HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190114Eagle Water to Staff 1 - Redacted.pdfWlotty O'Ledr) !,;il,.1J1,lI ih F,l{ 9:08 :1,5',)Lt*' r. llSSiClj ln| W. State Street, #150 Boise, ldaho 83702 Voice/Text: 208.453.6105 E-Mail: Molly@ BizCounselorAtlaw.com 14 January 201? Ms. Diane Hanian Commision Secreary ldaho Public Utilities Commision P O Box 83720 Boise lD 8T12O4o74 Hand Deliverd RE Gse No. SUZ-WJW2IEAG-W-18-01 Dear Ms. Hanian: I am enclosing an originaland three E) copies of EAGLE WATER COMPANY, lNCs RESPONSE TO COMMTSSION STAFF',S FTRST PRODUCflON REQUEST. A portion of the document provided in response to the Suffls First Production Request is filed under seal, pursuant to Rule 2J/.02 of the C.ommission's Rules of Procedure. An additional copy of EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCIION REQUEST is enclosed to be datesumped and returned for our files. Very truly yours, Ita- M l-aw, PLLC Molly O'Leary BizCounselor@ Law, PLLCln|W. State Street #150 Boise, ldaho 83702 Telephone: [208] 45}{,106 Mollv @ BizCou nselorAtLaw.com Attorneys for Eagle Water Company, lnc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF EACLE WATER COMPANY, INC. AND SUEZ WATER IDAHO, INC. FOR APPROVAL OF SALE AND ACQUISIT|ON OF EACLE WATER COMPANY, INC.ASSETS BY SUEZ WATER IDAHO, INC. AND AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. I43 AND APPROVAL OF RATES AND CHARCES CASE NO. SUZ-W-t*O2| EAG-W.I&OI EACLE WATER COMPANY, INC.'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST COMES NOW, undersigned counsel for Eagle Water Company, lnc. and files this RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO EACLE WATER COMPANY, INC. REQUEST NO. I Please provide a copy of the asset purchase agreement between Eagle Water Company and H2O Eagle Acquisition, LLC. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST.l RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. I Please see the attached document. A portion of Section 2.O4 of the requested document has been redacted pursuant to IPUCRP 233 and the ldaho Trade Secret Act, Title 48, Chapter 8, Idaho Code. A CONFIDENTIAL copy of the un- redacted document has been filed with the Commission in accordance with IPUCRP 233.02. DATED this l4th day of January, 2019. BizCounselor@ Law, PLLC lrr,- A Company, Inc. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, tNC.',S RESPONSE TO STAFF',S FIRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST- 2 EAGLE WATER COMPANY INC'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF',S FTRST PRODUCnON REQUEST- 3 DEFII\ITIYE ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT TEIS ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT ('Agreemenf') is made and entered into as of &e 18e day of September, 2018 (*Effective Dut '), by and between H2O Eagle Acquisition LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company (the *Buyet''), and Eagte Water Company, Inc.. an Idaho Corporation (the "!ellef). WITNESSETH: IVHEREAS, Seller owns r*ility assets that consist generally of water production, storage aod distibution facilities used to provide water utility service in the Service Area ('Service Area') ryecified in Exhibit A; WIIEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase, and Seller desires to sell, the Purchased Assets upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreemen[ and WffiREAS, Buyer and Seller are parties to that certain Asset Purchase Agreement dated lvlzy 14,2018 (*Odginal Agreemenf), this Agreement when executed strall update and replace the Original Agreement. NOW, TIIEREtr'ORE, h consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions, representations and agreements coatained herein, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS AI{D CONSTRUCTION SECTION As used in &is Agreement the following terms shall lays the meanings as defined herein unless the context requires otherwise: *Closiqg" or "Closing Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 9.01 of this Agreement. "Connection Charges" means the fuods collected from new customers of the Utility System at or prior to initial cormection to the Utility System in order tc defray the cost of making utility service available. DEF.o{TfivE AssET PURCfl ASE AGREEMENT - 1 'Ctstomer Deposits" means all firnds or deposim required to be made by ostomers of the Utility System to Seller upon becoming a customer or by persons requesting extension of service and connection to the Utility System, including, customer advances and contributions in aid of constuction where such connection or extension has not been made. Said fimds are being held by Seller and shall be transferred to Buyer at Closing. A listing of said Customer DeposiB is atached hereto as Exhibit F and incorporated herein by this express reference. Said list *hall be updated at Closing to reflect additions and subtactions from said listing from the Effective Date until the date of Ciosing. "Deposif'means &e sum of $50,000 together with any iilerest earned therein and deposit with Escrow Agent as provided in Section 2.04(A). "lEagle" meaus Eagle Water Company, an Idaho corporation. 'Easements" mea[s all existing easenoents and/or rights-of-way necessary or convenient for ingress, egress, rrccess to, or the location, operation and/or maintenance of the Purchased Assets, that are not within a plat or dedicated roadway, including but not limited to those Easements set forth in fi'.vhibit B. *Encumbrance" mean-s aay charge, claim, condition, equitable interesq lieo, option, pledge, security interest, mortgage, right of way, easemen! encroachmen! servitude, right of first option, right of first rcfusal or similar restiction, including, but not limited to, auy restriction on use, voting (in the case of any security or equity intersst), transfer, receipt of income or exercise of any other attribtrte of oumership. "Escrov/'means the escrow account established with the Escrow Agent for coordinating the Closing and receiving &e documents for the Closing and disbursemelrt of firnds for the purchase provided for hereunder. DsrrNrrrys AssET PURCHASE AGR-EEItIE}m - 2 *Esctow Agent" shall be the Title Company. *Esmow Insructions' means the escrow instnrstions of the Escrow Agent in customary form to carry out the terms of this Agreement *Excluded Assets" means those assets, properties and rights, tangible and/or intangible, real and/orpersonal,listed in E*ibit C. "Fee Parcels" means the fee simple rsal prope{y listed in Exhibit D, including any leased parcels to be converted to Fee Parcels at or prior to Closing. *Governmeutal Aufhorization" means final approval, license, certificate of public convenience and necessity, registratioa or final p€rmit issue4 granted, given or otherwise made available by or underthe authority of any Crovernmental Body. "Governmental Body" means any governmental authority of any nature, including, butnot limited to, the Idaho Public Utility Commissisa ('IEUC"), City of Eagle Idaho, and Idaho peearme* of Environmeatal Quality C'LpEQ). *Hookup F@s" meaos the funds collected from new customers of the Utility System at or prior to initial connection to the Utility System in order to defray the cost of making utility service available. Any Hoolorp Fees held by Sellerfor hookups to occur afrer Closing slrall be hansferred to Buyer at Closing. SuchHookup Fees shall be shoum on Exhibit F'. "Permitted Real Estafe Encumbrances" shall mean all rights of way, easements and @venants of record pertaining to the Fee Parcels and the Easements so long as the same do not materially impairthe rxe, valtre or marketability of any Fee Parcel and Fasement. Permitted Reai Estate Encumbrances shall not include any equitable interest, lien, option" pledge, security interest modgage, right of first option, right of first refusal or similar rqs&iction, including any restriction DEFIMITYE ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT. 3 on voting (in the case of any security or equity futerest), ftansfer, recelpt of income or exercise of any other aUribute of ownership. 'Personal Propef,y" means the personal propefiy that is owned and used by Seller in operation of the Utility System and identified in E*ibit E. ?nrchased Assets" has the nsening set forth in Section 2.02 hereof. "service Area" means the service area identified in E*ibit A. *Title Commitmenf'means the title insurauce commituent with respect to the Fee Parcels and &e Easements in an amount not to exceed the Purchase Price, issued by the Title Company committing the Title Company to issue and deliver the Title Policy to Buyer upon compliance with the requirements stated in Schedule B, Section I thereof, subject to the terms and conditions contained therein. "Title Company" means TitleOne Corporation. "Tifle Policy'' mesns the ALTA oumer's policy of title insuraqce, issued by the Title Company in accordance with the Title Commitraent that meets the requirements of Section 3.03 ofthis Agreement. "Utility Systed' means (t) the Fee Parcels, (2) the Easementg and (3) the Persoral Proper! used to provide utility service in the IPUC authorizcd Service Area "Water Rights" meaos all State of Idaho water rigbts and permits associated with the Utility Systerr, insluding, without limitation, the following: State ofldaho waterrightnumbers: 63-7368, 63-7618,63-9245, and 63-1 1798;63-12147 and 63-12559. DEFINn"IVE AssET PUR,CHASE AGH.EEMENT - 4 ARTICLE tr PURCHASE A}ID SALE OF A,SSETS SECTION 2.01 PURCEASE AI{D SALE COVENAIIT. At Closing, Buyer shall purchase from Seller and Seller shall sell to Buyer the Purchased Assets, upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement SECTION 2.02 PURCEASED ASSETS. (A) The Purchased Assets consist of the following: (1) The Fee Parcels described inExhibit D hereto. @ The Easements, together with any other easement rights possessed by Seller at Closing whether identified prior to or after Closing, incluCing but not necessarily limited to those Easements identified ia Exhibit B hereto if they are integral to the Utility System. (3) Aay and all Govemmental.Authorizations. (4) Any and allPersonal Pmperty, inchrding, butnot limitedto, all watersupply and disaibution facilities, pumps, tanks, treatment plants, other facilities, transmission mains, distibutiou mains, supply plpes, valves, meters, meter boxes, service connections, equipment, vehioleg part$ tools, chemicals, office buildiugs and all other physical facilities, equipment, appurtenances and property instailations used by and for the operation of the Utility System, and third party war mties that relate to completed construction, or consEuction in the process of being cornpleted. Personal Prope*y includes, but is not necessarily limited to those items identified in Eftibit E hereto if they are integral to the Utility System. (5) All existing Customer Deposits and Hookup Fees made to and held by Seller prior to the Closing. (6) AII existing Connection Charges collected and held by Seller prior to Closing. DCTWTTTVE ASSET I'URCTIASE AGREEMENT - 5 (A A[ existing Waier Rights and Walcr Right Permits belonging to and held by the C.ompany. Aay of the foregoing held in the name of any afrliatc of Seller or by Robert DeShazo aud/or any other person shall fs inchrdd in thc foregoiqg and h subject to the terms and conditions hcreof. (B) Prouptly during the due diligeirce InspesdoD Perioq provided for in Error! Refercucc source not found.Section 3.02 the Seller shall provide Buyer copres of all curent customer records, as.built surveys and infrastnrctne plas, plats, eugineeriog and other drawings, designs, blu€prints, plans and specifications, mainteoance aad ope,rcing maruals, €ogheering reportg catculxions, strdies, non-coqrcrzte accounting, and tron-co4rorate business records contrrolled by or in the possession of Seller tbat relate to the description and operation ofthe Utility Systmu SECTION A([l EKCLUDED ASSETS. Notwithstmding any other provision ofthis Agreement that may be construed to the contary, the hrchased Assets do not include the Excluded Assets as shown in E*ibit C- SECTION 2.04 PURCIIASE PRICE. The Purchase Price forthe hrcbasd Assets (*Purcbase Price) zubject to proratious and adjustuents set for& in this Agreemat The Pru,chase Price shall be payable by Buys to Sellcr in immodiarcly available filnds at Clositr& by wire treder, pursustrt to wire insruc{ions to be provided by Sellerto Buyerat or priorto Closiag. (A) Buyer will delivcr tbc Deposit to Escnow Agent witbin thrce (3) Busincss Days bllowing &e Effctive Daie. Buyerwill deliverthe balance of the hrchase Frice not lderthan ee Cbsing Darc- Escrow Agc,nt will place &e kposit in a federally insurod account otr behalf of DEFINTTTYE ASSEf, PURCUAIIE.IIGBEEMENT. 5 Seller and Buyer. Buyer will insilnrct Escrow Agent whether Buyer elects to have such account be interest-bearing: Th. Price will be paidto Seller at Closing. (B) The Deposit will be applied as follows: (i) if Buyer terminates this Agreement when Brryer is expressly eutitledto do so as provided inthis Agreement &e Deposit Qess the Transaction Fee, as provided below) will be retirned to Buyer; (ii) if the Deposit is to be received by Seller as provided in this Agreement the Deposit will be paid to Seller; and (iii) if Closing occurs, the Deposit will be credited to Buyer, applied against the Purchase Price, and paid to Seller at Closing. (C) The Transaction Fee is the independent consideration for the execution of this Agreement by Seller and the provision of the Diligence Period by Selier to Buyer. Upon any termination of this Agreement prior to Closing, the Transaction Fee will be deducted from the Deposit and paid by Escrow Agent to Seller. The Transaction Fee is earned by Seller as of the Effective Date of this Agreement and is non-refundable in all events, and any reference in this Agreement to a return of the Deposit to Buyer will mean such amount "less the Transaction Fee;" provided, howwer, that if Closing occurs, the Transaction Fee will be included in the Deposit amount credited to Buyer and applied to the Furchase Price as provided above. (D) This Agreement including the Escrow Instnrctions, will constitute the instructions for the Escrow Agent's handling of the purchase and sale transaction contemplated herein. Seller and Buyer will execute such zupplemental escrow instructions as may reasonably be required by Escrow Agent to enable Escrow Agent to comply with the terms sf this Agreement. If any conflict exists between this Agreement and the provisions of any supplemental escrow instructions, the tcrms of this Agreement will control unless a contrary intent is e:rpressly indicated in the supplemental instruc'tions and zuch supplemental instnrctions are signed by both Buyer and Seller. DnrncrrlvE ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT - 7 SECTION 2.05 ASSUIffiD OBLIGATIONS. With the sole exception of Buyer's agreement to provide water senrice to individual customers tbrough the Utility System from the Closing through the date Buyer assigns or transfers all or a material portion of the Utitity System, Buyer shall not assume and shall not be liable for any debt, liabilities or contactual obligations of Seller or any other party of any nature whalsoever. Seller shall remain fi.rlly and solely liable for any and all debts, obligations or liabilities arising front Selle/s operation of the Utility System priorto the Closing. SECTION 2.06 EMPLOYEES. Buyer may after Closing hire any employees of Seller that it desires to hire. Seller shall be reqponsibie for updating existing employee information through completed employment applications &om all existing employees. Buyer shall review each application aod schedule individual meetings when appropriate. ARTICLE III DUE DILTGENCE ISSUES SECTION 3.01 PROYISION OS' IN}'ORMA'TION BY SELLER" (A) Seller has provided or will provide to Buyer, within 20 days after the Effective Date, an inventory of equipment parts and other personal proprty used by Seller in connection with and for the operation of ths Utility System as of the Effective Date to be included h this Agreement as Exhibit E. (B) After the Efrective Date, and after reasonable advance notice, Seller shall cooperate with Buyer in providing updated informatioa and access to all aspects of the Utility System by Buyey's