HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190122Suez to Staff Supplemental 11.pdfMichael C. Creamer (lSB No. 4030) Preston N. Carter (lSB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 mcc@ eivenspursley. com l 4503930_1.DOC (30-t74) Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ;'rE;ElyIi) :.i:.i,iil 2e Ilii tl: l9 i Ii, ,11$SlOFl IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO AND EAGLE WATER COMPANY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY Case Nos. SUZ-W-I8-02/ EAG-W-I8-01 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. ("SUEZ") and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. dated December 21,2018, herewith supplements its Response to Staff Production Request No. 11 and produces Exhibit M which inadvertently was omitted from the original production response. DATED this 22"d day of Janu ary, 2079. SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. C Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho Inc SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 1 By: CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 22nd day of January,2Ol9, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the following in the manner indicated: [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail cdm@msbtlaw.com SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 2 Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 IPUC Brandon Karpen Sean Costello Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Attorneys for IPUC Molly O'Leary BizCounselor at Law 1775W. State St. #150 Boise,ID 83702 Counselfor Eagle Water Company Robert DeShazo Eagle Water Company, Inc. 188 W. State Street Eagle, Idaho 83616 Petitioner N.L. Bangle 188 W. State Street Eagle,ID 83616 Petitioner Stan Ridgeway, Mayor City of Eagle 660 E. Civil Lane Eagle,ID 83616 Intervenor City of Eagle Cherese D. Mclain MSBT Law, Chtd. 7699W. Riverside Drive Boise,Idaho 83714 Attonteys for Intentenor City of Eagle [ ] bv U.S. Mail [X] bV Personal Delivery (Original & 3 copies) [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail secretarv@puc.idaho. gov diane. hanian@nuc. idaho. gov [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail brandon.karpen@fuc.idaho. gov sean. costello@fuc. idaho. eov t I bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail moll],@,bizcounseloratlaw.com [X] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery I I bV Facsimile [ ] bv E-Mail [ ] bv U.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail sridgeway@citvofeagle.org sbergmann@ciEvo fea gle. org Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 West Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise, Idaho 83702 Attorneys.for Inten,enor Eagle Water Customer Group Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701 -0500 Attorneys for Intentenor, City of Boise James M. Piotrowski PIOTROWSKI DURAND, PLLC P.O. Box 2864 1020 W. Main Street, Suite 440 Boise, ID 83701 Attorneys for Intervenor Citizens Alliedfor Int e gri ty and A c c ount abi lity Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. I 7th Street Boise, ID 83702 At t o nt ey .for C ommunity A c ti on P artne r s hip Association of ldaho [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] by E-Mail NSemanko@Farsonsbehle.com ecf@parsonsbehle.com I I bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail agermaine@cit],ofboise.ore [ ] bv U.S. Mail I I bV Personal Delivery t I bV Facsimile [X]bV E-Mail James@idunionlaw.com [ ] bv U.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail bmpurdy@hotmail.com C. Creamer SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 3 GTvE SLEY'L' P.O. Box 2720 o Boise,Idaho 83701 (208) 388-1200 Jdy 12,2018 30-178 lnvoice #:191602 SUEZ North American lnc. 8248 W. Victory Rd. P.O. Box 190420 Boise, lD 83719-0420 Federal Tax lD #: 82-0335628 SERVICES FOR PERIOD THROUGH 6/30/2018 REGARDING: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Water RighB & Property Review - 2018-RO-2484 GtR Law Ornrcns Hours ID MPL Hours Rate 243.00 Date 06/18/1 I Timekeeoer Michael P. Lawrence TOTAL FEES Current lnvoice Total: Previous Balance: Payments Received: TOTAL AMOUNT NOW DUE: Descriotion Telephone conference with R. Dittus and C. Cooper re EWC water rights. .50 Amount 121.50 121.50 0.5 $121 ,s0 $0.00 $o.oo $r21.s0 Any Payments Received After July 12,2018 Will Appear on Your Next Statement The hourly or other billing rates of our attorneys and other personnel are subject to change from time to time. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Please include invoice number with your payment. Thank you, Givens Pursley LLP A LATE pAYMENT CHARGE OF, -7r2% PER MONTH WrLL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OFTHE BILL. Amount 121.50 Grvrr@BsLEY.,, P.O. Box 2720 t Boise,Idaho 83701 (208) 388-1200 August 17, 2018 30-178 lnvoice #:191750 SUEZ North American lnc. 8248 W. Victory Rd. P.O. Box 190420 Boise, lD 83719-0420 Federal Tax lD #: 82-0335628 SERVICES FOR PERIOD THROUGH 713112018 REGARDING: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Water Rights & Property Review - 2018-RO-2484 Date 07124t18 Description Conference with Mike Lawrence to analyze transfer restraints on acquisition of Eagle Water Company (.2); research limitations on changes in place of use and enlargement in connection with acquisition of Eagle Water Company (.8). ID CHM Hours 1.00 Rate 369.00 Amount 369.00 TOTAL FEES $ 369.00 INVOICE CHARGES $ 359.00 Any Payments Received AfterAugust 17,2018 Will Appear on Your Next Statement The hourly or other billing rates of our attorneys and other personnel are subject to change from time to time. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Please include invoice number with your payment. Thank you, Givens Pursley LLP A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF7 -Y2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. Llw Oprrcrs Llu, Ornlcns GTVE SLEY "' P.O. Box 2720 c Boise,Idaho 83701 (208) 388-1200 August 17,2018 30-178 lnvoice #:191703 SUEZ North American lnc. 8248 W. Victory Rd. P.O. Box 190420 Boise,lD 83719-0420 Federal Tax lD #: 82-0335628 SERVICES FOR PERIOD THROUGH 7I31I2A$ REGARDING: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Water Rights & Property Review - 2018-RO-2484 Date 07t24t18 Descriotion Meeting with C. Cooper regarding Eagle Water Project; initial review and profiling of Eagle Water documents. RateID MCC Hours 1.50 324.00 Amount 486.00 TOTAL FEES $ 486.00 INVOICE CHARGES $ 486.00 Any Payments Received After August 17,20'|.8 Will Appear on Your Next Statement The hourly or other billing rates of our attorneys and other personnel are subject to change from time to time. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Please include invoice number with your payment. Thank you, Givens Pursley LLP A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 7 -1f2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. L.r.w Ol;ncss GrvEGBsLEY.., P.O. Box 2120 o Boise,Idaho 83701 (208) 388-1200 September 24,2018 30-178 lnvoice *:192532 SUEZ North American lnc 8248 W. Victory Rd. P.O. Box 190420 Boise, lD 83719-A424 Federal Tax lD #: 82-0335628 SERVICES FOR PERIOD THROUGH 813'II2O18 REGARDING: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Water Rights & Property Review - 2018-RO-2484 Date 08/08t1 8 08130/1 8 08/31 /t 8 De_s!_rEl!on Telephone conference with R, Dittus and C, Cooper re EWC water rights Telephone conference with R. Dittus re EWC water rights and wells (0.4); Discuss PSA and govemment approval issues wlth M. Creamer and G. Beeson (0.6); Review EWC water rights and well information (1.0); draft and send email to C. Cooper re water rights and government approval issues (0.5). lD Hours MPL MPL MPL .20 2.50 Rate 243.00 243.00 243.O0 Amount 48.60 48.60 607.50 .20 TOTAL FEES $ 704.70 INVOICE CHARGES $ 704.70 Any Payments Received After September 24,20'18 Will Appear on Your Next Statement The hourly or other billing rates of our attorneys and other personnel are subject to change from time to time. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the servlces were rendered. Please include invoice number with your payment. Thank you, Givens Pursley LLP A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 - V2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OFTHE BILL. L,q,w OF'rrcrs GrvEG IIsLEY ,,, P.O. Box 2720. Boise,Idaho 83701 (208) 388-1200 OctoberS,2018 30-178 lnvoice #:192906 SUEZ North American lnc. 8248 W. Victory Rd. P.O. Box'190420 Boise, lD 83719-0420 Federal Tax lD #: 82-0335628 SERVICES FOR PERIOD THROUGH 9/30/2018 REGARDING: Eagle Water Company Acguisition - Water Rights & Property Review - 2018-RO-2484 Date 09/0s/18 09t25t18 09/25/1 8 09/26/1 I 09/26/1 I Descriotion Telephone conference with C. Cooper re water right transfers and closing. Research and prepare comprehensive strategy memo on water rights implications of Eagle Water Co. purchase. Telephone conference with SUEZ re estimated cost to fix water rights shortfall (0.3); Review memo re water right and APOD issues and discuss same with C. Meyer (1.0). Further research and edits to comprehensive memorandum on Eagle VYater Company acquisition water right options. Review memo re water rights, service alea, and potential transfers and discuss same with C. Meyer. 7.80 369.00 2,878.20 1.30 243.00 3,t 5.90 CHM 3.80 369.00 1,402,20 MPL 1.50 243.00 354.50 ID MPL CHM MPL Hours Rate 243.00 Amount 48.60.20 TOTAL FEES $5,009.40 INVOICE CHARGES $ 5,009.40 Any Payments Received After October 8,2018 Will Appear on Your Next Statement The hourly or other billing rates of our attorneys and other personnel are subject to change from time to time. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Please include invoice number with your payment Thank you, Givens Pursley LLP A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 7 -Y2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OFTHE BILL. GTvENS PunsLEY,.." Attorneys and Counselors at Law P.O. Box 2720.Bose. ldaho 83701 I fZOet Seg-rZOO SUEZ North American lnc 8248 W. Victory Rd. Boise, lD 83719-0420 lnvoice #; Client #: Matter #: November 16,2018 94238 30 178 1 Regarding INVOICE SUMMARY SERVICES FOR PERIOD THROUGH 1013112018 " Eagle Water Gompany Acquisition - Water Rights & Property Review - 2018-RO-2484 Professional Services Costs and Expenses $ 1,5s9.70 $ .00 TOTAL THIS INVOIGE $ 1,559.70 Please include invoice number 194238 with your payment. Any payments received after November 16, 2018 will be reflected on your next statement. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Federal Tax lD #: 82-0335628 A late payment charge of 18o/o per annum (1 %Y, per month) will be charged on outstanding balances that remain unpaid for 30 days or more from the date of the invoice. GrveNs PuRslrv llp Client #: 30 Matter #:178 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES November 16,2018 lnvoice #:194238 Date lD Description of Service Hours Amount 10t05t18 1 0/05/1 B 10t16t18 10117118 10t24t18 1 0/30/1 8 CHM MPL CHM CHM CHM CHM Telephone conference with SUEZ team and M. Lawrence to explore options paper on Eagle Water Company acquisition. Telephone conference with SUEZ and C. Meyer re process and timing for fixing water right issues. Review and comment on drafi IPUC testimony regarding EWC acquisition. Conference with Mike Lawrence to discuss needed changes to draft IPUC testimony on EWC. Coordination with parties regarding Eagle Water Company status conference. Conference with Mike Creamer regarding prepared testimony for IPUC re Eagle Wat{1Qqllpany purchAse. .80 295.20 .80 194.40 1.70 627.30 50 184.50 50 184.50 .20 73,80 PROFESSIONAL SERV]GES $ 1,559.70 SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Timekeeper ID Hours Rate Total Christopher H. Meyer MichaelP. Lawrence CHM [/PL 3.70 .80 369.00 243.O0 1,365.30 194.40 TOTALS 4.50 $ 1,559.70 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 1,559.70 2 GTvENS PunsLEY,," Attorneys and Counselors at Law P,O. Box 2720. Boise. rdaho 83701 | (ZOe) S8A-IZOO December 11,2418 SUEZ North American lnc. 8248W. Victory Rd. Boise, lD 83719-0420 lnvoice #: Client #: Matter #: 1 95395 30 178 INVOICE SUMMARY SERVICES FOR PERIOD THROUGH 1113012018 Regarding: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Water Rights & Property Review - 2018-RO-2484 Professional Services Costs and Expenses $ 1,84s.20 $ .00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 1,845.20 Please include invoice numbor 195395 with your payment. Any payments received after December 11,2018 will be reflected on your next statement. This invoice reflects the billing rates in efiect at the tlme the services were rendered. Federal Tax lD #: 82-0335628 A late payment charge o'f 18o/o per annum (1 Yzo/o per month) will be charged on outstanding balances that remain unpaid for 30 days or more from the date of the invoice. Grvrrus PuRslrv llp Client #: 30 Matter #:178 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES December 11,2018 lnvoice #: 195395 Date lD Description of Service Hours Amount 11t06t18 CHhI 11t07t18 CHM Review and evaluate IPUC testimony in preparation for conference call with SUEZ. Prepare for and participate in conference callwith SUEZ staff in ldaho and NJ regarding IPUC application spreadsheet (.7); research and draft memorandum with proposed substitute language for spreadsheet (.7); conference with Mike Creamer re spreadsheet issues and overall strategy for IPUC presentation of evidence (.5) Conference with C. Meyer regarding strategy for IPUC presentation. Review application and materials for filing to identify what additional steps are necessary. Review additional materials for filing (.3); ensure new materials appropriately incorporated into filing (.4); review asset purchase agreements with emphasis on missing exhibits (1.1). Telephone callwith Joe Miller to discuss exhibits (.2); draft and send email with questions re: missing exhibit (.3); begin final review of filing (.3). 70 2s8.30 1.90 701.',tl 165.00 169.60 1.80 381.60 .80 169.60 11107 t18 11t13t18 MCC PNC 50 80 11114t18 PNC 11114t18 PNC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 1,845.20 SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Iqnekqeper ID Hours Rate Total Christopher H. Meyer MichaelC. Creamer Preston Carter CHM MCC PNC 260 .50 3.40 369.00 330.00 212.00 959,40 '165.00 720.80 TOTALS 6.50 1 845.20 $ 1,845.20TOTAL THIS INVOICE 2