HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190319City of Eagle to Suez 1-20.pdfr'. f-- ''1 - L .' 14 rr- i . r r_ I Ii. ;-. -r ! L-LJ . ,,: ii9 fll ll:CJ B. Newal Squyres (ISB #1621) Murray D Feldman 0SB # 4097) Holland & Hart llp 800 W. Main Street, Suite 1750 P.O.Box2527 Boise, ID 83702-2527 Telephone: (208) 342-5000 Facsimile: (208) 343-8869 Email : nsquyres@hollandhart.com mfeldman@ho I landhart. com Attorneys for Intervenor City of Eagle BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO AND EAGLE WATER coMPAnY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPAI\Y CASE NOS. SUZ.W.I8.O2 EAG-W-18-01 riUi\-rli ) ) ) ) ) ) ) INTERYENOR CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER rDAHO INC. The City of Eagle ("City") provides the following responses to the First Production Request of SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. to the City of Eagle dated February 8, 2019. As applicable to all of the following responses, the City notes that discovery in these proceedings is just beginning. The City reserves its right to update, revise, correct, or supplement these responses, including the identification of a sponsoring witness to testiff at the hearing in these matters on any particular item, prior to the hearing and pursuant to any schedule for the hearing and pre-hearing matters to be adopted by the Commission and entered in these cases Additionally, many of the requests in this First Production Request seek responses as to what the City may do or intends to do based on future contingent events. The City, as a local government entity in the State of Idaho, cannot establish public policy or make a substantive CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST. 1 decision in the present context of discovery responses in an administrative proceeding. The City's responses to these requests in such situations as to future possible steps are necessarily limited by the requirements for the City to take legislative action in a deliberate and public proc€ss pursuant to regular prooedures and applicable law. Those matters of municipal governance cannot be determined or made in the context of responses to a production request. Also, in some instances the production requests are based on or seek information conceming the statements of individual City Council members or City employees. However, the statements of individual Council members do not necessarily represent the position or past or intended decision of the City or City Council as a whole, and the same limitation applies to any statements of individual City employees. DATED this l5th of March,2019. City of Eagle D. HOLLAN & HART r,r.p Attorneysfor Intervenor Cily of Eagle CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 2 By 3 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SU7-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor, City of Eagle REQUEST NO. 1: At a January 22,2019 regular meeting of the Eagle City Council, City Councilwoman Miranda Gold stated that "[t]he City's position through intervening with the PUC has been that we want to purchase, the City wants to purchase the system." Please describe what [sic] means or mechanism the City would use to finance the purchase of the Eagle Water Company system. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: Subject to the foregoing stated limitations and constraints applicable to these responses, if the City has an opportunity to purchase the Eagle Water Company system, it might use any of the financing means or mechanisms identified in the right of first refusal contained in the July 12,2008 Intertie Agreement between the City and Eagle Water Company (seeParagraph 6 in Ex. 1 to judicial complaint submitted as attachment to the City's Notice of Filing In Related Judicial Proceeding, filed in these PUC proceedings on February 27,2019). The financing options potentially available to the City would be similar to those available to other municipal governments in the State of ldaho, including the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality's Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund, the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA), or the Idaho Bond Bank. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 3 CITY OF EAGLE cAsE NOS. SU7-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor, City of Eagle REQUEST NO. 2: At a January 22,2019 regular meeting of the Eagle City Council, City Councilman Sean Bastian stated that When the City of Eagle becomes an owner [of Eagle Water Company] the rates will go up some. And what we could do is somehow divide the rates between what we have in the City of Eagle and Eagle Water Company and somehow the current rates in the City of Eagle could go down and the existing rates in the Eagle Water Company could go up and there would be a kind of averaging of the costs. That's probably what's likely to happen if we were able to purchase Eagle Water Company. With reference to the statement of Councilman Bastian quoted above, please describe in detail the rates, charges, and/or fees would [sic] that current customers of Eagle Water Company would pay to the City for water service if the City were to acquire Eagle Water Company. Please provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, or other documents supporting your answer. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.2: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, the City does not have a contemporary quantitative estimate of the rates, charges, and/or fees that current customers of Eagle Water Company would pay to the City for water service if the City were to acquire Eagle Water Company. As a general matter, the rates currently paid by City of Eagle water customers and those paid by Eagle Water Company customers are different. If the City were to acquire Eagle Water Company, the rates paid by all users of an integrated City of Eagle municipal water utility would be similar for the same class of customer (i.e. residential, industrial, business, etc. depending on the size of the water connection and amount of consumption). No rates have yet been set or determined at this time for either CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST.4 what would be new City of Eagle municipal water utility customers or pre-existing and continuing City of Eagle municipal water utility customers. