HomeMy WebLinkAbout200403122nd Request of Staff to Spirit Lake.pdfJOHN R. HAMMOND DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0357 IDAHO BAR NO. 5470 ~"r'Ii '-! ,- ', . \ L 'J , !LED Hm, V : IvU'III,," L!. ;L1C Ur!L!Tir~S COI"lr"i!SSION Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, ID 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY TO INCREASE ITS CONNECTION FEE. CASE NO. SPL-04- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), by and through its attorney of record, John R. Hammond, Deputy Attorney General, requests that Spirit Lake East Water Company (Spirit Lake; Company) provide the following documents and information on or before FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2004. IDAPA and .229. The Company is reminded that responses to production requests must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, and the name, location and phone number of the record holder. IDAPA This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and Spirit Lake is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY MARCH 12, 2004 Please provide answers to each question; supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations; the name and telephone number of the person preparing the documents; and the name, location and telephone number of the record holder. For each item, please indicate the name of the person(s) preparing the answers, along with the job title of such person(s) and the employee who can sponsor the answer at a public meeting. For all responses to the following requests, please provide all workpapers and include an electronic version on diskettes (3.5 in.) and all underlying formulas intact in Excel 2000 compatible language. Request No. 18: According to page 11 of the Company s October 31 2002 Annual Report submitted to the IPUC, 147 additional customers could be served with no system improvements except a service line and meter. Because 16 hook-up connections were made in 2003 , the current number of additional customers that could be served is 131 (147 minus 16) based upon that information. The Company s response to First Production Request No. indicates that there are 90 potential customers that have not paid the connection fee and two lots not connected but for which connection fees have been paid. Please explain in detail the difference between these two representations (approximately 40 potential customers). Request No. 19: For the customers yet to be connected to the system, please identify how many connections will require: Only a water meter set; Only a water meter box set and water meter set; or A line installed from the water main to the meter and a water meter and water meter box. Request No. 20: Staff has received the 24 invoices the Company provided in response to First Production Request No. 16. Please also provide the invoices for the hook-ups to lots/tracts 254, TP-3/16, 225, 293 and TP 3/9 listed in Company Exhibit "A." Request No. 21: The Company, in response to First Production Request No. 5b explained that the Company "selected Mr. Davis due to his 'hands on' experience and knowledge with the water system and installation requirements. I As identified by the Company in its response to the First Production Request No. 14. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY MARCH 12 2004 Except for the field work described in the Company s response to First Production Request No., did/does Mr. Davis perform work for Hanson Industries or any of its related companies including Spirit Lake East Water and in what capacity (independent contractor, employee, etcetera). If so, when? Please describe, to your knowledge, how and when Mr. Davis obtained this hands on" experience and knowledge. Please state the company/companies for which he worked (including water companies) while obtaining this experience. Request No. 22: The Company in response to First Production Request No. 5c stated Frank Davis has quoted the Applicant fixed prices based on the actual costs." Please provide the price quotes provided by Mr. Davis. Request No. 23: Please provide a detailed description of the procedures and work performed by Mr. Kruger in connection with hook-ups by year during 2001 2002 and 2003. Request No. 24: As requested in First Production Request No. 10, please provide copies ofMr. Kruger s timecards for 2001 2002 and 2003. Request No. 25: The Company in response to First Production Request No. 11 identified 2003 as a year where "labor allocation is slightly higher (due to field problems) based on 38 hours per month." Please provide a detailed description ofthe field problems referenced in the response including the related work tasks and vehicle use required due to those problems. Request No. 26: The Company in response to First Production Request Nos. 10 and 12 responded that annual labor, vehicle and administrative expenses are an allocation of Hanson Industries ' overall costs. Please provide the journal entries for 2002 and 2003 such as journal entry dated October 31 , 2001 (JE# 0/31B) that charges the water company for maintenance supervisor and accounting services. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY MARCH 12 2004 Request No. 27: Please provide the supporting calculations for the journal entries requested above in Request No. 26 including labor rates and hours. Request No. 28: To the extent not previously provided in response to Request Nos. 26 and 27, please provide the hourly rate of the personnel who perform the administrative functions described by the Company in response to First Production Request No. 13. If more than one individual performs those functions, please identify each individual, their hourly rate, hours performing administrative tasks, and the specific tasks performed. Request No. 29: Based upon invoices provided to Staff during its review of2001 Company operations, there were 7 hook-ups in 2001 that averaged a cost of approximately 000 (see attachment). Please describe in detail why the cost of hook-ups have increased substantially in 2002 when compared to 2001. Specifically:1. Please explain why 2002 invoices2 bill $2 500 for tapping the water main in the road and setting the water meter and boxes when Company personnel stated a hot tap into the main line, piping, installation of meter box and meter cost approximately $1 500 in a March 27 2002 response to an audit request (an increase of almost 70% in 2002). 11.Please explain why invoice #41 dated April 23 , 2002 charges $500 to install a water meter when invoice #92 dated August 17 2001 charges $320 to put a water meter in an existing box set (an increase of over 50% in 2002). 111.Please describe the actions taken by the Company in response to these increases such as inquiry of contractor(s) regarding services and prices and the information obtained as a result of those actions. Please include the name of any contractors contacted and provide any documentation related to this process. 2 These invoices were provided in response to First Production Request No. 16. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY MARCH 12, 2004 Please explain in detail the reason for the difference between the 12 connections identified for 2001 in Company s response to First Production Request No. 14 and the 7 connections for which Staff has been provided 2001 invoices by the Company (see attachment for listing of invoices). Please provide the invoices for the 2001 connections to the extent not already provided to Staff (see attachment for listing of invoices). Dated at Boise, Idaho, this ;".r day of March 2004. Technical Staff: Michael Fuss Patricia Harms ~:::t. Hammond(yJY Attorney General umisc/prod req/splwO4. I 2nd prod req SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY MARCH 12 2004 Case No. SPL-04- 2001 Water Hook Ups Installations: Invoice #Date Lot # 440 6/6/2001 SLE 275 423 1/29/2001 SLE 285 412 12/11/2000 TP 1- 105 9/4/2001 TP 3- 108 9/4/2001 SLE 134 107 9/4/2001 SLE 223 8/17/2001 SLE 221 Total Installation Costs for 2001 per Invoices Total Number of Installs per Invoices::::- Amount 578 280 190 invoice dated 2000 although paid in 2001 320 685 685 320 058 "';ftpawtffi;_'f-.~\~~'lli1ir~O/"i!S'!!1i1:1'.1 1tI:;"';;t 111 ffl "W""Ck,, ci1!WA1J;I ~ . &~."~~\~~i11i6'J~~~ill,~E~ " 1" ~~"'" Plus Non-Installation Costs: Cost of Locates: Invoice #Date Amount 125 0/2/2001 124 1 0/2/2001 102 9/4/2001 103 9/4/2001 104 9/4/2001 275 Cost of Main Valve Replacement (Invoice #109 Dated 9/4/2001)624 Cost to Repair Damage to Meter (Invoice #110 Dated 9/4/2001) Customer Payment to Repair Damage to Meter 500 500 Cost to Repair Roadway - Amount was Deducted from Prior Contractor (Invoice #93 dated 8/17/2001) Total of Contractor Invoices Supplies: Pump Wrench Company Annual Report Amount for Materials & Supplies - Operation and Maintenance 370 327 370 730 Attachment CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 12TH DAY OF MARCH 2004 SERVED THE FOREGOING SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, IN CASE NO. SPL-04-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: ROBERT 1. BOYLE SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER CO. 15807 E INDIANA AVE SPOKANE VALLEY W A 99216 \C~ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE