HomeMy WebLinkAbout200402231st Response to Staff.pdf=lr: r r: rY1"~v'- 'f t!:J '-.:'1 1;::: . .~ '~ ~ TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . .. ..~- ZaDy FEE 23 Af:fIO: 00 In the Matter of the Application of Spirit Lake East W ater ()U"'P,J~'~)t To Increase its Connection Fee LiTILifiES COf'lr1/SSION Case No. SPL-O4- Responses to First Production Request of the Commission Staff To Spirit Lake East Water Company To: John R. Hammond, Deputy Attorney General We have answered the Commission s requests following the numerical order of the Requests. Employees of Hanson Industries, Inc., the 75% owner of the Applicant and manager of the water company prepared these answers. These employees are the Respondents and are identified as follows: Robert J. Boyle, Vice President ("RJB"); Roxann Middleton, Controller ("RM" Jim Kruger, maintenance supervisor and certified water technician ("JK" The Applicant and the Respondents are located at Hanson Industries , Inc. 15807 E. Indiana Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99216 (509) 922-5252; (509) 922-5757 Fax; e-mail admin~hansonind.com. Request No. Response: Enclosed is a map of the entire area served by the Spirit Lake East Water Company. The area includes residential lots located in the Spirit Lake East Community and the Treeport Community. The map is colored coded to illustrate: (a) lots already connected; (b) lots not connected but the connection fee paid; and (c) lots not connected and no connection fee paid. As of today' s date, there are 90 lots yet to have paid for the connection fee: 9 in Treeport; 81 in Spirit Lake East. Spirit Lake East Water Company has 360 potential customers with 270 having paid the connection fee. Respondents: RJB , RM, JK Request No. Response: The Applicant has 3 possible types of connections: ( a) Water Meter Set: the contractor sets the water meter into the water meter box located on the lot. (b) Water Meter Box Set and Water Meter Set: the contractor has to set the water meter box to the service line and then install the water meter. (c) Service Line Installed; Water Meter Box Set; Water Meter Set: the contractor has to enter the roadway and excavate down to the water main to install the service line and set the corp stop with backflow preventer and then the water meter box and water meter. Finally, backfill and compact the roadway for immediate use. Respondents: RJB, RM, JK Request No. Response: We have included the invoices paid for by the Applicant for the connections/hook ups to demonstrate the actual costs. Respondents: RM Request No. Response: Yes; the Applicant has used the following contractors: 1998- 2001: Kevin Stephens, K. C. Construction, P. O. Box 1455 , Hayden, ID 83835; 200l-present: Frank B. Davis, Davis Excavating, Inc., 669 Silverado Street, Rathdrum, ID 83858 (208) 687-9171. Respondents: RJB , RM Request No. Response: (a) the Contractor does all the field work described in Response No. above; (b) Not since 1998. The Applicant solicited interest from contractors in the area in 1997 and found only one qualified to do the work (to the State s and Applicant's standards). This original contractor , Kevin Stephens of Rathdrum ID took over a family business and terminated his relationship in 2001 with the Applicant. Thereafter, the Applicant solicited interested and qualified contractors for the work and selected Frank Davis. The Applicant selected Mr. Davis due to his "hands on experience and knowledge with the water system and installation requirements. (c) Frank Davis has quoted the Applicant fixed prices based on the actual costs. No bids are necessary. (d) Please see the invoices produced in Response No.3 above. Respondents: RJB, RM, JK Request No. Response: the contingency was requested due to anticipated, but yet unknown, increases in the costs of connections (i.e. pipe, corp stops, meters (such as compliance with new rules for ANSIINSF 61 certification), boxes labor, equipment, etc.) based on the Applicant fulfilling connection requests from customers for the next six years (see Response no. 15). A twenty percent (20%) contingency is consistent with Hanson Industries ' past practices with engineering, construction and real estate development. Request No. Response: Yes; the system was designed by a licensed engineer and submitted to the State for review as part of Hanson Industries ' development of the Spirit Lake and Treeport residential communities. The State approved the system design in 1983 by and through Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 293. The Applicant's water supply is drawn directly from the Rathdrum aquifer based on a state issued water right. The Applicant's water right is not limited and the Applicant has no facts to believe it will be in the future. The Applicant has a 200 000-gallon storage tank filled from the aquifer which is part of the system. The Applicant's average customer usage during a typical summer quarter is 3 018 cubic feet. Respondents: RJB , RM Request No. Response: A hook up fee is always charged. Respondents: RJB, RM Request No. Response: A hook up fee is charged only once to a customer. Respondents: RJB, RM Request No. 10 Response: The Applicant's annual labor and vehicle expenses are an allocation of Hanson Industries ' overall costs. The Applicant is part of Hanson Industries, a multi faceted company doing business in mining, manufacturing, real estate development and industrial projects. Respondents: RJB , RM Request No. Response: For the purposes of the Applicant's request to increase the connection/hook up fee: Year 2002: Labor is same allocation for Mr. Kruger as indicated in the audit conducted by Ms. Harms or $5 920.20 for the year. Vehicle expense was calculated as follows: 80 miles round trip from Applicant's yard to SLE/TP x 3 trips per month (average) x $.375/mile (IRS allowance) for monthly total expense of$90.00 or $1 080 annually. Labor at $5 920.20 + vehicle at 080 for total of $7 000.20 less 15% (allocation of time not spend at all on connection field issues) for a total of$5 908.00. Year 2003: Labor allocation is slightly higher (due to field problems) based on 38 hours per month. Vehicle allocation the same as '02. Labor at 498.92 + vehicle at $1 080 for total of$8 578.92 less 15% for a total of 292.00. Respondents: RJB , RM Request No. 12 Response: same response as Response No.1 0 above, except for the administrative allocation of expenses. Respondents: RJB, RM Request No. 13 Response: the administrative expense is two-fold: first, the expense allocated to accounting functions; second, the expense allocated to connection/hook up process (i.e. Handling customer requests, handling contractor requests obtaining payment (including bad checks), follow up issues with customers and contractors, issues with customers lenders, issues with our contractor (scheduling, locates, problems , complaints, etc. The Applicant's request is for the latter extra ordinary expense and was calculated based on industry standard costs to perform the work. Year 2002: industry standard costs of $50.00 per hour for a Controller with the requisite experience based on 102 hours for a total of$5 200. Year 2003: industry standard costs of$50.00 per hour for a Controller with the requisite experience based on 135 hours for a total of$6 760. Respondents: RJB, RM Request No. 14 Response: the Applicant had 72 hook ups in years 1999-2003 as follows: Year 1999: 15 connections Year 2000: 16 connections Year 2001: 12 connections Year 2002: 13 connections Year 2003: 16 connections Respondents: RJB, RM Request No. 15 Response: the Applicant has averaged approximately 15 hook ups per year. Based on this average, the Applicant has over 6 years to complete all hook ups in the system. Hook ups are driven totally by customer/market demand not by the Applicant. Respondents: RJB, RM Request No. 16 Response: please see Response No.3 above Respondents: RJB, RM Request No. 17 Response: enclosed is the October 30 2001 Spirit Lake East Water company (PWSNO 1280176) Source Water Assessment Report. This is the most recent report. Respondents: RM, JK Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado st. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 .r-r... \ L L. ::: j 'f ::', ,,-""'""""""'" ~"';" - H ". "!"'' ,,,-,,'/;'. HI;. UnL!T Ic,S ' CGt'ij:dSS!ON Bill To Hanson Industries 15102 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, WA. 99216 Quantity Description Set water meter boxes and meter No. Lot 140 'f: ;'1, ,"1" . ""-.,~, ;;I ~~ ""'." '. . ' " a"" ~ .:; ~""..,,,- 'UJ -\'~' :-C)LI;\j;-"i-' , 1,\\;, " .. '-L-:PI DATE RECEIVED JOB NO. EXPENSE COOE: ACCCUNT NO. Sir/V , (\ (') 2,, l'.M0L!NT APPROVAL Please remit to above address. .~f. fiJ ,--" Date 3/29/2002 Terms Due on receipt Rate 1 ,500. Total Invoice Invoice # Project Amount 500. 500. Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado st. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Invoice Date 4/23/2002 Invoice # Bill To Hanson Industries 15102 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, WA. 99216 No.Terms Project Lot 223 Due on receipt Quantity Description Rate Amount Install water meter--4/12/02 500.500. ~~~~~. - .. \.,,",p \ ~\ ~ATt: RECEIVED ~Y;.?\~~\\~GJoa NO. EXPENSE CODE:~c,a J' ACCOUNT NO.AMOU loo \ 82..0 ...- APPROVAL r~,- :.." Thank you for your business.Total $500. Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado st. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Bill To Hanson Industries 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, W A. 99216 O. No.Terms Date, 6/4/2002 Lot 137 Due on receipt Quantity Description Water main tap, and set water meter to' 0I\ cf\ \!) I\ \."~~~~~~~ ~"')...-'~ '" _,~_~-----~~--' -! )\j~ \ 'i\ ~ " ),?' ",'GO . " .'" " , - ~~\\,"~:, J, pjCO --- -\ ~~;~~~~: 8MOUt'1T , APPROVAL .....1 Please remit to above address. Rate 500. Total Invoice Invoice # Project Amount 500.00 500.00 Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado st. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Invoice Date 6/4/2002 Invoice # Bill To Hanson Industries 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, WA. 99216 O. No.Terms Project Lot 195 Due on receipt Quantity Description Rate Amount Water main tap and set water meter 500.500. ~~~~?:~~ 'J'"" ~"\ \ \\ i,.v ~ \ Q't::.?\ , ,_.~- ' ~'O,d 'I ~\\~G ~cCOv.:: ' ,,",::\;:' ::-~~EC: C::::':: :.. CCOIJND:lQ.AMCl.,M J(J(J /l'b-o APPROVAL ... Please remit to above address.Total 500. Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado s1. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Bill To Hanson Industries 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, W A. 99216 O. No. Lo!J9 Description Tapped main in road. Set meter and boxes. Compacted road and backfilled. Quantity --- Thank you for your business. ;;1 '" ~, '~r";~!lJ) I .. ~'",-- I ..,,~J ::::), E;\Fn~SE COJE: CCOUNT NQ.100 2-0 I APPROVAL ;.. ~-~~ Date 7/31/2002 Terms Due on receipt Rate 500. """ ~n' "~' '~F~'l...dl ~;' tl=~; r.;;., ~ L.. 1 '"- I... . , "~ " ?f\"~ t,;\, "V" ':;" , '\CCC UiH\\!G \-:: l.:: AMCIUf\IT ..J Total Invoice Invoice # 104 Project Amount 500.00 i 500. Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado st. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Invoice Date 7/31/2002 Invoice # 103 Bill To Hanson Industries 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, VVA. 99216 O. No.Terms Project :- Lot -Due on receipt Quantity Description --- Rate Amount Installed meter and replaced top box and lid.550.550. ENTERED 2'-"""l \ \r~ uJL ;" '. -~\/' COi F\\T\\lG I~:!: '--' ::JAT: ;;ccc;vm r' - - : :'13 ;~o. C,PENSE CODE: f.,CCOUNT NO. 100 if;;U) !'Pr:GVAL --------'--'~~~-~--' Thank you for your business.Total $550. Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado st. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Bill To Hanson Industries 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, W A. 99216 O. No. - , Lot 165) -........ ---- Quantity Description Tapped main in road. Set meter and boxes. Compacted and backfilled. .., f""-_0 --= 2:"1"( :-;,!:C.':\VEO \ .:JJ;.iO. EXPG~SE COiJE: ~COUN1 NO. \ 06 2AJ \ ., - . 1'(" ~(,")\' f\L ,._---'-'-- ' o.,,---~., ~~.'..~- Thank you for your business. Date 7/31/2002 Terms Due on receipt Rate 500. EN~rERED '):~')':~ \ \(' :..",: '- \.. ' CO\J ;\! n\lG iJt ;-\' 0'; Total Invoice Invoice # 102 Project Amount 500. 500. Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado st. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Invoice Date 7/31/2002 Invoice # 101 Bill To Hanson Industries 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, W A. 99216 O. No.Terms Project Lot 249 Due on receipt Quantity Description Rate Amount Tapped main in road. Set meter and boxes. Compacted and 500.500. backfilled. EN'"ERED \\'"l rc~') ---=- 1 ACCQUNI\\lG m ,-"--~~".--- " ,. ,'- :~ ~'-t,. :\';" ,,:;'-'-' - ~:;3;'\'J, ,-.,pp::;\; COJ~: ~, ~"--- 00 l-O --- 'r-orp.O'!!'.L -- -,.::,~--_.__."_.,..-,.. Thank you for your business.Total 500. , , Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado st. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Bill To Hanson Industries 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, WA. 99216 Quantity Description Tap water main in road. Set water meter and boxes. . " i Thank you for your business. Phone # 208-687-9171 ,----~\~ '~C~C~\Tt) j ; , :'J. ':", 1".t COJE: " ~. ~ t.Q~UQ. ;UJ rP.()\'AI. -"-"~'~~-~--=~ Date 9/5/2002 Project/Job Lot 256 Rate' 500. " ,' '(' ", Total Invoice Invoice # 136 Terms Due on receipt Amount 500. 500. Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado st. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Bill To Hanson Industries 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, WA. 99216 Quantity Description Tap water main in road. Set water meter. --- I Thank you for your business. Phone # 208-687-9171 ~'"','~,~~~.~--~-~~. =.. . ,." ...' - \ .. No" . I ~ V :~~:-' ~-'-.~~"::":""""---.... tfi Wlv\. I 0 , J : \--- A?FP/)VAl ~-'~"'~"""'~" I~- Total Date 9/2712002 Project/Job Lot 166 Rate 500. Invoice Invoice # 148 Terms Due on receipt Amount 500. 500. Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado st. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Invoice Date Invoice # 10/1/2002 170 Bill To Hanson Industries 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, WA. 99216 Quantity Description Tap water main in road. Set water meter. Project/Job Terms Lot 238 Due on receipt Rate Amount 500.500. - --=-, ",' ,=,,---\~;~:; C';\'O , 1, , " ";;;) L 1-\;::v- cn)E: ~l"l/ . "'\-'~~~~\.: ~ ' ~- " T ~ ~ ; .'..':. . ::., "_'1"-' ~'-'- Thank you for your business.Total 500. Phone # 208-687-9171 Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado st. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Bill To Hanson Industries 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, W A. 99216 Quantity Description Install meter and new top box Backhoe, Labor and Materials ~ ~ 305 EXPENSE CODE APPROVAL Thank you for your business. Phone # 208-687 -9171 Date 1/3/2003 Invoice Invoice # 218 Project/Job Terms Lot 305 Due on receipt Rate Amount 625.625. .~;q o:y g".-v. ",,- 'I ./: /'f~;""'1 ':r~ " (i 7AJ 'l ~ , ), '\ ",y'", (-::1 f~~ ;~':~~, -":"1/ "t?()I ()-, ,~;.. Total $625. , . Davis Excavating Inc. 669 Silverado st. Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Bill To Hanson Industries 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, W A. 99216 Description Tap water-main in road, backfill and compact. Set water meter. Quantity - , Thank you for your business. Phone # 208-687 -9171 EXPENSE CODE APPROVAL Date 2/21/2003 Project/Job Lo(280 500. Invoice Invoice # 236 Terms Due on receipt Amount 500. ,"';V~;;6 w'~r~~~ Co , ~I ~ , ~ ; ~\fJ' ':0 C'::;' ~:1F.-:: ,(':,',.-\ ,,) - Total 500. . . FROM: DAtJIS EXCAVATING INC Davis Excavating Inc. o. Box 220 Rathdrum, Idaho 83858-0220 ,,---, Bill To fllimson Industrie ~-' 15807 E. Indiana Ave. ; Spokane, WA 99216 '"--, ,h._- ..,--,_.,--,_.'"'--" Quantity .....,..-,..., ,...-,-., : Water hook-up. Set water meter Description FAX NO. : 6874494_.,, ..,--_u EXPENSE CODE APPROVAL Apr. 07 2003 08: llAM P3 Invoice I - " -, I ,--_.., '- :7 ~- ' project/JOb " ---," Terms .. " I .1.., Lol 143 "'---'~ re iPt Rate Amount ---..." """'- i'~-soO:'oO 1 ,500.00 \ t::' i ,",~ l- ~'" '..# ;;;'-"'"...,\'-':' ,J ;; ,.j J:j . " I1- /) -. ~. ACn : ' UJ.:-iVI I I\tTIN0 ! - 4 bEPI. Thank you for your business. ,---.., , ' ,---"- i'-' Pho ~~;-! , 208-687-9171 ' . ,,---,.,..--.".,..'-'....'-- '.. ....-...." ,, ' ",-h" ; Total $ J ,500.00 ..J . , ----,_.., .. P~ojedlj~b 1 s - n;;;, o ~ipJ ~.. Amount 500.00"'--. 2,50'0.00 1 FROM :DAUIS EXCAUATING INC FAX NO. : 6874494 Davis Excavating Inc. O. Box 220 Rathdnnn, Idaho 83858-0220 .-, ,-- ,_..,- '- Bill Tor-' --. .._" i Hanson Industries ! 15807 E. Indian-a Ave. ;Spokanet WA. 99216 ,-,..-"-..- -----, antity r" --- ..-... criPtion -' ..'--, --. "-' -, ,--, -- ,..-- , Water hook-up. Set meter. and tapped main in road. EXPENSE CODE APPROVAL I" -, -.- -, ,.-... , .-, : Thai#- you for your business. ,---, 1 i Total ,-, -,"-' --' .,- Phone # -' -_.. ,,- 208-687-9171 ' - --, Apr. 05 2003 04:45PM P1 Invoice ._, --, 1 --, -.. '-- I Date Invoice# ! \'-- 4/4/2003 i - 255. '- ,.-... .-., , I... ,_. ..-, \~;~'" ,, j !' ,,' " " :JJ ~:~ " / ;r? " jC(\o ' /);"'-" /,,\:1'./',/.-. '..,./. '-1 t:Pr ,..o 500.00 \ FRCt1 :DAVIS EXCAVATING INC FAX NO. : 6874494 Apr. 135 2003 134:45PM P2 Davis Excavating Inc. o. Box 220 Rathdrum., Idaho 83858-0220 Invoice I .., .'.-.'---.. f' ;;;3 i~::; , '-'-.------"""" Bill To ~;;'l~ustr i~s : 15807 E. Indiana Ave. ; Spokane. WA. 99216 ! ...--, ..._u- ' ."- ,.,..--- auanti~ Description -- ... ....' ' ---1 ~~ hook-up. s~i ;~t~~~'and t~pped main in road. """'----" Project/Job i Terms r""-"' ~ ,.-., , , ! Dueonreceipt I Am~nt ... 1......,...................-i 2 500.00 2,500.00 EXPENSE CODE APPROVAL .c' ~/"' it' .l .. .~"'" , -1,/:,/. ~~ "f(l r, -' ~ ~, 0...... ... 'A \ ..; ? ~/: . '~GV" .-'lv,-:-. ' G () ~)), .,.- ._----,.. 00, . Thank you for your business. ---- - I Total ""'--'-----"" $2,5?~~~.--_no"."'" Phone # , 208.87-9171 I 'FR1)1 ~ DAV 15 EXCAVAT I NG I NC FAX NO. :6874494 Jun. 04 2003 09:50AM P2 Davis Excavating Inc. O. Box 220 Rathdnun, Idaho 83858-0220 Invoice i:; .. ,. .----.,-....--.. I ...... ,....--.--.-..... ....,...-..-..". Bill To ~..... ,,--.--... : Hanson Industries ; 15807 E. Indiana Avc. : Spokane, WA 99216 ..." .. ..._...........---. ! projectlJo~.' T"'-- ;~;.'--" :..-------.. .. .1.....- .,, Lot 233 Due on receIpt Rate Amount SOO' Quantity ..-..-...;.-.-..,-.. Description ... ,....-. ....... .-.,----..-----...... .-....,.. , 2.500.! Tap water-main. set meter boxes and meter EXPENSE CODE APPROVAL ... _........._,,_._. . I Thank you for your business. .. ..,-,,-..--..-.... .... . - ..,... 1.._,___..-.- I Total $2,500. '--.".., ........-....""".- ........--....---..".........."..... Phone # .""........."....- . 208-687~9171 -...-.-.., ".. ENTERED JUN '- 9 2003 fj ,. , (". ' OUNT/" \.:I DEPT. . FROM ~DAV I 5 EXCAVAT I NG I NC Davis Excavating Inc. o. Box 220 Rathdrum. Idaho 83858-0220 tAX NO. : 6874494.-.. ,-. .-- -. -.-.. Bill To -_. --, ,,- i Hanson Industries " 15807 E. Indiana Ave. : Spokane~ W A. 99216 L. ....-..._.. "...-..- _.. -, -" .-. .- .- ..._-.. Quantity Description - .--' ...--- . Set meter boxes and meter EXPENSE CODE APPROVAL :Th~you for your business. --- ._- --. ~.. -... ..---...,..--- Phone # ;. .. ; 20g.687r9171 : .- .__..,_. '.'-""'--'" .--- Jun. 04 2003 09:51AM Pi Invoice j- D~te ' " ~~oi~ ' .~. ...-.. .-.. \ 6/412003 302 L- .-. -' ---" _. r" .-..---, ~o~ -' .., ,,_. Term~__. i Due o~ receipt Amount _.. 500.00 '-' $1.50 project/Job1- ,.-. Lot 170 .---'-----.- --..'" \ .-.. Rate .- 500.00 \ ----L.- .. .. ---'?"'~"~"""-'.',;"" ;r";J""-.:b."i' -"'i; L._~~I2' JUN - 9 2003 ACCOUNTING DEPT. FROM: DAU I S EXCAVAT I NG I FAX NO. : 6874494 Aug. 05 2003 02: 32PM P2 Davis Excavating Inc. o. Box 220 Rathdrurn, Idaho 83858-0220 Invoice L~t~'---~i~i~~3 . O J ..,. ?~~-,. \...---.-. Bill To ._--_.'. .....-.-.. . j HaMon Industries : 15807 E. Indiana Ave. : Spokane, WA, 99216 ,-.,., .-. ,.--... .,......---......,-.-----.. ...._--1--' . prOjectlJ~"-"Terms ""'-' ,... 1. . ! .... . 290 'Due on receipt ' ' A;~~~~,.. ... 500.00 ! 2,500.00 i RateQuantityDescription ""----" -.,.,......----... Tap water main, set mclcr and boxes EXPENSE CODE APPROVAL R4Jt .- .' , J . : Than~.y~u for your business. . ..----.... ..-----.. .,........ --........ . i Total ,,-~... 