representatives(s) during nomral business hours. (C) After the Effective Date, and after reasonable advance notice, Se1ler shall make any existing plats, surveys, plans or specifications for the Utility System in Sellet's possession available to Buyer, and/or its representatil'es for inqpectiou dixing normal business hours. De rnmivr AssET PURCHASE AGAEEMEKT - 8 (D) Within fifteen (I5) days after the Effective Date Seller shall provide Buyer with a resohrtion of all of its Shareholder's approvipg 'his Agreement and the tansaclion provided for herein SECTION 3.02 DUE DILIGENCE DTTERMINATTONS. (A) Buyer shall have until December 31, 2018 (the "Inspection-Period') to connplete its finat dus diligence. Buyor shall hays until &e dats that is ninety (90) Business Days after the expiration of the Inspection Period ("Due Diligence Termination Date') herein to terminate this Agreement at its sole dissretion for any re:uc,n or Do reaso& by delivering notice of its termiaatioa as provided in Section I 1.02 ofthis Agreement; otherwise, Buyer and Seller shall proceed to obtain the Governmental Approvals under Section 3.05 and Section 5.01 of this Agreement. Upon termination 6f this Agreeme,nt undq Section 3.02 hereirl neither Party to this Agreement shali have any firther liability or obligation to the otherpertaining to this Agreement. (B) The time period for the Due Diligence Termination Date may be extended by Buyer for up to tbree (3) fifteen (15) &y periods by Notice to Seller, to be given on or before the Due Diligeuce Termination Date as it may be o<tended to complete Title Review, environmental and satisfy the conditions precedents under Article VI- SECTION 3.03 CITRRENT EVIDENCE OF TITLE. (A) Within thirty (30) days after the Effective Date herein, and at Selle/s expense, Seller shall fimish or have delivered to Buyer, from the Tifle Company, the following information: (1) A Title Commitnaent issued by the Title Company (the *Ii![g Commiment') to insure title to the Fee Parcels and the Easements of record in an amount not to exceed the Purchase Price, naming Btryer as the proposed insured and having the effective date as set forth therein, wherein the Title Company will have ageed to issue at Closing an ALTA form DEFINITTYE ASSET PURCUASE AGREEMENT. 9 owner's title insurance policy, with Idaho modifi.cations and extended coverage at Btryer's election; and (2) Copies of atl recorded documents listed as special Schedule B exceptions thereunder (the "Recorded Documents'); (3) UCC search for all UCC security interests that may apply to any of the Purchased Assets; and (4) Judgment search to determine if there are auy judgments against Seller and/or liens therefrom against any ofthe Purchased Assets. (B) The Title Commitment shall include the Title Company's requirements for issuing the Title Policy, which shall be met by Seller as provided in Section 3.03(E) herein on or before the Closing Date (includitrg those rhat must be met by releasing or satisffing monetary Encumbrances, but excluding Encumbrances thatwill remain after Closing as agreedto by the Buyer). (C) If any of&e following occur, they shall constinrte aTitle Objection: (1) The Title Commihent orotherevidence oftitle or search ofthe appropriate real estate records discloses that any party other than Seller has title to the insured estate cove,fed by the Title Commituent; Qj Any title excqrtionis disclosedin Schedule B to any Titte Commitnoentthat is not one of the Permitted Real Estate Encumbrances; or (3) Any current survey discloses any matter that Buyer reasonably believes could materially and adversely affect BuyeCs material use and enjoyment of the Fee Parcels and Easements described therein; in such case, Buyer shall astify Seller in uriting of zuch matters no Iaier than 15 days prior to the Closing Date. DEFINTTTVE ASSET PURCEASE AGREEMEN"- 10 P) Seller shall use its best efforts to cure each Title Objection and take all steps required by the Title Company to eliminate eash Title Objection as an exception to the Titie i. Commiuoent Any Title Objection that the Title Company is wilting to insure, on terms acceptable to Seller and Buyer, is herein referred to as an "Insured Exception." The Insured Exceptions acceptable to Buyer, together with any title exception to the Title Commitnent or matters disclosed by any survey and not objected to by the Buyer in the manner aforesaid, shall be deemed to be acceptable to Buyer. In the event Seller is uable to cure a Title Objection and/or Buyer objects to an Insured Exception, Buyer shall bave the right to terminate this Agreement and shall have no liability or firther obligation underthis Agreeme,lrl (E) Seller shall compty with the requirements of [Schedule B Section 1] of the Title Commitment (F) Buyer shall have ee righq but not the obligation, to do such surveys on the Fee Parcels as Buyer desires. Surveys procured by Buyer shall be at the sole cost and expense ofBuyer. (G) If Buyer desires to have any standard survey exceptions deleted or modified in the Title Policy, Buyer shall deliver to the Title Company, no later than 15 days prior to the Closing Date, properly certified and current original surveys of the specified Fee Parcels that comply with Idaho law. DEm{r[vE AssET PURCSASE AGREEITIENT - 11 SECTION3.O4 MPROVISIONS. (A) For purposes of this Section: (1) "llazardous Materials" means any substance or material regulated by auy federal, state or local governme,ntal entity under any Environmental Law as s hazardorrc material, hazardous zubstance, hazardous waste, pollutant contaminant, toxic waste, toxic zubstance or words of similar import, including peholeum aad petroleum productg by-products or breakdoum products; Q) "Environmental Laws" rleans any statute, law, regulation, orditrance, injunction, judgment, order, or other decree of any governmental authority pertaining to the protection of the em'ironmeng including the Federal Clean Water Act- 33 II.S.C. $ 1251 et seq. (1972), the Comprehensive Environmental Reqponse, Compensation and Liability Act, &e Resource Conservatioa and Recovery Acq the Federal Water Pollution Contol Act, the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, Toxic Substances Conhol Ac! Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986, &e Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and any comparable state statute, iaw, regulation, ordinance, injrurction, judpenL order, or other decree. Any reference to legislative acts or regulations shall be deemed to include all amendments thereto and all regulations, ordetrs, decrees, judgments or notices issued &ereunder. (B) Seller wanants that it has obtained all environmerrtal permits and other Govemmental Authorizations that are required in connectioa with the business and operation of the Utility System. (C) Seller warrants that Utility Systeno is in full compliauce with all applicable Environmental Laws and Company held environmental permits, Seller has 1s knowledge of any basis for a violation, alleged violation or liability. DEFINTTTVE ASSBT PURCHASE AGREEMENT. I? (D) Seller warrants that it has not received notice of any violatioq alleged violation or liability arising uuder any applicable Heral, state or local statutes, laws and regulations (inctuding, without limitation, any applicable environmental, fuilding, zoning, or other law, ordinance or regulation) materially or adversely affecting the Purchased Assets or Utility Systern. (E) Seller warxants that &ere are no Ilazardous Materials present aroun4 on or in the e,nvironment of the Utility Syste,m that are not in compliance with applicable Euvironmental Laws, including, but not limited to, aoy hazardous Materials contained in barels, aboveground or rmderground storage tanks, equipment (whether moveable or fxed) or other containers, either te,noporary or perlunent. Seller has not disposed of any Hazardous Materids on the Fee Parcels or EasemEnts, nor has Seller removed Hazardous Materials &om the Fee Parcels or Easemeots, except asprovidedby law. (F) Buyer, at its expense, may perform assessments, as it deems approprirate, including Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) pursuant