REPORT TO COMMISSION CityEagle_00201 TO MTC, Inc. Engineers - Surveyors - Planners 737 North 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 . 345-0 =ts * Fax: (2038) 343 ,8. /*#I-~ A). S7: 's 4-T t LADIES / GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU q Shop drawings q Copy of letter M7-:0 --':HNW UUM DATE - ATTENTION JOB NO. RE: q Attached q Under separate cover q Prints q Change order q Plans via the following items: q Samples q Specifications COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION "I t - ':s i tJ . j.JC ¢~. s.. J' 3 P ':P~' L°P'", ~f s~.!:..`,Jr Y j'~.b .~, "~f-;,6 Sit p V ,t~,j,i ,L Y'1 e' s. + ~.3'F .a. f .gym }p~>6 ~~A •ry r• o ,i y ~.,l . r'y ~~ ¢y`rk.f ;ifs 3 R) to fed ff r THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as cYtecked below: For approval q Approved as submitted q For your use q Approved as noted -- q As requested q Returned for corrections q For review and comment q FOR BIDS DUF q Resubmit copies for approval q Submit copies for distribution q Return corrected prints 19 El PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED:'~`~' LT-5e4-2 if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. CityEagle_00202 CityEagle_00203 EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC., REPORT TO COMMISSION CityEagle_00204 SIG SPRINGS Approved? =4,Y44..ill Check DOtO Of PCmIlt-'7/16/2008 C0f13tfUCti0D DIVISIGn 3775 Adams Street Garden City 10 83714 Phone (209) 387-6280 FAX(28W)387-62$9 TYPt Of Permit.- EMERGENCY T11 J~Pjl', ~ MET 0" Iff ;EAGLE WATER CO INC 1188 W STATE ST UNIT 4 ................ ...... .... .. . .. ..... .. . .. ... ...... . . .......... ............ ..... ....... .EAGLE ID 8367R• Main Phone 1(208) 930-0242 Contractor PrJ No. story AGED Inspector. Sub Contractor RIGHT-OF-WAY USE PERMIT I 1~ BILL ROOT (EAGLE WATER) --- 999-9958 NORMAN REVELS NORMAN REVELS )989-9958 989-9955 CONO2-01196 989-9953 CONO2-0I196 989-9993 CONO2-01196 Expires:10/26/2008 1 'Ing Ag,,t Geographical timjts.. L~agie Sub or Prj No. Subdivision: I Address.- 1D601 N HORSESHOE BEND AD Nearest Cross Street: Troffic Control: Required? Trench 51'-3W--$200 Permit Amount., Enhonced Fee., Total fee. No Impact? FM & M TRAFFIC CON OL 870-5447 100' OF TRENCH FOR EMERGENCY INSTALL OF WATER UNE- RESIC)ENTS WITHOUT SERVICES Payment Type: ............ M1 ft: M-41H3 I t A '' IQJ PermittEe.Signature.' Date. inspector Name (print) I Year Warranty Inspection by, *Perrrd: rat YoUd unless signed. Person imv4v wrnit: NFOOMAINk5hafrriann CityEagle_00205 TEMPORAPY HIONWAY USE PEnkill' APPLICATION A(..HD InspectorA0110 CONSTFUJCTIOW DEPARTMENT On 6-Yu Mtm(toriFAX 0 (2W) 387-02ag o" FE-MAK TO 0022752 'OWE ( )F APPLICATION `STAR 641 60-10- n*_A C—T—f) (k ...... j; c.t'6SPO NBLE PfiFkGOIJ f6RF 5W N1 'yFWFl_CTCW q 40 bllk fi Abik)%FtE Ct BELL LBURS LIST HUMOWOF iWLIKE BE L HOLER a W yqKX I MANftu JXRESS A,5PHAL7APPR0ACV1V%E7 6URFAClW_.____._.GF ZAFFIC CONTROL DAYXREGGVEID MU"5t Movi of jMqE! 1A}pAK Arta" .%ftTtliI RAFFL IfQ 1~, ~16Y CLOSU116 LANU CLOSURE RITA PEFIRMIT ft 6W DATE la~ . ..... 1h a f.': 14 _J. KEEP AN APPROVED TRAPFIC CONTROL PLAN ON-SITE TRAFFIC CONTROL 010H GOMPANIEa Wll.it HAVE A14 IP :*V ED COPY ALSO MAE LAhrc 017RICTION MIRPOM Ift"K-OM M! -ORPAP-M-Mm ALI. AFFECTED AFMILMN78 & AUS'Nft%mS$ AI)A COJNI-Y ruspKrcm BOISE A MSAIPIAN POLICIE s FIRE 3rr-ma wr.) 345-1206 MERIDIAN 4ANITARYSERVICE-7S Q~Blsuqt VALI,.FYFtIDk fO 344Z,572 KUNA SCH0131, 6W C;c) 922-1013 MERIDIAN tiCtiOOL 13U44 CO HJW7910 MOTIFY 110. MATT WA01) 3301.11341 -qp L AARY 6RCINISON 334.83211 ACHDINAPIECTOR (AdETOP rtjnhI­T Cip lag UAF) pFftMjj) APSIRM-0 by y() JMN I IWAU CLOW%_, 140"IC P FCV DRAINAO-E PfUGR'll'y APPROVED APPROVIEUVWl" PMVWPMIlF4T,'5 DAYEo Thia CSDC Plarimeata ACHO's requiremonts. Discharges from YOkir QQn6tFLlCfl0n OCOVW05 maky be subject to farther regulatloo tiridior fount, slate and fedanoi 10W. ACIV dual siot ausumeany liabillf.'y of ruspongitillity fOr any 10i'dencifts or 1114(loquacles in your plall jIl -glooting such fuirthor applicable lammutl VIVIO 7 CityEagle_00206 AL-017-200C CK:42 F _. V fw, N zir k Zb ~ ~ ,c.1390267 r.e,Iz Ci! Ea le 00 07 EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC., REPORT TO COMMISSION CityEagle_00208 Constructi9n Division 3775 Adams Street Garden City 10 $3714 Phone (708) 387-6290 FAX (208) 387-6299 Date of P&-it 7117/2008 We Of PL-11-ir. UTILITY Start ACRD inspector; RIGHT-OF-WAY USE PERMIT , V 'EAGLE WATER CO INC . .......... . ......... ......;188 W STATE ST UNIT 4... ........... ...... . . . ....... .......iEAGLE iD 83616- IMaIn Phone j(208) 930-0-242 Confroetw Pd No. Sub Contractor 'B'l LL.1100T (EAGLE WATER) -- 989-9958 k ) 989-9958 NORMAN REVELS 989-9953 CONO2-01196 (, ) 989-9953 Expires: ['10/26/2". IN Agrmt 6Eographkai Lirn)ft: Sub or Prj No. Subdivision., Address.- Nearest Cross Street., Traffic Control: Required? Ea le~ WORKS ON N HORSESHOE BEND RD E GREENBROOK ST proved? W No Impact? E M & M TRAFFIC CONTROL 97G-5447 <50' FOR TIE IMO CITY SYSTEM FOR WATER Permit Amount: Enhonced Fee; Total Fee: Payment Type:Check 6208Description., I" Date Comments Lim od0tional shrc94 I necessary, Permittee 5ignoture.,* Do te., inspector Name (print) I Year Warranty Inspection by, "'Permit not vaNd uniewsioned. Person irsufna oarrnk: NMOMAINPUMIFh—r -& t- whit-f- ... tr 17--.1---, Of..., - CityEagle_00209 TEMPORARY HIGHWAY U96 PERMIT APPLICATIONACHD CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENTFAX# (208),187-0289 OR E-MAIL. TO 0022788 DATE OF i(;A ION I %1AR AT ni0 A6-A-EgESFbN818Lls PERSON FOREMAN fWW ONTRO W OF V61AK BILL _4­014t, cVfl A' ONT F Epp APHALT APPRWH 13M6T SURFACING ____..___. SY A? C E111-1 ICON,?_-A A IME b TC Co ACHD Insp Ors S-YrM Yes PERM ENT) DAT C'u, # ..,io tor toriu- N o FAX 9 REV Tire en ©-Cu Jst­ CONCRETF APMACH Y). LF SIDEWALK CURBOUTTERISIOW4K TRAFFIC CONTROL MUST KEEP AN APPROVE0 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ON-Std'ETRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN COMPAWIES MUST HAVE AN AP VEP COPY ALSO ..Y2, i~k STRqET 4 WOO AREASHOMW VRAFr4c AMIELIT"j cc .0b RI { pw CLOSURE LAW RFS T i F 0131 TAB FIV DETOUR PLA), f7AM UU-0 DRAINAGE N PVf 111L 4.90MMKT48 StIMW HRJ gyppy,_Tft"FIC CL011fing On RptIMIqyJ -)p 40 ADA COUNTY DIVATCU 60130 & USAILN4W R()UC,E an 146-1265 OftRIDIAN SANITARY SIRRVIC "I M13990 SO VAt,LF_YR1Dr= 316-101) LA10L,AW EDUC-ATkON SE.J1V1Ct18tS01W1 SCHOOL latia Co 34.4-65572 KUNA80HOOLAU$C0 mvKNANSCH0011nustip N07IFY 110 -MATT VeAikD 334-S3411 .-or- t,AflRy gR.0NS01q 33.1-S32 YOU MUST CALL THE ACHD INSPECTOR BEFORE STARTING WORK HEREI DATE PIEC D APORaVEDWTH AMENDMENTS VEICLIN6D DATED 1-111a CSDC Plan inests ACHDIs roquirarnatim. 111scharges from your construOon activibesnlay lie subject to furthar regulation under local, state and fedetal law. AM) domb [lot assunne any liability or responsiblilty for any deficiencies or Inadecluac4a in your plan in meeting such furthet applicable llaW and Y1111121007 CityEagle_00210 AA.-,07- 06:42 Frotat V it 6 1 0 4tjsjl6cb t R) r. I., c iL A sJ CityEagle_00211 Ys e n P, +~ 0x 466 Eagle, IdAho 8361 Phone: (208) 939-0242 * Fax: (208) 939-0267 To: 5~ Ar. c y Company: 4C kl, Fax No: 3 7- (,o x f l RE: Comments: From: Date:_ T.J - Total Pus wlCoyer. 