HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080807ROC Response to Staff 1-19.pdf,. '-'. " FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAF ToitdêK MOUNAI UTILITY COMPAN, INC. ..,- ¡ Case no. Roc- W-Ø-1 REQUEST No.1: Stanotes tht Pepperwood Crossing subdivision is appo~~~;4.S',fiiìti;¡C from the Rigby city center. Please indicate how close rigby's water distrbution system is to the Pepprwood Crossing's water distrbution system. 3 Mile REQUEST NO.2: When did the Company sta delivering water to the first residential customer and st chaging water fees? Water was assessable Oct 1,2006. Theflrst billing went out August 1, 2008 for the month of July. REQUEST NO.3: Sta notes tht Jeff Irland is the listed certified operator for the systems. Please provide a copy of any and all service contrts detaling his responsibilties, contrt amount and curnt contact informtion. Jeffrey H. Ireland, 3792 E.115 N. Rigby, ID 83442. See atached sheets #1 , #2. Monthly water tests are $75.00 per test. Labor to check systems & etc. $25.00 ~ hour. REQUEST NO.4: When was the water system serg Pepperwoo Crossin Subdivision ( Phaes i and 2 ) completed? Pleae provide a copy of the approval letter from the Idao Deparent of Envionmenta Quaity indicating the fi approval of the constction of the water system and authorition to sta serving water to customers. (Oct. i, 2006 ) Meetig with DEQ. REQUEST NO.5: Please provide a copy of the followig engieerig reports: a) Demonstrtion official ,Techncal, and managerial Capacity for the New Public Water system - Peppeood Crossing b) Operations Manua, and c) as-built Drawigs. Plat Drawings included. Operatns Manual Pending hopefully by August 13. REQUEST NO.6: Please provide a plat map of servce area showig the location of all waterlines, wells ( i & 2), pumps, fire hydrts, gate valves, customer shut-off valves, and other key appurnances of the water supply and distbution system servg Pepperwood Crossing Subdivision ( Phaes i & 2 ) , if not included in Request no. 5 above. Included in Plat Drawings. REQUEST NO.7: What are the sizes (diameter in inches) of the service lines for residential and commercial customers, if not included in Request No.6 above? One inch water line. REQUEST NO.8: Please provide any engineerig, groundwater hydrology or other reports or studies that were used for determg the location and depth of the ground water source of domestic water supply. NP Stud was conducted willforward paper by the August 13. REQUEST NO.9: Please provide any engieeri report or calculation that has determed the actu numbe and class of customers tht can be sered by the water system in Pepperwood Crossing Subdivision (Phaes i & 2). 110 home, 13 Commrcial Lots REQUEST NO. 10: Stanotes that the priar well pump is metered. Please provide monthy production well flow data since Rocky Mountan Utility staed delivering watr to customers up to the most recnt month (ending in June 30, 2008 ), expressed in gallons. Please include the number of cusomers ( all classes-residential and commerial) durg those months. See Attached Sheet # 3. REQUEST NO. 11: Stanotes tht there ar eight potential commerial customers at the Pepperwood Crossing Subdivision. The company is proposing a monthy rate of $42.00 per cusomer. Does ths include commercial as well as residential customers? Yes REQUEST NO. 12: When the Application for CPCN was filed in May 2008, there were 38 residential customers and no commercial customers connected to the pleae provide and up dated number to date. As of 8-06-08 there are 43 residntial customers and 2 commercia customers. REQUEST NO. 13: A Santa Surey conducted by IDEQ on Septembe 28, 2007, indicated that the Pepperwoo Crossing water system was in violation for the Idao rues for Public Water systems promulgated by IDEQ which reuies a mium of two (2) soures for new communty wate systems served by ground water and intended to serve more than 25 homes. Pleae provide the statu of drlling the additiona well and connectig to the curent distrbution system of Pepperwood Crossing. Please provide the cost incurd to dat and the estiated costs of completig the project. Meeting with Carlain at the