HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080915ROC to Staff 5, 8-9, 13.pdfUTILITY 3894 EAST 200 NORTH, RIGBY, 10 83442 PHONE: 208.745.0070 FAX: 208.745.7979 f\dC ~ ¿U ~O 8 -0/ S I LVERC K(9M S N.CO MS i¡: - ....~o ì1m~ "'(10 -0-0 (J0c:~?1 ~.~~ s.(Jõ:; ;0rn('rn:2rnoDeputy Attorney General Krtie Sasser 208-334-357 -.. Sept. 12, 2008 SUBJCT MEMO: Unanswered producton reuests REQUEST NO.5: Please provide a copy of the followig engineerig report: a) Demonstrtion of ficial ,Techncal, and manerial Capacity for the New Public Water system - Pepperwood Crossing b) Options Manua, and c) as-built Drwigs. Plat Drawings included and given to Joe Leckie. Operatns Manual Pending working on drawing new one by Sharp Engineering. REQUEST NO.8: Please provide any engieeg, groundwater hydrology or other report or sties that were usd for determg th loction and depth of the ground water soure of domestic wate supply. NP Study was conducted & sending Study & water Specificatins & Drawings. REQUEST NO.9: Pleas provide any engieerg report or calculation tht has determed the actu numbe and class of customer that ca be served by the water systm in Pepperwood Crossing Subdivision ( Phases i & 2 ). See Watr System Specifcatins & Drawings Book. REQUEST NO. 13: A Santa Surey conductd by IDEQ on Septebe 28, 2007, indicated tht the Peppeood Crossing water system was in violation for the Idao rues for Public Wate systems promulgate by IDEQ which requies a minium of two (2) soures for new communty water systems served by ground wate and intended to see more th 25 homes. Pleas provide the sttu of drlling the additional well and connectg to the curent distbuton system of Pepperwood Crossing. Pleas prvide the cost incued to dat and the estted costs of completing the project. We are cu"ently engineering well to be placed on existing weO lot, as soon as we get the Engineer Report we will have a more realisti time frame for completin. r STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FILE COpy 900 North Skyline Dr., Suite B . Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-1718. (208) 528-2650 Dirk Kempthome, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director Februry 3, 2006 Jim Bernrd Ladmark Development Properties, LLC 3894 N. 200 W. Rigby, ID 83442 Re: Pepperwood Crossing Subdiviion Phase I & n NP Study Modications Approval, Wastewater, Jefferson County, DEQ# 05-08-26 Dear Mr. Bernrd: We have reviewed the NP Study Modifications for the Pepperwood Crossg Subdiviion Phase I and n that was submitted on January 24, 2006. The aquifer width perpendicular to flow must be a minimum of i 100 feet for Phase I, and 1400 feet for Phase II in order to pass the NP Study. Therefore, the effuent must be spread across the entire aquifer width (1 i 00 feet for Phase I, 1400 feet for Phase II) for the primar, secondar, and replacement area. The aquifer width does not include, and should not include the mandatory 75 foot setback from propert lines. The values that were submitted on the Nitrogen Mass-Balance Spreadsheet have been accepted by this offce, and the Nutrent Pathogen Study for Pepperwood Crossig Subdiviion Phae I and n is approved. If you have any questions regarding this letter or if we can be of further assistance, please call meat (208) 528-2650. s~ G~-. , -Carlin~ Water Quality Engineer Idaho Falls Regional Offce ~ c:Greg Eager, Regional Engineenng Manager, DEQ-Idaho Falls Kellye Eager, Distrct Seven Health Deparent Dan Sharp, Thompson Engineerig ¡¡-=¡¡--=ti -~¡¡-=¡¡---==¡¡!! ..Oct, 27. 2005 1: 05PM No.3624 p, 2 1?,JA ENGINEERING, INC. l'. Consulting Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Date: October 26, 2005 To: Carlin Feisthamel 900 N. Skyline Drive, Suite B. Idaho Falls, Id 83402 Re: Pepperwood Crossing Commercal Subdivision Flow Dear Carlin, I have met with Jim Bemard. the owner of the Pepperwood Subdivision. and we have estimaed the sewer flow that wil possibly be discharged from the commercial subdívsion based on guidance from the TGM and IDAPA 58-01.03. i have compare this flw to that of the residential subdivision and have reported these quantities and percentages below. The estimates are based on the uses proposed by the owner. The owner has agreed to place restrictive covenants on the lots limiting the tye of sewage to domestic characteristics and Quantity of flow to as listed in the table below from each site In the commercial subdivision. This will create a triple check system to ensure that the tretment system is not overloaded. First, the restnctive covenants wil force the buyer to be aware of the quantity and type of effuent that can be delivered to the septic system. Second, the owner of Pepperwood Subdivision wil be reuired to give a "wll serve letter" to the lot owner detailng that the system has the capacit to accept the anticipated quantity of effuent generated by the commercial operations on the lot. Third, the Health Departent wil have oversight and can review the "wll serve" letter, require engineering to determine estimated flows and effuent makeup based on use, and Impose further restctions on the lot effuent if necessary. C . IS bd " FI S;ommera.i!l..u ivision ow um~ArX 0'--..- Lot Number Planned Use Estimated Row (gpd)Note -.1 BLOCK 1 Storæ units ..40 These-'ots are to be combined to a 2 BLOCK 1 Storace unit stor unit lot with an off having 2 ~.BLOCK1 ...- toilets and 2 sinks.StoraQe Units 4 BLOCK 1 _...Stor~e Unì~ _ -Sï3LOCK1 Storage Units .,_.- .._._.. . 1 BLOCK 2 Green House 50 2 bathrooms - -2 BLOCK 2 Small Com: ..- o. 15 1 bathroom, 1 ~rn.l),~ 3BLOCKi ...Wareh~se - 15 1 bathrom, 1 employee.....- 4 BLOCK 2 Warehouse 30 .. 2 bathrooms. 2 employees1BLOCK3StnD Mall - 60 4 bàthrooms... 2 BLOCK 3 .- Strp_M~1! _. 60 4 bathrooms .. _..~LOCK3 Gas Statin 60 2 public restrooms combined with lot 4 4 BLOCK 3 .Gas Stction ....... ,..-..Totl OM' _ 870'- ._.--- 154 East Main, PO Box 55, Rigby, ID 83442 Phone (208)7458771 Fax; (208)745-6391 PEPPER WOOD CROSSING SEl/4 OF SECTION 36, T 4 N, R 38 E ÆFFERSON COUNTY, IDAHO LEVEL i NUNT PAmOGEN STUY TABLE OF CONTENTS Map showig overl layout of subdivision and ara designd for LSAS ............. **0 On-Site spreadsheet ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 Support inormation for spreadheet numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G) - 0 Hydrulic conductivity value from USGS "Hydrology and Digita Simulation of the Regiona Aquifer System, Easern Snake River PLai Idao" ................................. 0 _0 Hydrulic grdient map created from data taen from seven USGS monitoring wells. Sample data is from the Fal of2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (f Tabular dat from IDWR website showig water levels measured by USGS durg Fall of 2004. Ths data is the basis use to cre Hyd. Gr. Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (i _ (l Well logs from 2 i wells nea th propose site showig subsurace stta wat bearg zones, and other well data ..................................................... (j - eD Dat Sheet and Map showing proposed LSAS features including aqifer widt perpndicular to flow. ...................................................................S - ~ Pripitation data showig anua averae for subjec site. Inormation us to supply ''Nat reharge rate" ....................................................... (i _ § Nitrte data from two nearby subdvisions. Inormaton used to supply "Upgrent ground water concentrtion". ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (§ ** All referenced page numbers ar had wrttn and circled locate at the bottom right hand comer of the page. PR O P O S E D P E P P E R W O O D C R O S S I N G PH A S E 1 = 1 0 8 H O M E S PH A S E 2 = 1 3 9 H O M E S 24 7 H O M E S 15 2 . 2 AC R E S 23 . 1 3 AC R E S TO T A L TO T A L RO A D S - I- -. ,~::'J'J ..OJ -l$ II ..t. . "'JtCJo .r :: NS l i t f S 2 " E ¿j . 6 u . . ~ f: . ( 5 U) c o ).U) ~ :: ~ o¡:Qg I I U) . . OJ _ _ ~ aaU)o Li Q o 0 Q: Q : ~ Q -. o!" tv~ -. --oU) 68 0 % 0 ' -S 8 9 ' 2 ~ ~ 8 " W +. . . 1110 i:~CD(/CI~~ i 2 II11 III 9 i~Ç ! 6 i~7 I..6 ~R £ S j, - - - - u . ã - II 2 iI ., : 1 i 17 18 I 1 9 / 2 0 / 2 1 t 2 2 r 2 3 I 2 4 O. J 1 A C o . J I A e A 0 ' ~ Q . J . l \ t 1 o . 3 5 A ~ J 5 A ~ J 6 A C 1 26 \ 2 7 \ 2 8 \ 2 9 3 3 r 3 4 J6 A C R S b . J 6 A C R ~ . J 5 ~ . J . 2 0 A C R E S \ O J J E S \\ 25 36 A C R E 14 I 1 5 I 1 6 I 1 7 I 1 8 I 1 9 \ 2 0 I 2 1 2 2 2 3 O. 3 O . J 2 A . o . J t A C S G . 3 1 A C R E S . O . 3 1 A . C R E S o . J O C R O . J O A C R E S O . 3 1 A C E S 0 . 3 1 E MI D I . ~ I ~ I . ~ I ~ I . ~ I . V 30 A C E S o . 3 1 A C o . J 1 A C o . J 1 A C R £ D . 3 1 " C R G . 3 1 A C R S O . J 1 A C 0 . 3 1 10 D. 4 2 A S Co u n t y L i n e R o a d 17 J8 C R 11 16.. t " ~ ' O : i i A C J' ~ _ . - ~ 10 , 0 7 n, ' u . t ' ~ o : ~ .£ 5 o.4 2 A C R E S 15 21 .. BA S I S O F B E A R I N G I S I T O R O S I N S T . # 3 0 8 9 2 4 5 ~SC A L E 1 " = 3 0 0 ' t .. ..(Iowooai1" ). ~ .~=i- 21 22 I~.~ ..~.5~~~.~ z ~=~~~ i- O.J 4 A C R E S 5~ 39 tV ~ " " :: " ' . . i: t " o i Q) c o . . ~ I .. 0 t I ~ ~ ù ! ï: : : s oi: -co . 0 ~ t I 'i ' - r: Q ) i:o~p. in 0 co ~ tI a l o . " .. . . CO Y R I G H 2 0 0 2 by AS P E N ( N G l N £ £ R I N G . I N C . AU r I g h t s " . s e r v e d . RI ' p r o d t l o n o r tr l i n S l o : t 1 o n o f an y p o r t o ¥ t h s w o r k "" ' t t w l " t t t i r n p. " l ' s s l o n o f A S P E N EN G I N E E R I N G I s u n l o . w F u l Vl o l C l . . t O f s w l 1 b e p.. o s e c t ~ d . .£., -+::o~o-- 20 23 oi.CD~o "" " 20 0 5 . 0 0 8 Ap r i l 2 0 0 5 13 O. 4 3 A .. . . .l.. "" ' ' lB"" " 40n. . 14 19 t4 .. . . . ~i i t 41 18 25 15 26w: ~f- ~ 27w: 28 29 o. 3 1 A C E S I 19 04 J ~J J 18 O.3 Q A C R S 13 17 3J A C R S 18 :~ 17 M.C R S - I & ' , : / ~ j . . ~ s l ~ J : C R o. ' i A C R E S iJA C E S 19 15 ,.J 2 A . 2, 14 11 o." ' C I S 29 24 \ . 2 3 \ 2 2 o. J O , o . 3 1 A C R E S J 2 C R E S 0.- 4 7 ) - )/ L ~ E S I 2 2 ) I 4 u u '£ 5 13 " 28 27 12 26 I 2 5 o. J 4 A 1 o . A C S I o . 2 A E S I O , J 2 E S . O . 3 1 A C E S .C R S .T .0 . 3 \ 4 ;1 . f : : C R l o . 3 O I o . J O A C R E S o . J * A . - Q. 1 i \ S -; ~ ~' ? 3 .~ ~ 2 r" 13 S 12 06 6 A C 11 'l - ID E Q L E V E L 1 N U T R I E N T - P A T H O G E N E V A L U A n O N N I T R O G E N M A S S - B A L A N C E S P R E A D S H E E T V. 1 . 2 61 2 1 1 2 0 0 1 Th i s s p r e a d s h e e t i s b a s e d o n t h e m a s s b a l a n c e a p p r o a c h d o c u m e n t e d i n : 1 9 8 5 . B a u m a n , B . J . a n d W . M . S c h a e f e r . Es t i m a t i n g G r o u n d - W a t e r Q u a l i t y I m p a c t s F r o m O n - S i t e S e w a g e T r e a t m e n t S y s t e m s . In P r o c e e d i n g s o f 5 t h N o r t h w e s t O n - S i t e W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t S h o r t c o u r s e , s e p t e m b e r 1 0 - 1 1 , 1 9 8 5 . U n i v e r s i t y o f W a s h i n g t o n , S e a t t e , W A . P a a e s 2 3 - 4 1 . S e e I n s t r u c t i o n s f o r U s e b e l o w , IN P U T OU T P U T Wa t e r B u d a e t In t a l e De f a u l t V a l u e Ye a r l v W a t e r B u d l l ' l t Vo l u m e 1m 3 ) % o f To t a l Hy d r a u l i c C o n d u c t i v l t v ( f t d a v ) Si t e - s p e c i f i c Gr o u n d W a t e r 3. 3 8 E + 0 6 97 . 3 Hv d r a u l i c G r a d i e n t Si t e - s p e c i f i c Ef l l u e n t 8. 5 3 E + Q 4 2. 5 Mi x i n g Z o n e T h i c k n e s s ( f t ) 15 De f a u l t Re c h a r g e 9. 8 6 E + 0 3 0. 3 AQ u i f e r W i d t h P e r p e n d i c u l a r t o F l o w ( f t ) Si t e - s p e c i f i c To t a l W a t e r V o l u m e 3. 4 8 E + 0 6 Pa r c e l A r e a ( a c r e s ) Si t e - s p e c i f i c Pe r c e n t o f P a r c e l T h a t I s I m p e r v i o u s (P e r c e n t ) Si t e - s p e c i f i c Po i n t o f C o m p l i a n c e N i t r a t e C o n c e n t r a t i o n G o a l ( m g / l ) 2. 2 Cu r r n t / A c c p t a b l e N u m b e r o f H o m e s i n P a r c e l Si t e - s p e c i f i c Se p t i c T a n k E f f u e n t ( g a l l o n s / d / h o m e ) , 30 0 Pr o v i d e J u s t i f i c a t i o n Av g . D o w n g r a d l e n t N i t r a t e C o n c e n t r a t i o n i n G W ( m g / l ) 2. 2 Na t u r a l R e c h a r g e r a t e ( i n c h e s l v r ) II Si t e - s p e c i f i c Cu r r e n t / A c c e p t a b l e L o t S i z e ( A c r e s ) 15 2 . 2 Nl t r o o e n B u d o e t ( a i i c o n c e n t r a t i o n s r e p r e s e n t n i t r a t e n i t r o g e n ) Ye a r l v N l t r o o e n B u d o e t Ma s s ( m o ) % o f To t a l Up g r a d i e n t G r o u n d W a t e r C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( m g / l ) Si t e - s p e c i f i c Ba c k g r o u n d G W N i t r a t e M a s s 3. 9 3 E + 0 9 50 . 5 Se p t i c T a n k E f f u e n t C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( m g l l 45 . 0 De f a u l t Se p t i c T a n k E f f u e n t N i t r a t e M a s s 3. 8 4 E + 0 9 49 . 4 De n i t r i f i c a t i o n R a t e ( d e c i m a l f r a c t i o n ) 0 De f a u l t Re c h a r g e N i t r a t e M a s s 2. 9 6 E + 0 6 0. 0 Ni t r a t e i n N a t u r a l R e c h a r g e ( m a l l ) 0. 3 De f a u l t To t a l N i t r a t e M a s s 7. 7 7 E + 0 9 In s t r u c t i o n s f o r U s e In p u t p a r a m e t e r v a l u e s a p p r o p r i a t e t o c o n d i t i o n s a t t h e s i t e u n d e r c o n s i d e r a t i o n a r e e n t e r e d I n t h e b l u e s h a d e d c e l l s o n t h e I N P U T s i d e o f t h e s p r e a d s h e e t . T h e s e i n p u t v a l u e s f o r m t h e b a s i s f o r c a l c u l a t i n g y e a r l y w a t e r a n d n i t r o g e n bu d g e t s . D e f a u l t v a l u e s f o r s e l e c t e d p a r a m e t e r s a r e p r o v i d e d , a s d e s c r i b e d I n t h e a c c o m p a n y i n g N . P g u i d a n c e . S e l e c t i n g v a l u e s o t h e r t h a n t h e s e d e f a u l t s w i l l r e u i r e p r o v i d i n g a d e q u a t e j u s t i f i c a t i o n . S o u r c e s o f w a t e r a n d n i t r o g e n in c l u d e g r o u n d w a t e r i n f l o w f r o m u p g r a d i e n t , n a t u r a l r e c h a r g e o n p e r v i o u s p o r t i o n s o f t h e s i t e , a n d f r o m s e p t i c t a n k e f f u e n t . T h e t o t a l y e a r l y n i t r o g e n m a s s i n p u t I s t h e n d i v i d e d b y t h e t o t a l y e a r l y v o l u m e o f w a t e r a v a i l a b l e t o r e c h a r g E gr o u n d w a t e r t o a r r v e a t a n e s t i m a t e d A v e r a g e D o w n g r a d l e n t N i t r a t e C o n c e n t r a t i o n I n G W ( s h o w n i n t h e O U T P U T s i d e o f t h e s p r e a d s h e e t ) . As v a l u e s a r e I n p u t i n t o t h e b l u e s h a d e d c e l l s t h e t o t a l s a n d p e r c e n t o f t o t a l f o r v a r i o u s c o m p o n e n t s o f t h e w a t e r a n d n i t r o g e n b u d g e t s a r e c a l c u l a t e d a n d s h o w n o n t h e O U T P U T s i d e o f t h e s p r e a d s h e e t . T h e A v g . D o w n g r a d l e n Ni t r a t e C o n c e n t r a t n i n G W i s a l s o c a l c u l a t e d . T h e D e n s i t y b u t t o n a l l o w s t h e c a l c u l a t i o n o f b o t h t h e A c c p t a b l e N u m b e r o f H o m e s I n t h e P a r c e l ( s h o w n I n t h e I N P U T a r e a ) a s w e l l a s t h e a c c e p t a b l e l o t s i z e . C l i c k i n g t h e D e n s l ~ bu t t o n o p e n s a n i n p u t b o x t h a t a l l o w s t h e I n p u t o f t h e P o I n t o f C o m p l i a n c e N i t r a t e C o n c e n t r a t i o n G o a l . T h e n u m b e r o f h o m e s i n t h e p a r c e l i s t h e n a d j u s t e d t o m e e t t h e s p e c i f i e d g o a l . T h l s c a l c u l a t i o n c a n b e r e d o n e i t e r a t i v e l y a l o n i wit h c h a n g i n g o t h e r s i t e i n p u t p a r a m e t e r s t o e x a m i n e t h e r e s u l t a n t i m p a c t o n n i t r a t e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s . Aq u i f e r W i d t h P e r p e n d i c u l a r t o F l o w : F o r l a n d d e v e l o p m e n t p r o j e c t s n o t c o m p l e t e i y o r i e n t e d p e r p e n d i c u l a r t o g r o u n d w a t e r SI T E I N F O R M A n O N no w , t h e s i t e s p e c i f i c a q u i f e r w i d t h v a l u e i s d e t e r m i n e d u s i n g t h e a v e r a g e p r o p e r t w i d t h t h a t I s p e r p e n d i c u l a r t o f l o w . Pe p p e r w o o d C r o s i n g Si t e N a m e Ra n g e s o f H y d r a u l i c C o n d u c t i v i t y ( K ) f o r U n c o n s o l i d a t e d S e d l m e n t l Na t u r a l R e c h a r g e R a t e ( N R R ) c a n b e LS A S Pa r c e l Id e n t i f i c a t i o n (f e e t / d a y ) es t i m a t e d f r o m t o t a l a n n u a l p r e c i p i t a t i o n 4/ 5 1 2 0 0 5 Da t e Si l l a n d s a n d y s i l t 0. 0 0 3 t o 0 . 3 (T A P ) u s i n g t h e e q u a t i o n : NR R Rv a n L o f t u s Pr e p a r e d B y Si l l y s a n d s a n d f i n e s a n d s 0.0 3 t o 3 (I n c h e s t y r ) = ( T A P ) 2 . 0 . 0 0 4 6 Di s c l a i m e r : C o n s i d e r a b l e c a r e w a s e x e r c i s e d i n d e v e l o p i n g t h i s s o f t a r e . e TA P I s I n p u t i n i n c h e s t y r . We l l - s o r t e d s a n d s a n d g l a c i a l o u t w a s h 3 t o 3 0 0 Ho w e v e r , t h e I d a h o D e p a r t m e n t o f E n v i r o n m e n t a l Q u a l i t y m a k e s n o w a r r a n t y We l l - s o r t d g r a v e l 30 t o 3 0 0 0 re g a r d i n g i t s a c c u r a c y a n d s h a l l n o t b e h e l d l i a b l e f o r a n y d a m a g e s r e s u l t i n g Ty p i c a l R a n g e o f H y d r a u l i c G r a d i e n t 0. 0 0 1 t o 0 . 1 fr o m i t s u s e . (8 ASPEN ENGINEERING, INC. 10265 N. DORIAN AVE. IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO 83401 PROJECT NAME: PEPPERWOOD CROSSING PROJECT #: 2005.008 CLIENT: JIM BERNARDDATE: 4/5/2005 MASS BALANCE SPREADSHEET SUPPORT INFORMATION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY SEE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION (APPENDIX A) SEE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION (APPENDIX A)HYDRAULIC GRADIENT MIXING ZONE THICKNESS DEFAULT VALUE USED AQUIFER WIDTH PERP TO FLOW SEE ATTACHED DRAWING WITH DIMENSIONS FOR DRAINFIELD AREA PARCEL AREA SEE ATTACHED DRAWING WITH CALCULATED AREA IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE OF PARCEL TOTAL NUMBER OF HOMESHOMES EACH LOT 247 1200 SF 550 SF 650 SF 2400 SF 0.0550962 AC 13.61 AC HOME (30X40) GARAGE (22X25) DRIVEWAY(15X40) TOTAL INDIVID. LOT ACREAGE TOTAL HOME ACREAGE ROADS FROM PLAT (AUTOCADD CALC) 60' ROW WIDTH 28' PAVED WIDTH PAVED ACREAGE (INDIV * NUM. OF LOTS) 23.13 AC TOTAL R.O.W. 16792.38 LINEAL FEET OF ROAD WAY 470186.64 TOTAL PAVED S.F. 10.7$ AC HOUSE IMPERVIOUS ROAD IMPERVIOUS TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA 13.61 AC 10.79 AC 24.40 AC TOTAL AREA 152.2 AC PERCENT IMPERVIOUS (IMPERVIOUS AREAOTAL AREA*100)16.03 PERCENT USE EVEN NUMBER 16% CURRENT ACCEPTABLE NUMBER OF HOMES IN PARCEL ONLY ONE BECAUSE WE ARE MODELING THE ENTIRE FLOW (SEE NEXT ITEM) FROM ALL HOUSES IN THE GIVEN PHASE SEPTIC TANK EFFLUENT NUMBER OF HOMES DAILY FLOW(GAL) 247 250 TOTAL FLOW 61750 GALLONS/DAY Page 1 of2 (1 NATURAL RECHARGE RATE REXBURG IDAHO FALLS SUGAR CITY AVERAGE 13.13 12.09- 12.97 12.73 Note: No precipitation information was available for Rigby, Osgood or Roberts 12.731\2*0.0046.EQUALS 0.75INCHESNEAR UPGRADIENT NITROGEN GROUND WATER CONCENTRATION SEE ATTACHED INFORMATION SEPTIC TANK EFFLUENT CONCENETRA TION DENITRIFICATION NITRATE IN NATURAL RECHARGE DEFAULT VALUE USED DEFAULT VALUE USED DEFAULT VALUE USED Page 2 of2 (i EX P L A N A T I O N 21 HY D R A U L I C - C O N D U C T I T Y Z O N E N U E R A V E R A G E S T O R A G E C O E F F C I E . . I n p e r c e n t BO U N A R Y O F A C T I V E P A R T O F M O / D E L . BO U N A R Y O F H Y R A U L I C - CO N D U C T I V I T Y Z O N E BO U N A R Y O F E A S T E R N ~ 3 6 SN A K E R I V R P L A I N (0 . 0 7 6 ) 'i " , , ~ ~ ~ tP ~~=s ~~i o 1 0 2 0 3 O M I L . E S I ' i , o 1 0 2 0 3 Ò K 1 L O M E T l l \ FI G U R E 2 4 . - H y d r a u l í c - c o n d u c t i v Î t y z o n e s a n d a v e r a g e s t o r a g e c o e f f c i e n t s , m o d e i l a y e r 1 . "J ~ (B F44 REGIONAL AQUIFER-SYSTEM ANALYSlSNAK RIER PLA, IDAHO TABLE 19.-Hydraulic conductivis by rok ty, modl layer 1 and 2 (Values in fet pe sendJ 2. Vertical hydraulc conductivity for each ro-tye subunit was calculated by multiplying hydraulic- conductvity values in table 19 by a model-cabrated vertca-to-horionta ansotrpy facr (used across the enti modeled area):Rock typ Zone Bat (,,104) Sad and gravel ("10"') Sad (xlo-) Clay and silt (xl 0-6) SilCic volcanics (rhyolite) ("10"6) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Ro ty Basat.........................__. Sad and grave ......__... Sand .............................. Clay and sit . ................ Silcic volcanics ............. 0.01 .1 .i5 ,l). ~ .01 A7Iisool faelor (KJK/i) 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 2 3 4 5 0_052 5.5 550 .9 803 11 90 73 17 110 47 41 140 7.5 110 3.8 75 2,000 1,90 71 .n11 1,700 71 83 29 83 83 59 48 47 58 31 11 26 38 210 300 140 1,500 15 83 18 260 0.11 .90 .73 .17 1.1 .63 .41 1.4 .075 1.1 3.8 .75 .10 1.9 .71 .38 .66 1_1 1.7 .71 .83 .29 .83 .83 .59 .48 .62 .58 .31 .11 .26 .38 2.1 .30 66 600 .23 .83 .18 .26 2.3 .75 2_3 .75 2.3 2_3 2.3 .38 .75 .75 .38 2.3 .38 2.3 .38 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 .38 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 .75 .38 .75 2.3 2.3 2.3 .38 7.5 2.3 3.8 2.3 2.3 7.5 7.5 7_5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7_5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 6 7 8 9 10 2.4 2.1 56 .75 5.7 3. Vertca hydraulic conductivity for the block was calcuate using the rok-ty subunt values in an eqationrr,t averag hydraulc conductvity for a se- ries vf layer (Feeze and Cherr, 1979, p. 34): 7.5 7_5 7.5 7.5 '1.5 K Dtz- .. ID¡IKii-I (4) 11 12 13 14 15 3.8 23 580 1,100 11 where K = bloc vertcal hydrulc conductvity, D: .. tota bloc thicknes, Di = rok-ty subunit thickness, K. = rok-ty subunt vertca hydrulc conduc-i tivity, and n "" number of rock-tye subunits. 4. Leakance was calculated using a harmonic mea beteen vertcay ac:acent blocks: (5) 16 17 18 19 20 230 61 6 670 150 wher L = leakance between blocks 1 and 2, K = block 1 vertcal hydraulc conductivity,zl Kz2 = block 2 vertca hydraule conductvity, Di = block 1 thickness, áDd D,¿ = bloc 2 thicknes. The haronic mean was us to caculate leakaneè between blocks beaus if either block were inactive (K =0) the cacuate leakee value would be zerorl 7 .and a no-flow boundary would exist. Average leakee values between model layers are shown onplate 7. Between layers 2 and 3 and layers 3 and 4, leakance was zero in some zones and a no-flow bounda wa sped. Storageeient values were cacuated for layer 1 usig the ditrbutions of roc tys shown on plate 5 and the specifc-yield values as follows: basat, 0.05; sand and gravel, 0.20; sad, 0.20; silt and clay, 0.20; (§ 21 22 23 24 25 590 50 120 440 2.9 26 27 28 29 30 200 68 3 1.5 3.9 1.6 380 420 250 66 600 15 150 120 200 -: .-it ~,'Q X /tJ /.t. 0 5é!c--- /H/;" ¡:d-/~~c: ,.. Co /~..~""-= Ar- -:'1 k d~ Ó. 0330 /è¿/£~;7 rR7g-S-1 H~44_ __-,=---""-Q"'-",.'"=-=..,o£_....=~'" "'~"'.."'..~..~ (J 5N4N JE F F E R S O N C O U N T Y BO N N E V I L L E C O U N 3N 18 1 7 1 6 5 N 19 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 1 9 2 0 2 1 30 2 9 2 5 31 3 2 3 3 3 5 3 6 3 5 3 6 6 5 4 3 1 6 2 1 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 18 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 4N 19 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 30 2 9 2 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 31 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 JE F F E R S O N C O U N BO N N E V I L L E C O U N 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 7 8 9 9 S I T E 18 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 19 2 0 2 1 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 4 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 N 30 2 9 2 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 3 0 2 9 2 7 2 6 2 5 3 0 2 9 2 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 31 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 1 3 2 3 5 3 6 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 HY D R A U L I G R A I E N T 38 E 3 9 E C A L C U L A T I O N 4 0 E S C A L E 1 " = 1 0 , 0 0 0 F E E T FA L L 20 0 4 25 F E E T = 0 . 0 0 4 9 F E E T / F E E T 50 7 7 U S E 0 . 0 0 5 0 F E E T / F E E T .~~.. . . '' I f C I 0 . . \o ; : ~ . . i= i : c n m .~ ~ a : ï .. ~ O C 1 ~ i : ~ ~ i' " I I ' t ,. . i : - . . ä 0 - ê l Q u i C I · : : . . . I I :1 : z ~ ~ r. . ' l O 0 0 "" C O . d . d ~ ~ P o :1 . . - ~~r£~CO Y R I G H 2 O 'y AS E N E N l N E £ R l N . I N C Al l r i g t s r " e u " v e d . Re p r o d t i o o r 'tl " o n s l o : t l o 0 ' o. " Y p e r t 0 ' t i i w o k wi t h o u t w r t M p. " " s s l 0 ' A $ P E : H EN G N E E R I N G I s u n o . w F i , Vlo o : t o r s . i l b e pr O H C U W d . -iC. ( J Ol ' D c.¡ ; 0 0 en . 0 "0 O . g ~ OU - 1 1 ' E" O V Q) 0 CO 0 ë U E ~ Õ . - =¡ Q ) U - 8: õ : J Q) ~ 0 Cl ~ Q; ~ -, ' D ~:i 20 0 5 . 0 0 8 DA T E A p r i l 2 0 0 5 ~ B Y Q f B Y JR l J R l Il I D A l E Page i ofi I 3/15/2000 I 123 USGS I 5/17/2000 125 USGS 9/14/2000 89.6 USGS 11/9/2000 97.6 USGS 3/7/2001 123.5 USGS 5/11/2001 127.6 USGS 9/14/2001 I 99.4 USGS 10/2Ei/2001 I 109.1 USGS 11/7/2001 112.6 USGS I 4/3/2002 129 USGS I 5/10/2002 131.8 II Recently II USGS I Pumpe 9/13/2002 103.8 USGS 11/7/2002 112.4 USGS 3/11/2003 128.4 USGS 5/8/2003 132.8 USGS 9/12/2003 104.1 USGS 11/10/2003 111 USGS 3/17/2004 128.4 USGS 5/18/2004 130.7 USGS 9/9/2004 98.6 USGS 11/18/2004 109.8 USGS --'I (;gO. z. Jt fl' iii ~ 0 (jhttp://ww.idwr.idao.gov/obsweIVOWData.aspx?sìd= i 72056370&wn=03N38E-22BAB i ... 4/5/2005 Page 1 of 1 I 3/16/2000 I 168 I USGS I 9/14/2000 II 126.3 USGS 3/7/2001 II 168.7 USGS 9/14/2001 I 137.2 USGS 10/26/2001 144 USGS 4/2/2002 184.4 USGS 9/13/2002 135.7 USGS 3/11/2003 178.8.USGS 9/12/2003 134.3 USGS 3/17/2004 177.6 USGS 'i9tz~ z.9/9/2004 II 130.8 I USGS i-I- $~ 0oQ'7 (j htt://ww.idwr.idaho.gov/obsweWOWDataaspx?sid= 172056370&wn=03N40E-08BAAI ... 4/5/2005 Page 1 ofl I 11/8/1999 I 5.7 USGS I 3/16/2000 21.8 USGS 5/15/2000 17.3 USGS 9/20/2000 3 USGS 11/9/2000 6.9 USGS 3/21/2001 24 USGS 5/8/2001 I 21.9 USGS 9/14/2001 5.2 USGS 10/26/2001 11.5 USGS 11/9/2001 13.4 USGS 4/2/2002 28.1 USGS 5/16/2002 25.1 USGS 9/24/2002 6.8 USGS 11/18/2002 14.1 USGS 3/4/2003 26.2 USGS 5/15/2003 23.4 USGS 9/23/2003 6.9 USGS 11/12/2003 10.6 USGS 3/24/2004 29.9 USGS 5/19/2004 19.5 II Nearby, II USGS IFlowing 9/7/2004 4.7 I USGS I 11/19/2004 10.3 I USGS I t.ft1S;,3 J~ Ll(l1 D (j htt://ww.idwr.idao.gov/obswell/OWData.aspx?sid= 1 72056369&wn=04N38E- 12BBB 1... 4/5/2005 Page I ofl I 3/16/2000 I 45.9 I USGS I5/15/2000 II 47.1 I USGS 9/20/2000 II 32.7 I uSGS 11/9/2000 I 34.8 I USGS 3/21/2001 48.2 I USGS 5/8/2001 50.8 I USGS I 9/14/2001 38.8 I USGS 10/26/2001 41.8 I USGS 11/9/2001 42.8 I USGS 4/2/2002 53.9 I USGS 5/16/2002 55.3 USGS 9/24/2002 41.3 USGS 11/18/2002 45.2 USGS 3/4/2003 53.4 USGS 5/15/2003 55.2 USGS 9/23/2003 43.2 USGS 11/12/2003 44.6 USGS 3/24/2004 55.9 USGS I 5/19/2004 54.8 Nearby, I USGS IRowing I 9/7/2004 42.1 Nearby, I USGS IRowing I 11/19/2004 44.1 I USGS I '11ß7L9 J~ "-. Lli7D §http://ww.idwr.idao.gov/obsweWOWDtaaspx?sid=l72056370&wn=04N38E_l2BBB2... 