HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190410Gem State to Staff 1-18.pdfPreston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 prestoncarter@ givenspurslelr. com 14615483_1.docx [39884] Attorneys for Gem State Water Company, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RIC=IVIt] :il;l f,,Fft tS pit h: 3g IN THE MATTER OF THE APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY AND LYNNWOOD WATER; FOR AMENDMENT AND TRANSFER OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY (No. 293); AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE Case No. SPL-W-19-01 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW Gem State Water Company, LLC ("Gem State Water") and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Gem State Water Company, dated March 20, 2019, herewith submits its Responses. DATED: April 10,2019. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP f --{--".- Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for Gem State Water Company, LLC ORIGINAL GEM STATE WnTEn COUPENY,S RTSPONSES TO FIRST PnonuCTIoN REQUEST oF THE CoMMISsIoN STAFF - I -li-,{r$stoFt CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on April 10, 2019, a true and correct copy of GrM SrATE WerrR COIT,IPANY,S RESPONSES TO FIRST PROOUCTION REQUEST oF THE CouulssloN Srerp was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via the manner indicated below: Commission Staff Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, lD 83702 Diane.holt@puc.idaho. eov Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Street (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Edward. Jewell@puc.idaho. qov Hand Delivery (Original and 3 Copies) Hand Delivery /-<C-+--- Preston N. Carter Geu Sr,arrr WATER CoMpANy's I{ESPoNSES To FIRsr PRoDUCTToN REeUEST oF THe CouurssroN STAFF - 2 Gem Stote u^t0n- sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response: April 10, 2019 Responder: Leslie Rayner Telephone: (208) 929-1045 Email: leslie@slewco.com Witness: Leslie Rayner Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 1 1. Mr. Palfreyman's testimony includes an itemization of charges that currently apply to Lynnwood Water customers. See Exhibit 2, Attachment 2, Lynnwood Water Price List. Please describe more fully the circumstances under which each fee applies: b a) Account Change (Account Transfer Fee) b) Meter Set c) Turn On Fee d) Bounce Check Charge (NSF Fee) e) Fin Chg (Finance Charges on Overdue Balance) $ 35.00 $4,500.00$ 95.00 $ 35.00 1o/o Response: a) Account Change (Account Transfer Fee)$ 35.00 This fee is charged when a property changes responsible parties; that is, administrative time and resources are needed when one account is closed and a new account is initiated. This situation typically occurs in response to a property sale or a change in renter. This fee is not charged when an account is amended for the current account owner, such as name change or billing address change. This fee is a carry-over from prior ownership of Lynnwood Water. b) Meter Set $4,500.00 This fee is applicable for a new connection within Lynwood Water's service territory that requires a service connection. This fee is based on estimates received from excavation contractors for the price to install the service connection. This fee is a carry-over from prior ownership of Lynnwood Water. c) Turn on Fee SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 1 NWN Response Page 1 of 2 $ 95.00 d) Bounce Check Charge (NSF Fee)$ 35.00 lf Lynnwood Water receives a NSF check, the customer is passed along this charge that the financial institution charges the Company for processing. This set bank fee is a carry-over from prior ownership of Lynnwood Water. e) Fin Chg (Finance Charges on Overdue Balance)1% Consistent with industry standard, Lynnwood Water applies a 1o/o per month finance charge on unpaid balances after the due date. This fee is a carry-over from prior ownership of Lynnwood Water. SPL-W.19.01 IPUC DR 1 NWN Response Page 2 o'f 2 This charge is applied at the time that Lynnwood Water terminates water service due to nonpayment or vacancy. The $95 amount reflects the actua! cost to travel to the system and perform the meter turn on: one-hour round trip - $35.00, 44 miles = $25.00, and time on site = $35.00. This fee is a carry-over from prior ownership of Lynnwood Water. Gem Stqte IIATE** sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response: April 10, 2019 Responder: Leslie Rayner Telephone: (208) 929-1 045 Email: leslie@slewco.com Witness: Leslie Rayner Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 2 2. For the Exhibit identified in Request No. 1, please provide cost justification for those fees and charges, if