to applicable ASTM standards and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments forrecognized environmental concerns identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessnaents. Seller shall cooperate with Buyer and/or its agents by providing reasonable aocess to the Utility System and Fee Parcels so that Buyer aud/or its agents may conduct auy Environmental Site Assessments Buyer deems necessary. (G) If the ESA reveals Hazardow Maferials on the Fee Parcels that require remedial action, Buyer, in its sole discretion, shall either (a) demand that Seller take prompt action as necessary to elipeditiously remediate the reported }lazardous Materials and provide the Buyer with copies of all documentation veriSing that all remediation has occured and applicable regulatory requirements have been satisfie4 (b) attempt to negotiate with Seller a lesser Purchase Price for the Purchased Assets and proceed 1e f,[osing under the terms contained herein; provided, however, DEFINTIVE .ASSET PURCIIASE AGREEMENT - 13 that if Seller and Buyer are unable to negotiate in good faith a lesser Purchase Price within twenty (20) days of Buyels first remediation offer to Seller, Buyer may terminate this Agreemenq or (c) tenninate this Agreement Seller shall be required to remediate under this Section 3.Oa(GXa) rmless &e cost is estimated to exceed $100,000.00, in which case Seller shall have the option to terminate this Agreement, orrenegotiate the pruchaseprice withBuyerin accordance with Section 3.04(G) or O). [Jpoa any termination under this Section 3.04, Seller and Brryer shall have no firther liability or obligation to each other under ihis Agreemenl ARTICLE [V REPRESENTATTONS AND WARRANTIES SECTION 4.01 REPRESENTATIOhIS ATID WARRANTMS OF SEI,LER Seller represents and warrants to Buyer as follows: (A) Seller is duly organized, validly existing and has an active status rmder the laws of the State of Idaho. Seller has the power and authority to enter into this Agree,ment and to perform the terms and conditions oftlis Agleemaent. (B) There are rro peding orthredened legal actions, suib, mediations, arbitrations, or other legal or administrative proceedings pending or threatened against Seller that could afect the disposition Purchasd Assets in any way or couid prevent consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement Furthennore, that there exists no fact or facts that may result in any actioa, suit, mediation, arbitatior, or other proceedings &at migbt result in any adverse change in the Purchased Assets. (C) Seller is uot in defauit with any Governmental Authority or under any Governmental Authorizationpertaining to &e operationofthe Utility System or disposition ofthe Puchased Assets. Additionally, the Seller has not receivd notice of any claim of default with respect to any Governmeutal Authorization. Seller is not in defarilt with respect to any judgmeng DETNITTVE ASSET PURCFiASE AGREEMENT. 14 order, unit, verdict rqiunctioo, decree or award applicable to it or any court or other government T*** or arulratol navil juisai* o:t: n * *rt'1ii* to the operation of the Utility System or the Purchased Asses. (D) The execution and performance of this Agreement by Seller does not and wiil not violate or result in the breach of any teinrc or condition, or require the consent of any prson not a party hereto under: (i) the by-laws of Seller and (ii) any material mortgage, indenture, contact, lease, license or other instrument, document or understanding, oral or wriften, to which the Seller is a party or subject. (E) Seller is not in default under aoy contract agreenent, lease or other instrument to which it, the Utility Sys&em or the Purchased Assets are bound- Seller has rrs knowledge of auy orlstanding debts or accounts payable relating to the Puchased Assets to which Seller is a party. (F) Alltaxretums, informationand/orother reportsrequiredby Sellerto be filed in any jurisdiction have been timely filed and all such ta:c returns and/or reports are true, correct and complete in all marerial respects. All tanes applicable to Seller for the Purchased Assets that are due and payable have been paid- (G) Seller warrants rhat, other than 1fos Permitted Real Estate Encumbrances, Seller is the sole legal owner and has fult tiglt, power and ability and will convey to Buyer at Closing the fee simple absolute interest and good and marketable title to the Fee Parcels and Easements, free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances and interests in the Fee Parcels and Easements. GD Mthout limiting the generality of any other provision of this Section 4.01, Seller warrants that as of Closing, Seller is the sole legal owner aud has full rigtrq power and ability to convey to Buyer clear title to all of the Purchased Assets. DEFSfiTTVE ASSET I'URCSASE AGNEEMENT - 15 (I) Seller's environmental representations and warranties contained in Section 3.04 are tnre and ascurate and incorporated by reference into fhis Section 4.01. SBCTION 4.02 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Otr'BIIYER. Buyer represents and wamuts to Seller as follows: (A) Buyer is duly organized" validly existing and has an active status underthe laws of the State of Wyoming. Buyer has the power and authority to enter iuto this Agree,ment and to prform the tersrs and couditions herein (B) Buyer is not subject to, nor a party to aoy action, zuit claim or o&er legal proceeding, legal requirement or a$y other restriction of any kind or character that would prevent consummation of the bansactions contemplatedby this Agree,menl (C) Buyer has not dealt with a broker, salesomn, or finder iu connection with any part of the tra$ac:tion contemplated by this Agreement an{ insofar as it knows, no broker, salesman or other person is entitled to any commission or fee with respect to said transaction (D) The executioo and performance of this Agreement by Brryer does not and wiil not violate or result in the breach of any term or condition, or require the sonseut of any person not a party hereto undsr: (t) the bylaws of Seller; (ii) any maferial mortgage, iadenture, contrac! lease, license or other insEument document, agresment or understanding, oral or qnitten, to which the Buyer is a party or subject ARTICLE V ISSUANCE AITTD TRANSFER OT GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATIONS SECTION 5.01 ESUANCE A}ID TRANSTER O[' GOYERNMEI{TAL AUTHORIZATIONS. Within tm (10) days after the Due Diligence Termination Date or earlier at Buyer's request Seller and Buyer jointly shali apply for, and &ereafter diiigently seek and pursue, &e issuance, cancellation and/or traosfer of all Governmental Authorizations necessary to DEnNITTVE AssET PURCHASE AGa.EEMENT. 16 tansfer the huchased Assets to Buyer to operate the Utility System. Each party shall be responsible for its orrnr fees and costs in this regard. Any ltiog fees incuned in seeking such govemmental authorizations shall be qplit evenly between the parties. ARflCLE VI CONDrrIONS PRECEDENT TO THE BUTER'S OBLIGATTON TO CLOSE AND .ADDTTIONAL COYENANTTS Buyer's obligation to purchase the Purchased Assets and to take any and all other actions required to be taken by Buyer at the Closing is subject to the satisfaction, at or prior to the Closing, of each of the followiag conditions (any of which may be waived by the Buyer, in whole or in part: SECTION 6.01 SELLER'S PERtrOBMANCE. All of the covenants and obligations that Seller is required to perform or to comply wi& pursuant to this Agreement at or prior to the Closing (considered collectively), &d each of these covenants and obiigations (considered individually) strall have been duly performed and complied with in atl materiai respects. SECfiON6.O2 SEI,I,ER'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. AIl representations and warranties made by Seller in this Agreement shall be true, correct and complete as of the Effective Date, and no breach or violation of such representations and warranties shali have occurred &om the Eftective Date up to and including the Closing Date. SECTION 6.03 ADIIITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Seiler shall have caused the documents and instruments requited by this Agreement and the following documents to be delivered to the Escrow Agent for Closing in a form reasonably satisfactory to the Buyer: (A) Resolution reflecting approval of this Agreemeut by Seller; (B) Resolution ofthe Shareholders of Sellerreflecting approval of this Agreement; (C) Such other documents as Buyer may reasonably request for the purpose of: DEFINTTTVE AssET PURCSASE AGREELTENT . 