4/5/2005 Page i of i I 3/16/2000 II 45.5 I USGS I 5/15/2000 II 46.6 USGS 9/20/2000 I 32.4 USGS 11/9/2000 34.4 USGS 3/21/2001 47.8 USGS 5/8/2001 50.4 USGS 9/14/2001 38.5 USGS 10/26/2001 I .41.4 USGS 11/9/2001 42.4 USGS 4/2/2002 53.4 USGS 5/16/2002 54.8 USGS 9/24/2002 41.3 USGS 11/18/2002 44.9 USGS 3/4/2003 53 USGS I 5/15/2003 54.7 USGS 9/23/2003 42.8 USGS 11/12/2003 44.2 USGS 3/24/2004 55.4 USGS 5/19/2004 54.3 Nearby, I USGS IFlowing 9/7/2004 I 41.7 Nearby, I USGS IRowing 11/19/2004 II 43.6 I USGS I l11gi3 Jfl ¿l~70 (i htt://ww.idwr.idao.gov/obswell/OWDataaspx?sid=1 72056370&wn=0N38E- 12BBB3... 4/5/2005 Page 1 ofl I 3/16/2000 I 48.6 I I USGS I 5/15/2000 49.8 I USGS 9/20/2000 35.2 I USGS 11/9/2000 37.4 USGS 3/21/2001 51 USGS 5/8/2001 53.6 USGS 9/14/2001 41.4 USGS 10/26/2001 44.4 USGS 11/9/2001 45.5 USGS 4/2/2002 56.7 USGS 5/16/2002 58.1 USGS 9/24/2002 44.5 USGS 11/18/2002 48.1 USGS 3/4/2003 56.3 I USGS 5/15/2003 58.2 I USGS 9/23/2003 46 I USGS 11/12/2003 47.4 I USGS 3/24/2004 58.8 I USGS 5/19/2004 57.8 Nearby, I USGS IFlowing 9/7/2004 44.8 Nearby, I USGS IFlowing 11/19/2004 46.9 I USGS I '11iÇ;1- Pcr iSOLl ghtt://ww.idwr.idao.gov/obswell/OWData.aspx?sid=1 72056370&wn=04N38E- 12BBB4... 4/5/2005 I 1/16/2000 I 59.8 USGS l 3/16/2000 77 I USGS 5/15/2000 77.2 USGS 7/3/2000 36.4 USGS 9/20/2000 21 USGS 11/9/2000 34.4 USGS I 1/9/2001 62.7 USGS I 3/22/2001 "80.7 USGS I 5/8/2001 I 87.3 USGS I 7/18/2001 31.4 USGS I 9/14/2001 40.1 USGS 10/24/2001 50.6 USGS 11/9/2001 55.6 USGS 1/23/2002 78.2 USGS 4/2/2002 91.3 USGS 5/16/2002 I 95 USGS 7/16/2002 II 38.8 USGS 9/24/2002 II 40.9 USGS 11/18/2002 II 57.7 USGS 1/21/2003 II 76.8 USGS 3/4/2003 II 85.1 USGS I5/15/2003 II 86.1 USGS 9/23/2003 II 40.8 USGS 11/12/2003 II 49.2 USGS 1/21/2004 73.7 USGS 3/24/2004 87.4 USGS 7/26/2004 31.1 I USGS 9/7/2004 28.9 II Nearby, .11 USGS IFlowing 11/19/2004 45 I I USGS I ir i?~.1 ¿l1 L(\1JtL Page 1 ofl 6 htt://ww.idWr.idao.gov/obsweIVOWData.aspx?sid=1 72056370&wn=04N39E-26DAAI ... 4/5/2005 Page 1 ofl I 3/29/2000 36.1 IDWR I 8/8/2001 36.8 IDWR I 4/1/2003 37 IDWR I 11/4/2003 39 IOWR I 4/13/2004 37.1 IDWR I 11/3/2004 35.6 IOWR I 41?r;y / l£~iS ú (j htt://ww.idwr.idao.gov/obswell/OWData.aspx?sid=1 72056372&wn=05N38E-09DDC 1 ... 4/5/2005 rage 1 01 1 I 3/21/2000 II 7.7 I I USGS I 5/16/2000 II 5.8 I USGS 7/19/2000 II 4.7 I USGS 9/25/2000 II 5.7 I USGS 11/21/2000 II 7.2 I USGS 3/26/2001 II 7.5 USGS 5/24/2001 II 5 USGS 9/12/2001 4.6 USGS 10/26/2001 6.7 USGS 11/13/2001 7.2 USGS 4/2/2002 7.8 USGS 5/16/2002 6.5 USGS 9/9/2002 5.5 USGS 11/6/2002 6.6 USGS I 3/11/2003 8.2 USGS 5/21/2003 6.9 USGS 9/15/2003 5.7 USGS 11/7/2003 6.6 USGS 3/23/2004 8.1 USGS 5/19/2004 II 5.7 USGS 9/2/2004 II 5.4 USGS 11/15/2004 II 7.1 USGS i(~~'t V t~ ~i7Û (jhtt://ww.idwr.idao.gov/obsweIVOWDataaspx?sid=1 72056370&wn=05N39E-08DAD 1... 4/5/2005 Page lofi I 3/21/2000 I 439.8 5/17/2000 9/25/2000 11/21/2000 3/27/2001 I I 5/23/2001 II 9/12/2001 I 10/24/2001 11/13/2001 4/1/2002 5/15/2002 9/9/2002 II 11/6/2002 II 3/11/2003 5/22/2003 9/15/2003 11/5/2003 3/23/2004 5/19/2004 9/2/2004 11/12/2004 USGS I 439.8 44.1 442.4 441 44.1 446 446.2 446.7 442.6 442.2 450.1 451.1 443.7 443.3 458.6 463 44.4 452.6 485.5 470.2 USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS USGS tr t/~~5 tY0t' N/ó (jhtt://ww.idwr.idao.gov/obswellOWDataaspx?sid=1 72056372&wn=05N40E-OI CCDI ... 4/5/2005 Form 2387 ,,315/ V ~O JDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORTUs Typ or Ball Pe 1. DRILLING PERMITNO.d!-~-6.- d:~- Other IOWR No. 2. ÒWNE;:R' ~I i; .Name I., ~~~ ¿ c£=.... 112.... ¡'#Ø' 3. LOCATION OF WELL by legal deñption: Sketc ma lo l! agre wiUi wren lon. N It 1 Twp. el NoJk or Sout 0 Rg.--3 Ea I! or Wes 0e Se. -f 1/4 ~114 ~/4 Gov lot_ CoJ&"".:~ -- s ~Of~eDS~8?P~ti~ iL. a~ ~d'(GI ai.... 01.-. DI li Ro.. Li Lt Bik.Sub. Name 4. USE:~ Domes 0 Muni 0 Monit.. Ò'eral 0 Injeon 0 Ot 5~PE OF WORK t: aU Uiat apply New WeB 0 Moif 0 Abnment . 6. ILL METHOD ~r Rotar 0 Gale 0 Mud Rotaiy 7 SEAUNG PROCEDURES o Irrti (Rept etc.)o Otr o Oter . SEAILTE PAC AM MET Maña Fro To SiotPoA__ ,. I ln',q -~.--.i_._~ .. Was drie sho us~ YON Sho Deps)Was drie she seal tes? eN 4! . How 8. CASINGIINER: ~+i lí~1 ~5i If li o o o We Tho 0o 0o 0Lengt of Headp~ Lengh of Tailpipe 9. PERFORATIONs/SCREENS o Perforatis Meth o Screens Screen T~ 1-1'0 g-i Ca Lir 0 000 0 0 10. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: 25 1 ft. below ground Artesian pressure _lb. Depth flow encountered ft. Descbe accss port or control devices: 11. WELL TEST: o Pump 0 Bailer y~- i - Offce Use Only Inspected byTwp_ Rge_Se__1/4_1/4_1/4La Log:o Air 0 Roin Art 1--1 Tim Wat Tem. Water Quali te or come: Bottom ho tem. Deth fi Wate Enoute12. LIHOLOGIC LOG: (Debe reil' or aband Watr ~ Fro To Re Li. WatOu & Tem Y !/tC hi J#'I I'~.. . I' .,j- Nl N=/ it,', c: ti. J ,,_._,Î.íi !.,L" ~J 7,'- c ~ 1 ,. _. ;;"1 N /( lA7i"' . .":. ,.... r1'1 i "T J'- ./ . 't .. _o'f ..~: ~-:: ;..~ yr. 1..~._~~:' ..'.'V'~'öt "- 1'1 i:- ~, !-: ~ 'J .: Ji' ,: ~ f . Coleted Depth ",12 I Date: Strted .2- cJL .. 9 , (Meaurable) Coplted ,3"21 -97 13. DRILLER'S CERIACATION lIe certfy th all minimum wel coon stndard we co with at th time th ñg wa remved. FirmNamel)eAh;tu bm/~ IN . RrmNo.5K ::Of,L:lA-?y . Da~. Supeiviso or Oprator Date -- --. --- . ., ~:n238-i . -'--~ (~~J IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES ~. . '- .....;~; ..... 'f\ WELL DRILLE.-- '.,,,".'.u,_..S ~ L/ i. M~km.~~~~\¥~O. ~ -a ¿- 0/1 )ther ldwR No. ~i ;it . -I l. LOCATION OF WELL by legal description: ¡ketch map loction !! agree Wi written loctin. N IX Twp. eRge. or or South 0 West 01/4_1/4,~60ac s1 ~mW~s~L~S j . .. '" .... OiIORc ori.i .1.BI . _Sub. Name i. PROPOSED USE: if Doesti 0 Munpai 0 Moitor 0 Irrti ti Therml 0 Injeion 0 Oter ,. TYPE OF WORK )(( New Well 0 Mofy or Repair 0 Replant 0 Abndonment5. DRILL METHOD o Mud Rotary ~ Air Rotary 0 Cable o Otr T. SEALING PROCEDURES SEAUTER PACK AMOUNT METMaenFroToSac or p-.r).....~j 7f !J~.~ni""-r.~-i- Nas drive shoe used y 0 NJi Nas drive shoe seal tested? Y Q N j( How? 3. CASING/INER: ~;;l~~f li oo o Wel Th j¡ 0o 0o 0_ength of Headpipe _ length of Tailpipe ). PER FORA nONS/SCREENSa Perforations Method WOtv L o Screens Sceen Type From To StSi Num Diam Materi C3 o o o li o o o i O. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: rze: ft. below ground Artesian pressure lb.)epth flow encountered 15" ft. Describe accss port or :ontrol devices: Use Typewriter. orRIS REPOR -Ball Point Pen OFFICE USE ONLY 11. WELL TEST : flled by o Pump S~r jlr o Flwing ÄñE ;inY"ie galJ.r""7~. .7 pO:1..7 iT;:,TTA flo Water Ternp. Water Quali tes or commnts: Bottom hole te~ (.kiM.. 1/' '. 12. LIHOLOGIC LOG: (Decribe reirs or abndonment) Water i: Fro To Remrk: Liholo, Wat Qua & Temure Y N Q C') .4 4 Ã1..1." ir C! ~ ~. r 11.. 7 J. .---: 4 ,";5 /\.. liAr ~.. "f g I .\",¿ ;,n/" 1) /I.H" A LJl L ~ j r). 'A?; !~7) /i At _i' J fLo ..j P .'1~t\ i~~a /L,. - \ ~ (J 0 3 ~ Iq"J ./,- J\ L ~ .- .)1 ñ_.,....~ .07 c/o fjr¡ I'~-~...; ¡;..t--7l /' P._-.A ..j-l v' ?t i ,,; (.L i T..-1rI A - 7' ":\7/F ..~\./ ~"\ i 1'1V),7 Competed Deth / £(". ¡ (Measurable) Date: Staed .;) -.2 1- t') Comleted'; - .2 / -c.¡ "í~ 13. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION lIe ærif th aU minimum well constron standrd were comlied wih atthe ti th ri wa ~ed_ Fir Name =zJ.1 1£ /d-~ 1...(/Ú1~ Firm No_ ~;;-(( Firm Ofcial rand .. ... .....-./ /l J j Supervsor or Opera~f". ?k.f./¿ lr (l ,/ ;;. -Lie ..-.-- .l... - DateJi "'. '-"7 / ..'Date ... ;.. JO. . / _'5 (i . USE TYPEWRI';Efl OR ì aALL POINT PEN ! .. stte of Idaho ..De:¡nt or Water Resouce. WELL DRILLER'S REPORT ysa r t eco ettOn ora nm ,,.- 1. WEL.L OWNER 7. WATER LEVEL ,~J""e__ 6-12 -eci Feaarl~n --Sta:ic water level ~_ feet below land surfac IFlowing? 0 Yes iio G.P.M flow ¡,.ddresAiUil S-TAAl()Temperature-- F. Qualiiy G"C4 !lArtesian clos-in pressre__p.s.i. OoftN,.ns,?eTmÎt No.Controlled by o Valve a Cap a Plug i, 8_ WELL TeST DATA ;%7ès-¡¡2. NATURE OF WORK I~Newweir G Deened o Replacement o Pump o Bailer o Other ~Dis.'I G.P.1.Df'IlDowi.Houn. Purnpan Io Abandoned ldesibe method of abadoning)!--j- '1 3. f'~CPOSED US R Ooes o Irri o Teù o Ot (s JJ 9. LITHOLOGIC lOG i-lo ~nipa o Intria OSta o ~ Dis¡ Dr Ha I Dap'"~..~f" l lfjecl Di1 F..m To 'Ves ¡-¡~0 d . ,../1/-.1 !l/ '4. METHOD DRILLED )l :.'i '.-.,!i/,,. .K C??1-:L A.d !1/o Cable iiRotory o Dug o Otl !'""a¡i-"r,ue I-~._I - /e¡;.¿;:¡./h qIJ ITÙ"i oJ II i/5. WELL COIlTRUCTION I O;~t:~ier of hole L inch TTota depth ~fee i I\.;iPg schedule:;&5tel o Concete fTh;clnM D..From ~ee¡.i1.S1 inc -- inche + -l feetiind_ inches _fee _feeti---inches _ inces _feet __fee ~i ----inches _ inces _feet _fee It"~':;--:.r:~_I ,!---"--inches _inces ~ fe _feet if: ~ ...; "?:-¡%. COinQ driv. .i..1 S-V.,ONo .-,Ii! !..-,-,-- ! i\-"'''as a pacer or sel use?DYes ø.No -.i "..',,-, :i ( I¡DYes jÍNo '..Perforated? '-...:l ":; 'Jr '"£IfiJ ,How peforate?o Facory o Knife o Torch lJ,,_,..._.T:Size ofpeoration _ inchebv_ ioc r:~. ~.;~:t c; ~::;!,,~ .t_~I ¡ Nu_F..To ....~~I)l ~ls!rft"l n,;~~Ji:espeforaionsfeefeeA' ..--.-i peorations feet feti /n"1i_.peforations fee fee I 1l /1i !r¡o T-r 7 ~ \".'''11 scee installed?Dyes +-¡ Manu'!acturerPs name Type Mod No. i Oiameièr _Slot size Selfrom fee "t fee!.Diameter _ Slot siZf_ Sei fro",_ feet to_ feetI I G~óve1 paci9d?DYes 'fNo Size of greli . i Placed from fee to fee ~ $"' cll"~ Moañ USed in .eol a Cemenl grou \ i!iudn9 i:01 a INIl ~..lIÎR I !s.li -- _a lJ iõ O..ew..I I I 1i o-. to .. .. i 10.: , WCATOQNOFW£U ø Wor strted 1-2.£"-7S-finised 7-;2 ¡; - 7. s-Sketch ma~ locion mus ag wit writt locn ~ r--~L-~__~__~ . II. DILLEIlS CERFITl ~R"/I1:(t.-'"" No-nSu Na Fitni Na SP-C~:; .~~ : l _ R""l~-u-7.' .Lo No_ BI No",.._-.:--- --'1--f: : JCfcslln S9 by (f"ir or.ôall _ . e.,.. -- .. í ColJ~rv ':,;F'k c'¿k¿ ~~!1 ,"?/ . 7i.- State law reires that this rep be file withthe Direcor, Deprlme of Wa RaM wiin JO da ft h pi - ba ent of the elf L 5sy"J:'I Sec... T.=-. R.--n 1 (Ø .r~~ 23Ù \)!i!o~ 1.W8 TAG NO D Q01l117/ DRillNG PEIT NO.cl5 -!:- £. Dt a.~ - Oller IOWR No. IDAHO DEPARTMEN OF WATER RESOURCES WEll DRILLER'S REPORT 2. OWN~ ~ él ~ ~- :: ==ftL~/ vI:6lz¿¡'i ~ !~ Ci1Y i?~ i State~ ~ 3. LOCATION OF WELL -by .legal description: Sketch map localin must agree with written locatin. N T w'. . h .mll " "Rge.. East. lJ. _ / West 0E Sec. . 1/4 IJfJ4 S/t14 Gov'l lol .: Co'lñl :teo"G/' bl1;itat long:.. Address of Well Site wiX South 0 s City(G "__oi_.OI.._", ~Ii Lt.Blk.Sub. Name 4. USE: "Domestic 0 Municipal 0 Monitor 0 Irrigation o Thermal 0 Injection 0 Other 5. TYPE OF WORK check all that apply (Faceme et)· New Wel 0 Modify 0 Abandnme 0 0I 6. DRil MET__Ai Rola 0 Ca 0 Mu Ro 0 Ol 7. SEALING PROCEDURES SEAFlLTER PAC AIIOUNT METHOD Matenal FroID To Sa orPound.Ll.. ... _ '--,p i ic ~n "''.-'L J . J Was di sh us ., 0 N Sh Des)Was dñve sh seal le? 0 YO N How? 8. CASINGILINER: -119 Materia Caaiii LiD.r..00000 W.lded Threaded .. 0o 0o 0Length of Headpipe length of Tailpipe 9. PERFORATIONS/SCREENS Perfortions MeIScns Scn Type Fro",To Slt Size Nuiibe.Dimet.r Uatenal Casiiig line. 0 0aaa0 ~.¿TATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: It below ground Artesian pressure -'b. Depth flow encountered ft. Describe access port or control devices: 11. WELL TESTS: o Pump a Baifer Of Use Only Inseced by Twp _ Rge-._114_1/4_114ta Lon JI Air 0 Flowing Aresian Yiel ga.I.,".Ilrawdown Pupi Lelel Tim.'-n .y Wate Temp. Wate Qua te or comets: Bo ho te _ Dep fi Wat En _ 12. LITHOLOGIC lOG: (Describe repairs or abandonment) Water Bor. Die. From To iF n 'l 711.. lB ~"i :n?II :/' ;; ,// ! c: :" ~jø /Ð i .ri ,,/ 'lJ.n Reinrk: UlIlog, Wate Quality & Temperature Y 'Ñ¿; S",', .. r;I"de i. //a.v ¿. A_ ./b' ,/Æd h L....J~L , I L J lr" "'GLl/~.1CJ. J.¡ /ý,.dJ, I(_~_Á )(~ _b""i .- Ii,.AJe. X-' " )cy )rlIi RE~Eivi=n S~P n 7 1Q~Q i;ep~ ?t Wii0f_ R9$ .",. . /'\ / 1 J l 1'\ I. ~ 1/. '- Completed Date: Started Depth 1M" . (Measurable) 81dJI19 Completed S/.;V~'? 13. DRlllER"S CERTIFICATION lle ce llt al mini we co slndtd were co will atii fi Ui ri wa re.-~~:SVFir OIl~..~~te__ tf,- -91 ~:er or ~ 7U /L Date 9'-2 3 (S oi i11i CJ Op fO zfiv IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT 1. WEL TAG NO. D Cl - IgLi7¥ DRIllG PERMIT ~ ~-£- P.:.1- 4? . OUer IOWR No.2°ir: ~ ~Name ~~~ JI ~ .~ I = Li~ ';yLhir)(Cily AhY Sta~Z¡P. R'WZ 3. lOCATION OF WELL -by legal description: Sketch map location must agree with wntten location. N I ~ TWP'_~ North 0" or South 0 Rge. ..8' East Ú or West 0ESec. 3lP. ~1l4 -A1I4 _1/4. io~~ 160..~~ l Lot :_: Coun~¿, ':.r · Ad. M W'8&æ ~~17 'Gi .. _ __ of .- . ii to _ Of la Blk. Sub. NameLt. 4. USE; Q"omestic 0 Municipal 0 Monitor o Thermal 0 Injection 0 Other to. YPE OF WORK check all lhat apply New wen 0 Modify 0 Abndnt .D~METOD /" Ai Rota 0 Ca 0 Mu Rota7. SEALING PROCEDURES o Irrigation (Repcemen etc)o 01 o Ot SEfI Tt PACK AMOUNT METHOD Malerial From ro Sa orPounds1&.~_.0 .., -2n ~o-~ Wa dre sh us 0( IX N Sh Deps) Was drive she seal tested? 0 YO ti How? 8. CASING/LINER: Casing llaer Welded Threaded Ro o o o o Ilo o Lenglh of Headpipe Length of T ai/pipe 9. PERFORATIONS/SCREENS Peratins MelSCns Scn Type FrOrD To Sl Sin Nomb..Dimate.Malerial Casing liner 0 0 0 0 0 0 10. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: (Í ( ft. below ground Artesian pressure _lb. Depth flow encountered - ft Describe access port or control devices: Off Use Only Inspedby Twp _ Rge--_1/4_1/4_114 tat long: crAir 0 Flowing Aresian 11. WELL TESTS: o Pump 0 Bailer Yie ga.lmi.Ora "down Pupi i."ei Time.:rO-l l fA-e Wate Temp- Wate Ouali te or comme: Bo ho temp. _ Depth liWate En_12. lITHOLOGIC LOG: (Describe repairs or abandonment) Wiiter oo o Bore From To Remarka: litolog. Walllr Qualit & Temperature y NOia. X"n 7 "tt'- C'..'O '\"7 g.;CO ..._. ().J ... ../)/'~.i140 t: .. ~.. .n "¡\ 140 LbO CJ..N. ).01 .i -.~_0 'J\J . k. . . itl~.. /# t') "1A.: ~/A 1 I 11/1\ ' -/- . .R Eli t:1 VCU , c_I U t:l. 1. U 1:i:JO i ¡uelJ\l'~:..:r;;~~~ Compfeted Depth IbO (Measurable) Dale:Started i.: - d" - 'i .\Completed 1.; - Jr -e¡ ¥ 13. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION Wle cefy lIal aU mimum weD cons stnd we compie wi at lIe li the rig wa remo. f"ir No. f"ir Ofci and Dr or Ope :i 238-7) D~ DRILLING PERMIT NO~ !l-£ - 039 - er IDWR No. :r .25:- 7&.3 0OWNER:~ nejre~s J. ==~ .I_~~ ~State~ lfqq IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT Ofce Use Only Inspeced byTwp_ Rge_Sec_ f_1/4_1/4_114 tat: Log: o Air 0 Flowin Artesia lf I t- I Use Typwri or Balpoint Pen LOCATION OF WELL by legal description: ~Ich map locatio must agree with wñttn lo. N I ! í ¡ ! I- Twp_ L/ . Noit~ orRge.~ Eas "i or wes 0E Sec. ,3lp. 1/4 S E 1/4 ~1/410~ 160ac~ iot-; c;unty.:~~_ : Address of Wel Site ~ ~Cit ~ .Ga'Y at leas na of ro . Dì JO Ro or lJ . =s ~ t:ub.N~me~ Uš~ )lomestic )tUnipal 0 Monitor . C Irrgati Thermal 0 Injen 0 Oter TYPE OF WORK check all that appl (Replacent etc.) X New Well :: Modify 0 Abandonmet C Oter DRILL METHOD Air Rotary )(Cable = Mud Rotary C Other South 0 s SEALING PROCEDURES SEAlLTER PACK AMOUNT ME Maietil From To Sa orPoy.~-r¡/)e"l)IJlt .n 1._.. 'as drive shoe USed?)t 0 N ~~ Deh(s) 'as drive shoe seal tested r: ~. How? . CASING/LINER: I.. l Ca lirpioi; D õ!nglh of Headpipe /0 legth of Tailpip . PERFORATIONS/SCREENS Penoralions Method ,Screens Screen Type SST 30'! Wel Threo.o o Ci s¡o 0o D 1/2) ~ 'om To Sk Siz Nu rn Male Ga lirD 0o 0~ 0 O. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: /n I f1. below ground Artesian pressure _Ib_'epth flow encountered . . ft. '" Describe ~ss port or antrol devices: klHi ~lf fk L. :5 11. WELL TESTS: c Pump 0 Baler. ¡; I i I WaierTemp. .50 (. Water Qulit test or comments: Boom hoe lem. _ Dep fir Water Enter12. LITOLOGIC LOG: (Descrbe reirs or abandnm) Wat Bo Fio Re: Litogy. Wat Qu & TemDi.To y N II.f)'AI)r-1A '1 1A It ~"A U~rlA ri IV.,../')l/).. 0..J..- A.~I \. A4 _ -j -)l ii;"i~"j):35\,. .._I . c:./1 ... AA..'v , ..-~-u..o l'_ A "I)!v I..1f¥O 15-j j. A R.. a '._ A..iytil13"11",-,.. .A .n -.I ~A II n d II--i 'i,'?-~V 6-,- '--- ~1 -\ /'¿' J l V/~ Hl:GEIVFn JU' " 1QQ7-.~. -Q. Comleed Deth It.. )(Measrale) Date: Started L¡ -IS: - S )Complete n_IH :q~- 13. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION IlWe cert tht all minimum well construction stndards were complied wih at the time the rig was remoed. FirmName~ l~ ~ FìrmNo;¿tì q FirmOfcial7r~ 7~ oate -!i, .and. .. . .0_Supervisor or operator-Î:: ~ Date r~n iI Fin Olicl & Oiaio) ;~ 2li~~!lWIE~:;ARTM~~':~ESRCES' l!~.SEP18197B WEll DRilLER S REPORTSta la reir ii this re be fi wí th Dir. Deart of Wat Rerc Dein of W3 Rei1in 30 da af th copl or ab of th well. i -' .~ŠE'~Pi:lTER OR BALLPINT PEN . h~.- ...... . l. WELL OWER 7. WATER LEVEL Name Roland 1'. Boell . Staic wate level 80 feet beow land surfac.Flowng DYes ~No G.P.M. flowAddres3912 N.Yellowton Idaho Fas,Ida Aran clos-in presre _ p.s.i. Contlled by:D Valve DCap o PlugOwner's Permit No.T enpeatre -OF.Qualit goo 2. NATURE OF WORK 8.WELL TES DATA - :i New well o Deeed o Replacen o Pup o Bailer o Air o OterD Abandoned ldesbe metod of abdoning) lYlSha G.P .M.Pumping lew Hounl' :L. PROPOSED USE g¡ Domesic o Irrigaon o Tes 0 Municipa 9. LITHLOGIC LOGo Industrial D Stocle D Was Displ or Injeion De¡ th Wateo Other lspecfy type)HoleDi Fro To Mat Yel Nor 1?1 i;Gravel Sand X.e. METHOD DRILLED S 80 Grel Sand X(I Rota o Ai o Hydlic o Rev rota eo as Grvel Sand Iv.o Cae o Dug o Ot .85 li5 Grvel ~n~I X. .12 11": :,.62 p.av..i ~nm.. ",.nrl y .;. WelL CONSTRUCTION Casing scedule: i: Ste o Coet 0 OthTlineDiamFr To~ ines -l in + -- fee 163'6f-in inc -fe -fee-in _ inhes -fee -fe-inces inch -fe -fee Was caing driv she use?IS Yes o NoWas a paker or se us?DYes Ol NoPerforate?ii Yes o No --How perorate M Factory /l Knife 0 TorSize of peio -. inces by ~ inchesN..Fro Toitf peío /Sr;fee Ii-A fe -peortins fee fe 2'"peroration fee feet I IU ,Well scree inslled?DYes rtNo I i J JManufacrers nae .../Type Model No. Diamete_Slo size Se from fe to feOla_Sl si Set fr _fee to -fe-. Gravel paed?DYes aNo D Size of griPlac fr fe to feetSurfe seal c¥th ~ Materia use in sel:o Cem grut /3eA',1..lre 13 Puingclav o Well cutSeling prre use:O. Slur pit D Temp. surf cang .o Over to se depthMethod of joining casng: 0 Threed r) Weled 0 Solv Weldo Ce be stat.Den"b ac port 10- WOrk st 4-21-78 finis 5:--'--'.p.. LOCATION OF WELL ',~ y.11.DRILLERS CERTIFICATIONSket map loc mu ag with wri lotion.I!We cefy that all mini well co star wereN " )coed wi at th ti the ñgwas remov. l+-'Subdivis Hame .., r-.': _.;_rum Name Anrew Wel DrgFÙJ No S. .wr- -=E Adre E. 17th St. I=: F~sJ-5-?8i _+ ii .1--..-_ _..__ Lo No, Bloc No. Sigedb~lFirmOff"l~ _.'ß/¿ J. i .--:. .s '/ ./ I- 1;,.;)nrv __Jefferon 10==) atl/4 ~.E 14 .I 14 Se. --. T. 1. NJ EBB e.-1K:i: ImOlTlnhlA, CUCCTC ,I: III:I'CC''DV .. CODwuin TUF WHITF. COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT (j :; i/ STATE OF IDAHODEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCS WELL DRILLER'S REPORTSta la ni th tlis np be fi with th Dir. Det of Wat Resrc witb 30 daahtl co or ~ of tlweL US TYPE ORBAlP PEN 'arm 237 '19 1. WEL OW 5(iae¡/7_ WATER LEVEL Name 7narian ,Statc wat lev 7~fee ii lan sufac.Addr tl1n ijdJ ";F /0 f:-:!¡Z-f'GP.M. flFlo? 0 Yes No .áG- &~ ¡Ç- /.51 Aran doin prre _ p.sl.Dr Pe No.CotiUed by:o Vale Oea o PlugWat Ri Pe No Tempere _OF.0uDe artes ti tø-ln: zos 1H. 2. NATURE OF WOR 8. WELL TEST DATA "Ne weØ o De o Reen o Pump o BÌiIe o Ai o 0to WeØ diam inreaeo Aban fde abanonnt procur such as ~GJ.M.Pb l.Ho Ptmateals. plu depths. etc. in Iihoog log) J. PROPOSE USE If Doesic o Irrigtin o Tes 0 Municpa 9. LITHOLOGIC LOGo indstial o Siock o Wasie Disøosal or Injeion Bo De it Wato Oth (sPfy ty)Di Fio To Mat Yes NoI''T "r,'L:.4. METD DRILLED ~4 .. ,QuE /iÍ Rola IÍ Air o Hydrauric o Re rot .,/',e'rI~ C:-J .. ;-/o Cae O. Du o Other '.iI~G:e~/ .A ~ __.J J .- 0/'" I!. .ß'~" C Iv-''.:. ri..~ c".-. ..V5. WELL CONSTRUCTION ,. Cang scedule: 0 Sle o Con 0 OtherThckDiamFrom To~ ines -- inc.¡ -L fee ß- fee ..- in _ inc _ fe _fe /'/1_ ind _ in -fe _fee ( 1': J_ ines _ inc -fee _fee '-Wascadrislus? il Yes ONoWas a paer or se us?DYes ~Perforated?DYesHo peorte?o Factor o Knfe a Torch o Gu Size of peorali _ ines by _ inesIIFim Topeorfet feepefeefepeforon f:lNo feet fe l'~~ Well sc Instledl ayes ø -Maufaurers na -Typ Mod No. ~-Oiameter_Slosi _Setfron _feet to _fe JAN 1 n 1001)Oiaet Slot sie Se fr _fe to _feGrael paed? a Yes -¡ No a Size of gr -lULPlac fro f_to fe .Surf; se depth ~ Maerl use in se:o Cel grBentoniie 0 Pulingclay 0Selin prre use: 0 Slurr pit 0 Temp. swai i: i; Ov to se dethMethod of joining cain: 0 n. m Weled a Solven Welo Ceted betw sttaOesri ac po tll Worst /øif. q¡1~-I9AIfi 6. LOCTION OF WELL 11_DRILLERS CERTIFICATISk ma locn ~ ag wit wrtte Ioli.i/We cerify th all minimum well coll st weeNamplie l1tt.~ tt r~'fas rem. ÆJi -t.'Suív Name. .Finn Ha ~~I¡æ- No Itr~--- -y--~. .w~ -+ E Asre dx~ I!lJ f / h Date Ø7?A!: i l--:-- --~--Let No. _ Blok No. _ Signed by (Firm Ofic 1 ):', i Js (O::l';l A rj ,Conty :\FFfl~11 1 if N~ ~ Egf5i % it ll % Se.~. T. -- S R.-. w 0 .'-... . _.-._- _.~--.- ---..-(j t!Jl~ : e nepa;:æof ~:o ReOur (f1.!... \ )'r;7rr?~~ WELL DRILLER'S REPORT '1VL 18 19 ' 1 Sta1elawreíresthathisnibefilewiththeOin.~of Wat ~;wi 30 77fth i . . ri USE .TYPEWRITER OR ¡ BALL POINT PEN'-- da ane th co..Ple or abaent 0 ",-e.F"..,.f..11 no.#i U14trict a .~~U;Cf!1. WELL OWNER 7. WATER LEVEL=-~'feq Static weter lel ~ fee below land surf Flowng?o Yes o No G.p.M. flow .- f Teipeture~ F.QualityArt dosin pr p.S.Î. Ow'.. ~ermit No Cotrlle bV o Vale Oea o Plug 2- NATURE OF WORK 8. WEll TES DATA lJ New well o Dee o Replat o Pumø o Baile o Other D~G.P_M.Dr_Down.HawPuo Abandon (de mell of abon) ---- "3 PR US F 00.o lr o 1ft o 0I li ~9. UTHOLOGIC LOG I .0 Mu 0..O~o Wo ll.. or Ho Dt . Wa,.-iv¡MIfDYF..Tis ~I I 4. METHOD DRILLED II"L iab.F'~A _AE i 441 3~;,~~ ilfea"4 co u-r u./.-~-- !a Rot a.Dug a Oter ¥~~-'0 ¡,~i,i7/1 9"...- l _.."-5. WELL CONSTRUCTION ý'.ç 'db V '(/(v Tota de /' pj.Diameter of hole ~ in fee i Casng scedle: St a Co I Thidt.. ~_ F..To I .: 5"0 inc ines ..-1 fe /úPte Iin_ in _fee _fee I inces _ inces _fee _feeind ~ ii _fee _feind _inc ~fe _fe,Yi co"l cl .i us?gv_DNai I Was a paer or sel us?Yes ONo ¿r ,Peforted?o Yes ONo How pedored a Fac a Knfe o Tor I '(fi' i i /Size of peora - inesbv _ in '-..1NumheF_Topeorationfee feeperOlatifefepeoratnsfeefe i Well sc insled1 o Yii o No TMafacure's na. Typ Mo No I Diamte _ Slot si Se fr fe to fe I Diameter_. Slo size_ Se fr_ fe to_ fe Grael paced?DYes D No Size of grel iPlaced from fee to fee Su aeo de'~Ma _ 1f_I (1 e__ll-...-o "-"I CI )i WI CQo 1I,; 0 T-i -' CG o o- to 1M .. 6. LOCATIONOFWELL 10. 9- '8 Worst~ ::il-7~ fin ¿ 7"1Sket ma loctin must ag with wri loon . , ..l + ."~L_~. .--.;__ --1__So rm. . w f-.-- E: + ., .lo No Bi -- ç; Ooo/fjr¡ i ---,- -- --I--No: ~S1 by (fiM 0fa: ~ ~1 S I Contv~~- i ~)5-L%£l" Se "3 S-T.JL N!kR-~EIJ ~ Post-ltll brad fax tra me 16 i of pa ·rib ç:,-lk.-~ Tt)wRCo. t2 ~ &-L Co De _. s-.;'--s;;'l t. WE OWNER Nam \IV,. 'Í LEy. eO ~ /¡, r 6.i L - . Ades ,'? fJ ,'If ..' 7 ~-? -"; aiL kit l-L - 0i Peri No. 2..-7-7"'1 . £.-0 c ? Wal Ri Pe No =l)F IDAHO F WATER RESOURCES _ER'S REPORT with th Diretor. Dep of Wat Re_,pIti or lInm of th we US TY ORBALlP PE 1. WATER LEVEL St wate lev ~ feet be lan suface. Flowin? 0 Yes)~ No GP.M. flow Artan closin pr _ p.si.Cotrlled by: 0 V;i 0 Ca 0 PlugTempe _oF. OualtyDe Mtesn or l8ur ZfS bel. . II WELL TE5f DATA Caing scedle: 1' Ste 0 Concet 0 Other " 0Th 0_ F"" To , J:J oS tJ inc", ~ ind + -I fee .¡ feet "ri_ inches _ inc _ fee _ feet 1" . ~ I A_ inch _ inc _ fee _fee_ inch _ inc _ fee _fee Was caing driv sh use? f4 Yes 0 NoWas a paer or sel us? 0 Yes ii NoPerfoted? 0 Yes ¡¡ No How perforate? 0 Factor 0 Kne Ö Torch 0 GunSize of peorat _ ines by _ incNum F..peortipeforpefoon Well scree inslle? 0 Yas Manufanires naTyp Mod No.Diamet _ Slot size _Set fron _fee to _fee Diaeter _ Slot si _Se fr fet to fe Gravel paed? 0 Yas lj No o Size of grlPla from fe to fet Surf se depth -i Mateal use in se: 0 Ceent grt'l Bentonite 0 Pudlin clay 0 Seling procre use: 0 Slur pit 0 Temp. surfac cag ai Ov to se dethMe of joining cang: 0 Thread JJ Weld 0 Solven We 2. NATU OF WOR "E New wel 0 Dee 0 Replaceento Wel di inaso Aba (debe abanon proced suh as materia, plug de, etc. in lithologic Iogl 3. PROPED USE .¡i Domesic 0 Irrgaion 0 Tes 0 Muniipalo Industal 0 Stock 0 Was Dispsal or Injecono Othe (spfy ty 4, METHD DRILLED o Rota P- Cable o Air o Dug o Hydraulic o Other o R-. rota 5. WELL CONSTUCTION Tofetfee fee §I No o Pum .il Baile o Ai o Ot Ðl G..M Pwn i.HoPu 9. LITHLOGIC LOG Bor De ot Di Fro To If I JD/ I' ; t) ....~'i1 II.- - d "i It? ,., , a 0 .' ,(7 ,~ o r1'.. n..d..AJde ii ,"' .c . , /i 0_ q J ," .Mate -J" Wa~Nõl , A " " . I' , . ". #J', I ,x AI( -i I I I' I .. , / \ l 'I I\ i '/.. feetfetfee P~~-~~Ul~ ""orYU, J U iiflll. - a .~be ac port. -~ 6. L~TIO.OF WELL o Ceented be stfa Sket map loc !! age wit writte location. N --1 I__t_:1. iW-e -fE -+--!¡+-. I. SContJ EFEêJl -: 01' \ r- N. . J: .. r. N!X E fa ;. ~ '.!' 14 .~ Jl Sec.~. T.4- SO R.4. W 0' Sulicf'islon Name wtNo. _ Bl No'_ 10. Workst -~ - -;,?9/fir i¡ - d - 7/ n. DRILLERS CERTFICATION IMe ceif tht all minimum wel c:lon stdards wer coplie with at th time the rig _ reved. Ann Name AçAft?tl?hs- .ø S ON Firm No. 2. C Addre RIG-gy ..d. DateOCr~&9, . LJ_.Sign bv (Firm Offiil ~~an ',. ...-. (Opetor) dlí;:.r. -;1 tr14 . r. l ~ i USE TYPEWRITER OR e....., . State of Idho .. . .. .1BALL POINT lEo_N. , .. Det of Wáter Ado". . WELL DRILLER'S REPORT' íD IE ¡m f"' IE lD State la require ththis re be file with th Dirto. Dent otWater Adminisn withn 30 AA-da af th cole or abame of th weL. tl .1 1_ WELLPWNER'-ry - ~Name If í a/i.... ...".jt...i.-)J~~"" ~- _ -t.~.i; '" J' 1t1...- 7. WATER LEVEL lIAf l.fj (¡ f.. .l- i t t).ø-.,.f.; S-- l.:"Addres r-J' .,_. ,i./:."4.;~~ t-llj.æ-? /.. r S '--'. ,71 t Deiil5iOf Wr~.J1m¡iii;lltatic water ""'',; eet be ffdl,"()ñr.. Flowing? 0 Yes 0 No G...Tempet.._~ F. Quality Artan cloin prereCotrlled by 0 ValOwne's Permit No.p.i. o Ca 0 Plug 2. NATURE OF WORK 8. WELL TEST DATA .5(Newweli o Deene o Replacent o Abandned ¡deibe meod of abin) o Pump 0 Bailer 0 Oiler DisdG.P.M. Dra Don _Pum . 3. PROPSED USE - \:1 Domesic o Irrigtin OT_ OOU a. UTLOG LOG Ho DethDi Ft To!Z // -, -? ",--¿ 1:"7 . j¿~J -~Va No o Municipa o Indstaf o Sto .JiCab 5. WELL CONSRUCTION o Ro o Du /'/...v ''':' ".Jf~Ç ."-;;'#.I..vF"~¡( ,,,..;../../ V' -, '.d~"O~",.A 4. MET DRILLED Diamete of hole L indes Tota de /21."; feCang scule ~ St 0 CoTbid_ 0_ F.. To-J,iê inc ~ inc +-L fe JJfein _ in _ fe _feinc _ ines _ fet _ feinces _ inces _ fee _feinch _ indes _ fe _ fe Was a paer or waf use? 0 Yes :J NoPerora? 0 Yes ~'E NoHo peror? 0 Fac 0 Knife 0 TorSiz of peorti _ inces by _ inN_ F_ Topeorati fee feepertins fee fepetions fe fe 7,,). i I '-I f f J\. ./ Wel scn insled? Manfacre's naeTyp Mod No.Diaet_Slot si Se fr_ fe to_ feDia_Slot size_ Set frm_ fe to_ fe DYes ,( No .Gra pa 0 Yes :6' No Size of grel__Pl from fee to fee Sunac sel? ,.:;; VesMáte us in se 'ao No Towltdepth /¡. feo Ce gr ;n Puling clay, ! 6. LOCATION OF WELL t"; .r;.~// / \ :J~'/~ ..