available. Response: Please see Lynnwood Water's response to SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 1, which indicates charges that were carried over from prior ownership of Lynnwood Water and provides cost justifications as applicable. SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 2 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 * Gem Stote rtrar(n* sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Respgnse DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response: April 10, 2019 Responder: Leslie Rayner Telephone: (208) 929-1 045 Email: leslie@slewco.com Witness: Leslie Rayner Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 3 3. ln the Exhibit identified in Request No. 1, there are several items that have no associated price listed. Please explain the purposes for those items. Are there fees associated with these items? lf so, please provide the missing prices. Response: Most of the items that have no associated price are simply items used for billing purposes. For example, it is more straightforward for Lynnwood Water to provide a comprehensive historical record of a customeds usage if the Company enters all mathematica! calculations into its billing software each month from its QuickBooks software. For example, "Previous Meter Read," "Current Meter Read," and "Total Usage in Gallons" all are numbers that Lynnwood Water enters manually each meter read billing that is completed. Items such as "Special billing" (e.9., repairs) or "Account Closure" are tracked for accounting and regulatory purposes and do not have a charge associated with them SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 3 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 Q ?Gem Stote UA?TI* sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response:April 10, 2019 Responder: Leslie Rayner Telephone: (208) 929-1 045 Email: leslie@slewco.com Witness: Leslie Rayner Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 4 4. With respect to Lynnwood Estates, how many lots remain that could stil! be connected to the system and charged a Meter Set (fee)? How many times has Lynnwood Water collected a Meter Set (fee) since Ms. Rayner assumed ownership of the system in 2015? Response: Lynnwood Water has twenty (20) active accounts and three (3) lots remaining that could still be connected to the system and charged a tMeter Set fee. Lynnwood Water has collected one (1) Meter Set fee since 2015, the year in which Ms. Rayner personally purchased the assets of the water system now referred to as Lynnwood Water. SPL-W.19.01 IPUC DR 4 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 ?Gem Stoterrtlr" sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response: April '10, 2019 Responder: Leslie Rayner Telephone: (208) 929-1 045 Email: leslie@slewco.com Witness: Leslie Rayner Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 5 5. Please provide electronically monthly billing records for Lynnwood Water showing monthly usage and monthly billed amount since January 2016. Please specify units for monthly billed usage. For billing periods where usage is less than the water allotment in the base fee, please provide actual usage (even though there may be no incremental charge for the usage). Response: Please see confidential attachment "SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 5 Response CONFIDENTIAL Attachment 1.xlsx," which contains the requested customer information and is being provided to Commission Staff as "Confidential lnformation" in accordance with the executed Protective Agreement in this case. The attachment is voluminous and is being provided in electronic format only under separate cover. A hard copy wil! be made available upon request. SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 5 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 Gem Stote KAf(n* sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response:April 10, 2019 Responder: Leslie Rayner Telephone: (208) 929-1 045 Email: leslie@slewco.com Witness: Leslie Rayner Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 6 6. Please provide financial statements for Lynnwood Water from the time Ms. Rayner acquired the system to present. Response: Please see attachment'SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 6 Attachment 1.xlsx," which is the Standard Balance Sheet to current as well as the profit and loss (P&L) statement from November 2017 to current. Financials prior to November 2017 are unable to be recovered due to personnel changes. 