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST.5 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SU7,-W-18-02/EAG-W-1 8-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ken Acuff, Superintendent, City of Eagle Water Department REQUEST NO.3: With reference to the statement of Councilman Bastian quoted in Request No. 2 above, please describe in detail the rates, charges, and/or fees that current customers of the City of Eagle would pay for water service if the City were to acquire Eagle Water Company. Please provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, or other documents supporting your answer. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.3: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, see Response to Request No. 2. crTY oF EAGLE',S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 6 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZW-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ken Acuff, Superintendent, City of Eagle Water Department REQUEST NO. 4: Please describe in detail any capital investments, upgrades, or other changes that the City has identified would need to be made to Eagle Water Company's system and estimated costs to implement if the City were to acquire it. Please provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, or other documents the City has developed or obtained in connection with any efforts at any time to acquire Eagle Water Company or its assets. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 4: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, the City has not yet had the opportunity to inspect all of the Eagle Water Company system and has not had the opportunity to form a basis of understanding of detailed needs for capital investments, upgrades, or other changes that would need to be made to the Eagle Water Company system or to develop a detailed cost estimate to implement the same. The City is generally aware of some existing limitations and inefficiencies in the present Eagle Water Company system. Improvements may need to be made in the following general areas to the Eagle Water Company system: o Modern customer meters and meter reading technology; o New booster stations, communications, and control systems for major plant facilities, and electrical control equipment; . Upgrades to existing well pump motors, mechanical pumping, and well facilities; o Tie in to existing City of Eagle municipal water system and distribution system interconnections (see, e.g., City Response to First Production Requests of the Commission Staff, Response to Request No. 2 and attached map (Feb. 25,2019)); cITy oF EAGLE',S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 7 a Following inspections and appropriate determinations made during a due diligence period and inquiry: o Service line upgrades; o Meter box upgrades; o Addressing undersized or aging water mains. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST. S CITY OF EAGLE cAsE NOS. SUZ.W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER rDAHO rNC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ken Acuff, Superintendent, City of Eagle Water Department REQUEST NO. 5: Please describe in detail the options available to the City to finance any capital investments, upgrades or other changes identified in response to Request No. 4 above and who would pay for such financing? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 5: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, see Response to Request No. L CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST.9 CITY OF EAGLE cAsE NOS. SUZ-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ken Acuff, Superintendent, City of Eagle Water Department REQUEST NO. 6: Does the City intend to change the currently authorized place of use of any water right currently owned by Eagle Water Company if the City were to acquire Eagle Water Company? Please describe any such actions in detail, and provide any relevant supporting documents. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 6: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, the City recognizes that if it should acquire Eagle Water Company that both the present Eagle Water Company and City of Eagle water rights may require administrative updating, consistent with Idaho Department of Water Resources procedures and statutory and regulatory provisions, to revise the place of use for both systems' water rights to include all of the service area of an integrated and expanded City of Eagle municipal system. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 10 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZ.W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ken Acuff, Superintendent, City of Eagle Water Department REQUEST NO. 7: Please describe, in detail, how the City of Eagle would resolve Eagle Water Company's current peak hour demand shortfall under the Company's existing water right portfolio identified atpage 5 of the Direct Testimony of SUEZ witness Cathy Cooper if the City were to acquire Eagle Water Company. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 7: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, the City of Eagle does not agree at this time that there is an actual-as opposed to hypothetical, theoretical, or calculated----current peak hour demand shortfall under the Eagle Water Company's existing water right portfolio. In a combined Eagle Water Company and City of Eagle municipal water system, the City would have adequate water resources available, including a storage tank/reservoir, to meet peak hour demands if such resources are necessary based on the City's review following acquisition and combination of the two water systems. cITy oF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 11 CITY OF EAGLE cAsE NOS. SUZ"W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor, City of Eagle REQUEST NO. 8: Please describe any discussions or meetings the City has had with any third party, including staff of the Public Utilities Commission, regarding the City's possible acquisition of Eagle Water Company, or any discussions or meetings concerning any arrangement under which Eagle Water Company would provide water or other services to the City of Eagle. Please include the dates, times and locations where such discussions or meetings occurred and the names of all persons who were in attendance. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 8: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, on approximately March 1,2018, Mayor Stan Ridgeway, counsel Cherese Mclain, engineer Mike Davis of HECO Engineers, and Norm Bangle, met with PUC staff regarding the City's possible acquisition of water resources from Eagle Water Company. This meeting took place with Idaho PUC staff at the offices of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Other discussions or meetings are referenced in the documents to be provided in response to Request No. 10. CITY OF EAGLE',S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FrRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 12 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZ-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor, City of Eagle REQUEST NO. 9: Please provide any document the City of Eagle or its Councilmembers, Mayor, or other officers have made, drafted, or released regarding any proposed or potential acquisition of Eagle Water Company by the City of Eagle. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 9: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, see Response to Request No. l0 where the scope of Request No. l0 encompasses this Request No. 9. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST. 13 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZ-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAIIO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor, City of Eagle REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide any documents (including communications) the City of Eagle or its Councilmembers, Mayor, or other offrcers have created, drafted, or provided among themselves or to the public regarding the proposed acquisition of Eagle Water Company by SUEZ or the by the City. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 10: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, and as agreed between counsel for the City and SUEZ, documents responsive to this Request No. l0 will be provided in a supplemental response to this request. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST. 14 CITY OF EAGLE cAsE NOS. SUZ,W-18-02/EAG-W-I8-01 FrRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO rNC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ken Acuff, Superintendent, City of Eagle Water Department REQUEST NO. 11: Please describe all programs the City has to assist those of its water customers who have low or fixed incomes in paying their water bills. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 11: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, none at this time. cITy oF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 15 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZ,W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FrRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER rDAHO rNC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ken Acuff, Superintendent, City of Eagle Water Department REQUEST NO. 12: Please describe all water-conservation programs the City has with respect to its provision of water service to the City's water customers. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 12: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, the Eagle City Code requires a separate source of irrigation water for all new homes and developments. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 16 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZ"W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ken Acuff, Superintendent, City of Eagle Water Department REQUEST NO. 13: Please state whether the City currently uses chlorine or other chemicals to treat the drinking water it provides to the City's water customers and whether the City would disinfect drinking water it provides to its water customers if it acquired the Eagle Water Company system. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 13: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, the response to part one is yes, and the response to part two is that it depends on the quality of the water produced from the current Eagle Water Company wells and where that water would flow in an integrated system. At this time, the City's goal would be that any treatment of water produced from the present Eagle Water Company wells would be managed to balance the maintenance and protection of water quality with the requirement to meet regulatory standards for a public drinking water supply system. cITy oF EAGLE',S RESPONSE TO SUEZ',S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 17 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZ-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor, City of Eagle REQUEST NO. 14: Please confirm that the document attached as Exhibit No. I (entitled "Water Rate Study Report") is a documents [sic] developed, obtained or created at the request of, or funded by, the City of Eagle. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, yes. See also attached document of the City's task order to HECO Engineers for the referenced study. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 18 TASK ORDER REQUEST FOR CITY OF EAGLE ENGINEERING SERVICES City Task Oder No*--1frQ! Eagle Water Department Rate Analysis, 1&0058A THIS TASK ORDER, entered into between the Gity of Eagle, herelnafier refened to as EAGLE, and Holladay Engineering, City Engineer, hereinafter refened provisions of the Agreement for Engineering Services, City 27.2O1O , hereinafter refened to as the AGREEMEiIT. to as HOLI-ADAY, ls subJed to the Engineering SeMces dated Oc'tober WTNESSETH: WHEREAS. EAGLE intends have HOLIJDAY undertake work as follows: Perform a Water Rate Analysis based on the information gathered in the 2015 Water Master Plan, and upon any ufiated budget and rate information provided by the Eagle Water Deparhent. Prepare a summary Rate Report with recommendalions for rate adjustments. A detailed Scope of Work outline is attached as Exhibit A. ClrY OF EAGLE INFORIATION Ai.IO RESPONSIBILIIIES: EAGLE will provide to HOLI-ADAY the data and/or servioes specified in the AGREEMENT. EAGLE shallbe represented by Ken Acuff, Water Department Diredor. SCHEDULE OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED: HOLLADAY will perform said services within 90 calendar days of the date of this TASK ORDER. FEES AND BILLING SCHEDULE: EAGLE will pay HOLIADAY for seMces on the basis of: A Lump Sum amount of $6,500, per the quote from Augusl 14,2015 in a Water Department meeting on master planning, budgets, capital improvement planning, and possible rate issues for operations and maintenance. lN WTIIESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this TASK ORDERAGREEMENT as of the day and yearfirst above written. llPage CigEagle_00001 OWi{ER: City of Eagle 616 E. Civic Lane Eagle, ldaho 83616 CITY EI{GINEER: Hotladay Engineering Co. 32 N. Main Street Payette, lD ffi66f ctw By:/l4r;t*,1 A. darA Ken Acufi, Director MichaelW. Davis, PE, City Engineer Date:0-A4- lU Date: ?-(1'16 ATTEST: City 2tPage CityEagle_00002 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZ-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor, City of Eagle REQUEST NO. 15: Has the City of Eagle adopted or implemented any of the changes recommended in the Water Rate Study Report attached as Exhibit I ? If so, please provide the relevant document adopting or implementing the change or changes. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 15: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, yes. The changes implemented were to the base rate charged for City of Eagle municipal water system customers. The change was adopted in City of Eagle City Council Resolution No. 17-31, which is publicly available from the City's website or from the City Clerk's office, and a copy of which is attached together with Resolution No. 17-23. The changed base rate was implemented as a four-phase increase, with the first increase becoming effective on January l, 2018, the second increase on October 1,2018, the third increase scheduled to take effect on October 1,2019, and the fourth phased increase to take place on October 1,2020. cITy oF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 19 RESOLUTTON t{O. 17-3r A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF EAGLE. ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, ESTABLISHING CITY WATER SYSTEM CUSTOMER BASE RATE CHARGES. AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Eagle, Ada County, ldaho (the'Ot/), ls a munldpal corporatlon dulyorganized and openating underthe laws of tho Slab of ldaho; and WHEREAS, tho City Coundl of the CIty of Eqh ls authorized by Sec{ions 6+9 and 6S 24, Eagle City Cods, to eetablbh uater user cfiargres for the Oty of Eagle rvater systcm; and WHEREAS, the water user cfrarges set forth herein are rcasonable ard roflect, as closely as roasonably possible, the costs aseoclated wlth the actualoperaUon, expanslon, maintenance, replacement, financlng expens€s and the totalwater usag€ pertalnlng to the Ci$'s water system pursuant to Sec-tlons 6-$9 and 6-524, Eagle Oty Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed cfianges ref,ect an hcrrase of lGi% or more and the Oty Coundl of Eagle hEs choeen to phase the lncrcase ovBr a pGriod of four budgst yearc; and WHEREAS, a public hearing, duly noticed as required by law, was held on Decembdr 12, 2017, for consideration of increaslng water user charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, lDAllO, as follows: Secdion 1: That, pursuant to Eagle City Code. the Eagle City Council hereby establishes the follouing water user charges for the base monthly fee as shown ln Exhibit A: Section 2: The actiw customer of record shall be billed monthly the base rate, the water safety fee, the system enhanoement fee, the volume charge and other additional feas as are pertinent to the seMces rcceived. The volume charge is based on all metered vuater for the bllling period. The base rate wlll be prorated whenetor the customer has not been a customer for the entire bllling podod. Section 3: When no active customer of record is being bllled, lhe owner of the property shall be billed monthly the unoccupied dwelling rate. SecUon 4: This resolution shalltake efiecil and be in force from and after its passaga and approval. DATED this LA "I\day of Dt ,. c ,nYatrzol7. ATTEST: OF CIW OF EAGLE Ada County, ldaho *t OF 19 Pase I cp CitYEagle-00003 I lprlrhc ,A,orks vrtter\hllnltf rrrforrnalrr)rrlllO i7 resch:lion, rlte ucly len hrcroirse 4.yr irrrplemonlitnrr. rfinll dc,i: -a-SEAL oP R Exhlbit A- lncrease illonthly Base RaEforWater Usage Customers Four Ycar lmphmentatlon Cunent Monthly Bage Ratc lu a74' Bcrvlco, E9.60 Pa$e 2 ol 2 CityEagle_00004 E$12.07 1.8ERU Meter Size 1',' '2 lir#i $to.gg 1.8 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.1 ERU 1 1 3" 16.0 ERU :,' 16.0 ERU .i' 28.4 ERU 28.4 ERU 'rl.t 28.4 ERU 6 16.0 64.2 ERU 1. -ERU l,', !.1 :1.', 'l i l, tt /a llo ERU ,l rl'i' llr.lt,r Srzc,'r 2' :! RESOLUflOITI NO. l7-2? A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, ESTABLISHING CITY WATER SYSTEM CUSTOMER CHARGES AND VOLUME CHARGES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Og of Eagle, Ada Coun$, ldaho (the "Oty"), ls a munlcipal orporaUon duly organized and operatlng under the laws of the State of ldaho; and WHEREAS, the City Gouncil of the Glty of Eagle is authorized by Sections 6-$9 and 6-*24, Eagle City Code, to establish water user charges for the Clty of Eagle water system:and WHEREAS, the fees set forth hereln are reasonable and reflec-t, as closely as reasonably possible, the costs associated with the ac{ual operation, expansion, maintenance, replacement, financing exponses and the totalwater uaeg6 pertraining to the City's water system pursuant to Sections &$9 and &$'24, Eagle City Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed fee sctredule ctanges reflect less than a 5% increase. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C]TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA @uNTY, IDAHO, as tullowr: Sec'tion 1: That, pursuant to Eagle Clty Code, the Eagle Gity Councilheraby establishes the bllowing water user ctrarges as shoum ln Exhlblt A: Section 2: The ac{iw customer of record shell b6 billed monthly the base rate, the water safety fee, the system enhancement fue, the vdume clrarge and other addltlonal fees as are pertlnent to the services reoeh€d. The volume cfiarge is based on all metered nrater for the bllling period. The base rate will be prorated whenewr the q.ptomer has not been a customerfor the enUre billing perbd. Section 3: When no active customer of record is being billod, the orner of the property shall be bllled monthly the unoccupied duelllng rate. Section 4: This resolutlon shall take efiect and be ln force from and after lts passago and approval. DATED this . /o19- day of S. te*rV.'lOtt. aaraa.. Ea CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, ldaho Stan , Mayor ATTEST:of CityEagle_00005 t: t SEA L Ro U t)a1- ExhlMtA WtuF,lr.ndtut, Ploale nole - Ourylng bec/nE ere arossed lhru. nar mtas/hos aru mdatlned Meter Slze l'1lt? 2'3'4'6', tloo* Up Foer Slorageend frunk Lkp Fees (STL) Water Conslrucdon Equlratency Faer (lJ\rCE) Base trlonlhly Fee Scwloe Depodb Syotam Enhrnuaeril Fec (OEA Fmda) Coneumpton Ralo 9er l(Xl cr.&lofuat Water Sahty Fco (DEQ pass-thru fea) SsndceApplhadon Fce Delhquent Fec Recoonoalon leas hr olscilonr Aftcr houn reconnccdoo fues Afler hourr ormecfion fees Returncd drod(fu. Unoccr.Dlcd dunlllng mte 8r,rlh natr ( lE, tud abebm.nt) por 100 qtbic teet Lslo pcns$o8 fur bult rrccrB Hydont Metr Deporil Autunadc Chedrlng Wi0rdnavval Fee (ACll) trlowfees Addillonal Utp cfiaqoe Unauthorlzod accecs to mets, tampadng Jrnnperr/Bridge plaoed h moter pit ERU = Equlvalent RegidenUal Ut{ts e:m€s s41 $e3 T$ 950.00 2100.00 400.00 0.60 75.00 r0.e3 1.8 ERU t.8 ERU 1.8 ERU '.8 ERU ,I.8 ERU TAERU 4,0 ERU 4.0 ERU 4.0 ERU 4.0 ERU 4.0 ERU 4.0 ERU 7.t ERU 7.1ERU 7,t ERU 7.T ERU 7.I ERU 7.I ERU T6.0 ERU IO.O ERU 't6,0 ERU I6.0 ERU 16.0 ERU r6.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 28.4 ERU 28.4 ERU 28.4 ERU 28.4 ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 EF o4,2EF 84' EF 04.2 EF 64.2 EF 64.2 EF IJT 0.34 10.00 t2.m 25,00 E0.00 50,m 20.m Barc Rsh + Stctem Entnnccmcnt Fco r.63 12.00 75.00 0.80 50.00 250.@ Flua Lboi ard,ntarl{! 500.00 Plur l-ormdmL.i.lr Page 2 or ? CityEagle_00006 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZ-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Kellie Rekow, Utility Billing Supervisor, City of Eagle Water Department REQUEST NO. 16: Please describe any loan(s) or other obligation(s) the City of Eagle has incurred or assumed to fund any part of its water system. For each, please describe the principal amount of the loan(s) or obligation(s), the current principal balance(s), the term of the loan(s)/obligation(s), the applicable interest rate(s), all other material commercial terms, and when the loan(s) or obligation(s) are expected to be paid off. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 16: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, the City of Eagle has one outstanding loan from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for the City of Eagle's municipal water system. The amount of the loan is $2,590,000. It is 2}-year loan at 3.25 percent interest per annum with no prepayment penalty. The first payment on the loan was made by the City on October 30,2012, and the City has been making two payments per year. As of October 30,2018, the remaining balance is $1,811,785.02. The loan is scheduled to be paid in full by October 30,2031. See also attached DEQ Loan Ledger document (Mar. 13, 2019). CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 20 ooofto,bol:6Y.(U€ rrJa t5 EE B E q E T E E E { q fi E q q q q ? E E E E q q q 6 i EE. g H H S. H E E' fr.H. il. $B. fi N. . E S. E H. E B. q $ E. F. -EE rt - ui rri r rt d td tf @ d rt d of d .!i or tri qo. to <ri roE'-N\ F- =GE Jo E =8$d!s 88888888rE88EEE8EEqAEEqEBqqE; - - - ci 6 d - 6 6 c, d c, d ci o' ci ci ci ci ci ci d c, ci d o ci 5 -8I I B I r I r I I8I I I I8 r r I I I I E E E E E EH EE - - E 6 d 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 d d 6 d ci d ci ci ci <i ci ci ci d cjtsE8EF\ El E SE fi E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E H E E E E fi E E E E E X - A 0i d .,t .i .,t .,t t,i ri ..i rt r, rt ri .,i ri ri d .'i .'i d nt ri ri .'i r, .', rj E 5. * E R E s 6 5 o 3 F 6 * R s s s I 3 R F 5 ft E * I P R i rB 8I I I8I B 8 8I I I I I I I I t I I I I E I E I E E S- E E E H x F i E g E g E E B $ $ $ $ E H. F. g q t s.8 qt F s g$ f; s.E:r F.p:E E:.8 R.[iE.f;.H.8fr H. as.$.$.4E -' i d J J c\t .\i $i .\i or- .\a N r\i tl N N nl N trt N cr Gat E IE E E E E E E E E E E E E E B E 3 3 3 3 E E 3 3 3 E 3 E Ii E8 8 8 r I I8 8 8I r r I I I8I I I I I I8I I E E E H- ga E E. E q E $ E E q E r n. s g' $. a. i.n i E" f;. ;. H A E $. $.s- tN $E N t B E BBs BBp*s 6' o) t N rq t .o t o * p' .I;Gto?dla\a o\ S €IE €'k €& Sg E ErI EE EEE EHEEIS gfr$ EE EEI gggE E= E if EE$eE iIE; EHE E Fiil Ei F&E E EE H $EE EE E E EsEEEE sEE E E EH E E g E $ E EEE 6 Eo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ct o- ; EE EE E E E EE E EEE EEE E E EEE EE E E E EEE B *il i p P $ B B E E E 3 3 F H $ X H H i g E; E E P $ E E * EE E E E E B a e g E c E E E E E E E E E E E E g E E E B 3AshES s s$ S s.. i sE.o -gET'\q tr(,t:s!lE T\IU EE{a se E $E t Et\t) S5Io :lt ?,:rU :* E { \ A)sql { ta\ss{ arkla oooo ^r o, bo'F{ E;F,I .