DEQ this week. REQUEST NO. 14: Sta notes tht there is a valid wat permt for the priar well curntly being us. Pleae provide the statu of the water permt for the second well to be developed or curently being developed. We are checking with Engineer. REQUEST NO. 15: Sta notes tht there wa a trfer of shas from the Harson Canal and Irgation Company to Jim Bern, owner of Rocky Mountan Utility. Pleas explain the signficance of ths trfer to the Company. Is ther a plan to us the irrgation water rights? Please explai Irrigation Water Rights will be transfe"ed to Home Owner Associaton as soon as it is set up. REQUEST NO. 16: Pleas provide your plan for connectig new customers and the propose hook-up fee. Provide justification for the amount proposed. Plans for customers are to go to a $250.00 hook up fee for water. REQUEST NO. 17: Pleae provide copies of your Biling Statement, fial Disconnect Notice , Notice of Procedure for Reconnectig Servce, and Rules Sumar for review. See atached Sheets # 4, # 5, # 6 . REQUEST NO. 18: Please provide copies of the notice maled to the customer for the Public Workshop and a copy of the Press Release. See Attached Sheets # 7, # 8. REQUEST NO. 19: Plea provide explantion of how the Company conducts it termtion proess. See attached Sheets # 9. ..Reù~3- 4/... treland, Jeff Vendor Name: Irland, Jeff VeøType: Comy Name: Addr: Jeff Irelan 3792 Ea 115 Nort Rigby, il 83442 Conta: Jeff Irland Phone: 745-7653 AIt Phone: 709-7028 Fax Emal: jef~daign.net Acc Numbe: Ter: Net 15 Bill Ra Leel: Wor Comp Exirs: Ge Liabilty Expir:Not: .#Rei\Æ..s+ 10 Jr~ ,.. Paying Date FlowMeter xl0=Total Gallons Used Customers Reading Gallons Jan. 27,2008 138,451 1,384,510 35 Feb. 22,2008 177,423 1,774,230 389,720 35 Mar. 29, 2008 216,304 2,163,040 388,810 38 Apr. 27, 2008 298,465 2,984,650 821,610 37 May 24, 2008 360,388 3,603,880 619,230 42 Jun. 24, 2008 429,735 4,297,350 693,470 45 July 29, 2008 727,069 7,270,690 2,973,340 ) ,J'. ,'~.'~"J-" '-''''''''''''''''"'c''''_''''''='~_,~,~~~~,._.~_...",",~_-'''~-'~~''''~''-'''C'1''''~~~''~~''''~'='"''-'-'e:''-'-''; Bureau of Occupational Licenses Department af Self Governing Agencies The person named has met the requirements for licensure and is entitled under the laws and rules of the Stateøf Idaho to operate as a(n) WASTEWATER OPERATOR COLLECTION .OPERATOR.IN TRAINING JEFFREY HIRELAND 3792 E 115 N RIGBY 10'83442 f ."/""'; C".';... Tana Cory Chief, B.O.L. WWCOIT -15769 Number 11/19/2010 Expires ~-",,-="--.~-._. -\ (~. Bureau of Occupation,ill Licenses . Department o~ Self Governing Agenpies" . J),ç.' Th' person named has met the requirements for Iicensurè 'lmd is entited of,,!: . under the laws and rules of the State of Idaho to operate as a(n) . DRINKING WATE.ROPERATOR DISTRIBUTIO~'7 VE~~~M~tL SYSTEM JEFFl~Ey~;,IR~V'ND"i .\\.'of; -."if;;, Ce:P;"-t''jál13 Cory ck¡lif. B'.O.L.. - " ~ '-" DWDVSWS-10824 . 06/0.S/2008Number EIpires .. Peittøs+4F 17 44 Invoice/I Rocky Mountan Utility Company, INC. 3894 East 200 Nort l\by, ID 83442 208-745-6443 Date 8/112008 Invoice # 311 Bil To Grg West 3883 Eas 12 N. Rigby, il 83442 P.D.No.Terms Projec Net 30 Quanti Descption Rate Amount i Water Usae for July 28.50 28.50 Plea ret to abve addres.Total $28.50 4f5 RocKY MOUNTAIN UTILITY COMPANY, INC.3894 East 200 Noh, Rigby, JO 8342 NOTICE OF INENT TO TERMATE SERVICES Cuomer Label Tody's Date Fin Shut Of Date Balance Due $ SERVICE ADDRESS You ar hereby notied that you are delinqut in the payment of chages for Wat or Sewer Sece provided you by Rocky Mountain Utiit Co., Inc. . The balane of your accout, accordg to our record, in indicated above. In acordace with the roes and Reguon of the Idao Public Utities coion, ü th baance is not pad, or üpayment argements ar not mad by the Fin Da shown abve, then YOUR WATER SERVICE WI BEDISONNCfD afer th Fin Dae. To avoid tenon you mus conta Rocky Moun Uti co. before the Fin Da to ma a payment argement or pay in fu. Plea call on weekdays beeen 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM and ask for big I eoUeons. Terintin may be delayed by: i. Prvidig a medal ceca adin us of the exince of a Medca Emerency. 