2018 is representative of operations in previous years. SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 6 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 ? o o EDo4 l- +,o ooseH>U| vit oE 3 Eoo E ot 5f; t lEll t-q$ o-o lEll oo+ c.)oo F-qooF. t-qooF- F-qooF. |.o G,o(JfaL(u6FEtCD vt o)F.I0JE =;E+=s6z< 9 E, E ,+E EP 9* E t E EgE E , ;a rI s s i E Fig= rIu t,as i ; EE? = g.l oJ J cr tlH() Fr! 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Please provide a listing of all plant in service for Lynnwood Water, along with the in- service dates, original costs, and depreciation rates. Response: Please see attachment "SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 7 Attachment 1.xlsx." ln service specific dates and original cost are unknown, but are believed to be in the early 1990s according to engineering reports. Lynnwood Water believes the well currently in use was drilled, and the pump was set, in 1994. Lynnwood Water does not have the dates on which individual lots were added to in service. No depreciation has been taken. The purchase of Lynnwood Water by Ms. Rayner was an asset only purchase. SPL-W.19-01 IPUC DR 7 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 o o EDoo. lo o o o o o o o olc q e q q q c q q*lo lr) o o o o o o (oqlo o o o o ro o o ox I o- s- o- lr)- o- o)- o- o- ro_vltr) o) lr) st N @ NIsN T tr)1r)r')tr)rolr)lf)tr)looooooooooNNC\INNNNNNooooooooo $$$$$<.st$$oooc)ooooo (, oo o,oIE .J 3r oo)9EEOfCr.=6€E: E E(,(,)YJ() E(EEs(g6coE =3 i't 7,5 E :gso-U@:r-o ro+60i;E=:33H66E5ooNr\mlU2ILIL== Eo = =o)o.; CD C'1+oo N d.o(J)o-o F E=Cnvt(urlOrE =;€j=s*2a cD El- -u.gFq i f *-15 E ! $ g s F = F E$[ IE Eir.el i pF-f EI; a ;Eg$: EIE E : I t q P s lr g l s E $Fifi Gem Stote YTAIfft- sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response: April 10, 2019 Responder: Nicholas Whitley Telephone: (503) 226-421 1 exl. 4804 Email: Nicholas.whitley@nwnatural.com Witness: Justin Palfreyman Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 8 8. Please provide a schedule showing both budgeted and actual expenses for this acquisition. Response: Transaction expenses are being paid by Gem State Water's parent company and will not be recovered by ratepayers. $15,000 of the seller's transaction expenses are being reimbursed by the purchaser (see Asset Purchase Agreement, Section 1.3(a)). ldentifiable costs incurred by the purchaser in connection with the transaction are roughly $25,000, including a technical assessment of the system and Phase I environmental assessment. The purchaser budgeted for roughly $50,000 of transaction expenses. This response contains commercially sensitive information that is not available to the public and, therefore, is being provided to Commission Staff as "Confidential lnformation" in accordance with the executed Protective Agreement in this case. SPL.W.19.O1 IPUC DR 8 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 ? Gem Stote WATSR* sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response:April 10, 2019 Responder: Nicholas Whitley Telephone: (503) 226-421 1 ext. 4804 Email: nicholas.whitley@nwnatural.com Witness: Justin Palfreyman Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR I 9. Please provide the location where accounting, financial, and customer records will be kept should the purchase be approved. Response: Accounting, financial, and customer records will continue to be kept in the local Idaho offices of Spirit Lake East Water Company. SPL-W-19,01 IPUC DR 9 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 ? Q Gem Stote qryA3S*- sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response:April 10, 20'19 Responder: Eric Nelsen Telephone: (503) 7 21 -247 6 Email: eric.nelsen@nwnatural.com Witness: Justin Palfreyman Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 10 10. Does Gem State Water intend to provide customers with notice of Gem State Water's Application? lf not, please explain why it does not wish to notify customers. If a document has already been drafted, please provide a copy and explain how it will be delivered to customers. Response: Gem State Water published a notice to customers in the CDA Press on April 5, 2019 (see SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 10 Attachment 1).Gem State Water has also issued a press release, dated March 22, 2019, which is being provided as SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 10 Attachment 2. SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 1O NWN Response Page 1 of 1 oor 0.55O oEoEir0( Ho-zE:=<o2 cr, +J(Lo olN =lNol E; cl- =l@olEI<l EIEel3EI 1lEIol EI>l6l(Ll EI ,elol =lEIol o,trl _9 El eot : El tol 6EI:<l (' -tGI olFI ol .sl bl 6l =l o, oNrt:flrEl <2l LlslFoldpl d6lzEl f<l (ts olol H El 3ol oEle<l .El EltoloEI:<l@-tolzt o)5N:uo_ oLLz u LIJ =lFoooooo =z J od ulYtFu(Ia vr tllil-:tl .91 +ol< !13 xlolml EItrl ol ol =l>l6lEI rl €l EI ol EIol elolFI g|g|fl