HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190516Gem State to Staff 19-20.pdfPreston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388- I 300 prestoncarter@ givenspursley.com 14666458_l.docx [39884] Attorneys for Gem State Water Company, LLC IN THE MATTER OF THE APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY AND LYNNWOOD WATER; FOR AMENDMENT AND TRANSFER OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY (No. 293); AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE RECEIVED l0l9llIY l6 plt 3: t6 _ iil,r,Ho FUELICi ir- i I,IS c0l,{1,{lssloN BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. SPL-W-19-01 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW Gem State Water Company, LLC ("Gem State Water") and in response to the Second Production Request of the Commission Staff to Gem State Water Company, dated April25, 2019, herewith submits its Responses. DATED: May 16, 2019. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for Gem State Water Company, LLC ORIGINAL Geu Srarp WATER CoMpRNv's RESPoNSES ro SEcoNo PRoDUCTToN ttEeuEST oF THE CoMMrsstoN Srarr - 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on May 16, 2019, a true and correct copy of Gpv Srnre Waren CovpeNy's RrspoNsps ro SECoND PnooucrtoN RequEsr oF THE CovvrssroN SrAFF was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via the manner indicated below: Commission Staff Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, lD 83702 Diane.holt@puc. idaho. sov Hand Delivery (Original and 3 Copies) Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Street (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Edward. Jewell@puc. idaho. gov Hand Delivery Preston N. Carter Gpu SrerE WATER CoMpANy's RESPONSES To SEC0ND PRoDUCTToN REeUEST oF THE CoMMrsstoN STAFF - 2 Gem Stote rltfl* sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: April25, 2019 Date of Response: May 16, 2019 Responder: Leslie Rayner Telephone: (208) 929-1 045 Email: leslie@slewco.com Witness: Leslie Rayner Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 19 19. Following up on Production Request No. 6, there appears to be a new customer connection in 2018. Please provide an itemized list of costs with a description of each item required to connect the customer. Please include all costs related to labor, machinery rental, equipment costs, meter set materials, etc. Response: Please see the following itemized list of costs 1. See meter material quote - BID # 59251593 (May 2019 price quote) = $2,573.23 (see SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 19 Attachment 1) 2. Equipment Rental Backhoe - H&E Equipment Rental = $623/day Pick-up and Delivery = $300 3. Fuel - Estimated/ Diesel Fuel = $40.00 Estimated/ Gas Fuel = $20.00 4. Whacker Rental United Rental = $108/day 5. Day Labor - $25lhr. x 10 hrs = $250.00 6. Equipment Operator - $45/hr. x 10 hrs = $450.00 7. Office Staff - Call in locates, process new customer paperuork, coordinate installation, etc - $16.50/hr. x 2 hours = $33.00 8. Operator site visit with customer pre-construction meeting - $25lhr. x 3 hrs. = $75.00 Tota!: $4,472.23 SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 19 Gem State Response Page 1 of 1 ? ** Quotation ** send F,/o T'o: CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO 155 EAST DALTON AVE DALTON GARDENS, ID 83815c.o.D. ** c.o.D. ** CDA Phone # : 2O8-762-2568 Ship To:SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY PO BOX 3388 COEUR D ALENE, TD 83816 JOB: Spirit Lake East CDA WCN WC NOVi Bid #Page # s925L593I ConsolHated Supply Co. ** c.o.D ** Bid To:SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY PO BOX 3388 COEUR D ALENE, ID 83816 Phone # : 87'7-155-9287 o5/08/L9 06/oi /L9 Corina Beyer - CDA HOUSE WW Quant.ity Description Unit Price Ext