-.' /\~.~~~/~ Sktch map loction mll ag with writt locon. II. + .. .---l--- __L_!\, : .wF-:~£. +- ', .~-~--- --l-. ,. , S 10. ,.Work st(; I.J;- ;t l; . l _ ! . .1; .:.,,",:.~finisled,. .iA....r l: 11. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION This well was drlle und my supeison an this re is tre to the be of my knowedge lK:1= annlTltlAI C:I''':I:C'~ ..I1:I'i:c:ADV ('~).Lf-'~'I-'':~~lL'~l I.~:!.ú..ll (._04-:%.. Dn)JesorFism"~~ -1 /li/8~""i cj.:/.,..lr.- .'A'; " _-; ..~./li';'/4:o.."~~ ../ "':.:: ~_.. ....._....-.~:-! - $"iø 8v' ~~- '..:i ../(..Numì, Conty (:l~fJ' ~, ...L" / ~:itjt! % Se 1'.-'- , T. -1 tj/S, R ;3'5 (j ;;', Y. 7,:i Dai (1 .-CnQWADn TUC WIoITC ai I II: AAin DIMIt t"DlC'~ Tn TUC n,COADTAKIUT ./ IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES V V WELL DRILLER'S REPORT ,. DRILLING PERMIT NO.i£- *.= _ - 1'7 ez - 11. WELL TESTS:Jther IOWA No. .. 0 Pump 0 Bailr 2. OWNER: fJ ' l C 12 I Yie galJm. I :. i r'"c,; Š:~.o G UHL iY¡7 "4 s= -I" :;ity IZ~ . Stated:ip ß' J 4 4J. . n I . Water Tem. 3. LOCATION OF WELL by legal description: Water Qua te or commets: Sketch map loation ~ agree wih writn lotion. ~orm 2387t/94 ~ ~ N , ,~. i ¡ s Twp.. W North ¡!~ Soth 0 . Rge. 3 It East s-' Wes 0E -- r- ~. 'A.,' ISec. -V .ì , ..) 'Vtl4 "t.. Ã.1/4_1/4, tOac. N.re 160acGov t Lot _ County ~r¥'r:J"" Address of Wen Site City l...~~(Gi..!e.. at ro. D; OJ Ro.. ""') Lt.Blk.Sub. Name 4. PROPOSED USE: i!meslì 0 Municipal 0 Monitor 0 Irrigation o Thermal 0 Injecton 0 Other 5. TYPE OF WORK fG-New Well 0 Modif or Repir 0 Replacement 0 Abandonment 6. DRILL METHOD o Mud Rotary ~ 0 Cable 0 Othr 7 SEALING PROCEDURES. SELITE PACK AMO ME Maleri Fro To SaorPounds Pk"7;Z;_~'h (1 '2 0 (.~nc:~ j ,~-i,~ ~ 1'-~"7~i !" Was dòve shoe us? Y ~Was dre shoe se teste Y ': N~' 8. CASINGINER: Diaer Fro To Ga Materil . t.''T' i i~ 'i ,2.S"()\-;¡F i Casg lino 0o 0o 0 Lengt of Headpipe Length of Tailpipe 9. PERFORATIONS/SCREENS/4 f .fãrations Meth "La- -c,¿ .... o Scr~ns Screen Type w~IÌ 0o 0o 0 From To SI Sie Numr Diaie Ma7.2 I c If ~ll 1 fii Cas ~ a o o 10. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: (:; () fl below ground Artesian pressure _lb. Depth flow encountered - ft. Describe accs port or Use Typewnter or Ball Point Pen ~ 0 Flng Aresan là7~: iff~4 Diawdo~ Bottom hole temp_ 12. UTHOLOGIC LOG: (Descñb repaiTs or abadonmet) Water Bo From To Re: Litolog, Wat~ Qual" T~y NDia. 'r/.~ .c1#-c., .,- Æ......$-.. Y i:17 ~ rJ. i "467Y'::"" Æ _~.~ Jj 1.. ,, .II..i-... c 4. __~__ -.:".._ .J:'" - -- ~~~ ~ i/E':LJ:; -'I ""..11ß C' / ~) b1'"/"ì v¿11 LA_-.~d.....- -- p ~.....L L-....i~__.J JJ,,-....J ~,/0 ¡Ilei J:-...~ r'P ~ .. J._.t/,1.V ra~"'/t (/i f?ia 7:,-q""7 C:.J. 1.)~l--. '.6'/13('i lii Jt -"7~-Z~f/"' .1-~/i ,.."7:.L;J-... ØI...e -:.,......_l--1;.'"14'-5 ;~o .A.,,.. ,./.;L 1. ./~gi-~ L_-.L- .t7..... J)tl"'/l Lr.flal- '~-z:("~.. +. a ...--~ -_ ::~.; __ ~~"J_.L " y 11 \.:,~r~\ i?f;~~:~ . I \-\ I g\:;¿,.:':.¡~ ri hHf;.I. ,(/., "'Il'i¡.'-Nm!t! ,,,~ ..Lv~ uapartmen¡ of W"tp. " tasterr Dis! rtl't ow:. . '''~. Cometed Depth I 4 . t( ./(~7lJbI) .Date: Started io.- -i £1- 1 Li Completed /0-; - cft., 13. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION I/We certify that all minimum well construction standards were complied with at the time the rig wa removed./1Ý 'Finn Name í;~ t.£t'o Firm Offcial -, and - ~- _.. --. ,.---_.._-. =f ' ""'..~': (tT' '- Jr238-7 '94 //G IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT Use Typwmer. or Ball Point Penrf~ . DRILLING PERMIT NO.;i ~- - e¡ '- -:i- J ~ ~ ither IOWA No. .OWNE~ -:ame ¡J L I\. ~ n :S-tJ'.dd :3 7 (, ß err e. r- ~ty 5 l'* L Li t..J ;. LOCATION OF WELL by legal description: ;ketch map lotion J! agree wi wren locion. N State blz Twp_ 4 ERge- 35šSec 35:. Gov't Lot _ CoU'~tY .Nort ¥ or South 0 Eas ~ or Wes 0 1/4 501/4 !\W1l4-t40~ 160_~~rs."n.", s Addre of Well Site Ci1(G at __Ð/ "" + Dì1O_ orl. .1.BIk.Sub. Nae i. PROPOSED USE: ìlomesic 0 Munical 0 Moitor 0 lITgatino Thrm 0 Inject 0 Ot l. TYPE OF WORK ~New Well 0 Modi or Repai 0 Replacement 0 Abndonment i. DRILL METHOD o Mud Rotary ~Rota 0 Cabl 0 Other , SEALING PROCEDURES. SE TE PAC AM ME Malel Fro To Sa or Pou / ~ n. -.", c ¥e ò 2.)¡y)-t (JL~rL,b~II /y-:I~O $"c:*'l;''ë./k:.G.-~,¡it.S-ISIj St~lias dr shoe us Yl N QVas dne sh seal te? Y Q N Q How t CASINGILINER: Diame From To Ga Mah. "12 I z.ci ,25l S~Ca li E. 0o 0o 0 .egth of Headpipe leng of Tailpipe I. PERFORATIONs/SCREENS o Peiforations Meth o Screens Screen Type Wel Thieo 0o 0o 0 ~'.g-i Cas o o o lier oo o O. STATIC WATER lEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: '1(. ft. beow ground Aresian prere _lb.lepth flow encuntered ft. Desribe acc port or ..........'..",...-i,.n~. 11. WELL TESTS: o Pump 0 BaUer--I -o Air o Rowng Artan -- i I Tim Water Temp. Water Qulit tes or commets: Bottom ho tep. 12. LITHOLOGIC LOG: (Describe repair or aban)WBI80FmrRema: Liog. Wat Quait i. Tem y NOiTo /-/')tL¡/-rn ,- i I ( .ç~-î f JI~l~s~;:II~i~.8 1 -it: _J l5"I"C:L..... . \ ç_ ~ .1 .--; ¿- ( AL l f7~C1 /4;'R---- I+-,j -- lUI"i~/¡a n~ _ N- I Art! J u / r i.. i.rl~l fhrJ ~h...::r ,.1.. .J I_7 I . .--.!1~~,e,~~ r~~nr¡T:t"$.- : ...: .~.., t- ...:_ l;f' ':=~: J;¿., '-.:" j~ ii U Ii:,rrv /~' !.t!~ \-~L '" ,.¡f L f~~s. "-.~~l"!C;;õf. (.)f W3,çr íiesrQi .... vlSld C1 Jl,,~ ..__ ,.yr,'" . - ~ (j .-",;. h. (I i..t. .. 1 ,i,,'1I.... ..lif -r r..., nII\:.....n --..'l -l In ./,. 71__'",- I'iqn i kn." Co 0; o.h.~.JÅ nr~..-...-._. ". Il,~~ k..l .: ~~. ~.OÅ l-..ø L ..ihe 'A~;;.J. llrt rll\t-\ ~-e b~r-I ".l nq,I. ttll) to L"Y fl..J h~~\.t. .c~.. IAa. -l~1Âct l I \ Co Depth (Me~) Date: Started ?c/Z2 ! '1 '1 Competed ?/2_3 /1 13. DRILLER'S CERTFICA nON lIe certif that all minimum well coston stndard we complie with at the time th ri removed. Firm No. ,5- ( /,Firm Name C:..inonnc:nr nr nnØNtnr .. êJJf'i!JnatA . 1~ .3195 / JUAHODEPARTMENTOFWATER RESOURCES OfceUseOnly ~o i/i-.' / WELL DRILLER'S REPORT Inspected by.'- Use Typwnter or BaUpoint Pen Twp_ Rge_sec_ _114_114_1141. DRILLING PERMIT NO. 2. ~ i. 0176 - £.00 11. WELL IE ta LOng;Other IOWA No. ~p 0 Bailer ir 0 Flowing Ares~loh~ä~:V9J-l Y~;:~=rp~¥f5 Water Temp_ Bottom hole temp_ Water Qualit test or commnts: Depth firs Water Enered_12. LITOLOGIC LOG: (Decri repirs or abandonment) \'ater 13. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION lIe certify tht all minimum well costructn stndads were comp with atIh.melh~ 53-' Rrm Name . ~No. .. FKmOl.a S =.. /1-3"- C)and ~ CM....OO......~___.~_s::ov~~~:::. ,--,,--.._ 0.. C! City 3. LOCATION OF WELL by legal description: Sketch map loction must agre wi wnten lotio. N TWP_:# Nort ~r Sout 0 .X Rge_ Eas &- ::ü West 0 .W E se. , 5tJ~ TV IJ 114 _114 10_ ';w 160..=Lot-;~ounty ~~Q.~. s ,Adres of We/I Site U /Ci 4:(G",_..", oo+ Di.. Ro or '" Lt.alk.Sub. Name 4. U~E:. !lmestic 0 Municil 0 Monitor o Thermal 0 Injec 0 Other 5. TYPE OF WORK ~aii tht apply o New We/I ~fy 0 Abndonment . 6. DRILL METHOD ~iy 0 Cable 0 Mud Rotary =: Irrigatio (Replacemt etc.) :: Oter = Other 7. SEALING PROCEDURES SE~TER PAC AMONT MElMalel -"Fro To ~..,.,."-"..-L"-~ Was dri ~ed? 0 YON Sho Depth(s)~-Was drve sh se teste? OY oN How? 8. CASING/LINER: Diater Fro To ~.J Maal Ca"./0...-.L 0..~~Length ofHeadP~Lengt of Tail sm liner We Tl0000:J 0000 9. PERFORATIONS/SCREENo !ins Method o Scres pipe Maer Cas o o o lin o o o S: STJ)TJC WATER LEVEL OR ARTES'AN PRESSURE:(! ft. below ground Artesian pressure _'b. Depth flow encountered ft. Describe access port or oontrol devices: BoOi Ft To '-'1 !I.Gi It:L ;;a :¡_q" ~ t. Remal Lilo, Wat Quli h Tem y/Io - .~ Il .//l,l .M I¿.~--_-i~_ _ I £J A_"" /'' -- L7--.ß L.-. /lPi ""_ J /l- 1. , J7¿:L "s/f I ~ , / /IZ-....-V.- U~.. ß.:_., r .., I1 :... t- S' 1(77 I'll' L, /. ,I A' l , I /\ .J11-1'1 ,¿Ó4. i~ VI/- :i . ""~,.., .. . .o.17" /- ...- .4_'UL1~~~ /.e:ô'" , r;~ "' _.. _ . VII:; lL~!?i. 11'''.... ¡r;i Ii 17. ......lo.' ..- r. .~' J.¡,p ;. . "ll'\1 - .. ."",t!"V" f. I 1.:0Ii, D",,,~ i:.._ "T.""", "~.~Vu:...e -.. ....':~ . Complete Depth 1 S è (Measuble) Date: Started /6 - 3 A.. 1.,pleted / / -"1 .. a,~ For 237 1111 ~) ~D 1~(l"l~I'\v~' .~'TÄl OF IDAH ~~ - ~1 ORDEPAREN OF WA RESORCES PE WELL DRILLER'S REPORT MAY 06 1992St la reul th ll re be fi wf th DI. De of Wa ~/,-wi 30 da af lh co oc aI of th _II 1_l.wê Ow g 7. WA LE &s Di Of Name -¡¿define tt Sl _ Je æ¿ ,fe be la suAd /ll5 lo ~_#.6..-~ f8:i?f FIng DYe o No G.PM. liAr cI pr p.Co by o Va o Ca o PlDi Pe No "Á -/Ž a~ - ¿;1l _ OF. QuWaer Ri Pe No De __ 01"" __ 2. NATU OF WOK B. WE TE DAVo IINewwe o De o Re o Pump o Ba o Ai o Oto We diamer ine o Modo Ab (de aI or mo pr ~G.'"Pu i.-"'su as line sc. ma pl de el in fi lo. se 9.) a. PR USD Do o Irñga o Monll 9. UTHO lO .o Indrial o St o Wa Dis or Inj Bo De~\Vo Otr (spfy ty)Dl Ft lb Ma "-No,.6 ir /.R4. ME DRJED 5d .._----.8 Ro ?I Ai o Au o i: ro 'Pr W::";Av'4 Vo Ca o Mu o 0l ....~i (b hyia et)"-J4/..hC 7 /." ;$1 iT ":ip.J ¡..~n Æ-!~6';i ~.,":S. WEL COC10N !j~-nl ,~.- ir l! Stee o Cote OOIh_,cain scThdu Di_ + -. fe.J fe~ inc -- inche !_inc__in _fee_fee i_ in_in _fe_fe Was cang dr sho us?i!Ye o No Wa a pake or se us DYes i;NoPeored/J Yes o NoHow perforted? OX QP Knfe 0 Torc o GunSize of peoia? l Inche by ~ in ~-""10 /, Jl h perfatios Ii r:feet 1!1J fee / /1-1/ Iperforasfefee(1/ / perforalions fee tet ,.. Well scren in?DYe ilNoManuureTypTop Paer or HepiBo of Tailpi Dite _ Slo si _Se fr _ fe to_fe 0i _ Sl si _Se fr _ fe 10 _ feeGr pa o Yes CJNo o Siz of gr Placed fr fe to fe ,SUrfac seal deph jl Maal us In se 0 Ce gr .~ Benit 0 Puddl cla 0 Seaing pre used:o Sl pio låmp, su ca .IM OV to se dépMe of jo ca 00 Th 0 Weo So Weld o Cemete be st 16. Desibe acss po Work st .Jl.:4L "1 a.fini t-/14-4a¿ 6. LOCÄriON OF WEL 11. DR"S CEFtN Sketch ma loio mu agi wi writn io.Il ce ti aU mim we COstfU slrd were N coie A the time !h ri w: regSu Na F"ir..- . /Jiïl. j- No If)~i ---;-w: : E Ad flf- 1J"t i~ Da /J~¿tg!l_-+--1;--, .Lo No._ Blo No__ Si by Dr Su~ 1 J. J 1. ~sCont ;re F&IJO an ~ , 1 Ib ., -l LN~ MElt (Opj i~." r ~. Vi -5 1f se O. T. S 0 R. W 0, .(I /h Dr ., imi AnnlTAL SHEE IF NEC - FORAR THE WHITE COPY 10 TH DE (f ., ;:etm'238-79ÆV STATE OF IDAHO USE TYEWRITER OR DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES BAllPOINT PENWEll DRILLER'S REPORTState la reir that this rert be file with the Dìr. Depiment of Wat Rerc wiin 30 das aft th coii or abt of the we. Name Jef£ Lae 7_ WATER LEVEL1. WELL OWNER Addres .1;. 1 Bo is :igb Id 8Jl--._---------------- OwnersPeritNo. d.. - KC -C.:l5-:00. __ fSiatic waier lev /dJ feet below lan sufac. Floing? 0 Yes-CS - G.P.M. flow Aresan clos-in prre _ p.s.i_ Contmlled by: n Vale 0 Ca 0 Plug Tempeature ... . _ OF. Quity ________.__._____lJtt,d1 atte$1l IN rl!ure zoes belo. 8. WELL TES DATA 2. NATURE OF WORK ll New well 0 Deeped 0 Replacmeni o Aband (descibe abandonment procures such as materials, plug delhs. etc. in litholc logr 3. PROPOSED USE lI Domestic 0 Irrigtion 0 Tes 0 Municpal o Industrial 0 Stock 0 Waste Disposal or Injeiono Other (spify type! 4. METHOD DRILLED ii Rotar o Cabe OAi. a Dug o Hyralic o Other o Rever rota Casing scedule: :i sie a Concete o Other _.___.____. _. ..__ThjçknBS tiamte -from~2S0 inces __ inhe + ____ lee ___ inces _ ines ____ fe _ ____ inces __ ines _ fet __ .__.._ inces _ inhe __ feel .....__ Was cang drive shoe use? i: Yes 0 NoWas a packer or se use? 0 Yes XI NoPerf orated? 0 Ves :i No Ho peforated? 0 Facory 0 Knife 0 TorchSize of perforatio _ inces bV _ inchesNum Fro peroration perorations perforationWell scee instlled? 0 Vos Manufacturer's namT". ..No__ '-qr Diameter_SJIsize _Sefroi _fee to. .__feet --. -.. .. =fll.l5ll.r/1tlïf Diameter _Slot sie _Sefram _fee to __fee -_.. -.(!tGra paed? 0 Ves ii No 0 SIe of gr Placed fro fe to .__ fee ,.- . Fi:R ? 11'l'lUSurfac sel depth _Material us in seal: 0 Cemt grou Il Bentonire 0 Putdlingclay 0 --______1.. - -- -- _. Ð_.. 01 Waie ReesSeing procre use: 0 Slur pit 0 Temp. surfac cang - -- Ea Di Olce :i Overbo to se deth - -Method 01 joining casing: 0 Thread 1) Welded 0 Solvent -. .--__ Weld -- .----. 5. WELL CONSTRUCTION U Pump (/ Baier 0 Air DOth", Diar G.P.!. Pum i.Hours Pu 9. LITHOLOGIC LOG Bor. Dii thDi. Fro To Male ~ Q /.. -fAd'¡ 't Gá.V&/ ~ £i ~1 LAfÁ. ,,.'" J~ ¡'."". Wate V", No ..k ..Æ- . ._12ll lee --- -.-- -.:~-:::.=. fee -.-- . ..--. - -_. feet -_.. ..._..,~ -- .----feet ---.. -. -- .- . -. To --- - -- .._- -- ._. --- _._-- ...-----.- ._-- ---- -- .. --l-f-~i !vr~i\" ./ feet__ _____ fee -- .-_.-. fee_.____let _.- --lee --_ leet -- _.. .- .. .. Xl No Desribe acces Por o Cete betw smia .._-1-.-.. ;-.- 10_ finised 6. LOCATION OF WELL Sketch map loealion must ag with wril~ location. N ; _l- ii--!_- -_.;_i ,w~ --e!7' '-1. ' --i-- ---~--, .. I S Subdivisio Name /JOe i., r~ L)31 Lot No_ __ Bloc No. __._ JeffersContyi .1 . J qr. d.a ;'p.~'..1J % .)i,~ % Sec .o. T. ..uifS. R. '¿~.'-"- Work started 10/21/8 10/28/8 11. DRILLERS CERTIFICATION CG/ I/We certify thaI all minimm well cost än were complied with at the time tbe rig wa remove. ~l Firm NamJJ Drg" Inf: No_ 10 Addre~~~60 Uco 8J1 Date 10/30/8- - 1'1 , Sign by iFirmOflicialiæ?'44~ (O;tori J/ÛÜ;¿ (Jli¥;~,.¡.(f. -- ~ - - '-- --~ - ~ ._- .- ."--- .. -...-.......~--.. ..a.~ ,_...... ..-..TA ..... _....Aft....r...rr Form 238-7 15 r 1~O 1. DRILLING PERMITNO..,-~-~-1200'7- Ot IDWR No. IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES. WELL DRilLER'S REPORT 11. WELL TESTS: o Pup 0 Bailer I tiPÆ I - Offce Use Only Inspected byTwp_ Rge_Sec__114_114_1/4L. " lo: o Air 0 Flowing Aresn '1--1 âj~1 Use Typter or Bapoint Pen 2. OWNER: II l/., d.Name ~LlI e -e ;i/1tl t- AddrÆ l'l ê. .q8 Ci/B ~ g I;d StteXD Zip' 3. LOCA nON OF WELL by legal description: Sketch map loction !! agre wi wren lotin. N g3':z N . s Twp. 1 Rge_ 3 8 Ea J! or Wes 0ESec. .3.:, NV 1/4 SW 1/4_1/4 Gov lot _ CoJ:tY 40_ l60acL. long: Nort,l or Sout 0 Adre of Well Sie City(Gat__ai_+llio_..~ Lt.Blk.Sub_Name 4. USV" Ø"Domesic 0 Muni 0 Monitor 0 Irrati o Ther 0 Injec 0 Othr 5. ~ OF WORK ch al th apply (Rent etc.) ø New Well 0 Modify 0 Abandonment 0 Otr 6. DRI) METHOD Ø"Air Rota 0 Cabl 0 Mud Rotary 0 Othr 7 SEALING PROCEDURES. SEATE PAC AM METHDMariFtoToSa or Po¡¡,.~ 11_.Un d dO dtrO fJ l/ kv .P - Was drie sho use 0 Y ~N Deth(s)Was dre sh se test et ~ How? 8. CASINGJINER:~Mmst 1l1 Leng of Head~ leth of Tailpipe 9. PERFORATIONSISCREEN~ o Perforations Method o Scrs Sceen T~ Wel Theao 0o 0C 0 1._/ T. a-i Ca lir D 0 0 0 0 0 10. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: ;i 0 It_ below groun Artesian pressure _lb. Depth flow encountered ft. Describe access port or control device: Wat Tem. Water Quality tet or comments: Bottom hole temp. Dept firs Water Enter 12. LITHOLOGIC LOG: (De repars or abandon Wate -i. I Re: Uthlo. Wat Qualit & Tem y ll"¡f 1~b;~1- ...o AIc/""J C"ÚAi?f _. L4~. _/ ...;. .1/ N ". ."..--1-7'/ ~") t~n J: irõ 141 17 V~c No J. fLLv"ø1.., .. _ _ J K'V £L;(Y l-r../" ~~ "'11 , r f/ll\. fhr. ~ r: __ ii:i'") r~..I~I_ if\i';- ¡~ r l ! ~.~ ;..~. ~~ ".'~. 'l~ l~ ~~ ~ '- API: ? '2 1nn", -.. .'"'"v Dspa~imSlll "i \.'/_' ß '. East".." n-:r".' _. ".;" -- - ....'4 Completed Depth Date: Start Lf /17 / 4- £J AMe~able) Completed q / /7/ yo Ú' 13. DRILLER'S CERTFICATION I/We certify that al minimum well consction standards were coprie with at the time the ng was reed...Firm Name '.' Firm Oficial and Supervisor or 0 Fo~7?J /'4192 ~ll ~ SWOFIDAHODEPARENT OF WA RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORTSla Ja ie th tl ni be fl Wi ti Dl. De of Wat Reurwi 38 dR af !h CO or ab of tl we USE TY or; BAlLINT PEN 1. WEl OWNE .7. WA lENae ¿n:~a" ÁnvrV St wa le CJ fe be la surAd#ci~l tt :: ~ ~, ~ $34-4c:J Fl?a Yi a No G.P.M.1IArn cI Pf p.i.C0 by a \f o Cap o Plu IJ Peit No 2£- 9.1'- - n 1lie _ "F QuitWa Ri Pet No lJ_.or''__ J2. NAE OF WO a WEl TET DATAII Newe a Oe a Aeen a Pump a Ba o Ai o Ota We dite in 0 Modo Ab Cde al or ni ii DI -...Pu~ll "'suc as ii sc mat pl de, &I in liogic lo se 9.) 3. PR USEli Doc o lr o Mo 9. lJ lOo Indust o St o Wa Dial or Inj Bo Deid Wao Oter (spfy iy)Dl Fr 1b Ma Yi No ...~r,4. ME DRUED ~~='--~."--Lia Ro li Ai o Au o R- ni .s..'A.-.,.-,o Ca o Mu o Ot ~::-f-'.. ---~-;; L(bkh hYd &I) s. WELL CONSON Cag sce:~ Sie o Core o Ol_lb .Diaer ..Fr 10dÆ in -L inc+ -L fe~ fe-in_lncli _re_fe-- inc _ ines _fe_feWas cang dr shoe ~ I! Yes o NoWa a paèi or se us?a Ye æ No ~Perfor DYe ll No // /1How peor o Fa o Kn o Toch o Gun ~#7-1 Size of paio? _ incl by _ in ~\IJ/~Fr 10peorionsfe fe . JYA"\pertlis feet feet I rtrYJPerorationsfeetfeet\/Well sc illed?DYes El No ..Manufre 1y1ò Pa or Hepe,Bo of 1à1pip 1f~~ Diet - Sk Sie _ Se from _ fe 10_ fe Di - Sf size _ Se fr _ fe 10_ feGr pac?DYe l2No o SI of grve -(~1',.Pla frm re 10 "fe A VOA;EN .fAlSuif se de .t'Ma us in se: 0 Cemen gr -~-:l/l ~/,/,i( Bent o Puddl cl 0 '0 A,.""__"J!fJ",.~Selin prure us o Slu pi ~I\ ~L ~o li SU ça is Ov 10 se de --4:Metho of jo ca:o T!ø. We -''l -~o So Weld o Ceente been st 10.Descri acc po--1L~ÛÜ¿: :1:?c..d Wost 6"/,3-93 fl ã-19~ !JR ¡Q 6. LOCON OF WEL 11. OR'S CERCAia .Sl map loc im ag wih wr io_lJ.ce tl an mi we ~ sI weNSubio Na 0 co ~e li !h ri _ reFr-. -~ ?1LLtL 0 1--, --r-w~ +e lo No Bl No Fir Nae ¡¿:lU' ,~ Rrm Nó IlJ ~ . t-'~~..ø¿J~~:~~t-l -~- Cont G+lJq .1bv' , s -~~~Adres of WeD Sit (g at ie na of roi: -4 N liorS 0;.. &: v. Se.1 . R. -M E JK orW 0 m t thn th .~~L\L (j Form 238-7 9/82 'STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORTState law reir that t"is re be file with th Diec. Dep of Wat Resrc within 30 da af th coti .. abmet of the well. USE TYPEWRITEß OR BAllOINT PEN 1. WELL OWNERL L.-A& n-::7_ WATER LEVEL Nam Addres p.o. Bo 2 Ri. ìd! 8J1l Owne's Peit No. 2$-7287 Static water II!I G: fee beow lasurfa. Flowing? a Yes ~ GP.M. fl Ares Closn presre _ p.si.Cotrlled by: a Vale 0 Ca 0 PI"!Tempeat OF. Ouity Describe IIItØa Dr tIate ZtN bel \, Z. NATURE OF WORk ~ well 0 Deeed 0 Replact a Abandone (descibe abandonment procres such as materials. plug depths. etc. in lilhoogie log 8. WEll TES DATA o Pup o Biuer o Air o Ott 0I GoP .M.Pung Lo HoPu 3- PROPOSEO USE o Domestic o Industialo Oth '~rigation 0 Tes 0 Municipal a Stock a Waste Dispsal or Injeeiion (specify tvi) 4. ME~D DRILLED ¿:ota 0 Aira Ca 0 Dug o HVdraulic o Other a Reverse rota 5. WELL CONSTRUCTION Cang scedle: tytel 0 Coet 0 OtherTh~ Diam Fro To .J inches ~ inc.. -. fe .Jfeet__ inche _ inies _ feet _fe_ inches _ inc _ fee _feeinches inches feet fe . Wascasogdriveshoeus? ~Yes 0 No -Was a pacer or sel use? 0 Yes lloPerforated? 0 Yes g- How perforat? 0 Facto 0 Knife 0 Tor Size of penoration _ inces by _ incNu Froperraionperortis.___ perforation Well SCre instaled? 0 YesManfare"s nae Type Mol No.Diaeter _ Slot size _Set from _fe to _fee Diamter Slot size Se fr feet to fee --Grilelpaked? 0 Yes~ 0 Sizeofgrael -Pled from t- fee to feet Surface se depth ~Mate.l u~ in sel: 0 Cementgrt~nioniie a Pulingclay 0 Seingprocedureuse: 0 Sluriypit 0 Tem surf cang~Ovbore to se depthMethod of joining eaing: 0 Thre~ 8"elded 0 Solvent Wel To feet fee .. fe~Ño 9_ LITHOLOGIC LOG Bor De ot Di Fio To~. 7) Val L - MateJ î~-.=r Wate V", No~ d" ::\ 'il.;. ~. feet feet fee ~ !./. , 1/11 AiIIY/.. Desnòe aces POrt o Ceen betwee strata 6. LOCATION OF WELL Sket map locatn ~ agee with writte location_ N , l' Subdivisn Name~-i-T--r- Wi- -i E. f-~__1__l__ Lot No. _ Block No._ii -r- iS ~~Conty ~~ ~ %50 % Sec .35:. T. '1.ø;, R.~. .__.. ..__.T-._..a... _....r"P~... ...r...r~.bV" .:~(~. . '-~. ',.~. -'-t,¡ .. n .nA"V\. ~-_.. .~- 10.Worstar7 ~3 finised m~ 2.g-, '"11. DRILLERS CERTIFICATION IlWe cerify. that all mini~fc'mum~ we;:' conuctin stars wer comp~'ed at th~ e ri!lwas removed. Finn Nam £1,,,,1: 'til.. Fin No. t'Ò :ß ~ Ú. IJA --...,Addres5a QU)q: Oate Sign by (Finn OffliaÏJ / &. - / KJ ~. A " . - \\ ' - . I~ À \~""l' ..-: ) an ¡Operator)..(§c:nDWAon TUC WiU n: rnøv Tn T..¡i: nFPàRTMFNT "o 2341 ;,. ,..~STTE OF IDAODEPAREN OF WA RERC WELL DRILLER'S REPORTSta la f8ii lh ui ie be fH wi ti Dm. De of Wa Re wi 30 da út ti co or ab of ti II c?us TY OR.BA PE~D \)' 1. WE OW 7. WA LENaRobert Benkenstein St wa ia 75 fe be la su. 3738 E. 38 N.Rigby,Idaho Fl?DYe . No G.P.Y. flAdAi ci pr_p.i.DrUii Peit No 25-E-92-091 C0 by 0 Ya 0 ca 0 PlTepere 2L Of Oial GoodWa Ri Pe No ~_tJ""__ 2. NA OF WO a. WE TE DATA . Ne we a Oe o Re a Pum o Ba , Ai o Oto Wi óia inre a Moo AI (di ab or in pr ___oM l' i.Ib Pusu as li. scn, ma,pi de fl in Ji 35 120'i Hourlo se 9.) 3. PR US. Do o Ir o Mo 9. UTH lOo Inus o St o wa Dis or l$c Bo..De il wa000-(sp ty)W-Fi 1b II ..No6"0 2 Too Soil X4. MEHO DRI 2 40 Lar2e lfrd Gravel X. Ro o Ai o Aur o Re Rl 40 45 Sa & gravel Xo Ca o Mud o 0I(bli et) 5. WEL CO ..Cain se . Ste a Co o 0t_lI _..Fr_lò.250 in ~ in + -- fe -- fe_in_inc _fe_fee_ine_ùi _fe_fiwa ca dr sh us . Yes o Nowa a pack ór se used?DYe aNoPerll?a Ye .NoHow pert?o Fa o Kn Iõ To o Gun ..ff 1Siz of peif _ inc by _ in fA I /--Fr 10 perfations /feet fe I ~ / perforaions fet fø ~ perforations fee feetWe scee ii DYe .NoMafaiy .To Pa or HeipBo of TaiJp INlr. w' lì I r W;.:~iriDiam _ Sk si_ Se fr_ fee 10_ fe 1/;'..':.,,f. 1-: IflDi _ SI si _ Se fr_fe 10_ fe n',:.".~Gra pa?DYe . No o Si of gr .,Pl fr fe 10 fei ..vv u.;) I;¡;¡C Swface seal depth 20Mat used in se 0 Cem grot ...~ ""~""."'Vi . Benite o Pudd cl 0 .~.. Seal PlocUl us:o Slll pio 1ê SU ca . 0W to se døMel of join ca o Thread . Wøo So Wø o Ce be st 10De acs po Well Cap Wo si 7/14/92 Ii 7/15/92 6. LOTION oF WEL 11. DRLL'S c:Sk ma lo mu agre wi writt Io lI ce l/ al mium W8 co stanar wereNSu Na copl wi at the lie li ñg wa re~Fi NaJack Cushm DrillFN No #94.w :. : E Lo No Blo No 1405 South Broadway+++-Ad Blackfoot Idaho a 8/4/92. '.COnty Jeffersoo Si by Dr Si ~ (7.-0 J ~.s Ad 01 Well Site Iive at ie na ci ro an (~~~~1:+N .orS 0 (Op~Vc~\4Se~.R.~E ._orW 0 (§ Pepperwood Crossing Location:SE 1/4 of Section 36, T 4 N, R 38 E Jefferson County, Idao Large Soil Absorption System Type: Bed confguation with 3' of ASTM C-33 sand beneath pressurzed PVC laterals at 6' O.C. Proposed distrbution rate: 0.5 gallons/squae foot-day. Module size: i 0,000 gallons = 20,000 s.f. Distace between Modules = 12' Distace from Modules to nearest propert line = 75 feet Page i (§ FIRST HALF SECOND HALF RESERVE I.. 680,0 "I 20.00 S.F.10.00 GP 20.00 S.F.10.00 GP 20.00 S.F.10.00 GP FI ST HALF S COND HALF C) C)Î" (Y~ RE RE FIRST = 108 HOMES 0 250 GPO = 27.000 GAllONS SECOND = 139 HOMES 0 250 GPD = 34.750 GAlONSTOTAl DALY FLOW = 61,750 GAONS FIRST HAL CONSTRUCT = 6 MODULES: CAACIT = 30,000 GPOSECOND HAL CONSTUCT = 8 MODULES: CAACIT = 40,000 GPO TOTAl CAACIT = 70,000 GPO FIRST HA RESERV AREA = 4 MODULES: CAACIT = 40.000 GPD SECOND HAL RESERV AREA = 4 MODULES: CAACIT = 40,000 GPD TOTAl RESER CAPACITY = 80.00 GPO Page 2 (§ .. - .... ~-, ...£.. ...... i. "iivu. V.L .I'\""V1.U i.V.iUllUUY L.illC1c; ¡JUUlllJ.ey J. at:" J. vi i SUGAR, IDAHO (108818) Period of Record Monthly Climate Summary Period of Record: 8/1/1948 to 5131/1976 Averae Max. Temperatu (F Average Min. Temperatue (F) Avere Total Precipitation (in.) Average Tota SnowFall (in.) Average Snow Depth (in.) Percent of possible observations for penod of record. Ma. Temp.: 97% Min. Temp.: 96.7% Prcipitation: 98.4% Snowfall: 92.2% Snow Depth: 81.6% Check Stati()Il Metac:ata or Metadatagraprnç:s for more detl about data completeess. Jan Feb Mar Apr May lun lui Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Anual 57.028.7 34.7 43.2 56.1 68.3 755 84.6 83.0 135 60.8 43.8 31.8 8.2 12.1 18.9 21.9 36.1 42.6 46.9 44.7 36.1 28.1 21.4 1l.5 28.0 0.98 1.00 0.82 1.07 1.53 1.18 0.68 0.83 0-89 1.02 1.09 1.2~ 12.9 10.2 5.2 2.4 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 5.7 15.1 535 8 1 3 o o o o o o o o 4 2 -.-. .----, ',.---~~-------~. ---~._-_.._------~.~.~_.._--'''-_._----_._._._-_._--_..~-.-._- ~_._-.---- - ,,------_.- Western Regional Climate Center, iw'cc(iAri.edu htt://ww.wrcc.dr.edu/cgi-bincliCt.pl?idsuga ~\ L(iJ IVI3 ~ ~~. ~~~ ~ . ~~~ ~ ..LJ.L, ...LfLJ.V' i ~U.VU VI n.C;"UIU IViUHUUY \.HIUie ~UIlllliY rage 1 U.l 1 IDAHO FALLS 2 ESE, IDAHO (104455) Period of Record Monthly Climate Summary Period of Record : 5/20/1952 to 6/30/2004 Average Max. Temperatu (F) Average Min. Temperatue (F) Average Tota Prcipitation (in.) Averae Tota SnowFall (in.) Average Snow Depth (in.) Percent of possible observations for period of record. Max. Temp.: 94.5% Mi. Temp.: 94.8% Precipitation: 91.4% Snowf: 83.8% Snow Depth: 74.8% Check Station Meta.qataor MetamJ5faQhics for more detl about da completeness. Jan Feb Mar Apr May lun lul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Anual 58.730.2 37.0 47.2 58.3 68.5 77.6 86.7 85.6 75.3 61.6 43.9 32.1 13.0 17.6 24.6 31.8 39.7 46.7 52.3 50.2 41.7 32.1 23.3 14.4 32.3 1.03 0.93 0.99 1.12 1.62 1.28 0.56 0.74 0.86 0.91 1.01 1.04~0:V 8.2 5.3 3.1 0.9 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 3.3 7.4 29.0 3 2 o o o o o o o o o 2 1 -'~"------------'---'-------"'--, ---~---'-----~_______'" .-0 _.___________._.__~~__.___._._...____.____..______.__...__._____.____'_.___.__.~____.________.__...._.~._ _,'_._,_ _ . _..._____._._..,_,.. __,_ ._.__...,. "._ _'.'_ Western Regional Climate Center, wrcc(?dri.edu -"-'-'----.__..', ---/ -- - - --.. ------ ---. (ß htt://ww.wrcc.dn.edulcgi-bincliRECtM.pl?idifal 12113/2004 REXBURG RICKS COLLEGE, IDAHU Penon OJ K~UIU J.VJvu....J '-~...--- --- REXBURG RICKS COLLEGE, IDAHO (107644) Period of Record Monthly Climate Summary Period of Record : 7/1/1977 to 6130/2004 Average Max. Temperatue (F) Average Mi. Temperatue (F) Average Tota Precipitation (in.) Averae Total SnowFall (in.) Average Snow Depth (in.) Percent of possible observations for period of reord. Max. Temp.: 92.9% Mi. Temp.: 93% Precipitaon: 91.8% Snowfall: 92.1% Snow Depth: 85.6% Check Statiqri MetflQflIfor M~tfldal:~tgrn12biçs for more detal about dat completeness. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun luI Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Anual 56.8 29.3 33.5 46.3 57.4 66.0 74.8 83.6 84.5 74.2 60.4 41.2 30.2 10.4 14.2 23.6 30.7 38.6 44.9 49.3 47.4 38.6 29.6 20.1 11.1 29.9 13.1 11.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.04é3 16.5 56.6 1.07 1.05 1.02 1.12 1.88 1.38 0.90 0.71 0.81 1.00 1.15 4.0 0.5 0.0 0.2 7.9 9 8 4 o o o o o o o 1 6 2 - -_. -- -- ----- - -----._-~---------~---_.__. -----~- ----------_.--~---~~ .-------". ._.~---.--"-...-.._-_._-" .-_.-.- --.--_.-.--"-- -._._-----....-_...-_._----~_._. .... Western Regional Climate Center, wrçp(jt.ri,J!dy (§ htt://ww.wrcc.dri.edulcgi-bincliCtM.pl?idrexb 12/13/2004 Background Nitrate Levels Countr Squires Estates - west of proposed development May 2004 - 0.85 mg/l Sept 2003 - 1.1 Sept 2002 - 1.4 Ireland Acres - west of proposed development June 2004 - 1.1 mg/l Sept 2003 - 0.96 Nov 2002 - 1.55 Average = 1.16 mg/l Results were obtained from Idaho Falls offce ofIDEQ c§ f PROJECT DOCUMENTS PEPPERWOOD CROSSING SUBDIVISION JEFFERSON COUN-TY, IDAHO WATER SYSTEM SPECIF"'ICATIONS & DRAWINGS FOR JIM BERNARD RECEIVED MAR 1 3 2006 DEQ-IDAHO FALLS SUBI\1ITTED BY ENGiNEERING, INC. Consulting Engiri~ers and Professional Land Surveyors As Approved by IDEQ March 2, 2006 Original IDEQ Stamped Copy Available At Thompson Engineering, Inc. ~ ~ ~ ==.. =.. STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Dirk Kempthorne, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director 900 North Skyline Dr., Suite B . Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-1718. (208) 528-2650 March 2, 2006 Jim Bernard Landmark Development Properties, LLC 3894 N. 200 W. Rigby, il 83442 Re: Pepperwood Crossing Division No.1, Water and Sewer Improvement Drawings, Drinking Water & Large Soil Adsorption System, Jefferson County, DEQ# 06-02-26 Dear Mr. Bernard: We have reviewed the drinking water and wastewater plans and specifications for the Pepperwood Crossing Division No.1. The plans appear to meet state standards and are hereby approved with the following conditions: 1) 2) 3) Maintain a 50-foot radius around the wellheads to exclude potential containation sources. A copy of the well drillers permit from the Departent of Water Resources and a completed well log for Well #1 and Well #2 must be submitted to this offce. A complete water quality analysis including coliform bacteria, general mineral, general physical, inorganic and organic chemical constituents of the water produced by the well must be completed and be in compliance with the public drinking water stadards. DEQ must approve the water quality test results before the well is placed into domestic service. Water and sewer mains shall be separated by a horizonta distace no less than ten (10) feet, and a vertical distace of no less than eighteen (18) inches. In any instance where such separation is not achievable the water and sewer mains must be installed in accordance with the Idaho Rules for Public Drinkine Water Systems (IAP A According to the plans and specifications the water and sewer line crossings near MH #2 and MH #3 appear to be within the allowable eighteen (18) inches and must be sleeved in accordance with the rules. Flushing hydrants are noted on the plans, it is important to note that the system does not provide fire flow; therefore, fire hydrants shall not be installed in place of flushing hydrants on the system. The plans and specifications show water stops on the floor of the recirculation tan, but not the lid. Water stops must be installed on the lid and the floor of the recirculation tank. An Operations and Maintenance Manual must be submitted to this offce and the Distrct Seven Health Deparent after installation and prior to use of the large soil absorption system. The O&M Manual must include but is not limited to the following: · Monitoring and Reporting Plan Samples of record keeping forms · Procedures and frequency for effuent testing · Maintenance and pumping of individual septic tas . Frequency and procedures for rotating drainelds - ¡¡ ¡¡ E 4) 5) 6) 7) ;¡~¡¡ ¡¡-- ~ ::~ = =" ¡¡~ -~ š ¡¡!! ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS FOR: PEPPERWOOD CROSSING SUBDIVISION WELL, PUMPHOUSE, AND WATER SYSTEM LOCATION: IN THE SE X OF SECTION 36, T4N R38E, B.M. JEFFERSON COUNTY, IDAHO TABLE OF CONTENTS: IDEO CHECKLISTS IDEO APPENDIX A SPECIFICATIONS: CHAIN LINK FENCING. ....02080 TRENCHING.... .02324 WATER SYSTEM.....02600 WATER WELL.. .,.02650 TESTING AND DISINFECTION. ....02675 CONCRETE FORMWORK.. ...031 00 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT.. ...03200 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE.....03300 WELL AND PUMPHOUSE DRAWINGS DESIGNED BY: Daniel B. Sharp, P.E. 154 East Main, PO Box 55, Rigby, ID 83442 Phone (208)745-8771 Fax (208)745-6391 IDE CHECKLIST 1410 Nort Hilton. Boise, 10 83706-1255. (208) 373-0502 GENERA PLAN AN SPECIFICATION REVIEW CHECKLIST Revision: Januar 2005 A. ADMINISTRATIV COMMENTS All applicable checklists shall be completed and submitted with the application uness a parcular Regional Offce follows a different routine for paricular tyes of projects. Contact the Engineerng Manager for the DEQ Regional Offce in your area for direction on this issue of required use. Paricular Regional Offces may also have additional information available for use by developers and consultants. Some of ths inormation is in the form of "Design File Notes" (DFN's) or other guidance, which include explanations for filling out some of the checklists, guidance on paricular issues, etc. These Design File Notes can be obtaied from your local Regional Offce Engineerng Manager if they are applicable to your Region. B. GENERAL PROÆCT INFORMTION 1. Project Name: Pepperood Crossing 2. Location: SE 1/4 OF SECTION 36, T4N, R38E, B.M. City:N/A County: Jefferson 3. Project Descnption: New Subdivision with water and sewer systems 4. Project includes modications to, or plans for a new: ~blic driog water s)Tstem ----------------------------------------------------------------~ ~blic sewer system -------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Storm water disposal system ---------------------------------------------------------------0 Pressure Irigation system ----------------------------------------------------------------- ~ 5. Design Engieer: Danel Shar Fir: Thompson Engineerg ~-PE Address: 154 E. Main City: Rigby State: il ZIP: 83442 E-mail Address:daniels1§cableone.net General Plan and Specification Review Checklist Revision: Januar 2005 Page 1 of5 Phone:(208) 745-8771 (208) 745-6391FAX: 6. Project Owner or Developer: (Please provide exact name of owner or authorized representative) Name: Jim Bernard Fir: Landmark Devlopement Properes, LLC Address: 3894 N. 200 W.City: Rigby State: il ZIP: 83442 E-mail Address: Phone: (208) 745-7099 Name of entity that wil operate and maintain completed systems (Please provide exact name of 7. owner or authoried representative) Name:Jim Berard Fir:see above Address:City:State:ZIP: E-mail Address: 8. Dring water system is "Investor Owned" (Investor owned includes "C" or "s" Corporations, sole proprietorships, parerships, LLC's, etc.) IZ Yes 0 No (If yes, your system may also be regulated by the Idaho Public Utility Commission. Please contact the Idaho Public Utilty Commission about your regulatory statu.) c: REQUIRED SUBMITTALS AND CERTIFICATIONS Projects wi not be accepted uness al necessar submittls have bee attched, or an explanation for their omission has been provided. 1. Submittals: a. All perinent DEQ checklists included?---------------------------------------________-----------IZ b. City Council or County approval attched? ---------------------------------~--------------IZ c. If a project wil be platted, the submitt must include either the preliar plat or, if available,the preliar version of the fial plat IZ d. If the project wil be par of an existing water or sewer system, certcations that the existig systems wil not be overloaded are provided: (check all that apply) o - Calculations from a registered professional engineer 0- A letter(s) of cerfication from the owner(s) e. Engineerg inspection and as-built certification contract is attched. (Ths contract must cover pressured irgation systems, if par of the project.) ---------------- IZ General Plan and Specification Review Checklist Revision: Januar 2005 Page 2 of5 Inspector's name and firm if different from design engineerig fir: 2. Certfications: a. The attched plans represent the final, approved set from the utilty: ----------------------------- ~ b. The Dig-line number has bee provided to owners and contractors: ------------------------------ 0 c. If the project wil generate dewaterg or other constrction wastewater that discharges to State waters, then a Short Ter Activity Exemption, or equivalent, has been obtained: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ IDEQ representative issuing exemption:Not applicable d. If the project contains both water and sewer mains, but those services are provided by different utilities, contact DEQ: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ~ - Show the water and sewer on the same plans 0- lfnot, prior approval must be received from DEQ e. Constrction without approval from DEQ, or without engieeg superision, is a violation ofIdaho Code 39-118 (and/or associated state rues). We can assist you as needed to resolve these situations and request that you contact DEQ imediately if you lear of these violations: -------------------------------------------------------- ~ f. All other easements, perits, and rights-of-way have been obtained:----------------------------- ~ D. PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS 1. Plans must have: a. Cover sheet with Table of Contents for plan set: ---------------------------------------------- i; b. Clear vicinity map or wrtten directions to location of project: ------------------------------ i; c. Nort arows: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i; d. Bound and numbered pages: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- i; e. Index sheet showing overall layout of plan and profie sheets:------------------------------ i; f. Plans (al sheets) and first page of specifications must be: Signed - i; Dated - i; Stamped - i; 2. A table of contents is included for engineerig reports and bound specifications: -------------- ~ 3. Identify the standard specifications used for this project (may be more than one): General Plan and Specification Review Checklist Revision: Januar 2005 Page 3 of5 ~ - Idaho Standards for Public Works Constrction (2003): D - Muncipality: D - Utilty: D - Other: Cuent date: Curent date: Curent date: Curent date: 4. Non-potable mais are: a. 1 0' from water lies: ---------------________________________________________________________________ ~ b. 50' from public or private wells: -----_____________________________________________________ ~ E.STORMATER DISPOSAL 1.Storm water removal and treatment description: stormwater wil not be collected. There is no curb and gutter so the stormwater wil ru off of the road and inltrate into the ground. Storm water ponds, basins, seepage beds, and appurenant strctues are in conformance with the curent Catalog o(Storm Water Best Management Practices for Idaho Cities and Counties: _____ ~ a. BMP #s used: none b. Depth to seanal high groundwater (SHGW): 38 ft How detered? well logs in the area 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Separation betwee SHGW and dispsa system: ~ - Greater than 5' where level can't be detered accurately D - Greater than 3' where level is predictable Storm water ponds, basins, inltration systems, and appurenant strctues are on the plans: Subsurace disposal or permanent unlied ponds must be at least 100' from any well: ________ ~ Subsuace disposal or peranent uned ponds must be at least 25' from any water lie: ______ ~ Geotechncal Report attched--------------------------___________________________ _________________________ D Previously Submitted by Aspen Engineerg I)raige Fteport attched-----------------------________________________________________________________ o Not Applicable Other potable wells with 500': None c. --------- ~ 8. F.PRESSURIZED IRRGATION This section is required for projects that include pressured irgation. 1. Plans and specifications for pressu irgation systems are provided: -------------------------- 0 Not on this submittL. Future. Seeking sewer and potable water system approval for now. 2. Additional information is included showing the design and management system:------------------ D 3. Who wil supply irgation water for the system? General Plan and Specification Review Checklist Revision: Januai 2005 Page 4 of5 4. If the potable water system supplies a pressure irigation system, specify a reduced pressure back-flow prevention device that is on the Drinking Water List of Approved Back-jow Prevention Devices: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 5. We understad that the record drawings or as-built cerfication must cover the pressured irgation system. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------i: Note: This checklst addresses the majority of common items from the Idaho Rules for Public Drinkiug Water Systems (lDWS), the Recommended Standards for Water Works (RWW, and common engineering practices. However, this checklst is not all-inclusive and users are expected to fuly understand the rules and standards, apply them where necessary, and request interpretations from DEQ if there are any questions. DEQ regional offces may have additional written information that wi assist in the design/approval process. All of the items indicated on the above checklist are accurately reflected in the attached Plans and Specifcations. Design Engieer's Signatue: ~ ,6_ b-Date:Z.1/Ó/6~ P.E. Stamp: General Plan and Specification Review Checklist Revision: Januar 2005 Page 5 of5 WELL BOUSE AR EQUIMENT DESIGN CHEKLIST IDAHO DEPARTM OF ENONMAL QUALITY Project Name: Pepperwood Crossing Water System Name: Wil be disclosed in the TF when it is submitted L ADMlSTRATl COMMTS Yes A.Al applicable checklst ite must be specificay addressed in the plans and specifications, in a maer tht clealy shows how eah ite wi be satisfied Numbers in parentheses refer to applicale ~sections of either the Recommend Stads/or Water Works, 2003 Edition (RSWW or the Idao Rules for Public Drnkng Water Systems (IDWS). The aconym (CEP) afer some of the items stands for Common Engieerig Practce. If rues or stds are to be us for coon, th mu be wr on the plan or includ in the specaton, not mely referce R Writt justication mus be provide for an cross-hatched areas that are ~checked C.If th facilty ha bost pumps or stdby power, also complete ~Drg Wate Puping Station Checklst. IL DOCUMES REOUIRD FOR SUBMlAL A.Well Houe and Eqpmen Deign Chest (ths ch).~ R Th complet sets of sta plan and specifcations. (One set wi be ~kept for DEQ fies). (CEP) C.Are confed spac entr procur necssai for opeator safety 0specifed? (Rqued for below ground vaults). (CEP) D.An Engieeg Rert contag sucient det to support al design and equipment selection (IDWS 551.01), and an Operation and Maiteance Manua suc tht a reable qualed opeator could nm 0the syst with a mi of inon (CEP). Co th region DEQ offce for assisce. This will be submitted with Record Drawngs E.Geeral Plan and Specifcation Reew Chect.~ WeD House and Equipment Design Checklt Februar 2005 Page I of 7 IlL SITE PROTECTION A.Prote from floog (:f grade at leas 3 feet abve 100 year or highest recrded floo whichever is grate). (RWW 6. L La) Readiy accsible at al ties. (RWW 6.I.1.b)B. C.Graded to diver suace wate nmoff 50 ft. away from well hous. (RWW 6.LLc) D.Prote from vandalm, anal, or unauthor persons. (RWW 6.LLd) Æ PLAS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTENT A. Buidig: 1. Adequte spac for equipment inalation and service. (RWW i: 6.2.a) 2. Adequae spac for additional unts (gowt and exanon). i: (RSWW 6.2.a) 3. If diinection is not in the projec show location of possible i: futue disinection equipment and cota ta. (RWW 6.2.a) 4. If gaseous disinecon is a par of the project, show separat D room, alar, ventiation no floor dr, panc hadware, etc. See Ten State Stadads for ChIonne Rooms /Chemcal Storage and apply as appropriate. (RWW 5) 5. Solutons of chonne, polyphosphate, or simar liquds could D ha eyes if splashed If ta with these solutions are par of the project, eyewash station are recmmende and may be requed in some ca. The regional offce was cota to discuss design requients. (RWW 5.3) 6. Floor greater than 6 inches above suoundig fished grade. i: (RWW 6.2.c) 7. Floor sloped at least 3 inches per each 10 fee to floo drai or to i: daylight. (CEP) 8. Floor drai not diecly coec to santa sewer, st sewer, chlore room drai oth non-potable wate systm, et. (to i: daylight prefered with appropriate ai gap). (IDWS 550.03.miv) 9. Floor drai sumps grate th 30 feet frm well. (IDWS i: Yes ~ ~ ~ i: Well House and Equiment Design Checklt Februar 200 Page 2 of 7 550.03.m.iv) 10.Pu glands not drg on floo. (RWW 6.2.f)D 11.Accs provided for pum reoval and matece. Speal ~eqpmet for remval oflarger pums provided as necsar. (RWW 6.2.2.a,b) 12.Staays and ladder. (RWW 6.2.3)D 13.Heatig, lightig, and ventiation shown on plan. (lDWS D550.03.ini) 14.Underground strctues or areas that are unafe or excessively hot have forc ventiaton of at lea 6 complet ai chge pe Dhou. (Also see Ite IIC) (CEP) is.No conscton (other th well coon) with 50 fee of ~the well. (CEP) Yes 16.No septic ta dreld, storm wate draield, or pod with ~ 100 feet of the well. (lDWS 900.01) 17.Is the door loc un an eae whch could subjec the Denance to a pileu of falen snow? (CEP) 18.An enlos spac large enugh for a ma to ente, or which ~reqes hi hea to be below groun level for maance, is potetial dagerous as a confed spac du to oxyge deficiency. Ths projec doe not conta an of those stctes ~ or the regiona offce was contate to dicus site-spifc ways to hadle the confed space (CEP) 19 The DEQ regional offce was cotacted to discus sta power ~or equivalen. If stdby power is reqed then al appropriat docentaon is athed (RWW 6.6.6) 20.An ungrund stcte sh be watfed. (RWW ~6.2.d) 21.Al stct shal be of duable constion fie and weather ~resista, with outwd opeg doors. (RWW 6.2.b) B.Eqypment: 1.Amerage or overload dettor, autoc cu o:t or other ty ~of pump faiure warg device. (CEP) Not ShO\\'Il on plan, Bradey Engieeg is designg ths into the controls syst 2.Smooth nose samle ta at a plac wher potive pree is ~mata pror to stge. (IDWS 550.03.9) Iftr is WeD House and Equipment Design Checkl February 2005 Page 3 of 7 provide smooth nose sample tas sha be provde beore and afr treatmen (CEP) 3.Al source pumps and booste pums connecte diectly to the ~ditrbuton syst sh have intaeous and totag flow metes uness deed unecsar by the Dearent in a parcuar application. The Dearent ma reqe larger wate system to provide a mea of autaticay recdig the tota water pumpe. (lDWS 550.03.j) Met have staigh lengt of pipe upstram and downam for each pump as requed by the mete manufactuer. (CEP) 4.Isolation or shut-offvalve. (RWW Gate valves ~shal not be used to thotte flow. (CEP) 5.Above ground check valve locte betee well and shut-off ~valve. (RWW 6.6. I) Additiona drop pipe check valves ar recended. (CEP) 6.Ai/vacum release valve outlet is sceeed downtued 18 ~inches above floor, and betwee pum and check valve (reed for lie shaftuine pumps, but al acctable for submerible pums). (RWW 7.Wate pressue relief valve downtream of check valve and pipe ~to outide uness othere autorze by DEQ. (lDWS 550.06.b) 8.Pressue gauge. (lDWS 550.03.i)~ 9.Pup to was caabilty. Indicate where wate wi be ~dischged (IDWS 550.03.h) 10.Chlorite wate diharge do not violate Sta water qualty ~stadards. (IAPA 11.Perent proviion for wate level measuemnt. (RWW ~ 12.If Wate lubricated pump sha ar used they sh be pre-~lubricate with wate as requi by the manactr. (CEP) 13.If pump shaf are lubrica with oil the oil mut be ceed to 0ANSIISF stdard 60 (IDWS 552.02), an the oil sha be speced in th O&M manua. (CEP) Yes 14.Are mercu seal on submersible pums? If yes, proces for 0 removig pump(s) to prevent loss of mercu are requi in the operation and mateance manua. (CEP) Page 4 of 7Well House and Equiment Deign Checklt February 200 15.Pu control valve. (RWW 6.6.1)0 16.VSD 0 or VF with Varable Spe Conoller i:?~ C.Pitiess Adapte: 1.Pitless adpte approved by NSF, Wat Syst Counci or ~ equivalen. Make an modl ar show in th plan and speccaon. (IDWS 550.03.m. vi.(l)) 2.Field te pe Manua of Invidu Wat Supply Syst,0excet for welded on unts. (IDWS 550.03.m. vi.(3)) 3.Replacent of uppe casing anar seal to the origi ~ spifcations. (CEP) D.Well Pups: 1.Type of pump: i: Submeble.o Line sha. 2.Pup cue and sy cue inlud? Syst cue ca not be generated unti the protion of th aquer relative to drwdown is.k Al of the loss varables ar atthe 3.Th pha power? (CEP)I: 4.Adequtely coled (CEP)I: 5.Line sh pum dischage mag flange pecu to casing.0(CEP) 6.Line shaf pump with non-ro raet or tie delay swtch.0 I:(CEP) 7.Wat lube lie solenid coolled? (CEP)0 I: 8.Submersible Pus: ANSIISF stdad 61 ceed well sea.~0(IDWS 550.02) 9.Pup cotrol strategy and equpment decribed in plan and 0specifcations. (CEP) Bradley Engieeg is completeing pump control. Sca style system wi two VF's attched to submersbles. 10.Al automatic station should be provide with autmatic ~signg apar te whch wi re wh th ston is ou of serce. Al reote controlled ston sh be electrcal opeate and controlled and sha have signg appar of proven performce. Intaation of eleccal eqpmen sha conform with st and local electrca cos and the National Eleccal Code. (RWW 6.5) ... Bradley Engieeg Well House and Equipment Design Checkl February 2005 Page 5 of 7 NA E.Pressue Tan 1.Sizg cntea based on RSWW 7.2.2. Tan are not an integral D ~ par of ths system. Sizg is irelevant. Ony used to give the VFD a break at night and to assis in reducing pipe hamer. 2.Bypass valvig provided per RSWW 7.2.3.rg D 3.For fabricate ta, designed per RSWW 7.2.4.D D 4.For fabricate ta, constrct per ASME coe. (RWW 7.2)0 ~ 5.For bladder ta, NSF approved. (IRDWS 550.02)rg F.Booster Pwping Station Design (for well houses tht include above Dground booster pumps) 1.The in pressure shal be at lea 20 psi when the pum is in nor opeation. (lDWS 550.06.di)D 2.Boost pums with sucton lis diecy connecte to a pressu ma sha be protete by an autoatic cuff or low Dpresue controller and sha mai at leas 10 psi in the suction line. (RWW 6.4.c) 3.Boote pumps with sucton lies diy coecte to an D ~ storage resoir shal be protete by an automatic cutoff to prevent pump dage and avoid excesive reseroir drawdown The site-speifc design was exlaied in the engieeg report or discse with the regional offce." (Popose IRDWS Rule - the more conserative RSWW cntea from the prevous section may be used inad) 4.Staon bypass avaiable. (RWW 6.4.e)D 5.Du alteatig trai syem mium requied. Al equipment Daccssible for sercig and reai. (RWW 6.3,6.4.1,6.6.5) 6.Pwp control stategy provided. Autmatic or remote cotrol devices shal have a rage betwee the sta and cuff pressue Dthat wi prevent excesive cyclig. (CEP) 7.Elapse ti met or cycle counter provided for each pum.D (CEP) 8.Al source pumps and boost pumps connecte diecy to the Ddistrbuton sym sha have intaeous and totag flow mete uness deeed unecss b the arentina Wen House and Equipment Design Checklt Februar 200 Page60f 7 parcuar applicaon. The Dearent ma req large wat syst to provide a mean of autmatica recdig the tota wate pumpe (lDWS 550.06.c) Met have staight lengt of pipe upstream and downeam for eah pump as requied by mete maacter. (CEP) 9. Individu bo pums stony died but if alowed on a cae-by-c basis, the PWS sh own operat, and maita 0 them. Bo pums mus have a low sution presi cut-off Pressi calcuations showg mium presue reqemen wi be satsfied (RWW 6.4.4) Not: Th checkl addreses the majori of common itms from the Idaho Rules for Pub6c Drig Watr Systms (lDWS), the Recmmended Standards for Water Work (R, and common engieerig practces. However, thi checkl is not aUinclusive and users are expec to fuy understad the nies and standards, apply them where necssary, and request interpretatns from DEQ if there ar any questions. DEQ reginaloffs may have addional wrn inormat that wi assis in the desapproal pros. Al of the items indicated on the above checklt ar accurately reflected in the attched Plans and Specifications. Design Engiee's Signtu: 5: J ß. ~Date:e¡ II laoS P.E. Sta: Checklst References: 1. Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IRPDWS) 2. Well Consction Stads 3. RecommenddStandsfor Water Works (RWW dated2003. 4. Johnson, Grouater an Wells 5. AWWA Stads 6. Manal of Individual Water Supply Systems Wen House and Equipment Design Checklt Februar 2005 Page 7 of 7 DRINKING WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION DESIGN CHECKLIST IDAHO DEPARTM OF ENVONMENAL QUALIT Project Name: Pepperwood Crossing Water System Name: Wil be disclosed when the TFM is submitted. L ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS A.All applicable checklist items must be specifcally addressed in the plans and specifications, in a maner that clealy shows how each item wil be satisfied. Numbers in parentheses refer to applicable sections of either the Recommended Standards for Water Works, 2003 Edition (RSWW) or the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IRPDWS). The acronym (CEP) after some of the items stands for Common Engieering Practice. If rules or standards are to be used for constrction, they must be written on the plans or included in the specifications, not.merely referenced. Written justifcation must be provided for any crosshatched areas that are checked. B. IL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE SUBMITTAL A. Well Constrction Checklist (this checklist). B. General Plan and Specification Review Checklist. C. Three complete sets of staped plans and specifications. (One set wil be kept for DEQ files). (CEP) D. E. Well Design Engineering Report. (IRDWS 551.01) A signed inspection contract. (RSWW 1.6) IlL ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Was IDWR consulted prior to well design? B. Application to Appropriate Water fied with IDWR (IDAPA and an approved Permit to Appropriate Water included with submittaL. (CEP) C. Application for Driling Permit fied with IDWR. (IDAP A Note: Water Rights and Drilling Permit must be approved by IDWR prior to constrction. Yes NANo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ Well Construction Design February 2005 Page 1 of7 Checklst Yes No NA E.Professional engineerig & inspection serices available durg well ~constrction?(IRDWS 551.04.c) F.Are miimum separation distaces from non-potable water systems,~proper lines, surace waters, and other sources of containation provided? (IRDWS 550.03.b) IV MATERIL AND EQUIPMENT A.Specifications for material transporttion, handling, storage, and protection.~ (CEP) B.Equipment and/or materials, includig drllig fluids, used in well constrction NSF Stadad 61 approved or equivalent. (IDWS 550.02)~ V.GEOLOGIC SAMPLING A.Sampling interal (e.g. ever 5 feet or change in lithology), and methods ~identified. (RSWW B.Need for geophysical logs (i.e., resistivity, gama, sonic, etc.)? (CEP)D ~D C.Collect and save samples? (CEP)~D D VL DRILLING A.Separate specifcation sections for each ty of acceptable drlling method.~ (CEP) B.All "downole" materials cleaned and disinfected with 500 ppm chlorie ~solution. (IDAPA C.ANSIISF 61 cerified driling mud product name(s) or specification.~(IDAPA (IRDWS 550.02) D.Record location and approximate volume of drlling mud losses.(CEP)~ D.Written approval of the well site received from DEQ. (IDWS 550.03.a) Received a verbal from Carlin Fiesthamel VIL CASING A. Thickness and weight for steel pipe must meet Recommended Stadards for ~ Water Works requirements (i.e., 8-inch casing must be at least 0.322 inches o Well Construction Desigu February 2005 Page 2 of7Checklst thick). (RSWW Table 1) B.For steel casing, welding procedures and specifications. (CEP)~ C.For steel casing, welds penetrate full thickness of the casing wall.