500. ..., ...,n.._-_-"'" . .,..-..---........ -.-... . Phone # , . ,.,....." : 208-687-9171 FROM: DAU I 5 EXCAUAT I NG I NC FAX NO. : 6874494 Aug. 05 2003 02:31PM Pi " .,. "" ....n. ..-.., . .. " ".. -"' i Pr ~~:. ~Job ,_. .1 Terms ""'- Lnt 107 Due on rC(;eipt 1"-'" "R~~ I Am~~t -O--"" : 2,500: -"' 1"'-'" . 2 500. Davis Excavating Inc. o. Box 220 Rathdrum, Idaho 83858-0220 -.--....,.'..-'----'"._-_."'- Bill To , "'--'-""-.--... : Hanson lndustrie:; : 15807 E.lndlanaAve. ; Spokane, WA. 99216 . --.-.-..,....--.-.... .""'-"'" Quantity Description "-"'-"'"-..---...--- i Tap water main. Set water meter and boxes EXPENSE CODE APPROVAL -".. . ... --..... .-..".,...-..... . .. ....___0"" ... I ' TotalThank you for your business. --- .-...---...--......".. . .om. ....--.-. . .....-......." ..........-..-.--.--.-. Phone # 208-687-9171 '-"--"'...." Invoice f---'Date \ .. ' ~~~~i~" r""' ~OO3 --- \ 34 ":"""f:'. .,. J;;::;,, .J 0.' i;'! i(: '! ; ' i 'tj -\ 4~:~TiN ~ D~PT I .... ..J $2500.00 I FROM: DAV I 5 EXCAVAT I NG I NC FAX NO. : 6874494 Sep. 05 2003 05: 12PM P1 Davis Excavating Inc. O. Box 220 Rathdrum, Idaho 83858-0220 BiIlTo Hanson Industries : 15&01 E. Indiana Ave. Sptlkane, WA. 99216 .. . Project/Job Lot 267 ~tion . .--.-.. " . Install water-meter l.." ' j '; ~ ,--, 1...1... - ~ --- APPROVAL Invoice r""" Date '-T"';ce . .J 9/4/2 ~~~_ 392 ___. :..--'.'.. , I --~~~s I.... ~~-~.. i Due on receipt 9/1512003 I ~ ...--. . Quantity " j'" Rate,n__... f:' ~ ".", ; (~hl rf' , " "';'- )r:.1 i ,'f-i" ACe-PUf\tT'/'f; , "' ,/ , A late charge of 1.5% per month will be charged on all aCC()unts nOl. paid in fun by the due date. ," ..- '--- Phone'#- ,..-........ IFax # . .-. .....n__n ..-_.... 208- 755-8907 : 208-687-4494 i. J. ,. ..... 1 .. soo.OO"'i-" . I ... ..--.---.,. ! Total : Payments/Credits , ,,--.-...---....,.. ...--.-.....,- . I ~~~~~~- ~~. .--.--.. . Amount 500.00 I . -"......... i S500 :~~ $0.00 : ,,---.-. 5500. ..,,-.--... FROM: DAV 15 EXCAVAT I NG I NC FAX NO. : 6874494 Sep. 135 2003 135: 13PM Davis Excavating Inc. O. Box 220 Rathdrum, Idaho 83858-0220 ,-" ..-, Bill To ,-, , Itanson Industries ; 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, WA. 99216 project/Job Lot 46 ..' Description -, Tap water-main, ~t meter and boxes with slob. .- ._", , i Quantity EXPENSE CODE APPR~L '--. A late charge of 1.5% per month will be charged on all accounts not paid in full by (he due date. PhOne #Fax # 208-687-4494 i208-755.8907 ,.,, .n'" Invoice .-.. I '" "--.. Date i Invoice # I '-T' -,.9/412003 i -.., 391 Rate , ., 2,500.00" ' ~i\J"'r:"t""' ~,.,, I! J \"",""'.' J: r , " "'"'" ',"'" )C:' 0.:1 fl f' (' (" , ;, ' ,".. 1 Total r~ayments1 r--' ,-_on". , , Balance Due L"" I OM"Terms Due Datei, ..... . l.., . o. ! Due an receipt i 9/1 5/2003 .., ,-"'" Amount -, 500,00 j $2.500.00 I .-, ,,- ~O.OO i $2,500.00 ! . FROM: DAVIS EXCAVATING INC FAX NO. : 6874494 Davis Excavating Inc. O. Box 220 Rathdrom, T daho 83858-0220 ........ ..,._---.....' BiliTe . """-"---'-" ! H~so Industric:o i 15807 E. Indiana Ave. i Spokane, WA. 99216 .....-. .....,....-.-,-.'..-. ProjedlJob ..., - . Terms r' -----...'..Lot 18 Due on re~ipt . ""' r- . "' a~ntity j Tap water-main, set meter boxes and meter. -- -. '0_ _--_' , Description ~XPENSE CODE i APPROVAL .... ..... -"-'------'_'.'_0"""""""-"..1.. ..... A late charge of 1.5% per month will be charged on all accounts not paid in full by the due date. - ..._-~~# F~x# ; 208-755-8907 : 208-687-4494I... .. Oct. 06 2003 02:09PM Invoice :oo3 5;~J . r---'--""-""""" !Due Date .t....n 10/15/2003 : ....... ....... - ........ ..... I ~~~-'-"'- Rate .. nO' ""_On-_"- 500,00 '2,500, ~~'C.\\t~ 10$~c,\ ~ po.;! . \ . 1 .. ... . ...-. 'n 'n'__"" : T eta I . $2 500.00 I !---. .. n _' _..,-- -,- '_", _n_' ,......_-_. ,-, o._'n.. ! Payments/Credits $0. I Balance Due 500.""""n" ........,....._0_."" . FROM: DAVIS EXCAVATING INC FAX NO. : 6874494 Oct. 06 2003 02:08PM Davis Excavating Inc. O. Box 220 Rathdnun. Idaho 83858-0220 Invoice I -.'--Date Invoice # l_. ~~/6/ ~:_- ~:=---_.... 1 .-.---....--...... Bill To . .. _... -------...- ...'..---..... : Hamson Industries : 15807 E. Indiana Avc. Spokane. WA, 99216 ---...., ---..-...-----.------ -.- ..... Description -... i ProjedlJob Terms Due Date ..., ._...~ . ..!...... ' .. _. ,.... Lot 23 \ Due on recdpl 10/1512003 I """'-.-'- Quantity '-r--." " ' R~,, :..._....,..,_.....;.....-....-,.. I 2.500. Amount 500.00 -' --_..- ------..,.-.----.. Tap water-main. Set meter boxes and meter EXPENSE CODE APPROVAL : ~~~~Q ,~ ~.. ~ '1.1\1\0 i \j\., ~G D'C.?\ . cCO\J~\\ . i .."". ... ... : Total $2,500.00 : ........ . ! Payments/Credits $0.00 ! i Balance Due ., :...:'-~~?~~~;)~~~;;" A late charge of).5% JX.T month will be charged on all accounts not paid in full by the due date. Phone #Fax # ,.. -...--.--------.-.-..- 208-755-8907 208-687-4494 -- -_.... . .., SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY (pWSNO 1280176) SOURCE WATER ASSESSMENT REPORT ~Pl- -11J,O,/-c1J October 30, 2001 -\c M-' CJ_,oc: U);::; (;') State of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality :""" J..- -'f1t-" ~.J ;:.::::; ('") fT1 CJ rr1 ..::: rri ::;;::1!0::it DEl Disclaimer: This publication has been developed as part of an informational service for the source water assessments of public water systems in Idaho and is based on the data available at the time .and the professionaijudgement of the staff. Although reasonable efforts have been made to present accurate information. no guarantees, including expressed or implied warranties of any kind, are made with respect to this publication by the state of Idaho or any of its agencies, employees, or agents, who also assume no legal responsibility for the accuracy of presentations, comments, or other information in this publication. The assessment is subject to modification if new data is produced. Executive Summary Under the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996, all states are required by the u.S. Environmental Protection Agency to assess every source of public drinking water for its relative sensitivity to contaminants regulated by the act. This risk assessment is based on a land use inventory in the well recharge zone, sensitivity factors associated with how the well was constructed, and aquifer characteristics. This report Source Water Assessment for Spirit Lake East Water Company, describes the public drinking water well; the well recharge zone and potential contaminant sites located inside the recharge zone boundaries. This assessment, taken into account with local knowledge and concerns, should be used as a planning tool to develop and implement appropriate protection measures for this public water system. The results should not be used as an absolute measure of risk and they should not be used to undermine public confidence in the water system. A 603-foot