olElrel&il3LINOIN>{ool oO-l o oltrlol!lo-l r Elsol N slH olol =lol.nl-tolEI ol $lP-<Re5 8lg sFI(, zEl= { ll= EGI N UO-l N tL 4!s El2 ) EIU o<l uJ olla z El= s EIE EOIN (L olvl Pl ELl ool oEI Eol E EI =lololol<l blB>lNGI No-l (') EIrlololol<l;l EIol (o EIFOl tD e1 q #lE Imld EIol!rl ol dtrpJo,sE EI:E EI#L 9l fE ?t36 il= LottLo u. I,JJFg J df,F z Bz (o*NN€Noooo olnl elrlzl ola-l ol EIolal =lol olol 5l =lolEI olzl<l o o O Or836O oqo3irE Ho-zF-=<4>o,5 =)(La EIslEIololol al tttl al ol olol ol=.Nl .f(,l (o El x{l sr alslol =l.el olflEIol o-l olll ilEIolrl ol =l=l€le :IE o-l { z EIololclololdlrl<l alol =l_!l <lrl<l ol3l EI =lzlzl<l EItrl olxluJl 9l 6EE dlo Fils:I NEl @ =l Nzlo_l oet o<l o NO\qoo @ O Oer oetr35o o.o 3il0a HOO'-i:c +<to -s@@zo B J(Laooqqoooe ooqqoo@e ooqqc)o60 NO\qc)o !=oocc oocLao)o\qF-O@e aqG6O, EDooJJ o! oo o)a2o_o ooo (.)oo oo ooAINro rt)ootttoo 6l ol ol:lutl xl6lFI EIol o_ltlolol 6l(Jl EIol<lolol 3rl fl bl olol olcldl EIol EIolol6l o-l EIfl!lol o.l ol clol EI =ldl iEE;Ilgi:'IaiEEiiEi${iEEEE*E i= ;E? iagfif ?e ;* E;EF1:*: ;;:ESI E A fr;:eE;iEE 3D9DO',l9 Prass Relcaao Press Release Home Press Release NW Natural Water Signs Agreements to Purchase Water Companies in ldaho and Washington Company Release - 312212019 4:26 PM El PORTLAND, Ore., March 22, 2019 (GLABE NEWSWRE) - NW Natural \A/ater Company, LLC (NW Natural Water), a subsidiary of Northwest Natural Holding Company (NYSE:NVVN) (NW Nalural Holdings), has signed agreements through its subsidiaries to acquire six water utility systems and one water and wastewater management company, together serving nearly 1,200 water distribulion conneciions and managing another 1,000 water and wastewater cuslomers- The acquisitions indude the water systems of Spirit Lake East, Lynnwood, Diamond Bar Estates, and Bar Circle "S", as well as Vvater Works Management, all located in or around Coeur d'Alene, ldaho. ln addition, agreements have been signed to acquire the water systems of Estates and Montena in Sequim, Washington. footprint in \ /ashington's Pugel Sound region. We're exciled to sere these communities and look foMard to providing them safe, reliable and afordable service, just like we do every day for our other nalural gas and water ulility customers.' expected to close in the summer of 201 9. ABOUT NW NATURAL HOLDINGS Northwest Natural Holding Company, (NYSE: NVIN) (NW Natural Holdings), is headquartered in Portland, Oregon, and through its subsidlaries has been doing business for 1 90 years in the Paciric Northwest. lt owns NW Natural Gas Company (NW Natural), NW Natural Water Company (NW Natural Water), and other business interests and aclivities. NW Natural olrently provides natural gas service to approximately lwo million people in more than 140 communities through more than 750,000 meters in Oregon and Southwest NW Nalural is dnenfy constrcting a 2.5 Bcf regulated gas storage expansion of its 1 6 Bcffacility in Oregon to support renewables. NW Holdings'subsidiaries own and operate 3 l Bc, of underground gas storage capacity. the Pacific Northwest with total investments of nearly $70 million. Addilional information is available at nwnaturalholdings.com. FORWARD LOOKING STATEITENTS This report, and other presentations made by NW Natural Holdings from time to time, may contain foMardJooking statemenls within the proceedings or future regulatory approvals, and other stalements thal are olher than statements of historical facts. Forward-looking statements are based on our cunent expectations and assumptions regarding our business, the economy and other future conditions. Be€use foMard-looking those contemplated by lhe forward-looking statements. We c€ulion you therefore against relying on any of these forward-looking statements. They are neither statements of are discussed by reference lo lhe factors dessibed in Parl l, ltem 1A "Risk Fadors,' and Part ll, ltem 7 and ltem TA "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condilion and Results of Operalions" and "Ouantilative and Qualitative Disclosure about Market Risk" in Northwest Natural Gas Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 1{lK, as updated by subsequent fled reports, and in Part l, ltems 2 and 3 "Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and "Quanlitalive and Oualitative DisdosuresAbout Market Risk," and Part ll, ltem 'lA, "Risk Faclors," in such company's quartedy reports filed thereafteL All forward-looking statements made in this report and all subsquent forward-looking statements, whether written or oral and whether made by or on behalf of NW Natural Holdings, are expressly qualified by these caulionar statements. Any torward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statemenl is made, and we undertake no obligation to publidy update any foMard-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otheruise, exept as may be required by law. Nil fadors emerge from time to time and it is not possible for the company to predict all such factors, nor can il assess the impact of each such factor or the extent to which any factor, or combination of tadoE, may cause results to differ materially from those contained in any foMard-looking statements. 