17 (l) Evidencing the prfonnance by Seller of, or the complimce by Seller witb, any covenant or obligatioo required to be performed or complied wi& by Seller; or @ Evidencing the release of all liens, secruity interests, and any other encunbrance or encumbrances other than Permitted Real Estate Encumbrauces. SXCTION 6.04 NO CONFLICT. Neither the consummationnor the performance of &is Agreement will, directly or indirecfly, materially coutavene or conflict with or result in a material violation of or cnuse Buyer to suffer any material adverse consequence under aay applicable Governmental Authorization or other legai order. SECTION 6.05 GO\IERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATIONS. All Governmental Authorizations shall have been issued, cancelled or transferred, as the case may be, in accordance with Section 5.01 of this Agreement under terms satisfactory to Buyer. SECTION 6.06 ASSIGI$MENT OI'AGREEMENT. The Buyer shall have the right to assign this Agreement at Buyer's sole cliscretion and at any time to any other Party without the consent of the Seller by notifying the Selier in vniting. ARTICLE VII CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO SELLER'S OBLIGATION TO CLOSE Seller's obligationto sell the Purchased Assets and to take any and all other actions required to be taken by Seller at the Closing is subject to its satisfaction, at or prior to the Closing, of each of the following conditions (any of which may be waived by Seller in whole or in part): SECTION 7.Ol TEE BTIYER'S PERtrORMAIICE. All of the covenants and obligxions that Buyer is required to perform or to comply with pursuaot to this Agreement at or prior to the Ciosing (considered collectively); and each of these covenants and obligations (considered individually), shall have been performed and complied with in all material respects. DEFINITTVE ASSET FURCIIASE AGREEMENT- 18 SECTION 7.02 BIIYER,'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRAIYTIES. AII representations and warranties made by Buyer in this Agreement shall be mre, corre.ct and complete as of the Effective Date, and no breach or violation of such, representations and warranties shall have occurred from the Effective Date up to and including the Closing Date. ARTICLE VItr COVENA}ITS OF SELLER SECTION 8.01 OPERATION OF TIIE BUSINESS Otr. SELLER Between the Effective Date and&e Closing, Seller shall: (A) Conduct its business in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice; (B) Confer with Buyer prior to implementing any operational decisions that night change, in any way, the disposition of the Purchassd Assets and/or operation relating to the Utility System of a material narure; (C) ldaintaiu the Purchased Assets in a state of repair and condition that complies with legal requirements and is consistentwiththe requiremeuts andnormalconduct of Selleds business; (D) Comply with all legal requirements and contactual obligations applicable to the operations of Seller's business; CE) Use its best efforts tcr mainfain its relationship and good-wiu with any and all of its suppliers, customers and/or any otherperson or entity with which it has a business relationship; (F) Cooperate with Buyer and assist Brryer aud/or Buyer's agen(s) in identifying the Govemmeatal Authorizations required by Buyer to operate the business from and after the Closing Dafe and either (i) tansfening existing Governmental Aurthorizations of Seller to Buyer, where permissible, or assisting Buyer in obtaining uew Govenrmental Authorizations; DEFINITT\TE ASSET I,URCEASE AGR,EEMENT - i9 (G) Upon rcquest from time to time, execute and deliver an documents, make all tnrthful oaths, testi& in any proceedings, whether before or after Closing, and do all other acts that may he re,asonably necessary to consummate this Agreemen! all without any firther consideration; G{) Maintain and make available for review by Buyer all books and records of Seller relating to Sellet's business in the ordinary course of business; (D Notrs and consult with Buyer prior to the initiatiog developmen! or execution of any plans for expamion of or improvements to the Utitity System; (J) Cooperate with Buyer in sendi"g any customer notices thaq in Buyer's judgment ilre Bsessary or desirable in connectionwith the transactions contemplated herein; (K) Not allow the levels of raw maferials, suppiies or other materials included in the Purchased Assets to vary from the ievels customarily maintained; (L) Not make any material modificationto any Governmental Authorizationthat relates to the Purchased Assets; aod (M) Not enter into any agreements, contracts, letters of intent or understanding or other documents or modifr, terminate or assign any existing agreements, contracts, lefiers of intent or understanding orotherdocuments withEagle (including aay shareholderofEagle) withoutBuyet's priorwriuen consent. SECTION 8.02 NOTIFICATION. Benreen the Effective Date and Closing, Seller shall promptly notifr Buyer, in writing, if it becomes arvare of (a) any fact or conditionthat causes or constitutes a breach 6f this Agree,meng (b) the occltrlsnce after the Effective Date of any fact or condition that would or be reasonabiy likely to (except as expressly contemplated by this Agreement) cause or constitute a breach of this Agreemen! or (c) any materi2[ damage or destuction to the Purchased Assets. During the same perio{ Seller also shall promptly notiS the DTTtr.,{I TvE AssET PURCTIASE AGREEMENT - 20 Buyer of the occurre,lrce of any breach of any covenant of Seller in this Agreement or the ocsrgreqps 9f qny.evo,at -thet qay qake,the rptisfaction of,lhp cpnditions in this Agreement impossible or unlikely. SECTION 8.03 PAYMENT OF LIABILITIES. Seller shall pay or otherwise satis$ in the ordinary course of busiuess all of its liabilities and obligations as they come due. .ARTICLE U{ CLOSING A}ID RELATED PROCEDT]RES ANII ADJUSTMENTS SECTION 9.01 ESCROW CLOSING DATE AI\ID PLACE. (A) Within three (3) business days of the Effective Date, Buyer and Seller shall open Escrow with the Escrow Agent The parties shall execute the Escrow Insfiuctions in customry form to carry out the terms of this Agreement (B) On or before the Closing Date, Buyer and Seller strall deposit in escrow with Escrow Agent all insEuments, documents and monies (payable in cash by wire funds or official bank check), and closing instructions necessary to complete the tansaction in accordance with this Agreemenl Tlre Escrow Agent's closing fees shall be equally divided between Selier and Buyer. AII other exlreoses not specifically referenced in this Age€ment and incurred by Seller or Buyer with respect to the tansactions set forth herein shall be borne and paid exclusively by the Party incuring the same, without reimbr:rsement. (C) The Closiug shall he held at the office of the Escrow Agent within ten (10) days after satisfactiou of the conditions rmder Article VIError! Reference source not or such other date mutually acceptable to Seller and Buyer but no later than twenty (20) days after receipt of final Govemmental Authorizations and other conditions precedent under Article VI (the "ebsisg_Da!g'). DEFn{ITIVE ASSET PURCEASE AGREEMENT . 