=o iE s E I E I8I B 8 E 8I I I I I8I I fr 3I e =r. ci rti <li 6i ui ci c, o ci ci ci ei d o c, ci d ci ci a, F tri oEb E e 5 E H _ _ il E REdotdgjt :_"gSt -ry- n ct cr c) ct 6 c! ct o cr (, (, c, o o o o o o o oo o o o o o c, o o o a o o o (, o o o c, cra (, c, o o o o o o o o o c) o o () o o Q octoctN .E q E E E E q A E E q E q E q E E E E EEo o o o o o o c, o o o o o o o o o o o o fr c rB 8I I I I I8I I I8 8I I I I I I IE rA l(} rD .ft lf, rft (t rr, lft rD ra, ro rr) to .4, la, l{) lo Lt L)dc! (\! q q.! .! ry q r! o! q C c.l o,l (\l $l cY c! t\ c,l-F) ao rit (., cl c) (rt arl rt c) a.l (J) c, (r) (r) aq .') a" aq ai, E8 8I8 E 8 E E R 8 R S 5 S 3 B B E S 8 B T 8 8Ncj ci ci cj rti rj N N F d - d rri d oi $i t- -; cj o -or {,i ii! - - cb o .'! N r\ 6 N N o ro (, ao (' cD lo c\ e.E 6 N t5 N i\ 6 L O 6 CD- a.r- rc- $- aa- tD. lo i\\ d d oi ; ci ot,i ct d.rt r tr r, - o sr s';o6+$dtin-(r)lv)(,(')aa(:dt s cr$r;r- .E8I I I I I F B g S S E 5I3 p p S t 8I3I t =\rri ni r rri o'ui d ci ci - tri - r,r ni o rri o @ .o o ri rr qr i!+ a.t ii 6 - 6 6 o, - 14 - or F! lo F {r, (\r l.t u, O s r C>.Srn in iD (\i fr ra 6;6 + O tat o' tl} ta, t 6.rl O F- r! \.E .'i ci ot d { J oi r.j .j ci o ro + d ro r- { d o'rt rc Y\ .,!clr of9rP9?999\9Ir9"yTXE .rl -t(, o o f! N t\| n, c, (f, t i.a o (, (o F- t- € q! 6ErrrrrFFF-r-:.o o o o o ct o c) o o o c, c, ct o o o c, o qi{a a Q N N S A Q N e S { Q E ls q q { N rSta d (i rn 6 d N ; i + ra d <t 6 d t r5 G rti d!JNF-Clt4l(,lF-NNF((lN rhF N <n - r r O s O c O v O \t O !t O \t O A\OOotlcrOOOeoOFcrOF s = soEn ko c o r o cr ao - @ (\ lo rr) rqt @ a'r () N Gr c,FGl F o ro |r, rp o @ N o, t\ 6 I\ o ao .o aa,:llr(!-FFFTF?r r.cl o o o o o o (,t Fr o o o ro 'J, (,, (t, o aD t\,Bq q q e q q q \ q q e u? ol q q q o r: q cEo r ro o ro ro o o) ot c, (o ct @ (, ('! rt o o F tOEa olN O Or CD Ct - N 6 (t F @ C) rf, - O !? €Er-- (\t- 6-.at- N- t-. o ? t 6a (I F r.' (o o () o. c, FEm F o c, rrr ro d od d ; o' Fi t.,j J d o !'t d tri J-]- - N (fi aO C, Ch lrl O @ lO Or a', @ F (l (O O) .,lI t !t tt It t !t to_ lfl_ rft- tt- t- (,r- f-J- av- r- -: o. o- @- @- tn *'r,,r'r.i c.i c.i c.i 6{ $i F.i N ni N $r fl c.I Nt;;\ -E$FE E EF E E g = 3 _ * s a E s F E I e E E = =llN o ! = e t: < o 116 dr € N o F s (, O e o (D:-ooooa q@6 Nq@@o?ft o6@@Ll:;t*itrtt@@€OtNNNNNN o\sr{ ei .Et t ql ! Ho o o o o - t d d. d. ( o o o d o o o o ur 6O O () N (t $l (\l (r, ao ra t u, rr) lO (O t- I\ O O @ -OEE E 5 5 5 E 5 5 E 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 E E 5 5 ra EI,NNN N N cu N N N ol N N (\l Gr $l Gl N N (\l $l c E =h. O Al tD O 6 N; t e l: O O O F, !l rO lO u) () I afiS = E Q Q Q = = S S < e E = = < s = = E E.!s E _-r oi (' e F C, q Ci tt tt st O t O v C, T O O E E -ti Ec,octoooFoFoFo-o-o o F g gE.g O O F ir) F (,, Crl rr) tD C, @ @ lr, st (o 6 F - rO g !i E trr' c, o ts (r, (, (o 6 l' ol rr) (, N cr ot rJ, rD (., (', F, g to' t! 6l!O Ct e !? (, l.! r (l, ? tt 6 F l.) CD N (O @ e) F F n ^ .i ri'qN N N o d! !O + G 6 6 lo (O (6 @ Fs I\ i- O 0O Cl - -Eo o ., c' o ct O o o o o O o e I o a q, o e 6 E E -o.!8I I I I I I I I I I I I I I8I I I I t E 6 fFo o c, o o o o o o o o o o o c,0 0 0 0 0 F F F F t I CITY OF EAGLE cAsE NOS. SUZ,W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ken Acuff, Superintendent, City of Eagle Water Department REQUEST NO. 17: With reference to any loan or other obligation identified in your response to Request No. 16 above, please state how the funds to satisff the repayment are collected by the City. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 17: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, funds to satisff the repayment of the DEQ loan are collected by the City through its monthly water bills to City of Eagle municipal water utility customers. The loan repayment is listed as a separate line item on those invoices. The line item amount, per month, for the DEQ loan for a base residential customer for the City of Eagle municipal water system is $10.93. ^See generally HECO Engineers study report attached to SUEZ's First Production Request to the City, Study Report at2,8,9, App'x A & n.3, App'x C at3. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST.2l CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZ"W-18-02/EAG-W-18-0 I FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor, City of Eagle REQUEST NO. 18: If the City of Eagle acquires Eagle Water Company, will the current customers of Eagle Water Company be required to pay for any part of the City of Eagle's current outstanding loans or obligations identified in your response to Request No. l6 above? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 18: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, the amount to be paid by current customers of Eagle Water Company for any outstanding loan amount has not yet been determined. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 22 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZ-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor, City of Eagle; Kellie Rekow, Utility Billing Supervisor, City of Eagle Water Department REQUEST NO. 19: During his February 7,2019 "State of the City" address to the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, the City's Mayor asserted that the average monthly bill for customers that take water from the City was $31.50; that the average monthly bill for customers that take water from SUEZ was $42.34; and that the average monthly bill for customers that take water from Eagle Water Company was $7.84 + consumption. Please describe, in detail, the factual bases for each ofthese assertions. Please provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, spreadsheets, work papers or other documents related to your answer. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 19: The City objects to this request as it mischaracterizes statements made during the referenced "State of the City" address. Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, and notwithstanding this objection, the Mayor did not assert during that presentation that current average monthly billings for the customers of various water suppliers in the City of Eagle were as stated in this request. Instead, according to the transcript of the referenced State of the City presentation, available at https://www.cityofeagle.org/DocumentCenter/Viewll42llState-of-the-City-2019-Transcript- PDF, the Mayor stated that: "In March of 2017 at the state of the city we discussed Domestic Water Services in Eagle. On the screen is a copy of the slide used to outline water companies and customers." The attached PowerPoint slide was displayed at the time the text in the transcript was presented. The development of the information in that slide for 2017 average monthly bill levels was developed by the Cify of Eagle's Water Department billing staff using information for SUEZ CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ',S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 23 customers from the SUEZ tariff on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The average monthly bill amount for City of Eagle municipal water customers was determined from the City's billing records for such customers. The average monthly bill for Eagle Water Company customers was taken from information provided by Eagle Water Company in its annual brochure of operations and rates. Copies of the SUEZ tariff, the Eagle Water Company brochure, and the City resolution setting City water customer rates at the time these estimates were prepared are attached to this response. CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST.24 o)oooo ol o)tU I.JJ 5 N + rrqt\W C)(3E(Y) tr Eou l-o{ro =o cDoEI tr F F) OD No3 1r', C)to Dt; tv)rr} rfl sl L.o{r U =o trtut EI oltr UILo Eo!Fo =U t-oP(o = o {-a-u RESOLUTTON r{O. 16-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIT OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, ESTABLISHING CITY WATER SYSTEM CUSTOMER CHARGES AND VOLUME CHARGES. AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Eagle, Ada County, ldaho (the'City'), is a municipal corporation duly organized and operating under the laws of the State of ldaho; and WHEREAS, the City Councll of the City of Eagle is authorized by Sec-tions S5-9 and 6-S24, Eagle City Code, to establish water user charges forthe City of Eagle water system; and WHEREAS, the fees set forth herein are reasonabte and reflect, as closely as reasonably possible, the coets associated with th€ actual operation, expansion, maintenance, replacement, financing expenses and the total water usago pertainlng to the Crty's watsr system pursuant to Seciions 6€-9 and 6-5-24, Eagle City Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed fee schedule oharges rellec{ less than a 5% increase. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, as follows: Section 1: That, pursuant to Eagle City Code, the Eagle City Council hereby establishes the folloring water user charges as shown in Exhibil A: Section 2: The ac{ive customer of record shall be billed monthly the base rate, the water safety fee, the system enhancement fee, the volume charge and other additional fees ag are pertinent to the services received. The volume charge is based on allmetercd water for the billing period. The base rate will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Seclion 3: When no ahive customer of record is being billed, the owner of the property shall be billed monthly the unoccupied drelling rate. Section 4: This resolution shalltake effed and be in force from and after its passage and approval. DATED this J?A day ofA,fuk-,2016. CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, ldaho Stan ATTEST: Bergmann, Cig CityEagle_00010 SEA L n 4, -ra- OF tt OF }/,rlrrfaacudR,/.cs Pleace noto - Changing lees/ratcs ars crocscd lhru, ncw rabctee an undeihstl Metol$tsB El "1' 11ff 2 3"4"6" Hook Up Fccr StoragE end Trurt( Une Fess (SfL) JVatsr Conslrudirn Equlvebncl Fees (UVCE) gaso Monthly Fes Serulcc D,eporib Syslem Enhancernent Fee (DEQ Fundr) ?onrumption Rae pel 100 cubic Ect 6/rterSahty Fce (OEO pasr-lhru be) Scrvkr Appli:ation Fec Oelinqusnt Fcc Reconnedion he3 for colbctions {fter hourl raconnsdion hes Aficr hours connedion fecs RctumEd ohock rEs Unoccupbd drclling rate 8u$r mlt ( lE. dust lb8brnent) pcr 100 cubh faet rate pena[aes fot buh u3efs Hydrant M€Lr BBpoElt \utometh Checklng U\Ithdraual Fcc (ACl0 N€w fBes qdd[ional trip charges Unauthorized accasg to metor, lsmpcrhg Jumpers/Brldges placad in rnelcr pit ERU a Equlvaleot Residential Units c+{{0 B r+8 930.00 21u,.00 {00.00 eJl 75.00 10,st 1.8 ERU 1.8 ERU 1.E ERU 1.8 ERU 1.8 ERU t,O EBU 4,0 ERU 4,0 ERU 4.0 ERU 4.0 EBU 4,0 ERU 4.0 ERU 7,I ERU 7.t ERU 7't ERU 7.1ERU 7,1ERU 7.1ERU 16.0 ERU 16.0 ERU 16.0 ERU 16.0 ERU 16,0 ERU 16.0 ERU 28.4 ERU 28.4 ERU 26.4 ERU 28.{ ERU 28.{ ERU 28.4 ERU 64.2 ERU 64.2 ERU 04.2 ERU ET.z ERU 6.t,2 ERU 8,f.2 ERU d,6t ilu 0.34 10.00 12.@ 25.00 80.00 50.00 20.00 Bro Ratc + Syrlem Enhancaapnl Fco 1.60 12.00 75.00 0.50 50.00 250.00 PUr Llor rid mCrrials 500.00 Plu! lt!o. ad 't|rlIir! CityEagle_00011 (\ oool o6(E I,IJ .=o o\lUt\E8 _sl o{FSH EEEg i 5 $ s.H E f:6 Ou-c o8 HE TTr3E56{EEEEdoE E;tc-tr E or .-@ = rUCCD !n€;I aE Efr EfUr'==Flr,rJECO o 6 " H.E€ ': PE€ !E:, - E frHtE-Es=6tr.=:E!E B'iE El5-Lr:>:,i EeIEEg Et=6.E ri cr!q EorDu d.\t;-HEE|,,toOO€qao\> )(-m-o, -9 or'abo- boe.!Lrl!OUJ CL IJ (\J g, =oUJa(J.h lgF d, LE 0! '= olIJ 8iioa0 ;8oE'*H:- 0,F-o6rorF>.=sf, g"E t =t 3 # a:;iE I ",)j.=o|i3rt'gEES E=E::Egahco,9,=.cu:_>Esfi;H;i E::E,it=cE=Qoo! :a ; F;g E E.oC,9Era=H$ s$ eE€1-E; :T IEiEEEEi= FfIi?igEE g€ EE EE[;f-cnooo-c;iEt!FE(JE(JFtr].C -'E :"E0r(J L tE'-:"rEB?