Price 1ea 1ea 1ea 100' lrl- 1ea 1ea 1ea lea 1ea 1ea 1ea 1ea ROMAC 2025-6.90x1rr rPT 5"X1" DBL SS STRAP SADDLE 6.63-6.90 AY NL 747O48-3Q 1rr SAr,L MIP X IPS COMPRESSION CORP STOP AY NL MCDONALD 5L82-240 6136 1'' SS IPS STIFFENER AY MCDONALD 4L3O-765 (SAME AS 61337L-l/4" CTS 4130-76L)1"X100',SrDR-7 rPS 250 PSr PE4710 BLACK POLY TUBING 12/]-X50O', BLUE UF TRACER WrRE 54502-05-06 2''X1OOO' BLUE DETECTABLE TAPE WATER LINE BELOW 6136 1II SS IPS STIFFENER AY MCDONALD 4L3O-765 (SAME AS 6r_337 L-1,/4" eTS 4130 -761) AY NL 76IO2-3Q 1I' CURB BALL VALVEIPS COMP X FIP MCDONALD 5182-22795-E CI CURB BOX COMPLETE 41n -64" OLYMPTC 13-577oWSET(Tyler 1119ss) 1.IX24II GAT. STEEL NIPPLE AY NL 72O-436WCDD 1IIX36II 44 METER SETTER 1'' AIWT X 1?I SINGLE AMC AY MCDONALD FIP X FIP ( CDA/NKWD SPEC) s1-s2-1L7 HERSEY 452IIS 1'' CU FT LOW LEAD PD METER STAIiIDARD VISUAL READ NSF-61 ANNEX G COMPLIANT VOKS1O1 B37H 5' CONCRETE STANDARD METER SET W/ HINGE LID 222.6 85ea ))) AO 199.851ea 199.85 *** Continued on Next page *** SPL.W-19-01 IPUC DR 19 Gem State Response Attachment I 87 .528ea 91.533ea 2.334ea o .644fL 94.78Lr1 28.938E4 2 .334ea 121 . 98 9ea 47 .234ea 15 .4 93EA 422.8 04ea 87 .53 91 .53 2.33 64 .40 94.78 28 .94 2.33 L2L.99 47.23 L5 -49 422 .80 ?- ,l€{6 Quotation {.X. Bid #Page $ s9251593 z SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY Quantity Description Unit Price Ext Price 1ea 1ea lea 1ea 1ea Kit Components* 1 - BROOKS 37 I2U CONC METER BOX T * * SECTION (NO KNOCKOUTS) * * L2ilX20rrx12il !k * Loc: YA05-27-LA Pn:158307 * * 1 - BROOKS 37-H CONCRETE COVER W/ * * CI HfNGED LID Lt-t/ 4 'rX1B -1/8 r' * * Loc: YA05-29-lB Pn: 15517 * * 1 - BROOKS 37 1-2" CONC METER BOX B * * SECTION (WITH KNOCKOUTS) * * L2il X20n Xl2" ,|. * Loc: YA05-23-1A Pn: 158162 * * 3 - BROOKS 37 7.2N CONC METER BOX M * * SECTION (NO KNOCKOUTS) * * L2"X20t'XL2 rr * * Loc: YA05-25-1A Pn: L58268 * * * * * * * * * * * * r( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )k * * rt rr * * * * 1IIX36II GAL STEEL NIPPLE 1I' GAL MI CAP DOMESTIC COIL BOX AY 18IIX48II COIL BOX FOR A 1I' METER AMV X AMC W/ 1'' MIP INLET ANDOUTLET 790-448-QFPP440X18 5189-068 AY 18 '' LOCKING LID FOR COIL Pf T BOX 90L18 4189-001 AY 9O-C]- T8X4 INSULATTNG CUSHION MCDONALD 4189-O34 20 . 58 9EA 4 .42LEA 833 .645ea 1-28 .52Oea 38 .4l2ea 20 .69 4 .42 833 .55 ]-28.52 38 .41- Bid Total Sales tax Bid Amount, 2427 l.45 58 65 2573.23 SPL.W.19-01 IPUC DR 19 Gem State Response Attachment 1 Thank you for reguesting a quotation from Consol-idated Supply Co.("Consolidated") for certain materia1s you need for the project identifiedin the atEached or enclosed quotation document (the "Project"). Theenclosed quotation to you is made subject to the following terms andconditions: 1. You must carefully review the quotation to confirm that iL meets your requirements before using ic for a bld. Unless you have providedConsolidated with a detailed bill of materials and specifications with yourrequirements (with any applicable addendums), this quotation is only agood-fai-th esti-mate and does not constitute an offer which can be acceptedor relied on in any manner. Building plans alone do not constitute adetailed bill of materials or specifications, parti-cularly if more than onesupplier or subcontractor may be involved in supplying plumbing andfor waEerworks materj-aIs. Unless the quotatj-on is based on your deE.ailed billof materials and specifications, you agree that all risk of loss arising from the use of this quotation for bidding purposes-including any lossrelating to errors in scope, guantity, price, time, and place ofdelivery-is on you. A11 quotations are conditi-oned upon availabillty oflabor and materials at the tirne an order actually is placed. You areresponsible to specify and select appropriate materials for your intendeduse. CSCO provides no design, engineering, or other professional services and cannot recommend or warrant goods to be fit for your partj-cuIar purposes. 