2 1 SECTION 9.02 RECORDING FEES.ATTD TAIGS AND TTTLE INSURANCE. (A) Fees to record the deeds and any other instruments necessary to deliver title to Buyer shali be paid by Buyer. (B) To the extent that taxes or other charges are drrc and payable with respect to the deeds and/or o&er instnrments necessary to deliver title to the Purchased Assets to Buyer, said transfer ta(es shall be paid by Buyer. Any income taxes due and payable by Seller as a result of the sale ofthe Purchased Assets shall be paid by Seller. (C) The cost of the Title Policy, standard coverage, shall tre paid by Seiler, the additional cost of extended coverage and any endorsements requested by Buyer shall !s paid by Buyer. SECTION 9.03 ACCOUNTS RECEMBLE; ACCOUNTS PAYABLE; CUSTOMER DEPOSITS. (A) AII accounts receivable for services provided to customers prior to the Closing Date shall belong to Seller and Seller shall have the right and obligation to collect such accouts receivable. All accounts receivable generated for services provided to customers on aud afterthe CiosingDate shall belongto BuyerandBuyer shall havetherightaudobligatiouto collect such accounts receivable. (B) Ail bills for services, materials and sugplies rendered in connrction with &e operation of the Utility System prior to &e Closing Date f'Accounts_Payable'), shall be paid by Seller. (C) Seller shall be responsible for all ad valorem or property taxes, prorated through &e Ciosing Date. Ta:<.es due thereafter, if any, shall be paid by Buyer. Dprnrrrrvr AssET PuRcHAsE AGREL'uEI.{? - ?3 SECTION 9.04 CONNECTION CEARGES. !1 ., ty1: :, :r:*'"::::31 :T ::',**1ol l"u': flna customers who, prior to the Closing Date have not been hooked up to the Utility System or othenvise received the services for which such customer funds were collected" shatl be a Purchased Asset. (B) Hookup Fees collected from and after Closing shall be Buyer's sole and separate properly. SECTTON 9.05 COSTS AIID PROTESSIONAL FEES. (A) E ch patty shall be responsible for securing its own counsel aad/or advisor(s) for representation in connection with the negotiation of &is Agreement and all other matters associated with performance, cancellation or closing hereunder r$lsss otherwise specified herein. Each party shall be responsible for the paSrment of its own attonreys, bankers, engineers, accountant$ and other professional advisors or consultants in connection herewith- Buyer will be responsible for the recording of the deeds and other instnrmerts necessary to deliver title to Buyer. SECTION 9.06 RISK OF LIISS. At all times prior to and through the time of Closin& Seller shall aairJain adequate fire and orteuded insurance coverage for the cost of any replacement or repairs to the Purchased Assets that may be required as a result of casualty damage. Repairs or repiacements must be of equal or betler gualrty than existed prior to ttre loss or damage. The risk of loss to the Utility System prior to Closing sbali be bonre by Seller. The risk of loss to the Utility System after Closing shall be borae by Buyer. SECTION 9.07 CLOSING PROCEDT'RE. (A) On or prior to the Closing Date, Seller and Buyer shall execute all documents necessary to close the taosaction. Dnrnrrrvu AssET PURCXIASE AGR.EEMENT- 23 (B) At Closing, the appropriate party shall execute or cag5g to be executed and delivered to the Closing the foliowing documents in final form acceptable to Buyer, together with any exhibits or appendices f'Transfer Document$"): (1) General warmnty deed(s) for the conveyance of Fee Parcels and the Water Right to be conveyd @ AssignmentofEasements; (3) Ifnecessary, general assigrment of any Governmental Arxhorizations; (4) Bills of Sale or other documents of assignme,lrt and transfer, with fiiU warrauties of title to the personal properly portion of Purchased Assets; (5) Post-closing agreem€,uts, affdavits, assigrments, certificates, estoppel certificates, corrective irstnunents, releases, satisfactions or terminations necessary or required pursuant to this Agreement (O Title Policy consistent with Section 3.03 of this Agreement; (7) Non-foreign affidavit; (8) Any affidavits, assignments, certificates, estoppel certificares, cortective iostruments, releases, satisfactioas, terminatious or waivers aecessary to close, including, but not limited to a no lien affidavit, a "gap" affidavit and those instruments identified by the Title Company insr:ringthe Fee Parcels; (9) Documents, in a form reasonably satisfrctory to the Buyer, and the Titie Company evidencing the reiease of all liens, secudty interestq and other eneumbrances othertlan Permitted R€al Estafe Encumbrances. SECTION 9.08 DOCUMENTS AFTER TIilD CLOSING. From time-to-time after the Closing, each party hereto shall, upon request of the other, execute, acknowledge md deliver, DEFINITIVE AssET PURCHASE ACREEMENI'- 24 or shall cause to be executd acknowledged aod delivered, all such firther acts, deeds, assignments, bills of sale, transfers or other documentation for (1) confirming or correcting title in the rame of Buyer or its successors) or perfecting possession by Buyer or its successor(s) of any or all ofthe Purchased Assets, including the establishment of a record of Easements without resort to litigation, expenditure of monies or other extraordinary means, for all facilities that are a part of the Ut'ility System in exisbnce or use at the time of Closing, or (2) otherwise fulfilling the obligations of the parties hereunder and to facilitae the tansition of services to customers and operation of the Utility System. Further, &om time-to-time after Closirg, should the parties discover that certain land parcels, Easements, or other rights owned or enjoyed by Seller prior to Q[ssing and uecessary to the proper operation and maintenance of the Utilrty System were not included in the Appeadices hereto, and thus not trausferred to the Buyer or its successor(s) at Closing in accordance with this Agreement then tbe parties agree that Seller shall execute or cause to be otecuted the docume,nts including, but not limited to, deedso easements and bills of sale necessary to convey such ownership or rights to Buyer or its predeoessor(s), at no cost to Buyer, provided such conveyarces may be accomplished without resort to litigation, expenditure of monies or other exhaordinary means. ARTICLE X IhiDEMNTTY AI\TD ATTORNTEYS I{EES SECTION 10.01 INDEMNITY AltD ATTORIIEYS FEES. Seller agrees to indemnifr (or defend at Buyeds sole option) Buyer, its successors and assigns, and hold them hannless against any loss, demage, liability, expense or cost arising out of or atnibutable to: 1) any act or omission of Seller or its agents, employees or contractors relating to Seliet's ownership, maintenance, or operation of the Utility System prior to Closing, or 2) any misrepresentation or breach of any represeotation, warrarfy or covenant on &e pafr of Seller under this Agreemenl DSI,IIiTTTVS ASSET PURCEASE AGREEMENT - 25 SECTION 10.02 ATTORNEYS trEES. Inthe eveirt litigation is necessary to resolve any dispute arising underthis Agreemen! the prevailingparty shall be entitldtorecover fromthe non-prevaiiing party reasonable afiorney's fees aod elpenses to the exteut allowed by Idaho law. ARTICLE }il GEIYERAL PROVISIONS SECfiON 11.01 APPLICABLE LAW; JURISDICTION AI\ID YEniUE. This Agreement shall be govemed by and constrrred in accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming excluding any choice of law rules that may direct the application of the laws of any otherjruisdiction. SECTION 11.02 NOTICE. (A) All notices, certificates or other communication^s hereunder shall be srfficieatly given and shall be deemed given when hand delivered or mailed by registered or oertified *ail, postage prcpai4 or by courier service, charges prepaid, to the parties at the fotlowing addresses: To Seller: Eagle Water Company, inc. 188 W. State Street, Suite 4 Eagle,.ID 83616 Atta: Robert Deshazo To Brryer: H2O Eagle Acquisition, tLC 30 N. Gould St. Suite N gfuqirtan, Wyoming g2 g0 1 (B) .A,ny writtennotice given in one person in subsection (A) of this Sestion shall also be copied and provided to all other persons ideatified in subsection (A,). (C) The parties may, by notice in qnitilg given to the others; designate any ftrture or different addresses to whichthe zubsequent notices, certificates or other communications shallbe sent. Any aotices shall be deemed givenonthe date suchnotice is deliveredbyhand orby facsimile tansmission or five (5) days afterthe date mailed- DSFINITIVE .A.ssET PURCflASE AGREEMENT - 26 SECTION 11.03 ASSIGIIMENT A]\ID JOINDER,. (A) Other thanthe assignmentpursuautto Section 6.06 hereof, this Agreement may not be assigned without