(IAPA ~ D.Plastic well casing must be cerified per ANSIISF Standards 14 and 61 and ASTM F480, and be approved for site specific use by DEQ and IDWR. The engineer must be present durg placement of the casing and any 0packig material that is required to ensure strctual stability. (RSWW Yes E.Instrctions for removal of temporar casing (i.e., to prevent separation ~during extraction). (CEP) F.Depth of penetration of well casing into identified confining layer is clearly 0 shown in the plans and specifications (CEP) G.If drve shoes are used to seal casing, descnbe method for testing shoe seaL.0 (CEP) H.Plumbness and alignent test methods and allowable tolerance clearly ~ stated in the specifications? (RSWW i.Top of casing at least 12 inches above fiished grade and/or 6 inches above ~floor, preferably higher. (IRDWS 550.03.l.i) J.Finished grade at least 12 inches above natual ground level to provide ~slope away from well in all directions. (CEP) K.Peranent 1 Yi inch diameter casing vent (downtued, screened with #24 mesh, and terminating at least 18 inches above floor or ground) or ~equivalent vented well cap. (RSWW VIIL SEALS A.Depth, method of placement, and tye of seaL. 1.Poured or pumped. (circle one that applies) 2.Placement of seal wil be slow and continuous.(CEP) 3.Volume and tye of material wil be recorded and checked against engineering specifications every 5 to 10 feet. (CEP) 4.Minimum 50% excess seal matenal wil be on site. (CEP)~ 5.Temporrt casing and/or tremie wil be withdrawn as the seal is ~placed. ( P) B.Minimum requirements for anular sea thickness are specified in ~ accordance with RSWW Well Construction Design February 2005 Page 3 of7 Checklst C.Testing method for well seal is specified (regular tagging of top seal, volume calculations, bail downfi up, other). (CEP) Consultant present and IDWR contacted prior to seal placement. (contact IDWR) D. E.Interediate seals to separate aquifers that are, or may be, contaminated or yield undesirable water. (RSWW Casing wil be provided with suffcient guides welded to the casing to permit unobstrcted flow and uniform thckness of grout. (RSWW Placing guides at least every 60 feet is recommended. (CEP) F. G.After cement grouting is applied work on the well shall be discontinued until the cement or concrete grout has properly set. (RSWW IX SCREENS AND PERFORATED CASINGS A.304, 304L, 306, or 306L (ANSI/SF Standard 61 certified stainless steel, or i: other material resistat to damage by chemical action of groundwater or cleaning operations as approved by the Deparent. (RSWW The specifications describe minimum constrction requirements and/or i: acceptable brands. (CEP) Casing perorations siz, tye and spacing specifed wil be designed i: according to the results of sieve analyses. (IDWS 550.03.e.iü.(3)) Screen diameter and placement detail is included, including blan casing i: and bottom plate or wash down bottom fitting of the same material as the screen. and minimum use of drllg muds). (RSWW The screen wil be centered in the anular space. (CEP) i: B. C. D. E. i: i: D i: i: Yes No NA D D D D D X FILTER PACK (Note: All screens and perforated sections shall befilter packed unless otherwise authorized by DEQ/lDWR) A. Material description and physical properies and disinfection requirements i: are specified in accordance with RSWW B.Make & model of screen sea or packer (to protect against leakge of grout into the gravel pack or screen) is shown on the plans and described in the specifications. (RSWW Wil be recommended by the screen manufacturer. D C.Filter pack designed from aquifer formation sieve analysis evaluated by engineer or geologist (and scree manufactuer ifrequested). (IRDWS 550.03.e.iii.(3)) i: D Well Construction Design February 2005 Page 4 of7 Checklist D.Details of fiter pack placement requiements are specifed in accordace with RSWW Wil be once the depth of well is reached and the particle size is defiate E.Details of fiter pack including tagging, volume checks, and extension above and below screen (tyically 3 feet) are specified. (CEP) Wil be done when screen is designed XI WELL DEVELOPMENT A. Development method, equipment, and duration are specified in accordance rg with RSWW B. Passing criteria is specifed in accordance with RSWW rg C. The specifcations require final cleaning of sup. (CEP) rg D. A preliminar production test is recommended, especially for air-rotar rigs. rg (CEP) D XIL FINAL PRODUCTION TESTS Engineer or geologist (or a representative of the engineer or geologist) present during testing. (CEP) B. The pump rate and duration are specified as: Section 02650.3.7. The well wil be test pumped at the design capacity for at least 24 consecutive hour afer drawdown has stabilized. A. Or . D The well wil be test pumped at 150% of the design capacity for at least 6 consecutive hours after drawdown has stabilzed. C. In either case, if the draw down does not stabilize, the pumping wil continue for at least 72 consecutive hours. (IRDWS 550.03.f.i) The specifications call for the data listed in IRDWS 550.03.f.II to be recorded and provided to DEQ. If the well is located in a low yield aquifer, an additional 3-day test at average ultimate use may be required - contact DEQ. This wil be a high yield aquifer D. E.Bacterial and chemical water quality testing as required for new sources. Contact DEQ for the specific monitorig requirements for different tyes of public water systems. Final disinfection and flushing to remove all chlorie are specifed in accordance with RSWW (Also see Item XN.A) F. G.TV inspection is specifed. (Recommended for all wells, paricularly with large wells or where problems are anticipated). (CEP) Measurement for sand content (must be 0: 5 ppm) either by laboratory or as specifed in IRDWS 550.03.f.ii. H. rg rg rg D Yes rg rg r; r; Well Construction Design February 2005 Page 5 of7 Checklst XIIL PITLESS ADAPTERS A.Pitless adapter approved by NSF, Water Systems Council, or equivalent.~Make and model are shown in the plans and specifications. (IDWS 550.03.m.vi.(1 )) B.Field tested per Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems, except for ~welded on units. (IRDWS 550.03.m.vi.(3)) C.Replacement of upper casing anular sea to the original specifications.~ (CEP) XI SITE CONTROL A.Constrction wastewater and storm water disposal methods are specified.~ (If discharged to surface water or canals, proper authorizations obtained) (CEP) B.Runoff shall not contain sediment uness erosion control measures,~approved by DEQ, are in place. (CEP) C.Water leaving the site does not conta drlling fluid additives, drll foam or ~sealant materiaL. (CEP) D.Well constrction waste and/or debris, includig drling fluid waste,~disposed of at a sanita landfill or other site approved by the enginee. (CEP) E.Dust and noise control recommended (CEP)0 F.Holes, pits, equipment, and chemicals safety stored and fenced per OSHA ~standards. (CEP)OSHA Standards are the responsibility of the Contractor XV:PROJECT COMPLETION Yes No NA A.Site cleanup requiements are specified. (CEP)~ B.Adequate temporar cover or cap per IDWR requirements. (IDAP A ~ C.Submit data and reports to engineer, DEQ, and IDWR. This shall include the well log, production pump specifications and pumping cures, pumping ~test results, and results of new source monitorig tests. (IRDWS 550.03.e) Note: This checklst addresses the majority of common items from the Idaho Rules for Public Drinng Water Systems (IDWS), the Recommended Standards for Water Works (RWW, and common engineering practices. However, this checklst is not all-inclusive and users are expected to fuly understand the rules and standards, apply Well Construction Design February 2005 Page 60f7 Checklst them where necessary, and request interpretations from DEQ if there are any questions. DEQ regional offces may have additional written information that wi assist in the design/approval process. All of the items indicated on the above checklst are accurately reflected in the attached Plans and Specifcations. Design Engineer's Signatue: Ð~,: .&Date: 9/1 / dS- P.E. Stamp: Checklist References: I. Idaho Rulesfor Public Drinking Water Systems (IRPDWS) 2. Well Construction Standards Rules (IDAPA 37.03.09) 3. Recommended Standards for Water Works (RSWW dated 2003. 4. Johnson, Groundwater and Wells 5. AWWA Standards 6. Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems Well Construction Design February 2005 Page 7 of7 Checklst PUBLIC DRINKIG WATER WELL SITE EVALUATION DEPARlMEN OF ENONMENAL QUALITY All public water well sites must be approved in writing by DEQ prior to drilling (Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IRPDWS), Section 550. 03. a). PROCEDUR 1. Call DEQ to determine if there is known groundwater contamination in the general area. 2. A registered professional engineer, geologist, or other consultat qualified in the field of hydrogeology must prepare a thorough site evaluation, includig items listed below. 3. Submit evaluation to DEQ, and schedule a field inspection. The exact location of the well must be staked by the engineer prior to DEQ inspection. 4. lfthe well is acceptable, DEQ wil issue written approval. 5. Plans and specifications for the well and pump ~ouse must be approved by DEQ prior to constrction. CHECKLIST FOR CONSULTANT 1. IZ Name of project or water system. Pepperood Crossing 2. i: Date DEQ contacted to discuss potential groundwater problems. First Week in August, 2005 3. i: Name of person contacted. Carli Feisthamel and Ryan Lofts visited the well site 4. ¡g Provide a narative discussion explaining why the site was chosen and why it is suitable for a public water system well. Discussion must include the following: The first site was chosen because it is central to the subdivision. The second site was chosen to assist in looping for this phase of the development and future phases. a. ~ Location (include separate vicinity map with directions to the site) (IRDWS 550.03.a) b. ~ Well lot must be dedicated to the water system only, and on prope owned or leased by the water system. Contact DEQ if the well lot is par of a larger commonly owned property. (IRDWS 550.03.0) Developer wil retain control of the utilty and well sites. c. ~ Terrain and access for driling rig and equipment (CEP) Good d. ~ Floodways and floodplains (IRDWS 551.01.n) None e. ~ Surounding land use (residential, commercial, industral, open space, etc.) (IRDWS 550.03.a.vi) Residential f. ~ Anticipated production rate of well (IRDWS 550.03.a.iv) 212 gpm g. ~ Description of soils and lithology (provide well log from nearby wells) (IRDWS 550.03.a.ii,iii) see well logs attached with these checklists h. ~ Anticipated depth to well screen; type and depth of anular seal (IRDWS 550.03.c) shown on plans i. ~ Discussion of groundwater quality, and any known contamination within 1 mile Public Water System Well Site Evaluation Februar 2005 Page 1 of4 (IRDWS 550.03.a.i)None known j. I: Underground geological data and well logs of existing neaby wells (IRDWS 55 L.OL.p.iii) k. I: Aquifer recharge projects or injection wells within 1 mile, and how they influence the proposed welL. (IRDWS 550.03.a.iv) None 1. I: How the well wil be protected against sources of pollution, or the how site conforms to the local well head protection plan (contact the city or county to determine implemented plans). (RSWW Fencing around well. Locking well house. Wells centered on lots. Located in a residential area. m. I: Potential for the well to be "Groundwater Under the Direct hifluence of Surface Water (GWUI; see GWUDI Evaluation Procedure on page 3). (IRDWS 55L.01.) n. I: Other evaluated well sites (RWW L.L.7.2.a) none others were evaluated. o. t8 Professional opinion that the site is suitable for a public water supply well (RSWW 1.1.7) Site is Suitable. Picked the well site for the features p. t8 Sign and date the evaluation (IDWS 551.04.a.i) 5. I: Provide a site map covering at a 50 ft. radius showing the following: a. t8 Well location (include vicinity map with directions to the well site) (RSWW 551.01.a) b. t8 Direction of ground water flow (RSWW 550.03.a.iii) c. t8 Potential sources of contamination within 500 feet of the well (RSWW 550.03.a.vi) None d. t8 Distance from well to lot boundaries (50 feet minimum) (RSWW 550.03.0, 551.01.p.ii) e. t8 Surace water sources, including lakes, rivers, canais, ditches, etc. (50 feet minimum separation) (RSWW 550.03.b) f. I: Slope of the land (RSWW 551.01.n) Flat g. I: Septic tans and drain fields (100 feet minimum separation for small systems; contact DEQ regarding separation and hydrologic analysis requirements for large disposal systems). (RSWW 550.03.b) h. i: Sewer, storms drains, irgation, and other non-potable mains or serice lines (50 feet miimum) (RSWW 550.03.b) 1. I: Other bured utilties (RSWW 550.03.b) j. I: Subsurface storm water disposal facilties or storm water ponds (100 feet minimum) (RSWW 550.03.b) None k. I: hijection wells (RSWW 550.03.b) None 1. I: Fuel tans (50 feet minimum unless containent is provided). (RSWW 550.03.b) None Public Water System Well Site Evaluation Februar 2005 Page 2 of4 m. ~ Roads and parkig areas (50 feet mium). (RSWW 550.03.b) n. ~ Buildings (50 feet minum) (RSWW 550.03.b) o. ~ Livestock (50 feet mium) (RSWW 550.03.b) None p. ~ Other potential sources of contaation (50 feet miimum) (RSWW 550.03.b) None NOTE: DEQ recommends ( and may require) distances greater than the minimums previously listed, if appropriate to protect public health REFERENCES Idaho Rulesfor Public Drinking Water Systems Recommended Standards for Water Works (also known as "Ten States Standards 'ï 2003 Administrative Rules of the Idaho Water Resource Board: Well Construction Standards, Rules Idaho Wellhead Protection Plan Cities and water pureyors are encouraged to develop wellhead protection plans to prevent containation of groundwater used for drg water. DEQ has developed a guidance manual to help communities prepare their plans. The Idaho Wellhead Protection Plan is avaiable at the regional DEQ offce. GWUDI Evaluation Procedure (Contact DEQ) The system owner must demonstrte, prior to sering the public, that the proposed source of water is unlikely to be considered as Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water (GWUDI). DEQ wil issue a determination with fmal wrtten approval of . the site in accordance with the following guidelines: 1. Sources within 200 feet of sUDace water must be evaluated for a six month period, per Procedure II in the protocol, unless hydrogeologic information is provided to show that testig is not required. (SUDace water is defined as water that flows or is ponded for more that 60 days per year: the days do not have to be continuous) 2. Well located betwee 200 and 500 feet from sUDace water are usually allowed less rigorous monitorig, and are allowed to sere customers, under Procedure II in the protocol. 3. Well located more than 500 feet from surface water are generally deemed "groundwater" uness the aquifer is ver shallow (e.g., springs or shallow well fields) or vulnerable to surface water (e.g., not protected by adequate confiing layers). Public Water System Well Site Evaluation Februar 2005 Page 3 of4 Note: This checklist addresses the majority of common items from the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IRDWS), the Recommended Standards for Water Works (RWW, and common engineering practices. However, this checklst is not all-inclusive and users are expected to fully nnderstand the rules and standards, apply them where necessary, and reqnest interpretations from DEQ if there are any questions. DEQ regional offces may have additional written information that will assist in the design/approval process. All of the items indicated on the above checklist are accurately reflected in the attached Plans and Specifications. Design Engineer's Signature: 9J4 W Date:C¡/I/O£ P.E. Stamp: Public Water System Well Site Evaluation Februar 2005 Page 4 of4 IDE CHECKLIST APPENDIX ~- ~ I\lV. ., I VV i, 1/ J Page 1 09/06/2005 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Permit Report 25-14165 WATER RIGHT NUMBER: 25-14165 Owner Type Current Owner Name and Address LANDMARK DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES LLC 3894 E 200 N RIGBY, ID 83442 (208) 520 2580 Priority Date: 01/14/2005 Basis: status: Active Source GROUND WATER Tributary Beneficial Use COMMERCIAL DOMESTIC From To Diversion Rate 0.320 CFS 1.610 CFS Annual Volume 01/01 to 12/31 01/01 to 12/31 Total Diversion:1.930 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion GROUND WATER JEFFERSON County GROUND WATER JEFFERSON County SW1/4SE1/4SE1/4 Sec. 36, Twp 04N, Rge 38E, B.M. SW1/4SE1/4SE1/4 Sec. 36, Twp 04N, Rge 38E, B.M. Place of Use COMMERCIAL Twp Rge Sec I NE I NW I SW I SE J 1 NE 1 NW 1 SW 1 SE 1 NE 1 NW 1 SW 1 SE 1 NE 1 NW 1 SW 1 SE 1 NE 1 NW 1 SW 1 SE 1 Totals04N 38E 36 I I I I X II I I I I DOMESTIC Twp Rge Sec I NE I NW J SW J SE J 1 NE 1 NW 1 SW 1 SE 1 NE 1 NW 1 SW 1 SE 1 NE 1 NW 1 SW 1 SE 1 NE 1 NW 1 sw 1 SE 1 Totals04N 38E 36 I I I I X X X X II I I I I Conditions of Approval: Page 2 1. 070 2. 3. X59 4. 065 5. X01 6. 104 7.067 8.046 9.X60 10.071 11.106 12. 13.26A 14. 051 Remarks: Comments: 09/0612005 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Permt Report 25-14165 The irrigation occurring under this domestc use shall not exceed 112 acre witin each platted subdivision lot upon which a home has been constructed. This right does not provide for irrigation of common areas or for irrigation of lots upon which homes have not been constructed. Commercial use is for 8 commercial lots. Points of diversion are located within Lot 9, Blk. 4, Pepperwood Crossing Subdivision. The right holder shall make full beneficial use of all surface water rights available to the right holder for irrigation of the lands authorized to be irrigated under this right The right holder shall limit the diversionof ground water for irrigation under this right to those times when the surface water supply is not available or the surface water supply is not reasonably sufficient to irrigate the place of use authorized under this right. Domestic use is for 249 homes. If the surfce water right(s) appurtenant to the place of use is sold, transferred, leased or used on any other place of use, this right to divert groundwater shall not be used for irrigation witout an approved transfer pursuant to Section 42-22, Idaho Code, or approvl of the Department if a transfer is not required. The right holder shall record the quantit of water diverted and annually report diversions of water and/or other pertnent hydrologic and system information as required by Section 42-701, Idaho Code. Right holder shall comply with the driling permit requirements of Section 42-235, Idaho Code and applicable Well Construction Rules of the Department. Place of use is located within Lots 1-24, Blk. 1; Lots 1-8, Blk. 2; Lots 1-11, Blk. 3; Lots 1-8, 10-29, Blk. 4; Lot 1, Blk. 5; Lots 1-19, Blk. 6; Lots 1-10, Blk. 7; and Lots 1-9, Blk. 8; and 139 lots with no designation; Pepperwood Crossing Subdivision. The domestic use authorized under this right shall not exceed 13,000 gallons per day per home. Prior to the diversion and use of water under this approvl, the riht holder shall comply with applicable water qualit standards of the Department of Environmental Qualit. The commercial use authoried under this right shall not exceed 0.04 cfs and 2,500 gallons per day per commercial use. Project construction shall commence within one year from the date of permit issuance and shall proceed diligently to completion unless it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Water Resources that delays were due to circumstances over which the permit holder had no control. Any license issued by IDWR pursuant to the right or portion thereof for the use of trust water is subject to a term review of 20 years after the date of this approval to determine availabilit of water for the use and to re-evaluate the public interest at the end of the term. "" ""1'I-VVJ /-.JJIHI 'YO.iIV LI~VL. vi VYctL~r I\e~uurces NO,41UU ~. 3/3 Page 3 09/06/2005 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Permit Repoi125-14165 Dates and Other Information: Permit Proof Due Date: 4/1/2010 Permit Proof Made Date: Permit Approved Date: 4/26/2005 Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Field Exam Date: Date Sent to State Ofice: Date Received at State Office: State or Federal: Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: Generic Max Rate Per Acre: Generic Max Volume Per Acre: Swn Falls Trust or Nontrust T Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Carey Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False Combined Use Limits: Water Supply Bank: J~wr.són ¡OJ ;; MayS,200S Page 501 but to have some local control. rIe would lie to be the one in ths position controlling the water and land. Roger Warner-Idaho Department of Water Resources- He has concerns relevant to the water rights. He confied that Walter's have applied for a non-consumptive use with their water shares for the washig of sand, and wanted the Board to know that the water would be delivered to other irrgators. J arin Hammer- Reviewing a letter on file he stated it was important to note the economic benefit ths will become for the County when the propert is put into its final use as a recreational area He agreed they would move the pump to the nort west comer. It was pointed out that they want to be good neighbors and will do their best to control the opposing problems such as stagnant water, dust and provide mosquito abatement. The Board having heard all testimonies went into discussion. It was stated one felt the Roberts area already has a high density of sand pits. The proposed permt was not in consistence with the vision seen in the new Comprehensive Plan or allowed with the reguations of the new Zonig Ordiance. The City of Roberts already has extensive trck traffc with cuent suroundig businesses, and without other traveling options this would only enhance the problem. Itwas agreed there is good sand to be extracted, and area provides ths as a natual resource, but impact atths tie would be too great on surounding residents. The Board members agreed it is fair to have competition, but felt thei job is to balance issues and not to litigate one propert rights from another. The residential density, health concerns, road issues, and disagreement from neighbors were some of the other factors discussed. George Newby made motion to deny the request for a Special/Conditional Use Permit. Syl Losinski second the motion. Motion to deny was based priariy from the opposition of surroundig residents, land being prie agricultural, the proposed consumptive water uses, large amount of evaporation from standing water, the residential impact, and opposing health concerns. Votig was unanious with all in favor. Motion to deny passed. FINAL SUBDIVSION PLAT FOR A SUBDIVSION TO BE CALLED PEglE:RWQQD CROSSING NO.2 Kevi Thompson-154 East Main Street, Rigby, Idaho- Reviewed with the Board the documents on fie for the final phase ofPepperwood Crossing No.2. He explaied it would have central water and sewer just as Pepperwood Crossing NO.1. They have D.E.Q. in Boise retrevig the nitrogen pathogen study, which they have stated is lookig good so far. The need behid the request is aleady they have sold fift- nine of the sixty lots out of phase one. The second reason beig the costs to build the inastrctue for the sewer and water systems would be more effective if they build it to suit both phases at once. Clyde Gilespie- Pointed out that in their protective covenants Section 4-6, it needs to be corrected to read as central water and sewer. Jim Bemard-426 North Yellowstone Hwy, Rigby, Idaho- As the developer he explaied how the cut in costs would help, if they could have the central sewer and water systems strctued for both phases at once. He also stated that they would proceed with the roads going in. .. May 5, 2005 Page 502 Lowell Jobe-14469 North 55th East, Idaho Falls, Idaho- Susan Mugleston read a letter on his behalf tothe Board. (On file) , Kevi Thompson- Pointed out the subdivision has been ver well thought out with its non-consumptive water uses, nitrogen pathogen study, and engieered central water and sewer systems. DaNiel Jose- Reviewed with the Board the Sta Report. (On fie) Byron Evans- Asked where the new route for the existig ditch will be. Kevi Thompson- Located its direction on the map. (On file) Holly Hancock- Asked for the location of the sewer system. Kevi Thompson- Pointed out its location on the subdivision plat. (On file) Michael Clark made motion to approve. Byron Evans second the motion. Motion to approve based on the good planning put into the development with the incorporation of an engieered central water and sewer system. The Board asked the developer and Roger Warner questions pertaing to the metering of water using the secondary water system. Roger Warner-Idaho Department of Water Resources- Stated the proper does have enough groundwater rights for a secondar water source for irgation puroses. He explaied the irgation porton would be secondar to the surace water. If suace water is avaiable it will be fit choice. Jim Bernard- Explaied there would be tier, valves, and a logistic deteration developed for the use. It will be modified in the protective covenants before anyone builds. Byron Evans made motion they would lie an amendment be made to their protective covenants extending the rues and regulations for the water displacement. Votig was unanimous with all in favor for motion to approve. Motion to approve passed. PRELIMARY PLAT FOR A SUBDIVION TO BE CALLED PONDEROSA ESTATES NO.1 Kevi Thompson-154 Eas Main, Rigby, Idaho- Reviewed with the Board the prelimar plat (on file). Explained they curently have been movig the existig grvel pit fuer to the south so they could meet the setbacks for the sewer. Subdivision would consist of nietee residential lots, a total of twenty lots with the one being the gravel pit. They plan to soon tu the pit into a pond. Public access would be between lots seven and nine, and there would also be a thee hundred foot separation for individual sewers. The Board questioned the contour lines on the plat and whether or not they reflected the current activity on the propert. It was also questioned if privacy screeng would be provided to the lots along the highway, as well as the water rights if any, pertainig to the ditch on the propert, and tye of septic systems. , L t Kevi Thompson- Explained the contour lines were accurate until two weeks ago, once they stared movig the gravel pit. He stated the need for privacy screeng would be invalid due to the steep grade of THOMPSON ENGINEERING INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 154 East Main Street Rigby, Idaho 83442 745..8771 The following is a conformation of work to be performed by Thompson Engineerg Inc., here in after called the ENGINER at the request of Jim Bernard, here in after called the OWN, and shall be considered as a contract between Thompson Engineerig and Jim Berard. If any of the information shown hereon is not in accordance with the Owner's understanding, please advise the Engineer imediately. Thompson Engineerg wil not be responsible for any erors or misunderstanding which may arise from lack of proper notification. Requests to bil someone other than the Owner must be accompaned by an authoriation. DATE:September 1, 2005 JOB NO.: 2002-73 Owner Information:Bil To: Jim Bemard 3894 N. 200 w.. Rigby, ID, 83442 Owner Phone: (208) 745-7099 Fax: (208) 748-'6391 Brief Legal Description: Township 4 Nort, Rage 38 East, Section 36. Brief Description of Services to be Completed by the Engieer: 1. Constrction inspection serices for water lines, sewer lines, pressue irgarion, and large soil adsorption for the Pepperwood Crossing Subdivision Project to be constrcted in Jefferson County per approved plans prepared by the Engineer. 