50T721 -253A, nikki.spadey@nwnatural.com 503-22U2436, melissa.moore@nwnatural. com lnvestor Contact: Nikki Sparley, Media Contacl: Melissa Moore, ,1, t* IrGturolt' rolDrx€s Soure: NW Natural Copyright 2019, e S&P Global Markct Intellrgerrce Terms of Use SPL-W-19-O,I IPUC DR ,IO NWN Response Attachment 2 t@rrlarlto mEi,spolobsfdn/tR$l,Ild,tct7l32/Pdnt!,id?e6dd.378dd3&dtg3o6"bdl'573lbcbE€51d&c@entAdion-index&Kd'tFih=357216137 1t1 Gem Stote ut.{TEt* sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response:April 10, 2019 Responder: Eric Nelsen Telephone: (503) 226-421 1 ext. 247 6 Email: eric.nelsen@nwnatural.com Witness: Justin Palfreyman Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 11 11. lf the Commission approves the sale of Spirit Lake East and Lynnwood Water, does Gem State Water intend to notify its customers of the purchase of the water system? !f a document has already been drafted, please provide a copy and explain how it will be delivered to customers. Response: lf the Commission approves the sale of Spirit Lake East and Lynnwood Water, Gem State Water intends to notify its customers of the purchase of the water system through a press release similar to the press release that it issued after NW Natural Water Company, LLC acquired Falls Water Company (see SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 11 Attachment 1). SPL-W-19.01 IPUC DR 11 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 a v2emt9 Pr.at Rahr!6 Pre$ Release Home Press Release NW Natural Water Completes Acquisition of Falls Water Company Company Release - 911712018 12:47 PM ET PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 17, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWRE) - Nw Natural \ Jbter Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nw Natural (NYSE: NVVN), has tinalized ils acquisilion of Falls \ bter Company. NW Natural announc€d its intent to purdrase the company in December 2017. The dosing of the lransaclion today follows regulatory review and approval by lhe ldaho Public Utilities Commission. Falls l hter as based in ldaho Falls, ldaho and serves approximalely 5,500 customers. - lhat it elpeds to dose by year end. "ln the coming months, we expecl to dose our other pending water utilily acquisitions and gain nearly 7,600 cuslomers across three states in the Norlhwest,' said David H. Anderson, NW Natural president and CEO. "We look forward to serving them with the same strong commilment we demonstrale every day serving our 740,000 natural gas customerc," "Although the financial implications ofthese initial transadions are small, building this business is an exciling and long-term growth opportunity for us,'Anderson added. ABOUT NW NATURAL NW Nalural (NYSE:NVVIl) is a 1s$year-old regulated natural gas utility company serving Oregon and southwest Washinglon with one of the most modem pipeline systems in the consistenty leads the industry with high J.O. Power & Associates customer satisfaction scores in the Wesl and the nation. The Company also owns and operates 1 6 Bcf of underground gas storage capacity primarily for utility customers and is cunently construcling a 2.5 Bcf regulated gas storage expansion to support renewables. NW Natural is expanding into the regulated waler utilily bugness with one completed and three pending acquisitions of privately owned companies. Additional info.mation is available at nwnatural.com. lnvestor Cootact; Nikki. Sparley, 5O3-727-2530, nikki.sparley@ntrnatural.con l,ledia Contact: litelissa itoore, 503-220-2436, nelissa,noorepnwnatural.cofi rff lw roturot' Source: NW Natural Copyright 2019, e S&P Global Market Inrelligence Terms of Use SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 11 NWN Response Attachment'l hrF6:/,lhaarro.nni-sElobd-dnlRwfb/,a057132/Prihfviil?ecfidd=GGOEl4Eabdl-,.