3 _ CityEagle_00212 9 IE 9 CY z 21crR Lb B IV bmim;H 043 G, CityEagle_00213 EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC., REPORT TO COMMISSION CityEagle_00214 Page 1 of 3 Molly 01ealry . From: Vern Brewer [vem@holladayengineering.com] Sent: Thum, July 17, 24 8 12:56-PM To: Molly O''leary Cc: 'Susan Buxton; 'Bruce Smith'; 'Phil Bandy'; 'Michael Echeita'. Sub t; FW: Modeling Scenarios_ EWC and City of Eagle Molly: per our conversation, you will take care of Mr. Mason's request (below) that this email be forwarded toRobert and to the PUC. I was able to work out a simple solution to draining the line by negotiating with theVelodrome project manager to have excess water presently contained in the trunk lime used to meet their wateringrequirement for compaction of their site. All that remains is to have the City (Mike Echeita) and Robert coordinatethis with Kevin Hart of Wright Bros, who will work with their sub contractor. As] understand it, Robert is toy pick upthe ACHD permit today. Please call if you have questions. Vern From: Mark.Mason@deq.idaho.gov [mailto: Mark. Mason@deq. idaho.gov]Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 7:26 AM To: vem@holladayengineering.com; Peter.Bair@deq.idaho.gov Cc: eijimrees@aol.com; Monty.Marchus@deq.idaho.gov; Tiiffany.Floyd@deq.idaho.gov Subject: RE: Modeling Scenarios - EWC and City of Eagle All, I am prepared to issue the letter allowing for new connections as soon as the intertie is completed and inspectedby DEQ. Following that, the connection to the FFMHP can be made as soon as the plans are approved by OEO:I assume the PUC wall extend their deadline a few days, but I do not know that for sure. ' { donThave Mr.DeShazo's email address to include him in this email. Vern, please forward this to him and to the correct personat the PUC. Other connections can be made for subdivisions and sanitary restrictions lifted on an as requested basis after theletter is issued. Thanks to all for your hard work in getting this done. Mark Mason; P.E., Engineering Manager Idaho DEQ - Boise Regional Office 1445 North Orchard- Boise, ID 83706 208-373-4266 mark.mason@deq.idaho.gov From: Vern Brewer [mailto:vein@holladayengineering.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 1Sj 2008 4:20 PM To: Peter Bair Cc: eljimrees@aol.00m; Monty Marchus; Mark Mason; Tiffany Floyd Subject: RE: Modeling Scenarios - EWC and City of Eagle Peter, Thanks for the opportunity to review the results of the modeling work this afternoon. The inforrrmsbi nand model runs demonstrate that the combined system satisfies minimum municipal water systemrequirements. Under the recommended modeling scenarios both the City and EWC will have adequateflow and pressure during an emergency event. 7/17/2008 CityEagle_00215 Page 2 of 3 In a fdkovv up conversation with Mr. DeShazo beginning with m phone call at our meeting and concluding with me at the site of the intertie connection, he asked what else must be completed to get a letter from C}ECl lifting the moratorium. Based on his receipt ofa construction permit from ACHCk-'' ronlornovv, he will begin constructing the inbartie on Friday, the 18th, with completion on Monday, Jmh« 21. From PUC Order No. 30595. EVVC has until July 18. ''to provide this Commission with :awritten ' notice that the QEQ moratorium has been lifted and that water service to Floating Feather Mobile Home Park has been initiatad.^ Robert indicated that he has obtained the necessary materials to construct the|ntertie and now the timing issues ofintertie conatruohon. C>EC2 approval of the Park connection submitted last week, obtaining the ACHD permit, and [)EC2 lifting of the moratorium remain the only obstacles to initiating service to the Park. In listening to Mr. DeShazoand with two state agencies involvement, | could `not unravel the sequence of actions to respond to his questions on how the timing of removal of the moratorium fits into the sequence. PerhapsOE{) could reply toE\&CoO the timing issues and notify the City aewell. Aoahn, thank you for your prompt responses to our questions and submittals. From: Peter.Bair@deq.idaho.gov Peter Sent: Tuesday, July 1S,2UO88:58AM To: inmern8.com Cc., eljkwees@aol.com; .Marchus@deq'idaho.gov; Mark'Mason@deq'idaho.guv; Subject:mE:MmJeUogScenmrios - EmJC and City ofEagle Vern, I discussed your &mail with Mark Mason and Monty Marchus and Mark directed me to respond as1bllows: You should respond to the requirements set forth in Item B.4 of our letter to EWC dated July 6, 2007 by modeling the following scenarios and verifying that all applicable |RPDVVS pressure/flow 'requirements for both systems are satisfied with the EVVC/Citynf Eagle interconnection installed and activated: | 8oanmho| EVVC ~v~~^'Eagle ~~ ` Demand Source Out Demand ' Source, out 1 PHD Well #4 PHD - . None _ 2 PHO Well #6 PHD ' None 3 MDO+FF Well #4 K8DD None - 4 NYDD+FF Well #6 K8DD ' yNone - Additionally, Item 13,5 of the July 6, 2007 letter requires that the EWC main booster station meet IRPDWS 7/17/2008 Page 3 of 3 operational and the existing pump in the main booster station out of service, all IRPDWS pressure/flow requirements for PHD and MDD+FF in the EWC high pressure zone are satisfied. |f you have any questions regarding the above, please contact me. Regards, Peter Bair, P.E. From: Vern Brewer [nlaUtozmern@ .conm Sent: Monday, July 14,2OO83:33PM To: Monty Marchuo Cc: Peter Bair; Jim Rees Subject: Modeling Scenarios - EWC and City of Eagle Monty and Peter: The City and EagleVVoterCompony(EVVC)havasignedona8neennantontheintertieeppnzvedbvbot Mr. Da8hozo and the City Council on July 1O.3OO8. Holladay Engineering has been tasked with submitting model results and narrative in an engineering report letter format addressing the intertie. VVe held a meeting with Mr. DeGhazo and Jim Rees bo review the matter Friday, the 11m. The City wanted you to know you will be receiving the analysis and model early next week. Addressing the|OEQ items identified in your correspondence of July 6.2OO7toEVVC.xxerequest reconsideration of Item BA which requires that the system be modeled "based onEWC a [City of Eagle] simultaneously experiencing similar demand situations (i.e., maximum daily demand with fire flow and peak hour demand) with all the supplemental water supplier's sources and booster pumps operational." VVe are not aware ofm scenario ora City where a system of fewer than 5,000 ERCs with 8 wells supplying close to 8,000 gpm, served by a single Fire District and connected to a 1,000,000 gallon reservoir is required to model a system or develop a supply system for simultaneous fire events. In today's email, the scenarios are further defined to be run with each entity's major well simultaneously out of service. What would call for this "doubled-up catastrophe" modeling scenario in the mm|ma? | trust you can respond bo this request prior aa soon osconvenient. Thanks for your consideration. Vern !SlG:487t998567101502081055? 7/l7/2UO8 EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC., REPORT TO COMMISSION CityEagle_00218 STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 1410 NORTH HILTON • BOISE, IDAHO 83706 • (208) 373-0502 August 14, 2007 Mr. Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. Eagle Water Company, Inc. 1 72 West State Street Eagle, ID 83616 JAMES E. RISCH, GOVERNOR Tom HARDESTY, DIRECTOR TSP&S-17512007 RE: Eagle Water Company (Eagle, Ada County) Pressure Reducing/Sustaining Valve & Future Interconnection with City of Eagle System Dear Mr. DeShazo: The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has reviewed the preliminary engineering report andassociated plans and specifications, received August 8, 2007, concerning two improvements to the EagleWater Company (EWC) System. One improvement is for the installation of a pressure reducing/sustaining valve (PR/SV) along Floating Feather Road. The second involves initial preparations for a future interconnection with the City of Eagle Water System, Both improvements are part of EWC'sprogram for bringing their system into compliance with IDAPA 58.01.08, Idaho Rules for PublicDrinking Water Systems' (IRPDWS) requirements, as set forth in their Final Engineering Report,approved by DEQ on July 6, 2007. The preliminary engineering report and the plans and specifications for the subject improvements appearto meet the State of Idaho standards, and are approved based on the conditions listed below. 1. STANDARD CONDITIONS A. All conditions of this letter must be met. The standard conditions on the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) review stamp are part of this approval. Supporting reports or documents are considered to be part of the approved documents. B. No work may begin until a copy of this approval letter and the plans and specifications, bearing the DEQ approval stamp, are delivered to and kept on the job site. As the project owner, you must ensure that the contractor, the construction inspector, and the certifying engineer are aware of the approval conditions. C. This approval will be voided if. 1) construction is not completed by August 15, 2008; 2) the project is improperly constructed, operated, or maintained; or 3) the project fails to function asintended. D. No material deviations can be made from the approved plans without DEQ's prior written approval. CityEagle_00219 Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. August 14, 2007 Page 2 t E. Per the project documents, the project owner or his representative shall ensure that a professional engineer, representing the EWC, provides supervision of construction and written documentation as follows. D. Within thirty days (30) after completion of construction, the project owner or his representative shall provide DEQ with one of the following documents. I Revised plans and specifications depicting the work as actually constructed if significant deviations from the originally approved plans and specifications have occurred. These revised plans and specifications shall be prepared and sealed by the professional engineer responsible for observation on behalf of the project owner, and shall be based on as-built drawings provided by the contractor and on field observations made by observer(s) under the direction of the professional engineer. 2. A letter of certification that the work as actually constructed has no significant deviations from the originally approved plans and specifications. The letter shall be prepared and sealed by the professional engineer responsible for observation on behalf of the project owner, and shall be based on as-built drawings provided by the contractor and on field observations made by observer(s) under the direction of the professional engineer. 11. PROJECT SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: A. DEQ has not conducted a design review of the storm water plans and specifications and has made no determination regarding whether the plans and specifications include appropriate BMPs to protect ground water and surface water quality. It is the project owner's responsibility to use appropriate storm water best management practices to prevent ground and surface water contamination. B. If the construction phase of this project is anticipated to disturb one acre or more of land, or is part of a larger project that disturbs one acre or more of land, then the project may be subject to regulation under the Federal Clean Water Act National Pollution Discharge Elimination System program administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Storm water events that occur during construction should be managed according to the site-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and the other requirements of the general permit. The on-line Construction General Permit and Notice of Intent can be found at http://www.epa.gov/npdes. C. A Short Term Activity Exemption shall be obtained from Craig Shepard in the DEQ Boise Regional Office at 373-0557, if it is necessary to discharge wastewater offsite to state waters as a result of dewatering or other construction activities. D. DEQ understands that EWC and the City of Eagle Public Works Department are jointly requesting permission to install an interconnection between the two systems at the intersection of E. Greenbrook St. and N. Horseshoe Bend Rd. even though the infrastructure required to support that interconnection, specifically the City of Eagle East Side Storage Reservoir, will not be operational until the end of this year. DEQ is approving the early installation of the interconnection on the condition that the interconnection not be activated (valve remain closed) until DEQ approval is received to open that valve and activate the interconnection. The request for approval to open the valve and activate the interconnection shall include confirmation that all infrastructure required to support the interconnection is in place and fully operational. The, CityEagle_00220 Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. August 14, 2007 Page 2 request shall also include modeling data demonstrating that IRPDWS flow and pressure requirements are satisfied for both water systems during peak hour demand and maximum day demand, plus fire flow scenarios with the EWC Well #4 off line and with the EWC Well #6 off line (see Item B.4 in DEQ's July 6, 2007 letter). E. The restrictions and conditions set forth in DEQ's July 6, 2007 letter continue to remain in effect. Please call me with any questions at (208) 373-0514, or contact me via e-mail at peter.bair@deq.idaho.gov. Sincerely, I &'—, Peter S. Bair Technical Engineer 11 PSB:ls Enclosures: Approved and Stamped Preliminary Engineering Report with Plans and Specifications c: Mark Mason, Boise Regional Office Tiffany Floyd, Boise Regional Office Monty Marchus, Boise Regional Office Todd Crutcher, Boise Regional Office James M. Rees, MTC, Inc. (w/ Approved and Stamped Preliminary Engineering Report with Plans andSpecifications) Kasey Kettering, City of Eagle c/o Holladay Engineering Company BRO Source File, Eagle Water Company (w/ Approved and Stamped Preliminary Engineering Report withPlans and Specifications) BRO Managers File TSP&S Reading File CityEagle_00221 zzz00-91513~140 0 CI T Y OF EA G L E EAG L E WA T E R CO M P A N Y PRE S S U R E RE D U C I N G VA L V E & IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N ADA CO U N T Y E FL O A T I N G FE A T H E R RO A D JU N E , 20 0 7 #W1 R1 0 hill Wi l l PRV 1 mv A 2 p%wi n a a N ip 'is w N EC H O H A W K WA Y VI C I N I T Y MA P NOT TO SC A L E E GR E E N B R O O K ST . INT E R C O N N E C T I O N N HO R S E S H O E BE N D RD . EA G L E IND E X OF SH E E T S SHE E T N O . DE S C R I P T I O N 1 TI T L E SH E E T 2 PR V VA U L T PI P I N G 3 PR V VA U L T DE S I G N 4 WA T E R MA I N IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N MI D P O I N T COE U R WA I L E N E E FL O A T I N G FE A T H E R RO A D PRV 1 SI T E MA P NOT TO SC A L E CR I O W A L S7 0 R E D AT. HOL L A D A Y E .E E R M D 32 N. MA N . PAW-M , ID A H O REV I S I O N S No. DA T E BY DE S C R I P T I O N DE S I G N E D : K. KE T T E R U N G DES I G N CH E C K E D : A. G& R K E SC A L E S SH O W N ARE FO R 11 ' X 17 ' PRI N T S ON L Y DET A I L E D ! D. MI T C H E L L CA D I D FI L E NA M E : DRA W I N G CH E C K E D : . K. KE T T E R L I N O DR A W I N G DA T E : . NE =7 H HO L L A D A Y EN G I N E E R I N G CO . K-- yr r r L D am 000 ) M- 1 .;.F= ( = ) =5 9 ZMA W . 53 0 h. PR O J E C T NO . TI T L E SH E E T EG 05 1 9 0 7 EA G L E WA T E R CO M P A N Y PRE S S U R E RE D U C I N G VA L V E & IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N CIT Y OF .E A G L E , ID A H O SH E E T I OF 4 rl czz00-91513~140 R CO N N E C T TO EX I S T I N G 12" WA T E R LI N E THR U S T BL O C K I N G PER IS P W C SD -4 0 3 (TY P ) A MA N H O L E STE P S PE R ISP W C SD -5 0 9 EL . MA T C H EX I S T I N G AAl ( PR E S S U R E RE D U C I N G EQ U I P M E N T D SE C T I O N A-A NOT 70 SC A L E AB A N D O N EX I S T I N G 12" WA T E R LI N E V—D ' MI N . CL E A R O PR E S S U R E RE D U C I N G EQ U I P M E N T PLA N VI E W NOT TO SC A L E FL O W CON N E C T TO EX I S T I N G 12" WA T E R LI N E LE G E N D : EQ U I P M E N T CA L L -O U T S P.R . V . (H I G H FL O W ) CL A — V A L 8' MO D E L 92 - 0 1 , FL A N G E D EN D S , WI T H OP E N I N G AN D CLO S I N G CO N T R O L S , CO N T R O L TU B I N G IS O L A T I O N VA L V E S , ST R A I N E R AN D VA L V E PO S I T I O N IND I C A T O R (O R EQ U A L ) . O WA T E R PR O O F BO O T OR EQ U A L 3 8" GA T E VA L V E (F L x F L ) 3 4" GA T E VA L V E (F L x F ) G PI P E SU P P O R T SMO O T H NO S E WA T E R SA M P L I N G TA P , HO S E BI B 3/ 4 " NP T PRE S S U R E GA U G E & BA L L VA L V E , 0- 1 0 0 PS I , 1 PS I GR A D U A T I O N MA R K S , 10 PS I FIG U R E IN T E R V A L S , AN D 1/ 2 - NP T . 8"x 8 " x 4 ' TE E (F L A F L ) r.~ P. R . V . (L O W FL O W ) CL A — V A L 4- MO D E L 92 - 0 1 , FL A N G E D EN D S , WI T H OP E N I N G AN D ~lv CL O S I N G FL O W CO N T R O L S , AN D ST R A I N E R . 13 94 95 17 18,9 20 AD J U S T A B L E TH R U S T RE S T R A I N T NT H U—B O L T , PRE S S U R E GA U G E & BA L L VA L V E , 0- 1 6 0 PS , 2 PS I GR A D U A T I O N MA R K S , 20 PS I FI G U R E INT E R V A L S AN D 1/ 2 - NP T . 8" D. I . PI P E (P E x P E ) , 12" 0 CL A S S 15 0 PV C PI P E PE R AW W A 09 0 0 . 12" x 8 ' D. I . 90 * RE D U C I N G EL B O W (M J x M J ) 8" MJ AD A P T E R 8" FL A N G E AD A P T E R 4" 90 ' D. I . 90 * EL B O W (F L x F L ) 12" MJ AD A P T E R 12' D. I . EL B O W (M J x M J ) 4- D. I . SP O O L W1 FL A N G E AD A P T E R S LE N G T H AS NE E D E D OW N & ST O W AT.' HOL M A Y REV I S I O N S NO. DA T E BY DE S C R I P T I O N DE S I G N E D : K. Km K U N G DES I G N CH E C K E D : A. GE H l w DET A I L E D : . D. MI T C H E L L DR A V A N G CH E C K E D : K KE T 7 F d J N Q SC A L E S SH O M ARE FO R ii " x 17 " PRI N T S ON L Y CAD D FI L E NA M E . ' .\M w w r m ~ DRA V A N G DA T E ; FSM A W 2W 7 E HO L L A D A Y EN G I N E E R I N G CO . -K= P A --== P-A= M V PR O J E C T NO . PR V VA U L T PI P I N G EG 06 1 9 0 7 EA G L E WA T E R CO M P A N Y PRE S S U R E RE D U C I N G VA L V E & IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N CIT Y OF EA G L E , ID A H O SH E E T 2 .O F 4 17ZZ00-91513~140 1 1/ 2 " PE PI P E HS -2 0 AC C E S S ACC E S S HA T C H DR A W T HA T C H 3' -0 " x 3 ' —C " FIN I S H E D GR A D E : TO MAT C H EX I S T I N G GR A D E TYP E A- 1 BA C K F I L L PE R ISP V X SE C T I O N 30 6 (TY P ) TYP E 1 BE D D I N G PE R ISP W C SE C T I O N 30 5 (TY P ) V- 4 ' u 12" MI N . 2 1/ 2 - MI N . AS P H A L T ; MAT C H EX I S T I N G AS P H A L T (PL A C E NE W SO D TO MA T C H EXI S T I N G IN GR A S S AR E A S ) GRO U T (T Y P ) 10 1/ 2 ' - CO V E R USE TE M P O R A R T Y RO D S OR OT H E R TO MA I N T A I N FL A N G E AL I G N M E N T 12- OF 3/ 4 ' MI N U S CR U S H E D AG G R E G A T E COM P A C T E D TO 95 % ST A N D A R D PR O C T O R DEN S I T Y ON UN D I S T U R B E D EA R T H . CON N E C T TO EX I S T I N G WAT E R LI N E MA N H O L E STE P S PE R ISP WC SD -5 0 9 xy PRE S S U R E RE D U C I N G VA U L T SEC T I O N A-A NOT TO SC A L E l AB A N D O N EX I S T I N G 12" WA T E R LI N E 8" MI N . 3/ + ' MI N U S OR MAT C H EX I S T I N G BA S E LEV E L I N G CO U R S E 12' SUM P 12" . 1 2 ' . 6 " DEE P CO N N E C T TO EX I S T I N G WAT E R LI N E A L 6 mi n . 2 NOT E : DO NO T CU T BA R S AT PIP E S OR OT H E R BL O C K O U T S OFF S E T BA R S TO EI T H E R SI D E AS RE Q U I R E D . 12 ' x 1 2 " x 6 * DE E P SU M P USE TE M P O R A R T Y RO D S OR OT H E R TO MA I N T A I N FL A N G E AU G N M E N T da 1- 0 9. 27 4 PR E S S U R E RE D U C I N G VA U L T PLA N VI E W NOT TO SC A L E GE N E R A L NO T E S : 1. TH E CO N T R A C T O R SH A L L PR O V I D E +8 HO U R S NO T I C E TO TH E ENG I N E E R AN D TH E EA G L E WA T E R CO M P A N Y SY S T E M OP E R A T O R PRI O R TO AD J U S T M E N T OF TH E PR V VA L V E S . DI S P O S A L AN D DRA I N A G E OF WA T E R US E D FO R TE S T I N G AN D AD J U S T I N G TH E PRV VA L V E S SH A L L BE AP P R O V E D BY TH E CI T Y OF EA G L E . 2. TH E CO N T R A C T O R SH A L L RE T A I N TH E SE R V I C E S OF A MAN U F A C T U R E R ' S RE P R E S E N T A T I V E TO AS S I S T WI T H IN S T A L L A T I O N AND AD J U S T M E N T OF TH E PR V VA L V E S . 3. CO N T R A C T O R SH A L L PA I N T AL L VA U L T PI P I N G WI T H AN EP D X Y PAI N T SY S T E M , TN E M E C S- 5 6 OR EQ U A L . SU R F A C E PR E P A R A T I O N AND DR Y FI L M TH I C K N E S S SH A L L BE PE R MA N U F A C T U R E R ' S REC O M M E N D A T I O N . CO L O R SH A L L BE OF F — W H I T E . 4. VA U L T SH A L L BE WA T E R TI G H T . VAU L T NO T E S : 1. HS -2 0 , PR E CA S T VA U L T 2. AL L CO N C R E T E JO I N T S SH A L L BE SE A L E D WI T H AN AP P R O V E D FLE X I B L E SE A L A N T , RA M N E K OR EQ U A L . 