the prior written conse,nt of the non-assigning party, which contpnt shall not be r.rnreasonably withheld- (B) This Agreement shall be cons&ued as solely for the bendfit of Seller and Buyer and their successors and assigts aod no claim or cause of action shall accrue to or for the benefit of any otherparty. (C) This Agreement shall be binding on ond shall inure to the benefit of the parties to it and their respective successo*i and permitted assigns. SECTION 11.04 AMENDMENTS AliD WAMRS. Except as otherwise provided itr this Agreement no amendmenf supplemen! modification or waiver of this Agreement shali be binding qpon any party hereto tmless executed in writing by such party. No waiver of any of the provisions sf this Agreement shall be deemed or shall constitute a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement whether or not similar, ualess otherwise e:cpressly provided. SECTION 11.05 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement is the entire agreement Mween the parties and zupersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, uaderstandings, negotiations and/or discussions ofthe agreements, understandingg negotiations aod/or discussions of the parties, whether oral or written, pertaining to the subject matter hereoi and there are no waEanties, representations or other agree,rnents between the parties in connection with the subject matter hereof, except as qpecifically set forth herein- SECTION 11.06 REMEDIES; TERMINATION EVENTS. By notice given prior to or at the time of Closing, this Agree,me,nt may be terminated as follows: DertrrlrrrlrE ASSET ITJRCSASE AGREEIUE IT- 27 (A) lilithout limithg any of the rights and remedies at law available to Brryer arising from Sellet's failure to comply with its obligatioas under this Agreement, including, withor$ limitation, the remedy of specific performance, if the Governmental Authorizations set out in Article V, or if all conditions precedeut to Buyer's obligation to close set out in Article M have not been satisfied prior to the Closing Date, Buyer shall have the right of terminatioq by delivery of notice to Sellsr. (B) Without limiting the rights and remedies available to Seller pursuant to Section 11.07(4.) hereof in connection wi& Buyer's failrre to comply with its obligations under &is Agreemen! ifthe Govemmeutal Authorizatiorls set out in Article V, or if all conditions precedent to Sellet's obligation to close set out in Article VII have not been satisfied on or prior to the Closing Date, Buyer shall have the right of termination, without fiuther recourse or liability to Buyer, by delivery ofnotice to Selier. (C) As otberwise provided in this Agreemenl SECTION 11.07 REMEDIES; EFFECT OF IERMINATION. (A) Each party's right of termination under Section 11.06 is in addition to any other righb it may have under this Agreement or otherwise and the exercise of such right oft€rmination is not au election of remedies. if this Ageement is terminated pursuant to Swtion 11.06, all oblisations of the parties under this Agreement shall terminate unless othehvise staled in this Agreemen! provide4 however, that if this dgree,me,nt is terminated because of a breach of this Agreement by Seller or because otre otmore ofthe conditiors to the Buyet's obligations underthis Agreement is not satisfied as a result of the Seller's faihne to comply with its obligations under this Agreemen! Buyer's right to purzue all legal and equitable remedies will surrive such termination rrnimFaired, Norwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, Selle/s sole DEFTNITIVE ASSET T'IjIRCHASE AG}{EEMEIST. 2t remedy for a default by Buyer of its obligations under this Agreement shall be to terminate this Agreement by giving qrittennotice to Buyerprior to or atClosing and recover liquidated damages in the amount of $5,000.00. Seller and Buyer agree that the foregorng amount is a fair and reasonable amount to be paid to Seller as agreed and liquidated damagcs in ligbt of Seller entering into this Agreement and incurring costs pursuant hereto, and the foregoiag amomt shall not constitrse a penalty or forfeihre. Seller and Buyer agree that Se[et's damagos resulting from Buyeds default hereunder are difficult to determine and the foregoing sum is a fair estimate of such dauages which has been agreed to in an effort to crus& the amount of such damages to be certain- Furthermore, notwithstanding aoything herein contained to the contraq/, Seller shall not have the remedy of specific performance in connection with any breach of this Agreement by Buyer or Buyet's failure to purchase the Pruchased Assets. (B) Nei&er Seller nor Buyer shell !s liable to the other in the event that after the Effective Date there occurs (1) a change of lawthatprevents the Closing, (2) any action by a third prty thatprevents the Closing, or (3) any legal orderthatpreve,nts the Closing. Bothparties shall diligently defend against a third party's attempt to prevent a Closing or Govemmental Ardhorization. (C) If a material breach of any provisiou of this Agrecment has been committed by Seller and sr:ch Breach has not been waived by Buyer, but does not result in termination of this Agreemeng Buyer retains all re,medies available to it at law or in equity with respect to such breach. (D) Nei&er Seller nor Buyer shall !s liable to the other for any qpecial, consequential orpunitive damag€s. SECTION 11.08 COIINTERPARTS. This Agreemeat may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original. The Parties expect rhat the Seller wiil DEF$ITm\rE AssET IIIRCHASE AGNEEMENT - 29 execute this Agreement before execution by the Buyer. Seller understands and agrees that Buyer will not execute this Agreement without the prior approval of its Board of Directors, whose discretion to accept or reject this Agrwment prior to execution by Buyer shall in no way be limited by Seller's execution hereof. SECTION 11.09 SECTION IffiADINGS. Any headings preceding the texts of the several articles, sections or exhibits in this Agreement shall be solely for the convenience of refe'rence and shall not constitute apart of this Agreementnor affect its meaning, consfuctiou or effect. SECTION 11.10 SEVERABILffY. In the event any tem or provision of this Agreement is held b be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, srrch invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this Agreement and the remainder of this Agreement shall be consEuedto be in fullforce and effect SECTION 11.11 EXHIBITS AND SCHEDIILES. Ail exhibits, schedules and attachments referred to herein are inteuded to be and hereby are made specifically a parr sf this Agreement. SECTION tr1.12 STOCK ACQUISITION. At any time prior to the Closing Date, Buyer may elect in Buyer's sole discretion to purchase 100% of the stock in Eagte in lieu of purchasing the Fuchased Assets. Within five (5) days after receip of Buyet's written notice, Seller shall enter into the Stock Purchase Agreement ("$P41. Upon Buyer and Seller executiqg aad entering into the SPA, this Agreement shall automatically terminale and Buyer's and Selleds obligations and liabilities hereunder shail become nuli and void. SECTION 11.13 PUBIJCITY. No public announcement of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby will be made without the prior consert ofBuyer as to both timing I}EFNTTIVE ASSET PU*CHASE AGREEiiIE.NT . 30 and content, except that ei&er parly, without the other parQy's consent may make such atrnouncements and disclosures as it believes advisable pursuant to law. Buyer and Seller covenasts anA agee to keep s[ictly confiA*iA (excep for necessary disclosure to advisors, including, but not limit€d to, Iawyers and accountants) the purchase price and the terms and conditions under this Agreement SECTtrON 11.14 EXCLUSWTIY. Seller covenants to Buyer that during the term of this Agreemeat it will not seek or eatertain any agreement with any other person for the sale ofthe Puohased Assets or the Utility System. [Signature Page Follows] DEFINITTyE AssET Puncgese AGREEMENT - 31 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ths Seller and Buyer have caused this Agreement io be duly executed and entered into oa the date first above written. Bl.rvEk HZO Eogle Aequisition LLC, A Wyoming limited liability company SELLER: Consented and agreed to with respect to EagEe Water Companp Inc., aa Idaho corporation Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Service Area Easements Excluded Assets Fee Parcels Persoaal Property Customer Deposie and Hcokup Fees DEfiItirrrYE AssET PURCHASE AGEEEMENT. 