2. Filg a complait regardig the pro teon with the Idao Pulic Utities Commion, POBox 83720, Bois, ID 83720-074 ( 800-432-0369 ). Terinion of serice in no way relieves you of you obligation to pay for all serices prior to terination. Should serce be tete a chae for reraon of sece ( $ du offce hou, $ other ties ) mus be paid, plus the ac baan pror to retion of sece. Rocky Mounta Uti Co. wiD one tie asis you by makig payment arrangements not reuing immediate payment in ful if you contact us prir to the Final Date to arrnge such a payment pla. Remembe, your waer wi be tued off af the Fin Da unles you ac before the Final Da. Rocky Mounta Utity Compan, Co. , INC ,.. ~-# ¡- . Rocky Mountain Utity Company 3894 Ea 200 Nor Riy, il 83442 Phone (208)745-070 Fax (208) 745-7979 FIAL WATE SHU-OFF NOTICE Tod's Da Fin Da Nam Sece Addrs Accun Balance $ Yon we re noed that yo ar delinque in th pat of char forWat or Se Se pr by Roc Mou Utilty Copay. Th ba of yo ii acin to ou res, is inca abe. In acdace wi th ru and æg of the Idao Uties Coon if th balce is not pad, or if paen am ar no ma by th Fin Da sh ab th YOU WATE SERVICE WI BEDISONNCT af th Fin Da To avoid te you mus co Rocky Mota Utilit Co. Befor th Fin Da to ma a pay pat arget or pa in full. Ple ca on wedays be 8:00 am an 5:00 pm and as fo our wa coiode Tenon ma be de by: I. Prvidi a meca ceca adsin us of th ex of a Med Emcy.2. Filing a cola redi th pr Terin wi th lda Public Utilites Comisio PO Box 83720, Boise, Ida 83720-74, (80) 432'(369. Sece will no be te pri to reti of a fi complat. Ter of sece in no wa relieves yo of you obli to pa fo alsece pri to teat Shoul sece be te a cha fo reon of sece($_duroff ho $_oth ti) mu be pa plu th acun baance pn to reon ofse Roc MolI Utity Co W.u OD ti us you by lIøg paymnt aremnts no reui immeate paynnt iR fu if yo ectausprr to th Fi Date to ar suh a paymt pl Rembe, yo wa wi be tm off af th Fin Da un yo ac hi th Fin Da ti /~V', 11 POULSEN & COMPANY Reß C/ es+ zl I ~ 208-523-5899 =#7Rug 01 0810:03a p.2 Offce oftbe Secretary Service Dale July 29, 2008 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIS COMMISSION .ø~. ~ rN TIrE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN UTILITY ) CASE NO. ROC-W-08-Gl COMPANY, INC. FOR A CERTIFICATE ) OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND ) NOTICE OF PUBLIC \VORKSHOPNECESSITY. ) ) NOTICE OF ) MODIFIED PROCEDURE ) ) ORDER NO. 30601 ) On May 13, 2008, Rocky Mountain Utility Company, Inc. i filed an Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity seeking authority to provide water senrice as a public utiHty near Rigby, IdallO. The Application states that the water system is curently providing water to 38 residential customers. On June 20, 2008, the Commssion issued a Notice of Application and set a deadline for intervention. Order No. 30576. No persons petitioned to intervene. Pursuant to the Commission's directive, the paries have reached agreement on how the case should be processed. The paries reCOff-nend that the case be processed under ModI~ed Procedure wit.í- the COID"1ission Staff holding a public workshop in Rigby. NOTICE OF PUBLIC WORKSHOP YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED t11at the COI1"1ission Staf v,rl bold a public workshop for customers of Rocky Mountain Utility. The purose of the public workshop is to provide customers with an overview of the Company's Application a.Dd dispense information. át the workshop, customers \)',111 have a., opportrity to ask the Stàff questions about the Company's Application and learn how they can fu."ihcr participate In the proceedings. Representatives of the Company may also be available. The Staff wLll hold its public workshop on 'WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE. RIGBY SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER. LOCATED AT 391 COMMUNITY LA..NE, RIGBY, IDAHO. j Rocky MountaÌl Utility Company proviàes \-Vlller service to residents in/near the City of Rigby, Idaho, and is in no way àssociaied with Rocky Mountain Pov,'er. NOTICE OF PUBLIC WORI(SHOP NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 30601 . · "i"" ~ POULSEN & COM~RNY p.5Aug..OI 98 10:04a ( 208-523-5888 DONE by Order of the Idaho