3. WA T E R P R O O F WI T H TA M O S E A L FO U N D A T I O N CO A T I N G OR EQ U A L 4. AL L PE N E T R A T I O N S SH A L L BE LO C A T E D 2" MI N . FR O M RE I N F O R C I N G 5.6.7. ST E E L FIE L D VE R I F Y CO V E R DE P T H AN D GR A D E EL E V A T I O N TO MA I N T A I N V—O ' MI N PI P E L I N E BU R Y . ALL CO N C R E T E SH A L L HA V E A MI N I M U M CO M P R E S S I V E ST R E N G T H AS DE F I N E D BY AC I CO D E OF f = 40 0 0 PS I FO R RE I N F O R C E D CON C R E T E AT 28 DA Y S . IF VA U L T IS PL A C E D UN D E R RO A D W A Y WI T H MI N I M A L CO V E R AS SHO W N , 2' EX T R U D E D PO L Y S T Y R E N E BO A R D SH A L L BE IN S T A L L E D ON TOP HA L F OF VA U L T IN T E R I O R . OW N A L ST O R I N ) All HCU . - D A Y DIG I N E E R I N O 112 H. MA N , PAN E M ID A H O REV I S I O N S NO. DA T E BY DE S C R I P T I O N DE S I G N E D : 11 KE T I E R U N O A. OE M K E DES I G N CH E C K E D : SC A L E S SH O W N ARE FO R 11 ' X 17 ' PRI N T S ON L Y DET A I L E D : D. Mr r C H E L L CA D D FI L E NA M E ; IzA a m s v ^ m . a DRA W I N G CH E C K E D : X. KE T r F R U N G DR A W I N G DA M XWE 2D O 7 It HO L L A D A Y EN G I N E E R I N G CO . PR O J E C T NO . PR V VA U L T DE S I G N EG 06 1 9 0 7 EA G L E WA T E R CO M P A N Y PRE S S U R E RE D U C I N G VA L V E & IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N CIT Y OF EA G L E , ID A H O SH E E T 3 OF 4 KO - qzz00-E)1513~140 rl '.o r IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N 0 DE T A I L O IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N PLA N VI E W NOT TO WA L E (DE X I S T I N G 12 " D. I . WA T E R LI N E 20" HD P E WA T E R LI N E 26' X 1 2 ' X 2 0 - HD P E FA B R I C A T E D TE E 12" HD P E FL A N G E AD A P T E R 12" BU I I LH F L Y VA L V E (F L x F L ) LE G E N D : @ 12 ' C 9D O PV C PI P E 012 - 90 ' D. I . EL B O W (M J X M J ) 12*X1 2 " X I 2 * D. I . TE E (F L X F L X M J ) 12- FL A N G E AD A P T E R 10 VA L V E BO X EX I S T I N G SU R F A C E (FI E L D VE R I F Y ) Z@ O IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N PLA N VI E W DE T A I L NOT TO SC A L E FIE L D VE R I F Y K~~ IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N k,f J EL E V A T I O N NOT TO SC A L E FI E L D VE R I F Y =M A L ST O N E D A7.1 HOU A O A Y o"I m m N e PA% A e "I. A ; . REV I S I O N S NO. DA T E BY DE S C R I P T I O N DE S I G N E D : K. KE T I E F I L M DES I G N CH E C K E D : & GO R K E DET A I L E D : D. MI T C H E L L DRA W I N G CH E C K E D : K. KE W E R U N G SC A L E S SH O W N ARE FO R 11 * X 17 ' PRI N T S ON L Y CAD D FI L E NA M E ; -Iv A m w v v w ~ DRA W I N G DA T E : 'Np r 2W 7 N HO L L A D A Y EN G I N E E R I N G CO . E PR O J E C T NO . WA T E R -M A I N IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N EG 06 1 9 0 7 EA G L E WA T E R CO M P A N Y PRE S S U R E RE D U C I N G VA L V E & IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N CIT Y OF EA G L E , ID A H O SH E E T 4 OF 4 From: Jim Reynolds To: norman.bangle@bwwater.com; Susan E. Buxton; Kellie Rekow; City Council Grp Subject: RE: Meeting Date: Saturday, September 7, 2013 11:58:47 AM Norm, Yes, I would be most interested in seeing you suggested structure for Eagle Water. The only time that fits for me on Monday is 4:30. We can certainly meet at Susan' s office if that works for her. Thanks, Jim Reynolds Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone Original message From: Norman Bangle <norman.bangle@bwwater.com> Date: 09/07/2013 10:34 AM (GMT-07:00) To: Jim Reynolds <jreynolds@cityofeagle.org> Cc: Susan Buxton <seb@msbtlaw.com> Subject: Meeting Good morning Jim. I will be in Eagle on Monday the 16th. Do you have time to meet and go over a potential structure for Eagle Water? My schedule is really tight. My plane gets in at noon and I have a flight out at 7:00 in the morning the following day. I was thinking that maybe we could meet at Susan's office at about 1:30 Monday afternoon. Best regards, Norman Bangle 210-460-0882 www.bwwater.com Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to CityEagle_00226 sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. CityEagle_00227 From: Jim Reynolds To: Susan E. Buxton; Kellie Rekow; Sharon Bergmann Subject: Fwd: Meeting Date: Saturday, September 7, 2013 11:49:17 AM Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone Original message From: Norman Bangle <norman.bangle@bwwater.com> Date: 09/07/2013 10:34 AM (GMT-07:00) To: Jim Reynolds <jreynolds@cityofeagle.org> Cc: Susan Buxton <seb@msbtlaw.com> Subject: Meeting Good morning Jim. I will be in Eagle on Monday the 16th. Do you have time to meet and go over a potential structure for Eagle Water? My schedule is really tight. My plane gets in at noon and I have a flight out at 7:00 in the morning the following day. I was thinking that maybe we could meet at Susan's office at about 1:30 Monday afternoon. Best regards, Norman Bangle 210-460-0882 www.bwwater.com Unless otherwise indicated, this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of the entity sending this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. CityEagle_00228 CityEagle_00229 Message From: Terri Carlock [Terri.Carlock@puc.idaho.gov] Sent: 2/23/2018 4:00:42 PM To: Kellie Rekow [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=3d7c985412c940148aea33ec75c9ded4-krekow] Subject: Re: City of Eagle Yes 11 am will work. Terri Carlock On Feb 23, 2018, at 3:01 PM, Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> wrote: Let's schedule it for 11:00 AM at your office. If that doesn't work, let me know and we'll re-work it. Thank you again — have a great weekend. City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeagle. org www.cityofeagle.org From: Terri Carlock [mailto:Terri.Carlock@puc.idaho.gov] Sent: Friday, February 23, 2018 12:07 PM To: Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Re: City of Eagle I am available Thursday, March 1 from Sam until 2pm. Let me know a time that works best for you and I will reserve a room for us to meet. Terri Carlock On Feb 23, 2018, at 9:18 AM, Kellie Rekow <krekow@cityofeagle.org> wrote: Good Morning Terri, I just left you a lengthy voicemail, sorry about that, I tend to go into too much detail sometimes. My Mayor, Stan Ridgeway, and Norm Bangle were hoping to meet with Randy next week to discuss some water issues here in Eagle and I understand that you will now be that point of contact. I believe Randy has had just a bit of correspondence from Norm and he may have already shared that with you. CityEagle_00230 Norm will be in town next week — Wednesday afternoon, all day Thursday and all day on Friday. Would you have any availability to meet with them? I don't think they need a great deal of time, just an hour, maybe a bit more but I think they could keep it to an hour if you have it. Let me know what your schedule says and I will share the info. Mayor Ridgeway has asked that the City's engineering and legal attend as well. My direct number is 208-489-8762 or an email works as well. Thank you, Kellie City of Eagle Kellie Rekow, CMC Water Department Billing Supervisor 660 E Civic Lane PO Box 1520 Eag/e, ID 83616 Phone: 208-489-8777 Fax: 208-939-6827 Office Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM krekow0cityofeag/e, org www.cityofeagle.org CityEagle_00231 Kelliie Rekow From: lire Reynolds Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 1:46 PM To: Kellie Rekow Subject: FW: Regulatory References Attachments: Eastlake Findings of Fact and Recommended Order.pdf; Eastlake Court Decision.pdf; Customer Comments Wedgefield - Follow Up.xlsx; Vijai and Sandra Tiwari Email.pdf From: Maurice Gallarda [mailto:mgallarda@plurisusa.