deep well pumping from the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer supplies Spirit Lake East Water Company drinking water. The water system serves a population of more than 225 people in a residential neighborhood north of State Highway 54 in the vicinity of Spirit Lake, Idaho. Historically, Spirit Lake East Water Company has had few water quality problems other than microbial contamination entering through the distribution system. The system installed a chlorinator in 1996 to deal with the problem.. A ground water Susceptibility Analysis conducted by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality September 27 2001 found the well to be moderately susceptible to all classes of regulated contaminants. Many factors used to assess vulnerability to contamination are unknown . because the Spirit Lake East well log is not on file. Nevertheless, the final susceptibility scores for the well are in line with scores for other wells pumping from the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. This assessment should be used as a basis for determining appropriate new protection measures or re- evaluating existing protection efforts. No matter what ranking a source receives, protection is always important. Whether the source is currently located in a "pristine" area or an area with numerous industrial and/or agriculturalland uses that require education and surveillance, the way to ensure good water quality in the future is to act now to protect valuable water supply resources. Because 186 public water systems in Idaho draw water from the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer, they should consider forming a regional group to represent their interests before state, county and municipal governing bodies when regulatory tools like zoning overlays, or enactment of building codes are the most appropriate ground water protection measures. In its own service area the Spirit Lake East Water Company system needs to develop a cross connection control program. The water company should promote proper septic tank maintenance as a ground water protection measure through educational materials sent with water bills. The system should develop a written well protection plan than includes regular maintenance of the physical plant. Due to the time involved with the movement of ground water, source water protection activities should be aimed at long-term management strategies even though these strategies may not yield results in the near term. For assistance in developing protection strategies, please contact your regional Department of Environmental Quality office or the Idaho Rural Water Association. 10/30/01 SOURCE WATER ASSESSMENT FOR SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY Section 1. Introduction - Basis for Assessment The following sections contain information necessary for understanding how and why this assessment was conducted. It is important to review this information to understand what the ranking of this source means. A map showing the delineated source water assessment area and an inventory of significant potential sources of contamination identified within that area are included. The ground water susceptibility analysis worksheets used to develop this assessment are attached. Level of Accuracy and Purpose of the Assessment The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) to assess every public drinking water source in Idaho for its relative susceptibility to contaminants regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act. These assessments are based on a land use inventory inside the delineated recharge zones, sensitivity factors associated with how the well is constructed, and aquifer characteristics. The state must complete more than 2900 assessments by May of 2003. Because resources and the time available to accomplish assessments are limited, an in-depth, site-specific investigation for every public water system is not possible. The results of the source water assessment should not be used as an absolute measure of risk and they should not be used to undermine public confidence in the water system. The ultimate goal of this assessment is to provide data to local communities for developing a protection strategy for their drinking water supply. The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality recognizes that pollution prevention activities generally require less time and money to implement than treating a public water supply system once it has been contaminated. DEQ encourages communities to balance resource protection with economic growth and development. The decision as to the amount and types of information necessary to develop a source water protection program should be determined by the local community based on its own needs and limitations. Wellhead or source water protection is one facet of a comprehensive growth plan, and it can complement ongoing local planning efforts. 10/30/01 Figure 1. Geographic Location of Spirit Lake East Water Company State ofIdaho 100 200 Miles f-----I 4 Miles Section 2. Preparing for the Assessment Derming the Zones of Contribution - Delineation The delineation process establishes the physical area around a well that will become the focal point of the assessment. The process includes mapping the boundaries of the well recharge area into time of travel zones indicating the number of years necessary for a particle of water flowing through the aquifer to reach a well. DEQ used a refilled computer model approved by the EP A to determine the time of travel (TOT) for water pumped from the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. The computer model for Spirit Lake East Water Company used data assimilated by DEQ ITom a variety of sources including local well logs and pumping volume estimates. Spirit Lake East Water Company is a community water system with 216 connections serving a population of more than 225 people in a residential area north of Highway 53 near Spirit Lake (Figure 1). A 603-foot deep well supplies drinking water for Spirit Lake East Water Company customers. The estimated capacity ofthe well is 500 GPM. The source water assessment delineation for the Spirit Lake East Water Company well encompasses nearly 45 acres. The recharge zone curves 1.25 miles north westward from the well, and is divided into three time of travel zones: 0-3 years, 3-6 years and 6-10 years (Figure 2). Identifying Potential Sources of Contamination The goal of the inventory process is to locate and describe those facilities, land uses, and environmental conditions that are potential sources of ground water contamination. Inventories for all public water systems in Idaho were conducted in two-phases. The fust phase involved identifying and documenting potential contaminant sources within a system s source water assessment area through