32 STATE OF IDAHO County of Ada On this I I day of September, 2018, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public ia and for said state, personally appeared Robert DeShrzo, Jr,, known or identified to me to be the President ofEagleWater Compan;r, the personwho executedthe foregoing instrument on behalf of said company, and acknowledged to me tbat he executed the same in said corporations name. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereuato set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this fust above written. Notary Pubiic ) ) ) ss. Qg5lding at t-C, My Commission expires STATE OF IDAHO Couuty of A.da On this ll- day of September, 2018, bsfore me, the undersignetJ, aNotary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert DeShazo, known to me to be the person who signed the foregoing instrument and ac*nowledged to Ee that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto day and year in this certificaf€ first above written. affixed my official seai the ) ) ) ss. fi tvrg *r Notary Residing at g*Tl"€p sO@ Pueuto .,-t r Bpi {'r n 23 - ,.rt.AE t,o&- *t@ r(Ls---l t.--D- -L DErIIIITTVE ASSET PURCflASE AGREEMEIiT - 33 My Commissionexpires C. STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ss. County of Ada On this jl OuV of September, 2018, before me, &e undersignd a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared N" L. Bangle knoum or identified to me to be a Dirrcctor of EllO Eagte Acquisition LLC, thepersonwho executedthe foregoing instnrmentonbehalfofsaid company, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. IN MTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year inthis certificate first above writteu .. trl'. rt"' ., 9 {gr Notary Crf. 6T,{R ;,-Y Residing at f &ae My Commission expireb -Z DETHITTVE ASSET FUR,CHASE AGREEMf,hT - 34 I.- nc.. UI EXIIIBIT A SERVTCE AREA All of that area within Ada County,Idaho within which Eagle Water Company,Inc. is authorized to provide regulated water utility service pursuant to Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 278, as iszued, ameuded and revised per orders of the Idaho Pub1ic Utilities Commission, as generally depicted below, together with any areas served by Eagle Water Company at the date of Closing, whether included in CPCN No. 278 or not. DEFINITIVE ASSET PURCEASE AGREEMENT - 35 E,XHM{T B EASE,MEFTTS AII existing easements andUor rights-of-way necessary or convenient for ingress, egre$r, access to, or the location, operation and/or maintenance of the Purchased Assets, that are not within a plat or dedicated roadway, including but not limited to trose recorded Easements set forth below: Sage Acres Booster Punrp Station - Fublic Water Supply Equipment Access Easement Agreement with Ada Couuty. Dated August 21,2A12. AgreementNo. 9754 Pipeline easement for yard booster pump station suction piping - Alison and Greg Guymon properly Pipeline on Dry Creek Cemetery property Pipelines on the west side of the system, north of Old State Street (depicted on 2007 ldaster Flan noap as "firhrre", were these installed?) Pipeline on Jade LLC properties (southwest of Hili Rd/Old Horseshoe Bend Road Intersection) and tbrough the storage units south of ttrat. Pipeline through Winco/IIome Depot psrking lot Any canal crossing easements/agreements Ofter piplines not in the public right-of-way ideatified by H2O and EWC (Aryy CITrrERs To BE AIIDED ATXER. COMPLETTON OF DUE DILIGEI\ICE) Df,I,INITIVE AssET PURCqASE AGREEMEF{T - 36 EX}IIBIT C EXCI,UI}ED ASSETS 1. Any aad all custoner water service lines that run from outside &e meter box or curbside connectiou to each itrdividual residence, commercial or industrial sEucture served by the Rrchased Assets; 2. All piping and fixtures internal to each of tlre custorner's skucture; 3. Seller's cash aud accounts receivables, iucluding surcharge amounts, up to &e date of Closing; 4. Seller's asset retireme,nt obligatioc, if any; 5. Construction equipment and tailers; 6. Motor vehicles; 7. The shop building and real properly located at 10255 N. Elorseshoe Bend Roa4 Eagle, Idaho (exclusive of the neighboring Yard Booster Pump Station property, and all pipeline routes, and ingress/egress access Easemeats, which are to be acquired as Purchased Assets). 8. The office space at 188 W. State Sbeet. 9. Parcel at62l N. Pebble Beach Way DsrrNrrrrre A$ET PURcfiASE AGREEMETi,IT - 37 EXI TT D FEE PARCELS AII that real property located in Ada County,Idaho and legally dqscribed in: Exhibit A to Amended Lease Agreement dated August 1, i990 by and between Rowland Jones and Robert V. Deshazo, Sr. as grartor and Eagle Water Company, Inc. as Grantee, Ada County loshument No. 9041853 (to be coaverted to Fee prior to Closing or to some other fom of mutually acceptable arrangement) Exhibit A to Amended Lease Agreemeut dated Augpst 1, 1990 by and between Rowland Joues aod Robert V. Deshazo, Sr. as grantor and Eagle Water Company, Inc. as Grantee, Ada County Instnrment No. 9041854 (to be converted to Fee prior to Closing or to some other form of mutually acceptable arrangemeat) Corporation Warranty Deed dated January 4,1978,Ada County InstnrmetrtNo.7929797 (Weli 3). Warrauty Deed dated February 11, 2005, Ada County InsEument No. 105018423 (Well4) Warranty Deed dated January 23,1996, AdaCounty lnstrumentNo. 95013622 (Well6) Corporate Warranty Deed Dated April 9, 2010, Ada County InstnrmentNo. 110033057 (Well 7 and V/ell8) Quitclaim Deed dated January 28,2011, Ada County InstrumentNo. 111009730 (Parcel A Yard Bmster Pump Station) Quitclaim Deed dated January 28,201l, Ada County Instn:ment No. 1 1 I 00973 I (Parcel B Yard Booster Pump Station) (AI{Y OTIIERS TO BE ADDED AFTER CGMPLETION OF.'DIIE DILIGENCE) DEFINTfiVE AssET PURC.HASE AGR,EEF{ENT. 38 EXIIIBIT E PERSONAI, PROPERTY All Personal Property within the meaning given in Article 2" Section 2.02(AX4) of this Agreemen! including without limitation the following specific assets, properties, and rights of Sell€r: 1. All water disEibution system piping, meters, hydrants, PRV's, connection vaults to other water systems, and atl other associated apprnteuances, generally including the following arnounts ofprp-e. Pipine Description Linear F'ootage Service lines (mainly 1.5" and 2') 24J34 4"11,074 6"45,476 8"150.324 12"86,514 Total 317,518 (60.1 miles) 2. All stored inventory of meters and hydrants. 3. Well Facilities including all generators,6uildings, appnrtenances, and associated land, easertrents, Ieases, and right-of-ways. WelI Facilitv Capacity (mm) I Not Active 2 325 3 NotActive 4 1,800 6 2,500 7 1,350 8 1.800 Total 8,025 4. A11 Booster pumping facilities including all generators, buildings, appurtenances, and associated land, easements, leases, and rigbt-of-ways. Booster Pumping Facility EWC Reported Capasity (sDm) Yard Booster Pump Station 5.900 Sage Acres BoosterPump Station 1,900 DEFE.TnyE A$'ET PURCfiASE AGREENilENT - 39 5. All water rights, permits, licenses and associated implemeats, including but not liniited to: 6. All cash and accouuts receivables after the closing date, iacluding surcharge amounts. 7. lilling sy$em, all custonaer accouots andrecords. 8. AU facility records and as-built documentation of the water system- (ANY OTIIERS TO BE ADDED AFTER COMPLETION OF DITE DILIGENCE) FIRE PROTECTION 2.00 900 MUNICIPAL 2.00 900 63-7368 63-7618 1,2,3 1,2,3 11t15t1970 14t25t1572 MUNICIPAL 1.40 630 FIRE PROTECTION 3.50 1,575 MUNICIPAL 1-10 495 6/8i1S79 4117t1992 9t29t1994 63-9245 63-11798 63-12147 1,2,3,8 4 4,6 MUNICIPAL MUNICIPAL 1.34 5.O0 603 ",250 7 12/15/i999 MUNICIPAL63-12559 3.00 1,350 DEF.INITIVE AssET FURCHASS AGI{EEI}ISNT - 48 EXEIBIT F [to be provided by SeIIerl (Arvy oTmRs To BE ADDED ArTER COMPLETION OF DUE DILIGENCE) DErtrrrrfivE A.$9ET PUR,CHASE AGREEN,GN"I'- 41