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HomeMy WebLinkAbout200404092nd Response to Staff.pdf"'-"., ~' \, '-IuLI. L :1LFD H A N SON I N D U S T R I E S, I N C. g~~7 ~~~~~~~:n~~v ~~~;~;' WA ~\W!1 FR - 9 AH 9: 04 E-mail: adminCWhansonind,com ,. , . '" ; c ) ~:: LIe April 7, 2004 dTILiTiE;3 CCJt"1I"1ISSIOH John R. Hammond Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 RE: Case No. SPL-04- Dear Mr. Hammond: Enclosed is our Response to the Second Production Request in the above referenced matter. Weare proceeding ahead with our Application but we want to advise of the following issues: (1) Contractors: we are in the process of interviewing a new contractor to install our hook ups. This may affect the costs paid for each installation; (2) Cost Plus Rate: we have proposed a hook up rate based on the actual costs of the contractor and an administrative fee for our office and technical support for the hook ups. This simplifies the whole issue of setting a rate. Please forward this letter onto Staff with our Responses. Thank you. Sincerely,~~9~ Vice President TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION: In the Matter of the Application of Spirit Lake East Water Company To Increase its Connection Fee Case No. SPL-O4- Responses to Second Production Request of the Commission Staff To Spirit Lake East Water Company To: John R. Hammond, Deputy Attorney General We have answered the Commission s requests following the numerical order of the Requests. Employees of Hanson Industries, Inc., the 75% owner of the Applicant and manager of the water company prepared these answers. These employees are the Respondents and are identified as follows: Robert J. Boyle, Vice President ("RJB"); Roxann Middleton, Controller ("RM" Jim Kruger, maintenance supervisor and certified water technician ("JK" The Applicant and the Respondents are located at Hanson Industries, Inc. 15807 E. Indiana Avenue, Spokane Valley, W A 99216 (509) 922-5252; (509) 922-5757 Fax; e-mail Request No. 18 Response: there are Ninety (90) lots left to hook up to the water system. The number of remaining lots was confirmed on March 31 , 2004 by field inspection. We were unable to perform a field survey at the time of the Application or the First Production Request due to the presence of 3-4 feet of snow on the ground. The list of lots left to hook up is attached hereto as Exhibit " Respondents: RJB, RM, JK Request No. 19 Response: please see Exhibit 1. In summary, there are eleven (11) lots needing a meter installation and seventy nine (79) lots left for a complete hook up (service line installed from main line; set meter box; set meter; hook up line; recompact roadway). Respondents: RJB, RM, JK Request No. 20 Response: enclosed as Exhibit " Respondents: RM Request No. 2la. Response: No, Mr. Davis did not work for Spirit Lake East Water Company or any related companies prior to his engagement for our installations. Mr. Davis was an associate of our prior contactor, Kevin Stephens (who dropped our work to run his family s business, KC Construction in Hayden Lake), and that is how Mr. Davis was introduced to us. Request No. 2lb. Response: please see Response 22 below. Respondents: RJB , RM Request No. 22 Response: enclosed as Exhibit " Respondents: RJB, RM, JK Request No. 23 Response: Mr. Kruger does the following work for a hook up: (1) receives contact from Ms. Middleton re: the location of a hook up; (2) travels from Spokane, W A to Spirit Lake, ID to perform locate marking and then back to Spokane on same day; (3) once installation is complete, he travels back to Spirit Lake, ID from Spokane, W A to inspect work; (4) upon notification, he travels from Spokane, W A to Sprit Lake, ID to meet with the property owner re: service to the future house. Also, Mr. Kruger inspects the roadway to insure that the contractor has properly compacted the earth! gravel to avoid a sinking trench where the water service pipe is buried to the lot. The condition of the roadway is a "hot button" with the Homeowners Association and it demands that the water company s work does not cause deterioration of the existing roads. Respondents: JK, RM Request No. 24 Response: Mr. Kruger keeps time cards for his entire work responsibilities on behalf of Hanson Industries (and its affiliates) and Spirit Lake East Water Company. There are not separate time cards for Spirit Lake East Water. Respondents: RJB , RM, JK Request No. 25 Response: the reason for a higher allocation was more difficult coordination of the work responsibilities in Response 23 above. Mr. Kruger is dependent on the efficiency of the contractor and property owners/home builders with his site visits. Respondents: RJB, RM, JK Request No. 26 Response: we have attached Exhibit "3" which details the hourly rate for our administrative and technical employees. The hourly rate is determined by each employee s salary with a 30% fringe benefit surcharge (at cost). We are proposing an administrative fee of$135.07 per hook up in addition to the actual cost as billed by the contractor. This "Cost Plus" proposal negates the need to supply past costs for maintenance , supervisor and accounting services and makes a more linear connection between the actual costs to install and the indirect administrative costs of each hook up. Due to the burdensome nature of the request, we are dropping our request for vehicle compensation. Respondents: RJB, RM Request No. 27 Response: please see Response 26 above. Respondents: RJB , RM Request No. 28 Response: please see Exhibit 3 Respondents: RJB , RM Request No. 29 Response to 29 a., b., c.: we are in the process of soliciting new contractors to bid on the installation work. The actual costs of using Kevin Stephens and Frank Davis have been supplied with our Application and the Response to the First Production Request. Mr. Stephens and Mr. Davis have no connection with this company or any of its affiliates, except as independent contractors. This company does not have familial or social or business relationships with Mr. Stephens or Mr. Davis. In summary, this company has used licensed, responsible contractors and paid their costs to hook up our customers and these costs have exceeded revenue. Respondents: RJB, RM Dated in Spokane Valley, W A on April 7 , 2004. 1~~~ Vice President: Hanson Industries, Inc. SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY 15807 E.lndlana Ave. Spokane, WA 99216 PWS # 1280176 tiff-!' b i+ .1: Meter Set Hot TapFuture Hook Ups TreaDor! Division SDlrlt Lake East Division 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 3 2 4 2 9 212 224 103 105 106 114 117 125 142 152 155 157 158 161 167 168 178 183 184 189 190 191 193 202 203 204 205 210 212 217 219 222 225 227 229 235 236 239 244 245 246 247 250 251 255 257 263 266 270 274 278 281 282 284 287 288 289 291 295 303 306 307 308 310 311 E'/.-tJ. IE l z, w Frank Davis, Owner o. Box 220 Rathdrum, m 838S8- 0220 Davis Ex c:ava"l:: Ceo: (208) 755-8907 Phone: (~08) 68'7-9.7. Fax: (~08) 68'7-4494 Customer )lo..~SON T~cl-.)5+ r:~ s IN c- Date: J.j - -ell "1'0 ~\...OrVI ,'+ tVlt..c.o,,-,c.ell,t,J I f'VI 4Pe""IJ"~ :".J +h,;) L;""t to j:" uJon..1L c.c,.,.)~;+-~ 0 1=". 1,.J~4.c./I,',J~ I.o..)c. +~,. M~+~I':S o~ hv~dre & ~ 0 F' he~.$e:.s " oJ H.~ c.1:)~ 1,..,) J Jlo~+ ~t.I.\ \~ .t S~"",0'N;J Atec..~ CCt\1~~ a.r-e Jlo..yJe,.) 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Indiana Ave. Spokane, WA 99216 PWS # 1280176 I Per Hour Cost I Estimated Time I Total Cost 12. 16. 24. 31. 56. 78. 135.