@+bcbdibo6967b7d2e&cutr6ntAcljon=ihd6r&KeyFilF395025293 111 Gem StotertTin* sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response:April 10, 2019 Responder: Leslie Rayner and Nicholas Whitley Telephone: (208) 929-1045 and (503)226-4211 ext.4804 Email: leslie@slewco.com and Nicholas.whitlev@nwnatural.com Witness: Leslie Rayner and Justin Palfreyman Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 12 12. When are Spirit Lake East and Lynnwood Water meters currently read? Are customers billed each month? lf not, when are bills issued? Does Gem State Water plan on maintaining the current schedule for meter reading and billing? Response: Spirit Lake East and Lynnwood Water read meters at the end of each month, except when conditions make meters inaccessible. ln the event that Spirit Lake East and/or Lynnwood Water cannot read a customeds meter for a billing period or for several billing periods, the customer will be billed a minimum monthly charge only. Spirit Lake East and Lynnwood Water aggregate the monthly allowance for each month that no meter read is taken and bill for all of the usage exceeding the total aggregated allowance on the next bill issued after a meter reading is taken. Bills are sent to customers by the Sth day of each month and payments are due on the 20th of each month. Yes, Gem State Water currently plans on maintaining the current schedule of Spirit Lake East and Lynnwood Water for meter reading and billing. SPL.W-19-01 IPUC DR 12 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 ? Gem Stote wATEn* sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response:April 10, 2019 Responder: Nicholas Whitley Telephone: (503) 226-421 I exl. 4804 Email: nicholas.whitely@nwnatural.com Witness: Justin Palfreyman Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 13 13. Will Gem State Water continue to bill all customers using the same billing format and billing system currently used by Spirit Lake East? Response: Yes, Gem State Water currently plans to continue to bill all customers using the same billing format and billing system currently being used by Spirit Lake East. Over time, however, to the extent Gem State Water's customers could benefit from a change to the billing format and/or billing system, Gem State Water would examine any such opportunity. SPL-W.19-01 IPUC DR 13 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 ? Gem Stote x&Y(&* sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response:April 10, 2019 Responder: Nicholas Whitley Telephone: (5O3) 226-421 1 ext. 4804 Email: Nicholas.whitley@nwnatural.com Witness: J ustin Palfreyman Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 14 14. Please identify any expected operational efficiencies or opportunities for sharing overhead costs attributable to expanding the number of water utilities owned directly or indirectly by Northwest Natural in Oregon, Washington and ldaho. Please explain whether and how Spirit Lake East and Lynnwood Water customers will share in these benefits. Response: Over time, as strategic acquisitions continue to be made in Oregon, Washington, ldaho and possibly other jurisdictions, there could be operational efficiencies or opportunities for sharing overhead costs. To the extent that Gem State Water and its parent companies can achieve operational efficiencies or opportunities for sharing overhead costs, Spirit Lake East and Lynnwood customers would benefit from such efficiencies or opportunities, as would any other entity that shares in such efforts. Gem State Water currently has not quantified benefits associated with operational efficiencies or opportunities for sharing overhead costs as the magnitude of such benefits will depend on our ability to successfully execute our growth strategy and other factors. SPL.W.19.O1 IPUC DR 14 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 & ?Gem Stote wlTfn* sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response:April 10, 2019 Responder: Nicholas Whitley Telephone: (503) 226-421 1 ext. 4804 Email: nicholas.whitley@nwnatural.com Witness: Justin Palfreyman Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 15 15. Please explain how and where Spirit Lake East and Lynnwood Water servlce requests and customer service questions wil! be addressed post-acquisition. Response: Service requests and customer service questions at Spirit Lake East and Lynnwood Water will continue to be addressed at the local office, with Leslie Rayner as the main contact. SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 15 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 Gem Stote sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Request Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response: April 10, 2019 Responder: Nicholas Whitley Telephone: (503) 226-421 1 exl. 4804 Email: nicholas.whitley@nwnatural.com Witness: Justin Palfreyman Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 16 16. ln reference to Mr. Palfreyman's direct testimony statement, "However, like many water utilities, the water systems, and Spirit Lake in particular, are in need of capital investment to support system