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 7:43 PM To: Jim Reynolds Subject: RE: Regulatory References Jim, Thanks Jim for the email. It's getting late here but I wanted to get back to you before heading to bed. I think the additional information below might also be of assistance in your due diligence. I want you to know Pluris takes customer needs seriously. We also understand that there will always be complaints. My goal and it is reflected in the professionals at Pluris, is to insure we address complaints fairly and in a timely and professional manner. I only know of one active complaint within our utilities and it is in our Wedgefield utility in ©range County. We have had complaints over the years and most have been centered on "rates", "meters" and "gallons used". The three jurisdictions noted in your email of Hillsborough County, Orange County and North Carolina. I want to provide you with some historical information regarding the utilities and complaints that occurred. I have always believed that given the facts, the truth in matters will surface. I try to model this principle and when it comes to my staff, I am confident their actions reflect the same belief. Presented in the following is a brief summary of the complaints in each of the three systems and how they were resolved. I have referenced relevant attachments with each. 1. Hillsborough County — two (2) systems — Pebble Creek (1,600 water and wastewater customers) and Eastlake (912 water and wastewater customers). Both systems were recently purchased by Hillsborough County and we no longer own them. We purchased the systems in 2009. The systems were built back in the 1960s and 1970s. At Pebble Creek we purchased water from the City of Tampa in a bulk water agreement. We treated wastewater at a wastewater treatment plant and to a level that the water was used on the Pebble Creek golf course for irrigation. At Eastlake we purchased wastewater treatment from the City of Tampa and we provided water through water wells within the service area. We did not have any complaints until we filed for rate cases in both utilities. There had not been a rate case in either utility for years and both systems were in need of investment to repair collection and distribution systems dating back to the 1960s. Both systems were "Franchise" systems meaning the County of Hillsborough issued franchises to own and operate the systems and this was the practice from inception of the utilities. Eastlake was a much more troubled system than Pebble Creek and required the larger investment. Unfortunately Eastlake is an area of near poverty level residents and raising rates was a serious problem. I CityEagle_00232 In the rate case, which took approximately 9 months to complete, we followed the County's ordinances to the letter of the law. Between 13 and 16 residents attended the required public hearings to oppose any increase. Rate cases in Counties are use outside hearing examiners (typically retired judges) to hold hearings, review County staff recommendations and determine the "Findings of Facts and Recommended Order", and whether Pluris was entitled to the requested rate increases. There were several public hearings whereby the above referenced residents testified, under oath. There were, to say the least, numerous untruths that the hearing examiner throughout, based on evidence provided by the County staff. One customer showed up at the Public Hearing before the Commissioners with a jar with dirty water claiming the water was water provided by Pluris. A copy of the Order is provided as an attachment. We proposed rates and the County staff came back with what they believed to be warranted and although we did not believe the County recommended rates provided the allowable rates under the ordinances, we accepted the County staff rate recommendations. I have attached the findings of fact whereby the Hearing Examiner stated that the "settled rates" were fair and reasonable. At the Board of County Commissioners final meeting the Board, and although in violation of the County's own ordinances, voted to ignore the "Findings of Fact and Recommended Order". Pluris filed an action to have the court determine whether the County had acted within its ordinances. Of the 15 causes of action the Court ruled in our favor on 14 and the Court didn't think it needed to review the 15th cause. I have included the Court's ruling. The rates went into effect and the Commissioner, whose district was Eastlake told me directly that he knew this would happen but that the Eastlake voters viewed his actions as in their best interests; and they would remember this in the next election Pebble Creek's rate case was next and there was no issue with water quality or wastewater treatment. It was only about the rates. We followed the same ordinances as in the Eastlake case and this time the Commissioners voted to approve the County staff recommended rates. In addition the Commissioners voted to issue Pluris a new 10 year term for the franchise. From this point it did not matter as to the investment Pluris made. The same 13-18 Eastlake residents were intent getting the County to buy the Eastlake system and the Pebble Creek residents, understandingly followed suit. The County purchased the systems on March 17, 2015 and currently own and operate the systems. 2. Orange County Florida — One system — Wedgefield Wedgefield is a 1,500 customer water and wastewater utility that is regulated by the Florida Public Services Commission ("FPSC"). We purchased the system in 2010. The system dates back to the early 1970s and is comprised of a water treatment plant with distribution and a wastewater treatment plant and collection system. The wastewater is treated to a level that allows use on the golf course for irrigation. I explained during our lunch that one of the things we design into our systems are variable frequency drive motors ("VFIDs") so as to regulate pressure at a constant value within the distribution system. When we first made changes to the system there were no VFDs and when we raised the pressure (to satisfy customers on the end of the system who had complained to prior owners of low pressure) we blew out an old asphaltic concrete pipe. The event caused a system wide shut down over the Thanksgiving weekend shortly after the acquisition. The reason for the system wide shut down was that the prior utility did not maintain valves within the system and isolating the problem area could not be done. We have since replaced all bad valves and increased the number to prevent this from happening in the future. Since 2010 we have had one line break, isolated to just one street. In addition, by adding the VFIDs, we have not had any low pressure complaints. Pluris filed for a rate case in 2011 to recover investment into the water treatment plant and we saw complaints of the rates occur. There were complaints about the hardness quality of the water (from the prior owner). The water treatment plant was not operating as designed when we purchased and we made investments to address the hard water and low pressure issues. I have attached a spreadsheet to demonstrate the level Pluris goes to when CityEagle_00233 resolving complaints. The FPSC