-=bbo,U E--;E;'*5 E E I E r S E #€ rc ifiEEEiiirrfo-o.ofiarto IEggEE;€ElE E fr =s{ : il gqr9a=t=i9oEb=6:ritrig-;_*Erf,bEEf ,E Et s€3P;€ IE=eFIEeE!E ,hGlri =oFUIfUEfoo (J 4 z a- Eo{JEu.lF 3ul (g) ut l!E oulUoELFz 5B EoU E r^,D (9f =Ez- =rJ rt0q rr> trl) oi1,} tnr<qr-lv) {a Org'rrrl lrlr+ oi<rrlra cEqac,N.ua (ornoi-tr^ oo{.n1/| <tOl NrnvI L)ucolrr -ul6t! oo(o ooo a{ ooor! oorY m oo!t rO oC)rg-o ooo oooa!aYl c)ootl<t clr|r!FN E6 g lE Eu,d sl :N Ft d 3 sf Fl m m E(., A 6FzUJ 5ou o &uFu =Jrtr)) =CEI <t rO @ oFl :og Ea 9oEqa'!EEI Fh LC CC OFlcraJI€ocoIoxs{r3(,ac a,to .!-c E ._Ec Eg !A)!l (, ,E OJ.J u5 L, Sheet No. 3 Replacing all Previrus Sheets SUET WATER IDAHO INC. roAHo PuBLtc UT|LIT|ES COtI|ISSIONApprovcd Elfec{ive Dcc, 16, 2015 Dcc. 22,2015 Per O.ll. 33't36 Jean D. Jcwell Secretary SCHEDULE NO. 1 GENERAT TIETERED SERVICE Availability: To all mebred c.ustorners nd served under a separate schedule. Cusmer Charges: HHH Itileter Sze Charge trlebr Size 5/8"-Y4 1' l-114'ilvl l-1lT 2- or multiple rneiersof eq.ivalent capacity 3'or muttiple meters d €$ivdenl capacrty 4'or mulliple metersof eqivalent capaoty 6'or muhiple melersof eqivalenl capaoty 8'or muttiple meters of e$rivalent capcrty l0'or multiple meters of eryivdent capaoty Volume Charge For all v*ater used less ftan 3CCF (lfil crtic Feet) (CCF[ 1 trF=l 18 ganms): Forall mter used gneaterthm 3CCF Volume CharEe For all mter used less han 3CCF (1fi) o$ic FeeQ (CCF[ 1 &F =l 18 gdluts]: For all water used grealerthan 3CCF Bi-tt onlhly Per trleEr Charge $22.36 s28.s8 s48.90 $75.87 s147.98 $276.07 $460.91 $602.98 $859.29 Wnter $1.sru Suwurcr Rales $1.sru $1.9673 Rates $r.5738 Conditims d Cortrad: The cr.rstonrer strall pay the tdal d tre cudoner charge plus the vdume charge. The vdume ctrarge is based on all nretered mter for the btfing p6rk d. Conwmptim is expressed in hudred a.rt*c foot uniB or tulsand gallon mib as determined by the nreter installed by the Conpany. The ctrstorer charge uill be praated urfienever the custorner has not been a anstorner for lhe enlire talltrg perird. SunmerPedod- The zummer rate wil! appty to water consumed between ilay 1 and Septernber 30. irhter readings stladdlirg these daEs will be proraled. lssued Per IPUC Order No. Effective - Decerber n.,2016 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNC. Gregory P. Wyatt, Mce President 8248 West Vlctory Road, 8olse, lD 0,0-013 CITY OF EAGLE CASE NOS. SUZ"W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 FrRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF SUEZ WATER rDAHO rNC. Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Stan Ridgeway, Mayor, City of Eagle REQUEST NO.20: Please identiff each person or entity that the City intends to call as a witness in any technical hearing in this matter. For each, please state the subject matter of their testimony and provide any documents they considered or relied upon in forming their testimony. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 20: Subject to the foregoing limitations and constraints, the City has not yet identified each person or entity that it intends to call as a witness in any technical hearing in this matter. The City will provide such identifications prior to the hearing and pursuant to any schedule for the hearing and prehearing matters to be adopted by the Commission and entered in these cases. CITY OF EAGLE',S RESPONSE TO SUEZ',S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 25 Certificate of Service I hereby certify that on this l5th day of March,2019,I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Email : secretary@puc. idaho. gov diane.hanian@puc.idaho.gov Commission Sean Costello Deputy Afforneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Street (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Emai I : brandon.karpen@puc. idaho. gov sean.costello@puc. idaho. gov Attorneys for Commission Staff Michael C. Creamer Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street P.O.Box2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 E-mail : mcc@givenspursley.com prestoncarter@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Petitioner SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. Marshall Thompson SUEZ Water Idaho, Inc. 8248 W. Victory Road Boise,ID 83709 Email : marshall.thompson@suez.com Petitioner trTtrtrx U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail trtrtrtrx U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 26 Molly O'Leary BizCounselor at Law 1775W. State St. #150 Boise, ID 83702 E-mai I : molly @bizcounse loratlaw. com Attorneyfor Petitioner Eagle Water Co. trtrtrtrx U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail Robert DeShazo, Jr. President Eagle Water Company, Inc. 188 W. State Street P.O. Box 455 Eagle,ID 83616-0455 Emai I : eaglewaterco@gmail.com Petitioner U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail N.L. Bangle H2O Eagle Acquisition, LLC 188 W. State Street Eagle,lD 83616 Email : nbangle@h2o-solutionsl lc.net Petitioner trtrtrtrx U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail James M. Piotrowski Piotrowski Durand, PLLC 1020 W. Main Street, Suite 440 P.O. Box 2864 Boise,ID 83701 Email : james@idunionlaw.com Attorney for Intervenor CAIA U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 Email : bmpurdy@hotmail.com Attorney for Intervenor CAPAI trtrtrtrx trtrtrtrx U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail Abigail R. Germaine Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise,ID 83701-0500 Email : agermaine@cityofboise.org Attorney for Intervenor City of Boise U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail II X II CITY OF EAGLE'S RESPONSE TO SUEZ'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST .27 Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 W. Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise, lD 83702 Emai I : nsemanko@parsonsbehle.com ecf@parsonsbehle.com Attorney for Intervenor EWCG U.S. Mail Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail tu for Holland LLP t2tu025 2 cITy oF EAGLE'S RBSPONSE TO SUEZ',S rrRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 2E