Pu1:Iic Utilities Commission at Boise, Idabo ihis ;¿ e¡ t- day of July 2008. ATTÉST: . ik,,~/(). r. f iJ¥? D. Jewell . . Co'ínmissIon Secretary O:ROC- W-08-01_ks2 NOTICE OF PUBLiC WORKSHOP NOnCE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 30601 ~~~ LACK A REDFORD PRESrDT, \ ~J1~ MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMIS'SrONER ~J~n-MPO~išER Aug 01 08 10:03a POULSEN & COMPANY . \.J 208-523-5699 p.3 YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFrE~ that the Application, supporting workpapers, and exhibits ¡have been filed with the CommissiJn and are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission offtices. The Application and \vorkpapcrs arc also avaÌlabJe on the Commission's Website at iWW.DUC.idaho.Q:ov under "File Room" and then !"Water Cases." NOTICE OF MODOCFIED PROCEDURE YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIE:i that the Commission has dcten¡¡ìlleù Lliai the. . ipublic interest may nòt require a formal evident~ary hearing in this matter and wíI proceed under Modified Procedure pursuant to the Commissìob's Rules of Procedure 20 1 through 204, IDAPA through .204. The Commìssiorj notes that Modified Procedure (\VIih wriucn comments) and a publìc hea~ìng have- proven to! be an effective means for obtaining public input and participation in cases of this nature. ,. IYOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED t~at any person desiring to state a position on thisApplication may file a written comment In sup~ort or opposition with the Commission no hlter iithan Friday, September 12, 2008. The cOll1ment must contain a statement of reasons supporting the COn:crit. Persons desiring a hea~'ing must specifically request a hearing in their. . ivvTItten comments. Written comments conce~ing this Application shall be mailed to the :Commission and the Applicant at the addresses re~ected below: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 . Boise, lD 83720-0074 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83702-5918 Sheri Poulsen, CPA Jensen Poulsen & Company, PLLC PO Box50700 Idaho Falls, ID 83405-0700 E-mail: s11eri02ifcpa.com Jim Bernard Rocky Mountain Utility Company, Inc. 3894 East 200 North Rigby, ID 83442 E-mail: chris(ã2silvercreekconsíruciion.com These comments should contain the case caption and case number ShO'Nl' on theiÏrs! page of this document. Persons desiring to submit comments via e-mail may do so by accessing the Commission's home page located al \Vv,rìv.puc.idaho.QOv. Click the "Commenls and Quesiions" icon, and complete the f0n11 using the case number as it appears on the front of this document. NOTICE OF PUBLIC WORKSHOP NOTICE OF IVíOD1FIED PROCEDUREORDER NO. 30601 :2 .., .Jl c¡ . .I.~ . Nut ct 6) -e +-11 La GÚc +e- (r'+' ..~eiu~~A =i ',9 ...' MOUNTAIN UTILITY COMPANY, INC. 3894 EAST 200 NORTH, RIGBY, ID 83442 PHONE: 208.745.0070 FAX: 208.745.7979 SILVERCK(WMSN.COM Marh 14,.2008 De Pepoo Wat & Seer Sys Cu Enlos plea fi a bilg fo yo Seer Sys us at Peoo Cro Subon. A monthy fee of $4.00 will be cha for your sewer sece for the durtion of ths 2008 caenda ye. The sewer ra wi be reviewed anually and raes wi be deered bas on syem expenses. We will be bilg on the 1 Sl of eah month for use the prous month Your payment is due on tJe :z of eah mon You wi have a 5 day gr pèod af th 25di,. but if the paymónt is not reeived by th 3() , a $5.00 la fe wi be chaed If more th 15 days pas due afer the 30lh, a $ i 0.00 late fee will be cha"- If no payment is mae for 60 days your wa sees will be shut oft A fee of$SO.OO wi be cha to tu your wat sece ba on for the fi tie up bace pad in fu.. A fe of $100.00 will be ch to tu your wat sece back on for the send tie in a one yea peod If a th tie OCUI you wi nee to pay in adan for your seer sece. Thes payment te wi be aplicale to both Sewer and Wat fee Wat ra ar cutly beg reewed by th Ida PQlic Utilties Common Up aproval bi for wa sece wil begi. If payig for your seer or wat fee in adan either anuay or quaerly is more convenent then plea let us knw an we ca make amgeents for you. If you have any quesons,plea co our Ofce Maer Ch Wright at 745-70. Th you. JimL Roc~Maer .. Company, Inc.