staff, as part of rate cases requests that a random sampling of complaints (they pick) be followed up on by the utility and responses provided to the FPSC as part of the rate case. Pluris followed up on not just the FPSC chosen complaints but on all complaints and provided responses to the FPSC staff. FPSC staff operations senior engineer, James McRoy would later state that this was unusual by a company. I have included the FPSC report summarizing that their findings along with their rate recommendations. Although their rates were lower than those requested, Pluris accepted the FPSC staff recommendations. We have not had very many complaints since the rate case. The two that come to mind are the Sandra Tiwari and Russell Martin matters. Ms. Tiwari was about meter readings/meter and the volume through her meter. She had an exception volume go through her meter and she challenged both the meter and the meter reading. She wanted Pluris to tell her where her water went and we gave her suggestions as to what might have happened but that we cannot determine where water goes after it leaves the meter. I have attached the FPSC investigation report for your review. Frankly I tend to think she left a hose on into her swimming pool and did not turn it off until the next day (that's only a guess). As a postscript, please see the attached email from Ms. Tiwari apologizing for her actions. She asked if the split was still available and I replied yes. We do not hold grudges. Regarding Mr. Martin, he filed a complaint when he requested we allow him to open a new account at his residence, even though he owed about $350.00 on a past due. He told Pluris that he and his wife were divorced now and that she owed the past due amount. His estranged wife said that she had moved out and to collect the past due from her husband. Pluris staff believed that the amount should be paid and said a disconnect notice would be sent if the past due amount was not paid. The FPSC believes that we should let him have a new account and not require the past due amount. We disagree but in the interest of keeping a good relationship with the FPSC agreed and wrote off the past due amount. I know of no other complaint. 3. North Carolina — One system — Sneeds Ferry The North Carolina Utilities Commission ("NCUC") has regulatory jurisdiction over the utility. The system is a 4,300 wastewater treatment utility that we purchased in 2009. It's one of my favorites as I was intimately involved in the design of a high technology membrane bio-reactor wastewater treatment plant ("MBR"). The level of water treatment is near drinking water quality and environmentalist really like what we have designed and built. When we purchased the utility there was a moratorium on building because there was no available capacity for sewer. The town of North Topsail Beach had sought a consent order against the prior owners to force them to build capacity but yet the owners still did nothing. We purchased the utility and there was continued doubt that we would be any different but we did what we said we would do. We invested over $10MM and built the MBR facility. The complaints here are solely related to the rate case. There had not been a rate case in 17 years and even had the MBR facility not been built, several rate cases should have happened over the 17 years. The rate increase was significant and the state recommended lower rates than what was requested and Pluris accepted the State's recommended rates. Rate cases are controversial and no one wants an increase in their water and/or wastewater bills. I sent an American Society of Civil Engineers ("ASCE") report card and History Channel IDVID on the "The Crumbling of American Infrastructure" and not one Commissioner would discuss the infrastructure challenges faced in Hillsborough County (which is really in most of America). ASCE year after year has published its grade for a number of categories in the country and water and wastewater have received a "ID" for the past 10 years. We have real problems and yet it's difficult for anyone to recognize ..it's only going to get worse. Burying our heads in the sand isn't going to make it go away and there are creative ways for industry and government to work together. Best regards Jim, Maurice 3 CityEagle_00234 PS — getting this out to you outweighed the possibility of some grammar errors. Please forgive me if there are some... Maurice W. Gallarda, PE Managing Member 1 P L U R I S Pluris Moldings LLC T 214.220.3412 F 214.965.9090 2100 McKinney Avenue, Suite 1550, Dallas, TX 75201 I I iti c- III; nl k ,whim Io the Plum Hold email dl%clannu Click to read f011 disclaimer- From: Jim Reynolds (mailto:irevnolds@citvofeagle.org] Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 4:46 PM To: Maurice Gallarda Subject: RE: Regulatory References Hi Maurice, Thanks for the additional information. As you suspected, I am trying to do my due diligence. So far, found complaints from Orange and Hillsborough Counties and from North Carolina, but it is looking as if they are or are being resolved. Still working on that, but I will get back to you when I have gone further. Thanks, ,dim fW ynolds From: Maurice Gallarda (mailto:mgallarda[u@plurisusa.comJ Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 2:29 PM To: Jim Reynolds Subject: Regulatory References Jim, 4 CityEagle_00235 I didn't provide during our time together but thought you might want to check on Pluris with state regulatory agencies. I do not suspect that the agencies can endorse a private company but they should be able to express objective comments. Although not perfect I believe we have professional acting employees who treat customers fairly and courteous. The egulatory commission management may provide additional information for your use. The two state regulatory commissions are the Florida Public Services Commission ("FPSC") and the North Carolina Public Utilities Commission ("NCUC") Public Staff. I pulled their information off their state websites. 1. Florida PSC Neal E. Forsman Regulatory Program Administrator Process Review Group Florida Public Service Commission Office of Consumer Assistance Et Outreach Bureau of Consumer Assistance Phone: (850)413-6459 nforsman@psc. state. fL. us 2. NCUC Public Staff Christopher Ayers Executive Director North Carolina Utilities Commission Office of Public Staff Telephone: (919)733.2435 E-mail: Chris.Avers0Psncuc.nc.gov I can provide additional contacts if you desire. Best regards, Maurice Maurice W. Gallarda, PE Managing Member 1 P L U R I S Pluris Holdings LLC T 214.220.3412 F 214.965.9090 5 CityEagle_00236 2100 McKiiuiey Avenue, Suite 1550, Dallas, TX 75201 Click to read full disclaimer. 6 CityEagle_00237 RESOLUTION NO. 17-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, ESTABLISHING CITY WATER SYSTEM CUSTOMER CHARGES AND VOLUME CHARGES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho (the "City"), is a municipal corporation duly organized and operating under the laws of the State of Idaho; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Eagle is authorized by Sections 6-5-9 and 6-5-24, Eagle City Code, to establish water user charges for the City of Eagle water system; and WHEREAS, the fees set forth herein are reasonable and reflect, as closely as reasonably possible, the costs associated with the actual operation, expansion, maintenance, replacement, financing expenses and the total water usage pertaining to the City's water system pursuant to Sections 6-5-9 and 6-5-24, Eagle City Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed fee schedule changes reflect less than a 5% increase. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, as follows: Section 1: That, pursuant to Eagle City Code, the Eagle City Council hereby establishes the following water user charges as shown in Exhibit A: Section 2: The active customer of record shall be billed monthly the base rate, the water safety fee, the system enhancement fee, the volume charge and other additional fees as are pertinent to the services received. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. The base rate will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Section 3: When no active customer of record is being billed, the owner of the property shall be billed monthly the unoccupied dwelling rate. Section 4: This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. DATED this ~~-&, day of 0008* G`.•' QOR of A~'•. ASE L;'r o . ~•. f•: ~~rc~t`;• P.Z. ~,: ~`go, -1TE OF NO _I ..n, "'Sharon 'K. Bergmann, City C rk ATTEST: '.e ("'e , her, 2017. CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho Stan Ridgeway, Mayor Page 1 of 2 ..•~~~r nr~ll.,nran.,\r~r...-.V,., ..~....~~.,..i~ .~,.._,,,.~..rl~...- 1)0 17 17 ^. CityEagle_00238 Exhibit A Water Fees and Rates Please note - Changing fees/rates are crossed thru, new rates/fees are underlined Meter Size 3/4 "1"1 1/2"2"3"4"6" Hook Up Fees 950.00 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERI Storage and Trunk Line Fees (STL)2100.00 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERI Water Construction Equivalency Fees (WCE)400.00 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERI Base Monthly Fee Q 44 9.60 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERI Service Deposits 75.00 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERI System Enhancement Fee (DEQ Funds)10.93 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERI Consumption Rate per 100 cubic feet 1.32 1.35 Water Safety Fee (DEQ pass-thru fee)0.34 Service Application Fee 10.00 Delinquent Fee 12.00 Reconnection fees for collections 25.00 After hours reconnection fees 80.00 After hours connection fees 50.00 Returned check fee 20.00 Unoccupied dwelling rate Base Rate + System Enhancement Fee Bulk rate ( IE, dust abatement) per 100 cubic feet 4-.60 1.63 Late penalties for bulk users 12.00 Hydrant Meter Deposit 75.00 Automatic Checking Withdrawal Fee (ACH)0.50 New fees Additional trip charges 50.00 Unauthorized access to meter, tampering 250.00 Plus labor and materials Jumpers/Bridges placed in meter pit 500.00 Plus labor and materials ERU = Equivalent Residential Units CityEagle_00239 Eagle Watera cquisition Water rates in the Treasure Valley -V SUEZ rates are comparable to other water utilities in the valley and are slightly lower than the City of Eagle's rates. Eagle Water customers would pay the same rates as other SUEZ customers. Existing SUEZ customers' rates will remain the same. SUEZ City of Eagle Residential Residential Residential $38 $13 U8 Business Business Business $159 $40 $173 City of , City of `Meridian,. Nampa Residential $28 Business $112 Residential $33 Business $110 Average rates calculated for a 3/4" meter using 16 ccf (hundred cubic feet) of monthly water usage. Includes all applicable fees and taxes. Benefits to Eagle Water Company Customers If the acquisition is approved, Eagle Water customers will enjoy reliable, safe drinking water, 24-hour monitoring by experienced, licensed professionals, online services, local 24-hour customer service, and the backing of more than 100 employees in Idaho. Any entity that purchases Eagle Water will need to raise Eagle Water customer rates to address system deficiencies, correct regulatory shortfalls, and absorb the acquisition cost. SUEZ has water rights and facilities that can be integrated into the Eagle Water system to ensure customers have the fire protection and water supply they need. The City of Eagle, which has the highest rates for comparable water usage of surveyed water providers in the Treasure Valley, would need to increase its rates even higher to pay off the proposed revenue bond needed to pay the acquisition and system upgrade costs. Increased City of Eagle water rates would then be paid by all users of the city municipal water system, not just the acquired Eagle Water customers. SUEZ also has low income assistance, water conservation, and budget billing programs that help customers on low or fixed incomes manage their water usage and bills. Turn over the page to see how your rates would be affected if the application to acquire Eagle Water is approved as proposed. SUEZ Idaho rated BBB Start With Trust overview SUEZ filed a joint application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in November to acquire Eagle Water assets. The PUC's process is thorough, and may take up to 8 months for a decision. Serving Idaho Our Idaho office is staffed by more than 100 people, all of whom live in the Treasure Valley. Idahoans will read your meters, answer your calls, repair the pipes, and ensure you have safe, dependable drinking water. Every year in Idaho, SUEZ spends: • $1 M in Idaho income taxes • $2M in Ada County property taxes • $14M to Idaho businesses Contact us Questions? Call (208) 362-7304. Visit www.mysuezwater.com/eaglewater for regular updates .s u et CityEagle_00240 Rates according to season and year If the application to acquire Eagle Water is approved as proposed, Eagle Water customers would see a gradual increase in their water rates over 3 years. The increase would bring customers level with SUEZ rates in the Treasure Valley. Existing SUEZ customers will not see any increased rates due to the acquisition. The table below outlines what your rates would look like in the summer and winter across the next 3 years. Example residential bills Current Eagle Water Residential bill Year 1 Year 1 Winter bill Year 2 Year 2 Winter bill Year 3 Year 3 Winter bill $10 $14 $13 $21 $19 $28 $26 $20 $35 $29 $52 $44 $70 $58 $30 $55 $45 $82 $67 $109 $89 $40 $75 $61 $113 $92 $150 $122 $50 $97 $78 $145 $117 $194 $156 Example commercial bills Current Eagle Water Commercial bill Year 1 Summer bill Year 1 Winter bill Year 2 Summer bill Year 2 Winter bill Year 3 Summer bill Year 3 Winter bill $40 $82 $67 $122 $101 $163 $135 $60 $124 $101 $186 $151 $248 $201 $80 $164 $133 $246 $199 $328 $265 $100 $206 $166 $310 $249 $413 $332 $120 $247 $198 $370 $297 $493 $396 $140 $288 $231 $432 $345 $576 $461 Contact the PUC File a comment with the PUC. http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/casecomment.aspx Read the application, public comments, and additional information submitted to the PUC. http://www.puc.idaho.gov/fiLeroom/cases/summary/EAGW1801.html Visit www.mysuezwater.com/eaglewater for regular updates suet CityEagle_00241