growth and maintain system integrity." (Palfreyman, Dl at 5, lines 9-11). Please provide all the identified capital investments for Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Water. ln addition, provide when Gem State Water plans on making the capital investments and the estimated cost of the investment. Response: As with other systems acquired by NW Natural, commissioning a new Water System Master PIan will be a first priority. We expect the plan to prioritize needed capital expenditures and a timeline to complete. ln preliminary due diligence, our technical consultants (Stantec) identified severa! projects such as pump house improvements and water main replacements that wi!! likely be examined in detail post-close. SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 16 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 *ralSr- Gcm Stotc wrl Et" sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Reouest Resoonse DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response:April 10, 2019 Responder: Leslie Rayner Telephone: (208) 929-1 045 Email: leslie@slewco.com Witness: Leslie Rayner Reouest No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 17 17. Please provide an as-built system map for Lynnwood Water. Please include the location of wells and pumps, main/distribution systems, and areas/lots served by Lynnwood Water. Resoonse: Please see SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 17 Attachment 1 (system detail plan) and SPL-W- 19-01 IPUC DR 17 Attachment 2 (mechanical detail plan). SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 17 NWN Response Page'1 of 1 ? ^ arAJaAO salP)o'l eut'l .,aleM 'w'8 "A t'u ''N t9 dat't'],asllliv\s'0! 'ras t/r /rlN salPlsS pooMuUA-] 6'tu,r.ro.&:rF^ t sNrUSANlSNggJYJ a ll7073 d7O17 ll6s12 uoi -toN SNtNd dVNINI''I]Ud # r 3386 7 FzLdTso z SSV:TPft q.r E C 09r Il"a 28 EU FF<u => ec t0 ilil #6s9E ,.= <Ui;n l_O 6r:II UUW]3 -ouZFU:0tsoi <tr!=c 4 c #7p0E ll7068 0" o !B EJ I I I ti n<r. o ^a oo -lJ P -CNG ^A'6 O -= " itozz ,70r 6O !O 1f, E C Zoozooqz<a5> -iNFN<o= O>o[6 11 ' c =,.Ji. JNJ+UB; 6o o lc- t.// 'r/ I ll7o23 \ \ I I l-',ij v F = ztra& oq I---*-J c n. cil tna,z d; -E N<cB >oa@ 6,:ul ou+l SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 17 NWN Response q o F o ll q-J ,l -*---l'-r I I I I _l 27 l- ONr (l)ytrtEO oE O E.ErE HO-zE:=<O-t1O) I =j (L U) J U =zaF =*>a oooO zoF:f(ouFa- oF JOJ< =:E o -tn uJuEelo ssnoH'nal uo6e!)OssY JalPirt poor uul'l Yz Fnu-EJf<aoa0u :L F O = o oF Fa =oF =a:)l N N dl iiaU:)u<IO u-tJF.L! o!u YO!!> -o< Uz L JoEFzoO uooJu z uc) 4)(Ji:} a ao-C)<ZF ir;-rx> =< Prg<-,- -oa-$ -+> ,Nlu!t6[1DNS * -_l ?Gem Stote IA?TI* sPL-W-19-01 Spirit Lake and Lynnwood Acquisition Data Reouest Response DR Request: March 20,2019 Date of Response: April 10, 2019 Responder: Leslie Rayner Telephone: (208) 929-1 045 Email: leslie@slewco.com Witness: Leslie Rayner Request No.: SPL-W-19-01 IPUC DR 18 18. Please provide any available cost-based justification for the rates of Lynnwood Water, including the monthly water base fee, the water allotment included in the base fee, and the usage charges by rate tier. lf no cost-based justification exists, please explain why the fees and charges are appropriate. Response: Attachment2 of Exhibit 2 of Mr. Payfreyman's Direct Testimony sets forth the rates and rate structure for Lynnwood Water customers, as follows: $35 monthly minimum, for up to 20,000 gallons; $1.00 per each additional 1,000 gallons in excess of 20,000 gallons; $2.00 per each additional 1 ,000 gallons in excess of 100,000 gallons; and $3.00 per each additional 1,000 gallons in excess of 200,000 gallons The current rate structure is a carry-over from prior ownership of Lynnwood Water. Carrying over the rate structure from prior ownership of Lynnwood Water gave a sense of continuity to the customers and it recognized that the use of tiered rate structures is a sound utility ratemaking practice. Historically, tiered water rates are designed to reward customers who use less water by charging the lower rates for water amounts used in the lower usage tiers. The customers who use more water wil! move into the higher tiers, resulting in higher usage charges. All customers start out with the same benefit and a very reasonable base amount of water at twenty thousand gallons per month for a flat fee of thirty-five dollars. Then, it is really up to each customer to decide on the amount of desired water use and conservation efforts. Customers who use more water create a greater amount of wear on the system infrastructure and, therefore, are charged accordingly. The current allotment amounts have never been adjusted downward. SPL-W-19.01 IPUC DR 18 NWN Response Page 1 of 1 a o a a