2. Prepare and submit, to IDEQ and the Jefferson County, Record Drawings and Cercation that the Pepperwood Crossing Subdivision was constrcted as per approved plans. Conditions: The Owner agrees to require the Contractor to conduct and submit the results for the testig listed below at the frequency required by the County, Enginee, or its representative. Copies of the test results shall be supplied to the Owner, the Engineer, and the Jefferson County. Tests To be Completed i. Compaction tests 2. Water quality tests 3. Materials and workmanship tests on instaed pipe as required by the City of Rigby. 4. Pressure Test The Engineer wil not be held responsible if the above mentioned tests do not pass the requirements listed in the plans or those required by the City of Rigby. If a test fais to meet the minimum requirements, the Owner shall require the Contractor to repair, replace, reconstrct, or restore that portion of the project using Engineer approved Pepperwood Crossing i of 2 Project No. :2004-53 practices and then re-test the afected item. Estimated Star Date: October 1, 2005 Estimate of Charges: Time and Materals Cancellation of this contract presupposes payment for work aleady perormed. Work wil not begi until: 1. A preconstction meeting is held betwee the Owner, Owner's Contractor and the Engineer's Representative. 2. Work is actually perormed on site. 3. Record drawings wil be completed within one month of the completion of constrction. Bils are rendered monthly for the work done in the precedg month and are due and payable upon receipt unless other arangements are made. Afer 30 days, interest accres on the outstadig balance at 5% per month. fL I~(~Bemard) ~ Pepperwood Crossing 2 of 2 Project No. :2004-53 ~-~ ~ g J ~~ ;: ~ o t 2 Ui : gJ P - ~~ f- P - ~i: gU I 1 9 1 . 4 è v &l i 0 . 3 8 A i . SS S " 5 4 ' 3 S " E - - O Ï ï 9 2 . 1 8 ' ~ ~ C Ð ~ M I ¡e . . 0 . 3 8 A c . ~ S8 3 " I 3 ' 2 3 " E :: - ~ 1 8 9 . 0 1 ' 8 ~ ( S ,, ~ I o . . ~ 0 . 3 7 A c . S8 0 " S 6 ' 1 6 " E -t : I ~ :§ 4 : ~ I 0 . 3 6 A c . ~ S8 7 " 3 l O S " E iI 17 i . ~ Ti Co . 3 i ~ I 0 . 3 3 A c . G 0'" NS S 0 4 S ' 4 0 ' ' E g.,.. PE P P E R W O O D C R O S S I N G S U B D I V I S I O N DI V I S I O N N O . 2 JE F F E R S O N C O U N T Y , I D A H O LO C A T E D I N T H E S E 1 / 4 O F S E C T I O N 3 6 , T 4 N R 3 8 E , B . M . R. R . s p i k e In N o . 2 8 9 8 4 0 FU T D E V E L O P M E N T FU T U R E D E V E L O P M E N T c!~ G J~ i ) ~ . L _ _ . . ~- - - - - gen p- - - . - - - - - - " \ " ~ ) , , , (l , / / Y , NS 9 " 2 9 ' I S ' ' E I S 0 3 . 6 3 ' IO S . 0 0 ' IO S . 0 0 ' IO S . 0 0 ' L ~ 0 ~ C Co ¡, Co ~ Co o¡ ~" 0 ~ 0 0 (2 '" ò CD ò :: S :: ~ :: 0 15 ' W a t e r L i n e Eã , ) IO S . 0 0 ' J 1 0 5 . 0 0 ' J I O S . 0 0 ' 1 0 5 . 0 0 ' \ ) K ~ 6 ~ ~ õ C O b Õ O b o o b 0 o ~ o : : c 5 ~ o 0 ~ f 6 ? g 1 7 5 ? g r l 4 ~ ~ h \ 3 ~ - \ V 0 - \ : 0 - \ . 0 - \ . - o 0 0 i 0. 3 1 A c . ; z 0 . 3 1 A c . ; z 0 . 3 1 A c . ; z 0 . 3 1 A c . i -- ' " ' ' - - - - ' " ' . ' " - - - - ' " ' . , ' . - - L . , , , . , , - . L -- - - - - - / 1 7 . 9 1 ' \ U Y 9 i IS S . 3 S ' f S S . O O ' i 8 ( 2 \ (2 i' g 0 0 I 0 . 3 8 A c . Ü , ei ~ ~ '0 . . , , 0. 4 3 A c . E" r . 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De l t a Ra d i u s Ar c CL 02 ° 4 3 ' 1 l " 19 7 0 . 0 0 ' 93 . 5 1 ' C2 02 ° 4 0 ' 0 0 " 19 7 0 . 0 0 ' 91 . 6 9 ' C3 01 ° 3 0 ' 0 0 " 30 2 5 . 4 1 ' 79 . 2 1 ' C4 01 ° 3 3 ' 3 3 " 30 2 5 . 4 1 ' 82 . 3 3 ' C5 00 ° 5 8 ' 1 5 " 29 6 5 . 4 1 ' 50 . 2 5 ' C6 02 ° 3 1 ' 5 5 " 29 6 5 . 4 1 ' 13 1 . 0 4 ' C7 04 ° 3 1 ' 0 4 " 29 9 5 . 4 1 ' 23 6 . 1 9 ' C8 03 ° 1 7 ' 5 3 " 20 3 0 . 0 0 ' 11 6 . 8 5 , 1 C9 02 ° 5 0 ' 0 0 " 20 3 0 . 0 0 ' 10 0 . 3 9 ' CL O 13 ° 1 7 ' 2 2 " 20 0 0 . 0 0 ' 46 3 . 8 9 ' CI I 02 ° 4 5 ' 0 0 " 20 3 0 . 0 0 ' 97 . 4 3 ' C1 2 01 ° 4 4 ' 0 2 " 20 3 0 . 0 0 ' 61 : 4 ' C1 3 09 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " 20 8 . 9 8 ' 32 . 8 3 ' C1 4 22 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " 20 8 . 9 8 ' 80 . 2 4 ' ci s 09 " 1 3 ' 4 0 " 20 8 . 9 8 ' 33 . 6 6 ' CI 6 02 ° 1 5 ' 5 3 " 19 7 0 . 0 0 ' 77 8 7 ' C1 7 03 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " 19 7 0 . 0 0 ' 10 3 . 1 5 ' C1 8 84 ° 1 3 ' 4 1 " 14 8 . 9 8 ' 21 9 . 0 1 ' CI 9 12 " 4 4 ' 0 2 " 20 0 0 . 0 0 ' 44 . 5 0 ' C2 0 84 ° 1 3 ' 4 1 " 17 8 . 9 8 ' 26 3 . 1 1 ' C2 1 83 ° 0 2 ' 1 7 " 12 0 . 0 0 ' 17 3 . 9 1 ' C2 2 83 ° 0 2 ' 1 7 " 15 0 . 0 0 ' 21 7 . 3 9 ' C2 3 06 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " 18 0 . 0 0 ' 18 . 8 5 ' C2 4 24 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " 18 0 . 0 0 ' 75 . 4 0 ' C2 5 05 ° 0 2 ' 1 7 " 18 0 . 0 0 ' 15 . 8 3 ' ~NO T I: Th i s S u b d i v i i o n f a l l s o u t s i d e t h e 5 0 0 y e F l o o d P l a i n a s p e r FI M a p N o . 1 6 0 S I C 0 3 7 S B . LIN DA T A Lin e No . Be a r g Di s t a c e Ll N5 0 " 5 7 ' 4 9 " E 28 . 5 2 ' L2 N3 9 ° 1 4 ' 5 8 " W 27 . 9 4 ' L3 55 1 ° 2 6 ' 5 8 " W 28 . 2 8 ' L4 N3 9 ° 1 7 ' 0 7 " W 28 . 6 4 ' L5 S4 5 ° 3 0 ' 4 5 " E 28 . 2 8 ' L6 N4 4 ° 2 9 ' 1 5 " E 28 . 2 8 ' L7 S8 9 ° 2 9 ' I S " W 40 . 7 1 ' L8 N8 9 " 2 9 ' 1 5 ' ' E 30 . 1 9 ' T 9 N8 Q " 2 Q ' 1 5 " E 30 . 1 8 ' NO T E 2 : T h e B a s i s o f B e a n g w a s o b t a i e d f r I d a h o T r a p o n a o n De p a r e n R e c o r d o f Su r e y I n e n t N o . 3 0 S 9 2 4 . .. I o 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 Gr a p h i c S c a l e NO T E 3 : T h e i n t e n d e d u s e o f t h i s S u b d i v i s i o n i s f o r R e s i d e n t i S i n g l e Fa m i l y D w e l l i n g U n i t s NO T E 4 : A l l l o t s t o b e s e r e d b y C e n t r W a t e r a n S e w e r . NS 9 " 2 9 ' I S " E 4 6 2 . 1 9 ' ¡ I ~ J l I 0 I 0 i 1 " i ~ S ' ) '- _ _ _ _ J ;:ò 8 : i ¡¡ M ;;~~ s" , ~~gen CD .. - - - - ~ '"J3o~~ I (II I / 'iiI ,. ,/ ,. , 36 ~ 3 1 PT 6 5/ 8 " R o d w I N . C a p In N o . 2 6 9 9 3 1 SU R V E Y O R Ke v i n L . T h o m p s o n , P . L . S . 15 4 E a s t M a i S t r Ri g b y , ! D . S 3 4 4 2 (2 0 S ) 7 4 5 ' 8 7 7 LA N D D E V E L O P E R Ji m B e r 38 9 4 E a 2 0 0 N o r t Rig b y , ! D . S 3 4 4 2 (2 0 8 ) 7 4 5 - 7 9 7 9 AC R E A G E To t a l S u b d i s i o n - - - 2 0 . 8 0 A c r e s 49 L o t s - - - - - - - - 1 6 . 5 5 A c r e s De d c a t e C o u n t y R o a d - 4 . 2 5 A c r LE G E N D o S e t 5 1 8 " X 3 0 " I r n R o d W / C a p N o . 1 0 5 6 3 o S e t 1 1 2 " X 2 4 " I r n R o d W / C a p N o . 1 0 5 6 3 a F o u n d 5 1 8 " X 3 0 " I r o n R o d W / C a p N o . 1 0 5 6 3 a F o u n d 1 1 2 " X 2 4 " I r o n R o d W / C a p N o . 1 0 5 6 3 - - - A d j a c e n t P r o p e r L i n e -- - - - - - 1 2 ' U t i l i t y E a e m e n t T E T H O M P S O N E N G I N E E R I N G , I N C . CO N S U L T I N G E N G I N E E R S RI G B Y , I D A H O 8 3 4 4 2 FI N A L PL A T LO C A T E I N T I S E 1 / 4 O F S E C T I O N 3 6 , T O W N S H I 4 NO R T H , R A G E 3 8 E A S T , J E F F O N C O U N , I D A H O Pr o j e c t N a m e : Jo b N u m b e r : Co G o F i l e : Ji m Be m a r 20 0 4 - 5 3 Be r n d J i m ( C n t y R o a d ) Sc a l e 1" = 1 0 0 ' Da t e Su r e y o r Dr a w n B y : Ma y 1 3 , 2 0 0 5 KL . T . K. L . T . Sh e e t I O f 2 2 FI N A L PL A T LO C A T E D I N T H S E 1 / 4 O F S E C T I O N 3 6 , T O W N S H I 4 NO R T H , R A G E 3 8 E A T , J E F F E R S O N C O U N , I D A H O Pr o j e c t N a m e : Jo b N u m b e r : Co G o F i I e : Jim Be m a r 20 0 4 - 5 3 Be m a r d J i m ( C n t y R o a d ) Sc a l e I" = 1 0 0 ' Da t e Su r e y o r Dr a w n B y : Fe b r u a r 2 8 , 2 0 0 5 K. L . T . B. R . T . Sh e e t I O f 2 2 T E T H O M P S O N E N G I N E E R I N G , I N C . CO N S U L T I N G E N G I N E E R S RI G B Y , I D A H O 8 3 4 4 2 SU R V E Y O R Ke v L . T h o m p s o n , P . L . S . 15 4 E a M a i n S t r Ri g b y , I D . 8 3 4 4 2 (2 0 8 ) 7 4 5 - 8 7 7 1 LA N D D E V E L O P E R Jim B e r a r 38 9 4 E a 2 0 0 N o r t Rig b y , ! D . 8 3 4 4 2 (2 0 8 ) 7 4 5 - 7 9 7 9 AC R E G E To t a l S u b d i v i s i o n - - - - - - - 3 I . S 3 A c r e s 60 L o t s - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 2 . 7 4 A c r e s De d i c a t e d C o u n t y R o a d - - 8 . 7 9 A c r e s LE G E N D o 8 e t S / 8 " X 3 0 " I r n R o d W / C a p N o . I O S 6 3 o S e t 1 / 2 " X 2 4 " I r n R o d W / C a p N o . I O S 6 3 . A d j a c e n t P r o p e r L i n e -- - - - - - 1 2 ' U t i l i t y E a e m e n t ..~-~~~~~ ~ ; ; o f ; u p : p: ( : ~O :: ~ ~( : ::~ 1 S/ 8 " R o d In t N o . 1 8 9 1 0 8 i rf i - r - - - - - J i E l c o I I ~ I ~ I I u i i f- ~ - r - - _ U - j i ¡ ¡ 0 ' I ~ I i 10 . . i _ ' " N 8 7 ' 4 5 ' 1 8 " E 2 2 1 . 9 3 ' 16 1 . 7 8 ' ~ I C D Õ IIIII, 10 0 . 0 0 PE P P E R W O O D C R O S S I N G S l J B D I V I S I O N Cu r e No . CIC2C3C4CSC6C7C8C9CI OCi l CI 2 C1 3 CI 4 CI S CI 6 CI 7 CI 8 CI 9 C2 0 C2 1 C2 2 C2 3 C2 4 C2 S C2 6 C2 7 C2 8 C2 9 C3 0 C3 1 C3 2 C3 3 C3 4 C3 S C3 6 C3 7 ~I õ r' " 1 .. , . ., c o g;z 75 . 0 0 ' , - ' - 97 . 3 9 ' 10 5 . 0 0 ' Ar c 91 . 1 ' 79 . 3 8 ' 94 . 7 9 ' 89 . 2 7 ' 98 . 9 6 ' 97 . 3 9 ' 11 4 . 4 4 ' 62 . 8 3 ' 84 . 5 0 ' 10 1 . 0 0 ' IO S . 2 7 ' 74 . 7 4 ' 7S . 4 0 ' 67 . 6 1 ' 22 7 . 7 7 ' 28 4 . 3 2 ' 43 1 . 0 7 ' IS 7 . 0 8 ' 12 1 . 0 7 ' IS I . 4 ' 10 7 . 6 0 ' 22 . 3 6 ' 62 . 8 3 ' 28 . 9 2 ' 13 8 . 6 7 ' 99 . 0 S ' 17 . 9 1 ' 34 . 8 9 ' 7S . 4 O 80 . 5 0 ' i 3S . 4 I ' - 79 . 5 9 ' 30 . 1 8 ' 79 . 2 1 ' 12 9 . 7 7 ' 80 . 3 2 ' SO . 2 S ' Ii DI V I S I O N N O . 1 JE F F E R S O N C O U N T Y , I D A H O LO C A T E D I N T I E S E 1 / 4 O F S E C T I O N 3 6 , T 4 N R 3 8 E , B . M . .. I o 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 Gr a p h i c S c a l e LI N DA T A Li n e N o . Be a r g Di s t a c e LI 84 4 ° S S ' 2 I " W 28 . 0 S ' L2 N4 S 0 0 3 ' S I " W 28 . S 2 ' L3 S4 6 ° 3 I ' 3 I " E 27 . 8 0 ' iA N4 3 ° 2 8 ' 2 9 " E 28 . 7 6 ' LS S4 S 0 3 3 ' 0 2 " E 28 . 2 8 ' L6 N4 4 ° 2 6 ' S 8 " E 28 . 2 8 ' L7 S4 ° 3 1 ' 3 1 " E 28 . 7 9 ' L8 N4 S 0 2 8 ' 2 9 " E 27 . 7 7 ' L9 83 S 0 2 S ' S 8 " E 28 . 8 8 ' LI O 8S 8 ° 0 3 ' I I " W 26 . 3 S ' Ll l No o o O S ' S 8 " W 12 . 6 9 ' Ll 2 N7 s 0 2 1 ' 3 0 " E 29 . 1 0 ' L1 3 N1 1 0 1 6 ' I O " W 29 . 1 0 ' Ll 4 SS 4 ° S 8 ' 0 8 " E 10 . 6 S ' LI S NS 7 ° S 7 ' 2 0 " W 26 . 5 3 ' Ll 6 S3 0 0 3 0 ' 4 S " E 34 . 6 4 ' L1 7 NS 1 0 4 3 ' 3 S " E 24 . 4 9 ' LI 8 S4 4 ° 4 0 ' 0 9 " W 28 . 1 9 ' L1 9 N4 S 0 1 9 ' S 2 " W 28 . 3 7 ' L2 0 NS 9 ° 2 9 ' 1 6 " E 40 . 7 1 ' L2 1 SO O " 0 8 ' S 8 " E 46 . 4 1 ' L2 2 N4 s 0 3 3 ' 2 1 " W 28 . 2 8 ' L2 3 S4 4 ° 2 6 ' 3 9 ' ' W 28 . 2 8 ' L2 4 N8 9 ° S 1 ' 0 2 " E 30 . 0 0 ' \ \ \ Ft m D I V S I O N N O . 2 \ \ \ \ \ i \ 58 0 . 0 0 ' . 11 0 . 0 0 ' 11 0 . 0 0 ' III N8 9 " 2 6 ' 5 8 " E LI O . O ' 10 7 . 0 0 ' ;; 'I ~ ~ N _ fO . r ! ~ C i ¡ t "" š ~ ~~o.0 . . . . . . U) D æ s S m i t h . . ~ . N ~ . ~ i ~ 3 NO T E : No L o t s h a l l b a v e D i r e c t A c c e s s t o C o u n t y L i n e R o a d a n d 3 9 0 0 E a , bU t w i l b a v e a c c e s o n l y t h o u g h t h e I n t e o r S u b d i v i s i o n S t r t s . 14 5 . 0 0 ' T 4 0 ' õg ry O' ¿ç ~ - ~ - . . , l j ~- ~~ t' - : , i~ " Ro b e r C o 17 N o r t 3 9 0 0 E a Ri g b y , I d a h o 8 3 4 4 2 R.R . S p i k e In N o . 2 8 9 8 4 0 M gg ~. . . . . . . co -I ~ o ? ~ 8 - ' " 40 'g, ~ ~I ~ I 40 ' -tfelp:O~ o c ò 0' ~ c-36 ñ 3 1 = 0 . ,, - g. ~ ¡¡ , . U ô i- ; z 'Š ~ .. - õ~N .. 5~ .. ! ; 8N .Ë ~ ii . ; Q . š CU R V E DA T A De l t a R a d i u s 06 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " 8 7 0 . 0 0 ' Os o 1 3 ' 4 0 " 8 7 0 . 0 0 ' Os o S 0 ' 2 3 " 9 3 0 . 0 0 ' Os 0 3 0 ' O O " 9 3 0 . 0 0 ' 06 ° 0 S ' 4 S " 9 3 0 . 0 0 ' 06 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " 9 3 0 . 0 0 ' 07 " 0 3 ' 0 1 " 9 3 0 . 0 0 ' 30 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " 1 2 0 . 0 0 ' 05 ° 3 3 ' S 4 " 8 7 0 . 0 0 ' 06 ° 3 9 ' O S " 8 7 0 . 0 0 ' 06 ° S S ' S 8 " 8 7 0 . 0 0 ' 04 ° S 5 ' 1 9 " 8 7 0 . 0 0 ' 24 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " I S O . O O ' 21 ° 3 1 ' 2 1 " 1 8 0 . 0 0 ' 14 ° 3 0 ' 0 0 " 9 0 0 . 0 0 ' 18 ° 0 6 ' 0 I " 9 0 0 . 0 0 ' 27 ° 2 6 ' 3 S " 9 0 0 . 0 0 ' 60 " 0 0 ' 0 0 " I S O . O O ' S7 ° 4 S ' 2 2 " 1 2 0 . 0 0 ' S7 ° 4 8 ' 2 " I S O . O O ' 34 ° 1 4 ' S 9 " 1 8 0 , 0 0 ' 64 ° 0 3 ' 2 0 " 2 0 . 0 0 ' 60 ° 0 0 ' 0 0 " 6 0 . 0 0 ' 27 ° 3 6 ' 4 4 " 6 0 . 0 0 ' 14 ° 2 9 ' 4 0 " S 4 8 . 1 7 ' 09 ° 4 8 ' S 8 " S 7 S . 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C a p In s t N o ; 2 6 9 9 3 I 12 3 5 . 5 0 ' Ly l e & B e a t r c e C o o k ~¡. \ ã - ~ ~ .. . . :: - CD 0. 4 2 A c . i5 8 . 8 3 ' Co r p o r a t i o n o f t h e P r e s i d i n g B i s h o p o f th e C b u r of J e s u s C h r s t o f La t t e r . Da y S a i t s 50 E a t N o r t T e m p l e Sa l t L a C i t y , U t a 8 4 5 1 0 In ! . N o . 3 3 0 9 9 55 l. 4' Model 6CHC 225 GPM -- ~GOULDS PUMPS METRS 200 0c:w:iu ~150c:z;;0.. ~0~ 100 250 800 600 50 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0'o i o I 10 175 i 40 fJlr"i \1. \ ~~ ~ i.t.0 %EFF 80 60 40 20 200 o GPMo25 i 50 75 100 ! 20 125 150 i 30 CAPACITY 225 I 50 250 275 I 60 m3/hr - Recommended operating range ----- Alternate pump selection is available DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS 4" NPT DISCHARGE CONNECTONq 5 ~¡ \ W.E. H ? ~ HP Stages W.E.Order W.E.W.E. Number LenQt WtObs.) 5 1 06CHC00544GS 17.3 54 06CHC00564CTS 19.4 55 10 2 06CHC01064GS 24.6 72 15 3 06CHC01564CTS 29.7 89 20 4 06CHC02064CT5 34.8 106 25 5 06CHC02564CTS 40.0 123 30 6 06CHC03064CTS 45.0 140 40 8 06CHC04064CTS 55.4 174 50 10 06CHC05064CTS 65.6 208 (All dimensions in inches and weights in Ibs. Do not use for conscton purposes.) y PLEAE NOTE: . Order motors separately. . For intermediate horspower pumps consult factoiy. . Solid line is recommended operating range. The dottd line (----4 signifies an altat pump selecon is available. . Please speåfy all options changes in W.E. order number. ii- r,. ¡ !~~ 9 6'%" Effecve diameter with cable guard 3%" (4'MTR.) 5%' (6'MTR.) MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Part Name Material Shaf ASTM A582 TYE 416 Coupling ASM A582 S41600 CD Suction Adapter Ductle Iron AS A536 Discharge Bow ASTM M8 CL 30B Rubber Bearings RUBBER Optonal Bronze Bearings ASMB584 Discharge Bowl Bearing ASMB584 Taperlock ASTM Al08 GR 101B Bowl AS M8 CL 30B Upthrust Collar Polythylene Impeller ASTM B584 Fasteners SAEJ429 GR8 Cable Guard ASTM A240 S 30400 Sucton Strainer ASM A240 S 30400 ENGINEERING, Consulting Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Well Design Information 1) Peaking Factor of 3 2) AADF = 165 gpcd 3) Assume 5 persons per home 4) 247 Homes 5) Max Flow (Qmax) = 424.53 gpm 6) Pressure = 60 psi = 138.48 ft head 7) max head loss = 122 ft 8) TDH = 260.5 ft 9) Per well flow = 212.27 gpm 154 East Main, PO Box 55, Rigby, ID 83442 Phone (208)745-8771 Fax (208)745-6391 W~t.~.s 111°57.000' W J/J 'f"'~~';;~( . ..~~z -'v°tvv .,1. R/ßS'r 1:7 ;¿ J?.y zooo sl°tvv 1n057.000' W !6"111°56.000' W 1n055.000' Wo .5 I MIlE o ioo fEE 0 !O U)OO MEroea r= F+ Fê Prted fim TOPO! Cl2000 Nat GOOJ'pl Hold (ww.tOPO.com) WGS84 111°54.000' WTNl For 231/a; ~IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT ~5Use Typewer or Ballpnt pen 1 WELL TAG NO. DRILLNG PERMIT NC#D003S846 Other IDWR NO. 2 OWNER: Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ Name: of Latter-day Saints Address: SO East Nort Temple Street City: Salt Lake City State: UT Zip 84150 3 LOCATION OF WELL by legal description. N Twp 4 0NortRge 38 0 East Sec 36 o South DWe51/4 SE 1/4'4 SE 1/4~1õ Gov't Lot Lat County Jeffrson Long: s Address of Well Site: 3900 East County Line Rc City: Rigby (Giv at least name of Road + Oisanc 10 Road or landmark) Lot No.BlkNo.Subd. Name: 4 USE: o Domesc o Thermal DMonitor DOther o lnigationDMunidpal Dlnjecon 5 TYPE OF WORK: o New Well D Modify D Abandonment D.otr 6 DRIU METHOD: o Air Rotaiy D cable D Mud Rota DOther 7 SEALING PROCEDURES- SEAUFIL TER PACK AMOUNT Material From To Sacksounds Metd Bentonite 0 74'4800 Ibs Overbore Cement 74'83'3Yds Poured Was drive shoe used? 0 Yes (2 No Was drie shoe seal tested? Dyes Shoe Deptt(s) 0No How? 8 CASING/. !NERo- Dia.From To Gauge Material 6"+2'183'0.280 Steel 5"139'144'0.250 Steel 5"175'187'0.250 Steel ,Lengll of Headpipe. Casin Unar Wede Thded(2 0 (2 0DODDDO 0 0 Length ofTailpipe: 6'S 9 PERFORATIONs/SCREENS'- Slot From To Size Number Diameler Material Casin Li 17S'144'0.01 Factory S"stainless 0 0...0- D'ñ Fí # STATIC WATER LEVEL ORARTESlAN PRESSURE: . 94 ft below ground Artesian Pressure: Depth flow encountered: ft Desibe access po or contrl device: Sanitary Well Cap Offce Use Only Inspected by: Twp _ Rge_ Sec_ _114 _1/4 _1/4 Lat Long: 11 WELL TESTS: o Pup D Bailer 0 Air D Rowng Aresan Flowing Artesian Yield Drawdown Pumping Level Time 50gpm 94'4 hrs 0 Bore Remarks: Lithology, Water Quality & Dia.From To Temperature Y N 10"0 2 Topsoil X 2 12 Gravel X 12 57 Gravel, sand, coblestone X 57 78 Big gravel, sand, cobblestone X 6"78 89 Big gravel, sand, clay X 89 106 Big gravel, sand, cobblestone X 106 110 Big gravel, sand, cobblestone X 110 122 Big gravel, sand, cobblestone X 122:130 Big gravel, sand, cobblestone X 130 134 Mostly sand, big gravel, few cobblestone X .- 134 182 Big gravel. sand, cobblestone X A E ~ i: f \/ i: i-.. III AI ri n ""'.... "uU," Dspameni at w~. - Eaern RegIon Water Temp Water Quality test or comments: Depth first water encountered: 12 LITHOLOGIC LOG- Completed Depth: Date Startd: Date Complete: 182 ft 01127/05 OSI11/0S Ib Firm Offcial: and Supesor/Operator: Bottom hole temp I ¡. I I ¡ I i Firm:#5 .. ate: 6/3/2005 Date: 61312005 Fòrrn 238-7" 9/82 ~STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT~F WATER RESOURCES USE TYPEWRITER OR BALLPOINT PEN .~~æ'O¡.,,, ;'!2,LL DRJIJER'S RERORT li¡. i tn,(,J.. 1I :t .~ .I:',. Sta~ "/ i this report be filec wi1 the Direcr. Denment of WaUlr Resu. . ,.~ 30 days.aftr the Clpletion or abandonment of the well. ~~ ~¡¡Q. ~Ol.~~7. WATER LEVEL1. WELL OWNER .,~,,;q~ ~~ ~~ Rèi~$1Nameia .Static waUlr level fee below i:netsl~ Ofée... Il.8J Flowing?DYes 8No G.P.M. flow Address M.21ø17P"Artesian closed-in pressre _ p.s.i. I Controlled by:o Valve o Cap o Plug Owner's Permit No.Tempeature _of.Quality Describe artes¡'iin (J temperature zones be/ow. 2. NATURE OF WORK 8.WELL TEST DATA kNewwelI o Deepened o Replacement I o Pump o Bailer o Air o Other o Abandoned (describe abandonment procedures such asi materials. plug depths. etc. in lithologic logl Discharge GoP .M.Pumping Level Hour. Pump . 3. PROPOSED USE ~Domestlc o Irrigation o Test 0 Municipal 9. LITHOLOGIC LOG R79il6o Industial o Stock o Waste Disposal or Injection De th Wateo Other (spify type)Bore Dim. From To Matial Yes No L. '0 "l Ct: .,'V4. METHOD DRILLED .. i i~7;,."q MM' ?:f?AV,. J P o Reverse rotary -'~-: - ; 7 "r.u: 1 x ArRotary o Air o Hydraulic Cable o Dug o Other 5. WELL CONSTRUCTION Casing schedle: J! Steel o Concret o Other Th.._ m_ ,~ '"È .ef!i i1 inches ~ inces + -- feet ~ t inches _ inches _ fee _ i inches _ inches ~ fee _ tinches _ inces _ fee _i Was casing drive sh use? ~ Yes o NoWas a paer or sel used? Yes .i No Perforated?DYes if No How perforated?o Facory o Knife o Torh Size of perforaton _ inches by _ inches Number Fro TD perorations feet f .. perorations fee .. perorations feet f E! Well scree ínstatled?DYes ii No Manufacrer's name Tvpe Model No. Diameter_Slotslza _Setfron ~feetto _fla Diameter Slot size set from feet to fft .n;Gravel packed? 0 Yes k1 No 0 Size of grael =-'QVlrl;,-Plac from fet to fiè i"'-ll rSurfce sel depth -d Material used in seal:~o Cet grt ..1 /i Bentonite o Pudling clay 0 AY D .."". Seling procedure use:o Slurr pit 0 Temp. surfac casing ,¡ ;6Overre to seal dep Ir;:."¡'lIlAE Metod of joining casing:o Threaded l( Welded 0 Solvent ..~parrm nfof WaWeld o Cemented betwee strata LDescnbe acces port 10., Work stared /O-.2¿-.f finished M-Zl -14 B. LOCATIONOFWELL 11.DRILLERS CERTIFICATION Jl Sketch map locion ~ agre wi1 wrtt locaton.i!we certify itat all minimum well conson stdars were N complied wit at the time the rig was removed. .._L_+!_?~);,Subdivision Name Firm Name A-t 'wfW Q~Firm No.10i i.w-+ -fE PuMi..Addrass.. -,.'; It... 1i1L..Daml - '7 t. -.!l--i--+--i--Lot No. ~ Block No. ~f/. ~/ri Ii I Signed by (Firm Offcial)i S ....17 '7 7andCountyJIl I (Operator)¡;4..:.QkQ~*l' n % Sec.36 . T.JJ N..,R.ia E'*i .-USE ADDITONAL SHEETS IF NECESRY - /FORWARD THE WHITE çopy TO THE DEP~RTMENT ",,,nnr 1"1' 1 INC. Pl.geøtløry Service" .. II WI .£.l1Iv-\,,vUlII 06/01/2000 TanP20 8201 15-31811 23-71811 14 5.1 4.3 3.7 27 $199.00820215-31811 31-51811 20 7.3 6.2 5.4 35 $198.00820315-318"46-31811 32 -9.9 8.6 43 $339.00820522"29-1/2"34 12.4 10.5 9.1 61 $371.00825022"35-518"44 16.3 13.6 11.9 69 $429.00825122"46-3/4"62 22.9 19.2 16.7 92 $480.008302*26"4Z-3lt61~.c86,,~..31.8 26.7 23.2 123 $501.00 , T0f'B35Ð:1iiZtJP ~~~~tt1~7ffi3M0f!I".""._."'. 1. l\~lI ...,,-iotR"~....tii.~ bo h IllHr~ AfrlP'"!iiii..""~.,,_.. ot..~Ilnii-.itI¡"'lwm. 1. 'lkviJiPl~ """'_ilRARONtiD"Il~P""R""llr """'-~..Pftr Qi,'_WlIiIl. Ji 'l1lii1bt,. I...ifi.elti/l-itiRR..1) p..r..lI piml"'I_. 1MB:RONmo/; liriir_'"ail. 4 wi_io""., Itlll Il_....ltli..a.., iIIM Cl df_ ~Ud../i dil il in_.. ..1.,,l0_.. p;_.-ll PART #DIA HT BARON PRE-PRESSURZED HYDRO-PNEUMTIC TANS BARON PRESSURE TANKS VOL 20/40 30/50 40160 WI LIST PRICE '..sz;~c=T7 "'1¡Æ:t I g:5000 %~1 MileI ..x o I oi :20000 .84000 i 3000 2doo i 1000 Scale 5000 Feel ., :~f~!9jS:i~Ii'. ~ÓI~Y'b) ~ ~-/t:;D~.;"~!'~i.~~ibi:~Solì èoe~liQn Si!.ce iid çooeialllll a¡enfrs.-.,'::::, ~f~.~t~.I,:I.~ ~I~ 1A'11l~ 4ivl:s~on_c:~.:tJ~.,aiuppolìmalely:posilioned._"'" . :-~~~. ~':'~ c~~~~:~i:~~~~':~~~~~t:~~~'~e.~:~i~'i:~~.(~:L~~~t.~:'~;~~'". ""Ii ~.un. ....¿i... z ~ L.rn""rn;;(joz ()ocz :1 o;iIo (fIrnrn-l zc :5 OJrn:: ~ JEFFERSON COUNTY, IDAHO used to promote good tilth and to reduce surface crust- ing because of the content of salts. Legumes generally respond to phosphate, and all crops respond to nitrogen. Border irrigation is suitable for use on this soiL. Sprinkler irrigation is also suitable. Water should be applied prop- erly to avoid raising the water table and increasing the salt problem. Adequate drainage is needed to increase crop production and to help reduce the accumulation of soluble salts. Available trees for windbreak plantings are poorly suited to this soiL. This soil has potential for providing habitat suitable for ring-necked pheasant, mourning dove, and songbirds. These birds obtain their food and shelter mainly from areas of cropland. To improve the habitat for these birds, plants such as tall wheatgrass can be planted along fence rows and ditchbanks and in odd corners. Such plantings provide cover and protection from predators and inclement weather. Food should be close to shelter. Food crops provide some cover. Capabilty subclass IVw, irrigated. 6-Bannock sandy loam. This deep, well drained soil is on river terraces. It formed in alluvium derived from mixed sources. Slope is 0 to 1 percent. The frost-free season is 100 to 115 days. Typically, the surface layer is brown sandy loam about 11 inches thick. The upper part of the underlying materi- al is light gray loam 15 inches thick. The lower part is light gray sandy loam 5 inches thick over very gravelly sand that extends to a depth of 60 inches or more. The soil is calcareous throughout and has a layer of lime accumulation at a depth of 11 inches. Included with this soil in mapping are small areas of Bannock gravelly loam, Bannock loam, Xeric Torriorthents, and Bockston sandy loam. These soils have slopes of less than 2 percent. Also included are small areas of channeled soils. Permeabilty of this Bannock soil is moderate. Effective rooting depth is 60 inches or more. Available water ca- pacity is moderate. Surface runoff is slow, and the hazard of erosion is slight. This soil is used for irrigated hay, potatoes, small grain, pasture, and sugar beets. A suitable cropping system is 4 or 5 years of alfalfa for hay, 1 or 2 years of grain, and 1 year of grain seeded with alfalfa. A suitable cropping system that includes pasture in the rotation can be grown for 6 to 8 years followed by 1 year of grain to prepare the seedbed. To maintain high production of crops, commercial fertilzer is commonly needed in addition to manure and plant resi- due. Legumes generally respond to phosphate, and all crops respond to nitrogen. Furrow, border, and sprinkler irrigation systems are suited to this soiL. Furrow irrigation is suited to row crops, border irrigation is suited to grain, hay, and pasture, and sprinkler irrigation is suited to all crops. Irrigation water should be applied with care to 11 avoid creating a high water table that wil injure crop roots. Surface drains can be used to carr away the excess water and prevent ponding. Russian-olive, golden wilow, and Scotch pine are well suited to use in windbreaks on this soiL. This soil has potential for producing habitat suitable for ring-necked pheasant, mourning dove, and songbirds. These birds obtain their food and shelter mainly in areas of cropland. Plants such as Siberian peashrub, Europeanprivet, and liac planted aiong fence rows and ditch banks, in odd field corners, or in windbreaks im- prove the habitat for these . birds. They also provide cover and protect the birds from predators and inclement weather. Food crops provide some cover. Capabilty sub- class lis, irrigated. 7-Bannock loam. This deep, well drained soil is on river terraces. It formed in alluvium derived from mixed sources. Slope is 0 to 1 percent. The frost-free season is 100 to 115 days. Typically, the surface layer is brown loam about 11 inches thick. The upper part of the underlying material is light gray loam and sandy loam 20 inches thick. The lower part to a depth of 60 inches or more is light gray very gravelly sand. Included with this soil in mapping are small areas of Bannock gravelly loam, Wardboro soils, Bannock sandy loam, and Bockston sandy loam. These soils have slopes of less than 2 percent. Also included are small areas of channeled soils. Permeabilty of this Bannock soil is moderate. Effective rooting depth is 60 inches or more. Available water ca- pacity is moderate. Surface runoff is very slow, and the hazard of erosion is slight. This soil is used for irrigated hay, potatoes, small grain, pasture, and sugar beets. A suitable cropping system is 4 or 5 years of alfalfa for hay, 1 or 2 years of grain, and 1 year of a nurse crop seeded with alfalfa. Potatoes or sugar beets can be grown the first year after the alfalfa A suitable cropping system that includes pasture in the rotation is 6 to 8 years of pasture followed by 1 year of grain to prepare the seedbed. To maintain high production of crops, com- mercial fertilizer commonly is needed in addition to manure and plant residue. All crops respond to nitrogen, and legumes respond to phosphate. Border, furrow, and sprinkler irrigation systems are suitable for use on this soiL. Border irrigation is suited to close growing crops, and furrow irrigation is suited to row crops. If border or furrow irrigation systems are used, waste water drains can generally be used to carry away excess water and prevent ponding. Irrigation water should be applied with care to avoid creating a high water table that wil injure plant roots. Russian-olive, golden wilow, and Scotch pine are well suited to use in windbreaks on this soiL. ¡;, ~L ;i i 1; ~ ;j j * it ~. *~j ~ ~~ ~is ~ ~ !! ~ ~ iii ~ ::, ~ ~ ~ ;¡ l 1 l i ¡ t 12 This soil has potential for producing habitat suitable for ring-necked pheasant, mourning dove, and songbirds. These birds obtain their food and shelter mainly in areas of cropland. Shrubs such as Siberian peashrub, Europe- an privet, and liac planted along fence rows and ditchbanks, in odd field corners, and as. part of windbreaks improve the wildlife habitat. These plantings provide cover that protects the birds from predators and inclement weather. Food crops also provide some cover. Capabilty subclass lis, irrigated. 