the use of computer databases and Geographic Information System maps developed by DEQ. A map showing the delineations and a table summarizing the results of the database search were then sent to system operators for review and correction during the second or enhanced phase of the inventory process. Information from the public water system file was also incorporated into the potential contaminant inventory. Figure 2 Spirit Lake East Water Company Delineation and Potential Contaminant Inventory on page 7 of this report shows the location of the Spirit Lake East Water Company well, the well recharge zone DEQ delineated for it, and potential contaminant sites in the vicinity. Land use inside the delineation boundaries is a mix of woodland and rural residential. Individual septic systems serve homes in the area. Many potential sources of contamination are regulated at the federal level, state level, or both to reduce the risk of release. When a business, facility, or property is identified as a potential contaminant source this should not be interpreted to mean that this business, facility, or property is in violation of any local state, or federal environmental law or regulation. What it does mean is that the potential for contamination exists due to the nature of the business, industry, or operation. 10/30/01 Section 3. Susceptibility Analysis The susceptibility to contamination of all ground water sources in Idaho is being assessed on the following factors: physical integrity of the well hydrologic characteristics land use characteristics, and potentially significant contaminant sources historic water quality The susceptibility rankings are specific to a particular potential contaminant or category of contaminants. A high susceptibility rating relative to one potential contaminant does not mean that the water system is at the same risk for all other potential contaminants. The relative ranking that is derived for each well is a qualitative, screening-level step that, in many cases, uses generalized assumptions and best professional judgement. The following summaries describe the rationale for the susceptibility ranking. The susceptibility analysis worksheet for Spirit Lake East Water Company, Attachment A, shows in detail how the well was scored. Well Construction Well construction directly affects the ability of the wells to protect the aquifer from contaminants. Lower scores imply a well that can better protect the water. This portion of the susceptibility analysis relies on information from individual well logs and from the most recent sanitary survey ofthe public water system. The Spirit Lake East Water Company well log is not on file with DEQ. The Sanitary Survey conducted July 12, 2000 found the Spirit Lake East Water Company system to be well run and in compliance with Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems. No deficiencies in the wellhead and surface seal were noted. Because the Spirit Lake East Water Company well log is missing m there is no way to determine whether the well meets current Idaho Department of Water Resources standards for the casing and surface seal. The well log also includes lithologic data used to assess soil permeability at the well site. The static water level in the well is reported to be 577 feet below the ground surface with the pump set at 587 feet. Water drawn from levels more than 100 feet below the static water level is typically buffered from most potential contaminants introduced at the land surface. Table 1. Selected Construction Characteristics of S irit Lake East Water Com any WellWell Total Depth Depth of Surface Depth of Pump Static Water ft.Seal it) (ft Level (ftWell #1 603 Unknown 587 577 10/30/01 .. ! Figure 2. Spirit Lake East Water Company Delineation and Potential Contaminant Inventory. 1/6"51'1/650'1/6050' ... t"'O ............; 1/6"51'1/650'1/6"50'1/649' 1000 1000 2000 3000 4000 Feet Legend Wellhead (p) RlCRJS Site AST Time ofTmvel Zones Business Mailing List Recbarge Point 3YeaIS Dairy SARA TItle m Site (EPCRA) 6YeaIS LUSTSite lJ1iection Well IOYeaIS UST Site Groupl Site Enhanced Inventory Closed Cyanide Site Business Mailing List .6.Open Landfill Toxic Release Inventory NPDES Site l1;,t~~Was_or Land App.Site CERCLIS Site Mine PWS # 1280176 Spirit Lake East Water Company Well #1 Hydrologic Sensitivity Hydrologic sensitivity scores reflect natural geologic conditions at the well site and in the recharge zone. Information for this part of the analysis is derived from individual well logs and from the soil drainage classification inside the delineation boundaries. The Spirit Lake East Water Company well scored 5 points out of 6 points possible in the hydrologic sensitivity portion of the susceptibility analysis. Soils in the recharge zone generally are classed as moderately well to well drained. Soils that drain rapidly are deemed less protective of ground water than slow draining soils. The depth to ground water is more than 300 feet, which provides a greater opportunity for potential contaminant attenuation through adsorption and other mechanisms. The composition of the vadose zone, and the presence or absence of an aquitard at the well site are unknown because the Spirit Lake East well log is not available. The scores however are typical of other wells on the Rathdrum Prairie where the soil zones above the water table are known to be gravel and cobbles without a significant clay layer to retard the vertical transport of contaminants. Potential Contaminant Sources and Land Use Figure 2, Spirit Lake East Water Company Delineation and Potential Contaminant Inventory on page 7 shows the location of the Spirit Lake East Water Company system well and the delineated well recharge zone. Land use inside the delineation boundaries is a mixture of woodland and rural with homes on individual septic systems. No significant potential contaminant sources are documented inside the Spirit Lake East Water Company well recharge zone. Roads crossing the delineation boundaries were discounted in the susceptibility analysis because they carry only low volume local traffic. Historic Water Quality Historically, Spirit Lake East Water Company has had few water quality problems other than microbial contaminants in the distribution system. The system installed a chlorinator in 1996 to deal with the problem. Synthetic organic and volatile organic compounds have never been detected in the well. Radiological contaminants in concentrations below the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) have been present since testing began in 1979. Mercury was present at a concentration above the MCL in a sample tested in 1979. The presence of the contaminant has not been confirmed in subsequent testing. Annual nitrate tests show concentrations ranging from undetectable levels to 1.2 mgll. The MCL for