2. If you place an order with Consolj-dated for work or materials for theProject, the resulting contract will be subjecE to ConsolidaEed's General Terms and Conditions of Sale. If credit is provided by Consolidated, thenthat credit is provided on Consolidated's general credit terms andconditions. These terms and conditj-ons are available to you upon requestand can be viewed on our websj-te aL www.consolidatedsupply.com. 3. Delivery under this guoEaEion is FOB Consolidated's OR manufacturer'sfacility. If the quotation includes delivery to a jobsite, Consolidated mayuse a method and carrier of Consolidated's choice, unless otherwise statedin the quotation, and Consolidated assumes t.hat the locat,ion is 1egaI1y andphysically accessible Eo interstate freighL carriers operating under lCCregulations. Unloading labor will be provided by purchaser. Additional charg'es may apply if these assumptions are incorrect or if multipledeliveries are required. Consolidated will make a good faith effort to meetdelivery dates agreed to in writing, but cannot grraranty delivery dates forgoods not j-n stock or for which the terms of delivery are outside ourcontrol. 4. Pricing in this guotation is based on unit amounts and j-s firm and vaLidonly if the goods are ordered within 30 calendar days from the date of thequotation. Consol-idated may extend quot,ed prices on a case-by-case basisbeyond the 30-day perlod. Consolidated reser:ves the right to correct orwithdraw trhis guoEation in Lhe case of clerical error. Any change inguantities ordered or time for delivery may result in a change of thequoted prices, including unit prices, unless otherwise agreed to byConsolidated in writing. In the case of commodity items subject to dramaticprice increases from the manufacturer such as PVC pipe, plastics, iron andcopper/ Consol-idated reser:ves t.he right to modlfy prices in this guotationafter t.he date that it is issued. This quotation is not a bid or a lump-sumguote, unless specifically stated in t,he quotation. SPL.W.19.O1 IPUC DR 19 Gem State Response Attachment I ?Gem Stote U TIT* sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Resoonse DR Request: April 25, 2019 Date of Response: May 16, 2019 Responder: Leslie Rayner Telephone: (208) 929-1 045 Email: leslie@slewco.com Witness: Leslie Rayner Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 20 20. Following up on Production Request Nos. 5 and 6, there appears to be a non- sufficient fund (NSF) fee applied in 2019. Please provide the dollar amount Lynnwood Water is charged by its financial institution when a customer's check is returned for non- sufficient funds. Please provide evidence showing the fee charged by the financial institution and payment by Lynnwood Water. Response: Lynwood Water is charged $35.00 when a customer's check is returned for non- sufficient funds. Please see the attached transaction summary, SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 20 Attachment 1, which shows the fee charged for this transaction by US Bank and payment of the fee by Lynnwood Water. SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 20 Gem State Response Page 1 of 1 Page I of I Lynnwood Water (Checking) - 2262 Account Balance Available Balance Transactions $s90.70 $590.70 Date Oescription Check Number Deposits Withdrawals Acct Balance Completed Transactions 02t28t2019 Electronic Withdrawal $5.20 $330.71 o2t28t2019 Returned ltem From A Previous Deposat $35.00 $335.91 o2t28t2019 Electronic Deposit $140.00 $370.91 SPL-W.19.O1IPUC DRzO Gem State Response Attachment 1 https://onlinebanking.usbank.com/USB/af(z3bY5zMfKklDafpOm0Eq)/AccountDashboard... 5ll4l2019