8-Bannock gravelly loam. This deep, well drained soil is on river terraces. It formed in alluvium derived from mixed sources. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. The frost-free season is 100 to 115 days. Typically, the surface layer is brown gravelly loam about 11 inches thick. The upper part of the underlying material is light gray loam and sandy loam 20 inches thick. The lower part to a depth of 60 inches or more is light gray very gravelly sand. The soil is calcareous throughout. Included with this soil in mapping are small areas of Wardboro soils, Bannock sandy loam, and Bannock loam. These soils have slopes of less than 2 percent. Also included are small areas of channeled soils. Permeabilit of this Bannock soil is moderate. Effective rooting depth is 60 inches or more. Available water ca- pacity is moderate. Surface runoff is slow, and the hazard of erosion is slight. This soil is used for irrigated pasture, hay, small grain, and potatoes. The gravel content of this soil reduces the available water capacity and the production of crops. A suitable cropping system is 4 or 5 years of alfalfa for hay, 1 or 2 years of grain, and then 1 year of grain used as a nurse crop with alfalfa. Occasionally, 1 year of potatoes can be grown after plowing up hay. When pas- ture is used in the cropping system, the pasture is grown for 6 to 8 years and then 1 year of grain is grown to provide a seedbed before reseeding the grass and legume pasture mixture. To maintain high production of crops, commercial fertilzer is commonly needed in addi- tion to manure and plant residue. Most crops respond to nitrogen, and legumes respond to phosphate. Border, furrow, and sprinkler irrigation methods are suited to this soiL. Border irrigation is suited to close growing crops, and furrow irrigation is suited to row crops. Sprinkler irrigation is suited to all crops. Irrigation water should be properly applied, and surface drains should be used to prevent buildup of the water table. Russian-olive, golden wilow, and Scotch pine are suit- able for use in windbreaks on this soH. This soil has potential for providing habitat for ring- necked pheasant, mourning dove, and songbirds. These birds obtain their food and shelter mainly in areas of cropland. Planting shrubs such as Siberian peashrub, European privet, liac, and Tatarian honeysuckle along fence rows and ditchbanks, in odd field corners, and in SOIL SURVEY windbreaks improves the habitat for these birds. These shrubs provide cover that protects the birds from pred- ators and inclement weather. Food crops also provide some cover. Capabilty subclass ills, irrigated. 9-Bereniceton loam. This deep, well drained soil is on alluvial fans and old lakebeds. It formed in lacustrine and alluvial material derived from mixed sources. Slope is 0 to 1 percent. The frost-free season is 80 to 100 days. Typically, the surface layer is brown and pale brown loam about 7 inches thick. The underlying material is pale brown and very pale brown clay loam and loam that extends to a depth of 60 inches or more. The soil is calcareous throughout. Included with this soil in mapping are about 25 percent Udy sandy loam, Matheson sandy loam, and a soil that is similar to this Bereniceton soil but that has a subsoil. Permeabilty of this Bereniceton soil is moderately slow. Effective rooting depth is 60 inches or more. Avail- able water capacity is very high. Surface runoff is very slow, and the hazard of erosion is slight. This soil is used for irrigated hay, small grain, pasture, and potatoes. A suitable cropping system is 4 to 5 years of alfalfa for hay, 1 to 2 years of grain, and then 1 year of grain grown as a nurse crop with a new seeding of alfalfa. Potatoes can be substituted for 1 year of grain following . the alfalfa. To maintain high production of crops, com- mercial fertilizer is commonly needed in addition to manure and plant residue. Generally, legumes respond to phosphate and all crops respond to nitrogen. Furrow, border, and sprinkler irrigation systems are suitable for use on this soil. Sprinkler irrigation is suited to all crops. Furrow irrigation is suited to row crops, and border irriga- tion is suited to alfalfa, small grain, and pasture. Surface drainage should be provided to carry off surplus waste water and prevent ponding. Russian-olive, golden wilow, and Scotch pine are ex- amples of trees that can be used in windbreaks on this soiL. This soil has potential for producing habitat for ring- necked pheasant, mourning dove, and songbirds. These birds obtain their food and shelter mainly in areas of cropland. Planting shrubs such as Siberian peashrub, European privet, liac, and Tatarian honeysuckle along fence rows and ditchbanks, in odd field corners, and in windbreaks improves the habitat for these birds. These plantings provide shelter that protects the birds from predators and inclement weather. Food crops provide some cover. Capabilty subclass Illc, irrigated. 10-Bereniceton loam, warm. This deep, well drained soil is on river terraces. It formed in alluvium derived from mixed sources. Slope is 0 to 1 percent. The frost-free season is 100 to 115 days. SPECIFICATIONS 190 TABLE 13. --ENGINEERING PROPERTIES AND CLASSIFICATIONS iq SOIL SURVE (The symbol ( means less than; ) means greater than. Absence of an entry means data were not estimated) ;i,,I ; - IiIIA-2, i, IA-6, IA-6,i IFrag- ;'ments ;) 3 ; inches iPct 4 Plas_ -~icity index i I I ciãšsificatioñ- I Depth I USDA texture I1 I ; Unified AASHTOi' ,I' I¡ In ¡ ---- ;Aecet: I; I11 : I I ; Aecet part------ I 0-5 ¡Very stony sandy: SM,I I loam. I SM-SC I 5-131Clay loam-------;CL 113-231 Clay loam------- I CLI 23 I Unweathered I1 I bedrock. ti i I" ," ,I I ,; I I'I ,I' i Bereniceton part; 0-7 IVery stony sandy ISM1 I loam. II 1-14 I Loam------------l ML: 14-46 i Clay loam-------l ML, CLI 46 I Unweathered II : bedrock. I" ,i I lAnnis: I 1 I 2, 3, II, 5--------' 0-1 ISilty clay loam ICL 1-21 IS il t loam------- I CL, ML,1 I CL-ML 21-491Silty clay loam ;CL 49-601silt loam-------ICL, ML,I t CL-MLi iI II II , 6----------------- l o~ 11 I Sandy loam------ ISM111-26ILoam------------IML 126-601Very gravelly IGPI 1 sand, very 1 1 1 gravelly coarse;I 1 sand. I" II l , 1 -----------------, 0-111 Loam--------- - -- I ML 11-26 ILoam------------ 1 ML 26-60 IVery gravelly IGP1 sand, very I I gravelly coarsel1 sand. Ii ,, i 8----------------- 0-11 tGravelly loam---ISM, GM A-411-26 ILoam------------1 ML A-4 126-601Very gravelly IGP ,A-11 I sand, very 1 : I I gravelly coarse I II i sand.. l ;r i . iI I I IBereniceton: 1 I : I 9, 10-------------1 0-1 ILoom------------ IML, CL-ML IA-4 1 1-14ILoam------------ICL-ML, MLIA-4114-60 I Clay loam------- I ML, CL I A-6,l I i'I I I i11--------..-------1 0-1 IClay loam-------ICL IA-6, I 1-14ILoam----------..-ICL-ML, MLIA-4 114-601Clay loam-------IML, CL IA-6,i i I II I I 1112*: I 1 1 I Bereniceton part: 0-1 ILoam~-----------IML, CL-MLIA-4 i 1-111ILoam---.---------ICL-ML, MLIA-4 1111-46IClay loam-------IML, CL IA-6,I 116 : Unweathered I I: I bedrock. I Ii I I II l I I Percentage passing ;sieve number--. ILiquidrcr--icrz¡cr' limiti II II Ii ,I I, Il I i A-4 15-30 95-100190-100160-70 130-40 10-20i i II i i A-1 0 100 I 100 190-100170-80 35-45 A-7 5-10 95-100190-100185-100110-80 35-45i i i, I Ii , iI 1 ii I II , ,I i ;i , ,l r ,i , lI . l i A-2, A-4 15-25 195-100190-100'55-10 125-40 10-20i i Il . I Io i 100 1 100 85-95 160-75 20-35 o I 100 1 100 90-100110-80 35-45" ,I I ,I I Ii' li I ," ,I I I" i 0-5 195-100195-100,90-95 180-90 35-45 o 195-100195-100190-95 170-85 10-35. . l II l I I o 195-100195-100; 90-95 180-90 35-45 o 195-100195-100180-95 110-85 , 10-35. . . iI I , ,I I . lI I I li I I II I I Io 195-100195-100155-65 125-35 o 195-100195-100180-95 155-70 10-25 0-25 '25-50 110-35 ; 5-10 1 0-5i i II , li I I, 1 Ii I ,l I I .I I. II l I I 1 0 100 180-100115-95 150-15 20-30 1 0 95-100195-100180-95 155-10 10-25 I 0-25 25-50 110-35 1 5-10 I 0-5i i l .I I l . lI . l I II . l I II I l I ll ;; l ; 1 0 ,55-80 150-15 145-65 135-50 : 20-30 1 0 195-100195-100'80-95 155-10 1 10-25I 0-25 125-50 110-35 5-10 1 0-5 1I i l l li l I II :; iI ; l Ii I. II l I I I 0 I 100 I 100 85-95 160-85 I 0 1 100 1 100 85-95 160-15A-11 0 I 100 i 100 ,90-100110-80i . I . .I I . l i A-11 0 :95-100195-100185-95 110-80 i 0 i 100 100 185-95 :60-15A-11 0 1 100 100 190-100170-80I I l Ii I I lI i I I I 0 I 100 100 i 85-95 : 60-85: 0 i 100 100 185-95.160-15 A-11 0 1100 100 190-100110-80i i I Il l I II l . Il I I I:: : i Soil name and map symbol Rock outcroppart. Bannock: See footnote at end of table. A-4 A-6,A-1,,l il 1,i A-11 A-61 iiA-1l A-61 IA-6,IA-4, I IA-6, IA-ii, ,il,i, IA-2 IA-4 1 A-li A-4 A-4 A-l 10-35 10-35 35-45 35-4510-35 35-45 10-3510-35 35-45 Pct NP-l0 15-25 15-25 NP-5 NP-10 10-30 15-25 NP-15 15-25 NP-15 NP NP-5 NP NP-5 NP-5 NP NP-5 NP-5 NP NP-10 NP-l0 10-20 15-25 NP-l0 10-20 , 1 NP-l0 : NP-l0 1 10-20 : 1 I ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors SPECIFICATIONS FOR: PEPPERWOOD CROSSING SUBDIVISION WELL, PUMPHOUSE, AND LARGE SOil ADSORPTION SYSTEM lOCATION: IN THE SE % OF SECTION 36, T4N R38E, B.M. JEFFERSON COUNTY, IDAHO TABLE OF CONTENTS: CHAIN LINK FENCING.....02080 TRENCHING.. ...02324 WATER SYSTEM.....02600 WATER WELL.. ...02650 TESTING AND DISINFECTION.. ...02675 CONCRETE FORMWORK.....03100 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT... ..03200 CAST-iN-PLACE CONCRETE... ..03300 DESIGNED BY: Daniel B. Sharp, P.E. 154 East Main, PO Box 55, Rigby, ID 83442 Phone (208)745-8771 Fax (208)745-6391 A. Manufactuer: Company specializing in installing and supplying the products specified in ths section with minum thee years documented experience, PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1. MATERIS A. Post Foundation Concrete - 3000 psi as outlined in 03300. B. Post Settg Grout and Sleeves 1. Approved Manufactuers - a. Super Por-Rok by Novex Systems International, i 6 Cherr St, Clifton, NJ 07014, (800) 650-0870. 2.2. COMPONENTS A. Fabric 1. Chain lin fabric, 2 inch mesh, of 9 gauge wire galvanzed afer weaving with 1.2 ounce zinc coatig conforming to requirements of ASlM A 392, Class 1, knuckle both selvages. B. Framework 1. Posts and rails shall be roll-formed from steel conformg to ASlM F 669, Table 3, and with two ounce zic coatig/square foot of sudace area conformg to ASlM A 123. 2. Line Posts 6 foot face. a. 1.875'X1.625' C-section roll formed from steel conforming to ASlM A 570, Grade 45, with minum theoretical bending strength of247 pounds under 6 foot cantiever load. b. 2.375 inch outside diameter Schedule 40 tubular section weighig 3.65 lbs/ ft meeting requirements of ASlM F 1083. c. 2.375 inch outside diameter Schedule 40 tubular section weighig 3.12 lbs/li ft formed from steel meetig requirements of ASlM A 569. C. Termal Posts 1. Stadard - a. 3.5'x3.5' roll formed section with minum theoretical bending strgth of 486 pounds under 6 foot cantiever load. b. 3 inch outside diameter Schedule 40 pipe weighing 5.79 pounds per lieal foot meeting requirements of ASlM F 1083 c. 3 inch outside diameter Schedule 40 tubular section weighing 4.64 pound per lineal foot formed from steel meetig requirements of ASlM A 569. 2. Gate Posts for Gate Leaves Over 6 Feet Wide- a. Stadard weight pipe of diameter recommended by Gate Manufacturer. D. Fittgs - Pressed steel or malleable iron, hot dip galvaned conforming to ASTM A 153. Tie wies shall be 13 gauge minimum galvaned steel or 9 gauge mium aluminum wie. E. Tension Wire Top and Bottom - 9 gauge minum galvaned sprig steel. Coated similarly to the wie fabric. Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 2 Section 02080 Chain Link Fencing EN OF SECTION Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 4 Section 02080 Chai Lin Fencing A. Bedding: 1. Excavated material which fits the U.S.G.S. soil texture classes other than CH,M,OL,PT, and OH, free of rocks larger th i inch, roots, refue, brush or other debris and determined by the engineer to be suitable for backfll. B. Fill i. Above bedding, place excavated material which fits the U.S.G.S. soil textue classes other than CH, MH, OL, PT, and OH, free of rocks larger than 6 inches, roots, refuse, brush or other debris, and detered by the Engineer to be suitable for backfll. PART 3 EXECUTON 3.1. LINS AN GRAES A. Grades 1. Pipes shall be laid tre to the lies and grades indicated. B. Location of Pipe Lines: i . The location and approximate depths of the proposed pipe lines are shone on the Drawings. 2. The engineer reserves the right to make changes in lines, grdes, and depths of pipe lines when such changes are necessar. 3.2. PREPARTION A. Identi required lines, levels, contour, and datu locations. B. Protect plant lie, lawns, and other featues remaig as a porton of fial landscaping, C. Protect bench marks, existig strctues, fences, sidewal, pavig, and curbs from excavatig equipment and vehicular trafc. D. Maita and protect above and below grade utiities which are to remai. E. Cut out soft areas of sub grde not capable of compaction in place. Backfll with beddig or fill and compact to density equal to 95% of proctor. 3.3. EXCAVATIG A. Excavate subsoil required for utilities B. Cut trenches suffciently wide to enable intallation and allow inspection. Remove water or materials that intedere with Work. C. Do not intedere with 45 degre bearg splay of foundations. D. Hand tr excavation. Hand tr for bell and spigot pipe joints. Remove loose matter. E. Remove lumped subsoil, boulders, and rock up to 1 foot diameter. F. Corrct areas over excavated areas with backfll and compact replacement as specifed for authorized excavation or replace with fill concrete as diected. G. Stockpile excavated material in area designated on site and remove excess material not used. From site. 3.4. TRNCHIG Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 2 Section 02324 Trenchig work. Special precautions shall be taen where there is additional pressure due to the presence of other strctues. 2. Is shall be the Contractor's Responsibility to select sheeting and bracing of suffcient diensions and strengt to adequately support the sides of trenches and excavations. The Contractor shal submit details of the sheetig and bracing he proposes to use to the engineer for review. 3. In wet excavation grooved sheetig shal be used to prevent passage of soil. Any voids between sheeting and face of excavation shal be filled with suitable material, ramed in place. 4. Sheetig and bracing shall be removed before the completion of the work, uness otherwise dircted in wrtig by the Engineer. 3.6. FffLD QUALITY CONTROL A. Compaction testig wil be performed in accordance with ASTM D698 and ASTM D2922. B. If tests indicate work does not meet specified requirements, remove work, replace, compact and retest. 3.7. PROTECTION OF FINSHED WORK A. Reshape and re-compact fills subjected to vehicular trafc durg constrction. EN OF SECTION Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 4 Section 02324 Trenching 1. Record actu locations of piping mains, valves, connections, thst restraits, and inver elevations 1.5. DELIVRY, STORAGE, AN HALING A. Deliver and store pump, valves, and water system accessories in shipping containers with labeling in place. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1.WELL PUM, MOTOR AN DROP PIPE: Provide a complete submersible motor drven submersible pump installation. One supplier shal be responsible for. A. Submersible pump: 1. Design point of pump to be 212 gpm at a total dynamic head of 260 feet. 2. Inside diameter of well- 10 inches. 3. Depth of settg (top of pump) - 120 feet. 4. Depth ofwell-I80 feet 5. Static water level in well- 95 feet 6. Pumping water level in well at design capacity ~ near i 15 feet. 7. Acceptable Manufactuers - a. Grudfosb. Frain c. Goulds d. Or equivalent 8. Minimum flow velocity around the motor shall be 0.5 ftsec. If motor is intaled with the screen section of the well, a shroud shall be intalled around the pump and motor to direct the flow of water around the motor for cooling purses. B. Pitless Unit: 1. Pitless unt must be NSF or Water Council approved make and modeL. 2. Acceptable Manufactuers a. Monitor Pitless Unit by Maas-Baski or equivalent. b. Provide premium weight well cap with ai vent as shown on plans. C. Controls and Appurenances 1. Torque arstor and check valve above pump - As recommended by pump manufactuer. 2. Pressure Switch - a. NEMA 1 enclosure b. Safety cut-off to prevent pump operation when pressure falls below a fixed cut-off pressure. c. Acceptable models and manufactuers 1) Series 69 GCC "Guard Ali" by Furn 2) Equivalent as approved by Engineer before bidding. 3. Control Box and Magnetic Controller- a. NEMA 1 enclosure in well house b. As required by submersible pump. D. Column Pipe: The drop pipe shall be 3 -inch steel theaded and coupled, conforming to American Standad Tapered Pipe Thead Specifcations, or to API Round Thead Specifications, as requird for the total weight and depth of settg. Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 2 Section 02600 Water System 2.8. FLOW METER A. 3-inch inline flow meter. Flanged, McCrometer MW500 or equivalent. 2.9. PRESSUER GUAGE A. Model 1009 SW gauge with tye 310 min-seal. Liquid filled by Ashcroft or equal, 3" face, displaying 0 to i 00 psi with isolatig cock. 2.10. SAMLE TAP A. Sample taps shall be of the smooth nosed tye without interior or exterior theads, shall not be of the mixing tye, and shall not have a screen aerator or other such appurtenance. They must be flow adjustable and not a quarer tu valve. Hose bibs with exterior theads cut off are not acceptable. 2.1 i. HOSE BIB A. 3.4 inch with anti-siphon device. 2.12. PRESSUR TANS A. Well-X-Toll350, Baron B350, or equivalent. PART 3 EXECUTON 3.1. EXAATION A. Verify existig conditions under provisions of section 01039 B. Veri that the building servce connection and municipal utility water mai size, location and inver are as indicated. 3.2. PREPARTION A. Cut pipe ends square, ream pipe and tube ends to full pipe diameter, remove burr. B. Remove scale and dir on inide and outside before assembly. C. Prepare pipe connections to eqipment with flanges or unions. 3.3. BEDDING A. Hand tr excavation for accurate placement of pipe to elevations indicated. B. Form and place concrete for pipe thst restraints at any chage of pipe diection. Place concrete to permit full access to pip and pip accessories. C. Place bedding material at trench bottom, level fill materials in one continuous layer. D. Backfll around sides and top of pipe with cover fill, tap in place and compacted to 90 percent of ASlM D698. E. Maitai optium moistue content of beddig material to att required compaction density. Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 4 Section 02600 Water System SECTON 02650 WATER WELL PART 1 GENERA 1.1. SECTION INCLUDES A. Constrction and testig of water well. 1.2. REFERECES A. Well Constrction Stadards Rules, IDAPA 37, Title 03, Chapter 9. B. American National Stadads Institute/American Water Works Association 1. ANSIJAWWAAlOO-90, 'Water Wells' C. American Society for Testig and Materials 1. ASTM A 53-93a, 'Standard Specifcation for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated Welded and E=Seamless' 2. ASTM B 88-93a, 'Stadard Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube' 3. ASTM C 150-94, 'Stadad Specification for Portland Cement' 1.. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data for Review. 1. Casing pipe material 2. Grout 3. Appurenances B. Product data for project close-out. 1. Daily log 2. Aquifer analysis and liner screen/pedoration location 3. Record for Test pumping 4. Video record of well 5. Completed Log C. Well constrction methods 1. Groutig Procedures 2. Flow measurement device 3. Screen Intaation 4. Test pump plan 104. QUALIT ASSURCE A. Experience of well drllig contractor 1. The well drling contractor sha have been engaged in the business of drllig wells of the diameter, depth and capacity equivalent to the proposed well for a period of at least two (2) year. The contrctor shall submit a list of five or more well owners for whom the well drlling subcontrctor has drled equivalent wells. The list shall include the owner's name and address, the casing diameter and depth, the well's maximum capacity and the well's specific capacity. Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 1 Section 02650 Water Well 2.1. MATERIALS A. Grout - Portand cement meetig requirements of ASTM C 150, Type I or II, and 6 galons maximum of clean water for each 94 pound bag. The grout shall be cement, sand and aggregate passing a Yi inch sieve. The minum cement content shal be 600 lblcubic yard. B. Driing Fluid 1. If additive is required to maitain open hole durg constrction, it shal be self- degrading tye, NSF Standad 61 or equivalent. 2. Approved Manufactuers _ a. Johnson Revert b. Equal as approve by Engineer prior to bidding. 2.2. WELL CASING A. Casing shall be made of steel. It shall meet the requirements of ASTM A 53, Grade B, Except that hydrostatic Testig will not be required. Welded Joints shall have one side 45 degr beveled-joint welds with 3/32 - inch rood openg and 1/8 inch reinorcing bead on outer side. The casing diameters and minimum wall thckness shall be as specified below: Outside Diameter (Inches)Minum Wall Thckness (Iches) 8-3/4 0.322 10-3/4 0.365 12-3/4 0.375 14 0.375 16 0.375 20 0.375 24 0.375 2.3. WELDING A. Weldig rod shall be of the correct classification for each application and shal meet the requirements of ASTM A233 2.4. WELL VENT A. Provide well vent as shown on the plan. 2.5. PITLESS UN A. Per Section 02600 PART 3 EXCUTION 3.1. EXAATION A. Ths well wi be dred in the location shown on the plans. Before commencing work, verify location of well with Engineer. B. All water used for drlling and testig shall be disposed of in accordance with local requirements. Pepperood Crossing September 2005 3 Section 02650 Water Well the well. If a screen is used to complete the well, these saples wil be required by the contractor to send to the screen manufactuer for analysis, Ths work wil be paid for as par of the drlling prices or considered incidental to the overall bid price. 3.3. WELL CASING A. All casing shall be instaled by a method appropriate to the attched wil constrction drwing as selected by the CONTCTOR and approved by the Engineer. B. The casing, when installation is complete, shall form a tre, vertcal shaf with tolerace as specified for drlled holes. The tre vertcal alignment, meetig those tolerances as specified for drled holes. The tre vertcal alignent, meetig these tolerance limits, shall be obtaed with no daage to the steel casing, C. Casing length shall be joined watertght by a method appropriate to the material used, as selected by the CONTCTOR and approved by the Engineer, so that the resultig joint shal have the same strctural integrity as the casing itself. Casing which fails, collapses, or separates durg constrction shall be removed from the hole and repaied or replaced at CONTRACTOR'S expense by methods approved by the Engineer. D. Full penetration welded joints shall be used for joining casing. Weldig operators shall be specifcally qualed for perormance of the tye of work required. Equipment used in the weldig operations shall be satisfactory for the required work. All weldig shall be penormed in accordace with the applicable provisions of A WS D 1.0-46. The CONTRCTOR shal observe and follow the safety requirements of AWS Z 49.1-1950. E. If casing reduction is made, the Contractor must seal between the two casings. Submit proposed method to the Engineer for approval prior to constrctig any seals. F. Use Centralers between the permanent and temporar casing every 60 feet (maximum). G. Temporar well casing intallation and removal. 1. Provide tempora well casing as requird by the Engineer. The temporar casing depth sown on the plan is to only serve as a gude for bid puroses. 2. Wall thckness for tempora casing wil be the same wal thckness of the same diameter specifed for permanent casing. 3.4. WELL SCREENS A. It is anticipated that a well screen wil be required in ths well due to the presence of sand in the bottom strata surounding the well. B. The Contrctor sha submit all requested soil samples from the manufactuer of the well screen. The manufacturer shal design the screen based on required flow and parcle size collected in the samples by the drler. C. The well screen shall be constrcted of stainess steel and shall be approved by the Engineer prior to intaation. D. The well screen designer shall confer with the Engineer on the fmdigs and selected screen openig, length, diameter, etc. prior to shipping the screen; E. The screen shall be shpped in a container that completely protects the screen from damage. Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 5 Section 02650 Water Well until the water is free from sand, silt and turbidity and/or until no fuer increase in specifc capacity pumping is complete. The static water level in the well shall be allowed to recover for a tie equal to the pumping development tie before sta of the well pumping test. G. DO not remove the pump and appurtenant equipment until the well is disinected and proven bacterial free, and the water sample has been collected for the water analysis as described in section 02650.3.9 "WATER ANALYSIS." 