nitrate is 10 mg/l. The inorganic chemical barium (MCL = 2.0 mgll) was detected at concentrations of 024 and 0.02 mg/l in samples tested in 1985 and 1995 respectively. Zinc (MCL = 5.0 mg/l) was detected at a concentration of 0.048 mgll in a sample tested in 1985. Sodium, an unregulated contaminant, is present in concentrations ranging between3.23 and 4.2 mg/l. 10/30/01 Final Susceptibility Ranking The Spirit Lake East Water Company well ranked moderately susceptible to all classes of regulated contaminants. Many factors used to assess a well's vulnerability to contamination are unknown because the well log is not available. Nevertheless, the hydrologic sensitivity and system construction scores counted against the well are in line with scores for other systems pumping from the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. Totals for system construction and hydrologic sensitivity along with the cumulative scores for land use and potential contaminant sites in the well recharge zone are shown on Table 2. The final scores for the susceptibility analysis were determined using the following formulas: 1) VOC/SOC/IOC Final Score = Hydrologic Sensitivity + System Construction + (potential Contaminant/Land Use x 0.2) Microbial Final Score = Hydrologic Sensitivity + System Construction + (potential Contaminant/Land Use x 0.35) The fmal ranking categories are as follows: . 0 - 5 Low Susceptibility 6 - 12 Moderate Susceptibility;:,. 13 High Susceptibility The complete susceptibility analysis worksheet for the Spirit Lake East Water Company well can be found in Attachment A. Table 2 Summa Evaluation Well Name System Construction Well #1 10/30/01 Section 4. Options for Source Water Protection The susceptibility assessment should be used as a basis for determining appropriate new protection measures or re-evaluating existing protection efforts. No matter what the susceptibility ranking a source receives, protection is always important. Whether the source is currently located in a "pristine area or an area with numerous industrial and/or agricultural land uses that require education and surveillance, the way to ensure good water quality in the future is to act now to protect valuable water supply resources. An effective source water protection program is tailored to the particular local source water protection area. The State of Idaho and local health districts have instituted enhanced protection of the ground water in the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer because of its high use and uniquely pristine water quality. The protections are generally aquifer wide and are not aimed at zones of contribution to a specific well or water system. The Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Atlas sent to water systems on the prairie when they were invited to perform an enhanced contaminant inventory, describes some ofthe regional protection measures. The 186 public water systems in Idaho that draw water from the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer should consider forming a regional group to represent their interests before state, county and municipal governing bodies when regulatory tools like zoning overlays, or enactment of building codes are the most appropriate ground water protection measures. These types of measures could be used to protect the capture zones of a specific system or group of wells that could be put at risk from local land use changes. Spirit Lake East Water Company is well run and in compliance with Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems. The reservoir and pump house are situated on a deeded lot that is fenced to protect the well and sanitary setback zone. The Water Company system needs to develop a cross connection control program. Automatic sprinkler systems and stock tanks are the likeliest sources of back flow problems in a rural residential area. The system should develop a written well protection plan than includes regular maintenance ofthe physical plant. The July 2000 Sanitary survey ofthe system noted on going problems with the reservoir wall and roof coating that should have been attended to as a matter of routine maintenance and operation of the utility. The utility needs to revise its rate structure so funds are available to operate the system properly. Another ground water protection activity the company should consider is sponsoring public education workshops in its service area and the recharge zone. Septic tank maintenance and safe household use of pesticides and herbicides are important ground water protection topics in a rural area. Due to the time involved with the movement of ground water, wellhead protection activities should be aimed at long-term management strategies even though these strategies may not yield results in the near term. 10/30/01 Assistance Public water suppliers and users may call the following IDEQ offices with questions about this assessment and to request assistance with developing and implementing a local protection plan. addition, draft protection plans may be submitted to the IDEQ office for preliminary review and comments. Coeur d'Alene Regional DEQ Office (208) 769-1422 State IDEQ Office (208) 373-0502 Website: httv://www2.state.id.us/de ... Water suppliers serving fewer than 10 000 persons may contact John Bokor, Idaho Rural Water Association, at(208) 343-7001 for assistance with wellhead protection strategies. 10/30/01 References Cited Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers, 1997. "Recommended Standards for Water Works. Idaho Department of Agriculture, 1998. Unpublished Data. Idaho Division of Environmental Quality, 1994. Ground Water and Soils Reconnaissance of the Lower Payette Area, Payette County, Idaho. Ground Water Quality Technical Report No.5. Idaho Division of Environmental Quality. December 1994. Idaho Division of Environmental Quality, 1996. Lower Payette River Agriculture Irrigation Water Return Study and Ground Water Evaluation, Payette County, Idaho. Water Quality Status Report No. 115. Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, 1997. Design Standards for Public Drinking Water Systems. IDAP A Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, 2000. The Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer Atlas. Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, 2000. City of Fruitland Wellhead Viability Project 319 Grant Final Report July 2000. Idaho Department of Water Resources, 1993. Administrative Rules ofthe Idaho Water Resource Board: Well Construction Standards Rules. IDAPA 37.03.09. Natural Resource Conservation Service, 1991. Idaho Snake-Payette Rivers Hydrologic Unit Plan of Work. March 1991. United States Geological Survey, 1986. Quality of Ground Water in the Payette River Basin, Idaho. United States Geological Survey. Water Resources Investigation Report 86-4013. University ofIdaho. 1986. Ground Water Resources in a Portion of Payette County, Idaho. Idaho Water Resources Research Institute. University ofIdaho. Moscow, Idaho. April 1986. 10/30/01 Attachment A Spirit Lake East Water Company Susceptibility Analysis Worksheet 10/30/01 Ground Water Susceptibility Public Water System Name :SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY 1280176 Source: 9/27/01 10:02:04 AM SCORE Public Water System Number: 1. System Construction Drill Date Driller Log Available Sanitary Survey (if yes, indicate date oflast survey) Well meets IDWR construction standards Weilliead and surface seal maintained Casing and annular seal extend to low penneability unit Highest production 100 feet below static water level W ell located outside the 100 year flood plain Totol System Construction Score 2. Hydrologic Sensitivity Soils are poorly to moderately drained Vadose zone composed of gravel, &actured rock or 1DIkn0wn Depth to first water;:. 3oofeet Aquitard present with ;:. 50 feet cwnulative thickness Total Hydrologic Score 3. Potential Contaminant / Land Use - ZONE lA (Sanitary Setback) Land Use Zone IA Fann chemical use high IOC, VOC, SOC, or Microbial sources in Zone lA Total PotentiJd Contaminant SourcelLand Use Score Zone lA Potential Contaminant / Land Use - ZONE IB ( 3 YR. TOT) Contaminant sources present (Number of Sources) (Score = # Sources X 2 ) g Points Maximmn Sources of Class II or III leacheable contaminants or Microbials 4 Points Maxirnwn Zone 1 B contains or intercepts a Group 1 Area Land use Zone 1B Total PotentiJd Contaminant Source lAnd Use Score Zone IB 7/29/ YES 2000 YES YES YES YES WOODLAND, RESIDENTIAL Less Than 25% Agricultural Land WELL 1 IOC Score VOC sac Microbial Score Score Score Moderate Moderate Potential Contaminant / Land Use - ZONE II (6 YR. TOT) Contaminant Sources Present Sources of Class II or III leacheable contaminants or Microbials Land Use Zone II PotentiJd Contaminant Source lAnd Use Score Zone II Less than 25% Agricultma1 Land Potential Contaminant/Land Use-ZONE III (10 YR. TOT) Contaminant Source Present Sources of Class II or III leacheable contaminants or Microbials Is there irrigated agricultural lands that occupy;:' 50% of Zone Total PotentiJd Contaminant Source Land Use Score -Zone III Cumulative Potential Contaminant / Land Use Score 4, Final Susceptibility Source Score 10/30/01 5. Final Well Ranking Moderate Moderate POTENTIAL CONTAMINANT INVENTORY LIST OF ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS AST Above round Stora e Tanks - Sites with aboveground storage tanks. Business Mailin List - This list contains potential contaminant sites identified through a yellow pages database search of standard industry codes (SIC). CERCLIS - This includes sites considered for listing underthe Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLA more connnonly known as Superfimd is designed to clean up hazardous waste sites that are on the national priority list (NFL). anide Site - DEQ pennitted and known historical sites/facilities using cyanide. Dairy ~ Sites included in the primary contaminant source inventory represent those facilities regulated by Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) and may range from a few head to several thousand head of milking cows. Dee ection Well - Injection wells regulated under the Idaho Department of Water Resources generally for the disposal of stonnwater runoff or agricultural field drainage. Enhanced Invento - Enhanced inventory locations are potential contaminant source sites added by the water system. These can include new sites not captured during the primary contaminant inventory, or corrected locations for sites not properly located during the primary contaminant inventory. Enhanced inventory sites can also include miscellaneous sites added by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) during the primary contaminant inventory. Flood lain - This is a coverage of the 100year floodplains. Grou 1 Sites - These are sites that show elevated levels of contaminants and are not within the priority one areas. Inor anic Priorit Area - Priority one areas where greater than 25% of the wells/springs show constituents higher than primary standards or other health standards. Landfill - Areas of open and closed municipal and non- municipal landfIlls. LUST eakin Under round Stora e Tan - Potential contaminant source sites associated with leaking underground storage tanks as regulated under RCRA. Mines and uarries - Mines and quarries pennitted through the Idaho Department of Lands, Nitrate Priori Area - Area where greater than 25% of wells/springs show nitrate values above 5mg/l. 10/30/01 NPDES National Pollutant Dischar Elimination ste - Sites with NPDES pennits. The Clean Water Act requires that any discharge of a pollutant to waters of the United States from a point source must be authorized by an NPDES pennit. anic Priori Areas - These are any areas where greater than 25 % of wells/springs show levels greater than 1 % of the primary standard or other health standards. Rechar e Point - This includes active, proposed, and possible recharge sites on the Snake River Plain. RICRIS - Site regulated under Resource Conservation Recove Act RA). RCRA is connnonly associated with the cradle to grave management approach for generation, storage, and disposal of hazardous wastes. SARA Tier n erfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act Tier n Facilities - These sites store certain types and amounts of hazardous materials and must be identified under the Connnunity Right to Know Act. Toxic Release Inventor y ( TRI - The toxic release inventory list was developed as part of the Emergency Planning and Connnunity Right to Know (Community Right to Know) Act passed in 1986. The Connnunity Right to Know Act requires the reporting of any release of a chemical found on the TRI list. UST nder ound Stora e Tank)- Potential contaminant source sites associated with underground storage tanks regulated as regulated under RCRA. Wastewater Land A lications Sites - These are areas where the land application of municipal or industrial. wastewater is pennitted by DEQ. Wellheads - These are drinking water well locations regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act. They are not treated as potential contaminant sources. NOTE: Many of the potential contaminant sources were located using a geocoding program where mailing addresses are used to locate a facility. Field verification of potential contaminant sources is an important element of an enhanced inventory. Where possible, a list of potential contaminant sites unable to be located with geocoding will be provided to water systems to determine if the potential contaminant sources are located within the source water assessment area. SPL- W -04- LARGE MAP SEE CASE FILE