3.7. PUMING TEST A. Furnish and intall a test pump and drver capable of pumping from 1 00 to 200 gallons per minute agaist a total head of 180 feet at an impeller depth of 150 feet below ground surace for the duration of the pump test. The pump shall not be fitted with a foot valve. The pumping unt prie mover, controls, and appurenances shal be capable of beingoperated without interrption for a period of 24 hours. Contractor shal furnsh engine- drven equipment or shall make his own argement for power for well pumping test. The planed pump test rates are as follow: 150 gpm - 2hour, 300 gpm - 4 hours, 150 gpm - 2hours. Pup tests rates shall be modified at the tie of the pumping if requied. B. Provide a gate valve, or approve equal, on the discharge side of the pump for adjustment of flow rate if the test pump engine canot be suffciently thotted. C. The CONlRCTOR shall furnsh dischage piping from the pump to the point of discharge. The discharge location is to be determined by the Contractor. The discharge shall have a splash pad or other approved device to protect the point of discharge from erosion daage. CONlCTOR shall also fush, instal, and maitain equipment of approved size and tye for measurg the flow of water. Such equipment to be a weir box, orice, flow meter or other method approved by the Engineer. To measure the elevation of the water level in the well, the CONlCTOR shall fush an ai gauge with hand pump or motor drven compressor and check valve or "M Scope." The test pump shall be blocked up above the casing to permt instaation of the measurg device. D. Afer the well has been developed and the depth of the well accurately measured, theCONlCTOR shall install the test pump, flow measurg device, well drawdown apparatus and all other equipment incidenta to the pumping test. E. The CONlCTOR shall operate the pump contiuously with out interrption unti the pumping level has stabilized. The Engineer shal judge when ths condition is atted. The Engineer may require two or more such tests on the well using ireverent pumping rates. F. If considerable quantities of sand or silt, or both, are pumped out of the well durg the test, the CONTRACTOR shal discontiue the testing. He shall then begin development work as specifed under Section 02650.3.6 "WELL DEVELOPMENT." The Engineer shall be the sole judge as to whether additional development is necessar. G. The CONlCTOR shall demonstrate using a sand content measurg devce that the well sad production is acceptable and meets the stadads of the Idao Code (5 par per million). Ths demonstration shall be conducted on water being pumped from the well at 500 gpm. The samplig method shal be approved by the engineer. If an Imoff cone is used, the minum water sample size wil be 2.5 gallons. H. Test pumping wil be contiuous. Any downtie wil constitute pump test failure and wil have to be restaed from the begining at no additional cost to the Owner. Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 7 Section 02650 Water Well DAIY LOG Pepperwood Crossing Wells Date: Weather: ITEM I T~e D~thOfWeii . D th of Water Size of Casing START OF SHI END OF SHI MATERIAL DESCRIPTION DEPTH FROM TO COMMNTS: Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 9 Section 02650 Water Well 7. Certfication that water conforms, or fails to conform, to bacterial stadards of the State ofIdaho. 1.6. QUALIT ASSURCE A. Pedorm work in accordance with A WW A C651, A WW A C653, A WW A C6003, and AWWAC605. B. Water Treatment Fir: Company specializing in disinectig potable water systems specifed in this section with minum thee years documented experience. C. Testig Fir: Company specializing in testig potable water systems, approved by the State ofIdao. D. Submit bacteriologist's signatue and authority associated with testing. 1.7. REGULATORY REQUIMENS A. Conform to Idao Code or regulation for pedonng the work of this section. B. Provide certficate of compliance from authority having jurdiction indicatig approval of water system. 1.8. MESUERMNT AN PAYMNT A. Payment for disinection shall be included in the unit prices for pipe installtion, or lump su prices of well house piping or booster station piping, whichever is applicable. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1. DISINCTION CHEMICALS A. Chemicals: A WW A B300, Hypochlorite or A WW A B30 1, Liquid Chlorie. PART 3 EXCUTON 3.1. EXAATION A. Veri tht piping system and water well have been cleaned, inspected and pressure tested. B. Pedorm Scheduling and disinectig activity with sta-up, testig, adjustig and balancing, demonstration procedures, including coordination with related systems. 3.2. HYROSTATIC PRESSUR TEST - PVC PIPE A. General. To prevent movement, suffcient bacldill shall be placed prior to filling the pipe with water and field testig. When local conditions required that the trenches be back filled imediately afer the pipe has been laid, the testig may be cared out afer backfllg has been completed but before placement of permanent suacing. The CONTCTOR shall ensure tht thst blockig or other tyes restring systems wil provide adequate restrait prior to pressurg the pipelie. All testig is to be done in accordance with AWWA C600 and AWWA C605. B. Cross-connection control. When existig water main are used to supply test water, they should be protected from backfow containation by temporay installing a double Pepperood Crossing September 2005 2 Section 02675 Testing and Disinfection 3.3. FLUSHIG A. New pipes to be disinected sha first be flushed to remove any solids or contated material that may have become lodged in the pipe. Flush lines at 5 ips for 30 minutes. If no hydrant is intalled at the end of the mai, then a tap shall be provided large enough to develop a velocity of at least two and five-tenths ips in the mai. B. Taps required by the CONTCTOR for chloriation or flushig puroses shall be provided by hi as par of the constrction of water lines. Service taps or taps that are necessar to provide for additional expense to the Owner. C. Where dr calcium hypochlorite is used for disinection of the pipe, flushig shall be done af disinection. D. The CONTCTOR shall be responsible for the disposal of treated water flushed from mais and shall neutralize the waste water for he protection of aquatic life in the receiving water before disposa into any natu drainge chanel shall be peitted. 3.4. FIAL FLUSHING AND TESTIG A. Following chloriation, al treated water shall be thoroughly flushed from the newly laid pipe unti replacement water thughout its length shows, upon tests, less that 0.8 ppm chlorie residual. In the event chlorie in normally used in the source of supply, then the test shall show a residual not flushig tie shall not be less th the calculated requirement B. Afer flushig, the CONTCTOR shall be responsible for tag a water test sample, obtag a bacterological test from the State Health Authorities and reporting the test results to the Engineer. C. Should the intial chloriation treatment result in an unsatisfactory bacteal test, the original chloriation proedure shall be repeated by the contrctor, at his expense, until satisfactory results are obtaed. Faiur to achieve satisfactory test results shall be considered as a failure of the CONTCTOR to keep the pipe clean durg constrction or to promptly chloriate the mai and no additional payment wil be made for the re- flushg and re-chloritig necessar to achieve the satisfactory test results. 3.5. ACTVATION OF NEW WATER SYSTE A. No newly constrcted water system shall be activated into the mai water system until an acceptable bacterial test from an approve laboratory has bee received by the Engineer. The lie shal not be used or its contents be allowed to enter existig lines. END OF SECTION Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 4 Section 02675 Testig and Disinfection Deck Forms 30 psf Permanent metal deck forms 50psf Falsework 20psf Walkays 75 psf 3. Horiontal Load: Design the falework bracing system for the sum of the actual horiontal loads due to equipment, constrction sequence, concrete fluid pressure, or other causes and an allowance for wid, bur in no case less than 2% of the tota dead load. 4. Maximum allowable deflection due to the weight of concrete shal be 1/360 of the falsework span to achieve specified tolerances. 1.5. SUBMIITALS A. Formwork submitts are not required for footings or walls when the height is above grade for cured concrete is less than 8 feet. Unless caled for by the Contract Documents. B. Provide workig drawings, loadigs assumptions, allowable material stress used in design. Calculations for proposed falsework and formwork. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate pertinent dimensions, materials, bracing, and arangement of panel joints, ties, tie hole patter, and form lies. 1.6. QUALIT ASSURCE A. Prepare formwork design submittl under direct supervsion of a Professional Strctual Engineer experienced in design of ths work and licensed in the State of Idao. Calculations to be staped. 1.7. REGULATORY REQIDMENS A. Conform to ACI 347 or other applicable code for design, fabrication, erection and removal of formwork. PART 2 MATERIS 2.1. FORM MATERIS A. Form Materials: At the discretion of the Contractor. Al from material must be in good condition to leave a smooth finsh on the concrete. Where Contract Documents indicate, any special architectual finsh forms to be approved by the Engineer prior to use on project. 2.2. STAY-IN-PLACE METAL FORMS A. Stay-in-place meta forms may only be used when specifically permittd by Contrt Documents or approved by the Engineer. B. Permanent Meta Concrete Forms: Use zic-coated (Galvaned) steel sheet conforming to ASTM A 653M (Grades A though C) with coatig designtion 600 (gI65) for permanent mental forms for concrete floor labs. Meet all other requirements relevant to steel permanent meta forms and the placing of concrete as specifed herein. 2.3. FORM AR ACCESSORIS Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 2 Section 03100 Concrete Formwork B. Apply prior to placement of reinorcing steel, anchorig devices and embedded items. C. Do not apply form release agent where concrete suraces wi receive special Ïinshes or applied coverigs which are afected by agent. Soak inside suaces of untreated forms with clean water. Keep sunaces coated prior to placement of concrete. 3.5. INSERT, EMBEDDED PARTS, AN OPENIGS A. Provide formed openigs where reuired for items to pass though concrete work. B. Locate and set in place items that will be cast directly into concrete. C. Coordinate with work of other sections in forming and placing openigs, slots, recesses, sleeves, bolts, anchors, insert, and components of other work. D. Install accessories in accordance with manufactuers' instrctions, strght, level, and plumb, ensure items ar not disturbed durg concrete placement. E. Instal water stops n accordace with Manufacturers' intrctions contiuous without displacing reinforcement. Heat seal joints watertight. 3.6. FORM CLEANG A. Clean forms as erection proceeds. Remove all foreign matter from forms. B. Clean formed cavities of debris prior to placing concrete. C. Durg cold weather, remove ice and snow from with form. Do not use de-icing salts. Do not use water to clean out forms, uness formwork and concrete constrction is with heated enclosures. Use compressed air or other mean to remove foreign matter. 3.7. FORMWAORK TOLERACES A. The top of the forms shal not deviate more than 'l inch in 10 feet, and the alignent of forms shal not deviate more than 1/2 inch in 10 feet. B. Inspect erected formwork, shorig, and bracing to ensre that work is in accordance with formwork design, and that support, fastenigs, wedges, ties, and items are secure. 3.8. FORM REMOVAL A. Do not remove forms or bracing until concrete has gaied suffcient strength to car its own weight and design loads. The wirg period is to be 7 days for regular concrete and 3 days for high early concrete. Concrete must be kept moist durg curg. B. The forms for stret flatwork and curb and gutter may be removed the day after pourg, if the concrete is suffciently set to withstad removal without danger of chipping or spaling. When forms are removed before the expiration of the curig period, al exposed suraces of the concrete shall be sprayed with a curg compound. All forms shal be cleaned, oiled, and examined for defects before their intial and any subsequent used. C. Loosen forms carefully. Don not wedge pry bar, hamers, or tools against fish concrete suaces scheduled for exposure to view. Store removed forms in maner that sudace to be in contact with fresh concrete wil not be daaged. Discard damaged forms. Pepperood Crossing September 2005 4 Section 03100 Concrete Formwork SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINORCEME PART 1 GENE 1.1. SECTION INCLUDES A. Reinforcing steel bars, wire fabric and accessories for cast-in-p1ace concrete. 1.2. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK B. Section 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 1.3. REFERECES A. ACI 301- Strctual Concrete for Buildigs. B. ACI 318 - Buildig Code Requirements for Reinorced Concrete. C. ACI SP-66 - American Concrete Institute - Detaling Manual D. ANSIIAS1M A82 - Cold Drawn Steel Wir for Concrete Reinorcement. E. ANSIIAS1M A184 - Fabricate Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinorcement. F. ANSIIAS1M A185 - Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinorcement G. ANSIIAS1M A496 - Deformed Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinorcement. H. ANSIIASTM A497 - Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinorcement. I. ANSII A WS D 1.4 - Strctual Welding Code for Reinforcing Steel J. AS1M A615 - Deformed and Plai Bilet Steel Bar for Concrete Reinorcement. K. AS1M A 77 5 - Epoxy Coated Reinorcing Steel Bar. L. AS1M D3963 - Epoxy Coated Reinorcing Steel. M. AWS DI2.1- Welding Reinorcement Steel, metal Insert and Connections in Reinorced Concrete Constrction. N. CRSI - Concrete Reinorcing Steel Institute - Manua of Practice. O. CRSI - Placing Reinorcing Bars. P. AS1M A884 - Epoxy Coated Steel Wire and Welded Eire Fabric for Reinorcement. 104. SUBMITTALS Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 I Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcement D. Mainta concrete cover around reinorcing per ACI 318 E. Bend bars cold F. Accurately place and support with chais, bar supports spacers, or hagars as recommended by 'ACI Detaiing Manual,' 1988 edition, except slab on grad work. Support bars in slabs on grade and footings with specified rebar spacing blocks to maita specified concrete cover. G. Dowel vertcal reinorcement for columns or walls out of footig or strcture below withrebar of same size and spacing required above. H. Securely anchor and tie reinorcing bar and dowel prior to placing concrete. I. Avoid splices of reinorcing bars at points of maximum stress. Lap bars 40 bar diameter mium uness dimensional otherwse on the drwings. J. Run Steel reinorcing bars contiuously thugh cold joints. 3.2. FILED QUALITY CONTOL A. Field inspection will be performed. 3.3. SCHEDUELS A. Reinorcement for foundations: Deformed bar, uninshed. B. Reinorcement for slabs: Deformed bar, uninshed. EN OF SECTION Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 3 Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcement O. AS1M C618 - Fly Ash and Raw or Calcinated Natual Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete. P. A'I E 115 - Determg Floor Flatness and Levelness using the F-Number System. 1.s. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide data on joint devices, attchment accessories and admixtues. B. Concrete Mix Design for each Type or class of concrete to be used. C. Manufactures' Installation Instrctions: Indicate instalation procedures and intedace required with adjacent work. 1.6. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMS A. Accurately record actual locations of embedded utilities and components which are concealed from view. 1. 7. QUALITY ASSURCE A. Pedorm work in accordance with ACI 30 i. B. Acquie cement and aggregate from same source for al work C. Conform to ACI 305 R when concretig durg hot weather D. Conform to ACI 306R when concretig durig cold weather. 1.8. FffLD SAMLES A. Constrct and erect a field sample for architectu concrete suraces receiving special treatment or fmis as result of formwork. 1.9. COORDINATION A. Coordinate the placement of joint devices with erection of concrete formwork and placement of form accessories PART 2 PRODUCT 2.1. CONCRETE MATERIS A. Cement: AS1M CiSO, Typ IA - Ai Entraing, Type IT - Ai Entring, Portand tye. B. Fine and Coarse Aggregates: AS1M C33. C. Water: Clean and not detrenta to concrete. 2.2. ADDMIXTUS A. Ai Entrainent: AS1M C260. B. All other admixtures are subject to engineer's approval. Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 2 Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete H. No use of calcium cWoride is approved for ths work r. Use retading admixtures durg hot weather only when approved by Engineer. J . No water shall be added any tie durg mixing cycle if that water wil exceed specifed water cement ratio. 2.5. GROUT IN PRECAST CONCRE STRUCTUS A. Non-shr Grout: Premixed compound consistig of non-metalic aggregate cement, water reducing and plasticizg agents; capable of developing minimum compressive strength of 6000 psi in 28 days. Grout shall be TIORITE by Stadad Dryall Products or equivalent. Speecrete is not acceptable. Material shall meet requirements of ASTM c-II07. B. All existig concrete sUDaces agait which new concrete or gout is to be placed shall fist be coated with an Epoxy bondig agent such as Probound Epoxy ET -150 by Protx Industres or Equivalent. PART 3 EXCUTON 3.1. EXAINATION AN GENERA A. Verify requirement for concrete cover over reinorcement. B. Veri that anchors, seats, plates, reinorcement and other items to be cast into concrete are accurately placed, positioned securely, and will not cause hadship in placing concrete. C. All Concrete work shall be in confonnance with ACI 301 3.2. PREPARATION A. Remove all organc material from soil in contact with concrete B. Preare previously placed concrete by cleag with steel brush and applyig bonding agent in accordace with manufactuer's intrctions. C. In locations where new concrete is doweled to existg work, dr holes in existig concrete, inert steel dowels and pack solid with non-shr grout. 3.3. PLACING CONCRETE A. Notify Engineer minum 48 hour prior to commencement of operations. B. Ensure reinorcement, insert, embedded par, fonned pars, fonned expansion and contraction joints are not distued durg concrete placement. C. Intal joint devices in accordce with manufactuer's instrctions. D. Intall constrction Joint devices in coordination with floor slab pattern placement sequence. Set top to requir elevations. Secure to resist movement by wet concrete. E. Inta joint device anchors. Maita correct position to alow joint cover to be flush with floor fish. Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 4 Section 03300 Cast - In-Place Concrete foundations. Take a set of qulity control tests ever 50 yards of concrete poured on the septic ta C. One additional test cylinder will be taen durg cold weather concretig, cured on job site under same conditions as concrete it represents. 3.8. PATCHIG A. Allow Engineer to inpect concrete sudaces imediately upon removal of forms B. Excessive honey comb or embedded debris in concrete is not acceptable. Notif the engineer upon discoveiy. C. Patch impedections as directed by Engineer 3.9. DEFECTI CONCRE A. Defective Concrete: Concrte not conformg to required lines, detals, diensions, toleraces or specifed requirements. B. Repai or replacement of defective concrete wil be determined by the engineer. C. Do not patch, fil, touch-up, repai or replace exposed concrete except upon express direction of Engineer for each individual area. D. The ACI Stadad Specifcations for Tolerace for concrete constrction and materials wil be used to determe compliance when applicable. EN OF SECTION Pepperwood Crossing September 2005 6 Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete D WINGS ~ ~ tlni- S ~~ ~ t" '"o~ &2 0~ ti o (ìZ i- lllllllll~ Õ~OO..O"Vi~WN ~i . 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S'00 0 Vi ~o?i ~0 u.S~~t'~g.~ i.(1 -~_(1 - t¡t':: 0s'0 ::(1 g ~(1 po..~~ Install 3 Standard Infitrators o ~. CD~G~~Vrr' 0ri l VJ ~ o~..o ~ ¡¡ i ~I ~~ !S ~ l~ t:q N to~ '" ~ fXê lM ~ Landmk Development Pepperwood Crossing Jefferson Coun Idaho ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers and Prfessional Land Surveyors (208-745-8771 )WELL LOT #1 (I ) Z q; ~ 6 ~6 ~ -- Ó /'Ä-- /'/~/ ~~so' I I ~ .. Pio ..~~(1 - == t::: i:o g.i: =.en (1(1 t: §~ ~~~ Ii~=o ~.. i:g (' r:o (1o ë)i: .. ~ /' o ~ ~ x .510~ea ~I¡ ~~cl t; "~Oi¡ 0IQ8(: / \\~~O\S ~i:t\O~~'Q~ \?o1- \ \ \\ §: f;; - tr 1;.. ..c: I:o ..~ ;1 JL-18,-- ~~ i: (DCf -(D - ~ :( \\'l\o\s "-_-"o'l ."" "-.,- i.... 00 s-.;O~ = en (ì Pi8 ..o¿w A~ '. Cap orfTee w cr l -- - ~"T¡a i: ~ E t" (1...00i: =(1 15' Waterline Easement----- 8" C900 MainLine to'v 'v Distribution System 'v 00 ~ci (0 l ~¡¡Landmark DevelopmentBl~.¡~Š -t;Pepperwood Crossing~0 c !:Jefferson Count Idahol-'....oe r WELL LOT #2 0 ~ ",8 8~ .. ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers and Prfessional Land Surveyors (208-745-8771 ) ~ PR O P O S E D F L O O R X 9 9 9 EL E V A T I O N S . Fl T CH L R l A T I O N AD D m O N . ' " Ü~ Z~ -e n _ -0 , . -t : I " C! ~ I " Zg C O -ï i i O: . š i . We W~ ~ Z: i -$ C O C! . ~ 0 Zi Í C ' Wl - ~§u 91 . 5 91 . 5 -- - - . . - - 11 ~~ \- r q . '( 1 ; - r . t o& . " % '% % 11 9 G a l . P R E S S U R TA N d' 4: .i ø ' ~' r d ~' r v ' : &. _ & 9' ~_' - I e= £. FR O M WE L L #1 Qo õO I I I ß :: AN I S i p J O N _ H O S E B I B i : - -- L 1 _ 4" H E E R I ~ SA : E ~ WI B A L V A L V E 21 1 2 " F L U S I ß ß " " . " . HY G RA 4" O U T TO I N F I ' i T O R S 8" D R A "~li:: " g¡ - å g¡ ; : ;: ~ ~ d 0. ~~ ~~g¡~:: '" PR E S S U R R E I E F d' .i ~ 4 ' ~' r & ~'t . . ' : &- & ~. . L ~oq. ~~- r q . '( 1 ; - r t . o& . ' % ~% ..::..0~ d .... å (1 oS ~ ~ I II ê 0 .. 1 ~(1u: j i: ::0::0.S::~..-20 0 4 - 5 3 "" JU L Y _ 2 9 _ 2 0 0 5 .. 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Consulting Engineers and Prfessional Land Surveyors (208-745-8771) 2 i:oR .. ~8 1--l! t: Pump House Plan-Well Lot #2 5: WA L L R E I N F O R C 1 v N T #4 H O R l Z O N T A L 1 l 1 2 I N C H O N C E #4 V E R T I C A I l I S I N C H E O N C E N TW O # 4 H O R I . A T T O P O F W A L TW O # 5 B A R A T A L L O P E N I N G S E X D I N G 2 F E E B E Y O N D O P E N I N G ( V R T . A N D H O R I . ) WA L L R E I N F O R C M E #4 H O R l Z O N T A L i l 12 IN C O N C E #4 V E T I C A L I l I S I N E S O N C E TW O # 4 H O R J A T T O P O F W A L TW O # 5 B A R S A T A L O P E N I N G S E X D I N G 2 F E E T B E Y O N D O P I l I N G ( V E T . A N D H O R J ) SI S " P L ¥ W O O D S H E T I G .r 5 1 8 " P L Y W O O D S H E T H G SI M P S O N i l S H U R R C A N E TIE S O N E A C H EN D OF EA C H TR U S S SI M P S O N i l . 5 H U R R A N E TI E O N E A C H E N D O F EA C H l R U S S FA S C I A 51 8 " P L Y W O O D CA U L K E A . J O I N FA S C I A 51 8 " P L Y W O O D I CA U L K E A . J O I N T J PR E S S U R E TA N K 51 8 " P L Y W O O D ( P A I N T J ~ ' 71 1 6 " S H E T l N G & I/ V I N Y L SI D I N G AS ~ A G R E E D W I T H O W N E R 2" X 6 " S T I D W A L L MIN . IN S U L A T l O N - R I 9 3.4 R E D U C E PR E S U R E T A N K 5/ 8 " P L Y W O O D ( P A I N T ) ~ ¡ 71 1 6 ' S H E T H I G & . / V I N Y L S I D I N G A S 1/ A G R E D W I T O W N E R 2" X 6 " S T I D W A L MI N . IN S U L A T I O N - R I 9 3x 4 R E U C E R #4 V E T I C A L B A R A T 16 " O N C E E R W I T H ST A N D A R D H O O K IN T O F O O T I G FI N I S H F L R M I N . 1 ' - 0 " AB O V E N A T U R A L G R A D E #4 V E R T I C A L B A R S A T 16 " O N C E N W I T ST A N D A R H O O K IN T F O O I N G FI B E R B O A R D J O I N T ( 1 P ) FI B E R B O A R D J O I N ( 1 P J FIN I S H F L O O R M I N . 1 ' - 0 " AB O V E N A T I R A G R A E #4 H O R I O N T A L B A R AT T O P , B O I T M , AN D M I D - H E I G H T O F WA L L #4 H O R J N T A L B A R S AT TO P , B O I M , AN D M I D - H E G J O F WA L L -- - - - 4" I N F R O M W E # 2 S" T O D I S T R B U T O N SY S T E Ir j _ _ ~ j 8" T O D I S T R B U T O N SY S T E NO T TO SC A L -- _ . _ - 4" I N F R O M W E L #2 NO T TO SC A L CR O S S - S E C T I O N WE L L H O U S E # 1 CR O S S - S E C T I O N WE L L H O U S E # 2 . f / üi 'z ~-r J _ .. , . ~æ . . CJ ~ . . Z5 c o -0 ; i 'C C 1 ! 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CE M E N T G R O U T SE A L T O 5 8 ' WE L L V E N T CA P W E L L A S A P P R O V E D BY D E Q & E N G I N E E R FI N I S H G R A D E 1 8 " AB O V E E X I S T I N G GR A D E Ex i s t i N G G R A D E 10 " C A S I N G T O 13 0 ' TE M P O R A R Y 1 4 " CA S I N G PI T L E S S A D A P T E R iln AB O V E FI N I S H GR O U N D 58 ' coLfof-oZu).:U CE N T R A L I Z E R i X EV E R Y 6 0 ' . : a:oQ.2wf-L NO T E S : )-a:=iCDZ2 UN C O N S O L I D E D S A N D & CR A V E L S F U L L D E P T l oILf WA T E R L E V E L I N D I C A T O R T O BE F U L L D E P T H O F W E L L 0co~If-Q.W0-l-lW3:-l.:f- 51 0f- ¡ .~cz(10....(1~ DR I V E S H O E (T Y P ) 13 0 ' WE L L S C R E E N - S I Z E A N D LE N G T H B A S E D O N FO R M A T I O N C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S 18 0 ' Bo r r o " n t ' j ¡ t TY P I C A L W E L L C R O S S S E C T I O N NO T T O S C A L E .. . . . 20 0 5 - 5 3 JU L Y 2 9 , 2 0 0 5 DI ' l l W C H E Q I J .B"" "" N O 8 a f l O US E 3 S T A N D A R D I N F I L T R A T O R CH A M B E R S , 3 ' x 6 . 2 5 ' x 1 ' ; VO L U M E = 7 7 G A L L O N S E A C H FL O O R D R A I N FL O O R S L A B EX I S T I N G GR O U N D .B A C K F I L L W I T H A P P R O V E D EX C A V A T E D M A T E R I A L !;~ , ; . "? 7 EX I S T l W G S O I L S ~ ' ,'"+l 30 ' M I N . F R O M W E L L FL O O R D R A I N S E C T I O N T O I N F I L T R A T O R S NO T T O S C A L E FR O M W E L L 1/ 2 " x 2 " B A R FL A N G E D J O I N T S 1" T H R E A D E D R O D 'ii;. kl II +I I': (2 ) R E S T R A I N I N G RO D S , D I A M E T E R T O MA T C H D I A M E T E R OF F L A N G E B O L T S .oi in t/ 2 " x 6 " x 6 " S O . ST E L P L A T E 5/ 8 " D I A . W E G E A N C H O R S . PR O V I D E 5 " M I N . EM B E D M E N T . ( 4 R E Q ' D ) TO DI S T R I B U T I O N SY S T E M 2 3 ) P I P E S U P P O R T SC A L E : 1 " = 1 ' - 0 " PI P E E X I T S E C T I O N NO T T O S C A L E . I n Ü g , Z~ -0 0 _ i: , . cj j , . Z~ 1 0 -0 0 i 0: ~ I t WeW~ r ! '" i Z E N ' - ' " V t (' l 0 Zi f C ' W. § - ~§() d~g.l~l r: .. ., .C\~Q)o 20 0 5 - 5 3 JU L Y _ 2 9 . _ 2 0 0 5 9 a f l O 1. A L L G A T E S T O 8 E F U R N I S H E D W I T H S U I T A B L E LE N G T H O F D O U B L E 0 Z I N C C O A T E D , P A S S I N G L I N K CH A I N . 2. C H A I N T O 8 E F A S T E N E D T O U N H I N G E D G A T E P O S T AT P O S I T I O N S T O B E D E T E R M I N E D B Y T H E EN G I N E E R . 3. M A S T E R L O C K S W I L L 8 ! ' F U R N I S H E D F O R A L L GA T E S B Y T H E O W N E R . 4. C H A I N A N D L O C K M E N T I O N E D A B O V E T O B E U S E D AL O N G W I T H R E G U L A R T Y P E G A T E C A T C H F O R LO C K I N G D E V I C E . I 1 0 - 0 " . , I TE R M I N A P O S T . I ' o e n I I i- Ñ 9 G A . C O I L E D S P R I N G T E N S I O N WI R E . T I E O R C L I P T O Æ N C E FA B R I C 0 2 ' I N T E R V A L W I T H HO G R I N G S , A l U M I N U M W I R E OR G A L V A N I Z E D S T E L W I R E NO T L E S T H 9 G A T O P AN D B o n O M ( L Y P . ) LI N E B R A C E ..goi in 3" M I N . (l Y . ) .. R O U N D C O N C R E T E B A E .. . a :N£ , . . L 3" M I N EL E A T I O N O F G R O U N D - TO B E G R A E D A S NE E D E D T O P R O V I D E SM O O T H P R O R L E A L O N G TH E T O P O F Æ N C E . 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RO U N D C O N C R E T E B A E 8" ø x 3 ' - 0 " D E E P ~ VE H I C U L A R G A T E , 1: : . ~1 8 F E N C E D E T A I L S NO T T O S C A L E II i§'~oj.3 r:-.. .(¡+-Q)Q ., N O . 20 0 5 - 5 3 JU L Y _ 2 9 . _ 2 0 0 5 "'Cf W H B Y C H 8 Y eR T D B S __ i "" . .10 a f l O